#im looking at other jobs right now and it makes me sad cause i do genuinely enjoy most of my job but in my condition i cant keep doing this
tiredfox64 · 2 days
Im here to offer a mavado x reader...
(I saw the one you made and here I'm feral-ing)
So another reader becoming small (now this one, you can choose how it happened, doesnt have to be potion, bro prolly made a wish to a shooting star /JOKE)
Mavado here just "shit, welp, time to smother you with my love now hehe"
Off topic: Currently drawing your oc, I'm finna get you /threat
Yip notes: Your timing was impeccable. I was close to panicking about something till I saw your request. Immediately my brain told me I'm not allowed to panic because I have to figure out how to do this.
Pairing: Mavado x Afab reader
Warnings‼️: mfs who are 5'2
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When Mavado made a deal with Shang Tsung to get a hold of Kano he knew what he was getting himself into. He knew how deceptive the sorcerer could be. Yet he still made a deal with him so he could obtain Kano. He had to work his ass off to get that damn Black Dragon. He had to go through Sonya and Jax so he could get Kenshi. All that work to finally get Kano and torture him. However, he had to strike once the fun was done before Shang Tsung did. He sent Hsu Hao to deal with the sorcerers but got no reply. Of course, he couldn’t finish the job. Mavado had to do everything himself. Well, not fully alone. He brought you, his loyal girlfriend, to finish the job with him. He suspected Shang Tsung would have Quan Chi with him and could not risk dealing with a 2 v 1 situation.
His prediction was right. Both of the sorcerers were expecting Mavado but not you. You and your boyfriend put up a good fight. Mavado was skilled with the hookswords he stole from Kabal. You barely had to do any work.
This was a losing battle for Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. In an attempt to escape, Quan Chi decided to target you. He wasn’t focused on whichever spell he cast it just had to distract Mavado. You heard Quan Chi chant and as you went to face him you felt something hit your stomach, causing you to fly back. Mavado immediately turned around to check on you, only to see a cloud of toxic green smoke consuming you. It gave Quan Chi enough time to grab Shang Tsung and make their escape. Though Mavado lost his targets he had other matters to be concerned about. He ran over to you and tried to wave the smoke away. He couldn’t find you, not a limb or strand of hair to hint at your body still being there. But once the smoke cleared he was surprised.
You were alive but you’re…small. As small as a rat.
He knew things were going too well. Something bad was bound to happen.
He crouched down to get a better look at you. You stared up at him with big, sad eyes. He couldn’t tell if you were tearing up because of the situation or if the smoke burned your eyes.
“Am I in trouble?” You asked in a small voice.
“We are in trouble. This is not on you surprisingly.”
I don’t know what he meant by that.
Your mind hasn’t adapted to the situation so you were horrified and confused. He tried to grab you but you were so confused about what he was about to do that you decided to dodge him. Mavado doesn’t need you doing this but you have little control over the situation. He had to snatch you with both hands, trapping your arm to the side of your body and your legs dangling. You heard your boyfriend sigh before saying,
“Always so difficult.”
“Yes, I can see that she is small.” Daegon pointed out the obvious.
“Can’t you do anything to fix this mess?” Mavado asked.
“I am a demigod, not a miracle worker. I cannot be bothered to fix this while my brother is out there. He is a bigger issue than your little girlfriend,” pun intended, “If I know anything about sorcerers when they are in a panic, Quan Chi’s spell won’t last forever. This is not permanent.”
Mavado let out a sigh of relief but also annoyance. For once he was not happy with the Edenian but what could he do. If Daegon’s words were true that means this will all be over at some point. When that moment comes is the true concern. He doesn’t have an issue with you being small. It’s kind of funny and cute. He’s more concerned about you getting hurt by something or someone. You’re his girlfriend, he cares about you. You’re the only other thing he prioritizes other than his clan.
Since Daegon isn’t telling Mavado to do anything or go after Taven, he’ll keep his eyes on you most of the time. What else could he do?
He still had you in his hands and he decided to mess with you. You ain’t gonna do anything. You’re not gonna jump off his hands. He took this opportunity to squish your cheeks which you never let him do. He used his middle finger and thumb to squish both of your cheeks. You whined and told him to stop but did he? Nah. He just laughed at your futile attempts to push him away. Your tiny hands were unable to save you.
“You’re so pathetic. But I love you anyway.” He said before kissing you on the top of your head. That one kiss alone messed up your hair.
Now what could Mavado do with you? He’s never dealt with a tiny human before. Nobody has. He took a moment to think of how to keep you safe but not bore you. He was so lost in his thoughts that he didn’t realize he positioned you in front of his chest area. Your mind is a battlefield that you sometimes lose to. This means your impulsive thoughts come into play and you listen to them.
In short, you grabbed onto his chest hair and yanked on it. You’ve never heard him whimper in pain before. He almost crushed you in his hands because of your little stunt. He grabbed you by the back of your shirt and brought you up to his face. He did not look happy. His eyebrows were furrowed in annoyance. Huh, how have you never noticed the scars on his right eyebrow? It looks good on him.
“What have I told you about touching my chest?” Mavado asked in the calmest voice he could provide.
“…don’t yank on your chest hair.”
“And that rule still applies while you’re small.” With his other hand he used his fingers to give you the lightest flick to your forehead that he could do.
This sure will be a journey for him and you.
Don’t let your judgment be clouded by Mavado’s good looks. He may be your boyfriend but he is still cruel. He’s cruel in a loving way.
Now there is a reward system at play. An eye for an eye, a trade for a trade.
You want some food because you haven’t eaten since the morning? Don’t worry, Mavado will feed you, after you do something for him. You have to give him a kiss for each piece of food. The worst part is he is stingy. Here’s a bit of bread, now give him a kiss. Here’s a singular black bean, give him another kiss. Again and again, that was how your dinner went until you were full. He just likes having some control of you and feeling your little kisses on his face.
How bout a nap? A nap after a good meal is needed. Or at least Mavado needs a nap after the bs he dealt with.
You had no choice. You tried to run off the table but his arms surrounded you and trapped you close to him. He placed his head down on the table and dragged your body so that you were trapped between his cheek and arm. You struggled with all your might but you’re just wasting your energy. He told you to stop already and that your movements were awkward against his arm. You let out a sigh before accepting that there was no use. Might as well take a nap with him. You snuggled against his face, feeling his stubble scratch you. The warmth of his body calmed you till you fell asleep.
That was a good thirty minutes of sleep before Daegon slammed his fist against the table. Both you and Mavado were alerted and you were almost flung into the air when Mavado jumped up. He was about to throw down an electromagnetic mine before Daegon yelled at him.
“Throw that mine down and you will not live another day!” He grumbled something inaudible before continuing, “I need you to go. Taven is too close to us and I need him eliminated now.”
Mavado wanted to ask what he should do with you but Daegon was already on the move. He can’t leave you alone. Anything could happen to you. But bringing you along would be just as dangerous. Hmmm
You saw him look at his trench coat, specifically the inside. Well, would you look at that! There’s a pocket on the inside. How convenient. Without much discussion, he picked you up and placed you in the pocket. You’re as snug as a bug in there.
“I can’t promise you won’t get hurt but I need you to be strong for me. Do you think you could do that?” He asked.
You gave him a thumbs up. He kissed the top of your head before concealing you. He took off running, doing his duties for his clan. Just don’t pull on his chest hair again while you’re hiding.
“Ah! Stop pulling!”
What did I just say?!
Yap notes: Every time I do something for you I get a bloody nose. I don't know why and I don't know how. But I think if I don't finish something for you I'll keep bleeding. Only now does everything about me feel better. So your threats are real I think even though they are for my oc. Adiós!
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blackvelvetofnight · 5 months
third shifters are the strongest warriors on earth
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river13245 · 6 months
Look at me - Derek Morgan
Navigation / Criminal Minds Masterlist
Pairing: Derek Morgan and FTM reader
Warnings: Dysphoria, Derek being in love, Sad thoughts, Depression or sadness
Authors Note: This was completely written as a way to get my own feelings out. To anyone who is feeling like this you are not alone. and even on those bad days just talk to someone or do a self care day ILY
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When you went to bed you hadn't planned on having this type of day. You were planning on getting up in the morning and have a great day off from work, your boyfriend was even coming to visit you.
However when you woke up that morning and felt the small pressure on your chest that has been their your whole life it seemed to bother you more than it did yesterday. As you sat up you felt them, you had went to bed without a shirt on or nothing on because you liked to let your upper body be free, but when you looked down you really wished you hadn't.
Some days are rough while others are not. Some days you don't think about it as much as others because your too focused on your job. Where as there are others where its a big thought in your brain, especially when you don't fit into things most men do.
The fact is, is that you had the female anatomy. Its not something that you think is disgusting or gross its just something that you wish you hadn't had. Having breasts was one of the few things that caused you extreme dysphoria as a trans male. You usually pushed those thoughts away but it seemed to be something you couldn't shake today.
When you get up from your bed you walk over to your closet and pick out a baggy t-shirt. The one that you picked was one of your boyfriends old shirts that he had left here one night when he stayed over. As you throw that on you happen to look in the body mirror you had hanging up. Seeing the way your body was made you close your eyes and turn away.
Instead of going and making breakfast like you had planned on doing last night you ended up going straight to your bed and wrapping the covers on top of you and closing your eyes.
It had only felt as if you were asleep for a few minutes until you heard your boyfriends voice through your apartment. "Hi Handsome where you at. I've brought breakfast for us." Tears formed in your eyes because you felt ashamed at who you were. How your body was. What if he looks at you and notices all your flaws just like you do today and its the day he decides he doesn't want a guy like you.
How can the same person that had asked you out, kissed your tears away and even managed to stick around after meeting your family. Also be the same man that you were too afraid of seeing right now. He had never once said anything about your figure or said anything negative about you or any of his friends. You knew it was irrational to think like this but today just wasn't a good day.
"y/n?" His voice had gotten closer until you hear the door open. Covering your face up with the blanket as he walked closer to you. "what's wrong?" he asks as he pulls down the blanket just enough to see your face. When he notices the tears in your eyes he places a kiss on your forehead before he asks again.
Closing your eyes you speak, unable to look him in the eyes. "me..im what's wrong." He looks at you "what's that supposed to mean?" You sometimes wish he could feel how you feel. just to understand what you go through. "what don't you understand. Look at me!" your sitting up now and looking at your boyfriend in front of you who is looking at you with a confused look on his expression.
He takes your hands in his and looks at you trying to calm you down. "all i see is my boyfriend looking back at me with tears in his eyes" God you wanted to crawl out of your skin, you were usually easy to calm down but not today. Today was a really bad day and he's never been with you on these days.
You get up out of bed and walk away from his pacing your room before standing in front of your body length mirror once again. Your hands move to your stomach as you close your eyes. A sigh leaves your lips before turning around and looking at Derek who is sitting on your bed.
He knows about you being trans and he has been a huge supporter. Maybe he wasn't an expert on it when you guys got together but he was always supportive of things like that. He has helped you in so many ways. So rationally you knew he loved you regardless but this side of you that was pessimistic was awful.
As you stood there probably looking like a crazy person he was looking at with such love that it was heartbreaking. "You aren't looking at me though. You see what I want you to see...I've never let you see me without a shirt on"
Your voice breaks as you wipe your tears from your face "Boyfriends are supposed to be able to do that. I want you to see a glimpse of how I see myself" Your hands go to the bottom of your shirt and you pull it up and off of you, then your arms cover you a bit out of instinct.
Derek who had walked up to you as you had been talking places his hands on your arms. "can I move these?" he asks and when you nod he moves them to your sides. He doesn't touch them instead he acknowledges them and places his hands on each side of your face making you look up at him. "you want to know exactly what I see?"
You respond with a quiet "what?" there is a kiss placed on your lips before his voice fills the room. "I still see my boyfriend, my very handsome boyfriend actually. Who is extremely intelligent, and helps out at work every day and does such a great job. Someone that will talk during a movie or gasp at certain scenes, and then without a doubt be the one saying all the behind the scenes stuff we missed out on"
He pauses and kisses you again "A man who i just happen to love wholeheartedly and would do anything for. A man who I truly believe to be perfect even on days when he thinks he is less than that. Having breasts don't make you less of a man, i understand how it could feel that way but its who you are. You are a man and you will always be one and it will never make me feel less for you or make me see you any differently than yesterday"
Tears were running down your face as he spoke and the only response you could give was you throwing your arms around him and kissing him. His hands go to your waist and kisses you back.
When you finally pull away for air he laughs and kisses your lips once again. "if you are feeling up for it would you like to watch a movie and eat?" You take his hand in yours and walk to the living room with him "I would love too"
The rest of the night is spent feeding each other and laughing at jokes one of you told even as the movie plays. You two were curled up with each other under a blanket as the movie ends. And without a doubt you told him a few facts about things that happened behind the scenes and some other cute facts that he hadn't known yet.
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bensonsbobblehead · 2 years
What Angels Fear 
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Category: ANGST 
Pairings: Aaron Hotchner x Daughter!Reader 
The aftermath of Aaron being shot by Foyet from his daughters pov.
Content warnings: PTSD, shootings, hospitals, sadness, fear, guns, dad Aaron. Reader is seventeen and jack and haley do not exist
wc; 1.4k
Seeing him this way destroyed you completely. It was understandable, he was shot while you slept in the other room. As to why Foyet decided not to touch you was loss on everyone. 
You knew about how hard his job was and the challenges he faced. Being unit chief was a hard job but your dad handled everything that life had thrown at him. 
He fought hard not to bring his cases home to you. Always keeping the house as serial-killer free as possible. The house was always filled with laughs and movie nights. All you both had was each other. 
The older you got the more you realized it was hard for him. He’d come in your room after certain cases and just hold you. It was one particular case where he didn’t want you to leave his side. 
Having to spend two entire nights in an FBI building wasn’t ideal but you got to skip school so it was a win. 
Aaron was your hero and you hated to see him this way. You were affected by the shooting also, waking up to just a pile of blood on the floor without your dad. 
Calling his phone just to hear it ringing in the other room, it was nerve racking to say the least. Your Aunt Emily had to search the house for you. She found you in the closet soaked in sweat and tears. 
When they told you he was in the hospital, you didn’t leave his side for a second. By the time he got home things had started to get better. Of course he jumped right back into work but it was expected. 
Everything was fine until two nights ago. It had been late and he was on a case. When you weren’t babysitting for JJ or with friends you were home alone. 
Your dad hated leaving you there after Foyet but he had cameras out and inside the apartment. It made you and him feel safer knowing that Gracia was constantly checking up on you. 
It was around 11 at night when you finally finished binging the latest teen drama you could find. Putting in your headphones, you headed toward the kitchen for a snack. Starting a song and opening your door you walked down the dark hallway. 
Seeing that the faint light above the sink was on you knew your dad was home now. What you didn’t know was that your dad did not hear you come down the hall. Well, he heard you, he just didn’t know it was you. 
Before you could make it to the kitchen your dad was already standing there with his gun drawn. 
Pointed directly at you.
“Daddy?” You said softly headphone now out of your ears with your phone close to your chest looking for some comfort. 
He stood there still as a statue with the scariest look you’ve ever seen on his face. The barrel of his gun still aimed at you.  
“Dad? It’s me! Y/n!” you yelled attempting to get him to stop. 
“It’s your daughter, daddy please stop!” You yelled at him through your tears but he wouldn’t budge. You had never felt real fear until now. Your dad was going to kill you. 
You walked back slowly with sobs, as he began to snap out of it. Aaron look down at his hands and then back up at you. Your face crushed him completely, he scared you. 
“Y/N I’m ——” He said walking toward you slowly causing you to run into your room and lock the door. 
He softly knocked and tried to open the door, “Y/n im so sorry honey, I don’t — I don’t know why please sweets, I’m sorry.” You could hear that he was crying and how hurt he was. You couldn’t do it though because truthfully you were scared. 
How could he? Your dad had his gun pointed at you. A gun you know he’s pointed at some of the worst people to exist. 
The emotions you were feeling was all over the place. Terror which made you angry, which then turned to sadness. 
He’s probably so mad at himself. You know he didn’t mean it. Your dad was your hero he would never point a gun at you, that’s not who he is. 
That’s the thing, that wasn’t who he was. He was a man that was shot by a psychopath in his own home. Not to mention said man was still out there somewhere. 
You still couldn’t face your dad right now, usually you were good at these type of things. Well your dad was, he was always there to help you with everything. 
Mean girls, failing test, period cramps he was there by your side to comfort you. But this time you only had one person you could think of. 
Uncle Spence 
He knew everything and was there for you whenever you needed a friend. Most of the time he was the one you talked to when you need raw advice. 
He was the youngest on the team so he could kind of understand you better. 
You dialed him fast and just told him to come over. You just needed someone to help you because it was like you couldn’t breathe. 
It had been a moment until you heard a knock on your door again. You jumped and your heart was pounding all over again.
“Y/N, it’s Spencer” the voice was soft and your body calmed down.  You unlocked the door opening it to your dad sitting on the floor. 
Distraught wasn’t the word. Broken. You swallowed it down and quickly closed the door. Spencer sat on your desk chair as you sat on the bed. By the look on his face you knew your dad already told him what happened. 
“He told me what happened” he said softly, 
“I’ve never seen him like that Uncle Spence.”
“I know.” He reassured you, 
“He was just gone and it was like nothing there. Just black and it scared me.” You were now full blown crying.
“I know, it’s just harder for him dealing with George Foyet. He came into your home and almost murdered your father with you 75 feet away.”
You nodded knowing how scared your dad was in that moment, not knowing if you were alright. He continued,
“I know it’s no excuse but he has ptsd from it but we both know he’ll never admit. I think he’s more upset that he hurt you.”
Tears grew in your eyes again thinking about your dad and how he felt. 
“I have to see him” you quickly got up heading to the door with Spencer behind. You opened to see your dad standing outside the door. He still couldn’t leave you without knowing if you were okay.
“Daddy” swinging the door open and running into his arms, he held you tighter than ever. You both were crying 
“I’m so so sorry, I don’t know what I was thinking.” He explained, “I don’t know what’s  gotten into me,” 
You were still hugging him buried into his chest “I’m fine dad I know you didn’t mean it” pulling back to make eye contact with him. 
Once Spencer left you and your dad sat on the couch snuggled into each other. It was still a tense feeling with you both but it didn’t matter. You loved your dad and you knew, from your Uncle Spence, what trauma can do to a person. 
“If you don’t feel safe here I can arrange for you to stay with Spencer or Jennifer, I don’t want to .. hurt you.” 
His voice was the smallest you’ve ever heard it, and it broke you a little. The strongest man you know at his weakest. 
“Y/n I almost shot you. I pointed my gun at my baby girl.” 
He looked over at with tears falling from his eyes same as you. 
“I know dad but you would never hurt me. See I’m fine” showing him that you were perfectly fine cause truthfully you were.
“I know you went through the unimaginable and I want to stay here with you cause you’re my hero.” Smiling up at him as you continued,
“You’re just having a hard time right now and I can’t blame you for that. That’s what you always taught me that people aren’t their bad days. I love you dad. Always.”
Laying back on his shoulder choosing to leave the conversation at that. Hard days, weeks, and months always happened and today was his. 
“I love you too sweets, always” he said wiping his tears and placing a soft kiss to your forehead. Better days were coming for the both of you. 
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Starving in The Dark
Okay another mini thing while I'm struggling to do the other responses rn, these ones I do while im laying down to go to bed lmao, but your requests will get done I promise!
Anyway! This is based on the thing I posted earlier today 😈 if you know you know.
Its very 18+ so minors DNI
WARNINGS!: NSFW, arthur literally devouring you, in general sexy things, chubby reader because I said so and theres not enough chubny reader and chubby arthur in this world
TAGS:@mrsarthurmorgan7 @photo1030 @kieropal @cantchoosejust1 @6kaja9
So lets get started!!!
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You feel as though you're gonna loose a finger to the cold around you, even being bigger and retaining heat better than smaller people would, you felt frozen to the core.
After the gang had left the Amberino mountains on your run from the law you didn't figure you'd be back up here so soon, but here you were, shivering and shaking on your horse, even in your heavy coat, as you and Arthur trek through the snow the further you got into the mountains.
Granted the snow that you traveled through now was no where near as bad as it had been the first time the gang had come through here, but it still seemed to sink right into your bones, you could only imagine how cold your horses were.
But you refused to complain. Arthur had told you he wanted to take you somewhere out of camp, far away, just the two of you, so you could finally spend sometime together without being harassed by the others or being pulled apart to do other jobs.
Granted you would have appreciated it if he'd taken you somewhere warmer, but you weren't about to start whining when he was trying to do something sweet and thoughtful for you. It wasn't often the two of you got to sneak away like this.
"We're almost there Darlin' I swear, then I'll get the fire goin' and that cabin'll warm up quick."
Arthur looks over his shoulder at you, his face reflecting a mixture of guilt and apology.
He'd clearly recogonized your freezing state.
"I'm okay!" You lie through your teeth offering a smile, you hate seeing the big guy look so sad. "Just cold!"
"I know, I shoulda just had you ride in the same horse with me, woulda been warmer for ya." He sighs and then nudges his horses sides. "C'mon, pick up the pace, let's get there."
The two of you ride for just a little longer, snowflakes sticking to your eyelashes the further you go, until eventually the two of you come over a hill to see a rather small cabin on what would be a beautiful lake, had it not been frozen over.
You're quick to hitch the horses in a nearby area where they're slightly sheltered, and make your way into the cabin.
It's a little run down, but upon looking at it you realize someone's clearly cleaned it up, and as you look back at Arthur you realize he really has been planning this for a while. The bed is made and the floor's been decently cleaned, a stack of wood decently high is sat against one of the walls and the cuboards are stocked with food.
Arthur moves and closes the door behind him the moment the two of you step over the threshold, he gently kisses the side of your head before beginning to start a fire up for you.
You can't help but watch him as he works, crossing your arms in an attempt to retain your heat.
Even in the cold he keeps his demenor, which around you is a little softer, kinder.
There's a small smile on his face as he does his work and the cold air has caused his cheeks to bloom red.
"You look so cute in the snow." You mumble, taking note of his denim clad jacket, the collar lined with fur. It covers his cheeks a little, but not enough to cover the fact that his face gets slightly redder at your compliment.
"Now, I don't even believe you when you call me handsome," he chuckles and continues to throw wood into the stove settled in the center of the small cabin. "What makes you think I'll believe you when you say that?"
"Who says I need you to believe it grumpy?"
He simply offers another small chuckle to you before he starts to attempt to light the fire. Luckily it doesn't take long.
The fire blazes and you find yourself crowding in the front of the stove as soon as Arthur shuts the front of it and opens the vents to allow heat into the room.
He stands behind you, his hands gently grasping your shoulders and his chin resting on rhe crown of your head.
"Sorry it was such a long ride Darlin' and a cold one too." He mumbles under his breath, letting out a long sigh that you feel reverberate through your body.
"It's okay Arthur, really." You smile this time, to yourself, he needed this break more than you did, you were just happy he wanted to take it with you. You'd follow him anywhere he wanted to go, and this included anywhere.
"Hmm." He gives the hum in response and then another sigh before he lets go of you to move towards the bed placed against the wall across frkm where you stand.
You watch as he plops down and begins to take his boots off and his coat soon follows.
He himself is a big man, and even he seemed a little cold, that redness of his face, and the small chatter in his teeth that occasionally appeared, it was no surpise you were so cold.
"I know it's cold," he mutters. "But you should get that heavier stuff off and get under the covers body heat'll be better for the two of us then these cold jackets."
You offer a nod, and then move to meet him, taking your coat off as you move.
It was gonna be a cold night.
You wake up sweating, with the smallness of the cabin and the constant wood going into the stove to keep it that way, plus Arthur's body heat, you felt as though you were absolutely swimming.
The two of you together, both bigger bodies, the heat you both gave off, it was a wonder he wasn't sweating his ass off too.
It's completely dark in the cabin, other than a little bit of fire light from the stove.
You manage to get up out of the bed without waking Arthur, sliding out of his iron grip as quietly and as gently as possible.
You do the only thing you can think of to get to a comfortable temperature and strip out of your night clothes.
Tossing them to the side you feel much better, still warm, but without the extra cotton its a much more comfortable warmth.
You give a quiet sigh and clamber back into bed, getting back under Arthur's arm as quietly as possible.
"Y' good?" His words are slurred agains your neck as you settle back down, and after a moment his hand finds your waist and he seems to wake a little.
"The hell did your clothes go?"
"It's hot in here Arthur-" you hear the whine in your voice and feel awful for a moment, but you realize now laying back under the cover with arthur again that you'll most likely wake up covered in sweat once more.
Arthur's silent for a moment, but then you feel his hand travel over your stomach, going a little lower, reaching your thighs.
He's clearly not thinking about the words you just said.
"Arthur you are not listening-"
"Kinda stopped after I realized your tits were out if 'm honest." He sighs and you feel a hot kiss against your neck. "What I wouldn't give to feel these around my head...."
He squeezes your thigh gently, his fingers crawling towards your inner thigh.
"I'm already warm..." it's a feeble excuse, and you know it, yiu absolutely love it when he gets like this, so despite your discomfort you know that you're more than likely going to go along with him.
"Maybe if you got out from under these covers ...let those pretty tits of yours hit the air..."
"What the hell are you suggesting?"
"Mhmmm...." Arthur's voice comes out as a groan in your ear, and he places a small kiss there, right behind your ear.
"I'm sayin'," he mumbles. "I think you should sit on my face..."
You've never done such a thing. Of course you've had him between your legs before, and you'd never deny him that, as he got pleasure out of it just as you did, in fact it was one of his favorite things, but NEVER had you ever sat on his face.
"I'm too big." You mutter. "Too heavy, I sit on your face and I'll sufficate you-"
"Good, a fine way to die." He kisses your neck again.
"Arthur I'm serious!"
"I am too."
You sigh and he simply gets closer to your ear.
"Please Y/n...Please, I want you to do it so badly....please."
He's begging you. How could you tell him no.
"Okay..." You mumble the answer after a few moments of silence. "But you have to promise to stop me if you can't breathe, please?"
"Of course, you're My Girl."
You feel a heat in your cheeks and move, watching as he moves to lay on his back.
He keeps his hands to the sides, lazily awaiting you to sit on your throne.
He motions you towards him with his two middle fingers on each hand.
With just that you're compelled.
You manage to manuver yourself to the right place, and you begin to squat over his face, hovering if you will, and you feel Arthur's hands latch onto your thick thighs.
"I said sit." His voice comes out in a growl and then with a tight squeeze and a single rough pull on his end you find yourself completely sat on Arthur's face.
You can't move, he hold's you tightly against his face, buried in your pussy.
His hands massage your thighs, and you can feel his tongue moving in the best way you can think of.
It sends tingles through your body, the way he seems to nearly devour you, as though he'd never had a meal in his life.
His mouth is warm, and wet as he licks, and licks, and each flick of his tongue that seems expert you can't stop yourself from letting out lewd sounds that make you grateful he's taken you all the way into the mountains.
You reach between your thighs, gripping his hair tightly as he has his snack.
"Arthur...." You doubt he can even hear you from his position, but you hope that he gets the message when you begin to move your hips, riding his face.
His hands move from your thighs to your ass, and he helps guide each thrust of your hips.
You take a moment to look down, meeting his eyes between your thighs.
He's got a look there that you've seen many times, full and utter lust.
You can feel his nost brushing against sensitve areas of your heat, and his tongue still works away at you, lapping like a thirsty animal.
One of his hands moves from your ass, wrapping over your thigh and reaching between your legs, finding your clit easily, as it's nearly second nature for him.
Your breathing is ragged as he continues his assult of pleasure on you.
You know it isn't gonna take much longer for you to come undone, and your grip in his hair gets tighter, he can tell it won't be much longer.
The faster his tongue gets the faster his hand goes, he matches the circular motion just right with everything else until-
You feel yourself clench up and your thighs close instinctually against Arthur's head, and he continues to lick, doing his best to help ride out your orgasam.
When you're able to regain your composure he offers a few taps on your thigh and you manage to move off of him, catching the glint of your arousal on his face from the small firelight.
"Next time, when I say sit on my face I mean sit." He swallows and you watch as he licks his lips before placing his hands behind his head. "I want you to smother me."
You simply blink at him, your heart still racing from your high.
He'd just eaten you as though you were his last meal and that's all he could say.
You blink and then look towards his waist.
You had some giving to do.
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enby-trash-rat · 1 month
Logan's Criminal
Ships: Intrulogical (Logan x Remus)
Logan Frost was a detective in a high end city chasing a criminal no one knew
He had just gotten home to his shared apartment and slammed the door hard as he was frustrated he didn't know if his roommate was home but he didn't care he was just so frustrated that anything could be the thing that makes Logan yell for the seventh time that day.
Not even a second had passed before Remus entered the room concerned but not quite surprised as this had become normal for him, Logan trudging into the apartment slamming the door hard behind him every afternoon after work.
Remus stepped further into the living room and watched as Logan collapsed onto the couch before looking over at him and sighing
"I apologize if I disturbed you" Logan says as his eyes flickered up to Remus'.
Remus nods "It's fine, don't worry about it. Rough day at work?" he walks over to the couch taking a seat in the middle of the couch
Logan nodded "yes this guy or girl I'm chasing is to smart for me like every time I think I get close they get fifty steps ahead" he ranted messing with his tie
Remus nods, staring at Logan hanging onto every word he says, listening intently as he ranted.
Logan let out a frustrated sigh "they stopped using there calling card so now i have no clue if im even chasing the right person" Remus nods along to every word.
"Mm.." Remus responded shortly, his eyes drifted off in another direction a knot twisted in his stomach tightening with each word.
Logan looks at the floor "it's like he knows everything I'm thinking and it's just frustrating"
Remus stared at him. His mind racing.He wanted so badly to tell him. To tell him why. Why they were fifty steps ahead. Why they seem to know everything. "Yeah. Sounds rough.." he mutters instead as his eyes drifting back to Logan's.
Logan took a deep breath "the only person I know it's not is you" he mumbled.
Remus' body stiffened.
He started fiddling with his hands. "Yeah..."
Logan decided to lean his head on Remus "even if it was you I'd have to make a difficult choice to make"
Remus glances back at him. "Oh..." Is all he said, what was he supposed to say to that? He could barely meet his eyes let alone tell him. Tell him that he was the cause of all his stress, all the angry door slams, the exhaustion.
He subconsciously placed an arm around Logan.
Remus nods not quite meeting Logan's eyes. "What would you have to do?" He asks hesitantly. Already knowing the answer. Dreading it.
"Well I'd either have to turn you in or realize that I should just give up" he said with a sad tone
"Well, you shouldn't worry, you need a well needed break, try to relax." He says quickly attempting to subtly change the subject.
Logan nodded a little "I can't take time off from this case to be honest I'd rather lose my job than anything" he mumbled yawning a little.
"Did you know you have pretty eyes?" Logan mumbles as he looks at Remus.
Remus turns to face Logan the question catching him off guard. He stared directly at him as his cheeks flushed a light pink.
Logan chuckled at the expression on his face "Thanks Remus for always being someone to talk to" he said as he reached to fiddle with the others hair
Remus smiles faintly. The guilt was back. Stronger this time. Washing over him in waves. "Hey. It's no problem, Logan. I'm always here to listen." He responds shortly. Not what he wanted to say but it was good enough for now.He inches closer to Logan.
Logan had closed his eyes leaning against Remus "Are you a criminal rem?" He asked randomly
Remus looks at Logan his whole body tensing.
Fuck. He couldn't know.. Could he? He was so careful..
"What?" He asked quietly, his heart sinking.
Next Chapter
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cherrysoojins · 10 months
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८ bewitched , ateez laufey songs .
✉️. four of eight, kang yeosang. i wish you love.
life pulls everyone in different directions. you and yeosang might’ve been made for each other, but your life paths just didn’t allow you to be together.
&ㅤㅤ 📦 ♡ warnings. sfw, fluff / angsty ( mainly angst ), suited for all ages, not proofread ( might have spelling errors ), let me know if any other warnings that should be added ! 985 wc.
reblogs appreciated because im shadowbanned :(
taglist. @luvvvlyjoong , @cherrystar1117
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you wish the man in front of you everything good in life.
from happiness, to sadness and healing, to wonderful friendships and his favorite delicious bagels to be cooked to perfection every time he orders them, to love.
you wish it all for him.
kang yeosang was a man you would give your everything to. in your will, when the time comes to write one, you would write to give him everything you own for him to use or to sell for money to give him a better life. with your own money you would constantly buy him riches and lavishes to decorate himself or his apartment or his car with, even if you were bordering on being broke.
and you would do it all out of love. time and time again, you would do it until your last, wishful breath. and even now, you still wouldn’t change anything.
you wouldn’t change anything even though life is pulling you two into two different directions.
you, a job opportunity across the world from him. and him with his own career starting in a place you can’t be, you would continue to wish good things for him.
“you’ll be alright,” you spoke softly, smiling up at the male who looked down at you as you tied the scarf you bought as a present around his neck.
the scarf that had a very excessive price for it just being a scarf, but he said he liked it.
“just stick to the flash cards we did and the interview will go good.” you comforted him, tying a knot of the scarf and bringing it up to cover the bottom half of his face, making a smile etch into your face at how cute he looked.
yeosang said nothing, simply staring down at you for a moment longer before bringing his hands up to cup your face in his hands.
just moments prior he had been complaining about his interview and how he thinks he is going to freeze up and ruin it all, but now he was silent and had a look of longing in his eyes that tugged on your heart strings.
you two… were two different people, with two different dreams and aspirations, when you talked about your future together, it never lined up.
when you wanted to go an explore the world, bask in freedom and have fun, he wanted to settle down and have a loving family.
and there was nothing wrong with that, it’s just not what you wanted. and what you wanted was not what he wanted.
when you got your job that allowed you to travel across the world and get paid for it, he unfortunately couldn’t come due to his own job and the fact he didn’t want to leave seoul, he wanted to stay here and relax. but he wanted to do that with you.
but you two were two different people.
you couldn’t force him to come with you, he couldn’t force you to stay. and neither of you wanted to force each other into anything.
“do you really have to go?” he asked even though he knew the answer. his strained voice was muffled slightly due to the fabric of the scarf, causing you to let out a small giggle at how utterly cute he was at the moment.
you put your hands above his that were on your cheeks, looking up into his eyes as you smiled softly at him, a look of sadness in your eyes that gave him his answer.
yes. you had to go.
you had a dream, and you wanted to achieve it. even if it didn’t include him like you originally wanted it to.
he also had a dream, a dream you couldn’t provide him. and he would continue that dream, even if it also didn’t include you like he wanted it to.
it was a mutual understanding. right person, wrong time in a way. maybe if you two met before college where you still weren’t set on what you wanted to do once you graduated, maybe you two could’ve had a different outcome.
but that wasn’t the case.
so you had to let him go, despite the urge to tug him on the plane that you were about to get on and keep him with you.
and he had to do the same.
“i hope you can find someone who wants the same thing as you,” you whispered lowly, swallowing the lump in your throat that was forming. you tried to ignore the tears pricking at your eyes at the mere thought of him with someone else, settling down and starting a family, coming home and making his presence known with a kiss to their lips—
but you can’t be selfish.
if you wish him love, you can’t be. you have to give him the future he wants, and you just can’t be apart of it, sadly.
but you also knew it tore him apart. how you both chose to respect the different life styles of each other, how you both decided to let each other go.
you always said you hated growing up, and even as an adult who graduated college, you still hate it. growing up and moving on… fuck, you hated it so much.
“i also hope you don’t forget me.” you sheepishly said, leaning forward to rest your head on his chest, hands hanging onto the long coat he was wearing.
“never.” he said immediately, wrapping his arms around your back, pulling you closer into him and burying his nose into the crown of your head. “i’ll never forget you. never.”
from now, until the point you got onto the plane, you had the same thing on your mind through it all.
you wished kang yeosang all the love in the world, even if it couldn’t be from you.
and he wished the same for you.
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full bewitched series masterlist !
send an ask or a pm to be added to the bewitched masterlist !
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kindestofkings · 6 months
a mastermind [1]
ryan mcmahon x reader
faceclaim:phoebe bridgers
authors note: k so this is kinda an all over the place fic but I had a lot of fun making it so ENJOY! @orangeinecstasy a fellow ryan appreciator, thanks for the brainstorming 🫡
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liked by rass75 and others
yourusername oi have you listened to NOACF yet?? theres something special in tracks 8,9,10 and 17 or should I say someone 👀
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1975fan1 wow can't believe the 1975 broke their own no collabs rule for matty's girl of the week
yourusername you seeing this ratty? Im your girl of the week 😍😍 trumanblack wait JUST one week?? yourusername yeah so short! better cheat on me quick xxx 1975adam I just dont get you two...
rass75 celebration pints?
yourusername like you need any excuse hahah
trumanblack they're ALL special tracks thank you very much.
1975_fanbase the tumblr gays just overloaded thanks!
trumanblack anything for the cause 👍👍👍
ynfan1 really not a 1975 fan but jesus christ 2005 is so amazing, I just bought the album!
bedfordanes75 studio time was sick can we please do it again
yourusername I do need a producer for my next album...
ryanmcmahon_15 just added to their story!
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elijahhewson haha man you good? bobbyskeetz new day same crush inhalerfan1 omg you being a yn is everything!
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liked by yourusername and others
the1975 I'm in love with you. out now.
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rass75 🖤🖤
yourusername its good to be back boys
pollymoney so right I am in love with yourusername
yourusername stop im blushin so hard rn heheh
trumanblack loser
yourusername lover* trumanblack eh alright then
ynhealytruther ahhh I missed you guys so much, such a hot couple
1975fan1 since when have they confirmed they're dating??
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liked by ynfan2 and others
ynhealytruther this is confirmation right?? they HAVE to be dating
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ynfan1 ah I really hope not he's kinda old for her no?
1975fan2 yeah tbf it is like 10 years or something...
1975fan1 I hope so they are the definition of bi panic
1975fan2 ew hope not shes kinda ugly
ynhealytruther absolutely no yn slander excepted here! move on with your hate
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername someone just said stop writing songs about sad things and blowjobs. best joke I've ever heard!
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trumanblack over my dead boy
yourusername pleaseeee dont tempt me with a good time 😍
1975fan1 are you guys dating?? just confirm it already
1975fan2 class music video!!
ynfan1 please date someone else, hes too old for you!!
bobbyskeetz just added to their story!
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man's (celeb) crush is in a relationship (we think) so he's turning to the drink 😔
inhalerfan1 its yourusername isn't. cause same joshjenkinson_ cause there was defo a chance before hand!
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liked by ynhealytruther and others
ynfanclub guys I'm at yourusernames's secret session ah! look this is her face when people asked if she was dating matty. adorble!!! and THEN HE CAME OUT AND THEY SANG JESUS CHRIST 2005
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ynhealytruther oh what a day !!!
ynhealytruther my literal parents
ynfan1 hes literal so old ewww
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liked by yourusername and others
trumanblack just friends.
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yourusername dw guys he checked my id AND sang robbers beforehand !!
rass75 have you two ever been serious about anything in your lives? yourusername what do you mean I'm taking this job of being matthew healy's controversially young alleged girlfriend VERY SERIOUSLY 😤 trumanblack serious is my middle name mate 😍🔥🤠😎 rass75 why did I even ask....
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liked by ryanmcmahon_15 and others
yourusername Ireland I am in you. and loving you as per usual! my (second) favourite Irish artist asked me to stop by at his home gig 😢 so so honoured andrew <3
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ynfan1 I cant believe this, I'M GOING TO HIS SHOW TOMORROW NIGHT!!!
lucydacus parents.
ynfan2 you said it.
inhalerfan1 bestie for research purposes I need to know who's your fav??
yourusername hmmm research purposes you say .... 🤔 inhalerfan1 ahhh hi omgomgomgomg hello
bobbyskeetz huh @ryanmcmahon_15 see this?
yourusername just added to their story!
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inhalerfan1 OH FUCK YES I KNEW IT I KNEW IT!! inhalerfan1 thank you for answering my question &lt;3 elijahhewson honoured! are you here long? we've a drummer who's a big fan of yours, we could all link up for drinks ? ↳ hi! sounds so fun, I'm here till saturday actually so i've got time! presuming you guys know the best spot for a pint 👀 ↳ elijahhewson sir mcmahon knows the place!
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joshjenkinson_ just added to their story!
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ryanmcmahon_15 im never coming down from this. and I'll never stop talking about it
elijahhewson still havent recovered from the incredibly girlish scream he let out hahah
bobbyskeetz a king, ill never question him again
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liked by trumanblack and others
yourusername psa: offically go ON THE RECORD that I am not dating anyone of these wonderful human beings that are my friends. although they are very beautiful and even hotter, we're all just a homies that are a lil bit fruity 💅
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trumanblack wait what?? I thought we were married? what am I telling the kids ???
yourusername tell em their mother is in her hot girl era and their dad's a LOSER
bedfordanes75 you are such a mystery, how does your brain work 🤔
ynhealytruther nooooooo NO say sike rn RIGHT NOW
1975fan1 yay! theres still a chance 😎
inhalerfan1 oh this is really feeding my delusions hehehe
yourusername just added to their story!
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y'all are gonna be so proud I'm off to go SOCIALISE with NEW people ahh 🔥🔥
trumanblack ooh is this the drinks with bono's sons band? ↳ yourusername you betcha, trading in the nepo baby in my life for a newer model xx rass75 I cannot believe you manifested this. go get that celeb crush ↳ yourusername welll if you insist ! ynfan1 you are soooooo me coded hahahha
AHH how we doing?? Go read part two please 🫶🏼
part 2
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jaylleoo14 · 6 months
TW: BOTMM is a short drabble leading up to Keratoconus Entrapment. Although nothing explicit happens in this drabble be wary that the following will contain such themes/mentions (along with Keratoconus Entrapment): Horror/dark themes, deaths/murders, butchering/gore, unsettling descriptions, kidnapping, gen violence, blackmailing, alcohol, partying, corruption, morphed views of artistic expression, manipulation and gaslighting. All characters are aged up, you have been warned 
This idea sparked while I was listening to an audio and I was like "hmm, i like how ominous and spooky this can be." then suddenly boom, Jade Leech has spawned. So hear me out okay WAIT IM ACTUALLY KINDA SCARED RN BECAUSE SO MUCH IS BEING ENVISIONED IN MY MIND😭🙏 :') Okay but as the ideas kept on racking and stacking on top of each other I started to get a little "oh wow, this is actually starting to sound kinda good tho-" (im envisioning an uncanny Jade rn and i'm scared-)
Have you heard?
Heard of what?
The Mushroom Man who lives down Rocker Lane.
I. From paints to charcoal, to clay to wood. Then to pencil and pen, then back to your roots of finger painting on cardboard.
You've always had this sort of love for drawing. Since you were little you can recall your mother had always talked about how you were such an artistic child. A crafty one at that. Your dad was always telling his friends that his child was always so expressive and imaginative whenever the topic was brought up. Continuing on keeping up with art along your adolescence, to middle school, to then high school, you felt like you knew what you wanted to do. That being why you decided to go pursue an art major.
The university you are going to attend, University of Arts in Atlantica, was where you'd be heading on over next. Its a funny feeling in your stomach really, moving out and all and going to meet new people as you drift away from your old ones. The feelings welt up inside you slowly, feeling a sad weight bringing you down. You'd be staying in a co-ed dorm, at least then you'd be able to hopefully meet new people and make more friends. That's one of the main things you were looking forward to. It's time to look on the positive side here, and as you make your daily affirmations to yourself you bring out your phone to go to your notes app to remind yourself of the good things that happened and what to look forward to.
I saw a man helping his old relative (not sure) down a street earlier. That was really nice.
I saw some black cats cuddling with each other near the grass yesterday
the weather is nice today, it's not too windy and the sun is out high
I was able to pack another box of my stuff, I should go reward myself now
I was able to send in my resume for a job application nearby. I should also reward myself because I did a good job at tending to it.
Oh, that's right. You recently did submit a job application. You submitted it to a bakery oddly enough.
Art comes in many different shapes and forms, and you personally had another interest. That being the culinary arts. For at least once in your life you wanted to experience the working life of a culinary student, and although pursuing it as a career plan wasn't your solid choice - it was one of the options. And thankfully enough, the man there who skimmed through your resume seemed rather gentle about your chances. Hopefully you get the job, I mean you have plenty of experience before as well with handling and decorating foods. That was the main thing you were interested in. Sure you do enjoy baking, but it was the expression of being able to decorate cakes and pastries there that you were more eager to do.
Trey was the person who introduced himself first, claiming that his family owned the business. After the whole process of submission for your intended new job, something blue catches your eye. A natural call of curiosity causes you to divert your eyes a little away from Trey- who was finishing up the bases of what's to expect- and see a tall man through the window of the kitchen door. He had teal short hair, a longer black length of hair tucked behind his ear and his eyes looked rather sharp and lifted from the side. If for just a moment of observation, Trey caught where your eyes were distracted at.
"Oh, well it's still business hours, you know. He's another employee working here as well. If you get the job you'll see him more frequently." He says it so casually, but you would really hope you do get the job. Fiddling your fingers a little, you show a bit of anxiousness but you keep it professional. "What are the chances of me getting hired? I'm really eager to get this position."
A thoughtful look is splayed on his face, his glasses framing them well. "Well your past work seems promising. It doesn't look professional enough for it to display but I'm sure with enough practice it may work. Just wondering though, you're an art student, yes? Do you think you'd manage the hours alongside your classes?"
His words were a little hard for you to hear but you greatly needed it, a set reminder that you really still are an inexperienced culinary artist if anything. However you proceed to give him a determined answer. "Yes, I'll manage. I will uphold my duties responsibly, please consider taking me."
"They seem eager, don't you agree Trey?" Both your attention is turned and directed on the voice who spoke from behind, the teal haired man coming forward. He had a black plain apron on with the logo of a clover on his right chest, a white chef shirt on as the sleeves are rolled up to his elbows. “Eagerness and experience are two separate things. I’ll consider it, don't worry.” 
Not knowing what to say, the teal haired man turns his attention onto you. You both meet each other's eyes and his lips curve more upward to be more inviting and polite. “Oh how rude of me, where are my manners? You can address me as Jade Leech.” He goes over to shake your hand as a formal greeting, and ever since then things have been going alright. Would you look at that, you got the job! And you’ve already moved in, meeting friendly people from all over with wild stories to tell. “Ugh, such an extroverted thing to do. I could never.” Idia’s voice is made metallic through your phone as you tell him about how you plan on going to this frat party to welcome the new incoming people. It was a new time of your life, why not let loose and meet new people? “Your reasoning still stinks. Imagine all the sweaty smelly bodies you’d bump into there. Not only that but eee! So many loud normies! My HP would already max out by the time I get there, definitely not.” 
“Look, I’ll be back soon okay? I want to try and enjoy this night before anything real happens like classes and work.” Bringing your coat on, you sling over a fanny pack over your torso with all the required things for what you can expect at this frat party. “If you don't let me know that you came home safely I’ll be adding modifications into that device of yours.” A simple reassurance is all it takes for him to hang up and with some worn converse shoes you slip out of your room. 
Here's to a new school life. Surrounded by other lively participants of party go-ers, you hold a drink of alcohol in your cup. Everyone seems to have a good time, the music is blasting, the people are dancing and enjoying their time, and you have crazy party go-ers here climbing the roofs and pulling crazy stunts. It's quite the impression really. Taking a step outside all the way to where the cars are parked from the frat house, you take a deep breath and catch yourself a breather. Idia was right for the most part, and for this to be your first time at a frat party it was definitely overwhelming. However one thing for sure was that you were able to meet new people and enjoy your time there, just needed a little break is all. 
Little did you know though, that nearby deep in hidden trees and bushes laid a beaten up person. Most likely dead. No, definitely dead. For Jade Leech is always one to ensure that the deal is done. Frat parties, loud music, drunken party go-ers, it was all the perfect set up for him to strike and take advantage of. Who would know if just a person or two went missing? Especially ones who come by themselves. He’s got an eye for people you could say, with the way his eyes are arched up so meticulously. The location was just too good to miss out as well. Here it’s a little more isolated with vegetation growing around, the house being more secluded due to its bigger land. Blood is soaked into the dirt, his smile content that the earth is gaining some nutrition. 
Oh, what a surprise. He sees a familiar figure in the distance leaning up against one of the cars on the dirt path. It’s you. He could strike, but it would cause trouble. You aren’t his target. At least not yet. He can play a patient game, and a patient game he will play. The future awaits many things for the two of you, so until then, enjoy your fresh new life and your new job. You clock in the day following tomorrow, where Jade will surely start to learn more about you. And as much as he will learn about you, you my dear reader, will surely start to learn about him much more than what ordinary people see and know about him behind closed, faux smiled, bloodied doors.
I hope this reaches the right audience, but to all my dark/horror/yandere enthusiasts
Literally the only thing i was fixated on when I was writing this, I was like "oml yes Jade with them nice buff baker arms anfisdifbfiubwif Trey you arent gonna be alone in this✊🤞." I practically melted just thinking about it while writing this ^^;
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fictionfixations · 4 months
i finally reached it
already forgot what chapters it was but know it was like the last few chapters (SPOILERS)
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lets just take a moment and lOOK AT HIM. LIKE HES SO PRETTYYYY and tHAT LITTLE SMILE !!!!
also AWEEE
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and look at sad riddle aghh (honestly i don't think i'll ever like hearing full on crying, but the va did a fantastic job. like it wasnt just sniffles it was full on wailing)
trey: *saying something*
riddles dialogue box is literally just: *sob*
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(anyway the section where we saw riddle's backstory was sad. and i noticed that the boxes where we get his thoughts sometimes cover his mouth so we can't see his expression. maybe it doesnt really mean anything but it felt like something to me)
anyway. you know how i got into twisted wonderland cause i read khr fics where skull was them or something? there was a riddle rosehearts one. and it honestly solidified riddle as one of my favorites before i even knew him
also it makes a lot more sense now (the writer gave him a happy family for one though which awe)
also "...and completely lost track of the time." gave me literal chills
anyway i hate the purple twistunes (sometimes the blue and red ones are trippy when notes are playing at the same time but i got into the habit of 1. listening to the music for guidelines, and 2. noting which color came first so i dont get confused). they're so unreasonably hard sob getting the timing right is hard and the music is a liar because i expect there to be a beat so i hit too early because im listening to the music and its WRONG. so i have to take the music with a grain of salt. listen to it but dont strictly follow it. and really focusing on the white bar but you ever focus so much you stop being able to focus like oh my god i get distracted and i dont know wHY (and thus comes the technique of 'go to the hardest difficulty, beat it, and then go back' or like. at least try it. cause sometimes it makes normal easier???)
if i didnt get all the things for twistunes itd bother me eternally. because rhythm is my jam. but sometimes they're so frustratingly hard cause you have to get like no misses (or no goods and stuff) for easy and normal. and easy is easier but sometimes it just doesnt click with me and aGH.
and im SO thankful that you dont have to get no misses on hard, you just need like ss and stuff which isnt that hard because you can miss a bunch and still get there. but oh my god i remember this time i was so used to it that every mistake i made on hard i just reseted. took a minute to think and realize 'hey wait a second this is hard')
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anyway i assume riddles mom cant influence him while hes here. does he still live with her? or does he have his own place? but like. if youre so used to following rules set by other people then how do you even live by yourself?
i mean. i guess he kinda took the queen's rules to heart, as familiarity and also something meant to be followed no matter what, because surely if it s a thing that exists, then surely it must be enforced, right? because the queen of hearts was the rightest or something
anyway savanaclaw is next i think. i dont know any of them lmfao
(i just remembered- i think riddle was like genuinely gonna kill ace. he like called on the roses to attack him or something and trey overruled it temporarily by turning it into like cards. oop.)
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i-cant-sing · 4 months
just wanted to say Kashmir has always belonged to India
And you were saying why people of India is always about Pakistan is because Pakistan is always sending terrorist in India and we are not going to forget about the death of our indian army
And you were talking about BJP, BJP is the first political partie in India that has guy to ban the three times saying divorce means divorce many of female muslim in India support BJP for this
By your logic, Pakistan and Bangladesh also belong to India? Should they all just reverse their independence???
Personally, as someone with Kashmiri ancestors, I think yall should have Kashmir vote whether they wanna stay in India, join Pakistan or be independent altogether.
As far as the whole "announce divorce 3 times" goes, that's an Islamic thing okay? There's a way things are done in each religion, they don't have to provide u or the state reasons for that. I'm sure, whoever passed the ban probably thought he was helping Muslim women out or something but it wasnt BJPs problem to deal with. Besides... why... why are they banning hijab?? What good is that bringing to the world? Is it fair for the Indian Muslims to not be able to practice their religion freely, while Indian Hindus get to do it??? What about Muslims slaughtering animals on eid? Should we ban that too because the BJP, a majorly Hindu party, feels its uncomfortable, if not outright disrespectful because they worship cows??? Then, should Muslims be allowed to bash all the idols because they consider it disrespectful to have so many gods????
And look, Im mot saying Pakistan is completely innocent. I'm sure they've done terrible things too when minoritiesare considered (like blasphemyaccusations end up costing u your life there), but to consider the actions of few bad people and assume everyone of association is a terrorist is just downright stupid. Not even sad, pathetic, its stupid.
Should you be afraid of me because I'm a Muslim? Huh? Do you hate me now?
Thing is u are probably wondering why I'm being all Pro Muslims rn when every other community in the world is also suffering/had suffered through something bad... why I'm soooo "insensitive" to the Hindus pain?
Because you/whoever that anon was decided that the time to bring up the Hindu suffering is when I'm talking about Palestine. The fucking nerve. What you/that anon was trying to do was overshadow the Palestinian suffering, by bringing up Hindus. Not to mention, how they mentioned being afraid of Muslims now?? Idc how old u are, its not okay to be racist and its not my job to teach you right from wrong.
Now, you could say whatever you want about me- I give two shits. If you really care about Hindus suffering and what not, post about it on your blog. Raise awareness. But you can't guilt me into sympathising for your cause by making me stop talking about Palestine. I'm not forcing u to raise awareness about Palestine, am I?
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creme-delacreme · 2 years
Luv is(so not) dro
All the different emotions Y/n felt, watching some video vixen grind on her man. She’s not mad at the girl. Okay well maybe she is. But her true anger is with Jack. For not telling her, for not shooting her a heads up, for thinking it was okay to have another girl grind on him in the same way she does and not think to inform her of such actions.
He wasn’t going to know that yet. Not at a party to celebrate the album and premiere a few videos as well. She’d neglect these feelings for now. Just like he does. She thought. She did a little harmless flirting that night. She totally didn’t mean for him to catch her. But it’s his own fault she resorted to action anyways.
“It seemed like you were definitely having fun tonight.” Jack scoffed once you entered your shared house. “Who me? Yeah, tonight was coo.” You responded calmly. “So walking around and being a whore was fun for you?” He throws out. You turn to face him in the living room. “Excuse me?” “You heard me. You were walking around, acting as if you don’t get enough love at home. Did you want my attention that bad?” He accuses. “Oh yes Jackman! I act out because I want your attention. I crave it Jackman. No you fucking dickhead. I looked like a fool tonight!” You shout.
“You? You looked like the fool? I had to explain why my girlfriend was flirting with anyone who got within arms reach of her.” He fires. “Yeah? And I had to act like I was fully aware of the video vixen dry humping my boyfriend. You know cause he doesn’t think to inform me of this shit. So while I’m sitting here at home, he’s letting other bitches dance on him without my knowledge.” “Are you serious right now? You’re upset over a video? Over my job? Do you hear how much a bitch you sound like?”
“Oh!” You exclaim, rage now fully taking over. “I’m a bitch now?!” You step closer to him. “If you’re gonna act like this over a video, then yes. Y/n you sound like a bitch right now.” “And that’s where your problem is Jackman. If you could use your head for once and maybe have some common fucking sense, you’d know that it’s not about the fucking video. It’s about how the decency of informing your girlfriend of what will be taking place in the video. Since you obviously don’t value respect, you can continue this conversation on the couch or in the guest room. Doesn’t matter to me. Goodnight.” You state before storming off to the bedroom, slamming the door behind you. Sleep. Just go to sleep and we can deal with this in the morning. You thought as you scrambled getting ready for bed.
The next morning you woke up with a killer headache. Fucking great. You thought, pulling yourself out of bed. After handling your business in the bathroom, you make your way to the kitchen to relieve your headache. “Hey.” Jack says softly, making you jump during your search in the medicine cabinet. “Hello.” You respond, continuing to dig. “Can we talk?” He asks as you finally find what you need. You nod before knocking back an advil.
“I wanna apologize for a lot of things that were said last night. You’re not a whore or a bitch. Extremely far from either of those things. It wasn’t far for me to not tell you about the video and expect you to be calm about it. I never meant to hurt you mama. I didn’t mean to make you feel uncomfortable in any way. I should’ve told you and the fact that I didn’t makes me a fucking idiot. And I’m sorry.” He confesses. “Thank you for the apology. I just wish you told me before sitting me in front of a bunch of people who probably had knowledge of what would occur in the video.” You explain. “C’mere.” He nods. I walk towards his seat and he wraps his arms around my waist and sets me in his lap.
“Im sorry.” He says once more. “Hmm. I know baby.” You respond, kissing the top of his head while he hides his face in your neck.
All the emotions Y/n felt, as her lover showed he truly was sorry later on that morning.
Tags: @lcandothisallday @onmykneesforrafe @harlowcomehome @thinkingaboutjharlow @sealpuptrash @harlowsbby @jacksmoviestar @yonduismarrypoppins @tynesharandolph8633-blog @stefansalvatoresgf @wittyjasontodd @iguessweallcrazyithinktho @harlowsfreckles @moody4world @babyharleezy @sinsandsuccubus @curlyhairclub @inluvwithladybug @blackenedsunflowers
@inlovewithjackmanthomas hope you love it🫶🏽
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dee-in-the-box · 5 months
so, because i'm considering making a comic about The Prologue of Dsaf (basically, everything that happened pre-Dsaf 1, as well as maybe a little bit into the beginning of Dsaf 1), at least my headcanons for it, i thought i'd just list a few in text form, 'cause some of them might not be too clear whenever i get this comic made:
Dee's hair is darker than Jack's, and Peter's is darker than Dee. all of their hair colors are a different shade of red/ginger.
Peter moved out of Jack and Dee's house when he got engaged to Caroline.
Dee is quite literally just as chaotic as Jack is. makes sense, given he was the one she was around the most.
Jack told Dee that if anyone was being a dick to her (or was, in any way, trying to seriously hurt her), she could just bite them. maybe also scratch them like a cat. yes, Jack did (and still does, kinda) bite people. why do you think he taught her how to do that?
so, i've mentioned a couple of times how Jack is a trans man. he had a nickname, "Jackie," which was uh. a shortened version of his deadname. technically, he was only fully comfortable with Dee, Peter, and Caroline calling him that, but he didn't really protest when his employers/coworkers would call him that, and would even encourage them to do so, because, in his eyes, it's better than being referred to by his deadname.
Jack got a job at Fredbear's as a technician and nightguard when Peter moved out, a few months before Dee's murder.
Henry was actually the first employer of Jack's who both actually called him "Jack" and referred to him as a guy. Jack, at the time, viewed this as a good sign that this job would work out perfectly fine.
Jack and Dave actually talked a few times and would ""jokingly"" flirt with each other. this may or may not have also been the thing that got both of them to realize that they aren't straight.
Jack actually bought Dee a small stuffed kitten as a birthday present, a little red bow wrapped around its neck. nowadays, he uses it as a reminder of who he's doing all of this for.
Dee understood that Jack and Peter had to work so much to support her, but it still made her sad :(
neither Jack nor Peter were going to be able to be with Dee for her birthday due to work, so they both decided to schedule a birthday party for her at Fredbear's, so that she could still have a good day :]
Jack dropped her off, promised he'd be back at around six, and that they could even have a little birthday celebration at home that night before Jack had to leave for work. he'd even bring chocolate cupcakes, her favorite! he kisses her head, tells her goodbye, and then leaves. i believe we all know the rest from there.
Jack, on the night he died, wanted to check the cameras to see if there was any footage of Dee or the other children before they went missing. sure enough, there was.
also that night, before Jack went to do his job, he noticed a visible bite mark, as well as scratches, on Henry's arm. upon pointing it out, Henry tried lying and claiming that he just simply got attacked by a dog. Jack, a dog owner himself, told Henry he didn't believe him; he knows what a dog bite looks like, after all.
(looks like Dee took his advice, doesn't it?)
look, when i say that The Real Fredbear assigned Jack to be a partial dogboy, i'm not joking. he's got dog teeth now, he can literally make dog sounds (may or may not be based off of the Confusing Ending for Dsaf 2), he's got paw pads (kinda), he has claws. like, he might not have ears or a tail, but trust me: he's kinda sorta part dog now.
Henry: "So you see, William, I have the guy right here-" (suit is incredibly fucking empty, almost like nothing was ever in there to begin with) Henry: "..." William: "So...where's he at? Did you move 'im-?" Henry: "Fuck."
Peter blames Jack in the sense of "Why weren't you there to protect her?" the only reason Peter didn't let Jack stay with him was because he knew the police would be looking for him.
Jack scratched the word "LIAR" into Henry's car, and smashed the glass.
Peter began to suspect that Henry was hiding something. he got a job at a Freddy's location to get close enough to Henry to get the man to spill the beans. unfortunately, he died before that could happen.
however, what he witnessed on the day of his death...it did make him realize that Henry wasn't just hiding something: he was the motherfucker that killed Dee and tried to frame his brother.
Peter died having finally learned the truth...and then immediately had his memory wiped-
Jack and Henry nearly crossed paths several times. it's lucky for Henry that they never did, though; because Jack wanted to rip that fucker apart himself, consequences be damned.
i already have. another post talking about Blackjack specifically. go see that for details.
pretty much all of the Kennedy siblings after they died: FUCK Henry, all of my homies HATE Henry!!
that's about it for now. this is all stuff PRE-Dsaf 1. who knows when i'll get the beginning of the comic finished, but i'll try and work on it later. enjoy the headcanons in the meantime. :]
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msookyspooky · 21 days
i just finished terrible trilogy AND OH MY GOD set me up, sequels suck and terrible trilogy are SO FUCKING GOOD???? you got me hooked on every fucking word !! a fanfic has NEVER done that to me before !! i had to literally drag myself away from my computer and stop myself from clicking on the next chapter because i had things to do !! i mean hell my exams start a few days from now and for the last couple of days all i could think about was ur fic !! couldnt do anything other than read it and have it consume my brain!! i have so many thoughts and so many more things to say about this but ill have to wait till my exams are over and when they are rest assured i will be making a huge post about all of it !!! when i finished terrible trilogy i had to stop myself from starting four’s a franchise!!! i just i cant ur writing is so SO SO good it makes me go insane !!! and the way ur reader is so realistic!! like still emotional and a wreck but still strong, badass and strong-willed !! shes stronger than me FOR SURE cause after stu being a wet sad dog in the last chapter of terrible trilogy i wouldve taken him in but that’s probably why shes the final girl and im not
okay enough rambling i need to save my thoughts for that one huge post ill be making after exams
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I cannot!!! I'm so appreciative you like my writing because right now the dialog in the latest chapter of faf isn't hitting and I'm about to post it anyways so thank you for the lil confidence boost 💘🥺
Terrible Trilogy I wrote in both the worst and best year of my life idk how to describe it and looking back chapters really reflect that bc how YN felt at times, that hopelessness, is how I felt. Yet at times the way they all were joking and reminiscing on a happier time was also a mood in 22-23 when I wrote it.
But fr YN's emotional state was easy for me to write but irl I would've either gave up sooner or fell for Stu's manipulative ass ways! 🥲😃 Like, you love me??? Well that changes everything! C'mere pathetic wet dog boy you have a home now. (The dog bites and killed the neighbors 💖)
I hope your exams go well!! And when you do read Fours a Franchise I hope it's worth it it's angst filled but I promise you all 5 gets much better with a time skip 😭🖤
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go-to-the-mirror · 1 year
see look im shutting up about jon doing jazz hands now
i admit i,,, don't really care about the statement portion of this. I've listened to it a bunch, the dark's just... eh to me. so i'll mostly be talking about the end statement
(also sorry for sending too long & multiple asks i wont do it again)
Well, that’s … concerning. I mean, the sun’s still there, so I assume they failed.
At least the coffin’s gone. I gave Artefact Storage some very specific instructions and they’ve got it solidly sealed away. Is locking it up the right thing to do? There are other people in there and Daisy and I got out, but … No. I can’t think about that. Even if I could somehow be sure of recreating our escape, I can’t save everyone that’s been taken. It’s not my job to try. And I can’t spend another three days in there. I just … I need to let it go.
i dunno im just sad. I mean like good for jon for making the decision to not jump into another bloody coffin
I don’t like interacting with the rest of the Institute these days. The way they look at me, I … I don’t know. I don’t know what they’ve heard, what the rumours going around are, but they have definitely heard something. And they can’t wait until they don’t have to talk to me anymore.
oh he Knows that doesn't he. ohhh... bloody social anxiety eyeball, that's awful :(
But I can’t afford to be just living one day at a time; I need a plan. But I don’t even know what I’m trying to achieve, and no one wants to tell me
season 4 feels a lot slower than season 3 and season 5, and i mean this in a good way, like it feels sorta... like even though we've got a whole bunch of things happening, there isn't a clear end goal, everyone's sort of... adrift, desperately trying to do something that's going to make things better or just distract yourself or justify you being alive and stuff. there's no... unknowing. there's no panopticon. there's not even a jane prentiss.
in that regard it sort of feels like season 2. A lot more focus -- on not just jon's character now. Of course, yknow, focusing on him and martin, cause main characters. and also... isolated. jon doesn't have anyone. I mean he has daisy but at this point... i mean, they've only been out of the coffin for a bit. basira doesn't trust him, georgie's gone, melanie hates him. and then there's martin who's just... cut himself off from everyone, and then like basira's "only trusting herself" *trusts elias*, and Melanie did say Basira's been the only one for a long time, they're... alone. fitting, that.
it just feels tired. or maybe i'm tired. either or.
ELIAS Fine. Consider it a test. Things are coming, things that will need John to be far stronger and more willing to use his connection to our patron. His performance during the Unknowing was … disappointing. I needed a way to force him to harness his ability more acutely than he had before. The coffin was a useful tool, Daisy an adequate bait.
i mean he's not LYING
mortal, monster, or anything in between
the three genders.
uhm yea
that's been a ramble.
tbh i think im just going to go to sleep.
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electoons · 2 months
it's such a deeply sad feeling to realize that all your friends who you haven't seen in forever are all very socially active with one another (unbeknownst to you, because they have not invited you to any of their hangouts) and you were for some reason under the impression that everyone was as lonely as you because whenever you say "sorry ive been kind of isolating myself i think" and they all say "omg same here" like shit really cause it doesn't look like it (not that I presume to know other people's mental state or circumstances or whatever and Im not accusing them of like writing off my own issues but saying you have no social life is kind of weird when 1. I can see your social media and it kind of looks like you spend a lot of time with other people and 2. the person you're telling this to literally only goes to work and comes home and doesn't have conversations with anyone at all because, idk, I think that part of my brain is permanently broken. I have nothing in common with any of my coworkers at one job and at the other job I'm a contractor so I don't work in the office so I don't have any kind of social life there either. like it's not a competition but if it were I would win. sorry this is just a highly emotional vent and I know this all makes me sound like a brat)
this is all to say I know it's my own fault I'm lonely but I'm apparently so far removed from everyone that I don't even know where my chance to jump back in even is now because the train is already moving and everyone else is on board already and they've all been on board for a while and even when people do offer to like, reach out and let me on board, I panic cause like I'm not sure the "right" way to jump onto a moving train, it feels so scary. there's apparently SO MUCH social interaction that you're missing out on that it's overwhelming. idk if this metaphor makes sense. I dunno why I posted this LOL
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