#im not analyst or anything it just in my mind and i have to get this out
Something that been on my mind
Warning: there maybe some grammar mistake in this cause english isn't my first language and also iam not an analyst or theorists or anything is just that I just want to get this out of my mind
The new bsd manga cover is out and I just realized something
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The upside down pose of atsushi and if I remember correctly what happened in volume 21 is equivalent to "sh*t is going down" and if iam right then volume 24 is a manga cover for chap 105 to 109 (unless there another chapter coming out but it will be in September so i just gonna put it like that) also equivalent to "things are turning to the worse" kinda like volume 21.
I'm not an analyst or anything but it will be great for someone to do an analysis on this
It just atsushi is being upside down in the volume manga cover lately and there have to some hint for it cause harukawa art always have meaning or some parallel for something
Also if I remember correctly there are a tarot mayoi card for atsushi and his cards is the fool
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(Credit the art to the game bungou lost tales)
I remember someone already did an analysis on this card so I'm just gonna link it later
So here is the meaning of the fool
- UPRIGHT: (new) beginnings, freedom/free-spirited, adventure, travel, originality, innocence, foolishness, carelessness, idealism, youth, spontaneity, lack of commitment.
- REVERSED: recklessness/risk-taking, carelessness, negligence, stupidity, distraction, apathy, irrationality, lack of fun/hope/faith, holding back.
With what is going on in the manga and atsushi upside down pose in the new manga volume I gonna go with the reversed one
The lack of fun/hope/faith are what is currently happen in right now in the manga and the holding back thing is kinda related to how atsushi have to hold back so he can't hurt akutagawa (it in chapter 108) i guess but the other I'm not so sure
Like I say I'm not an analyst it just when I see the new manga cover my thought just spiraled to this
And here is the link to the analysis about the tarot mayoi card
We also need someone to talk about this too
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(Credit the art to harukawa sango)
This is the new illustration art of harukawa and the first thing that I notice is why fukuchi scar is yellow the same color of atsushi eyes and fukuchi scar here is like a claw mark however maybe it was just a scar when he was fighting with the ability experiment "werewolves" or the semi-immortal ability user "wasp" (it in chapter 82) but why the claw scar is yellow and atsushi eyes is also yellow here so that gonna mean something
I also see a post talking about this too
And here
Also I hope that you guys still remember that the DOA still have the page right
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And they gonna write on the back of the page at the next full moon
(I don't know what time it is in the current chapter but I guess it not the day of the full moon yet)
The real question is why DID they chose the next full moon they could have chose any day but why (I did see some questions about this too)
Now what are the thing about full moon that we are all know about
Yep that's right atsushi ability
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I also want to add this: "he was actually transforming into a white tiger under the moonlight due to his ability" (Credit to wiki)
And who is holding the page right now- yes is fukuchi
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But is he really the one holding the page, I see some post point it out that the page is blank or quite clear like it didn't even have any word on it so we have another question it is really the page
We also see another person shroud by darkness and writing on the page
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We don't know yet if this person is affiliated with doa or fyodor or they are someones that haven't been revealed yet or the creator of the book itself
So is the page that fukuchi holding is just a decoy(a fake page?) And the real one is being keep at somewhere else because it is something that are super valuable, and you can't just keep it on yourself all the time cause what if something unexpected happen
Does that mean that there are gonna be some connection revealed or an answer to some questions that have been unanswered or just a foreshadowing for something that gonna happen later in the manga
I guess we just have to wait though cause I remember a translate of a interview with asagiri and he say that doa arc is not the end and there are going to be a "order of the clock tower" arc but I'm not sure.
(And also resolve some mystery about atsushi cause he have so many hole in his backstory and there so many question about him that haven't been answer)
P.S: I want to write more about it but my mind just got overload-like I was having a very bad headache and my eyes feel kind of sleepy
Also did I do this analysis (theory) post as the same time as the the other one- yes (you know what maybe that the reason why i was having a headache i mean doing both analysis(theory) at the same time can leave you quite tired), do I really need a break- yes...maybe it just I have so many to do right now and I really want to but my mind just blank so yeah I might take a break
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yatsurinamikaze · 8 months
Ch 3. Feel it Still.
Summary > One > Two > Three > Four
Aomine Daiki x Reader [MDNI]
Aomine groans as he wakes up, stretching his arms, Well no practice at least. He rubs and squints his eyes as he sees a tail wagging at the edge of his bed. Wha- “I was wondering you could take care of Tetsuya 2 since you won’t be playing for a couple of days.” Kuroko talks calmly, looking up at him in anticipation. “Yeah sure.”
The bell goes off in Aomine’s head, Wait a second. His brain short circuits, as he looks between Kuroko and Tetsuya 2 subsequently. ”What-how- WHEN DID YOU GET IN.”
Kuroko just smiles and puts Tetsuya 2 on Aomine’s lap. “Thank you.” Momoi speaks from the other end of the room,”Riko said you should still be there.”“ Aomine short circuits again, “You are here too?!!”
Momoi giggles as Aomine grumbles, “Remind me to change my locks.”
“You will be there right?” Momoi Satsuki, who is the chief analyst of the Basketball Association, studies his expression tilting her head. Normally Aomine would have skipped, since what’s the point of going if you can’t play ball but your pretty face pops into his head and he responds, “Yeah, whatever.” As he scratches the back of his neck.
To his dismay, you don’t show up at the practice, something about recovering from jetlag and sleeping in late. To his further dismay, he was now the errand boy for the group.
“Hey Mine-chin, can you get some fruit chuppets for me? Im not feeling it without ‘em today. And since you’re not doing anything..” Murasakibara trails off in his usual jarring tone. “And if you’re getting those, can you also get some Sparkling Water, Aominechhi?” Kise peeps from behind Murasakibara. Aomine gives them the death stare and soon, there’s a list of errands he has to run for everyone.
He groans and starts dragging his feet to the supermarket along with Tetsuya 2. Upon paying for all the things he just bought, his phone dings. “Can you get my knee pads? - My apartment is on the way. The door code is 458902” - Kagami. Great. Him too. He rolls his eyes. Just keeps getting worse this day.
He starts making his way with the little pup following him enthusiastically.
Meanwhile, at your place, you step out of the cold shower with a towel wrapped around yourself, the ends of your hair still dripping wet. You finally feel better from sleeping in late and taking the cold shower. You blast music on max volume, Feel it Still playing as you rock along the beat.
You start grooving to the music, your feet and body moves animatedly pretending to be a sexy dancer. You bend down and pick up your panties from your suitcase, you get up sexily with your hips moving in circular motion, you do a final hairlip as you get up.
You flip around to your make-believe audience, with your left hand on your waist and right hand raised holding your panties. You scream in shock as you see the same blue-haired male standing in front of you, same shock etched on his face, his mouth open in bewilderment.
Your mind is racing like the wind and face is getting red in embarrassment. You watch him slowly close his mouth and gulp. You both look at each other in stupor, unable to form words.
As the music dies down, the silence pierces through the room, breaking the stupor. Your eyebrows start scrunching up in anger, and he takes it as a queue to look away from you, you can see a red hue forming on his cheeks. You fold your arms, “What the hell are you doing here?”
“I uh-“ Before he could finish, he’s interrupted by a loud shriek, he looks back at you only to find you on top of the coffee table pointing at Tetsuya 2, “What the hell is that?” You notice the little pup and start freaking out, you have never been a dog person, and are scared shitless of them.
Tetsuya 2 on the other hand just wags his tail and pounces around the coffee table trying to get to you. Aomine starts laughing looking at the scene in front of him, his eyes forming tears.
“What the hell are you laughing at” You scream as you jump from one couch to the other. “Take it back!!”
At this point Tetsuya 2 manages to jump on your couch. Shrieking, you jump from that couch to the one near Aomine, but right before your take off, Tetsuya 2 bites down on your towel.
Aomine’s eyes become wide as you jump onto him, completely naked, shrieking and putting your arms around him, his basketball reflexes catching you bridal style. He freezes as he looks down at you, naked, drenched, and in his arms. Your hair dripping water onto your soft body. You are breathing hard, your eyes are closed in fear.
Aomine chuckles and commands Tetsuya 2, “Hey 2, sit.”
You open one eye and see the pup sitting down, wagging his tail, no longer jumping on you.
You sigh in relief and look up at Aomine, still in his hold, and then back to your body. You shriek watching yourself completely naked and get off Aomine in a hurry. “S-stop looking!”
Aomine turns around trying to control his laughter, he walks to the pup taking the towel clutched between the pup’s teeth and handing it you, with his back still turned towards you. You quickly take it and wrap it around yourself. He picks up Tetsuya 2 in his hands.
“And what exactly are you doing here?” You walk back to your suitcase. “Don’t look.” You pick up a sweatpant and a loose hoody.
“I came here to get Kagami’s knee pads. He forgot ‘em here.” Aomine states with his back turned to you. You quickly put the clothes on you. “Im done.”
Aomine turns around to look at you, little pup smiling in his hold. “Aomine Daiki”
“Y/n L/n.” You open the drawer and toss the knee pads at Aomine.
He catches ‘em,”Nice to meet ya.” He says with a shit-eating grin.
“Yeah, whatever. Close the door on your way out.” You speak calmly, trying to act cool, as if nothing happened.
He walks towards the door, when he turns around, “Im uh-..Im sorry about the..whole thing”
“Cool.” You shrug looking away.
The door clicks as he exits.
“Ughhhhh” You groan loudly and lie face down on the couch, burying your face in the pillow. You’re embarrassed as hell, and start screaming into the pillow, “The fuck! The fuck! The fuck!” You groan once more.
You hear someone clearing their throat, and you look up from the pillow, your eyes blowing out of their sockets. He’s still here. Just kill me already.
“I-uh. I forgot to take the groceries.” He says with the shit-eating grin.
“Just leave.”
He quickly picks up the groceries and winks at you before turning back to open the door.
“And never come back again.”
“Sure thing.” He says while leaving. You can feel him grinning and are staring daggers on his back. The door clicks shut.
You groan, “I hate this life.” And bury your head in the pillow again.
Summary > One > Two > Three > Four
Author’s Note:
- I hope it came out as hilarious as I imagined it in my head. :D
- Interaction is my motivation juice. Taglist is open.
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charmac · 11 months
speaking of things that were brought up in the show once and then never spoken of again, im honestly astounded that the revelation that luther was sending letters to mac and dennis was destroying them has seemingly had no impact on the characters beyond tggth. ik the fans probably discussed it more when the episode came out (which i wasnt there for) but its such a huge reveal like…mac who is ignored by his father 99% of the time was actually receiving letters from him and both of his best friends knew and didnt say anything. id love to see that revisited.
Tbh I think that one’s definitely a dead and buried event as spoken between Mac and Dennis, but I definitely wouldn’t say it’s had no further impact on the characters.
Mac’s internal struggle with his dad loving him certainly continued, and from what I see, it was pretty heavily built off the basis of Dennis destroying the letters:
Mac’s ‘PTSD’ nightmares are between him killing his father, just as he hopes he’ll say he loves him, and Dennis making a move on him, finally returning physical affection. I’d say that’s a good idea of how Mac processed/was processing what Dennis did. Mac’s mind seemed to be rationalising that he would kill his father by his own hands if he had access to him. Dennis physically destroyed the possibility, ‘proving he loved Mac’ (and further in Mac’s mind, Luther would kill Mac, given the opportunity).
But then, Mac does ‘kill’ [his relationship with] his father by his own hands when he comes out to him. His father doesn’t want Mac’s true self, and won’t listen. So when Mac does have a way to express himself in return, it hurts him. (Again, further affirming himself that Dennis cut off a potential relationship to protect him).
Now what’s really interesting is that they chose to go with letters again, in connection with Mac’s father, they further cast GSC to play his Uncle, made him gay, and weaved the idea of Mac having kids into the play. Isn’t that just all, a lot to chew on…
Honestly it’s hard for me to properly space it out, so I hope the following makes sense (and I am responding to this while on NYC transit, but what better place to dump my brain out):
I think the letters from Luther to Mac being destroyed by Dennis was a solid base they continue to build around through now. I mean, it’s certainly no coincidence that they decided on letters to be his family legacy, letters his mother destroyed before Mac could read. And then it can’t be a coincidence that the last time Mac spoke to his father, the first time he spoke to him since he found out about his letters, he expressed he wanted Mac to have children, and now Mac is telling his Uncle who looks like his father that he wants these new (old) letters for his children (alongside the theme of ignoring a shared sexuality). That’s not a coincidence, I really hope it’s not.
So I think it remains unsaid between the characters for a few reasons. 1. The confessions from TGGTH went down with the ship for all of them (stuff it down with some brown, bury it under the booth, kick it under the kegs). 2. Mac sees it as a twisted act of love from Dennis, so why teeter with that? 3. It’s a base plot device they continue to build off of for now that, maybe, eventually they’ll address, if we ever work back around to another Mac finale (We can see a theme of things being unburied… Or they’ll just let the insane analysts like me draw dots and connect lines and spout my shit through the rest of time.)
Though those are just my thoughts, certainly RCG will have to talk about it when they get to Seasons 11-13 on the Podcast, so that’s something to look forward to in 2.5-3 years!
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transphilza · 2 years
okay. i have taken a moment and now, as your local insane c!wilburian analyst who tends to only focus on what i enjoy about lore, i am going to try to put into words how i felt very candidly about the finale
i don’t normally critique lore pretty much at all because i’m very into Having Fun but because endings sort of recontextualize entire storylines i feel the need to discuss this one from more angles than i usually would, and also just as a way to process what i’m feeling
“disappointed” is a word that probably fits, i’m not gonna sugarcoat that, but i do think it warrants more elaboration at least in terms of my personal feelings
i loooved all the c!crime, c!tommy was amazing and i really enjoyed all their interactions. i think everything they did prior to The Utah Thing was extremely well done and i can’t complain much at all in this regard. i enjoyed tommy standing up for himself to wilbur and i LOVED tommy standing up for wilbur to wilbur. the main issue is that all the amazing buildup to wilbur forgiving himself as the ultimate climax… Obviously.. it didn’t follow through in a way that gave adequate closure to those things that were brought up
this is all kind of obvious though. so, like, Why, is the question now. at first watch, the first thing that came to mind was it being sort of a cop-out…. as in, addressing everything seriously and giving total closure was too immense of a task and maybe due to time constraints or maybe due to just not knowing how, wilbur decided a lighthearted ending would be better received
the issue with that is that i Know wilbur could’ve written an ending with closure?? like. i genuinely don’t think i.. put Too Much Trust in him, or anything like that. i think he truly was fully capable of ending it seriously and on a positive note. so it definitely feels like something was…. lost in translation? whatever the intention was got lost somewhere, which makes a sort of silly and bizarre ending even more confusing than it already might’ve been. because there were obvious paths that he Could have followed but he Didn’t.?
i presume and hope that next time he does a stream he’ll end up talking about this, and why he made that decision, so it will all feel more clear. i just think if i knew Why i would be better able to contextualize it, and so the sort of out-of-nowhere silliness would be less jarring
but honestly, i think…. the utah silly bit being the end Would have been fine if the stuff brought up was just addressed first. like. this is the thing im most upset about — c!wilbur’s depression and his suicidality were never properly addressed by Himself. if that specific moment with tommy, where tommy tells him to forgive himself, if that moment had Followed Through, i’d feel a lot better. if he had been forced to look at himself in the water and say “i’m sorry” or if tommy had said something about his humanity and he started crying and said thank you. like. Anything. anything other than I Was Born And Raised In Utah. i just wanted way more from that and it’s upsetting because it was heavily foreshadowed. and then it didn’t happen and i’m sad about that
as such i really don’t think the lighthearted or less serious ending was a bad idea at all, but rather just the timing of it and what was ignored before it. as a cwilbur person all i ever wanted was a serious conversation about the fact that he is a broken struggling man who deserves happiness and its incredibly sad to have that sort of… dangled in front of me and then not ever given?
i hope to hear more from wilbur about this and his decision making process! i did genuinely enjoy most of the stream, i’m happy wilbur didn’t die and i’m happy he’s gonna go, what, go for a hike in the utahian desert and enjoy nature? or something? but i’m sad he left tommy, and i hope maybe in volume 2 we get some kind of. Anything any implication about that. cause it feels deeply wrong for c!crime to not see each other again, to not have more time to mend.
so, yeah. amazing build up with disappointing follow through, still funny and enjoyable, but certainly lacking heavily in the areas that me and other analysts tend to enjoy most. so, mixed feelings!
i’m proud of him either way, though, i’m proud of him for getting here and i’m proud of him for giving us anything at all. all these things can coexist…. he made an amazing character i will always love
i’ll probably find more to say in the future and if i do i’ll just tack it on in a reblog — but i do absolutely plan to try to legitimately and seriously analyze the utah shit from a literary perspective, just for fun, at some point :) cause it was funny!! and you know what, i guess he’s somewhere safe, where he can heal, and in that way it’s a very open ended sort of ending, and while it lacks closure in a lot of areas, i’m not mad at the concept or the outcome. the idea of him wanting a new beginning all on his own, and perhaps having time to heal before he comes back and mends his relationships. that’s my personal vision of what happens next <3
it has been a pleasure analyzing this weirdo for you all either way and i intend to keep doing so bc he’s always gonna be my blorbo ^_^
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aamleh · 2 years
So i’ve been thinking… bear with me because it’s late and my mind is all jumbled but hear me out:
Mike is shown to be extremely caring with his friends, especially when it comes to Will. Mike would do anything for them, he is a smart cookie, pretty street-smart, that boy knows how to work under pressure. He is constantly defending Will against bullies, not only him, Dustin was one of them at the quarry scene, but it was always with Will in the back of his mind. So anyway, he loves his friends and would protect them if anything happens, it’s in his nature. Keep in mind that Mike is overly protective of Will.
Fastforward to El! He is shown to enact a lot of care for her because of course he loves her, but we know as fellow Byler analysts that he doesn’t love her, so his attitude seem a bit off compared to how he reacts to Dustin being missing (trying to reach out to him multiple times and being worried), and with Will, whom Mike chased after him to Castle Byers, when the Mind Flayer take control of Billy in the sauna (checking on Will) and, the first episode cinema incident. we never saw Mike directly being concerned with El, if im remembering correctly, there’s not even a simple « are you okay? » exchanged, there’s barely any conversations with them this season who seems truthful and without interruption, we’re left with crumbs and barely an explanation. They don’t talk it out at all. Mike doesn’t offers her reassurance, it’s Max and Hopper throughout the season, even his most important monologue of the season is said without her being in the room.
So, If Mike can check on his missing friends and on Will, what’s so different about El? Well, we need to talk about season 4!
Consciously or not, Mike is in love with Will, im not doing an analysis on here but you get my jam. He id convinced he loves El, she is his girlfriend right, so why does he seemed cold with her all goddamn season? Not bothering to check on her at Rink O Mania when Angela shows up, bc clearly El was exuding extreme discomfort, Will picked it on. Not bothering to try to understand her outburst and gaslighting her at the table for it while being all frosty and unbothered and checking on her the morning AFTER. Him not trying to reach after coming back to Hawkins.
The reason is that Mike doesn't consider El as his friend. She is his girlfriend, yes, but they never were friends, they don’t share anything, they don’t understand each other. My point is, Mike doesn’t know what El is in his life because as i said,he never considered her a friend in the first place, it was a crush on an on, and he struggles with the fact that he don’t love her like he think he should because he loves Will, she has no label because he just don’t truly know her and the relationship they have
But he knows Dustin and Lucas, he knows his truth, they’re his friends, the line is clear.
Will is also his friend, but he reacts to him like his lover and he don’t understand the line. It’s messy and a gap is formed between them because of that, because there’s a missing piece inside, and the romantic love he feels for him expand the gap with his own girlfriend bc his instinct is framed on Will even if he is not aware.
So if he treats Will as a lover, subconsciously or not, he can’t treat El like one, but if she isn’t, is she a friend? No, but they can be.
Mike is someone who’ll do anything for the one he loves, but with El? The lines are blurred real hard too. He needs to accept himself and his truth in order to understand his relationship and embrace El as a whole and gain trust and understanding of who she really is, because she’s not the one for him, he can’t come up with himself to try to be here, because his heart is already elsewhere while he tried for El to take Will’s place.
Mike loves El dearly, he cares for her more than anything but the fact that he restrains what he feels for her in a box she don’t fit would never allow him to truly embrace the potential of his love for her, it will always be tense under false pretence, and once he realise he would be the most amazing friend she ever has, they will finally be able to grow and find themselves and be true to one an other!! El needs someone who can be honest with themselves in order to love her romantically, and she needs to free herself first and seek her true path and what she wants to be
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v-cain · 2 years
"The Great Prank War of The BAU"
Pairings: Platonic! Penelope Garcia xm!reader
Fandom: Criminal Minds
a/n: heyyyyy :D wasn't requested but it popped into my head and i thought it would be funny. btw, i dont think i need to warn you guys for anything but please lmk if im wrong ;))
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Penelope Garcia and Y/n L/n are total polar opposites, yet they couldn't be more alike. Garcia is someone who expresses herself through her colourful clothes, bright personality, pretty jewellery and cute decor, whereas Y/n is someone who expresses himself through his dark clothes, quiet personality, excessive jewellery and his (sometimes morbid) paintings.
Most outsiders would look at their appearances and think that they would never get along in a million years, but they would be sorely mistaken. You see, Y/n and Penelope (or Fluttershy and Pinkie Pie, as Morgan puts it) are best friends, through and through. Which is why prank wars are so dangerous.
Garcia looks at the forum chat she's in with Y/n and giggles mischievously. Morgan and Reid decided to team up on them and declare a prank war a few hours ago, which is the worst mistake they could have ever made. I mean, seriously, two FBI agents against a Forensic Scientist and a Technical Analyst? It's a no brainer!
Her attention is drawn back to the screen as Y/n sends more messages to her;
mr.br0wnst0n3r: we could mess with their badges? like put santa hats on them and stuff
p1nk13p13: N/n, that's a felony. I think.
mr.br0wnst0n3r: all the more reason to do it!
p1nk1ep1e: NO!!!!!!!!!
mr.br0wnst0n3r: IM JK IM JK
mr.br0wnst0n3r: i actually have an idea now, im omw to the batcave
Just as she reads the message, Y/n comes bursting through the door, panting heavily. "Holy guacamole, how fast did you run here? You're, like, three floors below me!" The taller doesn't respond, just leans against the wall trying to catch his breath. After a minute he manages to get out "I thought running faster would be more efficient..I was wrong." The duo giggle for a moment before Garcia asks what the plan he was talking about was.
Y/n grins before standing up straight, "Ok, so this would require a ton of effort and bribing-slash-seducing an electrician downstairs. Are you in?" The blonde barely wastes a second before responding with a wide grin "Always. Now, tell me the plan!"
The plan was simple; Y/n was going to stand on a ladder pretending to be an electrician fixing the light above the entrance to the bullpen. He would have a tool box up there with him, except it would be filled with water-balloons. When either Morgan or Reid walked in- hopefully with the other already in the room- Y/n would turn the tool box upside down and the water-balloons would fall ontop of the poor, unsuspecting victim.
Penelope would be the one behind the scenes- she would have to assess whether the new electrician who's actually fixing the lights on floor 6 could be bribed into giving her his clothes, or seducing him into giving her his clothes. She wasn't very excited at the prospect of seducing a fifty-something year old man, but losing The Great Prank War of The BAU was something she couldn't face.
After she puts the clothes out for Y/n, Garcia will return to the bat-cave and man the security footage, waiting for one of the pair to go through the elevator doors. When they do, Penelope will message Y/n one message on her phone, letting him know that the next person to walk through the door is their intended target.
There were a few variables that the pair couldn't count on. A) One of the team realizes it's Y/n and points it out. (bad) B) Water-balloons hit someone who is neither Spencer nor Derek. (worse) C) The water-balloons miss Morgan/Reid entirely (worser) and D) The electrician files a sexual harassment claim (worst case scenario.) Y/n had faith in them, though, and this alone was enough to calm Penelope down from calling off the whole thing entirely.
Of course, to ensure Morgan and Reid didn't think they were up to something, they stole all their pens, "accidentally" broke the coffee machine 3 times in one week, jumpscared them by grabbing their legs from underneath their tables, ect ect. According to the voting stand JJ set up, they're currently tied with the amount of pranks successfully pulled against each other, with only 2 days left in the competition.
Everything was set in place.
Y/n walked into the office at 6:30am this morning. He got changed into the electricians clothes- who was bribed with Krispy Kremes- and filled up his water-balloons in the bathroom. Garcia insisted that they stick some confetti inside too, to make it seem more like a "surprise" (as if water-balloon ambushes aren't surprising?), so there was some paper she found in a nearby shredder in there too.
At 7:15am, Y/n walked into the bullpen with a ladder under his left arm, and a toolbox in his right hand. His phone was in his left pocket, and all his notifications minus Penelopes contact were on silent. Garcia shoved some actual tool appliances into the sides of the toolbox, so it wouldn't look too suspicious. He had taken off his usual make-up and jewelry, shoved his hair under a blue golf cap and kept his head down- he figured this would be the easiest way to make himself unrecognizable.
And it worked.
The only people in the BAU at the time were himself, a few office workers, Emily Prentiss, Luke Alvez and Spencer Reid. Morgans ETA was 8:00am, but depending on whether he slept through his alarm or not Y/n could be on the ladder for and hour. It would be 100% worth it though.
Slowly, as time went by, the bullpen filled until only Morgan was missing. According to the watch on Y/n's hand, it was 8:02am, so he would be arriving any minute. The man could barely contain his excitement, twirling around a screwdriver when-
Y/n opened the toolbox and adjusted it so that he could tip it over the second Morgan walks through the bullpen doors. He throws a quick, 'God, forgive me' and tips the the toolbox onto Morgan.
Everything is silent for a moment before Y/n starts laughing and takes off starts to get off the ladder. People start to recognize what just happened and start laughing along too, and not before long most are in hysterics.
When people start to calm down, Garcia rushes in a exclaims "We did it! We totally won!!" Y/n laughs and hugs his best friend, who is quick to hug him back. Morgan looks shocked at the both of them, "You?! You two did this?!" The pair erupt into laughter, and in-between laughs you can hear "He looks like a wet puppy!"
Morgan and Reid are, needless to say, very unhappy that they lost the The Great Prank War of The BAU, but aren't sore losers. Penelope and Y/n are definitely sore winners, though, and swear to hold this above their heads till the end of time.
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aemiron-main · 10 months
i'm not going to address anything you said because they're valid points, but this:
Thanks for the ask! Also, your ask comes across as very mean girl and backhanded and condescending at times, so maybe you should keep that in mind. Your attempts to be genuine are overshadowed by your condescension, judgemental and backhandedness, unfortunately.
fucking hurts as someone who is also autistic. the reason i said you and your friends act like mean girls is because, like i said in the first ask, you guys are cliquey (definition: narrow exclusive circle or group of persons especially: one held together by common interests, views, or purposes). what i didn't add in the ask is that the memes you guys made of dani, and all that extra stuff, was in my opinion, mean girl behavior.
it doesn't have anything to do with tone, it's your actions. i can't read tone. not to be an autistic stereotype, but while i aced my math, grammar, science, and history ACTs, i bombed my english.
understanding tone is hard for me.
having autism, just like you, i can't "attempt" genuine. especially not over text. it's something im working on, but has plagued me my entire life. i wrote in my ask that i may sound hypocritical, because i wanted you to understand that i'm being genuine, since i know you have autism too. but just reading the words "condescending, judgemental, backhanded" hurts so fucking bad. like a slap in the face for just being who i am.
as someone with autism, i really don't understand why you would use say something like that.
To start off with the end of your ask, maybe I said something like that because you said the same thing to me and because that’s genuinely how you came across? Autistic or not, the way things are said & what things are said does hurt other people sometimes (which is why I personally sometimes use tone indicators or write a little note like “the caps dont mean im mind im just excited!!”)
And I mean, if memes are the issues that you have with that whole conflict and not dani’s weird rape apologist accusation comments or ableist comments, then sort your priorities out I guess? I personally don’t see the issue with making memes about someone who hates on your analysis and calls you weird shit. We make memes about dani, dani answers 15374849 different anons now and then/makes 15374859 different posts about how dumb henry analysts are, life goes on, it’s a symbiotic relationship. And also re: the clique thing, there’s nothing cliquey about it. Some people are closer than others. I’m low energy sometimes so I end up on chatting w people I know sometimes because that takes less energy (and when a bunch of random people accuse you of being pedophiles, it also tends to make you want to interact with random people even less.)
You’re gonna have to be more specific about actions then, because what you mentioned seemed to all be related to tone, and the action you listed re: the memes, like I said, I don’t think is a big issue. And hell, let’s both be autistic stereotypes- because i’m the opposite. I aced my english but cried through every math and science exam and bombed them! But even then, understanding tone is still hard for me too.
When I talk about attempting genuine, I’m talking mostly about how you’re making what seems like good-faith comments one second and then the next second comparing my analysis to a car wreck and saying it’s been disheartening or whatever to watch me and james etc go down this rabbithole. Do you not see how that comes across as non genuine/as hurtful? And RE; the hypocritical thing, I just applied that to the “being anonymous” part of it, because that’s all you mentioned re: hypocrisy.
And now you know what it felt like for me reading your ask. And now you know how you came across in that ask, and as much as it sucks, even when people like you and me don’t mean to come across as hurtful or condescending or “mean girls” sometimes, we still do and people still get hurt by it, even fellow autistic people as with what happened here.
Like I said, in the beginning, I said it because it’s how you came across, and I said it specifically because you were making a post about me coming across as mean, all while accidentally coming across as mean on your own. I wouldn’t have even brought it up if that wasn’t what your ask was about. There’s no slap in the face for being who you are, simply a matter of how what you said came across & how sometimes things don’t come across well despite the best intentions. Like i said- how would you take it if I sent you an anon where one second i was saying that your posts got me into analysis etc and the next second i was saying that something you really enjoy (going down analysis rabbitholes) was like a car wreck? I don’t think you’d appreciate it very much, and I think it would come across as confusing and backhanded, which is how what you sent came across to me.
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kn1feinthec0ffee · 3 years
new love - spencer reid
spencer reid x fem!reader
summary: spencer tells the team about his new girlfriend, y/n.
warnings: fluff in its purest form.
word count: 1503
notes: IM BACK!!! i know it’s been a little while since i posted anything but i actually had the time (and motivation) to write this and i think it’s rlly cute!!
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spencer gazed down at you as you slept, adoration filling his eyes.
last night was the first night you had slept over at his place. he wasn’t really against the idea, other than the fact that you’d wake up alone in his bed. he wished he could stay and cuddle you longer, but unfortunately serial killers had a habit of killing innocent people. it was spencer’s duty to prevent that, and well - duty calls.
spencer couldn’t seem to spur his legs into action, the image of you still asleep and curled up under his covers was one too precious to walk away from. you were spread out on your stomach, your hair sprawled out across the pillow underneath your head, your hands softly grasping the comforter.
spencer found himself immensely grateful for his eidetic memory so that he could never forget how adorable you looked.
in lieu of fully rousing you to say goodbye, he decided on placing a kiss on your forehead. the whimper that the small action elicited from you made his heart clench - and made it that much tougher to leave you.
spencer quickly found some spare notepaper and scribbled a note for you encouraging to call or text if you felt lonely, his chicken scratch hardly legible in his haste.
as he sat on the train that morning, he couldn’t help but realize that everything just seemed so much better now that you were a permanent fixture in spencer’s life. it was as if his life were a coloring page that had suddenly been filled in with the most vibrant of markers - as cliche as that sounds.
the inconveniences that plagued him almost daily now seemed like nothing - for example, the embarrassing half-jog-half-sprint he had to do in order to make it onto the train in time. spencer felt like he had a new outlook on life, and it was all owed to you.
spencer arrived at work, walking into the bullpen with a noticeable pep in his step as he made his way over to his desk. he set down his satchel, only to glance up and find morgan and jj staring at him.
“do i have something on my face?” he frowned, wiping at his face to ensure there was nothing there.
“you didn’t head to the coffee machine straight away,” morgan pointed out, swiveling his chair to face him.
“i, uh, don’t feel like i need it?” spencer’s brows knit in utter confusion at the sudden interrogation he found himself a part of.
“you always get a cup of coffee in the morning, spence, regardless of whether or not we’ve got a case.” jj chimed in.
“and?” he wasn’t quite sure what the point of all this was.
“do you mean to tell us the doctor actually got a decent amount of sleep last night?” derek scoffed.
“i suppose so. is that an issue?” spencer cocked his head, much like a puppy dog.
“no, it’s not an issue at all, it’s just unusual for you.” jj shared a look with morgan, who stood up from his chair to saunter over to the doctor’s desk.
“so who’s the lucky girl, pretty boy?” he grinned.
the heat instantaneously rose to spencer’s cheeks at his words. “wh-what? what girl? i have no clue what you’re talking about!”
“come on, spence, you don’t expect us to realize the way you walked into work with a grin on your face? that hardly ever happens before you’ve gotten any caffeine in you, which - if you’ll remember correctly - you didn’t even have this morning.” jj grinned at the blushing boy.
“come on, that’s no fair! you guys know we’re not supposed to profile each other!” he practically whined, crossing his arms over his chest.
“ooh, who’s profiling who?” penelope said as she scurried towards the trio. “woah - boy wonder you are glowing. what are you hiding from me?”
before he could stop him from answering, derek spoke. “we think pretty ricky’s got a girlfriend.”
a sudden expression of pure joy made its way onto the analyst’s face as a smile lit up her face. “please, please tell me he’s right!”
spencer weighed his options carefully. the two of you were relatively new, and he didn’t want to spoil anything by telling his friends about you so soon. but on the other hand, every time he’d brought them up, you’d mentioned how much you’d love to meet them all one day. so he figured, what would be the harm in telling them?
“yeah. i do have one. a girlfriend, that is.” he spoke awkwardly.
penelope practically squealed as she pulled him into a bone-crushing hug. “i’m so happy for you! but spencer reid, how could you hide this from us? but i need to know absolutely every last detail!”
the way she flipped from excitedness to borderline anger left spencer feeling a little frazzled, but nonetheless happy to share. “her name is y/n, and she works in the bookstore downtown. that’s actually where we met.”
“y/n reid really has a ring to it, doesn’t it?” penelope exclaimed, clasping her hands together.
derek noticed how flustered spencer was becoming with all the sudden attention on both him and his love life and opted to pull her back slightly. “alright, let’s reign it in, babygirl. he only just mentioned her, i’m sure they’re not getting hitched any time soon.”
he sent derek a thankful look before continuing. “we’ve only been dating for a month now, i don’t think either of us are ready for that yet,” he laughed nervously.
“what’s she like?” jj asked, perching on the edge of his desk.
“i can’t even - i don’t even have the words to articulate how wonderful she is,” spencer sighed dreamily. “she’s just so kind and loving and funny and so, so beautiful.”
morgan and jj exchanged a knowing look, while penelope looked like a child who had finally gotten the pony she kept asking for.
“y/n’s one lucky girl,” she grinned a toothy grin. “speaking of y/n, when might the lucky lady like to meet us? please tell me she wants to meet us.”
“she actually really wants to meet you guys, she-“ spencer was cut off as garcia whisked him away to arrange a date with the whole team.
before she could get too far, morgan grabbed him by the arm. “seriously kid, i’m happy for you. she seems like she makes you really happy.”
spencer could only offer a quick ‘thanks’ in response before garcia dragged him all the way to her cave to plan.
“you’re home!” spencer heard you shout as he stepped past the door. he braced for impact as you practically launched yourself into his arms. “how was your day, baby?”
he smiled, pressing a quick kiss to your forehead as you pulled away. “it was good, just a paperwork day, but i didn’t get much done - except for one thing.”
“and what was that?” you quirked a brow at his odd statement.
“i might’ve told the team about us,” he grew slightly panicked as he noticed the shocked expression on your face. “i-i hope that’s okay with you. i know i didn’t ask, but i-“
you took his hands in yours, gently thumbing over his knuckles. “it’s fine by me, i just wasn’t sure if you were comfortable with it, spence.”
his heart skipped a beat at your thoughtfulness, pressing a kiss to your hands. “i don’t know, i guess in that moment, any doubt in my mind went away. n-not that there was any to begin with!”
you stepped up to place a chaste kiss to his lips, silencing his clarifications. “it’s okay, i think it’s sweet. so, what’d they say?”
“they were really happy for me, and i think garcia nearly burst a blood vessel when i told her.” the two of you giggled. “they kept saying how lucky you were, but i couldn’t help but think that i’m the lucky one.”
“oh they’re absolutely right there. i am the lucky one. how else could i have ended up with such a catch like you?” you smirked at the growing blush on your boyfriend’s cheeks.
“after i told them about you, garcia dragged me away to go plan a date for you to meet them, a-and i told her this friday would be fine, so i hope that’s okay with you.” spencer admitted, looking down at you hopefully.
“spence? are you kidding?” you beamed, clasping your hands together in excitement. “i can hardly wait!” you wrapped your arms around his neck, pulling him down for your lips to meet.
his hand came up to cup your cheek, thumbing softly over your cheekbone as he smiled into the kiss. when you finally pulled away, you motioned for him to follow you into the kitchen for dinner.
as you practically skipped away, all spencer could think about was how incredibly thrilled he was to have met you. he wondered if maybe his teammates were right: you were both the lucky ones.
i LOVE how this turn out and i put a lot of thought into this and actually had some friends read over it before i posted it so i hope u guys love it too 😊
as usual i’m tagging ppl on my taglist & ppl who i think might be interested :)
tags: @sojournmichael @stinkyelf @crazyfore3 @cal-ifornication @eggygorl02 @howdycharlie @eosprincess @mortallythoughtfulgurl @illuxions-x @unlikelyempathpruneauthor @blankets-for-bees @holycandypizza @flyingbabyunicornnamedangel @lovelyrdjr @elitereid @minnie-bby @rexorangecouny @ashwarren32 @fantastic-fans @keomoon @elric8097 @jjtheangel @spacedikut @whoreforthebau @angelbunnyoxo @theonewithcriminalminds @andiebeaword @big-galaxy-chaos @beatleszeppelin @averyhotchner @dreatine @you-sunshine
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midnightsnace · 3 years
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A Thousand Worlds
Summary: Fix it fic of sorts after the trauma that was episode 6 of the Loki series. Loki is in pain after discovering Mobius doesn’t remember him. He’s been living in apocalypses to avoid capture by this new TVA until he formulates a plan to get his Mobius back.
Rating: T for later chapters
Emotional angst.
Chapter One.
Chapter Two.
“And so that’s where I grew up, the ends of a thousand worlds.”
The ends of a thousand worlds. The words of his accomplice echoed through the god’s mind as he fiddled with the straps of his worn and tattered holster. The fluorescent above him flickered with every gust of wind that battled against the sides of the building that Loki was crouched down in. He slid his long legs out against the tiled floor in front of him and sat with his head propped against the wall. He sighed. Loki tapped his foot on the door of the space he was hiding in to close it, drowning out the cries of fear from the people outside in their final hours of life. There he sat waiting for the tempad to charge. Alone. Living in another world where every person he met would be dead by the end of the day. Another world where Mobius didn’t exist. His Mobius.
Was this what it was like? For her? To never be able to stay in one place for more than a day? To always see the same faces riddled with fear as they awaited their painful fate? To only know destruction, screaming, fires, earthquakes, the literal gates of hel? To be utterly alone with your only desire to live in the hope that one day your glorious purpose would be fulfilled?
Glorious purpose.
Loki scoffed. The god didn’t know what his purpose was anymore. Taking down the TVA was a complete failure. The chances for fixing the mess they started seemed impossible now as branches grew and new timelines erupted, with endless TVAs to monitor every universe. At least, that’s what Loki assumed. He knew next to nothing about what they had unleashed. It wasn’t the same TVA. Different hunters, different analysts, different ruler. Many he recognized, but they were still different people. They weren’t the same. She wasn’t the real B. He wasn’t his Mobius. And Loki was at a complete loss on how to find them again.
The first tempad he stole only brought him back to the place he snatched it from. The same Time Variance Authority where Mobius didn’t remember him and not a single file existed for Loki Laufeyson, God of Mischief, God of Outcasts, God of Lies. Even when he dragged the analyst through the timedoor into the roxxcart parking lot to access his memories, nothing existed of him. No laughter over silly metaphors, mischief at pompeii, not even the memory of their first encounter in the elevator. It was like they never met. This led to Loki wasting away their days hopping from one disaster to the next until his brain racked up a solution. The TVA never once did follow him. Why would they? No one remembered his brilliant discovery about the apocalypses. He could run free. But as the days whittled by, the hope Loki had began to fade into nothingness.
For awhile he kept track of the places he went and the time that had passed.
Day 1 - I finally stole a tempad and left that dreadful place. I came here first. Hoping I’d see you. But I guess that’s not how time travel works in apocalypses. No trace we were ever here. The storm reminded me of my brother. I hope to see him again one day. Now that I know we could have been friends. Everything was eventually going to be okay.
Day 24 - I’ve been sitting in a coffee shop awaiting the earthquake of 2098. Met a lovely redhead with the most peculiar of tattoos. But alas! Little does she know this friendship could never blossom in the wake of death!
Day 37 - I miss him. My brother. The pain that solitude brings makes me think of home more often. How ironic that the very place that caused me the most pain I miss. But anything is better than this. So today I visited home right before its destruction. I saw my brother. I saw Thor from afar. Oh how I wish I could have talked to him somehow and tell him i’m sorry for being such an ass.
Being there brought back memories of the silly metaphor he made using Mobius’ lunch. The corners of Loki’s mouth crept into a smile at the thought. But that smile faded away in the next second and was replaced with tears.
Day 56 - I went to Pompeii again. I stood in the shadows. I tried to picture your expressions of skepticism at my insane ideas. I tried to picture how your face lit up with pride and joy when you realized I was right. I wish I could have stayed longer but I never can anywhere I go.
He whistled like a bird before he exited through the time door.
By day 125 he had lost his will to live again. It was their fourth visit to Lamentis-1. Perhaps it was a mistake on his part to journey here once more and feel both the pains of betrayal and heartache at the prospect of never seeing Mobius again. The second time they had visited Lamentis, the god decided to stay until the very last second with the false hope that maybe him facing death would create a nexus event. His mobius would come find him and save him at the last second. But the time door never came. Maybe it was because he knew there was a chance to escape and he could take it. Or maybe it was because there were so many time branches no one would care to fix a world that was about to end.
“You were always meant to be alone.”
And so this time Loki threw the tempad to the ground and waited. He watched as the lethal disaster unfolded before his eyes once more, ready to die. Alone. Alone with no one to assure him everything will be alright in the face of death. Not a single soul would know he was gone. No one would care.
But at the last second they saw something on the tempad that made them change their mind. A glimmer of hope.
Any hope Loki had, a glorious purpose he had left to fulfill, it was in finding Mobius. It was the only desire left that fueled him to keep existing. He was all that mattered. His only friend. The only person left among the universes who trusted him and saw beyond his flaws. The only person left who hadn’t betrayed the fragile levels of trust the god could give. He was his hope that one day, he wouldn’t have to be alone.
And so he found himself walking the streets of New York in the summer of 2197, on the brink of some disaster he knew nothing about. Not a single idea when it would happen, where it would occur, and what he was doomed to witness. He saw something that could potentially lead him to his destination. The tempad had given him an alert for an aura match - two of the same people in one place. An oddity. Something that wasn’t supposed to exist.
They weren’t just any entity either. They were registered hunters in the TVA database. Which meant one had to be from another universe.
And he knew the TVA would be coming for them.
He had to get there first.
Loki speed walked down the sidewalk frantically scanning his surroundings for any clue as to what was happening. He couldn’t read any signs of fear or confusion on the faces of those who passed him. He didn’t know how much time he had.
Upon hearing shouts of anger, Loki broke out into a run across the street towards the source, dodging every dystopian vehicle that nearly collided with him in the process. It was coming from the roof of the parking tower. With a snap of his magic, Loki teleported himself to the top, hiding behind a parked vehicle to assess what he was working with.
There were two agents standing about 10 feet away who looked nearly identical, one waving her arms frantically while the other looked on stoically, possibly from shock, with a pruning stick in hand. Loki locked eyes on the tempad fastened to the belt of the frantic one. Then he glanced at the one in the other hunter’s hand.
Well shit.
Now he had to figure out which agent had jumped from the other timeline. He quickly flashed himself closer to the two, but not before one caught on that someone was there.
“I was given orders by a man to…what was that?” one of the hunters asked.
Loki crouched down farther on the other side of the wall. He reached for a dagger, ready to pounce once their suspicions subsided. They listened intently to the words from the first hunter for the first clue on who to attack.
“He sent me here to grab this,” the hunter pulled up someone on her tempad, “entity and leave. Those were the orders given to me. So if you’ll excuse me.”
The other hunter planted herself in front of her clone. “I can’t let you do that. Not until you’ve told me everything I want to know. How are you me? How is this possible?”
The first hunter was from an alternate timeline. Loki took that as his cue. But before he could sneak behind the hunter, he was shot backwards by a blast of energy from a ring of light.
Out from the ring stepped a peculiar man with graying hair who was wearing blue robes and an assymetrical cloak that sparked the curiosity of the confused hunter. Within a split second, the portal closed behind him. Loki laid very still on the concrete and held his breath in the hopes that the man would believe him to be dead.
“You know I can tell when someone is playing dead.”
Loki grimaced and winced as he heaved himself off the ground. He came face to face with the strange man, his hand lingering in the air where he placed the pocket for his dagger.
“You.” was all the man said.
“Am I supposed to know you?” the god questioned.
“You always manage to show up in New York again at the most in-opportune times.” The man raised his hands and Loki mimicked his movements, summoning his daggers in place.
“I’m gonna assume we’ve met before sir, perhaps in the future? I don’t know! And i’m terribly sorry about New York! Look let me explain…” they lowered their hands in their attempt to make peace with the angry man in front of him.
“Dr. Strange.” He kept his fist in the air, golden sparks flying from whatever spell he had in mind to attack the prince with. “And until you prove otherwise Im going to assume you are here for hostile reasons.”
Loki blinked. Well he’s kind of not wrong, they thought.
“Well I’m afraid I can’t prove anything else.” and with that the god blasted the sorcerer into the nearest column with their magic and teleported across the space.
Loki noticed that one of the hunters had disappeared. He assumed she had returned to the TVA. The other was charging towards him fast. He whipped out his daggers to face his attacker, but suddenly his feet were dragged out from under him and he hit the concrete hard. He was being dragged backwards, body scrapping against the concrete. So fast, that the god could barely think about what was happening to him.
When he came to his senses he cut the magic ropes with his powers and rolled across the ground. So he was dealing with another magic user, this “Dr. Strange.” Loki teleported again before he was up on his feet to where he was standing directly behind the hunter.
“D-11…” Dr. Strange said with a hint of caution in his tone.
So this was the man Hunter D-11 was working for. Before the hunter could turn around to face them, Loki snatched the tempad off her belt and snapped himself to the furthest side of the building. Dr. Strange reacted quickly and stood his ground in front of Loki, prepared to attack again.
“Loki, perhaps we can work out some type of deal. What is it that you want? Maybe I can help you. Maybe we can reach a compromise.”
Offer him a deal? Nah.
“I’m done trusting people I’ve just met. All they ever do is stab me in the back.” he conjured the time door behind him.
Strange titled his head. “You do realize we can follow you right straight back to the TVA?”
Loki turned to face him and D-11. “You’ll never find me. You won’t know the first place to look.” The time door closed with Loki inside of it, before the two even had a chance to reach their hands out to follow the god.
And that’s how Loki had ended up here. At Roxxcart again, waiting for the new tempad to charge up before hopping through timelines again.
He breathed in deeply as he felt the bubble of excitement, relief, and happiness build in his chest for the first time in months at the prospect of achieving his goal. Being reunited with the only one who mattered: Mobius. His Mobius.
But as he released his breath in a sigh, his chest tightened again and worry clouded his mind. What if this didn’t work? What if this was just another dead end? What if this was just another one of the countless TVAs that might exist in the vast multiverse?
At first, all Loki felt was sadness and regret in the days following Sylvie’s betrayal. But now all he felt was anger boiling deep inside him. That same unwelcome feeling he experienced after discovering his father lied to him. The feeling that harbored in the abyss of Thanos’ chambers. The feeling that never left his soul until Mobius looked him in the eyes and assured him that he didn’t have to be the villain in his story.
She had taken everything from him and he was afraid he couldn’t wash away the resentment this time. He wanted desperately to feel anything besides the pain he had known for the past year.
He needed to feel love again.
“He cares about you.”
Loki couldn’t wait any longer. He picked up the tempad and tapped the time door request for the TVA home base. He drew in a shaky breath as he paused in front of the portal.
This was it.
He was either about to be reunited with his greatest source of happiness, or find himself hiding in apocalypses again for months as he searched for another plan.
And he would do it. He would search through a thousand worlds to find him.
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flower-zombie-rob · 2 years
Hello! I am the original 'septic-dr-schneep' anonymous person! I did not mean to cause discourse on Tumblr.
I wanted you to feel safe and validated, not shut down and harmed by Christian indoctrination. I have seen all of the screenshots in the past, which is why I had to tell you this.
(I actually contacted 'septic-dr-schneep' in the past about her views. She never responded.)
I am so glad that you did not believe me at first; that shows that you are more mature than most people on this site. It also shows that you are a free thinker, not blindly going off of something you saw.
You are valid, and with Pride Month coming up, I hope you feel even more valid!
Thanks im glad there are people that actually like the disagreement with following baseless accusations. The online world needs tk be more attentive because if theyre not you or a different anon could have really quickly spread misinformation through my blog.
Dont worry about me or anything, im alright, nobodys come attacking me or anything like they have in the past when i debated with radfems or terfs, everyones actually been very kind to me in discussing this. Im not myself an experiencer of being indocrinated as a christian beleiver, ive always been an atheist, but i can understand how having really negative experiences with gay people can make you think things that you dont understand the harm of. I was pretty harshy bullied by two people who practically let their claim to queerness become their entire personality and that lead me to a lot of self loathing and negative thinking to that community and myself. Since then ive come to terms with it and almost adopted the opposite of the christian beleif. Im more of a "hate the sinner not the sin" when it comes to those kinds of people (its not their sexuality thats causing them to act like assholes, even if theyre using it as an excuse like a "boo hoo im oppressed so im allowed to bully you" sort of thing since they didnt know i too was queer just not open with it) now and i can see how septic dr shneep might have a lot of self loathing. No one will ever know what her mind is like so i like to not go off the one ask and get agressive at someone for thoughts that arent explicitly hurting everyone or being pushed onto other people. Ive always prefered a critical analystic aproach.
Thanks for enlightening me though, i never wouldve known this about her before now so im glad i can form a better understanding if her as a creator and get the undertones if some of her actions and posts now!
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b0rista · 3 years
Oh my god, oh my GOD you gave me the most ridiculous brainrot with those hcs of the Titan trio in a gloomy city, I literally haven’t stopped thinking about it all day. If you’re still open for requests, could you maybe write something similar, but with the reader having a crush on bertholdt, or being his s/o in that au? Thank you so much if you do, I hope you have a lovely day! 🥰
♡︎ : PLEASE I'M SO GLAD THAT YOU LIKED ITDK I LOWKEY FELL OFF AT THE END BUT TYTY 🥺 and tbh i was THIS CLOSE 🤏 to turning it into a bert x reader post so you like read my mind PLSKD. and i hope you have a lovely day, too!! 🥺
reader x bertholdt version of this! i suggest reading those headcanons first because i absolutely refuSe to attempt to explain the atmosphere again because i'm illiterate gegsgdgh
if you'd like a music recommendation for when you're reading this, literally just play the band cigarettes after sex and you'll get the vibe i'm tryna put off 😭
also this is long and dragged out and im SORRYYFHF
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because there isn't a whole lot to change (other than bertholt's feelings for annie; he's older, so in this version, he's over it entirely), everything will be the same as it was in the first part. the four of you, all living in extremely gloomy territory. you're only close with eachother, and it's the sour scent of cigarette smoke and green tea keeping the lot of you sane. that, and the rain. the sweet, senseless rain.
as before, bertholdt's in his twenties, and currently working as a philosophy professor's assistant. his workplace is at a local community college, where you and the other two occasionally visit.
the same goes for the others, as well— while annie's a policy analyst, reiner's taken up certified training. again, not much is different from the first version, if anything at all. what you do for a living is entirely up to you. as for lodging, you're still sharing an apartment with annie, and the boys still visit far too often than remotely necessary. for such a big city, the four of you don't really get out much. really, if you ever do, it's with eachother. you're a very, very tight-knit posse.
back during your college campus days, you're liking toward bertholdt was merely platonic. after all, not only were the bunch of you focused on your academia, but he was always the quieter sort. back then, you were more close to reiner, and even annie, who's worse. still, that didn't mean the two of you didn't interact quite a bit. whenever you were struggling with your studies, he was always offering to help. if we're being entirely honest, there were quite a few exams that you'd have likely failed if it weren't for his assistance.
now, the two of you have grown far more comfortable with one another. of course, college was years ago. as time went on, you'd managed to get closer to him, and vice versa. all four of you are close, despite you having turned their trio into a quartet only a mere matter of years ago. somehow, it felt as they were waiting for you to join them.
if you read the part before this one, you read the instance of which you were hassled on the subway, ultimately leading to an actual buddy system in your favor. well, your friends claim that it's in your favor, anyway. really, it feels like babysitting. they don't like whenever you board the underground train by yourself, and you've been caught trying once or twice. the first time, it was by reiner, who nearly bit your head off. the second time, it was by bert, who was mildly displeased.
instead of scolding you, though, he only boarded the same train as you, offering to see you home. unlike reiner, bertholdt isn't aggressive, especially towards you. if anything, he's protective. he doesn't like it whenever the lingering eyes of a stranger land on you, and he sure as hell isn't fond of the thought of another man taking you home. if you're the more flamboyant sort, and you're unafraid of a fling or two, he'll be quietly bitter. of course, he'll never tell you what to do with your life. he'll tell you to be careful with who you trust, and to stay safe. he's only one call away.
back to your feelings, though. currently, your quiet crush on bertholdt is rising with every given day. it's a struggle, bearing feelings for a man so closed off. nevertheless, it's uncontrollable. fortunately, your pining towards him is more subtle than it is obvious, so he's yet to actually realize. that, and he's fucking oblivious. annie and reiner, however? they're as observing as they come. they know about it, and while they don't tease you, they do root for you. reiner more than annie, because annie's horrible at that sort of thing. still, 10/10 friends.
as of right now, you have three pieces of bertholdt's clothing in your closet. a sweater, a scarf, and a t-shirt. he hasn't asked for any of them back, so they're practically yours. they were all loaned to you on seperate occasions. and although he'll never tell you, there's an actual reason for why he hasn't asked for them back— one time, while you were wearing his sweatshirt, he caught a brief glimpse of you from afar: you were bringing the collar to your nose, inhaling the bittersweet scent of his cologne, his scent. you looked so pleased, and it fucking melted him. he can't bring himself to take anything back that he gives to you.
cuddling. all of you cuddle, though it's a bit subtle. whenever the four of you gather at you and annie's apartment after a rough week, you all have this moment where for hours, you simply sit in silence, watching the rain pour atop the cityscape from the other side of the balcony. the television is lowly drumming in the background, and glasses of tea mixed with pure whiskey sit ontop of the coffee table behind you. you do this as a group, and it's weirdly cinematic. when annie's head isn't rested against your shoulder, you like to press the bottom of your chin onto the top of bertholdt's head. from behind him, your arms lazily wrap around his shoulders, and he sinks into you. this is such a weekly occurrence, neither of you even think much of it. after all, reiner and annie are falling asleep ontop of one another beside you. when they do, you and bertholdt often have a quiet conversation. it's sweet, and exactly what the two of you need.
one time, he took you to an ice sculpture festival. it was the midst of winter, and there was one showcasing in the city. of course, the other two were invited. however, they both claimed to be "busy," when really, they went out to see a movie so the two of you could actually do something together. that being said, you went as a pair.
it was actually fun, to your surprise. not because of the sculptures themselves, but because of how much bertholdt actually liked them. for being so closed off, he showed quite a bit of interest in them. y'all know he's artsy. you couldn't help yourself— as he was silently gawking over a ten foot sculpture of a roaring tiger, you called him cute.
of course, knowing him, he immediately started to flush. due to the weather, he easily pinned the redness of his cheeks to the cold. you, of course, were smarter than that.
speaking of the cold, you were freezing. while you made sure to bundle up, you didn't think to bring a scarf. the blisteringly cold wind tickled at your exposed neck, earning itself a shiver from you. you may not have thought much of it, but he certainly did.
from directly behind you, you felt a hand move to hold your hair out of the way as a large, burgundy fabric coiled itself around your neck, immediately encasing you in its warmth. glancing both behind and above you, you saw bertholdt, snugly tying his own scarf around you. from the looks of it, he thought nothing of it. you were cold, and he wanted to fix that. still, the brief collision of his palm against your bare skin was enough to make you melt.
cigarette sharing. this is just,, a thing. the entire group does it, you and bertholdt especially. there have been plenty of instances where you've snatched a dart from in between his lips, bringing it to your own. vice versa, as well— he's a bit more gentle with it, though. when he reaches for your lips, he's careful, and his knuckles ever so slightly graze against your face as he tugs the cigarette from out of your mouth. to this day, you debate surprising him with a quick kiss to his hand.
speaking of kisses, several have been placed on your forehead. despite not being an item, after a particular rough moment, bertholdt's incredibly tender whilst comforting you. by your shoulders, you'll be pulled into an embrace, where he'll bury his nose within your hair while quietly reassuring you. using your chin to raise your face, he'll place a soft, sweet kiss on the center of your forehead. it's short, but effective.
this man is your personal umbrella. if it's pouring rain—which it usually is— and you're without coverage, he is your coverage. he'll either pull off his jacket and use it to cover your head from the rain, or you'll be sheepishly pulled into his chest, where he sacrifices his back to keep you dry.
if the two of you ever exchanged your feelings toward one another, it would be through a dramatic, rainy confession.
you likely went first, blurting out what you felt through a flash of frustrated impulse; it was pouring down rain, and somehow, the two of you had gotten into a conflict in the parking lot of bertholdt's apartment complex. now, you were shouting at him, "perhaps it's because i love you, you goddamn imbecile!"
and he just,, stared. you stared in horror, he stared in utter shock. now, the two of you were drenched, and you were absolutely mortified.
after a couple of moments, you would falter. digging into the left pocket of your coat, you would pull out your pack of marlboros— despite the rain, you moved to get a smoke. "fuck this," you said, "i need a cigarette."
however, right as you flipped the top of the pack open, it would be abruptly smacked out of your grasp, rendering you speechless. and before you could even regain those words of yours back, they were quickly halted by the lips of another, shutting you up for good.
with multiple year's worth of pent up emotions, you and bertholdt kiss beneath the weeping sky.
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goldencatchflies · 4 years
Plum Sauce
Read on AO3
Fandom: Criminal Minds
Pairing: Derek Morgan/Spencer Reid
Warnings: spoilers for 7x13
Word Count: 1525
A/N: Credits to @rcllthecredits for being an a m a z i n g co-author! Ilysm babey!!! ♡♡♡ Set during, and after 7x13
Spencer is leaving the gambling house when he gets a call from their technical analyst.
“Hey Garcia, did you find anyth—“ He started, but she cut him off before he could even finish his sentence.
“No, no, I’m calling you, because this has been nagging at me all day, and I don’t know how to tell you, and I’m so sor—“
“Wait, hold on, slow down!” He tells her, “What’s this about?”
“Derek!” She answers, and she can practically see the skeptical look on his face.
“Wha-“ he looks around, slowly separating himself from the group. “What about him?” He crosses his free arm round his torso, and furrows his eyebrows.
“I... I, um... I think, I’m not sure, I haven’t talked-“
“Garcia?!” He cuts her off.
“Right, sorry! I think that, last night... I- I don’t know what happened! I woke up, and he was in my shower, and-“
“IM SORRY, WHAT?!” He screams at her. “Tell me you’re joking!”
“I really wish I was, boy wonder, I’m sorry, I had a little bit too much wine, and I don’t know what happened...” she tries to excuse, but if she doesn’t even believe herself, how would Spencer?
“GARCIA, HOW COULD YOU DO THIS? YOU KNOW I LIKE HIM!” He whisper-yelled, leaning in to phone. He looked around when he heard a whistle—Emily, waving him over, while getting in one of the SUVs and rolling down the window.
“Look, I gotta go, I’ll talk to you when I get back!” He hung up, not giving enough time for her to respond, and made his way over, standing outside the driver’s door of the SUV occupied by Emily.
“Hotch said you and Morgan are going to his house, maybe he went back there.” She told him, and drove off once he nodded and stepped away. He walked toward the other black vehicle, where Derek stood leaning against the driver’s door. They looked at each other, nodding, and got in the car.
“Yeah, Hotch, there’s nobody here. There’s a foreclosure sign on the front lawn!” Derek said, as they re-entered the SUV.
“Ok, you and Reid stay there in case he comes back!” Their boss’s voice rang through the other side, as he hung up moments later.
“Alright, spit it out!” Derek said, propositioning himself on the driver’s seat, so he had his left knee up to his chest, slightly turned to face the younger agent on the seat next to his.
“Huh?” Spencer asked, lifting his head to meet Morgan’s gaze.
“You’ve been quiet the entire ride, no facts, no statistics, it’s like you’re not even here! Something’s clearly bothering you, pretty boy!” He explained.
“Why don’t ask Penelope?” He mumbled under his breath, dropping his hands to his lap, and looking down once more.
“What was that?” Derek asked, leaning forward just a little, to see if he could catch the other man’s words.
“Nothing... Just... nothing to say I guess...” Spencer shrugged, and Derek put a hand on his, which Spencer took hesitantly. “I just... I didn’t think you were the kind of person to do something like that...” he removed his hand from under Morgan’s, and crossed his arms around his chest. Morgan furrowed his brows, and removed his hands from Spencer’s knee.
“What’s that supposed to mean?!” He said, a very skeptical tone creeping at his voice.
“I- nothing, forget I said anything...” Spencer said, and drowning out Derek’s complaints by turning on the radio. After a while, he gave up trying to get Spencer’s attention, and focused on the scenery around them, looking for anything suspicious, as BANNER’s Someone To You filled the awkward silence of the black SUV.
“Ok, what happened between us was popcorn, and a movie on tv... which you fell asleep in the middle of, by the way!” Derek told Penelope as they sat in her layer, once the the team got back from the case.
“So you sleept on the—“ she said while gasping.
“Couch!” He finished for her.
“Yes, you did!” She got up to hug him. “Oh, thank you! Oh, thank you god for maintaining the integrity of my most beloved of friendships,” she cupped the back of his neck, while shaking her head side to side, “and from now on I promise only mostly,” she kept going while tiling her head at the ceiling. Derek looked at her with furrowed brows, and a confused expression as she continued. “The purest of mineral water will cross these lips!” She finished.
“Hey, plum sauce, you coming?” Kevin bagged in the door, making them both look.
“Yeah! I’ll be right there!” She answered, and you could hear the smile on her face.
“Hey Derek!” Kelvin said, closing the door slowly, giving time for the other man to answer.
“Hey, what’s up man?” He responded.
“Since the fight we have decided to have a standing date every Tuesday night.” She told him, with the widest smile on her face.
“Good luck with that, with this job.” He said, and she hummed. “You got a great guy out there. You know that, right?” he asked, pointing at the door.
“I know” she nodded. “What does a girl do when she has two great guys?!” She placed a hand on his shoulder.
“She doesn’t pour herself that extra glass of wine!”
“Oh, yeah!” She rolled her eyes mockingly, and gave him a hug.
“Ok, love you, bye!” She bouncy-walked towards the exit, as Morgan sat down at her desk.
“Plum Sauce?” He asked himself, and gave a light chuckle.
“Plum Sauce?” He looked up to see Spencer walking into to the room, his bag around his shoulders, as per usual.
“Kevin! He just called Penelope ‘Plum Sauce’!” He informed him.
“Right... So-“ he started, but was interrupted by the older agent.
“You-“ they cut each other off, and chuckled.
“You first!” The young doctor waved one of his hands in the air aimlessly, signaling the other man to go.
“She-...” he ponders a way to phrase his thoughts. “Garcia, she thought...” he trailed off once he realized Spencer already knew what he was about to say. He looked up at Spencer, “but you already knew that...” he got off the desk, and took a step towards him. Spencer looked down, fiddling with the strap of his sachet. “Is that why you’ve been so quiet?” Spencer didn’t answer for a second, thinking of the right words while Derek walked towards him until he was but inches away.
“I- it’s... um.. it’s not like that... I-“ Spencer stutters.
"C'mon pretty boy, spit it out." Derek said in a soft but firm way. His eyes holding a gleam of hope.
The young genius stuttered, should I take the risk? It’ll be better between us when he says no, right? Spencer reid had never been one for risks, but at the words of many greats, he'd say what was on his mind.
"I-um i like you" he forced out like bile pouring out of an upset stomach. Fear present his eyes, his body was scrunched up as close as can be. Derek however was beyond elated, feeling as if he was on cloud nine. Ultimately, he took a step closer to the younger man, placing his hand on his waist, the other cupping his cheek. Spencer was... surprised, to say the very least, where was the rejection?
"May i?" the older agent asked, voice barely above a whisper.
"Y-yes." the doctor choked out. "Yes please!" he felt as if he was dreaming and any second the pain of reality would hit him. It never did... and at those words, Derek closed the gap between them, taking chapped lips into a chaste kiss. They separated moments later, Spencer’s lips a dark peach, his pupils blown wide, as his head spun.
“Why don’t I take you home?” The older man asked with a shit-eating grin, removing Spencer’s bag from over his head, to rest it on his own-bulky-shoulder. He took Spencer’s hand in his own, the poor boy practically melting under the soft touch, as he followed Derek out of Garcia’s office.
As they made theire way to Derek’s car, Spencer thought if this was really what he wanted. Was he willing to let him self be even more vulnerable around the man he’d been pining after for years? What if he leaves? What will you do with yourself then, Spencer? He heard his mother’s voice in his head. Learn to live without him... but for now, I’ll appreciate any moment spent with him. He smiled. He felt as if there was a weight lifted off his shoulders. No more worries. No more unrequited feelings. It’s just us now, Spencer thought, taking Derek’s hand in his own. And I’m perfectly fine with that.
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gourdgirlmagazine · 4 years
Criminal Minds FanFic- The Interview
You step into the elevator and press the button that says 9. You take a step back as the doors start to close and you take a deep breath to prepare yourself for the jolt when the elevator starts to move. The box slowly starts moving to the 9 floor of the FBI Behavioral Analysis Unit Headquarters.L, 2, 3 The screen shows as the elevator slowly goes up. Today is the interview you have been waiting for ever since the presentation that was held at your college about the bau. You shift awkwardly and adjust your bag, 5,6,7. Ever since then you wanted to become a profiler and today you are finally gonna get a shot at making you dream come true. Although it's not the exact job you wanted, it's the closest you will get. Deep in thought you are alarmed by the ding of the doors before they slowly open to reveal the BAU floor.
You quickly step out before the doors get called to the next floor. You sigh in awe of the sight of the place that you could possibly work at. As the doors close behind you, you start to walk up to the big glass doors that separate the elevators and hallways from the hussle of the offices and cubicles. You pull open one of the glass doors with the bau logo on it and you are hit with the beautiful sound of work. A printer is printing something in the distance. A phone is ringing. People are typing on their computers. An agent is laughing while talking to another agent. And the strong smell of sweat and coffee. You knew you just had to work here.
You were so immersed by the smell, sounds, and sights that you don't see the guy, whose head is stuck in a book, quickly walking to the doors. And you take a step forward, you clash right into him.
“Er um sorry,” he mumbles.
You didn't pick up what he said out of surprise from the impact “Huh? Oh I'm so sorry. I should have watched where I was going. Are you ok?”
“Yah I'm fine. The projectile of our collison was slow enough that it's isn't possible for either one of us to have any physical harm, just embarrassment.” He says. You make eye contact with him and you glance at his id which says, Ried, Spencer which a picture of him slouched and his hair moved to the side. He looked nothing like his picture. His hair was parted down the middle with volume and he was wearing glasses. No to mention the fact of how innocent he looked in the picture compared to the man who you were standing in front of.
“Wow. Way to throw me under the bus.”
“No No No i didn't mean it like that i'm just saying that i am physically fine and you should be too but bumping into someone leads to embarrassment. I know that I am not embarrassed because this has happened to me many times before but from your body langued, I can tell that you are embarrassed or uncomfortable. Can also tell that you are new here”
“How did you”
As he starts to go he touches your lover back to move around you and whispers in your ear, “i can see it in your eyes” And walks away. You inhale and smell aftershave and something sweet but you can't quite put your finger on what it is. “Oh and by the way newbie, Hochners room is 2011”
In shock by your encounter, you recollect yourself and take a deep breath in and out and walk to the room number that was that the mysterious man said- room 2011. You walk up the stairs while being on high alert to not bump into anyone else. Once you reach the room, the door reads, Aaron Hotchner. You knock three times and wait for the sound of approval. Aaron you thought.
“Come in”. A muffled voice says.
You slowly open the door and walk in, closing the door behind you. “Hi Im y/f/n and i am here for the interview to be your new communications coordinator.”
“Ah yes. Please take a seat. Did you bring your resume?” He asks while he pushes the send button on his computer and turns to face you. He was wearing a blue shirt and a green tie. On the shirt there was one spot that wasnt all the way unwrinkle. No wife you thought if he leaves the house like this. Single. 
“Yes sir, I did.” you fumble through your purse and pull out the file which you slide over to the agent. “I just finished academy training for the FBI and I am a graduate of Yale with a major in cognitive science and phycology and sociology and I minored in forecnics and was at the top of my class.”
He cuts you off “Okok no need to show off. I can tell you are very ambitious and that you are a hard worker. That is something that the BAU wants. Our last coordinator was ambitious just like you. She sadly had to be transferred so our digital analysis has been taking over but i feel as though we need an experienced communications coordinator, but i don't see anything about communications on your resume. Tell me more about that.”
“Well I originally was hoping to be a profiler but there were no spots so when i heard that you needed a communications coordinator for a little. I knew i had to try it out because maybe after you can see my skills, you would make an exception to add me to your team.”
“y/l/n, we are looking for someone with experience in talking to the press and police, not a young just out of the academy woman who is successful in school. No disrespect to your desire but if you don't have the experience for this job then you are wasting my time.”
“Wait, I do have experience, i took classes in public speaking and you know by my quick learning and adaptability, that i will do just fine in this job...”
He cuts you off and says “But fine isn't enough at the BAU. Thank you for your time Ms y/l/n.”
“Can you just try?” you fight back the pilling tears and stand up “You said yourself that you had a digital whatever who has been taking over for her and she is a F*CKING TECH LADY. I feel like I can do a lot better than that. I am experienced in so many other things that it would be a big opportunity to pass up.” then the tears release and you start to cry.
Hotchner is speechless and has no clue what to do now. He awkwardly passes over a box of tissues and clears his throat. You reluctantly grab a tissue and wipe the stream of tears away and grab another one to blow your nose. You take a second to catch your breath before making eye contact with Hotchner as he straightens his tie in discomfort. “Not an emotional one, are you?” you smirkingly say sarcastically.
“Most people say i have an aloof, grim or distant personality.” He says.
“Oh sh*t Im so sorry.”
“Watch your profanity, Ms y/l/n”
“Sorry. Um but anyways, I apologize for crying, I am just a very passionate person who strives to reach their goals and i didnt want this opportunity to pass. I am 100% sure I have ruined it all for yelling at my potential boss and then sobbing. What a great first impression. Way to go y/n”
“Well beside that fact that you were yelling, you did make some valid points. I was being a little bit biased and unfair for letting our digital analysis take the spot for a while and not giving you a chance. I too am very passionate about my dreams and one of my dreams is to have a working team and I too don't want to have my opportunities slip. How about we make a deal because I like your work and your passion. Tomorrow we have a briefing for a new case, you can sit in and watch but try to keep it low-key. After you give me a profile on the unsub and how you will address the press and police on what things to look out for. If all goes well, I would like it if you come along with us. You and our digital analyst will work together to notify the press and police and so on. Does that sound good?” Hotchner says.
“That would be better than anything. Thank you for giving me a second chance and giving me this wonderful opportunity. I promise I won't disappoint you.” you say.
“I hope not. In the meantime i think it would be helpful for you to meet our tech analyst, Penelope Garcia.” Says Hotchner as he stands up from his chair and you follow him out the door of his office.
Thank you so much for reading. You can probably tell that this is my first time but hopefully it wasn't that obvious! I will work on part 2 if you want but this is also the beginning of something new so I think this sort of needs a part 2 and the story is a long way from finished. We haven't even meet our favorite techie, Penelope Garcia! Good Night.
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fluidityandgiggles · 5 years
Sleep Is For The Weak - Chapter 12
Previous Chapters: Prologue, Chapter 1, Chapter 5, Last Chapter
Writing Masterlist - for previous chapters not otherwise linked, Read on AO3
Notes (I guess): Thanks a lot to @ilovemygaydad for updating y’all about my wifi situation, the wifi works semi-well now, and... well...
Ahem. Excuse me. I have a couple of very important things to say, though.
If any of you haven't read the latest chapter of Keep Him Safe, which is right here, please go do so. I read it the moment it was posted and... I was at dinner with my family, so I had to hold in my squealing... to be perfectly honest with y'all, I already knew what was going to happen in that chapter since I started writing chapter three, I think...? So I have known about this for a very long time, but it still made me super happy to see it actually happen in writing. So... go read KHS, y'all. You really should. It's awesome.
(Quick update: I checked my screenshots and... yeah, I've known about that since July, which is when I started writing this fic. Again, I've known about what happened in sleep for six months, and surprisingly didn't spoil almost any of it to anyone around me. I deserve a fucking prize.)
To anyone who just came over from Eva's shameless plugging of me - hello, nice to have you here. In this fucked up piece of angst we discuss queer history as well as Remy's personal history, or - as I said to myself while reading and re-reading what Eva has to say about this fic - "well, this story is as much about queer history as it is about Remy, where he came from, where he's going, where he came from cotton eye joey'n". And to anyone who's a regular reader, I'm so glad you're sticking around to read this... this thing. It's become a monster in my head, I can promise you that much.
As always, thanks to @broadwaytheanimatedseries for the original idea, to @whatwashernameagain for the original fic (can you believe it’s been six months since we came up with chapter 23?), to @anony-phangirl and @asleepybisexual and @winglessnymph for the help wherever needed, and a special one to Morgan - again - for helping me get the word out. All of those people are my shining stars and I love them so much.
Tag list (sort of): @bunny222, @ab-artist, @sweet-and-sour-shadowling, @your-username-is-unavailable, @virgilcrofters, @why-things-go-boom, @ilovemygaydad (thanks again, kiddo!), @violetblossem. @maybe-i-like-the-misery, @book-of-charlie, @thatsanswitch
(Wanna be tagged? Just lemme know!)
Trigger warning: period appropriate transphobia (the early 00s were not exactly trans-friendly). This chapter discusses rape again, this time in a bit more detail (nothing graphic, it’ll never be graphic, I promise), and includes a... panic attack of sorts. Be warned.
January 24th, 2003
Emile's smile faltered.
"...so what if I got raped?" He muttered, putting down the stack of chairs he was holding. "What's done is done. They had their fun—"
"They…?" India tilted her head. Oh shoot… "There was more than one person?"
"More like three… what? Why are you looking at me like—"
The stack India was holding fell to the floor.
"Did you tell anyone?" Emile stared at the floor. Maybe she'll go away if he doesn't cooperate. "Emile! Did you tell anyone?"
"I told the doctors…" Emile's voice faltered. "What's going on?"
"I'm surprised you're even alive right now!" India's pacing was… terrifying. For some reason… she suddenly just… turned so scary. "Mixing date rape drugs with alcohol, which is what I'm assuming happened to you, is so dangerous! And I'm only assuming that's what happened because I heard from Remy that they found GHB traces—"
"I'm not proud," Emile managed to stutter. "Of… all this. I just… I can drink, okay? I made some mistakes in the past—"
"You're seventeen!"
"I made some mistakes in the past, and… this one makes me feel like all those mistakes have been trying to tell me that I shouldn't exist…"
"No… no, peach, please." He already started crying by the time she stepped in to hug him. "I get that. I really do. Sometimes I think about how much better my life might've been if I pretended like I'm 'cured' of being transgender after conversion. My cousin wouldn't have done what she did, that's the biggest plus. But… I wouldn't have come here. I wouldn't have started on my way to become a statistics analyst. I wouldn't have met Jenna. I would probably be living a sad, closeted life back home, and that isn't such a nice thing."
"You were too…?"
"I was too, yeah… as victims, we gotta stick to each other."
The wet spots on India's sweater were getting larger by the second. But she didn't mind it.
"Like I was told when I was sixteen," she said, much quieter than before. "Nobody is going to believe a man who says he was raped. We gotta stick together, whether we like it or not."
"Hey, isn't that that friend of yours?" Remy heard behind him about two minutes before the meeting started.
Oh, good.
"Hey, didn't you deliberately choose to forget that I live in the other side of the US from you because you wanted to be a little fuck?" Remy asked back, looking at Chris turn redder than a tomato.
"I swear to god, I had no idea!"
"Suck it and your excuses, Mendez."
"Hey, hey… come on, Remy. Won't you at least let me make it up to you?"
Remy couldn't stay angry… well, he could. But not as angry. It was a stupid reason, too…
"I will." Chris beamed at him. "But it'll take a very long time."
"...you have a week."
"I won't let you down," Chris said with the same wide, obnoxious grin, quickly kissing Remy's cheek and taking a seat.
Fuck him and his obnoxious self.
On the third of January, Remy and Emile sat down on the hotel bed in what was probably the fanciest hotel Remy's ever been to (though he never really visited any hotels in his life, no time or money for that). They were listening to Gustav Holst's The Planets as Emile performed a one-man dramatic reading of No Exit, and Remy couldn't feel more at peace.
This situation right here - all the people, all the tension, Chris right there a few steps away from him - was the exact opposite.
"Do you want me to leave?" A quiet voice said and Remy felt himself being squeezed so tight, he was sure his ribs would crack. Emile. "I can leave if you—"
"Come on, sit next to me," Remy said as quietly and took a rather far seat from Chris. Serves him right.
"Happy Friday, everyone," India opened the meeting. "I see that we got some new people after the break, so we're going to do another name round. Who wants to start?"
Emile raised his hand almost immediately.
"I'm Emile, I'm— do we mention our major?"
"If you want to."
"I'm Emile, I'm a psychology major, and I'm probably gay. Or asexual. I just… don't really know if I'm more gay or asexual yet."
Monday, January 27th
"Look, I find some of what you teach suspect," Emile hummed to himself as he skipped behind Remy back to their building after a particularly entertaining sols 20 class. "Because I'm used to relying on intellect, but I try to open up to what I don't know, because reason says I should've died three years ago…"
"Em, stop it," Remy half-laughed. "I get it, you're still thinking about Rent."
"It was such a good show!" Emile whined - well, sort of. "Jai Rodriguez was really good!"
"I met Idina Menzel through this," Remy said with another chuckle. "She's nice… kind of a diva, if you ask me."
"So… like you?"
"What do you mean, like me?"
"Nice, but kind of a diva." Emile nudged him. "I'll bet you she's totally selfless and sweet but acts like she doesn't care about anything in the world—"
"No, actually… she isn't." Remy sighed. The memories were foggy - it was over eight years ago - but… "Dad is working on some project with her again. Her and Kristin Chenoweth…"
"Kristin?" Emile shrieked. "Good golly, I love her! She's so sweet and talented!"
"I'm really not supposed to tell you anything," Remy laughed, and then stopped.
A figure made him freeze at his doorstep. A small, shaking figure, with braided brown hair and an ill-fitting, black, puffy coat.
Leah was rapidly knocking on Remy's suite door.
"Why did you think it was a good idea to come here?" Remy asked, careful not to scream. Leah sat in the living room, her hair dripping wet from the shower he made her take, wrapped up in the clothes she brought with her in her lime green schoolbag. She was waiting on her hot chocolate.
"I wanted to."
"How did you even get a bus ticket? You're seven!"
"I took money from mom and went to the bus station!" Leah huffed. "I know where the buses are, and I know how to—"
"I didn't say you don't know, Leah Mae," Remy chastised, putting the cup of hot chocolate on the table quite forcefully. "But you're seven years old! This was incredibly dangerous of you—"
"I don't wanna live at home anymore!" Leah screamed. "Mom was mean all of Christmas, and Lizzie wasn't being nice when we went back to school, she didn't want me to be her friend anymore, and Rachel was annoying—"
"Sweetie, they're going to think I kidnapped you!" Leah was taken aback. Remy was worried to the point of terrifying. "They're going to think I kidnapped you, Leah. It won't end well!"
"I didn't think…" the tears started coming out. Oh shit… "I didn't mean it! I just… I don't like being home! Don't be mad at me!"
"Oh, baby, no, I'm not mad at you!" Remy was quick to take her in for a hug. His poor baby sister… "I'm just worried, Leah. Extremely worried. Never do such a thing ever again, okay?" She nodded in his arms. "There's nothing we can do about this now, but—"
The door opened with a bang, and "I brought the bunnies!"
Leah immediately perked up. Mycroft tried to hop straight into her lap the moment he was close enough, since he already knew her and was very worried for the tiny human, but Lestrade took his time getting to know her. She was new, and he didn't know her yet, and what if she wasn't going to be nice?
"Leah, this is Lestrade," Emile said with a huge smile, closing the door and coming to cuddle them all - Remy included. "He's Mycroft's brother, and I adopted him after Christmas!"
"But you don't celebrate Christmas."
"No I don't, but you do." He booped her nose, making her giggle. "Lestrade is a nice boy. Give him a bit, he'll jump into your lap in no time."
As Leah entertained herself, playing with the bunnies and telling them stories, Remy pulled Emile to the side.
"She ran away from home!"
"I heard that when you asked me to go get the bunnies, Remy."
"She's seven years old! What do I do with a seven-year old runaway? Is it even a thing? A seven-year old runaway?"
Emile kisses Remy's cheek quicker than he could process it happening. "It's going to be fine. Call Linda, let her know that Leah is here—"
"Leah asked me not to tell anyone she's here," Remy sighed, rubbing his face in frustration.
"I understand, but… Linda is still your mom. Leah is still seven years old. She needs to go home, whether you like it or not." When Remy still seemed like he's having trouble processing it, Emile pulled him into a hug. "Do you want me to talk to her about it for you?"
Remy could only say a very weak "yes please" before Emile went back to the couch, to talk to Leah.
He was jittering. He was angry, and scared, and disappointed, and proud, and he felt everything so intensely and was so shocked and confused that he couldn't name it. He barely turned eighteen last July, he didn't even know how to drive yet, and he was absolutely, most definitely, going to be in trouble for this seven-year old child showing up at his door after running away from home.
He wasn't going to call Linda. But he couldn't keep Leah over. And he didn't know shit about raising children, for the period of time he was going to have Leah over, until he figures out what to do. Remy wanted to scream, how much he wanted to. But he couldn't.
So he did the next best thing he could do. He dropped to the floor and started crying.
He was too tired, physically and emotionally, to pick himself back up at that particular moment.
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kahayaya · 3 years
I saw stunnerproject post and thought I should write my updates on life too. So I started working two weeks ago and today I just finished my first task. To backtrack a bit, I was hired as a contractor for the Engineering Analyst position at Wells Fargo. The first two weeks was me setting up on my computer and getting access to stuff. So it was slow paced and I was waiting on my first task. Then this week, my manager assigned me to a team to do some testing. So I got to work on my first task. NGL I was pretty stressed out as I had no idea what to do or where to start. The team lead for the team I’m on helped me a bit as well as connect me with people to guide me a bit on what I should be doing. This was very helpful and I have a better understanding of what's going on. Sometimes I feel bad tho because they also have work on their hands and they’re taking their time out to help me catch up. But the also know that I’m a new grad student and I’m very new to the technologies they utilize. So I’ve been doing my best to come in with an open mind and learn a lot of how to do things. 
But overall I’m very happy with where im at and the things I’m doing now don’t seem to bad. Its a learning experience and I’m excited to see how this goes. As time goes on, and if I do well, my contract might get bought out and I will actually be full-full-time. Also big pay check comes in on Nov 15 so I’m looking forward to that. 
Aside from work, my plans in the future will be move to SF because of work. My work will eventually be in-person so I would eventually have to move up. I’m excited for that as I can par-take in seeing people in the office. I would be working in the financial district so that will be exciting. So sometime in the future, I need to plan out my moving up if I know I will be going up. I think SF life sounds exciting to me as it made me grow independently and explore a different life here in Vegas/Hawaii. 
That’s life now and I am contempt with how things are going right now. I’ll update if anything significant happens in life.
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sherlockxreader · 6 years
A Time Of Change - Chapter Three - The Fourth
Title: A Time Of Change Chapter Three: The Fourth Summary: Ava Bradford. Behavioral Analyst of the Miami Police Department. Or former Analyst after the events of the past force her to journey to England and take up a job away from the family she had created. Here, she struggles to keep to herself and her life quickly takes over as she readies for her future on Baker Street. Author: Alexa @alex-awesome1023 Words: 4023 (sorry, not sorry) Characters/Relationships: OC x Sherlock Warnings: Depression, Anxiety, Past Physical Abuse, Nightmares Author’s Notes: Yes I know this Chapter is late but i haven't been around a computer to be able to write or post anything so that's on me. But im really excited for everyone to read this. Ive been reading and seeing positive feedback and i am overjoyed with the results especially with the tags!!! Can't wait to see more of your comments and feedback! LOVE YOU GUYS!!!
Original Character Ava Bradford is inspired by Zoey Deutch. Enjoy!❤
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Finally arriving to Scotland Yard, you were surprised at how big the building was. The precinct in Miami was barely four stories whereas this building practically engulfed that plus more. Taking a moment to look around at the surroundings as you looked at the sizable sign, the text shining as it read “New Scotland Yard”, you shivered from the cold. It’s going to take some time to get used to this London weather. Not being able to stay out in the chill for too long, you quickly walked into the huge building and headed straight for the receptionist desk.
“Hi um, I’m here to see Detective Inspector Lestrade, please.” You said to the receptionist while rummaging through your bag trying to find your ID and badge.
“Ava Bradford” Still typing away at her computer not really paying any attention to you, you handed her your identification when a commotion from the entrance caught your attention. You see two people enter, or rather storm through the doors discussing something in harsh tones. The woman, a young black woman with dark curly hair in her late twenties, was fuming, her face pinched into a scowl and lips pursed. The man was around her age, his hair parted neatly down the middle and his face equally mad. I don’t like the vibe they’re giving off. I can practically smell the stupidity and arrogance. As they walk closer you happen to hear their heated conversation.
“I’m going to kill him! That freak has got some nerve to do that shit in the middle of a press conference. Unbelievable!” She yelped loud enough for both you and the receptionist to look up.
“Oh Sergeant Donovan, are you going up to see Lestrade?” The receptionist asked with a hopeful tone. You had a feeling that she didn’t want to get up off her own ass to go show you where to go.
“I have police reports to give him, why?” She questioned unmannerly, looking to you for a moment with an interest and then complete ignorance like you were a child. Sergeant Donovan made her way over to you both as the receptionist gave you back your ID and badge.
“Would you take Miss Bradford up to see him please?” She asked and you heard the plead in her voice; you metaphorically rolled your eyes. I don’t need anyone’s help. Donovan’s heels echoed through the lobby, the noise echoing ominously, the nameless man still following behind just a step.
They stood with you at the desk, blatantly judging all five feet and two inches of your casual appearance. The man was practically drooling as his eyes trailed up your body and down again; you forced yourself not to gag.
You noticed that Sergeant Donovan was taking a long look at your scuffed pair of classic converse, laced up with polka dot laces. Her expression morphed from a dismissing glance to a repugnant smirk. You knew just then what she thought of you; she thought you were a kid, a teen and someone easy for her to bully. You knew that this was because of your short height plus the laces. Donovan herself was about 5’5 and him about 5’11 so it wasn't that big of a deal really, you were used to being to smallest in the room at 5’2.
“Sure follow me.” Donovan jeered with exasperation in her voice. The man behind her didn't say anything, he just started with a smug grin plastered on his face. They both walked a little in front of you guiding the way. As you three came to the elevator you stopped causing the two to look back at you in confusion. As you looked up at the silver death box, you felt you heart skip and your hand start to sweat. You cursed to yourself.
“Can we, um, take the stairs? I’m trying to work on my cardio.” You blurted out with a small chuckle trying to sound as calm as possible. They both looked at you with confusion and disbelief.
“I would just take the lift, it’s on the twelfth floor.” She insisted as the doors opened and both her and the man stepped in. You looked up at it once more with internal grievance. It’s not worth it Ava, just suck it up. You got it the elevator and were immediately filled with regret. As the two of them discussed what you assume was dinner plans, you decide to take your mind off the death box by figuring out more about the two officers.
Sally Donovan; works for the Metropolitan Police Service as a Detective Sergeant judging by her badge and attitude, she has a huge ego, very rude and hates to be told wrong. That will be fun. She has un-showered hair and worn clothes not more than a day old and is wearing men's deodorant. She’s had a night out. Dull… Seeing the name clip tag on the man’s pocket, you read him.
Phillip Anderson; works for Metropolitan Police Service as a police officer and forensic scientist. Snarky, stuck up, rude, loves to prove people wrong and a perv. He's got the whole package. he’s married going by the ring but I can't tell if it’s happy. A blue buttoned down shirt but un-showered. Taking a sniff, you are taken back by the strong powerful mixture of men's cologne and deodorant but you find that the deodorant, it’s the same as Sergeant Donovan. A colleague scandal.… How fascinating.
You giggled at your discovery and the drama that could come with it, causing both Donovan and the man, Philip, to look at you like you were insane.
“What's so funny that’s got you twisted in knots?” Phillip asked bitterly, his comment making you pause as you tried to figure out the meaning. I keep forgetting that I’m in London with people with British accents, weird being the only American sometimes.
“Oh nothing really. Ignore me.” You managed to say with a steady voice. You could feel your lungs tighten and burn from trying to keep your breathing steady, your heart quickening with nerves with every beep of the elevator letting you know that you've climbed a floor level. Reaching for your necklace, you took a deep breath to calm yourself and expel the anxiety within your core.
Finally feeling the box stop, you ushered towards the door rather quickly but not to the point of abnormality. You instantly felt better after getting out and you let the fresh air into your lungs with a deep breath. That wasn't so bad.
Donovan and Phillip pass by you without a second glance and you follow the two down the corridor to an office. You read the name on the door and desk laminate. Detective Inspector Gregory Lestrade. As you walk in, you see a man in his late 30’s or early 40's with graying hair sitting at the desk drinking coffee, going by the smell. He looked up from his paperwork and flashed a weak smile.
“Hello, you must be Detective Bradford.” He said as he stood from his chair and reached to shake your hand. As you went to shake his hand, Donovan choked on the air.
“This ‘kid’ is the new Behavioral Analysis Detective!?” She barked, loud enough for the whole floor to hear.
“As a matter of fact, I am, Sergeant Sally Donovan and you should be quick to hold that tongue of yours considering the circumstances. I suggest you get back to trying to solve these suicides  instead of spending the whole night out on the town. And Mr Anderson, please try spending sometime with your wife and not with the other woman.” You raised your brow and shifted your eyes between the two then turning around to shake Greg’s outstretched hand. “Oh and by the way, not that it matters but I am twenty-five, soon to be twenty-six and I do not get any bigger than this, so watch who you call ‘kid’.” You added not even bothering to look at them as you sat in the leather chair across from Greg whose jaw was hanging loose.
You can almost feel the daggers going through the back of your head from both parties. Without saying another word, Donovan stormed off with Anderson in toe. “Your file said you were good but not like that.” You looked up to Greg, who sat there with wide eyes.
“Oh please they were open books as far I can see. It was obvious.“ You said in an uncaring tone with a quick smile, crossing your leg over the other.
“It wasn't obvious to me.” He sat down in his chair, still looking at you with bewilderment.
“That's because you weren't looking hard enough. Shall we continue?” You smiled politely at him as he leaned back into the plush of his chair, his coffee mug raised to his lips as he drank. Little did you know he was thinking of his old Consulting Detective friend and how he is going to love watching you make him squirm.
You and Greg, as he insisted you call him, his casual demeanor a surprise to you, had talked for a while about the case and of how things worked around the Yard. Greg was finishing up the paperwork to get you in the system as you sat on your chair, your phone in your hand as you looked at the weather around the area to pass the time. You wanted to know when it was going to snow, but as you looked at the weather radar, your phone buzzed, alerting you of a text. It was your sister Lyra.
You were about to read the text when a knock at the door pulled you from your phone. You looked behind you towards the source of the sound where there was a woman standing behind the door frame, poking her head into the room. “Mr. Lestrade?”
“Yes Natalie?” He turned his head towards the woman as she stood out from behind the wall, her hands fidgeting in front of her. Why is she so antsy?
“There’s an urgent call for you on the phone.” She said, still fidgeting with her fingers. You couldn’t help the deductions that began to pop in and out of your head. Young woman in her early-mid twenties. Telling by her body language she is uncertain and flustered. Why? Her clothes are flirtatious and womanly to show and hug her curves. Her makeup looks to be refreshed and she’s just re-applied perfume, a sickly sweet floral concoction, probably from a local pharmacy. She’s trying to show off, but to who? Her eyes are dilated and targeted at Greg, who is looking at the paperwork, slightly ignoring her presence. Final deduction; she has a crush on the Detective Inspector, a crush that is clearly not mutual. You beamed to yourself as you sit back in the chair.
“Ok, thank you Natalie, I’ll be right there.” He replied looking to her for a moment. You caught a glimpse of her face as she exited and retreated back to her desk. She was beet red. You turn your head back to Greg, who was standing from his desk. You stand along with him.
“So I think you’re pretty much set up and ready to go. You don’t have a lot of paperwork for now since it’s your first day and as for now you're on call until you get more settled.” He started walking towards the door.
“Ok, that sounds great. I can’t wait to get started.” You bubbled with a cheeky grin. You were so happy to be here and help people by doing what you did. “Thank you again so much for this opportunity Detective Inspector.” You added with genuine smile walking out the door with him.
“Please, call me Greg and no problem. Welcome to our division Detective.” He muttered over his shoulder walking toward the horde of desks. You turn around and made your way opposite Greg to the death box as you decided to be brave and take the elevator again. You feel Sally and Anderson’s eyes piercing your back as you headed towards the elevator. What is their problem?
Down in the lobby once more, you made your way out the door, thinking about what you could do to pass some time. You had thought of going back home and unpacking but then your aunt popped up and you realised that you still hadn’t seen her yet. She was going to kill you for not seeing her right away. As you waved down a taxi you noticed that a police car had pulled up in front with haste. You furrowed your brow with confusion until you heard someone call your name out with urgency behind you, the pieces falling into place as you turned to see Greg coming out of the building.
“Ava!”He had his coat on and was approaching you fast, his face creased and plastered with worry and seriousness. Something is up. Another murder.
“Brixton, Lauriston Gardens and this one left a note. Will you come?” He continued, not bothered by the fact that you knew it was another suicide.
“Are you kidding me? Three, now four impossible suicides and all the same cause and now a note. Is it my birthday already?!” You blurted out not waiting for him to respond. As you both get in the police car , you hear a chuckle coming from him. “What?”
“Nothing, you’re just going to really like who is coming to help with the case.” He added from his side of the car. You were too immersed in your own thoughts to really bother asking him who the mystery person was but your answer soon came when you realised where you were headed; Baker Street.
“Let me guess, it’s the great Sherlock Holmes? That's your help?” You said mockingly in a British accent. Greg seemed to be amused and mocked hurt at your awful impression.
“He’s a consultant and a genius. He can be a real pain to be around but he’s a great man. Maybe one day he might be a good one.” He implied not breaking eye contact with the road. You didn't exactly know what that meant, but the look on his face told you that he wasn't lying. This Sherlock keeps getting more interesting as the day goes on. At leased you get to pop into see Aunt Martha.
As the car stopped you turned your full body over to Lestrade and asked with a pleading look. “Can I go in with you?”
“Uh, sure?” His eyes narrowed with confusion as to why you wanted to go in or why is was necessary to ask but he didn't argue. Both of you get out of the police car and you basically hopped out with joy. He couldn’t believe that you were so much like Sherlock that it scared him a bit. You looked up at the building opposite yours and you notice the man at the window on the second floor, looking at you. Your head tilted in curiosity as to who it was, or more like as to why he was looking. Pulling your sight away from the window, you followed Lestrade inside.
He didn’t bother to knock, which struck you as odd, and he bounded up the stairs taking two at a time. You stayed downstairs to see if your aunt was in but before you could, you heard footsteps coming from the stairwell. It was an old woman in her seventies she was wearing a purple dress that tied in the middle and a newspaper, a similar style to that of Mrs. Turner. You loved that color and knew from the family pictures that Lyra had shown over the years who the woman was.
“Aunt Martha?” She looked up from her skirts, which she was holding lest she tripped on them, and caught your figure at the bottom of the stairs. She paused in her stride before recognition made itself apparent on her face, her eyes brightening and a smile appearing upon her lips.
“Ava! Hello love!” She asked as she came closer to you pulling you into a loving hug. “How are you dear? How was the flight? Would you like something? Tea maybe?” Aunt Martha pulled back from you, her face now washed with concern over you. “I’m alright thanks. The flight was good long, but good but the train ride was tiring. But I’m working right now so I dont have much time to talk but I just wanted to see you and tell you I was here. I only got here a couple of hours ago.” You said with a cheeky smile, holding her hands in your own. The last time you saw her was three years ago at a Christmas dinner. It was the first time the whole family was together and knowing that the Bradford family had English heritage, you couldn't help but think how lucky you were to have a family like this one, knowing how bad some kids could get it. You of all people should know. You always loved the English language, everything was always so beautifully said even if it was an insult.
“We’ll just have to catch up next time then won’t we? I hope Mrs.Turner is treating you well. Has she told you about Sherlock yet?” She asked, with her hand over her mouth trying to hide the giggle.
“She mentioned him to me not even five minutes into the flat. The old women seems to get a kick watching your flatmate.” You laughed out, your aunt tries to hide her laughter with a playfully stern grin, lightly hitting your arm with the newspaper she had with her. “Be nice.” When her giggles couldn’t be contained you both laugh like school girls. Hearing footsteps coming down the stairs, you both quieted but still smiling like mad men. Seeing that it was Lestrade, he gave you a look to let you know that it was time to go. You nodded at him letting him know you got the message. “Ok, Aunt Martha I have to go but I will be back. We can have tea later.”
“Alright love. Be safe.” She waved at you as she headed back up the stairs. You were heading out the door you heard a yell from up stairs, the deep baritone of the voice rumbling through the walls with its volume.
“Brilliant!” It was a voice filled with excitement and you smiled as you closed the door on your way to the crime scene.
You arrived at the crime scene with the knowledge of the victim given to you from a text in Greg’s phone. Jennifer Wilson according to the credit card found at the scene. Some kids found her not too long ago when they were ...Why kids be here of all places?
You headed up stairs without waiting for anyone, passing Sally at the entrance, ignoring the sneer she sent your way. A couple people from forensics tried to get you to put on a blue contaminant prevention suit, however you refused and stepped past them anyway, much to their annoyance.  Like I’m going to mess up the scene. Idiots. Half way up, you realized that you didn't have any gloves and knowing what you do about Anderson, he would surely have a fit upon seeing your gloveless hands. You would prefer not to have to talk to him for more than necessary. Getting to the bottom of the stairs, you hear Sally’s voice come in over the radio that was left on the table. “Freak’s here. Bringing him in.”  
“Freak?” You asked yourself, feeling an old pinch in your chest. Hearing Sally call someone that just made your blood boil. Nobody should be called a freak in any circumstance.
You heard Anderson come out of the room upstairs and, looking up the stairwell, you catch the look of pure disgust on his face as he furiously walked down the stairs, passing you without so much as a glance. You followed him out but kept to the shadows of the doorway. You watched as a very tall man with ebony curls and a belstaff coat approached the building. You couldn’t help but stare. He was... beautiful. You knew who he was by his cheekbones, it was the consultant. Mrs.Turner was right. Those cheekbones could kill. Turning your attention towards the table of forensic gear you could still hear Mr. Holmes talking to Anderson.
“I'm not implying anything I’m sure Sally came by for a nice little chat and just happen to stay over.” The deep mellow voice said making you freeze and your eyes go wide with realization. You covered your mouth to try to stop the bubble of laughter in your throat but it was no help. “And I assume she scrubbed your floors going by the state her knees.” He finished making you burst. It was loud and you knew that everyone could have heard it but you didn't care. You had tears in your eyes from holding the full laugh back. Oh my god, I can't believe he said that out loud!
Grabbing a pair of gloves you bounded up the stairs, wanting to get a look for yourself before this consulting detective came in. You entered the room seeing the body laying face down. The first thought that came to your mind was less a thought and more of an obvious statement. Pink.
[Sherlock point of view]
After Sherlock deduced Anderson's affair with Sally, he heard a burst of laughter from the building, smiling at the fact that someone else knew. With John close behind, the pair entered the building, meeting Lestrade at the door.
“I can get you two minutes.”
“I may need more.” Sherlock replied going toward the kitchen area.
Looking towards the staircase he caught a glimpse of a beige coat and strange pair of polka dotted laced converse. Narrowing his eyes at the sight, he put it off, assuming that it was nothing of import. Lestrade was by the table and he held out a suit of the most ghastly blue to Sherlock, waving it a little for him to take.
“You'll need to put this on.” He handed one to John as well and seemed taken aback by the new presence. He looked at Sherlock with raised brows, then to once more to John then back again. “Who is this?“ He asked bemused and pissed off.
“He’s with me.” Imbecile.
“Yeah but who is he?” He pestered putting on a blue cover up.
“I said he’s with me.” Sherlock turned his head like a whip and glared at Lestrade.
“Fine. At least put one of these on.” He asked which Sherlock, in return, ignored. I heard the frustration in his sigh, huffing my breath in humour.
“So where are we?” Sherlock asked as they made our way up the staircase.
“Upstairs. Jennifer Wilson according to her credit cards, we're running them for contact details. Hasn't been here long, some kids found her.” Lestrade informed the two in front of him as they reached the room, stopping when they saw someone hunched down near the lady in pink. She was… an anomaly, as Sherlock had immediately thought. There was no other way to describe her he found.
Her small stature, childish laces and mundane appearance were all boring to him. Insignificant. Nevertheless, there was… something. But what? She’s obviously in this line of profession, expertly prodding at the body, turning the victim’s collar inside out and over again. Now there’s an interesting thought. The collar could indicate rain and wind, even snow if she came from the north, which would mean - oh, the girl’s traveled. She had moved from one side of the body to the other, now getting a view if her face, he could seem to pull his eyes away. She was different and interesting enough for him to be absolutely... captivated.
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