#im just too attached to him i have such high hopes
romanticoutcast · 2 years
Now that you somehow mentioned it I’d love to know how you’d see tom and his personality evolving, like how he would behave 8-10 years later(whether it’s in a canon or non-canon setting)! Bc i have my very own interpretation of late-teen/young adult sawyer and I love to know other opinions abt this kind of stuff— (btw I already read and loved some of your fanfics (those where he isn’t ded lol) so I have an overall idea but i love annoying ppl)
okay okay so...i have a LOT of thoughts about tom’s personal character development both in canon, and what it might lead to in the future.
this is all gonna seem like an unnecessary summary of tom’s character, but it’s all leading up to a point i sWEAR LMAO.
i think conspiracy could serve as a huge catalyst for tom’s character development, among other things. throughout the sequel novels, he continued to worm his way out of situations he deliberately put himself and others into multiple times, mostly by his own cleverness, while always making a big show of it. the more he proves himself in the public eye, the more he wants to do it again and becomes willing to create dangerous problems just to do so. he shows the town time and time again how smart he is, how special he is, how promising his future will be. in conspiracy, tom doesn’t impress the town in court with his detective skills, like he’s done so often before. it’s not another opportunity for him to show off, the way he wanted it to be. instead he makes himself look like a liar when confessing his harebrained schemes, because everyone knows none of it makes any sense at all, and so far tom has been nothing but a beacon of intelligence and common sense in their eyes. he becomes speechless and cries about all the ways his stupid mistakes have made jim suffer, and he’s gone too far this time to fix it. he humiliates himself publicly. just as tom’s rise to glory in st. petersburg was always a public matter (like he tried to make it), so is his downfall.
he got such a big head from all this past “”success”” that he truly believes it’s impossible for him to fail. once he does, he panics, loses all of his self-assurance, and tries to get jim out of the trouble he got him into the fastest, most straightforward way possible. tom, the one who is constantly lording his intelligence over huck’s head and scolding him for being a “saphead,” desperately tells huck that he wishes he had just listened to him instead of going after glory, that he was an idiot for playing with fire. it’s obvious that the events in conspiracy have taken a huge toll on tom’s arrogance and pride, and one can only hope that he won’t mess up the same way again after this.
warning, this take on tom’s character has a LOT of sawyerberry. another catalyst for tom’s growth could be huck leaving st. petersburg. i think it’s safe to say that although tom loves huck as his best friend, he takes his friendship for granted. huck needs to get out of town, find himself to gain more confidence and make relationships outside of tom so that he’s not so codependent on him. tom needs to realize just how much huck doesn’t need him, how much huck can thrive outside of st. petersburg and without tom. huck has always been a compassionate, generous person, and tom needs to become more appreciative of all the traits he dismissed before.
also, huck influencing tom to think outside of society’s set of rules that he, for the most part, is so stuck in. huck influences tom to adopt more abolitionist sentiments. strictly speaking in a romantic sense, the realization that tom might have feelings for huck causes him to go through the very long, difficult process of struggling to accept what he feels and decide whether he’s going to stay inside his comfort zone, where it is safe, or leave it and everyone inside. him realizing he just might be part of a marginalized group of people, a group of people that a christian town like his would find the feelings he feels, that he didn’t ask for, despicable, could be a huge wake-up call.
basically i feel that through nothing but fate (and huck) humbling tom a LOT could he go down a much better path than if he just continued to make a great name for himself all the time in st. petersburg. always staying within the comfortability of his hometown and having everyone inside of it think so highly of him all the time isn’t a challenge to tom’s worst personal flaws. going against the grain of society alongside huck just might be though.
in the end i just think of a young adult tom as someone who is still too proud at times for his own good, still gets wound up too easily over good literature. but instead he moons over books within the strict safety net of his brain. he’s just as clever and cunning and capable as he has ever been, but through years and years of reflection and the very difficult process of bettering himself, he decides he doesn’t want to go to the country’s greatest law school, or become judge thatcher’s apprentice, or president! he doesn’t feel the need for the same glory he used to!! he just wants to be with huck, and so they live in a humble house on the countryside, where they’re afforded some privacy.
he’s still himself, still a somewhat deeply flawed guy. but he’s trying to be better.
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iwaasfairy · 9 months
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tw. noncon, yandere, dumbification, objectification, daddy kink, some degradation, some praise, threats, brief mention of murder and blood, hair pulling, forced oral wordcount. 4.5k
a/n. ♡ commissioned by the amazing @totalleelee ♡♡♡ here you are my loVE!!! happy late birthday to your friend as well, and I really hope you guys enjoy it! I always like getting to write new characters and Nanami was definitely a fun one. I had to make the fic longer bc I wanted moreEeeeee but yea i just really really hope you enjoy it, and thank you again a miLLIOn for commIng me iM so sO HONOUREDDD
nanami kento x fem!reader
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You should think about what you’re doing. Lying upside down off the couch with your eyes big and long, distracting lashes and your hair hanging; casting playful shadows on the floor when you move. His couch. He’d like to believe you’re doing it on purpose -hell, most people would probably be inclined to- when you’ve got that coy, little smile on your face and your shirt rides up to reveal a sliver of skin above your pants.
He would assume if you had ever dared to come onto him in any way. But you haven’t, and so he can’t, not when you remain the perfectly sweet, kind, respectful graduate they hired only a few years ago— and it makes him too aware of you.
Nanami’s not the prim and proper bootlicker Gojo jokes he looks like; so among the other sorcerers, it isn’t even too illogical that you would cling to him a little. A kouhai dumped on his doorstep when the higher-ups decided to employ them fresh out of school. If it were anyone else, he would’ve complained until the choice was overruled. But you’re not anyone else. He can’t even lie about the fact that he’s grown quite the attachment to you.
Your bubbly, engaged energy and blueberry scented shampoo and cheap coffee in styrofoam cups that you always, always forget to throw away at the end of the day. Your chattering that rings through his brain before he goes to sleep and the way you talk and talk and talk when he won’t. You’re the exact opposite of an enigma, because that would require that you left him with some mysteries, and you don’t have the ability to keep your mouth shut. He hates how easy you wind him around your little finger, and he hates that he hates it.
Nanami’s not a dependant guy- and it seems to be your goal to prove him so fucking wrong.
“Why wouldn’t that be possible? I mean, it’d be hard if suddenly a curse shows up and you’re called up in the middle of the night and have to rush to work, and our rates of serious injury are pretty high. But I think I could make it work! Y’know, communication is key and all that.” Your pretty lips shine as you ramble on. You prop your head onto one arm, and turn over so your leg is basically straddling his furniture. “Have you ever dated a non-sorcerer while you’ve been a grade one, Nanamin?”
He lets out a slow exhale, and shifts his gaze back from the lines of your throat to his book so you don’t catch him looking. “No.”
“Not once? In like twelve years?” You raise a brow like you’ve suddenly discovered he’s some ancient fossil dug up from the canal.
“I prefer not to leave my partners for weeks on end with no explanation because the sorcerer world forbids it— so no. And I didn’t graduate twelve years ago, brat.” With the spine of the book he taps your nose, before getting up from the chair to join you on the couch. The few drinks have been abandoned as you finally let the blood back out of your head and wobble like a deer, blinking too slowly. Even now, you’re pretty. Prettier than he wants you to be, taking in the soft slope of your nose and the pillowy lips and your stupid flush on your face. Brat is right.
“I think I’ll do it,” you declare after a few seconds, and rest your head back into the couch with a pout. “I get lonely. And most sorcerers have giant egos.” He’s not sure if it takes him aback -can’t place the emotion that washes over him a few inches at a time- but he finds himself watching the side of your face a little too tightly. The cogs turn in his head and send some uncomfortable cold to gather in the pit of his stomach. Your lashes flutter and some wetness lines your waterline, and he can tell that you mean it. It isn’t the alcohol, he knows you better than enough.
When you look up at him, your faces are only a few inches apart— soft breaths filling the narrow space between. Has he ever told you he loves you? He’s not a man of too many words, that’s always been more your style than his— so probably not. But he does. So much it carves a gaping hole in his chest upon impact. He doesn’t have to say anything to see the way your eyes flutter shyly with the near perfect closeness. As your silence hangs as the room disappears, his hand twitching on his thigh. Aren’t you partly his like he’s yours? That’s how it should work. It’s the only logical course of action, and so he can’t help but lean in.
You’re just too shy to say anything- right? You wouldn’t hang out with him so much if you didn’t, wouldn’t trust and touch him, or confide in him so much if you didn’t. His heart burns in his chest the closer you seem to get. But before he can finish up the gap, you giggle and back away. “Wow! Hey, we almost kissed.” Your voice is a higher pitch than normal, but still rambly. Fuck. “I didn’t expect you to be so close when I looked up,” your nose and cheeks are burning hot, “you scared me, Nanamin~”
You stand from the couch instead, and lean towards him with that little smile that drives him crazy at night. “Senpai, it’s clearly time for me to go home. I’m getting sloppy.” You are. And as much as he wants to use that as an excuse to grab you by your waist and pull you into his lap, it wouldn’t do any good. Not when you’re too busy running your mouth to understand the consequences. He loves you, but you’re one infuriating little runt. You run your hand through his hair like it’s an intrusive thought, spilling loose locks onto his forehead, and then you smack your lips. “Will you see me to the door at least?”
For not the first time, he blames your loose lips for making it so hard for him.
You’re entirely different outside the four walls of his apartment.
It’s a coincidence that he finds himself across the street as he spots you walking under the streetlights with a little jump in your step. You look a different sort of formidable— clinging to the arm of some plain fucking loser that is so very clearly drooling all over you. It’s almost pathetic how easily swayed the guy is, as you bat your lashes and smile at him. And somewhere in the back of his mind, it rings a little familiar, but common sense and logic get pushed down a little under the feeling of anger that he feels bubbling up in him.
Not at you— though he told you he didn’t think it a good idea, you’ve always been a bit dense. In need of protection. It isn’t an option, and Nanami’s responsible for you. He looks out for you. This fucking loser though, is oblivious about anything but the skin your dress is showing off. In the brief few moments he gets to spot you walking off towards your street, that much becomes clear. You love making it hard for him. You’re basically magnetic, dragging him along from whatever chore he was doing to follow behind patiently, getting more and more agitated.
See, Nanami has thought quite often about what he is, and isn’t. You forced him to think it over whenever he found his mind wandering back to you each time it had the chance, squeezing around his cock and whining out your dramatics into his mouth. In his imagination, he’s easy to wrap up into a neat bow. With a begrudgingly growing interest each time you landed on his couch, or trailed behind him like a puppy at work. It’s because of all that introspection that he decided he isn’t a good do-er. He does good, and he is perfectly adequate at doing it too. But he doesn’t do it for the praise of it.
Nanami isn’t a hero. He isn’t a vigilante.
He’s a simple guy with simple wants: you. So there’s only one reason that crystalizes in his mind as he finds himself walking a good distance behind this fucking loser that you’re blinking stars up at. It isn’t a noble one. Just that every fiber in him aches to grab the guy by the back of his neck and kick his head like a soccer ball. You wouldn’t like that much, but he still wants to do it.
You’re beaming and chattering along like you do at such a pace that you don’t even notice that he’s started to follow behind. Hell, you barely even acknowledge a passerby to move out of the way. You’re totally zoned in to your doe-eyed, little fantasies— even as the distance gets closer and closer, and he’s walking down the now familiar streets towards your apartment. And as much as he wants to blame you, he can't. Not really. It’s not like he didn’t know what a sweet little cheerleader you were when you were prancing around his office with the shortest skirts known to man and a coquettish blink of your long lashes. But it’s different when it’s some two-bit, middle aged non-sorcerer with a five o’clock shadow.
It’s different when it isn’t him. Even you must know that. You must feel it.
The sky’s darkening as your conversation goes from enthusiastic to clearly flirty, letting your giggle ring out down the lane— as he makes up the last bit of distance. The guy’s probably musty breath reaching you as he swings his arm over your shoulder, as he pulls you close. As he fills your head with all kinds of promises that he definitely won’t actually meet as soon as he gets your pretty hands around his cock. He knows it, and he knows that even your innocent, sweet personality would take a hit if that happened. You wouldn’t be able to perform well at work, and maybe even your relationship with Nanami would suffer if you got your heart broken.
There’s a very clear path before him that ends right where you’re walking up the steps towards your door, and those pretty lips form words he can’t focus on. He walks up to the door, and only now do you glance behind you and your pretty eyes go curiously wide at him. “Nanami?” You’re so fucking cute. But that stupid fucking arm around your shoulders is in his way. It blocks you from view, and ruins the sight. It’s a bother. There’s only the faintest hints of  jealousy and rage left in his veins - when he gives you a quick nod, then turns towards the guy who’s now got an awfully dumb expression on his face. It reminds him a little of a curse, blank and narrowed and disturbed. He feels eerily calm, really. It’s a simple problem with a simple solution, isn’t it.
“What are you doing here-” you start to say, before you stumble back.
Blood splatters all over, and with an awfully easy motion that stupid head rolls and drops to the floor. It’s quick, and there’s a few seconds where he waits for the resistance. The uncomfortable feeling of guilt. But it doesn’t come—
Until your shaky hand clutches almost painfully onto his shirt, pinching him. “H- Nanamin. What the hell do you think you’re doing? What did you-” You gasp, breaking off into a choked cry when your eyes take in the sight before you, before squeezing your eyes shut entirely and starting to shake harder. “What’s- why?! What did you do? Why did you do that?! I can’t- I can’t even- what- why?!”
You shove him aside, and his foot lands in the mess as you fumble sticking the key into the lock— too shaky to control your own extremities well. But your mouth still hasn’t stopped running. “Stay away! Go away! You’re- I- hick- I don’t wanna look!” You finally manage to get the key turned by the time the tears are making your cheeks entirely shiny, snot running and lip wobbly like a five year old— and sink down into a crouch to start sobbing it out into your arm. “You just killed a-an-” You can’t even make it halfway through without breaking out into another squeak. “F-for no reason. I invited him here- seriously, what’s wrong with you?”
Your face doesn’t come up again for breath until he grabs you by the arm to help you up, and you shove at him again, almost yelling this time. “No, no, no no no! Leave me alone!” This little scene you’re making is gonna attract attention, you know. “Leave me alone, I want to go in!” Before the situation can get out of hand, he pushes your door open enough to toss you inside, and the body after you. There’s a muffled little whimper from you when it lands with a thump on your floor. But as soon as he closes the door, the surge of adrenaline calms.
He just has to explain it to you, give him a minute.
“I don’t wanna- I don’t-”
For some reason, the entire situation winded him, and his beating heart bangs loudly in his chest. He drops his weapon aside and kicks off his shoes, and goes to you— where you’re cocooned in your own arms, knees to your chest. “Hey, it’s-”
“Leave me alone!” you squeak, knocking his hands away from you, only briefly looking up. “Go. Hck- go away!” You’re crying so much that your eyes are red and your cheeks puffy. But he still grabs you by your arms and hauls you up into his chest, ignoring the way you make yourself dead weight. Brat. He wants to say it, but he’s pretty sure you wouldn’t be too happy to hear it at this very moment. It’s not like he blames you. He’s always tried to shield you from the more gruesome parts of the occupation as much as possible. Of course you’d be upset. “Nanamin~” you whine.
“Shhh, just calm down. It’s all good now.” His heart still beats so loud. Maybe he was angrier than he first imagined. He carries you -much to your dismay, if your sniveling cries are anything to go off- out of the hall and into your bedroom. Where it smells of perfume and girly body lotion, and so overwhelmingly like you it takes him aback a little. You’re still crying, and still talking- but he does his best to drown it out in favor of explaining. See, he’s always been such a sucker for you. Swallowing down the slight rasp in his voice, he allows you to drop back into your bed, and looks down at you. You’re still pretty even with your eyes clenched closed, and crying like a baby. “There, ‘s okay.”
He runs his thumb along your eyes, then settles down next to you on the plush mattress. “I didn’t mean to scare you. Listen-”
“How can I -hck- listen?!” You’re quick to turn your face away from him, and wrap your arms around yourself a bit tighter— probably unaware of the distracting way you push up your tits that way in that little implication of a dress. Really, Nanami swallows, you can obviously do much better than that loser that’s probably staining your carpet at the entrance. Your lip wobbles again, before you suck it into your mouth. “I don’t know what- or how- but that isn’t okay, Nanamin. I just-”
So again, he tries to get your attention, this time by grabbing your arm. “Just listen. I did it for you- if this was anyone else I wouldn’t have been so pressed.” It’s true. No one is a priority like you are. “I had to.”
“What are you talking about? How- is killing someone- oh god, there’s a dead guy in my house, Nanamin! I don’t k- what am I gonna do? Why would you-”
“I’m trying to tell you something.” His voice is lower and sharper this time, and your eyes finally shoot open to look at him. But it isn't that adoring little look you normally have, and somehow that pisses him off too. You really need to have everything spelled out for you, huh. He loves you though, really, he genuinely, genuinely does. As more than just an equal— if he could, he’d give you everything. He just doesn’t know how to say it, staring back at the wobbly tears on your face. “I love you,” is what ends up coming out, and then a breath.
And he’d say more if you weren’t such a talker.
Your face goes a little distant for a few seconds, before you shake your head. “What does that have to do with anything?”
“I will tell you, if you just-”
“I can’t accept that, senpai! You can’t just go around and kill-”
“I was protecting you!”
“From what?!” Before you even give him a chance, a real one, you start righting yourself on the bed and run a hand under your nose. And you stare at him with such disbelief and broken trust that it makes him feel a little dizzy. He doesn’t know exactly how he imagined himself spilling his guts, but it wasn’t like this. “You need to leave. And I need to contact someone from the higher ups to- take care of- I don’t even know,” you sob, “I don’t know how any of this goes. That’s so messed up, Kento.” That’s the first time you’ve ever addressed him by his first name. Scolding him for a choice he made purely for you. He did this for you. “You need to-”
He can’t let the first time end this way.
“Stop talking.”
“Stop talking?” You echo back to him, and glare, also getting up off the bed and farther away from him— and he can’t help but follow. “What did you think was gonna happen? That I wasn’t going to say anything?” As he gets up with you, you walk back a step, and your eyes flick back and forth between him and the door a few times. But he chases, and you jump in surprise when your back meets the wall, effectively trapping you between the wall and him. “I- Nanami-”
You barely blink as you take a sharp intake of air, and then hold your hands up to his chest to keep some space between you two. “Look- just- we can talk about this, but I can’t just ignore that there’s a dead body in my house, Kento.” He’s really sick of you talking. You’re lucky he loves your voice so much, because if it was anyone else, he wouldn’t stand for it. Whatever you see in his expression must have you worried, because that slight defiance that remains gets awfully feeble when he reaches for you this time. “You’re scaring me. Please, just- hck- just back up. Let me process this, and then we can talk.”
“No, all your talking just gets in the way.” Your eyes go wide and a wave of heat washes over your features, making you look even more attractive. If he can’t tell you, he’ll just show you. You’ve got it all fucking wrong. What he feels for you is true love. Before you can go on another mad ramble, he grabs you and drags you back to bed, as gently as he can while having his hand screwed tight around your wrist. He wouldn’t ever actually hurt you. As you land on the bed, he holds you down— watching as you open your mouth to talk. But you can’t, because he’s already shoved two fingers between your lips and feels the way your hot, wet tongue squirms as he pushes them down your throat. “There, that’s better.”
Still you’re trying to talk, it’s almost funny. You whine around his fingers and gag when you can’t, breathing his name into an uncomfortable moan that just turns him on. You try to pull your head away, but you can’t. “You’re a lot sweeter when you’re not running your mouth sometimes, baby.” He can’t help it, it just comes out. He likes you so much, and you just look so cute gagging on his fingers and grabbing his sleeve like you’re not sure whether or not to pull or push. Tears start welling up along your waterline when he runs his fingertips over your soft, pink tongue. And his cock twitches in his pants.
That’s the good part, see. Even with all this fighting, you two still get along so well. You make him a better man when he’s around you. At least, in theory. He’s not crazy, he knows that holding you down and making you choke on his fingers isn’t really the best course of action -but you left him no choice- and he’s better off finishing what he started. “If you shut up,” he draws his fingers out of your mouth to start unzipping his pants, “I’ll let you breathe. If you don’t, I’ll make sure you won’t want to talk again.” It’s all up to you, pretty girl. Simple cause and effect. You take one sharp breath as you try to get out from under his weight, but there’s really nowhere you can go.
So you do what you do best, and whine. “Nanami~” It’s a baby-ish little whimper that makes him name sound so fucking good. But still. He grabs your face to squish your cheeks, and stares down at you with such intensity that you keep your cries in.
“It’s Kento.” His voice is a low, soft rumble. He wonder if it gives away the way his body feels right now, standing above you while his cock strains against his pants. They’re getting too tight to be comfortable. “Or daddy- you like that better? Say it.” You shake your head into his grip -but your ears start glowing another color brighter, almost like he’s caught you in a lie. Of course you do. You and him are made to be together. You let out another little squeak before he lets go of you to start undoing his pants. 
That apparently seems to be too much, because suddenly you’re trying to get up as you speak. “No, no, I’m not-” You’re trapped when he forces you back down and now yanks your head back by your hair, making you cry again. “Ow, please senpai— I like you, I really do- but I can’t- I- hang on.” The heat crawls up his neck to his ears watching your eyes go big as the belt falls and his pants go down his thighs. You really do look good on your fucking knees.
“I told you to stop yapping, didn’t I?” He asks in return, and finishes sliding his boxers down, kicking them aside. Then he pulls your face towards his cock and watches as you whine. “Open up for daddy. There’s only one thing your mouth’s good for.” You’re so easy to hold in place, and it sends unimaginable gratification through his body when your little tongue comes out for him. You’re really such a brat, making everything so fucking hard for him. 
You open your mouth enough for him to start pushing inside at just the slightest yank of your hair, making you whine and whimper as you shuffle around between his legs. Your hands come to rest on his thighs, but that doesn’t hold him from sliding the hot head of his cock as far as he can into your mouth right away. You look amazing drooling all over his cock, choking when he starts to move with the most patient moves he can manage. It’s not easy to do much of anything except rock himself on your soft tongue and feel your whining go down his shaft and balls. “There, now you’re making yourself useful. That’s what you do best, hm, fucking brat?”
“Agh, fuck- that’s- such a soft little mouth.” You make him feel heavenly, and by the way you’re shifting down there on the floor -trying and failing to get the friction you want- you’re also feeling it. He can tell by the way you blink up at him so slow, swallowing around him and letting that pretty voice out in the cutest, little moans. Just for him. Only ever for him. “You’re so lucky you’re this fucking cute,” he ends up rasping out, before letting you finally pull back to breathe when you start jittering. “Say something smart again, brat.”
“Agh, daddy,” you sob, drool spilling down your chin, “I’m sorry, I’m sorry. I’m really sorry.” He can tell you are. Your big eyes glossy and cheeks hot, you try to get up from the floor, and he yanks you up to turn you over instead. Your little dress rides up too easily, giving the rest of the way when he shoves it up your back. It’s almost embarrassing to see how wet you are, lacy panties soaked all the way through and peeled too easily aside to reveal that needy pussy. And you don’t even deny it, just shiver when he runs his finger up and down your slicked up cunt. “Please.”
He’s such a sucker for you, fuck. It’s almost like you know it. “My little cock slut, look at that. You’re dripping down your thighs, brat.” He spits on your center once before lining up and sliding in, and watching as your little pussy stretches around his cock with some effort— as you let out a lewd, almost desperate whine. “Fuck.” And Nanami hoists himself over you to start fucking into you, hips meeting your ass as he bottoms out, as you open your legs further to let him in. Your back half hangs pathetically over the end of the bed as he fucks into your tight, hot -so fucking hot and wet and beaming- pussy and his balls clap against you. You feel so good it’s hard to hear anything over his own heartbeat hammering wildly against his ribs.
“Daddy feel good inside?”
“Mhm, agh-yea.”
You too, baby. Nothing in the world feels as good as letting your pussy swallow and suck him in deeper, like you’re trying to hold him in that impossibly hot, blissful clutch forever. He can’t even hear much of your whining and moaning and pitiful struggle, but you probably haven’t stopped. You don’t even have the energy to close your mouth, trying to push back to meet his thrusts more even as he bumps against the end of your pussy— and his one hand is squeezed around your neck. But you look pretty this way. You look useful.
“Tell me how much you like me.”“So~ much, so much, fuck. I’m gonna cum, Kento. Daddy.” Your mouth’s still running when he snakes his hand underneath you to start rubbing at your puffy clit, and feels the way his own body starts to tighten when your walls clench wildly around him. “Fuck, I’m gonna cum. I want you to cum too, want to feel it- I wanna have you deep inside me forever, ah, ah. Oh, you feel so good, fuck.” It’s almost ironic when he thinks about it. How much he likes you running your mouth like this, begging for more. It’s poetic.
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cosmicstarlatte · 10 months
Your blog and headcanons are living in my brain since i got here, and i just want to say, thank you, i love your work 💕 also, i saw this in other posts (i was in the monster fucker side and end up in the lover side, but im not complaining) about demon relantionship dynamics and i have a question, who of the demons do you think would use an accesory made of something of MC?
TW: blood and hair being used as accesory, demon dynamic being a little disturbing.
Like imagine if with magic MC (safelly) could make jewells with their blood, or in a more victorian way, maybe a bracelet with a lock of their hair. In my mind there would be Satan and Barbatos who have the jewellry always on them but are discret, and then there is Mammon and Asmo who show whatever MC gave them with pride.
Thank you so much anon!!!♡ It's messages like these that keep me motivated, I'm honored!!! 🥰 I hope you don't mind I changed it to just items with blood 😎 I was gonna keep this short originally but ended up getting carried away. This was seriously SO fun to write! I rly think they all would!
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Giving Them An Item With Your Blood (Obey Me!)
Tags: Blood, Fluff, Demon Bros, Barb, Dia, GN!Reader, HCs
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Lucifer: "Hm? It's from ___."
If someone happens to catch a rare glance at it & are curious enough to ask, he has no problem proudly answering he got the bloody vial necklace from you. He's not shy or ashamed about it, but prefers to keep it between you & him. It usually stays well hidden behind his high collared shirts. Sometimes when he's at home in his office & shirt unbuttoned, he will fidget around with it while doing paperwork. He loves it but won't ever tell you or anyone else how very attached to it he is. ♡
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Mammon: "This one!? Not up for betting, scram!"
When isn't Mammon flashy??? The day you gave him the ring filled with some of your blood was basically the day you got married (in his mind) & he went around showing everyone. Of course some of his buddies asked if he'd bet it for a chance at clearing his debt but even that's one bet Mammon refused. He has a ritual of kissing his ring everyday, he thinks of it as his good luck charm even when he's actually having a bad day. He makes you kiss it to add extra luck (love) to it too. ♡
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Levi: "I will guard this with my life."
Let's be honest, he doesn't care what it is & would wear/take whatever you give him. Your hairbrush? He will cuddle it.
When you presented him a blood vial bracelet, he got all teary eyed & nearly fainted from excitement. It easily became his most prized possession, he takes such good care of it. He wears it openly & you can see him fidget around with it when he gets anxious. Sometimes he will lightly rub or hold it against his cheek, calming him down when he's overwhelmed. ♡
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Satan: "That's what you get for touching things that aren't yours."
His smile was radiant, blinding. Satan's gift is unique just like him & he appreciates the thoughtfulness of a handmade blood infused bookmark. It's one he takes care of & makes sure it doesn't get lost in the mess of his room. He did curse it (you'll get a hand burn) so no one else can touch it except you & him. From time to time he gets distracted by it when reading. He wants to ask if you'll attach a blood charm to the end of it too. ♡
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Asmo: "My outfit isn't complete until I put this on!"
He squealed, cried, & wouldn't let you go for the entire day after gifting him the little box of jewelry. He went on to rub it in everyone's faces & showed it off on all his socials. The main gift was a gorgeous charm, the blood swirled, glittering inside. You made sure he could pop the charm into the ring, necklace, or bracelet you also gave him in the box. He was impressed you went to such lengths just so he could always choose how to wear it each day. Even if it was a single piece though, he would've worn it no matter what, even if it "clashed" with his outfit. ♡
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Beel & Belphie: "We promise to never take it off." "You promise too ___!"
The twins immediately pulled you into bed & cuddled with you, happily accepting their gifts. You gave each a pendant, a sun for Beel & a moon for Belphie, the middle of each pendant holding your precious red liquid. You even got a star pendant for yourself to match with them although your pendant remained empty; something they noticed quickly. They happily offered up their own blood; they never minded sharing as long as it's with you. ♡♡
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Barbatos: "I'm...at a loss for words, thank you."
He kissed your cheek before turning his attention to the golden pocket watch you gave him. He handled it delicately, admiring the ancient designs etched onto it before opening it. It was a gorgeous watch, one of the inner side walls swirled beautifully with your blood. He enjoyed the hidden surprise inside for his eyes only. Truly, he was moved by your gift & made a mental note to give you something in return. ♡
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Diavolo: "An absolute treasure this is."
He gave you a tight hug, nearly cutting your air supply off. He's received many gifts throughout the years but the custom pen you gave him was now at the top of the list. Only a see-through compartment of the pen held your blood, floating around. The actual ink inside the pen was regular but refillable for permanent use. He found himself smiling a little more even when filling out the piles of paperwork on his desk. It also finally fixed his habit of losing pens, making sure he always has it on him for quick signing (& Barbatos thanks you for it). ♡
Also I like to think that if they really miss you, they'll hold their object close to their nose to get a whiff of your scent ♡ alakskfgllsskfkg
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⬦You might also like: Coffee Shop︱Two A.M.︱Pick-Me-Up
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tonyspank · 10 months
Warnings: 8k+ words, bad writing, kissing, relationship started from a bet, slightly ooc vada (idk?) reader has she/her pronouns, ur best friends is kinda a dick ig
A/N: this was highly inspired by shes all that + i'm still kinda on my break, sorry if it seems like im ignoring asks
Summary: You take on a bet from your best friend, but what happens when you start regretting your decision.
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"I'm so excited." Jordan, your childhood best friend says, smiling at you. You narrow your eyes at the brunette boy, adjusting your bookbag strap that was slipping off your shoulder. "I wonder what dish your mom is going to make this time." He adds on, that goofy smile of his never leaves his face.
"Yeah." You mumble, trying to hide your nerves about the upcoming break. "Yeah, I hope it's something delicious," you reply, forcing a smile. Jordan reads you like a book, tilting his head before letting out a soft laugh.
"Don't tell me you're worried about your parents bothering you about having a girlfriend." You shake your head, furrowing your eyebrows, as your eyes stay attached to the trail in front of you.
"It's just... this happens every holiday! Oh, Y/N, where's your girlfriend? Oh, Y/N! Who's the lucky girl?" You mock your parents before letting out a sigh and stopping your walk to face Jordan.
"Why can't I just be single and enjoy my high school experience without constantly being questioned about my love life?" you vent, frustration evident in your voice. Jordan raises an eyebrow, a smile tugging at the corners of his lips. "To be fair, you haven't brought a girl home since freshman year. And you're now a senior. Did you see how happy they were?"
You roll your eyes at Jordan, "What about Ana? I brought her home." Jordan chuckles, shaking his head. "Ana doesn't count. You faked a relationship, and your parents read right through it. They know you too well."
You sigh, memories of that awkward dinner with Ana and your parents flooding back. "Yeah, that was a disaster. I guess I just wanted to avoid the constant interrogation for a while."  Jordan smirks. "Maybe it's time you actually find someone worth bringing home."
"Yeah, sure. It wouldn't be hard to, I just need someone to be able to play the part. My parents do not care who I date whatsoever, just as long as I'm dating them." You tell him, scratching your eyebrow.
Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous glint in his eyes. "You wanna bet on it?" You raise an eyebrow in response, curious about what Jordan has in mind. "What kind of bet are we talking about here?"
"I pick the girl, and you have to bring her home to meet your parents on Christmas," Jordan says, a smirk playing on his lips. "And if you succeed, I'll do your math homework for the rest of the year."
You eye Jordan before holding out your hand. "Deal." Jordan's smile widens as he shakes your hand. "Let's go find your lover."  You laugh, following Jordan as the two of you start scanning the school for potential candidates.
"What about her?" You ask Jordan, nodding your head in the direction of a girl blowing bubbles. Jordan glances over at the girl blowing bubbles and raises an eyebrow. "Hmm, she seems carefree and fun-loving. Definitely a possibility," he teases. "But no!"
You continue searching, your eyes landing on a girl sitting alone in the library, engrossed in a book. "What about her?" you suggest to Jordan, pointing her out. Jordan observes her for a moment before responding, "Too boring."
"Ohhh, maybe her!" Jordan laughs loudly, pointing at a girl picking out her wedgie. You chuckle at Jordan's suggestion, but quickly shake your head. "I don't think so," you say, trying to stifle your laughter. "Let's keep looking."
"Hey! I'm the one picking here. I have the go-to." You shake your head. "Then pick."
Just as you say that a girl trips on her own shoelaces and stumbles forward, nearly falling face-first, Jordan bursts into laughter. "I think we have a winner!" You look over at the girl, who searches around to see if anyone has seen her embarrassing moment. She quickly regains her composure and brushes off the incident, pretending like nothing happened.
"Vada Cavell?" You yell at Jordan, "You've gotta be joking, man." Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "Hey, you said to pick. And she definitely caught my attention with that little stumble." You roll your eyes, not convinced that this is the best choice for your fake partner.
"Look. Ugly, bad personality, a bit on the smelly side, I can handle." You glance back at Vada, sighing.
"But I draw the line at someone who can't even walk without tripping over their own feet," you say, exasperated. Jordan laughs again, defending his choice. "A bet is a bet!" You open your mouth to argue again, but Jordan beats you.
"Hey, if I were you, I wouldn't be wasting my time. Because according to my calculations, you only have about four weeks to turn her into your perfect fake partner before Christmas. And if Vada Cavell is going to be that somebody, you've pretty much got your work cut off for you. "
You sigh and reluctantly agree, knowing that you can't back out of the bet now. You walk over to Vada Cavell, who is sitting with a blonde-haired girl at a table, engrossed in her phone.
"Hi, Vada. You got a second?" You ask, trying to sound casual as you approach her. Vada looks up from her phone with a hint of curiosity in her eyes. Mia, the blonde-haired girl, drops her jaw at the sight of you. You send her a small smile.
"Hi, Mia. I saw your soccer video on Instagram. "It was really impressive," you compliment, trying to make small talk. Vada raises an eyebrow, while Mia blushes. "You watch my videos?"
"You don't play soccer." Vada states matter-of-factly, glaring at her best friend. Mia looks sheepish, realizing your mistake. "Oh, sorry." You tell Mia who quickly brushes off the comment with a dismissive wave.
"So, Vada, listen," you begin, trying to redirect the conversation. "I was wondering maybe if you wanna..." Vada quickly stands up, interrupting you. "Let's go, Mia."
Mia gives you an apologetic smile before following Vada, leaving you feeling slightly embarrassed and rejected. You sigh, realizing that your attempt to ask Vada out didn't go as planned. "...embarrass me horribly in front of all these people?" You finish trailing off to yourself. You look back at Jordan, who's bending over, trying to stop himself from laughing so hard.
With a tight-lipped smile, you send him the finger, knowing that he's enjoying your embarrassment a little too much.
This was a bet, and you needed to win it. It wasn't like you were failing any of your classes, but you were tired of all the math homework Mr. Smith kept assigning. Plus, you'd love to see the defeated look on Jordan's face after Vada, and you successfully convinced your parents you found yourself a girlfriend.
In order to win this bet, you had to text Mia through Instagram direct messages and ask her where you could find Vada after school. Mia sent you a screenshot of Vada's Find My Phone, showing her location in a downtown park. You knew this was your chance to prove Jordan wrong and finally have some peace from Mr. Smith's math assignments.
Vada's eyes widen as she sees you walking closer to her, regardless, you send her your charming smile, which she doesn't reciprocate. "You know stalking is illegal in all 50 states, right?" Vada says, her voice laced with caution.
You quickly assure her that you were just trying to find her so you could talk. "I apologize if it seemed like stalking, but I genuinely wanted to have a conversation with you," you explain, hoping to ease her concerns.
"I'm not smart." Vada admits her eyes never leave yours. "What?" You breathe out a laugh, confused. "What? You think that I can tutor you or something?" Vada continues, a hint of vulnerability in her voice. "You're probably thinking, Oh, there's Vada, she dresses like a hippie—"
"—Barely has any friends."
"—She must at least be smart." You cut her off gently, placing a hand on her arm. "Vada, I have the fourth highest GPA in our grade." Vada looks at you with surprise evident in her eyes. "Really?" she asks, her voice filled with disbelief.
"Yes, really," you reply reassuringly. "It's true." You slightly jump at the sudden voice. Turning around, you see Vada's other best friend, Nick, sitting a few feet away.
"So what do you want? Is this some sort of dork outreach program?" Vada asks, rolling her eyes. "No, Vada," you say calmly, trying to hide your frustration. "I just wanted to hang out."
Vada raises an eyebrow, skeptical of your intentions. "Just hang out? With us?" she questions, her tone still laced with doubt. You nod, hoping to convince her that you genuinely want to enjoy their company. "Yeah, I thought it would be fun to get to know some new people," you explain, hoping she'll give you a chance.
"Sure, me and Vada were about to go to this stand-up comedy club. You can have my ticket if you want." Nick shrugs, ignoring the confused glare from his best friend.
Vada looks at Nick in surprise, clearly not expecting him to offer his ticket. "Really? You're giving up your ticket for her?" she asks, very confused. Nick shrugs again, flashing a grin while he holds out his ticket for you.
You take the ticket with a grateful smile, "Thank you, Nick. Are you sure? I could just buy my own if you want to go too." Nick shakes his head, "Nah, I've gotta go study for my presentation anyway." His phone chimes right after, and he quickly checks it, confirming his need to leave.
"Well, have fun at the club! Let me know how it goes," he says before hurriedly walking away. You watch him go, feeling a mix of gratitude and curiosity about why he would give up his ticket for you.
You send Vada a smile, "I guess I'm your plus one tonight." Vada narrows her eyes at you, still confused about why you, one of the most popular students in school, is so fascinated with her. "I'm still confused about why you're putting on this act. Are you trying to impress someone, or is there another reason behind it?"
You furrow your eyebrows, letting out a small laugh. "Are you always this skeptical? I assure you, there's no ulterior motive. I simply wanted to enjoy your company and spend the evening with you." Vada's expression softens slightly, but she still seems hesitant.
"Well, we should get going." Vada mumbles, brushing a small strand of hair behind her ear.
You follow Vada down the slightly busy streets, neon lights illuminating the sidewalks as people bustle by. You can't help but notice Vada's occasional glances in your direction, her guarded demeanor slowly melting away.
"I like your jewelry." It's unique and really suits your style," you comment, trying to ease the tension. Vada's face lights up with a genuine smile as she thanks you for the compliment.
"Do you always wear that letterman jacket? You look like you came straight out of a 90s movie." Vada says, laughing softly. "Oh, are you going to be an act too for this stand-up comedy thing?" You ask, joking.
"But, yeah, it's kind of my signature look," you reply with a chuckle. "I've always been drawn to that vintage aesthetic." Vada nods, her curiosity evident as she asks, "So, what other things inspire your style?"
"I don't know... I normally thrift a lot of my clothes," you admit. "Whether it's someone's old band t-shirt or their grandpa's old sweater, I love finding unique pieces. I also take inspiration from old photographs and films, especially from the 60s and 70s."
Vada smiles, clearly intrigued by your explanation. "I'm not a huge fashion before myself, but I don't know, I just like to be comfortable." You glance down at Vada's baggy attire, noticing the loose-fitting jeans and oversized hoodie.
"I totally get that," you reply. "Comfort is definitely important, and there's no right or wrong way to express yourself through fashion. It's all about finding what makes you feel good." Vada nods in agreement, playing with the drawstring on her hoodie.
There's an awkward silence as the comedian fails to deliver the punchline of his joke. Vada laughs in her own hand, trying not to be too loud. You can't help but smile as you glance at the shorter girl, confused. You lean into her ear, "I'm so confused. How was that funny?"
Vada chuckles and whispers back, "It wasn't. It was funny how no one was laughing." You glance around the room before laughing a bit yourself. She was right. Seeing the confused looks on everyone's faces made the situation even more amusing. It was as if the entire audience collectively missed the punchline.
You begin laughing even harder, unable to contain your amusement. The more you think about it, the funnier it becomes. Vada joins in on your laughter, hiding her face behind her hand as tears of laughter stream down her face.
"Why are you laughing, huh? You think it's easy to stand up here and try and do something you love?" The male comedian asks you, obviously upset that you're laughing at his expense. You quickly compose yourself, glancing at Vada, whose eyes are wide as she smiles, trying not to laugh again.
You raise your hand, trying to apologize for the misunderstanding, but the comedian interrupts you. "Well, if you think it's so easy, why don't you come up here and give it a shot?" he challenges, pointing towards the stage.
You shake your head with a tiny smile on your lips. "Come on, come up here." You squint your eyes as a light begins to shine on you from the stage. The audience starts cheering and encouraging you to take the comedian's challenge.
You look at Vada, "Go!" She says this, smiling as she pushes you from your seat. Reluctantly, you take a deep breath and make your way towards the stage, your heart beating in your chest. The comedian hands you the microphone with a smug look on his face.
Your shaky hands take the microphone, "Uh..." Your voice trembles as you try to gather your thoughts. You glance at an audience member who has a gutair strapped around their shoulder, and a lightbulb goes off in your head. "I'm not a comedian, but I can try and entertain you all another way."
With a nervous smile, you motion towards the audience member with the guitar, saying, "Can I borrow that for a second?" The audience member hesitates for a moment, but then nods and hands you the guitar. You place the microphone on its stand before stepping forward and strumming a few chords to test the sound.
"Something bad is bout' to happen to me. Why I feel this way, I don't know, baby." You sing with a raspy voice, closing your eyes and letting the music take over.
The crowd falls silent, captivated by the raw emotion in your performance. Vada is shocked, her eyes widening as she watches you on stage. She had no idea you could sing.
"I think of her so much it drives me crazy. I just don't want her to leave me."
You continue to sing Steve Lacy's iconic lyrics, pouring your heart out on stage. You hit the high notes, sending chills down the spines of everyone in the audience. This was much better than the comedy act they were just witnessing.
When you finish the song, Vada's the first one standing up and clapping, with others soon following. You open your eyes to see the crowd on their feet, their applause echoing through the venue. The look of surprise and admiration on Vada's face is priceless, and you can't help but smile broadly.
You push open the door to leave the club and are immediately greeted by a rush of cool night air. "That was so awesome! Just like...going up there and performing in front of all those people, it's such a rush," you exclaim, your eyes still shining with excitement.
Vada nods, her dimples deepening as she grins. "I never expected you to be such a natural on stage. It's like you were born to perform," she says, her voice filled with genuine admiration.
The two of you stop walking as you reach the edge of the sidewalk, taking a moment to catch your breath and let the adrenaline settle. The city lights twinkle above you, casting a magical glow on the vibrant streets below.
You glance over to Vada, and she glances back at you with a faint smile playing on her lips. "You hungry?" You ask, gesturing towards a nearby food truck. The tantalizing aroma of sizzling street food fills the air, making your stomach growl in response. Vada's eyes light up at the suggestion, and she nods eagerly, her excitement matching your own.
Vada smiles, her hair blowing in the wind due to the drop-top on your convertible. It's been three weeks since the comedy club, but the memory of that night still brings a smile to your face. The chemistry between you and Vada is undeniable, and you can't help but wonder what other adventures await the two of you.
Kali Uchis blasts through your speakers, filling the car with her soulful melodies. The warm sun kisses your skin as you drive along the scenic coastal road, creating the perfect backdrop for a carefree summer day.
You catch a glimpse of Vada through the side mirror, her hair blowing in the wind, and a contagious laugh escaping her lips. The connection between you two feels effortless, as if you've known each other for years.
"I just wanna get high with my lover!" Vada sings along to the lyrics, and you join in, "Veo una muñeca cuando miro en el espejo!"
Vada leans in closer to you, kissing your cheek gently while she sings more of the lyrics. "Kiss, kiss! Looking dolly, I think I might go out tonight. I just wanna ride get high in the moonlight."
The song proceeds to play, and your singing becomes more enthusiastic, matching Vada's energy. You both dance and laugh, completely lost in the moment. Soon, you both arrive at the beach, your phone ringing as you step outside the car.
"Hello?" You answer the phone and hear Jordan's voice on the other end. "Y/N! Where are you? I just stopped by your house, and you weren't there. I wanted to hang out tonight."
Vada waits patiently for you to end the phone call, holding all of your stuff in her hands.
"Oh, I'm uh...I'm not home right now." You mumble into the phone, scratching your nose. "Well, no shit. Where are you?"
"I'm actually at the beach with Vada," you reply, glancing at Vada, who raises an eyebrow curiously. "But maybe we can hang out tomorrow." You can basically hear the grin on Jordan's face.
"The beach, huh? You and Vada have been hanging out nearly every damn day. Don't tell me you're actually enjoying this bet, Y/LN." You chuckle and respond, "Goodbye, Jordan."
You quickly end the call, sending Vada a smile. You take the items from her hands, thankful for her help. As you start setting up your spot on the beach, Vada asks, "So, what did Jordan want?"
"To bother me," you reply with a dismissive wave. "He's always trying to pry into my business." Vada raises an eyebrow, clearly intrigued, but respects your privacy and doesn't press further. A part of you feels bad for becoming friends with Vada under such circumstances. She was a chill and easygoing person, and you found yourself truly enjoying yourself around her.
You couldn't help but wonder if you should tell her about the bet going on between you and Jordan or if you should just end the friendship altogether. It was a difficult decision to make, as you didn't want to risk losing the connection you had with Vada, but at the same time, keeping such a secret felt dishonest.
"Hey, where's the pump for this?" Vada asks, holding up the beach ball you packed with the rest of the beach gear. You smile, grateful for the distraction from your internal dilemma, and point her in the direction of the pump, except it's not there.
"Oh, shit." You frantically search through the beach bag, realizing that you must have forgotten to pack the pump. "Here, I'll just blow into it." You offer, trying to come up with a quick solution. However, as you start blowing into the beach ball, you quickly realize that it's going to take a lot more effort than you anticipated.
You feel yourself getting lightheaded as you continue to blow into the beach ball, desperately trying to inflate it. Vada giggles at your struggle, you send her a playful glare, but her laughter only encourages you to keep going.
"What if we take turns?" Vada suggests, hoping to alleviate some of the strain on you. You gratefully agree, handing her the faintly inflated beach ball. You expect her to wipe off the ball since your mouth was in fact directly on it, but she doesn't seem to mind.
Your heart begins racing. You basically just shared a kiss with Vada, even if it was through a beach ball. The thought of it sends a rush of excitement through your veins.
Vada hands you the ball back, slightly out of breath. You smile, hesitating for a moment before placing your lips on the ball again. After a while, the ball is fully inflated, and you both start tossing it back and forth, laughing and enjoying each other's company.
"Don't let it drop!" Vada yells out, her laughter echoing across the beach. You run as fast as you can, determined to keep the ball in the air. The sand squishes between your toes as you dive to smack it back into the air. The sound of the ball hitting your palm fills the air, creating a rhythmic pattern that matches the beat of your racing heart.
"God, do you play volleyball?" Vada asks, her eyes widening with excitement. You shake your head, catching your breath, and reply, "No, but I guess I could give it a try!"
You smack the ball a bit too hard, and it flies over Vada's head, landing in the sand behind her. She turns around, a playful grin on her face, and says, "I'm definitely not getting that." You chuckle, running over to retrieve the ball. Before you can, someone kicks it away, sending it rolling further down the beach.
"The fuck—" you stop yourself, looking up and noticing Jordan. Jordan, with a mischievous smirk on his face, shrugs and says, "Oops, my bad! Thought I'd give you a challenge."
"What are you doing here?" you ask, slightly annoyed by Jordan's interference. He chuckles and replies, "Just enjoying the beach with my friends."
You look behind him, noticing he's brought company—some of your friends and other people you've hung around with before. They wave at you, smiling and clearly excited to see you. Jordan adds, "We thought it would be fun to have a little gathering here. Hope you don't mind."
You narrow your eyes at your best friend. "You're an asshole. You're only doing this because I told you I was hanging out with Vada here." Jordan raises an eyebrow, feigning innocence. "Come on, don't be like that. It's just a coincidence that you're both here too."
You let out a sigh, realizing that Jordan's actions were most likely intentional. Despite feeling annoyed, you decide to put aside your frustration and make the best of the situation. "Alright, fine. Now go get my beach ball."
Jordan smirks, clearly enjoying the power he holds over you. "Sure thing, but only if you promise to introduce me to Vada later." You roll your eyes, knowing that Jordan's ulterior motives are far from innocent.
You walk over to Vada, plopping down beside her on her towel. She looks up at you with a smile, unaware of the tension between you and Jordan. "Sorry about that. He just invited himself...and everyone else."
Vada smiles, shaking her head. "It's okay. If we're going to be friends, I'd have to meet your other friends anyway." You chuckle, relieved that Vada doesn't seem bothered by Jordan's presence.
You begin unbuttoning your shirt, feeling a bit hot in it, leaving you in your white tank top. Vada glances over at you, her eyes lingering for a moment before she looks away, a faint blush creeping onto her cheeks.
Jordan walks over and throws the beach ball, obviously aiming to hit your face. You quickly catch it, sending your best friend a glare. Jordan lets out a silly laugh, clearly enjoying the playful banter. Vada raises an eyebrow at Jordan's antics, but her smile remains intact as she watches the interaction between the two of you.
"Someone has the guns out." Austin, another one of your friends says, walking toward the group with a mischievous grin. You roll your eyes at his comment, playfully flexing your muscles in response.
"You mean these?" You flex your biceps, exaggerating the muscles for comedic effect. Austin chuckles and nods, teasingly adding, "Yeah, those tiny peashooters." You playfully throw the ball at him, pretending to be offended by his remark.
"Alright, stop showing off in front of the pretty lady." Jordan teases, winking at Vada. Vada's face breaks into confusion, as she wonders if Jordan's comment was meant as a compliment or a joke. She looks at Austin for clarification, who shrugs and smirks, leaving her even more uncertain about the situation.
"Let's play a full game of volleyball," Austin suggests, picking up the beachball that had been thrown at him. Vada eagerly agrees, grateful for the distraction from the awkward tension between Jordan and herself.
You all split into two teams, with Vada and Jordan on one side and Austin and you on the other. Jordan serves the ball with a powerful swing, causing Austin to dive to the sand to make a save.
"Stop trying so hard, bitch!" Austin yells at Jordan with a smile on his lips. Jordan laughs, brushing off the comment with a playful smirk. The friendly banter between them lightens the atmosphere, allowing everyone to relax and enjoy the game even more.
Mid-game, Vada takes off her slightly baggy shirt, which she tied with a knot at the front, revealing her bikini. You notice Jordan staring at Vada, his eyes lingering on her, causing jealousy to rise within you.
You smack the ball against Jordan's head, catching him off guard and breaking his gaze. He glares at you, earning a shrug, as you innocently raise your hands in defense. "You had a bug on your head."
You're dropping Vada off at her house after the game when she turns to you with a smile. "Thanks for saving me from Jordan's ogling," she says, playfully nudging your arm. "I owe you one."
You smile, blushing a bit. "You saw that?" You ask, your eye's widening slightly. Vada chuckles and nods, her eyes twinkling mischievously. "Oh, I definitely saw that. You were like my personal superhero swooping in to save the day."
"Well, I couldn't let him make you uncomfortable," you reply, feeling a surge of protectiveness. "I'm always here to look out for you." Vada's smile widens, and she leans in closer. You glance behind her and say, "I could walk you to the door.
Vada blinks and looks at you, her expression softening. "Sure." You quickly get out of the car, making your way to Vada's side. Shoving your hands in your pockets to hide your nerves, you match Vada's pace as you both walk towards her front door. The night air is cool, but the warmth of Vada's presence makes it feel comforting.
"If you want, we could hang out tomorrow?" You ask, hoping to spend more time with Vada. Before she could respond, her front door flies open. A short figure emerges from the doorway, causing both you and Vada to pause. It's Vada's younger sister who greets you with a friendly smile.
"Hey, guys! What are you up to?" she asks, oblivious to the tension in the air.
"Oh my god, Amelia." Vada exclaims, clearly annoyed with her younger sister's interruption. Amelia shrugs innocently, not realizing the impact of her sudden appearance. Vada takes a deep breath, trying to calm herself before addressing the situation.
"Mom! Vada brought a lesbian home!" Amelia shouts, slightly turning her head towards her mother, who is in the next room.
Everyone freezes, unsure of how to react to Amelia's unexpected announcement. Vada's face turns red with embarrassment while you thin out your lips, confused and a bit amused.
Vada's mouth drops. "I am so sorry." She says to you, her voice filled with genuine remorse. You shrug her off while Amelia gasps. "Oh, are you not a lesbian?"
You chuckle, "Um...I do like girls." Before Amelia could press you for more information, Vada's mom appears in the doorway. "What's going on here?" she asks, her voice laced with worry. Vada quickly explains the situation, hoping to diffuse any potential tension.
"I was just dropping Vada off from the beach," you also add, trying to ease any concerns. "We were just having a casual conversation, nothing serious." Vada's mom looks relieved and nods understandingly.
"Well, as long as everyone is okay," she says with a smile. You exchange a grateful glance with Vada, grateful for her mom's understanding.
"Would you like to stay for dinner?" Vada's mom offers, wanting to extend her gratitude for your honesty and reassure you that everything is alright. You glance at Vada, who stares at her mom with a shocked expression. "That would be really nice," you respond, feeling touched by Vada's mom's kindness.
Dinner was fun. Amelia had no filter, which made everything hilarious and entertaining. She shared funny and embarrassing stories of Vada, which Vada tries to interrupt with playful protests. Despite the initial shock, Vada soon joins in on the laughter, realizing that her sister's antics brought out a huge and genuine smile on your face.
There were also serious moments during dinner where Vada's parents questioned you about your future plans and aspirations. They were genuinely interested in your goals and offered advice and support. It was refreshing to have such meaningful conversations with Vada's family, making you feel like a valued member of their circle.
You throw yourself on Vada's bed, falling face first onto the soft pillows. Vada plops on top of your back, laughing at your dramatic entrance. She soon rolls off of you, and you lay on your back, gazing up at the ceiling.
Vada was such a breath of fresh air in your life. Her carefree spirit is infectious, and you can't help but feel happy every single time you're around her.
She has a way of making even the simplest moments feel special, and her laughter is like music to your ears. Being friends with Vada has brought so much joy and light into your life, and you can't imagine what it would be like without her.
Fuck this bet, you think to yourself. Vada's friendship is worth so much more than any silly wager.
"You look deep in thought." Vada's voice interrupts your contemplation, pulling you back to the present moment.  "What's on your mind?" she asks, her eyes filled with genuine concern.
You turn your head towards Vada, a small smile forming on your lips. "I was just thinking about how grateful I am to have you as a friend," you say sincerely. "Your friendship means the world to me."
"You're so sappy." Vada mumbles, laughing softly. You break out into a smile. "I'm pouring my heart out here, c'mon!" You tease playfully, putting on an Italian accent.
Vada rolls her eyes, but her smile betrays her amusement. "That was one of the worst Italian accents I've ever heard," she says, chuckling. "But...you mean a lot to me too."
You feel a warm rush of affection as Vada's words sink in. "I'm glad to hear that," you reply, licking your lips. A comfortable silence falls over the two of you as you both bask in the genuine connection and shared vulnerability. Your eyes never leave each other, as if speaking a language that only the two of you understand.
"Is that all?" Vada breaks the silence. "Or is there something else you want to say?"
"Be my girlfriend?" Vada's eyes widen with surprise, and she stares at you.  She takes a moment to process your words before responding, "Okay."
"I'm even more excited than I was." Jordan smiles, "I can't believe you got away with that." You shake your head at your best friend, an eye roll following.
"No, seriously. You asked her to be your girlfriend, it's barely been a month, and you didn't even kiss her after? Shits crazy."
You put the last plate on the table, "Shut the fuck up, Jordan."
Jordan chuckles, raising his hands in surrender. "Alright, alright, I'll drop it. But seriously, man, you might've won this bet. Still gotta get the parents approval, though."
You let out a sigh, saying, "Maybe we should drop this bet, man." Jordan raises an eyebrow, a mischievous grin forming on his face. "Are you getting cold feet already? Come on, don't tell me you're chickening out now."
You shoot him a glare but can't help but feel a twinge of doubt. "It's just... I don't want to risk ruining our friendship over some stupid bet." Jordan starts to smirk. "Oh shit, you actually caught feeling for her? You can't be serious."
You roll your eyes, trying to brush off Jordan's teasing. "So, what? She's a nice girl, and I don't want to mess things up with this stupid bet about her."
Jordan chuckles, bringing his fist to his mouth. "I can't believe you're actually considering backing out because of a little crush. You've never been one to shy away from a challenge before."
He sighs, adding to his argument. "How about this? If your parents go for it, we'll drop the bet. But if they don't, you have to tell her it was a bet and apologize for any hurt feelings. It's only fair to give her the truth and a chance to decide if she still wants to pursue a relationship with you."
"Fine." You mutter, leaving the room with a heavy sigh.
Vada arrives at your doorstep, a nervous smile on her face. She seems unaware of the bet that has been made and the doubts that have been plaguing you. As you open the door, you can't help but wonder if this could be the start of something real or if it's all just a game that will eventually come crashing down.
You bring Vada into a hug, mumbling into her ear, "I'm glad you're here." Vada returns the hug, sighing contentedly. You pull away, looking into her eyes.
"My dad is in the kitchen." Vada nods, hearing Bad Bunny blaring from the speakers. "Where's your mom?" You begin walking toward the kitchen, "She's in the living room, finishing up the tree. I'll introduce you to her later. Let's go say hi to my dad first." Vada smiles and follows you, playing with her ring as you lead the way.
"Una dominicana que es uva bombón!" Your dad shouts, singing the lyrics. Jordan joins in, singing the next line. "Uva, uva bombón!" You facepalm, shaking your head at their silliness. Vada giggles, clearly amused by their antics.
"Dad!" You shout, trying to regain their attention. "We have a guest here, remember?" Your dad and Jordan finally notice Vada standing there, and their faces light up with surprise and excitement. "Oh wow, who do we have here?" your dad asks, extending his hand towards Vada.
"This is Vada, my girlfriend." You introduce Vada with a smile. Vada returns the gesture, shaking your dad's hand warmly. "Girlfriend? Am I dreaming?" your dad exclaims, a wide grin spreading across his face. "I never thought I'd see the day! It's great to finally meet you, Vada."
You sigh at your father. "Es bonita, mija." You clear your throat, blushing a bit. "Suficiente papá." Your dad chuckles and playfully nudges you. "No need to be shy. I'm just happy to see you happy." Vada smiles warmly at both of you, grateful for the warm welcome.
Your mom walks in, her eyes widening with surprise as she takes in the scene. "Well, well, well," she says with a smirk. "Looks like someone finally found themselves a catch." You roll your eyes at your mom's teasing, but deep down, you appreciate her support and acceptance.
Vada begins talking to your parents while you excuse yourself to speak to Jordan. "Looks like I won the bet." You say with a playful smile, feeling a sense of triumph. Jordan chuckles and shakes his head, admitting defeat.
"Jordan, Y/N, come help me bring out the food." Your mom calls out, breaking the playful banter between you and Jordan. You both exchange amused glances before making your way to help her, Vada also joins, eager to lend a hand.
Jordan is the last to leave the kitchen, hearing your parents talk about Vada. "Crees que es otro truco?" Your dad asks your mom. Jordan leans against the kitchen counter, listening intently to your parents' conversation about Vada. He raises an eyebrow, curious about their suspicions.
"No lo sé, cariño. Parece genuino, no crees?" Your dad shrugs at your mother's question, contemplating the authenticity of Vada's intentions. Jordan rushes out to the dining room, catching you staring at Vada like a lovesick puppy.
"Y/N." Jordan calls out your name, interrupting your daydreaming and bringing you back to reality. You hum, nodding your head at him. "Can I talk to you for a second?" You nod and follow Jordan to a quieter corner of the room.
"I heard your parents talking about how they think this is a trick." He begins to smirk, "Maybe this bet may be mine anyways." You roll your eyes, tired of this stupid bet.
"Whatever bro. I just wanna eat and enjoy dinner without any drama." Jordan chuckles, his smirk fading slightly. "Come on, Y/N. You know it's all in good fun. Besides, it's not like Vada and you are actually gonna last." You raise an eyebrow at him, wondering what he's getting at.
"What do you mean by that?" you ask, leaning in closer to Jordan. "Are you trying to say that Vada and I don't have a real connection?" Jordan shrugs, a sneaky glint in his eyes. "I'm just saying, Y/N, relationships at our age rarely go the distance. But hey, prove me wrong."
You scoff at him, "Sure...whatever you say. Don't be shocked when Vada and I prove you wrong and end up together for the long haul." Jordan raises an eyebrow, his sneaky glint fading slightly. "Well, I guess time will tell," he concedes, a hint of doubt in his voice.
When dinner ends, everyone begins to clean up and put away the dishes. "Have you seen my AirPods anywhere?" you ask Jordan, hoping he might have seen them. "You left them in my car like an entire month ago."
You roll your eyes and playfully nudge him. "Seriously? You couldn't have mentioned that earlier?" Jordan chuckles and shrugs. "I guess I wanted to see how long it would take for you to realize they were missing."
"You're a dickhead."
"Language!" From the kitchen, your mom scolds, reminding you to watch your language. You sheepishly apologize and snatch Jordan's keys from him. He glares at you, pulling at his phone that began ringing in his pocket.
"Wanna get some air?" You ask Vada, gesturing towards the open front door. Vada nods, following behind you as you step outside. "Your parents are nice. They're pretty chill, and your mom is honestly like drop-dead gorgeous."
You chuckle. "Do I have to compete with my mom for your attention now?" Vada laughs and playfully nudges you. "Nah, don't worry. You're more than enough for me."
You walk to Jordan's car, leaning against it as you wait for Vada to join you. "Wanna sit in the car?" You suggest, knowing that it might be more comfortable than standing outside. Vada considers for a moment before agreeing, "Sure, why not? It's a bit chilly out here." You both settle into the car, leaning back in the back leather seats.
Silence falls between you as you take in the peacefulness of the moment.
You look over at Vada, a soft smile playing on your lips. Vada turns her head to you before sitting up in her seat, leaning forward slightly. Her eyes fall to your lips, staring at them intently.
Without thinking, she leans in closer, capturing your lips with a gentle yet passionate kiss. The warmth of her touch sends a shiver down your spine, and you find yourself lost in the moment, forgetting about the chilly weather outside.
The kiss begins to deepen as Vada's hands slide up to cup your face, pulling you even closer. You find yourself melting against her lips, savoring the taste of her soft, sweet breath.
You pull away, breathless and hot, your heart racing as you lock eyes with Vada. "Can I turn on the A/C?" You mutter to the freckled-faced girl. Vada chuckles but nods regardless.
You put the key in the ignition and start the car, the engine purring to life. The cool air from the A/C quickly fills the car, providing a refreshing contrast to the heated moment that just transpired.
You bring Vada into another kiss, more passionate and urgent than before. The intensity between you both grows as you explore each other's mouths, losing yourselves in the heat of the moment. Your hand is tangled in Vada's hair, pulling her closer to you if that were possible.
"Y/N's still doing that bet with Vada?" You recognize that voice, it was Austin. You pull away from Vada, your eyes falling on Jordan's car screen, confirming he was on the phone with Austin. It must've connected to the car automatically, allowing Austin's voice to fill the car.
You quickly release Vada and feel a rush of embarrassment wash over you. You exchange a nervous glance with Vada, hoping Austin doesn't go in detail about the bet you've been participating in.
"It's silly, really. This all started because she didn't wanna do her math homework? So she decided to start dating baby Adam Sandler and introduce her to her parents? That's pretty fucked up. If I were Vada, I'd be pissed."
You close your eyes, taking a deep breath to steady your racing heart. The weight of Austin's words hangs heavy in the air. You hope that Vada understands that it was all just a silly game and that she won't hold it against you.
"Is he serious? A bet? Am I a bet to you?" You feel a knot forming in your stomach as Vada's voice trembles with hurt and disbelief. The realization hits you like a ton of bricks, and you quickly shake your head, desperately trying to find the right words to explain yourself.
"Am I a fucking bet to you?" Vada's voice cracks with anger, and tears well up in her eyes. The pain in her words cuts deep, leaving you speechless and filled with regret. You reach out to touch her arm, hoping to convey your sincerity and remorse, but the damage may already be done.
Vada pushes away your arm, opening the car door and slamming it shut behind her. Her actions speak louder than words, and you watch helplessly as she walks away, leaving you to grapple with the consequences of your thoughtless words.
Jordan rushes to the driver's side of the door, out of breath. "Did she hear?" Jordan asks, panting as he rests his hand on the car door. The worry in his eyes mirrors your own as you shake your head, uncertain of how to fix the mess you've made. "She did."
It's been two days, and you've called Vada's phone and sent multiple texts, but there's been no response. The silence only amplifies your guilt and regret as you desperately hope for a chance to apologize and make things right.
You decide to call her house phone, surprised when someone answers. "Mrs. Cavell?" You ask on the phone, hoping to speak with Vada's mother. "It's Amelia, asshole. Don't call again."
You're bewildered by the harsh response from Amelia. You never expected her to be so angry and hostile toward you. "Amelia, please. Just put your sister on the phone."
You plead, hoping to reason with Amelia and convince her to let you speak with Vada. However, Amelia's voice remains firm and cold as she refuses your request, leaving you feeling even more desperate and regretful.
"If I buy you $100 worth of slime supplies, will you let me talk to Vada?" you offer, trying to find a compromise. But Amelia's response is immediate and resolute, "No amount of slime supplies will change my mind. Don't contact us again."
"Fine! $200!" you exclaim, desperation creeping into your voice. Amelia stays silent for a moment, finally giving in. "Our parents are out. If you come over, you have ten minutes to speak to her." Relief washes over you as Amelia finally agrees to let you talk to Vada, even if it means spending more money.
With a renewed sense of urgency, you quickly make plans to rush over to their house within the given time frame, hoping that this opportunity will help mend the strained relationship between you and Vada.
You burst through Vada's room, and she jumps up in surprise, her eyes widening as she takes in your unexpected presence. "I'm on limited time by your sister, so I have to make this quick."
You take a deep breath, walking closer to Vada. "I made that bet before I met you, Vada. And spending time with you made me realize that winning that bet was not what was important anymore. What matters to me now is repairing our relationship and showing you how much you mean to me."
Vada's expression softens as she listens, her guard slowly starting to come down. "I never wanted to hurt you, Vada. I want us to start fresh and build something real together."
"What was it for anyway? I mean, what did you end up losing?" Vada asks, her curiosity piqued. You take another step closer before continuing. "I lost a lot of things, Vada. I lost your trust, our connection, and the chance to truly be there for you. But what I gained was the realization that you are the most important person in my life and the one girl that my parents truly approve of."
Vada stands up, playing with the bottom of her shirt. She looks down for a moment, deep in thought, before finally meeting your gaze. "Don't make me sing again." You jokingly mutter, looking down at the shorter girl.
Vada's eyes widen, and a small smile tugs at the corners of her lips. "No, not this time," she says playfully. "But I do expect you to make it up to me in some other way."
You smile, leaning down and lifting Vada's chin with your finger. Vada glances at your lips before looking back up into your eyes. You smirk before closing the distance between you, capturing her lips in a gentle kiss.
Your worries fade away, drowning in the sound of your heart pounding against your ribcage. Vada's arms wrap around your neck, pulling you closer, and you can't help but let out a content sigh against her lips.
As you pull away, Vada's cheeks flush with a rosy hue, and she bites her lip, opening her mouth to speak but is interrupted. "Ten minutes is up. Where's my $200?" Amelia says from Vada's door, holding out her hand expectantly.
Vada pulls away from you, confused. "What is she talking about?" You clear your throat. "I might've...um...made a deal with Amelia so she could let me talk to you."
Vada's eyes widen in surprise as she processes your words. "You paid her to see me?" she asks, laughing. You smile sheepishly, "Well, I wanted to make sure I had a chance to talk to you without any interruptions. It was worth every penny."
Vada's laughter fills the room as she playfully nudges your shoulder, "You're ridiculous, but I'm glad you did."
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megalony · 4 months
Medic Mode
This is an Eddie Diaz imagine, requested by anon, I hope you will all like it. I tried to make it as fluffy as I could. Any feedback is always lovely.
Taglist: @lunaticspoem@sj-thefanthefan@hellsdragon@im-an-adult-ish@crazylittlethingg@allauraleigh@onceuponadetectivedemigod@ceres27@avyannadawn@sleepylunarwolf@coverupps@justagirlthatlovedtoread @musicistheway @avada-kedavra-bitch-187 @luula @missdreamofendless @bradleybeachbabe @woderfulkawaii  @amberpanda99 @daggersquadphantom @marvel-and-chicago-fan @angryknightstatesmantrash @minjix @lyjen @kmc1989 @itsmytimetoodream @noonenuts @hiireadstuff @ashie-babie @classyunknownlover @jayyeahthatsme @sp1ritssz @dumb-fawkin-bitch @oliverstarksbae @gimatida @heart-35
Eddie Diaz Masterlist
Summary: While Eddie is at work, (Y/n) has a small cooking accident. And when he finds out, he looks after her and patches her up.
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"Chris, I need to head off now. You be good for me and I'll be back tomorrow night, okay?" Eddie strapped his watch around his wrist before he crouched down beside the sofa where Chris was laid out. He was curled up in his pyjamas and dressing gown with a blanket around his legs. It was almost time for bed.
Eddie was doing a double shift, working twenty four hours straight from tonight until tomorrow night. It was going to be a killer, but it meant he would have the next few days off after this.
"Okay, love you."
"I love you too." With his hand pressed against the back of Chris's head, Eddie kissed his temple and leaned over to hug him before he got to his feet.
He had tried to take a nap this afternoon before Chris got home from school so he would be prepared to go all night and all through tomorrow. Eddie didn't sleep at the station unless he was doing a long run of shifts all meshed together. He couldn't very well turn up for a night shift and try to catch a few hours of sleep not long after he arrived, and he wanted to be rearing and ready to go when he got there.
He pulled back from the sofa with a lasting smile on his face for Chris before he moved towards the hall.
"Okay mi amor, I gotta go." His eyes focused on the hem of his shirt which he tucked into his trousers but when Eddie lifted his head, all the blood drained down to his feet. His lips suddenly went very dry and his jaw hung open but he couldn't find anything else to say.
Oh, that wasn't fair.
How was Eddie supposed to leave for a double shift when (Y/n) looked like that? She was burning her image into his eyes and leaving it cemented into his brain. How could he go out on a call and try to focus when his wife was at home looking that good? How was he supposed to head to work and not stay here when she looked that appealing to him?
The sight of her stood there like that was enough to make Eddie growl and rethink going into work tonight.
It was clear that (Y/n) had just gotten out the shower. She was wearing one of Eddie's plain cotton shirts and a pair of his boxers that were glued rather shapely around her bum. And his shirt hung off her left shoulder as if giving him a sneak preview of what he was missing out on but it was the way his shirt was bunched up over her hip and partly tucked into the boxers that made it hard to stay in control. He wanted to go over there and rip it over her head and drag the boxers down to her ankles.
He swallowed harshly as he watched (Y/n) pad barefoot down the hall, one hand tangled in her hair, brushing it back across her shoulder.
"Really?" His voice came out a lot deeper than he intended and he saw the confusion pool in (Y/n)'s eyes as she approached him.
A shiver rolled down (Y/n)'s spine when his arms coiled around her waist and he dragged her closer until her chest bumped into his. His chin brushed against her shoulder and his lips attached to her neck as he absentmindedly leaned up and lifted her high enough that she had to push up on her tiptoes to balance against him.
The feeling of him breathing harshly and sucking at her neck had her knees going weak but when she looked at the watch strapped on his wrist, she knew he was going to be late if he stayed. And Christopher was still awake, they couldn't exactly do anything without him hearing or noticing. He was an observant kid.
"Baby you'll be late," She turned her head to look at him but he caught her lips in a kiss instead and she could feel his hands slip beneath her shirt. His palms pressed flat against the dip in her lower back before she felt his fingertips trace lower and dip past the waistband of his boxers she was wearing.
His shift was going to feel like a week instead of a day with (Y/n)'s image burned into his mind like this.
"Then you shouldn't entice me to stay." He growled and he felt (Y/n) suck in a deep breath when he took her bottom lip between his teeth. He was all prepared to leave until she walked out looking like this.
"Sorry baby," Sincerity flooded her voice while she cupped Eddie's face in her hands and pecked his lips again before she tried to wriggle out of his arms.
It didn't work. His hands slipped lower into the boxers until both hands had a grip on her bum and he stepped closer, pressing every ridge of his body against hers. When he dug his fingers into her flesh, (Y/n) rolled her lips together and pressed her nose against his cheek.
Maybe she should walk him to the door to make sure he actually left. It wouldn't do him any favours to be late to work when he had a clean track record so far.
She gave him a gentle nudge until he was walking backwards, his arms tightening around her waist with his elbows digging into her hips. Her hands reached up to rub across his chest and she continued to nudge him backwards while he stole kiss after kiss from her lips like it was the last time he was going to see her and he was getting his money's worth.
"Don't wanna go when you look like that. It's teasing."
He had to get his head in gear and rush into uncertain situations with this image of (Y/n) at the forefront of his mind. He had to save people and clean the trucks and tend to wounds and injuries and run into burning buildings, all while (Y/n) danced across his mind, looking like this.
"I wasn't trying to tease you baby… you're back tomorrow night, I'll be all your tomorrow."
"Hm, but I want you now."
A gasp tumbled past (Y/n)'s lips when one of Eddie's hands suddenly unhooked from her behind and reached up for the collar of her shirt that was halfway down her shoulder. With it being Eddie's shirt and two sizes too big for her, the collar was looser and easier to move. It let Eddie hook a finger into the collar and drag it further down her arm, exposing her chest to his prying eyes.
(Y/n) tilted her upper half back just as Eddie's lips attached to her chest. Both hands moved to his shoulders and she gave him a strong push until he had to reel back up and disconnect from her chest. She dragged the shirt back up her shoulder, hiding the view he had given himself which made him groan.
"Go to work, Edmundo."
Eddie moved one arm behind him to unlock the door and grab his keys from the lock. When the door opened, he begrudgingly let (Y/n) push him back until he was over the threshold like a lovesick puppy waiting outside for her. But the moment she was out of his arms, Eddie planted one hand on the doorframe and the other on the door. Preventing her from closing the door on him.
He waited until (Y/n) cupped his face in her hands and tugged him down to press a feverish kiss to his lips. She let him swipe his tongue across her lower lip, begging for entrance before she pulled back, mumbling a quiet 'I love you' and 'goodbye' against his lips before giving him a final nudge out the door.
One whole day.
How was he going to survive with that image burned into his mind and the desire bubbling away inside of him?
"Next one," Chris murmured and swiped his hand across (Y/n)'s phone until the next song started to play. He wanted the upbeat songs to play so he could dance and stim while they made dinner.
"Here you go baby."
(Y/n) set down the jar of mayonaise in front of Chris who was stood with the salad bowl in front of him. They had made their own coleslaw tonight, something Chris was starting to master. They hadn't quite mastered making their own mayonaise yet but that was next on their list.
"Save some for your dad," She reminded as he tipped half the jar into the bowl before he began to mix it in.
She always plated Eddie a meal up because she knew what it was like down at the station. He didn't always get a chance to eat with how hectic their days could be. Most of the time the team managed to eat lunch but not tea and Eddie would be hungry when he came home.
(Y/n) began nodding her head along to the music while she found a knife and began cutting up the chicken.
Her lips curved into a smile when Chris let go of the spoon and started to wave his hand at his side, curling two of his fingers into his palm as he began to stim. Chris didn't always enjoy cooking but sometimes, when he was in the mood, he loved being in the kitchen. Baking was something he preferred rather than cooking dinner and he loved making pancakes for breakfast.
"Dad home tonight?"
"Yep, he'll be back just before you go to bed."
She started humming the tune while Chris finished up mixing the coleslaw and began rocking back and forth as he sang the song.
"I think your dad-" (Y/n)'s words mashed into a scream when the knife slipped along the side of the chicken and pierced into the side of her hand.
Her body stiffened, her elbows pinned against her waist and her eyes snapped closed when a blinding pain scoured through the base of her left palm. Pain was all (Y/n) could feel, shooting through to her fingertips and down her wrist towards her elbow in electrifying bolts.
Her right hand began to shake when she dared to open her eyes that were already watering on impact. She blinked away the tears and tried to stare down at her hands but the sight made her gulp.
The knife had pierced into the edge of her hand just below her little finger and made a slice up towards her middle finger, right through her palm. The tip of the knife was still imbedded in her hand just below her finger and (Y/n) didn't feel anything when she slid the knife out and dropped it onto the counter.
She took three stumbling steps away from the counter so she didn't get blood all over the chicken. The last thing she wanted was to ruin dinner and have to make something else and take twice as long.
Blood poured through the grooves of her fingers. It trickled steadily down her wrist towards her forearm and splatters dropped down onto the floor at her feet.
"Mum, you hurt?" Chris stepped back and started to wave his arms at his sides and flap them like he was trying to take flight.
"No… no I'm okay baby… w-why don't you play a video game, while I clean up? Please?"
The moment Chris hurried out the kitchen, (Y/n) let her jaw slack and a small cry froffed past her lips. Her fingers curled tightly around her left wrist and she tried to hold her arm up in the air to stop the blood flowing down to her hand. Everything started to shake as the pain just kept flooding down with each thud of her heartbeat.
God, why did she have to go and hurt herself tonight? Why did she have to have an accident right when they were about to have dinner and when Eddie wasn't home?
He was a medic, he was like (Y/n)'s personal doctor. Whenever she bumped into something or had a fall or had any aches and pains, Eddie took care of her. He would go into medic mode and assess her and patch her back up. But he wasn't home right now. (Y/n) would have to deal with this herself and look after herself and Chris.
Her fingers curled around her left wrist in a death grip, digging her nails in until she was splitting the skin. She trudged across to the sink and turned on the cold tap.
Tears flooded her face along with a quiet sob when the freezing cold water trickled over her hand and made her arm pulse with each heartbeat.
The water didn't seem to help.
A river of burnt orange and strawberry red mingled in the bottom of the sink and splattered around the silver edges. The water allowed (Y/n) to have a clear view of her hand. The cut didn't look deep enough to reach any muscle or bone, but it was enough to cause blistering pain and when it healed, (Y/n) knew she would have a large scar through her palm.
She didn't want to go to the hospital. (Y/n) couldn't deal with an evening trip to the emergency room. It would be packed if she went now and she would have to take Chris along with her. That wouldn't be fair to him and she couldn't be bothered with the stress of waiting around for someone to patch her up.
If she could sort it herself, she would.
Scanning her eyes around the kitchen, (Y/n) kept her shaking, bloody hand beneath the water and scrunched her right hand around the kitchen roll in front of the kitchen window.
"One… two… three."
She counted herself down and pulled her hand from the water and held her arm high up in the air. Three sheets of soaked kitchen roll packed against her hand before she wrapped a further six or seven dry sheets of kitchen roll around her hand as tightly as she could to pack the wound together.
When she tried to grab the first aid kit from the top cupboard, it clattered onto the counter and split open.
(Y/n) grabbed a roll of bandage and tore it open with her teeth before she wrapped it around her hand from the base of her fingers, down to her wrist. Keeping the kitchen roll tightly packed behind the bandage to apply more pressure and be safe in case it kept bleeding.
When the bandage was wrapped, (Y/n) wound a tight lot of medical tape around it before keeping a teatowel tightly clenched around her hand. That would do for now.
It felt like her arm had been disconnected from the rest of her body. From her shoulder right down to her fingertips, her arm was thudding and pulsing and aching.
Tears streamed freely down (Y/n)'s face but she tried to wipe them away and take a few deep, calming breaths.
She tossed the bloodied knife into the sink and turned towards the chicken that she now despised. It was cooked well enough that she could shred it with a fork instead of cutting it with another knife.
She would tidy the kitchen after dinner.
Adrenaline sparked up in (Y/n)'s stomach when she heard the front door open and close with a bang. Eddie was home.
Her eyes immediately darted down to her left hand and she could feel herself shaking when she noticed spots of blood beginning to soak through the bandage. It was bleeding again. She wasn't sure if her hand had even stopped bleeding since she'd cut it, or if she had just packed it well enough to stop it from bleeding as fast.
Reaching out, she grabbed the teatowel and rolled it around her left hand to cover the bandage before she picked up one of the plates and started to dry it. She would sort her hand out soon. She wasn't going to worry Eddie the moment he walked through the door. He had been on a double shift, he needed to come home and sit down and have something to eat, not come home and feel like he was right back at work again.
"There you are."
Her lips curved into a soft smile when a pair of tense arms looped around her waist and she felt Eddie's lips smother the side of her neck.
Turning her head to the left, (Y/n) kissed his temple and brushed her nose against his damp hair. Her breathing hitched and her lips stretched into a wider grin when Eddie straightened up and almost pulled her off her feet when he dragged her back up against his chest.
"Missed you," He muttered lowly into her neck before he sank his teeth down between her neck and shoulder making (Y/n) swallow down a groan.
Eddie reached his hand up and hooked a finger beneath (Y/n)'s chin, tilting her head up so he could steal a kiss. Then another. Then another.
"Dad! Dad!"
He grumbled something against her lips but (Y/n) couldn't make out what he was trying to say. She kissed the corner of his mouth before she pulled back enough to look up at him with a tender smile.
"He's waited up for you." It had been hard to keep her hand away from Chris's perceptive gaze and try to tell him she had just scratched it and was covering it up so it wouldn't get wet.
But she had managed to get through Chris's evening routine without bursting into tears, no matter how badly her hand hurt or how much ir throbbed or felt like it was going to fall off. Chris had been settled in bed for the last half an hour with the tv on. He was waiting up for Eddie to settle him to bed and as always, Chris had managed to hear the door and knew the moment his dad had come home.
"Here," She kept the teatowel hooked around her left hand while she reached across the counter, as much as she could with Eddie's arms still bound around her middle and his chest against her back. She arched her bum out against him so she could grab the plate from the side and turned to hold it out to him.
He could let Chris have another five minutes watching tv so he could eat his dinner. It wouldn't do Eddie any good going much longer without something to eat. (Y/n) knew he wouldn't have had dinner at the station.
"Thank you." He caught her lips in another kiss before he slowly unravelled from around her and took the plate with a grateful smile.
"Alright, alright I'm coming." His lips attached to (Y/n)'s cheek before he leaned round to hover over her ear. And (Y/n) could feel the way he grinned into her skin when his voice sent her knees quaking. "I'll be back for you later."
As soon as Eddie was out of the kitchen, (Y/n) moved to the cupboard and grabbed the first aid box again.
Her hands began to tremble when she carefully peeled away the tape and unravelled the bloodied bandage from her hand. Her skin was discoloured and felt like squishy jelly when she prodded at the skin. She had definitely cut the blood supply off for a while with how numb her hand felt.
Flakes of dried blood smeared into the grooves of her palm but fresh blood started to trickle down her hand and made her grimace.
(Y/n) didn't bother running her hand under the cold tap again. She found a fresh bandage and rolled it around her hand as tightly as she could manage and threw the old bandage and wads of kitchen roll in the bin.
Painkillers had taken the edge off earlier, but (Y/n) could still feel the throbbing, splintering pain shooting through her hand every now and then. And her fingers were constantly cramping and splitting from the numbess coursing down her hand.
She left the kitchen to make her way down the hall just as she heard Eddie saying goodnight to Chris. She passed Chris's room and headed into her and Eddie's room and turned the tv on low.
Her lips pressed into a thin line and scrunched up to one side in a grimace when she tried to pull her hair into a ponytail. She could barely get her left hand to move, let alone curl her fingers and wind a bobble between her fingers to go around her hair. A sigh passed her lips and she wrenched the bobble free and let her hair fan down across her shoulders. Her hair would have to stay down tonight.
She barely moved the covers to sit down in bed before she heard Chris's bedroom door shut and the sound of approaching footsteps.
Her eyes followed his movements as he stripped off his button up shirt and approached the end of the bed rather slowly. He crawled along the end of the bed and slowly caged her beneath him with his knees pressing into her legs and up her thighs. Until he was close enough to sink back on his heels with his knees digging comfortably into (Y/n)'s hips so he was sat on her thighs.
(Y/n) stayed silent and held her breath when Eddie raked his eyes up and down her frame and she bit her lip when she watched his tongue dart out across his lower lip. Her heart thudded in her chest as his hands moved to cup the sides of her jaw and she could feel his fingertips tracing along the top of her neck like he was drawing patterns into her skin.
He tilted her head back until she was looking up at him and his lips quirked up into a grin before he swooped down and captured her lips with his.
Her eyes fell closed and her arms weaved beneath his so she could loop them around the back of his neck and pull him closer. She could tell she almost pulled him off balance as his weight shifted to his knees that dug down into the mattress to steady himself. And his chest pressed down into hers, pushing (Y/n) back until she was slanted at an angle against the pillows.
Eddie seemed to steal each breath she tried to take until she had to knot her fingers into his hair at the back of his head and give a sharp tug. Earning a groan that allowed (Y/n) to take back a breath for herself, her lips barely touching his that panted against hers.
"You really missed me, hm?" (Y/n) panted against his lips and pulled his lower lip between hers just to see the way his pupils would expand and darken like swirling orbs in front of her.
"Been thinking 'bout you all day." Eddie's lips curved into a dark grin and he leaned down to kiss her shoulder as his hands worked their way down her sides. Grinning into her skin when he felt her squirm beneath him as he found her ticklish spot.
One hand curled around her hip as if to make sure she stayed put and didn't dare think about moving and his other hand scrunched up the bottom of her shirt, ready to rip it over her head.
But just as Eddie pulled his lips away from her skin, something caught the corner of his eye. He tilted his head down to the right and the smile started to fade from his lips that parted so he could pant and catch his breath back. He smoothed his thumb across her hip and leaned to kiss her shoulder before he moved to look down at the bed sheet.
There was blood on it.
"Why'd you stop?" (Y/n)'s voice stayed quiet, as if speaking any louder would break the atmosphere around them. She let her hands slide down to cup Eddie's neck and tilt his head back up so they were level again.
Reaching up behind him, Eddie let his hands curve around (Y/n)'s wrists but his smile morphed more into a frown when he felt something on (Y/n)'s wrist. He pulled her hands down from his neck and leaned to sit back on her thighs so he could hold her hands in front of him.
Why did she have a bandage on? What had she done? Eddie knew she hadn't been wearing that yesterday before he went to work.
"Baby, you okay? Did you have an accident or something?"
Eddie's fingers stayed curled softly around (Y/n)'s wrist and it was almost comforting to feel his thumb smoothing up and down the back of her hand. But when her hand still felt numb and touching it made the wound start to throb, she wanted to wince.
She had been hoping he wouldn't notice, at least not for a little while. And she thought it had stopped bleeding by now. (Y/n) could see the confusion pooling on Eddie's face as he brought her hand closer to his face so he could inspect the bandage that had been hastily wrapped tight around her palm. Blood was starting to pool like splattered paint in the middle of the bandage and it had soaked through into the bed when she had her hands planted down on the mattress a few minutes ago.
"Um, just a small incident- ow!" Her eyes snapped closed and she couldn't help the way she winced when Eddie tried to drag his fingertips across her palm. It still hurt.
"Oh, baby it's bleeding quite a lot. I'm gonna have to take a look at it." His features pulled into a grimace with his lips pressed together and his brows furrowed down in concentration.
(Y/n) kept her eyes focused on Eddie's bare chest while he turned her hand over so her palm was held between them instead of pulled up towards his face. Both his hands moved so one was gently cupping her wrist, keeping her hand steady, and his other hand started to unravel the bandage as slowly as he could so he didn't hurt her.
Reaching out, (Y/n) dragged her right hand up and down Eddie's thigh, raking her nails along his trousers until his leg twitched beneath her touch and his eyes darted to glance up at her and see what she was doing.
He let the bandage unravel and drop down onto his thigh and slide onto the bed but Eddie's upper lip curled in distaste and a deep growl vibrated through his chest when he looked at the problem. There was a large, gaping wound in the middle of her palm. The skin was discoloured and shrivelled up where it had been cut and it let Eddie see how deep it was. He couldn't see any muscle or bone, thankfully, but it was still deeper than he'd of liked.
"Fuck! Mi amor what did you do? Why didn't you say something when I came in?" There was dried blood caked all around her palm and in the grooves of her fingers but he was glad to see it wasn't bleeding steadily. She just have applied a bit of pressure and caused it to bleed slowly again.
"The knife slipped when I was making dinner. I… I tried to wrap it tight to make it stop."
Panic bubbled up in (Y/n)'s chest when Eddie let go of her wrist and moved to climb over her and get off the bed. She watched him stand beside the bed, but a gasp tumbled past her lips when he reached out and curled his hands beneath her thighs. He gave a sharp tug and dragged her to the edge of the bed and leaned forward so he could hook her legs around his hips.
He murmured a quiet but stern 'up' with one hand on her bum and the other on her lower back and he lifted her and sat her on his hips.
(Y/n) curved her arms loosely around his shoulders and pressed her face into the crook of his neck as her heels crossed behind his back. She closed her eyes and kept her face buried into his neck but her lips curved into a soft grin when she felt Eddie's hand move from her back to swat down on her bum.
"You should have told me," He mumbled quietly into her hair as he walked down the hall and turned into the kitchen.
"Didn't wanna worry you."
"Well I'm worried now."
He heard a small 'sorry' vibrate through his neck and it made him purse his lips and back down. He wasn't trying to have a go at her or be rude, but if she was hurt, Eddie wanted to know as soon as possible rather than wait and find out by accident.
When they reached the kitchen, Eddie moved over to the counter near the sink and carefully eased (Y/n) down so she was sat on the countertop. His hands gave her thighs a tight squeeze before he broke free from her legs and rummaged in the medicine cupboard.
He found the first aid kit and the dark green tupperware box where he stashed the extra medical supplies and some spare bits and pieces he usually brought home from work.
"Alright mi amor, let's sort you out." Eddie moved back between (Y/n)'s thighs and he felt her heels rest comfortably against his lower back between his hips.
He opened the two boxes on the counter and rummaged through to find what he needed before he grabbed a cloth from the side drawer and ran it under the cold water.
(Y/n) bit down on her lower lip and tightened her thighs into Eddie's hips when he started to dab the cold cloth against her hand to clean away the dried and freshly forming blood. Her free hand moved to cradle the side of his neck and she swiped her thumb up and down his jaw that was locked tight in concentration. She tried to study his features instead to take her mind off what he was doing to her hand.
Her hand moved to his shoulder and she groaned, jumping back on the counter when he dabbed an antiseptic wipe across the cut. It felt like he had just poured a bottle of salt onto her hand with the way it bit and stung at her cut. The feeling of Eddie's lips on her cheek soothed one of the many nerves going haywire in her stomach and she tried to focus on his thumb that started caressing up and down her wrist.
"Hand down on here, try and hold steady so I can put the suture strips on."
She did as requested and placed her hand down on the side of the sink and tried to keep her fingers stretched out straight and steady her arm. The last thing Eddie needed was to hold her arm down if she began trembling or pulling away when he tried to help her.
"Okay, here we go." His voice was soothing and rugged but when he pinched her split skin together, (Y/n) couldn't help the broken cry that spit past her lips.
When Eddie taped the first plastic stitch over the wound to hold the skin together, (Y/n) leaned forward. She hooked her free arm around the back of his shoulders and pressed her face down into the junction between his neck and shoulder. Her lips smothered his skin and panted into his neck while her eyes closed tightly so she could try and focus on the feeling of Eddie's soft, laboured breaths.
Eddie continued to work his way along the cut, pinching the skin and sticking the home remedy stitches along to take the wound together so the skin could heal and patch back up.
He could feel the way (Y/n)'s arm was trembling despite how well she managed to hold herself still and not pull away from the pain it caused.
Once it was done, Eddie grabbed a fresh bandage roll and started to wind it around the base of (Y/n)'s fingers, between the groove of her finger and thumb and down to her wrist. He wanted the wound packed and covered so it wouldn't get infected or split open again. He taped the bandage in place before he leaned down and pressed a gentle kiss to the inside of her wrist.
"All done baby."
"Thank you," (Y/n) murmured softly against his lips when he leaned forward to capture her with a kiss.
Her arms looped around the back of his neck and she used her legs as leverage to tug him closer until his knees bashed into the cupboard and his hips melted into her thighs.
"Now, where were we?"
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orecana · 13 days
behind those walls.....
Lucas/wong yukhei x feminine male reader
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(note: if you don't like feminine male reader or anything in this fic, please click off the fic.)
this was requested by a person i would to like to keep anonymous because the internet is cruel and i don't want that to happen to anyone as well. i'm finally back with another fic at least. i'm a bit too busy nowadays but i made time to write fics for you guys who keep supporting and reading them, which im grateful for btw. i hope you guys enjoy this one too!
lucas opens the door to his house, groaning in frustration as he puts his bag down onto a nearby chair as he sits on a sofa. he sighs before resting and shutting his eyes, attempting to doze off for a while.
"had a rough day? or did your hookups scatter away like the rats they are?"
hearing that annoying yet familiar voice makes him open his eyes again as he sits up straight and looks at them.
y/n was sipping his cup of tea wearing his white pajamas as he tilts his head at lucas as if he's asking for lucas to answer his earlier question.
lucas only groans another time as he was reminded of his failed hookup encounter. the girls all tried to hookup with him. even though he played along with them, they immediately left him when they saw the size they had to deal with, which is making him shake his head.
y/n listens carefully as he sips his cup of tea while leaning against the kitchen counter. lucas and y/n.........have a weird relationship. they met one day in school when lucas was going for a smoking session. y/n just straight up walked up to him and asked for a cigarette. lucas was hesitant at first but when he looked at y/n a bit closer at that time.
he was wearing the shirt of the school uniform but for the bottom part he was wearing a mid length black and red skirt paired with heels. he was still gesturing his hand towards lucas, asking for a cigarette as his other hand is on his vest.
lucas just tossed a cigarette to y/n who lights it up with a lighter hidden under his skirt. he stands near lucas and begins smoking as well.
lucas looks at y/n curiously as to why a person like him would be......... like this. he had almost thought gays would be annoying or stupid but from their encounter earlier, he can safely say that y/n is none of those. the way he carried himself and those enticing lips pressing itself into the cigarette.
"would you stop looking at me like a lovesick fool?"
lucas immediately noticed the sharp tongue the other got, but he didn't back down. throwing away his cigarette into a nearby garbage bin, he walks up to y/n and places his hands on both sides. y/n only looks up at lucas uninterested as he keeps smoking his cigarette. lucas leans in as he looks at y/n in the eyes.
y/n sighs as he takes out his cigarette and throwing it into a bin before he grabs lucas by his shirt, pulls him down and kisses him. they eventually found an empty and secluded classroom where they had sex. eventually this became a normal occurrence, lucas has a pretty high reputation for being the popular boy as well as a playboy who goes through girls like changing clothes. of course, some never work out and whenever that happens they would make out and have sex. no strings attached...............
y/n sighs again as he looks at lucas's face. it looks so hollow and so.....empty. even if it doesn't look like it, lucas and y/n have a close relationship. there are things that only they know about each other or things only they can tell about each other. just like now for instant, y/n knows that there is more to the story than a failed hookup. he knows lucas like the back of his hand, he would never get THIS upset over a failed hookup.
he puts his hand over lucas's chin and drags it to his face. lucas looks a bit surprised as if he didn't expect y/n to do this. y/n might be a girly fag or a disgusting disease or whatever the people call him, but that doesn't stop him from living life as he could.
"what's wrong lucas? even a braindead person could tell that you're not doing well"
lucas doesn't answer as he tries to pry y/n hands off of him with an annoyed face. y/n only sighs as he lets go of lucas's chin and goes to the kitchen so he could wash the cup. lucas follow him from behind, wanting to get something to eat. he looks at y/n calmly washing the cup he just drank from.
although lucas will never admit it out loud, he does find y/n pretty. his pretty face and those fluttery eyelashes and those (your eye color) eyes. lucas feels something rise up in his heart and he knew what it was. He denies it immediately though. he can't be............ he has a reputation to keep, he can't................
y/n places the cup into a cupboard before taking a glance at lucas who is currently mentally scolding himself. he looks away for a bit, feeling a bit of tears staining his eyes before he dries it with his fingers before going up and nudging lucas.
"come on, go to bed. we have school tmr."
lucas was about to protest but sees y/n gives him that "look" making him scared
"I said..............Go TO BED!"
"why are you at my house right now anyways?"
"because i can and i will bitch, now get your ass to bed before i make you."
"make me"
y/n only sighs and pulls out his hairclip before pushing a button on it. the hairclip increases in size a bit before a small needle appears from the clip. lucas felt a sweat drop down his face as y/n stares at him menacingly.
all you can hear in that moment is the sounds of lucas screaming and begging for mercy while y/n is just scolding and roasting the shit out of him.
the next day at school, lucas was going to school on his bike as usual when he looks at his right and saw y/n walking there with his earphones on. he never noticed it before but y/n features were even more prominent right now since he did some make up. his eyes looks even brighter that compliments his school uniform except this time he's wearing an extra long skirt.
lucas felt that feeling in his chest again as he tries to block it out and focus on getting to school. y/n could only notice that familiar bike as he sighs and walks a bit faster to school. a simple 'you fool' was the only thing he muttered as he also focus on getting to school as fast as possible.
lucas felt like he was on drugs or at least that what he felt like... he keeps noticing y/n's features that he didn't before and everytime he does it he felt that thing in his heart which he absolutely despises, he cannot feel like this. they were friends nothing more!
infuriated lucas decided to go to the club again after school, thinking that hooking up with people will lift up his mood, he walked into the club and looked around, searching for potential hookup. a girl approached him and he decided she would be that person as they made out and went into a room. he was ready to fuck the girl but.... he couldn't get erect. no matter how hard he tried and then... he remembered y/n's face. he was immediately erect which didn't sit well with him as he got frustrated again and left the room and the club entirely.
he storms into his house again in frustration as he marches towards his room. he sinks into his bed as he stares to the ceiling. he shouldn't feel like this at all! why changed?! why did he suddenly feel like this?
he groans and just showered, to possibly cooldown. after he was done, he puts on a sleeveless shirt and collapses onto the bed, unknowingly dreaming of y/n being next to him.
the next morning he rode his motor to school again but this time he didn't see y/n on the road, which was weird in his opinion. they leave home at almost the same time so lucas would have definitely noticed him. he has this itching feeling that something is gonna happen so he hurries to school.
the moment he parked his motor, he heard someone scream and the sound of an impact. quickly he rushed to the area and he saw y/n being knocked into a wall by a bunch of bullies. he was about to rush in but then y/n looked at his direction and secretly signals lucas to stay there before y/n kicks the bullies in the stomach one by one. the bullies fall to the ground, groaning in pain as y/n stomps the ground with his heels that made the ground below it breaks. the bullies were scared and ran.
lucas wanted to run up to y/n but y/n only looked his way one more time before he goes back into school, leaving lucas there to stare at him with a hurt heart.
after school ends, lucas was getting on his bike to go home today, before he heard a familiar voice.
"i haven't seen you go straight home after school in a while, lucas"
he turns back to see y/n standing there with his school uniform and heels. he looks at lucas with a look that lucas can't decipher. lucas felt that pang in his heart again..... it had became too much at this point. he tried to invite y/n to sit on the motor with him, but y/n was no where to be seen. he looked everywhere around him, but gave up after not seeing him at all and drove home, unaware of the pair of eyes that were watching him from behind the gardens.
2 months has past, lucas tried to date girls as he used to, but the lingering feeling of y/n always make him unable to continue dating those girls. he also slowly found himself accepting the deep feeling inside of him. y/n was the only person who knew the "real" him, who stayed and took care of him. lucas smile unconsciously as he leaves class again for the day and looks at his phone. his eyes widen at the date.
it's y/n's birthday today.
he actually got excited, for the first time in his life, he has something to look forward to. he drove his motor to go to the mall to get something for y/n, unaware of the approaching car because of his excitement.
y/n just got out of school after his dance classes ended when he heard a murmuring among the students. curious, he listened and he wished that he wouldn't have had to hear that.
"did you hear? lucas is in the hospital!!"
"he got into a traffic accident while going somewhere."
y/n skin crawled immediately after he heard that. he immediately dashed out of school before using his phone to both call the nearest taxi and to track down lucas's location. y/n was kinda protective of lucas even if he doesn't know it himself, he secretly placed a tracker on the earrings he bought for lucas on his birthday, one that lucas will always wear no matter what.
y/n rides the taxi as he looks at the tracking device on his phone and tells the driver the location of the hospital. he was sweating buckets, he cared for lucas very much, even if he never showed it.
"you fucking idiot!"
y/n finally arrives at the hospital as he hands over the amount of money the driver needed before running into the hospital. arriving in front of the desk, he asked for lucas's room number which the nurse provided as he rushed there immediately.
he pushes the door open and sees lucas on the bed. the monitor showing his heartbeat at a stable condition. sighing in relief, y/n sits down on one of the chair in the room as he watches lucas sleeping form.
call him terrible for thinking this, but he thinks that lucas getting into this accident was good for him maybe. lucas has been grumpy nowadays, it's good now that lucas is sleeping peacefully.
y/n holds lucas's hand as he continue to stare at lucas. y/n would never admit it out loud, but he is kinda proud to have taken care and fell for lucas. he was the only one who saw him for who he was.
lucas squirm as he felt pain all over his body and slowly open his eyes. he opens them as he takes in the white ceiling and the surroundings.
"finally awake?"
hearing that familiar voice, lucas looks at his left and saw y/n sitting on the chair, holding his hand. lucas couldn't help but smile seeing y/n.
y/n suddenly stands near his bed as lucas prepares for whatever is coming and closes his eyes, but he felt arms wrapping around him and a quiet sob. quickly, he wraps his arms around y/n as well as they just stay in that position for a good amount of time.
"visiting times are over!"
y/n sighs as he releases from lucas and looks at him in the eyes before giving lucas a quick peck on the lips before grabbing his bag and going to the door. lucas who was stunned by the sudden kiss, immediately shouts for y/n to stop.
"what are we now? that peck....wasn't like any of our previous ones"
y/n turns around and look at lucas dumbstruck face and only gives a smile. "whatever you want it to be" before going out of the door, leaving a dumbstruck lucas who can't stop smiling after hearing that.
(i know the ending kinda sucks but i think.......this suits their relationship. what comes after? .....you guys can fill in the blanks with what you want.)
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kentocee · 3 months
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So Anxious • Gojo x Fem!reader • (18+)
CW: smut( sexting, nudes, dirty talk, masturbation, gojo being unnecessarily horny for reader, impatient!gojo), slight humor bc gojo is VERY unserious 😭
Cee’s Note: I heard this song on tik tok and it instantly reminded me of Gojo (don’t ask) but I hope y’all enjoy
Song inspo: So anxious by Genuwine
[Minors do NOT interact; explicit content ahead]
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Satoru: Babe
Y/N: Yes?
Satoru: come thru ;)
It was embarrassing the amount of times Gojo checked his messages to see if you responded to him.
Granted it only was a couple minutes but with his growing erection tightening his pants, his patience was running thin.
He knew you were at work but he was hoping you would be out already to help him with his little…problem.
Suddenly he noticed his phone lit up due to a notification and he nearly dropped his phone, fumbling to unlock it.
Y/N: im at work but I should be there in 30
Satoru: seconds? :D
Y/N: …
Y/N: minutes -.-
Satoru: :(
Satoru: :((
Satoru: thats too looooong :(((
Y/N: BYE! Ur so dramatic lmaoo
Y/N: ill be there before u kno it
Y/N: and then im all yours tonight ;)
Satoru: but I have a bit of a problem…
The tightness was becoming unbearable to the point where his print was visibly showing through his sweatpants. Suddenly it was as if a lightbulb appeared above his head.
Satoru: *image attachment*
Satoru: u see my dilemma
Y/N: O.O
Y/N: that’s a BIG problem alright
Y/N: it might be too much for me to handle
You were such a tease. Acting all innocent as if Gojo hasn’t had you folded like a pretzel on many occasions. But this was usually how it started. You feigned innocence and next thing you know Gojo would end up sending detailed messages on how exactly he planned to fuck you later on.
He knew this all too well, yet here he was falling for it yet again. Usually he was the one doing the teasing but the times when he was needy you were quick to seize the opportunity.
Satoru: my baby can handle it ;)
Y/N: and what if it doesn’t fit
Satoru: oh imma make it fit
Satoru: and u gonna take it like a good girl
Satoru: u gonna be a good girl for me?
Y/N: yes baby only for u ;)
“Sh-shit” Gojo groaned through gritted teeth, palming himself under his sweatpants.
The thought of him stretching your tight pussy to fit his size made his dick twitch subconsciously. He can just imagine the way your mouth would hang open and eyes widen as he bottoms out inside you. He can just imagine all the whines and moans through your pretty lips you make on his dick.
Y/N: how u want me to take it?
Satoru: want ur arms and legs around me
Satoru: want u so close to me
Satoru: wanna see ur pretty face wen I fuck u
Y/N: mmm can’t wait ;)
Satoru: i cant either
Satoru: need u so bad rn baby
Satoru: need to feel u
Satoru: need to hear your pretty moans in my ear
All this dirty talk was just making him hornier by the second and he didn’t think he could wait much longer.
After a couple minutes, Gojo was once again checking his phone, anxiously waiting for your response. The longer he waited for your responses the more anxious he was getting.
After five minutes and no response, he knew you were still teasing him. Got him riled up and left him high and dry.
Oh how cruel.
His eyes wandered to the time almost as if it would go faster the longer he gazed at it.
“Fuck it”
Gojo slipped down his sweatpants and briefs, his cock springing out, bobbing slightly.
He closed his eyes and imagined his fist was your wet pussy. He started stroking himself at a desperate pace, trying to release what he’s been holding for what felt like hours.
The sounds of his low moans and wet sounds filled the air as he continued to chase his pleasure.
Just when he could feel himself reaching close, he heard a door opening from outside his room.
“Babe! I’m home”
Oh shit.
Gojo practically fell out his bed trying to pull his underwear and sweatpants back on.
When he finally made it out his room, he found you by the front door hanging your coat up and taking your shoes off.
“There you are! I told you I’d be home before y- TORU!”
Gojo had scooped you up and brought you over his shoulder, having your ass next to his head as your body dangled behind him.
Gojo brought his hand up and smacked your ass, “That’s for leaving me hanging earlier”
“I dunno what you mean”
He couldn’t see it but he knew you were smirking behind him. Oh you were gonna be in for it.
With that, Gojo ran to his bedroom with you over his shoulder. He was bout to make his imagination a reality.
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romana-after-dark · 3 months
Room's on Fire: Girl on Fire
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Dark!Santiago Garcia x Fem!Reader Dark!Francisco Morales x Fem!Reader Dark!William Miller x Fem!Reader Dark!Benjamin Miller x Fem!Reader
Also: FishBen, and an assortment of other M/M relationships (no Millercest). Everyone is Bisexual
Series Masterlist: Main Masterlist : MainTaglist
Spotify playlist
Summery: Everyone is together, everything is complete.
Warnings and Content:
DUB CON MOSTLY but there WILL BE NON CON. Major character deaths, forced breeding, physical abuse, brainwashing, manipulation, violence, gore, alcoholism/addiction, BIG OLE BLASPHEMY WARNING like this cult appropriates a lot of religious themes and they call reader their Madonna, Santi is called the Pope, like all that stuff. However, this is a cult so I mean. It happens. None of it are my thoughts on religion or meant to make fun of religion or demonize religious people. Disgusting views on virginity. Attempted rape outside the boys. T*m warning. Age gap. Creepy terrible men. Non-reader rape, dub con, violence. Covert incest, massive mommy issues, sexual abuse all around, past grooming by parental figure. no CSA but the victim isn't much older. some Bates Motel type shit. I cannot properly warn you for everything, without just telling the story but consider this a major warning that there are dark dark themes. No one involved here is morally clean, and who you perceive as the good guy cannot be relied on. Don't come to my story and say im romanticizing these things until at least the story ends.
Extra warnings for chapter: Pregnancy, breeding kink, violent sex, domestic violence on a man, gunshots, references to murder,, death, torture, all the horrors. The end was disturbing even to me, so read with caution. If you find the end was too much, just ask me what happens and I'll tell you. not super plot important but like it was pointed out, the sex is how we see dynamic shifts. Mentions of mpreg fantesy but no mpreg will happen bc they arent actually god, just insane.
3.7k words
A/N: Some pov shifts. Madonna, Jonah, Rey, Santi all get POV's.
A.N2: context for song quote, Alicia wrote girl on fire after the birth of her son.
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"She's on top of the world Hottest of the hottest girls say Oh, we got our feet on the ground And we're burning it down Oh, got our head in the clouds And we're not coming down This girl is on fire" ~ Girl On Fire, Alicia Keys
“It’s okay, you’re gonna do great.” Rey assured her, sitting on a table in the dressing room despite a chair being right there. His lanky legs liked to dangle, you noticed, or sometimes perch up in high places. He reminded you of a bird sometimes, lithe and graceful and seemed to float on his feet.
“What if they don’t like me? What if something happens? What if there’s another uprising or someone wants revenge on me because of my dad-”
“The people love you, and they were going to love you even more with this announcement. Jonah’s not going to let anything happen to you, you know that.”
Your face grows warm at the mention of Jonah. He had acted distant with you since the instance of Frankie and you on the horse, and wouldn’t let you see his face when he showed up the next morning with bruises. In fact, you’d hardly seen him at all. Rey was your primary guard, and Will had talked about moving your room to one with an attached room for Reyansh so that he could stay with you at all times. It seemed everyone knew Iris and Rey were an item, or at least they understood Reyansh was not a threat. You had begged Will not to switch around rooms. The reason given was that you liked your room, but really, you were hoping that you’d be moved into a room with one of your husbands. You weren’t visited by the incubus the night they all slept in your room.
Still, Jonah looked out for you. Under your dress right now was his bulletproof vest. 
A knock on the door.
“Come in.” Iris called to the door, still working on your hair.
Will entered the room. “Are you ready, Madonna?”
Before you opened your mouth, Iris replied. “You could use her real name, you know.”
Will didn’t look at her, keeping his eyes on you. “Her name is irrelevant, her position is everything.” When he turns and sees Reyansh, Will frowns. “What are you doing in here?”
Iris was quick to answer his unvoiced question. “He only came in after she was dressed.”
He instructs Reyansh to ready the carriage. Once he was out, Will turned to you with a smile. “You look stunning, Madonna.” Your heart swells with love for your handsome husband, dressed in his loose white shirt. In your hair, small white flowers adored you, carefully placed and worked in by Iris’s hands. She was incredible, making your dress too. It was colorful, with a color representing all four of your husbands. Under it, a bulletproof vest. No one in delta outside of guardsmen was allowed guns, but he wanted to be safe.
“Wow…” Will whispers, taking you in. There was just the slightest swell of a bump, you wondered if it was just weight gained from eating more these few months. Will took you into his arms kissing you deeply and feeling your stomach. Iris mumbles close enough as you’re pulled away. He turns back to her only a moment. “Make sure everything is ready when we’re back, please.”
Iris sighs, “It always is, Mr. Miller.”
Jonah cocked his gun. “Same as last time, honey. Anything happens, you come with me. Those guys can handle themself. I get hurt, do not stop for me. Just run. Someone will come find you, you just keep yourself alive, got it?” His brown eyes were on you for the first time in a long time, and you relaxed. Jonah’s eyes always calm you. It’s scary, knowing you were responsible for not just you, but someone else as well. The priestess stood at the balcony to the side, your husbands flanking you. Pope to your right, Francisco to your left, Ben to his left and Will to Popes right. Just as you were married.
“Men! Women! Children of Delta!” She shouts to the crown. “I present your Gods and your Madonna!” The crowd erupts into screams, and your heart fills with love for your people. “And!” A hush falls over the ground, waiting breaths quiet as they wait for the news. “I present to you, THE SAVIOR!”
The sound was deafening, a noise that shocked you and made you stumble back. To your surprise, Pope was behind you. It was a greater surprise when he rucked up your skirt.
Immediately your hands, out of instinct, go to bring the material down but his fingers quickly dig into your skin, warning you to behave. So, you stand there, humiliated, left hand gripping Francisco’s tighter. Pope loved you, he loved you and he’d never do something just to humiliate you! How stupid of you for feeling that way. This child was long prayed for, they and your body belonged to your husbands, belonged to Delta. Pope lifted your dress over the small bump,exposing your underwear to the crown. No one outside of your husband, a few house motherns and prefects had seen you in your underwear, so this was difficult…
But then Pope kissed your neck, and the worries melted away. Will, Francisco and Ben come to you, each placing a hand on your stomach as the priestess shouts, reaffirming that the savior’s parentage was of all four, that each of your husbands fathered this baby. You were called the vessel for their seed.
Then, you were placed on a tour. On a sitting carriage with all 4 of your husbands, you were paraded around to cheering people, the faces of women from your dormitory and even your room recognizable in the crowds. One woman whose bed was next to yours shot you a deadly glare as you passed by. She was mean, frequently detailing her escapades with Ben and throwing your own lack of attention in your face, but who was laughing now? Ben choose her for a short term fuck. You had a greater purpose.
When you reached the mansion again, the gates were crowded with people reaching out for you, and although there was fear as the mass of the crowd grew, there was also power. The savior of the broken, the beaten and the damned lay in your holy womb, you were the bringer of life. YOU were the divine mother.
The gunshot brought you back to reality.
“WILL!” You scream as your husband is shot backwards, stumbling into his brother’s arms who he shoved out of the way of the bullet. Jonah didn’t care about Will, however. He didn’t care about Ben falling at him brothers side under the weight. He didn’t even care about Francisco scrambling to grab at Ben in the chaos, and he certainly didn’t care about Santiago dragging Frankie away.
He cared about, sobbing in his arms desperately trying to get to your fallen love. Jonah wrapped an arm around you and pulled you away into the riotous, scampering crowd. You needed to get away from the shooter. 
“NO!” You bawl loudly. Howling that he’s dying, that you need to be with him, but Jonah didn’t give a shit about that prick. He calls to Reyansh, who jumped out of the carriage the second the gun goes off. It was intentional, having Rey at the helm with him; only Rey would care enough about you out of all the guardsmen that Jonah could depend on him. Into the madness, you wouldn’t stop screaming and that rainbow dress of yours was not helping the situation. 
“Rey! The tunic!” Jonah had to spin you around to disorient you enough to make you stop fighting in your hysteria, forcing your arms up while Rey slid a long, brown standard tunic over your body, making you blend into the neutral tones on the crown. Jonah clamped down over your mouth and pulled you away as the center of the shooting grew further away, Reynash covering you both. Once at the posting for a guard, Rey held you as Jonah mounted the steed and pulled you up, riding off with you.
You hadn't stopped sobbing for hours. Reyansh watched in concern, wanted so badly to comfort you lest the heaving and thrashing harm the baby or yourself. Rey loved children, he couldn’t wait for a day he could take Iris away and raise a family together, to finally be with her intimately and live a life with her. 
Even if children weren’t in the picture (Iris wanted one in theory, but was hesitant to bring one into this world, understandably.) he’d cherish a life growing old with his lover. Maybe they’d some orphaned child; Iris had a soft spot for children in need. Her maternal instincts are why, despite not wanting to be friends or even really know her, Iris took care of the girl. Iris had ten years on the naive child. Continuously, she had warned him about keeping his distance, not raising suspicion that anything was happening between him and the girl, but it wasn’t his fault she was damn delightful. However, despite her obvious beauty, talents and sweet demeanor, nothing compared to Iris.
Reyansh could wax poetry about her all day long, and often did. He barely had any free time, most of the pockets of time he had, Rey liked to help Iris with her Herculean tasks, the laundry and dishes like Sisyphus and the boulder. He couldn’t take away the fact the next day would be filled with more dishes, more wall washing, more cooking, but he’d gladly sacrifice an hour of sleep so she could gain one. With him at all times, however, was his notebook and pen. As he sat at a mount or perch Rey liked to try his hand at poetry and writing. 
Sometimes it was about the beauty of nature, the flowers he planted and gardens he kept, how they gave him joy during difficult times. Sometimes it was about the complex nature of family, of Iris and Jonah, Santiago and what he knew of Beatriz, which wasn’t much, the strained love and hatred between Will and Ben, or his own desire for fatherhood. Sometimes he wrote about the 5 lovers, the girl, the men who claimed to be gods, how each individual relationship strengthened them and weakened them in their own ways and how the girl changed things for better or for worse. Mostly, he just wrote about Iris, the prettiest flower he had.
He caught a glimpse of Jonah at the window, motioning him to come out. This safe house was his idea. Apparently, he and Marcus used to escape here sometimes.
Rey tries to tell you he’s stepping outside but you aren’t listening, curled up in a ball on the bed sobbing. He makes his exit.
Once outside, Jonah offers him a sip from his flask but Rey declines.
“I was going to ask how she is, but I can hear my answer.” The sound of you wailing penetrates the walls.
“How Will?”
“He’ll live, unfortunately.”
“Yeah.” Jonah sighs, lighting a cigarette. “Wish those fuckers would just die.”
There was a long pause, Reyansh thinking hard before saying what he was thinking. He didn’t defy or talk back to Jonah, he respected him as his superior and, for all intents and purposes, his father in law. But Jonah was flawed. “You’re the one with a gun, Jonah”
Jonah inhaled a long drag before answering in a puff of smoke. “We’ve been over this.” He walked into the safe house.
They had talked, several times. Rey wanted Iris out but he didn’t have much power and knowledge. Jonah had the gun and a hundred reasons not to. There was no way to kill all 4 because everyone was armed. The community would riot. There was no where safe to go. A failed attempted would end Iris’s life. All these may be true, Jonah did have 4 decades of guard experience… but really, Rey thought he was just a coward, and maybe he cared for Pope and/or Francisco more than he’d like to admit. He’d been with those two since infancy, helped raise them, been a father figure most of their lives… it was understandable.
When he walked into the house, it was to crying but this time, relieved. He must have told her Will would be okay. You had your arms wrapped around his neck and he held you close to him, rubbing your back.
“It’s gonna be okay, honey, everyone’s gonna be just fine.”
Ben was changing Will’s bandages when you walked in and it made you nauseous to see the blood. Jonah said the bullet went straight through, that he’d be okay he just needed to rest, but the sight was disturbing.
Will groans. “Baby, don’t want you seeing me like this.”
Benny flicks his brothers arm. “Let her be, she was worried about you.”
The older Miller grumbled, but allowed you to kneel his side. He thumbed away a tear, “Don’t cry for me, beautiful girl.”
“What happened?” You sniffle, looking between Benny and Will.
“A girl from the dorms, she took the gun off a guard and tried to shoot-”
Ben interrupted. “You, Madonna.” He looked to his brother. “Melody, your old roommate, she tried to shoot you out of jealousy, she wanted to be with me. Will pushed you aside, took the bullet.”
You blink at that. Melondy wanted to shoot you? She wanted you dead? And Will. was he even standing by you? “But… I don’t remember being pushed.”
“Oh sweet girl…” Will cood. “Do you not remember? Poor thing, it was probably so traumatic-”
“No, I remember-”
“Your brain probably blocked a lot of it out, repressed it to protect you.”
Yeah, yeah that made sense. Memory was fragile. Will winced and Ben finished cleaning him and you took his hand as a new packing kit was applied. “Thank you for saving me…” You kiss his hand, feeling the rough knuckles warm skin. “For saving our baby…”
You fell asleep beside him that night, laying on his chest. He was warm, firm, inviting and protective. Nothing mattered more than the fact your husbands and your baby were safe.
Melody was dead. After the first shot missed, she approached where the four men had gathered intent on finding you, but Ben said Pope shot her square in the forehead, that he protected you while Jonah and Reyansh took you to safety. Ben said he had stood in front of his brothers and you, fearless, brave and bold. Pope loved his people, but he loved you most of all.
When you awoke, it was lae evening and although you wanted to go back to sleep, after some tossing and turning you realized you could. Not wanting to wake Will, you check his pulse and breathing, both strong and head out of the room to see if anyone is up. You know they dont like you wandering around the mansion without protection but you weren’t a child.
After Jonah and Rey had taken you back home, you were desperate to see William, but Pope demanded your presence with Francisco, both holding you tightly and checking you over again and again, tell you how precious you were, how loved. Pope knelt in front of you, hands on your belly, kissing it. You were thankful to have such loving and protective husbands. Despite the horrors of today, you felt blessed beyond measure 
You came to the kitchen first seeing a light on. Sometimes Benny liked late night snacks. Instead, you see Iris and Reyansh slow dancing in the kitchen. Iris was actually smiling. No doubt Rey was fearful of his own women’s safety being forced in the cabin with you for so long after a riot broke out right outside where she was. Silent, you step away from the cute lovers and allow them their time. Rey helped save your life today, you needed to thank him, and thank Iris for all she did for your family, you were lucky to have them both.
You try to see if Pope is awake next. When you approach his room, the grunting sounds make you stop, peaking through the slightly cracked door. Pope was on top of Francisco, fucking into his ass with his legs bent up into a press. It was a position he used on you many a time. Francisco was a puddle beneath him, his curls stuck to the sweat on his head. He looked incredible. The way Pope kissed him so deep… You couldn’t help feeling warm inside. How lucky you were that your husbands loved each other so much.
Ben was found in the gym. For a moment, you merely watch him. Shirtless in his red shorts and throwing punches at a punching bag. He probably had so much energy in him after everything today, watching his brother bleeding in his arms. She knew they didn’t always get along, Ben holding anger for Will so often and over what, you couldn’t yet discern. Maybe this tragedy would bring them back together. You admire his body, carved out and chiseled in perfect form. 
You loved the bodies of all your husbands, in each and every different.
Will was largess; tall, muscular, wide everywhere. Everywhere. His body consumed you just as yours consumed him; he was like a shield, metaphorically and now literally.
Santiago was softer. A small belly that was only noticeable when he was bent over, plush though and a moon shaped ass. He was all curves, from his nose down to his calved you had massaged so ardently.
If Pope was soft, Francisco was a pillow. Heavy weight surrounded him, the broad expanse of his shoulders to the fat at his waist and you just wanted to bury your face into it, you want to bite, nibble, and worship the pudge that spilled over his pants.
Ben was lean, the tallest of them and slim hips under rippling muscles. Golden God, beholden before you and it was as if his glory radiated off him. Despite the strength he was light on his feat. He could have been a boxer in another life.
“How are you feeling?” His deep voice breaks the tranfiction of the way his body moved, stilling the punching bag.
“I’m good, just woke from a nap with Will.”
Still looking away, Ben nodded. His mood matched the storm clouds out the window. After wiping his face, Benny chugged water and then finally made his way over to you in long, quick strides. His eyes flashed with the lightning outside.
Pope fucked Frankie with a fury he couldn’t recall in years. Frankie had defined him, ignoring his orders to leave but no, he wanted to stay with Ben. 
“You don’t think I wanted Ben and Will safe too?” He growled in his lovers ear. 
“I know!”
“You’re more important!”
He almost lost Will, Ben, the savior, and most importantly Frankie today. The girl would pay, fuck she’d pay. He couldn’t do anything Madonna might see, she thinks she’s dead already… no, a gunshot was to quick for someone trying to harm his family, but he’d make her suffer.
His anger toward Francisco wouldn't be helped when today, when he went to make love to Frankie, he found him in Ben's arms, cumming on his hand.
Ben had you pinned against the wall, fucking into you with your legs hitched around his narrow hips. The wind outside picked up speed, displaying his anger, his frustration, his love and his lust. You let him take you, fucking into your pregnant womb with his face tucked in your neck. You felt as if you were floating, like you were the center of the world right now. The sun God orbited you. Someone had tried to take you from him, a women he used to claim as his own but she had been cast aside for a reason. In her jealousy, she though she could regain her place at his side but that was foolish. Ben would never have loved her the way he loved you, the way he loved his husbands. Will, Francisco and Pope could never love her. 
She was not the Madonna.
She could never carry the savior.
She could only ever have a bastard.
“Gonna fill you up, Frank.” Pope grunted, breath hot against Francisco's cheek, mouth to mouth, lips to lips. “Gonna fill up this tight little hole of yours until you’re pregnant with my baby, you got that?”
Frank’s eyes went wide. “Santi, wha-” But he stopped when Santiago slapped him. This shocked Frankie, Santi didn’t slap him, he didn’t hurt him like that…
“Take it!” Santiago screams, tears of anger blurring his eyes. He chose Ben over him. He’d rather stay in danger with Ben than safety with him. “Your mine, under stand?!” When Frankie didn’t answer right away, Pope gripped his jaw and felt a warm tear fall down his cheek. “DO YOU UNDERSTAND?!”
Long fingers gripping your asscheeks, digging into the sensitive skin.
Firm abs rubbing against your body.
Hips stimulating your clit.
A finger fucking into your asshole. 
Everything was better than your wildest dreams. No incubus, a child on the way, friends and family. This was a life your father tried to take from you, but you were like gold that’s tested in fire.
Ben came inside when the thunder cracked, lightning still flashing and illuminating him with light. He muttered Francisco’s name.
“YES!” Francisco shouted in pain, face grimacing. “I’m yours! I’m yours Santi, fill me up! Make me-” He swallowed, tears forming at his long lashes. He gritted his teeth. “Make me p-pregnant!”  Francisco was saying anything that'd make Santi stuff, just to make him cum and end this. He just wanted it over. All of it. He didn't understand why he wasn't allow to be happy, to feel safe, to have peace. Instead he had to submit to Santi's whims just like Beatriz.
Santiago tucked his face into his lovedrsneck, biting him as he came inside. Whimpering, tears streaming wildly down his face, Santiago bit into Frankie’s tender flesh: neck, then shoulder, till finally he just continuously bit into the skin on his large arm, drawing the blood and bruising the skin. It hurt like hell, Frankie's head thrashing back and forth on the pillow trying to take the pain and bare it. Santiago's tears mixed with blood as he finished cumming, thrusts slowing into a lul.
Francisco didn’t know where his body ended and Santi’s began.
He wanted Ben, to be held and protected by him. To be touched gently, with love. To be not possessed but show off so that he knew Ben was proud of him, proud of what they had, not what the fuck Santigo was doing to him. He wanted Madonna with her sweet kisses and open adoration. He wanted Will with his healing nature, tender hands on his arching, bleeding arm. He wanted anything but Santi’s touch right now.
Santiago curled behind Francisco. His hand rested on Frankie’s stomach.
This disturbed me writing the end asdfghjkl
Madonna crying Reminds me of tww bonus chapter where little one thinks joel is dead and is just ugly sobbing
Madonna has... a lot to process today, and absolutly no therapy and no one she can be honest with about what she's witnessing.
I hope you all enjoyed... or .... something....???
Thoughts on Santis episode, Benny having a fit because he wanted Frankie but had to take madonna, will being shot, madonna is pregant, rey's thoughts!!!!! Jonah protecting madonna, etc.
love you all dearly <3 I hope to get at least one more tf fic for the triple frontier anniverary evnt before the end, and maybe something else like a TWW bonus chapter i've been wanting, but no gurantees. next week is spring break and i have 10k worth of commissions to write so il be busy! I wanna get the last chapter of my handmaids tale au out though, end that baby <3
also if you havn't yet, consider following me on my main @romanarose because im like 20 followers away from 2k and once i do, ill be open to writing stuff for a celebration!
Please consider joining me in in donating to humanitarian aid in Rafah through Doctors Without Borders
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wannabelife · 1 month
could you do wonwoo + A or F? or both together, as in how would he approach you for a fwb situation?
he looks like someone who gets a bit clumsy with words when it comes to relationships. i think it's cute, and he could sound shy even.
wonwoo always had an eye on you, but never really said anything, because he values and adores you and your friendship so much, it got him excitating. the thing is, you look way too good tonight and he doesn't think he will be able to control himself this time around.
"you look beautiful, yn" he says when you come approaching him. it gets you by surprise, your cheeks turning red and a smile growing
"thank you" you sound small
the night keeps going, and he keeps trying to avoid you somehow. It's a bit strange, in a minute he got you all excited and shy, and now it's like he is escaping from you.
"wonwoo, is everything ok? is there something wrong?" you approach him to talk it out.
"why?" he doesn't answer, only asking back.
"i dont know, you seem distant" you say.
"im right here" he says and fuck, how hard it is to hear it from you and have no courage to act.
"yeah... i guess you are" you sound a bit disappointed and that breaks his heart.
"shit, fuck it!" he shoots, your eyes getting big at his sudden burst "you know what? you're right, i am distant, and you wanna know why? well, i already told you, you're way beautiful. way too beautiful. even worst, so fucking hot. its really hard to talk to you and not want to fuck you senseless" he keeps stepping closer and you're letting him. oh god, how his hopes are high right now "see, cant even talk straight when it's you in front of me"
you dont say anything, you two both close and your eyes scanning his face.
"lost time of how many times i dreamed about fucking you and didn't do anything because i value our friendship so much, yn" he sounds calmer now, searching for your face too.
"that doesn't sound like a bad idea, you know. i think you fucking me senseless wont change us" you finally say something and he relaxes.
"do you think so?" he asks, and you just hum. last thing you know, he was hugging your waist, attaching your lips together. he definitely will be taking you home tonight, and hoping not for the last time.
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jisungsspams · 1 year
embarrassing puppy jeno and making him degrade himself stop he would look so pretty crying 🥺🥺
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Warning: heavy dom/sub ofc, sub!jeno and puppy!jeno <3, name calling (whore, slut and dog), degradation, jeno calls you mommy and owner (but like once), tying and overstim. Idk u overstim jeno so much he cries so Dacryphilia
Kinda mixing those two ask together just bcs <3 i hope thats okay with you @lav-nct
STOP this is toomuch 😭 he’ll be so cute all messy and crying for you to stop 😭 Jasmine.. your brain is insane thank you so much
Like I said before, he’s the most obedient sub ever, always taking what you give him and he’ll never EVER act bratty but Jeno’s biggest problem is his horniness. My man is always horny, ALWAYS horny. Like imagine One day, you come home and see him humping a pillow without asking your permision to touch himself. Grrrr im gonna cry from howmuch I love sub!jeno
Jeno overstim + tying + degrading 
Not proofread lol 
Warnings: overstim ofc, tying, degradation Sub! Jeno, puppy! Jeno, Jeno calls you mommy, maybe Switch! Jeno at the end? 
Word count: about 1.2k 
-” Do you think you can cum on more time for mommy? “ 
Jeno look at you from underneath you, his puppy eyes filled with tears. You were pumping his length with your hand at a slow pace, softly rubbing his sensitive tip earning a whimper from him, looking at him waiting for an answer. Jeno couldn’t remember how long you were sitting there, forcing orgasm over orgasm. 
He knew he deserved it because he hadn’t followed your rules and had touched himself without asking you but he didn’t know how much more time he’ll be able to keep going. 
-” Mommy… please… I’ve been- ah- a good pup…please let me touch you. “ 
He started moving his hands behind his back who were held in place by your belt. All this time you’ve been spending playing with him, his hands were tied. Not letting him touch you while you did whatever you wanted to him. 
-” Really, you want to touch mommy? Gonna have to cum one more time for that “ 
You grabbed his neck, cutting air flow ever so slightly. Everything you did to him was in the softest way possible, you knew that was what broke him. Not going fast enough and not giving him choice was what made him crazy for you. His hips jerked up in your hand involuntary, making you go a bit faster. He was already close even if his last orgasm wasn’t even that long ago, his stomach and chest covered in his previous highs and sweat. 
-” Come one puppy, mommy might even fuck you after. Wanna fill mommy up? “ 
-” Please mommy.“ he said without even really knowing what he was pleading for. 
Your voice was sweeter than usual, as if he was too dumb to understand what you were saying and honestly, he didn’t understand all of what you were saying, he was just too deep in his pleasure. Your name leaving his mouth like a chant, as if he only knew that single word. You felt proudness fill your chest as you looked at his fucked-up state. He was broken, just as you intended when you started playing with him. Your hand on his neck pressed harder and sending him over the edge, making him cum for the nth time on your hand. 
-” My pretty pup “you cooed in his ear, letting him come down from his high “Don’t dare going soft on me. You’re my fucktoy remember?” 
-” Yes, yes, I’m your slut! “He answers as quick as you asked, still feeling dizzy from his high. 
You started pumping his length again, earning breathy whimpers from him. He quickly became hard again, the idea of coming inside you making him see stars. You stopped pumping him and finally detached his hands. Jeno’s hand immediately attached to your boobs, pinching your nipples and fondling your breasts 
You let him do it but you looked at him expectedly. He knew exactly what he needed to do to get you to fuck him 
-” Please… use me how you want.” He said in a pleading tone, letting you know how bad he needed you. 
-” You’re really nothing but my stupid whore. “ 
You didn’t wait for an answer to position yourself on top of his cock and sit on it. You could never get used to the stretch he gave you but the glide was made easier by your own arousal, that was almost dripping out of you onto the sheets. You started to ride him at a very slow pace, just to infuriate him more and it worked. His hand came on your hips and slightly made you move faster. 
-” Faster please. “ 
You didn’t listen to his plea and kept your slow pace. Your hands going on his shoulder to steady yourself as if you were going to go faster but you didn’t, you just kept your slow pace, almost laughing at him from how desperate he looked at you.   
Jeno just couldn’t take it anymore. He had been such a good puppy for you and you were still being cruel to him. He had to do something about it. He grabbed your hips harder and slid his cock out of you. He easily manhandled you, flipping you head towards the bed and ass up. 
-” You played with me enough, my turn now. “ 
He said before slamming his cock back into you with no warning, earning a high-pitched moan from you. You loved it when he showed this side of him after you pushed his button too far. He trusted into you with so much force you knew you would have bruises tomorrow. His hands and your hip, pushing you even further on his cock, making you feel him so deep inside of you. 
-” Gonna let your puppy fuck you dumb? Your puppy’s gonna make you feel so good” he said while pounding unto you restlessly 
You couldn’t even reply to him from how strong his trusts were, only screaming his name like a chant. As much as he loved your dominant side, he also loved seeing you squirm under him, screaming for him to slow down. 
-” Jeno, slow down” you said breathless as he just didn’t stop with his trust, only shushing you to soothe you down, softly rubbing your hip with his hand. You felt the familiar knot forming in your stomach, you knew you wouldn’t hold up very long from how he was going on you. The only thing holding you up was Jeno hold on you as you felt your legs giving up. 
-” Don’t worry mommy, let your puppy take care of you.” The way he was still calling you mommy made you felt even closer as he wasn’t using it like before but in an even more perverted way, making you feel like a dumb whore. 
-” Puppy... I'm close...” You said making him bring his hand down to your sensitive bud, sending you over the edge, making you scream his name even louder. Seeing your state made him feel his high grow quickly, knowing he had that much effect on you so easily.  
-” Cum for me please.” He sounded almost desperate to get you to cum, caring much more about your pleasure than his at this point, his finger pressing even harder on your bud to make you come faster. Your eyes rolling to the back of your head from how good you were feeling, the knot quickly snapped due to how Jeno was making you feel. Your moans getting caught in your throat as you couldn’t even talk from how your orgasm was washing over you. Jeno rode you through it but didn’t calm down as your high came down, he just kept going, this time trying to reach his own high, making you feel extremely overstimulated. But you could still tell he was close due to how floppy his trusts were becoming 
-” You’re gonna cum for mommy?” You said in between moans making him groan. Your talking was what threw him over the edge, making him come inside of you. He kept his length inside of you until it became soft again, before finally sliding it out. He pulled out and you immediately fell on the bed, feeling exhausted. He joined you soon after, making you kiss his face softly to praise him for his good work today. 
-” Can you cume one more time for your puppy?” 
Sorry if the ending is a bit rushed, I was too fed up to write a good ending sorry 🙁 gonna rewrite it if probably 😀. 
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5eraphim · 2 months
swinging out the gate with pure filth but i recently stumbled upon a scout voice line that made me cream my pants (tumblr doesn't allow links as anon so i'm putting extra parentheses to make sure it doesn't appear as one (https://wiki.teamfortress.com/w/images/4/48/Scout_domination20.wav))
anyways it got me heavy thinking about dom scout because i really truly think this boy is a sadistic motherfucker. huge ego and need to be the best, especially growing up the youngest sibling? having someone stupidly fucked out for him blows his mind.
and i KNOW for a FACT he has a daddy kink, too, and wants a real title to hear the power he has in the moment (plus there's another scout voice line that says "come to daddy" so it's essentially confirmed because i said so).
he's still a little bit of a teenage horndog about it, rolling his eyes back and getting a little nervous when you actually do submit, because he was prepared for a fight.
i would almost say he prefers it, wanting the struggle and the power that comes with quelling the flame in you but never fully, trying to push buttons to get you to give him a shove or a nasty remark so he has an excuse to pounce on you like a predator.
"yeah? you like that? gettin' fucked on daddy's dick?" almost really talking to himself when he drills into you as fast as he physically can, positioned in missionary because he wants to see that pretty face (and tits).
he wants to see overstimulation paint your features, you know that. he also wants to see that feisty side of you just so he can tame it. you push his abdomen the best you can, hands really just shoving his shirt that he didn't bother to take off. it's not working, and all he can do is laugh at your pathetic attempt.
you yank the dog tags that dangle in front of your face, sort of wet because of the sweat he's pouring, not due of the physicality but rather that he's so worked up and thrilled that he's heating up. the chain wrings around the back of his neck a little, not necessarily doing the damage you hoped for. in fact, you can see a switch flip and his eyes darken. uh oh.
his hands slam around your neck, having previously been attached to your waist, and squeeze so hard your vision goes fuzzy at the edges and all the blood rushes from your head. "you wanna choke me? how's it feel ta be fuckin' choked, huh? stupid bitch." he's degrading, harsh because he knows he can be. your eyes well u with tears, threatening to spill, and he grins like a wolf. he loves it.
"oh, what, you gonna cry? you gonna cry now?" he spits at you. that's all it takes before the waterworks start, cooling your warm cheeks and letting him know he's won this round.
there's nothing that stops you from cumming on his cock, completely overwhelmed by feeling and so far gone that it doesn't even matter. scout's overjoyed that he's got a pretty girl so fucking stupid for him that she can't even control her body anymore. he gets so high off the feeling that he can't help but bark out every filthy thought and word he has, a reminder that he is conscious enough to talk and you're so braindead you can't form a word.
"aww" he wipes your tears with the pad of his thumb, "don' cry kid, i'm not even bein' that cruel!" he taps his thumb against your lips, scowling when you turn your head to avoid his digit. he grabs your chin to force your eyes on his. "open up and suck my fuckin' thumb or ill replace it with my cock and fuck your face."
im making my mark as 👽 emoji because i will 100% be back to write more
thank you so much for sending me this, a bit blown awayy right now, i must say. top-tier scout characterization, on GOD. He is MEAN. he is literally a one man bully squad- of course he's gonna overdo it act like a total maniac getting nasty with his obsession.
i love this because i love writing Scout as on the more dominant side, but in a almost playfully sadistic kind of way.
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queenie-official · 7 months
Chapter Four: ‘The Groom To Be’ Bridgerton Au!Anakin
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part 1, 2, 3
a/n: hey guys 🤭 so as per usual the pictures used all correlate to the story so do keep that in mind while reading🥰 Also Thank you so much for 200+ followers i love you all 💋💋 Hope you enjoy this chapter loves🫶🏼
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To your delight or rather relief you’ve been told that Anakin would be joining you in the castle a day before the wedding along with his mother and brother. the royal council deemed it necessary so that they could ensure everything went smoothly and the possibility of the groom not arriving on time would be one less worry. unfortunately you had received this news from Barclay right before you were about to head to sleep. so now you find yourself on your balcony staring off into the night sky unable to sleep. thoughts of what’s to come plaguing your mind, fighting the urge to pace around- a typical nervous habit of yours- when a soft voice came from behind you. “your majesty you should sleep”
“i would if i could Eleanora but my thoughts betray me” you say with a sigh, not bothering to turn around. instead you kept your gaze on the moon as the cool night breeze blew over your face. “shall i make you some tea to help calm you?” she suggested as you leaned against the railing, resting your head in your palm. “tea would be nice but i am quite alright” you answer airily.
“very well” she replies but does not leave, instead standing still in the doorway behind you. finally you turn to acknowledge her properly “shouldn’t you be sleeping?” you ask curiously, seeing her with night garments of her own on. “i find it hard to sleep when you cannot your majesty. i worry for you” she says with knitted brows, concern written all over her. you felt bad for causing her worry. “i promise i am fine. i just cannot seem to rest knowing that he will be here again in the morning, this time i properly have a chance to speak with him and yet i haven’t a clue what i should say.” you vent, walking into your room and allowing Eleanora to close the doors to the balcony behind you as you sit on your bed to speak with her. “a simple greeting is always a good start, considering you didn’t last time.”
“that’s because i hadn’t been given the chance” you said a bit defeatedly. “you could try now” simple and true but for some reason it didn’t seem so easy to you. “i find it strange how much i want to talk to him, maybe im just curious as to what his voice sounds like” you wonder out loud, fiddling with the lace curtains attached to your bed frame. “it sounds perfectly reasonable to me, you want to get to know him he is going to be your husband after all.” you sigh whilst letting yourself fall back onto your bed, laying with your legs hanging over the edge. “i can only hope he wishes to get to know me too, but if his silence is anything to answer i fear he may not.”
“perhaps he’s just shy” she suggests and the idea makes your nose wrinkle. you hadn’t known many princes to be shy, most of them had egos too high for that to be a possibility. “i suppose that is a perfectly reasonable explanation, but what good is a shy king?”
“won’t that be easier for you then your majesty?” you turn your head too look over to her, she’d sat down at the ottoman in front of your bed so that she could be closer while you voiced your thoughts to her. “how so?” you ask with a raised brow, unsure how him being shy could possibly be a good thing.
“well there won’t be much of a power struggle between the two of you” she says and the statement made you laugh. she wasn’t wrong and you weren’t laughing at what she said specifically, but you where laughing at the mere idea of a power struggle happening. “there would not be a power struggle regardless, i get enough of being told what to do by the men in the royal council. i shall not allow that in my marriage” you state firmly once your laughter dies down, a small smile on your face as you spoke.
“of course your majesty” she says in response, a similar smile mirrored onto her face. “i think i will have that cup of tea Eleanora” you say softly, sitting up and moving to sit against your pillows.“yes your majesty” she responded, happy to be of help and to see you in a lighter mood.
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the sun was shining brightly in the sky as you waited rather impatiently for the carriage to arrive. the only thing stopping you from pacing in a circle was Padme on your left and Eleanora on your right, so instead you walked up and down the length of the castle hallways. they where supposed to arrive already, late by over an hour now. the idea they might not show at all has crossed over your mind multiple times now but both girls beside you where quick to shut that down each time you brought it up. of course they where right but if that is the case then what possibly could cause such a long delay.
“y/n we really need to work on some different coping skills” padme said sounding quite winded as she did. the poor girls where practically jogging to keep up with your fast pace. "yes or at the very least you ought to get a slower walking speed" Eleanora added quickly, struggling to catch her breath as well. "sorry" you say and pause your actions allowing the two girls to catch up to you. “i don’t know why i’m so worried, it would be perfectly understandable for them to arrive late. it’s not like our kingdoms are close.” you didn’t realize how quickly you rushed those sentences out of your mouth until you saw the look on Eleanora’s face. thankfully Padme seemed to understand what you said, probably used to deciphering sentences from her own children. “exactly so let’s take a deep breath and calm down, if anything this is exactly why they are coming a day early. no need to work up a sweat over this” She says softly, a gentle hand resting on your shoulder to help ground you.
“Ah your majesty there you are, the carriage has arrived” a breath of relief exited you at Barclay’s proclamation. “thank you for letting me know i’ll be down in just a moment” Barclay nods at your response and heads back down the hall probably to go greet your guests and properly invite them in. you turn back to the girls and Padme gives you a soft smile. “i’m guessing that’s my cue to leave” she says with a laugh and you give her a hug silently thanking her for always being here for you. as you pull away she gives you one more look that says you’ve got this before she leaves through the gardens again. “i’ll busy myself in the library your majesty” Eleanora adds so that you don���t have to worry about her, she gives you a smile of her own as well before heading off.
Taking a deep breath you turn to look into one of the mirror panes in the hallway, making sure you hadn’t messed up your hair. flattening your hands along your dress to smooth out wrinkles as well as rid the sweat from your palms. today you where going to make it your mission to talk to Anakin- even if he was reluctant to speak with you or even look at you. turning on your heel you walk down the hallway at a reasonable pace as you mentally prepare yourself for however the next couple interactions go.
as soon as you entered the room they where waiting for you in, you immediately greeted them with warm smiles. only something was different this time. instead of the side of a tan face you where met with the last time you where in a room with Anakin you where instead met with the beautiful pair of blue eyes you had only caught a glimpse of, the sight made your stomach swirl.
forcing yourself to tear away from his eyes as you walked up to them, you look at who you presumed was his mother. “your majesty a pleasure to meet you” you gave the queen a low bow, in terms of status she outranked you. so it only seemed right to bow properly before her.
“a pleasure to meet you as well your highness” she says with a soft smile giving you a quick bow as well. “you’ve already met my sons” she says with a gesture towards them and you nod before greeting them. “yes it’s good to see you both again” both boys give you a nod in turn but only Obi-Wan speaks “thank you for having us” you smile politely but you can’t help but wonder why Anakin still refused to speak. at least he was looking at you this time, that’s progress.
“it is still early and im sure you all are hungry, i’ll have Barclay here lead you all to the dining room” both the queen and Obi-Wan seemed pleased with that suggestion and happily nodded, the only person who didn’t give you any indication of what they where thinking was once again Anakin. it was beginning to frustrate you, why wouldn’t he speak to you. Mad or not you’d rather him talk to you and tell you off then stay in silence.
“feel free to make yourselves at home” is what you said instead of voicing your thoughts, making sure to keep up the happy facade until they all left with Barclay. you did not let this falter you though, growing more determined to get him to talk or at the very least to find out why he wouldn’t speak to begin with. maybe he had an impediment, you wouldn’t judge him for it- in fact when you where younger you had quite the difficulty saying words with the letter R and sometimes you swore it came back whenever you where extremely nervous.
pushing your thoughts aside you decided to busy yourself with some work, so off to your study you went.
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it had been a few hours since you’d last seen them all and you’d finished most of the work you needed to do for the day, according to Barclay Obi-Wan went to the library to read and the queen went to the room she’d be staying in for some much needed rest after the long carriage ride. as for Anakin well he wasn’t quite sure where he’d run off too, so you had taken it upon yourself to find him. this was the perfect moment to get him to talk.
the only problem was where ever he had disappeared to had made him next to impossible to find. you’d spent the last 15 minutes searching for him before you almost gave up.
sighing as you looked outside a window is when you saw him- or at least what you could only assume was him. quickly picking up your skirt so you didn’t trip, you sped through the castle to get to the side exit closest to where you had seen him.
sure enough there he was, sitting upon a half wall and resting against a pillar with his eyes closed peacefully. you slowed your pace as you approached him, trying to seem as casual as possible. “you seem comfortable.” you watch as he peaks an eye open to look at you before he answers. “i believe you said we could make ourselves at home.” he closed his eyes again right after he finished speaking. you couldn’t help but smile brightly once you realized he actually spoke though. “ah so he speaks” you say jokingly but it definitely came off more as a revelation.
“of course i do” he said now opening both of his eyes to look and address you properly, clearly realizing you weren’t going to leave him be anytime soon. “well i’ve yet to hear you say a thing up until now” you defend yourself, feeling like what you’d said was justified. “did you need to hear me speak?” he asks and that question confuses you. of course you didn’t need to hear him speak, but why would you not want to.
“i suppose not… is there a reason you didn’t” you ask curiously. “yes” he responds, and you nod waiting for him to continue but he doesn’t. you shift slightly in your spot as the silence continues before realizing you’d have to press further if you wanted a answer out of him. “will you tell me the reason?”
“if you wish to know” you resist the urge to roll your eyes at that response, so this is how it was going to be. “if i didn’t, i wouldn’t have said anything at all” you point out the obvious. “it was a choice i made to annoy my brother” he stated simply. the bluntness of it throwing you off for a moment. “what?” he smiles slightly at the question and your reaction, was he just teasing you? “on the first carriage ride here i was given a firm lecture on how i was to say and do nothing so that everything would go smoothly.” he says and although you got a proper answer this time you couldn’t help but raise a brow in concern. “should i worry why you speaking would cause things to not go smoothly?”
“not at all” he said with another smile, he was definitely pulling your leg. “not very reassuring” he simply shrugs at your statement. “so the reason you did not speak to me was out of spite for your brother?” you ask again to reconfirm his answer. “that is what i said yes” he crossed his arms as he spoke, leaning back against the pillar again as he waited for your response. you roll your eyes and think over that fact. okay so he was a petty person, that could go either way considering you’re also quite petty.
“but why didn’t you look at me” you ask curiously, being petty and refusing to speak was one thing but not even acknowledging your existence was another. “i’ve been told my stare can be quite intense” that certainly wasn’t the answer you had expected. “i don’t understand you.” he gives you another shrug.
“you’re really casual about all of this” you opt for a change of conversation. “what do you mean?” he says whilst he shifts so that he’s sitting with his legs hanging over the wall and his body facing you. “i mean about this whole marriage situation, you don’t seem mad or even scared”
“should i be?” he asks with a tilt of his head. “you aren’t scared to marry me?” you ask incredulously. “i’m getting the feeling you want me to be”
“i’m a stranger” you point out to him, how could he not be scared of marrying a complete stranger. “are you scared of marrying me?” you blink a few times not having expected him to throw the question back at you.
“how could i not be, i don’t know you” he seems to ponder over your answer for a brief moment. “so we’re both strangers that means we have common ground” he answers with another shrug. what was going on? had you been overthinking this situation entirely, or maybe he just wasn’t as easily distraught about his entire life being changed practically overnight- neither of these seemed like the correct conclusion.
“i’m confused” he raised a brow at that. “i feel im being very straightforward” you scoff once again resisting the urge to roll your eyes at his statement “this conversation is going nowhere”
“where would you like it do go?” he asks you and you aren’t quite sure what to say to that so you shift the conversation again. “i prefer someone to speak their mind to me.” he’s nods in acknowledgment but remains silent again looking off to the side like he was thinking something over.
you look him over again in this moment of silence taking note of the clothes he was wearing- they where a little over casual for a prince especially compared to what his mother and brother had been wearing, he could of been easily mistaken as a stablehand. “you know to be a king you are to dress the part” you say boldly and watch as he looks back over to you. “i prefer comfort over luxury” he retorts. “most people would consider luxury comfort” he laughs at your response and it made your face flush slightly, unsure why he was laughing until he calmed down and spoke again. “let me ask you then, is that corset you’re wearing comfortable?” alright fair point on his end but it’s not like he had to wear a corset.
“if the people saw you they’d think i’m marrying someone of poverty. it would be a scandal” he rolled his eyes at that- you weren’t being completely serious mostly just wanting to see if you could get a reaction out of him the same way he had been doing to you, having to resist the urge to smile when it worked.
“everything leads to scandals.” you snort a laugh and you could of sworn you saw a smile form on his lips again when you did. he wasn't wrong though just about everything did lead to a scandal. “you cannot be seen in public dressed like that.” you add still wanting to tease him.
“good thing the public is not here then” you smile, he was funny. “fair enough” was all you could think to say and he chuckled “that’s all you got then?”
“for now anyways, yes” you look back over to the castle deciding you should probably speak with the other two guests as well. “i’ll let you get back to what you where doing before i got here” he nods in response and you begin to walk away only to stop a few moments later by the sound of his boots hitting the ground and jogging over to you “wait i have something for you.” you turn towards him tilting your head to the side unsure what he could possibly have to give you “i’m sorry?”
“a gift” he says and holds up a small box in his hand, holding your hand out he gently places the box into your palm. “what is this?” you tilt the box to the side trying to see if you’d hear something move around. “open it” and so you did just that, gently pulling the box open to reveal a silver ring with beautiful tiny flower details on it and a big yellow diamond on the center that glimmered beautifully in the sunlight. “my mother suggested i get you an engagement ring to make it seem like we’ve known each other longer and love each other to the public eye” you carefully pull the ring out handing him back the box and placing it on your left ring finger. holding your hand out to look at it on you, it truly was pretty.
“clever idea… i’ve never seen a yellow diamond before” you look up into his eyes not surprised to see him staring down at you, having felt him watch over your entire reaction. “they’re quite rare most places but in Tatooine they are common.”
“thank you” you smile at him, there was definitely worse people you could of been forced to marry and so far Anakin seemed like the lucky straw to pull. you could definitely work with this.
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part 5
Tag List: @luvvfromme @bimbo-baggins86 @gatekeepingirlboss
ima tell you guys this now cuz i want you to pick up on the change but pay attention to how reader copes with anxiety and stress now just for future reference 🌝🌝 anyways next chapter is going to be the wedding and ball (because is it really bridgerton without a extravagant ball?) hope you huns enjoyed this chapter Xx<3 🤭
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merakiui · 10 months
MERA im thinking of purist vil who is taking on a new role, something darker and deeper than usual. But something is missing, he's perfect as always but there is the feeling of lack.
Sensuality. Lust. Craving.
Things vil has never chased due to his ambition and high self perspective. So, he gets things set up. Its easy with his connections- someone private, quiet, no-nonsense. Can do the job without alerting the press.
A whore.
He's progressive enough to not look down on your way of living and you exceed his expectations when he meets you. There's no fanfare or excitement. You're a professional-just like him.
Who else is better to teach him the ways of the body? And maybe, deep inside, he's even thrilled at the thought you receiving his golden virginity and corrupting him.
He may get greedy after a while and soon it makes no sense to take any other customers with how well he pays you. He gave you something precious so shouldn't you return the favor? He won't ask for much. Just bear his child and all is well.
-can i be 👠 anon please?
👠 anon....... this is so good omg,,,, Vil learning more about sex and the intimacy between bodies so that he can better act the role he's meant to play, but then he unintentionally grows too attached and now he's returning to you even after filming has finished. Now it's no longer about the role; he just wants to be closer to you because you're his very first sexual relationship, which part of him hopes will ease into romance. Of course Vil is also doing what he can to make it like that; he won't wait for a miracle. He'll make it happen!
So just let him fuck you raw, let him put a baby in you, let him make you his forever. <3 you'll go as many rounds as possible, with Vil hellbent on knocking you up. After all, it's quite the honor to be able to fuck him and have his child, to peer into a private sliver of his life, to wake up in his arms and see Vil beyond the cameras and the shimmering spotlights. He's blessed your life with such a grand opportunity. You must thank him accordingly, and he'll only accept such thanks if you let him knock you up. But then maybe you're too dazed to think properly and he ends up getting his way hehe.
Vil just doesn't want to let you go. Since he technically wrapped up his role in that film, he doesn't need you to teach him. But he has to have a valid reason to return to you, and like clockwork you're there to accept him. It's a bad habit he's found himself in, but it feels so cathartic to forget all about who and what he is when he's with you. He can just be Vil and you can be yourself.
He will be immensely proud once you start showing. >:) and as he suspected, you're absolutely beautiful when you're pregnant.
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evilcowgirl · 1 year
eeekkk hii!! I saw u were open for requests so I figured I'd send one :)) ur writing is so good it's criminal ngl. Could I get something with their s/o getting into a fight + some fluff after with javi, arthur, and Kieran, if you write for him? If not, that's good too!!
pairings: javier, kieran, arthur (x reader)
a/n: for my fav mutual !!!! this literally took forever bc im high school lol !! loveeedd this idea sm thank u for the request :D first time writing kieran i hope i did okay + some of these r kinda toxic so warning ! specifically javier but i hc him as emotionally immature amen
warnings: angst (arguing)
word count: 5.4k combined
summary: collection of short stories, getting into an agreement w/their s/o and some comfort afterwards
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You and Javier were indisputably infatuated with each other. Seeing one of you without the other could only mean that someone was looking for the other. You kept him by your side just as much as he kept you. Right next to his gun, there was you; you were even more dependable.
Between the two of you was a fiery passion that hadn't stopped blazing since you met. His loyalty to you was the only match for his loyalty to the gang, though you never felt the need to test it. He showed you everyday how treasured you were.
In the past few days you've been working harder than usual, Grimshaw even taking notice to how busy you've been which was saying something. You scrubbed clothes until your finger pruned and felt numb, not giving Tilly anything to work on when you were done. You'd even offered to take over on chopping vegetables for Sadie, which she gladly accepted. Anytime you weren't moving was time to think about Javier and how he wasn't where he should be each night, in your shared tent next to you. Books offered no real comfort regardless of how many Mary-Beth urged you to borrow to calm your nerves. The romance in them always painfully dragged your mind back to him. The nights were colder and the days drew on like you'd never known was possible. You couldn't help but give Dutch a bit of a cold shoulder around camp knowing that he was the reason that your love stayed away so often as of late. He didn't seem to notice though, his head was often in the clouds now.
You'd endured seven tiresome days and six lonely nights when Javier finally returned along with Bill. They were both relatively clean based of their appearance, Javier more than Bill to no one's surprise, with bags attached to their horses that were being unfastened by Dutch and Hosea as they got off their horses.
"Javier!" You squealed out, tossing Mary-Beths copy of Jane Austen's Persuasion into her lap haphazardly. You bumped into a few people on your way, mumbling quick sorries as you went.
"Querida, I missed you terribly!" Javier expressed. When he heard your voice he immediately perked up and forgot how exhausted he was in an instant.
He wrapped his arms around your waist pulling you close to him as you walked into camp, leaving the horses to be tended to by Kieren after their hard work.
"I missed you even more, I've been bored to death without you." You tell him and he kisses your temple in response.
"I'm here now."
You were relieved to have him back, but that feeling only lasted for so long. By the time Javier had the time to tell you of his travels with Bill the last few days, have a good meal, and rest for the night he was already being threatened to be taken from you again.
You were woken up to the strategic shuffling of clothes against skin. You could tell that he was trying to be quiet with his movements but it still woke you up; you couldn't feel his warmth next to you anymore. You watched silently as he buttoned his top and pulled his boots on, not speaking until he was halfway out of the tent.
"Where are you going?" You asked. As he pulled back the fabric of the tent you could just barely see the slight glow of the early morning.
He stopped, his hand dropping as he turned and looked at you apologetically. He looked less like a child caught doing something they knew he shouldn't be, a look you'd grown to recognize from him, and more like a dog being recalled to its owner after misbehaving. Still guilty nonetheless. He kneeled down at the cot you still laid on, quietly waiting for a response as he ran a hand over your exposed arm.
"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to wake you."
"Where were you off to?" You asked again.
"I—uhm, have something to do, I won't be gone too long. You go back to sleep." He says vaguely and leans forward to press a kiss to the corner of your mouth. As he does you turn your head away from him, causing him to look at you with these hurt eyes that you regret causing instantly.
"Why can't Dutch send someone else this time? You only just got back and now you're leaving again." You say firmly. You sit up in the cot, now fully awake and flushed with annoyance.
"I know, my love, Dutch isn't the one who you should be upset with, I'm not being sent by anyone but myself. Micha has been getting this together for some time now and asked me to join him, and I am." He notices the way your eyes narrow at the mention of Micha and says the last part as if to solidify it. To make it known that it's final.
"Haven't you done enough? I mean, it's not like you're the only one Micha could have help, there's Charles and John and even Sadie!"
"I'm doing this for all of us. I'm coming because he wanted me to come, now keep your voice down, no need to wake everyone up." He says getting up from his kneel, "I don't have time to argue, we leave soon."
"Then let me come." You say desperately. You push off the sheet covering your legs and stand in front of him.
"You know I can't let you." Is all he says as he grabs his gun belt.
He leaves you alone with your thoughts once again and it doesn't take you long to decide that this wasn't the end of it. You never trusted Micha to be alone with Javier, you knew that if it came down to it that Micha would leave Javier to die rather than risk himself like any decent man. Outside of your tent no one else can be seen yet, it can't be too much past four and after all of the drinks passed around the night before a late morning is to be expected. You march you way to Javier, still barefoot through the grass. He doesn't look up to acknowledge you, he simply continues packing his supplies into his bag with his eyes never meeting yours. It's as if you're not even standing there.
"You're so stubborn!" You finally say. You feel yourself getting worked up. Your fists clenching in desperation as you walk closer to him. "I wish you would just listen to me for once. I don't have not one good feeling about this and you just barely got back." You say to him and he finally looks at you. At this point you know for a fact that there's no backtracking what you'd started.
"And this is because you don't trust Micah?That's why you're throwing a fit like a little girl."
It was partly true. You and Micah had never gotten along, but then again neither had he and Javier in the beginning. You saw straight through his front. His intentions weren't quite clear to you yet, but you knew that they weren't pure. That was the only thing that stopped you from going to Dutch about the whole thing.
"All that Micah is good for is stroking egos and getting other people into his messes. How dare I worry for the man that I love!" He shrugs you off, scoffing.
"You don't know what you're talking about." It hurts to hear him dismiss you like that, someone who was usually eager to listen to your every thought.
"I know well enough. Please, Javier, I'm begging you to stay." You knew that your words would have some sort of effect on him, he was always weak for only you. You watched as his expression changed into something thoughtful but still just as harsh. He knew now that you really were scared for him but he felt that you had no reason to be. He'd rather scream and yell at each other than hear you beg, the sound of your voice pleading to him filled him with guilt.
"Maybe I should just drop everything hm?" He asks.
"What?" You ask, you're confusion and anger displayed so obviously on your face.
"You told me when I brought you into this—me prometiste, that you understood."
"And I do! I always have how could you doubt that after so long?" It'd been years since he allowed you to join the rest of the gang. You'd been welcome for much longer but he was protective and wanted to keep you far from that aspect of his life. It was apart of him that you made the choice to love and accept like the rest of him.
"Everything that I do is for us—to keep you safe. We need the money."
"You can't keep me safe if you're dead." You deadpanned. It had always been a fear of yours but especially after Micah joined.
"It's unfortunate that everyone can't make their keep by sewing clothes and flirting all day."
Your eyes widened in disbelief as you stepped forward, "You know that's not true just as well as I do."
"Oh do I, amor?" He says in a mocking tone, sweet as pure cane, "I see how you walk around camp, how you talk to the men." He says to you in a low voice now that you've gotten so close. His body is still tense as he mutters into your ear. You know he's trying to push your buttons and is succeeding.
"You're being ridiculous."
"Maybe I am, maybe it's more than flirting? You don't seem to trust my judgment anymore who's to say your loyalty hasn't grown weak too?"
"You're pathetic," You say to him.You don't mean it, you both know that but in the moment of passion your words have no other purpose but to be filled with venom.
"Yeah?" He says nodding, egging you on.
"You're too stubborn to just admit that I'm right, you'd rather make a fool of yourself. Micah doesn't mean you well, he's leading you somewhere that I won't follow you to."
"So then you'll leave me? For trying to help us, you'll leave me."
You'd never seen him mad like this, his eyes were dark with adrenaline and you could tell he was only becoming agitated with your silence. It was a fearsome sight, Javier was already an intimidating man to everyone else, but for the first time you we're feeling nervous under his presence.
"niña estúpida, morirías sin mi." His words are venomous when they strike your skin, you feel yourself shrinking. You flinch at the harshness of his voice and words. He's never spoken to you like that before, so overcome with emotion, you stand still in disbelief.
At seeing the genuine fear in your eyes as you looked at him,you out of all people, his rage disintegrated in front of you. Tears were stinging your eyes, just daring to fall but you wouldn't let them. You couldn't have him see how weak you really were for him behind your front. Looking away seemed like the safest option as you couldn't quite read him with how you're vision blurred over, you just silently hoped that he wasn't even more upset at seeing you like this.
Javier took a step towards you, slow and purposeful with his movements and you didn't move away. When he saw that you weren't planning on running from him he inched his way closer to you, like a hunter approaching a scared doe. His hands met your shoulders first, hesitant yet eager, then all of the sudden bringing you towards him in one swift movement.
You were unsettled still, your heart beating out of your chest and making you feel dizzy. His hands around your body felt foreign with you so far away from your mind.
"I'm so sorry, amor. . . I was wrong. I never meant to scare you." Javier said, his voice breaking.
His declared beloved, the one he imagined whatever he had left of forever with. What kept his thoughts grounded and sent him into dreamlike states all at once. Seeing your tears finally fall, or actually feeling them warm against his neck, and knowing that he had been the cause of him cut him much deeper than any blade he'd encountered.
"Please forgive me, this was all my fault. I should never have spoken to you like that." He says, "Amor. . ."
“It's alright.” You tell him, “You didn't mean it.”
He shook his head, not knowing what to say.
Things are quiet after the fight.
You both returned to your tent afterwards guided by Javier's tight latch on your hand. Micah asked about what was going on with Javier having packed his things back away without a word. He'd simply responded by saying you weren't feeling well, expecting that to be more than enough of a reason. Javier was never one for letting people down or evading responsibility but he wasn't up for creating excuses.
"She was just fine a few hours ago, I'm sure she'll live without you for a couple more." Micah remarked condescendingly.
That was all it took for Javier's patience to reach it's limit. "She's ill, we're done with this conversation." The response he got back was a scoff.
You were a little surprised at hearing the exchange as apart of you was still expecting Javier to go. When he finally came back your delight was evident on your face, he came to your bedside again just like he'd done before and kissed your lips tenderly. You allowed him for your comfort and his.
"I'm sorry that we argued. I hate arguing with you." You said just above a whisper.
"Don't apologize, you did nothing wrong. It's me who was out of line" He said tilting his head to the side.
"Well it doesn't matter now. . .I'm just happy you're here." You said bringing his face towards yours again.
Kieran's natural state seemed to be underneath some form of authority. He was treated terribly when he found lodging by working for the O'Driscolls, which you could tell had left him quite insecure of himself. Still, there was a reminiscence of subservience to the men that he saw as superior. Ultimately he was happier to be at the camp with all of you. Being here was protection and stability.
You pitted him in the beginning, sneaking him food at night while the rest of the gang weren't looking. Seeing him tied up like that broke your heart as you knew he wasn't this degenerate rival that mostly everyone accepted him as.
After proving himself to be at the very least somewhat trustworthy and earning his freedom around camp, having Kieran around became a pleasure. It was obvious to everyone that he fancied you, he was never too good at lying. Nowadays the other men teased him about it more than they brought up that he used to be an O'Driscoll.
He'd sit next to you whenever he found you alone and not busy, keeping his distance like he was afraid to scare you away. It didn't take you too long to develop feelings for him in return. He was sweet and well mannered; he always spoke to you like he was in awe of having you in front of him. Even when you started dating that admiration never changed from both ends.
There was a special bond between you two that no one else seemed to understand. Arthur had stated it to your face numerous times that he didn't get what someone like you could see in that O'Driscoll, to which you told him that it was simply not for him to understand.
The camp was a safe haven compared to being left alone with his old gang after his head, and for this he was grateful. Still, it didn't change the fact that he would always be looked at as other for his past. For the last few weeks Kieran's mood has been all over the place to an exhaustive extent. You tried your hardest to comfort him the best you could, running your hands through his hair and suggesting he try bonding with the other men in the camp but it was to no avail.
A particularly cold night you found yourself drowsily reaching for him for warmth like you always did. Usually he'd offer you his blanket and cuddle up next to you, a gesture that never failed to warm your heart. You were suddenly wide awake at noticing his absence.
Peaking out of your tent you search around for your boyfriend. You shiver at the feeling of the cool air on your bare shoulders but crawl out anyway. You see Arthur and Bill by the glow of the campfire and walk towards them with your arms wrapped around yourself.
"Well look who's awake." Arthur says, offering you a beer. You shake you head, rubbing the sleep out of your eyes.
"Thanks but m'just lookin' for Kieran." You say.
There's still no sight of him as you look around.
"I saw him sneakin' out about an hour ago." Arthur says taking a sip from his bottle, "Go check over by the horses."
Kieran has always had a special connection to the horses. He knew so much about them, more than anyone you'd ever met before. One of the reasons he fell for you was how kind you were to the animals, it was refreshing to have someone around that was so pleasant with all of the chaos.
"Of course! Thanks Arthur."
Arthur was right as he usually was. Kieran was brushing Old Belle, detangling her mane like he'd probably done for a number of other horses before you found him.
"What are you doing up?" You say.
He jumps at the sound of your voice, startled at hearing another person.
"I should be askin' you that. It's late and it's cold so. . . you should just go back." He says trying to dismiss you.
"No, you snuck away from our tent in the middle of the night to come play with the horses?"
Kieran is silent for a moment and then puts his brush away. You furrow your brow at him as he politely walks around Taima, attempting to leave the confrontation. He does this a lot, tries to walk away from you at any sign of a disagreement. It's more frustrating than actually getting into a fight, which happens very rarely.
"You know it's rude to just walk away from someone when they're trying to talk to you!" You say grabbing his arm as he tries to shift past you.
"Can you keep it down?" He says in a hushed voice, "What do you care anyways."
You shake your head at him, "What do I care? Why wouldn't I? You've not been yourself for a while." You say.
"There's nothing wrong. I—I wish that you'd just leave me be." He says with a slight tremble in his voice, "I'm no good for you anyways. Everyone knows it; you even know it." He's not trying to walk away anymore but he's not making eye contact with you no matter how hard you try, which somehow feels even worse.
"Kieran. . ." You say, still his eyes stay on the ground in front of him. You wanted to think that this came out of nowhere but it didn't.
"Don't even try to disagree with me, 'cause I know you don't."
His cheeks and nose were pinkend by the harsh cool air and all you wanted was to bring him back to your cot and warm him up.
"I would never! I love you, you take care of me just as I do for you. You belong here just like the rest of us." You said.
"I—I love you too, I mean, you know that. It's just—I don't feel. . ." He trails off, his voice losing its confidence as he spoke.
You brought a hand to his chilly cheek to urge him on. The scruff there feeling familiar and comforting.
"I don't belong here like the rest of you, and I certainly don't deserve you. Miss Grimshaw knows it, Mister Morgan looks at me like—like I'm some kind of rodent."
You sighed at hearing the awful things that most likely plagued his mind all day. Your heart ached for him, no one appreciated him like you did but that wasn't enough.
"I'll talk to them." You say with a firm nod of your head, "I'll talk to everyone if I have to, let them know that when I'm not around to still treat you fair. It's only because of your past and you cant help that anymore than they can help theirs."
"No!" He said immediately, "I didn't mean to—to yell, but no. . .talking to 'em would only make it worse."
"I can't keep letting you get treated like this Kieran, they'll listen to me if I approach it right. They're not horrible people." You reason with him but he's still got that furrow browed-look on his face.
"Yeah sure. . ." He says but he still looks unsure, "I just wanna go back to bed right now. . ." He says.
"Yeah? Well let's go back to bed then." You say placing a kiss at his temple, "We'll talk more in the morning."
He nods unsurely, talking your hand as you both travel through camp back to your warm blankets and pillows. On the way there you pass Arthur and Bill again who seem to still be running through beers. You think to yourself that Arthur will be the one you speak with first, it seems the easiest since you two had always been close.
Back in your tent you hold each other close to warm up, pressing his head against your chest like you always did. When you both drift off it's an easy and light feeling, surrounded by each others love.
A job gone wrong was no rare occurrence. It happened all the time, especially one as poorly planned as this. If you were being honest, you had no faith in the whole thing but it was in your best interest to keep
it to yourself. You had only been on a few jobs since joining the gang and never anything more intense than a petty robbery or posing as a distraction. When John proposed that you come with them on a proper scam doubting the probability of it all working out was the last thing on your mind.
Arthur voiced his doubts, of course, but you were in no position to side with him. You were desperate for your place along side the men and Sadie. To prove your worth went beyond a good pickpocket.
"I don't see why you need to tag along on this one." Arthur had said in that grumpy tone of his. He nearly pouted the whole way to valentine, trailing your horse so close that it had you nervous. Arthur was awfully protective; it was only a coping mechanism you came to figure out.
You'd been given a simple job, as John had put it, since it was your first time taking on something this dangerous. You were to distract the owners of a sizable homestead while John snuck in to search for whatever valuables they had inside. Arthur's duty was to be hidden somewhere close with an extra gun incase a problem arose.
The air was hash and chilly against your skin, making the tip of your nose distractingly numb as you stumbled over your words to the three men you were tasked with making acquaintances with. You were never this nervous; you'd lied before withe ease and never faltered once but now here you were being just about as suspicious as you could be. None of the men seemed to trust you—brothers you had learned, the eldest being the most aggressive and the one to do most of the talking. His attitude surely didn't help your pitiful performance as with each time he interrupted you or corrected you on your messy storytelling skills you felt yourself shrink.
"Ah yes well. . . I seem to be a bit confused. . . You see it was both my father and my dear brother who I've gotten separated from." You quickly tried to clean up the mess you made but it was too late. The three pairs of distrusting eyes looked over you unimpressed.
"I think you better get going now, as to not cause you anymore confusion." The eldest son said, stepping forward as his brothers stood firmly. You wondered why a man as capable as the one standing in-front of you would need two teenagers as backup but when you noticed their holsters you began to understand the dynamic much better.
"Oh sir, you couldn't turn me away just like that, could you? I'm lost and. . ." You looked over the man's shoulder to try and spot John through the fogged window but you could barely make him out. All you knew was that he was still in there and you were about to blow his chance of leaving discretely if you didn't think quickly.
"It'll only take a moment of your time, I'm just looking for the nearest station." You said, pleading the best you could with your trembling voice. John was taking much longer than you'd expected, your whole lost damsel shtick was only supposed to last a few minutes, five at most, just to catch their attention for a while but now you felt like the one being played.
"I think the lady here got a habit of being in places she don't belong." The one brother said. It was as if you weren't even standing there anymore.
"I think we best teach her a lesson." The oldest said. A sickening snarl in his voice that triggered your instinct to run. You couldn't though. There was a job to be done and you had to stand your ground until you couldn't anymore. You're eyebrows raised at the exchange and you hands fidgeted with the fabric of your skirt. As he stalked towards you the other two took their cue to hop over the banister, each standing at your side to surround you. You barely had time to react before you found yourself completely stuck. You gasped softly, looking around for any way to distance yourself from the men but you couldn't. It was hopeless.
"You done got all quiet now?" Confident steps across the wood of the porch were loud and made you flinch each time. "Don't be shy we're gonna get you that help you was begging for before." He says. You looked up at him with hesitant eyes, so close now it felt more real than it ever could have with a safe distance and knowing that John and Arthur weren't too far away. Now it was just you, these three men and open country.
When he reaches up to touch you, likely to brush a few strands of your hair back or provide some other unwanted touch, you can only imagine what was going through Arthurs mind. It all happens as quickly as you could blink. A loud sharp bang that was followed by two more pierced through the calm afternoon air. You were surrounded by bodies once again but this time you were completely alone. Splatters of red stained the wood of the house you stood in-front of. Where there once were men stood tall and confident in their ability to overpower you there were slumped corpses. It had all happened to fast for you to process it and you stood with your mouth unable to close, blinking eyes unfocused and staring at nothing.
A noticeably agitated "God dammit!" was heard from the direction you knew Arthur was hiding you. At hearing it you turn in search of him.
"Arthur!" You say, the name comes out of your mouth as sweet as a prayer.
You know he's upset but you can't help but feel relieved.
"What the hell was that?" John calls, pushing the door open as best as he could with his full hands, "This wasn't supposed to be no murder!" He scolds you as if you were the one with the gun.
"I didn't–" You try to defend yourself but he waves you off, "Ain't got time, we need to go now. There's no telling who's around that heard those gunshots." He's right, you nod.
It bothers you seeing John ride away on Old Boy knowing that he thinks you caused this whole mess due to carelessness but what bothers you even more is the absolute fury you see in the way Arthur's ridding towards you.
"Arthur I. . ." You trail off at seeing him walk right past you.
"You had one damn job, and an easy one at that!" He says, dragging the bodies into the house. He was careful to keep his hands clean and had no difficulty carrying the deadweight of the men like they were featherlight.
"I really did try! They weren't the kindest but I still could've gotten put of it if you had just given me the time." You said.
"Oh given you the time? The time to get yourself killed," He scoffed, "Now come on."
You huffed in frustration but followed as you'd been told to. Arthur still helped you mount his horse like he always did, silently lifting you up and then getting on himself. The ride was long and uncomfortable with how tense Arthur was. As you wrapped your arms around this torso you could feel the tension in his muscles.
He took you both straight to camp and once you were there he still didn't spare you a word. No one else knew that the job had gone wrong but the would soon enough. You felt embarrassed to be seen by the rest of the camp right now. It was irrational but you couldn't much help it. Instead of having a drink with your friends like you usually did most nights you followed Arthur into his tent.
Tentatively you pulled back the curtains, not sure what reaction to expect. Arthur was taking off his coat and unfastening a few of his shirts buttons. He didn't acknowledge you even though he knew you were there.
"Arthur I'm sorry things didn't go right back there." You said simply.
"Yeah me too." He said, you could hear the sarcasm in his voice. "I need a drink." He said out-loud, but it barely sounded directed at you. When he attempted to pass you you grabbed his hand , holding it in yours. "Please talk to me. I hate fighting with you."
"My word didn't seem to mean much to you before." He says and you feel every bit of guilt for it.
"I just wanted you to see me as capable."
"You sure proved yourself today."
"I said I could've handled it." You said, trying your best not to raise your voice. You'd never asked Arthur to swoop in and save you.
"You don't know men like I do, you should be thanking me on your hands and knees for saving you right now, but all I get is damn insolence." He growls at you. He nears closer to you as he speaks but you stand your ground.
Maybe he was right. Maybe you weren't ready like you'd thought and your place was here at camp, always waiting around on something more. You could ponder over it all you wanted but your pride wouldn't let you admit it out loud.
"You know how much I care about you. I couldn't live with myself if I let something happen to you, you know that." He said in a much softer tone.
"I know." You nodded. He'd told you so many times.
"Then stop fightin' me all the time."
To you it wasn't fighting, you just had something to prove. You let your head come to rest right against his chest and he wrapped his arms around you. You felt safe here, more than anywhere else.
"I only wanted to help. Like everyone else." You defended yourself once more.
"Sweetheart, we got enough crooks running with us, you don't have to put yourself in danger like that to help." He says, stroking your hair in a way that makes your eyes nearly roll back.
"Just let me keep you safe." He says right near your ear. His voice is a low rumble that sends a shiver down your spine.
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vclvetfleur · 7 months
Freak Show Chapter 6
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Buggy x fem!reader
Summary: After landing on a new island, you've ran into a familiar face that you've had none stop thoughts and fantasizied about since the last time you've seen him.
TW: Dom buggy, degradation, NSFW, smut, MDNI
WC: 6.8K (25 words away for 6.9k)
Notes; This is my longest Buggy chapter yet. I am so proud of it. Im also not the greatest at writing smut. I hope you all are enjoying the fic so far. The updates aren't so frequent, but I hope you guys take time to lmk. Thank you :)
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Chapter 6: 100,000,000 berries
Weeks have gone by, and you haven’t seen Buggy since. You were sure you’d love it this way, but a part of you felt a bit upset. You didn’t understand why. But there was something about his lack of presence that made a part of you feel empty all of a sudden. You shrugged it off most of the time. But the other day after raiding a village you had come across a familiar face. Buggy’s new wanted poster. 150,000,000. Wow. I guess the Marines weren’t too happy about the incident. You felt a mix of proud, but sadness. It was bittersweet. You ignored those feelings more and more.
You couldn’t miss him, and you weren’t going to allow yourself to.
You arrived back onboard, setting sail for a new place to settle and rob. You basically cleaned the whole village of all their belongings. And you didn’t need to kill that many of them either.
You laid in your quarters, staring at the ceiling, letting your thoughts go wild. You found every time you were alone you thought of the moment you swore to forget. You remembered every detail though. Every word. Every kiss. Every single thing. Especially the way he made you feel. You don’t think you ever laid with a man so determined to make you feel as good as you did. You found yourself staying up nights with your hand in your panties trying not to forget any minor detail of it.
You always finished with a waft of shame coming over you afterward. It was something you never saw coming in a million years. It almost felt like a really good nightmare.
You got up in the morning after tossing around for hours thinking about Buggy. You snuck off to the bathroom that attached to your room, opened the shower door, and slid inside. You turned the handle to let the hot water come over your body. You sighed, leaning your hair under the shower head before shampooing and conditioning it. Another perverted thought crept up and you immediately shook it out of your brain. He looked so good on top of you. Nope. You had to ignore these thoughts. You couldn’t do this to yourself.
This was beyond sick. You couldn’t be trusted with your own thoughts.
But neither could Vivienne. She had conversations with him nearly daily on their transponder snails. They spent hours into the night whispering to one another in fear of getting caught or found out. They didn’t feel good about sneaking around, but what they had seemed worth it to betray their captains like this.
“Where are you guys off to now?” Cabaji wondered, hoping he’d be able to get Buggy to set sail for where they were going as well. It’s almost half of the reason your crews were able to run into each other. The other reason was Buggy’s crazy obsession with ‘taking you down’. But it now seemed impossible now that both of your bounties were so high now. You sat at just 100,000,000 berries. 50,000,000 less than Buggy which bruises your ego a bit. But you were working on it. Your competitiveness always got the best of you. If you couldn’t get the highest bounty, you at least needed a higher one than Buggy. It seemed humiliating to be seen as less dangerous than him.
“I’m not too sure, we just left Longiana.” Vivienne huffed at the disappointment.
You couldn’t stand being alone in your room any longer. You pulled your hair in a silked veil to hide your wet hair before putting on your usual attire. You swiped on makeup before making your way out of the quarters. You were greeted by the crew, listening to concerns they had. Just questioned whatever was next. You had been raiding small villages, trying to keep low before having to go back to find the map of the grand line. It was far too dangerous, not just for you, but for everyone aboard the ship. Sure, the grand line is just as unsafe, but this was something preventable. You needed to act smart.
“Where the fuck is Vivienne?” You complained. You were sure she had a few plans she could recommend to you. She came up with decisions sometimes, it was just up to you whether it sounded like a good idea.
“Unsure ma’am. She hasn’t come out this morning. Even for breakfast.” Lily, a member of your crew announced. She was fairly new. She begged and begged to join, doing whatever it took. She tried to prove that she was brutal enough, but brutality wasn’t the only thing you searched for. The only reason you let her join was she had snuck onboard and stayed for days without anyone spotting her. She was quick. Sneaky. Smart. Logical. That’s what you looked for. And she was of good use to you. You had even brought her along to raids and she was able to sneak by food for the crew that would last you at least 3 weeks. The girl had everything it took to be granted the honor of joining you and your crew. She already had such deep dedication. She even won you over by saying she knew you’d be the one ruling every sea known. It was charming.
“Fuck- I’ll get her.” Your eyes rolled back. You couldn’t be sailing to nowhere. You needed a plan at the very least. You headed to her room and opened the door. Vivienne jumped in her bed, giving you an absolutely terrified look as if she had seen the world's scariest film and was told she’d die in 7 days after watching it.
“Oh keep your panties on. What do you recommend we do?” You questioned her.
“What if I was naked?” She asked you, clearly annoyed at the lack of privacy you granted her right now.
“I’ve seen it already. Not interested. Answer the question. None of these dumb fucks have a clue.” You shook your head, placing your hand against your temple, stressed out already after leaving Longiana. You were stressed even while at Longiana. You needed to plan something. You’ve never been so behind. You were always 5 steps ahead. But you felt like you were drowning. Nothing ever came to mind other than Buggy.
“go to Ginevia.” Cabaji whispered in her ear through her transponder. She hid it with her hair covering it.
“Uh- I think Ginevia might be a good place to lay low for a while. Little to no marines. Secluded. Bars everywhere. It seems good enough to stay…” Vivienne recommended. You waited for another village and Vivienne panicked.  “Or maybe… fuck- sorry I didn’t get much sleep last night.” She quickly made up a lie to get you to leave.
“Fine Ginevia it is…” You murmured. “Get rest my love. I need my right-hand man…” You gave her some kind of affectionate words to make up for invading her privacy previously. Her lips turned to a light smile, a part of her dying inside knowing she lied to you.
“I love you.” She granted you that.
“Love you too. Don’t miss dinner today or I’ll barge in here again.” You revealed a smile to her. You rarely showed anyone on board this side of you. But Vivienne was special. Maybe it was all the years spent together or just the fact you’ve always put such trust in her that let you be this way. You never thought she could ever hurt you.
You retreated back to the crew and set course for Ginevia.
“See you later my love…” Cabaji mumbled. Vivienne's smile turned even bigger before pulling the transponder out of her ear. He managed to grant her a smile every time they spoke.
If you could see her, you’d be disgusted.
Hour rolled by and you kept yourself busy by ordering people around. You spent an ungodly and suspicious amount of time with them. You often retreated to your quarters or trained. But you didn’t trust being alone with your thoughts. A rumor flew around that Buggy tortured you and you had gotten a new respect for life and the crew. You knew any day could be your last and you wanted to be around people rather than a hermit. What a load of horse shit.
You even helped out with dinner and setting tables. You sat at the head table, watching people flood into the room. Soon you saw Vivienne as she had made a plate for herself. You spent most of the dinner just giggling and talking to Vivienne about nonsense. “NO! But remember when he was turning around the corner and slipped!” Vivienne cackled loudly.
“No! Please! I forgot! Stop-“You cried in between laughs. “The fuckwad slammed right into a wall and fell!” You let yourself laugh loudly.
“Please stop! My stomach hurts! I can’t!” Vivienne gripped her side, causing you to laugh even louder.
But unfortunately, this could not last the entire night. Slowly everyone left and Vivienne excused herself to her chambers, claiming she was exhausted. You got up and grabbed a bottle of wine before retreating on your own.
You spent the night downing an entire bottle before knocking into a deep slumber.
This became a habit you acquired until hitting Ginevia.
You stepped off the boat before making your way around the village. There were a lot of bars. Vivienne did not lie at all about that. You passed by a wall, seeing wanted posters scattered. Some familiar faces and a few new ones. Monkey D. Luffy… what a dumb name… Roronoa Zoro, the pirate hunter? Oh, there was a new cutie there too. Sanji… looks like a bit of an asshole, but whatever. Nami… God… Usopp. What a prick. Your eyes landed on two wanted posters freshly put up. Buggy the Clown and yours. You stared for a while.
You felt a tap on your shoulder, drawing your sword quickly, looking behind you. No one… Weird. You felt another. You turned around again. Nothing. You felt wind pick up and without looking, grabbed whatever was being thrown on your shoulder. You pulled it over to examine it to notice it was a gloved hand. Fuck- he was here.
You threw the hand on the floor, bringing your heel to it quickly. “Ow! Bitch!” Buggy yelped from the corner as he came back to retrieve what belonged to him. You couldn’t make any eye contact for whatever reason. You pulled your foot off and made an attempt to leave. You didn’t want to look at him out of fear of how you’d react. “Aww come on! Don’t leave me waiting! It was a joke!” Buggy called out for you.
You chose to ignore him and continued to leave him behind. You could not stand to. Be around him right now was not something you needed. This was enough to itch the craving you had for him. You felt the collar of your dress halts you from moving any further. “Buggy let go.” You demanded, a sternness in your voice.
“Oh, come on, you didn’t miss me? I sure missed you a lot.” Buggy attempted to flirt, your eyes rolling. You recoiled, leaning your body away from him.
“Why would I miss you?” You knew why. You did.
“Hmm might be because I fucked you till you barely could even say another word.” Buggy whispered. He was well aware of how embarrassed you had been afterward, but he knew you desired him just as much as he did. At least he tricked himself into believing it.
“Fucking whatever… Just that was the last time, okay? Leave it at that. You’re not my friend. Or my lover. Just some stupid obnoxious clown who can’t seem to leave me alone.” You spit venom his way, hoping he’d take the hint and leave you be. But you knew he wouldn’t.
“I was here first!” Buggy yelled like a child.
You just ignored him once again, vanishing in thin air. You wandered around, making sure not to bump into anyone to blow your cover. You took this time to steal from the small shops around town. But it seemed like you constantly ran into Buggy. Despite him not seeing you, it seemed like you couldn’t escape him. You finally had gone over an hour without running into him before seeing his wanted poster once again. You couldn’t do it any longer. You had to find him. Just to get this off your mind already.
You wandered around town, unable to find him. The only place he could be was his ship. You walked along the port before finding the boat with the obnoxious jolly roger with his makeup look painted on it. You couldn’t believe you were letting your urges get to you this much. You wondered around before finding his quarters. You opened and shut the door, reappearing in front of him. He sat at his desk creating a new map. He looked a lot less flashy than you were ever used to. You never even knew his hair was that long. You always just assumed it was a part of his hat. His hair was bound with a hair tie as he just sat in his usual striped shirt and pants. You couldn’t help but look at his arms. They were slim yet muscular with small scars scattered around them.
“What the fuck are you doing here?” Buggy asked, putting his pen away, laying back in his chair. His head turned to you, waiting for a response.
“I haven’t stopped thinking about it since we left the Marine base. I wouldn’t come if I really just wanted to humiliate myself. So don’t make this as embarrassing as it needs to.” You confessed. It hurt to even have to say it. You never had to beg for what you wanted. But you’ve also never wanted something so bad.
“Oh, so you did miss me?” Buggy laughed at you. You groaned, wanting to make an attempt to leave, but you couldn’t pull yourself from doing so. “Beg then…” The room fell quiet. You’ve never had to submit to a man like this. Nor would you have ever allowed this kind of treatment.
“Fuck! Fine.. Plea-“ You began before Buggy cut you off. “No. On your knees and beg.” He ordered. You bit your lip contemplating if it was worth your dignity before lowering yourself on your knees.
“Please- I really just want you to fuck me again.” You begged for him.
“How much have you been thinking about me?” Buggy seemed to be entertained of the idea of you thinking about him. You huffed, ready to die of embarrassment. “Don’t act all shy now. You’re already on your knees.” Buggy pointed out, a laugh escaping his lips, enjoying seeing how seemingly easy this seemed for him now.
“Fuck- okay-… uh, like…” You couldn’t seem to actually confess any of this to him. You swallowed your pride eventually. “Every night. Whenever I’m alone, I always think about it. It’s the one thing I can’t get off my mind.” You quickly spewed out.
Buggy leaned in, seemingly interested in the fact.  “Oh, so you really need it bad huh?” He asked.  His elbows rested on his knees that spread apart from each other before returning to sit upright.
“I wouldn’t be here if I didn’t need it.” You said in a sarcastic tone. “Now can the humiliation please end?” This was all so degrading for you. Having to beg for sex was something you never had to do. And having to do so much for slight attention didn’t make it any better.
“Oh, but darling, the humiliation just started.” Buggy laughed at your embarrassment. You shook your head, deciding you were too good for this. You already lost so much of your pride to continue to let this all occur to you. You got up from the floor, heading towards the door mumbling under your breath. “Un fucking believable.”
Buggy watched you for a bit before sending a hand to grab a fist full of your hair and dragging your entire body back onto the floor. You fell down against the wooden floorboard, your knees and hands attempted to catch you. Your eyes went over to Buggy as you heard his boots hitting the wood as he made his way towards you. “I’m not done having my fun.” Buggy bent down in front of you, his face filled with sinister and sadistic ideas of what to put you through.
“I’m not gonna sit here and be humiliated.” You tried to protest.
“Well it isn’t really about what you like right now. You came here. You said you wanted this. I thought you never went against your word…” Buggy continued to demean you, using your own words against you.
-14 months ago-
You had gotten back to your ship after a loot with a few of your crew to see the entire ship disheveled. A few of your crewmates tied against each other or poles that ran throughout the ship as things were thrown around.
A pit of boiling rage filled you up. You dropped whatever was in your hands, a large thud hitting the floor with small clinging continuously hitting the floor. Your hands grew clammy and your face grew hotter by the second. “What the fuck happened here? What the fuck did you idiots allow to happen here?” Your voice boomed throughout the main deck. You inched closer to one of the crewmates, snagging their bounds off of their mouth and grabbing the root of their hair to look your way. “You better give me a good reason that my shit was taken, or you all are being thrown overboard.” You threatened. Vivienne scrambled to assess the damage. “Don’t you think it's a bit harsh…” Vivienne quietly chimed in.
“Shut the fuck up! Unless all your shit is ripped apart and stolen because of incompetent fuckwads, then you have the right to tell me what’s too fucking harsh!” You lashed out before turning back to the scared crewmate. “Now- who the fuck did this?” Your words coming out slowly to demean the crewmate even further. You drew a dagger, placing it under their chin.
“B-b-buggy… His crew ambushed us… It was so fast we couldn’t see it coming…” She cried, snot and droll coming from her face and down to her chin. You pulled the dagger away and released her hair as if it was poisonous to the touch. “Where the fuck did he go?” You asked.
“Look for me?” Buggy called out, standing on a barrel that sat upon the quarter-deck. He held a rolled-up scroll in his hand, waving it around to mock you. Your vision turned completely red, drawing your sword and charging over to him.
Buggy laughed manically before sending a punch over. You drew your sword, swinging to deflect it. You knew it would not do anything to him, but in the moment anything seemed like a rational thought. You forgot he wasn’t normal. His hand reattached itself behind you before striking you in the back of the head. You stumbled, not ready to hit the floor yet. You recovered quickly before charging again. You disappeared, but your footsteps gave you away. Buggy threw punches, missing most of the time, but catching you once he heard your footsteps more clearly. You swung a sword at him repeatedly, chopping him into tiny pieces before he put himself together. You held a grip on your neck, throwing you against one of the shrouds. You reappeared before him, his fingers growing a tighter grip around your throat. His laugh grew more annoying to you than ever.
He stepped down with a bit of a flashy performative state as if he was ready to do a show for the entire ship, bouncing with every step. “Checkmate, sunshine.” He laughed before stepping onto the bowsprit. He jumped off, landing on a smaller boat. You were paralyzed as he left his hand there to keep you pinned. “You morons! Go get him!” You cried out. The only non-bounded crew attempted to grab a smaller boat before realizing they were all sunk and destroyed by Buggy's crew. “Captain we don’t have any…” One of them confessed. You were finally released, and you rushed over to the railing before screaming out into the sea.
“Fucking listen to me! I never go against my word! And I will not stop until you and your crew are fucking gone! I will do whatever it takes!” You cried out. You were completely and utterly embarrassed and defeated.
“You know…you always knew how to make a girl feel so special.” You said sardonically.
“I mean- I made you feel pretty special at the marine base didn’t I?” Buggy reminded you. It seemed like this was something that was constantly going to be held over your head.
“You’re fucking ridiculous…” You shook your head. You weren’t sure if you were willing to go through this humiliation anymore. You stood up, trying to get the point across.
“I mean- it is your choice.” Buggy hops off his large chair, taking steps towards you. He walked over to you like a dark cloud ready to engulf you in. “You could either leave and hold this embarrassment of sitting here on my floor begging for me or…” His gloved hand reached down to your chin gently as he lifted your head up to look him in the eye. “I can give you exactly what you’ve been apparently thinking about every single night.” His last words huffed out, mocking the desperation you obviously were in.
You fell for it almost immediately. Your legs grew weak, your chest rose up and down quicker and your body leaned into Buggy’s touch, so desperate for him to give you exactly what you were craving. You broke his gaze out of complete embarrassment of what you’ve become. You’ve never behaved this way towards any man. No one made you feel the way Buggy did.
Your eyes left his and to a bottle that he carried in his room. “Fine- but can I have a drink so I can at the very least?” You needed more courage. Something to break the persona you had going for you.
Buggy’s hand flew to the bottle that he watched your eyes revert to, grabbing it before landing it back in between the two of you. “If it makes you less of a prude, be my guest.” His lips curled into a smirk. His finger flung the cap off before handing it over to you. You took a heavy breath, preparing for the awful strong taste before taking a pretty hefty swig. You’ve gotten a lot more used to it due to your time at sea. But it never got easy or tasted good enough.
You took a few more, gagging at the taste before setting it down. “I’m not a fucking prude by the way. I just need some sense of dignity.” You insulted him.
“You lost that bit of dignity the moment you came in. here begging me to fuck you.” He pointed out. He grabbed the bottle before taking a drink out of it with no problem. Just another way Buggy wanted to show off to you. The bottle sat back down on the counter, Buggy turning right back to you. His hand laid on your lower back, pulling your body against his significantly larger one. Your eyes laid on him, taking in everything you found strangely beautiful about it like the day at the Marine base.
Buggy leaned forward, pressing rough kisses into the nap of your neck, biting down a few times. You wanted to protest in fear of having marks being left on you for your crew to see, but the euphoria from it left you speechless. Only a few murmurs and whimpers left your lips. Buggy held your body up, holding you close to him as his kisses peppered down your collarbone. A few gasps left your lips, his teeth sinking into your skin, growing hungrier the more noises you made.
“You really want me that badly?” his voice in a rough tone, undoing your shirt, eager to see you the way he did just a few weeks ago. He exposed you to himself, taking in the sight before toying with your breasts.
You couldn’t help but let out another small whimper, nodding to his question. “Nu-uh. Verbalize your words, darling.” His lips curled into a sinister grin.
“Fuck-“ You were finally able to mutter something out. “Yes- Yes Buggy, I want you. Really really bad.” You gave him what he wanted. You just knew this would boost his ego tremendously.
“You’re a lot more pathetic than I assumed you were.” He couldn’t help himself. You always kept such a hard cold exterior. No one knew the real new under the persona you played. Maybe it wasn’t even a persona. Who knew? But he was able to crack the persona and get such a new version of you. It was so easy to him. There was a bit of pushback, but he was able to see something about almost no one ever got to see.
His hands roamed down your body, pressing his lips across your neck and shoulder. He grabbed the skirt you had on, putting his hand underneath. His fingers grazed the outside of your underwear, laughing to himself. “And you’re already so soaked…” He continued to pester you. “On the floor.” He ordered. You nodded, taking a seat down in front of him, completely at his will. “You look so much prettier at this angle.” His fingers caressed your cheek.
You were so distracted, staring at him to realize his hand made its way back under your skirt. You felt a pressure press up against you, a moan escaping your lips. “So much prettier when you’re acting like a little whore like this.” Buggy’s gaze grew darker, thinking of sinister things to do to you. His fingers rubbed circles over your clit, growing faster and faster. Your whimpers and moans got louder.
His fingers moved your panties to the side, sliding two fingers into you. You gasped at the suddenness. His fingers pumped into you slowly at first but grew quicker over time. You gripped your thighs, letting moans slip through your lips.
You bucked your hips but felt the absence of his fingers. “You’re not cuming without me, sweetheart. You gotta work for it.” You sat up straighter, reaching for the waistband of his pants, pulling them down along with his boxers. His cock sprang up, hard already from watching you squirm around under his touch.
Your hands wrapped around his shaft, pumping him before bringing the head of his cock into your mouth. Your lips wrapped around him, bobbing your head. You removed your hands the more of him you took into your mouth. Buggy’s lips faintly pulled apart as his breathing grew heavier, soft moans leaving his lips. “Look up at me.” He called out to you. You obeyed, your eyes meeting his. He admired you for a second before snapping back to before.
He grew hotter, pulling his shirt off, throwing it off somewhere in the room, fully exposing himself to you. His hand grabbed a fist full of your hair, pushing your head down quickly. You gagged against him, his cock hitting the back of your throat. He watched you struggle to breathe, tears forming at the corners of your eyes before finally pulling you back to get some air. He let you gain control once again. He threw his head back, letting a moan slip out his lips before staring down at you once again.
Your pace grew faster, trying to concentrate on making him feel as good as he made you feel. “You look so much better with my cock in your mouth, you know that?” he attempted to say through heavy breaths. He felt himself grow closer before pulling away from you. He pulled you up by your hair, dragging you as he did so.
You yelped, following his guide as he finally released your hair out of his grip. “Take it off… All of it.” He sat down at the edge of his bed, his eyes laid on your body.
“You are such a pervert, y’know that?” You said before pulling off your skirt painfully slowly in Buggy’s opinion. “I’m not the one sneaking onto ships for a late-night booty call, am I? I think the real pervert is you.”
He made a valid point that you couldn’t argue. You stripped for him, baring yourself completely for him. He had no words. Nothing snarky or petty. He just sat there and admired you. He didn’t get to actually stare as much as he wanted to at the Marine Base. This time he had a complete view of you. “On the bed. Now.”
You took soft, unrushed steps towards the bed. Buggy grew impatient, grabbing your waist and pulling you onto the bed. You felt his hand strike your cheek, holding it before it started to burn. “You’re gonna listen to everything I say tonight, got it?” He threatened before wrapping his hand around your throat. “Now, are you gonna be a stupid fucking whore or are you gonna be good?” he asked, warning you of your answer as his grasp tightened around your neck.
“Can’t I be both?” You answered sarcastically. Your air flow grew more restricted. Buggy’s jaw tightened as he gave you one last warning. “I don’t know. Do you want to be able to cum tonight? Or am I gonna have you all I want and send you fantasizing about me more?”
You took time to think, wanting to test the waters a bit more before feeling another strike hit your cheek. “Times clicking. Come on, even though I wish we did, we don’t have all night.” “Fine- I’ll try to be good..” You reluctantly replied. Buggy had no choice but to take that response. His lips crashed against yours, moving his grip from your throat back onto your hair. He tugged at it slightly. Your lips move in unison together.
Buggy’s lips moved down to your jaws, making his way down as he peppered kisses down your body.
His lips ended at your inner thighs. You squirmed, eager for him to touch you again. You whimpered, needing him to finally give you what you wanted.
“You’re such a pathetic whore.” He laughed lowly. His hand reached over, lets his fingers graze you slightly. You twitched, bucking your hips for more.
“Please-please just touch me…” You began begging. His painted lips grew into a mischievous smirk. He was enjoying every second of breaking you down completely at his whim.
“Say my name.” He knew it would only break you more.
You groaned at the request but gave in quickly. “Please Buggy- Please just fucking touch me. Fuck me. Just please.”
He obeyed your plea. His thumb pressed light pressure against your clit, rubbing small circles. You gripped onto his sheets, covering your face to muffle out your moans as you let out an ‘oh fuck.” Immediately after. Your cheeks flushed red. Buggy ripped the sheets away from you. “Nu-uh… you wanted this. No need to be so embarrassed now.” He had to have a humiliation kink. If you’d let him, you wouldn’t doubt that he would have you chained and forced to walk around him in public.
His head leaned closer to your cunt, finally letting his tongue glide across your folds. Your back arched, your breath growing uneasy. His tongue swiped up and down, finding the perfect pace. His movements grew fasters as his thumb left your clit, being replaced with his tongue. He sucked on your clit a few times, loving the reaction you gave him every time.
“Fuck me- please just fuck me. I want you in me right now.” You interrupted him. He pulled away quickly, hoping you’d ask even sooner.
“You’re such a greedy whore.” He lined himself up with you before pushing himself inside you. His moan syncing with yours. Your hand gripped onto his muscular lean arm, After pumping into you a few times, you adjusted to his size. He spent no time trying to get you to get used to him. His hips slammed against your ass furiously, leaving the room with nothing but the sound of skins slapping together and breathy whimpers and moans. He leaned forward, bringing your leg up to give him more access to you.
You both caught each other's gaze before Buggy pushed your head to the side, pressing it against the bed, using you as nothing but support as he used your body as his own personal sex toy. Something about it made it so much better to you. There was no passion. Just sex. You both were using each other and that’s exactly how you wanted it to remain. Just dirty, animalistic sex. His thrust grew faster causing you to buck your hips towards him. You needed him.
His hand moved away from your face, wrapping around your throat tightly. He squeezed your throat as he would whenever you two would get into small battles with each other. He couldn’t keep his eyes away from you. His other hand moved to the back of your head, moving it up roughly, forcing you to watch him fuck you. “You like watching yourself get fucked?” He hissed before striking you once more, moving his hand back to your throat.
“Yes- I love it.” You cried. Your moans grew out of sync and faster once you were about to hit your limit. You couldn’t hold out longer, cumming all over his cock as he continued to fuck you. Your cheek stung after his open hand swung across your cheek. His hand gripped your jaw, forcing your attention to him. “I didn’t tell you when you could cum, did I?” he sounded furious, slapping you again.
You shook your head. Tears began to leak down your face, ruining the makeup you had put on earlier in the day. Dark black streaks of make-up ran down your cheek. “You’re such a whore. You couldn’t wait, could you?” He berated you. You shook your head again. Buggy spit across your face, causing your makeup to run even more. “Just a little plaything for me to use.” Buggy continued.  
“I-I’m sorry…” You attempted to say. You were already reaching a second climax. “Please let me cum again…” You learned. He trained you to be exactly what he wanted.
“Not until I say you can.” Buggy gripped your hips, using them to move against him as he thrusted into you. As he got closer, his thrusts grew sloppier, mainly using his grip on you to bounce you against him. “Fuck-“ he muttered out of breath. He pulled out of you, jerking himself off over you. You propped yourself up with your elbows, sticking your tongue out. “You’re so fucking disgusting.” He laughed at you. He leaned in, spitting in your mouth before shoving two of his fingers deep down your throat before pulling them out to replace his cock. He laid the head of his cock against your tongue before letting his cum release onto your tongue and a bit of your face. He pulled away before getting off the bed. He kneeled down, grabbing your legs, pulling you forward. He dived back into your cunt, this time with a quicker pace. His fingers entered you, pumping into you. Before he knew it, you began begging for him to let you cum. And he granted you the right. You climaxed, cumming around his fingers. You were left completely sore.
“I need to take a fucking bath…” Realization hit you. Your face was covered in spit and cum and your body littered with not just your sweat, but Buggy’s as well.
“Ya it’s on the right.” Buggy pointed out the bathroom. He was a lot softer and sweeter than he was just a few minutes away. “Do you need a towel?” He asked, getting up to check on you. Mostly out of concern and some for other perverted reasons.
“Uh- I think I found them…” You mumbled. You entered Buggy’s bathroom, taken aback by the luxuries he apparently had on board. Makes sense for someone who was obsessed with themselves you guessed. You didn’t bother closing the door. You filled the tub up, putting soap in it before sliding into it. “You can watch… I know you really want to pervert.” You called out to him. “Already a step ahead of you.” He called back out, laying on his back, taking a peak at you from the comfort of his own bed.
You grabbed a wash rag, scrubbing your body down before washing your face off. You removed all the makeup you spent time putting on earlier today. You were never really comfortable with people seeing you without makeup. You weren’t too comfortable with people seeing you naked either. And Buggy has seen one of those already. So it seemed less of a big deal. You drained the bath, stepping out. You patted yourself dry before coming back to the bedroom in search of your clothes.
“Why don’t you spend the night?” Buggy proposed. 
“Why? So your crew could rob us?” You questioned.
“You can go check on my crew. Half of them are setting up for the show tomorrow or getting black out drunk tonight.” Buggy offered. You scoffed, continuing your search. “Please-.” You heard Buggy’s pleads. You sighed, looking him down before giving in.
“Fine… But this won’t ever happen again. Got it?” You warned. Just like you did at the Marine base.
“Fucking yea yea. Go on. You’re the leader here.” Buggy returned to his sarcastic self after making himself look like a complete fool. You didn’t bother looking for your clothes before sneaking into his bed. It was almost like getting onto a cloud. Either Buggy robbed some rich elite prick or Buggy dropped an obscene amount of berries for it. Judging by Buggy’s room and his clear taste for luxury, you already knew which one it was.
You rested your head onto one of his pillows, letting your body rest. You didn’t realize how tired you actually were. You felt an eeriness, turning your head to see Buggy examining you. “Please don’t mention it.” You begged.
“You’re a lot less intense without all of that on…” Buggy mentioned it.
You shielded your face, groaning from embarrassment. “We all have personas. You have your clown thing. I have my intense dark thing. Drop it. Please.” “I think it looks rather nice. Cuter. Less stabby.” Buggy tried to compliment and joke to ease your discomfort. You unshielded yourself, nodding and taking the compliment.
“Thank you Buggy.” You mumbled. Your body turned to him. Your eyes attempted to stay awake for his sake and for fear of him betraying you. “See. Adorable. Like a little rabbit.” Buggy chuckled. He cautiously scooted closer to you and rested his hand on your hip. His hand slowly stroked your hip, not able to keep his eyes off you. He leaned in to press a kiss over you before you pulled away. “I don’t think that’s a great idea. We’re not having sex. You don’t need to play house with me.” You warned. You didn’t want to break a boundary. It bruised Buggy’s ego, but he covered it quickly.
“No round 2? You’re right. I’m tired too.” He tried to quickly recover. You felt guilty, but it was too much intimacy.
A silence fell over the two of you as you laid there, attempting to sleep. The awkwardness keeping you both up. You broke the silence. “You can hold me if you want…” You whispered.
It was dark inside the room, allowing Buggy to truly express how he felt. His lips grew into a huge goofy smile before wrapping his arms around you reluctantly. But in reality, that’s all he wanted. “I get it. The dark can be scary.” Buggy mocked you.
“Shut up and go to sleep.” You retaliated.
You leaned into one another. Your head resting over his chest and his arms wrapped around your waist. Your hand rested on his toned arms. He rubbed circles into your hips, relaxing you. You both knocked out, wrapped around each other.
You woke up early enough to make your escape unknown. You checked on Buggy to see if he was awake. Poor thing. You didn’t want to break his heart. You dressed yourself and gathered all your belongings.
Even the map to the grand line Buggy stole from you months ago. You vanished within thin air and escaped the boat. You woke your entire crew up, faking a story of a terrible encounter with Buggy. Thankfully you had enough time to cover your marks up, leaving a few to make the fight look believable. Your legs were littered with bruises. Your arm had a few scratches, and your chest had a few scattered around.
And there. You left port for a new island to hide out to.
Notes: This fan fic really represents how i've felt after realizing i was attracted to a clown rather than a normal character in the show
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sh4wty18 · 12 days
can you please do jake webber best friends to lovers. like jakes been y/ns best friend since they were kids and neither of them knew they liked eachother until they went to a party and all that. and then add some cute lil smut in there as well but theyre both virgins. ❤️thank uuu:)
omg im so sorry for the delayed response, i was not motivated to write for a while! i hope you enjoy :)
best friend.
pairing: jake webber x reader
summary: same as request except i didn't include the smut <3
cw: fluff, language, alcohol, some spice/suggestive ending but nothing too crazy
word count: 2.5k + edited
Since your childhood, Jake has been your best friend. You’d grown up together in Kansas, and being the only two “alternative” people at your middle and high schools, you stuck together. He’d always been the person you leaned on, and you were the same for him. Time didn’t seem to exist when you two were together, you could talk for hours and never get bored. Both your parents had expected you to end up dating eventually, and were shocked that after over ten years, it still hadn’t happened. But everyone always said you were soulmates, in one way or another. 
When Jake got famous, you were so proud of him. It had been his dream for years, he’d been posting little vlogs for a while, and sometimes you were even featured in them. But meeting Sam & Colby had caused his career to skyrocket. Then he moved to LA to keep pursuing his dream, and of course you supported him. You wanted all the success in the world for him, so you said goodbye. 
You made a point to visit him as often as possible, which he loved. You loved seeing him, and sometimes being featured in his videos. Being a side character in his on-screen persona had garnered you your own little fandom, and people loved seeing “with y/n!” attached to his video titles. Being famous was never your “thing”, though; it was Jake’s, and you respected him for it. You were happy with your small subset of fans, and couldn’t imagine constantly being scrutinized by millions of people. Jake’s rising stardom had no effect on your friendship, and now, after many long years of hard work, he is finally gaining the recognition you had hoped he’d receive since you were kids. 
With his newfound rise in fame came more money, and in turn, a bigger house in LA. Some time after his break up with Tara, Jake had asked you to move in with him and Johnnie. You worked from home, and had been visiting him so much that you practically lived with him part-time already, so of course you’d said yes. 
What he didn’t know was that for the last three years, you have been completely and hopelessly in love with him. You didn’t know why or when it started, really. You just knew that one day, seeing him kiss Tara made you want to rip your heart out. Obviously you never told him, you could never do that to him. He was in love with Tara, and you loved and respected him too much to ever come between them. You had also become friends with Tara, and would never want to hurt her. So you yearned in silence, fully believing you were going to go to take your feelings to the grave. Their breakup was unexpected, and despite being irrevocably in love with Jake, you weren’t happy about it. Seeing your best friend in pain was the worst feeling ever, so you made sure to help him through all the ups and downs until he and Tara were comfortably friends again. 
Moving in with him may not have been the best thing for your romantic feelings, but your friendship is stronger than ever. You are constantly together, and knowing how affectionate the two of you are, you’re always touching, too. Whether it be a finger linked through the belt loop, hands intertwined, leaning on each other’s shoulder, hugging from behind, or cuddled up on the couch, you always have to have your hands on each other. Jake wasn’t very drawn to physical touch with many people, only his closest friends, which made you feel special. You loved that the only people he acted like this with were you and Johnnie. And even though he was touchy with Johnnie, it was nowhere near the level of touchiness he had with you. Some people say your relationship is weird, too close, or codependent, but you guys just laugh it off. You didn’t care if people understood, you loved each other, full stop. 
For the past three years you have wanted more, desperately so. But you knew that Jake didn’t feel the same, so learning how to separate your romantic and platonic feelings for him was a challenge. You would never want to do anything to potentially ruin your perfect friendship, though, so you learned quickly.
This would all change tonight. 
You and Jake had been curled up in his bed together under a mountain of fluffy blankets, watching one of your favorite movies, when he turned to you.  
“Tara is having a party tonight at her place, if you wanna be my plus one,” He smiled, always excited to ask you to be his plus one to events.
One of the many life changes that occurred when you moved to LA was that you were now roped into “events” way more often than you were used to. Whether it be casual parties, brand deal socials, or filming videos, you were involved in more social interaction than you’d ever been exposed to back home. You were much more introverted than Jake, and the changes were sudden, but you were slowly getting the hang of it. Plus, Jake loved when you were involved, he wanted you to be there. You loved making him happy, so you were hardly one to say no. That being said, the once small group of fans you’d garnered from being featured in Jake’s early videos was not-so-little anymore, and you were gaining quite the following. This had never been the life you’d wanted per se, but it was growing on you. 
You turned your head towards Jake’s and smiled back at him, “Of course I’ll go with you.” 
He blushed, “Yayyyy, I love my best friend!” He squealed in a silly high pitched voice, and you giggled. You wrapped your arm around his waist and buried your head against his neck, spooning him for the rest of the movie. 
After it ended you let go of his waist to go get ready for the party, which elicited a whine from Jake, “Aww, I was comfy,” He pouted and let out a huff. 
You laugh, “We can cuddle later! I have to go get sexy for tonight,” You joke. 
“You always look sexy, we’re wasting valuable bestie nap time,” he gave you puppy eyes, and you blushed. It was the first time he’d ever called you sexy. 
“Don’t look at me like that,” You giggle, and look away, trying to hide your pink cheeks and hot ears. 
“Look at you like what?” He asks innocently, continuing to give you his biggest, prettiest puppy eyes. 
“Shut up,” You laugh, swatting your hand at him as you walk towards the door. 
“Hate you!” He shouts after you as you walk across the hall toward your bedroom. 
“Hate you more!” You yell back. 
Two hours later, you’re finally completely ready for the party. You took an ‘everything shower’, applied a full face of your favorite glam makeup, painted your nails, and put on a brand new lacy, skin-tight, black dress. You emerge from your bedroom and walk back across the hall to Jake’s room, knocking on the door.
He opens it and stares at you in awe. He could hardly stop his jaw from dropping as he got his first look at you, and you giggle with embarrassment.
“Hi,” You say, cheeks blushing.
“Hi,” He responds, still looking you up and down, unable to tear his eyes away from your body. “You look incredible.”
You let out a modest scoff and look away, “Stop it.” 
“I mean it, y/n! You are… stunning.”
He makes eye contact with you as he thoughtfully lands on the last word, stunning. You feel a wide grin spread across your face, the rosy hue in your cheeks definitely deepening even more, but for some reason, you weren’t embarrassed anymore, only confident. 
“Thanks, Jakey. You don’t look so bad yourself,” You say, finally eyeing him up in the same way he’d done to you. He was wearing low waisted baggy jeans and a cropped baby tee, showcasing the star tattoos traveling down his v-line. Your eyes lingered there for a second too long, and you couldn’t stop yourself from imagining kissing each of those stars before wrapping your mouth around his cock. 
He caught the glint in your eye and leaned against the door frame, smirking down at you, “Like what you see?” he teased, casually placing a hand in his pocket.
You feel yourself blushing again, but you stay strong, taking a step closer and smiling up at him, “Maybe I do.” 
He maintains eye contact with you for a few seconds, and before you know it you’re competing, seeing who will break the awkward sexual tension first.
He breaks, and his smug smirk falls into a grin as he playfully pushes your forehead away from him, “C’mon ya freak, let’s go to the party,” He laughs. 
You walk the few blocks to Tara’s house, listening to Jake rant about one of his recent hyperfixations. You loved listening to him rant. He wasn’t a big talker, and usually you were the one who did the majority of the ranting in your friendship, but sometimes Jake would allow himself to rant about something he loved. He only did it with people he was super comfortable with, and it wasn’t too often, even then. But tonight, he must have been in an extra good mood, because he talked the entire walk. You smiled, and nodded, and asked him questions, which he loved, both because it signified to him that he wasn’t boring you, and because it meant he got to keep talking about something he enjoyed. You loved seeing him like this, bubbly and excited and blabbing on and on about a show you’d never even heard of. When you finally arrived at Tara’s house, he turned to you and said, “Woah, I really just talked that entire time about Peaky Blinders, didn’t I?”
“Yup. But don’t worry, I love hearing your voice,” You smile, and he grins down at you.
“I love hearing your voice too, y/n.”
You knock on Tara’s door, and she opens within seconds. “Jake! Y/n! Welcome!! It’s so good to see you guys, you both look amazing!” She pulls you both into quick hugs and you follow behind her into the packed house. She had cleared out some of the furniture for a makeshift dance floor, and people were definitely putting it to use. She led you to the kitchen where you spotted bottles of liquor littered throughout. “Help yourself!” She shouted over the loud Ice Spice song that was currently playing, and walked away to greet more guests.
You and Jake shared a look, already knowing this party was going to be overstimulating unless you got some alcohol in your systems ASAP. He poured you both a shot of whatever was closest and shouted “Cheers!” before you both downed them. 
It only took a few drinks for you both to start feeling warm and buzzed. You grab his hand and begin leading him to the dance floor, social anxiety be damned. 
“Y/n are we actually about to dance right now?” Jake asked from behind you, and when you turned to face him, you saw a big, stupid grin on his face.
“Yes, Jake! I want to throw ass with my best friend, since when is that a crime?” You shout back dramatically, still tugging on his hand. 
He suddenly yanks your hand, pulling your body closer to his. In one swift motion, he’s wrapped your arm around the back of his neck, while his hands grip your hips tightly, steadying your body in front of him. He leans into your neck, lips grazing your ear as he whispers, “Ya know, I meant what I said earlier… you look beautiful.” 
You sigh at his words, leaning your head back to rest against his chest. You pull his neck closer, forcing his head down so you can whisper back, “I- I don’t just want to be your best friend anymore.” 
“I know,” He says, “I think… I think a part of me has always known. It was always going to be you, I just couldn’t see it yet. But I do now and… and I want you so bad-” You cut him off, closing whatever little space was left between your mouths, taking in all of him. You had imagined this situation millions of times– what it would feel like to envelope your lips in his. Were they soft? Warm? Was he messy or gentle? For years, you had fantasized about this moment, never thinking it’d actually happen. Yet here you are, finally. Kissing your best friend. And it was better than you could have ever dreamed, like a drug. As soon as you got a taste, you craved more. You swiveled your body so you were facing him, and his hands moved up and down your back and further down to squeeze your ass. You lifted yourself onto your tiptoes, bringing yourself even closer to him, hands tangling through his hair, as if in a desperate attempt to swallow him whole. One word rang out in your head over and over: more. 
You broke away eventually, gasping for breath, but he didn’t stop. Instead he moved down your jawline, sloppily kissing anywhere his lips landed, letting out soft grunts as he made his way down your neck, stopping to suck on a particularly sensitive area where he noticed your breath catch. 
“Wait,” You said, and he immediately stopped, placing a hand on your cheek.
“What is it? I’m sorry, did I do something wrong?” He asks, genuine concern painting his face.
“No, no! I just… I wanna make sure you mean it. You’re not just saying this because we’re tipsy, right? Because it’s real for me. You’re my best friend, Jake, and you always will be. But… I wanna be more. I wanna be yours.”
His face softens and he leans in to kiss you gently now, his hand still cradling your cheek. “Y/n, I promise, you are mine. And I’m yours. I’ve been yours since the day you moved in. I might be tipsy, but I’m still aware of what’s going on. I swear, I want this. I want you. Only you.” 
Tears well in your eyes and he wipes them away, “Don’t cry, angel.” 
“I just really love you.” You say, and the biggest smile you’ve ever seen spreads across his face.
“I really love you, too. God, I’ve wanted to say that for so long,” He lets out a relieved sigh. 
You lower your voice to a whisper against his ear, “I really think we should get out of here. You look so fucking sexy.” You’re the one kissing down his neck now, and he breathes out “Fuck.” 
You lead him through the crowd again, this time toward the front door. An Irish goodbye would have to do– being socially unacceptable would be worth it to be naked in his arms. 
this piece marks the end of my writing block! i have so many good johnnie requests from you guys that i'm excited to get working on :) as always likes and reblogs are appreciated!
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