#im gonna get the after story mod at some point
haunted-plush · 4 months
I'm gay but boy howdy does Monika liking me so much feel really nice
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med-ex · 5 months
feelin rlly idk HAPPY?? over this franchise as a whole✨
I wasn't even alive for Fallout 1 & 2 - but upon entering the world 3 years after they were released, would grow up hearing its name constantly... never did i think it would take GTA's place as my favourite video game series. Like literally never thought the weird little isometric game talked about by my older cousins would be the one.
I played Fallout 3 at the worst period of my life- it became a pure escape from graduating high school, becoming a severe alcoholic and moving off my mountain into my province's capital city. I was in love with it to the point that when I came home to my family home to visit, I would haul my xbox 360 in my backpack and strap my little tv to my back with a rope- ✨that's✨ how addicted I was to it.
It resonated with me in a way no other game series has. No, I obviously didn't grow up in the same standards as the wastes, but could resonate with foraging for food, no clean water & mess, destruction and despair everywhere you turned.
Fast forward a year or so, and I try Fallout: New Vegas. This is where it finally became my favorite series ever. I could list all the reasons, but they're similar to what you'll see all over the net; it's just amazing. I already was all "fuck the government" since I was a child but it made me think- think about the rule of authority, think about perseverance, weigh out what "right" and "wrong" truly means and the blurred line between the two.
By the time I was 21, I tried Fallout 4. It took some getting used to in the terms of its modern graphics, but I really loved how I got to experience conversations that felt like I was actually having them. I loved building the world back up and when I was brave enough to try mods- then shit got real interesting. I was already obsessed with Fallout 3 & NV but we can thank Fallout 4 for getting me into the community as a whole.
I was one of the ones to make fun of FO76- the launch was a huge part of that, but I just didn't understand how it could ever truly fit into the Fallout series. I played it for the first time when I was 2022, and now after 2 years I wholeheartedly regret shitting on it so hard. There are so many cool quests/stories and though some of them are silly seeing as it's online-based and they need to cater to that and though it's a bit strange at first, it feels so cool to be around other players adventuring the wastes + actually having to persist to build your own base, feed yourself and survive- as console commands don't exist in the same realm they used to with the earlier titles.
Now, we arrive at the airing of the first Fallout television show. I seriously thought it was gonna be shit- I just couldn't imagine them being able to do a good job but as we can see, here we are. The show is amazing and I didn't even know it was something I wanted so badly. The only real-life renditions of Fallout I've seen is that one live action trailer for 76 + cosplay- so seeing it in film, is seriously so fucking cool.
Idk guess im just gettin a little ✨sentimental✨ towards a series that has given me so many lessons, so much ability to cope with my own shit + gotten me into such a fun community filled with funny jokes, amazing art, discussions and rich lore that maybe one day could leave the video game + TV screen and become even a book.
Ty to the crew of original artists who started this back in the 90s, and thank you to the crew of artists at Bethesda in this current century who kept this game going💖
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terraliensvent · 6 days
Vibez got banned from Terras for telling the mods they shouldn’t be posting art of characters who are related to BDSM (talking about smile demons, of course)
Couldn’t access the original work Tycho posted bc I’m not in the server anymore but here’s the compiled screens https://imgur.com/a/RWCH5KZ
yeah this is fucking crazy
first of all, CW for sexual/suggestive themes, BDSM, latex, smile demons, the links provided in this post show receipts of the claims made here and thus have NSFW/BDSM imagery. this is your warning.
link provided
my own imgur link with more screenshots (includes everything linked here and more so dont just rely on the images linked in the text body tyyy)
so, somewhat recently a few terra staff have been getting pretty invested with smile demons, including xil, florian, keldeosknight, and tycho (xil is apparently even on staff in smile demons!)
smile demons has a huge and sordid history, there's a PSA on them somewhere that i dont feel like digging for, as well as accusations they dont take reports of harassment seriously
as for actually verifiable stuff, smile demons have pretty sexual connotations in general, even down to the original MYO art featuring leather gear and several smile demons having leather and BDSM features (in imgur gallery), as well as one of the species fucking mascots having some pretty big sexual themes!
so this is all fine and dandy until tonight, when xil posts an emoji of their smile demon that has BDSM themes and Tycho shortly after posts a drawing of that smile demon. notably, a minor originally replied to xil's emoticon knowing the character by name
public enemy #1 vibez takes issue with this and DMs Tycho, taking issue with the fact that smile demons are allowed to be freely posted yet reference images are deemed too unsavory
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this leads to a back and forth where tycho sends vibez to talk to xil directly about it, and xil tries to argue that leather fetish gear totally isnt sexual guys and smile demons are perfectly fine to talk/post about in terra server despite all the fetish shit heavily associated with it (seriously, check the imgur and look at this whole argument its completely idiotic)
something i find especially funny to note, xil says in the back and forth that they "dont use the masked version" and "dont use it anywhere, its just on her th," however, they have linked the character's toyhouse profile in the lounge (with a minor even replying to them in this screenshot!) and within this toyhouse profile, NONE OF THE IMAGES ARE MATURE LOCKED
another fun side note is that florian (at age 17) commissioned another minor (age 16) to draw the BDSM demon, including the masked version as a reference. im not gonna paint this like a grooming thing because thats incredibly stupid, but i will say that this just really goes to show how unsafe this species is for minors that theyre able to participate with a species and own characters that heavily feature these themes.
so after vibez' chat with xil, tycho says that actually vibez was harrassing xil and boom. thats the straw that broke the camel's back and allowed them to swiftly smack them with a ban. feel however you wanna feel about vibez, but i think its a bit crazy for them to get banned for rightfully pointing out that smile demons shouldnt be posted in terras. even vibez admits they were pretty aggro about things lately
and i think thats where the story ends for now, moral of it all is stay the fuck away from smile demons and that terra staff continue to be incredibly irresponsible with their community, especially around minors.
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miss-kennedi · 10 months
ineffable: a 10 generation sims 4 legacy
/inˈefəb(ə)l/ ; adjective too great or extreme to be expressed or described in words. not to be uttered.
hii, if you don't know me *which is likely*, im kennedi. so like 2 years ago at this point for my first tumblr post i said i would make a legacy challenge. ive been obsessed with this stupid word since like age 11/12 and randomly it inspired a story that would be fun in the sims, so im putting it to keyboard.
this is my attempt at a legacy im gonna release the first 5 generations and if any of generations are difficult/impossible lemme know and ill do some editing :)
*important: there are 2 versions of this legacy
a. this one that you are currently on; includes the features of packs that i OWN (i don't have every pack because....???? you know)
b. a base game version if you are like me.. don't have all the packs and want to switch some traits/milestones.
rules: when i see people who have super extensive rules it really just like.. i aint reading all that. play the game the way you play and ignore these if you really want to !!
one. no money cheats. but that being said for the first generation you want to move into a house over the 20k and decorate it you do you.
two. mods are ofc allowed (and recommended) for more storytelling purposes i.e. first impressions or realistic childbirth. that being said mods that will make the challenge easier (cough cough ui extension cheats) are not allowed.
three a. complete all milestones for each generation. if you are unable to you can always change the amount of time you have (change the lifespan). but if you still cannot complete the challenge restart that generation
three b. lifespans can be set to which you are most comfortable with (i use simkhira’s lifespans, which can be changed using mccc)
four. this rule is super serious and if you do not do it you must restart!! TAG ME!!! not super important lol you dont have to but if you want; use the #mkineffablelegacy so i can see your families and storytelling because this should be a creative outlet for all of us.
generation one
"black diamond"
black diamond -- meaning love, purity, fidelity, and eternity -- why do you seem to keep all of this away from you?
born into a wealthy family youve lived a life of pearls and richs. you threw away that privilege to lead a life of “mystic” and “adventure” but you soon came to realize that its just instant coffee and cup of noodles.
you fail to keep a steady job and provide for you and your kid but you somehow made it work?
aspiration: villainous valentine
traits: ambitious, snob, hates children
life milestones:
live in san myshuno (any district but in the cheapest apartment)
do not have contact with your parents/have a negative relationship
complete your aspiration
have one kid with a one night stand
reach level 4 of the entertainer career (opening act) before quitting
work odd jobs OR part time jobs for the rest of your life.
max singing and guitar skills (use this to make money doing street performances
date your baby daddy/momma but break up after one sim week
have at least four other partners before becoming an elder
never marry and die single
generation two
your childhood was pretty rough, your parent swore they were the best parent out there but you know that’s not true, at least you hope it’s not true.
as a kid, you made a promise that you would turn out nothing like your parent. you focused on becoming the best parent but not the best partner. that star you wished upon was phony, maybe it was your destiny not never live a perfect life.
aspiration: super parent
traits: genius, family oriented, bookworm
life milestones:
completed your aspiration
have a high school sweetheart but promptly breakup before going to college
graduate high school with an “a”
get at least one scholarship
go to school for economics degree (does not have to be distinguished)
reunite with your ex in your second term and get pregnant, drop out.
get married and become a stay-at-home parent, and have two more kids (specifically boys, and ofc cheats/mccc !), three in total
divorce your partner
join the business career (you do not have to reach level 10)
remarry as an elder, retire, and be as happy as you can.
generation three
"the crow"
you know you’re the reason why your parent didnt join their dream job, they never resented you for it though. you assume it is because of your grandparent. you heard murmurs of that whole conservation throughout your parents arguments.
you never cared what others thought of you. you decided to follow your dreams because the two generations before you never did so. even though you are anti-establishment, you marry *the one*
aspiration: party animal
traits: romantic, dance machine, outgoing
life milestones
completed your aspiration
move at least once a season while single
go to a nightclub every night
max mixology, media production, dj, and dancing skills
make money any way you can (while single again)
meet the love of your life while at a party/nightclub
marry them quickly after meeting
join culinary career, and reach mixologist branch (you do not have reach level 10)
have 2 kids (preferably a boy and a girl)
be the best parent you can be!
generation four
"grand canyon"
nature is your sanctuary, and your family is very tight-knit. they spent every second of every day together but that just wasnt your speed. youd sneak off to hidden place where no one could find you. your temper wasn't the best either.
on a family road trip to the grand canyon, you and your sibling got into a fight. your parents werent quite forgiving to you and dubbed you the "grand canon". your explosive and erratic behavior has yet to end in adulthood.
aspiration: freelance botantist
traits: hot-headed, erratic, loves the outdoors.
life milestones:
cutt of your family (into negative relationship)
live off the grid
rely only on food you've bought/grown (simple living lot trait)
sell the crops you've grown for the rest of your life
max gardening and flower arranging skills
complete your aspiration
meet your partner in an outdoor location
have one child
be reluctant to getting married (only agree to get married as an adult)
(your partner forces you to invite your family to your wedding) reconnect with your family
regain the familial relationship into a positive.
generation five
"norwegian lundehund"
akc: "At a glance, Lundehunds seem a typical northern breed....But a closer look reveals several unique traits. They have feet with at least six fully functioning toes and extra paw pads, an 'elastic neck' that can crane back so the head touches the spine, ears that fold shut, and flexible shoulders that allow forelegs to extend to the side, perpendicular to the body. This last anomaly produces the breed's distinctive 'rotary' gait.
for half of your life, you do not remember your family. one parent orphan and the other never speaking to their family. when they got married though you reconnected. still animals were always their for you.
aspiration: friend of the animals
traits: loner, cheerful, creative.
life milestones:
attended university and get a biology degree (does not have to be distinguished)
work at a popular vet clinic
meet your partner working (either another vet or pet owner)
max painting and vet skill
complete your aspiration
marry your partner
buy a vet clinic or buy the vet clinic you worked at
have 3-4 kids
max parenting skills
live happy
----------------- 5 generations coming soon
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crispywisp · 2 years
this is an excuse to go off about silent hill if youd like (im considering playing it)
(i let out the most devilish laugh upon reading this LOL)
my god i don't even know where to begin. i'll just talk about SH1 and SH2 bcuz 1. those are the two games im more familiar with (i've watched playthroughs of all games but it's been several years so my knowledge has rotted away lol) and 2. if i had to tell someone where to start playing, i'd say either SH1 or SH2, depending on how much you can tolerate old-school game jankiness (SH1 is definitely rough around the edges, but im enjoying it so far)
even though my SH posting has spoiled a lot of details, i'll try to avoid talking about the bigger spoilers here in case other ppl care about that
silent hill 1
(huge heads up: you can only control harry via tank controls. this is one of the major factors as to why a lot of players skip SH1 since tank controls are a very archaic way to control a character in a 3D space. but honestly with some time and practice, you'll learn to get used to it and maybe even appreciate the way how the game handles certain fixed camera angles to create a sense of unease)
SH1 is about a widowed father, harry mason, going on a quest to save his daughter, cheryl, after crashing the car off a cliff and into the town of silent hill, which is where cheryl wanted to go for a vacation. silent hill has been warped by a supernatural force and you must go through what's essentially a haunted version of the town and fight through monsters to find cheryl. idk how to explain more than that without spoiling the good parts, so just take my word that the reasoning behind the town's supernatural stuff is actually super tragic
there are multiple endings: good, good+, bad, bad+, and UFO. the endings are determined by which side quests you do (or lack of any side quests for the bad ending). you can only get the UFO ending after beating the game at least one time and playing on "new fear" (this is basically new game+), so if you don't have the time for that, you can just look it up on yt
silent hill 2
taking place after the events of SH1, SH2 is about a widowed man, james sunderland, who travels to silent hill after receiving a letter from his late wife, mary, where she tells him to meet her there. the place still has supernatural forces, but now it seems to be tailored to whoever is drawn to silent hill, as shown with the other characters featured in SH2. as james continues his search, both he and you gradually learn that there's something that james is repressing, and the town is trying to tear it out of him to make him face it head-on
idk if you know the ending of SH2 already, but in case you don't, the buildup to the big reveal is honestly pretty fucking insane (it's the one thing i wish i had no knowledge about so that i can truly play through the story blind), and it's why SH2 is usually regarded as the most popular in the series
again SH2 has multiple endings: leave, maria, in water, rebirth, dog, and UFO. instead of side quests, the first three endings are determined by certain actions you take throughout the game, they can either add or deduct points from an ending point system, and your final count will determine the ending. rebirth, dog, and UFO can only be unlocked after beating the game at least once and playing in new game+
EDIT: oh my god i forgot to mention something crucial, if you're gonna play SH2, do NOT play the HD collection version, it's just a straight up downgrade. get the enhanced edition for PC if your computer can handle it, or just emulate it for ps2
so yeah, i used to be soooo obsessed with silent hill as a kid/teen, i even watched the godawful movie adaptations lmao. but now that im a big boy, i recently started playing through the games myself so that i can get ready for the potential shitstorm that the SH2 remake may be
anyways lemme dump a bunch of harry mason images i saved on my phone/laptop lol:
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and of course, the SH2 texture mod that im still searching for lol:
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tay13897 · 2 years
My oc name: Colette
Hobbies:writing/piano/art /games
Age 15
Author:now on the story
Colette pov
It was a Sunday it was about 8:00 pm in my room l was on the phone at the time l had heard about the doki doki literature club game and watched it on YouTube l honestly didn't like horror infact if l was in a horror game l would be hiding the whole entire time and would be way to scared to
Even think about come out of my hiding spot and l just stuck with the wholesome mods and trust l wouldn't get Jumpscared or it being scary like the original doki doki literature club game l was going to watch the male mod the next night after my first day of highschool
And l actually like the male mod as well Minus the scary parts l avoid l even simp for some of the characters but im now gonna have a different life and tomorrow is the day l go to highschool make some friends find
A best friend maybe even fall in love with someone who is sweet trustable and loyal maybe like in those fluff stories l like or like the ore monogatari anime l put my phone on my desk then lay down on my bed and fall asleep
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Wait a minute isn't this the mc's room the one us players play as no no it can't be l looked down at my Clothes l was in my night clothes relieved l wasn't in a male body but l still felt panicked because I'm stuck in a game my family which is my brother and my parents by the way are gone and my
Entire life is just poof flushed down the toilet l was gonna go to high school and finally after my seven months of hard work trying get my education level up to highschool and yes I agree that it will be very useful in this world but thats besides the point
And finally going to make some friends to besides my family and not be lonely for once and also there are no background characters in the doki doki literature club game literally none like in that one mod where we went to places but didn't hear or see a single background character
And the only friends ill be making besides the everyone in the literature club is nonexistent background characters! I cried in my pillow
Which means even if l try to go to another club that is not the literature club ill just get dragged there by sayori for the sake of the plot and the only friends ill be having in this game is Yuri natsuki sayori and Monika
I grabbed my phone next to me and saw a notification that says if you complete the entire game you will go back to your world it says and it was from an anonymous person
Then l got another message saying but be warned if Moniko deletes even one character from the game its game over
Allright I'm gonna have to form a plan to make sure that doesn't happen and wait! Moniko so this is the male version of the game
And knowing that its going to be scary just makes me shiver and feel really uneasy l check what time it is and its 8:00 am and l don't know what time school starts so l looked online
What time highschool starts and it starts about 8:30 l got myself ready for school brushed took a shower and put on my uniform that was in my drawer im still not quite used to this room
Or wearing an anime girl skirt l don't want to be caught up in a weird anime situation so l wear shorts under and my school bag and took a moment to look around the house
Wow this house looks really nice l wonder how he can even afford to live here let alone be able to pay the bills here oh l forgot anime logic l said as l opened the door
Then l went to the front of his house and I called sayori to see if he was awake he answered yes and told me he was almost finished getting ready for school then he came out of his house
And man l will admit he did look cute but l also felt alittle bit nervous seeing him for the first time upfront because l wasn't used to meeting an anime character let alone talking to one l also felt oddly close to him like he really was my childhood friend
As we were walking to school with sayori he was talking about how l should join a club speaking of club he asked me to join the literature club l told he yes because not only try to win the game but also to figure out a plan to win the game and plus l secretly liked making poems and I have never read manga before which is also a plus ill need to some alone time to form a plan
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batsyforyou · 1 year
Hiya! for the OC ask game, 1 for any/all OCs you wanna talk about :)
Hello and thank you for the ask! I will be honest I kinda feel like I have been caught with my pants down cause I completely forgot I posted/reblogged that but I am more than happy to share my OCs. I think I am going to mention two that I'm working on and none of what is here is solid yet. Like, its not concrete! I keep forgetting the right analogies for these things, are they analogies?
I think one for Skyrim and one for whatever is happening on the other end of my fishing line lol. Also, I'm working off of minimal sleep and a high amount of caffeine so I apologize if this comes off as weird. Im sure it will.
Number 1 says, "What is their birthsign and does it have any large significance to who they are?"
So, I don't actually have birthdays or names picked out for these OCs so I'll just share some of what I do have. Vibes mostly but damn are they hot.
For Skyrim we have an Altmer/Nord Dragonborn Character, a mixed race character. For this one I have more plot then character but because the thingy said Skyrim originally it doesn't feel right to not mention her. I literally have over three pages of bullet pointed plot points and thoughts for her. I know it doesn't seem like much but for me thats a lot. She was inspired by a play through I just started and Taliesin. In an ask game before this I think I mentioned him but if I didn't he is an in progress fully voiced modded follower that I have been obsessed with recently. You can find the creators blog here. And I kinda want to use this OC in a fan fiction for him but we won't talk about that cause I actually don't know yet. But I really want to its probably gonna be after his release if I do. But unlikely cause I'm so slow af. And I have said I'd have Little Dove part 1 posted in a couple of days and well, its been like two months so...
Brief Character Description: We'll just call her Brye for now.
She was born in a place far far away that I have yet to choose but was raised in Riverwood by her Nord Dad.
Brye's Appearance
Hair- long and white (will be cut later down the line cause trauma)
skin- currently torn between olive or tan, probably olive
height- no specific number has been set yet but she definitely isn't small
Armor- In the beginning she goes with what she can afford so, either hide armor or steel if she can get her hands on it. Later down the line she'll have more assassin looking light weight armor. She does cover her hair and ears in a scarf like thing I can't remember the name to but like sailors use them so like? It's there and it is black and she wears a helmet over it.
Some character traits/insecurities/flaws: I'm not gonna put them all here just a short list.
Self-hate issues
trust issues
abandonment issues
mommy issues
strong moral compass 65% of the time
Has high expectations of herself (perfectionist)
Loves the thrill of danger/hunting
Loves treasure/loot
can be lead astray from morals for treasure (and kisses)
loves feeling like she's doing good even if she is doing nothing and failing miserably. An example could be trying to make someone feel better and hoping her that her presence is enough cause they have someone who can protect them. Does that make sense? Probably not.
is a sucker for praise and attention from those close to her.
constantly wants the approval of others, kinda a people pleaser but not really. Like she isn't a floor mat... rug? Whatever she has boundaries + backbone and doesn't like letting people get close. But will feel guilty for hours after saying "no" to someone.
I'll leave it there for the Skyrim OC cause I said a short list and that is not short. Moving on to whatever is happening on the other end of the screen!
Pirate Elf: that I still don't have a name for.
I'm just gonna share a few of the images I have for him and what I'm thinking about for his bird and story/coping skills. Also, side note, the images I am gonna share were sent to me by a the lovely lady Flora and if you are interested in OCs I'd totally recommend her! She has many different blogs for different things but @floraroselaughter is her main one and @the-glade-is-my-delight should be her OCs blog. She is great with mood boards and her writing is super great as well so totally check her out if you have the time!
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I didn't share all the photos but these are just some of them. I am adding to him still and doing some research but I have a semi done playlist that I'd like to share. And please let me know if the links don't work I'll fix em.
Playlist for Elf Pirate Captain 
Jonathan Young- Eye of the Storm https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Si3IJ218Chk
Valhalla calling https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jxptIpCYAJA
10HR Creaky Wooden Pirate Ship Rain Sounds for Sleep: BLACK SCREEN Pirate Ship Ambience for Sleep https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GCs4JM7dXX4
Pirate Ship Ambience- Captain’s Cabin Tropical Island Port, Bird LIfe| 1 hour https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ft-lJyu_nuY
Pirate Ship Sound Ambience//Wooden Sailboat Ocean Waves Sleep Sound 8 Hours https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aylZ5naovxY
Footsteps on Wood floor black screen 10 hours loop| sleep| study|relax| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fVumDbrIOFg
Footsteps on Hardwood Floor Sound Effect https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rJbOrzd92Ec
Sound Effects- Walking on Wood Floor https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AfrLCXUo1hg 
Loud Parrot Chirping |Natural Parrot Sounds| Parrot Calling Sounds|| https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=B9dUpGFc5Uc
Parrots incredibly talk to one other like Humans https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dlu504XxrYA 
Best Sword Sounds (Slice/Slash/Crash/Swoosh/etc) A little bloody https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=EgRvVq8mStE
RPG|D&D Ambience -Sword Duel (Swords clashing, footsteps, heavy breathing) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=oBsHWwmXbcM
I had a mix of Sea Shanties that was really good but I couldn't find it so yeah.
For his bird he does have a green parrot not because I see a lot of other pirates with them but because my Grandma had a green parrot named Rocky who died a couple of years ago and I loved him to bits so, he has a bird named Rocky. I hope thats the right picture.
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For the coping skill I mentioned I don't think he has one. Cause what I'm currently thinking is that he talks with his hands a lot, mostly to show off his rings, but that he puts all the stress of whatever is happening in a bottle and just keeps shoving it all in there. Until he is literally teetering on the edge of like super villain or defeat. Mostly supervillain. And by defeat I mean like breaking down and not recovering mentally.
An example of what could break that bottle would be like, if he fell in love with a human woman and he got married to her and had children and she died a normal death. He won't be fine for a while but probably won't go raging war on anyone. Verses, he fell in love with a human woman who he was going to marry but couldn't cause she was shot and killed and then he goes Super villain I'ma kill everyone mode. Or my personal favorite He gets married to the love of his life they have children together she still gets brutally murdered and he goes to start a war and I make another protagonist to take him out. And it be a simple family verses family story.
I have a ton more I'd like to say about him but this post is crazy long so thank you for asking! I'm sure this isn't what you wanted to walk into but hey, its late I'm tired and I have to turn in like three huge grade breaking essays. So, its all good!
Have a great night, stay blessed!
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curechocolattymilk · 3 years
sorry to ramble bout this scrambled Skyrim story again but: i had it where Paarthy was eventually killed by another dragon, forcing Tei to take over as Thuri but now like...im thinking of Miraak being the one to kill him?? Seeing as he was accidentally spared (managed to get caught up in whatever sent a then-dying Tei out of Mora’s realm) n all. Like he only followed Tei into the battle against Alduin was because the Argonian literally forced him to submit to them (see: beat the shit out of him), & any attempts to rebel + get back into the whole ‘enslaving/mind controlling everyone’ schtick were met with an ass kicking or a threat to be sent back to H.Mora that Tei can & would follow through with should they need to.
Why would Miraak go grandpa dragon hunting? Tei did not follow through with the Blades’ request to kill Paarthunax - they understood the reasoning, but felt the elder dovah was needed to ensure they themselves didn’t succumb to their draconic nature, so Tei ended up parting ways. Miraak could probably take advantage of this?? Maybe?? But also idk how’d he get the Blades on his side even then bcus I feel like Tei would know if they were Bend Will-d.....
idk idk but im kinda leaning for that being the reason Tei is kinda pushed into the leadership position for the dragons who would be loyal to them/follow any Thuri there is - Granted it would end in Miraak’s death as well (less out of revenge more out of ‘okay he’s not gonna deal with submitting to my power anymore, he is a threat and needs to go’), buuut Tei wasn’t really planning on letting him live, or at the very least stay on Nirn, too much longer.
#skyrimblogging#rambling#i did the spare miraak mod for an extra mule/body to through at Alduin ngl & Tei took this surprise event in their story to do the same lol#but yeah i was going the whole 'maybe they bond?' route but naah i think i like the idea of the two being very dangerous obstacles--#--to each others. Tei just manages barely but when they get the upperhand in a scuffle they will use every bit of it#to the point of nearly killing the dude. But Tei's here to show they're boss - not make friends#im thinking after Alduin's defeat more dovah willingly submit/follow them & Tei uses this as a way to#like....keep miraak in check when they're separated. Even getting his temple & stone destroyed to cut off any extra power sources#but its in the back of their mind that this dude is gonna be a threat & they'll need to be rid of him soon now that his usefulness is done#but kinda gets soft/lazy on this until Paarthunax gets murked & then is just 'oh shit yeah I'm killing you *now*'#& like friends/fam/maybe even the greybeards are prob like 'you avenged him :)' but Tei rlly just wanted to make sure they stayed in power#more or less lmao. They did plan on killing Paarthy once they felt they had control of their nature/would've done as the Blades' asked if#they didn't have the whole 'dragon soul(tm) demands domination' thing going on bcus then if weighing their options a building team of#dragon fighters would be more useful to them in the long run they'd think but ANYWHO#enough rambling im gonna play some more skyrim....maybe pop an advil or smthing i have a horrid headache atm oof
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vvitchering · 3 years
Tbobf finale thoughts real quick:
I have like 5 mins to write this before I have to get up for work so let’s go
I can’t figure out if I hated this or not
Like yeah they did end up with the same “oh they’re going to have to wrap this up REAL quick and dirty” pacing issue I’ve been worried about
But they didn’t even give us much good character stuff to smooth over the plot/pacing
Liked Din being loyal to Boba to the point where he’s willing to die but it would have been nice to have acknowledged WHY that is.
There were a lot of emotional gut punches in this episode that ended up being more emotional love taps due to lost or forgotten context and that’s….bizarre for a show as obsessed with flashbacks as this one is.
Like the only reason I even knew Cad Bane and Boba had previously established beef is because I glanced at a tumblr post about their unfinished duel from the clone wars show. That’s not the kind of fan knowledge you should be working off of…
Genuine question: how many of y’all even knew who Cad Bane was? If my brother hadn’t forced me to watch a few seasons of the clone wars I’d have had absolutely no goddamn clue who this joker was. (And I think a good percentage of Mando / TBOBF viewers may also be like me and aren’t big Star Wars buffs outside of these shows, so they’d have zero context for this interaction)
Lost opportunity to have the Tusken lady in black and the kid come back to help Boba. Yes I’m still upset about that, I was planning on dying mad about it.
Just…so very little of any of this finale made reasonable sense……..I’m gonna have to watch it again and do a play by play because it’s so jumbled in my head after one viewing
Luke really did put that infant in a ship and send him off to god knows where care of who the hell knows because he was angry he picked the beskar huh
Who’s the true baby here mr skywalker
This has been and will remain a “Luke Skywalker can fight me in the Denny’s parking lot and I’d win” house
Pacing aside since there’s not a lot to be done about that, this ep could have still been good if they’d given us even an ounce more context for some of these interactions.
It really feels like the writers were just stalling for time with this while finishing up Mando S3 which is a huge shame because this could have been GREAT as like an hour Boba Fett special or something. Trim the fat, do better with the Tusken story line, get rid of those GOD AWFUL mods, focus on what these events mean to BOBA (and Fennec), we could have had a real tight and punchy story.
Seriously fuck the mods everyone here hates the mods who’s idea we’re they
Blah blah other stuff happening I don’t even care about this nonsense at this point beyond watching my favorite little imaginary people run around on screen
Grogu should have taken the lightsaber too. Just for extra “piss off Luke” points.
I know Din didn’t take his helmet off this entire time because Pedro couldn’t actually be there to film, but I would have liked a nice helmet-less reunion scene with Grogu. Or a face reveal with Boba. I just miss Pedro’s handsome face ):
Boba did look really good this ep though 👌 and we’re almost back to his Mandalorian s2 levels of badassery in combat which was nice to see.
Bobadin shippers we won today
IM SO FUCKING GLAD COBB ISNT DEAD HOLY SHIT this was really the only thing I ever cared a little bit about djskdjsjjd
How’d he get there though
Did the townspeople bring him in? And for what? Did they know Boba had a bacta tank????
Or did Boba and co swing by and pick him up after the fight and bring him back? How’d he survive that long if it was an injury bad enough to take him out/keep him out/require the use of a bacta tank????
Oh god please don’t give him a whole ass robot arm like the fuckin mods I’ll scream. Give him a nice discreet job like Fennec’s. Please don’t make my boy cringe.
Anyway see y’all at Christmas time for Mando s3 💀
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ndrv3-hyperfixated · 2 years
it's a shocker, LIKE KAEDE?! i loved your part sm.
thank you for her patience, i know it was hard for her to finish it without procrastinating, thank you for your amazing work :)
i also, have written kiiruma content! mod kaede has told me it was a luttle bit of a roller coaster what i had going, but here i am!
(story is based off Elena Tsagriknou's song, el Diablo, that was also sang at Eurovision 2021, full credits to the singer for my inspiration)
trigger warnings listed here:
TW: k1-bo x miu (kiiruma; ship warning), alchool/vomiting mention, cursing
toodles! until next time (mod shuichi)
Tumblr media
"i fell in love, i fell in love"
recently, i haven't been the most well, emotionally saying. his handsome voice, his bossy-like personality; and his soft, probably fake hair strands.that's how i would describe k1-b0, the ultimate robot, my one and only unique classmate
"i gave my heart to el Diablo, el Diablo"
it wasn't just a admiration feeling, this was most definetly what you call romatic love. but why? what was attracting me to him so much that i crave his attention and reciprocated love so much??
im going crazy, i know! the gorgeous girl genius miu iruma wouldn't act like this, right? i must be imagining all of this, it's going to go away soon. i hope
" i gave it up, i gave it up
because he tells me I'm his angel, i'm his angel"
althought, they way he was so helpless in my grasp that night, as his hard metallic skin was so closely to mine, screaming my name under the (not so) dim light of the lab? butterfly feeling.
"tonight, we gonna burn in a party"
the class had organized a huge party this evening. their motive? who knows, as long as no body announcement goes off and there's vodka!
on a more lighter note, i'm more of a liquor person..
"we wild as fire that's on the loose;
hotter than sriracha on our bodies"
the gathering went pretty well, i must add. we actually drank quite a bit, some of us ending up wasted in our rooms or at the bathroom, vomiting.
kirumi politely declined our offer to relax herself for one day, saying that she does not like to get involved with loud sounds everywhere. she however offered herself to help clean around after we are done. it's bullshit in my opinipn, but who am i to judge the lady?
"t-taco, tamale, yeah, that's my mood
all this spicy melts my icy edges, baby, it's true"
i don't even remember how we ended up playing spin the bottle. i was pretty neuron dead until that point, but still awake enough to keep myself on my feet. i also recall grabbing some food from the buffet, i'm not sure whuch, but i just know that it was as spicy as a simple jalapeno. not that i can complain! im one that has rather hot taste in food eitherway.
it was my turn to spin the bottle. asking tsumugi to hold my food for the moment, i inhaled a deep breath of air, spinning the bottle as hard as i could.
"all this spicy melts my icy edges, baby, it's true"
i closed my eyes shut, praying i wouldn't end up embarrased by some sluts and bitches this night. hearing the side of the glass bottle slow itself, i fluttered my eye lids open and..
it landed on k1-b0.
s-something didn't seem right!? our of all six people that were playing, including me, it landed on him?
now i couldn't back away. he was slowly approaching me, hands reaching for my face. here we go again. embarrasing yourself infront of your crush, miu
he gave me a cheek kiss?! his cold mouth parted from my face, showing obvious sign of blushing, ready to call anyone "robophobic" if they ever pointed out his flustred feeling.
..you know what? if this asshole wasn't ready to admit his feelings either, then im done being such a pussy! i'm so, but soo done of hiding this crave of geniune love away, for jim not to know it!
i gestured the gifted juvenile to turn around, facing me once more.
"tonight, we gonna burn in a party"
sighing deeply, clearing my throath, i spoke up:
"tin head you better enjoy what you will be receiving, you'll never be this pampered again"
"hey! that's robo-" before he could finish his usual and common protest, i shushed him quickly, crashing my lips against his. they felt, cold
icy as one could feel like during hypothermia, but i liked that feeling. warming him up with my juicy and glossed lips, as he stood there, confused and panicked
"it's heaven in hell with you"
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fandomshatewomen · 2 years
what are your thoughts on the movie don't worry darling and the situation regarding the director and cast?
i've been hearing bits and pieces through like, social osmosis, but i'll be honest i do not care enough about anyone involved to have actually done my own research, so grain of salt et cetera and so forth.
olivia wilde – seems like she is craving for the industry to take her seriously, it's interesting that she is working with the same screenwriter as her previous/first movie 'booksmart' because the tonal differences between that movie and this one are .... a lot lol. i definitely acknowledge that she is battling a lot of institutionalized misogyny, but i don't think she's necessarily done the work to be a sought-after director yet, i hope she sticks with it but i'm mostly kinda /shrug emoji about her.
harry styles – idk it also seems like he's craving to be taken more seriously too, but i dunno if media training just isn't a thing or he thinks he's a lot more charming than he actually is, but i really really hope he stops saying all this stupid shit in public. and maybe starts working with a coach, because he is nobody's acting prodigy lol
florence pugh – i read that she recently broke up with zach braff, note she is 26 and he is 47, and i can easily see that experience coloring her perspective about harry and olivia being involved. she doesn't strike me as the nicest person tbh, but she shouldn't have to be to get treated with a base line respect (the video clip of olivia being like 'a wake up call for miss flo' was super annoying to me)
the others – heard gemma chan was vocally supportive of johnny depp so im over her, chris pine seems super bland but potentially a thoughtful dude, i think i saw kiki layne in a trailer but given she seems to be The Only Black Character i'm very wary of how her character is gonna get treated, nick kroll doing serious acting is neat, and i don't know his name but actor who played annoying jonah on veep playing a not dissimilar character (again based only on the trailer) is pretty funny to me, i think shia labeouf in the harry styles role would have been fucking terrifying whereas harry seems to be bringing more of an eerie energy lol
the movie itself – the 1960s us american suburb utopia thing is a bit overdone if you ask me, the aesthetic is fun but i've never been wowed by the actual content of these stories. there is potential for the interplay between chris pine and harry styles's characters to make some points about us american masculinity, but i dunno i'm not holding my breath i guess.
• mod dyr
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your-turn-to-role · 3 years
Hello there! i saw someone else doing this and i thought it was a fun and cool idea so: Headcanon Saturday (or sunday if its sunday for you): share a favorite headcanon (or lots of headcanons), big or small, if you feel like it! Your blog is very cool and I love seeing your thoughts whenever they pop up on my dash! keep doing what you do :D
it is in fact sunday for me! (or, it was when you sent this, it's wednesday now bc i had an assignment i had to do and uh, nz just went back into major lockdown so that’s fun)
but thank you so much!
and honestly this question had me stumped for a bit, because, in theory i have some, right? but, one, i'm less of a theory fan and more of a collector fan, i can put together minuscule details from all over the show to get a big picture of a character, but i rarely have headcanons that aren't based in some show evidence or other
and when i do have some, they either end up in a meta post im writing, or in a specific tag (like my cr nd headcanons i'll link a bit further down), or in a fic that i will write half of and never post bc i am chronically terrible at finishing things 😂
that said! i have scoured through fic ideas and discord server messages, so here have a few
fave headcanon that's not mine
disabled essek. like, thank you fandom for this one, it's incredibly dear to my heart, i consider it canon, nothing can convince me otherwise, it is going in all my fics, just.... comfort character
sometimes a character can be a neutral evil criminal and a disability icon okay
fave identity headcanon
see this tag for my various "why cr characters are neurodivergent" essays, also, fjord and jester are arospec thank you good day
a couple ones just based on dnd mechanics that i enjoy
- gilmore is a couple levels self taught in wizard
(he at the very least would have magic initiate if you were to build him like a pc bc he has identify, which is not a sorcerer spell, but... something about how he loves magic and was very determined to stand out but also something happened to him with the whole runechild thing that makes him scared to admit he is one so obviously he wouldn't flaunt that power, also the way he's kinda self deprecating whenever he has to admit he doesn't know wizard stuff, yeah, he definitely tried to teach himself magic the non sorcerer way)
- percy has a pristine organisation system for every room he owns and if you mess it up he can no longer find anything
this one is based off of two things. 1) percy is canonically a very neat and tidy person. after the feast with the briarwoods he goes home, wrecks his room trying to vent his feelings, and then barricades himself in his workshop. when vox machina find his room the next morning matt notes that percy's room is never messy like this. also, just in how he talks to grog when grog's snooping in his workshop, percy definitely knows the precise location of every tool in there. also he's just a precise person in general.
2) taliesin's weakness in rolling good for percy is investigation checks. he fails them almost every time. he has a decent int mod, but the dice just decided no investigation checks for you! (also, i haven't gone back to confirm this, so i may be wrong, but i'm pretty sure one of the few good investigation checks he makes is in whitestone castle). strict organisation system. he is absolutely useless without it 😂
aaaand, fave angsty headcanon (bc it's me, there was gonna be one)
the blumendrei didn't leave their hometown for days after they killed their parents. like. okay i've had a fic i've been lowkey writing for ages about these guys (yes i have like 40 cr fics in some form of wip status, no none are finished, this is how i exist), in the aftermath of that, bc i love them and i have a lot of thoughts about it
(also, not that i can prove it bc the fic was never posted but i kinda predicted the, cold stone tower overnight thing, which had me feeling A Way when that became canon!)
but anyway what this is based on is like... there's an idea in the fandom that trent directly ordered them to kill their parents but he really didn't. like obviously he put every step in place, but when caleb's telling that story, trent barely even comes up. he talks about how he found out his parents were traitors and how he "knew what he had to do"
so honestly, given everything we know about how trent engineers situations, it makes the most sense to me that the blumendrei, didn't want trent to know about this at all
like they believed the lie that their parents genuinely were traitors, so if you find out that horrifying secret, in the environment they'd been in for the past two years? that's shameful, horrifically so. why would they tell trent about that if they could avoid it? why risk getting branded the same, you've been told up to this point you're special, and you'd kill to keep that title. why on earth would you admit that your bloodline is tainted like that?
no, they would have tried to cover it up, as long as they could. which, is exactly what trent would want bc that again puts them on the back foot, but like... yeah, i fully believe they waited it out for a couple of days before going to trent until they were sure they couldn't wait any longer for bren to get better without drawing even more suspicion. and, since their cover story is they were supposed to be visiting their parents anyway, maybe they didn't go all that far
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itsclydebitches · 3 years
God I'm so glad to talk about the game lmao. I also finished it! It was fine Ig I think the start of the game was so fantastic so my expectations were a bit much but it was fun! I loved playing as Ciri and just zapping all over the place, wish we could do that more.
But yeah I completely agree with you on basically everything that you said lmaooo, Yen is just unbareable the more I learn about her and the things shes done/the way she treats ppl, I just don't see what I'm meant to like, even if Geralt wasn't the Best person, he deserves so so much better, Idk how I'm gonna read the books if this romance is canon there too, hopefully it won't bother me too much. She so far doesn't really have any redeeming qualities, even her small moments of humour and wit are sort of "yeah okay but it's not fun when you do it cause you just spent the past few moments berating someone for daring to try and help you so like" I actually ended up sort of liking triss the more I talked with her and Yen, she at least apologises for her wrongs (which are still massive holy shit) and doesn't rly treat geralt like shit (same with Kiera, I think thats how her name is spelt, shes cool), they both kinda fuck over geralt but they own up to it which I can at least respect, still not a fan but they're okay, at times. God the women in this game are either really fucking cool or just a bitch, usually in a not fun way The game came with both dlcs! havent really touched them cause the ending was a bitttt of a let down, I thought I wasn't near finishing cause I put it off for so long lol so my bad, probably will get into them tho! And im on ps4 so no mods :( the exp shit would be so good, the last boss fights were really easy though? I think I was level 34 (I wanted to wear my good armour lol) and the quests are level 28 so maybe I was a bit over leveled but some random mobs in world beat my ass just before the main quests so idk lol. Do you get to hang with Ciri at all post game? They're so damn cute together
Out of curiosity which ending did you get? I was pretty satisfied overall (witcher!Ciri ending for me) but I remember thinking that the last couple of plot points were pretty rushed. Though tbh, looking back I’m not sure if that’s actually the case, or if things just felt fast to me because I missed so much buildup trying to keep track of the basics. Now that I know the characters, world, conflicts, etc. I keep coming across lines and details that make me go, “Oh, THAT’S what we were referring to!” for plot points that previously felt like they came out of nowhere.
Playing Ciri is so much fun though. I enjoy zapping around as well...even when I accidentally zap myself into some guy's sword XD
I’m constantly told Yen gets better in the books (something, something major character development) and I’d be lying if I said that “The Last Wish” didn’t turn me off, but I personally stopped reading due to more than just Yen. The epic just didn’t grab me. The short stories absolutely, but I didn’t like the writing as much in novel form, heard a lot about future plot points I had no interest in/made me very uncomfortable, didn’t want to read a bunch of Yen being Yen prior just to getting a development I may or may not like… there was a lot that made me drop the books, so I’m not exactly in the best position to be recommending them, or even warning against them from an unbiased perspective lol. I might give them another shot sometime, but for now I’m happy with the games and fandom content.
I’m liking Triss a lot more on my second playthrough too (especially how selfless she is regarding the other mages) and I always liked Keira. I think the game did a good job of making her kinda selfish and manipulative (as sorceresses are wont to be in this world), but not to such an extent that you’re utterly repulsed by her actions. Her conflict is “I want to not live in squalor the rest of my days and am willing to mislead a friend to achieve that. Also foolishly trust a mad king that, if I go through with it, ends in my horrific death.” With the resolution being like, “Oh, someone else will give me a place of safety with something as basic as clean bedding? Sweet! Yeah, now that I have some security, company, and comfort I’ll use this research to cure a plague, nbd.” Keira is a great example of TW3’s argument that if you choose to help and nurture people, good things will happen for everyone, and it doesn’t ask you to ignore anything really awful to get there. I can very much stomach “You kept some info from me and put me to sleep for the night” in a way that’s far harder to do with, “You actively misled me for months while I had amnesia, cultivating this fantasy relationship” or “You callously disregard another’s culture and torture our daughter’s friend through necromancy.”
Depending on the choices you’ve already made, you can hang out with Ciri for like, one cut scene in the DLCs lol. But it’s indeed a cute one! Basically, if you didn’t romance either Triss or Yen and Ciri is still alive, you should see her again. I’m absolutely that fan that if CDPR decided, after this many years, to randomly add more TW3 content, I would in no way be opposed. I want more time with Ciri, with Regis, there’s a character from the second game named Iorveth who was supposed to reappear in TW3 but had to be cut and that tragedy will forever haunt me. Forget the mess that is Cyberpunk, just keep making more Witcher content!
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lunartearrose · 3 years
hello. bestie. info about this fantasy au WHEN 👀👀👀👀👀
Aaa I can give you some right now!!!! For some reason this au comes to me whenever im working so thats why its art is all on stickynotes audjskjsj
BUT ANYWAYS uh. No better way to say this but it all started out with a modded skyrim character creator that i made skull in! I thought it was cool and going thru both main q and whatever stupid civil war to skip the broken seasons unending quest is annoyin but fun was had for maybe some hours
But! I had to make skull twice due to the first skull files getting corrupted. So that has a piece to it
But anyways context over and now this au has been in my brain with only vague skrim assets because i fucking hate that that civil war has anything to do with anything of the main questline it can FUCK. Right off
Basic storyline premise my brain had! We start out with a currently human vintage caught between a mysteriously similar civil war :) he's chosen neither side but since his home was destroyed by the stupid shit idiot war he's basically gotten really good at pissing off both sides. Sometimes he gets caught! And the good-ish soldiers will see that he is you know a still kinda baby-side teen full of anger and try to lrt him go with a talking to. But his worst encounter would be when the angy soldiers catch him and beat him up, which just deepens his hatred. And one time someone really messed him up bad!
He ends up limping away into an enchanted forest and drawn by a really good smell, he passes out just in front of this really beautiful lilac tree that was in a clearing like "ok this is a nice tree to die by. Peaceful" but ofc he didnt die. He just woke up to a nymph of the tree he chose taking him up to the center of the tree. And that's how he befriends Skull, he's recovering with him and keeps mumbling about how nice the smell is while skull both cares for him and looks around for his potion savvy friend. Once vin is healed up by aviators he realizes pretty quick that this forest is very much between the war path and figures it's highly appropriate to set traps all over!!! But ofc giving avi and skull very specific instructions on how to avoid the things he sets. He also makes good pals with omega in the town nearby bc she helps at an institude and she's been sneaking him into their library to read up on nymphs and share his own notes in return. Shes like you're my little brother and hes like fuck u (but also thank you sorry) and he gets to discover he has a high affinity for magic despite being human. Weird! Anyways now that he has a place of study he can figure out how to teach skull weapons.
But all is not peaceful for long, bc some old shitty wizard trails this knowledgeable little jerkwad, because variant nymphs are rare! And as the guy comes out of the bushes and pisses vintage off by treating skull like a specimen and taking out a pair of scissors like, "i wonder if its really true that you can take memories of one by severing branches from its tree:)" Vintage basically attacks the guy! Because no taking Skull's memories! And skull helps of course bc friend, but unfortunately this guy is very strong and seasoned. So when vintage almost gets a good life ending hit, the wizard wounds him heavily (resulting in an x-shaped scar deep on his face that got him bad in one eye) and opens a portal to basically hell! Vin is gonna fall in but skull makes the effort to try and use the roots of his tree to pull him out. But knowing he can get sucked in too, vintage just makes a promise to get out somehow and come back, sealing it by giving the gift of a small ring he was saving. Unknown to him once he falls and portal closes, skull definitely makes the wizard into plant food! But on the floor of this hellscape, vintage finds himself with some flowers and seeds that had fallen from the tree, a tail, and a new nubby pair of horms and wings. But despite this, he gets up, gathers the seeds, and thinking back on his affinity for magic, he decides he will grow the lilacs while he figures out an escape, all the while being reminded of skull every time he looks at the stuff. It takes some years, and some demons also looking for an escape love his tree and his story (mainly double who helped persuade spirits into protecting the tree and gave vin tips on horn and wing upkeep) but eventually vin has his break when he hears omega call and together they pry open a portal out of there. He's pulled along by a red sole (very excited feral magician) and now he and double are finally out. Double introduces himself while vintage, with magical hell-lilacs tied around tail, disguises his demon features and runs off to find skull.
Only to find the entire forest burned down. He's in shock for some time, wanting to know how and why. One of the last things he saw was a killing blow from skull, it couldn't have been that wizard- but then he spots a soldier's settlement nearby. Hidden amongst charred trees. They chatted merrily, loading up gathered game, and when he asked, they told him the forest was another victim of their pointless war. It wasn't even a turning point, and one of them even laughed and said they'd get "the bad guys" next time.
When the sick of this, much older teen, gets angry enough that his horn-hiding illusion falls, they all quite suddenly realize they've majorly screwed up. And vintage figures out that he has a taste for souls. Red finds him again after though with a gift, a calm pet and a gentle informing that he should be able to visit his hell lilac tree anytime he wants at least. A nice gift, but vintage is too angry at the moment to appreciate it and decides that hes ending the war himself by killing every single person directly involved with it! At times the armies had tried to work together to stop him, but with the power to morph melificent style into a dragon is a pretty solid way to make sure you're just wasting lives, and people figure out pretty quick it's the commanders he wants. Those are sacrificed, but now you just have a very powerful demon with nowhere to place his still burning grief that's very very hard to approach! But word gets around as it does and a blue group of adventurers take up the task of calming the demon and dealing with his haywire magic and deliver a hard truth - that he might have to move on with the friends he made along the way. Post fight, the vampire cruising with blue team scoops vin with some tlc plans and asks that blue team to locate the friends vintage had, and maybe even look into his older friends. And once vintage is awake in a rather cleanly and impressive vampire mansion, he's given news that emperor had heard of a wood elf taking care of a rather flowerless and purple nymph, working with a lot more potions than usual. One can't even begin to describe how relieved Vintage is by this info that his first friend, at the very least, is still alive. It may just take time to get to him with post-magic owchies and all, so emperor decides to send out a nice and classy letter to those friends he had found, inviting them over.
Oh and the only reason skull miraculously survived the warring and forest fire is definitely becausee of the lilac tree currently sitting pretty in hell
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bard-llama · 4 years
WiP List
This is gonna be looooong (like, REALLY long), so I’mma go ahead and give you a cut here. But if you’re interested in what i’m working on, take a look!
Order purely based on the order my tabs are in. I’m only counting WiPs that actually have more than a paragraph written, because if I didn’t, this list would be even longer. Also, pls don’t judge me but what I name my WiPs 😂
Post-Coital Smoke
Kinda what it sounds like tbh. I just wanted Iorveth getting high and admiring Roche’s body and then Roche decided to be a tease. At some point, I assume there will be sex.
Angst: Sex object Roche
Iorveth’s POV of realizing that Roche hurts himself whenever he flirts at Iorveth. Premise is that Roche has been groomed (intentionally or not) by Foltest to be his. So when he feels attraction towards Iorveth, he needs to be punished. And obviously Iorveth helps him learn that no, that’s not okay and idk recovery???
Midwinter Feast
This idea was 100% spawned by me trying to write holiday fics, but Foltest hosts a Midwinter Feast where they close the city for 12 days, leaving Roche to get along with the Nonhuman/Scoia’tael(ish) delegation during that time. Also, Foltest might be using the feast as a delaying tactic to resupply his army. I legit have no idea where this is going, I just thought the idea of Roche and Iorveth stuck at a feast for 12 days was funny.
Solstice Feast aka To Birth a Verdant Future
This was actually an xmas gift for @lutes-and-dandelions, but I havent finished it yet 😓 But the premise is similar to the former in that it’s another solstice feast. But it’s set post-W3 with Emhyr as Emperor throwing a party in the new conquered capital of Vizima. Roche broods a lot about Foltest’s memory and how he hates Emhyr and decides to distract himself by hanging out with Iorveth and suggesting they follow an old elven tradition. And that’s all I’ll say. XD
Next Year (Solstice Feast sequel)
Literally set the next year. This time they merge their lives by merging their people’s traditions.
Lily Preserved in Amber
Okay, haven’t gotten very far in this, but I decided it was an elven rite of passage to go searching through the forest for a sign of your future. And Iorveth finds a piece of amber with a lily preserved inside. I haven’t decided if it purely means Roche or if it means his whole family with Roche and Boussy and Anais and all. So far, he hasn’t even found the amber yet lmao. But he did just discover music!
Character taking control of the other and Character B just letting go and enjoying themselves
Under the subheading “Porn Snips”, so uh, yeah. Starts with Roche and Iorveth fighting to decide who gets to top, involves Roche getting choked, and Iorveth ripping Roche’s pants off. Oh, also, they’re currently at a fancy party hiding somewhere in the garden lmao
Based on @moonlights-ordinance‘s art
Moonlight’s working on an adorable piece where Roche leans his forehead against Iorveth’s back between his shoulderblades. I decided to make it post-W3 with both of them working as paper pushers/administrators under Emhyr’s Temeria. And Nilfgaard does not believe in chairs with backs (or, really, Emhyr wanted to see how long Roche’s pride would make him suffer. It’s a long time). The idea is to show development over time as they slowly get more comfortable with touch and start using each other as backrests. And then the sweet scene Moonlight is drawing.
Eliza for @useless-empty-brain aka Can’t We All Just Get Oolong?
Next is Iorveth’s POV, but I legit cannot figure out where to start. But we’re gonna see some of his thoughts (like how Eliza volunteered him to stay in Vizima for an unspecified period of time and he said yes even though he can’t and now has to commute regularly because he doesn’t want to miss tea with Roche but also doesn’t want Roche’s spies to catch on lmao) and his curiosity about Roche and Foltest and what Roche’s mission is (which I... totally know.)
Roche’s Scars
@moonlights-ordinance sent me a great pic of a mod for Roche where he had some pretty vicious scarring/mutilation. So of course I decided I needed to tell the story of each one. But really, it’s a story about the stages of acceptance with scars. Both Iorveth and Roche start out hiding theirs, but eventually come to reveal them comfortably in public.
Vernon Roche of the Scoia’tael aka The Value of a Man
Does my title give it away? Oops? So, this is a found family fic where Roche is captured by the Scoia’tael and the elves and dwarves slowly come to see him as - well, I was gonna say human, but as a person, I guess. And start feeling really, really guilty, especially when some not great things happen to Roche. 
Oh also, Foltest is a giant dick and uh, SPOILERS he does not try to get Roche back. Which leads to a whole subplot that will end with a found family for EVERYONE, because they all deserve to be happy dammit.
All of that was just one document lmao. I have 24 documents, some of which have quite a few WiPs in them. 😱
Kiss Prompts
24. Deep kisses where they have their hands tangled in each other’s hair to pull them closer. AKA How to Fluster an Elf
When I got the idea for How to Fluster an Elf, I decided it was gonna fill the prompt dammit. And then it really, really expanded on me.
33. An unexpected kiss that shocks the one receiving it.
Roche dreams occasionally that Iorveth visits him and watches over him and sometimes speaks, but he can’t understand Elder Speech, so he assumes it’s all gibberish.
Then he finds out it’s not and suddenly he’s not so certain it’s a dream
16. One person pouting, only to have it removed by a kiss from the other person.
Okay, I literally just need to buckle down and write some good kissing. This is set in (Im)Perfect Strangers and Iorveth is pouting about them leaving the gardens, so Roche makes it up to him.
25. Wet kisses after finding refuge from the rain.
This one won’t actually be published with the kisses ‘cause it’s porn and the rest are T-rated lol. Buuuut Roche and Iorveth are trying to have a secret liaison in the forest when the rain starts. Featuring nature magic, tentacles, and Iorveth getting filled.
Scenes from Another World (aka AU premise)
Old Men in Vergen
Set during Witcher 3, but with an established relationship. Roche comes to visit Iorveth in Vergen to ask for advice on leading an insurgency. Iorveth just wants to feed Roche while he can now that he’s not the one starving in the woods.
Language Aphasia/Deal with the Devil
I wanted to write Gaunter! So I decided that Gaunter is in a mood for some mischief (he calls it being generous) and comes upon a traveling Vernon Roche who wishes that he could be understand Iorveth. Then Iorveth’s Scoia’tael find a passed out Roche in the woods and bring him to Iorveth for judgement. Only somehow, Roche only understands Elder Speech now. He can’t understand Common at all. The Scoia’tael find this very offensive and Iorveth is mostly freaked out that someone who can do THAT was wandering around his forest.
Bunk Beds: The Portrait of Cirilla Fiona Elen Riannon
Based on a silly comic, Ciri convinces Iorveth and Roche to try to help her destroy the portrait. Geralt gets pissed and sends them to Bunk Bed Exile. Shenanigans ensue and somehow they start to get along.
Iorveth’s Scoia’tael Giving Him Shit For His Taste in Men aka The Lovestruck Fox
Right now, working on a piece from the POV of a new Scoia’tael recruit who is discovering that Iorveth’s Scoia’tael roast the fuck out of him over his crush on Roche. 
Speaking of, anyone have suggestions on prime roast material? I am not this creative.
Let’s Torture Roche!
No, really. This one is pretty dark. And told in kind of a different style than my usual, because I felt like it. So, premise is that Iorveth and Roche were a thing in the past, but then Roche was recalled to Foltest’s side and he went. So Iorveth is understandably pretty hurt and pissed (this was decided for a prompt of someone breaking down as soon as they’re behind closed doors). Buuut what he doesn’t know is that Roche is not with Foltest of his own volition. Hostages, blackmail, and torture are all involved and Foltest is a pretty horrible guy. But of course we need a happy ending, so eventually, Iorveth will rescue Roche and they get to recover together.
Life Debt aka Iorveth is an Asshole
The concept for this was that Roche saved Iorveth’s life and now that they were no longer enemies (set during Witcher 3), his honor demands that he follow Roche around until he can repay the favor. Featuring Iorveth being a trolling asshole, correcting the new Temerian Loyalist’s fighting abilities, and Roche being very, very tired. 
In application, it’s mostly angst so far, ‘cause I had to set up HOW Roche saved Iorveth’s life. And then I decided to really hurt Iorveth. But tbh I will probably skip ahead after establishing this stuff, because I just want shenanigans.
King and Country
I’ve got several WiPs for this one, including the Stripes’ recruitment, their decision to change sides, the Stripes being double agents, and of course, Iorveth and Roche’s developing relationship. But hey, I’ve skipped ahead to writing their wedding already, so... you know it ends happily ever after?
Friday Fight Night for Jan 29 (which I did not make oops)
So, this actually turned into a long piece that’s gonna be part of my Chronic Pain series. Basically, King Foltest is treating with the leaders of the Scoia’tael in Temeria and Iorveth is one of them. Unfortunately, he’s having a REALLY BAD pain day, but he’s also determined to be there to represent his people. Roche helps him see sense. Possibly forcefully.
Exhaustion Prompts
“If we’re both in this state, we both really screwed up somewhere huh?”
Iorveth and Roche are trapped in a dream and I got a little stuck creating the creature that trapped them there. But pretty sure Saskia is gonna interrupt their flirting by saving them.
“You were almost dead from pushing it too far!”
In which Roche has a heart attack from too much coffee. Yeah. He’s okay, though! But PT is about to blow a gasket and coffee will very much be disallowed.
Found Family Prompts
Taking Out the Trash for @useless-empty-brain
Literally a story about taking out the trash lmao. We’re gonna see if I can make this intersting.
Touch Starved for @mochii-girl
Honestly, haven’t gotten much done on this yet, but I’m thinking puppy pile cuddles in Corvo Bianco
Coffeeshop AU aka Brewing Romance and Dissent
Ooof I’ve got a lot of bits and pieces of this written, but nothing quite finished, except for the moment when things change from “we flirt as I order coffee” to “I make you special drinks and invite you to come visit me after hours”. Writing a canon coffeeshop au when I know shit all about coffee is HARD.
Curse Breaking
Omg this is one of the first WiPs I started for Iorveth/Roche, no joke. STILL WORKING ON IT! The premise is that Roche finds a feverish and dying Iorveth in an empty Scoia’tael camp, saves him with the power of True Love’s Kiss The Power of Strong Emotions, Like That Which You Might Have For Your Enemy. Then they team up to go save Iorveth’s Scoia’tael from a big bad mage and Roche invites Triss along for the ride, which totally doesn’t make Iorveth jealous. I kinda stalled out at the part where they reach the mage’s hideout and see the results of the mages failed experiments. On Iorveth’s people. It’s gonna hurt. A lot. But afterwards, there might be makeouts. And some sort of implication that they’re all down to do this (minus the horrible, traumatic parts) again.
Roche POV bloodplay
Roche’s POV starting from before his first encounter with Iorveth. Then he has a weirdly sexually arousing encounter with the elf, and tbh, that’s as far as I got. But Iorveth draws blood from Roche’s neck, presses his thumb to it, and then licks it off his thumb. Next, Iorveth was gonna be the one getting Uncomfortably Aroused, but I haven’t gotten that far. No idea where this is going overall.
Iorveth Investigates Roche
This kinda isn’t a real WiP in that idk if I’ll ever finish it. I mostly started it to do some worldbuilding about what public information there would be about Roche. 
Voyeurism AKA Eye on You
Yeah, I don’t have much for the next chapter yet, tbh. So premise is that Iorveth accidentally ends up watching Roche get off at the brothel and finds it really, really hot. Hot enough to get curious and go back for more. Next one is going to involve thigh fucking and Iorveth might possibly get pegged by Daph??? idk
Fake Relationship
Poor @lutes-and-dandelions has been waiting forever for this one and I can’t even find a place to end the scene and post what I have so far. Premise is that Iorveth and Roche are both investigating their missing men and the trail takes them to the Murivel Resort for Couples. So they go undercover. Featuring Roche’s POV of being doubtful, Iorveth using the excuse to flirt outrageously, strip gwent, and a magic amulet that hids Iorveth’s scar and that Roche hates.
Competitive Makeouts AKA The Chase
This was kissing practice and it turned into a casefic! Which is awesome because I love casefics even though I haven’t published any yet. So in this one, as Iorveth and Roche sneak off to makeout, they also end up investigating a conspiracy in the Temerian military. 
Iorveth/Roche(/Kayran) + Roche/Foltest aka Every Kiss Begins with Kayran
In which Roche accidentally walks in on Iorveth’s monthly fuck date with the Kayran and gets invited to join in. Then, somehow,  it starts to turn into a relationship. With an elf and a tentacle monster. And yet, somehow, this relationship is healthier than the one with Foltest. The contrast opens Roche’s eyes.
Pining and Poignards
In which Iorveth stabs Roche with his favorite knife and wants it back and is also maybe pining a lil bit. Meanwhile Roche is rather pissed, but also curious and begins to teach himself Elder Speech to try to read the inscription on Iorveth’s knife. I stalled out in the scene where Iorveth accidentally watches Roche masturbate in the bath.
Iorveth tittyfucking Roche
Look, it’s what it says on the tin. Roche’s POV of Iorveth’s fascination with his chest and how it makes him feel and then there is sex.
Dirty Gremlin Man
Iorveth gets off on Roche being a sweaty, stinky human. Roche pins Iorveth in a fight and Iorveth gets very distracted watching a drop of sweat trail down Roche’s face. So distracted, in fact, that he doesn’t think twice before stretching out his neck and licking it. Then, of course, he remembers where he is. Featuring a very confused Roche, a smidge of jealousy, and Iorveth stealing Roche’s sweaty clothing to do unspeakable things to it. And somehow they get together.
Want me to sit in your lap?
Geralt LEGIT says this to Roche like 5 mins into the Witcher 2 and it’s GREAT. So of course, I had to write a scene where he actually got to. This is set post Witcher 2 while Geralt, Triss, Roche, and Ves are headed back to Temeria. Triss offers Geralt a little stress relief - which involves warming Roche’s cock and watching Triss and Ves get to know one another.
Red is the Rose
So, Chapter 4 is set post-Witcher 2 and Iorveth is obsessing over the fact that the Rose of Remembrance still has not wilted. He wonders what might be possible, so when he hears a rumor that a certain Temerian Commander was taken captive by Dethmold...
Dethmold most definitely dies. But unfortunately, that doesn’t save Roche from the curses he cast. So they go looking for Geralt to find out how to fix it.
This has only been 9 of my documents, y’all. I think I have a problem.
De-Aged Fic aka The language of friendship is not words but meanings
Ugh, I lost my momentum on this one, which sucks, ‘cause the next chapter is so close to done. Iorveth just needs to do a little freaking out first. But then they will both be back to adults and have to DEAL with the fact that they made good friends and would kinda like that again. I think this fic is gonna be purely friendship for them, but they’re gonna get there.
Glory Hole
A fic for the @sugar-and-spice-witcher-bingo where Roche hears a rumor that some Scoia’tael go to this brothel on the outskirts of town and hey, he may as well check it out, right? By going undercover and working the glory hole, of course. He never ACTUALLY expected Iorveth would come, but his legendary mouth was enticing enough to draw the Scoia’tael commander out.
Thirteen “accidentally” handcuffs Iorveth and Roche together when they capture Iorveth. This leads to them lying on the cot in the Stripes’ holding cell, spooning. There is banter and tickling and escapes not attempted and also maybe some sex with Inexperience Iorveth (i say maybe because I already started the sex, but idk if it will fit in). 
Petals and Stripes
A weed is but an unloved flower
Okay, the Stripes are going to attempt to woo Iorveth during a battle. Also, there is a stabbing. And then a kidnapping. And then, miracle of miracles, someone actually tries talking!
One person's weed is another person's wildflower
Ves’s POV! She cleans up the mess her idiots make and terrifies the life out of one elven suitor, but first she’s gotta deal with her own conflicted feelings about her Boss, the guy she relies on to show her the shades of grey in the world, loving the elf she’s supposed to kill. 
After that, I’ve got 2 more fics planned in this ‘verse. One is gonna be a fluffy and/or sexy date after Iorveth and Roche have gotten together. The other is a Scoia’tael side story, featuring lots of gossip about the humans sending their Commander love letters.
Love Shack
The Better Part of Valor
Ugh, I’m stuck on the sex again. Roche is having a really shitty day, so he goes to the cabin and signals Iorveth that he wants a round. Iorveth offers gentle (for them) sex and praise. And at the end, there’s a very significant scene where Iorveth removes his bandana. Roche buries his fingers in Iorveth’s hair, but doesn’t actually see his face, as he’s laying on his stomach with Iorveth on top of him.
The morning after! Roche wakes up to find Iorveth in the bath, facing away from him, and notices a new scar. Iorveth has to deal with actually revealing his scars in daylight and they discuss the significant differences in elven and human medicine. Hint: I turned my own medical procedures into elven medicine, so it’s pretty fucking good.
Set ambiguously late, maybe after Thou Art More Lovely and More Temperate. Iorveth and Roche explore what Roche can take. We start with overstimulation, go into consensual somnophilia, come inflation, breeding kink, and oviposition. Because elves reproduce by laying eggs, which is not at all the case purely because I started this WiP ages ago and was horny.
The Picture Says It All
There’s going to be 5 more pictures that Rinn draws for Iorveth. Next is Roche hard at work, hunched over a desk. Then we’re getting some shirtless Roche, for “research”, of course. Then Roche cuddling with PT and the rest of the team, about which Iorveth is not at all jealous. Then a face study of Roche during a fight and uh, Iorveth is uncomfortably turned on. And finally, a drawing of their cabin with a silhouette in the window. She knows.
Roche & Rinn: The Haunting of Barrack 8B
Oh man, I really want to finish the next chapter, because I already have the one after that done. But first, we get introduced to Adda! This ‘verse is going to feature Adda the White a lot more than any of my others have done so far and I’m very excited. Also, Silas continues to be terrified of the ghost and the ghost and Adda become girlfriends buddies.
Roche builds Iorveth a home
Set late in the ‘verse, after Roche knows his feelings, but they haven’t said them yet (not out loud, anyway). Iorveth takes a trip to go meet Saskia do things off screen and Roche ends up turning to his old hobby, carpentry, to keep himself from pining too obviously. So obviously he ends up builing Iorveth a solarium. And a pillow nest. And a scaffold so that flowers that blossom in the moonlight cover the glass and give them privacy.
I got stuck here because Rinn needs to give Roche a hint to get him to build the pillow nest, but I hadn’t developed Rinn and Roche’s relationship yet, so had to go back and do that. But eventually Iorveth returns and they have wonderful I’m-not-saying-it-but-i-love-you sex in the new pillow nest.
Foltest (WiP): Long Live the King
This is actually the last fic in the ‘verse, so I don’t want to give too much away. But actually, I haven’t figured out what the next chapter is, BUT I have the chapter after that started and it is GOOD, just you wait!! I’m very excited.
Don’t Cry For Me, Temeria
This ‘verse alone, I have 14 WiPs and a dozen more unwritten ideas.
(Im)Perfect Strangers
I am frustratingly stuck on this chapter. Theoreatically, we are going to have a check in on how the mountain and the rest of our cast is doing and then Roche launches his Wooing TM plan (aka dinner, gift, and dancing).
Between Two Fools
Yeah, Roche and Iorveth have very different understandings of what their gifts represent. There is some soft happiness and then a swift rug pulled out from under Iorveth’s feet, I’m afraid. BUT we are almost to the part where the two idiots sit down and actually talk properly.
Unlucky Number Thirteen
Not only do I have more of Thirteen’s story planned, but I have ideas for ALL the Stripes to have stories. We’ll see how that goes. But for now, Thirteen starts spying for Roche. A lot of still-nebulous stuff happens, including Thirteen’s first time, for which he asks Roche to help. Additionally, once we reach the (Im)Perfect Strangers timeline, Thirteen has a special story all his own. It involves learning to read and a secret I shall not yet reveal.
Like I said, all the Stripes are hopefully getting stories. But Silas’s is coming along nicely. He starts a new life as “Silas”, as a man, and joins the army. Boot camp is rough and awful and he’s not very good at any of it, but one day, Roche comes looking for a recruit. He needs a codebreaker to decipher Thirteen’s scouting reports (another one for pictures). So Silas joins the Stripes, but he’s still terrified that they’ll fnd out and think he’s been lying to them. Fortunately, they’ll be putting his fears to rest.
Stripes Sex aka Earning Your Stripes: The First Time
PT’s POV! The Stripes (pre-Silas) are all still getting comfortable with each other as a team. But Thirteen has known Roche the longest and in a specific capacity. So one evening when he needs to get out of his head, Thirteen asks Roche to dom him. PT is confused and scandalized and then jealous, but he gets to join in soon too. Meanwhile, Finch and Ves have fun with their bratty arsonist and Fenn is loving it.
break (v /brāk/): to destroy someone's resistance
This is very long and entirely build up to porn. And then lots of porn. A question during a random conversation leads Roche to make Iorveth ask him to take Iorveth utterly apart in a consensual non-consent fantasy set when they were still enemies in the forest.
Bath House
This was supposed to be a simple PWP where Roche talks dirty to Iorveth under his breath while the two of them are at the bathhouse with Boussy (who LOVES baths and brought them to the fancy bath house), Anais, and Thirteen (who HATE baths and react to water much like a cat). They kinda took over the story and there has been no dirty talk yet oops.
Iorveth POV: Tutti
Iorveth begins to reclaim his love for music and lets himself improvise and compose again. And he ends up writing a song that is the story of his and Roche’s romance.
Daggers, Dumplings, and Dresses
The Elihal/Hattori side story! Though we haven’t actually met Hattori yet. So far, Elihal is expounding on his past and his relationship with Iorveth (he used to make all of Iorveth’s fancy gowns for concerts). Elihal and Hattori won’t play a HUGE role in (Im)Perfect Strangers, but they will be appearing!
Ves and Ciaran aka The First Rule of Fight Club
Ves is stuck walking a very long way back to Vergen with the memory of Ciaran’s skin against her teeth. And even though elves lie like breathing, she can’t help thinking about what he said about Roche not being worth her loyalty. Slowly, she begins to work some things out.
Sex with Saskia/Dragonfucking
Yeah, it’s what it sounds like. Iorveth tells Roche that Saskia agreed to a threesome and where to meet, but he neglected to mention the rather large dragon that was currently rimming his ass. Roche gets distracted from his confusion by the hotness and watches Iorveth get fucked by a dragon (with 2 dicks to fit 2 holes, of course).
Come Inflation + Piss Play
Um. Yeah, it’s a PWP where Roche asks Triss for a potion that will make him come a lot. And then Iorveth wants more. No idea where it’s going, tbh.
Stripes vs Scoia’tael: Water Balloon Fight
Literally a water balloon fight. For morale.
Baby Mama
Uh, the title is a bit telling here oops. But let’s just say Iorveth and Roche go on vacation to the cabin on top of the mountain again when Iorveth is hit with the sudden extreme urge to breed. Roche is down, but at some point, they do actually need to talk.
King Roche aka fics where Roche is in charge and hates it. Some are more in line with this than others.
Post W3 Becoming Terrorists Together
Ah yes, the murder husbands fic. Literally, Roche gets stuck leading Temeria under Emhyr’s orders and he’s good at it, but he HATES it. Enter Iorveth, who both points out security flaws, joins Roche for a surprisingly unawkward bath, and proposes that they go hunting down war criminals on their own time. How can Roche say no?
Pre-W2 Ambassadorial AU
Different first meeting AU! In this one, Iorveth is sent as the elven ambassador to Temeria and it’s about as much fun as one might expect. Triss and Roche, the other outcasts amongst Temerian court, decide to befriend him. Well, try to anyway. idk where this is going, but it’s been fun. Also, Iorveth wears a fancy braid over his eye, because I said so. Also, I might be planning an OT3 porn scene at some point, because it turns out, elves are VERY sensitive to magic XD
Leap of Faith
Okay, yeah, this has nothing to do with King Roche, but it’s the doc I was working in when I got the idea. In this one, a mage captures Iorveth for Foltest and starts torturing him. Roche, without really thinking about it, decides the mage goes too far, so he kills them. Leaving him with an elven prisoner and a castle full of people who will consider him a traitor for that. They escape the city, but now Iorveth has gotta convince Roche that no, the King really won’t forget that whole murder and prisoner escape thing. 
The whole point of this fic was for me to write them jumping off a cliff lmao. When am I gonna get to that? Probably like last or second to last chapter, tbh. Which should be... after the next one? No, I lied, it’s next chapter! I need to get on that!
An ill-favour’d thing, sir, but mine own aka Possessive Sex
Piss Fic
Um. Yeah. Roche is really horny when Iorveth gets home and is on him immediately, which is great, but Iorveth has gotta piss. Which becomes less urgent as Roche is determined to have his face fucks, but after he comes all over Roche’s face, it’s VERY urgent and Roche is a fucking brat and won’t move out of the way. So obviously the response to this is to piss on Roche’s crotch - which Roche is apparently more than okay with.
Cum Dumpster Roche
Yeah, this one doesn’t have much yet, I literally just wanted Roche getting railed and claimed and L O V I N G it. 
Iorveth spends a lot of time thinking about his enemy, his nemesis. He’s researched Roche extensively, spent hours thinking up tactics and strategies to outwit his nemesis. He literally knows what Roche named his stupid weapons, but he’s never actually met Roche.
But he’s dreamt about it. The Roche in reality doesn’t look like the assumptions he made in his dreams, but who cares about looks? Because Roche is his, and certainly not some dh’oine king’s.
Tentacles + Breeding
Gods, this one is SO CLOSE to being done dammit, I just gotta finish it!! But it’s a fun one. Iorveth and Roche are fighting, when Iorveth suddenly starts fighting plants, which are fighting back. Then the plants notice Roche and suddenly he’s tied up with vines and his clothes are getting torn off and uh, he’s not supposed to find this hot, is he? But he really kinda does. And then Iorveth goes and claims him and tries to protect him from a nearly-extinct non-sentient plant that sensed a warm spot to lay its eggs until someone else could come along and fertilize them. Iorveth is delighted to be that person.
Dream: Pleasure Slave
Yeah, Roche really likes getting claimed in these. In this one, he has a favorite dream setting where Iorveth rules some grand elven kingdom and Roche’s only role is to bring him pleasure. Not to deal with politics or nobles or policy, but just to make Iorveth feel good. So far, this features cock warming, come inflation, a leather cock cage (so to speak), prostate milking, and a very nice silver chalice that Iorveth expects Roche to fill before they’re done.
Roche wears a collar
This was gonna be a simple lil thing based on me creating Roche in heroforge and giving him a lil hidden collar. But then Iorveth decided to get really sappy and had to design and create the perfect collar for his enemy. And then, much to his surprise, he gets the opportunity to PUT his collar on Roche. Which is great, except the sight distracts him so much that Roche manages to escape.
But the next time they meet, Roche is still wearing that collar, hidden under his chaperon and armor. Iorveth has feelings about that.
Crones fic aka And Ghosts Did Shriek and Shrill
So this is the angsty fic that started from a crack premise. Er, one of them. I seem to do that a lot. But in this one, Roche goes to the Ladies of the Woods and asks for his men back. The Ladies agree, in exchange for 6 lifetimes of service. But no creature can reverse death. Which leads to the Stripes coming back to “life” as ghosts - only Roche is the only one who can see them. Ves can’t (not at first). 
Believe it or not, the whole idea behind this was the Stripes roasting Roche as he tries to flirt (terribly) with Iorveth. But uh... somehow it turned pretty dark. Like, it’ll have a happy ending for sure, but it’s gonna be a lot about processing trauma and grief and building families and also curing a plague, because that’s the first assignment from the Ladies.
Stripes fics
Cuddles with the Commander
This is intended to be a sequel to The Pride of Temeria, but I kinda got stuck figuring out exactly how Roche should react. Tbh, I don’t have much of this written yet, but the goal is for Roche to approve cuddles with everyone lmao.
Fire Breating
Okay, this one started as crack purely because I love fire, but it’s actually been really fun. So, Iorveth and Roche are established and Iorveth has been invited to a family night with the Stripes, which is kinda a lil awkward. So they decide to showcase some of their talents - which includes Roche singing musicals and PT breathing fire.
Iorveth is horrified that humans have harnessed this skill.
Iorveth’s missing eye
This is really short and idk if I’ll continue it, but the idea was for Roche to really wonder what was up with the bandana over half of Iorveth’s face was about. And then, of course, to find out.
Iorveth Gangbang
Why is this under Stripes fics, you might ask? Well, I have great news for you. Guess who the gang is?
In which Iorveth and Roche are in an established relationship and Iorveth gets tied up in the middle of the Stripes’ camp while Roche orders his men to take him apart. Iorveth very much enjoys himself, and then when the Stripes are tapped out, Roche shows ‘em how it’s done.
Kink Bingo fics aka that event that I totally failed, but hey, prompts are prompts.
Age Kink
In this fic, Iorveth and Roche both end up captured by unknown forces and end up imprisoned together. I think the Stripes and Scoia’tael are probably working together to find them and save them, but in the meantime, Iorveth and Roche decide to get to know each other a bit better. Featuring muscle spasms, blow jobs, and pain kink.
Eskel/Lambert (okay, a little out of place here, but eh, it’s in the doc and I am still working on it)
Started for a prompt on tumblr, Eskel and Lambert end up fighting and, trying to keep the peace, Eskel casts axii on Lambert. Which leads to Lambert confessing that he bit Eskel because it’s the only way he could get his mouth on him. This leads to some dodged confessions, some frottage, and some snarky banter, because of course it does. 
Tempt Not a Desperate Man aka the Fuck or Die series that started with Devour What’s Truly Yours
The next part of the series, where Roche struggles with the fact that he’s been high key horny ever since the encounter in the woods with Iorveth and nothing is satisfying him. Iorveth, on the other hand, is jealous and annoyed that Roche keeps going to the whorehouse.
Then Roche decides to make a potentially suicidal move and enters the forest to try to find the clearing from last time. And, as you might guess from my heading, fisting will be happening. 
Iorveth POV: The Chaperon
Okay, I don’t actually have much of this written, but it’s really cute so - Roche keeps using his chaperon as a cum rag, so Iorveth knits and/or sews him a new one.
“Human Bootlicker”
PWP where Iorveth jokingly suggestions Roche should surrender on his knees - and then Roche does. And asks Iorveth to take his prize. Featuring Roche coming all over Iorveth’s boots from getting his face fucked, then leaning down and licking up the mess while Iorveth watches and then comes over his face.
One Accidental Proposal and Five Attempts At Accepting
So one of the themes of this ‘verse is gonna be the Elven Baths where the Roses of Remembrance grow. As in, they decide to make the elven baths a place they meet up. This is the first time Iorveth takes Roche there, and Roche does not know what significance the roses have. But he DOES know that Iorveth blushes cutely when he tucks a rose behind Iorveth’s ear, so...
Iorveth would like to accept, only Roche doesn’t know WHAT he’s trying to accept.
The Legend
So in the game, there is a legend around the statue of elven lovers above the elven baths. “Legend has it the lover’s sighs are enchanted within these very stones, though only those in love can hear them.” 
Iorveth overhears his Scoia’tael gossiping about the legend and comes to an abrupt realization that Roche and him were the ones they were hearing. Oops?
Standalone Fics
This is kind of a bittersweet WiP that I mostly wrote in one go and then went to sleep and kinda lost the will for it. BUT the premise is that post-Witcher 3 Roche is in charge of Temeria and his brooding is interrupted when he receives a letter sealed with a forget me not pressed into wax. Iorveth continues to send letters describing his life as a “civilian” in Nilfgaard and how much he hates it and Roche relates a little bit too much. Then Iorveth decides to run away and live on the streets as a musician and he might inspire Roche to start learning the cello and presumably at some point, they meet.
Identity Porn
Iorveth and Roche have a meet cute in Flotsam’s tavern while the elf is listening in for local gossip and Roche is passing through on his way to meet with the other northern kings to get support in fighting against the new emerging threat of the Scoia’tael. Neither knows who the other is, but that doesn’t stop them from starting a relationship where they meet every time Roche passes through Flotsam. But their house of cards can only last so long, and at some point, they will meet as enemies. Who knows what happens then? idk, not me.
Gwent pinup calendar aka Cards Out for Your Country
Hahaha, so I started this series in response to some WONDERFUL art of Roche with his Tits Out For Temeria. And obviously we need more of that, so I created a list of 24 characters who are asked to pose for some pinup art, all in the name of Gwent. So far, I’ve only finished Dandelion’s pose/the introduction, but I do plan to do as many of them as I physically can.
Gwent Game in Corvo Bianco
Wow, I didn’t even remember this WiP, so uh... clearly I haven’t worked on it in a while. But it’s Iorveth’s POV of how surprisingly comfortable he is in Corvo Bianco and Iorveth and Geralt get drunk and play gwent.
A giftfic for Wibbly that involves Zoltan being sappy about his bards and then Priscilla dominates them. Featuring all my headcanons about dwarven genitalia (two holes, one with a retractible dick).
Dijkstra fics
Noticing Roche’s Fucked Up Relationship
Anyone else randomly finding themselves shipping Dijkstra/Roche? No? Ah well. For this one Dijkstra observes Roche and sees a few too many reminders of himself with Vizimir, except Foltest is no Vizimir, and Roche clearly hasn’t learned to set up boundaries. Dijkstra feels weirdly compelled to help him figure that out before Foltest destroys him.
Developing Respect Fic
Also known as “let’s torture Roche 1.0!” This fic switches between the present, where Roche has woken up in a cell somewhere unknown and it brings back far too many memories for him to be entirely sure of what is happening when. In the past, he was captured by Redania while on a mission for Foltest, long before he was anyone notable. Dijkstra comes to visit, curious about this prisoner who refuses to break, to even tell them his name or confirm his country (but he has a Temerian tramp stamp, so they know lmao). So Dijkstra decides that this is not a man who will be broken through torture and decides to try conversation instead. The idea is to show them slowly gaining respect for each other, but like, obviously Roche is still a prisoner. Eventually, he’s returned to Temeria in a prisoner exchange, but meanwhile, in the present, Roche is all alone, with not even guards around and no way to free himself.
and that’s all!! I am... legitimately scared to count, tbh. This post is so fucking long, the number cannot be good for my heart. But, that said, please come talk to me about any ideas you find interesting!! Or anything you have questions about! 
And if you made it this far down the list... wow. Thank you, you rock.
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askbanishedkai · 4 years
hi yes im sorry if this annoying but is there a summary post or something for this blog? ive wanted to get into this blog but theres a lot of stuff and im just. a
Hello, am mod worm. And no, but in hindsight that’s probably a good idea, so I’ll just make this ask that.
Idk how much to explain but whatever. Aight kiddies, so in this au Kai (at an undetermined point in the timeline) finally snapped from his immense jealousy for Lloyd and went on a rampage across Ninjago. After being banished, the ninja try to find him in hopes of bringing him back to reality, only to be scattered across the realms in the process.
Kai finds Zane in the Never-Realm and takes over as emperor, becoming the emotionally unstable tyrant we know and fear today. That’s a very basic rundown of the story as it stands (which will probably change soon but oh well). Here’s some chronological links on it and some character introductions:
First post
Kai going crazy for a fat minute
The ninja make an oopsie
Kai becomes god (and maybe kills a man)
The dopplegangers intro
The lesbians intro (i couldn’t ind the actual ask they first appear in, they’re the girls)
Ninja event 0w0 (read through the whole thing it should cover most of the updated story
Nya in a cage, who will she kill and Zane finding out about it
Phew, we’re gonna get a happy ending! 1 2 3 4
Oh no
ooooh noooooo
Phew now it’s fixed (except it’s not)
And general rule of thumb (even if that is a weird phrase) before asking something :)
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