#ignore me i. am going a tiny bit insane
stiffyck · 1 year
Scar nd mumbo... wha- wvatbif thqy wee. Were. Boyf.s boyfurwndsm.
Mmmhjm i nmfiv
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eternalmoonlight18 · 2 months
Please Please Please (Don't Prove 'Em Right) Chapter 3
Trafaglar Law x afab Female!Reader
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Warnings: a tiny bit suggestive content if you squint
You are the Heart Pirates' beloved cook and sniper. However, you were also an insufferable troublemaker who always seemed to get on Law's nerves. He swears he's going to get rid of you one day, but as much as he hates it, why does he find you fascinating? Was it because you reminded him of someone he was greatly fond of?
As your relationship with Law grows, he only hopes you don't fucking embarrass him. After all, he has an image to uphold as one of the Seven Warlords of the Sea.
This story starts off as short stories between (Y/N), Law and the Heart Pirates, then picks up into the One Piece canon timeline, starting from Punk Hazard. This is a slow-burn Law x Female Reader story!
Updates every Sunday!
Cross-posted in Ao3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/57651295/chapters/146705491
Chapter 3: Happy Birthday Captain!
Chapter summary: It was the first time in 3 weeks that Law decided to surface the Polar Tang to dock at an island before heading into the New World. But as soon as he hops off the submarine, you launch your biggest and most exciting plan yet: hosting a birthday party for your dear captain Law! But for your plan to work, you need to avoid and distract him before the party!
Notes: I created a taglist. Let me know if you want to be a part of it! I flew back home today and wrote this on the plane lol. Also, this is more of a fluffy chapter hope you guys enjoy it!
PS. I also made changes to the previous chapters, now saying Law was 25 instead of 26 so that it can fit in the story lol
wc: 5.3k
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Penguin and Shachi were sitting in the boiler room. They just finished patching up the damage they made from a week ago when you and the two men were playing ice water poker. It was insanely hot in the boiler room since it was below the submarine, so Penguin and Shachi had their boiler suits unzipped and tied to their waist by the sleeves. 
Shachi fell to the floor and slumped on the nearby wall. "Man, I am so tired. I'm also bored, and I hope the captain decides to surface soon to dock at an island," he complained.
Penguin looked down at him and nodded his head in agreement. "It's been 4 weeks since we surfaced. It's starting to heat up like crazy in the Tang and if we don't surface soon we'll be boiled alive here." he sighed. 
Before Shachi was going to continue the conversation, the two men heard stomping that was coming near them. Then suddenly, the door of the boiler room burst open. It was Bepo.
"Penguin! Shachi! Get up!" the Mink said with urgency.
Shachi scrambled to get up while Penguin looked at Bepo in confusion. "Why did you lug your big ass into the boiler room like that? What happened?" Penguin inquired.
The bear shamefully put his head down and muttered an apology.
Shachi pinched Penguin's butt. The poor man yelped in surprise at the unusual action of his best friend. "You shithead! What was that for?"
Shachi grunted and ignored him. "Bepo, is something the matter?" he asked.
Bepo's head suddenly perked up. "We're going to surface in an hour! And we're docking at a nearby island!"
Penguin and Shachi started jumping in glee. "Finally! I missed going to bars and hitting up ladies!" they both chanted.
However, their cheers were suddenly interrupted. "You will not be doing that," you called out behind Bepo. You suddenly stepped out and presented yourself to your crew-mates who had no idea about your presence. 
The three of them screamed in shock. Bepo screamed the loudest.
"(Y/N)-SAN!!! DON'T FRIGHTEN ME LIKE THAT!" the bear screamed.
You let out a hearty laugh and waved your hand. "Sorry sorry." you apologized. You felt a glare being sent your way. You turned your head to see that Shachi and Penguin were staring holes into you, clearly agitated that you scared them. You rolled your eyes and huffed.
"Anyways, you will not be going to bars, nor are you hitting up the ladies when we surface." you declared.
Shachi huffed in annoyance and Penguin made a sour face. "And why would we not do that? You're not our captain so don't tell us what to do!" Penguin angrily retorted.
You glared back at them. "Did you forget that the captain's birthday was tomorrow?" 
The two men stood still. "Aw shit we almost forgot! The captain is turning 26!" Penguin said in realization. 
"We're terrible friends, I've known him since he was 14 and I forgot his birthday?" Shachi sighed.
Your eyes suddenly gleamed with mischievousness. Bepo shivered at the sight. He knew your look; it meant you were up to no good. 
"Exactly, so you better help me with this huge party I'm planning to throw for our dear captain." you cheekily replied. 
Bepo looked at the two men in front of him, and they both returned eye contact. It seemed like they were silently coordinating their answers. Then Bepo suddenly turned around and glanced down to face you. 
"Okay (Y/n)-san, we're in. What do you need us to do?" Bepo asked.
The Heart Pirates were gathered at the dock of the Polar Tang. They were rapidly approaching the land of destination, which was apparently, according to Bepo who was the navigator of the crew, a tropical island. Law was displeased since he hailed from the North Blue where it was constantly cold and snowing, but for the sake of restocking supplies, he decided that it was best for the crew to settle for the night before heading into the New World. 
Law stood near the bow of the submarine dock. He was donning his signature spotted hat that was shaped like a cap. He discarded his usual floor-long black coat and opted for a white wifebeater with spotted blue jeans, along with his usual black shoes. He had his arms folded while he was instructing the crew on what needed to be done. 
"Alright everyone, we are docking here and staying for the night. It's been 3 weeks since we last surfaced and we need to restock on supplies. Ikkaku and Bepo, restock on medical supplies because SOMEBODY," Law quickly glared at you before continuing, "ran our month's worth of medical gauzes dry."
The crew broke out in a small fit of laughter. You rolled your eyes as you muttered; "Whatever."
"Shachi, assist (Y/N)-ya in gathering food and ingredients. And please, try not to buy flour or bread," he asked. 
Shachi, who was standing next to you, elbowed you mischievously. You winced in fake pain and attempted to snatch his orca-shaped hat from his head, but he stuck out his hand to shove your face away. 
Law witnessed the quarrel and shook his head. He sighed and continued to speak to the crew. "Hakugan and Penguin, I need you two to take the rest of the crew minus Jean Bart into the nearby city and search for other supplies. No pillaging and attacking civilians unless there are Marines. Jean Bart, you're coming with me, we have some other business to attend to."
"What other business do you have?" Hakugan pipped up.
"I will be searching if there's a log pose I can take or a Poneglyph I can find." the captain answered.
You were puzzled. This was just some random small island, so there was no way the captain could find a Poneglyph nearby and he should know that. But you brushed it aside because he probably knew something that you didn't know. 
Law turned away and waved his hand. "You are all dismissed," he announced. 
"Yes, captain!" you and the rest of the crew said. The whole crew dispersed, continuing their activities. You started walking inside the Polar Tang with Ikkaku.
"Now Ikkaku, did you make sure the captain doesn't know about this plan?" you whispered to her.
Your crewmate and close friend gave you a thumbs up. "No one has said a single word about it to the captain!" she confirmed.
Bepo caught up to your pace and lowered his head to talk to you. "(Y/n)-san, the rest of the crew is gathered in the dining hall," he said.
You turned to your right and gave the polar bear a thumbs up. The three of you made your way into the dining hall where the rest of the crew was standing. They were all excitedly talking about what they were planning to do once they set foot on the island. You walked to the centre and the chatter started to die down as you started to speak.
"Everyone! As you know, tomorrow is the captain's birthday," you announced.
The crew started to cheer loudly, but you quickly hushed them. "Quiet you guys! This is going to be a surprise party! Now, we're going to check out the local pub and see if we can hold a celebration there. What I need everyone to do is help me the captain. Now I know he said he was going somewhere else but for some reason, I have a gut feeling that he's not telling the truth." you preached.
The crew grunted and nodded in response. You continued. "Now the main objective is to keep the captain away from us as we run our errands! I'll give everyone a heads-up of which tavern we're going to be meeting at. Also, don't forget to buy a gift for our dear captain! We want to make sure he has an awesome day for his birthday." You said.
Hakugan raised his hand. "But (Y/n), why are we celebrating tonight instead of tomorrow on his actual birthday?" he inquired.
"Think about it, you know the captain hates celebrations like this right? Usually, if we hold his birthday in the Polar Tang, he will go to his room and not come out. However, if we hold his birthday party outside the Polar Tang, he has no choice but to attend the party!" you explained.
Ikkaku piqued up as well. "But he can also just 'ROOM' himself back to the ship, no?" she argued.
The crew started muttering amongst themselves. "That's true," you thought. "How are we going to make the captain stay if he's just going to teleport back?"
Bepo slowly raised his paw and spoke up. "What if we used sea prism cuffs on the captain?" he asked.
The room suddenly fell silent. Shuffles can be heard as the entire crew turns around to face Bepo. The poor mink would've turned red from embarrassment if he had any skin. He muttered out a soft sorry and lowered his head.
However, you thought it wasn't a bad idea, and Ikkaku seemed to agree. "Wait! Bepo is right," she called out, breaking the silence. "Let's find one and cuff our captain so he doesn't escape."
The crew broke out into conversation again and seemed like the people were divided regarding the proposed solution. 
"That seems like a reasonable idea."
"Cuffing our own captain?! That sounds crazy!"
"How else are we going to prevent him from using his powers?"
"He's going to throw us out of the crew!"
You stepped up on a nearby table. "Everyone quiet!" you shouted. The room fell silent once again, and everyone turned to face you in the centre of the dining room. "I know that it may seem like a ridiculous idea to cuff our beloved captain on his birthday. But I believe this to be for his own good! Let's celebrate our captain tonight!" you said with enthusiasm. 
Penguin suddenly stepped up on a chair, "Yeah, let's party tonight for the captain!" he cheered.
"For the captain!" everyone cheered.
It was now 3 pm and it was sweltering hot on the island. You and the crew arrived two hours prior and proceeded to carry on with the errands that Law ordered. Shachi, who was assisting you, left to find Penguin. You just finished buying some mochi powder for the captain's cake. He may hate cakes, but you weren't going to pass up on an opportunity to bake him a cake for his special day so you opted for a mochi substitute, hoping he would like it. With a sack full of food ingredients over your shoulder, you proceeded to make your way back to the Polar Tang. However, a small shop to your right caught your eye. The sign on top of its door read "Books and Toys".
You hummed in curiosity. "They might have some copies of Sora here. I know the captain is looking for the first edition copy of volume one. If it's here it would be the perfect birthday gift!" you thought. You and Law were reading Sora, Warrior of the Sea together (as punishment). But you found yourself liking the time you spend with Law, and you swear he used it as an excuse to hang out with you (he would rather die than admit that). 
The bell on top of the door rang as you pushed it open. A teenage boy with tanned skin and blond hair greeted you on the counter. "Hello! How can I help you?" he asked. 
You quickly walked up to the counter. "I'm looking for a limited edition of Sora, Warrior of the Sea volume one. Do you have one in stock?" you inquired. 
The boy quickly looked around, making sure no one else was in the store. Then he leaned in to whisper; "I got one in stock. You really want it?"
Your eyes started to gleam in excitement and you nodded at the boy. "Yes, please! How much are you selling it for?"
He leaned back and crossed his arms with a smirk. He eyed you up and down. "For a pirate like you? Two thousand berries," he said.
"Shit," you thought "I forgot to take off this stupid boiler suit before I stepped foot out here."
"Well, since now you know I'm a pirate I can easily rob your store hm? Unless you want to lower that price for me, yeah?' you teased. Your left hand lightly hovered over your pistol, signalling to the boy that you were not bluffing. But you were, the captain would be very mad if he found out you robbed a toy and book store out of all places. 
The teenager started back up. "H-hey now, I was just kidding! I'll sell it to you for 500 berries! How does that sound? Just please don't kill me!" he stuttered in fear.
You put your hands on your hips and pretended to think. "Hmmm, alright kid. It's a deal! And make sure it has one of those plastic sleeves, I want it in mint condition!" you said.
The poor boy whimpered as he bowed and rushed to the back to fulfill your request. In two minutes he came back out with the book, wrapped in a box.
"H-here you go, ma'am! It-it was nice doing business with you!" he fearfully said while handing the box to you.
You cheekily grinned at the boy and handed him 500 berries in a bag. "Thank you! Have a good day!" You proceeded to walk out of the store with the sack of food and the box in your hand.
Satisfied, you broke out in a grin and made your way back to the Polar Tang. As you were walking, Bepo suddenly rushed up in front of you.
"(Y/n)-san! (Y/n)-san over here!" He called out to you. The bear halted to a stop to catch his breath.
"What's the hurry Bepo?" you asked as the mink in front of you was catching his breath.
"Captain is back!" he exclaimed. "He's coming into the town and we need to distract him!"
Sweat started to form on your forehead. "Okay, this is what we do! I have to head to the Tang to make the captain's birthday cake! Find Penguin and Shachi and lure him into this store called 'Books and Toys.' Try to keep him there for at least an hour."
Bepo rapidly whipped his big head around to make sure that no one was listening. Then he lowered his head to your level. "But (Y/n)-san, he's looking for you! I overheard him say to Jean Bart that he was going to discuss something with you urgently!" he whispered. 
You groaned in frustration. "That can wait! Distract him as long as you can! We cannot let this surprise be ruined!" you hissed.
The bear looked up and saw that Jean Bart was entering the town. That meant that Law was there too. "(Y/n)-san! You need to leave now! Captain is already here!" he exclaimed.
You quickly gathered the stuff that you were holding and wasted no time. You ran into the alleyway on your right and swerved around as fast as you could to head back to the submarine. 
A few minutes later, Jean Bart and Law saw Bepo in the nearby distance and walked up to him. 
"Bepo-ya, where is (Y/n)-ya? I need to talk to her," he questioned the mink.
The bear started to fidget. "Captain! Good to see that you're back! I haven't seen her in a while." he said nervously.
The doctor squinted in suspicion. "Alright, I will head back to the Polar Tang then." he declared.
"NO! I mean no captain! The Tang is off-limits for now! The- uh- shipwrights are fixing something in there- yeah! They're fixing the boiler room because Shachi and Penguin couldn't fix it entirely!" Bepo lied. He attempted to put his paw out as a way to prevent Law from passing by him.
"Bepo-ya, you should not block your captain." the tattooed doctor said darkly.
The poor bear started to shake in nervousness. "I'm sorry I can't-"
"CAPTAIN!" Penguin suddenly called out behind Jean Bart and Law. "Captain wait for us!"
"Yeah, captain! We have something to show you" Shachi hollered. 
The two crew-mates ran in between Law and Bepo. The mink's face relaxed in relief. The captain looked at the two men and started pestering them with the same questions. "Do you know where (Y/n)-ya is?" he asked. 
The orange-haired man shrugged. "I have no clue, I haven't seen her all day. But we found a comic book store!" Shachi proclaimed excitedly.
"Yeah!" Penguin agreed. "Let's head there right now!"
Law raised his eyebrow. "Is that so? Well, it doesn't seem a bad idea to visit there after I talk with (Y/n)-ya," he said.
Penguin shook his head. "You better visit now captain. The stores close by 6 pm and after that, only bars and pubs are open," he suggested. 
"I agree with Shachi and Penguin captain. You work so hard for the crew that it won't hurt to visit a comic book store here." Jean Bart added on. 
Law sighed. He had a feeling that you were avoiding him, and it seemed like the crew was helping you avoid him. You were probably up to no good again and he was honestly tired of it.
"Alright fine, let's visit this comic store." he finally agreed. 
Jean Bart, Penguin and Shachi started grinning and quickly ushered their captain to the comic book store. While Law had a neutral face, he couldn't help but wonder what you were up to.
It was now 6 pm and you finished the mochi cake. You carefully placed the cake inside of the box and closed it. Sighing deeply, you wiped your sweat off your brow with your forearm. Shachi told you that the crew found a local bar where they could celebrate. You knew that by now most of the crew was there finishing preparations. 
Gathering the cake and gift for Law, you set out to head back to the town. You opened up the Polar Tang’s exit only to find your captain standing right in front of you. You yelped in surprise and quickly hid the two items behind your back. 
“Captain! What a surprise! What are you doing here!” you said, trying not to sound suspicious. 
Law warily looked down at you. “What am I doing here? This is my submarine if I remember correctly,”  he said. 
You let out a nervous laugh. “Of course of course! But what are you doing here? Aren’t you supposed to be with Shachi and Penguin?” you nervously asked. 
The doctor raised his eyebrow. “I have been looking for you since this afternoon. Also, how did you know I was with those two?” he inquired. He stepped towards you and you took a step back. 
You started to sweat bullets out of nervousness. Looking to the side and pouting your lips, you let out a loose-lipped lie, “Oh you know, you always hang out with them so I guessed that you were with them.”
“Is that so? Well (Y/n)-ya, it’s really obvious that you’re lying, you have a terrible poker face,” he said smirking. 
“Shit, he got me,” you thought. 
“Why have you been avoiding me all day, (Y/n)-ya? What are you hiding this time,” he asked. He lowered his face near yours and looked into your eyes. You started turning red from the contact and started fidgeting with the items in your hand. 
“I wasn’t avoiding you… it was just we were both busy that’s all!” you nervously explained. You refused to meet with Law's eyes in an attempt to hide the secret if there was any left. 
The tattooed doctor peaked over your left shoulder. “What are you holding there on your back?” he curiously inquired. 
You attempted to step away from your captain but he halted you by grabbing your right arm. Trying to break free from his grasp, Law only tightened his grip on you. He attempted to get a full view of what you were holding behind your back, but you stepped to your right to prevent him from doing so. 
“Captain, I’m afraid that I cannot let you see what I’m holding,” you affirmed. 
“Nonsense, as your captain I command you to show me.” Law shot back at you. 
“That’s an abuse of power.” you retorted. 
“We’re pirates (Y/n)-ya. Normal laws don’t apply in pirate life. You’re lucky you have me as your captain.” he argued. 
The struggle to be free from his grasp continued. Then you suddenly remembered that you managed to get ahold of some sea prism cuffs thanks to Ikkaku. They were just sitting in your left back pocket. 
You patted your left back pocket and attempted to fish out the cuffs. You successfully pulled it out with your right hand, all while you were holding the gift in the same hand. 
The doctor started to get agitated. With his right hand occupied with holding your forearm, he attempted to use his left hand to snag whatever you were holding with your right hand. However, instead of grabbing the item, his hand was automatically shackled and he felt his energy drain rapidly. 
“What- What did you just put on my wrist!?” he exclaimed in surprise.
You grinned as you pulled up his hand that was now bound to the cuff you were holding onto. Law’s face colour drained as he saw that he was cuffed with sea prism stone. 
“(Y/n)-ya! What’s the meaning of this?!” he angrily yelled at you. 
You giggled. “Sorry captain, you are my hostage tonight,” you teased. 
The two of you suddenly went silent, processing what you just said. The captain turned completely red for the first time, realizing what it meant. You also turned red once you realized the suggestive nature of what you just said. 
“N-not like that! I mean like not that I wouldn’t mind that but this is for a surprise! From the crew! Yes, the crew and I have a surprise for you!” you tried to explain. 
The captain’s eyes narrowed at you. “Not that you wouldn’t mind?” he repeated. 
Your eyes widened and your face turned even more red. Then you proceeded to stomp your feet in frustration. 
“Argh! Never-mind! You are coming with me right now and you have no choice because your powers are neutralized.” you spat. 
“Now wait a minute, where are you taking me?” Law questioned as you pulled him out of the Polar Tang and off the submarine. You ignored his question and continued to direct him into the town. 
Five minutes later, the two of you arrived at the bar. Glancing back at the captain, you saw that he warily looked at the sign above the door. 
“You dragged me into a bar (Y/n)-ya? You could’ve done this without the sea prism cuffs.” he sighed. 
“No, I don’t think so. You would try to escape once you find out why,” you muttered. 
You pushed the door open and went inside with Law. The entire room suddenly burst out in a cheer. Law’s gaze softened to find out that the crew and you threw a surprise for him. 
“HAPPY BIRTHDAY CAPTAIN LAW!” The crew cheered. 
You excitedly let go of the cuff and placed the items on the nearby table. You opened up the box and took out the black and white mochi cake you created. It was shaped like Law’s fluffy cap, and the words on the bottom read the number ‘26’ with a candle on top of each number. Holding the cake, you walked up to the captain and presented it to him. He glanced down at you and although his face was still neutral, his eyes were expressing gratitude and another emotion that you couldn’t pinpoint. 
“Happy 26th birthday Captain Law. Thank you for being our captain, and for accepting me into the crew” you said, beaming up a smile. 
Penguin and Shachi suddenly popped up beside their captain and wrapped their arm around his shoulders. “Let’s celebrate!” Penguin shouted with glee.
“Let’s drink and make a toast to our awesome captain!” Shachi agreed. 
The whole room burst out in laughter and cheers and Law, seeing how much effort he was put into celebrating him, couldn’t help but smile. 
The party went on late in the evening. Everyone was starting to pass out either because they drank too much or from partying too much. Penguin and Hakugan were trying to out-drink each other, while Bepo tended to a sleeping and drunk Ikkaku. On the other side of the room, Shachi was trying to hit up the hostess of the bar, while Jean Bart was talking with the bar owner. 
The captain of the Heart Pirates looked around and decided he was going to head outside for fresh air. He discreetly walked out of the bar and leaned up against the wall of the establishment. Taking a deep breath, he looked up to the clear skies of the night and pondered on the day’s events. He heard the entrance to the bar open and turned to see you walking out with a package in your hand. 
“Hey captain, fancy seeing you out here.” you greeted him. 
Law nodded at you. Over the past two weeks, he has gotten closer to you, from reading Sora with him to your ridiculous behaviour on his submarine. He couldn’t help but grow fond of you. Of course, there was no way he would admit it since having biases amongst his crew would create rifts but alas he couldn’t help but notice how you reminded him so much of his father figure in the past. 
You placed yourself in front of your captain and sighed. “I just wanted to apologize to you captain. I didn’t mean to hide from you the whole day and to take you hostage.” you apologized, laughing at the same time. 
The man in front of you chuckled. “I can only accept this behaviour from you (Y/n)-ya. At this point, I think I’ve grown immune from it.”
The two of you broke out into a small laugh. It was the only thing that could be heard in the small town, along with the crickets that were chirping into the night. 
You fiddled with the package’s string nervously, then presented it to Law. “I wanted to give you this for your birthday captain. I wanted to give it to you tomorrow on your actual birthday, but I think now’s the best time to give it to you.” you shyly said. 
The tattooed doctor’s eyes slightly widened in surprise. “You already made a cake for me, which was by the way, really delicious. You have another gift for me?” he asked. 
You pouted and shoved the package into his tattooed hands. “Just accept it damn it. I went through some trouble trying to get this for you,” you muttered. 
Law chuckled and started to unwrap the gift. He found himself holding onto a limited edition first copy of Sora, Warrior of the Sea volume 1. He caressed the front cover and looked at you with surprise in his eyes. 
“Y-you…?” he couldn’t find the words to speak. 
“Yeah, I managed to find one this afternoon while I was running errands. I know you have been looking for this for a while, I hope you like it.” you quietly said. You were scratching your cheek in slight embarrassment. 
However when you finally met his eyes, your cheeks flushed into a light pink colour. He was genuinely smiling at you, and his eyes gleamed with appreciation. The bright moon shone on both of you as you and Law shared the touching moment. 
“Thank you (Y/n)-ya, this was very thoughtful of you,” he said with sincerity. “I also have something for you too.”
You tilted your head in confusion. “But it’s not my birthday,” you argued. 
The captain pushed himself off the wall and dug into his back right pocket, fishing out a small white item. You looked closer and saw it was a kitchen timer shaped like a white polar bear. 
You gasped and Law glanced up and held out the gift. “I found this a while ago while walking around the town. I lied to all of you when I said that I was looking for Poneglyphs because my true intention was to find you a gift,” he admitted. 
Taking your left hand with his tattooed ones,   he looked down and gently placed the kitchen timer on your hand. “I saw this… and it reminded me of you. I just wanted to thank you for being the cook on my ship and for tolerating my ridiculous food requests. And you even made a mochi cake for my birthday, knowing that I hated regular cake. Just know that the crew-“ he suddenly paused and looked up at your eyes. “I really appreciate you (Y/n)-ya.”
His cheeks tinged a light very faint pink once he finished with his confession. Your mouth gaped open as you stared at the gift in your hand. The pulse in your heart started to quickly pace as your eyes started to well up with tears. Overjoyed by your captain’s words, you suddenly threw yourself at him, wrapping him in a hug against his chest. 
Law was stunned. He didn’t expect you to react the way you did. He looked down at you and felt his ears starting to heat up. Hesitantly, he patted your back with his left hand. 
“Captain, this was the nicest thing you’ve ever done for me! Thank you so much!” you cried out. 
The doctor let out a nervous chuckle. “Not at all, I was just showing appreciation for a valued crew member such as yourself,” he said, trying to convince himself. What he really felt was the appreciation of you as a person. 
With your arms wrapped around the man, you glanced up gave him a big grin and pierced his heart with your next sentence:
“I really appreciate you, for everything that you are. Happy Birthday, Captain Law.” 
Trafalgar Law, one of the notorious Seven Warlords of the Sea, was completely taken aback. Both of his ears were suddenly cherry red and he struggled to speak. His heart felt like it was going to jump out of his chest. 
Suddenly, he remembered his father figure‘s last words to him. “I love you Law!” 
The once isolated and lonely heart that beat in Law’s chest suddenly swelled. Dropping the last of his stoic facade, he bore his eyes into yours with softness and affection. He put his hand on top of your head and gently patted it. 
Corazón was the first to notice the pain in his heart, but you were the one who was slowly opening it up again. It wasn’t a declaration of love, but it was enough for him to know that he could start to trust you with his once-damaged heart. 
Bonus Scene:
“Shhh! They’re talking right now!” Hakugan hissed as he peeked through the window. You and Law were talking outside, and the entire crew was crammed into the tiny window of the bar. 
Ikkaku pushed Hakugan’s head down in an attempt to get a better view. She gasped when she saw that you suddenly hugged the captain. “Oh my god!” she squealed. 
Seeing that you were hugging the captain, the rest of the crew broke out into wolf whistles and small cheers. Penguin groaned as Shachi said something along the lines of “cough up that 100 berries.” 
It was a joyous night for the Heart Pirates. Pirates filled the bar with rowdy laughter. The night sky was clear and two growing hearts were sitting side by side with one another. It was one more celebration before they headed into the New World to further pursue their dreams and adventures.
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atsumwah · 2 years
about time
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featuring : iwaizumi hajime
includes : you being oikawa's sister, brothers best friend trope, a teeny tiny mention of drinking, and you and makki being besties
notes : i legit put iwa and bo in the wheel name spinning thing bcs i was too indecisive to pick and iwa won three in a row....the universe apparently sided with this hunk 2day ! ignore the mistakes if you find any, i’ll fix em laterzzz :)))
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being oikawa's sister had its perks.
you're instantly popular, you have boys queuing up to get your number, every girl in the school was nice to you ( though they only wanted to get closer to your brother but you didn't care honestly) so really there wasn't anything you can complain about.
except that you have the biggest crush on your brother's best friend.
it's not that he's just hot, like insanely godly hot, he's also really nice. all the years you've known iwaizumi, there wasn't a moment where he wasn't a gentleman to you, despite being together for so long people might mistake you three as siblings.
like when you were five and fell on your knees, he was the one who ran to get the first aid kit (damn your brother he did nothing but laugh, the audacity)
or when you were thirteen when you were scared to walk alone after school without oikawa because he was sick and iwaizumi offered himself up despite having his classes end way earlier than you (and continues to do so when your brother couldn't accompany you)
or when you were 21, drunk off your ass at a bar and having him pick you up, knowing that his campus was literally halfway across town but still came when he heard you sobbing at the other end of the phone.
the little things he does makes your heart flutter, toes curl and mind only filled with thoughts of him. he's the reason why your standards in men are so high and you aren't going to settle less than any of that. you weren't going to settle if it wasn't him.
even so, you're pretty sure he doesn't see you in the same light. again, you've known each other for years, you basically grew up together, so you're pretty sure he only sees you as his best friend annoying little sister (even worse, he's own little sister)
"why does he have to be like that, makki?" you whine, your head lulling to the right to rest on your best friend's shoulder.
"that being?" he teased, taking a sip from his drink as he eyed you from the side.
"you know, irresistibly hot." you gestured to iwaizumi who was working at the counter, "how am i supposed to move on if i see him everyday?"
"that's your own fault. you know he works here."
you did but that's not the point.
"still," you grumbled out, "thought i was being obvious enough. can't he just, i don't know,reject me?"
"honey, you and i both know he's oblivious as hell. i think you need to spell it out for him to get it."
you groaned, hitting your head against the table again.
"hey, what if i set you up with a guy? maybe you'll learn to move on." makki suggested.
it wasn't like the idea of meeting someone new hasn't crossed your mind before. it's just that, well, they're not him.
"did you miss the part where haji's literally perfect and most men aren't?"
"most men besides haji and you aren't."
"better." he said smugly before continuing. "what if i made sure he checks all your boxes, hmm? i know a lot of people."
"i don't know," you bit your lip, "i guess i trust you…"
"that's a dangerous thing to do, you know?"
your head whipped to the sound of his voice coming from behind you.
"i'm literally your best friend, dude."
"not by choice."
a chuckle escaped your lips at his bluntness.
"what are you talking about and why are you trusting makki with it?"
before you could even answer, makki did for you.
"we were talking about setting her up on a date," he said proudly.
"a date, huh?" he eyed you from the side, "thought you had all the boys lining up your feet, princess."
you're so unfair, hajime. 
"they're not that interesting, i guess." you said instead.
"good. keep your standards high. you can't trust men these days."
"you're literally a man."
"i'm different."
"ahem." makki not so subtly coughed again.
"like I said, i'm different—ow— i will literally kick you, makki."
you only smiled, never agreeing more with a statement. he was different, or maybe there was something different about the way you felt for him compared to anyone else. and as much as you wanted something more with him, you're smart enough to realize that that dream was way out of reach.
maybe going on a blind date wouldn't be the worst idea.
"i'm so gonna kill you!"
"what'd he do?" makki said on the other line.
"not only did he criticize what i ordered, he even took some of my food and didn't even ask for it! he said and i quote 'a pretty thing like you can't finish this, right?' you know i don't share food!"
"i’m sorry bout that honey. he seemed pretty cool when i talked to him before. he did looked excited when he saw a picture of you."
"ugh men. that's it, i'm just gonna wait for my prince charming to come."
"so no more blind dates?"
"nope." you clicked your tongue as you opened the door to your apartment. "thanks hiro, i did appreciate the thought. i'm gonna call it a night."
"alright, sleep tight honey."
you removed the phone lodged between your shoulder and ear before dropping through keys in the bowl next to the door.
"you're home early."
you let out a gasp at the sudden intruder, your heart calming down when you realize who it was. "my god, how did you come in?"
"you gave me the keys, dumbass." iwaizumi shook the spare keys in front of you, then settled himself on the countertop. "so how was your date?"
"how'd you know it was today?" you took off your coat and immediately went to the refrigerator, taking out a can of—well two cans— of something that would probably make you forget your date.
"makki's not one to keep quiet, you know."
"right. well, it's a lost cause you could say."
"that bad?"
"yup," you downed it down immediately, wincing at the aftertaste. "what're you doing here anyways? it's late."
"had to make sure you got back safe." he said nonchalantly, "your brother would've nagged me if something happened to you."
"i'm a big girl, hajime. i can take care of myself." you said, annoyed, though your beating heart says otherwise. "pretty sure he's dying for me to get someone. he's always saying how i'm repulsing men."
"we both know that's not true, princess," he says.
ugh there it is again. that stupid nickname that makes you weak in the knees for the man in front of you.
"yeah well…" you started, avoiding his eyes as you spoke, "i appreciate you coming to check up on me but i don't need another brother breathing down my back, alright?"
you expect him to shrug it off or to roll his eyes like oikawa would but instead you're confused at his next words.
"do i really give off that impression to you?"
you turned your head towards him. it almost sounded like he was hurt. "what do you mean?"
"nothing." he says almost instantly after that. "nothing, i just— forget i said anything." and with that he goes off to grab his coat hanging by the rack.
but you were curious. because the way he said it seemed like it was out of surprise. like it's the first time he realized that.
"wait," you grabbed his arm before he could go. "tell me what you mean by that?"
was it the booze that made you act this way too? yeah probably.
" 's doesn't matter. forget it, alright?" he makes a move to leave but tug his arm out. you hold on tighter.
"tell me." you say, persistently. "i’m not letting you go until you tell me. i'll jump on your back right now even."
"let go."
"for someone bigger than my brother you sure are a wimp."
"are you trying to provoke me?"
"is it working?" you said before adding, "wimp."
"it's not working."
you pouted. "it always works with tooru."
"that's because he has a huge ego." he let out a yelp when you actually fulfilled your threat by jumping on his back. "hey, get off!"
"not until you tell me!" you locked your legs around him with your arms around his neck to stay determined. "this usually works on tooru too. only it involves a lot more hair pulling." you said triumphantly, before realizing how close your face has gotten to his. apparently he noticed it too judging by how wide his eyes are and how red he looks up close.
"if i tell you, you might hate me." he whispers, words only for you to hear.
"i could never hate you." that's ridiculous. you were literally in love with him, hello?
he looked uncertain, but eventually gave in when you were still stubborn to let him go.
“...i like you, y/n."
"if you're messing with me, i will pull your hair out." you managed to say.
"please don't. mine doesn't grow as fast as your shitty brother."
"you're…for real then?"
"then why would you think i hate you?"
iwaizumi winced, like the next few words were gonna be painful. "you said you think of me as a brother."
"because i thought you only saw me as a sister!" you blurted out.
"what?" his big saucer eyes matching your own. "what're you saying?"
"i'm in love with you." you bit your lip and continued on. "i've been in love with you ever since i can remember."
there. it was finally out, no takesies backsies. honestly it felt good to have that in the open. it was like ripping off a bandaid, painful but at the same time, relieving.
but then panic set in when he didn't say anything for a solid minute.
you watched as his face slowly turned red till the tip of his ears and his mouth opening, closing, as if still figuring out what to say. his hands moved first, slowly taking you off of his back and turning your body so you were now hugging him from the front, your legs wrapped tightly around his waist.
"so… we like each other?" he says, lips unbelievably close to your own.
"so if i wanted to kiss you, your would say…" he trails off, eyes solely focusing on your lips.
"i'd say it's about damn time, haji." you mimicked his movements.
"about damn time," he mutters before claiming your lips with his.
about damn time indeed.
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spacebarbarianweird · 8 months
The Dead, the Half-Dead and the Undead
Synopsis: Baby Alethaine is ten and, apparently, the thing she is a dhampir isn't the only problem Astarion and Tiriel have to face.
Tags: dadstarion, dhampirs, necromancy
Alethaine's age: 10
Thanks @queenofthespacesquids for beta-reading!
Read on AO3
Astarion immerses himself in one of his books. It is a complex text that has been written by some ancient magic who had probably been completely insane
Necromancy is an interesting subject, but damn difficult for those without an innate aptitude for it.
It's still midday, but out there in the underground part of Daggerlake, it doesn't matter. The city is divided into two parts, above ground and underground. The city is mostly populated
by dwarves, halflings, and humans but for some reason it feels like home for Astarion.
Besides, the town dwellers had decided they'd better have a vampire of their own than be threatened by other undead.
Astarion is still puzzled by this. Yes, these people should be grateful to him and Tiriel for saving them from a particularly nasty fairy pact. But letting them stay? Tiriel, a half-elven warrior, is one thing, but him, a vampire? Do they really want to share the town with him?
But they are fine. They treat him like others would treat some retired wizard or a former mercenary. But he knows he must be careful - one mistake and the neighbors will remember who Astarion truly is and that there is a reason why he never goes to the upper town in the daylight.
And there is a complication Astarion always has to take into account.
“Dad! Dad!”
Astarion looks up and sees ten-year-old Alethaine. She is upside down, but the hem of her dress brushes the ceiling, ignoring gravity. There's a bit of forest dirt on the girl's shoes, and he can distinguish the smell of wood.
“I told you not to go alone,” Astarion says. When she was younger, Astarion often found it difficult to parent her. The moment she asked something or started crying, he was ready to do anything just to make her feel better. It took him time to get a grip and establish boundaries. He is her father. If he wants the best for her, he has to be strict sometimes. Even if the response is tears and anger. 
“I didn’t go to the woods! I was in the meadow. It’s still in the town!”
Fair enough. The meadow is a favorite place for town kids since it is indeed the forest but their asses won’t get whooped by their parents.
“So, what is it, princess?”
Alethaine jumps on the floor with a soft “thump” and she inclines toward him making direct eye contact. Astarion still wonders sometimes if her eyes black because his eyes used to be, too, or because of her dhampirism. 
Half-undead. Does Alethaine even understand what it truly means to her? Town kids don’t really care and adore her ability to walk on ceilings and steal sweets for them. But will it last long? She is ten. When she and her friends grow up, they will notice things that make her different. Will they start fearing her the same way town dogs start howling if Alethaine or Astarion pass by? Will they avoid her? Will they force her out of town to go seek her own kind?
“I want a kitten.”
“Princess, last time I checked cats don’t really like us, either.”
Alethaine sits beside him and forces him to close the book. “No, you don’t understand! A week ago, I found a kitten! She didn’t like me at first but I’ve been bringing her food. And today Wyv let me hold her! She doesn’t mind me at all!”
“She is albino! She has red eyes and white fur! I think she went missing from her litter. Or maybe her mother's cat forced her to go. Please! Pretty please! She is so tiny, she won’t make it on her own! And I will take care of her!”
Alethaine stares at him with puppy eyes and her elven ears twitch with anticipation.
“Mum won’t mind, she will be happy there is an animal that doesn’t react to me as if I am some evil entity!”
“Princess, there is a very big chance this poor creature will run away once it senses me in the house. Last time I checked I am still undead.”
“And I am half-undead! Wyv got used to me, she will get used to you, too!”
Astarion flicks the tip of her nose. “But if your mother asks, you forced me to say “yes”.
Alethaine squeals and wraps her hands around his neck forcing him to drop the book. Astarion chuckles when he feels the soft prickling of her teeth on his skin. 
“I will be right back!” Alethaine rushes outside, slamming the door.
He had 200 years of pure misery and it still hurts him to see how much was taken from him. But then… Thirty years of something else. Something he hadn’t wished to have.
A woman to hold and to love who is brave enough to trust and care. 
Fifteen years of adventures, when they could go wherever they wanted and do whatever they desired. Then, they were offered to stay in Daggerlake, a small town near the Unicorn Rim.
Home was a concept unfamiliar to both of them and Tiriel sometimes begged him to return to the road.
But he was adamant. He needed a home. He needed a place to stay. To own. He wanted a place to stash all the artifacts and books they'd found, a comfortable bed to sleep and make love. 
Tiriel wanted it, too, though didn’t admit it.
And five years later the thing he’d least expected happened.
He barely remembers how it was - he was so drunk on blood, he felt his undead heart beating. Then he found Tiriel and dragged her home to pin her to the bed.
As a result…
His daughter. His flesh and blood. 
Sometimes he treats Alethaine as a matter of course. Most men in Daggerlake have children, and usually more than one. But sometimes Astarion gets distracted and forgets where he is, and only comes back to reality when Alethaine taps him on the shoulder and then Astarion looks at her in awe, wondering how he even deserves her.
Ten years. Such a tiny piece of time but Alethaine’s whole life. Astarion can already see the woman she is becoming. The woman he will be proud of, the woman who will have the freedom he had to fight for.
Suddenly, Astarion realizes Alethaine has been missing for far too long. The meadow isn’t really far away and it’s already sunset - Astarion feels it.
Astarion locks the house and goes looking for his daughter.
It's already night when he gets to the meadow. Alethaine is there sitting on her knees with her head bowed.
“Alethaine, what did we talk about not being outside after sunset?”
She doesn’t answer. Astarion comes closer and sees that her face is red as if she has just stopped crying.
“Princess, what happened?” 
“It’s my fault” she sniffs. “I should have taken her with me right away,” her shoulders tremble and Alethaine bursts into tears once again.
Astarion kneels beside her, not knowing what to do. He still hasn’t learned how to react to her tears properly - so he does the only thing that works all the time with both her and Tiriel and also works for him.
He hugs her.
Through her muffled cries Astarion manages to understand that the albino kitten got out of the shelter and someone kicked her with such effort she died instantly. Now the kitten’s body lies in a small hole in the ground with her mouth wide open and stains of blood on the white fur.
'It's not your fault, it’s the fault of whoever did this, not yours.’
“No, you don’t understand! I could have taken her with me! If you had said “no”, I would have given her to the neighbors! And now she is dead! She is dead because of me!” Now Alethaine almost screams with all the sorrow a ten-year-old girl is capable of.
Astarion hugs his daughter tighter. He often stays with her on his own when Tiriel leaves to do some adventuring job - and usually, Astarion has no trouble. But right now the only thing he needs is for Tiriel to be at home. Because she can find the right words. She always can. Because what exactly does he need to tell Alethaine? It’s the first time she’s witnessed death. And it was the vilest example possible. 
An innocent creature was killed for fun. 
Well, maybe he should find that person and break their legs. It won’t help but maybe it will make Alethaine feel better. 
“Alethaine, let’s go home.” 
Alethaine doesn’t answer. 
“Princess, come on,” he repeats.
His vampiric senses feel that something is wrong. As if something eerie, and unnatural has started to happen.
Astarion glances at the dead kitten.
Then the kitten moves.
“What in hell…,” he mutters. 
It opens its eyes which glow an unnatural green color. The paws twitch, and the mouth opens showing small fangs. 
“Dad! Look! Wyv is alive! She was just wounded! And I thought she was dead!” Alethaine exclaims, grabbing the dead kitten. “We need to show her to the healer!”
Alethaine’s eyes glow with the same eerie shade of green.
Alethaine has just used the “Rise Animal” spell.
A spell so difficult it takes mages years to learn it. 
Alethaine drops the dead kitten on the ground as if it were a poisonous snake.
“No… What is wrong with her, Dad?”
The kitten immediately sits up and freezes. Waiting for orders. 
“She is dead, isn’t she?” Alethaine sniffs. The kitten doesn't move, staring at her with its resurrected eyes.
Necromancer. If being a dhampir wasn't enough for her. Necromancers have always been outcasts with their abilities to raise the dead and cast the darkest of spells.
Alethaine is one of them. Twice an outcast.
“Alethaine '' Astarion makes her face him. “Listen to me carefully. There must be strings, connecting you with the kitten. Like a puppet doll. You need to cut them.”
“But she will die”
“It is already dead. it’s not a life. Put it to rest.”
Alethaine wipes tears and the weird glowing fades. Alethaine concentrates, looks at her hands, and then makes a movement with her fingers as if she were tearing threads.
The dead kitten falls on the ground like a puppet.
Alethaine sits down tired and exhausted. Resurrecting a creature, even small animals, is a difficult spell requiring much energy even from adult mages. For a ten year old it’s the equivalent of hiking in the mountains. 
Astarion takes Alethaine in their hands.
“Will you and mum still love me if I am a necromancer?”
“Of course, we will.”
“You can’t get necrotic damage, can you?”
“Well, I am very undead myself. So fear not, you won’t harm me even accidentally”
“And mum? She is mortal, she can get hurt.”
Astarion sighs. Damn, ‘Tiriel should come back sooner, I can’t answer all those questions’.
“You won’t hurt her. Don’t worry.”
Silence. The little dhampir doesn’t believe him. Alethaine sniffs again.
“Did it hurt when you were resurrected?”
Astarion has to make an effort to keep himself composed. It is still traumatic. Still hurts. Two hundred years of pain. Tortures. Isolation. Transformation.
“I am a vampire, not a ghoul. Ghouls don’t feel anything. They are already dead. you resurrected the flesh but Wyv didn’t feel anything.”
“Are you sure?”
“I am. Alethaine, promise me you won't try to practice alone, all right? No one must know you are a necromancer. People won’t understand. ”
The rest of the walk home is passed in silence. That evening Alethaine refuses to eat, and all attempts to cheer her up fail. She's heartbroken and scared, and whatever is weighing on her mind, she just can't process it. 
He needs to think something up. The sooner, the better. Before Alethaine harms herself or someone in the town.
Alethaine can't sleep. 
It's been a week and she feels terrible. There are whispers on the edge of her mind, dark and frightening, they call to her, they promise her something. 
Alethaine can't shut them up.
She sees threads stretching from her fingers to the dead animals. Worse, she feels the threads leading to living people.
Cause them necrotic damage, the darkness whispers. It is going to be fun! Strike fear in them, make them scream, make them cry! And drink their blood if that’s to your liking!
Tiriel didn’t say anything when she heard what had happened. But Alethaine sees uneasiness in her eyes. Of course, she is afraid! There are strings attached to her as well, one or two necrotic spells and she is dead!
Astarion left two days later - he said he would try to look for something. Alethaine cried and begged to take her with him, but he refused. 
Alethaine has locked herself in her room, barely leaving. But the silence and solitude are the fuel for nightmares. For the darkness. For tempting whispers.
The little dhampir gets out of her bed and goes to her parents’ bedroom. Tiriel is fast asleep under a blanket. Peaceful and quiet.
Alethaine fumbles at the door. She is ten, not three! She is too old to sleep with her mother. But the thought of spending one more night alone with those whispers feels awful.
“Kitten? Are you alright?”
“Mum… can… I…”
“Come here.”
Alethaine gets under the blanket and her mother’s arms immediately wrap around her.
“I am afraid,” Alethaine finally admits. 
“I know, Kitten. Dad will think something up.”
“What if I hurt you while he is away?”
“You won’t”
“How can you know that? I am a necromancer!” 
Alethaine turns around to see her mother’s face. 
“Alethaine, you are also a dhampir and I don’t remember you ever trying to drain me. And you’ve had your fangs since you were five months old.”
Alethaine relaxes and hugs mother back. 
“Mum, did you always know dad was a vampire?”
“Hm, I learned it on the third day I think. Woke up to him trying to bite me. He is lucky I’d already liked him.”
“And you weren’t afraid to be with him?”
“No. Your father was a troubled person, not easy to handle. But he was worth it. I know you are scared. People don’t take it easy when someone can cast dark spells. But it doesn’t mean you have to be alone or be a bad person, even if it’s expected. You will meet people who will accept you for who you are. Who will love you. One of the kindest men I knew was a warlock with a devil pact. Things aren’t always what they seem.”
Your mother’s blood is so warm! You’ve tasted it once, remember? When you were dying of bloodlust! Bite her, take what is rightfully yours!
As if hearing the intrusive thoughts, Tiriel hugs her daughter tighter. 
“Whatever happens, we will always be with you. We will help you, we will support you, and no matter what happens, you can always trust us. Even if you do something really bad. ”
Alethaine sniffs and buries her nose in her mother’s neck. 
The darkness steps away, and the girl falls asleep.
She doesn’t have nightmares for the first time that week.
“Alethaine,” she feels a soft tap on her shoulder. “Wake up.”
Alethaine opens her eyes and sees she is still in her parents’ bed. Tiriel, fully dressed, stands at the doors.
“Dad is back. Could you go down to the basement?”
Alethaine, still half asleep, dresses up and goes down. Her senses immediately tell her Astarion isn’t alone. 
“Hello, princess,” Astarion strokes her head the moment she gets closer.
A man in a dirty red robe sits on the wooden bench. His head is bald and his right eye is missing. Instead, there is a blue gemstone with intricate runes. 
“Astarion, don’t you tell me she is a dhampir.”
“Oh, she very much is! Alethaine, this is Nris. He is going to be your teacher.”
“Astarion, I deeply appreciate you for saving me from that devil but I am not morally ready to teach a dhampir necromancy!”
“I doubt you will be able to pay me. My services are expensive. And I can always sell you back to the devils. I need you to teach my daughter necromancy. End of story.”
“For fuck sake… How old are you?”
Alethaine steps back. “T-ten”
“Fuck, this is the worst age ever! In a year she will hit puberty and it’s bad even without dhampirism and necromancy!”
Alethaine looks at her father.
“Dad, I don't like him.”
“He is a necromancer, princess. People aren’t supposed to like them.”
“Astarion, I knew I shouldn’t have made deals with you! A devil is better than a vampire! At least with devils, I know what to expect! Alethaine, you know what your father did? He took advantage of my desperate situation and forced me to make a pact with him.”
“Nris, don’t be stupid. It’s a working agreement!” Astarion grins. “And I can summon your former master any time, and, I fear, this time he will be harsher on you.”
Nris curses again, and Alethaine makes a note to use one of the slurs next time she gets into a fight. 
The necromancer stretches his right hand, covered in weird tattoos. “Come here, Alethaine.”
Nris sends a shiver down her spine, but Astarion only nudges his daughter slightly, forcing her to approach the mage.
“Dhampir, necromancer, and all this with Fey blood. You did pick the wild cards out of Tasha’s cauldron. What exactly did you do to make your father save my ass from the devils?”
“I-I revived a kitten.”
Nris flinches. “I hate sorcerers to my guts! I’ve spent decades learning how to revive small animals - and you did it just like that! But good for you that you didn’t resurrect a human because if you had, the townsfolk would have burnt you alive. I was trying to make the darkness talk to me and it still doesn’t answer back but it calls upon you like an old friend. Life is truly unfair, Alethaine Ancunin.”
Alethaine is silent, unable to stop staring at the gemstone in the eye socket. The runes move resembling trapped flies. 
“Very well, let’s start from learning the basics!”
Astarion leaves the basement. When he glances back he sees Alethaine drawing runes on the floor while Nris is giving her the lecture.
Astarion is tired. He didn’t have time to rest during the week, and besides, the worry of leaving a ten-year-old necromancer who didn’t understand how to control her powers alone with Tiriel plagued him like a nightmare.
Nris doesn’t look like the most decent or talented mage but he is bound to him by a pact and doesn’t have any desire to return to the devils. So, he is going to live in the secret basement under their house and teach Alethaine as much as he can. 
Wild cards out of Tasha’s dungeon. Yes, that’s true. An unlikely child with dangerous skills. 
Astarion finds Tiriel in the inner yard, throwing axes into the wooden wall. He approaches her and hugs them from behind, placing his chin on her shoulder.
“Tired?” she asks.
“Can I take your blood?”
She touches his curls with her tender fingers. “Of course.”
Astarion indulges his fangs in her neck. Blood streams down his throat, calming him down. Tiriel falters. He immediately releases her neck and takes her in his hands to carry Tiriel to the bedroom.
When they get there they lie together on the bed, their fingers intertwined. Due to sharpened hearing Astarion feels a distant echo from the basement. It seems like Alethaine and Nris have started a screaming match.
“You really didn’t warn him, did you?” Tiriel asks, drawing invisible symbols on his back.
“Maybe. Kind of.”
“Well, at least I won’t be the only mortal in the house.”
“Tiriel, don’t make him your drinking pal, I beg you!” Astarion laughs.
“What? A mug of ale after a difficult day hasn't hurt anyone yet.” Tiriel touches the tip of his ear. “Meditate. I will be with you.”
Astarion nods. Thirty years of happy memories are enough to give him bliss. He concentrates and lets the flow of memories take him to reverie.
Astarion holds Alethaine for the first time. A newborn girl is probably still in pain after being pushed into the world. He hears her fast heartbeat as her living heart pumps half-undead blood through her veins.
He cradles her in his arms. Alethaine is so warm, so delicate, so innocent. It’s not yet clear if she is a dhampir but Astarion knows he loves her. It’s a different form of affection, unknown to him. A selfless love for a child, a desire to make sure she won’t endure the same hardships as he did.
And she must not know.
Astarion gives himself a promise. His daughter will never know about his past. it will never taint her. The pain, the touches, the humiliation, the violence - she will not know a word of it. 
Her mindset will be free of that dirt and of that darkness. He won’t pass it. 
“Thank you, my love,” Astarion whispers. “This is a gift.”
Tag list
@tugoslovenka @marcynomercy @wintersire @vixstarria @not-so-lost-after-all @ashiro20 @theearthsfinalconfession @herstxrgirl @starlight-ipomoea @micropoe10 @astarion-imagine-archive @veillsar @elora-the-slutty-songstress @fayeriess @lumienyx @tallymonster @caitlincat-95 @tragedybunny @valeprati @lynnlovesthestars @marina-and-the-memes @waking-electric @ayselluna @connorsui @asterordinary @darkarchangel96 @locallegume
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amethystfairy1 · 3 months
Amethyst I love you and I hate you SOOOOOO MUCH RIGHT NOW
Because even in this chapter the fact that Tango was already just so upset at the thought of Zed leaving despite the fact they’ve only been together for like a week and I know it’s normal and even healthy in some ways to be possessive (trust me I’m kinda like that with my own friends) but there is just this certain irk I get every time I read some of the lines in this fic
“I don’t ever wanna let you go!” Zed declared with all the oblivious brashness he always managed. Tango felt his cheeks warming even hotter, and while he hadn’t grown anywhere close to hot enough to burn, his flares were crackling even brighter, snapping and sparking from his true feelings on the scenario.
Which were utter contentment, of course.
this was what he’d been burning for all his life
But I couldn’t care less. Because he’s touching me.
Zed was rapidly coming to the conclusion that as long as Tango was looking at him like this, he’d be whatever he liked.
Zed just wanted Tango to be happy. He was already so happy just feeling this sense of fulfillment again after so long shredded apart. So it was fine. He'd be fine.
Tango wasn’t nearly as obsessive with knowledge as his boyfriend, but if that knowledge was about his boyfriend, all of a sudden, he felt insatiable.
It was fine.
Tiny little piece. Just a sliver, just a fraction, just something enough for Tango to cling to during his every sleepless night and know that he might finally be getting something right
he mentally beat himself up over that, he let go of Zed’s hand and spun.
How could he possibly be mad?
Some lightly scalded fingertips, after all, had landed him in this situation.
He let Tango do as he pleased.
He’d be happy with anything if Tango just kept touching him.
He chased that contact like he was starving for it because, really?
He was. 
even if that was all just novelty. And if was novelty? Then Zed would take that. He’d take anything so long as he had Tango.
wherever they ended up, heaven or hell, it didn’t matter.
I know like at least half of these weren’t written as foreshadowing and were just supposed to be cute romantic lines but fuck it when you put codependency in the tags I’m gonna overanalyse lines like these. Honestly I had a sneaking suspicion that their relationship might be a bit more obsessive than normal since Sightline Sunrise when we first had Zed describing how Tango was sealing the cracks and I was like “Hey maybe this is a bit much” but I just ignored it because I thought I was just looking too deep into things BUT NOW!!!
I can’t just ignore the constant dread I feel as I reread some of these lines but you do SUCH a good job and sneaking them into the fic that I feel like I’m stretching them most of the time and I just like “I’m reading too into this? Am I? I might be going crazy.” But you added the codependency tag????? But like no-one else is actively questioning it?????? I feel like fucking Iskall screaming into a void of nothingness with an unhinged conspiracy theory that no-one believes? I think I’m going crazy.
Screw you Amethyst and introducing me to my first ever Zedango fic and making do insane over them SCREW YOU!!!!!
Only cute lines?
You underestimate me my friend 🙃
I never promised that all these relationships would only be healthy happy fun time, I mean, you’re spot on with all of those lines you pulled. Iskall would be proud! 😆 I don’t wanna say too much and spoil where we’re headed with this, so let me just say that your concerns are…well-placed. But through it all at the heart of their big tangle of issues these two idiots DO love and care about each other first and foremost. They’ve just got…a tiny little extra sprinkle of obsessiveness in there that’s on brand for them, and that toooooooootally won’t come back to bite them in the ass later 😉
I’m so glad you’re insane about my Zedango! Thank you for this lovely ramble I can’t tell you how much I love it when people analyze my stories for stuff like this! 💖💖💖
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xclowniex · 2 months
Hi. I'm really sorry to bother you with this but I just need to scream about this.
I'm a mixed Asian Jew. After October 7th, just like everyone else, I've had to ignore the rampant antisemitism everywhere, especially in fandoms. Recently, I've noticed something that has really been scaring me and making me a million times more anxious.
I used to be very active in Kpop fandoms. Yes, I am aware Kpop fans are crazy but I used to have my circle of friends that were pretty chill. Obviously I had to unfriend all of them lol.
There's a huge trend in Kpop fandoms right now where Kpop fans do not want Kpop documentaries/movies to air in Israel. Evidence: https://x.com/CARAT4PALESTINE/status/1815400792678895980
This is not unique to Kpop fans. Beyoncé fans were angry when her movie aired in Israel. Taylor Swift fans were angry when her movie aired in Israel and so forth. However this is very scary. We can't just brush this off as "well they're crazy stans" or "yk how people on the internet are". This is going to harm us. This CURRENTLY harms us. I'm just so disturbed and angry.
It gets worse: when a Kpop boyband worked with an Israeli producer on a recent album, people were furious and wanted to boycott it. Obviously and thankfully they failed because they stan these people so hard but still. It's so fucking insane. None of this is normal.
Hi, no you are not bothering me at all.
Yeah it is not normal and very much jew hate. Whilst I'm not into kpop anymore, I used to be a fan back in 2015 - 2019 and I still get videos reccomended on my fyp on tik tok related to kpop. I have seen a lot of just vile antisemitic stuff on top of a fan cam. Which whilst sucks, is a tiny bit funny.
My favourite video i've seen from kpop stans (sarcastic) is when they will be a BTS stan, then spit some shit like "Israelis aren't civilians because they serve in the military" cause like, cool bestie your bts boys aren't civilians either by the same logic, yet you still support them.
I looked at that tweet and yeesh. "aparthied state" like idk how to tell these people, but their faves work for companies which are more focused on overworking their idols and bringing in money rather than supporting Palestine.
Like you said, these people stan so hard they forget, and after the war is over, they will still support Hybe and other companies.
And you are so right, we cannot just brush people off as crazy stans. Whilst obviously not every single kpop stan is like that, at least from my exposure to the scene, people are not really calling it out. When deranged behaviour is not kept in check by the wider community, more and more people do said deranged behaviour.
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bloodyinkandquill · 16 days
Valk x shorter Reader
so valk is 5’2 or 157 cm so let’s say reader is 5’~ maybe a tad taller, fun fact that’s how tall my partner is, i on the other hand am 8/9 inches taller than them, so thats fun
- It wasn’t easy being so short for your species, you were the height of a child, a taller child sure but still, and then the media would always refer to a certain famous celebrity as so short, small, insanely tiny, only for you to learn he was taller than you, sure not by a lot but still, that was annoying
- What wasn’t annoying was Valk himself however, dating one of two likely most famous idols was crazy, and it did make you feel a bit better about your height, he understood the pain of short jokes, so he would never make them towards you, unless you jokingly annoyed him enough, usually by joining with Dom to call him short, you both just ignored that he was taller than you, not by a crazy margin but still noticeably so
- Dom usually didn’t bully you for your height, likely because your his brothers partner opposed to bullying his older brother, you’d just pat Valk’s head as he grumbled about it as you tried not to giggle, you did suppose one good thing was since you were such similar heights it was a lot easier to kiss him, if you were taller than him it would definitely be more difficult, but with you two it was very easy to turn and give him a kiss on the cheek, which you especially liked doing completely at random because it got him all flustered
- He prefers to keep you more private, you understand since you know fame can be very stressful, but if the public were to find out about you, namely your height, oh gods the articles, the memes, the gossip, all going insane that Valk is dating someone shorter than himself, it just peeves you, you don’t understand why they all care so much about your height
sorry these are so short! i didn’t have many ideas since live i’ve said before i try and make it about the request, again apologies so please let me know if you’re any general valk hcs, i’m also tired af so that didn’t help😭
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marcygoo · 5 months
okazyyyy here we go. parts from murder drones eps 6-7 that really tickle my brain that i never see people mention like ever (if you come into the reblogs or comments of this post being like "why didnt you include (x part that everyone talks about)!!!" then that is why. and also i am going. to Eat You.) this isnt really going to be organized or anything. basically just me being abnormal about sounds and movements and other minuscule details that im really fond of for however many words
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okay, first thing is gonna be a sound thing. i absolutely LOVE the beeping sound uzi's visor makes in this part. i really like sounds.
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cant get a good screenshot of the movement cus.. yknow. duh. movement. but the way alice moves from there to the ground to where v is so. idk. fluid. its so fun to look at i really like it
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the finger snap here. i love this finger snap. the noise. the movement. its so good. its so crisp. i love it
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the lighting on uzi's face. forgive me for using the word crisp twice in a row but its crisp. its really good. okay
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and the lighting on n's face here??? the colors are so harsh. i really like looking at it. okay. i feel like im not writing enough to just describe how much i like the lighting here. i really like it. its cool. okay i think its cool. i dunno
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i really like this hallway. thats it. thats the section. the way the camera slowly tilts just a little bit while it zooms in? the way the slowed down music in the background almost sounds like alarm sirens? like okay
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another thing i cant capture properly because, duh, movement! but the way the red sentinel kind of dips down here? i dont know why it did that but it slayed. and id like you all to ignore the fact that my nyan cat youtube bar got caught in the screenshot
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the sound effect that plays here when "tessa" cuts herself with the sword. i dunno. its just a really satisfying sound to me thats all
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another thing about sound effects really close to the last one but. the sorta crunching noises that uzis hand being contorted here make. im normal about sounds i promise. ok on to episode 7
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the lighting here. on nori. insane. im not normal. as mentioned before with n i love this kind of harsh lighting especially with the drones it just looks so visually appealing
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okay ANOTHER part i cant properly capture. this bit where it zooms in on the screen and shows the elevator. im. not normal about it. i really really like it alright.
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LETS EAT!!!! DUDE. UGHHHH. AUGH. i LOVE this part SO MUCH you guys have no idea. im obsessed with it. the line delivery. the pose. the shot. the implications. the way that its just such a simple and commonly used phrase. do you get it. do you understand. genuinely one of my favorite little parts in the whole series im not kidding. let's eat
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o-o-o-o-ow! ! !!! i always love the glitched voice effects alright. and that combined with the movement of nori's body being forced back by the crucifix. idk. i dunno man. i just like it
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and UGH. LITERALLY right after that. the lighting flash just as she pulls it out of her face????? i hate this show so much guys. aughhhhhUGHHHHHHHHH AUGHJJ
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grrrr this part. i literally NEVER see people mention it but. the way uzi.. the solver.... uh. whagever. the way their eyes sorta wobble when they turn to look up at n and nori. its a really cool movement to me i dunno
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no comment needed. the 😁
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ok im kinda putting a lot of stuff from this fight on here. forgive me. its got a lot of really cool stuff. this part like. like. the way all the sound gets kinda muffled and crunchy.. aughh.... i love it. hurts me in my bones. 10/10
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ok bit of an unusual thing to point out here but. the solvers flapping here. its so strange. it looks so weird and mechanical to me. in a good way i love it
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the hand twitch. no further comment.
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eugh. this part. the way the coagulated blood (???) almost jiggles like jelly. eughhh ewwwwwww. why are you like thattttt. (positive! i love blood.)
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drone sound: much, crunch (i REALLY like the sound effect that plays when uh... flesha. bends down and Crunches dolls core. the sorta glass breaking sound. sorry doll.)
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the fucking frog blink. why are you like that. i hate this thing so much.
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the music that starts up right as j lands.. eughjghgjhhhh. augh. dies. also side note that i wasnt able to fit really anywhere. but i love the sound that the ship makes. dont know how to describe it but yknow what im talking about right
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the fucking. sound effect. of uzi stabbing her own hand with the protruding bone. crunch. i really really love crunchy crunching sounds. theyre so good. one of my favorites honestly
uh. okay. well thats it thats the post. thanks for coming to my Autism. walks away
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yanderecrazysie · 7 months
i love ur yan kokichi omg i need more... plot can be whatever u want go crazy babe
I hope this turned out okay- I decided to mess around a little and came up with this plot. A bit cheesy and short, but my brain isn’t working well.
Title: Frayed Edges of Sanity
Pairings: Kokichi Ouma x Reader
WARNINGS: Yandere themes, Kokichi is a ghost, murder
Summary: Are you losing your mind, or is someone behind all of the hallucinations after all?
“Fighting the fear of fear
Growing conspiracy, myself is after me
Frayed ends of sanity
Hear them calling”
-From “Frayed Edges of Sanity” by Metallica
“So this is the place,” you wrinkled your nose a little as you looked at the decaying house.
A patchwork roof riddled with holes, peeling paint, a generally displeasing aura… that about summed up the manor you were met with.
But it was a house. And it was free. What kind of person would turn that down?
Apparently your great uncle, who you had never met, had entrusted this house to you for some reason. The whole thing seemed like a scam but here it was- an actual place to live. No strings attached.
There was no path to the front door, so you walked through the yard, grass crunching under your boots. The yard is choked with weeds and the grass is turning brown. The entire property is one big mess.
“This is going to take a ton of work,” you groaned. You should’ve known this would be a little too good to be true.
But still, it was a house. Not your tiny, musky, thin-walled apartment or an extra room at your parents’ place. 
You unlocked the door and pulled it open, ignoring the ear-splitting creak it gave you in reply. There was a mirror in the entryway and you nearly walked by it, when something in your peripheral vision flashed in the glass. You took a step back, but the mirror didn’t show what you thought you’d seen.
No dark-haired boy in sight.
You shook your head, banishing the thought from your mind. It had simply been a trick of the light, that’s all.
Your therapist had suggested you keep a journal to document your mental state. Since you were starting over your life in a new home, you might as well start a new habit.
January 8th
Got a new house! Finally out of that awful apartment.
Looking forward to a brand new start.
January 26th
I feel like someone’s watching me. And all night, I hear giggling.
I think I’m going insane.
You put the pen down and buried your face in your hands. Every day, you felt like you were slowly going crazier.
Your furniture kept rearranging itself, your possessions kept disappearing, you kept hearing a voice whispering in your ear, telling you to turn around, only for you to find nothing there. 
You climbed into your bed and pulled the covers up to your ears. You closed your eyes but the feeling that someone was watching you was overwhelming.
You opened your eyes and were met with a pair of purple ones.
“Good moooorning, sleepyhead!” A playful voice met your ears. Your blood ran cold- that voice was the same one whispering and giggling in your ears since the day you walked in.
The dark-haired boy was floating upside down, arms behind his head as he regarded you with amusement. 
“Who… What are you?” You demanded, scooting back on your bed until your back hit the headboard.
“I’m Kokichi Oma,” the boy replied. He puffed out his chest and added, “I’m a ghost.”
“Why am I only seeing you now?” You asked suspiciously.
“Get up,” Kokichi’s grin grew, “Get up and you’ll see.”
He held out a hand to you, but you waved it away from you, anger bubbling up inside of you. He’d been bothering you for weeks, making you think you were insane. 
You slowly stood up, watching Kokichi carefully. He merely gave you a closed-eyed smile and pointed behind you, “Now turn around.”
You obeyed him and, as soon as you did, your entire body froze. 
There, on the bed, lay your body. 
Your eyes were open, unseeing, glazed over with death. Your skin was several shades lighter than it usually was and a dribble of blood had dried on your lips. A knife was driven through your chest, blood soaking through the shirt in the area around the blade.
“I’m… dead…” You stared at your body, realizing only now that you were just a spirit, “Kokichi… what happened?”
“I killed you,” Kokichi supplied cheerfully.
“What?!” You shrieked, “Why?”
“So you could finally be with me,” Kokichi pouted, “You couldn’t even see me while you were alive. But I hung out with you for a while and decided that we should be together!”
“What is wrong with you?” You screamed, “You killed me because you wanted me to be able to see you?”
“That’s not the only reason,” Kokichi said, “Now, I have you all to myself.” Kokichi let out a loud giggle, “If you don’t believe me, try talking to anyone else. They can’t hear or see you.” 
“I’m all you’ve got left.”
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bredforloyalty · 5 months
Hii would you like to share your favourite fics?? In any fandoms tbh i just trust your taste a lot 🫣
oh i am an animal i don't think i have good taste i have the taste of someone who's always horny and a teeeeny tiny bit fucked in the head jcsgbhy but i'm honored you asked and i'll share<33 you said you don't care if it's more smut or more plot so i didn't worry too much about that 👍
first off, a warning: most of these are explicit, involve incest, rape, child sexual abuse, and more!!! also most of them are on the shorter side + all are male slash! you'll be able to tell based on the pairing and the concept (i'll describe them a little) so just go by common sense and, idk. beware ahaha i'll go from some pairings to assorted and then the rick and morty ones will be under the read more (i feel like i can't leave them out because some of them genuinely made me insane and changed me as a person or allowed me catharsis like very very few fics before and even though it's repulsive to most others i can't deny that. there are big favorites in there. favorites of all time if i'm being fully honest). let's go..
ghost dancer - by the lovely and talented rye @ supersonic1994!!!! noel overdoses on coke. i looove the image of kissing your brother when you think you're about to lose him forever,, does that make sense? love is love is love when one is desperate and if it's deep then it can transcend taboos and boundaries of self and all that shit. you know
things we never see - told through jill furmanovsky, their photographer, noel comes back (after they had almost broken up and he went to san fran without telling anyone). when it comes to them i do love an outsider pov. speaking of outsider pov,
you never notice you are blind - five times alan mcgee thinks he catches something between them and one time he definitely does. it is what it is
i don't really want to know - Nawt consensual, made me a bit sad hehe liam is not sick like him
some that are like, unhealthy jealousy possessiveness dubcon angst and so on: sins like scarlet, fishhook, what am i gonna dream now
hungry til well fed - by the wonderful bug @ deanjohn (and mandymovie)!!! iconic cannibalism fic, just so them
brighter wound - wound blood pain codependency babeyyy
take the things you love - hathfrozen is iconic also.. i loved the heaven fic (you'll find it. if you want) but i want to share this because i like how conflicted sam is about their relationship and about the way dean treats him. smutty though
manhattan for beads - what i wrote down is this is the one where they try and it doesn't work and it's heartbreaking. so yeah candle_beck can be trusted w spn, iconic too
serpent round your heart - one of the first ones i read haha ^^
where the evening splits in half - bug fic also!! all of bug's fics are great do check them out if you're interested in this pairing or dadson at all, seriously.. "Sam says, "I know how you felt about the man." No, he doesn’t. He doesn’t know that Dad was a pig. He has no idea how far down Dean was in the mud with him. How dirty they both were, how much Dad ruined him."
midnight midnight - first time, dean hooks up with men so john can take blackmail pics and he gets jealous and yeah, hooray
and you learn how to settle for what you get - sex again but they're fucked up so it's always fucked up. dean never asked for it
like i'm underwater - by the amazing @ kuleaxoxo!! yayyy power imbalance!! "Mister White's showing him off, isn't he?"
monaco - jesse gifts walt the watch. dubcon
i'm asking you to - rape roleplay, ignored safeword
countercontrol - terence fletcher/andrew neiman, "Andrew leaves; but he always comes back. He likes to think that it’s of his own accord. But then he thinks of those paintings of staircases with the optical illusion of the stairs going nowhere except winding into each other, going the same place again and again, and ultimately going nowhere."
beach fag - roman roy/jeryd mencken, "Roman wishes he was a kid with an adult boyfriend."
the serpent under it - aaron stampler/martin vail, look i fucking love primal fear this is post-canon they get together etc. important to me
simple pleasures - edward nygma/bruce wayne, this is a big favorite i can't leave it out because when this was um coming out i was fucking obsessed. it's long i don't even read long fics
there's a head in the refrigerator - michael afton/william afton, this one's sort of self-explanatory..... i felt we needed necrophilia representation here
rick and morty:
bitter and begging - FAVE.. after the jealousy and possessiveness in vindicators 3 (the episode with the avengers copies that morty is enamoured with. who rick slaughters when he's off his shit and then covertly confesses how much he loves morty basically). this one really got me i think i cried because it's all so sad but um. full of love
that's my boy - this is the first of a series, i like that it's the start of.. the sexual abuse and they're still uncertain like i enjoy the in-betweens and when lines are crossed
love is a solitary thing - this one i love so much, it's about morty's fantasies and unrequited feelings for rick
safe - gen, morty starts talking with another morty whose rick rescues mortys from abusive ricks. i always really liked how the multiverse is like a prism? you can explore the different facets of their relationship and the possibilities and the extremes through it, you can have your characters meet their worst and their best versions, i just think selves from different dimensions are a great tool. in storytelling. and eliciting emotions. anyway rovingotter is fucking solid here
hands - a favorite.. the atmosphere... "He wonders if he'll still be sitting here in ten years, handing Rick his screwdrivers, feeling that hot instinctive rush of pleasure at knowing what Rick is going to ask from him before he even asks: bred for it."
the shape you made me - morty's stream of consciousness. i usually don't give stuff like this a chance but when i tell you that this affected me. because fuck it did affect me
the damage has been done - um..... internal cardiac massage fic 🥴
repurposed - "Is it ethical to leave the horrors of the universe at a boy's fingertips?"
and last but NOT least there's this series that i haven't read in full, just a little bit broken, that fucking killed me. tbh! i sobbed at some parts legitimately. maybe that's just on me i don't know maybe it isn't. the first 5 are crazy. admittedly alcoholism runs in my family too (lol!) and their relationship is so tragic.... this fic is about when rick quite literally stole the kid's dreams, concocted an entire plan to erode morty's love of heists and make him stop writing his heist movie script (and having any aspirations or plans outside of rick). when i watched that episode these are exactly the emotions i wanted more of.. it's madness......
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Flying Monkeys
kai parker x reader | requested by @chocolatepalacecloudhoagie
summary: kai mentions in passing that he can fly a plane. you challenge him to prove it.
tags: based on s06e08: Fade Into You, small drug references, flying / aircrafts, kai being confused by someone caring about him, developing friendships, implied possible future friends to lovers
word count: 2.5k
a/n: i wrote half of this when you sent that ask and totally forgot about it until this afternoon. i have so many requests i need to finish, it's so bad 💀 but i hope this is what you were looking for!!
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“I don’t believe you.”
“It’s true!”
“There’s no freaking way; you’re totally bluffing.”
“I am not! Hey, if you need proof, ask Bonnie.”
You glance over at Bonnie, who’s sitting on the opposite side of the restaurant. She dines with one of her best friends, the both of them desperately needing a drink, they had announced. You originally went with them, but upon spotting Kai at the bar, abandoned their company to talk to the young witch. Damon begged you not to; he wanted you nowhere near him, yet you can’t help your interest in the boy. 
“Why would she know?” You ask instead. 
“‘Cause I flew her from Mystic Falls back to Portland.”
“No, I had drugged her.”
“She didn’t give me much of a choice! I had to get out of that stupid prison world, and she wasn’t going to let me out unless I manipulated my own way out. Unfortunately, I needed to use her to escape.”
A sigh leaves your lips. As much as you want to hate him for torturing her, you can’t blame his desperate need to get out of that hell. You hadn’t been in the prison world, but by the way the pair describe it, it’s a terrible place to be. To be stuck there for eighteen years, and then denied your only chance at freedom? Not to mention, Kai’s a sociopath who struggles with the way he’s supposed to feel about other people, and he’s insanely lacking in his social skills. What he did isn’t okay - not by a long-shot - though you can understand what drove him to do it. 
“Are you mad at me?” He asks, taking a sip of his drink. 
You cock your head, surprised by the question. “No, I just…”
“Hurting her was never my plan, I just needed to get out.”
Maybe it’s the alcohol talking. Maybe it's the effects of the merge. 
Regardless of which, you take it as a sign that Kai’s warming up to you. In that moment, you decide not to crush his tiny seed of trust. 
“...can’t believe you flew a plane,” you finish, changing the topic. 
Kai smiles. “But I did! It wasn’t a big one, it was a Cessna. One pilot - obviously, since I was the only one flying anything - and not meant for super long distances. Stopped for gas midway.” Then he mutters, “gave her a little more gas, too, so she’d sleep through it.” You ignore that part. “But I can promise you, I know how to fly.”
“You’ll have to prove it to me.”
“Yeah, I doubt anyone’s going to let that happen. I definitely don’t have a legal flying license.”
“We’ll convince Damon to compel someone to let you.”
“Something tells me he won’t support that.”
“All I’m hearing are excuses to keep you out of a cockpit.”
Your challenging tone has him straightening his posture. “You really don’t believe me?”
“Not one bit.”
“Fine. Then I will prove it to you.”
A week later, you’ve successfully convinced Damon to one, let Kai fly a plane short distance from one small airport to another; two, let you ride with him, and three; compel a pilot to let him borrow a plane, as well as compel everyone who would typically be involved to pay no attention to the unattended aircraft that will inhabit two runways and the open sky for roughly thirty minutes total. 
Bonnie, to say the least, is not happy about this plan. When you and Kai first approached their table in the grill to discuss it, she was pissed. Now, as Damon drives the three of you to the airport, she’s still lecturing you on the dangers of not only flying with an unlicensed flier, but for said flier to be Kai Parker, of all people. 
But to her dismay and Kai’s surprise, you shrug her off, promising you’ll be fine. 
“Okay,” Damon says, parking his car. “I’ve secured thirty minutes for you two dumbasses to do this. The flight distance is twenty miles, so your actual time in the sky should only be-”
“-about ten minutes,” Kai interrupts, “I know. I know what I’m doing.”
Damon ignores him and continues, “giving you ten minutes to start up, ten to fly, ten to land. I did some research of my own when you proposed this completely diabolical plan to me.”
“It’s not-”
“Do it quickly,” he ignores again, “and keep her safe.”
“Maybe compel him for that part,” Bonnie says.
“Smart.” Damon puts a hand on Kai’s shoulder. 
Kai shrugs him off. “You don’t need to compel me. I’ll keep her safe, I promise.”
Damon looks over to you.
“I trust him,” you affirm.
The man stares at you like you’ve grown a second head. 
“I’ll be okay,” you tell him, trying to ease his nerves. It doesn’t appear to work, but you don’t try again. “Kai?”
“Yep. See you guys in thirty.”
The plane is sitting in the middle of the runway, left alone with the keys, after Damon had compelled its owner away on a “super serious mission,” in which, if the man didn’t run inside and make Bonnie a coffee with specifically one and a half packs of sugar and a dash of peppermint mocha creamer, his new boss would fire him on the spot. Then, by the time he comes back and you and Kai are already in the sky, he’ll compel him to not freak out, but go to the neighboring airport for his plane, because it had been taken over by flying monkeys. 
Damon recites the second part of his plan as the pair of you climb into the plane. Bonnie rolls her eyes at him. None of you comment. 
“If I didn’t know any better, I’d say he’s having fun,” Kai says once out of earshot.
“Oh, he definitely is.”
Down below, Bonnie finally mutters, “I don’t even like peppermint mocha.”
“Well then I guess he’ll get fired.”
The girl rolls her eyes again. “Do you think she’ll be okay?”
“Y/N? With him? Hell no.” He sighs. “The minute our poor, actual, pilot comes back, we’re getting to that airport quickly.”
“Alright,” Kai sits down in the cockpit. You go to the seat beside him. “Put your seatbelt on.”
You fight the urge to giggle as he practically commands you to be safe. It’s so un-Kai-like. Then again, he is taking you five thousand feet into the air. 
“Okay,” he starts pointing to all the little instruments, “this is the speed, this is the altitude, this is the height above sea level, this is the rate of turn, this is the compass, and this is the vertical speed.” 
“How high above sea level are we right now?”
“Five hundred and ninety-four feet.”
“These controls have a lot of explanation, and I better start so Damon doesn’t yell at me, but I can talk about them another time. Briefly, pedals down here, steering wheel - or yoke, in fancy people terms - here, throttle, and what controls the wings.” He points to the right of all that. “Communication stuff that I don’t use, to talk to other pilots, confirm take-off and landing and weather conditions and all that. Navigational systems.” He points to the left for those. “Ready?”
“Are you scared?”
“No.” Just a little. 
“Do you trust me?”
“Yes.” Hopefully that’s the right choice. 
“Okay. Up we go.”
The boy quiets as he starts up the plane. You can’t help but admire his concentration. 
Kai manages the controls carefully, and before you know it, you’re lifting off the ground. Your hand flies to the side door, gripping the handle bar subconsciously. 
“You okay?” He peeks over at you. He could practically feel you tense up, although he expected you would. 
“Mhm,” you nod.
He’s not entirely convinced, but there’s nothing he can do about it now. He continues gaining altitude, and before you know it, you’re completely in the sky. 
“You still good?”
“Need any sleeping pills?”
“I’m just joking!” 
You look over and playfully roll your eyes at his teasing, dimpled face. He’s glad he’s cute, otherwise there’s no way you would’ve actually gone through with this idea. Thinking about it now, it’s totally crazy - letting a boy you barely know fly you into the sky when he doesn’t even have a license. But for some reason, you trust him, and as he effortlessly controls the plane as it travels through the blue beyond, you’re confident about placing your trust in him.
Although… your friends down below are probably losing their shit…
“How high are we?” You ask, distracting yourself from that thought. No reason to worry about it now.
“You sure you want to know?” He laughs.
“Hit me.”
“Oh, alright,” he checks the meter, “about eight thousand feet up.”
When your eyes go wide, he chuckles. “Scared?”
“I trust you,” you assure both him and yourself. 
That answer seems to relax him. A gentleness settles in his eyes, brightening the usual gray to a color more like that which surrounds you. Your grip on the door handle eases up, and you ride in silence for a while, appreciating the journey. 
After a couple of minutes, he announces, “coming up on the airport.”
“It was only about a ten minute flight.”
“Do you think we’ll see our unhappy co-conspirators on the ground?”
You snort, then immediately cover your mouth. Kai only smiles. “Definitely. Shaking their heads and rolling their eyes.”
“Surprised I didn’t crash the damn thing.”
“Or kidnap me.” He starts to laugh, but then pauses, unsure if you’re joking. But then you start to laugh at your own joke and he takes it as a sign that he can laugh along with you. “Guess this means I believe you… you really can fly a plane.”
“Don’t praise me yet, we haven’t landed.”
“Easy, I’m kidding. Landing will be just as smooth as take off was. I’ve gotcha.”
And it is. He skillfully lands the plane with minimal roughness, and maintains a good distance away from the distraught-looking pair. When he turns off the engine, he throws you the keys and a wink. 
You barely catch them, then let out a laugh. “I’ll admit, I’m impressed.”
“Why thank you, Y/N.”
“So how did you learn, really?” “Books, manuals, and lots of trial and error.”
“How bad of an error?”
“Died once or twice… or more… but I couldn’t actually die in the prison world, so I’d just crop back up and try again.”
He shrugs. “But that’s all over now.”
“You have to be more careful to avoid situations that could get you hurt now.” He narrows his eyes at you, making you confused by his reaction. “No more trial and error anything. If you’re not in the prison world, you’re susceptible to getting hurt, or worse, and I’m not letting that happen on my watch.”
“I’m on your watch now?”
“Well… yeah.” You shrug, “I mean, in terms of reckless behavior, yeah. You’re my friend, and I want you to be able to live now that you’re not stuck in that Groundhog Day world, but in order to do that, you have to be safe and avoid situations where you could get hurt.”
“You consider me a friend?”
“Is that okay?”
“Yes,” he answers quickly, “I’ve just… never had a friend before.”
“Well you do now. And your friend is super impressed by your flying skills, but wants you to stay safe, too, okay?”
“But you weren’t scared, right? This wasn’t brought on because you thought I was gonna crash, was it?”
“‘Course not, I had full faith in you the entire time. I only got worried when you said you died trying to learn.”
“So no more of that, right? You can impress me with all the skills you already know, but no more near-death experiences. Promise?”
“I promise.”
“Thank you. I-” Your next words are cut off by your own scream as someone knocks on the plane door. Looking down, you see Damon reaching up. 
“Get on out of there, you lovebirds. We have to return this plane to its actual pilot.”
“Ugh.” You both roll your eyes, but listen to the man. Kai comes around to your side as soon as he’s out. He puts a stabilizing hand on your shoulders, which comes in handy when you stumble with your first step. 
“You okay?” Both men ask at once.
“Good. I always trip when I leave airplanes, too.”
A few feet away stands an annoyed looking Bonnie. “Glad to see you’re still alive.”
“Glad to see you, too, Bon. Alive and well.”
“You could’ve-”
Her retort is interrupted by the pilot running over for his keys. “Those flying monkeys! Have they returned my plane?!”
Damon tosses the keys to him. “Yep, good as new! Not a scratch!”
“Oh, thank god! Thank god. I was afraid I’d never see it again. If you find those monkeys, can you tell them I’m really upset, and that they need to go away?!”
“Of course I will. You have a good day.” The pilot runs away and Damon turns towards you and Kai. “You heard the man, time to go.” He shuffles you into the car, stuffing you both in the backseat again, Bonnie in the front, and starts the drive back to town. 
The forty minute drive is quiet, everyone too afraid to get on Bonnie’s nerves, but you and Kai text in the back. 
y/n: thank you again for the flight. i enjoyed it very much!
kai: i’m glad you let me show you my skills :)
kai: but i’ll keep your promise, no more dying
y/n: good
kai: thanks for the friendship. i’m glad to have you
y/n: me too
y/n: i knew i was gonna like you the minute damon complained about you
y/n: after he got out of the pw
kai: what did he say??
y/n: that you were talkative and annoying and seemed like just the type of person i would befriend
y/n: appears he was right
y/n: except for the annoying part
kai: huh. the talking doesn’t annoy you?
y/n: no i like hearing you talk, plus i know you were isolated for a long time, and i would like to be a person you’re comfortable talking to
kai: wait, really?
“Why are you smiling?” Damon’s voice cuts through the silence. He eyes Kai through the back mirror.
“Yes, you.”
“Because I told him what you said when you got out of the prison world about me befriending him. Seems you were right.”
“I said that as a joke.”
“Yet you hit it right on the nose.”
Damon huffs. “Well I also said he was annoying, and that’s true, too.”
“Maybe, but it just so happens that I like his,” you use quotation marks with your fingers, “‘annoying’ qualities, just as much as I like the rest of him, too.”
“It’s your headache, Y/N.”
You only shrug. 
y/n: yes, i do like hearing you talk, and i do like even the ‘annoying’ parts about you
y/n: they’re kind of endearing, actually
Kai tries to ignore the weird fluttering-like symptom in his stomach and nervously replies, 
kai: thank you
kai: i like you too
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welcometololaland · 1 year
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wip wednesday
y'all - i feel like i've been so fucking annoying lately but i'm here to request one thing of you - give me some juicy snippets to read because i'm finally on top of my shit. and i've always wanted to start wip wednesday (for all i know someone has already started it but don't rain on my parade! let me live in denial) and now i maybe can. This is from ALTA which is (omg) so close to being posted. 10 days. fuck. i'm not ready (i am).
“She’s really gone, isn’t she?” TK asks, his voice breaking as his head remains burrowed into Carlos’ shoulder. He’s stopped shaking now, which Carlos takes to be a good sign, but he’s cried so persistently that the whole front of Carlos’ jacket is wet. 
He pauses, leans back and cups TK’s face in his hands, using his thumbs to brush away a few errant tears. He briefly considers making a passionate speech about TK’s mother being dead but not gone – living on in his heart – but then he decides for pragmatism. He thinks TK will appreciate that more, anyway.
“Yes,” he says simply. “But that doesn’t mean it’s easy to accept.”
TK sniffs, his glazed eyes staring helplessly into Carlos’ own. “What do I do now, Carlos?”
Carlos sighs, brushing away another of TK's tears. “I’m not really sure, TK,” he admits. “But right now, I can take you home. It might be nice to cry somewhere that isn’t your high school computer lab.”
A tiny, hesitant smile appears at the corners of TK’s mouth. “I think my dad will be relieved,” he says. “He keeps asking why I haven’t cried yet, like it's some kind of crime.”
“Well, he’s definitely going to be pleased to see you,” Carlos points out, as TK nods tearfully. 
“Could you— Do you mind coming with me?” TK asks as Carlos steps back and drops his hands. “I don’t really want to be alone and my dad is driving me nuts. My other friends…they wouldn’t understand.”
“I hope they do understand, TK,” Carlos replies solemnly, collecting his books and following TK out of the darkened classroom. “I think everyone will do their best to support you.”
TK makes a non-committal sound as they walk down the empty hall – devoid of students – amplifying the sound of their sneakers on the linoleum. “Not like you,” he says, after a pause. “I know we’ve only been friends for a little bit, but you’re different.”
“Oh yeah?” Carlos asks, pushing open the front doors and following TK down the steps. “In what way?”
TK pauses, looking back up at Carlos as he descends the stairs, a pensive look on his face. “You’re good, Carlos,” he replies simply. “You’re good for me.”
Open tag for anyone to share but also some targeted attacks under the cut (with insane requests, feel free to ignore me)!!!
@theghostofashton (need some exes to lovers PLEASE), @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut (boxing AU boxing AU!), @goodways (got a tasty treat shannon?) @reyesstrand (food fic???) @strandnreyes (please don't hurt me but you can if you want) @rmd-writes (just because i love you) @heartstringsduet (FIRST AID?!) @carlos-in-glasses (what's next up CIG?) @birdclowns (your wip snippet game has me blurry eyed, i must know more) @fitzherbertssmolder (any comic progress?) @louis-ii-reyes-strand (been loving your snippets) @lilythesilly (fighter pilot AU?!) @kiloskywalker (tarlos fighter pilot AU????) @sanjuwrites (soulmates????) @three-drink-amy (teacher AU teacher AU teacher AU!!) @chicgeekgirl89 (any yachts about?) @lemonlyman-dotcom (some music fic for my ears???) @wandering-night19 (4 x 18 coda???) @thisbuildinghasfeelings (cross stitching update??!!!) @freneticfloetry (something from the soulmates timer fic???) @alrightbuckaroo (summer parisian au my beloved!!!!) @cha-melodius (you've got mail AU????) @redshirt2 (anything you would like to contribute, i'd just love you to keep feeding me!) @iboatedhere (how are those prompts???) @orchidscript (lovingly bullying you to keep writing) @marjansmarwani (i know the words are hard but also i am lovingly bullying you as well <3) @morganaspendragonss (has angst queen got anything this week?) @lightningboltreader (THAT ANGSTY ONE BED THING I AM SCARED BUT I WANT)
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molarbeardoc · 7 months
Anyway fanfic starts now :3
Who would want to leave the soft and warm comfort of their bed? The embrace of one’s sheets wrapped around them as if they were but a small infant once more.
There was not a single person in the world who actually enjoyed getting up.
Absolutely no one..
Not a single person…
Okay that might have been just a teeny tiny lie…
Well… Not really a lie? How am I supposed to know, I’m just a narrator get off my back!
Moving on…
There really was one person who enjoyed mornings. For her, that meant she had lived to see another day. That she had evaded capture once more. No one could catch a genius, a reborn, intuitive Einstein as she would say. That’s right! Bive was the smartest cookie there was!
Mornings were a sign of hope, that she still had a chance to spread the truth! A chance to save everyone. Of course some were too far gone to be saved and would have to suffer the consequences for when the clowns came and snow soldiers took over but they picked their poison. They made their bed. They dug their graves. Now they had to lay in them when the time came.
Besides! Even if she couldn’t save everyone, she could save some of them! She could use her cleverness to think of plans to save those who listened. Her brains to find solutions to their biggest problems. She could accomplish anything as long as she was wide awake, as long as the gears in her head were constantly turning!
So why weren’t they spinning now?
She stared at her corkboard, her expression dull as she leaned against the brick wall of the maze. She felt horrible. Her head was killing her and her special brew wasn’t helping her in the slightest. If anything it made it worse! She felt top heavy and ill, her arms and legs acted as if they were a fruity gelatine. Maybe even a sweet lime flavour gelatine…
If that didn’t sound awful already. She was groggy and irritated. Her cat-like reflexes were more like a snail’s and her vision would occasionally blur.
What in the name of Clown Militia was going on with her?!
She let out an annoyed groan as she used the wall to keep herself upright before eventually succumbing and falling over. It was as if her own body were betraying her!
Useless vessel. Didn’t know she was the reason it was even alive! Talk about ungrateful…
There had to be someone she could trust to assist her. DrRETRO? No. That furball thought she was insane. Poob? No. They’d make it worse with their constant partying. Mark? He’d try and fix her with some sort of wood trick. Wallter? He trusts the flowers… Absolutely not…
Wait… God it was worse than she thought. She couldn’t even CONTACT any of them! None of them had her signal! Oh the fool she was! A complete and total fool!
Who had her radio signal..? Her memory was a bit fogged at the moment but she knew she gave it to someone..
Aha! Split! At least she thinks so? She couldn’t remember very well. She reached for her radio, twisting and turning the knobs as she attempted to reach the fruit-taur, letting out a cry of pain from the feedback and hissing through her teeth.
She let out a quiet sigh, trying to ignore the splitting pain that shot through her head, with every knob turn a new static frequency filling the air. Her voice croaking as she spoke into the radio.
"Split are you there?!"
The fruit-taur was sleeping peacefully in her own bed, a small banana-themed night light shining on her nightstand beside her alarm clock. It was still frankly early, only about 4am.
All was quiet…
… Until it wasn’t…
Split immediately shot up, breathing heavily as she was suddenly awoken from her restful slumber. Her heart racing as she glanced around frantically.
Despite being unable to see, she immediately went on the defensive, tensing up as she tried to look as threatening as possible.
"Split…? Split are you there? Split..? Split!"
She turned towards her nightstand, the adrenaline dying down as it slowly became replaced with tired realization. She grabbed her glasses, putting them on before reaching for the radio.
"Bivey, you’re spiralling again…"
Bive’s side of the radio went quiet, as if she were processing the moment before answering.
"SPLIT YOU’RE OKAY- AcK- Ow ow radio feedback ow."
Split couldn’t help but smile, finding her worry endearing before speaking up.
"Yes, I’m fine. What’s going on with you? It’s uh…"
She glanced at the clock.
"Four in the morning. I don’t even think the early bird gets up this early!"
Well that was concerning news.
"What do you mean something is wrong with you?"
She listened as the detective rambled on and on, blinking as she tried to slowly put everything together.
"Poisoned-? Bive what-? No one poisoned you. You probably just have a cold."
"Okay okay fine! You’re not sick! Just calm down."
"Oh my… Bive? Just… Stay calm for now? I’ll be over soon."
Guess she wasn’t sleeping in like she originally planned. She sighed as Bive rambled some incoherent words before the radio went dead, having no clue what she said before she got up. She was just in a comfortable T-shirt, that’s decent enough to go out.
It’s not like anyone would see her, it was too early for someone to be out and about on the elevator… Apart from her of course…
Bive was leaning against the wall, her head still throbbing and body still weak. She felt awful. There was no way she WASN’T poisoned. How was this even possible?! Even if they DID make it through the maze, how did they catch her off guard?! She was awake the whole time!
This was worse than she thought. Her enemies were getting smarter. They had found her location, slipped through the maze, and caught her off guard while she was on guard! Oh this was horrible. Truly terrible! How could she save anyone in her weakened state?!
The next hours were spent in agony. Well at least it felt like hours, it had really been only thirty minutes as she sat there patiently. Waiting for the Split’s arrival.
Speaking of Split, she was already stepping off the elevator, standing outside of the maze as she yawned. The sun hadn’t even risen yet, it wasn’t even dawn. She entered the maze, knowing her way decently enough to where she couldn’t get lost and only worrying about Scary Mike and an overly excited Fleshy, more so Mike, as she navigated herself through it.
Turning one of corners, she noticed the soft glow of a yellow light. Bingo. She quickened her pace down the hall, the strong scent of coffee wafting over her as the glow became stronger. Soon enough, she was met with the living quarters of the paranoid detective.
It was just as unorganized as she remembered, red string and empty styrofoam cups littered the floor. At least she listened to her the last time Split was over and picked up the thumbtacks, those were just accidents waiting to happen. Her floppy ears lifted as she heard a quiet and pained groan, looking down to see that Bive was on the floor, against the wall, with her head in her hands.
She let out a startled yelp, trying to jump back only to met with a brick wall as she hissed through gritted teeth. That didn’t help with her headache and weak body at all… She looked up at the fruit-taur, a wave of relief and realization washing over her.
"Are you okay?"
"No! I’ve been POISONED! I’m going to DIE!"
"You’re not going to die."
"Why do you think that?"
She winced in pain as she felt another debilitating stroke of pain shoot through her head, gritting her teeth and using the wall to stand as she leaned against it. Seeing her state, Split grew concerned. Her being poisoned was a stretch but there was very well a chance she may have done or eaten something that could cause her this much harm.
"Can you tell me exactly what you’re feeling right now..?"
"Er-! A stupid headache… I feel a bit nauseous… lightweight… Annoyed with everything.."
"Have you eaten?"
"Have you had some water?"
"Have you slept..?"
"Have. You. Slept?"
"Uh… No…"
"When’s the last time you have?"
"Bive… When was the last time you slept?"
"Hold on. I’m trying to remember…"
"You shouldn’t have to remember! It should’ve been recently!"
"You’re also vulnerable to them if you DON’T sleep!"
"Oh please, I’m not even tired!"
"Doesn’t mean anything!"
"I think it means a lot!"
"Do you want to feel better or not?"
"I do."
"Then go to sleep!"
"No no! I don’t wanna hear it. No buts! If you’re that worried about being attacked by someone, I can just stay with you! Problem solved!"
Bive stared at Split for a moment. She’s never had her stay over. But seeing how much the fruit-taur wanted her to sleep, she knew she didn’t have much of a choice.
"Thank you…"
Split watched as the detective huffed and left to go get ready for bed, smiling as she grumbled underneath her breath. Even if she wasn’t happy with the idea, it was certainly necessary.
She continued to wait patiently before Bive reappeared, no longer in her classic coat and pants but in her own sleepwear.
"I don’t like this."
"Too bad. You need it."
"Do I though?"
"Go to bed."
Seeing as she wasn’t going to be able to wriggle herself away from this situation, she groaned before heading off back to her room, falling onto the bed and just laying there while waiting for fall asleep. She wasn’t very good at this thing…
Split stood outside the door, still feeling sluggish but forcing herself to stay awake. She had no idea what time it was since Bive owned no clocks; something about time being stopped and how every other clock was a fake, but it felt as if it were still early. She felt herself dozing off, but tried to fight against it. Right as she was about to drift off to sleep, she felt someone tap her shoulder.
"Split…? I can’t sleep."
She jerked awake, staring down at Bive before sighing.
"Are you okay?"
"I’m fine! Just tired.."
"Do you wanna sleep in my bed?"
"I MEAN YOU DON’T HAVE TO! I just thought.. Ya know!"
She stared tiredly down at the stammering and jittery detective, a small grin appearing on her face.
"I’ll take you up on that offer…"
Bive paused, looking at Split before forcing out a nervous laugh.
She led the fruit-taur into her room, watching as she dragged her paws towards the bed. She paused midway before looking towards Bive.
"Wait. Where are you gonna sleep?"
"Uhh… I just… won’t? Since I’m not tired..?"
She gave her a nervous smile, flashing her yellow tinted teeth at Split. Unfortunately for her, the other’s gaze hardened.
"Alright, I’ll just fix it this way."
Before she could get a reply out, she was dragged into the bed with her, the fruit-taur was holding her close as she sighed.
"This… This isn’t necessary you know?"
"Yes it is."
"… Yes?"
"… Goodnight, Split.."
Bive fell quiet, listening quietly as Split’s breathing eventually slowed into quiet snores. She laid there a moment, before clinging onto the other, snuggling against her before sighing. A sudden wave of exhaustion washed over her as she began drifting off.
RAHHHHHHH FANFIC FINISHED. Sorry if it isn’t as good as my angst fic, I hope you enjoyed it though!!!!!
Omw to work on the Cheshire Cat doomed yuri fanfic someone double dog dared me to write now bye sillies <3
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zorkaya-moved · 9 months
me @ tumblr rpc: YOU DON'T KNOW HOW TO PLOT WITH OCs and it shows.
And you know what? That happens. Plotting is hard. Honestly? Hate plotting so much if I don't know a person these days because I just feel overly anxious and ramble. So yeah, anyhow... Let me share some personal thoughts! THIS DOES NOT TOUCH ON PEOPLE WHO TAKE THEIR TIME, PLEASE TAKE YOUR TIME IN PLOTTING AND PLEASE DO EVERYTHING ON YOUR OWN PACE! THIS IS A HOBBY AND THIS IS SOMETHING WE DO FOR FUN! This is based solely on some of my own experiences with SOME plotting (not all ofc!) as a woman oc writer in 2022-2023. I've had fantabulous experience with plotting and not so much. Please know you're valid, Ily, thank you for bearing with my burnt out ass in plottings. Mwah. Stay winning.
We all suffer from the collective dead brain cell syndrome when it comes to plotting any interaction, but do you know what kind of sucks and makes little ol' me tinsy bit bitter at the end of 2023 after going through countless people who just ignored my plotting proposals when I gave a ton of ideas? And what I'm going to call out just a tiny bit as a woman oc writer?
You can get into wikipedia and seek out information about a canon character to figure out some ideas on plots if you don't know the fandom, but do you do the same for OCs? 'Cuz OCs are sure as hell the very same 'canons from fandoms I don't know' type of situation.
Do you reach out to the CREATOR who can answer all your questions no matter how miniscule they can be? We, OC writers, are ready to give you the deep lore if you ask.
Do you check out about pages or headcanon pages? Hell, some of us have DETAILED NAVIGATION PAGES FOR VERSES! Is your OC or Canon from there? Check it out! Read! Find what interests YOU or if you didn't find something? Just ask the WRITER! Simple, innit? God, Imma be real, some of y'all gonna get my DMs like 'Listen, I can't find if you have this hc, could you please link it to me?' because I want info for plot ideas and if you do the same to me? I kiss u platonically.
Lemme give you a Done For You plotting thoughts you can use on how to plot with OCs, ladies and gents and nonbinary folks!
Do you have a specific dynamic you WANT for your character? Perhaps, you see a villain OC and want smth toxic to try out - ASK. Or you see an OC that might be a fun friend or neighbor or any other more positive dynamic - ASK. Inquire each other about what DYNAMICS you're open to. Oh you open to all? Sick. PUT DOWN YOUR BOUNDARIES FIRST. BOTH SIDES. SPEAK YOUR BOUNDARIES.
Do you have verses both of your characters are in? Be it OC & OC or Canon & OC? Noice, discuss all possible connections your characters might have! Offer ideas! Offer thoughts! The worst thing another can say is 'no'. And if so? COUNTLESS POSSIBILITIES. Yummy possibilities. Friends, childhood friends, childhood rivals, exes, rivals, co-workers, fight on sight, live next to each other, see each other in the same fucking cafe your muse goes at 2 pm specifically and ALWAYS sees another muse there... Countless. I'm telling you.
OFFER. IDEAS. The vaguest ones will do ok too. I cannot stress this enough but as an OC writer, I've had instances where I just... Gave 5 ideas only to have someone just drop me. Fully and completely. Not the 'I'll reach out to you later I need to think about this' but just full on 'wow this is too much plotting and I don't want to invest that much time' like it sucks. It sucks being the only person offering possible dynamics, ideas, even funny ones in some cases! I'm so burnt out from plotting dynamics because I keep. Offering. Ideas. But I don't have the same feedback loop. More like I have 0 feedback in the instances I dive into possibilities which burnt me out from plotting altogether, closing plotting possibilities with those who may actually be the same kind of insane as I am. And it sucks. Bless you all who give vague ideas or not vague ideas. Love you. You're fucking champions.
BE OPEN TO ASKING QUESTIONS, PLEASE ASK QUESTIONS, HOLY SHIT, PLEASE. Please never forget to ask "Hey, how would you feel about this scenario?" or "Would your character be in this kind of situation? Maybe that's how they met and started hanging out?" or "Oh, how about us trying out this type of dynamic and see where it goes?" or anything, really.
Anyways, this is just my 2 am psa because yeah why not. December sucks ass so why not speak out my thoughts at the end of 2023 to enter 2024 with sunglasses and cool Women OCs Propaganda I will continue preaching. You're all welcome to reblog this.
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autumnalmess · 10 months
Unpopular opinion: does anyone else just fucking hate the 1985 original London recording of Les miserables or is it just me?? I'll give my propaganda reasoning below, give that a read first:
Okay, my reasoning:
OBVIOUSLY Colm Wilkinson is incredible. Not disputing that. So slightly remove that from the equation when I say I don't like this recording. Of course, a lot of the singers are really great (specifically Marius, Eponine, Cosette, jvj, fantine, Enjolras, loads of the Amis), and there are some songs that I like, but as a whole it feels really clunky.
In terms of timing, I know it was more of a concept album for England and they obviously changed a lot of bits afterwards, but in the recording it feels like all of the singers are very unsure of the timings. Whether this is because they actually were or because of artistic decisions to phrase things strangely, in the listening experience, it really comes across with an uncertain feel. Nothing seems to come in quite at the right time, and a lot of the singers will be just a couple of beats delayed in their coming in, which they may have been instructed to do by the musical director, but it feels strange all the same. And a lot of the singers play around with the timings so much that it feels at odds with the accompaniment.
Second, this is gonna be an insanely unpopular opinion, but I think Roger Allam in this specific recording (not commenting on his performance live) is a bit abysmal. He's an insanely talented actor and I love him in the thick of it, but here he does not show off his ability as a singer well at all. He speaks most of the lines, which is fine for some songs but feels awkward when he's really baring his soul in the soliloquy. Also his technique as a singer is really questionable. The way he holds his consonants completely restricts his vocals, giving it no vib and no room to grow especially on the big notes, it does not do justice to the build of the music. Furthermore, I feel he skims over the tops of the notes a lot, which really pisses me off because in a piece of music so carefully curated like Les miserables, every note is important to the flow and the harmony. This is not to slag him off. I'm sure he was good in performance, but I feel this specific recording does not reflect that.
Musically, they don't go ham with the drums enough. If you want to understand what I mean, just listen to the french version. Also, the music in this version, again, feels a little uncertain. Like there are points where a couple of instruments are playing a melody, and theres a countermelody that doesn't really sound like it fits. And you know it just needs a third harmony to bring it all together. It's just little things that make it sound less refined as a whole. (Side note but this pisses me off: a lot of the time the songs are a lot slower in tempo than all the other recordings and it just feels like it lacks energy a bit)
Propaganda time: The main reason I don't like this one is because it's not as good as the french version, which feels consistently refined and energised and raw. The emotion comes through from all of the singers so much more, without losing track of the notes or the rhythms. All the singers have wonderful technique, specifically jvj and Javert, which makes their songs so much more powerful. Just listen to Comment faire? (Same as Who am I) and youll get what I mean about the drums and the countermelodies. Also they have some baller theme and variation in that song which really brings out the music student in me.
Conclusion: I'm absolutely so sorry if I've just ripped apart your favourite recording. Do feel free to ignore everything I've just said because most of these are just like teeny tiny little things that annoy me specifically. And I'm sure most of this is just because I've spent too much time listening to the french version that now I turn my nose up at perfectly respectable other versions. If you love this one, you're valid. And I do listen to some of the songs on it. I love their little fall of rain and finale. I just can't stand roger allam's soliloquy or stars.
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railroadmike1 · 1 year
Brainwashing a cute little sub, turning her into a brainless dumb doll.
A friend asked me to brainwash his younger sister she just turned 18, and was a bit of a bratty snob. She is cute little looking for her age but has some amazing features. So I was invited to spend the night and it was at around 4 AM that this plan of action took place.
First she always slept in the nude fully nude, so it was great, wireless earbuds were placed in her ears, her legs spread wide and secured into place. her arms were next spread wide above her hear to the bed post's. next a blindfold was added to cover her eyes. we knew she had always wanted to suck a mans cock so a penis gag was slid into her mouth and strapped into place. Next very carefully I added a vibe belt to her tender virgin pussy. everything was in place the nipple clamps would come later. then an elastic head band one size too small for her was placed around her head to keep the ear buds in and to prevent them from falling out.
It was set the ear buds recording started at a low hum of soft relaxing music very zen like. started to play in her ears the vibe came to life low humming she started to rock to the feeling of the vibe about that time I removed all of her blankets reveling her clad tiny naked body with her ample DD45 Boobs, her hips rocking to the vibe and then like a crack of thunder my spiked flogger swung in the air and made contact with her boobs she awoke right away un able to move bound to her bed as she was. the remote on the vibe went to full power as she attempted to cry out in fear, the large penis gag kept her mouth full. the ear buds stopped playing music and was replaced with my voice she settled down long enough for me to speak.
Trinity, I said, Happy 18th B-day, 18 years of annoying other people like they say karma can be a bitch now you will learn to submit and be my brainless mindless cute little dumb doll, But first lets erase the past 18 years. something that will make you go insane is the first step then denied orgasms' followed by sexual over stimulation to your entire body from breast beatings to pussy punches to whatever it takes to make you submit. So lets get started less talk more action so the first step mental reprograming we start now.
I turned off my voice and at the max volume setting static sounds from an old TV pre recorded for 1 hour followed by 5 min of my voice stating what she is (you are nothing but a mindless brainless doll who will submit. then back to the static for another hour. During this time her pussy vibe was on at max setting when I saw she was about to cum it was turned off for 3 min then back on. This process lasted for 2 full days no food or water.
The gag was removed and replaced with a head harness open mouth gag, My cock slid in past her teeth and deep all the way in her throat her tongue was happy to taste something other than rubber. I strapped her head to my waist so she couldn't pull away, it was at that time I decided she needed some proper fluids so I gently relaxed and pissed deep down her throat. she tried to fight it but soon she stared to gulp it all down as she did I patted her head turned the audio down and spoke to her (Good Little dumb slut). She swallowed all of my piss, she then started to lick my shaft hard for the next 30 min I couldn't pull out of the ring gag as the ring is smaller than my cock, I soon came hard as my cum was shot down her throat she did her best to keep my cock hard, I think she figured I couldn't get free so she decided to keep me in place. that was till I was ready to stand up I undid the straps around my waist and she kept her mouth sucking my cock there would be time for this again soon.
I then needed to stand up so I did wat was needed within reach was a collar I locked it to her neck, and spoke to her stop sucking my cock or you will get some serious pain. she ignored me as she now know I was stuck so she kept sucking my cock and made me cum again, this was the only meal she had in two days and once I came down her throat it was my turn to have some fun and pressed a button on a small had device that sent electrical volts into her neck as her throat spasmed my cock slid out of her gag. my fist laded perfectly on her nipple and straight to the base of her chest. 12 more boob punches in her soft flesh then the static and audio recordings started along with my flogger beating her well shaven pussy.
I got a bit hungry and turned everything on her to max settings and left her there for the rest of the day, As her mind slowly drifted away from her, as the static got louder her mind starting to go blank and the dildo gag back in her mouth.
If you would like to know the next part comment on this post I do enjoy writing. This is a fictional story the names of the people is simply put fantasy, but also based on the real life bdsm devices and creations I do in real life. I have not acted out this scene with anyone yet, If you are 100% female and want to try some of my ideas in person please let me know. And I hope you like this first part again if you would like me to write anothe part just ask me to :-) Be well all.
-Master Mike-
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