#sigh...... im sure ill figure it out tomorrow
crowcryptid · 1 year
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i am experiencing a skill issue right now
goddamn. giant wave based arena. in a game where all of your weapons are short range and have very limited ammo. the only long range one is a railgun that only has 16 shots. but its too slow to actually use it to snipe multiple enemies cause you just die.
and no checkpoints between waves
this hurts
ok i dont feel so bad now
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not even 10% of people have beat it
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dandyshucks · 28 days
one of these days i will go to bed at a decent time instead of working on projects until midnight 🧍
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strangersteddierthings · 10 months
Sequel to Good People - The fic in wherein Wayne doesn't like Steve and overheard a conversation he shouldn't have. Here's the aftermath of that :3
Part One🦇Part Two🦇Final Part
Wayne had stayed in his bedroom long after he heard the boys leave. Eddie had knocked on his door to let him know he'd be staying at Steve's and to not expect him back until late tomorrow, a courtesy he'd never shown until after he'd been the victim of a manhunt back in spring. Wayne never asked him to do that but he thinks Eddie picked up on how worried Wayne would get if he were gone for any amount of time.
Eddie's always been good at reading people when he bothers to pay attention to them. Maybe that should have been enough reason for him to give pause to his dislike of the Harrington boy, instead of needing to overhear the boy crying about how he thinks there's something rotten deep within him that only Wayne can sense.
He'd been so sure he knew what kind of person Steve Harrington was. Eddie had been hung up on boys just like him pert-near his whole life, Wayne thinks, and it's never ended differently.
It's a Tuesday night and his friends usually gather at the bar on Friday nights, but Wayne needs to get out of the trailer to think. A beer might help. So, he grabs his keys and heads out.
He's been a regular at this bar since before he was even old enough to drink. Used to come with his pa, may he rest in peace, just to get out of the house. He's been a patron longer than any of the staff have worked there, he realizes.
"Hello Linda," Wayne greets as he takes a seat at the bar instead of at his usual table. He'd done a cursory glace when he came in and confirmed none of his drinking buddies were in before choosing the bar.
"This isn't your usual day," Linda says, leaning a hip on the counter, "but it's always a pleasure to see you."
"I got some thinkin' to do," Wayne replies and Linda nods and moves away, returning soon with a bottle of his usual beer. She picks up the bottle open and removes the cap before setting the drink down in front of him.
"Need a sounding board, hun?" She asks.
Wayne does a quick survey of the bar again but it's pretty quiet so he returns his gave to Linda and says, "if you wouldn't mind too much hearin' about how an old man might have messed up."
Linda laughs. "You aren't even half a decade older than me, so you best not be sprouting that 'old man' nonsense around me, 'cause I am not some old lady."
"Terribly sorry, Linda. I'm just really feelin' like an old fool."
A small frown comes to Linda's face then. "Now what could you have possibly done?"
"Well, I guess I'm tryin' to figure out if I did mess up. Eddie's got a friend and I don't trust 'im. Thought I had good reason not to, but, well, I overheard somethin' I wasn't supposed ta and now I'm not sure."
Linda hums, "hmm, that doesn't sound like you, judging someone unrightly. You are usually a good read about people."
"I'll admit, I haven't bothered to spend enough time with the boy to, uhh, judge him."
"Wayne Munson," Linda scolds, "you best not be telling me you judged that boy because of other people."
Judging by Linda's raising brow line, he thinks his guilt must be clear on his face. "You know Eddie, and how people have treated him. And with what he just went through- I just want 'im safe. Sure, his new friend graduated last year, but he was on the basketball team his whole career. And I'm jus' supposed ta believe this one boy didn't side with the group who started the manhunt?"
"Unless you've got evidence otherwise, yes," Linda says, brows furrowed.
Wayne sighs. "I ain't got proof. I got a lot of people sayin' he's good, actually. But it's the Harrington boy. The same boy Eddie would come home and complain 'bout. Harrington, Hagan, Hargrove, though I shouldn't speak ill of the dead. All them boys treatin' Eddie like he wasn't worth nothin' until they wanted somethin' form him."
Linda's mouth is almost a perfectly straight line with how much she's pursed her lips the more he talks, but she doesn't interrupt and no customer calls for her, so he continues.
"And you know what Richard Harrington was like. I know y'all only shared one school year together, but Janice wasn't any better, and she was your year, wasn't she?" Linda gives him one nod in response. "That boy's a product of them. I- You can't fault me for thinkin' differently."
"So, when do you expect Eddie to end up in prison?"
The question throws Wayne and fills him with anger at the same time. "Now, Linda, I ain't likin' what you are implyin'."
"I ain't implyin' nothing," she says, using the same tone with him that he did with her. "I'm applying your logic. Eddie's a product of his parents, ain't he? Al's in prison, and his mama's long gone, bless her soul. And since Eddie ain't sick, last I heard, he must be following after his daddy."
The anger leaves him then, and all he's left with is shame. "Point made. And if I'm bein' fully honest with ya, I don't even need ya to defend that boy. That thing I overheard. That what's eatin' at me. He called me good people."
Linda softens, shoulders dropping, "you are good people, hun."
"That boy told my Eddie that I'm 'good people', and that his parents are bad ones, and I. I don't know what to do about that."
"He thinks his own parents are bad?"
Wayne nods, "is what he said. Thinks I can somehow sense he's also rotten just by association."
"There's nothing to it, then," Linda says, like they've already talked out the tangled mess that is Wayne's thoughts on Steve Harrington and have reached a conclusion. Well, perhaps Linda already has. She's always been bright, and she's usually right. "You, Wayne Robert Munson, need to apologize to that boy. The guilt and shame's gonna put you into your cups otherwise."
Wayne nods slowly, though he isn't even sure if he agrees or is just acknowledging what she said before he takes a long pull from his bottle before lowering both his arms to rest on the counter as he replies, "You're right as usual, Linda my dear. I just gotta let go of the fact he's Richard Harrington's son and try and see just Steve."
"Damn right. Eddie might be Al's by birth, but you raised him and he turned out alright. Maybe Steve got the same treatment. Had his own Wayne around to raise him right."
There might be a bit of truth to that. He's heard enough talk about Steve Harrington over the years to think that. One of his drinking buddies used to be Jim Hopper. He's heard about the amount of parties he'd had to go shut down at the Harrington's house, with no parents to be seen. (Always Jim's biggest gripe back then. "Where's this kids goddamn parents!?) Wayne always assumed their kid just took advantage every time his parents were gone, but maybe it's the opposite. Maybe they were always gone, and Steve had parties to not be alone in his house.
Linda's right. There is nothing to it. He needs to talk to Steve, properly apologize, and go from there.
"It ain't an easy thing, admittin' you might be wrong," Wayne sighs.
Linda reaches across the counter and places a hand on Wayne's arm just below his wrist. Wayne looks up from where he'd ended up staring at his bottle, making eye contact with her. "If your boy is friends with this boy, it's for a reason. Just give him a chance. You are one of the good ones, but even we can have a lapse in judgment now and then. Doesn't make you bad, makes you human."
"Ain't no one perfect but the good Lord," Wayne says and Linda nods in agreement.
"Alright. I'll leave you to your beer and your thoughts for now, but you best keep me updated on your situation. I wanna know how it goes," Linda retracts her hand and heads down the counter to check on the few other people sitting about nursing drinks.
Wayne sits in his thoughts more than he drinks, so by the time he's done with the beer it's warm but that's fine. He will talk to the Harrington kid, but he wants to talk to Eddie first. He owes his nephew that much, and he does recall Eddie saying something to the effect of 'he'll come around' to Steve, and Wayne wants to tell Eddie he'll try.
Also he doesn't want to just corner the boy after he's been somewhat intimidating intentionally. He's going to get Eddie to ask if Steve'll talk to him.
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True to his word, Eddie returns home late the next day. The clock says it's almost 6 when Eddie finally comes through the front door. If he's surprised to see Wayne awake, he doesn't show it. He does work the graveyard shift, and he's got a shift at 10 tonight, usually wakes up two hours before his shift. He'd wanted to make sure he caught Eddie, though, so he's been up since three.
"Eddie, you got a minute?" Wayne says.
"Sure. What's up?" Eddie says as he pulls off his jacket, depositing it on the nearest surface before plopping sideways on the couch so he's facing Wayne.
"I gotta come clean. I overheard some of what you and Steve were talkin' about," Wayne says, because he's a man of his word and he's always been good at doing the hard thing if it also turns out to be the right thing. He's got to be honest with Eddie, so he can be honest with himself. "Heard Harr- Steve talkin' 'bout how he thinks I'm a good person, and his parents aren't."
Eddie's quiet for a moment, blinking owlishly back at him while he thinks. "Oh. Umm. Sorry. I just- I think this is the first time I've heard you say Steve's name."
"Not the part I thought you'd focus on," Wayne huffs a laugh, "but I owe your boy an apology and I was hopin' you could help me make it happen."
"My boy- what is happening," Eddie drops his voice to whisper the question to himself.
"What's happening is I'm doin' the thing I always told you ta do. Taking accountability and fixin' my mistake."
"Oh. Oh!" Eddie narrows his eyes at Wayne, "you've made an ass out of me. All those times I assured Steve you were just being standoffish and you were- what were you doing?"
"Intentionally keepin' the boy at a distance 'cause I thought he was gonna hurt you. I sure as hell ain't been friendly. I been judging him because I knew his parents, thinkin' about how an apple don't fall far from the tree," Wayne stops, giving pause to see if Eddie will speak but he isn't. He's just staring at Wayne like he's a puzzle. "It was brought to my attention that it's mighty unfair to judge someone 'cause of how their parents act."
Eddie's brow furrows and his lips purse. It makes him think of Linda. She'd made the exact same face. "I- Jesus fuck this is weird, but I. I think I'm mad at you. Disappointed."
Eddie doesn't say it with an angry tone, and his face still looks more puzzled than mad, but the sentence feels like a kick to the chest anyway. Eddie and he have never been mad at each other, not in the eight years Eddie's lived here with him. They've been worried and scared for each other that, or mad at someone or something else that they take out on each other, but never mad at each other.
"You've every right to be."
Eddie stands from the couch, paces down the hallway, and Wayne thinks this might be the end of any conversation tonight, but instead Eddie comes storming back up the hall. "So, what, did you take me in expecting me to be my dad!?"
"No. He mighta contributed to your birth, but we both know that man ain't nurtured you a day in his life."
"Yeah, well, Steve's parents didn't raise him either, so all this has been bullshit! You made Steve think he's, he's broken and a bad person! And," Eddie's eyes are wet and he's angry but also about to cry. Wayne hasn't seen him like this in a long time. Not since the day they learned Al was in prison, fifteen years with a chance for parole if he's on his best behavior. Eddie had been so angry, and sad, and hurt by the news. Eddie's like that now, worked up so much he's repeating himself as he hiccups his words out around the lump in this throat, "And, and you made me help him feel that way! Because I didn't take him serious when he said, said you didn't like him! I thought you were being, being a dad, all fake gruff to intimidate the guy I like but it's- you were- FUCK!"
Wayne lets him yell. He deserves it, and Eddie needs it. Eddie's not saying anything untrue. He takes in what Eddie is yelling at him; Steve's parents didn't raise him, and how Wayne's cold shoulder must have added to whatever else Steve has going on in his life.
"I, I h-held him while he b-bawled into my shirt last night! He, he thinks- and you, you didn't even trust me! T-trust my own j-judgment of, of Steve! I, I need- I can't-" Eddie doesn't finish the sentence. He turns on his heel and storms back down the hall, the slamming of his door finalizing this conversation.
To say that Wayne feels terrible is inadequate. He's hurt his boy, and he's hurt his boy's boy, and he's got no one to blame but himself.
Now he's got two apologies to make.
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I tried to tag as many people as I could remember that expressed interest in a follow up fic. I am SO sorry if I missed you. Please let me know if you want to be tagged in the final part. I will only be tagging people who ask to be tagged going forward 'cause it's a lot of people to remember and my memory is garbage.
@i-less-than-three-you @nburkhardt @afewproblems @skepsiss @unclewaynemunson @itsthestrangestthings @emofratboy @devondespresso @finntheehumaneater @loopholesinmydreams @yourmom-isgay @wrenisflying @emsgoodthinkin @messrs-weasley @madigoround @jackiemonroe5512 @gutterflower77 @zerokrox-blog @eriquin @samyuck @lunarmaruna @mugloversonly @kaij-basil-lionelli88
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chrissdollie · 9 months
Dragon King Bakugo x Dragon Queen reader please it’s for my soul 😭😭😭
i totally understand, i feel like i don’t see enough of these 😭 16 - dragon king x dragon queen a/n: lowkey this was kinda short and im not too proud of it but ill edit it later and try to fix it wc: 964
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"the queen is pregnant!" "she's carrying a baby" "i wonder how the king feels.."
whispers and gasps were shared throughout the kingdom. they were extremely excited to have an heir to the throne. however, nobody was as joyful as katsuki bakugou, their king. he made sure that you were extra pampered and satisfied with everything.
"your highness, perhaps you'd feel better if you laid down-" your close friend suggested as you strutted around the palace. "nonsense, i feel fine, ejirou." you rubbed your belly and sat down on the throne.
katsuki rubbed your back with his thumb. "hmph, alright. whatever you say." he shrugged. ejirou towered above you, waiting for any sort of orders from you or your husband. "go alert the maids to run a warm bath, red." katsuki waved him off, shooing him away. ejirou, nodded. "of course, sir." and walked away.
"we'll hold a gathering tomorrow morning, how does that sound, my dear?" katsuki kneeled in front of you on his knees, holding both of your hands. you smiled down at him, fixing his necklaces. you hummed in response. "what're we gonna name him?" katsuki wondered aloud.
you giggled, "how do you know it'll be a boy?" you threaded your fingers through his soft blonde hair, with one hand resting on your stomach. he smirked, "mm, just have a feelin', baby."
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the next morning, you awoke in your large bed, covered in expensive furs. you yawned and got ready for the gathering of your kingdom. everyone was probably squirming with curiosity. "my queen, it's time." a servant entered your room. your husband was already dressed, his furs on his back and jewelry in place.
"they can wait." katsuki grunted, nudging you to pull your hair up. you were sitting at your divine vanity and katsuki stood behind you while holding your matching dragon tooth necklace. the servant bowed and left as he laid the necklace around your neck and clipped it in the back. you let your hair down and sighed.
katsuki quirked an eyebrow. "what's wrong, sweetheart?" he rubbed your shoulders, his eyes full of worry. "nothing, 'm just tired." you leaned into his touch, feeling secure. he nodded, kissing your head before grabbing your hand to pull you up.
"it'll be quick, i promise." he held his arm out for you to grab, which you obliged. "i want to visit the dragons afterwards, i haven't seen them in a while!" you exclaimed, latching onto his side. he chuckled at your anxiousness. "i'll make sure the carriage'll be ready."
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the kingdom cheered as the two of you stepped out of the palace, waving to all. servants surrounded you as you sat in your thrones. bakugou sighed, rolling his eyes. "hey losers." the crowd erupted at their kings usual rudeness, figuring it was a joke. "my queen, does it hurt?" a lady yelled out to you. you grinned and shook your head. "no, not much."
"how do you feel about the child, my king?" someone called out. katsuki leaned back in his throne. the crowd was silent, waiting for his answer. "what do you think, idiot? i'm the one who got her pregnant." he huffed, giving you a look that said "is he stupid or what?"
"how the hell are we supposed to know that the kid'll be a man?" a somewhat old man spat, crossing his arms. some of the crowd nodded along, agreeing with the man's words.
"you dare speak to your king in that tone??" mina growled, challenging the fool who spoke. katsuki's eyes burned daggers into the man. your face, however, was nonchalant. "i doubt i'll push a full grown man out." you chuckled softly, trying to lighten the mood. "besides, we dont need to have a boy. the times have changed, my friends."
"no one wants a girl!" the same idiot from before yelled out, cupping his hands around his mouth to make sure he was heard. "THIS IS WHY YOUR WIFE LEFT YOU, KURAI!" mina pointed out furiously. oh, this took a turn. you mentally wanted to laugh at the comment from mina, but that wouldn't be very polite. however, kingdom drama was surely a very funny topic.
"ooo"'s were sprung throughout the audience, as some began to argue. katsuki was about to burst, you could tell. you covered your ears in preparation. "SILENCE YOU BASTARDS." he jumped up from his throne, feeling enraged. the crowd went quiet (again). some whispers and mumurs spread around, waiting for someone to speak.
a little girl raised her hand and you recognized her immediately. your eyes lit up at the sight. "hello, eri!" you waved sweetly with a toothy grin. she cheesed, waving back. "hihi, y/n-san!"
her caretaker aizawa lifted her up to sit on his shoulders before she talked to you. "how are babies made?" she lifted her finger to the corner of her mouth, eyes filled with wonder. you were slightly taken aback from the question, but katsuki burst into laughter.
"great question, kid. well when a mommy and daddy love each other very very much," he started with his hands behind his head. you cut in quickly. "uh, well, the dragons deliver the baby to the momma and daddy's door, eri."
katsuki shook his head, rolling his eyes. eri had seemed satisfied with your answer and nodded her head. ejirou stepped forward, holding his hand up. "that concludes the gathering, everyone. please have a lovely day." he wrapped up, clapping his hands to get as arms went down and groans were heard.
you stood up from your throne with katsuki as he held your hand. "classic kurai, always starting problems." you joked, resting your head on katsuki's shoulder. he huffed. "i hate that bitch." you nodded back.
"can we go see my kids now?"
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a/n: to the noonie who sent be the hello kitty x spider-man trope thing, thats coming soon! :3
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gyuvision · 9 months
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pairing : brothers bsf hong seunghan x fem reader
contains -> : smut(!) - fingering, kissing, swearing, petnames (poor thing, sweet girl, baby doll), borderline dumbification/dollification, dacryphilia, situationship
wc : 1.8k
preview ! - when you and your friends rent a vacation home for winter break, its a no brainer seunghan is the one you go to when youre needy. but how will you go about it when your brothers room is right next door?
continue? ⬇️
you rolled over to look at the clock on the other side of your bed. “2:58am” it read in a big red font. you groaned at how you felt your panties stick to you, drowning in your slick.
today had been spent at the pool that came with the vacation home, which meant shirtless seunghan. which meant growing horny in front of your friends and your brother eunseok. which meant needing some sort of relief despite not being able to get considering eunseok has made it VERY clear he wants none of his friends anywhere near his baby sister in that sense.
seunghan wasnt oblivious, he saw how you stared at him, he knew that look, hes seen it before. that look you always gave him when you snuck out your house to drive to his place whenever you were needy.
hed be lying if he said he wasnt turned on either though. you with your wet hair laughing with your friends, with the white bikini that he so badly just wanted to untie.
but he played it off better than you, acting nonchalant as accordingly.
at least until it was time to exit for dinner, seunghan made sure he was last to enter, pulling you back by your arm after everyone else walked in so you two were the only ones outside.
“meet me in my room, 3am, no later than.” he winked as he ran a hand over your waist before walking back inside too.
so here you were, 3am, no later than, sitting on his bed next to him. you brushed his hair out of his pretty face, cooing as he pouted with his face pressed into his pillow.
you sighed as you looked at his sleeping figure. he must be joking. he hadnt really forgotten had he? but you couldnt blame him. today was tiring for him too, having to deal with wonbin constantly demanding a rematch in volleyball ‘cause he kept losing.
you lifted seunghans covers and crawled into the bed next to him, pressing your cold face into his warm chest. you pressed your hand into his cheek, rubbing circles with your thumb before you stopped, letting your hand rest there as you leaned further into his body.
“what are you doing y/nie?” he whispered sleepily, smiling as he brought an arm down to your waist.
“im cold. keep me warm wont you?” you mumbled, lifting your head up to peck his lips.
“shit, its 3am already.. i was just trying to take a quick nap.”
“baby!” you pouted, “you promised!”
“sorry sweet girl, im so tired. ill make it up to you tomorrow.” he spoke in a low tone as a warning to you, letting you know you were talking too loud when you seemed to forget eunseok was asleep on the other side of the wall.
you squirmed in his grasp as he tightened his hold on your waist, while you went a short incoherent rant.
“hey- quit moving. be good or youre not getting anything at all.” he grumbled, moving so he had his chin resting on top of your head.
you sighed, realizing maybe he deserved to sleep more than you need release even if you werent able to sleep yourself with how much you wanted him
you closed your eyes and tried to fall asleep, hoping his touch would be enough. but you just couldnt.
lifting the covers off of you, you tried to slip out of seunghans bed knowing him pressed against you wasnt going to help your situation, but he pulled you back, feeling even closer than before. “where are you going?”
“back to my room.”
“you said you were cold. my rooms a higher temperature than yours, stay here.”
“cant stay here, eunseok might come in.”
“youre paranoid arent you?” he licked his lips, trailing a hand down your side. “poor thing.. left you needy all night huh? thats cute. all you got in that empty head of yours is me huh?”
you felt him push on your thighs, spreading your legs open as his hand crept up your shorts. “these need to come off dont you think?”. he tugged on the waistband, pulling it down as you lifted up your hips. he opened his drawer, and put your shorts inside.
“you can get those back later.” he smirked. he was always talkative in bed, you couldnt say you minded, in fact you found it pretty attractive of him.
“seunghan, stop teasing.” you pleaded, gripping his shoulder. he cooed at your desperation, “such a needy girl.. poor y/nie, left needy all night long huh? dont worry babydoll. ill take such good care of you.”
your breath hitched when you felt him slowly slip two fingers into you, setting a steady pace as he began to massage your walls.
you looked over at your beautiful boy (not boyfriend yet, ouch), propped up on his side next to you, leaning on one arm as he used his other to thrust into you.
you mewled as hit that spot that had you wailing in his sheets, your head tipping back softly when he began to move faster once he knew where to aim for.
it wasnt too long after that when he pulled out, but before you got the chance to complain, he was pulling you on his lap and you felt his fingers enter you at another angle seconds later.
you whimpered lowly and airy when he kissed on your earlobe, beginning to suckle softly before going down and leaving wet kisses down your neck.
“what were you thinking when you put those on?” seunghan asked, gesturing to your shorts which sat at the bottom of his drawer. “bet you wanted someone to see you. was it.. wonbin? was it.. shotaro? or was it.. me?” he asked, pulling out his fingers all the way before plunging back in deep and hard for emphasis.
you moaned out loud (maybe too loud) when your sounds grew higher in volume and pitch as he thrusted in and out repeatedly, desperate to watch you fall apart.
he knew you were close when you began to clench uncontrollably around his fingers, smirking to himself when he saw tears form in the corners of your eyes.
“gonna cry for me baby? so desperate arent you. bet you couldnt get off without me. my fingers are better than anyones arent they? no one else can have you wailing like this after barely starting other than me.” he chuckled when you grip his hair, pulling him into your neck as you began to slowly ride his fingers, matching his pace desperately.
“seunghan.. so close..” you whine, practically sobbing as your tears flowed nonstop when he had 3 fingers working on you. the arm he once had around your waist moved down so he could rub circles on your clit.
but everything seemed to stop when he heard a knock at his door.
“seunghan? are you awake? i heard something so i assumed you are. everyone else is still sleeping.” you heard sungchans voice.
“what do you need? its almost 4 in the morning.”
it was silent, sungchan seeming to pause before speaking.
“can i come in?”
seunghan wasnt sure how to approach the situation. he could have you hide in the closet, or he could say no because he couldnt dare rip apart from his pretty girl, wanting nothing more than to take care of her.
he looked over at you, obviously shaking your head no.
then something came to him, a third option floating around.
“seunghan?” sungchan asked again.
“y-yeah. just give me a minute.” he replied.
“what the hell are you doing? what am i gonna do?” you whispered directly into his ear, frowning at his stupid smirk. “i wanna wipe that stupid look of your face right now.”
“just trust me sweetheart.”
he rushed to pull you off his lap, motioning for you to go further under the sheets. he had you lying down with your head in his lap as you sat between his legs, completely covered by the comforter.
seunghan took one of his pillows from behind him and placed it on his lap to cover your head, making it seem like he was the only person there.
he kept his right hand on your clit, rubbing circles and ignoring your protests as he called for sungchan to come in with his left hand on top of the pillow as he pretended to scroll on his phone.
“whats wrong? you okay?” he asked, before turning it off.
“just bored, cant sleep. wanted to talk to someone.” sungchan replied.
you listened as they began a random conversation about work, school, food, games, and other things you werent listening on. shocked was an understatement. you couldnt believe how normal he was acting with sungchan sitting right there as if he wasnt rubbing on your clit.
seunghan felt you begin to shake, and sped up his movements as he knew you were almost there.
“so i never knew he- you good man?” sungchan paused, motioning to the bed shaking.
“huh?” seunghan stopped before he realized it looked like your legs were in place of his under the covers. “oh, yeah. just cold.” he smiled, rubbing his arm as it looked like he had goosebumps.
“your room has the highest temperature compared to anyone elses.”
“ive got a thin blanket though.”
he shrugged it off and continue what he was talking about.
seunghan had to cover up your muffled moans as a cough when he felt your cum leak onto his hand, ignoring sungchans suspicious looks.
it took everything in you to keep quiet, not to mention you were suffocating under the fabric.
you sighed at seunghan, who practically seemed like he wanted to get caught as he rode out your high, lazily thrusting two fingers into you with his thumb on your clit.
it was only a few minutes later when you finally heard sungchan get up to leave.
he was already in the hallway before walking back in, letting his hand rest on the door.
“youre lucky it was me who came in and not eunseok.”
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jjkwyd · 6 months
bts reacts! you try to make them jealous
ღ requested: ooo maybe do a reaction where you try to make the members jealous
ღ network: ——
ღ genre: fluff/angst
ღ links:  request away | m.list | request rules
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he immediately knew what you were doing. you were failing miserably at trying to flirt with the waiter. he held himself together as he watched you, letting you embarrass yourself. when the waiter left and walked to go place your order, he raised his eyebrow at you. “what was that?” he asked in a sweet tone. “whyyy are you jealous?” you smiled innocently as he couldn’t help but laugh. “jealous? i thought that was entertaining,” he smiled innocently as your jaw dropped. “funny?!” you sounded offended as he nodded. “it was a good try,”
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he watched you as you talked with the security guard that was by the door of his building. he couldn’t help but stare with daggers as you pushed the guards shoulder at his joke. yoongi grabbed your hand and pulled you inside quickly. “hey,” you whined as he looked at you. “what the hell was that?” his voice was a bit cold as you looked at him innocently. “what do you mean?” you pressed your lips together to keep yourself from smiling as he looked at you, realizing you were messing with him. “oh… that’s really funny,” he rolled his eyes a bit before walking off as you started to laugh.
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he watched you, his smile faded into a frown as you talked with the barista at the cafe you usually visited before work. you didn’t really think about flirting with him until you noticed hoseok. that’s when you decided to mess around with him. “byeee, i’ll see you tomorrow? when do you work?” you asked innocently then walked out with hoseok as he looked at you. “why do you talk to him like that?” hoseok immediately said when the door closed behind you. “what do you mean?” you took a sip of your latte as he sighed. “ill see you tomorrow,” he quoted you as you nodded. “im always here anyways,” hoseok sighed. “yah, don’t flirt with people like that, okay?” he missed the idea that you were just messing around with him.
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his jaw clenched as he watched you talking with jungkook. immediately getting jealous with the idea of you flirting with a different man. it took him a moment then realized you were doing it to get a rise out of him. he sat down and watched everything unfold. smiling to himself at how awkward you looked because you were already expecting him to be with you and ask what was happening. he watched as the painful conversation ended and you walked over. “what was that about?” he smiled softly as you thought. “oh i was asking about his piercing, i told him it looked nice,” he nodded then smiled at you. “flirting is not for you at all,” you blushed as you realized he caught on to what you were doing.
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he watched as he saw you talking with his choreographer. his eyes shooting daggers between the two of you, he never invited you to watch his practice before but he was sure this would be the last time. you noticed him staring at you a while ago and decided to play with your hair as you talked about jimin to his own choreographer. “y/n!” jimin called out, faking the sweetness in his voice as you walked over. “yes…?” he held your wrist a little tight. “how about you go home? get some rest.” “why is that?” you questioned. “i don’t appreciate you flirting in front of my eyes. so…go. home.” you stifled a laugh. “what’s so funny?” he looked dumbfounded then realized. “you were messing with me…” he fake laughed, trying to pretend like he was in on the joke.
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he smiled at you as you both were painting in the class he paid for you to do. the teacher came around and complimented your progress, you smiled to yourself and got the idea to joke around and make taehyung jealous. “well i have an amazing teacher,” you complimented them as tae listened closely, figuring out what was going on. you threw a few more compliments the teachers way and taehyung cut you off. “hey, does this look right?” he innocently asked the teacher as he looked at his painting and complimented him then finished his rounds of looking at everyone’s work. “well i have an amazing teacher,” taehyung mumbled as he was mocking you a bit. “what? i’m not supposed to say something nice?” you looked at him with innocent eyes. “well, not when it’s flirting. jeez y/n” you giggled as he stared at you dumbfounded then realized and nodded a bit. “you were actually just being nice… not flirting….” you kissed his cheek and smiled. “bingo”
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he watched as you talked with his gym instructor, leaning up against one of the machines, playing with your hair and laughing at their jokes as jungkook watched you closely. he didn’t hear what you were saying and he cleared his throat, not wanting to say something about you talking to his instructor in front of them. “hey! i gotta go home… my stomach is messed up” he came up with an excuse as you looked over. “it is?” he nodded to your question as you said bye to his instructor. as soon as you were out of there jungkook looked at you. “what was that?” he looked a bit hurt as you looked at him. “just a conversation,” he shook his head. “a flirty one,” he still looked a little upset as you felt bad and kissed his cheek. “i was just messing with you,” he looked at you a little funny. “promise?” you nodded. “i promise, you’re like a million times hotter”
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hopelessrromantix · 2 years
Well ask and you shall receive, can I request a fluff fic with a flayed Billy, I'd just imagine him walking about your house accidentally spooking the reader cause he's supringingly quiet, and doing act of kindness such as bringing in wild animals since he sees the reader like them (specifically rodents please), and when the reader sleeps he just lays on top of them and sees that as cuddling, basically like a human sized cat trying his best to show love in his own ways. thank you
im slowly filling all your 6 month old requests... sorry... ill get there, i promise.
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The sudden thud of your window opening forced your eyes open.
It was the middle of the night, your room was completely dark and the only sound was that of distant crickets.
You were barely awake, your brain still shaking itself out of your dream. Just when you managed to clear the sleep from your eyes, something heavy fell on top of you, scaring the absolute shit out of your sleep riddled brain.
“Jesus Billy,” You mumbled, your hand flying to the back of Billy’s head. He had practically buried himself in the crook of your neck, his breath warm against your cool skin.
You dragged your hands through his hair, gently separating the knots. Billy whined at that, sighing deeply at the comforting motion.
“Hey, love,” You said, now fully awake.
You and Billy had become friends not long after he moved to Hawkins. Originally you’d talked to him because Steve Harrington, resident douchebag and your ex-bully hated him, but you slowly became actual friends. He was a little intense, and you had to make him lay off his step-sister a few times, but he ended up being different than you thought he’d be. You started dating a while after figuring out you were both gay (a reveal that brought unknown amounts of relief to both of you).
You found out about the Upside Down soon after you’d been dragged there yourself. You managed to get out with your life and a small buzzing voice in the back of your head that wanted you to come back.
Maybe that’s how Billy found you again.
You carted your hands through his messy hair, gently untangling the damp curls.
You looked over to the small cage on your table. It’d been empty when the night began, but now a small mouse sat in it, hiding behind the small container for food. It seemed shaken up, though it may have been hurt. Most of the animals Billy brought you were. You weren’t sure whether it was because they were easier to catch or because he knew you liked to take care of them. Still, you smiled at the gesture, making a note to check on it tomorrow.
“You didn’t show up yesterday, I got worried.” You didn’t expect a response, and you didn’t receive one. Instead, he shoved himself into the crook of your neck, pressing himself to your skin as if he could somehow get closer than he already was.
“I miss you,” you said sadly, your voice quiet. “Miss being able to see you normally. Talk like we used to.”
He huffed, his warm breath tickling the skin on your neck. The small buzzing feeling came back, offering only a flood of emotions. You’d discovered it accidentally the first time Billy came back, but now you were thankful for the little knowledge you got about how he felt.
It was a wave of sadness and longing, a silent I miss you too.
“It’s alright,” You reassured. “You can stay right here until we get to be ‘normal’ again.” You chuckled slightly, smiling at the way his arms tightened around you. “Just don’t go missing on me, okay?”
You felt him softly nod before going completely still in your arms. A small moment of calm in the chaotic whirlwind that was his mind, but you’d take any moment you could get.
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mayhem-neverending · 9 months
The Big Bad Wolf
Part XI
Word Count: 4,228
Warnings: Mentions of death
Note: Lights, Camera, Action! Don't mind the beginning, please and thanks. And Obito is in this part, don't worry.
Once again sitting across from him, Kakashi had the space to collect himself. He was internally reeling from your warmth and delicious smell, the ghost of your touch lingering in his hair. You appeared largely unaffected, but happy with the interaction.
A buzzing from his pocket stole his attention. He pulled it out and opened it, seeing a string of notifications. Two were from Genma, one was from Guy. He opened Guy’s first.
Rival!! I just heard you came to your paramour’s rescue!!! Is it true!!?? You are truly HEROIC!!
Kakashi opted to ignore that for the moment and opened Genma’s messages.
I thought you said you guys werent together
does that mean ur coming to my bday party too?
An irritated sigh exited his nose. His irritation clashed, however, with the excitement he felt from your conversation. He tucked his phone away without bothering to answer and only smiled at your questioning brow.
“How did Obito like meeting Hikaru?” He asked pleasantly.
“I think he was a little unsure at first, but he came around towards the end I think,”
“That sounds about right,”
“I really need you to get him a phone. I would hate for me or Hikaru to be sick and I don’t have any way to get a hold of him,”
“Makes sense. I’ll look into it tomorrow,”
You mirrored Kakashi as he sipped his sake. He looked around briefly before asking, “You don’t happen to have any of that food you were talking about earlier, do you?”
“No, I left it all with Obito. Are you hungry?”
“A little,”
“Well, I’m sure Obito’ll be happy to see you,” You raised an eyebrow at him.
“Kicking me out?”
“Never. I just think it would be good for him to see you. He’s been doing a lot better, and I think he’d be proud to show you his progress,”
He thought for a moment. “Not tonight. I’ll make some time tomorrow though, okay?”
You grinned. “That’d be great, Kakashi.”
“And you’re welcome to my fridge, if you want. I don’t really have the energy to cook right now,”
“What do you have?”
You playfully rolled your eyes. “Go look,”
He kept his drink in his hand while he got up to look. You followed him, your own drink in one hand and phone in the other. You set them down and hoisted yourself onto the counter. You settled yourself and opened up your phone. You hadn't heard it go off but you figured you might as well check.
You were glad you did. There was a message from Hina, your cousin… And a missed call from Toma, but you weren’t going to give that one any of your energy.
hey no worries here im with my aunt. the one w dementia near the border. Ill lyk if anything happens but im sure itll all be okay
thanks for worrying abt me tho. r u coming when I give birth still? im due in like 2 weeks
Kakashi looked back at you from where he was bent over, placing a bake-able tupperware container in the oven. “Hm? What’s wrong,”
“A. I forgot I told Hina I would be there when she gave birth, and B. She didn’t take my warning seriously… The upside is that she isn’t near her husband’s compound, though. She’s on the western border, closest to us.”
“You should tell her to stay there. It’ll be easier to extract her in case of an emergency.”
You did just that, and told her you would try to find a sitter for Hikaru so you could be there for her. To her it was just a loving family member there to help her; for you it was an extra set of eyes and capable hands there to protect her. If the Zen’in Clan stirred up trouble, like they always did when things didn’t go in their favor, it would compromise the safety of her and her baby.
“Would I be able to take off for that?” You asked Kakashi, who was leaning against the counter opposite you, his feet crossed at the ankle in front of him.
“For her baby’s birth?”
He tilted his chin down and his thin brows furrowed. “I don’t know, Y/n. It would be incredibly dangerous for you to go into a country that is in such a politically tumultuous state right now,”
You grumbled, but didn’t push the subject further. You would have to play it by ear, anyway.
The next morning your son woke you extra early. He wasn't allowed to go to school until twenty-four hours after his fever had subsided, so you had convinced your grandma to take him for the day before you had gone to bed.
You got up slowly and went about your usual routine. The morning was incredibly bright from the sun reflecting off the surface of the white snow. Before you left, you tried to find a pair of sunglasses, but only found Hikaru’s half-bent ones. He didn’t care for your attempt at putting them in his toy bin and took them from you, smashing them on his face until they balanced enough for him to walk around with them.
Your grandma was closer to the forest than the daycare was, so you had taken a little extra time getting out the door. You styled your hair differently and chose a nicer set of warm clothes - a more fitted sweater and jeans. You wouldn’t admit it, but you knew deep down who you were trying to look nice for.
The walk took longer than you had anticipated since you had forgotten to factor in Hikaru’s desire to stomp around in the freshly fallen snow. You let him dig his toes in and drag his feet and shove his little hands in it in wonder; choosing to be patient and appreciate the sheer joy lighting up his chubby face.
Waiting in the front window, your grandmother watched as you two approached until you opened the front gate. She opened the door and called for Hikaru with a delighted smile.
“My boy! I haven’t seen you in what feels like 50 years!” She exclaimed dramatically.
He wasn’t giving her any attention, opting to plop straight down into the snow and giggle. You shook your head with a smile and hoisted him up, effectively covering yourself in the snow that came with him.
You handed him off to your grandma, told her you loved her and kissed Hikaru on both cheeks, repeating the same phrase to him. You waved goodbye and made a swift exit.
Obito was worried you might not make it But there he was, standing in his window, watching you take dramatically large steps as you trudged through the deep snow. The scene put a massive grin on his face. He courteously opened his front door for you when got close enough.
“Good morning,” you untied your boots on the front step, sliding your feet out and hopping into the cottage.
“Good morning!” He replied cheerily, shutting the door behind you.
“Somebody’s in a good mood,”
He thought you were being sarcastic, but you smiled up at him warmly, even if it didn’t quite reach your eyes. You smacked the snow off your boots and pulled them inside, letting him close the door behind you. Instead of your usual route to the kitchen, you veered off the path and tossed yourself on the couch.
“Walking in that snow really wore me out,”
He playfully rolled his eyes. “So, that means you get to slack off on the clock?”
“Of course,” you patted the seat next to you with a little smile. “Come slack off with me?”
He settled onto the cushion next to you, turning his body so that he was facing you. A comfortable silence surrounded the two of you for a few short minutes. He studied your profile while you stared at the fire, obviously lost in thought.
“I had an interesting evening after I left yesterday,”
“My ex’s new girlfriend harassed me outside of the apothecary, then Kakashi shows up and tells me that Akujia has outlawed all forms of chakra control!”
“Shit, are you serious?” he leans back, his smile slipping.
“That is not good,”
You nodded in agreement. “My cousin, Hina, still lives there, but when I told her she should consider moving here she just kinda blew me off. She doesn’t - I don’t know how to put this without seeming like an ass - but she… lac- has chosen.. not to.. hone.. her critical thinking skills. God I sound like a shitty person, but in short, I’m genuinely worried about her and her baby,”
“Is she a chakra-user?”
“No, but her baby is the heir of the Zen’in clan,”
His brows shot up and he made a face like he was impressed. “No shit? Good for her,”
His comment lightened the mood, and you threw him a playful smile. “I know, right? She’s really got it made. Her husband not only loves her, like, intensely, but he’s loaded, attractive, and with the servants, the girl never even has to lift a finger,”
“Hm, does sound pretty nice,” he rested the side of his head on the back of the couch. “Is that what you want?”
“Which part?”
You enjoyed your view of him. His black hair, which needed another trim, was still moussed up a bit from sleep, and the depth of his eyes was revealed in the stream of sunlight illuminating him. The warmth of the sun softened his sharp features, and he looked absolutely charming the way he was smiling at you. He licked his lips before he spoke, drawing your attention to them. Despite being slightly chapped, you thought they looked awfully silky. You briefly wondered what he would do if you reached out and touched them.
“Attractive, loaded, the servants - is that what you want in a man?”
The seriousness of his tone had you giggling. You shook your head ‘no’. “The love part is the most important to me. I don’t particularly want servants, but money is definitely a perk. I like feeling financially secure, for sure,”
You raised your brow. He was looking at you attentively, like this was a very important conversation. It made you feel a little weird, but you answered honestly, “In general, I find a lot of people attractive, but in an objective way. I rarely find people that I’m attracted to. And that’s what’s important to me. Someone could tell me they don’t think who I’m dating is all that good looking, but it doesn’t matter all that much to me, because I’m attracted to them as a whole person, y’know? Not just their looks,”
He nodded like you had just given him some profound insight. You, now curious because of his strange behavior, turned the question around on him. “What is important to you in a woman?”
You rested your cheek on your fist. He looked a bit scattered at having been asked the same thing. “Uh, well,”
He cleared his throat and looked away from you. In a flat tone, he muttered, “Dunno, haven’t really thought about it,”
A frown tugged at your lips and you looked at him in puzzlement. “In all your life, you haven’t really thought about it?”
With downcast eyes, he replied, “That’s a conversation for another day,”
You nodded, accepting his answer for the time being. You stood and stretched your arms over your head. “Well, it’s pretty late, how about brunch?”
“Whatever you want,” he replied with a shrug, easing back into his lighter tone.
“I love it when you say that,” you winked.
He followed you into the kitchen in his normal fashion, leaning against the counter-top and taking up your precious little prep space. It didn’t matter how many times you had to move him around the kitchen while you worked, he always stayed if he wasn’t preoccupied with anything else.
He made himself comfortable, folding his arms over his chest and leaning heavily into the counter. He looked intimidating like this sometimes; his mouth set in a firm line while he silently watched.
He wore a black t-shirt, rather than his usual long-sleeve, and you wondered once again about his arms being two completely different colors. What really caught your attention, though, was the muscle definition. You had a hard time tearing your gaze away from the well defined-lines; only narrowly avoiding him catching you by quickly reaching beside him to grab a cutting board.
“I’m thinking extra protein today. How about Eggs Benedict, but make it with chicken cause we don’t have ham?”
“Hm, as long as you fry the chicken like you did last time, I’m game,”
“Oh, that was a new recipe. You liked that?”
“Oh, yeah,” he replied mischievously. “I liked it, ‘like a lot’,”
“You little shit,” you said with a grin.
He laughed at your expense, but you enjoyed his teasing. He was absolutely wonderful to be around whenever he wore his goofy grin. For the first time, you blushed when he aimed it at you.
Feeling a little hot and a host of butterflies in your stomach, you looked away from him and busied yourself with starting brunch. He talked to you about a new quilting project he was sketching out while you pulled everything you needed out. He was animated, drawing the shapes in the air with his finger in an attempt to better convey his vision.
You told him to just get the paper he drew it on with a laugh, and he went off into the living room in search of it among the scraps. You shook your head to yourself, wondering how you could be so happy just listening about his excitement over his project.
You were beginning to remove the bones from the raw chicken when your phone started to ring loudly. Your bag was in the living room so you asked Obito to grab it really quickly for you. He trotted over with it and you asked him who it was.
“Uh, Hina. That’s your cousin, right?”
Anxiety flared in your chest, “Answer it, put it on speaker, please,”
He answered and clicked the speaker button, standing close to you and holding it near your face so you could speak clearly into it. You answered, “Hey,”
“Hi,” she answered in an unnaturally high, broken pitch and you immediately stopped what you were doing, your body stilling while your heart-rate increased.
“Hina?” You asked slowly.
“I-” she cut herself off with a sudden burst of loud, uncontrollable sobbing.
You dropped your knife and pushed Obito over with your hip to get access to the sink. You turned it on and called her name again, but it only caused her to let out a guttural sob that pierced straight through your chest. You hurriedly washed your hands and wiped them on your jeans, grabbing the phone from Obito.
“Hey, hey, Hina? What’s going on?”
You heard shaky breathing on the other end and assumed she was attempting to get enough control to speak, but only seconds later she let out another sharp cry. Your wide eyes met with Obito’s. Something bad happened, obviously, and your mind conjured up image after cruel image. Your hands began to shake almost imperceptibly as adrenaline coursed through you.
“Hina, sweetie. I’m right here. Please, can you tell me what’s going on?”
“Take a deep breath with me?”
She made a noise and you started. “In… out…”
After a single breath, she screeched, “They killed him!”
Her uncontrollable sobs were let loose once again, cut up by sharp, ragged breaths. “The. Oh God..-”
On the other end you heard retching, and your hand unconsciously covered your mouth. Your heart dropped into your stomach and your shaking worsened. Your feet were glued to the floor, eyes unfocused on the cabinet in front of you. All of your senses dulled except your hearing, focusing so you could catch any words she tried to get out between heaves. Every noise she made was amplified and rang in your ears.
In between her heaving she breathlessly got out, “The clan… The meeting..”
You assumed she finished vomiting and you listened to her struggle to breathe in and out. “They massacred the clan! Javi’s dead!”
“Where are you?” you asked urgently.
“Still-still with my aunt,”
“Stay there, do you hear me?”
“Stay. There. I will come get you,”
There was complete silence on the other end of the line. You waited with baited breath, staring into nothing.
You had never heard her sound smaller than when she asked, “How long?”
You had to pause for a moment; your mind blanking as her voice gutted you. As quickly as you could, you did the math in your head, your heart aching for her. “Two days,”
She sniffled, and a tremor of fear rang through her voice as she asked, “You promise?”
“I promise,” you replied with sincerity.
After a beat, you calmly said, “I have to make a couple calls, okay?”
“I’m scared,” she cried.
“I’m so, so sorry, Hina. This should have never happened to you, and I know it’s hard, but you need to stay as calm as you can for your baby, okay?”
She cried softly on the other end. After a long pause she finally said, “Okay,”
“I’m hanging up now. I’ll be in contact with you later.” You hit the ‘end call’ button, almost missing from the shaking of your hands.
Immediately, you called Kakashi. You finally regained the ability to move, and paced up and down the room as the phone rang. It rang and rang.. and went to voicemail. You took the phone away from your ear and fervently hit the call button again. Your pace increased as it rang and you held the phone in an iron-grip.
He answered. “Hey, I can’t really-”
“They killed the Zen’in clan,” you blurted.
Before he had a chance to respond, you hurriedly gave him the short version of your previous call. There was muted talking in the background and a short, agonizing silence before he spoke to you again.
“Listen, I can’t just send you out on your own. This isn’t just a matter of family; the Zen’in are important people and your cousin is carrying the last living member as far as we’re aware. I have no doubt that someone will come after her to finish the job they started if they find out she’s still alive,”
“Obito can come with me,” you rushed out before your mind could even process.
“Y/n. I can’t. He’s on house arrest, the council-”
“They don’t have to know. Besides, he’s stronger than the rest of the jounin, and everyone’s busy. Please, Kakashi,” you reasoned.
You looked at Obito out of the corner of your eye, and slowly registered that his eyes were glossed over. He likely wasn’t hearing any of your conversation.
He let out a frustrated sigh. “Y/n,”
Hina’s broken sobs reverberated in your mind, and a sense of desperation rose from your chest into your throat.
Your voice broke as you begged, “Please,”
Silence, and then, “Go home, change into your uniform, and bring your gear. Pack a separate civilian outfit. Meet me back at Obito’s when you’re done. No more than two hours; this has to be done quickly,”
“Yes, sir. Thank you,”
You pulled your phone away to end the call when he asked, “What will you do with Hikaru?”
“Fuck!” You raked your fingers over your scalp.
“Just. Fucking Toma can take him,”
“Are you sure?”
You huffed in frustration. “He won’t listen to me if I try to talk to him, but no one else can keep him for four plus days. Can you- would you call him at work or something? Please, for me? He’d probably listen to you,”
“Okay, I’ll try,”
“Thank you.” You hung up the phone.
Closing your eyes, you took a deep breath. When you opened them, Obito was standing in front of you. His face was deeply lined with worry. He hesitantly reached out in an attempt to comfort you, but stopped midway, unsure of himself. You breached the gap, grabbing a fistful of his shirt and burying your face into his chest.
“That was…” he trailed off.
He awkwardly tried to comfort you by patting your shoulder while his other arm circled around your back. The exchange was brief; you backed away and hastily made for your coat and boots by the front door. While shoving your feet in your boots, you vaguely heard him trailing after you.
“Less than two hours,” you said, now slinging on your coat.
“I’ll be back here in less than two hours. Kakashi’s coming, so be ready to go,”
“Ready to go?”
You stopped unlatching the door and looked at him over your shoulder, becoming frustrated as you felt the clock ticking. “Yes, Obito. You’re coming with me. Have an outfit packed, I assume Kakashi will bring the rest of what you need,”
He stared at you with wide eyes and a dropped jaw, but you chose not to respond. Instead, you flung open the door and slammed it shut behind you. You sprinted through the snow covered path to your apartment, and, when you hit the village, you jumped between the rooftops despite the snow, hurrying as fast as you could.
In your apartment, you ripped your closet door open and pulled out a few storage bins that contained all of your shinobi equipment. It was one of the few things from your past you fought Toma tooth and nail to keep, and you could never have been more grateful to your past self for standing her ground.
You found your winter uniform at the bottom of the second bin. You pulled on a black, long-sleeve compression shirt. Over that you wore your kusari gusoku, or the protective chain-mail most ninja wore under their clothes. You pulled on the standard pants with leggings underneath for added warmth, and black boots. You added a thin, but incredibly warm, water resistant hooded jacket that clung to you comfortably.
Taking a seat on your bed, you added white tape to your leg. While rolling it on, you smacked your hand against something hard. You reached into one of your many pockets and to your surprise, found a hidden kunai mechanism; a spring-loaded wire that allows the user to extend and retract kunai from their sleeve instantly. You placed it back where you found it, just in case, and finished the wrappings.
Instead of the regular issued sandals, you pulled on the lesser used, but still military issued, black boots. They formed to your feet perfectly - they had always been your favorite pair of shoes, and the feeling brought in a wave of memories. You had to push them away while you continued, but the nostalgia lingered.
Tying the hitai-ate around your neck was the last piece of the puzzle. The weight of it felt right, a familiar heaviness that steadied your racing thoughts. You wanted to look in your full length mirror, but knowing you would distract yourself, you readied your weapons, tools, and pack first. They were all in one place, so it took only a few minutes to distribute what you needed to your pockets and the rest to your bag. Before you decided to call it good, you went into your bathroom and tossed in some of your first aid stuff, since your old kit hadn’t been touched in years.
Packing a couple outfits (an extra for Hina, just in case), shoes, and basic everyday necessities took up the rest of your time. The apartment looked like a tornado had run through it when you had finally closed the zipper, but you hardly glanced at it. You pulled your bag strap over your shoulder, and an overwhelming sense of anxiety slammed into your gut.
As if in a trance, you went back into your bedroom closet, and pulled out one of Hikaru’s baby blankets and an old swaddle. In the back of your mind you reprimanded yourself for using up space for something that would likely prove useless, but you couldn’t help yourself. Your anxiety had always led you to pack for ‘just in case’ scenarios, and you wouldn’t be changing this time.
Before you put it back on, you allowed yourself one glance in the mirror. The woman who stared back at you was a person you had never expected to see again. Tears welled in your eyes because for the first time in years, you fully recognized the person in the mirror. There was hardly any change, physically. You looked a little older, the dark circles under your eyes a little darker, your hands a little softer, maybe even a little wiser, but all in all, you looked like you, again. Or at least a version you had loved.
You covered your mouth as a quiet, relieved sob spilled out. You blamed your tears on your heightened emotions, and quickly wiped them away. You gave your reflection a watery smile, and waved at yourself like you were greeting an old friend. You tore yourself away before you could get lost in it and headed back to Obito’s.
Part XII
Tag List: @mostlyunsure, @humongousdreamlandbear, @ichaichahatake
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eggyoneshots · 2 years
roof confessions
a/n: now see im reviving this fandom with @galalunaboyfriend and what better to start off that than a lance x reader fic also god this formatting sucks but ill suffer thru it
He really didn't understand why you insisted on calling him instead of just sending him a text. He didn’t know why he always answered either, but frankly if he dwelled on it, he’d probably realize things he wasn’t ready to admit to himself even. He always asked why, but you just changed the subject, or said “wouldn’t you like to know” before changing the subject, so he figured you’d spill eventually. Maybe. Lance wasn’t even sure, you were as stubborn as him, which is a genuine feat. However, despite you being his closest friend that didn’t live in the same house as him, he was not tolerant of being phoned by you at 3 in the fucking morning on a school day to talk about a fucking frog figurine you saw over six hours ago, especially when he was resting ever so peacefully for once in his life. Still, he looked at his phone, angry and exhausted, pressing the answer button. You’re lucky he likes you. “YN. It is..” He pauses, staring at the clock for a solid minute, trying to remember how to read. “It’s 3:07 in the morning. On a t.. Tuesday? I don’t remember.” He sounded horrific, considering you woke him up before his usual time. He’s a routine follower, and you interrupted it.
“It’s- It’s important, I swear.” You sounded just as tired, but obviously you were excited to share something. However tired he was, he knew you’d still tell him regardless of his desire to go back to sleep. He rolled over, staring at the ceiling, ready to go through whatever verbal torment you had ready. “Ok ok, so, this was..” He heard shuffling, then the sound of something plastic being put down. “I saw this at like, 6pm, it was in the window of this like, antique shop or something, right?” You paused, staying quiet. Were you expecting him to respond? He grunted, giving you a tired ‘right.’ “Right, and this.. This ffffuckin’ frog, it was… ceramic or something, I dunno, but it was like, staring right at me as I was looking, and I just knew I had to get it.” Lance raised a brow at the sound of you tapping your window. “Look through your window, trust me dude.” He blinked, sitting up sluggishly. Sure enough, you were standing at the window, phone up to your ear, holding.. A ceramic frog. It was small, the size of your palm, and it was just. .staring at him. He kind of gets the appeal. “Look at this thing. It’s so silly.” Lance moved to stare at you after a moment, glaring. “What.”
“You called me at 2am for.. A frog.” You nodded from across the window, giving a sleepy grin. “..You couldn’t have just.. Texted me? Or, preferably, wait for tomorrow morning.” You shrugged, putting the frog down on your windowsill with the other collectibles you had. Did you really keep that rock that he admitted to grabbing from the ground, then used as an apology? (He still felt bad about how he treated you when you first met.)
“I like hearing you talk.” He blinked, slowly processing what you said. Meanwhile, you looked like you wanted to drop dead on the spot. He suddenly felt awake, eyes comically widening. “Hey wow, I’m so sleepy suddenly, ok bye goodnight!” You clicked the hang up button before he could even respond, making him stare at his phone with a completely shocked expression.
“WHAT-” He almost screamed, watching you disappear to your bed, which was out of sight from the window. He never typed so fast in his life, thankful you texted him sometimes. ‘HELLO?’ ‘YOU CAN’T DROP THAT ON ME THEN DISAPPEAR FOR THE NIGHT??’ ‘So help me I’ll break in through your window.’ ‘YN.’ ‘ANSWER ME RIGHT NOW.’ He stared at his phone, waiting for maybe two minutes total until you responded finally.
‘roof meeting’
He sighed, rubbing the bridge of his nose. He tossed on a hoodie, not realizing it was one you got him because he said it ‘looked comfy.’ Opening his window, he crouched on his windowsill, crawling onto his roof, waiting for you. Eventually, and knowing you it’s because you were doing your usual ‘anti-anxiety routine’, which he caught you doing before a test once, you crawled from your window, sitting across from him on your roof. He just stared at you for a minute, unaware his face was sort of red, before finally breaking the horrific silence. “Are you going to explain, or are we going to sit here until it’s morning?” You made a face, tapping your fingers against your knee. “Well?”
“I’m thinking, damnit!” You looked at him finally, your face basically cherry colored. He let out a sigh, crossing his arms and looking you in the eye. “You know staring at me like you’re going to kill me isn’t helping, right?” You shrunk into yourself slightly, trying to avoid eye contact with him. Honestly, if you were struck by lightning or something right now you would not complain in the slightest. “I just- uh..”
“You just.. What?” He wasn’t mad. He just.. He didn’t even know. Maybe it’s because you usually tell him pretty much everything.
You groaned, rubbing a hand over your face. “It’s just- ugh, I like hearing you because it’s like.. comforting?” You weren’t looking at him as you spoke, afraid of his reaction. “Like, you’re kind of this source of comfort for me, and like.. being around you is nice, and I like you a lot more than I should, and I just really love you in general-” You were rambling at this point, not noticing the almost starstruck look on Lance’s face. You.. loved him? That’s not- There’s no way. He was barely listening at this point, head swimming. You weren’t even looking at him right now, hyper focused on the ground below.
The minute he finally finished processing what you said, he tried, tried, to get your attention. “Yn.” You clearly hadn’t heard him at all, considering you were still rambling. It would’ve been nice, if it wasn’t for the fact he needed you to be quiet for once and listen to him. “Yn.” Even when he was louder, still nothing, not even a glance. “Yn!” You looked at him for a millisecond, but kept rambling. Alright. “YN!” You finally stopped, looking at him, sometimes, fidgeting nervously. “Are you serious?” He’d rather not dodge asking, and get to the point. You looked like you were going to die on the spot. “Yn. Answer me. Please.” He sucked at this. He really did. This is like one of those scenes in those stupid drama shows Ilana watched. Just with less crying.
He kept staring at you, waiting. He was honestly hoping you were serious. What. That’s extremely new, did he.. You were essentially part of the family, even if you weren't like them. He’d witnessed you patch them up after every battle, made sure Oktus hadn’t broken or anything, even when Tashy 497 (Tarax would always be its name to him, but he wouldn't admit that) was dying, you were there for them, somehow knowing what to say perfectly. You opened your mouth, pretty much visibly thinking over what to say. “I.. I am. I’m dead serious.” You looked away for a moment, taking a deep breath. “I’ve.. felt like this for.. months. Almost a year, actually. I just didn't think you’d ever really.. figure it out. Or feel the same.” You blinked, coughing into your fist. “Not- Not that I think you do, if-if you don’t it’s fine, we can still be friends, and I-”
“I do.” It came out before he could stop himself, throat almost closing up. SMOOTH ONE, LANCE. You looked at him, eyebrows shooting up. Huh wuh. “I.. I do, uh, feel the same. I just..” He stopped, brain coming to a halt on how to finish the sentence.
“Don’t know how to show it?” He was always grateful you knew how to talk about this stuff.
“Yes. I.. never really.. went through anything like..” He paused, making an awkward hand motion between the two of you. “This. Admitting it, even feeling anything like it. Not.. Not like this, at least.” He felt like blowing up. Please, if there’s any divine being out there, please blow him up for letting him admit this. “But, even if I’m not really, you know, experienced, I guess, I.. I still want to try.”
“You’re.. you’re sure?” You looked almost surprised, but at the same time hopeful. He wasn’t kidding. He wouldn’t joke about this, he wasn’t that kind of person. “We- We don’t- You don’t have to, I-I don’t want you doing anything just because of what I said.”
“I’m more than sure, YN.” Lance smiled at you, face turning slightly pink. “I can’t promise I’ll be any good at.. Anything in this case, but I want to try,” He looked away for a second, face turning darker pink. “For us both.”
You smiled, your own face becoming pink. “Alright. Alright!” You gave a toothy grin, feeling elated. Who knew calling your best friend to talk about a frog you found would end up like this. You weren’t complaining though.
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Chapter Seven: Investigation! And Hunger!
“Hey, thanks for the save back there, Officer.” Tony led the policeman through the dining area of the pizzeria, passed the counter and through the hall towards the kitchen, “I thought i was a gonner for sure.” The man remained silent, all the while checking for hidden rooms or any sign of dead bodies. The officer looked towards the walk in freezer and asked, “Mind if we take a look in there?” Tony replied with a smile, “Sure thing!” He walked towards the door and opened it. As they walked in the officer questioned, “So you make pizzas, what are the meat hooks for?” Tony looked at the row of empty meat hooks along the right side of the cold room, “Oh those nasty lookin things? Here when i got the place, i guess it was a different type of joint before i got ahold of it.” The officer nodded and said, “Okay one last place to check, mind if we check your office?” “Not a problem!” Tony laughed. They walked out of the freezer to see Todd standing in the kitchen. “Hey Tony.” Todd said, the officer asked, “Who's this?” Tony answered, “Oh thats my top employee, he's here to help me prepare for tomorrow, its two months since i started this place, heh. Now lets get that room checked out huh?” They looked and found nothing of interest.
At the door the officer turned to Tony, “Thank you for your time, maybe sometime ill stop in and try this place out.” Tony grinned, “Not a problem, sir! We'd love ta see ya around.” “You two have a good night. We'll give you a call about the crazy who attacked you tomorrow. See where to go from there.” “I think it was just a misunderstanding, still shook me up something awful though.” Tony smiled, “Have a good night.” Tony and Todd waved the police car off and went back inside the pizzeria.
Tony walked to his store phone and dialed a number Todd couldnt read, “Hey, can you have the ingredients in by morning? Yeah. Thanks alot.” He hung up and turned to Todd, “Thats what earlier was about, more people on your side is useful.” Todd asked, “So the people you turned took all the evidence out while we were gone?” “Aint it awfully convenient?” Tony laughed, “And that hunters gone for now too! Say, didja catch that guy?” “I did, i dont think ill get used to it though. Sorry for the police by the way, i didnt know what else to do.” Todd admitted. “Ya did good, kid. Plus yknow the pizza only tides us over so long.” Tony praised. Todd looked down, “i think im going to go home, i need proper sleep.” “Go crazy, kid. See ya tomorrow?” Tony smirked. “See ya tomorrow.” Todd nodded.
Tony decided to go on a regular walk that night. He figured he'd tempted fate enough for that day. Tony went downtown, he turned left from the shop door and down the sidewalk. The street lights loomed overhead and he had a thought, “Four months, huh? Been a while since you've felt the sun. These lamps are the only light that touches your skin anymore aside from the pizzeria.” He turned down an alley before the upcoming intersection. “We're almost ready. Just a little more money. I can't help that it bothers me, I used to love its warmth. Now i dont feel much of nothin. When ya do your cold.” A group of friends come out of a bar ahead of him. They walk by, laughing. One of them bumps his shoulder as they struggle to remain side by side on the narrow sidewalk. Tony looks back and contemplates eating them, “Wait a second,” He continues walking, “Eating them? Sure i coulda taken em all down but id jus drink their blood. Did i want to eat them? You couuld devour em whole, yknow? You dont know the full extent of your abilities yet. Eh? Maybe ill give it a shot next time i get some grub.” He moves on passed the bar and eventually stands in front of the local dollar store, its bright yellow lights shine down from the leds displaying the stores name. He looks down, “My stomach feels empty, like, now though.” He sighs and pats his stomach lightly, “i could grab somethin soon. I should stop in here though, get a soda or somethin. Tide me over till i find someone.” Tony walks up the steps to the double doors and pushes one open.
Tony stands in the cold drink area, the glass doors slightly frosted over, blocking his view. He's stood next to another man, who's also trying to figure out what he should get to drink. Tony wondered for moment, “Could i?” Tony glares from the side of his eye at the man. The clerk by the register sits watching the camera feed of the aisles throughout the store, he glances at the feed for the soda, juice and water. He spots a man standing, confused by the glass. The clerk looks down at his phone to answer a text, its from his coworker, fun. “Yeah, sure.” A disgusting crunch noise brings his attention up from it however, and he quickly surveys the different feed options on his monitor. Camera one, the chip section, nothing. He looks up and sees a man in a cape, “Weird, must be a late feed.” Camera two, toilet paper and paper towels, a woman in a suit selecting laundry detergent. Camera three, cold drink cases. Nothing, except two unfamiliar shapes on the ground, he cant make it out through the grain. The clerk gets up and heads passed the chips, candy and cleaning sections. He turns when he meets the frosted doors and looks to the ground hoping to find the things he saw. Ahead of him sat a pair of shoes. Put together as though taken off and placed neatly side by side. He got closer to pick them up and put them in the “lost” bin behind the counter when he saw something in each. Bright and dark pink and red, layered with what looked to be white bone protruding slightly from it. He looked at the entrance of the right shoe and saw what looked to be a hairy piece of an ankle.
The clerk turned, horrified, he headed quickly to the desk and register. He needed to get to the phone and tell somebody about this but more importantly, he wanted to get away. “This just happened a minute ago, i need to get help.” He makes it through and stands in front of the chair to the register. He takes his phone from his pocket and presses the power button. The screen remains dark. He presses it a few more times to no avail. “Damn, ill use the store phone.” He looks to the landline beside the register, under the table. He dials 911 when a customer speaks from the other side of the counter, “Hey there! I got these and could i bug ya for a pack of Marlboros?” The caped man from the chip aisle stood in front of him, he dropped a bag of Cheetos and Ginger Ale onto the counter. The clerk looked up from the phone and said, “Of course! Just one second though sir, i need to make a quick call.” The caped man smiled and said, “Sure thing!” The clerk looked down not trying to take his full attention away from the man as he clicked the call button and held the phone to his ear. He didnt feel the signature resistance of its looped cord on his hand and it through him off. He looked to the cord and one half dangled from beneath the number pad, and the other from his receiver. He looked to the man nervously and remembered why he needed to call, he quickly glanced over the camera feeds again to find that he was alone in the store. “There was a woman here before, right? Which aisle? Which aisle?” He scanned frantically and stopped at the cleaning supplies aisle. He noticed a jug on the floor next to two similarly shaped objects, surrounded by a dark puddle. He didnt have to wonder what those were. The caped man behind the counter laughed, “Can ya grab my cigs? And ya know, scan my stuff?” The clerk stammered, “Oh uh- yeah uh-” He lifted his shaky hand towards the Ginger Ale and wondered where this man had come from. Nobody on camera had been wearing a cape. Suddenly the caped man's arm flew up and he lunged at the clerk, grabbing his arm. The clerk panicked and fought to get away from his strong clutch but it felt impossible, he tugged and tugged. The clerk tried pushing with a leg on the counter to gain more control but once he did the man pulled. He pulled with such ease it seemed mechanical. With no effort he was being dragged by his hand over the counter, the clerk tried to punch the man with his other hand but it was caught by the caped mans free hand. He had a better hold now.  The clerk's heart sank as the mans mouth opened wide, his jaw almost appearing to drop by a half a foot. The man adjusted his grip on the clerks arms, grabbing him by the wrists. He tried flopping, he tried to roll away but the caped man just threw him back onto his back each time. He couldnt sit up. The caped man intensified his grip so much so it felt the clerks wrists would snap. And they eventually, through a little force, did. The caped man began working his way down his arms, breaking the bone beneath his skin with just his fingers, inch by inch. Just before he began sliding the clerks arms, little by little, into his jaw. The jaw sliding open more and more to adjust for the bigger size of the man's body. There the clerk lied, in a puddle of tears and mucus as he let out scream after scream, pleads after pleads for the caped man to stop. And eventually the man did, not before making it to the clerks shoulders on each arm. The caped man slid the clerk back onto his side, bleeding profusely from his stumps, barely conscious. The caped man's mouth hung at least a foot more than it shouldve, it zipped back closed after a moment and he spoke “Do you want to survive?” The clerk nodded weakly, yes. “I can make that happen, wanna hear?” He nodded yes again. The caped man smiled, “Names Tony, you're hired. I can't wait for ya to meet the staff.”
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zuluc · 3 years
hello i just had a little vacation and came back to my regularly scheduled lack of sleep 🥲 hope you enjoy this drabble ! this is set in a modern!au and if they are typos im too tired to fix them rn 😀
he really shouldn’t be here, not with your parents downstairs alert as always to make sure you aren’t hanging around with that boy again. they constantly talk ill of him to dissuade you from mentioning or even thinking of him. he’s not good for you, he’ll ruin your clean reputation. a delinquent.
didn’t he run away from home? isn’t he living with that woman who’s always drinking?
he doesn’t say much about his home, but he does mention how he wishes to return one day. visit old friends, maybe, and to show you the sights. one day he hopes, it just isn’t soon.
and the woman in question is boisterous at all times and not at all less responsible when drunk, which is most nights. she can hold her own and takes care of you like her own when you visit. she’d poke fun at the male for making a move so quickly but she forgets that she knows you’ve been together for quite some time. he teases her back, saying that she’s becoming like your parents for not knowing and she’s slightly offended. no offense to them, of course.
he’s a bad influence!
you could laugh in their face about the absurdity of their claims since they haven’t even met him, let alone held a single conversation. instead of vulgar language and slang they could not figure out, your parents would be surprised as to how well-versed he is in literature. his poems capturing much that he observes which now so happen to focus on one particular person.
“hey,” kazuha waves a hand in front of your face and you forget that he’s barely balanced on your window sill. you gasp slightly and grab his hand to help pull him in. he was as quiet as he always was.
it’s a skill he’s perfected to come up to your bedroom window without a peep, making sure to time his climbing on your large front lawn tree with the wind, masking his noise with the sound of the leaves. once you watched him in his entirety climbing and it’s as if he doesn’t even touch the bark, he jumps up like the wind is helping beneath him.
after he shuts your window you’re immediately taken in his arms, the smell of maple and his warm embrace greeting you welcomingly.
“are you alright?” he’s asking, pulling back to hold your face with one hand. his thumb caresses your cheek softly with a gaze set so sweetly on you. “what’s going on in that head of yours, maple leaf?”
kazuha isn’t unaware of your parent’s distaste of him nor is he of your ponderings over it. he doesn’t share much of his feelings about the topic, showing nonchalance against the situation but there is something that makes him uneasy. he hates to voice it out loud as if it could come true and you’d choose that way but he’d never know. not unless he asked.
actually, scratch that. he wasn’t uneasy. he was scared.
you sigh and he tightens the arm around you, still holding your face tenderly. you lift your hands up to hold onto the front of his sweater and lean forward to kiss him. it’s short and sweet and you laugh inwardly when his eyes downcast slightly when you pull away.
“my parents.” you say simply and he tenses. there is a beat of silence before you look up at him, and it surprises you. his expression is somewhat odd, an indescribable way his mouth is curled and how his stare is deadset on something past you. you can tell he isn’t looking at anything in particular but his hand is what gives you the clue.
it’s not touching your cheek now, instead it hovers.
he opens his mouth for a second and closes it.
“kazuha?” you say and he pulls away fully now. his eyes are on your floor and he’s darting them from all corners trying to figure out how to piece his words together.
it may be the first time he’s truly stuck.
“do you,” he starts slowly, having a hard time to let himself look you in the eye, “want to stop this?”
you’re flabbergasted. utterly taken aback. he’s taking small steps to the window but you pull on his wrist to bring him closer to you.
“what are you talking about?” in your head you’re thinking that maybe he’s had it with your complaining of the overprotectiveness, which was what you were going to do, but with his voice shaking you think it may be another thing. “are you crazy? do you think i’d let go of the best thing that’s ever happened to me?”
kazuha’s head shoots up at the statement and your mouth in shock after processing your words. you stutter with useless explanations but he just laughs airily with his head thrown back in relief. he hugs you again, the tenseness slowly dying down.
you weren’t lying, your now warm face giving it away. he gave you a sense of freedom away from the suffocation your family provides. you love them, absolutely, but they just wouldn’t let you live your life how you wanted. nothing bad was happening and you were happy, wasn’t that supposed to be enough?
“i thought you were breaking up with me,” he cups your face, a solemn smile shown to you, “dove, you almost gave me a heart attack.”
the next few minutes are filled with the both of you consoling each other, reassuring that no, you were both happy with your relationship and that there were just a few things you both wish could change with external factors. ultimately, between the two of you, everything was fine.
your legs grow more and more tired and from a shifting of your feet kazuha raises a brow and doesn’t think twice in lifting you in his arms. a surprised yelp comes from you and your mom calls up the stairs to ask if you’re okay. you quickly yell back an answer just as he throws you both on your bed, his head coming to cuddle into your neck with his arms around your middle tightly.
“we would have to tell them eventually,” he mutters, his breaths slowly evening out. you nod from your spot, turning to face him better and bringing up your hand to card through his hair.
your eyes close and you mentally reassure yourself that you locked the door before he came in, slowly bringing yourself to sleep. kazuha tends to leave early in the morning just in case your parents get to suspicious from the lock so your worries die down to nothing.
that is, until he whispers once more.
“tomorrow morning it is.”
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spicy-tomato · 3 years
Hello can you do a post about maybe Swaggersouls when he thinks that the reader is bored of him. When she actually was only with zuckles on some party and he thought he was with someone else because she didn't answer the phone. (the battery died) some angst please also have a nice day.
okay lets go boys! this isnt nsfw but its long so im gonna do a keep reading cut. mentions of drug use and alcohol so be warned
You and swagger had been together for about a year now and with his revent streaming schedule it was getting harder and harder to spend time with him. That doesnt mean you dont love him, you just wished he would spend some time with you instead of you falling asleep in an empty bed while he streams. A few days ago you had been invited to a party with mason, so you decided why not? Maybe itll cheer you up after months of going to sleep alone and waking up to a still cold bed. You kept trying to tell swagger but he would just brush you off, so you said fuck it and went.
You here yet cunt?
You sigh and text him back a quick yes before walking in and spotting him. It wasnt a huge party but there were a good few people there, most drinking or smoking on the porch as you smiles and made your way through the crowd.
“Took you long enough! I set up some shots for us” you smile as he passes you a shot glass and you down it quickly. He drags you to the kitchen and sets up more shots. You and him down them quickly before grabbing some beers and moving to the smoke circle, passing the bong in a circle until someone tapped out.
“Thanks for inviting me mase, this is a nice break from whats happening” you sigh and drink more of you beer, finishing it off before standing up. “Do you want anything? Im gonna go grab another beer.” mason shakes his head and you head back to the kitchen and grab a beer before stopping and looking at the table. You see a few bottles of fancy liquor and decide to get some of those instead. Grabbing a cup you mix three of the bottles and drink some. It burns your throat and you gag a little before walking back, determined to finish it and get fucked up. With half the cup down, mason takes it from you with a worried look. “I think youve had enough of that, youre definitely not driving hand me your keys.” you sigh and hand him your bag, dropping your phone in the process to see 15 missed calls from swagger.
“Oh shit” you pick up your phone and rush to the bathroom to call him back.
“Where the fuck are you i was so worried are you okay?” he answers the phone with an anxious tone.
“Like you fucking care, you always choose yours streams over me.” you slur, tears forming in your eyes. Its like i dont exist to you anymore! Im so sick of falling asleep in an empty bed, only having bear there to cuddle. I go to bring you lunch and you tell me to set it on the desk and leave! I feel more like a maid than a partner now!” at this point you were almost sobbing.
“Where are you, im coming to get you.” you sniffle at his answer.
“Im not telling you, i tried to tell you for the past two days but you kept blowing me off, why should you care now?” your face is red and puffy at this point, not sure if youre crying from sadness or anger at this point. “At least mase cares enough to ask how im doing! He took my keys so i cant drive like this!”
“Thats where you are, ill be there in 30 minutes to get you and we can talk about this.” he hangs up and you break down in complete sobs, mason now banging on the door to check on you.
“Let me in, whats wrong?” you shakily unlock the door and he swings it open, grabbing you and pulling you into his chest. You tell him everything, how you feel more like a maid than a partner, how you always wake up without him, how he blows you off or acts like you dont exist, everything. He sighs and holds you closer, petting your hair and trying to calm you down. A slamming door can be heard as swagger gets there, moving quickly to the bathroom and shooting mason a glance that says for him to get out. He quickly stands up and leaves before swagger shuts the door and sits next to you.
“Let me explain...i felt like you were getting sick of me and got scared. I thought if i distanced myself it would hurt less when you ended it. I feel like i havent been enough for you over the past year and i thought you figured that out, that you were going to leave me. I never wanted to hurt you like this i just figured it would be easier for me if i did that.” he sighs and moves a hand to your cheek.
“Why didnt you just talk to me? Why just up and ignore me? I felt like a ghost in our own home” you wipe your eyes and look at him sadly.
“I dont know, i was scared of facing you and hearing you say it to my face. Please, just let me take you home and make it up to you. Let me take care of you through your hangover and take you to breakfast. Let me win you over like the first time again.” you sniffle and smile at him.
“Fine, but i wont be easy to impress this time.” he chuckles and helps you stand up, one arm around your waist to keep you upright as he leads you to the car.
“Ill shoot mason a text and tell him to drop your stuff by the apartment tomorrow.” you nod and step into the car, moving to hold his hand. He quickly accepts and starts a drive home. You start to fall asleep on the way back and once home, he picks you up, carrying you to the bedroom and laying you down softly before crawling up next to you. He moves the covers over the both of you before pulling you to his chest and kissing your head.
“I love you.”
“I love you too.” you mumble back half awake.
“Ill never hurt you again”
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theresa-nam-nam-me · 3 years
| hybrid seokjin | true love
Requested?: yes
Sugar glider Hybrid jin x reader
Summary → owners and their hybrids, a magical story of the two falling in love at first sight but jin knew better then anyone that this wasn't the case. Meeting you though, was nothing but a pure miracle.
Warnings: none
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"Y/n!" Your friend shouted for you "yes misa?" You said trying to swallow your salad "I and jisoo are going to Italy next week" she said excitedly showing you her plane tickets. "That's great!" You smiled "and i, kind of need a favor" she dragged her words "i was wondering if you could look after jin for a few days, while I'm in Italy." You had forgotten she had that sugar glider hybrid she hadn't talk about him much "you aren't bringing him along with you?" You asked confused "uh, no i don't want him to ruin the mood, so will you please!" She begged clasping her hands together. You knew he was a hybrid but he was also a grown man, couldn't he take care of himself? "Fine" you sighed
The week passed too quickly and now you were standing outside misas door with a small suitcase in hand. "Y/n! Come in" she gestured you inside. "Good evening misa" you greeted, looking forward was rather a tall hybrid with small ears, a long tail that match the soft brown of his hair, and plump red lips. "Good evening jin" you smiled taking off your coat "good evening Miss. L/n," he said "oh please call me y/n" he smiled and nodded "ill show you to your room," misa said dragging you alongside her. "Here you go" she opened the door. The room was just a plane guest room with a bed, small tv, and a few plants.
"Well ill see you in a few days, take care!" Misa waved to you before sprinting out the door. After unpacking your things you left your room and a great creamy smell hit you. You followed it into the kitchen seeing jin make an alfredo sauce. "What is that?" You asked "oh, it's nokey" (Italian dish) "it smells amazing" you complemented making him smile "thank you, would you like some?" He asked, you nodded your head happily. Seokjin placed the bowls on the table and pulled out a seat for you. "Thank you jin" you said before sitting down.
Jin picked up his fork blowing away the steam making his cheeks puff up. "Do you like it?" He asked, tail slightly swinging behind him "yes, it's delicious" you said stuffing your face with more "I thought I'd be making dinner for you though" you commented. He could clearly cook very well without issue so you didn't see why he needed to be babysat. After dinner you decided to take a shower before bed. getting out you wrapped a towel around you, when you opened the door you were met with jins now flustered face “oj jin, can i help you?” you questioned, he shook his head “i was wondering if you would like to watch a movie” he asked “sorry jin maybe tomorrow, i'm really tired right now”
you felt bad seeing jins smile drop and silently moving out of the way “goodnight jin” you smiled making his small ears perk up again “goodnight y/n'' it took you a few minutes to adjust but you slowly started to drift off with heavy eyelids and the sounds of rain hitting the roof. you were barely coneses when you felt the other side of the bed dip. “hello” you grumbled out looking through halfly opened lids. “sorry i just don't like storms...may i stay here” you nodded not thinking much of it until you felt him cuddle into you. his head hid in your neck, you let out a soft sigh before combing your hands through his hair.
The sun shines through the window and you hid under the cover but the sudden smell of pancakes slowly pulled you out of bed leading you to the kitchen “Jin?” You called seeing him flip pancakes over the stove “good morning y/n” he greeted you “please take a seat in almost done with breakfast” you nodded seating yourself at the table watching him flip a few more pancakes before placing them on a plate and setting it in front of you. “ thank you seokjin” he smiled before digging into his plate. You whipped you mouth with a cloth before picking up your plate and washing it “would you like to watch a movie today before I go?”
“Yes, do you like Avengers?” he asked. You nodded after seokjin finished his plate he quickly washed up before sitting on the soft Couch turning on the tv. “Sit with me” he pulled you next to him as you held a bowl of popcorn. You had seen the movie plenty of times before so it was no surprise when you started drifting off to a soft nap and slowly leaning against seokjins shoulder. “Im back!” a loud voice interrupted your peaceful slumber making you flinch away from jin as if being caught doing something wrong. You quickly regained yourself standing up straight “misa! How was your trip?” you asked moving into a hug “amazing, you should have seen it, such a beautiful country!” she smiled greatly. “How was jin?” she asked looking over at him, her voice toning down from her energetic energy. “Oh, he's fine, he is a grown man after all” she only mumbled an “i guess” to your comment before changing the subject.
After a few more minutes of catching up, you packed your stuff and headed to the door “y/n” jins voice called behind you, when you turned your head jin held out his hands holding out a small box, you gentle took it from his hold “what is it?” you asked “some homemade chocolates...a thank you for visiting” he smiled “thank you jin” he nodded opening the door for you. “Goodbye jin” you waved goodbye to each other.
His smile feel as he closed behind you, he felt his heart suddenly ache as he walked deeper into the house. “Can y/n come for dinner?” Jin asked sering misa started to unpack, she just shot him a glare to leave her alone. That evening when dinner rolled around he sat in silence as misa stared at her phone paying no mind to him,you seemed to have plagued jins mind, he missed your conpany at the table and recalled the conversation you had together. He began to realize how lonely he truly was and how you weren't just in his head but filled his heart with a warm sensation.
That night he felt himself twisting and turning in bed, he was unable to sleep. The previous night cuddled up to you felt like such bliss that tonight couldn't satisfy him. He reluctantly threw his covers off and touched his feet to cold hardwood floors. He tiptoed into the living room seeing misa to occupied with what was on tv to notice him slipping by. He made his way to the door, slowly turning the nob before slipping out. He followed the smell of rosemary and soon ended up in front of a small apartment door. He honestly hadn't thought what hed do when he got to this stage but he knew it was to late to turn back now.
He slowly rose his hand knocking it against the door. “Hello” you peaked your head out from behind the door in your PJs and messy hair. “Hi y/n” jin greeted “oh seokjin, it's late is misa here?” you asked confusion. “No it's just me, I just wanted to see you and maybe stay a while,” he said awkwardly, not wanting to jump on you with the idea of mates just yet. “Uh sure,” you opened up the door making way for him. “What brings you here?” you asked closing the door “i thought we could hang out” you raised a brow looking up at the clock, “at 1 am?” he nodded his head. “We could finish our movie” he smiled hoping to lighten the mood. You nodded your head before making your way to the couch together.
-time skip (the next morning)-
The sun shined in between the curtains, you pushed your blanket of touching your feet to the cold hardwood before making your way into the kitchen. You could see jins sleeping figure on the couch, he stayed the night after falling asleep during the movie. You turned around to make breakfast. “Y/n?” seokjins mumbly voiced called out. “Good morning jin, I'm making breakfast if you'd like to take a seat” jin stood from the couch making his way to the dining room padding down his messy hair. You set his plate down in front of him and began to eat. “You never told me why you came over last night” jin nearly choked at your comment. “Oh well, you see there's this thing called a mate and-” the doorbell rang cutting off jins sentence.
You opened the door to see misa with a very unpleasant look on her face “misa you must be looking for jin-” you were loudly cut of by her yelling “so he is here!” she pushed past you “who gave you permission to leave last night?!” she screamed at him “it's really no big deal misa” you tried to rationalize. “I wanted to see y/n but you wouldn't listen!” jin yelled back slamming his hand on the table. “And this is the type of stunt you pull! You can't listen to you lucky if you ever see her again!” misa spat balling her first “You can't! Y/ns my mate!” he screamed out. There was a moment of f silence before misa gave a huff and snatched jin by the collar of his shirt in an attempt to drag him out the house. jin harshly pulled back riping his shirt. “Im staying with y/n!”he screamed pulling you in front of him.
“Please y/n will you keep me?” his eyes turned puppy looking at you. “But mias your owner not me” he sighed “but your my mate, like a soulmate!” he begged “i-i don't know jin misa can provide better-” “i don't care I want you y/n!” he said nudgeing his head into your shoulder. You looked back at misa who gave you a nasty glare but then back at jin who could break into tears at any moment “ill keep him” you said. Misas eyes widened before returning to a glare “fine!! but don't even think of coming back to get your stuff!” she yelled walking out slamming the door behind her.
Your mind was blank at what had just happened but you were brought back to reality by jin snuggling his face into your neck. “Thank you y/n this is all I've ever wanted” a sense of relief washed over you as you wrapped your arms around him, you didn't know what could become of this but you are willing to accept whatever it may be.
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spideymarvelws · 4 years
What would frat Peter! Be like if he found out the reader is a Virgin?
i put to much time into this
Main Masterlist / Add Yourself To My Taglists
Warnings : SMUT! (dirty talk, slight degrading, protected sex, oral [fem rec]), cursing, floof, peter going from simp to cocky real quick
Word Count : 4.6k (okay why is this longer than 90% of my oneshots i-)
Frat!Peter finding out the fem!reader is a virgin
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It all starts when you and Mj are lounging in your shared apartment watching a movie like you both did every Sunday
The both of you were cuddled into the endless amount of blankets on either side of the couch, eyes trained on the bright screen in front of you
But your mind was focused on something else, namely a certain brown haired boy that just couldn’t seen to leave you alone
Peteyboi💗👀: hows the movie going lovebug??
you : lovebug?
you : thats a new one
Peteyboi💗👀: just trying out new things
Peteyboi💗👀: spicing stuff up a bit yk?
Peteyboi💗👀: do you like it?
you : im not really opposed to it
Peteyboi💗👀: ill add it to the list then
you : list?!
Peteyboi💗👀: pretend you didn't read that
You giggled at your boyfriends words, mouthing a quick sorry to MJ when she gave you a hard glare with the sudden burst of noise
But you couldn't help it, every time you saw the notification pop up on your phone, you couldn't help but act like a lovesick teenager falling in love for the first time
At this point the both of you had been dating for around seven months
Seven months of cliche coffee dates and pulling all nighters
Seven months of stolen kisses in the library or holding hands under the table during lectures
Seven months of pure bliss
“So why haven’t you guys fucked yet?” MJ said abruptly shaking you out of your love sick stare texting Peter
“I’m sorry, what!?”
“You know,” she pounded her fist into the palm of her hand repeatedly, “Sex,”
 “What- I-” you shook your head, trying to process her words, “How did this come up all of a sudden?”
“Since you decided to ignore me on our movie night,” she smirked, “Were you sexting him?”
“So I’ll take that as a no?”
“Yes thats a no!” you buried yourself further into the blankets, “Should-” you took a deep breath, “should it be a yes?”
“I don’t know, should it?”
“Oh that’s a good question! Almost like I already asked it,”
Mj laughed at your pouty glare
“No, no it shouldn’t,” she rested a comforting hand on your leg, “Do you want it to be though?”
Yes you did
More than anything
It was stupid, but what you had with Peter was different from anything you’ve had with other people in the past
He was everything a girl could ask for, smart, caring and a sweet personality that could make anyone smile
Let’s not mention his impressive build
And out of all the girls and guys that threw themselves at him, he choose you to love
You wanted to take that step with him, but you were scared that he would reject you
You weren’t experienced, in any way, to the point where you were completely innocent 
And you were dating a frat boy, the name that carried the reputation of sleeping around with most people on campus
How could you match up to that?
You couldn’t help but feel insecure in that area
The most you’ve ever went with Peter was a heavy make-out, it happened quite often too but he always stopped things before they went any further
There wasn’t any explanation, only peter bringing you close to cuddle for the rest of the night, forgetting the spit covering his lips and neck
Which lead you to make your own and none of them were exactly positive
Didn’t stop you from imagining a life where he wouldn’t drop you figuring how untalented you were in bed though
Or just daydreaming of him railing you out of existence
im looking you
“Yes?” you covering your face with your hands, embarrassed with your confession, “I don’t know about him though,”
MJ was aware that you were a virgin but only scoffed at your answer, “Oh come on, that boy is head over heels for you, why wouldn’t he want to fuck you,”
You felt your face heat up with the choose of words, “If he did wouldn’t he have made a move by now?”
“Better question, have you noticed his moves,”
Her question made you think as she continued
“Because I sure have,” 
“What do you mean?”
She rolled her eyes, “The looks he gives you when your not paying attention,” she started to count on her fingers, “Always touching you, constantly, like all the time. Biting his lip anytime you do anything remotely sexual and always blushes afterwards because he caught himself. Oh! Remember that time you wore that skirt? Like the pretty tight one? Yeah, his eyes were on your ass for like the whole day-”
“Okay, okay you could stop now I get it,” you groaned, “How do you know all of this?”
“I’m observant,”
“Makes sense.”
“The point is, he’s is definitely interested in you Y/n, it’s just a matter of you showing interest back.”
“I-” you sighed, “I can’t do that mj,”
“Like hell you can’t,” she rolled your eyes but pried your hands away from your face softly, “Do you want him to be your first Y/n?”
You nodded your head, “Yeah,” you looked back at her, “Yeah, I do,”
“Then you need to talk it out with him, see where you both stand when it comes to that regard in your relationship,” 
“I know, I know, I’m just scared for his reaction,”
MJ only sighed, “This is Peter we’re talking about y/n, he’d respect your boundaries until your ready, and I know you’ll respect his. Its just a matter of who makes the first step,”
“Okay, okay,” you took a deep breath, “I’ll just ask him when I could see him again and just-” you paused, “Ask him,”
“There we go!” MJ cheered as you reached for your phone
Peteyboi💗👀: hello??
Peteyboi💗👀: hellooooooooo
Peteyboi💗👀: is this about the list?
Peteyboi💗👀: i promise ill try them all out sugar
Peteyboi💗👀: ...
Peteyboi💗👀: tbh i didnt like that one
You looked up at MJ, motivated by her reassuring eyes and words, you texted back
you : dont worry petey, the list is cute 😂
Peteyboi💗👀: good good
Peteyboi💗👀: did mj catch you??
you : maybe
you : i blame your clinginess
Peteyboi💗👀: i thought you said you liked my clinginess🥺
you : never said it was a bad thing 😘
Peteyboi💗👀: you implied it tho 😪
you : nah
you : i think thats just you
“What did he say?” MJ interrupted, her legs bouncing up and down anxiously
“I- uh, didn’t get to it yet,”
“I will take that phone, throw it across the room and make you do this in person if you keep stalling,”
You didn’t want to test her words
you : i miss you tho
Peteyboiiii💗👀: sorry babe, just been really busy with the internship
you : i know petey dw
you : do you know when you’ll be free next?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: uuuuhhhh
Peteyboiiii💗👀: the guys are suppose to be out Thursday
Peteyboiiii💗👀: i was suppose to tell you tomorrow but you beat me too it😂
you : oh really?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: would be just the two of us...
fuck circumstances
you : its a date then?
Peteyboiiii💗👀: hey! thats my line😤
you : sorry for stealing your thunder loverboy
Peteyboiiii💗👀: 👁👄👁
you : oh so you could do pet names but i cant???
Peteyboiiii💗👀: never said it was a bad thing 👀
you : ...
you : goodnight peter
The couple of days leading up to the Thursday were stressful to say the least
But MJ was there to hype you up, telling you everything that you should expect, what signals to use and even going out of her way to buy you a red set of lingerie
“It’s going to be awkward at first-”
“Well no shit it’s going to be awkward at first,”
“Hey! No talking back to your teachers,”
The drive to the house was nerve wrecking
You were anxious to see his reaction, but even with the doubt clouding your head, there was a ray of light that passed through, reminding you that Peter wasn’t that type of guy
That these past months have proved that he loved you, and you loved him
That he wanted this just as much as you did
You just needed to show him that
He greeted you at the door with a bear hug, rocking you back and forth in his arms
“I’ve missed you angel,” he whispered into your ear, pressing a kiss to your neck that made the hairs on your skin raise
“Angel?” you squeaked, “Where did that come from?”
“The list remember?” he pulled back, beaming brighter than you’ve ever seen, “going down one by one. I quite like this one though,” his voice lowered, “Angel, suites you don’t your think?”
“Yeah,” you cleared your throat, “Could we go inside?”
“Yeah of course,” his hand squeezed your waist, moving to small of your back and leading you inside
You didn't know how long you could last. With the new pet names, your hyperawareness to his touch and all of his words suddenly having new meaning behind them
You started to miss being so oblivious
“It’s been so long since we’ve had a day together, holy shit,” he said, falling back against the cushions of his couch with his thighs spread making you gulp, “come here,”
He pouted, “I want to cuddle with my girlfriend so come here,”
the dude likes cuddles leave him alone
You shook your head, remembering MJ’s words,
“First step, get into the bedroom,”
“Wouldn’t it be more comfortable in your room?”
Peter’s head tilted to the side in confusion, “We have the whole house to ourselves and you want to spend it in my room?”
You nodded, walking up to him and stretching out your hand for him to take, “What’s so wrong with your room?”
“nothing, nothing,” he sighed taking your hand and standing up, “Just not as comfy as the couch,”
“You’re just being dramatic,”
“Dramatic?” he teased, raising your hand to spin you around, pulling your back to his chest, “I know nothing of a sort,”
You knew it was suppose to be playful, you knew he was just teasing you like he always did
But the feeling of his hard chest against your back, his hair tickling the base of your throat and his arms wrapped strongly around your waist, keeping you tight against him
You couldn't help but imagine this in a very different scenario
“Ready to go then?”
You nodded, not sure if you could even form words correctly at that point
Peter smirked and within one motion he had you in his arms bridal style, taking you to the stairs that lead to his room
“Nothing of a sort my ass,” you mumbled into his neck, cracking a smile when you felt the vibrations of his chuckles rumble from his chest
“You should know me well enough by now angel,” he kicked open his door, closing it back with the heel of his shoe, “I like to play,”
You sure fucking hoped so
You shrieked when he threw you down on his bed, hopping on top of you and holding you down so you couldn’t move
“Peter!” you whined, giggling when his fingers trailed up your side
“What’s wrong angel?” he kissed your noise, moving to kiss your cheeks, your forehead and finally a small peck on your pouty lips, “Do you not like this,”
“No, no, no,” you cupped his face, keeping him still do you could look at him directly, “I love this,”
“good,” he whispered, bumping his nose against yours, lips brushing against each other, “Good,”
“great,” you whispered back, hesitantly raising your head to connect your soft lips on his
It was slow, reminding you of the first time you kissed in the park, trying to figure out you’d lead, you’d follow. Getting the timing right when opening your mouths, and tilting your heads at the right angle for the perfect combination of comfort and touch
It was almost like he was memoizing the motion, stopping after every movement before continuing again sometimes with the same thing or trying out something new
Soon enough his hands gripped the side of your waist, pulling you up slightly to flip the both of you over so that you were on top
He pulled you closer, your chest practically moulding into his when his tongue swiped along your bottom lips, asking for entrance
You gave it to him immediately, letting him explore your mouth in any way he wanted
It went on like that for a few minutes, just the two of you sloppily making out in the middle of his bed. You tried to take it a bit further, grinding your hips subtly but his grip tightened and he pulled away, pressing his forehead against yours
“I missed that angel,” he whispered, grinning at your small giggle
“Me too,” you paused, letting out a shaky breath, trying to recover from the kiss and ignore the wet feeling in your pants, “Could I ask you something?”
It was now or never, “Why did you stop?”
“Well I- uh, didn’t think you would want to kiss for the rest of the day,” he laughed to cover the crack in his voice, “I know I’m irresistible angel, but you don’t want to wear me out so soon,”
You bit your lip, “But what if that’s what I want?”
Peter’s eyes widened as he shifted on the bed, “You- you want that?”
“Only if you do,” you started to regret your words, “You know what? Just forget I said anything-”
He quickly cut you off with a kiss making you gasp lightly at the sudden contact, “I want that more than anything,” he said quickly, “It’s just- I don’t want to force you into anything, didn’t want to make you feel obligated in any way,”
“I- I want this peter,” your said, feeling the heaviness on your chest disappear, “I want this with you,”
“Are you sure?”
“More than anything.”
“Okay, okay,” he nodded, trying to hid his smile as he lifted you off his lap, laying you gently on the bed, “Hold on, I’ll be right back,”
You watched with your head tilted in confusion when peter walked out of the room only to come back with a blindfold in his hands
“Petey, as much as i would love to, you know it’s my first time and uh-”
He quickly caught on to what your implying, burning bright red, “No, no, no that’s not what this is for,” he scratched the back of his neck, “I want your first time to be special and this is a bit rushed but I want to surprise you and make it nice,”
“Oh,” you stood up, “Okay yeah,”
Peter walked behind you, gently laying the blindfold around your eyes and tying it behind your head. He leaned down to place a cheeky kiss on your neck, trailing up to behind your ear
“Stay here,” he demanded softly before stepping away leaving you frozen in place
He couldn’t help but stand back for a few minutes and admire your state. Your feet were tilted inward, hands rubbing your shoulders with your head tilted down
The perfect display of submission
But he had to kick those thought aside, just for today
After a couple of minutes of waiting, you jumped when you felt hands on your arms, calming when you recognised the rough skin
“Are you ready?” he could hear the smile in his words
The blind fold feel from your face, your eyes blinked rapidly, trying to adjust to the light
But it was a lot darker than before, the lights dimmed drawing attention to the groups of candles sitting on his nightstand. The sheets were different as well, the white blankets replaced with soft black ones, the grey pillows now red with intricate designs sewn into them
“It isn't much but, I hope it’s everything you dreamed it would be,”
“It’s that and more Peter,” you smiling, turning around in his arms to place a quick kiss to his cheek, “Now it’s time for my surprise,”
You pushed him down on the edge of the bed, turning around and taking off your hoodie, shuffling out of your black tights to reveal the lingerie 
You turned around with a harsh exhale, feelings small under his gaze
“fuck, you were ready for tonight weren’t you baby?”
You fiddled with your fingers in front of him, “MJ helped me,”
“Figured,” he took your hand, pulling you back to gently straddle his waist, “You’d be beautiful in a potato sack angel, you have nothing to worry about,”
You shook your head, wrapping your arms around his shoulders and settling in his lap, “I find that hard to believe,”
“Then let me show you,”
He leaned in, kissing your lips briefly and pulling back, smirking when you mindlessly chased them
“tease,” you muttered, your forehead falling against his
“You love it,” 
“Yeah, yeah I do,”
You both leaned back in, your mouths perfectly in sync as your lips moved against one another, the practise before hand helping tremendously  
Your arms tightened around his neck, your hands running through his soft brown locks, tugging lightly on the strands
He groaned into your mouth, bitting the your bottom lip and pulling lightly, “You’re going to be the death of me angel, you know that?”
You only giggled, “Seems more like a you problem,”
“Oh? Is that how it is,”
You nodded shyly, playing with the edge of his shirt, “I just think it’s unfair that I’m the only one without a shirt on,”
Peter bit his bottom lip, reaching down and pulling off his shirt and connecting your lips right after. He hooked his arms under your thighs, lifting you up as he stood and lying you back down on the bed
He moved his lips from yours, down your throat to your colour bone, leaving his own marks in the process
Sealing you as his
And his only
“Can I?” he gestured to the front clip of your bra
You nodded, lost in the feelings of his lips on your skin
“Words angel,��
“Yes, yes please,”
He laughed, “Didn’t even get to the main event and you’re already begging for me,” 
You whined, “Peter,”
“Sorry, sorry,” he mumbled, unclipping the garment, helping you raise slightly so he could fully discard it to the side
“Beautiful,” he whispered before latching his mouth on your left nipple, stimulating the other with his forefinger and thumb
“Oh my god,” your hand shot to his hair, tugging at them slightly while the other took the sheets tightly in its palm
“Feeling good angel?” he smirked knowing damn well the answer
He just wanted to hear you say it
“So good Peter,”
He chuckled, switching to the other nipple, “We haven’t even reached the good part Y/n,”
You only let out a shaky sigh, your hand falling from his hair once he started to move further down your body
He liked that he could make you melt with the minimum things he could do
He wanted to remind you that he had the power to do so
And you enjoyed it
Your back arched when he kissed down your stomach, his fingers trailing down the side and hooking them on the lace of your panties
He looked up at you, waiting for your confirmation 
“Please,” you said once again, raising your legs slightly so he could take them off easily
“So needy,” he muttered, taking them off in once motion, crawling back up to place himself between your thighs, “Going to make you feel so good angel, so fucking good,”
His arms wrapped themselves snuggly around the base of your leg, pulling your core down closer to his face
“Ready?” he purred, trailing kisses up your thigh
He took a bold lick up the length of your pussy, his tongue swirling around the bud of your clit
“Holy fuck Peter!” you shouted, bitting down on your finger to suppress your noise
“No, no, no angel I want to hear you,” he almost growled, “I want to hear you scream for me, know that I’m the only one that would ever get to hear and make you feel this way,”
His possessiveness turned you on even more
You slowly moved your hand from your mouth, placing it down by your side as peter continued eating your pussy like a starved man, listening to your moans and paying attention to your sudden jerks and reactions to his movements
“Taste so good angel, fuck. I’ve been fantasising about this moment ever since I laid eyes on you,” his fingers started to play with your lips, “The things i’ve wanted to do you, to absolutely ravish you, make you my own” he plunged his finger slowly into you, his strength keeping you pressed against the mattress, “But that’s for later, today is all about you,”
You couldn't even form a word when he added a second finger, sending your head back against the pillows. It was so much, his mouth toying with your clit, his fingers entering you that were so much thicker than yours, hitting places that made your eyes roll to the back of your head in pleasure
With the third finger you could feel something change, a sudden spike run up your body, clearing your mind of everything but the feelings of your high quickly approaching
“Peter I-”
“Going to cum angel? Gonna cum all over fingers?”
“Yes Peter fuck!”
“Go ahead Y/n, cum for me,”
You high reached with his words, shaking your body. Peter slowed his pace, dragging out your orgasm for as long as possible
He crawled back up your body, stilling his fingers inside of you while littering your blown out face with kisses, awarding you with his touch
“You did so well angel,” he whispered, “So fucking well,”
“Really milking the use out of that name huh?” you managed to mummer, throwing your arms lazily around his neck, not wanting him to leave any time soon
“Do you want me to change it?” he teased, pulling out his fingers, muttering a small sorry when you winced
He brought his fingers to his mouth, sucking your wetness of his skin while more continued to form at his dirty display
“How about...” his fingers popped out of his mouth, moving to caress your face, leaving a trail of his spit down your cheek, “Princess, my pretty princess,”
Your legs clenched at his tone and new name, making Peter giggle, “Princess it is then,”
He reached over to his bedside table, grabbing a condom and ripping the package open. He rolled the plastic on his impressing length, making you both drool and scared that that’s what was going inside of you
When he took off his sweatpants? you didn’t know
He flipped the both of you over for what felt like the hundredth time that day. His hands were tight on your hips, keeping you hovered over his hard cock
“We go at your pace okay?” his looked at you with dark eyes, “Are you sure that-”
You cut him off with a messy kiss, taking his member into your hand and guiding it to your hole 
“You talk to much,” you mumbled, taking the red tip inside you with a groan
He moaned with you, your pussy tight and snug 
“Take it easy,” he whispered, whipping off a bead of sweat that began to form on your forehead, “We have all the time in the world,”
“So big,” you whimpered, slowly take him inch by inch. Soon enough you started to loose balance on your knees, falling forward with your hands on his chest and your thighs relaxing, letting him bottom out inside of you
“Fuck,” you both said in unison, letting out a breathy laugh
“It kinda hurts,” 
“Well I’m not exactly average in that department-”
You scoffed, moving around on his lap, trying to find a comfortable position
“Tell me how you’re feeling princess,”
“It- it’s getting better,” you were fully relaxed now, “I- I want to start moving,”
“Go ahead Y/n,” he raised himself up so that his chest was pressed against yours, “I’ll guide you okay?”
“Okay, okay,”
You started moving up and down, more so just humping his body because your legs already starting to feel weak
But peter was patient with you, constantly making sure you were okay and keeping his eyes on your body
Not like he wanted to take them of of you
You looked angelic above him
No wonder the name suited you so much
Your mouth open, hips moving slowly bringing the both of you pleasure you’ve never experience before
He wanted to keep that picture in his mind forever, framed in his memory
Because you weren’t some girl at a party he picked up or guy he drunkly made out with
You were someone he loved, with all his heart 
That trusted him enough to share this moment with him
And just perfect an every way
“You’re doing so well princess,” he groaning, staring to rut his hips back into yours, making your moans grow even louder
“Fuck,” you fell against his chest, “Peter,”
“You want me to take control princess? Too fucked out already?” he couldn’t help himself while muttering those words, getting lost in the feeling of you
“Please peter I can’t-” he cried, “Please,”
“I got you princess,” he planted his feet on the mattress, thrusting up roughly into you, “I always got you,”
He began pounding into you, gradually getting faster and faster as your whines and moans grew louder and louder
Your second orgasm was quick on its way, and with Peter’s pace becoming irregular, you could tell he was almost there as well
“So fucking tight princess,” he groaned, pressing his cheek against yours, “Are you close,”
You mewled in response
“Cum with me princess, scream my name and cum on my cock,”
“Peter!” you shouted, cumming hard on his member and sagging against his chest
You could feel the condom begin to fill up inside of you, his hips stilling against yours
Part of you wondered how it would feel shooting inside of you without the protection
From there it was a blur, the feelings of peters lips against your skin, his arms wrapped around you, something cold and wet moving across your body
You caught your bearings when Peter pulled you into his chest, his shirt now covering your form along with the same fluffy blankets that covers the couch downstairs
Peter started, “That was-” 
“Amazing,” you finished for him, giggling and cuddling further into his chest
Peter looked down at you, his hand caressing your face like he did moments before but this time his touch was filled with comfort and reassurance, “Are you alright?”
“Better than I’ve ever been,” you giggled, peter chuckling along with you
“I think I’m going to need to start adding names to that list,” 
You looked up at him, “Like what?”
He sighed, a sly smile forming on his face
“I think I’ll start off with my little slut,”
fun fact, this was originally gonna be different types of frat peter like cocky, soft etc like some fucking frat peter multi verse but i just lost interest halfway through. 
My mind just said no♥️ so i scraped that and this was born instead
Permanent Taglist : @jadegill @joyleenl @sarcastic-sunset-7 @wakeupandsmellthelavender @kaithezaftig @theliterarymess @thirstiestpotato @i-love-superhero @lovewolfspirit @lowkey-holland @miltifandoms1019 @black-rose-29 @parkershoco
Peter Parker Taglist : @ietss @itscaminow @dummiesshort @seutarose @cebaratn16 @lanceyfancypants @clara-licht @sadassflatass @usuck @yeah-seems-legit @lolasm0nst3r @hogwarts-is-my-home23
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marktuansvevo · 4 years
got7 reacts to something theyve never experienced before in a relationship
warning(s); slight cursing, sexual content in bam’s part
mark; being jealous
mark understood why his past partners could be jealous of him in his line of work. as long as it didn’t get out of hand, he thought it was cute. he was never the jealous one in the relationship. he didn’t even know what jealousy felt like....
....until tonight.
you were mark’s entire world. you excited him, you built him up like no other. never before could he see himself spending his life with someone before you came along. you made the world brighter to him.
but now he was only seeing red. 
you had been a trainee and never debuted, which you weren’t too upset about, you had a boyfriend you loved and a career with less physical and time demands than being in the entertainment industry. this meant that you knew a lot of other bands, stray kids being one of them. chan was, quite frankly, your best friend during your trainee days, so when you saw him at this afterparty you were attending with mark, you threw yourself into his arms.
mark just watched you from afar.
and his blood boiled.
chan spun you around in his arms, the biggest smile on his stupid, handsome face. “yah!! y/n! mark didn’t say you’d be here.”
you giggled, trying to keep your tears at bay. you put your hands on his face, poking his dimples. mark scoffed at the blush that was forming on his friend’s face. “god, chan i missed you so much.”
“bro, you look constipated,” bam snuck up behind him. “dude, your face is so red right now.”
mark rolled his eyes. “these parties are so annoying.” he didn’t take his eyes off of you as you caught up with chan, who still had his hand around your waist.
bam followed his line of vision. “shit, you’re not constipated, you’re jealous. yugyeom, come look at him!”
mark walked away from his intoxicated friends and up to you. you smiled at him before returning to your conversation with chan. 
“y/n, we have to go,” mark said lowly, smiling a sickly fake smile at chan, who immediately dropped his hand from your waist. 
“why, baby, we just got here? are you not feeling good?” you asked. he wanted to feel bad, your voice was laced with concern.
“something like that. see you, chan.”
as you got in the car, you smiled at him, poking his cheek. “somebody’s jealous, huh?”
“huh? of chan? i don’t know what you’re talking about,” he clenched his jaw, not making eye contact with you as he steered his car out of the parking lot. you were giggling now.
“you’re cute when you’re jealous. maybe i should make more time for chan.”
jaebeom; wearing disguises in public
jaebeom never thought he would have to dress up in a disguise to go out in public. and jae would never want to put you in such a position. it was draining, and you, as his girlfriend knew that he despised it.
but you wanted to go to a concert with him.
and you wanted to stand in the pit with him and be part of it. don’t get you wrong, you loved when he bought you suite seats or could watch his shows from backstage, but you wanted to sway to ariana grande in th pit with your boyfriend.
“cmon, jae, i think everyone is going to be paying attention to ari. we can skip the opening act?” you suggested.
“y/n, i don’t want to take a chance...im sorry,” he pouted at you. you sighed, trying to figure out what to do.
“what about disguises?” he said. “like, we could wear our halloween costumes?” you were giggling to yourself, but your boyfriend seemed like the idea.
“i could wear my jesus wig and you could paint a beard on me?” he said with serious eyes.
“jae, you hate going out in disguises.”
“true...but, babe, this will be fun. you could wear your sailor mars wig, it’d be cute,”
okay, this was a really cute idea and you were warming up to it...if it made your boyfriend more comfortable to be out in a crowd of so many people, you were down to try it out.
“this really feels like halloween in july,” you giggled as you used mascara to draw a beard on his chin.
“do I look like jesus??” he asked childishly.
“well, you don’t look like im jaebeom of got7, that’s for sure,”
“you look like an egirl,” he laughed at himself. “don’t hate, you know you love it,” you said. “we look so cute, let’s take a mirror selfie and post in later,”
“no, then people will be on to us,” your boyfriend sent a pout in your direction as he looked at his makeshift beard in the mirror. “I look sexy as fuck in a beard,”
“super sexy aegyo please?”
the two of you arrived at the arena, not be noticed by anyone, but jae was still on edge, so you held his hand tight as you made your way into the pit.
“im so excited!!” you shouted over the noise. he shook his head before leaning in to kiss you. the two of you danced the whole night away to arianas crooning, his arms around you as you swayed to her pretty, soothing voice. the two of you let the world fade away while ariana sang honeymoon ave in the background.
jackson; his significant other saying ily first.
it was no secret that jackson was stock full of love and kindness. he had had other partners before you, all with him ending up getting too attached, or scaring them away when he said “I love you” too early.
he did not want to scare you away, and honestly, he had known he loved you two months into dating, but he didn’t want to scare you away, so he never outwardly said those three little words to you.
he wasn’t expecting you to say it, first though.
you had invited him over for dinner and a movie, just wanting a chill night in with your boyfriend. he brought the wine and promised to give you a back massage, so really, what more could you want on this chilly thursday night?
“what’s been going on, honey? you know you can tell me anything,” jackson whispered into your ear as he helped you out of your clothes.
“I feel like I deserve to oversee my department at work. i have the most education of all of them, more experience than them, and generally, I am more optimistic than my superiors….,” you sighed, letting him rub just under your shoulder blades, which had been itching all week.
“i think they might be scared of powerful women who like to wear hot pink fendi suits to work,” you smiled, knowing he would be offended at your joke. you could almost feel him pouting.
“so the reason you can’t get the job is because your superiors don’t like the suits your boyfriend buys you? wow, what a way to hurt a guy’s pride…,” he followed your lead on the joke, trying to make you laugh because he knew this was really getting to you. “baby, I think you should go to their boss and see if you can get a promotion…tell them everything you told me, okay? i know you’re not only the best woman for the job, but the best person for the job…period,” he said, making you feel so overwhelmed with emotion. none of your previous partners had ever revered you the way jackson had. you felt so incredibly blessed and in love, you couldn’t help yourself.
“god, jackson, I love you so much,” you whispered.
the movement of his soft hands on your back stopped abruptly at your words. ‘oh god, was it too early to say that?’
“j-jackson…im sorry-“
“ive been waiting to say that to you,” he breathed against your lips, closing the distance that was between them.
“jackson wang….you love me?” you could feel the tears building. the man of your dreams was in love with you, too.
“i love you,” he whispered reverently.
“say it again,” you begged. he said it like a mantra.
“i love you, i love you….i love you..”
jinyoung; moving in together
jinyoung thought you were so cute. you were ecstatic to move with jinyoung. you had been living in your shared apartment with your mom your whole life and we’re excited to start a new chapter of your life. jinyoung didn’t think you were taking in the fact that moving is one of the most stressful things a person can go through.
he didn’t want to rain on your parade, though.
the two of you got settled into your new apartment after a long day of unpacking. jinyoung kissed you as you laid onto your new king sized bed. “im gonna grab takeout, you want your usual?” he asked sweetly, squeezing your hand. you just nodded, squeezing his hand back.
you watched as jinyoung walked out of your shared bedroom. that’s when the dam broke. you were so overwhelmed. you didn’t know how to make warm water happen in your shower, you didn’t have your wifi set up, and you forgot your favorite teddy bear at your moms. you missed teddy and your wifi and your mom.
“hey, i ordered you two egg rolls and they gave us three - hey, baby, are you crying?”
“no,” you replied lamely. “I miss teddy,” you wailed miserably.
“teddy...the...stuffed bear?” he asked.
“i slept with him every night for the past 20 something years.”
“baby...we can get your bear in the morning...,”
“we don’t have netflix set up so how am i supposed to sleep tonight?”
“y/n...,” he chuckled. you frowned harder now that he was laughing at you. “moving isn’t as exciting as it looks. tomorrow, we will fix the wifi, okay? and we can visit your mom and rescue teddy.”
“okay...okay. im sorry, im just a bit overwhelmed,” you confessed.
“its gonna be okay, honey. it’s a lot to take in, i know. but you can hold me instead of teddy, and ill sing you to sleep,” he whispered, the takeout now long forgotten. before you could fall asleep, he pulled his iphone out of his back pocket and pulled you into his chest to take a selfie. “there. now we have a picture of us in our bed for the first time.”
“i love you, you sap.”
even though you called him the sap, the next day you went to the pharmacy to get the photo printed and frame it. when jinyoung came home from the market that day, he eyed the frame on your bed stand, smirking at you.
“oh, so im the sap, hmm?”
youngjae; picking up the tab
it was the first date the two of you had been on since youngjae had been on tour. he told you to get dressed up and that the two of you would go out for a fancy dinner and catch up on everything. this is why you loved him, because while you wanted to hear all about his stories of life and tour abroad, he always wanted to hear about everything that was going at home, to see if you were alright.
youngjae looked dazzling in a black checked suit, while you matched him with a little black dress that made him groan when you stepped out of the bathroom. “can we skip dinner?” he’d ask cheekily. you rolled your eyes at him before kissing him on the cheek. “we aren’t skipping dinner, and we definitely won’t be skipping dessert,” you winked before leading him to the car.
the two of you ate dinner together, him holding your hand and looking at you with stars in his eyes as you told him stories that had happened while he was away. you ordered appetizers, drinks, shared an entrée, and youngjae even ordered you a slice of apple pie for the two of you to share.
“baby, I’m going to go use the restroom,” youngjae said before kissing your hand. “’kay, don’t get mugged, please,” you teased him. he shook his head at your playfulness. you watched as he left before frantically waving your arms at your waitress. she ran over to you, checking if you were alright.
“I just wanted to wonder if I can pick up the cheque really quick? I wanted to pick it up for my boyfriend as a surprise,” you spoke in a hushed tone, making the waitress giggle. she nodded her head before handing it to her. you handed her your credit card, thanking her before your boyfriend had any suspicions of what you were up to.
youngjae came out of the bathroom as soon as the waitress set the cheque down. you were applying your lipstick so you couldn’t snatch it in time. you watched as his pretty brown eyes scanned the receipt, looking confused as ever. “is this a joke? what kind of waitress lets the girlfriend pay?”
“jae,” you giggled. “you don’t always have to pay for dinner. I wanted to treat you…I missed you so much,” you confided, watching his expression from anger into warmth.
“oh, thank you honey, you are so sweet and thoughtful, I love you so much,” you let him wrap his suit jacket around your arms before planting a kiss to your forehead. “but that will be the last time you ever do that.”
“shut up, i like doing nice things for you,” you pouted.
“since you paid for dinner tonight, i have to put out, right?”
he ran to the car before you could slap him in the chest.
bam; his s/o borrowing his clothes
remember how joey never shared his food? well that’s how bam was with his wardrobe. he was very particular about his clothing, not letting people borrow them at all. yugyeom used to steal his clothes just to be petty and piss his best friend off. he had never let past partners borrow his clothes, and nothing was going to change, it wasn’t his fault, it was an obsession. if you were sure of one thing, it was to not steal your boyfriends clothes.
but one day, while he was gone from work, you thought you would take pictures of yourself in only one of his blazers to tease him.
you weren’t expecting him to walk through the door while you were trying to take self timer pictures of yourself.
“baby? what are you doing?” bam asked, laughing as you let out a squeal of surprise.
“i..i wanted to surprise you...,” he tsked, pulling away to look at his blazer. “i know you don’t like me wearing your things..,” you stammered as he circled you.
“you have such pretty things, though, bam,”
“you look so sexy in this,” he purred. “you were trying to get me worked up while im trying to work?”
“u...uhhh,” you couldn’t think coherently with you boyfriend acting so domineering. you gasped as he slid his hand up to your cunt, rubbing your clit in little circles. “bam...please...,” you groaned. 
“keep the blazer on,” he said as you writhed in his grip.
“its gonna get all sweaty though and then you’ll yell at me,” you teased him as you followed him to the bed. 
bam just groaned. “baby, im sorry I haven’t let you borrow my clothes before but you look better in them than me. now, let me fuck you and i promise you can have anything you want in that closet.”
he knew exactly how to shut you up.
yugyeom; his s/o buying him flowers
yugyeom was always so stressed during comeback season. you always scolded him when he forgot to eat, or wasn’t staying hydrated enough, but you were so proud of him. seeing the smile on his face and the way he walked a little taller was so worth it.
he was still busy during comeback season, coming home late after all the videos he had to shoot for publicity.
one night, yugyeom had gotten home around midnight to a bouquet of pink roses and a handwritten note from you. it read; “I am so proud of you, my love. congrats on breath… I can always feel your love,” he blushed and giggled to himself, thinking, “isn’t the guy supposed to buy the girlfriend the flowers?” he wandered into your shared bedroom to see you sprawled into his side, with your book in your hands, a soft snore leaving your lips. he nudged you, not intending to wake you up, he could thank you in the morning. but he did accidentally. “yeom?” you whispered. 
“shh, baby go back to sleep,” he shushed, changing into his pjs. 
“did you like the flowers?” you asked, suddenly awake now. 
“theyre really pretty, baby, but aren’t I supposed to buy you the flowers?” 
you narrowed your eyes at him. “not my boyfriend being a sexist,” 
“yah! y/n stop it, I didn’t mean it that way!! I love them, you remembered I said I love roses,” he was pouting now, pulling you into his chest to spoon you. his voice got quieter now. “no one’s ever remembered my favorite flowers…much less bought them for me,” he paused, kissing the back of your neck before closing his eyes and falling fast asleep.
he was whipped.
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thcweasley · 4 years
PAIRING : George Weasley X Y/N
SUMMARY : George getting jealous of his twin brother for being closer to you .
WARNINGS : none? Make out? implying things? hehe
WORDS : 1.7k
A/N: lol this hits too close to home, growing up i was shadowed by heather sister :(  I was going to turn this into smut but im not sure.. cos i never wrote a smut before lol.
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“Focus on your work Weasley” Snape smacked George Weasley’s head with the book he was holding, causing the whole class to look at his direction.
George was already an easily distracted person to begin with. but today especially, he got his mind somewhere else.
He was looking at you and his twin brother Fred, giggling while trying to figure out snape’s task. All of his life he never thought that he would feel this much jealously towards the older twin. Sure, sometimes it bothers him a bit that people pay more attention to him, or the fact that people always refers them as “Fred & George”, not “George & Fred”. But he knew it’s a silly thing to be bothered about so he always managed to brush it off.
But not today, Fred had been assigned with you. The girl George met on his last solo trip to honeydukes. It shocked him how he never saw you around before, despite being in the same house and grade. But hes glad that he met you. George didn’t like to be cheesy, but he was so sure that you were made for him. Whenever youre around, he just felt so happy. You’re funny, kind, and on top of all you’re prettiest thing he ever seen. Sadly, for him, other people seems to think that way about you.
He introduced you 2 weeks ago to his brother and friends. You seem to get along great with everyone. He liked that, his brother and friends is everything for him. But he cant help it but feeling a little bit jealous. He didn’t wanna admit it but this jealously is most probably because he was insecure about his feeling for you. Before everything he was sure that you fancy him the same way he fancies you. But now, hes not sure. And he hated it, youre supposed to be his girl.
The class that felt so long was finally over. George quickly stood up, walking towards the common room. he just want to burry his face onto his bed now. He felt an arm linking his. “Hey you” it was you. He let out a big sigh, not knowing how to feel right now.
“Hey, did you have a good time today?” He hated how catty he sounded. Knowing you, he knew you wouldn’t able to tell.
“Yeah it was fun. Your brother is hilarious you know that?” He rolled his eyes, feeling his face getting hot.
“Well yeah hes a clown” George answered shortly. Wanting you both could just drop this conversation. He didn’t like this, being jealous of his twin brother.
“ahah yeah true, youre also funny too you know” You leaned your head onto Georges arm. At this point it was hard for him to not just pulls you into a big hug. “Whats your plan for the rest of the day?” You asked looking up on him.
“Im not sure, probably just sleep” George answered looking down to you. You looked so cute leaning on to him.
“Wanna have a study date? Snape’s test tomorrow right?” George’s ears perked up at the word date.
A smile creeps on his face. “Yeah sure”
“Brilliant! I’ll see you in 2 hours then!” You gave his arm a squeeze before you go. Leaving George all smiley by himself.
2 hours later, George found himself getting ready for his study date. He finally going to make a move on you. Its obvious that you fancy him now right? At least you were the one who refers their study session as a study date.
He tried to look around for Fred but he was nowhere to be found. He feels weird do anything without asking for the older brother’s advice. But it was time to go to meet you at the Library and he didn’t want to make you wait, so he just decided to cross his fingers and hope for the best.
“Hey” George greeted you, big smile on his face. You look up at him from the book you were reading, smiling back at him. “You got a lot of stuff here” He sat down beside you, looking at paper and pens in front of him.
“Oh its not mine” You answered. “So, do you have anything you’re particularly struggling with?”
Whilst you tried your best to explain the things that he was struggling with. George was doing his best to stay focus on what youre saying instead of you. He cant help but admire your face, your cheeks, your lips. He wonders how would it feel like you press his lips against yours.
“Are you listening to me George?” You asked, knowing the answer pretty well.
“Uh yeah, im sorry I got distracted” he blinked.
You brought your hand on to his head, messing with his red hair. “you’ve been a bit distracted these days. didn’t you got smacked on your head earlier today by Snape?” you chuckled a bit running your fingers on the back of his head. “Did it hurt?” You tilted her head closer to him, rubbing the back of his head.
He couldn’t seem to think straight at this point. The fact that youre so close to him right now, he could smell your scent. He took a deep breath trying to be brave and make a move. He put his hand on top of yours, pulling it away from his head. “Y/N..” He started, linking his fingers with yours. “I think I like you”
“Yeah?” You chuckled feeling. your cheeks starting to get warm. “Whats going on George? Why are you suddenly so serious?”
“Well, Im not sure how you feel about me. But I got nothing to lose so here I am. I like you” Surprised by his words, you didn’t say anything. So he thought he could just make a move then. He leaned in closer to you getting you lips closer to each other. Not knowing what to do you just close your eyes. He smiled, taking this as a greenlight to proceed his act. Until all of the sudden-
“Your tea is here!!” Fred walked in, causing them to pull away from each other. “Hey that’s my seat George, do you not see the stuffs on the table?” He said as he sat down filling the gap between You and George.
“Fred what are you doing here?” George asked, clearly  frustrated with the situation.
“That’s not how you greet people, my dear brother” He said handing you the tea he was talking about. “Besides, youre not the only one who got invited to this study group. Right Y/N?” You just nod at him feeling flustered, thinking about what could’ve happened if Fred didn’t just walk in.
The next day, George has been avoiding you since last night. He thought you guys shared the same feeling. But yesterday proved him wrong. He was just another friend to you
Snape’s exam was a group work, being Fred’s partner obviously made you work with him for the exam. You looked so happy, George wishes it was him working with you instead of his twin brother. He hated this so much, it’s ridiculous how jealous he felt towards his twin brother right now.
The exam’s finally over, George saw you coming up to him from the corner of his eyes. “Hey” you greeted him. “Wanna go to Three Broomstick later? I haven’t really seen you all week”
“Who’s coming?” He asked, hoping this time its just the two of you. And everything that he thought about last night wasn’t true.
“Uh everyone. Fred, Lee, Angelina and others im not sure” George snickered. How stupid of him to think that you wanna be alone with him. How stupid of him to think he got a chance with you.
“I think im gonna pass on that” he took a deep breath. “Im tired. Ill see you around” He left you dumb folded, walking away towards his room.
The night comes around. The common room feels empty, his friends had left him for Three Broomstick. George just chilling alone on his bed when he heard someone opened the door.
“George?” You walked towards him, sitting at the end of his bed “Hey, im just.. I just wanna make sure everything is okay”
“Why you here” George answered bitterly. “Arent you suppose to be out with your friends, with my brother?”
“Well yeah but I wanna check up on you. And talk about last night..”
“What do you wanna talk about Y/N?” He took a deep breath. “I already get it, you see me as a friend. If anything, you like Fred more than me. I get it don’t worry. Everyone always picks him over me, im used to it”
“George…” you scotched in closer too him, trying to stop him from rambling all these nonsenses.
“Im not even sure why I thought you like me, he is the better twin. Im just me. I just thought I have a chance with you. Throughout my life, ive always get hands down from my siblings, share with my siblings.” He realised how ridiculous he sounded but it didn’t stop him. “I love how you get along with my friends. But, i just thought, I thought youre my person. Finally someone I can proudly say mine. I thought you feel the same way as I do…” Georges voice was getting quitter when he felt your hand grabbing his. “I like you a lot and I get that you don’t feel the same way. So if youre coming here to explain that i-“
His words were cut off by your lips crashing to his. “You never let me speak Georgie”  You murmured against his lips “I don’t know how you got it all wrong” you kissed his cheek lightly. “I didn’t know you felt that way. George. I like you, im your person. Ive always been“
With a big smile he pulled in for another kiss. He held on to your waist pulling you closer to him, positioning you onto his lap. You threw your and around his neck, deepening the kiss whilst his hands lazily griped your waist.
You can feel something poking between the inner part of your legs. With a slight smile you press your legs more on to him, grinding it against him. Earning a low groan from him.
He held your hips down on him, so both of you can feel more of the friction. His lips travelled to your jaw and to the back of your neck. You could feel his hot breath, sending shivers down your spine as he moved his lips closer to your ears. “Prove it” OKAY SO Let me know if you want a part 2 smut off of this HAHAH.
hehe part 2
this was quite hard to write cos i feel bad for him ahaha. this is loosely based on a true story. but i never got my Y/N :’)
MY OTHER WORKS follow me / send request / talk to me! im lonely (if u send me anonymously maybe click here) my collaborative ford anglia playlist Christmas with the Weasley playlist
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