#im like. what am i supposed to do. every weapon kills them too slow. and then i die
crowcryptid · 1 year
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i am experiencing a skill issue right now
goddamn. giant wave based arena. in a game where all of your weapons are short range and have very limited ammo. the only long range one is a railgun that only has 16 shots. but its too slow to actually use it to snipe multiple enemies cause you just die.
and no checkpoints between waves
this hurts
ok i dont feel so bad now
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not even 10% of people have beat it
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dwarfsized · 9 months
10 characters/10 fandoms/10 tags
the always amazing @aevallare tagged me <3 sooooo:
Astarion Ancunin (Baldur's Gate 3) - getting the obvious one out of the way early. you put a character in front of me who gets mad at you for being good and kind because no one has ever been that to him, who is a bitch and that's a feature not a bug, and im not supposed to become deeply obsessed with that? he is everything. to me.
Gideon Nav (The Locked Tomb) - tamsyn muir WHEN will my wife come back from the war? Devotion even when you hate it. Being a weapon in more ways than even you are aware of. Love when you don't know what love is, really, getting it wrong and right at the same time. Gideon @ Harrow is just "its rotten work. especially to me especially if its you. i'll fucking do it but christ alive."
Murderbot (The Murderbot Diaries) - i think i am one of the only people who thinks that Murderbot is on the fem-presenting side of androgynous but i do think that and i'm right. I haven't read the latest book yet. Being forced to interrogate an in-between space, Murderbot's "dont look at me" in combination with vulnerability, the desire to cut and run and figure yourself out and then, like. not actually figuring yourself out much. did the running help? did escaping do anything? or should you have stayed?
Stede Bonnet (Our Flag Means Death) - Cringefail fuck-up pirate my beloved, i hate watching him do things it's like looking in a mirror. Theater kid playing dress up, steeped in self-doubt and trying to get everyone to talk about their feelings. In season one he looks at his own life and says "is anyone going to ruin this?" and doesn't wait for an answer. I want to kiss him in the moonlight. Every time I think about him I want to throw up. <3
Keyleth (Critical Role) - The weight of the world on her shoulders because she's been raised to lead her people, and all that simmering rage she tries to keep under wraps, and then she only gets a tiny bit of time with the person she loves before she has to live for years and years and years and watch everyone she cares about leave her. Archdruids with timeless body are an existential nightmare.
Alex Louis Armstrong (Fullmetal Alchemist) - okay listen. when i rewatched fmab in college, I was fully ready to fall in love with Riza. I was very surprised when I realized that it was not the badass with the gun I was fixated on, but the. big muscle-y guy who cries a lot and gets used for comic relief 60% of the time. but. im here. i love him. the ishval flashbacks got to me.
Blue (This is How You Lose the Time War) - Loving someone enough you're willing to let them close enough to kill you. The inherent rot beneath blooming things. Taking the slow path. Not leaving well enough alone. Love, but with teeth. I'm so normal about her (lying)
Cora Sabino (Noumena Series) - I wish I could tell everyone to read Axiom's End because I loved it, but I cant because the sequel fucked me up so bad. Its good! but god the atmosphere is so oppressive and Cora's struggle with depression is extremely real for an alternate history story that asks the question "what if we found out aliens were real during the bush administration?" I was legitimately unwell.
Obi-Wan Kenobi (Star Wars) - I just think he's the funniest guy with a laser sword. so repressed. had one of the most grey-jedi masters to ever do the damn thing. bitchy. the chosen one is his padawan. honestly he had to know anakin was sneaking out to canoodle with padme and just decided it wasn't his problem. calls himself fucking ben on the hell sand planet. why was he like that.
Spock (Star Trek) - this is the most "i just think he's neat" of all of them. i inherited this blorbo. this blorbo was handed down to me from my mom. he was hers first, im just picking up the torch. "guy who acts like he has no emotions but every seven years enters a fuck or die frenzy" im sorry but that's. that's too good. i have no choice but to rotate him in my mind.
I cannot tag 10 people but i will tag @asterordinary and @werewolfnobody and if anyone else wants to do it go for it! tag me so i can read your response!
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technowoah · 3 years
Revolutions Always Fall
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You should've learned from L'Manburg. The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
- I tried to put 2 requests in one here.
- its really long 🤧🤞🏽
13) "You made me lose all my faith and trust in you"
38) "They warned me about this.” “About what?” “You.” 
47)“Are you satisfied now...?”
⚠︎ memtions of blood, voilence, fighting, swearing, Technoblade's execution episode. Angst.
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Dear Technoblade,
I wont make the same mistakes again
- an old friend. ♤
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Technoblade was always a threat, and you learned that from L'Manburg. You had befriended him when he joined Pogtopia and very quickly you two seemed to click. He saw the world through different eyes and that intrigued you. You wanted to be him, live life the way he does it for just a day.
He was a killing machine, he was smart tactical, but still had the thirst for blood that made him be so smart and tacitcal with how he kills.
You on the other hand were not a big fan of killing, but this war was an exception. This war made you practice, it made you angry, it lit a fire underneath you that you didnt know you had. Along with the other members of Pogtopia, Technoblade helped you fight, how to wield a sword, knife, gun, anything that you can get your hands on you turned it into a weapon, you Soon enough you had mastered weapons and you werent so passive.
You questioned yourself if this was living through Technoblade, the need to fight, hunt, to protect. You felt poweful. As you hold your own crafted swords in your hand you know what you can do. You could do so much damage with this sword, he gave you that sword. It wasn't special at all but you made it special, because in your eyes it was.
"You can do so much with a sword, people just don't know how to use it to its fullest potential. They dont know their full potential either. But now you do."
Thats what he said to you in between those stone walls called Pogtopia.
After what he said to you had done so. Used the sword to your full potential, used anything to your full potential. You wanted to be more and more you became.
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"You ready?" Technoblade smirked.
"Hell yeah Im ready to kill that bastard." You smiled
"Woah-oh! You weren't saying this a couple months ago."
"Schlatt deserves it. That's not L'Manburg. This is L'Manburg." You stretched out your arms to the others who were gathering armor and polishing their weapons for the battle yet to come.
You smiled knowing this will all end soon, you wouldn't be in a cave anymore, you wouldn't have to hide the fact that you knew where Wilbur was and that he was planning the attack, Pogtopia will be no more and L'Manburg would be back.
"L'Manburg will be back." You said while taking a sword out of a chest.
"Sure." You heard him scoff beside you.
"What's that supposed to mean?" You asked slightly offended. Wasn't he fighting for the same thing?
"I dont know. Revolutions always fall." He turned his back to you and walked away leaving you to your own thoughts.
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You hated it. He was right, he was always right and you hated it. And everyone else did too, they knew he was right. It wasnt what the majority wanted, we wanted L'Manburg while he didn't want to be held by government in the first place. That's what he meant that day in Pogtopia.
L'Manburg, one defeated, was now growing once more. After the "end" of L'Manburg you couldn't forgive him. Your anger and the feeling of betrayal kept growing and growing everyday, every time you picked up that damned sword he gave you. It was the best sword you had, you had enchanted it multiple times. You had to use it, but the only thing was the memories that came with it.
Your anger only worsened as time went on, having to hear about Technoblade and how he was such a threat to L'Manburg only made you want to destroy him and the past you two had created. That would be the closure you needed, but someone was already three steps a head of you.
In spite of your anger you and Quackity had the most magnificent idea to make a gang to finally kill Technoblade for the sake of L'Manburg. The idea was to go confront him at his house and take him back to L'Manburg for an execution. You were on board with the idea 100%. This was better for L'Manburg and better for yourself, finally someone who got you.
Quackity and you planned tirelessly to try and get Technoblade's location and bring him back. The Butcher Gang was made from the cabinet of L'Manburg. During these long days you two grew closer, you two were so different in ways of thinking, but you two shared the same end goal which worked out in your favor. You two went through hell and back just to find out that the easiest way to get to Technoblade was sitting in L'Manburg right at that moment. Philza, some may say Technoblade's only friend at the moment. He was loyal to Technoblade and you dont blame him at all, but you needed to find out where his companion was.
It was all going well, the Butcher Gang had put Phil on house arrest and Tubbo had found a compass that led them straight to Technoblade's location. Everything was going well and according to plan, you didnt want to show it on your face as you saw Technoblade's house from the spot in the woods the Butcher Gang was hiding in, but you wanted this so badly. You didnt where he was going to be, he could've came and bestowed more destruction. It was like knowing he was there, but not knowing when he was going to strike.
The anxiety that came with not knowing where Technoblade was always with you, but now it wont be.
The Butcher Gang ended up taking Technoblade by force back into the city. You were proud that you were all able to get the blood hungry pig-man to come back with you all. He was behind bars with an anvil hanging high over his head. As Tubbo gave his speech your short lived happiness soon faded as a man appeared and smoke filled the area. You started to get attacked by what seemed like Dream and Punz while Tubbo continued to yell for Quackity to pull the lever to finally kill Technoblade.
"Pull the lever Big Q!"
"Kill him Quackity!" You yelled with him.
He did it. The anvil fell fast towards Technoblade's body, but as fast as the anvil landed on him his skin, bones, and blood regenerate and return to its normal state. Your eyes widened as the totem in his hand began to disintegrate into gold dust.
"DAMMIT!" You yelled in agony while Ranboo and Fundy continued to fend off Dream and Punz until they retreated.
Once they did you realized Technoblade was gone, you saw him in the distance running away from the scene, but you couldn't let this happen. You couldn't let the fear of Technoblade being out there doing God knows what forever. The fear of him boiled in your heart as you broke out into a sprint towards Technoblade.
As you ran into a more secluded area you heard footsteps behind you. You glances back to see Quackity following your lead with an axe in his hand. Slowing down a bit you both ran side by side.
"Let's get this son of a bitch!" Quackity huffed as you both came across a cave.
You both knew Technoblade was in there so you both prepared for the mental and physical pain you would both endure. This wasn't like the Butcher Gang where it was 5 against 1, it was 2 against 1 and you've seen Technoblade fight this fight before.
"You ready to kill this bastard?" He calmed his breathing down.
"Of course I am." You kept your eyes foward.
You walked deep into tha cave to see 6 chests and a sign that said "final control room", that bastard. Wanting to be quiet you tried to sneak up on Technoblade, but Quackity's anger got the best of him.
"What the fuck is this Technoblade?! What the hell are you doing here?" He asked gripping his sword too tight.
"It not what it looks like." Technoblade airly laughed. He had an enchanted pickaxe in his hand and an open chest with netherite armor.
"How the hell did that anvil not kill you?!" Quackity yelled.
Technoblade started laughing, he was laughing, he was taunting us. "Do you really think that death can stop me? That you could kill me that easily."
Your emotions tried to get the best of you as you tried not to let frustrated tears fall onto your cheeks.
"How did you do it? What... How did you even do that?"
"You think that can stop me Quackity?" Technoblade asked again.
"Just answer the fucking question!" You yelled before either of them could speak. It was silent for a while before Technoblade slowly spoke up.
"A totem. I used a totem of undying. I always have it on me." He smugly said.
He continued on. "You know what?! You know what? Ive got a lot to say, I was gonna say it at the trial, but we got a little bit interrupted. You know I tried convincing you guys that government was not the answer, the government was actually the cause of all your problems!"
You rolled your eyes as he continued his infamous speech.
"I tried to convince you guys by fighting alongside you as brothers and you cast me aside, you used me. I tried to use force, but you still formed a government! And when I went into hiding, when I retired, when I swore off violence, you hunted me down, you hurt my friends." Technoblade finished.
"Techno you dont understand what we're fighting for!" You started finally finding your voice. "I thought you were for us! You were always against us!"
"I was always for you! I needed you guys to understand!"
"We needed YOU to under-"
Technoblade interrupted you. "You dont understand me! You never did!"
"At least I fucking tried and you gave me so much shit for it! I wanted to be you Technoblade. I wanted to see life through your eyes, I was fascinated by how you walk, fight, your mind."
Your anger began to subside as you continued to speak. "But, you made me lose all my faith and trust in you."
Technoblade laughed again. "Same here! You guys left me! Betrayed me so-"
"So the feeling is mutual." You growled.
It was quite for a minute, but you could feel Quackity's sympathetic stare as you poured your feelings out to a man who dosen't even matter to you.
"They warned me about this." Your arms gestured to the area the three of you were in.
"About what?" Technoblade scoffed.
"About you." You stared at Technoblade. It wasn't a glare, it was more calm.
"Quackity, Tubbo, Fundy...Even Ranboo." You airly chuckled.
You had stopped talking trying to get yourself back together. Quackity caught that you weren't talking anymore so he spoke up.
"What we have up there is a country and what we need here is organization and power. And I dont care how long it fucking takes me or what I have to do to get you Techno. Im going to fucking kill you. Im going to kill you Technoblade." Quackity gripped his axe in his hand.
"I just have one question Quackity." Techno smirked.
"What do you have?" Quackity responded and you took the sword out of the sheath hanging on your hip.
"Do you think you two are enough to kill me? Even unarmed with iron armor?" Technoblade closed the chest that held netherite armor signaling he didn't need that. "Do you think you both could take me?"
"Oh we do." You spoke up. "We need this, Technoblade."
"You know what?" Quackity rose his axe and you followed suit. "Lets find out you son of a bitch!" He charged towards Technoblade and you followed close behind.
Technoblade started running out of the long cave, but you two followed. He threw potions on the ground as he turned around and fought us head on. You were able to get a couple of cuts and hits on him, but he was cutting you more with his pickaxe.
The thing about Quackity was that he thought he was invincible. He kept going full force towards Technoblade, hopefully he would focus on him so you could finally get a critical hit on him. Your heart rate kicked up as your face came too close to his pickaxe. And it kept going, each swing he took towards you became closer and closer until Quackity slashed his arm with his axe.
Technoblade whipped his head his way. "I have a pickaxe and I'll put it right through your teeth!"
Technoblade swung his axe and slashed Quackity's face, including his eye. He then turned his pickaxe to the flat side and swung it, hitting the side of his head. The blow to his head sent him flying against one of the walls of the cave, knocking him out.
He then turned to you and in a flash you could tatse the metal of his pickaxe as it swiped across your face blinding one of your eyes as well as Quackity's. He had hit you on the side of the head like he did with Quackity. Your body was aching as you fell to the ground, your mind slowly shutting down. You were loosing a lot of blood quickly, and so was Quackity. You two knew you were going to find the strength to get out of this cave and follow Technoblade's path out.
You laid on the cave's cold floor realizing that this was a mistake. You were too loyal, easily swayed, you were a follower. You never knew when to stop, from L'Manburg to Pogtopia to The Butcher Gang you seeked things you couldn't have. You couldn't have L'Manburg, neither Pogtopia, you couldn't kill Technoblade and ease your fears snd anxieties. You need to seek that some where else.
Your mind began to slip, and you fell into unconsciousness.
You should've learned. He was right. Revolutions always fall.
The Butcher Gang was a mistake.
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Dear Technoblade,
I remembered the day. It still pains me. The day you spawned those wither. I thought you were the traitor, but turns out I was wrong at the time. Im sorry for that.
I also remember when you left me for dead. But I made it out as you see.
But now I am resigning from L'Manburg. Im going my own way, my own path, and I don't want you on my path.
Think of this as closure, something I never got. As I am writing this I dont know why I am giving you closure, lifting a weight off of your shoulders, you dont deserve it.
I know people say that to you alot.
You really made a dent in this damned place.
I hate what you're doing. You get to live in solitude while we get to live in the debris you left here. I wanted to be like you.
I hate to say it, but I learned a lot from you. I hated what I learned, about myself, about you, about the current state of this horrible place.
I wont make the same mistakes again
Are you satisfied now?
- an old friend ♤
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Humans Are Space Orcs, “Becoming.”
Sorry this is  little late guys, but I had class at nine, and things were crazy, so here you go, and hope you like it :)
I stand in the center of the Drev temple; every tribe has one -- every tribe that stays in one place that is. The most famous temple is the one where sunny grew up “the temple of the four warriors”, of course, after Sunny’s tribe left to join my ship, it was taken over by another tribe, and those that remained were either driven out or absorbed into other clans. Sometimes I feel bad about that, and then I remember how they treated sunny, and my pity for them marginally decreases.
The surrounding temple is called the temple of the rising sun, and while it is rather small, it is pretty impressive. Its impressive because, instead of being made out of volcanic glass, some nifty Drev found himself some blue veined marble. The outside, of course, is line din dark stone like one would expect, but walking inside you are immediately blinded by the glowing white of the stone illuminated by shafts of golden light filtering in from the high-vaulted ceiling.
It’s a pretty beautiful piece of work, especially from a group of people who tend to be more interested in killing each other than anything else. 
However,  today things are a little bit different.
Today I am joining another tribe.
Yeah, I get it, this is like my second or third tribe, what can I say, I am a tribe slut.
It’s not like I was planning on missing out on this.
Technically this is my coming of age day. I never got to do something like this with Sunny’s Clan so, its more than a little exciting.
Today I am becoming a man.
Took me long enough.
I Turn my head towards the far wall watching as the rest of the clan slowly trickles inward. A familiar face locks eyes with e from the back of the crowd. I am pleased to see Hijan up and walking. I was worried than her injuries taken during battle were doing to be serious, which was as bad as a death sentences in a traditional Drev clan, but she looked fine, and even waves at me from the back row.
I taught her how to do that.
I wave back before turning my eyes forward, the magnate and the sentinel have taken their places on the stand.
Together with seven other young Drev warriors, I stand at the center of the center of the temple bathed in the warm honey glow of descending sunlight. The seven of us managed to distinguish ourselves n the last battle generally by preforming our first kill, and that is what sets us out for the rest of our comrades.
A few sullen looking Drev teenagers stand to the side of the room  not having managed to do what we had done, and so, therefore, stuck as children still.
The magnate begins to speak, he talks about duty and honor, and being a presence on the battlefield. He praises us for his work, and once or twice he throws in some snarky ass comment about me being here, but I don’t mind. He is just jealous that a human managed to distinguish himself in as little amount of time as I did.
The magnate doesn’t like me much, but he can suck  dick since the Sentinel has grown surprisingly fond of me.
I am forever grateful that their coming of age ceremony is nothing like the ceremony in Sunny’s tribe, where they use crude tools to carve slots into the carapace where the armor is then cut. 
Of course these guys have that, but they put less emphasis on the armor, and a little more on the weapon. Together, the group of us kneel on the ground as the temple workers make their slow way forward. Each weapon is supposed to be crafted by a member of the family, and since Hijan made my armor, I have a sneaking suspicion I know where mine is coming from.
“Anirana ee kalal s tsana gahas.” Blood and steel with you forever
Metal slams against stone, and we bow our heads.
“Tahajeeneesh tsanak jahad dal.” Hod your hand up.
We do as ordered.
I close my eyes as cold steel meets the palm of my hand. Warm blood gushes from the wound and down my arm.
I shiver.
Cold steel is pressed against my wound. I close my eyes as hot blood trickles down the shaft of the spear. When I finally open them, I look up at the weapon. It is beautiful about eight feet of light weight but strong steel alloy with a wickedly barbed spearhead and glittering metal point. ON it’s bottom edge there is a small pole spike which can be used in the opposite directions.
A series of delicate carvings run up the shaft, and I can feel them adding extra grip to my blood-slicked hand 
Nothing without a purpose.
“Nizeesh ee tadeesh ka s tach.” Stand and be one with the clan.
We stand and all together the surrounding room breaks out into a symphony of war cries that rise up towards the ceiling breaking in great waves over the stone only to trickle outward into daylight. A stream of golden light surrounds me, and a hundred voices chant together to carry me upwards.
I sit on the edge of the stone outcrop staring out over the darkened landscape. The volcanoes are more active tonight, and I can see their fiery red glow brimming along the horizon.
I tap the edge of y new spear against the stone before lying back in the moss and staring up at the stars.
A bright white star catches y eye in the southern sky Eedacheel. I smile.
“Good evening Polaris.”
The star doesn't talk back obviously, but it makes me feel good to see her. Crazy how two different species can share the same guiding star. The coincidences would have to be astronomical for that to happen, but there she is.
I glanced down at my wrist, at the implant and the tracking beacon I had activated after the ceremony.
I sigh and lean back.
The dark season is coming, and I know I have to leave before then, I have to get back to my work and back to serving the galaxy, back to being a leader… someone everyone relies on.
I have to face the crippling self-doubt and lingering memories of failure that had driven me to Anum in the first place.
Something rustles in the moss behind me, but I don’t turn 
A dark shape sits next to me in the darkness resting one hand on my arm.
“Hijan nakt.” beautiful night
“Yid.”  yes I whisper
“Tsa najish.” You’re leaving. Her voice sounds sad and that kills me, makes my insides twist with pain and hurt. I Imagine Hijan left all along here on the planet with no one to dote on like she deserves.
Makes me feel sick.
I turn to look at her mouth open in a forming apology, but when I do I find her eyes to be smiling despite her voice.
“Zhe sesani…. Zhe-zhe zhegingi daeenat… j.” Im sorry i-i want to stay…. But
She held up a hand silencing me before placing a palm gently against my cheek, “Jee.” no, she shook her head, “tsa nehzhegingish daeen daeenat. Tsa zhegingish tsak tach  jastat.” you do not want to stay here, you want to see your clan again.”
I want to ask her to come with me, but I know she won’t. Hijan is too loyal to leave like that.
“Zhe tageeni’ik.” I will return 
“Zhe rekazi.” I know
And then I am enveloped in a four arm hug.
I taught her how to do that too.
We sit together for a while under the light of Polaris, and for once it seems quiet...
Until the screaming begins.
Both of us leap to our feet and turn towards the village.
Dark shapes are swarming up from all directions.
“DALEEST!” Ambush! I yell scrambling over the rocks with Hijan limping at my heels. Neither of us are wearing armor. We only have our spears. The village is alive with the screaming sounds of confusion.
I try to cover Hijan as best I can as we limp towards her cottage.
Warriors scream.
Children cry out in fear. We aren’t ready for this.
We have almost made it when three dark shapes rise up in our vision. I leap in front of hijan as the first spear plunges towards us. I knock it away, but only barely, i feel warm blood running down my knuckles, but the pain is gone. 
I am being overwhelmed, knocked backwards. Hijan fights for her life at my back.
Turning my head, I watch a small light appear in the distance.
I have to ignore it a moment alter as another spear  comes sailing towards my head. I duck under it and thrust upwards into my opponent’s gut. The spear head slides in like butter, but I have to pull hard to get it out as the barbed point rips from the creature’s chest.
The rocks around us are bathed in light.
The Drev before me squints and holds up an arm to cover his eyes.
The sound of an engine.
And  before I realize what is happening a figure sails out of the darkness highlight by the high beams of a hover craft.
The shape slams into the three Drev bowling them backwards with a thundering war cry I would recognize anywhere.
The shape turns spinning a spear through her two upper hands bright blue carapace glittering in the headlights.
She turns to look at me golden eyes flashing before turning away and motioning her opponents closer. I run up spear held tight to cover her back, the two of us circling hijan in the middle protecting her from further harm.
It was like I had never left.
And together we fall into a familiar rhythm of complete and total domination of the battlefield.
Spears whirl and twist. We trade spots yelling commands and movements until somewhere the line is broken, and I am left panting on the rocks as Sunny races after them spear in one hand.
“Come back you bastards!” She yells, “Come back and fight.” 
The rest of the clan is limping awkwardly to their feet.
The surprise attack was a serious one, but only one of our number died, and no one was seriously wounded.
I feel a grin splitting y face as I watch sunny pull to a stop in the moss spear raised yelling challenges towards the retreating Drev battalion.
I nearly leap out of my skin with hijan sanding next to me, “Na tsak?” she wonders motioning towards Sunny.
“Yid.” I nodded grinning. It feels good to see her, like way good, better than I could have expected.
Damn I had missed her. I didn’ even realize how much until she turned back and walked towards us her regal head held high, her gore covered spear thrown over one shoulder, and her long even stride eating up the ground confidently between us.
I tried to look at Hijan, and found that she was looking sunny up and down with a critical eye. For a moment I worried she would say something disparaging about her height, but hijan simply turned her head to look at me her eyes crinkled a bit, “Na hijan jee?”
I was glad it was dark because the heat rushing into my face would have been hilariously obvious.
“Hijan.” I hissed 
She rumbled low in her chest with great amusement at my discomfort  as sunny made her way up the incline to stop before me.
She looked down at me, and I up at her.
She then picks me up in a four arm hug that nearly snaps my spine. I Pat her side with what little arm reach I have in the crushing hug wheezing as she sets me down. 
I awkwardly cleared my throat, “Took you long enough.” 
She ignored me, “Chalan, huh…. You’ve never called me that before.”
“It’s your name isn’t it.”
She cocked her head at me.
I stumbled awkwardly, “Er unless you don’t want me to….”
She laughed to, “Stop being so weird, besides…. I kind of like it. Your pronunciation is adorably awkward.”
I sighed, “Thanks for that…… Anyway.” I quietly turn the conversation. “Oh uh, Sunny, there is someone I’d like you to meet.” I motion towards hijan, “This is Hijan, she has been showing me the ropes.”
Sunny lowers er head in deferential greeting to the older Drev, “Leave it to you to Immediately get adopted.
“Leave it to me to be charming enough to be immediately adopted.”
“Nee ts tsak tach?” He is in your clan?
“Yid nee jyak Lodgeeda.” He is our clan leader
I am not sure if I should be insulted or amused at how surprised hijan looks.
“Nee!” him!
Sunny is laughing as I have my arms crossed.
“Nee...jee, nee da’an dzhalka.” him  no, he is only a baby.
Sunny cant breath and I honestly hope she chokes on her spit, “yid nee yaheen dzhalzheen.” Yes he is a great warrior
I feel a little better, that is until hijan snorts and waves a hand. She seems to think this is all some kind of funny joke.
“Yid zhe graneen tach ts kazna geeldani.” Yes I lead the biggest clan in the galaxy
That only seems to make her laugh harder, and I sit with my arms crossed as she laughs and then her and sunny exchange some quick fire conversation that I have difficulty understanding.
The last thing I hear as the two of them walk away chatting like housewives is a single sentence, “zhe tatazan nee tsa zhalich. Nee gahan lana nee tehich gingich. “ I am glad he has you, he needs all the help he can get.
I strain to hear further, but all I hear is.
“Yid ee zhe  nee gingi jej.”
Then again I am pretty sure I might just be hearing things. 
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ashfantasyworld · 3 years
It was the start of me falling for everyone, it was like any other day. I had turned 20 years of age, and had become what we consider in the middle of teens. My tail never does as I want it to, when I try to hide things or feelings. It always blows my cover, and in training I have started to flirt with this good looking human. I seriously melt when I see him, but how the hell do I tell another guy I like him. What if he dont like me? I know I'm ranting now but it's important I promise. I failed him and I failed my Mom, I failed everyone. As I'm writing this letter I am sitting in a cell waiting for the cultists to end me for being unholy. They call me, well I hope someone reads this as i think i will die today. And yes I'm crying. I can't help it. I'm still a kid, well let me tell you my story then. So if you read it you wont be as stupid as i was.
The start of the story is on my 18th birthday, my mom who cares for me alone had made me a cake. And I was eating it with her, as she told me of my dad, and how the humans had come. And I was a mix of Human and Tabaxi and so on, she misses my dad a lot after he died. So she talks about him on a regular basis, but it's okay if she is happy doing so I don't mind listening to it. And well I had plans today to meet up with a guy that looks amazing, and well we have exchanged looks sometimes and he is going to meet me tonight. But I need to train first. I aint so big on using close combat weapons. I rather like to use bows and crossbows but if i can i like to talk my way out of things. So I use most of my day for training, as a tabaxi I have to be combat ready when I'm around 18 to 20 so yeah. When I'm done with my work out I walk to take a shower and damn that's a long process. Have you tried to get fur dry?It's a nightmare. So when I'm done with my 3 hour long chore of showering for 30 min and using 2h 30 min to not smell like a wet dog. Ewww dogs….. It's time to meet up with Thor, it's night now and I have become smaller than what I was. It happens every night. I think it's due to my father and since he was not a cat, I am probably cursed. Thor doesn't mind, he finds it kinda cute, we are going to meet up by the hill so we can watch the stars together. I walk up there with ease as well. I'm a cat and move easily, not like dogs who walk all over the place sniffing pee. So I sit and wait for him, he is so slow I mean I can wait. I remember seeing him walking in, he looked so good. He has a nice beard and looks like something from a story book from the people up north, he sits down beside me. I can feel my heart beating out of my chest, and he asks me “what I think is up there”. I think a lot and look up, before I'm reminded of all the stories from my mom about dad. “I think my dad is up there watching over me, keeping me safe”. I can feel his hand touching mine, I tell him “that's okay, i feel the same for him”. He pushes me to the ground so I'm on my back, and kisses me. He sits back up and looks at me, I smile and move and kiss him back. It feels wonderful. I feel warm all over and I'm so happy. We smile and part ways after a while, I am so happy I am falling so hard for him. Everything was so good before I failed him.
Some days pass and well we meet up, hidden from everyone else. He decides that we should keep it hidden from everyone, and that's fine for me. He has become more bossy with me, and makes my decisions for me. But that's okay. I am kinda girly anyways, and I like to have someone in control of me. And well im 4*10 120 lbs so I'm small, and I dress kinda cute. So I am not someone who is in charge, It makes me smile just to think of Thor, my big viking. 
But one day I decided I don't know why but that i wanted to be in a dress for him you know female dress. They look so nice, and damn cute and I have the body to be in one. So stupid as i was i got one to be cute to him, my Mom told me i was always special and thats what she loved about me. And helped me get the dress on, we had to cut a hole for the tail tho. As that damn tail always got in the way, but we did and it looked kinda good. So I went to where I knew Thor usually did hang out. I went there and it did not go so well, as his friends were there and when they saw me. They called me alot, “Abomination, Little girl, Loser, ugly”. You know all the bad words, and Thor even made fun of me, and when I tried to run they caught me. And started to beat me up, I don't remember too much as it got black quickly. What I do remember though is Thor hitting me in my face with his friends. I did wake up later. My dress was bloody and ripped apart, I started to cry and ran to the spot where me and Thor first met. And sitting down made me even more sad, as I remembered him. I cried for a long time, before Thor walked up to me and sat down beside me. He told me it was my fault, and I said sorry so many times. He agreed to be with me if I did not behave like that ever again and made it up to him. It made me so happy I kissed his cheek and asked what he wanted, he said I had to get something for him from the smithy. When I asked what he smiled and said a special sword from the smithy, I agreed I just had to get that and he would be mine. I did not have any money though as i know he just wanted a gift, like i am supposed to give him. So i had to steal it, i said i would be back here in 3 hours to him with the sword. It was still night so I could get it, he smiled as I ran off, I know I can do it for him. I'm so lucky to get another chance after embracing him like that. When I'm at the smithy I manage to sneak my way over the fence, but then I see it. The terror itself, the thing that could be compared with the devil himself. Ewwww a small dog, it even looks like a rat. I was close to throwing up in my mouth, and now I have to touch it. I am sure I was close to dying right there and then. But for Thor I would, so I grabbed the dog. Made my skin crawl, as I held over its tiny mouth it started to lick me. I know how disgusting, that tongue has probs been licking buts and poop and pee and ewwwwwwww. But I did it, I moved the dog carefully to another place as it kept licking me all the way. Gives me even the shivers now as I write this while crying, but I move it far enough away. So I could sneak back in, and well when people are stupid enough to let a window be open, I mean it's like an open invitation. I stop and look at the Female sleeping, she is so cute she is older than me tho, must be like 25 to 30 in human years. But I have a mission, so I go and look at the swords. I'm not sure which he wants so I take the most fancy look, and move to the window. But stop looking at the girl. I feel bad for her. I will make it up to her, but I have to leave. So I leave and run back to Thor he smiles, as I give it to him, I feel so happy for giving it to him now he wants me back. He looks at me and hits me in the face with the back end of it, and pushes me to the ground and keeps beating me. Screaming at me how stupid i am for taking the wrong sword, I try to say sorry and that i love him in between the hits. But he dont stop, he keeps on beating me for a while. I deserve it though. I failed him, how could i be so stupid. 
After a while he stopped and looked at me with piercing eyes, “you failed me” the words kept ringing in my ears. As he walked off with the sword I had stolen from him, I walked home. My mom saw me beaten and bloody. She looks at me and shakes her head, “i am sorry” she smiles and follows me into the bathroom and finds some bandages and ointments to help with my wounds. She spends most of the evening cleaning me up, and treating me, I don't say much at all that night. My head is spinning around, everything that has happened. I slept for almost 2 days. Before someone comes knocking on the door at my house, my mom opens and asks me to come into the living room. I just put the comforter over my head, I do not want to do anything right now. After a good 10 minutes the lady comes into the room, the smith stares at me as I swallow hard. She closes the door behind me and we have a conversation, she told me that stealing is not okay. And doing so could get me killed. She offers me a job to work off what I owe, she says she had one give her a chance once and this was her doing the same. But if I was late or did not show, she would go to the guards. I started working with her smithy. Her name is Cynthia, she was not too pleased with me at the start, but after 6 months of me working there every day. She starts to take a liking to me, and teaches me about hard work. I have not heard from Thor in half a year, and I'm finally starting to get over him. Everyday I meet up, I do most of the labour around the smith like cleaning up and keeping it tidy. As I see her sell things to people and make deals, I smirk and one day I say to her. “Bet i could make more money off it” she smirks and tells me the bet is on i have 1 month to beat her. Every day I do everything I can to sell, I start playing music outside and to lure people in I let them haggle but manage to turn them around. After the month is over I have made 1276 gold 436 more than she made, I smirk and she smiles and tells me I have worked off all my debt. But I don't want to stop working. I ask her if I can continue, and she accepts with a smile. Another year passes. I'm 19 soon, 20 now and I am happy. My life's going great, I have worked with Cynthia and have been helping me alot with my bow skills and I continue to play music. She even managed to get me into playing in an inn every night, and I love it and the people love it. One day a guard walks into the smith, I freeze up as I see him. It's Thor. He is looking at swords. I gulp as he turns around and sees me too, “well well well”. He puts a sword on the table, “so you work here now” I look at him and swallow hard and nod. “That will be 50 gold coins”, he smiles and reminds me of what i did and threatens me. Before he takes it and leaves, which means I have to pay for it. I put 50 gold coins into the chest. Cynthia has seen it all, and we have a talk. I tell her the whole story, she hugs me. And tells me that we will just forget about it, and that it's not worth picking a fight with the guards over it. Another 6 months pass, as I work and people start to know me, and come alot into the smith it has become a place to hang out for some people. Where they can chat and buy stuff. I have turned 20 now, it's a big day and as I get to work. The guard jumps me and chains me down, Thor is standing there and reading up my accusations of being a thief, breaking the rules of the church and deserves to hang. Cynthia looks at me, and tries to talk her way out of it for me, but Thor is not budging. And they take me to the church, after a while the priest comes. They decide to take me to the caves where they can properly please the gods, they move me at night. And get me into this cell, they are not holy they are a cult. Planning to sacrifice me to their gods, they told me that my mom has been tossed out on the streets and Cynthia is facing charges. So that brings me to the end of my letter, of how I failed everyone. Just never do as I did, because of me people are hurt. I am sorry for getting the wrong sword, I am sorry mom for being a useless son and I'm sorry Cynthia you should never have given me a chance. I am ready now, to pay for my sins. This will be updated as the campaing goes on <3
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crystalconjunx · 5 years
Love your writing! Do you think you could do some tfp mega/orion pax nsfw? Im such a sucker for them pre-war 😩
Orion sat comfortably at the small desk Megatronus had found for him as he proofread the gladiator's latest speech. 
Today Megatronus was fighting his first offworlder. It wasn't terribly uncommon for offworld mechs to test their mettle in the Pits of Kaon, but Megatronus had only just begun to fight in the upper leagues. He told Orion Pax that he intended to become champion, and Orion had faith that he would succeed. But offworlders in the upper leagues were incredibly dangerous. They had weapons and techniques that even Megatron had yet to encounter.
Normally, Orion insisted on attending such important fights. He couldn't bear to watch Megatronus get hurt. Each of his challengers were deadlier than the next and this offworlder, Killer-watt, would undoubtedly be a nasty fighter— he was a murderer and a snake, known for killing his opponents even in low-level fights. 
But this time, Megatronus had asked him to instead begin helping him with his next speech. He insisted that it would be one of his most important ones yet and that Orion needn't worry about today's fight.
The archivist found it difficult to concentrate with the worry that consumed his processors, but he put his all into reading through Megatron's work.
It was full of wonderful, brilliant, world-changing ideas, just as much as his last ones had been. Orion's spark soared in joy as he sat down the datapad. Megatronus was an excellent writer and a revolutionary idealist, and Orion couldn't believe that he was the one who got to help him with his works.
He was finishing his final notes when the door to their suite pinged and two large mechs walked in.
"By the spires!" He shouted in surprise, "What is th- Megatronus? Are you alright?"
The gladiator was leaning heavily upon the frame of Breakdown, one of his brothers-in-arms as the mech gently deposited him onto the side of his berth, handed him a small package, and left.
"Megatronus! What happened? How badly are you hurt?" Orion asked, fretting over the gladiator's frame as laid down. The archivist could see a large, freshly-patched weld on the warrior's left leg and some savage denting along his right arm.
"I'm fine, Orion, though perhaps not in the best shape I've returned. The offworlder certainly proved a challenge. A challenge that I overcame, of course. Although perhaps at no small cost... I did not mean to alarm you, Orion. Knockout has informed me that it will take a few days for my nanites to repair my internal communicators."
"I am sorry that I wasn't there, Megatronus. I should have been. I-" the archivist said, trying to keep his voice calm and his optics clear.
"Don't worry about that, Orion. I asked you to stay home, remember? Did you get the chance to review my writings yet? It's alright if you didn't. I know you tend to worry."
"Of course," Orion said. "I wrote a few notes on my pad for you to check later. I think it will be a wonderful speech, Mega."
Megatronus smiled fondly up at him, but winced when he tried and failed to move his arm. Orion stepped closer and leaned down to kiss him instead.
"Would that I could hold you, my little archivist. You are a gift to me from Primus himself." He sighed miserably. "What I wouldn't give to have your touch. But know that your presence is more than enough, I promise you. I am glad to have you here with me, my love." He assured Orion fondly, giving him the safe, contented smile that the archivist knew was reserved for him and him alone.
"Well, Megatronus..." He began, "I can, I mean we could... If you were interested, maybe I could be the one to touch you?" He finished.
"Oh?" Megatronus asked, cocking an optic ridge at the unexpected offer. "And how might you do that, Pax?"
"W-well, I..."
"Don't explain it, Orion," he growled suddenly. "Show me."
Orion's fans kicked on at the dark excitement laced underneath the command. Either Orion would show him and go through with his idea, or Megatronus would likely risk re-injuring himself to find out.
The whole point of his idea was to prevent that, so he supposed he had no choice. He moved down the end of the berth and climbed up to straddle Megatron's hips.
"This doesn't hurt, does it?" He asked. He had to make sure.
"No, Orion, I'm fine," he said. "I'll tell you if anything hurts."
They both knew that to be a lie, but Orion took comfort in the fact that his hip and thigh plating appeared to be relatively uninjured. He just wouldn't be able to move around much.
"Open your panel?" Orion asked, already opening his own to reveal his own wet valve.
"Orion? Entertaining yourself without me?" Megatronus growled, engines revving as his interface panel shifted open and his spike pressurized between them.
"You left so early this morning, we didn't get a chance to finish what we were doing." Orion answered under the scrutiny of the warrior's optics, turning his head away as energon rushed to his face. "You just looked so handsome in your war paint, I-"
"A discussion for another time," Megatronus interrupted with another revv so fierce it threatened to knock Orion off of him. "Keep going. Please." He begged.
Orion quickly nodded and inched his hips forward— Primus, Megatronus never begged— steadying himself on Megatronus's uninjured waist before lining his valve up with the large spike and finally lowering himself down.
After they first began interfacing, it was a near painfully tight fit. Megatronus took great pleasure in teasing his calipers open, no matter how long it took.
It had paid off. The fit was still tight, but the stretch had become manageable enough that Megatronus no longer needed to worry about breaking him every time they interfaced. He could be harder, faster, rougher.
Now his calipers only twinged a little as each ring gave way to clutch around Megatronus's spike. In less than two kliks, he was fully seated against him.
"Orion, are you alright?" Megatronus asked through sharp, gritted dentae.
"Y-yes, I'm fine."
"Then move," the silver mech demanded with a small, impatient thrust of his hips. He hissed as obvious pain fired into his circuits.
"D-don't, I'll move." Orion promised. "Just hold still, please?" He asked, punctuating the request with the first roll of his hips.
They both groaned in unison. This was Orion's first time on top of Megatronus, and it was wonderful. He could control where and how the spike inside him moved as he raised and dropped his hips.
But this wasn't for him. Not this time.
This was for Megatronus.
He dropped down, bottoming out again and squeezing his calipers around the huge mech's frame. He began following a steady rythym: a few thrusts quick and hard, another set deep and slow and tight, but Orion found himself chasing his own overload before he knew it.
"Mega, Mega, so close-" Orion panted, scrabbling against the gladiator's paneling as he chanted the warrior's name again and again, riding him as fast and hard and he could manage. He had to make Mega overload first. He had to!
Then Megatronus's least damaged arm had managed to reach for him, a silent permission.
It wasn't the same like this, wasn't gentle touching and kissing and soft words, wasn't nearly as good as when Megatronus would come back from a good fight and frag him into the berth for hours until he cried for mercy.
It wasn't the same, but it was enough.
"Megatronus!" He cried, unable to stop his own overload. His calipers cycled down as charge skittered across their frames.
He felt Megatronus's claws on his thigh again, intending to pull him away. He pushed them off and started riding the mech again, drawing out a choked moan from the warrior as his valve began moving over him once again.
Blessedly, it didn't take much longer for Megatronus to reach his own overload. His vents roared as he shouted out Orion's name and fought to keep still against the calipers that clenched down on his spike as he filled the archivist with his transfluid.
Orion slid off of him, quickly closing his panels to prevent making any more of a mess on their berth as he made to get up.
Orion yelped when Megatronus grabbed him again with his less-damaged but still powerful arm and dropped him onto the berth beside him.
"You are too good to me, Orion," he said before pressing a kiss to the smaller mech's helm. "But just wait until I am recovered, my little archivist. I intend to pay you back tenfold."
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numba99 · 5 years
Fatal Attraction
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Summary: When a mysterious man shows up at your job, you find yourself inexplicably drawn to him - and him to you. But behind the beautiful face is the dark lifestyle of a man who has made his wealth through becoming the most powerful drug dealer in the city. Word count: 2.7k
Song (new thing I wanna try for this series first song is the general ~vibe~ im going for with this) Him & I by Halsey and G-eazy
Warnings: OKAY SO this is gonna be a long one. Obviously this whole fic is going to have drug mentions in it. I want to be clear that I am not trying to glamorize/condone drug usage. We are all adults and can make decisions on how we feel about that kind of stuff on our own. This is merely a work of fiction and I completely respect you choosing not to read it for whatever reason. I am not 100% sure what’s going to come out as a I write this but I imagine there will be mentions of violence (though I have no plans nor interests in writing about violence explicitly), smut, weapons, etc. I will put more specific warnings on each part, but I wanted to give a general idea so you don’t start something you wouldn’t be comfortable finishing. okay thats enough of that, let’s get to the good stuff.
It was a Friday night like any other. You stepped out on to your personal stage for the night, wrapping you hand around the silver pole in the center. It was cold and familiar, the sensation always flipped a switch in you. It was time to work. A slow, sexy R&B song spilled out of the speakers as you began a sultry walk around the pole. You noted the faces in the crowd, painted blue by the clubs low, mood lighting. They all melted together, a sea of desperate men with fantasies playing in their heads. Then you spotted him.
He showed up a little over a month ago, and since then has came in week after week. He always sat in the back, always by your stage. You had some frequent flyers, but no one like this, no one like him. He didn’t so much as look at any of the other dancers. He was there for you, you could feel that even from across the room.
And yet, you never felt uncomfortable by his presence. In fact, you looked forward to it. You couldn’t be certain, but you thought he was keeping at an eye out for you. You noticed he was always with another man, who was suited and stood behind him. If a patron got too in your face, he’d whisper to the man he was with, who’d then pull aside whoever was bothering you. Without fail they scampered away every time. You never heard what was said, but the look on the other guys face told you it wasn’t very kind.
He tipped handsomely as well, though he never put the money on you. While the other men would clamor to slide single dollar bills in your lingerie, he’d have his “sidekick,” as you dubbed him, lay a single hundred dollar bill stage after every song... and then drop off a few hundreds before he left for the night. Some nights he'd tip you more than you could make in a week.
Though his presence seemed benevolent enough, you were a bit cautious of him. You wondered what this mystery man wanted, why he was watching you. In this industry, you learn to become suspicious of men that pay too much attention to you. You’ve dealt with many creeps in your time stripping, and you wondered if he was just rich and shy, waiting to build up the nerve to make a move on you and hoping the money he was dropping would soften you up.
As fate would have it, tonight would be the night you’d get your answer.
Your club’s manager Rick, who was as sleazy as sleazy gets called you off the stage for a private room booking. When you were lucky, or unlucky depending on how you looked at it, a man would book you for some time in one of the private areas. During this time you were either giving him a lap dance, or worse, acting like his therapist. You lost count of the amount of times you got alone with a man and he just broke down crying about his wife or shitty life or something you didn’t care about. It was a 50/50, but you put up with because they made you good money.
“Who’s the lucky man?” you deadpanned. 
“The dude back there,” Rick replied, nodded to your mystery man. You cocked a brow, shocked that he was requesting alone time with you when he hasn’t so much as sat front row for one of your dances. You had no idea what to expect, but you had a strange feeling growing in your stomach that there was more than meets the eye with this man. You never really got nervous for these things anymore, it was just part of the job, but something about finally being face to face with him was making your heart thud.
“Put on a good show for him would ya? Man spends a lot when he is here. Don’t need you fucking it up,” Rick said as he chomped on a stale-smelling sandwich.
“What room?” you asked, ignoring his stupid comments.
“Three. Get naked if he wants, I want that money y/n,” Rick replied. You turned around flipping him the middle finger as you walked away. It was supposed to be club rules that your bottoms always stay on... and it was also supposed to be club rules that guys weren’t allowed to touch you outside the private rooms. However, Rick could turn a blind eye if money was being made for him.
You knew you were at the right room, the sidekick was standing outside like a guard. He stepped aside for you without word, allowing you inside. Odd, but you’ve seen enough weird shit here that it didn't phase you. The door clicked shut and you spun around, finding the mystery man alone on the cushioned booth. The lights were low, but you could see him so much better now. His hair was slicked back into a low bun, face framed by a well taken care of beard. You couldn’t tell the exact color of his eyes in the lighting, but they were mesmerizing even from a distance.
“Sit,” he said softly, patting the spot next to him. You approached cautiously, keeping your eyes on him the entire time. It always raised your suspicion when a man didn’t ask you get on top of him right away.
“Please don’t tell me you’re one of those dudes who’s going to tell me I’m too good for this and you want to save my soul,” you said as you sat next to them. You’ve gotten a few of those holier-than-thou types in your time here. It was funny how when you told them you were not interested in being “saved” they still wanted a lap dance.
“I don’t think you’re someone who needs to be saved,” the stranger replied simply. Interesting.
“What do you want then?” you questioned.
“I’d love to know your name,” he replied, “ Your real name.”
You weren’t supposed to give out your real name at the club, but Rick never followed his own rules, why should you. Besides, he did say to give him what he wants.“I’ll tell you mine if you tell me yours.”
He cocked a grin, laughing lightly. “I’m Mika.”
“Mika,” you repeated, your voice just above a whisper. You weren’t sure why, but it felt like such a victory to know this man’s name.
“Sounds a lot prettier coming from you,” He commented, “And yours?” He tilted his head slightly as he looked at you, sending your stomach to your feet. Closer up you could see his eyes were a rich hazel. They seemed to pierce through you; you felt exposed under his gaze... and not just because you were in lingerie and he was fully dressed. You almost felt as if he knew what you were going to say before you could get the words out.
“Y/n,” you told him.
“Beautiful name,” he replied, “Fitting.” Mika had an innate charm to him, making all his words sound so much sweeter. His comment was simple, cliché really, yet it brought a blush to your cheeks.
“Is there something I can do for you?” you asked, trying to remember why you were here.
“I’d like to take you out,” Mika replied, “If you’d like of course.”
Of course you would, but it wasn’t that easy. “I’m on shift for another couple hours,” you told him. 
“Let me see what I can do,” Mika replied. Before you had a chance to ask what he meant by that, he called in his sidekick, who’s name you learned was Chris. Mika whispered something in his ear, handing him a thick wad of cash. Chris walked away without a word and Mika smiled at you. “Give it a minute.”
You weren’t sure what to make of all this, but you didn't really have time to process it. Just moments later Chris was back. “You're free to go whenever you want y/n,” Chris informed you. Of course, Rick never met a pile of cash he didn’t like.
“So what do you say?” Mika asked, flashing a warm smile. How could say no?
“Let me get changed,” You replied, standing up, “But just so you know, this club is filled with cameras. If you’re planning to take me somewhere and kill me or something, everyone is going to know it was you so don’t bother.” Felt like good measure to add that in.
Mika chuckled, “You’re smart, I like that. But don’t worry y/n, you’re safe with me.” You had no reason to believe him, but for some reason you did. He told you he’d be waiting outside his car for you, and with that you went back to the dressing room. You wished you had worn something nicer than just a pair of jeans and an old tee, but nothing you could do about that now.
You hurried out, not wanting to bump into Rick and deal with any of his stupidity. You were giddy as you stepped out on to the street, feeling like you were playing hooky in high school. Mika was right where he said he would be, leaning against a blacked out SUV. It looked sleek and expensive, much like him.
“Uber black?” You questioned.
Mika chuckled, “No, it’s mine.” Damn, who the hell had room for a car like this in the city? Mika helped you into the back of the car, the front occupied by the driver and Chris.
“Do you always travel with a pose?” you asked.
Mika pressed a button in side panel of the door and a divider went up, separating the two of you from the pair in the front. “Now it’s just me and you.”
“Still doesn’t answer my question,” you noted.
“Fair enough,” Mika replied with a hint of a smirk, “Typically Chris is always with me and the driver comes with the car so if you consider that a pose, then yes.”
“More people than I travel with,” you replied, “And who is Chris to you?” 
“A friend,” he replied simply. Right, because everyone’s friends follow them around like a guard dog, you thought. You didn't want to push him too much, he was still a stranger after all.
“You’re good at not answering questions,” you noted, looking out the window. “Do I at least get to know where we are going?”
“Well the only places open right now are-”
“Bars and strip clubs,” you answered for him.
“Right,” Mika nodded.
“Well if it doesn’t make a difference to you I’d prefer a bar,” you replied.
“I had a feeling you were going to say that,” Mika smiled, “How about one drink at the next bar we pass? I don’t want to keep you too late.”
“I’m good with that,” you nodded. Being that it was New York, the next bar popped up right away. Mika had the driver pull over and let told him to wait here as he helped you out of the car. Chris asked if he should come in with you guys, which you thought was a bit strange, but thankfully Mika told him he’d be fine on his own.
The bar was a small, a real hole-the-wall type place. The guests didn’t look too savory, but they were all far into their drinks to notice you. Mika sat you down at the furthest end of the bar, away from everyone else. The bar tendered begrudgingly asked what you two wanted, though you didn’t blame him for the attitude. You guessed you met similar people in your lines of work, so you totally understood.
“Just a vodka soda with extra lime, please,” you told him.
“Have you a got a vodka preference?” Mika asked.
You let out a short laugh, “Whatever’s cheapest.”
Mika bit back a smile, turning back to the bartender, “Whiskey neat for me. Give us whatever the best stuff on your top shelf is.” He tossed down a hundred on the bar top. That changed the guy’s mood.
“Of course, sir,” he scooped up the bill and scurried off. 
“You toss around hundreds like they’re single dollar bills,” you said.
Mika shrugged, “I like to be generous.”
“A generous man with a great job,” you replied as the bartender placed the drinks in front of you two. 
Mika smirked as his lips touched the glass, as if you’d shared some inside joke. “You could say that.”
“So what is it then? What do you do?” you asked, sipping your drink. You knew you were supposed to think it was so much better because it was the fancy stuff but to you vodka was well... vodka.
“I’m in business,” he replied simply.
“Oh come on,” you rolled your eyes, “That’s like me just saying I dance.”
“Does the distinction really matter?” Mika asked.
“Yeah, because people might assume I’m a Rockette meanwhile I’m just a stripper in a shitty club,” you replied before taking another long sip. Okay maybe there was something to this fancy shit.
“But either way you are still a dancer, so the statement isn’t false. Why not let people believe what they want?” Mika replied.
You let out a groan, “You’re impossible. But you are good at that thing you’re doing.”
“What thing I’m doing?” Mikas asked laughing lightly.
“The whole dodging questions with other questions thing,” you replied taking a swig of your drink. You were almost done with it; it went down smooth despite the familiar burn.
“But not good enough for you not to notice,” Mika pointed out.
“Definitely not,” you shook your head, “Nothing gets past me.”
“We’ll see about that,” Mika mumbled into his glass.
“Will we?”
“Maybe,” Mika replied, “If you go out with me again.”
“So I have to go out with you to get answers?” you questioned.
“You don’t have to do anything,” Mika replied, “But if you want to get to know me more, a second date would be a good place to start. That’s typically how these things work.” He added the last part in with a teasing grin.
“Touché,” you replied, “I’ll go out with you again.” Not just because you wanted to know more about what he does, though that was a motivator, you were just so intrigued by him.
“Lucky me,” he smiled. With that you both finished up and Mika left another generous tip. As you walked out of the bar, his hand found your lower back. You could feel the warmth through your shirt; it spread through your body weakening you in the knees.
He settled next to you in the car, closer than he had before. You suddenly caught a whiff of his scent, an intoxicating mix of earthy-warmth with just the slightest hint of sweetness. You found yourself staring at his neck, wishing you could burry your face into it and drink in the scent as you kissed at his skin.
“Your number?” You shook yourself back to reality, realizing Mika had been speaking to you. The way he looked at you made you feel like he knew exactly what you were thinking.
“Sorry,” you mumbled, a blush rising to your cheeks as you took the phone from his hands. You tapped in your name and number before handing it back to him, resolving to not let yourself get so wrapped up in him like that. At least not while he was there to witness it.
“Well it was nice to finally meet you,” Mika said as the car came to a stop outside your apartment.
“Likewise,” you replied, hopping out. You turned around, allowing yourself one last look at him.
“I’ll be in touch about our date. Have a nice night y/n,” Mika replied.
“You too, Mika.”
You let out a long sigh as you made your way up to your place. You felt like you needed a drink more now than you did before that date. There was something about Mika that you couldn’t quite put your finger on that felt dangerous. Not that you ever felt unsafe with him, it was the opposite actually, but being with him felt like an adrenaline rush almost. Like you were doing something you weren't supposed to. Whatever it was, you knew there was more to this man than meets the eye. And you were determined to find out exactly what that was.
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minichedders · 6 years
st.valentines day massacre 0.1
mobster!bucky barnes x reader
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February 14th, 1929.
Gang warfare rules the streets of Chicago, anyone who was anyone knew that if you even whispered the name Al Capone, it wouldn't be long before you were shot or deemed crazy. He was rising to the top of the mafia, he was gradually taking down his enemies, along with the probation, helping him to build his empire, he grew to be a ruthless king. The passage of the 18th Amendment in 1920 meant that all the mafia groups increased earnings through bootlegging, speakeasies, gambling and prostitution. Capone’s income raised well over $60 million a year, he was one of the richest and powerful men in America.
Since 1924, Chicago had been a lawless and violent place; it was called the ‘reign of Scarface’; he was ruthless and did anything and everything to get rid of his enemies and rivals, all except one. The Irish gangster George ‘Bugs’ Moran…
10:25 am.
Your heals clicked along the street, impractical for the cold weather you thought, though your long fur coat was keeping some warmth, under it your favourite green dress. Your dad had convinced you to go round to the Michaels for brunch, however, opposed you where, he practically shoved you out the door, Mr and Mrs Michaels where both pushovers who were pushing you and their introvert son to get married, and apparently your opinion doesn't matter.
10:30 am.
You head tilted back as you admired the white sky, hoping that small snowflakes would soon fall. You loved winter, as it gave you an excuse to stay inside by the fire, and not have to socialise with men and their mothers that boasted about them, or the snobbish wives that had foolishly agreed to marry only because of the money benefits. You believed you were the only person in the city, or world, who wanted to marry for love, not benefits. Before your thoughts could carry you away, a speeding car drove past, abruptly stopping outside an old looking warehouse; what confused you where the three men who exited in police uniforms, and another 5 that stepped out of another car in black suits. Your interest was picked and your walking slowed, you had not yet reached the warehouse, but you could already hear muffled shouts, and a few seconds later, gunshots.
You stood still, mouth agape, even though you shouldn't be so shocked, crime was basically unstoppable in this city. But never would you think that you would have to encounter something so closely. As you where regaining your breath, a man from across the road, someone you had not seen get out the vehicle, even though he was leaning against the bonnet, started walking towards you and calling for you. You froze, not knowing what to do; there was no point in running, not in these heels, plus, he has already seen your face, and knows that you had just seen their faces. Oh, you were so screwed.
“Ma'am?” He called again, his deep voice digging into your skin, making goosebumps crawl along your arms, shivering as they formed. Your head turned back towards him, seeing his face close up, almost losing your breath again; he was beautiful, dark hair, chiselled face, and a tall lean body which looked perfect in that pinstripe suit. If you were in any other situation with the man you would've jumped to joy, finding the perfect Valentines to the day.
Your ears began ringing, buzzing at the sheer closeness of the attractive man, and for a split second you felt as if the rest of the world blurred around him; that was until multiple gun firing in the etching warehouse tore your body limb from limb, panic coursing through your veins like a drug.
“Um, yes?” You said, trying to act as innocent and normal as you could muster, you couldn't die, you couldn't leave your father, not like this. You noticed his gaze drop down your figure, which was noticeably shaking, whether it was from the coldness of winter or the terror that currently ran through your body and soul you were not sure; he looked back into your eyes, the blueness of his reminding of when your father took you to the ocean when you were younger, they almost filled you with warmth, until you heard more calling and shouting.
“Buck! C’mon!” One of the men exiting from the warehouse shouted, making the man in front of you turn his head back, giving them a wave of his hand.
“I’m sorry about this miss, but you are going to have to come with me,” He said, taking a hold of your forearm, gently tugging you to the car; you were too cold and shocked to fight back, and the fear of not knowing what he might do scared you more. Stupidly, you let him push you into the passenger seat, and when he ran round to the driver seat, the three men shoved in the back began clapping, you already felt sick but their whistling and dirty comments made your stomach twist; until than man called Buck told them to shut up, which made you feel less queasy, only just.
11:22 am.
After driving in silence and tension, you arrived at a large house in the forest; the abundance of cars and bikes at the door already told you that this was obviously the mafia house, which only heightened your fear, all the worst possible scenarios where running through your head. You knew that they weren't going to kill you, not yet at least, they wouldn't have bothered to bring you to the house if they were, they were probably going to use you, which terrified you more than a bullet between your eyes.
As the men poured out of the car, you stayed still. The idea of moving seemed almost impossible as you just stared at the big blue house, envisioning all the dirty old men that lived in there, and the possibility of young girls being held unwillingly. A tear started to sting your cheeks as you let out a sob, not noticing the door beside you opening and Buck wrapping his arms around you, lifting you up and carrying you in the house, purposefully avoiding all the busy rooms and corridors. You were still in your dress and coat, which was now slightly damp from the frost and the tears that had fallen on the front, and you could feel your heels slightly slipping off the tips of your feet, although you were now too tired to adjust them. Buck turned into a room, large and messy, and placed you on the bed, slipping the shoes from your feet and neatly placing them on the floor. You both stayed in silence, apart from every so often when your sobs would unwillingly break past your dry lips.
The sight of any women crying made Bucky's heart twinge, but growing up in a ruthless world and business, he knew that if you wanted anything, you took it with no hesitation. And Bucky wanted you from the first moment he laid eyes on you.
"Why am I here, please, I won't tell anyone," You said in between broken cries, bringing your knees to your chest, curling yourself as small as possible; trying to remain an unwilling victim, too scared to look into the man's eyes in case you might slip into a lustful teenager.
"Because you are a witness, how am I supposed to trust a woman that walks the streets of Californa by herself. You are obviously reckless," Bucky replied in a rather harsh tone. He was lying. He just wanted you, to hold and protect forever; he knew he was foolish, how was she ever supposed to love her captor? Bucky sighed deeply, sitting beside her figure, watching as she winced at the gentle touch of his cold fingertips against her back, even with the layers of clothes on, you could still feel the jolt his touch sent to your body. you weren't supposed to react like this. But the longer he kept drawing small patterns on your back, the warmer you felt towards him, relaxing only slightly as the tears stopped flowing down your face. You understood why. 
"How long are you going to keep me here?" You asked, hesitantly, scared of his answer as he took minutes to reply, his fingers now still.
"Until I can trust you," He replied.
"Please, Please, I need to be with my father, he's ill, he can’t live without me," You said, lying. Your father wasn't exactly ill, he was just old, but you were true when saying he relied on you for everything.
"I'll have someone look after him don't you worry princess," Shivers. There it was. The wrong reaction to being nicknamed by a member of an infamous Mafia. You watched his dark, muscular figure rise, walking out the room, leaving with a distinct click, clearly locking the door. You ran around the room, checking the windows, all locked. No weapons, unless you smashed his head with a lamp. But anyway, you knew there was really not any kind of escape. You were in a house full of Mafia members, ruthless and dirty ones at that. You hated to admit it but this room was probably the safest place for a couple of miles. As well as that, if you did manage to escape, you know Bucky would probably go through the ends of the earth just to find you again, and possibly kill you.
Happy Valentine's day to me.
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I woke up to the feeling of the sun bearing down on my face. I opened my eyes and blinked. After what felt like months of falling through the void, my eyes weren’t used to brightness. I moved my sunglasses up my nose and blinked violently a few more times. The world started coming into focus.
I could smell salt and hear the faint lapping of water at the shore. The ground felt loose, as if no one had ever been there before to pack it and farm it. I could see that I was on a small island. I counted one sheep, two trees, three wolves, and one lonely looking pig. I stood up, stumbling a bit. All that time in the void left my muscles a little unused. I brushed the sand and dirt off of me and got a better look. Was I alone here? For a moment, I had the terrible thought that my friends hadn’t made it through with me; that they were stranded in similar situations in separate galaxies. Then, I heard a familiar voice.
  “Guys? Where are ya? Am I the only one on this damn island?” It was Tom.
“Over here!” I yelled. I looked around and saw him, facing the opposite direction of me. 
“Jordan? That you?” Tom called, looking around for the source of the voice (spoiler alert: it was me. I was the voice.)  
“I’m right here!” I yelled again. This time, Tom turned around. 
“Jordan!” He started running towards me. I saw a wide grin on his zombie face. He captured me in a tight hug, over as quickly as it began. I examined him. His suit, thought crumpled and sort of threadbare, still made him look as fine as ever.
“I was starting to think I had this whole place to myself!” he joked. I smiled.
“Have you seen the others?”
“We’re over here!” cried a female voice. I saw Sonja rising on top of a hill, looking tan and wobbly. She gave herself a dog-like shake, sending sand flying. 
“Eyyyy, Sonja!” Tom walked over to embrace her, too. 
“Where’s Tucker?” I asked her. 
“Uhhh, I don’t know,” Sonja said, doubt in her voice. We all looked around for our other friend, but there was no sign of him. I could see worry start to creep onto Sonja and Tom’s faces. 
“Tucker! Where are ya, mate?”
Suddenly, we heard a large amount of swearing and gasping. We saw Tucker, hunched over on the beach, soaking wet. 
“Tucker! There you are!” We hurried towards him.
“What’s the matter? What ‘appened? Tom asked him.
“I NEARLY JUST DROWNED, THAT’S WHAT HAPPENED!” he exclaimed. “Goddammit! God, that could have been the end of me. I nearly lost my hat.” He slapped his cap onto his head, shaking slightly. His captain’s uniform that he won in another universe was dripping wet, so maybe that’s why he was shaking. Sonja put her arms around him comfortingly. 
“Well… are you alright now?” I asked him. 
“Yeah, yeah, I’m… I’m good now.” He took a deep breath and stood up like nothing happened. 
“So! What are we doing here?”
“Surviving, I suppose,” I responded.
“Wait!” Tom shouted, digging in his pockets. “I had a vision while we were in the void that I would receive some tasks that we’d have to complete, and once we do, we win, sort of.” 
He triumphantly pulled out a piece of paper. “Aha!” He squinted at it, possibly trying to remember how to read. “ ‘Dearest champions; In order to get off this godforsaken island, you must defeat the three mega challenges that this world has to offer you; the End Dragon, the Wither, and the Guardians.”
Tucker blew air out of his mouth. “Just those things? Those are nothing! I mean, sure it might be tough because there doesn't seem to be many resources lying around, and we might die a couple of times, but-’
“But!” Tom read on, “you are unable to come back from death. Your gods aren’t here to help you or resurrect you now. If you die, there’s no coming back.” Tom’s voice faded with every word he read. 
“What!?” Tucker and Sonja both yelled. “We can’t die?”
“Well, that’s what it says!” Tom yelled back. He read the paper again, just to be sure.
 Sonja moaned. I felt uneasy as well. My mind immediately started going to all the clumsy accidents, all the oversights that could lead to me or my friends being gone forever, or at least until the rest of us finished the challenge. 
“Well, damn, guys, I guess we’ll have to be careful. Ain’t no gods to help us out anymore,” Tucker stated. 
“Yeah, looks like we’ll have to work together,” I said. Tucker and Tom both jokingly made sounds of disgust. 
“Well, I guess if it means not having my tail handed to me, I guess I can work with a filthy Mianitee,” Tom teased, giving Tucker a toothy grin. 
“Same to you,” Tucker replied, holding out his hand. Tom hesitated, then went to shake it, when Tucker suddenly pulled it back and yelled “OHHHH! TOO SLOW, BITCH!”
Tom gasped, deeply offended. “Sonavabitch.”  
“Um, guys?” I butt in. “We probably need to focus on, yknow, surviving and stuff like that.” 
“Oh right!” Tom laughed. “I guess we should start by punching wood.” 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
A little bit later, after Tom got thoroughly chewed out by Tucker for accidentally making an axe instead of a hoe and Tom losing his mind when he saw a pig, I was in the mine when I heard Tom calling Tucker and I to come up to the surface. 
“On my way,” I responded. “I also have a little surprise for me to give to you.” 
Once I got up there,I also noticed that it had slipped from day to night. Sonja and Tom were lighting things up and preparing the farm, which, at the moment, left much to be desired. I saw that Sonja had been working hard on our little base as well. It looked  sandy and very basic (basically just a pit with walls and a furnace), but it would do.  I stood up in front of it and announced, “Everyone be very very careful. I’m about to distribute the swords.” 
Everyone crowded around me anxiously. With great care not to accidentally cut myself ot others, I handed a sword to Sonja, Tucker, and Tom. Tom laughed maniacally and ran his hands over it. A fear response went off in my brain. Tom + Sword = usually bad things, especially when there’s laughter involved. I turned the blade in my hand. The fear was replaced by reassurance; we now had weapons to defend ourselves, and besides, Tom wouldn’t hurt me in this universe.
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .
We all went back to our activities; Tucker and I mining, Tom and Sonja farming. 
“Tom! Please, I need the hoe,” Sonja begged for what seemed like the 50th time. Tom wasn’t very good at staying on task.
“Why don’t you just use yourself AYYYYYYYYY,” Tom roasted. Tucker’s laughter rang out from the mine, but he promptly caught himself and chided Tom. “Wait a minute. That’s rude, man.” It was Sonja’s turn to laugh now. 
I felt a twinge of hunger. “What are we going to do for food?” 
“Ummmmm…. Not wheat for sure, because we have to use that for breeding,” Tom responded.
“Yeah, I’d say- God! These wolves keep on killing our animals!” Tucker griped, finding more mutton and wool on the ground. He put it in his inventory next to the rabbit hide and meat he kept retrieving from the wolves’ spoils. “I’m gonna do it. I’m gonna slay the wolf.”
I chuckled. “Alright man, you go for it.” I turned around and got distracted by a creeper that I saw in the corner of my eye. When I turned back around, there was no wolf in sight and Tucker and Sonja were making what they called ‘an animal pit’. 
“That looks like a very interesting thing you’re trying to do there, Tucker,” I implied, smirking while watching Tucker try to nudge a pig into the pen.
“Would you stop? Stop being so immature,” Tucker groaned.
 Sonja giggled. “Yeah, Tucker, I don’t know what you’re trying to do to that pig there, but, uhhh…” Tucker gave his girlfriend a friendly tap on the shoulder. Meanwhile, I saw Tom tear behind them, chasing a rabbit with a sword.
“Tom, what are you doing?!” I admonished him. 
“I got ‘im!” He announced proudly, holding it up in the air. Sonja drew in the most outraged gasp. Even Tucker seemed offended. 
I shook my head. “Tom, you heartless monster.”
Tom didn’t care. “I didn’t do nothin wrong,” he shrugged, taking it back to the house. “Look, I even got something from it! Rabbit hide…” He put it in the chest that had been accumulating random stuff. Tucker and Sonja were still tutting outside. 
.  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .   .  .  .  .  .  .  .  .  
Aside from much, much more animal herding, a magnificent tree growing and promptly being chopped down, and Tom killing a skeleton and scaring us all half to death, we really didn’t do much for the rest of the day. With the looming worry of food encroaching on our minds and the goal of survival becoming a bit easier due to the sun rising, Tom, Tucker, Sonja, and I sat down and enjoyed what little we had; our sand hut, some cooked rabbit, the breeze, and each other. 
Well, I think that about wraps things up for our first couple of days, and the next entry will probably be from Tucker. So… yeah. Excited for that.
[A/N this is the first part in what hopefully is many of a retelling/explorative fanfiction of Trinity Island! I hope you enjoyed! Feedback makes my heart explode]
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pseudonymfox · 6 years
A Widow and the Outlaw
Bucky Barnes x Reader (Cowboy AU)
Summary: All alone in the woods Bucky finds a griefing widow and decides to save her life. Both of them showing each other there worlds...
Warnings: mentions of killing/violence/death, fluff, guns?
A/N: Enjoy! I really like it :) Yes I had to take this picture hehe
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Up in the hills was supposedly live a rich couple all alone in a cabin, sleeping on their piles of cash he heard from a fella. And if it’s one thing Bucky and his outlaw gang needed than it was money so he prepared everything for a long ride with food and munition to get over the next few days that it would take.
The tip he got about them was better be something good otherwise it would be nothing but waste to ride this far into the mountains. Through different terrains and weather changes he rode about three day until he could see his destination in further distance. He wanted to take one quick look before going in to make sure he wasn’t going to walk into something he couldn’t handle. He didn’t have much of a plan, it was just a quick in and out.
As he got closer he could make out small whimpers and cries from a woman that was sitting on ground, a grave in front of her. She looked like she’s been through a lot, her hair disheveled, the clothes she wore dirty and wet from the rain. Must been sitting there for a few hours he thought and got off of his horse, closer to her.
“All we needed was each other..that’s what you always told me” she mumbled under her breath.
“Uhh..- You alright there Lady?” he asked her carefully trying not to startle her.
“Who are you?” She asked surprised and stood up, taking a few steps away from him.
“Sorry..I don’t mean no harm” he replied, holding his hand up in surrender to assure her that Bucky wasn’t one of the crazy ones out here. People around here could be cruel and disgusting, he couldn’t say he was a good man but he kept his sympathy around most people. Not always thinking to kill or steal from people.
“Well it doesn’t make a difference anymore if I get killed from an outlaw, from wild animals or simply from starvation” she sighed quietly, picking up flowers and placing them gently on top of the grave.
“-We came out of the city in search of something different...something where we could be free..something true” she added as Bucky decided to stay silent for a moment.
“-We were a pair of fools” she chuckled softly.
“Is there a train station or somewhere else I could bring you to?”Bucky asked hoping to help the lost lady.
“No I..he wouldn’t want this...I am gonna do this for you Elijah” she stood now up again and starting to walk away, something about her seemed to catch his interest.
“I am gonna leave you to it then” he replied and wanted to walk back but felt like he couldn’t leave like this. Somehow he felt guilty for something he wanted to do to them even tho he never did.
“-Is there anything left for you to get over the days?” he spoke up again and she turned around again.
“Nothing. We didn’t have an idea about hunting. Couldn’t even catch a darn mouse, just found some poisenes berry’s” she told him grinning sadly.
“Well you won’t last much longer if ya don’t know how to hunt...Come on I’ll show you” he suggested her. Bucky wouldn’t be able to forgive himself if he would leave like this. It would be her death, he didn’t want more undeserved deaths that laid heavy on him which followed him every day, plaguing his mind.  
“Alright but you better not try any funny business. I may be weak but I know how to stand up for myself” she said proudly and followed him down the path.
“I don’t doubt that” Bucky laughed leading the way.
“You ever skinned an animal before? or learned how to read tracks?” he asked quietly as the got further between trees, trying not to scare the animals away.
“No but as I told you I haven’t catched much before” she told him, her voice low as well.
”You gotta learn how to if you want to survive out here” he let her know, the city wasn’t really far away but still.
“I am aware of that. Where are we heading? Do I need to look for something?” the women stopped by his side kneeling into the ground, gazing through the wood.
“We try it a bit more down, near the river. Look for movement and listen closely” he explained her and she nodded following along again.
“What happened to your husband? If you don’t mind me asking” he asked carefully choosing his words thinking that she must be still grieving about the loss.
“A bear got him. Came out of nowhere. It was horrifying to watch, he survived only a for a couple days after that...Buried him two weeks ago” she told him looking to the ground.
“I’m sorry” he let her know.
“That was more his dream then mine.” she said, Bucky slowly stopping and going more carefully.
“You seeing something?” he asked and looked at her taking the bow and an arrow ready.
“No just lots a trees and the river. Stuff like that” she sighed out looking around more crunching her eyebrows together, concentrating to see something.
“Alright. Close your eyes for a second” he told her really softly.
“How is that supposed to help?” she mumbled back but did it anyway. Maybe he is robbing her now or knocking her out she thought and stepped a bit back, after all they just met and she was pretty sure that he is an outlaw and that mostly never meant something good.
“Just do it, concentrate on sounds. Tell me what you hear?” he whispered and saw the smirk on her lips growing.
“You talking. That’s what I hear.” he breathed out a chuckle.
“Open your eyes again and look again” he instructed so she did and looked around until her eyes widened and she pinched his arm and pointed towards. “There is a rabbit” she whispered smiling from ear to ear.
“See you concentrated on the forest instead of thinking and looking to hard for something specific.” he said and pointed the arrow at the rabbit, breathed another time in and out deeply before letting the arrow go and hitting the rabbit letting it fall over dead.
“Impressive” he heard her mumbling, probably to herself and catching her watching him closely, like she was taking notes in her head about this for later. They both got closer to the now dead rabbit and he pulled it by it legs up taking the arrow out again before holding it towards her.
“You got a knife?” he asked her as she took the rabbit by both legs like Bucky did.
“No not right now. Should I get it?” she raised her brows, the cabin wasn’t far but it was better she learned it without one first.
“No just try to skin it like this. Hold it tightly by his legs, grab his fur and just pull downwards really strong..it will come right off” he explained and nodded doing what he said, she pulled and pulled til the skin came right off, easier as expected as she got right grip for it. “I did it!!” she laughed out proudly showing the rabbit up to him.
“Yeah see. Not that hard” Bucky rested his hands and on his hips.
“Ok I think that was enough for one day I think I should get back now” she bit her lip from grinning so proudly. With the rabbit slung over her shoulder they made their way back up the path.
“Thank you for showing me that. I wouldn’t make it if you wouldn’t showed up” she said after a few moments of silence, looking at him as he nodded.
“No need to thank me. The rabbit should at least last a few days before you have to catch another one”
“Well now I know how to” she winked at him letting him blush faintly. Bucky tried to hide it as they got up the stairs but she noticed it.
“I would invite you in but I look like a mess and in there is one too” she took a fallen out hair strand behind her ear and opened the door just a crack so she fitted through it.
“I’ll be on my way then” he tapped his hat and turned around to leave. She watched him get almost to his horse before she got a few steps out again.
“My name is (Y/N)” she called out.
“Bucky Barnes” he smiled back, getting on his horse again and riding away down towards the city.
A week has barely gone by as Bucky was riding around in this area again and thought that he could check in and see that how you were doing already. In further distance he heard gunshots sounding through the forest so he made his horse running  a bit faster just in case something was going south at your cabin and as he took the path up his breathing and heartbeat slowed down again as he saw you with the gun shooting or well trying to shoot some bottles you stood up.
Concentrating on the bottle you wanted to hit you pressed the trigger again but missed once again, the gunshot letting you flinch a bit. Not one of the damn bottles broke or even came in the slightest distance of the bullets.  If it would go like this longer you had to go to visit the gunsmith again for new muntion. Sighing out frustrated you let the gun drop, wanting to give up as you heard a horse coming closer. You immediately turned around and held up the your rifle to the visitor. Bucky was surprised but didn’t even flinch, he was used to be getting pointed at with all kinds of weapons.
“Bucky! Good lord I could’ve shot you” you rolled your eyes and took the gun down.
“But you didn’t” he chuckled and watched you turn back around to the bottles just pointing at them. “You wanna learn how to shoot?” he asked and you looked back.
“How are you always around when I need help sir?” she raised her eyebrows at him and all he could do was shrug and walk to her side.
“I was around and heard shootin’ so here I am..wanted to check in anyways” he confessed, having (Y/N) on his mind now for the past couple of days. She looked better now, more relaxed, cleaner with new clothes and all. Like a new person. “I guess I could use a little help..again.” you sighed out, clearly not happy about it. You usually didn’t like to get help all the time but out here you needed it, it was still all so different than to your life before.
“Nothing to be ashamed of..It’s simple.” he said and came up to her side standing closely to her side, she could already feel his hot breath against her skin as she tried to concentrate on his instructions and on the bottles.
“Make sure you stand right so you don’t pulled back to much, hold you arm a bit up and lean the end against your shoulder then just point out, concentrate, take a deep breath and pull always the trigger after you breathed out” he explained showing her and as he stepped away again she pulled the trigger but missed letting her breath out frustrated. “I’ll never understand that.” she said.
“Here I’ll show you and then you try again. You can learn, not that hard. I promise” he took one of his rifles from his horse.
“You have experience from years of being an outlaw”She said shaking her head and as he did it it all looked so easy as he did it and fast, he didn’t miss.
“Try again” he said as he turned back to her so she did even if it was the last time before she would get to frustrated with this or lock any more people to her.
Pointing the gun, doing what she was told and then pulled the trigger as the bottle exploded into shreds. She hit one.
“I did it..Who would have thought?” she laughed out and he applauded her as she bowed  like she knew a lady would do.
“-You know I actually cleaned up a bit and was just making dinner...You want to join?” she asked and laid the gun away.
“Sure. Would be my pleasure.” he grinned and followed her into the house. It was pretty simple just from the outside but had just her touch something he didn’t often when he got into cabins that are as far away as this one.
“Just take a seat. It’s almost done. It’s with Rabbit, one I catched myself” she told him stirring in it and preparing two dishes for the both of them. Handing one Bucky who digged in right away, he was a interesting men cause he clearly didn’t have manners which you liked. You thought that this was probably one of the first times he had like a dinner inside at a table like “normal” people around these days but after all he is a outlaw so you weren’t surprised the way he acted.
“I guess it tastes good?” you chuckled as he stopped himself and put the plate down trying now not to eat like a animal.
“Yeah it does great quite delicious” he wiped his mouth with his sleeve and sat up.
“I think that might be also the first time that the food I made doesn’t taste awful. Cooking was also new for me. I was raised with a silver spoon in my mouth so I practically had to learn everything for myself after we moved up here so I am even more grateful that you showed up” she told him and poured him something in a glass to drink.
“Really? Well if it’s make this easier I don’t know either how to cook” he whispered like it was a secret making her giggle, which must be the most wonderful sound he ever heard.
“Well I guess we have to learn a lot more from each other” she smiled at him from across the table.
“I guess so”
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Tags: @learisa / @escapetheshackles / @racheo91 / @torntaltos / @1967-chevy-impala-called-roscoe / @haru-ririchiyo / @memory-of-a-goldfish / @jewelswrites-ish
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xoxo Sophie <3
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bobowhooo · 6 years
Potent Savages
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Genre : Angst/ Thriller/ Trigger Warningssss/ Smut/ Exo, oc, and blackpink au!
Summary : Not everyone is cut out for this kind of fast paced lifestyle, but for these young, rich, savages, it’s second nature.
Chapter 11 : Look alive
The moment we realized that the secret of this life we live, love was always a strength. And never a weakness.
“Never again.”
Am i dreaming? Did that girl shoot me and now im in heaven? Wait, wrong one.....? Im confused. This smell is not supposed to be filling my senses right now. Im supposed to be dead. Or at least fighting for my life. My eyes are stinging. I might cry. I usually never fucking cry. I won’t cry. 
I gripped more onto the body im tangled to. Someone pinch me. Or shoot me. Because if i open my eyes and this isn’t baekhyun. I mind as well be dead. 
My nose took in a large amount of air and my chest puffed up along with it. 
I’ll open my eyes. 
In one, two, three.
The windows to my soul popped open in a rush. As if im scared of what i might see. 
The swelling of my heart became hard to handle as i looked around me. My girls, exo, even si yeon. They all made a tight circle around me and baekhyun, Protecting us from the enemies that surround us. 
I don’t cry. I don’t cry. I still won’t cry.
I might cry.
“Are you fighting those precious tears princess?” Baekhyun said staring at my eyes with his arms still holding me strongly. 
“Not anymore.” I bit my lip and dug my face into his neck. Tears started to stream down my cheeks all the way to my mouth. They seeped through my lips and graced my taste buds with a salty flavor. This leaves me wondering what tears would taste like if they matched my personality. Hot, spicy, and bitter. That’s me.
The faintest sniffle came from baekhyun as he shook his head. He’s fighting tears to. He’s probably trying to be my rock right now. I wish he understood that even being here is enough for me. I don’t need a superman.
My body pulled back, separating my chest from his. I looked at him deeply, silently asking to see his heart through those brown puppy like eyes. He tried to avoid eye contact because of the tears begging to show everyone how emotional he is at the moment. The pull was to strong though. He never stood a chance. I know that for a fact. 
His eyes filled with fire when they met mine.
Why did i let you go. 
That’s the sentence we could both hear go off in each others minds. 
I stopped thinking when my hand flew to his jaw. Pulling him to me oh so roughly. His skin feels softer than the silk in the pockets of this dress. 
I gently pushed my lips onto his. A perfect contrast to the possessive and rough claw i have on his jaw line, extending into his cheeks. My head tilted to the right as his did the opposite. The kiss is slow and every movement is drawn out. Our love shining so brightly in this moment. A perfect depiction of our life, like a moving painting. Right in the middle of enemy territory. Right in the face of death. We protect each other. We show our love in the best ways we know how. Right here. Where else could we shine so brightly, when this is what we live for? What we strive in. Dare i think, what we’re made for.
At the end of the day. We’re young. And we love each other. And we would do anything you can imagine for one another. And when it comes to life. Isn’t that everything you really need? Everything else is just things you want. 
That’s how i think of it at least.
I bit his bottom lip and he hissed. His hands now squeezing roughly on the cheeks of my ass. This can’t continue. I would let it. But this is not the time.
My teeth let go of his plump soft bottom lip with hesitation. I looked at it snapped back to it’s normal state. There are little teeth marks adorning it greatly in my eyes. Im sorry for being so rough with it. I couldn’t help myself. Or maybe i just didn’t want to.
The sound of everything around me started to rush back into my ears again, as it had earlier been silenced. My focus on baekhyun must have somehow blocked out everything surrounding me. 
A kiss that could have gotten us both killed, you could say.
But very much worth it.
“Do you have any clue how much i need you? How much i miss you?” His grip on me tightening with every word. Passion and what im almost sure is love, burning up something wonderful in his eyes.
“I have a few leads on it. But nothing too solid.” I said lowly. My forehead making its way onto his. As if we were silently showing each other that we are a team. That we are one mind, functioning in two separate bodies, with two separate souls that can’t live without the other. 
Never have i felt this before. And i can already tell you. I never will again.
“I love you more than i know how to express, i swear i do.” His pearly white teeth showing out almost too perfectly. Something like a shot to the heart.
“And i love you more than i ever thought i was capable of byun baekhyun.” I said, mirroring his beautiful smile with my own.
Dangerous will be this new love of ours. But nothing is wrong with that.
“I think it’s time to end this now, my queen.”
“Fucking right it is, my king.”
Let’s pick up the pace.
In a quick motion, i jumped down from baekhyuns arms. My hands ripped the bottom of this dress recklessly, now looking exactly how you would expect it too. Baekhyun pushed my lucky glock onto my cheek teasingly as i kicked my heels off. 
When the weapon touched my palm i started to feel like myself again. My beautiful glock 26. The fifth most precious thing to me. Im sorry for leaving you,
Chanyeol looked back and smiled at the both of us. “Took you guys long enough!” He can’t control how happy he is to see me again after everything that happened. I feel the same way. 
A smirk flashed across my face before i pushed through the tight circle my new family had formed. Excluding si yeon of course. I hate that bitch.
“Where the fuck are you siwon!?” I yelled shooting the two men running towards me. My back was pushed by someone else’s and whipped around fast. Jennie turned to give me a smile along with with my girls. My sisters. My body turned back and i began to lead the way. I commenced running fast toward the hallway i know so well while the girls followed close behind my trail. My eyes squinted when i heard footsteps. lots of them. My arm extended out to give a stop sign. My other arm lifted my hand to my ear. That’s about twelve men. Wait, eleven men coming from another direction. They’re destination is this hallway. I Know that for a fact. 
“Shit! Run!” 
My bare feet hit the ground harder and harder as i ran down the long hall. I know siwon is in that room, The room he tortured me in. The room he drugged me and used my body in. The more i think about it. The hotter my blood gets. Pretty soon it’s going to start boiling. Just how i like it.
The men came from two different ends of the hallway. They closed us in somewhere in the middle. None of that matters though. Im focused on that steel door. It’s going to lead me to my sweet, brutal, victory. 
“Keep going!” Jisoo yelled before kneeling on one knee and shooting in the opposite direction of me. Lisa and jennie moved in front of me, mimicking jisoo’s movements and taking out the threats. 
My lips made it’s way into my teeth, My body hesitated to leave them here. All for siwon. 
“I don’t think so. Lisa! Heads up!” I yelled over the gunshots, My arms threw my lucky glock to her and she did the same with her rose gold semi-automatic rifle. A perfect catch landed the dangerous weapon in my hands safely and i pointed it at the cameras. Lets test these bombs he’s set, shall we.
One shot hit the camera all the way down the hall, on the right, high up into the corner. Siwon’s maximum security consists of bombs on the cameras, just in case someone tries to dismantle it or destroy it. I learned this from pearl. I guess he would rather everything blow up then have me leave. Looks like some shit is gonna fucking blow then. The camera exploded right on time, little pieces of it flew everywhere as the destruction from it spread chaos in it’s area. I smirked, almost too proud of that little scene. My directions changed and i aimed at the one on my left.
“Wait!” Rose yelled pointing at the crowd behind the crowd. The guys made their way to the hallway finally, taking down the men in their way. I let my gun lower as i watched baekhyun take out a big guard almost three times his size. I never realized he still uses the hapkido skills he learned from awhile ago. He has to teach me that some time. 
“Aya!” Suho yelled, looking straight passed me. I looked in his direction and saw roughly fifteen more guards coming from nowhere i know of. One of the men in the front aimed his rifle for the camera in the middle of the hallway, not too far from where we are. His aim is shit though, I can tell that before he even shot at it. The bullet missed completely, hitting the corner of the place right by the camera, ricocheting and shooting a guy that’s occupied choking chen. A small snort of laughter came from me as i aimed straight for his head. And one thing about me is i never miss. He should be happy to have died by such an excellent head shot. Another one of the guys stood back as the rest of the guards charged for us. He’s aiming for it too. My aim is too blocked by the other men, so i make a run for where the boys are on the other side. Everyone followed behind me trying to avoid the explosion to come. I couldn’t see the man trying to set off the bomb anymore but that doesn’t matter. 
How about we fight fire with fire. 
As if on cue, me and the man down the hall shot a bullet towards the last two cameras in the hallway. 
My body flew to the wall on my left, my chest and head hit it harshly at the same time and i coughed as the wind got knocked out of me. I fell to the ground on my knees and hands. Smoke filled the area making my eyes burn and water up a bit. I couldn’t hear anything but that’s to be expected. I dragged myself up to my feet and stumbled, my shoulder hitting the wall abruptly. 
My waist was suddenly pulled into another body and before i even looked up baekhyun kissed my forehead. His arm reached in front of us shooting men i could only see faintly because of my watery eyes. This isn’t normal for me. Im usually doing the protecting. I feel disarmed around baekhyun. I lose my dominant and controlling nature with him. Only with him. Maybe that’s a good thing. 
I slightly remember that small moment in that limo, when i was thinking about love breaking down my iron walls. I thought i would never forgive baekhyun for loving me, and showing love to me. And i thought i would never want to love or be loved again. Being here and having them come to save me. I don’t think my heart has ever been so open. 
Im happy. Even thought we could die right where we’re standing. Im happy. 
My eyes shut tight when i rubbed them on baekhyun’s chest. My eyes are getting too much moisture today. I don’t like it. I pulled away from him and turned to lisa with open hands. She threw my glock back to me and picked up a random gun from a dead guard on the floor. I did the same, now occupying both hands with firearms. 
“Let’s clear the hallway!” I yelled to everyone behind me. Going on a one shot, two shot rhythm, I slowly began to make my way back down the hallway. Baekhyun took his place beside me shooting his way through, at the same pace. I stopped looking at my aim when i turned to him and beamed. He sensed it and turned his head to do the same.
“Guys! Guys!”
I snapped out of my trance and looked in the direction of the call. Baekhyun jumped, startled by the noise, his bullets penetrating the floor before he took his finger off the trigger. 
“Do you two lovebirds realize everyone’s dead? You’re shooting at nothing.” Sehun said pointing lazily at the other side of the hall.
“Hey, what do ya know.” I said softly as i exhaled.
We all took a breather in that hallway. Exchanging looks of content and determination. 
“Split up. I want all floors of this building checked. Aya, baekhyun, im sure you have siwon handled.” Suho tilted a eyebrow at us to show his statement is also a bit of a question.
“You bet your ass we do.” Baekhyun abruptly slapped my butt when he finished. Chanyeol tossed him a long black bag and smiled at me once more.  
“Alright then let’s clean this place out.” 
We all separated from each other. All running in different directions. Ready to set this shit hole on fire.
The hall seemed much shorter as we rushed to the steel door that used to hold me prisoner. The room has so much security it’s no wonder why he’s using it as a panic room. Im gonna guess there are at least five guards in there. Maybe si yeon, and most likely carmelo too. My palm moistened when i put my hand on the door. The only thing going through my head is the million different ways i could murder siwon. I let my hand fall from the steel and i took a few steps back. 
“Let’s get down to business princess.” Baekhyun spoke as he pulled out a sledgehammer and a flat-head axe. 
“You brought toys.” i spoke in a dreamy tone. The weapons fancying my taste nicely.
“I always do.”
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The process to open a steel door is easy. All you need is two people, an ax, and a sledgehammer. I would have walked you through that process, but i don’t think you need information like that. Right?
Aya popped the door away from the doorjamb and exhaled deeply. We both calmly helped each other remove the steel door by pivoting it on the latch side. Bullets flew the moment the door was popped out of it’s normal placing. The steel shielding us for the time being as we held it close. 
“Really!? He couldn’t even wait for us to move this heavy thing!?” Aya yelled in my ear as she fought to keep the object held upright.
“Why would he!”
We pushed the door into the room making quick work of moving out of the way. Aya picked up the ax as i thought she would and i snatched up the sledgehammer. I gave a nod of my head before we ran into the room together. Aya swung her ax into the head of the man on the right of the door as i took out two guys on the left. We met each other in the middle of the last guards head, completely mashing it into a bloody mess. She pulled her ax out of the head of the man and i turned around.
“Wait, Where-” My sentence didn’t even finish before i saw the door being picked back up by another guard from the outside. Aya ran towards him and kicked the door into him. Siwon close lined her to the ground when i made my way out of the room and into the hall. 
“Not so fast.” Si yeon said while pushing the muzzle of a gun into the back of my head. My eyes shut closed. If this isn’t what i expected i don’t know what is. “You know, i somehow knew things would end up this way. Ever since i laid eyes on you at the founders brunch. Back when all you were was a toy.” The lady continued. My eyes focused on aya be pinned to the ground by siwon as they fought for control over each other. “I guess im glad to be here during this moment. While you’re taking your last few breaths.” 
“You always knew you were going to shoot me?”
“Nope, i always knew i would shoot a bitch that tries to come in between us. Now close your eyes lover boy. I’ll make it quick and as painless as possible.” She had an anger filled tone to her voice while her true feelings poured into my ears. Her gun slowly pointed at aya, trying to aim for her head as she continued her brawl with siwon. Sad thing is. Si yeon has never killed anyone in her life. She might have had people kill for her. But never with her own hands. Some would say that’s smart or a good thing, but in all honesty. It made her soft. She can’t handle the thing her hand. I know that more than she does. My arms swung the sledgehammer into her forehead when i whipped around. Her body hit the wall head first, only to drop to the ground in a harsh manner. I feel guilty because she’s lady. But if she’s threatening aya’s life. It’s on me to take care of it. My hands dropped the heavy weapon and pulled out my desert eagle. 
“Aya! heads up!” I yelled before shooting siwon in shoulder. Bull’s eye.
The man rolled off of her in pain and she climbed on top. I let my gun lower and watched her silently. Her eyes get more crazed with every brutal punch she gives. Her arms flexing to put more strength into it. And her mouth tilting into a grin as more cracks are heard from his body. 
“Aya, that’s enough.”
Another hit, And another into siwon’s face. It’s starting to become harder to recognize.
“Aya, i said that’s enough! You want a more satisfying death than this don’t you!?”
Her bloody fist stopped in mid air and she bit her lip. She’s using all the power she has to stop herself from murdering that man at this very moment. Aya’s body relaxed a bit and let her fist roll out and become less of a weapon. 
“You’re right.” 
“Aye! He got away!” Chanyeol yelled at us while running down the hall.
Me and aya looked at the man in confusion thinking everyone was accounted for. “Who!?” 
“Carmelo! Carmelo took some random girls with him and flew away on the jet.” 
I looked at aya to search for her feelings on the matter and she looked at the ground.
“Oh.” She let out softly.
“Oh!? He can’t get away! He needs to die right beside siwon and si yeon’s snake asses.” Chanyeol let out his passion and finally made it over to us at the end of the hallway. 
“No, he’s fine. He helped me a lot while i was here. Despite the things siwon told him to do. He’s an alright guy.” She spoke with her voice void of emotion.
“If she says it’s fine, it’s fine.” I told the heated man. The others finally started to make their way down the hallway. I saw some of them make faces at what had been said just now. But im sure they’re relieved it’s over now. 
There’s no one else to worry about.
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Three of my fingers held onto a match that will soon turn into a beautiful fire. A fire that will engulf everything in its path. It’s sad to think that fire will always be thought of as destructive and dangerous. And yes of course it is those things. But more so because of people that use it with those intentions, or no intentions and use it carelessly. Me on the other hand, i don’t need fire to do my job. Everything inside this building is already destroyed. The fire will get rid of this horrid mess we made though. That’s better than leaving it like this. To me at least.
“That’s enough.” I called out to minseok. He was dumping lighter fluid onto the ground as he got closer to the door where we are all standing. A few gallons of that stuff is all over the building. And for some reason i still wonder if that’s enough.
I picked up a rock and pushed the dirt off of it. it’s cold like the air at the moment.
“This chapter of our lives is finally....”
My finger tightly drew the match across the rock. The tip catching fire instantly. My arm threw it into the house and my feet stepped back. 
My eyes filled with light as i watched the house burn up. The heat faint, but is present nonetheless. This is the dream i had for so many nights. The one that seemed impossible to pull off not too long ago. 
Im not dreaming though. 
“Let’s get out of here.” Baekhyun spoke into my ear. He pulled my arm when his lips left me. 
My feet walked with him but my eyes continued to watch the flames. 
To all the new feelings i felt tonight. 
To all the people i killed.
To siwon.
I want to say.
It’s time to start a new chapter.
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AUTHORS NOTE : AYYYYAYYYAYYAYY lmao im soooo sorryyyy i didn’t write the smut T-T T-T T-T i really am im actually writing this on my b day so i don’t have much time and i was going to hold off but i didn’t want to cuz it’s already been too long T-T SO next chapter will be smut galoreee lemme know if there’s anything special you want in there haha thanks for reading as alwaysss hope you enjoyed!
kisses <3 lailaaa~
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legion1993 · 6 years
You Killed My Love, Now Your Blood Pays My Revenge!
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A/N: this is for @imagineteamfreewill for meg's chicon challenge... another bumpy ride!
Pairing: Sam x Reader
Prompt: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Summery: you and Sam have been together for a year and a half now... you loved hunting and sparring cooking dancing basically you guys loved trying to be as normal as possible! but when you found out that azazal was trying to open the devils gate and that he had captured Sam... you were dead set on a rescue mission one that you knew would one way or another not end well...
to hunt is to hunt things that go bump in the night... that's also how you met the love of your life.
Sam and his Brother Dean had saved you from a pack of werewolves, your heart raced as Sam's giant form covered yours protecting you from the lunging werewolf...
he took a set of claw marks to save you, you later thanked him by bandaging his wounds and giving him a kiss which led to a blurred night of passion!
that was what started you on the Winchester love trail... only to have something tear you away from your love...
Sam: "so according to every single biblical reference there is something called the devils gate!!! and apparently..."
Y/N: "the apocalypse is on the way and somehow Sam is apart of it..."
Dean: “ya so am i... well apart of the apocalypse anyway but you were very very right when you said that Sam is massively apart of this...”
Bobby: “none of you are 2 far off, everything with Azazel it lines up directly for the fucking apocalypse... if Azazel gets his hands on Sam he can use his blood to open the devil’s gate which is like the gateway to the part of hell where all the higher form demons and things are kept...”
Dean: “then he shan’t get him...”
Bobby: “if we let him out of the area he needs to be with someone he cant go alone... till we can find the devils gate and till we can can stop azazel we need to stay safe...”
Sam: “maybe we shouldn’t change anything maybe we should keep them the same...”
you shot straight out of your chair and stormed out of there before another word could be said...
Bobby: “Sam do you not realize what that girl has done to save your ass... seriously boy whats wrong with you... thinking things could be normal is an understatement... this is not normal, someone else would have left your ass, this girl sacrificed her entire career, going to school and everything to hunt full time just to spend all her time with you boy...”
Dean: “bobby has a point, Y/N showed me a photo of her scholarship she was supposed to be heading to Yale the week after she met us... but she gave it all up for you...  she said that giving up Yale broke her heart but she mended her heart when she started dating you bro...”
Sam looked out the door watching you standing near the edge of the property... he sunk his head down low...
Sam: “she gave all that up for me... why would she do that... i didnt ask her too...”
Dean: “you didn’t have to... she did it cause she loves you dude...”
Bobby: “Sam go talk to her now before i kick your ass to kingdom come...”
Sam got up off his chair and walked out the door adjusting his shirt a thousand times before you turned around and stood in a fighting stance...
Y/N: “what now Sam? come to break up with me to make things easier...”
Sam: “that’s not it at all, Y/N i love you and i always will... but right now you have no idea what kind of pressure i am under, i mean having my girlfriend, my uncle and my brother protecting me, its like i never had the chance to grow up at all...”
you started walking away, knowin’ he would follow, your own heart screaming at you, your mind dangerously wandering... that’s when you stopped dead in your tracks, you could feel someone or something else following you and Sam...
Sam: “whats wrong?”
Y/N: “someone or something else is following us...”
Sam: “stand back to back with me we need to prepare for anything...”
Y/N: “no we need to get back to the house...”
you turn to leave but stop immediately, you turn around to see Azazel approaching you but cant stop him in time before you get blasted into a tree... Sam rushes to your side...
Sam: “Y/N...”
Azazel: “minions grab him...”
immediately as fast as Sam’s arms had been around you, they left you as quick as well... you leaned against the tree grasping your side, you dared to look but you of course were able to move long enough to see there was blood, you pulled out your phone and hit dial for Dean...
Dean (over the phone): “Y/N...”
Y/N (over the phone): “Sam, Azazel, ambush... woods just outside of Bobby’s... im bleeding...”
Dean (over the phone): “stay calm we are on our way...”
the best description of what happened next is simple:
you were rescued by both Dean and Bobby who brought you back to the house, stitching you up they listened to you about what happened... 
as you explained how you felt like you & Sam were being followed while arguing and working out your issues in the woods... 
you were stitched up quickly before Bobby spoke up with some interesting news...
Bobby: “so i dug around a little bit more after Sam went to talk to you... i found out that Samuel Colt made a set of railway tracks in the shape of a devils trap... in the center of it is a bunch of empty field and a graveyard...”
you get up off your chair and you smile lightly making your way to grab your gun holster, you put it on switching your torn bloody shirt out for your plaid shirt, leaving it undone knowing you were wearing your sports bra... 
you were stopped by Bobby & Dean before you could reach the door... no one could tell what the fuck you were thinkng, no one could tell how pissed you were...
Y/N: “Bobby, Dean get out of my god damn way...”
Dean: “where the hell do you think you are going?”
Y/N: “i am going to get Sam back... you can get out of my way or you can come with me... but the longer we wait the worse i fear it will get...”
Dean: “slow down and think about this for a moment, Sam wouldn’t want you to do something stupid... especially when it comes to hunting or even that of saving him yourself... don’t do anything you would regret...”
Y/N: “i owe him Dean he took that huge werewolf scratch for me, i have to do this to repay him for that...”
Dean stood aside he understood where you were coming from... Bobby staring at you like you were nuts didn’t stand aside, but you walked right passed him out to your motorcycle slinging your bag of weapons on your back... you shot one more look at the house, to see Dean and Bobby standing there looking at you...
you drive off and all you could think about was the love of your life being in the hands of yellow eyes himself... although you had no idea that after you left you were about to be followed or beaten to the devils gate...
~back at Bobby’s~
Dean and Bobby were on the phone with Ellen and Jo...
Ellen: “wait wait wait woah slow down guys... we have a few small options...”
Dean: “like what ellen we couldn’t stop Y/N from leaving...”
Ellen: “boy don’t make me come over there and slap you, now lets all get to the devils gate before she does... how long ago did she leave...”
Bobby: “bout an hour...”
Ellen: “ok boys listen up Jo and I will go on ahead but at the end of it we all need to be there, this is all hands on deck... we will also see if we can talk some sense into Y/N...”
after a few seconds of silence the line disconnected, leaving dean and bobby standing in the kitchen, not sure what just happened...
Bobby: “i guess we should pack...”
Dean: “i guess we should...”
while they packed and loaded the cars you were almost at the cemetary in wyoming... but thats when you saw it, you saw the same beat up car blocking your path you pulled into the small motel parking lot to see who the fuck was blocking your path... 
you got off the bike and stored towards the other car only to watch the doors open... 
Ellen: “calm down girl its us...”
Y/N: “Ellen, Jo what the hell are you guys doing here...”
Jo: “we could ask you the same thing... but Bobby and Dean filled us in, after they called in a panic... saying you took off all pissed and hell bent on rescuing Sam whatever it takes...”
Y/N: “damnit i knew they would call for backup but i didn’t think you would try to stop me from saving the love of my life... of all people in this world i expected you guys to be on my side...”
you stormed towards the motel office to book a room, you didnt know how long you would be so you booked it for 3 days... this way you would either succeed or die trying... once in the room you unpacked the weapons to polish them...
Y/N (to self): “just because i want to be the one to save the love of my life doesn’t mean i don’t think any less of the rest of them, seriously its my fault Sam got captured, its my fault we were even outside of the property...”
Ellen: “its not your fault hun...”
Y/N: “if Sam and i hadn’t been arguing, i wouldn’t have stormed off, if i hadn’t stormed off he wouldn’t have come after me, he wouldn’t have gotten captured...”
Ellen comes over and sits beside you on the bed noticing you starting to cry, making sure that she was there incase you had a meltdown... you were on the verge of one, but you were just upset and angry... that is never a good combination of emotions in any circumstance...
Jo: “the impala should be arriving soon... mom let me worry about Y/N you deal with Bobby and Dean...”
Ellen: “ok, but neither of you leave this room tonight... well all head out as a group when the sun rises...”
Jo: “don’t worry i wont leave her side...”
you let go of Ellen and got swept into Jo’s embrace, Ellen heard the roar of the impala as she headed for the door, both you and Jo sitting cuddled on the bed... Ellen shut the door which stopped Bobby and Dean from entering...
Ellen: “she’s with Jo she is fine, neither of you are to enter this room you hear me...”
Bobby and Dean nod as they present the map to Ellen of how the lines are on the devils trap... while you and Jo sit inside and cuddle...
Jo: “once everyone is asleep we will leave, Mom will most likely bunk with Bobby and Dean... just to give us some space... so we will head out after they go to bed...”
Y/N: “but what...”
Jo: “if your gonna ask about my mom don’t worry by the time she realizes whats happened it will be too late...”
Y/n: “good but the only things we will need are guns, bullets, and voices... its mainly gonna be demons... no one is gonna blame us for this, we are gonna get in so much shit but i don’t care, i wouldn’t sleep much anyway without Sam by my side...”
Jo: “i know how you feel girl... its gonna be ok, tomorrow you will have the love of your life back, and we will spend more time together right...”
Y/N: “absolutely... i just hope i’m ready for this... but if Azazel has hurt Sam in any way shape or form, ill kill him... well that’s the plan anyway but it will be worse...”
You pull the colt out of your bag, Jo looks at it then at you and then back at the gun...
Jo: “does dean know you have this?”
Y/N: “no he doesn’t and that’s the thing is he hasn’t noticed that i took it for weeks now... i have been waiting for an opportunity to arise for me to kill this son of a bitch... i’m not gonna let him kill Sam... when do we leave...”
Jo: “in a while... i mean if we tried to leave now, we would surely be drawn and quartered...”
Y/N: “i know but every second we just sit here it could mean one second less time we have till they spill all of Sam’s blood or worse...”
Jo places her hand on your shoulder and then goes to see the stash of weaponry you brought seeking out a nice set of gun and bullets... she grabs the duel glocks you have sitting there... 
Jo: “these are very nice...”
Y/N: “lets just say they are great for making head shots on vamps, i dont even have to get dirty...”
Jo: “what do they shoot range wise?”
Y/N: “260 range...”
Jo’s jaw drops in shock and surprise... you were amazed that she didnt know...
Jo: “your kidding right?”
Y/N: “nope but my duel Uzi that i have in my duel holster are 2 up from those glocks... laced with demon trapping bullets and silver bullets... however Jo you use those glocks they wont let you put them back down, i took those off a witch who spelled them to be used against hunters, i had a different witch de spell them but they bond with their owner...”
Jo: “how will i know when they have bonded with me...”
Y/N: “when your strength feels like its gonna rip your shirt...”
at that moment Jo felt what you just described... you were certain that someone was gonna die tonight and you had a feeling that more than one life would be lost, if not 2 then 1...
that moment that the door 2 down from you guys shut and the sound of bobby, ellen and Dean floated through the walls you and Jo geared up and went out of the room as quiet as possible... went over to your bike and pushed it together down the road once far enough away you started it, with Jo on the back holding on for dear life you guys sped off towards danger...
Jo: “how do you think this will go?”
Y/N: “I think we have a 50/50 chance of this going badly…”
Jo: “what's the plan?”
You felt the wind rush passed you as you sped up… feeling like something was already wrong…
Y/N: “we go in and shoot anything that tries to stop us but Azazal is my battle and Sam needs to come out of this alive…”
Jo: “I'm ready for this… you know if we pull this off perfectly no one else will question us for anything…”
You and jo see the graveyard and you guys pull in seeing immediately Azazel Sam and some other dude… you and Jo get off the bike and are immediately pulled in closer by a force…
Azazel: “ladies welcome to the greatest moment in history… I'm about to open the gate… but I want you both to see what I've done to these 2 men…”
You saw Sam and the other man turn towards you and Jo their eyes red…
Y/N: “you spelled them you bastard... what the hell is your big obsession with Sam and what's his face anyway… why do they fit into this…”
Azazel: “their blood is used to fuel the spell to open the gate… don't worry kiddo your boyfriend won't know what he's about to do yet…”
You and Jo took a few steps back as Sam approached you both, you took steps forward and made your final approach between the 2 of you… but Sam or at least spelled Sam was either very angry or forcibly angry… he lunged himself at you… his hands clasping around your neck…
Jo: “Y/N…”
Y/N: “toss me the pocket knife…”
Jo: “Y/N no…”
you look slightly at Jo to see her being held against her will by Azazel… Sam was still choking you but you wer3 able to reach up and pull his hair back, releasing his hold on your neck you leaned up and kissed him… instantly breaking Azazel’s spell Sam instantly breaking the kiss making you gasp…
Sam: “Y/N…”
You touch his cheek and feel his hands pull you off the ground pulling you close to him, he realizes that you have fear in your eyes… Sam turns around holding onto you as he spots Azazel holding Jo…
Azazel: “Its a shame to see that true love does exist… oh well if I can't have soldiers I'll just settle for one… kill him…”
that's when there was a gunshot in the air, your love bleeding as he falls holding you, Ellen Bobby and Dean had also just shown up at the time of the order given… they all witnessed the love of your life getting shot… Azazel gets the nerve to throw Jo into another tree knocking her unconscious ...
Azazel: “oh well time to open the door…”
You stand up with tears in your eyes you look at Sam’s body, then turning to Azazel as he opens the gate… gearing up your guns you start slowly walking to Azazel…
Y/N: "If you take one more step, I can promise you that you won't like what comes next."
Azazel turns to you upon hearing that…
Azazel: “I killed the love of your life I wonder how it would look right now to him you standing over his murderer but your the true one that killed him…”
You fell to your knees, no one could blame you but Dean was at your side in an instant you leaned into him…
Y/N: “Dean I'm sorry… I said I was gonna get him back but instead I made it worse... “
Dean: “hey hey hey it's ok… none of this is your fault never believe this piece of shit…”
Y/N: “but it is if Jo and I had just waited… we wouldn't be in this situation…”
Dean looked at you then at the gate which was just about to burst… Dean covered you with his own flesh as the gate burst open… you and Dean had a front row seat… you both witnessed several thousand clouds of black smoke flying around, you and Dean dared not look up… until a white light surrounded the both of you… it knocked back several of the clouds then it faced Azazel…
Azazel: “didnt i break you… John…”
The white light turned into the likeness of John Winchester… you were amazed when he didnt speak but instead he smiled lightly as he nodded at you, you knew right away what he was meaning… you pulled the colt out of the back of your jeans, handing it to Dean he looks at you…
Dean: “you took this, why…”
Y/N: “i wanted revenge, i was seeing revenge, i wanted to kill Azazel for what he was doing to Sam… i was gonna use it on him but Sam’s death has hit me really hard… i have to let someone else do this… Avenge Sam, Avenge everything and if this works correctly, we will have victory and mourning later…”
Dean took the Colt in his hand as John watched and stepped aside, Dean kneels and looks straight at Aazel…
Dean: “hey asswipe, this is for all the toruble and pain you have caused my family… go to hell…”
With that he pulled the trigger and shot Azazel point blank… Ellen, and Bobby worked to close the gate, and with it sealed you were immediately the center of all concern...
~thats all for now folks~
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ubelyptus · 7 years
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soooooooooooo bb,,,...,.,,,strawberrry.
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how you Big mad cuz MY block game seeems 
skrong or summn
i never blockedt you 
on snapchat 
or whatsapp (you weren’t even muted),
yup, i still haven’t
but i didn’t have a properly working phone...
but either way you keep threatening to split on me 
like a weapon…fcking
manipulative as shit
it just seems to me that you just want to?
you never imprinted tho 
but she did 
so why should you?
i won’t ever, again, fight....
….with you.
my favorite accomplice
i wanted to learn with an open mind 
even after my phone died 
how to remain soft with you.  
even after being callled 
“old news" 
at least until
 i ‘m  eventually murdered by a cisgender man...
don’t fckn
pppppppop shit 
cuz like….. literally…..all i did was change my url.
shit, i Only blockedt you AFTER i saw you referencing gaslighting.
bc uhmm IIIIIIif that is about meeeeeeeeeeee 
 how fucking dare you.…..lyk....wuhh?
like when you said there is no difference between syn and alesia?????
oh, but you think i blockedt you first bc i didn’t wanna get my feelings hurt?
….mhhhhhhh. ok.
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seeems odd since you’re not liar 
right, eli????
but,,,,,so what’s this about the cozi password change? am i just shifting too rapidly between your and my reality???
no, i blocked you on things after THAT 
oh, and didn’t your friend, my so-called “fighting buddy,” anan…
.just,,,,,fckn block me like i’m useless
after all
i asked 
was that they 
not speak to me 
about you?
but YAAAAAAS  twas ONLY Me and simply Myself and just i 
who ain’t wanna get….hurt.
oh ,
calling me “old news” or saying i’m “old too” 
don’t forget your girl is 2 yrs older than you 
and then staying silent for these few days about changing passwords
that..... already did that, boo
at least i sent alesia third party emails thru the app, boo
she pushin 30 and can only talk you 
venuse....????. no....a 
talking and 
w a l k i ng tragedy
entyway don’t bring that up just to be loud and wrong about that too
you’re not always wrong tho, you know
you’d probably fuck up and slit my throat 
when i’m wrong about you
and you can only do that if you
 black and white 
me out 
OH your emotions....? about your father that after 6 yrs you didn’t tell me about?
your reality? when you have a habit of projecting?
 and lowkey being dishonest 
to yourself first
 and then subsequently
 to me????
your time? when i’m mostly on yours?????
your efforts? like ripping up notes and telling me 
“my turn” to get fucked 
by you 
was over
when the only reason i was tiredt
was bc i crashed
too tiredt after explaining to You
  i‘m not even going to LET you play middleman
for a baby pushign 30????
oh. bet.
but since we’re being transparent:
here are receipts with timestamps:
yea you must love dirty laundry
but that’s what i knew about you.
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be yr own guest my love
i Knew you would ignore the “old news” message since that's literally when you started telling on yourself 
you do treat trans partners
 like side hoes, 
thasssa wholeBET 
and some change
 for you to create
cuz thassssssss 
how you feel about me fr fr
so that “like” is mine but
  i…..actually really Really love that you laughed tho.
bc i haven’t heard you fully belly laugh in a long time.
if ever iirh.
even after knowing you for 6+ years, 
your supposed “first friend “ in the DMV
the person i can trust my life with
the only
you’re my only...
 ,,,,,even after i spiraled 
and cut myself for the first time since middle school?
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now my friends are fucking spotting you 
and talking to each other 
about you
oh, you didn’t know. 
but i got mehndi done today 
let a summer baby boy
a cut up 
by me
 before noon
thinking i’d see you and we could talk like,,,,
…..like real people do.
and you’d be distracted by the design and not zone in
 on the failed cuts
 on my wrist 
since i’m shit at not just repeatedly carving into 
white meat
 when i can only use a ceramic blade
i just didn’t WANT you to 
so i never “came home to [you]”
you said that on nov 4th/5th of last year
i’ve been looking up bpd all day
eventho i told you
  i don’t trust the internet 
sooooo you not telling me 
didn’t hel p
but it’snot at all your job to 
and i sitll
stilllstil stil stilllca’t see
....and i dind’t want you to see.
bc i’m not just a man.
i’m still femme
which you seem to love to forget
and still soft enough, i think.....
i hope…..or learning to be soft,,,,
where it won’t get me killed,,,,,
but where it still counts.
with…or without you.
either way i’m a man who loves you. a man whose phone died at 28% trying to get you to see that i was trying to be soft even after you called me
 “old news”
but,,,,,.....,,,compared to …..who?????? sh....oooo??????
your new girlfriend who is 1 or 2 years older than you?????
and can’t speak to me 
a man who is only barely out of 23???
and instead only whispers
 to you?????
bruh, she’s clearly not fond of me. 
and you’re not a liar , 
so don’t 
she had to tell you that she wasn’t the one putting out “aggy energy”
during yennayer which
i ruined
and im still sorru
but which means
she’s probably done it in your apartment on purpose already, boo
didn’t think of that, did you
oh, but there’s power in a whisper, darling.
i am just cardinal like you
i am air too.
  i should know 
bc i accidentally whistled....and,,,,,,
i only blockedt you so that you wouldn’t “hurt [your] own feelings”
 like you told anan you sometimes do.
sooooooooooooo yea... i
did it so you wouldn’t hurt you. 
as cardinal water/pisces moons 
are prone to do.
you can;t drain
and you can’t drown
 ain’t that how i affirmed you
i already hurt me 
when i dissociated 
and i’m STILL FUCKING sorry 
that there was blood that you had to see. 
i couldn’t stay in my body long enough to clean fast enough
but i still didn’t want you to hurt you bc of me.
like you did repeatedly
bc of bpd or bc of basically cishet or at least cis ~queer girls
or other partners 
like when you were with kat,
who’s still disgustingly attached to a messy white
and now a new black kid.....
or with shushoo.
and how you might with alesia.
no, correction: how you have with alesia. 
how you will continue to, if you’re not careful, with alesia.
you’re a lion facing a prince of a house kitten ,....,
.,, who is homeless.
do you feel good, big boss?
all i asked was for you to listen t
o how you were speaking to me 
on the phone 
at your place of work 
and when she’s there
possibly a place of worshiop
..... even after i told you 
that i was intentionally putting energy into Not fighting you
and you
  say you
"don’t wanna be a middle person" 
but you also….wanna cape for yet another fucking cis girl.
who isn’t even muslim this time. 
i couldn’t laugh
couldn’t ever laugh at sway
bc by whatever fortune if you do split or don’t 
 i still  love you
i love you too much
but in those moments after that phone call….
after my phone died…
and my body couldn’t move to charge it.
wouldn’t move….
and all i could do was cry during the adhan.
bc you’re tooo much like matt now
i wish i knew what it could feel like to
 hate someone 
who called you 
compared to a bitch pushing 30 
youza WHOLE fuckn clown, dawg.
matt did this same shit
move me out for a new side bitch
yet anotehr cis
look at how cute trans love can be
this is what you give me:
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BC what fucking luck.
BUT IT’S gotta be TROOF
  s ince you don’t lie?/?
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it sounds like….
maybe you nursing poison in your own home
and telling me i’m making you feel unwelcomed
on a blog and not to my face did it
fuckingggggggggg. why’ald.
you think it’s too much sweat????? false. 
that apartment stayed cold.
too many tears?
 ok ok yea troof.
but too much love? forreal?
oh, you speakin’ french now. our collective colonizers tongue in 20gayteeeeeeeen?????
wow. we ruined it, fam???? fr fr?
nah, chosen fam.
you ruined us.
you ruined us over:
 a cis girl and
your own impatience
and your own anger.
and my slow brain and my slow body
i’m not sure she’d find you from maryland
if you dissociated bc your other semi
 but not 
girlfriend emotionally abused you
until people who didn’t know you were muslim
thought you were fucking drunk
and you fucking stilllllll 
work with her?????
why couldn’t you just wait until she found a new job???
ain’t she trying????
or izzzzzz she??????
where was the damn rush?????
you’re like two goofy high schoool kids 
reaching for the quickest nuts every 6 hours
 like jesus fuck.
you’re irresponsible as shit telling me i’m a grown man making grown decisions and i see this 
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this isn’t a situation of a kettle calling a pot black
bc i’m actually Black
and you’re not
but she’s black too.
what did i tell you:
"you datin’ two whole Niggas. if you fight me over her, you will lose either way.”
but instead you called me “obtuse”
SAT words for me
 but not for you…….what.,,,.,,,,,,,, fckn luck……..
what luck,,,,,that the one person who housed me consistently
and kept me alive
when i trusted no one
would call me "old news”
and let their cis girlfriend
 turn herself into your
personal "healing” …...
sibkid. \\\\
howTragic like all of CC’18
you know what happens when you slip and get sloppy and let a baby bitch be responsible for your healing?
she leaves. 
for a real bitch 
with microhealing abilities, 
she worships a new goddess every friday?????
well, i know only of orixas 
and only of black power
 but from what i know of goddesses OFF of OUR continent…
at least one of them WILL want a soul from her
just letting you know it might not have to be hers.
and when i chargedt and openedt my phone after days of wandering. ….the last messages from you are:
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like a fucking baby.
imagine that.
even to you, i’m still a whore.
i couldn’t even work a john when i wanted to
 if i was sad about you.
but imagine?????
  a cis-pixie woman older than you
letting you treat her like a child?????
imagine me feeling shamed into leaving
bc of pictures of your smiling face
after i cut myself and felt shame 
in your unwelcomed  to both me and you
is what brings me back
 to life.
i blockedt you so that you didn’t lurk.
bc THat is what you do.
instead of speaking with me, 
you seem to have expected me
 to read your blog back 7 years.
and just know all of the fatherly things that trigger you.
like…even during the times when i was afraid of my own phone and laptop for 2 months bc of my sister, brother, and birth parents????
funny how i’m the youngest of us “grown folks” and yet still find that really 
of YOU
to do
you really never knew me, or did you…..??
you donated to me before you even knew me.
so i know your heart has parts made of gold.
but now you show off your crystals and your gold.~~~
here we are.
you’ve "only every seen [me] as a boy.”
ok. bet.
and unti this post:
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i’ve hardly heard you refer to me as a man.
ain’t you late?
ain’t you late, babe??
ain’t you late?
i’m a year younger than you.
which means if you grown
i musta BEEN a man too, boo.
but you’ll always be
 my favorite accomplice
 and always be my favorite friend too.
but you cannot think you can play me by calling me
 “old too” or “old news"
 for young fish who is basically femme trade
and thinking i won’t cut open a fool.
which coincidentally always happens to be me
she’s hardly out to anybody important and lying at work too.
i must be bigger fool.
bc you knew better and didn’t do better.
but i’m being immature.
  ok ...,.,,.,,
your pisces moon is keeping you from seeing clearly but that’s what young water seems…to do. to much light reflected; tho it is a fountain of youth.
she’s pushing 30 baby 
but true, you’re her boo.
yea, a childish boo.
you ever wonder why her playlist from you had more songs than ours did?
why she can never keep a man around for valentines day?
oh but don’t you love “patterns”, baby????
unless it’s her leaving shit around the apartment
or her triggering you
or her treating your dick like it’s foreign, 
even to you.
my gay ass was shookedt 
when you told me you voluntarily 
triggered yourself
 for her kitty too
but i AM 
a grown man
 who is “running” from….you
you think that statement is not…. dishonest??
you really think that statement is true???
i didn’t run. i just
needed space
and you afforded me none.
you couldn’’t afford it.
february is before march which is before april 
sooooooo it’s always a tight month ain’t it???????
oooooooh but you afforded her plenty.
she gets to take off her fucking pants while i try to figure out if i should move from a spot next to you….
on your fucking bed.
she took off her pants to climb near you before she could even say hi to 
ahh right
and THEN ME.
“Oh, you CAN stay”
that’s what She told me.
and you said nothing.
so i left….the room.
i never run.
you pushed me out with your captain save-a-cis silence.
it’s violence.
you’re still pushing and pushing and pushing and pushing 
until me…you know 
i, the "old news” 
just feels like he should just 
fucking fall 
onto the district streets
and she finds it
to her fucking fancy 
to fall
 into your lap
like a damn,,,,zel. 
with a roof over her head outside of your apartment too.
yip, as she is probably prone to do.
her kind….isn’t new….boo.
her kind isn’t new to me
her kind isn’t new to you
you ever wonder why she feels so familiar to you?
she reminds Me of the girl who told you 
she could never marry you 
and is now trying to date someone just like you
so don’t be so unkind to me 
or to you 
or be so foolish
 as to believe i gave up on you
you gave up on me
and on top of that
you think i just...ran
ran….with what clothing?
the ones you packed up for me and left at the door 
that i was suppose to pick up 
and slide out the back….like a fucking whore?
you just tryna be
a cissie's bae
who stay clownin on trans folks now?
oooooooh issa bet, mo
. i mean.,,,.,,.mhhhh i guess?
but troooof, i don’t “need" anybody.
but i want you.
but you need her.
that’s how it work, don’t it?????
that’s why you risk job security every day.
and let her leave her panties on my clothes.
and let her tell me i "can stay" in …..A, not MY, spot next to you
in yo'bed?
what fucking fools. the two of you.
but “no one is forcing [me] to"
oh, baby you /are/ forcing me too
i look on your blog and then find out you’ve been feeling “unwelcome in [your] own home”
this whole fucking time
all the way since early november, innit?????
if i love you at all, 
what else am i to do?????????????
know that you will self-destruct 
and just…wait for you to????????????????????
i didn’t run.
you just fucking pushed me.
and you’re still fucking pushing.
and you’ll keep pushing.
bc that is what you do.
se sá’m te konne nu’ou.
you like microblogging so much
so like it if you read this shit
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funkymeihem-fiction · 7 years
The A-Mei-Zing Outback Adventure- Chapter 20
The scene grew more chaotic the closer they got. There was the smell of oxidizing metal and circuitry all around them, acrid black smoke poisoning the air from things that were never supposed to be burned. It did nothing to dissuade the horde of junkers. Large chunks of hull and sentry turrets had already been cracked loose in the initial attack, and each chunk of ruin was swarming with men and women, ripping away whatever they thought could be scavenged or trying to fight whoever else got too close to their claims. There were also several bodies laying on either side of the road, but they lay mostly forgotten, save for an occasional figure scavenging the parts from them as well. Mei tried to see if the corpses were anyone from Overwatch, but they seemed to be junkers, taken out by the pulse turrets or (judging by one of the more decapitated ones) flying metal debris. She had never seen anything like this. For some reason they reminded her of insects, as though someone had foolishly disturbed an ant’s nest or a hornet’s hive. The junkers had no organization at all and attacked quickly, en masse, and without mercy. They swarmed over scrap like it was fresh meat. And the people around them were merely the stragglers, with the main pack still dogging the heels of the Orca ship as it steadily lost altitude. Roadhog blew past them, engine still roaring and tires kicking up red dust behind them. “Crikey, the whole fuckin’ outback’s showed up for this one!” Junkrat exclaimed, his grenade launcher at the ready as they passed by two junkers fighting viciously over a downed turret gun. “Bet there’s more on the way, too! Oi, I think I know that guy!” He pointed at the either unconscious or dead figure of another male junker on the ground as they sped by. “Well, I never liked him anyway.”
They rounded the bend of the shallow canyons, and were greeted with the almost impressive sight of the junkers in full force. Chaos was reigning. There were hundreds of them, jockeying for position as they pressed their attack. The vehicles they had cobbled together were less cars or trucks than they were monstrosities of war. Missile launchers had been tacked onto the beds of lorries and hover-cars carried men bristling with weapons, while jeeps equipped with spiked javelins and harpoons, laden with chains and ropes, dragged themselves in the sand in an attempt to hobble their prey. There were shields and spikes in abundance, war paint and decals and racing stripes, and a disturbing amount of effigies, strapped across them in a mish-mash of of leather straps and feathers and bones, animal and human alike. It was impressively tribal. The Orca was doing an adequate job of defending itself from the onslaught, at least, but it wouldn’t last. Turrets were firing from its bottom and shield generators struggled to keep up with the damage, but they could do little about the metal harpoons that were already scattered in its metal underbelly, dragging the attached junker vehicles along or entire sections of its metal armor coming loose and crashing to ground, to immediately be overrun and infested with the scrap hunters. Mei had no idea what to do. The other junkers were ignoring them as simply one amongst their number for now, but she had no way to hail the ship or let them know she was even here. Roadhog was wisely keeping them a safe distance away, enough to pursue but avoiding the explosions and gunfire as he weaved in and out of the other pursuit vehicles. They would be arriving at the designated meeting spot soon, and it seemed like there might be one chance and one chance only to get aboard. They followed until the Orca slowed and came to a stop, turning as abruptly as the immense ship was able, its back to the cliffs as it turned to face the junker hordes. There was the whirring clank of more turrets getting into position, and then a shimmer as its shields refreshed and a door to its cargo bay opened. Mei thrust one arm forward, “There! There, they’re waiting for us! Let’s go!” It should have been simple. Get to the ship, get picked up by Overwatch agents and brought aboard. But every other junker in the vicinity had seen the same door open, and they surged forward as if a living wave, and the motorcycle was quickly crowded out by the larger vehicles all around it. Roadhog rumbled a low curse, then nodded down to his partner, who was grinning and starting to vibrate in his seat. “Rat. Clear ‘em.” This time, Mei made no move to stop them, one hand on her pistol as she huddled into the side of the sidecar, taking hold of Junkrat’s leg to help steady him as he reared up with his frag launcher at the ready, giggling wildly. “Never thought you’d ask, mate!” Mei shut her eyes as there were several large booms and waves of heat from nearby, with the shrieking of both metal and people deafening in her ears, nearly drowning out Junkrat’s maniacal laughter. The motorcycle started moving again. Junkrat kept firing, grenades flying amongst the clouds of choking dust and embers, tongue waving from his mouth and practically slavering amongst the chaos. The motorcycle came to an abrupt stop as it hit something in front of them, the entire thing jolting back and then forward, Mei having to wrap both arms around Junkrat’s legs to keep him from going flying as he landed with a crash atop her in the sidecar. Something rose from the smoke in front of them, a cobbled-together metal monstrosity lifting up on two legs, machine-gun arms clacking noisily, and its junker pilot grinning at them from inside its metal control cage. “Aw fuck me, I hate fightin’ mechs,” Junkrat groaned, before grabbing onto Mei and launching both of them out of the sidecar, nearly dropping her as he ducked and rolled to the side, narrowly missing a rain of machine-gun fire at his ankles. They both landed in the dirt, scrambling upright on either side of the mech as it turned to face Roadhog, who was dismounting his motorcycle and angrily pulling his gun. “Get to the ship!” Mei called to them both, pulling her pistol and going to dash forward. The mech thrust one arm out to block her, but there was another boom and it fell slightly to one side, as one of Junkrat’s sticky mines hit its mark. She made a move to try and duck under it, but the barrel-guns of its arm swung and effectively clotheslined her across the chest, sending her flying back where she’d come from and sliding painfully on the rocky ground. It opened fire and she tried to roll, but a round of bullets sprayed her gut, and she screamed as she felt something tear open and start bleeding, pressing her sticky shirt over the ragged wound even as Junkrat bellowed in anger and positioned himself in front of her, fumbling to reload his grenades. “Kkeojyeo! Geim-eul hamyeon igyeoyaji!” Something very large and pink and vaguely rabbit-shaped landed with a crash of metal against metal, as D.Va’s MEKA slammed full-force into the junker mech. The other mech might have been larger, but it was far from nimble, struggling to even turn as the MEKA practically danced around him, bullets flying as its boosters sent it in agile dodging motions to and fro. From inside its protective pilot shield, D.Va blew a bubble with her gum and popped it impatiently, finally jamming both guns into the other mech’s core and firing, sending the whole thing crashing down as the junker inside ejected free and went scrambling. “Aw yeah! That makes me four-time reigning Australia mech-fighting champion! GG E-Z!” She struck a pose, both metal arms punching forward dramatically, before turning to face them. “Jamie! I thought I saw your weird hair out here!” “Oi, my hair ain’t weird!…Okay, it’s kinda weird,” Junkrat grumbled. “Give us a lift, won’t ya? Mei’s hurt and don’t have any more ice left.” “Sorry, not that kind of MEKA! And you’d be shot right off, I’ve never seen so many people here to fight! I’ll radio the others to let them know you’re coming in!” There was the rattle of more gunfire as more pulse rounds slammed into the MEKA’s side, causing her to shriek within. “Apa! Oh, you’re in for it now!” With that, her boosters flared white-blue and she went careening off back into the melee. Junkrat scratched at his self-admittedly weird hair. “Well, she’s clearin’ a path at least! You all right, love? Can y’walk?” Mei took his hand, hauling herself upright. “I-I think so? Oh! Jamie, you’re bleeding too!” He blinked in apparent surprise, looking to where a hole in his arm was also streaming liquid red. “Oh! Hey, guess I am! Eh, she’ll be right, I can still shoot. Oi, let’s grab Roadie and- Aw shite, we got company.” Roadhog had seemed to have gotten into an entirely different kind of trouble, and he and the bike were surrounded by a group of scavengers. Mei lifted her pistol, but to her surprise, the enormous junker was almost unmoving, and though the people around him milled about and bristled their weapons, none of them had made an actual move to attack him yet. “That ain’t him. It’s someone pretending to be him,” She heard one insist. “Who the fuck’d pretend to be him?” “Isn’t he the one who killed DogEater’s entire gang?” “That was him? Ripped t’fucking pieces…” “Yeah. That’s the real Roadhog, nobody wears a mask like that except Roadhog. Uh…you take ‘im first, I’ll go behind...” “You take ‘im. I ain’t fucking with the pig man,” a smaller man replied, backing into a retreat. Roadhog said nothing, as usual. His wheezing breath remained steady, rattling in and out past the mask’s filters, blank lenses still set upon the junkers facing him. Naturally reluctant to face a well-known bruiser that was over seven feet of fat, muscle, and silent rage, the men jostled and pushed at one another, none of them wanting to be the one to initiate combat and make themselves his target. And when Roadhog slowly lifted his immense hook, the metal catching the sunlight and glinting sharply, the enemy junkers seemed to reach their limit and suddenly and quickly dispersed into all directions, trying to find easier targets. “Hhm…” Roadhog said. “Knew there was a reason I kept you around, mate,” Junkrat grinned. “Besides your winnin’ personality.” “Mm.” The trio continued to struggle forward amongst the chaos, trying to maneuver through. She thought she could see occasional glimpses of other agents from time to time…Pharah’s rockets occasionally flared in the sky, and D.Va’s gaudy pink made for an almost obnoxious moving target as she saw it diving to and fro amongst the red and brown dust of the junkers around her. And despite all the screaming and blasting, she definitely heard Reinhardt’s booming voice, challenging all and sundry to come and face him. The junkers were fighting each other almost as much as their targets, and she nearly lost sight of her companions several times, sometimes firing off warning shots at those who saw her much tinier size and obvious wounds as an opportunity. But even her bodyguards’ gigantism couldn’t hold all of them off, and more than once both Junkrat and Roadhog were pulled away from her at once to try and keep the others at bay. She continued to try and struggle through, darting into and then out of a brawling group of junkers who were getting closer and closer to the dropship, when she saw a familiar flash of red, white, and blue fabric. Her expression lit up, immediately dashing towards it.  Soldier 76 was holding off a crowd of foes at once, pulse rifle rattling as he stood in front of the Orca’s open doors. The junkers were getting bolder and bolder as minutes went by, to the point where he was physically having to push them back at times as the bolder ones tried to rush him. He had been forced into a slow but steady retreat, and could barely pause to even reload without retaliation. And he was making another attempt to reload when one of the junkers rushed him yet again. This one was a surprisingly tiny woman, covered in blood and dust and very faintly yelling “76! 76 it’s me!” over the din as she made a beeline towards him. He lunged forward before she could properly react, launching one strike directly into her sternum. He heard her words cut off and she staggered, the wind knocked out of her, and he went to finish the job, his arm around her throat and swinging her up into the air before going to smash her down into the ground so he could take the shot... Mei barely managed to let out a strangled cry of “C-Commander Morrison!” He stopped immediately, almost freezing mid-air. The back of her head slammed audibly into the ground and she uttered a little noise of pain that sounded familiar, her glasses clattering onto the ground beside her and one of the lenses cracking…Since when did junkers wear glasses like that? He kept his forearm in her throat, her chin pressed upward and pinned, but paused to actually look at her. She looked different now. Her face was thinner and her cheekbones looked more hollowed out. Her eyes were shadowed and tired and squinted to see without her eyewear. She wore a headscarf with a familiar little piggy face on it, but there was precious little hair beneath it. No wonder he’d mistaken her at first glance, but it was definitely… “Mei?” he asked in a bewildered tone, easing his arm off her neck. “Is that-” “Get offa her, you senile old cunt!” Junkrat hit them both like an incoming freight train, his entire gangly mass hitting Soldier dead-center and ripping him from atop Mei like a charging bull. She landed sprawled on her back, the air still knocked out of her. Junkrat had dragged his stunned target some feet away, his fists clenched in the namesake 76 jacket, and went to slam Soldier rather brutally into the ground several times, spitting curses and nearly foaming at the mouth. But Soldier 76 was a seasoned veteran who had dealt with more than an enraged junker in his time. He recovered and he retaliated, and the two quickly became a mess of wrestling limbs and jabbing fists as they fought, and their guns were entirely too close by for comfort. Mei’s head spun as she righted herself, sitting up and trying to yell at them. Her breath came out as a pathetic wheeze, her lungs still emptied as she inhaled and tried again, holding her chest. She tried to call out, trying to identify herself and order Junkrat and Soldier off each other, but only a few words made it out and it sounded more like she was trying to scold a misbehaving dog. “Jamie!…No! Down!” To her surprise, it worked. Junkrat managed to kick Soldier off of him, jamming a boot into the other man’s belly as he scrambled out of the melee, hurrying back to Mei’s side and helping her upright. Soldier stood as well, holding his gun warily at ease as he faced them both. “Mei-Ling? And…Agent Junkrat. Hm.” His gravelly voice showed a hint of clear displeasure. “Didn’t see that it was you.” “Who the bloody fuck else would it be!” Junkrat sneered, fingering the trigger of his grenade launcher even as Mei tried to keep him at bay. “That’s a fine howdoyado! We called you to rescue her, not to fuckin’ end the job!” “It’s fine! I should have identified louder, it’s my fault! I’m sorry, let’s not fight!” Mei protested, even as she pressed both hands to his chest and tried to push him back, leaving red smears across his shoulders. “You ain’t got nothin’ to be sorry for, love! It’s this drongo here-!” “I thought she was another junker,” Soldier growled, “I’ve never seen her like th-” Several bullets spattered into the rock above them and peppered them with dust, causing all three to duck and immediately forget their squabble. Soldier lifted his pulse rifle and immediately began firing back, backing away to help shepherd the two towards the ramp. A gloved hand reached up to flick at something on his tactical visor, which glowed vivid red as the holographic field displayed before him, locking onto his targets one by one as they came into view. Junkrat put aside his grudge at least long enough to help, slamming another case of grenades into his launcher’s feed as another round of frags went sailing into the air. “You get inside, find the doc. I’ll be back in just a tick. Oh, I’m gonna enjoy this,” Junkrat said, his grin widening and baring his teeth. Mei lifted a hand to stop him but he was already gone, bounding off into the chaos with no small amount of glee. Soldier followed after him not long after, still uselessly trying to order the junker about. Llimping and bloody, with no ammo left for her gun and her glasses cracked on one side, Mei finally headed up the ramp and into the rescue ship. It was a little strange to be back, back in the familiar belly of the vehicle where she’d deployed from so many times before, usually sitting as far away from the junkers as possible. She immediately slumped into her favorite chair, coughing a little and wishing she had a communicator to let the others know. She felt a little thrill of hope in the pit of her belly, though she wondered if that also might have been a side effect of the blood loss from her gut. “Hello? Is anybody else here?” she called. “Mei! Mei, love, is that you!” Tracer’s voice, cheerful but more than a little stressed, sounded up by the front. The little pilot clearly had her hands full, numerous buttons blinking and beeping urgent messages from all sides of her as she flicked some of them on and off, her gaze roaming constantly over various screens and gauges all over the control board. “It’s me, Lena! I’m so glad to see you again. I’d offer a hug…” She winced a little, still holding her hand to her side. When she looked down and peeled it away, her palm was smeared with red. “Oh! Maybe another time, don’t let me forget! A bit busy myself, here, or I’d greet you proper! But once we’re back-” The whole ship shuddered as there was another boom outside, and Tracer grasped a hold of the yoke, pulling it upward as she struggled to maintain control. “Oh bugger! Not sure how long we can keep this up! Athena, get everyone back on board so we can get out of here! If we can get out of here!” She no longer wore a communicator, but Mei could almost hear the soothing tones of Athena’s vocal systems in her head, relaying the orders of hasty retreat in her ever-polite manner. She slumped down into a seat, the one she usually took on their missions, tucked away in a corner. Snowball buzzed about happily before spotting its favorite charging station, settling onto the plug as its visor went dark. Mei smiled at it a little, glad at least someone was entirely happy about their return, before turning to watch as the other agents returned, one by one. Roadhog was wheeling the half-broken remains of his motorcycle up the ramp, resolutely ignoring Soldier 76’s bellowing to leave it behind as he provided cover fire. Pharah had been shot down and rather haphazardly tossed over the massive shoulders of Reinhardt as he backed slowly into the cargo area, shield upright. D.Va’s MEKA landed with a booming crash outside, metal feet clanking as she steered it inside. Then all eyes immediately turned when there was a shrieking whistle outside and an explosion, and Junkrat’s blurry form was spinning through the air and into the cargo bay, singed form leaving a trail of black smoke as he went skidding along the floor before coming to a stop with a painful-sounding thud against the far wall, his spindly legs bent nearly double over his head before slumping sprawled out and face down on the floor. “Jamison!” Mei called in alarm, starting to stagger upright. “I swear, Mr. Fawkes, the situations you get yourself into…” Mercy’s voice somehow always sounded so gentle, even when irritated. She cut an angelic figure as she appeared amidst the smoke and dust, valkyrie wings glowing and coming to a gliding landing next to the downed junker. A little check-over and a quick glow of her Caduceus Staff seemed to do the trick, and a moment later Junkrat was groaning and holding his rattled skull as he awkwardly rolled onto his back. “That was a good one, mate,” he wheezed, coughing up a black cloud as Roadhog’s huge fingers suddenly closed around his head, carelessly dragging him up and setting him back on his feet. Mercy rolled her eyes slightly before pausing, catching sight of the other junker that had mysteriously appeared on the other side of the ship. She approached with a hand raised, concern written all over her face. “Oh Mei-Ling…” she breathed out, going to gingerly place her fingers on her shoulder almost as if to check she was real. She’d seen her only briefly and rather blurrily, on that fuzzy old camera from their safehouse broadcast. But she looked so different in person. She didn’t even look like the same person, really, and the only clue it was her at all was the dimpling in her cheeks and a faint glint in her dark eyes that looked like the old Mei. “Dr. Ziegler. It’s good to see you again. Um…I think I might need some help?” Mei said, and peeled her hand away from her gut with an unpleasantly sticky noise. “Oh! Of course. Und, wo tut's jetzt weh?“ Mercy’s brows rose, quickly moving into action with the same grace as always. The staff lit up soothing yellow, and Mei relaxed immediately as its gentle glow enveloped her, eyes drifting shut almost in a daze. It was the first real healing her body had been able to do in months, and while normally the sensation of billions upon billions of glowing nanobot swarming her body, wounds knitting themselves shut and flesh sealing neatly under the skin was something Mei had always found a little eerie, it felt so wonderful that it rendered her into a stupor. She didn’t even notice Mercy’s increasingly worried expression, her eyes glued to the little display on her staff and her mouth moving in unheard muttering. “Ach Du meine Güte…I think perhaps we’d best move you to the med bay for now? Nothing to fret over, just, taking a few precautions. Reinhardt, if you wouldn’t mind helping me move-” “Oi, I’ll get her! C’mere, love!” Junkrat perked immediately from his seat, lifting both ash-covered hands to help. Mercy turned a stern gaze upon him, holding up a hand. “That will not be necessary, Mr. Fawkes. We are very thankful that you are all back and mostly in one piece, but I’m afraid that our investigation into the situation is still pending and Mei is…less medically sound than I previously thought. Until we can get a better handle on the whole thing, I’d like you and your partner to remain as you are. Reinhardt, if you would please take her to the bay table?” “That ain’t fuckin’ fair! I know what you’re doing!” Junkrat protested, pointing in an accusatory way towards the medic and the immense armored German man now gently lifting his charge. “You got no idea what’s happened to us and we don’t have to tell you a fuckin’ thing, so how about you and your monkey take your investigation an’ shove it right up your beautiful angelic-” “You vill not talk to Angela like that!” Reinhardt boomed aloud, angrily whirling upon the junker with Mei still in both arms. “Well, maybe you all shouldn’t be talking to him like that,” D.Va remarked a little snidely. “We’ve been fighting off crazy people in this crappy desert for a rescue mission, and now we finally do rescue Jamie and the others, and you immediately want to investigate him because, what, he kissed your friend?” Soldier 76 was already strapped in and waiting to go, his face in both palms. “This is why I always thought interdepartmental fraternization should have been banned.” “Please don’t fight,” Mei said weakly. “Hey!” Tracer’s voice suddenly blared over the intercom. “Would someone please just move the lady and get everyone strapped in, because I’m turning this old girl around and we’re still under attack here, just in case you’ve forgotten! Oh! Damnit! Brace yourselves!” The ship abruptly pitched to one side, causing everyone not strapped in to stumble and Junkrat to land square on his ass as his peg went out from under him. But at least it seemed to resolve the situation, as Reinhardt quickly righted himself and hastily moved Mei into the tiny ship med bay as Mercy bustled about her, strapping her into place and covering her with a blanket as she bustled about. Mei craned her neck from side to side, and was briefly glad of the straps when the ship lurched to and fro before struggling up into the air. She could hear the pinging of more bullets and javelins against the underside of the ship, one last desperate attempt by the attacking junkers to bring it back to ground, before the thrusters all activated at once and the Orca went surging forward, the G forces so strong that they sent Mei careening to one side on the table and Mercy dropped her staff to hold on to her chair’s handles with both hands. But soon the ship slowed to more manageable speeds and the doctor was fussing over her again, pressing and prodding her beneath the blanket and occasionally tapping things into her pad. “I’m sorry to cause such a fuss, Dr. Ziegler,” Mei said, even as the sounds of another argument started up from the room next door. “Junkrat and Roadhog are sick too, don’t forget to make sure they’re okay, please.” “It’s fine, I’ll be checking on them in just a moment. I can tell you’re fretting. Don’t worry. You haven’t done anything wrong, Mei…Well, other than cut communications when we still wanted to talk to you, but that was merely another little matter that just got a bit out of hand. It’s all merely a collection of things that got out of hand. I’ve already spoken to Winston about it, it is all being handled.” “I…noticed Winston isn’t here?” “Ah, no. Winston could unfortunately not attend. But I assure you he wanted to, and he was the first on the list until an emergency called him away. It’s nothing you’ve done, and you don’t need to worry. Now just try to relax, you might feel a pinching sensation…” “Okay,” Mei said a bit unhappily, not entirely sure she believed the good doctor. “You know, the junkers haven’t done anything wrong either. I know that during the call, things got a little- Owch!” “There’s that pinching sensation, dear.” “It’s like you said, Dr. Zeigler, it just got…a little out of hand. I wasn’t feeling myself. I’m more than happy to start my report right away! If you would just get me a tablet, I’m sure we’ll have a few hours where I can work and start to get everything cleared up.” “I would not be feeling myself either, with these levels of radiation sickness, weight loss, sun poisoning, and other afflictions..Not to mention fresh bullet wounds, and I understand you were mistakenly punched by one of our own? As much as I know you want to start getting organized, I must insist that the only thing you’re going to be doing right now is resting,” Mercy chided. “It’s amazing you’re doing as well as you are, considering your state. Now, take two of these-” She handed Mei two pills and a water, watching with a hawk-like gaze until she was sure Mei had taken them both. “-And try to concentrate on resting, if you must concentrate on anything.” “I’ll be fine. What about the others?” “If I believed that I could get either of the junkers to start taking their medicine and resting properly, I would do so. I have tried, believe me I have tried. The first time I tried to lock Junkrat into a private room with just a bed so he could begin recovery, he had apparently hidden a charge on his person and then blew the door controls…I think it might have been in his ear canal. I distinctly remember checking his mouth and nose and…other places… ” She coughed, abruptly turning her back and starting to fill a syringe with clear liquid. “That sounds like something he would do,” Mei admitted with a sigh, before shaking her head abruptly, “Wait, you mean you checked his-” “Most likely a technique he picked up in the various prisons he’s frequented,” Mercy said smoothly, sitting down next to her patient and motioning for her to look away before taking her arm and administering a careful injection. Mei winced and glanced away, waiting until the cool swab of cotton wiped over the spot. Mercy continued on, voice softening slightly. “I know you might think we are being hard on the junkers…your friends. But I have nothing against them and I assure you that I will do everything I can to make sure that both of them are as healthy and hale as I can. If we held a grudge against everyone who’s ever been imprisoned or on the wrong side of the law, I would have an awful lot of free time on my hands. But we still have protocol to follow, Mei, you know that.” “You don’t believe I really have Stockholm Syndrome, do you?” “I thought at first you might have been in trouble, I will admit. I was worried. We all were. We had no information about you, Junkrat, or Roadhog. You three had vanished off the face of the earth. Then you suddenly re-appeared from nowhere. There were signs of bondage on your wrists and you were clearly hurt and sick…” “I’m so sorry we worried you…” Mei couldn’t help but give a little half smile. “And don’t let Jamison hear the word bondage.” “Mei! Goodness, maybe you really have been spending too much time around the junkers.” “Sorry. But I tried to explain what happened, and then the moment I start talking about how they helped me, Winston suggested it was all just a trick of the mind? I just…That made me angry. I’m sorry, but I did, I got angry.” “It’s not so simply cut and dry as that. I believe that you faced unimaginable difficulties and bonded with the only two people around you that you could rely on. Such bonds can become very deep. We’ll have to wait on a full psychological profile after this, but…honestly, after the trauma you’ve faced, you becoming  close with Mr. Fawkes is near the very bottom of my list of concerns. And Winston was just-” She sighed a bit, patting Mei’s arm. “I don’t want to speak for him, but I hope you and he can clear things up with each other. He’s been frantic, searching for you these months, and I believe both of you were simply…shall we say, overwhelmed.” Mercy’s voice was getting further and further away as the medicine started to take hold, but Mei found herself agreeing with whatever it was she was saying. “I know, Doctor Ziegler…I just…This just isn’t how I thought things would go…according to plan…” she said, slurring a bit as she focused on the spinning ceiling. “Things rarely do,” the doctor’s voice replied distantly. She kept telling herself she was safe now. The rescue mission hadn’t exactly gone off without a hitch, but she was safe. Junkrat and Roadhog were safe. After everything they had gone through, it was over. They could head back to the base, start the long process of getting better, and maybe, just maybe, things could go smoothly from here? She gave a strange, reedy little laugh as she started to slip into unconsciousness, even causing the doctor to pause and check over her once more. Who was she kidding? Things never went smoothly for someone like her.
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dontshootmespence · 7 years
Coercion - 3
@coveofmemories @hanny-bananny Message me if you want to be tagged!
You are just about to start your new job at the BAU after years of working to get there, when a man you don’t know approaches you with an evil plan and knowledge of every sordid detail of your past. What will you do? Will you give into the man’s demands? Or will you be able to find another way out?
“I’ll see you later, okay,” you said, taking Spencer’s lips in yours. He’d asked you to go out to dinner, but you told him you didn’t feel well. Which was the truth. It just happened to stem from something else that wasn’t biological.
As you made your way down the elevator and toward your car, your stomach started to churn violently. How am I supposed to do this? Since last night, when Ashton had texted you where to meet, you’d been going over every possible option in your head. You could come clean about your past, risk getting fired. But if you did, he would kill Spencer. You could run. Find your old hacker friend and ask him to set you up with a new life, but even that could results in Ashton going after the team and the man you loved anyway.
There were only two options. Take this bastard up on his ‘deal’ and find a way to outsmart him, or leave a note and take your own life. Taking your own life was a last resort. No guarantees there either. And as much shit as you’d been through, you wanted to live - you’d achieved so much.
Right now, your safest bet was to try and outsmart him. The drive toward the bad area of town was fraught with you attempting to choke down your own vomit. As you passed the dilapidated buildings of downtown DC, you found yourself remembering one of your lowest lows, just outside Decatur, Georgia. 
Alone. All alone. Leslie’s not here to protect you anymore. “Tonight, under the bridge. Your client will be wearing black work pants, a red button down shirt and a black blazer. He’s got a tattoo of an infinity sign on his wrist. Don’t be late. You know what happens.”
You knew better than to disobey his orders. The last time you’d done that, you’d experience the swift strike of his calloused hand against your cheek. “Mae yourself useful, bitch. Or I don’t need you anymore.” How had you gotten into this?
Micah. The sweet, squeaky girl who’d asked if you wanted to party for money. In your desperation, you’d said yes. And now Leslie was gone and you answered to Rocco Mitchell. He owned your life. He owned you.
The tears stung your eyes as you continued to drive. It had been so long since you’d left that life behind. You scrounged and bled and cried for what you had. But you’d done it - on your own. Rocco Mitchell was your past. As you pulled up to where you were supposed to meet Ashton, you took a deep breath and wiped the tears from your eyes with the back of your sleeved arm. He couldn’t see you cry. You needed to put on the bravest face you possibly could and use his arrogance to take him down. It was that or die - and take down the ones you loved with you.
“Hello, Y/N,” he said softly, his smile making your skin crawl. He was about to hand you instructions on how to kill someone and he was smiling. “As I said before, you made a good choice. This is what you’ll need for the first one - Jennifer Jareau.”
Your heart dropped. When you looked down at your hands, you could tell by the shiny, black berries exactly what this was, and what you were supposed to do with it. It was Belladonna; the plant’s name was derived from the Italian for beautiful woman. “A perfect murder weapon for a beautiful lady like yourself,” he said, taking your palm and closing it gently around the bag of berries. “I figured I’d get her out of the way. For your sake. You’re a pawn in this, that’s all, but you do have feelings.” He shrugged. Feelings were something he wasn’t familiar with. He caressed the side of your cheek as you stared at him dead-eyed - trying not to pull away. Doing so would mean that he was getting to you, and he couldn’t see that. In this moment, you weren’t sure whether you hated Rocco Mitchell of Bentley Ashton more. If you were able to pull this ridiculously complex plan off, you’d follow Ashton to the ends of the earth to have your revenge.
There were 20 berries in your hand. A fatal dosage for an adult. “Do I need to use all of these?” you asked. You knew the answer, but you wanted to see if he knew exactly how fatal these were.
“Only a few at a time, over multiple days,” he said. “It needs to look believable. Three or four at a time would do until they’re all gone. I’ll contact you when I believe your first task has been completed.” She’s a task to you, you sick fuck? “Remember…say anything, and the man you love dies.”
With a deep breath, you turned and walked back to your car as his bodyguards came up behind you to make sure you drove away safely. Their presence put you even more on edge. The entire way home you shook with rage and fear and uncertainty. 
Fifteen minutes later, you arrived home and put the berries on the counter. You put your phone next to it and grabbed a glass of wine, desperate to numb all of the thoughts going on in your head. As you swigged down an enormous gulp of old wine, which was all you had, you saw your phone blink. When you opened it, you realized you had a ton of messages - mainly from Spencer. They all said that he hoped you’d feel better in the morning, and that he loved you.
The guilt rose up in your throat and the wine started to burn as it made its way back up. You barely spun around toward the sink in time to throw up. Sobbing, you hung your head over the sink and threw up repeatedly, the wine, and eventually just bile, stinging your insides and bringing more tears to your eyes. “I have to do this,” you said into the sink. Your words reverberated off the metal and hit you in the face. “It’s the only way to save them all, even if they hate me for it.”
It had to start tomorrow. If you hesitated, you’d never do it and Ashton would take matters into his own perfectly manicured hands. Three to five berries tomorrow. With any luck, you’d be able to pull this off.
Your first week on the job had gone off without a hitch, at least to everyone else. In order to ‘thank’ everyone, you brought in coffees or smoothies for everyone. “Here you go, babe,” you said to Spencer, giving him a quick kiss before heading down the hallway to give Garcia her strawberry banana smoothie.
“Oh, so good and refreshing,” she sighed. “Thank you, dear. You didn’t have to do this, but if you want to bring me smoothies all the time Im definitely not going to fight it.” You flashed her the best smile you could and turned around in time to shield your quivering lip. How am I supposed to do this to her? To all of them?
One by one, you handed everyone his or her drink. JJ’s was last. The blueberry would mask the taste of the belladonna, which was somewhat sweet in and of itself. You did your best to mask your hatred of yourself as she took her first sip of her smoothie, but again you had to turn away and bury yourself in your work so that you wouldn’t give yourself away. Right now, the belladonna was coursing through her system. Within the next couple of hours, she’d be exhibiting the first signs of poisoning - dry mouth, enlarged pupils, blurred vision, a slight fever, and it would only get worse.
About 30 minutes later, you looked over and saw that she’d finished her smoothie. Why were the minutes ticking away so slowly? Why was your own vision blurry? Why couldn’t you focus? Everything was swirling around you, threatening to swallow you whole as you sat at your desk with your pen shaking in your hand. You wanted to work. You wanted to be of some use before they all realized what you’d done and who you really were, but you couldn’t do anything. The pen was floating above the paper, unable to move.
Each second slogged by, seemingly longer than the last. It felt like you’d been sitting at your desk, moving in slow motion for days, but it had only been a few hours. Suddenly, you were brought out of your guilt-induced coma by the sweet sound of your boyfriend’s voice. “You okay, JJ?” he asked, placing the back of his palm on her head. “I think you have a fever.”
“How did you learn that trick?” she laughed. “The back of the palm is a mom trick.”
“Actually, the front of the hand is innervated by the median and ulnar nerves, which come from the lateral and medial cords of the brachial plexus. But the back of the hand is innervated mostly by the radial nerve, which comes from the posterior cord, which carries the maximum number of nerve roots. It makes sense to use the side of the hand that carries the most nerve endings because they’re what feel temperature difference, so it’s actually very scientific,” he said quickly, proud of his vast medical knowledge despite not being that kind of doctor. “You seem to be drinking a lot of water. Is your mouth dry too?”
JJ nodded her head and took another long sip of water. “I can’t focus,” she said softly. “And the light is hurting my eyes.”
Spencer bent down slightly and tilted JJ”s head toward him. “Your pupils are enlarged. You could be coming down with something.” You swallowed, your tongue almost becoming larger in your mouth and nearly choking you.
“What’s wrong with me, Doctor?” she laughed. Her smiled broke you. She would hate you for what you’d done - and you didn’t blame her.
Spencer rattled off a variety of things it could be based on her current symptoms - bacterial pneumonia, viral pharyngitis, acute sinusitis. It could be a million things. If she only knew.
As Spencer continued to ask her how she felt and when her symptoms started, you walked as quickly as you could to the bathroom, once again retching up what you’d eaten recently. Thank god there was no one else in the bathroom, because you couldn’t manage to keep yourself quiet. The tears left your eyes almost as easily as the vomit left your throat and within minutes, you were shaking and crying on the bathroom floor. Even if you managed to save everyone’s lives and defeat Ashton once and for all, you would never forgive yourself for what you’d done. This was all your fault. If you’d just thought of another way to take care of yourself on the streets, you would never have met Rocco, and then Ashton would have nothing on you. You’d be with your team hunting down the bastard like you were meant to be.
“Compose yourself,” you said quietly to yourself. If everyone hates me when this is over, I can start a new life again.
Fifteen minutes later, you left the restroom and returned to your desk. “You feeling okay, Y/N?” Spencer asked, the concern on his face only making you feel worse.
“I don’t think whatever bug I had is fully out of my system.” You lied. “Just not feeling well still.” Apparently, JJ wasn’t either, because Hotch had told her to go home.
Spencer walked over to your desk, sat at your side and pulled you close to him. “I’m sorry you’re still feeling like shit. Maybe you should go home too? No use running yourself into the ground.” That’s what I should do. Escape this bullshit.
It took everything you had not to tense up at his embrace. How were you supposed to accept this comforting hug when you were actively hurting one of his best friends? There’s no way he was going to understand. If he did, it would be a miracle. “It’s okay.” You lied again. “I’ll just go home after work and go to bed early.”
The rest of the day slogged by. Although it was a little faster than before considering the evidence of what you were doing wasn’t staring you in the face. At 5pm on the dot, you got up to leave and Spencer followed closely behind. “Still gonna go home?” he asked. “Is there anything I can go?” God, I am a horrible person and I don’t deserve him.
“Just continue to be you,” you replied.
He kissed you on the forehead as you got into the elevator and made your way down to the parking garage. “Feel better, Y/N,” he said. “I love you.”
“I love you, too, Spence,” you said honestly. It was one of the most genuine things you’d ever said. For a few moments, you didn’t break his gaze, hoping that down the line, when he saw you for who you were, he’d remember this moment. The profiler in him would be able to remember the look in your eyes and knew you weren’t lying. “So much.”
Your wellspring of emotion caught him slightly off guard, but he was brought out of his confusion when his pocket rumbled.”Hello…Will?”
Oh no. You weren’t ready. Has the dosage you’d given her been enough to kill her? It shouldn’t have been. Spencer’s face dropped as Will spoke. “We’ve gotta go,” he said, his voice quivering with panic.
You did the best you could to shake the fear out of your voice before you spoke. “What’s wrong?”
“JJ started staggering around the house a few minutes ago, and then she collapsed.”
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fyrapartnersearch · 7 years
Hello I am here and so are you, so we have one thing in common already
✿Short and Sweet✿
I am looking for an 18+ long-term partner whose primary pairings are M/M. I don’t want anyone who takes things too seriously, RPing is a relaxing pastime and if I’m stressing about replying constantly/meeting word counts I’m going to hate it. That being said I do like doing paragraph replies with anywhere from 300-1000 words, depending on how long my replies are I can reply every day or every week (it really just depends on my motivation/mood/schedule)
Please skim over my interests and the like at the bottom to see how compatible we are. Since I’m looking for a long-term partner, I’d like for us to have several things in common. Please don’t contact me if only one or two of our interest match up. <3
Sci-fi/Space Opera
Modern Day (No generic High School/ Domestic stuff)
Fandom: Warhammer 40k, Star Trek, Star Wars, Mass Effect, Voltron:LD, Fallout, Elder Scrolls, Dragon Age, W.o.W., SnK, Tokyo Ghoul,  (I only do OcxOc in fandom settings. I will not play, or play against canon characters)
Size Differences
Power Bottoms
Gentle Giants
Fem Boys/Crossdressing (both as a sexual and non-sexual thing, really just depends on how it’s presented)
Monster boys/Men
Toxic relationships
M/S Relationships
Standard dislikes (Toiletplay, Bestiality, Pedophilia Etc.)
Skype: Dunkmastersassquatch (Kaptain Krunch)
  ✿Long and Detailed✿
I am looking for a totally rad person who is 18 years of age or older and who places value in long-term partnerships/friendships. I like to get to know my partners and would like to be able to speak casually with them about our ideas or whatever. If you are also looking for someone who just wants to kick back and have some fun making our characters miserable then please continue below to see how well our interests line up!
✪ About Me✪
Age: 20
Times Zone: Central Time
Occupation: Severely depressed college student
Hello, I write and also draw and also am looking for an RP partner who shares many of my interests so we can write together for many, many years and over many RPs.
I’m pretty laid back about most things. I just ask that you communicate with me about things instead of just assuming and that you are fairly literate. (Text speech/ Lingo is a-okay as long as it’s OOC or fits the RP)
I’d like for us to be friends as well as partners because it helps motivate me to write/draw/ feel the good vibes ™. So please, please talk with me about your interests/ fandoms/day as well as any plot ideas or twists you may have because I will certainly jabber on about mine. BTW Feel free to say no to my ideas if you’re not interested, I’ll be disappointed, but I’ll get over it. (I will assume the same goes for you)
✪ About My Roleplaying ✪
Comfort level word count: 300-500
Tense: Third Person, Present (will do past if it’s super important to you)
Frequency: Depends, but if I’m at my comfort level I’ll probably be able to respond multiple times a day. Anything above that will of course take me longer.
I would prefer to RP over skype or some other IM system ( I could be convinced to get a Discord, but the thing is my internet is super slow and downloading it would take an hour, I’m not exaggerating it’s that bad, and I just really don’t feel like doing that right now)  however, E-mail is also okay.
Skype: Dunkmastersassquatch
Grammar and what not is kind of important I guess, but not as important as content. I’m not sure if this ad is really an accurate example of my writing potential as I’m just kind of spewing out whatever. That being said if you’re okay with the level this ad is written at, then you’ll probably be okay with my actual writing. If you’re not okay with it then, eh, take a chance?
As for my characters, I play Doms, Subs, and Switches and don’t really have a preference for one over another. Keep in mind that sometimes my subs are whiney, uke boys and sometimes they will twist your nips and call you a cuck. AKA my character’s personalities are not dependent on their position in bed, HOWEVER sometimes their personality will, coincidentally, line up with the stereotype of their position.
✪ Pre-existing Ideas/Interest✪
Just to show you kind of how my mind works. Feel free to ask for one of these (and add to them <3) or not. The summaries don’t indicate which character I want to play (because I’m mostly good with playing either) so let me know if you have a preference towards a character.
Sci-fi/Space Opera:
1. I have this alien race that are essentially gender neutral, like there’s no way to tell their gender unless you get in their pants. They pretty much consider even KNOWING what gender they are as extremely intimate and somewhat taboo. So they take forever to choose a mate and when they do it’s for life. I’d be pretty down for doing something with that.
2. A near-homeless man finds an old broken down robot behind one of his favorite restaurants. It’s an old, outdated model, but he thinks he can fix it up with just a little time.
The world is broken, it’s times like this when people need to come together to rebuild what was lost. Like that’s going to happen, every semi-competent faction is vying for control of more land, more money. Its times like THIS when smart people, really smart people can get ahead. That’s just what the tactician is doing. He’s a smart guy who’s never lost a battle and he’s up for grabs to any faction that’s willing to shell out the cash. However, smart guys like that tend to make enemies and the faction he’s working for insists he have a bodyguard.
1. It’s an equal exchange, the vampire bites you and gets fed and the represents they release gives you the high of your life. It’s only good business to do it in a hotel room or something so you’re not tripping on the streets, but what happens when your vampiric dealer doesn’t want to leave. (I have a bit more to this world so just ask if you’re interested)
2. He’s always been a bit of a loner, a ghost to society. When he moves into his new apartment he doesn’t really see it as much of a change, until he lays down to sleep and feels hands running through his hair.
Medieval Historical/Medieval Fantasy:
1. (Medieval Fantasy) This was the big expedition, this cave was going to have all the riches of his dreams. The cave-in however, that wasn’t to be expected. These cave were abandoned right? So why can he feel something watching him.
2. (Medieval Fantasy) After 10,000 an evil necromancer awakens from the curse that paladin put on him, he’s ecstatic to find out his Orc bodyguard was cursed too. Now they can continues their plans for world conquest and also get some revenge.
3. (Medieval Historical) He’s a highwayman all he wants is your money or your life. One day an unsuspecting priest comes along and tries to bargain for his life with the word of God. It’s didn’t work, but something in his eyes kept him from killing the priest.
4. (Medieval Fantasy) Someone’s plotting to kill the king and all bets are on the shady court magician. There’s no proof though, so the king assigns personal servants to all within his court as a “gift” (to spy) Maybe the court magician isn’t as evil as everyone says….or maybe he’ll have his new servant face down in the gutter by tomorrow.
Modern Day:
1. He’s been crushing on the cute boy in his precalculus class since the semester started. He finally gets the never to ask him out, only to later find out that his love interest is a furry. What’s a furry?
2. He had no clue his dorm mate was a mass murderer, what even more surprising is that he’s in love with him. (Killing Stalking sort of thing)
3. Crime Bosses weren’t supposed to fall in love, especially not with someone in law enforcement, even if that “law enforcement” is a mall cop.
I don’t really have any prompts of my own I just put this here to let you know I’m into this too. Do refrain from using real people from history, I’m not into that. (Including real events/facts is A+ tho.)
Superheroes (actually mostly villains) and stuff:
1. He’s the number one fan of the number one bad guy in the world. Sure he wants to see the world burn, but if the posters on this nerd’s wall say anything it’s that he wants to watch it burn too.
2. The boss isn’t the smartest guy around, but that’s why he’s here. His henchman and unofficial bodyguard, he’s content to let his boss run about with his foolish plans even if the ones in his own head are 10x better.
I will only do OCxOC in fandom settings. I will not play or play against canon characters. It’s just not my thing, sorry. v-v
Warhammer 40k:
*While I’m not a super lore whore I will try to keep pretty close to it. This means that, yes, I expect any Space Marine characters to be impotent. But I mean hey have you SEEN the size of their fingers, I mean, tsk, come on…COME ON…*
1. A Tzeentch/Slaaneshi psyker finds an ancient deamonic staff of domination (it’s prolly Slaaneshi too, let’s be honest) which forces its user’s will on one other person. Being a whimpey little psyker he decides to use it on a chaos lord of Khorne, who is pretty upset about the whole thing, to say the least. (this is actually based off two of my O.C.s we can keep as close to their story, or as far from is as you’d like.)
2. Love can bloom…or it can violently explode within the chamber of an ancient Eldar long rifle. While exploring some ancient ruins one day, a lone rogue trader finds a discarded rifle on the floor. Upon picking it up he finds that it…speaks to him? It’s really got a tongue on it too, but hey it’s too awesome of a weapon to give up.  (Yes this is a relationship between a man and the soul of an ancient Eldar that resides in a gun….)
Star Trek:
1. The son of a prominent Romulan commander abandons his duties and becomes a notorious smuggler. Now he’s on the run from the Tal’ Shiar (who are trying to drag him home), a Ferengi trader (whom he may or may not have sold faulty weapons to) and a Klingon bounty hunter (who he’s tempted to be captured by.)
2. Comfort women were a common sight within the quarters of Cardassian soldiers during the occupation. However, this Gul would rather seduce a known Bajoran resistance fighter. After all the greater the challenge, the greater the reward.
 Star Wars:
1. An admiral is supposed to be reliable, smart, and efficient he is, after all, in command of an entire fleet of ships. This admiral, as CT-7465 has found out, is a little too young and laid back for the job. (Clone Wars Era)
2. They were supposed to stay together, best friends fighting side by side against the Sith, until he became a Sith. (Pre Prequels.)
1. A Galra commander is dragged along by one of his friends to one of those ridiculous slave auctions. He expected to sit there bored as his friend lusted over all his new “options”. For the most part he was right, but why does that boy keep catching his eye? (A sort of sweet Galra bby)
2. A Galra commander is fed up with spending his nights alone, he needs someone to share his bed and he wants them to be perfect. So he picks up one of those slave order catalogues and starts filling in all his specifications. When his slave finally arrives, he’s not quite what was ordered. (An abusive Galra bby)
3. (Alt. Universe) The Human Empire dominates the galaxy under Emperor Shiro Takashi and a recently promoted chancellor now has the kind of money he needs to fulfil one of his most devious fantasies: owning a Galra pet.
I don’t really have any plots for this either, but I would absolutely love to do something in this universe!
 Elder Scrolls:
He’s a nord:  strong, hearty, well endowed, and he’s got Talos to thank for it. Now these elves come in and tell him Talos is no God, well that’s just not right. But the Thalmor agent that’s threatening his arrest is really, really handsome.
Dragon Age:
1. The Inquisitor is just a normal guy who happens to have a glowing hand. Completely normal right? And normal people don’t really find the company of extravagant Teventer mages and buff Qunari spies to be all that appealing (no matter how handsome they may be.) No, he needs someone simpler, someone who can remind him he’s still just a normal guy. (I don’t really consider the inquisitor to be a canon character b/c they’re kinda player based.)
2. Seheron belongs to no one but the ones who live here, he wishes the Qunari and the Teventers would learn that and leave his home alone. He’s getting sick of only feeling safe when the fog covers him. (Fog Warrior/Qunari Soldier)
Does it count as necrophilia if they’re Undead?
Blood elves are pompous stuck ups and orcs are barbaric savages, so why are they fighting on the same side?
   Tokyo Ghoul: *Trigger Warning for suicidal thoughts*
A recent high-school graduate learns he’s contracted a terminal disease. His parents are too poor to afford treatment, in fact they’re too poor to support him or his four siblings. Since he’s going to die anyways, he might as well spare them the cost for the few months he has left. But he doesn’t like the idea of anyone else having to clean up his dead body. Maybe he can at least be useful in killing himself, ghouls eat people, right?
Monsters: I love QT monster boys (slime boys, nagas etc.), but I also love big bara giants. My thing is either: their head and torso are humanoid and everything else can be whatever OR they have to be a full blown, all out monster (they have to have sentience though, I’m not into bestiality stuff.)
Size Difference (ranges from slight difference to HOLY HELL YOU ARE MASSIVE WTF I ONLY COME UP TO YOUR STOMACH): I love big bara boys who fall in love with small tiny babes. The big bara can be all super macho or whatever I’m into that too, but what I really, really like is when they’re a squishy romantic who is completely devoted to their bby. Like they are willing to do anything their tiny love says at a moment’s notice. Bonus if the tiny boy is an absolute argumentative spitfire.
Age Differences: I don’t care how big the age gap is so long as the youngest is 18 or older.
Hey, Listen: This seems like a good place to put one of those “if you’ve read this far” things, not that I expect everyone to. However, if you have read all this then put the words “coco for cocoa puffs” somewhere in your message to me. <3
Toxic Relationships: Physically or mentally abusive (or both). Things can either work out in the end with the abusive cunt changing their ways, or not. I’m good with either.
Angst: I’m completely okay with letting characters straight up die. If that’s not something you’re into just say so and we can keep it fairly happy. However, if it’s something you’re willing to do HIGHFIVE!
Hopeless romance: In complete contrast to Toxic relationships I’m also into 100% fluffy and supportive relationships (so long as they both go through some hell. Can’t keep things too happy)
One-Sided: I love when characters think they are in a hopelessly one-sided love (but in fact aren’t). What would make it even better is if they are casually having sex with each other (because their friends with benefits/ one of them thinks the other is imagining someone else/ whatever) while both of them are secretly in love with each other, but neither of them knows it. Love is confusing.
Yandere/Ice King: Self explanatory
Unlikely Lovers: This could be characters who hate each other, but are hopelessly attracted to each other, people on opposing sides (Good Guy/Bad Guy) who fall in love, or characters who hate each other at first due to prejudices (ex. Orc/Elf) but are forced to work together and fall in love along the way.
✪ About 18+ Content: ✪
I am okay with gore and death and the eternal void so long as it’s fitting/ pre-planned/ we’ve been writing together for a while and you know what you want to do won’t upset me.
I’ve avoided doing it (I think) in this ad out of respect for other’s preferences, but I my cuss level is that of someone who has recently stubbed their pinkie toe against the corner of the bed. So, if you want to contact me please be okay with that, it’s understand able if you yourself don’t want to cuss, but don’t try and force that standard on me. (This goes for pretty much everything else involving ideals/morals)
✧Sexual Situations✧
Obviously, you have to be 18+, even though I kinda said that at the very beginning I want to say it again. If you’re not 18+ and I find out you’re not I will immediately drop you and also likely report you as underage to which ever site you came to me from. You are endangering people when you pull that kind of stuff. So, if you’re under 18 (even if you’re 17 and your birthday is just two months away or the age of consent in your country is below 18) don’t contact me.
Anywhoo, I love smut, but I don’t want it to overtake the RP. I am pretty kink friendly, but I do have limits (which I’m about to list) if there’s something you’re having doubts about just ask, please don’t assume what I’m okay/not okay with.
Kinks I enjoy:
<3 <3 BDSM: Collars, bondage, S&M
<3 Violence: Biting, Scratching, Light asphyxiation
<3 <3 <3Power Bottoms: AKA I love when the smaller guy gets it in the bum, but he’s got complete control of how his top moves (demanding that he slow down/speed up that sort of thing)
Kinks that I think are pooie:
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