#if youre gonna send hate mail be funny about it please
transgothzoey · 1 month
Non specific hate mail is the funniest thing in the world to me. I put all my insecurities in public view and all you can think of is generic league of legends all chat toxicity? Lol, lmao even
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prehistoric-duo · 2 months
It's your favorite MewTube Paleontologist Power-Couple, finally making an account on a social media site that isn't MewTube!
This is Taire- if you couldn't tell by my charming energetics (AKA Arnie didn't feel like making our introduction post lol).
I figure some of you don't really know who we are, if you don't find this blog from our description links, so why not talk about it real quick?
As I've said before, I'm Taire! I use he/him pronouns, and I'm 27 years old. Which, in my opinion, is actually not that old because I've worked with rocks older than uh. literally humanity? I have three Pokemon-
Rafflesia the Venusaur (She/her)
Geode the Sandslash (They/them)
Onoi the Omastar (They/them)
Here's my trainer card:
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Arnie uses they/he pronouns, and is 26! He is like. My favorite person in the whole wide world and I love him so so so much and YES me gushing about him is a regular occurrence irl and in private. They also have three Pokemon-
Pablo the Torterra (They/them)
Grey the Aggron (They/Them)
Shelley the Carracosta (She/her)
Here's their trainer card:
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We've been doing MewTube for about 3 years now, and married for 5! We work for an organization called The New Epoch Foundation as, you guessed it, paleontologists! The goal of the organization is to help further scientific research and runs mostly on donations! I might also end up as their head of social media because of the stuff we do on MewTube, we'll just have to see!
Of course, we can't forget about Baby Helix, we had them about a year ago and we love them so so much. We don't really post pictures of them, but maybe in the future? We aren't like. A family vlogging channel anyways (chills). We'll both sign off our posts!
Feel free to send us asks and pelipper mail! I'm hoping to be able to interact with the fans more this way :)
Hi! Mod here, just call me Vessel! ooc text from me will be red
My other blog is @canesvenatici-ribbons! But this blog is going to be more plot-based than slice of life ;)
A couple of ground rules:
1- I operate on DND and Improv rules: "yes and" and be respectful to other players.
That doesn't mean NO anon hate or whatever, it just means that if someone is playing a character in a way that makes me uncomfortable, I'm probably not going to interact with you. If the anon hate is egregious I'm going to stop responding to it, etc.
Typically I try to just go "yes and" to stuff, it's more fun to me that way and adds a layer of unpredictability to my stories- BUT- please DM me if you want to do BIG plot stuff (I don't bite!)
But if something makes me uncomfortable I won't do it, feel free to ask prior though if you want confirmation! If it's like. An overly dark subject matter I probably won't do it though.
2- No Magic anons or anon hate related to their identities please!
This is my one hard-stop! everything else like sentient pokemon, pelipper mail, regular anons, anon hate, is all fine right now!
3- Feel free to remind me to respond to a post or ask if I haven't gotten to it in about two days! I'm a college student and I'm really busy. I do this mostly for fun but I do really appreciate reminders. adhd brain
4- I want to confirm this rq cause I know people will ask about it- Helix is their biological child, one of them is trans but no actual like. Pregnancy is gonna be shown or mentioned on this blog because they think it's funny to keep it up in the air on who had Helix or if Helix is adopted. Trans families (no matter what kind) and seahorse dads are just. Very important to me as I am a trans guy/trans masc who wants kids myself one day. I expect you all to be respectful and mature about this. People who make M///pr///eg jokes and/or comments will be blocked and deleted.
Literally it's only funny with people I'm close with so if I don't know you, don't do that. This is my one other hard stop
Asks about who had Helix though- and speculation on if Helix is adopted, is encouraged and very funny!
I do plan on having actual references for the family done up at some point, I just haven't had the time or resources for it quite yet. But for now, here are their picrews + short add on descriptions! (Minus Baby Helix)
Blue, Feathery hair, Oddly sharp teeth
Red, scaley patches of skin has grown in the three years of making videos- they started out small and almost unnoticeable and now it's beginning to take up their face.
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DO NOT let this picrew fool you. Arnie is a large fat man. They also have a full beard that is not pictured.
Hair has turned white in the past few years. Blue Patch of skin over eye and looks strangely smooth, has only appeared since last year
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adultswim2021 · 9 months
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Metalocalypse #36: “Snakes n’ Barrels II” | August 25, 2008 - 12:00AM | S02E16
Well! This certainly is a momentous episode! I guess. Well, it’s the first thirty minute episode, which isn’t nothing. The next season would be presented in the half hour format, I’m guessing in part due to the direct success of this episode. This is sorta the “Fonzie's Getting Married” of Metalocalypse. 
This one is basically about the perils of sobriety. Pickles old band Snakes n’ Barrels gets back together without him. The effects of the dangerous drug they were dosed with in the first Snakes n’ Barrels episode turned all but Pickles into a blank slate, prime for reprogramming. Ricky Kixx, an obnoxious sober rock star (voiced by Mike Patton), happens to be the first guy to waltz into the band’s orbit. He does indeed reprogram them as a “bragging about sobriety” band. Pickles intends to settle the score with them, but they have a restraining order against him. Pickles will have to violate a legal boundary!  
Meanwhile: Ricky Kixx turns out to be a rageaholic who murders one of his assistants after revealing to him that he hates being sober, and considers it to be a terrible prison. He preaches sobriety just to make those around him as miserable as he is. Murderface feels angst from not having his side project PLANET PISS properly registered, and goes apeshit when he finds out Toki registered every planet piss web domain there is as a mean prank. Murderface goes to confront Toki at the Snakes n’ Barrels concert but Toki has gone absolutely mental beating an especially obnoxious straight-edge fan half-to-death. This is during the show’s climax when lingering effects of the drug in the bands' systems cause mass chaos. 
It is time for me to list stuff now. Here are some other things in the episode: Dr. Rockso is in this, no longer a clown and two months sober (give or take). He is eventually tempted by his old clownsona in a series of hallucinations. There is a funny scene where Nathan explosion slaps the vendors at the sober rock show, he just slaps them silly. Uh, that’s only two things, which isn’t really a list. Okay, a third thing: they cut the theme song short for fun. That’s fun! 
I like this episode fine, but I don’t think I loved it. It ends fairly strong, it feels slightly experimental in that we get some longer scenes, like when Dethklok bash their manager’s lamp collection, and a fun aside where Pickles gives his tour of LA. Both of these things would have probably been cut from an 11 minute version of the episode. They’re fun, but I wouldn’t consider these among my favorite scenes in Metalocalypse history. I will forever be curious what an edited-down version of this episode would be like. It will haunt me for the rest of my days.
Hello, I am here and I'm nice. Time to answer some messages that the people (my many very real fans) are sending me:
these "tasty tuesdays" have really been running me for a loop
Oh, I don't know... tuesday is tasty to me, but maybe for you? (??)
i log it and there's nothing, every tuesday, for whatever reason. out partying with your friends? hmm? can you at least have a microblog every tuesday about the tastiest thing you had in the past week. people would actually like it. that's the thing.
Okay: for real: My initial post on this blog I basically said "I'm gonna update mostly every day but please don't mind it when I skip a day" and I'm basically exercising that clause right there. But yeah, I have a thing I do on Tuesday nights and I seemingly, no matter what, wind up working later than usual on Tuesday so I almost never have time. I also tend to burn out on the blog when I consciously build up a backlog. Maybe you noticed or maybe you didn't, but MONDAY evenings have sorta become a crapshoot for me lately, too.
Very fun fact: I was going to attempt a Tuesday post last night, and figured I could knock out this episode/write-up very easily, and then put it on and saw it was a double episode instead of the previously-assumed 11 minutes. So I bailed! What could have been!
Also, the elite group of very real hackers who humiliate me by titling my Tuesday posts as some variation of "Tasty Tuesday" have gotten in touch with me and told me that they need more time to come up with new titles. I hate that they are disgracing my blog with their vandalism, but I respect the creative process enough that I feel I must oblige.
Also the tastiest thing I eat each week is always PUSSY
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crackheadgeminibby · 3 years
better for you
pairing: chris evans x female!black!reader
warnings: age gap, angst, language
word count: 2.7k
a/n: this lowkey sucks and is very poorly edited, i’m sorry but on the plus side, i surpassed 400 followers yesterday!! so thank you to those 400+ people🤍🤍
i do not consent to my work being copied in any way, shape of form or reposted on any other platform
not my picture
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You didn’t consider yourself a jealous person. Much less a jealous girlfriend. Not at all. Never had and you thought you never would.
You had practically raised yourself as your parents had always been more preoccupied with their jobs. You loved your parents, you really did, but when your high school counselor told you that you could graduate high school a year and a half early, you took the opportunity to start college immediately and move out of your parents’ house. This drastic change when you were so young made you become extremely independent. Which is why your relationship with Chris worked almost perfectly. You valued your independence, as he did his, and you respected his independence, as he did yours.
As a corporate lawyer that had multiple firms around the country, you traveled a lot, needing to meet with clients. Chris, as an actor, also traveled a lot.
You both trusted the other without a doubt at the beginning of the relationship despite that Chris was, at first, a little wary of being with someone as young as you. As a 24-year-old, he thought that you should be living your life, partying, sleeping with whomever you wanted without being tied down, but you had explained to him that despite your age, those were not the things that you wanted.
You and Chris were truly made for each other, knowing the other more than they knew themselves. You would even dare to call yourselves soulmates.
Which is why you could not fathom why you were in your current situation.
You had left early in the day for California, where you were overseeing the opening and start-up of your newest firm. Chris, on the other hand, had left 3 days ago to go on some trip his publicist had arranged for him. You hadn’t bothered asking what it was about, assuming that it was about ASP. Plus, you didn’t mind it: he had to do what he had to do.
But now, you couldn’t believe yourself.
You were sitting on your hotel bed, in a white and fluffy robe, fresh out of the shower. Your computer was open in front of you, the TV was blaring the news and you had your phone in your hand. It was almost 11pm but you had been doing this for at least 3 hours. All three electronics were talking about the same thing: Are Chris Evans and Lily James dating??
It was a bit your fault that people gave themselves the right to assume things like that, to be honest, since you had been the one to pressure Chris about keeping your relationship secret. You knew that people would talk and judge you for your 15-year age gap. You, personally, didn’t care and neither did Chris but his career was dependent on his public image and you didn’t want to hold him back, especially not at a pivotal moment in his life like right now.
So, you had agreed on telling your families and your very close friends and Chris had convinced you to let him tell his publicist, Megan. God, she fucking hated you. When Chris arranged for you guys to meet, she had called you “a walking, breathing PR disaster”. You had laughed it off calling her funny, but you knew that she was 100% serious. You really shouldn’t have been surprised that she would do something so fucked up at some point.
A bunch of different news outlets were pumping out new stories every 30 minutes, each article a little more detailed than the previous. It was all over the Internet and it seemed to be the only thing that people cared about today.
Considering the 8-hour difference between London and San Francisco, you hadn’t been able to talk to Chris at all since you got to your hotel. You weren’t even sure if you wanted to talk to him. He hadn’t even tried to talk to you. Why was he avoiding you and acting like he had something to hide?
You’re reading the latest Daily Mail article on your computer about how Chris and Lily apparently got to his hotel in the same car when you hear your phone ring on the nightstand. You don’t even bother looking at the caller ID as you reach for your phone, eyes still glued to your computer and answer,
You hear a loud exhale on the other end of the phone before you hear Chris’ tired voice, “Baby, hi.”
You tense up slightly before asking, trying to seem nonchalant, “What’s up?”
“Have you watched the news today?”
You bite your lip, thinking, before replying, lying through your teeth, “No, why? What’s going on?”
Chris sighs again before answering, “Nothing, it’s fine. How was your day?”
You roll your eyes. Was he seriously not going to say anything?
“Fine, but it’s really late and I have to get up early tomorrow so good night.”
You hang up the phone before Chris can answer anything. You throw the phone at the end of your bed, frustrated beyond belief.
You continue to read the Daily Mail article as you hear a message coming in. You don’t bother to get up to pick up your phone as you see the message appear on your computer screen a couple of seconds later.
chris💙, 11:01pm:
Good night baby girl. Good luck tomorrow🤍
You groan loudly at his message. Even when he had pissed you the fuck off, his words still brought butterflies to your stomach.
You disregard his message and finish reading the article. You roll your eyes as you close your computer and get up to put it on the hotel desk. As you’re walking back to bed, you take your phone from the end of the bed and put it on its charger, ready to go to bed.
You’re not sure how you manage to fall asleep that night as your mind swirls with unending thoughts.
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When your alarm wakes you up at 6am the next day, you feel groggy, having slept very badly last night. Which was to be expected.
You get up and change while eating a protein bar before heading to the hotel gym: you needed to do something to get your energy up. Once you finish your workout, you head back to your room to get ready for the day.
When you get out of the shower, you open your computer and, having left the Daily Mail website open last night, you see a new article posted 2 minutes ago: Chris Evans and Lily James seen on a date in a London park.You groan loudly, closing your computer as you hear that your cell phone is receiving multiple texts.
You reach for your phone on the hotel desk and your eyes widen as you see your lock screen.
5 missed calls
12 messages
You open your Phone app seeing one call from Chris, two from your best friend, one from your brother and one from your mom.
You open the Messages app as a new message from your brother comes in.
will, 7:31am:
When did you break up with your boyfriend? And why didn’t you tell me?
you, 7:32am:
i didn’t
will, 7:32am:
You know i’m gonna fucking murder him right?
You smile fondly at your brother’s concern, chuckling softly as you type your reply.
you, 7:33am:
as you should(:
You open the rest of your messages, mostly asking the same thing. You didn’t feel like talking about it anymore so, you ignore them until you get to your conversation with Chris.
chris💙, 5:22am:
Hey, I’m sure you’ve seen the articles by now.
I’m so sorry
Call me when you can, please. I really need to talk to you.
You bite your lip as you think about what to answer. You didn’t have the energy to deal with this right before your firm’s opening. Shaking your head, you lock your phone, putting it back on the desk, getting dressed.
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As you get back to your hotel room, exhausted from your day, you hear your phone signal an incoming text for the millionth time today.
You sigh loudly: you knew it was Chris texting you again. You had been ignoring his texts all day because you didn’t want to get in a bad mood while you were opening the firm.
You put your purse and work bag on the floor, unlocking your phone. You open the conversation with Chris, scrolling through his messages.
chris💙, 6:15pm:
I’m leaving a bit earlier than I planned, I should be home tomorrow morning.
Are you back in Boston or are you gonna stay in LA?
You sigh, feeling guilty that you had been ignoring his texts all day. You start typing a reply, your finger hovering over the send button for a couple of seconds before clicking on it.
you, 6:17pm:
i’m still in san francisco i’m leaving tomorrow morning
As soon as your message goes through, you see the three dots pop up in the conversation.
chris💙, 6:17pm:
Oh my God, hi. Are you okay?
Can I call you?
You chew on your bottom lip: you really didn’t think he was going to answer that fast.
you, 6:18pm:
i’m about to take a shower then i’m gonna go to bed i’m really tired sorry
chris💙, 6:18pm:
Okay, I’m sorry
Good night
You groan loudly. You really didn’t know why you felt so guilty: he was the one running around with another woman. As you think about this, you realize that you didn’t really know who she was.
You shake your head at yourself as you pull up Google on your phone and look for her. You don’t even realize it but, 20 minutes later, you were now at the oldest post on her Instagram.
You curse at yourself, dropping your phone on your bed, and head to the shower.
You stay under the hot stream of the shower for at least an hour before you finally get out, toweling off.
You order some room service for dinner, settling down in front of a random show playing on the TV. After pushing your food around for half an hour, you sigh loudly, put the tray on the hotel desk and get under the covers before finally falling asleep.
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You had not slept very well so you had been in a rush to leave the hotel and catch your flight to LAX in the morning. You were exhausted and hungry when you got to your shared LA home with Chris but there was no food in sight, considering that neither of you had been here in a couple of months.
As it was not too late in the day, you decide to take a nap and order some food after.
When you wake up a few hours later, the sun has already completely set and the house is pitch black. You rub the sleep out of your eyes and take your phone before heading to the living room to order some food.
As you enter the kitchen and are about to head to the living room, you hear a deep voice, “Hey, you’re up.”
Taken by surprise, you throw your phone in the direction of the sound and scream, “Holy shit!”
“Ow… What the fuck?”
You’re breathing heavily, clutching your chest as you turn on the kitchen lights, brightness illuminating the area as you see Chris holding the side of his head.
“Jesus Christ, Chris! You almost gave me a fucking heart attack!”
Chris rubs at his head as he looks towards you. “I’m sorry, I didn’t mean to scare you.”
Your heartbeat starts to slow down as you roll your eyes.
“What are you even doing here?”
Chris frowns and replies, “Well, you never told me where you were going to be but when I got back to Boston and you weren’t there, I assumed you were coming here.”
You groan silently, crossing your arms over your chest and raising your eyebrows,
“So, London seemed to be very fun.”
Chris shakes his head, looking up at the ceiling, before making eye contact with you, “I didn’t know that’s what the trip was about.”
You chuckle humorlessly, “Really, Chris? Since when do you go on trips, not knowing what they’re about?”
Chris exhales loudly, taking a couple of steps towards you, “I promise that I didn’t know. Megan planned everything and just sent me the info.”
You snort loudly, rolling your eyes. Chris frowns before asking, “What?”
“Megan, Chris? Really? She fucking hates me, of course she would pull a stunt like this.”
Chris frowns again, shaking his head, “What are you talking about? She doesn’t hate you.”
You laugh, this time, actually finding this funny, “Chris, she literally called me a walking disaster.”
Chris struggles to find an answer to that: he knew that Megan used this exact kind of formulation so he couldn’t deny it.
“And you know what? It’s fine. Maybe you really should be dating her instead of me.”
Chris’ face contorts in a mix of hurt and anger, “Why the fuck would you say something like that?”
“Because it’s true, Chris. She’s better for you. She’s actually your age, not a fucking child compared to you. She can give you the things you want from life that I can’t. Maybe it’s better that way.”
“What way?”
You shrug your shoulders, looking at your feet, mumbling, “If we weren’t together.”
Chris scoffs, “You literally have to be kidding me.”
Chris takes large steps, making his way towards you and takes your chin in his hand, forcing you to look at him.
“Y/N, I’ve told you before and I will tell you again. I do not give a shit about your age. And I thought you didn’t either. So, what’s the problem here?”
You bite your bottom lip nervously, “Because what if what Megan said is true? I mean… If people find out that we’re dating, the shit talking would never stop. I can’t do that to you.”
Chris sighs, enveloping you in a hug.
“Baby, it doesn’t matter. None of it matters if we’re not together.”
He lets you go, stroking your cheek, “You’re it for me. There is no one better for me than you. And no one is going to take that away from us. Not you. Not Megan. And certainly not my fans. If they love me as much as they say they do, then they’ll respect you.”
You chuckle slightly, “Chris, I don’t know what kind of fantasy you live in, but in real life, that’s not how things go.”
“Okay, but who cares? There’s two people in this relationship, you and me. Not you, me, Megan and my fans.”
You scoff, mumbling, “Yeah, tell Megan that.”
“I will. The same goes for her. I didn’t know she actually meant those things about you and I’ll tell her that she needs to knock that shit off.”
You sigh, nodding slightly, “Okay.”
“And, baby, I’m sorry.”
You furrow your brows, trying to understand, “I never should have agreed to Megan’s little plan thing. But, most importantly, I should have told you as soon as I knew. It’s just that I kinda owed Lily a favor and she needed this. But it doesn’t erase the fact that I should have been honest with you and I’m sorry I wasn’t.”
You sigh, “I know, it’s okay. I knew this kind of thing could happen when I decided to be with you, and I overreacted a bit so I’m sorry too. I knew it wasn’t true and I should have asked you about it instead of ignoring you. I just… couldn’t let go of the fact that maybe you should be with her.”
Chris shakes his head, “I shouldn’t. And I never will be.”
Chris laughs a bit before continuing, “Sorry, but you’ll have to try harder to get rid of me.”
You laugh loudly, throwing your head back. Looking back at Chris, you smile warmly before hugging him,
“I love you, Chris. Like, a lot.”
Chris chuckles, squeezing you tighter, “I love you too.”
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sunrisefairy · 3 years
Last chances
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Pairing: George Weasley x reader Warning: Alcohol, swearing, angst (but worth it i promise) Summary: Y/N is getting married. To someone that isn’t George. 
A/N: this was written for @inglourious-imagines​​ 1K writing challenge (i just realised i didnt tell you before hand what prompts i was gonna do so i hope thats okay) based off the prompts ‘you need to leave’ and ‘d-did you just k-kiss me?’
Taglist: @hufflepuff5972​ @inglourious-imagines​ @klausdatprettyboi​ @georgeweasleyswhre​ @horrorxweasley​ @amourtentiaa​ send me an ask if you would like to be added
George felt all the air being sucked out of his lungs as he read over the golden cursive words printed onto the crisp white paper. He could feel Fred’s pitiful stare burning holes into the side of his head, but he couldn’t tear his eyes away from the paper in his grasp. George’s brain was overflowing with thoughts, but his head was empty at the same time, as if every time he reached out his thoughts were dissolving into liquid and slipping through his fingers.
By the time George managed to make eye contact with Fred, his eyes were red and burning with tears, the only thought he could wrap his fingers around was the one which was destroying him the most, “she’s getting married?”
The sun was beating down harshly making the sand feel like tiny grains of lava, but George didn’t care. It was the middle of summer and the Weasley family had invited the Y/L/N’s to the beach. John and Nancy Y/L/N had been very good friends with Molly and Arthur Weasley for many years having met during high school. But soon after graduation John and Nancy got married and decided to travel the world which they had done for a few years before having their daughter Y/N. They moved around a lot while Y/N was a baby, still wanting to explore and see what the world had to offer. But now, Y/N was 7 and they decided it would do her and themselves some good to settle down somewhere, plant some roots so to speak. Which is how they ended back in the small town John and Nancy grew up in, the one where the Weasleys were still living.
Giving that it was summer, and the weather was reaching high temperatures the Weasley family decided to spend the day at the beach so the children could kill some energy and excitedly invited their old friends, John and Nancy to catch up.
George was particularly thrilled not only because he loved days at the beach playing with his siblings and making sandcastles just to pretend he was a giant and stomp on them, but he couldn’t wait to meet Y/N. His parents had told him and Fred that Y/N was their age and although Fred wasn’t very interested in playing with a girl and would much rather prank Ron, George had a good feeling about Y/N.
George had just finished constructing a sandcastle he named ‘Castle Weasley’ and was about to jump on it when his mum calls for him. He drags his bare feet through the hot sand over to his parents who are chatting with 2 people he doesn’t recognise.
“Fred, George this is John and Nancy, and this is their little girl Y/N.” Molly gestures to the timid girl hiding behind her mum’s leg.
Reluctantly Y/N moves from her previous hiding spot and stares doe eyes up at the twins in front of her. George’s mouth is dry and his palms are clammy, but he doesn’t think it’s from the blistering heat. George Weasley is staring at the most beautiful girl he’s ever seen.
It’s been 3 weeks since Y/N’s wedding invitation arrived in the mail and George had shoved it under a pile of bills he was also planning to ignore. Although he doesn’t need to see the invitations to remember the words which were written on the paper ‘kindly join us for the wedding of Y/N L/N and William Chapman. Saturday the seventeenth of April at 11 o’clock.’
It was the 10th of April today, just 7 days till Y/N’s wedding. George felt bile rising in the back of his throat every time he thinks about Y/N marrying someone which wasn’t himself. George has had a crush on the girl ever since he first met her that day on the beach. Back then he only ever saw it as a silly little crush which he hoped he’d eventually get over. But years went on and his crush only grew and grew until it was suffocating. When they reached high school, George planned to tell Y/N about his feelings but chickened out each time, scared of ruining their friendship.
To be honest George always felt (maybe he just hoped) that him and Y/N were meant for each other and sooner or later they’d be together. He held tightly onto this when Y/N started dating William. George was optimistic that William and Y/N’s relationship wasn’t serious and eventually they’d break up and George could finally confess his feelings. All of that went down the drain the second George open up that stupid envelope.
“I ran into Y/N today. At the store,” Fred says carefully trying to gage his brother’s reaction to her name. George just offers a grunt in response, eye staring blankly at the tv in front of him. “she asked about you, wants to know if you’re going to the wedding since she hasn’t heard anything from you.”
George doesn’t reply. Fred just sighs, ”c’mon mate. You’re really not going to go? It’s Y/N we’re talking about here. She’s your best mate.”
George racks his ringers through his already messy hair, squeezing his eyes closed. “That’s exactly why I can’t go. It’s Y/N. How can I sit there and watch Y/N marry some other guy and pretend I’m okay with it?” George feels tears threatening to fall down his cheeks, it’s a wonder he has any tears left to cry.
Fred moves closer to George on the couch, wrapping his arm around his twin who chokes out a sob, “I know buddy, I know it fucking hurts.”
Since graduating high school George and Y/N made it tradition to catch up once a week if not more so they wouldn’t lose touch. But their newfound busy lives with university and work meant they hadn’t seen each other for a month. They finally found a day that they were both free and decided to meet up for coffee. George had paid for Y/N’s latte while she found them a table by the window. He set their drinks down admiring how beautiful Y/N looked, she was practically glowing.
“So, Y/N what’s new with you? I feel like it’s been forever since I’ve seen you,” George takes a long sip of his coffee.
George knows Y/N must have some important news for him, judging solely off the smile that she’s failing to conceal. “Well, if you must know. I met someone.”
The colour drains from George’s face and he coughs trying to regain his composure. “Like a boy?”
“Yes a boy silly, his name is William and I met him at the library. It was actually really funny I was turning down one of the aisles and he” George drowns out Y/N’s voice, he can hear his heart thumping in his chest, threatening to jump out.
George knows, he knows it’s his own fault for not telling Y/N how he feels sooner. He knows he doesn’t have anyone else to blame but himself, but it doesn’t make this hurt any less. Sweet, kind Y/N, who had gently cradled George’s heart unknowingly since they were 7, has squeezed it between her slender fingers like a stress ball.
“George?” Y/N words break him from his trance.
“That sounds amazing Y/N, I’m really happy for you.”
It’s Monday and Y/N has been trying to contact George for days with no luck. She ran into Fred last Saturday who said George has just been super busy with work, she didn’t believe it one bit, she needed to find out why George has been ignoring her.
She pushes the store door open and the bell above chimes announcing her arrival.
“Sorry we’re closed for the day!” a voice travels through the store before it’s owner exits the storeroom to see who the culprit is, who clearly cannot read the ‘closed’ sign hanging on the door.
George’s eyes land on Y/N who is standing by the front door unmoving and twiddling with her fingers, playing with an engagement ring that seems out of place on her left hand. “What are you doing here?”
Y/N steps closer, not noticing the way George takes a small step back, “I feel like I haven’t seen you in forever.”
George doesn’t speak, he’s certain that his voice would be unsteady if he did. Y/N hates the silence, so speaks again, “I’m getting married you know, on Saturday.”
George sucks in a breath, turning his back to fix one of the displays. “Yeah, congratulations,” he mumbles.
“I didn’t know if you got the invitation or not, kind of expected you to call.” Y/N shoves her hands into the pockets of her jeans, moving so she is standing beside George who is avoiding her gaze. “What’s the matter Georgie?”
George shakes his head, “kind of fast isn’t it? Why the rush to get married to that twat?”
Y/N rolls her eyes, ever since George met William, he made it very clear he didn’t like the bloke. “George stop it. He proposed and I said yes. We figured why wait to start our lives together, y’know? So on Saturday I thought that-“
“-I’m not going.” George’s words felt like a hot knife to Y/N’s chest. When George finally mets her gaze he continues, “I’m not going to the wedding Y/N.”
“Because! Because William is a prick and doesn’t deserve you. I can’t sit there and watch you marry some idiot.” George knows his voice is getting louder and that his hands are flailing around but he doesn’t care. “He’s an absolute tosser! You deserve better than William.” You deserve me.
“William has done nothing but love me, George.” The thought of George not being there at her wedding breaks her heart. George was her best friend; how could she not have her best friend at the wedding. “Are you really not going to be there for me?” Y/N’s voice is quiet and timid.
It shatters George to see her so upset and the next words almost kill him.
“No, I won’t be there.”
“Okay mum that’s enough photos now!” Y/N giggles trying to hide her face behind her hands.
“Just one more please! George put your arm around her this time.” Nancy says holding the camera up to her face.
George wraps his arm around Y/N waist pulling her closer to him very aware of the way Y/N leans into his side. It’s the night on the school dance and somehow he had gathered enough courage to ask Y/N to go with him, she agreed of course and now they were standing out the front of Y/N’s house in front of the rose bushes while Y/N and George’s parents took photos.
“Okay now one with the four of you together,” Molly says pushing Fred and his date over to the rose bush. The four of them stood together smiling at all the flashing cameras which almost blinded them.
Molly wipes a tear that slips down her cheek, she always got emotional during things like this, “I cannot believe my little babies are growing up. 16 and going to a school dance with their gorgeous dates.”
“Right mum that’s enough, we’re gonna be late,” George groans although he didn’t mind having his arm around Y/N’s middle.
Molly nods agreeing, “right fine! Don’t want to keep you from your dance, have fun!”
Arthur drops the 4 of them off at the school hall reminding them he’d be back at 12 to pick them up.
All 4 of them spend most of the night dancing together and laughing at Fred’s questionable dance moves. Soon the upbeat song comes to an end and a much slowly one started playing. Immediately Fred extends a hand to his date, “m’lady. Care to dance?”
George turns his body to face Y/N who is gazing up at his tall frame, he gulps “Y/N do you wanna dance with me?”
The smile that spreads across her face could light up the room, “yes please.”
For the remainder of the night George and Y/N sway slowly to the music, Y/N moves closer to George until her head is resting against his chest and his arms find their place on her hips.
Y/N can hear George humming to the music above her and she smiles giving his shoulders a small squeeze, then whispers so quietly she’s worried George doesn’t hear her. “I hope we are always best friends Georgie.”
“I promise we will be love.”
Friday night and George hasn’t spoken to Y/N since she visited the shop. He’s ignored her phone calls and text messages; she came into the shop again on Wednesday, but George locked himself in the backroom telling Fred he had to do stocktake.
George could feel himself falling apart, Y/N was upset with him, Fred was annoyed at his childish behaviour. George felt himself fall deeper and deeper as his heartache and sorrow grew stronger every time he remembered Y/N’s engagement. The only thing which seems to numb his feelings was the alcohol.
At this point George wasn’t sure how much he had had to drink, but the buzz running through his system was better than the bitterness he was feeling before. It had just hit 11:30pm at night and he had finished the last of the tequila from the bottle. With no alcohol to distract his brain his eyes drift over the numerous photo frames he has hanging on the living room wall. His eyes stop at one photo in particular, it’s of him and Y/N from the day at the beach when they were 7. Despite it being the first time the two had met, they looked like they’d known each other since birth. Y/N had been very shy when she was introduced to the twins, but George quickly made her feel comfortable and the day was spent with lots of laughter and smiles. In the photo George and Y/N are stood side by side on the sand, grinning up at the camera. They had just made a huge sandcastle village and were very proud to show off their creation. George’s eyes wander down the photograph to their hands which are tightly intertwined. He bites his lip before stumbling out the front door.
“Do you ever think about getting married Georgie?” Y/N questions, she’s lying beside George outside on the grass, staring up at the clouds moving above them. They did this a lot, gazing at the sky trying to find the funniest shapes in the clouds.
George is only 12 but he knows exactly who he wants to marry, not that he will admit that.
“No, not really.” George tries not to freak out when he feels Y/N’s hand intertwine with his own, “do you?”
Y/N nods, “yep, I want to marry someone who is funny and will let me eat ice cream for dinner.” She giggles and it makes George’s heart soar, it the 5 years of knowing Y/N it had quickly become George’s favourite sound.
He turns his head to face Y/N, she’s still looking up at the sky, there’s a faint smile on her lips.
“I’m funny.” George isn’t sure what he’s insinuating.
Y/N turns to face him, “you are. Would you let me eat ice cream for dinner?” he nods eagerly.
Y/N purses her lips before smiling, “well then Georgie, maybe I’ll marry you.”
George can only hope that’s true.
George’s fist hammers against the wooden door. It knows it late and there’s a chance William will answer instead of Y/N but in this moment he doesn’t care. “C’mon Y/N open up! It’s me George.”
The door swings open and Y/N is standing on the other side in a fluffy dressing gown wrapped snuggly around her body rubbing her eyes. “George what the hell are you doing here?” There’s a trace of annoying on her voice, mostly because he’d woken her up but also because she’s been trying to talk to him all week and he decides to show up at her house at midnight the night before her wedding.
“I-um,” George stammers, his words getting stuck in this throat. He has spent practically his whole life wanting to tell Y/N he loves her but never being able to find the words, this time was no exception. So, in George’s alcohol fuelled mind he decides if he can’t use words then actions are the next best thing.
Y/N is staring blanking at the redhead on her porch, eager to know the reason why he’s standing in front of her after ignoring her all week. George timidly steps closer towards Y/N before resting his hands on her cheeks and pressing their lips together roughly.
Y/N is stood frozen on the spot until her hands reach up to rest on George’s chest. She can taste the strong alcohol on Georges mouth, and she’s pulled back to reality and pushing him away. “D-did you just k-kiss me?”
George nods.
Y/N is filled with anger and it starts to bubble up inside of her. “What the fuck George? You’ve been ignoring me all week not answering my calls or texts and-and then you just come here drunk and do that? You can’t come here the night before my wedding and kiss me. It’s not fair!”
George’s shoulders slump, “I’m sorry, I just had to say- that I…” he pauses again, his eyes scanning over Y/N’s face hoping somehow she’s learnt how to mind read.
“What? You had to say what George?” Y/N is aware that she’s yelling but she can’t bring herself to care.
“That I love you.”
Y/N doesn’t speak her brain is running a hundred miles a minute. The silence is unpleasant and unbearable, George looking into Y/N’s eyes trying to read her expression.
“You need to leave,” Y/N utters, her face unmoving.
It’s like George’s feet are glued to the ground, he’s brain is screaming at him to move but he can’t.
“You need to leave George.” Y/N’s voice is firmer this time, “I’m getting married tomorrow and you need to leave right now.”
George Weasley is an idiot. No, he’s more than an idiot, George Weasley is a dickhead, plain and simple.
He hadn’t been able to fall asleep when he got home, he kept replaying the night over and over. Every time he closed his eyes, he was met with Y/N staring back at him. Except she’s staring with so much disgust it makes George feel sick, he can still hear Y/N’s voice telling him to leave. George Weasley not only managed to lose the life of his life in one night but also his best friend. He feels like a dickhead.
George glances over at the clock next to his bed. 10:30 am. Y/N is getting married in 30 minutes. His chest pains, he thinks he might throw up.
George staggers out of bed and towards the kitchen, he needs water. His journey is interrupted by a harsh knock from the front door. He sighs, he knew Fred would come around to try and convince him to go to the wedding. George figures he couldn’t go to the wedding even if he wanted to, sure that his invitation was no longer valid after last night.
“Fred, seriously I’m not going,” George flings open the door and he almost passes out.
Y/N was standing there looking like an angel, he thinks maybe he died from alcohol poisoning and was actually in heaven. Y/N’s hair was laying loosely across her shoulders, she was wearing a breathtaking white gown which hugged her body perfectly.
George mouth is gaping open his voice coming out breathless and in a whisper, “what-what are you doing here?” He’s half expecting Y/N to slap him across the face for his antics last night.
“I couldn’t do it,” Y/N also whispers, as if this is a secret conversation, only meant for the two of them.
“Why?” George squeaks.
“Because I love you.”
Y/N steps closer and drapes her arms around George’s neck pulling him closer so their foreheads are resting against each other.
As soon as she woke up this morning Y/N felt ill. It wasn’t until she was standing in her wedding dress by the church did she realise why she felt sick. It was because the man that was waiting for her inside the church wasn’t George. Her mum sensed her daughters doubts and offered a comforting hand on her shoulder, “darling, you tell me right now if you want out. I’ll get a car, I’ll sort out this whole thing, you won’t have to worry about a thing.”
Without thinking Y/N had responded, “I want out mum.” That lead to Y/N zooming away in her dad’s car straight for George’s place.
Y/N gazes into George’s warm and gentle eyes, she felt home, “I love you even though you’re an idiot who waited to tell me you loved me till the night before my wedding to someone else.”
George chuckles, “yeah I guess I am but I’m your idiot.”
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anika-ann · 3 years
No Strings Attached - Pt.1
Y/N vs. The Mutual Crash
Type: Modern-college-professor AU x CHUCK, part of Attached series More info here and on the Attached masterlist
Pairing: professor!Steve Rogers x reader   Word count: 2900
Summary for the series: When you literally run into a cute guy named Chuck in school hallway, you soon learn there is much more to him than meets the eye. Unfortunately for you, you learn the hard way.
What’s worse, the encounter sets events in motion you couldn’t imagine in your wildest dreams – and it make you question everything you know.
Warnings: for this chapter - tiny bit of 18+ nsfw smut in the beginning though it’s barely there, swearing, mention of a migraine... that’s it?
A/N: Just so I don’t spook you, we’ll start off easy… with a 2,9k chapter… enjoy and thank you if you’re giving this crossover a chance. You don’t need any knowledge of Chuck, not realy.
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Attached & No Strings Attached masterlist
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Almost as soon as you woke up, there was a feeling in your gut; today was going to be strange. Strange in a way that you might not be entirely able to put a finger on, nothing all that special happening, but even though it was only half past six, you knew it was going to be one of those days.
Maybe it was the fact that you cautiously dropped a forehead kiss on Steve’s still sleeping form only to find out he was very much awake. His arms swiftly took a hold of your waist and pulled you on top of him, drawing a startled yelp from your lips, which he quickly silenced by a passionate good-morning kiss.
Maybe it was the fact that you nearly ended up being late.
You were not the only one waking up with a peculiar mood. After Steve’s kiss stole all air from your lungs, he was rolling the pair of you over, trapping you against the mattress, arousal evident, hands wandering and sneaking under your sleepshirt, trailing higher and higher until they reached one of his favourite playgrounds. The rest was history; it was quick and little sloppy but undeniably lustful. Still, it led to mutual satisfaction and to not having even remotely enough time to get ready for the day.
Maybe it was the e-mail Bucky sent yesterday at almost 10 p.m. informing his students that there would be a last-minute change of classroom, because special guests were coming to give a lecture. A lecture that started at 8 a.m.. You hated early morning classes; the only thing making them bearable was Bucky, because he was a damn good and funny professor.
God knew if the guests were about to be a blessing or a punishment. Either way, you had a hunch today was going to turn out kinda weird.
And you only had that confirmed as you rushed through the corridors, the home-made coffee in your opened thermo cup in hand—and suddenly it was gone.
Because you crashed into someone. Well, someone crashed into you. It was a mutual crash.
Point being – a hiss of pain escaped your lips, cup slipping from your fingers as the last remnants of coffee stained it, hands thrown in the air—only to slap the person’s shoulder in the process, because they happened to be in the way.
“Dammit!” you cursed, shaking your hand to distract yourself form the mild burn.
You eyed the puddle of brown liquid at your feet before your gaze moved up, noticing a few droplets on your jeans, and finally you fixed your gaze on your crashmate.
A relatively tall brunet stared at you, dark eyes wide, an apologetic expression on his face.
“I’m sorry!” you both blurted out at the same time.
Short awkward silence followed as you just kept staring at each other, unable to utter a word. And then you chuckled at the absurdity.
You noticed the guy’s lips curling up in a brief smile as you shook your head and went to find tissues in your backpack.
It wasn’t funny – more like annoying, actually. But you did find it funny. Maybe it was because you had a perfectly steamy morning quickie with your fiancé, making you giddy. Maybe it was because this guy, dressed in a grey shirt and black dress pants was kinda cute, the dark curls of his hair causing him to look rather endearing and charming at the same time and—he was smiling too. There was an air around him; a very friendly air.
“Oh, no, let me help!” he rushed to crouch by the offending puddle before you could even open your backpack and you swiftly lowered yourself too.
“It’s no problem, the cup was pretty much empty, luckily…” you mumbled, shooting him a forgiving smile. He met your eyes, one corner of his lips rising higher.
Oh no. He really was cute.
Now, after the mess with Daniel, you were wary of cute guys, even if it came to innocent flirting. But this one, your crashmate… well. There was something about him screaming ‘trust me’; with Daniel, when you looked back at your first encounter, everything screamed ‘smug jerk’.
The brunet reached for the pack of paper tissues you were holding and so you shrugged, handing him some. If he wanted to help, who were you to stop him? It was both yours and his fault.
“Well, I’m glad it wasn’t full and I didn’t go all Hugh Grant on you,” he uttered as you both worked.
You stared at his Converses for a full second and then it hit you, drawing a surprised laughed from you.
“Was that a Nothing Hill reference? Am I Julia Roberts in this scenario?”
He smiled unsurely at you, seeming rather embarrassed – but seeing your expression, he relaxed. “Yeah, but luckily, you’re not, because the cup was almost empty. Still sorry about the coffee though.”
Picking up the soaked tissues, you went to find the nearest trash can.
“Well, if I-“ didn’t let my fiancé fuck me raw when I was supposed to be getting ready for the day-  “-was watching where I was going, this wouldn’t have happened, so we’re good,” you assured him.
“Are you sure that I shouldn’t, eh,” he pointed somewhere behind him vaguely in a sweeping gesture, smile a smidge shy, ”run to the cafeteria or something to buy you a fresh cup?”
Alert! A guy’s asking you out!
And alert it was; after the fiasco with Daniel, you made it a point to cut things off before they could develop into a sticky situation.
“Oh! That’s really nice of you…?”
You didn’t remember seeing him around before. New student? An exchange student? Because it always went so well with those…
“Right, Chuck. Nice to meet you,” you quickly uttered, introducing yourself as well. “But I don’t really--- I, eh-“
You gave up and just awkwardly showed off your left hand. The beautiful ring that once belonged to Steve’s mother – and goddammit, wasn’t it still making you feel all soft and fuzzy – sitting on your ring finger.
Chuck’s gaze zeroed on the jewellery for a moment and then it seemed that something clicked in his brain. He swiftly raised his hands in a no harm gesture, brief panic crossing over his face.
”Oh no! That’s not what I meant, though--- congratulations, but I really didn’t mean to ask you out or something-“ he babbled, hands clenching and unclenching, toying with the belt-loops of his pants the next moment.
You felt your cheeks heat up. Was he trying to cover for the fact that he was embarrassed for wanting to ask you out or had you totally misjudged this situation?
“-though this totally was a meet-cute if I’ve ever seen one and it’s not that you’re not good-looking, I mean attractive and beautiful, because of course you are-“
Oh god, he wasn’t cute.
He was an adorable disaster! You didn’t even care what the truth was at this point.
“-but obviously you’re engaged and I really wasn’t making a move or anything—and I’m gonna have to stop talking right now,” he finished breathlessly, closing his eyes with a self-depreciating smile, his chest rising and falling as he was trying to calm down.
Your cheeks burned from smiling so wide, a cackle fighting its way past your lips. Even if you didn’t want to laugh at him.
“Okay, Chuck. I think I get what you’re saying,” you assured him and because he was clearly adorable, he warily cracked one eye open as if to check if the embarrassing situation you two found yourself in went away. When he noticed your smile, his tense shoulders relaxed, both eyes opening.
“I’m glad. I’m sorry for embarrassing us both. I might as well be that guy from Nothing Hill…”
You laughed – like honestly, nearly having to clutch your belly, laughed. You couldn’t help it.
“Well, you’re charming enough. But I’m afraid I’m no movie star in hiding.”
“You’re cute enough to be one, no discussion here,” he said, his twinkling eyes gave your face a very quick once-over. Somehow, you found his compliment both funny and flattering. A lopsided grin appeared on his face, twisting into a grimace as he hesitantly raised his finger. “But, if we’re talking meet-cutes, I’m afraid I’m more of a Richard Gere here… I got a little bit lost. Point me the right direction, please?”
Whoa, he was stepping up, talking Pretty Woman now. You really liked that dorky comment though.
“Where you headin’?”
You blinked in surprise, wondering if you heard wrong. Because that was where you were heading.
“Oh? Interesting…” you muttered, earning a curious head tilt from him. Glancing again at your jeans, you grimaced. Those stains had to go… guess direction would have to do. “Yeah, that one is a little tricky… and dumb. You have to go through 2.33. Not that there’s any badge on the door on anything.”
He gasped theatrically. “Tricky!”
“I know! It’s a test of our interhuman skills; can’t really finding without asking someone first. I’ll see you there, I suppose, gotta clean up the cup and… well, me.”
“I’m sorry, again. And thank you,” Chuck said politely, sending you a final smile.
“You’re welcome, Chuck.”
Here’s a thing about hunches: sometimes, they come true.
Being run down in a hallway was nothing too weird, oh no. Not even when a funny charming guy was involved.
Things only got weird when you entered the lecture hall and finally realized why was Chuck heading to the same room as you did. He stood next to Bucky at the professor’s stand, quietly talking to a stunning blond woman in a dress suit and glasses.
Feeling blood rushing to your head, setting your cheeks aflame in embarrassment, you went to find a seat, noticing everyone was sitting with a space of at least three seats between them and never behind. As if you were about to write an extremely important test. Great.
Could this day get any better?
Two taps sounded through the room as Bucky tried the microphone.
“Good morning, ladies and gentlemen. Well, good for some of us, at least,” Bucky stated, unmistakably finding you in the crowd as if he knew exactly how your morning went – at least the part before you left the apartment. You wanted to sink through the floor – and wasn’t that a familiar feeling under Bucky’s knowing gaze. “Find your seats, please, so we can start. We have some special guests from the Ministry of Foreign Affairs today with us to present you a special program you can apply to, so… you know. Pay attention. They’ll tell you the rest.”
Oh, so you had run into a guy from Ministry of Foreign Affairs. Spectacular.
To be fair, he had been a dork. How were you supposed to tell he was important?! He was still pretty cute standing there.
Also: the blonde by his side? Yeah. You understood now why he reacted the way he did earlier. Because if he knew a woman like that, the idea he was trying to ask you out – or anyone, really – was laughable. Hell, you’d ask her out.
“Morning, my name is Charles Carmichael and this is my colleague, Sarah Walker,” Chuck started off pleasantly, if little nervous from having all eyes on him.
“Like your professor said, we’re here to present you… with an opportunity to get a training for special analyst in one of departments. And before you ask why we’re ambushing a history class when we’re looking to fill an analyst vacancy…”
Several people laughed and you did too – he sounded like the guy from the hallway, only a bit more presentable.
“-it’s because we really talk about this with pretty much every student on this university, so you can see we have a lot of presentations still ahead. Anyway, I’m gonna talk a bit about the program and about our ministry in general, so… yeah. Please listen carefully and watch carefully too. Spoiler: it’s important. Thanks.”
The lights dimmed and he started the presentation, slowly pulling you in and making you forget the incident in the hallway.
And despite his charming ways… the presentation was rather strange too.
It was just one of those strange days.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
You didn’t think there would be anything to add insult to the injury, to turn into the so-called cherry on top.
You were wrong.
Chuck, or Charles Carmichael, was an alright presenter. He remained a dorky character, only enough to hold all of the students’ attention, that was quite okay. It was the pictures that appeared in between those images that felt perfectly in place, that were… just weird. Like… a rose. A beach. New York skyline. Pictures that were not at all related to what he was talking about. He always played it off as a joke – supposedly placing them there to keep you on your toes – but there was something that just felt… off.
And during what you later found out was like the last third of the presentation, you felt a headache starting to build. Not a terribly intense one, but strong enough to be fairly annoying and insistent on bugging you, just above your eyebrows. You couldn’t remember your head ever hurting in such way.
Then things got worse; you indeed got a test to complete. The nice people from Ministry of Foreign Affairs told you not to worry about getting it wrong affecting your marks in your course, obviously, so you didn’t, not really.
But it was hard to ignore that it was the weirdest fucking test you had ever seen.
In each task, pick five of ten words you associate with the word in question, read the instructions. Which on its own could be considered strange, but… it was the supposedly associated words that truly confused the heck out of you.
For ‘rose’ there were clear answers like ‘thorn’ and ‘flower’. The rest of the offered words? Non-sense. Like—utter nonsense. Bulldog, Victoria, Sao Paolo, camp, mirror, Tower Bridge, eagle, heroin. You stared at the words, reading them over and over, the pressure in your forehead growing more vexing by the minute.
For some inexplicable reason, your mind kept on gravitating towards the Sao Paolo, eagle and heroin; surprisingly vivid images of each flashing behind your eyelids as you closed them to relieve the headache. The light was starting to hurt your eyes despite being rather low. It was irritating.
Deciding the stupid test didn’t matter, you went with the first thing that came to your mind for each question, finishing among the firsts. It was rather relieving to see everyone’s face as confused as you imagined your looked.
Leaving the class, you spared Chuck one last glance, finding him staring at you with eyebrows furrowed; brief glance at Bucky told you why, for he wore the very same expression. It seemed that you weren’t very good at masking your suffering. You attempted a lame smile, knowing that you were about to ditch the class that followed.
Catching up with Linda, one of the girls who were with you in Callahan’s class, you begged her to give him your apology; the headache was turning into a splitting damn migraine.
Linda shot you a compassionate smile and assured you she would vouch for you looking absolutely terrible and having no other option than leaving.
“Thanks,” you chuckled weakly, nails digging into your palms as a mild case of vertigo threatened to throw you completely off balance.
“Hey, do you want me to call someone? Take you to the infirmary?” Linda worried, sporting a textbook example of having concern written all over her face. “Not joking, you do look like you’re gonna pass out. Rogers’ gonna be out for blood if he finds out I talked to you and let you wander off in this state.”
The image of Steve stalking down the hallway with an exasperated expression on his face searching for your classmate seemed rather amusing; but that was unlikely to happen.
“Nah, he should be all sunshine. Lots of endorphins released this morning,” you mumbled, absently rubbing at your forehead.
You only realized what you said when a dramatic silence followed, soon broken by Linda’s snort of laughter. The shock of you blatantly revealing something like that in your compromised state helped you to focus a bit more, bringing some clarity to your vision.
“I so didn’t need to know that. Good thing I have Callahan now and not him, I wouldn’t be able to look him in the eye. I’d be imagining him shirtless with a perfect case of bed hair. Gosh, you’re such a lucky bitch.”
“Don’t I know it,” you offered with another weak smile.
“I’m sure you do,” she hummed, lightly patting your shoulder. “Now you get home safe and get some rest.”
“Thank you, Linda. Really.” She only shrugged it off as if it was nothing. The friendly display brought an honest smile to your face and caused you to perk up enough to joke. “Oh, and Steve usually sleeps in a t-shirt, sorry to break it to you. But his bed hair is dreamy.”
“…I hate you.”
“No, you don’t.”
She would have if you added that the rumour about Professor Rogers being true. That he was indeed packing.
With a smirk at that thought alternating with a grimace whenever a sharp pain hit the back of your head, you headed home.
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Part 2
Chuck characters
⊱-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦ ✉ ◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-◦-⊰
Thank you for reading :-*
In case you missed one of my way too many announcements, in Chuck, every episode was named Chuck vs. Something. I decided to keep the theme and go against my usual not-so-frequent use of Y/N in my stories.
P.S. – if any of this felt familiar to Chuck fans, know, some of the plot is a big nod to episode 1x07 Chuck vs. the Alma Mater. It’s one of my faves for many reasons – the plot, hilarious lines, the LOTR references… Honestly, they had me at this scene (0:05 – 0:25  though you can watch the full 2 min, obviously)  
Anika Ann out
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asmywhimseytakesme · 3 years
Hi, I just saw your blog and I have to ask; do you have any recommendations for people who really, really enjoyed the Murderbot Diaries? Im kinda obsessed with it
Hi @extra-plus-ordinary ! I am so flattered to be asked this because I LOVE giving recommendations.
The first thing I’ll say is, there is a very active Murderbot discord server and if you aren’t in it send me a dm and I’ll get you a link! The lovely folks there can probably give you lots more recommendations than me. I’ll admit I haven’t been on there much lately because life be like that sometimes, but you can bet I’ll be active there plenty when the next Murderbot book comes out in a few months! The folks there also found me links to a couple Murderbot short stories that you should absolutely check out if you haven’t yet.
I have to admit, my first thought on getting this ask is... there isn’t anything else quite like Murderbot! Sometimes all you want is more Murderbot and we don’t have any (yet). The first time I finished the series I started over again at the beginning because all I wanted was More Murderbot Please. It took me awhile to be in the mood for anything else. I absolutely recommend indulging that mood because personally, when all I want is Just This Book, I end up disliking anything else I try to read, even when I normally would like it. But! If you are in the mood to try something a bit different with perhaps some overlapping appeal, let me offer a few suggestions:
The Queens Thief series by Megan Whalen Turner
I have to mention this first because it’s fans of THIS series that got me to read Murderbot. Also I’ve been obsessed with these books since I was a teen. Similarities between the series include:
Sarcastic first person narration—this is mostly just in the first book of the series, The Thief. If you, like me, fell in love with Murderbot because of its voice, give this book a try. Gen is a different narrator in many ways, but I find the appeal similar. There are also some similar character dynamics and interactions with a group gradually getting to know a character they previously underestimated, and forming strong friendships over the course of the series.
However, I will note that The Thief is notably different from the rest of the series in tone and pacing, and some people find it boring. That was not my experience, but many recommend starting the series with the second book.
The second book has a character that I feel is similar to Murderbot on many levels, but I don’t want to say much more about it because SPOILERS. Actually I don’t want to say any more about the series at all because it’s really best to just go in and experience it for yourself. Take my word for it—many people love both series, there is lots of crossover appeal.
The Mandalorian tv series
Ok I feel kinda dumb mentioning this because I feel like everyone’s probably heard of this show by now and has already decided whether they’re gonna watch it. I mean, it’s STAR WARS. So I’ll be brief here, but I really feel like Mando and Murderbot have a LOT in common and would get along really well, and people drawn to one of these characters might also like the other. Murderbot wishes he had as good an excuse as Mando for keeping a helmet on at all times. They’re both similarly good at their jobs (which involve fighting), and end up coming to care for characters weaker and less experienced than themselves. They then put themselves on the line to protect their new Found Family, while steadfastly refusing to admit that they have any feelings whatsoever. Also, so far? No romantic pairings. Murderbot would approve. There are more comparisons I could make but I’ll stop....So yeah, if for some reason you haven’t given The Mandalorian a try.... do it.
Digger by Ursula Vernon
Ok, so the cool thing about this recommendation (aside from the fact that it’s a super amazing story, which I’ll talk more about in a bit) is you can read the WHOLE THING. FOR FREE. RIGHT NOW. Don’t have to put it on hold at the library, don’t have to order it and wait for it to come in the mail, don’t have to track it down in a used bookstore. ITS ALL FREE: http://diggercomic.com/blog/2007/02/01/wombat1-gnorf/
That link should take you to the first page of the comic.
The first comparison I’ll make here is the VOICE. Digger has a first person funny/sarcastic voice that reminds me a LOT a of Murderbot. Different, of course, but..., I think Murderbot would really like Digger. She would be a good client. Practical, tries to stay safe and make good decisions, and she would 100% get Murderbot’s sense of humor. She gets thrown into a crazy magical world and takes it all in stride, making plenty of friends she’s ready to defend with her life.
Yeah, Murderbot would like Digger.
I’d go on, but seriously—did you forget I just said THE WHOLE THING IS FREE TO READ ONLINE so just.... go start reading it and get a taste for it yourself.
The Vorkosigan Saga
This is a big one that will keep you occupied for awhile! I don’t remember how many books are in the series... 20 maybe? I don’t even know. This is the series I re read when I was coming off my Murderbot high a few months back, because in some ways it has a similar vibe.
Anyway, this is another Space Drama that explores some interesting potential economics, politics, and conflicts of a future of planets linked by wormholes. Some of the planets have a more Corporation Rim feel, others are like Preservation, with many others thrown in the mix. The main character, Miles Vorkosigan... he would love Murderbot. He’d recruit it on the spot—a competent person who shows initiative? Wonderful! On the other hand, Murderbot would HATE Miles.... no sense of self preservation, barreling into problems with no clear plan of how to get out... he would drive Murderbot absolutely crazy.
Personally, I started reading the series with The Warriors Apprentice, and that’s where I recommend starting. However technically Shards of Honor, which tells the story of Miles’ parents and how they met, is the first book chronologically.
The Winter Prince by Elizabeth Wein
This is a very short novel (so if the Murderbot novella length worked for you, give this a try). It’s a gripping take on Arthurian Legend told from the point of view of Medraut (Mordred). Medraut reminds me of Murderbot in many ways—he feels unworthy of love because of what he is, wrestling with a violent past and trying to be better, struggling to know what to do when he is loved by people who he doesn’t think should love him. Also, like All Systems Red, his narrative is addressed to a specific person, which affects how the story is read.
So those are just a few books/series I recommend for Murderbot fans! And everyone, really, because these are all excellent because my taste is impeccable ;-).
I hope there is something here to tide you over til the next Murderbot book comes out @extra-plus-ordinary 😁
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simping-for-tape · 4 years
Drunk Calls and Funny Confrontations
Requested? [Yes/No] @decaffeinated--fangirl
Fandom: Community
Summary:  In which Jeff calls you, intoxicated, and you let him know that you care for him.
Word Count: 968
Warnings: Alcohol, Secondhand embarrassment.
Jeff shoots the liquid down his throat, the taste stinging his tongue. It was 10:00 in the evening, and he wasn't the only poor soul in the bar.
Ever since Slater and Britta confessed to Jeff, he doesn't know what to do with himself. He likes both of them, but he knows they have to choose one. What made it even worse is that they despise each other, and that hate would be latched onto him if he picked either one.
He wasn't the one to make decisions. If he had to make one, he would have lied about it, like when he was a lawyer. But this is important. When two fantastic and beautiful women-a smart & hot professor who you flirt with during the class and can help you be a better person, and someone's pants you want to get in but it turns out that she's a smart, amazing woman who takes no shit,  it would be a tough decision.
He orders two, three, then ten more. His limbs becoming weaker and his walk has a stumble to it. How anybody didn't stop him walking out of the bar is beyond me.
The distance from the bar to his apartment wasn't long, but it was hard to walk there if you can't even walk at all.
He manages to open the front door, but as soon as he feels something in his throat, he runs to the nearest object, which was a plant that Annie asked him to take care of while she was on vacation. He emptied his stomach into the dirt, wiping his residue off his face, and groggily walks to the bedroom. He wonders how he's gonna tell Annie that he was so careless that he vomited in her plant while drunk.
He belly-flops onto the mattress and lay there until he felt bored and started to scroll on his phone, wanting to call someone, anyone who would be willing to listen. Jeff randomly picks one of his contacts on the phone and starts to ramble.
You walk into the study room, a smirk on your face. Your walk was radiating confidence, and you have never been brighter in your whole life.
You open the door to the study room where Jeff was leaning back on his seat, shades covering his eyes.
You leaned over to his ear. "Good morning Jeff!" You shouted and laughed as he jumped from his seat so fast, his shades falling off his face.
He glared at you while holding his head. "Hi," he tiredly replied, "and can you not be loud?"
You sat at your designated seat beside Jeff. "Sorry," you apologized, though you didn't actually mean it, "So, how was your night?"
"Spectacular," he replied sarcastically and you rolled your eyes, "Wait," he turned to you, "How did you know..."
"That you went drinking?" You smirked deviously at him, "When you went out, I got a call from somebody at about one in the morning. Does that sound familiar to you?"
Jeff furrows his eyebrows at you. "Y/N, what are you talking about..." he trails off as you take out your phone from your pocket. He visibly tenses up. "Oh, no."
"Oh yes, Jeff," you smiled innocently at him as you press play.
"Heyyy...whoever I'm calling, *hic* How are youuuu doooinnngg? Ahhh...I'm so drunk right now. So, what uuuup? *hic* Annnnywayyys, I just wanted call to tell you I looooove youuu. I hope this goes to Britta. Or Slater. Or a snail. Heh. Snails are soooo cool. What am I thinking? This is stupid. I don't know what to do. I like both of them so much. I mean, Slater is mature, smart, sexy, and cool, someone I can get along with. And Britta, Britta is... well... she's Britta, and that's a compilment...or is it compliment? Compl... Now I'm confused.
"I think the issue is that they love me, but I like them. And there is a huuuuge bUG!  Ah! Sorry, that was a cockroach with wings. Anyway, I think I just want someone who gets me, and can understand my fears when I'm at my all time low. So..."
You pressed pause midway the voice mail and Jeff raises an eyebrow. "Did you pause it because there is more embarrassing stuff you can't play out loud?"
"No. You proceeded to rant about snails that you started to bore yourself and went to sleep," you summarized, and he threw his head in his hands.
You moved you chair so that it faced him. "Jeff," you placed your hand on his shoulder and he looked up at you.
"Normally I would make fun of you and mention this to everyone I speak to, but I'm going to move this on to a serious note." You can see his eyes soften.
"You know you can talk to us, right? To me?" You asked, and when he didn't answer, you sighed. "Look, your 'I'm so cool, I'm a lawyer with hard abs' act may work for everyone, but it won't work on me. I see right through you.  Not everyone can be cool all the time. Sometimes they break down. I get how hard it is to make a choice when two girls tell you they love you. Well, it's never happened to me before, but I can understand stress. Also, this study group that you created, can also be your safe haven. You want to talk about something, we can talk."
Jeff looked like he was about to argue, but once he saw how serious and concerned you were, he let out a sigh. "Thanks," he said, and you grinned, nodding.
"But if you do send that out, you are dead," Jeff points at your phone.
"Please, you love me too much," you teased, and waved at your friends entered the room, and Jeff smiles at you.
Yeah, he just might.
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stereksecretsanta · 3 years
Merry Christmas, everchanginginks
For @everchanginginks. I hope you enjoy this gift!
Read On AO3
Just down the hall from the quiet studying of history students in Room 17-B lies classroom 17-A which, contrasting its quieter neighbor, is filled with sugar-fueled enthusiasm as adolescent students gleefully tear into their candy atom diagrams. Only after getting the go ahead from their awesome chemistry teacher wearing a colorful periodic table tie over a blue dress shirt with rolled up sleeves, of course.
Said awesome teacher places the end of a blue raspberry sour punch straw in the corner of his mouth and chews with an unabashed grin. As he’s halfway through the straw the bell rings and he breaks into his parting spiel for his students, the straw sticking from the corner of his mouth like a cowboy.
“Okay class, please make sure to turn your worksheets into the tray on your way out and please take your candy diagrams with you. You’re not gonna break my heart if you don’t eat them, I just don’t want next period to deal with this period’s mess. Tonight’s homework is on the board and on the syllabus, and don’t forget to submit your vote for Teacher of the Year during lunch if you have not already. Have a good rest of your day everyone, and as always come to me with any questions...and that means any ."
Scattered responses of “Okay” and “Thanks Mr. Stilinski” and “Bye” fill the room as the students start to file out the classroom.
“You’re about as subtle as a brick to the teeth.” Says a mildly amused female voice from over his shoulder.
Stiles finishes the candy and turns around to look exasperatedly at the strawberry blonde speaker sitting behind his desk, "And you’re underestimating how important this is. My reclaiming of the throne is in danger!"
"Uh huh..." MIT grad and certified genius Lydia Martin nods in mock understanding as she sips from her floral patterned ceramic travel coffee cup.
"Thanks again for agreeing to come in and lecture for my AP Chem students on such short notice by the way.” Stiles scratches at the tousled mess on his head and offers the open package of sour punch straws from his desk, “You are a literal God send."
She grimaces and waves the proffered sugary confection away, "For someone in the sciences, your improper use of the word 'literal' is rather concerning. Perhaps your throne is in more danger than previously thought."
“Don’t say that, you’re gonna jinx it!” He reaches over and raps his knuckles against his wooden desk three times while speaking a mile a minute, “I need to win, I can’t have mister ‘look at me bringing my history and polisci students on the coolest field trips in the history of this school because I can somehow pull strings to make these trips a reality despite there being like no funding--seriously how does he do it--and my students adore me even though I constantly look like I probably lure people into the woods with my beautiful eyes and murder them in my free time’ beat me at my own game, again !”
He huffs at the end of his tirade and looks to Lydia for understanding, but she avoids his gaze and poorly suppresses snickers under her breath.
“C’mon it’s not that funny. I know he can ‘smolder’ his way into the heart of even the most introverted student,” Stiles gesticulates with each emphasis, “but I have charm , I’m approachable , I understand these students. I love my job and I do everything in my ability to give these students every opportunity they deserve . If that’s not ‘Teacher of the Year’ material, then I don’t know what is.”
Stiles stops, taps his chin thoughtfully and sighs, “Though I totally understand that the title is purely for bragging rights, and it ultimately comes down to just continuing to be the best teacher I can be. Derek is a great teacher that also deserves the title and I can respect that, but gosh darn does he get my competitive side riled up.”
“Uh huh…” Lydia hums and taps her fingers against her cup as she pointedly looks past Stiles, “Mr. Stilinski, I do believe there’s someone that needs your help?”
“Oh!” Stiles quickly straightens himself and his tie, and turns around with a wide grin, “What can I do for--YOU!” Stiles quickly twists his expression into a frown and throws a finger up accusingly after registering who was darkening his doorway.
Standing in the doorway with a glare that could send a lesser man running for the hills is the previously mentioned competitor and last year’s winner for ‘Teacher of the Year’, mister ‘coolest history teacher’ Derek Hale in all his annoyingly gorgeous, stubbly, glory. He side-eyes Stiles’ organized chaos in the chemistry lab from behind thick framed hipster looking glasses and grimaces, “Am I interrupting something?”
Stiles grits his teeth, he can practically feel the judgement over his classroom’s state radiating off of the (not even tenured!) history teacher and no amount of soft looking cable knit sweaters could lessen that blow. “As a matter of fact--”
“No, you’re not interrupting anything at all Derek.” Lydia places a hand on Stiles’ shoulder as she walks past him, “I was just about to go say hi to Kira.”
Derek moves aside to let Lydia pass, she turns to smile at Stiles from the doorway, “I’ll come back by 6th period for your second AP Chem class. I think I’ll also grab some lunch from Whole Foods.”
“Uh...Bye?” Stiles weakly waves at Lydia’s parting back. He refocuses his attention on the offending history teacher and crosses his arms across his chest petulantly, “Alrighty, what d’ya need Mr. Hale?”
With a roll of his eyes, Derek holds up a handful of papers, steps forward, and emphatically places them in Stiles' inbox, “Your mail. I know your TA usually grabs it for you, but he’s out sick today. And I was already in the mailroom.”
“Whoa, wait wait, how do you know that my TA is out sick today, have you been stalking my classes? Are you trying to find a way to one up me? Steal some of my stellar teaching techniques because you know that you’ll lose otherwise?” Stiles narrows his eyes as his lowers voice into a conspiratorial tone while  leaning forward to scrutinize Derek’s expression, “What’s your game here Mr. Hale ?”
Derek hazel eyes widen incredulously as he scoffs, “I don't need to stalk your classes, Liam's one of my students too. And please remind me, what did I do to make you so hostile again?”
“Playing dumb isn’t cute. You know full well what you did.” Stiles pokes at Derek’s chest and--oh that’s a soft sweater--puffs his own out, “But no matter what, I’m going to take what’s rightfully mine .”
His competitor’s face reddens in anger and Stiles feels a thrum of excitement at his ability to break Derek’s usual expression of ‘sourpuss lumberjack murderer’. A sly grin works its way across Stiles’ face as he shrugs coyly, “What can I say, I’m a man who knows what he wants.”
Stiles’ wrist is suddenly grabbed by a warm, slightly calloused palm--there may be something to that murderer in the woods theory--and wrenched away from the soft sweater. “And what would that be, Stiles?” Derek growls--who the hell growls --while leaning in way too close for comfort.
“What would that be? Um...I want to win? Obviously?” Stiles splutters as his face reddens, offended that Derek would suggest that there would be anything else . “I’m gonna own you, Derek. I’m gonna own you so hard, you won’t know what hit you.”
“How about you take me to dinner first, before you ‘own’ me?” Derek says matter-of-factly.
“Uh no, how about you take me to dinner to celebrate my overwhelming victory over your grumpy ass? Doesn’t that make a little more sense than going to dinner before either of us win?” Stiles rolls his eyes, laughing at Derek’s lack of logic. But his laughter sputters out and he stills once his brain processes what just happened. “Wait… wait wait… was that some sort of sad attempt at asking me out in the most backwards, reverse engineered manner possible?”
Stiles looks Derek in the eyes, who nods patiently, as if Stiles was one of their students that needs tutoring.
“Oh my God. Oh my GOD !” Stiles backs away and into his desk, voice rising in panic, “What even? What’s happening here? Are you trying to throw me off my game? Cause that’s a dirty tactic, even for you. Because there’s no way someone like you would legitimately ask out someone like me . That just doesn’t make sense. You’re like a sexy lumberjack murderer historian, and I’m like a young Bill Nye. I'm in the sciences , and you're in the humanities .  And you don’t even like me. You haven’t liked me since your first day!”
“Hold on.” Derek holds his palms up defensively, “What are you talking about? You were the one glaring at me like there was no tomorrow.”
Stiles inspects Derek’s expression for any sign of deception, seeing none he sighs. “Fine, I guess it was just so unimportant to mister bigshot Hale to remember measly Mr. Stilinski. Do you remember moving into your classroom?”
He nods, urging Stiles to continue.
“So I didn’t know that the new teacher was moving in that day , so when I saw a big package outside of your soon to be classroom, I assumed that it was my delivery of graduated cylinders that was dropped off to the wrong room since it was early in the morning and people make mistakes sometimes, y’know?” Stiles gives Derek no opportunity to say anything and continues at full speed. “I went over and got ready to take the package, only to have you open the door and give me the scariest look in my entire life . Do you remember what you said to me, Derek?”
“You said,” Stiles changes his voice to imitate Derek’s, “‘That is my private property. If you value your time at this school, you will leave it alone. If I see this behavior again I will bring it up with Principal Yukimura’. So, yeah! Something about that kinda exchange can make a guy think you hate them!”
Derek groans and pinches the bridge of his nose, “Oh my God...You’ve got to be kidding me.”
“Oh, so you do remember? Or did you conveniently forget threatening me?” Stiles grabs another sour punch straw and chews it angrily, “Because I sure as hell didn’t!”
“Stiles…” Derek laughs breathily, “I thought you were a student . I wasn’t wearing my glasses and it was dark . Oh my god . I thought the first time we met was in the teachers' lounge, and by that point I already unknowingly made a terrible first impression on you. No wonder you looked at me with such hatred. Oh my goodness.”
“Yeah, oh…”
Stiles chews the straw thoughtfully and rocks on the balls of his feet. “So… about that backwards dinner invitation…”
“Yeah?” Derek perks up slightly, looking almost adorable , though Stiles would never say that outloud.
“How about whoever wins ‘Teacher of the Year’ gets treated to dinner, hm?” Stiles holds out a hand for a handshake.
With a goofy grin revealing adorable (there’s that word again!) bunny teeth that brighten up Derek’s entire face, much better than the usual murderous look, he enthusiastically takes Stiles hand and shakes it.
“I still can’t believe it!”
“I know.” Derek hums as he reaches over to refill Stiles’ glass.
“Honestly, who saw this coming?”
“Certainly not me,” Derek swirls some pasta around his fork and fondly watches Stiles throw back the wine as if it was jungle juice rather than a nice glass of Chardonnay.
Stiles’ honey-brown eyes glimmer with the same kind of mischievous enthusiasm that Derek remembered seeing for the first time at the first assembly of the school year. He gave some sort of spiel about the importance of working together and not being afraid to ask for help, which ended with a demonstration of elephant toothpaste. Derek is embarrassed to say how much he grew to admire the gawky chemistry teacher after that assembly.
“I absolutely kicked your ass dude.” Stiles leans across the table to grab the dessert menu. “Since it’s your treat, I think I’ll indulge in some dessert.” He worries his bottom lip, which makes Derek have to cough and turn his attention away.
“Don’t call me dude.” Derek weakly responds.
“Ooh, this one is topped with bourbon vanilla bean chantilly cream, which is basically bougie whipped cream. How do you feel about bread pudding by the way?” Stiles looks up from the menu through his eyelashes--and there is no way he doesn’t know how he looks--and flutters them exaggeratedly. “Or are you too sour over losing to wittle ol’ me?”
Derek snorts and reaches over to clasp Stiles’ free hand, “On the contrary, I’d be happy to lose to you again.”
Stiles returns the gesture and leans forward, eyes glimmering, his face mere inches away from Derek’s, “Promise?”
Derek is suddenly very glad that they are sitting because he can feel himself go weak in the knees. He nods thoughtfully, “Yeah, I promise.” And leans forward to close the gap.
Their first kiss tastes like garlic bread, which is a little unconventional, but Derek wouldn’t have it any other way.
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adultswim2021 · 3 years
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Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law #15: “Blackwatch Plaid” | January 1, 2003 - 12:08 AM | S02E01
Mere minutes into 2003 Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law debuted it’s first episode in a little while: “Blackwatch Plaid”. The new year is traditionally a time when we reflect on our previous year and re-evaluate old habits. At the time of this airing, I was fastidiously recording Adult Swim every week and saving anything new that aired to my own carefully labeled home video archives. Historically I’d been recording to VHS, but I had received a DVD recorder for Christmas and immediately began transferring certain Adult Swim shows from VHS to DVD. The DVD format was still rather young, and the idea of Adult Swim shows actually making it to retail DVD didn’t seem like such a sure thing (even though at this time, two such volumes had been produced; more about those during EPHEMERA WEEK)
This was the tenth episode aired, and 10 episodes was what could fit on a DVD-R recorded in SP mode. So, I completed my first and only custom DVD of Harvey Birdman, Attorney at Law. When faced with the prospect of beginning a second volume of Harvey Birdman on DVD I was at a bit of a crossroads. Keep watching this show I hate in the name of completionism? Or, do what any sane person would do and stop watching? I gave it away a few sentences back, but at the time I picked the later. This was a pretty big deal for me! Sure, I thought less of shows like Brak and Sealab from their strong starts, but I still stuck with them. My rejection of Birdman was a radical act. I was now no longer enjoying Adult Swim as a whole. I was now picking and choosing what I wanted from it.
“Blackwatch Plaid” isn’t so bad, truthfully. It’s a parody of the then-current Homeland Security Terror Alert Level Color Chart, which had debuted earlier in 2002. the eponymous blackwatch plaid is one of the colors on Phil Ken Sebben’s chart, which is created in this episode in response to an imagined office theft. The fact that this imaginary office theft is treated with the same high-level importance as a terrorist attack on our country is the whole joke of the episode. It’s a worthy target for satire, for sure.
Okay, so it’s 2021, and I’m watching these with a more open mind. I can admit the anger I felt at Birdman was “a little much”, this episode is more cohesive than most and the jokes aren’t bad. I didn’t laugh at them then, and I didn’t laugh at them now, so really not much has changed. But I recall one sticking point I had: the live-action montage. There’s multiple bits of live-action in this episode, and they are fun. But jealousy that these guys had a comedy show and I didn’t really worked wonders on me, because I remember really detesting the main montage in the episode. It was as if I thought “how dare you guys have fun, this show sucks.”
In the montage, Sebben presents Birdman with footage from the newly-installed security cameras that proves Birdman doesn’t get much work done in the course of his work day. A now live-action Birdman is seen milling around the office doing nothing much, then suddenly we are treated to a bright and colorful montage of Birdman playing hooky. He’s riding a ferris wheel, getting his nails done, showering at home with Boo Boo who playfully slaps his ass, cavorting around a fountain, popping out of a ball pit, and then running/tip-toeing around a field in different directions, for no reason. It’s wacky. It looks like it was a lot of fun to shoot. And I was pissed.
Okay, I’m primarily using this blog entry to try and get to the bottom of why I hated the montage so much. If a show I loved did something similar, I’d probably applaud it. It’s a fun idea, fairly low-effort (not that doing a live-action shoot doesn’t require real effort, it does!), and it just reads as “comedy is happening” for the entirety of the sequence. From a production stand point there’s little reason to not include a sequence like this.
I feel like this was a form of humor you’d see a lot of amateur comedy makers doing: the bright and cheery montage. It’s ironic, because I’m acting cheesy! I couldn't name names if I tried, but I just had about three or four different amateur sketch group videos pop into my head with the same comedy stylings. I can’t imagine what the point of view is here, or if anyone participating in this particular joke actually thinks they’re being original. At this point I’d say that the number of ironic/spoof montages in this vein outnumber the ones that are actually doing them in earnest. So, the idea can’t be “I’m doing a very original joke here.” The humor in those videos seem to be rooted in the more narcissistic ethos of “this is funny because *I’M* doing it!”
Have you ever seen Stella Shorts? I feel like a lot of aspiring comedy creators saw Stella Shorts and tried to produce similar sketches. That is: hammy, broad, intentionally sorta cheesy but ironic capitol-c comedy. And most of them would fall flat. It’s because the Stella guys were geniuses and the amateur comedians trying to do dime-store imitations of Stella Shorts were mostly not. So, it was the climate that really shaded my disdain for the montage. I wish I had my own TV show, still. I’ve occasionally written comedy pieces with the intent of putting together a low-budget sketch comedy show, and I’m certain that if I were to actually produce said comedy it wouldn’t be so easy, and I’d be very much guilty of putting unoriginal ideas on screen. But, the jealousy remains. So, sorry, Birdman. You’re still forbidden from entering my heart. Fuck you.
This is the part of the blog where we all get our eyes ready for some good messages and some good times. Here we go:
Just tried the Popeyes Nuggets, I've enjoy popeyes bone in chicken in the past so I thought I would give their boneless option a shot.
Please stop sending me nugget stuff. This is an anti-corporate, anti-capitalist blog. No one should eat any nugget unless they make it at home themselves. That’s just the facts
I can't believe I felt a little melancholy about the abrupt end of Brak. The first full fledge Adult Swim program to bite the dust. It was mostly terrible and you were better off airing an Aqua Teen episode in it's place but...wow, we'll never have that again. Goodbye Andy! See you in the shitty webtoon.
Andy is in hell now and “that’s gotta suck”. RIP.
Took the kids to Great Falls the other day, last treat before they head off to school and on our way back we stopped at Popeyes. The kids got the nuggets I went with the classic chicken. Cost me about 18 bucks with drinks and all that but it was pretty good chicken. The kids loved the nuggets. My son was like, "it's crunchy". Pretty cool place. Thanks for hipping me and my family to it. If you have any other kid-friendly places let me know because fall soccer season is coming up.
!!! SHUSH! stop that!
You arent gonna write about it since its not an original but Family Guy just left Adult Swim. Why don't you speak your mind about the show in general and what it meant for the programming block. Yeah, that sounds like a good waste of your time.
Little do you realize!
Popeyes chicken
Suck my dick
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floraisann · 4 years
ateez reaction: you’re addicted to animal crossing: new horizons
➣ requested? ✓
➣ genre: fluff, humor
➣ masterlist
sorry that some of these are kinda dry 😔 i am try
❥ kim hongjoong:
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lets you do your thing tbh
you’ll probably just be vibing in the living room with the switch hooked up to the tv and everything’s great when hongjoong just,,,, moves his work over without saying anything
you’re just ???? and he’s just :)))) the “just another tuesday” grin, you know?
after long enough if you ask him why he moved, he just says he “likes the soundtrack” like bro we do be bopping to the animal crossing ost out here in this quarantine joint
watches you play, only making comments when a villager says something REALLY cursed
really likes marshal— he’s funny
not the type to hate villagers either except chops, fuck chops
once yunho shows him how the custom qr code outfit designs work you’re about to have the most stylish lil mayor that ever roamed the earth
probably also borrows your switch to make your town jingle
overall is just confused by the game dynamic, but likes the music and how happy it’s making you :)
you’re gonna have to put the switch down on your own honey, he’s too caught up in bopping to the music while doing his own work to realize you’ve been playing for eight hours
❥ park seonghwa
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has the game too, probably bought it for you so you could build “couple islands” and be THAT cute gamer couple
still probably nags you for gaming too hard if too many hours pass and you’re ignoring basic needs to like,,,, get lolly on your island or something of the sort
but lolly’s cute give him 5 mins to fall in love w god cat
sends you cute in-game love letters when you’re headass six feet away from each other in real time
but it’s ok they’re cute and he likes making you blush
brings his pretty flowers to your island he also steals yours but that’s okay
dumbfounded by your blatant aggression towards certain villagers
offers to “trade” villagers with you to make you happy and marshal scares him please take marshal from him
yes he’ll bring you cute snacks as if you were studying
overall happy that you found something you enjoy together, but will make you take frequent breaks so you don’t put off whatever you actually have to do too much
❥ jeong yunho
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didn’t get the hype at first. bought the game since he thought it had to be super fun if you were ignoring him for hours at a time to go bug catching LMFAO
yet when he downloads it there’s a catch
mr epic gamer, unlike you, has the luck of a god and generates an actual island paradise and probably gets a ton of shooting star fragments too 😔✊🏻
you’re the one stealing from his island, but it’s okay he loves you 💕
and he doesn’t quite understand the game yet
gives you star fragments because you can’t get any and he doesn’t want you all sad because you can’t make a wand!!
has all the cute villagers, but if any try to move will give them to you
pays off your tom nook debt because with his luck it probably takes him less than an hour to get filthy rich in game
also figures out the qr code outfits early on. yes he’ll try to make you one, yes he’ll make himself match
overall, he gets the game because of you but does it better because it’s yunho why wouldn’t he xoxo
still makes sure you’re doing what you need to before you go off to work on your island for six hours; the type to offer game rewards he magically obtains as a prize for you after you finish your daily work
oh to be jeong yunho
❥ kang yeosang
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the president of the epic gamer club
probably persuaded you to buy it with him so he could rob your island of all your goods
makes you both reset the game until your islands both have good items but are different
so he can steal your fruit :D
“y/n, you— no, restart. you can’t have peach trees, i already have peach trees!”
“dates” where you guys lie on his bed with your consoles, literally just exploring each other’s islands
y’all practically end up sharing two islands. that’s how much you play together
invites you to go raid the other members’ islands
cursed humor carries into the game; like he’ll send you crackhead mail when you least expect it and the content WILL be something that’s only funny because it’s Yeosang
“you make me so incredibly happy, y/n. almost as happy as when tom nook first handed me my nookphone. almost”
celebrates with you when you’re both rid of the ugly villagers
overall impartial to your obsession, rather he’s glad he has someone to steal from share with
still will make you take breaks with him. he loves that you’ve got a pretty island but you need to take care of yourself sweetie
if you don’t listen he will randomly come on your island to beat you up with a shovel xoxo yeosang luvs u 😘
❥ choi san
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would not mind the game at all if it weren’t making you IGNORE HIS NEED FOR CUDDLES >:(
tbh san would probably whine about being attention starved for an eternity 15 mins until he realizes his whining isn’t working, and he has no choice but to cuddle up to you while letting you do your thing
by that i mean he’s backseat gamer all the way, no i do not accept criticism
he’d probably just plop down next to you and cuddle into your side or lay on top of you— just positioning himself in some way that he can see your gameplay
the type to cling to you while you play while bothering you until you accept his game opinions as fact
can and will make you kick out the villagers he thinks are ugly
“i just want you to kick that smelly limberg out, is that really too much to ask?”
probably spent 10 minutes absolutely losing his shit over the animal crossing language
takes the next half hour to learn how to speak it
so next time you play too long and ignore him, will shut off your switch then lay down on you and scream acnh villager language gibberish in your EAR
"you didn’t have a problem with that voice three hours ago when you were talking to that cat rosie!!” :(
if you really ignore him and never stop playing NOTHING is stopping him from being dramatic and saying smth like “y/n, i can’t take this anymore! choose, me or him!”
“him” is tom nook
why the fuck would you pick tom nook
❥ song mingi
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knows the game is popular but wasn’t bothered to try playing
so when he sees you, curled up on the couch in the same position he saw you two hours ago just with one less family sized bag of chips, he quietly sighs to himself and sits next to you
“is the game really that interesting?”
when you nod, he ends up like san and kind of chills with you, backseat gaming mode
except he isn’t yelling at you to kick out the ugly villagers, he can already see you trying on your own
gets shocked when the first tarantula appears and you get bitten
occasionally gives input on what he thinks you can do to have a better island
makes you go on an island tour so he can see what you headass just spent the last week making
actually is impressed by how much work you put into your virtual island
congrats! you’ve unlocked an achievement! : gaming livestream date for song mingi
will decide for himself who the cutest villager is then act cute and ask if he looks like them. it’s probably gonna be kid cat. tell him he does. please, Tell Him he looks like kid cat
basically i don’t think he’d be that put off by you getting addicted to the game because!!! acnl is the most relaxing game ever he likes to watch you while he unwinds after a long day
if you play too long though he won’t really say much, just sit by you pouting like :(((( “lov me”
pls love him, the big babie 🥺
❥ jeong wooyoung
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another member that probably has the game, but isn’t as obsessed as you
will beg you for shooting star fragments if you get any though. please get this man a wand
does not get WHY you’re trying so hard on your island layout. literally only wants one villager, his island can go to shit so long as he has that one villager
that one villager is probably gonna be molly or something
another member who learns how to imitate animal crossing speak, except his voice is already in the correct pitch
makes fun of you complaining about a villager you hate but it all comes back to bite him in the ass once moose shows up on his island and he gets it
you guys are having a competition to see who can get sprinkle on your island first
spoiler alert: he wins, he stole her from seonghwa
(he steals a lot from seonghwa)
overall happy with the fact that you guys have a game to play together
but if you grind too hard on your own and ignore him for hours at a time can and will invade your island to steal your fruit and trample your flowers. AND send you spam mail
❥ choi jongho
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doesn’t care for the game, and he’s mostly chill too so he’ll probably just vibe in the other room while you play, waiting for you to finish so he can do something with you
comes out a few hours later when you’re (still) lying on the couch, angrily button mashing while muttering curses to yourself
he’s really confused tbh, he’s seen yeosang play, he knows you don’t gotta go that hard to be a successful mayor, so he HAS to ask what the fuck you’re so mad about
“i’m TRYING to catch a blittering at the moment, but i keep getting these stupid carps!!! i have a debt to pay off, god!!”
becomes infinitely more amused with the game after that point
he thinks its so funny how someone could get heated while playing through probably the most relaxing game ever
watches you fish; he enjoys the puns and seeing you get frustrated when you keep catching those goddamn carps
probably takes the switch from you at one point to try his hand at it and catches a koi fish in his first five minutes
“i guess you just suck at fishing, y/n”
overall pretty unbothered by your love for the game until you start ignoring him
then he will threaten your in-game apples, saying he’s .2s away from stealing one of his members’ switches just to brawl with your trees
and we all know who’s gonna win between jongho and apples
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sophiashortcake · 3 years
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𝟎𝟎𝟏. blacklisted topics!
i do not write any of the following topics, dark content, nsfw/smut, abo, pedophilia, yandere, incest/psuedo-incest, non/dubcon, character x character (unless on my own accord), mental/physical disorders, s*icide, r*pe, cheating, specific physical traits, x male reader, and polyamory.
𝟎𝟎𝟐. character limits!
the maximum amount of characters that can be requested are five per headcanon, one per fic, and six per text.
𝟎𝟎𝟑. requesting!
be patient and kind while requesting. writing on this blog is a side hobby that takes time, and please be kind while requesting. if you demand anything from me, your request will automatically be deleted.
𝟎𝟎𝟒. accepting/denying requests!
i only take requests i feel inspired by, just because you sent it does not gurantee that you’ll have your request answered.
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𝟎𝟎𝟓. to be a regular anon!
if you choose to be a regular anon (someone that signs off with a name/emoji or a character anon) please don’t ghost! it makes me sad and i’ll wonder where you went. if you’re not active, i’ll have to remove you from the anon list :( and to be on the anon list, you’ll have to make an appearance of atleast 3 times!
𝟎𝟎𝟔. hate mail!
do not send any hate about me or to others. but if you’re gonna send hate, atleast be funny.
𝟎𝟎𝟕. triggering topics!
i do not answer asks that could be triggering/sensitive to others.
𝟎𝟎𝟖. no nsfw asks!
i do not answer asks regarding nsfw topics.
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Never underestimate a black suit
Bill Hader x Reader
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I'm not even going to pretend I regret this one. It all started in 2009 when I became obsessed with SNL, then he just kept popping up, here an there and the crush just grow, and since thanks to It chapter 2 he is finally getting the recognition he deserves I got this idea last night and I got to write it before it escapes my mind.
One shot: Imagine you are a PA in Barry and you have the biggest crush on Bill Hader but it seems like he hates you because he is dead serious all the time he is around you.
Warnings: Swearing, Age gap (I know he is just over forty but god I love him).
You were pacing on the set, the Steve Allen Theater, hoping for someone, anyone, to give you an order so you could pretend you were so good at your job as PA so they won't fired you. But the damage was done, all thanks to your verbal incontinence and now the most amazing job in the world was about to be over.
You had started working on Barry about a year ago, and you have loved every minute of it, the cast was so sweet and down to earth, and make your job so much easier, D'arcy Carden for example was always thankful with you for the simplest things like bringing her coffee and Sarah Golberg even had invited you to lunch after you helped her with a female problem one time. They were so talented and nice that you could not believe it when the production called you back for the third season to keep working there.
But then it was him, the titular character, the fucking genius whose hard work and imagination have created this magnificent show, Bill Hader. Yes you were 28 and he 42, but still you couldn't explain it, there was something about the way he spoke and the way he walked that made you weak on your knees every time, and his laugh, you were sure something had been fixed in your mind after the first time you heard him laugh.
And then it was that first week of shooting from last year, the retro outfit with the suspenders, you couldn't get your eyes off him and you almost made one of the sound guys trip with Henry Winkler. And then the table scene, you were in the back making sure the extras were in their right place and avoiding look at him because he was so perfect on that scene that you certainly will froze just by looking at him.
This little crush was obvious for absolutely everyone, except obviously for Bill, you were sure that Anthony Carrigan even deliberately asked you for anything when he was talking to Bill to see you all clumsy and awkward, not to be a dick, just to push you to talk to him, but you were certain he didn't liked you, with most of the other members of the cast and crew he was always laughing, but in the limited interactions you had he was serious, asked you for a coffee now and then or to make a phone call but just that, and you were beginning to think your absurd infatuation was making him uncomfortable, so you tone it down, made a composed face and limited to do your job.
But now you had blow it. That morning they were filming the behind the episode, for the new season, at some point Barry had one of those daydreams and he imagine himself married to Sally, so there he was all perfect in a black suit sitting in his chair next to Alec Berg talking about the challenges of the new season and how thankful they were to come back.
"So the cast is amazing, the first two episodes of the season are incredible and you have managed to keep the same novelty feeling on the series, why do you think that is?" The guy interviewing them asked.
"Well I think it's mainly thanks to the cast" Alec started "This guys are just amazing, this season we are actually giving Sally a bigger arc and that is very interesting"
"And the crew too" Bill said then "I mean they make us all look good, even when some scenes are a total disaster, the set designers, the wardrobe and all that" they made a pause and you were there to put water bottles in the table between them.
"Bill I have known that you used to be a PA, you think that gives you a better understanding on how hard it is for and aspiring actor as Barry, and does it translate on the writing?" He asked and against your better judgment you stay there to listen.
"Totally, but on a more personal level I try to no be diva with my PAs, recognize they do a hard work and know them all by name, that sort of things"
And then your verbal incontinence kick in, and there, just a few feet away, your mouth was quicker than your brain and still looking at him you spoke, not that loud to be heard by the three of them but enough for him to look straight at you.
"That's bullshit" you instinctively took your hands to your mouth and turn around before you could saw him react and went away pretending you were taking coffee orders. And here you were just waiting for the "we are gonna have to let you go" speech when one of the other PAs called you.
"Hey Y/N Hader says you have to go to his dressing room ASAP" Your friend Danny said and you felt like something heavy fall down inside your stomach.
"Can someone else go?" You answered trying to find an excuse "I have to walk Kirby's dog" you lied.
"No, he said you specifically, something about a mail he asked you to sent?" You gave him a thumbs up and start walking to his dressing room, already feeling you were fired.
"Did you need anything Mr. Hader" You tried to sound professional, and not dead ass scared.
"Oh sure, Y/N, please come in" Great! He did know your name, so apart from impertinent you were an asswhole. And he was still in that stupid black suit that made him look so gorgeous, not like the tshirts and hoodies didn't. "Do you by any chance printed those documents I asked you to send last week? I seem to have deleted them and Alec is going to freak out" He said as nice and kind as always and the weight in your stomach start lightening.
"Yeah sure, I ... well unless someone says is confidential I make copies of everything, an old habit" You said looking for a flash drive in your purse. Since all the crew sing a NDA at the beginning of the production there was nothing wrong with that, unless of course you put it on Twitter if you wanted to go to jail.
"This is not your first work on a set right?" He asked while you started looking for the documents in his laptop.
"Oh no sir. I worked in Dead to me two years ago, but since they are in a break I try my luck here last year, and HBO has better catering" You said concentrated in your work.
"Oh so you met Christina?" He asked genuinely interested, "how old were you then?"
"26, a bit late to start in this business I know, but well I like it more" You answered with a smile and then pointed to the laptop "There they are".
"Thanks so much, truly a life saver" He said and let go a sigh "And you are never too old or too young to start, as long as you enjoy it, and tolerate your bosses... bullshit was it?" He said raising an eyebrow accusatory. You immediately turn white and then red and multiple apologizes started bubbling in your mouth.
"I'm so sorry sir, I really am, I sometimes speak my mind and say all this stupid stuff, I'm sorry" You finally managed to say. He started laughing, you didn't let go the painful irony of the situation, it was the first time you made him laugh, and probably will be the last.
"I'm sorry" He said finally " I couldn't help it, relax. I'm not mad. It was quite funny what you said, I sound like such a duchebag I know everyone by name" He said making an acute voice and you start calming down "But if anything I'm sorry I made you, or any of the crew, feel like you don't matter. All of you are actually great" He said and smiled again to you. "Also lose the Mr Hader, that's bullshit, you can call me Bill".
"Oh no, I couldn't, I'm already so embarrassed by why I did" you started and he looked at you making exaggerated puppy eyes mouthing please, and it was lucky you were so nervous otherwise you would have exploded with laughter "Ok Bill"
"Ok then you are 28, and recently started as a PA, you want to be an actress?" He said, leaning back on his desk.
"Absolutely not, I wanted to be a writer, I was a writer actually in a newspaper, but it didn't feel right and then I realized I wanted to write stories, scripts, and one of my friends was an extra in Stranger things, then she said Netflix needs PAs and well there I went" You said, it was easy talk to him. "Also I don't have the looks for it and hate to se myself in pictures"
"I don't have the looks for it, and here I am" He said opening his arms "But honestly you keep writing and trying, if it's what you want, I mean I get here"
"Well yeah but have seen yourself in that suit?" Your mouth betrayed you again and you look at your feet to hide your face. "Amm I think I have a dog to walk, bye" You said before he could said anything and run away.
The next weeks were difficult, you avoid being alone with Bill but you kept doing your job as good as always, and every once in a while you will notice him looking at you, thinking on how pathetic you must look to him. Until the last day of shooting, they wrapped up the season and it was amazing. The only thing left was to go for a drink at Henry's place and start looking for a new job, thankfully you had finally written a promising draft and your hopes were high.
Maybe that's why you actually choose to drink at the party, and dance with your friends and some members of the cast, and you were a little more talkative than usual, until Anthony who was talking to you about something you were not actually listening leave you alone next to bill.
"So what's next??" He asked in the middle of the loud music, and you didn't quite got it because he signaled the garden and you followed him. "Finally I couldn't hear my thoughts" He said once you were outside.
"It's really loud, but you all deserve it" You said and suddenly realized you were alone. "What where you asking?" You tried to sound casual.
"Oh if you could get me a coffee" he joked and then quickly add "No I was wondering what's next for you after this is over?"
"I actually waiting good news from Amazon, maybe with any luck I'll get a chance with one of my scripts" You said proudly.
"That's amazing" He said with bright happy eyes "I'm so glad for you, so we won't be seeing you in season four?"
"With any luck no" You answered "You'll have to find another impertinent PA to call out your bullshit" You add laughing.
"Oh I'm pretty sure we will find someone, or I can always call you and ask you to do it for free" He said and you could notice how close he was "You know as a concerned friend"
"Sure, I can do that, my contract finalized yesterday day so I guess starting today I'm just your rude friend that says come on man don't be a duchebag" You said letting go a small laugh but he was looking at you completely serious.
"In that case..." He started and took your face between his hands, he was so tall and you felt so tiny next to him but also it was so nice and comfortable being so close, he lean in to kiss you and stop just close enough to your mouth so you will feel his breath, as if he asked for your permission to continue, and instead of saying something that could ruin the moment you close the distance and kiss him.
His lips felt soft and tender over your lips, and he slowly started deepening the kiss pressing you against him from your waist, and you hold on to the front of his jacket trying to keep him closer to you, hoping for this moment to never end, until the absurd necessity of oxygen force you to split.
"I ... I didn't think it would be appropriate to do that when we were working together" He started, smiling like a child. "I'm sorry if I made you feel like I was avoiding you, Anthony messing up with me by having you around all the time didn't help either"
"Don't worry it's okay, and yeah it would have been super inappropriate but thank god I no longer have a job" you said still trying to make sense of the situation.
"Would you... I mean I love Henry but there's only alcohol in here, do you want to go grab some dinner?" He said pointing the exit.
"I would love that" you answered, overwhelmed by joy and you followed him to the door, happy with all the possibilities the future hold.
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bibibuckleyy · 4 years
my thoughts on ‘The taking of Dispach 9-1-1′
this was SUCH a good episode from start to finish! *pulls out a slide show* Now i’ll show you breaking down every. single. scene-
jk lmao...unless?
spoilers below the cut!
lord. have. mercy.
these hoes are givin me major heist vibes
tiffany bby ur the driver but for me to acknowledge you as such you better be Letty Ortiz good hun
wow these thugs are a lot my organized than i first thought like i know they was carryin guns but i aint know they was packin this much like damn
Oceans 8 who?
so i wanna know where they just...got a cop car???
it’s kinda funny rewatching this scene when you know what’s about to go down
like i’m cacklin like ‘oh shooooot dramaaaa’
but i’m also like ‘SOMEONE GRAB JOSH AND RUN’
“temporary maintenance, happens all the time” cool cool cool 
i’m not freakin out you’re freakin out
josh and maddie are like friend goals i love their dynamic like yoooo
hi yes could you please get that gun away from terry’s head i would really appreciate it.
wow ur like the only line of defense in the dispatch center and they just kicked ur ass
is this where our tax dollars are goin??
fly high josh’s mug, fly high
that absolute look of fear on his face tho, still breaks my heart
josh russo defense squad post up homies
“i love you, howie” nope nope nope didn’t like it the second time either
when that gun went off
i just,,,waited for the blood to start comin out of terry
thank god it wasn’t him
good scene lmaooo 9-1-1 writers i hate you all lmao lmao
“bees are the least of your troubles here, sweetheart” I HATE YOU DUDE
someone call mama grant please
“we’ve got dispatch” i do not like this ma’am i’d like to speak to the manager
“you’ll shoot us” man shut the hell up-
“no, we’ll shoot the person next you you” this dude is insane
lookin like mr.clean’s evil cousin LMAOOOOO
“you only do something like this so you can do something...worse”
um whAT-
“you’re being paranoid, she’s fine” CHIMNEY NO NO NO
i don’t think i’ve ever thrown this much popcorn at my tv in my life
as chimney said “don’t do it man” just picture a 5′5 lightskinned girl tripping over her blanket while yelling “DO IT CHIM, DO IT!” and you’ll have me
“sorry, we are experiencing a high call volume” BITCH MORE LIKE A HIGH CRIME VOLUME SOMEBODY GET MAMA GRANT DAMNIT-
*screams* BUUUUUUUUCK 
ooh nice shirt, i guess pink isn’t the only color that suits ya
he looks good in all the colors
whole damn snaaaaack
not to be an idiot on main but seriously, who watches the watchmen?
“i miss like an earthquake or something?” lmao chim is a whole vibe
“wait....why are you calling 9-1-1, is everything ok?” paired with that cute adorable concerned face he made is making me cry ok we don’t deserve buck T-T
“she’s at the call center, what could happen?” AT LOT ACTUALLY
*cries* mama grant you won’t believe the day i’ve had
“he’s my husband” LMAOOOOO WHAT
whoa tiffany we’ve already had our fair share of mail bombs here that bet’ not be what i think it is
it’s just takin out the security systems lmao 
“i bet this woman really thinks you’re...worthwhile.” JOSH BBY DON’T LISTEN TO A WORD HE SAYS EVERYONE LOVES YOU
ahaha thanks i did not need those flashbacks it hurt enough the first time 
“a woman called about an omelet, i dispatched an officer”
“to the restaurant?”
“not exactly”
“i tried calling josh, but no answer” aww josh and buck are friendssssss :)
“nO NO CHIMNEY DON’T HANG UP!” i shouldn’t have laughed so hard
oh great he’s hastily grabbing his jacket. he’s about to do something rash and irresponsible
....someone call eddie.
that’s some good heist music right there
the bad guys look stressed....good.
“you’re here so i can keep an eye on you and make sure you don’t do anything foolish” BUT YOU LEFT BUCK
mama grant i ain’t questionin your authority or nun but like???
thats some reckless drivin there buckaroo
buck who were you tryna fool tho
athena only knows one golden retriever dude in this city who drives a grey and black jeep
“ok now, don’t be mad” LMAOOOOOOOO
athena’s look is sending meeeeee 😂😂
omg my god😭😂
“hey buck”
“...hey chim”
athena has some dumbass kids yo
the best part is, she knows it
the way mr. clean broke his neck when dude said ‘police cruiser’ LMAOOOO
“and if it’s not normal?”
“we’ll find out”
*blasts boss bitch*
i love the way buck is kinda concerned for his mom tho
and athena’s just like ‘it’s no sweat sweetie i do this every day’
“shoot her”
“shoot her, now”
try her bitch, see what happens to yo ass. 
the 118
the call center
the entire fandom 
we will collectively end you
“we got a report of a code 77″
what is a code 77 you say?
“ambush, proceed with caution”
well it sure nuff aint indecent exposure
*boss bitch keeps playing cause that was super smart for her to give out a code 77*
“maddie is smart, she can take care of herself until help gets there”
“they’re not gonna wanna leave behind a room full of witnesses”
i’m-i’m fine, i swear-
“killing people, your solution to every problem”
excuse me? do i hear morals??
they’re really fighting each other
they some grade a stupid right there 
there’s no way they are pullin this off
terry what are you doing
i thought they were gonna shoot terry
wowwwwww dispatch is a lot more badass than i thought
these dudes are hard core
aii square tf up mr. clean we don’t hit josh here and you gon have to pay for that one
the way everyone is just quietly sobbing tho
it saddens me
“I need another thirty minutes”
i’m really enjoying watching this dude’s plan crumble around him
swat posted up aii i see yall
“we’ll try to get eyes in a damn windowless room”
well when you put it that way it sounds like this is hopeless
“i’m sorry i thought you were crazy”
“i’m sorry i wasn’t”
wow i don’t think i was supposed to laugh at that
and chim bein concerned for maddie is literally one if the best things ever y’all.
completely unrelated note, anybody else see bad boys for life?
“yeah i’m ok, my ears are just ringing a little” with the TEARS and the SNIFFLES and him SMILING THROUGH THE PAIN JOSH IS TOO PURE FOR THIS 
“why do you think we asked for so many RA units?” BITCH I KNOW YOU FUCKIN LYIN
for those of y’all that ain’t kno, RA units are rescue ambulance units
way to reassure people, lady
it’s like she said ‘everyone might be lightly shot by the time this is all over’
“so you are worried. it makes sense, cause all your friends keep dissappearing are they even in the same building?” WITH THAT LOOK OF STRAIGHT SPITE DAMN MADDIE BUCKLEY, DAMNNN
we stan the BAMF BUCKLEYS
“oh my god, LINDA??” lo key thought this was real for a second
“latex! is there latex in your gloves?” greg come on man you planned a heist you can’t be this stupid
you know it’s really funny, cause tiffany ain’t nowhere to be found
(i know, two different songs, but ya gotta admit, it applies)
“you don’t get to die” 
i just-
hands down, most powerful line in the whole episode.
it’s an odd form of vengeance, saving the man that attacked you multiple times from the release of death
 that’s what it would’ve been tho
a release
he would’ve died, and he wouldn’t of had to pay for any of his actions
but instead, josh saved his sorry ass
so he gets to pay for this in the land of the living
the best revenge, actually
and, josh saved a life
he’s worthwhile
“i’m not goin back” well i knew mr. clean was gonna die from the beginning sooooooo
“we’ve got dispatch”  and it’s finally over
i’m kinda bummed that we didn’t get to see SEAL!buck or the rest of the firefam but we got  BAMF!dispatch and that was enough lmao
kudos to those off duty dispatches as well, like y’all just walked past the dead body and moved on from the whole hostage situation to do your already stressful job
this hug is everythinggggg 
lo key buck watching from afar breaks my heart ahaha
“she already has everything she needs”
....this is tea for another day, but...
buck, you do know people need you as much as you need them, right?
still not over that hug tho
ayeeee wassup bobby!
how was the camping trip i was extremely against?
oooooh i love the crime recaps!
i may or may not have been like buck in the bank episode when he said ‘i’m some confused, can you start over’
“wait....you didn’t round her up too?”
ok listen....
while i don’t condone stealing and and the extreme amount of violence they used,
i do condone outsmarting men that think less of you because you are a woman
you are a boss tiffany, and i’m actually kind of sad you got caught
“tiffany was the real mastermind” can i just.....
thanks 9-1-1 writers for that, btw. 
gotta admit, as much as they rip out our hearts and stomp on em, they know what they are doin
jake you shady shady bitch
ngl tho both plans were solid 
maybe if it was done completely by women it would’ve worked :)
“looks  like your trip’s been delayed...by about 5 to 15 years” athena you got the best lines yo
jake f’ed up the other plan too lmaoo
like i said, if it was all women, they would’ve pulled this off
and they end it with madney
gosh i loved this episode
So! These were my thoughts on 3x14! Let me know what you think, and hit up my ask box if you want me to post my thoughts on another episode! Later taters!
Oh yeah, if you liked this you can find my thoughts on ‘Pinned’ here!
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winterfang53 · 4 years
Gajevy Week 2020 - Letters
Super late but here you go!
Gajevy Week 202 day 1: Letters! I hope you enjoy!
Levy was running the moment she got off the bus; her red backpack bouncing on her back while her lunchbox threatened to fly out of her hand. The 12-year-old raced down the block towards her house, only stopping at the mailbox at the end of the driveway.
Excitement gleamed in her eyes as she eagerly opened the wooden frame only to deflate at the emptiness within.
“Not today I guess,” Levy sign, pouting as she trudged towards the front door, lacking the energy she had only a moment before. “I hope it comes tomorrow then,” Levy said quietly.
Levy made her way into her house, almost tripping over her older brother’s shoes at the doorway. “Stupid Jellal,” she grumbled loudly, catching the attention of someone in the kitchen.
“Levy is that you dear?” her mother called, poking her head around the corner, “how was school, Honey?”
“It was fine,” Levy said hesitantly, “Mom, did you get the mail by any chance?”
Levy’s mother smiled brightly, “Your letter’s on the table, Sweetie.”
Joy brightened Levy’s eyes, making her throw her shoes off in hast to bounce her way into the kitchen. There, sitting the on the light wooden table was a plain white letter with her name scribbled in bad handwriting. Levy squealed as she leaped towards the letter only for it to be ripped from her hand.
“What’s this?” Levy’s older brother Jellal asked, holding the letter above her short stature, “a letter from your boyfriend?” he teased.
“Jellal!” Levy screeched, her cheeks flushing with anger and embarrassment, “he’s not my boyfriend and gives me it back!” 
“Oh, I’m sorry,” Jellal laughed, “your penpal, who you wait with bated breath for every letter he sends you. It’s kind of sad Lev.”
Before Levy could defend herself, a show flew through the air to smack her brother in the face. Looks like her mom was here to defend her instead. “Jellal stop teasing your sister and put your shoes away!”
Levy snatched her letter and bolted up the stairs to her room, locking the door so her brother couldn’t chase her.
Downstairs, Levy’s mom chastised her son: “Why do you have to tease her like that? You know how hard it is for Levy to make friends -- those letters brighten her day!”
“Sorry Mom,” Jellal grumbled, “I didn’t mean anything by it, it’s just she really needs to make more friends than the one boy who’s her penpal from last year.”
Their Mother’s eyes soften, “I know Honey, but you know how shy she is, she has a hard time connecting to the other kids. Let her appreciate the friend she has now.”
“I just hope he doesn’t stop writing her letters,” Jellal signed as he gazed up the stairs, “it would break her heart.”
Upstairs behind Levy’s locked door, sat Levy on her bed gazing at the letter in hand. It was a plain white envelope -- like always -- with her name scribbled in a handwritten that she could recognize anywhere as her penpal Gajeel Redfox. Last year, before the summer started, Levy’s school started a penpal program between her school and a school on the other side of the state. It was mandatory for all 5th graders in her school to participate, making shy little Levy write a letter to a complete stranger. 
Levy can still remember how nervous she was writing her first letter -- an introduction letter about herself -- and how her tummy hurt for 2 whole weeks while she waited for a response, only for her to bristle in fury at the response her got:
You sound short.
 Gajeel Redfox, as Levy came to discover, was a boy of every few words and took much joy in teasing her even though letters. Levy had been so mad that she wrote a very rude letter back. For the rest of the summer, Levy and Gajeel sent “hate mail” to each other, calling each other every name in the book until the first week of school when it dawned on her that the program was over. 
Levy had come to look forward to each letter; the excitement of interacting with someone her own age wasn’t something Levy got to experience often -- given her lack of friends. During the second week of 6th grade, Levy sent a letter to Gajeel asking him if he still wanted to send letters and for 2 whole weeks, Levy sat again with her tummy hurting. When that letter came, Levy almost cried happily at what was written:
You’re funny Shrimp, why on earth would I stop now?
Now, in April and almost a whole year of writing letters, Levy and Gajeel still exchanged letters almost every week -- just with less teasing.
Levy gently opened the letter, so as not to rip the letter, and pulled out the plain white notebook paper that Gajeel always wrote on:
My Ma says I need to start my letters by asking how you are so here: How are you? I don’t really know why I need to do that, you would tell me if you’re ok or no but whatever. Has your school started ‘preparing’ you guys for middle school? Mine has and it stinks. What’s the big deal with middle school anyways? The only difference is that you have more than one classroom now, big deal. My Ma says it’s a bigger deal than that but I think she’s exaggerating. See? I used a big word -- I AM using that stupid dictionary you gave me for Christmas so now you can’t say I’m not!  Yes, I know there were Pokemon cards in the dictionary but you still gave me a dictionary for Christmas. That’s worst than socks Shrimp! 
Anyways that not the real thing I want to talk about. My folks are dragging me and Wendy to go see my grandparents out of state this summer, we’re gonna be there for a whole month while dad has to go overseas for work! I put their address at the end of this letter so you know where to send your letters to me. I’ll be there from June 23 to July 25 so don’t forget!
P.S. I hate making friends too, most of my friends are my cousins, well and you. Don’t let the other kids bully you ok? I’m not there to beat them up.
Levy smiled as she read her letter, blushing slightly at Gajeel’s hidden concern for her. Even if he was mean most of the time, Levy knew that he cared for her in his own weird way. His letters were the highlight of her day -- save for reading. Levy hoped from her bed and pulled out a large box from underneath. There, Levy had every letter Gajeel ever sent her. Kissing the letter, Levy placed it in the box before hopping over to her desk to write her reply. 
Levy and Gajeel continued being penpals for years to come, surprising everyone even themselves on their commitment. It wasn’t until high school when both Gajeel and Levy got cellphones did the letters slow down a bit and were partially replaced by texts. Letters, texts, and later calls allowed for Gajeel and Levy’s relationship to flourish until one fateful day during the first week of college did Levy and Gajeel finally meets -- 7 years after the first letter.
“Welcome to Art History 100 everyone!” the professor called out at the front of the class, “why don’t we start by introducing ourselves: Everyone, going in order, please stand up, give your name, and give a strange fact about your self!” Levy sat in the middle of class, her hair pulled back in her favorite headband -- a gift from Gajeel -- as she nervously waited for her turn. Finally, after what felt like forever, it was her turn.
“Um, Hello I’m Levy McGarden and my strange fact is that I’ve had a penpal since 5th grade that still actively talk to,” Levy said shyly before sitting down.
“Wow, that’s pretty cool,” the blond girl next to her said, her brown eyes showing her honesty, “I didn’t think penpals were still a thing!” 
Levy beamed at the girl -- Lucy if she remembered correctly. “Yeah, we were pretty unusual. I’m Levy by the way.”
“Lucy,” the blond said nodding her head with a smile, “did you two ever meet up or anything?”
Levy shook her head, “no, he lived on the other side of the state so we never got the chance.”
“What about now?” Lucy asked quietly since there were still people introducing themselves, “where does he go to school.”
Levy frowned at this, “I don’t know, to be honest, he told me it was a secret. Knowing him, he probably did it to piss me-” she was cut off then by a familiar voice that she had never heard in person before.
“My name is Gajeel Redfox and my strange fact is that I’m Levy McGraden’s penpal, Gihi!” 
Levy could only gab at the towering male with thick black hair, silver piercings, and a fanged grin smiling over at her from the back of the room. There, in the flesh, was her crush since grade school, her penpal, Gajeel Redfox. 
“You asshole,” Levy said softly, unable to stop the smile that was spreading across her lips as Lucy cooed on how cute this was. Throughout the rest of the class, Levy couldn’t help herself from looking back at that man who pissed her off and make her smile all with the same breath. Meeting the red eyes that teased her from the back while Lucy giggled at her the whole time.
“You have some explaining to do you jerk!” Levy growled playfully as she whacked him after class.
“Gihi! What? You didn’t like the surprise?” Gajeel laughed, dodging her little fists, “damn, I must say Shrimp, you’re living up to your name!”
4 years later, at their wedding reception, while Lucy was recounting the story, Levy slip over a folded paper to her new husband.
“What’s this?” Gajeel whispered, his brow raised in question.
“The first letter of our marriage,” Levy said smiling, “read it.”
Gajeel eyed her in question before unfolding the paper only to choke on his own tongue;
“We’re pregnant?!”
I hope everyone enjoyed this! 
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loudsuitlover · 5 years
Love is a lot of texts
Part 1. Love is a lot of doubts 
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Luke: I have to send you a voice mail telling you what happened to my wound
Anna: What happened to your wound? Oh boy! I can’t leave you on our own, can I? 
Luke: Haha nothing happened to the wound don’t worry 
Anna: Oh, thank God! My little girl! I have treated that wound with more love than I treat some people
Luke: lol it’s just they didn’t take out the stitches yet so I’ll have to go to Germany with them on haha family trip with stitches included haha If you want you can come to Germany with me, we have a spare spot, so you could continue taking care of it 
Anna: And of the wound as well ;) Like your personal nurse hey? 
Luke: HAHAHAHA you’re too much 
Anna: You make it pretty easy... Do you think you’ll surive all the way in Germany without me? Please don’t hurt yourself again, you won’t have a Med student around to take care of your injuries...
Luke: I don’t know... I’ll try... But in case I do get injured, I’ll think of you 
Anna: Given how clumsy you are, if you think of me every time you get injured you must be so in love by now... 
Luke: I’ll be careful then... I need to forget about you... 
Anna: Will you stay above me? Look my way, never love me. This is a joke only well-versed in music people will understand...
Luke: Of course I understand, you idiot. Your jokes keep falling, your jokes keep falling. 
Anna: Alright your chill hour of music before sleep was enough for that. 
Luke: It helps me fall asleep and forget people like you
Anna is writing....
Luke: who show up so frequently in my mind
Anna: I was writing that you’re despicable but you fixed it with that so I won’t. 
Luke: Haha we always end up talking about the same... Why is that, Anna? You tell me. 
Anna: Haha Idk...But they say between joke and joke the truth is shown ;)
Luke: Well, if you want me to show you something else, you just have to say the word ;)
Anna: haha you’re good. Maybe when you come back from Germany you can come over and show it to me. 
And the wound too. 
Luke: I’d love to, as long as some other time you come over and show me something else. 
Anna: Done ;)
                                                            - --- -
Anna sent a youtube video: Carrot cake with MasterChefStyle
Harry: bitch
Anna: Handsome. Love you. I’m gonna grab my headphones. I want to listen to MasterChefStyle before going to bed. I really do love you. 
Harry: Dude, I don’t know in which moment I thought it was a good idea to tell you about this. I changed my name afterwards. 
Anna: Don’t worry MasterChefStyle. Your secret is safe with me. 
Harry: To MisterChefystyles 
Anna: HAHAHAHA I was going to criticize you for changing such wonderful name 
Harry: Full incognito
Anna: But then I read the y in MisterChefystyles and I said mate just when I thought it couldn’t get better
Harry: That’s me
Anna: Did you wake your mum already or you’re still on the way? 
Harry: Actually I just got here, listen.
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Your poor mum had to send you to hell 
Harry: I’m in for some slaps
Anna: Like the ones you gave me last night? ;) Oh boy, even me myself got scandalized
Anna: Thanks for sharing this moment with me really. It’s like just on one night I’ve gotten to know you like I’ve known you for years. You tell me about your sister, you show me videos of your family, I listen to your mum’s voice and I found out who MisterChefystyles was. I haven’t been happier in my entire life. I adore you. 
Harry: Yeah you’re really finding out about all my secrets... You’ll end up finding out the truth about my micropenis. 
Anna: That’s everything I want in life. 
Harry: Oh, no, another? It seems to be a lot of people’s principle goal. 
Anna sent a photo. 
Harry: Oh no. How do you even have that photo? 
Anna: Because I keep everything of yours because I love you. 
Harry: Oh boy.... I’ll believe you in the end. 
Anna: You can believe me. I never lie. 
Harry: You lie more often than you talk, Annie haha Good night beautiful X 
Anna: Good night MisterChefystyles xx 
                                                             - --- -
Anna: Oh boy, nobody cares about your stitches, except from me... You see when I’m a doctor this won’t happen to you. I might kill you with a wrong diagnose but you’ll never be unattended 
Luke: hahaha Idk what I prefer... But I actually believe in you even though you don’t haha 
Anna: Hey that was actually sweet. I love you shit. 
Luke: I do love you shit. 
Anna: Oh <3 x 
Luke: Got rid of the stitches :) 
Anna: Really? Awesome! Did it hurt? What did they say about the scar? That it looked so good because someone must have taken really good care of it? :)
Luke: haha it didn’t hurt and it was all very fast, they didn’t even say anything about how it looked haha but I know it’s all because of you if that means anything
Anna: Of course it does :) Anyway, how are you? How is Germany?
Luke: It’s actually very very pretty. It’s such a shame you haven’t been here, I reckon you’ll love it but don’t worry Anna, someday we’ll make a trip over here and I’ll show you around :) 
Anna: Well that would be great! I would love you a lot! 
Luke: Could you even love me any more than you do now? 
Anna: It’ll be hard that’s for sure...  And if you want we can rent a car and I can show you how to properly drive. I know you manage more or less but I’ll let you learn from the best.
Luke: HAHAHAHAHA very funny! You’ll be lucky if I let you drive at all. 
Anna: Of course you’ll let me drive! I’m such a good driver 
Luke: I’m actually curious about how bad you actually drive so I’ll let you even if it’s just to find out. I love you anyway but you already know that. 
Anna: hahaha you’re by far the silliest person I know. When you’re back I’ll win you at an illegal race in order to shut up that mouth of yours. 
Luke: If silly is the one who makes silly things then I admit I am sometimes but so are you ;) Illegal race her? What a good driver, lady! Challenged accepted. 
Anna: Actually, thinking it through, you already have a scar on your skull because of an opened window... I wouldn’t want you to kill yourself trying to pass me because then how would I get over that? 
Luke: Don’t worry, I won’t need to pass you because you’ll always be after me 
Anna: Excuse you, but you’re the one who’s always after me ;)
Luke: I don’t know if it was intentional but I got the double sense there and just so you know in that sense you’re actually the one who’s after me, I already got ya, love. 
Anna: Well it took you long enough! I don’t wash the hair of just anybody... 
Luke: Haha just thinking about it makes me laugh. Sometimes I still can’t believe you actually washed my hair ;) You’re funny, Annie, you should make stand up comedy... Or we could make a show together but we let’s do it soon
Anna: And the show as well. 
Luke: The show can wait 
Anna: And you?
Luke: I can’t wait to be back but it all depends on my brother... He’s sick and we’re still in the hospital, we don’t know what’s going on, some infection or something. 
Anna: Wait, are you serious? But how is he? Is it serious?
Luke: He’s good, yeah, he’s just got a fever and this belly ache that won’t fade away but don’t worry. I’ll keep you inform we just don’t know much yet. 
Anna: I’m so sorry, Luke. I hope it’s nothing because your mum already has enough on her plate worrying about you. 
Luke: hahahaha very true. She’s a saint. 
Anna: Well she’ll be proud of you when you introduce me to the family. 
Luke: Or maybe she disinherits me 
Anna: I hate you. 
Luke: Wow, that’s the ugliest thing you’ve ever said to me. 
Anna: Idiot. 
Luke: Look, our first fight. 
Anna: hahaha now the reconciliation. It’s your turn to wash my hair 
Luke: hahaha It’d be my pleasure. One of these days we can meet up and I’ll wash that beautiful hair of yours. Best plan ever. 
Anna: haha now I love you again. Can’t you see how easy it is for you? 
Luke: Yay! Does that mean I don’t have to wash your hair anymore? Nah, I’m kidding. Really I even want to haha 
Anna: Whenever you want. 
Luke: Want me.
Anna: I already do and if you wash my hair even more. 
Luke: Your house or mine?
Anna: I have a bath ;)
Luke: Then it’s settled. 
Anna: I don’t even know if you’ll manage. 
Luke: Why wouldn’t I? 
Anna: Because you’ll get nervous and get shampoo on my eyes. 
Luke: hahaha I would never do that! And btw the doctor just said the fever is gone and he’s free to go so we’re flying back home in the morning so he can go to the hospital at home and stuff. 
Anna: That’s so great! I’m so happy for my brother-in-law! I hope he gets well soon.
Luke: hahaha he said thanks but he still doesn’t aprove of our romance. 
Anna: He knows I’m too good for you...
Luke: hahaha I believe he thinks the exact opposite but whatever helps you sleep at night. 
Anna: I sleep perfectly fine thank you, I have no doubts. I think we all know what this is about already. 
Luke: I don’t ;)
Anna: Well if you’re as slow driving as you are thinking then I already won the illegal race
Luke: Thankfully I’m only slow on certain things... And driving is not one of them ;) 
                                                 - --- -
Harry: Well if I do the masters degree I’m not doing it here. I think I want to go to France for a while. 
Anna: Nooooooooooooooooooo
Harry: You’re going to Italy so don’t complain! Hey where the fuck are you going to be in August? 
Anna: Here :) And I’ll come back from Italy, it’s only for ten months not “for a while”
Harry: I’ll come back too. For you. I think. And if you’re gonna be here in August, get some of the guys together and come visit me to my sister’s :)
Anna: I’ll remember that
Harry: Or you could come on your own :) But it’s kind of far away... And you’ll probably forget because you’ll meet an Italian guy and fall in love with him
Anna: I can drive up to your sister’s and I won’t get a ticket because I do respect speed limits :) And I won’t fall in love with anyone. Now that I know God I won’t pray to saints.
Harry: I don’t know what to say to that. I’m speechless. 
Anna: hahah Cook me something
Harry: Anytime haha you’ll come then? To my sister’s? :) 
Anna: Yes :) I’ll surprise you guys. 
Harry: Stay for several days, we’ll spend the day at the beach and then you’ll sleep in my bed
Anna: Will I have to go in through your window like a thief? 
Harry: It has fences but I’ll get a rotaflex, don’t worry.
Anna: HAHAHAHA Yeah, surely your mum won’t hear that. 
Harry: well that’s okay, she’ll be proud when she sees you.
Anna: Yeah, right, like when my Aussie exboyfriend’s dad found us on the pool... Not cool. 
Harry: Wait, whaaaat? lol
Anna: Haven’t I told you about that? 
Harry: No. I mean I think you haven’t. You’ve told me many things but since you’re life is so fucking interesting
Anna: That was the cruelest joke you’ve ever said to me. 
Harry: It wasn’t a joke, silly. I’m serious. You’re probably the most interesting person I know. If only you ate meat... 
Anna: Well I don’t bite meat but sometimes I suck on it HAHAHAHA God I love scandalizing you. I know what face you made when you read it. 
Harry: I almost have a heart attack 
Anna; I love saying these things to you because I remember that one time we were playing truth or dare and you ask me something and I didn’t quite understand so I answered wrong and now you think I’m like such a fucker and I love that. 
Harry: What do you mean? 
Anna: You remember when you asked me if I had been with more than three guys?
Harry: Yes. 
Anna: And I said “sure”?
Harry: Yes.
Anna: Well I thought you meant kissing. That’s what I said sure like that, like it was so obvious that I had been with more than three haha 
Harry: Oh haha I mean it’s fine either way haha 
Anna: I know but it’s just not true and since you know so many things about me now, I thought you should know that too. 
Harry: Okay. So with how many have you been? Just curious. 
Anna: But what do you mean with “been”? Like- naked?
Harry: Well then you’d count that one time you went to the nudist beach with your girlfriends... I mean fuck for God’s sake. 
Anna: Hahaha then 1
Anna: hahaha no I didn’t lie! I told you! I just understood you meant kiss! And I mean I was three months living on my own in a foreing country... Of course I’ve kissed more than three guys... But this is a secret between me and you because I have no clue why but somehow in my group of friends everyone thinks I’m a sex goddess haha but it’s not true 
Harry: Don’t worry about that, you’d still be a sex goddess even if you were a virgin. 
Anna: HAHAHA I don’t know how I got that reputation but I kind of like that nobody knows the truth about that haha well now you do but you won’t tell 
Harry: Of course I won’t, don’t worry. And I don’t know either but to me ever since I met you you’ve been like the female version of Joey. Well no, you’re actually more like Barney Stinson. Yeah, that’s you, 100%
Anna: What? Haha that’s so funny. I must be so snobby then because that couldn’t be farthest away from the truth haha 
Harry: No, you’re not snobby at all because it’s not about what you say. You don’t ever brag about that. I think it’s just the way you are, you know? Like how you talk, the way you look, the way you smile... You’re confident and very attractive so... I guess we all just assume haha 
Anna: Are you serious? I don’t ever get anybody’s attention! That’s what I thought of you when I met you, you know? That you probably get any girl you want.
Harry: Oh, come on! Don’t come to me with the false modesty! And me? Getting girls? HAHAHA I am terrible at flirting! I always mess it up haha Everything I’ve had I’ve had it because it had practically fallen on my lap. If it had been for me I’d still be a virgin. 
Anna: Then just like me.
Harry: Yeah, right. You’re a goddess, mermaid. 
Anna: And you’re an idiot haha I’ve had guys rejecting me since middle school.
Harry: Did you check if they were blinds? 
Anna: Haha can you stop? I’m being serious!
Harry: So am I! But please do tell me, open up your heart. 
Anna: Well, you know how silly I am! I mean I did tell you about Lorenzo. 
Harry: Well, yeah, but that was just a bump in your impeccable carreer. 
Anna: Not at all haha I’m just an idiot, that’s it. When I like a guy I get all weird with stupid jokes and then guys just never notice me. 
Harry: Hahaha I can’t believe you. That’s impossible. 
Anna: Haha alright, we’ll see if you say the same five years from now when I’m a single surgeon. 
Harry: Trust me, what will surprise me about that would be the surgeon part. 
Anna: hahahaha you’re such a jerk! 
Harry: The only reason you’re single is because you want to. 
Anna: Don’t think so.
Harry: Know so. And anyway, you have a gay best friend. You’re already safe. You’ll always be the woman on his life. 
Anna: That’s true. Cody I love you. 
Harry: And if not, I can be you plan H. 
Anna: You’re my plan A. 
Harry: I think that’s the most beautiful thing a girl has ever said to me. Only second to my mum’s “you’re the most handsome guy in the planet” 
                                                      - --- -
Luke: Hey if you’re up tell me a funny story. 
Anna: Sorry I was asleep but I’m up now :) What was it? How are you? 
Luke: Well I was a bit worried because the doctor said the blood tests weren’t all that soothing but then he explained everything and it’s better. 
Luke sent a voice mail. 
Anna: Oh, well, chronic diseases do suck but at least they know what he has? I don’t really know what to say to you but just know I’m here if you need me, yeah? And you know I know nothing about medicine but if you wanna talk about alpacas just call me :) And I love you. 
Luke: HAHAHAHAHAHA I don’t know how you do it but you always get smiles out of everyone even when it looks imposible. I am so grateful I know you. Alpacas hahaha You always make me laugh. Thank you. 
Anna: Oh boy, you’re gonna make me blush haha 
Luke: Don’t get nervous ;)
Anna: So you still wanna hear a funny story?
Luke: I’m always in for that, am I not?
Anna: Well in that case. I’ve been playing on my own with one of the toys of the girl I nanny for like 25 minutes. She got tired but here I am still painting with these things. 
Anna sent a photo. 
It’s so calming. 
Luke: Hahaha that’s just pitiful. Where’s the girl you nanny? 
Anna: I’m not actually nannying now. It was her birthday and she invited me so I came, 
Luke: You went to the an eight-year-old birthday party for free?
Anna: She invited me! I couldn’t say no. She’s like a little sister to me now.
Luke: You’re something else. Anyway, tell her happy birthday from a random stranger. 
Anna: Will do :)
Luke: Thinking it through, I’m not even a stranger... If she’s like your sister, then she’s like my future sister-in-law...
Luke sent a photo. 
Btw that’s the best part of your drawing. 
Anna: Did you really just spend all this time searching for the error? 
Luke: I mean it wasn’t that hard to search. 
Anna: Yeah right. 
Luke: Hey Anna 
Anna: Yes?
Luke: I actually can’t wait to see you. 
Anna: Neither can I :)
Luke: And before we start declaring our love to one another, did I just see a picture of your dog on a mat in the middle of your pool? 
Anna: HAHAHA Yes you did! She’s so annoying! She wouldn’t let me lay under the sun because she just keeps laying on top of me and licking me all over so I have to get on the mat on the pool but now she jumps in there too. There’s no scape! 
Luke: Well they say love between two female dogs is the strongest ;)
Anna: Mate then if you come here, she’ll go crazy! 
Luke: Crazy jealous of seeing me with you
Anna: Haha She’s not jealous and I’m sure she’ll love you, don’t you know they say dogs do like their owners? 
Luke: Somehow that was actually beautiful. If you keep it up with those you’ll have my heart in no time. 
Anna: Good then :)
Luke: Good :) 
                                                           - --- -
Harry: Tell me another song. 
 Anna: You already learnt the last one? Man you’re fast. 
Harry: There’s nothing to do but play the guitar at my sister’s. 
Anna sent a song. Andrew Belle Pieces Acoustic      
Anna: I love that song and I think it’s easy on the guitar. You can learn it so you can sing it to me when you ask me to be your girlfriend. 
Harry: hahahaha I’ll hire eight to ten mariachis for that. I’ll search the chords but yeah it seems easy and I like it too. Thanks, muse. 
Anna: Haha you’re welcome, artist 
Harry: I think I can learn it and sing it to you on Tueday when I’m home
Anna: Wait, you’re coming home on Tuesday already? :)
Harry: hahaha no, I’m only passing by but I’ll stay a day or two. 
Anna: What for? 
Harry: I’m picking Mum up from the aiport and then we’re driving back to my sister’s. 
Anna: Oh, thank God, I thought you were just passing by because you couldn’t live without me and I was thinking how is this guy going to handle next year when I’m gone? 
Harry: Please don’t remind me. And even though it’s true I can’t live without you, that’s not the reason I’m driving three hours there and three hours back as you can see. Anyway, when the fuck are you coming to visit? Because I saw Cody two days ago and I told him something and I said “don’t tell anyone, not even Anna” and he said “no I won’t tell her because I want to see her face when you tell her”         
Anna: Hahaha I love that that’s the reason he won’t tell me. So you’re not telling me either until I go visit you. 
Harry: That’s right, you got it. 
Anna: Okay well I’ll go after you pick up your mum from the airport. 
Harry: In fact, why don’t you come up with us? 
Anna: In your car?
Harry: Yes, I’ll respect speed limits this time, don’t you see my mum will be in the car too? 
Anna: A three hours ride with your mum and you? Haha And then how do I get home? 
Harry: I can drive you. 
Anna: Three hours here and three hours back? 
Harry: I could still a day or two too. That way we’ll spend more time together too. 
Anna: Mmm I’ll think about it. 
Harry: I don’t wanna beg but I will if I have to
Anna: Haha you don’t have to. I’ll take it as the beginning of our visits. I visit you at your sister’s, you visit me in Italy.
Harry: Right cause it’s the same thing haha 
Anna: You have to come anyway, otherwise I’ll step on your throat and never talk to you ever again. 
Harry: Wow, so agressive. I don’t know what’s worse. 
Anna: That’s sweet? I guess? 
Harry: Haha Well, I’ll go but then you’ll have to come visit me when I move to Norway. 
Anna: You’re not moving to Norway because I don’t want to live there. It’s too cold. 
Harry: I don’t want you to go to Italy and you’re going anyway. 
Anna: It’s not the same because Italy is closer and the weather is nicer and I’m coming back. I’m not moving, it’s just a scolarship. Just wait for me, when I’m back I’ll confess my love to you. 
Harry: Didn’t you just do it? Now I won’t be able to look surprise when you get on one knee and ask me to marry you.
Anna: Well I wasn’t going to ask you to marry me so soon. I was just going to ask you to be my plus one to the family reunion, like my formal boyfriend as my grandma calls it. 
Harry: I thought that was Cody? 
Anna: Cody is my brother. 
Harry: Does he know that?
Anna: Cody is gay. You know what? I’ll have to invite another guy who understands my relationship with Cody. He’s more than a friend but less than a lover. You had everything Harry, if only you had understood that... 
Harry sent a photo. 
Harry: Cody says “siblings don’t know the way you taste” 
Anna: Cody if I end up single because of you I swear to God I’ll cut you from your throat to your anus and I’ll hang you from the wall like a salami. 
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA Don’t worry Annie. You won’t end up single. 
Anna: Well I don’t know because Norway is far away and it’s too cold and they see so little sun :(
Harry: Well okay, you win, I’ll stay home. 
Anna: I mean we can go elsewhere if you hate home so much. Just somewhere not that cold. 
Harry: I don’t care where if it’s with you. 
Anna: Oh, I love you. 
Harry: I love you too. 
                                                         - --- -
Anna: Remember when you told me I was going to break my back one of these days? I think the day has arrived :( 
Luke: What do you mean? Are you okay? 
Anna: My back hurts a lot :( I need a massage. 
Luke: Does your back really hurts or you just want a massage? haha
Anna: Well you’re a physical therapist, aren’t you?
Luke: Student* 
Anna: And you’ve never given me a massage 
Luke: I was going to say you’re a med student and you’ve never heal me but that would be lying
Anna: That’s right. That’s why you need to give me a massage, a good one that leaves me with a feeling of euphoria and light-weight
Luke: HAHAHAHA I’m so sorry to inform you I don’t think I can do that. So far I can only give therapeutic massages and trust me they don’t live you ephoric and light-weighted lol If you want euphoria you should try drugs
Anna: Man you’re idiotic. I had made the joke so easy for you, it’s practically told on its own but you let the opportunity passed. I’ll remember this. 
Luke: You mean I have to get myself another girl who actually appreciates my therapeutic massages? 
Anna: I think I could get over it
Luke: Well I guess it was beautiful while it lasted Anna. 
Anna: No, no, I take it back. Don’t get yourself another girl. 
Luke: hahahahaha what is it gonna be? 
Anna: Actually if you want, try to get yourself another girl. Let’s see if you can find some who washes your hair like I did. 
Luke: lol okay after this reflection time I’ve decided to keep you but on one condition: next time, don’t wash just my hair ;)
Anna: Well alright but I hope you know what you’re doing and by that I mean if you fall hopelessly in love with me I won’t be responsible for that 
Luke: hahahahaha I think I’ll take that risk
Anna: Good ;)
Luke: Anna my nose is bleeding. Come heal me. 
Anna: Are you serious? You’re always giving things to do haha What’s your problem?
Luke: You are! Nah, really I’ve always been a lot of work
Anna: Well that’s good, entertaining 
Luke: Yeah, I was very naughty when I was a little boy 
Anna: So was I. I know it’s hard to believe because I’m adorable
Luke: It actually doesn’t surprise me from you haha I just used to play hide and seek without warning. Mum wasn’t happy about it haha What was your problem?
Anna: I was just evil. My mum always tells the same story to illustrate my wickedness. When I was four years old I filled the bathtub and told my older brother that mum wanted him to have a bath with his clothes on so he did and then when mum found him I said “mum look! My brother got on the tub with his clothes on!” 
Luke: HAHAHAHA that’s just cruel! 
Anna: yeah I know, I’m not oroud 
proud* FUCK
Luke: HAHAHA what’s wrong with you?
Anna: I get nervous talking to you Luke 
Luke: I can tell haha Don’t be
Anna: Well what’s important is that I’m not evil anymore. Now I’m only naughty in my room ;) 
Luke: Now it’s you who’s making me nervous hahaha 
Anna sent a photo.  
Luke: And now you sent a picture of baby Anna after making me think of you being naughty in your room. I don’t know how I feel about that haha But you had such a good girl’s face! In fact you still do. Those are the worst...
Anna: I want to see a picture of baby Luke 
Luke: Oh, I wish I had one here but I don’t. 
Anna: Don’t worry, your mum will show them to me when she embarrasses you showing me pictures of little Luke nude like all mothers-in-law do 
Luke: Impossible. I look cute in all of them. 
Luke sent a photo. 
Luke: My mum just me that one with my brother. 
Anna: Which one are you?
Luke: That’s what I was going to ask you ;)
Anna: I hope you’re the one smiling into the camera. 
Luke: Do you really not recognize your future husband? 
Anna: Haha just tell me who you are! I’m going crazy with the zoom. The two of you are crazily cute anyway, my man and my brother-in-law even though I don’t know which one is you. 
Luke: lol okay well when we were little people thought we were twins so I’ll let you live with this because of that... I’m the one looking into the camera 
Anna: Really? Yay! The one I wanted! Our kids will be so cute! 
Luke: As babies yes, then they’ll grow and get uglier like we all do 
Anna: They won’t if they look like their dad. See how nice I am? You just get your brother in the bathtub once and you’re the devil. 
Luke: hahaha yeah how can I trust you won’t get our kids on the bathtub with clothes on just for fun? And btw I didn’t even know you have a brother?
Anna: Yeah well he doesn’t live home anymore but yes I do, he’s one year older than me. 
Luke: Really? 
Anna: Yes, Dylan’s the name of your brother-in-law
Luke: Mate, I know nothing about your life and you know everything about mine haha
Anna: I’m very shy 
Luke: Yeah, with me you are but I reckon that’s because I make you nervous... Oh I didn’t tell you! You know my hair is blond where the scar is? Because of you and the oxygenated water lol
Anna: Oh boy, really? I’m sorry! 
Luke: Don’t be. I like it, it reminds me of you. 
Anna: Oh <3 I’m gonna tell you something but don’t let it get to your head. I’ve looked up in our thread to when you told me you were coming back in five days because it’s feeling like an eternity. I mean if that’s not something a kind person would do, I don’t know what is...
Luke: Aaww Of course I know you’re kind- you’ve been nothing but kind to me- and it’s okay that you miss me, I miss you a lot too :) But don’t let it get to your head either hey? 
Anna: Don’t let it get to your head he says... Tonight I’m sleeping like this :D 
Luke: To be fair you won me over tonight with that looking up in the thread thing. If only we slept together tonight...
Anna: Slept... lol
Luke: What? haha What else would we do, young lady? 
Anna: Well you know... Watch Disney movies... Or read French poetry
Luke: Read French poetry haha You’ll have to read it to me cause I don’t speak French but we can hang out one day for you to read French poems to me. But just for that. 
Anna: Just for that. 
Luke: I gotta run but before I go I want to tell you that I’ve laughed a lot with you tonight and that you really always make me happier. Good night princess X 
Anna: Just come back 
Luke: I wish 
                                                            - --- -
Anna: I’m home. I love you a lot <3
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: I didn’t get anything you just said haha you’re so wasted Harry 
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Anna: I would have gone home with you. You just had to invite me officialy. Then I would have gone. But you didn’t. 
This message was erased
This message was erased
This message was erased
Harry sent a voice mail. 
Harry: I erased the other three voice mails because I listened to them and I thought they were so pathetic... I mean if this wasted I thought they were bad, just imagine how pathetic they must have been  
Anna: More pathetic than you bailing out on that naked girl at the beach?
Harry: Oh, don’t remind me
Anna: haha it makes sense now that Cody would want to see my face when you told me haha And there I was thinking you got all the girls 
Harry: See? I told you I suck at it. But anyway I did good. Her friend told me she does that with all the guys.
Anna: So what? Her friend was just jealous. 
Harry: Well, that’s okay. If she wants me, she’ll have to proposition me again knowing I’m a slow guy. 
Anna: Oh how I wish I was her 
Harry: Dude, don’t tell me those things! You love teasing me. You know you just gotta say the word. 
Anna: That’s not true haha You just told me you liked this Maria girl! 
Harry: Well she’s not you. 
Anna: You should have officially invited me home
Harry: Dude I’m retarded. I just dig my own grave... But anyway if it means anything, even if you had come over... I’m so drunk I think when I get home I’ll just probably hit my head against the door of my room and fall on a coma on the corridor. 
Anna: Hahahaha you’re the funniest person I know I love you! But anyway I just wanted to sleep with you. Maybe even cuddle. Nothing more. I mean the other thing... I used to want it but... After the Maria thing... I am not so sure... 
Harry: Look Maria has nothing on you but anyway I’m reaching negative levels of dignity so I better just shut up. And fyi cuddling with me is such a privilege. I might even let you be the little spoon.
Anna: I should have gone home with you but boy your “you can crush at my place... if you want” didn’t seem like the kind of invite one takes. But anyway I should have accepted because we would spoon each other now but tomorrow morning... I’d wake up good. 
Harry: Fuck.
Anna: hahahah no, but really I give up on you. I didn’t know there was this Maria girl who has a history with you... I’ll just wait. 
Harry: Listen Anna, Maria is just a hook up. Well not even because I’m retarded but she’s just a girl. You are.... I love you. When you come back from Italy I’ll be waiting for you.
Anna: Don’t say things you don’t mean. 
Harry: Now that’s the pot calling the kettle back. 
Anna: You’re just drunk haha And so am I. I am actually making myself some soup. 
Harry: I wish you were cooking for me. 
Anna: Plus I’m on my underwear.
A thong. 
Harry: Fuck me. 
Anna: hahaha
Harry: Well no, fuck you. I’m gonna have a shower. 
Anna: At 4.30 am?
Harry: I could shower with you but no, the lady had to take an uber and go to her house and make vegetable soup. Fuck ubers.
Anna: hahaha I’m not going to Italy
Harry: I wish
Anna: I wish I was your room so you’d always sleep inside me. 
Harry: Fuck. That’s it. If you keep it up when you actually want to fuck me you’re gonna have to tell me “Harry make me yours” or I won’t take you seriously. 
Anna: Harry between joke and joke the truth is shown.
Harry: yeah, go on
Anna: hahaha just come see me when I’m in Italy 
Harry: And then we’ll fuck?
Anna: hahaha 
Harry: I hate you. I’m going to bed. I don’t hate you, I love you.
Anna: Love you too X
                                                  - --- -
Luke: So what plans do you have for august? 
Anna: None haha I want to save money for Italy so I’m not going anywhere. 
Luke: Good! I’m staying home too. 
Anna: Nice! Do you want to go watch the Lion King to the movies?  
Luke: Yes, I’d love to! What theatre do you usually go to?
Anna: Well this summer I’ve gone to the Odeon a couple times, I’ve also been to Icedure and obviously my beloved Eastside Movies in my hood but don’t worry I won’t make you come all the way to my hood haha 
Luke: No, that’s fine! I can drive there and you can show me around. I’ve never been on the suburbs :)
Anna: Are you serious? haha
Luke: Sure! It’s fine for me but whatever you want is fine by me really.
Anna: Okay well that would be very sweet of you actually! I can take you to the bars too! You’ll see how cool they are. You’ll be my third visitor :)
Luke: Cool haha Really? You poor thing! Well you can get happy because I’m the third visitor :)
Anna: I am happy! You’re the best! 
Luke: Don’t make me blush... I just want you to worship me like a god. 
Anna: Give me a massage which makes my toes curl and I will
Luke: hahahahaha so it’s not impossible! I’ll fight for it. 
Anna: The day you finally give me a massage I’ll have to look for another goal in my life. Maybe I even start crying because I’ll feel happy but empty in a way like- what now? 
Luke: hahaha Thank God you explained it cause otherwise I wouldn’t know what to do about the crying. Well, don’t get your expectations too high or I won’t be able to please you 
Anna: I’m sure you’ll be able
Luke: 100% sure?
Anna: 100%
Luke: Thank God
Anna: I trust you on this massage because I trust you on everything, except on changing lanes on the road. 
Luke: hahaha that was all Harry’s fault, the bastard sped up.
Anna: Sure
Luke: If you want to see how good of a driver I am, I’ll give you a ride when we go to the movies 
Anna: I know you’re a good driver, silly. Everyone says so. 
Luke: Who’s everyone?
Anna: Cody, Zara and Harry.
Luke: Harry? Lol I wasn’t expecting that
Anna: Haha he said you’re a good driver even though every time you’ve driven him somewhere you’ve gotten nervous and mess up a little
Luke: That’s not true! Fucking liar! 
Anna: Haha that’s what he said
Luke: Well, looking at it from the bright side, this just means you’ve been around talking about me and my driving skills... This proves how you can’t stop thinking about me. 
Anna: That’s right. I have another plan for us but we’ll have to do it some other day 
And the plan as well ;)
Because otherwise it’ll just be a way too cool day.
Luke: hahahahaha I’m all ears 
Anna: There’s a pub with a pool table. I’ll win whenever you want ;)
Luke: Wow you’re talking to the pool master 
Anna: Then you already won cause I’ve never played haha Just always wanted to 
Luke: haha really? That’s cute haha I’m pretty good at getting it in the hole
The ball
Shit I didn’t do it right
And the ball too*
Fuck, too late.
Anna: HAHAHAHA you’re so adorable
Luke: Not too much I hope haha Well whenever you want
Anna: Whenever I want what? 
Luke: The pool ;)
Anna: Alright.
Luke: Practice some first because otherwise I’ll get bored... 
Anna: If I eventually win I’ll never let you leave this behind
Luke: You wanna bet, clown? 
Anna: Whatever you want. 
Luke: Go. Just ask.
Anna: Mmm... Well you already know what I want. 
Luke: True. You know what I want too.  
Anna: Do I? I don’t remember now. 
Luke: I want a full body wash of course.
Luke: Nah, I’ll have to think about it. 
Anna: That was funny. Unexpected and funny. 1000 points for the man with the scar. 
Luke: hahaha I really want that but I’ll think of something for general audience. What you want is the massage, right?
Anna: How clever, how wonderful. 
Luke: See? Now I just have to think about what I want...
Anna: Shouldn’t be so hard 
Luke: Do you have any suggestions? Any secret talents that I might want to benefit from? 
Anna: You tell me but don’t be shy because in the face of the vice of asking, there’s the virtue of not giving. 
Luke: I want something that implicates my five senses. You gotta work with that.
Anna: Done. 
Luke: What do you mean done?
Anna: I already know what I’ll give you if you win.
Luke: Well what is it?
Anna: Win and you’ll find out ;)
                                                     - --- -
Anna sent a voice mail. 
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA I love your family 
Anna sent a voice mail.
Anna sent a video.
Harry: HAHAHAHAHA LOL Mate! Your brother is God! He does not have the voice you say he has. And he looks a lot like you.
Anna: That’s only because he’s not giving me a lecture in the video.
Harry: Seriously I’m still laughing. Eventually you’re going to get me to date you just so I can be a part of your family. In our anniversary I’ll be like “I’m hanging out with your brother” 
Anna: HAHAHAHA No way, you’re going to fall in love with me. I’ll make it, Harry.
Harry: Sure...
Anna: I just haven’t started my plan yet because I’m going away for ten whole months
Harry: Nah, you already did. The problem is just that, that you’re going away and you’re going to break my heart. Cody and I were talking about it the other day and we almost cry out there like the two grown up men that we are.
Anna: I’m going to miss you both so much. 
Harry: He said he had considered hacking the ministry of justice so he could give you a criminal record and you wouldn’t be allowed to leave the country but that then you wouldn’t be able to be a doctor either so he couldn’t do it. 
Anna: lol these are the reasons I don’t want to go to Italy...
Harry: I wish I had known you like this before you asked for the fucking scolarship. I would have convinced you to stay. 
Anna: No, you wouldn’t. You’d be supportive of me because you’re an angel.
Harry: I’m very selfish. I think I would have made you stay with me and for me. 
Anna: You probably wouldn’t have gotten my hints and wouldn’t even know I liked you.
Harry: Truer words have never been spoken, especially considering it’s you we’re talking about, the queen of inappropriate jokes. 
Anna: Yeah I know I joked too much about it. When I come back from Italy, I’m gonna have to press reset. Otherwise you’ll never know. 
Harry: Exactly. Well, maybe when you come back from Italy I’m already married. 
Anna: Well in that case I’d abandon my plan of conquest. 
Harry: Don’t. 
                                                          - --- -
Anna: Hey! Do you still want to go to see The Lion King? I mean since you’re so “fed up” with home blablabla I thought maybe you didn’t even want to go anymore. 
Luke: But what does one thing have to do with the other? Sure I want to. 
Anna: Okay, cool. When?
Luke: If you’re the one who doesn’t want to go just say it ;)
Anna: I’ll go with you anywhere even though you say I’m usless as a co-driver, you wouldn’t let me drive your car, you tell me I’m not singing when I am and you don’t want to have a swim with me...
Luke: All of that is completely taken out of context haha
Anna: I beg to differ
Luke: I was gonna tell you you were lying but actually all of that is true except from the swimming part because I am dying to go swimming with you. You were driving me crazy with your fucking bikini today.
Anna: You’re such a liar. You are the one who’s going to drive me crazy. I actually hate you for that.
Luke: I’ll take it because there isn’t love without a bit of hate. 
Anna: You’re the worst. 
Luke: xx
Anna: I’m gonna play the piano. Fuck you.
Luke: Yes, play some so you don’t sound like a robot next time ;)
Anna: Excuse me? I won’t play for you ever again for saying that, mister.
Luke: No! Please do play for me! You were the one who said that!
Anna: But it’s not the same when I say it that when the man of my dreams agree... 
Luke: Who is the man of your dreams?
Anna: You know what? I’ll stop so you don’t have to play it dumb anymore hahaha
Luke: I like playing dumb :) 
Anna: Sometimes I really think you’re not even playing... Like you just are that dumn.
Luke: What are your plans for tomorrow? 
Anna: Idk
Luke: Okay then we’re going to the movies. I’ll pick you up and you show me the way. I checked and they’re showing it at 19, 20.30, 21.30 and 22. Which one do you prefer? 
Anna: I think 20.30? 
Luke: Cool! 
Anna: You can still bail out. I mean if you want to go to another theatre that’s closer I understand. 
Luke: Oh boy, how many times do I have to tell you? If you don’t want to go there you can say it haha 
Anna: No, no, it’s perfect for me. 
Luke: Cool, it’s perfect for me too. 
Anna: Okay, then see you tomorrow.
Luke: Can’t wait xx  
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