#im just posting this as felix but maybe it would make more sense on like gossip blog or even clarendon hills blog tbh
saintforan · 5 months
So i saw that u made that Holders au and was open to questions so here goes:
Would the rest of the smiling critters have Miraculous/miraculum (idk how's it exactly called) too? Which ones would they have if yes? Would it be kinda based on the animals or character more, or maybe even smth else?
Cuz ironically the pig miraculum is like for a cheery person so it fits with the piggy smiling critter in both cases
OOP be prepared for another long ahh ramble post
Alright so, on the og series the miraculous are given to whoever the miraculous guardian aka master fu decides they are worthy of having them, so he gives the cat and ladybug miraculous to adrien and marinette bc they proved they were good people. The thing is that besides them two, and ofc the villain, the rest of the people that get miraculous they only get them temporarily when chat noir and ladybug need help.
THE THING IS that who chooses who gets the miraculous in the og series is marinette?, like ok shes a very good ladybug but i find it kinda nonsense that she being a 14yo teenager gets trusted by the miraculous guardian (whos like, old af) to choose who gets supernatural power????? idk but personally doesnt make sense to me, i would understand it if she had like atleast A DECADE of experience with them but she barely has any ;-;
SO MY POINT WITH THIS is that i wanted to avoid that same thing bc again, doesn't make any sense to me, so in thia AU theres no guardian! yippeee!
So how the fuck do they even get them in the first place? Easy! They found them! This universe follows the same prompt as the og one where nineteen of the miraculous were sheltered by the order of the guardians (Ppl designated to take care of them), BUT on this AU said order would eventually fall apart/perish for a reason i havent figured out yet LOL on my behalf i just made this au like, yesterday LMAO
After this happened, the miraculous they sheltered got lost, and since the Order was erradicated, there was no one that would actively search for them. SO some time later, mr prototype found an old book that told the tale about the miraculous and blablabla and the infinite power that the black cat and ladybug miraculous give to whoever lands their hands on them, and so he decided to hire investigators and archeologists to find these precious jewels he learned about. Although he didn't find the black cat and ladybug miraculous, he did find the butterfly and peacock. Then after a while, catnap and dogday found the ladybug and black cat miraculous. So going back to your question (too many words just to get here LOL), i still need to develop this au some more, but im planning to make dogday very interested in the miraculous thing, therefore while investigaating them them out of pure curiosity, and adding that the ladybug miraculous makes him luckier he would actually get to find some of them. This said, the rest of the critters could get one on two situations, 1) like dogday and catnap, they get lucky enough to find one, 2) a little like on the og story, in a very very VERY VERY VERY (emphazise on V E R Y) fucked up situation they might encounter, as the critters are good friends to dogday and catnap, they could give them one of the ones they found, but again this would be on a VERY fucked up situation
if i had to choose which one of them to give a miraculous it would prob be either crafty or kickin mainly bc they are the ones that dogday trust the most besides catnap, or in a very specific situation bubba could get one too, a Felix like situation where he steals one from the prototype but on this case it would be out of greedyness lol, very much like layla
and about which one would they get.. i was thinking on giving crafty either the fox (gives the power of Illusion) or the rabbit (Gives the power to time travel), as for kickin he would prob get the turtle (gives the power of Protection aka s h i e l d) or i would go for the safe option and give thim the rooster. As for why they would get those animals miraculouses, my main reason for choosing them would be how responsible they would be (or how i think they would be) with the power each of them gives, for example, crafty would get the rabbit one bc whoever carries it must be really careful with it as it involves time travel, and on my personal vision of crafty she would def be able to handle it
i think thats all? if u got any more questions feel free to ask yippee
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br0-k3n-sch00lb01 · 2 months
Aaaaaah what a time to exist
my brain is so empty when it comes to making posts that people actually care about
i wanna change my maintag to something other than charlie rants.. but i’ve been using it for too long to do that…
i guess its cus most of my posts arent rants they are just nonsense that i am spouting to anyone who particularly pays attention to them (aka nobody,,) what even are these posts anymore
im gonna spout about life instead of other things!! Because… i suppose i should talk about my life more.. since i never do
and thats kinda what blogs are for, hm?
I… went to get froyo with my friend… it was fun but it was like 25 bucks for two people…
he has a crush on me, and i… dont know how i feel about him at all.
im not sure really what my sexuality is anymore… i feel like sometimes i’m massively gay because oh my god men… but then other times i think of ever being in a relationship and it grosses me out… so then i think maybe i’m aro…
i finished watching Madoka Magica Rebellion today!!
it was good… though they skipped over parts in the manga that i really liked… its okay though
it was worth 4 dollars to rent…
it’s almost my birthday…
i wonder if people got me what i asked for.?
hopefully somebody got me the Madoka cosplay i wanted…
i don’t think i’ll be able to afford it myself haha
my grandma has me in therapy right now. I don’t really feel like it’s helping me at all…
but she says i have to do it and she won’t let me go out of it until she thinks i’m ready. i don’t think i’m ever getting out of therapy, if that’s the case.
i don’t really like my family situation. I know compared to others, i have life pretty good. But sometimes i feel like all they care about is keeping me alive so that they dont get accused of bad parenting. Or forcing me to get good grades so that the teachers don’t have to talk to them about how awful i am at everything.
not because they care about my future or anything. because they DON’T care about my future. No matter how much they say they do. You can just sort of tell.
i got my Len Kagamine cosplay a little while ago… my grandma said it was an Amazon pick… but it’s not really as good as the one i picked out…
I’ve been thinking about @n3hmof1sh and @ffelix143 a lot lately!!
i talk about Nehmo and Felix constantly to anybody who listens..
or even if they don’t really listen…
my friends haven’t been responding to my texts. I think they’re ignoring me.
i think maybe i’m being too much of a burden on them… annoying them all the time…
i’m sure some of my friends on here understand what i mean… i don’t really do much outside of tumblr, to be honest
i sort of wish there was no real world, and i could live here in tumblr with the people that actually care… people that i would do anything to spend time with off of a screen..
i’ve gotten so attached to my stupid screens that i really don’t know what else to do without them. I’ve lost any sense of worth in real activities.
i think that’s a bad thing.
but that’s okay.
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leonardoeatscarrots · 5 months
So i don't really know much about your fandoms or interests so... idk, would you mind giving me the rundown maybe? Like a little description about the games you like, or some info about your different comics? I want to chat more with you but I'm not sure where to start since I'm not familiar with your fandoms
Haha, that makes sense, my Fandoms can be considered a little niche.
First off, I'm super glad to finally meet you, lol. I've sorta been watching you and Pringles from afar, and you two seem like good friends.
But yeah, I'll happily give you a rundown, thanks for asking ^^
Pathologic/Мор: Утопия is a Russian videogame developed by Icepick Lodge. You play as one of three healers in a bo-hum steppe town, and your goal is to try and save the population from the outbreaking plague. The game has a lot of heavy theatrical influences and is well known for being extremely difficult and cruel. Which means the writing is perfectly catered to my tragedy-loving gay-theater-kid ass.
Karamora/Карамора is a show I got into a while ago. Basically, it's a fictional retelling of the Russian revolution (one of my special interests, lmao), except all the nobles are vampires. It's dumb but it's unironically so well made. Plus it has that twinky ginger guy, Evgeny Schwartz, in it. This show is also what got me on the Russian media pipeline to begin with XD
Lost Splendor was a memoir written by Felix Yusupov (aka the guy who killed rasputin, aka an important figure in the Russian revolution), and it's just incredibly funny for no reason. Man killed Rasputin, but all he could think to write about was how gay and ADHD he was.
Comics. I'm just very normal about them. I have a collection of around 80 different comics, single issues and graphic novels included. My favorites are queer and indie graphic novels, but im also a huge sucker for some of the classics like V for Vendetta. I have yet to purchase The Sandman comics, but they're on my list.
As for webcomics, I'm addicted to those too. I'm probably the biggest fan 5-ever of The Peculiar Compendium of Victor Van Wolfe on webtoons, and I've written a few fanfics and made fanart aplenty, as well as made custom stuffies of the characters. But I have a wide list of recommendations across a lot if genres XD
As for comics that IVE written, I currently have two open to the public on webtoons and tapas.
The first is Spaceships and Vodka, which is my primary comic. It's an anachronistic sci-fi surrounding a band of space pirates. It's a monster of the week style story with a lot of extra narrative told through backstories. It's currently still in the exposition stage and on hiatus.
The other is Gentle Hands, which is technically an AU of S&V. It's a gay romance following a disabled WWI soldier in a shellshock home and one of the nurses he has a crush on. This one is, alas, also still in the exposition stage, but is currently updating one page every other week.
As for like individual OCs, I mostly obsess over my comic characters. I don't typically make Fandom OCs.
My absolute pride and joy is Craig. He's also the fan favorite thus far.
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I don't even know where to begin with him.
I have a bio for him and some other OCs I think, but I have yet to actually fill out any more >>_>> executive dysfunction my beloathed.
The full main cast list includes
As well as Erasmus, Rusty, Cipher, Jadyn, and Jesper as some other extras.
So long as I'm here I may as well finish all the bios and make a master post lol...
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logically-asexual · 1 year
i saw a spoiler that i SHOULD NOT have seen. but its a funny story so im going to scream about it under the read more and once im done im going to go pirate those 7 episodes i have left even if i have to watch them in french im losing my absolute mind.
dont click on this if you havent finished the show dont make my mistake aksjdhasjdh
SO i keep acting without thought and snooping some miraculous posts that appear under the recommended thing that sometimes shows below my own posts. and a while ago i saw a post that said something about gabriel not being technically adrien's father and i thought that was stupid and i chose not to believe that as a spoiler. also because i had just read a fanfic posterd years ago that decided emilie had been a villain who cheated on gabriel and that's how she had adrien and i just do not like the idea of emilie having been secretely a bad person. and i just didn't like the idea of adrien having some other father. but it wouldn't leave my mind. the only thought i had was that maybe felix and adrien shared the same father and it was the guy who died? but i didn't care much for that.
THEN i watched the episodes i posted live reactions to these past days, which include these two episodes where we finally learn felix's intentions with the peacock miraculous. and okay. i got it when he said the thing to kagami about having a responsibility towards the "beings you create" i got that it was a thing about "our parents shouldn't control us". i just found it cute and interesting and it hasn't left myh mind because i really didn't expect to see this soft side of felix ever.
I ALSO haven't been able to stop thinking about WHAT the hell did Emilie want with the peacock miraculous. because again, i don't want her to be evil. i want her to have mysterious secrets, yes, but i want to know what non evil purpose she could have with the miraculous.
so THIS VERY MORNING. A FEW hours ago my mind randomly put these three dots together while i was having breakfast and watching QuintonReviews talk about crazy theories for nickelodeon sitcoms and said "WHAT IF.... Emilie couldn't have children for some reason and adrien is a sentimonster?"
and i thought.. haha... that's INSANE. im going to remember i had this thought because its SO silly and i want to laugh about it when i have finished the show and have all my answers... how funny LOL.
and just. forgot about it. until A COUPLE MINUTES AGO I ONCE AGAIN GO SNOOPING. and i skim over a post that's like "marinette in season 1: juggles babysitting, being ladybug, idk what else, felix in season 4" and mi think its alright to read this because it said SEASON 4. but then it said that he finds that adrien and him are actually not kasjdh i dont know how they phrased it because i ran away as fast as i could but nowmy WORLD is crashing donw.
because . i did think it was silly. but now EVERYTHING makes sense????? when adrien was going to kiss marinette and he hear gabriels voice in his head saying no and he stopped and i thought he definitely had dont something to him but then maybe it was just a way to represent how adrien's mind works under the abuse of his father but no that wasn't it.. it was GABRIEL FUCKING CONTROLLING ADRIEN BECAUSE HES A SENTIMONSTER IKM ADKFJASHKDJHASKJFHASDKJFHKJFHKASHGFLasd
im losing my mind
is Kagami one too?????? do they control them with their rings?????
so i told my friend that i would wait for her to watch up to episode 20 like i just did before w both together would find the last episodes online and watch them but no. IM watching those fuckers right now because every minute that passes is another minute im pacing around the room and having these revelations in the style of Rapunzel when she figured out that she was the lost princess and she just crashes into a mirror adn breaks it with the force of her shock. im like that. i needthe episodes to tell me this stuff i can't keep going like this.
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miracleandplagueau · 1 year
Ooh, I'm pretty curious about your AU, I have a bunch of questions (if you don't mind answering. I just really love to hear ideas from AUs in general lol):
1-Will it be a comic, a fanfic, a fanfic with images to show important moments or just a concept in general?
2-Do the other kwamis simply DON'T EXIST in this AU, or did you choose only to not include them (so like, they DO exist in your world, but simply won't be shown)?
3-Will the sentimonster plot still happen? Will you put Félix (AND Argos) in your AU?
4- Do you plan to redesign all secondary characters? (Like the miracuclass, Félix, Nathalie, the major etc etc)
5-Will you change the miraculous powers? (Specially fluffy's, since he/they seem to be one of the kwamis in your au. Will they still have time travel powers?)
6-Are the characters you already redesign the ones who will be the other miraculous holders or will this be a spoiler? (So I'm guessing like, maybe Chloe gets the bunny and Sabrina the bee since that would make Sabrina the queen instead of Chloe lol- I didn't really get from your first post if you said that the AU would have kwami swaps, maybe I understood it wrong)
1. Right now Im going to focus on posting lore snippets, some important lore changes, concept arts and doodles and possibly rants on miraculous' bad writing, but I am planning to make it a comic eventually!
2. They do exist.. or at least they did (I'm still writing that part). Fluffy is a prime example that other wonders (miraculouses) do exist, but outside of the kwamis in the lineup, they won't appear or be used.
3. Nope! There's a massive block that prevents the sentimonster plot for happening which I will mention in question 4. As for Felix and Argos, they're not happening either. I was actually thinking of removing Felix completely because I want a mostly straight-forward plot. Besides, I doubt MnP!Gabriel would allow any of his possible accomplices to bear an actual Wonder due to risks that could come If the person was to betray them or ESPECIALLY allow hormone pumped teenagers to fight by his side long-term
4. I have a few designs in mind, but in miracuclass's case they're not going to be something major unless I have a really good idea for a rewamp. Besides, most of them aren't going to be that important anyway..
5. YES! I already made changes to the Wonders of butterfly, peacock, rabbit and slight tweaks to turtle.
Butterfly - as we know from canon, akumas serve a purpose to create faithful followers. I went along with that sentence and I decided that the wonder allows the user to SHARE their power with a person of choosing (the strong emotion requirement is still there). With that, It puts a limit on Monarch's (Hawk Moth) power as he can't send more than 5 akumas without feeling the effects on his body. Due to lack of power provided by the Wonder, the artifact just drains the user themselves to gather an efficient amount to share. I hope It makes sense the same way as it does in my head..
Peacock - While butterfly's Wonder has an extremely close relation to Ladybug (creation) and it COULD make sense, I never really felt the sentimonster power have the same engagement. To me, It feels like a plot device ESPECIALLY WITH LIVING SENTIMONSTERS. Idk. I gave it a minor purpose - to disguise/confuse. It might still change over time but currently, the power allows the user to "hypnotise" their person of choice. The idea mostly came from the feathers and eye-like elements on peacocks, distracting you with their beauty.
Turtle doesn't change much. I just figured the creation of the shield doesn't have to be JUST round so the turtle user can create a wall made out of the green hexagons. It could be useful in other situations like maybe using it as a platform or a bridge! I doubt Its canon, but If it is I guess no changes then
Most important point though - NO TIME TRAVEL. Yes, the rabbit wonder doesn't have time travelling powers and instead has ones resembling the horse's miraculous. It can jump into "the burrow" and jump out on the other side. Time travel is a plot device anyway, all my homies hate time travel (toh is the ONLY exception)
6. It's not a miraculous swap AU, no. Most of the holders will be aligned with the show, although there will be a difference here and there
Thank you again for asking!! Im glad the designs were interesting enough to get your attention
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jackienautism · 1 year
hi again!! been a couple days with no update, time got away from me hahah. i've been playing a lot with my brother, playing a bit on my VW playthrough (although i think i'm like. really in it today and will probably play a lot more on my own). i also finally let myself start looking for fic and fanart and stuff a couple of days ago. so happy to say that linhardt finally clicked for me and i really like him now. i liked him before, and he's still somehow my least favorite eagle but. as i've definitely mentioned before i love all of them.
YEAH. idk it really just feels... wrong to pair ingrid with any guy romantically? idk beyond the fact that she is a lesbian To Me (for reasons similar to posts you've rbed and made) even if she weren't it's just like... uniquely nightmarish. especially considering i think the only options i had recruited on that run were. felix and sylvain. and while in spite of myself sylvain really grew on me, and felix is. idk he's fine. like i said her ending up with either of them is kinda.... the worst lol. i didn't even get to the b support with her and felix bc i ended up googling around and seeing general opinions on some potential paired endings i could've gotten on my last run and made the choice to keep ingrid single and intentionally kept her away from both of them lest i got their ending on accident lmao.
hmmm i definitely got the petra and bernie supports as well as the dorothea and bernie supports last playthrough! those two in particular i really wished had an a support. bernie and dorothea especially, their supports were some of my favorites! i only got one with ingrid and dorothea, and i think only one with bernie and ingrid? i know there were a handful with edelgard that i only got to b but that actually had an a support (which i'll def get on my next CF playthrough, if my brother doesn't get them. and probably if he does lol). definitely bernie i only got to b with her, and i think maybe the same with dorothea??? but that might be wrong. i would check but my brother is playing rn LMAO. marianne didn't really have like... any supports with girls who i had on that playthrough which was soooo annoying. i got lysithea after the timeskip but barely used her so i dont think i even got their c support that playthrough?
yeah i would love to recruit hilda but like. the desire to side with edie outweighs my desire to recruit her, especially since i just.... like all the eagles more on average than the lions and like hearing them talk during the story DFSKKF plus you don't have to kill hilda or claude who i also really like. i'll def try that with dedue because i do actually really like him despite like. barely interacting with him so far.
yeah by character perspective i do mean leveling from what like.. makes sense for their character to me! and for battle stuff, before i really knew how supports worked i would like put certain characters together bc i was like "oh this character probably likes being around this one" or "this one feels safer if another character is in front of them, and this one is probably more inclined to pick up on that and get in front of them" so that's how i usually try to play my battles lol. which works out pretty well in terms of supports, i'm just a little more conscious of that now.
update on my brother's playthrough!! he's recruited over half of the lions which is kind of funny to me like. okay dedue and dimitri are unrecruitable but LMFAO im picturing class for the blue lions now that it's just those two and ashe. he's also recruited some of the deer as well (marianne, lysithea and ignatz i think? and he's planning on recruiting leonie too lmao). win for both of us..... he likes bernie now!!!!! we haven't reached the timeskip yet but i think some of her b supports got her to grow on him. i have a feeling he's gonna side with edie, but the biggest thing that might stop him is that he REALLY likes hilda and wants to recruit her. but i think the fact that he likes edie might outweigh that?? here's hoping at least! he also really likes annette a lot. i made him make a tierlist and his favorites right now are annette, petra, edelgard, hilda, lysithea, and caspar, in that order.
this is getting SO long but. as for my playthrough! i finally decided who exactly i wanted to recruit (and recruited them all today!). i decided to get three from each other house, and ended up with caspar, petra and dorothea from the eagles, and sylvain, annette, and ashe from the lions. i was going to get mercedes but after watching my brother get their b support i thought to myself. wouldn't it just be awful if they got that b support and i only recruited one of them. and so that's my plan! i think i'm gonna do the opposite on my next CF playthrough and just get mercedes. i'm really undecided on which paired endings i'm going to get, because i'm enjoying so many of the supports.... almost everyone i have has multiple supports that i'm actually interested in with characters i really like this playthrough! which is great! last playthrough i barely had any interesting ones with marianne. now i've got a team that's basically evenly split by original house, which is really fun (i've been going with my six out of house recruits, hilda, marianne and claude, and byleth, and i've been really enjoying it).
i know i said i really wanted the dorothea and petra paired ending (and i still do), but i'm considering s ranking dorothea myself this playthrough? although i might save that for my next CF run, or if i ever choose to go through with silver snow. i don't really know how all of the paired endings turn out, and i haven't gotten super far into the supports, but i'm liking caspar and ashe's supports so far, and i liked hilda and caspar's first support. if i choose to s support dorothea, i might go with caspar and petra again though? although i've also heard her supports with ashe and claude are good. but if i don't s support dorothea, i'll probably s support claude.... and i might pair him and hilda if i don't?? i'm liking their dynamic so far. although i'm ALSO liking hilda and marianne's supports. i really like annette and lysithea's supports, but sadly those only go to b... once again a loss for a supports between girls everywhere.... sylvain is gonna end up alone this time around for sure because while i do want to get his supports with dorothea again because i enjoyed them, i have like. multiple preferred endings for her lol. and i think the only other person he can get to a with that i have recruited is. byleth. who i also have other options for lol. lorenz is gonna end up alone because i don't like him lol and i don't want a character. raphael and ignatz... idk i like them and so far their most interesting support to me is with each other! so that's probably the route i'm gonna go. although i am enjoying a lot of raphael's supports in general so he's kind of my wildcard rn. as for annette, there are three characters i like who she could potentially get paired endings with? but i haven't seen enough of their supports (or any in some cases) to like. have a solid plan yet. i could probably keep going on but this is already SO long omg!!! basically the point is. i like so many of these characters now and i'm enjoying a lot of the dynamics! hope you're having a good one :)
HIII SO SO SORRY FOR TAKING A WHILE TO RESPOND. I KEPT PUTTING IT OFF AND FORGETTING THAT IT WAS IN MY INBOX 😭😭 SO VERY SORRY AGAIN thats still so awesome that you get to play w/ your brother.... its sooo fun watching others play the game, especially if its a route you're particularly fond of. AND OOOO LOOKING FOR ANY SPECIFIC FICS OR FANART IN PARTICULAR? OR JUST GENERAL FE3H STUFF? either way, have fun w/ that!!! theres sooo much awesome stuff out there. AND YIPPEEE WIN FOR LINHARDT ENJOYERS!!!!!!!! GLAD THAT HES FINALLY CLICKED FOR YOUUUU hes just an autistic dude w/ chronic fatigue and i love him. hes my boy, lvoe him lots
NO FOR REAL!!!!! IM RLY GLAD THAT YOU AGREE AND THA TIM NOT BEING DRAMATIC OR W/E 😭 there's just... theres no way that girl DOESN'T like girls. its just. its so There yk. esp her being like 32234 feet inthe closet. i dont know her endings w/ either felix or sylvain but .... yeah. i dont think i could do either for personal reasons kfkdgg unless, like you said, i get it by chance. YEAH fair enough, in regards to ingrid and felix. their b support is jus t... idk. i know felix is an asshole like thats his whole thing but god. the shit he says to ingrid really infuriates me. i totally agree that it was better to leave ingrid single. the only way to get their endings is if you get their A supports i believe. the only time its random is if you have Multiple A supports from the same character. i could be wrong though
OH THEY DONT HAVE A SUPPORTS? i didnt realize that. i still think that its a waste of time if characters that can support dont have an A one........ its just dumb imo. esp if their C + B supports are rly good and fun, its just. grrrr it makes me so mad. theyall deserve supports post timeskip!!!!! good luck getting the rest of the supports w/ edie! i know off the top of my head that both bernadetta and dorothea have A supports w/ her, which is cool. and yeah ): i dont believe marianne has many supports w/ girls outside the golden deer? IF she even has any? but yeah. i know she has an A support w/ hilda but ofc you cant recruit hilda in CF. lysithea and marianne's supports are ok i guess, they couldve been a looot better. im actually currently writing a fic for like a mock A support between the 2 fdkndfg you said you spared lysithea during the bridge of myrrdin (?) battle right? makes sense why you didnt hav emuch time to get her supports
YEAAH fair enough, i def feel the same dfgndf in terms of wanting to side w/ edie more than anything else. the black eagles are so <3 theyre so fun. i totally agree w/ you there, i love listening to their conversations dgnjfdg they r very silly. andmm righr thats true. i totally forgot you could spare hilda, pretty sure my brother had marianne kill her 😭😭😭 and i like how you can spare claude as well. and yeah :D good luck w/ dedue!!! hopefully my memory serves me right
makes sense! esp since i know the characters do have a like canon path they go down in terms of classes, which im sure you already knew, but if you ever need ideas / inspiration id def check that out! and OOOO THATS A VERY INTERESTING WAY OF GOING ABT BATTLING.... i like that a lot! and like you said im sure thaat helped a bit w/ getting certain supports. thats def not a bad idea . plus its such a cute thing fr ): to think abt what the character would want and feel safer w/.... you are so cool for real
YEAAAAH it is really funny to think abt what the other classrooms look like dkffdg esp after recruiting like their entire class. must be so sad for them </3 happy that hes recruiting a bunch of the characters though... does he know that hes gonna have to most likely fight them in the later half of the game? or is he doing it just cause he likes them? either way, good for him. OOOO ANOTHER WIN FOR BERNIE ENJOYERS YAAAY makes sense that watching more of the supports helped her grow on him... since thats usually where you get the bulk of their personalities and development. I HOPE THATHIS LOVE FOR EDIE OUTWEIGHS THAT.... if it doesnt though i totally understand, he would prob enjoy azure moon since he'll be abl eto recruit hilda, but he also prob wouldnt like going against edelgard so hm. OOO ANNETTE HUH? def a good choice. thank you for making him make a tier list jdfgdg always interested in other ppl's faves. AND LYSITHEA!!!!! YIPPPEEE
NO WORRIES ON IT GETTIGN LONG!!!! I RLY ENJOY READING YOUR THOUGHTS! glad you were able to decide on how youre gonna recruit :D atleast that stress is gone for now. and whose b support did you get w/ mercedes? i assume all three of them? ashe sylvain and annette? regardless, YOURE SOOOO EVIL (lighthearted) FOR ONLY PURPOSELY RECRUITING ONE OF THEM FDKGDFG but then that means more angst and pain and angst an dpain can be super good. esp in this game. mercedes my beloved<3 makes sense that you just get her your next CF playthrough! and so even then you get to separate her from her blue lions (specifically annette) and ): pain. and yeaah it can be pretty difficult to choose which endings you wanna go with. i ended up just getting to A between all the golden deer and letting the game decide for me jfdgnjgd that way you get to enjoy all the supports without feeling pressure to choose just one A support :] but i also understand wanting to pick out the ending youd rather see more... so good luck deciding! and im glad that youve really been enjoying the supports! the supports are usually sooo much fun... and you get to learn more abt the characters which is just awesome. i assunme you mean youve been going out into battle w/ those characters right? thats so epic... have fun w/ them!!!!
THATS WHAY I DID DURING VERDANT WIND!!!!! I S SUPPORTED DOROTHEA AND OUHHHG I LOVE HER SO MUCH..... S supporting claude is ofc also a good choice.. good luck decided on what you wanna do! i suppose once you have that figured out everything else should fall into place in terms of endings and whatnot. i still gotta get those supports you mentioned... glad to hear that youve been enjoying them so far though! i cant say mcuh abt petras supports w/ ashe or claude unfortunately. ive only got petras c support w/ claude and i thought it was funny. but i know that almost all of ashes supports are very sweet, sinc ehes a very sweet guy. a claude and hilda pairing makes sense! their dynamic is certainly interesting fdjgndfg plus i think they complement each other well. hilda and mariannes supports are very good... since you get to see another side of marianne that you dont rly see anywhere else. in terms of clumsiness and whatnot! I HEARD LYSITHEA AND ANNETTE'S ONLG GO TO B!!!!! WHY DOES THIS GAME HATE THE GIRLIES SO MUCH!!!!!!! RIP<//3 yeah far enough for sylvain fdndfgg esp if youu have better ending plans for both dorothea and byleth. YEAH LMAO. LOWKEY FUCK LORENZ but you didnt hear that from me. the only support chain i didnt get of his (of the golden deer) is w/ claude.... and i wont lie going through his supports made me like him a TINY bitmore, but still, hes just. euugh. to me yk. raphael and ignatz def have good supports! i def liked them a lot, i esp enjoyed ignatz and marianne's. once again, good luck figuring out your paired ending plans!!!! i know its been a bit since you sent this in, but still! wish you the best of luck! dont stress yourself too much though :]
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felix-sullivan · 4 years
Tammi // "I can't believe it. Look at them," Tammi exclaimed, looking over at Paddy and Mina who were currently at the bar getting something to drink. "How ridiculous." She rolled her eyes and took a sip of her drink.
.: Aly //Aly, who was watching Charlie and Dani from across the room, was snapped out of her day dreaming at Tammi's voice. She turned to look at the two at the bar and rolled her eyes at Tammi as well, though her annoyance was minimal in comparison to Tammi's. "Honestly? Her whole appearance just looks a little try hard." She scrunched her nose up so Tammi would see. "Why do boys fall for that so easily?"
.: Cari // "Don't you look so uncomfortable, Mister!" She elbowed Roman in the side, grinning from ear to ear. Her face got a conspiratorial expression. "I got some Vodka in my purse. Really takes you back to senior year, doesn't it? You ready for a shot?"
....: Roman // "Hello, I'm not uncomfortable at all. Maybe a little, alright, but it's weird being back here. Also seeing Mr. Garrison again, after all this time.." Roman laughed and shrugged. He eyed her at her second comment, once again feeling a sense of nostalgia as he grinned. "Have you? You really haven't changed a bit. If tonight doesn't call for a shot, what does."
.: Freya // She finished pouring them both a drink, handing Chris a cup when she as done. "They really did play a good game today. Really felt on the edge of my seat for the last bit. I just hope they behave now and we don't have to intervene much tonight, they deserve a bit of a party after that."
....: Trevor // "Alright, Lucas and I put a little bit of vodka into the punch. A small amount. Barely noticeable. Mostly me, but he helped," Trevor admitted to the group that was still at their table with a shrug, "I'm simply helping everyone to have a good time. No harm done."
.: Cari // "It is weird, isn't it? I talked to Garrison earlier and he barely seemed to remember me.. I feel a little offended? I thought we caused enough trouble back in the day." She was still grinning at him, already fishing for the flask in her purse. "And neither have you, it seems. Still as easily swayed.." She cocked her head at Roman, standing closer to him as she held the flask between their bodies. "I'm thinking so, too. You first?" She asked, as she looked around her shoulder once, as if they were actually students again. "I don't want any of my younger siblings seeing this." She explained.
....: Chris // "Cheers," Chris said, clinking their cups together once Freya's finished pouring them both their drinks. He looked into her eye as he did and then took a big sip, if not even two. "I felt the same way. What a good game. I don't know much about football, so I was surprised how invested I was. They really did good. Especially Benji; I had no idea he could play that way. It was my first time actually watching," he admitted, not shameful but as a matter of fact. "Let's hope so, yeah. I feel like it's going well so far, though."
.: Andy // "Yeah, boys!" He exclaimed enthusiastically, going for a high five with both Trevor and Lucas. "But do you think we should tell people who are gonna get any? Maybe they don't wanna drink.." He added, a little thoughtfully.
....: Tammi // "I really don't know? Especially Paddy. I thought he was better than that. Right? We both thought so but they're all the same," Tammi complained annoyed, "Her dress is terrible. It doesn't even fit the theme. Ugh. Anyway. We shall not let that ruin our night. Speaking of, know who keeps looking your way?"
.: Freya // " I never thought I'd be into American football, either. I had to watch a couple Rugby championships in my time, but this is feels actually exciting. Maybe because they're our students. Yeah, he was good!" She gave him an amused smile, swaying in her place a little. "It did only just start. So for now, I'd be inclined to agree. I'm always so scared about parents here, is that the same for you? Or is that because I'm secretly afraid of Americans?"
....: Roman // "Talk for yourself, because he definitely remembered me," he said, grin still in place as he watched her fish for the flask. "You're an adult, you know, you're allowed to drink alcohol," he said, looking down at her as he took the flask into his hands. He took notice of their height difference; it was still the same as back in the day. He put it to his mouth and took three sips, his face grimacing after. "Uff. God." He hands her the flask.
....: Trevor // "No, what the fuck, of course not," Trevor said to Andy, as if it was the most obvious thing. "We'd get in trouble if someone snitched on us. And also, like said, no harm done, it's not like we put a whole bottle of vodka in it. Just a small amount. Don't worry, Ands." he said, leaning forward to ruffle through Andy's hair.
.: Aly // "Yeah, I guess they are all the same.. Kind of." She was fixing Charlie with a longing stare again, daydreaming about how she would act as his date to Homecoming and wondering whether she could compare to any of his friends.. or his actual date.. At Tammi's comment, she looked over at Mina again. "Honestly, I know. She's one of the ones who wouldn't get dressed up for Halloween because she's too cool. It also doesn't really fit her? It's so short." She joined in on Tammi's rant, looking back at them and scrunching up her nose. "What? Who?" She asked, genuienly stumped.
.: Cari // "Well, I'm not the slightest bit surprised he'd remember you. I think you and Brandon were in his office every two weeks at one point during senior year." She coyly shoved him again. " I do know that!" She excalimed, looking around once again. "Once again, my siblings are here. They're /babies/. Also, I weirdly feel like I'm gonna get in trouble again being here." She grinned as he took his sips, making a little face as he handed the flask back to her. "You really still haven't got used to these?" She took a swig and another one with ease, suppressing the need to scrunch her face up in disgust. "What have you been doing all these years?"
....: Chris // "That's right. I probably wouldn't have cared as much if it wasn't for our students." Chris smiled at that realisation and looked across the room, his eyes falling on Felix for a second, before looking back at Freya. "The parents?" Chris had to laugh, "It is the same for me still, yeah. I like to think it's gotten better, but it's still a thing. I don't think it's an American thing. It's a parents thing. They can be ruthless and will also blame for absolutely everything."
.: Paddy // "You got something on your face," he said reaching to wipe at Mina's cheek. He didn't realise it was glitter she had put on earlier. "Right there."
....: Chelsea // Chelsea's eyebrows were raised at the conversation between Andy and Trevor, but her expression was light and she was fighting a smile These boys. She sat next to Toby, her hand intertwined with his, both of theirs resting on his lap. She started playing with his fingers and leaned forward to rest her head on his shoulder. "Hey, do you feel like dancing?"
....: Mina // "Oh," Mina giggled, watching Paddy remove whatever she had on her face. "Thank you," she smiled at him in a bitter-sweet manner and grabbed his hand to look at whatever was on her face.
.: Andy // He ducked Trevor's ruffle through his hair, laughing a little. "Yeah, but like. I just think, like, if someone's not wanting to drink, you know." He eyed the punch again before getting distracted by Trevor's attempt to assure him. "Imma worry about whatever I want to, Trevor. If you only put a bit, have you got any tp spare?"
....: Tammi // "She also didn't? If you remember? She simply straightened her hair and put on black eyeliner and said she's going as emo. There was nothing emo about her," Tammi rolled her eyes again. She watched as Paddy, from her point of view anyway, reached to caress Mina's cheek. Her blood started to uncontrollably boil, so she had to take another aggressive sip from her punch, and another, and another until the cup was actually empty. She took a deep breath and put the cup down on the table. "Nolan Kellerman. He's over there with Finn, and he keeps staring." Tammi nods over to where they are stood.
....: Nancy // "Hi boys!" Nancy sing sang as she approached the table with a cup, quickly letting herself down on Andy's lap. "I was just on the dancefloor, and let me tell you, I'm feeling this punch a lot," she said as she smiled widely and took a sip.
....: Chelsea // Chelsea watched as Nancy let herself down on Andy's lap, eyeing them for a second before averting her eyes back on Toby.
....: Roman // "If you genuinely believe they haven't done any of this, then high school must be farther away for you than I thought," Roman joked with a smirk, thinking back to their High School days. It stayed plastered on his face this entire time as he watched her drinking from the flask. "I'm not that much of a drinker these days," he admitted with a laugh. "Work usually takes up most of my time, so I barely get to drink, or attend school dances. You still seem like a natural though," he teased with a laugh.
////: Freya // She weighed it for a moment before shaking her head. "I think I have to disagree. I think it's an /American/ parents thing." Her voice got a little quieter towards the end, though she smirked jokingly at him. "In the least offensive way, because it's great! I feel like barely anyone cares in the UK."
//// joined the chat 13 hours ago
....: Chris // "Maybe I should've been a teacher in the UK, then." He said with a smile. "Are you going to go home over the holidays?"
////: Toby // He was idly holding Chelsea's hand, not really participating in or even really listening on the conversation going on around them. His eyes were lost at nothing particular in the crowd and his mind elsewhere. Perhaps he was keeping an eye out for someone in particular, perhaps he wasn't at all. When Chelsea spoke up, he turned to look at her, craning his neck a little awkwardly, but giving her a toothy smile. "Yeah, we can dance." He brought their hands up to his mouth to kiss her knuckles. "But.. let's wait for the next song? This one's kinda.. he's not amazing in my opinion."
////: Paddy // "No, wait, it's still there." Only then, upon looking more closely between her face and his finger did the realisation dawn on him. He laughed. "Oh, I think it's actually.. supposed to be there. Whoops. Here. I'll put it back," he joked, teasingly pushing his thumb on her cheek again.
....: Chelsea // Chelsea smiled at Toby when he kissed her hand, but it didn't quite reach her eyes. "Sure. We can wait for the next song. Are you feeling okay? You seem to be zoning out a lot."
////: Aly // She laughed into her cup a little as Tammi recounted last year's Halloween. She noticed the annoyance on her face multiply, following her line of sight and seeing Paddy and Mina having a seemingly flirty interaction. She looked back at Tammi, who was throwing back her drink now. She thought of what to say, but came up short, so she was glad when Tammi pointed out Nolan and Finn in the other direction. "Oh god, I know.." she said, her cheeks getting a little hot but not being able to suppress a smile. "Oh, he's looking again! Tammi." She pushed her in the side a little to prevent Nolan from noticing they were looking back at them.
....: Mina // "Paddy, you're going to destroy the make up if you keep that up," she giggled and moved out of his touch, momentarily turning to the beverages in front of them. She put a strand behind her ear and reached for an empty cup. "Would you pour me a punch, please?" She handed it to him, her eyes glistening.
////: Andy // He laughed good naturedly as Nancy sat down on his lap, momentarily fidgeting with his hands, unsure where to place them. He ended up with one arm around her middle, the other one resting on his own leg. "Yeah, we saw you! You looked so good, you have to teach us. Girl's got those moves." He looked over to Chelsea for a second out of the corner of his eye, but quickly averted his attention back to Nancy when he noticed her and Toby having a moment. "Yeah!" He exclaimed with a laugh. "Got our boys Trev and Lucas to thank for that." He leaned over her shoulder and stole a sip from her cup while she was still holding it.
////: Cari // She looked at him with furrowed eyebrows but an amused expression. "Oh, please. I don't believe that for a second. I know for a fact that's not the case.." She said, raising her eyebrows with an expression that meant to say there was a lot of moments she remember that she wouldn't mention. "I just mean, I'm like the responible sister, you know. I don't wanna be the bum that crashes their dance and then gets fucked up. But.. that's what we're gonna do, so." She eyed him with a glimmer in her eye, teasing but friendly. "Yeah, I can tell. You're really out of practice, aren't you. So responsible. Need to get you back in shape now." She shrugged at his last statement, neither confirming nor denying it, but pointedly taking another swig from the flask. "Okay, two more for you, Sullivan. Let's go." She held out the flask to him.
////: Freya // "You can definitely be a little more creative with your teaching over there." She said with a nostalgic smile, though she wouldn't change being in the US right now for anything. "Oh, most likely, yeah. I was talking to Kian and we've been talking about New Year's as well, which he said he might enjoy spending that across the pond." She told him with a happy smile, swaying in her place for a moment. "What are your plans? You have any yet?"
....: Lucas // "Hey, hey. First of all," Lucas started, leaning forward. "I had no idea Trevor was going to put vodka in the punch until it was too late. I'm not an accomplice by choice," Lucas corrected, raising his cup as if to drink a toast to something before drinking.
////: Toby // "Huh? Oh yeah, sorry, totally, yeah." He gave her a reassuring smile and went to kiss her cheek. "I'm not really zoning out, I'm just.. yeah, I don't know." He grinned when he blanked for a a good excuse, hoping his smile was glossing over it enough. Alright. Wanna dance?" He got up, still holding her hand and looking at her expectantly.
....: Trevor // Trevor let out a laugh and flipped Lucas off, followed by a slight shove with the elbow from their seats, almost making Lucas' drink spill over. "Fuck off, I thought we were brothers and shit?" He shook his head, but the playfulness evident in both their features. He turned his attention to Andy and Nancy, "I put a little bit of Russian water to the punch." He raised his eyebrow for a moment and then winked. "Glad you're enjoying it, Nance."
////: Paddy // "You don't need the make up anyway." He said rather matter of factly. "But it looks nice. The colour dusty thing on your eye is really cool," he said with a grin, holding his hand up for a second to show he was stopping and pointing at her eyeshadow without touching her again. "Yeah, sure." He grabbed another empty cup for himself, holding it between his teeth while he fixed up Mina's drink.
////: Dani // "I know! This boy has a kick." She scrunched her nose up at Charlie and momentarily took his chin into her hand. She was standing with Charlie, Alex and a couple other people talking about the game. "So proud of him. Of ALL of them," she added importantly, looking around at everyone and slipping an arm around Charlie's waist to lean into him a little bit. "Alex, you played, didn't you? Do you still?"
....: Tammi // Tammi bit back a giggle. She looked past Aly, but there he was, looking over again. "He's still looking! Can he make it any more obvious?" she screamed at her best friend in a whisper. "Oh God, I think... he's coming over," Tammi warned, again in the same whispering manner. "Aly.. he's coming. He's. He's coming." Tammi watched as Nolan approached. "He's here." Tammi said to Aly and then proceeded to put on a smile. "Hi, Nolan!"
////: Aly // Her eyes widened at Tammi and she looked at her best friend imploringly, shaking her head the slightest bit but not being able to suppress the giggles. "Oh Tammi.." She stayed focused on Tammi until the last second, her cheeks still growing a little hotter, when Tammi greeted Nolan behind her. She turned around as well, smiling. "Heyyy. How are you doing, Nolan?"
....: Nancy // "I try," Nancy thanked, throwing her blonde hair behind her shoulder in a swift motion at Andy hyping her up. "Practice, Andy, practice. It really does make perfect," she winked at him and then looked over to the three boys on the other side of the table, Benji, Lucas and Trevor. "Oh," she exclaimed a little dumbfounded, looking down at the cup in her hand to examine it. She shrugged and downed the drink in one quick go. "That explains it." She grinned and leaned forward to poke Trevor's nose. "At least someone wants everyone to have a good time." She got off Andy. "I'm getting some more. Anyone else?"
....: Chris // Chris smiled. "I guess it'd be a complete culture shock," Chris said as he thought about it. However, the thought was also interesting. "Oh, really? That's great, I had no idea. He hasn't told me. Then again, we've only been texting back and forth these days. He's quite busy with the club. But, wow! That's huge. Meeting your family?"
////: Finn // He gave Nolan a friendly push to his shoulder when the other had already turned to approach the two girls. "Go." He stayed behind, watching Nolan for a moment and tapping his foot to the music. He eyed his cup's contents, then back up to look around the room. He felt a little awkward standing around by himself now, so he started wandering aimlessly, taking a sip from his drink every now and then. He saw a girl standing off to the side also by herself, transfixed by her phone. He recognised her as Hazel Caldwell, a senior and from what he could tell, pretty cool. Nice and not quite as intimidating as some other people. He wandered over, trying to seem casual and came to a stop next to her, still keeping a good distance between them. He swayed on his feet for a moment, trying to think of something to say. "Hey." He blurted out after a moment. "Hey, sorry, I didn't mean to.. Hi. I just wanted to say hi because you were on your phone and I was thinking.. that.. I would just say hi." He said all this very quickly, closing his eyes for a second when he realised how everything just came out of his mouth.
....: Noah // "Felix and I!" Noah announced loudly as he swung his arm around Felix's shoulder, "We'll be getting drinks. Anyone else feeling anything?" He asked into the group, already pushing Felix towards the buffet. He didn't really wait for an answer as he continued, "No? Alright, we'll be right back!" He smiled big at his friends, gave Liam a a quick kiss. "Love you," he professed before walking away with Felix. Once far away enough, he crossed his arms in front of his chest. "Okay. You're ruining the whole night."
////: Benji // He watched his friends' interaction with a grin, leaned back into his seat and sipping his spiked drink happily. "You're never an accomplice /by choice/, and you still always let this guy rope you into shit, man," he joined in on the joke, shoving Trevor back when he'd shoved Lucas prior. "Stop picking on people smaller than you." He laughed loudly when Trevor also almost spilled his drink. He looked over at Nancy, holding his cup up at her with a shake of the head. "I'm good, Nance, thanks."
////: Andy // "Yeah, can do with a refill." He hopped up with her, smiling at her. "M'going with you. Who else then? Trevooor, yes. Finish that, we'll get you another one."
////: Freya // "Yeah, he's so busy recently." She agreed with a slightly disgruntled look on her face, though she shrugged a few moments after. "Yeah. Yeah, possibly." The grin was back on her face at the thought of Kian coming for New Year's. "We've only talked about it, nothing's actually set. But he might.. Like you said, he's super busy with the club and he's not sure he can just not be on site yet, but we'll see. It'd be nice, that's for sure."
////: Felix // Felix let Noah push him towards the drinks a little reluctantly, looking at him with a slightly confused expression. Once his intentions became clear, he rolled his eyes at him. "Uh, you're ascribing me a bit much power here. I don't think I'm ruining an entire night. And also, I'm just not?"
....: Charlie // "Thanks man," Charlie thanked the person complimenting him on the game. As Dani spoke up, he turned to look at her and he couldn't fight a smile when he felt her arms around his waist. He reciprocated the affection by slinging his arm around her middle as he planted a kiss to the side of her head. "You played?" He asked, turning his attention to Alex, genuinely surprised by the information. "I had no idea, I didn't take you as a player," He mused with a grin.
....: Nolan // Nolan turned around to his friend when he pushed him, giving him a 'what the fuck was that for' face. "Okay. I'm already on it." Shaking his head, he ran a hand through his hair and made his way over to Tammi and Aly. Definitely feeling more nervous than he'd admit. "Hi, you two," he said, his voice friendly. "You look beautiful tonight." He looked at Aly with sincerity but his gaze momentarily dropped to his feet. "Uh. Your brother's DJing, right? Do you know if he takes song requests?"
....: Hazel // Hazel was so focused on her text conversation with Nick, she barely took notice of her surroundings. She bit on her nail as she watched Nick typing, an habit she's unsuccessfully trying to get rid of for years now. It wasn't until she saw someone from the corner of her stop next to her that she looked up. She only looked up for a split second and then returned her attention to her text conversation. Nick had stopped typing, but no new message. She eyed the person who's came to a halt next to her again when they started to sway. Who was he? Hazel had never seen the guy. "Hey." She said a little confused, but her features were soft and warm as she locked her phone and put it away. One second later, she felt it vibrate in her pocket, but this time she ignored it. "You're fine. Don't worry. I also don't like being the girl who's on the phone. I'm just. Trying to make a friend come." With a nod, she looked over the dance floor and then back at the guy. "Why are you by yourself?"
////: Aly // "Oh, thanks," she replied coyly, dropping her gaze and tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear. She looked at Tammi for a second out of the corner of her eye before smiling at Nolan again. "Oh yeah," She nodded at him, momentarily looking at Tammi again like she was entirely sure how to navigate this by herself. "Yeah, he is. Uhm.." She looked at Tammi once more. She knew Caleb was quite uptight about his music sometimes. "Yeah, I'm sure he would. Yeah, definitely. You can just ask him. What song do you want?"
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katyasrussianaccent · 4 years
i don't wanna be your friend, I wanna kiss your lips (corpse x reader)
Summary: Corpse suggests you flirt with each other to mess with the fans. What happens when you suddenly catch feelings?
Authors Note: This has been in my brain for so long so I decided to write it. May or may not write a part 2, im not sure. Lemme know what you think! My requests are open for fic/headcannons aswell 💖
It should have been simple.
Flirt, mess with the fans a little, sit back and relax.
It should have been simple.
You remember Corpse coming to you with the idea.
“Why would we do that?” you had asked, frowning at your phone screen. It had been another late night phone conversation with him; something that was starting to become a regular occurrence.
You pictured him shrug as he answered. “Fun?”
“Are you so bored you wanna make a fake relationship with me?”
“Not a relationship. Just do what we do now, but like, more.”
You had agreed before your brain had even registered it. On paper it was straightforward. You already flirted a little anyway, you were naturally a flirtatious person, and so was he. It made sense; or at least you had told yourself that it did. You knew the fans already shipped you together, you saw the things they tweeted as you occasionally lurked the ynhusband tag on Twitter. It was just innocent fun right? No-one was going to get hurt.
For a little while that was true. For a little while he called you baby and you called him darling and it meant nothing. Your face didn’t feel flush when he commented on your latest Instagram post and your heart didn’t do a little flip when he would call you just to see how you were. The phone conversations were your favourite; curled up in bed with the phone on your pillow, trading secrets into the night. He had suddenly become this constant in your life, this almost routine familiarity like brushing your teeth or going to get milk.
You weren’t sure what changed, when it had gone from being innocent fun to meaning something. It was like someone had flicked a switch, and Corpse was no longer a warm glow but this bright, blinding light that hurt your eyes to look at too long. It was almost cruel, the way you wanted something so unobtainable; the universe’s idea of a joke had no humour in it. The thing with Corpse was he was so unaware of the power he had. He was mysterious yes, but he was faceless among a sea of faces; of course people were drawn to him. And you were just another.
You started to pull away. You played different games with different people, you ignored his tweets. It was easier, if you never interacted with him, you could pretend there was nothing but shallow feelings instead of the crashing waves that threatened to pull you under. The fans had started to notice; your streams were filled with questions that you refused to answer.
“Where’s Corpse?” you read aloud as you scrolled down the chat. “Probably in his house? Go ask him.” Your tone was bitter even to you and you inwardly cringed. He hadn’t contacted you in 2 weeks, and while you were thankful, you were hurt by it. It was stupid and hypoctritical of you to be upset by something that was your own doing, and you weren’t sure what you had expected from him. He had other friends, other people to talk to, why would he have cared about you anyway?
Your phone lit up next to you, and you ignored the pang of disappointment at Rae’s picture flashing up.
Rae: Among Us???
You hesitated for a second. The likelihood of Corpse being there was high, but you knew deep down he wouldn’t say a thing to you, not on stream or in front of your friends. You could just ignore him, like you had been doing and it would be fine. You weren’t sure you believed yourself anymore.
“Guys, you want to watch me play Among Us? I’m not sure who’s playing, other than Rae.” You looked at the fast flowing stream of affirmatives and emojis. Guess you had to do it now. You opened up the game and joined the lobby.
“-yeah she looks really fucking cute,” you heard Corpse say as you logged in. You looked down at your outfit,; he definitely wasn’t talking about you in your oversized t-shirt and sweatpants. You had been on stream for a few hours now; your eyeliner was smudged a little and any lipstick had worn off with the constant drinking and licking your lips. No, he definitely wasn’t talking about you.
“Hey guys,” you said tentatively, swallowing down the feeling of jealousy at Corpse’s previous words.
A chorus of greetings hit you, and you smiled at their enthusiasm. You had played with Rae, Sykunno and Toast a few times before, but Felix, Jack and Ash were new to you, though you knew of them.
“Hey Y/N,” Corpse said. You had hoped after 2 weeks he wouldn’t still affect you so much, but the way your stomach turned said otherwise.
“Hey Corpse,” you replied, hoping your tone was casual.
“I haven’t seen you in a while, how are you?” he asked.
“Oh. Uh yeah, I’ve been a bit busy I guess, how are you?” You looked down as you answered, picking at your nail polish. You glanced at the chat that was filled with messages.
corpsesbaby: You can always tell when someones lying coz they look down” llamadelrey: why is this so awkward lmao arent they friends??” simpsforrae: This is like is a breakup i swear
“I’ve been okay, thanks” Corpse answered, drawing your eyes off the chat and back to the game. You nodded as you muted your mic to go back to your stream.
“I hope I don’t get imposter, I always suck at that so much.” You watched as the screen counted down and the word IMPOSTER flashed up alongside Corpse’s name. “Guess I jinxed it guys.”
Great. Not only were you imposter, you were imposter with Corpse, which meant you would have to actually speak to him. Maybe you wouldn’t have to.
You both followed Rae as she walked up towards Greenhouse, and you cornered her while she did her task, killing her quickly.
“Everyone seemed to go right, so we should vent back towards cafeteria to avoid suspicion,” Corpse said.
“Okay,” you answered. You vented together, and you muted your mic to laugh. “This is kinda cosy guys.” You said to your chat. You briefly imagined what it would be like in real life to be so close to him.
You moved to Admin where Toast was doing his task. Before you could say a word, Corpse had already killed him and you both vented outside Cafeteria. “Fuck, that was so close,” you muttered, chuckling a little.
“Don’t worry, I got your back,” he replied, making your heart sing a little.
“Oh my hero,” you said, making a point of swooning to your chat, your voice high and airy. “How will I ever repay you?”
He chuckled, “You shouldn’t ask questions like that.”
You flushed at the suggestive tone he had taken, and you hoped it wasn’t noticeable but judging by the comments in your chat, it clearly had been. This was another issue you had with Corpse; he always made these type of comments with you and it was really annoying. You knew there was no chance he was being serious, and sometimes you wished he would stop it purely because it got your hopes up.
delilah: shes BLUSHING dreamofme: uWu yn uWu
You opened your mouth to respond when Dead Body Reported flashed up, bringing your thoughts back to the game.
“Toast and Rae are dead,” Sykuuno said. “I found Rae in Greenhouse and Toast in admin.”
“I was in balcony, I went there from the cafeteria,” you said confidently. You hated being Imposter, especially being teamed with Corpse, who was so good at the game, you had a lot of pressure to do well.
“I was in MedBay, I didn’t see you YN,” Ash accused.
“You only see if they enter through the left door. She entered through the other door,” Corpse answered for you.
“And how do you know that?” Felix asked.
“I was in Cafeteria,” Corpse replied.
“You could’ve vented YN,” Jack said.
“No I couldn’t have, if Ash was in MedBay, she would have seen me. Unless she wasn’t in MedBay,” you suggested, smirking to your cam as you muted. “It’s not going too bad I don’t think? Always feel like I’ve been arrested when I’m Imposter.”
“Little sus of you Ash to say you were in MedBay when you weren’t,” Corpse said. You gaped a little at how easy it was for him to manipulate the situation, it was almost scary.
Ash argued as the other players began to agree and discuss among themselves. You smiled in success at the text on the screen.
Ash has been ejected.
You split up this time, and while you hadn’t really spoken during the game, you kind of missed Corpse’s astronaut next to yours, and you said that to your chat. “Haha, our colours did look cute together, I agree.”
Any previous trepidation you had had disappeared as soon as you had heard his voice; and you realised how much you had missed him. You would simply just need to deal with your feelings; they would go away eventually anyway. You just hoped it wasn’t too late for you to start again with him.
You walked to MedBay with Skyunno, making small talk as you did.
“I’m glad to see you playing with us, it’s been a little while,” he said and you felt bad that you would have to kill him. As you turned towards him, ready to kill as he did his task, Jack walked in. You mouthed oops at the cam.
“What’s going on here?” Jack asked, suspicion in his voice.
“I was just saying how nice it was to have YN here,” Sykunno replied. You stood and faked your task, watching the green bar fill as you did. It would be too risky to kill here.
“Ah yeah, Corpse has been asking after you constantly,” Jack said. You blinked at the response, it had caught you off guard.
“Oh?” you replied simply. You mentally shrugged it off. Of course he would have asked about you, you were friends, that was all.
“Felix was dead in Reactor,” Corpse announced. “Oh Corpse, you’re taking a risk here” you said to your chat.
“I was in MedBay with Jack and Sykunno,” you replied, smiling as they agreed. “Where were you Ash?”
She sighed sadly. “I was in Labs, but I was doing a task, I swear!” You all agreed quickly that Ash would be the next voted out.
“2 to go,” you said triumphantly. “I thought I was gonna drag Corpse down, but it’s going okay!”
The round started again and you could feel yourself getting tired. Hopefully this wouldn’t be too much longer to finish the game.
You circled round Corpse a few times, hoping that he would understand your signal. Luckily he did, and you both vented to Decontamination where Skyunno and Jack were. The room had already started to emit steam, making it extremely easy for you both to vent unnoticed and kill them both.
You grinned at the Victory message that flashed up.
“Good game guys!” you said. The others congratulated you and Corpse on your win and you smiled at the sound of your names together. You had it bad.
“It was all YN,” Corpse said.
“Pfft you ssh being humble, it was all you,” you replied, taking your hair out of your ponytail and running your hand through it.
“Your hair looks nice,” Corpse commented and your eyes widened. Your heart started to beat a little quicker. How long had he been watching your stream?
“It’s bad to watch someone’s stream without telling them,” you replied, making a show of pouting for the camera.
He laughed a little. “What can I say, I’m a bad guy,” he said, singing the last words. You laughed at the sudden Billie Eilish.
“Guys, either play another game, or get a room,” Felix interrupted. You blushed a little and rolled your eyes, the chat going crazy from the corner of your eye.
“And that’s my cue to exit,” you said, yawning. “Bye guys, have a good night!” You wished everyone and your chat goodnight before closing the stream and leaning back in your chat. You couldn’t believe Corpse had been watching you. You hadn’t said anything too incriminating, but still.
You prepared for bed, settling back into the softness of your pillows as you grabbed your phone - a terrible habit you really needed to stop.
Corpse: Can I call you?
You gulped at the message that appeared on your screen, a gnawing feeling of nervous clung to your throat as you typed yes. His name came up almost instantaneously and your hand shook as you pressed to accept the call.
“Hey,” he greeted.
“Hey, what’s up?” you asked, trying to keep your voice even while your heart beat erratically in your chest.
“It was nice playing with you again,” he commented.
You sat up a little as you held the phone against your ear. “Did you call me to tell me that?”
“I haven’t spoken to you in a while.”
You sighed a little. “Yeah, I’ve been a bit busy, sorry - “
“You’re lying to me and I don’t know why,” he replied. You had never heard his voice like that before; so angry and hurt. You tapped your foot against your mattress as you thought what to say.
“I -”
“Did I do something?” he asked. You had been so selfish; blocking him out to avoid being hurt, but you hadn’t thought about his feelings. He was more popular than you were, you had assumed he would be fine, that he wouldn’t care if you were around or not.
“No, you didn’t do anything, I swear -”
“Then what? Because I thought we were friends, close friends and then suddenly you pretty much disappear. But you’re still streaming with other people. It’s pretty shitty of you.”
You chewed the inside of your cheek and looked up, the sting of tears threatening to fall. “It was really shitty of me, I’m sorry.”
“What happened?” he asked. “Please just tell me.”
“I don’t know what I’m meant to say,” you replied softly.
“What do you want to say?”
You blinked, the anticipation of unspoken words caught in your throat, making it hard to swallow. The taste of them was bitter on your tongue. “I...I have feelings for you.”
There. You had said it. There was no taking it back now, and you felt like your heart was about to shatter with every single second of silence that passed. You could hear him swallow on the other end of the phone. “Are you saying you’re in love with me?”
You bit your lip, taking in the meaning of the question he had asked. It wasn’t something you had thought of, you hadn’t conceptualised your feelings for him, not put them in a box labelled love or anything. “I don’t know. I feel something for you. And it kinda sucks being your friend and having those feelings. So I pulled away.”
“Why does it suck?”
You laughed bitterly. “Why wouldn’t it? Feeling something for someone that doesn’t feel the same is fucking shitty.”
“I asked you to flirt with me YN -”
“Yeah, for fun,” you interrupted.
“No, I said for fun, but really I just wanted you to,” he replied. “I feel something for you too. How could I not? Has anything I’ve ever said to you sounded like it was just for fun?” You smiled at his response, your heart no longer on the fit of breaking, but suddenly doing flips and soaring through your chest, radiating warmth through your body.
“Oh,” you said, your brain was overloaded with thoughts, and was apparently no longer capable of coherent sentences.
“Oh? That’s a great response, thanks,” he teased, but you could tell he was smiling as he spoke.
“I wasn’t expecting you to say that, I don’t really know what to say honestly,” you replied.
“Well, baby, how about you say yes to a date?” he asked.
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limielle · 3 years
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quick doodle page for my last legacy mc + the beginnings of a sprite for the character template xd i know his personality doesnt fit mc’s if u think abt the way sage’s story goes but lace can fix him i promise
thoughts under the cut
i started playing this game with felix’s route and felt like it was rlly... i dont know. i wasn’t into it like i was with the arcana. but i liked sage’s introduction so i thought i’d try it out before really making up my mind about it and found that part of the story very fun. i’ve only caught up to sage for now, and im going to try and give felix another go and then anisa (i heard her story is on hiatus rn tho? so i wanna take it slow lmfao before i d1e)
overall i really enjoyed the story and the pacing of the romance felt a lot more realistic and comfortable for me compared to the arcana where you jump right in. i love the arcana btw i just. it always moved so fast (wc, if you’ve played the story, makes sense, but still xd)
i really dont like isekai and “average earth person gets pulled into a magical world and becomes special” tropes so I made my mc come from another video game world! he probably comes from a jrpg world. played around with the idea of him coming from a cyberpunk type world because the culture shock would be hilarious but maybe for another mc.
i got lots of thoughts about lace (and pre and post time skip sage? what a twist) and im hoping i can pump out more drawings for this game than i did for the arcana, since the arcana happened when my art career was beginning and i was rly frustrated with my lack of skill back then xd
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It Doesn’t Matter What They say [Corpse Husband]
Hey! This is my first time doing something on Tumblr. If you’d like, go to my Wattpad because thats where this story comes from! Also, sorry if its not accurate. Im still knew to the Corpse_Husband fanbase and the people the people he is seen playing with (-Cr1tiKal and Pewdiepie] and im not familiar with personalities 
Summary: No one knew of Corpse and Y/Ns relationship. Until Corpse thought it was a good time to reveal it and maybe to make the people who simp way too much over him calm down a bit. he thought it was a good idea, so did Y/N. But the fans were not happy..
Corpse really loved Y/N. He loved her so much that he let her see his face- a week after they met. They met online through Twitter and became best friends, and they totally hit it off. Y/N made Corpse happy, and he trusted her with all his life. Y/N was small, cute, and innocent. She had a soft high pitched voice and was short. She was the exact opposite of Corpse, and that's what he loved about her. He loved when she wore his hoodies, they were always way bigger on her and the sleeves went over her hands. He loved how kind she was. Y/N was a sweetheart, and Corpse didn't know how he was able to score this hard.
Y/N really loved Corpse. He loves so damn much it might kill her. She was happy she got her phone fixed after it stopped charging, if she didn't this wouldn't have happened. They became best friends and hit it off, and she loved when she made Corpse smile. She knows his real name- but calls him Corpse because that's what he prefers. She knows his birthday, his favorite foods, his favorite songs, his personality, how to cheer him up, she knows everything. She loved Corpses deep voice and how it soothed her to sleep. She loved how tall he was compared to her. She loved sitting on his lap while he made his videos and did his streams. He loved wearing his warm hoodies and snuggling up to his chest after long days. Corpse was the best, and Y/N didn't how she was able to score this hard.
Corpse and Y/N thought it would be a good idea to reveal their relationship to the world.
So they did.
In his last stream, he was playing Among Us and decided to tell everyone about Y/N. His exact words were "Guys by the way, I think it's pretty important to tell you guys that I now have a girlfriend. Her names Y/N, and shes the sweetest little thing."
"I'm not little!" Y/Ns voice rung out from behind him. She was sitting on his bed watching him play. Everyone he was playing with freaked out at how soft and high pitched her voice was.
"Her voice is the exact opposite of Corpses, how is this possible?" Felix said with a laugh.
"How can a demon score with an angel?" Charlie commented.
"She sounds so cuuuute!" Poki said, already falling in love with Y/N even she never heard her voice.
"Awwe now I feel lonely." Sykkuno said, sending a sad face in the chat which made them all laugh.
"Nice to meet you all!" Y/N said, walking over to sit on Corpses lap. She was wearing a familiar black hoodie that was way too big on her. Hmm.. wonder whose it is.
"Wha- are you wearing my hoodie again? I was looking for it all over." Corpse had a smirk plastered on his face and looked Y/N over. She was wasn't wearing any pants- but she knew that smirk meant he was just teasing her, they don't make love very often. They just have late night cuddle sessions and kisses.
"I hid it from you so I can wear it." Y/N said a little sheepishly. She was a little awkward talking to Corpse like this infront of everybody. But by how his friends greeted her, she knew they liked her. She was sure the fans would like her as well.
"Wow. You know I was very cold without that hoodie. I had to wear this plain white t-shirt that made me even more cold." Corpse shook his head in a teasing way. Though Y/N was very soft and innocent, so she thought he was being serious for a second.
She frowned, "I'm sorry! I'll give it to you now-" She started to take it off but was stopped by Corpse.
"Ay ay ay ay- no no no, it's fine I was just joking Y/N." He chuckled, hugging her tightly.
"How is she so pure?" Toast muttered, sitting there in disbelief.
"Shes so innocent." Aoc chuckled, already liking this Y/N girl. She really wanted to play a game of Among Us with her, she seemed like such a nice girl to play with.
"Corpse you better treat her like a queen or I swear to god I will-" Charlie was cut off by Sean.
"SHe sound so perfect for Corpse, I'm for ya dude." Sean said, knowing what to come with that sentence.
"Oh how dare you cut me off. I was about to speaks of wisdom!" Charlie said.
"You were about to say profanity. We need to protect this bean we know as Y/N" Poki said.
Charlie sighed, "Fine. But you better expect a fucking DM Corpse!"
Y/N decided to play along with this, She looked curiously at Corpse and said "Babe? Whats fucking?"
There was audible gasps, and Corpse looked at her in complete and utter disbelief. His little innocent bean just said the no no word, it was forbidden in her vocab.
"pretty sure Corpse already took it if you know what I mean."
"Ew what the f--feck?"
It was a fun night for Y/N and Corpse. Y/N enjoyed her time talking to the others and studying Corpses strategies as an imposter. She was excited for when she was gonna be able to play with them, she really looked forward to it. After the stream, Corpse went to record a video reading some more fan written horror stories. Y/N went and laid on the couch, waiting patiently for her boyfriend to finish up his recording- which was going to be a while. She scrolled through her phone, watching a few of Corpses videos and looking at photos of them on her camera roll.
But she made a mistake by going on Twitter.
"Corpses gf is so fake lmao"
"Y/N does not deserve Corpse! Shes sounds like such a bitch"
"I hope @T/N and @Corpse_Husband break up. I hate their relationship already 😭"
"Y/N sounds like a hoe and isn't worthy of Corpses time."
"I bet Corpse is so tired of @T/N lmao. its obvious in his voice loooooooool"
"I hope Y/N dies so i can get a piece of deep daddy 🤩🥰"
"I already hate Y/N and I haven't even seen her in any other vids XD"
"Yoo they sound like they hate her lol. I bet they're just putting on an act to make her feel better about herself."
The DMs, messages, and comments on her posts were even worse..
"You don't deserve Corpse. Fuck off hoe."
"You aren't worry of Corpses time."
"You're such a user."
"I bet Corpse really hates you."
"I hope you fucking because Corpse doesn't need an ugly hoe like you in his life"
And they just got worse and worse. Y/N was shocked, why are they hating on her so fast? Does Corpse really not like her..? Is she really not worthy of his time..? NO! She pushed them away, Corpse loves you, and that's truth.
But even so, Y/N couldn't stop reading the messages. They were all so mean.. Only a few people stood up for her. She felt her heart break, everyone hates her... Just despises her! She felt tears run down her face. She cuddled into the hoodie, pulling the oversized hoodie her H/C hair. She felt hurt and hated, like no one wanted her, not even Corpse- the person who loved her the most.
After an hour, Corpse decided to take a little break from recording and check on Y/N. He missed her soft voice and her cuddles, so he was on a mission to get just that thing. He stood up from his gaming chair and gave a nice long stretch and ran a hand through his black hair. He walked to his door, slowly opening it and quietly walking through the hallway. He planned to scare Y/N, and sense it usually takes him hours to finish his recording she wouldn't suspect a thing.
But when he got closer to the living room, he felt worry and concern overwhelm him. He heard the soft sobs and cries of his beloved girlfriend. He rushed into the living room, sitting on the couch and picking her up to hold her in his arms. "Hey babe- are you ok? Whats wrong?"
Y/N didn't say anything, she just snuggled into Corpses chest and hugged him tightly as she sobbed.
"Babe, you can tell me anything, you know that? What's wrong? Did someone say something that hurt you on stream? Wait- is it what Sykkuno said? Baby I'm not gay he's just a friend and you know that, it's just a joke that we're-"
"I-i-its not that.." Y/N muttered out.
"Then whats wrong?" Corpse asked, his voice full of nothing but worry and concern.
Y/N grabbed her phone and turned it on. She went on Twitter on looked up the hashtag 'HateY/N' and told Corpse to scroll through.
She watched as he scrolled through the tweets, and his expression twisted into one Y/N has never really seen before, anger. Oh he was livid. How could they say those things at his beautiful, sweet, and happy girlfriend? He thought his fans would support him and Y/Ns relationship. Why didn't they care?
He read some of the battles, some people loved Y/N.
"Bro stfu. Y/N is perfect for Corpse."
"lmao what? Shes ugly asf"
"Seriously? If you really cared about Corpse you would support him. Now fuck off."
Corpse pulled his own phone out and hopped on Twitter,  instantly typing a response to everyone who has been hating on Y/N.
He said "To everybody who has been hating on @T/N, my girlfriend. I love her with all my life and I do not like how some of you guys have been treating her. She has changed my goddamn life, and all this bullshit you guys have been spitting has made Y/N cry. So please.. just please stop."
After that, Corpse threw his phone onto the carpet and hugged Y/N tightly, kissing her temple softly. "It doesn't matter what they say, I will always love you Y/N."
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straykats · 2 years
skz as piano songs i played for my exams (+ some that i didn't, but would have had i learnt them in time*)
*i wasn't a bad student okay i was just v stressed about piano bc the level required for yr 11/12 specialist music exceeded what my current skills were at the time
yall this isn't anything serious, i just started playing gade's andantino and i was like. this is changbin. and idk if i'll change my mind as i make this post but that's the start of it all.
ps. spotify links where available, but they're very big on desktop :/ so all under the cut!
p.s.s. i kinda lose it and just say whatever comes across my mind in some of them bc its. its late okay.
p.s.s.s. these are all very nice songs and idk what section tumblr/spotify has chosen to share but the songs are all v good i promise
Bang Chan - Nessun Dorma (arr. piano) by Giacomo Puccini
this song just brings me so much comfort while listening to it, and who brings us all as much comfort as chan does???
Lee Minho - Rondo in D Major, K. 485 by Mozart
okay originally this was jisung's but with more thought, it is now minho. the beginning is very like. i will humour you and play light hearted and go along. and then suddenly you'll realise how crazy i can get and then i'll be calm again but with an undercurrent of buzzing energy. AND THEN bam boom (1:15-1:30) and then back to funtimes again haha. this is literally the last desc im writing and its 12:45am pls excuse me
Seo Changbin - Andantino by Niels Gade
its just. grand. and something about the C#minor key reminds me of changbin. If we want to get more descriptive - the light left right hand/melody is very gentle, yet there's a lot of staccato when playing this and it kinda reminds me of how changbin can be very... sharp? decisive? to the point? like, he gets stuff done?? and i don't know how that connected in my head but it did so yeah.
Hwang Hyunjin - Gabriel's Oboe (arr. for piano) by Ennio Morricone
okay it's not letting me add the song >:( so i linked it. but this. this is my most favouritist one out of the ones i actually played. it was so nice and free flowing (it literally said 'play freely' on the sheet music??) and so light and please listen to it!! yes i linked the one from my exam book bc i couldn't find a piano cover of it that was as nice as the piano arr. for my exam.
but this song. is so pretty and soft and it reminds me of hyunjin's softness and adoration for beauty and symbolism and maybe i'm self projecting
Han Jisung - Rondo by Jan Vaclav Vorisek
the beginning,, let's go skipping with jisung,,, pls. like. skipping through a field, all care free and in an almost comical way. ALSO on that note. the way the notes are played at 1:56-1:58?? like the sudden accent? and the grand finish??? such jisung-ness.
Lee Felix - To A Wild Rose by Edward Macdowell
it was specifically the B major 7th 2nd inversion chord (?) (4th chord in the actual song) that really solidified it as a felix song for me. but the more i listen to it, the more i think it's not the chord itself but more... i'm not quite sure, i can't place it anymore bc now this is just a felix song.
this song reminds me of lix as well bc lix reminds me of dusty rose, crushed flower petals, and i know 'to a wild rose' isn't really... that but it makes sense in my head? hm.
Kim Seungmin - Canon in D by Pachelbell
okay it just. it makes sense. and i don't know how to explain it. also why was this piece so LONG. anyways. a classic. idc how overplayed it is. i will listen to seungmin over and over and over. like. ???? and also, canon in d is such... a lullaby. and seungmin's voice??? yeah i will sleep to it. yes i do need sleep rn.
Yang Jeongin - Etude (op.45, no.20) by Stephen Heller (idk what to call it bc i've found 3 different titles but yes its op25 no20 from heller)
the beginning really gives off 'lets embark on a new adventure' and i think jeongin has a very.. adventurous vibe sometimes. and idk how to explain it or if it's me coming to the end of my repetoire and struggling to asign songs but the more i think about it and listen to it, i do see this as a jeongin song. kind of. help.
okay fr guys this entire post is kind of just a fun thing that i ended up taking too seriously. the songs are actually all really nice pls trust me and give them a listen. the first four songs are some of my most favourite songs i've played. mozart's rondo was actually so fun to play, despite the headache it gave me bc i couldn't get it for a long time. and andantino, nessun dorma and gabriel's oboe are just chefs kiss vdnsvkjskvs okay GOODNIGHT can u tell its almost 1am
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sunfoxfic · 3 years
Your view on adrien dress situation really gets the point. Is kinda of hard to judge any of the class including mari in my opinion, because as adrien do is hard to have any idea of how he is or how he feels on his situation, trust me I know that from experience (adrien pov not the class) they have good intentions but they are not really helping as you pointed out is just a more sweet thing they want to do that they think is right and think is going to work but It don't really work in action and the outcome can be awful, it would have the same outcome as if he stand for himself against his father, a good idea on paper but not in reality.
I already looked some posts that JUST touched on the dress thing wich I think is stupid, princess and heroes were represented like that and nath and marc just put mari and adrien faces on the roles probably without thinking further on this.
Maybe I just that I don't like to view clothes in certain gender roles, he could just be wearing a knight suit and would have the same idea.
The class views adrien as someone being controlled and locked up (if they know this is abuse or not I don't know but they sure do think is a bad thing) wich to be fair is not very away from the true, but the thing is that the plans that mari or anyone else do will not have really a good outcome. Gosh gabriel is shadowmoth he can go like that and search for him.
In general the problem is not the dress but yes how people view adrien. BY NO MEANS IM SAYING HE DON'T NEED HELP! help is not weakness but I can't deny that depending on the plan the outcome can be harsh! But help still can happen and be a good thing. Just needs to be a more serious and responsible plan (probably including adults and the law)
Yeah, you really hit the nail on the head, especially with your point about Adrien being the knight -- it doesn't matter what he's wearing. The story version of Adrien was not empowering to him in any way -- it didn't give him the chance to have his own emotions or make his own choices beyond what they expected him to do. If the narrative was focused around breaking him out so that he had the opportunity to do what he wanted, that would be empowering -- instead they assumed he would feel a certain way about Marinette.
I think fundamentally part of the issue is that there's always going to be some conflict. It his friends choose not to help him, there's conflict because they aren't thinking of him and his struggles. If they help him by breaking him out and assume he's gonna fall in love with Marinette, there's conflict because they're assuming he would make certain choices that he probably would not make. If they help him by doing something actually helpful -- i.e., calling to cheer him up (or sending videos like in Felix), or talking to Kagami to see what she thinks would be best -- they're going to be upset because they want to help him more but they can't.
At the root of this is Gabriel Agreste. Always was, always will be. And I want to emphasize that above everything else. But when you compare the way Adrien was treated by his friends in Gabriel Agreste to the way that others have been treating him all season -- Ladybug, Nino, Gabriel, Chloe -- it becomes increasingly clear that at some point, his own sense of selfhood has stopped mattering in how they treat him. It's not about the intentions other people have, it's about how Adrien doesn't seem to want anything for himself, as we see in Wishmaker, and how can you blame him for that when everyone takes their image of what he wants out of life for granted? Ladybug believes he wants superheroing to be easy. His friends at school believe he just wants to run away. Gabriel believes he wants his mother back.
No one asked what he wants. (No one except Kagami, anyway.)
At the end of the day, freedom isn't necessarily the greatest priority for Adrien. He wants it, obviously, but worse comes to worst he can transform and get his freedom as Chat Noir. What he wants, what he needs, what he's no longer getting? To feel loved. To feel important. It would have been much better and easier for his friends to give him that, but they didn't ask what he needed.
At the end of the day, they aren't wrong that he needs away from Gabriel Agreste, but they're wrong that they can be the ones to provide that relief by breaking him out. That's an important distinction, and one that I find essential for understanding the conflict that Adrien is going through this season.
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woodsteingirl · 2 years
Hey :)) please talk more about your ocs and your cool idea, I really think it's epic (different anon than before btw, you have an Audience of At Least Two)
Who is the emperor at the time? If the sister gets set up with the upper class, does she ever meet the brother again? Do they know the other person is missing/ time travelled? Are they even sent back to the same time, or do they miss each other by decades (or longer)? Do they live their lives there with their gay roman lovers, or do they go back to their original time? Is it like Narnia where they live their lives, get time travelled back, and boom now they have all the experience and the memories but they're just as young as the day they left? What jobs could the total loser (affectionate) boy dude guy get when he is Barely Figuring It Out? Are you going for a more shenanigans filled comedy vibe, or Serious Time Travel/historical fiction Drama, or heartfelt something or other?
Sorry if that's like waaaaayyy too many questions but like,,,,,you're so cool and this idea is rad as hell
okay hi hi hi <3 ty for listening i loveee questions esp when i just come up with an idea it gives me ideas about Where To Go With It. oh man timeframes augh… they’re SO hard for me to figure out. tbh i was thinking about putting it from like 55-50 bc (late republic) just cause that’s the time period i know most about? if not, then definitely augustus just cause like. that’s the time in the empire i know the most about…. (sue me for staying in my comfort zone!!) but tbh it’s all tbd and i have a nasty habit of switching around timelines in my stories just to further confuse myself. <3 i think they DO eventually reunite. maybe it takes like. a year or so but i wouldn’t want to keep them apart forever and ever… i think they’re also in the same timeline but somehow got separated post time travel or something? brass tacks have not been sorted yet. as for endings! honestly im open to all of that tbh, i think i might go with it that in the end they’re like “oh maybe we will just live here cause we’ve already dealt with enough without like. trying to find a way back? and we’ve created this life and now we have someone we’re in love with so maybe it would be easiest just to stay” but i also like to Leave Endings Undecided and write up a bunch of different ones and pick when it’s called for. omg jobs i hadn’t even thought of that… he’s Educated in the modern sense of the word and also like. knows things about history so he could conceivably get a job as like. a shopkeeper or something. maybe he has political ambitions and could care less about the timeline and runs for office or something… maybe he works as a fisherman… as for the vibe!! i am definitely going to try and keep it lighthearted and fun <3 if im going to write a time travel it will make no sense and i won’t examine any implications of time travel <333 im sure i’ll have moments of emotion? i mean you really can’t have a story without that so. ALSO have i even said their names. i don’t feel like i did… well they are felix and julia <3 ALSO ty ty and dw i loveee questions this wasn’t annoying at all <333
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bunnyinthestars · 4 years
Adrien is definitely gonna take Emilie’s place in a coma (A Theory)
Yeah so I mean the title of this is exactly what I’m pretty sure is gonna happen. This is because there has been a huge load of foreshadowing and some other subtler reasons I will be going over in this post. Of course, there’s always a chance it won’t happen, but if it didn’t I think I’d be pretty surprised considering just the amount of evidence thats going into this.
(Also sorry ahead of time for the structure of this, I tried to structure this based on my specific reasons for this theory but I kind of went off on tangents in some places and in others I use ideas that I assume come with the theory and don’t necessarily fit into any specific reason (like Emilie coming back to life and what would happen there, why Adrien and not Nathalie, and loosely how theyd get Adrien out of the coma), although I mosty stick to the structure I still want to add this disclaimer just so you’re aware that I wrote this in one go at midnight (also wait right now its 12:10am it is now ten minutes into my birthday??? ok ignoring that))
I dont know man. Just consider what I have to say. Or dont. I will be listing my reasons starting now.
1. Imagery of Adrien being in comatose state/ in a coffin-like thing.
This is surprisingly common??? Off the top of my head I can think of Style Queen and Riposte (I believe) which involve this. In Style Queen, Audrey in the form of her akumatized self had essentially kidnapped Adrien and put him in this gold/glass coffin thing that disintegrated the longer it remained untouched. The other one is Riposte, where Ladybug hides Adrien in that big sarcophogus in the Louvre (he didn’t stay in it but still the imagery is there.)
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I also just remembered in Chameleon when Lila took Adrien’s form he was asleep/in a comatose state in that locker and Plagg was like “aw man am I gonna have to kiss him.....” but then Adrien wakes up because Lila stole someone else’s form
EDIT: another instance of Adrien/Chat Noir being shoved into a sarcophagus (besides Riposte) is in Pharaoh in season 1
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So yes there is definitely a good number of foreshadowing for this. I might take this further and say if Adrien were to go comatose and be in the coffin Emilie was in then Felix might replace him for some amount of time?? Like impersonate him amd stuff?? Just because there’s lots of stuff in the show with impersonation I feel like it could work aNYWAY BACK TO THE EVIDENCE I KNOW ITS A TANGENT
2. Possible evidence foreshadowing Emilie *inadvertantly* killing (not killing but making comatose you get it) Adrien
This one is not as strong as the first but its worth considering. I was googling the word “mayura” just out of curiosity a while back and basically its a peacock in Hindu stories (like peacocks are a kinda revered animal) and I just initially found a couple websites that said that the mayura has been depicted eating a snake as a symbol of the cycle of time (you dont have to read this part in parenthesis, its just kind of a tangent: the cycle of time as known in Hinduism is another aspect of Hinduism directly referenced in the show: the horse/space miraculous kwami Kaalki’s name is a reference to the prophecied tenth avatar/reincarnation of the god Vishnu, and he is referenced in the Kalachakra tantra which is basically a Hindu book about the cycle of time. Keep in mind I got all this from wikipedia and other internet websites, I do not practice Hinduism and I dont directly know anybody who does, so if any of this is wrong pls lmk because there is surprisingly not a lot of information on the internet about it from what I could tell)
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So anyways yes peacock (mayura) eating snake representing the cycle of time. Both Luka and Adrien are represented in the show as the snake, but ultimately I think the snake here represents Adrien just because it makes more sense (Snake Noir, future Alix’s tattoo depicts a snake to be Adrien and is meant to represent Adrinette, Adrien just has some shifty stuff going on with the snake in general etc) and thus, if Gabriel manages to actually get the ladybug and black cat miraculouses and make the wish to bring Emilie to life, then this “mayura” analogy (assuming Emilie as the mayura in this scenario) would make sense if her life brought upon Adrien losing his.
The reason I dont think it would refer to Nathalie even though her official name is Mayura is for pretty much two sub-reasons. The first is that I think she is going to die before this wish happens. I know, its a kids show, whatever, but consider it. The Agreste/Graham de Vanily family has a trend of having opposite names [I am so sorry I literally first heard this from a tumblr user but I cannot remember who I just remember they had made a string of theories on why Emilie Agreste will not be who she seems to be so credit to them I did not discover that] for example the name Gabriel means hero/angel, Felix means happy/fortunate, Adrien means dark, etc, and Nathalie Sancoeur means “birthday (of Christ)” and “heartless” respectively. We already know she is not heartless but rather full of heart because she has fallen in love with Gabriel. So then,,,,,,,,,, the opposite of birth is death. She’s already shown to be pretty sick too despite the peacock miraculous having been “fixed” (as of the New York special being the most recent piece of content). I’m sorry guys I do not make the rules
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stop why his face look like that though
The second part of why I think this is a little stupid but. The original art released by Jeremy Zag for Mayura does not look like Nathalie. Plus this art was only released under the name of “the Peacock” (originally Le Paon in French) so it might not actually be the Mayura we know as of now. Now, theoretically, it could be that they had made this art before they knew they wanted Nathalie to be Mayura or just as art depicting what Emilie would have been like as the peacock miraculous holder, and it could literally just be Nathalie. When you compare the images, though, the original Mayura art looks far more like Emilie and a lot less like Nathalie. Yes I am aware this is stupid just know this is only a minor point
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I dont know man those faces do not look the same to me and the original Mayura definitely had Emilie’s eye shape and face shape in mind. They might’ve changed it after making the concept art but my point still stands
Ok next reasoning
Again not a very strong point but sometimes dialogue just implies things in Miraculous and I can think of a very specific quote that would fit this happening, and there are probably more that I just dont know to look for since I dont have this whole show memorized
So the quote is from Startrain after Gabriel loses control of the akuma then learns about the Startrain having been akumatized with Adrien on board, and he says “hoping that my enemies will save my son..... how ironic.” When I first heard this quote I really, really felt like it was foreshadowing something just based on his tone and the way this new idea was being introduced of him having to be on the same side as Ladynug and Chat Noir for once, even if it was just temporary. This quote absolutely is indicative to me of a future event in which he’ll have to work with his “enemies” to save his son. A situation in which Adrien is in comatose would perfectly align with this. At least for how I would predict the show would make it, Gabriel would have to turn away from Emilie (who represents the past for him, and this action would therefore represent moving on) and join forces with Ladybug/Marinette, his “enemy”, to save Adrien.
Onto the last reason!
Emilie is probably definitely coming back. Which means someone’s going into a coma in her place.
I mean come on it would be so anticlimactic if they just caught Gabe before he fulfilled his wish. Plus with the way they are outlining Emilie to be this perfect golden being is definitely because its going to far contrast with how she will actually turn out. This doesnt really support the Adrien thing in particular but honestly it would also be anticlimactic of the coma was for anyone else. If it was Nathalie, then yeah itd suck for Adrien I guess but like???? Doesn’t really connect the plots as much. Whereas if its Adrien, that brings Marinette into it, that gives her a powerful as heck conflict. Im guessing they would also somehow resolve his coma with “the power of love” mentioned in the theme song, just because of the foreshadowing with like waking someone up with a true love’s kiss (think Plagg in Chameleon, I guess the rose in Style Queen, maybe Alya’s story to Manom in Stormy Weather if we’re strecthing it....)
TL;DR: Adrien is probably gonna go comatose (like Emilie did) at some point because its been pretty foreshadowed (think Style Queen, Riposte, and even Chameleon), because of the legend surrounding the Hindu “mayura” peacock eating a snake representing time (wow that was not a sentence ok then), because Gabriel has previously foreshadowed having to work with his enemies to save his son, and also just because it would be super awesome and allow each character involved to have a pretty fulfilling conflict and arc.
(all images from the miraculous ladybug wiki excluding the piece of art depicting the mayura which is from murugan.org)
I hope however took the time to read this post enjoyed this theory, sometimes I have really random yet detailed theories regarding this show and I wanted to share this one because if I’m right then this will be proof I had predicted it, also you guys could possibly elaborate on it. I’m all for friendly discussions folks fr
If this doesn’t end up happening the theory is still awesome and they should have done it, and if it does my ego will probably expand and hopefully they will make it as awesome as it seems like it would be. Sorry if the structure of this post is not great, but thank you for reading. I appreciate you, have a wonderful week :)
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twilight-aus · 4 years
stray kids x camp half blood
so,,, i love stray kids. a lot. i also absolutely adore the percy jackson series,,, do you see where I’m going with this.... yeah so this is my take on where i think stray kids would be at camp half blood!! this is going to split into 4 different parts, with two boys on each post!! first up is chan and minho !!
Bang Chan- child of hermes
chan gives me big luke vibes except he doesn’t resent hermes that much (well a bit, but everyone resents their godly parent just a tiny bit). chan is the oldest kid at camp half blood and is the head of hermes cabin bc he just,,, exudes leadership qualities that he’s essentially chiron’s right hand man and helps him to organise all camp activites and timetables for everyone’s classes. chan’s been there for the longest as well, though he never divulges why he’s been there since he was like 5 years old. he’s the one that all the new kids look towards, especially the ones who haven’t been claimed by their godly parent just yet and when they do, he wishes them well and helps them pack all their stuff before leading them to their new cabin. “chan you’re just taking me to my new cabin please don’t cry it’s not that big of a deal” “oH iM SoRRy i RAiseD yoU sInCE yOu goT hERE?? you think im SCARED to cry nah these are manly tears i’ll cry enough to burst the dam,,, the hoover dam” “okay bye dad” “.... bye kid”. chan is also like,,, the best allrounder because quite frankly,, when you’ve been at camp as long as he has well,,, you get to practice a lot. he leads a lot of the sword practices, especially for the younger kids who just got there but y’all KNOW as soon as he gets an ares kid he just SIGHS and readies himself for how aggressive they’re gonna be, but he secretely relishes it bc,,, well 10 year olds are really boring to spar with. being a kid of hermes,, chan’s fast. like really fast. it’s not like superspeed or anything but it might as well be with how fast he just zips around and he’s also just really quiet when he moves around. Despite being a kid of the trickster god, he spends most of his time trying to stop his kids from pulling dangerous stunts and pranks on Mr D in particular,, tho if it’s funny,,, he might just turn a blind eye to it. so despite being the dad of the camp he has his own precious group of friends which surprises and also doesn’t surprise a lot of people bc he’s so friendly but like,,, a lot of the younger kids are shocked he’s so friendly with changbin and minho bc like,,, to the younger kids these older boys are scary but then they see chan tackle changbin to the ground in a bear hug and they’re like,,, okay damn I guess he really doesn’t care for the infighting between the gods bc they all get along so well ?? so yeah,, head camp councillor chan is just a big softie with a penchant for collecting kids and has a weird friendship group combined of people from different cabins that really shouldn’t work but it does. he loves them all tho.
 lee minho / lee know- child of apollo
oh yeah i’m going there. archer extraordinaire lee minho himself. got claimed by apollo when he was like 8 when he was playing with his friends and he threw something and it was definitely going to miss but guess what,,, it didnt. apollo was like,, alright damn that’s my son guess i ought to get him outta here. next thing he knew, minho was at camp half blood not quite understanding what was going on. chan took him around on his first day and as soon as he saw the archery setup he rushed over and well,,, perfect bullseye every single time that even the rest of the apollo kids were like,,, okay what. so yeah,, he’s the ace of archery but he’s so damn annoying about it?? like no matter how many times chiron has to ask him to teach the kids he’s always just like,,, no they’ll never be as good as me (he does help them eventually bc he’s actually a great teacher and chiron knows it,,, minho just doesn’t like teaching that much,,, but when he sees the younger kids hit a bullseye for the first time he’s so proud of them, especially when they’re not an apollo kid bc he’s just that good at teaching!) minho being naturally talented at archery did not translate well over to healing,,, felix is always makes fun of him bc minho is just so good at being an apollo kid but he really isn’t that good at healing (changbin likes to say it’s because minho is apathetic, he gets hit a lot for that). he,,,, just isn’t good at remembering how to do anything more complex than cleaning a wound and sticking a bandage on it but he is EXTREMELY good at distracting patients and helping the other apollo kids who are good at healing, like if you’ve got a broken leg or smth minho is sure as hell gonna make you laugh and forget about the pain!!! all the new kids are a bit confused when they see minho as the head of the apollo cabin bc they’re like,,, he’s so stoic and handsome,,, and then he pulls a funny face at the younger kids and wiggles his eyebrows and they’re like okay no that makes sense now. minho may seem unapproachable but he’s one of the funniest kids at camp especially among his little group and has even been known to make the Aphrodite kids blush with how handsome and goofy he is. mess with his little brother felix though??? you better sleep with both eyes open bc he might just take one of them out if you only keep one of them open. (you think he’s joking,, and he is,,,, maybe). oh, yeah and he owns three rescue cats that had wandered into the camp by accident. yes they sleep in the cabin with him. Do not question him. (chiron already did and the whole of camp outvoted him so yeah,, the kitties stay)
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starlit-dreaming · 4 years
[WMMAP] Lucathy Ideas (6/?)
here i am again
with lucathy ideas instead of finishing ch8 of crescendo
also i think halfway through this post, i was sleep-deprived via all-nighter (i like to spite myself in times like these), so if some of the ideas feel like its been derailed, or that it doesn’t make sense, or that it needs more elaborating on, then that’s probably me being sleepy as fuck and typing whatever to my heart’s content cause a sleep-deprived wyn is a cheeky lil shit like that (full bromo though. which. kinda sounds weird. since i’m telling that to myself.)
and because im the type that just goes “no beta we die like lp athanasia” when it comes to my work, i decided not to proofread any of this. because i wrote a lot for this post over the course of several days because im nervously waiting until i finally plunge myself back into another fandom (or three) soon
1 | 2 | 3 | 4 | 5 | [6] | 7 | 8 | 9 | 10 | 11
when left behind -- God/Goddess AU
• it’s not really a hades and persephone au, but it’s definitely inspired from it with the whole “omg hades kidnapped persephone we have to save them!!!” sort of concept
• there are some elements from lovely princess, but a majority is from wmmap
• claude is the god in charge, the god of law and order, probably??? diana is the goddess of dance and travels, so she doesn’t always stay in heaven and never stays in one place (she has a positive relationship with athy, but she isn’t always there for her and might even go years without seeing her -- which, of course, athy is bitter about that at times, but she doesn’t fault her since she’s the goddess of travels). because diana’s alive, he doesn’t hate athanasia, but he's more awkward and indifferent towards athy and refrains from interacting with her unless he’s really missing diana
• so yeah. parental neglect, much? but hey, on the bright side, at least claude isn’t a huge dick to athanasia because the reason why he is was eliminated, it’s just that the familial distance is caused by their duties as gods/goddesses. im thinking of claude’s relationship with athy after athy met lucas in wmmap, but before she almost died and moved into the emerald palace. meaning, he firmly believes that if athanasia disappeared he wouldn’t be affected by her Not being there, but really, he’s in denial about it. he just doesn’t get that realization until later on because he normally doesn’t see her every single day
• lucas is the god of death and magic, athanasia is the goddess of mercy (and maybe truth??? its tempting for me to say she represents honesty and mercy). jennette is the goddess of kindness and forgiveness, ezekiel is the god of justice and knowledge??? felix is the god of protection, lillian is the goddess of motherhood
• can you tell that i was really subtle with those match up pairs? cause im really not being subtle about the pairings. im a ride or die claudiana, lucathy, jennkiel, calena, and felix/lily shipper and all those are going to be recurring ships in all my wmmap au’s
• for that lovely inclusion of calena, helena’s the goddess of nature and cabel’s the god of archery and they’re married and helena adores playing matchmaker for people. her current goal is getting felix and lily together
• funny story of how lucas became the god of death, actually. so anastacius was the former god of death (who got yeeted out of heaven by claude), but lucas, being the god of magic for who knows how long, decides to just yeet him off the throne for the underworld who rejoiced at having a new death for a ruler, and thus, lucas ended up becoming the god of death because of his actions
• anyways. so sometimes shit gets boring (and i dont have any other ideas that comes to mind that would justify this happening), so its only natural that maybe a god/goddess or two, or three, decide to start drama involving people.
• it could be anyone who started it, honestly, but i’m gonna draw in an element from the LP-verse by saying it was jennette’s aunt, rosalia, who started shit
• and, surprise, surprise, it involves athanasia being the victim of this drama
• claude is the god of law and order, so he has to be logical, but he’s not very close to athanasia as he is in the WMMAP-verse. he doesn’t know what kind of person his daughter really is, and according to rosalia, the problem lies in the fact that she’s jealous of jennette and ezekiel’s relationship, that she’s jealous of how everyone loves jennette, etc, etc, and that’s why she’s trying to cause problems with jennette that inconveniences her
• and claude, is being fed lies, and rosalia essentially fabricates evidence to prove that athanasia’s the one causing jennette some problems. and as much as he doesn’t think athanasia would ever do it, he’s still the god of law and order and he has to be impartial even to his family
• so athanasia’s punishment is that she is to be kicked out of heaven for several decades. jennette and helena try to argue against the decree. rosalia didnt expect athanasia to get kicked out, but she and the others are not complaining because Drama, plus, most of the other gods/goddesses think that she’s pretty gloomy in comparison to diana, so they consider this to be a win-win -- entertaining and they won’t have to deal with athanasia
• and nobody hears from her for several decades
• until lucas, the god of death, decides to make an appearance in heaven and asks claude about mercy, and because lucas is a pretty handsome dude, chances are, people are gonna shit talk athanasia in hopes that they’ll earn death’s favor (especially for those who were jealous of athy)
• i want to use “you won’t find any mercy in heaven” as a line being said to lucas
• at one point, while jennette is spending time with athy in her regular visits to her sister-like friend, picking flowers and all that and talking about how much she wishes athy would come back because it wasnt her fault blahblahblah, and then she jumps to conclusions when lucas pops up out of nowhere, whisks athy off her feet, and heads off in a carriage to the underworld
• jennette assumes that athy’s been kidnapped by lucas and cries to claude and ezekiel about it
• now. death and mercy have a history together that not a lot of gods remember or have ever seen or considered. mercy killing is a Thing, and during war times? it definitely happens a lot. having mercy to spare someone from death has also happened before, and those were the only times jennette ever sees athy during war times -- kindness and compassion and showing mercy in sparing lives. which makes jennette naive to the reasons why death and mercy are a good pair
• this is also the reason why cabel, helena, lucas, and athy all have a history and are a close knit group -- they all have something to do with death. hunting/archery. poisonous/harmful plants. dying in general. mercy killing. while cabel, lucas, and athy take active parts during war times, helena holds a passive killing role (unless people are actively using plants to make poisons, but that’s besides the point). so overall, they all know each other better than anyone else
• and yes, lucas will consider fighting lily and helena both for the title of “i know athy the best”
• anyways, so jennette and ezekiel both travel to the underworld because they’re determined to rescue athanasia (because, well, ezekiel is also naive in the sense that he’s never seen athanasia mercy kill before, so he also thinks that mercy x death is a bad match)
• and thats where jennette realizes that lucas is athanasia’s precious “luke” that she talks about all the time and is instantly relieved that it really was just a misunderstanding on her part and now instead of being worried, shes absolutely delighted to hear the news about their betrothal
• this doesnt change the fact that heaven’s in an uproar about the lucathy’s betrothal because there’s a bunch of chaos -- “sweet athanasia’s been kidnapped by the cruel lucas, the horrible god of death!” or something like that
• something along those lines
• claude sends ezekiel back to the underworld to give them a message to release athanasia from the underworld within 7 days -- safe and sound
• lucas: and if i don’t want to? ezekiel: then there will be war...? athy: then there will be war //smiles
• thankfully, there will NOT be a war
• because diana returns to heaven (not the first time since athanasia was gone, but the excuse that was given to her was that “athanasia is busy and not in heaven atm” so diana didn’t realize she got yeeted out for a few decades) and this time she found out from lilian that athanasia’s going to get married, how it all ended up happening, and she tells claude that they’re both traveling to the underworld to congratulate their daughter on her betrothal and that he won’t be stopping their daughter from being happily married
• which. it was technically thanks to claude that lucas could easily sweep in and propose to athy. since he more or less kicked her out of heaven until she “apologizes for her actions”. there wasn’t proof that revealed that athy was framed, so the decree wasnt taken back until after all this happened
• this is an au that i'm hoping to write, because i’d love to write about lucas and athy during war times because godly warrior couple lucathy
child of mine -- modern au
• basically just full on kid fluff -- it’ll follow after the events of [it was only one night] that i mentioned in my Lucathy Ideas 3 (which will probably have to wait until after i’m finished with working on it rip)
• so this is spoilers for people who haven’t read my wip tidbits that i’ve posted for that story, [child of mine] follows a pair of twins Elias and Aria Hwang (aka, Aurelius and Ariadne Obelia-Hwang) from after they’re born. as in baby shenanigans
• i want elias to ask for a baby bro because he wants to be an older brother (aria is older by 7 minutes). instead of getting a baby bro, he gets a baby sister. emily, emma, elena, lucina, althea??? maybe. i’m still thinking about it. i like using thea as a nickname too, and as much as i love aletheia as a name, its not a name that i’m using for this au (i have a lot of different name possibilities in my head tbh, because then it’ll be a fun little project for future me to draw the lucathy kids across all of the au’s i’ve been thinking of)
• i want a lot of sibling shenanigans too and most of this is based on my convos/interactions with my little cousins because they’re so adorably chaotic and i live for it
• one time, my little cousin (age 3-4), would just keep giggling and ducking to hide behind the couch i was sitting on, and i’d peek over the sofa and she’d run off with a giggly squeal. and when i walked past her next hiding spot, she’d run off again that we ended up doing this random “chase” and hide (even though i could clearly see her and that i was only walking throughout the entire time)
• me and two of my cousins (i think they were both 13 & 14 at the time) had a discussion that our 7 year old cousin was possibly tarzan’s descendant or a demon banshee disguised as a child
• i have a very tiny 7 year old cousin. every time i see her i keep thinking that she’s 4 or 5, because every time she talks its hard for me to understand whether or not if she’s actually saying words, and she’s tiny. i want the 2nd lucathy daughter to be the tiny baby of the family
• quotes without context from my convos with ira whenever i talk to him about my cousins:
“my cousin Ri (17-18), whose on my friends list, will probably go wtf???”
“A (13-14) wanted to know if dinosaurs have tits.”
“Me: are you drunk off of pizza? J (12-13): //slowly nods J: off brand drug //takes a bite of pizza J: //closes door”
“tbh im not surprised that she zero'd in on the mention of boobs since this is the same funky lil lesbian cousin we’re talking about”
“i think my cousin’s a furry, tho”
• i realize now that it’s on the more shitposty side of things, but thats alright because it’ll keep this story interesting and amusing (for me, i mean)
• if you think that athy and lucas would only have 3 kids then you’re wrong because the child acquisition tag exists for a reason and they’re gonna adopt a shit ton of kids
in the rain -- coffee shop + university au
• so helena more or less sets athy up on a blind date at this nice coffee shop near the university campus. except the guy doesn’t show up after an hour of her waiting
• it starts raining, and she more or less thinks “fuck this” and decides to order some cake with the coffee she’s been drinking for a bit and stay at the cafe until the rain dies down or something. she pulls out her tablet from her purse and just starts working on her school assignments because the dude’s over an hour late, she’s not gonna waste more of her time when she could be finishing up her assignments.
• some of the university students start to fill the place up. all except for her table. and when lucas comes in to his favorite coffee shop, he asks her if he could sit at her table since there’s no other place in the shop to sit down at, and she tells him to go ahead, so he takes a seat across from her.
• and like. keep in mind. athanasia’s gorgeous and ridiculously pretty in a princess-like way. lucas is also gorgeous and ridiculously pretty in a ‘tall, dark, mysterious’ way. so everyone’s more or less thinking “fuck of course they’re together” because. yknow. misunderstandings.
• at one point, athy gets a text from helena asking her how the date’s going, and helena immediately calls athy when she responds with “he never showed”
• and helena loudly asks her a bunch of questions on what happened, etc, etc, and lucas is literally sitting near her and it’s loud enough for him to actually hear helena’s questions
• and athy shrugs saying “idfk he just never showed up” and then throws in a “but hey, on the bright side this cafe’s pretty great, kinda crowded cause of the rain, but it’s pretty great”
• before anyone wonders, no, lucas was not athy’s blind date. we can talk about a lucathy blind date au later though. it was actually ezekiel
• and essentially helena curses ezekiel’s name and wonders if she and jennette “shouldve told him that it was a date with you” -- because he didn’t know, and he definitely wouldve regretted not showing up to the blind date. granted, he never made any promises to go on the blind date to begin with, which was an issue of communication on their part
• and athy is just in disbelief cause she had a crush on kiel when she was in high school, but she doesn’t feel the same now. regardless, helena then suggests “maybe i could set you up with another guy” to which athy just nervously laughs and goes “maybe” and sighing in relief when the call ends
• i dont remember what i was thinking of, but i think i had lucas making notes as he skims through a history textbook, then athy going “oh hey, i have that class too” and then the rest is history (eyyyy)
• the original concept for this au was described as a “romcom level cheesy romance”, similar to Friday’s “Good Morning” by Honeyworks tbh. its a rainy day and the romance starts because she gives the guy an umbrella
• hmm. maybe i should consider turning this into a honeyworks au, although sena and midori are more like calena than lucathy ngl, which i guess is something to consider about since its two shy dorks and oof now i’m not sure
but like srsly look at this image from the mv to know what i mean:
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what can i say? cute. dorks. in. love.
but this au will have to wait for another day since i havent thought of it before
((note to self: brainstorm for a honeyworks au at some point))
more than meets the eye -- blind date au
• i said i would talk more about a blind date au so here’s that blind date au i (probably) teased you about. i’d like to consider this the [my teacher and my sister’s best friend] divergence (that au idea can be found in my Lucathy Ideas 5), where lucas and athy met on a blind date, and just decided to give their relationship a tentative try (and that they actually worked things out instead of being stubborn and breaking things off //coughs)
• so. i’d like to imagine that athanasia is the type of person who would make sure she gets to places on time by aiming to arrive 5-10 minutes before any kind of meeting. while lucas is the type of dude to just be there on time without any issue for the most part. which is gonna annoy athanasia just a little because how the fuck does he manage to look that good with only a few minutes? magic. even though its a modern setting
• on their blind date, it’s really fucking awkward. they go to the same university campus, so they’re vaguely familiar to each other in a “i think i’ve seen you around the area before”
• that does not change the fact that its a very awkward date
• lucas is the type to internalize his thoughts -- he’s blunt about his opinions, but he can read the mood for the most part, its just that he sucks at understanding emotions. and he’s just internally thinking “she’s so pretty what the heck?”
• meanwhile athanasia is currently freaking out inside her mind because holy shit helena set her up with a gorgeous guy
• in the au helena hadn’t really met cabel until after cabel became a teacher at her brother’s school, and even then, she didn’t formally meet him until the parent-teacher conferences when her brother ended up in her guardianship. so what adds onto this divergence, helena and cabel actually end up meeting each other earlier due to lucas and athy trying to make the relationship work after their blind date (as well as not letting misunderstandings get in the way
mother, mother -- sixth sense??? i see dead people au
• a retelling of wmmap with an eventual divergence. why? because athanasia can see ghosts. more specifically, she can see diana’s ghost.
• thats,,,, thats it. thats all that was in my notes. it was literally a “WHAT IF ATHY HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO SEE GHOSTS SINCE SHE WAS BORN AND HAS ALWAYS BEEN ABLE TO SEE DIANA”
• so i guess this is the portion where i pull ideas outta my ass as i go along and y’know, i don’t actually know the reason why claude killed everyone in the ruby palace after diana died. maybe its mentioned in the novel and i just flat out havent read it yet since i rely on english translations, maybe its already posted in a chapter for someone’s english translations and i just haven’t dragged myself back to catching up on the updated chapters of said translation
• regardless, ive got ideas and speculations. like, ok, i get that diana undoubtedly died cause of athanasia’s magic causing too much strain on diana’s body and that maybe athy’s uncontrollable magic ended up killing the other concubines, which is something that i wholeheartedly believe to have happened. but before i realized that all of it would be the reason why diana died, i thought “well, claude obviously favors diana. but before diana, there were a ton of concubines, werent there? so maybe they were all jealous that diana became the favourite and tried to get diana to miscarry”
• regardless, this means that athanasia is never alone.
• i want a bunch of ghostly concubines talk to athy on a regular basis after they realize that she’s able to see them, and diana trying to shoo them away if they end up almost gearing towards the not-safe-for-wyn type of stories
• or advice (for when she gets older)
• so. she’s aware that athy knows a lot more than she should for a kid. and at first she was very much a proud mama for having such a smart daughter, but athy has plans for running away when she’s only five??? and normal kids are normally just happy to play and all that????????
• eventually, athy has to vaguely explain her situation to diana, and diana more or less accepts it because, well, athy has a ton of magic which is what killed her, and athy’s capable of seeing and interacting with ghosts
• and it essentially deals a little bit with athy’s guilt in the fact that she’s “not actually diana’s daughter” because diana reassures her that even if she has the mind of an orphaned stranger unrelated to her, she still sees her as athanasia, her daughter (“you’ll always be my daughter, regardless of whether or not you have the memories of someone else”)
• she still thinks that running away would be too extreme. although she also thinks that claude just needs to give athy a chance by actually being active in her life
• diana favours watching over athanasia and claude, and she gets immensely happy when athy accidentally runs into claude and when they all spend time together. it’s very sweet and sometimes amusing (for me) because athy has to resist answering back when diana says something. but also gets hella fucking sad because, yknow, dead mom
• can you imagine how diana would feel when athy tries drinking lippe tea for the first time and ends up reminding claude of diana and that he’s definitely still upset by the death as if it recently happened? yeah. thats gonna hurt.
• the divergence from the story happens after that tea party and the “what does mom look like” doesn’t happen in the same way because athy already knows what her mom looks like. so she just goes ahead and draws her mom, and at first lily thinks that she’s drawing a self-portrait
• until athy uses red-pink crayons for diana’s eyes. and thats when athy states “i’m drawing mom” and that’ll lead to an awkward vibes because felix and lily thinks that she really wants to see her mom, meanwhile athy and diana are just “oh god this is a mess,,,,” because athy hasn’t made it a secret that she can see diana
• i want athy to, at one point, say “it’s okay, mom’s always with me so i’m never alone” or something along those lines
• diana was definitely by her side when athy meets lucas, and lucas cant see diana, but he knows that there’s something clinging onto athy outside of the whole magic situation athy has
• she’ll forgive him after he saves athy’s life, but she’s definitely wary until several months into their friendship
• after lucas starts keeping athy company at night on her bdays, diana is always at claude’s side until morning arrives. she knows that lucas visits athy and she knows that athy isn’t too torn up about claude not seeing her on her bday, so she’s more or less trusting lucas with watching over athy
• those “dreams” claude has while he’s on his sofa seeing diana in front of him arent actually dreams (most of the time), its just that diana’s ghost is being affected by athy’s magic or something as cheesy as that
• when lucas returns from his trip to the world tree he’s definitely able to see diana more clearly. he just doesnt really bother to outright state that he can see her. but diana’s definitely aware that he sees her when he stares at her from time to time
• it makes athy very nervous, thinking “wait can he see her or???” because before his trip to the world tree, lucas would occasionally stare in diana’s direction but it was more of a “thought someone was staring at me” kind of thing (he could sense her, but he couldn’t really see her due to his low magic)
• i think thats all that i wanted to think of???
• actually wait. the Lucathy Kiss™
• so. they definitely weren’t alone. diana was definitely there when athy suggested a kiss, and athy definitely forgot that diana was there as she gave lucas a kiss
• i’d like to imagine that diana is the type of person who loves to tease people and she’ll definitely tease athy about her first (cheek) kiss (to someone other than claude)
• of course, athy confides in diana about knowing when someone has a crush on you because it’s very obvious that ezekiel likes her and that she’s not sure what to think of it. and diana’s used to having plenty of admirers and rejecting all of them with the exception of claude
• the ruby palace concubine ghosts definitely misunderstand, and they definitely offer athy ideas and advice on how to win lucas’s infatuation that she did not ask for nor did she ever want to know
• claude’s able to occasionally catch glimpses of diana after he gets whacked by the magic branch
• ok thats it. can you tell that this is another au of mine that i really want to come back and work on? because i really do want to come back and work on this
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out of curiosity -- if i were to ever make a new wattpad under the same name (starlit-dreaming), would you want me to create a story titled “Lucathy Misc Tidbits” and essentially have me go over the ideas that I’ve posted on tumblr, but with a more proper format, additional detail, and extra ideas/concepts for the au?
ngl, i’m already thinking about maybe posting a series of oneshots based on word prompts (feel free to suggest some words via asks or dm’s for that btw, although there’s no promise that i’ll use them, but i’ll at least consider them for ideas). ao3 is my main preference for posting fanfics and i’m willing to try posting stuff on wattpad, since i’ve never posted my stories on that site before (and because i’ve been reading some lucathy fics and am highkey blaming @ilyusha-hwang​ and @lithium-15​ and at this point, i might as well).
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