#if your show has a gay scientist they will be my favorite character
funkylilblob · 1 year
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Is this anything
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hotvintagepoll · 8 months
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Cary Grant (The Philadelphia Story, His Girl Friday, Bringing Up Baby, Charade)—just the peak of old-school Hollywood sexuality. The glam, the suits, the gentle wit, the acrobatics, those eyes that always looked like they knew exactly what movie they were in and were laughing at the joke...
Vincent Price (Laura, Leave Her to Heaven, House on Haunted Hill, The Masque of the Red Death)—svelte, stylish, horrifying, beautiful, wickedly funny, camp and gorgeous and evil. he was an art connoisseur who advocated passionately indigenous art, he was an actual literal gourmet cook, he was so liberal he got greylisted during the mccarthy era for being too rad, he's my favorite muppets guest of all time
This is round 4 of the bracket. All other polls in this bracket can be found here. Please reblog with further support of your beloved hot sexy vintage man.
[additional propaganda submitted under the cut.]
Vincent Price propaganda:
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Submitted: this fancam
Submitted: this entire Tumblr page
Cary Grant propaganda:
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"My Golden Age of Hollywood professor, who was very outwardly gay himself, put it this way: Even though Grant's sexuality was kind of an open secret in Hollywood, the public couldn't know in any real way. But anybody could see that there was a queerness about him, so he was casted for roles where he physically embodies his masculinity in a non-explicit but queer way. Bringing Up Baby is famous for the scene where Grant wears a frilly robe (pictured below, but what people don't always realise is that he plays kind of an awkward nerd in that movie. He's a hot awkward scientist in a grand robe!!! Hot!!! In The Philadelphia Story, one of my famous movies of all time, he plays C. K. Dexter Haven, a rich, sarcastic, supposedly abusive guy. And yet, what we see is this laid back, dandy-ish figure, who absolutely does not feel threatened when a woman he supposedly loves (Katharine Hepburn) starts having feelings for, and hooks up with another guy (James Stewart). He lets a drunk Stewart into his office and helps him get his job back! Obviously that is the script and not the actor, but the whole film, and that scene in particular, shows him having this very queer attitude of openness toward Hepburn and Stewart, which is only amplified by the casting of Grant and his portrayal of the character. Anyway, this is not an essay arguing for The Philadelphia Story to be considered a queer film, all I will say is: he's super hot in it."
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The link to the above mentioned frilly robe scene from Bringing Up Baby: "I just went gay all of a sudden!"
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last minute cary grant propaganda: the last few paragraphs of that new vanity fair article about him and randolph scott that just came out 2 days ago on cary's birthday where he calls it "gravity collapse" and "love at first sight" and says their souls touched and and and i'm actually sharing this mostly because it makes me emotional but also because a vote for archibald is a vote for love. this is my message. apologies for sounding mildly insane.
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starry-teacup · 4 months
Because of some cool art you made I want to dip my toe into the Mechanisms.
where do I find the story?
So I don't know how much you know about them, but the basics are:
The Mechanisms is a band in which each member has a persona. They are a crew of immortal space pirates, roaming the galaxy in search of violence, fun, and stories to tell. Each persona character can be referred to as a mechanism, as in a member of the crew, but they each also have a mechanism, a clockwork prosthetic of some sort that was installed after they each had their own tragic story and made them immortal.
When they find a good, long, juicy tragedy, they turn it into an album. They also have two anthology albums, with some songs connecting to the wider stories and some completely independent of them, and a couple containing mechanisms lore. Their last album is from the live show of their final performance.
All of these albums stand on their own, and there is no particular order you need to listen to them in. They each contain characters and places from classic stories, putting unique sci-fi spins on them all and following queer narratives. I'd say bury your gays, but honestly, it's more like bury your gays and the entire planet they lived on, along with everything they ever held dear.
here's a summary of each, stolen from the mechs blurbs themselves:
Once Upon a Time (In Space)-
This tale tells of those embroiled in the rebellion against the tyrant of New Constantinople, Old King Cole. It tells of the love of Cinders for her captured Rose, of the treatment of Rose at the hands of Cole's genetic scientists, and of the bold but savage leadership of the rebel General Snow. And it tells of the final fates of all of these.
fairy tale but make it a rebellion. their first album, contains many of their most popular songs. solid. not personally one of my favorites, but the one I'm most likely to be listening to a song from on any given day. our boy jack and pump shanty are excellent.
High Noon Over Camelot-
A tale of hope and despair aboard the Fort Galfridian, long lost to the outside world, where the chaos of centuries of solitude has been brought in check at last by the guns of the Pendragon Gang. But the visions of the mad prophet Galahad, and the schemes of the Pendragons' lieutenants Mordred and Gawain, threaten to cast the station back into anarchy. And all the while, the Sun grows hotter...
arthurian legend has just become a space westerner in which everyone rides motorcycles and a fiery death threatens them all. haven't listened to it yet, but I've heard great things. Blood and Whiskey is a banger, and Arthur, Lancelot, and Guinevere are in a polycule, something I didn't know I needed until I heard it suggested.
Ulysses Dies At Dawn-
Ulysses Dies at Dawn. That's the word on the street, at any rate, if you talk to anyone who saw what went down at Calypso's Bar the other night. Who is behind the thuggish band known as the Suits - Heracles, Ariadne and the others? What is Ulysses's secret? And what is hidden within the security of the Vault?
I'm going to be completely honest with you. I think this is no-contest their best album. It's greek mythology in noir film style, with heavy usage of blues and rock. I don't even like blues, but I love each and every song. This one is also a little easier to follow than the others. I'd recommend starting here.
The Bifrost Incident-
The Bifrost Incident. Any schoolchild could tell you about it. The fall of the old order; two hundred years of Asgardian hubris come together in a single epoch-defining event. The maiden voyage of a train through the stars, vanished without a trace...
Remember how I think the last one was the best one? Well, this is still my favorite. Norse mythology framed as a mystery on a train, with a twist completely out of left field that leaves you reeling. Thus, it is probably the most difficult to follow, or at least, it was for me. The art you liked-which wasn't mine, unfortunately, credit to the artists is on the post if you want to check those blogs out-featured variations of the narrator from this album. let's just say I'm. not so normal about them.
well. ANYWAYS. this was...probably longer than what you wanted. Or than what I should have given. I don't get asks a lot and an excuse to talk about the mechanisms is always something I am willing to abuse.
If you do end up listening to any of their music, please tell me what you think! I'd love to hear it, and it's always nice to talk about them with someone else :)
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dapper-lil-arts · 3 days
Out of curiosity, have you read other MLP fanfics and if you did, what are your favorites?
Oh yeah, i read a few! Not many stand out in my brain, but let me look through my favorites list on fimfic: Writing friend of mine, Redhoodie21 writes lots of really fun compelling one-shots with wonderful prose, imma just send their whole catalogue lol. But this one is my favorite, Sunset Shimmer as an alienated warrior with mommy issues? Impecable This one stands out as a rare one where its sciset, when they're both still "evil", Sunset being an bitch and scitwi being a mad scientist and hitting it off. This one is probably my favorite comedy fic ever, it's just kind of hilarious and yet plausible that so many mares would activelly pursue AJ. The ending is a bit predictable but everything else is a baaaanger. The same writer also wrote a series where the Equestria girls cast hunts the undead and it has some badass mom principal celestia on it. Iconic as hell. Super inspiring and fun, having the EQG cast get to do insane badass stuff!
A friend of mine wrote tons of cute self indulgent fics, but the standout for me is one where Misty from gen 5 is trained by Sunset Shimmer to be better, stronger, cooler! Its super adorable and allows characters that would never ever meet in canon but have much in common to show their chemistries in some really fun ways!
This one's a classic, just good old fashioned sciset, one of the first fics I ever written, actually! I remember it fondly!
This one's an honest to goodness horror fic with rarijack! a pretty fun and chiling tale that has an incredibly well put together take on ghosts n shit. My only complaints are that they didn't even mack on each other and also we as a society need to acknoledge how funny this is: "Hey fellas is it gay that the phantom manifestation of your loneliness took the form of your best friend and you cuddle it at night for comfort?"
This one has two sequels, and it's another one of those comedy fics but this time, one that acknowledges that sex is hilarious, which it is
This right here feels like it was written specifically for me, catering to my interests, babey. Centuries old Twilight and Sunset as alicorns, ruling together having already advanced Equestria into a golden age and loving each other so, SO goddamn hard. and above all, we get a badass "WHERE'S MY WIFE" tale of an godlike shimmer lmao-- Something I've written myself!
Also I'm currently working on one of my most self indulgent works lmao, rewriting both Sunset's entire backstory and rewriting forgotten friendship all in the same story :)
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the-s1lly-corner · 4 months
okay here we go (I added in images to characters you might not know)
Mild crushes:
Brassius (left) and Hassel (right)
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Lord Milori (still kinda like him)
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Sir Pentious and Lucifer
Used to take over my life:
Brett Hand
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Mordecai Heller
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Adam (most recent)
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I used to like him before back in January, but after listening to the soundtrack of this movie again, I frickin fell in LOVE
The obsession got so bad that I’m now researching Romani history and culture, watching those “the making of (movie name)” videos, interviews (which there are SO FEW OF) of the VAs or Alan Menken, the composer of the soundtrack
I want to know everything when I like a character lol
I actually have more, but it already feels weirdly personal to confess some of them so thank god that this is the silly corner :]
Mo need to fear this is a no judgement zone! Also I lost my right to judge people when I wrote mpreg a few weeks ago/lh
Rubs hands
The first two!! Obligatory "I've never gotten too deep into pokemon and the only game I've played start to finish is shield, and I'm like. Partway through brilliant diamond" soooooo! I know nothing about the personalities of these two so we're going off of looks!! And I say!
Brassius gives off either old and exhausted punk or old exhausted gay artist but those two can overlap!
Hassel Looks yummy I love me a good longhaired blonde man AND he looks a little on the older side? YUMMY!!! He looks like he'd either he a grade A douchebag rich guy or a total sweetheart
Larry! Hey I know you I saw your dick on Twitter!!!/ref mo but real talk I can get the appeal! I already know that's hes a tired working man but that's about all I know!! Hes valid, I'd give him a big ol kith
Milori looks interesting! I don't know wheres hes from so once more we rely off of looks! He looks vaguely like a broken man . I can fix him. Valid!!!
Pentious is valid but I'm biased because I also had a crush on the character!! Pathetic men are just so silly!! Probably also has my favorite design of the entire show!!
Lucifer is also valid I can see the vision!! Caring but mentally I'll man who distances himself for one reason or another despite deeply wanting a connection my BELOVED
Grillby also had a choke hold on me when I was into undertale!! I'm so sad that there werent many grillby x reader fics out there- if I was still balls deep into undertale and deltarune like I used to be I'd 100% give writing the characters a shot but unfortunately I doubt I ever will <\3 unrelated theres a surprising amount of buff bara art of him
Gaster!! I can also get behind!! Mysterious creature that hardly has any lore iirc, fandom either portrayed him as a mad evil scientist or a loving father to sans and papyrus, at least with my experience with the fandom.. valid!!
I never watched inside job but I've heard good things about it! Brett looks like a sweetie, so I can understand the appeal! He looks so silly.. just a guy.. valid
Lukas!! It's been so long since I've heard someone talk about MCSM! Obligatory I dont remember much of Lukas, just that he was kind of an ass in the beginning I think.. but I can see the appeal! I was more of a ivor girlie
Surprisingly I have not seen lackadaisy yet! Surprising I know, since I'm huge fans of other indie animations on youtube!! Going off looks I can see the appeal, he gives old grumpy grandpa vibes but I could be totally off! I like his eyebrows :3
Kinger is another valid but again I might be biased because hes my baby girl- cant wait to see more of him in future episodes especially since hes hardly had any screen time so far <\3 he seems so sweet :(
Adam!! I can see the appeal again but his personality isnt really for me <\3 hes valid though!!
AND CLOPIN! It's been so so so long since I've seen the movies but omfg I remember I loved him a lot! Yummy design as well as a nice personality I wish we got more of him <\3 VALID VALID VALID
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imperfectercell · 1 year
Do you have any DBZ AU's? I feel you could make something interesting with your knowledge on the characters.
OH BOY DO I. would you believe most of them involve Cell in one way or another. lol. But heres a few of my big ones/favorites! feel free to ask me about them!
Earth Centric AU, where Raditz does not come to Earth and things change like dominoes falling for the Dragon Team (Old cast pic below) a collab with dear friend @pussyfootmaneuver. this has the Most effort put in it by far. we also have a GT rewrite but we havent talked about that as much
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Domestic Androids
This isn't really an AU, more just a silly bit of talking points inspired by art ive seen over the years of all the androids + gero + cell being some sort of stupid family unit. Cell is their horrible bugdog that bites them and will one day be capable of human speech, but in the mean time 17 and 18 will make him jump through hoops and join pet shows
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Royal Scientist AU
This is an au that involves an OC AGJDSAF it started with a line of questioning from my friend moth about Grendine and Cooler, and it sort of evolved into their mutinous romance after Cooler is the ones who picks Grendine up instead of the Time Patrol in order to recruit their scientific prowess to help defeat his father and brother and take over the empire. they eventually have a child named Tempar but that Also splits into 2 aus ajhgdssdg, one where Tempar is born normally, and another where Cooler Movie happens and he gets himself killed so Grendine makes their weird baby in a test tube while cooler is being assimilated into the Big Gete Star going "i miss my evil milf scientist"
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What if Goku was Gay? A Very normal DBZ What if Youtuber Video
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We'll get to this one in due time.
And here's a bunch of little ones that I will describe briefly!
What if Bulma raised the "cell" in geros basement and he basically was her fail gay son who didnt care about fighting?
What if uub was never trained by Goku?
What if Buu was punished by the gods and turned into a human?
a FEW variants on what if cell became good
What if Cell was made with Buu genes and the timeline was really confusing?
What if Demigra was SKoT and Chronoa was a Demon God?
my bias is Clear but ive never said it isnt! anyways im SURE theres more than this that ive forgotten over time but wheee
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ohnoitsjetster · 7 months
jesse!!! hi!! i have one very important question for you: ARE‼️YOU 🫵🏼 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS🎤⁉️
(okay now for my real question, what’s your fav hatchetfield installment?? it could be a musical or nightmare time ep or even workin’ boys if you’ve seen it :] i’m curious!! oh also if you want you can tell me about orin, i’m vaguely familiar with lsoh but it’s been a while!! so yea, free pass to talk about your lil gay sadist of a dentist <3 this was just an excuse to give you an ask so yk you can really just talk about whatever)
SOL! Hi hi hi hi !! (Sorry for the late response)
OHOHO! A dual fandom ask !! This means another long rambling post for my four most dedicated followers to read!!!! Im sorry in advance!!! this will probably be boring to everyone but me!!!!
I think my favorite might be NPMD. That one changed my brain chemistry for sure. But so did TGWDLM, I really believe that watching Show Stopping Number at the tender age of, like 11… well it just explains a lot about how i turned out ([obligatory “fuck Robert manion”]). I also frequently shake Time Bastard, Killer Track, and Abstinence Camp around in my teeth like a dog like HAUUFHGIGJHJGKKGKFGKRGJ RFRRRGJGG RRHHRHHRHH HREHHEGEGHGRGHRHHHHFFNFHFGGHF like that. But yeah at the present moment I'm being insane about NPMD. The songs are all bangers (Yes all of them) and I am in love with every character (Yes every character). High School is Killing Me is kind of my anthem right now. For no. Particular reason. Also, your honor those three nerds are all literally me and also i am in love with them and also im that fucked up dead bully but in a totally normal way.
So. Speaking of fucked up dead bullies… ‘,:]
Orin Scrivello, DDS <3 my beautiful bbg who has never done anything wrong in his life except for literally everything he did. Worst guy ever. But hey, you can’t choose who you rotate around in your brain, or how many Pinterest boards you make about it. Another instance of “he’s literally me but obviously not actually at all but I think he’s silly so that’s basically the same thing.” A tale as old as time. I don’t know how many queer awakenings one person can have but I was definitely already trans and bi when I saw Orin for the first(?*) time last year, and now, well now im the same but im more pretentious about it and I own a leather jacket. (*I actually saw LSOH a long time ago when i was way younger, but I didn’t remember it almost at all and I’d thought “The Dentist” was like this mad scientist type character, which, not exactly wrong ig, so anyway he’s been swimmin around in my brain making me silly for who knows how long, but yeah probably just since last year). I swear to cope with hyperfixating on such a fucked up character I’ve literally been making au’s in my brain where he’s morally ambiguous, or gets a redemption arc (he does not fucking deserve a redemption arc he deserves to be chopped up and fed to a bitchy gay plant), or where he’s literally just a nice guy. Yeah I’ll sometimes just remove the character from this character to appease the brain demons. But the cool thing about the Not an Asshole™️ AUs is that, in the og, the whole story basically goes south when Seymour justifies killing to feed the plant cause he can kill that jerk Orin, so if he’s not a jerk maybe they all survive?? Idk i just like thinkin. Also… ALSO!.. I made a post a while ago that I might someday make Orin textpost memes using pictures from my actual stage production, and well, that day has come! or, will come, soon. I’ve made the pictures I just have to make the post. It was very fun Im excited to share em. Okay thats all TYSM for the ask bestie!!!
Oh and to address your first question…
I 🧑🏻 AM 💥 DAN🧍‍♂️REYNOLDS 🎤 ✅
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itsdappleagain · 1 year
tis time for the need for speed caper!
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notes under the cut as always
if you saw my boston tea party caper post you will already know that this is not my favorite episode. potentially one of my least favorites in the season. still has some fantastic moments though, and I'm excited anyway!
cool foreshadowing for next ep with neal. bellum likes him
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these bitches really ARE gay
i love how snarly they animate mech's face. her lip is curled or her nose is wrinkled
poor mechanic. so british it hurts a little bit
a choice of playdates 😭
cs: you can work remotely from my latop! the season being released in 2019: 👁️👄👁️
god why do they always make carmen's hottest and most showstopping outfits only get like a minute of screentime
the complete 180 from barfing at fish to proclaiming his love for a vile operative. fantastic
also mmmmmmmmmmmmmm the driver is a fantastic character. she's set up just enough w/ the green outfit and the mechanic letting us know that there's an operative already in dubai. plus she's milking trey without anyone suspecting a thing. she's so cool. imagine having to play dumb about your specialty for this arrogant little white boy
anyway trey sterlings little earrings
bonus points for how the driver only smiles when trey is looking at her
im a duke and ivy's a rocket scientist wheeze
god that cape on carmen is everything
who voices sterling sterling
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okay 1. daddy sterling 2. ITS MR GROUPER FROM BUBBLE GUPPIES JIDSHH. he's been in a ton of shit. soggy joe from amphibia, benzo in arcane, phineas and ferb and a lot of stuff as the amazing hulk. i wonder why they had him do the role GOOD LORD THIS GUY HAS BEEN IN A LOT OF STUFF
so has trey's va
and then the driver throws herself on trey as soon as she confirms that he's the one driving its so good
love how trey uses the wrong names just to be a dick
not entirely sure why zack and ivy went to the party at all when they could have just gone with carmen but whatever
ah, the part of the episode which makes me hate it. zack acting like a homicidal toddler
carmen and the fastest change of clothes in the world
i love how ivy is just glaring at him the whole time
my favorite part about cs being a kid's show is that when characters get arrested the cops just stand there really menacingly because they can't point guns at anyone who isn't dexter wolfe
i love the next few episodes of player and shadowsan bonding/gaining trust with each other tho
i love when carmen gets pissed off about stuff
i also like seeing how on edge she is- flattening herself against the wall on the roof when a car goes by and stuff because she's trying to figure out how she's going to get them out of jail
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i love her
HAHA okay i do love to see carmen yell at them because its SO emotive and GOOD but also IVY DID NOTHING WRONG SHE GETS THE SHORT END OF THE STICK
what was possibly worth risking your necks and mine and giving VILE a chance to win RNGRH its such a good line to show carmen's mentality. we see it in stockholm a little too with how she would almost literally rather die than let VILE win
how do they get home
mmmm this show is awesome with the setup for the driver
why would zack and ivy be knocking on his door if they knew he was supposed to be driving the car btw
man this show really tried to go for more refined themes in the depths of the episode. its implied that the driver seduced trey in his trailer and then stole all of his shit once he was undressed but obviously they can't do anything else with it but imply
i love how mad carmen is about literally everything in this episode she just snarls about things
the motorcycle driving animation is so slick though
the driver is underrated actually im realizing
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i LOVE the animation of the car speeding up to rocket mode its so cool
you can hear the tires squeal every time carmen/the sibs turn their vehicles around
carmen sandiego tragically dies in a 60 mile per hour head on collision atop a parking garage
"whats she going to do, give us both a piggyback ride?" carmen five seconds later:
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split up gang! lets look for clues
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carmen's hips. thank god for this shot
also i love the implication that carmen was just dramatically positioning herself against the wall and waiting for the driver to turn around
i love this fight scene with carmen and the driver btw its good. they are pretty evenly matched
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uhhh...where in time is carmen sandiego?
i also love the driver v carmen fight because they are like. clawing at each other. just brawling
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those are the fighting moves of a bitch who has been mad ALLLL day and needs to take it out on someone
ivy constantly being terrified of zack's driving because she's seen him flip the car completely upside down before is my favorite
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asami is that you
boston tea party and need for speed are truly a two part episode
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i love frames of carmen jumping off things before she deploys her glider
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she's literally so hot. also her forearm is disconnected from her elbow
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who still talked to carmen about a headquarters after she screamed "WE'LL CONTINUE TO DO SO WITHOUT A HEADQUARTERS" into the phone and then hung up in a fit of rage because i wouldnt have
yeah they tried to fake us out didn't they
we got to see that workshop in s4 when carmen was brainwashed..
I KNOW A PLACE i love shadowsan
alright theres need for speed. im going to try to crunch out crackle goes kiwi maybe tonight but we'll see how it goes lol
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owengrose · 8 months
Shipper tag game
tagged by my friend @sunriseverse (hi friend!!!!!)
What ship were you completely obsessed with when you were a teenager, but now you don't care about anymore?
johnlock. listen. i'm aware. i am aware. Thankfully I've grown as a person and now I don't care about anything or anyone associated with that mess of a show.
Which ship would you consider your first one?
uhhhhhh aang/katara maybe? I really wasn't interested in romance that much until like middle school, but I do remember thinking katara and aang should get together as a kid.
Your first fanfic was about which couple?
probably destiel. Actually wait no, guaranteed destiel.
Do you remember the first couple you saw fanart of?
i was in middle school when Twilight came out, so I can almost guarantee you somebody drew Bella and Edward fanart and showed me. I don't actually know this for sure though, this is just a guess. The first fanart I actually remember seeing was Percy/Annabeth.
Have you ever gotten into ship discourse?
lmao no. it's just not worth it literally ever
Did you use to have any NOTP or have one currently?
mmm not really. i have ships where I just don't see it, but I don't usually feel all that strongly about it.
Who were the couple in the last fanfic you read?
Sam/Jack from Stargate! This is entirely @kbunny10 's fault, she got me into Stargate and now I have Feelings.
Currently, do you have any OTPs?
I mean, always. The biggest ones are probably Morgwen, Sam/Jack, destiel (i thought i was free but then nov 5 happened so......). But I'm not super actively a shipper these days
Is there any couple that, to this day, you are extremely mad about not getting together?
no bc everyone i've ever wanted to get together did so in my heart. Sam and Jack should've gotten together on screen, but In My Heart they did get together so it's chill.
Is there any ship you used to dislike but now you think they are kind of interesting?
not that i can think of! my romantic tastes tend to be relatively consistent honestly. maybe the gay ones before i became not homophobic (and then not straight! yayyyyyy!!!!! :D )
Do you have any ship that, in the past, would've been considered normal but now you would be cancelled over?
again, none that i can think of! I'm kind of a normie tbh
What is your favorite crack ship?
so this isn't actually a crack ship but like. Captain Hook and the daughter of Snow White/Prince Charming on OUAT got together. That was a real thing. They really said "you know who we should pair with our main character, the daughter of Snow White and Prince Charming? Famous villain Captain Hook. Yeah we're gonna make him young and sexy so it's fine." That was a real thing!! It aired on television and I was REALLY invested!! Man OUAT was such a wild ride lmao
What is the couple you read the most fanfics about?
i thought it was destiel but i checked by ao3 bookmarks and apparently newmann are still unbeat!! shoutout to the year where i was obsessed with those gay little scientists, i went absolutely NUTS for them. My newmann fics that I bookmarked are more than the #2 and #3 ships COMBINED.
What do most of your ships usually have in common?
there's usually an earnestness or a sincerity that either one or both of them has. where one person is just like very open about how much they like/admire the other, or where they engage with people so trustingly, or something along those lines. sometimes its sincere4snarky, sometimes its sincere4sincere, and sometimes its "i'm only earnest around you"
What you absolutely hate in a ship?
lack of communication. it drives me INSANE. unless they're miscommunicating about their feelings for each other, then it's great. but otherwise i hate it bc like, this is your partner!! talk to them!! what the fuck!!
Tagging: @kbunny10, @inesathammar, @cawfeeann, @lacigarra, and anyone else who wants to do this!
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pineappleciders · 2 years
I just saw your OC drawings post and damn, they look cool! I'd love to hear more about them (if you want). :)
erm. yes please.
tw for some maybe dark topics like eds and menyal health. also school shootings. also huge infodump wanring.
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this is MAX hes 13 and i think they r my favorite. he is non binary and uses he/they and alex is his bff. theyre kinda like edd from eddsworld personality wise. like theyre the main character and kind but also sarcastic and likes to pull pranks. i love him so dearly. he is bisexual
he is african and has two moms. max is rolling with the lgbt. them and alex have a very sibling like bond as they met when they were young and maxs family took alex in as if she wwre their own. they didnt adopt her her parents r just so neglectful that they judt took care of her. they are the bestest friends ever.
max deals with a toxic relationship during thhe show (its basically this show i made up in my head so im gonna say show) whereas this guy takes advantege of them and it fucks them up big tome. and theo is sad the entire time because he has feelings for max. more about theo down below!!!!vv
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the one on the left is alex!!! shes 13 she has black hair dyed pink on the ends and shes autistic and obsessed with bombs and shes trigger-happy. shes like kind of obsessed with violent stuff but she radiates sunshine and shes literally batshit insane but i love her. she is a lesbian as seen from this photo
she is half filipino and half mexican. her father is absent and her mom is lowkey neglectful as fuck. shes also missing an eye and wears an eye badnage rhing. she dealth with lots of bullying when she was younger and actually is very dangerous she shiuld be locked up.
one on the right is sam and shes a trans lesbian. she is really kind and nice and uust goes along with everyone, but she has like a dark side n lets her walls down around her gf alex and her friends. she struggles with mental health issues and is also autistic and has a hard time showing her emotiosn and speaking. she can be serious sometimes and its kinda scary how she switches from being dark and brooding to all nice and talkative. basically she masks super hard but shes a rlly good person i love her.
she has an eating disorder. i havent decided what one but she struggles with body dysmorphia and body dysphoria. she is struggling all over
she has dark dark brown locs with gold rings in them. she has dark skin and usually wears a yellow tank top, a purple jacket and blue jeans + white shoes. pastel color scheme
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sam again ^
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this is theo i have way more photos of him but im too tored to go get them. hes 14 and trans and gay and i lvor him. hes kind of the smart one think tom from eddsworld. he has a goofy side thoigh and really cherishes his friends. he is autisitc too and he behaves very differently from how he thinks. he doesnt mean to come off as rude and cold but he cant help it. basically i am projecting very hard. i love him.
he has grey hair and green eyes and tan skin. his mom is white and his dad is black so he is mixed. his roots are a dark brown
he has some family issues and lives in a low-income house. he is so cool thougj i love him.
basically theyre all Utistic and go on wacky adventures Nd theyre all frienfs. theres more characters in the story and i will post them when they get named. anyways ive made like a future au for them, there are two different 'endings'for the story ive deciided
basically one is like they all be normal and max starts a company and gets all successful and alex is like super tech savvy and mechanical so shes like a worker for him and he pays her and theyre like a business duo. and theo is like a successful scientist too and i think sam is something idk but i have a deisgn for her and shes all goth snd pretty but idk what she does in tje fuyute.
the other ending (bad endging warning!!) is alex (the really unstable and trigger happy one) loses it and shoots up their school. she goes to prison for a long time and max and her friends are really bretrayed. and then they meet in the future when she gets release and their friendship is never the same and. its justnlike really angsty and sad and it makes me sad and i feel like its mean to put them througj that so i consider the ending where they grow up happy as the canon one. i still like the idea of alex going crazy so ill probably make some stuff for that
anyways tjx for listening i LOVE my ocs and i never get to talk about them. probably gonna post them more because of this. this post took 30 minutes to weite
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queensqueercourt · 2 years
3 6 and 8 for the artist ask game!!!
3. what song(s) do you listen to when you do art?
depends on what im drawing or who I'm drawing. if the character I'm drawing has a playlist ill listen to that but if not ill go with rock and punk
6. tag your favorite artists/inspirations!
thats a bit of a hefty order but on this site, my biggest inspirations have to be spadesart,radioactive-scientist, and kroovv. My favorite real-life artist has to be J.C Leyendecker, a gay artist in the early 1900s (search up his art you'll know he was) but he's most famously known for his arrow collar illustrations!
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8. show us at least 2-3 drawings from 1-2 years ago.
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these are from the start of 2021! I'm so happy with how I've evolved artwise having grown in style, anatomy, and poses! never give up on yer fuckin dreams kids
(ask game)
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editoress · 2 years
the gay pirate flag show~, legend of zelda, unsounded, suitor armor, star wars + pick your poison
From this most dangerous ask prompt. Salt for each under the cut. Half thoughtful attention to my favorite medias and half proof that I'm simply contrary.
Our Flag Means Death
5. Has fandom ever ruined a pairing for you?
Sadly, fandom has largely trashed my appreciation for Steddyhands (the ot3, you know). When I first saw it, I was instantly intrigued! They looked so happy; I wanted to know more! But the majority of what I found at the time was 'perfectly healthy Ed/Stede where they have to housetrain that awful Izzy,' and that was such a turn-off. I have found just enough good content since that I don't immediately scroll past the stuff, but it remains dire out here.
19. What is the one thing you hate most about your fandom?
It's the deadly combo of the way people make Izzy out to be the very devil with the way they make BLACKBEARD out to be an uwu sad boy who can't help his own actions. This comes as a package deal more often than not, and I can't stand any of it. Can't they just be a couple of homicidal assholes?
Legend of Zelda
16. If you could change anything in the show, what would you change?
This Hylia and Demise stuff? Would be gonzo. Wind Waker probably had one of the best, most heartbreaking approaches to the cycle, and I want to keep canon along those lines. Less ancient spirits manifesting as people to duke out their cosmic battle. More people born into roles they struggle to understand and resist. Zelda as a smart woman who questions her own destiny. Ganondorf as a Gerudo, in a way where that context informs his actions, not where he's just some incarnated demon disguised as a Gerudo.
13. Unpopular opinion about XXX character?
11. Is there an unpopular character you like that the fandom doesn’t? Why?
Probably all of them. Cope just makes baller characters that I love to see, excepting the occasional 2D hate-target like Starfish. In particular: people can't wrap their minds around Bastion's mad scientist morality, but the fact is he's fantastic both as a character and as an entertaining, badass drama queen; and several people got nasty at Leysa for remarrying, but she ALWAYS has my full support. She's always done what makes sense for her, and she is full of love.
Suitor Armor
7. Is there anything you used to like but can’t stand now?
Honestly? The protagonist is on thin ice. And it's not because she's a bad character; I'm having a great time writing Lucia in my ongoing fic. It's the protagonist bias in the story. We get so few scenes away from her, because only what Lucia does matters, yet she does so little. It's a slow court romance story. Not a lot of plot. Which is fine, but it means following one person around gets boring, and giving a single person all the narrative weight in a fantasy court setting is a weird move. Most of all, I'm getting impatient with the way the narrative supports everything she does as absolutely correct, no consequences to be found.
23. Unpopular character you love?
The villain, of course! Every single time he shows up, I think of the line, "Have you thanked a villain for your plot today?" He's fun. He has style. But most importantly, he's carrying the plot on his back and I'm grateful for some juicy conflict in between the scenes of pining. A lot of fans hate him because they think a cartoon guy should be judged on real life morality. You've seen the type of fan
Star Wars
6. Has fandom ever made you enjoy a pairing you previously hated?
I never hated Reylo, but fandom definitely cannonballed me from casually liking it to actively, deeply enjoying it. 99% of my dash became utterly obnoxious whining about how Reylo, the basic baby's first enemies-to-lovers, was scandalously abusive, etc. Out of annoyance, I really dug into the themes and AUs, and I super enjoyed myself!
10. Most disliked arc? Why?
If I ever meet Dave Filoni and His Cronis, they will all pay for the pacifist Mandalore arc.
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Bimonthly Media Roundup
- This is How You Lose the Time War (Books) - A quick read but a memorable one, this novella had some really beautiful and heart wrenching prose and a pretty unique setting about two inhuman (immortal?) rival time traveling secret agents slowly falling in love via increasingly intricate letters left for each other across time and space. The small details we got about their respective societies and how they work were pretty cool, as was the overall enemies who taunt each other to rivals who understand each other to lovers who would die for each other pipeline. I generally prefer my media to be longer and more character/plot driven, but short and introspective is good sometimes as well and I appreciate it for feeling like a full and uncompromised package.
- Tiger Tiger (Webcomic) - I've been meaning to check this out for awhile now, so when I saw that the first book had been physically published I snapped it up and wow, really should have gotten into this sooner it's a blast. The art is gorgeous, pretty much all the central characters are excellent, and the supernatural lore so far has been really intriguing. Period ship-adventure fantasies are a pretty good genre to start with, and it's great to see one with an enthusiastic inventor/scientist who gives PowerPoint-esque presentations to her crew about the cellular structure of sea sponges. Incredible. Though my favorite has to be Remy as his combination of gay angst over falling for his himbo best friend, being a genuinely good, caring older brother, and trying his best to be a decent person while simultaneously dealing with the high expectations placed on him really makes me feel for the guy. Definitely adding to my "eagerly awaiting updates for" list.
- Crazy Ex Girlfriend (TV) - My sister and I finally made it to the finale, which was pretty satisfying all things considered. I'm still shocked by how good this show managed to be, with it's amazing songs, great humor, and surprisingly healthy portrayal of mental health issues and the road to self improvement via therapy, routine, medication, and taking responsibility for your actions without spiraling into self-deprecation (and of course how hard this road is). I have my nitpicks with it of course and know that the show won't be to everyone's tastes given how "theater" it can be, but I think it said everything it wanted to say and did so incredibly well, it's become a new favorite of mine at least. Gotta give it to Rebecca, she is definitely one of the characters of all time.
- Cabinet of Curiosities (TV) - Not super far in this as I've had quite a bit of other things going on, but I do appreciate the concept and think more purely episodic mini-series should be made. So far I've seen the first episode which was an interesting concept and good set-up but a bit lackluster in it's payoff and the second which was fun in a cheesy way (hah) but did kind of drag in the second half. I've heard the best is yet to come so looking forward to that.
- The Locked Tomb Series (Books) - Nothing new to say but still love these books. Counting down the days to Alecto.
- One Piece Live Action (TV) - Convinced my sister to watch this with me after being surprisingly impressed by the trailers and uh yeah actually it's somehow good actually? There's plenty to complain about if you are looking to do so of course, there was issues with the lighting, the Navy subplot wasn't bad but took too much screen time away from the straw hats, and some of the emotional moments didn't hit as hard with much less build up, but honestly I was impressed by what we got. The casting was spot on and all the actors did a great job, they kept in a lot of the goofy/ fun presentation and world details from the manga, the new content and way they weaved the story together was really well done, the action scenes were neat, and I just think they nailed the spirit of the finding best friends and setting off on an adventure together. Shout out especially to how Sanji was written and acted to be less comically skirt chasing and more of a genuinely sweet guy, the added 'trying on outfits' scene where Nami tries and fails to get Zoro and Luffy to compliment her/care about fashion, and the creative set designs for pretty much every location from the mansion to the tangerine grove to Buggy's stage (as terribly lit as they were). I realize there is no way they will adapt the complete story this way, but I hope it get's a second season at least, they deserve it.
- Ace Attorney: Spirit of Justice (Video Game) - The final Ace Attorney mainline game, from case one I was already enjoying it a lot more than the Investigation games and honestly so far it hasn't let me down. I'm enjoying the new location and it's insane rules, the old characters are well written here and play off each other well, I surprisingly like a lot of the new characters, and I appreciate how much the cases tie into the plot and/or characters we actually care about. The only bummer so far is the new prosecutor, I'm sure he has his baggage same as all the others but boy is he not fun at all, not even in a fun to hate way, he's just an annoying religious zealot who's exceedingly arrogant despite being wrong 100% of the time. Like I don't care if you're mean, but be mean in a fun way dude.
- Monthly Girls Nozaki Kun (Manga) - Ah yes Nozaki Kun, not so much a romantic comedy as a comedy built upon the concept of romance being inherently ridiculous. Not a bad egg in this hilariously stacked cast, this remains one of the few manga that I wholeheartedly find hilarious, so I like to come back to it from time to time to get some free serotonin. Special shout out to Kashima for not only embodying the overly capable handsome girl chick magnet archetype but also doing it while being an overconfident, overly competitive, lovestruck dork ass loser at the same time. Honestly the whole cast are idiot losers and I love them deeply for it.
- Genshin Impact (Video Games) - Thanks to my friend I've picked this back up and oh geez I can feel the obsession incoming already. I've mostly just been messing around and trying to get my footing so far since the last time I played was over a year ago, but I'm about to start the second countries main story which I hear is pretty good. I really like the discovery aspect of the game as well as many of the character designs (same body/face syndrome notwithstanding) and have liked the story so far, though I have a few gripes with the experience too. The leveling system is pretty annoying and I don't appreciate the intentionally confusing character rolling system even if getting a random character is kind of fun. If there's a weapon only banner there should also be a character only banner, my experience so far has been rolling 23+ times and only getting crappy weapons. Combat is also not as fun as it could be given how over leveled the enemies are compared to my own level locked characters. Anyway, I have a feeling this will keep it's spot here for awhile so I can say more later.
Listening to: Sway Cover and Eat Your Young Cover by Reinaeiry, Insane by Black Gryph0n, Achilles Come Down by Gang of Youths, Comfort Zone by Fukase, Two Princes by Spin Doctors, Money Game Pt 2 by Ren, What About Now by Daughtry, Bad as the Boys by Tove Lo, Adore by Jasmine Thompson, Undress Rehearsal by Timeflies, Self Esteem by The Offspring, Lent by Autoheart.
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bluub · 2 years
May I ask for a lore dump of your three current favorite OCs?
My current favorite??? Oh lord, that changes like every week lmao. I think right now, though, my favorites are December, Forneus, and Victor (I haven't showed anything of him yet though I don't think). Two of the three are my favorite punching bags aha... Bet you’ll never guess which two.
(I don't know how to do cuts on mobile so sorry for the MONSTER WALL, I'll try to figure it our later. Also WARNING: really rambly. A true dump of words.)
December is one of my second generation OCs- which started out as a Hetalia thing, but as since drifted into its own category. He's in his early twenties, 5'6", and also devoted to God, though he's never been formally baptized. He dropped out of school at 13 and ran away from home due to some... issues, and ended up in several even worse situations. I'm not going to discuss those, though. It's not a nice thing to talk about. But he eventually found a church and took up residence there, and made some friends! He went home when he was 19 or 20 and currently lives with his brother. Their relationship is... strained! December is a mature lad but sort of emotionally stunted. He is also chronically bitchless.
He doesn't know how to work a phone or drive. He can only do math in the context of calculating prices and discounts, otherwise he's completely clueless. He learned to read and write from the Father at the church he went to. He can cook basic meals and likes cleaning and gardening. He's a pretty decent fighter but he REALLY doesn't like getting into physical altercations. Or... altercations in general. He is also claustrophobic. His favorite color is olive green for secret reasons.
He's hetero-demisexual.
Forneus is one of my Hell OCs! His official title is as a Marquis of Jinnestan (don't ask, for my version of Hell I just steal shit from everywhere basically), and he's probably the nicest of the Marquis. He is also 5'6". He likes hunting, knife collecting, and making his own paints with beast blood and plant pigments. He has 4 pet koi fish named Flo, Vi, Ru, and Orphan Screams (his favorite). If he gets stressed or angry to a high degree, he has a tendency to turn into a terrifying fish monster and cause mass destruction. This doesn't happen often, though. He has been dubbed the Royal Therapist of Jinnestan due to his friendly nature and incredible mediating ability, as well as offering therapy to his colleagues and subjects.
He absolutely despises Berith- which is significant since he doesn't even like to hate people, let alone wish them dead. He used to feel similarly about his fellow Marquis, Aamon, but they've since become more friendly with each other. He cries whenever he gets drunk, he's allergic to dogs, and he likes to sleep in his koi pond.
...Don't worry about it.
He is pansexual.
And finally, Victor is the product of my friend and I deciding to reimagine Frankenstein as a story about gay people. Victor is Victor Frankenstein, an eccentric and talented scientist, living with his younger siblings (Ernest, William, and Elizabeth) in the house he inherited from his parents. He is 31 years old (as all story characters were aged up several years, because I did something stupid lol) and A Height. I forget. He exclusively calls Cyrus (Frankenstein's Monster and his boyfriend) with titles such as 'beast' and 'devil' and 'ogre'. Affectionately. He despises cold weather- like he will not go outside if it's cold out, or only will with heavy reluctance. He does things that seem incredibly stupid, but he is fully aware of his actions and unlikely to actually get hurt. If he did get hurt, though, he wouldn't exactly care? He only typically cares fully about his health if it begins to impede his ability to think and work.
His eyesight is absolutely awful and he pretty much can't see at all without his glasses. He wants to invent something that will bring back his sight fully, but he hasn't quite figured it out yet. He's very passionate and tends to ramble on and on about how fascinating the world is and how amazing science is, but he rarely shows any other extreme emotions. He does not like to be angry, sad, or otherwise upset in front of others. It's unusual to him and makes him highly uncomfortable. He will, however, flirt with Cyrus and does like feeling a little bit flustered in return- but not too much. He likes being in control of himself.
He is very much gay.
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dyllpiccle · 2 years
Tell us about the blorbos from your mind! Wich one is your favorite? The one you had the longest? Favorite design??
Long post sorry <3
1. Favorite blorbo:
I can’t answer this I’ll feel bad. But I will tell you who I’m currently obsessed with who is my little scrimble insane scientist Mr Julian Romero. I made him for my friends superhero rp and basically he created a chemical that absolutely changed the world and made it so everyone can have superpowers at will but his lab partner and gay boyfriend??? Kinda. STOLE it from him and took the credit.
So he became evil and now he seeks to tear everything down and also is super fucked up and bioshock style DIYs his superpowers at will here he is. Hiiiiii Julian.
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Blorbo I’ve had the longest:
Alright this ones a little complicated cause I am not CERTAIN. Like it depends how we’re defining this. Cause longest consistent use? I’d say my dnd oc Ferrer since I’ve been consistently using him for like 4 years now, but like I guess longest that I’ve had NOW without dropping it would be Amar because I literally just revived him to use him in the above mentioned rp.
So I made Amar in like 9th grade as a little plot of goofy teenage superhero’s, but I since have done a nitty gritty reboot of him for adult reasons so uhh tw for drug use/addiction mostly.
SO BASICALLY amars story is he was raised in an orphanage, which was fine, but got sucked into a bad crowd in the punk scene and eventually got heavily dependent on like. Heavy substance use. Uh one night after a party he got himself a cab to go crash in his little ‘house’ (he’s homeless but he had a Spot so he was headed there), and the cab got absolutely t-boned BAD by a truck. Unbeknownst to him some superhuman chemicals got into his stuff earlier and he basically died in the crash except he Can’t Die so he’s in this weird dead not dead space. He didn’t realize this was the case until he was getting the shit kicked out of him in a dive bar bathroom. I love him he’s so funny and lovely. His only superpower is that he Can’t Die other than that he has normal guy abilities and hits bad guys with pipes. He’s doin a little better since then if ur worried he may be dead but he’s clean mostly and living in a group home type dealio.
If you wanna hear more about him I have his backstory written in more detail on a doc but this will suffice for this ask, here is is <<3
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Favorite design blorbo:
Ok so I kinda covered this when going over the other ask with favorite blorbo and why questions but I’ll dive more into WHY I like his design. I present once again Mr Harysin!
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So this guys gonna get highlighted cause I have put so much work and effort into the way I dress this man.
The main features of his outfits that I nailed down straight away is a very high waisted look, very tight and movable, but stylish. I mostly based it off matador silhouettes and you can see I was playing with like ceremonial militaristic dress like with those pauldron sketches? Anyways shape, places of flare and hang and angles is super important and has always been super important for this guy. With his outfit iterations it always keeps the same staple things like skin showing in the same place, but gets sharper and rounded or darker depending on where he is In his arc. Over time he’s been leaning further into a red and black palette and his angles have been gettin sharper to reflect the way his character is progressing rn (poorly but also? Kinda good for him), and I also absolutely fucked around with the symbolism in his gloves which I could and have written an essay on but I feel like it’s too much to analyze here. But I will just take this opportunity to say that the amount of intention I put in this guys design?? Is crazy and insane and you should look at it cause I’m very proud <3 also he’s sexy.
Anyways I love answering ur guys asks you can literally ask me anything anytime <3
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taki118 · 4 years
Go Watch the Venture Brothers
So just heard the complete and utter Bullshit news that Adult Swim has cancelled one of (if not the best shows) they have the Venture Bros. This series is one of those shows that for WHATEVER reason never got to the level of fandom Rick and Morty has even though they’ve been at the genre parody game longer and in my opinion better. 
The series is about Rusty Venture former boy adventurer and failing super scientist who in an attempt to keep his head above water in debt goes around with his two boys Hank and Dean, and bodyguard Brock on misadventues while various legal archnemisis go after him, such as the Monarch. 
So if you never watched or never heard of this 7 season series let me give you a break down on why you should, 
1) Art Style & Animation
Venture bros is one of those rare Adult aimed animated series that that really truly tries to utilize their medium to the best of their abilities. Season 1 had like such a small budget and corners had to be cut so it can be a little hard to watch at times. 
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But with each passing season they get a little better, a little more fluid, go just a little harder and it truly feels rewarding to watch. Like seeing an artist you follow online improve over the years. Like they COULD have stayed with the choppy and stiff animation from season 1 it fit right in with its fellow adult animated shows but it didn’t. They strove for quality to have something that matched the story they were telling.
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2) The Writing 
Venture Bros has some of the tightest and consistently great writing of ANY serialized show I’ve seen, adult, animated or other wise. Wanna know why? Cause it’s all done by TWO people (save for like one ep each season where one other person is allowed to touch their baby). Yeah TWO people and they work their asses off every season to interject, humor, refrences, parody, plot and character development in equal measure. 
3) Character Development
Um yes in case you were wondering that’s right an adult animated show has CHARACTER DEVELOPMENT  that holds as the series goes on. Not to give spoilers but characters will go through changes in alignment, relationships will develop and change, some characters will go through negative arcs where they are straight up unbareable for a season before coming out the other side even better than they were before. There is no end of epsiode or even end of season reset. Characters, settings, and dynamics all change over the course of the show and it feels just so god damn good.
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4) Story Development 
Just like the characters the story of the Venture Bros grows and changes each season. Things that are set up even as early as season one are paid off as the series goes on. Like not to be that bitch but you know how RIck and Morty teases an overarching plot ALL THE TIME but like will often just spit in the face of fans hoping for more than like one episode a season addressing it? Yeahhhhhhh that doesnt happen here, fans are consistently rewarded for putting the time in to rewatch and really think about what happened in the series. Characters that are seen in the background or are just referenced by other characters will be brought in to be recurring characters, things that start off as a small detail or gag will be given larger relevance and each time they do this you get that “OH I remember that from last season! So thats what it was!” The writers WANT you to rewatch, they WANT you to analyze and they WANT you to theorize, and they give you a show that gives back the time you put in.
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5) Parody & Reference 
This series does a great thing with parody. They make real characters  who are just as enjoyable as the characters they parody, they make story lines that both poke fun at the absurdity of the media but shows the writers love for it. So often parody and references are just used to mock the thing but with Venture Bros you feel the love and care so when you know the thing being parodied you can laugh but feel good about laughing cause they are never laughing at a thing maybe you cared for in your youth but rather laughing with it.
And it’s never just one thing. When they parody a thing its often layered with other things to make it even more unique. Scooby-Doo is overlayed with famous criminals, Laura Croft is mixed Dr. Quinn Medicine Woman, GI Joe is given the look of the Village People and so on. They never go for the easy joke or reference. Hell theres an episode that starts with them reciting the lyrics to David Bowies Space Oddity for really no reason other than they could. They weave these things in naturally with their setting and characters so nothing feels out of place. Like if you dont catch a reference or parody you dont feel like “I think this isa reference to something?” like a LOT of things do not just adult animated shows. You arent taken out of the moment cause it all feels so natural. 
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6) The Characters 
God damn these characters, I could go on for hours about these characters. From main to one off these are some of the most likeable characters you can find. I mean it when I say I can’t think of a single character I wish they had cut cause they are all so well created. Even the ones I hate i have fun hating cause they were made to be that way. I’ll be good though I’ll only talk about my absolute top faves.
- The Monarchs
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You ever sit and wish villain couples could have functional  healthy relationships? Well look no further than Malcom Fitzcarraldo aka The Monarch and Dr. Shelia Girlfriend (yes that is her last name). The Monarch is a high strung impulsive saturday morning cartoon villain whos tendency to over react is only matched by his unspecified hatred of Dr. Venture. And Dr. G is his nonsense partner in crime who will cut a bitch if they don’t play by their admittedly weird rules. Both characters are great on their own but are better together. Though that doesnt mean they always get along. Like a real couple they have their ups and downs they fight, break up, make-up and grow stronger in their relationship with each season. 
- Shore Leave
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Ok ok so I want you to imagine James Bond, mixed with GI Joe simmering in a cocktail of the most flamboyant gay men you have ever seen and you have one of my favorite gay characters/characters in general. Shore Leave is a member of OSI (the shows SHEILD/GI Joe parody organization) he’s loud, brash, flippant, sassy and highly competent at his job loving every second of getting to beat bad guys down within an inch of their life. I love seeing him play off the stoic Brock and the two have this great brotherly dynamic that’s never called into question. He also gets to have a very cute romance with Al the Alchemist (who is also great). I could talk about this man all day.
- Dr. Rusty Venture
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They did such a good job with this man. He’s a self serving, sexist, perverted, whinny, self important asshole and yet you feel pity and genuine sympathy for him and want him to succeed. You can see how Dr. V was given a raw deal by his father who seemed to care more about his adventures than his sons well being and how this molded him into the bitter man he is today, but on the flip side you can see where he chose to use that as a crutch for his worst behaviors and impulses. Seeing him slowly grow and change and be an actual good father to his boys while all the while still be a giant dick is actually really great. 
- Dr. Byron Orpheus 
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Ahhhhh Dr. Orpheus part Dr. Strange Parody part busybody stay at home dad, he’s just such a delight. Dr. Orpheus is a divorcee, with an unfulfilling job of maintaining order to the cosmos (which isnt as hard as one might think), and uses his magical ablities in ways most of us would (ie menial tasks and home chores). Overly dramatic and affectionate Dr. O is a delight whenever he appears, but he’s at his best around his daughter and old friends The Order of the Triad. 
Again I can go on but all these characters ranging from main to recurring are crafted with the utmost care for you to want to see them succeed or fail, to see them again even if you know it’ll never happen, and want them to cross paths with other characters. 
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The Venture Bros is one of those series that I will ALWAYS recommend even to the pickiest of humor tastes. But if you don’t believe its as good as I said or don’t think the concept is to your tastes I’ll recommend a few eps that I think best show off the base idea of the series without giving much away. In terms of plot and spoilers, though somethings wont make a lot of sense. 
- S1 ep10 "Tag Sale – You're It!" - Dr. V is having a yard sale so of course all manner of costumed weirdos show up.  - S2 ep5 "Twenty Years to Midnight" - basically a fetch quest around the world to save the planet with daddy issues - S3 ep2 "The Doctor Is Sin" - Again daddy issues but with one of the best recurring characters and a great showcase of the series deeper emotional plots - S4 ep6 "Self-Medication" - Really embraces the parody as Rusty goes to a former boy adventurer support group.  Anyway the show is 7 seasons with 80 episodes, please go watch it. I will never forgive @adultswim​ for cancelling what was to be their final season. And in closing GO TEAM VENTURE!
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