#ill report back on if my theories were correct or not
autismprotocol · 7 months
Hey, sorry if this is long, but I really like what you guys are doing and have nowhere else to put my theories, so...
Firstly, sorry to be that person, but I actually think you mislabeled the entities for two episodes. Needles reads like an avatar of the slaughter to me. It's like Lietner said, the physical description is less important then the emotional or metaphorical. Needles' thing isn't "look at this scary trick I can do with my flesh body." It's "I am going to cause you intense pain at random by stabbing you with my needles. Please be scared of me :)"
I was also surprised you didn't mark Putting Down Roots as a filth statement. Illness, rotting alive, swarming flies, a deeply unhealthy romantic love. All reads as corruption to me.
Now let's get to my fun crack theory. Episode 7 almost reads to me like the point the powers breached into the new world. Think about it, hilltop road was suddenly overwhelmed by a wave of artifacts and "people" (avatars) that map to many different powers (I counted stranger, slaughter, dark, filth, and possibly hunt among the artifacts present). The timeliness doesn't quite match up (we have a statement from the 1800s), but maybe the powers are capable of having retroactively always existed. Or maybe the fan theory that the entities are now the "hungers" that feed on obsession was true until the fears intruded into the world.
Omg thank you so much for the ask I absolutely love over analyzing this goofy lil podcast and i really wanted to have this board be a collaborative and community thing for all of us TMAG/TMAGP fans out there!
starting with the board corrections you pointed out you are absolutely right after reading this I ended up rereading the wiki entries about the Entities because its been a hot second since I've read up on those goobers and I've kinda forgotten how many little nuances that each one has. I had no idea how we missed the clear corruption tie-ins that were occurring in Samuel Webbers journal (Putting Down Roots) especially when you brought up his toxic relationship to his partner.
As with Needles before doing my reread about the fears I just assumed flesh because body modified with needles. but looking into it, sudden piercing needles more cleanly falls into slaughter.
I actually have this ongoing theory originated by my roommate and other blog contributor that the fears might have been scrambled when crossing dimensions. maybe because of this many minor powers have begun to branch out from the main 15 and with that hybrid avatars and entities have been created. With needles I think maybe they fall under the umbrella of slaughter and spiral because of the way they mentally toy with their victims. also could explain why needles has to convince the man on the phone that they're scary because this hybrid power may be new and people have not gotten fearful of it yet.
I'll be making those changes for next weeks board so thank you for pointing them out :D
on to your theory that would make sense especially since this episode (EP 7) is kind of serving as the catalyst for the story to shift into high gear. I think that if the Hilltop charity shop was the entrance point for all of the fears to enter the world it would make complete sense. Hilltop is the one place in the Magnus canon that people have reported traveling to different dimensions. also the date of the incident falls right about the time that Archives started early 2016 so the fears may have also gone back in time to when Jon became the Archivist in TMAs universe (since Jons death is the catalyst that forced them to jump dimensions.) I'm really liking where your theory is heading
also real quick if anyone has more info about the theory that Protocols world lived off of hunger and desire pre the fears appearing I'd love to hear more about that because I've never heard of the until now.
Again thank you so much for the ask I'm so happy you're liking what we're doing here and I hope you continue to share your thoughts and theories with this blog.
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cy-cyborg · 11 months
So... turns out the whole "discovering my autism later in life" wasn't entirely correct for me. I don't know what to say, it's all confusing as hell (confused rant ahead)
I found 2 neurospyc reports, one from when I was 10 and another when I was 16/17 that list traits and test results consistent with what, today, would be considered level 2 autism and ADHD. but then they both turn around and say the neurospyc chose not to diagnose...
The first one had at least a good reason. From my understanding, at that point in time, autism couldn't be diagnosed unless all other possibilities had been ruled out, and the neurospyc says that these traits could also come from brain damage from meningococcol (the illness that caused my physical disability). Meningococcol's effects on a developing brain weren't well understood back then, so I guess I get it. It does, however, lay out some further testing that could be done by other specilists to rule it out, as well as mention what we should expect to see as I grow if it is autism. I met all the autism points, and I have the other specialists' reports ruling out meningococcol side effect theory. I likely still couldn't have been diagnosed at the time, though, because autism and ADHD were considered conflicting diagnoses, but the fact they were still considering it is a big positive to me.
The second one though... doesn't acknowledge any of this. It lists all the same traits (plus the new ones I developed that the other report predicted), talks about their severity and then... turns around and says it's actually not that bad and I don't need a diagnosis 😑. It doesn't say it explicitly, but the second report talks a lot about how friendly I was, how I was doing well in school (I really wasn't, I had like, one class I did well in because it aligned with my special interest, and the rest I was bearly scraping by) how I maintained eye contact and number of other things. It concluded that a diagnosis wasn't needed.
It's worth mentioning that when the second report was done, not only was I only doing high school part-time (3 days a week) because the 5 day week lead to burnout constantly, but I was also receiving the most support I'd ever had because my school recognised something was up and got me extra help (they didn't need a diagnosis because of my physical disability). I literally had someone who's job it was to come find me at lunch and remind me to eat and use the toilet, as well as to help me with assignments because in both yr 10 and yr 11 I almost failed so bad i came close to needing to repeat (i'd already repeated once). Not necessarily because I couldn't do the assignments, though some i definitely needed support on that front too, but because I just forgot they existed and never did them/handed them in. I was also in detention pretty much every day in yrs 7-10 because the same thing happened with regular homework. I either forgot to do it, or refused because I was so burned out, i just couldn't do it. This was all mentioned in the report, and it mentions that the school even provided letters to back the claims up (though i dont have those) and this doctor was like "hmmm, yes, this seems like a person who is well adjusted and in need of no further support! These traits definitely won't cause issues for them in adult life, especially in a country where we make disabled people do time-sensitive paperwork on every single aspect of their lives and have to update said paperwork constantly"
(what no, I'm not salty about something specific to do with government agencies in the Aus disability sector, what are you talking about...)
And shockingly once those supports were gone I nosedived. I've been in pretty much constant burnout since 2019, it was so bad in 2021 I had to stop working (which gutted me, I LOVED my job), and when burnout lasts that long it can do permanent damage.
There's even a report that was with the neurospyc report from one of my pediatric amputee rehab specilists that states I can not go unsupported into the adult sector, I will not cope. I will not be able to communicate my needs effectively. My health will decline. It was backed up by the senior peds. orthopaedic surgeon and the senior peds. plastics surgeon (who all knew me my entire life). The report says they had to bring me back into to the pediatric hospital for a few checkups even after I was 18 because the transition was so overwhelming I just stopped seeking medical treatment. I remember that. I remember trying to talk to the adult sector specilists and them just not understanding me and not understanding what the problem is. I remember the issue at hand (issues with my knee) getting so bad, but not knowing what else to do. I stopped going because i didnt want to be told my issue wasnt that bad. I still don't understand what I did or said wrong, and it's still happening today. My whole pediatric team was right, i needed help, but sure, I don't need extra supports because the neurospyc said "I was friendly".
Just FYI, when they finally did an MRI of the knee it was literally falling apart. The pain I was complaining about was constant dislocation and a bone infection. That knee had to be amputated. It was serious.
My therapist asked me to find these neurospyc reports if I could. I knew I had them but not what they said, and she hoped that there would be something in them that would allow her to make a case to the NDIS that even though we "don't know the reason" because there's no official diagnosis, it's clear I need more support, and theres been proof of it for years. And now I've read through them... Just knowing how well documented it all was, knowing that my pediatric care team, my doctors, my specilists, my parents, my teachers etc all knew I was struggling and tried to get me help, but one person decided "nah" has me just... confused beyond belief. I have a binder full of everything I can find that I'm going to bring to my therapist. I hope we can do something with it now.
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novankenn · 1 year
Slightly Unhinged (879 Words)
Deep in the bowls of Beacon's labyrinth like basement, Jaune toiled away. It had been a couple of weeks since he "vanished" and while others worried and searched for him, he became a shadow. Stalking the halls after hours, nicking the items he required to do his work, to achieve his goal.
The promises of elixirs that would promote strength, agility, intelligence, vitality and vigor. It was the answer to his problems... the magic bullet that would allow him to close the chasm between himself and his peers.
Ozpin: So, still no sign of Mr Arc?
Glynda: None.
Ozpin: Have we reached out to the VPD, just in case he has gone to Vale?
Glynda : I don't feel that is necessary at this stage, considering the reports I have been getting from various members of the staff.
Ozpin: What types of reports?
Glynda: The kitchen staff are reporting missing food and drink items. They figure it's a single student raiding their larders, do to the small amounts that have gone missing.
Glynda took a glance down at her tablet to confirm some information before continuing.
Glynda: Professor Peach is also reporting missing items. Some limited quantities of dust, but more puzzling are the old chemistry and dust mixing equipment, plus some of her stocks of rare flora samples.
Ozpin: So, we have a single student missing, but also minor quantities of supplies being taken.
Ozpin leaned forward on his desk, his hands clasped underneath his chin.
Ozpin: So, if my assumption is correct, you feel Mr Arc is still on beacon’s grounds, and is helping himself to various items around the school, correct?
Glynda: I do. I understand the food stuffs, but the other items are slightly confusing.
Ozpin: I agree. What about his scroll? Have we been able to ping it?
Glynda: No. I refuse to believe that he knows how to disable the tracking software, so the only reasonable conclusion is, he’s keeping it turned off.
Ozpin: Anything further?
Glynda: Aside from the interviews conducted with the remainder of team JNPR, which you have already reviewed. Nothing.
Glynda sucked on her bottom lip for a minute, before speaking up.
Glynda: I think you made a serious mistake, Ozpin, in regard to accepting someone so ill prepared to be here.
Ozpin: Why do you say that?
Glynda: Not even considering his grades, there is the single fact of his fraudulent transcripts…
Ozpin: He passed initiation.
Glynda: Barely and only because Ms Nikos took a liking to him from their first interaction.
Glynda reached up to push her glasses up her nose.
Glynda: Though, I will admit, that he showed remarkable fortitude and ability when it came to directing others; which is supported by his leadership grades. But he wasn’t ready, and I feel the mental strain has caught up with him.
Ozpin: I see.
Ozpin leaned back in his chair
Ozpin: So you feel Mr Arc is having a mental breakdown?
Glynda: I do.
Ozpin: It’s a valid theory, but I feel, no I know, there is something else happening.
Ozpin reached up and rubbed his chin, as if in deep thought.
Ozpin: Has the review of his actions leading up to his disappearance been completed?
Glynda: Yes.
Ozpin: Highlights?
Glynda: Nothing much. Mr Winchester was abusing Jaune’s insecurities, his team interactions were strained; however there is his checking out of three books from the library almost three weeks ago. Books that have yet to be returned.
Ozpin: What were the topics?
Glynda: Alchemy, and a couple of resource books focused on identification of flora and fauna.
Ozpin: Alchemy?
Glynda: Yes. Le traité d'Ophélie sur la propriété alchimique.
Glydna frowned as she saw Ozpin’s whole body stiffen.
Glynda: Ozpin, do you know that book?
Ozpin: (sighing) You could say that. I wrote it, a few hundred years ago, and placed the only remaining copy in the stacks.
Glynda: Then it appears that Mr Arc has found it. Is this a problem?
Ozpin: Do you have a list of the items Professor Peach is missing?
Glynda said nothing, but instead pulled up a file on her tablet and handed the whole device to the Headmaster. It took him only a few minutes to review the list.
Ozpin: Cancel all classes. I want every teacher to start searching Beacon’s basement. We need to find Mr Arc like yesterday!
Glynda: Is it that serious?
Ozpin: Yes. Yes, it is. None of the recipes in that stupid book were designed with thought towards interactions with aura awakened individuals. I wrote it with the intention that its recipes would be used to assist the average person’s life…
Ozpin’s face was drawn and pale, as he dropped the tablet on his desk while rising from his seat.
Ozpin: I… I tested some of them on the aura awakened…
Glynda: Ozpin?
Glynda questioned as Ozpin looked to be shaking, while moving to grab his cane and head for the elevator.
Ozpin: Aura negatively interacts with the products. It corrupts and twists the end results. Mr Arc is in grave danger… if he is still at Beacon as the evidence suggests, the only place he could be hiding out is the basement.
Glynda: I’ll inform all the staff.
Ozpin : I just hope we’re not too late.
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Chapter 5 - Wabbit Season
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"Well then, I'll go first. I have a report on the villains who attacked Lord Nobunaga at Honno-Ji." Mitsunari began to speak, in a voice more serious and less gentle than Kat has ever heard him before. That's a warlord for you.
"Mitsunari, the night of the attack, you sent several men to follow their tracks, correct?" Hideyoshi asked for confirmation.
"Indeed. I had hoped to search for their where-abouts, however... Last night, several bodies were delivered to the castle. It was the men I had sent out." his voice was solemn, with a resentful and cold-anger edge to it.
"...How horrible... The enemy is taunting us. And yet... I suppose we can at least give them a proper burial." Kat muttered, biting her lip, pretty pissed at that notion.
"If I may, I have a report as well. The scouts I sent to the Eastern front came back to us with some rather curious rumours. They say the Dragon of Echiso is still alive and he's sheltering the Tiger o Kai, back to life from his supposed death due to illness." Mitsuhide's sneaky voice came forth with a new report.
"I can confirm the rumours." the red head raised her hand, seeing how all heads snapped to watch her in shock.
"What do you mean by that?" Nobunaga's baritone voice was heard as he eyed her carefully.
"After I checked on the victims today, I went to the edge of Azuchi to sightsee what things the merchants brought, and while at it, a friend came to me and we went to have a cup of tea and some sweets. It's safe to explain that this friend is, in fact, someone from the future, the same as me. In my timeline, history tells us that Nobunaga was supposed to die at Honno-Ji, surrounded by women, and he committed seppuku after being surrounded by enemies. As we all know, in this universe, things played out differently, and you, Nobunaga, are here today, alive and well. It's the same with Kenshin and Shingen. In our time, they died some time ago, due to terminal illnesses - Most likely cancer - Or, the other theory is that they got assassinated by the Oda forces, but it seems it's not the case either. My friend confirmed when he was sent here that he had to do something similar to what I did - Save the person next to which he woke up to - Which was Shingen. So, that's one way to confirm such rumours." despite the deadpan voice she was speaking with, there was still a sort-of amused glint to it, especially with how surprised everyone's expressions were - Or, at least, the more obvious warlords that is.
"It seems to me that these time-travelers were sent here to change the course of history quite dramatically. I reckon, little fox, that you hold more aces up your sleeves than I imagined." Mitsuhide sniggered at her, the snake smirk on his face teasing her.
"All I have is knowledge, lack of self-worth and a very unruly tongue that should be cut sooner rather than later." Kat shrugged and chuckled in such an easy-going fashion that it made Masamune smirk as well.
"This lass is far more entertaining than a simple fox, Mitsuhide! I have to say, I don't think you're the only Kitsune around here anymore." the cyclops playfully taunted the silver haired warlord, only for the red head to grin in fake-innocence.
"How amusing, that's exactly what Shingen told me as well today!" such a seemingly cutesy and wholesome statement stirred up various gasps of shock from the audience.
"You met Shingen?!" Hideyoshi suddenly shot up to his feet, barely controlling himself from outright yelling and shaking her shoulders.
"Uh-huh. Coincidentally, when I went to tea with my friend, who is being sheltered by Shingen, just like you shelter me, a very interesting individual who identified himself as Yuki - Or, better - Sanada Yukimura. I had a lot of fun flustering him - Not that it was too difficult to do so. Anyway, Shingen and Kenshin came by pretty soon after, and before they left, Kenshin's feet were burning for war, because he took out his sword and let out a very bold statement, considering they were supposed to lay low and be undercover. The two warlords told me their true identity and told me to tell everyone that Uesugi Kenshin and Takeda Shingen were here, in Nobunaga's lands, and were dying to kill you, Demon Lord. They are waiting for this war more than they await divine retribution. In fact, this barely happened an hour or so ago!" her crystalline chuckle seemed to annoy Hideyoshi for he got to her and roughly picked her up by the neck of her kimono, than shook her shoulders.
"How could you fraternize with the enemy?! They are the ones who almost killed Lord Nobunaga! Are you an enemy spy?!" the man shouted agitated in her face, only to get stopped by Ieyasu, of all people.
"Calm down, Hideyoshi. Though her behaviour is pretty infuriating as it is, there is no way someone as pathetic and frail as her can be a spy." double-edged sword with every word he spoke, how shocking.
"Actually, I think I have a piece of information that may be interesting for you." the girl chuckled, stepping backwards so she wouldn't be in Hideyoshi's radius of grabbing. "My friend told me to be careful about - The demon in monk's clothing -. If you recall, when I saved Nobunaga, I told you the person who tried to kill him was a tall, burly man dressed in green and purple robes, without any armor on, and a staff and a sword. Doesn't that sound like what a monk would look like? I mean, I don't know, I haven't seen any monks in Azuchi yet, but I'm just saying, maybe you know some monk who'd want to kill Nobunaga for whatever reason. I mean, you're certainly not a Saint and I'm sure you did tons of things to piss people off, but there's just that, maybe this piece of information will serve to you as a clue or something." Kat looked at the pondering brunet warlord, as silence took over the atmosphere. It was a really painful, thoughtful silence that made Kat think that these guys had an idea, more or less, of someone who would have the guts to do something like this.
"If you replace the green with gold, it sounds like this monk is from a Buddhist sect... Could it be this demon monk is Kennyo, the Abbot from Hongan-Ji, from Ikko-ikki?" Mitsunari's voice was the first to pierce the silence with an even more painful statement.
"If Kennyo has sided with the Uesugi-Takeda alliance... Then things have surely gotten more complicated than expected." Ieyasu grumbled in agreement.
"The enemy of my enemy is my friend. If you ask me, I don't think Kennyo is directly involved with Shingen and Kenshin, but at the same time, they are going in the same direction and wish for the same outcome, maybe just in different ways. I heard from a documentary that Ikko-ikki had a sect of warrior monks... Is that true? Can this Kennyo guy be so hell-bent on killing Nobunaga that he raised a minion demon spawn army of monks and he works from the shadows or something?" the girl asked, curious to see if there were any more differences from her time and this time.
"We cannot exclude any possibility." Hideyoshi gritted his teeth, silently walking back to his spot, allowing Katrina and Ieyasu to sit back down as well.
"Mitsuhide, can you verify this?" Nobunaga's serious pensive voice came through as he unfolded his very beautiful fan and absent-mindedly started flapping it.
"I cannot say that I've heard any such rumours, however, I will certainly investigate. I will come back and bring you proof." the silver haired fox nodded, his hand brought to his chin dubiously.
"Katrina, I have orders for you as well." the serious lord was now smirking in expectation.
"You're not taking me on another flash war, are you?" the otherwise amused expression painted on the red head's face now twisted into a dead-inside grimace.
"You glaring at me like that is very amusing, but listen to what I have to say first. I hadn't mentioned this before, but I suffered an injury in that previous battle." as he spoke, he revealed his bandaged chest, his eyes flashing with a weird mix of resentment and emotional pain.
"...Are you kidding me? You got injured in the revolt that happened more than a week ago? And you got treated by someone that wasn't ME? You've got a death wish?" Katrina's look was intense and the wrath and poison blending together with every word dragged out of her mouth seemed to surprise - Albeit, in a good way - the Oda lord.
"You were busy treating the other men. Besides, it was merely a glancing blow from one o the arrows, but it has yet to heal." he spoke, getting up and walking towards the girl, who, of course wouldn't let him speak to her from above and she got up, glaring at him angrily.
"Oh, sure, go to those good for nothing men who are only physicians by name, instead of coming to someone who studied most of her life and actually has proper experience! You truly have the audacity to speak to me about that injury of yours, when you should have come to me in the first place!" the girl lashed out, only for the man in front of her to be completely unable of stifling his amused chuckle - Meanwhile, Hideyoshi was shouting in horror at the language she was using towards his precious lord.
"That is exactly why I choose to go to a bath house and treat my injury, while you accompany me. Nobody is supposed to know that I got wounded, otherwise another revolt like before would happen, which is why I need you and your skills to aid me. For the sake of this secrecy, I will take no guards, and only go with you alone." as he said that, a few of the warlords were mocking and praising and easing her, but she was completely unaware of all the mocking. She was too pissed to care.
"Oh, so now you come to me, as a last resort, is that it? Now that you can't get that wound of yours to get better, you come to me. Don't you think that's a bit disrespectful of my knowledge and skills expertise? Has that ever occurred to you at all?" she crossed her arms, giving him a shady look, to which he simply smirked.
"Then prove to me you can take care of a worsening injury... Then again, I expect I'll have plenty of entertainment with you along. Tomorrow morning, we depart. Be ready and await me by the stables." he gave her no more room to argue, for he stepped away and left the council room.
"...Jerk." Kat grumbled angrily, glaring at the door before she completely disregarded any common courtesy of saying farewell to the other lords, and made a beeline towards the physicians' quarter to get the medicine she needed for whatever wound he had - Although, she was pretty sure everything was going to be a huge bother, considering how he seemed to rail her on to get a reaction, instead of actually being worried for his health... Or maybe he was just being an annoying jerk. Both were true either way.
Regardless, that night went by exceptionally slow and once again, that blasted insomnia just wouldn't stop letting go of its grasp on her, no matter how much tea or milk with honey she tried to drink. Suddenly, she realised that maybe she should have taken insomnia pills when she had the chance. Now there is no big pharmaceutical industry to provide her with anything that would fuck up her chemical imbalance even more.  Ups and Downs in every era!
Coming to terms with the fact that there was no way she was getting any wink of sleep, she decided to take a stroll through the Azuchi garden and take some time and admire the beautiful sky, the twinkling stars and the silver moon that were looking down at her so calmly that she felt caressed by their grace and love. 
Lost in thoughts, she walked around the place, smiling at the flowers, and the trees and how beautiful the flora of the place could really be. She remembered, many years ago, when she was young and her parents were still in her life, they would go camping through the woods and the songs of the nightingales, the sound of the rapid river running through the stones, the rustling of the leaves in the gentle summer breeze, the hoots of the owls... And now, she has the occasion to rip herself away from all that modern, technological and cement-block world. Is this like a vacation? She did work herself into exhaustion many times, so why not? Maybe it truly is the time to take it easy and clear her mind, find peace and balance in her heart.
A vacation. A break. She hasn't had one in ages. Maybe not necessarily physically, but mentally, she hasn't gotten a break from all the stress since forever. Perhaps she should allow herself some free time to learn how to play the flute again? Why not? She loved playing the flute, so why not go back to it again, now that she has the time for it.
In her random strolling, she found herself in front of a beautiful lotus pond, and she was reminded of the imperial ponds she saw in the Forbidden City. She's had a sort-of obsession since she watched some of the Qing imperial dramas like Empresses in the palace, Ruyi's Royal Love in the palace and The story of Yanxi palace, and now, to see something similar, albeit not as grandiose - More like a decent sized pond with lotus flowers on it - It made her smile.
She wondered if Nobunaga had any zithers lying around randomly in Azuchi... Although perhaps he has a koto? It would make more sense, considering it's the national instrument and that... Well... In her time's history, Hideyoshi attacks Korea and at some point even wants to take over China, most likely they aren't in the best terms possible... Not to mention, the Sengoku era as a whole isn't the best time to be alive, so maybe they don't take as much artistic liberties as back then during the Heian era when all they did was take pleasures in the artistry of dancing, singing, painting, writing and reciting poems and playing musical instruments. Now that would have ben absolutely wonderful and culturally educational.
But maybe not as exciting and exhilarating?!
She didn't even realize morning already came by until the rising Sun's bright rays started blinding her and thus she looked behind her to see how far away she got from the castle - Which was enough meters away - And she may have to hurry a bit so she wouldn't let the hasty warlord wait... Too much.
Even so, she still had to make the first trip to the Physician's quarter to get the medicine and finally went back to the castle where she saw Nobunaga atop of his horse, looking down at her with a serious expression on his face.
"I really need to learn how to ride properly by myself." Kat rolled her eyes, realizing they must ride together again.
"That would greatly deprive me of my entertainment." the man scoffed with an amused smirk and helped her up on his horse for the second time since arriving to this warped reality.
"Do you always get the Peanut Gallery to chant you Glories when you depart?" she sarcastically jabbed at him. "I do like a successful departure. If you begin a plan well, it will continue on the good tracks. Or at least that's what Hideyoshi preaches." he chuckled as he kicked the horse's sides and went full speed towards the destination that only he knew.
After a while of galloping around the place and admiring the picturesque landscape, Kat sighed and leaned back on his chest, cursing her scoliosis for making her back hurt. "I know it may sound ignorant, but I am genuinely impressed with how everyone seems to know their way through this huge land so well without getting lost. At a first glance, everything seems the same to me, although I can understand the use of important guidance points set by every person who comes through here. I just simply cannot, for the love of me, get over how directionally challenged I am even when I have guidance, let alone going blindly like this." she spoke, unsure if she was speaking more to herself or expecting the man to actually reply and make it an insightful comment as well.
"What are you trying to say?" his low voice was vibrating in his chest, sending shivers up her spine.
"I'm saying... That it's pretty impressive how people can adapt to the lifestyle they're living in such a way that they can create everything into an advantage. I seriously doubt that, even if we go back and forth 3 times between Azuchi and this bathhouse, I would be able to guide my horse on the right path without getting dangerously lost on the way. Likewise, I would imagine that the same would be if a person from this era would be sent in the future and would need to potentially find their way through the labyrinthine cosmopolitan urban jungle that we call a City." she explained further, looking around like a lost meerkat, yet she wasn't feeling uneasy or afraid. She could feel the confidence of this man and indirectly, it was easing any worries she might have had.
"Quite the rethoric you are painting. Aren't you just making it into a much bigger deal than it should be? It's just the basic human instinct. To survive, you must adapt to any condition you are thrown into and overcome any kind of danger you are faced with. We are about half-way to the place, we will rest the horse here for a while." and saying so he got off, helping her down too, but before he could use the reins to tie the horse to the big tree casting shade over them, Kat stole them away from his grasp.
"I was just making conversation. Besides, I absolutely despise human kind, I wasn't praising them, I was merely stating some observations. Now, would you at least bother telling me the horse's name?" she didn't pay the man any mind as she smiled serenely at the cute horse and petted its head before reaching into the pouch inside her sleeve and pulling out some pieces of carrot she prepared in advance for this trip.
"His name is Kaze. He's my fastest and most resilient horse." he grumbled, watching the girl treat the animal with such gentle and loving care that he almost felt fascinated and curious as to why have such behaviour with a mere animal. "I don't recall ever hearing anyone speak with such anger and displeasure about their own race. Whatever could have happened for you to have such growing darkness into your heart?" he smirked, trying to approach the girl, only for her to scoff and look away.
"Enough to know that animals are far superior to us. But that shouldn't matter to you, should it? Differences in views of the world will occur from generation to generation, let alone to people with a 500 year gap between them." Kat muttered, frowning slightly and then shaking her head to drive away such thoughts. 
Silence then took over them, as Nobunaga pondered over her words. It seemed that she didn't want anyone to approach her or learn anything about her. Using such strong words, defensive ones, to cover up herself with a protective shell like pearls inside an oyster. Considering how vile that man was treating her, perhaps she views him as a barbaric, primitive savage as much as they view the Western Barbarians. Giving praise to people, then taking it away wish such harshness only means that you have conflicting views and emotions concerning such topic, and there is no possible way you can decide a completely white or black outcome.
Then, some entertainment should be ensured. This woman isn't impressed by his fame, wealth, military prowess and definitely not by his good looks or the status he so easily ensured on her - Already, by now, she was far different, maybe even 'weird' by today's standards - So, to court her, she must be impressed with the various proficient skills he has.
And thus, humming in amusement to himself, the man put the middle of his pointer finger into his mouth, letting out a powerful whistle, resounding strongly through the forest, only to be followed by a reply in the form of a bird's craw.
"Did you just whistle-call a hawk?!" as expected, a reaction was triggered from the fire-kissed girl as she shifted her attention from that animal to him.
"Yes, I was calling for Haguro." and thus, Nobunaga put on a protective glove and his well-trained hawk latched his deadly claws onto his hand. "This. Is Haguro."
Kat could only approach him like a cute, meek little baby fox looking for some food, her eyes filled with curiosity, but also slight fear and nervousness. She slowly extended her hand toward the bird, as her instinct always tells her to try to pet an animal, only for it to ruffle up his feathers and make the girl squeak and quickly draw backwards, clutching her hands to her chest in fear. "O-Okay, I won't approach you, please don't maul my hands, I still need them!" was she... Pleading to the hawk?! 
"We'll hunt before the Hot Springs. Come along, Katrina." the vicious playfulness painted on the warlord would have been incredibly endearing, were she not completely devastated by the idea of hunting - And more, having to witness it with her very own eyes, almost as if she had a hand in the murdering of an animal for her own benefit.
"No! Nobunaga, don't it it, please! If you want to go hunting, sure, but not when I'm around! I can't stand even the thought of an animal being harmed in front of me, let alone having to participate passively or actively in ending their life! Please, Nobunaga, please stop!" the way she was pleading him so earnestly, with tears gleaming in her eyes, just so he wouldn't harm an animal, as opposed to the pretty stoic and uncaring demeanor she had on the battlefield, when human lives were being taken away brutally in front of her, confused the warlord greatly. He couldn't wrap his head around what the hell she was thinking, and the reasoning behind it. To hell with it.
"Are you opposed to hunting?" he raised his eyebrow at her, only for the hawk to fly off as soon as it spotted a cute white bunny hopping around aimlessly.
"Wait, no, Haguro, don't!" she watched horrified as the predator bird rapidly approached the rabbit, and she could only fall to the ground in a crouching position, covering her eyes with her hands, almost as if she was awaiting her own untimely death.
But that never came. Instead, a group of children could be heard arguing over said rabbit having gotten away. "You disturbed my hunt. Brave, but foolish." Nobunaga's voice, seemingly completely unthreatening or malicious, nor angry - Simply passive and calm - brought her back to reality and Kat finally got up and stepped forwards, assessing the situation at hand better.
"Hey, mister, are you a samurai?" one of them asked so casually.
"I am the ruled of Azuchi castle, Oda Nobunaga." his voice was as confident and booming as any warlord's should be, and judging by the look of anxiety and terror on the children's faces as they were cowering away, they also seemed to be aware of the bloody reputation this one had. "If you plan to steal my prey again, you'll need to be much better than that."
And thus, Nobunaga crouched down to their level and proceeded in teaching them how to properly throw and aim rocks at their target, so they could hunt. They needed to eat, and for that, they needed meat. She knew. The knowledge hurt, but at the same time, the idea of starving villages also hurt. 
Kat then went to Kaze and unknotted his reins, casually going to Nobunaga and offering to have a leisure stroll for a portion of the walk to the Hot Springs, at least. The weather was fine enough, and stretching their legs a bit couldn't hurt, after all.
"Are you still opposed to hunting even after what you have learnt today?" he asked, but it wasn't a provoking or challenging question, more like... Intrigue.
"Yes, but also no. I admit my mistake in my previous wording. Albeit, I was panicking, and I wasn't able to properly convey my feelings, which is my fault. We have a story in our country, it's called "The Deer's Death", and it's about a man who got lost in the woods and was starving. He saw a deer after a while, and realized it was the only way he could survive. Despite tears streaming down his face, he still had to use his own two hands to kill the poor animal, so he could survive. He then says - 'I eat and I cry. I eat.' which means that, no matter what, you must survive, and you don't have to be unforgiving and harsh with yourself for wanting to live." Nobunaga was watching the girl with an admirative glance. He seemed pleased with her words.
"Quite the interesting story, and very true. I cannot understand however why would one cry over dead animals, nor why you are so opposed to this sport." his focused eyes were analyzing every small expression or body language, hoping to get more insight from the hidden language displayed.
"We don't have to kill in my time, Nobunaga. We have any kind of meat we want at the market. We just go and buy it. We don't have to be actively involved in the process of taking an animal's life... And some say 'Ignorance is bliss' and I, too, am guilty of being a hypocrite of that caliber. What I don't know doesn't hurt me. As I already told you some time ago, I dedicated my life to pursuing knowledge so that I can save animals' lives - Not humans - And that is for the sole reason that I absolutely love animals, and from principle, they are incapable of doing any evil to this world, and more, they are devoid of ill intentions. You don't see animals raping, nor do you see them abusing their mates. They don't commit genocides either. They just... Live. The way they were made on this world. That is why... That is why I said what I said earlier. Humans are the worst, and I stand my case. Now that you know, what are you going to do with this information?" she crossed her hands to her chest, snapping her head up to look at him with a provoking gaze.
"Nothing." came the incredibly monotonous and simple answer from the warlord who only watched her from the corner of his eyes.
"...Huh?!" the flabbergast expression on her face made the man barely able to keep from chuckling at her. "What do you mean - Nothing? Why did you even ask, then?"
"You asked me what I would do with the information, not why I asked, hence why the response. What is there to do with information than to process it? If you had asked from the very beginning the right question, you'd have earned a different answer. As to the reasoning behind my inquiry... Simply because I was curious. You are an anomaly in this place, but it's not merely your presence, as your state of mind and thinking that makes you stand out. Your maids praised you for being brave and forward like a Warlord, while still maintaining a certain Princess-like grace. I want to understand what is life like in the future, and how come the woman in front of me, who proves every day that she lived such a sheltered and innocent life, was able to muster up enough cunning and courage to save my life. Your hands are delicate as if you've never used them for anything other than petting fawns, and yet, you have showed me enough times that you are capable of remarkable medical procedures that in our time we cannot even begin to think about. Oftentimes it seems to me as if you speak in metaphors and anecdotes, only to make me try to find an answer to my own questions, and yet, the truth is much more straightforward, but I don't look in the right direction. You are simply an enigma that I want to discover." as he explained that, Nobunaga got closer to the girl, giving her a side-smile. He looked deep into her gorgeous green eyes, so easy to look into her fragile soul and notice that, behind the facade of the stoic lioness that she puts forward, she can't even hold eye contact and she wavers in nervousness like a baby fawn being approached by a wolf.
"Is that all there is to you, then? It's all a game? As soon as you've got me all figured out, that's it? Game over? You found the prize at the end of a treasure map and... That's really it? Is that what you're trying to say?" Kat grumbled, frowning and looking away, feeling uncomfortable but also... Sort of disappointed.
"I don't believe I follow your trail of questions." realizing the abrupt change in her emotions, as if she completely shut down in front of him, or rather, slammed the door shut in front of him, he watched as she quickly climbed up on the horse without his help, taking the reins in her hands and slowly leading the horse in front of him.
"You're so boring, I'd rather watch the grass grow than let you understand me. I even considered treating your stupid wound when we got to the Hot Springs, but you can get your mind away from that, I absolutely refuse to have anything to do with you if you continue being this disappointing." she glared at him so condescendingly and angrily that it didn't even provoke any insult to him - Instead, it got him amused and excited. A little fawn thinking she can dominate a Demon Lord? How absolutely adorable. She needs to be taught a lesson, this misbehaving kitten is ruining the drapes with her cute little claws.
As he watched her slowly go past him, he could only smirk and, sprinting a bit, jumped on the horse, sneaking his arms around her waist, feeling the slightly shaking of her body from being startled by his actions - But she said nothing, except for kicking the horse - Albeit, a bit too carefully - And went just a bit faster. "If you want to pretend to be domineering in front of me, you must also keep up the act until the end of the play, otherwise, you would just be a horrible actor. If you wanted to learn so badly how to ride a horse, you could have just asked me nicely." and thus, he kicked the horse harder, leading it into a full gallop, not even telling the girl in advance.
"H-Hey, at least give me a heads up or something! I-I'm not used to this pace!" Kat stuttered a bit nervously as the grip on the reins got stronger, but after a while, she got the hang of it and it wasn't as horrible as before, when she'd just hit the saddle painfully and awkwardly, unable to control her movements. She became more valiant and leaned forwards a bit, as if splitting the very wind going against her.
"Very well. Keep your eyes ahead. If you're nervous, the horse will know and will start acting up." he explained as he leisurely, and without any worry or fear, watched the girl lead the animal more confidently... Only for it all to come crashing down with a simple statement from him. "How long do you intend to run at full speed? I believe there's a cliff up ahead." he spoke so casually that Kat almost didn't realize that there was actually a fatal situation she was in. Again.
"AND YOU COULDN'T TELL ME SOONER, COULD YOU?!" she yelled back at him and as she abruptly leaned backwards, she got a shorter grip of the leathery reins and pulled back on one of them, changing the trajectory completely, the gradually pulled back both reins to slow down until the horse completely stopped, and she could only let out a shaky exhale of relief. "... I hate you." She didn't hear an answer from the man, instead, he simply started chuckling at her statement and at how she so evidently painted the palette of emotions surging through her veins so rapidly that it made her body shake. "You did well. That was a narrow escape from death, Kat. Great thinking, changing the route. It's not easy for newbies to remain saddled should a horse freak out and get on its back legs." his chuckle turned into a full on laughter at this point.
"Stop laughing at my misfortune, you jerk! I'm still scared, and you're entirely to blame! Normal people don't teach others by putting them in death-edging situations!" she whined in anger, snapping back to look at him, only to see the sparkle of amusement and genuine glee in his beautiful eyes which... Was weirdly enough a reason not to get angry anymore. "Why are you laughing? Stop laughing! ... Pfff.....Hehe... S-Stop..." she couldn't help herself but look down at start giggling at well, hiding her face in the long sleeves of her kimono. She had no idea why she was laughing - Hell, she was still shaking from seeing that terrible cliff - But... His laugh was beautiful and contagious! What the hell was that about.
"It's the first time I've heard you laughing. You have a beautiful laugh. You should do that more often when you're around me." Kat felt a hand sneaking from behind, reaching her face and gently lifting her chin up as the casanova look on his face appeared again.
"Give me a reason to laugh again, and I would. But at least try not to almost get me killed next time, capiche?" she gave him empty threats, to which, of course, he gave a hum of agreement.
"Only if you continue being as interesting as you are now." he pulled the girl back on his chest and told the girl the direction of the Hot Springs so she could lead the horse herself that way.
"Say... If you ever get the time again... Will you keep teaching me how to ride?" she muttered, half afraid that he would actually hear that bold proposition from her.
"And why is that?" that teasing voice of his was heard directly in her ear, as his hot breath on her skin made her stiffen up a bit. It was too damn ticklish.
"Weirdly enough, I kinda enjoyed it. And you seemed to have enjoyed that too. And they say a student should learn a lesson from start to finish with the same teacher." she tried to quickly cover up what she formerly expressed.
"That is true. Very well, as long as you shall take no other teacher, I shall continue guiding you." oh, maybe it was a huge mistake. That annoyingly smug expression of his made her want to repeatedly punch his face.
But that's just how he was, there was no reason to actually get angry or provoked. It would only make it worse. Fire with fire creates a wildfire, might as well just pour gasoline over the whole planet and watch it burn while you swim leisurely in a lake. It's much better anyway.
And thus, the trip to the Hot Springs went by much faster than expected and thus, they arrived at their destination in record time, just as the Sun was setting down. Time for the real fun to begin, huh?
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peaachietea · 2 years
hey y’all, its your favorite theory bitch, i am seeing thor: love and thunder today and I just wanted to throw some theories out there. lets get in to it.
1. I think that loki will be the end credit scene
a lot of people think this but like it makes the most sense to me and I just want to see loki and thor hug each other.... i just want to see thor grab loki by the face and say “brother, the sun is shining.” LIKE IS THAT TOO MUCH TO ASK?????????? NO!
also you can’t have a thor movie WITHOUT LOKI
put our boy back into the movies, please i am begging
2. Somehow moon knight will be in it 
i know this is jump but like i saw something about how moon knight ties into this movie and i was like, “you cowards, give me moon knight NOW” 
its a dumb theory but if I sit there and he pops up, i will lose my mind just saying
3. Thor will die at the end
I dont like this theroy but i feel like that might happen and they will let Jane take his place 
nothing wrong with jane taking the spot of thor but i dont want to see him die
we also wont see it coming and when it happens i feel like its going to be a nod back to infinity wars and how he didn’t go for thanos head
4. Jane is from the What If series (giving credit to the bestie @testsubject24601 because they thought of it)
this makes sense because if you see in the trailer, she says that they havent seen each other in “3 or 4 years” and i feel like this is a different Jane
maybe after the what if series, thor realizes that he isn’t cut for this anymore and he finds out jane is worthy and allows her to take his place and then she gets sent to the mcu where she meets a completely different version of thor
also i am begging for them to make a connection to What If and if they don’t i just might cry
5. A possible cameo from Darcy and Jimmy?? 
once again let a bitch dream because I would love to see Darcy lose her mind over seeing Jane and then her explaining the whole backstory to Jimmy 
i just miss both of them and I want to see them again 
Honestly I am quite excited for this movie and however it plays out, I am here for. I just hope that it makes me laugh a lot and that I m happy when I leave the theater because it was good. Also the soundtrack is going to be amazing!! 
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mxvladdy · 4 years
I can't stress enough 'wows' in tve way you write along with the fact that it's you first few posts (i think? Pls correct me) can you do luci mammon and satan with a reader who takes naps bc of overthinking? They just tug their sleeves and shot them a tired look, while looking down shying away. Also, have a nice day and take the time to be yourself!
Aw thanks fam! I am fairly new to posting my works, I tried twice before this with two different writing blogs but I deleted them both bc I felt discouraged. I’m older now and I feel a lot better about my writing, so third time the charm and all that lol! I’m so glad you like my writing! I know I need some work on grammar and expanding my vocabulary.  
This was a super cute prompt ;.; I hope I did it justice!
He is a mix of jealous and pissed. He wishes he could fall asleep so easily when he gets inundated with too many things at once. But also- just don’t do that? Where were your manners?
He starts noticing your little peculiarity in class. Specifically that you tend to nod off in advance alchemy and rune scripting. You were being so studious, jotting down notes, ask great questions. Next thing he knows you're out like a light.
He is shocked for a moment before he will wake you up. Your wide doe-eyed frown does nothing to him. JK his hearts clench at your wounded look.
He makes the other brothers report to him about your behavior and odd sleep habit. Were you ill? Was this just something humans did? Devils, was Belphie rubbing off on you?
They all say the same thing. One moment you are working hard or talking to them about a topic you are passionate about, and the next you are yawning hard enough to pop your jaw and shyly asking to lay down.
Well-he can’t have that.
If you are going to fall asleep around anyone it’s going to be him.
He sets up remedial lessons with you after dinner to make up for the work slept through. You sit by him at his long ornate desk while he tutors you on what you missed.
You weren't having any problems,  you even finished a few pages. He is proud and then-
“I can almost hear those gears slowing my dear.” Lucifer interrupts himself mid-explanation of Zosimos of Panopolis and Maria the Prophetess's theories of alchemy in human medicine.
You jerk awake and turn to him blinking owlishly. "Yeah, I just need to lay down." You admit.
Lucifer eyes you critically. This was sudden, were you ill? You had been fine moments ago, bright-eyed and enthusiastic. He cups your face, turning it from side to side. "So suddenly? We haven't even discussed the properties of mercury yet." You hum letting your eyes droop. He was always so warm.
"Hour nap break? Please?" His stern gaze softens at how your nose scrunches up cutely as you yawn.
“Very well.” He relents letting you slick over to his couch. You flop over face first with a grunt of satisfaction. You toss and turn for a while, moving his pillows around unsatisfied.
“Luci-” You call in defeat. He ignores you at first. If you wanted to nap fine, he would get some work done in the meantime. “Luci~” You say again. You could see his brow twitching. “Lu-”
“My dear,” He shoots you a withering look. “You are treading a thin line. If you have the energy to call for me you have the energy to study.” You say nothing at his brisk tone, instead of opening your arms to him to join you. “You tempt me.” He purrs hiding his smile behind his paperwork.
“Learned from the best.” Lucifer shakes his head laughing at your smug reply. He glances over you to his grandfather clock. Hmmm-perhaps he could spare a few minutes. He rises elegantly discarding his tie and waistcoat to his abandoned chair. Running a hand through his hair he snorts at your little whistle.
“Move.” He commands. You shake your head patting your belly. “I will crush you.” He laughs but lays over you regardless.
“Good-you’re warm.” You say muffled in his shirt. Wrapping your arms around his middle you drift off. Lucifer holds you close, running a still gloved hand up and down your side. Perhaps he should bring out some more complex topics next time. If this was the outcome-
He noticed you get drowsy before in class. Your cute little head jerks as you nod off, hands rubbing at your face as you fight to stay awake before giving in to the need to sleep. It was adorable- not that he was watching you because of that! He was just doing his job of looking out for you
Ye-that was all.
Honestly, he thought you were just like him. He never cared for the books being forced on him in class. Boring useless crap in his opinion. He much rather sleep through a lecture on stats too.
Now books on photography? That's where it's at. He has a legitimate passion for it.
He likes being behind the camera just as much as he likes being in front of it. Though he doesn't snap photos often.
He doesn't need more beratement from his brothers than he already gets. Sides, he just feels like they would look down at this like everything else he does.
He'll share his hobby with you though. You at least seem interested in it. He'll show you his collection of vintage to high-tech cameras and talk your ear off about the makes, models, and features.
You nod along and ask questions from time to time, smiling along with Mammon while he prattles on about color theory next to you on the floor.
He was just getting to Auguste Lumiére when he feels a gentle bump on his shoulder.
"O-oi!" Mammon starts, shaking his shoulder to rouse you. You look up at him, blinking the sleep from your eyes. "Was...was I that boring?" He deflates a little, all previous excitement gone in a flash. You had seemed so interested...
"What? Oh, no. No Mammon I'm sorry. It's really all fascinating," You grab for his sleeve so he couldn't run away. "It was just a lot of information all at once. I just got a bit overwhelmed."
"So you fall asleep?" He raises a brow not believing you for a second. Who falls asleep when something is interesting? He'll admit he's fallen asleep while listening to Levi talk about a new anime or Asmo with a make-up release.  But that's because it had been boring. "Is that like a human thing?"
You shrug snuggling closer. "I don't know- but it's a me thing. Give me five? I'd love to hear you talk more about your collection, promise."
Mammon glows scarlet at your words. "Of course you do!" He puffs out his chest excitedly. “I got great taste.” You nod into his shirt before drifting off again. He tilts his head slightly to look at you chuckling internally when your breathing and heartbeat slow down. Damn, out in seconds. Well, better get comfortable.
Uncrossing his long legs he picks up the camera he had been showing you. The old Polaroid lens reflects his face back at him. He remembered the day Land had debuted this marvel of engineering. He just had had to get his hands on one. It was useless now, he had much better quality cameras than this old thing, but he remembered you reminiscing about your human friends and their portable camera. Would you take some pictures with him too? He would take one now, but the sound of the flash would definitely wake you up.
He fiddles with it for a few more minutes, opening and closing the film canister and checking for any parts that needed fixing as he waits. You stir at his side a few minutes later with a little mew of satisfaction. Mammon hears your joints creak and pop as you stretch. "Morning." He says sarcastically, earning himself a light punch to his shoulder. "Ready to continue?"
You nod eagerly, perky and aware. At least for the moment.
He didn't really notice at first the pattern of your behavior.
You would come over for book club. Which was really just him reading his current novel and you picking something at random to gain a little random knowledge.
You would find a comfortable position on his bed, curl up nice and small and read. Then after a bit yawn and start to snooze.
He first thought it was the atmosphere of his room. It was quiet, warm, and the sound of flickering candles and the rustle of paper sometimes caused him to doze too.
But when it starts happening outside of class he notices.
Hmmm….this is new.
He looks it up in his human anatomy books and finds nothing.
He's not particularly worried about you per se. You always bounce back quickly after a quick snooze.
Then you start dozing when he is talking… >:(
Like his brother/dad he is a little miffed at first but then your behavior reminds him a cat and he loves you 10x harder now
Satan stops in his pacing of the back gardens. His book of poetry hanging limply in his hand. He had been reciting some of the most fascinating lines of work from Lord Byron's later works and wanted a human's perspective. He had thought you were interested. You never complained before when he asked you out here. Perhaps you were just being polite all those times before. Anything to soothe wrath. He snaps his book shut sharply, take some perverse satisfaction in the way you start out of your light sleep at the noise.
"Why'd you stop?" You ask wiping at your face.
"No point talking to someone that doesn't wish to listen." He snaps tersely.
"Oh-Satan, no I was listening. It...it just got to be so much so fast." You flush. “You had some great points going, I just needed a minute.” He watches your eyes grow heavy again, and it dawns on him.
"Do you just sleep when overwhelmed?" He asks incredulously. In all his years with humans, this was new. You shrug making grabby hands for him to move closer. He scoffs but moves into your space. You grab at the hem of his shirt and pull him down to sit next to you. He goes willingly getting comfortable by your side. You eye his lap longingly, hands clutching around his coat sleeve. “Fine-” He rolls his eyes. “Come here you odd thing.” You smile in triumph and crawl into his lap. Once settled you nuzzle into his warm chest.
“Wake me up in ten? I want to hear more about your conversations with Byron.”
“I’ll hold you to it.” He kisses the top of your forehead, opening his book to read again with one hand. You hum at his soft kiss, returning it sleepily with one of your own before passing out again. Ten minutes go by in an instant and Satan looks down at your peaceful face. He smiles to himself, perhaps he’ll let you sleep for a little while longer. You’d need it for his next point.  
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whumpapalooza · 3 years
Arete, part 5
FEBUWHUMP DAY 26: "please don't do this"
Glen's going through it lmao @febuwhump
(Space Interns Masterpost)
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Glen’s eyes were still closed, but he had begun to twitch.
Brando stood quietly. “Slipper?” he inquired. "Is he -"
“He appears to be waking,” Slipper replied. He approached the bed and called Glen’s name.
At Slipper’s rasp, Glen stiffened. His brow furrowed. Then, he croaked, “Slipper?”
Slipper’s frills relaxed. He turned to see the crew exchanging relieved glances. “That’s correct,” Slipper said. He turned back to Glen. “You’re in Aegis Medical Bay.”
Glen murmured something. When Slipper didn’t reply, Glen lifted his voice and repeated, “What happened?”
“It is a theory that you poisoned yourself to save my life.”
Glen’s eyes blinked open. “Huh?”
“Shortly before you fell ill, you consumed a drink made for me,” Slipper explained. “Further investigation has proven that the drink was laced with donna cortese.”
Glen’s expression shifted. “Oh. How – how bad is it?”
“Not good, Chuck,” Tabby said.
Glen blinked, just realizing the others were there. “Oh.”
“You’ve been in and out of consciousness,” Slipper reported, “but this is the first time you’ve been lucid all night.”
Glen swallowed, his face scrunching with pain.
“You should drink some water,” Slipper said. He poured a cup and held it to Glen’s lips.
“We found the antidote,” Blare explained as Glen sipped. “Slipper says you’re responding well to treatment."
“That’s correct,” Slipper said. “As long as your fever breaks tonight, you should recover.”
Blare patted Glen’s hand. “We’ll let you rest,” she said.
Blare, Tabby, and Brando each bade Glen and Slipper farewell, then left Med Bay.
Slipper searched Glen’s face, then dipped his head. “Rest,” he encouraged. “You’ll need your strength for what comes next.”
Glen nodded. “Is it… How bad is it going to be?” he asked, closing his eyes. “Because it sucks already.”
“It’s going to get worse before it gets better,” Slipper answered. He sat in the chair beside Glen’s bed.
Slipper waited until Glen shuddered asleep before he leaned back in his chair. He closed his eyes and sensed Glen’s heartbeat.
Humans had a tendency to refer to their hearts when describing their emotions. Slipper wondered, not for the first time, how overwhelming it must be to live in a human body.
Slipper had heard the rumors that humans were guided by their instinct to pack bond. When he’d first left his home planet, he thought the concept seemed primitive. But he had witnessed it for himself and learned its strength.
Slipper wondered if this special brand of human loyalty was the reason Glen had intercepted the poisoned glass.
As Slipper pondered this, he started to sense Glen’s body temperature rising. Slipper opened his eyes and saw sweat beading on Glen’s neck. Within minutes, Glen was fidgeting in discomfort.
The discomfort became pain, the fidgeting became writhing. Glen started to wheeze. He murmured incoherently.
Slipper felt like he was watching an icicle thaw, gathering water at its spike until the bead was too heavy and had to drop. Every water droplet brought the icicle closer and closer to melting completely. Slipper knew, without any doubt, that his own body would never have withstood the assault that raged against Glen’s.
Three hours later, Glen fell still.
Slipper raised his head. He watched Glen’s chest. It was barely rising.
“Glen,” Slipper said sharply.
Glen didn’t stir.
“Glen,” Slipper said again, standing.
No response.
Slipper's claws curled into fists.
There were limits to a physician’s capabilities, even in the year 627. Slipper was familiar with the feeling of powerlessness that came with healing. He had lost patients before; he had made peace with death.
But as death’s grip tightened on Glen, Slipper felt defiance flare in his chest.
“Don’t stop fighting,” he hissed. “Please, don’t do this.”
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sixofpomegranates · 3 years
The Dove and the Agent | Ch.1
🕊 Masterlist | 18+ | AO3 | Wattpad 🕊
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Chapter CW: Mentions of suicide/mental illness, angry spencer
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"Nobody, Nobody can be sure they're always right. The ones who are fullest of themselves that way are the emptiest vessels." ― Seamus Heaney
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♜ Spencer's POV ♜
It had been two weeks since I started two work at the BAU again. In my head, I already counted the days until I had to go back to being a Professor.
And even though I had tried once more, my arguments to stop this terrible circle went nowhere.
From time to time, I also still thought about Dove. I hadn't heard from her since I had told her that her theories surrounding Linda Harvey's suicide were wrong. Of course, I hadn't expected to have more conversations with her, but she still graced my mind at moments.
It also did not help that Garcia had told the team about how she looked something up for a girl in my class, and now Luke was teasing me, calling Dove my 'little college girlfriend'.
Just as I started writing the report on our last case, somebody came out of the elevator. Thinking it would be JJ and Penelope returning from their lunch break, I looked up.
My gaze fell straight to Dove Wallace. Her white-blonde, wavy hair was tied in a low ponytail to make her look older, and she wore brown waist-tie pants and a tucked-in cream turtleneck to seem professional.
I couldn't help but chuckle at that sight. For a Profiler, it was more than clear to see that she was nervous. Holding onto her, very similar to mine-looking messenger bag, Dove's eyes met mine as she started to rush up to me.
"Hello, Miss Wallace," I greeted her, raising my eyebrows.
"Hello, Professor! I- I was here two days ago, but the lady at the front desk told me you weren't here."
"Yeah, my team and I had a case in Seattle. Miss Wallace?" I took a deep breath and tried my best to sound as polite as possible. "I don't think it is appropriate of you, my twenty-year-old student, to come to the FBI Headquarters and visit me, your Professor. This could be interpreted wrong if you understand?"
Dove looked at me like a scolded puppy. "I'm twenty-one, Professor," she corrected me shyly and pulled a massive folder out of her bag, handing it to me.
I opened it—lots of Highlighter use, Post-its, and photos. I didn't even need to read it to know what this was about. It was a shame that this was nothing more than a conspiracy theory spun out of control.
"I already told you there was nothing suspicious about Linda Harvey's death."
A little frown started to show up on her soft, porcelain face. "I know, but I looked deeper into it and found out that there were more suicides before Linda and all of the victims were at least five times at our college's counselor's office."
I licked my lips, preparing to interrupt her, but she was way too quick to dump her informations on me.
"And they happen every year around the same time, during the finals, always three students. That has happened now for at least fifteen years in a row! Also, our counselor is English Professor Miller, and he always told us he's from the UK, but I looked him up and couldn't find anything on him older than twenty-five years! And-"
I raised my eyebrows. "I assume Professor Miller is one of your teachers?"
Dove nodded in reply. "He's my Professor in English Literature. Not the nicest guy to be around..."
I sighed. God, I had really thought of her as more rational.
"So you have a personal problem with your Professor and are now framing him as some kind of evil mastermind behind the suicide of a girl from your dorm?"
She shook her head, making some of her curls fall out of her ponytail. "No! I know something's going on because a large amount of the female suicides from the last fifteen years surround girls that went to the counselor's office on the regular and have him listed as their counselor."
She flipped the folder to a page with notes and Professor Miller's face. "And as you can see on page twenty, he does not come up when you try to look him up in the UK birth registers, in the town he says he was born in. The only man I found was a Henry Miller, who died at twenty-five, two years before Professor Christian Miller made his first appearance here in the States. So I called around and found out that although there isn't a Christian Miller in that town, they had a Christoph Arthur to which description-"
Interrupting her and standing up, I now hissed at her a little louder than planned. "Dove! Enough."
She winced at my harsh words as I pressed my palms to my desk, leaning closer to her.
"Not only do you show up here, completely uninvited, you also throw around your evidence lacking conspiracy theories and spread rumors about a colleague of mine. Why are you so stubborn about this?"
Dove just looked at me, eyes widened like a frightened little bunny.
"You didn't even read it," she almost whimpered in a voice so much smaller than usual. "Please. I know I am right. This man vanished and was known in town as a creep. Please. I know that's the same guy."
Her glassy eyes met my annoyed gaze over and over again as she tried to look away from me but forced herself to behave properly and keep eye contact.
"No." I sat back down in his chair, hoping she would get the hint and realize that the conversation was over.
"I said no." I continued writing my report, starting to ignore her.
Even though I did not look up, I knew she was still there. A minute passed, and Dove stood there, not knowing what to do.
Why didn't she just leave?
"You know what, Professor?" She sounded angry. "If you would've taken some of your precious time to read what I found out, you would know that there's a pattern behind his doing. Since he started working at-"
At that, I lost my nerves. Who did she think she was, talking to me like that? I jumped up from my chair again and started to yell.
"Stop it! I don't want to fucking hear it." Then I took the folder and practically threw it at Dove, making the papers spill out of it and fall to the floor.
"Hey, are you alright down there?"
Emily closed the door, to her office, behind her and came down the stairs into the bullpen. She looked concerned and had clearly heard me yell at the young girl in front of me.
"I'm okay, Emily, nothing to worry about."
Just now, I realized that Emily had actually aimed that question toward Dove.
She came to my desk and held out her hand to the white-blonde girl. "I'm SSA Emily Prentiss. And you are?"
She shook Emily's hand. "Dove Wallace." Emily now looked at me. "I- I am one of Professor Reid's students."
"Ex-students," I added bitterly and sat back into my chair, desperate to continue my paperwork.
Meanwhile, Dove looked at me, absolutely mortified. "W-What? Why?"
Giving her an icy stare, I looked up. I was sick of all these rich young girls from my classes getting everything they wanted only because they were daddy's girls.
Thinking they deserved everything they wanted and, if not getting it, would throw tantrums.
Dove had probably never in her life heard the word no, never had to work for anything. She looked pretty and said please and got whatever she wanted. Not this time, though.
"Because you purposefully ignored mine and Professor Miller's boundaries and privacy and disrespected me. And to be frank, you really get on my nerves. I will inform the Decan about your suspension from my class tomorrow."
"That's not fair!" she cried at me, and I let out a sarcastic huff.
"Well, life isn't fair, Miss Wallace."
Dove was already walking away when she stopped and turned around to me. Walking up to my desk again, her eyes were filled with tears of anger.
"You know what?" she snarled at me. "There will be another death soon, and that one will be on you. Just remember that if you finally wake up and realize you're not omniscient, Professor, I told you so and tried to warn you."
Then she stormed off to the elevator, entering it as JJ and Penelope left it, pressing a button a few times while biting her lip, trying hard to fight back her tears.
"Uhm...What was that?" JJ looked at Emily with confusion while Penelope watched the elevator doors close.
"I knew we should've ordered. You know what? That's my own fault! My horoscope told me to follow my guts," Garcia said dramatically, throwing her hands over her head.
As the two of them reached my desk, they helped Emily pick up the papers scattered on the floor. I just rubbed my face and let my hand run through my curly mess of hair. When guilt for my harsh words started to sink in, I looked up.
"Was I too mean, Emily?" I asked, watching her as she put the last papers back in the folder and looked at me seriously while the two blondes read through it.
"From what I heard? Yes. You kicked her from your class because she was worried about a potential murder."
Now Penelope made big eyes. "Was that the girl I checked the files for?... What was her name...Birdie?"
No. It was Dove, like the bird. The little symbol of peace and love. A little white bird.
Her hair was certainly fitting. The white-blonde, although shimmering a little golden, indeed remembered of the feathers of doves if thinking long enough about it.
"Dove," I corrected, and Penelope started to pout at me.
"Boy Wonder, why did you make her cry? You are supposed to be the hero of your guys' story!"
"We don't have a story, Penelope. She is just a student with a wild imagination." I frowned.
"What is even going on?" JJ looked at me, completely confused, and I sighed, annoyed.
"That girl was Dove Wallace, a student of mine. A girl in her dorm killed herself, and she refuses to believe that there wasn't foul play involved. She even made a folder, which frames a teaching colleague of mine."
The women all looked at me concerned, and I instantly knew what they were thinking.
"No. Garcia and I checked, and she is wrong about it." Emily raised her eyebrows.
"But we only looked at the suicide of that one girl..." Garcia answered quietly, now looking at Emily.
"Spence, did you look at the folder at all?" JJ had a concerned look on her face. "She has some really concerning things listed in here. Like that Christoph Arthur...and how she thinks that's your colleague Christian Miller."
She gave the folder to Emily, who looked through the pages JJ mentioned and then handed the single page to Penelope and the rest of the folder to me.
After all these years, we didn't need to talk to know what the other wanted anymore. We had learned to communicate with each other wordlessly. Garcia, with her pink glasses and matching cat ears, went straight to her office while I, the ever so smartly dressed man, quickly read through the pages. I then leaned back in my chair, massaging my temples.
"I messed up," I murmured, hoping to get empathetic looks and somebody telling me that I hadn't made a mistake.
But Emily and JJ looked at me, and while JJ reached out and patted my shoulder to comfort me, the dark-haired woman just nodded in total agreement to my words. Emily surely was the one mirror I could never escape.
I both loved and hated her for that; she forced me to look at my errors and see beyond my stubbornness and pride.
"How do I fix this?" I pulled my phone out and looked through the numbers. "Should I call her? Is it okay to just call your student? JJ?"
JJ just shrugged. "Maybe we should wait for Garcia and see what she finds first..."
As if she had just waited for that line, the lively blonde came running out of her office with a tablet.
"Okay, you guys. I found nothing and everything! This Professor Miller doesn't even have a birth certificate. But I found quite a bit on Christoph Arthur."
She showed us her tablet with some very old documents on it.
"His mother was a prostitute in the little town named Honington Corner. Father is unknown, and there are a lot of medical documents from a now-closed mental institution I gave myself access to.
"Now listen closely, he was in there from the age of thirteen until eighteen, because his mother was worried about him seriously hurting someone, after finding his diary in which he called himself 'The Sheppard'. He also had a list of townspeople and pets he had deemed necessary to be killed to protect his herd."
"Those were all people with mental illnesses or addictions, and the animals? I don't even wanna know, but really weird. After his eighteenth birthday, they had to let him go since he never hurt somebody, even though some doctors were clearly against that. And then he vanished.
"And you sweet babies might think that is the last bit of information I have for you, but no!" Penelope pushed her glasses back.
"I found a Christian Arthur who, like Miller, has no background but appeared right after Christoph vanished and went to school and university to become a teacher."
She flipped to some of the University's pictures of 'Christian Arthur', and I recognized his face. Lo and behold, I did.
This was a mistake I shouldn't have made. My own stubbornness, me, wanting to ignore the fact that there might be some truth to Dove's words, so I wouldn't have to spend also my BAU days at college, had made me blind.
What kind of agent was I that I let that happen?
What kind of person was I?
"I already had the system check, and yes, the same guy as our professor. His classmate was a man named Henry Miller, who had some recorded addiction issues and was on his way to sobriety AND Christian was responsible for him, since they shared a room, and he was his sobriety support. The year they both graduated, not only Henry but also Christian's mother killed themselves, and Christian vanished forever."
We just exchanged shocked looks. The accuracy of Dove's research was astounding.
Henry Miller, Christoph Arthur...I wanted to kick myself.
"I also checked all the suicides that happened since Professor Christian Miller started to teach at your college, Boy Genius. And just like...Dove wrote in her folder, there is a clear pattern of three young girls with mental illnesses spending a large amount of time at the counselor's office and killing themselves around the same time every year. Sadly for us, none of them are marked by the police as suspicious. The girls really seem to have committed suicide without a trace of foul play."
I was always so careful and aware of my surroundings, yet I had fucked up. I got too caught up to accept any other truth than my own.
If Morgan would've still been part of the team, he would've punched me, and I would've been very thankful for it. Although he would probably still punch me, should I tell him about it. Agent or not, it was his duty as 'big brother' to beat some sense into me.
"Well, the thing is, we can't do anything about it. We might have this connection about his changed name and that he was in a mental institution, but that's it. As you said, Penelope, he has never hurt anyone. At least it never got tracked down, and the girls were all mentally ill to some degree," Emily stated, much to my misliking.
"However.." a slight smile popped into her face. "I am going to talk to the police department responsible for those suicides and tell them that if another one happens, they have to contact us immediately. I'll tell them an anonymous caller reported some kind of suicide club or something like that. If they ask for help, we can go there and have a look ourselves. Also, we can get a grip of Miller and see if he is as dangerous as Dove suspects."
With that, Emily went up to her office, leaving Garcia, JJ, and me alone.
Coffee. I needed a coffee.
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I must have hit close enough to make Anon question their deeply felt beliefs
Anon, there is a place beyond your device, a crazy wild place called the outside. I have been there and that is why I have not responded to you. BUT, since all 3 of these overlap here and there I’ll just lump them all in together as you all have done with people who supported Mr. Trump. But first here is the post that has brought this all on just incase folks at home want to follow along. Source
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Anon, #1: I know full well you cannot dictate a virus away like the current administration has tried to do. You cannot care it away with coercion or threats to livelihoods wither. No bullet, no politician or cloth mask is going to stop it. You and I seem to agree on that. “I don't agree that health care workers should have been let go. There's a solution to that. That would be above even your learned head I'm sure.” Again someone who claims to have a solution but failed to enlighten us all with it, that normally mean the idea is piss poor or unattainable. I’ll give you my solution, let it the fuck alone. The medical staff, those technicians, CNA’s, have all been in this mess from the start no matter what administration, what federal, state or local government was butt fucking the hell out of it, those people were at work doing what they do. Granted some of those workers fell on the shot/mask Nazi side, but most didn’t. They went to work because they genuinely wanted to help and they were fired for it. The facts of who is in the hospital, who is on ventilators (Almost no one by the way, because the ventilators were exacerbating the illness and causing deaths that did not need to happen. But who wants to hear about all that truth.) and who is still getting sick is it about 60/40 vaccinated to not vaccinated getting sick. It’s not hard to do the numbers. Even giving it 50/50 vaccinated to not the numbers are still in the unvaccinated favor because they didn’t have to do anything to have the same odds as the vaccinated.
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Anon #2: Mr. Trump did in fact say that, as did the CDC and WHO, although both backed off that claim. Hospitals were also using UV to “sterilize” mask because of the short supply caused but panic buying and scalpers. That did not mean reusing a disposable item was a great idea on anyone’s part. I did not say he was right at any point, just about everything we have been told about mask usage has been hogwash. I am not old enough to have gotten the polio shot, I did get the Smallpox shot and the 10 year booster. But comparing the Polio vaccine to the CoVID19 “vaccine” is not apples to apples. The first work on a polio vaccine started in 1932, the first fully licensed vaccine in the US would not happen until 1961. The first widespread vaccine would not happen until 1953, that was 5 years after John Enders breakthrough in 1948. The bulk of medications being used to fight this, with the exception of the Remdesivir/Veklury, are less than 2 years old. There are no long term studies like there were in the 29 years between the start of a polio vaccine and the realized vaccine. I’d be willing to bet that is why people have little faith in the forced fed, slanted, reporting of the vaccines overall. I would expect a vaccine with such a long development window to have fewer side effects and one that was rushed into production in 18 months.
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That just leaves you Anon #3: At no point in any of my writings on this subject have I ever implied that his was planned. At no point did I say China launched an attack on the world, but I also have not counted out the possibility that this was in fact man made and escaped a lab. I do not have access to anything that either develops the origin of the virus or disproves one theory over another. Until I have that I have no real opinion one way or the other. It’s here and we have to live with it. As I have asked the other Anon’s, if there are flaws in my writing, please correct me. Don’t come to the table with “Your long rant on your "old job" was inherently with many flaws too numerous to mention but I will say this, a virus is not HAZMAT.” and then not add to the discussion. There is even a chance my clearly uneducated ass might agree with your point of view. See, I do not have any illusion that what I wright is the first, best answer or opinion, what it is, is backed by facts. With that said “Biological” absolutely falls under the purview of HAZMAT. “Cloth masks are all we have.” Apparently blind obedience is also all you have also. For all of the Anon’s, you clearly do not follow me because if you did you would know I was not Mr. Trumps biggest fan. I did not care for the guy then and I do not care for him now but as a president he did what I needed him to do. Flip the table and make all sides of the political arena nervous.
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anotherkyoto · 3 years
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the ephemeral radio. joshua crane investigates a town filled with ghosts of the past, present and future. though one can almost find proof of the non-existence of the paranormal, the little town is the exception for it.
content warning for the entire story: mention of child abuse, mental illness, violence, discussion of suicide, drug use, cadaver and gore.
[archive of all the casettes]
Casette no.I. [1K]
Silence lays heavily on the small manx town of Ephemeral. The streetlamps, that look a lot like old gas lamps, but since then renovated to be electrical, are illuminating the town square. There's not a single soul outside, not after the disappearance of Margarethe Shelley.
It's past midnight, as the clock on the library tower says, and as such as this time means that the teenagers and the odd folk of Ephemeral are intently listening to their radios.
"Local police announced they're still on the lookout for the beast that has been spreading fear throughout the entire town. And that has claimed four victims since Friday night.
Authorities asked to remain indoors until the creature has been captured and the curfew is lifted.
You're listening to 102.3, the Ephemeral Frequency, all night, every night." The calming, yet eerie voice of the Host announces his intro for the night. A soft and short tune follows, as they usually do in podcasts and radio stations, and then the Host continues.
"Unfortunately, against the usual method, you need to leave a message for now, if you have any stories to tell about your encounters with the supernatural. Because tonight I have prepared something different for you. We have a very special guest joining us tonight, basically a celebrity since her disappearance from town."
The man says with an excited voice into the microphone as he hangs up an incoming call to the radio. He looks at the woman infront of him, bound to the wooden chair by ropes.
"Margarethe Shelley, an outsider, not so long ago, am I correct?"
"What is this?! Why am I here?!" The young woman answers in a panicked voice, just woken up from her forced dream. She can barely remember where she was or how she got here. She tries against her bonds but to no avail.
The Host doesn't even acknowledge her existence as he continues his monologue.
"Say hello to the audience, Margarethe."
Of course the young woman doesn't reply. She remembers the man from somewhere, but she can't quiet put a finger on it. She barely lived in this town anyway, only arrived a couple of months ago. Her employer sent her there to investigate the strange phenomenas, that's been rumored to happen around this strange old town.
"You know, Margarethe, there has been a lot of speculations about what has really brought you to Ephemeral. No one knows exactly for sure what you were doing here or why, not even our dear mayor, but there have been a lot of theories and rumors."
She scoffs, her blonde hair falling into her face as she angrily replies.
"There's no mystery. I'm only here because of my work. I was doing renovations of old books in the local library."
"Oh is that right?" The man counters quickly with a mocking tone. "The librarian didn't know anything about this mystery renovation of yours."
"My employer is someone else." She bites back bitterly.
"And whom might that be?"
"That's confidential." She says and there's a couple seconds of silence between the two.
The Host smiles and it scares the woman.
"Of course, I understand... yet people have wondered when you left so suddenly, without any warning. Even missing person posters have been put up all over town."
"I wasn't missing." She replies shortly, still there's a sudden change in her voice. No more vice, no more bitterness, only sadness.
The Host knows the reason and he smiles with a grin and continues.
"Oooh, I know. But there have been other missing person reports. Children, barely old enough to leave their house by their own."
"I've had nothing to do with that, please. I'm begging you... I was going to go home to my family, they're surely missing me by now, if I don't return-"
"But of course your family can be glad, because you're not really missing. Unlike the children, brutally attacked and murdered by some beast."
There's silence again before a few tears slide down on the woman's cheeks.
"Please." Is her only reply.
The Host opens his desks' drawer and pulls out a silver revolver, already loaded and he points it at Miss Shelley. She sobs as she closes her eyes.
"If there's anyone listening, come to the radio station please, I'm begging you-"
"Of course, but the children were begging as well, I bet." The Host replies coldly without emotion.
The room is suddenly illuminated, not only by the few neon signs, but the moon as well.
"What's happening?!" An afraid shriek leaves the woman as she starts to shake in the chair, her whole body feeling like it's on fire.
"Margarethe, thank you for being here tonight. This month's celebrity in Ephemeral. We wish you safe travels home... the raining has stopped, the weather is clearing and we featured Miss Margarethe Shelley on The Ephemeral Frequency. We'll be right back, stay tuned."
XXX the radio remained silent for almost an entire minute, as the music was cut off suddenly - note, by J.C.
"We heard from the authorities, and the creature has finally been captured. Our next song is dedicated to them.
The creature has been identified as a wolf, and has been brought down by our brave officers. The victims of this creature are forever in our memories and we keep their families in our thoughts.
I suggest, my dear listeners, you stay inside tonight, though it stopped raining and the last full moon of august is brightly shining...
You know what they say... if there is one wolf, there is usually more around the area.
You have been listening to the Ephemeral Frequency, I'm your Host, and as always, I'll be here for you all night, every night."
0 notes
specterchasing-a · 3 years
Hold On (Part One) || Eddie & Alfie
TIMING: One month ago.
LOCATION: Alfie’s apartment.
PARTIES: @yikesimonfire & @specterchasing​​
SUMMARY: Eddie wants Alfie to accompany him on a little adventure. A lot of things go unsaid, but that’s probably for the best.
CONTENT: Internalized homophobia
Eddie carefully straddled the knee-high barrier that divided the apartment balconies. With a quiet grunt, he raised his leg and landed safely on Alfie’s property. He never locked the sliding door and Eddie didn’t have the patience to wait for him in the hallway. In all likelihood, the door would be shut in his face if Alfie had the option to block him out. Eddie didn’t appreciate being rejected, so things were better this way.
“Alfie?” Eddie announced himself curiously as he opened the balcony door. “I need your help with something.”
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The sound of Eddie’s voice from his living room broke Alfie’s concentration, pulling him away from the string of code he was helplessly scratching his head over. One of these days he’d learn to lock the balcony door — at least while he worked. “‘Course you do,” Alfie mumbled to himself as he ran a hand down the length of his face. 
“I’m in here,” he called out, pushing his chair away from the desk until he latched onto the doorknob. With a faint click, Alfie swung the office door open and rolled back to his desk. “This important?”
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As soon as Eddie heard Alfie’s voice, he made a beeline for the office. He stood at the door, grinning from ear to ear, and offered a small wave. “All work and no play makes Alfie a dull boy. You’re aware of that, right?” he asked, leaning against the doorframe. He liked his neighbor, quite a bit actually, but he wished Alfie was a little more social. Getting him to commit to a conversation for more than a few sentences felt like pulling teeth. More often than not, Alfie regarded him with enthusiasm of someone having their teeth pulled, too. Eddie was used to it.
“It’s monumentally important, actually,” Eddie answered with a nod. “I have plans tonight, filming plans, and I want you to come with me.” He raised his brow provocatively. “I know you’re gonna say no or fabricate some brand-new illness that you don’t have, but c’mon, it could be really fun, don’t you think? We never hang out.”
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Alfie’s gaze shifted from the computer screen to the doorway where Eddie stood. He wished he could wipe the smug smile from the other man’s face that came along with that ridiculous proverb. Another part of him wished Eddie’s smile wasn’t contagious. “I’ll have you know, I did not make up conjunctivitis,” retorted Alfie with the hint of a grin tugging at the corner of his mouth. He wouldn’t comment on any of his other recent ‘diagnoses’. 
“What kind of filming plans, exactly?” he asked, his fingers locked behind his head as he swiveled to face Eddie, giving him his undivided attention. It was still a long shot that Alfie would bite, but he’d entertain the idea before crushing Eddie’s hopes and dreams. 
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“You sure? Sounds pretty fake to me,” Eddie said with a smirk. He knew conjunctivitis was real, but that didn’t stop him from playing dumb in the hopes that it might elicit a reaction from Alfie. He liked getting under his skin almost as much as he liked making him laugh. He wished he had more chances to do both.
“I need to go to the woods again. You know the couple that went missing recently? I saw on the news that their bodies were found somewhere near Dark Score Lake, but here’s the kicker; all that was left of them were their bones. They went missing last fuckin’ week and that’s all that’s left. Vines had already taken over the remains.”
“I have a theory about what’s behind it, but I wanna know for certain. More importantly, I want evidence.” Eddie’s gaze remained on Alfie. Barely concealed hope shone in his eyes. “So, yeah, company would be appreciated.”
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“So let me get this straight…” Alfie’s brow was raised skeptically as he carefully reiterated Eddie’s proposal. “You want to go to the woods where people died… all to prove your little theory on video, and you want me to do what exactly? Be your bodyguard?” A small laugh swelled within his chest. “You’re joking, right?”
Shaking his head, Alfie turned back to his desktop. “Some bodyguard I’d be — more of a meat shield than anything else.” He knew full well that Eddie wouldn’t be that easy to turn down. He’d most likely hang around, maybe even get on his hands and knees to beg Alfie to go with him. “‘Sides, I haven’t even checked the weather. You know how my joints get when it rains. I’d only slow you down and before you know it, a week’s gone by and they’re reporting our bones on the news.”
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Eddie’s mood deflated somewhat when Alfie outright laughed at his proposal. He understood but, just once, he thought it might be nice to have someone accompany him without needing to be begged. “Not a bodyguard—a friend,” he corrected him with a more mild smile than before. “Friends, y’know, do things together sometimes. Sounds zany, I know, but I hear it helps make them into even better friends.”
“I already checked the weather,” Eddie said, not that it would’ve taken Alfie more than 10 seconds to do it himself. He loved his excuses, even the fragile ones. “There shouldn’t be any rain tonight, just some wind. I wouldn’t invite you if there was even a 10% chance it would storm.” Eddie raised his chin slightly, an expectant look on his face. “You should come with me, Alfie. You’re due for a little fun.”
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Much to his chagrin, Alfie hadn’t been successful at turning Eddie down. It was nothing new; he was notorious for avoiding things by the skin of his teeth. But there was something in the tone of Eddie’s voice that made Alfie’s heart sink. His eyes flickered back to Eddie whose face was drained of enthusiasm. “A friend,” Alfie parroted. It really wasn’t fair that Eddie could worm his way into his heart like this, but he had a suspicion that this feeling was not exclusive to him. It was just... Eddie. 
“Say I do go with you,” he finally chirped. “Aside from what I presume will be a fuckton of fun and friendly bonding time… What’s in it for me?” It sounded selfish, Alfie knew that. Even still, it didn’t stop him from dragging out the inevitable. “I mean, y’know, you get your video out of it too, right? Doesn’t seem like a level playing field.”
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Eddie nodded when Alfie repeated the dreaded “f” word. He knew his shut-in of a neighbor didn’t value things like genuine human connections, but Eddie felt determined to make himself an exception. “Proud of you for saying it out loud, I know ‘friend’ is like an obscenity to you,” Eddie teased with his hand over his heart. He didn’t understand Alfie; the guy could be surrounded by people who loved him if he would only put forth a little effort. Eddie would be among them, no question.
As Alfie spoke up again, Eddie’s brow raised in hopeful curiosity. The questions that followed immediately made it fall into a furrow. “That’s so fucked up,” he asserted. “I offer you pure platonic love and you’re telling me it’s not enough motivation for you, Alfie Ramirez?” He pushed off from the doorframe and firmly planted his hands on either hip. “You’re lucky that I don’t have more dignity, is all I’m saying. What do you want? Money? My HBOMax login info? Name it, you greedy fuck. Your wish is my command.”
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Alfie’s face flushed when Eddie drew attention to his repetition of the word ‘friend’. In truth, Alfie hadn’t noticed he’d done it at all, though he could understand why it stood out. Things like that didn’t usually bear repeating. "Har har," he rolled his eyes. Alfie wasn't about to die on a hill proclaiming he had more friends than he knew what to do with. Eddie might have been his neighbor, but he was also the closest Alfie had to a friend in years. 
A terse laugh escaped his lips at the mention of "pure platonic love". With a broad grin, Alfie quickly intercepted. "No, Ed. You offered imminent death. But same difference, right?" The smile never wavered from his face as he listened to Eddie prattle off various options. The corner of his mouth twitched mischievously. "I already have your HBOMax login, by the way. You really need to change your passwords," he smirked.
Alfie wasn't usually someone who wanted for anything; he kept to himself and got what he needed. But there was one thing that would make it worthwhile. "Alright, fine. I'll go with you," he decided. "But after all's said and done, you owe me a box of Baby Ruths. I'm talkin' unopened retail box, nothin' but Baby Ruth goodness inside."
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Imminent death. Eddie rolled his eyes playfully. “You are so dramatic,” he insisted. Most of his content-related adventures were potentially perilous but, lo and behold, Eddie still had a pulse. He couldn’t imagine what would make tonight any different. “You’re stealing from me?” he asked, feigning shock. “I’ll change them immediately, alfieisatool69 should do just fine—wait, shit, I shouldn’t have said that out loud.” Truthfully, Eddie couldn’t care less if Alfie used his login info, it felt like something friends would do. Granted, friends probably asked first, but that was neither here nor there.
“That’s it?” Eddie asked. “You could have asked for anything in the world and you went with candy bars.” It would’ve been physically impossible for him to be grinning any wider. “You’re a simple kind of guy, I respect that. Consider those candy bars signed, sealed, and delivered. Now, get your shit and let’s go solve a murder.”
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“Technically,” Alfie stressed, unlocking his hands from behind his head to raise one of his fingers, “I’m stealing from WarnerMedia.” His brow raised at the new password Eddie threw out. After a brief lull, Alfie’s hands dropped to the arm rests of his chair, and gave a soft snort. “Alfieisatool69 — really? You’d use my name as a password? Gotta be honest with ya, Ed, that’s kinda gay.” Throughout their years as neighbors, Eddie’s feet remained firmly planted in his heterosexuality. It was rare that Alfie made friends at all, let alone with straight guys. This, he figured, was exactly the kind of ribbing to be expected in the friendship dynamic they shared — not that he had anything to compare it to. 
With a shrug, Alfie pushed himself from his seat. “What can I say? I’m a sucker for a good nougat.” No amount of candy bars would be able to prepare him for what was sure to come. But Alfie wasn’t in the position to demand egregious compensation when someone he considered a friend was essentially begging for his company. 
“What all do I need?” he finally asked as he slipped his wallet into his back pocket.
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Eddie’s hand raised and mimicked a flapping jaw when Alfie corrected him with a technicality. When his new password was deemed gay, he scoffed. “You caught me—I’m so gay for you, the guy I need to bribe to spend time with me.” Eddie’s lips pursed as he proffered an exaggerated shrug. “I think if I was gay, which I’m not, I’d probably be more interested in someone who, I dunno, liked spending time with me.” He sounded more terse than he intended to, as if what he said held more genuine feelings than it did. So he thought, anyway. “The syphilis is also kind of a turn-off,” he added to make-up for the weight of his previous comment.
“Whatever the Alfie-essentials are. We’re just going to the woods and I’ve already got all of the filming equipment packed and ready to go,” Eddie informed him with a bright grin. “You are so not gonna regret this.”
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“You caught me—I’m so gay for you...” The declaration caught Alfie off guard. For a moment he could feel his heart racing in his chest. After all this time? But before he could say anything irrational, Eddie pulled him back down to Earth fast enough to give him whiplash. Same old Eddie; he shouldn’t have been surprised.
Alfie was silent for a moment as he shuffled into a pair of sneakers haphazardly strewn across the floor. “Oh, right — the syphilis,” he half-laughed. “Good news is, Doc says I’m cured! I would have mentioned it sooner if I’d known that was a deal-breaker for you.” With a low grunt, he wiggled his heel into its shoe and scooped his phone up from the desk.
“Just gotta grab my keys,” Alfie added with a nod towards the office door, hoping Eddie would lead the way out so he didn’t have to walk past him. He didn’t know what else to say. Eddie didn’t think he enjoyed their time together; that much was made clear by the resulting whiplash. Granted, Alfie hadn’t given him reason to believe otherwise, but that didn’t keep him from climbing the balcony rails to visit. 
You could start by apologizing, his inner voice rang. While Alfie knew he probably should, he was worried it wouldn’t seem genuine enough. “You’re wrong, by the way,” he offered instead. He refused to make eye-contact and instead stared at the floor, but it was a start. “I like spending time with you. I mean, y’know… when it doesn’t pull me away from work. But — I do.”
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“Well, clearly, we have no choice but to run away together, if that’s the case,” Eddie teased. He hated the way he didn’t hate the sound of that. He liked Alfie a lot, too much for comfort sometimes. Eddie noticed little things about his neighbor that shouldn’t have stood out to him: the rasp in his voice when he first woke up, the flash of his teeth when he spoke, the subtle crinkle around his eyes when he smiled. Seeing all of that and having his heart push him to do things he didn’t want to was agonizing. He told himself that must be what caring about a friend felt like, and usually he could convince himself to believe that, but sometimes…. Sometimes, he knew better.
Eddie stepped aside to let Alfie pass. To his surprise, he had something to say before he did. He studied his friend’s face as he spoke; flash of teeth, he was fucked. For the first time since he arrived, Eddie’s face bore a serious expression. “You do?” he asked before he could catch himself. “I mean, yeah, I was only teasing.… I know you do, Alfie.” He offered him a small smile. “Let’s get out of here.”
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Alfie managed to skirt past Eddie with minimal effort; head lowered and shoulders down. Something in the way the other man spoke made it sound like a suggestion rather than a jest. He couldn’t afford to think like that. Besides, no matter how much truth it held, Alfie was better off alone. He’d die sooner than later and he wasn’t going to put his friend — or anyone for that matter — in that situation. 
“That’s what this is all about, right?” Alfie teased back, deciding that was what was expected of him. “I thought that’s what ‘let’s go solve a murder’ was code for.” 
In no time at all, he led the way down the short hall, only stopping at the front door long enough to snatch the keys off the hand-me-down entry-way table. “Cool,” blurted Alfie as he nodded along. “I didn’t want you thinking I don’t want you around, y’know?” His eyes shot up to meet Eddie’s for a brief moment and flashed an apologetic smile as he held the door open for him.
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to love & be loved
@startreksecretsanta and @spinifex-ao3, I present my humble gift for the 2020 Secret Santa Exchange. 
to love & be loved is a Raffi-centric short fic. It can be read on AO3 here, or below the cut. 
There was this thing Raffi's therapist recommended. She said that we tend to view mental ailments as a result of a singular issue, when that was not the case. This isn't unique to the so-called mental conditions; physical ailments are always the result of multiple convergent factors, many of them largely outside of our control. Whether you break a bone running down a corridor depends on the gravity levels, the angle, your physical ability to catch yourself (or not), your species' biological attributes, and so on. But because the bone is easier to fix, we don't place as much value on all these could-have-happeneds.
So her therapist recommended that she looks at her alcoholism, even at the collapse of her family, and traces its lineage. To assemble the history in whatever way she preferred; a narrative, an artwork, a quasi-scientific graph, a mission report. Raffi tried and failed.
She ended up with a start chart of the Milky way, no, too big, zooming into a few classic earth constellations. She grabbed her stylus and pulled it across the screen, trying to connect disparate factors.
Childhood??? --- > my son --- > my husband left me
kicked out of starfleet --- > Starfleet = War?
Starfleet = JL? -- > betrayal?
She couldn't talk about any of it. She brought in a star chart with a handful of annotations explaining her biggest failures and regrets. She could barely explain why she wrote them down without crying, her hand itching for the phantom weight of a glass, even filled with water. So mapping the lineage of her alcoholism & her life became their goal. The implication being that you cannot fight a monster you cannot name.
Raffi's therapist was an Andorian woman with deep blue skin, almost an indigo tone. She was tall and friendly in a way that was sometimes clean and professional and sometimes cute and childish. On Earth, she took the name of Julia for some of her clients. Her actual name was J''ul/sth, but more humans were able to pronounce the vowels in Julia, so Julia it is. Julia was a fiercely intellectual woman and would cater her services to different conceptions of what it means to be mentally unwell. She was familiar with centuries of earth, Betazoid, and Andorian theories of mental illness, many of which weren't even addressed within the medical model preferred by Starfleet. Even in her darkest hours, Raffi could barely think a negative thought about Julia; her competence, her expertise was... illuminating.
For someone who had been judged by her own spouse as incapable, for someone who struggled to take care of her hair or to sweep a floor, it was intoxicating to have this brilliant woman focused solely on her for an hour each week. Julia never condescended. She had this assured confidence that Raffi was an interesting person, still worth talking to. It was the sort of thing that could give you hope, if you let yourself believe. It was also the sort of thing Raffi fucked up.
Julia was not a believer in abstinence from alcohol as the definition as sobriety. She pointed to it as an outdated Earth concept that had far too long of a shelf life for the evidence behind it. She encouraged Raffi to define her own boundaries about what substance use or lack thereof meant. And Raffi remembered when she could go to a bar for the music and the sensory experience of one or three Saurian brandies without the all consuming urge, twisting under her skin, telling her to escape from her life. And that was their goal. But Raffi didn't tell Julia which bar. She went to a local bar, one that straddled the line between bar and pub and played live music, an eclectic mix of whoever was willing to play for cheap, across genres, cultures, and species. Tonight was a young human teen, not a singer. They were remixing Vulcan instrumental music, very peaceful and precise, with bright and happy sounds. It was almost gauche, the way the emotions would intercut through the melodies. The sort of thing that art and music journals would comment on, asking if it was subversion or a childish rebellion, a blending of cultures or a mocking. The sort of thing that goes good with brandy.
And it was good. It was good for an hour, slowly nursing two drinks. It was good until she saw her, walking in kind of tipsy, skin flushed a warm blue. Surrounded by friends, bar hopping. On a youthful adventure. She felt ashamed, in that moment. That this woman half her age was supposed to be giving her advice, pretending to listen to her problems. That she could never be one of those friends, all so young, with a world to explore.
When Julia caught her eye, she walked over to say hello. And when Julia's friends asked her who she was, Raffi called herself a friend; not a client, not a patient. She doesn't know what it says that Julia didn't correct her; probably that outing a client was a breach of professional ethics. Raffi has more brandy, to wash away the deception, the feeling of herself as lecherous and pathetic and weak.
Raffi wakes up in an unfamiliar bed, entangled in long blue limbs. For a moment, this brings her happiness. The idea that she was wanted, that the woman who knew so much about her made love to her.
It was only for a moment.
She shifted out of the bed, cautiously. She left to the sound of gentle snoring and the feeling of breeze and slick on her public hair.
She didn't go back to therapy, after that.
She met Benjamin Sisko, Emissary to the Prophets and legendary war hero, at a Starfleet Intelligence conference. It was near the end of her career; there wasn't much longer she could hold onto the idea of the person she used to be, of whatever Starfleet begged from her. There were always threats on the horizon and she had become numb to it all. But Sisko interested her.
In a way, his life was quite possibly her worst nightmare. The idea of being essentially forced into a religion because, by the way, you are now an important figure in our religion and its impact on interstellar politics... what a nightmare. That wasn't mentioning being pulled out of linear time by powerful aliens worshipped as gods. At least -
At least when Q had showed up that one time, JL and him had a bit of a rapport.
But he didn't seem unhappy. She was used to seeing the haunted faces at conferences, as people who were raised in peace and sent out to explore ended up soldiers for war. Starfleet Intelligence was different, it attracted a more cynical bunch. The sort who wouldn't show it. But Sisko seemed... happy. He didn't look like a man who was kidnapped in order to appease powerful beings, or even someone straining under a PR lie. He looked like he had transcended beyond it all. And yeah, she wanted a piece of that.
But she couldn't ask for it. It was a crazy request. It was her imprinting her desires and pains onto a stranger's life.
It surprised her, after the conference, when he approached her and asked if she knew any Bajorans.
“Just the one.” Something in her felt compelled to add, “he wasn't religious.”
“So I'll be the first one to surprise you like this.”
And he grabbed her by the ear, what the shit, and said, in a low voice. “Your pagh is strong.”
After Agnes Jurati confessed to murdering a man, on their ship, the scientist had cried, and asked her, “Why are you still being so nice to me?” There were a lot of answers Raffi did not give. She did not say that she had a son and a husband who wouldn't let her love them and her desire to care for someone was apparently stronger than the realization that they were a semi-brainwashed murderer. She did not say that at this point, she didn't feel like she could judge anyone, morally speaking. Or that maybe this was pragmatism, keeping your friends close and your potential enemies closer. Or that at the very least, there wasn't much she could do to fuck up Agnes' life anymore, which is a marked improvement from the rest of her relationships.
Instead, she let herself feel soft. “Because, sometimes we make mistakes. And even if we can't fix them, I think we should still let ourselves love and be loved.”
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darkling-er · 3 years
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the ephemeral radio. joshua crane investigates a town filled with ghosts of the past, present and future. though one can almost find proof of the non-existence of the paranormal, the little town is the exception for it.
content warning for the entire story: mention of child abuse, mental illness, violence, discussion of suicide, drug use, cadaver and gore.
Casette no.I. [1K]
Silence lays heavily on the small manx town of Ephemeral. The streetlamps, that look a lot like old gas lamps, but since then renovated to be electrical, are illuminating the town square. There's not a single soul outside, not after the disappearance of Margarethe Shelley.
It's past midnight, as the clock on the library tower says, and as such as this time means that the teenagers and the odd folk of Ephemeral are intently listening to their radios.
"Local police announced they're still on the lookout for the beast that has been spreading fear throughout the entire town. And that has claimed four victims since Friday night.
Authorities asked to remain indoors until the creature has been captured and the curfew is lifted.
You're listening to 102.3, the Ephemeral Frequency, all night, every night." The calming, yet eerie voice of the Host announces his intro for the night. A soft and short tune follows, as they usually do in podcasts and radio stations, and then the Host continues.
"Unfortunately, against the usual method, you need to leave a message for now, if you have any stories to tell about your encounters with the supernatural. Because tonight I have prepared something different for you. We have a very special guest joining us tonight, basically a celebrity since her disappearance from town."
The man says with an excited voice into the microphone as he hangs up an incoming call to the radio. He looks at the woman infront of him, bound to the wooden chair by ropes.
"Margarethe Shelley, an outsider, not so long ago, am I correct?"
"What is this?! Why am I here?!" The young woman answers in a panicked voice, just woken up from her forced dream. She can barely remember where she was or how she got here. She tries against her bonds but to no avail.
The Host doesn't even acknowledge her existence as he continues his monologue.
"Say hello to the audience, Margarethe."
Of course the young woman doesn't reply. She remembers the man from somewhere, but she can't quiet put a finger on it. She barely lived in this town anyway, only arrived a couple of months ago. Her employer sent her there to investigate the strange phenomenas, that's been rumored to happen around this strange old town.
"You know, Margarethe, there has been a lot of speculations about what has really brought you to Ephemeral. No one knows exactly for sure what you were doing here or why, not even our dear mayor, but there have been a lot of theories and rumors."
She scoffs, her blonde hair falling into her face as she angrily replies.
"There's no mystery. I'm only here because of my work. I was doing renovations of old books in the local library."
"Oh is that right?" The man counters quickly with a mocking tone. "The librarian didn't know anything about this mystery renovation of yours."
"My employer is someone else." She bites back bitterly.
"And whom might that be?"
"That's confidential." She says and there's a couple seconds of silence between the two.
The Host smiles and it scares the woman.
"Of course, I understand... yet people have wondered when you left so suddenly, without any warning. Even missing person posters have been put up all over town."
"I wasn't missing." She replies shortly, still there's a sudden change in her voice. No more vice, no more bitterness, only sadness.
The Host knows the reason and he smiles with a grin and continues.
"Oooh, I know. But there have been other missing person reports. Children, barely old enough to leave their house by their own."
"I've had nothing to do with that, please. I'm begging you... I was going to go home to my family, they're surely missing me by now, if I don't return-"
"But of course your family can be glad, because you're not really missing. Unlike the children, brutally attacked and murdered by some beast."
There's silence again before a few tears slide down on the woman's cheeks.
"Please." Is her only reply.
The Host opens his desks' drawer and pulls out a silver revolver, already loaded and he points it at Miss Shelley. She sobs as she closes her eyes.
"If there's anyone listening, come to the radio station please, I'm begging you-"
"Of course, but the children were begging as well, I bet." The Host replies coldly without emotion.
The room is suddenly illuminated, not only by the few neon signs, but the moon as well.
"What's happening?!" An afraid shriek leaves the woman as she starts to shake in the chair, her whole body feeling like it's on fire.
"Margarethe, thank you for being here tonight. This month's celebrity in Ephemeral. We wish you safe travels home... the raining has stopped, the weather is clearing and we featured Miss Margarethe Shelley on The Ephemeral Frequency. We'll be right back, stay tuned."
XXX the radio remained silent for almost an entire minute, as the music was cut off suddenly - note, by J.C.
"We heard from the authorities, and the creature has finally been captured. Our next song is dedicated to them.
The creature has been identified as a wolf, and has been brought down by our brave officers. The victims of this creature are forever in our memories and we keep their families in our thoughts.
I suggest, my dear listeners, you stay inside tonight, though it stopped raining and the last full moon of august is brightly shining...
You know what they say... if there is one wolf, there is usually more around the area.
You have been listening to the Ephemeral Frequency, I'm your Host, and as always, I'll be here for you all night, every night."
tag: @seldomabsent
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9 REAL Curses That You Gotta Know About - Even If You’re Not Exploring An Ancient Egyptian Tomb This Weekend
It’s the 17th February 1923.
We are somewhere in Cairo, staving off the heat of an Egyptian Autumn.
We’re waiting. We’ve been waiting since 1915.
In a silent, swift moment the seal to Tutankhamun’s tomb is broken, and one of the most valuable pieces of history is finally passed to the hands of the historians.
But it wasn’t just the secrets of the past that were unleashed when the seal was broken.
Within 12 years, 8 of the explorers that accessed the tomb were dead. By taking their first steps into this place of rest they had unknowingly released what was to be known as the Curse of the Pharaohs.
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Ever since the 19th century British explorers first disturbed the pharaohs, a legend gained ground that claimed anyone who disturbed an Ancient Eypgtian mummy was to experience serious misfortune, illness, or even death.
And ever since they returned home with their spoils of the treasure was this claim proven correct, especially with the supposed curses detailed within the once hidden tombs themselves.
EDIT: Obviously this curse is founded more on the British media sensationalising exoticism, a common tactic of Imperialists in their racist agenda, so be far more wary of that than any old legend.
But what exactly was this curse? And were there any other curses that we should be aware of before we break into any other uncharted tombs?
What Exactly Is A Curse?
It’s founded some of our favourite urban legends and it is still used to stereotype certain communities - but it turns out that they’ve had this reputation for centuries.
In official terms, a curse is a wish that imposes adversity on a person or group of people, an object, or a place. Specifically, it is related to wishes made effective by supernatural circumstances, whether they’re enforced by spirits, or conjured via magic.
Regional divergences also exist, with jinxes belonging to African American Hoodoo, and hexing being a resident of Germany.
Convinced you’ve been cursed?
You have two options if you want to break the spell. One, you can either perform elaborate rituals specific to said-curse, or two, you can pray, like, a lot.
How helpful.
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Not sure how you got cursed?
You’ve most likely encountered one of three things:
There’s the cursed objects - if you’ve been rooting through forbidden tombs or looted from a sanctuary, you might’ve brought a curse home, too. This curse typically amounts to bad luck, or the manifestation of strange phenomena.
Then there’s the curses from Ancient Egypt which are often associated with those that disturb mummies in their eternal slumber. The 19th century exploration of Pharaoh’s tombs revived this concept, and would allow the proliferation of our pop culture curses.
And then there's the Biblical curses. They don’t pause for breathe when cursing each other in the Bible, but thanks to my year 8 Religious Studies, I can tell you that at some point snakes and/or Cain was cursed.
(I’m sure Ms Comber would be ashamed knowing I can just about provide a tl;dr of the first few chapters of the Old Testament before the big plot twist.)
What Are The Most Famous Curses To Date?
#1 - The Curse of Tippecanoe
Our scene is set in 1931.
The brains behind Ripley’s Believe It Or Not - the bestselling publishers of unusual and slightly unnecessary facts - might not have much to report in the pre-internet age, but they were the first to note a rather peculiar trend:
American Presidents elected in a year ending in zero were to die whilst in office. This was later adapted to new, uh, data, which suggested years divisible by 20 (e.g. 1920, 1940, etc.) actually followed this trend.
And beyond the publishing date of this thesis in the early 20th century, this theory had been proven correct.
Think of an iconic president. You know, the ones that have changed history and haven’t suggested one consume bleach like shots of tequila on a two-night bender in ‘biza.
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They’ve probably been a victim to this curse.
Lincoln. Mckinley. Roosevelt. Kennedy. Even Reagan and Bush followed the trend, but survived their own assassination attempts.
Question is, where does this curse supposedly come from?
William Harrison was killed only a month after being sworn into office. Elected in 1840, he waged war against a Native American tribe over problems concerning land ownership. Also known as Tecumseh’s War, this was a battle over an attempt to regain land against the American government, and it culminated in the Battle of Tippecanoe.
Harrison won this battle, and ‘Tippacanoe’ became a favoured nickname of the president.
However, shortly after the battle, one of the men at the fore of the Native American side cursed Harrison. We might not know the exact terms of this curse, nor if he wanted such a timely effect to take place, but with an election on the cards this year this thesis is due to be tested.
#2 - The Kennedy Curse
Kennedy might’ve already fallen victim to the curse of Tippacanoe, but it turns out that wasn’t quite enough. The thing is, this curse doesn’t necessarily affect just JFK. It affected everyone around him.
The Kennedy Curse allegedly prompted the deaths, accidents, and variety of other problems that have haunted the Kennedy family since before JFK even took office.
Due to the fact that some recent tragedies has supposedly been related to this curse, I’m going to refrain from coughing up each incident, but here’s a few to convince you:
Joseph Kennedy was the first victim in 1944, and died in a plane crash over Suffolk, England.
Kathleen Kennedy met a similar fate in 1948 after a plane crash.
Robert F Kennedy was killed on the night of his Senate victory in 1968.
David Kennedy died of a drug overdose in 1984.
Michael Kennedy died in a skiing accident in 1997.
John F Kennedy died in a plane crash in 1999.
Rosemary Kennedy had a lobotomy and was mentally incapacitated for the rest of her life until her death in 2005.
#3 - The 27 Club
The passing of young people is a tragedy we can’t quite wrap our heads around. Heck, belief in the supernatural is partially founded on how we can’t quite comprehend just losing someone, and that just being it.
Finality is an impossible concept to grasp.
And it’s why we turn to things like curses to explain away our pain and to make sense of it all. The 27 Club is a prime example of this.
A remarkable amount of the most famous musicians, artists, and actors to date have all died at the age of 27.
Like, over 50.
Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, Amy Winehouse, Kurt Cobain, and Jim Morrison are just a few of the figures that represent the phenomenon, a phenomenon which has been referenced countless times in popular culture.
Some researchers may have disproven the alleged curse, but with the 4 founding members dying within a 2 year window (Brian Jones, Jimi Hendrix, Janis Joplin, and Jim Morrison), suspicions will always be roused.
#4 - The Curse of the Iceman
Popular culture phenomenons might form some of the most famous curses to date, but they really started with ancient legends. And this one is one of the most well-known claims of the awakening of a long-dormant curse.
Oetzi was found somewhere in the Alps in 1991.
No, this isn’t the name of some lovable character destined to have his own Netflix series; this is a corpse preserved by the icy temperatures of the mountain range in Italy. And this corpse is from 3100 or 3400 BC, or the Copper Age.
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Given the value of this shocking discovery, numerous scientists took the fore in their investigation into Oetzi. But many of these scientists also died as a result of the supposed curse put on those that dare disturb Europe’s oldest natural mummy.
7 scientists that collaborated in the removal and examination of the corpse died in a suspiciously short window of time.
#5 - The Curse of Timur
Some of the world’s most famous curses have affected small groups of people. But this curse was a tad more far reaching.
Like 7.5-million-people-far-reaching.
Emperor Timur was a Turco-Mongol leader from the 14th century and established a highly impressive empire: the Timurid Empire. And this empire was so impressive that Stalin himself took direct inspiration from him.
That’s why he wanted the body of the emperor exhumed from his Uzbekistan tomb for investigation by Soviet anthropologists.
(There’s no explanation why, but the Soviet Union did many things we can’t explain.)
Locals protested, fearing a curse that reportedly started in 1740 when an Afsharid ruler took a slab from his final resting place to Persia. His son instantly fell ill amongst a host of other problems affecting his rule, prompting his advisors to convince him to return the slab of jade back to the tomb.
If the rumours weren’t enough to convince them not to break into the tomb, you’d think the warnings on there would do the trick:
"When I rise from the dead, the world shall tremble."
"Whomsoever opens my tomb shall unleash an invader more terrible than I."
Three days after the exhumation began, Hitler launched an operation that would figure as the largest military invasion on the Soviet Union to date.
#6 - The Superman Curse
Numerous films have been labelled with an alleged curse or a haunting. The Exorcist might be the most famous example of this - you know, with that severe fire burning down the set at one point - but a more specific curse can be attributed to those who played the lead in the Superman franchise.
George Reeves committed suicide in 1959.
Christopher Reeve became paralysed in 1985.
Lee Quigley died at 14 due to solvent abuse.
Kirk Alyn’s career met a dead end after his role.
Marlon Brando experienced a series of unfortunate events after his role.
Margot Kidder encountered serious issues with her mental health after her role.
Even the crew operating on the films experienced similar issues both on-set and in their personal lives.
#7 - The Hope Diamond Curse
It’s the most famous jewel in the world, weighing no less than 45 carats and passing between the hands of French kings and British bankers alike - but it’s value is far more supernatural than the $350m price tag.
It is said that a curse is attached to it, a curse that brings misfortune and accompanying tragedy to those that own or wear the gem.
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Suicides, murders, executions (most of which were hangings), being ripped apart by wild dogs and various other mobs… Just wear the earrings next time.
Today it is on exhibit at the National Museum of Natural History in the US.
#8 - The Curse Of The Chicago Cubs
Bill Sianis lived an interesting life.
A Greek immigrant to the USA, he owned a tavern in Chicago affectionately named the Billy Goat Tavern. And it was this peculiar name that led to the curse that until recently haunted the Chicago Cubs.
Sianis took his pet goat to one of the games in 1945, a game that was a part of the World Series. But due to the odour of Murphy the Goat, he was asked to leave for the sake of the other fans.
“Them Cubs, they ain’t gonna win no more”
He declared this shortly after discovering that he would in fact have to leave.
This curse lasted 71 years, and mysteriously ended in 2016 after numerous attempts by fans to utilise rituals  - mostly involving goats which may or may not be alive - to release the team from their magical confines.
Numerous goats have been brought to games with declarations claiming to reverse the curse being used, and even Sianis’ family members have done their bit in attempt to lift it. Yet despite these attempts - and that severed goat’s head sent personally to the owner in 2013 - some good has come from the curse.
Many charitable efforts have sprung forth from this legend, such as Reverse The Curse donating goats to those living in poverty in Third World countries.
#9 - The Curse of Turan
Now this is an interesting one.
Allegedly, the whole population of Hungary has been under a curse for many centuries, a curse that has two potential origins:
The first took place during the Christian conversion of the country in 1000 AD, from which those supporting the old religions of Hungary (Paganism and a mix of other minority religions) cast a curse that would affect Hungary for evermore…
(More… More… Mo...)
Or 1000 years, suggesting the curse might have been lifted already.
Alternatively, it could be a curse created or rumoured to exist during the failed revolution of 1848 which evoked a great sense of pessimism that is a reported symptom of the curse.
Although the previous curses mentioned in this article have a striking number of coincidences one can’t help be interested in, this one is a little, well, vague.
Sure, Hungary - like most countries - has experienced a number of tragedies over the last 1000 years, from the devastating impact of war and invasion, to foreign control, but how far can we pin suffering caused by imperialism on that of a curse?
The high suicide rate which ranks as 6th in the world might not point to a supernatural cause, but the rather darker reality of depression.
(Yeah, I agree, I should’ve finished this article on a cheerier note.)
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Well thank god that’s over!
Want to read stuff that’s less depressing and more delightfully spooky? ‘Course you do. Then go check out my other articles about all things horror and hauntings.
I even post a new real ghost story everyday.
Stay spooky!
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windstormwielding · 4 years
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@ad-melixra​ said via In a universe where everyone is born with numbers on their wrists counting down to when they’ll meet their soulmate, send me 00:00:00 for my muses reaction to their numbers hitting zero when they meet yours (accepting):
00:00:00 (nemu :3)
Kōtarō grew up always believing he had developed an impeccable sense of direction. In early childhood, he became capable of finding his way around the woods surrounding Kusajishi. As a shinigami, he found he could easily navigate around any human town he was assigned to, no matter the size.
Put him in the labyrinthine complex of the Shinigami Research and Development Institute, however, and he’ll find himself stumped. The officer’s steps slowed and his eyes wandered, threatening to bug out of their sockets in exasperation when he wondered if he’d already walked by this exact same door three times already.
Finally, the thirteenth’s new Fourth Seat stopped in his tracks after several fruitless minutes of wandering around. Every time he thought he finally made it near the exit, it almost felt as though the hallways were purposely looping him around. Every attempt to mentally map out his whereabouts left him starting from scratch over and over.
Delivering that report to Captain Kurotsuchi, at his own Captain’s request, was supposed to be a straightforward task. Ukitake had fallen ill again, which meant Kiyone and Sentarō would be preoccupied and tending to his needs—with the Third Seats busy, the task had fallen to him as the Fourth.
Kōta could not walk out of that man’s office faster. The way Mayuri eyed him down, it almost felt as though he was already working out how best to cut him open. He could not recall the last time he felt that uncomfortable...
...but feeling so confined in these halls, devoid of all natural lighting with fluorescents flickering above and wires hanging loose from the ceiling? This was starting to feel like a close second.
It would be another matter if he at least walked by one of the scientists or ran into a lab assistant, but he had not seen another living soul since he met with the Twelfth Division’s Captain. He noticed he haven’t even walked by a lab since his aimless wandering began. Anxiety gripped at the silver-haired’s heart and seized his lungs as he found it harder to breathe now. How was he supposed to get out? Was the air in here always so stale and stuffy?
“Where IS everyone-?!” he hissed to himself, his composure beginning to wear down and give rise to frustration.
His denreishiki broke the silence with an audible beep, pulling his attention to the device ringing in his pocket. Finally, a distraction! Probably one of his superiors looking for him—having lost track of time, Kōta reasoned he should have been back at the barracks by now.
Retrieving the phone from his pocket, he realized the unknown caller ID on his screen suggested otherwise. A wrong number? Maybe a misdial?
Chancing to answer, he brought the denreishiki up to his ear and answered. “Hello?”
“Do you believe in destiny, Kōtarō-san?”
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“What the-?”
It was a woman’s voice—unfamiliar and monotonous to his ears, but serene and apologetic all the same. Was she a scientist?
Whoever she is, she knew who she was addressing, so she has his undivided attention. “...what do you mean?”
“I needed to narrow down the variables and ensure there would be as little interference as possible for my hypothesis. Isolating you was a requirement to that end, but I see I have made you uncomfortable in my endeavours. For that, I apologize, but I hope you will understand in due time that needs must.”
She can see him?
Keeping the phone pressed to his ear, Kōta took a moment to look around the hall. There was no one to be seen, and his senses weren’t picking up on another presence nearby—even then, he found his spiritual sense could not extend beyond the walls in his immediate vicinity. Something in this building was interfering with his reikaku, adding to his uneasiness.
He returned his focus to the mystery woman on the phone. Whatever the circumstances, she was the only anchor he had—and his only hope to get out of this building. “What kind of endeavours?”
“How much time remains on your wrist, Kōtarō-san?”
The tension in his shoulders almost dissipated, but the inquiry almost got his heart racing. That fabric of romance weaving two souls together, the backbone of unions in this strange world of theirs, the alluded red string of fate—that matchmaking soulmate countdown, is that what this is about?
Wait, when was the last time I even checked-?!
The fourth seat raised his arm high, letting gravity pull the loose sleeve of his uniform down, then brought the numbers to life for the first time in years.
The sight left his body flush with warmth and his nerves on edge. He almost dropped his phone from shock and his stance staggered, bringing him to set a foot back to keep himself standing.
“...three minutes, fourteen seconds,” Kōta murmured breathlessly, just loud enough for the woman on the denreishiki to pick up. He couldn’t believe his eyes. He couldn’t believe it was almost over, just like that.
“...I see. Our countdowns are aligned, as I suspected. One moment.”
Before he could process what she had just said, the wall to his right split open as a hidden passage made itself known.
"...there is such a thing as being too keen, you know,” he couldn’t help but chuckle. Slowly, his claustrophobia became more and more of an afterthought, and his heart was no longer racing out of fear, but racing it still was out of anticipation for what’s to come.
This... oh my god, this is it.
Another glance was spared to the countdown. Two minutes fifty.
“Please, hurry. I can only continue diverting these hallways for so long.”
In that moment, Kōtarō could hear voices coming from around the corner. It was still distant, but they were closing in. Taking that as his cue to leave, he jogged into the opening, then the walls shuttered silently behind him.
Under the one minute mark now. His pace was slow and steady down this narrow corridor, careful not to make any noise or trip on any of the bundles of wires. Kōta knew he was not supposed to be in here, lest 12th division shinigami or random researchers on the other side get alerted to his presence, but he had to see this through.
No—as fate allows it, he will.
The mystery woman had hung up on him, leaving Kōta to follow the trail of the dim lights to his destination in relative silence. The only sounds he could hear right now were the soft hum of the electronics in the walls, and his heartbeat pulsing in his ears and throughout his body.
Finally, he reached the corridor’s end—a dead end, at that. Still, he held his head high and waited, sparing one last look to the countdown. Five, four, three, two, one...
Right on cue, the wall before him parted, though the sudden intensity in lighting forced him to shield his eyes behind an arm for a moment. He didn’t count on this room in particular being so bright!
“I hope you will forgive me my curiosity. I had only discovered the countdown for myself four months ago when I had willed the numbers into existence on a whim.”
Kōtarō perked up at the sound of her voice, and he was sure he felt his heart skip a beat right then. It sounded so crystal clear to his ears, especially now that he wasn’t hearing it over the phone. Slowly, he lowered his arm as his vision began to adjust...
“I was... perplexed to find I had such a capability at all—whether I could from the moment of my creation or evolved to bear the countdown remains unknown to me. All the same, I do not believe Master Mayuri intended for such an outcome when he first conceived of the Nemuri Project...”
Wait, creation? Nemuri Project-?
The fourth seat eased his stance and eased up on his squinting, only to find the woman he sought stood before him with little regard to personal space. Taken by surprise at how close her presence was, he could not find it in himself to pull away from her. Emerald met jade as Kōtarō found himself lost in her eyes.
“...but the matter that you and I are ‘soulmates’ still stands. What I believed to be a theory when you, a stranger to these walls, entered our grounds in your Captain’s stead is now empirical fact. My hypothesis was correct.”
As clinical as her approach on the topic was, as passive as her expression remained (and without a visible blemish on her skin, no less)... he couldn’t help but find her endearing, and himself mystified by her.
"W... who are you?” he finally spoke, his heart racing from the hint of a smile he earned from the artificial soul named Nemu—the woman who would be revealed as Mayuri Kurotsuchi’s new lieutenant the next day.
“You haven’t yet answered my first question...
Do you believe in destiny, Kōtarō-san?”
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tsarisfanfiction · 5 years
Uboku Koroshi-ya
Fandom: Naruto Rating: Teen Genre: Family/Tragedy Characters: Mikoto, Itachi
It's the night Itachi's supposed to kill the clan, but he's ill in bed and unable to move. Will the coup d'état go on as planned or will someone else step up to stop it?
Itachi lay on his bed, deep in the thrall of a fever. Mikoto sat by him, watching as he internally panicked about something. She'd sent Sasuke to go get some cloths and water and the young boy had leaped to obey in an instant, worried for his ill brother.
"…mission…" Itachi mumbled, almost incoherently. Mikoto frowned. She had her suspicions as to what this mission that he seemed so insistent on completing was, and he was in no state to do so. Fugaku was twitchy. The coup d'état was scheduled for tomorrow evening and Itachi was to play a major part in keeping the ANBU out of the way. Except he wouldn't, if this mission went ahead. Mikoto didn't want to revolt; she was happy with her lot in the village – she'd had a good career and an even better retirement, funded by Konoha – and felt that she owed it to both her best friend and her old teammate to keep it safe in their absence. She'd failed their son, she couldn't fail their village as well.
She reached a decision. Resting a hand on her feverish son's forehead, she channelled her medical ninjutsu into him so that she could talk to him. Sasuke would be a little while yet, and Fugaku was at another meeting about the upcoming coup. Itachi's clouded eyes looked up at her as they cleared.
"What's your mission?" she asked gently.
"Secret," he replied weakly. She sighed and fixed him with a stare, enhanced by her kekkei genkai as she took them into a genjutsu-induced world where they could talk privately. Itachi tried to break it but, as she suspected, he was too weak to do so.
"You have to kill the clan." It wasn't a question. "The Hokage knows about the coup and you've been tasked with stopping it." Usually so good at masking emotion, Itachi's eyes betrayed his shock.
"You've been distancing yourself from us recently, trying to make it easier for yourself," Mikoto observed. "Whenever you do look at us there's sorrow in your eyes. You don't want this. You don't want another war, and the only way to stop it is to eliminate us." Her son surrendered.
"You're right," he said. "But in this state… I'm out of time. There's no-one else who can do it but right now I can't…" Silent tears rolled down his cheeks. Mikoto ended the genjutsu as she felt Sasuke re-enter the room.
"Nii-san?" her youngest asked.
"Sas… uke…" Itachi replied weakly.
"Look after your brother, Sasuke," Mikoto instructed. "I'll be back shortly." Sasuke nodded, solemn with the responsibility, and she left the room, all too conscious of Itachi's stare on her back. The coup had to be stopped. If Itachi wasn't fit, then…
"Hokage-sama," she said, entering the office unannounced. Danzo, Homura and Koharu were with the Sandaime.
"Yes, Mikoto-san?" Hiruzen asked. "What is it?" The others bristled but said nothing.
"Itachi's ill," she reported. "He's not fit to complete tonight's mission." Danzo froze at her words.
"What do you know of your son's mission?" he asked suspiciously, confirming her theory that the four of them were all in the know.
"I'm his mother. If I couldn't tell when something was bothering him, what sort of mother would I be? It was easy to work out," she pointed out.
"Why are you reporting this?" Koharu asked curiously. "Surely this works in the favour of the Uchiha?"
"It does," Mikoto acknowledged. "But, like Itachi, I disagree with the coup. Kushina and Minato were close friends of mine and I want to protect the village they gave their lives for."
"What are you saying?" Homura asked. "It sounds like-"
"I will complete Itachi's mission," Mikoto interrupted. The older ninja all looked shocked. "But I have conditions."
"I'll hear them," Hiruzen said before the others could speak up.
"I will spare every child in the clan that doesn't know of the plans for the coup, and Itachi. They are innocent and Konoha cannot afford to lose the Sharingan completely."
"Impossible," Danzo spat. "They will grow up to form another coup later and at that time we will not have ninja powerful enough to subdue them."
"Mikoto is right," Hiruzen overrode him. "We cannot punish the children for the actions of their parents if they have no knowledge. However, Mikoto, you are aware that if you do this you'll become a missing-nin, or have to commit suicide." The Uchiha matriarch nodded.
"Hide my involvement. I'll make it seem as if we were attacked by an outside influence, and that I pursued them to defend the children. Besides, only a very few know of my capabilities. The village won't believe that I could do it, anyway," she reasoned. "You will look after the children? Itachi will be able to look after Sasuke, but he won't be able to cope with all the other children, particularly the really young ones."
"I'll ask for volunteers to foster them among young parents," Hiruzen nodded. "In the worst case, they'll be placed in the care of the orphanage."
"You cannot be agreeing!" Danzo said. "They'll revolt and-"
"Not if they are treated with kindness and brought up to love the village, they will not," Hiruzen said firmly. "Mikoto is correct in that Konoha cannot afford to lose the Sharingan clan. Itachi is loyal to us and he will pass that loyalty down to the other children, providing that they do not suspect that the village is behind the deaths of their families." He turned to Mikoto. "Uchiha Mikoto, I hereby declare you out of retirement and give you an S-ranked mission. Kill all members of the Uchiha Clan that are involved in, or aware of, the planned coup d'état aside from Uchiha Itachi in a way that absolves the village of any guilt."
"Hai!" She bowed her head and turned to leave, before glancing back at the elders. "I know a lot about the village, things that other villages would love to get their hands on. Protect all the children and do not let them find out the truth. I will know." She left, the thinly veiled threat hanging in the air.
"I don't like this," Danzo said. "How can we trust her?"
"We can't," Hiruzen admitted. "But with Itachi out of action she's our only hope."
Mikoto sped back to her house, careful to avoid notice. It was good that while officially retired, she had secretly kept her skills sharp. She'd need every ounce of it in order to take down her clan. All she had to do was wait the hour or so until nightfall before commencing the mission.
"Where did you go, Kaa-san?" Sasuke asked curiously as she entered, having grabbed herbs from her garden on the way up. She showed him the plants.
"To find something to help bring your brother's fever down," she said, smiling at him and ignoring Itachi's subtle look of suspicion as she applied the herbs. "Can you keep an eye on him while I prepare tea?"
"No problem!" Sasuke said immediately.
"Kaa-san…" Itachi said.
"You just focus on getting better," Mikoto told him, walking out the room. She had an hour in which to get her boys asleep and prepare for the worst mission of her life. First of all was feeding her sons. That was easy – she did it every day, after all. It took her a matter of minutes to prepare a light meal for her sons, which she carried up to Itachi's room. Sasuke fell to it with gusto while Itachi picked at his, not up to eating much.
"It's getting dark out," Mikoto commented idly. "Perhaps you two should settle down for the night?"
"I don't wanna leave Nii-san!" Sasuke pouted. She pretended to think for a moment.
"Hmm. If you're good, maybe Itachi will let you sleep in here tonight to keep him company?" she suggested. Sasuke immediately turned to his older brother, who nodded. "Go on, then. Go get ready for bed," she encouraged. He ran from the room to get changed.
"Kaa-san," Itachi said once Sasuke was out of earshot. "What are you planning? You never let us sleep in the same room if one of us is ill."
"Someone's got to stop the coup," she said quietly. "And you're in no state to do so." His eyes widened in realisation. "Look after Sasuke for me."
"No! You can't-"
"When I'm done, I'm going to leave the village. Hopefully I'll make it seem like it was outside influence, and that I left to chase them down and protect you two. I'll be declared either MIA or KIA, at Sandaime's digression," she informed him gently.
"They won't let me live," Itachi said. "I'm a threat." Mikoto smirked, a sight Itachi was not used to.
"So am I. I've made it clear that if anything happens to anyone I leave alive, information about Konoha will find its way to enemy ears. They can't kill you and not destroy the village. You and Sasuke will be safe." The pattering of little feet could be heard as Sasuke reappeared. Mikoto smiled at him, before performing her usual motherly checks. "Teeth? Face? Hands?" All were spotless and she allowed him to curl up next to Itachi.
"Goodnight, boys," she said gently, resting a hand on Sasuke's forehead. An almost invisible glow enveloped her hand and her youngest fell asleep immediately. Itachi immediately turned wary. "And you, Itachi," she said.
"You don't need to-" he started, too weak to fight her off as her Chakra-infused hand rested on his forehead, too. Within moments he too was asleep.
"Yes, I do," she murmured, channelling more Chakra as she cured his illness. Unnecessary perhaps, but it was the last time she'd be able to do it. "I love you both." She kissed both their foreheads gently before tearing herself away from them and leaving the room, closing the door behind her. They wouldn't wake for twelve hours – plenty of time for her to finish her mission, report and leave the village for good. Digging out her headband from where it lay in her drawers and once more securing it around her head, she felt a sense of nostalgia, enhanced when she opened the secret compartment and withdrew her mask – the mask of Uboku Koroshi-ya, her old alias of an un-allianced kunoichi that she'd used for S-rank assassinations that only the Hokage and his closest confidants knew about – securing it over her face. Gathering her weapons from similar compartments around the house and changing into the feared outfit of her alias, she finally felt ready for her task. Uboku Koroshi-ya was a well-known, feared kunoichi capable of sneaking into the most highly secure areas without leaving a trace and her kills were always silent. This would be no different, despite her attachment to her latest targets. She heard Fugaku enter the house and slipped out of the window. He had to be last for the deception to work. He was calling for her, but she didn't answer. She heard him find their sons, and his confusion when he couldn't rouse either of them.
That was her cue to leave. Not even her husband knew of her other persona, but there was no doubt from his tone that he knew she was the one that had put their sons to sleep. Other Uchiha had been roused by the cry and were heading towards the main house. Let them. She had to start from the outskirts, leaving a clear path of entry in terms of order of kills. She chose the obvious spot to do so – furthest from the majority of the village and the slight weak point in the walls. Those of her clan that stood guard there were first to die as her senbon pierced their vital organs, all at once. Despite her personal attachments, she felt a thrill at being back out in the field again, doing what she did best, as she removed her weapons. It was a well-known tactic of Uboku Koroshi-ya to retrieve her weapons as soon as possible after a kill. Sharingan activated behind the mask, she identified where people were and weren't in their houses. Any adult she came across died, holes where the senbon had been extracted post-mortem the only clues to her identity. Flitting into a house – she refused to allow herself to recall who lived where – she killed the woman in the kitchen and the man in the bedroom before approaching their young child, who looked up at her with fearful eyes. Quick as a snake, her hand rested on his forehead and sent him to sleep the same way she had her sons. Yes, she would spare innocents, but they still had to be subdued to prevent an alarm being raised. Luckily, Uboku Koroshi-ya was known for not killing children.
She killed with brutal efficiency – from the shadows where no Sharingan were looking – and soon all that were left were those that had flocked to her house at Fugaku's cry. She chose to forgo subtlety as there were no innocents among them. Her senbon flew true and they all fell, leaving her to face off against her shocked husband.
"Uboku Koroshi-ya," he said in fear as he activated his Sharingan. "Where's my wife?" He was the ringleader. He deserved to know who had slaughtered the entire clan without anyone realising just to protect the rest of the village.
"Allying herself with those that would protect Konoha," she spoke. Recognition dawned.
"Mikoto? You're Uboku Koroshi-ya?" he exclaimed. She nodded slightly.
"And you're her next victim." She knew Fugaku – had fought alongside him on many occasions – and so was confident that she could beat him, even if he hurt her. Then again, she was banking on it. Uboku Koroshi-ya's retreat had to seem genuine – Itachi was the age of some of her other victims so his survival would raise suspicions.
"Why?" he asked as she attacked furiously, holding his own against her own blade. For now.
"To save the children, and my friends' memories," she replied. He gave a wry smile as he managed to nick her arm and she jumped back.
"As kind-hearted as ever. This was Itachi's mission, wasn't it? I always knew he was too gentle to condone the coup."
"Itachi loves this village, as do I. I won't let him throw his career away because of his foolish parents," Mikoto declared. "This is the only way for me to atone for not trying to stop you earlier." She let him hit her a few more times and he grew bolder. His confidence had been increased when he realised who she was – he thought he knew her fighting style. But Uchiha Mikoto and Uboku Koroshi-ya fought differently. It was the basic mechanism to avoid her identity being compromised. Satisfied that enough of her blood had been spilled, she turned serious and unleased her full Sharingan. Within moments of her activating Tsukuyomi (real time) Fugaku was on the ground, disarmed and unable to move.
"Thank you," she said. "Your defence of our sons will convince people that I fought alongside you against our enemy. Sasuke will be convinced of his parents' innocence in all things, and be able to lead a proper life." She lifted her mask just enough for Fugaku, lying beneath her, to see her face, complete with advanced Sharingan, as she killed him. Cold he might have seemed, but he loved their sons and had proved it in his last hour and for that he deserved a better death than at the hands of his own wife. He'd been the man she married, not the mask that led the clan and it relieved her that he'd still been there. But she couldn't linger. Casting one last glance up at the window where her sons slept peacefully, she let a single tear roll down her cheek for her lost life before fleeing the compound, making it appear as if she was being chased out by someone – her other self, the one everyone knew. She had everything she needed – the weapons she'd collected from all her victims aside from those she hadn't had time to, due to 'pursuit' – and it was time to carve out a life as a criminal. Perhaps it was time for Uboku Koroshi-ya to become a reality and for Uchiha Mikoto to become the lesser personality. After all, she was supposed to be MIA so she could no longer be herself.
The massacre would be discovered in the morning. She had to put enough distance between herself and the village by then. A quick slash of the symbol on her headband to mark her new status, she replaced her mask – her new face – and headed away from the village. She didn't look back.
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