#if youre ever having trouble w/ character designs
squipedmew · 1 year
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Control of
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beatcroc · 7 months
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a year!!! as of today i have now been drawing these funny little pizza freaks, to the exclusion of almost everything else, for!!! an entire year!!! i wanted to do a nice group shot/lineup of everybody to compare to when i first started trying to draw them because oh boy were they bad. i never even posted most of them anywhere because they were so bad. but im posting them here, now, to see how everything's changed/evolved.
this is probably the hardest time i've ever had trying to figure out how to work with a style, but we got there eventually; i'm pretty happy with the handle i've got on everybody now...dont let ur memes be dreams. lots of unimportant journaling and idle thoughts abt it below.
older pics
the first one is the VERY first time i drew them, before i thought i was going to actually have any interest in drawing them [lmao]; it was just the one isolated image, for my friendserver, to illustrate the funney message, so there was no attempt to make it Good or actually understand anything going on w/ the designs or style.
second is the original run of practices sketches to start trying to figure them out for real; done after i started having ideas for the comics and such and realized oh god maybe i am actually gonna draw fanart for this. [again, lol, and lmao.]
third one is the first pt art thing i posted on here. there were a couple weeks of sprite studies between this one and the previous image. the one on the top right wasn't part of that post i just threw it on as space filler; i'd intended to shift to doing Sprite Redraws But Stylized to explore tings more, but that was the only one i did. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
individual characters
peppino: by far the hardest dear god. bro what ARE your shapes how DOES your face work. jesus christ. everything i have trouble with this style for, peppino has it in excess. i draw in polygons! i need consistency! and that is the last thing this kind of style is concerned with. they are made of squarshy clay and i do not understand how to mold them. i was really hoping trying to learn this game's style would GIVE me that kind of flexibility for fun exaggerated facial expression but i don't think much came of it in the end 😔. anyway on the bright side all this means once i got peppino figured out a little bit everybody else clicked way easier.
fake peppino: honestly i never did anything with him on purpose except for how his eyes work + the perma-smile thing. i figured ok hes supposed to look weird and off model so whatever happens with him happens. and it did. and it kept happening. it is still, in fact, happening.
noise/ette: somehow, for every bit that peppino was the least natural thing i've ever tried, these two worked pretty much right off the bat. i still don't understand it, seeing as pretty much all the things at play for peppino are also at work for them. i think the new sketches are actually a little worse than older ones but not enough that i care.
gustavo: really funny bc i drew him on model twice and just went 'okay, cool nice, easy, um. he doesn't have any fucking legs?' fortunately he was the only one i had a strong idea for how to stylize him [square] and it worked exactly as i was hoping so wahoo.
brick: is an animal and therefore 5000x easier and more natural for me to draw/stylize than anything else in the cast. that is Just a rat bro. i can draw a rat.
gerome: i think the funniest one here. the most drastic and least necessary change imo. i was gonna have him be really small at first, like smaller than the noises, but then i just... didn't. he's just peppino-sized now. also i gave him like. actual human facial structure, which is funny bc in most cases i'd do anything to avoid, but it works well for his being A Rock to give him some angles and definition like that+ to differentiate his vibe from the rest of the cast who are all very squishy. also since he is essentially Just A Head it's good to emphasize that too ig.
john: i only drew john a couple times but he gets to be here because i like him. and because most of the stuff i applied to gerome was readily applicable to john, though i did try to keep him a little more uncanny because he is a Huge And Lanky Freak. i hate that he is barefoot btw but idk how to make his color balance look right with shoes.
pizzahead: i did not want to put him on here honestly but i Have drawn him a handful of times and more importantly i didn't know what i was gonna do with john's pose if i didn't have him there to be glared at. the only thing that's different with him is giving him wider-bottomed pants, which i got from when i tried to draw these guys in clone high style [i never posted that one either][i will eventually]
snick: he gets to be here because 1. he's like 6 lines 2. i like him and 3. ive scribbled him a few times offhand and it went pretty well
there are some guys missing because those are guys i didn't draw enough [or at all] to have gotten comfortable with them. sorry
i would have Liked to shade these but for the time being i have accepted that my grasp of light/shadow has decayed to the point im not going to be happy with anything i try there, so For Now i am working on my presentation with flats i guess. gerome has a shadow only because he's shaded like that ingame and looks naked without it
anyway if you are still reading [hi?] i get to shamelessly plug now. i'm over the hill of my pizza run now, and while i still have plenty of things i want to make here, most of the bigger more in-depth ones have passed. pizza tower was the first thing in THREE YEARS to get me out of my oc groove to doing fanart, and once i am done with my ideas here i will be going right back to it. if you like my art or how i write characters/interactions you should check out my oc/webcomic blog @jamverse . i can't promise people who like pizza stuff will be terribly into my designs, but i can guarantee i treat my guys with the exact same sort of tone i handle the pt guys with. and hell, i've mentioned it a few times before, but like 70% of my characterization for fake pep is just copied off one of my characters, so if u are going to miss him... he will still be there in spirit >;p
and if you dont care about any of that and are still reading thank you anyway. actually making these comics + seeing how shockingly well-received they've been has done a lot for my confidence, and for seeing that my kind of stuff IS something people enjoy :')
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sevencolorsatlast · 2 years
Reverse Isekai SAGAU - Your Favorite Character Misses You (Part 1)
Part 1 (You're Here!) || Part 2
Edit 1: Added more headcanons! I've missed some details I had on mind ;w;
This wholesome idea came up out of nowhere after reading a bunch of Imposter SAGAU reverse isekais whereas a bunch of characters yeet themselves into the Creator's/Player's world to apologize for killing them at the first place.
What if, by chance, they ended up in your world while you were away for a very long time? Not really you being an Imposter or anything; it’s like the game telling you “Remember your favorite character you often play as? They actually miss you a lot. I’m gonna send them to you pronto!” then they just appear out of nowhere and scare the living shit out of you as they land in your house.
Other Notes: Default SAGAU / GN!Reader / Headcanon / +400 Words
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Due to the sudden teleportation, they usually have items on their hands (an open book, a pen, a musical instrument or even their weapon) or look like they are going to who-knows-where, frozen in mid-walk/mid-run. 
It’ll take them a while to get them accustomed to the modern world. Now, there will be a lot of room for creativity here!
Examples: they call you "Your Grace/Your Excellency, etc." and you keep correcting them to call you by your name because you know people will give you weird looks if you and your fave are in public; teaching them what an internet meme is; they can practically borrow your/your old relatives' clothes (if it fits them) or outright steals from someone else if they are cunning enough that can get you into trouble; asking what are the names moving vehicles and you can (1) tell them what they are called (2) troll them by calling it something ridiculous and they repeat after you with a puzzled look on their faces. Be creative! :D
(forgot to add this detail oops) Depending on how high your friendship level is with your fave. If it's between Level 1-5, they are powerless as heck but will help you whenever they can.
But if you have Level 6-10 Friendship, they can summon their weapon out of thin air to protect you even if they don't have their Vision powers with them.
Poor Catalysts users. Depending on who they are: throw their weapon at someone's face as distraction / use their martial prowess (aka beating the living daylights out of a person) / use their galaxy brain intelligence to get you both out of trouble / grab your hand to run as far away as possible to get you to safety.
However, their stats/artifacts are still on effect so imagine your fave getting into a fight and won the 50-50 Crit Rate/DMG with their hit / whatever weapon they are using.
When you finally open the game, you see an empty space in your roster/character menu but displays their name and everything like before - their artifacts you gave them, same weapons and talent levels too. 
For them to get back, this is silly but very wholesome - you need to make their favorite/specialty dishes and they eat it. Simple, right? Probably yes for some characters, probably no with most… as you tried to rack your brains on how to even properly cook, replicate the look/design, AND how it tastes.
Wait, have you ever tasted similar dishes to theirs beforehand? And what if you have allergies to a certain ingredient? They will/can help you but where on earth would you find that one ingredient exclusive to a certain store? 
Also, good luck not setting your kitchen on fire because I assume all of them haven’t seen a modern kitchen before.
Once you miraculously successfully replicated their dish in real life, they can go back to their world and you can play as them in the game as usual. They can basically go back and forth by making their specialty dish and offering it to your shrine whenever they want to see you again.
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ryuichirou · 5 months
A couple of replies today! Kuroshitsuji and Twst.
Anonymous asked:
are you ever gonna make some Kuroshitsuji 2 art featuring my favorite blonde psycho?
We love Alois and I did draw him a couple of times! We posted some of the stuff here, but everything that wasn’t posted on tumblr can be found in this kuroshitsuji log on pixiv.
I’m not planning on drawing him in the nearest future, but since he is very special to us, it might randomly happen at some point…
If you have any troubles with pixiv, let me know and I’ll post Alois art from there here.
Anonymous asked:
The thought just crossed my mind... Do you ship Sebastian with any other characters aside from Ciel? Do you have any thoughts about those ships, if you do? Do you see Grell as a top or a bottom, too?! (I can't pick a side w/ them personally)
We talked about our Kuroshitsuji ships some time ago, here is the post if you’re interested! But in short, we kind of ship him with William because their interactions in the Circus Arc were hilarious and William was 100% playing hard to get. I don’t think I’ve even drawn them at all, but I should do it at least once… I should draw all of our Kuroshitsuji ships at least once, to be fair :(
Ironically, we don’t have any ships or even thoughts about Grell, sorry for disappointing! Maybe it’s due to the fact that while we were hating on Kuroshitsuji all those years (dark times lol), Grell was pretty much the only character I would draw anyway because of the cool design… But not really, to be honest; it’s actually more likely due to the fact that none of the Grell ships really clicked with us :( As for the position, it’s easy to see Grell as a bottom, but it doesn’t really help in this case.
Anonymous asked:
I've noticed I think y'all ship idia the same way I ship silver LOL just 24/7 running a list of characters through my head like "would it be hot if they dicked down Silver? It would be a little hot, wouldn't it? Lets just add them to the list anyway 😌" [he and said character has spoken a total of 2 times]
YES This is the treatment Silver deserves, his father would be so proud lol a little jealous, but still!
It is fun though... I always say it, but twst cast is very interesting, so a lot of characters who seem to be just a random pick could have such nice chemistry that it’s easy to start shipping them after just one interaction or a voice line. I love it so much lol
Anonymous asked:
i can not stop thinking about how Ortho has 24/7 access to any and all porn ever uploaded to the internet. and with a little modification he can bring even some of the most fantastical ones into reality.
He is just way too powerful, isn’t he? And the worst thing is, no one can even stop him anymore, now that Idia can’t access his system anymore…
If you think about it, Ortho is the perviest and the most knowledgeable person in NRC, even if he isn’t actively aware of all the kinks in the world. To think that only 5 minutes of buffering time separates him from being completely unaware and him having seen the entire collection of sex machine porn videos… And knowing Ortho, he’ll definitely want to try some of the things irl lol
Anonymous asked:
Hello! I'd like to know your thoughts on one of the side characters: Fellow Honest.
Sorry if you've already talked about him and I missed it.....
I'm just curious, because you seem to like Rollo and Che'nya, side characters that have made a few appearances in your art.
Do you have any interest in Fellow? Any headcannons? Or are you waiting until next Halloween, when Playful Land is available in English, to talk about/possibly draw him?
Hi, Anon! Sorry for the late reply.
I haven’t talked about it, and unfortunately I still can’t really talk about him. We are very intrigued by both Fellow and Gidel, but we haven’t seen their event yet. So I can’t make proper judgments and come up with any headcanons :(
We don’t really care about the EN release because we watch fan translations on youtube, but we just don’t have time to watch anything these days unfortunately. But when we do watch it, you’ll definitely notice, because there is no way I won’t draw Fellow at least a couple of times. His design and his sleazy faces are just too much fun lol
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soccerpunching · 1 year
Bestieeeeee 😻,
What is your worst IE headcannons?
I'll tell mine back 💅💅💅
I may be too out-of-touch from the fandom to know what people would consider bad and worst but I do have some that others may have an issue with! AND I WAS JUST ABOUT TO ASK YOU ABOUT HEADCANONS TOO, BUT YOU GOT ME FIRST! AND I WOULD LOVE TO KNOW YOURS VERY MUCH!! (although I haven't watched most of ares and orion so i may not understand some for now, I would love to hear them still!!)
This ended up a long post, I'm making this cut...
I'll start with a tame one (may also be really boring), but this one needs my other hcs for anyone to understand the actual one I want to share. Here's a "brief" list of the others (happened between og series and inago):
Gouenji has unparallel knowledge of ALL Disney, Pixar, Dreamworks, and Ghibli movies and will defend the female characters with his life. (This is why I thought he probably knows MLP as I said on the last ask)
He's not a fan of social media and does not use anything outside of inalink and private messaging. Not bcs he's cool, he just doesn't understand them. Much like in honosuto with the laptop, initially with inatube, and him always forgetting his useless phone.
Yuuka convinced him to make an inatter (twitter) and inagram account bcs she does not want anyone to steal the @ and that she also wants to be able to tag him on her posts (and of his teammates/friends) so they can keep the memories. He saves all the pictures he gets tagged in and sometimes prints them out to keep in an album he designed (he's very good w crafts). I still can't believe honosuto came up with those social media names (except for inagram)
He only cared about the bare minimum use of social media so he only ever retweets in inatter (never made his own tweet ever; but he does reply on some that addresses him) and only posts his creations on inagram with no caption or a few words about what he made (made takoyaki, felted a bunny, crocheted a penguin, made cupcakes, etc.).
He only has three kinds of inatter rts: about soccer, about making art, and tweets of his friends and family. Yuuka made his bio in both of them. He also became good at taking pictures of his creations thanks to Yuuka.
However, he is mildly updated with internet language bcs that's all he hears from his sister and her friends and from his own friends in the group chat that he only talks in when he's mentioned. He assimilated most of the phrases they use in chats.
Having said all this, he almost has no social media presence. You're lucky to see his page updated after two weeks. He doesn't reply with strangers either unless it's a kid who loves or interested in soccer.
He also doesn't share much in interviews. Very bare minimum of answering questions and always answers in short sentences and just poses for the camera shortly before he bounces. His favorite answer to questions is "oh that's private" not bcs it's private but bcs he doesn't want to talk that long unless youre asking him about his opinion on human rights-- something that his agent and/or soccer club prevented the press from ever asking him again (an hc drop another time). But anyway, he always had strong opinions and doesnt hold back in expressing them (og series and inago) and that's trouble for the club sponsors so they make a lot of effort on stopping anybody from having the opportunity of asking him anything outside of his personal and athlete life.
And the last context here is that Gouenji is autistic, but we already know that.
Okay so now time for the actual bad HC I want to share... which is how Gouenji came out as bisexual to the public
This started with an inatter thread of a person criticizing Anna (Frozen) for her actions in the first movie that reached Gouenji's timeline. Gouenji answers with 7 tweets worth of respectful paragraph of why Anna shouldn't be criticized bcs of how she was brought up, bcs of her isolation, and bcs of her grief, etc. So, everybody lost their mind, etc etc. AND NOW, at the midst of all this, a soccer fan asked him the question below that he answered without thinking much about:
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This blew up and his notifications gets flooded with questions about his sexuality and questionable taste that he really didn't mind answering if it wasn't blowing up his phone.
He was out with everyone in his circle that he forgot the world didn't know he's bi. So, he fixed that by tweeting "yes, im bisexual" on his timeline. He logs out and then decided to wait a few months before logging in again.
This didn't sound as fun as I amped it up to be but I think it's a terribly bland HC that I find kind of funny
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maepop · 7 months
HI sorry this is kind of a ramble BUT I've loved your art ever since I first saw it back in like 2016 ??? when this whole site was obsessed w/ Mysme LOL !!! But I've always loved how expressive ur characters are both in fanart & OC work, the colors you use are always INSANELY pleasant (esp as a pink enjoyer <333) & your linework has such good flow it carries the characters' expressions & personalities super well !!!! Your designs are super interesting too I especially love ur Venus in Retrograde charas + Inoue is sooo silly I LOVE characters like them !!!!!!!! I super admire the outfits u draw characters in too, cause they always look good & always fit their personalities, but in a more personal sense too cause I have a lot of trouble w/ drawing different outfits myself u.u ......... !!! The way u exaggerate / toonify charas sometimes is also amazing cause it flows so well, it's always so cute & I really admire ur ability to do that bc it is NOT EASY (4 me at least LOL @_@) since u have to know ur proportions & all that jazz rly well ............ AHHHH sorry IDK how to convey it it's just that I've always loved ur art so much & it's a rly big source of inspiration w/ regards to expression & color use bc my own style is V different LOL !!!!!! like I'm happy w/ it but it's very gloomy/subdued (???) so loud expressive VIBRANT art like yours is just SO AMAZING 2 ME !!!!!!!!!!! Like I look at what u do with ur art n I wanna draw MORE !!!!! Because it's so expressive & fun & BRINGS ME SO MUCH JOY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! GRRRAHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! SORRY !!!!! for ranting on ur inbox & possibly being weird abt my gushing if I was I'm genuinely sorry IDK how else to put it !!!!!!!!!!!!!! These shapes go CRAZY !!!! kicking my feet everytime u post !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
NOT WEIRD AT ALL WTF THANK YOU ANON SO NICE TO MEEEE I DONT EVEN KNOW WHAT TO SAAAY 😭😭😭😭 thank u for liking my OCs hehe and thank you for sticking around all these years mfw ive been struggling but remember the friends that i must make proud
i wanna be able to draw and design more !! i will try and find a good balance with work and art and taking care of myself this year thank u for the nice message 🥺
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fattybattysblog · 5 months
Hairi for the OC ask game, please!
Yessir, Salty, right away!
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
I went to a baby name website and looked for some Japanese names since she is a Japanese character. Hairi meant "flower, color, pretty" so I went with that.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Yep, haha. Nanami especially, but also Mahito and Hanami. With a little bit of ex BF Gojo at some point.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
She has some food sensitivities so her favorite foods are things that are fairly basic and very simple. Her absolute favorite food is Tonkatsu.
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Well, she's a Sorcerer. But when she's not doing that, she's a Youtube musician.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Music is the biggest thing in her life. Her hyperfixation. It's the majority of her thoughts and it helps her relate to things. Outside of anything music, she likes trivia games and often picks up lots of random facts.
🎯 -What do they do best?
She can make ambient music in like 20 seconds.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
She loves to sample songs for new playlists. She hates going to stuffy/uptight places where she has to mask really hard.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
One of her first outings with her friends where they made an accommodation for her far before she ever told them she had trouble with some things. It showed that they listened and cared about her without her even bringing it up.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Being left alone while she was very young. Her parents went somewhere without her and she got very overwhelmed, breaking down and hiding under her bed all night.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Yes, she is still very new and hasn't had a revised design.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
I was inspired to use my love for music to make an OC with music based abilities. And then I injected her with my autism.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Thriller and Mystery probs. She's not much of a fighter, gets stalked by a ghost.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Cis Female, Heterosexual
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Never thought about it... if she does have siblings they're too young for her to really know them. Let's give her a brother.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Her family is normally rather distant. They have their focus in many places at once and since she was a quiet kid she was often forgotten. They are annoyed with her and barely talk to her unless they need her.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
I love having a character I can put my... less wanted quirks on. And seeing how my friends still really like her <3
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
A lot, hahaha. I already have 10 JJK fics because I love writing about her.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing them?
I could :)
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chibishortdeath · 10 months
Fuck it, Simon Belmont, because why not you basically themed your blog after him
You don’t have any specific numbers, so I’m just answering every question >:3c mwahahaha—
1. “Why do you like this character”:
A lot of reasons!!! First off, most of his games are super fun and some of my favorite platformers just in general. I replay CV1, Simon’s Quest, and SCV4 most often cause they’re a real joy to play! I also absolutely LOVE Simon’s story, I’ve considered making comics about it if I could ever get out of recent art block whoops, even though I’ve seen many people say he doesn’t have one (´TωT`). His designs are really cool, he’s got great music in his games, there’s just a lot to love and I’ll explain more in detail in other questions.
2. “Favorite canon thing?”
I really like the concept that he looks up to Christopher as this legendary hero and then ends up considered the same kind of legendary hero by Juste and others after him. It’s pretty ironic, kinda bittersweet, especially after being hated for so long. Castlevania loves its cycles like that. Also just Simon’s Quest in general, I love that game.
3. “Least favorite canon thing?”
Ooo that’s very hard. There’s kinda a lot of things about him that aren’t explained or confirmed, especially personality wise, but I kinda like that in a way cause it leaves room for interpretation and whatnot. Idk hmmm. I’m gonna go with Grimoire of Souls in general. I had some hopes for it, but it ended up being kinda lame. A lot of the characterization was weird and don’t even start me on things like the Cursed Whip theory being in there 💀. So I just choose to ignore it and not consider it canon.
4. “If you could put this character in another media, what would it be?”
I have thought about drawing him as if he was a character in other series for ages lol. I’ve already drawn him as a Pokémon trainer, I’ve thought about drawing Castlevania and Soul Eater crossovers before, and I tried drawing him in the style of Resident Evil 1 but could not get the art style down. Idk put him in Fortnite or something that’d be funny we already got Solid Snake so Konami has been in talks with them I guess X,,,,,,,,,,D
5. “What’s the first song that comes to mind when you think of them?”
Probably either Simon’s Theme (of course lol) or Bloody Tears, but I do wanna mention that I have a YouTube playlist of songs I wanna make Simon animations with eventually (alas animation is HARD).
6. “What’s something you have in common with the character?”
Mostly negative things unfortunately d(;w; ). Like self comparison, doubt in my own abilities, trouble making and keeping friends, etc etc. Although a lot of these are based on assumptions and interpretations, as a lot of him usually is. Simon does have a really similar hair color to me on the NES box art tho so that’s cool.
7. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you like?”
There’s a lot of really nice art of him!!! Usually portraits, but sometimes there’s other doodles and whatnot too :3. Cool fan redesigns too! I also have seen a lot of neat headcanons, a lot of which I’ve adopted. I also appreciate the Captain N reunion stuff for the most part, it’s pretty wholesome.
8. “What’s something the fandom does with this character that you don’t like?”
I’ve seen a lot of comics, especially around when Smash Bros Ultimate came out, that were really… weird. I think all of them could kinda be boiled down to “old = bad” in the way that the artists probably just found out he was from the 1600s and then decided to make him the Boomer to Richter’s Gen Z for whatever reason (ya know despite Richter being from the 1700s but anyway). Simon would either be the jerk in the situation and/or the butt of the joke. I don’t think that Simon would have any issue with any of the female characters’ outfits let alone start harassing them for it. I saw some comics that made fun of him for not speaking very much in some genuinely disgusting ways too. Like making him not able to read or practically just the generic caveman stereotype. Especially in cases where the artist would depict other silent NES protagonists really nicely after making Simon out to be a complete idiot and asshole. There was also the trend of making him generally be all “oh no witchcraft!!!!!!!!!! What sin!!!!!!! The horror!!!!!!!!” about like anything and everything. I guess a lot of this comes from Smash Bros fans not usually being fans of Castlevania, but I’ve seen it in the Castlevania fandom too just less frequently. There’s also the “Simon has no story” thing oof. I’ve seen people tell people to skip his games or play fan games instead before :(
9. “Could you be roommates with this character?”
Realistically, no, my room is too small for another person :(. If that wasn’t an issue, then yeah probably :).
10. “Could you be best friends with this character?”
11. “Would you date this character?”
No, he’s probably married, generally feels more like a bestie, and I’m aroace lol
12. “What headcanon do you have for this character?”
Too many oh my god. I think he probably makes things. That’s a very vague sentence lol, but think like armor, knives, general woodworking, all his necklaces and headbands and stuff, etc. He generally seems like he keeps to himself and lives mostly alone, so I can see him doing all that by himself. He keeps some bones and teeth of things he hunts most of the time. A lot of people have him as the most super Christian of the family, but I see him as like Christian but really not organized or strict about it, if that makes sense? I’ve seen someone else describe the Belmonts as like “Christopagan” before and yeah I think that fits. Idk why but I have consistently drawn him with his cross necklace in his mouth sometimes. I headcanon him as semiverbal (I think that’s the correct term for it, basically like inbetween speaking and nonspeaking). I like to think he’s like really average height for the 1600s cause he’s about as tall as other townspeople and skeletons and stuff. Which is funny cause that’d make him like 5’5-5’7 ish and that’s kinda short in modern day lol. And I guess that makes his 8bit sprite being used all the time make more sense XD. I have way more, I didn’t even get into Simon’s Quest related ones, but I don’t wanna make this too long aaaaaaaaaaaa
13. “What’s an emoticon that reminds you of the character or you think they’d use a lot?”
Ok this is funny cause I actually do have one for this and it’s got context. It’s the “:3”. So I was watching a bunch of people’s playthroughs one night cause I was bored and ran into a channel with a toooooon of speedruns of maps from Harmony of Despair. Whenever they’d get to a boss battle they’d use the typing feature just to go “hi” with a different cutesy emoticon every time, but when they got to Dracula they specifically went for the “hi :3” and then went “oh no :(“ when Dracula started attacking and now that’s the way I think he’d text I guess.
14. “Assign a fashion aesthetic to this character”
How does one properly explain how much this guy slays in one aesthetic term—
15. “What’s your favorite ship for this character?”
Oooooo, in canon probably like his wife (Selena) and/or the Mysterious Woman (who could be the same character depending on what theories you go by), but outside of that Simon Belmont x Getsu Fuma and I can’t even explain exactly why, but it’s pretty cute.
16. “What’s your least favorite ship for this character?”
Any BelmontXBelmont shipping ugh, it’s unfortunately really common on some places… also the whole Lucas or Pit or whatever other child character thing the smash bros fandom had ugh. I guess I also just don’t see the appeal of shipping any of the Belmonts with Dracula.
17. “What’s a ship you don’t hate but it’s not your favorite?”
I’ve also seen people ship him with Solid Snake, Palutena, or Bayonetta before. Ummm he doesn’t really have a lot of other characters he’s shipped with tbh. Idk I saw someone ship him with one of the priests from Simon’s Quest once.
18. “Relationship in canon you admire?”
Unfortunately he doesn’t really talk to people enough in game to form canon relationships 😔
19. “Relationship in canon you don’t like?”
I don’t even know if I can answer this one for the same reasons as the above 💀💀💀. I guess the townspeople hating the hell out of him, but I don’t hate that cause it’s kinda integral to the plot???? Yeah idk lol
20. “What character is the ideal best friend for this character?”
Simon and Shanoa would get along a lot I think. Sara too. Hmmmm… I think he and Alucard would probably also be good friends. Christopher too for many reasons. Simon just really needs friends my poor dude is out here in Dracula’s Castle and the Romanian countryside after being cursed alone like this poor guy :’(
21. “If you’re a fic writer, what’s your favorite thing to do when writing this character? What’s something you don’t like?”
I have not written much at all, however what small comics I have done I looooove to make sure to sprinkle in whatever symbols he has in the games into it. He has a lot of cool things ranging from like rose thorns to The Hanged Man card and a lot of them end up meaning things like martyrdom and whatnot idk I made a post about it a while ago :3. I also like specifically Simon’s Quest speculation stuff, like what if scenarios for the vague, left open spots of it. If it’s not something super angsty or lore heavy, it’s usually just wholesome character interactions or doodling him being comforted by Christopher or Trevor cause I was sad or something lol. As far as things I don’t like writing uh idk that’s hard, maybe just any kind of filler scenes cause I’m not very good at those oof. Dialogue is hard too 💀💀💀
22. “If you’re a fic reader, what’s something you like/don’t like to see in fics?”
I’ve mentioned a lot of things I don’t like seeing in uh question 8, but things I do like is when people really try to go full horror with him. I’ve seen some Simon’s Quest fics (sadly there’s very few :’3) that really try to get that same feeling of anxiousness and dread the game does and I love that honestly. It’s a really dark story in the series! I also saw one that went psychological horror with it with him kinda losing himself a little at night it’s just ough it’s cool :D! Simon is a horror protagonist! Make him afraid!!!
23. “Favorite picture of this character?”
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Again, too many!!! X3
24. “What other character from another fandom reminds you of them?”
Not from fandoms I am in (yet, hopefully I’ll get into these), but Ragnvaldr from Fear and Hunger I’ve heard is just directly inspired by him and Alfred from Bloodborne also, to me, seems heavily inspired by him. The whole Vilebloods section seems very Castlevania inspired tbh. From other fandoms I’m in, that’s hard to say, there’s not really any I don’t think.
25. “What was your first impression of this character, is it the same as now?”
Well I got into Castlevania through Smash Bros and at first was completely indifferent about him, he was just kinda fun to play as. Then Richter got me to play SotN and actually get into the series more. I had no idea I had SotN on XBOX360 for a long time, but that made it pretty easy to start playing. And now I am absolutely hooked and Simon is my favorite character so uh yeah X3.
26. “Freebie!”
I guess I just say anything? Ok, I am currently half trying to cosplay Simon’s Simon’s Quest design rn! I have like everything but the armor, but I’ll have to wait a while to be able to get materials for it oof. But yeah :). Hopefully that works out. 
Ok yeah that’s pretty dang long wow, but yeah, thanks for the ask!!!! I am happy to rant about Simon anytime :3
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whataweirdfeeling · 9 months
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HELLO welcome back to another WAWF interview EXCLUSIVE
As we settle into a warm and toasty WAWFswinter we of course have some new artists to present
With this also being our first official collab Fraud Issue shot by photographer @wavechrist and edited by our original curator @vyngak WAWF has some gifts It must be WAWFchrist-mas
Read below for an exclusive interview and some behind the scenes moments with new artists of WAWF
Find out about all the big plans they have in store
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Who are we here with?
Floaty-man, Floaty… pretty flacko jr.. shoutout to ASAP
So you would say ASAP is one of your main influences then?
Hell yeah ASAP is one of my biggest influences. I never really was the one to be like ‘I’m inspired by people’, but I was heavily influenced by like certain people..and they help me be my best self. So now.. my goal is to be better than them cause I’m pretty sure that’s what they would
So would ASAP be a bigger influence to you in fashion or music?
Definitely the music too, ASAP gave me more of the fashion tip. Like the ok to add my swag to my music instead of just trying to push my message I can also add my personality and I can also add how I dress myself and just how I live my life daily.. Regardless of what it look like I can still be on some fly sh*t
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Rap name?
Where does that name come from?
I always used to get in trouble a lot so when I used to get in trouble I used to stare.. it was the only thing you could do like.. couldn’t play the game or nothing so I would like go outside and literally look at clouds or something.. or when I was in class too I would go to ISD. ISD you get in trouble, you’d be in school but not in school you know what I’m sayin
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What can we expect from Floaty in the future?
Expect a lot of shit.. I would say this cause I’m a renaissance man of art. Expect for me to get into short films. But music real heavy, fashion real heavy you know, events real heavy. But short films is what we adding to the list as well
How did you find out about WAWF?
It’s just all organic, it’s really shoutout to Wave. Shoutout to wavechrist cause you know that was the fine point it was just all divine you know. He was just telling me this is who you need to connect with and it was a wrap from there
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Who are we here with?
Hello good people of the planet earth and all the other space-lings out there in the world.. I go by the name of ShowwwTimee. That’s with 3 W’s and 2 E’s
Why 3 W’s and 2 E’s
Its always about individuality and how you can express yourself a little bit differently. Plus we not tryna get sued by the actual Showtime tv network you know.. But if they ever wanna collab and put ShowwwTimee on Showtime we could do that
And on a personal note if we wanna get on numerology type time the real name is Shomari and so every name in my full name has 7 letters.. and you know what that means
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Tell us about your art
The first art form is definitely film, that’s where all of the inspiration comes from. And then.. I picked up sewing over the pandemic.. It’s been a couple years now since we been doing that. At first I was making the clothes to go with the films, but now the films gotta support the clothes at this point cause I just hit some sort of momentum with the designing and I just can’t stop really. So now I gotta make my films around the pieces, make storylines off these characters that you see i’m making
Describe your fit
We got rainbow boots with tool kinda material for the laces.. shoutout Walmart on that. Thrifted sweatpants.. yellow sweatpants, primary.. We got the yellow blazer, primary and then all the other colors of the rainbow secondary. We got a pac-man tee that got chopped up and turned into a hat up top.. Pieced it together with a raincoat, a yellow raincoat that I found so it’s like a combination in there
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Where would you say your style inspo comes from?
Honestly intuition, i’d say intuition leads me and then the colors.. the colors just speak and I combine the two. I find ways to combine the color combinations and different ways to piece it together
What can we expect next from you?
Next we’re gonna have to make a film for the pieces to live in and immortalize them cause yeah you can enjoy them on a day to day basis, on the social networks, but I’m really tryna get all my people off of the social networks and out of the matrix. So I gotta make my own films and put them in a place where all my people can come and congregate together you know.. something like this, shoutout to them boys down in RVA. I’ve never experienced a conglomerate of a community like this so for yall to open yall doors.. shoutout Hugh, shoutout Gavyn, shoutout Floaty, shoutout WAWF
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How’d you find out about WAWF?
Honestly they found me. Likeminded individuals always find each other. That’s like soul tribe right there
Along with promoting/supporting growing artists like these WAWF magazine pushes art fashion culture and much more
Stay tuned for all of the exciting things WAWF has planned
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go-go-devil · 2 years
tell me about your hylics guy, wayne
First Impression: Already loved his design, but I remember being a bit unsettled by him at first, largely due to Hylics 1's pretty gruesome death animation
Impression Now: Freakin' goofball anarchist who steals dynamite and riches from the elite and loves his friends as much as he loves prog/noise rock. Love this moon man! 🌙 🎸🌯
Favorite Moment: The progression of the "You accidentally crushed it..." joke in the first game. Don't wanna spoil it for you, but someone on this site once compared it to the "Despite everything, it's still you" moment in Undertale and I really can't help but agree XD
Idea for a story: I've still got several ideas for stories about Wayne, mostly regarding his relationships with the other characters in the game. I've started to draft a fic rn that I want to keep a surprise, but another story I would like to tell is how he met up with Old Wayne (as I personally see them as two separate characters instead of H1 Wayne's evolution) and his relationship with his clone siblings from H2
Unpopular opinion: Good question. There's so little characterization for everyone in Hylics that the fandom rarely ever gets mad at headcanons for these characters
I will say that a few hc's I have for him that I don't think many others agree w/ me on is that Wayne doesn't share a hivemind with his siblings & Old Wayne (and actually has trouble relating to them) and that he doesn't smoke tobacco. The latter I see a lot in artwork of him despite cigarettes never showing up in the game, which is cool and all but I just don't see him as a smoker personally. I think Dedusmuln should be the one smoking heavily while having to record all of their archeological exploits lol
Favorite relationship: Wayne is 100% in a queerplatonic polycule with Somsnosa, Dedusmuln, and Pongorma! I hc them all as aspec, with Wayne in particular being aroace, and honestly after everything they've been through they deserve each other 💛❤️💙💚
On a darker side of the moon man, I also do enjoy the hints we get to his past relationship with Gibby. Obviously it must have been terrible for Wayne to want to kill him so badly, but it's the fact that Gibby himself doesn't seem to want to give up on Wayne that fascinates me. I could go further into this, but that would be giving away too many spoilers for both games' endings
Favorite headcanon: Probably that Moonage Lobotomy was originally formed by him and Somsnosa not long after he first "fell" to Earth. I like to imagine he found his first guitar in a garbage can and the pair started out making the shittiest self-produced rock music you could ever imagine. It helped them form such a tight bond with one another, and served as a decent distraction from the lunacy the world was trapped under...
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tinyetoile · 1 year
Ty for the correction on the misinformation about Ken Penners. Also if you are ever open I would LOVE to hear your insights into how botw link's stoicism in response to his trauma detracts from Zelda's characterisation?
(personally I always found that it sold the isolation between the two of them more. He can barely even express his emotions towards her. She is reaching out, she is trying so damn hard, and yet he cannot reach out to meet her. Just like with her father. Just like with the goddess. She tries the best she can, and it is just NEVER enough.)
(I also think this is why post awakening Link is more expressive in what we see of him being expressive - he doesn't have all his memories back, he isn't living constantly with the knowledge that if he slips he'll fail. It's why BOTW link succeeds where his last self failed - He's no longer terrified of feeling. Of reaching out. Zelda reaches out to him, and she succeeds. She talks to him, she guides him, and together they achieve victory. Despite everything, despite all the failure and the pain, they succeed.)
(like don't get me wrong it's not Spirit Tracks w/ Zelda literally possessing a phantom in order to protect Link, and Link being SO excited to drive a train for her, but like. Idk I would love to hear your side bc you always have such insightful thoughts and I really respect and value your opinions, esp on this stuff!!)
(also spirit tracks is the best loz game bc it let Zelda just fuckin. Chill out. She just hung out w/ link it's great. They just vibe at the train)
LOL part of my motivation for correcting the Ken Penders thing is that usually when I see people "correct" it, they ALSO attribute it to the wrong person? Like I'll see people say "Ian Flynn designed Scourge!" but while he WAS the writer for the issue where Scourge came to be, he wasn't the one who came up with the design- that was Patrick.
I also don't play Sonic. Why I know these things is beyond me. As for the Zelda thing, well...
I ended up taking a lil while to reply to this because I was having trouble getting my thoughts in order about it and putting those thoughts into words. I wanna preface this by saying: I absolutely agree with your angle here, and one of my main problems (personally) is that I simultaneously know what they were trying to do with the characters, while also not having that come across to me in the moment at all.
Because like, I genuinely think that Link's muteness and stoicism being a trauma response is an incredible idea. It's a genius way to incorporate his "silent protagonist" schitck in-universe, and provides depth to his character in doing so. However, the problem is that in execution, it doesn't come across that way.
The best comparison I can come up with is how, when the hunger games movies came out, everyone was complaining about the lead actress's performance and how she never emoted, but in actuality she was giving a very book accurate performance- Katniss was the type of character who never showed her emotions on her face. And this was fine in the books, but when the medium was changed to film, rather than having that come across, people just thought the acting was bad.
That's the same feeling that Link's stoicism gives me, the way it's presented comes across as less "forcing himself to silently bear these burdens and never let them show to anyone so he can be a pillar of strength" and more "no thoughts head empty while other people are talking".
And the reason I think this detracts from Zelda's character is because I think one of the two big yardsticks for measuring Zelda's quality as a character is: how well the game sells her relationship with Link (not in a romantic sense btw). I don't inherently ship the two, and will thus not be interested in their relationship simply because they're Link and Zelda. I need to be convinced on a bond between them every new incarnation. But the reason it's Zelda's character that's dependant on this is because Link is the player character that we spend time with, so even if he's completely nothing, we still get attached to him by virtue of having him be how we interact with the world. But Zelda is restricted to her interactions with Link, or at least what Link sees of her, so even if Zelda has tons of character, if I'm not convinced on her relationship with Link, makes her feel worse to me.
This is why I think ST Zelda and SS Zelda are the best ones: They convince you that Link and Zelda are friends, that they care about eachother, that they enjoy eachother's company, that they'd hang out even outside of their assigned roles as "Hero" and "Princess", and it's Link's reactions to her that sell it.
In ST, they start out as strangers, but you spend the entire game watching them grow closer to eachother, become friends, and what makes it work is that it's not JUST Zelda who's selling you on this relationship, it's Link's reactions to her, the little laugh he gives after she possesses a Phantom for the first time, their amazing silly high-five after beating Byrne, the way his first reaction after having her land on him was to smile because she'd gotten her body back- can you imagine how weird the game would feel if Link never emoted?
In SS, this incarnation of Link is easily the most expressive "adult" Link, and they use this to show you how much he cares for Zelda. You IMMEDIATELY know what his relationship with her is like from the way he smiles at her wake-up letter alone. Even if the game didn't tell you they're childhood friends, you'd be able to know because the nature of their relationship comes through in every single interaction they have with one another.
Meanwhile in BotW, they tried SO HARD to give Zelda depth and these interesting aspects to her character and her relationship to her role as a princess, and then her interactions with Link fall flat and it drags her down so badly, especially because this relationship is supposed to be the focal point of the game. It ruins the entire climax of the final memory, where watching Link die unlocks her powers, because their relationship feels hollow to me, and as a result it makes Zelda feel weirdly... callous in this moment? Instead of coming across as desperation, as actually witnessing the atrocities of the calamity firsthand and finally tapping into her power because of it, I was left wondering if Zelda just didn't care about anybody outside of her assigned love interest at franchise. Which is absolutely not what I should have been feeling or what was trying to be conveyed, but was the taste the scene leaves in my mouth regardless.
I think what it ultimately boils to is: I really fucking hate the cutscene where Link saves Zelda from the Yiga, because that's where I think the ball was dropped. Allow me to explain. More than anything else, what should have been a massive turning point in Zelda's feelings for Link as they change from animosity to seeing him a new light, just comes across as hetero trite, where the writers just shortcut to "these characters are in love now" because one is a boy and the other is a girl so OBVIOUSLY we're supposed to assume a romance between them. It's like Zelda suddenly remembered they're supposed to be love interests because Link... did his job. Being her guard is his job, and protecting her like that is the reason he was following her around beforehand even when she didn't like it. It makes it feel like Zelda somehow never realized she was in danger before or something??? This image from OSP's romantic subplot trope talk almost perfectly encapsulates what I mean here:
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The moment that SHOULD have been the turning point to their relationship should have been a moment where Zelda sees Link not acting as her stoic knight, a moment where she sees beneath the front he's put up to protect himself and realize they might actually be able to get along and that she's been projecting onto him and being harsh. Because Link being a seemingly flawless knight is one of the causes of her own insecurities and why she can't stand him at first, so having Link perfectly embodying that idea should not be what makes her fall for him!!! It should be the opposite! I hate this cutscene so much!
And even though the rest of the memories are spent trying to build this relationship, the fact that this was what made Zelda go from hard tsun to instant dere just sours the rest of their interactions for me. Not to mention the implication, if you get all the memories, that after everything Link just... goes back to being Zelda's silent, stoic knight? Which feels worse the more I think about it.
This probably ended up pretty incoherent and I'm also probably wrong about a lot of things, but the main thing is that, while I understand (and even like!) what they intended to do with Link and Zelda in theory, it doesn't come across (TO ME) in practice, so the whole thing is at odds with itself in my head. In the end I'm pretty sure this is just a me problem though, and probably me trying to rationalize why a character I should, by all rights, really like, just doesn't click for some reason.
BTW somewhat off topic but the second yardstick I have for measuring the quality of Zeldas is "how divorced is she from being a dignified princess" because the less dignified Zelda is, the better. ST is another good, emblematic one here because Zelda's freak-out completely shatters any such perception of her and immediately makes you attached to her, while her predecessor Tetra kinda falls flat in the last part of WW because the instead she transforms from "Tetra" to "Zelda" she immediately loses all of her character and becomes a demure dignified princess who waits to be kidnapped by Ganondorf (though thankfully she recovers some of her personality in the final battle and for the sequel). This is also why I don't care for TP Zelda as said before: We don't see her outside of her capacity as "dignified princess", though that's also because she has like five minutes of screentime, three of which are spent on exposition.
Even more off topic but man, it really sucks that WW and ST are the only games that have Zelda actually fight the final boss alongside you? I'm so shocked that this didn't immediately become the series standard for every game afterwards because it's so good.
Sorry for all this negativity, but also thank you so much for allowing me to exorcise this demon from my body.
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merrock · 1 year
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face claim: Melissa Benoist.
full name: Elizabeth Marie Stewart.
nickname(s) / goes by: Libby.
pronouns & gender: she/her, cis woman.
sexuality: bisexual.
birth date: November 23, 1988.
birth place: Thomasville, GA.
arrival to merrock: arrived in March, 2015.
housing: countryside.
occupation: home stager.
work place: Bardales Inc.
family: Robin (mother), Daisy (mother), Benjamin (brother), Mallory (sister), Kallie (sister).
relationship status: married.
Libby is in a constant state of needing something to do. She tries to balance her personal life and career, and has a talent for spotting out a Taylor Swift song in public places. She is a quiet, intelligent and observant person with an incredible memory. She’s highly adaptable and good at blending in, probably because she’s grown into a wallflower. Libby likes to think of herself as a resilient, independent individual, someone who can live life on her own. She can be a social butterfly once she feels comfortable. Her mouth has this ability to work faster than her brain, so some of the words that come out of her mouth can be fascinating. Libby is the type that gets truly excited about the little things. She’s funny, generally quick to add a witty comment, and enjoys a good challenge. She’s fiercely protective of the people she calls her friends and she’ll have your back no matter what. She’s exceedingly hard on herself and is her own biggest critic but also has trouble admitting when she needs help. She can have a bit of a temper, though she’s great at keeping it in check. She’s a person with a lot to give but has some emotional issues to overcome. If she’s being honest, all she wants is to live a life that’s quiet and happy with the ones she loves the most.
WRITTEN BY: Janessa (she/her), est.
TRIGGER WARNINGS: mentions of pregnancy, childhood cancer, death, miscarriage.
Meet Libby or, if you’re one of her mothers, Elizabeth Marie Stewart (and she usually doesn’t tell people what her full first name is). She was born and raised in Thomasville, Georgia, and had a modest, middle class upbringing. Her mother, Daisy Stewart, is a school teacher while her other mother, Robin Stewart, is a bakery owner. The Stewarts are your typical small town family, who have been the owners of the town’s quintessential bakery since Robin’s family first got there in the 1950s. She is the second oldest of the Stewart clan. When she was younger, Libby always had a vision of herself being something of a role model for her younger siblings, but well, that was probably not the best idea. As she got older, it became obvious that she wasn’t the kind of older sibling that the younger ones should be looking up to. Which is mostly just a really nice way of saying she was a complete handful. It was almost as if she had made it her life’s mission to run her parents crazy when she was growing up. They did everything they could to try to keep her in line, but the fact of the matter is that, while she always respected her parents (even though it didn’t always seem like she did), no one could ever make Libby do something she didn’t want to.
From the time she was a little girl, Libby has known who she was and what she wanted to be when she grew up. One day, she was going to be an interior designer, but not just any designer. She didn’t want to work for a firm or a company, she wanted to be her own boss. She wanted to be like those designers on HGTV with their own businesses. She set that goal for herself as a part of her ten year plan and set her eyes on SCAD so that she could make her dream a reality. When Libby gets her heart set on something, she’ll do anything to get it. That was the case with Lincoln Scott, the boy whose name was once scribbled on her notebooks with hearts drawn around it. She liked him a lot, like, a lot a lot. They had been best friends since they were toddlers and over time, she had grown feelings for him. Luckily for her, he felt the same way. He was her first serious boyfriend, and because she could recount her grandparents’ love story as if she were there 80 years ago, she had ridiculous expectations for love. She believed in love at first sight, and she believed in soulmates, and she believed that her very first boyfriend could be the one.
He ended up being the one that knocked her up during her junior year of high school, which was most definitely not a part of the ten year plan. She was seventeen and pregnant and scared, but family was important to the Stewarts and important to Libby. And though there had been options dancing through her mind, they were nothing more than fleeting thoughts because when her eyes saw the sonogram for the first time, she knew she wanted to be a mother. Nine months later, Freida Rose Scott was born into the world to two teenage lovers with plans of graduating and marrying after high school. With a baby, going to college wasn’t an option for Libby, and while she’ll never outwardly admit it, she felt that the decision was made for her and that she didn’t necessarily have a choice in the matter. And so it goes, Libby married her high school sweetheart straight out of high school (while keeping her last name), moved into a house with a white picket fence, got a permanent job at her family’s bakery and in turn pushed aside her dream of becoming an interior designer, and raised her baby. However, that all changed during her twenty first year of life. When she should’ve been going out for her first legal drink, her husband and family spent their months in hospital rooms and waiting rooms. Their baby girl had been diagnosed with a rare form of leukemia.
They spent that year trying to find treatments, trials, and medicines that would cure their daughter. Nothing seemed to work. During that year, they spent all of their time making sure their baby girl got to still live the childhood she deserved. A year or so after getting the diagnosis, Freida passed away in her sleep. The Stewart-Scott family was rocked to the core, none more so than Libby herself. Freida was literally Libby’s entire world, and there was no denying that. She took one look at that little girl and suddenly everything changed. Libby was willing to do whatever it took to give her daughter the very best life she could give her, and would’ve done anything she could to protect her. Her entire life changed after her daughter died and she was lost. Over the next few months after Freida’s death, the Stewart-Scott family had to find a new normal. With their daughter gone, they began to feel a strain on their marriage. That only continued to shift from a lax rubber band to a tightened rope around her hands when Lincoln told her that he wanted to have another child. They struggled a lot within their marriage during that time, but she felt they’d get through it. At the age of twenty three, she suffered a miscarriage and made the decision to leave Thomasville for good. The place held nothing but heartbreak for her.
Leaving her old life behind, she went off on her own with her savings and eventually found her way to Boston, Massachusetts. There, she enrolled at MASSArt where she earned a bachelor’s degree in fibers. With her background in fabrics and her passion for interior designing, she found herself employed, working for a company that staged open houses for homes that were on sale. It was only a year before the company called her about a job in Merrock, Maine. It really hadn’t been her intention to stay in the small town but alas, she did. She moved in with someone off a Craigslist ad, and got a job working at Polished Brass Market as an antique picker.
Though, it didn’t take long for her past to catch up with her because before she knew it, her estranged husband eventually tracked her down in Merrock. After having to tear down the guard she had built up so fiercely, Libby had to face her grief head on and managed to let go of all the hurt she was carrying. And to her surprise, she ended up reconciling with her estranged husband in the process. Feeling like the pieces of her life were finally falling into place and putting her back together, Libby finally decided to chase her dream of becoming an interior designer. Wanting to dip her toes back into the real estate world, she left her job as an antique picker and accepted an offer from Bardales Inc. to become a home stager, making their properties attractive to potential buyers through her skills as an interior stylist. As she gains connections and experience, Libby hopes to take the next step and open up her own business one day. Until then, she’s more than happy spending her days scouring flea markets and garage sales looking for hidden gems.
She’s been in town for nearly a decade now and being able to find a home in Merrock was something Libby Stewart never expected, but the town welcomed her with open arms and she’s now glad to call it her adopted hometown.
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starsaver94 · 3 months
This is very random but I still wanted to share this advice!
If you're ever having trouble coming up with or visualising designs for your characters, make a board on interest specifically whrre you can save art that matches what's in your head, and you can 1. Use them all as references, and 2. Find more stuff similar to it for more ideas!
This has been really helpful for me and it might be stpid or obvious but still, felt like I had to give it out -w-
Thanks, little bro! I don’t use Pinterest, but I’ll definitely keep that advice in mind for when I want to create a new character and/or I’m having trouble finding a picrew that matches the design I have in my head.
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shark0zu · 8 months
Idol! Gojo Satoru x GN! Reader
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context: Satoru is part of a band named “Joint Jinx Keystone” (JJK) alongside Suguru, Yuuji and Megumi. Saatoru and you have been a couple for almost 5 months now, and he already loves you too much to let go (not in a toxic way). But your relationship is secret to the public, at least that's what you guys want. Suguru is 22, Satoru is 21, and both Megumi and Yuji are 19.
content: fluff, tinies bit of angst, neck kisses/cuddles. Satoru being a menace to his bandmates.
warnings: none.
an: This is my first time EVER writing something... (English is not my 1st language) also- THIS BAND! AU IS COMPLETELY AND UTTERLY made by sketchyysummer on Instagram! (link to their Tumblr). This Band! AU has been in my brain since they started to talk about... it's not even funny... I'll also write HC for the rest of the members! (Suguru, Megumi and Yuji)
w/c: 1.5k
art: Summer's Band! AU Character Design
likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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Idol! Gojo, who loves to sing to you, making songs on the spot for you and singing slowly and softly to impress you. (always making you fall in love with him a little more every time)
Idol! Gojo, who loves when you fall asleep to his voice, either while singing or just listening to him. Vice-versa as well, he loves to hear your voice, and he finds it as soothing as any lullaby or song he has ever heard.
Idol! Gojo, who loves the way you blush every time he makes eye contact with you while performing at a concert/event, winking and smiling at you. (all the damn time)
Idol! Gojo, who ALWAYS says “This song is dedicated to someone very special to me…” locking eyes with you and always with that smirk, that same stupid-dumb-smug smirk that you love so much… and enjoy seeing no matter the context.
Idol! Gojo, who gets excited when he sees you on the VIP line up for the meet-and-greets the band has. Always smiling the closer you get to him, finally shining his famous smile when you reach him. Taking more than 5 minutes talking with you.
Idol! Gojo, who brags about you to his bandmates (especially Suguru), talks about you with everyone... At some point they get tired of him and tell him to shut up. Does he shut up? No. He keeps talking about his love, and you have to be the one to tell him to shut up. (he listens to you though)
Idol! Gojo, who no matter how tired he is... no matter how much he gave it (whether his all or not), he thinks he's not good enough either for you or his band and puts you and his bandmates as his top priority, putting himself last.
Idol! Gojo, who every time he’s sad, he either calls you over or goes to you. Needing you close, hugging him, comforting him, listening to him, basically being there for him and making him feel better and safer. Helping him through whatever is happening at the moment in the white haired man’s life.
Idol! Gojo, who protects all his close friends and you (especially you). No matter who or what, he will be there to fight whoever bothers you and be there for you when you need him for support.
Idol! Gojo, who listens to your troubles and does everything in his power to make the mood better by making jokes, tells you about a new song he wrote with Suguru, lightening the mood with hugs and kisses- either on your neck, cheeks, or forehead.
Idol! Gojo, who talks about his bandmates, how much he loves them, loves spending time with them and how lucky he is to have them as his close friends and bandmates. Smiling and giggling remembering the fun things he does with them, you always listen to him and can feel how much he truly cares for them.
Idol! Gojo, who likes to have you in between his legs while he sits on the floor or anywhere for that matter. He needs you on him, as close to him as possible, literally breathing the same air as you. Placing his head on your shoulder as you rest your back on his chest.
Idol! Gojo, who leaves soft kisses over your neck, trying to act dumb and biting once or twice... to see your reaction- which normally earns him a smack on the head or a scoff from you. But he knows you like them and this is how he shows how much he missed you.
Idol! Gojo, who everytime he goes on tour, always has you on call… before sleeping, while eating and even taking showers, and you never say “no” to a sleep call over facetime either. This man is so clingy, and everyone knows that… He’s always complaining about not seeing you to his friends.
Idol! Gojo, who loves teasing you. "Miss me baby? Yes? No?" He asks to get closer to you with that dumb smirk of his- you can't deny that you love it though. "I did *not* miss you at all." you say trying to bother him back, Gojo dramatically gasping and dropping to the ground as if he just got told his favorite pet died.
Idol! Gojo, who won "Miss Drama"- first place. If you get into a fight, or an argument- he won’t take it seriously… unless it's something VERY important, but you’ll never catch him lacking. Screaming and crying like a child if you ever ignore him. Asking for forgiveness, never truly knowing what he did wrong (dumb as fuck).
Idol! Gojo, who knows his worth, knows he's drop dead gorgeous and uses that to his advantage. Staring at you with those ocean blue eyes… those eyes that always make you dizzy from how beautiful and breathtaking they are. Getting lost in them and completely forgetting what you were even mad at him for.
Idol! Gojo, who everytime you crash at their house (Satoru and Suguru share a home studio) you sleep in Satoru’s bed all curled up together. Satoru waking up before you and just staring at you, caressing your head and pulling you closer to him.
Idol! Gojo, who loves to see you in the tour merch (shirts, hoodies, etc.) that are made for the band, merch with his name or face and even his own shirts… He will go crazy. “Oh…? You look so nice in that… who’s the lucky guy who bagged you huh?” he would say, looking your way as you walk around his room rearranging your things, and you respond with a laugh.
Idol! Gojo, who sits beside you while eating the breakfast Suguru made, thanking the cook as always and eating alongside your boyfriend. Gojo eats happily beside you, either stealing food from you or bothering you after you finished eating, for what? For attention of course.
Idol! Gojo, who gets the tiniest bit jealous when you talk to him about Suguru, even though you rarely do- you reassure him that he’s always number one. Making him giggle and smirk at Suguru… acting like he won some type of contest… but nonetheless, he knows you love his angelic voice.
Idol! Gojo, who tries his best to act like a normal human being, but never can while he's out secretly with you. He wears his famous sunglasses and a hat to “conceal” his identity… sometimes it works… sometimes he literally runs off scene to not cause any scandals. Knowing you wouldn’t want his face all over the news, with his reputation on the line and vice-versa, he wouldn't want that either for you.
Idol! Gojo, who always has a new dating scandal every week, definitely more than his bandmates because he’s loved the most (fan favorite). He has fans left and right, if he is spotted in public he WILL be met with a sea of people on his way. He’s always worried you will think he is cheating because of this, feeling sad and defeated because he can't do anything about that…
Idol! Gojo, who will reassure you, always and forever, that you are his one and only. He will explain every single scandal you find, and be truthful about everything. Not hiding a single detail, even telling you the time (if he was looking at his watch).
Idol! Gojo, who will tell you his whole day, not only to get the conversation going, but to let you know what he did, and to remind you that his day always gets better once he sees you. Telling you how much he loves you and how much you mean to him.
Idol! Gojo, who as much as he loves to hear your voice or talk to you about his own day, he also enjoys silence, and treasures his moments where he can be at peace, in complete silence with you, the only thing making noise is your breathing and his own. He will also try his best to match his breathing to yours, just because.
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castle-dominion · 1 year
castle 7x4 child's play
the kindergarten episode liveblog
Sunset not a place where kids come out of the woodworks... Just idles into a wall with the music still on there was someone in there!?!? who was alive? I assumed there would just be one dead guy!
Ice cream. I always love the parallels that they put in this show *grips alexis in shock* Potato chip fudge <3 I love these folks this family this is so sweet Gram & I have it covered! *gram makes a face* but u should clean if they cooked, esp if you need a break before dessert RC: They are glad to have me back. And if fussing over me makes them happy – (he drops his voice) - enjoy it. Like you ought to be enjoying this potato chip fudge ice cream sundae. It’s got that whole salty/sweet thing going on. It’s just – just like me. xd just like me HE ANSWERS HER PHONE WHEN HER MOUTH IS FULL
RC: no kids lining up to buy Bomb Pops around here Me: yeah this is the neighbourhood where they buy bombs Oh no poor dad! Right, first gear.
I made a bunch of ukrainian friends yesterday, or a few ago. They drink like you wouldn't believe. The issue is, I don't speak ukranian so I couldn't play charades very well. Except for footsoccer which I called soccer & they called football, instead of handsoccer which I call football & they call soccer. These folks are from abkhazia tho.
Ooh graphic design.
rysposito matching outfits. nice set design Ryan going off to the station my man's stuff all gone Love ryan's tie btw
Wow his eyes are so blue Oh no it was a kid! Today's date
Castle chewing gum *grabs the toy off his desk* point for the adhd headcanon except adhders like me would NOT solve a puzzle,, ever. I'm too dumb for that. (some adhders would be great at it tho.) I like the youth officer's badge & character design *talking about him w/o realizing*
KB: So … basically we’re looking for someone who won’t intimidate them. An adult presence, in the classroom, that eight year olds will view as a peer. Someone that they can consider one of their own?
KB: Thank you, Mrs. Ruiz, for letting Castle spend time in your classroom. Leslie Ruiz: I wasn’t given much of a choice. KB: Well, then we apologize for the imposition. RC: Yes, but being 90% kid myself I have an ability to get into the minds of children. LR: Have you ever been in a room with twenty second graders, Mr. Castle? Me: yeah when I was one of the second graders
I thought it was haffe not djaffe
The quiet voice of a teacher. Wow very second grader of him. rude. Wow same kid rude. It's a good trope, adult having beef with some random kid. Castle kid moments *making faces* he started it *getting in trouble* it really solidifies his "just another kid" position Except for you at the end you're looking at the wall
the girl withthe tea party
Outfits my beloved. Killer was looking for smth. the field trip form!
these eight year olds have better hand writing than me holy-. Juicebox "feel free to use my desk" it's the only adult sized place there is
L Ruiz: That’s not it, Mr. Castle. These are kids and it’s my job to protect them. Even from people who mean well. thank her for the juice.
Where is ryan? we have especkett Ooh this would be a good point for ryan to jump in with a fac-- or not. Or yes! There he is & HOLY CRAP THAT VEST & HOLY CRAP THOSE EYES I AM TURNING A LITTLE BIT GAY
that's green?
yes but in this story the giant had a gun. Castle gets to play in the dirt at recess I love it giving information aaaand it's a movie. *covered in grass* & the little shit is back. He reminds me of the kid on my bus who I hated so much I transferred schools. But I wasn't allowed to hate him bc his parents died (& that's probably why he was so messed up ig...) *takes a picture* Even the kid he was playing with is laughing. I mean getting bullied will also solidify the idea that you are on the same level as these kids.
Dead drop, just like every other time we get a po box or safe deposit box. Russian accent or generally slavic? Where is ryan? I mean I LOVE especkett but where ryan? (the way esposito holds open the door hhh I wish I had better hands... men's hands, & then look at his posture)
Castle *getting beat up by children* I love it. & his full body gestures as he talks to bekcett Ok but if you stad stil you'll be fine, all the kids who were jumping would fall. & besides you need a lot more marbles than you think, it's like floor curling wax. What a thud! Emily!!! Emily helping him! She is opening up--NOOOOO HSDHUFIHFDSKLJ Typical teens.
AC: Where do you think you’re going? RC: Um … second grade? AC: Not without finishing your breakfast. She rushes toward him with a sack lunch and a forkful of breakfast. RC: I ate most of it and I just – I’m late. AC: Come on, Dad. Just one more bite. She holds the fork out to him. RC: Alexis, I do not have time – She forces the fork into his mouth. BECKETT tries to hide her laugh. I should clip. AC: Now, don’t forget your lunch. RC: takes it slowly, chewing. He grabs BECKETT’S arm and drags her to the door. RC: Okay, you’re right. It’s weird. I’ll talk to her.
I like how castle doesn't just go along with whatever she says, but takes it sideways. he was drinking tea, she offered sugar, he decided Yes And, it is not sugar but low glucose index fairy dust. Esposito would so make fun of him for looking like this but ryan would totally understand. One princess to another! jhdfjskdsfdlkjfjlk Jason >:( Castle giving good dad advice. RC: Emily, do you know why people do mean things? (EMILY shakes her head) Because it makes them feel strong. Really though, you and me? We’re the strong ones. We just keep our strength inside. So sometimes we forget it’s there. Emily: Like sometimes I forget I have gum in my pocket. RC: Exactly
Mrs ruiz was able to hear that lol Girl power! Oh jason's parents.. yeah jason is a bully bc jason is a bully. yes! Yes I have made progress! I've eliminated two & I'm building trust! & also they should just,,, check to see who has their permission slips in their backpacks or handed them in. That would narrow the pool by at least a couple students.
Where are their computers? I don't like ryan's 'fit. Do like how he's taken over the desk across from beckett tho. Every time I hear jaffe I hear readwrite chrome reading me fanfictioin where it says javier like ha-vee-erre (not jav-yed like I say it) & it says dja-vi not hah-vee
dun dun dun bratva
wikipedia: Abkhazia is located in the western Caucasus, on the eastern coast of the Black Sea. On the north, it borders the Russian Federation, on the east Georgia's Samegrelo-Zemo Svaneti region.
that country has like, a quarter of the mount of ppl in the city...
Clear? clear? ryan thigh holster yucky yuckly. At least he died on the tarp.
Oof you can hear she still is smelling it. Get some vapo rub on yo nose babe. Esposito eyeliner moments. (also wearing thigh holster.) sounds like a bad joke: Why kill a mob enforcer, an ice cream man, and a retired cop?
Oh all the goodbyes I love it! "I'm always in trouble!"
He got upgraded to leslie!!!
Ooh beckett looks good, those girls? in that denim? Mm! I'm turning from a kevin ryan lesbian to a kate beckett lesbian here. (*is not even a real girl*) Passport forgery? ryan is smart! the graphic design stuff! Caslte didn't sound right...
Castle is back "are you two married?"
OH NO IT IS THE KID WITH BEEF!!! He's a jerk-face! Both his parents were lawyers. Using the beef to pressure him.
not again! another one who wasn't there!
Oh but it was his sister. Was she small enough to fit in the ice cream place?
oh NO IT WAS NATALIE BARNES (also wow different dads is right)
Ah yes immigration.
NB: Anton’s route covered Brighton Beach. And there were a lot of Russians there. And he’d seen so many of them come here with the promise of a job and then their papers would be taken and they’d be forced to work in sweatshops or – or worse and Anton was trying to get them back home. NB: Well, Anton heard that Jaffe had a connection that could get blank passports, and Jaffe worked Brighton Beach as a cop, so he knew what was going on and – and he was sympathetic to the immigrants. KB: And you were the one with the high-tech design software. That’s why Anton took your class.
My man is being forced into making a passport for the guy who tried to kill him!?
It must hurt to watch & not be able to do anything.
Yeah man she needed the information to make him a passport
Bring your vests! Or not!
wait NO NOT THE CAMERA CASE *pans down to polkovnik*
*holds up hoto* *puts down photo* *face stays* Ooh the music!
Ooh the marbles!
KB: u ok? RC: Yeah. I’ve taken worse. In this classroom, as a matter of fact. (compared to getting beat up by a murderer & militia leader who is wanted for war crimes in the region between georgia & russia as well as three related homicides in new york)
Truce? truce. *both put signs on each other's backs*
MRS RUIZ GETS A MEDAL I'M SO PROUD OF HER. you're with second graders & you call castle a challenge! *making faces* Beckett's reaction lol
Remember when you did the same to her? Maybe let her leave the gps on. But don't let her check it.
*rolls in on a scooter* girl idk if aggravating her is a good idea She's so pretty & grown up. RC: I would feel the same way. Matter of fact, I did. AC: After paris
AC: Being an adult really sucks. Me: I'll drink to that bro Ice cream? How about pixzza.
get it from the nicks!
It's geetting late & I have a job interview tmrw.
Here's the plan: I'll wake up on like 4.5h of sleep, take a shower or maybe a bath so I can really scrub, wear my towel while I print off my letters & signed form thing & time sheet & all the stuff on the virtual classroom, & then I'll get dressed & pack my stuff & grab my bike & go... except idk if there will be a place to store my bike so I'll just bus. Let's say I have my interview at 11.00, the bus only gets there every however many minutes so I'll get there by 10.30, it's abt 45 mins & I need to leave the house at about 9.45, let's say it takes me 10m to get my shoes on (& stop whatever I'm doing & put on my binder) except let's round up to 15 bc then it's 9.30 which is a nicer number, 1h to get dressed & pack my backpack, 1h to print off my stuff & put it in my backpack & wait to dry off, 1h to wash, so that's 6.30 I need to wake up. (the waking up time & heating up the water won't take too long so I'm including it in the bath time, which is whyI am so so overestimating these numbers. I'm including more than I say.)
Wow for someone with as poor time management as me I would need to wake up at 6.30 for an interview at 11... holy crap. I'm broken my dudes.
0 notes
xxrexlegendxx · 1 year
Week 3 Platform Postmortem #1
After reading chapter 3 in Game Design Workshop. I relaized that player would like to create their own character, they want their own unique skins, colors, etc.
First design gameplay - https://gd.games/games/bc9e73e9-2190-4fc6-9895-e7c12526c1e3
What did you think of the game at first? Did you immediately become interested in it? If not, why not?
What would you say the overall gaming experience was like? Was it interesting, difficult, or fun? Tell us more, please.
Were there any particular mechanisms or controls that you had trouble understanding or using properly? Which ones, if any?
While playing, did you come across any bugs, malfunctions, or technical problems? If so, kindly provide a thorough description.
Did the game's tutorials and instructions make it easy for you to follow along as you played? If not, why not?
6. What parts of the game did you find to be the most visually appealing or immersive? Were there any areas were it could have been done better? 7. As you played, did the game give you a sense of advancement or accomplishment? Were the accomplishments and rewards satisfying? 8. Were there any elements or gameplay mechanisms in the game that you weren't expecting to see? What extra features would make your experience better? 9. What are the primary justifications you would give a friend to play this game, if you were to suggest it to them?
10. When playing the game, did you ever feel stuck or frustrated? What caused you to feel the way you did?
Feedback from my friend
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Notes from my notebook - He was chill and relax during the gameplay. He can find the way very easily due to just follow the platform.
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Notes from my notebook - He was a bit struggle when he got to the ladder. He then bugged out of the plaform after walking out of the ladder. The game did not restart and he has to close the program and start it again. He does not happy about it but a part from that, he feels it is suitable as a tutorial.
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Notes from my notebook - He was excited to play when I told me about the game, but during the gameplay, he wasn't know where is the climax part and felt a bit bored. It is not challenging.
Iteration -
after reading the comments from my friends and the Game Design Workshop readings. I made the decision to alter many things. Adding opening and closing scenes will give players a greater sense of ceremony throughout the game. Additionally, they want interesting features like moving platforms and boss battles. The game is for players who have never played this type of game because the gameplay is fairly simple, but the procedures are also quite crucial. I'll also make a button that the player can click to display the control settings. As a traditional platform game, I'll also give the player some health so they won't be invincible. For the platform design, I will adjust it and let them move differently to increase the difficulty. “goal-directed and bounded by rules... that could not be done without the proper skills. said by Csikszentmihalyi. Moreover, to give the player a clear goal, I will make a finish line or goal for the player to pass the game. When a game has clearly defined goals, the players know what needs to be done to win, to move to the next level, to achieve the next step in their strategy, etc. Every game has its own climax point, which means the climax will be the most core or exciting part of the level. It also draws players into the game emotionally by creating a sense of tension as to the outcome.
Changed the fitting window from
Before -
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After -
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It will now be center of the window.
Start Scene -
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Pressing the start button will change the scene from the starting scene to main scene
Cloud -
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Grass Block & Dirt Block-
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The cloud now moving from left to right very slowly
Fixing "W" and "S" Button
Moving plaform up and down -
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Moving platform quick (left)
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Player's life -
SpawnPoint & Checkpoint -
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Final Boss -
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Before I was using the Health behavior's, it didn't work well so I decided to use variable to change the number when the player collide with the final boss which is jumping on top of his head and when the player jump on top of it will damage the boss 1 health. I have set his health to 5 which means the player has to jump on him 5 times to able to kill him.
Reference list -
Fullerton, Tracy. Game Design Workshop : A Playcentric Approach to Creating Innovative Games, Fourth Edition, CRC Press LLC, 2018. ProQuest Ebook Central, http://ebookcentral.proquest.com/lib/qut/detail.action?docID=5477698.
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