#im kinda struggling to make more shows work but i got tickets to two of the shows that arent feativals so far
facesinthebloodstain · 6 months
Is anyone going to see dunes on those upcoming europe dates?
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chocolate1721 · 4 years
Hello chocolatiers here is a new idea, and this is one of my altime favorites so far.
Ok so, Marinette and Jason are siblings who got separated. Jason is adopted by Bruce and Marinette is adopted by Tom and Sabine. Jason becomes Robin and dies. Marinette is informed of his death but isn’t able/allowed to attend the funeral. She never meets Bruce. Marinette is bullied by Chloe and then Lila and the class. She becomes ladybug and chat is useless.
Even though things in class are tough. Marinette makes a fabulous class trip. She has them set to go to New York (with tours of Stark Industries, and New York Times along with Broadway production tickets), then they are to go to Starling City (where they get to tour Queen industry, and their parks), next they go to Central City (they have some basic tours of some museums and stuff), finally they will end in Gotham (tour Wayne Enterprise and the gardens).
Marinette had a good time in New York, Lila lies all day every day, but she ignored it. They had a fligh to Starling City and Marinette had to use the restroom or something before they left, but when she got back to the gate the plane was gone, and so was her class. She had no clothes (those were on the plane) and she didn’t have a lot of money. She was having a hard time breathing when all of a sudden Tony f*cking Stark struts his way over to her and helps her breath again (couldn’t decide if she has a panic or anxiety attack).
Tony and Peter were coming back from Wakanda. Peter knoticed Marinette and points her out to Tony, making some joke of if she is a lost Stark or something. Tony looks at Marinette and immediately knows she is having an attack, he knows how that feels, so he immediately goes over to her and helps her through it. He finds out that Marinette got left behind by her class and this pisses Tony off. He then tells her he can/will help her out. All three of them then head to the Avenger’s Tower.
She meets the Avengers, and she is totally normal. No stuttering, spasming, tripping, or anything but treating them like they are normal. This intrigues the Avengers. They invite her to watch some of them train while Tony looks into getting her back to her class. While she watches them train she ends up handing Steve his shield (like it was a piece of paper), and Thor his hammer (like it was nothing), this shocks everyone.
Steve: Hey Thor, does this mean this kid is now the new ruler of Asgard?
Thor: . . . . . I must introduce her to the Allfather. Come child of earth.
Tony: *runs into the room, body slamming the door on his way in* DONT GO WITH HIM!!!!!!! IM ADOPTING HER!
Pepper: *appears from nowhere* no you’re not
Peter and Marinette become close friends. The hulk also meets Marinette. The team is worried, but Hulk just kinda picks her up and says “Baby” and tries to burp her. . . . . . . . Tony gets plenty of pictures of this. Marinette is a grumpy sunshine child, and she threatens Tony and Peter if they post any of those pictures.
Tony tells Marinette that he has a friend in town that lives in Starling City and he has agreed to take her with him when he returns home. Marinette will be getting picked up in a few hours, so Tony, Peter, Steve, Thor, and Pepper take Marinette out to get some clothes. This ends in chaos, mayhem, emotional trauma, and the Avengers learn how truly terrifying teenager girls are. Pepper is now wanting to adopt Marinette.
Later that evening Oliver Queen and Roy Harper show up at Avenger tower to pick Marinette up. Roy thinks she will be like all the other girls he knows, shallow and a gold digger or a super hero. He isn’t prepared for the absolute angel that is Marinette. He is love struck, and he becomes the gentleman that Oliver has tried to teach him to be. The only thing Oliver is thinking is “did Bruce get another one?”
Marinette and Roy hit it off very well (roynette is endgame people) they talk for hours. They exchange numbers. Oliver finds out that no, she isn’t adopted by Bruce <not yet anyway>. But she was born in Gotham, she had an older brother who died when she was younger. Oliver found out she is MDC and immediately wanted to commission a suit. She agreed and they were talking suit styles and colors until they arrived in front of her hotel in Starling City. They told her not to hesitate if she needed anything.
Her class didn’t even knotice she was missing. She got her room key and went to sleep. The next morning she was the first one up and downstairs. The breakfast pasteries were gross so she went to the kitchen and taught the staff how to make a good crossaint. She was putting a fresh batch out in the buffet area when her classmates arrived. Lila pauses when she saw her. How had Marinette gotten here? She made sure to destroy her plane ticket. Anyway Lila lies the entire trip as well. She convinces Max to hack into Marinette’s phone and change her alarms. On the day they head to Central City, Marinette’s alarm goes off 30 minutes after the bus leaves.
Marinette sighs and calls Roy. Roy is pissed that her teacher left her behind AGAIN. So he calls up Barry Alan (I watch the Flash tv show so those are the characters I will be using). Roy tells him about how the teacher is incompetent and left a student behind. Roy arrives to pick Marinette up, only to see two guys hitting on her. Roy stops that sh*t real quick. Then they head to Central City. They swing by Star Labs and Marinette meets Barry and his friends. They fall in love with Marinette. She is sweet and kind and adorable. Barry sees her as an innocent sister who must be protected. They take her to her class. He convinced the chief to let the class come visit the precinct. Lila is taking credit for everything, while Marinette gives out pasteries that she made at Star Labs. The officers love Marinette, especially Joe. He sees his daughter in Marinette. Some of the officers offered to teach the class some self defense, in case they were in trouble, and they refused to say how scared they were when Marinette took them down. It was way too easy for her to take them down. The tall kid with frosted tips didn’t do half as well as she did. Roy and Barry only seen that level of skill on hero’s or black belts. Lila started gushing about how she trained with some famous martial artist but had to stop due to her arthritis. The class got held hostage by Captain Cold. Marinette distracts him long enough for the hostages to escape, and the police and hero’s to arrive. She talked about everything from how he could make more money by hiring himself out as a ice machine to people in third world countries to his lack of fashion. By the time the hero’s arrived she was redesigning his entire wardrobe. He was just confused. The officers that arrived on the scene recognized Marinette and were horrified that her class left her in the hands of a criminal. Marinette just brushed it off as no big deal, she was used to it. This had them in near tears. The Flash helped her get back to the hotel. Barry was freaking pissed, so he took a couple pictures with Marinette, took her to get ice cream, and then took her back to her hotel; all before the class arrived.
When the class did arrive at the hotel they started accusing Marinette of working with Cold, but then they saw the Flash. Alya immediately started interviewing him. Only for him to snatch her phone out of her hand and delete the video. She wasnt happy about that, but Barry didn’t care. He stalked over to Bustier and started tearing her apart for abandoning a student. He then went to the police chief and let him know what happened.
Joe finds out what happened and knows that the class’s next stop is Gotham. He calls an old friend, Gordon, and tells him what’s going on and to keep an eye out for Marinette. Gordon agreed but doesn’t think that any teacher can be that stupid.
He is proven wrong when he goes to greet the class only to find that Bustier left Marinette behind. Gordon is dumbfounded, then furious when she said that Marinette can handle herself. Gordon then calls for a manhunt for this child. 15 minutes later he gets a call from Bruce that he has Marinette in his custody. He has permission from her parents to take care of her while she is in Gotham. Gordon starts compiling evidence of criminal neglect to send to the French Board of Education.
Roy was woken up to a call from Marinette. She got left behind again. He calls his friend Jason and tells him about what’s going on and if it’s ok if he stays with him until Marinette goes back to France. Jason,doesn’t know this is his sister, says yes. Roy and Marinette become an official couple on the way to Gotham. Bruce is trying to get everything ready for a non hero to come to their house, even if only for a few hours.
What no one expected was, when Alfred led them into the house. For Marinette and Jason to lock eyes, and for Mari to body check Jason. They also didn’t expect for Marinette and Jason to start crying, or for them to be siblings. Marinette slapped Jason a few times for making her think he died.
Roy pales when he realizes that Jason is her brother. Jason is furious at Roy for dating his sister. Marinette tried to keep her brother from killing her boyfriend, which is a struggle. She tells Bruce what happened with her class and he excused himself to go call her parents and inform them of what has happened. They give him permission to take care of their daughter while she is in Gotham. He also sets up future visits for Marinette to come to Gotham.
While Bruce is away, Damian arrives, sees a new dark haired minor, and immediately concludes his father has adopted another. He then proceeds to attack her, but Marinette takes a sword from a nearby knight and parries him. She barley keeps him at bay, when he realizes that she has some very basic knowledge of swordsmanship. He stops attacking her and starts teaching her. Thus an impenetrable sibling bond has formed. She cookes with Alfred. Dick teaches her how to trapieze. She gives Tim her illegal coffee recipe. Her and Jason talk for hours.
She also finds the Batcave. Only because she went to the library and tried getting a book, that happened to be the hidden enterance. She chews Bruce out for not dealing with the Joker in time to save her brother. She was just letting out her frustrations and everyone knew it. She met Louis and Clark, who she pulled to the side and told him to find a better disguise because it is obvious he is superman. She pats his shoulder and walks away. Louis slips Bruce $10.
Bruce invites the class to the Wayne Gala and provides clothes for them to wear. Marinette refuses the offer and makes her own dress. She also makes gifts for the Batfam.
Marinette is finally able to see Lila’s lies fall apart, at the Gala, and she refuses to forgive the class. What they did is not something that she can get over that easily. All of the abuse, the lack of loyalty, the manipulation, and demand for her time, energy, and supplies to give them what they want. She. Is. Done. She burned those bridges.
When the class is heading back to Paris their notifications go off. They are getting tagged in pictures of Marinette with the Avengers, Oliver Queen and Roy Harper, of the Central City Police force, with the Flash, with the Wayne’s, and Louis and Clark. They were shocked. How could Marinette get the opportunity to meet all of these people when she was with them the entire time. That’s when they realized, she wasn’t with them. The only time they remember seeing her is when they were on tours or she suddenly appeared in the places they were heading to. She was never with them when they left.
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bidoldaccount · 4 years
Luke Patterson // Miscommunication
"Where are you going?" You ask as you watch Alex fix his hair.
"Me, Julie, Reggie, and Layla are going to the movies," he said distractedly.
"Oh, that sounds fun. Can I come?" You asked with a small, hopeful smile. He had asked you to come over and help him with his math homework but an hour in, halfway through the worksheet he had gotten a text and dropped his pencil.
"Oh, Layla already bought our tickets," he said, sliding his hands through his hair once more.
"I can buy my own ticket," you laugh breathily.
"Well we're going to get dinner after and Layla made the reservations," he said, not looking up from the laces of his shoes.
"Okay, do you want to hang out later?" You asked.
"Maybe tomorrow. I'll text you, okay?" He ruffled your hair before he was leaving the room, leaving you alone in his space. You felt almost like a little sibling, too young to hang out with the older kids. You swallowed it down, assuring yourself that you were just reading too much into previously made plans. You shake it off as you pack up your stuff.
To Julie: you wanna hang out?
From Julie: I kinda already have plans :/
To Julie: okay, maybe another time? :)
To Reggie: you busy?
From Reggie: yeah, got plans.
To Reggie: oh okay :)
To Alex: you wanna do something?
From Alex: sorry babes, plans.
To Alex: wyd?
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You throw your phone down and link your fingers on your stomach, staring up at the ceiling as you process. All of your friends are together right now and none of them invited you.
Except Luke.
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"Babe?" You whispered to yourself. Reggie never called you babe. He called you 'sport' and 'kid' to be a dick because you're the youngest. You shake your head, trying to force the entire text conversation out of your head as you grab your book from your locker.
"Yo," you flinch when someone appears beside you, and your cheeks flare up when Luke comes into your vision. The butterflies in your stomach are very quickly squashed when you remember Reggie's words. "You wanna hang out later?" Luke asked, poking your cheek.
"Um, I can't, my mom needs me to pick up my brother from school," you said, staring into your locker to avoid his eyes.
"I can drive you there," he offered, ducking his head to try and catch your eyes.
"I um, I have a lot on my mind so I'm just going to walk, but thanks Luke," you give him a halfhearted smile, slam your locker shut, and turn to walk away. Luke calls your name but he doesn't try and chase after you.
"Where have you been, I feel like I haven't seen you in years," Alex said as he climbed onto your bed and draped his entire body over your back. You grunted, hiding your face under the covers as he took it upon himself to cuddle you.
"I saw you at school today," you muttered into your blankets.
"No, I saw you, I said hi, and you ran away," Alex corrected.
"I didn't run away," you mumbled. Alex tugged the blankets down to reveal your face and he smiled softly at you.
"Whats going on?" He whispered. You sighed, rolling over until you were on your back and he was beside you. He brushed your hair away from your forehead and waited patiently as you worked up the courage to say what you were thinking.
"I feel silly," you covered your face with your hands as you groaned.
"For what?" Alex pushed.
"Cause I feel left out," you whispered.
"What? All you have to do is text me and I'd be here within the minute. You're like my favorite person ever, Y/n," Alex chuckled.
"Alex," you uncover your face to look at him. "I've texted you every day this week and you keep telling me you're busy," you said.
"What?" Alex furrowed his eyebrows. "No, I've been texting you nonstop, you haven't answered." Alex struggled to lift his hips and pull out his phone, then he showed you messages of your name and a long two of texts from him. You click on the contact with your name and your forehead creased.
"Alex, this isn't even my number!" You said.
"What?" He took his phone back. You pulled your phone out and showed him your message thread, with all of your messages. Alex grabbed your phone and tried to call his phone.
His phone didn't ring.
"Okay, this is weird," Alex mumbled.
"Wait," you looked down at your phone, eyebrows furrowed. "Look at these texts from Reggie. I thought it was really weird that he called me 'babe' because he's never done that," you showed Alex the thread and he furrowed his eyebrows. Alex looked up at you with a slack face of realization.
"Layla calls everyone 'babe'," he said.
"Layla? Why would she text me as Reggie?" You asked.
"She likes Luke!" Alex exclaimed, making you flinch. "She likes Luke, you like Luke, and Luke obviously likes you, it makes so much sense," he smacked his forehead.
"Luke doesn't even like me though," you deflected.
"Now's not the time for denial, we have a bitch to bust," he jumped up from your bed and dragged you out of it.
"Don't say anything like that ever again," you laughed as he tried to pull you out of your room. "Alex! Wait, i need clothes!"
"Y/n!" Julie cheered as Alex tugged you into Layla living room.
"Hey guys," you wave a bit shyly, which is off character at this point.
"Please tell me you're staying," Reggie pouted.
"Actually, we're here for a bit of an interrogation," Alex said, crossing his arms as he looked over at Layla. She raised her eyebrows with a look of innocence.
"Raise your hand if you've texted Y/n at all this week," Alex said. Only Luke raised his hand.
"I've tried, but she hasn't answered," Julie said.
"Yeah, same here," Reggie nodded.
"Yeah, I thought it was weird that she hasn't been around so I went over to her house. We made some pretty shocking discoveries too," Alex took your phone from your hand and opened up the messages that Reggie had supposedly sent you. "Do you remember sending these messages, Reggie?" Alex asked, handing him the phone. Reggie read them over and his face twisted up.
"What the hell? No, I didn't send any of these," he said.
"Let me see," Luke reached for the phone.
"No, Luke, wait," you tried to grab it but it was already in his hand and he was already reading them. You muttered a curse as you tried to hide behind your hand, stepping a bit behind Alex.
"Oh," he whispered. "I never said that!" He assured, pointing to the phone.
"I don't think any of us have been talking for ourself. Layla, anything to say?" Alex turned to her with an icy expression.
"Why would I have anything to do with this?" She said, raising her hands and softening her eyes.
"Because you've been trying to throw yourself at Luke since we met you and you knew they liked each other," Julie said, standing up and walking to your side, crossing her arms as Alex was.
"I wouldn't do anything this manipulative or sneaky, that's not who I am! I genuinely like you guys, I wouldn't do anything to betray your trust! Why-" she was cut off as her phone started to ring. Alex smirked, turning Y/n's towards her, Reggies name flashing on the contact.
"You changed our numbers so our messages would go to your phone and had Y/n believing that we were icing her out. As far as I'm concerned, you're a jealous, manipulative bitch," Alex smiled like he'd just complimented her shoes.
"Let's go," Julie demanded, ushering everyone out of the house.
"Whatever! You're all lame anyways!" Layla screamed, her face red.
"Everyone to Y/n's house, we have some serious bonding to do," Reggie said, ruffling Y/n's hair. Luke grabbed Y/n's wrist before she could walk to Alex's car, and tugged her back. He cupped her jaw and held her waist and leaned in to press his lips to hers. She melted into it instantly, trusting that her knees wouldn't buckle and if they did, trusting he would catch her.
"Okay, maybe not that much bonding," Reggie laughed.
"Eh, let them have their moment, they've been pining long enough," Julie said, waving them away.
You wrapped your arms around Luke's shoulders and pressed you chest against his, kissing him harder.
Im sorry if you read this without the visuals, I didn’t realize I didn’t upload them :)
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Pink Chains pt Five
Punk! Kyotani x Bubbly F! reader. Aka my favorite cliche trope. It lives in my head every second of the day.
Kyotani owns a grunge /punk apparel shop after leaving the Sendai Frogs after a incident with the Black Jackals. He designs his own clothes and hires Oikawa & Iwaizumi as his employees. Everything goes smoothly for awhile, till you walk in; pink dress, big smile , and bubbly personality. His whole life stops in that moment. 
W! Brief Violence
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Before you and Kyo could go to the zoo he had to drive everyone back to the beach so they could drive home. Yahaba was hiding in the back seat by the window , still red in the face. Oikawa was next to him and constantly teasing Yahaba over you , Iwaizumi was on the right by the window in the back, Mattsun was in the passenger seat and Kyotani was driving,,, with you on his lap.
“Its fine” he told you. I mean hes not gonna let one of his friends hold you so .. And besides, this was funner. You held onto his neck giggling while you peppered kisses on his neck the whole way to the beach. Mattsun was the last to leave Kyotanis car, he wanted to check on his red panda tattoo on you and you happily showed him it. The red was finally all healed up and the whole tattoo looked very nice to him. He pat your head and said goodbye to his friend as he exited the car closing the door. Kyotani took off and plugged the directions into his cars touch screen.
“Kyo? Should I move to the seat?” you asked him, wiggling on his lap as he drove.
“Your fine right here on me sweetie.” he told you, nuzzling his cheek into yours.
So you sat there the whole time, giggling each time someone did a double take as they passed. You told Kyo about your day and what the girls said to you too. It still pissed him off but it was taken care of now.
“Kyo?” you were rubbing at his chest.
“Are you okay after this morning?”
He thought on it for a few minutes, the only sound was the music coming from his car. He groaned heavily and placed a hand on your thigh pulling you closer to him. “Yeah, im okay sweetie”
“Promise” he gave you a gentle kiss as he pulled into the zoo's parking area.”before we go in i have to tell you one thing though”
“What is it?” you were about to open the door but he had stopped you, causing you to get all pouty and puffy in the face with him. Kyotani smiled and kissed your cheek laughing lightly.
“So i know one of the employees and i need to see if hes working today”
“Okay!!” you opened the door wiggling off Kyos lap getting out and Kyo was quick to follow you and pull you back to him locking his arms around your hips as he hip bumped his car door shut.
“Hm?” he kissed along your neck holding your wiggling body with a smile on his face.
“The pandas!!” you whined with a big smile on your face til you felt his fingers start to move over your tummy .” KYO!! Tickles!!!”
“Okay okay, but please stay close to me okay?”
You whipped around to grab his ring hand squeezing it tight. “You stay close!! Dont want anyone stealing you away”
He laughed walking you up to the entrance to pay and buy a ticket. “Ive already been stolen by the best person sweetie.im not goin anywhere”
Miyagi Zoo was a small zoo, basically a big circle with some attractions down separate walk ways that lead to birds, a petting zoo and the gift shop. But it all looped back around to the entrance.
The first animals were the lions; you were so excited but the display glass was occupied by some people and you could not see. Kyo pulled you close while he waited for the people to move, he could see them but that was because he was 5 ‘ 11, he did not want to wait too long since he still had to find his friend and see the rest of the zoo so he moved himself behind you , wrapped his arms around your hips and lifted you up into the air so you could see the lions who were asleep on the rocks enjoying the sun. you had grabbed onto Kyotanis shoulders to steady yourself and people looked back to see you and the look on Kyos face, they quickly moved and he smugly walked closer with you still in the air. The glass was cold against your hands when you touched it to steady yourself to look in. it was two males and three females all asleep enjoying the sun. Kyotani had never seen a lion before so he was equally as excited but seeing that excited grin on your face just made it 10x better. He set you down and you gave him a big kiss on the lips , you also grabbed his hand running off to the next animals.
The second animals were the timber wolves and that was .. an interesting experience; no one was looking at the animals so you and Kyo were free to get right up to the glass to look for them. They appeared to be hiding and you did not want to leave without seeing at least one so Kyo crouched down next to you to look into the enclosure. A pile of leaves was moving up and down and he could see a couple paws sticking out. “Sweetie, down here. ones asleep” he told you. You folded your dress behind you to crouch down next to him and you gasped a little loudly once you saw it. He was asleep, the sign said this enclosure had 6 timber wolves in it but they all must be asleep somewhere.
Kyotani liked wolves, they reminded him of his friends and they were very misunderstood creatures , like him. You leaned into his side placing your hand on his wolf sleeve and Kyo laid his head on yours as you both watched the wolf sleep. The other animals could wait a little longer to be seen.
After a few more minutes Kyo was about to get up with you when a grey wolf came out from under the leaves and right over to the glass. Kyotani expected you to latch on to him and be a little scared but instead he watched you wave and say hello to the wolf. He pulled you to him giving your cheek a kiss, you were perfect.. So so perfect.. The wolf stared at you both for a little while till new people started to come over and dashed off to hide. Kyotani helped you up and you both made your way to the petting zoo holding hands.
The little goats refused to interact with Kyotani.. It was kinda funny. They loved you and loved to eat at your dress while all they did with Kyo was scream at him. People were staring because you were giggling trying to feed the baby sheeps with a brown goat eating your dress and a black goat screaming its head off at Kyotani. A pig came over as well to use Kyo as a rubbing post for an itch and he was not very happy but what the hell, hes lucky hes a cute pig. The screaming was starting to get to him though and you had to get some food for Kyo to get on the goats good side. He held the food out and instantly the goat stopped his screaming to munch on the food. The quiet was a relief for everyone…
The last animals were the red pandas but Kyo was preventing you from getting close to the enclosure, he had his arm hooked around your waist and seemed to be looking around with his phone out.
“Kyo!!!! Im gonna tell Iwaizumi!!!”
“Pft oh yeah Sweetie?” he leaned down to nibble your neck. “Whats Iwaizumi gonna do?”
“Something!!!” you struggled against his grip but you were not getting free. You could see the big tree that was the main part of the exhibit and a bunch of tall glass with smaller trees and climbing toys spread out all around .. just a little.. Closer..!
“Mad Dog ! over here!”
“There he is. Okay sweetie this way” he led you to the side of the exhibit over to an employee who had a big smile on his face . his name tag said Takahiro on it.
Kyotani bumped his shoulder against the man and Taka did the same saying hello to his friend.”this her?” he asked, giving you a big smile.
“Yep, Sweetie this is my friend Takahiro, he was on the team too”
“Nice to meet you!!!” you beamed .
“Aww. shes adorable, you ready ?”
“ready? “ you turned to Kyo and he pulled you with him gently.”but Kyo the pandas…”
“Cmon sweetie.” he locked his arm around yours as Taka led you both past the Employees Only area next to the exhibit.
Taka opened a door and Kyo snuck you in with Taka closing the door behind him. “Okay,” Taka said. “15 minutes max Kyotani”
“Sure sure” he moved you closer to what looked like the inside of the exhibit. “Stand right here” he told you.
You hold his hand tight unsure of what was happening and heard Taka whistle a tune. Soon enough you realized and got the biggest smile on your face.
Four little red pandas ran over flopping all over each other and right into your legs to rub on them . “KYO!!!” you instantly crouched down to pet them and give each one a hug, you were also a crying mess.
Kyotani nudged his friend after snapping a picture of you with the pandas. “Thanks Takahiro”
“Mmm sure, i dont just let anyone back here ya know”
“Yeah yeah, trust me i appreciate it “ he looked over to see you holding a red panda and trying to pet each one at the same time.
“Hows the store? The guys?”
“All good, i made up with Yahaba too.”
“Really? Thats great Mad Dog, proud of you. You look like your doing good.”
“Im doing amazing now,” he gestured to you. “Never been better Takahiro”
Taka nudged his friend teasing him over how sappy he was being and you made sure you pet every panda at least 10 times before it was time to leave. You thanked Takahiro and he waved his hand saying it was not a problem.
After Taka escorted you both out Kyo took you to the Gift Shop where he bought you a red panda plush and a red panda bag that had a fake tail hanging off it. The gift shop also had a cheetah display that said they save a cheetah with each purchase. He bought 6 of them. It was time to leave after the gift shop and you were just so happy with your day, everything was perfect. Kyotani opening up to you, saving you from the girls at school, the surprise at the zoo. You were falling deeper and deeper for him.
It was a good day for him too, after a rocky morning everything turned out great. Making up with Yahaba helped a lot and he was happy to have his friend back. He took care of those dumb girls that were bothering you and got to take you too the zoo . seeing your smile all day was the icing on the cake for him. Things were going so good with you and he never wanted it to change, he never wanted to mess it up and wanted to hold onto you forever.
When you got to the car you asked Kyo if you could go for ice cream before heading home and he agreed, one was close by so you both could walk to it. It was dark now and Kyo wanted to invite you too sleep at his place tonight. You were almost at the ice cream shop now but something stopped you.
“Kyo? Did you hear that?”
“It sounded like a kitten?” he said looking around.
“I think over by the bench there, i gotta go see, it might by by itself..”
Kyotani was unsure about letting you go by yourself but he was close enough to the bench if you needed him. “Okay sweetie, come right back please.” he held your hand a little longer before letting go , he watched you hurry off and he leaned on the ice cream shop to wait, browsing his phone.
“Kyotani…?” it was a … familiar voice.
Kyo looked up and his heart nearly stopped.
“Kitty...kitty,,,” you crouched down looking under the bench to see a scared little kitten hiding under it. “Hey there.. Im not gonna hurt you.. Cmere baby” you held your arm out and the kitten sniffed it.
“It is you.” the voice got closer and Kyotani was frozen.”Bastard what was your deal back then huh?”
“...i..” he squeezed his phone trying to come up with words. No , no, this cant be happening now. Stay calm Mad Dog..
“Thats it.. Cmere..” you cooed the kitten out to you and picked it up hugging its shivering body. “There there.. Your safe now, ill take care of you, wait till you meet Kyo, hes a great-”
You looked up to see something… something you thought you would never see. Kyotani hit the brick wall hard . he wiped the blood from his chin and grabbed a spikey haired man punching him directly in the jaw.
“Did you hear me?? Fuck was your problem huh?” he stepped closer. Kyotani put his phone away and stepped away trying to focus on this guy and see where you were. “Can we do this another time?” he asked putting his hands up, he was shaking,
“I dont want any trouble” he told him.
“Oh you dont? But giving me a black eye that was swollen shut for two weeks is fine? “ he grabbed Kyotani by the shirt and Kyotani was slammed into the wall.
“Fuck you Kyotani if you thi-” he punched him, right in the jaw. “Get the FUCK off me Bokuto!!!” he grabbed Bokuto by the shirt slamming him to the ground.
“Kyo….?” you were frozen in place and your heart nearly jumped up your throat when you saw him punch Bokuto in the mouth.
@galagcica @kozushiki @zopzoop
@haikyuu-but-low-iq @milkbreadcat
@derpeedoo @squeaky-ducky
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fanfic-me-up · 4 years
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okay so i kinda got carried away with this one??? i just really love this idea and how freaking fluffy it is! so thank you for submitting it @peachy-yabbay​! 😊 also lowkey im sorta falling in love with kaminari?? like he’s so fun to write and i had a smile the entire time. anyway i rlly hope you enjoy!
Feel free to request more here. I write fics, drabbles, and headcanons 💖
Also, I have a yoga fic already posted with bakugou x fem!reader so if this doesn’t satisfy your need of bakugou being a flexible pretzel and failing you can read more here 😂
Bakugou Katsuki
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like Bakugou prides himself on going to the gym everyday, but he focuses on strength training and muscle building
the art of flexibility takes time, effort, and perseverance
he gets super frustrated when he can't get the splits in 2.5 seconds
“Careful or you might pull something.”
he ignores you ofc bc for some reason he thinks he’s gonna get the splits if he just - forces himself???
“seriously, Bakugou, don’t push so much-”
“Shut up I know what I’m - OW SHIT FUCKING HELL”
poor bby is on the ground cradling his thigh bc he pulled his hamstring
And lemme tell you THAT SHIT HURTS 😭
he’s literally screaming bloody murder
-like he’s faced a lot of pain from hero training but pulling your hamstring is just so. much. worse???
you grab an icyhot pack (aka you grab Todoroki lol) but Bakugou’s just like “hell no fuck off half n half”
“Must be bad. I heard you crying from downstairs-”
“I SAID FUCK OFF” Todoroki shrugs and leaves.
you roll your eyes at Bakugou’s stubbornness and grab some muscle balm instead
“Tch. I can do it myself” but you ignore him and rub the balm on his thigh, he doesn’t fight it
after that whole fiasco he finally listens to your warnings when you tell him that's enough
he’s in the splits in a little over a month!
“Oh my god, Bakugou, you’re doing it!”
“Tch. I know.”
you don’t miss the small smile on his face
he goes up to you later and shoves something in your hands
“Um. What’s this?”
“A movie ticket” you stare at it blankly, he rolls his eyes
“I’m taking you to the movies tonight, dumbass.”
“Like a date?” you stare up with hopeful eyes
“The fuck? No! As payment.”
you blink, clearly confused
“You know… for helping me with my stretches.”
you blush in embarrassment at the misunderstanding
“I’ll meet you out front at 7. Don’t be late.” he walks off, but before he reaches the corner he stops-
“Ugh fine! It’s a date! Happy!?”
you erupt in the biggest smile
he wants to be the only one to make you smile like that from now on
Todoroki Shouto
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Todoroki is impressed with how flexible you are, and you’re quite surprised when he asks you to help him
the most aloof - and handsome - guy in your class you’ve barely spoken TWO words to has come to you for help??? is this a dream? someone pinch you 👀
but there you are, the next day in his dorm, gently pushing his hips down
Todoroki’s working on his warrior/scorpion pose (ya’ll there's so many names for this pose jfc the one where you’re standing on one leg, back arched, and you’re holding the other leg above your head)
he’s sweating and breathing heavily, and when you go to steady him, you actually burn your hand on his bicep.
“Are you okay?”
he’s hovering over you the next second, you show him your hand, a blister already forming
“Damn it. I still have trouble controlling my left side,” he looks away from you, clenching his fists, “I’m sorry, Y/N.”
“Hey, it’s okay,” you blow cool air on the wound to stop the tingling, “all better,” you smile up at him
“Here, let me,” he pulls his shirt up to reveal his stomach and places your hand on the right side. You sigh in relief as your hand is instantly cooled.
Uh oh.
you realize where your hand is currently pressed against 😳
you’re so tempted to trace along the hard contours of his abs
“Y/N? You’re burning up.” he touches your cheek, your heart doing somersaults at the closeness
“Oh-kay, that’s enough for today!” you squeak, running away from a thoroughly confused Todoroki
Todoroki shows excellent progress in just a couple weeks. He says it’s because he has a great teacher, but you know it's his work ethic and how he listens to your advice and applies it flawlessly.
He’s even gotten better at controlling his left side since he’s constantly relaxing his muscles to get deeper in the stretch.
it happens during warm-ups before training
Class 1-A goes into some stretches when you see Todoroki go into a perfect scorpion. His back perfectly arched and his leg reaching above his head.
“Oh my god, Todoroki, you’re doing it!” you clap your hands in excitement
“Am I?”
...is this boy for real? lol
“YES” you laugh at his stoic expression
“I see.” He softly comments before going into another stretch.
your shoulders deflate, disappointed at the lack of enthusiasm
“I couldn’t have done it without you,” he cracks a small smile and your breath is taken away by the simple gesture. It’s rare to see him with such a soft expression, and the fact that you’re the reason for it sends your heart aflutter.
AND bc he’s totally oblivious to your current state, he goes up to you and whispers, “you’re an amazing teacher, Y/N”
“It was n-nothing re-really it was a-all you!” you laugh awkwardly, unable to meet his eyes.
“How can I thank you?”
“It-it’s really n-not necessary!”
“Hmm…” he walks away deep in thought and you’re just standing there like the stuttering mess you are bc how dare he walk away like nothing!?
Mina’s got your back tho bc frankly it's quite sad how awkward you are and how oblivious Todoroki is that she NEEDS to become the captain of this ship stat
She “casually” suggests to Todoroki that he should take you out to eat as a thank you for helping him.
and when he walks you to your door that night he says, “I hope you enjoyed our date”
“D-date?” cue the butterflies in your stomach
“Was it not a date?” You’re pinned by his intense gaze, but you manage to squeak out a “yes!” in your confused daze. He chuckles at your nervousness
“Have a good night, Y/N.” he kisses your cheek
and when you give Mina the details of your date there’s a bunch of squealing from her end and you’re just like 😳 the entire night
Kaminari Denki
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“Woah, Y/N, you’re really flexible. Can you put your foot over your head?”
You show him and he’s totally amazed. “Cool! Can you teach me? I wanna put BOTH legs over my head!”
first day of stretching with Kaminari is… def a day you remember
“Ow ow! Y/N, don’t break me!”
“Denki, I’m not even touching you!”
He looks up where your hands are on your hips
“oh... heh” he gives you a sheepish smile
You roll your eyes. How you’re gonna get this boy flexible enough to put his foot over his head is beyond you, but you’re happy it’s going to take a while - it means more time spent with your crush
You spend an hour with Kaminari each day to perfect his stretching routine (It should only take about 20 minutes, but the boy’s got the attention span of a newborn puppy)
“Woah check out that cloud, Y/N.” Kaminari looks in awe at the sky. You sigh, not again
“Denki, we’re not done, get back in the stretch”
“Look Y/N,” he points, “doesn’t it look exactly like baby yoda?” He lies down on the grass to gaze at the clouds
“Oh my god, Denki, I’m gonna kill - oh wow…” you gaze up in awe at the cloud, “baby yoda…”
You and Kaminari spend the rest of the hour cloud gazing
After literal MONTHS of getting on Kaminari’s ass he can FINALLY put his legs over his head.
He calls out to you during a training exercise, “Y/N LOOK I DID IT!”
“NOT ONE BUT TWO!” he points at both of his legs with a huge smile
You feel a rush of happiness because even after how frustrated you were with him at times, you would do it a million times over if it meant getting to see such a pure smile.
“Congrats!” you say, “Now, stand up so I can give you a hug!”
“Um…” he sheepishly looks up at you, “I’m kinda... stuck?”
You roll your eyes affectionately, “the things I do for you.”
You’re about to help Kaminari when Bakugou shoves him backwards giving everyone in class a clear view of his ass in the air 😂
“Hah, dumbass.”
Kaminari waddles helplessly side to side
“Y/N?” he squeaks, “a little help here?”
Later that week he tells you he found a yoga class for both of you to take and you’re surprised. He still wants to spend time with you?
But then he says, “Are you crazy? Why wouldn’t I wanna spend time with the coolest person I know?”
You choke on your tea, in disbelief at his words - that was a huge compliment and you know Kaminari is a very open person so you just brush it off with an “Oh stop it…”
“No I’m serious, Y/N, you’re awesome. Like super awesome,” he gives an awkward laugh while rubbing the back of his neck
“I’ve been thinking… maybe after yoga, we can, i don't know... hit up the arcade or something? Or it doesn’t have to be the arcade, it could be anything really!”
You’ve never seen Kaminari this flustered before. He’s the type to brush off his mistakes with a laugh, always moving on to the next moment.
“No, the arcade sounds fun!”  
You reassure him and the confident light in his eyes returns
“Oh and Denki?”
“Prepare to get rekt in mario kart”
This starts a whole ass play fight about who’s gonna get dunked on when racing down rainbow road
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wsgeon · 3 years
hey everyone! ummm this is peyton (also the mun of lee hyeon) taking a second shot at a second character — i have a lot of muse for this one, so i swear he’ll be around for a while… 🥵 this is ryu geon, yes his name rhymes with hyeon’s & no i do not care ♥️ he’s the lead guitarist/vocalist of meta and also the son of a former nobody rockstar, but i’ll get into all that below! like this post if you’d like for me to come into your ims to plot, click the read more for more info on geon, and/or click here to be taken to his pages: CAREER, DOSSIER, PINTEREST.
born in autumn ‘97 to a “budding rockstar” (translation: “no yeah i swear our band’s really starting to take off, we sold twenty-three tickets to our last show!”) & a woman with commitment issues ♥️ geon’s dad always told him that his mom left because she had some dire matters that needed to be taken care of and SWORE that she cried the last time she held her dear baby boy, but all of his dad’s bandmates say that she was just some groupie and had to be persuaded into carrying her child to term… who can say for sure?
naturally, there are no pictures of this mystery woman. there was one (1) of her holding infant geon, but then he found out that that was actually a sound tech who worked for his dad’s band… and he just never corrected geon’s assumptions LOLLLL
anyway! he was always really close to his dad, considering they were a two-person family. he has a set of grandparents, an aunt and a couple cousins but they were never involved with geon’s life because his dad is the #blacksheep of the family. geon and his dad against the world, am i right?
uhhh geon was also kind of a black sheep growing up, but he didn’t really notice? he was a happy kid, very energetic and enthusiastic. a lot of adults in the area looked down on him & his dad, but he was SOOOO blind to it because his dad’s a god in his eyes and HE’S always been nice to everyone, so why would they not like him??? because his clothes smelled a little like dad’s cigarette smoke??? big deal
wasn’t troublesome (beyond talking too much), but a lot of people still expected bad things from him :/ “his father’s a dirtbag, i’ll be surprised if that boy doesn’t end up in jail by 20”, “he won’t amount to anything without a proper role model in his life”, “his dad is teaching him how to slack off”, “he won’t contribute anything to society”, etc. he kindaaa picked up on this as he got older but pretended not to because it was more rewarding to play dumb and keep being a good kid(tm) to prove them wrong
was basically a mini version of his dad. same style, similar features, birthmarks in the same places, same “live today, die tomorrow” approach in life, same affinity for singing & playing rock music. ummm he loved his dad a lot. a lot. a lot. wanted to make him proud SO BAD, started his first band when he was 15 and they sucked so bad but his dad was their biggest fan… you know how it is. a lot of people misunderstood him, but he was a very good guy and such a great parent
TW DEATH unfortunately he passed away just shy of geon’s 18th birthday and your boy still hasn’t forgiven the world for taking his dad when he was in the middle of his angsty teen phase — had he known that their time together was dwindling, he would’ve been so so so much better to him END TW
his dad’s band actually rocketed into the charts after he passed & suddenly they were getting loads of publicity, lots of “what a shame that he went under-appreciated” which pissed geon off SOOOO bad because why couldn’t they have had that energy when he was still alive? he’s still mad about it five/six years later
this is getting kinda long, so uhhh tl;dr, he ended up staying with the drummer of his dad’s band until he was old enough to live alone/READY to live alone, but he changed quite a bit. was really going through it, quit his band, stopped putting effort into school. barely graduated. went from being a social butterfly spending every weekend at a gig or with friends to spending all of his time on a pc or in front of a tv, playing console games. the internet comforted him when nobody else would/could and then he met the future members of meta <33333333 #newbeginnings
present day geon is still struggling, has to go to counseling bi-weekly but he’s coming back out of his shell! he wants to fall in love with life again, just wants to tread carefully... outgoing & will talk to absolutely anyone, but he still spends most of his time alone. hard to reach by text, so if you wanna talk to him, you better call/facetime LMAO. talks a mile a minute, especially if you get him going abt something he really likes. laughs a lot, smiles a lot, more habitual than actual signs of happiness but yk. ummm he has a really loud voice, mostly controlled nowadays but he still gets carried away sometimes. an absolute menace during long drives/flights, sorry meta.
funny but only when he’s in large groups. feeds off of other peoples’ energy, really good at reading a room and breaking the ice/making everyone comfortable, but if you meet him 1-on-1, none of his jokes land quite the same.
i envision him as being the kind of guy who carries himself in such a way that you’d assume he’s really popular/out of reach/maybe even full of himself, but he’s... not like that... at all... in fact, he’s kinda irritating when you get to know him. the personification of a flood followed by a drought and vice versa, always either too much or not enough. gets used/ghosted/dropped/dumped/whatever a lot because he’s soooo fun in the moment (if he isn’t in his feelings), but draining long-term.
really emotionally intelligent, in touch with his feelings in a way that a lot of people never thought he would be (probably thanks to counseling tbh). he’s very very rarely the type of person who will make you wonder what your place in his life is — he’s communicative, kind, honest. ummm he thinks that intimacy between friends needs to be more common, so he’s really affectionate with the people in his life. type of guy to tell you he loves you every chance he gets (calling you when he’s drunk, sounding like a clingy ex type beat) & greet you/depart with a hug. losing his dad kinda fucked him up in the way that he won’t leave/hang up until his friends say “i love you” back, gets kinda (re: very) upset if he’s denied that and/or a hug.
has been playing the guitar “longer than he’s been walking” (not really, but he swears it’s true).
uhhh he really likes nail art, but he’s kinda hesitant in what he tries? mainly sticks to black polish (or other plain colors), but sometimes he’ll get little designs added in as well. mainly does it himself because he still doesn’t feel comfortable in salons... if his work looks bad, leave him alone <3 he’s trying
inspired by people like kurt cobain, nicky wire, yungblud, billie joe armstrong & damiano david in the fact that he’s not against wearing dresses or skirts on stage. doesn’t do it ALL the time, but often enough that it doesn’t go unnoticed. some people say that he does it for attention because he doesn’t dress like that elsewhere and tbh they’re probably kinda right
interested in history (only SOME... dinosaurs, ancient civilizations, specialized areas like the history of circuses/clowns/skateboarding/punk, stuff like that yk), stand-up comedy & documentaries. could spend a whole day watching documentaries and would say he had fun, has a lot of useless knowledge that nobody gives a fuck about and is kinda dumb when it comes to things that matter
when it comes to music, he prefers playing really fast and heavy rock or punk over anything else, but he actually listens to a lot more soft indie on his own time... he’s too tense these days to be listening to anything else RIPPP
the vibe: homemade tie-dye, ripped slipknot t-shirts, frosted tips, neon crocs with alien & peace-sign charms, chipped black nail polish, calloused hands, cheesy pick-up lines used NOT to land a date but to pull a smile, driving until he’s lost, stupid socks paired with pressed suits, dramatic poetry in an iphone note, etc. 
people he met through online support groups about coping with grief
uhhh an on & off relationship that’s been going for who-knows-how-long. the reason for this is up for discussion, but i imagine that he hasn’t given up yet because the constant highs and lows are a good source of inspo 🤪 artists must suffer for their art!
opposite side of the coin — someone he’s interested in, but he’s NOT disloyal so it’s a pattern of persistent courting when he’s single vs intense friend-zoning when he’s not and they’re getting tired of trying to figure out what he wants from them
someone else who likes nail art & can convince him that NOBODY cares if he goes to a salon
someone (probably female but doesn’t really matter tbh) who feels like his feminism is entirely performative… maybe they attack him directly for it or maybe they just REALLY don’t like him and they’re super vague about it idk. either way, please tell him that activism is much more than recommending one female artist a year and saying “clothes have no gender 🤪” so he can be praised for the bare minimum (his heart is in the right place but his skull is empty)
someone super introverted who comes out of their shell with geon! uhhh maybe they think that he’s the one doing them a favor, but in reality spending time with them has been doing wonders for his mental health
other people who like to skate. let’s congregate at the local skatepark and scare the middle schoolers away
someone who inspires him musically, for whatever reason. lots of late nights in studios, idly strumming his guitar and writing lyrics that definitely aren’t about how their eyes look in these dim lights… umm maybe he thinks he has a crush on them but really doesn’t and ends up hurting them eventually, maybe he really DOES have a crush but will (probably) never do anything abt it or maybe it’s entirely platonic and he just admires them a ridiculous amount
someone who likes to make music as a hobby, prob won’t publish/release any of it but it’s fun to imagine. spontaneous meetings with geon in the middle of the night, recording songs together and keeping the WORST takes for the laughs. there’s probably a diss-track of them going in on each other floating around somewhere even though geon can’t rap for shit
night owls who keep him company on the phone, even if they can’t be there physically. them talking really quietly vs geon shouting at them while he plays games LMAO
gaming buddies. come over, maybe you can carry geon through his game of the week or you can both fail but have fun while you’re at it… or you can scream while he fends off that hoard of zombies behind you
i’m typing this at the last minute (literally) so i’m gonna stop here, but i will get a proper plots page put up asap with a wider variety of connections!!! but as always, please do let me know if you have any other ideas. i’m always happy to plot and write with you all 🌚
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vbee-miya · 4 years
[romantic matchup]
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╔═ @whiskersandchocolate ═╝ mild spoilers
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➺︎ 𝚃𝚎𝚗𝚍𝚘 𝚂𝚊𝚝𝚘𝚛𝚒
Where do I even start 👩🏻‍🦯.
When you’re dealing with an episode you betcha Tendou would be there to comfort you and would hold you close to him saying things or doing things that’ll reassure you you’re alright and everything will be alright.
But if you’d say no he’d do that too and leave you be, but he’ll always be there for you regardless. He’ll struggle with you simply for the fact that he kinda wouldn’t know what to do when you two were first together.
Eventually he got used to the jist.
His favorite thing though that helps you cope with your anxiety is when both of you are watching cooking shows.
I mean he’d eventually become a great chocolatier.
Sure cooking shows are great but when you two watch anime together? That’s like his safe haven.
When you became VP for one of your organizations he was more excited than you. Lifting you off the ground twirling you around . “BABY THATS AMAZING!!! IM SOOOSBWKSJEEIEIEH HAPPY FOR YOUUUU😭😭💜💜💜💜” - Tendō
Look he’d love it when you’re singing. He’d definitely duet with you, but sometimes he’ll just sit back and let your voice fill his ears.
He’d definitely poke fun at you on how despite being of legal age you still have trouble getting into R rated movies.
Like before purchasing the tickets he’d slow down his pace and just stand there as your about to purchase the tickets when the person ticket human is like 👁👄👁 uh Chile child...ID please?
Then that’s when Tendō walks up behind you like the child’s with me.
Downside of this relationship is that I really don’t know I’ll be honest 🧍🏻‍♀️ sorry.
➺︎ 𝚂𝚎𝚖𝚒 𝙴𝚒𝚝𝚊
Like any good mother he’d always be there to try giving you a safe comfortable place when your anxiety gets bad.
Like any good mother he’d always be there to try giving you a safe comfortable place when your anxiety gets bad.
Like Tendō he’d do his best to comfort you, sometimes it may not work out right, but he’s all for talking things out.
He probably took a music major in his college years so then when he found out you were really into music/theater he’d kinda flip not in a bat way ofc.
He’d adore your singing and sometimes he’d be like wanna do an instrumental vocal duet? Since both of you are the only ones home.
He would bee too fond of cooking shows though he does understand why you’d like em, he’d just rather prefer to cook it. With you 🥰🥰🥰
Problems getting into certain movies? He’s gotcha. But he’d also tease you lowkey because you’re so adorable.
With you being heavily involved with org/clubs he’d kinda want to join to or see if he can do anything to help out ya know?
Downside of this relationship is that 🧍🏻‍♀️-
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➺︎ 𝚄𝚔𝚊𝚒 𝙺𝚎𝚒𝚜𝚑𝚒𝚗
I don’t really see him being too involved with like music/theatrical things. But he’d enjoy hearing you sing yk yk?
I also don’t see him being too invested in the side of your life with your org/club but he’d support you 👩🏻‍🦯 just at a distance mayhaps.
Bright side of this relationship is that he will 100% try giving you a safe comfortable place or arms to come to. You can always be real with him and he’ll do whatever he’d think is necessary to make you feel comfortable.
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Another really fun request. Sorry if I might’ve left out any blanks. Or if the characters weren’t who you’d hope to get.
For those who are still waiting feel free to dm me if your request has been pending for about a month now.
My requests aren’t actually open these are just old requests rip -
𝙿𝚕𝚎𝚊𝚜𝚎 𝙲𝚑𝚎𝚌𝚔 𝙼𝚢 𝙽𝚊𝚟𝚒𝚐𝚊𝚝𝚒𝚘𝚗 (𝙿𝚒𝚗𝚗𝚎𝚍 𝙿𝚘𝚜𝚝) 𝙵𝚘𝚛 𝚁𝚎𝚚𝚞𝚎𝚜𝚝 𝚄𝚙𝚍𝚊𝚝𝚎𝚜
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wallstagram · 5 years
june - july fic rec: month(s) in review
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hello & welcome back to the june - july edition of fic rec: month(s) in review! we have a L O T to unpack this time, so let’s dive right in! throughout june & july, we have been blessed with the majority of @larryabroad, as well as the bulk of @hlsummerexchange2019, all of @wordplayfics, wanker’s day fic fest, and many more that i’m probably forgetting. summer was a great time to be a fic reader for sure, thank you to every author who contributed!! 
**disclaimer: not all of these fics were written in june/july, it is simply when i read them. however, a lot of them were. ***note: as always, if you do take my recommendation and read any of these works, please bookmark, comment, and leave kudos for these authors!! it is so important that we support the creators in our community. as an author, i know a sweet comment will often spur me to keep writing when i’m stuck. but, without further ado, here’s my recs below the cut!
J U N E : :
You Were Made To Be Mine by lovelarry10 (@chloehl10)
Louis Tomlinson takes his 6 year old son Jacob to see Harry Styles in concert. Jacob has been a huge fan of Harry's for as long as he can remember, so it's a dream come true when Harry notices him in the pit. But Jacob isn't all that Harry has his eye on...
Louis is a bit embarrassed when Harry picks on him from the stage, but when he's invited backstage after the show, he wonders what Harry Styles could possibly want with a single dad and his kid from Manchester...
This was such a cute read! At a whopping 580k, there is a LOT to sink your teeth into. Though I started it at the beginning of June, I haven’t even nearly finished yet, but it’s so good that it’s made it onto my rec list!
Get Off and Vote by haztobegood (@haztobegood)
Niall lets out a loud laugh, “Hey, listen to this. You know how elections are Tuesday? It says the Babeland on the edge of campus is giving out free toys to the first 100 people that show their ‘I Voted’ sticker.”
“How patriotic.” Louis laughs. “Maybe I should go.”
Haha! This one was great. At 3k, it’s a perfect quick read for some sexy, patriotic fun. 
Surprise Me, Space Boy by jacaranda_bloom (@jacaranda-bloom)
Louis is a solo officer on Space Station Zeta and the isolation can present many challenges, not least of which is that it’s really bloody hard to date. He’s pinning his hopes on that changing with a fellow solo officer, Harry, from a neigbouring station who gives great banter and has a gorgeous smile. Maybe online dating has its benefits after all?
OR The Space Wank Fic.
Oh, this one was so good!!! The thing I love about literally anything Dee writes is that she just thinks completely outside the box. I feel like I never quite know what’s going to happen (in the best way!) and her originality totally made this fic amazing. (7k)
rivers ‘til i reach you by embodied (@crossnecklace)
Louis can’t begin to understand how he’s always this close and still can’t manage to make Harry his. He stands up and gets another beer. AU. Louis studies astronomy; Harry studies Louis. They spend their summers on the water and it shouldn't be complicated (spoiler: it is).
This was such a good read! It’s written in such a way that you’re utterly sucked into the verse so much that you’re a bit sappy when the fic is over. Kinda makes you feel a bit lovedrunk just from reading it. (29k)
Found My Hallelujah by crimsontheory (@ireallysawanangel)
As an engagement gift from his parents, Harry and his fiance receive an all expenses paid cruise trip for two. But one week before they're set to sail, Harry walks in on his fiance cheating on him. Newly single, with the cruise tickets in hand, and his bags already packed, Harry brings along his sister instead. And maybe the cute bartender on the ship might just be the person Harry needs to help him put back together all of his broken pieces.
I have so much to say about this one! I had the absolute honor of beta’ing this 35k work (which im pretty sure i just cheerlead you bc nicole you know grammar isn’t my strong suit...lmfao) and honestly it has become a fic that i love so much! nicole is such a talented writer; everything she writes just brings out so much emotion from her audience, and she has such a great sense of characterization! if you liked this one, check out its sequel, Now I’m Moving Up because it’s great too!!!!
J U L Y : :
Whisk me off my feet by allwaswell16 (@allwaswell16)
When Louis locks himself out of his apartment in just a pair of novelty underwear, he hopes his new neighbor can come to his rescue.
Haha! This one was so cute! What a darling fic! (5k)
The Charles Compass Trilogy by SadaVeniren (@sadaveniren)
Louis Tomlinson is a successful writer who rents a beach house on the Cape to try and finish the final book in his successful Charles Compass trilogy.
So I’m convinced that any rec list I make will not be complete if Sada isn’t on it. Here’s the thing - I fell in love with this story before she was revealed as the author, and honestly I had no clue. She’s got this amazing way of being able to change her style to fit the kind of story she’s trying to tell. This is such a good look at the writing process, highly recommend! (9k)
From The Heart series by jacaranda_bloom (@jacaranda-bloom)
Every Tuesday, Louis spends his day off holed up in his favorite coffee-come-bookshop, writing his little stories as part of the WordPlay challenge while daydreaming about the resident barista, Harry. Each week a new word prompt is revealed and Louis adds to his series of short stories about Henry, the owner of a B&B in the Cotswolds who has curly hair and dimples, Lewis, his long term guest who just happens to be a writer, and Tigger, Henry’s cat.
As Louis and Harry’s friendship develops, could his fantasy world spill out into real life? And how does that reader who leaves the lovely comments with the teacup emoji seem to be able to read Louis’ mind?
Okay, Dee really killed the game this time. Because I was OBSESSED. I mean honestly checking my phone at work to see what the newest installment was. This series is so fulfilling and so so hot to think about as an author! (25k)
blue eyes, black jeans, lighters, candy by delsicle (@emperorstyles)
Harry is in Madrid and Louis had a hard week.
So, the whole dom on tour series is really good, but this is my favorite work of the two. I love basically anything Delaney writes but this was extremely hot! (4k)
Could you love me anyway by SadaVeniren (@sadaveniren)
Dear Mistress Lorin: I’ve been reading your blog for a couple weeks now and was hoping you’d give me some advice for something that happened with me and my boyfriend. I’m really worried that I hurt him.
aka Harry and Louis begin playing ping pong during the X-Factor Tour. It quickly gets out of hand.
Okay. If you know me at all, you know that the way to my heart is either spanking, kink negotiation, or both. This just delivers on it all, and it catches on some main parts of BDSM-for-newbies and kink-gone-wrong that people often pretend never happens. I could gush so much about this, but go ahead and just read it yourself because it’s too good to miss!! (13k)
you are half of me (and I am all for you) by angelichl (@angelichl)
One Direction, an obscure indie rock band, is about to embark on their first cross-country tour, living out of Louis' beloved van named Patricia.
Harry is in love, and Louis is oblivious. Or is he?
Featuring skinny-dipping in Texas waterfalls, getting lost in the desert, stargazing under the New Mexico sky, performing in front of crowds that grow in size each night, and falling in love on the road during the greatest summer of their lives.
Okay WOW. I have so much to say about this one!!! So first off, the biggest thank you to adri for writing this fic for me for HL Summer Exchange!!! Honestly I feel like you spied through all my hopes and dreams and loves (including parenthesis in fic titles??? love it) and squished it all into this fic. it’s just the best fic, and it feels like warm summer air and tracing constellations in the stars and falling in love. if you haven’t read this already, please do!!!! It was so good I teared up when I first read it! (25k)
Heading for Limbo by kingsofeverything (fullonlarrie) (@kingsofeverything)
Childhood best friends who’ve fallen in and out of touch with each other since Louis’ family moved away when they were thirteen, Harry and Louis find their paths crossing again and again. Each time, no matter how many miles apart or how many years it’s been, it’s as if no time has passed. They fall back into their easy friendship, until life intervenes and sends them on their separate ways once more.
When Harry discovers some life-changing things about himself, Louis is there for him, however he needs. But it’s all temporary because Louis has plans that will move his life from New York all the way to L.A. and the distance isn’t the only thing between them.
The pieces of their twice broken hearts are scattered from the Atlantic to the Pacific.
Okay. Okay. This fic literally is one I will remember for the rest of my life, and i’m not even being dramatic about it! So, I really do enjoy leaving authors detailed comments about their fics, but that just wasn’t enough... I really had to message Lauren this whole essay about how Heading for Limbo helped me deal with a lot of emotions I was feeling in my own personal life, and it helped me fully realize that i’m bisexual. (did i just come out?? yikes) it was nice to see a fic where things weren’t perfect over a long stretch of time. It was amazing to see Harry realize his sexuality later in life, because that was one of my main struggles. this fic is one of the best things that’s ever happened to me. Literally, Lauren, thanks for changing my whole life!!! (101k)
Tell Me This Is Paradise by QuickedWeen (@becomeawendybird)
Harry Styles has been lucky in love but unlucky in the bedroom with all of her previous boyfriends. When her best friend Niall finds out that she's never had an orgasm, she knows just what Harry needs: Louis Tomlinson. Niall sets Harry up to get sorted out.
Okay, if you’re new around here, this fic was also on one of my previous rec lists, but then Molly had to ruin my life and write another chapter of it. Jesus Christ!!!! I literally could read this fic every single day and die happily. It’s so hot, and the characterization is so good. So, I guess this rec is specifically for chaper 2, but you’ve gotta read chapter 1 also! For the betterment of your life, of course. (9k)
Abstract by Star55 (@star55)
After Zayn draws a naked Harry for her art class, she finds that she can't stop drawing Harry and Louis' naked bodies, usually engaged in some form of sexual activity.
Literally - this was hot as balls. Loved it! (8k)
alright guys, that’s it! if you read all the way to the bottom, you deserve a sticker. i hope you guys enjoy some of my favorite fics i’ve read! don’t forget to go bookmark, comment, and give kudos! and just remember: we are all human. if you read a work, and loved it, and didn’t comment, it’s never too late! give your author some loooooooove. my life has been super busy and i really haven’t been in the place to leave the thought-out comments i like to, so most of these authors can expect comments from me soon. thank you to all the authors listed above, have a nice day everyone! also, feel free to send your favorite fics into my ask - maybe they’ll end up on my next list!!!
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alatismeni-theitsa · 5 years
Do you have any advice for greek people in diaspora who want to de-assimilate? My family immigrated to america when my great grandparents came over, and im kinda struggling to reconnect with my heritage when everyone in my family likes to pretend it doesnt exist. I grew up speaking some greek but even my parents admitted they want to forget all their greek and its really heartbreaking to see
I am sorry your parents treat Greek culture like a secret in the family. :/ It breaks my heart as well. But I am actually amazed that some Greek has stayed in the family from the time of your great grandparents!
To begin, assimilating isn’t exactly bad. Many people through the centuries have moved to other countries and became citizens of the new place in every way. Sure, you leave your old customs behind but you get new ones and you become part of a new community. It’s a natural process, happening since the beginning of humanity. Of course, it comes down to personal choice. Your parents want to not stand out. You want to keep the best of the new culture and the old culture. 
I don’t want to assume things about you. Ι am saying this just in case you feel this way: please do not scorn the culture of the place where you live. Every culture is different and interesting, even if it seems mundane to you. The new culture is most likely the bigger part of you and it needs some care, too.
For example, I have spoken to many immigrants in the US and most of them dislike the US. At the same time, through our dicussions, they show me - and tell me - they couldn’t be less American. They had a very different upbringing than the people from their parents’ motherland. 
I think it would be best if you got comfortable with both sides of you, the Greek one and the assimilated one. If your children and your children’s children live away from Greece, they will get more and more assimilated. It’s impossible to de-assimilate completely and forever. As many other Greeks, I am planning to leave Greece in a very short time. It’s sad to think my traditions won’t continue to the next generations. But it’s a reality we must face - and we should probably try to be positive about it. 
That being said, it’s perfectly fine to have the desire to know more about your roots for whatever reason. So here is my advice to you:
1) You may want to read the history of Greece. All of it, not just from 300 BC to 100 AC as most foreigners do. Preferably, find works that have someone Greek as a writer or supervisor (because Greeks usually try to depict accurately what happened), or writers who truly feel Greece, like Richard Clogg. Our history and pain has shaped the way we look at the world and it’s a perspective you should be familiar with, since you are driving in! (Yes, more depression for everyone!)
2) Learn where your family comes from. Maybe by asking your grandparents or your parents you can learn the exact place/town or the geographical compartment of your family. Look for the specific dances and traditional costume of that area from YouTube videos or a Greek community in your area! See if the people there were great warriors, great merchants, great wine producers. See if there are any Greek heroes of the 1821 revolution coming from your place! 
That may need lots of Google searching but I think you will get somewhere. I am also availiable if you want me to give you more information about a specific place.
For every Greek tribe there is a tag on my blog, like #macedonia, #epirus, #thrace and more. I have tags for most of the towns, too! You can also search for the different Greek “tribes” (Pontiacs, Kappadokians, Thracians and so on) which are often named after the place they lived. Everyone falls into some of them and you probably come from one (or two) as well! 
3) Learn some more Greek. I suggest that because learning Greek means learning how Greeks think. I suppose you know the basics but how about the 20+ weird phrases we have to playfully say someone is gay, like “he flogs the dolphin”, “he shakes the pear tree” etc. What about the Greek phrases which stem from war and pirate raids and… hating the Turks?? How about the Mediterranean expressions like calling a mole “olive” or saying “I am in an open sea” when we feel lost, or saying “he pressed my oil out” when someone tires us?
Greekpod101 on YouTube will help you learn the basics and a little more! They also have a site. But basically going on Youtube and typing “learn Greek” will do the trick. For more weird or advanced stuff you can look at my tag #learn greek and #greek language.
4) Greek memes - Greek diaspora social media. They are surprisingly educational! @hooplagreeks on instagram is one of my fave meme profiles! Watch youtubers of Greek diaspora as “Greek in the City” or the Greek comedian Basile! On instagram you may want to follow @greekfestvictoria (videos of Greek dances and people, and photos of the community) and @newdiaspora (“a digital storytelling platform, focusing on the new generation of Greeks living abroad during the crisis in their homeland”) and @ greek_diaspora (some things for Greek culture).
On my tag #greek diaspora you may find more people like you! Some have asked me similar stuff so I may be repeating stuff in those posts as well.
5) Cook/eat Greek food. If your grandparents and mum know recipes, take them as if they are gold. It’s a great way to get familiar with the local Greek ingredients and the Greek palette. Heck, look for Greek recipes on the internet and cook them! If you don’t know where to start, my tag #greek cuisine may be helpful.
6) Read Greek classic literature (in Greek if you can, but you can also find works translated in English). Elitis, Sahtouris, Seferis, Venezis, Papadiamantis, Mirivilis, Delta, Empirikos, Zei, Kazantzakis are only a few of the literary gems Greeks have to offer. Enjoy good writing, the Greek perspective, and get to know the newer Greek society in a unique and authentic way. Here is a list with more of them (link).
7) Meet more Greeks! Through groups on insta or fb, through Tumblr blogs etc. Watch youtubers of Greek diaspora as “Greek in Town” or the comedian Basile! Maybe there is one Greek community near you area and you can pay a visit for festivals! (No day, Independence Day, 1st of March, Easter meal, Dance festivals etc). Don’t be shy to go there. From what I have seen, people from all backgrounds are welcome there. Plus, Greeks LOVE showing their culture so you are going to learn a lot of things from them. 
8) Be proud. I know it may sound kind of weird but I feel being proud is one key element of being Greek. In every anniversary wars we won, in our schools we sing prideful songs and hang posters with our war heroes, always standing proud. The students and the army parade in the streets the small children wearing traditional costumes (parade is kinda of a facist remnant - ew - but it shows that we want to instill pride even in our children. It has a few positive elements I guess :P). To sum up, be proud of a people who endured natural catastrophes, wars, genocide, famine, occupation, slaughters and slavery and can still stand!
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9) Travel to Greece? I don’t know how affortable it is for you and how easy it is but I recommend it. Your tickets don’t need to be for summer. (Honestly, you may want to avoid summer. It’s too hot and too crowdy in tourist areas. Spring is our best season ;). You can come off season and just see the place and meet the people. See the species Grecus Hellenicus in its narutal habitat! Maybe you’ll make some new friends to discuss about Greek culture!
10) Search the tags on this blog. In #greek people you will see Greeks of every era, in  #vintage you will find old towns and traditional settings. In #paradosiaki foresia await some of the Greek traditional clothes. #greek language, #greek culture and #greek tradition, #greek festival, #greek music are self explanatory. 
I think that’s all I’ve got! Good luck in your journey and I am here if you need anything else :D You can dm me and ask stuff, anything you want! I would be happy to help you get in touch with your roots!
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suenala · 5 years
BTS-story ; well, here i am.
episode 3 ; 'please come!'
prev. < tsilretsam
[genre] ; fluff
[fandom] 방탄소년단
[⚠] ; cuss cuss ssuc
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Lunch starts and everyone heads to the cafeteria. I was more in the back of the studio because every time lunch started, it would be chaotic. Everybody wanted to get there first so they could get the food nicely fresh and warm. I always bought my own food because the people who were last always hogged the microwave to warm up their food, I always hated standing in line so I always bought a nice sandwich (it was four slices and yes I ate them all ヽ(´ー`)┌) or something. I waited until everyone left the studio and packed my things after I was about to walk to my locker I felt someone’s hand grab my shoulder. I had put my earbuds on after the Manager made the announcement so I couldn't hear anything after I took a second to realize it was someone's hand, I took the earbuds out and turned around.
Yn: "Yes-oh"
???: "Hello! My name is uh-"
Yn: "Jhope, i know haha."
Jhope: "Ah-haha, i forgot we were celebrities...heh-Oh, um, i saw you dancing earlier! Well, before you got interrupted, you were really good!" -He smiles at me very kindly, laughing a bit awkwardly with his hand on his neck and starts to blush- "I was wondering if you were auditioning? You look like you were working very har-"
???: "Hyung! Stop bothering her!
He quickly turns around and then looks back at me.
Jhope: "Ah..Jimin, i-" -jimin bows and tries to pull him back to the others but he doesn't even budge-
Yn: -i bite the inside of my cheeks, trying not to laugh. They were so cute! I raise my eyebrows and tilt my head a bit-
Jhope: "Can't you see im trying to have a conversation right now????" -as he’s looking at jimin, he rolls his eyes and crosses his arms-
Jimin: -sigh- "Hyung! Can't you see she doesn't care?"
Yn: "U-uhm.."
They both immediately turn their attentions toward me.
Yn: “I will be auditioning..but just please, treat me like the others! Not just because i can dance!”
Jhope: -giggles- "Your wish is my command! Well, this kid won't stop buggin' so see you then!”
Jimin: “Yea! See you later too!"-jimin smiles brightly and waves goodbye with his arm wrapped with jhopes-
I sighed and unlocked my locker and placed my belongings inside, thinking about what just happened is actually kind of funny and cute, will it really be okay if i win this?
time ; 12:37 PM
-Lunch has started-
I sit on an empty staircase with a couple of my friends as we eat lunch.
???: "Hey, yn!"
Yn: -im playing around on my phone in one hand and a half-eaten sandwich in the other- "Hm, what?"
???: "Yn, don't talk to your phone, talk to me!"
Yn: -i furrow my brows and look at her- "What'h?! What do you need so badly, Fee??"
Yn: "What'r talking about?"
Henry: "Fee, shut up, you're too loud." -fee snaps her head to henry in annoyance-
Fee: "You shut up- Yn, check your damn dm's!"
Yn: -i look back at my phone and sigh as i take another bite from my meal- "oH, yUh dish teck me."
Henry: "Finish what's in your mouth yn, geez."
Yn: "Mhm, yeah sorry."
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Yn: "Yeah, The manager just talked about this."
Fee: "You idiot, i sent that on thursday."
Yn: "I should probably sign up, one of the members asked me if i was and i said yeah." -i didn't realize how half-heartedly I had said that until fee SMACKS my back-
Yn: "Ow! Fee what the fuck!"
Fee: "He-Wh-I-Who?!" -she yells at me with her mouth half full, literally spitting bits of crackers in my face whilst i just stare at her with my eye wide in concern-
Fee: "SHUT UP HENRY!" -henry moves up a step to sit farther from the bacteria bot-
Yn: "Uh, Jhope did but i also talked to Jimin." -i say as i take another bite until she HITS ME AGAIN-
Fee: "No shit! For real?!"
Yn: -i start coughing and struggling to say I'm choking- "W-wat-tar!!"
Henry: "Look what you did you buffoon!" -he flicks fee on the forehead and hands me my water bottle-
Fee: "Ow!..im sorry."
Henry: "Yeah you better be."
Fee: "Henry shut up!"
Henry: "Tsk."
Fee says she can send me the link for the online application so i can apply and honestly, i im kinda nervous- but i dont know who said that 👀.
time ; 2:30 PM
-Lunch ends-
I stood back where i was when i was practicing this morning and noticed a long white TABLE set in front of the windows. The boys were standing with pink clipboards and next to the table a whole other stack of boards on the floor, which were blue, soon after everyone had entered from lunch, and the manager walked in.
Manager: "Okay, on the farther end of the table we have name tags with numbers and names obviously. All applications that were submitted passed 1:50pm were not entered since that was the deadline and after that we had all the names randomize and numbered so it didn't matter how early or late you submitted them. Alright! Everyone listen up because I'm only gonna say this once!
The pink boards are representing the girls and on the boards are a couple pages numbered from 1 to 130. Same for the blue ones, in the box behind Namjoon are tags about 260 but split in half. Each person will get one and whoever has the #1 will go on until #2 and so on, everyone will perform a solo choreography that they have made or a solo dance they've learned and with a group or not-whatever. After the females have finished the members (BTS) will see who have passed to go on then it's the males turn, next they’ll show if they can do the following; Sing, or Rap, the people the members select to move on will go on to the next round which the members will decide what will the challenge be. Then they will choose 5 females and 5 from the males also, those 10 will go to another round and the members will choose three people from them to become a trainee. They have dedicated their time into auditions to just THIS studio so please respect that. They can leave whenever they want, disrespect will not be tolerated. Phew! That was a lot but everyone got it?!”
Everyone: "Yes ma'am!!"
Manager: Oh! Those three by the way, whoever they may be, its like a death round, one of those three will eventually debut and the other two will be sent back home. Since these seven boys are generous, the top 10 will be able to make 2 collabs (song) with them as a reward for the hard work and everyone else who auditioned will get free concert tickets so dont be so bummed out okay? I believe in all of you so do your best!"
Everyone: "Thank You!!"
The manager left with all the males following behind her as a bunch of girls raced to Namjoon as he was helping pass out tags. Before lunch had ended, everyone got a text telling their numbers so it was less of a hassle but still....
Namjoon: "Ladies! A single line please!"
BTS: -Laughing at Namjoons failure-
Namjoon: "Help me!" -He gives off a dark glare to all the members and eventually someone steps up- "Thank you Hyung."
Jin: "Okay, I can help here too! Please form another line!"
Me and Fee just stand back in awe, staring at all the chaos girls can cause.
Me: "Wow, thats amazing." -i stand with my back against the mirror and my arms cross, contemplating if i should go and die in the crowd-
Fee: "Can't relate." -i look over at fee and raise a brow-
Yn: "Oh?" -i grab her hand and pull her to a line and gesture her to stay as i wait in the other-
Fee: "Really? Can't you come here?"
Yn: "Wha-What? Sorry, i can't hear you over these fangirls!"
Fee: "i sa-" -sigh- "I SAID COME HERE!"
Yn: -puts earbuds in and looks away-
Fee: "i give up. Truly the biggest brat."
It seemed like it took forever, just standing there and to be honest, at this point I didn't care if i got in or not;
But FINALLY it was my turn, he helped me find my tag and winked at me, I just gave him a quick smile and walked off. I didn't think much as Jin was always the one out of everyone to send hearts and winks and all the girls were ALL over him for that, it was c r a z y.
After that, all the girls grabbed their clothes and headed to the locker room to change into more comfortable clothing.
prev. < tsilretsam > next
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2jaepg · 6 years
request by @straybubs: seungmin and jisung friends to lover kinda thing?
Submit a fic request here, or leave a comment on my series on ao3!
Word Count: 2.7k Notes: this is three whole months late and i apologize for that! but here it finally is~ i hope you enjoy~    read it on ao3 here Summary: seungmin's brother wants an xbox, seungmin just wants to play DDR, and jisung just wants to be annoying can be considered a prequel to spiegel im spiegel
“Seungmin! Come on,” Seungcheol whines. “Hurry up, we’re going to be late to the arcade!”
“Stop whining at me,” Seungmin complains, taking his sweet time tying double knots on his shoelaces. “Aren’t you supposed to be the older one?”
Seungcheol doesn’t bother to respond with more than some aggressive foot tapping and a glare thrown Seungmin’s way.
“Whatever. It’s not like anybody’s waiting for you at the arcade. I’m ready now,” Seungmin finishes, straightening up and grabbing his bag.
Seungcheol scoffs, “Actually, my friends are waiting. And show some respect, I’m your hyung.”
Seungmin follows his brother out, mumbling curses under his breath as he struggles to right his bike before finally kicking it in rage. When Seungcheol only rolls his eyes and starts to bike off, Seungmin panics for a moment, shouting, “Hyung! Wait!” as he clambers on quickly, suffering a small scrape to his knee.
He bikes furiously to catch up and is fuming the entire way to the arcade. When they get there, Seungmin just shoves his bike off to the side before storming in, and Seungcheol has to lock it up on his behalf with a roll of his eyes. “Kids these days,” he mutters, as if he himself isn’t also a child.
Inside, Seungcheol just nods to Seungmin quickly before they run off, Seungmin over to the DDR section and Seungcheol off to shoot some monsters or aliens or something.
Over by the DDR machine, there’s a small group of older kids playing around on the highest difficulty level, missing all of the steps. Seungmin watches them with amusement and the tiniest bit of haughty pride, knowing that he’s much, much better considering all of his hours of practice while waiting for Seungcheol to finish up his games.
The kids finish up, and Seungmin is just about to go up to slot a few coins into the slot when suddenly some other kid his age runs up and takes his spot.
“What the heck?” Seungmin says, shoving the kid aside. “I was clearly in line.”
“What’s your problem?” the kid asks, shoving Seungmin back. “I got the coins in first, butthead. Not my fault you’re slow.”
Seungmin huffs, even angrier now. “Really? You’re going to call me a butthead?”
“Yeah,” the kid says. “Because you are. Butthead.”
Seungmin opens his mouth to retaliates, then sighs and shakes his head. He will be the bigger man, and he graciously steps aside to wait his turn again as the kid snickers at him, turning back to the machine to pick a song.
Seungmin watches him pick out a song and snickers to himself as the kid chooses the most difficult song at the expert level. He knows there’s no way the kids going to get more than twenty seconds through the song before failing out from past experience, but then he watches the determination course through his body, he watches the tight grip he has on the back bars, he realizes he’s watching a real professional. Or, at least as professional as a seven-year-old kid in an arcade can get.
Seungmin watches with wide eyes and a mouth ready to catch flies, eyes barely able to keep up with how fast the kid moves on the machine. Before he knows it, the song is over and the kid is flouncing in front of Seungmin, victorious with his A+ score.
“Hah! You see? I bet you couldn’t beat that, butthead,” the kid says, and Seungmin snaps his mouth shut.
“Whatever, you’re like, six,” Seungmin mutters.
“I’m not! I’m nine years old thanks a lot, butthead.”
“What?” Seungmin says, shocked. The kid is way too short to be a nine year old. He only comes up to Seungmin’s ears, maybe. And Seungmin is short for nine years old, even though he’d never admit it, which means that this kid has to be like, five or something. And so he tells him so, “You’re not nine, I’m nine!”
“You know more than one person can be nine, idiot,” the kid says. “Now I’m playing again,” he turns back to the machine, hand hovering to slot in another coin when Seungmin jumps forward.
“No, it’s my turn!” Seungmin says, shoving the kid aside. He thrusts his token in, but that doesn’t stop the other bully from shoving him back and pushing a random button on the screen. “What? Hey, I hate that song!”
“Too bad, loser, guess you have to dance it now. Unless you want to let me dance?” the kid says, blinking sweetly at Seungmin. Oh, how Seungmin wishes he could punch that smile off of his face.
“No. My token, my dance.” With a strength and determination that he’s only seen on his brother’s face when challenged to eat five foot long hot dogs in one sitting, he steps up to the board. Time passes in a blur as his feet move all over the pad and finally, he finishes, fist pumped up in the air as he celebrates. “Take that!”
“Oh nice moves,” the kid holds out his hand, ready for a high five.
“Oh, um, sure. Thanks,” Seungmin says, reaching to grab the kid’s hand when suddenly he swerves and dabs instead.
“Haha sike! See you next time, loser!” he yells, running off to his mom.
“My name’s not loser! It’s Seungmin, dumb butt!” Seungmin calls. He would stomp his foot, too, but he’s broken out of that habit after Seungcheol made fun of him telling him he looked like a bratty girl.
“And I’m Jisung, loser,” the kid, Jisung, shouts, turning around one last time to stick out his tongue at Seungmin before disappearing between the machines of the arcade.
Seungmin shakes his head, trotting off to blow his tickets on the rigged claw machine. He gets two rubber duckies, and names one Jisung.
Somehow, over the course of the month that Seungcheol spends forcing Seungmin to follow him along in his pursuits to win an Xbox by gathering all 200,000 tickets necessary to trade, Seungmin finds himself becoming friends with Jisung. Or well, as close as two boys who still only call each other dumb butt and loser can get, he supposes.
They still try to outscore each other on the DDR machine, until a parent waiting in line behind them yells at them to stop hogging it so that their spoiled prissy child gets a chance, after which they run to the claw machine and try to push it over. Once they get in trouble for that, too, Jisung’s mom comes over and buys them both some popsicles so that they’ll sit down and stop causing headaches all over.
“Thank you, Mrs. Han,” Seungmin smiles, all sweetness and smiles whenever a parent walks by.
When Jisung rolls his eyes and mutters, “Ew, you’re so fake,” he earns himself a hard scuff on the back of his neck as his mother smiles down at Seungmin.
“Jisung, you really should learn some manners from your new friend here. I’m taking away that popsicle until you say thank you,” she scolds, all while cooing at Seungmin as he smiles, teeth stained red from the cherry flavoring.
“Thanks, mom,” Jisung mutters before grabbing Seungmin’s hand to run back off into the arcade. “Come on, let’s go.”
“Okay,” Seungmin says, toddling off after him. “Bye Mrs. Han!”
Seungmin is content, to say the least.
Another month passes, and Seungcheol stops coming to the arcade so that he can stay home and play on his XBox. On a random afternoon when he’s feeling kind of nice, and also decides that maybe he can win some more games with tickets, he takes Seungmin back to the arcade.
There, standing at the DDR machine, as usual, is Jisung.
“Hey, butthead!” Seungmin shouts, running up to the kid. “You’re taller, no way!”
“Shut up, where have you been, loser?” Jisung says punching Seungmin in the shoulder. It hurts a bit more than he expected.
“My brother is too old for arcade games now apparently. Sounds like a loser to me, sitting at home all day. He hasn’t got any friends, though, so we should be sorry for him,” Seungmin says, all the while looking around to make sure that Seungcheol actually isn’t around to hear him.
“Oh. But then what do you do then,” Jisung asks as they make their way over to the skeeball machines.
“I usually just read, and, uh, sing,” Seungmin says. There’s a pause, and Seungmin kind of wishes he hadn’t said it. “It’s like, whatever. My brother says it’s a sissy thing, I just get bored sometimes, my mom used to sing before she got busy with work so like—“
“Hey, that’s so cool!” Jisung cuts him off. They tend to do that, cutting into each other’s conversations mercilessly, just as they push each other off the DDR mat or punch the machine to throw off the pinball. Seungmin likes to think that it’s kind of their thing.
“Really?” Seungmin asks. “I’ve actually never told anybody before but, I think I want to be a singer.”
Jisung nodes enthusiastically, completely missing the holes as the ball ricochets off the side of the machine and comes bouncing back to them. “Our family actually owns the karaoke place down the block, do you wanna go sometime? My sister literally spends all her time there, she thinks she’s going to be a singer but she’s really, really bad, I’m sure you’re a lot better— Woah!” Jisung ducks down as Seungmin’s toss goes a little too far to the left and directly into Seungmin’s side.
“Wait, really?” Seungmin says, no longer concerned about the scores flickering on the screen.
“Yeah, so long as you don’t kill me first,” Jisung answers. “Now hand me my ball, I still have three shots left. Also, you can pay me with all the tickets you earn today.”
Jisung’s mom makes Jisung give back Seungmin’s tickets because the karaoke rooms are open to Jisung’s friends for free. Jisung pouts but gets over it pretty quickly as he punches in some rap song with way too many expletives to be appropriate for their age.
As he mumbles rap lyrics that go by too fast for him to repeat properly, Seungmin laughs and claps along to the beat. As the song finishes, Jisung runs over and throws the mic at Seungmin’s face.
“Ow! You almost hit me, loser!”
“Whatever,” Jisung says, pulling over the book. “Pick a song, it’s your turn. And don’t sing Taylor Swift or I’m telling my mom to kick you out.”
“Okay, I wouldn’t have anyway,” Seungmin mutters, punching in some numbers. (He actually would have, but he doesn’t want to risk it quite yet.)
As he sings, he closes his eyes and sways along to the beat, humming with the instrumentals between verses. Once the song finishes, there’s a long silence, and he’s almost afraid to open his eyes and see Jisung’s reaction.
He opens one eye at time, slowly, and looks up to see Jisung seated on the couch still, mouth hanging wide open. “Was it that bad?” Seungmin asks.
Jisung just shakes his head slowly.
“Well, close your mouth,” Seungmin says, going back over to drink some of the orange juice Jisung’s mother had brought them.
“You are. Really. Good.”
“Oh. Thank you.”
Seungmin sniffles a little bit to fill up the silence.
“A billion times better than my sister.”
Seungmin laughs, punching Jisung’s shoulder lightly. It’s more of just a nudge, really. “That’s mean.”
“Whatever, it’s a compliment you idiot,” Jisung says, pulling the remote back over to him. “Now sing Nobody with me!”
“What? I can’t sing Taylor Swift but Wonder Girls is allowed?”
“Fine, you can sing Taylor Swift but if I get a higher score, you owe me sixty tickets.”
“Mom, I’m home!” Seungmin calls as he gets home from karaoke. Mrs. Han had given him a ride back, and Jisung and Seungmin had sung along to the radio all the way back.
“Seungmin!” his mother’s voice calls from the kitchen, and he knows from just those two syllables that he’s in trouble, even though he isn’t sure what he’s done wrong.
“Uh, hi mommy,” Seungmin says, scooting his butt over to the kitchen. “Is there something wrong?”
“Where have you been all day? Your brother was supposed to be watching you!” her arms are crossed as she stands by the counter, and Seungmin doesn’t recall seeing her so upset before.
“I was with Jisung, at karaoke,” Seungmin mutters meekly.
One of her eyebrows raise, and Seungmin knows it was the wrong answer. “And you didn’t think to tell anybody?”
“I told Seungcheol when we left the arcade!” Seungmin answers defensively. He really had, it wasn’t his fault that Seungcheol was too busy shooting monsters or something to notice.
“What? KIM SEUNGCHEOL,” she yells, and Seungmin isn’t sure whether he should be sorry for throwing his brother under the bus or grateful that the attention has been turned off of himself. There’s a thundering of footsteps as Seungcheol makes his way down the stairs, earbuds still dangling from his ears.
“What?” It’s the wrong thing to say with the wrong attitude at this moment.
“You did not tell me that you and your brother were at the arcade today. Is that all you’ve been doing these past few months? Going to the arcade when you get the chance? You should have been at home, studying!” As their mother goes on a tirade, Seungmin goes to inch out the door and back up to his room. Sadly, he is spotted by the danger before he can escape. “And you young man, don’t think I’m done with you yet.”
“Sorry, mom.” Meek is definitely the way to go when their mother is angry.
“I wanted to talk to both of you anyway. Your father has gotten a promotion, so we’re moving to America. Both of you are grounded for the next few weeks, and you can use this time to pack.”
“What?!” Seungmin and his brother both speak at the same time, arguing as they try to protest.
“Both of you, be quiet and go to your rooms.”
“Okay, mom.”
They bump shoulders as they run up the stairs, shoving at each other as they each say, “It’s your fault, no, it’s your fault!”
That’s the last day that Seungmin sees Jisung.
As Seungmin stands in the middle of his sparsely furnished apartment, boxes stacked all over, he shrugs a little smile. It’s strange to be back in his home country after so many years, and he wonders if he’ll even be able to assimilate as he tries to shrug off the American habits that have been so embedded into his shoulders from living the entirely of his teenage years there.
He’s here now though, part-time jobs as an English tutor and vocal trainer tucked under his belts as he heads out to whatever auditions he can and submits his headshot and portfolio to any agencies he comes across. It’s not much, but it’s a start and he’ll make of it what he can.
There’s just one thing that he needs to do.
Crouching down, he digs through some boxes until he comes across a stack of papers that he’d been looking for. Inside, he pulls out a little Photobooth polaroid from an arcade that’s probably shut down by now. It’s enough for now, and he mentally traces the path that he’d always taken with his brother day after day on his bikes.
As he walks down the street, he looks around and notices just how much this city has changed in the years that he’s been gone. Newer, shinier buildings have been built up around him, and people seem to walk at a faster pace.
Before he knows it, he’s reached his destination. Seungmin walks up the steps slowly, excited even though he’s not expecting much.
“Hello, welcome to K-Sing! How may we help you!” a chirpy voice calls from the front desk. Somehow, Seungmin recognizes it.
“I didn’t think you’d still be here after all these years.”
“I’m sorry?”
“Hi, Jisung. It’s me. Seungmin. I still owe you those tickets, right?”
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prowrestling-trash · 7 years
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[Ruined Shirt - Jeffrey Dean Morgan x Reader]
A/N: okay, i really hate this one-shot i wrote. it’s super cringey, and i normally dont like real life people x reader one shots, but i like character one shots. so, im trying this to see if people actually like it, and if so i will make more. ps, this is sorta long, and i didn’t realize how long it was gonna be x’D. and, yes - there is smut at the end of it. just giving you a warning because it is very cringey hah x’D.
Today was the day that I, [Y/N] was going to finally meet the one and the only Jeffrey Dean Morgan. I know what you’re probably thinking - why would you want to meet the  guy that played Negan in The Walking Dead? Well, that’s simple. He’s really hot and just an adorable little muffin (that sounded probably really weird, oh well).
My friend [Y/F/N] and I got in the car, and she was driving. I didn’t want to drive - I got to work the radio and torture [Y/F/N] by playing ‘Easy Street’ the whole way to Walker Stalker Con. It’s quite a drive, let me tell you.
“Why do you wanna meet Jeffrey Dean Morgan so much? He’s really old - old enough to be your dad.” [Y/F/N] laughed as [He/She] focused on driving. I blushed deeply when [He/She] said that Jeffrey was old enough to be my dad. That’s quite true, but it’s hotter when you call him daddy (sorry I had to).
“I am well aware of his age, and I don’t give two fucks. He’s hot,” I laughed lightly as I turned up the radio. I had plugged in my aux chord and actually played ‘Easy Street’. After a while, it does get annoying, but it is actually a good song (don’t attack me Daryl!). “We’re on Easy Street! And it feels so sweet!” I yelled the lyrics, trying to be as obnoxious as I can to annoy the shit out of [Y/F/N].
We arrived at Walker Stalker Con, and it was packed. I probably won’t be able to meet Jeffrey Dean Morgan after all. Damn. I sighed as I got out of the car, [Y/F/N] followed behind. [He/She] locked the car and shut it off before we made our way inside the huge place. There was a lot o people in here.
“Are you sure we will be able to meet Jeffrey?! There’s a lot of damn people in here!” [Y/F/N] yelled, trying to talk over everyone’s loud talking. I shrugged my shoulders as we showed the security guard our tickets and stuff, and then we entered the holy domain.
“Man, this sucks!” I belted, trying to look over the crowds of people. It sucks being so short, you can’t see shit. “Where would Jeffrey be?! Do you have any idea?!” I shouted at [Y/F/N] who shrugged [His/Her] shoulders as we kept slowly walking around the place.
“No idea!” [Y/F/N] shouted back at me before I sighed. I was kind of hungry, maybe we should go get something to eat or drink. “Hey, whose that?! He looks familiar!” [He/She] suddenly said, pointing at someone. I followed [His/Her] finger, to see that it looked like Chris Hardwick if I was correct but I didn’t really know. I haven’t watched The Talking Dead or The Wall in a while. I’d be lucky if I even see a celebrity because of how damn short I was. Oh, and there was the crowd.
“I don’t know! He looks an awful lot like Chris Hardwick!” I yelled back as I looked over to notice the snack bar and stuff. “Hey, let’s go get something to snack on!” I yelled at [Y/F/N] who nodded with a grin. We walked to the snack bar before getting in line. Thank God, there was hardly anyone here except for a man in front of us who was getting food - meaning it was quiet.
“This sounds a lot better.” [Y/F/N] laughed as I nodded, waiting for this guy to take his time getting his shit. It looked like he had a lot though, so I just waited patiently. Maybe I should suggest help? Nah, I don’t that man and he could lead me to a place that isn’t where he really needed to go. Hey, don’t judge my overthinking, it is very possible.
Finally, the man quickly grabbed his stuff and started walking away, but he accidentally ran into me and basically threw all of the shit on me. I gasped and glared at the man, to now see his full face. It was none other than Jeffrey Dean Morgan. Or it was his fucking twin. My eyes widened as I didn’t give a fuck about the shit that was all over my clothes. I just kept my stare on the guy in front of me, my mouth gaping open.
“Shit, I’m so sorry,” The man said as he quickly ran to get napkins and started to help wipe the shit off of my shirt. I felt my face burn a deep red when he wiped some of it off of my chest. “Um.. My name’s Jeffrey. I kinda had a shit load of stuff my buddies wanted to give them and well.. it went all over your damn shirt.” He chuckled at this as my eyes widened even more. This really was him- this was Jeffrey fucking Dean Morgan.
“I-It’s.. F-Fine,” I said as I just watched him wipe off even more shit from the ground too. I probably should help just in case he thought I was weird or something. I glanced over to see [Y/F/N] pretending to not look my way, and then [He/She] just walked away. I glared at my so called friend before running to grab some napkins and helped Jeffrey wipe some of the spilled shit all over the floor. “I’m sorry. I-I was in the way, I guess I should have.. a-at least got out of the way.” I said with a small laugh, my stomach still flipping and I was just trying to be calm and chill. It was a challenge, that was for sure. 
“No, don’t apologize. I should have made my buddies walk their own ass over here to get their shit,” Jeffrey laughed as I laughed too, finally getting the last bit of shit off the floor. We both stood up and I almost fell to the floor, my knees going weak. I quickly sauntered to the trash and throw the napkins in my hand away. I want to ask him for a picture or an autograph, but I don’t want him to leave after that. And he might think I’m a stuck up fan for just wanting an autograph and a picture. “So, you a fan of The Walking Dead?” He asked as I nodded furiously, pretending that I was just talking to some stranger as if it really wasn’t Jeffrey fucking Dean Morgan in front of me.
“Definitely! It’s been my favorite show for as long as I can remember. I remember my cousin watching it whenever I went to my aunt’s house, and he always told me that ‘it was too inappropriate’,” I started to tell my story, a small grin placed on my face. “I was like.. Ten I think and I sneaking out into the front room to watch it. But you only heard it from me.” I laughed before looking back up at Jeffrey, totally forgetting that it was actually him. I quickly blushed as my palms started to sweat and I heard him give a small chuckle.
“You’re such a badass,” Jeffrey said with a laugh. I sighed as I scanned the place in search for my friend, but to not avail. “Did your friend leave you or what?” He asked with a small chuckled as I gave a small shake of my head, knowing exactly why [He/She] did this. [He/She] knows that I hate being alone with certain people, and well.. [He/She] figured out that pertained to celebrities too. 
“Yup. Just what I need.” I laughed before turning back to look at Jeffrey. His brown orbs danced from the light that was giving off, and his smile was just.. just the fucking best. He had the best features a 51 year old would kill to have.
“I suppose you can hang out with me, seeing your friend is selfish,” Jeffrey suggested as my mouth went wide. Was he being serious? Or was he just.. joking around? “That is you want to. You can go and-” He said with a smile as I quickly interrupted him with a furious nod.
“Yes, yes, yes! I want to hangout with you!” I said, smiling wide as I knew my face was a scarlet red and it hurt from smiling so much. “S-sorry.. I got a little c-carried away there..” I laughed lightly, rubbing the back of my neck as I looked down at the ground.
“That was adorable. Come on,” Jeffrey said as he started to walk somewhere. My eyes widened as I just realized that Jeffrey fucking Dean Morgan just called me adorable. OHMYFUCKINGGOD. Okay, it is time to keep your chill. I quickly caught up with Jeffrey and I tried my best to stay at his side at all times. There were a bunch of fans screaming to get Jeffrey’s attention, but he just kept walking. “Normally, I’d give them a hug or something, but you’re here and I don’t want you to get lost or feel like you’re being dragged along.” He said as I blushed, practically running to catch up with him at this point. It wasn’t my fault that he was so tall and i was so short. 
I was 19 years old, as I grew up in [Your State]. I currently lived in Georgia but no where near Atlanta so it was a pretty long drive for me and [Y/F/N]. I think we are going to stay at a hotel or something tonight. Anyways, I’m pretty young, but old enough for consent ;) (IM JUST KIDDING DONT HURT ME). But it is true.
“It seems like you’re struggling, do you want up on my shoulders or something?” Jeffrey offered with a chuckled, as my eyes went large. HE WAS OFFERING ME A SHOULDER RIDE. NO FUCKING WAY. “I just don’t want to lose in this crowd of people is all.” He laughed again as I couldn’t believe how genuine this man was.
“O-Okay. As long as y-you’re fine with it..” I said as Jeffrey laughed at this. “What? I j-just don’t want you to feel like y-you’re uncomfortable or som-something..” I blushed with a small giggle escaping my lips.
"Of course, I'm fine with it - I offered," Jeffrey said as he suddenly stopped and turned to face me. He held his arms out and grabbed my waist, placing me on top of his shoulders in one swift move. He was so strong, like how can you so this? "You're light. How old are you?" He asked as my stomach flipped. Should I tell him my age? Of course I should, it's not like he's gonna hurt me or something.
 "N-nineteen," I said as I held tightly around his neck. I don't really know what to do in this position, but he was right. I am no longer struggling and the world looks so peaceful up here. Damn, I wish I was tall. "Am I.. Um.. Hurting your n-neck?" I asked him as he shook his head with a small chuckle. 
"No, not at all," Jeffrey said as I looked out into the crowd. All I saw were the tops of people's heads and their bald line. Those hairdos remind me of Simon from The Walking Dead. I laughed lightly at the thought as I noticed we were nearing some booths. "What's so funny?" He asked me as I shook my head.
"I-it's nothing. Just me being stupid," I stated with a small smile before Jeffrey insisted I told him what I was talking about. "Well... There are a lot of people here with a bald line as it reminds me of Simon from The Walking Dead." I laughed as Jeffrey nodded his head, too. 
"Makes sense," Jeffrey said, laughing loudly. "Whose your favorite character from The Walking Dead?" He asked me as my eyes widened. Would he mind if I said him indeed, or would he feel kind of freaked out? I don't know. I DONT KNOW. I don't wanna fuck up this moment. I'm just gonna say it. 
"Well, i-it's you," I said as I blushed deeply, looking out into the crowd of people. "Um.. Some people ask me why in the fuck is Negan my favorite, and well.. I don't really know. I-it's weird. I guess.. His confidence and his cockiness? I don't r-really know..." I laughed, knowing the exact reason why. He was hot, like. REALLY HOT.
"That's Negan." Jeffrey chuckled before I noticed we arrived at the booth. He rounded the table and I saw all of the people that came to see Jeffrey. I guess I wouldn't have even go the chance to meet him. It's a good damn thing that he ruined my fucking shirt then. He took me off his shoulders and sat me down, starting to meet his fans. The way he loved taking pictures and loved giving autographs made me fan girl even harder than I thought was possible. Maybe I'll get a souvenir or something like an autograph or a picture by the end of the night. 
I watched in pure enjoyment Jeffrey taking pictures with fans and giving autographs as I felt my phone go off. I grabbed it from my pocket and answered it, it obviously being [Y/F/N]. "Where the fuck are you? I got lost," [Y/F/N] said with an embarrassed laugh as I laughed as well. I'm actually very glad that [He/She] left because I wouldn't have been able to hang out Jeffrey.
"I'm at Jeffrey's booth - can you fucking believe it?" I said into the phone as I heard [Y/F/N] gasp on the other line. "What? Did you see Norman Reedus or something?" I asked [Him/Her], knowing that he was [His/Her] favorite actor. 
"Actually, yeah. Ill text you in a bit." [Y/F/N] said info the phone before [He/She] hung up the phone, a sigh escaping my lips. Great. Thanks for that, friend.
[A/N: now here is the best part of the whole fic, and it obviously includes smut. so if you weren't here for the smut, i was so im sorry. if you were here for the smut, well here it comes. *smut writing skills activated.*] 
It was the last fan and the end of the night, and I just sat in my chair, watching how adorable Jeffrey was. I also of a couple of good pictures for my new lock screen. "Well, that was the last day and last fan. Where's your "friend" at?" Jeffrey asked as he turned around to face me, security grabbing the chairs and the table. I shrugged before I took out my phone. 
"I honestly have no fucking idea. Last thing I heard was that she saw Norman Reedus." I laughed lightly as Jeffrey laughed too. I stood up from my chair so the security guards could get it.
So your friend betrayed you for Norman? That's fucked up," Jeffrey stated as I laughed, shrugging my shoulders. It was getting awkward now, I don't know what to do. Was I supposed to go and call my friend to figured our where [He/She] was? Of was I supposed to just stand here and wait for Jeffrey to say something? "So, do you know if your friend is here or what? Cause if [He/She] is not, then we should go to the Hotel I'm staying in. Just until your friend gets there, that is. And if you want to go at all." He said as I felt my throat dry up. 
I nodded with a small smile before realizing I ate nothing at all today. Hopefully Jeffrey maybe has something in his small fridge on the room or something, because I need some water or something. "Okay. Cool, lets go then." Jeffrey said with a smile as I blushed deeply, feeling my stomach turn. I can't actually believe I was going in Jeffrey fucking Deans hotel room. This shit made me feel weird an I liked it. It was the feeling of ovaries exploding I think. That's what it felt like anyways. 
Jeffrey lead me out to his car which was a nice black BMW. He walked over to the passenger door and opened it for me. I smiled and nodded at him before crawling into the passenger seat and putting on my seat belt. Not 2 seconds later, Jeffrey got in the driver seat and also placed on his seat belt. 
"Um.. Tell me a bit about yourself," Jeffrey said as he clicked his seat belt on placed and started the car. The radio blasted some great classic rock music before he laughed nervously. "Sorry bout that. I'm kind of a nerd when it comes to classic rock." He said as I laughed. 
"It's okay- I LOVE classic rock and heavy metal rock and just about any type of rock out there," I said as Jeffrey smirked, putting on some Metallica. It was 'Enter Sandman', obviously one of my favorite tracks. I nodded and sat back in the seat, listening to the lyrics as Jeffrey pulled out of the parking lot as made his way to the hotel room.
Jeffrey was wearing a red and black plaid shirt with some denim jeans. He wore some regular black shoes, and kept his hair slicked back. He was shaved, back you could tell he was still scruffy. "Exit light, enter night." I heard Jeffrey sing lightly as I smiled and looked out the window. I couldn't believe that I was in a car with Jeffrey Dean Morgan, on our way to his hotel room, listening to one of my favorite bands. We arrived about 5 minutes after we left the venue. My mouth was wide when we pulled up in the parking lot. It was fucking huge - it was like a castle. Like, how can a person have so much time in the world to make such a huge ass hotel? They just have had some time on their hands. I was interrupted by the opening of my door, Jeffrey standing there with a smile on his face and holding open the door. I unhooked my seat belt and sauntered out of the car, still in complete shock that this is happening. Should I pinch myself to see if if really was a dream or just let it be? 
"Welcome to my home for the last 2 nights," Jeffrey said as he led me into the hotel, my eyes beaming wide at the site of how pretty it was. Would I die to spend one night in one of these rooms. "My rooms on the 3rd floor, lets go." He said as he led me to one I the elevators and I couldn't believe that I was even breathing the same fucking air as this man.
We walked in the elevator, us being the only two inside. It took every inch in my body to not make a move on THE Jeffrey Dean Morgan. It was a challenge. As we stood there in silence the elevator started going up. Should I just kiss him? No, are you fucking crazy? You just met your favorite celebrity and you're not gonna fuck this up. 
As we reached the 3rd floor, the elevator let off a ding and let us off. I got out first and I heard Jeffrey follow behind me. I stopped for a quick second, but not before I got pinned to a wall, and Jeffrey faced me with his brown orbs. 
"Do you want me as much as I want you?" Jeffrey asked me with a small smirk before kissing my neck softly. He sucked down my neck, my moans becoming slightly audible and this excited him. "I'll take that as a yes." He huskily said as I felt myself getting wet. Um.. I hope he is gentle because I'm a virgin.
"Before we get too carried away, I'm a.. um virgin. And would like to use protection please?" I asked Jeffrey who pulled away for a second before he grinned, his grip becoming lightly and nodded. 
"Of course," Jeffrey said before he lifted me up with his arms, grabbing my thighs. He carried me as he kept kissing my neck, and thankfully his room was not too far from the elevator. "One second," He chuckled before I nodded and he at me down. He got his key from his pocket and swiped it across, the door immediately unlocking. He opened the door and let me in order before shutting it behind him. "Now, where were we?" He said in a husky voice, slowly starting to kiss me on the lips. I gave him access, as he started to explore my whole mouth. Jeffrey picked me up and set me on the bed softly as he never stopped kissing me. He was making sure my first time was remember able, and he didn't want it to be just some quick sex. I could tell this because he wasn't rough at all, and he was soft and gentle with me.
Jeffrey slowly started to take off my ruined shirt. He broke the kiss so I could quickly take off my shirt, revealing my white bra. Feeling embarrassed, I tried covering it up but Jeffrey held my hands so I didn't cover myself up. 
"It's okay," Jeffrey said with a small smile. "It's all beautiful." He said as I let my hands fall down on the bed. He kissed my neck an made his way down to my chest. I rested fully on the bed, feeling pleasure. I wanted my first time to be remember-able to. And I'm pretty sure I am going to remember this whole day. Jeffrey kissed my collarbone before I felt his hands go to unhook my bra. He unhooked it and the white fabric fell off of me, exposing my breasts. My cheeks flustered as I looked up at him with wide eyes, completely embarrassed. He grinned as he went back to sucking and such, kissing down my breasts before he reached my stomach. I moaned and moaned, clearly audible of the pleasure he was giving me.
I was too busy kissing him. He tasted really nice too, and I hoped we can do this again. Before we kissed anymore, he broke up the kiss before he started to unbutton his red and black plaid t-shirt. 
"Stop teasing meee," I whined as Jeffrey smirked, unbuttoning his shirt slowly even more. I rolled my eyes with a giggle, pushing his hands away before unbuttoning the shirt myself. He smirked and started at me. "What?" I asked him as I got the shirt and threw it by where our clothes were. 
"You're just so goddamn beautiful." Jeffrey said as he put a strand of my hair behind my ear. I blushed as I looked up at him and we continued to kiss yet again. We moved in sync as I took the honors and take off his pants. He rested me on the bed flat as he kissed my tenderly, I finally getting his pants off.
I pulled Jeffrey's pants off completely, seeing his manhood already sprung up, indicating me that he was definitely ready. I read too many fanficion that I know what everything practically is. Jeffrey smirked with a laugh as he kissed me too and I didn't realize you do all that while you are fully making out with someone. We were both naked and Jeffrey got a condom from he dressed. He slipped it on himself before he looked down at me with tender an login eyes. It's like if I look into his eyes, I can trust him with anything - especially this. 
"Are you ready? I don't want to rush you," Jeffrey said as I nodded with a small breath. I closed my eyes before I felt it. Jeffrey thrusted into me very slowly and I thanked him for that. It was very painful, and I almost screamed the first couple of times. I also started to form tears but Jeffrey looked at me the whole time and told me that it was going to be all right. He rocked me as we kissed softly and deeply, my moans increasing. After a while, it wasn't as painful anymore, and it started to feel good.
"J-Jeffrey.." I moaned, closing my eyes tightly as Jeffrey rocked me back and forth. Good thing I'm having sex with Jeffrey right now or else I would have called someone 'Jeffrey' and they probably wouldn't have been too happy about that. "Shit, [Y/N]," Jeffrey said into my ear, moaning along with me. I moaned way louder than him though because it was my very first time. "Are you close?" He whispered in my ear as he left marks on my neck and started to pick up his speed. "Y-yes.." I moaned loudly, as Jeffrey kissed up my neck and on my lips before looking into my eyes. I looked right back at his and smiled lightly before I felt it. I was gonna reach my climax. "F-fuck!" I screamed, feeling my sudden juices releasing.
"Fuck, [Y/N].." Jeffrey mumbled as I felt him release into the condom, his thrusts in ally turning sloppy and his thrusts stopped completely. We both opened our eyes to look at each other before he smiled, giving me one last passionate kiss. "Did you enjoy it? That's all that matters." He said practically out of breath. 
"I loved it, Jeffrey. Thank you." I said with a smile, breathing furiously as I was out of breath as well. He kissed my forehead before he sat up and we both started dressing ourselves. 
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here’s the skinny on what I’ve been going through lately!
you MIGHT know that I’ve been out of work for like two months. I was laid off and it was awful and I also ended a really long, serious relationship at the same time. So basically all of my security was ripped out from under me in the matter of two days! 
i already struggle with severe anxiety and depression so I knew I was going to fall fast if I didn’t get a job soon! it’s been months and I’m off my meds and every other day is a bad day and I’m struggling to keep happy and busy and it’s a fucking LOT. 
but, I am seeing my therapist which I pay for myself, I know what clinic I’ll be going to to get my prescription and I will be getting back on a higher dosage of my meds asap. 
more disclaimer: my sister lost her dad earlier this year and this was her first father’s day without him.
another disclaimer: she hardly had a relationship with him. he was me and my mom’s abuser. he pushed angela away constantly and was just an overall terrible person who suffered a lot for his behavior. last year’s father’s day, she just sent him a text. so, keep that in mind.
and another disclaimer: my dad doesn’t give two shits about father’s day. i talk with him whenever i can and it’s usually for a long time. i don’t need a special day to appreciate him, just fyi. keep that in mind as well.
aaand one more disclaimer: my sister is a slob, it’s a known fact, and i live in close proximity to her and it’s embarrassing and i hate it :)
K SO! 
i bring up the fact that she’s a slob on father’s day right after waking up because our bathroom was disgusting and im sick of cleaning up after her. i don’t even know what day it fucking is. she immediately bursts into tears and my mom... like a fucking banshee, starts screaming in my face. i don’t really have fights with my mom. but lately, she’s been very cruel to me and like, she can’t stand being in the same room as me, and i’m super connected to her and empathic and i can feel it. 
so she’s screaming at me, saying that i’m pathetic, attached to her hip, and i should feel ashamed that i still live at home. i don’t do anything worthwhile, i’m nasty to everyone in the house, i’m constantly saying mean shit under my breath. she brought up something i said 5 years ago (i had to think about it specifically and it was 5 years ago about her old, old car lmao i INSULTED HER CAR??? and now she’s in debt from buying a new one and that’s my fault.) said the phrase “i love you victoria, but you’re a fucking bitch,” and this went on for a bit. like every sort of insecurity i have, feeling like no one in the house can stand me, that i’m a burden on all of them, like they’d be better off if i just wasn’t there, all of it was confirmed and screamed in my face. 
so... i went into my room and i cried and then i had to pretend i was happy for a birthday party (glad i was able to get out of my house) and the next morning, i woke up and just... didn’t leave my bed. because why should i? if i make everyone in the house so fucking uncomfortable, why should i go be around them? and i felt bad for picking a fight with angela on father’s day. i shouldn’t have done that. so i cried about that a lot. and i cried because, you know, obviously my mother resents me. obviously i shouldn’t be around. OBVIOUSLY i’m not worth anything. no one came in to check on me. no one asked if i was okay lmao. i didn’t eat until everyone was actually asleep around midnight. i tried to leave my room but i was so scared of seeing any of them glare at me or try to make me feel worse, so i suffered in bed and cried a lot and only got up to pee. it was really bad. and i was, and am, insanely embarrassed about it. 
i woke up today feeling better. no one was home so i cleaned the living room and the kitchen and made myself some lunch and watched some big foot thing and then my mom comes home and i just, feel a cold chill run through me and the first thing she says is “oh, so you’re out of your cave today?” cute :) and i ignore it and then she says she talked to my dad and they think i should go live with him for a while. 
now, i’ve done that before- it didn’t work, and it hit me then that she’s not doing it for my benefit. she’s doing it so that i’m not near her. so she can take a break from me. she doesn’t have the guts to kick me out of the house so she’ll send me to my dad’s to save her conscience. she asked me what i thought about that and i was in shock so i said “i don’t know.” and she was like “WELL. YOU BETTER CARE.” and walked away. meanwhile, because of some other stuff, i was already spiraling, and then that happens so im just on the brink of tears again and i go in my room and cry again and then she comes in and is like “did you eat?” and i said “yes.” and she was like “oh okay” and left. and then I was able to go to a friend’s house and just kinda... stew in that. 
here’s where it gets fucked up. i call my therapist and talk to her and apparently my mom made some stupid status about terrorists HAVING TO BE mentally ill or else they wouldn’t like, kill people. which is insanely wrong and not backed by anything but okay. my friend who has a degree in psychology jumped on that immediately and was like “no.” another friend of mine said some things and then my mom said something that just... really showed me she resents me! 
she compared me to terrorists. she said she KNOWS that the cause is mental illness because they must grow up surrounded by extreme views and that I’M A PRIME EXAMPLE. LITERALLY USED MY NAME AND COMPARED ME... LIKE....?????? WHAT THE FUCK???? a few of my friends were like “that really pissed me off” and honestly, i’d love to see my mom ganged up on for once because in person, i can’t defend myself because she’s louder than me, she screams, and like most parents, she’s always right :) but other people who aren’t related to her standing up and telling her she’s wrong? man. it felt real good, especially after all the things she said to me.
so that hurt my feelings a whole lot!
here’s the kicker.
i called my dad after he got off work because i wanted to know what she said about me and how she worded it and good thing i did! i explained all of it to him. about how i’ve been feeling lately, about how the fight started and what she said to me. how it made me feel and why i stayed in my room all day. 
and he told me what she said to him.
she doesn’t think i have this month’s rent. i do. i still have 3 month’s worth of rent. but that’s it and i’m scared and i’m still applying to places.
she told him that SHE’LL have to pay for my psychiatrist (??? i don’t have one and never have?) and my clinic visit and my prescription. ?? I don’t know where she got this from. my therapist writes my referral. i found a clinic and i’ve never had her pay for it since i started working. she’s blowing things up. she’s freaking out for no fucking reason. 
so, here’s what i’m going to do.
she wants a break from me? okay. i can leave but it’s on my terms and it won’t cost anyone a fucking plane ticket. i have friends i can stay with for long periods of time that are still in central florida, so if i get an interview, i can make it, and when i get my clinic shit sorted, i can get back on my meds, and i can keep up with my therapy appointments. THAT’S how i get better. not fucking running away to another state just to rot there instead. i know what i need. i’ve been in therapy for 2 years now and it’s helped and i’ve learned a WHOLE LOT about myself and what is healthy. i’m not going to trust someone who argues with fucking professionals on something they studied for on social media. 
tonight, i talked to my sister for a really long time about it and apologized and also explained myself. why i lock myself away and how mom made me feel and what my plan is. i also talked to her about grieving and how my therapist offered her a free session for it and she finally said she hasn’t gone because she’s scared and doesn’t want to talk about it but i talked about how my grief session went and how much better i felt. i even said i’d go with her to it if it would help her feel better. i don’t know if it would but like, i know what it’s like to feel vulnerable. and i told her it’s better to deal with it now than later. 
i think that struck a chord with her. i hope she goes. 
because my mom told me i never showed any compassion to her when it came to her dad. :) i’m the only one who kept bringing up the grief session. mom is an enabler and once angela started to seem uncomfortable, she went momma hen instantly and attacked me. so! 
tl;dr my mom bitched at me for seemingly no reason, is going through her own shit and taking it out on me, the family punching bag again, and i’m not standing for this shit anymore! :)
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sdmn-edits · 7 years
200: My crush’s name is: I don’t actually have a crush anymore😂😂199: I was born in: June198: I am really: weird197: My cellphone company is: Vodafone - it works where i go on holiday so it does me just fine 😂196: My eye color is: it changes - like sometimes its blue, green, grey and a mixture of blue and green - it’s weird .195: My shoe size is: 3 or 4 (5 at a push)194: My ring size is: I’ve never actually had it measured so idk 😂😂193: My height is: 5ft 5 - I’m growing lads!!!192: I am allergic to: waterproof plasters, bee/wasp stings (only mildly though - like i won’t die but just turn into a massive red ball), some soaps, most makeups, chalk and face paint.191: My 1st car was: I can’t even drive yet 😂😂190: My 1st job was: I don’t know if you would class this as a job but for my work experience, I worked at a cafe for two weeks. 189: Last book you read: Jane Eyre (one of my faves)188: My bed is: single - like me😉😂187: My pet: (s) two cats, (which my mum named) one called Mike and the other called Matt. I also have a pony called William (Billy for short)186: My best friend: @paigexxixo @sdmn-md @minibaeminter @wroetoredman @line-sidemen @mintersmini @wroetojill and a girl from irl called Catherine - i couldn’t choose one so have a few of my faves185: My favorite shampoo is: John Frieda Frizz Ease184: Xbox or ps3: PS3 cos I haven’t played XBox183: Piggy banks are: expensive bacon182: In my pockets: by Morrie (who kinda sounds like Marzia which is kinda scary?)181: On my calendar: is my exams😂180: Marriage is: okay? I haven’t had my wedding yet so I don’t know?179: Spongebob can: dance the best.178: My mom: likes to name animals weird names. 😂177: The last three songs I bought were? A candle, some chocolates and a shock absorber.176: Last YouTube video watched: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aSAeOhCrv_s175: How many cousins do you have? About 14 give or take 😂 174: Do you have any siblings? One - my sister (she’s 17 - 2 years older than me)173: Are your parents divorced? Nope.172: Are you taller than your mom? I’m the same height maybe a lil smaller 😂 171: Do you play an instrument? Not currently, no. But I can play the drums, recorder and piano/keyboard (not perfectly but alright)170: What did you do yesterday? I played in two tournaments and had a back massage.[ I Believe In ]169: Love at first sight: Idk 😂😂 168: Luck: Yeah I guess.167: Fate: Yeah. 166: Yourself: Mm not all the time 😂😂 165: Aliens: Yeah.164: Heaven: Yeah.163: Hell: Yeah.162: God: Yeah definitely.161: Horoscopes: Some.160: Soul mates: I guess? 😂 159: Ghosts: Yeah.158: Gay Marriage: YES! UNFOLLOW ME AS I DO NOT CARE, I BELIEVE IN EVERYONE HAS RIGHTS TO MARRY WHO THEY WANT, WHEN THEY WANT FIGHT ME IF YOU WANT!!157: War: Definitely not! 156: Orbs: Yeah I guess?155: Magic: Some 😂 [ This or That ]154: Hugs or Kisses: Hugs153: Drunk or High: Neither - I don’t do either of them.152: Phone or Online: Depends.151: Red heads or Black haired: Both are equally as cute150: Blondes or Brunettes: Both are equally as cute149: Hot or cold: Warm.148: Summer or winter: Winter147: Autumn or Spring: AUTUMN! IT’S THE BEST SEASON EVER!!!!!!!146: Chocolate or vanilla: Both together cos I’m a weirdo like that 😂😂 145: Night or Day: Night - I love looking at the stars tho I do like to cloud watch from time to time144: Oranges or Apples: Apples.143: Curly or Straight hair: Straight142: McDonalds or Burger King: Maccy D’s all the way😂😂 141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: Not really a fan of chocolate if I’m honest 😂😂 140: Mac or PC: PC for generic stuff, Mac for editing139: Flip flops or high heals: Neither.138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: Ugly and rich so I can give money to charity etc137: Coke or Pepsi: Neither136: Hillary or Obama: Obama135: Burried or cremated: Either, I don’t care I’ll be dead 😂134: Singing or Dancing: Neither 😂😂133: Coach or Chanel: ??132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: ??131: Small town or Big city: Both130: Wal-Mart or Target: Neither 😂😂129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Both are hilarious 😂128: Manicure or Pedicure: Neither 😂127: East Coast or West Coast: ??126: Your Birthday or Christmas: Both?125: Chocolate or Flowers: FLOWERS!!124: Disney or Six Flags: DISNEY!!123: Yankees or Red Sox: ??[ Here’s What I Think About ]122: War: shouldn’t be a thing.121: George Bush: needs to grow up.120: Gay Marriage: I FULLY SUPPORT IT - UNFOLLOW ME IF YOU WANT!119: The presidential election: irdk? I don’t watch it.118: Abortion: it’s people’s choice117: MySpace: ??116: Reality TV: don’t watch it115: Parents: some do a lot more than others to provide for the kiddas114: Back stabbers: fuck you, ain’t nobody stabbing me in the back113: Ebay: it’s cool, you literally can get anything and everything off of it112: Facebook: it’s okay?111: Work: as in job? do what you wanna do, not what your mum or dad says.110: My Neighbors: very funny. 109: Gas Prices: you make my grades jealous - going up.108: Designer Clothes: i don’t really where designer 😂😂107: College: i like the look of the one I’m intending to go106: Sports: I LOVE THEM (except netball, benchball and basketball - please don’t hate me, i’m just short and i struggle 😂😂)105: My family: they are okay, just fam really.104: The future:i don’t tend to think much of it, i just let it happen 😂😂[ Last time I ]103: Hugged someone: like 10 mins ago102: Last time you ate: like an hour ago101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: A guy called Daniel (I didn’t see him until last week but I didn’t see him since November)100: Cried in front of someone: Idk 😂 99: Went to a movie theater: Last year - to watch Finding Dory98: Took a vacation: idk 😂 97: Swam in a pool: last year 😂 96: Changed a diaper: never 😂 95: Got my nails done: last august for a wedding - never again94: Went to a wedding: the same wedding 93: Broke a bone: two years ago 92: Got a peircing: two years ago91: Broke the law: never 😂 90: Texted: half an hour ago[ MISC ]89: Who makes you laugh the most: lots of people 😂😂 88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my bed 😂 87: The last movie I saw: Cloudy With A Chance Of Meatballs 2 - Ik i’m a kid at heart, don’t judge 😂 86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: leaving school85: The thing im not looking forward to: my exams and tomorrow84: People call me: lodes of shit, I ain’t gonna name ‘em all but some people know what they say.83: The most difficult thing to do is: waking up in a morning82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope81: My zodiac sign is: Cancer80: The first person i talked to today was: Mike - the cat but if we talking about people - my dad 😂😂 79: First time you had a crush: 3 years ago78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: nobody, i’m very open 77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: idk 😂😂 76: Right now I am talking to: @paigexxixo  about bridge to terabithia 75: What are you going to do when you grow up: hopefully a graphics designer74: I have/will get a job: hopefully soon73: Tomorrow: school72: Today: sleep71: Next Summer: be fit70: Next Weekend: hopefully ask one of my friends from tennis their details69: I have these pets: cats and pony68: The worst sound in the world: nails dragging on chalk board, people smacking lips, people clicking pens, people shouting, people crying, people laughing, gun shots, explosions etc67: The person that makes me cry the most is: nobody 😂😂 66: People that make you happy: I could list forever65: Last time I cried: earlier - i was watching a vid of these boys crying and it just gets to me64: My friends are: lodes of people - most i have listed before63: My computer is: an acer62: My School: ??61: My Car: Audi A3 2010 model 1.6l?60: I lose all respect for people who: are homophobic, transphobic etc, people who hurt animals and people etc59: The movie I cried at was: ?? 58: Your hair color is: blonde57: TV shows you watch: that 70′s show, merlin, sherlock, heartland, doctor who, phineas and ferb, spongebob, tom and jerry, loony tunes56: Favorite web site: idk 😂😂 55: Your dream vacation: Guernsey, Jersey, Rome or Geneva54: The worst pain I was ever in was: when i either broke my arm,  or when i fell off a horse and dislocated my knee and cracked two of my ribs or when i fell off a different horse and almost broke my back53: How do you like your steak cooked: i don’t eat meat or fish 😂😂 52: My room is: 8 year old me’s bad desicion51: My favorite celebrity is: Johnny Depp50: Where would you like to be: some place else49: Do you want children: not particularly48: Ever been in love: nope47: Who’s your best friend: lodes of people46: More guy friends or girl friends: guy friends45: One thing that makes you feel great is: people44: One person that you wish you could see right now: @paigexxixo or @sdmn-md43: Do you have a 5 year plan: nope 😂 42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: nope 😂 41: Have you pre-named your children: nope😂 40: Last person I got mad at: *people: Looserpool 39: I would like to move to: either Guernsey, Jersey or Geneva38: I wish I was a professional: tennis player or sleeper 😂 [ My Favorites ]37: Candy: Caramac36: Vehicle: Car (Tesla Model S P100D)35: President: Obama34: State visited: none - I’ve never left England33: Cellphone provider: Vodafone32: Athlete: Jessica Ennis-Hill31: Actor: Johnny Depp/Leo DiCaprio/Patrick Stewart30: Actress: Emma Stone29: Singer: ??28: Band: ??27: Clothing store: ??26: Grocery store: ??25: TV show: I have lodes24: Movie: I have lodes23: Website: I have lodes22: Animal: I love them all21: Theme park: I’ve only ever been to Flamingo Land20: Holiday: Yorkshire Dales or Whitby19: Sport to watch: Football (Soccer)18: Sport to play: Tennis17: Magazine: ??16: Book: Either Jane Eyre or I Capture The Castle15: Day of the week: Saturday14: Beach: idk 😂😂 13: Concert attended: I’ve never been to one 😂 12: Thing to cook: I like to cook all sorts 😂 11: Food: I like all sorts 😂 10: Restaurant: ??9: Radio station: ??8: Yankee candle scent: idk 😂 7: Perfume: idk 😂 6: Flower: Rose, Lily or blossom5: Color: Red or black4: Talk show host: ??3: Comedian: Michael McIntyre, Jack Whitehall, Peter Kay or Russell Howard2: Dog breed: Border Collie1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yes!!!!
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survivormidwayatoll · 7 years
Ep. 7 “THROW. THE. CHALLENGE.” - Billy
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I'm so shook that me Isaac and gage all made it out of there alive holy fuck. Luckily JP isn't mad and recognizes it's a game move but im honestly ready to suffer bring it to me montiford
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Wow... WOW. I'm so glad I bought my ticket to Hawaii because it looks like we're here.from what I understand, this past Vote was UGLY. Like U G L Y. This whole thing apparently got so messy so fast and Gage apparently popped off on Jordan. Ash played herself, because she didn't vote with her duo and now everyone is being weary of Ash. But then... but then.. after these dumb fucks don't vote Jordan out at the last tribal (I mean I'm glad Christine is gone, and I'm not happy that Tyler is gone) but now we get the new twist of *Tribal Immunity* and Ricky and I hold hands and skip into the forest, kidnapped Isaac Sara and Karen and were like THROW. THE. CHALLENGE. It's clear Jordan doesn't have an idol, and no one has found the Okinawa idol because we don't have any clues. So Jordan is powerless if we throw the challenge and it's perfect just to get him out. But it's gonna draw lines in the sand, and trust me the only lines I'm drawing are the lines of Xanex I'll be snorting to keep my nerves straight. Because the ONLY person standing on the other side of this line...... is Allison.
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Are you kidding? We tried throwing the challenge and couldn't even do it. And here I am again not going to tribal. At this point it just makes me mad. I don't wanna keep being safe. I wanna play the game. Because all escaping tribal is doing is putting a big fat rose gold target on my forhead. Ricky pointed out that "everyone knows you have connections and that won't slide for long" UHHH you mean the same connections everyone else has??? We're all one huge group of friends! So if they're gonna target me for that then that's the dumbest thing I've ever heard in all honesty. Because if they say they're gonna vote me out over connections, I'm gonna look at Ricky/Gage, Ricky/Karen, Carson/Isaac/Andrew, Sara/Gage, Gage/Ash/Ricky, Jordan/Allison. There's plenty of connections here, I'm just nice to everyone. And that's ONLY because I wanna make it to the end and get jury votes. Which at this point I know won't happen if I play nice. I have to LIE LIE LIE if I want to make it to the end in this situation. And pray to god that these assholes don't make this shit personal. 
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Ok so we swapped into new tribes which I celebratin for a second before I realized that if we go to tribal it's gonna be a mess like big time. I won immunity last round with billy which sent the rest of the tribe to the war zone which is nice and all but those dummies decided that the best person to vote out from the other tribe is xtine????? It kinda pissed me off bc I knew she would've been a good ally for me. So they come back to the tribe and I talk to jp a little about the vote and how at this point in time I don't see the use of targeting him bc I kno we work well together. Immunity gets posted and billy makes a group with me Isaac sara and Ricky  and they tell me to join the call bc they had some "important" stuff to talk about and I immediately think that they're gonna want to throw the challenge. So I join and surprise surprise ! They wanna throw it bc they think jp is as of rn the most vulnerable bc he doesn't have an idol or anything. Obviously I agree to this stupid plan but I kno for a fact that if jp leaves then this tribe is in trouble if we go to tribal next round bc I'm pretty sure me and Isaac are at the bottom of that alliance or w/e, like it's literally two duos and Ricky in the middle and I wouldn't put it passed him to get Isaac voted out bc he was deadset on voting him before and that would leave me without my duo and an open spot for him to become my right hand man. Honestly those two are gonna be the death of me this game :/. So I tell jp that they're planning on throwing it bc honestly he's a good asset to my game and I tell him to go off on this challenge to which he literally does the entire lesson thing like this bitch is literally fluent in Esperanto now! Anyway so we win immunity and I can tell the others are kinda annoyed but o well bc I ain't playin ur game no more :~)
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Okay fuck I'm not here to talk about the bullshit of last round. All I'm saying, is Carson needs to cover his god damn ass that he voted Isaac, I'm mad Christine went over Gage but Christine was also proving to be a lost cause to work with so meh, and I'm super fucking pissed Tyler went because I really wanted him as a number. And I know Isaac is low-key targeting me so while I would have been personally upset he lost a game, I wouldn't have been mad if it benefited me and made the target on my back a bit smaller. So anyway. My tribe is in the war zone. Myself and Carson, Ash and Gage, and then Allison separated from her duo and Shea all by his lonesome. I had to play major damage control with Shea because idk how much they trust me, and I need them to vote Gage. Allison wants Gage out bc she's on a revenge kick and I wanna use that to take him out. While I did wanna work closely with Ash and Gage as a duo, Gage has proven to be too sneaky PLUS I need Sara to not have him distracting her if I wanna work with her down the line PLUS PLUS he needs to be detached from both Ricky and Isaac separately. Isaac seems to think he has Gage in his back pocket which IDK ABOUT ALL DAT. And besides, Ricky showed he wouldn't vote out Gage last round. Also I'll get Jordan thinking he owes Carson and I, and it's always good to get favor with Allison. That duo may just end up being indebted to us. Now I just need to trust everyone votes Gage. If Allison and Shea flip, I will be pissed the fuck off. Carson has his pistol, and I have my idol. So if one of us goes, then fuck because I'd really not play something this round. On side notes, I'm trying to get close to Shea separately. Also if Gage goes tonight and I'm still here, I'm going to need to play some major damage control with Ash. NNNNNNNNNNNNN I swear if this vote goes south I'm gonna cry.
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I can't believe Jordan Pines won that entire fucking challenge by himself..... I honestly am trying to stay in his good graces bc he's not a bad guy, and I'm not his biggest threat, and honestly I do like him, and I like working with him, I just have other loyalties to honor. I'm really hoping that Gage makes merge, and that we can reconnect, but I know that if we get together, we're gonna be a big target. But I'll stand by him no matter what, and I know he'll do the same.
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Confessional: I feel so bad about voting out Gage, but like, he targeted my duo and I'm in a place where I can take him out because I don't trust him to work with me anymore. I'm honestly just ready to be done with this game. It's like Hawaii 2.0 and I already went through it once. Hopefully Gage won't take it personally though because I love him so much and this is purely a game move.
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I feel like every tribal is a constant struggle for people me to convince people to not go for "the easy vote". Like every tribal someone is telling me "_____ Sees you as an easy vote." Today's tribal, Gage is gunning for me. I'm not surprised, Gage has shown himself to be a really messy player thus far. Right now, playing dumb has and continues to be my best asset. Acting shocked at tribal when something happens, talking too much, that kinda stuff makes people just not see me as what I am. I'm smarter than what people perceive me as, and if I can keep getting people to stray from "the easy vote" than I could go on to win this season. It's all about just continuing to hone my social game and downplay it. The great thing about my position is I don't have to gun for anyone, because while I sit here as the easy vote, people are going every which way to get out someone whose a threat to them. With Tyler gone, I'm not a threat to anyone, I'm the only one in the "easy vote, he'll vote with us he's got nobody" position, and I have nothing to lose and everything to gain.
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Jordan motherfucking Pines just carried out whole tribe when we planned to throw it? And it's because Karen told him? Ugly. 
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I hate this game so fucking much
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wasabi-duck · 8 years
reverse idol jungkook
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i always write for jungkook and yoongi but lmao i like writing for them the best so here we go…
anyway im offended nobody wants to talk about the ketchup song, i bet jungkook wouldn’t play me like that
okay so this is a reverse idol au wow
which means that you’re an idol, wow, surprise
i think for all of them it would be fun to do different kind of groups but idk for this one im going with the flow
im debating whether to make everyone in a kpop group because i mean most of us probably don’t live in korea so like…
you’re in a pop group though, we can start there!! your group isn’t like super popular, but you just released a single that topped a lot of charts and so now you’re getting a lot of positive attention and a wave of new fans!!
jungkook has been a fan from the beginning though wow surprise…
he was probably the fan that got hooked back in the predebut days (so are you kpop??) and he was the one that made shitty gifs on his moms desktop and uploaded the to the good old tumblr
from the beginning you were his fave tho like there is no denying that
you had a certain charm about you, and you always seemed so pure and innocent and you always were so open with your other members
like throughout all your mini video diary updates, you were always the one making sure everyone in the group got adequate speaking time and got to talk!!
and you’re always helping the other members when they’re struggling with a dance move or with some lyrics, like it’s so obvious that you’re the one who makes sure the rest of your members feel comfortable with what they’re doing??
yah that’s you and wow jungkook has the hots for you
just like my dad thinks winwin is hotter than flames smh
your group at this point, maybe like, you’re just coming up to your year mark??
and jungkook has been loyal all 365 days of this year and he’s like
he makes a cake??
he like makes this cake and it looks awful and later yoongi chokes on it and has to go to patient first lmao yikes
but like he gets so excited about you guys hitting your year anniversary that he bakes this cake with lots of icing and twenty times more sprinkles than that right??
and he puts like happy 1 year in really crappy writing on the top with some icing and he puts whip cream on too it looks wild to say the least
and then he puts some candles on for like the birthday of your group wow
not like i do that or anything when my bias has a birthday,,, haha,,,
okay but he uploads a picture of the cake to twitter and tags you guys or whatever idk how twitter works, im stupid
but like a lot of other fans start retweeting it or something because while comical, the gesture is really cute and sweet and kind of touching??
when did i stop saying jeongguk did i say this already
anyway jungkook gets all flushed because wow there are a lot of people talking about his cake
and guess what guys
guess what the heck what
you of all people retweet the tweet and you add a comment like “omg this is the cutest thing, thank you so much sweetheart!!”
and jungkook checks his twitter
and he just kinda
he screams and he kinda doesn’t mean to but he throws his phone and he’s shrieking and his mom comes down like boy i will beat you with a candle if you don’t shut up and his brother records his meltdown
he calls jimin and tae and the three of them scream and cry together omg like tae and jimin are the hypemen while jungkook has a come apart
he probably is one of those people that walks when he’s excited so he’s on the phone doing laps around the house and his lil puppy is trailing along all excitedly
after three hours of talking to the boys (i remember when i used to talk on the phone for three hours omg) he heads up to his room
where he promptly goes to his shrine of your group and like cries over it and hugs all three of your mini albums to his chest
he probably has like seven posters of you omg can you imagine
he would be the one to get shy when like he changes and all the posters are staring at him or something…
oh his mom probably would like come in his room all the time and if your clothes were too tight or something, his mom would cover your poster in sticky notes and jungkook would be like “mom plz you don’t understand it’s a looK”
jungkook omg also we all know my boy can draw right
he would be one of the crazy good fanartists that posts his drawings of the group (but mostly you)
and after the cake incident, his work and art gets so much more attention like he becomes a fairly popular fanartist for your group
for his birthday btw, yoongi and hoseok come together to write the worst, most cliche, cringy reader insert fanfic of you for him and he keeps it under his pillow every night
okay but also after the cake incident, you kinda sorta stalked his twitter account and you flipped out over how amazing his artwork is and all your group members crack up because you can spend hours just checking out his account and trying to somehow low key print pictures of the art
im watching a documentary in spanish yikes sorry im distracted
okay anyway your group
your group announces like a special one year anniversary meet and greet to thank the fans who have supported you guys for this time and all
jungkook is in school when he gets the notification on twitter and he loses it in class like the world is caving in around him and his teacher sent him down to the principals office because he was causing controversy
oh btw his binders at school are probably cute collages of your group thanks bye everyone
okay anyway
tbh probably tells the principal about the meet and greet
and the principal just kinda “okay…”
jungkook goes home that day and he is on cloud nine right this boy is having the time of his life like his heart has never felt lighter and he has never felt more alive in his life
he practically skips home from school (like winwin did when they played duck duck goose someone hold me)
and he bursts through the door and the smile on his face is so wide and so bright that his brother goes and gets some sunglasses
and he’s like “mom, dad, guess what! they’re having a meet and greeT”
his parents kinda exchange looks and they’re kinda !!
“well how much is it honey?”
and jungkook’s smile falters because he knows that guess what, his family doesn’t really have that kind of money right now, and the only way that he managed to get all his albums and posters was because he’s been saving up birthday and new year’s money and all
and he keeps that same smile on his face because jungkook doesn’t share his emotions and jungkook doesn’t let people know how he’s really feeling and he doesn’t want his family to know that the air has literally been stolen from his lungs
he just kinda shrugs and his voice is all quiet and he’s like “oh… it’s nothing important, i shouldn’t have mentioned it. sorry.”
he heads upstairs before he starts crying because jungkook like really got his hopes up??
and your music really speaks to him and he’s kind of developed this emotional dependence on your group and you guys never fail to make him smile and you always get him up when he’s feeling down and he just wishes that maybe he could somehow tell you all how important you are to him and how much you’ve done for him through your music and all!!
he goes upstairs and he locks himself in the room he shares with his bro and he just cries into his pillow
it’s the weekend right and that next morning he doesn’t get out of bed and he doesn’t leave his room
he won’t even open his phone up because he doesn’t wanna see everyone talking about the meet and greet he can’t go to
he’s not mad at his parents or anything, he’s just defeated like he’s loved you (guys) from before day one and now the chance to express that is slipping through his fingers
boy howdy someone is not happy with this
it’s min yoongi
he’s like i cannot not let my love,,, i cannot let this happen
like jungkook had called jimin and tae eventually and cried to them and they immediately told the other boys
and yoongi was like oh heck no my baby gets what he wants
imagine the kermit meme but with yoongi
yoongi: i gotta show the boys im cool and poised and don’t give a shit
yoongi to yoongi: buy jungkook meet and greet tickets
tbh he totally plans on doing it
like he researches it all and he figures out when they’re going on sale and that night (it’s like a week after the entire meltdown), the boys wanna go out to the karaoke bar or something
and yoongi is like i’m at work
and namjoon is like wth you’re laying on our couch
and yoongi is like “did i stutter kim namjoon do you want me to shove a hairbrush down your throat when you’re sleeping”
i just burnt my peanut butter toast and i wanna die tbh anyway
yoongi gets them, surprise!! well one for jungkook but like you get it
and he’s so proud of himself he is like i am the best in the world all hail min yoongi, king of spoiling his friends
he wants to wait to give them to jungkook but he cannot hold the excitement in so one day he just kinda heads over to jungkook’s house and traipses on in and jungkook is doing his calculus homework or something
and yoongi just shoves the ticket in his face and jungkook blinks and then he slowly realizes what’s up and he stares at yoongi then bursts into happy tears
fudge you two havent even met
okay so the day of the event jungkook probably wears a bias shirt with your name on it and he is alive okay like he brings his albums and his drawings of you to give to you because lil bun wants to like impress you??
he probably writes a note to you as well talking about how happy you make him and he’s like wait that’s creepy but jin is like no my child, no it is perfect and beautiful just like you and then he kisses jungkook’s head
the boys wait outside the event and they all have matching bomber jackets and sunglasses to be the jungkook protection squad
jungkook dies when he gets in there right
like there’s so much noise and chattering and people and he’s so uncomfortable and stressed tbh and he doesn’t feel good like he starts to panic
what if he like embarrasses himself?? what if he makes a fool of himself in front of you?? what if he like passes out or something or like gleeks oN YOU OMG
he’s like dying in line but he can’t help but keep checking you out the entire time and you are even more gorgeous in person and you aren’t even up close and personal yet…
he feels like he’s gonna die but the boys keep texting him reassuring messages and all he starts to calm down
he’s gripping everything so tight his knuckles go white
omg his turn though
he talks to all the members because you are at the end and all
and he’s like so shy and flustered but he manages to talk to them and explain how h’es been a fan from the beginning of time and he talks about all the best songs on the album and his fave choreos!! and he’s so cute and his face is all red and bright and he’s so !!!
okay i have a spanish benchmark so i should be going but
he finally gets to you and he’s like wow time to kms
he can’t even breathe like you are five inches away from him, in the living flesh, smiling like an angel and -
he kinda plops his albums down on the table and he can’t break eye contact with you to save his life and you just kinda laugh and smile wider because he’s so cute and you’re so flattered that like wow look at this cute fan??
but then he slips the drawings your way and he’s rambling on about how cool you are and how you’ve really inspired him to try new choreography and all and how he thinks you’re the most angelic person and all this other stuff
and you’re like !!
and your heart is racing because most fans are like wow you’re so attractive i love you but he’s going in depth about like you as a person and that’s so touching??
all your band mates keep glancing at you guys like suspiciously
you notice the drawings and you’re like wth is tHIS i HAVe SeeN thEsE
“you’re the birthday cake boy omg!!”
jungkook’s eyes widen and his jaw drops because you just admitted you’ve been stalking his twitter and you immediately cover your mouth with your hands and you’re like wth is this,,, i wanna die… what
jungkook just blushes and nods and smiles that cute bunny smile and your heart melts because he’s so cute and sweet and wow this isn’t very good
security isn’t feeling it though and they’re ushering you on so you quickly do like
the idol grab hands thing and you interlace your fingers and smile down at him
“im really glad i met you”
and he’s about to #die because you are like talking about meeting hIM
and you sign his albums real fast and wink before security ushers him on
but then you’re like “wait, i never got your name!”
and he just “jungkook!!”
“I hope to see you again jungkook!!”
you wave and he’s pushed off by security
the boys are in the parking lot and they’re like wth man how did it go and jungkook has the thousand yard stare
jimin shakes his shoulders and tae starts yelling and yoongi is like time to throw down??
but jungkook gets this loopy smile and he’s like “wow i am in loVE. love love. like actual love. like marriage love”
namjoon rolls his eyes and jin is like “young mAN YOU ARE TOO YOUNG”
but tae and jimin are poking through his albums and stuff and tae screams and everyone looks at him and he kinda
“man look at this!!”
in the back of the album is “hey cutie, i think i wanna get to know you more. shit, that sounds weird. i guess im saying, hot chocolate your speed?”
and then this is totally against idol code but im making this au so um
it’s your number and a cute smiley face and heart and jungkook passes out on the sidewalk
and guess what you do get hot chocolate after that
and jungkook is all nervous and embarrassed and he hides behind his face half the time and you think it’s cute…
and you guys text all the time?? like always??
you leak him lyrics and dance vids all the time and he’s like my hero…
you two hang out whenever your schedule permits but he still gets super shy whenever the other members of your group are over omg
they always tease you two as like scandalous and all but you really like jungkook!!
you like him enough to dedicate,,, a love song to him,,, on your first full album,,,
and like one day your group is on a talk show and the host is like so anyone, how about those relationships,,,
and you’re like well my boyfriend and i are-
and you’re like oH SHIT
and the boys are huddled around jungkook’s laptop, watching, and jungkook’s heart shatters because you have a boyfriend… since when…
and yoongi is like pal,,, buddy,,, amigo,,, it’s yOU
you guys officially get together in the dance studio really cheesy with help from your group mates and it’s so nice and wonderful and you guys always kiss and cuddle when you’re supposed to be rehearsing oops,,,
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