#ill post my previews here for now
pixelatedraindrops · 4 months
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Yuma Month: Day 25: Broken
Night terrors, burning body temperature, delirious hallucinations, and glassy faded vision…
Helpless and afraid, he calls out for his caretaker…but he’s not there…
He’s all alone now…with no one to help…
Completely broken.
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cherry-bomb-ships · 4 months
Ok damnit i couldn't fucking help myself so here's an extremely zoomed in WIP screenshot of the art Im gonna start lining tomorrow cuz I fully finished the sketch tonight and oh my goddddddddd its making me so 😳💖💖💖😳💖💖😳💖
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niningtori · 4 days
an iron man | preview I
pairing: choi beomgyu x you
summary: beomgyu has only ever known how to live function as a rental sexbot. he fucks whoever and whatever comes his way with a forced smile plastered on his face. that is, until you, a self-proclaimed trainwreck, come along.
genre: angst, romance, smut in full fic (mdni), android!au, sub!gyu probably
notes: the moral of the story is... do not trust a fucking thing i say when i'm in a depressive episode bc why'd i just say i wasn't gonna post anything for a while and now i'm so excited ab this i can't wait to drop it? let's give it up for bipolar disorder everyone!!
beomgyu doesn’t know how long he’s been living like this. living is an odd term, too, and it’s not just because “life” is ill-defined for an android, but because to call what he experiences a life feels like a bastardization of the term. his power is turned on at some point, usually late at night, he fucks or gets fucked by somebody he probably doesn’t know, then he does the same shit all over again. so yes, he may be “alive”, but he wouldn't dare to call what he experiences living. living is too precious of a term to be used so cheaply on a sex android who’s made available for rent for the highest bidder of the night.
he’s seen how people live through his scattered vignettes of human life. he only gets them when he’s powered on, but he soaks them up with pleasure because they’re the only thing he’s ever known. some people do it wildly, living unattached to everyone and everything. their lives are not completely dissimilar to his, in a way, except they have a choice in the matter. they have time to find themselves, what their likes and dislikes are, and they get to connect with people in a way he will never have the power to. others, though, live the kind of life he really wants. they live by loving and being loved, knowing and being known. he wonders what it’d be like to know somebody outside of whatever secret deviant sexual pleasures they have. he wonders what it’s like to be known, too, but he guesses you would need to have something for someone to care enough to know about in the first place. he has no such thing.
it’s a night like any other when he’s powered on by a total stranger. he briefly takes in his surroundings and notices that it’s a really nice place, but you wouldn’t be the first rich person to rent him — not by a longshot. next, he takes you in. now, there’s no reason for you to dress up, really. you have no need to tempt him, as he will be able to feign attraction no matter what you look like, but he still finds it odd that you seem to have forgone any effort to appeal to him, if only because most people’s fantasies require them to look and feel sexy; but you don’t look sexy at all. you look like you’ve just gotten home from a long day at work, and honestly? you kind of smell like it, too.
“do you think you could do the dishes for me? i’m exhausted,” you ask with a perfectly-timed yawn. what...?
if you would like to join the taglist for this work, please let me know! if you would like to join any of my other taglists, please join here!
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islesnucks · 7 months
Voicemail - Mathew Barzal x Reader - TEASER
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Hey! This is so random after like a year of not posting any fics but here's a small preview of one of the Barzy fics I've been working on. I'll probably post it next week.
Summary: what started as an accidentall voicemial to your ex boyfriend ended up becoming routine and maybe even more
Add yoruself to the taglist if you wanna be notified when i post the fic! PS: ill also use my old taglist so if you were in it but changed your url and wanna be notified please add yourself again and also let me know which is your old url so i can delete it, thanks!
“Fuck it. I can't do this.” You pulled your phone away from your ear and touched the red dot.
That’s it. He didn’t need to know, he probably wouldn’t even care. Who would want their ex to call to tell them they were doing great? That maybe after all the breakup was worth it because they had gotten into the program they had neglected their relationship for? Too long, right?
A second later, realization struck like lightning – you had ended the call before deleting the voicemail. It had been sent.
"Oh no, no, no!" you exclaimed, eyes widening in horror. There was no turning back. Mat would undoubtedly hear you stumbling over your words. Why couldn't you have just left well enough alone? The last thing he needed was you barging back into his life with a pathetic voicemail about something he likely moved on from. ‘He probably already despises me after how everything unfolded, and now this’ you thought.
You were wrong, because no longer than 5 minutes after everything had gone down your phone was buzzing in your hand, Mat’s contact bright in the center as he now waited for you to pick up for a change.
"Mat." you picked up.
"Hey. You called me?"
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pedrospatch · 1 year
the road ahead l preview (j. miller series)
a/n📝 in honor of hitting 4k followers this weekend, I decided to post a little glimpse at what I have been brainstorming: a full length series for the to do the right thing universe. I have been toying around with this idea for a while now and to be honest, I am really terrified taking on such a big challenge and writing this story, but also kind of excited too? part of me feels like I’m going to be in waaaay over my head but oh well lmao.
the first chapter is still a draft, but this scene is complete. what do we think? should i do it? please let me know your thoughts!
“Frank?” You knelt in front of his wheelchair and placed a gentle hand on his knee. “What is it?”
“We need you to take Gracie with you,” Frank told you, softly. His blue eyes had gone red, brimming with tears that he was trying his absolute hardest to hold back. Behind him, Bill stood there with his hand on his partner’s shoulder and you could have sworn that he was fighting back tears too.
“What?” You and Joel hissed out in unison. While you couldn’t see him, you could imagine the look of shock on his face mirrored yours as well.
“We need you to take her with you,” he repeated.
You stared up at Frank, your eyes wide in pure and utter disbelief. “What are you talking about?”
“Whatever this illness is, it’s progressing fast, way too fast. Look at me. The last time you were here, I could still walk. That was what, just a few months ago?” Frank let out a small and humorless chuckle and shook his head. “I’m getting worse with every day that passes. I can’t do anything for myself, let alone for Gracie. I’m in the most excruciating and unbearable pain and the reality is that I don’t have all that much time left.” He paused, hesitating for a moment before saying, “If I’m going to die, then I’m going to die in peace, not in agony.”
Your heart sank deeply, realizing what he’d meant by that.
“What about Bill?”
Joel’s gruff voice came from behind you, strained and tight.
“He can’t raise her alone. And besides, he’s made his choice to go with me.” Frank put his hand over his beloved partner’s hand, which was still resting on his shoulder.
You glanced over your shoulder back at Joel, who just stood there, the color drained from his face.
“How could we put her through that?” You asked, your voice thick with emotion as you turned back to look at Frank. “Don’t you realize how dangerous it will be for her to go with us?”
“She’s right. We’re goin’ across the fuckin’ country to get Ellie where she needs to be,” Joel reminded them. “We don’t know what kinda shit is out there or what we’re goin’ to run into. So how the fuck do you two expect us to take along a fuckin’ child?”
“Ellie’s a child,” Bill pointed out to him.
“She’s fuckin’ fourteen, not three—”
Frank held up a hand to stop him.
Finally, a tear slid down the side of his face. “Look, this isn’t a choice that we want to make, Joel. But let’s face it. I’m sick and Bill is old. Gracie will wind up alone.” He swallowed harshly, his eyes meeting yours. “I know you just wanted her to be safe, and sure, maybe she was safer with us here than in the zone for a while, but I don’t think that we thought this all the way through. I don’t think we looked far enough into the future. At some point, Gracie was going to lose us both.”
You turned and looked into the living room where Gracie was showing Ellie her favorite teddy bear.
“What’s his name?” Ellie had asked her.
She snorted, ruffling her hair. “Real original, kid.”
Gracie giggled, playfully swatting her hand away.
“I know she loses either way.” Frank’s hoarse voice garnered your attention once again. “I know it’s an incredibly dangerous risk, taking her with you. But it’s either that or she winds up alone.”
“We took care of her for as long as we could,” Bill said, quietly. “Now it’s your turn.”
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zabala0z · 18 days
TMA S3 makes me want to cry and like shake around the characters in a fun box. Anyways hi!!! I’m here like 5 mins later.
MAG 102:
“I’ve been trying to give you the information you need”
“Sure, when you’re not bashing its head in with a pipe” GAGGED.
I want to know what happened though with Helen and Jon???? Like did they talk, what did Jon do?? I need to know. Is Michael like fully dead? I guess he can’t die really. I can’t fully grasp the situation with Michael-Helen-The Spiral.
Anyways, I guess that’s why Not! Sasha was going to the wax museum. That’s where the Unknowing will happen. Cannot blame Melanie for trying to kill Elias again. I’d do it too. So, this French guy had like a pretty similiar situation to Jane Prentiss, with the whole “bugs love me and I love them, etc”. Crazy Gerard and Gertrude worked together??? The weirdest duo ever. Goth guy and old woman. I wanna know Gerard Keays deal. I need to hear his voice
Not much on MAG 103. Guess that’s why Gertrude went to New Zealand. Jon is cooking up a plan with Daisy and I’m praying it goes well. Another meat statement. Whatever the meat entity is, I want nothing to do with it. I also realized that when Leitner mentioned his assistant getting consumed by like a pile of meat, that’s like connected to MAG 18. Toby Carlisle. I’ll edit that post. (EDIT 9/2: I just realized when reading over MAG 58 that the cannibalistic guy is named Benjamin Carlisle. Jesus. This meat theme went through generations. Ill edit that post as well)
MAG 104: Sneak Preview
I hate this so much, I want to like give Tim a nice blanket. Everyone in this podcast needs a damn blanket.
The fact the theatre was destroyed by fire twice makes me think The Desolation had something to do with it cause y’know fire. The clown being Joseph Grimaldi is interesting. A real person being applied to the podcast, I think that’s cool. I mean bros dead it’s a free real estate. Also I’m a bit worried about Tim and his “mild” suicidal tendencies now.
Didn’t glean much from MAG 105 but a lot of death (of course, it’s about war) and like the undead. Xiaoling was sweet. Interesting the institute has a sister institute?? I hope they come up more
MAG 106: A Matter of Perspective
Oh hey, it’s the other guy from Personal Space! Apparently he didn’t have a better time than Carter Chilcot. Pretty sure this is another like The Vast statement y’know. The whole nihilism thing. I want to see Manuela’s story because it was said her fingers were burned, her eyes were red and she was withdrawn I believe so clearly something happened with her. No idea what was blocking the stars.
Elias. I swear, I swear I hate this man so much 😭 the fact Mealnies dad was in Ivy Meadows (MAG 36) is unlucky. Smoke inhalation would’ve been the better death. God I love Melanie like leave her alone Elias
Anyways! That’s all I got. I stopped taking my daily synopsis’s of every episode because school started up and while I love this podcast, I got things to do unfortunately 💀 so I’m just relying on my brain and my 10/10 memory.
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fosermi · 3 months
since animation is literally your major, is there any details from the Sonic X Shadow generations clip we saw today that you might want to talk about?
OK SO major spoilers under the cut for the preview of the Sonic x Shadow gen prolouge
i was WAY too busy fangirling to give a proper analysis BUT when it does come out fully i might just do one, also please take note im still in my second year of studying to be an animator so these are purely my opinion. for now i can point out a few things that i genuinely want to talk about.
first thing that stood out to me was that 2D-3D style of animation, definitely something i dont think we've seen be done for the franchise before (correct me if im wrong) and it reminds me so much of RWBY in a way. There were some bits that, to me, looked choppy BUT THEN AGAIN those were the parts that needed to be choppy for emphasis reasons, specifically it was at the start where Shadow is having some sort of break down. its obvious from how choppy his movements are in comparison to the smoothness of the rest of the preview that shadow was genuinely shaking. with that 2D-3D style that choppyness looks janky as fuck but its so perfect for conveying how uptight and bottled up shadow's emotions are. its so hard to try and capture what im saying but trust me its there!!
second thing i wanna point out are the camera angles. they shift so much to serve the dramatization of the scenes and its so ✨JUICY✨like i shit you not, i cant stop staring at the different camera angles and going "oooohhh ahhhhh" and trying to rationalize the reasoning for those angles because HOLY SHIT they're so good and they actually do serve a really good cinematic purpose!! its easy for people to get lost in the changing of perspectives and camera angles but this? oh this does it so good that it actually drives the plot FORWARD instead of it seeming like separate scenes mashed together.
third thing I'll point out is the scene color shifts. when doing something cinematic, ambiance is key. so when the scene shifted from this soft and comforting blue hues
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to this eerie red so suddenly with our only warning being a slight shaking of the screen??
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that made it such a surprise that it gets the viewer on alert!! a good thing!!!
now i can go on and on about the different colors for each scene but let me just touch up on this one scene in specific:
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it quickly goes from hopeful gold/good light to ominous black/no light, very contrasting, which can mean oh so many things... most notably; maria's hope vs shadow's resolve.
fourth thing ill touch up on are the frames where shadow runs. specifically the one where he runs out of frame from maria.
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we get almost 1 frame of a model and then...
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these frames here? chefs kiss, perfect. showing us just how fast shadow really is, so fast that we the light from his airshoes doesnt catch up until a fraction of a second later!!! even the glow in the doorway changes to reflect that short millisecond split.
fifth thing ill point out and its a small little thing thats making me absolutely rabid:
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he fucking glows.
and yeah, sure, you can argue that its bounce light, its most probably is bounce light since its under harsh light conditions BUT if that was the case the glow wouldnt be this vibrant of a shade and it would give an aura and not specifically on his markings. just a little thing i noticed that i will get to screaming about when i post this.
last thing i wanna touch up on is the sound effects. they were just so very crunchy and pared up with the animation style?? oh it was delicious!! i have some issues with the lip sync but then again they were trying to go for an anime/western cartoon hybrid style here so its bound to be off on the lip sync.
anyway, thanks for listening to my silly ramblings, its nothing too impressive just a fangirl fangirling. now if you'll excuse me, ill go scream to the eclipse nation about glowing hedgehog.
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pinkaditty · 9 months
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hihi this is my Masterlist/Info post!!! I figure I've written enough posts at this point, so… why not organize them? and why not properly introduce myself?
this is a long post!
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hi! im pinkaditty! you can call me pink, pinka, pinkadit, pinkaditty, or just by Malibu!
20 ☆ femme presenting tmasc ☆ aroace ☆ gyaru ☆ studying biomed and working in a lab ☆ black ☆ gemini sun ☆ spiritual ☆ physically disabled ☆ he/they and pink neos!
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im spiritual and a learning witch. i do tarot readings sometimes,so if you'd like one,let me know! im also gyaru! the style totally changed my life about two years ago, and I've spent a long time practicing and preparing myself for becoming full gyaru! im nearly there, and will often repost gyaru content!
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anyways! im really really into writing for Obey Me SWD/NB, Twisted Wonderland, and What In Hell Is Bad! I plan on writing for Arcana Twilight, Tears of Themis, Ikemen Prince, A3!, Love Unholyc, Blooming Panic, and maybe some various animes! Ill update when I've decided.
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What I will write:
mostly anything you guys ask tbh
fem!mc, gn!mc, and masc!mc, but im mostly writing gn!mc.
dom!mc (my bias as a domme sorry)
MOSTLY NSFW BUT!!! occasionally ill do a little sfw hc post maybe
bdsm aspects
black!mc (guess why.)
alternate universe settings
hair pulling, spitting, penetration, pegging, toy use, pet play, d/s dynamics, roleplay, dacryphilia, yandere/pervert, etc etc yk the works.
honestly just ask. I'll probably write it (within reason!).
What I might write:
sub!mc (once in a blue moon or as requested.)
bodily fluids not including ejaculatory fluids (blood, sweat, saliva, discharge, etc.)
leather/spandex suits for bdsm purposes (i will if asked but it's slightly uncomfy to me)
piss (it's not as gross as scat so maybe i can work with this.)
What I will NOT write:
incest. never in a million years.
teacher x minor student ships (adult student ships are okay so long as they are both consenting and there is no power imbalance nor grooming.)
just to be clear, nothing proship. not writing that. ever.
scat (nope! can't do it! sorry!)
and anything else i deem too gross or in violation of the law.
Want to submit an nsfw request? Click here for the specific guidelines! (CLOSED at this time! Must be 18 or older to submit a request!)
Sfw asks do not require the guidelines.
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Pervert (Pt 1; Demon Brothers)
Pervert (Pt 2; Side Characters)
Pervert (Pt 3; Newspaper Club)
Pink Slush Preview (Solomon x MC x Barbatos)
How Will the TWST characters react to you having to leave? Part 1
Rook after-sex headcanons
Cater Diamond falling in love
Idia Shroud falling in love
Leona Request (Breeding, Dacryphilia, Omegaverse)
Beauty (Rook Thirst)
Sitri Thirst
Facesitting headcanons
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this post will be updated as i go! thank you!
no tags bc this'll hopefully be exclusive to my blog
dividers credit to @/kawaiimaterials!!!!!!
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erial-c · 2 months
hello redactednation, here are reasons why you should vote me for #1 guy fan ever
REDACTED AWARDS 2024 (hosted by @plaqying :3 )
1. i have loved this idiot loser ever since his first audio dropped (the preview , btw) and i thought i hallucinated that audio when i came back to the fandom in 2023
2. my favorite characters always shift around but guy will ALWAYS be in the top 5 no matter what
3. i have had his playlist on loop for months now + i've got most of the audios memorized at this point
4. i've cleared the entire ao3 guy/honey tag . ive read and bookmarked almost all of them i fear
5. even though it wasn't his audio, i was so locked in when i heard fool!guy's voice he was all i thought about for a solid week or two
6. i post about guy the most on here . wow that wasn't obvious
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7. i spent a CONCERNING number of time making cassette thumbnails for him to make them look as real as possible . i have accidentally fooled a few ppl into thinking they were real
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8. i have so much guy fanart saved in my gallery . if anyone saw it they would be worried
9. the only reason why i don't draw him that much is because i have put him up on a pedestal and if i can't get my hc appearance of him right ill burn my sketchbook
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(only drawing i have of him that i rlly like🤞🤞🤞)
10. honey is my favorite listener ‼️‼️‼️ i relate to them so much i love them
11. even though 70% of guy's references go over my head , i would gladly listen to that man yap no questions asked
12. i have made merch designs of guy . ones that we don't deserve i fear
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13. i have this loser idiot (affectionate) on the back of my phone ALWAYS🤞🤞🔥🔥🔥
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14. i have had a guy/honey fic in the works for months . if i win ill continue writing it (maybe🤞)
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powerful-niya · 2 months
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— (тнε gιяℓ ιη яε∂.)
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚hαppч nαruhínα mσnth єvєrчσnє!
˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚𝙳𝚎𝚌𝚎𝚖𝚋𝚎𝚛 𝟸𝟺: 𝚁𝚎𝚍 𝚁𝚒𝚍𝚒𝚗𝚐 𝙷𝚘𝚘𝚍 + 𝚄𝚛𝚋𝚊𝚗 𝙻𝚎𝚐𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚜 - (𝙽𝙷𝚖𝚘𝚗𝚝𝚑𝟸𝟹)
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Link To Oneshot Below ↴
Part 1: Wattpad|AO3
Part 2: Wattpad|AO3
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Pairing˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚Naruhina
Synopsis˚ ༘♡ ⋆。Naive and innocent, Hinata sets out on a selfless journey to aid her ailing father. However, she makes the mistake of crossing paths with Naruto, the big bad wolf.
Now, in his presence, she faces a daunting proposition: win his harrowing game of survival to return to her father, or lose, forfeiting something uniquely her own—her innocence.
Content Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚ Adventure • Alternate Universe - Fairytale • Angst • Chilling • Dark • Dark Fairytale • Dark Romance • Dark Secrets • December 24 • December 25 • Forests • Heavy Angst • Horror • Human/Monster • Human/Werewolf • Hurt & Comfort • Monster • Nhmonth • Nhmonth23 • Non-human AU • OOC • Psychological Thriller • Red Riding Hood • Supernatural • Thriller • Urban Legends • Werewolf • 2023
NSFW Tags˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚  Biting • Claiming • Coming Untouched • Coercion • Dirty Talk • DubCon • Fantasies & Fantasizing • First Time • Fuck-Or-Die • Forest Sex • Innocence • Loss of Virginity • Marking • Mating • Monster Sex • Multiple Orgasms • Oral Sex • Orgasm Denial • Outdoors Sex • Ownership • Power Play • Scent Kink • Scratching • Size Difference • Tail(s) • Vaginal Sex • Virgin • Werewolf Bites • Werewolf Mark • 2023
((For My Dark Readers Only))
Overall Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚
Part #1: 12.8K
Part #2: 19.3K
Tumblr Post: Word Count˚ ༘♡ ⋆。˚5.1K
Preview ༘♡ ⋆。˚
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The sun dipped low on the horizon, painting the sky with a rich palette of amber, gold, and crimson hues. Its waning light stretched long shadows across the dense foliage surrrounding a quaint little village. 
Accompanying the gentle sway of the trees was the soft caress of the breeze, carrying with it the earthy aroma of pine needles mingled with the damp, fertile scent of soil. 
A young woman strode briskly along a meandering trail branching off from the village behind her, her midnight blue hair trailing like ribbons in the steady wind as she walked. 
The woman?
Hinata Hyūga, the girl in red. 
The young woman, sweet as can be, wore a vibrant red cloak that flowed behind her, a gift from her dear late mother. Underneath, a white blouse with ruffles peeked out, paired with a swaying red skirt. Black fishnet stockings hugged her legs as she walked with grace in her Mary Jane pumps. 
Very picturesque. 
Hinata's steps were determined, moving steadily onward and upward, unfaltering even in the face of the whispered fears that hung in the air. She's been walking for quite some time, long enough for a dull ache to settle in her ankles and a persistent soreness to nag at her lower back. 
Still, she pressed forward.
She must. 
She had only one thing on her mind, and nothing else, propelling her to keep moving forward…
Her dear father: Hiashi Hyūga. 
He's fallen ill. 
An unfortunate turn of events.
In the early stages, his illness seemed rather mild, to say the least. Just an occasional cough here and there, nothing too alarming for Hinata. She brushed it off as a common seasonal nuisance, just his sensitive sinuses acting up again. 
So, she would make it a routine to brew her father a steaming cup of chamomile tea three times a day, meticulously steeping it to perfection. By his bedside, she would softly hum melodies she learned from her mother as she helped him drink the tea, all in hopes of soothing his cough and ushering him into a peaceful slumber.
At first, the tea seemed to do the trick.
However, as time passed, the soothing properties of the tea sadly began to lose their effectiveness. Before long, his symptoms began to worsen, escalating into something far more serious.
His ailment turned into pneumonia. 
Hinata found that out on her own, having managed to piece it together from her father's symptoms—persistent coughing, difficulty breathing, and a stubborn fever that just wouldn't go down, no matter what she did. 
She tried everything to bring his many fevers down—cool compresses, damp cloths on his forehead, and even making him sip on ice-cold water or mint tea from time to time—but nothing seemed to work.
Her father was an old man, brittle and fragile. There was only so much that he could endure. 
As the days went by, her father's appearance grew more haggard and feeble, like a shell of who he once was. It pained Hinata to see him fading away, inching farther from his usual vibrant self. 
He hardly spoke, hardly laughed, and hardly smiled…
Each day, each hour, each minute, he battled with all of his might against the cruel pneumonia. But it seemed like it was gaining the upper hand more and more each day.
Hinata truly feared that he just might…
She shook her head, suppressing tears. She shouldn't think that way. 
It was this sense of urgency that drove Hinata forward, motivating her to hasten her return home with the supplies she had collected for him.
In her delicate hands, Hinata carried a woven basket brimming with vibrant vegetables, fruits, and an assortment of herbs and medicines—collected from the settlement a few miles away.
Konoha Village.
Hinata's father, Hiashi, resided in a charming cottage on the outskirts of Konoha village, nestled by a tranquil lake. His cottage, though old and weathered, had a cozy charm that was rather inviting. 
The quaint home was surrounded by blooming gardens and a cobblestone pathway, providing a peaceful sanctuary for him to live in peace. 
But his cottage wasn't just any place; it was Hinata's home as well. 
There, the two lived, accompanied only by one another. 
After the mysterious death of Hinata's mother, her father made the decision to leave Konoha. The memories of her and the village itself became too painful, a constant reminder that Hiashi simply couldn't bear.
So, they moved. 
That was many years ago, back when Hinata was just a child. 
But since then, Hinata has taken on the responsibility of looking after her father, especially now, as he lies sick in bed. 
She's grown pretty good at it, which just goes to show how much she learned from her mother. Her mother made sure Hinata could handle looking after both herself and her father on her own, and it's definitely paying off now.
Those teachings were priceless, worth more than gold itself.
And though her dear mother had passed away, Hinata found comfort in knowing that she was still with her; guiding her hands, and blessing her with patience and strength. The wisdom and love she instilled in Hinata were like permanent marks on her soul, destined to remain for as long as she lived. 
And so, no matter the challenges she faced, no matter how heavy the burden of her father's illness, Hinata managed to maintain her positivity. 
Her inner light remained undimmed.
Her radiance was so powerful that it seemed to push back against the encroaching darkness, even now, as she walked the trail all by her lonesome.
But as she walked, the hushed voices of the Konoha townsfolk echoed in her ears, refusing to fade away.
She couldn't shake them off.
The midnight blue-haired woman noticed, as she inhabited their lands, that they constantly spoke of a beast lurking in the nearby forest.
Their fearful gossip painted a picture of a fearsome predator, a freak of nature that had made the once-tranquil forest a place of dread. 
And as soon as word spread that Hinata planned to return home through this forest, the villagers became… 
They pleaded with her to wait until morning, to stay safe in the village for the night before venturing near those dangerous woods or traveling at all, for that matter. 
But, Hinata stood firm, adamant.
"I've been away long enough," She had told them, sweetly and earnestly. 
"I can't bear the thought of anything happening to my father while I'm away. He needs these herbs, and I won't let fear keep me from him."  She also told them.
"Thank you for all of your concerns, but I must go. Please, wish me luck!"
However, thinking back on her own words now, Hinata couldn't seem to forget the image of the wide-eyed stares brimming with intense fear and concern etched on the faces of the villagers as she finished speaking. It lingered with her even as she turned away from them and left their gracious company and then village behind.
Little did she know, a touch of naivety tinted her determination.  
The village of Konoha had long battled with the mysterious beast, for several generations, in fact. Its existence was deeply embedded in the memories of its residents, intertwining with the essence of the village itself. 
Its claws dug deep. 
Whenever someone mentions Konoha, the stories of the forest-dwelling beast immediately come to mind soon after. Some dismiss it as an urban legend, while others see it as a cautionary tale passed from adults to children, who eagerly swap it like campfire stories whenever they get the chance.
People simply referred to the creature as "the beast" or even "the big bad wolf," depending on who you asked.
Nobody knew the beast's real name, where it came from, or what it looked like—just where it lived and what it did at night, specifically on nights of a full moon. 
According to the local lore, it was said that on full moon nights, a chilling wolf-like howl could be heard echoing through the forest and into the village. Farmers reported instances of discovering their chickens mauled and their crops raided. Some villagers even claimed to have seen claw marks on their doors, and others reported the disappearances of loved ones, or so the tale goes.
But none of that mattered to Hinata. 
Sure, Hinata had caught wind of rumors about this beast when she was younger but her parents always shielded her from such tales. 
"It's all nonsense," Her mother would always brush off when a teary Hinata sought comfort in her after being scared by the other children's tales of the beast.
Children could be quite scary, Hinata recalls how they would often use the tale to frighten other kids for a good laugh, presumably targeting her as well. They'd swap and switch details so often that Hinata couldn't distinguish fact from fiction anymore. 
That's why she felt it best to heed her mother's advice and ignore the tale altogether.
Though, she still made sure to stay as far away from that forest as humanly possible.
As time passed and Hinata eventually moved away from Konoha, the legend faded from her thoughts, becoming a distant memory. So hearing it again after so many years, Hinata couldn't help but take it with a grain of salt. To her now, the legend seemed more like a tactic to keep youngsters in check—a cautionary tale spun to prevent them from wandering too far and stumbling into trouble.
It was absurd. 
Hinata has no time for legends and myths. Her father's illness is her reality now, not some spooky ole beast, and she must reach him as quickly as possible.
And so, venturing through the forest will fulfill her wish.
With one hand, Hinata clutched a lantern, its flickering flames casting dancing shadows along the trail, guiding the way with its light. In the other hand, she tightly gripped her basket, finding comfort in its presence—a constant reminder of the purpose driving her to continue her journey. 
With each squeeze of the basket's handle, her father's image appeared in her mind: sick, bedridden, and sound asleep for days on end, his hand limp in hers.
She whimpered. 
'I'm on my way, father. I'm on my way.' She thought to herself, finding another surge of motivation. She trotted onward, each step she took resonating with a thud on the stoned pathway.
The chilly night breeze constantly whispered through the rustling trees, sending shivers of its cool touch through any openings in her clothing, such as her arms and legs, causing goosebumps to rise on her porcelain skin.
Hinata shuddered, her red hood steadily flying in the wind. 
While she traveled, the fading sunlight caught the glimmer in her lavender eyes—eyes that reflected only innocence and purity, unaffected by the darkness surrounding the tales of the lurking beast or, perhaps more notably, the harsh realities of the unforgiving world she lived in. 
Her kindness and determination were guiding lights for her, yet they also rendered her vulnerable to the ominous unknown that awaited her. 
Eventually, the trail led her to the entrance of the forest, where the ancient trees stood like silent sentinels. Their gnarled branches seemed to reach out at her like spectral fingers, casting eerie shadows on the ground by her feet. 
Immediately, Hinata's steps came to a sudden halt as she locked eyes with the looming forest. Her lantern and basket swayed due to her abrupt stop, her gaze transfixed on the eerie expanse ahead. 
Shallow breaths escaped her lips in quick succession, and her hands began to tremble.
This is it. 
The forest the villagers warned her about.
The urban legend, the tale of the beast—she never paid it any mind before. She outgrew that silly old tale, and it never made her shed another tear again. She wasn't scared of it anymore.
So, why was she feeling scared now?
Hinata couldn't tell if it was her instincts kicking in or the return of her childhood fears, but her body's peculiar reaction was unmistakable. She was trembling, shaken by the sight of the spooky forest that all of Konoha spoke about with such fear, now standing before her very eyes.
Tangible and real. 
Shakily, through the strands of her midnight-blue hair, Hinata raised her head and surveyed the eerie forest. 
Instantly, she realized the gravity of her situation. 
There were no other trails to consider, no detours, no shortcuts, and no hidden pathways to divert her from the ominous woods. The trail she had followed led her directly to the heart of the very forest that was said to dwell a beast. 
The forest stretched wide before her, its dense canopy casting shadows over the trail, which seemed to vanish into the darkness ahead.
Her heart began to race. 
Once again, the villagers' warnings echoed in her mind, a constant murmur urging her to retreat, turn away, and think twice about going any farther. The echoes just wouldn't quit, persistently nagging at her consciousness, like a chorus of annoying voices that just wouldn't go away.
But, her father….
Hinata's mind drifted back to her beloved father, who she knew was eagerly awaiting her return home. She knew he longed more than anything to see her walk through the door with a smile, bringing the supplies she had traveled far and wide to acquire.
It was at that moment, the fearful echoes of the villagers' pleads faded away.
Hinata exhaled a long breath in an attempt to calm the rising tide of anxiety within her. She even bit her lip nervously, gripping the handle of her basket tighter.
'You can do this, Hinata. You can do this!' She thought, once more trying to motivate herself.
Hinata knew she had to be brave, to summon strength from within the depths of her being to go on—for her father's sake.
She must.
So, with newfound determination, she steadied herself, taking a few more deep breaths before she planted her eyes back onto the spooky forest before her. 
She was ready. 
And with that, she summoned the courage needed to finally step into the darkness that lay ahead.
To enter the forest. 
The moment Hinata walked inside, a profound stillness descended around her like a heavy blanket, muffling even the slightest sound. The light that lingered behind her at the forest's entrance seemed to be instantly swallowed by the darkness within as she took a few more steps.
One step. Two steps.
The air seemed to shift, the pressure weighing her down and prickling at her skin like tangible dread.
Three steps. Four.
Above her, towering trees with branches covered in ancient moss loomed from all directions, their shadows stretching and swaying in the flickering light of her lantern.
The scent of damp pine grew stronger now, filling her nostrils with its earthy aroma, saturating the air all around her. 
Hinata's footsteps slowed, becoming cautious, as if the ground itself conspired with the looming shadows to keep her alert. With each step, she felt as if the ground might open up beneath her feet and drag her under, never to be seen or heard from again.
The path stretched ahead beneath her, shrouded in darkness so deep that even her lantern struggled to penetrate it, casting only a faint halo around her that the darkness seemed eager to swallow up. It called her onward into its endless black depths, demanding a courage she hadn't known she had.
Her heart pounded fiercely against her ribcage, aching with each beat, a sensation that felt suffocating and very unfamiliar to her. 
After all, panic, dread, and fear were never her friends, more like acquaintances she encountered every once in a blue moon in her otherwise normal life.
But now, she felt it all tenfold. 
Hinata had always prided herself on her composure, but here, surrounded by looming trees and engulfed in an oppressive silence broken only by the occasional rustle, she was beginning to crack.
The longer Hinata lingered within the forest, the tales of the lurking beast seemed to materialize all around her, like a ghost slowly encroaching upon her senses. They echoed in her mind and in every rustle and shadow. 
'Is it there?' She questioned in her mind as she heard a rustle of bushes to her left. 
'Was that it?' She questioned once more, as she heard another rustle behind her. 
Hinata shook her head, letting out a sigh.
She was being ridiculous. 
Glancing up hesitantly, her lavender eyes fixed on the twisted, moss-covered branches overhead. They snaked together like thick vines, blocking out the moonlight. 
She caught only glimpses of the sky, but even those revealed the truth: it was already night, which explains the darkness befalling the forest, swallowing it up whole. 
She squinted, barely catching sight of the full moon above. Its ethereal glow attempted to pierce through the dense foliage, but only succeeded in casting eerie shadows in the forest that only freaked her out even more. 
Hinata tore her gaze from the sky, fixing her eyes solely on the path ahead. Remaining alert in her surroundings was wise; after all, it wasn't just a scary ole beast that might roam these woods—other ordinary animals could be lurking as well. 
She raised her lantern higher. 
But that's when she began to notice something.
As she moved forward, the trail ahead became increasingly narrow, almost disappearing under the tangle of roots, dead leaves, and thick undergrowth. Hinata made sure to tread carefully, even stepping over the tangled obstacles, mindful to avoid tripping and risking a nasty fall.
That would be terrible.
She tightened her grip on her lantern and basket, drawing comfort from their warmth. But she struggled to steady her trembling breaths against the creeping unease that seemed to seep from the darkness itself.
Genuinely, Hinata was spooked. 
Goosebumps prickled her skin, making it feel like a million bugs were crawling across her flesh, all stirred up by the soft murmurings of the night wind.
It just made her feel even more isolated, like an eerie reminder that she was completely alone here.
Hoot! Hoot! 
Hinata shuddered, her senses rattled.  
Maybe not completely alone. 
She couldn't help but notice the distant hoot of an owl and the rustling of creatures in the bushes. She felt so silly thinking what she just did. 
The silence felt thick, disrupted only by the eerie sounds of the night: crickets chirping, frogs ribbiting, and owls hooting in the distance. 
Hinata strained her ears, half-expecting another unsettling noise to break the stillness. Her mind was buzzing, not at all helping her situation, with the villagers' warnings echoing louder in her mind, now than ever before.
Doubt flickered, like a wavering flame, her heart thudding like a drum.
But amidst it all, Hinata clung to the image of her father, frail and ill, relying on the supplies she carried.
So, she continued on. 
She proceeded on the path forward, taking one step at a time.
'Just stay on the path, Hinata. That's all you have to do.' She reassured herself, glancing at the familiar stoned trail beneath her feet, or at least the bits of trail that her light graciously illuminated. 
But no matter how close she huddled to her light, Hinata could not shake free from the unseen eyes watching her every move. 
Her eyes darted between the trees, catching glimpses of elusive shadows that seemed to retreat as soon as they caught her gaze.
She clutched her lantern tighter.  
Abruptly, a distant howl of a wolf shattered the silence, disrupting Hinata's fragile calm. Startled, she leaped in fright, struggling to stifle her whimpers, but a few hushed squeaks escaped nonetheless.
The eerie cry echoed unnervingly close, as though it were just a few steps behind her, prompting her to instinctively whip her head in that direction. 
Yet, all she saw was darkness, a vast expanse of black. 
She aimed her lantern in that direction, only to see nothing, just more… trees.
Shivers ran down her spine, her sense of imminent danger heightening. 
But she kept on.
'Just a few more steps, I'm sure. The forest can't be that big, right?' Hinata attempted to reassure herself as she pressed forward on the path again, cutting through the forest with the vision that the clear path home lay just a few steps away. 
She wasn't sure how long or how far she had walked into the forest. Every tree looked identical, and the forest seemed to stretch on endlessly, making it impossible for her to identify the distance she had covered.
Branches creaked…
Leaves rustled…
But that's all there was—rustling.
No beast. 
No monstrous entity lurking in the shadows. 
'See, Hinata? The villagers were just overreacting. There's nothing to worry about.' She reassured herself yet again. 
But just as she convinced herself that the villagers were simply letting their fears get the best of them and that there was no beast, she was startled by a chilling surprise that shook her to her very core. 
A surprise that made her doubt everything. 
All of a sudden, she caught a sound—a haunting, guttural noise.
And it spoke to her. 
"I see you there, little one." 
It was a voice, other than her own. 
It was a deep, booming voice that shattered the silence, its words lingering like a sinister whisper long after spoken, chilling her to the bone. 
In an instant, Hinata found herself completely still, every part of her body, from her nerves to her bones, locked in place. She couldn't think, couldn't breathe. She couldn't even—
"I can smell you too." 
The voice spoke again, slicing through her panicked and scattered thoughts. Any notion that what she just heard was merely her imagination or a trick of her mind vanished completely, leaving her with the chilling reality of her fear.
"You don't belong here." 
The voice spoke once more.
"Tell me, what's a frail little thing like you doing here in my woods, huh?" 
The voice exuded a creepy mix of menace and curiosity, and it spoke like it was coming from all around her, as if the very trees themselves whispered such ominous words.
Hinata's heart began to hammer faster, thudding against her chest as if trying to escape. 
Every instinct screamed at her to run, to sprint back to the safety of Konoha village or if not that, find cover to escape the unseen menace that lurked in the shadows. But, her legs refused to respond, rooted to her spot, bound by an invisible force that held her captive.
She tightened her grip on her lantern and basket, seeking solace in their familiarity, but the chilling reality of her fear seemed to seep into her bones, draining her determination with each passing second. 
It's the beast. 
It's real and it can talk! 
It's alive, and out there—Lurking. 
Somewhere among the trees, it was hiding, waiting, and watching. 
Probably done so all along. 
It was the very beast that the people of Konoha feared, the one they had warned her about. It has finally revealed its presence. But it has done so in a way that brought upon a mass of terror upon her poor soul. 
"Aw, what's the matter? Cat's got your tongue, little one?"
This time, amusement tinged the beast's voice, and Hinata caught it instantly. But her mouth remained clamped shut, her voice stolen by the fear that gripped her.
The creature seemed to take pleasure in her silence, its tone becoming increasingly mocking.
"You're a surprising one, coming here. I'm not sure if you're brave or just…"
A menacing chuckle was made. 
"stupid." The beast finished, a taunting challenge that further tightened the knot of dread in Hinata's stomach.
The beast's words seemed to linger in the air, and Hinata found herself grappling with the urgency to respond, to defend her purpose for being there—right in the middle of the very domain it inhabited. 
A whimper escaped Hinata's lips as she glanced anxiously around.
"I-I apologize for d-disturbing you." Her voice cracked hard. It was like all the saliva in her mouth dried up, leaving her throat scratchy and parched. But she continued, kami, she didn't know how she did. 
"I-I'm merely delivering f-food and m-medicine to my f-father." She stammered, managing to maintain a fragile steadiness in her voice despite the trembling in her limbs.
"H-He's sick, and I m-must get to him as q-quickly as p-possible, please."
The forest seemed to hold its breath as she spoke, the ancient trees and whispering leaves hanging on to every word and gentle breath she uttered with eager attentiveness. 
Her purpose for venturing into the forest had been announced. 
Her soft voice had been revealed. 
It was like a melodic lullaby—her voice. It echoed timidly, carrying a soft cadence that seemed to harmonize with the natural rhythms of the forest, soothing the very leaves around her.
Her ears caught a low chuckle, almost a growl, rumbling through the air, echoing ominously among the shadows.
The unseen beast truly found the sound of Hinata's voice rather… captivating. 
It responded in turn.
"Your father, eh?"
Another menacing chuckle. 
"Let me get this straight."
The beast paused, as if it was thinking, before its voice arose again. 
"You've traveled all this way, wading through my territory, doing what many wouldn't dare, just to deliver supplies to your sick father?"
The beast's deep voice rumbled through the air like distant thunder, its tone laced with a genuine sense of confusion as it questioned her.
Hinata nodded shakily, as if the beast could see her response.
Her lavender eyes scanned her surroundings once more, her head whipping about, unable to pinpoint where the voice was. Sometimes it boomed from behind her, startlingly close; other times, it seemed to fade into the distance, only to return with an unsettling proximity. And it even seemed to whisper with an eerie clarity right beside her ear at times, sending shivers down her spine.
Hinata didn't know where the beast was; quite frankly, she didn't want to know. She didn't want to see it. 
Once more, the trees rustled in a mysterious dance of leaves, stirred by an unseen breeze, prompting her eyes to shift rapidly, whimpering. 
Soon after, the voice echoed through the silent forest once more.
"Mmm, what a devoted little thing you are. I must take a closer look."
Instantly, panic surged through Hinata the very moment those words left the beast's mouth. 
It felt like a threat, triggering a primal urge in her to flee. Her mind raced with the urge to run, hide, do something, but her body couldn't keep pace with what her mind was screaming at it.
That's all she felt. 
She was overwhelmed by panic—relentless, heedless of reason or necessity—just raw, clawing panic, gnawing at her insides.
Panic gripped her fiercely, its tendrils wrapping around her mind and squeezing tight. Her heart raced like a drumbeat, each thud echoing in her ears. Every breath came in short, shallow gasps, her chest tightening with each inhale. 
Hinata felt trapped in a suffocating embrace of fear, unable to think clearly as adrenaline rushed through her veins.
'Oh no. Oh no!' She repeated over and over in her head as she whipped her body around, trying to anticipate where the beast might reveal itself.
A hushed silence fell upon the forest, as though nature itself had fallen completely still. 
Frozen in time. 
No shuffles, no rustles, and no sign of life resonated through the entirety of the still forest, leaving Hinata wrapped in an eerie quiet that heightened her anxiety to the extremes. 
She began to hyperventilate. 
Hinata glanced around anxiously, scanning every direction—left, right, front, back, up, and down—hoping to catch a glimpse of the lurking creature before it leaped out at her, a preemptive move to spare herself a heart attack. 
But the forest remained eerily quiet.
And there was no sign or sound of the beast anywhere. 
Suddenly, a sensation washed over her, as if the very air had shifted—and in an instant, Hinata sensed a presence behind her, looming over her petite frame.
A warm breath gently brushed against her neck, causing every hair on her body to stand on end.
"Behind you."
The booming voice reverberated behind her once more, but this time, it was unmistakable.
It echoed directly into her left ear.
The realization struck her like a lightning bolt, causing Hinata's heart to race even faster, its beats resembling the fluttering wings of a hummingbird against her chest.
Ba Boom!
Ba Boom!
Ba Boom!
Hinata's body froze in place.
She couldn't move. She couldn't breathe. She couldn't see or hear. Was she still alive? Was she still here?
She wasn't sure.
In moments of fear, they say the body responds with fight or flight, but Hinata was currently experiencing the lesser-acknowledged third option.
It was a primal reaction her body had never felt before, muscles locking rigidly, breath held tight, senses hyper-alert.
Hinata hesitated hard, finding it difficult to accept that the real beast—the one feared by the villagers, the one that had spoken to her moments ago in the night's shadows, the same one even she was afraid of as a child—was now standing right behind her.
No one had ever seen it.
No one even knows what it looks like.
Yet, now it stood behind her.
Hinata couldn't even begin to imagine what the beast looked like. 
Her innocent mind couldn't conjure a clear image, only a chilling certainty that whatever stood behind her at this very moment would surely petrify her, plunging her into a pit of regret for even venturing into this forest. 
But, she gotta. 
She gotta turn around. 
Slowly, with trepidation, and a shaky, desperate "I-don't-want-to-die" whimper, she turned, shedding the cold chains of fear that gripped her. It took all of Hinata's strength to turn her body completely around, stretching her neck to face the beast head-on.
But when she did…
What she saw instantly spurred her to fight against the darkness that threatened to cloud her vision and plunge her completely unconscious to the ground behind her. 
She fought everything not to faint. 
Instead, Hinata jolted back, away from the hulking figure of darkness, stumbling over her pump heels. 
"O-Oh my kami. Oh k-k-kami!" She panicked with a scream, lips trembling, teeth chattering against one another. Her abrupt movement caused her lantern and basket to rattle in her clammy hands, nearly slipping from her grasp. 
But that was the least of her worries. 
There it stood, in the flesh. 
The beast. 
The big bad wolf. 
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— (⋆⁺。˚⋆˙‧₊☾ 𝐍𝐚𝐫𝐮𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐚 𝐌𝐨𝐧𝐭𝐡 𝟐𝟎𝟐𝟑 ☽₊‧˙⋆˚。⁺⋆)
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cherrycheolcoups · 1 year
seventeen fic recs - sugar daddy au
started: 05/14/23
updated: ---
[apparently only 95z have been written as sugar daddies soooooo. this is more of a 95z sugar daddy au masterlist instead!]
link to my overall fic recs masterlist here: unavailable for now. working on posting the masterlist
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choi seungcheol: [FIRST UP YOU ALREADY KNOW]
sapiosexual by @smileysuh
pairing: seungcheol x afab!reader | rating: 18+ explicit | word count: 18.6k | preview: "You're a beautiful, bright, young woman, and you're agreeing to be a companion to some middle aged psych nut who hardly has enough time for you-" you both laugh a little at the way he refers to himself, "compensation is a must." | content/trigger warning: daddy kink/issues, size/shoulder/back kink, contractual relationship, unspecified age difference, unprotected sex, choking, semi bondage, multiple sex scenes, fingering, squirting, oral (m/f receiving), baby oil massage, praise, dirty talk, hair pulling, overstim, dacryphilia, slight orgasm denial, hand kink, etc... | pet names: (his) daddy (hers) gorgeous, angel, darling, my love, pretty girl, etc. | IT'S LITERALLY SOOOOOOOOOO GOOD!!! one of my all time fav cheol fics on here ugh HIGHLY RECOMMEND IT'S 1000000000000/10!!!
lover by @starlightxsvt
pairing: dom!seungcheol x sub!inexperienced! female reader | warnings: profanities, reader is shy and timid, she is also a simp, age gap tho it isn't mentioned, lying, insecurities, mention of terminal illness, dom/sub dynamics, explicit secual content: multiple sex scenes, daddy kink obviously, kissing, a little degradation (slut), marking, big dicc! cheol, one tit slap, one spank, a little fingering, a lil clit biting? tit worshipping, male oral, choking, virgin sex, unprotected sex (wrap it before you tap it guys, this is just fiction!), forced orgasms, multiple orgasms, crying, creampie, seggs so gud she passes out, lots of emotions that needs to be addressed, cheol is kind of an asshole at times? | word count: 15.7k | synopsis: the worst first meeting and then an uncanny proposition is enough to cause trouble for you. you fall for a man who doesn't seem all that keen on returning your feelings
diamonds in the sky by @scrixtcn
pairing: choi seungcheol x reader | word count: 12.2k | a/n: coups is sweet and caring but also is perfectly able to throw money at his problems for them to not be problems anymore. also him in any kind of suit kills me | genre: sugar daddy/ceo!au, strangers to lovers!au, equal amounts of fluff and complicated not quite angst but angsty feelings
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yoon jeonghan:
playboy by @starlightxsvt
pairing: dom!jeonghan x sub!inexperienced! female reader | word count: 18.8k | warnings: profanities, drinking, smoking, blond jh that turns into black haired jh, stealing, jealousy, reader is somewhat of a brat, age gap (not mentioned), soft playful dom jeonghan, hella teasing, kissing, marking, use of belt as restraint, daddy kink, name calling, nipple play, fingering, male and female oral, choking, crying, some spanking, overstimulation, unprotected sex, virgin sex, creampie, multiple sex scenes | synopsis: you try to steal from him. things take a turn when he catches you in the act. seemingly for the better at first but then for the worse when you catch feelings for him. | this is part of a series by the author where the 95z are sugar daddies. highly recommend the series!
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hong jisoo:
gentleman by @starlightxsvt
pairing: dom!joshua x sub!inexperienced!female reader | word count: 21.2k | warnings: profanities, ANGST, abandonment issues, toxic family, minor character death, mentions of addiction (drugs), emotional constipation, arguments, kissing, marking, age gap, daddy kink, hard dom!joshua, brat!reader, so much teasing!!!, bdsm themes- nipple play, marking, fingering, ice play, spanking (belt), pussy slapping, crying, female oral, cum eating, virgin sex, rough sex, unprotected sex, creampie, multiple sex scenes | synopsis: a silly dare leads you to him and he has you charmed quickly. but matters of the heart can never be that easy, especially when you want to avoid them.
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fanterfane · 7 days
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Brain Dump 5! (Preview)
Previously: https://www.deviantart.com/fanterfane/art/Brain-Dump-4-Cheerleader-854715848 View the full sequence unobstructed and both parts now on Patreon! https://www.patreon.com/posts/111512174
It's finally here, Brain Dump #5!
Something down on the streets of Chesterfield had all the spirits in a tizzy! It was extremely concerning to the often possessed Fayne, so by enlisting the help of his NEET roomate Faith, he went down into the hot zone to try to figure out what was going on. There, it was clear to him that there was something nefarious happening, but he wasn't sure what. His roommate had no idea either, but they could both tell that it was an extremely local thing. He kept seeing various ghosts flying around, but only one at a time? Always a different one each time too. Some were in control, others very much not. Which was strange because if the dead were restless they should all be out at once right? Well, his investigation was cut short when the inevitable wayward ghost found her way to his backside... Although she had no ill intent, it seemed she was far too dumb to catch on as quickly as Fayne or anyone else had... He had tried to save everyone by stopping the spiritual mixup, but now that Fayne has had a change of heart and mind, it doesn't seem like he'll be figuring any of that out any time soon! Now he may just a ditzy boy, but at least he remembered his shorts this time! I wonder what's gonna happen to his soul...? Maybe if I ever make a 6th brain dump, we'll find out... and maybe even get some answers to what's happening... (Bonus points if you know who the girl is based off of. It's a super secret >:3) Also, this concept is heavily based on some of the concepts that HugoTheTroll has drawn in the past, so be sure to check out his art if you're interested in more of this kind of art! https://x.com/HugoTheTroll2/media?lang=en If you're not already supporting me, please consider it! It's how I pay my bills, my rent, and how I buy good food to eat and pretty clothes to wear!~ Since this is my main source of income, I really appreciate any small part you can send my way! <3
If you like the art I make and you want to support me to help create more of it, please consider joining my Patreon at www.patreon.com/FanterFane for all of these benefits and more!
Preview all completed art at least two weeks or more before it's publicly posted!
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And my eternal gratitude!
Alternatively, if Patreon isn't your style, you can also support me via a tip on ko-fi.com/fanterfane, or by subscribing on fanterfane.fanbox.cc!
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nerdraging4point0 · 1 year
Fluffy Head cannons
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I'm giving you guys a small preview of each of our beloved men. My inbox is open to either elaborate or add more to these head cannons. But here we are! Let's get to it!
This work below is fictionalized ideas and stories involving real people but does not directly reflect their thoughts, feelings, or behaviors. Please keep in mind this is a work of fiction, so enjoy it as such.
Taglist: @jay02bo @asilentsiren @kingdomof-omens @the-way-of-words @thebadchic @signs-of-ill-portent @thesazzb @synthetic-wasp-570 @tearfallpixie @witchyweeb34
Okay, so, let's start with how absolutely proud of you this man is. He is so into you, so enthralled by you that he wants to shout it from the rooftops. But social media will just have to do. He Posts about you every chance he gets, while he is home, while he is on tour.
Captions: "Miss you more than words could describe. Can't wait to be home." "Touring is something else, it's a wonderous way to experience the world. And I can conquer it all with you by my side."
When he is home from tour it's a chance for him to actually sit back and relax. We all know he doesn't do a lot of that, poor boy has so many projects in that beautiful brain of his and he wants nothing more than to get it all out. Always supportive of him, but sometimes you catch him in the office-close his laptop. Take him by the hands and bring him to the living room to watch some shit show, anything where he doesn't have to use any brain cells to think. Just lays there with you and relaxes.
Popcorn fights. Movie nights would turn into the both of you tossing popcorn back and forth on the couch seeing how many each of you could catch midair.
Have you seen those old school movies where the married couple is in bed reading their own perspective books, like their life is somehow put together. Yeah. It's like that. He would be there reading his current post-apocalyptic book he picked up because it was one that he hadn't read yet, getting to the point of the book where the character is starving and on deaths door; your next to him reading your dark romance book about a Fae king who kidnapped the main character and is now currently railing her in front of his entire court. It's all about balance people.
Vlogs are all about capturing you in ways that may annoy you. You slept in and he rose early, he'd grab his camera barging into the room as your waking up "Babe, give me an update." "I just woke up, Richard." Vlogs of the trips to the grocery store, puns and jokes in the vegetable isle, taping how you have to climb on the shelves to get what you want-because let's face it, neither of you are tall enough to reach the top shelf and asking for help is for pussies. There would be random takes of you eating at the dinner table, your eyes transfixed on the TV as you watched your favorite show, close ups of your face.
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kandlewick · 10 months
bites my hands bites my hands i cant keep myself from posting previews ok i cant i need the serotonin of posting something or ill die so heres a glimpse at my long cater fake dating fic where he uses you for clout OR DOES HE??????????? this dude is so emotionally constipated i am in love with him
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"You haven't even told me what I'm agreeing to, Cater." You quickly avoided his eyes, mentally slapping yourself for the momentary weakness as your words made Cater freeze and advert his eyes as well, a small chuckle escaping him in a fit of nerves. He hid his mouth behind his phone but you could tell his lips were set in a nervous smile as he at least attempted to look embarrassed. You raised your eyebrow at him "What? Is it like, super embarrassing?"
Cater hummed, twirling a loose strand of hair between his forefinger, "I mean, I guess, yeah? It's nothing like, totes awful or anything but you're literally the only one I could ask to do this. Asking anyone else is a total no go and Cay-Cay needs the engagement. My numbers have been so awful lately and It's driving me absolutely cray-cray."
Cater looked almost cherubic with how he kept batting his eyelashes at you. It was extremely annoying how cute he looked when he was like this, like he knew he could get away with anything as long as he knew how to press the right buttons. With a heavy sigh, you slumped your shoulders and gestured for him to continue. He let out an excited whoop as he smiled, the diamond on his cheek crinkling with delight.
"Aaah~ My favorite freshie to the rescue! I owe you one~!!" Cater grinned, taking your willingness to hear him out as a sign of acceptance. He pulled you close by the shoulder and swiped at his phone with practiced precision, pulling up Magicam within seconds. You glanced up at him as his eyes seemed to gleam in excitement, his eagerness almost infectious, "So there's this fad going viral right now with this local cafe nearby that has a couples special! It's this super cute dessert that's all the rage on Magicam and I neeeed it!"
"Why can't you just get it yourself?" You ask, watching his phone screen as he continued to scroll down his feed. You noticed as well that nearly every other post was about that supposedly super cute couples only dessert and couples sharing it between quick kisses. It was almost voyeuristic with how many couples openly shared their PDA with strangers on the internet. Cater was quick to roll his eyes and tap the screen again with his finger.
"I told you, it's couples only! You have to prove you're a couple and act all lovey-dovey for them to even consider handing it over!" He pouted, "Look, you know that I can't stand sweet stuff so when we're there, I'll buy you however much you want in exchange. You can even eat the special dessert! All I want is one little photo and a small itty bitty teeny weeny lil smooch~"
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ecargmura · 10 months
Paradox Live Episode 7 Review - Boys On The Rooftop
Before I start the review, I want to thank people who left comments on my review of the previous episode. I really appreciate your time explaining to me about the source material and what part was anime original and what not. I’m glad I’m writing reviews. The engagement and interactions motivate me to keep going. Now, onto the review!
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(TW: S**cide)
I was told last week that this week’s episode was going to be a strong one. I agree with their statement wholeheartedly. This was quite the episode. It answered the questions I had in the previous episode, but also gave me new questions. It was nice to see the overall plot slowly coming into play here.
Last episode, Shiki told Ryu that the ghost in that building could’ve been the friend that he killed. While Ryu doesn’t believe him (also had some weird split personality moment), Shiki decides to head out to check the building one day. It turns out that he has a past with Nayuta. Shiki grew up a loner, but encountered Nayuta one day and became friends. Their friendship was so cute and sweet to look at! Nayuta had a mysterious part-time job that turned out to being a lab rat; I assume he was being experimented on by Alter Trigger? Anyways, the experiments got to be too much as he developed Phantometal corrosion and decided to jump off the building to not make Kanata worry. Unfortunately, this left Shiki traumatized for good. I finally understand why he’s always apologizing when getting a trap reaction. That is seriously something traumatizing for Shiki.
Now this pegs the question of just who Nayuta is. Why is Nayuta still alive with Kanata but supposedly died when he was with Shiki a few years ago? What’s with the long-haired Nayuta in the post-credit scenes? I made some theories after watching the episode. I think Nayuta survived the fall in the past and that’s why he’s stuck in the lab present day. But then who’s the Nayuta with Kanata in the current time? I’m theorizing that the current Nayuta is an apparition created from Kanata’s phantometal as that was the reason why Kanata had a nightmare about Nayuta dissolving into liquid. Maybe he knew Nayuta had died, so he uses his phantom metal to create a projection? But he can still eat, right? Or was the bowl that ramen guy was eyeing in Episode 5 Nayuta’s? All I can say is that there’s really more to Nayuta than meets the eye. I really want to know the truth.
Is phantometal corrosion the reason why Hajun is visiting a back-alley doctor? Does Hajun have symptoms? Can it be cured? I hope this illness can be explained in a future episode, because I think it makes the plot even more interesting than before. Is the Akira Ishida character the final boss of sorts?
The special ending song with Nayuta and Shiki was wonderful! I really liked it! I think the lyrics summarize their relationship perfectly. Is this a new Paradox Live song or something they had before? The special artwork was really beautiful. I’m making it the thumbnail for this review because that is way too gorgeous to pass up. Also, what I noticed was that the preview for this episode was shrouded in purple and blue last week. This makes sense as Nayuta is in cozmez and Shiki’s in TCW. I do wonder why they titled it “Love”. Are they hinted to be canon? ARE THERE EVEN ANY CANON PAIRS IN THIS STORY?
When my bunch of questions are answered, I get more. I’m getting invested in Paradox Live a lot. I can’t wait for next week as it seems to be BAE vs Akan Yatsura. I hope it’d be a good episode! What are your thoughts on this episode?
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matataku-hoshi · 1 year
Groundhog Day at the Old Vic, London 2023
*dusts off the old blog* It's certainly been a minute, hasn't it! Still here, still a huge GHD fan. In the intervening years, I got to see productions at San Francisco Playhouse and at the Paramount Theatre in Aurora, IL. (I also got married and went through a bunch of other life stuff, but that's neither here nor there). But then it was announced that Groudhog Day would be returning to the Old Vic in 2023 with Andy Karl, and my husband and I used that as an excuse to finally do that UK trip we'd been talking about for years.
Tumblr user colemckenzies did a great post outlining some of the changes between Broadway and 2023 Old Vic. I wanted to further elaborate on some additional changes I noticed. Obviously spoilers to follow:
In “There Will Be Sun”, the first chorus of “Tomorrow spring will come and then there will be blue skies my friend” is cut. It goes straight from “If not tomorrow then tomorrow or tomorrow there will be sun” to “Oh if I could I’d will these clouds away my love”
While obviously the revolves are gone (look at me picking up British-isms 😄), the bedroom set gets wheeled in every loop. They keep the trick from Broadway where this is always done counter-clockwise until the loop finally breaks.
As previously mentioned, there’s a wonderful lyric change in Day One. “Their dumb superstitions and vacuous chat, their total unawareness of the fact their trapped, perhaps you don't miss it if you don't know you lack it, I'm sure there was a pack of xanax in this jacket'
I adore this because of the foreshadowing, and how Phil thinks he’s singing about the townsfolk when he’s really singing about himself.
Dialogue change in 2023 when Phil runs into Jonathan:
Jonathan: “Off to the see the groundhog?”
Phil: “Why, isn’t there a tractor pull or a cow-tipping contest?”
Jonathan, looks confused: “I don’t think that’s today.”
When Rita introduces  to Phil on Day One and reminds him of the flood story, Phil takes a second before recalling, groans, and goes, "Oh, the intern? They didn't even send me a real producer." After which Rita corrects him that she's a real producer now, albeit an associate producer. 
On Day 2 when the sheriff drops his gun, Phil asks "How do you have a permit???"
At the end of Day 2, Rita sings “I mean he acts kind of asshole-ish still. I think he might be mentally ill.” While it’s on the cast recording and the early previews bootleg, I could have sworn it was cut in the final Broadway version. Regardless, it’s restored in the 2023 version.
Phil’s “Help me~~~~” at the end of Day 3 is cut.
In Philandering, they cut the line where Phil "proposes" to Nancy (which I prefer - no one is that stupid, and they make the point later that Nancy is more than a caricature)
Also in Philandering, you can hear the chorus singing, “Gonna party like it’s no tomorrow~~~” in the party scene (formerly the orgy scene). Phil also gets 10 pizzas delivered to his room.
Phil is less aggressive when he confesses his “love” to Rita in One Day. 
On Broadway, they sit down directly on the stage, and Phil leans sideways to Rita to confess. As he gets more desperate, he starts to position himself over her and tries to take her hand, after which she slaps him.
In 2023, they’re sitting on a bench together. Phil tries to take her hand, and she pulls away and slaps him. Still creepy, but much less heading in the direction of sexual assault.
Either way Phil totally deserves to get slapped. I’ve talked to a few people who have said they could never root for Phil because of this scene (which is a fair critique). The 2023 version IMO makes the same point without so much portraying Phil as a potential sexual predator. 
Right before Phil smashes the alarm clock at the end of One Day, he yells “Make it stop!” (“Somebody make it stop”? Memory is a fickle thing)
When Phil kills himself with the gun before Hope, it's more explicit that he stole the gun off of the sheriff with his faulty holster.
I don't remember if this is new, but when Phil wakes up at the beginning of Hope, he touches the side of his head where he shot himself and even though he knows that the day will always reset, he still looks a little surprised and it's heartbreaking. 
For the third death/revival in Hope (where Phil climbs the ladder):
Broadway: Phil reappears in bed
Old Vic 2023: Phil reappears on the scene of the broadcast, fully dressed
As noted, lots of changes to If I Had My Time Again. 
Cast recording: "The thing with these revolving rides / they're only fun because you know they're going to end"
Broadway (as of early in previews): "I was completely dead inside / But today I'm like 85%"
London 2023: We're back to the cast recording lyrics.
IMO the orchestration and lyric changes are for the better. I adored this song on the cast recording, but in the August Wilson theater it frequently felt swallowed up.
With the emphasis on just Phil and Rita, it’s a much more intimate song, which is what the scene needs IMO.
I also love Rita’s new lyric “Go to all the parties that I missed / Kiss all the boys I was too afraid to kiss”, because then it’s Rita fulfilling her “time again” when she kisses Phil during Seeing You.
After "If I Had My Time Again", Phil eats a carton of Ben & Jerry's while discussing the almanac with Rita. I love the implication that he’s eaten all of this junk food before, but he’s trying it again with her.
Dialogue change after "If I Had My Time Again" 
Phil: "You know, Larry, we never really talk."
Broadway Larry: "Sometimes I think you don't notice that I'm there."
London 2023 Larry: "Well you never brought me donuts before."
Not a change, but I was sitting close enough one night to see the stock photos they use for Ned’s wallet pictures of his kids, and I realized that “little Mary” is just a baby. It really hit home that Ned has probably just lost his wife in the last year or two, and he’s trying to raise five very young kids on his own.
In the Broadway/cast recording versions of "Philanthropy", you can hear some melodic callbacks to earlier songs. In the London 2023 version, the chorus actually sings lines like, "I'm not sure what the point is / But this point is it don't matter" and "If I had my time again I would not do it all the same"
There's no pause of silence before "Seeing You" starts
After Phil and Rita run off into the snow at the end of Seeing You, the couples left dancing are Nancy/Larry, Debbie/Fred, and then Mrs. Lancaster dances alone in the snow in joyous wonder. I love this bit, becuase it feels like all the different ways you can find a new meaning of love (Nancy/Larry, the couple just discovering each other, Debbie/Fred, who have moved into a new phase of their relationship, and then Mrs. Lancaster, who even as an old woman can revel in the beauty of the snow)
In 2023 when Phil takes Rita to see the sunrise, he makes her cover her eyes, and then unveil them once the full sunrise is in view. It’s very sweet.
Anyway, I love this show, and I love talking about this show, so please feel free to hit me up! I may post more general thoughts, etc. if anyone is interested.
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