mypoorsanity · 2 years
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if this man spits on me (the fact that he would never), i'd actually say thank you while worshipping him on the ground and let him do anything he wants to me omgogmg
anything means anything
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eugenesmorphine · 4 years
Hi! I love your imagines!! Is it possible to request some Speirs fluff? Ty!
It Wasn’t Your Fault // Ronald Speirs Imagine
AN: Alright, I know this has a lot of angst, but I thought the idea of it was cute.
Taglist: @alienoresimagines @hihosilvers @floydtab @punkgeekchic
Words: 2,744
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  It was dark. So dark and quiet. His boots crunched down on small sticks and dried leaves as his body weight pressed down on them. His hands were clammy as he walked through the forest. The quiet was eerie, there wasn't a peep. No birds chirping, no leaves in the trees rustling from the wind. Just the sound of Ronald's own breathing and the sounds of his steps on the forest floor. He pressed his lips into a thin line as he was making sure to be alert, his eyes traveling everywhere. Looking between the trees, up into the trees, peering behind him to make sure no one was following him. He sighed and just kept walking. 
  He looked down, his service uniform looking brand new. Like the day they first wore them back in Camp Toccoa all those years ago. Ronald looked down at his hands. They were clean. no dirt beneath his nails, now callouses, no dried blood or blood stains. He smelt fresh, his hair soft and not greasy. His helmet had no dents or chipped paint. His boots still shiny and new. His eyebrows knotted in confusion as he kept examining himself. Only to be yanked from his thoughts and observing from a woman's laugh that rang from all around him.   
  "What the hell?" he muttered as he spun around. Trying to link the laugh to the woman. Knowing he wasn't crazy and the fact that he did in fact here a laugh. Ronald's hand went down to his pocket, trying to feel for the combat knife that he always carried. Only to realize it wasn't there. Her grumbled as he slowly turned back around. Jumping when his eyes met with a woman standing about twenty feet in front of him. Her hair long and the wind blowing it hard to the right. She had on a dirty service uniform. Blood, dirt, and mud clearly caked all over it. Her boots worn out, and her helmet littered with dents. But, her face clean. Her skin clear like porcelain. Ronald was just a few feet to far from really getting a good look at her face to see who the mystery woman was. A harsh and cold breeze hit, a hard shiver rushing down the back of the male's  neck and spine. The laugh was heard once more. This time much louder. He could see the smile form on the female soldier in front of him. 
 "Hey! Who the hell are you? And where the hell are we?" Ronald called out. Taking a few steps forward, trying to get a clearer view of the woman's face. It was her eyes that caught his attention first, then her nose, then her lips, then the rosy color that flushed her cheeks and the tip of her nose. Her face all too familiar. A small smile growing on Ronald's lips. "Y/N! Is that you?" he called out once more. A strange feeling of the fact that his voice just went out into nothingness. The woman smiled, turning and taking off into the forest. Running deeper within it. Ronald chuckled slightly. "Fine Y/N, if you want me to chase you, It'll be just like old times!" 
  Ronald followed pursuit of the woman. Brushing past the branches and the leaves. Wind rushing in his face and his hair, his eyes stinging with tears as he sped up. The female Paratrooper who he made clear that it was in fact his love. But, the view of the running woman quickly disappeared into the depths of the thick forests. The officer huffed and pressed on farther. Pushing his legs harder to run faster.
  A clearing in the trees was spotted, and Ronald sprinted as fast and as he could possibly could go. Knowing that his woman could be there on the other side. But as he ran through the clearing, he came to a hard and short stop. Realizing that right outside of the clearing, was a large drop. A cliff point was in front of him. And the woman was there standing on the very edge. Peering out at the scenery below and around. Ronald stood, trying to catch his breath. Walking forward and looking over the lip, seeing the drop the plummeted down. His breath hitched slightly as he stepped back, his eyes going back to the woman standing at the cliff point. 
   "Y/N, doll it's me. Ronald. Turn around," he spoke. His focus was grabbed by a led liquid drop down from the tips of her fingers. Falling down into the abyss that was hundreds of feet below the two. He stood up straight. "Y/N?" the woman turned around slowly. The face was hers. The body was hers. The uniform was hers. But it wasn't her. Blood now splattered onto her face. Fresh bullet holds littered her stomach and chest. Fresh blood dripped and soaked her uniform. Ronald's heart stopped for a moment as her eyes were so blank. No expression. No feelings. No emotions. Just an empty void. Her skin pale and looked lifeless. She went to speak. No words. Just a small gurgle. And follows by it was copious amounts of blood began to spill out of her mouth. Spilling down her chin and slipping down her uniform. Hitting the rock in front of her. Tears welled in her eyes as a few confused sob left his lips as he just watched in utter terror. The sound of his heart beating, sounding like it would beat out of his chest at any moment, pounding in his ears. He dropped down to his knees. 
  There she stood, at that cliff, blood dripping from her wounds and pouring out of her mouth. Each time she breathed out, more blood. Ronald felt his stomach flip. What the hell was happening. That's when the laughter started up again. Her laughter. It was light she was running around him, laughing. But now, she was in front of him. Dying.
 She took a few steps closer to him. Ronald's hands flew up to his ears, pressing down on them with such force he could've probably fractured his skull. But the laughter got louder and louder. It was stuck in his head. Bouncing around in there. When all of a sudden it came to a stop. He looked up, a ringing now being heard. Now Y/N was there. Standing over him. Droplets of the warm blood dripped onto his cheeks and forehead. Her lips didn't move. But her voice audible and loud. Like static drilling into his head. 
 "You said you'd always be there for me... so how did this happen? Why weren't you there?"
 "I'm sorry... I'm sorry," he muttered, squinting his eyes and tossing himself side to side. Gri[ping hard at the sheets. Ronald jumped upwards. With a loud gasp for air, his eyes shot open. His chest heaved up in down. He used his hands to push himself up into a sitting position. And when he felt the sheets and cushion of his bed, and the room around him. He realized it was just a dream. Just a bad dream. The retired Paratrooper's hand flew down to where she would be lying next to him. When his hand just hit air and then the bed sheets, his head snapped to look to the other side of the bed. His breath hitched. She wasn't there. Y/N was just lying with him when they went to bed. He looked at the bedside clock. Which by reading the time, 4:01 AM, they went to bed six hours ago.
  Ronald looked back down to the empty left side of the bed. The imprint of her body on the mattress and sheets and the mark of her head was still on the pillow. She couldn't of gotten up to long ago, which meant she didn't go far. The male let out a sigh of relief as he wiped the sweat from his forehead and ran a hand through his hand. Throwing the blankets off of his legs, and swinging them over to the side of the bed. Digging his toes into the carpet, tilting his head up as he realized his feet were on carpet instead of forest ground. With a heavy sigh, he stood up, making his towards the kitchen in search for Y/N.
   He could hear her soft hums and mumbled singing as he walked down the small hallways that led to the kitchen. Ronald stood in the doorway of the kitchen and leaned against it. There Y/N stood trying to reach for the jar of coffee that was on the top shelf. A hand on her abdomen as the shirt, which was Ronald's, lifted up as she reached. Revealing the whit bandages wrapped around her stomach. Ronald's eyes shifted down to the bandages and her hand that stayed on her stomach. A frown went to his lips. He stood up straight as Y/N turned around. Pulling the shirt down over her stomach, carefully not to tug on any of the bandages connected to her body. She smiled up at her boyfriend as she walked over. 
 "Hey Ron, what are you doing up? It's like four in the morning," she asked, wrapping her arms around his stomach. He chuckled slightly and kissed the top of her head, wrapping an arm around her waist. The feeling of the bandages underneath the shirt she was wearing reminded him of the nightmare that he just had. 
  "I could ask you the same thing sweetheart," he hummed, yawning slightly. Y/N smirked up at him and chuckled. 
 "Well, I asked you first," Ron nodded, but looked away. Not wanting to admit the reason he was up. His cheeks reddened as he stared around the kitchen. Anywhere but her practically. Y/N noticed the behavior and quickly understood. Of course, this wasn't the first nightmare he had and was embarrassed to talk about it. She grabbed his chin gently and pulled him down to look at him. Raising a brow. "Come on, Ronald Speirs. Spill. You know you can’t keep everything bottles up," she ordered. Ronald couldn't form any words. This time, the nightmare was so real. And it hurt so bad. What Y/N said sounded so real, and felt like a stab into his lungs just to hear it. 
 "You were there, and.... and we were in the woods. Then, you started running and I followed you. There... There was a cliff and you were standing on it. You were shot and.. and blood was everywhere," this was the first time Ronald actually broke down a nightmare to Y/N. His face was filled with fear. His eyes laced with sadness and just fright. His bottom lip began to quiver. He broke right in front of his love. Tonight was his breaking point. "I should've been there when you got hit. If I was quicker you wouldn't have been shot. You almost died. You almost died in my arms, Y/N!" he shouted, placing his hands over his eyes. Tears pooled out of them and his voice cracked. The only words she spoke in the dream just kept repeating themselves around her mind. 
 "You said you'd always be there for me... so how did this happen? Why weren't you there?"  
"You said you'd always be there for me... so how did this happen? Why weren't you there?" 
  Sobs rolled out of his lips as he pressed his back against the wall. It was all his fault, wasn't it? Maybe if he ran a bit faster. Maybe if he didn't tell her to help Liebgott in retrieving some papers from Winters. Maybe if he was just there for her, she wouldn't have gotten shot. He shattered, tears pouring down his cheeks while small sobs left his lips. Tugging at his brown hair. Leaving him whimpering. It broke Y/N's heart seeing him like this. Never in a million years would she think that her Ronald Speirs, a legend in the Paratrooper companies they were in for his murderous rumors and stern and scary personality. He was different when it came to Y/N, but crying in front of her. Scratch that. Sobbing in front of her, was something she was shocked with. She knew that it wasn't his fault for being shot. Sure, it hurt like a mother fucker. And yeah she was still healing from it. But it wasn't anyone's fault. She was just in the wrong place at the wrong time. And she ended up living.
  Y/N bent down and stood him up straight. "Ronald Speirs," she spoke, pulling his hands out from his eyes and onto her hips. Small hiccups escaped his lips, his bangs falling into his eyes. She brought her thumbs up to wipe the tears that were streaming down his cheeks. "You didn't get me shot. It was no ones fault except the Kraut that shot me. More importantly, Ron. I lived. I'm here with you. And that is all that matters," Y/N tried to reassure. Ron just averted eye contact trying to control his tears and emotions. 'Come on Ronald, you are better than this! Don't act like a fucking baby in front of your fucking girl! Toughen up!' He thought to himself as he took a deep breath. Getting his tears to stop so he could actually look into Y/N's eyes. 
  No words left his mouth, he just wrapped his arms around the female's torso. Making sure not to touch, pull, or squeeze any areas with bandages. Craning his neck and back so he was burying himself into her. Melted at her touch like ice to a flame. His body shook as Y.n slowly went and put a hand to his back and one to the back of his head. Rubbing his back and running her fingers through his loose hair. "I promised I would be there for you. Always," he mumbled against the skin of her neck. Y/N chuckled sadly. As she placed small kisses on his neck.
  "Oh, Ron. You were there. You were the first one to find me on the ground. You were the one to call for Doc Roe. You came with me when on the way to the closest hospital, all the way until they told you you couldn't go into the shock room with me. Without you do those things Ronald, I would've died. If you weren't as quick as you were getting to me. I wouldn't be here today. You saved my life and fulfilled your promise. Now I have to do the same for you," Y/N spoke softly as she pulled herself away from the shattered male, looking deep into his eyes. Ronald took her words into deep consideration. Maybe he did save her life. Maybe he was there. Maybe it wasn't his fault. "It wasn't your fault that I got shot, Ron," she said again. Standing on her tip toes, she pressed her lips to his. The stubble on his face tickling hers. She giggled against his kiss. Ronald leaned against her and pulled her closer.
  Y/N pulled away and smiled up at him. "Feel better?" she asked nicely. With one more peck on the lips he looked down her and sighed. Nodding softly. Feeling the edge, sadness, and anxiety that the nightmare caused right away. Melting into a more relaxed and tired state.
  "Yes, doll. I guess so," he hummed as he swayed her slightly in his arms. Y/N smiled up at him cupped his face. Squishing his cheeks slightly.  "Wanna go make out in bed for a while then go back to bed, sleep in and then go out to breakfast?" Y/N smiled up, giving a puppy dog face that Ronald could never refuse. He chuckled and nodded. She giggled happily, jumping up as wrapping her legs around the lanky man's waist. 
  "Only if we cuddle afterwards," Ronald spoke, placing his hands under her thighs to support her. Y/N pecked his lips.
  "Of course! What kind of question is that?" she scoffed jokingly. Ronald chuckled and licked his bottom lip.
  "Yeah yeah, just hush up and kiss me, doll," Y/N gladly cupped his face and pecked his lips once before pulling away. 
 "Yes, Captain," and off he went. Carrying her. He knew he would do anything for this girl. No matter what. And having her just be in his presence, knowing that she was his, was enough for Ronald Speirs. He was a simple man with a simple life. But had an extraordinary woman that was his entire world. 
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jusananimehoe · 4 years
No one:
Absolutely no one:
Me: okay fine I’ll write more Geten shit lol ❄️
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marshsano · 5 years
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i finished blue lions the other day and hail the lord i’m in love with felix
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kaliandra · 5 years
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my favorite spartan man Thaletas <3
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mickwick · 5 years
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sraghost · 5 years
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I’m not obsessed, you are lol
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tammi25 · 6 years
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And what do you like the most about him?
Tenten: the way he stands looking at the window in the morning with his not so messy hair.
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maximilianthequeer · 6 years
So I’m gonna make a better post in the morning, but all I have to say now is:
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blood-red-lion · 6 years
Mika fucking HISSING at Shinoa omg
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eugenesmorphine · 4 years
“Aye Gunny” // Wilbur “Runner” Conley Imagine
1Taglist: @alienoresimagines​
Words: 1,657
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I sat on the cover frozen. God I was scared. Terrified even. It seemed like the entire Japanese Army was coming at us Marines. Even as the runner, I was frozen. I never thought it would be like this. I thought this whole "Be a Marine and fight those Japs" was going to be quick. Oh good God I was wrong. This war against the Japanese seemed never ending. They had more supplies, more ammunition, and had the sense that they would rather die than surrender. No matter what. It was terrifying. And now here I was. Grenades exploding above my head, bullets flying by. The sound of gunfire not stopping. It felt like I was in slow motion. Watching man after man getting shot and or blown to pieces my artillery and grenades. I wanted to get up and help. But I was frozen into my place.
"Runner! Get your ass up and go fight god damn it!" The female's voice was known. It was Sergeant L/N. Her hair in dirty knots, but she still looked just as pretty as the first day I had met her. I felt her grab the cloth on my uniform, yanking me upwards. I grabbed my weapon and looked at her, I knew fear was all in my eyes. Though, her eyes were filled with determination. She gave me a nod before running into the sea of bullets and explosions.
Sergeant L/N has always been a leader. Hell, a female Gunnery Sergeant now in some Japanese Island, taking charge of so many men. Despite the things the guys would say, she would just go right back at them. Her bite was more powerful than her bark let me just say that. But God, she was a beautiful sight. No matter covered in blood, dirt, and mud and her uniform hanging off her due to it being so worn. Or nice and neat, her hair done completely perfectly. Smelling like sweet perfume and her hair smelling like lavender. I would take her hand either way. Of course, other guys would act like pigs sometimes, same with my friend group. Sometimes. Even though I would act that way like when we were in Melbourne, I couldn't even THINK about acting that was in front of her or towards her. She was better than that. She was so much more than an Australian broad. Oh God she was so much more.
L/N and I became friends a while back. It felt like years ago. Was it? I couldn't remember honestly. But even though she had a hard exterior and was one tough woman, she was sweet and caring. She was really funny too. I would follow her anywhere when she would lead us. Many men would. She was an amazing leader and she was praised for it.
Now I watched her as she sprinted across an airfield. The sun hitting her blood and dirt caked skin, the look of determination to get to her destination with her men behind her was spread across her face. She kept firing her rifle and throwing grenades at the Japs, only stopping to get her men to cover. I clutched my gun tightly between my fingers, sprinting across the airfield. Meeting up with my squad and Sergeant L/N. She nodded towards me once more. I returned the nod and I watched her look forward. Then screaming to the men to keep moving forward to the next form of cover. She ran in front of them, leading the charge.
I was running, I was in front. The adrenaline coursing through my veins. I felt the hot sun burn into my skin and the brisk wind from me running hit my face. It was going fine. My weaponing was firing. I heard Y/N's beautiful voice, calling for us men. That was until a sharp pain pierced through my arm. A warm feeling shot through my arm, I looked at my bicep in a matter of seconds. There was a hole leading into my bicep. I could see the dark red liquid staining my arm and covering the cloth of my blouse. And in that moment, another sharp pain went straight through my thigh. I fell in a foxhole behind me. Shit this hurts. I watched as blood soaked both my trousers and blouse. Leckie came and ran into my foxhole, then dragging me behind what seemed to be a fallen plane. He kept screaming for a Corpsman. Everything felt fuzzy. I started feeling so tired. My head was pounding and my arm and leg was now throbbing with pain. I heard a familiar female voice shout my name. My first name actually. It definitely caught my attention. I drowsily looked up, meeting the eyes with Sergeant L/N. Her eyes and face filled with worry. It seemed like fear too. She dropped down next to me, shaking my shoulder in order to keep my eyes open.
"Hey Gunny," I said, trying to place a smile on my face. My words came out weak and I couldn't hold the smile on my face. She started tapping my face.
"Hush Wilbur, save your energy and focus on staying awake," she had worry laced between her words. Everything kept fading black then back to normal. "I need a Corpsman here right now God Damn It!" She screamed. I chuckled weakly. She had her hands placed on my wounds, putting pressure on them, trying to get the blood to stop. I lost too much blood. I was sure I wasn't going to make it. And just before everything went completely dark, I saw a bullet pierce Y/N's abdomen, and her small body flew back and fell on the ground. The last feeling I had before falling unconscious was the feeling of anxiety.
I woke up, my eyes opening and a blinding light hit my eyes. Causing me to squint them almost shut. I winced, trying to push myself up. Pain shooting up my right arm causing me to fall back. God that hurt more than I thought it would. I managed to inch myself up and swing my legs over the edge of my hospital cot. The smell of salt water hit my nose. I was on a ship. Probably going home. I limped my way up to the kitchen and dining hall. My eyes catching the long H/C of a woman sitting at a table sipping a cup of coffee. Y/N L/N. I saw the wrap around her stomach.
"Hey Gunny, You miss me?" I said, a smirk going onto my lips. I watched her head snap towards me, she nearly spilt her coffee cup. She stood up, nearly toppling over in the process. I started to limp over to her, but she had already ran over to tightly hug me. Her arms wrapping around my midsection tightly. I did my best to hug her back causing either of us pain. I was more than enjoying this at the moment. I smiled slightly. I never thought she would be this happy to see me. I could feel the blush climbing onto the tan skin on my cheeks.
For the first time in what seemed like forever, Y/N was clean. No dirt, dried mud, or blood caked onto her skin or hair. Her lips looked so soft and pink. Her hair neatly combed. I noticed how long it had grown while we were in those islands. She was so pretty. God she was so perfect.
"Wilbur, are you okay?" she pulled away from me, I secretly wished she didn't. She was the only one I knew who called me by my first name in the Marines. It is the way she said it each time that made me fall in love all over again. I looked down at her, even for my smaller size, she was still shorter than me. I smiled and nodded at her.
"Yes ma'am, I'm doing just fine now," she smiled at my response. That goddamn smile had me wrapped tight around her finger. And she knew it.
We walked onto the topside of the ship. Looking out at the water. We stayed there for a while, having small talk. And for a while, I mean at least 2 hours. We joked around and such. Though, we reached the point where we were just staring at each other.
"What are you doing after all of this is over?" I asked her. She turned away from me and rested her arms on the railing of the ship. Leaning against them. A small smile curled at the ends of my lips.
"I don't really know yet, all I know is the Marines and being a waitress. It is what I did before I joined the mess of the war," she responded. Here is my chance. After years of becoming close friends and flirting, now is the chance of a lifetime.
"Come home with me," it was all I said. I watched as she turned towards me. A huge smile on her face, her cheeks dusted pink, her eyes filled with hope.
"I don't care who is watching, I've been waiting for you to ask me that for so long," she answered. Her arms wrapping around my neck, pulling me downwards. Her lips softly hit mine. I never thought a moment could be more perfect. I had the girl of my dreams coming home with me. We wouldn't be hitting home for a while but now I had something to look forward to. Yeah, we might've been a little banged up, but it gave us stories to tell.
When Y/N pulled away and looked up at me, I think I melted right onto the deck of that ship. All I could think to say was just two words,
"Aye Gunny."
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exquisitecorpse0 · 7 years
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Graham Coxon playing Trimm Trabb (Wolverhampton Civic Hall, 24th June 2009)  
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my boyfriend misses his dog so he got a cardboard cutout of him 
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#godyoursexy #justinbieberismyreligion #thosepecstho #justinbieber #ifuckinglovehim https://www.instagram.com/p/BtfLdLBhNBXAiXMLJMxTU-aSaAxis8aM6jJK5A0/?utm_source=ig_tumblr_share&igshid=r0z5go66m75i
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krazedlove · 6 years
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