odditycollector · 1 year
@ihasafandom - Nepeta goes hunting
Nepeta never got to hear the result of her Choice, given everything that followed. But after digging herself out of her Denizen’s collapsed cave, she finds herself on an unfamiliar world. Flat to the horizon, bright slate-blue sky, no consorts or underlings or any moving creature except one: a hornless, pink, bulbous biped of some sort. He’s dressed up in clothes - cute! - and clutching a riflekind weapon to his chest with pale molebeast hands - excruciatingly adorable! - as he tiptoes carefully across the soil.
With no other obvious options, she approaches the creature. She makes it a game! Skulking up behind him, imitating his strange high kneed, pointed toed gait. Nepeta matches him pace for pace - slipping quickly out of view whenever he glances behind himself - but after a while it becomes more sad than funny. And pity for this silly, inept creature leaps too easily into pity for own upsetting 'scritchuation.'
She taps the creature gently on the shoulder. He yelps and spins en pointe, his hat leaping higher from his head than aerodynamics would strictly explain, and it is all so goofy! Nepeta is well cheered up again.
“Hi!” she greets. “I’m mew to this place. Do you have any infurrmation you feel inexplicably compelled to share with me?”
The creature scowls. “No,” he says. “I’m busy. Hunting!”
“I can see that,” Nepeta offers encouragingly. And when this isn’t enough to trigger further dialog, she prompts: “What are you hunting?”
“Oh.” If he is a Sgrub character, his dialogue options don’t seem to be very deep. He sure hadn’t given her many hints about what to do next! But maybe if she approached their meeting as more of a side quest? 
“Well, as it happens… I am prowlso a STRONG hunter! Can I join you?”
An exaggerated pantomime follows. The creature studies her. He lifts her arm to check her bicep. Measures her teeth with a ruler. Snips a lock of her hair and drops it into a half-filled chemical beaker; it dissolves with a flash and a noxious green plume of air. 
Eventually he accedes. “All right,” he says. “You can be my backup.”
“Yay!” she says. “Thank you!! I will--” 
The creature raises a finger to his lips and interrupts her with a “SHHHHHHH!!!!!” so long and so loud and so shrill it is only by technicality not a whistle. “We must be very, VEWY quiet.”
Nepeta raises a finger to her own lips in agreement. “Sure. I purr-mice not to squeak above a whisker.”
The creature resumes his bizarre march, and Nepeta resumes her place as his shadow. But he doesn’t lead her to the next stage of a quest. He often traces his own footsteps in short circles, or crosses and recrosses his recent path. 
At precisely the moment Nepeta is ready to break off and see what else the world might offer, there is a tapping on her shoulder. Of course. It was a test (a quest?) of patience!
She glances behind her. Mirroring her slow high stepping is someone new: a furred, grey and white creature, with long ears in place of horns. “Say there, pussycat,” he says, and Nepeta giggles at the pun, “what’re we doing out here?”
“Hunting wabbits,” she tells him.
“Ahh…” He nods. “You know, that’s just what I thought to myself. Ol’ Bugs, I thought, now THIS is a wabbit hunting team, if I ever did lay my eyes on one.”
He follows her. She follows the first creature. After a minute he taps her on the shoulder again. “Just one thing…. What’s a wabbit?”
Nepeta shrugs. “No claw,” she admits. The newest member of the party blinks blankly at her. “Er, I mean. No clue.” She gestures toward the earliest member of the party, who is very focusedly following their groups’ own footprints into yet another circle. “But this guy knows what he’s after. Probably!”
The grey creature doesn’t look impressed. “Oh… that guy definitely ‘nose’ something,” he says. Nepeta doesn’t get it. She’s going to ask him to explain -- she clarified her own pun, it is only fair -- but he steps past her.
He taps the first creature on the shoulder and says, conversationally, “Lookin’ for someone?” The first creature reacts just the way he had to Nepeta: spinning and twisting in alarm. 
Unfortunately, this time his knee was just a little higher, his rifle clutched a little more awkwardly, his centre of gravity a little more off to the side. He doesn’t recover. 
He falls hard, face-protrusion first into the dirt. Nepeta and her furry new friend watch in hushed solemnity as his hat drifts softly to rest upon the pert skyward globe of his ass.
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bonkin · 1 year
love how scrungly and liquid your venom is.
hiiii thank u so much!! i love blob
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bakageta · 1 year
@ihasafandom re: this post, cosmic horror (god loves you too much and keeps resurrecting you), it's sort of one of my back burnered wips, haha. What if Venom had extended Eddie's life as much as possible, and, when his body gave out, Venom managed to preserve Eddie's consciousness within a new spawn? Lots of drama and angst, which is why I haven't worked much on it. Not in the right mood. I do have a very small snippet:
Eddie woke up.
He hadn't expected to. Not because he'd been trapped in some villain's evil lair or fighting some monstrosity from beyond the stars, but because he'd been waiting for death. He'd lived a long life, longer than anyone else on Earth save Venom. They'd talked about it. He'd been ready to go.
Apparently Venom hadn't been ready to let him.
He was blind now, and felt perilously small. The world around him was cold and dry. It made his skin pull strangely. He didn't like it.
Something intangible pressed against his side, vibrations, a brief burst of warmth and humidity, a tiny change in atmospheric conditions. It had a pattern, he realized. Someone was speaking to him.
But there's also space for an eldritch!Venom AU, something to play with in the current comics run (I'm not caught up rn, but there is absolutely something you could do with Symbiote god Eddie Brock), or even just Venom making sure Eddie always gets better, no matter what (injury, sickness, age) happens.
Like my wip, there's room for lots of drama and angst, body horror, autonomy and consent issues, and more! But also like my wip I'd need to be in the right mood and I just haven't been...
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bitegore · 2 years
On your character sheet, what does "flavor container" mean?
I answered this here a little while back, so i'll just copy paste from that:
Some characters are very particular in what they’re like. To me a “flavor container” is a character that is very Like Something Specific. I’m not sure which characters you know that I like, but for an example, I have an oc that is bright and bubbly and murders people for fun and everyone loves her anyway. This is a particular sort of thing I don’t find often, as it’s not a common trope. But she brings That Flavor, she is therefore a Flavor Container (category: murder party girl). If you know Supernatural, Dean Winchester is very much a Flavor Container (category: repressed queer manly man) kind of guy for a lot of people. So on and so forth. If they’re where you get your fix of That Kind of Guy then that’s a flavor container.
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evegwood · 2 years
Love your xeno!homestucks.
thank you me too!! i should draw more
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shjiyemis · 1 year
Nudity but they have underwear so it's fine lol
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Troll Biology headcanons formed into a scientific study format (I guess lol) it was made for a small HS xeno zine ran by @ihasafandom for @zine-stuck
Here's the tumblr link to the zine!
Here's the troll biology study featuring Kankri, Meulin, and Mituna!!!
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terepi · 9 months
Merry Christmas, @ihasafandom! I was your secret santa this year ^-^
[Fic Link]
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wip · 2 years
The logged out/page not found tumblr page displays a variety of moving images. Would it be possible to change that to still images since the moving ones are dangerous to epileptics et al?
Answer: Hey there, @ihasafandom!
Thank you so much for bringing this to our attention. You’re absolutely right! We want you to know we have got to work on this, and hope this will be a benefit to you and other users.
We have just shipped this change over the weekend. If you have “reduced motion” enabled, we no longer show the animated background image on the error pages.
Thanks for your feedback. And keep it on comin’…
Jon & Caroline (Tumblr Engineering)
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anisecandy · 1 year
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Because you guys keep talking about how men should be more slutty and covered in blood
God. This is... Yeah, this actually IS the most ambitious artwork I've ever made! And I'm so so SO proud of it. I will be reblogging it for the next week. Sorry not sorry, I worked on it for over a month!
Shout out to @ihasafandom for brainstorming the gore with me! ...And also to my dad for posing for the reference photo for the corpse (not like he'll ever see this post)
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ihasafandom · 1 month
Stimulation/Healing (307 words) by Ihasa Chapters: 1/1 Fandom: Venom (Marvel Movies) Rating: Teen And Up Audiences Warnings: Creator Chose Not To Use Archive Warnings Relationships: Eddie Brock & Venom Symbiote Characters: Eddie Brock, Venom Symbiote (Marvel) Additional Tags: Stimming, minor self-harm, Biting, Minific, Symbiotic Relationship, Mutualism, symbiosis Summary: Just enough pain to keep him grounded.
@venomfest for symbiosis
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ckret2 · 1 year
@ihasafandom said: what program do you use?
I write on a website called 4thewords! It's a "game" geared toward writers: you get a bunch of lil quests with lil monsters to fight, but the monsters' HP is word counts and you have to beat them within a certain time limit. I've found lining up ten battles in a row like "you've ONLY GOT TEN MINUTES to WRITE A HUNDRED WORDS or THE MONSTER WILL BEAT YOU" is a good way to get my momentum up for a writing session.
I've been beating up skeletons today. They're 1500 words each.
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It's a month free and then a subscription, but listen—I subscribe to exactly two services, 4thewords and spotify, and gun to my head forced to choose I would probably cancel my music subscription before I cancel 4thewords, it's been THAT helpful to me as a writer. It takes everything addictive about grindy "just one more quest" "just one more enemy" games and uses it for the forces of good by making you go write the stuff you want to make yourself write.
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artbyifer · 4 months
New Venom fic.
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cupidsbower · 2 years
Venom Holiday Exchange authors & artists now revealed
Hi everyone,
You can now find out who created your faves from this year’s wonderful exchange.
Domestic Days by Valskig [Art, General]
Multitasking by mific [Art, General]
Morning Kisses by teriibyte [Art, Not rated]
Goopy cuddles by Art by Ifer (Ihasafandom) [Art, Teen & up]
Making Good Memories by Bakageta [Fic, General]
You wear your lover's eyes and I'll be wearing mine by chaosmanor [Fic, Explicit]
I Got You Babe by monicawoe [Fic, Teen & up]
The World You Thought You Lived In by MissMoochy[Fic, Teen & up]
Finding the Light Again by kitausuret [Fic, Teen & up]
Back In Our Arms by TheUltimateUndesirable [Fic, Explicit]
A curd in the hand is worth two in the bush by cupidsbow [Fic, General]
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bakageta · 1 year
writer question thing #4 what is the plot bunny you’ve been carrying for the longest? optional bonus question: do you ever wonder why you haven’t written it yet and experience deep existential dread?
The Venom and Eddie body swap AU, hands down. I've had it since shortly after I watched the first movie. It's developed a little bit more recently, though; I have more of a plot idea than I ever have had for it. I also have more experience writing and writing longer works. So maybe sometime soon I'll sit down and actually outline it...
As for why I haven't written it yet? Tbh, I was intimidated by the scale of what this fic is in my head. It's not particularly long, but it would be the most plotted out fic I've ever done. Of course, I've worked on long fics in the time this one has been stewing, so I think I just need to actually sit down and get on it!
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pulchrasilva · 2 years
One Line, Any Fic
I was tagged by @ihasafandom 
Rules: pick any 10 of your WIP fics (or finished; go nuts), scroll somewhere to the mid-point, pick a line, and share it! Then tag 10 people.
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
A mix of Sanders Sides, Roleslaying and Venom fics. Some of these are just single lines jotted down in my notes, some of them are fic I haven’t touched in years, and exactly one of them is actually finished and should be posted soon :D feel free to ask me about any of these because I’d love to talk about them it’s how I get inspiration
These are maybe a bit more than a line but shhh
No pressure tags: @fangirltothefullest @lost-in-thought-20 @theimprobabledreamersworld @remus-of-reston @ant1m0ny @lost-in-frog-land @kitausuret @soodoonimin @korruptbrekker @brandstifter-sys
1. I’m Yours
Of course, the dish had long since gone cold, and there was no way Logan would be eating it after he stepped in it, but the idea made him want to smile, or cry. Both actions were things he hadn’t done in a long time.
2. Don the Sash and Sceptre
Roman strutted down the school corridor like it was his own personal walkway carpeted in red. In a way, it was. Not literally of course, but the way heads turned as he passed by more than made up for that.
3. all i wanna do is take the sad from you
Patton conjured Roman’s orb, and sure enough, amid the scarlets and crimsons and wine reds, a patch of dark, dark red swallowed the prince’s positivity. A blemish on Roman’s courageous and hopeful personality.
4. every memory adds another piece
Steeling himself, the Janus seized Patton by the shoulders and pulled him into a hug – to hide his face, of course. He couldn’t let another side see him crying. That’s what this was about. It had nothing to do with how isolated he felt, or how the physical contact to grounded him inside his own skin.
5. An Alien Symbiote and a Very Resourceful Goat
Venom moved slowly, both to avoid scaring it off and because he physically couldn’t move any faster. When he was near enough to extend a trembling tendril, Venom wasted no time. He latched on to white fur and sunk past the skin. 
6. i know a place where the pain doesn't reach
It was so tender, so vulnerable yet relaxed, in a way that he'd never seen either of them. He'd been travelling with Youngblood for a while now, and slowly getting to know Noise since leaving Neon, but this was a level of familiarity and trust that he couldn't even dream of. The sight had his heart aching with a sudden craving for this, this intimacy, with them.
7. Unnamed
A road, entirely straight, stretches off in either direction into the distance, cutting through the bleak muted orange of the land on either side, dried mud with deep fissures and completely flat. A little way off to his left was what appeared to be a cactus, guarded and intimidating. To his right, a mountain range formed a paper thin outline along the horizon. Thomas started walking. Did it really matter which direction?
8. Unnamed
"You don't need him. I do. And like hell am I gonna let Cletus go after all that time we were separated. If you can't deal with that, you can go find another host that's willing to give up everything for you. Or you could help me save my husband."
9. Unnamed
Carnage grew, spilling out of the heart and into the surrounding veins and arteries, until he filled ever vein, every artery, every tiny capillary. Blood replaced entirely by something new. His body and Cletus's intertwined, forever.
10. A Tragedy with a Happy Ending
Their bones clacked together as Cross took his hand. It felt different from before - there was no warmth, no soft flesh padding out their grip. But even after all the years apart and all the ways they'd changed, their hands fit together perfectly - like they always had.
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Pathfinder 2e Story Afflictions/Corruptions/Negative Backgrounds Part 1: Threadbare Form
Reposting this from cohost, since that sight is going down! Originally posted here: https://cohost.org/spookynecromancer The idea here is that these afflictions are meant as character concept guides, plot devices, more interesting character representation, or as means of creating interesting consequences for your players. This borrows heavily from ideas in the prior versions around 'power at a price' concepts, such as body grafts (demon grafts, necrografts, etc), corruptions, curses (particularly, oracle curses) and deliberate acts of self-destruction in order to obtain something. But it also allows for the exploration of disabilities and chronic afflictions seated more firmly in the game setting, which allows for players an opportunity to explore playing characters struggling through a life-altering affliction without actively weakening the power fantasy Pathfinder is known for.
A lot of players are intrigued by the idea of making the game more difficult for themselves for the sake of a more robust roleplay experience and depth to the struggles that their character is faced with, sometimes before any dice are rolling. By providing workable mechanics to assist and guide players and game masters, this also allows for a mechanical representation of the ideas without being forced to operate on abstraction or GM fiat.
Primarily borrowing some prompts from here! https://www.tumblr.com/knives-in-the-dishwater/755097805660569600/ihasafandom-ihasafandom-beleester
Pathfinder 2e has a few methods through which this is possible. We'll make one for a few over several posts.
Backgrounds serve as a really light-weight method of giving your character a deliberate downside in order to obtain something better in return. This technically will be two different types in one, since we'll be utilizing Afflictions for our example.
This background provides the means of creating a character struggling with a terminal illness without an obvious cure or solution. This is usually a fairly intense subject matter to explore, so it is always best to check with your GM and fellow players before introducing characters that revolve around similar themes. However, for a character motivation, this provides ample ground for the call to adventure, and heroes are rarely the type to give up even in the face of extreme adversity. (You can maybe tell I was recently playing BG3 and maybe a certain character from that comes to mind.)
Threadbare Form
Rare Your body is no longer capable of keeping itself physically whole. The years of close calls and near-fatal injures held back by the workings of magical healing practitioners has had an unusual and horrific effect on your body. Without the constant application of vitality energy, old wounds and injures start to re-emerge; fresh as the day they happened. You seek a cure to this terrible fate, before your body falls to literal pieces beneath you.
Choose two ability boosts. One must be to Wisdom or Charisma, and one is a free ability boost.
You are trained in Medicine and The Void Plane Lore. You are permanently afflicted by Memory of Injury. This affliction cannot go below Stage 1, even if you successfully save against the affliction. If you are ever exposed to an effect with the vitality trait, and that effect would heal you, then this affliction immediately resets to Stage 1, even if no healing occurred. No mortal magic can remove this affliction outright, and it is dubious what, if anything, the gods can do to help you.
You can cast void warp as an innate occult cantrip. You can use Wisdom as your spellcasting ability for this innate spell. While at Stage 2 or higher of Memory of Injury, add a +1 status bonus to the save DC for this cantrip.
Special If you are harmed by vitality energy and healed by void energy, than the traits of Memory of Injury become (curse, vitality) and all void damage is replaced by vitality damage. Your affliction is reset to Stage 1 and you can only recover hit points from effects with the Void trait,rather than effects with the Vitality trait.
Memory of Injury (Curse, Void) While afflicted, the creature can only recover hit points from effects with the Vitality trait. The creature still recovers hit points from resting. A creature killed by memory of injury splinters into threads of flesh, bone and skin and can't be resurrected except by a 7th-rank resurrect ritual or similar magic. Resurrection does not remove the curse; Saving Throw Easy DC adjusted Fortitude; Stage 1 No effect (5 days); Stage 2 1d4 void damage per two levels (2 days); Stage 3 As Stage 2 (2 days); Stage 4 As Stage 2, but deals 2d4 void damage per two levels instead, return to Stage 1.
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