#ignore any mistakes i finished this at like 2 am and i just wanted to go to bed JSHSJSH
fru1tt0ast · 2 months
dear followers, today i offer you old man yaoi
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tomorrow? who knows
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thef0lly0fman · 10 months
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this phone is fucked up bruh um anyways oh you poor thang
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d3adp00ls · 7 months
I’m still waiting for that angst fic pookie 😍🫶
Vanessa (fnaf movie) x reader
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Summary: Vanessa has been a lot more distant a lot but you didn’t think she would miss a important night like this. (I KNOW MY SUMMARY IS BEAUTIFUL)
Contents: Angst, Yelling, Tears, stressed Vanessa, Established relationship, hurt no comfort (yet), Vanessa gets slapped 😬, somebody needs driving lessons lol.
Word count: I'm pretty sure my dog knows.
Side note: 🦗🦗🦗🦗🦗
Pt.2 Pt.3
You were sitting on the couch in your shared home with Vanessa, watching a TV program that featured extravagant rings that cost more than your entire life. Recently, Vanessa had been coming home later than usual, and every time you tried to bring it up, she would dismiss your concerns or accuse you of being too clingy. You tried to brush off her words and the hurt they caused, but it was becoming increasingly difficult to ignore your feelings. Eventually, you gave up and started going to bed before she came home. However, tonight was supposed to be different. You had pleaded with her to come home early and she had promised she would. Filled with hope, you had prepared a romantic candle-lit dinner and even bought her a gift. But as the minutes turned into hours, the food grew cold and the gift remained untouched on the table. You sat on the couch with a half-finished glass of wine, tears welling up in your eyes.
She was supposed to have arrived hours ago, and you had debated whether or not to just go to sleep. But as you were about to doze off, you heard the familiar sound of keys jingling and the front door opening. Vanessa, your late girlfriend, seemed oblivious to your presence as she quietly closed the door and went straight to the kitchen without acknowledging the food you had prepared for her.
With a clenched jaw, you stood up and cleared your throat, causing Vanessa to finally notice you. "Y/n? What are you doing up?" she asked with a confused and slightly worried expression.
You wanted to scoff at her question. How dare she ask that when she had promised to be here? "Oh, you know," you shrugged, taking a few steps towards her, "Just waiting for my girlfriend who was supposed to be here almost four hours ago." Your voice rose with pent-up anger towards the end, and you could see Vanessa flinch slightly at the sound of it.
"Y/n…I lost track of time, I'm sorry, really I am, I-" She started to apologize, but you cut her off, not in the mood for her excuses.
"Do you know what today is?" you asked, your voice heavy with disappointment. Vanessa looked even more puzzled, and you let out a sigh as you walked over to the table and picked up the small gift box you had prepared for her. You fiddled with it between your fingers, trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill.
"June 7th," you said, looking back at Vanessa, hoping she would finally understand. But she still looked confused, and you felt your heart sink. "The day we started dating, two years ago. Does it not ring a bell, Vanessa? Or were you too busy thinking about work or some other woman while you were out all night?" you couldn't hold back your anger any longer, and you let out a loud yell, tears now streaming down your face.
"Oh…" Vanessa mumbled, finally realizing her mistake. You nodded, wiping the tears from your cheeks, but they kept coming.
"Yeah…" you said, your disappointment evident in your voice.
"Baby, I know I've been really busy and lost track of time, but please try to understand-" You cut her off abruptly, rolling your eyes and turning away.
"Here we go again…" you mutter under your breath, feeling her glare burning into the back of your head as you make your way to the bedroom. You toss the gift box in the trash on your way, feeling frustrated and angry.
"What do you mean?" she asks, following you into the room. You let out a sigh and close the door behind you, but she stops it with her foot and pushes it open, grabbing your arm and spinning you to face her.
"Don't you dare walk away when I'm talking to you," she says coldly, but you scoff and pull your arm away.
"No, you don't get to act like you haven't been doing the same thing for the past week. You always do this, yet whenever I try and speak up about it, I'm the bad guy? That's complete bullshit!" you yell, jabbing your finger into her chest.
"And don't even try to pretend that you've only missed spending time with me once. You do it every single day," you continue, your voice cracking as tears start to well up in your eyes.
"Every time you tell me you'll be here, you never are. And when I try to talk to you about it, you just shut me down and tell me the same bullshit excuse or you just flat out tell me to get over it. But it's getting harder and harder to ignore, Nessa. And this morning, I had to beg you to stay. You said you would, and I believed you. But then you showed up later than ever and didn't even respond to my messages. You didn't even remember what today was. At this point, I’m convinced I’m just some inconvenience to you." Your voice breaks as you continue to pour out your feelings, wiping away the tears that are now falling freely down your face.
She looks at you in surprise, wanting to reach out and comfort you, but you take a step back and wipe away your own tears before taking a deep breath and looking away from her.
"I'm tired of feeling like I'm not important to you, Nessa. I just want to spend time with you and feel like I matter to you. Is that too much to ask?" you say, your voice barely above a whisper now.
Vanessa let out a heavy sigh before shaking her head in frustration.
"Y/n, I love you, but I have responsibilities and obligations that I can't always put on hold for you," she said with a huff.
You looked at her with hurt and confusion in your eyes, crossing your arms and turning away. "Am I not important to you anymore?" you mumbled, your voice trembling.
Vanessa's sigh pained your heart as you heard it. "Of course you are, but you just don't understand," she started, but you interrupted her with a pleading look.
"Then help me understand," you begged, taking her hands and pulling her closer to you. You pressed your forehead against hers, desperate for her to see how much this was affecting you. "Please… I want to understand," you whispered, gazing into her eyes.
She looked away, her jaw clenching as she pulled her hands away from yours. Your heart sank as she avoided your gaze, and you clenched your fists in frustration.
"Okay," you said quietly, finally accepting that she wasn't going to explain. You pushed past her and left the room, heading to the living room.
You didn't hear her follow you as you grabbed your coat and began putting on your shoes. As you searched for your keys, you heard Vanessa enter the room and stand in the middle of it, watching you. But you didn't acknowledge her as you grabbed your wallet from the table behind her.
"Where are you going?" she asked, her tone a little more stern.
You ignored her and continued searching for your keys, finally finding them between the couch cushions. You stood up and began walking towards the door, but she grabbed your arm and turned you around forcefully.
"I asked you a question," she glared at you.
You glared back and snatched your arm away, walking past her towards the door. But she followed you, grabbing your arm more harshly this time and turning you around.
"No, you don't get to leave-" she started, but before she could finish her sentence, you had already raised your hand and slapped her across the cheek.
You were shocked at your own actions and immediately regretted it as you saw the red handprint on her cheek. You both stood there in silence and shock before you finally mumbled a quick apology and left.
She eventually made her way back to the bedroom, her heart breaking as she heard your car speed away. If she had stayed just five seconds longer, she would have heard the sound of another car zooming by and a loud crash. If she hadn't fallen asleep just ten minutes later, she would have heard her phone ringing.
But she would see all of that in the morning.
BRO I HAVE BEEN PROCRASTINATING THIS FIC FOR A WEEK I LITERALLY HAD IT FINISHED JUST NOT EDITED and then i was supposed to post it earlier but im on the phone with some friends BUT FINALLY I POSTED IT also ill post part two sometime this week hopefully ANYWAYS TOODLES🤪✌🏾
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kimi240302 · 5 months
Come back to me Part 2
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A/N: Before you read this, I want you to know that my native language is different. So I am very sorry for any mistake. Nevertheless, I hope you will like my story and enjoy it.
A/N2.0; I have to confess, this part was finished yesterday, but I couldn't translate it into English because I had to cry for the first time with my own story.
Summary: The love story between Alec Volturi and Y/N Swan, was an unexpected one. Both didn't know what to make of each other when they found out they were soul mates. But they worked on it and created a beautiful strong love that not even Bella's hatred for the Volturi could destroy. But as in any good love story, tragedy was impossible to avoid in theirs. It came as unexpectedly as their love itself, and made the Cullens and Bella seem to win, while Alec and the Volturi were losing their light in the darkness.
Alec Volturi x Swan!Female!reader
Main Post / Twilight Masterlist / Come back to me Masterlist
It all fell, it all fell down, it all fell down, eh It all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down And all I gave you is gone it all fell down, it all fell down, it all fell down Thought we built a dynasty forever couldn't break up - Dynasty/ MIIA
Coldness Darkness Numbness
These were the first feelings that crept into Y/N's mind. She had the feeling that something was lying on her chest.
Something that prevented her from breathing.
Something that stopped her from opening her eyes.
Y/N tried to move her arms, to move anything, but the numbness inside her hindered her.
Voices around her grew louder, but she couldn't understand or recognize them.
Y/N tried to shout at them, to ask for help or simply to silence them, but she could do nothing.
Total helplessness spread through her, giving the darkness more power. The young girl tried harder and harder to fight the numbness, the darkness and the cold, but it didn't work.
She didn't know how long this feeling lasted, but she managed to open her eyes. She needed to blink several times to get used to the bright light. Groaning, she turned her head, paused and tried to move her hand to her throat.
A hand closed gently around her wrist. Startled, she flinched at the coldness of this hand. Her eyes drifted to the owner. He looked at her happily, which confused Y/N.
Carefully and thoughtfully, she let her gaze glide through the unfamiliar room. Y/N looked at each face individually, some familiar, others unfamiliar.
Her gaze returned to the man standing next to her. She looked at him closely. His black hair, his almost white shimmering skin, his red eyes that looked at her with so much hope.
Y/N released her wrist from his grip and opened her mouth,
"Who are you?"
Alec didn't know exactly what he should be feeling right now. All he knew was that he had stumbled, or rather been thrown, from one nightmare into the the next.
"She can't remember anything?" Alec looked at Carlisle, who was standing in front of him. "Y/N recognized everyone just…" Bella interrupted him, "Except for you and your sister." She shrugged her shoulders. "That should be your cue to leave."
Jane stepped out from behind her brother, "Choose your next words wisely newborn or your eternity was only seconds after all!" Alec ignored them both and looked at the Cullen Doctor more sharply. "Y/N has been awake for less than 24 hours, I can't say with any accuracy what's going on yet." "Then make a guess." Alec looked at the blond vampire demandingly.
"It would appear that Y/N has lost part of her memory." Alec turned his head to the side and watched his mate, who had fallen back into a deep sleep. A window separated them, but Alec had the feeling that it wasn't just this window that separated him from Y/N, rather an entire universe.
"How could this happen, how could…" Alec had to collect himself for a moment and looked back at Carlisle, "You said there were no injuries that could have caused any major trauma, so what happened?" The man shook his head. "It could have been anything, the shock, the cold. I can't tell you. I'm sorry Alec." " Could her memories come back?" Alec looked at him hopefully. "I honestly can't say." Jane snorted, "Can you say anything at all about Y/N's condition?"
Bella stepped forward before Edward could stop her. "I'd show a little more respect if I were you. After all, it was Carlisle who saved her!" Jane looked at her angrily, "Careful…" Bella interrupted her, "Forget it. My sister was dying just a few hours ago and if I had to guess, I'd even say it was your fault." She turned to Alec, "Yours, to be exact." "How could it have been my fault?" Alec looked at her undefined. Bella shrugged her shoulders. "No one can explain what happened, why Y/N went off the road." Alec's eyes literally began to burn. "I would never…" "I'm not saying you did it, but you and the rest of your Volturi gang have enough enemies that were just looking for an opportunity to get their hands on Y/N alone."
Silence fell as Bella eyed Alec angrily. "You've never made a secret about her. Never hidden the fact that she is the 'sunshine of the Volturi'. But she was also never alone without one of you. This time she was."
"Enough Bella…" Carlisle raised a hand, but it didn't silence her. "Remember what I told her and you back then. Loving you will be the death of her and look where we've ended up. Look at my sister Alec, she barely escaped death." Bella took a few steps towards the black haired man. "I pray that Y/N won't remember you, because this way I can protect her from this world, this way I can protect her from your enemies." Bella turned and walked back to Edward, but paused once more, "If you truly love her Alec and want her safe, let her go. Let me take her away to where neither you nor any other can find her."
"Alec?" Jane looked at him questioningly as she re-entered the hospital room. He was once again standing by Y/N's Bedside. " You would think, the way she's sleeping so soundly, that she's fallen back into a coma." He carefully stroked his hand through her hair.
"Are we just going to ignore what Bella said?" Jane looked more closely at her brother. Alec simply ignored her and gave Y/N his full attention. Jane snorted. "How about we just take Y/N with us. We can sort everything else out in Volterra and then…" Alec stopped running his fingers through Y/N's hair.
"She can't remember anything. No more of our time, no more of our world. That means Y/N is a normal woman again." Jane tilted her head. Alec gave her an annoyed look. "She can have everything I could never give her." Jane stood up straight again. "That would be?" "Children? Growing old? A life in the daylight!" Jane's expression changed to one of bewilderment. "If Y/N really wanted that, she would never have agreed to be changed." Alec looked at his sister. "Love blinds you to the things you've always wanted." Jane shook her head, "Alec…"
Alec lowered his gaze, leaned down to Y/N and placed a long kiss on her forehead. He separated his lips, remaining a few inches above her forehead. "I've waited so long for you, that I'm ready to let you go." The vampire stood back up, running his hand over his lover's cheek once more, "Find me in another life. In one where I get more time with you, in one where I can love you longer."
He turned away from the bed and tried to walk towards the exit, but Jane blocked his way. "If you do that, if you leave now, you'll regret it for the rest of your life." "And if I stay Jane? Then what?" Alec looked at Y/N again, "She got lucky this time. What if she's not lucky next time? I ignored it, for so long. But her life got more and more dangerous the closer I got to her." Jane shook her head, "Don't let Bella win. She's been trying to break you two apart since you got together." Alec looked down at his sister, "It's not about winning, it's about Y/N safety Jane. She's not safe with me or anywhere near her, no one is."
"What if Y/N wakes up one morning and can remember? She'll think you don't love her, she'll think you abandoned her!" Alec looked at his sister. "Jane…" "No!" the blonde vampire raised her voice, but Alec cut her off. "We're leaving Jane, my decision is final!"
"Alec, it's been a long time since we've seen you in Volterra." Aro closed the book he had just opened and placed it on the table. Caius turned to the twins. "Is everything okay with Y/N?"
Demetri, Felix, Santiago, Afton and Chelsea looked back and forth between Jane and Alec. An awkward silence stretched out. Alec looked at his kings, "Y/N is awake."
No one said anything, they just watched the twins. Everyone realized that all joy was missing from Alec. He looked lost and Jane couldn't look at anyone. Her eyes were fixed on the ground, which was never the case.
"What happened?" Aro took a few steps towards Alec, but didn't want to touch him yet, he wanted to listen to his words first. "Y/N is no longer part of our world, she is no longer part of our lives. She can't remember anything from the last year." Alec looked Aro in the eye. "My mate woke up, but she woke up in a world I'm not a part of."
Caius stood up, "How?" Alec's gaze lowered to the floor. His voice broke, "Carlisle doesn't know." "Then we must bring her to us…" Caius wanted to continue, Aro silenced him with a raised hand. "May I see?" Aro held out a hand to Alec. The black-haired man immediately placed his hand in his king's.
After a minute, Aro let go of Alec's hand. "Is this the path you really want to take?" Alec looked back down at the ground. "You know she wanted to become one of us." Alec nodded and looked up. "She'd never be safe." "I know."
Aro turned and walked back to the table.
"Spread the word that Y/N is dead."
"What!" All the vampires in the room, excluding Jane, Alec and Aro shouted this at the same time.
"Our young friend has decided to give his mate, our sunshine, a mortal life. A life without the knowledge of the supernatural and away from our enemies. I support him and so do the rest of you."
Demetri shook his head and walked towards Alec. "You can't do this to us. Alec…" Alec looked at him blankly, "This isn't your decision to make." "How can you just let her go, how can you…"
Alec took a step towards Demetri, "Do you think this decision was easy? Do you think it's not tearing me apart? I love this woman with everything in my being, she's the other fucking half of my soul. Do you think the decision to let her go and know that she won't be in this world in eighty or ninety years was easy?" His voice broke and he shook his head. "Then you're an idiot, it's been the hardest decision of my life and I'll definitely regret it."
"Then why?" Felix looked at him questioningly, while others were shocked. No one had ever seen Alec get so emotional.
Jane gave a humorless laugh and drew attention to herself. "Because Bella managed to get inside his head." Confused, everyone looked back at Alec. He remained silent, but Jane continued, "She thinks that Y/N's car went off the road because one of our enemies made it do it."
"This is ridiculous!" Demetri tried to grab Alec's shoulder, but he slapped the blond vampire's hands away. "Really? We, the Volturi, have more than enough enemies. Everyone we care about has been killed. Think of the secretary who loved you Demetri and was killed because of it. The woman you loved Felix? Chelsea, why is Afton a vampire now? Why don't you ever let him go somewhere without you?"
Everyone looked at the floor.
"I thought so. Loving any of us Volturi is like a death sentence. I'm not willing to do that to Y/N when she's been given a second chance."
A/N3.0: I'm currently writing a one shot for Paul Lahote, if you would like to be tagged there or would like to be on my tag list in general write it in the commis
Tag list: @alecvolturiswifeforever @rosedpetal @bofadeezs @xcharlottemikaelsonx @urgirlmoon @julesofvolterra @itsmytimetoodream @smiling2204 @demogorgon-master1
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thelov3lybookworm · 5 months
Remember me? (Part 11)
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10
Summary: Under the Mountain, Y/n met the High Lord of the Night Court, Rhysand. She was scared of him, but soon she found out that he wasn't who he pretended to be. Despite her efforts at not falling in love with him, she fails. It's not that bad as he loves her back.
But now he's gone, and she's left alone with nothing.
Except for a very adorable reminder of him.
Tw: secret pregnancy, none more that I can think of, so let me know if I need to add anything.
A/n: honestly dedicated to @thehighladywrites because we love High Lord Eris in this house 😏😌🫶🏻
also, i feel like this timeline ca be confusing because i honestly dont know what im doing lol so just so you all are aware, this part is supposed to be based on the time just before feyre has fled the night court 😉
(Not edited as i am going to slee, sorry! ignore any mistakes ❣️)
The curtains were parted to let in a gentle autumn breeze which toyed with the ends of Y/n's hair, and she huffed gently when she felt someone watching her.
She finished adjusting the covers around the sleeping Fin, taking her time to smooth out the creases before she straightened, turning to find Eris leaning against the doorway, his arms folded across his chest, his eyes trained on the softly snoring boy on the bed.
And he was shirtless.
Y/n told herself it was not that big of a deal, that she had seen plenty of men naked, but seeing that pale expanse of skin covering those hard earned muscles, something shifted in her belly.
He glanced at her, blinking when she stepped forward. He straightened when Y/n continued walking forward, and his arms fell at his sides when she passed by him.
Her brows furrowed as she glanced at him and found a blush covering his face.
"Eris? Are you alright? Is your magic malfunctioning or something?"
He shook his head, still standing in the doorway. She paused to turn an watch him.
"You look a little red, you know. Are you sure you don't have a fever?"
He shook his head again, glancing back at Fin once before he inclined his head towards the corridor leading away from the boy's room.
To say Y/n was concerned and confused would be an understatement.
Eris closed the door to Fin's room gently, then grasped Y/n's hand, hesitantly, tugging her towards a large window nearby.
Y/n whirled towards him the moment he stopped walking. "Eris? What is going on?"
He didn't say anything, simply pulled out a piece of paper from the pocket of the pants that hung dangerously low on his hips.
Y/n's frustrations finally got the best of her. "Are we playing charades, Eris? Or did someone cut off your tongue?"
He sighed. "I did not want to be the bearer of bad news, but I guess I still am as I brought you the letter. It's from Feyre. Forgive me for reading it, but it was open when it fell onto my desk."
Y/n's heart slowed down in fright. It... It could also be something good, right? It didn't have to be about her leaving Rhysand. It could be about him getting better and apologizing...
Y/n knew how stupid it was, really, to hope for that.
And even if that hope had really come true, Feyre was responsible enough to not send the letter practically in the middle of the night.
Y/n opened the folded piece of paper, her eyes moving frantically as she read it and searched for words that would soothe her worries.
It was all in vain.
Y/n, I can't live here anymore. I will soon be winnowing to autumn with Nyx. I hope you don't mind.
Y/n suppressed the rage that reared its head in her chest, taking a deep breath as her eyes rose to meet Eris's.
His eyes held the same sadness she felt and was sure were displayed in her own eyes.
"I have weakened the wards enough for both of them to come through without any harm coming to them, and have already ordered the servants to prepare quarters for them to live in. You don't have to worry about much."
Grateful, Y/n moved without realising what she was doing. One moment, she was standing facing him, the cool autumn air curling around her, and the next, she was surrounded by warmth, her face buried in his shoulder, her arms thrown around her neck. He stiffened, but moments later, he relaxed with a heavy sigh, wrapping his arms around her waist.
"Thank you." She mumbled onto his welcoming skin, tightening her hold, knowing she shouldn't.
She felt him nod, and she pulled back to glance at him.
If there was any chance Y/n had been mistaken before about him blushing, she wasn't now.
He definitely was blushing, as red as the colour of the leaves in the court he ruled.
"It- it's nothing."
Despite the heavy news that they had received, Y/n felt her lips curl. "Are you blushing, Vanserra?"
He huffed. "Of course not. Why would I blush?"
"You know," Y/n began as se stopped leaning on him and straightened, though his hands tightened on her waist, as if unwilling to let go. Y/n chose to remain silent on the matter. "It is not nice to lie. Did your mother not teach you?"
He leaned his head closer, a smirk forming on his lips. "She might have, but she also focused more on how to treat the female you love the right way. Must've forgotten about the lying lessons."
Y/n blinked, her face going hot. But before she could say anything, she felt Eris stiffen under her arms. He pulled away instantly, tearing his hands through his hair.
"She's here."
Y/n nodded, her hands falling heavily to her sides.
"Let's go welcome them."
Part 12
Remember me Taglist: @holb32 @awoa1 @cleverzonkwombatsludge @luvmoo @we-were-beautiful @eerievixen @zoe2 @fussel9913 @j-pendragonx @thesnugglingduck @jesssicapaniagua @devilsnightz @esposadomd @littleffawn @mandowhatnow @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @bigcreatorwombatdreamer @princesslolaasworld @asemkta @cat-or-kitten @txzii @bunnyredgirl @theofficialmadman @leeknows-wife @aria-chikage @amygdtjhddzvb @azriels-mate123 @inky-clover @kemillyfreitas @12358 @justdreamstars @cuethedepession @princessvesta @fides25 @nocasdatsgay @acourtofbatboydreams @stained-glass-eyes0708 @glaciuswduo @wallacewillow0773638 @cassie6392 @quackitysdrugdealer @txzii @anuttellaa @coisas-da-dani @hnyclover @sassyslytherinshai @historygeekqueen
General Taglist: @bubybubsters @eos-princess @nightless @harrystylesfan2686 @cassie6392
Eris taglist: @kennedy-brooke @hnyclover @minnieoo @sidrapotter
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hencvl · 1 year
Mine. I [Remastered]
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Dark! Clark Kent x reader. Warnings: dark fic, forced marriage.
Summary: you finished your night shift and you feel someone was following you.
A/n: sorry for any mistakes that i made, English is not my first language. I also don't give permission to post my works on any other platforms such as Wattpad, Ao3 etc.
my masterlist
series masterlist
read pt. 2 >
You curse under your breath as you walk down on the street, clutching tightly on your coat. It's 12 a.m at midnight, you just finished your shift and on your way to your apartment. You reluctantly use this route because it was the closest to your place.
You shiver as you feel the cold air against your skin, even if you are covered in many layers of coat, you can still feel it. Winters can be fun, but also can be annoying at the same time.
You checked your phone as it was buzzing, a message was sent from your roommate. You have been living with him for over a year now, yet both of you barely know each other.
i leave some dinner leftovers in the fridge.
You looked around as you felt someone following you from behind. You could feel an unknown presence since you left your workplace, yet you choose to ignore it.
You turn your heels around to see who it is, but only to find nothing. Suddenly, a hand covered your mouth to muffle your scream, your back was pressed against the stranger's chest
“whaa- help!”
You fight the figure, wiggling and squirming in his hold. You know you shouldn't be using this route at all! what the hell have you got yourself into. You kicked the stranger's ankle, but it was a futile attempt.
“stop resisting.” he spoke in a harsh tone, gripping you tightly. The last thing he wanted to do to you was hurting you.
No, you're too precious to him.
Instead, he took out a pad that he dabbed with Chloroform earlier, and slammed it on your nose, letting you breath the toxin.
Seeing you fall unconscious in his arms, he smirked as he caress the beautiful face of yours while engulfing your small figure in his warm embrace.
finally. Months of watching you from afar, admiring, longing for your touch and warmth he finally got to hold you in his arms. He would not let this opportunity to have you go wasted.
The man looked around the alley, afraid if someone did watch his deed. Once he was convinced that everything was clear, he looked back at her with a wicked grin.
“sleep tight, my bride”
You take a sharp breath as you blink, only to find yourself spawled on a soft mattress. You tried to move but failed, too exhausted as you lay back. The bed moved a bit as you heard a groan next to you, a muscled arm makes its way to your waist, bringing you closer to a toned bare chest.
You stayed still, telling yourself that it's just another nightmare. But it's not until you feel a warm breath fanning on your neck before he placed a soft kiss on it before whispering right into your ear.
“what are you trying to do, my dear?”
His voice is deep, whispering at you soothingly as he caresses your waist. He lifted himself and got on top of you, finally got to see his face.
You study his Adonis looks, from his curly hair, trailing down to his handsome face. His icicle blue eyes are the most beautiful things you've ever seen, so beautiful yet so cold.
His jawline is sharp, like you could hurt yourself just from tracing it. He let you stare at him. What a romantic scene it was. Like the beauty of flower petals formed from two colors, becoming one solid entity.
You couldn't help but gawk, how can someone be so fine like this? The thought left your mind immediately as he shifted from his position a bit, leaning closer towards you. He brushes his succulent lips against your cheek, like a predator finally gets to devour its prey.
“wait- who the hell are you? why am i here?” you said, as you sat up on the bed and backed up from him.
“you don't need to know.” he replied, groaning slightly as she made a distance between them. He wanted to hold her in his arms again and never let her go.
He tried to reach out to her again, grabbing her ankle and pulling her towards him with a squeal. Even though she tried to resist him, she seemed to be liking his touch.
A smirk made its way to his face, adding the handsomeness in his features that got her melted.
little did he know...
“argh!” he let out a pained groan at the sudden kick on his crotch. She kicked him hard in the balls that got him shaking slightly from the after effects.
You immediately jumped out of the bed, abandoning the mysterious man that was about to hold you captive and your backpack. That doesn't matter now. Your life matters.
Running down from the apartment, you look around trying to ask for help before the man comes and captures you again. Luckily there's a cab pulling up on the road once they saw you.
“this is madness!”
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reqxxyt · 1 year
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pairings: lewis h. x f!reader
warnings: none (?)
masterlist requests are open!
[unedited] w.c: 4k
_________ ׂׂૢ་༘࿐
“Its not going to work” you said, getting up from the edge of the bed that you were dragged out this morning, seeing Max pace around his room for the past half hour trying to get press off his back about rumours flying at him for dating a russian model. 
“Hear me out” he tried to get you to listen to his suggestion but you were only half awake and groaned needing more sleep from your restless night. You paused in your steps turning to him, gesturing for him to explain quickly and he did “what if we pretended to date, the people already know you as my friend. It wouldn’t be that unbelievable and makes for a less interesting story” 
“No” you simply stated not liking any percentage of his idiotic plan. He further begged you, trying to explain how this would be the only way to get them off his back. “What do I get out this?” 
He thought for a moment not having thought before of how you could benefit from this deal, “you can travel with me” you rolled your eyes even at his option. 
“What about my job, Max? I mean you just want me to drop everything for this?” your exasperated voice got to him as he took his own deep sigh, biting the corner of his lip. 
“I just don’t know what else to do” his sad gaze only made you feel guilty, you walked forward. 
“Fine, I will do it. But you have to reason with my boss on why I am out so much” his eyes filled with hope as he thanked you and reassured you that he would handle your work so you (hopefully) wouldn’t get fired at his expense. You tried pushing him back out the door, yawning in the process “Now leave, I need my sleep” 
“I will text you all the details” he said before thanking you again and leaving you to go back to sleep before you could rethink this entire thing. 
The next day you were already getting ready to leave for the Italian Grand Prix to make the debut of your fake relationship with Max. You finished stuffing the luggage, waiting for Max to pick you up. It only hit you that this was actually happening when you landed, seeing people already start to surround the entrance of the airport for the 2 time world champion that happened to be your best friend of 10 years. 
“Don’t worry too much” Max attempted to calm you, squeezing your hand as he guided you threw the small crowded groups. Some recognized you, questioning why you two were holding hands while others had no idea who you were and just assumed you were together taking pictures, uploading them to be the first to tell others about it. 
The newly announced girlfriend of Max Verstappen. 
You two arrived at the hotel, thousands of notifications flooding your lockscreen as you attempted your best to ignore them deciding to just leave your phone on do not disturb for the following couple of hours. 
“I better not regret doing this” you sighed, slumping down on the one of two beds of the room. You stared at the ceiling wondering if you had made a big mistake before turning to Max who seemed like this had little effect to him even though he was the one to suggest this plan in the first place. “Whats your plan for tomorrow?” 
“Bring you to the paddock” he started, turning to you as you sat up when he sat next to you. “If there are any interview questions about you I will follow our story” the story you two made on the plane, very last minute. It was very similar to your actual friendship story, meeting at a karting event, became best friends and then developed feelings for each other (that part clearly being an addition) before getting together a couple of months ago. 
“What about the drivers?” you asked, you had known most of them but spoke to very few; Charles being the driver you knew most. 
“What about them?” he questioned back. 
“Should I not talk to them?” you explained wondering if that would look bad on all parts if you and another driver were seen to be too friendly towards one another. 
“You can speak to them, just don’t go flirting with each other in front of cameras” he explained as if it were the most obvious thing. You just nodded, following along trying your best to not overthink but Max caught on, placing his hand on top of yours. He gave you a small smile, not wanting you to feel overwhelmed “if it starts to be too much, say the word and we’ll stop”
“I’ll be fine” you tried saying but he gave you a doubtful look, “seriously, I just need to get used to it, is all. Its not like half of your fans that know about me don’t already think we have something going on” 
He laughed at the mention, bringing back old memories of having to constantly remind others of their very much platonic friendship. Its become an inside joke between the two of them. 
“I have to go meet with some people, you okay staying here?” he asked starting to get up from the bed. You nodded with a small smile already wondering what kind of room service this hotel offered. He nodded giving you one last smile before he shut the door behind him, leaving you alone. 
The rest of the day was spent all day in the room knowing there was not much else to do but keep yourself entertained with the minimal things you were able to do. Max arrived well in the afternoon telling you all what happened that day and interviewers wouldn’t stop asking about you feeling proud that his plan was working.  
The next morning, Max left much earlier than you seeing that he had his daily routine to get started on and his planning for practice with his team. You two agreed to meet each other at the entrance of the paddock hopefully without much press, but you already knew you would be having trouble the second you arrived seeing the flood of people holding cameras by the entrance. 
With very long hesitation, you walked forward barely getting any space as all you heard were cameras clicking before you could spot Max, a light kiss on the cheek by him was enough to send another wave of camera flashes as you two went to the red bull garage. 
“Not too much trouble?” he asked a bit worried as you got to the garage, you shook your head knowing it would just become the regular until things would settle down and they would have new topic by the next race to replace this with. 
Max was called not to far afterward to get ready leaving you alone to situate yourself in the garage but not before he checked you were okay one last time. 
“Has anyone seen George?” a soft english accent came front the entrance. You immediately recognized it as Lewis, looking up to see those dark eyes searching briefly in the garage as people shook their heads a bit confused as to how they lost a driver half an hour before the first practice. 
“I think I saw him go into the cafeteria” you informed him catching his attention. His eyes showed a bit of interest seeing as he remembered seeing the news about you and Max. 
“Thank you um” he tried to remember your name, 
“Y/n” you said politely. 
“Thank you y/n” he repeated with a soft smile before leaving to go find his teammate. Not too long after, the the first practice secession started, Max doing well, Ferrari appearing to do better than regular. 
The rest of the weekend breezed by, Max being victorious just like last weekend with Checo being second. It was tradition at this point to go to the best club after a race and you tagged along wanting to converse with other drivers, it wasn’t every day that you got to talk to the people who are able to drive the fastest cars in the world. 
You did get to talk to a couple seeing them all in different groups around the bar while you sticked with Max for a little over an hour. 
“I’m going to get us some drinks” you said, inviting him to tell you if he wanted some but he didn’t say anything just nodding before going back to his conversation as you walked away. 
You ordered a couple of shots, waiting on the drinks before you felt a presence sit beside you. 
“I need some positivity after today, mind telling me how your day was?” his accent seeped through with a polite friendly smile. You faced him, a bit surprised over his approach. You felt a bit upset over the fact that he got 6th today seeing he was always so victorious only a couple of years ago. 
“I think that would only make you feel much worse” you tried to sympathetically explain without making it sound too pitiful and he only laughed adjusting his seating to fully face you. 
“So, you and Max?” he asked, eyebrows a bit furrowed as you were handed your drink. “How long now?”
“Almost a year” your finger grazed over the rim of the cup before taking a small sip. You felt the sudden need to tell someone the truth, and for some reason you found to trust Lewis the most in this scenario. Wow not even a week in and you wanted to tell the person next to you, you were terrible with secrets. “You want to know something?”
He hummed, leaning in interest as well as to drown out the music. 
“Its all for the media, Max thought it would be a good idea to fake a relationship” you shrugged as if no big deal but you felt a sudden weight being lifted off of your shoulders. 
“Really?” he was surprised at the news you had confessed finding it a bit strange how you trusted him after only just a couple of minutes but he felt content, seeing some small trust start to build that you felt you could trust him enough to tell him. 
He would be lying to himself if he thought you weren’t attractive, you caught his eye the minute Max introduced you to the other drivers as his best friend, wanting to talk to you but never catching the space to. So when he received news that you were in a relationship with Max, he was a bit disappointed but knew not to try anything. 
But now, he might actually have a chance. 
“Yup, press can be very annoying” you rolled your eyes feeling like Lewis would be the one who understood the most even if you barely got a smidge of how they can act. 
“Yeah, I remembered when me and my girlfriend broke up they wouldn’t stop asking about her” he said, sounding just as annoyed, holding lingering eye contact afterwards. He shrugged, “Some of the downsides of being a driver” 
“One of the best, Mr. Humble” you teased and he only smiled thanking you for your compliment. 
“You’re a fan?” he continued, lifting a corner of lips, a small smirk. You thought about it for a second,
“Oh for sure” you said as if it were the most obvious thing. “If i could wear your merch, I would show it to the world. I’ve watched you since I was 10” 
The mention of the age gap made Lewis cringe a bit seeing as the two were near 15 years apart but he brushed it off, trying to not think too much about it. 
“So how come the lack of merch?” his soft smile nearly reached his eyes, amused about how the girl he was interested in had been a fan since near the beginning of his formula one career. 
“They’re all at home” you said a small smirk playing on your lips making him chuckle a bit, leaning forward but enough distance where it wasn’t too suspicious. “Wouldn’t look too good with being Maxs’ girlfriend” 
“It seems hes not a very good actor with the way you two aren’t even together right now” he gestured over to Max. You laughed, 
“Thats because I found myself being entertained somewhere else” you leaned a bit forward, being able to now smell his expensive cologne. Lewis notiabely flickered his eyes down to your lips before catching himself. But it was far too late, you’ve noticed and for an odd reason you enjoyed it. 
But Maxs hand landed on your shoulder before things escalated making you tense as you leaned back nearly being caught, Max held a playful smile directing it towards Lewis who had his everyday polite smile on display acting as if he hadnt been practically flirting with the girl that is meant to be in a pretend relationship. 
“How have you been?” Max asked Lewis, words a bit slurred from the alcohol. They talked for a while, Max wanting the conversation to extend but Lewis gave short answers, wanting it to end. You caught on pretty quickly giving Max a look before suggesting, 
“Maybe we should leave, don’t want to stay too late. Have an early flight to catch” Max nodded along bringing his hand down saying a quick goodbye to Lewis. But the second you went to shake hands, he pulled you in for a quick hug, whispering an ‘see you next time’ sending shivers down your spine. 
You two left hand in hand with Max into the hotel, crashing down on separate beds as you had a certain champion in mind. 
The next two weeks were slow as news started to die down about you and Maxs’ relationship not seeing it as the hot topic anymore, casting you aside for another. The next race, Monaco you couldn’t help but cheer for the Mercedes driver, knowing how big of a deal it would be if he placed in the podium. 
You exited the car, heading to the paddock seeing drivers pass by giving a quick wave politetly but when you crossed Lewis he gave you a larger smile than usual, calling out “meet me afterwards”, you agreed before getting to the Red Bull garage to meet up with Max. 
This time, you only attended qualifying being too busy on Friday to have gone. You felt bad but Max reassured you it would be fine seeing as practice wasn’t as important to attend. 
It was a good day for Red Bull, like always. Max being pole, Sergio second, and surprisingly Lewis third, you made a mental note to congratualate him on that factor later seeing as he had a better chance at getting a podium on the Monaco track. 
Congratulations were heard all around the red bull as Max got to you, giving you a simple kiss on the cheek. 
“Interviewers want you Max” his media manager came in, looking a bit worried as if she had interrupted something but he just nodded, following her outside leaving you to yourself. You thought this time would be the best to go congratulate Lewis, heading to the mercedes garage. 
Before you even had to walk in, Lewis walked out seeing you, making his smile brighten. You walked to each other, immediately congratulating him and receiving the thank you. 
“I got you this” he pulled out a purple beaded bracelet with a 44 in the middle. You were about to reject it seeing that it would bring too many questions but before you could, he held a stern tone saying, “I made it so you’re accepting it” 
He grabbed your wrist, pulling it downwards before giving you another smile as his hand seemed to linger. 
“I’m not insane right?” He asked, your eyebrows furrowed at the question not sure what he was implying. He hesitated before explaining “You’re interest in me”
“You don’t have to say anything right now” he jumped in. “I know the whole Max thing is complicated, I just” he paused, picking back up your hand, fiddling with the rings on your thumb, looking up at your eyes almost analyzing them in a sense. “I hope you’ll find me when you feel you need to” 
His kiss on the bracelet did not help your heart to calm down, seeing it was running at a fast pace before he left. Your head was starting to get dizzy, growing almost a headache. You took in a deep breath, trying to prepare you for having to go back to the red bull garage. 
“You and Lewis?” a concerned voice said, almost right next to you. Just as your heart started to go back to normal as well. You turned, expecting to see Max upset but instead he held a small teasing smile. “I remember when you wouldn’t shut up about him”
His words made you blush, a deep red rising to your cheeks as you hit him, not liking that he found it humorous but grateful that he wasn’t upset by it. 
“Just be careful, I can’t have another scandal behind my back right after I just finished covering up the other one” his voice turned more serious and you only nodded, completely understanding that this could cause a deplete in both their careers. 
The race wasn’t that exciting, seeing as those on the grid ended up in their almost exact spots. You still wore the bracelet, hiding it beneath a red bull jacket gifted by Max. He noticed it that morning and wouldn’t stop teasing you about it before he even grew annoyed of himself and stopped. Lewis on the other hand you didn’t get to see before the race with you having to be transported straight to the red bull garage upon arrival. 
You would be lying if you said you weren’t nervous during the entire race, fidgiting with the beads of the bracelet but all those nerves were settled the second the race ended and you got to see Lewis on the podium. The celebration settled down as Max was getting ready to leave with you waiting outside his room. 
You suddenly felt a hand pull you, you looked to who had their grip so tight and saw Lewis dragging you into his room making sure to shut it behind you.
“What are you doing? Someone could’ve seen” your worried tone didn’t get to him as he stepped forward, only closing the gap between. 
“I really needed to see you” his heavy breathing did some things to your body as he stepped forward. One of his hands went to the sides of where your jaw and neck met, analyzing your features for any sort of discomfort, anything that would tell him to stop but he couldn’t find it. Unknowingly, your lips parted, his eyes traveled to your lips as you couldn’t stop looking at his eyes. 
“Tell me you want me, y/n. Just as much as I want you” he whispered, his breath near reaching your lips. 
“I need you, Lewis. I need you so much it drives me insane-” his lips crashed into yours, his other hand reaching the other side of your face. The kiss was harsh, rushed, and overall the definition of eager. You wanted to desperately pull him in closer, wanting to close any gap that remained but instead your head ran the thoughts of the idea that Max brought. 
The risk of their career reputation. 
You pushed against his chest and he immediately pulled away, eyebrows furrowed. 
“People are going to think badly of us if we’re even seen together. I can’t do that to us” you shook your head not trying to imagine the damage you could create by simply walking alone together. Lewis understood, nodding solely to himself. 
“We could always give it a chance though” he shrugged, trying to give a suggestion. You hated how even when he wasn’t even trying to convince you, you still wanted to jump at the idea with little to no hesitation. He leaned down, touching foreheads as he whispered “we’ll be careful” 
“This is so reckless” you couldn’t help but smile, an indicator that you were leaning to his side but he still waited for you to respond, “fine” 
He smiled brightly, giving you a small kiss on the corner of your curved lip, and then another on the other side before placing a softer one in between before leaning back with a cheeky smile. 
“Max is probably waiting for you” he finally stated making your eyes widen in realization before rushing out the door as he called out “i’ll see you next time” 
During the entire break, you and Lewis would call on the phone sending good morning and well wishes to sleep texts practically everyday talking about how different it would be to be together without caring about what others thought. 
The same pattern lasted throughout the season, you publicly cheering for your media boyfriend, while silently hoping the best for the person you longed for secretly, Lewis. Catch up in his room or hotel, share kisses and a night spent together before having to depart and doing it all over again for the next race. 
You as well told Max only a couple of months later, only saying he already knew. He was your best friend, how could he have not noticed the way you and Lewis look for each other in a room and beam smiles at each other when you spot one another. 
“I think we should break up” were words only Max could say that wouldn’t completely break you but you still only gave him a confused look as you laid on your stomach scrolling through you feed only seconds ago before Max barged in your apartment. 
You really regret ever giving him a spare key. 
“I mean, its been long enough and the whole Lewis thing is getting a bit reckless, no?” he asked knowing about almost having been spot by security when you went to go to Lewis drivers room, covering it as a lie of looking for him because Max wanted to speak to him. You got up from you position agreeing. 
“But its not like it would help with Lewis, it would only make it worse to go public” you were still worried over their reputation. 
“You two can keep it a secret for however much you want to, I just don’t want to feel like I am interfering between you” he explained. You followed along. 
“I think this is the most happiest I’ve been about someone breaking up with me” you joked with a small smile making him chuckle. “Thank you Max” 
“No worries” he gave you one last kiss on your head before going on his phone to publicly announce the breakup. You texted Lewis, making sure it was alright and he only appeared delighted seeing as you and him could finally go public in time. 
The next couple of months were quiet as news settled down about you and Max. You wanted more time to pass before ever trying to go public but when Lewis suggested it, cuddled up and you were half asleep you mumbled a “sure” and you only fully realized what you had just done after you woke up from your nap. 
Most fans were delighted of the relationship, some found it a bit strange but seeing you still close with Max after the ‘break up’ gave them the theory that the entire thing with Max was for media. 
And unlike that, yours and Lewis’ relationship was pure. 
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cherrygukkie · 8 months
Late Night Encounters Pt. 2 | jjk
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Word Count: 6k
A/N: Here's part 2! I hope you enjoy it. Don't forget to leave feedback <33
Warnings: (Nothing serious for now....)
Tell me if there are any errors! I hurried and skimmed through this!
It’s the afternoon and you’ve successfully made it through the school day. With you being tired, it went faster than you anticipated and it wasn’t too bad…
… except that you never got your beats back from Jungkook. It was just a repeat of this morning and you had to suffer and watch him use them in 5th period, chemistry.
he’s so annoying
Besides all that, you were more than prepared for later today. This wasn’t your first rodeo. This is your third year and you are more than familiar, but as time passes the stakes get higher and higher.
Your life could completely change in a matter of hours. If you were to get recruited on a team, depending on what and where, if you accepted their offer you would end up finishing college early and possibly move out of the state.
And that means you'll be leaving everything behind.
It’s all you could think about walking from school and you didn’t want to drown in your thoughts anymore because you needed rest, so you wouldn’t overthink.
A nap wouldn’t hurt, would it?
You found yourself melting into your soft comforter, staring at the pretty colorful lights on the wall. It was war hanging up those lights, but it was worth it. The gentle glow reminded you of the warmth and comfort you felt back at home in your old room.
Embracing the cozy atmosphere, you shift around to get comfortable. You dim the lights with your remote, preparing for some slumber until a specific thought pops up in your head.
Who you were bringing with you as your date….
It just hit you that your words slipped out and you told Jungkook that you had a date to bring, but in reality, you didn’t… you were going to invite Yoongi or Taehyung, as friends.”
And now you’re in a pickle.
But showing up alone wouldn’t be too bad, except for the fact that Jungkook would know that you lied.
If you were to bring one of them, is he gonna pay you any attention?
No, because he’ll be too invested in his date to even give a fuck about yours. As long as he sees you with someone and that’s all that matters.
It shouldn’t be any more than that.
Suddenly, your phone comes to life once and the notification sends waves of vibrations through the sheets making it impossible to ignore.
You check your phone to see an incoming FaceTime call from Yoongi—your beloved bestie. 
You answer. “Hey, Yoongi.”
Putting your face in the camera, you reveal your messy hair that’s covering your pillow. Yoongi gets a closer look at you and asks, “Were you asleep?”
“No,” you huff, releasing a yawn. “I tried to, but I just thought about how I fucked up today.”
He lifts his brow, curiously. “What happened?” 
some bullshit
“Well… I um-” your eyes look up to the ceiling, soaking up a moment of silence and Yoongi stares at you expectedly, waiting for a response.
He slightly raises his voice. “Hello? Are you fucking stuck or something? Tell me what’s going on.”
Who is he talking to? lol 
“No, I am not stuck,” you said firmly. “I accidentally made a mistake and told Jungkook that I had a date for my sporting event…”
“Some bullshit… like I assumed.” He sighs as you bite your tongue, speechless.  “And why would you say that?”
“Because…” you start, “it was this thing… and he assumed I didn’t have a date, so I lied to not look pathetic.”
You saying that only makes you look more pathetic.
“Let me get this straight,” Yoongi pauses to give you a look. The “you dumb bitch look”. “You told Jungkook… someone you hate… that you had a date just because he assumed that you didn’t? And you want to prove him wrong?”
That sounds about right…
“Yeah?” You utter with shame, teeth sinking into your lip. “Yeah, I did...” Yoongi opens his mouth to speak, but you beat him to it. “When you think about it… it’s not that bad because you’re coming with me.” you thoughtfully suggest, hoping he would accept the invitation. “And that way I won’t look stupid!”
“Can’t,” he spit carelessly, expression dulling. “You know I’m at work, Y/N. And why would I even do this favor for you? You ignored my texts and calls the entire day.”
True that. True that.
You added, “And Taehyung as well. Don’t forget that you guys fucking ditched me this morning and still didn’t tell me where you went, so that was well deserved.”
You didn’t hesitate to mention him and Taehyung's suspicious behavior, yet he still doesn’t say anything about it.
“I understand…” Yoongi reasons with you, secretly rolling his eyes. “And I apologize.” His tone sounded forced like his apology.
You shake your head. “I have a request that's better than an apology.” Exchanging looks with Yoongi, a small grin appears on your lips. “How about you come with me this evening and then I’ll grant you my forgiveness?”
Yoongi blinks unimpressed with your words and it makes you beg. “Please Yoongi…” you pout a little. “Besides the shit with Jungkook, I was going to ask you regardless. I do want you by my side for support.”
And when you put it like that, he has no choice but to give in. After all, you are his best friend. 
His face softens. “Alright, fine I’ll go. I’ll just tell my boss that it’s a family emergency. Just tell me all the details.”
You explain everything to Yoongi…
“Formal wear… got it,” he notes with a nod. “But what are you going to wear?”
“I honestly don’t know… which is why I’m going to have you go get me something quick and pretty. I’ll text you my size in everything,” you say with confidence, putting your trust in him. “You know what to wear in these situations… me? Not so much.”
Are you sure you wanted to leave your outfit in his hands? Yoongi's hands?
His face lights up when a mischievous glint dances in his brown eyes, “Alright,” he agrees, having something up his sleeve. “I’ll be there by 6:30.”
“Okay and once again thank you, Yoongs.” You show him appreciation with a grateful smile. “ I’ll see you later!”
You both say bye before hanging up.
Seconds later, you throw your head into the fluffy pillow. What else is there to do? You thought.
Oh, right, that nap.
You’re woken up from your slumber due to the loud knocks on your door. Once you get up, you walk out of your room with messy hair and blurred vision. When your eyesight clears, you see Yoongi with bags in his hands. 
“Yoongi...?” you mumble, processing being disturbed from your sleep.
It took a few rubs against the eyes until you noticed him all suited up. Your mind was blown and you couldn’t believe your eyes.
You were too busy admiring your best friend's jaw-dropping appearance, you couldn’t even form a proper sentence.
“Yoongi you…” you stutter, “Yoongi you look smoking hot.” Your compliment made him twirl in slow motion. 
“I know.” he looks around, arrogantly smiling his ass off. You playfully roll your eyes, letting him have his moment.
“Wait, how did you even get in here?” You ask, confused.
“Oh uh,” he points towards the hall, giving you a certain look. “Your roommate let me in because you weren’t answering the phone and I almost got caught.”
oh… her
“And she actually seems nice,” he says, slightly surprised. “She’s like the total opposite of what you say about her.”
“That's because she doesn't like me and I don't care. I don't like the bitch either.”  Your harsh words made Yoongi’s mouth snap shut, and he regretted what he just shared.
What did he expect? He knew that you didn’t like her and that you weren’t afraid to express it.
“Anyways!” you dismiss the idea of her with a smile. “What did you get me, friend?” 
After that does he want to show you what he purchased? Is it possible for you’ll hate him as much as your roommate?
When you walk towards Yoongi, you try to take a peek inside the red bags and he immediately pulls the bags away from you. “Don’t look in the bag just go change,” He demands, slowly handing you the bags. You nod your head, awkwardly listening to his instructions.
Rushing to the bathroom, you make sure to grab everything from your room on the way there and Yoongi flops on the couch, making himself comfortable while he waits for you patiently.
When you get in the bathroom your mind sets on those bags. With that being said, you ram through the bags like a kid on a Christmas morning.
Little did you know that the excitement in your veins would stop…
Yoongi was casually checking the time on his phone when he heard a scream. “YOONGI!” you violently scream, pissed off with what was in your hands. 
He freezes, slowly turning his head to the bathroom and the door flies open. You stand there in the doorway empty-handed with a blank expression.
You say out loud, “I’m not wearing that shit. I won’t, I refuse.” His eyes rolled to the back of his head with an idea of how this would go.
“I hate you,” you sassed through a childish pout.
Yoongi ignored your attitude as he pulled into the parking lot. You were annoyed with him and he was annoyed with your nagging majority of the car ride. He was ready to lose his shit if another peep came from you, but your nagging came from him buying you a dress instead of getting something you wanted. 
A short, black, silky, revealing dress…
Getting out of the car, it was easy to notice Yoongi’s irritated expression and if we’re being honest it’s his fault, completely all his fault.
If he would’ve gone with something you wanted, you would’ve never opened your mouth and he wouldn’t have to hear your bullshit.
Why didn't you like dresses?
It’s not so much of you feeling insecure in them. It’s more of you refusing to step out of your comfort zone sticking to the comfort of jeans, sneakers, hoodies, shirts…
The comfort of being covered up, not exposed.
Honestly, the dress Yoongi bought was stunning without a doubt, but the fabric felt foreign against your skin and you weren’t used to your cleavage being exposed or wearing shoes that made you inches taller than you already were.
At least the dress complimented your figure. Thanks to the built-in corset.
You curse under your breath, tugging down the hem of the dress as it rode up your thighs. Yoongi hears the frustration in your voice and he glances over at you.
“You look good, okay?” He tiredly assures you again for the hundredth time. 
You might look it, but you sure as hell don’t feel it. It’s funny how a piece of clothing makes you question yourself, your whole appearance.
“How many times do I have to tell you?”
•nobody asked you to tell me.
“I didn’t even say anything this time!” You annoyingly mutter. “You said something first….” Your eyes shift downwards as you carefully watch your step.
He shook his head, keeping his eyes forward. “Because you keep complaining about the dress when you look perfectly fine. I get that it’s not what you wanted, but you need to step out of your comfort zone.”
He does have a point.
You barely get a word out when Yoongi continues, “Y/N you’ve been wearing tried-ass dress suits for the last 2 years. It’s time for a change, an upgrade.”
He side-eyes you, empathizing with his point. “But seriously, I wouldn’t let you walk out of the house looking like a mess. You look good Y/N, so embrace it and stop pouting like a child.”
Your frown turns into a smile, embracing the warmth of Yoongi’s words. Like usual, he’s always right. It’s good to step out of your comfort zone.
“I guess you’re right.”
“I’m always right.” He cracks a smile.
 “Stepping out of my comfort zone could help me explore different sides of myself,” you pause, in shock that these words were even coming from you. “And could strengthen my confidence.”
With that being said, Yoongi gives you a nod of approval. “Atta girl.” He pats you gently on the back and you feel a surge of pride.
As you approach the security at the front entrance, they check for indentation successfully and let you in shortly. Yoongi and you entered the venue, arms linked and complimenting each other's outfits. The grand entrance greeted us with sparkling chandeliers and the venue was stunning. 
• I swear it gets bigger, better, and prettier over the years
Both of you were blown away by the luxurious theme. It had this fancy vibe, with chandeliers sparkling overhead and the sound of laughter and excitement filling the air. The architecture was so put together, with intricate designs on the walls and shiny marble floors.
 Everywhere you looked, people were dressed in their finest attire, exuding an aura of sophistication and glamor. The contagious atmosphere was filled with grace and elegance. It felt good to be able to experience such a breathtaking environment once in a while.
You were feeling nostalgia from the sound of laughter and excitement in the air, mingling with the melodic tunes playing from the live band in the corner. 
It wasn’t new, but it was refreshing. It felt refreshing like how it did last year and the year before that...
Our linked arms served as a reminder of the bond we shared, as best friends, ready to immerse ourselves in the event. 
You walk through crowds of people with Yoongi by your side, searching for familiar faces. And then, there they were - your team, standing together, chatting and laughing.
“Come on, Yoongs.” You yank his arm, feeling your pace quicken. They noticed you quickly when you called them out, getting their attention. As you rushed forward, you greeted each of them with warm hugs and air kisses. 
The girls couldn't help but express their awe at your appearance. They’ve never seen you like this before. All girly looking, with makeup, in a dress and heels. 
You surprised them all by donning a beautiful dress that accentuates your natural beauty. 
Mindy, your sweet captain air kisses your cheek. "Y/N, you look stunning babes!" She shouted, eyes sparkling with admiration. The others nodded in agreement, their smiles widening. “That dress looks beautiful on you.”
Their compliments made your cheeks heat up and you start getting shy. “Thank you,” you reply, hiding your smile bashfully. “I appreciate all the compliments.”
You were too busy basking in the compliments, you realized that your best friend was standing right next to you, quiet as a mouse.
“Oh shit.” You laugh, pulling Yoongi closer. “I nearly forgot to introduce you all. Girls, this is my best friend, Yoongi. Yoongi, these are my teammates.”
“Hi, I’m Mindy. It’s nice to finally meet you.”
 She offered her hand, welcoming Yoongi with a dazzling smile. “It’s nice to meet you too.” He smiles, returning the kind gesture. 
Everyone else exchanged their friendly greetings individually.
“Where’s coach?” You asked the girls, looking around the venue for her face. “Wasn’t she supposed to be here before us?” Your question came from the scheduling. It said all coaches must be here before everyone.
Mindy responds, “Coach is running late, but I’m not sure why. She will be here before they start the speeches.”
“In the meantime, let’s go sit. I got us a table in our own section.” Mindy signals to follow her and everyone follows suit, including you and Yoongi.
After everyone sat down, we immediately started chatting about the event and other topics. It was great talking about something other than volleyball for once. Sometime later, Mindy suggested that she should order some drinks for the table.
Everyone agreed and she was about to head to the bar until she insisted you keep her company while she did so. You were a little confused, but you got up anyway and went with her. On the way there, it was quiet…
Real quiet.
Mindy seemed okay, but the silence was uncomfortable for you and it only made you wonder why she asked you to go with her.
You out of all people?
The both of you were walking towards the bar, allowing another moment of silence to pass and you didn’t notice, but Mindy looked at you. “Are you okay?”
You snap out of your thoughts and you look at her. “Yeah, I'm good. I’m just thinking about tonight and the possible outcomes.”
“Spill.” Mindy nudged your arm with hers, encouraging you to share your thoughts. “What’s the current mood?”
“I'm just okay… I guess,” you answer, truthfully with a nod. “If I'm being honest with you Mindy, I won’t be optimistic about this because I’m not expecting anything from it.”
You weren’t trying to sound like a Debbie Downer or dampen the vibe of the event, but it’s the truth. Getting recruited wasn’t your priority right now even though it probably should be.
You go on, “But you already know that I wasn’t hoping to get scouted, so what about you, Mindy? how are we feeling at the moment?" 
She turns her attention towards you, hearing the concern in your voice. “Is this your year?” You question her, expecting an immediate yes. However, you got the opposite. 
The shift in the air was noticeable after she went silent. She became more serious and her gaze dropped to her feet as you continued to walk. You follow suit, assuming that she doesn’t want to discuss it right now.
You finally made it to the bar and the waiter assisted you with the order of drinks for everyone. Mindy, after picking out drinks, turns to look at you.
“I apologize if you felt that I ignored you,” she softly apologizes, locking eyes with you to show sincerity. “It’s just that I’m all over the place and I don’t know where my head is at.” 
“Thats understandable, I get it.” You smile reassuringly. “It’s a lot to think about, especially when it’s your last year here and if you get recruited that means you’ll be leaving…” 
“Leaving in the middle of the season,” she said, snatching the words from your mouth. “Yeah, I know. That also means that I won’t be a part of the team and I won’t be captain anymore.” You hear the bummer in her tone as she speaks.
“You know…” Mindy sighs, looking down at her feet. “When I was talking about it with my parents earlier, I was so prepared and confident about getting recruited and leaving if so happens. But now that I’m here, I’m not so sure.”
Even though you didn’t have a strong friendship with the team or Mindy, seeing her like this was out of the ordinary for you. This wasn’t a side of your captain that you were used to.
 She wore a smile on her face and there was nothing in the world that could rain on her parade. She always had a positive attitude no matter the circumstances. 
You wondered why she was like this now.
Mindy brings her head up to look at you. You expected her Hazel eyes to be glowing like they usually do anytime you see her, but they were dimmed now.
She rests her arms on the counter top. "Volleyball is my life, Y/N. I don’t know what my life would be without it and I don’t want to experience that feeling ever.”
You give her your undivided attention as she proceeds to rant, “And if I don’t get recruited, for the most part, I think I’ll be okay and maybe a little dissapointed. Will I think that my hard work over the years was a waste? Yeah, but I won’t beat myself up about it.” 
“And you shouldn’t beat yourself up, Mindy,” you chimed in, in agreement. “You have long years of experience with volleyball for club, high school, and college and you have the skills to back it up.”
The conversation was interrupted by the waiter, who placed a platter full of sparkling colorful drinks in front of the two of you. Her attention was focused on the drinks as she carefully grabbed the platter.
“What I’m saying is that you can do this. You are an outstanding setter and outside hitter, who has the best leadership skills. Who wouldn’t want you on their team?” Your genuine positivity makes her beam, “Plus you’re still young. You have time to make it if tonight doesn’t go as planned. Just because it’s your last year doesn’t mean it’s your last chance.”
She nods in agreement, “You’re right.”  The corners of her mouth curl up in a gentle smile, as you make your way towards everyone seated in the section. “I should be thinking more like that.”
It's clear that she values your viewpoint and appreciates your insight.
“But seriously thank you, Y/N. Thank you for having this talk with me.” her smile grows wider. “I needed it.” 
“No need to thank me,” you reply warmly. “I’m always here if you need someone to talk to, I’ve always been here.”
“I know… and I regret not talking to you sooner. I didn’t realize how nice you were,” Mindy admits, her voice filled with sincerity.
You look at Mindy, shocked with widening eyes. “Oh, don’t give me that look girl,” she says with a hint of amusement. “You and I both know that you’re reserved and you tend to keep to yourself.”
You didn’t have a strong relationship with the girls. It’s insane because you’ve been on the same team for years.
•guilty as charged.
“Maybe… I am,” you give in with a defeated chuckle. “But I promise you it’s nothing personal. I’m just naturally like that.”
“Good to know. Now I feel that I get you more.” Her words flow with newfound understanding. “Stepping out of that shell and communicating more with the girls would us even stronger as a team.”
Mindy’s works sank as you thought about what she said.
“I’ll work on it-”
“Friends?” She asks you.
It caught you by surprise, but you exchange friendly smiles with her, and with a nod, you responded.  “Friends,” you smile, taking a drink off the platter.
Without realizing it, you and Mindy found yourselves standing in front of the girls, drinks in hand. You joined them and without missing a beat, everyone eagerly grabbed a drink and began to enjoy the moment together. 
After enjoying the laughter, the banter, and the moments that were created with everyone, your social battery started to drain and you were in desperate need of alone time. 
You were craving it.
It was tough, but you managed to sneak away from the lively crowd. You can’t remember, but Yoongi wandered off somewhere, so you didn’t have a reason to stick around anymore. 
Searching for a quiet place, you found a cute and comfortable lounge that wasn’t occupied, so you decided to settle down there to relax a little.
You vibe to the music, scrolling through social media, getting lost in your thoughts. You came across a lot of Instagram posts of people being here this evening.
Shockingly, there were posts from damn near every school except your rival school, Harvard University.
It looks like they haven’t arrived yet.
Harvard University was another school that was populated with nothing, but rich preppy kids who lived off their parent's money. Money was no object to them…
But I guess all the money spent for each semester is worth it, right? It’s a perfect environment, students are provided with the best education, and they’re guaranteed top-notch resources and opportunities. There’s no question that Harvard was a great school… although the people there make it shitty.
If you didn't look, breathe, or smell a certain way you didn’t belong there and your background plays a huge role too. If you weren’t rich, you’re below everyone else and that’s why only particular people were seen there. Popular people, jocks, frats, cheerleaders, football players, and the list goes on. 
•shit like that is ridiculous
Thank god you went to a school that accepted everyone for them.
The point is that Harvard has been your rival school for years and just like your school, Harvard University is in the top 5 states for college sports. And just like your school, Harvard had an excellent sports program. And just like your school, everyone who graduated from that school who was on a sports team became a D-1 athlete.
Both school's sports teams were the best at what they did and every team you and Harvard have stumbled upon was crushed.
The only competition you had was each other.
It was like you were neck to neck with them every single time and you hated it just like you hated to admit that all of their sports teams were elite. 
That includes volleyball…
They’ve won all games and all tournaments, except last year. You remembered everything like yesterday...
Did people not expect them to try to pay for their win? Over winning it the fair way? The looks on them and their coach’s face said it all. They weren’t used to people who could keep up with their abilities.
Long story short, they cheated.
The coach had connections with the ref and that resulted in him announcing it as a tie, even though it was clear that we won.
 It ended up being a tie because they weren’t willing to admit that they were a beatable team.
And the year before that, you weren’t able to compete in the tournament due to the majority of players being seriously injured in the semifinals.  You had no choice but to forfeit.
Having to sit out your first year was such a bummer.
All you had to do was beat Harvard and become the state champions, but instead, you had to witness Harvard hold up the trophy.
The trophy had State Champions engraved on it.
It sucked watching them hold up that trophy. You hated how much you missed out on an opportunity to be crowned the state champions, but it’s fine.
This year you’re coming back even stronger. And this year when the tournament comes around, your team will take what’s rightfully theirs.
That trophy.
You are still seated, relaxing on the sofa until you feel a strange sensation creep up your spine. It was like someone’s presence was looming over you.
With a hint of unease, you take a brief second to look up and when you do you instantly regret it. Your heart skips a beat as your whole body flinches, nearly dropping your phone.
There he was, Jeon Jungkook who was standing in front of you only a foot away just casually staring, hard.
“It’s you…” you sigh while eyeing him down with disgust.
Jungkook stood in front of you with his outfit that commanded attention. He was dressed in a black sleek and stylish suit with white stripes that were tailored to perfection. Your eyes wander over all the intricate details and the fine craftsmanship of the suit. 
It was a designer suit for sure, which makes you wonder how a regular college student could afford a luxury piece like that.
You were familiar with the brand and they’re extremely expensive. A suit like that cost's money… too much money.
Looks like he outdone himself and went all out for this evening. Let’s hope his date does the same.
“… the most annoying human on the planet,” you finish, crossing your legs. “Why are you in my face?”
“Don’t be like that, beasty.” Hearing that stupid nickname gave you the icks. “Don’t pretend that I’m not your favorite.”
•lord, throw the whole boy away!
 “You aren’t.” 
After relentlessly bursting his bubble, you quickly glance at his biceps that were effortlessly bulging through his suit. It looked like his gains were ready to rip through the expensive material.
You ask, “What do you want?” 
“I saw that you were having fun by yourself.” he points out, resting against the wall, drink in hand. “and I couldn’t resist the opportunity to talk to you.”
“For what exactly?” You proceed to question him.
“Well, you do look lonely…” he comments, looking you up and down. “And I don’t see your date accompanying you,” he adds on, staring into your soul as he sips his drink.
•this boy is throwing hella shade 
Hella shade.
Having nothing to say, you remain silent and you let him continue. “So, tell me…” He leans off the wall. “Did you have a date or did you lie to save yourself from embarrassment?”
“For your information, i have a date Jungkook.” You scan the room, attempting to find Yoongi, but he’s out of range, and that makes you nervous.
“Where is he then?” Jungkook follows your eyes, looking behind his shoulder.
“Somewhere,” you claim while nonchalantly shrugging your shoulders. “He’s around here somewhere.” 
“Really?” Jungkook eyebrows shoot up in surprise when you nod your head in response. “Then how about I meet the lucky guy?” He indicates, smirk tugging at his lips.
•say that again for me?
Suddenly, your throat tightens as if you were choking on your own words. 
This was a glass-shattering moment for you…
“Yeah,” you say, clearing your throat. “You can meet him if you really want to.”
“I really do.” Jungkook chuckles, poking his cheek with his tongue. “You come with a lot of luggage and I’m just curious to see who's carrying.”
•where’s Yoongi when I fucking need him?!?
You fix your posture, before looking Jungkook in the eye. “I told you that he’s somewhere around here. No clue where though…”
No matter how truthful your answer was,  Jungkook wasn’t taking it. “Let's find him, then. Come on I’ll help you,” he insists, offering his arm with a smirk. 
You coldly glare between his eyes and arm, letting your expressions do the talking for you. Without another word, you stood up striding past Jungkook leaving him standing like an idiot.
Walking through active huddles of people, you still couldn’t find any signs of Yoongi. Now you’re feeling shit tons of regret, knowing that Jungkook wasn’t going to let this go.
Your mind was so set on finding Yoongi and you didn’t realize that Jungkook was following your footsteps, not letting you out of his sight.
That was up until annoying jungkook grabbed your wrist and his grip prevented you from walking.
When you turn around, he sighs and gives you a look. “Just give it up. I know you’re lying and I get it.” You part your lips to speak, but he keeps going. “I know it’s a struggle finding someone who wants to deal with your ways.” He pulls you closer in mid-setence, “And you lied to me because you were ashamed.”
•lol. He did not just- okay.
“Says that one who can’t keep a stable relationship, even if their life depended on it,” You retorted with sarcasm, snatching your wrist away from Jungkook. “You should be ashamed of that.”
Your words hit a nerve in Jungkook when his jaw clenches before speaking, “And when’s the last time you were even in a relationship?” He retorts back, matching your low blow. 
“I can admit that it’s been a while, but I know poor Alex suffered dealing with you. Who wouldn’t?” 
The rumors that were going around about their breakup were messy. It got messier when people couldn’t resist adding fuel to the fire, putting words in their mouths, switching up the story, or putting the blame on one person.
People twisting the truth and spreading shit tons of gossip, you didn’t know what to believe.
“You have no business speaking on shit you don’t know about, so don’t speak about my relationship.”
“My relationship doesn't have shit to do with you, yet you brought it up!!” You yelled.
Shots were fired back and forth and the bickering continued between the both of you, ignoring the fact that you were standing in the middle of the floor, surrounded by crowds of people. 
You became overwhelmed with the screaming contest between you and Jungkook and your forced confession drowned out the noise of the argument. 
“I lied.” You loudly confess, the weight of your words hung in thin air. Silence wasted no time catching up with the both of you and all you hear is the faint melody of the music in the background.
“I came with my best friend and he was my date,” you admit with air quotes. “And now I can’t find him, but I only lied because it seems like you're always trying to one-up me and I’m so fucking sick of it.”
In that moment, you gave Jungkook a deadpan and he returned a mischievous smirk.
A mischievous smirk slowly spread across Jungkook's face, as if he had anticipated your confession all along.
He did.
Now that the weight wasn’t restraining you, it’s time for the real question. The important one.
Your expression hardened and you sneered, “All this mess about me, what about you? Where's your date?” You take a step closer, revealing how serious you are.
Jungkook reaches into his pocket, without breaking the intense eye contact. “She’s running a little late. I’m going to text her to check her status,” he says briefly, revealing his phone.
“Oh,” he exclaimed, surprised by what he was reading. “Looks like we spoke her up.” Jungkook glances at you flashing you with a sly grin. “She just texted and told me that she’s here.”
Jungkook, without another peep, walks towards the entrance. You don’t give him the chance you leave looking puzzled, so curiosity takes over you and you follow him through crowds of people.
He stops walking and you stop beside him, ready to uncover the mystery. Who is this girl?
You look over at Jungkook who was trying to adjust his tie to perfection.
•so extra for what?
 The door swings open, revealing a flood of blinding sunlight that makes a path like a red carpet. You watched as a group of girls entered the venue all dressed up with their heels. Their faces looked a bit familiar as they got closer, then there was this one individual that stood out, strutting in the room sprinkling her confidence everywhere.
Gaia Watson.
The captain of Harvard University’s volleyball team and she also happens to be another enemy of yours.
And just when you thought things couldn’t get any work, Jungkook calls her over. Hearing her name made your face contort with a mix of anger and displeasure.
•is it possible that she’s- no it’s not..
You were trying your best to conceal your emotions, but your body language betrays your frustration.  
“Wait… is Gaia your date, Jungkook?” You ask hoping it isn't true and if it was… chaos might just happen.
“Yes, she is.” He turns to look at you with a questionable look. “Is that a problem?”
“Why the fuck would I have a problem? That doesn’t have anything to do with me,” you shut down his question, crossing your arms, and bringing your attention back to Gaia. “I was just wondering…” you mumble to yourself.
Your blood started to boil as she approached you and Jungkook.
Surprise, surprise!
To be continued...
@babybella337 @junecat18 @sublimewitchdreamer @Coralmusicblaze @busanbby-jjk @seokjingrande @snkyuv @seulrene
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melloianv2 · 3 months
Have a Good Night Sleep, Dogday AU
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Finally, after an month and an half of month, am finally finished.
Before I start i wanted to take back both things I said in my WIP.
When I said its cartoon world, i actually meant was its mostly take place in the cartoon world. it really an Imagination world, as you'll see what I meant during this post.
What i actually meant about its not a shipping au, its not a shipping au between Dogday and CatNap specifically. well there is no couple pairing of the critters existing, just crushes. but its never important at all (besides it only 2 critters.)
Now there is some things that are related to the bigger bodies however it has nothing to do with bigger bodies dogday nor catnap at all. it just about the cartoon world. So not even worshiping prototype exists here.
and I apologize for any grammar mistake I miss.
Anyway on to the post!
About Have a Good Night Sleep, Dogday or HGNSD AU
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In a nutshell, it basically two children created entire storyline about Dogday trying to find a way for CatNap to turn back to normal. At least what Dogday thinks because if there was a way to strengthen Catnap (dark essence bottle), then there has to be a way to get him back to normal.
The previous storyline before the brother came was just smiling critters just doing normal activities.
Originally the au was post to be slightly similar to 2016 stuff, but I think it not really "2016" like anymore. This series is post be animated on youtube only, but i have no idea if i should since i need motivation and still have to practice my animation skills.
Just note, some characters personalities are the same, but just altered a bit or a lot. Then the other altered completely
Anyway lets start with the characters that no one will cares about first!
Welcome to the Yearwoods Family.
Family Photo Link
It was- I mean is a happy family! The family are Christians. The family consists 2 children and a sphynx cat
All names of the family are: Mr. Yearwood, Mrs. Yearwood, Amber Yearwood and Kevin Yearwood. (the parents are nameless)
the cat name is pinky. (its a girl)
Out of the 4, Amber and Kevin are the important ones.
Amber and Kevin
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Whenever Amber goes to school, she's bullied. She hates it as it ruins her self esteem. But she claims that she's fine and she don't need any help.
Amber and Kevin gets along. Though, Kevin likes teasing and playfully making fun of his sister a lot. Amber usually ignores him or just pretty much says its not funny. Overall, they love each other as siblings.
Every day they play with the smiling critters toys before their mom tells them to go to bed. Amber sleeps with catnap toy or sometimes craftycorn.
Amber and Kevin playstyle is different. Though at the end, they're both obviously equally immature.
Amber's Playstyle:
Amber plays a CatNap, not shocking.... She sometimes play as the other critters (most likely CraftyCorn), but she mainly plays CatNap. And i mean main, she doesn't even let her brother play CatNap for once.
Amber is good with crafting an story, but very very bad at power scaling.
usually when she plays the other critters, they act bit more mature. However when she plays a CatNap, she either being serious or being a joke. there is no in-between.
One of the running gags of the Au is CatNap's powers. He keeps gaining new ability every time. Amber is doing that deliberately so she can win, and counter her brother every time. However when her brother starts winning, she gets annoyed and slightly mad when she starting to lose. But its the entire fact she wants CatNap to win entirely. by going as far as weakening the other critters.
She also pull the "nuh uh" or miss despite the attack was obviously undodgeable.
Kevin's Playstyle:
Whatever Kevin plays the critters, its more jokes and being unserious. sometimes he be serious but then its ruined with an joke. He mainly plays Dogday but he do play other critters. He gave Dogday powers because he thinks its more fair to have everyone with powers. Despite Kevin joking a lot, his powers are usually kind of balanced (expect for the fact Dogday is kind of op not as op as Catnap.) Dogday gains powers too but only if he learns something. The brother often wins.
Kevin likes overdramatizing fights, dark scenes and using powers, mostly because he watch too much action tv shows.
Now that's done, let get to the real AU.
Welcome to Sunnyville!
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(i literally had to compressed the file omfg, this stupid image lags so hard everytime i open it..)
Here's a better close up version
Sunnyville is the brightest and cheerful town around! This is the main location where the Smiling Critters resides in. The positivity and good vibes came from Smiling Critters themselves.
There's more than one groups as the known ones are Smiling critters, Nega Bratzz, The Quacking Sisters, and The Ordinarys
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The town is mostly nice however there are bullies (Nega Bratzz and The Quaking Sisters), but it doesn't quite override the sheer amount of positivity. Smiling Critters has a reputation in this town, often for their upbeat attitude. Outside of the critters group, Dogday is well liked by adults, awhile children thinks KickinChicken is cool. Not all though fine with their upbeat attitude, especially Nega Bratzz.
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The houses are altered but Every single Night, Catnap's house changes.
Well not the exterior, But just the interior does.
The interior becomes an nearly endless mansion with whole bunch of halllways and rooms. turning back around doesn't get no better. Once enter his house, the doors are shut tight enough for no one to escape.
The inside of Catnap's house is described as an dream world or illusion world. Once entered here and manage to end up falling asleep or become unconscious, it would be treated as if the critters was dreaming the entire time. That's because when the sunrises, the interior turns back to normal. Any injury is also gone.
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The "illusion house" is quite dangerous, due to it being unpredictable unknown danger. Some rooms are safe, awhile others are not. Some could be neutral awhile other could be a trap. The critters will never know.
Aside from catnap's house, DogDay's house been redesigned in this au too.
Smiling Critters Section
Enough explaining everything else but the critters!
The story mostly revolves around Dogday and CatNap. KickinChicken is an major character. The other critters are very important too, but not as much.
Once wholesome positive team, is now a distressed team. Smiling Critters has to work together to solve this mystery of Catnap and the happenings that are caused by him. Awhile they try to solve Catnap awhile balancing their routines.
At day, Smiling critters just do their normal routine, get ready, eat, play, eat... But as soon as its Night, that's the where the real kicker is. Majority of the events that happens in this AU, takes place at night. At the moment, no one but outside of Smiling Critters area knows what's going on with Catnap.
They try to gather clues and research CatNap to get understanding on what their facing.
The Critters acts like their description.......somewhat. its altered a bit.
About the Other form i mentioned on the about, what was the so called form am I talking about? Well its called Enhanced Form. Enhanced forms are magical forms that gives a smiling critter powers. In order for an Smiling Critter to be enhanced, Dogday must enhance them, as he the only one who is able to do it.
Enhanced forms are strong, at least strong enough to fight the CatNap.
In order for an Critter to transform into Enhanced form, Dogday must use his powers to enchant the pendant (on the necklace). Then, the critter can either grabs the pendant tightly or smack it, causing them to transform into enhanced form.
Dogday can change at will, but he does not have enhanced form, but rather just a stronger form. Though, Dogday don't even need to transform, he can still use half of his abilities without it.
When a critter transforms, their pendant changes too.
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An Critter can de-transform by either de-transforming willingly or when they become unconscious.
I will now talk about the Smiling critters separately.
Dogday the Guardian of the Sun:
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Makes sense to start with the titular character of this AU.
Dogday is the main character of HGNSD.
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Dogday is an early bird, he tends to wake up everyone to get the day started. Excluding CatNap, He's the last critter to go to sleep.
full content (but also not) of how Dogday gained his powers: Dogday was slammed multiple times by Catnap (due to the fact he rebelled, fight back and took the risk of letting himself be the one getting the punches instead of his friends), before tossing him to a deep pit. The pit had spikes at the very bottom. Despite Dogday was clearly about to die, he still had some hope and determination left...causing gain powers and fly upwards in result.
Dogday is more powerful than any other critters. He can even sometimes surpass Catnap's powers. Dogday's powers deals with the sun aka light. Dogday's powers are 2x stronger at day but at night, its normal strength of the power.
The AU name is post to be ironic (really just an bullying title since dogday cannot even go to sleep properly because of CatNap) but at the same time, its foreshadowing something.
Dogday is traumatized, but he doesn't show it.
He was horrified at the state of Catnap tall self. But after dealing with him for so long, he's desensitized to it. doesn't means that's a good thing though.
Dogday gets insulted a lot, he gets upset a little but it doesn't really effect him completely. The only thing that effects him is the fact his best friend is even like this at all.
Other Critters
Now the main character is out of the way, let's talk about the other critters (expect for Catnap). They will be ordered from most important to the least important.
KickinChicken the Guardian of the Stars:
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(i added the bottom beak on purpose)
Let's start with kickin'
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
KickinChicken is most likely the one who defends his friends from bullying.
KickinChicken powers deal with stars and light. He is almost as strong as DogDay.
He often sacrifice himself in order for his friends to escape to find safety. If Dogday is almost there to being killed, he jumps in to prevent it. Because of his sacrifices....he almost had access to change into form at will permanently.
He was able to change into his enhanced form twice without Dogday's assistance. But it happened in two different circumstances. not to mention sudden change, but it was in a necessary moment.
KickinChicken and Dogday works together sometimes.
No matter how much an critter insults KickinChicken, it doesn't bother him. In fact, he will twist the insult into a positive one.
He considers Hoppy Hopscotch his best friend. They both have an friendly rivalry when comes to any game. They get a bit too competitive....almost destructive sometimes. They always doing the "am better than you" attitude. If one of them lost, they take the lost but still cocky.
KickinChicken usually compliments himself and looks at the mirror in his bathroom.
Kickinchicken secretly can sing. He didn't tell anyone because he wanted it to be personal for him only. Until catnap exists and ruins everything. There's concept designs of kickinchicken in his singer outfit design, but i hadn't finalized it.
CRAFTYCORN the Guardian of Colors:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
More info about her own magic: she has an specific book to learn her own abilities. She tries to learn her own magic, but it pretty much hard for her too. She struggles to use her magic, when it successful, its usually something small. In her enhanced form, she able to use her magic like she trained for years.
Sometimes Craftycorn's magic is successful either under concentration or distress. And sometimes it fails. She also the only critter who can create her own form without Dogday's help. Though it isn't an enhanced form, but rather a different form.
Craftycorn one day wants her art be display in a muesum
In her enhanced form, she has the powers of creation, unicorn magic and color. Making her quite strong. She only has on specific healing ability called Revival. she can only use this on one critter awhile focusing, and if she gets distracted, the progress will fail.
Craftycorn sometimes ends up finding out some stuff before anyone else.
Craftycorn one time was able to beat Catnap without help.
Craftycorn has a crush on Dogday, she didn't at first though. She was saved by Dogday, causing her to gain a crush on him since then (omg its almost like proto-). She been drawing a lot of pictures of him closed doors.
Sometimes she plays chess with Bubba Bubbaphant. She loses mostly.
Bubba Bubbaphant the Guardian of Intelligence:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Bubba Bubbaphant has the power of vision, intelligence and detection. He is able to rewind to able to see an vision from the past. Since he most likely using his powers for investigating, making clues and ideas for any sign for an cure.
When bubba bubbaphant is targeted, he sometimes gets it the worst than Dogday, simply because "he's smart". For example, everyone else will get tied up in one way, but bubba bubbaphant will have 15 different ways of being tied and caged to make sure he doesn't try to strategize to escape at all.
Bubbe Bubbaphant pacifism caused injuries. He never try to switch sides, he's still standing his ways.
When Dogday first gain his powers, He went to Bubba Bubbphant to figure things out. Though Bubba Bubbaphant obviously could not answer how to deal with his powers. So instead he tries to study both Dogday's and Catnap's powers.
Bubba Bubbphant had try to to keep up with Catnap's powers, but he clearly wants to give up at this point because its way too much. Its stressing him out
Hoppy Hopscotch the Guardian of Energy:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Hoppy Hopscotch powers are lighting, super speed, super jump and energy. She can charge herself by simply running.
Hoppy and KickinChicken are friendly rivals mostly competitive in games. Though Hoppy is usually the one ends up making it more destructive then it originally is. She usually try to win, by doing things faster. She also view kickinchicken as her best friend.
Extension of the trained fighter: When using her fighting skills, she usual attacks fast. Awhile Hoppy was teaching Dogday, she accidentally gives him bruises in the beginning...
She can be just as cocky as kickinchicken sometimes without using the better than you phrase.
When she is being insulted, she usually insult back.
Even when its fighting with Catnap, she still wants an challenge.
Here an example of one of her sports form
Bobby Bearhug the Guardian of Love:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Bobby Bearhug have the powers of healing, enchantment and love. She is able to heal multiple critters at once or strengthen them. Her attacking ability is life drain. She discover this by accident.
Due to Bobby Bearhug's pacifism, she gets injured too but not as bad as Bubba Bubbaphant.
She's has been bullied a lot, despite it all she still wants to show love. She don't really judge anyone, despite people judge her.
She does care about Dogday's situation, at the same time she just feel sympathy for Catnap.
Bobby Bearhug can cook, she mostly bakes though. Her food is delicious.
PickyPiggy the Guardian of Food:
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
PickPiggy have the power of food and mixing. That's it. She's considered the weakest critter out of all the powers. At least she can create certain foods that isn't possible.
She is not a cooker at all, despite having cooking related powers. Instead, she just be the first one at the table when the food ready. Getting large portions of foods....no wonder there's no leftovers in the fridge. (no she doesn't eat the ENTIRE cooked meal, she does let her friends get a plate too.)
Now....Catnap.. well now you saw how everyone views catnap or at least treat him. Its only right to finally show him now, yes?
He needs his own separate section.
Catnap is the main antagonist of the story.
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Other things that I didn't add due to space?:
Truly everyone is guessing what happened to Catnap, cause no one has no clue.
Catnap powers are either the most strongest or the most weakest... I cannot pick, blame the kids. Catnap has so many powers, even god give up. His powers are the negative versions of dark, psychic, moon, and dreams. He also can send more smokes in his nightmare form, which is from his spores that's on his back. The advantage he has over everyone, his powers at night are 10x stronger....so he can take down all the critters. However the massive downgrade, at daytime, all of his powers goes bye bye, he cannot even turn forms either. He stuck back to just Catnap. Only power he can use is transporting from dark areas. So when the sunrises, he slowly turns back to normal size.
Lunar/Third Quarter Form is usually what he changes into the most, its a mix between the regular form and Nightmare's powers but not having all of its powers. This form is somewhat comic relief. This is where most the jokes be, in this form.
Nightmare form is the most strongest, as he usually do not talk in form. He either wants to put fear or he was extremely angry to change into this form.
Out of all the critters, he believes bobby bearhug is the most insane, ironic.
Catnap at first hated the boot like socks in Lunar form, but ends up being fine with it because it was comfortable.
Unlike the canon og Catnap, catnap committing evil is a complete mystery...or the fact the kids never planned one. who knows.
He has the able to put critters inside a cocoon-like substance, to make them live inside their own nightmare. The victim actually has to find the way to break out of it..somehow
He got the name Boogeyman due to teleporting underneath hoppy's bed and kidnapping her.
Catnap likes pretending to be an magician.
Past Catnap usually likes being around areas that was calm and peaceful. any interruption would startle him.
Past Catnap used go to Bobby to talk about private stuff. Not things that between Dogday and Him though.
He's the only critter in the smiling critters group to not have an enhanced form
Catnap can change his eyes at will. but nightmare form he cannot.
He owns the Lair, which the lair only appears at night. its no where to be seen at day. He got an lair later in the story because he wanted to craft his plans far away from the smiling critters sometimes.
Now for last one its relationship between Dogday and Catnap (also my last picture i can even post i reach my limit :()
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Other things that I didn't add due to space:
Catnap equally insults Dogday, calling Dogday "DogStupid" because he believes that Dogday is actually stupid. Catnap actually insulted Dogday first.
Rarely, Catnap doesn't attack Dogday on certain days, as he sometimes target someone else.
Every since Dogday gained powers, Catnap been obsessed with trying to gain his powers. Mostly because he wants to torture him so that Dogday wouldn't be able to defend himself or enhance anyone no more.
End !! now for the extras and Concepts! sorry no images.
Originally there was going be humans in the cartoon world. Because how care bears and the old MLP had humans. There was 2 humans that was along with the Smiling Critters, Oliver and Maxwell. Oilver would have blond hair pigtails and pink overalls and Maxwell had brown hair. Oliver was the confident feminine girl awhile Maxwell was a curious boy. She and Maxwell would've helped the smiling critters. Oliver would've try to fight Catnap but Catnap wouldn't even attack her, but rather put her somewhere safe.
In continuation of the humans concept, there was going be a castle way up in the sky, as the only way to access it is through a magic beanstalk. The castle had a princess named princess balloobow. She is a human with powers. She would've attempted to cure Catnap's evil but it would failed. She also would've been the one who taught Dogday on how to use his powers properly.
lastly of the human concept, in some epsiodes, The smiling critters would've travel all over the world to find the cure. having an adventure and meeting new people or critters. Catnap still would've been a villain during those adventures. They would've have got clues about the cure, the origins of Dogday's abilities, an hint about what happen to Catnap and the mystery of the current Catnap. However during those travels, Catnap would've slowly become stronger...due to collecting stuff. Dogday would've also become stronger, from looking at the ancient stuff. Sometimes in their travel, they would help people or other critters.
Catnap would've an fourth form called Disenchant form, being the opposite of enhanced form.
The original name of this au was called Nighttime with Catnap. it was also called Smiling Critters and Shenanigans.
Dogday and Current Catnap was originally considered frenemies.
Origin of this AU
This start off as an one-off joke where Dogday staying up all night playing videogames with Kickinchicken. Dogday was trying to keep himself awake until he fall asleep. As soon he woke up he was chained up on his own bed, just to find Catnap smiling at him. Catnap says he's about to punish him because he surpass his healthy sleeping schedule and decides to punish him by forcing him to watch Megamind 2. Dogday beg for mercy but Catnap turns it on, causing Dogday try to struggle to escape and scream.
Pickypig is the only character to even question why don't they just attack Catnap at daytime because he's basically weak. (the reason is because the smiling critters do not want to cause commotion and attract large attention from the people in the town)
Possessed Dogday exists in this au, but ill talk about it on another post. Just so you know, He did not get his body controlled in the same way the bigger bodies Dogday was.
Amber first ever toy was the poppy playtime doll. every single smiling critters came out, she abandoned her, but she still in her room.
End of the actual post ! ! this took too long, and i might forget to add certain details as usual. anyway i hope you enjoy the post, see ya
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Sorry for any mistakes !! 💺 anon
1) One more yoga idea!! You're doing your usual exercises when all of the sudden you feel his hands on you. "Let me help you with that, love." And he helps us stretch more (after all, he is good at stretching us, if you get what I mean)
2) If my man was so riled up just from us showing a little bit of thighs, how would he react if we send him a photo of us in lingerie??
3) His clothes are our clothes too, so we just borrow anything. His sweatpants (he def makes a comment about we're cleaning the floor with them since they're too long), shirts, dress shirts, jackets, even his socks and tie??
4) Speaking of clothes, Tan with a sophisticatedly dressed wife? Dressing up in nice suits while on missions? Helps you take off your blazer once home because he feels
5) OK JUST IMAGINE FOR A SECOND THAT HE SHAVED (for whatever reason idk), and now he looks like a baby and we tease him
6) Putting on lipstick and telling him to come closer so we can blot the excess off, so he brings us some tissues but we just start kissing him, leaving lipstick all over his face 🫠
7) (just added this one last min) about tan being a flirt, I feel like he makes some comments and lem has to shut him up because he doesn't wanna hear all that
8) This random thought that I had : "Can we watch The Intern?" "Are you serious, again?" "Can you be a fucking man and watch The Intern with me?" The wife privilege is real
9) So we talked about reader getting injured, now I'm making it about him. He survives the events from the movie and we're also left traumatized since we saw him almost die and every now and then we stare at his scar and try to not think back to that day :( and we're trying to hide our tears from him :(
10) He has that 'I don't want a cat but when I will get a cat I will treat it as if it's my child' vibe and I love him for it !!
Assassin!reader 1) AAHH imagine we have the same coat they are wearing at the beginning of the movie so we all match?? (in our size ofc)
2) And also, what would you say our codename is? It's obvs a fruit so we match with them but which one are you thinking?
3) Reader being even more of a menace over text?? They start to get worried because we aren't responding to their texts or calls and when we do, we send them something like "Sorry guys, just got hit by a car" or "SORRY the train I am in is on fire" (TRUE STORY BTW)
4) RANDOM 2AM THOUGHT!! We're on a mission and we run into another assassin who's also married (like the wolf except his wife is alive oops) and after a little bit of fighting, we just end up gushing about our lovers !!
5) So in the book, they had to go to Morioka, not Kyoto. So that sparked a scenerio in my head. After tan hangs up (it's the phone call before they meet with the yakuza, that scene) : we say "We're stopping at Morioka though, not Kyoto." "No it's Kyoto, love" "No, the destination says Morioka." We show them the details we were told, and we all start to realize there's something wrong. (Ignore the fact that we didn't tell them 😘😘)
+ more lem because we're platonic soulmates 1) I mentioned this a long time ago but imagine a convo of us trying to argue with him about how we're actually a diesel. "Think about it, you said they bluff, they're liars and the worst. That girl back in Japan fooled all of us with her act. I do the same when we're on missions and need intel!" And he's just shaking his head and crossing his arms. "Are you hearin' her right now?"
2) Sorry I'm touching on this topic again but what kind of music does lem listen to? I'd say probably ones that hype you up so much that if he were to sing you would hear it from a meter away from his car, with his windows up.
3) We get a notification from them, saying they finished the mission and will be home in 3 hours, so we send on the group chat a photo of the food we prepared and he is so pissed!! "COME ON IT'S THREE HOURS. You can't do this to me"
4) Another sms one sorry!! I hc he uses emojis randomly "Why is this man arguing with me about how many people we killed? 😻😻" (Us) "Where's my gossip buddy??" "REPORTING FOR DUTY 🤾🏿‍♂️🤾🏿‍♂️🤾🏿‍♂️🤾🏿‍♂️" "The fact that you don't understand what I'm trying to say is making me cry" "You don't know what you're talking about do you?" "NO 🗣️🔥💯😼" "BRO THE GRIP HE HAS ON THAT PHONE WHAT DID YOU EVEN SEND HIM ⁉️ Him fr: 🧍‍♂️>🧎‍♂️>🐶" "ALSO NO DON'T TELL ME WHAT YOU TWO ARE TEXTING 🤺🤺" "Wasn't planning to 😱" STOP HE DEF MAKES STORIES USING EMOJIS WHEN HE'S BORED!!
ALSO THE SMS?? ! NOT LEM PICKING 17 WHEN WE ASK HIM 😭 Also requets might get open?? AS ALWAYS NO RUSH LOVE but I just wanted to ask if you will be accepting smut?
JUST SAW THE OTHER ONES WITH TAN OML. The photo with the bathtub, we're so evil imagine we leave him on read after that 😭😭😭 I FEEL LIKE I DON'T SAY THIS ENOUGH BUT THANK YOU SM FOR EVERYTHING YOU DO ILYSM 💗💗
apologies for any in mine, I do these on my phone 😭😭
1- AAAAHH YES!!! hands on waist standing behind ‘helping’ you (I do see what you did there and im liking it)
2- if he got it in public I feel like he’d do a really long exhale, a deep kinda sigh and palm over the bottom half of his face. maybe rake through he hair (we got him all frustrated and flustered tehe)
3- that’s a given. we share clothes, ie we take his. also imagine imagine ??? he wears our dressing gowns in the morning ??? and he’s just making a tea and having a fag out the back door and he’s wearing a floral stain dressing gown (I uhm think that’s very hot) also also he wears plaid pj bottoms bc I say so and we always wear them
4- like a mafia/ mob wife ???? im seeing the vision and again im loving it
5- AAAAAHH stuff like that freaks me out. he would feel like a stranger in your house and he’d look so naked without it😭😭😭😭
6- ARFGGHH OMG THATS ACTUALLY SO CUTE ??! pink or red or brown smooches all over his face 🫠
7- yes yes yes !!! lem loves relationship gossip as much as the next, but some things he just doesn’t want to hear. I feel like lem has no filter sometimes so if he says he doesn’t wanna hear it you know it’s bad😭
8- “can you be a fucking man and watch the intern with me”😭😭😭😭 I think he enjoys your movies a lot more than he lets on. and happy wife, happy life 😌
9- he has the scar from it??????🥲☹️ he def notices the way you look at it and he reaches out for your hand, giving it a squeeze bc he knows how sad it makes you
10- I love men that love cats😩 he is one to say he doesn’t want one but loves it the most out of everyone
assassin reader
1- stop it!!! that’s so cute 🫠 so coordinated I love it
2- back when I first started writing tan I thought I was being original when I named reader cherry, turns out lots of other writers used cherry😭😭😭😭😭 I thought it was unique only to see that it wasn’t. imagine if you were from new zealand and your code name was kiwi, little bit on the nose but that would be pretty cool ngl (just thought of that so had to say lol) but I really haven’t given it much thought since that debacle
3- 😭😭😭 yes!! like one disappears and updates with the craziest things “thought I bruised my rib, turns out its puncturing my lung🤪 back in a few hours”
and wait you were on a train that was on fire????
4- awwww :(( be like “one sec my man is texting me” “yeah no problem, mine is too” “want to have a timeout— he gets funny when I don’t answer checkpoint calls” “mine does too. he calls me every 30 minutes to make sure im okay and where I need to be” 😭😭😭 and then just chat and gossip
5- damn I really should read the book
platonic lemon
1- 😭😭 love it!!!
2- yesss !!!! idk why but I cannot think of any??? but his taste is very different to tans, that I can guarantee. also lem is an avid music listener, he knows what’s popular and what’s in the charts
3- 😭😭😭 he gets hangry (it’s okay me too)
4- never be sorry!! omg yes that works so well for him and makes so much sense !!! I enjoyed reading those texts way too much😭😭 and the “him fr:” pissing
he’s just too impatient lmfao, didn’t even get a chance to tell him what it’s for
im gonna give you the 411… im opening then in an hour just before I go bed, shush don’t tell anyone, it’s a secret. and ofc to the smut, always always yes to the smut 😭
hehehe yesss!! it’s not our fault we misunderstood him (we didn’t, we just like to tease) he’d spam with texts until you reply
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mess-with-legs · 10 days
Cupid Loves You - Prologue?
So before you get into the story I just wanna say a couple thingsss... This is an oc x Y/N kind of story, and it's my first time posting anything like this + english isnt my first language so I'm really sorry if I make any mistake with the grammar or spelling or just the writting in general! This is a story I'm writting purely out of fun and I don't expect any big attention or anything? So I probably won't post about it very often since my account is more directed to art content. This story is very inspired by the character of cupid from monster high / ever after high, and the whole pink girly femmenine aesthetic. And to finish, this is a WLW story, so it is implied that the character Y/N in the story is a girl. Feel free to ask any questions, I always love to answer them, and enjoy!
After a long and boring day of class, you were happy to finally return to your dorm. You were fixing your hair up in a ponytail, checking that you didn't forget anything, and taking out the keys to your dorm. You were a bit nervous too, how could you not? The first day of school was done, you didn't exactly made any friends, and you had no idea who you roomate for this school year would be. That's when you opened the door and saw her. "Cupid?"
You asked confused. When you first saw her in class the first thing you noticed was her beautiful blonde hair with pink streaks. She had a pale skin and light blue eyes. Between her eyes however, she had what she called a birthmark, but it was a perfectly shaped light pink heart. To you it was obvious that it had to be make up, birth marks as far as you know, aren't so geometric and perfect. As the day went by, everyone introduced themselves, and when you heard her talk you realized she wasn't just any student. She was the smartest, pretties, most athletic student in class, probably in the whole school! Her name was Cupid Jr…Kind of a weird name. She had just moved from Greeze. She became popular almost inmidiatly, with people surrounding her to just have a second of her attention, but she seemed to ignore everybody.
That same day between classes, you bumped into her, probably shouldn't walk while checking your phone. "Sorry! My bad" Great, first day and I already have beef with the Regina George of the class. However, she didn't look upset, she looked at you up and down before speaking. "Are you ok? Did it hurt?" You were a bit surprised by this. You didn't know her very well, but the few times you saw her talking with others she didn't sound caring or kind, she acted like she was simply way too good for anybody around her. So, why was she acting like this? "Yes… I'm alright, thank you-" She leaned closer to you and fixed your hair with a cold expression on her face. Her touch was soft and careful, almost as if you were a delicate porcelain doll, and she didn't want to break you. "You're in my class right? What was your name?" She asked. "I'm Y/N" You answered. You would swear you heard her mumbling something, but you couldn't tell what she said. You excused yourself and walked away, trying not to think about that situation.
That takes us to the present moment. Why is she in your room? Surely she isn't your roommate, right? "I am your roommate now." Yep, she was your roommate. The room wasn't very spacious. It counted with 2 beds, 2 closets, 2desks to study, a bathroom, and a mini kitchen that was just good enough to cook basic things. It wasn't very big but you were thankful for what you had. You noticed how she had already decorated her side of the room. The left side was decorated with all sorts of cute stuff, from plushies, to paper hearts adorning the walls, pink bows…well, almost everything was in pink and white. It almost looked like a doll's room. She stood up from her seat and walked until she was in front of you, she was taller than you and you had to look up to meet her sight. "Since we're gonna be living in the same dorm, it would be beneficial for the both of us to get along. Would you like to formally be my friend?" She spoke almost as if she was making a contract, like some sort of formal social agreement. She even extended her hand, clearly hoping for you to shake it. There was a big contrast between her cute and pink looks and her cold way of speaking. "Uhm…Yes! Of course!" And so you gave her your hand. Despite the weird situation that was going on at that moment, you realized how lucky you were! You had just become friends with the Heather of the school! Did that make you also a Heather? You hope it doesn't since you're not really very much into fashion and all that stuff. "Excellent." She spoke, and for a mere second you could see her expression softened. She had her eyes on yours. Almost as she couldn't take them away.
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sleepy-moron · 1 year
Super messy kingdom hearts feelings
Riku is genuinely one of my favorite characters in any piece of media full stop, and it’s really hard for most people to understand why I love him so much. To a lot of people who only really played kh 1 and 2, Riku is just a kind of generic rival character, and for a lot of fans of the whole series he’s one of the best characters in the franchise but nothing particularly special in the grand scheme of all media ever.
I think understanding that Riku is deeply in love with Sora is essential to understanding what makes Riku such a wonderful character. There is so much more to him as a character, but his primary motivation has always been deeply intertwined with his love for Sora, and that’s not something you can ignore.
Riku speaks to a very specific experience that most people probably have not had, but if you do relate to it he becomes so special and important. So I’ve got to get a bit personal here to properly articulate what I mean.
When I was younger, I was best friends with one of my neighbors. We had been friends for years and spent a lot of time with each other. Then, a new kid our age moved into the neighborhood, and my best friend was suddenly spending all their time with another person. I had a lot of very strong feelings about this, to the point I would feel physically sick from it all. I didn’t understand what I was feeling or why I felt it so strongly, I just knew it hurt and I hated it.
What I didn’t realize at the time was that I am very much not straight and had a massive crush on my best friend when all this was happening. I was jealous, sad, angry, guilty, and legitimately disgusted with myself and my friend. Our friendship was never really the same after that. On top of all this I was also dealing with undiagnosed mental illness as a kid, so I was basically just an emotional wreck pretending everything was normal for a few years.
I also watched my dad and brother play a lot of kingdom hearts as a young kid. I didn’t really understand the games but I was entranced by them despite this. Flash forward quite a few years to right before kh3 came out, and I decided to start watching people play through all the games so I could actually understand what the story was. I had by this point mostly finished having a sexuality crisis and was starting to deal with the unaddressed feelings I still kept locked up.
And then I got to see Riku in all his messy emotional gay coded glory, and it just resonated with me in a way I didn’t know I wanted or needed. Watching this kid feel all these messy and ugly things that he couldn’t really understand and lashing out because of it, to get to see him atone for his mistakes and begin the long journey to not only forgive himself but also accept himself and all the things he felt, it was just so emotionally significant for me. I had never really thought about what it would be like to see this part of my life reflected by a character, but once I had it I was just overwhelmed with how strongly I connected to the Mickey Mouse anime games.
I finally had the time to watch the 6 hour Riku is gay and why it matters video the other day, and it emotionally destroyed me all over again. I don’t think I’ll ever really stop being emotional about Riku, sometimes you just consume a piece of media at the right time and it just stays with you forever. That’s really why he’s so special to me, I happened to get to fully see his character at the right time for him to be so important to me in a way very few characters are.
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abrcmswrld · 1 year
Jay | Okja x Reader
Word Count: 5,358
Warnings: smut (18+ only MDNI), mentions of animal abuse, violence, slight angst just cause pining ya know
Summary: Reader makes a mistake on a mission, prompting a series of events that would only bring them and Jay closer.
Authors Note: I love Jay with everything in my being, so I had to finish this. It has sat half finished in my drafts since April of 2022. I am delighted to have finished it FINALLY. I hope you enjoy!
Ao3 Link
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"You could've been killed!" He is pacing the room, eyes never meeting yours. You've never seen him in this manner, panicked and uneasy. Jay was always the mellow one, the one who kept it together even when punishing members for their ignorance, and yet he has dragged you into the privacy of his bedroom to lecture you frantically.
"Jay, I am fine! Nobody else was hurt and bruises heal." Nervous giggles are slipping out between words. You're torn between the anxiety that comes with his erratic behavior and the urge to laugh in his face at the attitude he is giving you over a matter that otherwise seems minor in comparison to what could have happened. He stops his pacing and sets a fiery gaze onto you. It causes you to stumble over your words for a moment, but quickly fills you with anger at the fact that he was treating you like a helpless child.
"I am not your child. You're being ridiculous!"
"You failed to follow the mission that was planned for you and you got hurt. Your blatant defiance could've gotten yourself or others killed." You can tell he is trying to keep his usual composure and by the book language, but the nerves and anger are slipping through the cracks in his tone.
You scoff. "Jay, I knew what I was signing up for when I joined the group. Things won't always go according to plan."
"You're supposed to follow the mission exactly how we planned that way things are within our control and nobody gets hurt! What don't you understand about that? I mean you do you think that your teammates signed up to get killed because you didn't think the plan was enough? If something more would've happened that would've been on you!" He's red in the face, but you see the pang of regret that washes over his face as the words leave his mouth. His gaze falls to the floor, dark strands of hair falling into his face. He shuts his eyes and sighs. Your heart falls to your stomach.
"You know what, I don't have to sit here and listen to you lecture me. If you want me gone then just tell me that. Dismiss Me. I don't care, Jay."
You nudge his shoulder as you push past him, only to be caught by his hand grabbing your wrist. The flames of anger begin to rise more and you instinctively jerk out of his grip, meeting his eyes once more. They have softened from their harsh gaze moments before. He's turned around and stepped closer to you, practically towering over you. "I don't want you to leave. I'm sorry." He sighs.
"I just care about your safety."
You swallow hard, taking in his words. Vulnerable. For once an encounter with Jay felt vulnerable, and the feeling is addicting. The tension in the room is so tight it feels like it could snap at any moment. You're not sure if its an awkward tension that naturally arises after a typical fight or if it has something to do with the feeling of electricity in your chest that you're trying so damn hard to ignore. His hand lightly lands on the side of your arm, and- fuck- the electricity is starting to burn. Your eyes travel over his face, but quickly move back to his eyes.
"I appreciate that."
You pull away from his grasp and close the door behind you as you walk out.
It had been a tense few days to say the least. Struck by one of those missions that took time, aching long days, for updates. The group scrambled to find distractions from the stress and worry. Red had suggested nightly games of cards to try to take off some of the edge that came with the jobs.
So it became a routine for the coming days. The group would gather around a small table in a cramped living room of the Airbnb that Jay had arranged for everyone to stay in. Jay would join the game for about ten minutes each night, trying to be the strong and relaxed leader for his crew. Yet, each night he would quickly slip away into his room after the first couple of rounds. Tonight he had left the table early on stating that he was tired. You watched as he made his way to his bedroom and shut the door behind him.
Tired. Everyone is tired. You cleared your throat before standing. "Alright guys, I think I'm gonna run to the restroom. Start the next round without me." You walked to the end of the hallway where Jay's door and the bathroom door faced each other. You could see that his door was not fully shut, only cracked, and light still shined through the cracks.
You stepped towards his door, laying a single hand on the knob before hesitating. Maybe you shouldn't.
Was he still mad at you? Would he be even more mad if you had entered his space uninvited? Why did you even feel the urge to enter anyway?
Fuck it. The most he could do was lecture you as he had a few days prior. Or dismiss you from the group. You'd take your chances. Despite your hesitation you push the door open only enough to peek inside. He's facing away from the doorway sitting at a desk. You choose to knock on the doorframe, alerting him of your presence. He quickly turns his chair to see who was there before waving for you to enter.
"Hey." You're stood awkwardly, waiting for a reply from him. He closes the laptop he had been focused on before you entered. "Hi. Do you need something?" You shift your weight from one foot to the other. "No. I just- Uh, you just said you were tired, but you're not in bed." You internally scold yourself for stumbling on your words so terribly. He cocks his head in confusion.
"I know it's been a rough week. I guess I shouldn't really question why you're not in bed. It's been pretty hard for me to sleep too." You're not lying. You'd laid in bed every night wishing, praying to a god you weren't even sure you believed in, that you could just get a night of good sleep. Your prayers hadn't been answered. He simply nods. Suddenly the air is thick and uncomfortable. It seems like he is just waiting for you to leave. Maybe you should. Why haven't you?
"Are you still pissed at me?"
He sighs and stands from his chair. "No." Then he's closing the distance between the two of you. Your heart is racing. But he simply reaches behind you. "Do you mind if I-" You realize he is trying to shut the door that you had left ajar. "Oh! Yeah. Sorry." Your face is burning. There's no doubt he can see the way the blood has rushed to your face. You shift to the side slightly, allowing him access to the door. "I just don't like for the others to hear these sorts of conversations if I can help it." You shyly nod. He gives a small smile and you feel the way the gesture makes your body feel loosened.
"I'm sorry for the way that I acted a couple of days ago. I shouldn't have let myself get that worked up. It's my responsibility as a leader to keep it together for you guys and I failed that night." It feels good to hear the apology from him. Sure your feelings were hurt. Hurt in the same way it hurts for a parental figure to point out that they are disappointed, not mad. But deep down you knew he meant well, and it felt wrong to leave him to be the only one apologizing. "I'm sorry too. It's also your job as a leader to hold us accountable, so I understand. I didn't mean to act stupid." He smiles. "I suppose there's no way of taking it back for either of us now, so lets call it even." It makes you chuckle. "Thanks."
An awkward silence fills the room before you speak up. "How are you holding up? I mean- It's just been pretty rough for everyone I guess." He places a hand on your shoulder. "I am holding up, and I don't want you up worrying about me. You should get some rest, or at least attempt to have a good time with the others out there." You shook your head. "Cards aren't really my thing. And sleeping hasn't been that great lately either." You meet his slightly concerned gaze. "Talking to you kind of sounds like the best option for me here." You chuckle and shake your head, immediately embarrassed at the words that had just come out of your mouth. Why did you just say that? It must be obvious as he tips your head back up to face him with two fingers under your chin. "It's okay. We can talk." Damn it. That spark in your chest is back.
He is leaning over you so close. Though the fingers have left their place under your chin, you feel your skin burn where they once were. You can smell his cologne so strongly when you're this close. You never really noticed before, then again you kept your distance on purpose. He's your superior. You probably shouldn't be doing this. You can't help but embrace him.
Your face is pressed into his chest. His arms hesitate for a moment before finding their place on your back. The feeling you get is so bittersweet. You've never properly hugged Jay, and you doubt any of the others had either. He's naturally reserved person. In this moment you want nothing more than to peel back his layers. To know what he thinks when he's alone with his thoughts. To know what he thinks when he's alone with you.
You pull away from his embrace, but keep your body pressed close to his. You meet his gaze. He staring down at you, quiet. Neither of you say a word. Your hands have found their way to the back of his neck, twiddling the hairs that curl onto it. Your lips are so close. You can feel his breath on your face. Every part of your brain is yelling at you to stop the interaction. Jay would for sure call it inappropriate. But you found yourself listening to the burning in your heart and stomach as you close the gap between your lips.
It's chaste. You pull back slowly looking at his expression to gage what should happen next. His eyes are half lidded and his mouth sits slightly agape. You feel a sort of fear settle in the pit of your stomach as he does and says nothing. Had you crossed a line that never should've been crossed? But you're swiftly pulled out of the fog of worry by his lips meeting yours once again. He's pressing you closer with a hand on the middle of your back.
You feel like you’re high. Something about the swipe of his tongue across yours is incredibly intoxicating. He tastes oddly sweet. You can't help but feel the urge to taste other parts of him. Suddenly he's walking you backwards until the backs of your legs hit the desk he was previously sat at. It's effortless as he hoists you to sit atop the surface of the desk. He pulls away long enough to meet your eyes. You've seen his eyes when he is relaxed and soft. You've also seen his eyes when he is angry and provoked, but this look is new. It only lasts a split second, but you can see the lust practically dripping from his eyes. It's almost like looking at a wild, hungry animal, starved for food so long that they are willing to do anything for it. It makes the blood pool into your lower half.
The feeling of his teeth grazing your neck is enough to knock a pitiful moan from your throat. You've thrown your head back, hoping to give him more access. You can't help but tangle your fingers into his dark locks, occasionally pulling to hear a low groan from him. His fingers are slowly traveling up your thighs and you're getting antsy. You're so caught up, the only thing on your mind is Jay and the word 'more.' God you need more more more. His hand slides up your thigh and you're a goner when the heel of his palm digs into your core. Your mouth is pressed just next to his ear. You must sound pathetic as you whine his name.
The sound of footsteps down the hall pulls the two of you from the haze. Jay's hands are off of you in a flash as he jumps back, putting significant space between the two of you. You're both practically panting. The only sound in the room is your breathing. The footsteps must have led to the bathroom across the hall, as Jay's room is left unbothered. He runs a hand through his hair and lets out a sigh of exasperation. "Um... I'm sorry. That was..." You trail off.
You hop off the desk and walk past him, laying a hand on the doorknob.
"I'll see you tomorrow."
You walk out of his room and straight to your own. Red eyes you as you walk quickly past the card table. You're sure you'd hear about it later. You immediately shut the door behind you and take a seat on the floor in front of it.
What the hell are you supposed to do now?
Just as you expected, Red is curious the next day.
"Are you okay?"
You're finding it hard to focus on anything. Which is never good in times like the present. You had a job to do and Jay was your leader. It was an inappropriate situation, but what bugged you the most was how seemingly focused and normal Jay had been acting. You turn your attention to Red. "I'm fine. Just watched a video of kitten being used as dog fight bait the other night, how could I not be?" She rolls her eyes. "You never came back last night, and then when you did you looked spooked."
You sigh. Geez...were you that obvious? "I had to talk to Jay about the mission situation, and it's just not particularly easy to talk to him. You know that." She hesitates for a moment as if thinking of what to say. "But you're okay? I'm not gonna have to watch him beat you up too?" You can't help but laugh a little at her comment. K certainly wouldn't approve, but what he didn't know wouldn't kill him. "Everything is fine, Red."
You only lied a little. But it's not like she's never lied to you. Your gaze falls to Jay for a moment. He's dressed more casual than usual, slacks and a white t-shirt. It's nice to see him relaxed.
He's explaining something to Blonde. Something about pinpointing a location. He's pointing out something on paper, maybe a map. As if it's some sick intrusive thought, you think about where his hands had been the previous night. You can still feel the burn of his hand making its way up your thigh. He starts to look up at you. You quickly pull your eyes off of him and turn to busy yourself with something, anything. You're fucked.
You find yourself at Jay's door once again. Blonde had successfully got an update from an insider about the dog fighting ring the group had been watching. The group was set to deploy a rescue mission in the coming days. Who knows what could happen? Ideally everything goes exactly according to the plan. Some animals are rescued, the entire crew makes it out, and nobody is seriously injured. But it's your first mission after the incident that caused Jay's initial lecture, and you've found yourself a little nervous to be back in action.
You weren't getting any sleep at the moment. You'd all gone to bed early in hopes of being well rested, but instead you had laid in bed for a little over an hour with no sign of sleep in the near future. So you made your way to Jay. You'd be lying if you said that he had nothing to do with the reason you were losing sleep. The thought of his lips on yours is sweet but startling. You knock on his door before entering.
For once Jay is sitting in bed. He's awake. You knew he would be, because you know Jay. Even as he keeps his distance from everyone, you catch yourself picking up on his quirks over time. He's changed out of his slacks and now sports some tattered pajama pants. It's different and cute. You slowly shut the door behind you.
"Can't sleep?"
You take a seat on the edge of the bed. "I guess you could say the nerves are getting to me." He hesitates for a second. "But I am supposed to step up as your leader and encourage you. Everything will be fine. We have tackled much bigger things." You sigh. You hated knowing that you're the one causing the nerves tonight. It's never easy getting back into the swing of things after a failed mission, but being the one who caused the failure feels even worse. He's doing what he always does. He's putting his job above how he really feels, he never lets himself feel anything. If he's nervous he will tell the group that he's never been more confident. But you knew better.
"You don't always have to hide the way that you feel. It's okay to be nervous, Jay."
You lay a hand on his arm, much like he had done to you when he apologized for his anger. He's being distant. He almost looks worried to have your hand on his arm. You slowly withdraw. Maybe it was time to pretend about your own feelings. Hypocrite.
"You know- if you're feeling weird about the kiss it's okay. It was my choice and I'm sorry. It was probably way out of line-" He cuts you off. "It was." Although his tone isn't harsh, his words still sting. So he really had regretted it. You stepped over the line. Sure he participated but if you hadn't have started it-
"But I feel good when I think about it."
You can't stop staring at him. Frozen. "What?" He shrugs. "It felt good not to have to be Jay the leader and just be Jay. To do stuff I wanted to do without having to think about the consequences." The words light a small fire inside you for some reason. This is the most honest Jay has ever been with you. It's raw and it's nice. "I'm glad I could help... ease your mind."
He smiles softly and lays a hand on your lower leg that you've pulled up onto the bed. "I'm really nervous about tomorrow, Jay. I know you just said it was nice to not be a leader but I have to let you know I feel uneasy. I don't even know if I'm saying that because I'm looking for advice-" You look up at him. "-I think I just feel oddly comforted by your presence."
He scoots closer to you, legs crossed like a child. You can't help but smile. It's so unlike Jay. Jay was serious, classy, guarded. This side of Jay was open and comforting. He grabs your hand, seemingly in an effort to bring you some sense of feeling grounded. "It will work out. I promise."
There's more to be said. The fear in you rises as you face him. His hair is slightly disheveled. It reminds you of the way it looked after you had jumped apart. Messy from your fingers. Your heart is beating so fast. Why did you want to kiss him so bad? Why did he kiss you back? Did he pity you? Would these feelings ruin the mission? Would these feelings ruin your friendship with Jay? Would these feelings ruin you?
You brush a strand of hair off his forehead and sigh. "I think I am afraid of myself. Of this. I don't regret the kiss and, damn it, I think I want to kiss you again, Jay. And that makes me so scared-" You're stunned by two hands cupping the sides of your face. You can only stare, mouth open a bit in shock. He only stares back, not making a move, as if he tossing thoughts around in his head, weighing his options.
His lips are warm and familiar against yours. The butterflies in your stomach almost make you feel sick, but you compose yourself enough to put one hand on his face and one hand on his shoulder. It doesn't feel like it did that previous night. That night had been pure fire and burning lust. The fire has turned into something blossoming in your stomach and up into your lungs. He pulls away, smiling genuinely. "You can stay in here tonight if it'll calm your nerves. We can talk more when we finish what needs to be done."
The ride in the truck to your destination was tense. You look out the window to see nothing by gravel road and trees. Much to Blonde’s dismay you had questioned whether he had the right location at least 5 times, all of which he had responded with a short “I know what I’m doing, Sweetheart.” You rolled your eyes.
You can’t stop the constant bouncing of your leg. You have to do anything to fill the void where your thoughts could leak in. It made you physically ill to think anymore about the possibilities of what could happen in the next hour. You can see Jay in the front seat next to K, who was driving. The sunlight bounced through the trees and hit his face perfectly. Thinking about the night before was the only thing bringing you any peace at all in your current situation.
His body pressed up against yours. Arm swung over your waist. You had actually gotten some decent sleep. It is still dark in the room, obviously still a few hours out from when you need to be up. You twist your body to face Jay. He’s still asleep, face peacefully relaxed. No furrowed brows or wrinkled skin. He is perfect you think as you brush his hair hair back lightly.
“This is it.” You’re pulled from the memory by Blonde’s voice. As the doors open, there’s…nothing. Just the same trees and dirt road as there was before. “Are you sure this is it? There’s nothing here.” Red questions as soon as her feet hit the dirt ground. “We’ve gotta go through the trees a little ways that way, but we have to stop the truck here or they’ll know we are on ‘em.” Blonde points a finger out into the vast woods.
You lock eyes with Jay. He just nods and steps in front of the group with Blonde as a guide. The woods are damp and humid. It’s not a pleasant trek, but you had definitely experienced worse in your year on the team. It’s quiet, eerily quiet. Just the rustling of your feet against the grass. Until you see it. The barbed wire fence is clear in the distance. You can hear the barking dogs and rustling chain. Jay stops and turns to the group.
“These dogs are trained to fight through drugs and other means. They can be dangerous. Just be careful and follow the plan.”
Your heart hurts at his words as they are a reminder of your fuck up but you don’t have time to dwell on it much as you hear the rustling of grass not far from you and see the flash of a human figure to your left. Fuck. It’s only two men, but they are very clearly armed with deadly weapons. Jay turns to face them, bold and brave as always. “Listen, we are-“
“We don’t care who you are, you’re trespassing.”
Jay stays silent only for a moment, holding his hands out in front of him in a sign of peace, before speaking softly, “Red, go.” And with that Red is zipping past the men and jumping the fence. Blonde and Silver are easily able to take down one of the men, leaving the other to go for Jay who is standing directly in front of him. You can feel the adrenaline pumping through your veins as Jay is knocked to the ground. You hesitate before deciding to engage.
Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up. Don’t fuck this up.
You’re able to the man off guard for only a split second before the man throws his elbow back. And suddenly everything is black.
There’s a slight ringing in your ears the next time you open your eyes, but you can tell that someone is carrying you. You let yourself slip out of consciousness once more.
“Can you hear me? Open your eyes!”
You can hear the voice before you open your eyes, and suddenly you’re taken back to New York.
Your heart is beating out of your chest. You’re watching from the van as Jay is ambushed by the Black Chalk. You’re trying not to hyperventilate and pass out. Of all the missions that have ended with law enforcement intervention, you have never seen one end this poorly.
Jay is knocked to the ground and you can see the little bits of blood seeping through his white shirt and dripping from his head. They are unrelenting, like a hoard of crows circling and gathering around a dead animal. You try to shake that thought from your head.
“K… K! We have to do something! We have to do something right now, they are gonna kill him!”
And for a moment it feels like you’ve blacked out, but you can remember what you are doing. You’ve just placed your self on autopilot. You’ve tuned out everyone as soon as Jay’s back hit the floor of the truck’s trailer. You’re climbing over him and immediately work at the buttons on his soiled shirt. You don’t even realize that there are tears flowing from your eyes until you start to see the small damp spots begin to leave marks next to the blood that has already stained.
You cradle his head, not caring about the blood that is seeping under your fingernails. “Jay, can you look at me?” His eyes are still closed but you swear you can see a small flutter of his lashes. “Can you hear me? Please open your eyes.” His eyes slowly peel open. He’s looking directly at you and you’ve never felt more relief in your entire life. You gently lay your forehead on his chest.
“Thank God.”
You open your eyes. You can tell you’re in the back of the van. You practically shoot up and that’s when the pain sets in. You hold the side of your head. “Ah shit.”
“You can lay back down.” You turn your head to see Jay at your side. He’s got a scrape on his cheek, but otherwise looks to be intact. You sigh. “Are you okay?” He smiles and nods. You don’t lay down, but turn to face him fully. “Did I fuck it up again?” He places a hand on your shoulder and shakes his head.
“Red got the evidence we needed, and everyone made it out. You got hit pretty hard. You probably have a concussion, so I’ll be be staying with you these next couple of nights.”
You immediately glance forwards at Red who is raising an eyebrow from the front seat. Your cheeks burn as you lay your head back in Jay’s lap for the remainder of the ride home.
Jay does as he said he would and stays with you in the nights. You’ve slept in his bed for the past four nights. Though you realize that it has probably been long enough that you could move back into your room, you don’t want to stop. Jay’s warmth at night has you sleeping better than you have in years. So here you are on your fifth night in Jay’s bed, watching as he strips down to his boxers and climbs into bed with you. It’s starting to feel very domestic the way he bares his skin to you even though you’ve never actually had sex. It still brings a flutter to your abdomen. But in a way you start to feel like you’re taking advantage of him.
“You don’t have to take care of me anymore. I think I’ll be fine on my own.”
He looks at you for a moment, slightly concerned. “Have I made you uncomfortable?” You shake your head. “No, it’s not that, I just feel like I’m taking advantage of you.” He smiles and places a hand on your jaw. “I enjoy your company. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t got used to you being here every night.” He kisses you for the first time since the night before you’d gotten hurt, and you immediately melt into it. You missed the feeling it gives you. He breaks apart from you just to say, “Why don’t you just stay with me all of the time?” It lights a fire in your stomach.
Before you can stop to think, you are moving to straddle his hips. He gasps slightly, you’ve always been the inferior, he’s always been the one in charge, but you’re the one towering over him now. “I want you.” You can feel the way that his hip buck slightly at your words. “And I’m not just talking about sex. I’m talking about everyday, all of the time.” He just stares up at you, letting you speak.
“You can be the boss during the day, but I want you to come home and just be you at the end of the day.” You roll your hips. “Not Jay the leader or boss or organizer or anything like that. Just Jay.” He looks in absolute awe, a look you’ve never seen from him. For once, he has nothing to say, just slips a hand past your waistband and applies delicious pressure to your core. You swallow the moan that forms in your throat. The last thing you need is to have Red or Silver prying into your sex life in the morning, especially when Jay is involved.
“And if I wanna be the boss at night?” He says it teasingly, and you can’t help but giggle.
“Okay fine, but only sometimes.” You wrap a hand around him under his boxers and he groans. It feels good to be this intimate with someone, especially Jay. So you let yourself go, match his pace, and don’t stop until you’re both soaring over the edge, foreheads pressed together.
You take time to clean each other up and get comfortable back in bed before anyone can ask any questions about what you may have been doing. You lay your head on his chest. You’re so relaxed and everything feels so right for once in your life.
“I thought I was gonna lose you in New York.” It’s random, but the entire experience in the past week sent you soaring back into that headspace. “K probably thought I was crazy or hysterical. I’d never seen you so hurt, and I thought that was it. I think that’s when I knew.” He hugs you closer and presses a kiss to the top of your head.
“I remember you holding the back of my head, I thought that I was dead. I don’t even really know what I believe happens after death, I guess I was just relieved that wherever I was at the time, you were there.”
You smile, content, and throw an arm over his waist.
“Glad we both made it.”
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thoughtsandbones · 1 year
All wounds take time to heal
Simon 'Ghost' Riley x F!MedicDoc ( codename: Blue)
WARNINGS: Mention of war, angst, mental health mention, drug mention, fluff, just getting the POV of our friendly neighbourhood masked menace.
Song inspo: Nothing Matters - The Last Dinner Party and labour - Paris Paloma
I grew up with the OG MW2 game, so there are some references to the old one, so kind of a mix of both the OG and the new timeline... (Also I'm ignoring the OG Shepherd betrayal and keeping in line the one with the new timeline..)
All rights reserved to the rightful owners of Call of Duty Modern Warfare.
spelling and some grammar mistakes as I am bad at times... :/
(FYI: bold sentences... that are like this... are supposed to describe redacted data/info to the plot... ;] .. )
Please do let me know how you all are finding this fanfic!c :D
PART 1, PART 2, PART 3 and PART 4
Part 5
As soon as the second hand on the old analog clock passed 12, the alarm ran signalling it was 5:30am
You awaken and slammed your hand on the button to stop the beeping that interrupted your sleep.
Slowly your eyes open. You groan aloud and stretching your body across the bed. The sun was making its debut again.
Getting out of bed, taking a swig of water from your flask, the one that has been with you for years, you walk to the bathroom and splash water on your face to waken yourself up even more.
After brushing your teeth in the comfort of your own bathroom, you head over to the clothes you took out from your duffle that are in the cupboard. Picking out a simple black top and running leggings, putting them on.
Stretching your body and warming up the muscles ready for a morning run.
I hate running you thought as you tied the laces on your running shoes, but you realise you have to do it anyway. You had to get your strength up...
A secret you kept close to yourself kept playing in the back of your mind. You wished you were a part of the team. You longed to be on missions, you longed to make a difference. You didn't just want to fix broken soldiers. You wanted to be out there, helping them. Making the world a little less dirty.
Grabbing your phone and AirPods you head out your room, locking the door and head down the corridor. Passing the infirmary you take a quick look in there.
So much stuff to do in there you think as you observe the bleakness that remained unchanged.
Heading outside you see the sun rising in the east. Placing your headphones in, and tapping on your running playlist you begin a slow jog around the perimeter of base. Observing everything, what has changed - a lot- and what has not changed - the aircraft hanger is still has that dent when a helo crashed into it years ago.
How has it been nearly 12 years you think to yourself as you start to quicken your pace.
After 20 minutes you feel tired. Legs feeling like lead, you drag them back to your room.
Checking the clock it was nearly 6:30am. Taking off the shoes and running clothes you hop in the shower. Letting the warm water hit your body, soaking your hair as you bask in the privacy of this small shower.
After getting changed into your green combat trousers and black baggy top, you find your sweater and head to the mess hall, your long hair still lose and damp from the shower.
When you entered the mess hall, it was busy. All military personnel were all up and ready for breakfast. Most of them had finished their breakfasts and where talking to each other, already in the designated groups.
You search the mess hall for any familiar faces, mainly trying to see Soap or Price. But trying to avoid the masked menace, Ghost.
Grabbing breakfast, you find a seat and started picking at the food on your plate. Went for a standard english breakfast, minus the black pudding and tomatoes and, of course, PG tips tea.
Enjoying the solitude of eating your breakfast, you begin to think of the tasks that had to be done with that infirmary. Pulling out the phone, you begin typing a list of to dos on the Notes app.
"Good morning!" Someone said brightly
You look up and see Soap holding his plate on a tray and places it on the same table but opposite you and sits down.
"Good morning" you respond, tucking your phone away back in your pocket and picked up your fork to eat a piece of bacon.
"How are you?" Soap asks, grinning whilst he cut up his bacon and sausages.
"Good, yourself?" You say as you try and swallow the forming of the lump in your throat.
"Not bad, not bad" Soap replies
You can feel the tension and awkwardness looming. Then you realise he probably doesn't know your name, or much about you. Your unsure whether or not to tell him these details.
"Enjoying your breakfast?" Soap asks, breaking the silence and the thoughts running in your head
"Er, yeah it's pretty good" You respond.
"Good" Soap says, smiling at you and then continues to eat.
After taking a sip of tea, you feel like maybe it is time, Price didn't say anything about not telling them your name or other details...
Take a leap of faith you think
"I'm Hari" You say finally
Soap looks up and smiles, and then extends his right arm for another handshake. You accept and shake his hand.
"Nice to meet yer Hari" Soap says
"Nice to meet you too"
"Price says you are our new doctor" Soap chirped
"Yeah.. ermm I guess I am" You say slowly
The malpractice issue... Does Soap know?
"You guess? Where did you go to medical school?" Soap asks
"Er, UCL in London" You respond
"Ah very nice" Soap says
You take another sip of tea. But kept the mug in front of your lips.
He does have a lot of questions you ponder, gazing at his face and his body as he continues to cut and eat his breakfast. You stare particularly longer at his mohawk. You divert your eyes from him back to plate before he realises you've been staring.
The chatter in the mess hall dies down as the personnel flock towards their duties.
"You training with us today or you doing something else?" Soap asks, breaking the silence yet again
"Need to sort out the infirmary and talk to Price about" You say "He said it was in a somewhat good state, but it's barren" you add
Soap chews on his food and nods, chuckling.
"Yer, the lads have kind of stripped it of it's supplies since the old Doc left" Soap says
"Even when the door was locked?" You question him, remembering the key Ghost had in his pocket
"Well, we only just locked it before you turned up" Soap admitted
Rolling your eyes, you let out a sigh taking another sip of tea.
"So.." Soap begins and then takes a sip of his coffee.
Another questions looms you think
"Price told us about a malpractice issue you had..." Soap says, diverting his eyes from yours.
You smirk again of course he'd know
"Yeah, I killed a man" You said bluntly.
Soap's expression changed to disbelief and shock and shifts slightly back at your blunt admission
"With this thumb" You add letting out laugh as you give him a thumbs up
Soap laughs nervously, taking a sip of his coffee.
"Don't know if I can tell anyone, but it is minor" you say, trying to reassure Soap, giving him a gentle smile.
"Aye... did yer kill anyone?" He says curiously
"No, of course not" you say.
Soap nods and continues to finish his food.
You take the last sip of tea, prepare to leave. As you get up and take your dishes, Soap does the same. Both of you heading to the racks trolleys where the mass of plates once full of food lay. You add yours to the growing stack and Soap does the same.
"I'll see yer later" Soap says giving you a light tap on your back. You give him a nod and a small smile.
Heading to the bathroom, you wash your hands and stare at yourself in the mirror. You chuckle to yourself as you remember the look on Soap's face.
Heading to the infirmary, you find Price and Ghost in there, both of them wearing military fatigues, only Ghost's were all black and he wore a jacket. Talking to one another and looking around the drawers.
"Good morning" Price says as you walk in
"Morning Captain" you say nodding to Price "Morning Lieutenant" nodding to Ghost
"Mornin'" he replies, giving you a slight nod as well, arms crossed over his chest.
"Infirmary is a bit of tip" Price says
"It's non-existent at the moment Captain" You say quickly "Soap told me about fellow soldiers coming in and taking what they wanted"
Price chuckles and sighs
"Yes, that was considered normal under Doctor Allen" Price explained "We've got the names of the suppliers and there's a new desk, chair and med bed coming later this afternoon. I'll leave the ordering of supplies to you" Price said
"Excellent" You say, heading over to the old rusty med bed. It was similar to the ones in the hospital you previously worked at.
"Ghost here will give you a hand with anything you need" Price resumed.
"I should be fine, I have my laptop with me so I can order supplies. Just let me know the time they will arrive"
"You sure?" Price asks
"I'm sure, cleaning supplies still down in the west corridor?" You say
Price smiles and looks at Ghost, Ghost still looking at you, he unfolds his arms and walks over to you.
"Don' min' helpin' you" Ghost says, staring at you "I'll get the cleanin' equipment" he says walking off to the door
"Thanks Lieutenant" You say watching him leave.
"Ru-" Price begins but then stops himself when he notices your eyes widen "Sorry, Hari, you alright" Price says
"Yes sir" you reply "Just getting used to being back here"
"You seem rigid" Price says coming towards you
"Just getting used to being back here again" you say, looking out of the window and gazing at the clear blue sky.
"Bad memories?" Price asks
"No, just..." you begin, you look down at your nails and start scratching your nails with your thumb, it was a bad habit you had since you were a teen. Price took note, he recognised this habit from those years ago. Back when you were just a smiley young adult beginning your military career.
"The Captain" Price says, as though he could read your mind
You look up, pursing your lips and then look back out of the window.
"It feels weird being here and him not being here" you say, the lump in your throat stats to form. Globus sensation.
"I know, a lot of good soldiers die..." Price begins edging towards you
"But you can't let that stop you from carrying on with the task at hand" you resume for him. Turning your head to face Price, who smiled and gave you a pat on the shoulder, a misty glaze took over his eyes. He turned away and raised his hand to his face covering his eyes, as though he was trying to hold back a tear.
"I shall leave you to it then" Price said, clearing his throat and collecting himself.
It was a saying The Captain would always say when a mission or training went sideways. It was one of the last things he said to you in Siberia.
<CUE FLASHBACK> Siberia, Russia, October 12 2010 Day 3- "Blue, check your heartbeat sensor" Captain said over the radio Both of you had reached the outskirts of the base, the snow storm picking up, you adjusted up your white morf and your eye goggles, protecting your face from the harsh elements. You hold your sniper rifle up, and open up the heartbeat sensor "Checking sir" you reply over the radio "The blue dots are us, enemies will show up as white dots" you hear the Captain say. "Copy Cap" you say "Going high" you say over the radio as you spot a perfect ridge overlooking the base and signal to the Captain, he nods his head and follows. "This storm is perfect timing" The Captain says "We will be ghosts entering this base" The Captain joins you in the ridge overlooking the base. You are lying down, focusing your right eye in the scope of the sniper, eye goggles up on your forehead. "Two tangos north of us" you say "Copy Blue" The Captain says "Your target" he said, looking through his own scope. Through the scope you see the two tangos, talking and facing each other. One them just moved just in front of the other. You took your shot. Collateral shot. "Good shot Blue" Captain said, "Let's go and head to the base and get the Fire disk" <END OF FLASHBACK>
In the infirmary, you took apart the old rusted med bed. It was simple and easy for you. As you flipped the mattress off, you noticed on the other side dried blood had stained it.
"Ergh. Gross" you say tossing the mattress near the door with your boot.
As Ghost walked through he nearly tripped over the mattress that had been flung near the doorway. You turned facing him, eyes widened.
"Sorry lieutenant" You said, picking up the mattress.
"S alrigh'" Ghost said, helping you with the mattress and placing it outside the infirmary.
"Got the supplies" he said, holding a bucket with sprays and cloths up towards you. You take the bucket
"Thank you sir" You say and head over to the cupboard and start doused the cabinets and draws with disinfectant.
Ghost moved over to you and grabbed a cloth from the bucket and started cleaning up where you sprayed the disinfectant. He watched from the corner of his eyes as you grabbed a cloth and then started working on the drawers nearer to the window. He couldn't help notice how long your hair had gotten, which was tied in a low ponytail, the ends curling slightly.
In the corner of your eye, you see Ghost move near you. You think to yourself that maybe you should actually engage in conversation with him. Get to know him. And the team.
"How long have you been with the 141?" You ask, turning to Ghost and giving him a smile as you set the disinfectant bottle next to the bucket and return to the drawers
"Few years" Ghost said, not being completely honest.
"Nice, are you SAS?" you ask
"Yeah" he responded, moving over towards the bottle, grabbing it and spraying the drawers next to you.
Maybe this is the chance he thought to himself
He had been going over the exact method of how he was going to tell you who he really was last night and this morning. He watched you clean the drawers, stood on one knee, paying attention to the handles and the insides. You remained stoic. That look of concentration taken ahold of your face. He remembered that face you made in the photo with The Captain. His chest sent another 'ping' through his upper body.
Feeling the glare of Ghost you look up at him, and furrowed your brows. He diverted his gaze and went back to cleaning the drawers.
"You alright?" you asked
"All good" he said
Do it now, like plaster, rip it off he thought to himself
"Listen-" he began to turn his body towards you
"Lt! There you are!" Soap shouted as he entered the infirmary
Both you and Ghost turned around, and saw Soap coming in with a mop and bucket.
Fucking hell Johnny Ghost thought.
"Price told me to get yer this Hari" Soap said, smiling at you
Hari? Is that the name you're using Ghost thought as he looked at you, remaining stoic as you got up and went to get the mop.
"Cheers Soap" you say "Gonna add a bit of yourself in there?" you say jokingly pointing to the bucket.
Ghost was taken aback. Since when did you get so friendly with him?
"Want to see me get soaked eh?" Soap says winking at you and grinning.
"No..." you say, squinting your eyes "'Cos' of your codename... Soap" you said. Hoping he'd get the pun
"Aye" Soap said chuckling realising the pun
"It was quite punny" you said turning towards Ghost smiling, who seemingly remained unmoved by the joke whilst Soap let out a roar of laughter.
Ghost sighed and turned back to the counter and resumed cleaning, whilst Soap continued to talk to you. Of course you'd gravitate towards him.
"Never mind Lt Hari, he takes a while to warm up to new people" Soap said slamming his hand on your right shoulder. The sudden pressure made you jolt. The pain crept up from clavicle down to your entire right arm.
"Shit, you alright?" Soap exclaimed
Ghost swiftly turned around and saw you rubbing your right shoulder, and Soap reaching for your hand. A sick feeling settled in his stomach.
"Yeah all good, sore shoulder from an arm workout" you lied
You moved away, your hand slipping from Soap's, and turned to walk to the bathroom near were the old med bed was and locked the door.
"What happened" Ghost asked looking at Soap narrowing his eyes at him
"Just patted her shoulder Lt" Soap explained
Ghost took in a deep breathe and then resumed the cleaning.
"Let's get back to cleaning" Ghost said "Don't forget to add actual soap into the bucket" he added pointing towards the other bucket on the counter.
Soap let out a small laugh and headed to the bucket in the counter to grab the soap.
In the bathroom, you look at yourself in the mirror. You take your sweater and top off and look at the scar on the top of your shoulder, it curved over shoulder, front and back. After all these years, all of a sudden, the pain felt the same as the moment you got shot in Siberia.
On the other side of the door, Ghost continued to clean away the grime and gunk surrounding the drawers. He didn't mind helping, the infirmary was a right tip after Doctor Allen left. He decided for now he wouldn't tell you who he was. He couldn't... not just yet. Letting you think he was just a ghost.
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gffa · 9 months
"she's trying to stop more innocent people from being killed by offering a different path. She's taking a harm reduction path as much as she can. Yeah, they're going to make mistakes, but if she can still reduce those mistakes, isn't it worth trying? Or is one mistake enough that she should never try any other path ever again, even though it means they'll immediately go back to killing lots of innocent people?"
chiming in to say i think the problem with this view is that, as Jason points out, she has ZERO actual control over the people she's ostensibly "employing". she can have all the good intentions to reduce harm she wants, but acting like good vibes and promises are enough to keep things from ever getting out of hand is practically on "positive thinking cures bipolar disorder" levels of oversight (note: i'd actually finished this post and was about to hit ask when i realized how on the nose that comparison is considering scarecrow is fucking with this plan. gonna leave it.) there have to be some fire safety measures here, and her repeatedly insisting they aren't necessary and she's totally got everything handled is ultimately going to hurt the people she was trying to save when the building burns.
which, i agree with you that she's absolutely smarter than this, and it drives me up the wall that they keep having her double down on it.
Yeah, I feel like there's a couple of things at war within this storyline execution: 1 - Comic book logic is absolutely a thing and trying to map hyperrealistic complex real world consequences onto a story that is being written by imperfect authors who are not experts in the fields this would be touching on is always going to mean that there are going to be major flaws in the logic of the story. Superhero comics as a whole can have just as many flaws pointed out about their logic, like I don't believe for a single second that someone like Bruce Wayne would be able to be Batman without it being known publicly, between the coincidences piled up or how freely they all use real names in the field. If we can accept that people just don't recognize Clark Kent with his glasses on or don't recognize Bruce Wayne's jawline (while I absolutely can goddamned recognize George Clooney or Val Kilmer's jawlines even when they're in full cowl), I feel okay giving some leeway to Selina being written into a dumbass plan for reducing crime in Gotham. 2 - And the story, while pointing out the flaws in her logic (a person died in the kick off issue even!), it also points out that her way had reduced innocent people getting hurt, so it's reasonable for Selina to think this is a viable plan. No, she doesn't have actual control over these people (well, she has some, in that they respect her and are loyal to her, to at least some degree), but nobody has control over others when offering a different path of any kind. Like, if she was offering college courses or trade school classes for people, she wouldn't have any control over them there, either. Presumably, she's not ignoring that getting innocent people hurt will send them to jail, that they're warned about this ahead of time and know the consequences, she's just trying to offer something, anything that's better than what they had before, even as deeply imperfect as it is. Like, I'm in agreement that I think this is a bad plan, but I'm not sure how much of that is me coming from a real world perspective where this could NEVER happen, but costumed vigilantes at a baseline could NEVER happen in the real world, either, but we've mostly accepted that that's part of the genre, you know? Versus how much am I just trying to meet the narrative where it's at? How much of this is that they're writing Selina badly and how much is it that it's just the same logic of vigilantes being allowed to exist (which are also often criticized within the narrative, just as Selina's plan is being criticized from within the narrative) that applies to Selina's plans as well? There's just as much accountability from Batman as there is from Catwoman--he might have more money, but ultimately nobody actually is able to hold Batman responsible for anything and the only control he has are the training he's given them and the loyalty and love they have for him as a person. Should we say Batman's ideas are bad, because the rogues kill people based around their obsession with him and those he trains? He's not training the rogues directly, but his actions are leading to those deaths of innocent people that he's trying to help, just as Selina training these people, trying to give them non-lethal options, still lead to deaths, even if she doesn't have direct control over them. I don't even really like Selina's plans or that she's being written to propose this idea because I don't think she'd believe in it, but I feel like there's a lot of Comic Book Logic going on that I'm trying to be generous about, you know?
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tsaritsa · 7 months
Congratulations on winning Nano!!! Any hot takes or unconventional tips on how to achieve a huuuge milestone like that in so little time?
Also, if you'd like to share, I'd love to hear more about the piece(s) you worked on during this year's event! Big yay if you want to tease us with a sneak peek as well. 🙂
Congratsss again!!!
ty!!!! i am afraid my tips might seem kind of obvious and not that much of a hot take but here's what worked for me:
writing sprints. do 10 min. do 17 min. do 30 min. whatever it is, just get words down on the page. after each sprint was finished i'd look at what i wrote, fix up the most glaring mistakes (espe if the words looked terrible. i've learned to live with a lot of spelling errors bc otherwise u waste too much time. during nano each day i'd prolly manage between 2-3 sprints -- usually enough to net me between 1000-1500 words each day. i wouldn't stop if i hit the daily total, i'd stop when i could feel the motivation waning. my lowest day was under 300 words, my biggest was just over 4000.
get a community. writing sucks alone. i feel very grateful that i've made some friends on here who were also trying to write regularly, so now there's 5 of us in a little discord i've made. we do sprints with each other and share lots of snippets, memes, pretty pictures etc. it keeps us excited about our own projects, but also allows us to cheerlead each other on.
get used to placeholders. i use TK. anytime there's a word i need but it's not on the tip of my tongue? TK my beloved. sometimes i'd write like she sighed in a TK kind of way, or like harry opens his mouth to argue about TK TK some work thing he's doing TK TK. it just keeps u in the pace of writing ur in, but allows for a few words to be spent writing down a piece that needs further expansion.
establish habits and goals. for me, it's stuff like trying to write the bulk of my writing with a nice candle lit, but also the silly stuff like putting on lippy so I feel like. Ready to do shit. have a few drinks avail. one to hydrate (ice cold) one to caffeinate (also ice cold). play music or sounds that will help u get into the zone without overly distracting. now that i've won it i'm gonna treat myself to some silly purchases as well bc i should reward myself for such hard work and dedication. i'm thinking a v comfy hoodie.
overall if i didn't have the community i had this month i think my external motivation would've been lost quickly, so find friends to yell at about ur project. watch yt videos about ppl doing writing! make posts and don't give a flying fuck about being cringe or not suiting ut 'aesthetic'. this is u. do it for U.
in terms of this project: the short version is hermione goes back to hogwarts post book 7 and has to slowly begin to recover from/learn to live with the PTSD she's gained. alas, draco is also back and she's gotta learn to make peace with the fact that he's allowed to want to change and that he's making small steps to become a better person than who he was. they're gonna kiss and be disgusting with each other. ultimately this is a story about hermione's journey, as the whole thing is written from her perspective, so although the dhr aspect is there, there are also other important relationships i want to focus on -- especially her and harry.
i'm ignoring/expanding on a lot of canon, and using some details from the movies i prefer over the books (namely her mudblood scar bc mmmmm parallels). i don't really know if anybody is in character but i don't care! this is my story and i'll do it how i see fit haha.
the following excerpt comes from late sept in the current draft. at this point dhr has been forced together a few times already. draco has surreptitiously managed to drug slughorn with a potion of his (slughorn's) own making during their potions class bc the potions professor was spending an entire lesson just showing off instead of. u know. teaching.
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