#im finally catching up to the anime im losing my mind
prettyboykatsuki · 1 year
bluelock is the funniest anime in the world
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fure-dcmk · 2 months
FINALLY WATCHED THE MOVIE first impression rambling >>>
HEIJI WAS SOOOOO COOL. HANDSOME. TERRIFIC. the first 20 minute is just me losing my mind from all the heiji details
>> heiji and kid bantering about fairy lips in the intro. kid going your fault for not noticing hmmp! <- huh? are you a tsundere heroine
>> 4 new outfit from heiji that fits him so well... handsome guy
>> a fairy lip redraw. i died
how the hell did heiji brought his bike with him all the way in HOKKAIDO. you can almost way osaka to tokyo is only half of the travel to hokkaido how many day trip would it take to reach that far. also a jp tweet i read once brought to question how a high schooler was able to use the high way. did he brought kazuha with her in this extreme trip? with the excuse that he's going for a kendo tournament... when his bigger agenda is to confess. everything about the bike being there doesn't make sense but i give it a pass for being cool 😁👍
and the heikazu scene.,.. i came there fully expecting to not care at all but they actually made me invested. ran was SOOOO CUTE her excitement directly influenced me to also want to see heiji succeed. heiji asking if the legendary 100 million night view is better than big ben and ran agreeing just to placate him for the sake of her otp 😭
THE STUN GRENADE! the fact that kazuha immediate reaction is to protect heiji ears.... her self sacrificial nature a call back to mermaid island in the most subtle way 🥹🥹🥹 heiji shocked eyes was so cute. and heiji confession speech isnt cringe and is actually cute! shocker! (sorry trauma from heart anniversary lines its so awful im dnfuebdjfjf) devastated such an ideal confession scene was wasted. but its from kazuha trying to save heiji SO FORGIVEN
need to make sure ppl know im a momiji enjoyer. all her faults are forgiven purely cuz she is funny. let a rich girl be delulu !
also loove how they keep cannonizing her keen hearing from m21 THIS IS THE APPEAL OF KAZUHA THEY GET IT
touichi gifting a lost national treasure to his little brother yuusaku for winning the macademy award, as well as keeping in touch with him and gifting various trinkets.... meanwhile keeping his own son completely in the dark that he's alive this entire time...
conclusion 1: worst parent award goes to kuroba touichi 🥳🥳🥳
conclusion 2: ah he's definitely a brocon huh
kills me that everyone is dejected that the katana with the star shaped guard is a lost treasure. meanwhile its quitely sitting in kudo yuusaku's store room cuz his big brother gifted it to him LIKE SDJDJFF!? turning your justice leaning lil bro into an accomplices. the gag potential here is so made for me
shoutout to sonoko who took up haibara's usual information provider role. every scene with her was animated so cutely IM SHOCKED m27 doing excellent job at showing off her cuteness. there is a fun parallel to think about, sonoko was the first person heiji went to to get information on kudo's whereabout, and now heiji is also going to her for information ♥️ heiji-sonoko friendship crumb thank you for the food
this movie really play a lot with the crumbs from kendo school tournament arc. heiji-ran friendship makes me want to cry, ran efficiently karate chopping hijiri to make sure theres no distractions for heikazu 🥺😭 ive been convinced on okita's cuteness the past 3 month cuz if the okita fanart boom in my corner of jp twitter but watching it for myself... he really have it bad for heiji LMAO wdym "it's boring if hattori ain't here~" how much did you say this for kaitou kid to catch that its a good trait for an okita disguise. im glad this movie give a good balance of real okita and fake okita, m10 still makes me so sad for having ZERO real hakuba 🥲 kid's dosu e~ is so moeblob
ah i still got so many word vomit on this movie it seems to be never ending 😭😭
my final review of the movie is this is my no 1 fav conan movie of all time, 2nd place is bride of halloween. i still havent rank anything below that properly. im truly entertained by this movie it got so many characters i care about with a lot of bombastic scenes. as much as i want to say my ultimate fav is m7 and m21, both of them are kinda... slow with all the deduction talk. im here for eye candy after all 😔 mixing kid's energy is doing wonders for the tone of a heiji movie. heiji's presence is also doing wonders for KID as well cuz gosh!!! KID has never emit this much childlike moe blob energy. heiji and conan being the straight man to kid's prank is the dynamic really help to emphasize his whimsical energy
and the final theme i caught; parallelism where hijiri is willing to do anything to protect his father's legacy only for us to find that its all for naught.... now why does this sound familiar 🤔🤔🤔
rewatching the movie tomorrow so ill probably do another ramble on it
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ginalinettiofficial · 6 months
hey what’s up hello okay so i finally just finished s2 e52 of dndads (had a very crazy work week so was listening in bits and pieces) and here’s the thing is that im also currently relistening to the whole season and earlier in this week, the most recent episode i finished, was halt and catch fireball, and before that ya know was mrs. swallows oak garcia’s home for peculiar teens or whatever that one is called where they are just. at normal’s house and we got to actually get to know rebecca a little bit and i have got to say that i don’t know if i could’ve picked a more painful and wild older ep to listen to as a precursor to dood riddance i really don’t!!! literally half of the shit in dood riddance just circles back to that arc in the swallows oak garcia home and it’s CRAZY
like first of all. the red vines, which they called twizzlers the entirety of e52 which was MADDENING as a person who legit just finished e30/31 where the red vines were introduced
but then like. e31 is where taylor gets the anime sword from nick!!! that he loses in e52!!!
there were a few other things that i’ve forgotten in the half an hour since i finished the ep because my brain is a sieve on a good day and i’m just getting home from two back to back 13 hour shifts (with an extra 1hr10/20 each day for the commute) so the brain machine is so fucking broke rn
but mainly. i wasn’t loving e52 esp after dood left i just was not vibing with it, i feel like the vibes were off in the room in a way that translated into the ep for a bit there, but then anthony in those last like three minutes brought it back around and with the roll of rebecca??? after i legit JUST finished listening to the eps that feature her the most prominently and like truly showcase not only normal’s relationship w his mom but also, as is said several times in e30/31 and their teen talks, just how similar normal IS to his mom and how he really clearly is a total momma’s boy and very much so seemed to be a kid who sought solace with his mom more than anyone else in his family and just. having legit JUST reestablished that in my own, made the end of e52 DEVASTATING for me in a way that idk if it was for other ppl??? idk haven’t checked the fandom yet im very disconnected this season but just.
i think that okay so we have ten parents it could’ve been, right? and five of those are the kiddads, and none of us want to see them die, so in that moment when anthony was telling us what was gonna happen, obviously my instinct was like “oh god don’t do this don’t do terry jr again but truly permanent” and then my next instinct was that it would be potentially even MORE awful if it was scary’s dad because finally there he is and that’s ALL she wants and for willy to take that moment from her would be INSANE and then (mind you this was my thought process over the course of literally 10 seconds, my brain is ping ponging in my head and has been since the second i got in the car to head home i need to sleep) and THEN my next thought was, oh god, but how fucked up would it be if it were marco??? oh god, how fucked up would it be if it were cassandra?!?!?!?! and then it was time for the roll and truly in those brief seconds basically my brain flicked through every potential victim and said “oh god THAT one would be the WORST”, EXCEPT for veronica and rebecca, and it made the hit of it being rebecca who was low down on my instinctual list to think of but then the second he said her name i was immediately ricocheted back to earlier in the week when i was listening to halt and catch fireball and mrs. swallows oak garcias home and how many emotions i had about normal and his mom just relistening to those episodes and then the fact that i DIDNT think to worry about her just
all of that combined to make that a CRITICAL HIT FOR ME OKAY like i am SO fucked up over this truly that was WILD and i applaud anthony burch for it and now am excited for the finale even though ive spent the last three eps just dreading it for several reasons but now im excited and devastated and i love that
anyways. that was word vomit i just NEEDED to get this out because the connections between those two episodes really will not stop hitting me in the head and i need to impart that onto SOMEONE. if u read this. ur a real one. rip rebecca swallows oak garcia you were a legend and i am so sad about u
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borathae · 4 months
Chapter 30
i just know she has a banging headache
wth yoongi where you waiting there or something?? “Are you still angry?” he asks dryly. is that even a question? “This wasn’t a request but an order”, he hisses, woah ok kitty
“seriously if he knows that I was all sad last night he could at least tone down the ass for a bit.” gurl have u seen his ass? u cant tone down an ass like that. have you seen his thumka in ptd??? it was paying rent
you look silly when you startle” and u look like a cat
It is a nice change, you grew bored of only hearing your steps in this massive estate. ooh thats a cool fact about herself, my steps get quieter if its already quiet, i hate the sound of my footsteps, idk feels too loud and gets on my nerves
The estate looks different too. White marble floors and ivory walls with impressive paintings in golden frames hung on them. The tall windows let in the morning air, red curtains swaying in the wind. Even the doors were different from the rest of the estate. Bright white with golden flower ornaments all over them. hold on this is bright, and yoongi didnt redo the entire estate in a night, so what part is this?
JIMIN'S WING WOW this feels so unlike him, yet him from his clothes/attitude
“you can’t just read people’s minds without their consent. i think he just hears everybody like background noise, some of them catching his attention for a second and lost again. similar to accidentally overhearing people, i guess?
waah THE GREENHOUSE YALL bruh let her see it for a second man
wow that was romantic 👀👀 slightly sus whats up yoon? Yoongi simply pushes a bowl of fruit salad closer to you, doing so wordlessly UWUW LOOK AT THAT TSUNDERE LIL MEOW MEOW IM GONNA MARRY HIM AAAAH whos mad at him? fight me (definitely not me)
Why? Do you want to complain again?” “chill my dude. I was going to compliment it.” “Thanks”, he finally says, almost whispering the word. “Whatever, you’re welcome I guess” STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Are you an old grumps or do you just not care because your humanity is off?” took words out of my mouth “You know I do”, he growls, but it sounded more like a shy whisper. IM TATTOOING "HE CARES" ON MY FOREHEAD “you’re helpful, even if other than that you are a total nuisance.” *goes for laser to get it removed kids plan permanent shit, dont be like me
Just once he disappeared to get more food. ok he is no longer a grumpy grandpa, he is now promoted to grumpy grandma
“You think I have time to think about that? Only idiots have a favourite scent.” BREAKING NEWS SA YOONGI INSULTS BTS JUNGKOOK. CANCEL HIM 😭😭😭😭
You look at the rose then at Yoongi. if it was jin, i would've said they are the same “Smell it”, you say. wow she is so polite, cuz if it was i would have already shoved it up their nose by the time i finish saying smell it (not being rude, just idk habit? like a kid showing stuff to people lol) SMELL THE DAMN PLANT FOR OUR BABY, UR NOT GONNA DIE FROM THAT DUDE
He rubs his hand back and forth on the side of his neck, eyes racing from side to side nervously. yoongi panicking(from silly stuff) is very funny cuz that man is usually calm and collected aside from screaming
“I’ve never seen someone walk so slowly” this man drinks grumpy animal blood, grumpy air and water
oh i had 3 tadpoles for a month lol
And so he does, showing off his teeth for just a second before he frowns again. YEAH LET THOSE FACE MUSCLES MOVE, what if your face gets stuck like that (look at me out-grandpa-ing the og grandpa)
“Yeah? So your best asset in getting Taehyung to talk doesn’t die?” .. “no because I don’t want to lose-” .. “-whatever. Are you going to promise me or not?” HAHA
“Okay I promise…you big softie.” He ignores you, grinding his teeth and turning to stomp to the door. haha look at him uwuw
he has a terribly fast pace going on. dad is that you? no literally my pace got faster after walking with him 💀💀
Oh yes! Gregory, my lovely Gregory. OH MY GOD I GOT SCARED IF IT WAS GREGOR OOF (or is it??)
oh my god tae my baby wtf man my eyes are blurry?? that was fast
please eat those strawberry OH THE SWING DANCING CAUGHT HIS ATTENTION oh my god jimin PLEASE HE *oh my god im about to bawl in the middle of the day in my room wtf have you seriously done to me haha 5 years back i would laugh at this in disbelief
*reads the list
SHIT NO fuck she fucked up *it was at this moment she knew she fucked up
yoongi is pissed and its an underestimation, understandable 🥲
i just know she has a banging headache
me rn because of my Suguru posture 😪
“seriously if he knows that I was all sad last night he could at least tone down the ass for a bit.” gurl have u seen his ass? u cant tone down an ass like that. have you seen his thumka in ptd??? it was paying rent
I genuinely love his ass so much I could look at it forever (respectfully)
you look silly when you startle” and u look like a cat
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It is a nice change, you grew bored of only hearing your steps in this massive estate. ooh thats a cool fact about herself, my steps get quieter if its already quiet, i hate the sound of my footsteps, idk feels too loud and gets on my nerves
okay I feel that jfadsjf but I think with me it's more of my ever present fear of being perceived JFJADJF don't ask it's a neurodivergent thing apparently 🙂
JIMIN'S WING WOW this feels so unlike him, yet him from his clothes/attitude
“you can’t just read people’s minds without their consent. i think he just hears everybody like background noise, some of them catching his attention for a second and lost again. similar to accidentally overhearing people, i guess?
I have to dissapoint you, it is a conscious decision to read people's minds JFAJSD so mister boongie has been doing it on purpose JFJADJ
wow that was romantic 👀👀 slightly sus whats up yoon? Yoongi simply pushes a bowl of fruit salad closer to you, doing so wordlessly UWUW LOOK AT THAT TSUNDERE LIL MEOW MEOW IM GONNA MARRY HIM AAAAH whos mad at him? fight me (definitely not me)
Why? Do you want to complain again?” “chill my dude. I was going to compliment it.” “Thanks”, he finally says, almost whispering the word. “Whatever, you’re welcome I guess” STOP I LOVE THEM SO MUCH
Are you an old grumps or do you just not care because your humanity is off?” took words out of my mouth “You know I do”, he growls, but it sounded more like a shy whisper. IM TATTOOING "HE CARES" ON MY FOREHEAD “you’re helpful, even if other than that you are a total nuisance.” *goes for laser to get it removed kids plan permanent shit, dont be like me
Just once he disappeared to get more food. ok he is no longer a grumpy grandpa, he is now promoted to grumpy grandma
grandpas can make food too, it's not just the women so he is definitely still our lil gramps <3
He rubs his hand back and forth on the side of his neck, eyes racing from side to side nervously. yoongi panicking(from silly stuff) is very funny cuz that man is usually calm and collected aside from screaming
“I’ve never seen someone walk so slowly” this man drinks grumpy animal blood, grumpy air and water
“Yeah? So your best asset in getting Taehyung to talk doesn’t die?” .. “no because I don’t want to lose-” .. “-whatever. Are you going to promise me or not?” HAHA
he is in loooovveeeee
“Okay I promise…you big softie.” He ignores you, grinding his teeth and turning to stomp to the door. haha look at him uwuw
he is just a lil pookie in love 😌
please eat those strawberry OH THE SWING DANCING CAUGHT HIS ATTENTION oh my god jimin PLEASE HE *oh my god im about to bawl in the middle of the day in my room wtf have you seriously done to me haha 5 years back i would laugh at this in disbelief
no but I'm so sad for real 😭😭
an i oop-
yoongi is pissed and its an underestimation, understandable 🥲
NO BUT THIS SCENE IS PERMANENTLY BURNED INTO MY MIND the way he just full on confesses that he loves her and that he is TRYING to be good for her LIKE 💔
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your-next-daydream · 2 years
Deadpool's reaction to s/o who wants to learn how to use guns as they have an obsessive interest in it as they want to help him out on his missions?
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Im doing myself a favor and combining all my Deadpool requests. Also for the Date a Live request I unfortunately have not seen that anime yet, while I did look up the character you are referring to I just do not think it's practical to fight in a dress like that. That being said I have not seen the anime so I have no idea how she fights so if you'd like you can imagine you are wearing that I will not be specific about what the reader wears.
I will also be writing a gender neutral reader.
He looked at you with wide but excited eyes as he asked you to repeat your question. "Hold on repeat that did you just say you want to learn how to do what I do!" He looked like a kid on Christmas as he stared at you.
You shrugged rubbing the back of your neck. "I mean yeah, if you'd be able to teach me. It looks like a lot of fun and I'd like to join you."
He started jumping around the apartment you both shared happily before getting serious. "As happy as I am about you wanting to join me in my amazing job," he sighed before continuing, "I have to make sure you know how dangerous it is. It won't be a walk in the park considering how you don't have a regeneration ability or anything like that." He took your hands in his rubbing over your knuckles softly. "Trust me I don't doubt you I just don't want to lose you." He said sitting down in a chair in front of you.
You got up walking over to him and leaned down to place your forehead against his. "I understand the risks and I'm okay with them. I love you Wade and I think it'd be really fun to fight alongside you or just to help you out a bit. And I know with all of my heart that if I'm ever in danger you'll be there for me no matter what..."
Over the next couple of months Wade taught you various types of things. Ranging from different types of hand to hand combat, how to get out of restraints, weapons fighting, and he even had a friend of his teach you how to hack into all types of networks.
Turns out he was a pretty amazing teacher he was proud about how quickly you were able to catch on. Even though he had more of a let's say...hands on approach. He was still fairly serious during his teachings always rewarding you for your hard work afterwards.
He nodded watching you break into something on your laptop. "I know you probably wanted to do more with fighting but I figured this would be safer." He peeled off his mask leaning down to place a kiss on your cheek.
You nodded your head leaning into him for a second before continuing your work. "I'm seriously happy to help in any way Wade. Plus your teaching me fighting stuff on the side so this is just an added bonus." Tilting your head you looked up at him with a raised eyebrow. "Though why exactly are you trying to have me get into the X-Men network specifically?"
He laughed lifing you out of your chair taking your seat and placing you on his lap. "Because if you can get into a program designed by a mind reader and a blue monkey, then you can go nearly anywhere!"
You sighed continuing your work. "But this is hard!" You leaned your head back on his shoulder ceasing your typing. "What do you say we take a break hm?" You winked at him grinding down on him.
He huffed lifing you up a little. "As much as I hate to deny you...and myself. I am going to have to pass on that." He stood up placing you back in your seat by yourself this time. "You continue that, I have a little job to go do I want you done by the time I get back!" He returned your wink blowing you a kiss as he walked out the door.
You shook your head resuming your typing. "He's infuriating but I love him...wait what's this folder named "Logan's moments."
About an hour later Wade finally returned. "I'm home! You'd better be done my darling little hacker!" He kicked his Crocs off at the door before pausing hearing laughter coming from where he left you in the living room.
You paused your laughing for a second. "Wade honey come look at this you are gonna get a kick out of this!" You stifled another laugh pulling the screen forward to where he could see.
Leaning down he tilted his head seeing a bunch of videos on screen. "Are these all of Wolfy?" He clicked the space bar hitting play on the most recent video you were watching.
<<start video log 23>>
It started off as Logan walking through the halls normally until he got to the end of a hallway. Jumping out from behind a corner a kid in a mask shot a confetti canon at him before running off. Logan jumped at the interaction ripping the door that he was going through off the hinges. "God damnit kid! Get back here!"
Hank rounded the corner seeing the altercation. "Logan do you mind me asking what's going on?" He took the door from him leaning it against the wall next to the doorway. "I swear if I have to keep ordering more parts to replace the ones you break around here."
He grumbled out an apology before continuing. "There was a fucking kid with a confetti canon...wait where's the confetti at?" He mumbled, "Look I swear a kid just came out of nowhere."
Raising an eyebrow Hank pointed to the ground. "If that did happen wouldn't there be something on the ground from the canon?"
Rolling his eyes Logan stomped off. "Leave me alone you overgrown blue monkey!"
<<end video log 23>>
Wade looked at you before looking back at the screen before busting out in laughter. "Wait this is seriously great! So you got in?"
You shrugged gesturing to the screen with your hand. "It wasn't as hard as I thought it would be. I know I probably should have been looking for secret files or something but this was way more interesting. Apparently the kids like to use their powers to mess with the teachers or even other students quite frequently."
He smiled at you ruffling your hair. "I'm proud of you. You've been doing excellent with your training, I'm glad to soon call you both my partner in both love and crime."
Silencing your mumbling about him messing up your hair you took his face in your hands. "I love you too Wade and I'm happy to be alongside you in this no matter what."
Okay I'd like if y'all could request something other than Deadpool since that's mostly all I have for Marvel writings. I wouldn't mind writing a part two for this with a fight scene though.
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yettofindaname · 10 months
One Piece posting
So I've recently catched up with the One Piece manga (as of now, chapter 1100) and have some things to say. (unmarked spoilers for OP below)
I have read One Piece since 2015, and my modus operandi always is to wait a bunch and read a significant block of chapters, ideally a years worth. Factoring that in, I can finally say the Wano arc really tested my patience.
Wano is the longest arc in the series! And i'm not talking the saga (that started ten years ago) Im talking the get-in-the-island get-out-the-island part! Luffy got in Wano in early July, 2018 - and left mid August, 2022, that's four years! And the final showdown in Kaidou's base, the climax of two years of preparations, politics, backstory - took two whole years to boot. It was kinda sad, getting my fresh one piece dose and it's 50 chapters of the same of last year! I glad that is over!
Luffy is a zoan-user now, and I saw a good comment stated by a very vanilla wish-fulfillment-protagonist in a isekai one piece fic: Zoan users are - as stated on the manga by various sources - shaped by the animal of the devil-fruit they eat. Carnivorous zoans are more agressive, and so on - this is heightened when the user awakens, sometimes with the user losing their personality and becoming a single minded beast, as was the case with the mino-animals in Impel Down. The point here is: Would a devil-fruitless Luffy be all that friendly and freedom fight-y, had he not eaten the fruit of the Laugh-and-Freedom-Fight-GOD? Was he always like this, or did the Nika inside him ate the person and left the shonen protag? I (like the fic MC that made the coment) don't think one piece is this kind of story - and when we find out what is luffys True Dream (that being Pirate King is only a stepping stone to) is, it will probably be something very Nika like, even if the dream is older than the God-Possession.
We got Bartolomew Kuma's story and ho boy, is it a kick-in-the-feelings. Oda loves mistreating us, it's sadness porn all the time, but we are masochists and keep coming back for more. The World Nobles are like a whole nation of Jeoffrey Baratheons, really gives me the desire to cross the screen and strangle them one by one.
Oda takes his sweet time introducing loads and loads of new characters and going out on tangents, but I gotta give it to him: I fully believe that when one piece ends, there will be little to none loose strings - the man will lay everything on paper, from the backstory of the world to that of significant major players. In this stretch after Wano, we already got a lot of Revolutionary backstory covered, and also the God Valley - a central point in Garp and Rocks pirates lore.
In the same vein, I like how Oda gives us a progressively more clear view of the past: Legends become events you see in person, and legendary figures become humane. When One Piece started, Gold Roger was this paragon, unattainable pinnacle of a pirate, a very much tell don't show kinda deal. Now we know how he fought, what he liked, how he behaved - And it's nothing 'out of this world' - we even know his bounty and how it compares with those alive today, and it's a value that it's high, but not absurd. A slightly more expensive yonko, but yonkos are - today - beatable antagonists.
Speaking of Bounties, my bet for highest bounty is this: Monkey D. Dragon - 10 Billion Beri, give or take a few hundred million. It rounds off nicely in a universe where World Gvt level threats (yonko) that aren't trying to destroy the government are valued 5 Billion 'and change'.
The moment Nico Robin discovered that the books of Ohara were saved and the research her friends and family died to protect melted my heart - this was the reading-sprint kick in the feelings i was not expecting, but took with tears in my eyes and a smile in my face.
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Yeah, this feeling.
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featheredcritter · 1 year
please for the love of god talk about your guy im paranoid about being annoying but i feel like i should still tell you that i am in a constant state of rotating him in my mind and u r a legit inspiration
waughh!!! thank you so much!!! ;_; this means the world to me really, and don't worry! it's not annoying at all! i just want to apologize for the late answer i didn't quite know specifically what to talk about because with my characters they're just spinning in my head with no cohearant thought following suit. A few facts about him the under the cut. Sorry again
prolonged isolation can cause hallucinations to people, so among all other issues Nick does hallucinate, but before i do much with it i want to research the topic more to represent it correctly and respectfully.
Nick's knife is a hunting\butterfly knife hybrid.
Nick (and his species) has the tapetum lucidum, so his eyes shine! can be a little spooky to see in the dark.
I enjoy thinking about Nick once he's no longer afraid of humans and instead seeing them as allies. He'd be a great asset for the resistance, while he has plenty to learn he's a very smart man and a good scientist. He'd be great at fixing up small things in machines because he can get in it and has very small hands.
Humans have always been like uncanny valley to him. They are very similiar and yet Nick sees them as creepy, weird or downright gross. One second away from throwing up when he first got picked up.
Despite healing well from the damange Lamarr caused him, he still has cronic pain because of it in his torso.
Nicholas is an avid writer, and his most precious book is a sort of "diary" where he writes all that is known about his species+ his own experiences as some sort of evidence of their existence once he dies and (as he belives, but not true) his species is finally gone.
Even in a safe, enclosed space Nick will always have his back against something and be standing in a position that allows him to view the entirety of his surroundings and have at least one escape route, plus he hates being in big open spaces. He's a little prey animal and he gets spooked so often for the smallest thing really, it doesn't help he's a fairly nervous man already.
His bites cause some very annoying itchiness, so the potential guy that tried to catch him will keep scratching at the wound and make it worse. It's not very dangerous and you can fix it so easily, but it can cause infections if left untreated.
He does not trust vortigaunts just like he does not trust humans, as they are allies, and anything that sides with humans is no good, but i think he'd be a lot more sympathetic towards them if he knew what they went through. Fortunately he learns about the whole combine invasion once he no longer hates humans, but had he known prior i don't think he would have felt that bad for them. It's ok tho they all become besties in the end :)
Nicholas is not a physical person, despite enjoying quite a lot physical contact at first once he loses his fear due of the fact he'd been alone for twenty whole years, so he kinda missed the physical contact. The period doesn't last forever, however, but he still doesn't mind it from time to time.
Nick speaks so fast and he's always eating his words, stuttering and cracking and rambling. I've mentioned it again but i'm saying it again, he sounds like Doug Rattmann
If people say some weird shit about him because of his size like "OMG you're soso cute ^_^" he'll look at them dead faced and completely silent to make them feel awkward and uncomfortable over what they said and make them apologize.
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HI LOVE cactus nutmeg and taro for the ask game.. mwahh <3
Cactus: something you're currently learning (about)?
Aside from the tiny imperceptible lessons that im sure i pick up every day i am slowly getting better at acoustic guitar! Finally got over myself and started looking up chords lol so ive been zipping along in the past few days.... its good for me to have tactile hobbies because i do lose my mind when i cant do things with my body. Honestly not much of a disciplined student im very good at like flitting from subject to subject and learning in small increments so there really is a hundred little things
Nutmeg: how’s your room/home decorated? Do you have a specific theme or style going on?
I dont really decorate intentionally tbh but looking around my room its a lot of blue/white/brown color-wise. My mother once described it as a "fur trapper whore house" which i think paints a very vivid picture... theres a lot of animal pelts and pearls and velvet. Its a bit minimalist though it just sounds lush because its so texturally elaborate. Big fan of anything but plastic so its pretty much all wood and metal. I also live in a house from the 30s so the details of the room automatically add a lot
Taro: if someone called you right now to catch up, what’re the things you’d tell them about?
The weather, which hasnt been anything special (aside from the fact that all existing things are inherently special). There is nothing going on in my life and even if there was i havent yet fallen into the practice of telling people things 👍
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drk-of-light · 1 year
I wish i was a little forest faerie and a beautiful lesbian would wander into my domain and id trick and tease her and one day she would finally catch sight of me. I say it was an accident but deep down i think i let her see me. She is instantly infatuated with me. I'd already long since fallen in love with her. But i always knew it couldnt be. I treated her nicer than a fae should to humans. I knew it was wrong. I shouldnt have made it so much fun that she kept coming back.
Would she love me? Or would she just love that im a mythical and fantastical creature? I hid for awhile after she saw me. She kept coming back daily to search for me. One day she exhausted herself in her search and fell asleep aside a tree. I sat myself on her shoulder and drifted off to sleep with her. This was what i always wanted, what i longed for. Peaceful and comfortable. Maybe she did love me truly.
Next I awoke I was in a house. She had taken me to her home, after trudging through mine for so long. I wasnt a fan of human homes personally, but for her i could make an exception. I was laying on a pillow on her bed, i was shocked she took me all this way without awakening me. She must be so gentle, tender, and kind. I explore her room, taking in every detail i could. Its cozy and natural, with a desk and bookshelves covering the walls. Most the books seem to be about nature; animals, plants, bugs, all from different parts of the world. I flutter over to her desk to discover a book open on it, it appears to be her journal. I read the page its open to...
I can't stop thinking about what I saw in the forest. They were beautiful, as if the wind in the trees were personified. They must have been watching me all this time. I just want to talk to them.
I fell asleep in the woods today while searching for Them. When next I awoke I found them asleep on my shoulder. Perhaps they are as in love with me as I am of them. I brought them home, I hope they don't mind. I dont want to lose them. I really want to talk to them, truthfully.
I am touched. My heart is burning bright. She does love me, doesnt she? Maybe we can make this work. No, we surely CAN make this work. I sit on her desk and wait for her to return home. So we can talk, confess our love, start a life. I fantasize about what will happen
When she does finally come through the door she is holding a bouquet of small wildflowers. She is delighted to see me and sits down at her desk, placing the bouquet in a cup she had already prepared. We talk, we get lost in each others eyes, we kiss. Nothing else in the world exists. We live at her home but go into the forest every day together from then on. Her house is small, much smaller than my boundless forest, but I dont mind. Our homes are one now. As are our souls. We sleep together, wake up together, do everything together.
Until one day we fall asleep, and I awaken in a room I've never been in or seen. Its covered in various framed butterfly and moth specimens. When I try to get up to explore I realize I'm held down by pins on a piece of styrofoam. My wrists are stabbed through and bleeding, as are my ankles. My wings have been gently spread and pinned as well. A tear falls from my eye as i let out a sigh.
I am going to die. Ive been betrayed. But at the hands of my lover i think perhaps I do not mind. I would have had to watch her die and live countless years alone, but death spares me that fate. I love her too much to be mad. She enters this forbidden room and stares down at me. There is no remorse in her eyes. She gently picks up the board im on and kisses me. It is the last thing i remember.
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thevermingod · 1 year
Constantly have little AMVs going on in my head when music plays and I have to share one with you guys cause Im losing my mind:
Song is Cannibal by naethan apollo
Opens  to A person in a dark room, spotlight is on them as music starts and they mouth the words
I'm a little bit obsessive I need to learn my lesson My kindness is a weapon A weapon that you turned on me
Theyre frantically twisting and turning, trying to see something in the darkness the viewer is unaware of
Still, you leave me guessin' 'Cause you're so iridescent
A hand comes into frame from the darkness, slowly making its way into the singers spotlight
You show the world a smile But show your true colors to me
The rest of the form comes creeping in, showing a wild-like human on all fours it’s face has a feral looking grin
Think I got the message Thought our love was destined
As the feral human starts to crawl towards the singer, the singer finally notices and turns on their heel. They look afraid
But it's more like a death wish A guarantee for misery
The singer starts to take steps back as the feral human crawls closer
Time for my confession You're toxic, but infectious
Singer hits a wall- unable to back up they look between the feral human and the wall. Finally they sigh and close their eyes- as if collecting themselves.
You feed off my attention Well (well), starve
Their eyes snap open and the singer bolts towards the feral. The feral jumps out of the way in shock only to allow the singer to escape. 
the chorus picks up. As the singer runs the spotlight stays on them but the feral bursts in and out of the light- as if hunting.
 chase scene begins. During it the singer dodges the feral swipes and swings. It almost looks like a dance.
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
The feral disappears into the darkness, and the singer pauses only to frantically duck out of the way of a swipe, as the next verse starts the singer is made to dodge more of these swipes
Tell me when to drink Tell me when to eat Tell me when to smile Tell me when to breathe
The singer freezes, and then snaps the next line
Tell me when I overreact
A swipe, this time the singer catches it
No, tell me again, please
The hand is yanked back into the darkness and out of singers grip, as if surprised.
I love being told what to do But only when I'm told by you
Singer rolls eyes
At least, that's what I used to think But nowadays, I'm on the brink
Camera pans around singer, encircling them
I'm no longer blind I've opened my eyes
camera is now at singers side, Singer does a little opening eyes motion.
To see you as you are
A cannibal disguised
Camera ends circle, back to singers face, something glints and grins behind singer as the feral attacks from behind. Singer is swiped and falls to the ground.
You eat away at me You chew my heart and mind
Singer starts to try to crawl away as feral begins to come back into light and advance on them. They're both on opposite ends of the spotlight now as it follows them both.
Singer stops, something hit their hand as they were backing away.
It’s a metal pipe.
But now, I'm off the menu
Singer grips the pipe, looks towards feral.
Find someone else to dine
A beat longer then the original song passes. Singer standing to their feet again as feral’s smile turns downward. Feral starts to back away. 
Music starts back up again, this time singer is on the offensive as they swing the pipe at feral. feral is forced to be the one to dodge now. More dance/fight
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
Singer lands a hit at ferals face, sending them flying.
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
Viewer only sees ferals hand in spotlight, the palm is facing up and unmoving.
You won't eat me You hungry, hungry cannibal I never feed the animals
Singer drops the pipe, exists frame opposite side of ferals body.
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I posted 231 times in 2022
That's 127 more posts than 2021!
4 posts created (2%)
227 posts reblogged (98%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 117 of my posts in 2022
Only 49% of my posts had no tags
#about fanfiction - 37 posts
#jjba - 33 posts
#stone ocean - 18 posts
#animals - 8 posts
#eremin - 7 posts
#fallen london - 5 posts
#cats - 5 posts
#stone ocean spoilers - 4 posts
#chainsaw man - 4 posts
#fma - 4 posts
Longest Tag: 103 characters
#with the appearance of the new season im once again in denial of the existence of the last few chapters
My Top Posts in 2022:
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And i'm proud of it, this is my longest streak so far
0 notes - Posted March 29, 2022
Why do i always get the motivation to write fic in the middle of the night....
1 note - Posted November 8, 2022
Finally had some time to catch up with some of the spring season anime I'm watching and... I'm losing my mind over gunjou no fanfare. Why no one talks about it??? Okay, it isn't a masterpiece, definitely has errors, but I like how character driven the whole thing is. Just those little jockey students overcoming chalanges and finding their way <3 I think it would have been better if it had more episodes to focus on the characters, but honestly I think it was good. Would recommend it.
5 notes - Posted July 2, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
I still can't believe the last chapter of snk ended with Eren and Armin's wedding!
57 notes - Posted January 11, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
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starleska · 2 years
i'm not even being patient, you simply respond to all of my asks more than quickly enough <3!! they're pretty long so again, take your time ^^!! therapy can be sooo exhausting so please remember to take care of yourself nd everything <33!
i was talking about a TOTALLY different old man HAHAHA i've been watching a lot of ducktales 2017 and grew fond of both scrooge n flintheart through it lmaoooo,, especially the latter has very few redeeming qualities and is supposed to be insufferable but like,, im in love with the blorbo version of him that lives in my brain, LMAO
ohhh you just know he would REFUSE to do the animation if anyone else was obviously watching the screen as well- it's just for you <33! i imagine he wouldn't do it either if you're recording it, because he wants it to be only for you haha,, you think very hard about the unlock conditions for the specific animation but it seems completely random! oh well. (totally self indulgent note here but i am silly in public for a living and would totally blow a kiss back @ the animation or smth LMAO) and!!! ill look forward to seeing it!!! id reblog it but i only rlly have writing blogs on tumblr ughhhh maybe i should just finally make a selfship ramble one lol
the true sadness is that king candy never showed up in the second movie man </3 the chaos he'd wreck on the internet would've been very much entertaining LMAO !!! i'm glad you enjoy the phone idea as well :D!! you just randomly find notes from him in your tumblr drafts or your notes app! he'd be constantly watching you through your front camera and if he's unhappy with someone he sees, your phone will just start vibrating VIOLENTLY nonstop lmao. also something silly i immediately thought of; i don't know if this is something you're familiar with but in some dating sim apps you'll have like this little minigame where you can like poke the love interest and they'll have these little responses? god. brainrot. i would just poke his bald little head man HAHAHHAHAH
my asks just get keeping longer thank u for reading all this and hearing me out TT i should just write a little fic about this guy already but man english is NOT my native language and he speaks in a pretty specific silly way sometimes that i do not know how to replicate well,, doesn't help that ive only watched the english version once vs. the many other times ive seen it haha
hello again you lovely individual!! once again i must apologise for my delayed response. i received some pretty big news this week that's left me not so well, and i wanted to come back and reply properly when in a better frame of mind. thank you for your patience 🥰
OHHH oh my god you are so damn valid for this, i always thought Scrooge was kinda fine 😳 capitalists just hit different! and Flintheart is a GILF i'm not gonna lie 😂😂 Ducktales 2017 just gets you by the throat!! i remember being so head over heels for Gyro Gearloose (basic bitch that i am)…kind of interested in rewatching to see if another bastard catches my attention…but for real, isn't it wonderful when you love a truly dreadful character? whatever version you have of him in your head, i'm sure he likes you very much 😉
ahhh i feel all special 😖💖 honestly going a little down the darker path i kind of vibe with Y/N questioning their reality the more time they spend noticing these special animations…wondering if they're losing touch with their sanity, and becoming gradually more obsessed with figuring out exactly what it is about this arcade cabinet and its enigmatic, unique character…also hell yes!! you should absolutely make the selfship ramble blog, it'll make you feel so happy 💖💖 i admire those of you who can separate your blogs out, i just pour out my silly loves into one place and all my poor followers have to deal with the blorbo of the week 😂
we'll never recover will we 💔💔 like for real Ralph Breaks the Internet makes me sad for its lost narrative potential…if not King Candy, then there were several perfectly good character candidates to be put into a fantastic antagonistic role!! to truly show the power (and horror) of the internet!! the vibrating phone idea is so cute dfgfds;;; perhaps he could even track into your friend's social media and send them fake messages/texts to get them to leave. oh YES i knew someone very into…was it Mystic Messenger? that had that mechanic and oh it's adorable :3c
thank YOU for sending these lovely asks in and gushing about our favourite sweet-themed hacker!! i'm so sorry for being a boring monolingual person - you could and should totally write him in your native language!! do you have any clips? i love seeing how characters have been portrayed in different ways, and i'm curious if Alan Tudyk's lisping mob boss vibe has been carried across 👀
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alucart · 2 years
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lucielerror · 2 years
Silly SAGAU Snippets
I saw a few authors sharing their sagau-ish experiences with genshin after I started writing sagau so here I am... because I'm having a block with my Aether angst sob sob, have this instead (just so you know, I refuse to do my ar45 ascension quest unless im desperate enough for primos) an AU where they also know of other players, but you're their fave :d
Xiao's ult damage getting higher??? Plus his elemental bursts too??? I keep seeing the crit damage achievement slowly getting higher (KINDA PROUD OF HIM THO COS HE'S MY FIRST AND ONLY SOMEWHAT BUILT CHARACTER) And my spoilt 5*
He just had to show you how valuable he is. You almost forgot about him so now that you've given him his weapons, artefacts and materials, he finally has the power to make sure you can't replace him with weaker characters. Of course he can't just make his damage shootall the way up, you might get suspicious (or not... he knows you'll simply be happy when you see higher numbers and might not even question it).
When I told literally all my friends who played genshin, I'll pull on Ayaka's banner just for Razor cons, and Razor cons came home twice in one 10 pull:D
You? Wanted? Him? Normal Razor? Razor... nothing amazing... But you said you want him. Razor feel happy. Want you to also be happy. He help. He make sure. So he catch 2 purple shooting stars for you. :D
On the same day(before I pulled for Ayato on main), I went on my 2nd account(where I planned on pulling for Ayato) and I SAW A GOLD SHOOTING STAR and DILUC APPEARED ADGJKJVB?!?!?!! (below 10) I've always been raving about how I didn't mind losing my 50/50 to Diluc cos I wanted him and he just?!?!
Are you sure? He knows not many people want him nowadays and the amount of disappointed sighs and annoyance towards him increase more each day. But seeing and hearing you so excited, not a drop of annoyance in your tone, asking him to come home like that? How could he resist. It's fine, Ayato will probably have his own solo banner in the future again. So just this once, he'll be selfish.
Ok, guys, listen. On Ayato's banner right, I actually didn't plan on pulling for him on my main cos I wanted to save just in case. But I was tempted into pulling simple because I had 10 intertwined fates and I SAW A GOLD SHOOTING STAR AND BOOM AYATO?!?!?!?! (below 10, that's all I'm saying)
Diluc, that conniving rascal. That was supposed to be him. It's fine. Honestly, he's a little peeved that you didn't want him on your main... and you really wanted Xingqiu over him? A 4* over a 5*? Ridiculous. He'll show you just how great he is. And how could he let you, a bubble tea addict, let you be? He knows you'll stare at him more often(to wait for his idle animation) and boy does that boost his ego.
Also managed to secure Ayaka at low pity(below 50👀) even when I really didn't plan for her on coming home
She's happy for her brother! How could she not when there's a chance for someone to represent the Kamisatos? Just... she's a little jealous... how easily Ayato caught that gold star... (She's not going to think about how you didn't even plan on getting her, nope.)Oh! But, she thinks she can catch one too! It just took her a little longer than her brother, but it's fine!
Was doing the Azhdaha domain for my Yanfei talents materials and Xiao earned himself a cool 7% anemo dmg bonus gladiator piece...
He will not admit he's getting greedier. He just... he just wants to help your team, that's all. You liked not dying before your enemies, so logically, you'd want stronger characters, right? So, just for today, he'll take a nice artefact for himself. (He ignores the pride blooming in his chest when you opened your chat to scream to your friend how perfect it was for him.)
In conclusion, the 5-stars want attention because I like the 4-stars more.
I probably have more but I need to sleep anbdkkwkd anyways, yes, expect some writings about these in the future because I wanna thank genshin for treating me so good :d
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cloudninetonine · 3 years
Just give our cringe link boi the kiss he so desperately wants just want to know his reaction
But we’re not doing this half way no full dip cdi link into a passionate kiss
Cloud how’d you think our cringe link would react?
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(I've heard your calls simps and who am I to leave you thirsty? The boys have been named as of now (CDI = Koridai and Animated = Courage) this is a bit rushed because I was a bit stunted figuring their personalities so I apologise for that, my friends. Enjoy anyway~)
“Stop fidgeting, Koridai, or you’re gonna make me lose focus”
“Just making myself comfortable- ow!”
“Another comment like that and I’ll rip off your ear next time”
“You know, you’re really feisty. Not many are like that here, it’s pretty attractive-”
“Don’t you start too, Courage”
“Well, exusssseeee me, Sunshine- OUCH!”
It was the only way to describe them.
They were way more chaotic compared to the other boys and if you had to be honest, you weren’t exactly surprised. The Media CDI and Animated- No, Koridai and Courage, which you had so carefully dubbed, had hailed from had to be some of the….wackiest content you had ever absorbed from the franchise. They were odd, differed from the other Links (Not as if the boys were identical, they were all unique in their own ways but these two were like no other) and no matter how much they downright infuriated you, you couldn’t find yourself to hate them.
That, of course, didn’t mean they didn’t piss you off.
“Koridai” You hissed, slightly tugging at his hair when his head limbered to the side once more, face buried into the meat of your thigh only to yelp at the pain of his locks being yanked “If you keep trying to put your face in my thigh I’m going to rip out a huge chunk of your precious locks”
Koridai was sat between your legs, you on the bed while he was on the floor to make it easier for you to reach his hair. He’d been complaining about how it kept getting in the way of sparring, having to blow it away from his face while still trying to knock back Courage was a complete pain, so you offered to help him with his problem and doing it up in a nice braid.
And now here you were, back in your shared quarters with Courage waiting (im)patiently for you to finish and continue their training for that day.
“Okay, okay!” He laughed, leaning back into the bed as you continued with his braid, twisting his long, blonde hair carefully “Sorry, it’s just relaxing”
A snort came from your side, Courage laid out beside you with a knowing smirk on his face, hand resting on his hand leaned into the mess of pillows “Sure, no other reasons at all”
Koridai glared at him only to snap back into position at your frustrated growl.
“Though, I can’t really blame you” The brunette went to lay on his back, hands moving behind his head and sending you that all-too-familiar damned smirk of his “I wouldn’t mind being your position right now”
You didn’t even turn when your hand moved to pinch his ear once again, grinning evilly as he whimpered out in pain and begged for mercy, Koridai’s snickers catching your ears.
Cheeky bastards.
“I’m done” You declared finally after a few moments, tying off the faux fishtail braid with a hairband you had borrowed from Zelda (Or Wisdom, as you decided to name her) and grabbing the hand mirror by your leg, letting the man study himself “You like? Or want me to redo it?”
“It’s perfect!” A breakneck speed he stood back to his full height and spun around to face you, leaning down to your height with his hands on either side of you, grinning mischieviously“I think you deserve a payment; will a kiss suffice?”
You binked, unimpressed and a shout came from behind you.
“Hey!-” A hand pushed Koridai away, Courage’s own envious pout catching your gaze as he barged his way into your space “No fair! Why do you get all the attention?! I’m here too!”
“Sorry, it’s just so easy to forget someone so insignificant”
“Why you-”
You ducked out of the brawl quickly, crossing your arms over your chest as you watched from your spot near the door as they wrestled, throwing boyish insults and threats at one another like they always seemed to do when fighting for you attention. You weren’t afraid to admit it did boost you ego, having two very handsome men fight for your affection but at this point it was getting old having to deal with a “brawl for your love!” nearly everytime the three of you shared a room.
Wisdom may have found it entertaining but you sure as hell didn’t.
“Alright, alright- both of you get off your arses” Amusement on your face as they jumped up almost immediately, you sauntering up to them and patting their shoulders. “I think enough is enough”
“What do you-”
Yanking Koridai down, you twisted your body into a dip, a smirk on your own face at his dazed expression before pressing your lips against his, holding back a giggle at his squawk of surprise. It wasn’t for long, about five seconds as least but the hero melted into it.
“Hey! What about-”
Koridai was dropped on his arse and you spun back around to face Courage, grasping at his reddening cheeks and sharing a kiss with him also, the same amount of time as the last then pushed him into the bed, laughing as he fell back without much fight too dazed.
“Well,” You laughed, hands moving to your hips “I think that settles that. I’m going to go horseback riding with Zelda now, see you simps later”
Then you ran off, cackling a gremlin cackle all the way down the tower steps. “Take that Tumblr fanfiction!”
Sprite watched you run past her in confusion, her little fairy wings beating harder to hurry up the tower corridor into the shared room, looking upon the heroes with her arms crossed quizzically “What happened here?”
Courage shoved his face into a pillow “Something amazing”
Koridai’s arm moved to cover his eyes, a sigh leaving his lips as red stained his face “What a cutie”
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elysianslove · 4 years
euphoria ; itadori yuuji
synopsis; a serene beach date, followed by intimacy at home
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pairing; itadori yuuji x fem!reader
genre; fluff, smut 
warnings; smut! unprotected sex, which i do not condone this is fanfiction people. curses i guess? yuuji being cute as fuck <3
note; all characters are 18+ . please don’t read the smut if you’re a minor. there’ll be a page break separating the fluff from the smut! this shit is like over 4k words rip im sorry if there are mistakes
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━━ it's not the first time he's seen you in a swimsuit. it's not even a bikini this time, and he's seen you in much more revealing clothing. you've laid bare next to him as the sun seeped through the curtains and woke the two of you up, and taken countless showers with him, soaked in the water inside a bathtub, his revealed chest to your naked back. and yet, yuuji gawks at you like it is the first time.
you only huff out a laugh as you slip the cover up off your shoulders, kneeling down to roughly fold it in your bag. his gaze is piercing, but you like the lingering presence of it. he whistles as you stand to your full height again, before eagerly removing shirt with a grin, reaching for the neck hemline and pulling it off. "so hot," he tells you, earning an eye roll from you. you're not given much warning before his strong arms are wrapping around your waist, picking you up off of the sand.
"yuuji, put me down!" you exclaim, but he only lifts you up higher, tossing you up on his shoulder.
he grips your waist with one arm, the other reaching up to grasp at your thighs as soon as you see the waves of the beach dance over to where your boyfriend stands. he continues inward, the water rising up to his waist, before he whispers out a measly apology, something like, "sorry, babe," before he's throwing you off his shoulder into the salty water.
a scream ripples out of your throat as you flail around, but there's no stopping it. you hit the water suddenly, initially freezing cold, before you move your limbs frantically to push your head out of the water. scowling at your boyfriend, who's cackling as if he were a wizard that's defeated his lifelong enemy, you push your hair out of your face. "what was that for!" you ask, swimming over to where he is.
he sinks below the water before you, his chin hovering over the water as he laughs. "it was out of love," he argues. "i wish i'd recorded it; your scream was hilarious."
instead of wallowing, you paint a mischievous grin on your lips as you plant your feet onto the sand beneath you, and leap up, aiming to dunk your boyfriend's head beneath the water. he's trained though, maybe not exactly for situations like this, but his reflexes are as sharp as ever. he catches your wrists easily, shifting his grasp of them in one hand, before using the other to grab your waist and push you beneath the water again. your eyes sting at the intrusion of salt water, throat burning, but the only true, lingering thought on your mind is just how easy it was for him to deflect you like that. you're terribly aware of yuuji's athleticism and strength, and yet it always manages to catch you off guard.
"no fair, yuuji," you say, pouting up at him as you blink away the residue of salt in your eyes. "that's twice in a row!"
yuuji only laughs again, reaching out for you beneath the water. his hands settle on your waist, but it's a soothing touch this time. no mischievousness behind them, only safety and security. he urges you closer to him until you rest your forearms on his shoulders, and then he leans forward to kiss the tip of your nose. "i promise no more slam dunking in the water," he tells you, lowering his lips to finally meet yours. you kiss him gently, enjoying the taste of salt that linger on your tongue when he opens his mouth for you. maybe it's a little lewd of you, openly making out with your boyfriend in a public beach's waters, but who can blame you really? he's breathtaking.
and you don't hesitate to him so. "you're mesmerizing, yuuji," you confess, lifting a hand to brush through his damp hair. some strands are sticking to his forehead, the pink of them more evident underneath the sunlight. you think that maybe he's left you this way, so mindlessly in love with him, because of the kiss. but really, you always feel this way for him. even if subconsciously.
"maybe i should slam dunk you more often," he teases you, but ultimately, he leans in for another kiss. "i think you're pretty neat."
"pretty neat, hm?" you wonder.
he hums. "yeah. the coolest girlfriend i could ask for, maybe," he continues. "prettiest, too." you humor him, and nod diligently. "by a long run, baby."
you press one last kiss on his lips, a quick peck, before pushing yourself out of his arms' hold, laying back atop the water. "help me float," you ask him, and then you feel his hands settle flat on your back, leaving a trail of heat along your spine. he's clueless of his effects as his face hovers over yours, shielding you from the sun, and you're insistent on keeping it that way, offering him a small smile.
he helps you dance above the waves for a few minutes, occasionally asking you random questions that you, honest to god, weren't sure if anyone had the answers to. and then, inevitably, he pouts down at you, complaining in a low voice, "m'hungry, babe."
thankfully, you'd prepared in advance for this date. rushing out of the water, with yuuji's hand in yours, you race across the sand to where your belongings were, an umbrella propped up for shade. you shiver as a breeze travels past you, painting goosebumps along your skin while your boyfriend urges you to move faster. as soon as you're there, he picks up your towel first, quickly wrapping it around your trembling frame and rubbing his hands up and down your arms, attempting to warm you up.
"all good?" he wonders, and you nod, even if you're still freezing, because he's still yet to dry himself off. finally, the two of you settle on the ground, a cloth beneath you acting as barrier to the sand, and you pull out the snacks you'd packed from your bag. all of his favorites. "you really are the best," he tells you, moaning as he takes a bite into his food. you offer him a sincere smile, shuffling nearer to him for both his body heat and to rest your head on his shoulder while you eat.  
there really is no telling how time will pass when you’re with him. sometimes it’s slow, languid, the universe taking its time to stretch out the moments between you two, allowing you to lose yourself within every little thing. every kiss felt like a hundred, every embrace lasted years, every glance left a lingering tingle at the bottom of your spine. other times it’s quick, breathtakingly fast, but you still feel everything as strongly as you would on the opposing days. your heart just beats a little faster, racing to catch up with the way time speeds around you. his touch is fleeting, but the effect he has on you is always eternal. today, the earth seems to slow down with you, to accommodate with your need and desire to feel every moment to the fullest. it sympathizes with you, makes sure you catch even the tiniest of movements from yuuji, like the way his eyes blink rapidly to rid himself of the intruding salt dripping from his hair, or the way he’s moving closer to you to rest his head above yours.
god, you’re such a sap.
there’s another breeze that flies by, and you shiver again, instinctively pushing yourself closer to him. yuuji takes note, lifting his arm to wrap it around you, encasing you in his warmth.
“if you could be any animal, what would you be?” he asks you. it’s not sudden, the type of question, but his voice so near you is.
you only shiver again as you shrug. “i don’t know. never really gave it much thought,” you admit. “maybe a seal or something. they seem to be doing great.”
“a seal?” he wonders, then cranes his neck to look down at you with an approving grin. “nice one, babe.”
you snort, pushing your head into the crook of his neck, sighing against his collarbones. “what about you?”
his grip tightens around you as he rubs his hand up and down your arm soothingly. then, he replies, “maybe an eagle.”
“because it symbolizes freedom?” you ask.
yuuji shrugs softly. “maybe. or just because i’d like to fly. i’d carry you on my back and take you wherever you want,” he fantasizes.
“baby,” you start, sitting up straight to face him. “that’s what planes are for.”
the look on his face emits loud laughter from you, but he pinches the skin of your upper arm with a playful scowl, scoffing, “yeah but planes aren’t free, are they?” you hum, falling back into his embrace. he easily places his arms back around you, fitting you against him perfectly, before he speaks again. “where would you want to go?” he asks.
you sigh, “anywhere with you.”
he freezes for a moment, before he lets out a giggle. “you sap! god, you’re so in love with me.”
you can’t find it within yourself to tease him because, yes, you really are so in love with him. and you had meant it. his laughter fades out into happy sighs, and then he mumbles, pressing a kiss to the crown of your head, “i’m so in love with you too.”
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maybe you should’ve anticipated that this is where you’d be the moment you arrived back home with yuuji. it’s not that you minded; if anything, this is probably your fault more than his. it was evident in the way even the smallest of his touches, specifically today, lit a familiar fire in the pit of your stomach. inevitably, you figured, you would have found yourself in his lap anyways, knees perched on either side of him, legs spread and a flush traveling from your cheeks down to your chest.
you’d gone home with him with tired eyes and a glow to your skin. showering together hadn’t been anything out of the ordinary, either. it was simple, intimate, also hilarious when a wad of shampoo had fallen into one of yuuji’s eyes, prompting screams from him you never thought you’d hear. it’s after the shower that trouble started.
he had lazily leaned against the bed, only a towel wrapped his waist, his head tossed back against the wall. the tired sigh that left his lips mesmerized you, but you knew your thoughts were to remain as that, simple imaginations, because there’s no way either of you have a speck of energy for anything. you’re proven wrong when your boyfriend beckons you over onto the bed, not giving you much chance to even slip off your robe and into something slightly more comfortable. instead of allowing you to sit next to him, he’d lead you over onto his lap, propping you up, before capturing your lips in a lazy kiss.
you’d returned it, of course, because nothing feels better than kissing yuuji. nothing feels better than kissing yuuji with your hands on his neck, on his sturdy chest, down to strong stomach. the kiss turns feverish quickly, his grip on your covered waist tightening considerably before they travel down to your hips. he lifts himself up to sit more upright, guiding you closer to him, closer to where he wants you to be, before pushing you down harder onto him. against his mouth, you moan instinctively, hands traveling to tug lightly at his hair. a breathless gasp escapes his lips when you finally start grinding your lower body against his, his hands enforcing a bruising grip on your hips. you’re still covered, and so is he, but it isn’t long before the adrenaline truly takes over, and yuuji’s lifting his hips up to rid himself of the towel.
you’re about to follow suit, but even beneath you, he takes charge, untying the robe and slipping it off your shoulders hastily. neither of you dares to break the kiss as you’re finally completely bare before each other, and yuuji reaches forward to wrap his arms around your waist, pushing your chest flush against his. the action elicits a moan from the both of you, and you feel your nipples hardening as they brush against the muscle of yuuji’s chest. tiredness is long forgotten as your hips begin to grind aimlessly along his lap, and, in response, yuuji unfastens his left arm from around you, using the right one to steady you on top of him, as he brings one hand down between your legs.
his fingers brush against your folds, and he groans loudly at the first feel of you. he pulls back, breathlessly, to look into your eyes, noticing how hazy they’ve become, your pupils fully blown. then, he says, “wanna make you cum on my fingers, yeah?” a whine tumbles out from your lips and you nod frantically, giving him your answer to his indirect ask for consent. he collects some of your wetness on his fingers, before slowly slipping in his middle finger. although your mind had expected it, the intrusion is sudden to your body, and you lift yourself up reflexively. yuuji’s stronger than you though, and the grip of his right arm doesn’t falter as he sinks his finger deeper into you. he watches you through half lidded eyes as you throw your head back, welcoming easily the feeling that’s slowly beginning to overtake you.
he pulls out his finger to the first knuckle before pushing it back in, repeatedly, until he hears a breathless, “more,” fall from your lips. your wish is his command, and when he pulls his finger out, a second joins, filling you up even before. it’s incredible how easily you’re falling apart right before him, your hands gripping his shoulders tightly, your chest heaving as his fingers speed up their ministrations. he leans forward, clasping his mouth around one of your nipples, earning an even louder moan from you. your chest rises against his mouth, and his teeth clamp down lightly, pulling at your nipple, abusing it, as his fingers continue to drill in and out of you. his thumb reaches up to rub lightly against your clit, strengthening the fire filling your veins.
you’re making a mess of him, you’re sure, and you have half a mind to finally open your eyes and glance down at him. he’s fixated on you and your pleasure, mouth eager on your chest, arm flexing as he pushes two of his fingers in and out relentlessly. “m’gonna cum,” you whine helplessly, trembling in his grasp. he hums against your chest, letting your nipple fall from between his lips as his tongue dances along the perks. “yuuji, i’m gonna cum!”
he laughs, looking back up at you when you throw your head back, uselessly attempting to rock your hips in time to meet the thrust of his fingers. teasingly, he retorts, “nothing’s stopping you, darling.”
you’re already shaking in his grip, gradually losing more control of your body’s reactions. then, his eyes meets yours as he looks up, the same time his fingers are curling inside you and his teeth reach out to tug at your nipple —
you scream when you cum, sobbing helplessly as his fingers work you through your orgasm. your thighs involuntarily flex and you lean forward, unable to hold yourself up. his mouth leaves your nipple to allow him the pleasure of watching you properly. “fuck, fuck, fuck,” you chant in a whisper, head falling onto his shoulder. his fingers don’t stop however, and you have to reach in between you to grip at his wrist in a silent plea.
yuuji laughs again, finally slowing down his hand’s movements until he eventually pulls his fingers out. “feel good baby?” he asks, pressing a gentle kiss to your neck as he feels your breathing slowly steady itself. you’re still slightly trembling atop him, but you know that you’re not even close to finished for the night.
you hum in response, nodding against him. lifting yourself up, yuuji beams up at your state, skin flushed and hair damp — he’s not sure if it’s the sweat or the shower from earlier, but either way, you look too gorgeous for your own good. unexpectedly, he feels you lift up his hand, gripping at his palm, before your mouth falls open, tongue slipping out, and you place his sticky fingers onto the muscle. his breathing halts when you wrap your lips around the digits, and he silently curses when he feels you suck lightly, tongue dancing over, around and in between his fingers.
“you’re gonna be the death of me,” he admits to you, and you hum again around his fingers diligently. “come on,” he urges you, pulling his fingers out of your mouth and placing both hands on your waist. “can’t let you have all the fun.”
you giggle, nodding in agreement as you place your hands atop his. “want me to be on top?” you suggest.
“yeah, if you want me dead,” he jokes, before easily flipping the two of you over. you can’t help the squeal that cuts from your lips, but he swallows it easily with his mouth on yours, replacing it with a throaty moan. you can feel his dick hard against your thigh, leaking precum, smudged along your skin. he lifts himself up further along your body, pressing down against you until his heavy cock is trapped between your lower abdomens.
“yuuji, come on,” you whine up at him. your hand slides down to between you two, gripping the head of his cock, thumbing the slit. his figure falters above you, his arms trembling slightly at the feel of your hand around him.
his hand comes down to yours, swatting it off, before shifting down slightly to line himself up at your entrance. with his other hand, he spreads your legs further apart, hooking one onto his arm. once he’s satisfied, he settles the tip of his cock near your dripping sex, reveling in the noises that are spewing out of you — countless moans and breathless chants of please, please, please. he loves you always, but especially like this, all spread out for him, the heat of you nearly sucking him in as he teases your pussy.
“you look so pretty like this, baby,” he voices. you whine again as he rubs the head of his dick against your clit, throwing your head back and reaching out to grip his arm.
“please, yuuji,” you beg, and maybe if he had an ounce of self control within him at this rate he’d drag this out a little more. he’d tease you endlessly, till the sun came up again. but there’s a hunger within him that’s pleading and begging to be sated, so against all odds, with his fist wrapped around the base of his cock, he slowly enters you.
you muffle a cry at the feel of your walls stretching around him to accommodate him, and he can physically feeling you spasming around him already. he groans as he continues to sink in, his hand reaching out to fist the pillow by your head. your breath is heavy, labored, when he finally bottoms out. you feel so warm around him, it’s dizzying. “fucking tight,” he groans, his jaw tight.
he steadies himself, waiting for you to relax slightly. he doubts he’d be able to move even a little with how tight you felt around him, but slowly, surely, he feels you lift your hips slightly. “more, yuuji,” you mumble, eyes cloudy. he lifts his hand from near your head, gripping your hip instead, and with your leg lifted up on his shoulder, he pulls out, before slamming back in. your back arches as a loud moan rips from your throat, mindlessly cursing, “fuck!” he does it again, encouraged by the noises you’re making and the way your body’s reacting to him. you’re so fucking wet, dripping down onto the bed beneath the two of you, but he can’t even begin to think of anything but the fact that he’s reducing you to this state.
he continues to thrust diligently into you, his hips snapping against yours repeatedly. with the angle he’s fucking you, he continuously hits a specific spot within you, leaving your head cloudy and your spine tingling. he’s splitting you open in half at this point, but all you can do is lay there, muscles tight and exhausted, skin slick with sweat and chest flushed, rising and falling rapidly. your breasts bounce with every thrust, and you’re convinced he’s fucking you stupid as your eyes roll back, your back arching off the bed.
“fuck, you feel so good,” he praises you. “so good, pretty.” his voice is breathless, deeper too, and you look up at him for a split second. his eyes are trained down to where your bodies are connected, watching as you take him so well, his gaze never wavering.
when he leans forward, dropping your leg to wrap it around his waist instead, you know he’s getting close. his cock twitches inside of you, his hands coming to rest by your waist on the bed. his fingers, suddenly, come to work at your clit, rubbing at the bundle of nerves harshly. “it’s too much! too good!” you wail, and he drinks it at all, his fingers growing slick again with your wetness.
“i wanna feel you cum all over me,” he tells you, thrusts somehow deeper. you let out a broken sob, your nails digging into his shoulders as he works you over to the edge. he’s given no warning other than the relentless squeezing of your pussy around him and your repeated cries of “cumming, cumming, cumming!” before you’re trembling beneath him, struggling to catch your breath as your hips lift up off the bed. the orgasm continues to rock through as yuuji’s thrusts grow sloppier.
“where do you want me?” he shakily asks. despite the overstimulation and the over sensitivity, you wrap your arms around his neck, bringing him closer to you. he rests his head in the crook of your neck, his quiet moans music to your ears so close to you. “darling,” he groans, gripping your waist as he uses your body to bring himself closer to his high.
“inside, yuuji,” you mumble, pressing a kiss to his temple. “please, please, plea—“ a gasp tumbles out as he suddenly stills, your words sending him over the edge. his muscles flex, slightly trembling within your arms, his small pants spreading heat along your skin.
slowly, he fucks into you, riding out his high, pressing chaste kisses along your neck and throat. “love you so much,” he mumbles, finally stilling.
you feel sticky, sweaty, and not at all clean in comparison to when you’d just stepped out of the shower. but you also feel blissful, euphoric, hazy and completely satisfied. yuuji lifts his head up finally, lifting himself up slightly to pull out of you. his cum trickles out slowly, but he pays it no mind as he flops half of his body atop yours, and you let out a pained laugh.
“yuuji!” you whine. “you’re heavy.” he only hums tiredly, his arm slung along your middle, his cheek against your shoulder. you bring a hand up, the one he isn’t immobilizing, to brush away his hair. his eyes are barely kept open, but he still manages to smile dreamily at you. your fingers ghost over his features, admiring them, tracing his soft skin, unknowingly lulling him to sleep. “okay, king of aftercare,” you joke, and he huffs out a laugh.
“i’m sorry,” he mumbles. “aftercare tomorrow.”
you nod, beaming brightly, and leaning over to press a kiss to his forehead. his chest begins rising and falling slowly, telling you he’s already asleep, but when you mumble out, “i love you so much, too,” and press a kiss to his cheek, you swear he smiles.
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