#ignore how out of place baldi looks
berryicet · 6 months
Principal doodles or whatever
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seijorhi · 1 year
Wither and Bleed
sorry for the wait y'all <33 Daishou Suguru x female reader, Kuroo Tetsurou x female reader w.c 4.6k tw: dubcon, yandere themes, kidnapping, nsfw, stockholm syndrome, mentions of blood, alcoholism, mild smut
Daishou eyes the bottom of his glass dispassionately, watching the amber dregs of whiskey roll as he slowly tilts it – pointedly ignoring the sound of footsteps approaching, the low, mocking whistle that follows.
“I’d say it’s good to see you, Daishou, but I gotta be honest, this place is a dump and you look like shit.”
There’s a flush high on his cheekbones, his eyes are glazed, bloodshot. Despite the heaviness in his head, the liquor fuelled haze and exhaustion that makes pulling a coherent train of thought… somewhat difficult, he’s not so far gone that he can’t recognise the grating voice and accompanying laugh. 
One more. One more, and maybe then he’ll stumble off home to continue drinking in peace. That, or he’ll pass out the second he hits the couch. At this point, he’s not picky. 
“Another,” he rasps at the bartender, whose only response, aside from the surly look he sends Daishou’s way, is to unscrew the cap of the bottle of cheap whiskey and tilt it back over his glass. Glaring, all the while. 
Once upon a time, Daishou might’ve said something to that. Made some snarky remark, goaded him ‘til he got a rise – or got his ass thrown out.
(You’d chide him for it, too, in that exasperated tone of yours. He’d be tempted to think you were serious, but you’d sigh, call him hopeless and your hand would snake in his on the walk home anyway.)
Disdainful sneers, the staring, the whispers and pointing, baldie behind the bar wouldn’t be the first stranger to recognise him. Daishou can’t even blame the guy, really. A woman goes missing, all eyes turn to the husband. The boyfriend. The ex. He might be a piece of work, depending on who you asked –an asshole, arrogant, a conniving son of a bitch – but hell would freeze over before he’d ever lay a hand on his girl. On any girl. 
So, yeah, he gets why the guy’s staring at him like he’s the scum of the earth. Doesn’t make it any less of a bitter pill to swallow. 
“You planning on ignoring me, then?” 
“Trying to,” he mutters, accepting the drink with a short dip of his chin. The whiskey burns on the way down, warming his chest through. Bottom shelf liquor’s too cheap to enjoy for much else. Daishou closes his eyes, “Leave me alone.”
And that stupid, suit-wearing, smug asshole laughs, and pulls out the seat next to him. 
Fucking terrific.
Kuroo tuts, motioning at the bartender for a drink of his own, “Aw, c’mon. That’s no way to greet an old friend, is it?” He waits a beat for the reaction that doesn’t come, the mirth in his eyes fading somewhat, then sighs. In a more sober voice, he says, “I heard Yotsuya Motors dropped you. I’m sorry, man.”
The muscle in his jaw tightens, his knuckles turning white. Dropped was a good way of putting it. Closer to the truth than the bullshit story they’d peddled online and to the fans, the one wherein Daishou and the Yotsuya Motor Spirits had amicably reached the decision to part ways before the beginning of the new season. 
‘This isn’t a position any of us want to be in, Suguru. You’re a good player, you’ve done well this past season, but you have to consider how this looks for both the team and the V League as a whole. We’re not saying you’ve done anything wrong – of course not – only that the public perception holds weight these days.’
And so it went. He’d sat there, numb, and listened for fifteen minutes while the head coach and upper management explained that him ‘voluntarily’ stepping down was in his best interest. Pretending, all the while, that they were on his side. That they for one second actually believed in his innocence. 
The cowards couldn’t even look him in the eye. 
None of which makes enduring his old rival’s fake fucking sympathy any easier. 
“For what it’s worth,” Kuroo continues, “while you’ve always been a cheating rat bastard, you don’t strike me as the girlfriend murdering kind–”
One minute, his drink is in his hand, the next, he’s hurled it against the wall behind Kuroo’s head, the glass shattering on impact, cheap whiskey sliding down the paint, and Daishou’s on his feet, chest heaving, muscles taut. Hands shaking as they flex and curl around nothing. 
For once, Kuroo’s stunned into absolute silence. 
The whole bar stills, a deathly quiet falling over the room. The other patrons gawk at him, wide eyed and horrified – a violent unravelling they’re eager to glut themselves on – no noise but the forgotten hum of 80’s rock drifting through the speakers. 
No one breathes.
No one moves.
Daishou, shaking, trembling in the cold wake of his own dissipating rage, shudders out a strangled breath. “She’s not–” the words stick in his throat; tight, painful. He forces them out through gritted teeth, “She’s not dead.”
Kuroo, staring back at him with some inscrutable expression, says nothing. Does nothing, aside from slowly lowering his drink – still untouched – down to the bar, as though Daishou hadn’t just pitched a glass tumbler right past his head. At his head, technically. 
“Out,” the bartender snaps after a tense beat, jabbing one thick finger towards the door. “Get the fuck out!”
Daishou can barely hear him over the ringing in his ears. 
“She’s not dead,” he repeats, his voice hoarse. 
Through all of this, it’s the one thought he won’t entertain. No matter how many times he’s hauled back into the police station, or someone recognises him from the news and the dirty looks and whispers start. No matter how much hatred and vitriol and accusations are thrown his way, that thought alone is constant. 
You can’t be dead.
Daishou doesn’t need to be told a third time. He spares the raven haired bastard one last look on his way out, sneering, and lets the door sweep shut behind him. 
The place was a shithole anyway.
And he can pretend, for a minute or two, that the churning, sick feeling eating away at his insides is the liquor, that the sheen in his eyes is purely due to the icy bite of the wind as he stumbles off in the direction of home.
Too much alcohol flooding his veins, too screwed up to register the prickling on the nape of his neck, or the footsteps that follow after him, down the narrow laneway – a shortcut he’s taken a thousand times.
When the blow comes, striking hard and fast at the back of his head, Daishou drops like a stone.
When Daishou was seven years old, he fell out of the tree in his backyard and broke his arm. He also managed to knock himself out – for all of about five seconds.
Long enough to scare the hell out of his parents, anyway. When he woke up, bleary and dazed, his parents hovering over him, Daishou didn’t feel any pain, not immediately. That’d come later, trying not to blubber and wail in the back seat of his dad’s car on the way to the E.R. At first, though, it was just… sort of like being shaken from a deep, deep sleep. Disorientating, more than anything else. 
This isn’t like that at all.
Coming to, all Daishou can focus on is the pain in the back of his skull. His eyes are too heavy to lift, his limbs sluggish and sore. From a dry, cotton mouth, a low groan escapes him.  
At first, he assumes he’s at home – lying sprawled on the bathroom floor, having hurled up his guts through the night. Wouldn’t be the first time, and considering his sorry state, he’d hazard a guess that it wouldn’t be the last, either. 
Warmth. A loosening in his chest. Despite the discomfort, the sound of your voice never fails to soothe. In the weeks that you’ve been missing, Daishou’s dreamed of waking up beside you. Of rolling over and cracking an eye open to find you right there, fast asleep and curled up beside him, where you’ve always been. 
Where you’ve always belonged. 
You stir when his fingertips trace along your jaw, smile in that sleepy way of yours, catching his hand, keeping him there. And even in his dream, when there’s no reason for his chest to tighten, a lump to settle in his throat at the sight of you, it does. 
“Suguru, listen to me!” your voice pleads.
There are other dreams, ones where you’re lying on the living room floor surrounded by a pool of blood. There’s a kitchen knife sticking out of your chest, and he’s the one holding it. 
Daishou prefers the ones where you’re alive. Safe. Home with him. 
“You have to wake up.”
Why? He wakes up and you disappear again. Cheek pressed to the cold bathroom tiles, sick to his stomach and head throbbing.
And you still won’t be there.
“Please.” Your voice sounds… different. Not soft and loving, not the sleep tinged murmur he usually hears. “Please, Suguru, you’ve gotta wake up! Open your eyes for me.”
Daishou doesn’t want to. Pounding head or not, he’d stay in the dark with you – your voice, strained as it is – as long as his subconscious would allow. But that’s not a choice he gets to make, leaden lids slowly prying open, squinting under the influx of light.
The first day or two after you disappeared, Daishou convinced himself that despite all the evidence to the contrary, you weren’t gone gone. An accident, a miscommunication, dead phone, fuck, a fight he didn’t remember picking; he clung to any excuse, any explanation that left room for you walking through the door, sheepishly abashed over all the fuss caused. 
He would’ve forgiven you – for anything. 
The days passed, the cops came by, dragged him in for questioning, and Daishou started to realise that you weren’t staying with your parents, or a friend. You weren’t pissed at him for something stupid he did or said. You weren’t coming home on your own. 
Which left the alternative. 
People who disappear like you did; out of the blue, no warning, no trace – they don’t come back unscathed. 
If they come back. 
Daishou’s had weeks now to sit with that – while he drowns himself in bottom shelf whiskey and cheap beer, wallowing in his own fucking misery, you’re going through an unimaginable hell. 
Blinking against the brightness, the room slowly comes into focus, his eyes adjusting, and Daishou’s heart leaps into his throat. He forgets the pain. Forgets that he’s spent weeks – months, now – thinking over every awful eventuality and drinking himself stupid in the process. All he sees is you; sitting up in bed, hair tousled, wearing an old, faded tee two sizes too big, looking the way you do in the dreams he has where you never disappeared. 
“Suguru,” you gasp, the noise choked, halfway to a sob, your wobbling smile mired by the sheen of tears brimming behind your lashes. 
But Daishou doesn’t see that. Doesn’t register it, not as he scrambles forward, his desperation to touch you, feel you, make sure you’re here and you’re real overriding every other sense–
Only for the cold, metal handcuffs hooked from his wrist to the broken radiator to pull taut, jerking him to a stop. 
“… The fuck?” he mutters, eyebrows pinching together in confusion. Experimentally, he tugs on it again. 
It doesn’t budge. 
Daishou swallows, mouth dry, blood running cold, and as this new, unsettling reality takes root, slowly drags his gaze from his cuffed hand back to the bed. To you, watching him with a devastation that has his heart clenching. 
Wrong, wrong, wrong, his subconscious sings, the warning bells tolling, and for the first time since he opened his eyes in this unfamiliar room, Daishou sees you.
The mottled marks of red and purple, fading yellow littered across your exposed collarbone, trailing along your neck. The shadows under bloodshot eyes, the pallor of your skin. 
And Daishou remembers.
“I’m sorry,” you tell him through tears, the words spilling out as though you’re confessing some great, unforgivable sin. “It’s my fault, Suguru. It’s all my fault.”
His mouth opens – all that comes out is a strangled rasp of your name, which only serves to make you cry harder, shoulders shaking and a hand clamped over your lips to stifle them. 
Daishou’s never wanted to wake up from a nightmare so badly. He’s never wanted so desperately to pinch himself and prove he’s not dreaming.
But at the sound of footsteps approaching, a change sweeps over you. You stiffen, freezing for the briefest of moments before you hastily set about wiping away the evidence of tears, shooting him a pleading, desperate look he doesn’t really understand.
Not until the deadbolt clicks and the door swings open, and Daishou’s confronted with the man who took everything from him.
One by one, the pieces fall into place with horrifying clarity. 
The bar, their ‘chance’ meeting, all that goading– ‘For what it’s worth, while you’ve always been a cheating rat bastard, you don’t strike me as the girlfriend murdering kind.’ 
A small, insane part of him wants to laugh hysterically.
He settles for a baser instinct. Strains against the chain at his wrist, face twisted into a feral snarl, and hisses, “You fucking asshole.”
Kuroo’s eyes crinkle with a grin, but his attention doesn’t remain on Daishou for long. On cue, you shuffle to the edge of the bed, shoulders low and eyes glistening. “I-I’m sorry, Tetsurou,” you murmur, meek and demure.  
The fucker laps it right up. Coos as he makes his way over, disregarding his other captive entirely. Two long fingers curl beneath your chin, tilting it upwards. He holds you there, lets his thumb brush along your lower lip. You shiver, and that too he greedily drinks in. 
He doubts very much that Kuroo’s forgotten about him, yet the way he stares at you – insatiable, a craving that goes too deep, a yearning too consuming – and you back at him, Daishou may as well have been invisible 
A wave of disgust seeps through his bones, tainting his blood, curdling in his stomach – but he doesn’t look away. He can’t bear that, either. 
When Kuroo finally decides to close that gap and kiss you, you don’t offer a shred of hesitation. You surrender to it, breath hitching when he catches your lip between his teeth and nips at it– 
(The way you used to when he’d do the same.)
–and when he breaks away, a strand of his spit still connecting you, and moves to cup your tear stained cheek, you nuzzle into him, peppering soft little kisses to his palm.
“I know, sweetheart,” he drawls, his voice a touch deeper, clearly affected by how sweetly you’re trying to pacify him. “But actions gotta have consequences. I warned you what’d happen if you brought him up again,” he pauses, and chuckles a little, “and you know I’m too much of a jealous bastard to let that kinda stuff slide.”
Hooded, hazel eyes flicker back to him, pinning him in place. The amusement in Kuroo’s face fades, leaving behind a blistering cold contempt as he regards his old high school rival. 
Daishou sneers back. 
“You said you loved him.”
“I don’t,” comes the immediate response. Too quick. 
Kuroo scoffs. “You still mumble his damn name in your sleep. He the one you’re imagining when I’m buried inside of you, making you cum, sweetheart?”
You’re fucking right it is, you piece of shit, Daishou thinks viciously. The words themselves sit on the tip of his tongue, prideful and sharp, itching to be inflicted. Damn the consequences, he might’ve said it just to see the look on that bastard’s face – except Kuroo isn’t even looking his way. Isn’t paying him the slightest bit of attention, idly toying with a lock of your hair as if you aren’t clutching at him, eyes betraying your panic like a deer in headlights, and Daishou feels sick all over again. 
What the fuck is wrong with him?
“N-no, of course not!”
“No?” Kuroo’s brow arches upwards. “You sure ‘bout that?”
There’s no answer you can give that’ll convince him, yet silence proves equally damning. You seem to realise as much, mouth opening and closing as you try and fail to conjure up the right words to diffuse the situation. Kuroo offers you no out, letting you dig your own grave with the shovel he’s given you, taking some kind of sick satisfaction in your distress. 
Unable to summon anything more than a choked squeak, you stretch upwards again, a delicate hand on his jaw, and kiss him. The action is desperate and clumsy, borne from panic over passion or affection. Kuroo accepts it eagerly all the same, one arm snaking around your waist to draw you closer – or rather, to keep you from slipping away ‘til he’s had his fill of your lips. “I love you,” you murmur against him. “Only you.”
Though they’re shaky, the words stand stronger than those that came before. 
His nose nudges against your own, a look of contentment gracing his features. “Not yet, but we’ll get you there. On your knees, pretty girl.”
Your face crumples in dismay, lips parting only to fall shut with an audible click. As Kuroo’s grip on you loosens, you obediently slide off the bed and onto your knees.
“Arms up.”
Trembling like a leaf and looking faintly ill, you obey, letting him tug your shirt – his shirt, from the looks of it – up and over your head, carelessly tossing it aside. And though you flinch, biting down on your bottom lip, eyes glossy, burning with shame and humiliation, you don’t make a move to cover yourself.
You must know better.
His blood roars, heart thundering violently against his ribs. There’s no pretending he doesn’t see the love bites and bruises spanning your chest, nor the smug, triumphant look in that fucker’s eyes when he notices Daishou looking, his body tensed, shaking with barely contained fury. 
Kuroo strokes your cheek, “Keep your eyes on me. Just you ‘n me, yeah?”
You nod. Without prompting you reach for his belt, the clinking of metal and the hiss of Kuroo’s zipper rattling in his skull, the deep, husky groan that slips from his lips when your fingers slide into his pants and curl around his cock, pulling it out.
“Good girl,” he purrs.
Daishou doesn’t want to watch you kiss a trail from Kuroo’s navel down to his cock. He doesn’t want to see the way your thumb swirls along the head of his dick, smearing his pre only for your tongue to follow its path, lapping it right up.
He doesn’t wanna watch you lick your lips, lean in and suck Kuroo’s cock like a well trained slut while he palms at your tits, but between the rage and disgust and the nausea crawling up the back of his throat, Daishou’s frozen in place.
Guided by the not-so-gentle grip he has on the back of your hair, you take more of him into your mouth with every bob of your head, your other hand diligently working away at what doesn’t fit. He allows it for a minute or two, watching you try your best to take all of him with a hiss of pleasure.
Eventually, though, greed wins out. Kuroo’s hips cant forward, bucking past your lips to force his cock deeper, grazing the back of your throat. Eyes widening, you make a surprised noise and try to pull back, allow yourself a little breathing room to set a pace you're comfortable with, but Kuroo’s having none of it. He growls once in warning, grip tightening around your hair, holding you in place, and begins to fuck your face in earnest.
“That’s my good – little – whore,” he grunts, each word punched out with another cruel thrust of his hips. 
The sounds of you gagging on the dick in your mouth, your choked little whines and whimpers burn through Daishou like wildfire, igniting something deep. A faint stirring in his gut he wishes, more than anything, he could smother entirely. 
He doesn’t look away. 
It’s only when the lack of oxygen becomes too much and you claw at Kuroo’s thighs, tears streaming down your face that he finally relents, letting you pop off his dick with a heaving gasp. With nothing else to tether you, you collapse against his legs, boneless and panting, your eyes fluttering shut. 
They crack open, however, looking up when his hand comes to a rest on the crown of your head, “Say it again. I want to hear it.” 
The demand takes a moment to process, but you swallow and tell him what he wants to hear. “I love you, Tetsu. More than anyone.”
He grins, lazily stroking your hair, “I know, sweetheart. Now c’mon, up on the bed. I’ve been been dreaming of your perfect little pussy all day, wanna fuck you properly.”
Hours pass. Half a day, a day. Maybe longer. There’s no light down here, no windows to track the path of the sun, the shadows creeping across the floor, but he can feel the endless drag of seconds and minutes ticking like a slow suffocation. 
After fucking you to the edge of exhaustion, Kuroo had carried you out, cradled to his chest like something precious, and left him alone in the dark. 
Left Daishou to scream and rage and cry like a fucking baby. It doesn’t help any. His bones and muscles ache, the skin of his wrist rubbed raw trying to move to a position that doesn’t scream with discomfort, the cold, unforgiving floor beneath him offering no relief. Mere feet away lies the bed Kuroo fucked you on, with its pillows and blankets, soft, plush mattress.
With his eyes adjusting to the complete lack of light, Daishou can only make out a vague shape in the darkness. In some kind of fucked up way, he decides it’s a blessing in disguise.
Being able to see the bed’s another cruelty, the promise of comfort and warmth when he’s shivering and cold and lying in his own filth, placed just out of reach. And while the thought of lying in the sheets he’d fucked you in (raped you in, a voice reminds him) makes his stomach turn, he’s not so sure that given the chance, he wouldn’t shove those thoughts aside for a soft reprieve and a few hours of rest.
Some messed up part of him wonders if the pillows and sheets still smell like you.
So no, it’s a good thing he can’t really see the bed, or the door, or much of anything, really.
Besides, it isn’t the hunger pangs or the lack of sleep or the dull, throbbing pain from his joints that bother him the most, it’s the feeling of inhaling razor blades doused in fire he’s subjected to with every shallow, rattling breath. The last taste of water he’d had… would’ve been before the bar, however long ago that was. Too long. More than a warm bed, more than food or freedom from the cuff around his wrist, Daishou thinks he’d just about kill for a single sip of water to wet his throat. 
More than likely, that’s the whole fucking point. 
Left to rot in the darkness, Daishou has plenty of time on his hands to think, musing over the bed in this little windowless room, and the other door he suspects must lead to a bathroom. That asshole went to some effort in getting him here, he’ll admit, but he doubts all this was solely for his benefit.
You were here when he came to; obviously he’d kept you down here, the question was for how long? Did he keep you chained up and hungry in the dark when you wouldn’t play nice? The way you’d melted for him, the affection, the goddamn look in your eyes when you’d said that bastard’s fucking name–
The fear that’d shone there when you’d said his. 
Daishou knows from the depths of whatever’s left of him, that he could never, ever hate you. If he starves to death alone down here, if you’re the one to plunge a dagger into his heart yourself, if you forget all about him and buy into the delusional fucking nightmare that psychotic prick keeps peddling, he’d love you. That much is immutable.
But hatred’s too soft a word for the thorn riddled vines that sprout and twist inside of him, ripping away at muscle and flesh, choking his organs, his veins, everything that he is – because of Kuroo. 
When he hears those footsteps again, the clicking of the altogether unnecessary locks, Daishou can’t help the wide grin that cracks at his face. “Was wonderin’ when you’d come back down to gloat,” he croaks, manages a laugh too, though it feels like dragging his vocal cords over sandpaper.
Having flicked the light switch on (half blinding Daishou in the process) Kuroo fixes him with a sardonic smirk. “Missing me already?”
“Hate waiting around.”
“Ah well, what can I say? I had better things to do.” His smirk broadens, a cruel glint under too bright fluorescent light as he plops himself down on the bed Daishou’s been doing his utmost to ignore and stretches out, rolling his shoulder and neck. “Prettier things.”
A stab of something dark and ugly wrenches between his ribs. 
“What the fuck is wrong with you?” he spits through cracked, dry lips, and before he can think better of it, adds, “Mommy didn’t love you enough, Kuroo? That what this is?”
Kuroo doesn’t snap the way he expects him to. He doesn’t lash out like he would’ve when they were hot headed teenagers desperate to grind the other into the dirt and lord it over them. The muscle in his jaw jumps and his eyes narrow, sharpen – but his expression is quick to smooth over. Water off a duck’s back. He lets out an amused snort, rising from the bed. 
“Y’know, as entertaining as it was watching you self-destruct, losing your volleyball career, your fans, friends, all those nights you spent searching for her at the bottom of a bottle – and it was entertaining, believe me – I think I like this better.” 
A short, sharp burst of pain. Warm copper spills over his tongue. 
“You’re not gonna survive this. Even you’re smart enough to have realised that much.” He crouches down low, at eye-level, just out of reach, appraising him with a tilted head – as though Daishou’s some whimpering puppy at the pound. 
Daishou’s not a fucking puppy. 
“Most likely it’ll be the dehydration that kills you first,” Kuroo continues. “That only takes a few days, but with water, you could probably make it two, three weeks before your body starves itself to death – plenty of time for your muscles to begin to atrophy, which’ll be painful as hell, not to mention how bad the isolation’s gonna fuck you up. And who knows, maybe I’ll be nice and bring you something to drink every now and then, throw you some scraps from dinner. I might even let you out of those cuffs for an hour or two, so you can walk around down here, stretch those legs of yours before they completely shrivel up… But you won’t see her again, ever.”
Scowling and hateful, Daishou spits at Kuroo and bares bloody teeth. 
Kuroo wants to treat him like a dog, fine – but wolves gnaw through flesh and bone to free themselves from hunting traps, and he ain’t about to just keel over with a whimper and make this easy for him.
“Go fuck yourself.”
Tension crackles through the air like an oncoming storm. 
Daishou falls back against the radiator, breathing heavy and Kuroo wipes at his cheek with the pad of his thumb and huffs out a dry laugh, eyeing the bloody digit. Looking back at Daishou, he stands. “You look thirsty, I’ll go get you some water. Can’t have you croaking on us just yet.”
He’ll bite his fucking throat out if he has to. 
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ch0wen · 2 years
Could you please do a Tangerine x reader (who's his gf) where the two go out on a date and she gets catcalled by some men... so, what do you think Tan's reaction to his girlfriend being catcalled would be?🤔
Request: Catcalling - Tangerine x Fem!reader
warnings: mention of sexual content if you blink really fast
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In the reflection of the restaurant's window, Tangerine smoothes out the misplaced hairs in his mustache. Unexpectedly, the sounds of bustling chatter abruptly cut off as fast as it broke out. This gave a sign that someone has also exited the building. Approaching footsteps indicate that a person is joining him outside. At this unspoken but designated smoker's corner.
He assesses the figure behind him through the reflection. Taking note that it was a balding man who was fumbling through his pockets for a lighter with a cigarette dangling from his lips.
Tangerine gives himself a final once-over before grabbing for his own lighter.
“Here, mate," with a thrust out of his hand to the other man. The recipient had already turned around when Tangerine spoke up. He let out a grateful hum while he lit his cigarette before returning it with a mumble of 'thanks.'
They both say nothing more. Breathing in their respective fumes. Watching their smoke mingle and then fade as one into the air.
Baldy has the bright idea to break the shared silence.
“Hey wait. You’re the one that walked in with the red dress. Jesus,” he dragged out. “What’s in that dress is a damn looker. You are lucky, brother.”
Tangerine gives a firm nod with a tight-lipped smile. He can agree that the new dress hugs you in all the right places. But he’s not keen on this sleazy man tossing out creepy compliments about you.
“I am certainly lucky. Speaking of, I should probably get back to her then.”
Without another word, he’s stubbing his cigarette off on a lamppost and striding back in to find your table.
“Have I told you yet that you look beautiful tonight?”
A genuinely warm smile graced his normally frowning lips as he gazes at you. You couldn't help but smile in return, as you grab for his hand once he was settled in his seat.
“Only eight times. Not as many as I was hoping for. But numbers one through three were during that quickie in the bathroom, so I’m not really complaining.”
He gently squeezes your hand as you share a laugh.
You both share a few fleeting minutes of flirtatious smiles and whispered compliments before the mood shifts for the evening.
Baldy breezes by your table. Tangerine immediately notices the way his eyes scan over your toned, bare legs as he passes. And much to his dismay, the man joins a woman seated at another table within earshot.
Your moments of romance proceed to be followed by scenarios that make Tangerine apprehensive.
Baldy's wife, based on the pathetically sized ring on her left finger, smooches his cheek while making her way to the washrooms. The movement had Tangerine lose focus on your story for a beat. He tunes in to the activity since it's in his line of vision.
Baldy's eyes are lovingly following his wife's trail but then stop short on you. A look that was once filled with admiration for his wife now reflects nothing but hunger. He'd devour you if he could.
"You have an amazing pair of legs, honey. What I'd do to know how they'd feel wrapped around my head." He says over his beer glass before taking a swig.
He looks to Tangerine next. A chuckle playing in the crinkling of his eyes. Indicating that he thought that comment would get you hot and bothered, while your man would just sit there and wholeheartedly agree with this stranger. He continues,
"You really won the damn jackpot."
Baldy really cannot read the room or the grimace on your face. His idea of cat-calling has you shifting in your seat to try to cover up. Preventing him from stealing another look. Your obvious discomfort paired with Baldy's ignorance has Tangerine fuming.
In a blink, he is scuffing his chair back. Approaching the half-unoccupied table. His hand landing on Baldy’s shoulder with his back to you. He bends forward with a lowly murmur in his ear.
“As I said. I undoubtedly agree that she’s lovely. Nevertheless, I don’t appreciate you speaking about her like she’s an object. She doesn't find your remarks complimentary, brother."
Tangerine gives him a harsh squeeze then yanks the chair opposite him to sit down.
“To be frank, if I hear you say one more thing about her, I will gouge your eyes out and fix them to this fucking table with a fork.”
He playfully acts like he is deeply considering another idea before fixing him with a glare. His hand grips a fork. That is the only physical sign of his rising anger.
“Or I can take one of your slimy eyes into the kitchen, have the chef À la mode that shit, and serve it on a God damn platter to the lovely woman you’re dining with. And when she requests for the chef to come out and tell her his secret, I don’t think she’ll enjoy finding out that her main course was her husband’s eyeball. And it would be all because you can’t enjoy what’s right in front of you. Instead, you have been eating up my partner with your looks."
As he sat back in the chair, a grin spreads across his face. Giving Baldy an eerie juxtaposition to his threatening words.
"If you disrespect me or her again by talking like that. I'll break you. Are we understood?"
Baldy is the color of the cheap pearls which draped his wife's wrinkly neck. Tangerine takes his silence as a confirmation. Harshly patting his cheek before sauntering back over to your table.
You have a fixed scowl on your face while Tangerine bears a shit-eating grin. Knowing he stirred up trouble with you by terrorizing a stranger. You couldn't help but overhear the entire exchange.
Tangerine was not worried about dealing with your irritation. Not only does he believe his reaction to the catcalling was justified and that angry sex is arguably the best version of sex.
But tonight has confirmed that he can be very persuasive. He’ll be sure to ask for your forgiveness between your legs.
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randomartistherelol · 8 months
incorrect quotes with VERY specific characters because why not
Rayman: I'm a firm believer in "if you're going to fail, you might as well fail spectacularly."
Rayman: I wouldn’t put it in those words exactly. Peppino: Why not? Rayman: Because I don't know what they mean.
Peppino: Just be careful, Rayman! Rayman: heading out the door I'm always careful, Peppino! Rayman: It's everything around me that's careless.
Peppino: I don’t have anything against you, but I can make up lots of reasons to attack you!!
Peppino: My toxic trait is that I truly believe I could win a fight against anybody if I was mad enough. You might have the strength and size, but I have the pure, unfiltered rage.
Peppino: I'm gonna get my pilot's license. I've already got a driver's license and a cosmetology license, that's two of the big five licenses. Baldi: The big five licenses? Peppino: Driver's license, cosmetology license, pilot's license, fishing license, and… license to kill! I can't wait to get that one.
Rayman: Hey besties- Baldi: Die. Rayman: What did I do to you-
Rayman: Baldi, we need that! Baldi, holding Peppino over a trash can: Nope. Rayman: Gimme it— Baldi: It’s garbage.
Rayman: Now, Peppino, all of us are doing this because we care about you, okay? Baldi: Except for me. I just wanted to see the look on your face.
Baldi: Happy Scorpio season. If you have to burn a bridge, do it safely! Rayman: With NAPALM.
Peppino is casually searching around the room Rayman: Hey Peppino, what’re you looking for? Peppino: My will to live. Blue walks into the room Peppino: Oh, there it is.
Baldi: What do we say when life disappoints us? Peppino: Called it! Baldi: No.
Rayman, talking about Blue: Is this a friend of yours, Baldi? Baldi: Kind of? Not really. They're in my life and there's nothing I can do about it.
Baldi: How do you want your coffee? Rayman: Black, like my soul. Baldi: Baldi: Rayman, your soul is a latte.
Blue: I have been tricked, I have been backstabbed, and I have quite possibly been bamboozled.
Baldi, teaching Rayman to drive: Okay Rayman, what does a green light mean? Rayman: Go! Baldi: A red light? Rayman: Stop! Baldi: And what about a yellow light? Rayman: If you floor it, you can make it! Baldi: …No—
Rayman, reading a recipe: Beat three eggs? Blue: It means like in hand-to-hand combat. Rayman: Ohhhh- Peppino: Both of you get out of this kitchen.
Rayman: If this plan goes down the drain, where should we regroup? Peppino: The afterlife, I guess.
Peppino: You seem familiar… have I threatened you before?
Blue: The universe is cold and unfeeling. The only constant is chaos. Peppino: Was that place out of chocolate-chip pancakes again?
Rayman: Have you heard of Murphy’s law? The one where if something can go wrong, it will go wrong? Peppino: Yeah, I have. Rayman: Have you heard of Cole’s law? Peppino: Is this a joke about coleslaw? Rayman: …maybe.
Peppino: Please could you go to the shop and get a carton of milk, if they have avacodos get six. Blue, coming back from the store with six cartons of milk: They had avacados!
Rayman: I'm going to ask you to be respectful. Peppino: I will politely decline.
Rayman: Watcha doin? Blue: Stealing my neighbour’s cat. Rayman: Scandalous. Rayman: Can I help?
Baldi: What’s your greatest weakness? Rayman: Interpreting the semantics of a question, but ignoring the pragmatics. Baldi: Could you give an example? Rayman: Yes, I could.
Peppino: I hope you have an explanation for this. Rayman: We have three, actually! Blue: Pick your favorite.
Baldi: School appropriate questions. Rayman: What was the lowest point in your life?
Rayman: Oh gosh I wish I got more sleep I only got six hours! Blue: Six? I only got three! Baldi: You guys got sleep? Peppino, comes stumbling out of their room and grabs a jug of coffee before saying: What year is it??
Blue: Welcome to my very first vlog, in which I try different hair products! Blue: sprays hairspray in their mouth Blue: Well, right off the bat I can tell you this one is not very good.
Rayman: Peppino, you were so wasted last night. Peppino: I wasn't that drunk! Rayman: …You called a taxi home. Peppino: Yeah! It's called being responsible! Rayman: The party was at your house. Peppino: …Crap.
Baldi, to Rayman: Well, one of us has to be wrong and it’s not going to be me.
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theomnicode · 2 years
A continuation to this post about what if Fubuki told Saitama that Genos likes him and my thoughts about it that I typed on discord. Set after the psychic sisters arc. I can't figure out where to put Rover and Black S so imma ignore them.
So, I want Fubuki to tell Saitama that Genos likes him. Saitama is ofc flabbergasted at the notion and then Fubuki presses on and Saitama keeps denying and deflecting like "there's no way thats true and he hasnt said anything" and offhanded comments that Genos shouldnt bother anyway, hes just caped baldy and maybe some other type of self-deprecating comment that's a bit subtle but Fubuki does pick up on and comments about that why doesnt Saitama feel like he's not worthy of Genos attention.
Saitama doesn't rly know how to answer that and he's like dunno, Genos is just amazing and it's not like he's interested back. Fubuki just raises an eyebrow and goes like well Genos does and maybe he should talk about it or something. Consider this advice a favour back for helping with Psykos situation and not allowing Tatsumaki to kill Psykos (or something like that idk).
Saitama ruminates on what he learned about Genos from Fubuki and does decide to contront Genos about it when Genos arrives back home…and they get into a heated argument because they can't seemingly get each other and other's feelings or something. Genos unloads his own frustrations about doing everything, being ignored and being pressured to do so much and he acts jealous too and Saitama impulsively says that he doesn't even like Genos back or doesn't swing that way. Ouch.
Genos feels hurt and slams the door and Saitama left is alone, in his new house that's still unfamiliar with no company and feeling like he messed up big time.
Genos goes to Kuseno's labs and stays there for a while, thinking he's not good enough for Saitama. Saitama himself gets depressed because the house is so empty without Genos and it's dinner time and he doesn't feel like cooking, despite being hungry because it doesn't feel the same without Genos there eating with him and he doesn't feel motivated to cook at all. He wakes up the next morning and calls out to Genos because Genos is usually awake before him and looks at the futon that's still untouched next to the wall and the lack of Genos in the kitchen and sighs. He's hungry so he eats banana for breakfast and puts on the tv. Nothing new but he continues to feel awful and lay down on the floor.
King suddenly comes to visit him because he didn't catch Saitama before and he hasn't heard of Saitama for a bit and King immediately notices Saitama's mood is really down and asks where Genos is because he doesn't see him and Saitama tells that he's probably still at Kuseno's place /or he doesnt know where he is and King gets worried even more because this is unlike them and he asks what happened.
Saitama drops the bomb and says that Genos apparently likes him and then he messed it all up.
King goes "oh brother" and goes into advice mode and tries to offer wisdom to Saitama about relationships (that he has picked up from dating sim, but it rings surprisingly true still) but Saitama stays in bad mood. King says they should go eat something and Saitama says he doesnt have money, they had to replace so many items and he only got lucky because he apparently punted some S-class criminals and took em in to custody. King says not to worry and that he will pay for food, which does lift Saitama's spirits a little bit and they go out to eat and chat.
Somene might notice that King is hanging around with Caped Baldy and maybe even start harrassing them and take pictures, but King makes them back off. Then they come back to Saitama's place and King has brought video games, but it ends up with Saitama having a more volatile and less repressed reaction than usual when he loses again and he actually throws the controller through the floor and through the ground in a gamer rage. There's a tense silence.
King then points out that Saitama is quite moody apparently but before he does anything, maybe he should count to 3...or 10, if that helps. Saitama frustratedly sits down and balls his fists because he's still feeling so pissed and then that frustration bleeds into sadness and he starts to cry frustrated, angry tears.
"I miss Genos."
Saitama tries to grapple with his own feelings of frustration at himself and the sadness his loneliness brings and King pats his shoulder in comforting, if awkward manner and says something about letting it all out. Saitama feels weirded out that he can't seem to stop feeling and thinking about the situation and Genos and how frustrated and sad he is and then suddenly he realizes: he's not feeling emotionally numb anymore or hollow.
It now feels more like he's a dam ready to burst. He points this out in wonderment to King and suddenly he feels so elated he starts bouncing around like a little kid on sugar, sadness forgotten. King does ask what has happened and Saitama doesn't rly know, but it it really does feel like he's not apathetic before.
They get interrupted by Flashy Flash coming to a surprise visit.
Aka Saitama's emotional training arc begins.
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starbudspresents · 2 years
Re.Gray 002 - Full Moon Night
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♦ 63
Narration: 《AKUMA》 Narration: Malignant living weapon; deceased soul fused into mechanism.
Narration: 《EXORCIST》 Narration: Akuma-destroying clergyperson dressed in black.
Narration: At the close of an imaginary 19th century, Narration: strange things were happening night after night.
Allen: Timcanpy!
sfx: gara gara [wagon rolling over cobblestones]
Allen: Don't flap about so much, Allen: can't have you getting eaten by any more cats.
sfx: jah [pulling curtain aside] Clown: Whaaaa~~~? It got eaten~~? Clown: Lucky to be alive, innit!
sfx: patatata [Timcanpy flapping its metallic wings]
Allen: Rose from its grave, didn't you.
Clown: Wassat?
sfx: gyuh [shove]
Yosshii: Here in England to sightsee, traveller?
sfx: yoji yoji [flup flup, sound of wingbeats changing as Tim comes in for the landing]
Allen: No, not exactly. Allen: I've come to introduce myself Allen: at Exorcist headquarters.
♦ 65
2nd Night - Full Moon Night
♦ 66
Narration: Three months earlier, Narration: somewhere in India...
sfx: pao— pao— [elephants trumpeting]
Cross: Hey. Allen.
Allen: Yes, Master?1
Cross: You've been my apprentice for three years now. Cross: Figure it's about time you graduated... Cross: As of today, you may call yourself a full-fledged Exorcist.
Allen: !! Allen: You really mean it!?
Cross: But that means you need to show your face at Headquarters.
♦ 67
Cross: You... know how to find the place, right?
sfx: su [ominous frisson]
Allen: ... sfx: jirih [suspiciously shrinks back] Allen: Yes?
sfx: pata [flap]
Cross: I'll send my golem2 in my place, then, Cross: and fire off a letter of introduction to Komui, the fellow in charge there.
sfx: jirih [shrinks back further]
sfx: pao— [elephant]
Cross: Get going whenever you wake up.
Allen: You don't mean to skive off!?
sfx: fuoh [raises mallet] Cross: I can't stand that place. sfx: GOH [BONK]
sfx: bah [jerks back to reality with a shudder] Allen: Augh!!
♦ 68
Allen: Just a dream... Allen: I keep reliving it...
sfx: shah [pokes out of curtains]
sfx: haa haa haa [panting]
Clown: All right there~? Sounded like a nightmare~
Jan: AKUMA!!! Jan: It's an Akuma, we're doomed!!
Allen: !!
Clown: W-What's this now!?
Allen: Thanks for the lift! sfx: bah [hup]
Clown: Oh my!?
♦ 69
sfx: dadadadadada [pounding footsteps, Allen running pell-mell]
Allen: Are you all right!? Allen: Where's the— Allen: —Akuma!?
Baldy: No demons round here, mate.
Allen: Sorry?
Baldy: Now look what you've done, Jan, crying wolf.
sfx: goh [bonk]
♦ 70
Baldy: Sorry 'bout that. This lad's a prankster.
sfx: osu [unrepentant]
Jan: It's not a prank, blockhead! Jan: The Akuma really are here!! sfx: geh [pout] Jan: They're slowly but surely spreading across the world! Dad said so!
Baldy: Yes, yes, we know. Here, have a sweet.
Jan: Don't treat me like a kid!! Jan: I'm telling the truth! Jan: Just now, over there, some big fellow in a top hat killed3 this homeless chap! Jan: Stuffed an Akuma skeleton right down his gob—
♦ 71
sfx: pakoh [claps a hand over Jan's mouth] Pigtails: Sorry, folks, just ignore him. Pigtails: Kept pestering me to play with him, so I did, but he got carried away...
Jan: Wnghf!? side, translation: "What!?"
Baldy: Yeah, s'what I thought. Baldy, side: Let's all get back to work.
Baker: We won't come running next time, y'hear?
Jan: Nnn! Hnnn!
sfx: ponn [silence falling like a struck gong]
Jan: ......
♦ 72
sfx: pii [keen slicing sound]
Allen: You cannot fool my eye.
sfx: bu [skin unzipping]
Allen: You're an Akuma.
sfx: bubububu [outer shell disintegrating]
♦ 73
sfx: DON [bwoosh, whole body goes to dust at once]
Jan: ......
sfx: hyuuu [dust curling in the breeze]
Allen: "Jan", was it? Allen: How do you know so much about Akuma?
sfx: pachin [snap of a rebuttoned finger glove]
sfx: DOH [impact]
Allen: oof!?
♦ 74
sfx: DOH [impact]
Jan: An Exorcist! I've never met one before!! Jan: Was that your anti-Akuma weapon? Jan: Lemme have a look-see— Jan: Oops?
sfx: biku [twitch]
sfx: sha [rrr of rollerblades]
Jan: Dad's a Vatican scientist. Jan: He's aaaalways working, though, so I mostly have the place to m'self. Jan: Started reading through his research when I was bored one day, and found out about the Akuma and whatnot.4
Allen: What odd shoes...
Jan: My dream right now's to become a great scientist like him and invent a weapon that'll wipe out Akuma like that!
♦ 75
Jan: Meant to ask, though... sfx: chira [squint]
Allen: Yes?
Jan: Even a puny little squirt like you can make it as an Exorcist, eh?
sfx: GON [conk] rock: PUNY
Jan: I always pictured a big strapping bunch. Jan: Not... you. Jan: So how many Akuma have you done for? Jan: How'd you get your anti-Akuma weapon into your hand like that? Jan: How'd you feel when you destroyed your first?
Allen: Jan... Allen: You shouldn't stick your neck out so far. Allen: You were lucky, this time, Allen: but you should try to avoid attracting the Millennium Earl's attention. Allen: It's dangerous.
♦ 76
Jan: Catch. sfx: poi [toss]
Allen: An onion?
sfx: BON [explodes in his face] sfx: uuuun [tears pouring down, moaning]
Jan: Heh heh. My own invention: the onion bomb. Jan: I'm not just going to sit pretty while the Akuma invade!
sfx: kuru [turns away]
Jan: "Dangerous," my foot! Don't treat me like a kid, you milksop! sfx: sha—h [rollerblades away at speed]
Allen: M-My eyes... Allen: Pete's sake, Allen: I give up.
sfx: shimiru [stinging]
♦ 77
sfx: zudodododo [engine-like rumbling] sfx:goriririri, gago—, dori dori dori, zukyukyukyukyuu, ga— [whole cacophony of rumbling, squeaking metal, small explosions, etc.]
Maid: Young master! Maid: Young master...! Maid: Master Jan, you have a guest! Can you hear me? Maid: Young master Jan!
sfx: gacha [door unlatching] Jan: ...... Jan: Who is it? Jan: Leo!!
♦ 78
Jan: It's been ages, mate! Jan: Haven't heard from you since the funeral, been worried sick! Jan: Are you staying with your folks now? Jan: Losing your mum must've been hard, but I'm always here for you! Jan: Keep your chin up!
Jan: He seems.... different, somehow... Jan: His mum dying must've been a real shock... Jan: Isn't there anything Jan: I can do to cheer him up?
♦ 79
Jan: Oh, right! Jan: I saw an Akuma for the first time today! Jan: I've kept up patrolling while you were gone. Jan: There really is a mechanical skeleton on the inside! Jan: And! I saw the face of the Millennium Earl himself! Jan: It was definitely him. Jan: Hang on a sec, I'll sketch him. Jan: Umm, like so... and so.... sfx: kaki kaki [scritch-scratch]
♦ 80
Jan: Ta-da! sfx: baan [fanfare] Jan: We should go out on patrol again and pass these around!
sfx: ton [Leo puts his hand on Jan's forearm with an odd sense of weight] Leo: Jan Leo: there's somewhere I'd like you to go with me
sfx: jiririri [brrring] Allen: Just couldn't leave well enough alone, could I. Allen: Ah, well. I'll straighten the boy out right quick, then make for HQ. sfx: haa [sigh] sfx: jiririri [brrring]
♦ 81
sfx: gacha [door opens]
Maid: Hullo?
Allen: Whoa, déjà vu.5 Allen: Er, I gather this is Jan's residence? Allen: Is he in?
Maid: Young master Jan?
sfx: so~~~ [stealthy approach, palms out] sfx: DOI [push!]
Jan: Why are you here? Jan, side: pffft
♦ 82
Jan: Bet you've come to lecture me, Jan: but you can stuff it. sfx: keh [sticks tongue out] sfx: shaaa— [rollerblades away, backwards]
Allen: J-Jan... you little....
sfx: shah [rollerblades] Jan: Let's go, Leo.
Allen: Ugh—
On maid: [fainted]
sfx: piii [high-pitched whine; Allen's cursed eye spinning up] Allen: !! Allen: W-Wait a minute, Jan! Allen: That boy is—
sfx: gachan [gate clangs shut]
♦ 83
Allen: T-This... Allen: ...is a problem. Allen: Timcanpy, go after them! Allen: I'm right behind you!
sfx: patatata [flaps off]
Allen: Damn.... Allen: Headquarters will have to wait.... Allen: Seems there's someone else I need to show my face to first, Allen: Master...
♦ 84
Jan: Oi, Leo...? Jan: Is this really where you wanted to go? Jan: It's a boneyard. Jan: Oh, did you want to visit your mum's grave? Jan: Should've just said! Don't be so vague—
sfx: DON [small face meet big belly]
♦ 85
sfx: suih [pat on the head] Earl: Good evening. ♡ Earl: Pleased to make your acquaintance, young Jan. ♡ sfx: sui sui [pet pet]
sfx: bah [rears back] Jan: ...... Jan: M— Jan: Millennium Earl...!?
♦ 86
sfx: bah [winds up] sfx: byuBA [and tosses] Jan: Eat this!!
sfx: BON [onion bomb explodes in Earl's face]
Jan: Let's run for it, Leo! Jan: Oi, Leo!?
sfx: nyaa [eerie smile]
Jan: What are you doing!? He's going to kill us!! Jan: Leo—!!
Earl: Oh, dear little Leo has been dead for quite some time, we're afraid. ♡ Earl: Since his mother's funeral, in fact. ♡
♦ 87
Earl: This... Earl: is an Akuma we made to punish you for getting in our way. ♡6
Jan: You're lying....
Allen: He isn't. Allen: Jan, Allen: that boy is an Akuma!!
♦ 88
Narration: And thus, his master departed.
Title: 師匠 shishou, "master" in the sense of a master of a trade mentoring an apprentice or journeyman until they're good enough to practice independently. Conversely, Cross refers to Allen as his 弟子 deshi, "apprentice" or "disciple". [ ♠ ]
This word — "golem" — is written in katakana, ゴレム, as a direct loanword from another language: in this case Hebrew. A golem is a creature out of Jewish folklore which draws on deep symbolism specific to the Jewish people, but it shows up in Japanese fiction oddly often as some form of inanimate matter given temporary magical life according to particular parameters. [ ♠ ]
Putting a note here for later reference, because this is a bit interesting: we learned in Night 001 that the Earl makes Akuma using a living person who's lost someone and the soul of the one they lost, yet here, the Earl seems to have killed the living vessel directly and put a (possibly pre-filled?) Akuma mechanism into him. If that's something he can do, the size of the Akuma population would make more sense. [ ♠ ]
In light of the later arc in which an Order scientist tries to leave and has difficulty with the security measures in place to prevent this exact information from leaking out to the general public... who on Earth is Jan's father, and how did get a breach this spectacular past the Order? [ ♠ ]
This is just an easy-to-miss joke: the maid looks like she could be closely related to the clown on the carny wagon he hitched a ride with. [ ♠ ]
This is very interesting, as it implies that the Earl doesn't want information about himself or the Akuma released either, putting him in line with the Order on this front. Neither power wants the war between them to become public. It makes more sense for the Earl, at this point, because if people knew about him and knew his bargains weren't what they seemed, they might be less likely to willingly assist in the Akuma creation process. [ ♠ ]
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winderlylandchime · 1 year
2/2 He now once again paused the episode and went outside for a smoke and all he did was just look at me and went ‘don’t’. He is gonna end up back in the ER by the time Ethan fully happens. He is back and he is relaxed but also he did say he’s pissed off that he can’t drink alcohol soooo. ‘Look at Brian being all badass to secure his job! He is out for kill! See his smugness is nice to see, it says: im good at my shit and I know that. And I like that. Now get him Brian! Get this account and go home and show Blondie that he is a little dramatic and dumb but that you still love him.’ His only thoughts about the mel and linds threesome were ‘please let this be the thing that makes Melly more likable.’ ‘HELL YEAH BRIAN! SHOW BALDY HOW BADASS YOU ARE! He did what you couldn’t do your entire career in just ONE FUCKING DAY! You wish you were him you little twat! BRIAN IS A PARTNER!!! AND HE CALLED JUSTIN SUNSHINE AND PARTNER!!! FUCKING ADORABLE!…where’s Justin? Awwww he’s looking for Justin! He wants to tell him that his PARTNER is now a double partner!! FUCK IS HE DOING IN VERMONT?!?!?! BY HIMSELF?!?! WHAT THE ACTUAL FUCK? And he doesn’t want to share his news anymore *pauses tv and looks at me* he went to Vermon by himself?! I just know he’s sitting there all sad and shit to try and stick a middle finger to Brian but this just makes him look childish and i get it he’s 19 BUT I HAD MORE FAITH IN THAT! I mean come on if this was someone else he’d be understanding about it since their job depended on it! But not with Bri Bri! This fucking sucks, this is NOT HOW I IMAGINED THIS WOULD GO! *starts the ep* AND THEY PLAY GOOD OLD FASHIONED LOVER BOY?!?! AND HAVE HIM WALK INTO THE EMOTY STREET?! THATS MY FAVORITE SONG! I HATE THIS FUCKING SHIT SO MUCH! THIS HURTS! Why the fuck would you show me this show? (I point out that he made me show it to him) well you shouldn’t fucking listen to me! Nobody listens to me on there *flaps his hands to the tv* yall dont listen to me when i say that I know my body and i know my spirit and that I would totally be okay to eat a pickle! *gestures his hands to the whole place* All of you SUCK! You suck! Justin sucks! The person that made this show sucks! The bald guy who ruined my trip montage sucks! That cello player sucks! EVERYONE SUCKS! I’m leaving’ he then got up, took his cigarettes, a jacket and sunglasses and went outside to “leave” to which he returned after exactly 4 minutes because he got hungry. And now he’s not talking to me and is completely ignoring me. At one point our mom called him and he is so miserable that he actually ignored her call.
Ohhhh boy.
Haha about the threesome being the thing that makes him like Melanie more. Iconic.
To summarize. His current complaints are:
The TV is not listening to him
No one will let him eat a pickle
You suck
Justin sucks
CowLip sucks
Gardner Vance sucks (and made him miss out on a trip montage)
Ethan sucks
Everyone sucks
I disagree about you sucking and I agree that no one should let this man near pickles but the rest of his complains are very valid. Welcome to the fandom!
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sunfish-studies · 3 years
✄・・・ Crisp Leaves [Aoba Johsai Manager Series]
➜ Pairing: Aoba Johsai x Manager! Reader
➜ Warning: Kageyama is just babie
➜ Notes: Manager in this story will be portrayed as a girl. She will be tall, around 170.5 cm.
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They’re just looking away for a minute for goodness’s sake and someone already managed to steal their spotlight as their manager’s knight in shining armor–but they’re chill as long as you’re okay. Well, except Oikawa.
It’s another practice match of Aoba Johsai and Karasuno–Coach Irihata mentioned about it’s easy to have opponents, however looking for a worthy rival is on another level. And Karasuno managed to earn a rightful place as Aoba Johsai’s rival–that’s why practice match against them is something to look forward.
As usual, when the crows greeted the team once they arrived, you were the one in charge in greeting them back and show them the ropes for the day’s match. Having clicked with Kiyoko and Hitoka made it even easier–being friends with another team’s manager has its own fun, especially you’re the only female in a huge room full of male population.
That and Karasuno is a very interesting team to watch–their dynamic serv as an entertainment for you and a future reference for understanding each and every member’s tendency.
You could watch them the whole match if not remembering your duty as a manager of Seijoh.
The practice match went smoothly–everyone was all out even though it wasn’t a real deal, and the second set ended with Aoba Johsai taking yet another one with Karasuno being extremely close with the points.
“Great work,” you praised, handing over the drinking bottles you previously filled with Kiyoko and Hitoka.
“Still, the freak-combi is hard thing to handle,” Matsukawa commented.
“Yeah, the shrimp is moving much better than before,” Hanamaki added. “He’s just spiking with all his might before but now he’s really controlling how to hit the ball.”
“It goes beyond amazing to irritating,” Oikawa clicked his tongue, the grip he had on his bottle tightened.
“You said that every time.” Iwaizumi deadpanned. “And Kageyama’s really on his game today. His serves were on point.”
“Even though I hate to admit it but Iwaizumi-san is right,” Kindaichi grumbled while Kunimi’s eyebrow twitched.
“And not to mention the digs!” Watari exclaimed, wiping his neck with a clean towel. “The rally is getting longer because no one wants the ball drops.”
“’Ah, the baldy is getting on my nerves with all those straights,’” you said, glancing over Kyotani who had his shoulders tensed from the sudden teasing grin he received. “That’s what you’re thinking right, Kyotani-kun? Well, Tanaka-san is really improving his shots.”
“You sure memorized their names, senpai,” Yahaba commented. “I didn’t even know anyone else other than Kageyama because Oikawa-san keeps mentioning him every chance he got.”
Oikawa gasped, feeling scandalized with the statement. “I do not, Yahaba-kun!”
You rose an eyebrow. “Are you really crushing on Tobio-kun right now? No. I don’t allow it with those trashy attitude you have every time he’s close.”
“I’m not, [Nickname]-chan!!”
“Hands off my baby, Trash King.”
“Didn’t you hear what I just said!?”
“[Name]-chan!” Kiyoko called, which made you whipped your head to face her. “I think one of the bottles are switched, can you take a look?”
“Sure!” You replied back, immediately wrapping a clean towel around Kunimi’s neck. “I’ll be back in a second.”
You jogged towards the Karasuno team, and sadly that’s when the disaster happened.
Not noticing a small pool of water or whatever liquid that is on the wooden floor, you stepped on it without knowing–resulting an instant slip for you.
You yelped in surprise–feeling gravity automatically pulling you to the ground. Every thing seemed to be in slow motion somehow and even though you realized the fall was going to hurt, you didn’t have quick reflex to really move or do anything. That’s why you decided to brace the pain.
However, it never came.
Once you opened your eyes (since when did you even close it anyway?), you’re gaze immediately met with a pair of cobalt blue and black. And the only person who had both is someone you’re extremely familiar with.
“Are you alright, [Name]-san?” Kageyama asked, eyes filled with concern and his face was quite close with yours–wait, what?
That’s when you notice a sturdy arm wrapped around your waist, preventing you from hitting the ground back first–also noticing the series of exaggerating gasps and shrieks echoing throughout the gym. Your cheeks suddenly felt as if it was on fire.
“NOOO!! [NICKNAME]-CHAN!!” Oikawa shrieked–making the two of you pulled away. Your friend of nearly eight years stomped forward and put your figure behind him, shielding you from Kageyama. “Don’t get too close with our manager, Tobio-chan!!”
“Tooru, you know that he’s helping me, right?” you pointed out. “I would’ve hit my head.”
“N-n-n-nice save, Kageyama!” Hinata stuttered, you could see his face flaming red–and it seemed infectious because Kageyama’s face turned red, as he’s just realizing what he was doing.
“Shut up, dumbass!!”
“The floor does need wiping,” Iwaizumi commented. “We should take a break and wipe all of the court.”
“Me, Kiyoko-chan, and Hitoka-chan can do that. You guys just rest.”
“Didn’t you hear what I said!?” Oikawa whined, before turning and pointing accusingly towards his whole team. “And you guys! Don’t you feel something when a boy from another team have their hands on our manager!?”
Hanamaki shrugged. “He��s saving her, nobody can get close that fast.”
“He made sure [Name] didn’t hit the ground, as long as nothing happened it’s chill.” Matsukawa added.
“I-It’s way better if Otohaku-senpai’s safe,” Kindaichi stuttered. “That’s what I’m thinking…”
Yahaba tsked and looked away, murmuring something about ‘as long as our manager is safe, but I can’t get this frustration off my chest’. Kyotani just stared straight at their weird captain with no emotion whatsoever, he didn’t see Kageyama as a threat so he didn’t need to put his guard up. Watari just nervously laughing as he didn’t know how to reply that statement, meanwhile Kunimi was looking extremely done with the drama.
“Shouldn’t we start discussing strategies instead?” Iwaizumi remarked, which made all of them moved to face their coaches–choosing to ignore Oikawa’s shriek of betrayal.
“I got the mops! Let’s wipe the floor squeaky clean, Kiyoko-chan, Hitoka-chan!”
“Let’s do it.” Kiyoko replied, smiling slightly–and you could hear Tanaka and Nishinoya gushing over her radiating beauty.
“I-I’ll do my best!” Hitoka replied.
“Can I help too?” Kageyama piped up, slightly raising his hand.
“You can, but shouldn’t you be resting?” you questioned.
“OOH! Let me join too, let me join too!” Hinata was already by your side so suddenly.
“Shoyo-kun, it’s just wiping the floor, you’re being too excited.” You replied, laughing.
Then the two proceed to made a bet on who could wipe the floor faster and cleaner. Before they jumped into action, you reached out for Kageyama’s shirt and tugged it lightly which made him turned to face you. When you’re still in Kitagawa Daiichi, the boy was way smaller and now he’s standing half head taller than you–and he’s still growing.
“Thank you, Tobio-kun. For before.”
“I-It’s no problem…”
“Don’t get too close with Tobio-chan, [Nickname]-chaan!!”
“Shut up, Crappykawa!”
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thicksimpx · 3 years
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❦ ❦ - Alexis & Saitama (late but happy birthday bitch 😂🤎 @luffysthickwaifu )
Alexis and Saitama have a lazy weekend- what better way to start the morning than to take a scroll down memory lane🌚
Warnings : as always my content is 18+ Idek why I have to say it😐 , mature content, mature language ,mentions of stalking and obsession, drunk sex , attempted breeding, established relationship
“Hey” Alexis rolls over to lay on Saitama chest. “Remember how we met?”
“Yeah” he pulls her closer.
“I never thought I would meet my crush in person- let alone be lying in bed with them every night. Maybe fate is real”
“Yeah.. fate” he trails off thinking back to that faithful day.
“Uuuuahhah- “Saitama hears a hearty gasp behind him. Ignoring it obviously, it’s someone else’s problem he was just here to get his onigiri and go home.
“Yes bitch! It is him. I know his head from anywhere oh my god” he hears the woman try to whisper behind him. “No, I’m not going to say anything, I need to get the fuck up out of her- fine fine”
“Excuse me” he sighs feeling a tap on his shoulder. “You’re the capped baldy right?”
Turning around to face the unknown woman, his eyes widen. He wasn’t expecting to see a grown woman, let alone one so beautiful. Her golden skin shinning, almost glistening in the dimly lit store from the setting Sun peeking through the glass windows.
“Uh - please call me Saitama” he says placing a hand on the back of his neck.
“Okay.. Saitama” she smiles brightly, he flinched, his heart started beating hard- was he dying?
. “I never expected to run into you here or anywhere actually, you’re so fine- I. My bad.” She pauses. “I’m Alexis, just a big fan of yours. Mind if I take a picture to show my friend it was really you?”
“I gue- “before he could fully respond she snapped the pictures and immediately went on her phone mumbling to herself. ‘Nai is going to scream- I met my man ahah bitch’
Her man? Like as in we’re dating. “Um excuse me- Alexis?”
“Oop sorry! I didn’t mean for you to hear that. Don’t take me seriously. I know you’re not my man- it’s just that’s what I call men I lik- you know what never mind. I’m sure you have better things to be doing” she waves her hands brushing past him to the self-checkout to pay for her things- headache medicine and some water.
Zoned out, Saitama just watched as she checked out and left the store, ‘she said she likes me’ he mumbles quickly throwing some coins on the counter, grabbing his bag, and carefully following her.
‘I’m a hero, a-and it’s dangerous out here. it’s okay to make sure she gets home safe right? He reasoned with himself about why there was no harm in his actions. As he follows her thick frame, he couldn’t help but admire her backside, he made up scenarios - what would happen if I saved her right now? Would she hug me? Would I get to touch her? ‘
“Saitama?” He hears her call out to him. Shit play it cool.
“Hey! Alexis right?” He asks tilting his head
“Yup! I would’ve never thought you lived around this way, maybe I’ll see you more often” she giggles entering her building “get home safe well I don’t need to tell you that right “he watches as her laugh and body fades with the closing door.
“More often?” He questions himself turning on his heals back into the direction of the store. ‘Genos must be worried.’ He sighs look up at the sky. Today was a good day for once.
He laid there listening to her talk about how they met and how fate must be real based all the moments they ran into each other. “Some higher being wanting them together” is what she called it. But - little did she know…
Every day following that, Saitama found ways to run into Alexis, whether it was at the store the met- to which he learned she visited every day after work. Or if it was on the walk home from the store where he feigned coming from a different direction. Until it came to a point where she opened to him- she talked to him like they were friends- she called him her man so he didn’t understand why he would see other men coming over he place when he hung on the roof at night.
He didn’t understand why she would need to vent and want comfort from him when they would disappear and not call after their night together. Why couldn’t she just want him? Like she said? He removed everyone that wasn’t him- what was taking so long? Did she lie?
“Remember that night you got drunk and called me?” He asks laughing lowly.
“Yes, please don’t remind me! you know I’m not a drinker.”
“Well, it was a good night for me” he shrugs
“I bet” she says sitting up and getting out of bed “come on let get something coffee”
It was a good night - even though Alexis had called him seemingly drunk out of her mind beginning for him to pick her up while also screaming “I know the capped baldy; he will fuck all of y’all up” to the people in her background.
He picked her up and took her home, she asked him to stay- promising she’ll sober up after a shower. Leaving him alone he took the chance to finally explore her apartment, slowly making his way to her bedroom.
“Sai— “Alexis calls from the doorway of her room eying his hands on the handles of her underwear draw.
“I-uh” he stumbles over his words not knowing how to escape the situation. Instead, Alexis does it for him, dropping the towel and trailing over to him. His eyes were glued to her, body still dripping wet from the shower, her curls sticking to her face and her glossy brown eyes burning a hole through his forehead.
“Shut up and get on the bed” she says seductively pushing him back until he falls over on the bed. “Oh, I forgot to tell you- no outside clothes on my bed” in stiff motions he hand his pants around his ankles and was straddling his lap tugging his hoodie over his head. Throwing it into the corner she smashed her lips onto his, “tell me if you don’t want this and I’ll stop right now”
Breathlessly, Saitama smashes his lips back together flipping them over, tugging his dick through the hole on his briefs, and sinking into her cunt.
To them, What felt like hours of him pounding into her, was only minutes. He hasn’t had sex in so long he came in 20 minutes, fill her cunt to the brim with her clenching so tight around him he thought his dick would break.
Standing to kick off his briefs, preparing for round two, he hears light snoring. Alexis fell asleep immediately after - he didn’t know if he should be insulted or proud. He threw a blanket over her and laid on the floor Next to her bed until the next morning - hopefully she doesn’t regret it
“SAITAMA!!” Alexis screams waking him to what could only be a nightmare, so he pulls the banker over him and pretends to sleep, maybe she’ll go away. “get your ass up” she yells kicking him and snatching the blanket clean off his body.
“Oh, hey good morning” he fakes a yawn and a stretch.
“Did you nut in me last night?!”
“You remember” he smiles lovingly
“Yes I remember Dumbass”
“I promise to take care of our baby” he sits up on his knees bowing.
“there's no baby dummy, I was just asking. but don’t do that shit again”
Lifting his head, he smiles and nods - watching Alexis as her ass giggles out the room knocking over a cup on the desk by the door. Knowing full and well he was going to do it again, anything to keep her by his side, she belonged to him now.
snapping out of his thoughts he realized what she said and immediately throws the covers and jumps out of bed running behind her. “No coffee isn’t good for the baby”
“What fucking baby? Why do you keep saying that? Boy come on and stop playing”
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umamimia · 2 years
Decades past
Yuna skittered through the shadowy alleyway, the occasional bursts of neon light illuminating her hooded figure. More than a few times she felt dirty water splash against her shoes, and rats scurrying past her feet. The first few times it happened she nearly jumped in fright, but now she hardly paid them mind. Rats weren’t the scariest thing anymore–it was the eyes that followed her every time she emerged in the light. A chill ran up Yuna’s back--she didn’t know if it was just paranoia, but she felt like someone was following her. She hastened her steps. Between street gangs and the government, Yuna didn’t know which she dreaded more.
Yuna had never been to this part of town before. She hadn’t even known a place like this existed, blissfully ignorant behind her white picket fence, with her friends and family. 
Everything had changed in an instant. One minute she was eating breakfast, the next minute she was pushed out the door by her mother after sharing her harrowing vision. The government breaking into their house and slamming them to the floor. Daisy barking frantically before falling silent with a pained cry. Yuna didn’t know whether it was minutes or hours forward in time that her vision displayed, but the neighbourhood was still peaceful by the time she ran out the house. It had almost been a day since then--Were her parents alright? Was Daisy scared? Thinking of her family brought a tear to Yuna’s eye. She sniffed but held it back. Right now, she must be brave. For the one thing that kept her moving forward was that one name.  
The boy from her memories.
Her only hope.
‘Suuuuuuup,’ There was a charming smile on his face, ‘Aren’t you a bit too young to be at the bar?’
“...how old are you, kid?” The bouncer asked, eyebrow raised. 
“I’m eighteen!” Yuna tried to sound as convincing as possible, having finally made it to the establishment. The man didn’t seem convinced, but after a moment of silence allowed her entry. 
“Another one of Baldie’s kids…” The rest of his muttering was drowned out as Yuna entered the crowded bar filled with all sorts of people, from old tatted men to women in leather jackets to even a few skimpily dressed boys and girls around her age. Most of the patrons were either hollering loudly or passed out with a mug in hand. Yuna searched for that face in her vision. He seemed a bit older than her, handsome, with short shaggy hair.
Finally she found him... or what looked to be the back of his head. 
“Hello?” Yuna tried. 
“My name is–”
“Seven,” She blurted, desperate relief welling in her heart. “Your name is Seven, right?”
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yhwhsdaughter · 3 years
HQ!! Manager being protective when people insult their player
(ft. oikawa, hinata, tanaka, yachi, osamu, kuroo)
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Warnings: threats, physical altercations, bullying, public humiliation
I usually don’t condone the usage of violence, but I woke up mad today lmao
the pretty setter was getting ready to serve, his fangirls screaming in support while the rest of the team took a break.
to the side were a couple of guys staring in jealousy, “heh, his weak ass gets a big ego just because—”
they continued their insults and while they didn’t reach oikawa, his team members certainly heard it all
teasing oikawa was different when it came from them because they genuinely cared about him,, but for someone else to continuously bully the setter without reason?? it was infuriating
before any of them could kick their asses, their manager approached them.
(name) was perhaps the most polite individual they’d met; always patient and kind despite their antics
“ah, i can see the misunderstanding that oikawa is a weakling. he’s got a broken knee and constantly pushes himself despite the excruciating pain.”
the aura surrounding them suddenly turned dark and cold as (name) clutched the shoulder of the main bully with an iron grip
“what about you? shall i break your knee so we can find out if you’re stronger than him?”
at that moment, their gentle mannered manager had the eyes of a beast, unyielding as the guy tried to escape their grip
when they left, the players approached (name) who still glared in that direction. “woah we didn’t know you could be so scary (name)”
now calmer, they replied, “you’re my team, i would kill anyone that tries harm you.”
it was such a matter-of-fact that the males couldn’t help but laugh “haha you’re funny too”
“am i laughing?”
that day they learned their precious manager would deadass commit murder for them
extra: when oikawa found you defended him, he ran with open arms, “(name)-channnnn marry me!” squeezing the life out of you
competition hadn’t even started and people were already shit talking karasuno
“flightless crows” blah blah blah
as their third manager, you would be in the benches with yachi, supporting the team
however, hinata had gone to the bathroom and he wasn’t back. daichi had sent you to get him since the game was about to start
you found the team’s sunshine nearly corned by a tall player “aah you’re so short and you’re a middle blocker?? i’ll be looking down on you little shrimp!”
he didn’t get to say more because your leg swiftly hit the back of his knees, falling to the ground harshly.
no one and i mean no one messes with hinata without you getting a few hits in, regardless height
“oh look. you’re below him now”
mans was lucky y’all were in a competition, otherwise he wouldn’t have left unscathed
with that, you steered your baby hinata away from that asshole, throwing him a dirty look in case he wanted to try anything
if he did, you would not hold back. literally on sight
fyi hinata was totally not blushing the entire way back. everytime you approach him now he gets all flustered
everyone else is like ???
the ladies man, tanaka had encountered a group of attractive girls at the arcade so he decided to shoot his shot
when they declined, tanaka was prepared to leave them alone, respectful of a woman’s boundaries, but they decided to verbally attack him
“who’d wanna go out with you?” “yeah you’re so ugly, stupid baldie”
wrong move
unfortunately for them, you were also at the arcade, having heard how the entire conversation went down
you knew tanaka would never use violence against a girl, even if they were rude, but you would.
equal rights equal fights bitch
those girls never saw it coming, you grabbing the leader’s hair roughly and yanking it back, “you’re right, longer hair is much better”
you went feral; simultaneously slapping the others away when they tried to pull you off, your tight grip never faltering.
only when tanaka placed a gentle hand on your arm that you released her
“insult him again and you’ll be the baldie next time”
in short, tanaka now sees you as his personal deity. boy will adore you
the third years were gone now
kiyoko had left the team in your and yachi’s hands, with you mainly taking charge as the now-third year manager
the team all sat together for lunch (yes, tsukki too), they were waiting for you since you’d been talking with a teacher
a girl in front of you side-eyed yachi, watching with envy as the blonde sweetheart spoke with the handsome volleyball players
plan brewing in that toxic mind of hers, the girl pretended to trip, spilling her lunch all over yachi. the team didn’t have time to react, watching in shock as food splatted on her lap
sis even had the audacity to say “oh sorry didn’t see you there” as if she didn’t just purposefully throw her food on someone else
worry not, because you returned the favor.
as soon as she gave her faux apology, your food was already making its way down her head to her shoes
there wasn’t a part of her left uncovered
“my bad, i thought you were the trash” you did not look sorry at all
half of the cafeteria watched this unfold—tsukki even making some snide remarks. you grabbed yachi’s hand, guiding her to the restroom to help her clean off
from that moment on, people got the message to never mess with the volleyball team lest they face the wrath of their manager
osamu was your best friend, the reason why you joined inarizaki as their manager
currently, you were in home ed, making the assigned dish but it wasn’t difficult so your movements were lax so much that you couldn’t help but overhear the conversation going on in front of your table
at the mention of osamu, your ears perked up
“he was SUCH a jerk. i kept asking hoping he would grow tired and say yes, but nooooo. apparently osamu thinks he’s better than me”
some of her friends looks uneasy at her inability to take ‘no’ for an answer but the girl continued on her rant
the teacher stepped out for a moment. “HAHAHAHHAHA” the class turned to look at you, laughing like a maniac while you chopped vegetables with scary precision and inhuman strength
“you sure got some nerve, harassing someone like that.. especially my best friend”
that was the moment the grew knew she’d fucked up. she couldn’t even answer back because the teacher was back.
you made a point to ask the teacher if you could be partners with that girl for the next lesson, making her gulp in fear as you ran a finger across your throat
to say the least, she stopped talking for the remainder of the class
chemistry?? you and kuroo?? friends?? together in class???
a fucking chaos
just kidding. the two of you were actually really good students. the best, if you had to brag
despite being the teacher’s favorite, you were lowkey about it while kuroo liked to insert as many chem jokes as he could in presentations
it was kinda embarrassing and you subtly teased him, but never with malicious intent
during a lab, you got partnered with a bully. you tried to ignore him and continue working, but it kept getting worse.
the breaking point was dragging in kuroo to all of this. you’d rejected his offers of going on a date and when kuroo made a motion to ask if you were ok, the dude took it as a sign to talk shit
“seriously? him? he’s a fucking nerd. his jokes are lame and has shitty hair—”
your eye twitched. “oi you better stop if you don’t want me to burn your face off”
clueless in class, he didn’t know how to handle the material so you were doing all the work. he didn’t believe you
bringing in the acidic substance near his face is when he finally backed away, at which point you had already called the teacher and told them that he was playing around with dangerous chemicals
although it was the other way around, who do you think the teacher believed, their star student or the school bully??
lmao, bitch could ask his detention buddies out on a date now
kuroo: ??
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kenkamishiro · 3 years
Lost in Translation: Choujin X chapter 1
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Fun fact, I was planning to do fan translations for Choujin X with a scan group until it could get a simulpub release, though I didn’t expect it to get one from the very first chapter lol. I’m happy though since it means everyone can read it right away and it doesn’t mess up my schedule.
So instead I’ll be making comparison notes between the EN and JP text to supplement the official translation. I’m not doing this because the official TL is bad (I actually think it’s pretty solid and I hope it will maintain this quality) but because it’s inevitable for something to be lost in translation, and it’s nice to have that additional context for theory crafting and whatnot.
If you want to read it on Twitter instead, the original thread is here, but this is the proofread and way more detailed version 😄
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This translation isn’t wrong, but there’s an emphasis on それ (which is TLed as ‘it’) that connotes a stronger, “other, that thing” feeling that isn’t present here. The general idea behind this sentence is: That [becoming a Choujin] resembles more of a disease [than a transformation].
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Ely talks like a tomboy, she uses rougher speech patterns and the pronoun オラ (ora), a derivative of the masculine 'ore'. But it's a bit old-fashioned (eg. すまなんだ) which makes sense considering her upbringing with her grandfather on a farm. Hence her country bumpkin speech pattern in English.
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Not sure if I should use Ellie or Ely? Ellie makes more sense based on the kana, but Ishida explicitly called her Ely so I might stick with Ely for now... (also istg that blond guy with the huge chin is a reference, I've seen him somewhere)
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Tokio, I know your teacher is annoying, but it's rude to call her that lol. This is basically the oppai equivalent of paisen (senpai backwards, it’s slangier). Similar thing actually happened with Ely describing her dream hubby as Goldilocks instead of blond; ‘kinpatsu’ (blond hair) was inverted to become ‘patsukin’, hence the translation as Goldilocks.
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Kurohara Tokio (黒原トキオ) and Higashi Azuma (東アヅマ). Kurohara is a common surname, means 'black fields'. Tokio is in katakana, so it’s hard to say what kanji it could be. 'Toki' could be 時 (time) or 外喜 (outside + delight). The 'o' can be the common male name suffix 男 (boy).
But when I think of Tokio, I think of TK's song called 'tokio'. You can read the translated lyrics here. If these lyrics end up being relevant to Tokio's character development I will eat my shoe lol.
Higashi means 'east'. Azuma (which can also be romanized as Aduma, it’s a softer ‘zu’ sound which is why Tokio called Azuma ‘Aju’ earlier in the chapter before correcting himself) is an archaic form of ‘east’. So...this guy is literally East East. The Choujin X equivalent of Moon Moon 😂
Someone also informed me that Higashi Azuma is a station in Tokyo, though the kana are slightly different (アヅマ/あづま vs. あずま). They effectively sound the same though nowadays, if I have to be honest. It’s like comparing the difference between 애 and 에 in Korean.
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Tbh this is minor, but worth mentioning just cause it changes the meaning a bit. Tokio is saying something more like, “Why are we even talking about this [the roly-polies] again?”
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I think I heard people talking about how the official TL doesn’t match the original text, but personally I really like how this was translated! Sis is using the expression  「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」, which literally means “boiling the dirt under someone’s fingernails and drinking it”. By taking the dirt/grime under the fingernails of someone that you admire, and boiling it and drinking it like a tea, you can become more like them.
But because idioms don’t tend to directly translate well between languages, translators often have to adapt it so that the meaning still remains the same. In English the closest idiom we have to this is “rubbing off on someone.” The “holding hands” bit was added to replace the physical aspect of “taking the dirt from someone’s fingernails” and also contribute to Sis’s sassy and very informal way of speaking.
So Sis is saying in JP (ignoring her personal speech style for now):
You should take the dirt from under [Azuma's] fingernails and boil it so you can be more like him.
And now in ENG it becomes:
You guys should hold hands or something, then maybe he’ll rub off on you.
It now sounds natural in English, still carries the same meaning as the original text, and also suits the character’s speech pattern.
Moving on, in that same panel the literal TL of Tokio’s dialogue is, “Policeman Azuma got dispatched again today,” emphasizing Azuma’s heroic deeds along with his family connections to the police. Another thing I want to note is that this is the second time Azuma has been called 偉い (erai) so far - noble, and now great guy. I’ll just dump the general English definition of 偉い from Jisho here so you get the general idea:
Great; excellent; admirable; remarkable; distinguished; important; celebrated; famous; eminent
But you can tell from how people describe Azuma as 偉い that others look up to him, think he’s a great person and Mr. Perfect. Always being placed on a pedestal by others. (What are the odds this will affect his mentality after the Choujin serum?)
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The meaning is still pretty much the same, but I’ll offer a slightly different perspective. Sis mentions that if she were Tokio, she’d burst from the [Azuma] complex. (Clearly Tokio and Azuma's relationship is gonna crack at some point)
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Tokio mentions an idiom about hawks (taka) before recalling his childhood memory about vultures. Vultures are called 'hagewashi', but in the chapter it mentions they can also be called 'hagetaka' (buzzard/condor, literally bald hawk).
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The kids call him names like "Hagetaka Tokio" and "Hageo". But Hagetaka Tokio only really works in JP cause Hagetaka kinda mimics his last name (Buzzard Tokio doesn't give the same vibe). Same with Hageo. Hage-o = Bald-o = Baldy.
I also think Buzzard was chosen over another name for a vulture like Condor because Buzzard can pass off as an insult.
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I would have translated this as, “I wanted to be a lion too...” but this is just personal preference.
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A continuation of the 「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」 expression Sis used earlier. Without the adapted idiom the exchange goes something like this:
Tokio: My sister said I should bring home the dirt from under your nails. Can I have some?
Azuma: ...huh? What for, that’s scary. No way.
Tokio: I have to boil it and drink it, apparently.
Azuma: Don’t even think about boiling or drinking it.
But since the 「爪の垢を煎じて飲む」 expression was modified to make it sound natural in English, it means this conversation has to be modified too.
JP: My sister said I should bring home the dirt from under your nails. Can I have some?
EN: My sister says we should hold hands...so I can be more like you. What do you think?
The “dirt from under your nails” part got adapted to “holding hands”, hence how the 1st line from Tokio becomes, “My sister says we should hold hands...so I can be more like you.” “Can I have some?” makes no sense now in this context now, so it was changed to “What do you think?” as a question to Azuma to keep the similar conversation flow going.
JP: ...huh? What for, that’s scary. No way.
EN: Huh? What’re you talking about? No thanks.
Azuma’s next line is similar enough to the JP text except for the removal of “scary”. I think the reason it was most likely removed is because leaving it as it is could be constituted as homophobic (2 boys holding hands, absolutely nothing scary about it as bible thumpers would like people to believe).
JP: I have to boil it and drink it, apparently.
EN: She said to hold hands so you’ll rub off on me.
Tokio’s response to that is explaining what he meant by his proposal. In the original text he lays out the latter half of the idiom (he doesn’t even realize it’s an expression, poor boy), and in English he does something similar by going into why his sister said they should hold hands (so Azuma can rub off on Tokio).
JP: Don’t even think about boiling or drinking it.
EN: C’mon. That’s not how things work.
Azuma’s then rebuts Tokio’s proposal as ridiculous. In the original text he drops a typical straight man response (don’t do *insert whatever ridiculous thing the idiot suggested*). But since Tokio’s proposal in English isn’t as preposterous, his rebuttal is toned down in response by telling him not to take it literally.
Ultimately, even though a lot of this dialogue was changed, I still think it was successful in maintaining the original’s intent. Tokio takes his sister’s sarcastic suggestion literally and brings it up to Azuma, who dismisses it as silly. It would be nice if we could keep the expression as it was in Japanese, but in instances like this where it’s played off of in multiple lines, that’s easier said than done.
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軟体 isn’t an actual word, it’s made up of the kanji soft + body. So kinda like Elastigirl, but Flexi was chosen instead. It doesn’t sound 100% right, but I don’t think I could come up with anything better.
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Replacing the しい in 楽しい with the C plus that elongated pronunciation makes Johnny sound even more like a stereotypical Yankee, which is why he sounds like that in English 😂
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Random but I found it interesting how Azuma called Johnny a youkai (妖怪) instead of something like bakemono (化け物) or obake (お化け) since they’re shapeshifting monsters.
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Tokio is worried that if he doesn't do something right now, he's going to lose his friendship with Azuma. The sentence is fine as it is though.
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Azuma’s line can also be worded as, "No hard feelings, okay?"
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Bestial = 獣化 (juuka) = beast+change = beast transformation
That’s it from me, if you have questions about the TL feel free to send an ask or reply to this post, I promise I’ll check my inbox more often this time 😂
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gardenerian · 3 years
hi mel i'm sorry i'm late to the party but
Wish you'd write a fic where:
we have seen too little of ian and mickey in prison, right?? so how were they around each other outside their little cell, they ignored each other or were the dumb duo they usually are? thank you <3
hi gaia my love! i'm sorry i'm late to the party! thank you for this lil prompt, i never tire of prison husbands!! hope you like 💕
After the reunion - after the kisses and tears and apologies, after the hurried fuck, and after the long explanations about how each of them ended up here, reality sets in.
They're in fucking prison.
They spend a few days just existing, too caught up in each other to worry about the other prisoners eyeing them in the yard.
But Mickey wises up pretty quick. Ian can't seem to stop staring at him with that dopey look on his face. The other guys are starting to take notice - he might as well paint a big gay target on his back.
"You gotta tone down the gay, man," he warns Ian when they're alone in their cell, bodies sated and still thrumming with pleasure. But Mickey's mind is alert, and he can't take the risk anymore.
"I think what we just did was pretty tame, actually," Ian says through a slight frown. "I thought you liked when I - "
"That's not what I meant, and shut up about that."
"Well, what did you mean?"
Mickey lets out a long exhale. He doesn't want Ian to be afraid like he's had to be his whole life. Afraid he'll be hurt for loving him.
But he also wouldn't be able to stand seeing Ian hurt for loving him.
"We gotta get our shit under control. The wrong people are starting to notice us. You." When Ian nods somberly, he continues, "We gotta spend less time together out there. Don't sit too close to me, don't touch me, don't look at me when we're in the yard."
"Don't look at you?"
"You can't keep your fuckin' tongue in your mouth when we're working out, Ian. Don't look at me."
Ian smirks, hunger alight in his eyes. He presses kisses down Mickey's neck, whispering promises as he goes. Mickey rolls his eyes against the heat pooling in his belly. Gallagher, turning up the gay again.
"Okay, okay, Mick," Ian murmurs against his skin. "Whatever you think. I'll keep my distance out there. But in here...?"
"In here? You're mine."
Ian largely keeps his promise to stay away. They stay in each other's periphery, ready to jump in and protect at any moment. But for the most part, Ian keeps to himself outside of the cell, and the curious stares begin to die down.
Mickey feels himself start to relax.
Until, of course, he can't.
Ian takes it upon himself to be the boy scout leader of Beckman. He talks to anyone that approaches him - never turning down a game of basketball or checkers. Mickey feels an irritating heat flood his veins when he watches Ian slap another guy familiarly on the back.
If Mickey didn't know better, he'd think it was jealousy. But that's not it. It's just - Ian's too trusting. He's gonna get his ass kicked if he pats the back of the wrong guy. Ian shouldn't be touching anyone's backs.
So he steps in.
He's scanning the cafeteria, looking for a place to sit, when he spots Ian chuckling at some bald fuck's joke. God damn it. He watches in growing agitation as cueball gestures to his cup of Jello. Ian nods, reaching across the table to grab it.
No fucking way. What will this sick fuck want in return for that Jello? Mickey crosses the cafeteria before Ian can peel the foil off the little cup. He elbows that hairless idiot out of his set, glaring when the guy looks up incredulously from the floor.
Baldy scampers like a bitch without a backwards glance at Ian, who just eyes Mickey curiously before offering him the procured Jello.
A few days later, Mickey watches some other asshole watch Ian work out. Spotting, Ian would call it. Whatever the fuck. No one gets to watch Ian sweat like that. Not here.
Mickey positions himself in the pervert's view and gestures to let him know he's being watched. Then he runs a finger across his throat, widening his eyes in the most menacing way he can.
He smiles in satisfaction when the guy makes rapid excuses to Ian and rushes back towards the prison. Ian sits up on the bench, looking confusedly around the yard. His brows raise in question when he meets Mickey's eye, who quickly averts his gaze and tries to look engaged in something else.
It all comes to a head when Ian's sitting in the common area playing a game of solitaire. Some geriatric bitch wanders up to his table, asking if Ian wants to play a game of gin rummy.
Ian gestures for the ancient fuck to sit, shuffling up his cards with a polite smile. And how many times has he seen Ian smiling at some old piece of shit?
Mickey sees red. Not today, geezer.
He wrenches the cards from Ian's hands and throws them to the ground, feeling immediate gratification as they scatter across the floor.
"How 'bout a game of 52 pickup, bitch?" Mickey growls as Ian utters an ah, fuck. Ian pulls him by the arm back to their cell. The blood rushing in his ears begins to settle as the door slams shut; the rage under his skin dulls slightly as Ian crowds him against the wall.
He thinks maybe Ian's pissed. He braces himself for a Gallagher hissy fit, but it doesn't come.
Instead, Ian kisses him senseless. Thoroughly, deeply, maddeningly. He pulls away with something shining in his eyes.
"Couldn't keep away, huh Mick?"
"Shut up," Mickey snaps, reaching out to pull Ian back to him. But Ian avoids his touch, and instead sits on his bunk and pats the space next to him. Mickey drags his feet as he moves to join him.
"This isn't working, Mickey," Ian says. "I know you get jealous, and I do too, but I can't make any friends here if - "
"First of all," Mickey interrupts sharply, "I ain't jealous. I'm just lookin' out for your naive ass. Second, why do you need friends here? This is prison, Gallagher, it ain't kindergarten."
"Mickey, you threatened an old man over a deck of cards today. Of course you're jealous. He just wanted someone to play with!"
Mickey groans. "Jesus, Ian. Look: people here either want to fuck you, or they want to kill you. Possibly both."
"Well who cares what they want? I can hold my own and I know you got my back if shit goes down. But I really don't think everyone is out to get me."
Mickey feels exhausted all of a sudden. He'd forgotten how tiring it can be, worrying about Ian.
Ian looks at him, eyes clear and understanding.
"I just got you back, man," Mickey admits. "I don't know how to handle it. I want you to be careful but I can't stand seeing other guys near you."
Ian smiles, checks to make sure the coast is clear, and kisses him softly.
"I'm yours, Mick," he promises. "Don't worry so much about everyone else. We'll be careful. But I can't do this alone, so I'm gonna seek out some friends, okay? Can we relax on this a bit?"
"Fine," Mickey agrees. He gets it. Ian needs a network, like the mass of siblings who are living their lives without him. If he can't be totally open out there with Mickey, he'll need someone to be there.
But there's something Mickey needs to be sure Ian understands.
"You were never alone, though."
Ian smiles again, and it was all worth it. Coming back here.
"I know."
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nh20tensin · 3 years
Telling the AoT boys you love them for the first time.
⚠️There should be little too no spoilers⚠️
Mostly fluff
Gn reader
None of this is has been proof read
Ft. Levi Ackerman,Connie springer,Armin arlert
Levi Ackerman
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We all know that this man is touch-starved so it was hard enough for him to let you even Remotely close in anyway
He would probably deny the fact that he care for you
He wouldn’t know that he loved you till  you said something about it
It was a cleaning day you decided to help Levi and his squad clean (this man forced you to clean)
You didn’t mind I mean as long as you were with him
You knew you loved him for some time,you just didn’t know how to tell him or in fear that he would hate you(who knows why he would) but you only thought about worst case scenarios
“Oí “
“What the hell are you doing”
You gave him a confused look
He points down to your feet
You were sweeping with the dust collector facing the opposite way so that no dust is going into the pan
“Oh shit sorry”
“Just pick it up “Levi spoke
The rest of the day went by
It was dinner time you Decided to sit with eren,Armin,jean,and Connie
(The girls where training)
“Yo is she even listen to us “ a buzz-cut boy said
“ probably not” said Jean
Eren threw a small carrot at you
“You were zoning out” a blonde boy said
“I’m not really myself right now....I’m going to go to bed”
They all nodded and told you goodnight and bye
On your way to your room you bumped into hange
“It’s alright are you ok?”
“I’m fin-“
They stoped talking you gave them a confused look
“Why’d you sto-“
They put a finger on over your mouth
5 mins pass the finger hasn’t left
“Sorry i thought I heard something ”
The finger moved
“Thought you where in a rush “you said as you walked hange followed
“Never mind that what’s up with you?”
“Nothing.............How do I tell someone I love them”
(Ofc you would eventually regret asking hange but desperate times call for desperate measures😪)
You cover their mouth
“Shut up or I will Carve ur eyes out”
Hange nodded
“Will if you really Want my opinion....just don’t make it a big deal”
“Why Not”
“You shouldn’t have to make it special ,anyway if you really do love him and just tell him “
Knowing Levi he would hate it if you made it a big deal so you took the advice and made up your mind
One week passed and you finally thought of the perfect way to tell him
You would make him his favorite tea(you aren’t allowed to make his tea considering you suck at it)
” what did you do” he said in a stern voice
You walk over to his desk and sigh
“ I have something to tell you and besides my tea skills aren’t that bad”
“ last time I drank it I ended up in bed for a week”
“I promise it’s better just trust me” 
He reluctantly put the cup to his mouth and drank
“I love you “you said
He almost sit out his tea he didn’t know what to say or do
How could someone so perfect love someone so....him
“What did you say” he said
You repeated yourself
You climbed in his lap
“I love you Levi Ackerman “
God he loved the way you said his name
He didn’t know what to say but what he did say broke your heart
“Why” he said in a voice below a whisper
“What do you mean why?”
His hand found his way to your waist his face hidden in the crook of your neck
“Why me ?”
You knew he could get insecure but it still hurt
“ Levi I knew from the minute I saw you that I would love you for the rest of my life and I don’t wanna rush you to say back to me because quite frankly I know how hard it is for you but I’m telling you now because this is how I feel you are the one for me no one else do you understand me please say you do”
All memories he thought he forgotten about his mother came flooding back in
And you could’ve sworn you felt a tear but when you looked there was nothing
He looked dead in your eyes and said
“I love you too” in a very soft voices he gave you a rare smile
You brought him in for a very long and meaningful kiss
“Hange Made the tea by the way “
“I know”
Connie springer
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 A relationship with this man can be one of two things very fun and chaotic or more serious and loving
Which ever version you happen to be in it won’t matter because it will always be happy
“Hey Connie have you told y/n you love them yet”
He froze up and realized that he never actually told you though he was in love with you he just never thought about telling you because he thought you knew
“What’s it you you horse face”
“Nothing....it’s just The two of you have been dating for six months I’d start to feel a little self-conscious if you asked me”
“Well I didn’t so stop “
Jean and Sasha stay laughing
“CADETS IN LINE” Levi yelled
The next day
“Hey Armin if I hypothetically possibly maybe was in love with someone how would I tell them?”you said while looking at the ground
“ well it really just depends on the person and how far along in the relationship you are with them I can’t really help you how to tell them but I sure can encourage you”
You roll your eyes and sigh
“Thank anyways”
You walk back inside considering you were training outside with Armin(obviously beat him because you’re a bad ass)
You ran into Connie right now I’m going inside you both fell to the ground stared at each other and started laughing like you’ve never laughed before you were mainly laughing because you were nervous as hell to tell him you loved him he was laughing because he loves the smile that was on your face
you both helped each other get back up Connie looked at you and ask
“were you training”
“ depends what answer do you want to hear”
“Fine I was “you admit
“ it’s 11 at night”
“ and your point is”
” at the rate you’re going you’re going to end up dead by the time you’re 25”you said sarcastically
“ as if you’d be able to live without me though”
You froze didn’t know what to say or do you just nervously laughed it off and walked away
 he looked at a very confused but I thought you needed space considering you just got done training it was dark out you’re probably tired he thought
It’s around two in the morning you wake up something inside you just burst so you get up out of your room and find your way to Connie‘s room you knock fiercely
“ Open the door Baldy”you say sternly but in the soft voice
“ what are you doing it’s like two in the morning you should go to sleep “he said while opening the door
you force yourself into his room and sit down on his bed
He followed you confused on why you were here but he just stared at you not wanting to say anything basking in your beauty
“ Connie I’m about to say something that I might regret well not regret but do you know where I’m going with us”
“I love you “
his eyes shoot open he thought this has to be a dream right there’s no way that this is real
You pinch his arm so he knows he’s not dreaming
“ say it again”
He couldn’t help but smile so much that he felt like his face was gonna melt
At first he thought he was looking at you in disgusted minutes later it was a face of happiness and he was proud in his own kind away
“ I love you too but you know I was supposed to tell you first”
“ this whole thing with Jean and Sash and our relationship”
“It’s.a long story” 
He brought you in for a tight hug that ended up in a very intense make out session
The both of you woke up in his bed in the morning he looked at him and he woke up
“I love you”
“I love you”
You both said in unison and you ended up laughing you both really did love each other and it was a funny love story . 
Armin arlert
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As smart as Armin is he has no idea what to do when it comes to a relationship
True he wants to give you all the love in the world but he’s clueless when it comes to things like that but he will know when he’s in love with you
He will go to Mikasa, Eren,hell even Levi if he will listen
“ listen kid I don’t know what to tell you all right do you love them just tell them I don’t see what’s wrong with it”Levi said while drinking tea
“ but sir it’s not that easy what if they doesn’t feel the same way”Armin spoke
Levi sighs not really knowing what to do
“ The two of you are dating right so of course they feel the same way”
“Damn kids and their commitment issues”he muttered under his breath
Armin saluted him before exiting the room
His mind was in 1000 different places having no idea what to say to you so we did the next best thing any person would
He ignored you
He didn’t want to ignore you or make you feel bad he’s just caught up in his own brain to actually think about anything
It’s been a week since you guys last talk
“ i’m sure he doesn’t hate you he’s been ignoring us to” eren said
Mikasa nodded
“ it’s been a week did I do something wrong is he mad at me?”
“ even if he was he wouldn’t take it out on all of us at the same time” Mikasa stated
you take a deep breath and sigh
“ The both of us will try and figure out what’s happening OK can’t promise you like the answer though” eren said
The both of them left the room
Little did you know Armin was listening in the whole conversation he wanted to make it up to you just didn’t know how
” I don’t hate them” armin said
Eren then said “ then why are you ignoring them and us they don’t deserve this”
Eren was pissed off because he knew how much you were hurting
“ seriously Armin there’s no need to lie you’re mad at her just tell them I’m sure they will understand besides you’re also ignoring us did we do anything?” The tall girl spoke
“I love them”
“😮” Mikasa and eren
They spent the rest of the day talking about his feelings and how he should make it up to you or more importantly tell you
“ just follow us it’s not a trap or anything”eren said (this bitch it was FYI)
Mikasa used her scarf to cover up her giggles
“ can I just sleep in peace”
You couldn’t really tell who said it as you saw Armin standing right in front of you
You turn around to see no one‘s behind you those bastards left the room before you could even check
“ look if you’re mad at me I don’t know what I did but I don’t really feel like talking anymore I just want to go to bed please”
“Wait now please I’m sorry i’ve had a lot on my mind I just needed time on my own”
“ and you couldn’t tell me or let me know not even Eren or Mikasa you’ve noticed all week do you know how bad I felt thinking that I did something wrong ”
There was a moment of silence you saw that look in his eyes the one that made you fall madly in love with him you couldn’t be mad at him you loved him and everything you were pissed about steered clear
“ I love you more than I probably should if you were anybody else I’d probably kill you right now”
He looked up from the ground he was staring at
“What “
it didn’t take him long to understand the situation
“I love you too in fact I love you more that’s what I’ve been thinking about all week and how to tell you”
You both ran to each other in a hug tears falling down his eyes making you want to cry as well you really did love each other
The next day
“ i’m guessing you finally told them” Levi said
“ yes Captain thank you for your advice” as he saluted him
“ don’t thank me you’re the one who grew a pair and finally told them”

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yelenayena · 3 years
Love Game part 1
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Pairing: Yelena x fem!reader
Genre: Lemon, non!AU
A/N: This is my very first fanfic. Sorry if it's bad, but I hope you like and enjoy reading this story. The period in this story is after Pixis visited Yelena to talk abt that she met Eren secretly. I'm poor at grammar, and this is the first story I have written in English, so I’m sorry if they're a lot of mistakes I made in my writing. Feel free to give me some advice in English so I can learn and write better in the future 💜
Summary: You live in the same house as Yelena in Paradis as a maid. You adore Yelena, but you thought she wasn't attracted to you at all. The day after she talked with Pixis on the balcony, she eventually talks to you and tries to tease you.
Warning: Smut, +18!!
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Imagine if you work as a maid in the house where Yelena lived in Paradis. Idk guys, but my head is full of imagination, picturing Yelena having an affair with a cute maid. I think it’ll be a naughty sweet story for Yelena to have fun with her maid, with you, when she lived in the great house as her prison cell. So let's begin the story!
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It’s been a while since you were working as a servant in the great house, especially to watch over a special prisoner, Yelena. Of course, this job was recommended by the Garrison Commander, Dot Pixis, and you took this offer because the salary is worth it.
The house is on the outskirts of the Trost District. It's a beautiful country house with nice scenery, but the atmosphere isn't as beautiful as the place. It’s always bitterly cold and rigid, with several military soldiers who hold a gun in their arms to guard the house.
One time you cleaned the window, you were talking to yourself that you were admiring the view outside the window. You didn't realize her presence behind your back. She then replied to your words and said, “the panorama may be nice, but it doesn't mean anything if I was kept in custody. It feels like I chained to the guard here,” she walked away and left you in that room. It was the first words she has ever said to you.
You know she’s an outsider. You know she came from far away, a place where your people call it as ‘enemies of the Eldian’. You heard the rumors about her, some say she's an enemy, some say she's an ally. That’s why her movements were extremely restricted and she was guarded by soldiers strictly.
After working in that house for months and keeping an eye on her, you no longer cared about the rumors. Instead, you put an interest in her. Who can ignore the big-beauty-badass queen who has 6’7” in height? Her presence had a strong impact on you, but you can only admire her from a distance. You are just a servant, and she doesn't seem attracted to you.
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The day after you saw Yelena talked to Pixis on the balcony. It’s still early in the morning, and you're ready to clean the house. You entered the living room, you found her sitting on the ladderback chair near the window. You were surprised she was inside the room, she leaned against her chin while she was seeing the view out there. She barely talks to you, even when you smiled at her, she barely smiles back. You don't really mind her conduct, you just want to focus on your work. But sometimes, you feel so sorry for her because she looks so lonely, you also wonder what she was thinking about.
You didn't say anything to her but tidy up the books on the table immediately in the living room. One of the things you already know about her is, she likes to read books. You place the books on the bookshelf, then you clean up the table with a napkin.
“I wonder why a young and beautiful girl like you want to do a dirty job like that.” You heard the voice, and it came from her mouth. You widened your eyes, you were shocked because she talked to you so suddenly.
You turned your body to stare at her, “what you said dirty work, I say it's a noble work,” you replied. “I help you to live conveniently in this house."
“With a big salary?” she asked, skepticism painting her tone.
With a surprised look on your face, you sighed and smiled, “well, you're right at the point, but I need to make a lot of money to survive in this cruel world. Now, with all due respect, let me continue my work, Ma’am.” You try to focus on your work again, but you can't help your mind with curiosity, how can she know about the salary, did Pixis tell her? That damned old-baldy man!
“Where do you come from?” she asked you again. Without turning the body, “Trost District is my hometown,” you answered.
“What do you usually do on your day off?” although she asked you several questions, she looked at you expressionlessly. You turn your body again, “are you investigating me?” you asked carefully.
“No. I’m bored and I just need someone to talk to,” she replied quickly. “The guards never answer my question, so maybe you can be my company,” she told you.
You felt an odd vibration on your body after you listened to her last words. You also felt delighted that finally, she wants to talk to you. Later if she can be your comrade, perhaps you can ask her what the world is like outside the wall, something you're very curious about.
“I usually go to my parents’ house to take them out for lunch or dinner, I love having quality time with them,” you replied.
With her big beautiful dark blue eyes, she stared in amazement at you. “That’s weird,” she said.
After you heard her words, you can't hold yourself not to giggle, “I’m sorry for my attitude,” you spoke with great difficulty when you were still giggling. “But your words are very contrary to the facial expression you've shown to me."
“It’s strange. I didn't feel offended by your attitude because you're so cute when giggling,” then she gave you a little smile.
To be continued...
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Preview part 2:
Yelena: I always wonder, are you dating someone?
You: N- no.
Yelena: Then mind if I give you a goodnight kiss?
See you tomorrow! :)
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himitsukki · 4 years
𝙩𝙨𝙪𝙠𝙞𝙨𝙝𝙞𝙢𝙖 𝙠𝙚𝙞 // 𝙘𝙤𝙣𝙘𝙖𝙩𝙚𝙣𝙖𝙩𝙞𝙤𝙣
warning: unedited <333 plith ignore if u see any plot holes, this has been sitting on my drafts for a couple of weeks </3
wc: 2,453
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ 
“hitoka-chan! someone’s looking for you.“
surprised at the news of someone looking for their shy younger manager, the team collectively move their heads to look at the gym’s sliding doors and see a female student taking off her shoes just outside of it. one of her hands rests against the doorframe bent slightly at the elbows to stabilise her body as the other picks up her shoes by the back of it.
you step into the gym with only socks on, moving quickly to bow at the team members and approach the new manager. 
in the middle of the duo’s spiking practice, hinata and kageyama both stop and turn at the sound of your voice. the familiar sound of their usual bickers and running, jumping and whatnot go mute, and slowly, the normally loud and slightly deafening volume of karasuno high school’s second gymnasium goes quiet.
“are you guys okay?“ daichi asks as he approaches the first year duo. ”why’d you two stop?“ the captain didn’t get an answer from them; instead, they continued to stare at the guest by the front portion of the gym.
“is this...“ hinata murmurs, blinking every couple of seconds, his face is unmoving and stock-still. “...my chance?“
what? chance? daichi wonders. what chance is there for—
before his mind finishes the thought, hinata dashes towards the guest, and kageyama follows suit right after, sharing the same braincell thought with his partner. they both bow deeply and introduce themselves loudly before you.
“i’m hinata shouyou!“
“kageyama tobio!“
“please tutor us!“
ahh, must be an honor student. the team, who are all now just standing still, looks over to see what the commotion is about; they can’t hear the conversation from the other side of the gym, but they see you wave your hands in a rapid  dismissive manner, most likely overwhelmed with the sudden appearance (and, quite frankly, the sheer aura) of these two. 
“i’m tutoring a few students at the moment so i can’t right now, i’m sorry.“ hinata’s and kageyama’s shoulders droop dramatically, their disappointment clear to anybody with how the air around them seemingly became cold and depressing. “but... i’m free during breaks, so feel free to visit! oh, and i can give you copies of my reviewers for the upcoming exam!”
the two first years bowed deeper and thanked you profusely, sending you to another wave of overwhelmingness. the rest of the team, still in the same spots as they were before, only look at the scene with mixed reactions, staring in silence as they watch you try to make hinata and kageyama lift up their heads. 
“i think i’ve heard of her,” tanaka suddenly speaks up. the team turns to look at him. ”someone was talking about this really kind and angel-like first year, gives away reviewers, tutors other people, helps out with others’ homeworks, stuff like that. no one mentioned that she’s really pretty, though.”
“ryu!“ nishinoya shouts suddenly. “we can only focus on kiyoko-san!“
“but they’re different!“ tanaka argues. “kiyoko-san is cool and beautiful! obviously, we’ll follow her forever!”
daichi steps up to forcibly make hinata and kageyama stand up straight, apologizing for their actions as their captain. 
“it’s fine,“ you laugh slightly, bowing your head and thanking him for his hard work. “i’m hitoka-chan’s classmate! i’m here to return something to her, actually.“
“[name]-san!“ yamaguchi greets you as he jogs towards you, a smile on his face and his hand already up in the air in the form of a wave. he comes closer, and you jump up to reach his hand to high five it before he tries to heighten it further up where you can’t reach it anymore.
“i touched it!”
“i felt nothing, though~“
“yama-kun, that’s a lie!“
t.. they know each other? once again, the team is in a state of shock and silence as they see another usually shy teammate act differently. it’s rare to see yamaguchi being the initiator in teasing someone (as he’s always with tsukishima), much less being so... vocal and energetic and expressive.
“that makes it my third win this week!“
“sure thing, [name]-san~“
“say,“ asahi mumurs onto the rest of the team who never left their places. “is she... y’know... maybe... yamaguc—“
“oi,“ tanaka interrupts the small group of gossipers as he clamps a hand down sugawara’s shoulder, shaking it back and forth while keeping his eyes on the scene up front. “even tsukishima knows her, damn it!“
immediately, everyone looks back to see the most unlikely member of the team taking to someone else without glare on his face, not even a hint of irritation. in fact, whatever he says has you and yamaguchi giggling, while hinata and kageyama puff up with flames of petty anger.
well, daichi thinks to himself as he overhears tsukishima mock the other firstyear duo for begging you to tutor them in front of everyone else. guess we learn something new everyday.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you return a week later to the male volleyball club’s gym with a paper bag on one hand and a large plastic bag on the other.
“she told me to give this to you,“ the team overhears your conversation as you approach the tall blonde. “it’s strawberry shortcake, of course.“ 
damn, tsukishima has girls giving him gifts already? they collectively curse at him inside. lucky bastard...!
“ah— i’d like to give these for everyone!“ with an obvious perk of their ears, everyone gathers around you as you open the large, white plastic bag: it’s filled with various snacks and drinks, most likely bought from a nearby convenience store outside the school, which meant you walked out of the school premises, bought everything in this bag, then walked back to the campus just to give these for everyone.
an angel... she’s literally an angel! 
“THANK YOU VERY MUCH!“ hinata, kageyama, nishinoya and tanaka shout in happiness, grabbing their favorite snacks and drinks (yoghurt for kageyama and melonpan for tanaka, of couse) with twinkles in their eyes and a dust of pink on their cheeks. 
“you didn’t have to buy these for us,“ daichi steps up and accepts the bag with a small bow. 
“it’s fine, captain! thank you for working hard!“ 
daichi announces a break for everyone, telling them to grab a snack or a drink of their choice before passing the bag to the next person. in a matter of seconds, everyone’s seated on the floor, enjoying the snacks or drinks you bought for them. 
tsukishima, the only other person still standing besides yachi and kiyoko, converses with you just a few feet away from the group, but they’re all busy eating or drinking. the two female managers, though, listen in with a knowing look and the smallest smirk on their lips. 
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
you return, one again, a week later. but instead of dropping by while they were in the middle of training, you opened the doors and greeted everyone with the dark sky of the night behind you.  
“ah [lastname]-san! what are you doing so late?“ sugawara steps in as the vice captain, daichi being away to talk with their coach and club advisor about the upcoming training camp in tokyo. 
“i’m waiting for—“
“we’re holding a study session later at my house,“ tsukishima speaks up right behind the grey haired third year, walking up to you after to say something before returning back to the court. 
e..eh? did i hear that correctly? it’s almost past 7pm though...
“[lastname]-san!“ hinata and kageyama approach you with a slight jog, passing their frozen vice captain by the side. “thanks for the notes you gave us yesterday, it really helped make me understand the topic better!“
“thank you for tutoring us yesterday, even though it was a break time and you were probably busy and had other people needing your help and—“
“i told you, i’m happy to help, kageyama-kun!“
ah, right. she’s just an angel doing her angel duties, sugawara sighs, his mind now clear and grounded. there’s no way someone like tsukishima would be in a relationship with an angel like her...
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
the team, currently on their break, discusses about the possible reasons why you’ve been visiting them weekly for the past two months. you’ve never spoken up about it specifically, and there’s nothing really obvious that the team can focus on to hypothesize about the question at hand. 
ennoshita, having observed the times you’ve visited them and how you interact with the team, explained his insights on the situation. 
first, none of the second or third years have spoken up about having a significant other, nor has any of them heard or knew you before you first visited them, so clearly, they’re out of the picture,
second, your first visit was because you had to return something to yachi, but only yamaguchi and tsukishima had talked to you freely as a friend would. 
third, you once gave something to tsukishima, most probably a gift from one of her friends who liked him, and gave her gift through you. which means...
“i had a feeling yamaguchi was really close to her,“ asahi’s eyes light up in understanding. “it’s rare to see him be so talkative and cheerful.“
“no, but the air around them doesn’t seem like it,“ tanaka contributes to the discussion. “[name]-chan has this really light and air aura around her, you can really feel how angelic she is! it seems like there’s just a playful, friendly aura when she’s with yamaguchi.“
“that’s... a really detailed, creepy description, baldy,“ kinoshita strikes an arrow into tanaka’s body.
“first name basis? without asking her? invasion of privacy,“ asahi shivers.
“no wonder kiyoko-san keeps ignoring you.” narita finishes the blow.
“i did not— [name]-chan gave me permission!“ (”yeah, after scaring her into accepting it.” “stop being so brave for nothing, oi!”)
“it still seems off if tsukishima’s the reason,“ nishinoya pouts. ”our angel [name]-chan wouldn’t settle for a guy like tsukishima!” 
“i agree!“
“yeah, she’s too kind for that!”
with collective nods and hums of agreement, the team returns to their training, the summer training camps they had in tokyo and saitama still fresh in their minds despite a few weeks having passed by since. summer had just ended, and the second term for the current academic year has barely started, so they haven’t seen you since the last time you visit them before the month long break.
night approaches, and the day ends for the karasuno male volleyball club  without your prescence. eager to go home, they quickly changed and walked to sakanoshita market for their usual pork buns.
“a.. [name]-chan?!”
with a turn of your head, you greet the team with a smile and a small bow. “i figured you’d come here after training, so i went and bought you guys some pork buns before the get sold out.”
with a dramatic cry, hinata, tanaka and nishinoya fall to their knees and clasped their hands together as they thanked you profusely. after telling them that you had the worker keep the buns steamer to keep them warm, they immediately went to the counter; ukai, with impeccable timing, just entered from the back and immediately scolded them for being loud.
amidst the chaos, however, one person steps in and swiftly starts pulling you towards the exit.
“let’s go,“ tsukishima mumbles, his large hands easily caging your wrist in his grasp. “before the idiots notice—“
“tsukishima, what are you doing?!“
“how dare you steal our [name]-chan away from us!“
“give me a break,“ you hear him complain under his breath with a sigh. you giggle in response but try to hide your hands from the group, remembering that tsukishima had wanted to keep your relationship lowkey as much as possible. especially from the volleyball idiots, you remember him emphasizing. 
“sorry, but we have a project to discuss! yama-kun, let’s go!“ with a last wave goodbye, the three of you escape the team and disappear from their sights. 
as the team walks home while enjoying their warm pork buns, tanaka stops to a halt as he realizes something. “isn’t [name]-chan classmates with yachi and not those two...?”
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰ 
“were you able to study?“
“yeah, thanks for the jacket! library’s freezing, as always.“
the team eyes the two of you from the other side of the gym, suspicious and doubtful of their thoughts due to tanaka’s insightful realization last time. it doesn’t really seem like they’re in a relationship, right? they ask each other through knowing glints of eye contact. there’s no way they’re—
“oh, i heard from this guy that you’ll have the spring high tournament soon!“
“tsukishima got demoted to ‘this guy’, pfft.“
“pfft, ‘this guy’,“ hinata bursts out loud. “tsukishima doesn’t even get called by his name—“
yeah, there’s no way.
for the first time since you started visiting them three months ago, however, you stayed inside to watch the team train for the said competition with permission from daichi and the two adults beside door. 
it’s a change of pace from you and a change of scenery from the team: they’re not used to anyone who’s not a part of their club to watch them, nor did they ever expect that it’d be you, of all people.
“[name]-chan,“ tanaka jogs up to you when their practice officially ended and the time to clean and tidy up the gym has started. “are you waiting for tsukishima and yamaguchi again? to talk about your, uhm, project?“
“no, i’m just waiting for kei.“
“yes?“ tanaka turns around to see tsukishima standing behind him, his hands on his hips and bored look on his face, but if you look closely, you’ll notice a hint of mischief in his golden eyes and the slightest smirk on his lips. “do you need something, tanaka-san?“
“you’re kei? i thought your name was hotaru!“
“nope, it’s read as kei.“ 
“i thought you were over having people guess your name for you!“
“i’m too tired to put up with people asking how to read it.“
tanaka, in the middle of your bickering, can feel his brain explode and his heart shatter slightly. i can’t believe it. fuck you, tuskishima. nishinoya, noticing his best friend’s frozen form in between you and tsukishima, jogs up to tanaka with slight concern.
“it’s true.” it’s the only think he can say before numbly looking at the two of you still bickering. 
“maybe i’ll call you hotaru instead of kei then—“ (”k-kei? who?”)
“fine, i’ll stop.“ (”him?!”)
“good. you’re no longer a middle schooler, loser.“
“with your height, you’re the middle schooler here.“
fuck you, tsukishima.
⊱ ────── {.⋅ ☼ ⋅.} ────── ⊰
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