#mw2 hcs
miss-dollette · 8 days
Husband!Price is the type of guy to pull up, absolutely steaming, to the mechanics if you text him that they're charging you $400 (imagine he's in America, for fanfiction's sake) for an oil change.
He'd talk to them, voice low and calm as hell, but meaning serious business. The mechanics realize this man - and his wife, is not to be fucked around with, and lower the price to its origin, but Husband!Price is already pulling you away.
“I already told you, *reader*, you don’t need need to come to the mechanics. I’ll take care of you.”
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keigokoutarou · 2 years
“Do you like my hips?”
Simon “Ghost” Riley x F!Reader
Pt. 1.5 | Pt. 2
Warnings: suggestive content
Purely self indulgent based off of a dream I had involving my crush cosplaying as ghost. Enjoy.
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You sighed, eyes still in your book as your phone buzzed with a phone call. Rolling them in an annoyed manner, you shifted your eyes toward the phone resting by your ankle on the large chaise in your sunroom. Your face looked surprised at the caller.
“Lieutenant Pouty”
You swiped to answer FaceTime, trying not to seem excited about a random call.
“Lieutenant?” You questioned. “You never FaceTime me. What's wrong?
“Nothings wrong.” His voice was gruff.
You listened to the phone be moved around before sitting down against something. You watched the military grade cargo pants come into view at the hips. He was standing angled, hips facing slightly to the side and swaying as he moved to mess with things you couldn’t see off camera. You tried so hard not to stare but his waist looked impossibly good. He had on a tight black shirt that tucked into them so well and his physic was so evident. You’d always admired his body, loving his broad shoulders and how he tapered in at the waist. He was going to be the death of you and he didn’t even have a clue.
“What are you doing then?” You asked, trying to shake off the nerves.
“Wanted to show you something.” He answered swiftly, hands coming around to clip his utility belt around his waist. You inwardly groaned to yourself at how much smaller his waist looked.
“Your hips sir?” You joked, only you didn’t feel amused, you felt hot and drowning in it.
“Don’t have my mask on yet.” He continued with his short answers.
“I’ll call you back then.” You were trying, at least. Trying to get yourself out of a potential situation with your Lieutenant before you could embarrass yourself.
“Absolutely not, Sergeant.” He paused what he was doing.
You remained silent, wondering if he could even see your face that well from the angle he had the phone at.
As the unbearable silence continued, he began putting strapping things around his thighs and hooking them up to the utility belt.
“Sir, I respect you but I’m not sure if it’s appropriate for me to be facetiming with parts of you.” You sighed, being more forward with your uncomfortableness.
“This is payback.” You heard his voice drop an octave with a hint of play backing his tone.
“Payback?” You questioned. “Sir, I'm not quite sure what you mean.” You quizzed
He didn't answer that and continued on in his doings. He reached for the skull mask, almost dangling it in front of the camera before lifting it. You could hear the sound of it slipping on over his hair.
“Perhaps I should call Sergeant McTavish to gain a better idea of what I’ve done to upset you.” You grumbled.
He still didn’t answer. You watched him pull his sleeves up, showing his tattoos before exhaling.
“Are you alone, Sergeant?” He questioned with his voice sounding a bit more muffled because of his mask.
“I’m home, yes sir.” You answered confused. “But I don’t see how that’s any of your concern unless you need to tell me something classified.”
“I need to ask you something.” He continued, voice dry as winter air.
“Alright.” You nodded, finally feeling like you could breathe again.
“I overheard you speaking with Soap.” He started adjusting his gloves to his liking and not bothering to adjust the phone. “You told him how much you loved my hips.”
You're sure if your soul hadn’t left your body in all of those near death experiences, it sure was now. Your face flushed immediately and your heart raced in its cage.
“Is that true, Sergeant?” He continued, seemingly unbothered by what he said to you.
“Sir I-“ you started, pausing before taking a deep breath. “You must have misheard me.”
“Hmm.” He quizzed inwardly. “Are you lying?”
“No sir.” You tried to even your voice.
“You know that lying to your superior could mean discharge.” He continued.
It was moments like this where you cursed the life lessons he faced that made him so unbelievably stoic at the worst of times.
You had absolutely no words for the man on the other line as he tilted the phone to face him. He didn’t pick it up though and that made you subconsciously squeeze your thighs together. You were meeting his eyes from the waist up and the angle almost made you pass out.
“I’ll ask again.” His usually cold eyes almost seemed to squint in amusement. Was he enjoying this? “Do you like my hips, sergeant?”
Even from this angle, his eyes bore into yours and you knew there was no chance in lying to him.
“Yes sir.” You mumbled, speaking your truth and sending all of your dignity with it.
“Atta girl.” He sounded so satisfied. “This is your payback for wearing that shirt yesterday.”
Your eyebrows knitted together before reaching an aha moment. You wore a skin tight black spaghetti strap crop top yesterday because it was the hottest day of the year. You and the team were fiddling around with maintenance on all of the buggies so it was a no brainer to dress cool. However you remembered thinking how great your chest looked and maybe on purpose, you made sure Ghost thought the same.
“You aren’t dumb, sergeant.” He continued on, watching as you reached a conclusion in your mind. “I almost thought you didn’t catch me looking.”
And you almost didn’t. Had you not been so attentive to reading your Lieutenants eyes, you would have absolutely missed the way his eyes flickered slightly toward your cleavage when you subtly pulled your shirt down a bit by it’s hem.
“Anyhow.” He interrupted your train of thought. “I assume this won’t happen again.”
“No sir.” You we’re drowning in that heat now with no life jacket in sight.
“At least not without proper punishment.” You picked up on his excitement showing through his tone as he camera angled back at his hips and he stepped back revealing the much more obvious tenting of his pants.
“I’ll see you tomorrow, Sergeant.” He bed before clicking the call to an end.
A wicked smirk complimenting your flushed face came into play and you sure as hell were going to fuck with your lieutenant some more.
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faded-euphoria · 2 years
ayo whats good hot stuff
you got any headcannons for a gen z reader with tf 141+graves an alejandro perhaps?👉👈
hell yea i do.
CoD men with a Gen Z reader on their team
Imma start this off by saying everyone is worried about your mental health.
Ghost finds some of your jokes funny and relatable
One time you had a nightmare and went to the "living room" of the base and Graves was awake, and he comforted you as awkwardly as any american dad would
You play pranks on everyone and Soap and Gaz joined in with you multiple times, it got so bad that you all made Price think he was passed out for 3 days
You once got emotional around Ghost and told him you loved him.
He stays away from you if you're sad now
On the other hand Soap is right by your side if you're sad, and he 100% knows how to take care of you
If you have a menstrual cycle Price keeps a pocket full of tampons in his gear💀
Alejandro thought you were 10 years older than what you actually are because of how tired you looked when he first met you
You made a joke about offing yourself once near Graves and he took you to his room and gave you an hour long talk about hows he's there for you and its not worth it
Speaking of Graves sends you texts from time to time asking if you need to vent about anything
Laswell keeps an eye out for your mental health too
One time Ghost caught you eating stale goldfish at 3am and promptly got you non-stale goldfish and water before taking the stale ones and eating them himself
If you ever say something too dark in a slightly serious tone the whole team silently agrees that someone has to be by your side at all times for at least a week
You called Price 'papa' once when you were tired and he went to his room and cried a little
But if you ever did that to Graves he'd feel like the proudest man and give you one of those weird half noogie half pat on the head things
Valeria asked Alejandro if you were actually one of 141's kid and he joked about you possibly being Prices but later that night after seeing you interact with Price he now thinks you are the guys kid
You definitely steal Ghost's clothes. More than likely you're smaller than him by a little bit so his clothes are slightly big on you or absolutely gigantic on you and he always feels something giddy inside him when he see you wearing something of his
Gaz made you laugh so hard one time you farted and Soap has never let you live that one down
Rudy saw you crying one time and just patted you on the back and said "Me too, Hermano/a"
they would all be collectively shocked if you can drive, even moreso if you can drive good.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
who you think is the loudest one when they 🥜
graves — he's talkative and outspoken enough out of the bedroom, let alone in it. when he finishes, he can't stop himself from making noise. constant praise, constant mutterings. he only groans throughout, but once he's reached his climax; he moans. typically drawn out and low, paired with unintelligible praises for his partner.
price — unexpectedly loud. he doesn't look the type, but i feel like just can't. shut. up. price doesn't talk as much when he's finishing, not like graves, however, but his noises are noticeable. his grunts and deep breaths grow louder. audible heavy breaths, his brows furrowed in focus as he tries his best to maintain his rhythm to ride out his finish.
soap — talks his way through everything. he likes to think it's for his partner's enjoyment because it partially is, but it also aids him in encouraging the pleasure he's so deeply lost in. when he finally reaches his momentous finish— his mouth goes agape, but he's groaning audibly. loud, but not so much that the neighbors would be concerned.
könig — I don't picture könig outright moaning or whimpering, even when he's going to finish. it's short grunts and growls, low mutterings of praise/degrade into his partner's ear. but it's for him, to live whatever fantasy they've played out to get him to this point. as I mentioned in the other headcanons; he cums a lot, and for several seconds. it's the absence of moaning — instead, it's growly breaths and gasps with a clenched jaw.
alejandro — sometimes he's more vocal, other times he only groans a bit throughout the act. BUT when he's close, frankly, he's talking too much to let out many sounds of pleasure — which would be indistinct moans, anyhow. mainly to his partner, speaking in his native tongue, letting them know he's close, etc...
gaz — this one might be a bit disagreeable for some. but i feel like gaz makes little sound at all, aside from dialogue with whomever he's intimate with. kyle would be keener on talking through his pleasure, worshipping said partner, etc. even when he finishes, he's rather quiet. he sees no need for dramatics, even when he feels the intense rush of an orgasm. when he cums, he may gasp, then there's usually a devilish simper spread on his face, showing off his perfect teeth. if it's an intense session, he might moan a bit with each thrust/motion.
simon — an obvious choice for the bottom. though I think it would heavily depend on the mood of the evening; how vocal he is, also taking into account his partner's preferences. but in terms of moans/groans, noises in general; simon produces little. unless he's going at a wicked pace, where there'd be sharp grunts. but the majority of the time, his lips parted and mouth producing heavy breaths, maintaining as much eye contact as possible.
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cordeliawhohung · 1 year
in another universe, there is no Ghost.
there is only Simon Riley, and he is a butcher. it's dirty work, and sometimes he thinks he can't get the stench of blood and muscle to wash off his skin, but it's honest work. his nose is straighter, and the only scars he has are the ones he gets from accidentally cutting himself on his knives. he smiles more, and doesn't wear a mask.
in another universe, Simon Riley gets drinks with his brother on the weekends. he likes a good bourbon, and Tommy drinks whatever is cheapest. they'll talk about Joseph, and how he's growing up so fast, and how it's a miracle Beth ever fell for a dunce like his brother.
in another universe, Simon Riley helps his mother with everything, especially in her old age. if he can't see her in person, then he certainly calls to make sure she's doing alright. if something's broken, he fixes it before she even realizes it was a problem. he always makes sure that she gets flowers on her birthday.
in another universe, Simon Riley's only dead relative is his father. rotted from cancer, he died and Simon didn't even go see him on his deathbed. he tells himself it's for the best, but a part of him still wonders if he could have gained more, changed for the better, if he had. instead, he pushes the decaying memory of him out of his thoughts and goes about his day.
in another universe, Simon Riley hears about the events going on in the world. the terrorism. the killers. the civilians. mangled, torn apart, wasted. he watches the news of it drone on the tv, or hears it on the radio as he works, and he wonders if he should have joined the forces all those years ago. maybe he should have.
but Simon Riley has family he's loyal to, family to stick around for, and right now, he's got a pig to gut.
ignore me i came up with this on the spot but it's been eating at me all day
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snifsnoof · 2 years
someone asked what königs personality is and tbh i dont think anyone can really decide so heres some headcanons of mine + respective doodles
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me personally i interpret him as a gentle giant when hes not in combat, he def bends down everywhere he goes due to his height but still cannot for the life of him stop hitting his head on doorframes or whatever is in his direct path
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i feel like theres also a lot of „sorry“ even if no ones looking (when he hits his head he apologises to the walls or smt, sometimes he almost knocks people over and he apologises profusely) idk i feel like hed be really polite (it cracks soap up every time)
his eyebrows would constantly be furrowed though as a result to him being nervous all of the time, he doesnt deal well with everyday interaction and prefers that the conversations held with him are strictly job related, he enjoys some one-on-one company sometimes too though (but it has to be specific people, he doesnt feel comfortable at all with people he doesnt know inside out)
i feel like hes really good with small animals or kids as well (relating to his childhood which i may or may not talk about in a future post)
on the battlefield however sweet mother of jesus that man is TERRIFYING he remains pretty expressionless when it comes to body language, hed kill with no remorse at all, stabbing, slashing, shooting his enemies, whatever would get the job done. the only thing reflecting his emotions are his eyes, that stick out and glow almost animalistically, its like they are an entity of their own, completely disregarding the sniper hood casting its shadows.
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his eyes would be torn wide open, pupils locked in miosis, darting all around and scanning the area for his next move or target
könig would carry out his objective no matter what, he does not care much about how, when or who its a completely contrary to his "natural self". (i feel like he sometimes questions himself which side of him is the natural one though)
i have some headcanons about his upbringing/childhood too if u wanna hear abt those as well but i wont put them all in this post
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hunterbunter3000 · 1 year
I'm thinking of sweetheart being the mother of task force 141 when laswell isn't there like in the middle of the night when sweetheart is sleeping and just wakes up when she hears the door creaking and looks at the door and sees one of the boys looking like they were crying and they ask if they could cuddle with then because they had a nightmare and sweetheart just coos at them pats the empty spot so they can lay on and sweetheart spoons them making on of the boys feel safe and falls asleep immediately while sweetheart is slowly scratching their head
And then sweetheart falls asleep and when she wakes up of the cod boys are in her room, asleep and she just laughs and gets out of bed and go make some breakfast and coffee or tea for them
Like AHHODHDHEBR like if ghost was the one he would have slight tears in his eyes or konig I know damn well he would be holding a tiger teddy-
Fucking sobbing on the floor for this shit
I AM TOOOOO WTF THIS IS SO ADORABLE 😭😭😭 König holding a tiger teddy that he's had ever since he was a kid is making me ferallLLLLLLAAHHHH
And I'm sorry- all I saw was König and tiger stuffy and now this whole thing is just about him AHAHANA
Brown Palace and Grey Oceans
(Help this got so long-- it always starts off funny and then i try to be an actual writer smh YOU'LL SEE WHAT I MEAN)
(I honestly don't know what König looks like... even the wiki lore isn't saying anything so I kinda just made him up myself 😅 like how everyone does LOL)
Süße Torte = Sweet Pie
Word count: long. (IDK HOW TO DO A WORD COUNT)
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Yk damn WELL König would open her door as quietly as possible and tip toe to her. He would second guess waking her up cause she looks so damn peaceful sleeping. Her eyelashes laying gently on her soft cheeks, the moonlight shining on her brown skin, making her look ethereal. But he needs comfort right now. The nightmare he had, he can't deal with that by himself.
So he would gently shake Sweetheart's shoulder. And she would SO wake up like a parent would: gasping for air, wide eyed and jerking back. He would step back and apologize. He thinks this was a bad idea but Sweetheart stops him.
Sweetheart, wiping her eyes and sleep in her voice: What's wrong hun?
König, holding his tiger to his side: Uhm... I had a bad... very bad dream.
He breathes in deep, tears welling in his eyes.
König, voice shaking: Can I please sleep with you...?
Sweetheart could hear her heart break. Seeing such a unit of a man be dwindled down to this... (I WANNA HUG HIM)
Her eyebrows knit together, sad that he feels this way. She scoots over and pats her bed. König sniffs, hand rubbing his nose under his home hood. (The brown embroidered hood Sweetheart made him for the base)
He squeezes in there, both of them getting situated in her already small bed. Sweetheart has most of the blanket, but König doesn't care. As long as he's with someone. (Sweetheart specifically)
He turns to her body, face now in her bosom. His eyes go wide, and he looks up at her. She smiles warmly at him. Her eyes go to the little tiger teddy he's holding in his hands. She coos at him.
Sweetheart: How long have you had that?
König feels embarrassed. He kinda forgot he even brought it with him, as it's his comfort companion. (His grandma found it in the attic and sent it to him)
He curses as he hides it behind his back, but Sweetheart grabs his arm. She holds the stuffed tiger, a cute tiny smile and round ears with stripes loosely sewn on the fading base. A big black button for the eye, but the other one is missing, it's just an opening. It's missing a tail, and some tears are on the body. A very old stuffed animal, but Sweetheart can tell it's loved.
Sweetheart: it's so cute... what's the name?
She's not judging him. A grown man, standing at a whopping 6'10, owns an old tiger stuffed animal that he has had ever since he was a child. And she's not judging him. Not laughing in his face and kicking him out. She's asking what his name is, with curiosity in her eyes. How is she real?
König, whispering: ....Hobbes.
Sweetheart: Pardon?
König, speaking a bit louder: His name is-- is Hobbes.
Sweetheart, gasps: Like from Calvin and Hobbes?
König, perks up: You know of those comics?
Sweetheart, giggling: Hell yeah! I used to read them constantly when I was younger. I still have them actually at my home! You could read some if you want when I go back.
König, getting excited and feeling better: I would love that, Süße Torte. Thank you.
Sweetheart, smiling and giving Hobbes back to him: No problem. Are you feeling tired?
He nods his head, about to take off his hood but stops himself. He looks at Sweetheart, eyes asking 'Should I take this off? Will you be uncomfortable?' She looks back him. 'The real question is, will You be uncomfortable if you take it off?'
König thinks on this. He looks back at her brown eyes. Her soft, dark eyes. Eyes that suck him every time he looks at them, entering the smoky quartz palace he would stay in forever. Eyes that always make him feel safe, wrapping him in the darkest color of silk. Eyes that hold many stories and love. Sensual, trustworthy eyes. He can trust her.
König: I trust you.
He takes it off and places it on the floor, face bare and open to the world. He could have sworn Sweetheart's eyes sparkled with actual stars when they got wide. His messy, auburn brown hair is swept back. Thick, soft angeled eyebrows nervously twitch under the hard stare from the woman.
And his eyes, oh, his round, gentle eyes. The ones that light up and shine when she looks at them. The grayish green tint reminded her of clear ocean water, wanting to swim in them forever. Eyes that hold many stories and many secrets. Beautiful eyes. He's beautiful to her.
With his crooked and scarred nose, he has broken many times over the years. Pink downturned lips, curtained over with a thin brown beard on a sharp jaw.
König gulps, eyes still focused on hers. They're staring into each other's color, too far gone to come back to reality. Sweetheart breaks it after what it felt like hours. She starts to laugh quietly, making König confused and a bit self-conscious. She looks back up at him.
Sweetheart, scoffing in disbelief: Who would've thought you were so pretty under those hoods...
He can't breathe.
Sweetheart, still shocked: I mean I never would've guessed. You're... wow.
She places her hand on his sharp cheek. Skin on skin. Warmth. He can feel it. Finally.
Sweetheart: You're really beautiful, Y'know that König?
He can't-- this- it's too much. Overwhelming. Her warm hand, the soft awe look in her eye, her scent, her words, her eyes-- it's too much.
He dips into her neck, hiding his face as his hands wrap around her.
König, beet red: Can we please just- go to sleep? My heart... my heart can't take much more of this.
Sweetheart giggles, wrapping her hands on his head.
Sweetheart: of course.
Her long nails scratch the nape of his neck, almost making König purr. He relaxes into her, molding his body against hers, as they finally give themselves to the night.
König woke up on an empty bed. The sunlight poked at his eyes, telling him to start his day. His hand feels the cozy sheets, where Sweetheart's supposed to be. Sweetheart. Where is she?
He rolls over but falls on the floor with a huge thud and a yelp, and her items shudder from his clumsiness. He grabs his hood as he gets up, stretching his sleepy body. How long was he asleep? It felt like a coma. But nonetheless, he feels extremely well rested, with Sweetheart in his arms and Hobbes-- wait a minute...
Where's Hobbes?
His heart rate picks up as he speeds walk out of her room. Are the others awake? Is she showing them? Making fun of him? No, no please no.
He gets out of his head when he Sweetheart in the living area alone, repairing Hobbes. She hums as she works with a smile, bonnet still on her head, wearing a big sweater and leggings with her legs crossed. She ticks up and sees König.
Sweetheart, waving at him: Good morning, baby! How'd ya sleep?
Baby. She called him baby.
König stumbles back a bit. He shakes his head and clears his throat, an overwhelming feeling replacing the over-thinking.
König: yeah. I mean- fine! Good. Wonderful. I slept wonderfully. It was... I needed that. Thank you.
Sweetheart, chuckling: Of course! By the way, there's coffee and some eggs I made you in the kitchen. If you want it.
König, feeling his heart melt: Oh, thank you Süße Torte. I appreciate it.
She nods her head, continuing back to repairing Hobbes with her needle and thread. König relishes this feeling. The feeling of them being the only ones awake, the feeling of having breakfast made, the feeling of enjoying one's presence. It felt right. It felt domesticated. It felt...
Like they were together. In a relationship. Boyfriend and girlfriend. Husband and wife.
He shakes his head, almost spilling the sugar he was pouring for his coffee. He looks back at Sweetheart, still in her own world, being her. Being perfect.
Boyfriend and girlfriend. He scoffs, mixing his coffee. Please, that will never happen.
You're really beautiful, y'know that König?
He stops.
You're... wow.
His heart beating fast yet sinking at the same time. A small sick feeling in his stomach but butterflies in his chest. He collects his eggs and coffee and places it on the table before heading to Sweetheart on the couch. He sits across from her, watching her working hands, nimble and caring to Hobbes' tears. She sees him and smiles, showing her work.
Sweetheart: Look! I'm almost done sewing up his little scars. I also fixed his eye and tightened his ears and limbs! I need to wash and refill him, though.
She went on and on, rambling on what to do for Hobbes. König smiles. He hasn't done that in so long. He takes off his hood and places his hand on her knee. Their eyes meet, hers sparkling again from seeing his face.
König, sincerely smiling: I thank you for all that you have done for me. In just a short time... I feel like I found myself again.
Sweetheart beams. She's so glad she could help him out. Seeing König in that state last night makes her heart feel heavy, but none of that. He's happy. He's relaxed. He's grateful.
Her hand rests on top of his, and he moves his into hers, Sweetheart's now perched atop of his. The sun smiles on their eyes, their different colored crystals gleam bright.
Sweetheart: You're welcome.
They stayed like that, enjoying each other's company until they were sucked in.
Her Brown Palace and His Grey Oceans.
Lil Bonus.!
Sweetheart: Have you noticed that Hobbes doesn't have a tail?
König, snickering: Yes, I know. When I was little, Krueger would fight me over Hobbes. And one day, he pulled on it so hard that he ripped off the tail. I cried for days.
Sweetheart, getting up: Imma choke him out.
König: Sweetheart no that was years ago!
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Reblogs and comments are highly appreciated! Thank ya for reading ♡🙏
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thejacketscloset · 1 year
Johnny eats at an alarming speed, quite literally scarfs his food down without a second thought, a habit he never shook from being in a large family (if he didn't eat fast his siblings would take his favorite parts of the meal first). This however, leads him to having stomach aches often (speaking from experience) they aren't unmanageable, but he complains about them to the 141 often enough for them to make comments about eating slower to fix it.
Ghost on the other hand eats his food slowly and methodically, he'll do a quick inspection of every bite before eating to make sure there's no textures or flavors that will ruin the food for him. It's his own little routine and he find his own comfort in it, so when he and Soap get closer and begin spending a lot more time together he naturally takes notice to the other's eating habits. Johnny would finish his food two times faster than Ghost does, and then as he would sit and chat idly while waiting for ghost to finish he would start complaining as his stomach ache hit. Now Ghost didn't find it annoying per say, but it did bother him to know that it was something I thought he could easily fix, so as they ate next to each other again he started trying different ways to slow Johnny's eating down (without telling him.)
He starts off with trying to prompt Soap into rambling every time he notices the other going for an extra bite, which does work for a small while, but there were only so many questions about explosive devices Ghost could ask before he runs out. Then he moves on to telling Johnny about little tidbits of ""gossip"" he hears around the base when people don't realize he's there, which surprises Soap the first time he offers the information, but it doesn't really stop him from eating quickly since he's in a listening role.
Ghost goes through a good few more trials until he lands on one that could actually work long term, though it came at the cost of his own usual eating routine. Ghost would ask Soap for certain parts of his food, claiming they were the best tasting part of their shitty meals. After Soap would finish the now smaller portion of the meal Ghost would sneak some of Soap's favorite food back onto his plate, effectively forcing him to eat the rest of the meal slowly.
Soap does notice the change, and after a few days he realizes why but doesn't dare comment on it to avoid Ghost stopping their new routine. It warms his heart though, and he learns to look a little deeper into Ghosts behaviors to see the ways he expresses his care.
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pendragon-writes · 2 years
Trans Man/Masc!Reader with Mw2 guys
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Captain Price
Well it depends on whether or not you've already come out or not. But it’s guaranteed that he already knows since he has read your files.
If you’re pre transition/don’t want to medically transition he would not judge you what so ever and would help you in anyway he can, wether it be period products, heating pads, or some painkillers, he’d still see you as a guy/masc transitioned or not.
If you’re already transitioning/transitioned he wouldn’t make a big fuss out of it.
Keep in mind he may not be extremely educated in this so he might use outdated terms without realizing it, after you tell him he goes straight to researching that same night.
Honestly, he’s just an unbothered king and we love him for that.
When/if you come out to him he’ll just be like “Okay” and then go about his routine.
I know very simple for him but I feel like it’s also fitting
Would joking get you a cake to celebrate with a poorly drawn picture of your face on it.
It’s not very noticeable but he will use more gender affirming words more often, not too much that it’s a bother but enough to make you feel seen.
If you two are on break together and pay attention to one of his bags you can see a small trans ally pin on it.
All and all very supportive love this man.
Honestly all of them are Allie’s and so is he.
Very educated man, he does his research.
If you’re saving up for a binder or something like that he would pitch in.
Getting any surgeries? He’s also going to pitch in.
If you aren’t out to the others but want to he’d help you if you wanted him to.
Pre-transition or not he still see’s you as one of them regardless of how you present.
All in all very amazing guy and super helpful.
Compliments left and right!
This man will make you feel so secure with your gender identity that you’d be saying “gender dysphoria, who’s she?”
But in all seriousness he is such a sweet guy when it comes to you and coming out.
If you cry when coming out he’ll just ask if he can hold you and reassure you.
Also a very supportive guy.
If you confront him seriously so you can come out he’s going to think he fucked up 😭
Will wrap you in a blanket if you start feeling dysphoric and will tell you how you are very masculine and that nothing will change that.
Uses his height to confront transphobes, yes he is scared a bit but he knows they’re just pussies.
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rags-writes · 2 years
141 helps you move headcanons
This is in honor of my own move, I'm so excited!!! Don't forget to follow me.
Captain Price-
As soon as he catches wind about your move he takes over
Plans everything to the last detail
Calls a truck company that he knows the military will pay for.
Order the other to come and help (they would anyway.)
Gets there like 30 min before the time you plan on
Has a clipboard, marker, tape and extra boxes in his truck.
Luagh at Ghost's very concerning jokes
Makes sure everything done by the time the moving truck is supposed to be there
Yells at the moving truck guys for being late and gets a discount
Cook everyone dinner at your new place.
Is the reason you didn't panic about the move.
Is the only one who didn't plan on help before price told him to but mostly because he didn't know you were moving
What did you expect he doesn't talk a lot much less listen unless it's a misson to you guys
He get there 15 minutes earlier then the plan time,
he doesn't let anyone know he there untill you walk into a room and he scares you half to death just by standing there
He starts in the living room and once it's all packed he move on
He won't pack your bedroom or your bathroom up
Threaten Gaz and Soap if they break any of your stuff that he'll break them
The frist thing he said to Soap made you luagh"You’re not completely useless." "You can always serve as a bad example."
The one at make you ask him to stop was "What’s worse than biting into an apple and discovering a worm?" "Biting into an apple and discovering half a worm."
He make the other two help out at your new place, mostly soap.
Complain when Price tells him to help you move
He was definitely planning on helping you, he just like give everyone a hard time
Does show up 15 minutes late
But he brought coffee which would have least everyone frustrated if he was the first one to do so.
Can't stay in the same room even if it would save his life.
You see him in the kitchen but five minutes later he's in the living room
Loves to pester Ghost but runs away once Ghost start making jokes
Start sing and gets everyone but Ghost to join in
Does try to leave after the mover truck leaves but Ghost drags him to your new place
He ends up passing out on your couch at the new place
He shows up on time with coffee
Making fun of price for drinking black coffee as he sip his suger with a hint of coffee
Won't make fun of Ghost (just a little sraced of him.)
Pulls prank like take the duck tape from Price without him noticing and puts it near Soap
2atch from across the room laughing, as Price yells at Soap for stealing his duck tape.
Ghost catches him on the third time but doesn't say anything.
Tells everyone he getting pizza for lunch and head out rhe door.
Soap yells "thank you" but Gaz just calls back "you're the one paying for it" as he hold up Soap's wallet
Helps installs your security with Ghost at your new place
A/N: If you like this don't forget to follow me, so when I open my request up you can send one in
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miss-dollette · 10 months
I’m a pretty tall girl, like, no kidding, I’m 6’1”
I’m always seeing headcanons of Ghost with tiny girls and it’s so sad 'cause like I can’t really relate? 😭 So maybe, pls, can you do one list of headcanons of Simon with a very tall woman? 🥲🥹
Simon "Ghost" Riley x Tall!Reader.
TW: Sprinkle of spice.
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Both of your presence captures attention as you stroll down the road together, turning heads everywhere.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, Simon will pick you up, bridal style, and carry you anywhere you want. He has no problem doing this and will do it happily.
You both have sore necks and backs from looking down all day. Whether it's talking to people, having to bend your head down to do anything on counters, or being cramped in small places.
There's no need for professional messages. You're both there for eachothers aching muscle needs. You'll message oils into the back of his muscled neck, while his rough hands will feel oh-so smooth on your oiled back. It will lead to other things, so keep that in mind.
Anytime you feel self-concious about your height, he'll soothe your insecurity in the best way he could. He's not the best at words, but the way his thumb rubs into your arm just let's you know all that isn't said.
On the plus side, it's so easy for him to give you smooches. No need for all that bending down or tiptoe stuff, your just so easy to kiss.
It doesn't matter how tall you are, he'll always treat you like a lady. He'll affirm over and over how beautiful you are, how sexy you look, and how he'll always be there for you. Even if the way he says it is subtle, you'll understand.
He will not stop you from wearing high heels. If you want to wear high heels, do it and do it proudly. Anyone who has anything to say answers to him.
Any idiot who tries making you feel insecure about your height is gonna get tactfully put down. He'll lead you away from the conversation if they make you uncomfortable.
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keigokoutarou · 2 years
“Do you like my hips?” Pt. 1.5
Simon “Ghost” Riley x AFAB!Reader
Pt. 1.5 bc I love cliffhangers *smooches*
Find Pt. 1 here! | Pt. 2
Warnings: welcome to my tit talk (literally that’s all that’s here) Suggestive content
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Oh you were writhing. Shaking. Beaming with excitement in your seat as you looked at yourself in the review mirror. The ride to base had never felt so fucking long. This 20 minutes used to feel like bliss before you had to deal with the guys but today? You were sure the speed you traveled was considered reckless.
Pulling up to the gate, you stopped for the MP to check your I.D.
“No camos today again sergeant?” The MP asked, trying so hard not to eye your chest.
“Another maintenance day.” You shrugged. “Gotta get the buggies in good shape before our next mission.”
“Yes ma’am.” He smiled. “Have a good one, Sergeant.”
Oh, I will. You thought to yourself as you waved him off and headed toward the yard as you and soap called it.
Pulling in, you noticed a few other cars and began counting them out.
Price’s Raptor, Gaz’s AMG and Soap’s old FJ. You groaned in annoyance.
“If he doesn’t show today, I’m going to lose it.” You grumbled, pulling your keys and sliding out of your rebuilt rx-7 before shutting and locking the door behind you.
You almost stomped your way through the yard to the last set of buggies that needed attention.
“Swear I could hear you coming down the highway in that thing.” Soap laughed, rubbing his hands on a greasy towel.
“Funny, I didn’t think she was loud enough.” You smirked, following Soap back to the one he was working on.
“We’re about done, just need to do two more oil changes.” He sighed, rubbing his forehead to clear the beads of sweat.
“I can start on one then.” You nodded your head.
“I laid everything out already but um, don’t want to like cover up first?” He raised an eyebrow, lifting his hands up to his chest. “Lieutenant seemed pissed on Tuesday about it.”
“Oh did he?” You quirked an eyebrow. “What makes you say that?”
“Heard him bitching to himself about you ‘flaunting’ all over base after you left.” Soap shrugged.
“Seems like he just needs to get over himself.” You giggled.
“Or he needs to get laid.” Soap chuckled along side you.
“Is he even coming today?” You threw in, silently thanking Soap for leaving the opening.
“He’ll be in shortly. Said he was meeting with Alejandro, the guy we have our new mission with.”
“Ah.” You nodded. “I’ll get started then. Wouldn’t want lieutenant pouty to have my ass.”
“I dunno, he might want to.” Soap winked, turning his back to you and returning to his work.
“Oh you have no idea.” You mumbled to yourself before heading toward the truck.
Time had flown by since you laid on the creeper and rolled yourself up under the buggy with tools in hand.
“Ah, fuck.” You groaned as the bolt to the oil pan fell straight into the drip pan with oil spouting out over top of it. Rolling your eyes, you huffed and dropped your wrench and socket beside you before leaning over to look for the bolt.
“Little shit.” You hissed at the little metal knob for falling instead of staying in the socket. You leaned the opposite way, dropping into a random pan you had found to hold anything important and prevent them from rolling away.
Laying back on the creeper again with a huff, you looked at the engine oil staining your hand and like a light bulb switched, you were filled with a genius idea.
“Whoops.” You giggled to yourself as you wiped the oil on the front of your shirt and purposely made sure a smear or two landed on the tops of your breasts. “Wonder how that got there.”
Evil it was and evil you were. Maybe you had started this deadly war, you thought to yourself as you waited for the oil to drain, but Simon made his move and it would be wrong not to engage in such a fun game of chess.
You were impatient as time passed, closing up the oil pan as it finished draining. On the last turn to tighten it with all your might, you heard your favorite sound.
“She should be around here somewhere.” You heard a deep voice break the every day noise of the base.
It was your beckoned fucking call. You smiled, checking your cleavage to make sure it was ample in its beauty before looking to the sides of you to spot Simon’s signature walk.
To your left, you noticed him approaching from the direction Soap was in. Beside him you noticed another set of legs and you realized that it must have been Alejandro. Your smile turned from excited to devious in seconds. This was going to be fun.
You waited until the got closer, assuming Simon had seen you since he called out your name.
You pushed yourself off the suspension and slid out from under the buggy on the creeper. You held your hand out to shield your eyes from the sun and to catch a clean look at your Lieutenants face.
He held his hand out to you, offering help to get you up so you could properly greet. You smiled, meeting his eyes with a knowing smirk as he not so shamelessly eyed your chest. This time, he wasn’t subtle. His hand gripped yours tighter than ever and in that instant, you wondered what it would feel like grabbing at the inside of your thighs.
“Sergeant.” Simon sounded so annoyed. You were glad.
“Lieutenant Riley.” You were absolutely beaming.
“I’d like you to meet Colonel Alejandro Rojas.” He gritted his teeth, trying so hard to maintain an even tone.
You narrowed your eyes slightly in a playful way before turning your attention to the man beside him.
“Sergeant F/N L/N.” You smiled, extending your hand for a handshake. “Nice to meet you.”
“Pleasure is all mine.” He might have smiled a little to hard but you knew Simon caught it and that’s all you cared about.
“I’m excited to get a chance to work with you. Captain Price says you’re great with a Lachmann.” You ignored the tall angry man beside you, fully engaging with Alejandro.
“He speaks too highly of me.” Alejandro chuckled.
“I doubt that.” You waved off his comment. “You’ll have to show me sometime.”
Alejandro nodded, fully unaware of the part he played as pawn. Sure it was a cheap move but it was too easy. Too easy to dig the hypothetical knife just a little deeper into Simon’s side.
“Price wanted to go over some finer details with you before tonight’s big debrief.” Simon interrupted. “He’s in the large building over there, I’ll catch up with you.”
Alejandro nodded, bidding you one more small smile before walking off and leaving you with Ghost.
You crossed your arms, being sure to push your chest out just a little more as you turned to fully face him in a challenge as you looked up at your lieutenant.
“Playing dirty now, aren’t we?” His tone was shifting, dare you say to a more angry one.
“Was I?” You played innocent, almost batting your lashes at the man.
His eyes seemed to flash with excitement at the realization that you wanted to play. Not just submit to him because that would be too easy. You wanted to draw out this game with him as long as possible.
“You little minx.” He shook his head, crossing his arms to match your stance.
“Lieutenant Riley, I’m not sure that’s how you should speak to your peers.” You tilted your head to the side. “It wouldn’t be great for team morale.”
He looked at you, eyes darting between each of yours and then squaring with your chest.
“This is a dangerous game you’re playing at, Sergeant.” His voice was even now, smooth and coated in lust.
“Is it now?” You stepped closer to him, looking up through your eyelashes. “If I recall, you’re the one who started this little game of ours.” Your smirk was wicked and he loved it. “I thought about just giving into you because I’m sure you’d just love that… but giving up this soon would be a waste.”
“You look tough now.” His hands fell to his side, making a step to match yours and close the gap. His index finger found its way under your chin, tilting your face up toward him and making your lips part slightly. “I bet I can wipe that cocky smirk right off.”
“Is that so?” You were trying. So. Fucking. Hard. You almost felt like you were shaking with excitement.
“Give me one chance.” When had his face gotten so close? You could almost feel the puffs of air coming through his mask.
He was being blatant now and that earned him a sweet little gasp from your lips.
“I’ll take that as a yes.” His words were now close to your ear, breaking every rule in the book by playing this game with you out in the open. “My quarters tonight. 9 P.M.”
He stepped back, allowing you to breathe. You took an extra step at the snap back into reality.
“I didn’t take you as a beggar, Simon.” You smiled. “We’ll see about tonight.” You waved, turning on your heels in an unknown direction to put distance between you and Simon.
“Fucking hell.” He released a breath he hadn’t realized he was holding as he watched you walk away and out of sight.
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faded-euphoria · 2 years
if you would be so willing to give me some Graves headcanons? PLEASE🫴
HHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHA plz i live him and yes he will be a good boy in this
sfw/ lots of food hcs also i have more so lemme know if you want more
Phillip Graves Casual Headcanons
He like having his chin scratched
i'm pretty sure this guy is late 30's but stressed as shit so he looks a little older
hes a god on the grill but if you ask him to boil pasta you're house will be on fire
he gets mad when his favorite football team doesn't win and yes it would be alabama
he sounds like he's from South Virgina/Northern Tennessee
he never lived on a farm but he had so many friends that did back in high school
definitely has mommy issues
would be supportive of lgbtqia+ but would 100% not get it
he'd try so hard to remember to use preferred pronouns but he'd fuck up and apologize profusely
knows every single shadow company member
blames himself for every single person that dies on all the missions he's been on
loves those Payday peanut bars
he drinks Diet Coke and Coke Zero
his favorite food is a big ass greasy hamburger with pickles, lettuce, tomato, mayo, mustard, cheese, ketchup, and onion rings on it with fries on the side
He's lowkey republican with a seasoning of democrat
he hates chicken nuggets but loves alligator nuggets even though they're literally exactly the same thing
will eat deep fried pickles
his favorite color is tan
he wears flesh colored shirts and khaki shorts or button ups and blue jeans depending on the weather
knows how to ride a horse better than george washington
he washes his ass but not his legs
will go weeks not shaving his beard and then he'll feel gross and shave
sneezes like theres a megaphone attached to his nose
if he's sick he acts like he's on his deathbed
listens to old taylor swift music and know all the lyrics to White Horse.
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lunarw0rks · 1 year
wait ong imagine something where the reader is loopy from the medicine she took an accidentally tells tf141 she’s in love with them
backstory; you broke your arm slipping on icy pavement. naturally, your first instinct was to call your long-time close friend, who's now your moral support at the clinic.
you're really putting his bedside manner to the test.
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in the midst of stroking your hair, waiting for your eyes to flutter open after getting the cast put on.
“see? all better.” he smiles warmly, watching you examine the chunky cast now setting your arm in place.
of course, sluggishly and with sleepy eyes from whatever they have you doped up on.
after a series of tired questions; how long were you out, how bad is the break, etc… you started to sober up a bit — but still sedated and slurring your words.
his fingers continued stroking your hair, moving strands from your face when you’d twitch too much.
“you’ve always been good to me. a good friend… so good to me, john.” you give a loopy smile, cherishing the feeling of his caress. “i think i’m falling in love with you. how crazy is that?”
even in the worst of states, you get the better of him.
price’s blood runs cold, the caress of his hand stopping momentarily. “oh, sweetheart, you won’t remember this tomorrow.” he shakes the confession off, trying his best to maintain his role of moral support.
you’ve made it hard. very hard.
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didn't know how to comfort you with words — but got there as fast as he could when you called him. even though he didn't say much, it was obvious you gave him a scare, and he was relieved to find it was just a patch of ice and not internal bleeding.
promised to get you a milkshake after, so that makes up for it.
and with simon, you've learned that's a big step for him. to make promises, and to nurture and spoil.
he wanted to stay in the waiting room, but since you were in pain and pleaded for him to stay, there wasn't much bickering he could do with you. besides, you were drugged up; what could possibly go wrong? ...right?
sat in the chair beside the exam table, he tapped his foot anxiously while the cast was being put on. he didn't say much, but his focus was mainly on you or what the doctor was doing with your injury.
one of the few perks the horrors he'd seen; a broken arm is nothing to squirm about.
the confession happened when you were about to be discharged. after all the paperwork, simon held all your things for you without question, to prevent any strain on the fresh cast.
you wouldn't get up right away. you needed to say something.
"wait, wait..." you shrugged off his hand when he attempted to help you climb off the bed, glossy eyes staring up at him. "thank you. for everything you've put up with. i'm starting to— to see things differently. with us, si."
years and years of tight friendship. could it even be labeled that anymore?
shifted awkwardly for a few moments, unable to keep eye contact when you were so vulnerable. he wasn't in a place or state to unpack his complex feelings for you. "c'mon, love. lean on me." he motioned, allowing you to stumble against him as he led you out.
even though you didn't get a clear answer, there were a hundred things he wanted to say.
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he was with you when it happened. a night of hanging out in front of a movie and enjoying takeout. you stepped out to take out the trash and ended up slipping on the ice and landing all your weight on your arm.
you phoned soap, who was still inside your place — completely oblivious to your injury.
already, it wasn't a good ending to an almost seamless night. you were enjoying his company, still stifling feelings like you had been for so long.
and now, sitting in the hospital bed. a scowl on your face while brandishing a new cast. "do ye want me to sign it?" soap asked, half-joking and half-not. you shook your head, getting chills as he placed a gentle rub on your shoulder.
you dizzily sat up on the exam table, handing him your belongings so he could carry them. "i ruined tonight, didn't i?" you asked, despite having no cause for the question.
soap scoffed and chuckled, knowing it was most likely the heavy sedatives talking. "oh, don't be like tha'. it's not a night out without some broken bones." well, he wasn't wrong. nights with him often ended in accidental bruises.
softly, he let your head rest on his shoulder as he walked you past the waiting area, and out to the veranda, where his car was already waiting.
"johnny..." you muttered against his chest, your words garbled from the medications. "i love you."
shaking his head, he opened the passenger door and helped you inside. hovering over you as he buckled you in, you smelled his cologne — the scent you'd learned to crave. "aye, i'm irresistible. but you're off your face."
he brushed it off with humor, but his expression didn't lie. the feeling in his chest didn't lie.
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determined to stay in the room with you while they put the cast on, in case you wanted to hold his hand. even though you wouldn't feel any of it, seeing you in agony on the drive there was enough.
when the nurses finished, leaving you with an inconvenient sling and cast, he did his best to lend you support. "i broke my wrist once, during gymnastics. think you can top that?" gaz spoke to distract you, probably fluffing the details of the embarrassing juvenile memory.
your senses were foggy and sluggish, but you were lucid enough to speak. and the sedatives gave you an inkling of confidence to confess, which you otherwise wouldn't have.
your uninjured hand clutched his, playing with his fingers and giving them a gentle squeeze, "i think we should be more than friends. i mean... you're always with me, i'm always with you. it just... makes more sense." you murmured nonchalantly, as if not dropping a major bomb.
his natural reaction was to shake his head and smile, despite a flood of nerves arising at the confession. whether he felt the same or not—and he did—he couldn't admit it like this.
with you, halfway lucid and in a sterile environment. it wasn't right.
gaz did his best to change the subject, sure to try not to bring this up tomorrow, "how about we get out of here first? let me set you up at home and then... we'll go from there."
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stillarat · 1 year
ft. GN!reader
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Warnings: none
a/n- just something quick, this one's been hanging around my drafts too long
Honestly Simon very much prefers your little dates in the comfort of home
but he can be swayed to go out every once in a blue moon, just don't expect this too often, if you do end up gong out expect something small, he's never been a fan of crowds
smaller cafes in the evening or early morning are more his style
probably wouldn't mind a book store either, and while it's generally pretty quiet he wouldn't enjoy going to the movies often
tells you to just wait till you can rent it at home
always likes to be touching you in some way whenever he's home, but especially when you make time for just the two of you, his hand on top of yours, him leaning against your shoulder while you sit on the couch, his head on your lap
you'll be trying to make popcorn and chances are he'll just be following you around the kitchen making idle conversation the whole time
or y'know just looking at you, it's a little odd but it's his way of caring
he likes to make the most of the time you spend together, even if its hard for him to express it don't hold it against him too much
when if you convince him to go out he might be a bit more stiff then usual, he'll relax a bit later into the evening but never as laid back as when it's just you and him
of course that goes for affection too, Simon's never been one for pda maybe you could steal a kiss or two but that's about his limit
Simon will clean up pretty good for a date night, nothing fancy but that's never been what he's known for
never will be fully comfortable out and about but he won't regret going when he sees how much you're enjoy it
and when he's holding your hand across the table he'll feel like his biggest problem is making you happy
wouldn't know it by looking at him though, still as stone-faced as the day you met him
but you know better when you see his eyes, you've seen them too many times not to crack at least a little grin when he's looking at you like that
it always makes his night a littler better when you do
takes you on walks with him ever now and then, not exactly a date night but it's something you can both share
usually in the early mornings
Simon early, as 5 in the morning.
but if you can't bear to leave your bed before sunrise, he's be happy to take another walk in the evening with you, your hand in his making your way down the street talking about that new movie you like, that new recipe you want to try, the author signing for the book you know he's been reading
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auxiliuno · 2 years
Hallo can i please ask for nsfw könig x f!reader where he doesn't fit her iykwim 🫣 and they both get worried abt disappointing each other at first but they end up laughing at their struggle? They eventually get it in and have a happy ending lmaooo
Thank you! <3
König being too big for f!reader
Fluff, implied size difference, implied cock warming, vaginal sex, p in v penetration, implied fingering, praise
Minors DNI
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It was your first time with König despite knowing each other for a few years, after joining the military
He was a mountain of a man, and often mistaken as being rough and mean
Though you knew better, you were one of the only few that showed kindness to him and accepted him for who he is
You had striked up a conversation with him when you saw him sitting alone after training, sharpening his blade
That's how the friendship (and later relationship) blossomed
Though you had to confess first because poor boy didn't want you to think he's weird or ruin his friendship with you (ToT)
After a few months of dating, both of you decided to take the relationship a step further ≡3≡3≡3
"Are you sure you want to do this, maus?" The giant of a man asked gently. Nodding, you tenderly cup his face as he leans into your touch; "I'm sure, König." Something in his eyes shifted; causing a sudden feeling of primal need heating up in your core. "Please König, I need you now. " Feeling his pants tighten at the sight of you begging for him, he palmed his bulge through his pants while the other found his way under your panties. Gasping loudly, you claw at his skilled hands and beg for more. "Don't tease me anymore, please!"I want you now.". You were already teary-eyed and over the edge from all the stimulation. König just sighs and looks into your eyes. "I'm just preparing you for what will be coming next, schatz."
What did he mean by that, you thought? "Wait- König, what do you mean by tha-". In a sudden and swift movement of his hands, he unbelts his pants and lets his underwear fall to the floor, revealing his already hard and intimidating length. You were at a loss for words, staring wide-eyed, opened mouthed, gaping at him. Seeing you look at him like that made him kind of shy yet proud of the same time. "Is something the matter y/n?" He asked as he cocks his head a bit to the side. "Is something the matter?" "Of course, some things the matter König! How do you think that you will fit???" You were panicking a bit now, never in your life had you seen someone quite as big as him. Standing at 6 feet tall, he certainly did not disappoint in what's inside his pants. 7 inches long, quite girthy while leaning to the left, his bulging tip was already red and swollen, leaking white, pearly, pre-cum. "We could always stop here y/n, you know I would never make you do something you are uncomfortable with." König was nervous now. He didn't want you to think that he would force you to do anything with him. Never in his life would he ever subject you, his liebling, to something like that.
Preparing yourself, you suck in a breath. "It's not that I don't want to König, it's just that I've never taken anyone quite as big as you....I want you so bad, but I'm just afraid to let you down if I'm not able to take you." You say sheepishly. Hearing your response, however, made him a bit more confident about what he will be giving to you tonight. "Don't worry, my liebling, as I said, I already prepared you earlier, and we can stop anytime if you can't take it anymore. I love you for you, no matter if you can take me or not." He smiled that crooked, boyish smile that never failed to make your heart flutter. You nod, a bit more confident now as you motion for him to come to you. He steps forward, large stature dwarfing you as his arms wrap around you gently. "Remember to use our safe word if you wish to stop liebling." He whispers.
Positioning himself at your entrance, he gently slides in, inch by inch while you feel the stretch in your walls. Gasping a bit, he falters and looks into your eyes for any sign of stopping. You meet his eyes and give him a weak smile and nod, urging him on. "God, you feel so good liebling, such a good little maus for me." Hearing him speak to you in such a loving way made your stomach flutter and heart warm. You wrap your arms around him tighter as he pushes the last of himself in you. You could feel him bulging through your stomach. Your face starts to heat up, "uhm, honey, I think we made it, but look at my stomach....". He looks down, and his eyes widen he sees the bulge. "Oh mein gott! I didn't know I was that big to you, maus. " You slap him playfully on his arm. "You have too much of an ego right now." "Well, what can I say? My liebling is taking me so good, and she loves me the way I am. How could I not have an ego? " He smiles so genuinely and happy to you, you couldn't help but smile back. "Yes, so, can we stay like this a bit longer? It feels kind of good." You had to admit, feeling his overwhelming stretch and bulge in your pussy felt good even if it was a little painful. "Of course, schatz, though I can't promise I'll be able to hold myself back any longer." His arms tighten a bit more possessively around you. "Well, then, Mr.Impatient, I give you permission to start moving" You giggled at him, feeling so giddy and happy. "You don't have to tell me twice, my maus."
It's safe to say that your first time with König went just as good as any other first times would go
Sometimes, you both still laugh at it when you guys think back to it
It wasn't perfect, but it was the most memorable <3
Thank you for requesting something from me! I had a lot of fun writing this, and I'm sorry I kind of got off track with the story, I know I should've wrote more headcanons 😭😭😭 I hope you enjoy it!
Any recommendations or feedback is welcome 💗
Have a nice day! 💐
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