#ii .   be the change you wish to see  ‚   university .
iamyourdailydoseofbi · 5 months
A GLIMPSE OF US. ( House of the Dragon x Reader )
AUTHOR NOTE! Thanks for all the love. <3 pairing: King Aegon ii Targaryen x Queen Consort! Wife! Reader prompt: After the Dance of the Dragon's, you and Aegon find fragments of your old self's. word count: 1, 298+ words
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After the Dance of the Dragon’s many things had changed, and it was not just who sat on the Iron Throne. Aegon had been burnt and broken, confined to a heavily cushioned wheelchair when he left his chambers or in his chambers. You truly tried to be supportive, hand feeding him the Milk of the Poppy when the pain grew worse, occasionally changing bandages with guidance of the Maester’s, offering kind words of encouragement. 
But, even at times you could not handle his temper. He was just..so cruel at times. He’d rant and rave, spouting out insults and picking apart pieces of you that he knew would purposefully hurt you. You always did your best to mask your hurt and tears at his cruel words. But, you could not deny that it hurt.
He was no longer the man you had married years ago. The man that you would drink wine and jest around with during Court, or the man that used to offer rides on Dragonback despite your fear for heights. Or would kiss you despite just how flustered it made you in front of others. 
He was just..He was cold, cruel, and at times more of a vengeful man with your husband’s face than your actual husband. You just hoped that in some way that you could possibly break through his shield of vengeance and see just a fragment of the man that you love once again. Even if it was just a lighthearted jest or a crack of a smile. Just a sign that he was still in there.
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Fiddling your wedding ring out of habit, you watch as the Maester’s phasened the thick metal braces, the cold metal straightening out his broken legs. After a particularly bad temper tantrum of him threatening everyone in Court to the Wall and back, you feared something else triggering him again. You were tired and just hoping for some peace. Cowering slightly behind a wooden chair, you watch as they hand him two metal crutches, instructing him how to use the crutches to stand.
“You look worried.” Aegn comments, his voice cold.
“I just do not wish for you to be upset tis’ all, iif those crutches do not work ” You weakly try to brush him off, “Do not fret over me.”
“Then do not look at me like that then. I am not some pathetic cripple that needs to be coddled.” He snaps back, making you cower.
It wasn’t that you were particularly scared of him, more so you were just trying to avoid another useless argument. Looking over to the Maester’s, the two older men looking a little unsure, only worsening the churning in your gut. You knew that if those leg braces and crutches did not sate his desire for normalcy, he’d mostly likely have the Maester’s killed and yell at you until his face was red.  Chewing on your bottom lip, you shift your gaze back onto him, watching him like a hawk. 
“It will take time until you can walk with ease once more, your grace.” The Maester explains, “You will need to practice.”
“I do not need to practice. I am fine.” Aegon snaps back, his voice coming out more of a growl.
“Aegon, just⎯” 
“Have you gone deaf? I said I am fine.” Aegon bellows, “I do not need you all to fret over me!”
Resisting the urge to strangle him right then and there, you as he shakily stands up, leaning heavily on the crutches. Raising a brow as he manages to stand upright for the first time in months. You had almost forgotten just how tall he was, having gotten used to him being bedridden or wheel around in a wheelchair. Leaning heavily on his crutch, he goes to take a step toward, when he collapses onto the floor in a heap. Like a toddler tripping over air. 
Instantly covering your mouth with your hand, it took everything to not let out a snicker at the sight of him. A tiny part of you worried for his well being, and another part of you happy the universe had gotten revenge on him for being such a cunt for months. Gathering enough of your bearings, he props himself up just enough to shoot you and the Maester’s an icy glare.
“Not a fucking word.” He sneers, “I swear to the Seven⎯”
“I did not say a thing.” You blurt out, attempting to defend yourself.
“Y/n!” He snaps back, his voice a little whiny.
Shooting you a mix of a scowl and a pout of displeasure, you accidentally let out a snicker at his face, the look resembling that of a grumpy cat.  Turning your head away as giggles managed to slip out, it had been a long time since you had laughed⎯truly laughed about something. 
“Tis’ not even that funny.” He scowls, “I fell. You should be tending to me.”
“You laughed when I fell down the stairs just a fortnight ago. Tis’ only fair I can crack a hint of a laugh at you falling.” You argue, standing up for yourself in months. 
“Tis’ different!” He argues, his scarred cheeks flushed a soft pink from anger and embarrassment.
“Not a chance! Tis’ the same thing. Do not pout, Aegon.” You counter back, a soft giggle escaping at the end.
Covering your mouth with your hand, you attempt to stop yourself from bursting into another fit of giggles, trying to regain your bearings. You did love him, but since the war had ended this had to be the most humorous thing to happen and a part of you wished for more of it. Even if it was at his dispense. Turning your head back to him, as smiling at you, not a fake one or forced but a genuine smile. Cracking a smile at the look on his face, you tilt your head to the side. 
He looked handsome, scars and all like this. Even that horrid little mustache that he had taken to growing out.
“Been a long time since you smiled. I forgot what it looked like.” He comments, his voice more soft.
“I could say the same of you.” You counter back, “I thought your face was stuck in a permanent scowl.”
 He goes quiet, just staring at you for the longest of times. 
What? Was there something on your face?
“Seeing you smile once again, it makes me feel as though the war never happened.” He whispers, “Keep smiling for me.”
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13uswntimagines · 8 months
Big Emotions (Alessia X Leah X toddler!R)
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Request: In the Arsenal game vs Manchester United, R has some big emotions about the crowd booing her Mama (Alessia), while shes sitting with Leah in the stands because shes not back from her ACL yet.
Warnings: None. This is a cute kidfic.
Pt. II
More in this universe- here
You tucked your face tightly into your Mama’s neck with a groan, the Batman blanket draped over your body like a little tent protecting you from the biting wind and camera flashes as the team made its way off the bus and into old Trafford. 
It wasn’t that Alessia was hiding you from the world, the fans definitely knew about you and loved to chatter about how adorable you were, but she always did her best to keep your face off of the internet. 
Finding where you lived, and where you went to preschool would be far too easy for someone who had Ill intentions for her to risk it. 
Arsenal and her teammates had agreed and refrained from putting your face on their official social media. Though there were a few of you in a Batman mask on Ella and Mary’s pages, and a couple with some well-placed stickers on the Arsenal official account, she had been successful in protecting your identity. 
And the fans seemed to respect her wishes too. 
So your appearance in your Batman blanket tent was one that the fans were used to. 
What no one was used to was how grumpy you were. 
The bus ride from London to Manchester had been long, and rather difficult if Alessia did say so herself.
It was an extension of the already challenging week without her girlfriend that the two of you were trying to navigate. You didn’t take kindly to breaks in your routine, and since your move to London, your mother’s girlfriend Leah had become a large part of that routine. 
You were nearly as attached to her as you were to Alessia, and you hadn’t taken well to her absence. You were unable to understand that she was just away on business and that she hadn’t abandoned you and your mama. 
The week had been peppered with sporadic FaceTimes that you had no interest in and a lot of crying when your typical routines were broken. 
The only reprieve had been your excitement for the game between Arsenal and Manchester United at your favorite stadium, Old Trafford. 
You had been so excited to see Mary and Ella that you had refused to sleep after your bedtime story, even after she pulled you into the big bed she normally shared with Leah since the move to London. 
Then you hadn’t been impressed by how early she had to wake you up, and were rather uncooperative as she got you dressed, flat out refusing breakfast because they weren’t the mini pancakes Leah usually made you on travel days. 
You were miserable by the time you got to the bus, and then you had been forced to sit still for nearly 4 hours. You hadn’t been interested in any of the snacks she brought, any of the movies on your iPad, or interacting with her Arsenal teammates (even Viv, Beth, and Katie which surprised her). The only reprieve had come when she finally coaxed you into a nap about 30 minutes before the bus pulled into the stadium. 
“Easy love,” She hummed, bouncing you lightly as she stepped off the bus, flashing a grin towards the waiting crowd while trying to balance you and her bag. 
“Let me take that,” Katie said, grabbing Alessia’s kit bag from her. “You just worry about getting the bug inside,” 
She nodded towards the Irish captain in thanks, bringing her now free hand up to cup the hidden back of your head as you shifted anxiously against her again at the cheering of the fans. 
She sent them another smile, but forwent going to say hello, and headed down the tunnel instead. 
The last thing she needed was a full-blown meltdown, and with how loud the fans were and how cranky you were, she knew that’s exactly what would happen. 
“We’ll get to the changing room, and you can finish your nap in your cubby, alright?” She said, keeping her voice soft, her feet tapping as the crowd noise faded, blocked by the walls of the stadium. “And then you get to see Mazza and Ella,”
“Weah,” You mumbled into her neck, your voice muffled by her skin, your blanket tent, and the stuffed animal clutched under your arm. 
“I know you want Leah,” She sighed, rounding the corner to the hallway that held the visiting team changing room and showers. 
She wanted Leah too. 
While she had been single when she had you and she knew how to be a single mom, things were so much harder than they were with Leah. 
The defender had been part of your life since you were barely a year old, and Alessia had gotten used to her help throughout their 2-year relationship. Even when she was in Manchester, Leah had been an active participant in helping Alessia raise you. 
Things were so much easier when they could tag team things like breakfast and keep you entertained. It was one of the selling points of moving to Arsenal. 
More time for the three of you to be a family.
“But I’m sure the equipment staff will get you a nice warm sippy of milk, and we can relax until I play,” She continued, nodding towards Stinia as she held the changing room door open for the two of you. 
She thought you would perk up at the mention of warm milk, something they were trying to limit to just before bedtime, but you only sniffled against her neck. 
“I think our visitor will help too,” Stinia said as she passed, tilting her head towards the locker that the staff always set up for you with blankets and snacks, and a jersey of your own. 
Alessia followed her eyes, her shoulders immediately relaxing at the sight of her blonde girlfriend. 
“Oh thank god,” She breathed, crossing the room to stand in front of her locker.
Leah met her halfway, pulling you both into her arms the second she was close enough. “Hey loves,” 
“Hey,” Alessia sighed, leaning into the woman and accepting a very tame kiss. “Missed you,”
“I missed you both too, so much,” Leah said, her expression soft. 
While she loved her job and the opportunities it afforded her, she had grown rather attached to the little family unit the three of you had created. 
She quite missed the way you cuddled up to her in the mornings while she watched cartoons with you, and helped you get ready for bed. It was made even more excruciating by how little interest you showed in interacting with her on FaceTime, going so far as to hide under the couch so you could escape the phone. 
The only reprieve had been the photos Alessia sent her of you and your stuffed turtle cuddled up in a nest of her sweatshirts, and your refusal to leave the house unless you were wearing one that smelled like Leah. 
Today she knew Alessia had wrapped you in one of her owls England ones. 
“Tough morning?” Leah asked when you didn’t pull your head out from your blanket tent to greet her. 
“You have no idea,” Alessia sighed, beginning to rock again to help settle you. “We’re in a very grumpy mood today,”
Leah made a low noise, stepping a little closer, tilting her head around to look at the opening to your little blanket cave, and laying a very gentle hand on the center of your back. “Hey snuggle bug,”
You shifted in Alessia’s hold, peeking out from under your blanket, the head of your stuffed turtle just visible under your chin. “Weah?”
“Yeah sweetie,” She smiled gently at your bed head. “Do you wanna come to me so mama can get ready? I’ve got your cubby all nice and cuddly for you,”
“No,” You mumbled, your fist tightening in Alessia’s shirt. “m comfy,”
Both women frowned. 
They expected you to cling to Leah the moment you saw her, she tended to be your go-to on game days, and you had been relentless in your desire to see her for the last week. 
“Ok,” Leah agreed, rubbing your back to hopefully help you stay settled. “Do you want to continue your nap?”
You shook your head, resting your cheek back on your Mama’s shoulder. The way you blinked heavily at her told her a different story, but she didn’t mention it. 
“Alright,” Leah hummed, running her fingers through your wild curls. 
Your eyes slid closed, and she shared another look with Alessia. 
“Let’s go to your cubby,” Alessia sighed, rocking you as she made her way over to the bench that was all set up for you with blankets and two jerseys hanging. 
She gently pulled your head from her neck and settled you into the little nest that had been created for you. You pulled your Batman blanket tightly around you, snuggled deeply into the pile of blankets, and pulled the hood of your England jersey over your head, tucking your nose into the collar that smelled like Leah. 
You hugged your stuffed turtle, Squirt close to your chest, and let your eyes slide closed. 
Maybe you would finish your nap. 
“Hey love bug, wake up,” 
Gentle hands rubbed your back, and you lazily blinked up at Leah’s voice. 
“Warm-ups are about to start,” She continued, squatting in front of your little cubby. “Do you want to wear your jersey?” 
You shook your head, your little hands coming up to rub the sleep out of your eyes. 
“Alright,” Leah agreed, reaching up to brush your wild curls out of your eyes. “Does Squirt want his jersey?”
You yawned, thinking about it for a very long second before nodding. 
Leah smiled widely at you, reaching above you to the two extra jerseys hanging in your cubby, specifically designed for your favorite stuffed friend. 
“Does he want to wear mine or Mama’s?” She asked, waiting patiently as your eyes flickered between them. 
It often took you a few minutes to make big decisions like whose jersey you would wear. 
“Mazza,” You mumbled. 
The corners of Leah’s lips pulled downward. She wasn’t sure that Alessia had packed the turtle-sized Earps jersey that was a staple at Lionesses games. “I’m not sure we have that one bug. Can you pick mine or mama’s?”
You pouted, tucking your face into Squirt’s shell and shaking your head. 
“Ok love,” Leah sighed, trying to keep the disappointment out of her voice. “I have a sippy for you if you would like to watch warmups?”
Your eyebrows furrowed, and you rubbed your nose into squirt's soft body as you thought it over. 
You did love to watch Mama play, and they didn’t let you drink warm milk unless it was bedtime. 
“Otay,” You said finally, holding out your arms for Leah to pick you up. 
Her smile returned, as she ran her hand through your wild curls, and lifted you, squirt and the Batman blanket still wrapped around you into her arms. 
You immediately tucked your face into her neck, squishing your stuffed turtle between you, as she tucked your blanket more tightly around you. 
You hated jackets, and the old England sweatshirt you were wearing was not sufficient to keep you warm on its own. 
“Mazza and El?” You asked into her skin, practically melting into her as she made her way out of the changing room and down the tunnel, nodding at some of the staff as she passed. 
Leah hummed. “They’ll be out there too, but I think we’re closer to the Arsenal bench,” 
You yawned, a big dinosaur yawn as she stepped out into the stadium, waving at a few fans as she got settled in the seat just behind the bench that the training staff had set up for the two of you. 
“See after?” You asked, turning your head so you had a good view of the pitch. 
“Definitely,” Leah agreed, passing you a warm red and blue sippy cup filled with milk. 
Your eyes found your mama, running next to Viv near the center of the pitch, and you followed them as you sucked on your favorite beverage, relaxing into the defender's hold. 
Leah rubbed your back, bouncing her knees very gently. It was adorable how you waved at the girls on the pitch, no matter what team it was, and how they waved back, nudging whoever was next to them to point you out. 
You got particularly excited when Ella noticed you, sending you a very enthusiastic wave and a kiss. 
Leah knew the move to Arsenal hadn’t been easy for you. You were rather attached to the Manchester United women, and you missed them even if you had settled in well with the Arsenal girls. 
She just hoped that you could handle seeing both teams go at it. 
Seeing your Mama go against your decidedly favorite aunts. 
“Mama is waving at you,” Leah said, nudging you as Alessia sent you an equally big wave. 
Maybe this would pull you out of your grumpiness. 
Any hope that Leah had of your mood lifting was dashed as soon as the starting lineups were announced. 
You had finished your milk just after warmups were over and dawned your Spider-Man ear defenders as the crowd roared to life. You seemed excited to chant along with them to their rendition of Country Road, and the Glory Glory Man united chant, even waving squirt along to the tunes. 
But then everything shifted. 
You wilted under the chorus of boos that met your Mama’s name, frowning as they echoed from every inch of the stadium. 
“Why they boo Mama?” 
Your voice was soft as you turned to Leah, a distinct crinkle between your eyes. 
Leah bit her lip at your adorableness, smoothing back your hair again. “Well, you remember how Mama played for United?” 
You nodded. “With El and Mazza,” 
“That’s right,” She said. “When she moved to Arsenal, that upset a lot of people,” 
“Because she so good? And they were sad?”
Your head tilted to the side at the question. 
Leah hummed. Recognizing and vocalizing your emotions were things that they were working on with you, so she was proud that you were trying to understand the big emotions of the crowd. 
“Some are sad,” She agreed. “Some are angry because they don’t understand why she left them,” 
“She no leave. You no leave either,” You said automatically, and Leah was already nodding. 
“No, we will never leave you. She just changed teams because it was better for her,” She explained gently. 
It was a familiar reassurance, one that she and Alessia had to given you hundreds of times. 
You had never met your father, but since you started pre-school, you had been acutely aware that you had a Mama and a Leah instead of a mom and dad. They weren’t sure exactly what started it, but you had become irrationally terrified that one of them would leave you. Terrified to the point of a panic attack. 
She knew that her absence hadn’t helped. 
“Mark a meanie butt,” You muttered, turning back towards the pitch. 
Leah suppressed her snort as the teams lined up for kickoff. 
He was a meanie butt, and he hadn’t treated you well, going as far as to say that you were a distraction, and doing his best to make it impossible for Alessia to spend time with you. 
“Who do you think is going to score?” Leah asked you, redirecting your attention. 
Your nose scrunched as you thought. “Mama score one and El,” 
“If Mama scores then Mazza won’t have a clean sheet,” Leah reminded you, resting her chin on your shoulder. 
You shrugged, the crinkle between your eyebrows reappearing when the crowd erupted in more boos as the ball neared your mama. 
You didn’t like it when they booed. 
Leah tightened her hold on you, as you began to squirm, your head whipping back and forth with the pace of the game. 
“Go, Mama!” You yelled as Katie dispossessed Galton and sent a ball over the top, right into Alessia’s path. 
She easily collected it and sent it careening right past Mary’s outstretched fingers. 
You nearly launched yourself out of Leah’s lap as the ball hit the back of the net, cheering so loudly that Leah was afraid you would hurt yourself. She pulled you back to stand on her thighs. 
Your little yell of excitement was drowned out by the deafening boo throughout the stadium, impossibly louder than it was before.
You turned in Leah’s lap, glaring up at the crowd around you. “No boo my Mama!” 
“Easy love,” She said, using her hands on your hips to balance you as you stood on her lap, hyper-aware of the cameras now pointing in your direction. 
“No boo Mama!” You screamed at the audience again, your fists clenched at your side, your little cheeks going red. “Mean!”
“It’s ok bug,” Leah tried again, using hands under your armpits and standing up so she was cradling you against her chest. “You’re ok,” 
“No ok,” You yelled, tears finally leaking from your eyes. “No boo mama goal. Bestest goal,” 
She shushed you gently, rocking from side to side, as she gestured towards security to let her back to the aisle behind the benches.“I know love,” 
No one wanted your looming meltdown to be splashed across social media later, even if Leah agreed with you. 
It was a great goal and it didn’t deserve the boos. 
Alessia didn’t deserve the boos. 
 “Sh, you’re ok,” She shushed you gently, stepping down the small staircase and into the tunnel, dampening the boos. “Take some deep breaths for me,” 
“Mama,” You sniffled miserably into her neck, wiping your tears on Squirt's back. “Best,” 
“Your mama is the best,” Leah hummed, running the hand not holding you through your hair, scratching your scalp. 
You sagged against her, just like your mother did when Leah ran her hands through her hair. 
“And they all know it too. They just don’t know how to handle her being on a different team,” She continued, rocking from side to side. “You’re ok,” 
“Mama best,” You repeated, pulling back to look at her with a pout. “no boo,” 
She smiled sadly at you. “We can’t stop them from booing, but you know what we can do?”
You shook your head, your eyes that were so like Alessia’s still watery and rimmed red. 
“We can cheer so loud that we drown out the boos,” Leah said, fixing your hoodie. 
Your eyes flashed with determination. “I cheer for Mama goals,” 
She hummed, kissing your forehead (and Squirt’s when you held him up for her). “Let’s go then,” 
You nodded vigorously, wiping your eyes. “But after, I tell Mazza and El that fans were butt heads,” 
Leah made a low noise of agreement in the back of her throat, bouncing lightly as she made her way back to the mouth of the tunnel. 
Her idea wasn’t a complex fix to your mood, and she was sure that they would have to dodge more frustration tantrums from you, but hopefully, it would satisfy you until after the match. 
Yes, Alessia would need to assure you that she was alright, and they would need to scrub social media of your face angrily yelling at fans, but right now she would take the little that you were giving her. 
There would be time for big emotions later. 
Right now, all she had to do was cheer for her love with you (and Squirt). 
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dollfaceirene · 7 months
do better or stay bitter
So i'm finally off my blog posting break and i came up with this idea a few days ago so i decided today to finally write it up as a post today.
Imma cut it short and keep it blunt, some of yall do alot more complaining than changing and its like don't yall find it tiring?
Some of yall will come on apps to complain about "not being able to manifest", someone gives you advice or recommends useful posts and yall read over the post and never actually apply it to your own mindset/state and its like, don't yall find it tiring?
It comes to a point where y'all will be aware that you are re-affirming the same assumptions that simply don't benefit you and keep reinforcing the fact you are in a state of lack rather than actually taking time to reflect and affirm & make assumptions that are actually beneficial to what you want.
☆ lemme give an analogy,
We have Samantha and we have Jessica. Both Jessica and Samantha found out about the law of assumption around the same time and have recently finished their uni degrees.
Both Samantha and Jessica are currently applying to work at their dream jobs. Samantha, working at a bank and Jessica, working as a pharmacist.
Currently, both Samantha and Jessica haven't been having much success with looking for jobs as they either don't get any interviews or just don't get any callbacks.
This put Samantha and Jessica into a spiral of them affirming stuff of lack, e.g. "i will never be able to find a job" and since its their dominant assumptions, they are constantly shown in the 3D that they find it hard to get a job.
One day, Jessica was scrolling through her phone and saw a loa youtube video from a youtuber she subscribed to awhile back. She decides to watch this video and it gives a simplified summary of what the law of assumption is & how to apply it. She decides to keep affirming that she has her desired job no matter what was shown in the 3D. If she saw she didn't get any callbacks, she would keep affirming that she did have her desired job and that she was in control of her reality. Awhile later, she gets an interview to work at a private pharmacy and ends up landing the job there.
Meanwhile Samantha starts to overconsume alot of law of assumption posts, success stories, etc and never wants to apply the information. She always feels insanely jealous of people who have manifested desired things. She one days decides to do a mental diet however, instead of being disciplined with her thoughts & flipping any thoughts that didn't benefit her, only a few hours into the mental diet, she "quits" saying its too hard and that the law of assumption never works for her, even though it is universal & can be used to manifest anything.
the main point i want yall to get is that,
i) anyone is capable of changing their dominant assumptions
ii) only you can change your reality
iii) the law of assumption is neutral
Yall need to stop sitting on the sidelines while reading other success stories wishing it was you, newflash, it can and will be you once you've decided you have that in your reality.
Do better. Start that mental diet, listen to your affirmation tapes, do whatever helps you feel fulfilled or whatever. Stop going back to old story once you see something unfavourable in your 3D. Stop moping around how you "wish the loa will work for you" when it does! it works for everyone, you are no exception.
Be the Jessica of your reality. Be the one who identifies & decides that they have their desire no matter what instead of being the one who allows themselves to be the victim of their reality (which they can easily change) *cough, cough* Samantha.
Words of comfort: i just want to close off this post by saying i know alot of the time, circumstances can be so overwhelming that its so hard to affirm against it and can just be so frustrating at times. I hope you find peacr & comfort in your reality and wishing you all the best <3 rooting for yall, you can do this :)
stay limitless, xoxo irene
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g6selle · 6 months
In My Feelings | Abby Anderson ( Dream II/ ? )
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Word Count // 0.7k Pt.1
Warnings - Angst. kissing. Pining. Owen
You felt the sun beam on your face as you slowly opened your eyes. It had been a week since you and Abby’s friendship had been broken off. You felt the memories of Abby everywhere you looked and to say it had taken a toll on you was an understatement. You hadn’t talked to anyone. To say everyone was worried about you would be true. Everywhere you went, Looks of pity would be thrown your way. You felt heartbroken. And nothing could change that.
You wished you could call her, tell her how much you missed having her around. But she has a boyfriend. And by now, she was surely infuriated with the thought of you.
You felt the pain as you thought about Abby. How she would’ve been at your door by now. Waiting to go on patrol with you. A warm smile painted on her face. But things had changed.  You knew she wouldnt show up at the door any time soon. You missed her. But all remember what she had said to you that night. The look of anger on her face. The way she accused you of trying to ruin her relationship. It took a toll on your mental health. You wouldn’t forget it anytime soon.
After you had gotten ready you headed to sign in for patrol. After signing, you turned around expecting manny , your patrol partner to be behind you. But you didnt expect  to see Abby staring at you from afar. But she didn’t  have that angry look on her face since the last time you saw her.  Instead there was a face of sympathy. You felt your stomach turn as you glared into her eyes.  Breaking eye contact you  walked away, your back towards abby. 
Nothing felt really anymore. It was just a loop everyday. You’d wake up , get ready , get to patrol , and go to bed. It was the same thing every day. Atleast in your eyes. But to today , today was different. When you got back from patrol , you immediately saw  Abby. Standing there with that look on her face. The look of guilt and sorrow. You quickly made eye contact with her then looked away. You were everything but happy to see her. And you knew Abby could tell.
After you got out of the truck, you felt tired. Wanting to  eat and head to sleep. You quickly walked into a tent which seemed empty. You heard the zipper open and close. Turning around, you looked to see the face of Abby. It felt time freeze as you looked into Abby’s eyes. 
“What do you want?” You spoke in a low voice , careful so nobody would hear you. God you missed everything about her , her face , her scent . But you were soon snapped put of your thoughts as you saw Abby moving closer. Eventually pressing her lips on yours 
‘This had to be a dream.’ you thought. You felt like you were drifting into another universe. But your thoughts were interrupted by another one. 
‘What about Owen?’.  by the time the kiss broke , Abby had said everything you needed to know.  
“Don’t worry about him, just focus on me kay?”
No way was this real. You felt her lips plant small kisses your neck. What was she doing?
Abby was making you feel amazing But at the same time you felt guilty. You knew you had to stop this. Abby had a boyfriend, and you didn’t want to ruin that. You pulled away farther from Abby. And soon enough Owen had stepped into the tent. When he saw me with Abby he grew more furious than before. He quickly grabbed Abby’s arm dragging her out of the tent with him. 
“Why are you with her? Didn’t we talk about this? I thought you told me you wouldn’t be friends with her , what about that? Did you lie?” He began rambling on as he dragged Abby further away from the tent. 
He was obviously angry and I mean who wouldn’t be. I just felt lucky he didn’t see  anything me and Abby had done, or else many more words would’ve been exchanged.
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volklana · 5 months
Marvel Cinematic Universe: Masterlist
Bucky x Reader / Tony x Reader
What Do You Say When Words Are Not Enough? (Masterlist)
Bucky x Reader
Ride (Masterlist)
I Could Drown Myself in Someone Like You (Masterlist)
Tony x Reader 
Falling In Love In A Coffeeshop (Masterlist)
Bucky Barnes x Reader
Honey Whiskey
I’ll Be Looking At The Moon But I’ll Be Seeing You
Gimme More
Ooh Baby, The Music Sounds Better With You
It Feels Like Jealousy
If You Want Me
Rockabye Baby
Dog Years
Everything Has Changed
Rockabye Baby
I Feel It In My Bones
When You Were Young
Healing Incantation
You Are In Love
Love Me Like You Do
Don’t Leave Home
You’re My Everything
I Wish I Was The Moon Tonight
Can’t Help Falling In Love
Tag! You’re It
It Hurts
Break In
Break In (Part Two)
Let ‘Em Say We’re Crazy
Don’t Say A Word
Beyond All Reason
Plus One
Hotter Than Hell
Can’t Stop Drinking About You
I Just Wanna Make Love To You
Steve Rogers x Reader
I’ll Be There
Right Here Waiting For You
You Let Her Go
Sick and Tired of Always Being Sick and Tired
I Can’t Fight Them All
I’ll Take Care of You
I Don’t Know You But I Want You All The More For That
You Want Her. You Need Her. And I’ll Never Be Her
Steve/Bucky x Reader
I’m Falling Again
I’m Falling Again (Part II)
Tony Stark x Reader
Rooting For You
I Heard A Boy Say Please Don’t Hurt Me
Why Does Love Always Feel Like A Battlefield?
Spooky Scary Skeletons 
Bruce Banner x Reader
Bruce Put The Happy In Happy Birthday
Dance Dance Dance
Sam Wilson x Reader
Natasha Romanoff x Reader
The Lady In Red
Coming Home
I Just Wanna Look Good For You
Zemo x Reader
I’ve Got a Burning Desire For You, Baby
Honey Whiskey
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izvmimi · 6 months
All Roads Lead to Love? - Chapter II
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cw: canon-typical violence. quirk use. oc characters are introduced. reader has a described quirk. Please see additional masterlist warnings! Masterlist
The remainder of the week passes without consequence. This new information about your life doesn’t change anything, because even if you can see the same man on every news channel, you have nothing to discuss and your lives don’t overlap. 
Sitting by a couple of teenage girls at a train station and hearing them speculate about Uravity and Deku on your way to work the next day adds particularly to this sentiment. Their longstanding will they won’t they is only part of the reason why you’ve never made your feelings known. Uravity is perfect for him in every way, after all. You just wish they would hurry up and go public, hopefully even get married, so you can stop addressing the niggling feeling that perhaps, just perhaps, all these years you’ve made a mistake.
When you find your way into the clinic, Junko is wide-eyed and excited to hear everything you learned overnight, and you conveniently leave the part where in at least five universes except yours, not only are you not single, you’re romantically involved with Mr. Number One Pro Hero Deku himself. 
“Who knocked the first one up? I have to know.”
You eye the Deku bobblehead on her work desk you’d desensitized yourself to, and shrug, pretending you don’t know.
“Any add-ons today?” you ask instead, and disappear into the back room before she can ask you more questions. At least you know what you’d look like if you were pregnant.
Sorry I can’t make it tonight. Please let me know if you or Iida need anything.
Izuku’s voice to speech has a tendency to make him sound excessively formal, but it’s better than typing in a hurry and having to correct ten individual typos, cursed by clumsy, large hands. He’s rushing to the third out of five meetings today - the unwelcome side effect of being One to Watch (although he wonders at one point he’s simply There given how long it’s been) - and then he’s set for a patrol in a particularly dangerous neighborhood for the evening. He wishes he could trade it, but considering the point of the patrol was less to fight a specific enemy but to show a strong Hero presence, specifically his presence, he’s aware that it must be him.
Ochaco will understand. After all, he’s been with Ochaco at Iida’s bedside most days this week in the evenings given a recent injury, and even if Ochaco won’t say it, perhaps the two do need some time alone. They’d both been reluctant to reveal their affections for each other, given Ochaco’s history with him, but a part of Izuku’s soul understands that this arrangement was probably for the better anyway. While he loved Ochaco dearly, he’d always had the sense something was wrong about them, like momentum having him hurtling in the wrong direction. But there’s not much you can do when one of your best friends proclaims their love for you where everyone can see, and you’re just a high schooler with the weight of the world on your shoulders and then some, and there’s even less you can do when the person you’d long hoped would return your feelings seemed to be preoccupied with someone else.
Either way, years have passed and there are no hard feelings between the trio of friends, and Izuku particularly has simmered down on the prospect of love. 
Just minutes later, a reporter asks him for the third time this month if he and Uravity have considered working as a pair, and he smiles and nods before politely redirecting the question to praising her talent profusely. He understands easily why she’s reluctant to go public with Iida, and wishes desperately he wasn’t in her way.
Perhaps in another universe, if they had ended up loving each other, this aspect of the job would be easier - the media circus would have died out by now; they’d both be able to focus on doing what they chose to do with their lives, which is be Heroes and help as many people as possible.
They’d be able to live quietly.
The reporter then asks if he’s still in contact with most of the people he went to school with. This question takes him aback, and he blinks for a moment as he watches the young woman before him resettle in her seat, eyes hungry for information.
He runs through the list of everyone he’s known. He’s 28 now, and it’s been a decade since he’s graduated from high school. Most of the people he’s known he interfaces with on at least a weekly to monthly basis, save for a select few like Shoto, Katsuki, Iida and Ochaco that he sees almost daily. He admits he hasn’t seen Koda in a while, now that he lives in the forest similar to the Wild Wild Pussycats, nor Jirou who dedicated more of her life to music these days, and then his thoughts settle on you.
He knows what you’re up to, but he hasn’t spoken to you in over a year, despite remembering your last conversation at UA’s 10 year reunion. Brief - you were already slightly tipsy, and you smiled at him, but seemed disinterested in whatever he had to say, almost like you wanted to leave as soon as possible. He’d asked you how your clinic was going, and you’d laughed, the warmth of alcohol deepening the complexion in your cheeks, and said noncommittally, “it’s going,” before turning back to your friends. You’d once been so excited to tell him every thought running through your head, and you’d bounce off ideas for hours, discussing everything from Quirks to biology to society to your hopes and dreams, and after just a few years apart, he received next to nothing.
Leave her alone, Midoriya, is all that ran through his head, after that, and he politely bowed and left. 
“Yes, we all help each other out when needed!” he replies. It isn’t a lie. For every one of his classmates, even you. If you called him, he would come to your rescue. Anytime.
When the interview ends, he wishes for a moment that he had the courage to call. 
The last person you could have expected to call you, calls you on a Thursday afternoon, as you make your way out of work, and from his voice, you can tell he’s surprised you actually sought to answer the phone. 
“I… uh… wow. Hey.”
Your cheeks warm, but it’s not love, it’s the nostalgia of several years coming back, and the fact that your high school boyfriend seems flustered to speak to you despite years of lost contact.
“You never changed your number,” Akira says, and you laugh. You can envision him easily, after all social media makes it such that no one truly becomes a stranger, and you know that he’s crinkled he has the same goofy smile on his face that helped you forget all that you’d been through in the Hero course, reminded you that there was more to life than self-sacrifice.
“You didn’t change yours,” you’re quick to reply.
You can tell he’s grinning now, and it makes your heart light. You’re walking towards the train station and it’s a spring afternoon; you can see lovers hold hands as they walk past you, and you can’t remember the last time you’ve been on a date. 
And as if he knows how you feel, he asks you on one.
“The truth is you’ve been on my mind a lot recently.”
“Are you newly single?” you ask. It’s meant to be a playful jab, but you can tell he’s stung when he replies, “Newly isn’t the word for it, but yes, I am single.”
You blow air through your nose, but Akira is harmless. He makes his way around women easily with a silly sort of charm, and being easy on the eyes, but he’s not the type to break a woman’s heart. If anything, you were the one who broke his by ending things when you decided to focus on graduate school.
“Remember how I really liked enka?” 
Evenings in the dorm rooms laid side by side with shared headphones come to mind. 
“Yeah. Are you famous now?” you tease. He tuts at you, but adds,
“Come to my open mic night on Friday. I’ll buy you sashimi afterwards and we can go drinking.”
You think for a moment that in 5 separate universes, you’re in love with Izuku and maybe you should figure out what that’s about, but in this one, Izuku is nowhere to be found and perhaps it’s more important for you to hear your ex-boyfriend belt ballads and loosen up over sake and sake don.
You think for a moment, and then say, “Sure.”
There’s probably a social crime involved in inviting your friends to a date, and you can tell Akira’s a bit annoyed about it from the slight scrunch of his eyebrows when he watches you walk into the bar with two of your closest friends flanking your sides. He’s at the front already, and waves at you enthusiastically, and he’s every bit the cute boy from the support class who helped you with your pageant routine (you didn’t win that year, but you placed thanks to him), just sharper in the face, and with longer wavy dark hair.
You wave back, and your friends push you to the front and take their seats in the back. They’d also both gone to UA, and one was in the hero class with you, while the other was a year ahead, in the support class, and recognizes Akira, even if she hadn’t particularly approved of him in the past. She hadn’t exactly disliked him, but you could tell she was less warm when it came to him. Your other friend doesn’t seem to recognize him immediately, turning immediately to order the two of you drinks.
You slip into the open seat beside Akira and he offers you a drink and a rose. It’s cheesy but it makes you smile.
“I’m going to wow you, just so you know,” he promises as he makes his way on stage. You raise your eyebrow, as if to say ‘prove it’ while he skips onto the stage.
And he’s a hit, all flashing teeth and low notes, and you can feel your face warm every time he sings in your direction. He’s always had a beautiful voice, and easily flustered, you look down at your drink, heart thumping. 
And then, in a stroke of misfortune (to you), he slips your name into the song, and when you look up at him, he’s reaching a hand out towards you, bidding you to come on stage.
The very idea feels like hell to you. The rest of the bar’s patrons watch you and cheer and you glance at your friends, both of whom are waving their hands to push you on stage. When you look back at Akira, he’s still smiling, but you can feel the tinge of anxiety at the idea of you rejecting him in public. You wouldn’t, would you?
You can’t.
You slowly rise to take his hand, as people clap around you, but before you can take another step, before you can embarrass yourself in front of a room full of people, there’s a deafening sound that comes from your right side that practically stuns you, and shortly after, a forceful blast of air and shattered concrete follows and nearly knocks you off your feet.
The ringing of your ears mutes the abounding screams in the room. Your fortifying Quirk kicked in just in time, so you weren’t thrown that far, but bodies are strewn across the room. You don’t see Akira, and the right side of the room is practically cleared with tables and chairs tossed haphazardly and people scrambling for cover or already unconscious.
Adrenaline rushes through your veins, but you act first. You are a Hero after all, even if you’ve been out of the fray for years. A quick glance lets you know that your friends are already in action, trying to recover a few people thrown over the bar, and you attempt to push rubble off of you and start rescues.
Your Quirk activates again to fortify yourself as you begin to move, but a second, louder explosion occurs, one that does actually knock you off your feet, destroying part of the foundation of the building. The ceiling starts to cave in just above you - you’ve always had the best luck - and you’re too slow to move before it all comes crashing down.
You put yourself into a protective huddle, hopeful for your Quirk to minimize your damage, but never feel the pain of falling wreckage. 
“... Hi.”
Says Izuku Midoriya, hovering over you and shielding your body from harm with a piece of the ceiling held carefully in his hands. 
The love of your life in at least five universes and your current savior.
Your eyes meet and hold firmly.
“Hi, I-Izu.. Deku.”
Time seems to slow to a stop for a moment, then comes back up to pace when you let out a breath you didn’t know you were holding, your lungs suddenly burning in demand of oxygen. Izuku watches you carefully for a moment, really takes you in, even if you’re quick to thank him before looking around for someone else to save. You’re okay, just shaken; you’ve noticed him for a fleeting moment and now your attention is gone. You turn and scream your friend’s name, and he throws the large block of concrete to the side, remembering his job has only begun.
He’s happy he could do something for you, despite it all. There are more people to save, you remind him with your quick movements, the activation of your quirk to stabilize the first injured man’s bleeding as you crouch around him. He springs back into action - after all, he was meant to chase the culprits of those blasts, and can’t be sidetracked.
But this time, he has resolved to say more to you when the dust clears.
“Rampage, are you hurt? You did a good job back there.”
You can hear your Hero friend, code name Rampage, chat politely with Izuku as they both approach to where you’re huddled in a makeshift rehabilitation corner, a couple of people with the more severe injuries laid out on the ground, rolled up table cloths beneath their heads. No one is gravely injured more than you can heal with your Quirk, but you’ve exhausted enough of your body’s reserves that your head is starting to swim. She’s saying something playful about how Deku stole her thunder, when you turn to both of them and give a report, as Heroes are wont to do naturally.
When he comes over, you remind yourself to remain cordial but businesslike, despite your heart pounding hard in your chest. Nothing happened. Nothing changed. No clones or any lingering delusions can change that.
”I think we’ve accounted for everyone, right? These two -“ you gesture over to the people you’ve slightly sedated to reset a couple of broken limbs, “probably need to get to the hospital just so they have follow-up but it’s not urgent.”
Rampage nods, and Izuku pauses before doing the same. You remember now - the last time you interacted in this capacity was during the earliest parts of the war before things had gotten far out of your realm of ability and you were more helpful taking care of the sick and wounded. It feels like so long ago you’ve been active as a traditional Hero. Rampage on the other hand has kept in contact with Deku cursorily due to her familiarity with other Heroes of a similar level, particularly the noisy one named Dynamight, and while she and Deku are not exactly best friends, they get along well. He glances at her for reassurance before stepping forward to you.
“Thank you for helping out,” Izuku says with a reassuring smile. You try not to look at him when you reply, “Of course.”
In one universe, you have small children that look like some combination of the both of you. In this one, you can barely look each other in the eye.
There is a pause that lasts a little bit too long again, and you don’t notice the smile that forms on Rampage’s face as she steps backwards, hoping not to be noticed by either of you, but the moment dispels when Camilla, your Support friend, calls for all of your attention from across the destroyed hall. She looks absolutely ridiculous, enough that you stifle a laugh, with all manners of cutlery, jewelry, watches, phones, and anything metal, stuck to her from head to toe due to activation of her magnetic quirk.
”Anything you guys are missing?” She asks, stepping over rubble to meet you guys. You’re not sure how she can even see at this point with nearly every inch of her body covered. Close behind her is Akira, whose eyes widen once he spots you.
”You’re okay!” He exclaims running towards you. It’s almost theatrical, as if he hadn’t disappeared to preserve his own safety first, but he wraps you into a tight hug, as though you were long lost lovers. Next to you, Izuku stiffens for a split second, something Rampage and Camilla both notice, and Akira holds you at arms’ length, pretending he can’t see him.
Akira never liked Deku very much in high school.
”I’m so glad you’re okay, everything got so terrifying and…”
Your head is starting to pound, and Akira is gently pulling you away from the rest of the group, you notice, until Izuku speaks up.
”Hey, ___, you don’t look so good.” His voice is a little firmer, and he clears his throat. “Don’t move her so much, I think she needs to sit down.”
Akira flashes him a look that’s slightly poisonous, Camilla notices, then smiles to herself.
“Of course. I’ve just been agitated since our date got ruined, that’s all.” Akira stresses the word and Rampage rolls her eyes.
She never liked him either.
Izuku almost asks ‘what number?’ out loud then realizes it’s an insane question to ask of the thousands he could have reasonably asked. But he’s curious, you don’t seem like you’re particularly smitten enough by him as he tries to help lower you to a sitting position. 
The paramedics and other reinforcements are starting to fill in. Izuku keeps an eye on you as he coordinates with Rampage and the rest of the Heroes that now arrive to clean up wreckage and get everyone back in place. Akira’s rubbing your shoulders while you look dazed, too drained in the absence of your energy-conserving Hero suit to shrug him off, and it irks him. Somehow, in just seeing you again for this brief moment, he’s become a high schooler again, thinking of the right words to say, standing in front of your dorm room door before giving up and leaving. He’s seventeen again and watching you poorly conceal a bouquet of flowers he wishes he were the one to give you, avoiding cutting through the grass on the UA campus grounds even though it would get you back faster. He’s eighteen and wondering why even saving the world isn’t enough to make you look at him before you part ways into the adult world that opens before you, and admonishing himself for even having the selfish thought.
He’s shy little Izuku and he wishes you liked him back.
“Deku, do you have a moment to talk with us?” a cheery reporter says, thrusting a microphone in his face. They’re everywhere, he swears, prettier and more persistent every time. He’s polite again, flashing the practiced million-watt-smile.
And just like that he’s Deku, the hero once again.
Electrolyte water and rest does its magic, and as you make breakfast the next morning, you wonder if you should consider packing part of your suit with you, or at least perhaps just the gauntlets that you used back in high school. A modified version that is compact and can slip into your purse so that you never find yourself in a similar situation. You’re greeted the next morning by text by an apologetic Akira who promises you sushi another weekend, which you decide to reply to later, and texts from your friends who make sure that you’re okay, and an email notification for an incident report due in the next two weeks.
You sigh.
That’s why you don’t do Hero work.
Scooping eggs onto a slice of toast, you settle onto your couch, snuggling close with a body pillow and wishing your mind would stop racing for a moment. You don’t want to admit it, but all you can think about is Izuku and his stupid handsome face, and the way his mouth seemed to part every time you met each other's eyes, as if he has a million and one things to say to you but has to hold back. You wish he’d go make those cloying eyes at everyone lined up for his interest. There’s no real claim to him after all, at least not in this universe, regardless of what supposedly exists in the multiverse. You don’t even know if that’s real after all; it’s something that absolutely disrespects the laws of physics, but then again, you know many people whose Quirks do. Aizawa’s adopted daughter Eri is the first to come to mind. 
You should do some more research, you decide. 
After spending a couple hours on databases and online medical journals researching the existence of Quirks that can interact with the multiverse, you come up with nearly nothing, save for a case report of a person whose Quirk kept generating a wormhole for him that handed him whatever tool he needed (most often chopsticks for some reason). Groaning, you decide Kazuo is unique and either way you’ll see him again in 3 months, and reassess how he’s doing, possibly get a (better) case report out of it. You wonder if he’ll generate the same set of clones, or hopefully a new set of clones, ones who aren’t romantically entangled with Izuku Midoriya, ones more like you who never cared much for him at all, or at least knew, like you, to back off when they saw him standing on the edge of a cliff with the girl who was made for him.
Maybe if you look at the narratives your clones wrote to you, crumpled in a drawer in the corner of your desk, you’d find some flaws. Perhaps this was all a big trick the universe was playing on you, and feelings sitting in your subconscious, sleeping for practically a decade, are now flooding back with a vengeance. It must be the power of suggestion. You do not love him. You do not even particularly like or dislike him. You feel neutral. Neutral is good.
The narratives don’t help. What also doesn’t help is the fact that you’ve stored them in the same place as you keep all other sentimental material, including a diary you kept sparingly since you were a kid, in addition to letters from friends and family, and trinkets you’re afraid to lose. Curiosity has killed many cats and you, so you pore through it as well. Everything in that period of adolescence is amplified, and you went through war, so of course you remember a strong feeling of love that might not be real and should not be held on to.
The diary doesn’t help either. 
Of course, some entries are silly and whimsical like you’d expect from a young teen. Excerpts about friends, family, teachers that annoy you, celebrities you think are cute. You find remnants of an old crush on Suneater that must have been so short-lived you can’t remember it, and it surprises you. 
And then there’s your thoughts about Izuku, sparse but poignant. 
Oh yes, you were in love, and your entries end there. With war, with adulthood, with the life you have now.
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groovebunker · 7 months
cc x fran fic masterpost
been meaning to do this for a little while - indulge me so i can pin it.
ongoing work
it's all there in black and white [teen - 4/?]
when newspaper editor maxwell sheffield wants to introduce an advice column, he pairs veteran political reporter cc babcock up with his newest hire, fashion columnist fran fine. the only problem? cc wouldn't take her own advice at gunpoint. oh, and she hates fran's perfect face and stupid laugh and general existence. there is that. aka the agony aunt au.
chapter one -- chapter two -- chapter three -- chapter four
i only liked a lot of things before i knew (the way i love it when you touch me now) [explicit - 1/2]
cc admits she's never been with a man who got her off. fran's nothing if not persistently helpful.
chapter one
can't reach the moon up above, don't dare touch the fire [explicit - 1/?]
cc's never been sure how to want things. fran's determined to show her how.
chapter one
what would you do?
what would you do (if they never found us out?) [explicit - 11/11]
after what was supposed to be a one time thing in the wine cellar, cc and fran find they can't keep their hands off of one another. but it's only because neither of them can get maxwell. right?
i. how it started -- ii. furious -- iii. do you trust me? -- iv. beautiful -- v. missed you -- vi. promises -- vii. i'm glad you're here -- viii. i've got you -- ix[a]. only bought (you) this dress so i could take it off. -- ix[b]. needing -- x. what would you do if they ever found us out
what would you do (the vignettes) [explicit]
i. the smoke gets in your eyes -- ii. while you were sleeping
the latke-verse
i like you (a latke) [teen - completed - 1/1]
fran doesn't want to show up to her ma's chanukah party alone. cc's fed up of seeing her sad since she got back from paris. no ulterior motives here, none at all. aka the fake dating chanukah fic.
seventh time is (hopefully) the charm [teen - completed - 1/1]
cc gets some help with valentine's breakfast.
won't you?
won't you just let me pretend that this is the love that i want? [teen]
there's a lot of things cc and fran never talk about. until they do.
won't you just show me the love that i need? [teen]
cc's never been good at being needed. unless, obviously, fran needs her.
won't you just give me the love that i long for? [mature - 2/2]
neither of them are sure how it's so confusing to be able to have what you want. until it's not.
chapter 1 -- chapter 2
won't you just show me the love i've been missing? [teen - 1/?]
sometimes, you have to go back to where you started for anything to change.
chapter 1
should be over all the butterflies [mixed ratings]
a series of vignettes set in the won't you universe.
august two thousand and nine: the fence -- two thousand and six: crossword -- two thousand: the beginning -- two thousand and three: the first time -- two thousand and seven: look after her -- two thousand and eleven: no such thing as bad thoughts -- two thousand and fourteen: how did you know? -- two thousand and seventeen: i wish you hadn't
one-shots (for now)
trick or treat (or: how cc babcock learnt to enjoy halloween) [mature]
c.c. does not like halloween. fran's absolutely not going to stand for that.
fran fine, sweater thief [teen]
five times fran wears c.c.'s sweater and one time c.c. turns the tables.
wise men followed the star (the way i followed my heart) [explicit]
when the phone rings at 11 on christmas eve, fran doesn't expect cc on the other end.
i want your midnights [teen]
c.c. does leave maxwell but that's not the only reason she runs away from the sheffield house. when she and fran end up at the same new year's eve party, can she convince herself to stand still?
i still see it all in my head (burnin' red) [teen]
soulmate au: the world is black and white until you see your soulmate for the first time. or: how red becomes c.c. babcock's favourite colour.
three minutes [teen]
fran finds someone unexpected on the other side of the table when val accidentally takes her to lesbian speed dating. unexpected but not necessarily unwanted.
black coffee morning on the east side [general]
fran's not sure what cc stands for. but she's absolutely going to find out. or: the one where fran's a barista and cc's a very beautiful stranger who drinks freshly brewed black coffee and blushes a lot.
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Do companions besides the doctor take companions? Is it common for time lords to travel with people who well. ARENT from their planet?
Do Time Lords* besides the Doctor have companions?
*I'm assuming you meant Time Lords and not companions as written
🦹‍♂️ The Master's Companions
The Master has had a variety of companions.
Koschei (before becoming the Master) travelled with Ailla, who Koschei thought was a 28th-century human, but was actually a Time Lady sent to spy on the Master.
In later incarnations, the Master took on "companions" like Kamelion, an android, and even people like Sabalom Glitz and Chang Lee, though I invert those commas because these companions weren't exactly there to see the wonders of the Universe, more to be used and discarded. Ah, typical Master.
🐼 Iris Wildthyme’s Companions
It's quite hard to define Iris Wildthyme, but if we all nod our heads and say 'yes, Time Lord', she's has had a pretty wild array of companions, including a traffic warden, a retired Mexican luchador, and the art critic Panda (who is literally a stuffed panda, but don't mention that). Her companions have varied between species.
👑 Romana's Companions
Romana continued to have companions after her time with the Doctor. She travelled with K9 Mark II and later had some adventures with Leela. In her fourth incarnation, she even travelled with a psychic genetically modified human named Ponch (previously Huvan).
🌌 Other Renegade Time Lords and Their Companions
Many agents of the Celestial Intervention Agency often have companions from various time periods. For example, Rollo travelled with a mix of Time Lords and humans.
The Monk managed to convince Lucie Miller and later Tamsin Drew to travel with them.
During the War in Heaven, it became common for Time Lords to form close partnerships with their TARDISes, which were often humanoid in form, crossing that line.
🏫 So ...
Companions aren't exclusive to the Doctor, and it's not uncommon for Time Lords to travel with beings who aren't from Gallifrey. Thought with all this said, it's not a crazy assumption to say that the Doctor may have kicked off this particular trend.
Factoid: Do long-term companions of Time Lords biologically change?
Who is the Meddling Monk?: A look at Gallifrey’s most amusing Time Lord.
How long until the Earth might reach the technological age of Gallifrey?: Handy guide for humans wishing to progress.
Hope that helped! 😃
Any purple text is educated guesswork or theoretical. More content ... →📫Got a question? | 📚Complete list of Q+A and factoids →😆Jokes |🩻Biology |🗨️Language |🕰️Throwbacks |🤓Facts →🫀Gallifreyan Anatomy and Physiology Guide (pending) →⚕️Gallifreyan Emergency Medicine Guides →📝Source list (WIP) →📜Masterpost If you're finding your happy place in this part of the internet, feel free to buy a coffee to help keep our exhausted human conscious. She works full-time in medicine and is so very tired 😴
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calliesmemes · 7 months
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CHANGE gendered words and in-universe phrases as needed.
SPECIFY muse for multimuses.
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I. FROZEN I (2013)
“   Fear will be your enemy, and death its consequence. ”
“   Listen to me — your power will only grow. There is beauty in it, but also great danger. ”
“   Getting upset only makes it worse. Calm down. ”
“   Don't touch me. Please!I don't want to hurt you. ”
“   They say have courage, and I'm trying to. ”
“   Make one wrong move, and everyone will know. ”
“   Be the good girl you always have to be. ”
“   At least I’ve got a chance! ”
“   It's agony to wait. ”
“   You're gorgeous. Wait, what? ”
“   I'm so sorry. Are you hurt? ”
“   The only frozen heart around here is yours. ”
“   I've never been better. This is so nice. I wish it could be like this all the time ”
“   I would never shut you out. ”
“   Will you marry me? ”
“   You can’t marry a man you just met. ”
“   I can't live like this anymore! ”
“   What did I ever do to you?! ”
“   Please, just stay away from me. Stay away! ”
“   Are you sure you can trust her? I don't want you getting hurt. ”
“   She's my sister, she would never hurt me. ”
“   The fears that once controlled me can't get to me at all. ”
“   It's time to see what I can do, to test the limits and break through. ”
“   What are you so afraid of?! ”
“   Oh, it's just you. What do you want? ”
“   I don't trust your judgment. ”
“   Sometimes I really don't like you. ”
“   Nobody wants to be alone. Except maybe you. ”
“   How do you know my name? ”
“   I'm so sorry about what happened. If I'd have known... ”
“   I never knew what I was capable of. ”
“   We were so close. We can be like that again. ”
“   I’m just trying to protect you. ”
“   You don't have to protect me. I'm not afraid! ”
“   You don’t have to live in fear. ”
“   Just stay away and you'll be safe from me. ”
“   I can't control the curse! ”
“   I know we can figure this out together! ”
“   Okay, relax. Just calm down. Calm down! ”
“   You are a sight for sore eyes. ”
“   Love's a force that's powerful and strange. ”
“   People make bad choices if they're mad or scared or stressed. ”
“   Don't be the monster they fear you are! ”
“   Oh, no. What have I done? ”
“   You cannot risk going out there again. ”
“   If only there was someone out there who loved you. ”
“   I was wrong about him. It wasn't true love. ”
“   Love is putting someone else's needs before yours. ”
“   I tried to save her, but it was too late. ”
“   You sacrificed yourself for me? ”
“   Come on, you can do it! ”
“   That’s what I’m talking about! ”
“   There’s just some things we can’t do in public. ”
“   I see the fear in their eyes. ”
“   It’s all because of me. ”
“   They look my way and see a monster. ”
“   I’m doing everything you said! ”
“   You must be prepared for everything. ”
“   It’s getting stronger! I can’t laugh, I can’t cry, I can’t dream, I can’t live without it bursting out! ”
“   Come here, my poor child. ”
“   Don’t touch me! I don’t want to hurt you! ”
“   I’m proud of you. ”
“   I’ll try not to let you down. ”
“   I’m just wondering how you’ve been. ”
“   They say have courage, and I’m trying to. ”
“   Are you ready for tomorrow? It’s your big day. ”
“   I mean — I’m not the heir; I’m the spare. ”
“   You don’t have to be embarrassed; I am someone even more embarrassing to me. ”
“   Nobody quotes what comes out of my mouth — thank goodness! ”
“   I can’t be what you expect of me. ”
“   I practice every single day for this, so why is it so hard? ”
“   There are things you cannot know. ”
“   It’s dangerous to wish I could make choices of my own. ”
“   I’m dangerous just standing here for everyone to see! ”
“   If I let go of rules, who knows how dangerous I’d be? ”
“   Father, I did it! ”
“   We’re lucky he came along in our time of need. ”
“   For once, just try to trust me — I’m begging you now! ”
“   You don’t know the things that I can do. ”
“   Everything’s different now that I understand. ”
“   You live life fearlessly, braver than the bravest of us do. ”
“   My time’s running out. ”
“   I have to stay alive to fix what I’ve done. ”
“   No time for crying now. ”
“   Can’t hope to fix this mess, but somehow still I have to try. ”
“   Get back into the cage! ”
“   I’ve unleashed a monster; I cannot stop the monster! ”
“   There’s so much I’ve longed to say. ”
“   It’s like a dream I thought could never be. ”
“   Show us what you can do. ”
Iii. FROZEN II (2022)
“   Some things never change. ”
“   Where are you going? Don't leave me alone! ”
“   You've been hearing a voice and you didn't think to tell me? ”
“   We're calling this, "controlling what you can when things feel out of control". ”
“   I know it sounds crazy, but I believe whoever is calling me is good. ”
“   Well, never a dull moment with you. ”
“   I hope you're prepared for what you have done. ”
“   When one can see no future, all one can do is the next right thing. ”
“   Promise me — we do this together, okay? ”
“   What are you gonna do with that? ”
“   They're all looking at us, aren't they? ”
“   Are you okay? What were you doing? You could have been killed! ”
“   Just when you think you found your way, life will throw you on a new path ”
“   Why do lullabies always have to have some terrible warning in them? ”
“   Please tell me, you are not about to follow them? ”
“   Ah, I can't stay mad at you, you're so cute! ”
“   You are not responsible for their choices. ”
“   Don't do this alone. Let me help you, please. ”
“   You have every right to to be very, very mad at her. ”
“   I can sense you there, like a friend I've always known ”
“   It feels like I am home. ”
“   Are you the one I've been looking for all of my life? ”
“   I have always been so different: normal rules did not apply. ”
“   I've never felt so certain. ”
“   Fear is what can't be trusted. ”
“   She may have gone too far. ”
“   I'm sorry. You're gonna have to do this next part on your own ”
“   The life I knew is over. ”
“   You are lost, hope is gone. ”
“   You must go on, and do the next right thing. ”
“   I don't know anymore what is true. ”
“   The only star that guided me was you. ”
“   I'm here. What do you need? ”
“   I'm sorry I left you behind. ”
“   It’s okay. My love is not fragile. ”
“   I thought I lost you. ”
“   You did what was right, for everyone. ”
“   Is putting us in dangerous situations gonna be a regular thing? ”
“   You are the most extraordinary person I've ever known. ”
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brynn-lear · 7 months
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"SALUTATIONS, I am Cranberry N.V. Tilde's editor. I'll be delighted to assist you in browsing their works."
⌜⟡⌟ TABLE OF CONTENTS ⌜⟡⌟ i. Teyvat Times [Genshin Impact] ii. Velvet Rumors [Persona Series] iii. The Blue Sea Star [Honkai Star Rail] iv. Fodlan Winds [Fire Emblem, to be added] v. Specials [original content, to be added]
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【i.】 Teyvat Times
✧ When The Cypress Tree Wilts ✧ Yan!Kamisato Ayato Fanfic Kamisato Ayato, the sole survivor of Teyvat, struggles to cope with grief. He finds solace in the company of a fellow survivor, (Y/n), on the Astral Express. Although the two came from different universes, with him being a fictional character on (Y/n)'s end, he had grown fond of them. Perhaps too fond for Mister Yang's liking. He has seen this story played out once already. 𓂂 Read here
✦ His Dog ✦ Dottore Drabble "You're 0.0035 seconds late. Do better." 𓂂 Read here
✧ Grievances ✧ Yan!Zhongli Comic "Why..." 𓂂 See here
✦ Papers, Please ✦ Thoma Angst Fic Exploring the possibility that the resistance failed, Inazuma's borders became stricter than ever before. Thoma begs the inspector to let (Y/n) in last minute, but it's a far more challenging ordeal for a "fixer" 𓂂 Read here
✧ "So I could've told her-" ✧ Yan!Neuvillette Comic Regency yandere au where Neuvillette doesn't know how to express his affections properly since childhood 𓂂 See here
✦ Little Mermaid ✦ Yan!Al Haitham Comic Aphotic: sea witch grants you a dangerous wish. it affects your lover. 𓂂 See here
✧ Pantomime of the Night ✧ Yan!Arlecchino Fancomic Comic inspired by a yandere vampire!arle fic written by harmonysanreads 𓂂 See here
✦ Capitano's So-Called Liability ✦ Yan!Capitano Series You, cursed to live as an elderly woman after losing a bet to Alice, decided to live your best life by watching thrills as the assistant of the most powerful man in Teyvat: Capitano. However, it seems that with you, he would gladly walk at a slower pace. (#Capitano's So-Called Liability) 𓂂 Chapter 1, 𓂂 Comic 1𓂂 HCs 1
✧ "Ship" In A Bottle ✦ Diluc Drabble Diluc doesn't seem to like the ex-pirate who visits Angel's Share all that much, but he'll change his mind soon enough. 𓂂 Read here
✦ Paging Dr. Zandik ✦ Yan!Dottore Drabble A House MD au because I love House MD it's my childhood. 𓂂 Read here
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【ii.】 Velvet Rumors
✧ A Tasteless Cup ✧ Yan!Akira Kurusu Fanfic After the destruction of your previous reality, you and Akira Kurusu landed in Teyvat. In an effort to stay afloat, Akira had set up a book café in Mondstadt alongside you. However, is this the true flavor of "Freedom"? 𓂂 Read here
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【iii.】 The Blue Sea Star
✧ WhoDrankIt ✧ Yandere Various!H:SR OTOME GAME!!! You (name changeable) are a hardworking and full-pledged human cafe owner in Penacony City. Your Dreamjolt Cafe has been a go-to for residents and tourists alike. But your loved ones' lives took a sharp turn for the worst when you decided to take a much-needed vacation back to your homeland, Perlas. While your family eagerly awaited your arrival, you disappeared en route. Where did you go? How did this happen? Who did this? Was it... (Tap to learn more) 𓂂 The Original Comic 𓂂 The Otome Game 1.0 Beta Link
✦ If You Were Church... ✦ Yan!Sunday Art "I'll get on my knees." 𓂂 See here
✧ The Lovely Miss Sparkle! ✧ Sparkle Sketches Come take a look! In 5... 4... 3... 2... 𓂂 See here
✦ He Changed Himself For You... ✦ Yan!Gallagher Comic Gallagher knows more about you than he knows himself. And if he could just mold himself to be your type... 𓂂 See here
✧ The Dog Days Are Over ✧ Gallagher Sketches Just a place for me to dump general Gallagher art sketches 𓂂 See here
✦ A Happy Farm Life ✦ Yandere Dog!Gallagher HCs & Sketches yandere half-dog!Gallagher and forgetful farmer!reader au collection. 𓂂 See here, 2
✧ GALLAGHER PROPAGANDA ✧ Yan!Gallagher HCs He had to win, okay- 𓂂 Read here
✦ I Am The Righteous Hand Of God. ✦ Sunday & Gallagher Animatic I am the devil that you forgot. 𓂂 See here
✧ Don't Be Foolish ✧ Yandere Emanator!Dr. Ratio Comic Don't make me worry, again. 𓂂 See here
✦ Nah Bro We MILKIN' ✦ Yandere Dog!Gallagher Drabbles & Sketches I swore I made this as a joke. 𓂂 See here
✧ Family Matters ✧ Gallagher/RobinHill Drabble Robin keeps getting pestered by your older brother, Sunday. 𓂂 See here
✦ Holding A Wedding On Top Of His Funeral ✦ Yandere Rancher!Gallagher & Yandere Cowboy!Boothill Art Yandere rancher!Gallagher vs Yandere cowboy!Boothill over a mail order bride!reader fic when? When I'm done with the event probably- 𓂂 See here
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【iv.】 Fodlan Winds
✧ “Come on, teach. Don't make me delete your saves.” ✧ Yan!Claude Von Riegan Comic He knows you're playing. But why aren't you choosing Golden Deer...? 𓂂 See here
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"If you are looking for Ms. Lear's personal journals instead, please follow me."
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starrysilvalley · 5 days
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🌟Spectrum Book 1: Onward🌟
✨Chapter 1 | Familiar (Full Text Below Line)✨
Word Count: 2,553
As said previously, I’ll try and post the chapters on both Tumblr and Ao3. On Ao3 the story is restricted to members only as of right now, but I may open it to all as time goes on. I try to update on Ao3 on Wednesdays, and I will post on Tumblr sometime afterwards (I currently have no specified date for Tumblr releases, so times may vary).
Series Note: This series was planned and written in the summer of 2024 based on the context of the Pokémon In-Game Universe at the time. This series includes spoilers for Pokémon games including Black & White, Black & White II, Legends Arceus, and Scarlet & Violet. Any changes to the overarching storyline or characters that occur within any following Pokémon game releases (i.e. Pokémon Legends ZA and beyond) are considered non-canon within the context of this series.
This series was written out of my love for Generation V and as if it is its game plot, but with a few small twists. I wanted to simply try and write my own alternative storyline for a hypothetical Unova Legends game. My attempt at a Legends plotline became a passion project I wanted to share with those who may be interested in such a story. While it is written to have a darker tone due to its inspirations, I try to keep the series at a PG13 rating for fantasy violence. There is no sexual or NSFW content. Pokémon was ultimately made for young viewers, and I wish to carry on a similar openness in my writing.
After around seven years of being dragged along by Fajra, Emmet learned two big don’ts— don’t let Fajra drive and don’t let Fajra handle negotiations solo as people. It wasn't like he did much better when it came to socializing. Most often a discussion would— unintentionally — end with a passive-aggressive remark. His blunt remarks weren’t good for business. Yet it was one thing for Emmet to provoke their clients, it was another for the clients to provoke Fajra. 
“You know the drill, just let me do the talkin’ here,” Fajra reminded her partner while her hand rested on the old battered door handle. “No weird greetings, don't point out whatever weird lil’ tattoo or mark you see on the guys’ face, or the ugly picture that's probably his mam or someon’— better yet, how about say nothin’ at all?”
She had shot him a look as if inviting him to protest, but instead he simply replied with a sly smile, “As you wish.”
“Nuh-uh, don’t smile like that. I’m serious, Em. We have an agreement, but you…”
Fajra held up her hand to Emmet’s face as if trying to grasp something with all her might before spitting out, “Keep your inside thoughts inside, that’s all I’m saying.”
That was all well and good— if only Fajra could do the same. Fajra excelled at misdirecting from her motives, but misdirecting her feelings was another. Now as the two stood before the grizzled manager of the dimly lit antique store, Emmet could already see Fajra’s facade slipping away as she tapped her fingers with great annoyance on the countertop. The manager glanced at her every so often as he inspected the items presented, but didn’t break under her pressure.    
“I’ll give ya… about a thousand for this one.”
The store manager tapped one of the TMs, only for Fajra to scoff and push Emmet aside from the counter. She slammed both hands on the table as she leered at the manager, “A thousand? Don’ get smart with me, I know you sold this for five thousand last week! At least pretend to play fair. Suppose you’ll say these ones are worth even less now?”
Fajra gestured to the other TMs they managed to collect. They weren’t exactly mint condition. Dusty and scratched, he suspected they hadn’t been touched in many decades. 
“We tested these ourselves,” Emmet offered, placing a firm hand on Fajra’s shoulder as if to pull her back. “They still work, if that’s your concern. They may not have the aesthetic appeal, but ultimately it's about their function.” 
The manager still had a frown on his face. His eyes seemed to linger around the old store filled with second-hand items. It was a dark and dreary store, as if all the memories that the items once left held haunted the place with a gloomy presence. Emmet noted that his gaze steadied on an only television set placed toward the door. 
“Look, I’ll shoot straight with ya,” the manager began at last with a heavy sigh, “One of my other suppliers brought me TMs and it turned out they were stolen from private League property. The authorities came knocking and I'm fortunate they didn't shut my whole business down. Haven’t seen the guy since then. I can give you a little money for the trouble, but unless you can prove these were legally acquired, I’m just going to treat them as damaged goods.” 
Before Fajra opened her mouth, Emmet quickly intervened, “Understandable— we’ll need a minute to discuss. Apologies for the delay.”
“It’s a load of Bouffalant crap!” Fajra spat immediately once Emmet pulled her away from the counter. “He’s trying to cheat us out of our items! I’ve seen it before, you can’t possibly think—“
“I can’t take that track with you, Fajra. What if he’s telling the truth? You and I both knowwhere those TMs came from. You know full well if we get caught, we will be in serious trouble. Una and I would be in serious trouble. Take the hush money.” 
He knew he screwed up when Fajra’s face became about as red as her flame colored hair. “I am not leaving with a measly thousand. Those blasted discs took too long to get to have such little reward! We need the money to fix that stupid handcar we busted just getting the loot here!”
“You busted the handcar. I’m a lot of things, but I’m at least a good driver.”
The front door jingled as someone entered the store, and both Emmet and Fajra immediately fell quiet. A young man and woman strided inside and their own eyes landed on the two other customers before heading to the counter. Their clothes were relatively ordinary of the scrawny Pokémon trainers in the area, although he noted that each wore a gold band around one of their ankles. Emmet tipped his head a little farther down over his face while Fajra shot a nasty glare back at the newcomers before whispering underneath her breath, “Great, just what we needed, an audience.” 
The store manager pushed aside the TMs and other trinkets Fajra provided while greeting the couple with a weary smile. “Ah, come to collect your purchase, I see? I’ve been holding it for some time—“
“Yes, yes,” the man began with a wave of his hand. “We appreciate you holding onto it. Mr. Stotle would’ve come to take it himself, but he couldn’t find the time.”
Something bumped against Emmet’s leg, and upon peering down he found Liepard brushing up beside him. Liepard often wandered around the establishment while Emmet and Fajra conducted business, watching for any signs of a threat. Her glowing eyes were now fixed on the woman, who immediately turned her stare away upon Liepard’s appearance. A light growl began to vibrate from the Pokémon’s throat.
“Fajra, I don't think you can win this,” Emmet whispered while placing a hand on Liepard’s head. “We’ll find another buyer, please—”
His voice was drowned as the store manager pulled out a small box and opened it for the couple while saying skeptically, “Here you are! Hopefully this will be sufficient for Mr. Sto—“
“It’s perfectly fine, sir,” the man interrupted as the manager hurriedly closed the box and pushed it under the counter. He was not fast enough, for Emmet caught a glimpse of a polished, spherical stone the color of obsidian. He managed to see the three indents pressed in the shape of a triangle before the box clamped shut. 
He couldn’t quite explain what happened next. His heart began to hammer against his chest at the sight of it. His surroundings became blurred, but his eyes could only focus on the stone. A numbing sensation of white noise engulfed his ears, leaving a ringing echoing to his very soul. Something stirred within him, dislodging images that had long since passed and buried. One stood out among the rest— a man adorning a black coat so similar to his own, his back facing Emmet. It wasn’t until the man turned that Emmet felt an ice pick stick through his heart. 
The man had his face. 
Before he could even begin to comprehend the sight, it was as if the world zoomed in beyond the man in black, revealing nothing but void— lonely and abyssal. Yet from the darkness shone two red lights, slowly dimming before a flash of electric blue light burst like a dying star.
A punch to the arm swiftly broke through his thoughts, causing him to recoil and jerk his hand to the spot Fajra hit. While Fajra still had her eyes narrowed in frustration, her lips formed a frown he had not seen in awhile. 
“You… you alrigh?” Fajra asked, the usual sharp edge in her voice dulled. “You look like you’ve seen a ghost. Are you sick or… somethin’?”
His heart beat rapidly against his chest before turning swiftly to Fajra and whispering, “What I’m about to ask you is a one time occurrence. No questions asked— not until afterwards.”
Fajra’s eyes widened, but her disapproving frown churned upward into a sly smile. “Consider my interest piqued.”
“I want to initiate Protocol Thirty-Eight.”
Any frustration Fajra had with her partner seemed to vanish, replaced with an unnatural grittiness. Her smile broadened as told Emmet with a slight flick of his shoulder, “Protocol thirty-eight? The Protocol Thirty-Eight? Does this, perhaps, mean that you’ve changed your mind about… unlawful acquisition?”
“No, but—“
“Never mind— you can spill the deets later. Let’s get the wheels moving.”
Fajra didn't miss a beat as she strolled back to the counter, a disapproving scowl reappearing on her face as she laid eyes on the manager. The pair with the stone had opened up a case to hold the box securely when Fajra spoke loudly, “You know what? Fine. We won't be doing business with you today. We’ll take our goods elsewhere. It's about time, really— you hike up your prices just so you can get rid of the crappy rip-offs for some sort of profit.”
She then turned to the woman and remarked snidely, “Might want to rethink shopping here. The guy will do anything to make a quick buck.”
The manager’s face grew red at Fajra’s words, giving the other customers a quick glance before remarking hurriedly, “Ma’am, I know you're frustrated and I hear ya, but—”
Fajra had already done her part. The seeds of doubt sank into their targets as the woman glanced down at the box within the case. Her partner didn’t seem as convinced by Fajra’s claims, but merely stopped to watch the spectacle. 
Emmet made a quick gesture to Liepard with his hands, signing to her in motions that only she would understand. Liepard gave a curt nod before brushing past her trainer and dipping behind the counter while the owner was distracted. 
Seizing his chance, Emmet moved to the side of the other customers and remarked in a cheery air, “She is right— best be careful what you get from the Thievul’s hole.”
He leaned in a little closer to the man and continued in a low voice, “Ever think where he gets these items? Just last week one of his sellers was arrested for selling League property. I would be verrrry cautious with your purchase.”
His eyes met with the man’s, and he seemed to falter under Emmet’s knowing smile. He could almost see the gears in his head turning while his gaze narrowed suspiciously. It didn't last as the manager slammed his hands on the counter and retorted with frustration. “That’s enough! Get out of my shop before I call security! And don't bother coming back here, you scavengers!”
Neither of them needed to be told a second time. Fajra exchanged a dirty look with the manager as she threw her arms around their items before storming to the door with an obnoxious whip of her fiery orange hair. Emmet waited for Liepard to slink back into view, brushing against his side with a low purr. 
The manager’s apologies were cut off as the door swung shut behind the two. Neither looked back as they were greeted by the streets of New Straiton City. There was no dark corner as the streets were ambushed with light from every screen, window, and billboard. It was late in the afternoon, and now the streets were swarming with men and women returning from work. 
“Sooo, don’ hold out on me,” Fajra began as Emmet withdrew the small withered box from his coat pocket. “What is it that made you throw away seven years worth of integrity?”
Emmet glanced around to make sure none of the passer-by or the kiosks’s Minccino mascot was within listening range, he opened it enough for Fajra to peer inside. The obsidian sphere that lay within proved true to Liepard’s skills at thievery. His heart began to pound faster at the sight of it and his hand shook as he took a hand and pressed his finger to one of the indents. He didn't have the same visions as before, but his body trembled now that he was so close.
“This better be some rock because if we just lost revenue for a cheap— Em?”
Fajra’s criticism faltered as she noticed his shaking hand. She snatched his hand away from the rock, and without warning, jerked his glove off. Her eyes widened at the touch.
“You really are sick, aren't you?” She questioned, but her voice turned soft and concerned. “How long have you felt off? My gosh, what if this is radioactive—”
“Get back!” Emmet snapped as Fajra reached out to take the box away. She immediately recoiled, but a new expression replaced her concern. He had never seen her look at him with such fear. Even Liepard backed up, pushing against Fajra as if trying to shield her from him. Even now, the trembling ceased as soon as she clamped the box shut. All his symptoms, even his rage, had snapped away like the stone from his sight.
Emmet stepped back, still gripping the box in his hand as if it were his lifeline. 
“I… am sorry,” he spoke earnestly. “I don't… I don't know why I did that. I don't know how to explain it…”
Fajra didn't speak. Her shoulders relaxed slightly as she took a step closer to Emmet. “Em, did you remember something?”
The question hadn’t been asked in years. Life had simply gone on, but now that his friend watched him with worry, he realized he had returned to the horrible darkness he had found himself in years before. Only this time, he had something to lose. 
“This may sound silly,” he admitted truthfully. “But… I know this stone. When I'm around it, I realize there has been something missing. A part of me that's gone… and with this stone, it’s in reach, but I can't…”
His words faltered as Fajra reached to take his hand again. She kept him in between hers and told him with a small, but truly genuine smile, “You, my friend, are silly… but just because you're silly doesn't mean your feelings are too. Your situation is odd, and I understand that.”
He looked back at Fajra. “Thank you… I just can’t let him be separated from me again.”
Him. Even Emmet couldn't quite understand why he chose to include that one simple word. Fajra’s eyebrow raised skeptically at the inclusion of the pronoun. It didn't seem to matter though as she pried her gaze from his to glance around at their surroundings. It was getting busier, and based on the overhead announcements flooding the street, a celebration was about to take place. 
“We can talk more later,” Fajra insisted, now pushing his hand back to his side. “Better to talk this out in a place that lacks a lotta ears. If you won't let me take the box, at least don’t open it again… for now. Whatever the rock is, your body is reacting to it, and I'm not ruling out radiation.”
She paused. “Do you need to go back to the handcar right away or—”
“No,” he replied promptly as he stuffed the box back in his pocket. “I’ll be fine. But I… I can acquire Una while you go on ahead. Where did you leave her again?”
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chokememaximoff · 1 year
Regrets & Resilience II
Abstract:As Wanda grapples with overwhelming guilt, she arrives at the avenger's room only to find it empty. News quietly circulates that the avenger is undergoing intensive training with Matthew Murdock.
TW:mentions of nigtmares,mentions of sight loss. That's all I think.
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Wanda was frustrated and guilt was eating at her. She once again tries to sneak into the room, but is met with a pissed off Natasha folding her hands on her chest. 
"How many times do I have to turn you away before you realize you're not seeing her?" Natasha asks annoyed and Wanda frowns. 
"Please, I just want to talk with her. Let her know its not her fault and that I'm sorry...please Natasha." The redhead pleads with the older woman, but it was worthless. The door closes on her face and Wanda's eyes brim with tears.
 The girl was a mess. Disheveled hair, eye bags that were darker than the black coffee she was living off, tears constantly staining her cheeks. 
She walks back to her room, crying in her messy bed. She never meant for this to happen. She really did want to help Y/N in that fight, but the stupid shield that saved her life almost cost her hero hers. 
Her hero..that was a weird thought that haunted Wanda every day. The girl whose guts she hated for so long was now her hero, but it was to no ones surprise really. 
Even with Wanda's constant snarky remarks and just awful behavior, no fighting back was pointed in Wanda's direction, just quiet apologies. Every now and then when Wanda would cry or be hurt during a mission a box of her favourite candies was at her door waiting for her. No matter who she asked they all said it wasn't them that delivered the thoughtful gift. It wasn't until Wanda asked Jarvis who put those there, that her heart dropped with guilt.
 It was the second time after Y/N did that when Wanda's anger lessened to a minimum, realizing the girl whose guts she hated really wasn't all that bad. Wanda knew she couldn't just switch up her act now because she would have to admit she was wrong about Y/N, which her ego couldn't take. 
Now looking back at it she wishes she went and talked to Y/N right at that moment, instead of continuing to treat her like trash because she couldn't risk hurting her own ego. 
Now she was the one who felt guilty and was going crazy because the girl who cared so much about her lost everything saving her. It wasn't fair, Wanda deserved to be in her place. 
With thoughts burning her head, exhaustion finally catches up with her and she falls asleep with a tear stained face.
She was in front of the doors which got slammed into her face a couple of weeks ago knocking again. She had to fix this or she would actually go insane.
 When there is no answer she opens the doors and sees the room is empty. What?
 She runs to Peter Parker who smiles at her. He was the only one who wasn't mad at her about the whol situation, the others gave her a cold shoulder. 
"Hey Wands, you okay?" He asks with a gentle smile and Wanda shakes her head.
"I-I need to find Y/N. Where is she? Is she okay? She's not in her room." She stutrers out and Peters smile falls.
"We all won't be seeing her for a while. You know daredevil?" He asks and Wanda nods."She was sent to train with him in hopes of getting her adjusted to..her newfound situation." He says and my heart breaks..She never got to tell her what she needed to.
In the aftermath of a brutal battle, darkness consumed my world. The loss of my eyesight left me broken, my sense of self shattered. It felt like the universe itself had turned against me, taking away the one thing that defined me as a warrior. I was left adrift in a sea of despair, struggling to find my footing in a world that was now forever changed.
Matthew Murdock, Daredevil, became my reluctant savior. His voice cut through my darkness, a lifeline when I was drowning in my own sorrow. "We're going to rebuild," he said, his words a fragile promise in the face of my anguish. "You have more strength than you realize."
Under his guidance, I embarked on a journey that would test the limits of my endurance. The days dragged on, each one a reminder of my shortcomings. Matthew pushed me to distinguish between the sounds of the city – to pick out individual heartbeats, to identify footsteps from a distance. It was a symphony of pain, a constant reminder of what I had lost.
"Focus on the patterns," Matthew's voice was a lifeline in the midst of chaos. "Let them guide you."
The exercises were grueling, the frustration overwhelming. I stumbled through tasks that once felt simple, grappling with the knowledge that I was no longer the warrior I used to be. The weight of my own vulnerability became a crushing burden, one I carried with me every step of the way.
"Adaptation takes time," he said, his voice a reminder that progress was a slow and painful journey. "But you're not alone in this."
My frustration often boiled over. "I can't do this, Matthew. I can't fight like this."
He'd respond with unwavering belief. "You can. You're stronger than you think."
As my senses began to sharpen, I discovered a world beyond sight. The sounds of the city took on new dimensions – the rhythm of life, the echo of footsteps, the symphony of heartbeats. But every step forward was a reminder of the battle I was still fighting within myself.
One day, on a rooftop, Matthew's voice beckoned me to close my eyes. "Feel the world around you," he urged.
I obeyed, the darkness a canvas for my other senses. I felt the wind on my skin, the texture of the rooftop beneath my fingers. Amidst the cacophony of sounds, I detected movement – an impending threat. Instinct took over, and I countered the attack, the rush of adrenaline mixing with a bitter undercurrent of doubt.
Matthew's smile was a distant comfort, a reminder that progress was possible even in the face of despair. "You're beginning to reclaim your strength."
As the months wore on, my abilities grew. I learned to trust my instincts, to lean on the senses I had taken for granted. Matthew introduced new challenges – complex exercises that pushed me to my limits. I sparred with him while blindfolded, my body moving with a grace that belied the torment within me.
And then, one day, standing atop a building, the warmth of the sun on my skin, I had a revelation. The darkness that had once felt suffocating had become my refuge. It was a reminder that even in my brokenness, I could still rise.
Matthew's presence beside me was a silent testament to our shared journey. "You've come so far," he said softly.
Tears pricked at the corners of my eyes, a mixture of sorrow and triumph. "Yeah, I have."
In the heart of darkness, I had found a way to fight back. My eyes might be blind, but my other senses had sharpened, and my spirit burned brighter than ever. It was a victory tinged with the bittersweet knowledge that the battle within me was far from over.
At night, the darkness returned, wrapping itself around my mind in the form of haunting nightmares. In those moments of vulnerability, I would wake up gasping for breath, disoriented and consumed by fear. But Matthew was always there, a steady presence at my side.
He taught me to find solace in meditation – to breathe in the present moment and let go of the torment that haunted my dreams. His voice would guide me, each word a lifeline that pulled me from the depths of my own mind.
"You're stronger than your nightmares," he assured me. "You've faced darkness head-on and emerged stronger."
His hands would rest on my shoulders, grounding me in reality. Together, we would navigate the labyrinth of my mind, untangling the threads of fear and insecurity that had taken root.
And slowly, over those six months, a transformation occurred within me. I learned to channel my pain, my fear, and my vulnerability into something powerful. My other senses became a shield, a weapon, a testament to the resilience that bloomed even in the midst of despair.
As the darkness of night gave way to the light of day, I realized that I was no longer defined by what I had lost. Instead, I was defined by what I had gained – a newfound strength, an unbreakable spirit, and a connection with someone who had been my guiding light through the darkest of times.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Hey, if you don't mind how about yandere halo request with self aware master chief with small petite reader? I really love when a buff tall guy being protective for someone smaller than them.
Most people are smaller than him, I'll see what I can do! Ironically, it's short.
Edit: I just realized it said Self-Aware... I apologize I do not know how I would fit that in to the concept?
Yandere! Master Chief with a Darling shorter than him
Short Concept
Pairing: Platonic/Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Obsession, Overprotective behavior, Slight paranoia, Slightly controlling behavior, Slight trauma (?), Really that's it.
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You'd probably be one of the newer spartans or a marine/ODST.
Those would definitely be smaller than John, due to him being a Spartan-II.
John himself is used to size differences.
Ever since they gave him those enhancements when he was younger, he's grown taller and stronger.
You being smaller and not under the stressful training he's undergone, he probably would be more protective.
His usual yandere behavior is Protective, Obsessive, and Controlling.
He's used to looking out for people.
People depend on him as a protector for humanity.
Since you're so close to him, he ends up getting tunnel vision in his goals.
The mission is important, he knows that.
But seeing you live through it becomes just as important.
The size difference is honestly a bit adorable.
You're so small compared to him, while he's beefed out and tall.
He towers over you.
To others, he really looks like your own personal guardian.
The chief, protective of you?
Aren't you lucky?
With your size it's hard to stand up to him when he gets out of hand.
He can easily drag you around against your will.
John would do anything for your safety.
Marines die so easily... even Spartans when it came to the Banished if we're talking Infinite.
The universe ever since humanity's first contact with the Covenant has become dangerous.
Deep down... John wishes you didn't join the fight.
Then he'd be happy you were atleast away from the front of it.
However, here you are.
He'll protect you if he has to, because he cares for you.
While the way I write John is he isn't affectionate due to his canon, imagine sitting in his lap.
You'd be so small on there and he'd take you somewhere private, wanting to try and find a sense of normalcy.
His arms are around your waist, despite the armor he finds comfort with you.
It feels... normal.
Something he was robbed of at a young age-
You're so precious to him....
Your size doesn't change his behavior too much, as he's used to people being smaller than him.
But if I had to say it makes a difference, then he'd probably treat you like you're more fragile.
You aren't like him, he knows that.
Which means you need him to protect you...
It's his duty in his mind to keep you safe, since you matter to him so much.
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HIII welcome back!! 6, 19, 23, 31
HIII thank you!! Although I doubt I'll stay !
6. Starting with strong dislike to genuine love it’s probably Asha. Her introduction during Theon II…yeah let’s say I was not prepared for GRRM to turn her into such a cool and loveable character. It’s amazing to me how people use Euron‘s abuse of Aeron & Urri as proof for House Greyjoy being rotten to the core and blame it on the old ways but somehow Asha sexually assaulting Theon is turned into a form of mockery that almost mirrors in-universe reactions to that sort of abuse. As of today she is on my top 10 favourite characters but I really wish there would be some sort of acknowledgment from GRRM that her initial behaviour was inappropriate to say the least.
19. Aside from Jon being Lyanna‘s son I don’t have any. I don’t know why but I’m never too interested in speculating the future so most of the theories fly past me. Oh! There’s one! I don’t think Big Walder killed Little Walder, at least not on his own.
23. Oh where to begin! Sansa & Brienne, Jeyne P & Arya, Jeyne W & Sansa, Theon & Aeron, Theon & Falia, Jeyne P & Falia, Theon & Beth (looks at that one fanfic)....Ok ok...Jaime Lannister & Taena of Myr. Genuinely wondering how Jaime would feel upon finding out Cersei and her have been developing some sort of relationship.
31. People expect me to say Jeyne and I will say Jeyne but only on the condition we get exactly 1 chapter from her POV in the middle of the books and then nothing else. I need her to have her Wakaba Flourishing moment, and then just like Wakaba, go back to being an insignificant and replaceable side character. I need to feel the same sort of devastation. I need to imagine her with that look of apathy and emptiness. Wooohoo! However if I were to choose someone for a regular POV Character, it would be Irri. Her perception of things would easily solve many debates about Daenerys arc and I would genuinely love to find out more about her life as a former Khal's daughter and her feelings regarding the structural changes brought on by Dany. I often see people referring to her in a manner that implies her position as a slave had been all she used to know so I’m really curious about her sentiments regarding Dothraki culture and her own place as a former almost-princess.
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foryiujeans · 1 year
MIA’S MASTERLIST : jelly pop!
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[ ALL MEMBERS! ] heaven&back! - a series where zerobaseone members are in for lots of different storylines in alternate universes with different situations.
starring. zerobaseone, fem!reader.
genre. many types, assorted pairings.
warnings. swearing and traumatic scenes.
**note: if you are uncomfortable with any of the themes, you shall not read, i suggest read the fluff imagines. ( no explicit! )
+ STORYLINE REQUESTS (taglist form: open) - chat me for requests, recommendations and more!
a/n!: thank you so much for reading and giving me requests. i'm thankful that you quys enjoyed reading it and giving all the notes and support. i do not own any characters, music or pics given, will definitely work harder for the next ones!
I : strawberry milk — h.yj
it was a habit of him bringing strawberry milk wherever he goes until one day he spills it on his crush. ( fluff )
II : i wish you roses - k.jw
a certain secret admirer alwavs leaves roses on your desk and at valentines, you had finally caught the person. ( fluff )
III : umbrella for two - p.gw
when that one drizzling day had you and a stranger share umbrella, surely it fits two people. ( fluff )
IV : cupid’s arrow - s.hb
a wall full of hearts and arrows written by mysterious cupids of ships around the school, what happens seeing your name with a certain someone? ( fluff )
V : too many nights - s.qr
those nights of him coming back late with missing your presence snuggled in bed but everything changes when you’re gone. ( angst, fluff )
VI : love you twice - k.gv
after breaking up for him chasing his dreams, he had finally met you for the first time ever. ( fluff )
VII : say you love me - s.qr
after being in an arranged marriage with an arrogant + selfish man, you never realised how much he cared for you even if he was away. ( fluff )
zb1 masterlists - @foryiujins
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hanyjar · 2 years
traverse the stars.
lilia vanrouge x time traveller! reader
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summary: three times you meet: once for love, another for vengeance. a third for new beginnings.
notes: [1.8k words.] i’ve always loved the immortal x time traveller trope :(( reblogs/interactions highly appreciated!
disclaimers: lovers to enemies to friends, semi-angst & open ending, mentions of mortality, life & death, part ii is set in war so mentions of blood & mc ends some lives, mc time travels (duh)!!
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Hello, dearest.
Once upon a comet, you and he were in love.
“You’re wrong about that, dearest.” He smiles at you with the brilliance of a thousand stars. “I am not the world, but the moon.”
The sky wavers in a way that only a millennia ago could. This was back then. Back when he wasn’t the general of the Thorn Lord, back when you weren’t cursed to live and see everything the universe has to offer. Back when he was simply Lilia, and you were simply [Name]. You, and a boy.
“What... Do you mean?” The timbre in your voice wavers incredulously.
“You are the world. And I revolve around you." Your eyes glisten at his words. Urging, no, begging him to continue. “I am forever watching you, after all.” The starry beings are beginning to settle their bodies above the skylines; the aurora borealis above is beginning to make way for the descent of Halley’s comet.
Couples all around you are star struck. Children and adults alike are applauding with joy.
And yet, even though the beautiful sight is so compelling within the winter sky, you had your eyes set on a different beauty.
The moon cascaded a glow so beautifully incomprehensible against Lilia's face. His eyes held the glow of the moon itself - sparkling with a youthful joviality and wisdom far beyond your own.
“If you feel that way towards me, why do you refuse to reciprocate my advances?” You tear his attention away from the shooting star back to you. His world, his dearest.
“Because,” he pauses. “Although I may wish upon this comet, and many more to come, we cannot be. You are a mortal. I cannot bear to watch you pass one day.”
You want nothing more than to shrivel up into a ball and cry.
“So, feel free to think of me as whatever you wish. But do not forget, young one,” A hand comes up to your face, wiping the tears away. “I love you. And I will continue to, forever and evermore. But that is exactly why I must go.”
Amongst the cheers of joy and gaiety, there remains the wish of a star crossed lover. One which reaches the heavens above.
Let me see it all. Let me live through the past, present, and future. Maybe then, I can stay by his side.
But even so, he leaves. Leaving remnants of a shattered you.
A you which is no longer the world, but the traverser of the universe.
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The second meeting.
The next time you see him is amongst the bloodshed.
What is left of your kingdom is nothing but rubble, the grass soiled by the blood of humans and faes alike. And there, standing in the midst of it all, is - no - was, your lover.
Lilia Vanrouge.
Or as his men call him, General Vanrouge.
You've seen it all. And you can choose to see whatever you wish to. You’ve watched countless beginnings, and countless ends. Of kingdoms, of wars, of people, and then some. But never once did you take a glimpse into a future or past that holds Lilia in it. It will, it would, it does hurt too much.
But although you hold time in your very palms, as much as you can control the present, changing fate is out of your reach.
Destiny is time's enemy, after all.
You read his eyes from across the battlefield. You should have died, his eyes say. And yet there you stand, against the testimony of time, and on a pile of his now fallen men.
A sardonic laugh escapes from your mouth as you plunge your sword into a nameless fae's chest. This is for leaving me, you think. This is for cursing me with love; for making me foolishly wish the heavens to turn me into something inhuman. This is your fault, Lilia.
You step down the man-made throne you created back onto the soil, raising your golden-laced sword beckoningly. "Come, murders of my kingdom." The venomous tone in your voice breaks the cool of the winter air. "Come at me with all your might. I will still remain victorious."
“General Vanrouge, call for a retreat.” A Briar Valley soldier appears by Lilia's side. “We do not stand a chance against the one who has the universe on their side; we are no match for the time traveller."
His face turns grim. How did his beloved turn into a fearsome bloodhound? One that delves fear into the hearts of faes?
"...You dare to give me commands and underestimate my strength?" Lilia sends a glare towards the soldier and the others, as if challenging them to stop him. “They and I have history. If anything, we are on equal footing.”
One moment he is by his men's side, and at the next, he is by yours. Not lovingly, as it once was, but with a fervour that is only seen between ex-lovers, now foes.
"My dearest, what happened to you?" The general adjusts his stance to mimic yours. On guard, and a weapon pointed towards your heart. But there is something about his demeanour.
It is as if he does not want to fight.
"You. You happened to me, Vanrouge." A scornful smile makes its way up to your face. “Once upon a time, I wished to be by your side. But because of my naivety, the celestials have stripped me of my mortality.” You pause. “Because of you, I am forced to walk upon this land. Through the past, present, and future.”
The moon casts a glow upon your face. A view all too familiar to him. “…Because of that, I will kill you.”
“So end me.” His proclamation catches you off guard. “I refuse to retaliate.”
You waste no time to pin him to the ground, your sword lingering dangerously close to Lilia's neck. It is a situation you found yourself in countless times before. Bait the enemy. Trap them down. Kill.
But then the memories come. His moonlight-soaked stature; sharing hushed kisses beneath the bridge; you two pursuing a forbidden love that only historians can dream of. It is enough for you to hesitate. Enough for him to reach out for your hand, with the same tenderness he had a thousand years ago.
“It is not too late to yield, my dearest.”
You hate him. Truly, beyond words. You despise how your heart still flutters when his hand touches yours; loath how he makes it easy to blame him for your own naivety. You detest him for making you adore him.
But above all else, you hate yourself for still loving him.
That is why you cannot bring yourself to seal the deal.
But, isn’t his death what you wanted? It would finally put an end to the love that torments your heart. Isn't that what you dreamed of for centuries on end?
You bring your sword closer towards him.
…No. You couldn’t do it.
Not like this, anyway.
Pushing his outstretched hand away, your sword lands ungracefully onto the blood-stained soil below. “I do not wish to kill a man who does not want to fight back. That is simply unmerciful.” You turn, whispering an incantation to the constellations above, ready to escape from the battlefield. Ready to escape from him. “I will let you and your men live to see another day.”
A multitude of stars awaken from the one empty sky; the celestials above have responded to your call. It is time to go.
“Next time we meet, if we ever do, let us start anew.” He says, an unreadable expression growing on your face. “Not as lovers, not as enemies. But just as the immortal and the traveller.”
You do not respond.
And this time, you are the one to leave. Amongst the stars once more, off to traverse wherever your heart leads.
Countless centuries pass by before Lilia sees you once again.
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Life goes on.
“You’re here again, traveller.” An all too familiar voice breaks you out of your reverie.
Lilia Vanrouge.
The world has granted him many titles since you have last crossed paths. Those in the past remember him as the loyal knight who vigilantly served the Briar Valley lord; civilians in the future will acknowledge the name Vanrouge as the right-hand man for king Malleus Draconia. But as for the present? People associate Lilia and his troublesome demeanour as the vice-housewarden of Diasomnia.
You? You recognise him as the one who lives through it all.
And he simply knows you as the traveller who leaps through time.
You and he, the once star crossed lovers, are now mere strangers. Distant, yet familiar.
“Vanrouge.” A solemn smile breaks out of your face. “We meet again.”
The tired teenager next to him eyes you wearily. He’s heard of you before - his father tells stories about you: the one who bends time to their will. But the boy who holds auroras in his eyes never thought you’d be so beautiful. The stories that he’d once hear his father tell, the ones where he’d gaze at the teller all starry-eyed, could never do you justice.
You’ve heard of him, too. Silver is his name. You recall seeing him amongst your many fleeting dreams. A boy whose fate is not yours to change, but whose life is yours to impact for the better.
“I must say, sire,” You gaze at the now small man with scrutiny, beneath your cloak woven by the celestials. “I never thought I’d see you play school boy.”
“And I never thought I’d see you look so sullen.” He pauses to remove the hood from your head. “Tell me, little traveller. What brings you back to me?”
The sun coats his face with a sheen of beauty that you’ve never seen before. Lilia looks gloriously different in the sunlight; he looks like second chances and new beginnings. No longer like love or retribution, as he once did in the moon’s dusk.
“Why, is it such a sin to say hello to a familiar face?” The smile that grows on your face is nothing but the epitome of longing.
And that was enough for him to know.
Lilia knows. He knows the life you live is tumultuous, one of which is shrouded in misery. You know the past, the future, the present - a burden he cannot bear to carry. You continue to live and breathe, while others come and go. Just as he does.
You two aren't so unalike, after all. Not anymore.
So when he gazes into your eyes, he knows you will be here for a little bit longer. To not merely linger, but to stay. “Come, my dearest.” He smiles. Genuinely. “Stay with me in Diasomnia. I’m sure the prince will be happy to meet you.”
And this time, when he lends you an outstretched hand, you don’t deny it.
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