#im destiel shipper but fuck dean winchester
lumosxiii · 1 year
you're gonna hate me for this but sam treated cas so much better and fandom still remembering when sam referred to cas as "it" but totally forgetting about dean throwing cas away TWICE from the bunker really doesn't sit right with me
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spn2006 · 4 months
ultimately the problem with supernatural is that the writers were really mad that they had a cult fandom of weirdos instead of a big following of macho straight men, so they would endlessly make fun of the cult fandom of weirdos in-universe, without realising that that would just make the fandom cultier and weirder. and that the endless appeals to macho straight men just made them look more and more gay
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live reaction to destiel being cannon by thete
NO NO NO I RECoNGISE THIS HSOT FROM GIFS I feel the tears coming even though nothings happening yet NOPE I CANT HANDLE THIS 'then we fight' UGH I CANT NO. NO. NO ITS NOT DEAN YOU CAN DO OTHER THINGS THAN KILL everybody gonna die cast, everybody, I cant stop it DEAN UGH DEAN "shes gonna get through that door, " "I know" "and shes gonna kill you, and then shes gonna kill me" literally had to pause bc holy shit I know this score honey holding my face in my hands "I'm sorry"' UGH NO NNNONNONONONONOONONONNOONONNONOn CAS DONT DONT CS PLEAS E "I made a deal, to save him" ":"you what?" UGH PLEASE ITS SO CONCERNED" deans face please. HES LITERALLY DOING THE SPEECH imagine watching this in 2020 though "the one thing I want, I know I cant have" literally everyone who watched this as it came out ik u were loosing ur shit then ut fr I HAD TO PAUSE AGAIN BC THIS IS TOO MCUH HES SUCH A WET KITTEN "is something I know I cant have" OKAY OKAY WHY WHY R U DOING THIS TO ME CAS "But i think I know" I keep having to pause bc he smiled he fucking smield with that one smile that I cant fucking live with. "I think I know now" misha ur facial expressions are killing me. "happiness isn't in the having. it's in the being. its in the just saying it" ok so why did misha have to say this line and look like that like y does he have to rip my heart out "what are you talking about man?" I think he knows ugh I think he knows n he really fucking doesn't want to. "I know" misha please stop I want to give you every bafta " "you think that hate and anger that what drives you" " I'm crying I'm actually crying I'm on the floor sobbing "the good and the bad you have done for love " oh deans face he knows he's trying to do the math bc nah he doesn't get it but he knows what cas si saying "your the most selfless, loving human being I will ever know" y . why misha, the tear? the face?? WhY??? THE SWALLOW MISHAS SMILE
THE SUPPRESSING THE SOB BEFORE HE "LIS"YOU CHANGED ME DEAN": "why does this sound like a goodbye" "because it is" why Is mishas voice like that why because he's not pretending anymore because every pretense is collapsing "I love you" I LITERALLY PAUSED THREW MY CHROMEBOOK ON MY BED GOT UP AND HELD MY SELF AGAINST THE DOOR WITH MY HEAD IN MY HANDS IVE SEEN THIS BEFORE I KNEW IT WAS COMING BUT STILLi cant I cant I cant I cant THE SWALLOW "don't do this case" its so gentle, its so soft, he I cant THE FCE WHEN HE SEES THE EMPTY DEANS SO FUCKING UGH WDYM "cas" THATS SO SOFT I CANT "goodbye dean" his voice is back to normal, he pushes dean across the room WITH THAT DMAN HAND PRINT AND HE LOOKS AT THE EMPTY AND FUCKIGNG SMILES
Im so done DEANS GASpS AND HOW HE JSUT. UGH. HES JUST SITTING THERE. that man didn't answer to his brother what do you mean it wasn't recipocated what do you mean. he's literally holding his head in his hands, NAH I'm sorry that is not how someone reacts when someone they're not In love with tells you they loves you then dies. he didn't answer to *sam*
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m-lokisson · 4 years
My dash is a gay mess rn and it's got me crying.
Destiel really went canon the way I thought it would and it's got me sobbing
All the lines. All the moments. They hit different and it's got me s o b b i n g .
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goth-dean · 4 years
literally do not give a single fuck about anything but dean winchester right now
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fluffymawilefan · 4 years
Yesterday I was scrolling along the internet on a platform that is best unnamed and I discovered an edit of a TV show scene with icons over two characters. One of them was beating the crap out of the other one.
I noticed a familiar tie and trenchcoat, as well as a hairstyle. Then it dawned on me.
This is Supernatural. Dean is beating the ever-loving shit out of Castiel.
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Hi! I need your opinion please because I feel like I'm going insane. I was just scrolling through my dash and look what I found :
november 7th im walking up to the mic and demanding jensen to tell me the top ten men that dean winchester would like to fuck. if he refuses to answer i want “jomophobe” trending on every social media by noon.
This was posted by @/slasherdean and a lot of people have been reblogging it. Am I the only one who thinks this is fucked up?? If you call someone homophobe because they have a different opinion or doesn't wanna tell you what you wanna hear then you're a piece of shit. What the fuck is wrong with these people?? I honestly don't want more cons if all they want to do is harass them to get what they want. And if this was meant to be a "joke" then it's clearly not funny.
Hi Anon!
There has been such a long history of people that ship destiel or people that truly believe Dean Winchester is gay or bisexual that also somehow believe Jensen is homophobic. Even though there has been no definite proof on the subject.
I hadn’t seen that post or others like it since I try to avoid tumblr and Twitter around the time there is a convention going on. Because let’s be honest it’s so bad when there is one even though it seems misha might have learnt his lesson, by saying he doesn’t have the right to speak on other people’s characters. And I hope it was Jensen that delivered the message.
It’s really fucked up what these people are willing to do for the sake of making others uncomfortable just to share their destructive opinions. What I like about the wincest community and other people within the fandom that don’t ship destiel (not saying all destiel shippers), is that we won’t ask the cast questions just to push an agenda cause that makes the whole experience so uncomfortable. I mean the famous ‘Destiel doesn’t exist’ line from Jensen was hard to watch even though I agreed.
What I’m saying is that don’t worry yourself about this, Jensen has said it is nice for fans to defend him in some way, but he doesn’t need protection from the fandom. Jensen knows who is as a person so does his friends, family and cast mates. I would also like to believe that once Jared or Jensen go to one or two cons things will start settling down again. I don’t really want them to do cons anymore but I don’t think they really have a choice. I just hope they shut down any negative comments about the finale.
Sorry went on a bit of a rant lol, hope that helped u :)
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the-gay-intern · 4 years
Im not popular on tumblr. I still dont fully understand how is it working but Im writing this to the whole 3 people that's going to read it. Enjoy my frustration. Im so done with all this toxic fandom. You guys are such bitches bc destiel didn't begin (and ended) like you wanted to. You read too many fanfics to tell apart what's happening in the shows and what's not. You wanted Dean to what? confess his undying love? to start yelling that he was too scared of being gay? like whaat...? Are we still discussing the same Dean Winchester? The same Dean that is scared to show his own emotions?  The same Dean who has daddy issues, mommy issues, abandonment issues, etc.? The real Dean Winchester who was wearing brave mask for his lil' bro even when he was also scared? His best friend just told him he was the reason he changed. He was the reason he cared about earth. His best friend just told him he loved him but it was also a goodbye.  Dean was so shocked that it was goodbye. He would rather them both dying. He didn't consider that Cass would sacrifice for him. That's why Dean (Jensen)'s face showed practically nothing. One second he was thinking ' that's it we are BOTH dying here' and next Castiel is sacrificing himself. When Castiel said 'I love you' Dean is holding tears. He swallowed lump in his throat. He said 'Don't do this Cass' bc if he would confess too it would mean that this is goodbye. Forever. That he is accepting that fate. He didn't want to accept it. (for reference im sending you to Torchwood s03e04). They didn't have much time. Then Empty was there. When Dean turned around HE HAD FUCKING TEARS IN HIS EYES FOR FUCKS SAKE. YOU CANNOT SAY THAT HE WAS EMOTIONLESS. Then Death was there too. He wanted to say something but Cass just pushed him out of the way. And for those people that aren't satisfied with the whole scene and stubbornly think that Dean was cussing Castiel in his head for having hOmOsExUxAl feeling for him. When Sammy was calling him he didn't pick up. His little brother was calling during apocalypse he didnt pick up bc he was devastated. He was crying there. I know that a lot of episodes are dark that you barely see anything whats happening. But you can see him crying there. You can hear it too. If that doesn't mean he cares then i dont know what do you want. And for those saying that Jensen and Misha are homophobic. Bitch wtf? Like literally wtf? They are supporting LGBT+ community. When do you say that Jensen isn't shipping Cas and Dean like... from when people don't get to choose who they want to ship? And I think destiel would be canon a long time ago if it wasn't for those toxic destiel shippers. Jensen got those threats bc he didn't want to ship destiel. Like wtf people? What is wrong with you? No wonder Jensen wanted to back off. To sum up. If you wanted Dean and Cass kiss and fuck there just go watch some porn. You people calling the entire scene 'homophobic' are yourselves homophobic. Bc that's hella stereotypical. Like... if guys are confessing to each other (or only one of them is confessing) there should be gallons of tears and happy jumping or some other cute thing? Or you are just triggered that Cass died few seconds later after confessing and that's homophobic. That's the least homophobic thing i have ever seen in my entire life. He just understood that being truly happy doesnt mean what you have but what you feel. He was happy to sacrifice himself for Dean. He was happy to die for his love. And if that's not beautiful that I dont know whats beautiful.   I think that destiel isn't about physical love. I dont care that they will never kiss or hug or even hold hands (even if i wanted them to). Bc this love is truly for person itself. For their personality. That even with their flaws they are loving each other. Bc not everyone is good with words and feelings. And that's okay. Sometimes unnamed things are better than naming them bc everyone else is doing that. Bc in the end the only thing that matters is that the other person is happy.
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laikuh · 4 years
Is it weird that whenever I see an anti!John post, I always assume that they're Destiel shippers? Because 9/10 of the time, they are. Which is weird because plenty in the fandom likes John as a character -- we see him as he is/was, as he was written; a broken man. Our voices we're just drowned out by crazy LOUD shippers. --- Here's my wholesome Dean&John headcanon w/o context. --- youtu. be/BsuY9lHxg88
idk if its weird, because i feel like you’re probably right. i ship daddycest, a bit of wincest, and also am a bonafide destiheller, and i def think john in canon is pretty terrible. i might have been more sympathetic before the episode where we learn he let dean get arrested and sent to the boys home for shoplifting food for him and sam, saying let him rot, like, that’s a line for me personally. i think destiel folk probably prioritize dean over john for shit like that (dean saying things with dad got “dicey” to sam in s14 also comes to mind) and so that gets reflected in fandom spaces. and bc their ship has nothing to do with john, just dean, there’s more space to be anti-john in their posts. 
i can’t speak for anyone else who isn’t in the destiel fandom, since i’m in it myself, but for me i just put aside my canon gripe with john for the sake of the ship and the fic, just like i put aside my real life problems with incest when i read or write daddycest/wincest. and i agree with you--john is very complicated and very broken, and that’s interesting to explore. it’s interesting to humanize him in depth, given the show really does nothing to engage with the contradiction that is john winchester, they just rubberstamp his supposed goodness and act like he...like he didn’t make his children feel like shit, leave them alone for weeks on end, let dean repeatedly suffer for crimes likely committed in service of keeping his brother fed and clothed, and then consistently treat them like tools instead of people when they were adults. 
idk, you probably didn’t mean to unlock all this with me, but i have a lot of thoughts and issues and love for john. i resonate with dean and sam, and i resonate with their choice to forgive him despite his flaws. that said, i also find it incredibly aggravating that the show itself disregards its own canon re: john. that it brushes aside the shit john did because jeffrey dean morgan is just that hot and cool and good at acting and genuinely close with j2. 
i don’t think my otp being destiel makes me more critical of john, but i think, as i said above, that destiel folk are just more invested in breaking down what makes dean so tragic, and like...a solid 75% of that is the damage john did him as a kid. whereas wincest/daddycest folks (i assume that’s the divide being drawn here?) have a bigger investment in both characters, that allows more room for humanizing and thinking about john outside of dean. if that makes sense? hope this doesn’t come off as wanky or ship war-y, but it IS an interesting dynamic that you point out, that a lot of john hate comes from that corner of fandom. i feel in an interesting position because im in both segments of the spn fandom. 
eta: i also think this is why i WANT to write a fic where john isn’t a garbage father. i want to explore what it would like for him and dean if their childhood wasn’t so traumatic. if he’d TALKED with them about mary, if he’d TALKED about this feelings and let them talk about theirs, if HE’D taken time to work a steady job every now and then to earn enough money to keep them fed and clothed before he quit to go hunting. i wanna know what a real partnership (insomuch as an incestuous father-son relationship can be real) between john and dean would look like if dean wasn’t holding on to years of repressed shame, guilt, and anger because of things john said/did/taught him. 
SECOND ETA: OMFG I FORGOT TO CHECK THE YOUTUBE VIDEO AND FUCK PERFECTION dean sings this under his breath whenever john’s in a mood and it always pulls out the faintest of smiles lmao.
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ao3feed-destiel · 5 years
To Love an Angel
Read it on AO3 here!https://ift.tt/35mnqG5
by quicksilverdeancas (quicksilvermalec)
Dean is pining, Castiel is confused, and Sam is... Sam is a cat. Sam's a fucking cat.
Words: 5741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Gabriel
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: discord rp, Fluff, Curses, Getting-Together, Cursed Object, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Ships It, Sam is Destiel shipper #1, Sam Winchester is So Done, Sam Winchester is a Cat, im sorry, not really - Freeform, Light Angst, Light Dean-centric Angst, Light Castiel-centric Angst, Mutually Unrequited, dumb bitches, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Gabriel and Sam Winchester Figure Their Shit Out, (with very little help from their brothers because they're awesome that way), I might be biased toward Sabriel, enjoy
Link: https://ift.tt/35mnqG5
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amazon-me-bitches · 3 years
Talk about the first ship you ever had. I THINK it was Kurama/Hiei from YYH
Talk about three of the most important ships throughout your life. well KuramaxHiei being the first one was important bc I had not been exposed to much gay media in general and I started reading fanfiction and came across it and was just gobsmacked.  SamxDean is a longtime one. for a LONGGGG time I shipped Peterick too.and other bandom ships ((pisst: I still lowkey think Ryden happened))
What’s your current OTP? Sanders pairings change all the time for me but put on the spot I would sayyy ThomasxVirgil hands down -What’s your current NOTP? uhhh I’m not so much into Rociet I think Janus was manipulative and mean to Roman and Roman deserves better than that.
Do you have any poly ships? um everything? LAMPTDR plus sleep and Picani and anyone else that happens to walk in and sit on the couch with them for movie night? xD im not picky.
How do you feel about love triangles? As long as no ones feelings get hurt and it all ends in poly good snuggles im good with them (=
How do you feel about RPF? ALL DAY EVERY DAY, just don’t harass people irl and you are good to go my dude.
Have you ever shipped yourself with a character? lol I think way back when but I’m more of the ‘let the other 2 hot characters kiss while I just watch and cheer in a fireman’s hat.’ kinda girl. 
Do you have many ships that never got together at all? well yeah lol almost all of them thats why we write the fanfiction man lol.
Do you ship any characters that have never met? yes and no I have before as a crack ship but I like some chemistry.
Talk about your favorite first kiss. currently? Luke and Lorelie from Gilmore Girls. bc I have put off watching that show for years bc i thought I wouldnt like it and now I love it and GOSH IM SO HAPPY FOR THEM.
Have you ever been disappointed when your ship finally got together? nah im a simple person.
Has a ship ever broken your heart? I mean maybe RyanxBrendon from Panic!atd
How do you feel about will they/won’t they? it worked for Gilmore Girls lol
Have you ever “shipped at first sight”? Sam and Dean honestly the second Dean had him by the jacket in his face on that bridge I was ALL IN BABY.
Talk about a ship you initially disliked. Prinxiety ONLY bc I thought the shippers would be obnoxious about it like Destiel but that didn’t happen and I started to love them and their dynamic
Talk about a pairing you’ve stopped shipping romantically. Jd and Dr Cox....IT WAS A PHASE AND MY WIFE WONT LET ME FORGET IT!!
Talk about a moment which made you question an entire ship. I mean the state of Moxiety is turmoil rn but I still ship them. They will make up and hug and kiss and Patton will make them after sex brownies and and all will be cool again....if I believe hard enough.
Have you ever shipped something despite yourself?I said I wasnt going to ship Remrom but hey ship happens.
Talk about a ship you feel alone in shipping. I wish MORE people Shipped Thomas with the sides.
Is there a ship you just don’t get, but have nothing against? that’s Destiel for me, the fans are really the only reason I don’t like that ship, they are crazy and most are horrible... but hey If Cas wants to hop in bed between some Winchester bros, I’m not going to be blocking the door.
Which of your ships have the best chemistry? Sam x Dean or LoganxVirgil
Which of your ships deserve better writing? Bandom about All Time Low, bring up your JALEX GAME GUYS.
Do you mostly ship canon pairings? nah I dont care about Canon
Have you ever shipped a pairing before you even started watching the show/movie simply because of gifs and graphics or similar? Guilty as charged.
Have you noticed a pattern in your shipping? Is there a romantic dynamic you’re more drawn to? Yeah I like to refer to it as. “ the strong must protect the sweet”
Is there a ship you’ve shipped for most of your life? I still ship Hiei and Kurama the only difference is now I like them with Yusuke too lol.
Does shipping come easily to you? always
Do you need to ship something to really enjoy a movie/book/tv show/comic? nah but it helps
Name a couple of fandoms in which you have no ships. Golden Girls
Talk about one of your favorite headcanons for a ship you love. I’m a sucker for Virgil getting all kinds of comfort and attention and love when he joins the light sides them all just fawning over him and making him blush. Him being so anxious about his first movie night with Thomas and Thomas pulls him into his lap and just holds him and drops kisses along his neck throughout the movie.
Share five must-read fics. dude I have read so much fanfiction I truely can’t lol.
Name your favorite fanartist(s). again too many to count. you guys are so talented holy frick!
Share your favorite fanmix for your OTP. you mean my MP3 player? lol
Recommend 1-5 shipper blogs. too much work I rec go to the tag of your ship and look around you will find MAGIC, my friends.
Do you create fanmixes/gif sets/fanart/fic/fanvids and so on for you ships? Yes I write but rarely share them im shy but I have fanfiction sitting in my Aol email that is from 2006, no im not kidding. there is also over 400 of them.
Do you have a favorite trope and/or AU for your OTP? Anything where Virgil or Thomas gets fiercely protective. or when Dean threatens someone's life or sacrifices someone else to save Sam.
Do you like and use ship names? yeah all the time.
Is there a fictional relationship you’d really want for yourself? nah I got me the best ship of all time Bierra which is BethxSierra and let me tell you guys its the DOPEST ship out there. lol its me and my wife.
If you could change one thing about your OTP, what would that be? They should flirt more and or fuck more. thank you for your time.
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
Who Needs Mistletoe?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SmvtiR
by waywardgalpal
Words: 1368, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas, Shipper!Sam, Destiel - Freeform, this is so fucking fluffy, im obsessed with my own fic yall bc everybody gets a hug, And gifts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SmvtiR
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To Love an Angel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35mnqG5
by quicksilverdeancas (quicksilvermalec)
Dean is pining, Castiel is confused, and Sam is... Sam is a cat. Sam's a fucking cat.
Words: 5741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Gabriel
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: discord rp, Fluff, Curses, Getting-Together, Cursed Object, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Ships It, Sam is Destiel shipper #1, Sam Winchester is So Done, Sam Winchester is a Cat, im sorry, not really - Freeform, Light Angst, Light Dean-centric Angst, Light Castiel-centric Angst, Mutually Unrequited, dumb bitches, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Gabriel and Sam Winchester Figure Their Shit Out, (with very little help from their brothers because they're awesome that way), I might be biased toward Sabriel, enjoy
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ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
Who Needs Mistletoe?
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SmvtiR
by waywardgalpal
Words: 1368, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: General Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Gen, M/M
Characters: Dean Winchester, Sam Winchester, Castiel (Supernatural)
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester
Additional Tags: Fluff, Christmas, Shipper!Sam, Destiel - Freeform, this is so fucking fluffy, im obsessed with my own fic yall bc everybody gets a hug, And gifts
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/2SmvtiR
0 notes
ao3feed-castiel · 5 years
To Love an Angel
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35mnqG5
by quicksilverdeancas (quicksilvermalec)
Dean is pining, Castiel is confused, and Sam is... Sam is a cat. Sam's a fucking cat.
Words: 5741, Chapters: 1/1, Language: English
Fandoms: Supernatural
Rating: Teen And Up Audiences
Warnings: No Archive Warnings Apply
Categories: Other
Characters: Castiel, Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester, Gabriel
Relationships: Castiel/Dean Winchester, Gabriel/Sam Winchester, Castiel & Dean Winchester, Castiel & Sam Winchester, Dean Winchester & Sam Winchester
Additional Tags: discord rp, Fluff, Curses, Getting-Together, Cursed Object, Sam Winchester Ships Castiel/Dean Winchester, Sam Ships It, Sam is Destiel shipper #1, Sam Winchester is So Done, Sam Winchester is a Cat, im sorry, not really - Freeform, Light Angst, Light Dean-centric Angst, Light Castiel-centric Angst, Mutually Unrequited, dumb bitches, Emotionally Repressed Dean Winchester, Castiel and Dean Winchester Need to Use Their Words, Gabriel and Sam Winchester Figure Their Shit Out, (with very little help from their brothers because they're awesome that way), I might be biased toward Sabriel, enjoy
read it on the AO3 at https://ift.tt/35mnqG5
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