#if youre gonna make an animated sitcom please for the love of GOD
doctorjohcoy · 2 months
theyre making an animated revival of Good Times HELLO?????? HUH? are you out of your rabbit ass MINDS?
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its so dark in here
why do they look like that !!!!! D8
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artificialqueens · 2 years
Masters of the Scene, Chapter 18 (Bitney Parent Trap AU) - Veronica
A/N: Thank you to the irreplaceable @tumble4rpdr for her beta help, and to grown-up video game aficionado @aqalbatross for their help with the Animal Crossing dialogue. 
Click here for prequels and previous chapters, or here if you’d rather read on AO3. 
Chapter Summary: You know that episode of F.R.I.E.N.D.S. when Ross and Rachel break up and you’re like “Um, hello, writers? This is supposed to be a sitcom. So like…please can we be funny again?” It’s kind of like that. 
Courtney paused, just outside the kitchen, leaning on the doorframe, heart still pounding in her ears. It had been less than two hours since she’d left the twins, but she felt as if she’d aged years. She was physically and emotionally exhausted, a husk of her former self. 
As she composed herself, attempting to numb her shattered heart and contort her expression into something resembling normal, she listened to her children chatting and laughing, not a care in the world. They clearly had no idea what had been going on, hadn’t heard any of the fighting. Thank fucking god. She swiped at the last of her tears with the back of her wrist and took one more deep breath, then entered. 
“Danny!” she began, all business, fighting to keep the trembling out of her voice, “Go finish packing! The car will be here in less than an hour. I’ll take some of this food for the ride so you can-” 
Danny grinned, his voice sing-song as he began asking, “How do you know which one of us is-”
“I said pack your fucking bags, Daniel! I am not playing around!” 
Courtney didn’t generally bark at him that way, but her nerves were utterly shot. Seeing his face, though, she immediately felt guilty. He stood up from the table quickly, nearly knocking over his chair, his lower lip trembling. 
“Sorry, Mum.” 
“It’s fine,” Courtney sighed, trying not to let his big hazel eyes get to her. Things were already bad enough. “I’m sorry for snapping, I…please just go pack. I’ll be up to help you as soon as I can.” 
He gave one quick nod and hurried from the room. 
“Don’t forget to check the bathroom!” she called after him, trying to sound cheerful and lighthearted, still feeling guilty for her initial tone. He paused in the doorway, nodding again but not glancing back. 
Courtney bit her lip and looked tiredly over at the counter, which was still laden with food. Why the hell had she cooked so much? She knew she should probably pack it away, maybe freeze some of it. Just because their relationship was in ruins didn’t mean she wanted to give Bianca a headache to clean up. 
She opened a cabinet to look for some foil and containers, only realizing after a few moments that Adore was staring at her from the sink, one of her purple space buns unraveling, her expression forlorn. 
“You’re really leaving?” Adore asked, her voice small. “What about…I thought we were supposed to have lunch all together…”
Courtney walked over to Adore and cupped her face in both hands. Adore put on such a tough girl act, most of the time, and had always spoken and behaved like a sassy teenager. It was easy to forget that she was still a little girl, not even 12 years old. 
“I love you so, so much. Do you know that?” she whispered. 
Adore nodded, her already misty hazel eyes filling with tears. Even seeing it was enough to choke Courtney up, but she swallowed and continued, thumbs stroking her daughter’s cheeks. 
“We’re going to work on the schedule, and make sure we have a lot more visits. And no matter what, you can still come to LA for Thanksgiving. We already agreed on that. I’ll teach you how to make that cornbread you like. Okay?” she sniffled, trying unsuccessfully to hold back her own tears.
Adore nodded again, fat tears slipping down her cheeks. 
“It’s not gonna be like it was. I promise. We can talk whenever you want. Day or night, anytime you call me, I’ll pick up.” By then, Courtney was fully crying as well, so she just wrapped Adore up into a hug, rocking her. “My beautiful, beautiful girl.” 
Adore clung to her tightly, sobbing against her chest, her tears wetting Courtney’s top.  
“I’m gonna text you every night, before I go to bed. You’re gonna wake up to my annoying inspirational messages…you’re gonna be so sick of me…”
Adore laughed, relaxing slightly as Courtney rubbed her back, kissing the top of her head. It wouldn’t be easy, but they would get through this, just like they always did.
Danny pawed through the bathroom drawers, trying to see if he was forgetting anything. He felt terrible, and not just because of Mum yelling at him. Because he saw something in her expression that looked so, so sad. There’d been a part of him that really thought, when Fame was gone that morning, that there was a better chance than ever that things would finally work out between her and Mama. 
And then when they were really talking, just the two of them, it seemed like it was all coming true. They’d finally be a family. 
But now, it had all fallen apart again. He was sad for Mum, sad for himself and Adore, sad for Mama, and frankly exhausted from all of it. 
He sighed, gathering the bottles and containers in his arms, and pushed open the bathroom door with his foot, just as Bianca’s bedroom door opened. He froze in place, watching with wide eyes as she appeared, looking as terrible as Mum had—even worse than she had earlier, which was saying something. 
She looked at him in the doorway, blinking. “Hey. What are you up to?” she asked hoarsely. 
“Um.” Danny swallowed nervously. For some reason, he felt guilty, like he’d been caught going something wrong. “I…Mum told me to pack. Th-the car is coming soon.” 
“Oh. Right.” Bianca nodded slowly, shoulders slumped. “Do you want some help?” 
“Let me get the door for you.” 
She walked down the hall, putting a hand on Danny’s shoulder as she passed him, opening the door to Adore’s bedroom and letting him enter first. When she stepped inside, she looked around with a puzzled expression on her face as Danny dumped the toiletries in his arms into the suitcase. 
“What’s wrong?” Danny asked.
“No, nothing’s wrong, I just…did you clean in here?” she asked, brow furrowed. 
Danny snorted out a laugh before shaking his head and saying, “No, definitely not.” 
They exchanged a look for a moment, both clearly understanding who must have cleaned the bedroom. Bianca sighed, closing her eyes. 
“Listen…I want you to know that I’m not mad at you. I know you guys thought that I was this morning, but I wasn’t. Not at you, or your sister. I was just…I’m sorry if it seemed like I was mad at you guys. That wasn’t fair.” 
“Who were you mad at?” 
“Uhh…I guess, myself? And Fame, maybe…but…really, I was more sad. I guess it’s just easier to be angry than sad.” Bianca sighed again. “I’m sorry though. Not a good way to end our visit, huh?” 
Danny walked forward and wrapped his arms around Bianca’s waist, giving her a tight hug. 
“I’m sorry you’re sad, Mama.” 
“Thanks, bunny.” She hugged him back, resting a cheek against the top of his head, nuzzling into his hair. 
“So…it’s not our fault? That Fame left?” he asked, looking up at her. 
“Of course not. You guys were great.” Bianca smiled, smoothing his hair down. “Thank you for that.”
“Mum told us to be nice,” Danny said, unable to help himself.  
“Of course she did,” Bianca muttered, releasing him and walking to the bed, where she sat down. 
“Did you and Mum have a fight? Is that why…” Danny swallowed, not sure how to finish the question he wanted to ask. Is that why we can’t be a family?
“It’s complicated, bunny,” Bianca said. “We just think…we think it’s better this way. Come here.” 
Danny walked over and let her pull him into her lap, wrapping her arms around him. Her face was a reflection of his own—pure defeat, exhaustion, dejection. How is this ‘better’?
“I wasn’t in a very good mood today. So…I probably wasn’t very nice. But…” Bianca sniffled, hugging him close, “But I want you to know what a great time I had with you this summer. I’m really gonna miss you. I love you so much.”
“Me too, Mama,” Danny said. 
“I guess you’re keeping these huh?” Bianca said, touching the turquoise space buns in his hair. 
“Shoot, I forgot I was wearing them. I should give them back to Adore, they’re really hers.”
“Nah, you should keep them,” Bianca said. “They look good on you.” 
“Really?” Danny asked, smiling shyly.
“Yeah, she’s got plenty. I can buy her more if she wants. And if you want, I can buy more for you, too, so you can have different colors. You’ve got a birthday coming up, right?”
“That would be awesome!” Danny squealed, already thinking about what colors he would get. Adore’s were mostly in dark, gothy colors, but he wondered if they came in pastels or neons. That would be super cool. 
“Alright, I’ll send you the link, and when you choose what you want, I’ll have them shipped to you in Cali.”
“Thank you, Mama!” he exclaimed, hugging her again. “Only…”
“It’s just, um…” Danny bit his lip, cheeks feeling a little hot, a teasing smile twisting his mouth into a smirk before saying, “You really shouldn’t say ‘Cali.’ No one in LA says that. It makes you sound kind of…old and lame.”
“Noted!” Bianca said, letting out a cackle, tickling him in the side. “Alright, you should probably finish packing. Do you know when the car’s coming?” 
“No, Mum just said soon,” Danny answered, sliding off her lap. “But I’m almost done.” 
“Okay, well, what do you still need to-oh my god, who folded these clothes? Raccoons? What the hell?!” 
Danny laughed as she pulled a shirt out and re-folded it, lecturing him about space-saving techniques while he only half-listened, mostly just enjoying the sound of her voice before they had to say goodbye. 
“Danny, do you need-oh-” Courtney stopped abruptly in the doorway as the two of them turned around to look at her. 
“Hi, Mum,” Danny said, eyes moving from her to Bianca and back again. 
“Hi, um…just wanted to give you a fifteen minute warning. For the car.”
“Okay. My suitcase is packed, I’m just doing the carry-on. Mama helped me,” Danny said. 
“Great…thanks,” Courtney said tensely, and Bianca nodded. 
Danny looked from Bianca to Courtney. Was it really so bad that they couldn’t even talk to each other anymore? A sick feeling began growing in his stomach. 
“Um, make sure you leave enough time to say goodbye to Mama, and to Adore. She’s waiting for you downstairs.” 
Adore poked at the grass with her bare foot while Courtney and Danny helped the driver  load their luggage into the car. When they were finished, Danny turned towards her, a sad smile on his face. 
“Well…I guess we’re leaving now…”
Adore nodded, swallowing down the lump in her throat. When all was said and done, she had grown attached to her brother. Sure, he was a bit weird and awkward, but he was also smart and funny and talented, and he was the only twin she had. 
She pulled him in for a tight hug, and managed to croak out, “Goodbye Roach.” 
“Bye, sis.” He pulled back, hands on her shoulders, eyes a little misty, and said, “I’m gonna miss you.” 
“Me too,” she said, and he released her, sliding into the car, pulling the door closed. “Text me when you land, okay?”
“Of course.” Danny smiled through the window, then seemed to remember something and leaned out, calling, “I made you a cheat sheet for Animal Crossing! It’s in your Notes! Try to check on the islands at least once a day!” 
“Okay, Roach,” Adore said, rolling her eyes. 
Adore felt arms wrap around her from behind and she turned, burying her face in Courtney’s chest. It wasn’t fair that she was leaving. Not now, not when they were finally so close. Adore was too choked up to speak, but in that moment, she knew she didn’t need to. Courtney rested a cheek against her hair, stroking her back, whispering to her about how they’d be together again before she knew it. That she was so very loved. 
When Courtney let go, she kissed Adore’s cheeks, then her forehead, and finally the palms of both of her hands. 
“I love you with my whole, entire heart,” Courtney said softly. 
Adore just nodded, pressing her lips together. She wanted to say something back, but her throat felt dry and scratchy. 
“Well…” Courtney sniffled. “I guess…we better get on with it, hmm?” 
Adore nodded, tears burning her eyes as Courtney cupped her face one more time. 
“Goodbye, my love.”
“Bye,” was all Adore could manage to whisper. 
Courtney pressed one more kiss to her forehead before getting into the car, then rolling down the window to blow kisses as they pulled away. 
Adore watched until the car disappeared from sight, then wiped the tears from her cheeks and turned to go inside the house, which suddenly felt bigger and emptier than it ever had. She trudged up the stairs. 
Mama’s door was cracked open just slightly, so she pushed on it and saw her lying on her bed with a wet washcloth over her face. She stepped inside, arms crossed. 
“What?” came Bianca’s voice, muffled under the cloth. 
“They’re gone,” Adore reported, as anger began to crackle under her skin, burning away the sadness, hands clenching into fists, eyes narrowing, voice rising in volume as she continued, “No thanks to you!” 
Adore marched over to the bed and snatched the washcloth away, causing Bianca to immediately flinch away from the light, rubbing her eyes. Adore hesitated. She’d been ready to confront her, to blame her for scaring Mum off. 
She couldn’t think of any other reason for Courtney and Danny rushing out the way they did. But the way Bianca looked right now, small and brokenhearted, Adore suddenly found the righteous anger melting away, fizzling as quickly as it had erupted, replaced with actual concern. 
“What happened, Mama?” 
“I…I don’t really know, pussycat,” she said, showing more vulnerability than usual in her brown eyes as she admitted, “It’s just been one of those fucking days, I guess.”
Adore sighed and climbed onto her bed, and Bianca wrapped an arm around her. 
“Are you alright?” Bianca asked, smoothing down her hair. 
“Well…I’m pretty bummed that they left.” Adore let her head rest on Bianca’s shoulder. 
“I’m sorry,” she murmured, holding Adore close. 
“Can I tell you something kind of silly?” she murmured. 
“Sure, baby.” 
“Well…me and Danny…we kind of thought…especially after Fame left, but, I don’t know, even before that, I guess. Um, we kind of…” Adore bit her lip, wondering if it was betraying her brother’s trust to even admit this, and deciding that it was okay. After all, it was her own feelings too. “We kind of thought, or hoped, maybe, that you and Mum would…decide that you still loved each other and get back together. And then…we could all be a family again. The four of us.” 
Adore felt dumb, even saying the words out loud. Worse, that she was crying again, a few silly tears trickling down her cheeks. She sniffled, and Bianca wiped her tears away, a sad smile on her face, her own eyes looking misty as well. 
“You wanna know something, baby girl?” she asked softly. “I think part of me hoped we would too.” 
“Really?” Adore’s eyes opened wide. She wasn’t sure that she believed that it was really, truly possible until that moment. But hearing her mother say it out loud suddenly made all their dumb fantasies real in a way they never had been before. 
Adore could feel her heart beating wildly out of her chest, her thoughts racing. If this was true…actually true, then what had happened? Danny was so utterly positive that Courtney still loved Bianca. And Fame was out of the picture. And now, hearing Bianca admit that she wanted them to be a family? Adore didn’t know what to think, but she was overcome with emotion, first laughing, a weird laugh that sounded strange to her own ears, and then crying, harder than before, messier and angrier, nose running. It just wasn’t fair. 
Bianca pulled the comforter up and over the both of them, letting Adore cuddle close and sob in her arms until she finally fell asleep. 
Hours later, when Adore woke up, sweaty and disheveled, stomach rumbling, Bianca was on her back, snoring lightly. She crawled out of bed and stumbled downstairs, rubbing her eyes. It was almost 11 pm. By now, she figured that Mum and Danny would be landing soon. 
She opened the fridge, grinning happily when she saw the bounty before her. She’d almost forgotten the amazing meal Courtney had cooked earlier that day—it felt like forever ago. But there it was, almost all of it stacked neatly in containers. She pulled a couple of them out, polishing off the rest of the tostada pizzas and half of the street corn fritters, both of them cold and straight from the fridge. She almost stopped there but then heard Mum’s voice in her head about balanced meals and also took a few mouthfuls of mango slaw from the container before closing it up. 
She headed back upstairs with a full belly, finding her phone and shooting off a message to Danny that they had to FaceTime the second he was home, no matter how tired he was. After what Mama had told her, there was no way she could wait until morning to talk to him. While she waited, she supposed she could take a few minutes to open up his dumb baby game and check his islands. 
“Well? What’s the emergency? ‘Cause I’m really tired,” Danny said, his eyes half closed. 
He’d landed to about twenty emergency SOS text messages from Adore, and even though his eyelids felt like they weighed a hundred pounds and his bed was just about the most comfortable place in the universe, he was doing his very best to stay awake. 
“Why?” Adore countered. “Were you flying the plane? Or just eating snacks and napping?” 
“Alright, alright…sorry, what’s wrong?” he asked, stifling a yawn as best he could. 
“Well for starters, this whole thing fucking blows!” Adore said. 
“Yeah, tell me about it.” 
“Mama hasn’t left her bed all day. If Mum hadn’t made all that food, I’d have died of starvation.” 
“I don’t think you die of starvation in one afternoon,” Danny said. 
“I’d. Have. Died,” Adore insisted. 
“Fine, sure,” he said. Right now, he didn’t have the energy to argue. 
“Was Mum like…was she upset?” 
“Uh, yeah. She kept pretending that she wasn’t crying even though she was totally crying, the whole flight.” Danny didn’t like thinking about that. How he had to pretend he didn’t see her, even though all he’d wanted was to hold her hand or hug her or give her some kind of comfort, all because he knew that she didn’t want him to know. He swallowed, hoping it wasn’t a big violation of her trust to tell Adore. 
“You know…when you first said that you think they still love each other…I didn’t really believe you,” Adore said. 
“Well…I mean I believed that they did then, and maybe even that they missed like, being married, but…I don’t know. I think maybe I wanted to believe it more than I actually believed it, if that makes sense. Does that make sense?” Adore asked. 
“I guess it kind of makes sense,” he said.  
“But then, today I was talking to Mama. In her bed, of course, where I guess she just like…lives now. And she sort of admitted to me that she was hoping they’d get back together too. It wasn’t just us.” 
“Wait…she really said that?” Danny’s eyes widened and his jaw dropped. This was news to him too. He was shocked that she would actually say it out loud. Especially to Adore, who everyone knew had a big mouth. 
“I know!”
“But then…why…” Danny’s brow furrowed. 
“I don’t know! I can’t figure it out!” 
“Ugh!” Danny groaned. 
“I know. They’re both such idiots, I swear. But what do we do now? We have to do something, right?”
“I might have an idea…” Danny said, tapping on his chin. They’d come so close, but maybe there was a way to show them that missing piece of the puzzle. The part they’d forgotten…
“Oh, because your last idea was such a smashing success.” 
“Hey, listen-” 
“I’m listening, I’m listening,” Adore laughed. 
“Okay, so, in your closet, there’s a red shoebox. Got that?” 
“Got it, Roach. Go on…” 
Adore paced nervously up and down the hallway. She’d done exactly what Danny said, and left the box of letters on Mama’s nightstand that morning, when she entered her room to bring her some breakfast - a plate of food from the leftovers that Courtney made, which she’d actually heated up in the microwave, on a real plate, along with orange juice and a cup of instant coffee. She hoped the smell was enough to wake her up. 
It was now past noon and she’d yet to emerge, and Adore was starting to get a little concerned. She knocked softly on the door, once again, and again, no answer. She pushed it open and tiptoed inside. 
Bianca was curled in a ball, hugging a pillow to her chest, sleep mask over her eyes, blackout shades drawn. 
The food was barely touched, but it was touched, so she’d clearly woken up at some point. The coffee cup was empty, OJ still full. A few letters were open on the bed, scattered around. When Adore crept closer, she could see the red box on the floor, a few feet from the bed, open on its side, as if it had been flung there, the letters spilling in every direction. 
She took it in, getting a terrible, sinking feeling that they’d made a gross miscalculation. That they’d actually made everything worse.
“Fuck,” she whispered to herself, tears burning in her eyes. She swallowed, backing away from the bed and fleeing back to her room, where she pulled Mittens, the ratty old kitty plush that Mama made for her years and years ago, from under a pile of pillows, and buried her face in it. 
It was getting dark when Bianca finally emerged from her depression-induced stupor. Adore had finished the last of Courtney’s leftovers and was seriously considering ordering a pizza when she appeared in the kitchen doorway. 
Adore looked up from her phone, surprised. She’s been playing Animal Crossing, trying to keep Danny’s stupid islands alive. The game was really dumb, obviously made for babies with too much time on their hands, but at least it was proving to be a good distraction from the fact that she didn’t have a conscious parent anymore. 
She looked like a zombie. A ghost of her former self. Dark circles under her swollen, red-rimmed eyes. Lips cracked. Hair tangled and greasy, skin sallow. 
“How are you doing?” Bianca asked. She sounded as terrible as she looked, voice the kind of hoarse you only get from hours and hours of crying. 
“I’m okay. How are you?” 
Both of them were lying, of course, and both of them knew it. They looked at each other for a few long moments, Adore racking her brain to think of something, anything, to break the tension, make things feel more normal. 
“Um…do you think you’d be devastated if we went back to the city a few days early?” Bianca asked. “‘Cause…I think I probably need to get back to work sooner rather than later.” 
“No, that’s fine,” Adore said, nodding, adding, “But you should probably take a shower first.” 
Bianca finally cracked a smile, a hint of one dimple appearing in her cheek, which felt like the biggest victory of Adore’s life.
“You think?” 
“Well…it’s just a suggestion,” she said, flashing her most charming smile. “Because I don’t think you want to lose team members from toxic fumes this close to Fashion Week.” 
Bianca snorted, shaking her head, both dimples appearing now. Adore jumped up from her seat to wrap her arms around her for a tight hug, toxic BO be damned. Things might be fucked up, but at least they still had each other. 
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lampmeeting · 3 years
D for Charles/Magnus, I for Magnus/Toki, L for Charles/Pickles, and F for Melm/JT.
eeehEHEHEHE DILF *rubs my little hands together* don't mind if i do~
D for Drunken Love Confession - Charles/Magnus
pre-klok. :') magnus has been chipping away at charles' resolve. there's just something about the bookish, put-together little chuck offdensen that makes magnus wanna break through all his defenses and see him come undone. he always did like a challenge. they have heated, passionate debates about the direction of the band. they get in each other's faces. magnus even kissed him once, but charles pushed him away, furious and blushing, and demanded he leave his office.
after six months of this weirdly charged back-and-forth they have, the band invites charles to come drinking with them to celebrate pickles' birthday. charles declines, concerned they're just inviting him to come because they want someone else to play designated driver. but magnus intervenes like "nah i'm driving tonight, promise. so go nuts." and charles seems to think it over... and eventually agrees.
so they all go out! at first charles seems to be pacing himself, but pickles gets shots, and it's all downhill from there. magnus, staying dutifully sober, watches the rest of the band + charles get sloppy and silly, not minding in the slightest the way charles leans against him a little in the booth and touches him when he laughs. he starts to regret not getting drunk himself, but he'd promised charles. it's enough just to see charles' mask slip, albeit not quite in the way magnus wanted. but he'll take it for now.
at the end of the night, magnus drops the band off at the apartment and then continues on to charles' place. he pulls up, and charles tries to get out of the car, but stumbles and falls. he's a lot more fucked up than magnus suspected. magnus helps him to the door, but charles seriously looks like he's about to black out, so he takes him inside, cleans him up a little, and puts him to bed (on his side, in the recovery position, he knows the drill). before he leaves, he can't help himself... he runs fingers through charles' sweaty hair and strokes his jaw. charles opens his eyes, seeming surprised that magnus is still there, and then... he smiles at him. a genuine smile. and as his eyes close again, he whispers something that freezes magnus in place.
"...mmfm...mmlove you..."
but charles is under again, and magnus leaves in a panic. charles doesn't, can't, have feeling for him. that's too much. magnus just wanted some fun, right? maybe get charles worked up enough for an angry fuck. but...love?
magnus can't sleep. the next time magnus sees charles, charles pulls him aside. "i apologize that you had to babysit me like that the other night. i can't exactly recall everything that happened, so if i said or did anything, ah...embarrassing, i'm very sorry."
so charles doesn't remember what he said. or he does and he's just trying to save face. magnus should be relieved about this, but for some reason his heart feels suddenly sore...
"oh, yeah, no...you were out like a light. don't worry about it."
I for "Idiots in Love" - Toki/Magnus
post-post-galaktikon. weirdly enough i'd probably write this from like nathan's pov or something. he's having everyone over to the house for some reason, maybe a holiday or his daughter's first birthday or something (her cool uncles wouldn't dream of missing it). this means..... rrugghhgh magnus is coming over. it's the first time he's interacted with magnus since pickles and charles' wedding, so maybe a good couple years, and he's not looking forward to it.
everyone arrives. toki and magnus are the last to show up, and nathan has to do a double-take because this is SO not magnus. half his hair is back in a ponytail, he's let his beard grow in some, and he's wearing a sweater?? and he's smiling? he genuinely seems happy to see nathan, gives him a hug, says a warm hello to abby.
over the course of the afternoon nathan has to keep looking at him and reminding himself that's magnus fucking hammersmith because he's just so... animated? friendly? he's sitting next to toki and they're holding hands, and when others are talking the two of them are making eyes at each other and cuddling and laughing at little things they seem to be sharing between themselves. they're being a couple of absolute goofballs together, and honestly it's a bit sickening to watch. is magnus just faking this?
at some point nathan excuses himself to the kitchen for something, and while he's in there he's joined by magnus, considerably more subdued.
"sorry, man, i just...i thought maybe we could talk for a sec."
so they talk. they catch up a little. nathan learns magnus has been hitting the therapy especially hard over the past year, making some meaningful strides. it's not an act, he's genuinely happier now. or at least trying to be.
"i mean, you know how it is, nate, right? doesn't abby make you wanna be better just because she exists and she loves you?"
okay, nathan can understand that. he still doesn't understand... them. but it really seems like magnus has turned a corner, which... good for him, he supposes. as long as he's treating toki well.
when they return to the party, nathan watches magnus sit back down with toki and give him a kiss like he'd been gone all month, and they giggle to themselves again. this time, it seems...all right.
L for "Love at First Sight" - Charles/Pickles
i'm gonna flip the script here!! i've already done the whole "charles sees pickles on stage and goes gaga for him" twice now... so i'd pull away from the 80s and do a fic where they actually did meet for the first time in the mid-90s when pickles was in dethklok.
so they've got their shitty original manager (the one from doomstar) still, and he's just not pulling his weight. he's managing a few other bands and his heart isn't in dethklok the way it used to be. pickles is worried they're stagnating, and when he learns that it's been magnus lately making sure they get booked, that's the last straw. they all come together, and they tell the dude to fuck off. but then this leaves them without a manager. magnus offers, but pickles has already been wary about how possessive magnus seems about the band recently, so when pickles says no the rest of them vote the same.
pickles blows through his old contacts looking to dig up some manager from his past who can either wants to manage dethklok or has connections to someone else. no dice. skwisgaar comes up with no one. magnus is still trying to campaign for himself. shit gets dire when somehow seth finds out dethklok is lacking management and leaves pickles a voicemail offering his "valuable fuckin' services". pickles blows his fucking top, swearing and screaming. "HOW HARD IS IT TO FIND ONE GUY CAPABLE OF MANAGING A FUCKIN' BAND??"
the doorbell rings, and pickles, still raging, throws it open.
it's just... a dude. like a normal-ass dude. glasses. a nice dress shirt and slacks. nice hair. handsome. he's nervous as shit, but that almost makes him more handsome.
"i, ah...i-i was told that van on the street belongs to, ah...to someone here? i clipped the, ah, the bumper. just a little. but it's noticeable."
anger forgotten, pickles just... stares at him. are his eyes green or brown? and that jawline...
the man shifts his weight just a bit, peeking into the apartment with wide, curious eyes. "sorry, that, ah... that's quite the drum kit."
"huh?" pickles looks back at it and steps inside, and the man follows as if he's simply meant to be there. "oh, yeah, thanks. you play?"
"hardly. a small jazz kit in college for a friend's music project but it, ah, obviously didn't go anywhere." the man glances around and seems to realize that he's just waltzed inside. "right, ah, so about the van--" he pulls out his card. charles f. offdensen of finch & associates. an honest-to-god lawyer. huh. so he's a smart guy. good-looking to boot. knows a bit about music, apparently. and he's looking to make things right about hitting the van...
pickles smiles, hearts in his eyes. "ya like metal, charlie?"
F for "Fake Dating" - Melmord/Twinkletits
aaahahah... okay. so, this would be when melm is living with john as part of his continued therapy. a few months pass, and they've actually become good friends, melm thinks, not just therapist and patient. it's nice living there with john.
and then, john gets a call from his ex-wife, joy. she's in town, and she wants to come over for dinner one night before she leaves. the only thing is, she's got her new fiance in tow. she and john ended on pretty mutual terms, so there's really no bitterness there, but even so, john knows it's going to be an unpleasant evening. and then there's the question of what to do about melmord.
"you can just stuff me in a back room and pretend i don't exist. i'll be real quiet."
"absolutely not, you've been watching too many sitcoms."
"excuse you, that's jane eyre."
john just doesn't exactly know how to approach explaining melmord's presence in the house. because he knows joy, and joy will ask.
"tell her i'm a friend who needed a place to crash?"
"joy knows i don't do friends anymore."
ouch go melm's feelings.
"well, uh... you could just tell her the truth? that i'm your patient and i live with you?"
john pulls a face. "absolutely not."
in a flash of sitcom inspiration, melm snaps his fingers. "i got it! i'm your boyfriend! we'll pretend to date!"
"pretend to--?? mel, honey, no. okay? i understand you're trying to help, but--"
"but what? what's your brilliant idea, doc?"
cut to john introducing melmord to his ex-wife.
"and this is my... well, he's uh, my boyfriend actually. my boyfriend melmord."
melm is all smiles as he leans in and takes joy's hand. "please, just call me mel."
and then of course at the end of a long night, joy and her fiance leave, and john and melm pat each other on the back for a job well done. they really gave it their all, put on a convincing performance full of long embraces and doting glances and romantic touches. neither of them really want to talk about how easily it came to them, and how unwilling they both are to bring it to an end.
"well, uhh... good night, then." john chuckles. "darling."
"yeah, haha, sleep good, uh... sugarbear."
they laugh. they're standing in the hall laughing. they should really move apart from each other and go to their respective rooms if they're going to sleep, but they're not moving. and they're still laughing. and now melmord is touching john's shirt, fingering a button, and john has a hand on melm's hip...
"maybe," melm says quietly, "we can just pretend for, like... a little longer?"
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perdidit-vulpes · 2 years
i am so fucking sick and tired of their bs
my childhood was just pbs kids, mlp, and httyd (mostly httyd). i wasn't allowed to watch like. live action shit (other than yk, cooking shows and the science channel) until i was 9-10. and yknow what? i didn't like it. the only thing i remotely enjoyed was h*rry p*tter but. i preferred the books. and you know why? they're fucking boring. i NEED the exaggerated facial expressions to get the hint. stylistic choices too? specifically the ones that make shit funnier? yeah that slaps. i love that. you can't do that as well with live action. SPEAKING OF? ACTION SEQUENCES??? way cooler in animation i don't take criticism. I don't care how big of a part it played in your childhood, I'm not any less of a human with a real, meaningful childhood because that wasn't a part of it.
OBVIOUSLY because of this, I'm going to gravitate to anime. I wanted to watch shows that didn't have age demographic of 7 but were still animated. because i like that. that's what keeps my interest. it's what i GENUINELY LIKE. IT'S THE ONLY KIND OF TV SHOW I'VE CONSUMED FOR THE PAST? FOUR? FIVE YEARS? i genuinely want to talk about my favourite shows. because they mean a lot to me. why is your first reaction to not only dismiss my interest, but to literally bully me for watching it. and you know what !! not gonna lie, that kinda hurt !!
I ask if any of them watched the jnats, they say no, ofc. they brush it off and I don't get to talk about it ever again. they ask me if I've seen a horror movie (i forget the title), I say no. you make a big deal about how i haven't seen it. how everyone should've watched it. how come i don't know who the main character is. even if i don't watch live action, how come I haven't seen it? it's like baseline, everyone should've seen it
they ask me if i've seen a sitcom that my irl used to watch when we were kids. I say no, they chalk it up to me being a freshman. just a dumb little insignificant freshman that has no idea what the world is like that can't make decisions for themself. you know, it really fucking hurts when you go on about how i'm 12 to you. which like, yeah i look like a 12yo. but. i'm not? you're saying this in a way that insinuates that i'm immature. if you don't want to treat me as an equal, then the least you could do is to be respectful about it.
and i kinda got a bit sad when you brushed me off when i mentioned genshin !! bc like !! this means a lot to me and i really like it and i want to talk about it !! please ask me about it !! let me infodump !! and then i get shut down with switching conversations. because yeah they've never heard of genshin or honkai. and then i come to my senses like 'ohmygod they would flame me so hard for my favourite thing on this entire planet being a botw ripoff anime game.'
yknow. i still think about all those times i got flamed for being physically affectionate. like YEAH, i kiss my friends. YEAH, i give them hugs and i hold their hand or link arms with them when i walk with them. I love them. my love language is physical touch. I am going to physically touch them because that is how i show people i love them. I like being expressive and cheery and nice to people. even people I don't know. because maybe, they'll go "hey, i had a nice interaction with this random person. i feel a bit better now". HOW AM I FLIRTING. WHY AM I CONSIDERED RUDE FOR LEADING PEOPLE ON. IF I LIKED THEM, I WOULD TELL THEM??? I AM OPEN ABOUT BEING TAKEN. MY FRIENDS (affectionately) TEASE ME ABOUT BEING THE TAKEN ONE REGULARLY. WHY AM I THE BAD PERSON BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO FOLLOW YOUR SOCIETAL NORMS THAT I HAD NO IDEA EXISTED??? BECAUSE I'M THE IMMATURE FRESHMAN THAT DOESN'T KNOW HOW ANYTHING WORKS??? god. it's annoying sometimes. i hate being 'friends' with upperclassmen like you.
let's talk about the conversations we had involving ciaran and cooper. let's start with how poorly you reacted to my relationship dynamic with ciaran. how you dismissed me after i said that i don't like how you went back on your word saying you wouldn't judge me or bring up details again. how you REGULARLY use really personal/sensitive information as ammo for saying i'm immature and my opinion doesn't matter on ANYTHING bc i'm a freshman. let's talk about how negatively you responded to me when i said i didn't need YOUR consent to PRIVATELY engage in a consensual, intimate platonic relationship. lets fucking talk about how you continuously made jokes about me and cooper for WEEKS after i exited that relationship to be in a committed one with ciaran. i mean i didn't tell them he yk sa'd me so i don't hold that bit against them, but it still !! kinda fucking hurts !!
more importantly !! i explicitly came out to you on three separate occasions and stated my pronouns !! and yet, you still use she/her !! which is one of the two pronoun sets out of ALL OF THEM that i am not okay with. ykw. at least they're not misgendering ciaran, i wld've started throwing hands.
and you get so annoyed when i don't speak. ONE. FIRST OF ALL. my ideal life would be one where i'm nonverbal and it doesn't impede my communication. i don't like talking more than i have to, but it's the fastest way to convey information so i default to that. TWO. whenever i do speak, you either speak over me, bully me, or criticise me. and whenever i confront you about this, your only response it "speak louder". yeah. because i can TOTALLY comfortably speak louder at all times. like it's not a "i don't want to make my voice louder so you can hear me" thing, it's a "i literally cannot speak louder" thing. it's either speaking or yelling, very VERY little inbetween. and when i speak louder then it's super super uncomfortable and i'd rather pull out a sheet of paper and write it down. I'm really really sorry that whatever causes this isn't compatible with you. but. please, for the love of fuck, don't get mad at me for it
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Meeting and Dating Jack Goodman
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(Not my gif)(Requested by anonymous)
(Most of these can probably go for both normal jack and ghost jack but the hcs center around him being amongst the undead. I wouldn’t mind writing some hcs specifically for human Jack though)
- You first met Jack in highschool. Initially, you were friends with David who was in a few of your classes, but soon enough David introduced you to Jack and the three of you became a trio.
- Jack fell for you the moment he saw you, or at least couldn’t help but find you incredibly attractive. You probably thought he was just nervous when you first met with the way he was stumbling over his words and acting so awkward. Gosh, David had a field day with him after you left.
- To Jack, you’re completely out of his league and there is no chance that you would be interested in him. But he has to try. Too bad his “trying” isn’t nearly as obvious as he would like it to be.
- The two of you gradually spend more time together, going from only hanging out once in a while; and only with David, to hanging out for hours on your own. Every time you’re together he tries to psychically project his feelings into your mind.
- Its nearly a year later that he actually tries to put the moves on you but at that point you’re such good friends that you don't even notice what he’s trying to do. Every proposition of a date is just him asking to hang out. Every romantic compliment or pickup line results in you laughing and telling him to stop messing around. He doesn’t know how much more of it he can take.
- When the three of you graduated highschool, you’d decided that you’d take a year off and vacation in Italy. The boys wanted to go backpacking so they agreed to meet you there. Of course, they never really did, did they?
- You were beside yourself when you heard about what happened. Here you were, in the middle of a foreign country supposed to be having the time of your life and instead, you find out that one of your best friends is killed by an animal and that the other is recovering in a London hospital. Jack was dead, it was like the idea wouldn’t register in your mind. Jack was dead and you’d never see him again.
“Y/n came to my funeral. Gosh, she really looked torn up,” Jack smiled at David almost sheepishly. “Do you think now would be a bad time to tell her how I feel?”
- It was a few days after his funeral that you first saw him again. You though that you were going crazy, that your grief had gotten the better of you and you were having a serious lapse in your sanity. But it all seemed far too real, too detailed to be a hallucination.
- After hearing about what happened, you’d cancelled the rest of your trip and went back home. You’d holed yourself up in your room for a week before you finally forced yourself to go outside, though it was only to attend Jacks funeral.
- You were curled up on your bed, still dressed in your funeral attire and feeling utterly miserable as you fumbled with a book you’d borrowed from the boy for your plane ride to Italy. The room was quiet, save for you sniffling, ...up until a sudden voice rang out.
“You never did get the chance to give me that back.”
- Your eyes widened as you clumsily sat up and turned around. There he was, standing in the doorway to your bedroom; torn and bloodied but there. You watched as he walked inside the room, smiling at you as he took a seat on the edge of your bed. Feeling the mattress sink under his weight was what fully convinced you that you weren’t just going mad.
- Your mouth went completely dry as you looked at him. You couldn’t think of anything to say even as you tried your hardest. All you could manage to get out was a “how” and a clumsy sounding “what”.
“How ya doin y/n/n? Wonderful service wasn’t it. I was glad to see you there. I think my parents were too, they always liked you,” he said sweetly though the words held a bitter air. “You know, I was thinking about sticking around here a bit. You said I was always welcome and, well, being around the dead all the time is really starting to bum me out. I much prefer your company.
- You inched closer to him, placing a tentative hand on his cleaner shoulder before moving it to touch his undamaged cheek. His skin was cold but you could touch it as though he were really there. Letting out a sob, you lunged forward, smushing you’re lips against his cheek and pressing your forehead to the side of his head.
“Well don't get all mushy on me now.” 
- True to his word, he did stay, albeit in intervals. Every now and again, he’d disappear for a while but he always came back and was seemingly content and relieved to be around you.
- Its not very long after he comes back into your life that he finally confesses his feelings. He figures that, hey, he’s dead, what else has he got to lose? So one night, just as you’re drifting off to sleep, he enters your room and kneels beside your bed, delicately shaking you awake.
“Y/n/n? I know its late but I’ve been sitting up and thinking. Thinking about my life, all the things that happened, everything I should have done. I realized that I didn’t do much at all. I mean; I should have met more people, went out more, slept around more.” he chuckled softly though it sounded more like a scoff than anything else. 
“But you see, I can live with all of that, or, well... nevermind! The point is, that there was one thing that I should have done that I never did, something that I can’t just let go of. …I should have kissed you Y/n. I should have kissed you and never stopped. I was an idiot, I was an idiot because I never told you how I felt when I had the chance. Well now I’m a lousy mess of ghostly meat but I’m going to finally tell you.” He paused, taking a deep breath and trying to calm his nerves. Even in death, he was a coward. 
“Y/n. I love you. I’ve loved you since the moment I saw you and never once has that love gone away; …not even in death. I know this isn’t very orthodox and that I’m not a very nice looking corpse either. …And maybe this whole thing is insane and I never should have said anything at all!” He spoke as though he finally realized how bizarre the situation was, an nervous edge in his voice. He paused and collected himself before speaking again. “…but I did say it, so now we’re just gonna have to move on from here.” 
- None of his dreams could have ever prepared him for the sheer shock and joy that he felt when you told him that you liked him too. 
“So you’re saying we could have been together all of this time?” You couldn’t help but laugh at the look on his face. With a tired smile, you beckoned him into your bed and laid back once again to go to sleep, this time with him by your side. 
-  You had your first date in your house, cuddled up on your couch and watching movies. It was just like any other day yet different at the same time. It felt right. 
- The two of you shared your first kiss that same day when you were saying goodnight to each other. You were going to go to bed and he wanted to stay up a bit longer so he walked you to your bedroom. You both paused at the door before he leant down and kissed you gently, saying goodnight with a smile as you retreated into the room. 
- And so, the dead joined the living... in her small studio apartment. 
- Jack is sort of an indoor boyfriend so to speak. He’s a ghost; and a mangled one at that, so you can’t exactly be seen with him out in public. 
- He’s a bit clingy. He’s pretty much always alone when you’re not around so he hates when you have to leave him.
- I hope you don't mind gore because his isn’t going away anytime soon. 
- Please let him kiss you. Please. He is literally begging you to makeout with him.
“I know the face is a bit messy but my lips are still perfectly intact.”
- Humor is sort of a defense mechanism for him. Whenever he’s nervous or doesn’t know what to say; or how to say what he wants to say, he’ll just keep cracking jokes and trying to make you laugh in an effort to ease the tension.
- Getting surprise visits. He’ll most definitely scare you with the way he just pops up wherever you are, though its hard to stay mad at him when he says that he missed you. 
- Sudden butt pinches and grabs. He puts his hands behind his back whenever you turn to look at him, glancing away and whistling before looking at you with a little devilish smile. 
- Jaw kisses. He loves them and he loves giving them though he uses his for evil. 
- Cuddling? He loves it though it may be a bit difficult with his …injuries. You'll usually lay side by side and hold hands while you sleep or you’ll clutch his hand  to your chest and snuggle into that. 
- You can’t exactly go on dates so you’ll have to find things to do at home, unless you want to go somewhere very secluded. 
- Picnics in the woods. 
- Late night walks. You’re pretty much only able to go out with him when it’s dark, otherwise you’ll have to pretend he’s not there which certainly puts a damper on things. 
- Curling up on the couch together with some hot chocolate and a corny sitcom. 
- Giving him some goddamn toast. There's not much to eat in the spirit world and god does he miss your cooking. Would you mind making him something?
- Talking to a corpse is boring. To him, you’re a much better conversationalist, even if you think you're a bad one. 
- He has a bad habit of speaking when he shouldn't or saying the wrong thing. Nowadays, there’s not too many instances where that's a problem though it’s certainly earned him a few glares from you. 
- Lovingly calling him meatloaf and chopped liver. He …tolerates it; only because you look at him so sweetly when you do so. 
- Is he legally obligated to say your name; at least, twice during every conversation of yours? At this point, you’re honestly pretty sure he is. He doesn’t use nicknames though he doesn’t have anything against them, he just prefers saying your real name. 
- He has kind eyes, doesn’t he? It seems like whenever you turn to him, he’s always gazing down at you with this sincere look of absolute adoration. It makes your heart skip a beat every time. 
- Jack is a bit naive when it comes to girls or, rather, girls he’s in love with. He always believes what you say and falls for your devilish little tricks. 
- David definitely teased him relentlessly for his crush on you and was betting on the two of you getting together. The circumstances aren’t the best but at least it happened, right? 
- He’s a fan of old literature and makes references to it whenever he can. If he finds out you haven't read his favorite novel, he will literally sit you down and force you to.  
- Teasing compliments. They aren’t the most romantic but hey, they still make you smile. 
 “Baby there is nothing mediocre about your body.”
- He likes sitting in your bathroom while you take a shower so that the two of you can talk. He also likes doing it so he can watch you shower but you like to focus on his interest in what you have to say, it’s much sweeter. 
-  He’s a horny boy, even in death. Are ghost boners a thing? Well he’s certainly gonna find out. 
- Being welcomed home by a smooth jazz record and him patiently awaiting your arrival with a somewhat suggestive grin.
- Every time you say something all lovey dovey to him, he swears his heart nearly starts beating again. He never knows what to say back, he usually just turns red and laughs all shyly.  
- He makes a big deal out of your birthdays, he doesn’t let you just forget about them or treat them like any other day. You’re alive! You’re another whole year older! …Fuck! …You’re aging and you’re going to keep aging.... He’ll try not to think about that part. 
- Getting to hear little bits of gossip. No one can see him so he’s certainly witnessed some interesting things, interesting things he likes to tell you about. 
- Nosy ghosty. He snoops around your stuff constantly. He’s practically memorized your entire house down to a T. 
- Having to accept that there’s a lot of supernatural things in the world. Werewolves, ghosts, and who knows what else; they’re all real and your life has just been completely normal up until now. 
- Getting to have all of your questions about death answered though some of the more painful things, he’ll keep a secret just because he doesn’t want to make you upset. 
- I feel as though his looks can depend on his mood and also the type of spiritual day it is. You know how some days are considered more spiritual than others? Well on those days, he’s normal, looking very chipper and with a lot of energy. On bad days, he’s practically a skeleton with a few flaps of dried up skin. 
- He usually hides away during his bad days, not wanting you to see him like that and be scared away. You reassure him that you’ll love him no matter what but a part of you is sort of thankful. You don’t know if you want to see him all horribly decomposed. 
- He does get jealous. I mean, he’s a ghost, you're human. Plus, he was a loser in life, why wouldn’t you pick the attractive living guy whose hitting on you over him. 
- He uses humor to pretend like he isn't bothered by the guys actions but will call him an asshole or something otherwise insulting later when you're alone together. Like out of nowhere, he’ll make some offhanded comment about the guy and you’ll realize he’s still mad about it. You just agree with him and give him a kiss. 
- A part of him; a selfish, disgusting part of him wishes that you were dead. That something would happen to you, something quick and painless but something. On one hand, he wants you to live the life that he couldn't. But he also can’t help but want you with him, encased in eternity as beautiful as always and just how he remembers you. 
- He used to be more of a coward but now that he’s dead, he really has nothing to fear, does he? The only thing he’s worried about is your wellbeing. 
- You’re very good at changing his mind and convincing him to do things. He defends himself by saying its because he likes you so much and that you should consider yourself lucky that he does. 
- He’s not stupid, maybe a bit cowardly at times but not stupid, if something doesn't feel right he’s getting the hell out of there and making sure he takes you right along with him. As much as he’d love an equally undead girlfriend, he knows you aren’t ready to go and shouldn’t be going. 
- He’s quite protective of you. He hates even thinking about you being hurt in any way. He literally can’t even hear about it in hypothetical situations. 
- He cant stand seeing you cry. He never knows what to say or do. He always yearns to comfort you but god, how does he do that? He’ll usually just rub your back and let you cry into his shoulder, trying his best to crack some carefully selected jokes in an attempt to make you feel better. 
- He can be annoyingly persistent when he wants something. He wont let up so unless you’ve got real thick skin and the patience of a saint. You’ll wind up doing what he asks just to get him off your case. If you don’t do it for him, he’ll wind up doing it for himself anyways so don’t sweat it too much.
- There's constant short lived bickering between the two of you. It’s just how he is. He’s a smartass, especially when something bothering him and highly argumentative when something doesn’t sit right with him. You don’t have all that many real fights though. 
- He apologizes when he’s in the wrong or when he feels that he could have handled things better, shyly and jokingly pleading with you to not try and exorcise him while pressing little kisses across your face. 
- He doesn't say he loves you very often. He deems it a very serious thing to say and saying it makes him nervous so he keeps it reserved for special moments. 
- Well, he’s not going anywhere anytime soon so I hope you’re ready for a long relationship. 
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yetanotherfilmkid · 4 years
TV Shows I’ve Binged During Iso & Brief Thoughts on Them
I noticed lately that I have been watching far more series than movies so I thought I’d share a few thoughts on what I’m watching at the moment.
High Fidelity - I loved this show so much that I watched it twice (once by myself and the second time with my friend, Ethan). Definitely the standout feature of the show is the soundtrack, it sent me on a 4 week Bowie-Bender both times, and Rob’s outfits (much time was spent with Ethan discussing her killer style). I definitely recommend this if you’re a music lover.
Fleabag - Fleabag is competing to be my favourite show of all time. Even though I personally believe that season 2 was (eeeeever so slightly) better, the whole show is funny and brash and sad and relatable and I want to just loop it in my brain forever. High Fidelity and Fleabag are cut from the same cloth in subject/format but I think Fleabag does a more intimate job of it. This is easily one of the most satisfying shows ever, the character development is beautiful and doesn’t feel forced. Also, fourth-wall-breakers, take notes. Phoebe Waller-Bridge is just an amazing writer and actress, holy hell. 
The Good Place - I accidentally binge-re-watched all 4 seasons in 6 days (oops). I don’t even know where to begin on how much I love this damn show. It just keeps getting better as you go along, even though the first season is phenomenal, the rest just ...improves?? It’s genuinely hilarious (“I love you too, egg” has had me cackling at 3 am like a madwoman more than once) and the discussion on ethics and humanity is just *chef’s kiss*. It’s not often that you see a show with decent and insightful commentary on morals, politics, humanity and the good and evil binary; multiple POC in leading roles; genuinely good humour and aesthetics and set design that deserve love. Everyone should watch this show.
Community - This was another re-watch for me (Ethan recommended it to me a couple of years ago) but it has always held a special place in my heart. Much like The Good Place, the heart of the show runs through the idea that humans, together, are better and will make each other better people. I could continue to be sentimental about the characters but that wouldn’t give me enough time to gush about the several other beauties of the show for example, homages to classic movies, Donald Glover, the many 3%er jokes, paintball episodes, Troy and Abed doing literally anything, the absolute absurdity of the show, the list is infinitely long and it’s only a matter of time before I accidentally summarise each individual episode. #SixSeasonsAndAMovie bitches ✌
Love - Ethan and I watched this together and it was pretty fantastic. We both agreed that Gus and Mickey were kinda overrated as a couple and as human beings but even so it was a fun and wholesome watch. We spent multiple hours bitching about all the characters, especially Gus and Mickey, and occasionally the writers. This is the kind of show you watch because you’re super invested in the side characters and have a reluctant soft spot for the main characters, but as a whole is entirely lovable. (Bertie deserves better).
Midnight Gospel - Midnight Gospel is an absolute trip to watch. Animating a podcast was a really cool idea but how can we possibly make it cooler?? By animating groovy space creatures in psychedelic palettes of course! The whole show is sensory overload in the best way possible and I want to re-watch it asap because there is so much to absorb in such a short amount of time. Even though the early episodes are totally awesome, the last few episodes are my favourites by far as they feel more personal and not gonna lie, I cried in the last episode. I really hope it comes back for more seasons because it was a really strong start.
Normal People - I read the book and then counted the days til the series came out. I’m not joking. I loved this adaptation a lot. It paid a lot of respect to the book but managed to divert comfortably into its own medium too. I was super worried they’d turn it into a flowery teen romance series and I’m infinitely grateful they didn’t. Ethan thought that the series was actually an improvement on the book whereas I love them both equally. The two highlights for me were the cinematography, the shots were so damn pretty, and the pacing of the script, it left a lot open for the audience to sit with and think about before moving on. It’s probably one of my favourite adaptations of a book ever.
Unorthodox - Ethan and I watched this most recently and this is another one everyone needs to see. I’d like to start this by saying I don’t think I’ve ever seen a Hasidic community portrayed in any media before which was really interesting, I feel like majority of devout followers in media are Christian so this was an interesting learning point for me. Unorthodox was really beautifully made and, most importantly, it was made by people who genuinely care about the story. The absolute standout was the amount of raw emotion packed into it all. The characters don’t even need dialogue for us to feel what they’re feeling. Shira Haas did a phenomenal job portraying Esty. I think it’s also important to remember that it’s not an indictment of religion, but rather, an exploration of Esty’s personal relationship with God and herself. Just thinking about this show makes me want to talk about it for hours
One Day at a Time - I watched this one with my sister @juicebox-baby and holy crap it is extremely wholesome. It’s your classic family sitcom but it’s also super heartfelt and inclusive. Full disclosure, I cried like an absolute baby on like 5 or 6 separate occasions. At times, the writing feels like it’s trying to cram too much in and as a result, the arcs can feel a little bit rigid but that’s fairly easy to look past in favour of the really sweet family feel. Also I have to take a second to say that Abuelita is a gift to humanity.
Killing Eve - Phoebe Waller-Bridge is back. Can Jodie Comer and Sandra Oh please get all of the awards for having stupid amounts of talent? Not to quote the ads but they really do have killer chemistry and it’s a little offensive how amazing they are. I don’t normally go for murder/espionage shows but there was something about this one that had me completely hooked. Even my mum (who falls asleep during every. single. show.) managed to stay awake almost the whole time and was nagging me to watch the next episode with her. 
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sanchoyo · 3 years
danny phantom, season 3, episodes 7-13 thoughts! cannot believe im finishing this series so fast. ...cannot believe it ended like that...uh. one of the weirdest finales to a show I think I've seen, it really stood out against the rest of the series, and not in a good way, in my opinion. I paused to yell in caps lock...several times, I think, out of anger... BUT. ANYWAY, HERE WE GO.
see prev episode thoughts in this tag <3
-the fentons putting the kids to Work in the lab, with NO SAFETY GEAR. AT ALL. THEY JUST GOT BACK FROM SCHOOL AND ARE TIRED!!! and when jack asked how danny his day was and danny tried to say it was bad jack cut him off :( for the 400th time, i am stealing these kids.
-maddie and jack IMMEDIATELY SELLING THEIR LAB AND WORK FOR A LOT OF MONEY. and danny cant get into the portal anymore, oh no!!! he could always just steal vlads I Guess.
-THEY ARE VLADS NEW NEIGHBOR. OH MY GOD. this is a sitcom format. a butler came with the new mansion. i would absolutely try a kiwi fudge milkshake, why is the butler disgusted.
-the..guys in white bought the lab to shoot a missile. into the ghost zone thru the portal. bro i hate these guys
-jazz straight up setting her new bedroom up in the library. i am very very jealous
-I like how the 14 year olds very quickly realize if the giw destroy the ghost zone itll destroy OUR ZONE because its just. like. the other side of the quarter so to speak. and the giw, a fully funded government agency, didnt consider that...(or worse, are willing to risk that anyway...)
-a...graphic novel version of the constitution? what in the world have you been READING SAM
-'cool, I always wanted to be called a meddling kid!' scooby doo reference...
-can they keep the butler. I love him.
-ecto latte....I also want to try that. is ectoplasm edible...
-youngblood is also into astronaut stuff, thats really cute. and him being like 'phantom, dude!! :D' ALL EXCITED. THATS ADORABLE.
-the slapstick comedy of the giw slipping and falling and running into shit in the lab. is funny, but also, because this lab has NOOO safety codes in practice. god its a wonder dannys the only one to have died here...
-JOHNNY, SKULKER AND YOUNGBLOOD HELPING DANNY!!! I keep saying it but the other ghosts helping him. is my fav thing in the world. and, it's a really good thing the missile in the real world was harmless...otherwise the fentons wouldn't have had a home/lab to come back to...
-WULF WANTED POSTER!!! we havent seen wulfy in so long :( very funny the box ghost is offended by how much these ghosts are wanted for. first off, what do ghosts even DO WITH MONEY. does the ghost zone have its own currency??? what are ghosts BUYING
-the box ghost is So Funny, im so glad hes still got his bubble wrap. u are VERY wanted in THIS house box ghost. you are SO scary king. dont give up on ur dreams
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-this needs to be a meme format. I made a transparent version, very very messily, for future use.
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-this is a Fellow and a Friend
-box ghost accidentally bringing lunch for everyone, and giving people at the mall free shoes. SHOES ARE SO EXPENSIVE, ID BE SO GRATEFUL. helpful king. i feel SO bad for him lmao, he's putting in SO much effort. he wants the evil aesthetic So bad but hes Just Too Silly. I understand your plight, box ghost....
-oh my god. pandoras BOX. 'THOSE OF US IN THE BOX TRADE' HOW MANY ARE IN THIS BOX TRADE. I WANT IN. pandora is a multi-armed ghost goddess and i love her.
-box ghost...where did you get the cowboy hat. I respect it, i just want to know
-JAZZ COMING IN WITH THE BAZOOKA TO FIGHT THE 10 HEADED DRAGON!!! YEAH!!!!!!!!!!! and the rest of the fentons I Guess
-ignoring the sam/danny moments. I simple do not see them.
-...why doesnt danny just fly over the maze. or do the whole 'real world people act as ghosts in the ghost zone' and turn back!!! I know its just to show off the ghost greek monster designs. but STILL.
-danny being like. um. hi pandora. i found your box. >< polite...PANDORA IS SO GIANT. GIANT GHOST WOMAN. SHES GOING TO BEAT BOX GHOSTS ASS. another ghost thats nice to danny to add to the list :) and HER FORCING BOX GHOST TO APOLOGIZE. and having sandwiches with danny after making box ghost clean up. I LOVE HER.
-okay, when dash pulled out danny's seat and was calling him buddy, for half a second I was like 'this is a prank, hes gonna pull it back' BUT THEN FRIGHT KNIGHT MY BELOVED IS BACK. AND EVERYONE STARTS CHANTING FOR DANNY TO BEAT HIS ASS WITH GHOST POWERS AND DANNY DOES WAY TOO EASILY, and im like, yup, this is a dream LMAO
-danny is getting an A+ in science :) my smart son
-DANNY WAKING UP FROM THE DREAM RIGHT BEFORE KISSING SAM AND BEING LIKE 'that was a dream...no, a NIGHTMARE!' same. not to be a hater but, shouldve been val. maybe I am a hater
-...danny running and checking the 'tapes'...why is his whole house constantly being recorded. hes been in ghost form/fights plenty of times in his house. does he have to run and wipe the tapes after?? every single time?? god
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-letting this image speak for itself
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-this is SO cursed
-NOCTURN'S DESIGN FUCKS SO HARD. the Venice mask vibes. also his space pattern not moving while the rest of his animation does is big chowder vibes. but this guy is basically the sandman but Evil, huh. I love dream plots. also, nocturn's design feels very similar to clockwork, like, red eyes and a scar over the same eye, but also just the purple, and the Cosmic Vibes. I want to see them fight. anyway nocturn's va was also avatar roku AND alfred in several batman cartoons.
-the 'sleepwalkers' designs were super cute in shape (kinda remind me of oogie boogie! pillow-cased shaped, which is appropriate for the 'king of dreams's minions) until I looked closer at their eyes. why do they look sewn shut!! (they open their eyes a few times, so they aren't, but they look like it...)
-I like how this show has been pretty consistent (with a few exceptions) about a Ghost Being Huge (or getting larger) = Very Powerful
-2 months of summer camping??? wtf, do camping things usually take that long?? I've never been to a camping...thing like that. but isnt that basically their entire summer??
-'the entirety of nature is your bathroom!' and thats why I do no camping despite loving nature LMAO.
-sam, at least TRY TO BE NICE TO THE OTHER GIRLS YOU'RE GOING TO BE SHARING A CABIN WITH. also, the amount of times people in this show have their SHOES ON THE BED!!! IM DISGUSTED
-swamp creature Is A Ghost. Big Foot is a Ghost. starting to think in this universe, every single cryptid or legend is a Ghost Actually
-paulina crying not only because star is missing, but because SHE FORGOT HER SUNBLOCK AND SHE BURNS SO EASILY!!!! okay girlfriends
-ghost cops are the real monsters at the camp. i.......I mean. fair. no one missed you walker
-WULF!!!!!!!!!!! WULF IS BACK!!!!!!!! MY FRIEND WULF :D MI AMAS VIN!!!!! kaj danny lernis Esperanto :)
-'relax kid, we arent here to do any harm' *immediately shoots danny* yeah. ghost cops. and also danny bringing walker 'wulf' and walker IMMEDIATELY SUCKING DANNY IN A THERMOS. FUCK OFF
-haha walker Bald. and haha walker Frozen Now
-the fenton thermos can...reverse its polarity to close portals? okay
-ohhh they end the ep with them star gazing, thats pretty cute...
-dani is back! ...with a new voice actress? wiki says AnnaSophia was in 3 diff movies in 2007 when this aired, so she was probably too busy... (including, bridge to terabithia aka the movie that ripped my heart out that I mentioned in the first ep Dani was in...kinda wanna rewatch it now)
-shes still scared of vlad, who's still being creepy and spying on her. 'shes hardly going to come home to daddy!' I WONDER WHY. also does vlad's cat look more evil than last time? love the concept of him going shopping for cats and being like 'give me your most EVILEST looking cat, please, so I can pet it in my spinny chair dramatically!' ...oh god white cat hair on his black suit. I have a black cat and her hair is still way too noticeable..
-vlad has a big 'valerie' button in his office. can he be pressing that button every episode, thanks
-'theres a GIRL called dani phantom?' yeah valerie. no relation, obviously, even with her looking EXACTLY like danny. so sad valerie just wants to help her dad and her get out of the place theyre in now and vlad using her. ill MAUL HIM
-dani having to STEAL FOOD. :( and valerie immediately being like oh poor kid :(( and trying to help her!!! and then dani immediately helping valerie!! this episode is starting SO well
-...and then valerie catching her. DAMN IT. and being surprised dani knew danny?? HELLO VALERIE I KNOW YOURE SMARTER THAN THIS. I AM SO SORRY THEY WROTE YOU THIS WAY. I STILL LOVE AND BELIEVE IN U !!!
-valerie lying her ASS off for a chance at gettin danny. ok <3 also 'they couldnt catch a ghost if it was living under their own roof' JSDHKJHNK
-danny. why dont you just tell valerie!! this would be so much easier if he was direct. there is NO way valerie would hurt danny (fenton) she'd be HORRIFIED. esp since she got on board helping dani!!
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*is held* :)
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-look at valerie and danny. flying together. about to go beat vlads ass together <333
-...fucking vlad convincing valerie hes a good dude with his stupid duplication. FUCK. DANNY JUST TELL H E R
-jesus christ how many times has danny had to watch loved ones die. even if she didnt stay perma-dead. glad they fixed her...
-valerie and dani pranking danny when he came out, oh :( cute...them havin fun and laughing together...babies
-BUT THEYRE JUST LETTING DANI LEAVE, AGAIN??? SHE WAS PREVIOUSLY STEALING FOOD. CHRIST GIVE HER A PLACE TO LIVE. OR A FAMILY. actually, I think it'd be really cute if, since danny isnt ready to out himself, dani went and lived with valerie?? dunno if her dad would have the money but,, it'd be a cute concept. big sis valerie...
-'tomorrow, it's game on!' 'and ill be ready to play!' THE FLIRTING....DANNY/VALERIE REAL
-oh my god,, valerie found out about vlad in the end. But he doesn’t know she knows!!! the DRAMA!!! HOLY SHIT THAT ENDING.
-this episode was. SO Much and probably one of my favorites out of s3. (I mean, there has been a gross lack of valerie this whole season, so thats not a hard choice to make...)
-the title screen looks different! so no title card...
-vlad has his own fucked up satellite that looks like him?? okay. why does the animation look so different?? are they mixing cg in?? for what. anyway, vlad and the gang in SPACE. danny is 100% living his astronaut dreams rn
-wait oh my god. vlad is the final series boss, isn't he. I half expected a fake out, for another boss to show up midway, and for him to finally have to have a real truce with danny for this ep. ITS THE FINALE. VLAD FEELS SO UNDERWHELMING.
-And it's like-- his character isn't bad, i just feel like..he has more potential! they WANT him to seem like some smart super evil genius, but the way he's written makes that SO hard to believe...but the solid backstory and design is THERE and its FRUSTRATING.
-my grandpa technus is in the finale too :) 'well look on the bright side, at least im not downloading them illegally!' he says while stealing dvds. feels like hes calling me out. im watching this series on a bootleg website lmao. anyway, him turning the tech into a transformer. love that
-mASters BLASters sTOp diSAsterS shut the fuck up. you will never be valerie or danny. bite chomp kill. violence
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-like this if u crie everytiem
-my god the 3d/cgi mixed in looks SO BAD IT DIDNT AGE WELL AT ALL
-the white stripe in dannys hair kinda rules tho. did he just KILL HIS GHOST HALF??? 'revert his human half back to normal' UM. you ever unkill yourself. why are his friends/jazz so mad about it, he'll be in a lot less danger!! christ. they can still hunt ghosts!! as humans!! if they want to!! hes 14 if he wanted to be normal. let him. vlads stupid little team has things COVERED apparently. why are they acting like this. jazz would never act like this. is this fake whats going ON
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-oh my god jack was in a college band. vlad was also in the band. what did instruments they play. i didnt need that headline to tell me they sucked, but i want to KNOW MORE REGARDLESS
-valerie was here for 0.3 seconds.
-sam calling danny selfish. the audacity. no one is stopping YOU from hunting ghosts, girl. valerie does it!!
-I'm halfway through the episode and incredibly underwhelmed so far.
-why would they send jack and 3 teens to space to destroy the asteroid. why not professional astronauts. not even the 3 teens that have already been to space this episode...
-jack getting beat up by teenagers. ON TV. IN SPACE. I GUESS. I GUESS EVERYONE AGREED TO SEND JACK BECAUSE..VLAD SAID SO? we know it was to embarrass jack, but why would everyone agree. why didnt any other space program Do More or whatever, they sent like, 3 rockets/missiles tops?? no way
-danny attempting to punch vlad in the face. i WISH HE WOULDVE LANDED THAT HIT.
-jack just now, on the last episode GETTING TOLD HE MADE VLAD A GHOST. THIS SHOULDVE HAPPENED WAY SOONER. jack's reaction was one of the only times in this entire show hes seemed human. 'an old friend? no. you? yes.' GET HIS ASSSS ACTUALLY. HE STRAIGHT UP LEFT VLAD IN SPACE. GOD DAMN. that is a Murder! I mean, I guess vlad could fly back to earth, but...I mean, he'll have to, right? no food in space. (that we KNOW of...)
-'thE WHolE EArtH, INTangiBLe?!' oh my god.
-...the white strand of hair somehow still had ghost dna, I guess, and getting blasted turned him back into phantom. I GUESS. I GUESS.
-the fentons being the first to clap for danny despite not knowing hes phantom...that was sweet. and very sudden character development, not at all gradual over the course of time or episodes like it probably should have been...
-sam and danny kissing. IT SHOULDVE BEEN VALERIE, BUT OKAY, I GUESS. also, its a little underwhelming, considering theyve kissed already...
-ALL of the ghosts being ready to beat danny's ass? really. no they wouldn't, they've worked together before, and some of those ghosts are friendly!! cringe. why is the last ep written like this. I mean they came thru at the last minute but. was really cringing for a minute there, why did they write it like that
-valerie is there for another 0.3 seconds! ....she should've been more involved. dani is also there! for also like 0.3 seconds. almost fast enough to miss. (btw, I think shes still homeless at this point, are, we going to...do ANYTHING ABOUT THAT IN THE LAST 5 MINS OF THE SHOW)
-the cgi smoke or whatever it is. this whole post is me saying the cgi is bad, but IT IS.
-'danny or should we say. DAAANNNNY.' this is like the 3rd or 4th time hes been outed damn, but to the whole world, again. and valerie saw, and is just. an extra in the bg clapping. bro im so mad.
-i think. this is still linked to the dream ep a few times ago. hes still dreaming. this is a plot a 14 year old would write. this feels like a bad fanfic. so much got rushed, and not tied up. vlad wasnt really even the villain this episode, a fucking. non-being asteroid was.
-they kiss again. ok. sure. whatever at this point.
-VLAD IS NOW A FREE-ROAMING SPACE NOMAD. I GUESS. THATS. SURE. WHATEVER. THE END, I GUESS. cannot believe I'm saying this, but: they did vlad dirty.
-IF YOU'RE GOING TO MAKE HIM A VILLAIN, MAKE HIM A VILLAIN!!! DON'T MAKE IT A METEOR!!! STOP BEING WISHY WASHY WHO WANTS TO SEE DANNY VS ASTEROID!!! I didnt even WANT vlad to be the final villain because his character is SO back and forth (esp this season.) but he has done some FUCKED UP SHIT AND I WANTED THE WRITERS TO DOUBLE DOWN, PERSONALLY, IF THEY HAD TO MAKE HIM THE FINAL BOSS. the cabin ep where he basically held danny and maddie hostage? FUCKED. THE DANI THING? FUCKED. FUCKING COMMIT AND MAKE HIM ACTUALLY SCARY OR HAVE HIM FUCK OFF AND AGREE TO A TRUCE!! WHAT IS THIS DYING IN SPACE NONSENSE. (and, he will (fully) die out there, right? still half human, still needs food and water. I imagine he'll like, slowly half-die but this time his human side is dying. will he come back 100% ghost? we dONT KNOW. WE DONT GET TO SEE, ITS PLAYED LIKE SOME FUNNY THING AT THE END, THEN THATS IT!!! WHAT!!!)
-I don't know how to articulate how FRUSTRATING THAT IS. having him basically out himself and ''hold the world hostage'' does not track at all in my brain. like. he's always been scary because he is HUMAN, TOO. like, if he was 100% ghost, he'd be LESS scary, but vlad MASTERS has more power and influence than vlad PLASMIUS because of his position as mayor, his money, too, and his (supposed, s3 made me doubt it) intelligence/manipulation skills, and his being in good graces with jack made it HARD FOR DANNY. him outing himself for,, money and to 'control the world' i guess?? MONEY WAS NEVER HIS LIKE, MAIN GOAL. yeah obv he likes money and is materialistic and values his Rich Life, but hes got billions, the end goal? 1. getting maddie (and or danny as his son, but to me he always treated that as secondary) 2. ruining jack. this feels like they wanted to say 'oh he just wants POWER' which is. HMM?? OKAY?? obv he /does/ want power (usually over certain ppl, tho), but seeing him try to get it like this FELT WEIRD SOMEHOW. weird like the ep where he tried and failed to take over various historical civilizations, because like,, how is that realistically going to do anything for him?? just, being in that time forever and never seeing maddie aka Goal #1 again?? HELLO??? this was like that, but worse
-this was such a weird ending to an entire show. why did season 3 only have 13 episodes?? why did it feel so weirdly paced?? WHY WAS THE ENDING LIKE THAT. I think. I am going to pretend I did not see that. fucked up, dudes. I'm like...hm. I shouldn't have watched that because now I'm mad. valerie sweetie im SO sorry you shouldve been more present. it felt like..if they knew this season was going to be short, and the last season, they should've spent more time wrapping up EVERYONE'S plot lines for the entire season. imagine how cool it wouldve been if every single ep of season 3 was working towards something, a big, nice wrap up at the end, with nothing feeling TOO rushed because they'd been heading towards the End for the whole season....
I will probably end up writing a follow up full series thoughts post. In a couple of days so I can sit with my thoughts. BUT. overall, I really liked the show! (ignoring the finale and some of the moments that aged pretty poorly...) it was charming and a fun concept and very fun to watch in general :) and I am pretending the finale didnt happen <3 and I’m gonna dive RIGHT into the dp tags and mix fanart and posts in my queue, very excited to run and look at that 🏃🏻 (and, of course, make more fanart myself hehe >:3)
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ryttu3k · 3 years
I’m gonna do it.
I’m gonna watch the Star Wars Holiday Special.
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And we already have off-brand opening text. This is off to a great start!
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I’m a minute and a half in and the sitcom-style openings have already killed me. Oh Mark you poor fucker.
“Anthony Daniels as C-3PO! Peter Mayhew as Chewbacca! R2-D2 as… R2-D2!”
Fuck the actors playing Chewie’s family apparently, no credits for them!
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And let’s start off with this picture that isn’t even trying to be photorealistic. I mean you could have at least edited in some generic forest to the background or something. Made a model. Anything!
There are several minutes of cozy domesticity. Done completely in Shyriiwook. Kid is playing! Grandpa is grumpy! Mom is cooking! Mom wants Kid to take out the garbage! Its main saving grace is that there’s no laugh track!
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Look out, kid, you’re balancing on a matte painting!!
Why would you have a tiny holographic circus in pseudo-BDSM gear?
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Why wouldn’t you have a tiny holographic circus in pseudo-BDSM gear?
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*covers Lumpy’s eyes*
This legitimately reads like, “Well, we decided to show off our [assorted crew member]’s [generic family member]’s amateur gymnastics and tumbling squad, so let’s put them in brightly coloured body suits and pretend they’re aliens.”
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Well, they’re very brightly coloured, if nothing else!
Lumpy wants to keep playing but Malla wants him to dry the dishes! First the garbage, now this?! Inhumanity!! (Inwookieety?)
Listen I know Star Wars has its own visual identity when it comes to interface tech, so why does this look like it’s out of a parody of itself?
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Mark I’m so fucking sorry. And we know how he feels about this particular low!
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jfc his eyes are so wide it’s like he’s been dipping into Carrie’s stash XD;;
Bless his heart he’s trying his hardest but the script is............. not good.
Losing my shit at Malla trying to talk to a trader with an Imperial soldier in the background.
“Don’t say a word, ma’am, I know just why you’re calling! You’re wondering when that shaggy carpet you ordered will arrive at your home? Let me assure you, madam, it’s on its way! It’s being flown especially for you by a little old woman four planets away. She did it all by herself. In fact you might say she did it -”  Obviously raised eyebrows - “BY HANd. SOLO.”
The cooking scene is straight up ridiculous and is, so far, my favourite scene of the show. It’s completely unhinged on its own, but it’s also bookended before it by a scene with Vader and an Imperial officer being menacing, and goes straight into Han and Chewie trying to evade TIE fighters, and the mood whiplash is impeccable.
Oh noes! An Imperial blockade around the planet! However will Chewie get home for Life Day!
Apparently they have something called a Mind Evaporator. Which sounds... ominous.
“Why all the long hairy faces?”
Oh my god the trader guy brought porn for Itchy. To use with the... the Mind Evaporator. “It’s kind of... hard to explain. It’s kind of... wow. D’you know what I mean? Happy Life Day! ...and I do mean Happy Life Day!”
what the fuck
Is this why he’s called Itchy
What the fuck am I watching XD
I mean the song is very nice but the context... the context...
Man there’s just something... really off about Leia XD;;
Han made it to the planet, but oh noes! Imperials!
My god this is almost cringey. The trader/rebel is trying so hard to be suave and also sell his shit without letting on that he’s a rebel... and is now distracting an Imperial soldier with holographic Jefferson Starship.
Actually this song kinda slaps...
Just another day on a planet occupied by hostile Imperialism! *laugh track*
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Wow, this is the animation? That style... XD
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This thing is meant to be menacing.
Boba Fett to the rescue! ...wait, what?
So, uh, Chewie and the droids are teaming up with Boba Fett to find the cure to an infected talisman that only affects humans and forces a sleeping sickness on them, meaning they have to be tied up upside down to keep the blood rushing to their head. I repeat, wait, what?
Oh okay he’s working for Vader and trying to earn their trust. That works much better XD
At this point Lumpy yells in dismay over the cartoon he’s apparently watching about his actual real-ass dad and the Imperial comes over to investigate! Oh noes!
No it’s okay he pulls up some random game and the guy is like ‘oh okay you just suck at games’ and wanders off again. Back to Lumpy watching a cartoon about his actual real-ass dad because that’s something that just happens in this universe apparently.
Threepio casually reveals Fett’s plans and Fett is just like, “Welp, foiled again!” and jets off and like... that’s it. No problem.
Man the Imperials are just casually trashing Lumpy’s room that’s so rude. Just straight-out decapitated the stuffed bantha?? Rude??
Man bar staff have to deal with this shit all over the galaxy XD
Bea Arthur is singing to the Cantina song. That is all.
Chewie and Han arrive home, only to find a stormtrooper threatening Lumpy! Oh noes!
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Aww, Han and Lumpy’s interactions are adorable. He’s all, “omg he’s got so big!” and teasing him over his voice starting to change XD
Oh god please don’t make me watch Wookiees make out... oh thank fuck it was just a hug XD
And suddenly they’re in robes and floating through space in a procession while a solemn version of the Throne Room theme plays and Threepio wishes everyone a Happy Life Day (”WAAAARGKJHJDSAASDFJLKWAHH!”).
Wow I don’t know about Threepio wishing they were truly alive so they could celebrate Life Day too XD;;
And here’s our trio! For some reason, Luke is back in his Tatooine outfit?
Listen there is something not quite right about Leia passionately talking about their love for one another despite their differences while clinging to Chewie’s arm and gazing adoringly at him XD
“This is the promise of the Tree of Life.”
The what of what? Because that was literally not mentioned at any point before that.
Oh god the song. Oh god I don’t know if I’m strong enough.
That note did not work with the music being played!!
So that happened.
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@shinsouplays @fae-nights @softt-shoto @fwogwog @madusas-girlfriend @seii-chi
- so,, lani had a dream where all of us were in a sitcom.
- and i decided to write about it 🤩
- typical mornings include liv and khloe making breakfast, lani waking up super late, and sisi and koúda fighting over orange juice.
- “I paid for it, so I should get the last cup,” Koúda argued.
- “congratulations, i don’t give a shit,” sisi bit back. “i poured it first, it’s mine.”
- then koúda decided to be a little shit and grab the glass, using his height to keep it out of reach.
- but then, he accidentally hit sisi with his elbow.
- he froze.
- she began to sob.
- “shit, i’m sorry—“ he panicked. “you can have it, sisi. it’s yours.”
- “r-really?” sisi sniffled.
- “yeah, take it. just please stop crying.”
- sisi wiped away her tears in the blink of an eye and grinned evilly, “awh, thanks, koú.”
- “did she just—“ he said in shock after she left the kitchen.
- lani snickered, “yeah, i think she did.”
- “i’m going to burn her sailor moon plushies.”
- “NO YOU’RE NOT!” sisi shouted from the living room.
- after breakfast, sisi, lani, khloe and liv go to school. so unless koúda has leftover pasta, this bitch will starve himself.
- we’d all have to get him food from a fast food place during our lunch.
- “you took forever to pick up your phone, loser,” lani said, clearly annoyed.
- “what do you want?” koúda said with the same tone, matching their energy.
- “is that attitude i hear?”
- “what’re you gonna do about it?”
- they huffed, “no Wendy’s for you then.”
- lani hung up phone.
- “did they say.. wendy’s?” koúda processed. “wait— i want wendy’s.”
- khloe called him back.
- “sorry lani was being petty—“
- “I’m NOT petty, he was being rude!!”
- “yeah, sure,” khloe rolled her eyes, “we’re all at wendy’s, what do you want?”
- “spicy chicken sandwich and a cherry yellow mello”
- “got it—“
- sisi snatched the phone, “but remember, we’re doing you this favor for the last time! you need to learn how to fend for yourself!”
- “sure, i promise.”
- he was crossing his fingers.
- and it definitely was not the last time.
- one time, liv was going to throw out the leftover pasta koúda insisted on eating even though it was five days old.
- “liv, DON’T DO IT!”
- “sisi and lani are making new dinner, you don’t need this!” liv put her hands on her hips.
- “yes. i. do.”
- “but they’re making fresh food! you can eat the meatloaf—“
- “no. fuck meatloaf. i want the pasta.”
- liv stared at him, unamused. “sisi will definitely kill you if you don’t eat her food. and then her and lani will cry.”
- “...�� he thought about it.
- “great!” liv smiled, taking his silence as permission.
- “no!!” he grabbed the nutella jar. “if you throw away my pasta, i will eat this nutella.”
- “you’re allergic!!” liv’s eyes widened, “no way, you’ll die!”
- “try me. throw away my pasta and i will literally die.”
- “koú, put the nutella down,” liv warned.
- “hand me my pasta.”
- they stared at each other, waiting to see who would back down first.
- “KHLOE!!!!” liv screamed.
- khloe ran into the kitchen, seeing koúda with the nutella. “you’re allergic, koúda! you can’t eat that.”
- “liv’s going to throw away my pasta.”
- “pasta..?” khloe was confused. “you mean the pasta from five days ago? didn’t lani tell you to throw that away?”
- “exactly!” liv exclaimed, exasperated. “he said that if i threw it out he’d eat the nutella and kill himself.”
- khloe furrowed her brows. “put down the nutella.”
- “make me,” he challenged.
- “I’ll give you head pats and hugs if you let her throw it out. And I’ll ask sisi and lani to make fresh pasta tomorrow.”
- “hmmm,” he considered the offer. “fine.”
- “finally,” liv grumbled, annoyed at the hassle of throwing away old pasta.
- thank god for koúda’s softness for khloe. saved his life. literally.
- one day lani would suggest that everyone bring a sleeping bag and crash in koúda’s room
- koúda made cupcakes, lani brought nail polish, khloe brought stuffed animals for everyone + candy, liv brought hair brushes and combs, and sisi brought face masks for everyone🤩
- we also invited our friendly neighbor fwog whom we love
- they helped koúda bake the cupcakes.
- “okay!” lani grinned, “sleepover time!!”
- “i call braiding koúda’s hair!” sisi yelled.
- “fuck you, sisi,” lani glared. sisi smirked in satisfaction. “fine, i call painting his nails.”
- “i’m doing khloe’s hair!” liv declared.
- “thanks liv,” khloe smiled.
- “hey khloe, can you put on this face mask for me?” fwog asked. khloe nodded and put the pomegranate face mask on them.
- “you guys can use my computer if you want,” koú offered.
- “sure!” khloe, sisi and liv went to the computer, turning it on.
- “ARKOÚDA MATHIAS—“ sisi looked scarred. and so did khloe and liv.
- “oh shit—“ he remembered what he had on previously. an extremely gory movie.
- “why. is. there. so. much. blood.” sisi said in a judgemental tone.
- fwog gagged. “ewww, is that even possible?”
- khloe stared at him, a shocked expression on her face.
- liv looked like she was about to vomit.
- “HAHAHAHSGDAGS” lani cackled, “turn that shit OFF-“
- “i’m sorrryyyyy,” he winced, deleting the tab. “forget that you saw that.”
- “i wish that i could,” said liv, “thanks for the extra trauma. adds to my character.”
- “Good.”
- “n e wayz,” lani started, “hurry up and turn something on!”
- “i don’t have netflix, i’m broke as shit, remember?”
- fwog sighed, “i have Netflix. we can use mine!”
- fwog logged into their netflix, and everyone settled to sit down on blankets and pillows.
- “let’s watch Ouran High School Host Club,” sisi suggested.
- “yes,” koúda agreed.
- fwog nodded, “okay!”
- sisi started braiding koúda’s hair and lani began to paint his nails. liv was brushing khloe’s hair and fwog was painting her nails.
- “KISS KISS FALL IN LOVEEEEEE!!!!” sisi and koúda sang the theme song word for word.
- “you’re too loud, guys! we’ll make the neighbors mad!” liv shushed. their other neighbors were a middle aged couple who were very cranky.
- “fuck the neighbors,” koúda began to sing louder.
- “ALL I SEE IS YOU AND ME” sisi continued.
- liv shrugged and let them continue. if the neighbors came banging on their door, she wasn’t going to be the one to answer it.
- after four episodes of ouran high school host club, everyone had their nails done and took off their face masks.
- “before i sleep, i have to take my melatonin,” lani stated, koúda agreeing.
- “you mean your melanin?” sisi snickered.
- “NO💔”
- “pain”
- “shh, ignore sisi. we love u lani,” khloe said.
- “thanks khloe,, I AM ONLY SOFT FOR YOU”
- “thank you ☺️”
- “wow lani,” fwog said, offended, “pain.”
- “>:(“
- “didn’t that go against what you said to begin with?” sisi raised an eyebrow.
- “do u want my love or not”
- “i’ll accept it, i suppose,” sisi averted her gaze.
- “TSUNDERE!” they teased.
- “I AM NOT A TSUNDERE!” sisi argued.
- “awh, you’re a soft tsundere,” liv cooed.
- “NO”
- “it’s okay to be soft, sisi,” fwog patted her head. koúda laughed and khloe nodded.
- sisi pouted.
- “i hate you all”
- “we love you too <3”
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Okay, so I woke up at 7:45 this morning, so I was not coherent enough to do my normal WandaVision livewatch for today's episode, BUUUT I will speak my mind now!!
Spoilers under the cut (duh):
The title of the episode itself was huge foreshadowing - "On A Very Special Episode" is what sitcoms back then referred to when they were doing episodes that dealt with heavy topics, thus the "very special" part
It's not only a nice tribute to the old sitcoms of the day, it's - again - blatantly foreshadowing what's gonna happen in the ending
But now, onto the episode:
So I had to rewatch the beginning, but now I definitely noticed how Wanda's voice was more down when she said the "previously on" bit. Extremely clever.
Vision is becoming more and more awaaaare
I know people still make out Agnes to be the big villain of it all, but she's either a really fucking good actor, or she's not entirely acting.
This entire episode was mostly me feeling bad for Vision :'(
That entire opening was so adorable, and I think that opening song's my most favorite one of the series
Though please don't make me see Baby Vision ever again, please and thank you
Wonder how Elizabeth felt -
Love the nice transitions between scenes of "WandaVision" and the world outside of Westview
I don't even notice the screen ratios, it's so smooth!
Darcy finally has her coffee :D
The trio of Monica, Darcy and Jimmy is not something I predicted, but now I love it
There was a quick clip of crying Wanda - doesn't look like foreshadowing though, cause there was a nice house in the background, a modern one - a flashback maybe?
They FINALLY confirm her powers and age!! I mean, it still causes major continuity issues with her MCU story, but hooray for something!!
Hayward is definitely suspicious (wow, how shocking -_-), but at least the trio are noticing it
I had my suspicions there was beef between Monica and Carol, but I didn't want them to be true
I saw this one blog who's a fan of Monica/Wanda, and same (I'm a dumb sapphic bitch, what did you expect)
So back to Vision
All the men reading the email was creepy
"Norm" saying it's just a joke was creepy
Him snapped out of it and yelling about "her" being in her mind was mega creepy
Also the actor did a fantastic job, just snapping between personalities like that
It really did make me smile seeing the trio still sticking up for Wanda, understanding how she's processing her grief and knowing she never had the proper therapy she needed
Fucking Wanda strutting out all badass, flinging back the broken drone
Also what the fuck was Hayward planning to do with Vision, cause fuck him
I don't like animal deaths or children deaths in general, so that did kinda get me
But I was mostly more confused by the twins - they seem to know more than what they should
Even Wanda said "what?" - she's at least not in control of them
Agnes still looking terrified, wondering if she'll do anything to her since she found Sparky
God, it was just so cool seeing the end credits while the scene was still going on - reminded me of Too Many Cooks in a way
Vision confirming for us that he has no memory of his life outside of Westview is so heartbreaking, Paul Bettany's really getting to show his chops now, turning this side robot character into a fleshed-out (no pun intended) personality
Also can Markiplier sue Marvel for taking his idea? (Go watch Wilford Motherlovin Warfstache if you don't understand - also go watch Markiplier if you haven't)
So I think we all, including me, joked about the mindfuckery of Evan Peters playing Pietro, but I don't think any of us thought it would actually come true
I'm pretty sure my brain was a mixture of the "potato flying through the ceiling" vine, the "YOU BETTER STAHP!" vine and the "BITCH WHAT THE FUCK" clip all at once
I really thought they were going for a "oh, this is the same Pietro, just similar in a different way, haha", but Darcy said they "recasted" him
Wanda was confused and a little freaked out the whole time
I know people are disappointed it's not Aaron-Taylor Johnson (I honestly didn't care if he played Pietro in this or not, sorry), but considering all of this, I believe this is intentional and will absolutely play a bigger role
Will he be revealed as Peter Maximoff? I don't think so (also I don't want him to be - way too confusing and we should leave the Fox X-Men to rest)
Is Wanda completely in control of Westview? I still don't think so, probably being manipulated by an outside force like Mephisto or maybe even Agnes (also it's such a red herring, everyone trying to insist she's the main villain)
Will the ending of WandaVision almost definitely tear my heart out? Absolutely (cause we know shit's gonna get fucked)
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bob-giovanni · 6 years
I’ll Cover You - Part 6
Characters: Simon X OFC
Summary: Simon and Emily have been on several dates and Emily questions Simon on what they are to each other. Emily tells Simon a secret.
Warnings: Cursing, Fluff, Angst, Hurt/Comfort, The tiniest bit of smut
***TRIGGER WARNING - There will be talk of sexual assault in this chapter. If this is triggering or upsetting to you in any way, please, please, please do not read!***
Notes: I know we’re all sad about Simon’s demise on The Walking Dead, but fear not friends, for he will live on through the power of fanfics! Also, as mentioned above, there will be a description of sexual assault in this chapter. Please know it is not my intent to offend or upset anyone. So I urge you to please skip this chapter if this is upsetting to you in any way. If you do want to read this chapter but want to skip the possible triggering material, I will italicize the text that may be upsetting so you can scroll past it.
Simon pulled up in front of Emily’s house and grabbed a bag containing a bottle of wine, cheesecake, and a few DVDs from his backseat before climbing out of the car. Simon was dressed simply tonight, just jeans, a t-shirt and his usual black boots. He and Emily had been going out on dates 2 to 3 times per week for last month and a half. He was really enjoying not only getting to know her but opening up to her as well. He told her more about his marriage, about his childhood. Things he’d never told anyone before. Even though they really hadn’t known each other that long, Simon felt so comfortable around Emily. She was so cool and down to earth and such a good listener. Simon hadn’t realized how terrible his ex had been at listening to his problems until he met Emily. He smiled to himself as he walked up to her door and rang the bell.
Emily was in the kitchen cooking when she heard her doorbell ring. She grinned because she knew it was Simon. Tonight was their first ‘night in’ date. Emily was cooking and Simon was bringing dessert and movies. They were going to enjoy a nice home cooked meal before just vegging out on the couch. It was Friday night luckily so Emily didn’t have to worry about going to bed early for work. She hurried to the door and threw it open, smirking as she wrapped her arms around Simon’s neck and leaned up to kiss his lips softly. “Mm, hey, handsome.” Simon returned the kiss and grinned. “Hey, beautiful.” Emily was wearing a pair of black leggings and a loose fitting white t-shirt and she still somehow managed to look absolutely stunning.
Simon walked into the kitchen and place his bag on the table before inhaling. “My god that smells amazing. What are you making?” Emily grinned. “Shrimp scampi.” Simon licked his lips as he put the bottle of wine and cheesecake in the fridge. He looked over Emily’s shoulder. “It looks fucking delicious, my dear.” He said before kissing her cheek. Emily blushed a bit. “Why don’t you have a seat in the living room and I’ll let you know when it’s ready. It should be too much longer. The TV is on out there so you can keep yourself entertained.” “Are you sure? You don’t need any help?” Emily smiled and shook her head. “It’s very sweet of you to ask but no I don’t need any help.”
Simon headed into the living room and plopped down on the couch. There was some random sitcom playing on TV and Simon couldn’t find the remote so he pulled his phone from his pocket and scrolled through Facebook. He smiled when he saw a post from Emily from about 30 minutes ago. It was a picture of all the ingredients for dinner on her table with the caption, “Cooking dinner for my favorite man :)” Simon liked the post and commented with a heart emoji. He barely used emojis before he met Emily. She was teaching him things that ‘the kids’ were into these days. A few minutes later Emily called out in an almost sing songy voice, “Dinner’s ready!”
Simon got up and trotted to the kitchen. “Yum I can’t wait. I’m so hungry.” Emily grinned and dished out food for both of them, placing the plates on the table before grabbing 2 wine glasses and the bottle of wine from the fridge. Simon used the corkscrew he had on his keychain to open the wine and poured them each a glass. Emily quirked an eyebrow. “Do you always carry around a corkscrew?” Simon grinned. “Of course! I own a club that serves alcohol. I need to be prepared at all times for wine emergencies.” Emily laughed and sat across from Simon. “Well, don’t let your food get cold. Dig in!” Simon twirled some pasta on his fork along with a piece of shrimp and ate it, licking his lips as he slowly chewed. “Mm, fuck, this is good.” Emily smirked. “I’m glad you like it.” “I love it.”
The pair chatted about their days as they ate and sipped their wine. After clearing his plate, Simon leaned back in his chair and rubbed his stomach. “Goddamn, girl. Where’d you learn how to cook like that?” Emily giggled. “My mama taught me everything I know I about cooking.” Simon nodded. “Well tell her I said thank you the next time you talk to her.” Emily grinned and nodded. “Ok. Do you want any more?” Simon shook his head. “Oh, no I couldn’t Thank you though.” Emily stood and grabbed a container to put the leftovers away. While she did, Simon took the dishes to the sink and started to rinse them before placing them in the dishwasher. “Oh, Si, you don’t have to do that.” “I know. I want to though.” Emily smiled and put the leftovers in the fridge. She poured her and Simon another glass of wine each before putting the bottle in the fridge as well. “Shall we retire to the living room to watch one of the undoubtedly amazing movies you brought with you?” Simon smirked. “Absolutely.”
Simon grabbed his glass of wine and followed Emily to the living room. He grabbed the bag of DVDs he brought with him. “Here ya go. You choose.” He handed the bag to Emily and she look through the options. One in particular caught her eye. “Something Borrowed?” Simon nodded. “Yeah, you’ve seen it?” Emily shook her head. “I haven’t it. It has an interesting name though. What’s it about?” “It’s about 2 friends who have an affair after admitting they have feelings for each other.” Emily titled her head in thought. “Hmm, sounds interesting. Let’s watch this one.” She stood and put the DVD on before sitting next to Simon. He put his arm around her shoulders as she leaned against his side.
Part way through the movie, Emily started thinking. She wondered what her and Simon were to each other. They’d been seeing each other for a little bit now and Emily was definitely enjoying herself and Simon seemed to be enjoying himself too. She didn’t want to ruin what they had going by questioning things but at the same time she didn’t know what to call him when she talked about him to her friends. Simon noticed that Emily was staring at him. He waited a moment to see if she stopped but when she didn’t he turned to face her. “What’s up?” Emily blushed a bit. “Sorry, I didn’t mean to stare.” Simon laughed softly. “I’m not upset. I was just wondering what’s up. Is there a reason you’re staring at me?” Emily chewed her bottom lip. “What are we?” She asked softly.
Simon furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean?” Emily sighed softly and sat up a bit. “I just…I mean, are we a thing? Are we just having fun? Are we dating? I’m really enjoying spending time with you and going out on our dates but I’ve just been wondering if we’re…something.” Simon turned to face Emily and reached out to take her hand in his. He caressed the back of her hand with his thumb. “Well, I’m gonna be honest, this is something I’ve been thinking about. I wasn’t sure if you wanted anything more than what we’re doing.” “Why?” “Well…please don’t take this the wrong way, but because of you’re age I wasn’t sure if you’d want anything more with someone like me.” Emily furrowed her eyebrows. “What do you mean ‘someone like you?’” Simon sighed softly. “Em, there’s a pretty big age difference between us. It doesn’t mean that it can’t work. But this is new territory for me.”
Emily chewed her bottom lip. “I know. This is new for me too. I’ve only had 1 serious boyfriend before and, no offense, he was my age. But I can’t deny that I think I’m developing feelings for you.” Emily’s heart felt like it was going to beat out of her chest. She’d never been good at articulating her feelings and even when she did, she almost never had the courage to speak up so all of this was new territory. She started getting nervous when Simon didn’t say anything. Finally he started to speak. “I think I’m developing feelings for you too.” Simon responded. Emily’s eyes widened a bit. “Really?” Simon smiled softly and nodded. “Of course. How could I not? You’re beautiful, smart, funny. You’re incredibly kind, you love animals, you’re an amazing cook, you’re not a bad kisser.” He said with a wink. Emily laughed softly. “Well I think that you’re handsome, and funny, and caring. And I love that your daughter is your whole world and that you own your own business and that you’re so dedicated to everything you do. And honestly, the age thing doesn’t bother me.”
Simon smiled. “The age thing doesn’t bother me either.” Emily bit her bottom lip and placed her other hand over Simon’s. “So…do you wanna make this official?” She asked softly. Simon looked over at Emily and nodded. “Yeah, I think I do. Do you?” Emily nodded. “I do.” Simon grinned and kissed the back of Emily’s hand. “That’s pretty sweet.” Emily giggled and shook her head as she leaned in to kiss Simon softly. He brought his other hand up to cup her cheek as he tilted her head back to deepen the kiss a bit. Emily sighed softly against Simon’s lips and adjusted herself so that she was kneeling next Simon. They had definitely kissed before but they’d never made out. The longer they kissed, more flush Emily could feel her cheeks becoming. But it didn’t feel bad. In fact, she’d never felt this good kissing someone before.
Simon slowly moved his hand down Emily’s side and rested it on her hip. Emily placed a hand on Simon’s chest, taking note of how muscular he felt under his shirt. She adjusted her position once again so that her legs were draped over Simon’s lap. She wasn’t sure how far this was going to go, nor did she know how far she wanted it to go, but she knew that right now she didn’t want to stop. Suddenly, but gently, Simon pushed Emily back so she was laying on the couch and he moved so he was in between her legs. Emily’s heart started to beat faster but she didn’t want to stop. Simon started to kiss and nip along her jaw her neck. “Oh god…” Emily moaned softly. Simon ground his hips down against Emily’s as he continued kissing along her pink, supple flesh. Hearing Emily whimper was turning him on beyond belief.
Emily’s mind was racing. Did she want to do this? She didn’t think Simon would be rough her. In fact, she knew he wouldn’t. But she still couldn’t shake the feeling that she wasn’t quite ready for this. Maybe she would let things go just a little longer. Maybe it was just nerves. But something snapped in her when she felt Simon slip his hand under shirt and over her breast. She gasped in shock and shook her head. “Simon…Simon, stop!” She quickly scrambled out from under a confused looking Simon as she tugged her shirt down. Simon sat up and ran his hand through his hair. “I’m sorry. Did I do something?” Emily shrugged a bit. “Yes…I mean, no, no you didn’t it’s just…fuck.” She was so embarrassed. She bit her bottom lip as she finally admitted it. “I’ve never done this before.” She said softly. Simon furrowed his eyebrows. “What do you mean?” He asked. Emily sighed. “I’ve never had sex before.” She immediately covered her face with her hands.
Simon sighed softly and nodded. “Ok, ok, hey, that’s no big deal. We don’t have to do anything that you’re not comfortable with. We take things as slow as you want.” Emily nodded. She looked slightly relieved but Simon could tell that something else was bothering her. “What is it?” He asked. Emily shook her head. “It’s nothing.” Simon reached over and placed a hand comfortingly on Emily’s shoulder. “Hey, you know you can talk to me right?” Emily nodded and sniffled a bit. “I know. It’s just that I’ve never told anyone before.” Simon smiled softly. “Being a virgin isn’t a bad thing. It’s nothing to be ashamed of.” “No, it’s not that.” Simon furrowed his eyebrows. “Well, what is it then?”
Emily let out a shaky breath before continuing. “During my sophomore year, just after I met Amanda, she took me to a party at her sorority. There was this guy there that I kinda had crush on. We had a few classes together. After a couple of drinks I finally worked up the nerve to talk to him. We really hit it off. We spent the night talking and dancing and just having a good time. I went back to his dorm with him. We started making out, touching each other. It felt really good. But I had always wanted my first time to be with someone special, ya know? With someone that I cared about and someone that I knew cared about me. I liked this guy, sure, but I didn’t care about him. I couldn’t go through with it. I told him I had to go but when I stood he…” Tears started to fall down Emily’s cheeks. “He pushed me down on the bed and told me it was too late to back out. He pushed up my skirt and he ripped my shirt open…” She trailed off a bit.
Simon felt the color drain from his face as Emily spoke and every emotion was replaced with rage. He clenched his fists, immediately wanting to go out and find this piece of shit and snap his neck. “Did he…?” Simon asked. Emily shook her head and wiped her eyes. “I was able to fight him off and run out of his dorm. I tried calling Amanda but she wasn’t answering her phone. I ran from one end of the campus to the other and got a cab and went back to my apartment. I didn’t tell Amanda what happened until a few weeks later. She convinced me to go to the school and file a complaint. But they didn’t do anything about it. Told me it was a ‘he said, she said’ situation and since there was no proof they couldn’t do anything. They told me to make better choices the next time I went to a party.”
Emily was shaking from a mixture of emotions. She was so scared to tell Simon what had happened. She was afraid that he wouldn’t want her anymore. But what he did next took her completely by surprise. He moved so he was sitting a little closer to her and he pulled her into a warm, comforting hug. She immediately melted into his touch and wrapped her arms around his torso, holding him tight as she cried. He rested his hand gently on the back of her head and kissed her forehead. “Shh, it’s ok. I’m here, I’ve got you.” He said soothingly. “I’m so ashamed.” Emily said softly. Simon pulled back from the hug a bit and put a hand under her chin, tilting her head up a bit. “Hey, look at me. You have nothing to be ashamed of, ok? You did absolutely nothing wrong. It’s that spineless, sack of shit, sorry excuse for a man that should be ashamed. Not you. Never you. Ok?” Emily nodded and immediately hugged Simon close again, sighing softly when he wrapped his arms tightly around her. She felt so safe in this moment.
“I was afraid you would be at mad at me.” She said softly. “Mad at you? For what?” Simon asked. “I don’t know. I guess for not having sex with you, for rejecting you.” Simon shook his head. “No way. I would’ve been mad if you hadn’t told me and did something you weren’t ready for or something you’d regret. I’m glad you told me. I want to help you through this in any way I can.” Emily pulled back and looked up at Simon. He brought a hand up and used his thumb to wipe away her tears. Emily leaned up and kissed Simon softly. “Thank you.” She said softly. “For being a decent human being?” He replied. She shook her head. “For understanding. For listening. For not judging me.” Simon smiled softly. “I would never judge you or anyone else for something like that.”
Emily wanted stay in Simon’s embrace forever. She’d never felt so safe before. She looked up at him and bit her bottom lip. “Will you stay with me tonight?” Simon smiled and nodded. “Of course I will.” Simon stood and held out his hand to Emily. She took it and stood, leading him upstairs to her bedroom. She grabbed a pair of pajama bottoms and a tank top from her dresser and went into the bathroom to change. When she returned, Simon was sitting on the edge of the bed. She laughed softly. “Are you going to sleep in your jeans?” She asked. Simon laughed a bit. “I just wanted to make sure it was ok, or if you minded rather, if I slept in my boxer briefs and t-shirt.” Emily smiled softly. “Of course it’s ok.” Simon nodded and stood, discarding his jeans and folding them before placing them on a chair in the corner of the room.
Emily pulled back the covers and waited for Simon to get in the bed before climbing in. She cuddled close to him, smiling when he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close. Simon felt now more than ever an overwhelming need to protect Emily. He never wanted to see her cry out of pain ever again. He would do everything in his power to make sure she never suffered like that again. Even if their relationship didn’t last, he knew this girl was gonna have him hooked forever and that’d he’d always be there for here. Once he saw that she was asleep, Simon finally allowed himself to drift off. For the first time in months, he felt a renewed sense of purpose. It was to protect Emily and shower her with affection, to show her that she was worth it, and to make her happy every day, for as along as they were together.
Tags: @faith-lynn9 @collette04 @simons-savior86 @simons-thirst-squad
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watchingovernuest · 7 years
【ARTICLE】☆ BNTNews Japan Interview Special ‘2 Years Anniversay’ ☆
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Q: You were guests on the [Sapporo Snow K-POP Festival 2014] in Sapporo in February. How was the Snow Festival?
Baekho: I have been to the Snow Festival when I was a trainee. Can’t say that it was to the same as that time, but it was close to that scenery.
Minhyun: In my case, I didn’t go (to the Festival) when I was a trainee. Because I just had entered the company. So only Ren, Baekho and JR have been out and they were were proud to overspill. This time I was looking foward to it very much this time, I could watch beautiful scenery, and as I expected, it was really good.
Q: You also held ‘NU’EST Special Event - Talk & Autograph session’ in Tokyo. Are there any places you would like to go in Japan?
Minhyun: Oh there is one.
Aron: Sukiyaki. As usual. Last time we went out together for like 4, 5 times I guess.
Minhyun: All members like to eat something everytime when going out. Then, we make sure to stop by the Tower Records in Shibuya.
Baekho: Every time I go out, I make sure to stop by the Tower Records. And I ate for the first time curry soup, and I think I’m going to eat that everytime from now on.
Q: Please tell me what you always wanted to do, what you haven’t done already in Japan?
Minhyun: I want to go to the Disneyland with the members. We haven’t done that yet.
JR: For me, I want to give an concert in a larger venue, that’s what I want to do the most right now.
Q: Do you aim the Tokyo Dome?
JR: First from a Arena (to another Arena). Gradually aiming the better one little by little.
Baekho: Right. When a dream is too big, it is vague and that it comes true is unlikely.
Q: On MBC’s [Show! Music Core] 400th Episode special feature stage, Ren crossdressed and it became the topic. How did you like it? How were the reactions of the members?
Ren: Well, everybody were surprised. I looked good, so there were reactions like to be unpleasant, and various other. This Crossdressing thing became a more hot topic than I expected. But therefore I was anxious about that image being a girl. I think that’s all’s interesst. Well, I had no feeling of being rejected. And I also have now long hair….it was fun!
Q: So, I will listen to the members now! Be honest, who was the prettiest of the Boy’s day members?
(All answer immediately) REN!
Minhyun: Of course though all the other members were pretty, but for Ren, his body is slim, and his face is pure. I think he was the prettiest.
Q: Minhyun who challenged acting for the first time in [Reckless Family season 3], how was it?
Minhyun: It was difficult. It was definitly harder than my dayly job as a singer. But I wanted to try out acting, and that I got casted was a good opportunity. And I was able to be conforfabe during shooting because it was a sitcom. I think it was a really good experience for me.
Q:To all members, did you watch the broadcast of Minhyun?
Baekho: I watched it.
JR: I teased him.
Minhyun: Really, the members imitated me all the time after watching. It was a bit stressfull for me for a while.
Q: The next question goes to Baekho. Please tell us 3 points of your charm you can think of by yourself.
Baekho: I’m handsome and I’m clever.
Minhyun: More clever than I thought.
Baekho: I’m not only handsome, but also clever.
Minhyun: Then tell me from your career when you was a kid.
Baekho: I was also working as a student president, also I have a tertiary qualification in word processing. (laugh) Also I was first place from the whole school when I was in elementary school.
Minhyun: It is a little contrary to your appearance but you have got such an career (laugh).
Baekho: After that, another thing, I have a good body.
Q: What are you doing to train your body usually?
Baekho: Recently I’m doing cross fit with Minhyun. It’s fun. But it’s quite hard to wake up in the morning.
Minhyun: I don’t have to go for any morning schedule. But it’s fun.
Baekho: Minhyun can’t keep up with me. No, just kidding. (laugh)
Q: JR, are you recently addicted to something?
JR: As hobby I watch Anime. Rather than being addicted, it feels like as it became to my daily routine in my life, because I watch too much. I also collect these plastic figures. It’s not nesseary to buy these, because I get alot send from fans. I display all I have, but now also it’s full. If I get any more I need place to put them, or else some get eliminated.
Q: Aron you have been working for almost a year now as a DJ of a radio show. How is it to work alone and away from the members?
Aron: I’m good, since the fans only concentrates on me (laugh). Anyway, Minhyun appears throughout on friday as guest, and it’s scheduled that Baekho make a guest appearance on monday from now on too. Therefore please expect alot from now on~
Q: Well, today is white day! Are you all the type of guy who can confess to the person you love first?
Baekho: Today is white day?
Minhyun: You didn’t know? I told you alittle while ago.
Aron: I didn’t know too. I got to know it on my radio today, I was like ‘Oh today is white day’.
Ren: I liked a girl in elementary school, and I confessed first.
Baekho: In elementary school? You’re a man. I’d also confess first.
JR: I’d confess first too.
Baekho: Seems to be just something straight.
JR: I’ll confess to her , if she seems to accept me. I confess after she letting her like me.
(Q: is it strategic?)
JR: Being clever is a good thing. (laugh) Won’t you get hurt, if you confess blindly (thoughtless) and getting rejected? That’s why I first let the girl like me and then I confess.
(Q: A Method to be liked?)
JR: Having a handsome face (laugh).
Minhyun: Everybody is full of confidence nowadays. Oh, I think you confess first because you are a man. Also I think you need to make that atmosphere first before you confess.
Aron: Well, I think so too, that if you going to confess first, you prove you are a man. I think that I would also do confess after I made that atmosphere. But it will be also good if the women confessed first. Well, don’t you think that the most matching is a confession from a man?
Q: Because everyone said you would be the one to confess first. How would you confess?
Ren: I think I’d send her a letter. Her parent’s wouldn’t possibly read it or?
Aron: I would first get in contact with her, if I like her. And then say “Would you go on a date with me?” If the date is over I’d confess to her.
Baekho: For me, If I come to like someone there is nothing else needed to be said, besides being together.
Minhyun: Aren’t you shy or something, Baekho?
Baekho: Yeah I may be shy.
JR: Um, to be honest, since I’m shy, I would send her a message.
Aron: Oh my god 
Baekho: Why? Even if the message is good…
Minhyun: I’d confess while singing a sweet song.
Baekho: What if you loose your voice?
Minhyun: I’d still look pretty then.
Q: Then, who do you think would be the most gently to the person among the members?
Aron: Ren!
Ren: Did you mean me?
Aron: Oh, I’m not. That’s the answer from Ren. It’s me right, it’s me. 
Ren: Well then, each of us should pick a person other than ourselves. Cause I feel like all of us would choose themselves.
Aron: We likely choose ourselves right.
JR: Because I also intended to choose myself. But let’s pick a different person. Aron: Um….if that’s the case, I will pick Minhyun? I dunno, but seems to be very gentle.
Minhyun: I pick Ren. Because Ren is a member who is through of self-magagement, so he will will spend all his time with her.
Ren: But, I think I’m really like that. I really like doing this.
JR: I also choose Ren. Ren seems to be able to enjoy the same hobby as her. I think it’s the communication, like having that feeling that he seems to be able to talk honestly and confidently about something with her?
Baekho: I think Aron hyung gonna be gently with her. I don’t know why but I feel like he will.
Aron: Baekho’s feeling is good. His sense is good.
Ren: I, JR. I have the feeling when watching him, he seems to be gentle.
Baekho: Wait, why didn’t I get choosen by anyone?
Aron: Then I will change to Baekho.
Ren: JR is usually always gentle.
JR: I’m usually gentle to Ren.
Ren: No, I’m sure I can’t be said like that but you seem to be gently to her. Just don’t watch a Anime together with her.
JR: No, I don’t do that~
Ren: You better enjoy a different hobby, as well.
JR: Got it.
Q: If you would be a female, with whom out of the members would you go out with?
Ren: I choose Baekho. There is no particular reason. He is just manly.
Baekho: To be honest, I don’t want to choose anyone of them. Because I know them all too well.
Minhyun: Then let’s assum as we know nothing from each other, and just choose by the face.
Baekho: By face? Then I choose Minhyun. But it still feel like I choose Minhyun.
Minhyun: It’s like having a crush.
Baekho: Might be like this. Minhyun is also tall, and handsome.
JR: To be honest, I…
Minhyun: Why? Are you worried about this?
JR: I don’t want to date anyone of the members if I were a woman.
Minhyun: Assume, that we met for the first time withought knowing our personalities.
JR: None of your faces is my favourite.
Baekho: Then what type of man do you like?
JR: Someone as GD. But I’m not going to choose him.
Ren: So cool~
Minhyun: I, Baekho. Because Baeho loves to eat, I get to eat everytime when going out with Baekho a delicious meal.
JR: Don’t you gain weight then?
Minhyun: I’d be happy with a full stomach, even when I become fat at some time.
Baekho: Through the members are unaware of the fact, that I am good at cooking - If I see the receip I’m able to cook everything.
Minhyun: Such as a lobster?
Baekho: I’m not so good yet.
Aron: For me, Ren. Ren is quite talkactive so being with him is a lot of fun I think. Baekho: It would be fun going out with Ren. Like going together to do our nails.
JR: When watching a drama there isn’t any scene like hanging out together in a beauty salon together.
Baekho: Then let’s go all together~ 
Source: BNTNews Japan
Translated by WatchingOverNuest
Take out with credits only!
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groundramon · 7 years
I’m bored and I cant focus on my drawing so...
Since I’ve been ratting on Teen Titans all week even tho I insist I like the show (I SWEAR TO GOD I DO...I was off-put at first but? its okay, its hard for shows to immediately hook me), I think it’s only fair to list some of my major problems with some of my all-time favorite shows and some other shows that are currently on that aren’t really my favorite, but I still think are objectively decent and arguably pretty damn good.
I’m not gonna go in order from best to worst but here we go: (keep reading tag because this is going to get really fucking long and ik i dont usually do this with my rants but i feel like i should this time, idk im inconsistent this is a personal blog sorry)
Steven Universe: - I sometimes feel bad critiquing SU because it’s not too far into its run.  I love the show, some of the moments and even full episodes are legitimately mesmerizing, but it...has quite a few problems, yeah.
- The one I bitch the most about is the pacing.  Steven Universe tries to combine serialized storytelling, which is telling an overarching story over the course of several episodes (IE Avatar: The Last Airbender, most anime, ect), and episodic storytelling, which is telling several smaller stories that each fit in one episode with little to nothing connecting them besides the characters (IE SpongeBob, We Bare Bears, most cartoons honestly).  But emphasis on “tries”; Steven Universe, unfortunately, is not very good at blending these two styles.  Steven Universe ridgedly adheres to the idea of having a season that is half filler/”townie” episodes and half “cool alien”/plot-related stuff - and this is something that’s been confirmed, by the way.  So while this was fine in the first season (where the only true overarching plot-related episodes that weren’t just worldbuilding were at the end of the season) and the second season (where the plot episodes can be summed up all-together as “they catch and befriend Peridot and learn, not stop, the Cluster”), it isn’t in the later seasons.  Season 3 has the following plot points: the Cluster is defeated, Malachite is found and defeated and defused, Lapis joins the Crystal Gems, more homeworld gems (rubies) find earth, Jasper is corrupted and bubbled, its revealed that Rose Quartz shattered (killed) someone, and Steven gets lost in space because of a plan gone wrong with the Rubies (and he’s rescued in the last episode).  That is a paragraph worth of plot points.  And, being generous (IE including plot-forwarding episodes that feel more like filler than actual plot, like the baseball episode) that is 13 twelve-minute episodes worth of content.  All of those plot points are addressed in 2.6 hours time.  That is not long enough to visit all those episodes.  And there are a few more I didnt count that /are/ related to the aliens, but Bismuth and Centipeetle currently irrelevant and weren’t related to the plot points I listed so I didnt mention them.
- I’m also still waiting somewhat impatiently for resolution on certain character arcs.  Pearl’s behavior hasn’t been properly addressed for a while and I’m really hoping they dont wimp out of addressing what a piece of shit she can be sometimes.  Like, I love Pearl, but get the fuck outta hear with your Pearl stanning shit.  She’s unintentionally awful and I lvoe her for it.  I’m more patient about Bismuth but.......crewniverse, im starting to get a little impatient with her too.  Bring her back.  You should’ve brought her back in the next episode, because her friends shouldn’t have left her bubbled, but whatever.  It’s fine.  I’m fine.  (I’m not fine).
- Also, Lapis’s character arc.  Wasn’t properly addressed.  One episode she was saying she deserved to be with Jasper and the next she seems fine.  One episode she hates Peridot and two episodes (well several episodes, but two episodes as far as they appear) later they’re buddy-buddy with one another.  I get that there was probably a time gap where they developed closer with one another, but fuck, I would’ve liked to see that instead of Future Boy Zoltron but okay :) (and i dont even hate future boy zoltron, its just one of the few “meh” episodes I bothered to remember the name of)
- SPEAKING OF UNPROPERLY ADDRESSED CHARACTER ARCS I swear to god Crewniverse, if Amethyst was being sincere when she said she didn’t have self esteem issues anymore, I dont think I can call this one of my favorite shows anymore.  Where.  Where did she find the resolve to get over her self esteem issues.  The last time we saw her talk about them was when she broke down in Sardonyx’s room, but, she was speaking through Smoky Quartz (btw, where the fuck has Smoky been? I literally forgot about her because its been so long...).  But still, even if she WAS speaking through a fusion, before then she displayed the same self-destructive mindsets and she was never given the resolve to better herself.  All she did was wallow in her own pity with Steven (which? relatable, but not constructive).  Show us her getting the resolve to better herself.  Show her positively reinforcing herself.  Have her whisper “you can do this, Amy,” under her breath right before she kick’s a bad guy’s ass.  Have her high-five herself, have her cheer for herself, have her be sincerely proud and acknowledging her accomplishments.  Because that’s how you fix self esteem issues and kids should be taught that by someone other than a therapist or the internet.
- Just because a lot of these issues could be fixed with time doesn’t change where they are at this moment.  The past pacing issues might not ruin the show for me depending on the direction they go in, but I feel like they’re going to continuously make the same mistakes over and over - and with the intense direction this show is going now, the idea of having five filler/townie episodes in a row while Lars is in space is terrifying because of how awful that pacing is.  I do not care about Onion, please go back to Lars.  But even if they fix it and the rest of the series is near-spotless, what’s done is done, you cant fix the rushed pacing of the past seasons’ stories and the dumb filler that padded out the seasons in the wrong areas.
- Also, another problem with combining episodic and serialized storytelling is that SU’s story gets WAY too serialized for an episodic show.  There’s so much going on that you can’t just sit down and watch a random episode of the show and start watching the show from there, which is a huge problem when you have episodes like Onion Gang and Future Boy Zoltron that take up 30% of the episodes and offer literally nothing to the story and honestly arent usually even that great as far as episodic stories go.  You cannot have 30% of your serialized show be 100% filler.  That’s bad writing.  And SU is in denial of the fact that it’s too serialized to be episodic.
Gravity Falls: - I generally cite Gravity Falls as one of the best combiners of the traditional episodic and serialized styles.  It’s what Steven Universe dreams of being; it becomes serialized when it counts (the final half of the last season), but up until then, it’s episodic with just a few clues/reoccuring things sprinkled throughout.  However, this show is far, far from flawless.
- Some of the episodic shows, and I mean a lot of the episodic shows, have a tendency to feel rather generic.  Ah yes, a girl whose obsessed with boys and boybands.  Okay.  Seen that.  A nerdy, whimpy boy who has a crush on a cooler older girl.  Again, seen that.  I’m not saying that’s all there is to Mable and Dipper; clearly not.  But a lot of their traits encompass many different stereotypes, and while the characters themselves aren’t bad, the situations they find themselves in aren’t always the most original.  Sometimes I feel like Gravity Falls is a PG-rated Scooby Doo meets Disney Sitcom.  Which is okay if you like Scooby Doo and Disney Sitcoms, but it doesn’t always make for the most eloquent storytelling.  Which is fine for a kids show, but less fine for one of the cartoons heralded as a harbinger of the current cartoon renaissance (then again, I’m not into hardly any of the other harbingers of the “current cartoon renaissance” and I’d argue that we aren’t in a renaissance at all; we’re just finally, finally getting some decent cartoons after the awfulness that was the late 2000s)
- I’m gonna say it; we should’ve learned more about Ford’s adventures in the other dimension.  It’s possible some of the non-animation related materials (namely books) have information about his travels, but as it stands, I havent got a clue what happened to him during those years.  And I want to know.  I should know.  Its a glaring plot hole in all honesty, because we should know what happened to him and how it affected him.  Or maybe im overreacting idk.
Voltron: Legendary Defender: - Hoo boy, where do I even start with VLD
- VLD seems like a show that wants to be character-driven but somehow refuses to.  It wants you to be emotionally attached to the characters, but either it does that and does nothing with it, or it doesn’t even bother to do that.  The only characters whose struggles I care about are Pidge, Shiro, Allura, and only as of season 3, Keith.  Allura I was kinda on the fence about until season 3 but thankfully, if season 3 did one thing right, it was Keith and Allura (and yes I know people are complaining abt Allura’s treatment but I like watching my faves suffer).  That leaves two paladins - and Coran, but I’ll give him a pass because literally the only show that’s done a comedy relief right is ATLA so I’m not expecting him to be superbly well-developed - that I dont give a shit about.
- Lets start with Hunk.  GOD I want to love Hunk so much.  So FUCKING much.  But every time a new season comes out, I feel more and more disappointed.  This show is so obsessed with melding him down to “the fat kid who eats a lot and makes a lot of dumb jokes” and it’s....so disappointing, because there’s so much potential here for something more.  In the first episode of the series, we see Hunk display cowardice (which isn’t an uncommon trait for a fat stereotype) and a prowess for engineering.  Yes he’s a bit of a fat stereotype, but you know what?  I dont care if a fat character is cowardly, makes bad puns, likes to eat, throws up a lot, all that jazz.  I care that they’re more than that.  I hate the idea that a character having a stereotypical trait (assuming its not straight-up a caricature) makes them automatically stereotypical.  Sorry buddy but smart asian people exist.  Preppy blondes exist.  And food-loving fat people exist (hi! i know that last one is true because I am one).  But they’re so obsessed with ignoring Hunk’s other traits - his love of cooking and his engineering skills.  I dont even remember if he used his engineering skills in season 2 and I know he only used it once in season 3.  He didnt even cook in season 3.  And I think the most telling thing in this show is how the show described Hunk’s relationship with Shiro.  As Keith was expressing grief over loosing essentially his big brother figure, Lance thought back to when he viewed Shiro as a legend and a hero, Pidge reminisced about how her father and brother used to praise the guy, and Hunk?  Hunk basically said “uhhhhhh he taught me to pilot my lion.....that counts right.”  Because Hunk has no relationship with Shiro.  Because Hunk has no relationship with any character.  He doesn’t even have that much of a relationship with Lance, and the two seemed to be best friends - or at least friends - prior to the formation of team Voltron.  At best, Hunk is friends with Lance and Pidge.  But all Hunk has done with Keith is make bad jokes while Keith acted all loner-y, and Hunk hasn’t even interacted with Allura and Shiro.
- Now, speaking of Lance, lets talk about him.  While Hunk gets points from me because he’s a sweetheart who deserves better, Lance is a flirter whose too high on his own horse and makes even worse jokes than Hunk does.  Considering Lance is the one we follow in the first episode, I would’ve expected him to be the most centric member of the team.  But first off, fuck me for projecting anime stereotypes/tropes onto a western cartoon (even though voltron was originally an anime kinda but shhh), but secondly he actually is...the most forgettable of all the Paladins.  Yeah I said it.  I legitimately dont like Lance at this point.  Yeah, I said that too.  I basically cant remember anything about him besides the fact that he flirts and jokes around a lot and that Klance is inescapable (like, not that its inevitable that you’ll ship it, but you’ll never escape the fandom for it).  He’s Sokka with all the charm, intelligence, and depth taken out of him, and also bi but that’s the only improvement.  Seriously, what...draws you all to Lance?  I dont want to judge, but he’s just....so stereotypical.  So boring to me, despite being the most lively paladin.  And the development cockteasing.  Oh, the development cockteasing.  I cant tell you how many times I’ve gotten my hopes up specifically because of something the show said about Lance/Lance seeming to be insecure about something, only for them to immediately shoot it down and replace it with more bad jokes or...nothing at all.  Because did Lance even do anything in season 3?  He pilots Red now, he had a funny bit with Blue during the “breakup”, he comforted Keith, Keith comforted him, uhhhh ??? did he even have a line in episode 7??  I feel like there might’ve been episodes where he literally had no speaking parts.  The only good things I can say about Lance so far are: 1. sometimes hes really fucking funny, and 2. it looks like they COULD be building up to something.  But if they’re just cockteasing me all the way through, I’m disowning dreamworks entirely.
- The tone of the show? also shouldn’t vary as much as it does.  The tone of a show varying is fine, but it shouldn’t vary in the way it does in Voltron prior season 3 (I’ll get to what I mean by that in a second).  In season 1 and season 2, the heavy moments of the show were almost entirely carried by Shiro; there was something for Pidge and something for Keith, but even then, Shiro got involved or was there for the entire time.  Shiro, by merely existing, brings the tone of this show down to something almost too serious for a kid’s show (emphasis on almost).  During the light-hearted parts, he just has to keep his mouth shut, because the only time he’s done anything funny (besides ironically funny like with his new outfit and haircut) was when he was yelling at Sven.  Yelling should not be your only source of humor.  But the rest of the show?  Was pretty goofy, yeah it took itself seriously sometimes but it also knew how to have fun.  Which is fine, a show should be able to have fun sometimes.  But that means all parts of the show, including Shiro.  Shiro is physically incapable of having fun and that’s kind of sad.  Season 3 was better about this though; nothing in season 3 felt fun and goofy, like at all, besides Lance taking selfies with girls in the first episode, and that was just one scene.  So I mean, they didn’t fix their problem, but the tone didn’t vary as much.  And I’m not saying the tone shouldn’t vary.  No, it should; you shouldn’t have all serious moments or all goofy moments.  Have some fun, but also take yourself seriously sometimes.  The problem is that parts of the show can’t take themselves seriously (Lance, Hunk) and other parts of the show can’t take a joke (Shiro, Zarkon/any villain too but they get a pass since they’re villains).
- Also we REALLY should know all of the Paladins’ backstories by now, ESPECIALLY Keith’s.  I know his is a mystery, but we need to know what he knows or else we cant get invested in the mystery.  If we dont have the same facts as the characters, we dont know where to start or what to expect.  We should’ve also seen flashbacks to Lance and Hunk’s families - ESPECIALLY Lance’s, since he seemed to care so much about them, but welp now that’s gone :).  We should’ve also seen more flashbacks to Pidge’s family but at least she’s trying to find them.  Nobody else gives a shit about their families and I just.  Aaaaaaaaaa this show infuriates me sometimes.
Avatar: The Last Airbender: - There’s nothing wrong with ATLA, move the fuck along
- I’M JOKING IM JOKING SWEATS okay but it’s no surprise I like ATLA and think its near flawless.  But still, it’s near-flawless, not flawless.
- If you cant stand a little kiddish cheese, you wont be able to stand ATLA.  ATLA takes itself super seriously for something on Nickelodeon, especially something on Nickelodeon in the mid-to-late 2000s (god I wish I watched this show as a kid, my standards would’ve been so much higher and i would’ve known what animation could actually do if you tried) but it’s still written for kids.  Which is fine!  I actually prefer things written for children over things written for adults.  But if you can’t handle something with content that’s clearly written for children, ATLA isn’t for you.
- Ozai fucking sucks.  There’s no other way to put it, his character fucking sucks.  He’s meant to be the embodiment of pure evil, he’s not meant to be sympathetic like Zuko, but for fuck’s sake, we needed his backstory.  And no, The Search doesn’t count; love that comic book, but that’s not enough backstory on Ozai (unless I’ve forgotten an important scene in the comic, idk its been a while).  Azula isn’t a sympathetic villain but we see her reasons and backstory.  Give us something like that for Ozai.  Show us a character that was emotionally neglected and then grew up in a society where killing and genocide were encouraged and praised.  THATS the backstory for Ozai I want.  I want to know where he came from to fuel my hatred for him, to see him as a real person but not as someone who should’ve done what he did, and I want to hate him BECAUSE he feels like a character.  Right now he just feels like the embodiment of evil and that doesn’t make for a good, truly intimidating villain.  A truly intimidating villain is one that you understand and can possibly relate to.  Not...whatever the hell Ozai is.
- Katara and Aang’s romance plot fucking sucks.  I am ace/aro and cannot write romance for shit nor tell when characters have chemistry, but I can still tell this.  It’s not...forced?  It’s not...rushed?  But it’s unnecessary and poorly written and it’s just puppy love and honestly if it was real live I couldnt see their relationship lasting.  Also the idea of seeing someone as a brother and then dating them later is verrrry .... poorly worded to say the least bUT ANYWAYS NEXT BULLET POINT
- Toph and Suki could’ve been developed more.  Like, they were okayly developed, they were great characters, but idk.  Toph didn’t grip me nearly as much as Sokka, Aang, and Katara and I feel kind of bad about it, but thinking about how much development the others got compared to her, it’s not really surprising.  I also am not the hugest fan of rude characters anymore, but I digress.  Also Suki.  Suki had like, little to no development.  I want Suki to be part of Team Avatar.  Can we do that
- General Zhao also fucking sucks.  He’s so generic that the first few times I watched the show, I forgot he was even a significant reoccuring villain.
- Sokka could’ve also been more developed but they could’ve all been more developed honestly?  You can always add to perfection.  I shouldnt complain about Sokka tho, he was finely developed and I love my nonbending son
The Legend of Korra: - Uhhhh the first season’s ending?  0/10 bad, rushed, not good.  I wanted to see Korra deal with the loss of her other elements.  I wanted to see her cope with that.  But no, because Nickelodeon kept screwing over LOK, they had to rush it because otherwise it wouldn’t have been a happy ending for the series if they potentially had to end it after one season.  Fuck Nickelodeon :) but I’m still going to critique LOK for it even if it is Nickelodeon’s fault.
- Bolin and Mako were horribly underdeveloped.  Especially Bolin.  It’s so sad how underdeveloped “Team Avatar” was in this series compared to the last series.  I feel bad complaining about Toph, Suki, and ESPECIALLY Sokka in comparison to LOK.  The only one even comparably as bad is Suki, but she got half a season to be developed and these two got an entire series.  We got some of their backstory and then...that was it, besides the love triangle that Bolin was barely part of.  I guess they were kinda irrelevant for season 2 and season 4, but they had no reason to be missing in the later half of season 4, plus they had season 1 and season 3, so....  God, poor Bolin.  It would’ve been nice to see a nice (fat) comic relief guy like him get the same treatment as Sokka, but whatever....its fine.......ill just sit here patiently waiting for my good representation coughs.  Also all Mako did was do the love triangle and I Do Not Like Him for it.  Keith is a better Mako than Mako ever was because Keith dont need no love triangle and also he already has more development
- Asami also should’ve been more developed, but it looks like there’s potential for more development in the comics so thats good.  From the series alone though, she was pretty flat; better than Bolin and Mako for sure, better than Suki from the original series, but not nearly as good as Toph or the others.  At least she did have some development and a likeable personality that’s relatively original.
- I hate saying this but...Korrasami should’ve been more developed.  I wouldn’t like, take points off of a rating for this point because I mean it was the first lesbian/gay representation in a kids cartoon (from my understanding) and Nick might not’ve even known they were sneaking in something romantic at the end, not to mention they completely subverted the love triangle plot so it actually gains back favor in that way and its great.  Also, I mean, they had that buy-curious joke lmao.  And I’m pretty sure its expanded upon more in the comic; there wasn’t really room to expand upon it in the show because it was just starting.  But they probably could’ve done better than that.  It was still okay though and also, the subverting of the love triangle trope is the greatest thing ever and i long for the day that I can do that plot twist in one of my shows lmao.
- The Villains could’ve been more developed.  Besides Ammon (who is FUCKING AWESOME and you can FIGHT ME) they all had the same problem as Ozai; we dont have many reasons to see them as human or relatable and it makes it hard to hate them as much as we should.  I mean, they do show /some/ human qualities which I appreciate, but I dont entirely understand their motivations half the time and I want to know how they came to view the world the way they do.  But at least unlike Ozai, they do feel somewhat human.  (Except maybe Unaloq, I didnt like Unaloq very much)
And that’s like half of what I could say about each of those shows, and those are just some of my favorite shows I watch.  Dont ask me to go off on like, AOT or something, because I’ll be writing for another three hours lmao (actually feel free to because i wanna INSULT this PIECE OF GARBAGE ANIME that looks rlly pretty but otherwise IS BAD AND IDK WHY I WATCH IT lmao [idk if im joking or sincere sorry])  No show is flawless so I’m going to insult whichever flaws I see.  Fight me.
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txehyungies · 7 years
Tumblr media
•Pairing: Jungkook x Reader
•Genre: Fluff
•Words: 2204
•A/N: wow i literally started writing this a month ago and now I finally decided to finish itttt. Anyways it’s not the best but hope ya like it!
•Summary: You go to take an exam, once it’s over Jungkook has a surprise for you back at the house. (I’m actual trash at summary’s please don’t judge me i know it sucks I’m tired)
An obnoxiously loud noise rings through your ears at the ungodly hour of 5 am, followed by an annoyed grunt from the figure next to you. Your eyes still shut, you raise your arm weakly to shut off the alarm clock next to your face. Immediately, you remove yourself from the warmth of the bed, and a cold frigid air swirls around you. Without realizing, you had actually removed the whole blanket from the bed, revealing a shivering Jungkook who reaches out groggily to grab the blanket and pull it back over his tired body.
“Y/N…. What’s going on… Why are you up?” The sleepy boy asks.
“I have my exam remember?” You reply in a quiet voice.
“You do realize that’s at 9 am right?”
“I know, I just wanted to get some more studying in.” You plop down in your desk chair and grab a pencil from the pencil holder on your desk.
“You’ve been studying all night… You only got like 3 hours of sleep. It would be better to be well rested so you can think properly.” He props his hand under his head to look at you better, gazing at you with half shut eyes.
You turn in your chair to face him and look down.
“I guess… I did study a lot.”
“Come on, you deserve it.” Jungkook removes his hand from under his head, making it fall gently to his pillow. He lifts up the blanket and pats the spot you were sleeping peacefully in just moments before. It was incredibly tempting to jump in there and cuddle up to your boyfriend, and you did spend the whole night studying so you should probably go back to sleep.
“Okay…” You finally give in and get up to join Jungkook in bed. He smiles tiredly and places the warm blanket overtop of you.
“Just so you know, you’re gonna have to deal with my alarm going off again.” You warn him, since you’re obviously going to have to set your alarm so that you wake up in time for your exam.
“I know… I just want to cuddle longer.” He wraps his strong arms around your weak body, pulling you towards him. You both soon fall fast asleep because of the exhausted state that the two of you are in.
Your peaceful sleep gets interrupted once again by the loud noise coming from your phone at 8:00 am. You get up slowly and shut off the annoying alarm. Jungkook comes walking into the room when he hears that you are awake.
“I made you some breakfast since you shouldn’t take your exam on an empty stomach.”
You look at him adoringly, how did you end up with him?
“One sec, let me get dressed first.” You reply, rummaging through your closet to find something to wear. After searching, you just decide to wear leggings and a hoodie. When you walk out of the bedroom, you find Jungkook sitting on the couch, two plates in hand as he turns on the tv. You rush over and sit next to him, taking the plate in his right hand. Scrambled eggs, bacon and toast lay on the dish in front you. You’re starving so you gladly take a big bite and smile at him.
“You know you didn’t have to make all this, I could of just had cereal or something.“
He finishes chewing on his toast before replying, “I know but, you studied like crazy so you deserve it.”
“Thank you.” You give him a small peck on the cheek, still worn out from the lack of sleep. He blushes slightly at your sign of affection. Even though it’s been a while since you had started dating, you both feel butterflies and get nervous around each other at moments.
Munching on your breakfast, you turn your head towards the tv to watch the sitcom that is currently playing. After a moment, you feel as if you are being watched. You turn your head to find Jungkook gazing at you with innocent eyes, mesmerized by your figure.
“Kookie? Do I have eggs on my face or something?” You ask, clearly unaware of why he’s staring at you like that.
His head twitches faintly as he comes out of his trance, “No, you’re just pretty.” He says in a small voice, becoming shy since you noticed him.
“I’m wearing a hoodie.” You stated.
“Indeed you are, that doesn’t change anything.”
You cover your pink face with your hands, “Kookie~”
He bunny smiles and takes your hands off of your face, “No no, don’t do that. I wanna see you.”
Your flushed face is revealed as he moves your hands from it, a coy smile plastered on your lips.
He chuckles before planting a kiss on your forehead.
You take another bite of eggs before taking a glance at the clock. 8:45am, your exam starts at 9 and it takes you 10 minutes to get there. You grab Kookie’s hand and shoot up from the couch, bringing him with you.
“Whoa whoa whoa, everything alright?” Jungkook asks, a worried tone in his voice.
Your finger quickly points at the clock, which makes his eyes widen.
“Shi-” His reply is cut off by you violently pulling on his arm to drag him to the door.
You throw Jungkook his shoe and his coat while trying to put on yours at the same time.
“Hurry hurry hurry!” You exclaim, grabbing the keys to your car.
Kookie moves as quick as a bunny and runs out the door at lightning speed, you in pursuit not far behind him. He opens the car door in a swift motion, you doing the same milliseconds after. Once you shut your door he pushes on the gas without hesitation, dashing out of the driveway. Luckily there was little to no red lights that you had to stop at, so you arrived with 5 minutes to spare.
You breathe a sigh of relief as you pull up to the building where the exam is taking place.
“You better dasi run run run.” Jungkook jokes while shooting finger guns, chuckling way more than he should be at his own pun. You try your hardest not to laugh at his stupid pun, but a small grin appears on your face before you sprint into the building.
After an excruciatingly long 2 hours, your exam is finally finished. You feel pretty confident with your mark, since you started studying one month in advance. You walk out to find your car parked in the same spot, Jungkook passed out in the front seat. You go to open the car door only to realize it’s locked. The tired boy jolts awake when you knock on the window softly. He was a very light sleeper after all. He looks at you with a flustered expression, confused about what decade it is. Once he finally gets out of the perplexed state caused by his nap, he quickly flicks the lock of the car to unlock it. You open the door and collapse into the seat.
“Sorry, I went home for a bit then came to pick you up but I was so tired that I fell asleep.” He apologizes while starting the car.
“It’s okay Kookie, you don’t need to apologize.” You reassured with a soft voice, closing your eyes. You didn’t understand that boy sometimes. He always apologizes for the smallest things, which was absolutely adorable nonetheless. It was one of the things you loved about him, along with him always asking if he can kiss you on the lips.
The ride home was in comfortable silence. Jungkook let you rest peacefully as he drove, the sound of him humming subconsciously putting you to sleep.
Your eyes flutter open to Jungkook poking your shoulder gently.
“Oh hi, um, you looked so peaceful but I had to wake you so we could go inside.”
You give a sleepy smile and rub your eyes.
“Want me to grab your bag?” He asks, already reaching for the pale blue backpack in the backseat of the small car.
“Yes please…” You reply in quiet voice, your voice slightly higher than usual. Kookie internally melts at how cute you sound before he grabs your bag and brings it inside. You follow slowly behind him, exhausted from the exam. Jungkook is waiting at the front door for you, so you try to walk at a quicker pace. You reach him and he gives a big smile.
“I have something for you.”
You lift your eyebrow in curiosity and he turns the doorknob.
The house is dimly lit with fairy lights displayed all around the living room. You walk in more to find blankets piled neatly on the long couch with an animated movie paused on the tv. You and Jungkook both still enjoyed watching animations, even though society would consider you ‘too old’ for them.
“What’s all this?” You ask, turning around to face Jungkook.
“It’s for you.” He replied simply, closing the front door. He walks over to you and wraps his arms around you in a back hug. You smile tiredly as he rests his chin on your shoulder.
“Do you like it?” He lifts his head to look up at the side profile of your face, his eyebrow raised in curiosity.
“I do.” You giggle.
He pecks your cheek softly and buries his blushing face in your shoulder. You take his hand in yours and walk over to the couch. He sits on it and you join him, flopping onto it. You were still exhausted but you obviously weren’t going to give up this chance to just relax with your boyfriend. Kookie grasps the remote controller before abruptly letting go.
“Oo wait! Popcorn!” He stands up from his seat and runs over to the cabinet that keeps the popcorn. He quickly opens the microwave and places the bag carefully in it. The room is filled with muffled popping noises as you wait for the food. Jungkook taps his fingers impatiently on the kitchen counter before the microwave beeps to signal that it’s done. He opens the small door and pours the buttery substance into a large bowl. He holds it in both hands and brings it over to you.
You take a generous amount of popcorn and stuff it in your mouth, you haven’t eaten anything since the morning so you were starving.
“Whoa slow down!” Jungkook laughs, “Did you eat anything after breakfast today???”
You pout slightly and shake your head.
Jungkook clutches his chest dramatically before rushing over to the kitchen and pulling the cabinets open in swift motions.
“Kookie? What are yo-”
“Jesus Christ woman you gotta eat oh my god.” He starts frantically grabbing bread from the cabinet and placing it on a plate.
“Jungkook I’m fine, I can just eat the popcor-” You start to stand so you can drag him back over to the couch.
“Not on my watch, sit down.” He replies in a playful sassy tone and puts his hand on his hip.
“Alright alright” You chuckle and put your hands up to signal surrender. You sit back down on the couch.
Jungkook giggles while placing some ham on the bread, followed by a slice of cheese, and some mayonnaise. He delicately places a second slice of bread on top. Balancing the plate on his hand, he walks over to the couch and places it on your lap.
“Bon Appetite, Mademoiselle” He says in an over exaggerated French accent.
You giggle and take a bite of the sandwich, which is surprisingly tasty considering that you’re starving. In mere minutes you finish the entire sandwich and wipe your mouth with the back of your hand. You turn your head to find Jungkook with his jaw slack.
“H-how did you- Damn. He stutters with a baffled expression.
“I was hungry.” You chuckle in response.
“I can tell.” Jungkook laughed, still bewildered by your action, “You still want the popcorn?” He added jokingly, nudging your arm with his elbow.
You roll you your eyes playfully and grab the remote off from the couch.
“Alright enough jokes can we watch the movie now?”
Jungkook nods and you press play.
You start to awaken from your slumber as a gentle finger traced your face tenderly. Your brain was awakening, but you left your eyes closed. When you finally gained consciousness, you could hear a faint humming in your ear. Still not fully understanding what is happening, your eyes flutter open in curiosity. Before you, Jungkook lay gazing at you adoringly, with one arm around your waist pulling you close, and the other held up to caress your face.
“Kookie?” You ask, a tired tone in your voice.
Jungkook giggles at your perplexed state, revealing his bunny teeth in the process, “Yes?”
“Thank you.” You whisper.
Jungkook pecks your nose softly, “You’re welcome love.”
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A list of both would be amazing 😍
Clannad/Clannad: After Story is the anime I recommend to anyone.
I don’t give a HECK what type of anime you like.
You need to see this anime.
It will change you
It will take you on a god damn journey about friendship/family/love/loss and it will make you cry harder than you have cried in your ENTIRE life.
It’s basically about a boy Tomoya who is pretty like…lost in life, until he meets Nagisa and other students in the highschool. It’s based off a visual novel so each character has a story arc. It sounds like a slice of life but PLOT TWIST IT’S FUCKING AMAZING AND LIFE CHANGING AND SAD.
It will fuck you up. You will never be the same after this anime.
Baccano is great too. Old-timey, weird, it’s a murder-mystery kinda thing. The opening alone is a masterpiece. 
Death Note is my secondfavorite anime ever. I know I said no well-known or mainstream shit but I just wanted to say. It’s my fav.
Another is REALLY good. Especially if you’re a horror fanatic. Think of the Final Destination movies if they were actually good.
Anohana is really good but REALLY SAD. I don’t want to say anything without spoiling the entire show, but it’s a heartwarming story about a boy who meets up with his childhood friend Menma who’s only wish is for him to rekindle the long parted frirendships with his old childhood friends. You will bawl. 
Neon Genesis Evangelion like i know this counts as pretty mainstream and well-known but if you aren’t watching NGE idk what is wrong with you. YOU DONT EVEN GOTTA WATCH THE ANIME IF YOU DON’T WANT TO JUST WATCH THE MOVIES
Higurashi No Naku Koro Ni/Kai well known too?? I think? It’s like “that gore anime” but despite it’s…sub-par art, it’s a solid anime. I can’t really explain it without spoiling it. Basically a boy moves into a village and meets some friends and sloooowly starts to learn that everything is FUCKED U P.
Angel Beats! ohhh man. oh man. this one fucked me up too. It’s all about afterlife and “angels” and their journey to move on from?? purgatory??  i think? 
Orange, I keep reccing sad anime. Oops. Anyway, this anime also made me sob. It’s about a highschool girl who receives a letter from her future self…warning her about a tragedy that will happen soon, and how she needs to do anything she can to prevent it from happening.
Erased. More recent, VERY good anime. About a boy who has the ability to travel through time…but he doesnt have any control of when it happens or how far he’ll go back. 12 episodes and I was sHOOK MY DUDE.
Kimi No Na Wa / Your Name: PLEASE WATCH THIS MOVIE IT JUST CAME OUT RECENTLY AND I WONT SAY ANYTHING ABOUT IT BECAUSE IT’LL SPOIL IT. This movie looks very cute and happy and romantic but..I am not the same over it. Please watch this movie.
[EDIT I FORGOT MY CURRENT LOVE] Miss Kobayashi’s Dragon Maid lesbian dragons? whats more to love?? Seriously this anime is very heartfelt and pure. Yes, it has its’ basic bad tropes like obscenely large boobs, but i love this anime. Kobayashi gets drunk one night, meets a dragon in the woods, flirts with her, and asks her to be her maid. Dragon says “ok” and falls in love with her and they adopt a kid and it’s SO cute and sweet 
ok i’m gonna go to shows now because I can rec anime till the end of time
TV Shows
It’s Always Sunny in Philadelphia my favorite show. I love this show so much. It’s not for everyone though, it’s very dark, gross humor. Season 1 is kinda weak but it only gets better with age. A group of shitty people going about their every day lives. It’s the anti-sitcom and I love it.
Parks and Rec the most pure comedy out there, if you havent seen this show WHAT are you doing
The Office …….are you sensing a theme here yet? I love this show, it’s so awkward but had me in TEARS laughing every other episode 
Scrubs another comedy………very,,,very good show,,s,o pure while also being super sad? what?? 
Whose Line Is It Anyway? Oldie but one of my all time favs. It’s an improv show, exactly my humor. I watched it daily as a child
Kitchen Nightmares (american version) i would marry Gordon Ramsey
My Strange Addiction people are weird and i love it , documents people’s addictions, sometimes it’s a cool look into subcultures (pet play/furries/ect) but othertimes its just gross and kinda sad  
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gay-la-v · 7 years
If you could somehow rewrite the Sailor Moon canon, ¿What changes would you make?
First off, I've never been big on plot, and I'm so desensitized to watching thimgs I hate, so I'm real good at ignoring things I don't like. Ergo, this might be a bit of a mess.'m going to leave Silmil and CT alone for the most part because THERE IS SO LITTLE CANON TO CHANGE. Just give me a tragic, gray-moral, drama about silmil and give me a happy, family, sitcom peppered with some existential crises at the ever approaching future for CT.that aside, FIRST AND FOREMOST, GOD, JUST EVERY INTERACTION BETWEEN THE ROYAL FAMILY THROUGHOUT THE ENTIRE SERIES IS CRAP. USAGI AND CHIBS ARE PLAIN MEAN TO EACH OTHER. THE CHIBS/MAMS IMPLICATIONS??? NO. ITS ALL CRAP. MAKE THEM FUNCTIONAL, PLEASE. Like I get that Usagi especially is to young to be a mom figure to Chibs but whatever mess of a relationship canon has for them, I don't like it. I think they go for a sisterly relationship, AND I THINK THAT'S GREAT, but WHY is it SO VINDICTIVE. I DON'T BELIEVE THEY ACTUALLY LOVE EACH OTHER. So just, please, make them more amicable, I'm begging. AND IF WE COULD STICK TO DORKLORD 8000 MAMORU INSTEAD OF INTENSE ANSSHOLE THAT WOULD BE GREAT. Speaking of which TOO many characters are in love with Mamoru. I want him to be a ridiculous dork that Usagi thinks is precious and everyone else is like "??? how is this guy real ???" so basically just drop Naoko's idea that Mamoru is this ideal, fan-service character.Also Demande's face needs 8000 more punches and his body needs more fire.HOTARU NEEDS A GOD DAMN TRANSFORMATION SEQUENCE AND SHE AND PLUTO AND NARU ALL NEED WAY MORE SCREENTIME. But Naru especially for me, I hate how distant she and Usagi get by the end of the anime and I hate how most other media p much leave her out entirely. Usagi loves her friends and she loves Naru and she NEEDS A FRIEND THAT ISN'T WRAPPED UP IN THE APOCALYPSE (more Ayakashi sisters too please).the Dreams arc needs to tone Helios WAY THE FUCK DOWN. He's creepy, he doesn't make sense, and he's too weirdly omnipotent while simultaneously being helpless?? Limit his role to protecting dreams, let chibiusa talk to the senshi about him, let them protect him. THAT SHOULD BE IT. AND WHILE IM ON IT, CHIBS JUST NEEDS TO TALK TO THE INNERS MORE. BOTH FOR CUTE INTERACTIONS AND FOR PREVENTING APOCALYPTIC SCENARIOS FROM BECOMING WORSE. @Stars I would like if we would LEAVE BEHIND THE "CANT WORK TOGETHER" THING IMMEDIATELY. IT WORKED FOR ONE SEASON FOR THE OUTTERS AND THAT WAS MORE OF IT THEN WE NEEDED. STOP. The starlights are fuckin refugees they should be begging this star system for some help. And furthermore I would like the starlights WAY MORE if their personalities were a lil more like how they are in the myu's i.e: doofy and NOT GIANT ASSHOLES. Obviously more shit needs to happen with Galaxia's redemption than "youre purified, bye" but idk exactly what. tbh dont really care. BUT MORE IMPORTANTLY BERYL. GIMME EIEN DENSETSU STYLE BERYL REVIVAL, K THANKS.I'm sure there's more but that's what I got besides these final, important points:1) more senshi/senshi interaction that ISN'T focused on Usagi2) more goofy plotlines that AREN'T gonna result in the end of the world3) Usagi realizes she's bi and polyamorous af WAY sooner.
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