#and explosives are the only way to kill the big enemies.......... so you have to save the ammo
crowcryptid · 1 year
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i am experiencing a skill issue right now
goddamn. giant wave based arena. in a game where all of your weapons are short range and have very limited ammo. the only long range one is a railgun that only has 16 shots. but its too slow to actually use it to snipe multiple enemies cause you just die.
and no checkpoints between waves
this hurts
ok i dont feel so bad now
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not even 10% of people have beat it
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ihavemanyhusbands · 5 months
Revenge is a Dish Best Served Bloody
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Also on AO3
Mini-series masterlist
Pairing: Cooper Howard/The Ghoul x Fem!Bounty Hunter!Reader
WC: 2.3k words
Series Summary: Hunting down your father’s killer – a powerful raider by the name of Axl – you end up being saved from a bad situation by none other than a ghoul. After finding out you have goals in common, you form an uneasy alliance with him, but things get much, much more complicated than that.
Warnings: MINORS DNI, THIS FIC IS 18+, Dead dove: do not eat, canon typical violence, the ghoul being the ghoul, swearing, drug mentions/use (chems), enemies to lovers, eventual smut, blood/gore mentions, sorta dom/sub dynamics, some mentions of cannibalism, angst, some whump, aaaand for now that’s all i can think of but lmk if another tag is needed.
A/N: This is my very first time writing for Cooper Howard/The Ghoul, so I’m still trying to learn how he talks/carries himself. Excited to be writing this little mini series though! :) hope you like <3
Blood flowed relentlessly toward your head, making the upside-down world blur into a vivid amalgamation of color. The raiders' laughter sounded more like the barking of jackals, coming from all around you, disorienting you further.
As you fought to stay conscious, your muscles strained against the ropes that held you up, the rough material biting into your skin. Your head was hovering just a few inches away from the surface of murky, radioactive water. You could feel more than see something lurking in its depths, hungry, waiting for the right time to strike.
And you? You were the bait to lure it out.
Where had it all gone wrong, exactly?
Well, perhaps it had started with you being so overly confident. Sure, you had learned more than a few dirty tricks in your years as a bounty hunter – having to keep yourself both fed and alive while you completed your actual mission – but that didn’t mean you could fight off a large group of brawny, ruthless raiders all by yourself.
At the very least, you’d managed to kill one of them and injure another with your crossbow before you were rewarded with a strike across your face. Bright white stars ignited in your vision as you were quickly subdued and strung upside down from the rusted arm of a broken crane.
The worst part was, you’d barely had time to ask any of the questions you’d wanted to ask. You supposed you’d never been a great interrogator, anyway, but that was something to concern yourself with another time; If there even was another time.
“Come on, where’s the fucking gulper? We don’t have all fucking day here,” one of the raiders, a big-headed bald man, gruffed.
Another one of them, scrawnier and rat-like, let out an amused grunt. “Heh, should’ve just chopped her up and sold her as dog meat.”
“Still time for that, if it doesn’t come,” the bald one said. “Think we should lower her more? If her head’s underwater, she’ll thrash around and maybe get the gulper's attention.”
At this, panic flared within you once more. You tried moving your wrists, legs kicking more and more urgently. The raiders laughed again at your rendition of the gallowdance. Your head felt like it was on fire, dangerously nearing an explosion.
Distantly, you heard the creak of metal as the rope that held you aloft was adjusted. Your body jerked as it began to descend, the crown of your head now submerged. Your mind raced as you tried to find ways to save yourself, but it was getting harder and harder to think. You wanted to scream, but you were only able to make a weak, gurgling sound.
There was a loud splash, entirely too close for comfort. Jeering from the raiders as they prepared for a gruesome show. You began to accept your fate, dismay over your failure to complete your life’s mission greater than your fear of death.
But suddenly, you heard various gunshots in rapid succession. It’s a fucking ghoul! somebody shouted frantically. The confused screams of the raiders followed along with some answering shots. The heavy thump of bodies collapsing, one by one.
It was silent for a moment, except for a breeze settling the dust and your heartbeat pounding in your head like a drum. Then there was the soft clink of spurs as someone approached you, an old pair of cowboy boots appearing in your vision.
You tried craning your neck to get a better view of your supposed savior. You could barely see his face, the sun haloing his head like a saint’s. But there are no angels in the wasteland, you thought deliriously, only roaming devils searching for carrion to pick on.
His voice was low and raspy, with a southern drawl that was almost soothing, in a strange way. “Well, well… Ain’tcha just the prettiest hunk of meat I ever did see?”
A shuddery gasp escaped your throat as you felt the rope loosen a little more, fully submerging your head. Your eyes rolled into the back of your skull as you were swallowed by darkness, immediately unconscious.
“See that there?” your father whispered, pointing up at a cluster of stars. “That’s the big dipper. And just below its tail is the little dipper. Do you see ‘em?”
You nodded, awed by the simple, ephemeral beauty of a still night sky. Your father’s soothing presence, his patient teachings, the world not so horrible when seen through his eyes.
“Like us,” you said with a smile. “Always together.”
His smile was sad then. You couldn’t remember it being that way, but memories tended to warp over time, didn’t they?
“Yes, sweetie. Always together,” he said, trying to sound as promising as possible. “But if we ever separated, for whatever reason, remember that you can look up at the sky at night, and you will always find us there.”
You woke up sputtering, thinking you were still underwater. Your stomach lurched violently and your body twisted onto your hands and knees, retching. Spewing bile as yellow as the RadAway you found yourself hooked onto. Panting with both exertion and disorientation, searing pain lancing through your skull.
It was close to sunset, the sky beginning to burn orange and gold, the atmosphere cooler. You were still at the quarry where you’d first encountered the raiders, but you were a safe distance away from the water.
You could smell and hear a small campfire nearby. Felt a presence behind you, a heavy gaze fixed on you.
“You must be all kinds of stupid, huh? Chargin’ into that battlefield of your own makin’, not even a hint of backup around to help.” The ghoul shook his head with amusement. “Then again, you must’ve been lookin’ for a guaranteed death… So which is it, suicidal or stupid?”
You spat on the dirt and roughly wiped your mouth with the back of your hand, glaring at him. If you knew one thing, it was to avoid ghouls as best as you could. Coming across one from time to time was inevitable, but you’d never in your wildest dreams thought you’d be saved by one. Or that you would still be in one piece in his presence.
At least he wasn’t worse for wear, and nowhere near feral. He was missing his nose, as all ghouls did, and his skin was leathery and burnt. His features were skeletal, shadowed under the wide brim of his hat. Otherwise… he wasn’t unbearable to look at.
“No? Y’ain’t gonna tell me?” he said, the curiosity in your stare not unnoticed by him. His eyes roamed over you in return. “Gotta be honest, I was real tempted to take a bite earlier, but I never really took a liking to dog meat.”
He chuckled and your frown only deepened, hatred and rage alight in your eyes. You tried to scoot further away, but it was then you noticed a rope was tied around one of your ankles, the other end of it under the ghoul’s boot.
“What do you want with me, ghoul?” You croaked, your throat scratchy and raw from the stomach acid.
“Well, that ain’t very grateful of you, sweetheart. I saved your skin back there,” he clicked his tongue in disappointment, unholstering his pistol. “I could’ve been just as unmerciful as those raiders, if not more.”
You swallowed hard at the imagery, but you didn’t let your dread show. “And why weren’t you?”
He leaned forward, barrel lazily pointed at you. His eyes narrowed expectantly, and you realized he truly wanted to hear some gratitude from you before continuing.
Stubbornly, you clenched your jaw shut and continued to glare. He looked off into the horizon, noticing how quickly the light was waning.
“Think you’d fare any better when the fiends come out to play? Or some super mutant?” He mused, his tone bored. “I ain’t got a whole lot of time here.”
After the day you had, you didn’t really want to take those chances.
The words crawled up your throat like a second wave of acid, scalding your tongue as you uttered them. “Thank you… for saving me.”
“Now there’s a well mannered girl. Knew you had it in ya,” he said with a roguish grin. “Y’know that means you owe me one, don’tcha?”
You dipped your chin in confirmation, hating that you couldn’t argue with him on that one. Not many — if anyone at all — were spared the wasteland, so this was not something to be taken lightly. Especially not while already being tied to him, with virtually zero chances of escaping alive.
“But I ain’t gonna cash in that favor now, so don’t worry your pretty lil head ‘bout it,” he continued, but you didn’t feel at all eased by that statement. “I do wanna know somethin’ though… just what on earth possessed you to follow those men?”
You blinked at him in both surprise and confusion. How did he know that?
“See, I’d been trailing that group of shitheads for a few days. Was after that big headed fella, the leader, Tiberius,” He waved his gun around dismissively, like that part of the story was irrelevant. “But then, I noticed they had another shadow behind them — A quiet lil mousey jus’ like yourself.”
You shrugged one shoulder, unsure of how much truth you should actually give him. “I was looking for some information.”
“What’s that?” He spoke up, cupping his hand over his ear. “What you mumblin’ for? C’mere so I can hear you better.”
With that, he stood up, yanking the rope with more force than was necessary. Your back hit the ground, dust and rocks scraping your skin as you were pulled towards his feet. Trying to stop yourself with your hands only ripped up your palms, so you went slack on the last tug towards him.
He tilted his head to one side as he observed you, a flash of teeth that showed his continued amusement.
“Much better. Now what was that you were sayin’, darlin’?”
You bared your teeth in return, internally fuming. “I said I was looking for some goddamn information.”
He gave you a mocking pout. “Aw, sweetheart… fella wasn’t as forthcomin’ as ya thought, was he?”
“Fuck you,” you spat before you could stop yourself.
“There’ll be time enough for that,” he chuckled, settling his boot on your hipbone. “But first, what kind of information were you tryin’a get?”
“Why do you care? The fuck’s it to you?”
The barrel of his gun was pointed at you once more in warning, right between your eyes. His boot pressed down on your hip until you squeaked, knowing it would bruise.
“His brother… Axl,” you panted, gripping his boot in a futile attempt to get it off you. “I need to - I need to find him.”
He let out a long, low whistle. “Axl, huh? Now I know you really got a death wish, and you’re just stupid to boot.”
“You wouldn’t get it, ghoul,” you said through gritted teeth. “I don’t expect you to know anything about losing someone you love.”
He tensed then, hand trembling for just the briefest second. His features hardened, chapped lips thinning into a flat, angry line.
He lifted his boot only to land a harsh kick to your ribs, knocking the breath out of your lungs. Again, you felt like hurling, coughing violently instead.
“Oh, I know a whole lot more than you think, smoothie,” he said, going silent for a moment as he seemed to think. “Why you lookin’ for Axl? I can jus’ take care of you right ‘ere if you want to die so badly.”
“I’m going to kill him, with my own fucking hands,” you growled, too spent to beat around the bush any longer. “He-he killed my father last year.”
The briefest moment of stunned silence before the ghoul burst out laughing.
“Ain’t that somethin’. You? Takin’ out the big bad raider all by yourself? Now I’ve heard it all,” he shook his head once again. “You’re a spunky little gal, I’ll give ya that much.”
“It’s the law of the wasteland,” you said. “He owes me.”
He crouched next to you, his interest fully piqued. One side of his mouth was pulled up in a sly grin, his gaze held by yours.
“Tell ya what, I myself got some business to attend to with our dear friend Axl, and I just so happen to know where the fucker likes to hide out,” he said, enjoying the sparkle igniting in your eye — that thirst for revenge, for blood.
“Please,” was the only thing you could say, breathless, gripping his tattered coat. “I’ll do anything.”
“Anything, huh?” His tongue ran over his teeth pensively. “Well, seeing as you owe me a favor, I was just gonna take you along with me. Easier that way for you to repay me.”
You propped yourself up on your elbows, not wanting to stay on the ground. Your heads were much closer, but you tried your hardest not to let it get to you.
“What business do you have with him?” You asked warily.
“That ain’t none of your concern, darlin’,” he said, removing the rope from around your ankle to bind your wrists together. “Trust me or not, y’ain’t got no choice but to come with me. Now get up, gotta find ourselves a place to hole up in for the night.”
Painstakingly, you stood up, grunting with both pain and the exhaustion that suddenly crashed into you. As soon as you were on your feet, he tugged you forward, not waiting a moment longer before starting to walk.
“If things go tits up, well… Least I got myself a little snack for the road,” he said over his shoulder with a wink.
“I thought you said you didn’t eat dog meat.”
“Heh, well, you’re starting to prove to be a little more useful than that. But we’ll see about the taste.”
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bellgraves · 9 months
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Phillip Graves x Fem!reader
I wrote a fluff!!! It's a puffy, fluffy romantic fluff so you have been warned!! 🤭 (As usual sorry for any grammar mistakes!)
Promise of daisy flower
Phillip Graves was thrown into the gulag in foreign country. He was sitting in his dark cell and couldn't believe that he allowed this to happen. The mission was simple, yet he and his team were ambushed. He heard noises behind the bars. The commanders were arguing. Graves didn't speak their language, but he was smart enough to understand few words.
They didn't know what to do with him. One of them wanted to kill him, the other wanted a huge money ransom for him.
The second one tried to persuade his collegue that he knows who Graves is and that he is worth millions. The other said he pisses on money and he wants him dead. Right now.
Graves felt a lot of different things. Anger, dissapointment... Sadness.. The situation was so bad that, Graves thought that probably he won't make it this time.
But the truth was the only thing that he had in his mind was you. His girl. Your beautiful face, smile, eyes.. He felt deep regret. That he won't see you again and that he won't have a chance to tell you goodbye. He knew that when you will find out that he died, you will be shattered. He knew how much you loved him. That vision of you crying when you will find out what happened to him, broke his heart.
He didn't want to die...He wanted to live with you. Experience so many things. Give you more love that you deserve. If only he had more time... He would give you the whole world.
The third guard joined the two others.
'American?! Kill him.'
Graves decided he won't die without fight. He will die like a soldier. Fighting until the end. Maybe he will break them some bones so the guards can remember him.
He stood up and was waiting for approaching people. Just when the bars were about to open a huge explosion took place. Bricks fell everywhere. Graves fall into the ground hidding his head with his arms. He heard screams and shooting.
'Graves?!! Graves where are you?!' it was a similar voice.
'Dipaolo!! I'm here!!' Graves couldn't see almost anything because of falling debris.
'Vance!! Erikson!! He's here!!' Three Shadows entered the cell. They gave Graves a weapon.
'We are taking you out of here Commander' said Vance.
'Let's rumble boys' said Graves before he jumped out of the cell, shooting any enemy that he could see.
You were on the way to the base where was Graves. He sent for you, because he had to see you. You didn't understand what exactly was happening. You only knew that your boyfriend was on a mission, he is stationating somewhere and he sent men for you to bring you to the base. You were in the car, driven by a Shadow who took you from the airport.
'I'm sorry, for asking again, but everything is alright with Phillip Graves? He didn't get hurt or something?' you asked with worry.
'No, ma'm, everything is alright with Commander. We are stationing close to the borders. He just wanted to see you, so I'm bringing you to him.' Shadow replied.
The drive took few more minutes when you finally started to notice a military base. It was a camp in a field.
There was many tents with people runnning left and right, bringing supplies, weapons and other stuffs.
You get out of the car and let the Shadow to lead you.
You saw Graves coming out from the biggest tent. He was wearing his tactical vest, with blue collar shirt.
'There you are beautiful!' he rushed to you and gave you big hug.
'Phillip, are you okay? What's happening? I was so worried' You took his face into your hands and looked at him. You examinated him, looking for a wounds.
Graves smiled at you and kissed your cheeks.
'Come with me for a walk, sweetie.'
You followed him out of the base. You walked for sometime on the fields, until Graves stopped. He looked down and plucked a flower out of the ground. It was a simple white daisy. He came closer to you and looked deep into your eyes.
'Baby I need to tell you something. When I was in the gulag...I realized something very important...'
'Wait. You were in prison??' You asked shocked.
'Yes, but only for few hours, it's nothing serious baby. The thing is... I had a time to think about something. Please let me finish.' Graves looked at you with need.
'When I was there...all I was thinking about is you. How much I love you and how much I want to give you the best life possible. I will never forget the day I first met you. I knew since then that I love you with all mt heart. There...in the prison...you were light to my darkness. I was afraid to die... not because of fear but because I wouldn't be able to tell you something very important...' Graves knelt down on one knee and held out the flower to you.
'My love...will you marry me? I promise I will be the best husband that you could ever dream of. I will love you and protect you with my life. You will never feel sad or alone... I will do everything to make you happy and feel loved..so please.. will you be my wife?' Graves gave you flower and kissed your hand, looking at you with anticipation.
'No way!! He is proposing with flower!!'
'I thought he will give her some million dollar diamond ring. How can Graves be fucking cheap like that?!'
'Gulag is doing something with people minds, I'm telling yall'
Shadows: Dipaolo, Erikson and Vance were watching you not too far away.
You didn't care that Graves didn't give you a ring. You felt overjoyed and happy. You hugged him tight and said the most sweet words that he could ever hear:
'Yes! Of course I will marry you Phil. I love you so much.'
Graves give you passionate kiss on your lips. You could swear you saw one tear wandering on his eyelashes.
Suddenly you heard clapping and whistles. You looked back and you saw three Shadows rising their thumbs up amd smilling.
'Mission complete Commander!!!' yelled one of them. The other two were laughing happily.
You smiled and waved to them.
'I love you so much baby. When I'm gonna come back from deployment, I promise you, we will go to buy you the most fancy, expensive and beautiful ring.' Graves kissed you again.
' What I want is you to comeback safe to me Phil'.
'I will. You have my word. I need to stay here for two more weeks. But after that I'm coming home sweetie. And we are getting married. Hell. We are making babies too. I want to start a family with you'
You stood together hugged for some more time until you had to go back to the car. You couldn't stay in the base.
When you were driven back to the airport you holded flower that Graves gave you close to your chest. When you entered the plane, you asked the flight attendant to gave you glass with water and you put your flower there. Until you get into your apartment, you were holding your flower all the time. You finally were in your bed and you looked at it and smiled. It was Phillip's promise to come back to you.
For my lovelies 🥰
@candy616 💖💖
@xxavengingangelxx ❤️❤️
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promptsforyourwhumpfic · 10 months
The Grand A-Z List of Whump 3/3
This list contains 194 items listed R to Z
As always, I heavily encourage people to research topics thoroughly when writing as it is important to avoid stereotypes/misinformation. This list's intention is to not glorify/romanticise sensitive topics in any way.
This is a comprehensive list of injuries, Illnesses and tropes - including those from the Whumptober 2023 trope vote!
All submissions are listed in italics, and those who wanted to be tagged will be included at the end. If you have any more submissions: please send them via DM/my ask box.
[A-H] [I-Q] [NSFW List]
List below the cut:
Radiation Poisoning/Exposure
Radio Silence
Ransom Note/Video
Reducing breaks or dislocations (bonus: out in the field with no painkillers available)
Reluctant Caretaker
Reluctant Whumpee
Reminded of trauma
Reopened Wound
Repressed Emotions
Repressed trauma resurfacing
Rescued by the enemy
Rescues gone wrong
Respiratory Distress
Ringing Ears
Ritual sacrifice
Role Reversal
Rope Burns
Running fingers through hair (maliciously or comfortingly)
Running Out of Air
Ruptured eardrum
Sadistic Choice
Sartorial constraints
Scraped Knees
Scratched corneas
Second impact syndrome
Seeing double
Self esteem issues
Self induced injury to escape
Self sacrifice
Self-inflicted injury (to escape)
Sensory Deprivation/Overload
Sentimental Items
Setbacks in recovery
Severed Artery
Shaking Hands
Shock collar
Shot (gun, arrow, dart, etc...)
Shrapnel (blast/wounds)
Sick/injured at a party
Skull fracture
Sleep Deprivation
Sleep Paralysis
Sleeping in the cold
Smashing their head into a wall
Smoke Inhalation
Snake Bites
So sick they can barely even stand or stay awake
Significant other taking care of wounds
So weak they have to hold on to something or someone to walk
Solitary Confinement
Special object being ruined/torn apart
Spinal Cord Injury
Split lip
Stab Wounds
Stabbed (sword, spear, knife, TRIDENT!, etc...)
Stabbed through the back by the only person the whumpee trusted
Stage fright
Status epilepticus
Stings (insect, creature, plants)
Stoic/Defiant Whumpee
Stoic/Rude/Harsh Reluctant Caregiver!Mentor & Ball of Sunshine Hurt!Mentee (platonic)
Stomach ache
Stomach Ulcers (a cause for vomiting up blood)
Stomach virus
Straight Jacket
Strangulation resulting in bruised or swollen vocal chords and loss of voice + the process of regaining your voice and everything that comes with that trauma.
Stress (this could induce headaches/general illness)
Stress Position
Sucking chest wound
Super glued to toilet
Surgery gone wrong
Survivor's Guilt
Swollen Lymph Nodes
Taking the bullet
TBI (traumatic brain injury)
Team as a family
Team has a certain amount of time to get to their Whumpee before they’re killed
Team teaming up to take care of sick teammate
Temporary Loss of Sense(s)
The Final Straw
Thrown from an explosion
Time Loop
Tiny whump
Tooth knocked out
Torn Ligaments - Achilles, Meniscus etc.
Torn Muscles
Touch Aversion/Touch Starved
Tranquilizer Dart
Trapped (whether this is after an explosion, car accident, natural disaster…)
Trapped Limbs
Trapped underwater
Trauma reveal
Trust Issues
Truth spell/serum
Twisted ankle
Undead (vampires and ghosts and zombies, oh my!)
Unhealthy Coping Mechanisms
Upper respiratory infection
Used as bait
Usually big, strong and boisterous whumpee becomes quiet and weaker as the whumper conditions them.
UTI (Urinary Tract Infection)
Vampire whump
Vampires Thrall
Vehicular Accident
Very badly hurt and on life support - with slow recovery
Vocal chord paralysis
Vomiting/Vomiting blood
West Nile virus
Whip scars
Whumpee being psychologically tortured via fake escape scenarios so when they are actually getting rescued they don't believe it. bonus point if they still don't think anything is real.
Whumpee dreams of a loved one happily inviting them “home” (They're actually dying IRL)
Whumpee getting the upper hand over whumper.
Whumpee stabbing whumper or beating their head into the ground over and over while sobbing, even when they’re clearly dead because they NEED to take their emotions out.
Whumpee turned Whumper
Whumpee watches caretaker take a bullet/hit/poison for them.
Whumper turned Caretaker
Whumper turned whumpee
Whumper with a crush
Wing whump
Wisdom Tooth Removal
Withholding Medical Treatment
Witnessing. (Whumpee sees someone die in a brutal way. Whumpee sees someone get possessed/turned into a zombie/some other horrifying thing and they just stare horrified.)
Working for the enemy
Working through injury/illness
Working to Exhaustion
Wrists rubbed raw
Wrong Place, Wrong Time
Wrongfully Accused/Arrested
Wrongfully fired
Xeroderma. (Extreme sun sensitivity)
XMRV is a newly identified human retrovirus that is similar to a group of mouse retroviruses (called murine leukaemia viruses, or MLVs)
Yellow Fever
Zombie virus, etc.
Zoonotic Hookworm
Zoonotic illness (It’s a disease carried or transmitted by animals to humans like tularemia or psittacosis)
Zosler (Shingles)
Zygomycosis (Fungal infection)
TAG LIST: Thank you very much to the following people for submitting ideas! (I apologise if some tags did not work, I'm not sure why tumblrs not letting me tag you!)
@I-eat-worlds | @greygullhaven | @letsgowhump | @cyberwhumper @firapolemos05 | @originaldeerhottub | @whumpilicious | @drawing-dinos82 | @carenrose | @stellarinuscronicles | @gottheseasonalblues | @marvelflame2010 | @sowhumpful | @avamcu | @courtneygacha | @lordofthewhumps | @autismmydearwatson | @kuddelmuddell | @the-most-handsome-ginger | @whirls-and-swirls | @painsandconfusion
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acetonelungz · 3 months
pt1 pt2 pt3 pt4
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Simon Riley was a whisper in the wind.
Rumors and wise tells of the infamous “Ghost” haunted every soldier, even those not on the opposing team.
He was scary. And not the little kid monster type of scary, scary as in he stood in the corner and watched you like prey. Scary in the way that everyone thought of him as a ticking time bomb. Expect for John Price.
“So are you in, Simon?”
“Ghost is in, Simon is gone.”
“Ah, right. My bad mate.”
And now he was here, in enemy territory aiding in the rescue of some soldier.
Simon was the type to not question missions and just simply get the job done.
This one was different though.
Why make a big fuss over some low grade soldier? Quite a bit of trouble over a nobody. His questions remained mere thoughts, as he wouldn’t question out loud his authoritative figures. Ghost also quite literally couldn’t give two fucks.
Following Price, he scoured the hallways, making sure to take down everything threat and security camera. Soon enough, they arrived at a heavily locked door.
“This outta be it.” Price whispered back towards Ghost. “Plantin’ a lil package.” He placed an IUD on the door and quickly found cover before an explosion sounded off.
Deciding to do double kill, he threw a flash bomb to curb any possible threats.
Upon running into the space, he discovered exactly what they had been looking for.
A little feisty brunette who attempted to kick him in the balls.
“I’m Captain Price and we’re here to rescue you.”
“Took ya fucking long enough.” Ghost chuckled.
“Whats funny fuckface?” He did not chuckle this time.
Price huffed a half-assed laugh while lifting her up by the arms, “Easy there, we’re just here to help and we need to leave asap.” With that he turned and headed towards the now torn up door.
She followed wordlessly behind him, as well as Ghost.
As they walked towards around the base, the bodies of soldiers could be seen all along the corridors and hallways. One in particular, was the guard from earlier. It took everything within her not to spit on his dead body, but rather she lightly kicked it. In return Price gave her a unsatisfied look.
“I think after what I’ve been through I can at least do that.”
He nodded without saying a word.
Soon enough they reached the massive tan military trucks just outside the base, only two were present which sparked confusion within the woman.
“How many of there were you?”
“What’d you expect a bloody army private?” Ghost huffed from underneath his mask.
This royally pissed her off.
She quickly got into his face, sneering “Actually it’s lieutenant, and for how many bodies there were I assumed there were more of you. Not an unintelligent question but rather an unintelligent response.”
“You have five seconds to get the fuck out of my face-“
“Okay you two.” Price quickly separated the two, focused on the woman while saying, “We need to be cordial if we’re going to figure this entire thing out. Once we get back to base there are many questions we need to find the answer to. The sooner we get back the sooner you can be done with this all. So knock it off and get the in the bloody truck.”
“Yes Captain.” They said in unison, the woman glared at Ghost while he remained unbothered. Realizing it wasn’t worth it, she dropped it and got in the truck.
‘My first interaction with people in six months and this is what I’m dealing with. One dressed up asshole who is awkward as a prepubescent boy and an old man who thinks he’s my father.’ She thought while riding in the back while Ghost rode passenger with Price driving.
“I forgot to ask earlier,” Price started, breaking the girl out of her thoughts. “Can you confirm your name and status?”
“Lieutenant Collette Swanson also known as Jaws.”
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Shadows Entwined: part 12
BatmanVsTmnt!Leonardo x sidekick!reader
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Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4 Part 5 Part 6 Part 7 Part 8 Part 9 Part 10 Part 11 / Part 13 Bonus (18+)
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A/N: Not a very long one this time, but we got to keep the show going!💙
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Warnings: Mentioning of blood.
The reader and the turtles are 19.
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From the ground below, you could hear the grunts and punches as Shredder and Batman continued their fist fight on the scaffolding. With your hand in Leo’s, you made your way up the stairs in a hurry.
“Let’s end this”, you heard Batman’s low voice say above you, followed by the sounds of more punches. You and Leo ran to Batman’s side, as he was giving Shredder the biggest beating in years. A good revenge for what happened that night at Wayne Enterprise. With Shredder’s face bloodied, your father stood back, just as you, Leo, Raph, Robin and Batgirl came to join him.
“It… It doesn’t matter”, Shredder said as he tried to get up from the hard surface beneath him, blood dripping from his nose, forming red spots on the floor. “Destroying Gotham was only Ra’s al Ghul’s objective. The Foot and the League are mine! There’s nothing any of you can do to stop me!”
A sudden beeping sound emerged, only getting louder and louder. In your confusion, all of you looked up, to a burning part from the Cloud Seeder falling from the sky. It broke through the skylight with a loud crash, landing just before Shredder, the impact catapulting him into the air with a loud roar, before he plumaged into a large batch of chemicals, the neon purple liquid covering him in a matter of seconds, as he yelled out a loud “no!” to the sky above.
Just as you thought there would be a moment of peace, explosions started happening around you, sending you tumbling into Leo’s arms.
“We have to get everyone out”, Batman said, his eyes lingering at you and Leo for a moment. “Now!”
And so you did. Each one of you carrying and helping both Foot ninjas and League assassins out of the building, following very closely Batman’s rule of never killing, not even the enemy. Even Robin who begrudgingly started dragging the passed out Baxter Stockman out of the building, while you helped Batgirl carry out the big large assassin of a man.
With everyone out of the building, you hurried towards the Turtle Van and the Batmobile, before speeding out of there, the building exploding behind you in a fiery blaze.
The ride back felt much quicker than the ride there, with the Batmobile in the front and leading the way, with the Turtle Van tailing from behind.
You stood behind Leo, who once again sat in the driving seat of the van, with Robin in the passenger seat, Raph and Batgirl standing behind him, listening to the phone in Raph’s hand, waiting for either Donnie or Mikey to pick up.
You were all silent as you waited, tension high as you all feared the worst. None of you had been able to find them when you searched the building for people, and the burning parts of the Cloud Seeder was not a good sign.
All of you felt like the dial had been going for hours, with Raph impatient tapping his feet, while Batgirl kept tapping her cheek, staring at a fixed point on the floor. Leo was silent and distant, obviously fearing for his two youngest brothers. His shoulders were tense and his brow muscles pushed hard together. You placed a hand on his shoulder, feeling him take in a deep breath, relaxing a little at your touch, when suddenly.
“It’s the Don Tron speaking”.
“And the ‘Angelo!”
You all breathed a sigh of relief, with Batgirl ripping the phone out of Raph’s hand. “Donnie!”
“Hello there Barbara”, you heard him laugh through the speaker, a small smile tugging at the corner of your lip, very amused by Robin’s shocked expression. Leo’s shoulders shook lightly as he chuckled silently, Raph rolling his eyes with a smile. Since when had Donnie known about Batgirl’s real name?
“I was so worried!”, she said, ignoring Mikey as he called out; “What about me?!”
“Don’t worry, we’re safe”, Donnie said, the smile still clear in his voice. “We just got down from the blimp and we’re good. Or well, except for my arm. I think it’s broken”.
“We’ll get Alfred to look at it when we’re back at Wayne Manor”, Leo said, still not taking his eyes off the road. “The important thing is that you’re safe”.
“On our way!”, Donnie said. But he did not hang up. And neither did Batgirl. Instead she moved to the back of the van and continued her conversation with Donnie over the phone, ignoring the looks the rest of you gave her.
“Damn”, Raph muttered, turning his attention towards Robin. “Those bat woman got my brothers whipped”.
You made eye contact with Leo in the mirror, a blush spreading across your faces.
When you came back to the Batcave, you found that Mikey and Donnie was already there, with Alfred taking a look at Donnie’s arm, while Mikey was telling Alfred all about what happened at Ace Chemicals. But before the butler could wrap anything around the terrapins arm, Batgirl was on him, wrapping her arms tightly around him, all while Mikey stared at them in shock. Clearly that whole situation was news to him.
Once Batgirl was off Donnie, Alfred could finally wrap up his arm, while you, Batgirl, Robin, Leo and Raph decided to do a quick scan with the computer, making sure that the air in Gotham City hadn’t been infected with anything.
“We did it”, Batgirl said with a smile. “The scan shows no trace of the Jockerised ooze in the air”.
“No way Shredder could have survived that”, Raph said, seemingly still thinking about what had happened at Ace Chemicals.
“Well, we’ve certainly counted him out before, only to be surprised”, Leo said with a thoughtful look in his eyes, as if he was remembering something. That was a story you would definitely have to hear about another day, because before you could ask  him about it, Batman made his way over to you, his eyes on Leo as he spoke.
“You did well out there”, your father said, a small smile directed at the leader in blue, as he pulled you in for a side hug. He then extended his hand to Leo, just like he had done before all of you had left for Ace. “Your father would be very proud”.
A smile grew on Leo’s face before he accepted your father’s handshake. “Thank you”.  Leo’s eyes lingered on you for a moment before he continued speaking. “Although I’m sure he’ll have some hard words about us being gone from the city this long”.
“That’s our fearless leader's unsubtle way of saying it’s time to go”, Donnie said, turning his attention towards Batgirl as he spoke, a small hint of sadness in his eyes. “But, let’s keep in touch”, he added, pulling out his phone.
Raph turned his attention to Robin, standing before him with a smile, the height difference being very amusing to the red dressed turtle.
“You're a tough little guy”, Raph said, holding his fist out for knuckles. “I respect that”.
Robin looked a little confused at Raph’s closed fist, before thoughtfully bumping his own against them. “It was an honor to fight with you… and… your more thrivelous brothers”.
“You are also weird”, Raph said, still with a smile. “But I kind of like that too”, he continued, while rubbing your brother’s hair, making it more messy than you had ever seen before. And to your surprise, your brother smiled at Raph’s actions.
“Alfred”, Mikey said, walking to the butler with his skateboard behind his back. “I’m very sorry about before. So to make it up to you, please accept my skateboard”. Mikey went down on one knee, holding up the board for the butler to see.
An amused smile showed on Alfred’s face. “It… just what I’ve always wanted”, he said, accepting Mikey’s skateboard, only to be caught in a tight hug by the happy turtle.
“Promise me you’ll only use it to perform the sickest tricks”, Mikey said, not noticing how Alfred’s face was turning blue.
While all of this happened, you and Leo stood quietly with each other, a sadness lingering in each other's expression at the thought of saying goodbye. You had finally had your kiss, and how he had to go back home. You weren’t mad, not at all. You understood why Leo had to go. He had a home, a father and probably also friends back home in New York. And it wasn’t like this would be the end. You could still keep in contact with each other, just like Batgirl and Donnie intended to do. Yet you couldn’t help but feel sad. You had really gotten used to those pretty eyes, and the thought of them leaving made a pit in your stomach. Leo too was saddened by the thought of leaving. You made his heart raise, yet calmed him down in ways he had never experienced before. You were brave, and Leo couldn’t help but admire you for that, even if it almost gave him a heart attack at times, when he feared you had gotten badly injured. But even with that, he was going to miss that pretty smile and your beautiful laughter.
Batman, noticing that the unspoken words between you and the ninja turtle, cracked a small smile, turning his attention back towards Leo.
“Leonardo, you have proven a strong will to take care of (Y/N)”, he said, placing a hand on your shoulder. “If you promise to continue and protect her, will you let my daughter come with you?”
You looked at your father in shock, Leo starred with wide eyes and his mouth agasp. Mikey let out an audible “what?!”, finally letting go of Alfred, while the others gasped out loud.
“While there, I would like you to train her, if possible”, Batman continued. “She is strong and brave, but I fear that I’ve been holding her back. Fatherly love has made me believe she wasn’t ready, so maybe the best thing would be for somebody else to train her”.
Leo looked at you, a small hope shining in his blue eyes. “It would be an honor”, he said. “And I will happily do it if she allows me to”.
You nodded eagerly, a bright smile spreading across your face. Before you even answered him, you jumped on Leo, hugging him tightly, fighting the urge to kiss him in front of everybody. “I would love to, Leo!”
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Everything I Never Told You
(Part one)
Series masterlist
Jake Sully x f! Na'vi reader. No Y/N used.
Warnings: Angst. Angst. Angst. Idk why, I just felt angsty today. Jake being sad. You not remembering who you were.
Summary: after the first war with the Sky People, Jake loses you. When they return, they bring you back in a Na'vi body, and Jake runs into you.
Jake Sully was dreaming again. Dreaming about you.
In these dreams, the war with the Sky People had passed, and you were still here. Still alive.
In these dreams, they'd transferred you to your Na'vi body, and you and him were happy in Pandora.
In these dreams, he held you close, kissed you, whispered into your ear, “I love you.”
In these dreams, you hadn't been killed in the war. In these dreams, he'd been quick enough to save you before any harm came to you. In these dreams, he'd been enough.
But eventually, he had to wake up.
And when he did, he had the crushing realization that it had been only a dream. You were dead, long gone, too far from his reach.
He'd get up in the morning, hating himself for never having told you that he loved you.
When Jake Sully had first come to Pandora and integrated into the Avatar program, he'd gotten the hope of returning home and getting his legs back.
That promise hadn't been enough to prevent him from growing roots in the new planet once he experienced what life could be like here.
He'd fallen in love with the Na'vi, with nature, with the new life. And he'd fallen in love with you.
You were a scientist, according to your various titles obtained after years of studying and working. But, to Jake, you were a train wreck, a tornado, a catastrophe that stepped between him and his mission to Colonel Quadritch. You upended his world, changed the way he saw everything. You changed him, forced him to be better.
At first, he'd hated you for calling him out on sharing Na'vi information with the militia. He'd hated you for moving him out of headquarters to the portable lab. He hated you for being so kind and honest, for not overlooking his bullshit, for correcting him and taking your time to teach him about the Na'vi. He hated that he couldn't stay angry at you. It confused him, tore him in half. He'd be unable to sleep in his bunk, thinking of you.
And then, one day, he got to the realization that he didn't hate you. That the nagging, insistent ache within him wasn't anger, but attraction. He liked you. What he'd thought were claws of rage within his throat any time he tried talking to you were actually butterflies. His eyes tracing your movements everywhere wasn't proof of hate, but of admiration.
He'd been conflicted about his discovery for a while, but he'd eventually come to accept it.
And the more he did, the more he thought you felt the same. You'd smile at him more than normal. Whenever he was able to hold a fluent conversation in Na'vi with you, you'd congratulate him and your eyes would shine with pride. When he helped you with anything—big or small—in the lab without you asking, you'd stutter a little as you rushed out a thanks, and you'd blush on occasion.
You two got to being close. Real close. You'd talk about everything. About Jake's experience within the Omaticaya clan, about life back home, about how you'd gotten to Pandora, about how neither of you ever wanted to go back to earth.
Things were going well. Really well. For Jake, for the Na'vi, for you—but then the war came.
The Sky People and their fire, and their bullets, and their explosives, and their destructive nature. And they'd torn the world into pieces.
You'd fought. You'd fought hard and long, with everything in you, to protect the world you now called home. You were protecting it from your own species, you knew, but you'd had the startling realization that you were not like them. You could See, they could not. And that automatically made them the enemy.
Jake found your body not long after the war finished. Once he'd gotten back in the link, he'd rushed through the forest, calling for you, worried, terrified, needing to see you.
The words were on his lips. I love you. He was so ready to say it to you, so ready to find you alive and feel relief wash over him.
He found your body instead. Bloody, bruised, lifeless. It broke him. He threw himself on the floor beside you, cradled your body in his arms, cried and sobbed and screamed. Why, why, why was this happening? Why to you? The kindest person he'd ever known. If anyone deserved to live, it was you.
“Eywa, please,” he sobbed, body shaking as it curled over yours. “If you need to take a life, take mine. Not hers. Please.”
But the Great Mother didn't listen. She'd made her choice. You were with her now, and nothing he said would change that.
Somewhere deep inside him, he understood why Eywa would wish to keep you. Why anyone would wish to keep you to themselves. But it hurt bad. So bad.
He hasn't smiled since that day.
He buried your body in the traditional Omaticaya funeral. Na'vi all around him wept for you. You'd been well-loved amongst them, having worked with Grace at the school and having always been kind with everyone.
Afterwards, he'd sat beside your tomb, crying, sobbing for hours. He'd fallen asleep there like he would come to do one too many times. In the future, he'd visit you daily and talk to you, hoping you could hear him, hoping you could see him. But that day, he felt empty, like nothing could ever make him better, like nothing could ever make him happy.
The morning that it happens, Jake wakes up dreaming of you again. He sighs as his chest crushes on itself at the memory of your mangled body in his arms.
He knows he should get up and get to work. He has to patrol again today. With the Sky People’s return, he's in charge of leading the warriors and ensuring to keep the humans away from the clan as they hide deep in the Hallelujah Mountains. But he doesn't want to. He wants a break. Most days, he pushes through the pain and continues with his duty, but today, he can't seem to find the strength.
He hops on his ikran and flies to where you lay, under the ground. As he reaches the spot and approaches your tomb, he realizes that more and more flowers decorate the earth every day. Trees grow around you, little creatures nest in the ground beside you. Even in death, he realizes, you attract life and wonders and peace.
He crouches before you, eyes stinging with tears, ears folded back.
“I miss ya,” he says, like he has so many other times. “So much. I keep thinking if-if I had been there, with you, then maybe—” his voice cracks— “maybe you'd still be here. With me.” A tear runs down his cheek, warm on his skin. He lets it fall to the floor. “I remember when you told me that this was the only place you felt happy. I felt that way, too. I thought it was this planet, this new life, but I've come to realize...it was you. You were the thing that was missing. Without you, there is no happiness. Anywhere.” He sighs, sniffling gently. “I wish I could have you here with me. I would never let you go. Never forget to tell you that I love you.” He takes a deep breath. “I gotta go. I love you. I always will. You know that.”
He remains there for a few seconds, watching the life that's grown around you, before he stands. He turns around, still crying, ready to leave, when something rustles in the bushes not far from where he is.
His ikran snaps to attention, clicking its beak in alarm. Jake's ears perk up. He can't hear anything, can't see anything, can't smell anything.
But he can feel it. Somewhere inside him, his instinct tells him he's not alone. There's someone else out there.
He crouches to the ground, quietly approaching the place the sound came from, unsheathing the knife from his chest and holding it tight in his hands.
Another rustle. A branch snaps and someone curses.
The voice is so familiar, it roots him to the spot. Mid-crouch, knife in hand, heart racing, Jake remains where he is, watching.
The figure approaches. A Na'vi, clad in army uniform, hair down, leaves stuck to her hair. Her face is hidden behind the curtain of dark locks.
She has a machete in one hand, which she could use to cut the wild foliage away, but she doesn't. Instead, she carefully moves between trees and branches and flowers, almost floating past them.
Her hair gets caught on a tree and she hisses, cursing. Turning around to pull her hair free, her face is revealed to Jake and—
His heart drops, his stomach jumps, alarm and excitement and hope rush through him.
It's you.
You, standing there, untying your hair from the tree, ears folded back.
You, cursing and hissing and furrowing your eyebrows as you concentrate.
You, breathing, moving, existing, alive.
For a moment, Jake fears he's dreaming. He decides he's asleep still, in his tent, in the Hallelujah Mountains. Then, he decides he's hallucinating, seeing things that aren't there, gone crazy from grief.
You manage to free your hair and you huff, victorious. As you're turning around to continue walking, Jake takes a step toward you, as if to stop you from disappearing from his dream, and the leaves crunch beneath his feet.
Your head snaps towards him, eyes locking on his, and you fold your ears back, baring your teeth.
Jake breathes out your name softly, gently, full of awe and hope and relief.
Could this be real? Is he lucky enough that you've somehow defied death? Has Eywa decided to end his pain and given you back?
“Who are you?” you snap, machete tight in your grip. “How do you know my name?”
“It-it's me,” Jake says, approaching you. “It's me. Jake. Sully.”
Your eyes scan him and fall to his knife. He can see the way your gaze lingers on his weapon.
He sheathes the knife and holds his hands up in surrender. “It's me,” he repeats.
Your eyes catch on his hands, on the fact that he has five fingers and not four, and your gaze flickers to his.
“Jake Sully,” you say, voice filled with recognition.
He exhales sharply, relieved. “Yes,” he replies. “Yes, it's me.”
Something clouds your eyes over, turning them dark and hostile, and you spit, “So you're the traitor.”
His ears fold back, surprised, confused, and he shakes his head. “I-no—”
“It's you, isn't it?” you cut him off. “Toruk Macto. The one who sent us away the first time. The traitor.”
“No,” Jake insists, unable to comprehend what's happening, why you're behaving this way, why you don't recognize him. He says your name again and you snap.
“Stop calling me that,” you snarl. “You have no right to use my name. You don't know me.”
But I do, he thinks to himself. I do know you. So well. So much. I even love you.
But he doesn't say that. Instead, he says, “What...? What happened to you? What did they do to you?”
You sneer, canines showing. “What they did to me?” you echo, growling. “They did nothing. They brought me back to life. They saved me. After you killed me.”
Jake's body freezes as confusion shocks through him. “No,” he stutters, shaking his head. “I tried to save you. You were gone by the time I found you. I—They're lying to you!”
The radio on your collar crackles to life. A gruff voice on the other side calls your name. Without removing your eyes from Jake, you press the button and reply, “I copy.”
Jake is breathing heavily. The rule is that all demon Na'vi—the humans in Na'vi bodies—should be killed. On the spot. No exceptions.
He knows he's supposed to kill you. Especially since you're not...you. He realizes you can't remember, that you don't know anything about what happened except for what they've told you. And they've done nothing but lie, from the looks of it.
He unsheathes his knife again, your eyes follow the movement. The man on the radio says, “Report as to your position. Have you found anything?”
Now, he decides. Before you can respond and tell them you've found Toruk Macto.
But to lose you again. To have you alive only to kill you...How could he? He can't find the strength, the stoicism, the hardened heart to do it.
He can't.
Before you answer through the radio, he runs, turning away from you and racing back to his ikran.
You exclaim, running after him. He can hear your footsteps follow his.
He reaches his ikran and mounts, flying into the sky before you can reach him. As he flies off, he glances down and finds you, standing there, your eyes on him.
By the time he reaches the Hallelujah Mountains, he's not completely sure he didn't hallucinate the entire encounter.
That night, he can't sleep. So he sneaks to the Tree of Souls, hoping to find something, anything, that tells him he hasn't gone completely insane.
As he makes tsaheylu with one of the branches, he realizes he's not sure what, exactly, he's looking for.
Quietly, he prays, “Eywa, please, give me an answer. I just need to know. Is it truly her? Have I imagined everything? I need an answer.”
He can hear the ancestors' voices, their whispers, their laughter. He hears Grace, laughing, talking about taking samples, and suddenly—
A voice, soft but stern, speaks directly into his ear.
She is alive, my child. Returned home. Her heart remains strong, her spirit kind. She only needs to be led in the right direction.
As suddenly as it appeared, the voice fades away. Eywa, Jake thinks to himself. The Great Mother speaking directly to him. Speaking of you.
You're alive. You're back. It really is you.
“Thank you,” Jake tells Eywa, joyful tears slipping from his eyes. “Thank you.”
For the first time in years, Jake finds it in himself to smile a true, happy smile.
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useless19 · 2 months
You my dear have made the mistake of reigniting my love for megatron x knockout so now you must suffer my mad ravings. I'm sorry in advance. Megaknock is a FASCINATING ship because they are so alike and so different that its downright poetic in a way i know the writers didn't intend. They are both cunning and dangerous, both ruled by pride and explosive emotions. Both dramatic and boisterous. Neither are particularly patient and both relish in the pain of others.
However megatron enjoys a challenge, he's disciplined and unconcerned with his image as long as he can strike fear in his enemies, hes hardly afraid of getting dirty if it means getting his way. As for Knockout well in his own words games are only fun if your winning. he's indulgent and famously vain taking immeasurable pride in his appearance to the point where he will kill over getting his paint scratched. Megatron is composed and stern, with his harsh edges, towering size and unnatched strength he commands respect strength and radiates danger, an apex predator.
Meanwhile knockout is flamboyant and downright playful. With his small frame, his curved edges, his shiny paint he hides in plain sight making others think he's just a pretty preening thing, making them forget about the buzzsaws and knowledge from his profession that ensures he knows where the soft spots are. A scavenger through and through.
They would be a nightmare for absolutely everyone else as a couple, feeding off of and into eachothers worst nature. You just know knockout would revel in being a pampered trophy wife. As long as he gets to keep enjoying his hobbies he's perfectly happy to play the role of pretty accessory hanging off his masters arm or lounging in his lap and making him look all the more fearsome by comparison. Megatron would enjoy it just as much. Not only does he get to have a treasure the nobles of old would covet shamelessly fawn over him he also gets the entertainment of them not realizing the danger right in front of them. Atleast until they wind up on the dissection table. What can he say, megatron can't resist the sight of knockout in his element with his true predatory nature on full display, besides the colors of death suit him well. He always did find blue and red a lovely combination.
Pulling people back into rarepair hell is never a mistake ;)
One of the key things for me about their dynamic is that Knock Out is possibly the only person who is happy being a Decepticon while also genuinely seeming to like Megatron (for the most part). Watch the look on Knock Out's face in Stronger, Faster when Megatron injures Ratchet and presents his leaking frame to Knock Out with a "There's your laboratory sample, doctor." or the way Megatron accepts the Predacon talon at the end of Plus One.
They enjoy each other's competence and cruelty and their goals are often aligned, meaning that, while methods and success rates may vary, they generally aren't costing each other their key values/at key moments (compare to the worst of their conflicts with Starscream).
I think it helps that Megatron is usually smart about dealing with Knock Out on a (somewhat) professional level. Take the times Knock Out presents himself as mission-ready in Tunnel Vision and Hard Knocks, Megatron questions his capabilities both times. Knock Out doesn't appreciate the questioning, but Megatron's concern is assuaged by giving Knock Out an Insecticon guard and Knock Out borrowing equipment respectively, there's almost an edge of care to it. Later on, "Haven't I proven myself?" is followed up with "I need your scientific skills." which both soothes the unintended insult and shows how much Megatron appreciates Knock Out's non-combat skills - ie, the whole package.
Knock Out doesn't have some big grand plan, he's going with whatever flow works best for him. Whereas, Megatron does have a vision of the future (defeat the Autobots and rule the planet) and it's one that Knock Out fits in perfectly well. There isn't a need for Knock Out to question the status quo because it serves him just fine.
Megatron and Knock Out are also fascinating to me for being the two highest charisma characters in the show, just focused at opposite ends of the spectrum.
As much as I love the many ways in which they can make each other worse, I also really like how they have the potential to fit together and give each other the space to be needlessly sadistic while also being able to get comfort (even if it is wrapped in layers of denial). Megatron praises people when they succeed (competence kink, anyone?), while Knock Out, despite being designed sexy, never gets anyone commenting on how pretty he is, not even in a derogatory way. It's so close to Megatron dropping a half-compliment on Knock Out's looks and Knock Out taking it entirely too seriously.
And size difference. Can't forget the size difference!
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mayhemscorner · 2 years
Kissing in mine fields
Summary: enemies to lovers? Also, I feel like if König doesn’t know you, he’s very dominant… and that carries to the bedroom.
Warnings: size kink, degradation, BDSM, slighhtttt exhibitionism
(A/N, did not realize the demand for König was so high so I’ll be posting more of my… spicy content)
The tall brute forces himself to the front as a shield, pushing Y/N back with his hands and knocking her back roughly.
“Hey, watch it! This is a mine field, not a playground damnit!” Y/N grunts, scanning the area around her for any sign of the hidden traps. With an all clear, she pulls herself up and continues scanning.
“You’ll be fine. A lot of these bombs are old. They never work anymore.” König mumbles back, haphazardly stalking on and whistling an eerie tune. Y/N could only roll her eyes, granted the mines were old, but the chances of one blowing up were actually high. 
“Seriously König, do you have a damn death wish? You’re going to get us killed.” She shouts in half panic, half anger. He stops in his tracks, towering above her as he turns and looks down at her, eyes maniacally scanning her face.
“Fine, don’t believe me? If one goes off, I’ll carry you the rest of the way. If it’s a dud, you shut up until we’re out. Which is about another half mile, I think you can manage that, Y/N.” König seethes out, mockingly patting her head as he looks around them. Finally seeing the green markings of a land mine a few yards ahead of them, he grabs a hefty rock nearby.
“If that goes off it could set off a chain reaction, you idiot. What are you even trying to prove here?” Y/N shrieks, anxiety climbing at the thought of her demise coming from a war crazed burly man.
“Too far apart. And I’m confident.” König chuckles, heaving the rock precisely on top of the mine. After several seconds, he turns to smirk at the woman behind him,” see? You worry over noth-“
König is quickly interrupted by the explosions heat creeping against his back and pieces of dirt raining on his helmet. Y/N can only throw an unamused smile that looked more of a frown. 
“That’s enough bad decisions for the day, I’m leading now, you dunce.” Y/N slips the words from her mouth in annoyance and anger, trying her best not to snap any further. Her feet are soon swept from beneath her as König hoists her effortlessly over his shoulder like a rucksack.
“What the hell are you doing?” Y/N questions, anger once again boiling at her skin as she pounds against his hardened shoulder blades that flex with every step.
“A bet is a bet. I’m a man of my word, no matter how annoying you are.” König huffs, taking a long stride to step over another mine.
“Seriously, König. Why are you so rude when we’re in the field? You couldn’t care less when we’re back on base… you’re actually bearable even.” Y/N whines out, once again trying to make an escape from the man’s shoulder, only to have a weathered hand grasp at her pack and pull her down to his arms. Now being carried bridal style, Y/N is now incapable of any movement as König can only grip tighter in this position. One arm hooked under her legs and the other resting over her breasts, it was a tight and… quite a compromising position. 
“Is it a crime to be so rude when my main focus is to protect you… the unit. The unit as a whole.” König coughs between his words, averting his gaze from Y/N’s narrowed glance that studies him enviously. 
“Bullshit, big guy. I’m going to call you on this bluff right now to save us both the heartache. You like me, but it’s against code so you figure being a dick will run me off and you can get over it faster.” Y/N scoffs, turning her head to look away. König ceases all movement, heaving a dramatic sigh and going taut,” and if that is the reason, then I guess now we can both get over it and be civil. Assuming that’s what you’ve been doing too.”
Y/N whimpers slightly, blush crawling to her exposed face and feeling regret she was one of the few that didn’t have any sort of face covering in the unit. She forces herself to look up to Königs unblinking eyes, already feeling the emptiness of her heart showing its way through with tears welling at her eyes.
“What if I don’t want to?” Y/N breathes out, controlling the messy breathing and tears that pool inside of her. 
“Then I think your heart is in the wrong place. We aren’t here for a love story. We’re here to claim victory.” König grits his teeth, trying to sway the impulsive thoughts swirling through his mind. What it would be like to hear the whimper that had escaped her lips earlier in a different form, or how her throat was a perfect place to rest his hand. How tiny her waist would feel as his hands gripped at her torso and pounded her in to a state of delirium that would have them both gasping for air in between moans. He’s pulled back to reality from the much smaller hand knocking at his helmet,” you say that, but I can tell you have other things on your mind, you naughty man.” 
König looks down in confusion at the call out, seeing the devious smirk on Y/N’s face,” I have no idea what you’re talking about. What are you getting at?”
Y/N only taps her hand lightly against the impressive member that had been throbbing at her side and chuckles. König reacts rashly and drops her to the ground below as he moves quickly to cover his swelled area, causing Y/N to yelp and freeze before once again searching for a mine.
“Alright! I shouldn’t have said that, did you have to drop me though?” Y/N once again huffs seeing no mines and standing to brush herself off.
“I’m sorry, it won’t happen again. Let’s move on.” König bites, trying his best to rub away his issue while walking forward.
“We’re out here alone, let’s make another bet.” Y/N offers, curling her arm in the crook of Königs and sliding her hand down to rest upon the one that hovered over his pants. Königs heart quickens, knowing this could either get them in trouble or killed, or worse… discharged. 
“We don’t have that much longer to go, so you can pick me back up, you focus on the mines and I’ll focus on… you. You fail in finding a mine, we’re dead. I fail to alleviate your, situation, you can do whatever you want to me.” Y/N offers, controlling his hand with hers to move slow and pressurized circles around his once again hardening cock. Königs head lulls back, getting lost in the hypnotizing movement. A clipped moan bubbles at his throat before he grips her wrist tightly,” and if I say no?”
“Then I’ll make this the most hellish walk of your life.” She giggles, flushed at the strong grip that holds her back. König can only pretend to ponder the thought before pulling her back in to his arms, sneaking glances as he walks on as she unclips his belt to gain access. It wasn’t the most comfy position, but the thought of relief was too overbearing as her hand slips below his boxers to grasp delicately at his shaft. He would never reveal his personal nickname for Y/N was Schawnz necken, but she was putting that nickname to good use in this moment. Königs legs buckle every few steps as her hand does anything but sit still, changing pace, grip and even pressure. As her fingers dance across his leaking tip, König shivers and lets put a guttural groan.
“You aren’t getting close are you? We still have several yards to enjoy.” Y/N coos, once again brushing her fingers over his tip to feel him shake once again. König can’t speak, and can barely manage to shake his head no. He scans again, seeing the fence they’ll have to climb is coming closer to view and no mines in the vicinity. The gate comes closer as her strokes become faster, pumping wildly as his steps become more sloppy. Just as they reach the fence, König can’t move any further,” Y/N, I’m going t-“
He’s cut off rudely as Y/N ceases all movement, hopping down to grab the chain link and start climbing.
“Damn. Looks like I couldn’t hold my end of the bet.” She sighs dramatically, followed by the most cynical smirk König has ever seen. She begins scaling the fence, only to be ripped down and pinned to the ground. Hands restraining her wrists, and legs digging in to her thighs. Königs body fully covered hers, making her feel minuscule and defenseless. Man, was it a good day to not be an enemy of this giant man. But, she would definitely feel sorry of the aftermath of what’s to come after gauging his size from inside his pants. The smile is sloppily wiped from her face with heated kisses, some rubbed harshly from under his veil before he rips the bottom half to expose his lower jaw and continues on. Königs breath quickens, and his hands roam haphazardly, finally landing at her belt and tearing it open. His hand brushes eagerly at Y/N’s panty line, teasing a little before finally slipping inside. Y/N’s eyes roll almost instantly to the back of her head as the pressure from his single fingertip hits her clit, causing a jolt of ecstasy. As a moan escapes her lips, a gloved hand clamps firmly over her mouth,” the others are probably right across that tree line. Do you want them to hear?”
“N-no.” Y/N stifles out, biting down on his pointer finger as another wave of pleasure rattles her. König dares to move the hand from Y/N’s mouth to expose her collar bone, as much as he’d love to devour her neck in sloppy kisses, it would be a destruction to government property. He traces her collar bone with his tongue, stopping where her two collar bones meet to suck her skin purple. Her tiny hand slips down the collar of his shirt, nails digging at his muscular back that heaved with each feral breath. 
“König, fucking destroy me.” Y/N begs, almost already on edge from just one finger that had been teasing her entrance. He pulls away, the fulfilling sound of his lips suctioning away from the edge of her almost exposed breast. She sits up to witness the full length of what she had stroked earlier. Baffled at the size, Y/N knew, he might actually destroy her. She bashfully throws her pants to the side, almost unprepared to take him fully. 
“You look scared…” König teases, stroking teasingly at his cock before lining it up to her entrance and his eyes become feral once again as a chuckle escapes his lips,” good.”
As he pushes inside of her, his hand snakes to her throat, squeezing the sides and only releasing when he was fully in. Y/N can barely adjust before his other hand finds her mouth, silencing her completely as the pace quickens. Every thrust rattles Y/N, jolting her whole body as her vision fogs, close to the edge. Her pleas all die off in her throat that was squeezed so delicately, yet harshly at the same time.
“And Y/N, I’ll be nice and let you finish, unlike what you did to me. You pull that shit again, you’ll never cum again.” König growls, thrusting at every word he exaggerates. Finally being pushed over the edge, her body convulses, and pussy gripping tight around Königs shaft, sending himself over as well. Y/N tries to mumble even a thank you, but can only babble over her words, resulting in a loving shoulder tap while attempting to catch her breath. König laughs, cleaning himself and Y/N up, then situates his pants. 
“Well, I believe we should get back. Think you’ll make it?” König teases, seeing Y/N stumbling every few steps. She shrugs, once again mounting the fence,” if I can make it over the fence maybe. Just tell the others I took the impact from one of the mines and save us both the ass chewing.” 
König smugly grins, throwing her once again over his shoulder and receiving a fit of laughter while hoisting the both of them over the fence.
“I feel like making love in a mine field would make a legendary story, don’t you?” He quips, dropping down to solid ground.
“I do. I just don’t want to be the one person known in history to be dishonorably discharged for being horny.” Y/N hits back, knocking a soft fist against his chin.
“When the ship sinks, the whole crew goes with it, Y/N.” König reminds her humbly it takes two to make a mistake.
“I’m just glad you’re done being an asshole.” Y/N fires in remark.
“Easy now, I don’t think you think you could handle a second round.” König grunts, only to have the ball thrown back in his court,” that’s what you think, big guy.”
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Sir Pentious perhaps?
Certainly, my dear!
Send me a character and I’ll list:
Favourite thing about them: His dorkiness! I like how he starts out trying to be intimidating so he'll be thought of as a formidable foe, and then learns to embrace his naturally dorky self and be a better person. Maybe there's a message there about toxic masculinity? Or maybe I'm reading too much into it.
Least favourite thing about them: That so-called 'joke' in Episode 6. You know the one. I mean, you can't have a whole episode taking sexual assault seriously when it happens to Angel Dust and then turn it into a joke when it happens to Sir Pentious. I'd have preferred it if, instead of Pen being dragged into the sex room, Valentino overheard his "sex with everybody" line and started offering him a job at the porn studio and making him flustered, and that was what motivated Angel to stand up for his friends.
Favourite line: "The only cool thing here is to say 'No' to drugs! Now, if you'll excuse me, I'm off to not have sexual intercourse before marriage!"
brOTP: I like the enemies-to-friends thing he had going on with Angel Dust! My favourite moment is in Episode 5, when Pen is trying to shield his cookies for Lucifer from Angel's grabby hands, and then he has to stand up straight to salute Lucifer with a quick, "Your majesty!" before he goes back to shielding the cookies, but it's too late because Angel's taken one, but Angel doesn't make a big deal of it, he just says, "Heya, short king," to Lucifer as if there's nothing out of the ordinary going on. They're like brothers! Pen is the responsible one and Angel is the naughty one, but at the end of the day, they've got each other's back. It's fun to watch!
Also, now that Sir Pentious is in Heaven, I love the thought of Emily becoming his new best friend! She could show him how Heaven works, and he could teach her what he knows about Hell, and together they could try to find a way to let Charlie know that redemption actually works.
Plus, there's the angst potential of Sir Pentious interacting with Molly - he knows who Angel Dust is, and she knows who Anthony is, but they don't know they're talking about the same person... I'd love to see a Pen/Emily/Molly trio going on escapades in Season 2!
OTP: CherriSnake! I wasn't sure about the ship at first, but it's grown on me. It's a neat example of the enemies-to-lovers trope, where Sir Pentious' admiration for Cherri as a worthy opponent turns into something more romantic. And they could have bonded over being inventors - Pen with his gadgets and Cherri with her "brilliant explosive contraptions". Too bad he only confessed his love a few seconds before his heroic sacrifice...
I think I like this ship for its potential. What will Cherri do now that Pen is gone? Will she find out he's in Heaven? Will that motivate her to stay at the Hazbin Hotel, to get redeemed herself and be reunited with him? It's rife with story possibilities!
nOTP: Sir Pentious and Vox (StaticSnake?). Mainly because Vox told Pen to kill himself in Episode 2. That was unacceptable.
Random headcanon: Sir Pentious has a son! Remember that moment in the pilot when Angel said, "Harder, Daddy!" and Pen replied, "Son?!" I think Pen did actually father a child when he was alive, and he'd been scouring Hell trying to find him again. (And for a moment there, he thought Angel was declaring that he was his son.) Pen never found his son in Hell, but now he's in Heaven, maybe he'll have better luck...
Unpopular opinion: I actually quite like Sir Pentious' singing voice! It's nowhere near as bad as people make it out to be. And I much prefer it when characters' singing voices match their speaking voices, instead of being wildly different. (Looking at you, Vaggie.)
Song I associate with them: @hazbinned made a video of Pen being kept awake at night by Angel blasting out "Made You Look" by Meghan Trainor, so now I associate that song with Sir Pentious! LOL!
Favourite picture of them:
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smolskxawng · 1 year
New life - Chapter 2
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<- chapter 1, chapter 3 ->
Pairing: Aged up!Neteyam x Fem!Reader
Summary: After successfully escaping the human base, you rescue the son of the Omatikayan’s chief. Will you choose to stay by his people and help them against colonel Quaritch’s plans?
Note: Neteyam is aged up on this one☝️as well as the reader☝️
I rush to his side Immediately, crouching next to him, putting a hand on his back, letting out a big sigh of relief as I feel it rise and lower slowly
He’s breathing, he’s still alive
Ripping a piece of my shirt to wrap around his face and shield him from the smoke, I turn him around, checking for serious wounds
As I do so, I notice a traditional warrior bracelet on his arm
His gaze settles on me, confusion, fear and anger passing through his face as he starts pushing me away from him, coughing from the smoke, weak from getting directly hit by the explosion
I realize what this must look like now. I’m dressed just like the enemy, like one of the avatar soldiers the humans use, I didn’t have anything different to change into before escaping
“It’s not what it looks like, I swear!!” I plead in his language
He doesn’t listen, slowly sitting up, trying to hit me
The only thing that prevents me from getting punched in the face is his current state, he’s way weaker than me right now but he obviously has a lot more fighting experience than I do
I barely dodge the hit
“Wait!! Please!! I’m trying to help you!!”
Before he tries to swing at me again, I see a human soldier standing ahead of us, gun in hand, aiming in our direction
“Watch out!!” I scream, throwing myself on top of the boy, getting us to the ground right as a bullet zooms above us, hitting a box full of guns nearby
His eyes go wide in shock, but before he can say or do anything, another gunshot is heard
Someone had just killed the soldier who almost shot us
It was an older, Na’vi man
He runs up to us, his face filled with anger and concern
In one swift move, he lifts me up by my shirt, pointing his gun to my head
I shut my eyes tightly, waiting for the end
“Father stop” the boy says weakly, “she’s not with them”
I wait and wait
But the bullet never comes
I open one eye, peeking at the situation, the man still has me in his hold, but is now looking down at his son, who’s still laying on the ground
The two of them share a quick eye conversation
The man let’s out a groan in protest before harshly releasing me
I stumble back a bit as my feet hit the ground
I don’t even have time to process anything as the man quickly grabs his son, throwing him over his shoulder
He looks over to me and screams
“Come, now”
I run behind him, no questions asked
We fly on the man’s ikran, the other natives following close behind
They give me suspicious and ugly stares, especially a woman flying really close to us
I keep my eyes tightly shut most of the time, hugging the man’s back like my life depends on it
And it really does
I went from rarely getting out of the human base to flying on ikrans with the Na’vi??? My stomach turns with fear
And a bit of excitement I guess?
I feel someone else’s eyes on me while I put a hand over my mouth, trying not to puke from all of the turns we’re making
I look back to see a younger boy, younger than me and the one I saved before. He’s staring at me with a skeptical and curious look in his eyes
After a while, we arrive at the omatikayan’s hidden camp, probably the one Quaritch was dying to find
My eyes immediately widen in shock
And wonder
This is the real thing, these are the omatikayan people
We land safely
Well, a few of us do. Some are injured from the previous conflict and some didn’t even get to return
All because of the humans
As we get down from the ikrans, a cute, small na’vi child comes running to hug the woman who was flying close to us
The older male na’vi immediately starts scolding his son, as well as the younger boy who was staring at me before
He talks to them like a true leader of a war party, like… a human soldier would
There’s something familiar about his voice
Now that I have the opportunity, I scan him more attentively, he has strong, familiar features
and… five fingers??
Just like me
Is that…. It can’t be
Jake Sully??? he’s alive????
he’s a full na’vi now??
And he has a kid????
A na’vi kid??
I saved Jake sully’s na’vi kid????
I try to focus back on the conversation
“…. And you disobey direct orders!!” He says harshly to the boys, focusing more on the older one
I guess old habits die hard, I think, he got himself a squad between the na’vi too, he’s probably in charge of the warriors
He goes on to ask a girl, Kiri, as he calls her, to go help her grandmother with the wounded
But the girl doesn’t move, still checking on Jake’s son
“My brother is wounded”, she says
Oh they’re related!!
They’re related??? Jake sully has two na’vi kids????
The one I saved starts taking full responsibility for what happened, but the na’vi woman interrupts him, directing herself to Jake “MaJake… your son is actually bleeding”
You were beyond shocked at everything that was unfolding in front of you right now, not only Jake Sully was alive, but he had a family, a na’vi family
And by the looks of it, a whole lot of family drama too
It saddens you a bit as you realize he’s treating his sons like recruits, like the soldiers he used to command back in the day
Jake dismisses his son like a true commander of a war party would
The boy looks my way quickly before his mother takes him to tend to his injuries
I stand awkwardly on the side, processing everything I just witnessed
I decide to wait quietly for an opportunity to speak alone with Jake about everything, trying hard not to disturb the family dynamic or bring any more trouble to myself
“You do understand that you almost got your brother killed”, Jake says harshly to the younger boy that remained
Oh so it was his fault??? Sheesh
Also, brother???
Just how many kids Jake has? Damn
I try to look anywhere but the boy’s direction as his ears flatten, as if he’s ashamed of his actions
“Yes sir”, he responds
“You’re grounded, no flying for a month” Jake states
The boy agrees again, before Jake dismisses him to see to his ikran
Before he leaves, he inquires
“What about her? Who is she?”, he points at me with his head, eyeing his father inquisitively
Jake just gives him a long and hard look, making the boy’s ears flatten again as he lets out a low groan, accepting his lack of answer. He directs himself to his ikran
“And get that crap out of your face”, Jake finishes
Me and Jake are now left alone
He directs his gaze to me
I gulp
“Follow me”, he says, serious and stern
I walk quickly behind Jake through the village, getting all sorts of looks from a whole lot of natives as I follow their olo’eyktan into a nearby hut
“I- “, I start
“Who are you?” he interrupts me, “What are your intentions here? and what. happened. back. on. that. train?” he says, his words getting more paused as he gets progressively closer to me, trying to intimidated me
It obviously works
I back up as soon as he starts walking towards me
“I-It’s not what it looks like, you have to hear me out!!” I beg him
“My name is (y/n)-“
“(Y/n)????” He interrupts me again
I fall silent, scared
His face scrunches as he scans mine closely, as if trying hard to remember something
“(Y/n)…. Grace’s (y/n)?”
My face instantly relaxes, relief taking over me
“Yes!!! I- you remember me?”
“Yes… barely, but I do”, he answers
“I remember seeing you around, helping Grace, you two were always together”, he continues
“You were also there the day I first got onto my avatar right?” His gaze turns a bit nostalgic
He then looks at me again, his brows furrowed
“But… you were gone, on the great war you- we couldn’t find you”
“How did you end up here? You don’t even look a day older” he says, confused “Are you or are you not in a avatar right now?” His voice gets stern again, probably concerned for his people’s safety
I let out a long sigh
Nervously fidgeting with my fingers, I start telling him everything
How I died, how they brought me back to life only to help on their so called new mission, how my memory was partially erased and how I found out the real reason for Pandora’s great war between the humans and the Na’vi
I finish with how I escaped to warn the Na’vi about what was to come
His gaze softens a bit, his face falling as he listens, frowning with empathy for my situation
His brows furrow once again in concern as he realizes everyone is probably in graver danger than he initially thought
“There’s one more thing”, I say
“They also brought Quaritch back”
That seems to make him snap, his expression darkening
Running his hands through his locks and face, he walks around the hut, deep in thought, cursing under his breath
I wait silently, my gaze distant, tears swell up on the corners of my eyes as I relive all I went through these past few weeks
He finally stops, staring at me
He raises a hand slowly, putting it on my shoulder in a attempt to comfort me
It’s a bit awkward but it does help grounding me a bit, bringing me back to the moment
“Thank you for coming to us, you didn’t have to… but you did” he says, “Grace would be proud”
He gives me a small, sad smile
He removes his hand from my shoulder
“If you wish, you can stay, help us against Quaritch”, he says “You must have a lot of useful information on him and the human base”
His eyes meet mine, pausing for a bit
“Or”, he starts, “I can offer you an ikran and some provisions, and you can leave”
I look at him, shocked
“It’s the least I could do after all you went through, you should have been given a choice from the start”
“You came all this way just to warn us, you didn’t even have to”, he continues
“Also, it’s the least I could do for Grace”, he says the last part in a lower tone, as if speaking of someone dear to him
I look down, thoughts racing through my mind, I didn’t think I’d get the option to leave, to be free from all of this
But…. that’s not what I want, I realize
Even if everyone I once loved was gone, I can’t just abandon Pandora’s people when they need it the most
I love the place, it became my home too
For Pandora, and in honor of the people I’ve lost, I say
“I wish to stay”
Jake leaves me for a while to discuss the situation with his wife and warriors, coming back some time later to inform me that It was settled that I could stay with the omatikaya for the time being, sharing every bit of knowledge I held about the humans. Their plans, strategies and equipment
I also found out that Jake Sully was not only the current chief of the omatikaya tribe, but the Toruk Makto
Turns out that after the video I watched where Quaritch almost kills Jake, Neytiri, the woman who killed Quaritch, saved him
And so, he was turned into a full Na’vi by the omatikaya tribe in return for his loyalty to them and to Eywa
Who would’ve thought?
I’m happy for him, I think, he always seemed to prefer his Na’vi life to his human one anyway
After some time, he sends someone to take me to another hut, one with a place to sleep and settle in
I lay on my hammock, the exhaustion of the day getting to me
But I just can’t sleep, the events of the day replaying in my mind
I successfully escaped and warned the omatikaya. I found someone from my past who I wasn’t really close with but was a bit comforting nonetheless
Just knowing there was still someone here, alive, who knew the people I once loved, who cared for them too, It…. soothed me a bit
Also, I saved his kid’s life??? What a day
It’s late now, really late, and I still can’t seem to rest
I think about Grace
She loved the omatikaya, she’d love being here
I miss her
My eyes start to water
Suddenly, I hear some rustling coming from outside of my hut
Like someone, or some people, were getting closer to it
I quickly sit up on my hammock, trying my hardest to focus on the noise
It’s not long before I can discern voices
“…en’t you even a bit curious? I want to see who saved neteyam”, a young male voice says
“This is a really bad idea, but I’m curious too”, a young female voice says
“What if dad finds out though?”
“What dad doesn’t see, dad doesn’t feel”, another young male voice says
“Ok but why is Tuk here??”, the first voice says
“Shut up!! I gave the idea!!”, a child’s voice screams, followed by a chorus of shushes
After a moment of silence, one of the male voices speaks up again
“She’s kinda right”
“Let’s just go in already” the young female voice says
The fabric covering the entrance to my hut is suddenly pushed to the side, revealing a little girl’s mischievous smile
<- chapter 3 is out :)
!!!!!! Neteyam is coming next chapter!!!!!!!
Stay tuned☝️😎
Tag list: @holysaladapricothero @mahalkomarvel @a-blog-name-2003 @crazy4books1
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tainbocuailnge · 2 years
so you like ebenholz and rolled him but now you don’t know how to use him. I heard the people at [REDACTED] say he’s bad? don’t fucking listen to them, listen to me, who is gonna tell you all the cool stuff you can use ebenholz for, because you like him and want to use him
ebenholz is a mystic caster which means that he’s got higher attack and lower attack speed than the other single target casters you’re used to. he can additionally store his attacks up to 3 times to unleash them all at once for increased damage, that is to say storing up attacks and then attacking someone will deal more combined damage than if he’d been using them on a target one by one. if he has 3 charges and then attacks an enemy, it will be a single hit that deals the damage of 4 attacks plus the additional damage applied to those 3 stored attacks. that’s a lotta damage!
the big strengths of mystic casters are their high burst damage and long frontal range. they can cover the far corners that are cut out of other single target casters’ ranges, allowing them to reach targets other casters can’t. they shine the most on lanes with a slow stream of high hp enemies that they can quickly burst down, and conversely tend to struggle as the sole dps on lanes with a lot of weaker enemies that their aspd is too slow to efficiently clear out. you know those maps where there’s one box that all the trash comes out of and another, separate box a little bit further away that occasionally spits out a more dangerous enemy? mystic casters like ebenholz are meant to be pointed at that second box so they can instantly delete whatever comes out of it.
I don’t read g*mepr*ss opinions but I’m assuming he’s being rated unfavorably because his kit is geared towards specifically taking out elite enemies and bosses instead of indiscriminately killing everything. the one weird trick that they don’t want you to know about though is that WAY more enemies are elite than you think. you can tell an enemy is elite by checking the enemy info of a map, if they have this symbol they’re elite and are not immune to goat.
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ebenholz differs from other mystic casters in that he can store an additional fourth attack which will only be used on elite enemies and bosses. this not only increases his burst against important targets but also ensures that he has a bit of extra damage to deal with high priority targets even if the lane he’s covering also has trash come through, which makes him a little more reliable than his colleagues. you can tell how many attacks and what kind he has stored up from the amount and color of his dice: the three yellow ones he rotates are regular attacks, and the red one that floats a little above them is for elite enemies. he will only store this red dice if he already has three yellow dice stored, so in stages with a constant flow of enemies he loses this advantage (though mystic casters in general are at a disadvantage in stages like that)
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ebenholz’s bread and butter skill is his s2, which works similarly to W’s s2. every 14 seconds (or 13 with masteries) he takes his next attack plus the attacks he’s stored up and turns them into ominous goat ghosts that explode when an enemy approaches them. this gives him respectable aoe capabilities for an archetype geared towards single target burst as well as +500 style points. the goats also have a medium pull effect on exploding, so if a lower weight enemy approaches them they’ll get puled into the other goats for a chain explosion. a cool bonus effect with shift is that it will interrupt enemy attacks and prevent them from attacking while the shift effect is being applied, so the goats indirectly slightly reduce the amount of damage your operators take.
he will only convert as many stored attacks as there are tiles available to put goats on, and will prioritise using the yellow dice. if he’s facing a lane with a lot of undeployable tiles, he can both fill it with goats and keep some attacks in reserve to utterly annihilate whatever fool sticks their head out of that red box. the goats will naturally dissipate after 30 seconds, so he does need to keep expending charges to keep his range filled with goats even if there’s no enemies coming through.
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ebenholz’s bosskilling skill is s3, but don’t be fooled into thinking it’s solely good for bosskilling. as mentioned before, there are a LOT more elite enemies in the game than you might suspect, and some maps consist almost entirely of elite enemies. I’m an IS2 gamer so that’s my examples but lucian’s boss stage is all elite except for the dogs, both sarkaz lancer stages are all elite except for the guerilla herald in absurd trickeries, jesselton’s stage is all elite enemies, the list goes on. audience members and scarlet singers are both elite and thus susceptible to goat blast. in stages like that the targeting condition on s3 is moot and it just becomes a very high uptime atk and aspd buff. at 22 sp (20 with masteries) it charges fast, it lasts a very respectable 30 seconds, and you can even turn it off early once the wave is over to make sure it’s back up on time for the next wave.
on maps that feature a more usual spread of a lot of trash mobs with a few elite enemies it has the obvious benefit of making him target only the high priority elite enemies while other people deal with the weaker enemies, similar to steward’s talent but with a lot more damage behind it. the ideal situation to use this skill is a wave with a number of elite enemies spaced slightly apart. you want to activate it shortly before the target enters ebenholz’s range so that the atk buff will apply to the attacks he has already stored up. the increased aspd means he also stores up charges faster, so if there’s a bit of space between elite enemies or it’s a boss that goes invincible for a bit (like the first to talk when using its skill or jesselton’s phase transition) he will quickly stock up more attacks to blast them with.
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ebenholz’s first module, which is out on EN right now, lets him store a fourth charge (up to 5 counting the elite-only charge) and further increases the damage multiplier of stored attacks, massively increasing the upper limit on how much damage he can deal in a single hit. this module is very straightforward in its benefits and is best when you’re using him on low-traffic lanes with a few single strong enemies in accordance with his archetype. since the damage modifiers of stored attacks and his s3 are different this module scales really well with s3, especially in those situations where he’s able to store more attacks between elite targets coming through.
his second module, which isn’t yet out on EN, instead increases his attack speed when he’s holding a charge, meaning he gains the second third and fourth charges much faster. at higher levels it additionally gives his attacks a small amount of splash damage, massively increasing his aoe potential. it greatly improves his usability on stages with few or no elite enemies, because as long as he holds the elite charge he has permanent +30 aspd and will have a much easier time handling larger crowds even before adding the splash damage. it also scales well with his s2 in that higher aspd = more attacks stored while charging the skill = more goats summoned.
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obviously as a 6* single target caster ebenholz is gonna be compared to eyja and the result of that comparison will say eyja is better in most situations. this is true, because eyja is a caster who is usually fine being your sole ranged damage on a lane while ebenholz generally struggles to be the only man dpsing a faster lane while having higher deployment cost. fortunately, you’re allowed to bring up to 12 operators to a fight and you can just use both. if you’re IS2 gaming and ebenholz is your only caster, his second module and s2 can cover for a lot of that weakness at handling busier lanes.
you already know why eyja is strong and where you might use her. the advantages ebenholz has over eyja in situations where you might use either are 1) his extended frontal range lets him catch tiles that eyja can’t, 2) his targeting priority on s3 lets him burst down bosses surrounded by lower priority mobs where eyja s3′s large range and random targeting would waste a lot of damage on trash mobs, 3) the low sp cost on s3 allows him to deal with high priority targets in quicker succession than eyja s3, and 4) he can deal high burst damage without relying on a skill, which gives him an edge in CC situations where you might have to take contracts that affect skill charge times.
now go forth and holz those ebens
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Psycho Analysis: Syndrome
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(WARNING! This analysis contains SPOILERS!)
In one of the earliest episodes of Psycho Analysis, I discussed the villain of Incredibles II, Evelyn Deavor. Evelyn is just a genuinely awful twist villain for not only being completely obvious, but for having a nonsensical and impersonal motive that makes her look like a vindictive idiot. And while there is so much wrong with her, things I detailed in that review (though probably not quite as well as I would now after doing this for a few years), there is one big issue that holds her back, one that no villain in her shoes could avoid: She’s standing in the shadow of a chubby ginger nerd with a Heat Miser hairdo.
Syndrome (real name Buddy Pine) is really something else when it comes to Pixar villains. While not the first to be genuinely, irredeemably evil—Hopper was already right there—he had a lot of things that the grasshopper lacked. For one, we get to see Syndrome’s backstory and how he ended up becoming the way that he is. But more importantly, Syndrome just has a much more stylish presentation that elevates him to being what I consider Pixar’s very best villain.
Motivation/Goals: Over the course of his many, many evil monologues, Syndrome paints a pretty vivid picture of why he is the way he is. It begins with his initial monologue to Bob, where he recounts the faithful night Bob cruelly rejected him and told him to fly home. Only… there’s one teensy little detail missing from the recap. A very French detail.
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Yes, Buddy’s memory proves to be extremely self-serving, as he ignores Bob was at the time dealing with the terrorist and “World’s Greatest Punny Supervillain Name” winner Bomb Voyage to paint himself as a poor, innocent victim of a dismissive and cruel super. Note also how his posture in his version has him with arms wide open as Bob cruelly looks down upon him. All of this goes to show that his big desire for revenge, a core aspect of his motivation, is just completely fabricated by his warped, evil mind. I think he really was just looking for an excuse to go on a killing spree and Bob telling him to stop endangering his own life inadvertently created the world’s first super-school shooter.
Syndrome later elaborates on his evil scheme, because simple revenge isn’t all he’s about (it’s just really nice he gets to take it, that’s all). In another monologue, he details how his murderous robot was meticulously created so that he could fabricate the perfect deadly enemy for him to beat in a staged fight, thus turning himself into a beloved superhero and winning the public’s adoration and respect. With every other hero dead by his hands, he could now soak in all the attention he wanted, and then when he’s old he’d sell off all his tech creating a world where everyone is super (meaning, in his words, that “no one will be”). Syndrome’s initial scheme is very ego-driven and narcissistic, which honestly makes it perfect for a campy supervillain like him.
Of course, he ends up having one more plan when everything else goes awry: Steal Jack-Jack and raise him as his own. This is actually a nice recycling of his cameo from a deleted opening scene for the movie, where he was actually an old enemy who tried to kidnap Violet as a child and who ends up dying in a horrible explosion for trying to fuck with Bob and Helen’s kid (seems they liked that fate for him, because they kept that too). It’s pretty demented as far as a backup plan goes, but it certainly fits him.
Performance: Beloved Kevin Smith collaborator, former Scientologist, and Dave Seville actor Jason Lee is genuinely the perfect sort of guy to voice a villain who comes off as incredibly comedic, but he also gets to show off some really good range when it’s time for Buddy to drop the laughably evil schtick and dip into being a smug, sinister supervillain. All in all, he gives us the exact sort of Silver Age supervillain hamminess to keep you engaged even as he dips deeper and deeper into horrifyingly evil actions.
Final Fate: You’d think that after nearly dying from a bomb getting caught on it as a child, Syndrome would ditch the cape. You’d think that, being a former hero worshiper who absolutely had to know that Edna Mode was the hero designer, he’d be aware of her stance on capes in costume design and would ditch the cape. But no, Syndrome apparently really wanted that classic hero look, and as all truly stylish men must do, he paid the price for looking good. The price in this case is being sucked into a jet turbine where he was shredded into a fine paste before whatever was left violently exploded in a massive fireball, but hey, that's what you get for ignoring Edna's fashion advice.
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Best Scene: I think his introductory scene when he fully reveals himself to Bob is, ahem, incredible, especially on repeat viewings. From the chilling moment where he makes Bob aware of his true identity to his warped self-victimizing recap of Bob rejecting him to getting caught monologuing and then tossing Bob away by accident, it takes the nerdy little fanboy from the opening and recontextualizes him as a laughably evil mad scientist who is at the same time an extremely disturbed murderer with a horrifyingly personal vendetta.
Best Quote: Syndrome has some of the best quotes in the movie this side of Edna, and he drops a good 50% of the film’s most iconic and quotable lines. But the one bit of dialogue that sticks out to me personally is the one he drops during his big (re)entrance into the film, where he makes Bob realize who he is by simply saying, “After all… I am your biggest fan.” It’s so simple and bone-chilling and really sets the mood of the film going forward.
Final Thoughts & Score: Syndrome is just really an amalgamation of everything great you could have in a villain in this particular type of movie.
On the superhero movie side, he’s obviously taking a lot of inspiration from envy-driven tech geniuses like Lex Luthor and Dr. Doom. He has a personal grudge against the hero, and is determined to use his technological prowess to outdo them and show the world he’s better than the supermen. Of course, Syndrome takes it to an entirely unhinged level by being an unrepentant serial killer, but he’s very much still in the spirit of those aforementioned supervillains. Much like them, and as previously mentioned, his version of the events that led to his rebirth as a villain are very skewed to paint him more as a victim, with his take being how he was unfairly treated by his idols rather than as some obnoxious nuisance who could have been severely hurt or killed and whose bumbling led to a disastrous chain of events. It seems very much in the same vein as the stories where Doom blames Reed for however badly his face is scarred, or Lex blaming Superman for making him bald. Syndrome just takes these classic comic book tropes and mashes them together into one fantastic package. Now if only he somehow involved super-intelligent gorillas in his plans...
Now let’s look at the James Bond side, because everything from the score to the island lair to the evil henchmen are pure Bond villain territory. Syndrome has Bond Villain Stupidity down to an art form; even when he points out being “caught monologuing,” he still does it multiple times where he otherwise has the titular family dead to rights. He had ample opportunity to kill them several times, only to end up with egg on his face because the heroes managed to use his time gloating to form a real plan of escape. And then there’s his death which, again, is caused because he felt like gloating instead of just fucking leaving. He even has a sexy henchwoman who betrays him for the incredibly sexy Chad of a hero, though Bob doesn’t need her pussy when he has it galore at home. Syndrome wouldn’t feel too out of place going up against Jimmy B, if I’m being honest; nothing Syndrome does is any sillier than Moonraker.
I think what’s truly impressive is just how they managed to balance Syndrome being utterly vile and absolutely hilarious, which is no easy task and can lead to a villain being insufferable rather than entertaining. Syndrome has some great jokes, great body language, and the voice of Jason Lee, a voice that exudes comedic energy in every syllable; he also nonchalantly orders children to be murdered, gambles his henchwoman’s life just to call Bob’s bluff, tries to kidnap a baby, and is basically what would happen if H. H. Holmes had robots. It’s such an amazing combination of traits and it all gels together into one of the best and most fun superhero movie villains ever crafted.
Yeah, that’s right. He’s one of the best superhero movie villains. This man easily clears most of Marvel and DC’s movie villains, and deserves every single point of that 10.5/10 I’m giving him. He’s Pixar’s best villain, and exactly the sort of fun, campy, yet ultimately deadly and threatening bad guy that all superhero movies deserve. Literally no part of The Incredibles is lacking, so why should the villain be any different, right? If only the sequel could have kept up even half the energy… Maybe if they’d given Evelyn Snow Miser’s hair, she’d have been a better villain.
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2stepadmiral · 6 months
“Kriffing Fey’lya,”
An explosion twenty meters ahead marks where the AT-ST fire was slightly off, but it still sprays Rex with dirt. He grits his teeth as he tries again to push the chunk of a blasted wall off his chest, but it’s still no good. The permacrete is too heavy for him to budge, at least from this angle.
It was a rookie mistake on his part, getting too close to the wall when the enemy had artillery deployed. Rex must’ve been getting old. That was the only possible explanation for him making such a stupid mistake, the kind of idiotic move that he had dressed down countless shinies for during the Clone Wars. He had gotten too close, and a stray shot from the walker had brought a huge chunk of wall right down on top of him. It wasn’t big enough to crush him, or even seriously injure him, but it was certainly large enough to pin him down under the rubble.
He gritted his teeth once again as he remembered the two fellow Rebels who had noticed him trapped, and tried to help, completely disregarding his orders to abandon him. Didn’t seem to be much good and being a commander if your subordinates ignore orders like that. Rex idly wondered if any of the boys back during the days of the 501st would’ve followed that order, or would’ve been so loyal to their commander, that they stuck around in a vain effort to help and got mowed down, moments later, by a stormtrooper pressing the advance. He truthfully could not remember. 
He could hear the trooper’s footsteps growing closer now. The son of a hut who had shot the two men was slowly making his way over, inspecting his kill and making sure that the job was done. From where he lay, Rex was concealed from the troopers view, but if you got to close, he would be completely exposed. He tighten the grip on the DC 17 clutched in his free hand. If the trooper got too close, Rex would have a mere heartbeat to respond before the trooper filled him with blaster bolts. Even now, at his age, such a response was trivial for Rex. The question was not whether or not, he could beat the trooper to the draw, but whether or not the blue blaster fire would attract the attention of the ATST. If it did, Rex would be out of options. His A280 rifle had an explosive launcher attachment, and with precise aim, he might be able to get a thermal detonator through the viewport, but with one arm pinned, his aim was hardly at peak proficiency. And since the rifle had fallen some two meters away, the whole concept was rather academic.
The footsteps stopped, and Rex could hear the plates pressing together as the trooper tensed. At least it wasn’t a clanker that got me, Rex thought. An Imperial walker wasn’t much better, but the difference was important to him. He closed his eyes for a moment as he braced himself. I’m sorry I couldn’t do better, General. I’m sorry I couldn’t finish this fight for you, and for Commander Tano.
Rex’s eyes fly open as he hears the distinctive snap-hiss. The trooped yells and opens fire. He goes silent as a whoosh fills the air. Rex sees a shadow pass over him and hears a thud as the trooper collides against the building behind him. Rex strains to see over the debris. He barely makes out a green glow against the smog before the entire area is illuminated by a bright flash.
The walker steps close, the ground shaking slightly beneath its footsteps. It’s floodlight makes Rex wince for a moment before it points down at something in the middle of the street. Rex sees the cannon flash, hears the explosive impact, and hears the hum of a lightsaber in motion. A dark cloaked figure leaps forth, green blade flashing, and the walker stumbles a moment before tumbling to the ground, its leg severed. The figure holds up the saber defensively as he scans the area for further threats, lowering and closing down the blade as he decides that all is well. He turns a hand toward Rex, and the rubble begins to shift.
Rex gasps with a sensation that has little to do with the relief of this pressure. He thought he recognized the figure when he saw him leap through the air, severing the walker leg with a form that he knew all too well. Until he saw the man lift his burden with the Force, he didn’t dare to hope. Now, he couldn’t stop himself.
“General?” He calls out desperately. “General Skywalker, is that you?” It’s impossible. He knows General Skywalker was killed at the end of the Clone Wars, but somehow, he knows. He knows that Skywalker has returned. Impossible things have happened before, he knows. Commander Tano survived, and apparently, General Kenobi had actually survived, and been hiding for decades before briefly, returning to die on the death star, So why not Skywalker?
The figure steps forward, reaching up to lower his hood. Rex gasps at the young, scarred face looking back at him. This is not Anakin Skywalker, no, this man is far too young. But his features are decidedly similar. Similar enough to be a relative. A son.
“My name is Commander Luke Skywalker,” he says, extending a hand. “I’m here to help you.”
He had heard the name before, everyone in the alliance had, but he hadn’t made the connection. There were plenty of people named Skywalker in the galaxy, after all.
Rex took the hand at once. Something in him said to trust this man. Perhaps it was the distinct features of general Anakin Skywalker, that were just visible, or perhaps it was the innate kindness and compassion that seemed somehow vaguely familiar as well. Perhaps the boy’s mother? Yes, that was it. His mother. Senator Amidala. There was no one else that really could be, not after all those holo calls the general used to steal away any chance he got.
“I’ll take the help,” Rex said as he rose to his feet. “We were able to insert the Bothans, and our retreat should have covered for their entrance. Unfortunately, we took a lot of Flack on the way out.” Rex lowered his gaze. “Lost some good people, I’m afraid. Hopefully, this will all be worth it.”
“You’ve done a great job, Commander,” Luke said, his tone so very reminiscent of Anakin’s when he had praised Rex for a job well done, but it was also gentler, a bit kinder, as though he could see and feel the emotions that Rex was experiencing. Somehow, the impression reminded him of General Kenobi. “Now, we need to get you and your people out. I’m here for your extraction.”
“Surprised that Fey’lya bothered with an extraction plan.” Rex commented.
“Actually, he didn’t,” Luke grimaced as he spoke. “I came here on my own.”
Rex scowled. “Kriffing Fey’lya,” he growled. Then he froze. “Oh, sorry, sir.”
Luke smiled. “You don’t have to apologize to me, Commander. I understand your frustration. The plan was rather ruthless in regards to your team, but that’s why I am here. Just a slight change in the plan, one that Fey’lya won’t really be able to protest.”
“Leave no man behind, eh, sir?.” Rex smiled. “You sound a lot like another Jedi named Skywalker I once knew.”
Luke’s eyes widened. “You knew Anakin Skywalker?”
The sound of footsteps on the permacrete cut off Rex’s reply. There were several footsteps approaching, and by the sound of the clinking armor plates, it sounded like a full squad of storm troopers, at least. Rex drew his second DC 17, not bothering to reach for his discarded A280.  fighting alongside another Skywalker? No, he wouldn’t need a rifle. He wanted to fight like he had in the old days, like an ARC trooper. Like he always had alongside Anakin.
“We’ll talk when we get out of this,” Rex said.
Luke nodded. He drew out his lightsaber, igniting the green blade. “I’ll draw their fire.”
“After you, sir.”
Luke smiled. “You don’t need to call me sir, commander. I don’t outrank you.”
“Force of habit, Commander,” Rex replied, his grin widening. Then, on an impulse he couldn’t quite help, he added, “Besides, in my book, experience outranks everything.”
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phoebepheebsphibs · 6 months
@boots-with-the-fur-club @daboyau @tmntaucompetition @littlemissartemisia @shiveagit @shiveagit-arts @thevoidbrothers @noval1t @kathaynesart @bluepeachstudios @amevello-blue
CW: Zombies, epic fight scenes, cringe musical references, and character death
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Names and abbreviations (sorry there's a lot, we have a big cast for today's performances!) : UIFY = Until I Found You NFIF = No Fun in Fungus Leon = UIFY Leonardo 'Phael = UIFY Raphael DvD / Don = UIFY Donatello Mike/Mikey/Micheal = UIFY Michelangelo AudRaph = Swayed Raphael AudreyTello = Swayed Donatello LeonAudro = Swayed Leonardo MichelAudrelo = Swayed Michelangelo AudRai = Swayed Karai rhg!Donnie/Don/Donatello = Rise Hunger Games AU Donatello Raph = NFIF Raphael Donnie/Dee = NFIF Donatello Leo = NFIF Leonardo Angie/Angelo = NFIF Michelangelo
After a brief intermission...
"So," Leon sighed, as he leaned against the bottom panel of the couch Mikey was resting on, "What do we do now?"
"We lay low," rhg!Donnie stated flatly. "I don't have enough supplies to make any more small explosions like the ones I used to save you guys."
"How could we possibly 'lay low'? There's a zombie apocalypse going on outside!" Spider-Shine exclaimed. "At any point, they'll be able to break down the door and get in here!"
"We can't stay, anyways," April noted. "We have to get to the room where it all started."
"Why do you wanna be in the room where it happens?" Spider-Gal questioned. "What possible reason could there be to go straight into the heart of enemy territory?"
"Aside from killing the evil mushroom that resides there with a mystical bomb?" said DvD flatly. "None whatsoever."
"Wait, could we go back to the part where you have a bomb?" Abby asked, raising her hand. "What bomb?"
"The TNT," 'Phael said, motioning to the box-shaped explosive in the corner of the room.
"OH THAT THING?! I thought that was just a prop or something for the lounge room with the Minecraft..."
"No, that is apparently our one and only hope to destroy the fungus that has taken over the entire competition."
The room went silent.
"...I'm sorry, a what did what?"
"A fungus. Took over the competition," DvD repeated. "Very simple."
"Not quite," Omega said, his icon furrowing its brow. "I fail to understand how mildew could overthrow an entire competition."
"It's an airborne fear fungus, when you inhale it you see your worst fears come to life," 'Phael explained. "And, in some cases, the fungus can kind of... take control of you."
"Like... mind control?" rhg!Donnie asked, looking concerned.
"Yeh, pretty much. It's almost as if it possesses you."
"That would explain all the zombies," Ghost nodded. "And the way to get them all free from the fungus is to... blow it up?"
"Not quite," came an extra voice that startled everyone in the room. Diana screamed suddenly and pointed to April's head. Crawling out of her curls was the Hand.PNG, creepy as ever. April grabbed for the hand and threw it across the room. It never hit the wall, it vanished before that could happen, and reappeared on the table in the center of the room.
"As I was saying," it said, clearing its throat... how it did that was beyond them all. "The TNT will destroy the fungus, yes, but it won't destroy them all at once."
"Like with the Chitari in Avengers --"
"Sorry, Leon--"
"Ahem, continuing," the hand continued, "The mushroom can be destroyed, but that will not destroy the spores infecting the rest of the competitors. It will only continue to spread from one host to another. You will need to come up with a way to free them all and destroy the spores for good."
"So, what do we do?" Abby asked nervously, Diana holding her hand tightly.
"I would suggest creating an anti-serum," Omega offered.
"Anti-serum?" Mikey croaked.
"Yes. If we could get a sample of the spores--"
"--We could make a formula that could take them down!" DvD finished excitedly. "But, would that be enough?"
"What if you had the DNA of something already immune to the spores?" the Hand.PNG asked.
"That would work," DvD said with a smile, already gripping his tech-bō and ready to take his own shot at the creepy crawly.
"Here," April said, taking off her jacket with the smudge of the Hand's black blood smeared across it. "You can use this!"
"Ah... yes... that works perfectly. Gives me no acceptable reason to injure the hand further. Wonderful."
"Glad to help!" April laughed, knowing exactly what she did.
DvD took the jacket to the kitchenette and started to analyze the hemoglobin, with Omega assisting. Ghost and rhg!Donnie joined in as well, each one working on a different section of the process.
A short time later -- but just enough time for Mikey and Leon to have nodded off -- the Donnies returned with two vials.
"We have a solution," DvD said with a proud grin, accidentally waking up the exhausted ornate box turtle and his red-eared slider brother.
"We've managed to isolate the deoxyribonucleic acid of the hand -- as well as the spores themselves -- from the sample April provided. We reverse-engineered the isotopes to isolate the immunity that Hand.PNG has to the --"
"In ENGLISH, nerd-brain," Diana interjected, getting a quick chuckle from Abby and Leon.
"We made a cure and a vaccine," Ghost stated plainly.
"What's the difference?" Spider-Gal asked, cocking her head to the side.
"The cure is for everyone who is already infected," Omega explained. "It will essentially destroy the infection and free them from the hive mind. They'll be a bit disoriented from the experience. But other than that they'll be perfectly fine."
"Okay, so what's the vaccine?"
"The vaccine is for us," Spider-Dee said, coming forward and tapping the vial. "It was made specifically with the Hand.PNG's DNA markers. Because the hand is not only immune, it's almost as if it's part of them. The genetic makeup of the hand and the spores is eerily similar... the zombies don't see it as a threat because they assume it's one of them already!"
"That's what the vaccine does," rhg!Donnie finished. "It not only acts as a blockade against the infection, but it also creates markers that the zombies pick up, almost like pheromones. They won't bother us, because they'll perceive that we're already infected like them!"
"Will it work?" 'Phael asked. "I mean... did you test it?"
"Did you see us leave the room?" DvD answered somewhat snarkily.
"Don' hafta get so snippy about it, I was just askin'..."
"A'ight, lads, no need to start a whole bull and cow goin'," Slider-Punk interrupts, stepping in between the two. "We're all a little on edge 'ere. 'Phael makes a good point though -- how d'ya know it's gonna work?"
"Because we made it," Spider-Dee explains with a smug grin.
"And because I ran countless simulations and tests on the possible side effects and hypothetical reactions," Omega adds.
"And because we have no other alternative," the Hand.PNG states. "We're out of time and resources for the moment. It will have to work."
"Right," DvD sighs, taking a small syringe and filling it with some of the glowing blue fluid. "Who wants to get their flu shot first?"
One by one, the competitors all received the injection, though Mikey took his rather shakily and needed Leon to hold his hand.
As the last person received their dose, the sounds of a mob trying to barge in began to cease. The room fell silent.
"It's... it's working? It's working!" rhg!Donnie chuckled. "Not that I ever doubted."
Leon crept to the door, unbolted it, and slowly cracked it open. Blue mist filtered into the room as he continued to open the door bit by bit. He stepped outside, cautiously looking around at the empty hall as the zombies meandered about sluggishly.
"I guess... we're good to go!" he said with a smile, as he came back into the room. "Now all we need is my grand plan of action to attack Audrey III and rescue the guys."
"We'll probably need a distraction," Diana suggested. "Something to get the shroom's attention focused in one direction while the rest go in to spray it with weedkiller or whatever."
"Something big and loud and preferably purple," Spider-Dee proposed.
"I could probably make something from what we have in the room," DvD offered. "I still have my tech-bō, and my travel tools... plus some spare uranium I bring along for special occasions."
"YOU HAVE URANIUM WITH YOU?!" Leon shouted as he jumped from his spot. "WHY DIDN'T YOU JUST USE THAT FOR THE BOMB??"
"... Quite obviously, because that would kill everyone. And I may be wrong, but that seems a bit counterintuitive to what we're trying to accomplish, wouldn't you agree?"
"... I'm going to sit back down, now."
"Probably for the best," DvD nodded.
"So, a big distraction of musical finale proportions, hmm?" Abby asked excitedly, rubbing her hands together as she schemed. "Maybe I'll be able to stick the landing properly this time..."
"It would certainly get that overgrown toadstool's attention," 'Phael agreed. "So, we'll make a big to-do with the Donnies while the rest go in to rescue the swayed!"
"Once you detonate the bomb, the spores in the area will dissipate," the Hand.PNG reminded them. "But that will not free the zombies. You will need to administer the antidote to as many as you can as quickly as possible in order to keep the fight to a minimum. You don't need any more people getting hurt on behalf of Audrey III."
"Great, then let's--"
"Not you, Mikey," Leon said, pressing his brother back into the couch cushions before he could stand up all the way. "You're staying here."
"WHAT?!" Mikey yelled, straining his vocal chords yet again. "But I wanna help--!"
"I know you do. But I can't have you get hurt again. We just patched you back up! Mikey, I know how badly you want to help everyone, I know how much you care, but if you go out there again you will overdo it and get hurt, or worse -- and I am not about to watch you die again!"
That was cruel. Mikey knew that if the situation wasn't so dire, Leon wouldn't have brought that up in front of so many strangers, he wouldn't have wanted to mention something so delicate in front of the others... No, he would.... He did that on purpose, Mikey realized! He wanted to get them on his side. Intentionally make them worried so that they would do whatever Leon wanted to keep his brother in the room. Mikey scowled at Leon -- what a dirty trick to play! And it worked, he saw how everyone's heads turned to him with wide and frightened eyes.
"...Fine," he grumbled, crossing his arms and pouting angrily.
"And because I know you'll try to sneak out the moment we leave, I'm going to have to ask someone to stay behind with you--"
"I'll do it," rhg!Donnie quickly volunteered. "I'll stay behind."
"Abby's staying here too," Diana added, pulling her friend by the arm to force her onto the couch with Micheal to rest. "And so am I. I promised I'd look after her and make sure she was safe. That means no epic musical battles against giant fungus," she said, giving her friend a loving glare.
"Aw, phooey."
"The more, the merrier," Mikey grumbled.
"So, that's settled then," Ghost said. "The kids will stay here--"
"Excuse me?"
"Sorry, the kids and rhg!Donnie will stay here," he corrected, "and the rest of us will be heading out to war."
"Alright! Let's go an' have ourselves a right barn owl with the giant mould!" Slider-Punk shouted, grabbing his guitar and playing a quick riff to further express his excitement.
"Let's go, then."
Mikey, Abby, Diana, and rhg!Donnie watched as the others left the room one by one.
"It is for the best," Hand.PNG said quietly, climbing onto Mikey's shoulder.
It had only been maybe five minutes since the rest of the 'resistance' had left, but Michael was still pouting sadly and grumbling to himself.
"You know that they only want to see you safe."
"Yeah, yeah, I know that. But I'm not some weak little invalid! I could help somehow! Even without my powers, I could still do something!"
"Of that I have no doubt. But you must stay, if only to keep your brothers at ease."
Mikey sighed, sliding deeper under his blanket.
Abby and Diana were sitting by the kitchenette, making themselves some popcorn and scarfing down some snack cakes they'd found. rhg!Donnie was sitting by the faux fireplace, getting nice and warm. Michael's thoughts wandered back to something he'd heard the hand say before.
"...What did you mean when you said 'it isn't meant to end this way'?"
Mikey reached over and let the hand crawl onto his palm, carrying it over to rest on his lap so that he could see it properly.
"Earlier in the hall, before the others rescued us. You said that it wasn't meant to end that way. What did you mean by that?"
The hand paused.
"...Are you sure you want to know the answer?"
"I think so," Mikey whispered.
"Very well. You recall I spoke to you of the 'authors'? Well, your story is very important to them."
"So... these authors can see the future?"
"Sometimes. In some ways."
"So, then why is all this terrible stuff happening to us? Why, if they're like... our deities?"
"They are not gods, only storytellers. The story has gotten away from them... you see, they have melded your stories together -- Until I Found You, and No Fun in Fungus. Things were never meant to become so dire, but events have spiralled beyond their control, and so they have sent me to help you."
"You... know them? My author?"
"I should hope so. She created me."
"What??" Mikey asked, taken aback by the statement. "Why would... I thought you were created for the spores! I thought the other author made you!"
"...I WAS created for the spores. But I was not made by the spores' author."
"I thought your purpose was to torment people--"
"My purpose was to be one who delivers -- almost like that of a postman, at first."
"At first?" Mikey asked.
"My purpose has changed since then..."
The hand heaved a forlorn sigh, as it twiddled its fingers.
"You would not understand, but... I am not a villain. I'm not even meant to be an antagonist. Believe it or not, I was given the task to rescue. To save a life."
"Save...? Save who?" he asked nervously.
"Why, Leonardo, of course."
"Leon? But he --"
"Not your Leon. NFIF Leonardo."
Mikey's stutter worsened as he tried to comprehend what the Hand.PNG was saying. Save Leonardo?? How, when it was the one who doomed him?
The hand proceeded to explain...
"I was originally made by your author to deliver the spores. She had envisioned me as an extension of herself, in the beginning. A representative. But as time went on, others came to take advantage of my usefulness, and I became what you might call 'a fad'. I was seen as a joke, a means for the other authors to express themselves and share their stories. A plot device, as it were. She didn't mind. She was glad something so simple as I could be used as much as I was. But then... it got out of control. Too many authors were using me, too many contestants were getting spored, and your friends were getting worried for the contestants' safety. NFIF Leonardo began to blame himself; he'd thought he'd started another apocalypse."
"A-another...?" Mikey asked, voice fading with fear at the thought of what that meant.
"It is a long story, but essentially NFIF Leonardo -- and many similar Leonardos here -- made an honest mistake that rippled across time and had unforeseen consequences. Leo had managed to keep the destruction from happening, but he still holds on to the guilt that it was almost because of him that his world was destroyed. And then... the spore outbreak. He blamed himself again. Your author saw his pain, and couldn't let him take the blame for something he did not do. But how could she tell him that? She couldn't speak to him directly. Authors rarely can, without tearing the fabric of their universe to shreds, or breaking the fourth wall. She needed a means to communicate to him that it was not his fault. So she changed my purpose, and sent me to help make it clear that I had stolen the spores from him to begin with. She changed my purpose, from deliverer... to scapegoat."
"So... what were you saving Leo from?"
Mikey didn't know what to say to that. The Hamatos were filled with selfless martyrs and sacrificial dum-dums...
"...What about me? Why would the author do that to save Leo, but let me die?"
"But you didn't die. You came back. She would never have let it go that far. And... you may not like this... but your 'sudden departure' was necessary."
"As I said, the story was getting away from the authors. She couldn't see an ending, she couldn't find the resolution. Too many people were becoming swayed by Audrey III, and you were losing hope. She needed the tides to turn in your favour, and she knew that I had a soft spot for your stories. The only way I would leave the fear fungus was if..."
"...If you saw how terrible things were getting. If you saw what would happen to us -- to me, if they continued."
"Yes. I could not see the true result of my actions unless I was faced with the consequences. But your author would never let you die like that. You're her favourite, after all..."
"I am?" Mikey asked, somewhat conflicted about this fact.
"Your story has only begun, dear one. And your author is very excited to see where it leads. After all, you are the one who managed to save your brothers and bring them together..."
Mikey pondered this. Mikey wondered... Was that his real superpower? Not these stupid mystic golden chains and magic spells he could concoct, but the ability to love people and bring them together?
"I must go now, your family needs my help."
The hand vanished into shadow, fading away in an instant.
Mikey thought about it. Your family needs your help.
He started to stand up.
"Hey, did you need something?" rhg!Donnie went to his side, trying to get him to lay back down.
"Yes, I need you to help take me to Audrey III."
"What?!" Abby yelled, nearly spilling her bowl of popcorn. "But Leon said to --"
"Screw what Leon said!" Mikey snapped. "I'm going to help them."
"You can barely walk!" Diana protested.
"That's why I need rhg!Donnie to carry me," Mikey said, grabbing the human version of his brother by the sleeves and tugging hard. "Please. If you don't, I'll drag myself there. I'll crawl, if I have to!"
"Mikey, please, be reasonable--!"
"No, you don't understand! I need to help them, they need us!"
"Us?" rhg!Donnie asked. "What do you mean by 'us'?"
"All of us! They don't realize how tough it's going to be, they're gonna need all the help they can get!"
Mikey shakily pulled himself up onto his feet as he looked around the room at the others.
"Look, we were all brought here for a reason. I don't know why, maybe because we have a bond, or because we all have something special in common, or whatever! But we're here regardless, and we're needed. They need our help."
rhg!Donnie pulled the note out from his pocket and read it over again.
𝚆𝚎𝚕𝚌𝚘𝚖𝚎 𝚋𝚊𝚌𝚔! 𝚆𝚎 𝚗𝚎𝚎𝚍 𝚢𝚘𝚞𝚛 𝚑𝚎𝚕𝚙…
"...Even if you're right," he sighed, shoving the paper back into his pocket, "that's no reason to throw yourself into the fray."
"It's reason enough!" Mikey shouted, on the verge of tears. "It's family! The people I love!! Can't you understand that?! Wouldn't you do anything at all in the world -- in the multiverse -- if it meant you could keep your family safe?? No matter the cost??"
rhg!Donnie stared at Mikey.
He refused to cry. He refused to show just how right Mikey was. He wouldn't let this version of his brother see him like that. No matter how badly he wanted to hold him, cradle him gently, and promise that no matter what he would do anything for every version of his brothers.
"Okay then. Let's go."
"No! You're not going to stop me that... easily... I'm sorry, what?"
"I said let's go," rhg!Donnie repeated, immediately lifting Mikey up and carrying him out the door. "Are you girls coming too, or what?"
Abby and Diana looked at each other and shrugged.
"I guess we're all going down in musical flames," Diana groaned.
"You sound awfully Les Miserable about it," Abby joked.
"Don't even start."
"Well, if anything, all the music is gonna make quite that beautiful sound...!"
DvD and the others made their way through the maze of corridors and open areas and secret halls, walking (or web-swinging in the Spider-Teetlez' case) as quietly as they could. The vaccine would make the zombies see them as one of their own, but DvD and the other Donnies had concerns that if one of them should say the wrong thing, it would attract the bad kind of attention.
So they went on their way without saying a word to one another, down the halls as zombies passed by, muttering to themselves and whinging over whatever nightmare they were trapped in. Their footsteps echoed down the halls, the soft whimpers and moans of the infected like winds whistling down the lane.
Like silence, but not really silent. Just that still sort of quiet...
Ghost raised his hand, signalling to the others to come to a full stop.
They'd arrived at the room.
"Okay, everyone, you know the drill," Dvd whispered at them. "Time for our big opening number..."
"Why hasn't she succumbed yet?" AudreyTello asked, starting to become irritated with the little wretch in the cage of vines, who was still screaming and kicking and crying in anger, raging against the hallucinations.
"She is stronger than we assumed," AudRai noted, placing her hand over the cage and viewing the hallucination for herself. "It appears that in her nightmare, she ate her way through the door and--"
"I'm sorry, ATE her way through?!"
"How?! Never mind, I don't want to know," he growled. "At this point, I'm willing to throw her outside and let her fight the fear somewhere else, her constant screams are giving us a headache..."
AudRaph walked over to her and gingerly took her hand.
"What are you doing?" AudRai questioned.
"...Nothing," AudRaph said, rubbing his thumb over Misa's tiny fist. "Simply trying to help her assimilate."
"I don't CARE about assimilation!" AudreyTello screamed, smashing his bō staff into the wall and causing cracks to splinter across it. "She's driving us insane with her banshee screeches!!" he growled, gripping the staff to the point where he might break it. "Donatello has nearly reached his limit with this noise. I swear, if one more thing --"
A loud racket started playing outside the room, a guitar that reverberated and nearly caused the walls of the room to collapse.
AudreyTello stomped over to the door and flung it open, finding a hundred purple lights and drones flying around the hall, swirling together to create a mimicry of DvD's face.
AudreyTello's staff transformed, weapons building together and turrets mounting on his shoulders as speakers continued booming heavy rock and roll music. The enormous DvD face smiled down at him, eyes glowing bright as purple smoke started to cover the floor.
AudreyTello gripped the weaponized bō and pointed it at him.
"This competition isn't big enough for two supervillains," AudreyTello sneered, hoping to get under his skin with the accusation.
"Oh, really?" AudreyTello swept his foot back, readying his stance for a fight. "And tell me, what is the difference?"
The drones moved, making the giant head open its mouth dramatically as DvD -- having changed from his casual wear into his formal Draxum attire, complete with glowing visor, protruding tusks, and flowing cape -- strutted out with an enormous grin on his face, arms extended as if to accept applause.
A laser light show ignited as the drones flew in different directions all at once, mimicking an explosion and dancing around AudreyTello dramatically. The music burst, electric guitars and drums creating a soundscape around the two.
"So, we've gone from musicals to Megamind, have we?"
AudreyTello grinned maliciously.
"Very well. I can acclimate."
He jumped forwards, firing the torpedoes and missiles at the son of Draxum. The drones holding him up dropped suddenly, letting him fall to the ground. He activated his own tech-bō, creating a large rocket-powered mechanical fist that he swung at AudreyTello. The swayed NFIF member ducked at the last second, shielding himself with an enormous photon cannon. The blast from the cannon shot him backwards, out of reach from DvD, who growled angrily at him.
"You wouldn't hurt me, you wouldn't hurt your friend Dee?" AudreyTello asked, making a sad baby face at him before bursting out in mad cackles. "I'm only a sad, lonely little mushroom!"
DvD gritted his teeth.
"You may be a mushroom, but you're going down all the same."
"HA!" AudreyTello laughed, as he swung his bō at DvD.
"Your mouth's talking trash!"
Another swing.
"You'd better rinse it."
"Your meat is minced --"
He lunged...
"-- I'm here to mince it!"
He landed on DvD, who pushed him back with his own tech-bō.
"I'm gonna have this world, now give me some space; I'm gonna wipe that stupid grin off of your stupid face! I'll put you in--"
DvD ducked.
"I'll put you in --"
DvD dodged.
"I'll put you in your place!!"
DvD rolled back, getting his tech-bō ready to reveal another impossibly futuristic high-tech weapon. AudreyTello chuckled at him, rolling his glowing eyes.
"What exactly was your objective, here? To stop me? Single-handedly?? Just a lone Donatello up against the might Audrey III?"
"Well, I wouldn't say 'lone' Donatello..." DvD retorted with a grin.
White sticky thread suddenly wrapped around AudreyTello, tying his arms to his waist. Spider-Dee swung circles around him, continuing to wrap him in webbing, tighter and tighter as he shouted his protests. Spider-Dee landed on the ground and swung AudreyTello over his shoulders, sending the swayed turtle flying. AudreyTello activated his ninpo once again, creating jet wings that sliced through the webbing and slowed his descent. AudreyTello gave a quick turn and soared back at them, readying his weapons when a heavy body jumped him and caused him to crash into the ground. Ghost rolled into the tumble and regained his footing almost immediately, taking out his own cracked bō staff and preparing to spar.
"Snap outta it, kid," Ghost said, voice low and gravelly. "We know this isn't you. We know you don't want to actually hurt us."
"Oh, do we, now?" AudreyTello chuckled, rising from the floor and rubbing his chin. "Let's test that little theory, shall we?"
He went to jump at them again when the drones suddenly surrounded him, each one blasting light in his face and disorienting him.
"Protocol: Blinded-By-The-Light is functioning properly!" Omega called out from the sidelines as he ordered the drones to carry the villain into the air and drop him while DvD and Spider-Dee continued the assault.
As all the Donatellos fought, the rest of the group made their way to the room.
"Where's the hand?" Leon whisper-shouted at the group.
"Here," the disembodied limb stated, suddenly appearing out of nowhere.
"Well, that never gets old," Leon grumbled sarcastically. "Where do we put the TNT so we don't hurt anyone?"
"Round the back. I will show you," it said, skittering along the side of the walls and leading them to the preferred spot...
Inside the room, AudRaph paced back and forth.
"What is all that commotion?!"
"Donatello is having some difficulties dealing with the pests," AudRai informed him.
Raphael flinched upon the word "pest", the glow in his eyes flickering slightly as he turned to look at Leo.
"You're losing control again," MichelAudrelo growled. "How are you so pathetic that a weakling like him can challenge your power?"
AudRaph snapped his head to glare at MichelAudrelo.
"I'm done taking your calumny. I'm going outside to see what's holding Donatello up..."
"...If we set the explosives off, won't it cause structural damage?" Spider-Gal asked as they approached the selected spot.
"I would imagine so," the Hand.PNG stated flatly. "But because it is charged with your ninpo, it should protect the competition building as a whole and keep the damage to a minimum. It's designed to destroy the mushroom..."
"Wait, but LEO's a PART of the mushroom!" April protested. "I saw him!"
"Yes, I know. But your ninpo should keep him safe --"
"HEY!" a gruff voice shouted at them. The group turned around to see AudRaph barreling towards them. "WHAT ARE YOU DOING?!"
"Eeeouugh, boy," Leon groaned. "Um, everybody scatter?"
"But what about--!"
"Go," the hand ordered, its voice soft and melancholy. "I will make sure the TNT is charged and set."
"Wait, what are you going to do--"
Before April could get an answer, Spider-Gal had grabbed her by the arm and was already swinging her to safety.
"You traitor!!" AudRaph yelled, stomping towards the Hand.PNG. "Why would you fight against us?! How could you switch sides?"
"Because, my dear Raphael," the hand sighed as it pulled the TNT to its final resting place and ignited the fuse.
"It was never meant to be..."
If this was the price to pay to save them all, then it was alright to take the sacrifice. One had to pay one's accounts, after all... and at least it got to enjoy a few good stories.
They would understand. And no one would miss it. Which was good, so no tears would be shed.
There had been enough already...
AudRaph managed to take a few steps away as the sparks reached the bottom of the fuse.
End of Act 2
Act 3
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faetaiity · 2 years
Haven’t seen someone do this before but
Evil! ROTTMNT AU headcannons
TW: Murder, Mentions of drugs, weapons, explosives, mentions that April might be dead, the turtles and Splinter being pricks for the most part.
Crime rate is so fucking high In New York because the turtles literally just rob and attack/kill people 💀
There’s a night-time curfew, you NEED to be indoors by 9pm
Murder victims are found brutally beaten, sadly this damages the View of Mutants in the public’s eye
Surviving victims often refuse to talk about it, only muttering about mutant turtles…
In this AU, they follow the traditional Ninja occupation
Aka Trained assassins and spies
In this AU they work closely with the Foot, Draxum, and Big mama (They also cause tension between said groups because they’re little shits)
Going out after the Curfew ends up in disaster 9 times out of 10.
April isn’t friends with them in this AU and could possibly be dead.
The reader in said AU probably won’t meet them in a kind way.
Even seeing them could be a death sentence
Surviving said encounter makes them more interested in you because they tend to harm their victims pretty badly
I mean, you still had sprains from running, and small cuts from a Kunai barely hitting you, almost missing you entirely
if you manage to survive you kinda have to deal with coming home to your apartment and seeing them
After getting to know them, or you just kicking them out, they tend to stalk you if you have to go outside at night
Meaning you’re off limits to Draxum, Big mama and the foot clan
Sometimes they just come up next to you and scare you before laughing and asking how you’re doing
After awhile you get used to this, and end up spending time with them
It’s alarming when you find various trinkets and stashes in your apartment
Weapons, drugs, explosives, machinery, anything illegal you could think of.
They don’t really care if you take any of this but I wouldn’t recommend it.
Because even if they don’t care, the people they’re getting it for, definitely will.
The mutants that are the villains in the original universe aren’t aggressive in this AU
you’d probably end up befriending them
Keep them far away from the turtles and Splinter
Now for Individual headcannons
Mikey is almost always in a similar personality to ‘Dr. Delicate Touch’, it’s basically the norm, honestly this man is fucking insane, sorry not sorry
Leo is the trickster, he’s the one who plays pranks that can end in missing limbs if he’s you’re enemy, I feel like he would be really good at training attack dogs, total flirt.
Raph is,,,, Similar to 2012 Raph, aggressive, mean and not the greatest to be around if you like to push buttons, He’s made you flinch before just for the fun of it, after that he does it all the time and thinks it’s the funniest shit ever
Donnie,,,, where the FUCK do I begin with Donnie.
His brothers try to keep you out of striking distance with him, loose canon, absolute wild card of a mad scientist
He’s also experimented on misbehaving Foot members but anyway-
You probably get introduced to Splinter at some point
Does not go well.
He left you with a dislocated arm
Needless to say, you don’t go to the lair after that
They stopped knocking on your window after a few days and just break in unannounced.
First time that happened you had a friend over, the tension was so thick you could cut it with a knife
Mainly because Mikey was halfway through the window and your friend was staring bug-eyed at them
Donnie almost tased them, so, like any normal human, they freaked the fuck out and left your apartment running
Donnie thought it was the funniest shit ever
Augh I love dark AU’s and I dunno if anyone else has something similar so I made this!!!
They are the men fr
I will probably accept rqs for the Dark AU, I’m just bored lmao
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