#im not getting a sibling vibe with those two....
I still haven't finished fothou so no spoilers pls but I'm on episode 3 and with the flashbacks I'm just sat here like
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musubiki · 7 months
actually now that i think about it, the oscar/clarinette relationship would be fucking hilarious because oscar is like limes #1 wingman, doing whatever lime needs him to do to ensure uninterrupted mochi moments, and clarinette is constantly trying to block/ruin said moments, so theres this constant hostile relationship of "I'm going to ruin limes relationship with her" vs "Over my dead fucking body you are"
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hisui-dreamer · 7 months
Eyy so can I request for fem!reader headcanons that she has a familiar that is actually the Stitch himself? With first years' reaction (Lol imagine Stitch literately gonna throw hands with Ace during their first meeting and still hold grudges-)
cute and fluffy!
Characters: First Years (Ace, Deuce, Jack, Epel, Ortho, Sebek, Grim)
Synopsis: how the first years get along with your cute and fluffy dog familiar
Tags: mostly platonic but can be romantic (except ortho), stitch!, fluff, crack
Word count: 1.4k+
Notes: definitely should have wrote this back in the summer, buuut now we all get to think of nostalgic summer vibes hehe
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bond: 5/10
you can't tell me these two don't argue(?) every moment they have
usually it's ace trying to play a prank on him, get revenge on him
but stitch is way too clever, and always manages to shift all the blame onto ace
ace can try all his might to convince us, but his acting skills are way too flashy to be realistic
just look at those big innocent eyes! how could you accuse him like that, ace!
all the while stitch is just on your shoulder, smirking at ace
though there are times when these two team up, particularly when they're trying to prank other people
riddle and deuce get pranked... a lot
usually it's stitch either playing cute, or messing around to create a distraction for ace
they're a powerful team these two T_T
"Hey prefect! Have a little faith in me, okay?!" Ace says, his eyes wide in disbelief. "It really wasn't me, it was Stitch!" he points towards Stitch, sitting comfortably on your shoulder. You shift your gaze to Stitch, and he tilts his head innocently.
Raising an eyebrow, you look back at Ace.
"Argh! You're getting tricked by him again!"
"Haka taba, ika patootie!" your familiar exclaims.
(How embarrassing, stupid head!)
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bond: 7/10
these two get along pretty well!
stitch really admires deuce for trying his best, even if his efforts aren't always visible
it reminds him of himself, so he's always enthusaistic about helping deuce when he struggles!
though... deuce is pretty much fooled by stitch's cuteness most of the time, so he still gets pranked by stitch
only deuce usually doesn't realise stitch was the culprit, and even if he does, he just ends up laughing good-heartedly
they're like the sweet elder brother and the genius little brother omg
"Hm? Oh, hi Stitch," Deuce acknowledges quietly, his gaze fixed on the textbook, unfazed by Stitch's arrival on the adjacent seat. Stitch makes a questioning sound, and only then does Deuce turn to face him.
"Oh, I'm trying to figure this question here," he points to the page. "I just can't get my head around it... How did they get that answer...."
Stitch peers at the page for a moment, then reaches for Deuce's pen, swiftly scribbling away at a scrap piece of paper. Once he's done, he holds it up for Deuce to see.
"Wha-? Wait.. you solved it??" Deuce mumbles. His eyes scan over the page as a sudden realization dawning in his eyes. "So that's how you do it...! Thanks Stitch!" he says as he pulls Stitch in for a hug.
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bond: 6/10
omg best workout buddies!!
yeah, he isn't really affected by stitch's cuteness
but his strength??? absolutely
these two love having competitions to see who can lift more weight
im sorry jack, it's stitch, you can't beat my six-armed alien dog familiar
but if anything, this just motivates jack to work on his muscles even more
positive loop i guess??
and stitch joins him sometimes! but he gets frustrated at the equipment easily
so make sure you stop him before he starts throwing things around
his dream is to see stitch and leona having an arm wrestle but we all know that's not happening soon T_T
sibling rivalry vibes fr
"Alright, you want me to move that bookshelf over there right? Where exactly do you-"
Before Jack can even finish his sentence, the bookshelf quickly moves to the other side of the room in a blur of blue, exactly where you wanted it.
"Pitcha! Stitch! Strong! Ahahahaha!" Stitch cackles, rolling on the floor with laughter.
You feel Jack tense up beside you. "Grrrr... Are you tryin' to show off??" he growls. He turned to you, determination evident in his eyes, "Prefect! What else would you like to move? Leave it to me!"
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bond: 8/10
epel has a lot to learn from stitch!
anyone with a keen eye can tell stitch is really good at fooling other people with his cute appearance
and many times, he can use it to his advantage! mostly from you, lilia, and floyd who cannot resist the cute and fluffy
the poison apple is always observing stitch to see how he can use his features as his weapon
and stitch very glady teaches epel in alien talk but we've got body language, because epel always brings delicious apple snacks for him!
so you always find epel listening attentively while stitch does some dramatic recreation of a scenario
Perched on a cushion, Stitch begins to act out a scene, the crumbs of apple pie still lingering on his face.
"Uhh... some bad guy caught you in his arms?"
Stitch vigorously nods, then switches to a puppy dog face and executes a jump-kick in the air.
"You acted cute... and then you managed to kick him?"
Stitch nods again, transitioning between a sweet, innocent expression and a fierce, growling one.
"Ahhh... So you shifted between being cute to catch them off guard..." Epel hums thoughtfully. "That's really smart Stitch!"
Proud, Stitch beams, "Stitch! El kiyotay!"
(Good idea!)
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bond: 7/10
in the same vein that ortho is a sweet kid who has a mischevious side, he gets along really well with stitch!
he loves how affectionate stitch can be with hugs, and also finds it funny how he can lose his temper very easily
he's also fascinated with the alien stuff, after all, stitch's existence proves there are extraterrestrial beings! he loves expanding on his database
the two of them also love building tiny gadgets out of whatever scraps they find, it's like a competition to see who can come up with a more useful gadget
not to mention, his big bro is dying to meet stitch! a cute alien dog who loves climbing onto other people's shoulders? sign him up!
but his social energy can't... so it's up to ortho to get more interactions with stitch!
"You're so cool Stitch!" Ortho laughs as he takes in the sandcastel Stitch built in seconds. "Idia would be so impressed..."
Stitch makes a inquisitive sound, prompting Ortho to explain, "Oh, Idia is my big brother! He'd absolutely be amazed by you, but he's too shy to make new friends," Ortho pouts.
Stitch tilts his head and asks, "Ohana?"
"Ohana?" Ortho repeats. "You've said that before... it means family right? Yeah, Idia is my Ohana."
"Goobaja! Meet! Ohana!" he exclaims.
(Let's go!)
"You want to meet my big bro?" Ortho asks. Seeing Stitch's enthusiasm, Ortho laughs again, "Hmm... alright then, let's go see him now!"
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bond: 2/10
oh boy... these two should not be in the same room together
it all started when sebek was looking for malleus during one of malleus' late night ramshackle visits
and though malleus was endeared by how unstartled stitch was to just casually climb onto his shoulder, sebek certainly was not
of course, first impressions really do matter, so whenever the two of them see each other...
they hiss at each other. both of them.
though sebek will behave if lilia or malleus are present, but the silence vanquishes almost immediately when they're gone
he will be impressed by stitch's physical strength and speed, just in a more condescending way as compared to jack
"Sebek. isn't it amazing how strong Stitch is? He lifted so many logs at once!" Lilia exclaims admiringly, while Stitch grins smugly.
"Yes., Lilia... It certainly is impressive..." Sebek mumbles, shifting his gaze to a glare directed at Stitch. "...for a creature of such moderate stature,"
Stitch, in turn, growls ferociously back at Sebek. "Meega, nala kweesta!"
"Oh dear..." Lilia sighs. "Young people these days are always so eager to get into fights,"
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bond: 4/10
what do you mean his henchman has a familiar?! you're his henchman!!
ahem ahem jealousy
will argue about everything with stitch, and he could be completely wrong but still argues confidently
honestly, stitch finds grim amusing
it's kinda like a 'i don't need to prove myself to you' smug grin
fights about food! always.
stitch your favourite food isn't even tuna, stop bullying grim T_T
but stitch is still a sweetheart sometimes, and will be nice/help grim whenever he can
"Hench-man!" Grim exclaims as he jumps up and down. "Why does that guy get to sit on your shoulder? It's not fair~"
"Grim, didn't you complain when I carried you last time?" you ask.
Grim freezes for a moment. "Well... uh... That's different! I wanna see from high up too!"
Stitch laughs at his response, "Wahaha! Toga meega patookie!"
(Kiss my butt)
"Henchman~" Grim whines.
Sighing, you pick Grim up and have him sit on the other shoulder. Oh, the woes of having two 'familiars'.
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SORRY IM LATE TY FOR THE TAGS @lady-merian and @tsfennec!!
Are you named after anyone?:
my second name is from my late grandma!
When was the last time you cried?:
Two nights ago?
Do you have any kids?:
Nope! Haven't even had a romantic relationship yet LMAO
What sports do you play/have you played?:
honestly none LOL, my parents didn't really let me play sports because I have a heart condition. But I sometimes shoot hoops with my siblings, and I bike
Do you use sarcasm?:
Yeah, but honestly not as much as I'd like LOL. I tend to be more sarcastic when I'm annoyed tho
What is the first thing you notice about people?:
Their vibes?? I don't know how to explain it LOL, but like just the vibes they give off and whether I think we'd get along or not LOL
What's your eye color?:
Really dark brown! You need to see it in sunlight to really see how it looks though
Scary movies or happy endings?:
Scary movies are fun, but I'm gonna have to go with happy endings! And not just because they make me feel happy lol. I just have a deeper, more nuanced love for happy endings while scary movies are just for fun
Any talents?:
I mean, I think I'm decently musically gifted (and the only reason I know this is because I've never really had any lessons LOL). But I definitely think there's an experience aspect to it. I'd also like to believe I have some talent in writing and photography, although I'm more confident in saying that they're skills I have instead 🤣
Where were you born?:
Somewhere in a hospital in the Philippines
What are your hobbies?:
Writing, reading, photography, doodling, lettering
Do you have any pets?:
We have the family dog, a dachsund named Lila!
How tall are you?:
Short. Most adults are taller than me 😭
Favorite subject in school?:
English and literature
Dream job?:
Maybe a barista LOL, ooh or a candymaker for those hard candies. A baker might be fun too, or a teacher. A florist is starting to sound fun too! I don't think I can be a writer mainly sadly, but I want a job where I'd have time to do that still.
No pressure tags!!!: @dont-do-rice-babes, @choasuqeen, @kenandeliza, @offendedteaspoon, @rose-red-ink @youjustfeelthemforever, @rainintheevening, @nerdywriter36, @brendadaaedestler, @ladyphlogiston, @darling-gemini, @the-laurenceboy, @theragamuffininitiative, @rumpletrumple, @madlybattymontague, @its-a-hare-pom-pom
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roe-and-memory · 3 months
mack is seriously one of my favourite side characters. i literally adore him SO much
- i think mack has like. 5 sisters. and hes the oldest and only boy of all of the siblings. this is a hc roe and i have had for a while, he just has such oldest brother of the family vibes but also like hes so gentle as if he grew up with sisters. i can imagine him, 17, the second oldest being somewhere around 11 or 12, and theyve convinced him to bake cupcakes with him. hes got his mothers pink apron on, hes doing all the work, while his sisters are hanging off of him and playing with their toys all over the kitchen floor. he couldnt bake for shit, but anything for his baby sisters
- adding onto above, i dont think he did too much in school. his mother worked two jobs and his father was away a lot on business trips, so he very willingly and very happily took care of his younger sisters 24/7. and im not saying his parents were neglectful - not at all. i think his parents worked hard to take them on trips and keep them afloat. the did family trips as many times a year as they had the chance to and their parents made sure the kids knew they were loved.
- AMAZING driver. hes been driving since he was young, and he can maneuver his hauler better than most other drivers. both his parents contributed to teaching him how to drive, and they both gave him their separate tips and tricks, so he is quite literally the collective bunch of his parents driving habits all in one.
- he left to work for rusteze as a truck driver when he was around 22/23, when the second oldest sibling was old enough to hold down the fort. a lot of his extra cash went to his family back home, but he stayed on the road.
- not too interested in relationships, he’s always been kind of held down and its nothing against his family but now he likes the freedom of home being on the road
- his truck (1985 mack superliner) was his grandfathers cab. he bought it brand new and never used it much, trucking ran in his family (even his father was a trucker before he met macks mother and settled down), so his grandfather gave him the cab for free as a gift one year and he’s used it and kept it in tip-top shape ever since
- lightning is like that little brother he never had. he found the kid at a truck stop, a distressed fifteen year old looking to get out of town (he was running away from home) and saved him from getting his shit rocked by some pissed off old guy because he’d asked for two dollars for chips and the guy took a personal offence to it. mack literally felt sick at the idea that this kid was out this far from the city alone. lightning had WALKED from henderson to vegas to see the race, and then just decided he wasnt going home. mack was so heartbroken because the thought of one of his sisters ever being in the situation that this kid is in right now made his stomach churn. the kid had begged to go with him, and mack felt so guilty he said yes. he initially tried to take the kid somewhere safe, like a home for kids or something, but lightning was quite content to stay, and it felt like having a little brother around and it was Different (mack checked the news every day for any missing child reports and Nobody reported lightning missing. it literally destroyed mack emotionally because How do u not report ur own child missing when he leaves and doesnt return.)
- his truck has bunk beds since its a sleeper cab and he let lightning decorate his bunk with posters and those glow in the dark stars and literally anything the kid wanted he could plaster on the walls and mack did not care. this also included a bunch of stickers, because oh Lord that boy is obsessed with little stickers
- mack had no idea how to bond with lightning considering he himself had grown up being forced to play barbies with his little sisters (they would try to make him be evil ken but then they’d get mad because he was too nice. he got to play as the dollhouse dog instead) whereas lightning grew up with Nothing. lightning didnt really know how to interact with toys without feeling ridiculous because he’d been conditioned to believe toys were for Babies. mack eventually gave up trying to guess what lightning liked and just took him to a toys r us, where lightning Immediately found a stuffed dinosaur he liked and got like 2 hot wheels cars and then proceeded to profusely apologize for wasting macks money on such stupid stuff. mack did not give af, as long as his little brother was happy he was ok
- he gave lightning his first ever hug. before that not a Single person had ever hugged that child and mack was so sad to learn it because how do parents go 15 years without ever hugging ur own flesh and blood
- he taught lightning how to drive in a field with the truck during break days, and realized the kid’s potential and signed him up for late model stock races after a bit of talking. rusty and dusty also took an interest in racing at this point, and allowed mack to carry the kids late model stock car in the truck (they figured out a way for him to get both product and the car in the truck, and conveniently every delivery was for the city lightnings next race was in)
- hes kept all of lightnings late model stock trophies, the kid was a real good winner even back then and he’s even got photos that photographers had taken of the wins when little 15 year old lightning mcqueen was standing on the roof of his car holding his trophy above his head with the biggest smile in the world plastered on his face (those wins were like the proudest big brother moments ever until he got into the piston cup)
- hes a MASSIVE harv hater but hes too nice to say it. when doc starts expressing his own dislike for harv, mack starts talking to him about it and they bond over the fact they hate that man so fucking much that they end up managing to get him fired
- during the piston cup off season he goes back to delivering product for rusteze
- even though lightnings older now he still sees him as a younger brother
i think this is it.. THANK U FOR THE ASK!!! i love talking about mack :3
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class-1b-bull · 10 months
What would be your in-depth headcanons for the class 1b students as to why they want to become heroes?
Not proofread we die like men
Awase - i like to think he has a strong older sibling or somthn that inspired him to be a hero. His older sibling probably isnt a pro but he wants to make them proud.
Sen - probably something basic like he looked up to pros or he wanted to save people lol
Kamakiri - people with mutation quirks are often seen as scary or villainous and his personality doesn't really help his case but he wants to prove the people that think like that wrong
Kuroiro - he wanted to be cool. His entire personality is just him being a big dork that tries a little too hard to be edgy and cool. So I wouldent put it past him to become a hero on the prospect of wanting to be cool.
Kendo - shes always been the older sister/ protector type of person to everyone she met so becoming a hero simply matched her personality well.
Kodai - she just felt like being a hero would be something she would be good at. Yea she wants to save people and shes looked up to heros before but i dont think she would be trying as hard as she is if she didnt think she would make it far.
Komori - she wanted to be a hero for two reasons. 1. To make money because those cute dresses she buys are hella expensive. 2. To show off, not in like a mean or snarky way but she genuinely thinks her quirk is cool and wants other people to think its cool too <3
Shiozaki - she wants to save people. The world is full of all sorts of evil and she wants to bring peace of mind to the innocent. Its mostly because of her ideals.
Shishida - he gives me pristine rich boy vibes. He was probably told by his father or someone to either be a buisnessman or a pro hero and Shishida picked what he was more interested in lmao
Shoda - he wanted to be helpful. Hes to shy to be in the spotlight all that often but at the same time he wants to save a bunch of people. Thats why his quirk is perfect for him. It lets him help big time pros while staying in his introvert corner
Pony - because it looked fun. Thats it. She thought running around and fighting villains and saving people would be hella fun (and shes been having the time of her life so far at ua)
Tsubaraba - it probably started off as him becoming a pro to meet cute girls or smthn but he ends up actually having fun using his quirk and getting stronger.
Tetsutetsu - either he wants to be a hero because he essentially has the same backstory as kiri (becoming a hero wise i mean) or because a little kid (or elderly) he helped out once said hed be a great hero.
Tokage - she wants people to be happy. She believes in a life full of happiness is the true way people should live and its kinda hard to be happy when you arnt safe ya know.
Manga - its cannon that he became a pro because he loves kids and wants to make all the kids in the world smile. (I think thats also why his hero costume has so may colors)
Honenuki - he wants to travel the world. He became a hero for the funds and because pros already get to go to some other countries for missions. Seeing the world is a dream of his i think
Bondo - for reasoning similar to Kamakiri probably. He knows the world is full of an unfair bias against people with mutation quirks so he wants to bring a good light to people with those types of quirks <3
Monoma - he was bullied a lot as a kid because of his quirk and how it worked so he probably wants to be a hero to prove the people that bullied him wrong.
Reiko - she honestly thinks her quirk is cool and wants to see all the different ways it can be used. And most people cant do that unless they become a hero. But now she slowly wants to see just how strong she is.
Rin - he wants to protect people but more importantly he wants to be able to protect the people close to him. He wants his friends and family to know their safe by his side. <3
Ive been re watching bnha and ive honestly been on my phone instead of actually watching because im just waiting for when class 1b shows up lmao.
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agere-fandom · 5 months
hi hi! I would like to ask for cg! spider-noir with little! penni headcanons if that's alright!
OH MY GOSH HELLO!!! sorry for taking so long to answer your question!! i took a bit of a break! but im back! hope i didn't take to long to answer!! /pos :)
Noir doesn't exactly understand being a caregiver and all this regression stuff, but he definitely tries his best too! Peter B has probably tried to teach him a few tips, but he's still confused. A confused caregiver who tries his best!
Peni loves being around all sorts of electronics, as anyone these days does. But Noir has pulled the plug and made her go back to simple times, and she actually enjoys it, after a tantrum of her things being taken away. But she really ends up liking to draw and make homemade things!
He honestly loves Peni as a little sister, and they have a very platonic sibling vibe between them. And he takes care of her the way he was raised, so no electronics, 'modern' things, ect (much to Penni's dismay), but they make a lot of homemade things! Noir is a bit crafty, but is not as creative as someone like Pavi or Miles
Oh, she's a super hyper kiddo, always bouncing and on the go! It makes it a bit harder for Noir to track her, but eventually, she'll get bored of seeing him confused and just comes up on his lap. But she's very tantrum prone, so candy is probably the best thing to calm her down! Until she has a sugar rush...
How he caregives is more like a babysitter or just an extra person to think if no one else is up to look after their little. He doesn't mind, but it takes him a little getting used to looking after little's he hasn't looked after before
She loves being around Pavi and Margo the most! How fun and energetic they are like her! She likes Pavi the best and they always end up having sleepovers, playdates, ect. And she's so interested in learning about how he regresses and stuff!
He's actually really overprotective over his little's, especially Peni and Pavi. He loves those two the most, if he was being honest. And he's always had some type of little bag or something with him, just in case
She might not have her computers or devices with her, but she'll carry around smaller, handheld electronics! Mostly a tamagotchi or a DS! Mostly when she's a bit bored of doing homemade stuff, and Noir MIGHT let her play on it for a little while... and she definitely doesn't stay up late at night playing Mario Kart...
He's not really that strict, but he does have an easy routine for little's to follow, like bedtime and lunchtime. He might change it up a bit if he finds he's stuck in a part of his routine or there's a neurodivergent little (which is probably most spider's at this point) and he just tries to look after them
She's always clinging onto Noir someway! She has a lot of creative ways to do so, since she's a spider. She mostly does it when she's emotional or having a bad day or just really sleepy. Clinging to his chest, climbing on his back, sitting on his head. And he doesn't mind. As long as she's happy, he's happy
okay, i think this is good! I hope you enjoy these anon!! thanks for the request!! <3
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silly-gh0st3 · 22 days
She specializes in prosthetics and battlefield medicine. Her name is Natalia and her segment designation is Xi. 
Im still working out her goals. My current ideas are that she wants to study teyvat through the lense of the limits of humanity. I need to fully figure out what exactly Natalia is studying in teyvat that involves basically turning people into cyborgs. Sure, being influenced by dottore would have her want to make people as strong as gods, but does she want to twist people like balloon animals into all sorts of horrifying shapes using prosthetics and cybernetic technology to see what can be unlocked? Is that the limits of humanity she’s after? Would there be something in irminsul her prosthetics technology could affect? Are cyborgs unable to reenter the leylines if they’ve forsaken their humanity? What constitutes as humanity? Is she shoving souls into prosthetics to use to improve Fatui soldiers? I have so many questions and ideas ha ha h e l p  
She also wants to leave the laboratory to be able to do this but as she makes prosthetic organs for dottore, she has to be on standby. She also wants to be seen as a good scientist by dottore, she def has those gifted kid vibes, so that she’ll be granted more privileges like being able to leave the lab. But she gets the authority to conduct her experiments by being in dottore’s back pocket. She also worries about not making progress to her goals of studying teyvat fast enough, and worries that if she falls behind on scientific progress dottore will get rid of her for being useless. Anyway yeah she has a lot of internal conflict. Potential for a character arc of her regaining everything she needs for her experiments but without the help of the Fatui if she decides to run away, bur who’d want to run away from the Fatui am I right?  
She’s 30 years old and 6’ tall but wears 3” heels. I post a lot of pics of her lmao. I’m slowly filling out a large questionnaire of character creation questions haha help me. 
she thinks discussing emotions is showing weakness and thinks therapy is a scam. She prioritizes her work in gathering knowledge through science as more important than anything else in her life. She also tries to make logical decisions about 95% of the time but there are moments when she’ll act impulsively in terms of personality she is rather obsessed with her work, but she’s also quite petty and a little haughty about being a “true scholar”. She has reverence for science, and scoffs at others who don’t. She also has a mental hierarchy, and that determines if she’ll accept or reject criticism from someone. 
Her voice sounds like a mix between cold and calculating and a little, I don’t know how to describe this, sultry? Something like Kafka from HSR. She is a certified yapper, she may be quiet and focused on her work but get her talking about her studies and she will not shut up. 
If she was playable she’d be an aggressive claymore dendro healer that heals based on edmg. The amount of healing done would equal 110% of the edmg. I’m still figuring out what her skills would do, obviously she’d need an infusion thing to make the healing work. And she’d heal when dendro edmg is done even by other teammates who are infused by her dendro.
Oh and she obviously needs a boss fight because ofc so I’m not sure about the monologue or phase one but phase two would have her in a crow themed battle suit where her extra arms would be strapped into crow themed wings. And how she’d get into this mech suit would be that she would stumble backwards into it and have it activate on impact, or something else I haven’t decided. Her boss theme would have kind of a mechanical vibe like uh coordinate shift by ferry, but obviously would have the Latin chanting and fatui letimotif.
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I Lowkey forget I have this app 💀💀💀💀
But!! She sounds really cool !
I think Theta and Natalia wouldn’t get along, it’s sort of the thing where siblings compete for their parents attention. Theta is the age range of a sometime when Dottore was in the Akademyia, so they’re kinda desperate to be seen lol. Although Theta does well in hiding that desperation for approval and appears arrogant to others.
Since Theta is more biological than the other segments they are also an “experiment” as well. I would like to think that the segments all have their own type of jobs, and Theta is based in spying/information collecting. Theta mainly does exploring around Teyvat to find some sort of anything that interests them.
If Theta was playable they would be a very selfish DPS, most likely a cryo claymore. Their signature weapon would look like a giant pair of scissor s !
I plan to draw them out some more!!! AUUUSGHSHSHSH I LOVE THETA SM :33
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minnieposting · 2 months
hsr ramblings to get out of my system
sunday and aventurine focused. also about how sunday's totally dying in 2.2. and some other stuff
⚠️lots of talking out of one's own ass⚠️
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prefacing this with saying this is just my stream of consciousness tbh, things might be all over the place. i am again literally just talking out of my ass tbh! i love stories and thinking about narrative as a system, so ive been going a lil nuts with penacony and its characters
but i decided to write this because i keep realizing so many things about both sunday and aventurine. i've been making a huge list in my notes and mainly my head about it so lets just get into it...
1. my friend and i were talking about it being hinted that sunday is not his real name. when sunday is first introduced, we have the option to ask if everyone in the family has a strange name. march says it might just be a stage name.
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i've seen lots of talk about sunday's connection with dominicus, usually either about sunday actually being him or channeling him somehow. but either way, im very 👀👀
just earlier, i was thinking about how both sunday and aventurine are putting on grand final shows and how they're both bosses. the fact 'stage name' is being used here is very interesting in that case. just something im also very 👀👀 about
2. following up on aventurine and sunday and how they're both bosses putting on a 'show'... im now gonna talk abt their insane similarities and also their opposing traits. i feel like every single similarity i notice is also paired with an opposite
for example, their losses
sunday - older brother, lost his sister + family recently
aventurine - younger brother, lost his sister + family a long time ago
this is actually one of the reasons i think sunday will be gone forever 🫡 with the two of them being opposites, sunday is the older brother who won't survive, while aventurine is the younger brother who did. plus, if aven's sister is dead, and robin ends up being fine, that just further proves to me sunday has to die. theyre flipped!!
along with that, aventurine will come out of this fine, because we know he's blessed and he's said it himself, he always comes out as the final victor, and we see that he's coming out of this with a new reason to keep going. between sunday and aventurine, it's pretty clear who's going to come out on top. speaking in terms of their roles in the narrative again
which makes me curious about sunday's end goal, as we all must be... which brings me to
3. the shared goal of freedom
this actually expands to pretty much everyone. i noticed that freedom is a very big theme in penacony. prisoners were once held there, aventurine is a prisoner himself (both figuratively and literally), the family's shady shit as a whole and how some people are literally just being forced to stay, firefly's whole thing about feeling trapped, so on... and of course, there's aventurine again, with his thoughts of suicide and wanting to be free
a while ago i was thinking about all this in relation to sunday specifically, the family as a whole, and harmony specifically too. to unite as one harmonious beautiful being, free from chaos. i wonder if sunday's boss will be related to freeing people. it's clear he has connections to the order, which also doesn't welcome chaos and strife.
may be totally far fetched especially since the story will be complete in just a few days, but!! sunday boss being meant to get everyone absorbed into the choir, free from all those exact things. i think a lot about how the charmony festival invited out all the factions for the first time, but i'm not sure where to place it. could've just happened because 'the right time has finally come', aka, dominicus' arrival? whatever tho i have other things to talk about that im more excited over. sunday sacrificial lamb vibes? who knows
honorary mention to the siblings maybe feeling trapped by family, or actually straight up being trapped, WHO KNOWS! i dont know anything actually, i've never known a single fact in my life, but i will on may 8
4. more sunday aventurine similarities and opposites
- both described as madmen, sunday literally being told by ratio he needs to see a shrink because he thinks the same way as aventurine
- both extremely logical, always pulling damn tricks up their sleeves, infinite amount of room in those sleeves
- as mentioned before, both lost their sisters, although in a different order. both lost their parents around the same time though
- (from gagwanju on twt) aventurine utilizing and working with those around him to achieve his goal, while sunday has been working alone. again, another thing that makes me think that sunday will be the unsuccessful one in the end. not that sure what i mean by 'unsuccessful' currently, tbh.
- (from someone else on twt but i cant remember or find the post 💀) sunday and aventurine both brought into high institution and forced into a role
i'm getting tired so i'm gonna cut it short here but
honorary mention to yesterday night? where i was thinking about how they both put up fronts. inside, aventurine is tired, fearful. just being a struggler ykyk. sunday is described as having a twisted personality... aka just ocd, and getting worse everyday after losing his sister and being told he can't do anything about it bc charmony festival. ocd makes you have lots and lots of anxiety, so i wonder what's going on underneath. is he the opposite of aventurine in this case? instead of being just Exhausted, he might be fired up completely. an irritable mess, potentially very angry, etc etc, since his grief is so recent. maybe he's experiencing everything aventurine did back when he first lost his sister in particular, since they are two sides of the same coin (AGAIN).
uugjrjajd i feel my brain getting stupider as i type, but the final thing i wanna bring up is the name of the charmony festival. i was just wondering what it could possibly mean, and why it isn't just called the Harmony festival. whats the ch? is it CHARM ony festival? makes sense to me if the choir is just going to hypnotize people and try and absorb everyone, but im not too sure bc the order is also involved here. idk i dont know anything i actually only started playing this game a month ago
ending this with: sorry if i got anything wrong or confused. im very bad at explaining myself properly and may have remembered things wrong but also i have bad anxiety all the time so IDK
these r just stuff ive been brainrotting over for the past week, and its not even everything, i just needed it out of me 😭😭😭 i am very excited for 2.2. didnt even get into all those damn BABY SUNDAY AND ROBIN TRAILER IMPLICATIONS like omfg... goodbye. why is the sunday boss a childhood drawing why did sunday hesitate when saying 'right! both of us' WHAT HAPPENED. i think he knew he was never going to sing with robin, but why???? ahhhdhdbf
to those who may have read all of this.... DAMN i cant believe u did that, fun fact scallops have eyes
omg... editing this a while after posting, but i totally forgot about the lore of the xipe emanators, and how they can assume the form of any family member when necessary???? not sure where to place that in ^^^^ all that, but something i just wanted to add in... ACKNOWLEDGED.......... 2.2 is going to be a wild ride. hwat the fuck do u mean they can just do that.
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jar-of-maise · 10 months
what's up my dears or dearly detested, it's hc time
we're going to focus on love languages with my fav sibling trio today bc i said so
words of affirmation, physical touch
he has to be a words of affirmation guy fs
but tbh i feel like he'd also try to shy away from it? esp if he's serious (is that possible? well we'll never know) since he has lied...before...and we all know how well detail omission went
so probably acts of service, making you smile, uhhhhhh yeahhhh
probably fond of pet names
will be touchy
i can see him doing pda, not excessively but hes not against it
probably likes hugs? but like the more i think about it the more im not sure about him with physical touch (see Lynette's for more detail) but i think he'd be a cuddle bug
why's this the shortest
oh lyney my poor sweet dear
he gets tired of life, so you're a welcome escape
would lie on your lap
will hold hands with you
would dream of a happy future with you
dude roasts his little brother about still liking fairy tales and pulls this bs smh
honestly as insecure as freminet - just shows it differently
i think all three siblings are traumatised (who could've guessed?)
i feel like he'd pull some very obnoxious french jokes
he likes making you laugh, smile, happy
he's not sunshine he's a solar eclipse
and you my dear, are the stars that surround his entirety
like a planet orbiting him ceaselessly
i dont actually know what that means but apparently it's an actual thing
oh the inherent romanticism of celestial imagery
yeah that's also my tag what about it
i think, though, that lyney can use his charms to very aptly flirt with you
exhibit A: the rainbow rose (real simps know what i'm talking about)
gets lynette to vibe check you, and then her cats, and then freminet (pers honorary judge)
performs exclusive magic shows for you
uh you can let immagination decide what kind of exclusive and magic you want in those
acts of service, quality time
acts of service girlie fs
she's creepily observant in a good way but like, she also probably accidentally nearly oversteps some boundaries
"Hello Lynette!"
"Hi here's some things for you"
and she hands you a crap ton of stuff that you probably didn't even know you wanted yet
girl just wants the best for you
oh yeah if you're a physical touch person, you might not be overly pleased bc i headcanon her as physically repulsed by romantic gestures and gooey affection (fanfic writers, that's fuel for how she'd react to lyney being in a relationship)
and the reason i hc this is bc of her past, like you can't convince me lynette wasn't traumatised by that noble person
but while she isn't expressive with touch or words, she is a very good listener!
gl if you're allergic to cats too bc she'd def introduce you to them
(if you pass their vibe check you're all good, if not...uh...)
family is very important too so if you pass their vibe check well put that on a resume bc you are impressive
yes she's a gift giver
but i also think that she'd give you some...strange gifts
like you know those cats that bring like dead fish and mice back to their owners? yeah she'd probably do the same honestly...
hopefully not with mice corpses and whatnot
dont worry, she can magic them out of existence if you wish
just like she can to anyone who wrongs you-
shes the best though honestly, very supportive
bonus points if you join in and riff off her robot lingo though that'd honestly be green flag, marriage behaviour (maybe not that last bit but yk)
you probably encourage lyney to deep dive into his antics, much to lynette's fustration
she now babysits not one, two but three toddlers full time
but you probably also bring freminet out of his shell
she loves you for that so you're forgiven
the type to relentlessly tickle you
doesnt take anything serious but takes pillow fights seriously when it counts
she loves dessert and tea a bit more than you
but she's happy to share <3
quality time, gift giving
oh my god words cannot describe how excited i am for this particular hc
so yeah, he has a voiceline about making penguins for kids
totally gonna make your penguin twin with Pers tho
god thats so cute whys the standard so high
also he's another not-expressive-with-words person so uh, yeah expect muchas time spent together (or not...bc he's always deep sea diving) either way! it's always quality
he is (very obviously) insecure so give him plently of love and affection (or ELSE-)
im still crying over matching penguins, is that juts me
he'd fix your broken machines for you as a love language
bonus points if you like, can, or want to learn how diving tho it's probably a double edged sword right, bc like, on one hand yall can hang out underwater and who needs aquarium dates when you can BE in the sea
but on the other hand, you now have access to his vulnerable and safe space
yeah you better treat him right or else
he'd probably get carried away with his mechanical stuff and make you a crap ton of toys
maybe not the cuddly kind either so js be prepared for that
god hes such a bean tho
an anxiety bean
btw, he very much believes in fairy tales and what not, so do us all a favour and believe in the magic with him
ik i say that a lot
i feel like-
i dont actually know i forgot, someone messaged me and i lost my train of thought
just freminet being the softest, cutest boy
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minophus · 5 months
college au is like. i couldnt tell u their specific majkrs but im sure ill have it at some point.
gabriel in regards to classes-he definitely prioritizes them. honestly if he had less abysmal habits and less of a habit of thinking too hard about his answers he could be better off. no doubt like hes a Good Stufent and he does well but he stresses himself out along w really (jnrealistic) high expectations he holds himself up to. def the gifted kid growing up. A and B student. sometimes a c writhes its way in there.
in regards to people- he loooooooves helping people. he loves hearing the Ohhhhh of a sudden understanding of a concept that he got to explain. very friendly and well liked but not wholly Cared about..hes used a lot just for his smarts, and like outside of helping tutor other folks theres not a lot going on socially. except for communication btwn him and his uncles(which i like to picture are the councillors. very religious family. like Crazy religious.)gabriel probably has some internalized homo/transphobia somewhere in there but he has an arc about that.
mirage and her classes - Makes half assed attempts to study in my mind, she puts her mind to it, pulls out a textbook reviews her notes etc … eventually grows bored, experiences the autism frustration of not having completed a task, and ends up in a nihilistic spiral while I Think listening to music. or texting a friend. she wouldnt admit it but music is a passion of hers. Dont tell anyone but i like to think she daydreams abiut starting a band.
mirage and her social life - she probably has a small circle of friends that are just a total fucking tar pit. she stands where she stands and they disagree sometimes but in the end none of this matters and we might as well hang out after class. actually do you wanna skip next period? etc. shes hard to get along with just because shes so horribly negative but i dont think shes outright rude. maybe has a passive aggressive or underlying tone but i dont think she means it. because none of it matters.
v2 and classes - very hard worker! vigilant and pays attention. snaps at you if youre distracting her. her bag is a bit of a total fucking mess but she’,ll get those papers after the test.( never gets the papers). She gets particularly pissed when people take their sweet sweet time moving around campus. she knows just what to say to get an extended deadline if shed ever need it. i think she has very organized notebooks themselves but again. bags a mess. dorm’s a mess. i think shed find a way to get a single dorm.
v2 and people - gets along relatively well, makes some MEAN small talk and fantastic at making a deal. no close friends though, primarily just acquaintances she waves at and asks how theyre doing.. thats about it. tries to have fun on her own.
v1 in classes - THIS FUCKING GUY. i cannot decide whether it would have straight A’s on accident or straight F’s while knowing the material SCARILY well. what i do know is it would never take notes it would never study its living a life and having fun. not a frat boy or anything tho i dont grt those vibes.
v1 with people - i dont think it has friends though on account kf It Doesnt Really Talk and a lot of other mchines dont bother to Bother with a guy who refuses to really talk. unintentionally rude somehow. creeps ppl out with the unbroken eye contact even as its doing an intensive task. verrrry expressive with bodylang though as if youve got the patience you can get a crazy convo going. like its unintentionally rude but i think its well meaning. unless if its v2. they happened to go to the same college and they have a sibling rivalry. if these two have no friends then theyve got eachother. to bully and tease.
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reptil-enjoyer · 1 year
Talking about the concept art of Heath (G3)
Hey, so his concept art dropped today in the morning i think, and i wanted to say my opinion about it xP
(This is just me being autistic part 1000 of the series called my life)
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Honestly i LOVE those two designs, favs out of the six
The dark eyes of the second? Its looks so cool, it kinda fits way more on the idea of Heath beign the son of the 'Ruler of the Underworld' (Did they call him Satan or Devil or Hades in the show??). Its more edgy looking, it would clash with the personality he has maybe? Like in a good way
Not a fan of the more redish orange of the first, but it fits pretty god with the darkers spots (i think its like magna chunks?? Im gonna call it that). Those parts, chunks, spots, whatever, they can be interpreted as a skin condition he has, and this SO important to me, you NEVER see characters with that, because its hard to animate or "non important", but to a person like me (I have seborrheic dermatitis!) It means a lot.
I still don't understand why did they choose those colours for his clothes, it stands out but in an awful way, the light blue shouldn't be the main colour for his hoodie, it should be the complimentary one, and making the flames in orange to red gradient doesn't help AT ALL
Those two, the first one mostly, are the only ones that you can look at them and get Heath vibes, like you can recognize its Heath (lanky body shape, expressions and pose he's doing help with this too)
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I dont like those two i am SO sorry
I like that they went with more accesories with these, really liking the metal chain honestly (and the earrings!), and the black nails too, it fits him
I prefer the design with the buzzcut, i actually tend to use that as a HC in my drawings, still don't know why they didn't give him one in the show, because his bald head when his fire goes out doesnt look right at all :/
His design looks so good with black, it makes the fire stand out in a good way, his shorts and shoes look way better in here. But the vest? Im sorry, tge idea its cool but it fuck ups his silluette, hes too square looking, and it gives off a totally different vibe. Also the long pants with the same exact design as the shirt? It doesn't look good
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HE COULD HAVE BEEN EMO IN CANON 😔 (this is a reference to a HC of G1 Heath)
Those two are difficult, because I like them, they look good, truly they do, but the way they are drawn, like, their body shape? Mostly his face, he looks WAY older, like he looks idk 17? 18?
He looks so good with long hair i must say
In general, they give off more older brother/sibling of Heath; he doesn't look or give Heath vibes, nothing, nada
AND THAT WAS MOSTLY MY OPINION, SORRY THIS WAS SO LONG GOD, i muat say that different aspects of those designs would be better by separate, but bringing 'all the good parts' of those 6 designs isn't the solution to anything, at least in my eyes, thats all :P
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codenjoyer · 1 year
capt price headcanons <3
heavy sleeper, could sleep through an earthquake. if you try to wake him up before his body decides to wake up, you will have a very angry price glaring at you. if you ask him about it later, he will not remember a single thing about it.
heavy smoker because of stress. mostly prefers cigars, but he will not pass up a cigarette if you offer one to him. also extends to weed tbh. man would smoke you out like a dragon if he wanted to.
has a dog, an irish red setter named moscow; she stays with his family back home when he's not on leave. she's an older dog that price got back before he joined the military, he used to bring her out to hunt & sit with him while he fished until she got too old for hunting, he still likes to bring her out to fish w/ him though :)
he gives off oldest sibling vibes, he probably has two younger siblings tbh. definitely the type of older brother who bullied his younger siblings in a loving way but was also always the mediator in their arguments.
on that note, he is the cool gay uncle. his siblings' kids love him to death, they always want to be around him or stay at his place.
fisher/hunter autistic, infodumps to people about fishing & hunting any chance he gets. he loves the process of fishing & butchering his own foods.
a survivalist type guy for sure, he loves being outdoors. the uncle who will bring you out for a camping trip then teaches you how to shoot a gun while telling you not to tell your parents because he knows they don't want you shooting guns.
generally very chill, but he knows when he needs to be serious & whatnot.
i imagine that he's probably got a few injuries that give him some hell if he pushes himself too far.
stubborn as fuck when he puts his mind to something, & that's probably the only reason he's still in the military despite his previous injuries affecting him on occasion. "i still got a few years of service in me yet, a minor leg injury ain't gonna stop me" (cue someone going "thats not a minor injury AT ALL" while gesturing to his leg that is healing after he near lost it in an explosion or something)
definitely has one of those "dont talk to me before ive had my morning coffee" mugs that he exclusively uses to drink his morning coffee.
"im not autistic" goes on to explain why you absolutely CANNOT use the orange juice cup for anything other than orange juice, why would you even CONSIDER using that cup for anything other than orange juice, you fucking HEATHEN.
likes to cuddle when he falls asleep, but be prepared for an actual fight for your fucking life once he actually falls asleep, he's a VERY active sleeper. expect to wake up with a few bruises in the morning from him tossing & turning
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edith-is-a-cat · 2 months
OMG!! i love crystals so muchhhhh that's got such a good vibe you captured me perfectly :D
i also love minecraft foxes especially the Rotund Ones in that one mod. i'm so excited to see more arctic foxes in game because those are my favorite :) i would keep your netherite sword safe!!!
also dw i'm not worried :3 i don't mind anxiety, i have it myself. i'm not the most social person in the world but online i tend to be more outgoing. i'm kinda getting back into the tumblr scene after a year or two of neglecting it so i'm a little anxious here and there too lolol. patting your head! don't drink too much energy stuff~
in return, i am telling you to look up blue tiger's eye crystals, since you seem to like blue and you are also a cat. :) they have really cool banding and it's so reflective and pretty. one of my favorite crystals.
THE NOISE I MADE I LOVE READING LONG ASK THEY ARE SO SWEET 💕 (My older sibling made a noise back at me from downstairs 😭)
yes all the photos have flash on because im a "one of those creatures who've evolved to spend their entire existence in a pitch black cave that's closed off from the world" (direct quote from my friend) an i never have any lights on i just run into things
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WUGH WHAT MOD EXACTLY??? IM GOING TO WRITE IT DOWN AND HOPEFULLY USE IT ONE DAY!! (I haven't gotten minecraft on my pc yet, ive wanted to mod minecraft for a while but couldn't bc forever on an ipad, but i have modded stardew valley and it wasn't as scary as I thought it was! Now i can live happily with my 6 wives!! Plus ive been wanting to mod Deltarune for the Ribbit mod! but its more scary and complicated since there isn't as big of a modding community around it, ill figure it out though!!!)
also if u were like a little fox in minecraft i would give you a special nametag using my magic §!! (you can get that symbol by holding down &!! idk if your keyboard is the same but that how i get it!! It changes the text color depending on what letter you put by it!!!) Also i would construct you the best enclosure ever (or just plant a forest!!)
WUGH SO REAL if real life was like being online everything would be so cool (and maybe suck a bit more?? people get more voiced online for better and for worse ;~;)
+ I got back into tumblr like!!! October 2022, well i was never really into it but I did have my first blog that i never really did anything with (its now my reblog account)
also on the energy drink note my chem teacher said i had a problem 😭 (I dont!!! I exist like a month without any!! (I love her i showed her my can locker where i had filled my school locker with energy drink cans and shes just like "cool bud" SHE ALSO WAS ONE OF THE TWO TEACHERS TO ASK FOR OUT PREFERRED NAMES I LOVE HER))
On the blue tiger's eye note!!!! Yes. please. give. I need them i have so many things to decorate!!!! I need to put up shelves around my bed so i can look at my random stuff i adore!!!!! (the only thing i have up on my wall is something i drew for my art class and my Undertale heart locket aka one of my most prized possessions... sadly the the music box in it doesn't work anymore i played it so often, cries, it broke when i was trying to wind it for the little kids at my old school)
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blingyu · 2 years
Why I think Byler HAS to be engame
Homophobes stay out, toxic Milevens stay out. This is discussing the Byler ship and why I personally believe it has to be canon. In fact, I think if it isn’t canon it would do a disservice to the show and all that it has built up. 
Im fairly confident we are getting Byler endgame (the 1% is just personal self doubt). For a LONG time I didn’t think about the Byler ship, because I had been through so many queerbaiting ships that go no where in the past. In Stranger Things 3 I definitely got the vibes that Will liked Mike, but I truly thought it’d just be unspoken. After Volume 2 of ST 4, it can’t be unspoke. We as the audience know the truth: Will Byers is in love with Mike Wheeler.
For the longest time I also said that I didn’t care who ended up being canon (Byler vs Mileven) I just cared if it had good writing. I am now of the belief that you cannot have Mileven endgame and it be good writing. This is for a few reasons. 
The Painting (Van) Scene: Will gives Mike his painting. The painting that was supposedly for a girl. Mike immediately smiles at this gift but looks conflicted when Will said it was commissioned by Jane. Will also lied about everything El felt towards Mike, because it was Will who felt these things. Will loves Mike the way Mike wants to be loved. Mike doesn’t love El the way she wants him to love her. El deserves someone who can love her for who she is, not what she does (her powers)
Mike’s Monologue: The consequence of the van scene is the monologue. Mike practically takes those words Will used and gives his own version of the speech. However, he needs Will’s reassurance the whole time. Mike should be able to say I love you to El, without needing someone guiding him. I honestly don’t think that he would’ve ever said I love you if Will wasn’t there basically helping him say it. Also the whole love at first sight thing is bs, in S1 it’s obvious that Mike wasn’t in love with El. He was caring for her, and helping her hide from the bad men. In return, she was helping them find Will. Now whether or not Mike did develop a crush is different, but the fact remains that it wasn’t at first sight. It begs the question of just how much did he lie in this monologue?
The painting plot and Will’s love for Mike is definitely not over: Will lied about the painting. At the end of S4, Mike and El aren’t talking much. I imagine that this could be confusing to Mike, who told El he loved her like she wanted, and Will told Mike she needed him. I definitely think the painting will come up in discussion between Mileven. Mike won’t be happy finding out Will lied, and I think this is going to be a form of conflict between Byler. The only resolution I can see is Will confessing that it was his feelings. It was him who needed Mike. So- we’ve established two things: 1) Mike and El are not in the best place, they might even break up, and 2) Will needs to confess about what happened in the van scene. I think the only satisfying conclusion for these plotlines is Mileven breaking up and Mike realizing he likes Will. Argue with a wall.
Will’s ending being about romantic love and Eleven’s being familial love: I think that this would be the most satisfying conclusion. Eleven and Will are siblings now, but they grew up very different. Will is gay, so he probably thinks that he doesn’t deserve romantic love, he thinks he doesn’t have a chance (remember in season 3, with his mother? “I’m not gonna fall in love”). Will has so much platonic love in his life, as does Eleven. Will hasn’t experienced romance. As a queer person myself, I’m rooting for him, and I root for him to fall in love with his childhood best friend. crazy together. Eleven, on the other hand, needs a strong family. The Byers and Hopper is that for her, but in S5 they’ll finally be all together, and be the family that they’re meant to be. Together as one unit. She didn’t have the best examples of familial love in the lab. She didn’t have platonic or romantic love either, but meeting the party and Mike gave her that. However, as stated earlier, Mike and her are at the end of their ropes. There’s only so much love you have before you have to call it quits. I think with the “From, El” letter that was her being done with Mike. I can’t blame her. This boy does not cherish her like she deserves to be. If you are a fan of El, you have to know she can do much better than whatever this relationship with Mike is. Once you give your all and don’t receive that energy back, you feel the need to move on. I mean, she saved all of Mike’s letters and we see Mike on screen crumple up 2 and throw away one of them. This is a textbook example of not putting in the same effort. 
So yeah, I don’t know how to end this besides saying Byler endgame is the only possibility in my mind now. I don’t see how Mileven could be endgame, and if they were planning on that, they really wrote themselves into a bad spot. I definitely could’ve articulated this better, and there’s probably TONS of things I’m forgetting, but from a story standpoint Will x Mike is the only thing that makes sense going forward.
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6ftkyle · 1 year
hi hi!! was just wondering the appeal of k2 gen question haha please lmk i would love to read more about this i’m so curious lol!!
oh boy, well, good news for you, I love to justify why i love k2 so much!
for me personally, i guess it's not super related to anything in canon. they have a few small moments here and there, but i dont think i could point you in the direction of any "K2 episodes" or anything. its just like, the potential of a relationship between them that really makes me nuts (positive).
at their core, kenny and kyle are both people who fundamentally want to take care of people around them. i see it most in how they interact with their younger siblings (the karen/mysterion dynamic, kyles everything in 'miss teacher bangs a boy''), so i call it the big brother instinct.
for kyle, hes a busybody who goes out of his way to take care of most of the people around him. he's not always nice about it (the way he treats stan in 'raisins', for example), but he does act out of what he thinks is the best interests of people around him. he wants to guide people to what he thinks is best. on the flipside, i dont think he accepts help well. his mom's pretty smothering in the ways she thinks she's protecting him and it makes kyle reject care from others because he'd rather handle things on his own.
kenny, he's a little more selective. he's not that protective of his friends, but i like to think he's protective of those most important to him and that would extend to a crush / partner. when it comes to the reverse, kenny has never particularly had caregivers he could depend on. his parents don't take care for him, his own big brother is a negligible presence in his life, the other adults of south park don't seem to notice or care how the mccormick children are cared for. he's simply HAD to be the caregiver out of necessity. he's never been afforded a moment to let someone else take care of him because it's never been an option.
and that creates a central conflict for K2. two people who want to give care, but aren't good at accepting care for varying reasons. they have to learn how to let their guard down and let the other take care of them every now and then. makes for a lot of good tender moments that i very much enjoy when shipping characters.
there's also smaller things, that i dont think are really worth a big grand explanation or anything. i think there's some really good romeo & juliet vibes if you choose to believe that gerald and stuart still hate each other (esp if you, like me, think that kyle's relationship with gerald is a bit strained and he enjoys that gerald hates that his bf is a mccormick).
there's a bit of 'opposites attract' in there for me too. i like to think kenny grows up to be a bit of an impulsive free spirit (his actions dont have consequences, if he dies, he'll be back in the morning, he doesn't have to be careful or deliberate in his actions), whereas kyle overthinks everything he does and he's super pragmatic. as a couple, he grounds kenny from his silly-goofy antics but kenny also forces him to loosen up. kyle will indulge him and be a little silly goofy with him, while kyle reigns him in from the worst of his impulsive behaviors.
also kysterion with kyle being the medic and the guy in the chair to mysterion's supering antics? well i eat that shit up. that's just a superhero shipping dynamic that i love in almost any instance.
and lastly, its also just a lil bit of nostalgia for me! im ancient, ive been in and out of south park fandom since like 2005 and k2 was one of the first ships i really got invested in. reading k2 fics on deviantArt is actually how i made my first ever fandom friend. i lost touch with them a while ago and most of their stuff has been deleted or put in their dA storage, so i can't revisit it, but it's still a dear memory for me.
the short version is because there's not a whole lot of canon stuff to go off of, i get to inject a lot of headcanons and projection and cater it specifically to what i like.
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