#im out of town and will soon be out of the country so please bear with me during this slow time lol
rotworld · 2 years
i hope the new year has been kind to you !! please don’t feel pressure to write. take time to rest well. i go back and reread old pieces of yours all the time! i admire your writing a lot and wanted to ask if you had any more advice about writing .. am excited for whatever you post, whenever it is you post it ^__^ your sandman fic is so evocative and interesting.. the prose is so .. thick in a glutinous dough kind of way.. i don’t know where it’ll go.. thank you again!
thank you and happy new year! so far so good lol i’m with family and very happy. i appreciate your patience and understanding. while i am working on stuff again, i’m also sort of stranded away from home until the later part of this month lol so my schedule is a bit strange.
as for writing advice, here are some exercises to try!
->rewrite a classic: china mieville wrote four final orpheuses, a short story which explores four different reasons why orpheus failed in his quest to bring eurydice back from the underworld. these range from a moment of weakness to simple human error and tell radically different stories about their relationship and his state of mind in just a few brief snippets. 
find a story like a classic myth or fairy tale and rewrite it in ways that resonate with you. change the ending, reinterpret the characters, or focus on a different perspective. if you’re not sure what to do, try coming up with questions you want answered or alternate possibilities: how did marya morevna first defeat and capture koschei the deathless? what does the sea witch get up to when mermaids aren’t pestering her to see the surface world? hope is the last thing in the box pandora opens; what does it look like, and what does she do with it?
->imitate another writer’s style: i made a post one time about voice and said you shouldn’t feel pressure to change it, but i also think going out of your way to emulate another writer for an exercise can be fun and useful. for the sandman fic, i tried to imitate the “feel” and structure of gaiman’s writing. when i first read the comic, i was really amazed by how many plot threads he would juggle each arc, and how those threads would weave together in the finale, so i wanted to use that along with the more dreamy, surreal prose and absurd humor. 
find a writer or specific work that you enjoy and wouldn't mind imitating stylistically. study their voice (the aforementioned post has specific examples of what to look for) as well as how the work is structured. you could write fanfiction or something original with this exercise, but i think it’s easiest to stay in the same genre and use similar themes or aesthetics as the work you’re using for reference. 
->if you get stuck, time travel: recently i read a book on revisions (unfortunately can’t remember the title/author, i skimmed it at the star but didn't buy it) that gave advice along the lines of “if you suddenly get stuck and can’t figure out why, the problem is several sentences ago.” the thinking here is that we sometimes write ourselves into a corner without realizing it, and you need to back out of the corner by retracing your steps. you might’ve gotten bored or lost focus and that made the last few sentences really rough or go in a direction that’s hard to work with. go back a paragraph or two and reexamine what you have, cutting it entirely if need be. 
alternatively, i’ve found that if i get stuck at the very start of a piece, then the problem is where i’m choosing to start. i’ve been working on something about certain characters involved in certain illicit businesses and wanted to open with a party at a fancy venue. i was hellbent on opening with some scene-setting narration/exposition on the venue itself as the reader travels there, and i wasn't getting past the first sentence. so eventually i shifted forward. instead, the reader would have just arrived at the venue and the opening would introduce one of the characters at the party. this also just didn't work, so i moved forward even further. everyone's at the venue, the party has been going on for a while, and it starts with the reader considering the reasons they should not be at this party. what ended up working was cutting my initial, slow-paced plan and starting closer to the action, and i think that's a good idea in most situations. 
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nastybuckybarnes · 4 years
A Broken Fairytale  -  Eleven
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Pairing: Prince!Bucky x Reader AU 
Summary: Sold by your mother, you work as a servant for the King and Queen of Acadia. The Prince, much to his initial dismay, takes a liking to you. When a wicked woman intervenes, your life is nothing more than a prison sentence. With a war on the horizon and a betrothal to a missing Princess that he can’t escape, Bucky is forced to be the Prince -and King- that his father wants. A pawn in a bigger game than the two of you realize. 
Warnings: Language (Maybe), Fluff, 
Word Count: 3.2K
A/N: Have another part of this series! I hope you guys enjoy! I haven’t updated in a fat minute but we’re getting to intense places with this series pretty fucking soon. Enjoy this cute lil fluffy part
“Will you be joining me tonight?” You ask, fingers brushing against the back of his hand as the two of you walk through the palace garden. “Tonight?” He questions, looking over at you in confusion.
“Yes. The celebration. I plan on joining in the festivities. Mother and I agree that it’s a good way to familiarize myself with my kingdom and my people. And I think you should join me. After all, this is to be your kingdom, and these will be your people too.” He purses his lips as the two of you enter the Palace, Steve waiting with a smile on his face.  
“I had planned to spend the evening indoors, preparing for the wedding and the union of the two kingdoms.” You turn to him with your eyebrows raised.
“Is that not what you’ve spent the last few weeks doing? Come now, James. It’s but one night. One night of fun. Of music and games. It’s a celebration of my safe return and of the joining of the two kingdoms. Are you not going to join a celebration dedicated to your future wife?” His eyebrows raise and he looks at Steve for help. The blond raises his hands and shakes his head with a chuckle. “I’m not about to get into this conversation.”
You nod, grinning at him. “Wise choice, Steve. Now James, will you join me in becoming familiar with the people of what will soon be our country? Or will you stay indoors, as you have for the past month, brooding and allowing work to consume you?”
He scoffs, feigning offence. “I have not been brooding! I’m simply preparing. Doing kingly duties.” You shake your head and tug on his hand, forcing him to look at you.  
“You’re not king yet. And I am not yet queen. You and I should enjoy what little time we have left before we’re thrown into our duties. Let’s enjoy it. When will we have another opportunity to bond with our people… with each other? Please join me.” He sighs and Steve chuckles, knowing you’ve got his friend wrapped around your finger.
“Alright. I’ll join you. We’ll attend the festival together and we’ll have one night where we don’t need to worry about anything. Does that satisfy you?” You nod, grinning from ear to ear, then peck his cheek.
It’s the first kiss the two of you have shared since you were in Acadia. It’s a quick, chaste thing, but it has heat rushing to his cheeks, turning them a pretty pink.
“Alright, it’s settled,” He says with a goofy grin. You nod, beyond happy that he’s going with you.
Throughout the morning you find it hard to stay focused on your lessons, and your tutors make sure they point it out. But today you couldn’t care less. You’re finally making your first true appearance as Princess of Corona. You’ll be meeting the people in your country, not as a peasant, but as a Princess.
“You haven’t stopped smiling since you returned from your walk with James,” your mother muses, combing your hair gently.
“What’s happened that has you in such high spirits?” She asks. You sigh and glance at her in the mirror. “James agreed to accompany me to the celebration tonight. We’ll be meeting our people together, for the first time. I’ll be able to learn firsthand what my kingdom is like. I’m more than excited.” She smiles and kisses the top of your head.
“You deserve everything in the world, my dear. I hope you enjoy yourself tonight. Do not let any thoughts distract you from what your heart desires tonight.” You nod, turning around as she gets up and walks to your closet.
“Now... this one...” She pulls out a cream coloured dress, far simpler than the extravagant gowns you’ve been wearing. It’s trim is all navy blue, and the fabric itself resembles velvet. It has strings that criss-cross across your torso, but it doesn’t look too tight at all. In fact, it looks rather comfortable.
She helps you into it then ties you up in the back, smiling brightly when you turn to look at her.
“You look gorgeous, darling. Now, one last thing...” she scurries over to your dresser and opens a large wooden box. Your jaw drops as you see all the tiaras sitting inside.
“Your father and I didn’t want to overwhelm you with them. We wanted you to become comfortable in your new home, get used to being royalty before having to bear the weight of the crown. But now... I think you’re ready for it, if only for one night.” You nod, bowing your head as she places a dainty silver tiara over your hair.
You stand up straight and roll your shoulders back, eyes on your reflection.
“You, my daughter, are going to make a magnificent Queen,” she whispers, kissing your cheek then hugging you tightly. You hug her back, letting out a shuddering breath as you try to reign in your emotions.
A knock on the door startles you and you pull away from your mother, taking a deep breath before allowing the person to enter.
James walks in, looking handsome as ever in a dark blue shirt with the crest of Acadia hanging from his neck. His pants are dark and tucked into his shiny boots, and he’s got a thick black cloak hanging from his shoulders. Atop his head sits a pretty golden crown that’s only slightly larger than yours.
“Are you ready to go, my darling?” You smile and nod, taking his outstretched arm with ease.
“As I was telling my daughter, you have fun, James. Allow yourself to have tonight to be free.” He nods at your mother’s words, bows his head, then looks at you with hopeful blue eyes.
“Shall we?” He asks softly. You nod, eyes eager and excited. “Yes, we shall.” He leads you out of your room and then out of the Palace. Outside, three horses are waiting. You recognize your mare immediately and a smile lights up your face.
“Steve had suggested that we ride to the festival. It may give us more time to admire the kingdom and all of its beauty. As James says the words, his eyes don’t leave your face.
“I think that’s a marvellous idea.”
Steve sits atop his horse with a grin on his lips as you and James walk over. The brunet helps you mount your horse, though you insist you’re fine, then quickly mounts his, looking at his cousin and waiting for the blond to lead the way.
He does, setting a moderate pace, and you and James follow behind him, riding side-by-side.
It’s beautiful.
The last time you rode through the kingdom you didn’t get to fully admire the scenery. There are flowering trees everywhere, and all the plants are lush and green. The sky is turning a lovely purple colour with the setting sun, and the wind smells of flowers and citrus.  
It’s amazing.
“Do you like it?” James suddenly asks, watching the way your eyes swim with unshed tears.
“I love it,” you whisper, sniffling slightly. “I can’t believe this is the place I’m lucky enough to call home.” He nods, smiling softly at you.
“Once we are married, our lands will only thrive. There is nothing that can destroy this beauty. However, the beauty here is nothing in comparison to that of your heart.” You look down bashfully and shake your head.
“Don’t try to deny it. In the weeks we’ve spent together, you’ve only further proved how your kindness knows no bounds, your compassion is endless.” You look up at him and his eyes are so genuine that you can’t help but smile.
“Alright your highnesses, we dismount here and walk the rest of the way. It isn’t far.” Steve hops off of his horse and James does the same, the latter hurrying to you and gripping your waist to help you down from your horse.
When you’re standing steady on two feet you lift your hands to his shoulders, eyes meeting his shyly.
“Enough of that, you two,” Steve chastises playfully, pulling you out of your trance. You hurry after the blond prince, glancing over at James with a longing look in your eyes. He hurries after you, linking his arm with yours again.
You open your mouth to speak but no sound comes out as you get distracted by music in the distance.
“Ah yes, there are no celebrations quite like the Corona ones,” Steve muses, a lightness to his step as he leads you to the main square of the town. As soon as you turn the final corner, you’re overwhelmed in the best way possible.
A small group of people have gathered with instruments, women singing in a mixture of English and the native language. Young children dance around, wearing flower crowns and holding onto biscuits that seem to be covered in syrup.  
“It’s marvellous,” you whisper, a smile on your face. A little girl glances over at you then does a double-take, her jaw dropping. She tugs on her mother’s dress and points to you. Her mother looks to where she’s pointing and smiles brightly.
She curtsies low, her daughter attempting to follow. The people around her quickly catch sight of you and follow her lead, bowing down low. This continues until the square is silent and everyone is bowing to you.
“Please, rise,” you request softly, smiling when they all stand back up.
“Welcome, your highnesses. We’re so very pleased that you’ve graced us with your presences,” a short balding man says, cheeks rosy as he smiles.
“It’s our pleasure to be here. I wouldn’t miss it for the world. I look forward to getting to know each and every one of you tonight. And I hope that we all can enjoy ourselves without the pressures of my royal titles. I would like to know my people, my culture. Not as Princess or future Queen, but as a woman who’s eager to learn about her past.” The people all nod and in an instant the music starts up again.
“They love you already,” James whispers. You look up at him hopefully, wanting to make a good first impression on your people. A small tug on your dress makes you look down and you grin at the little girl. The same one who spotted you first.
“Hello sweetheart,” You whisper, bending down and scooping her up in your arms. “That’s a beautiful crown you have,” You say. She grins and grabs at her flower crown.
“You’re a princess, just like me.” Her eyes widen and you giggle. “Yes, you are. Did you make that crown all by yourself?” She shakes her head and points over to where a slightly older girl is hiding behind her mother’s legs.
“Is that your sister?” The little girl nods and you hum in agreement, walking through the crowd to the woman and her other daughter.
“Hello, your highness,” the woman says. You smile at her. “Please, we don’t need to formalities tonight.” She nods, one hand smoothing the hair of the older girl.
“Your sister told me that you made her flower crown,” You begin, crouching down so you’re at eye level. She nods nervously and you smile. “Would you teach me how? I’ve always wanted to make flower crowns. And you make them so beautifully.” Her eyes widen and she looks up at her mother, who nods with a smile. The little girl in your arms squirms until you put her down, then takes your hand and her sister’s hand and pulls the two of you to a small stand with baskets full of different flowers.
“You’ve gotta make sure you have enough... and that they’ve got long stems,” the older girl explains softly, grabbing a couple of handfuls of flowers. You copy her, then sit down on the ground, ignoring the dirt that smudges on your dress.
The little girl shows you how to make the crown, giving you pointers whenever you need them.
“What’s your name?” You ask gently. She bites her lip before responding. “I’m Amelia. And this is my younger sister Anastasia.” You repeat their names and the little girl grins, tying off the end of her crown and holding it up to show you. You do the same and her younger sister falls onto her back laughing.
Your crown is less than impressive.
You frown at it and she giggles. “It takes practice. Momma taught me how a long time ago. Now I sell them at the market on Sundays.” You nod thoughtfully.
“Well, may I borrow yours? You can wear mine.” Her jaw drops. “Y-yes...” She carefully takes her flower crown off and leans to you, placing it on your head after you’ve removed your tiara.
“Thank you, Amelia. Now, here’s yours.” You carefully place your tiara on her head and her cheeks flame.
“You look beautiful,” you tell her. She thanks you then hurries to her feet to go show her mother. With a giggle, you stand back up, dusting off your dress, then walking through the square, mingling with different people for hours.
When you finally find your way back to James, you have a honey-dipped biscuit in your hand and three more flower crowns on your head. The Prince seems to be in a bit more of a predicament. He’s being swarmed with little girls, all trying to get his attention.
You watch for a while, a smile on your face as he interacts with the children. He catches your eye then grins.
“Excuse me? Mr. Prince, sir?” He looks down as a young girl, no older than five, tugs on his pant leg.
“The music is nice... and I wanna dance.... but nobody will dance with me.... so my mommy told me to ask you...” His face softens and he stoops down to her level.
“I would love to dance with you. What’s your name?” She smiles. “I’m Aethelfled, your highness.” He nods and stands up, taking her hands.
“Well, Aethelfled, will you honour me with this dance?” She nods eagerly and he lifts her to stand on his shoes, then leads her in a basic dance to the music. She’s laughing and giggling, and soon Steve joins him, dancing with another lucky young lady.
You’re soon being dragged into a dance as well, two young girls each holding one of your hands as they dance around, giggling wildly. You dance in a circle with them, the three of you slowing as the music changes to a more upbeat and lively tune.
Guitar’s strum and someone plays a gemshorn, the music making you feel light and airy inside. Another person starts banging on some makeshift drums and the girls grin, starting to jump and dance around with you again.
You laugh from a good place within, grinning from ear to ear as more and more people start dancing with you all.
A man starts singing, the words flowing beautifully in the language native to the land, and you find yourself absolutely entranced as you pick out a few phrases and words that you understand.
Soon enough, nearly everyone is dancing or clapping along to the music. Your eyes catch those of Prince James and you feel your stomach flutter.
You make to dance over to him when you’re intercepted by an older man, a great big smile on his face as he expresses to you how happy he is that the princess has returned safely.
You nod along, thanking him thoroughly.
The music dies down then slowly fades. There’s a beat of silence before applause breaks out across the crowd, your hands coming together repeatedly and hard enough to have your palms stinging.
“Come, Princess! We now celebrate your safe return with offerings to the Gods, and we shall release lights to the sky, to thank them for bringing you home to us, for answering our prayer,” the short man says, offering you his arm. You take it with a smile and allow him to escort you through the town and towards a large clearing.
Dozens of people are already here, with hundreds of lanterns just waiting to be lit and sent up to the sky.
People gather around a boulder in the ground, bowing their heads then placing small objects in front of it.
“This is where we come together as a kingdom to make offerings. And for the past twenty years, we’ve asked for nothing other than your safe return. And the Gods have given that to us. So we must thank them now, and we will continue to thank them.” You nod, intrigued by the display.
A little boy places a flower crown on the ground, whispers something, then bounds back to his mother with a huge smile on his face.
“What is it that they are all saying?” You ask, desperate to absorb as much of your culture as you can.
“Most just whisper a small thank you, but it is generally said as such ‘Tha sinn a ’toirt taing dhut, airson do fhreagairt air ar n-ùrnaighean.’ It roughly translates to ‘we thank you, for your answer to our prayers’.” You nod thoughtfully then lift your own flower crown off of your head.
You eye it for a while before looking at the balding man.
“Can you help me translate something? I’d like to give thanks as well.” The man nods eagerly and walks with you over to the boulder. There’s an inscription upon it and it takes everything in you not to run your fingers along it.
You get down onto your knees, much to the surprise of the people around you, and bow your head.
The man whispers the words you’d requested into your ear, and you repeat them slightly louder.
“’Tha mi a ’toirt taing dhut, airson mo thoirt air ais gu mo theaghlach, mo dhaoine, agus airson dòchas a thoirt dhomh.’” You place the crown onto the ground then repeat the words in English.
“I thank you, for bringing me back to my family, my people, and for giving me hope.” You hear someone kneel beside you and glance over, smiling at James and Steve. They each nod to you then bow their own heads, whispering words of thanks themselves.
Slowly, everyone in the vicinity kneels down and whispers thanks and prayers, most directed at their princess, but some directed at the Prince as well.
You raise your head after a moment longer and take a deep breath.
“Your highness,” you turn to the woman and smile gently at her.
“Would you like to do the honours of releasing the first light in the sky? To announce your safe return to your people?” You nod and take the lantern from her with a smile. She carefully lights the candle inside it and you watch it for a moment before lifting your hand up and over your head, the lantern hovering for a moment before taking off up into the sky.
Slowly, dozens of lanterns start floating, yours leading the way to the sky.
An arm is around your waist and you look up, slightly startled until you realize who it is.
“I’m glad you brought me out here tonight,” he whispers playfully, thumb rubbing circles on your waist. You smile up at him. “I’m glad you joined me.” He leans his cheek against the top of your head and the two of you watch as the lanterns flood the sky, signalling to everyone that the Princess has finally returned.
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miastideclock · 4 years
3RACHA Reaction To Their Girlfriend Speaking A Different Language
heyyy? could i request a 3racha reaction to their gf being from a diff country, and how theybreact to her talking her native language on the phone or when she's upset or something??? thank youuu
hEAVY WARNING, i speak NONE of these languages fluently, so like- bear with me, and please let me know if I’ve made any mistakes ehehe thanks y’all, i like barely understand two of them, ehe
Major thanks to  @stoysolaxd​ for helping with the Spanish part! 
CB97 (Bang Chan)
Sitting in the studio while your boyfriend was working was one of your favorite pastimes, which worked out quite well, as that was where Chan spent ninety percent of his freetime. You sat on the floor, your back leaning against the couch, your arms resting on the coffee-table in front of you as you noted on the pieced of paper you had.
“What do you think?” Chan asked after a few minutes of silence, turning around to look at you. The sheet you had at your hands, was lyrics and notes Chan had written, waiting for your approval.
“I love it, I absolutely do. Just give it-” You started, but your phone soon went off. You quickly apologized to Chan and picked up, seeing as it was your mother. Chan instantly nodded, it not being a problem. It was a very casual studio session, so there was no hurry or stress around anything.
You greeted your mother, who cut right to the chase, asking if you were bringing Chan home for christmas.
“Ja, jeg kan snakke med ham om det. Okay, mamma- men har du tenkt på at kanskje han vil feire jul hjemme? Nei, det er greit, jeg skal spør han senere. Vi snakkes senere, glad i deg.” *”Yeah, I can talk to him about it. Okay, but mum? What if he wants to spend Christmas at home, did you thing about that? No, okay, I’ll ask him later. Talk to you later, love you.”
Chan had told you this before, but it never stopped being the truth- he could listen to you speak Norwegian forever. The way you rolled your r-s and how different it sounded to both Korean and English. He also admired that you could speak so many different languages so effortlessly.
After you hung up, you turned to look at your boyfriend looking at you with a dreamy look in his eyes. “Are you okay?” You asked him as you placed your phone back in your pocket and got to your feet, walking over to him.
“Yeah. I just can’t believe I’m dating a bilingual queen.” He said, smiling, making you laugh.
“Actually, there is something my mum asked about.” You started, sitting down on his lap as he had leaned back in his office chair. He hummed as a way to make you continue. “She wants so meet you. You have any plans for Christmas?”
Chan turned his head so he was looking directly at you, his jaw having dropped by now. “Really? She wants me there?” His words were happier than you had ever heard them before. You nodded with a chuckle, pulling your phone back out and going onto SnapChat. You quickly snapped a picture and started typing.
“Han sa ja. Plis vær greie når vi er der!” *”He said yes. Please be good when we’re there!”
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SPEARB (Seo Changbin)
The couch in the studio was the most comfortable thing you had ever sat on, which was great, since you seemed to find yourself here all the time. Especially now, right before a comeback. You would spend day and night in here, helping Changbin and the boys. 
But today, it was only the two of you. He was sat reading over some note she had gotten from another JYP producer, trying to figure out who he could incorporate that into their new song. 
“Babe, it’s been a few hours since we last ate. How about I go down to that place you like on the next block, and I bring back some food to enjoy while we take a little break?” You suggested after a few minutes of silence. He looked at you with a smile and nodded, about to say what he wanted, but was cut off by your phone blaring a familiar ringtone. You quickly excused yourself to answer it.
“Hey, ist es wichtig? Ja, ich bin gerade mit meinem Freund im Studio. Kann ich dich zurück rufen? OK, tolle! Tschüss!” *”Hey, is it important? Yeah, I’m at the studio with my boyfriend right now. Can I call you back? Okay, great! Bye!”
It had been one of your friends from back home, but you could call them back later when you walked to the shop. When you turned back, Changbin was looking at you with a big smile. You gave him a look, essentially asking him what he was smiling about. But without him having to say anything, you connected the dots.
i’ve connected the two dots, you didn’t connect shit i’ve connected them
You and your boyfriend had talked about it time and time again, that he loved listening to you talk in your mothertongue. His biggest dream was going to Germany with you, and listen to you order dinner, talk to you family, or just listen to you sleep-talk in german. 
“You sound good, baby.” He smiled, and right after those words left his lips, his eyes lit up.
“That’s it! The backing! The speaking- who says it has to be in Korean?! They should be in german! Babe, you could do that, right?” He was ecstatic, so much so that you completely forgot how nervous you got in the booth- but that was a problem for later. Right now, you and your boyfriend decided to go to the restaurant and eat there, as a way to get their mind completely refreshed.
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J.ONE (Han Jisung)
Jisung had been sitting in the studio since this morning, not having gotten the chance to eat, promising himself he would as soon as he got the track just perfect. But being the perfectionist he was, he had issues with that. 
Luckily for him, he had you as his girlfriend, who always made sure he was okay. So as soon as you realized he hadn’t eaten or drank any water in what is presumably way too long, you went to town. 
You picked up different types of meats and carbs, not knowing what he was in the mood for. When you had gotten back, he was in the bathroom, so you took the opportunity to make the spread pleasing to the eye. You used the coffee table in the room, and placed the different dished out, making it look as yummy as you could. 
“Oh hey, I didn’t realize you were back- Woah! What’s all this?” Jisung spoke as he entered the room, not seeing the table at first. 
“Well, I didn’t want my little musical talent to go hungry, so I brought you a little something.” You smiled, proud of the presentation. 
“First of all, never call me that again ew. Second, this isn’t a little something- this is a buffet!” He said, making you laugh at both his first and second statement. He then hugged you tightly, thanking you from the bottom of his heart. You hugged him back, letting your head rest on his chest.
However, your moment was ruined when your phone started ringing, the sound coming from your purse. You pulled away from the hug and saw it was your co-worker. You quickly picked up, already being asked if you could cover their shift.
“Oye, acabo de ver tu mensaje. No puedo hacer eso ya que estoy en Corea en este momento, visitando a mi novio. Lo siento. ¡Vale adiós!” *”Hey, I just saw your message. I can't do that since I'm in Korea right now, visiting my boyfriend. Sorry. OK, bye!”
You then hung up, placing your phone back in your purse. “Let’s eat!” You spoke, sitting down on the floor by the coffee table, not caring for the couch. Jisung followed suit, giving you a grin as he did so. “What?” You finally asked.
“You’re so hot when you speak Spanish.” He grinned, making you chuckle and roll your eyes. He had told you this before, so it wasn’t anything new. 
“Just eat you dork.”
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Hope you like it!!
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cagestark · 5 years
Yesterday I found this “whats the point of quarantine if im not going to be quarantined with my beautiful mortal nemesis for days on end until our sexual tension build and we fall in love but before we have the chance to kiss the quarantine ends and we must go our separate ways” and I was “God in need this but with starker” and since you are the best writer here, please make me suffer (in a nice way!!!) Love, 🍝. 🥰
While things where I live are getting sticky (confirmed cases within 30 miles of my tiny town, governor shut down schools + bars + restaurants in the whole state), I’m going to be adding to this little fic every day for the next 14 days while we’re in ~quarantine.~
I highly recommend that anyone who doesn’t want to see this fic centering around the quarantine filter the tag tw:cv19. Let’s get through this together <3
“That will be us soon,” Peter murmurs. On the television plays footage of Washington state universities closing down, students flooding from their dorms to return to their homes both locally and abroad and wait out the peak of the pandemic. In his dorm communal space, more than a dozen students are crowded around the largest television on the floor watching the scene unfold from across the country. 
“We can only hope,” someone mutters from behind where he, Ned, and MJ take up the entire sofa. “I’m not looking forward to that physics final in Dr. Banner’s class.”
“Are you kidding me, Thompson?” MJ snaps. Her hair hits Peter in the side of the head from the velocity as she turns to face the other man. “Way to think about only yourself. After this ends and school resumes, I hope you feel proud basing your solid C average on the bones of our elderly and immuno-compromised. Class act!”
Peter listens with undisguised pleasure—watching MJ take people down from their pedestals is always prime entertainment. It helps him ignore his own worries, about May who is getting older and more at risk, about how he can’t afford to travel back to New York to stay with her and he will likely be one of the few students remaining on campus. A low voice cuts through all the bickering, and Peter turns to track it. 
“It starts with the elderly and the sick, but we won’t be far behind. This is obviously biological warfare.” The voice belongs to a student so handsome that Peter’s gut clenches on sight. Then, he scowls. Tony Stark could be downright mouthwatering if his personality wasn’t so repugnant. “January 28th, a Harvard professor was arrested for accepting payments from the Chinese government. He’d set up a lab for them back in China. Three guesses where.”
“Stark, take your conspiracy theory bullshit right back to Area 51,” MJ says. “Shove it beside the Berenstein Bears books and 9/11 being an inside job.”
“Wuhan,” Tony finishes, face flat and handsome, so fucking handsome grave. “Ground zero for this pandemic. Ignore the evidence if you want. Whatever keeps you feeling safe.” 
“Yeah, we all feel real safe,” MJ mutters. 
“I didn’t think you of all people would buy into conspiracy theories, Tony,” Peter says. He can’t tell if he likes this longstanding repertoire he has with Tony Stark. It would make him crazy to like it, the way they argue, the way they contend against each other in their classes, the way his head seems to get cloudy every time Tony is around. But maybe Peter is a little crazy. 
“Pro-tip, Parker?” Tony says, rolling his eyes. “Don’t think about me at all. Got it?”
“It’d be easier if you’d disappear off the face of the earth, asswipe!” MJ shouts at his retreating figure. Tony holds up his middle finger without bothering to spare them a glance and then turns into the corridor, disappearing towards his dorm room. MJ puts her arm around Peter’s shoulders, as close to offering comfort as she gets. 
Peter leans into her hug and tries to put Tony Stark from his mind. 
It’s amazing how things can change in three days, Peter thinks to himself while sitting alone on the sofa. His phone buzzes in his pocket: confirmation from Ned and MJ that they made it back to their hometowns safely. May’s text from earlier goes unanswered, her offering to take a few days off to come and drive Peter back to Queens. He’s contemplating it, as terrible as it sounds (and it would be a dick move, because he knows his aunt needs the money that comes from working, and he knows that his presence will be nothing but an increased financial burden on her). When faced with the loneliness of being the last student on his floor, it seems tempting. 
The door from the elevators opens. Peter jerks around, heart hammering in his chest, convinced that the elevator will somehow be empty (there are rumors the dorm is haunted by the ghost of some students who died in a terrible chemistry accident, though no record of the accident exists) but it’s not a ghost that steps out of the elevator. It’s Tony Stark, sweater rolled up to reveal forearms covered in burns and bruises from his time in the lab. Fuck, Peter’s mouth goes dry. 
It goes dry, but it doesn’t stop working.
“What are you doing here?” Peter can’t help but snark. 
Tony groans when he sees Peter. “Parker? God damn it. I thought this was going to be a vacation. Now I see I’m already dead and in hell.” 
“Why aren’t you home? I thought you were daddy’s little scientist. Shouldn’t he have you under a glass bowl to keep COVID from getting to you?” 
Tony’s face goes hard. “Shows what a dipshit like you knows. Not every slacker can afford to take two weeks off of their thesis paper. Stay the hell out of my way.” 
Tony storms off, leaving just the scent of expensive cologne behind him. Peter’s eyes can’t help but track his form. It’s hardly fair, for such an ass to have an ass like that. Even after the other student is gone, Peter feels like he’s swallowed a shot of whiskey, his stomach warm and roiling. This should be the final straw. He should let May know that he’ll be waiting by the curb with his bags packed. 
So why, then, does he message her and tell her that he’s going to stay?
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foolishlovebugbaby · 4 years
ten-thousand miles gone
summary: they say time heals all wounds, but the one left by han jisung on your heart is one that you still treat tenderly. alternatively; han jisung reappears into your life like a whirlwind, knocking you off of your feet, after leaving you without a goodbye.
genre: angst
warnings: nothing triggering or rated
word count: 6k
note: in my head, the mind map of the way this particular fic ended went in so many directions, but this was very draining to write so i settled on the one that wouldn’t leave you hanging. 
been travelling these wide roads for so long my heart’s been far from you ten-thousand miles gone
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In your younger years, life had always seemed to move gradually. Time seemed to be muffled by all the firsts and seconds that came and went like waves, distracting everyone from the reality of growing pains. But college certainly ripped off that bandaid, a cushion no longer supporting your fall into the harsh realities of life. 
Second semester of sophomore year had just ended, so now every college student across the country was making a beeline for the airports and bus stations, with tickets home clasped tightly between hands that were potentially developing carpal tunnel syndrome. Luckily for you, home was two train rides and a taxicab away. But like all your independent adventures of navigating life unhinged, no journey would be complete without twenty-something voicemails from your mother telling you to padlock your luggage and some vague, superstitious advice she read on Facebook. 
[To ma: yes, i didnt forget to pack your scarf and no, im not going to drink ginger and ginseng to ward off bad train spirits.]
[From ma: thank you. suit yourself , you will be bad spirit magnet !]
You chuckle and shove your phone into your pocket, hailing a cab with one hand while the other slings an abnormally large duffle bag over your shoulder. “North-Hill train station please.” You say to the cab driver and shove your luggage into the seat next to you. 
You let out a tired sigh and slump into the pleather seats. Butterflies swarmed your stomach- you always seemed to get them whenever you went back home. Back to the place of some of your greatest and worst memories. Somehow, through the years, the fear of seeing him again in that godforsaken town died down, because the thought of ever being able to see him again at all proved itself to be almost impossible. 
Even a fool knows this, you’re the best thing I’ve got…
You almost choke on your spit when that song comes on the radio. Of course that song had to come on so conveniently in the middle of your trip down melancholy lane. You have half a mind to reach over and turn the radio off, but decide against it when you see the cute old man bobbing his head to it. 
So instead your mind traces its steps back a few moments until all you’re reminded of is him. 
In your head you remember all these great experiences- graduation day, senior prom, camp nights during wintertime and summer carnivals down at the boardwalk. But then your mind tortures you and conjures up these images of what it would’ve been like to have experienced it all with him next to you and suddenly the memories become less fond. It’s treacherous, really, being your own worst enemy. But you learnt the hard way that time slows down for no one. 
When you get to the train station, you move in a daze. The muscle memory of validating your ticket and walking to the platform does all the work for you. And usually that would be a good thing, except now it only allowed you to stay in your head a lot more. It’s funny, really, how everytime you see posters and billboards of his group around you don’t flinch. Not anymore at least. Because you don’t know him anymore, and he’s probably forgotten about you.
Sometimes, you’re convinced he was just a character that your very active imagination conjured up to fill gaps in your life with meaning. But every time you open a picture of the pair of you way back when, you’re met with the reality that he was real. Even if it was just for a short amount of time, he was visible to you. Tangible. And meant galaxies to you. 
[From mama han: cant wait 2 see u back again ! have dinner with us soon xoxo] 
You smile fondly down at your phone once you’re situated in your seat, typing out a reply to the woman you consider a second mom. 
You thanked the universe for still keeping her in your life. Sure, her son would probably be known to you as the biggest jackass to exist for eternity, but she would remain sweet and tender in your heart for longer than that. 
[To mama han: can’t wait to see you too:)]
You don’t confirm your spot at their dinner table, because frankly speaking, the last time you stepped foot in their house was the summer before university when you went to drop off a box of jisung’s things that you found in your room- sweatshirts, t-shirt’s, notes and other miscellaneous items that demanded you remember every miniscule moment spent with him. And since then you’ve found every excuse not to go near that place. You knew it probably hurt the woman whenever you conjured up some arbitrary excuse to not dig in to her incredible cooking, but the finger is to be pointed at Han Jisung and Han Jisung only. Screw him. 
She sometimes tries to address the elephant in the room whenever you do get to talk during her visits at your childhood home. Like It would be great to have you both visit at the same time or Would you like me to call him? I’m sure he’s not busy right now. Yeah, subtle as a gun, but you love her still. 
You’re not one to believe in luck, and if you did you’d actually quite fancy yourself as the most unluckiest person of them all, but you thank the heavens that he’s never been back home the same time as you have. Either that, or you’re just way too good at being further than a 10-mile radius from him. Like last semester break, when you got word from one of your childhood friends that he would be in town so you decided to cancel all your plans of going back home under the guise of going on a group excursion somewhere up north. Obviously, all you did was stay in your dorm and binge watch Gossip Girl for three weeks, but you concluded that anything would be better than having to confront your demons- or demon. Singular.
What would you even say if you saw him? Realistically, not that much. Ideally, you’d destroy him with words. All that pent up anger for him leaving you behind and all the unresolved feelings left to concentrate in an urn you buried deep in yourself exploding like Pandora's box right before him. 5 years passed, and yet you still found it difficult to imagine what a conversation would be like with him again. 
Honestly, you’d tell him to stay a while longer, just so that he’d remain vivid in your memories once he decided to leave again. 
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When the taxi cab pulled up in front of your childhood home, you were half asleep and in desperate need of a solid meal. “Thanks, keep the change,” you say groggily as you pass the money to the driver. 
You take a deep breath once you’re out of the car, your duffle bag slung around your frame. It’s been a very long time since you were last here. The months seemed to pile up without you noticing, and now that you think about it, it had been a good whole year that passed. You don’t know where the time went, but you were definitely here now. 
You trudge up to the door, ringing the bell once. “Hey ma,” You say as she squeals and pulls you in for a hug. “I’m glad you’re back in one piece, especially since you ignored my advice.” She says pointedly and ushers you in. “Yeah, well, I guess the train spirits didn’t feel like victimising me today.” She looks at you with her mouth hung open and slaps your arm. 
“Don’t say that!” She’s about to scold you more when your dad enters the living room in his pajama pants. “My daughter finally decides to show her face around here! Send in the doves!” You always knew that you got your flare for drama from your dad. 
“How are you doing sweetie, we missed you.” He gives you a big bear hug and you sigh. “I know, it’s been too long.” 
“There is not enough time in this world to mope around! Now, darling, it’s very late so your father and I are off to bed. There’s some leftovers for you in the toaster oven in case you get hungry,” They both smother you in a hug and you almost suffocate. “We’d love to hear all about your university in the morning. Sleep tight honey.” 
And so you’re left to your own devices. Again. Sighing, you reluctantly head up the stairs and make your way into your old room. A smile finds its place on your lips.
The room is oddly clean- you figured your mother must have emotionally cleaned in here (more than once) during your time away from home. But the walls are still the same ugly navy blue, and your star-print curtains remained planted in front of your windows with planet decorations all over the ceiling to match. Funny. He helped you decorate. Said it made your room feel like the universe was just the two of you.
You didn’t know that what he really meant was that you were his safe place.
You spend a good thirty-minutes unpacking, tinkering around your old room and texting your friends about your trip home. It feels like an eternity passed when you finally decide to listen to your growling stomach and go get something to eat. But you’re picky and nothing in your kitchen seems to entice you enough to devour it, so you swipe your house keys off the kitchen countertop and head to your door. 7-Eleven it is. You’re dressed in a pair of leggings and a pink sweater with fluffy slides to match, but you could care less.
As you walk out of your driveway and head down your street, you pass by his house. The lights are off (of course, since it’s an ungodly 1AM) and it practically looked like a dollhouse. 
You turn your gaze away. 
The walk to the local 7-Eleven is only 5 Hozier tracks away, so you reach there in no time. Your tummy growls when you enter, and you immediately head to the instant section. Hmm, ramen, tteokbokki or pasta, choices choices choices…
You’re too busy pondering to notice the figure clad in sweats and a baseball cap standing frozen at the end of the aisle, gaping like a fish your way. He practically isn’t breathing, but your presence had knocked the wind right out of his chest. 
“Y-Y/n?” He manages to breathe out, and you look around, confused. Did someone just say my name?
Your eyes slowly turn to his figure, and you can barely see who it is from afar. Tan skin can be seen from the collar under his hoodie, and dirty-blonde hair peeks out at the ends of his baseball cap. You feel like you’re seeing things, because you know that baseball cap. You bought it. 
Slowly, your eyes trail over his face, and you feel the air leave your lungs.
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Jisung still remembers the last time he saw you. Well, the last time he saw you before he didn’t say goodbye. 
It was a Thursday afternoon, History class had just ended. On the way out, he caught a glimpse of you. He hadn’t seen much of you the entire week, but that was because he was actively trying to avoid you. But there you were, at your locker putting away your books with that puppy-dog expression you always wore whenever you were tired and in need of a good nap. He stood for a few moments, taking you in. Even if your hair was messily up in a bun with a hoodie two sizes too big drowning your frame, he still thought you looked like an absolute dream. He wanted to go up to you and ask you how was calculus? And when you pout and say boring, he would suggest you come over for some hot chocolate and a movie. And you would say yes, with a sleepy, lopsided smile, and his body would feel all warm and fuzzy at the sight of you.
But he doesn’t do any of that. Instead, he leaves his heart by the lockers, and with one last look, he walks away. His jacket does nothing to warm the cold that creeps its way up.
Had he known he wouldn’t get to see you one last time after that, he would’ve watched you for a few seconds longer. Had he known that you would fall sick and stay home from school the day before his flight, he would have told you to take better care of yourself. And had he known that the last time he’d see you would be when you’re drained and tired and down, he would have gone up to you to make you smile, one last time. 
He never stopped recreating pictures of you in his head, fearing the outlines of you would fade. 
Except now, as you stand a mere six feet away, he feels as though you stepped out of his mind and into his world once again. He can see you. You’re there. 
None of the pictures of you that he drew up in his head would ever compare to the way you looked right then. Beautiful, just as he remembered you.
Your name feels like a foreign language when it leaves his lips. 
The air is so thick between the pair of you that it makes everything around him slow down. He sees your eyes move from confusion, to shock, to utter fear and bewilderment, and then to pain. It feels as though a knife impaled his heart when he sees your eyes quiver.
He always loved your eyes. Dark brown, like freshly turned over earth, warmed by the sun. They look at him with sorrow now. 
Your arms drop to your sides and your lips quake, “J-Jisung?” God, he forgot what it was like to hear his name in your voice. He hates that it’s said with so much heartache. 
You run out without thinking twice. 
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“Stop, slow down! W-wait!” You hear his voice call out for you, but you continue to run- where? You don’t know. You just wanted to get away. Your feet take you far down the sidewalk, lamp-posts your only source of light at this time of night. 
But you’re not fast enough, and for the first time in a long time, you feel his grip on your arm.
“Let go of me,” You say, your voice already breaking. He breaks with it.
“Y/N listen-” He pants out.
“No, let go of me!” You snatch your arm away from his grip. God, you’re furious. And hurt. And every other emotion there is to feel when you see the person who left you with nothing.
Your raised voice startles the two of you, and you both stand there for a moment, breathless. From running, from shock. 
He doesn’t say anything and just gapes at you, “Well?” You provoke pointedly. “What? Cat got your tongue?” 
“No ‘Hey y/n! How’ve you been? Long time no see since, you know, I abandoned you’.” You say harshly and the knife in his heart twists. 
“I know you’re hurt-” You cut him off.
“Hurt? Hurt? Hurt doesn’t even come close to what I feel, Jisung.” All the words you want to spew get caught in the back of your throat and you fight yourself to keep it together because you don’t want him to see you cry. You don’t want him to catch you vulnerable and raw, because you don’t know if you can trust him with that part of you again.
“Can we please just- can we please just talk?” He begs, and you scoff. “Please?” His eyes plead with you, and you frustratedly run a hand through your hair. 
“So talk.” You cross your arms over your chest and look at anywhere but him. He doesn’t say anything, and each time he tries to, all he does is end up biting his tongue. Where does he even begin?
“I’m sorry,” He croaks out, even though it’s the worst thing to say. 
“Great. All is forgiven.” You’re ruthless, but that’s only because he didn’t show any mercy when he left. 
He searches your eyes, not knowing what he could say to make things right. Or if that was even a possibility anymore. You both stand in silence for a while, and slowly your resolve breaks away.
“Why?” You say, your voice coarse and exhausted. “Why’d you do it? I tortured myself for months- no, years asking myself what I did wrong that caused you to leave me like that. What- was it something I said? Something I did? Please- tell me, I’m begging you,” You’re full-on sobbing now, tears flowing down your face like waves. They twinkle in the warm streetlights and he feels the ground beneath him crumble. The wound he left on your heart was ripped open again, and you couldn’t help but bleed in front of him. “P-please, Jisung. It’s been killing me for so long.” 
Tears leave his eyes, “It wasn’t your fault,” He says softly. 
“Then what was it? Because for all this time I broke myself down, questioning why you left like that. For so long I thought you were mad at me- I thought you became tired of me, bored of having me around. Do you know what that’s like? Tearing yourself apart to find answers you know you can’t answer by yourself?” “Shit, I thought you didn’t need me anymore. Which sucked, because I needed you.” You whisper through ragged breaths and he takes careful steps closer to you. 
“Of course I still needed you- I haven’t stopped needing you, y/n.” His voice is as broken as yours.
“Then why?” Your voice is barely above a whisper and you struggle so hard to not fall to the ground. 
“Do you know what it felt like to wake up one morning, clueless and thinking everything was fine, and then finding out that it was, in fact, not? Do you know what it was like to find out the person you cared for the most up and left you alone and with no explanation- not even a single goodbye? To be desperate to hear his voice again, and wonder to yourself why it was so easy for him to cut you off like that?” He stood right in front of you, so close that he could touch you. 
“I searched for you. I still looked for you in the hallways at school, hoping it was just one of your stupid pranks. I waited in my room for you to climb up to my window again and whisk me away to the park for one of our late-night walks. I called your phone for days, just in case you’d finally get annoyed and pick up. You never did. You never did,” You didn’t notice that your face was in his hands and that he tried so desperately to wipe your tears away, his own streaming down his face.
He sucked in a breath, “I left like that because I knew that I wouldn’t be able to get on that plane with you watching. That I would drop everything, all my stupid dreams, to stay in this stupid town for god knows how long with you. Leaving you was the most painful part,” 
“That day I found out I passed the audition- do you remember? You were so happy for me, more happy than I was. The only thing on my mind was the fact that I had to leave everything behind to chase after this dream- to chase after a dream that came true because of you. I wasn’t sure anymore. But you were so sure of me, so ready to see me attain everything we talked about, that the thought of all of that being in vain because of my cowardice ate me up inside. I thought that maybe if I could keep you at a distance- make you mad at me for ignoring you, have you hate me- that it would make it a little easier to let you go of me,” Your lips quiver.
“It wasn’t easy-”
“I know, I know that.” He rests his forehead against yours and squeezes his eyes shut as he hears your soft sobs. “It was so that I wouldn’t have a memory of leaving you behind in an airport. I wasn’t ready to have that image in my mind haunt me. I’ve regretted it everyday. You have to believe me when I say that.” 
“Then why didn’t you call back? Or even send a message?” Your eyes search his for answers as you pull your forehead away from his to get a clearer look.
“I thought you hated me. That you didn’t want anything to do with me anymore.” 
“Bullshit. You thought wrong.” Angrily, you push at his chest with closed fists and shut eyes, “You thought wrong,” You push him away until you’re no longer in his grip. “Let me go,” You whimper when he tries to reach for you again. “That doesn’t justify why you left me like that. I felt like I meant nothing to you for so long. You threw me away like I didn’t mean anything- made me feel like I was insignificant.”
“You meant everything to me!” He shouts out, shocking you into silence. “Don’t you see it?” When you only stare at him in confusion, he sucks in a breath. 
“The mere thought of leaving you was enough for me to think twice. Sitting with you in French class and giggling because we didn’t understand a word, spending so many nights with you in your ridiculous dinosaur onesie, getting to walk around aimlessly until 4am in this godforsaken town as if time wasn’t fleeting- I-,” He runs a hand over his face, frustratedly wiping his tears away. “I wasn’t ready for it to be over. I didn’t want to miss graduation, the day we looked forward to since grade school. I didn’t want to facetime you on prom night while you look so goddamn beautiful, knowing that someone else would be getting to slow dance with you. Knowing that I wouldn’t be there, that I would be missing out- that I would be missing you every goddamn day made me realise I wouldn’t be able to last without you.” 
“Selfishly ripping you apart from me felt like the only option. And it was so cruel, I know that. I’m the selfish asshole,” He takes exactly five steps to stand in front of you, and places a hand tenderly on your cheek. 
“I was selfish because I knew I couldn’t have you. I was in love with you, y/n. So fucking in love and you didn’t even know. And after all this time, I still am.” He says that last sentence in a whisper, and before you know it, his lips are on yours.
His mouth is so warm against yours, so tender, and yet they set your skin on fire. 
You pull away and take two steps back. 
“Y-you don’t get to kiss m-me like that, not again,” You say breathless. You’re reminded of sophomore year, and the kiss in his living room that made you feel weightless and lightheaded.
“I think we’ve talked enough for tonight,” Your heart hammers in your chest and the blood rushes to your face so fast that you swear you’re shivering. His eyes are illuminated by the streetlamps and you see them break right before you, defeated. Yours are no different. 
You walk away, choking back sobs.
He doesn’t try to stop you.
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It’s 4PM when you decide to get out of bed. 
Your eyes are practically closed shut from your lack of sleep and you don’t bother to brush your hair, or undrape the blanket around your shoulders when you head downstairs. Your parents are sitting in the living room, oblivious and unassuming, but when they see you they almost go into cardiac arrest. 
“What’s wrong?” Your mother asks tentatively, extremely unsure as to why her daughter looked so abnormally disheveled. “Did you know he was going to be back in town?” You croak out, and she sighs. 
“So you saw him.” She states, and your dad pretends to read the newspaper. 
“Why didn’t you tell me ma, you know what happened-”
“Exactly; everyone knows what happened, and everyone knows how ruined you’ve both been because of it. But nothing’s going to change if you keep sweeping it under the rug. Honey, I know you’re hurting,” She rests a hand on your cheek and you close your eyes at the feeling. “But this is your chance to get closure.”
“What if I don’t want it anymore?”
“Oh that’s a load of cow dung. Look at you; you’re a mess.” Gee, thanks mom. 
She bites her lip and pauses for a second, “What if I told you that during your first year in college, the very first semester you were away, he came back? It was the autumn before things took off for him, and he showed up in town looking for you everywhere, not knowing you had left. I felt so bad, but you’re my daughter, and my first instinct was to protect you because I knew that for the first time in a long time, you were enjoying yourself. So I didn’t give him your new number, said your phone was broken, and he was absolutely heartbroken. I regret it slightly, but maybe this time you both can stop being constantly out of step.” 
Your mouth hung agape and your head spun. He looked for me?
“Don’t leave things like this, you need each other.” She gives you a squeeze, and you sigh. 
She was right. Years passed with so many things left unsaid, so much time gone. And as much as you hated to admit it, you were never going to get that time back. It would kill you knowing that you didn’t take the chance to fix things. You were already broken down to your bones, what’s left to chip away?
You uncoil yourself from your blanket and fling it onto the couch, groaning when you realise you’re going to have to face him again. The events that had elapsed last night were still hard to wrap your mind around, and you found yourself wondering if it ever did happen. You could already feel your heart pound at the thought of it. His words float in your mind ceaselessly; so much so that when you step out of your house, you almost miss the slumped figure on your sidewalk.
He gets up at the sound of your door closing. 
His hair was messy, pointing every which way, and the same clothes from earlier were now wrinkled and crimped. His eyes devastated you. They looked worn down and exhausted, much like yours did. 
“Walk with me?” He breathes out, and you nod. 
Seeing him in daylight is different. As you two walk, you become increasingly aware of exactly how much he’s grown. He used to be only a few centimeters taller than you, but now you only reach his chin. Barely. But his skin is the same golden tan and his cheeks remained full. You’re close enough that you can smell his scent- a scent you didn’t know you missed until now. But in retrospect, you just missed him. 
You both reach the small park in the middle of your neighborhood, and you find yourselves under the big oak tree that he had deemed our spot all those years ago. You look up into his eyes, and for a moment you remember what it’s like to feel home again.
“Do you remember the first time we found this place? You were always so terrible at hide and seek.” 
You find yourself smiling at the memory. He hid from you, behind this very tree, for so long that it had felt like you spent hours searching for him. When you finally did find him, you were angry and upset with him with red cheeks to match. 
“That’s only because you were always so good at hiding from me,” There’s ambiguity that you didn’t intend in that statement, which brings you both back to silence. 
After a while, you gather the courage to speak again. “So about that kiss-” He winces and scratches the back of his neck.
“I’m sorry for catching you off-guard like that last night-”
“I’m talking about the one on your birthday, sophomore year.” His lips squeeze into a tight line and his round eyes stare at you dumbfoundedly. 
“I-I always thought you never remembered that. You never brought it up, so I thought that it was just a mistake.” You fiddle with your fingers and gnaw at your bottom lip, feeling the heat creep to the back of your neck. 
“Y/n, it was never a mistake. I wanted to kiss you- and I did- because I was sick of being confused about my feelings for you.” You look back up at him, “I didn’t bring it up because I was too scared of scaring you away with it all.”
“Well you should’ve, so that I wouldn’t be so confused either.” His expression changes, and you didn’t think it was possible, but it becomes even more defeated than it was a few moments ago. He rubs his face with his face with his hands, leaning against the tree. 
He’s about to speak again, but your lips reach his before he gets the chance.
His soft cheeks rest in your hands as you taste him, soaking in the feeling of his warm lips against yours. This time, for the first time, the kiss lasts longer than a few seconds. 
The sensation sends shivers up your arms and down your spine. When he kisses you back, he kisses you with so much fervour that you’re worried you’ll pass out at the feeling. But his arms grip you tightly around your waist to keep you there, with him, firmly in place. Your mind is fuzzy and your heart beats erratically in your chest when he squeezes your waist. Craving him like this is new to you, and yet you can’t help but yearn for more. 
Where words failed you before, you make up for it in slow dances across his lips. 
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“It was worth it, right?” Your question comes as a surprise to him. 
Earlier, when the sun had begun to set, the two of you decided that public parks were not exactly the most ideal place to have a heart-to-heart. So you walked back to his place, hands shoved in to the depths of your pockets, but your shoulders brushing against his with every step. 
The two of you laid face to face on his bed, pillow-width apart. 
“Leaving, yes. Hurting you, not at all.” He answers quietly, his hand drawing circles on the small of your back. 
Under his bedroom lights, you take his breath away. His eyes trace over your features, over every dip and bump of the outlines of your face and he hopes that this vision of you never leaves him. He takes in every mole and freckle on your face like it’s the first time he’s seen them, when the reality is that he always used to map out constellations on your cheeks while you slept. He’s afraid that if he blinks, you’ll vanish again, so he tries to keep his gaze steady on yours, unwavering and certain. The way he looks at you sends the butterflies in your stomach into a frenzy.
“I miss you,” You say, your voice meek and he feels his heart break all over again. “I miss you too.” You both speak in present-tense because even though he could touch you, see you, he knew it would take an indefinite amount of time for the pain of losing so many moments to heal. 
He pulls you into him, savouring the feeling of your embrace. Holding you makes him feel at home, and god knows he’s been away for so long. You nestle into the crook of his neck, and his hands rest under your sweater and on supple skin, willing your pain to go away. 
There are an infinite amount of things he wants to tell you, but he figures “I love you.” would suffice for now. 
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Life never slowed down. As much as it felt like it had when you spent your days with him again, the days piled up one by one. And soon enough, time caught up. 
Soon enough, you would need to book your train ticket back to the city, because your three-week long semester break would draw to a close. He would have to book a plane ticket back to glitz and glamour, and the pair of you would wind up in the same dilemma that you were in five years ago. 
Only this time, he never leaves your side during your fleeting time together. This time, he tries to make up for all the lost moments within the span of three weeks. He doesn’t let go of any chance to be with you- to hold you, to touch you, to kiss you. He imprints the feeling of his skin on yours so that you never forget. So that he never forgets. Your eyes are cosmic in the moments that you share intimately, and he soaks up every inch of you so that he never forgets what it feels like to share the same breath. 
He listens to all your stories and all your bizarre adventures with a fond smile, because you tell them with such wonder that it makes him feel like he was there. Your voice is the only one he wants in his head. 
When he drops you off at the station, he doesn’t say goodbye. But not like last time; he doesn’t say goodbye because instead he says I’ll see you soon and Get there safely. When he watches the train pull away from the platform, he prays he sees it soon again because it carries his heart with him. 
He likes to imagine that you send him voice notes of your day and how frustrated you are with you OChem professor. That you send him pictures of yourself, and all the cute little cats you come across during your walks to class. That you send him long letters in the mail like the hopeless romantic that you are. In return, he would introduce you to his members- he knows you’d get along with Hyunjin the best, because you both would like to bitch about him while he’s still in the room. He likes the idea of facetiming you whenever you have the time, and getting to say he misses you, even if it’s only through a screen. He likes to imagine that in every lyric he writes, an essence of you treads in his words, because you’re his only muse. And he envisions the day when he’s finally back in the town where time slows, up in your room where the rest of the world crumbles away and your slates are clean once again. 
But for now he watches as the train becomes nothing but a speck in the distance, waiting for it all to play out.
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kirishwima · 5 years
The RFA+V+Saeran with a female MC who is secretly a country bumpkin and they find out when they insist on a trip to visit her family? Hope you're safe and healthy, hon!
awe this is cute! Honestly, im from a really tiny island and a complete city girl, so this was a little hard to tackle, but hope you’ll like it regardless!! ^^
*As much as he doesn’t want to admit it, he’s also a bit of a country bumpkin-sure, he’s an absoloute introvert who loves to stay home and play games, but if he has to go out, he’d much rather be in the countryside rather than the city-the quietness and the friendliness of people just lifts his spirits every time, and he’s actually quite fond of gardening and farming chores!
* He realised MC is similar to him when they got talking and he realised how much she prefers the countryside to the city-she explained how she was born and raised in a little rural area hours away from the town they live in now, and how moving into the city was a huge deal for her.
* Yoosung’s so excited? He asks MC about anything and everything, asks her if her parents work in argiculture (yes, they do), what animals they raise (mainly chickens Yoosung, she answers with a little giggle), if all her family lives in the countryside (nowdays no, it’s just her grandparents but her parents aren’t too far away)
* He decides they HAVE to take the next weekend as an opprotunity to visit her family. It’s not like he hasn’t met them before-they’ve talked frequently through skype when they check in with MC, and her parents seem to adore Yoosung-he’s shy but such a little ball of energy, she’s sure they can’t wait to meet him up close.
* So they both pack their bags, hop on a bus and spend the hours-long ride watching TV shows on their phones or playing online games together ‘till the signal weakens too much-a signal that they’ve arrived.
* MC sure wasn’t exaggerating when she said it’s a very small rural city-by the time they reach the bus station the roads turn from asphalt to dirt-roads, and he has already counted over 4 donkeys walking by the side of the street!
* MC’s parents were there to greet and pick up the two of them, taking them to MC’s grandparents place where they’d be staying the weekend-and Yoosung was THRILLED. MC seemed so happy to be seeing her grandparents, and they both seemed to love Yoosung so much, if the fact that they kept trying to get him to eat more food was any indication?
* He let MC guide him around, taking him out to the back of the house and into the big courtyard where her grandparents had planted fruit-bearing trees and vegetables, stopping by the kitchen coop where she remembered the names of every single chicken around.
* It was different from what Yoosung was used to, but he loved it-and seeing the smile on MC’s face, he loved it even more.
* Zen’s a city boy, through and through. He was born for the hustle and bustle of cars and trains, for the busy bustling life.
* So when MC’s parents called, insisting she and Zen come visit them on their next time off, she was perplexed-she wanted to see her family, and Zen seemed eager to meet them too...only she never told him where she grew up.
* She never mentioned that she lives in the countryside, how her parents have their own vegetable patch and sell the best lettuces and potatoes to big supermarkets-it’s not that she was embarassed of it, on the contrary she was proud of her parents’ hard work, but she had no idea how Zen would react to the idea of staying where there’s barely a decent phone signal for a few days.
* Well, it seems she was worried for nothing-when she explained the situation to him, he was thrilled! He packed more relaxed clothes for their trip, slacks and even farmer jeans he’d been saving in the back of the closet, that really...shouldn’t look as good on him as they did.
* She was worried throughout the trip, and Zen rolled his eyes as he held her hand, rubbing soothing circles on her knuckles. “I love you, and I love everything about you, your hometown included. There’s nothing to worry about!”
* And well, he was right. Her parents were so excited to meet Zen, they’d invited her grandparents and cousins for dinner, a huge meditarranean feast with produce they had grown and were proud of, and Zen was so happy to try it all and even help set and clean the table-her mother had taken her aside at some point, tipsy with wine as she whispered in her ear ‘don’t you EVER let this man go!’
* The next morning, MC woke up to find Zen wasn’t next to her-no, instead, he was out in the field with her dad, where he’d been doing all the heavy lifting for her parents-and seeing her man with sweat on his brow, his sleeves rolled up and a sack of potatoes over his shoulder shouldn’t be as hot as it was, but it’s Zen so-that’s a normal reaction, right? Right?!
* Boy....
* When MC’s parents said they’d love to meet her girlfriend, she was so shooketh-of course she wanted to meet MC’s family, but this suddenly? They’d invited them over this weekend?! She had no time to practice her reactions and speech and oh god, what if they hated her, what would Jaehee dO-
* “Jaehee, baby...I have to tell you something.”
* Jaehee’s mind went on overdrive. Oh no. OH NO. Were her parents going to hate her? Were they inviting them over to tell MC to dump her, is this what it was about? What MC wanted to tell her?!
* “Um, my parents-I was born and raised in the countryside. Our property is actually a house with a farm where we raise cows and sheep for milk and wool. Uhm, I just-I guess I wanted to make sure it’d be cool with you to stay over at this sort of place for the weekend?”
* Oh. Oh?! Is that all? Jaehee breathed a sigh of relief, turning to look to MC with a small smile. “Of course it’s alright MC. I’d love to meet your family and see the place you grew up at. I just...” she shrugged, a blush on her cheeks, “I just hope your parents will like me.”
* MC rolled her eyes. From the little they saw of Jaehee when MC skyped them, they’d already said she’s the best partner for their daughter-’the only one able to knock some sense into you’, her father has specifically said.
* Turns out Jaehee was far more of a countryside girl than she’d initially thought-she spent the weekend learning all she could from MC’s parents, meeting the sheep and even getting licked on the cheek by an over-excited cow, at which she laughed until tears formed in her eyes.
* At night, she sat at the porch with MC, a glass of wine in one hand, her other interlaced with MC’s. She was wearing a woolen sweater MC’s mom had knitted specifically for Jaehee, a ‘welcome-to-the-family’ gift as she called it, and it took everything in Jaehee’s heart to stop from crying.
* “I want that”, she said as she looked out to the starry night above them, far brighter than what they could see from their little apartment in the city.
* “Want what?” MC asked with a hum. Jaheee sighed, looking to the woman she loved, imagining the future ahead of them. “This” she said, “A life like this, for us-to be able to just hold each other and be proud of our produce and live quietly in the countryside-I can see how much you love it here and...I love it too. I-I love to see you this happy” she admitted.
* MC smiled, big and toothy as she leaned close to give Jaehee a quick kiss on the lips. “And we’ll have just that. We have the rest of our lives to plan it out” she added. 
* Jaheee laughed. “That almost sounds like a proposal” she grinned.  “Maybe it is” MC said cryptically.
* Of course he had to visit MC’s family and properly introduce himself, as he’d be the one to marry their daughter. Despite MC’s concerns, he was the one to call her parents and introduce himself, explaining that he’d love to meet the family of the woman he loves as soon as possible.
* MC’s parents were....baffled, to say the least, and demanded MC explain everything to them-how could she be ready to marry this man when she never even told them she was dating him?! But she promised they’d meet him soon and they’d explain everything, so they calmed down, and said they’d expect the two to come over this weekend.
* MC bit her lip as she turned to Jumin as she hang up the phone. “Um, baby-I should tell you first, my family lives um-they live in the countryside. Is that...okay?”
* Jumin frowned. “Why would it not be? I want to know everything about you my love” he said, taking a step forward to take MC’s hands in his. “I want to meet your parents, see the place you grew up in, learn everything there is about you-it wouldn’t make a difference to me if you grew up here or the other side of the world.”
* With that, MC remained quiet, saying little else about her upbringing until the day they were to go to her family’s home. She saw Jumin pack his usual suit and tie and smiled a tight-lipped smile. “You won’t need those there. Rather...it’d be best to take something far, far more casual” she said cryptically. Jumin blinked owlishly but complied, taking out his suits in place of casual shirts and slack pants, as casual as a man like him could get.
* When they arrived hours later to her family home, he understood what she meant. Her home was in a rural area, bordered by green lush forest all around, and right beside it was a long stretch of a vineyeard, where they met her parents, a crate of grapes besides them.
* They were more than weary of Jumin at first, eyeing him like a foe-especially MC’s father, but when they all sat down for dinner and explained the situation to her parents, they started warming up to him. Her mother was more than pleased when he started asking about their vineyeard, clearly knowledgable in both wines and the different kinds of grapes there were.
* MC loved to see Jumin bond with her family, and was so excited when the next morning he woke up earlier than her to get dressed and head down to the gardens to help her parents spray the grapes to protect them from bugs, then going down to the small strawberry garden with her mom to pick fruits to make jam.
* Seeing Jumin smile with no inhibitions, standing side by side with her mother as he carried a crate of strawberries so MC’s mom wouldn’t have to do any heavy lifting....already she could see a life ahead of her with this wonderful, gentle man, and she couldn’t wait another moment to start living it with him.
* He’d talked with her parents many times online, peeking at the corner of the camera whilst they face-timed their daughter. At first he was shy, barely able to stutter out a word to them, but eventually he was more than used to greeting them, even cracking jokes with her dad and talking about the latest gossip from the farmer’s markets with her mom.
* Of course he knew all about where she grew up-he hacked into all of that information the moment MC had stumbled into the RFA chatroom!
* He’s not really fond of the countryside-Saeyoung has so much energy as a person that a place that offers him little stimulation is borderline furstrating, so he never attempted even visiting the countryside before. 
* When he explained just that to MC though, she laughed, loud and bright. “Baby, if you want, just try and help out my parents with their daily tasks...I promise you by the end of the day you’ll be begging to just sit down and do nothing for hours on end.”
* Well, MC was....partly right. As soon as they arrived to her parents’ home, stopping a few times along the way as Saeyoung’s pricey sports’ car rumbled and complained on the dirt roads, he excitedly greeted her folks with hugs and kisses, telling them he’s ready to get to work.
* MC explained how he wanted to help them as much as possible this weekend they’d be staying over, and they were both overjoyed-a chance for them to relax a little was rare when there was both livestock and wide stretches of vegetables and fruit to take care of, and they’d take any opprotunity they could.
* So MC...barely saw Saeyoung the rest of that day. Instead she was content to let her parents guide him around, choosing instead to make some lemonade to take to all three of them on the fields as a little break.
* What she found when she walked out into the vegetable patch was an unexpected yet welcome sight-Saeyoung, a rake in his hands, farming gloves on his hands as he cleaned the soil and helped her mom pick out the cabbages that were ready for harvest, Saeyoung laughing besides her dad at one thing or another, looking like he belonged right there-it warmed her heart, to see a man that had been through so much laugh this bright.
* When Saeyoung turned to look to her, his smile shifted into something more private, his gaze clearly filled with love, enough to make her cheeks redden.
* Her mother walked up to her, taking a glass of lemonade from the disk MC held as she leaned close to whisper to her daughters ear; “This one’s a keeper honey. You better marry the heck out of him!” 
* And boy, looking to Saeyoung, walking towards them with his bright silly grin, his hair matted with dirt from the soil, his eyes crinkling with glee-her mother was right. MC would marry the heck out of this man.
-I’ll be adding Saeran and V soon! I just need some more ideas first so it doesn’t become repetitive, sorry ^^”
-send me a mystic messenger headcanon/scenario for character reactions!-
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virryth · 5 years
Prince!AU Johnny
Johnny came home ;; #WelcomeHomeJohnny
1835 words | Fluff
Where the prince sneaks out to be come a street musician, not knowing an assassin was on his tail
2nd prince of the dynasty, knows it’s not his responsibility to be king so tend to eff around a lot (but like not actually effing anyone)
the only one in the family with the same mother as the crown prince, but vibes so much better with his younger bros: Mark, Doyoung, and Jaehyun
he’s responsible enough to lead an army and has been entrusted with the title of General the last time the country went to war, but due to war PTSD he decided it wasn’t a life for him–prince Youngho is a pacifist
Prince Yuta however loves the art of war so he took over. When Yuta left for battle Youngho gave him a handkerchief and cried while wishing him good luck
Youngho: come back to me my prince
Yuta and Mak: bro ur embarrassing
likes the art of tea, often has tea party and invites all the local maids and courtesans to have tea with him.
To others it looks like a harem but prince Youngho knows how hard they work and how rare it is for them to just sit and have some time for themselves, so forget what everyone thinks as long as he’s doing his job as a good master to them
a true romantic, loves poetry and a genius at gayageum (12-strings instrument, similar: the Chinese guzheng, the Japanese koto, the Mongolian yatga, and the Vietnamese đàn tranh)
all the girls love lining up outside his open chamber to listen to him play at sunset
even the male servants and soldiers sometimes come to see him play because he’s just that good, the emotion he delivers varies from soft melodic lullaby to vibrantly dynamic compositions
Prince Doyoung: maybe you’re better than me at one thing
he doesn’t play outside the castle!! because he’s afraid he’s gonna get caught, followed, or hunted by assassins since the country has a lot of enemies
But prince Youngho loves sneaking out with prince Jaehyun whenever their distant cousin from neighboring kingdom Ten comes to visit.
The first time was for fun. He plays the gayageum in a disguise named Johnny, out in a small public space, and he got so immersed that by the time he was done there was already a crowd gathering
and he loves the feeling of anonymity so much he keeps sneaking out even when his cousin wasn’t visiting
you were hired by the mother of one of the younger princes to assassinate Prince Youngho. You’re a pay-by-the-job kinda assassin and you just take the information from an anonymous bidder and carry out your job so you really don’t know who your real employer is, and they don’t know your face or anything either.
You were given the assignment to kill Prince Youngho, a pity really, you heard he was a good-natured man with no vie for the throne, but a job is a job and you figured once you get into the castle you’ll probably hear some bad things about him anyway, and maybe what he looks like you honestly have no idea since you were never given an assignment to kill royalty of THIS country before
this is the first time you’ve been in this kingdom tbh, but you made a friend already! the guy called Johnny that plays the gayageum first spoke to you after you spaced out listening to him play, and you offered to pay him bc street musicians have it hard ya know just playing day by day for a meal
and he graciously took the money but used it to buy you both food, which you were surprised by
Johnny was your first friend and throughout your time with him you really didn’t want to lie about why you were in town, but no one wants to be friend with an assassin
until one day on one of your scouting of the castle, you bumped into Johnny!
and you definitely notice how he was dressed in the finest silk robe of all the lands, even if he looks like he’s wearing chamber garment and taking a night stroll before bed
“Hey what a pleasant surprise! although not really, what are you doing here?” he inquired after pulling you over to a blind spot from the guards
you didn’t want to lie to Johnny again, but you didn’t know how to react after finding out that he was, in fact, probably someone of royalty seeing as he’s in the castle wearing very expensive robe in the middle of the night
but you couldn’t, he was definitely Johnny as he recognizes you, he was your friend, and royalty or not, you couldn’t do that
“Johnny listen, you need to get as far away from here as possible 3 nights from now. I’m… I’m telling you this since I trust you with my life.”
Johnny: okay thanks but what why?
but you don’t get to explain further because a guard was approaching and you escaped when Johnny turned around to distract them
the next 3 days you don’t see Johnny. he missed his weekly playing at the public square and you really don’t know why, he’s never done this for the past 2 months you’ve known him
on D-day aka the day you’re supposed to kill prince Youngho
you still don’t know how the heck the man looks like because the one infiltration to find out his face was interrupted by your friend Johnny, who may or may not possibly be a prince and brother of your target. The thought that you’ll have to kill one of his brothers kinda hurt you, but if he’d listened to your warning, he should be far away from the castle tonight
from the intel you gather, Prince Youngho is usually alone in his chamber on one specific day of the week (today), and you know where his chamber is so you made your way towards there, patiently waiting for the wee hour so you can take him out
what you don’t expect is Johnny’s friend Jeffrey to show up
he was accompanied by another person in robe, someone he called Doyoung, also strikingly handsome like the rest of the people in this castle apparently. Goddamn you really hit the jackpot with meeting all the princes did ya
Doyoung: this is ginseng tea, remember to make him drink it all, Youngho said he’s been getting these weird heartburns lately that won’t go away
Jeffrey: don’t worry I’ll force it down his throat if he doesn’t hehe
Doyoung: Jaehyun.
Jeffrey/Jaehyun: i’m kidding
oh no… oh man.. you really liked Jeffrey you rEALLY do he gets all your memes! but if he is indeed prince Jaehyun, then intel has it he was very close with prince Youngho :( oh no he’s going to be so devastated..
you’re getting sad on the job which is very unlike you.. But you know this is what happens when you try to get close to people as assassin. it hurts.
but what hurts the most is the voice that calls out to Jeffrey and prince Doyoung
prince Youngho emerged from his chamber.
You feel like the world fell upon you, heavier than when you were eight and thrown out of the house by your foster family because you didn’t “belong,” heavier than the boulder your master dropped on your shoulder when you were twelve and called it “mental training,” heavier and more painful than when Johnny smiled and you know it was a smile reserved solely for you
the shock hit you harder than it should, and as you tried to cope with the reality that you would have to kill Johnny, you lost your bearing on the roof and fell
Doyoung, stepping in front of Jaehyun: did you hear that?
Jaehyun: yes, but hyung why do you have a sword strapped to your waist we’re in nightgowns?
Youngho: call the guard, we may have intruders
Jaehyun: hey… isn’t that… someone we know? Hyung look
You got up as fast as you fell and tried to flee, but Youngho was faster, and soon he was close enough to grab your arm before you got the chance to escape
Doyoung, sword drawn across your throat: who are you?
Jaehyun: hyung relax, it’s our friend
you don’t know what to make of that but for now you gotta go, can’t risk another prince see your face good god you’re a terrible assassin
So as Youngho released your arms, you bolted into the shadows and parkour your way out of the castle
the next day you see Johnny at the same public space where he performs, except it’s not one of his performing day and he’s just there in disguise
and Jeffrey nowhere in sight but next to him is prince Doyoung, the scarier prince you’ve come to meet yesterday
Johnny: hey! glad you’re here, this is um.. you know who he is but call him Charlie
Doyoung eyes you suspiciously before turning back to Johnny: can’t believe we’re talking to an assassin that was sent to kill you.
Doyoung was right. You don’t know what to say because there’s nothing to say. Your relationship or friendship whatever it was has ended and you were sure this is the supposed goodbye before you take off. It was nice, albeit awkward, but less awkward thanks to a third person being there, but you weren’t used to goodbye. The life of an assassin didn’t permit you any goodbyes.
Johnny: Charlie im only taking you with me because you were worried for my safety. Now that we’ve established that, please go entertain yourself at the market. Jeffrey and Jason are waiting for you (Jason = Jeno)
Johnny, after Doyoung skedaddled: work for me.
you: what
Johnny: look, i know you were hired to assassinate me, but i don’t care. work for me or just stay here, don’t leave or.. or i will search the world to find you
You, an awk at emotions: ….dude can you even leave the castle as the prince? like?
Johnny: okay sHUT UP we do have strict rules regarding that but my pOINT IS. I like you, stay with me.
His words were sincere, there’s not a hint of sarcasm in his voice, and no one has ever said something like this to you–especially not after you tried to kill them. You didn’t think you deserve Johnny or the idea of having a life where you can settle down.. but as you look at him, look at the sincerity and purity in his eyes, you know he meant it.
you nodded right before he pulled you to an embrace and attempted to swing you around
Jeno: ah look there’s Young—Johnny hyung!
Doyoung: don’t run Jason hold my hand
Youngho, under his breath: damn that Doyoung always showing up at the most crucial moment
you laughed as he lets you go, but not before promising him that you’ll stay, as a regular village girl or as his new employee, you’ll stay in the kingdom for him
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Bar-awling || Fab(ber) 5
 A fight breaks loose at the Hunted Deer.
@freddie-eddie-wiggins, @hngrylikethewoolf, @hellfire-damnation 
(Max + Clayton no longer in play but we didn’t want to lose everyone’s hard work)
[TW: violence, gore, blood, sexism, homophobia]
Freddie pushed his glass halfway across the bar, waiting for the hose to hover above and dispense whatever concoction Gaston felt like bestowing on him in that moment. It had become somewhat of a running joke, the barely drinkable beverages that graced Freddie’s glass whenever he set foot in the Deer. Though, the company tonight was somewhat better than it usually was. Fred unhooked one of his heels from the barstool’s footrest and crossed his legs, brushing invisible dust from his trousers. 
“So, I get called into the meeting with my boss, told I’m being reassigned, which honestly is a nightmare, because I was just starting to find common ground with…” He paused, taking his drink and thanking Gaston, “...anyway, it’s been a nightmare, and I can’t bear to be in my flat right now, it’s a complete mess, and Percy spent all last night crying and pissing in the kitchen.” Freddie sighed, catching Gaston’s eye again. “Can I get a glass of white as well, large please?”
It was nice, gettin' to talk to Freddie like this again. It had been a few days since the last time they'd gotten together, brunch after a late morning. After that the sheriff had been slammed with paperwork and calls, breaking the new bloke into the town beat, and general other headache-inducing business. Came with the territory, but a drink out was much preferable to staying in these days. 
He swirled his brandy around the glass, and took a swallow, listening to the younger man speak with his head resting on a hand. The noise of the bar was stuck in the background, something Errol was easily able to tune out. No one else was his problem here, anyhow, not until they made themselves that way. No, he was here off duty and he was here with Freddie and he was going to make sure they had a decent time of it.
Raising a brow, the Irishman snorted. "Right, an' his grounds fer yer "reassignment" were what, exactly?" Shaking his head, he signaled for another drink from Gaston, thanked him quietly when he got one, and then turned his attention right back where it belonged. He shrugged a shoulder, almost artfully nonchalant, before saying on the tail end of another drink: "Stay at mine. Percy likes Del, they'd be fine. An' I can get 'im tah stop pissin' everywhere real quick like." He smirked slightly, a boyish quality to it, before sobering up. "Doors always open, Fred." 
It was a relatively crowded night at The Hunted Deer. Relative to the fact that William had only been in Swynlake a number of weeks. Still, the werewolf restriction petition (has nobody thought of an acronym yet? This town: imbecilic) was of hot topic in accordance with two instances of werewolf promulgation in town. Two werewolves just out in the open. It was laughable. And if two identified publicly, how many were still scared and hiding? Had he stumbled upon an entire pack? 
Coming back into the bar from the loo, William saw that someone had taken his seat near the more crowded area, where the debate had broken out. Considering his true beliefs were on the more extreme end of the Magick spectrum, his public, Clayton persona, took a more reserved stance. It was all about inflicting fear. They’re dangerous, unpredictable. It was a bar, and everyone had a couple hours of drinking tucked under their belts by now. Slurs began getting tossed around. ‘Beasts’ they were called. 
Moving down the bar a bit, William leaned his forearms against the wooden edge and waited for Gaston to walk his way. Beside him, his ear couldn’t help but pick up the sound of a persona he thought only existed in movies. Not being able to help himself, his eyes took a cautious look across the pair of... men before settling on their feet. 
“Jon just left. I don’t know, had to go back to London, found something better, moved departments. Whatever it is, he’s no longer in need of my services, and Taylor, the guy I was assisting before, just up and died, so now I’m just temping for this one guy while they replace Jon and give me to that guy.” Freddie said, taking up the glass of wine and a couple of large mouthfuls from it. 
He considered Errol’s proposition for less than a second. Memories of Errol’s flat, charming as it was, flashed before him, and he shook his head. “I don’t think that’ll work, my shoes alone wouldn’t fit in your wardrobe, and your living room window isn’t south facing.” Freddie said, dismissing that thought without having to fully entertain what it meant. There was something heavy in the word cohabiting that had Freddie mentally backing away, no matter how warm the idea of lazy mornings and quiet evenings was. 
That was when he noticed the man behind Errol. Freddie didn’t notice men as often as he used to, but this one was staring...at his feet. He glanced down, thinking he might have scuffed the Louboutins, but no, they seemed fine. He looked back up then, meeting the other’s eye and cocking his head in challenge, gaze stony. 
William held the man’s gaze for a second, before pulling away and turning to lean against the bar with his back to both of them. Luckily within the same moment, Gaston walked over to him. 
Not knowing the night would be so lively he had started the evening out with a few glasses of whiskey-- soon, he was clinking glasses with half the bar. Stepping down to beer wasn’t ideal, but after some hearty ‘rounds with the boys,’ there was no going back. 
“Beer.” He told his friend. “You know perhaps it’s worth adding whether men should wear heels to this discussion? Or, maybe now that I think about it, it shouldn’t really be up for debate at all,” he joked with a wicked grin. 
Gaston followed his friend's eyes to the heels in question. He'd almost got used to Freddie trotting into the bar like a giant rat, last seen on a makeover TV show and, after the initial distaste, he was nearly coming to not completely dislike the fellow. After all, he had to give it to him, he usually drank the shit Gaston put in his glass. A lot of supposedly bigger blokes wouldn't.
But as always, when presented with something to pick at, Gaston did his best to join in. "Don't really think it's up for debate. They don't put them in the men's section for a reason," he said, pulling the head on the pint and pushing it over. Gaston partitioned most things in life into sections. Beer and hunting and women were men's things. Cocktails and high heels and other men were women's things. If it was something he knew his grandfather would see and grunt 'people at home wouldn't let you get away with shows like that', it probably meant it was in the wrong section. That was the thing with the country, it had grasped the natural order of things at the roots and, by right of being there first, refused to let go. Even if there was a new natural order of things called 'letting everybody bloody well get on with it'.
He shot a sideways glance at the priest, who peered over his glasses with eyes that said 'don't', and shrugged. "Bet there's a dirty corner in the Bible that the bloody do-gooders pretend isn't there anymore that says something like 'Thou shalt not tit around in your mother's clothing' and then something about death by stoning."
The Irishman made a sound at the back of his throat and shook his head. "Shame, 'at. Know he wasn' always amazin'  but was still familiar. An' a guy dyin' is jus'...shite." He didn't really know what to say to that, honestly. There were few things he really could say, beside condolences and commiseration. Errol snorted into his glass at the dismissal of his offer, nodding his head a bit and then giving a shrug. "'S a change o' pace fer ye. If he wanna stay wif me, ye can. Yer welcome tah. Yer place 'as more room, mine's cozy." The inflection on the word was intentional and he smirked a bit, wiggling his brows at the other man in a bit of a tease. He wanted him to know he understood; the offer was always open though, as was Errol's door. 
The sheriff glanced where Freddie was looking, his shoes, a bit of a frown on his face. He was confused for a second before he caught the younger man staring at a bloke behind them, eyes hard and challenging. Then he heard the commentary and grit his teeth. He would have let it go, honestly. People were going to be wankers no matter what he did or said. But hate speech was illegal in England, and it sounded like this particular strain of topic had gone on well into the evening. 
And he was off duty. 
"Why don' ye shove it where th' sun don' shine, boyo? Maybe it'll shove th' stick outta yer arse." Or push it further in and impale him. "'S none o' yer damn business." That was a warning and it would be the only one this guy would get. Errol wasn't about to badge him but if it came down to it, he would. He'd wanted a peaceful evening, some drinks with Freddie. And this is what he got. 
Errol knew Freddie could take care of himself, mumbled as much when he turned back towards him with stiffened shoulders. His eyes were hard, glaring at the barkeep as he continued on. Off to the side, he could see the local priest glaring just as crossley at the man, clear disapproval on his face. Good. At least someone else was bothered by it. 
Oi. The mouth on this bloke. 
Suddenly, William felt almost giddy. 
“No,” he said, turning to face them, looking amused, “that’s certainly not any sort of business I partake in,” his eyes flicked to the one with long hair, “’ shoving things up arses,’ as you say.” Looking back to the older man, William didn’t even try to hide the smirk that played on his lips. With a lift of his chin towards the effeminate one, he said, “However, if you’re looking for advice, I’m sure your girlfriend was working in that industry back when you still thought you were a genuine man.” 
Turning back to Gaston, William clapped his friend on the shoulder. “I’ll tell you what, chum, it’s been a busy night, you’ve been working hard--” Pulling a £20 quid from his wallet, he slid it across the bar over to Gaston. “And I hear you’re getting a bit lonely. No shame in it, my friend, no shame. Tonight, your dry-spell ends on me.” Tossing a casual glance to the man in heels as he slid over another £20, William said, “How much, darling? Seeing as this old chap can afford you, I assume it’s not much.” 
And suddenly Freddie knew this man. He’d seen him in his father’s board meetings. Read him in the comments on those videos. Glimpsed him every time he stepped out of the house in heels and had to tolerate getting looked up and down and sneered at. It just so happened tonight his patience wore from “thin” to “out”. It had been years since he had a fight, and Freddie’s palms itched. He looked down at the note and smiled, chuckling down at his chest as he took the hair band from his wrist and pulled his hair back in a bun. Didn’t want to give the prick anything loose to yank on. 
He passed Errol, cupping his cheek and leaving a quick kiss on his lips. “For you, gorgeous…” He said, voice sickly sweet as he reeled back (thumb over fingers, aim past the face, swing from the shoulder) and made contact with that crunch. The crunch that hit him harder than the coke did, with the same high. He reached out beside him and pocketed the 20. “I’d say twenty quid about covers that.” He said, stamping on the other’s foot with the high heel he’d hated so much. 
“Consider that one on the house.” 👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻👏🏻
William moved, not a lot, but he budged. The man in heels walloped a punch that hit hard enough to daze him, staying almost completely frozen in place until he felt him crush one of his toes. Another crunch. 
It won a round of “Ooooo’s” from the rest of the bar. 
Then, there was a moment of silence. He was hunched, having jolted from the pain in his foot. His vision went red, matching the blood now running from his nose onto his shirt. 
With a snarl, not unlike a growl, William glowered at the assailant. These people. Small-town nothings. He wiped his mouth against the back of his sleeve to keep from spitting. They had no idea who they were testing. 
Some idiot from across the bar shouted, “Fag!” and for a moment William wondered if he was the one being jeered at. 
He lunged.
With one hand around his attacker’s neck, while his other arm was barred against the man’s chest to block his arms, William took three massive steps forward, forcing the other man back, before throwing him down, crashing across the row of bar stools. 
Suddenly, the bar erupted into chaos. 
Errol knew what was going to happen the moment he saw Freddie's smile fall. There was something there that he had never seen before, some burning light, like anger and hatred and pain all rolled into one. It made him wonder who had caused it, made a flare of protective instinct swell in his chest. The fact that the bastard behind them had the gall to call Freddie a hooker because of his choice in footwear, then had the audacity to call Errol his John was the last straw. 
The Irishman didn't have to do much, really. He'd already shucked his coat off and tossed it over the back of his bar stool, but he unbuttoned the cuffs of his shirt and rolled them all the way to his elbows anyway. Out of the corner of his eye he saw Freddie pulling his hair up. A smirk twisted his features, a stab of pride washing through him. Atta boy, he thought, ready to turn on his heel and wallop the man sound enough he'd be shitting his teeth out for a week.
Instead, Freddie's hands caught him, stilled him. They froze in time and, brow furrowing, the silver-haired man registered what he was about to do a second too late. Even if he'd wanted to stop him, he couldn't. Freddie was already reeling back and taking a swing and, fuck, what a swing it was. The lummox barely swayed, but he was dazed, and blood trickled down from his nose. The sight was satisfying to watch. 
And, then, all hell broke loose. 
Someone from the crowd around them shouted, a slur that he was all too familiar with, and the arsehole lunged. He had Freddie round the neck and slammed him into the stools. And Errol saw red. There was no hesitation, even as the bar erupted around them, as he stood, squared his stance off and kicked off the ground in a perfect arch. His dominant leg came up, whip-fast from the left,  and slammed across the back of the bloke's head.
The sheer satisfaction of watching him stumble away from Freddie wasn't enough, however. Now, Errol was looking for blood. He'd do his job in a moment. He just wanted another shot at him. Shifting his stance, the Irishman shifted back and then launched into a forward kick. His foot landed square in the man's chest. He stumbled again, backwards this time, and Errol smiled.
The message should have been clear but, if not, he was ready to go a few more rounds. 
Around them, fights were breaking out and furniture was being tossed about. Straightening, Errol fished out his badge, palmed it, and got ready to fuck up everyone's evening. 
The first kick was enough to make William forget about his original problem, one that he had not been convinced was completely dealt with yet. The second kick sent him tumbling backward over a table and crashing to the floor. 
As the brawl rushed in around them, William became separated from the couple. His head throbbed. With one hand gingerly guarding the sore spot on the back of his skull, he stumbled his way over to the far wall. Steadying himself for a moment, it took all his concentration to calm a severe wave of nausea-- a clear sign of a being concussed. 
Sensing something to his left, William snapped his attention to the man he caught in his peripheral. Claude. Gaston’s meek, nosy friend. 
William was breathing heavily, all of his senses on fire. With grunts and screams echoing across the bar he recalled Claude’s attitude towards him earlier: dismissive. Like he didn’t respect William... Most men were intimidated or awed by him, but he was seldom simply overlooked. 
Livid at the notion that he hadn’t landed a hit on his second attacker, William ached to hit the closest thing to him. With an evil smile curling around his lips, he grabbed Claude by the collar, and without exchanging so much as one word, he decked him. A solid shiner on the left eye, one hit across the face, and then he dropped the sorry man. Straightening up, William took a deep breath, re-broke his nose back into place, and then walked back into the fight. 
The priest had been watching the altercation across the bar from a distance, eyes drawn there originally by Gaston's purposeful commentary. He had originally come to the bar that evening to visit with his friend, perhaps study for his upcoming exams. What he had not expected, however, was the surly man Gaston had latched onto to be there. He certainly hadn't expected to be accosted, either, though Clayton's entire being reeked of self-importance and booze. 
A pitiful combination and a cowardly one, at that. It reminded Claude so viscerally of Laurent that the man had found himself shying away, purposefully avoiding that side of the bar all evening. He'd listened as Clayton and, following his poor example, Gaston spoke ill of not only the magicks in town but of numerous other "ingrates." Though Clayton hadn't used the word (and Claude wondered  if he even possessed the vocabulary to understand what it meant, let alone use it) the meaning was there all the same. 
When he went after that man in the high heels, Claude's gut sank into the bar floor. 
When the man's companion retaliated and the bar erupted into chaos Claude's heart leapt into his throat. He would have stayed where he was, away from the fight that had his hands shaking and his anxiety skyrocketing, but another patron had been thrown into his table. The priest scrambled away only to be dragged up into the air by his collar. He could see above the crowd, the sea of fists, and was staring into the pure malice of Clayton's face. 
Whatever he had done to incite such a reaction (beyond ignore him entirely), Claude flinched away from the man's fist as it came crashing into his face, a blow that cut open the skin across his cheekbone and had his left eye throbbing in pain. If he'd had his glasses on, they would have shattered. From the feeling of it, he knew from experience that it would swell and that his face would be mottled black and blue come the morning. 
Temporarily unbalanced, the priest crumpled to the floor. He narrowly missed another patron's booted foot kicking him in the groin. It caught his ribs instead with a harsh thud! Curling in on himself and breathing shallowly now from the pain, Claude dragged himself upwards and towards the bar. 
He didn't realize there were glass shards caught in his hands, falling from his clothing, from the bottles and glasses that had been smashed by the brawl. 
The barman watched the scene quickly unfold in front of him. He'd seen fights before. Two separate people on two separate occasions had had their ears bitten off outside his pub. But they tended to be small things. If people got involved, they got involved because they were good friends of the participants. And if he got involved, it was only to take bets from the gathering crowd of onlookers. He'd never seen a fight like this. Likely, he imagined, because the best part of his patrons had been coming since it opened, another part had been dragged along as wives and children of said patrons, and the rest had come for a cheap but relatively tasty meal. Or so he thought. Apparently today they'd decided to air their age old grievances with the crowd.
An American movie style brawl. The first and probably the last in the bar's history.
He would have laughed if it wasn't for the crunch of a table halfway across the room and the sight of someone picking up their plate and stepping back from the impending doom as their peas tumbled across the floor. Well, and the shame. The little voice in his head that sounded like his mother but was probably actually just the shadow of his conscience sighed. 'This was supposed to be a family pub,' it said. 'How do you expect ladies to want to come here when you let things like this-'
The thought was cut off however by the sight of the priest raising into the air, acquiring a nice purple bruise and falling back into the crowd. Gaston found him a moment later scrambling across the floor towards the bar and, when he was in arm's reach, hauled him by the scruff of his shirt over the counter.
Boy o' boy would there be some reckoning. 
He was already writing the banning notices in his head and totting up the furniture and utensils he was going to be putting on a certain Frederick's tab. And that was the least of it.
But for the moment, he crouched with the priest, his fingers taking his chin and pulling back his hair a little to expose the damage. He'd seen a hard punch and received a few himself. It looked bad. Worse than bad. Even so, it wasn't life threatening.
"Stay there," he grunted, pulling the crow bar that his father had kept under the bar for events like this and thought for a moment on what exactly he was going to do.
The chaos that had erupted around him and Freddie, while separating the two a bit, also kept that arsehole away from the other man. That was fine with him. But he also figured that, without Freddie or Errol himself to beat on, the bloke would find another target. Call it a bit of a hunch but he'd been around the block a time or two. He knew his type. If you couldn't hit one weaker person, you hit another. Made you feel powerful or some such bollocks. 
To Errol, it was cowardly.
The sheriff was proven right or, at least, he thought he was. He could see the priest scrambling across the bar floor when there was a break in the mob. Though he was a bit away from him, Errol could plainly see the already swelling face and the blood, the cuts and the fear in his eyes. Something glazed over, like. It was a look he'd seen countless times, for different reasons, and it made anger well up in his belly. 
The priest was pulled behind the bar by the owner and Errol made a mental note to ask the man how he was fairing after this was all cleaned up.
His badge was still in his hand but Errol had to shove it into the front pocket of his jeans. Needed both hands to be able to push through the crowd. If he needed to he was gonna hop up on the ruddy bar to get their attention. And that was his plan until someone laid into him from the side, a right hook that caught him on the chin. It barely moved him, really, but it pissed him off. He just wanted to get back to Freddie and he considered ignoring it but he knew the dumbarse might be drunk enough to try to follow. 
"Swing at me again, boyo, I dare yah," he growled, eyes bright with anger. Whatever the man saw on his face made him back away, but the snarl stayed as he stalked the way he'd been heading, a fair bit satisfied that his old commander's voice had worked. 
Freddie wasn’t sure where Errol was in the mob, but it had been a long time since he’d been in a proper bar fight, and now he just wanted blood. He broke the nose of the man that pulled his hair, broke the foot of the one that went for his gut, and almost clawed an eye out of the man who spat at him. He could taste blood, and feel his cheek split and throbbing, but he felt alive. 
He was laughing, high and loud, spitting blood at the floor and continuing to laugh, adrenaline coursing through him at a brutal pace. It was chaos. Absolute warfare. No matter how feminine he presented, the testosterone, the drive to conquer had taken a front seat in his mind. So after a brief pause for breath, and with his mascara smudged down his face, he dove back into the fight. He heard Errol snarl from somewhere close behind him and for a moment was sobered by the thought of how much trouble he’d be in when all of this calmed down. 
Max was technically off duty. Not by much, but technically he was off duty. He fancied a drink, and knew Gaston’s was a sound place. Not many women or men interested in men, but Max wasn’t out on the pull, he just wanted a quiet pint and a de-stress from the mountain of paperwork he’d had to endure today. He knew Errol would only be breathing down his neck if he didn’t get it done. 
Max could hear a ruckus from outside, but hadn’t realised he was stepping right into World War Three. 
So much for a quiet pint.
He saw Errol’s head bob up out of the fray and elbowed his way through the jumped-up wannabe Hard Men™ to grab his boss by the shoulder of his shirt. “Oi, need some backup?” He asked, catching sight of Gaston as well, giving him a certain nod to let him know he had things under control now… or would do, shortly. 
With his head just above the line of the bar, Gaston spotted the policeman enter the pub, meeting his gaze for a moment. From what he could tell, there were at least two of them. Though he wasn't sure he trusted either of them to slow the crowd down. There were too many people and not enough of them.
Besides, he had his part to play and he wanted to hit at least one person for ruining his bar.
After a moment's breath, he leapt onto the counter, wielding the crowbar and staring into the middle of the crowd. "OKAY!" He yelled, though at first, no one turned. So he picked up a glass and threw it directly at the head of a nearby patron. "I SAID. O. K."
For a second the noise lulled as a few heads turned his way and he gave the weapon a demonstrative swing. "IF YOU ALL DON'T STOP THIS SHIT RIGHT NOW, I'M GONNA COME DOWN THERE AND START BREAKING SOME KNEECAPS." His jaw twitched. "AND JUST FOR REFERENCE, THAT'LL BE AFTER THOSE BASTARDS HAVE ARRESTED YOU."
It was too easy. 
William grabbed the collar of one bloke and punched his lights out, knocking him into two more sorry fools. He had lost track of who his friends were supposed to be in this fight and who he should’ve been aiming for.
But that was the best kind of fight, wasn’t it? A free for all. 
It meant anyone who came within a five-foot radius of him was getting hit. 
From what he could tell, the worst of his injuries was a cut on the back of his head. Some idiot had smashed a glass against his skull. “Are you trying to turn this into a knife fight?” He had roared in a blind rage as he threw the man over the bar, smashing… too much glass in the process. 
Suddenly someone in the background was bellowing. Usually a sign of someone wanting a challenge, or that the police had shown up. 
He looked up to see it was Gaston. 
Deciding that the fight, or at least the better part of it, was over, William dropped the guy he’d been holding up about to punch. Wiping the blood from his nose with the back of his sleeve, William sniffed and waited for Gaston’s cue.  
The next hour passed in a blur of silver stars and blue uniforms, all of whom he was trying his best to avoid. And too, it seemed, were the best part of the pub's patrons - bloodied and blue and running home to bed. They'd never find all of them and for that he was thankful. After all, police were bad for the health.
He waited until the sheriff was out of the building and slowly pulled the door to, trying not to think about just what the inside of his bar would look like when he turned around.
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had my first kiss on a friday night, dont reckon i did it right with ralbert or javid ?
let’s do ralbert since im hurting them a lot soon
also i listened to castle on the hill like 200000 times while planning this
alternately, i have found that it has the ideal beat for that classic fortnite dance,,,you know the one
since we were 15
ship: ralbert 
genre: hallmark channel worthy floof 
word count: 1612 oof that’s long
warnings: brief mentions of smoking, drinking and thunderstoms
editing: none whatsoever
“Albieeeeeee” Race wined from the passenger seat of the car, purposefully flailing his arms and legs into what he suspected was his boyfriends field of vision. “Can I take off the blindfold yet?”
Albert shoved Races arm away from him, laughing at his antics. “Just a few more minutes.”
“You said that like an hour ago.” Race slumped in his seat. Today was their 5 year anniversary and as a present Albert had loaded him unceremoniously into his car, given him a blindfold, and told him not to take it off until they were at their destination.
He neglected to tell Race that they wouldn’t drag their destination for 5 hours.
“That was 10 minutes ago, Race,” Albert sighed.
“Same difference.” Race heard shuffling from next to him. “What are you doing?”
“Putting in a cd,” Albert explained as Race heard the whirring of the old player.
Race crossed his arms, sitting up again in his chair. “Why don’t you just use your phone?”
“You’ll see.” Albert smiled as he turned off the main road and onto a dirt back road. He and Race hadn’t been back here in years, but it was exactly how he remembered. There was the old yellow barn - they always did wonder why it was yellow and not red - the house with all the chickens in the driveway, and up ahead, just over the ridge-
Albert rolled down the windows of his truck letting the cool country air come in the car as he sped along the dirt road. “Alright Race,” he said. “You can take the bandana off.”
“Thank god,” Race grumbled, pulling the strip of fabric off his head and looking out the window to get his bearings.
“Oh,” he breathed as they came over the top of a hill and the beautiful Vermont countryside splayed out in front of them. “You brought me back.”
Albert took his eyes from the road to look at Race. The sun was beginning to set, and golden light bounced off of his boyfriend’s face, illuminating his wide blue eyes.
“Happy anniversary Antonio,” Albert said, leaning over to squeeze his hand.
“Albert,” Race sighed looking out at the place he and all of their friends had spent their summers as teenagers, “it’s perfect.” He sat up suddenly. “Are we going to the castle?”
“Where else would I be taking you?” Albert laughed. “Besides, it’s almost sunset.”
Race sighed in content, sticking his hand out the window. “You are the best boyfriend ever.”
“I know.”
Race ran down the hill from the road to the grassy field, the tall mountain grass rubbing against his legs, as Albert followed close behind. He could see the castle coming into view several hundred yards down.
The castle was not really a castle. Well, it might have been at some point. Now it was a vaguely elaborate stone structure, but there were still some sections that you could go inside. Their friends had nicknamed it the castle years ago and it had just stuck.
“Race ya to the castle?” Albert raised his eyebrows at Race in question once they were both on the field.
“Oh you are so on,” Race winked as he took off down the field. He wasn’t called Race for nothing. 15 minutes later he was leaning against the stonewall of the castle, a smug look on his face as Albert - finally - caught up with him.
“Took you long enough,” Race teased and Albert slapped him lightly on the arm.
“Shut up,” he mumbled. Then, he stared up at the ruins. “Man, I haven’t been here in forever.”
“It looks just how I remember it,” Race said, making his way inside, Albert close behind, as he climbed a set of stone stairs to the top of what had probably once been a lookout. He smiled fondly. “Remember when we had our first kiss up here?”
Albert laughed, leaning into kiss Race just for the heck of it. “Now that was a night.”
The night of Race and Albert’s first kiss had in fact been one of the most memorable nights of their entire lives, and not just because of the kiss.
They were 15 years old at the time and had been hanging out with their group of friends at the small town equivalent of a 7/11: a gas station store that sold pizza, subs, guns, beer and cigarettes. But, since they were all broke they were hanging around smoking hand rolled cigarettes and passing around a bottle of beer Jack had stolen from the store inside.
One thing led to another and the store owner came out with a police officer, who was prepared to fine them for stealing. And as young 15 year olds they did what anyone would do: they ran.
Albert had grabbed Races arm and pulled him towards the woods at the side of the road. The two of them ran and ran and ran. Race had started to cry halfway through their run because he thought his grandmother would find out he had been drinking stolen beer and bam him from coming back to her place for the summer. And if she did that he would never get to see Albert again because the two of them only saw each other in the summer when Race was at his grandmas and Albert was at his aunts. There was also the tiny minor detail that Race had a huge crush on Albert. Not that he would ever tell him, he probably didn’t feel the-
In the middle of Races internal monologuing Albert had pulled him into the clearing by the castle. Thunder boomed overhead and the two of them ran the last couple of hundred feet up to the castle and went inside one of the still intact rooms so they could stay dry.
Albert had pulled out his phone flashlight and laid it on the floor, illuminating his and Races faces. Upon seeing Races tears he had reached out to his friend. “Race what’s wrong?” He had asked gently. “We got away, no one will catch us here.”
“My grandma's going to find out and not let me stg here anymore and i won’t get to see you,” Race had mumbled, surprised when he felt Albert’s arms go around him.
“Your grandmas not going to kick you out,” he had whispered. Albert’s ears were ringing. Had Race just implied that the reason he didn’t want to get kicked out was because he wouldn’t be able to see him anymore? Did Race like him back? That couldn’t be possible.
“I promise.”
That night the two of them had slept side by side in the castle room with their jackets thrown over them for warmth. When Albert had woken up the next morning, he was startled, but not necessarily alarmed, to find his arms securely wrapped around Race. He had allowed himself a few moments to hold his crush tightly before letting go and shaking Race awake.
“Race,” he had whispered, shaking him. “Wake up there’s something I wanna show you.”
Race had groaned, but his eyes did open and he squinted at Albert. “What?”
Albert had winked mischievously. “Follow me.”
Race had hauled himself up off the stone floor and up the steps stone steps after Albert, his mouth open in shock when he reached the top.
There, from the old turret in the castle, they had had a perfect view of the sunrise coming up over the field that lay before them.
“It’s beautiful,” Race had whispered, leaning on the wall of the turret.
“Not as beautiful as you,” Albert had whispered before he could stop himself.
Race had turned to him, the morning light making him glow like an angel. “What did you just say?” he had whispered.
Albert stuttered incoherently for a few seconds before Race has muttered “oh fuck this” and leaned over, planting a kiss on Albert’s mouth.
It wasn’t the most elegant kiss. Their teeth knocked together unpleasantly and race accidentally bumped Albert’s nose but neither had cared because, even though it hadn’t been done quite right, per se, it was still their first kiss and the two of them still felt fireworks, and had known even then that they were meant to me together.
Race stared off into the sunset. “Remember that kiss, Albie?” He said dreamily. “It was perfect in all the wrong ways.”
Behind him, Albert didn’t say anything.
“Albie, c'mon I’m trying to reminisce here and you’re-” Race turned around and gasped loudly.
Behind him, his boyfriend was down on one knee holding a hammered silver band.
“Antonio Higgins,” Albert began, “I’ve loved you since we were 15 years old. You mean everything to me. I love the way you laugh and the way your eyes light up and the way that every time I kiss you it still feels like the first time.”
Race thought back to their first kiss, with the teeth hitting and nose bumping. “I hope that last parts a lie,” he said through his tears of happiness.
Albert shot him a look that said please-don’t-interrupt.
“You’ve made me a better person,” he continued. “I love being with you and waking up next to you every day. I want to wake up next to you every day for the rest of my life. So will you, Antonio Higgins, do me the honor of being my husband?”
“Yes!” Race nearly screamed. “Yes yes yes, a thousand times, yes!”
Albert laughed, slipping the ring on his new fiancés finger before engulfing him in a hug and then attacking his lips with a kiss.
And this kiss, they did right.
ah yes i like fluff
next up is al the angst though ;)
two short requests followed by the fizz disaster fic
feedback is always appreciated hmu to be on the tag list
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sidhewrites · 6 years
Coriander Chapter 4a
Previous Installment found here. Approx 2500 words. Feel free to send Asks or Messages about what’s written or anything you’re curious about.
It took the better part of an hour minutes to finish collecting flowers, mostly because Jasper insisted on inspecting each one for any flaws before plucking it and placing it ever so gently in the basket. So much for not wanting to wait another minute. Coriander half wished he would let her simply get on with her life, and he could go off adventuring to his heart’s content.
She also wished he would choose to stay in Knittlenau, if only because she was perhaps the most interesting and least intimidating person she’d ever met. Who needed to go to see the elves in Gaelgallah anyway? Anyone could spy them travelling on main roads just a few hours outside of town, certain days of the year. Coriander had the maps of the area memorized; she’d have no problem pointing Jasper to where he needed to go to see them pass by, and then he’d come back before midnight.
Something told her, however, he wasn’t the sort of person who’d be content to live in a little town like this, no matter how many wildflowers there were to pick.
“Do you know when the next new moon is?” Jasper asked. He plucked an ear of corn off the stalk as they passed by. Coriander stayed neatly on the dirt road herself, but Jasper took to the fence. He balanced effortlessly, only wobbling now and then when something distracted him.
“Ten days, I think.” Coriander fought the need to insist he come down right this minute, or else he’d be risking life and limb – or at least a very painful couple of bruises. That same something from before insisted he wouldn’t listen to her anyway. She was wrong, of course, but she had no way of knowing.
“Ah, damn.” Jasper shucked the corn in two movements and took a bite out of it, leaving Coriander to wonder why he was disappointed until he was done chewing. “I was hoping I’d have more time. You wouldn’t believe how beautiful Sterea is during their festivals.”
But a journey to Sterea would take weeks … and the new moons happen every month, didn’t they? What was the trouble? “You’ve been there?” She had never dreamed of seeing Gaelgallah, much less its capital city.
“No, but I’ve heard songs about it. Shall I sing one for you?”
She couldn’t hide her excitement. “If— “
She didn’t have the time to finish the first word before Jasper began to sing a traditional Sterean song about their festivals. Coriander had seen the sheets for Elfin music. The notes and harmonies, and how they twisted around each other like a braid. She’d even heard people try to recreate it, to painfully beautiful effect. But perhaps it was the magic in his blood that allowed Jasper’s single, gentle voice to capture the lilting melody in a way she’d never heard it before. It surrounded her, filled her like champagne in a glass. She watched him with wide eyes and slack jaw, drinking in the music like a camel at the sea – like she had never realized just how deep her thirst went until she could be sated like this.
She remained enthralled even after he stopped, misty eyed, with a few tears having slid down her cheeks. It was only when Jasper laughed, and held out a handkerchief that she realized he was done.
“I suppose I ought to apologize, Miss Tippit. I didn’t realize I’d put so much into the spell.”
The spell? She looked at him over the handkerchief, pressed to her nose and now-burning cheeks, as she understood, and couldn’t quite decide if that was cheating or genius to have magicked his own breath for the song. She had a feeling he’d laugh either way.
“Well?” he asked expectantly. “Was I good? It’s been a few weeks since I’ve performed for anyone but myself.”
Coriander didn’t quite have the courage to remove the handkerchief from her face just yet, and she didn’t feel it polite to speak with it covering her mouth, so she nodded. Embarrassment or no, she had to admit his voice was incredible.
“Thank goodness,” Jasper said, and she had a feeling his relief was being overdramatized. “The last thing I want is to offend the ears of my most honored guide.”
Was he still going on about that? Hadn’t he found his way to her easily enough? In a moment of fear, she wondered if he had put some sort of tracking spell on her -- though that couldn’t be right, could it? He worked with air, not tracking. Insofar as she knew, anyway. How powerful of a wright could he be, if he was this far away from any cities of note?
“Well?” Jasper asked, pulling Coriander from her thoughts again. She flushed, ashamed and ready to apologize, but he spoke before she managed to. “I was thinking there ought to be more songs about girls named after flowers anyway. There’s at least one adventurer with a name like a stone, so that means I won’t come first, but I can’t remember even one Lady Rose or Princess Daisy -- and Her Royal Majesty doesn’t count, since Lillian is different from Lily.”
Coriander could name three songs off the top of her head. The Maiden and the Knight, whose heroine was named Poppy. Lavender the Shoemaker. And Lady Hollyoak’s Crown of Leaves wasn’t exactly a flower, but she was going to count it anyway.
“I suppose so,” she said, and she didn’t miss his concern at her answer. Whatever he meant by it, though, wasn’t immediately clear, and she chose to keep silent for now.
Jasper frowned for a moment, thinking. Then, he clapped his hands, grinning again. “Shall we write songs of our own?” He looked at her with that expectant smile she was beginning to dread, and cleared his throat.
He sang the whole way back to her house, making up a tune about their potential adventures to come, only sometimes ruining the rhymes, if she were being generous. The song went on about defeating great beasts of lore -- defeating firedrakes and inspiring elfish poems and drinking tea with Queen Lillian.
She had to admit, one of those things might have been possible -- if he counted paying for a cup of tea with a coin stamped with the queen’s face. Only about half the coins in Knittelnau were, the rest still sporting her late father’s profile instead.
Coriander hesitated at the trail leading from the main road off to the hill on which her house sat. She could see the garden from here, the windows overlooking the street. Jasper waited at her side, silent for a moment as he considered the view.
“Don’t tell me you live there, Miss Tippit?”
She said nothing. Was he approving of it? Or did he think it was too small. Surely a traveller had seen many grander homes than his, and suddenly her little country cottage felt shabby and bare.
“Well, I certainly hope you do, you know. I’ve never seen something with a more well-tended garden, nor half as picturesque.” He sounded so genuine, she didn’t know how to respond. But he took her faint blush as a yes. “When you’re ready, Miss Tippit, do please lead the way.”
Coriander rushed to do as she was told. They walked together along the path to her front door, only hesitating once at the front door. With a steadying breath, Coriander pulled the latch and let herself im.
“Ma!” she called out, setting the flowers she’d picked down on the table. “Ma, I’m home…” She hesitated, unsure of how to best inform her mother they had an unexpected guest. The social had to have just barely ended, with tea cups and plates and a bit of shortbread still sitting on the table, chairs pushed out here and there. And the tea itself hadn’t even been put away.
Before Coriander could think of something, however, Bestina came out of her bedroom bodice loose, hair half undone and hanging over her shoulder. The social must have just barely ended. The warm smile she wore disappeared the second she saw Jasper, mud all over his boots, dirt on his face. Coriander hardly had clean hands herself after working in the fields all day, but she at least could be trusted to wipe it off. Worst -- however, Jasper was a man, and there was no chaperone to look after them as they stood about in the kitchen.
“Dear sweet,” she began, with a careful, forced smile, “who’s this standing in my front hall?”
Coriander wished she could sink into the floorboards. She needed to disappear. “His name is Jasper, Ma. He’s a traveller and he’s...ehm…” He was her guest. Wasn’t he? She’d invited him, after all, but she was wondering if it might have been a mistake.
“I’m inviting myself to dinner, Missus Tippit. Your daughter has been a most wonderful guide to Knittelnau thus far, and I couldn’t bear parting ways for so long.”
Coriander flushed, unsure if she ought to have been thankful or guilty he was lying for her. More than that, he had joked multiple times now about marrying her -- and Bestina had never wanted to see her married. No doubt this would end in trouble soon enough. But if nothing else, her mother would be civil in front of guests. Bestina swept forward, taking up Jasper’s hands with a stiff, warm smile, all too visibly aware of her state of dress.
“How kind of you,” she crooned in that too-sweet voice. “How long have you known each other?”
“Oh, hardly a day and a half. I met her in the market just yesterday afternoon, but she’s been so kind, you know. Showing me to the bakery, teaching me the names of all these beautiful flowers. Look!” He gestured to the basket in Coriander’s hands. “She picked some for you just today. Aren’t they lovely?”
Coriander stammered, and held out the basket of blooms with a nervous half-smile. Jasper glanced between the two of them, studying miniscule changes in expression, searching for something. Coriander couldn’t for the life of her figure out what, though her mother’s plastered on smile seemed to sour a fraction of a degree.
“Oh, aren’t they just darling?” Bestina asked, but she didn’t move closer.
“Yes, very pretty,” Jasper agreed, and threw Bestina an expectant look. It was bad manners to keep a guest waiting too long without an offer of hospitality, unexpected or otherwise.
Finally, she clapped her hands together. “Well, any friend of my daughter is always welcome here. Come, sit here. Would you like tea? Cake?”
Coriander’s face burned. Friend? Is that what Jasper was to her? And how could she tell if the queasiness in her stomach was coming from excitement or dread at the idea of having a friend at all?
Jasper smiled. “That would be lovely, thank you. Miss Tippit, would you join me?”
It took a moment for Coriander to understand she was being addressed, and she started seeing Jasper’s earnest smile directed her way. “Er, I, uh...That is, I usually get the tea for guests.”
“Nonsense -- there’s some on the table already, isn’t there?” He gestured.
Bestina flushed. “It’s gone cold, I’m afraid, and it’s horribly sweet. Hardly the sort of thing a traveler would like.”
“I love sweet things. And I can heat it up myself just fine, can’t I?” He winked one of his bright wright’s eyes, and Bestina’s smile flickered.
“Oh, no, that’s terribly kind, Mister…”
“It’s just Jasper, ma’am. I’ve no family name.”
Coriander flushed at the memory of their first meeting, when he’d asked to borrow hers. He seemed to have no qualms about it when it was just the two of them, though he had yet to say anything quite as bold as he did when they were alone.
“No family name?”
“That’s what I said.” He was almost painfully patient as she tried to figure out how to best needle him.
“But surely there’s at least a friend out there for you in all your travels who would give you theirs.”
His smile did not falter. “I’m sorry, ma’am?”
“Well, er…” She worked out how to best phrase it. “Do you have anyone waiting at home for you? A paramour? A spouse?”
“Oh no.” Jasper shook his head with mock sorrow. “No-one waits for me. But if I do find a man to love, he won’t have to wait anyway. We’ll travel together instead.”
“How sweet.” The smile didn’t quite meet her eyes, and she looked between them once more. "At any rate, there’s no magic in this house, Mister Jasper. We heat our tea over the hearth like good, hard-working folk.”
“Are you absolutely sure, ma’am? It seems a waste of firewood.”
Coriander couldn’t remember the last time someone had challenged Bestina in front of her. It wasn’t that she had a commanding presence, but she was a sweet woman, frail and sickly even if she didn’t look it, and no-one had the heart. She wanted to chide Jasper for it … but he had a point. It was late spring, and too warm to have the hearth running all day, and it must have been put out just after her mother’s friends left. It felt like a waste to use up more kindling and get the hearth rolling again just to heat up some old tea.
Bestina seemed to fight with herself internally, but shook her head. “No magic in the house. Not even if it saves time. Coriander, dear sweet, would you go to the kitchen and light up the hearth?”
Coriander nodded, and made to turn before Jasper spoke up: “Don’t mind it, Miss Tippit, I insist. I’d hate to be a waste as well as an imposition. I’ll have the tea cold, if you don’t mind.”
She stood there, looking between her mother and Jasper, who seemed as sure of himself as ever.
Bestina relented first with a sigh. “Oh, very well. Cold, sweet tea it is. Do find yourself a seat. Coriander, would you please go get a plate or two for the shortbread?”
“Yes, Ma.” She fled as soon as she could, before Jasper could say anything else. It wouldn’t do to stall too long, and there wasn’t an excuse to do so. It was a small kitchen, with an unlit hearth and a table in the middle for work. She could see out to the spice garden through the window, and the chicken coop and goatpen beyond. The goats dozed in the sun while the chickens picked through the grass for seeds and worms. The plants were growing. The parsnips would be ready soon, and with summer on the horizon, she would have to tend to the rest of the spring herbs to make room.
The main room was quiet behind her. Coriander dreaded coming out, but she swallowed, did her best not to grip the plates too tightly, and returned to see her mother sitting at the table and Jasper in the exact spot he’d been in before, both silent and smiling big, false smiles.
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juliivn-blog · 6 years
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[ bill skarsgård, cismale, he/him, 29 ] BRAIN STEW by GREEN DAY? whenever i hear that song, it reminds me of JULIAN NILSSON. maybe because they’re SELF-RELIANT but also CAVALIER. they’ve been living at mulberry apartments since SEPTEMBER of 2018 in APARTMENT 203 and have 1 ROOMMATE. [ lainie, she/her, 21+, cst ]
hello bitches it me ( lainie ) back at it again !! this time bringing u the anti adrian and pls be wary bc there are a lot of sensitive topics down below ( tws for major drug use, drug addiction, death, grief, shitty parenting, neglect, abandonment?? kind of idk better safe than sorry ) also u can find a tl;dr at the bottom since it’s literally SO LONG
so bear with me bc his background info is kind of Long!! his mom and dad are from just outside of st louis, missouri. his mom came from a pretty wealthy family and she was just like tryna be ~rebellious in her young adult years by dating julian’s dad (who came from a super trashy family and had a Bad Boy Rep). when she was 19 and he was 22 she got pregnant ( with julian ) and her fam was like get rid of that baby or ur gone !! but they were “““madly in love””” and she was on her rebellious shit so they literally eloped to the city ( st louis ) and got an apartment together and had julian but never actually got married bc they were too cool ( read: irresponsible ) for that. ofc this ended up being rly miserable bc she was used to living the rich life and now her family had disowned her, and suddenly she was starting to realize this dude she had a kid with was kind of a deadbeat party boy with no interest in having a family, not to mention she started realizing like?? i don’t actually want a kid this is a lot of work?? so like julian’s childhood years were a lot of him having to learn to take care of himself and not having anyone to depend on most of the time. and that’s not to say they didn’t both care abt him on some level bc there were definitely times they paid attention to him and gave him a birthday party or two but for the most part he was on his own
his secret favorite memory is flying a kite with his dad when he was 4 but u would be more likely to win the lottery than get him talking abt that
fast forward 5 years and finally julian’s dad, now in his late 20s and getting antsy, peaces the fuck out to los angeles to live his best party boy life. baby julian is very upset bc even tho his dad doesnt pay a lot of attention to him he like idolizes him. julian’s mom is saltier than EVER about having to take care of a kid but she doesn’t wanna go to LA ( especially for this asshole she doesn’t even like anymore ) and her parents won’t have anything to do with her or her illegitimate child so the NEXT 5 years are a lot of moving around from shitty apartment to shitty apartment and job to job by themselves. his dad would now and then send weird postcards and letters and pictures and stuff from cali so he had like a vague idea of the fact that his dad was living his own life somewhere that looked super wild, and when he was 11 years old he sent a letter back asking if he could come live with him. his dad contacts his mom, there’s a bunch of fighting, but in the end julian did indeed get to go live with his dad in los angeles, mostly bc his mom just didn’t give a fuck anymore and was lowkey like…u know what fine take him i can have my life back
obviously his dad does not know how to be a dad !!! he kind of thought of julian as his little like…..sidekick like he just thought having this 11 year old kid around was hilarious. so julian went to LA and was living with his dad and his dad’s friends in a relatively nice apartment but like it’s always filled with people doing drugs and having sex and it’s just. not child friendly at all. so that’s how julian was introduced to weed at the ripe young age of 11!!! from there on out he was like a big time weed and cigarette smoker, was very early having sex and trying other drugs, and by the time he graduated high school he was already hardcore doing coke
so julian like kind of wanted to go to college bc some part of him did crave normalcy, but he was way too far up his own ass to get his shit together for that !! plus like….he didn’t rly have good role models. so his first year after high school instead of getting on a good path for his future he decided living his best life would include moving into an apartment with his cokehead best friend. it was around that time that julian met his first boyfriend. he was already totally aware he was bi, had slept with boys in high school, but this was the first time he rly fell in love with a guy. he was like……….head! over! heels! for this boy. julian met him at a club and he was like sort of soft and relatively innocent until they started dating and julian got him smoking weed and then snorting coke
this next part is very triggering so please read with caution !! when he was 23, julian tried heroin for the first time. for about 6 months it gradually got really bad, his life started spiraling, and his bf was like….becoming unable to deal with it, especially bc while julian was getting worse his bf was kind of trying to move in the opposite direction and get off the coke and get his life back together. there was a lot of fighting, but his bf kept not actually making the move to end things bc he loved julian and was just like hoping something would turn around. one night, however, in a moment of weakness, he let julian talk him into trying heroin with him. it was kind of an “i promise i’ll get clean if u try it with me this one time” thing. being in and out of consciousness and not really aware of what was going on, he didn’t notice that his bf was overdosing and he ended up dying simply bc the heroin was too much for his body and he stopped breathing. julian didn’t notice until the morning when he woke up, and obviously that was by far the most traumatic thing that’s ever happened to him and left some deep ass emotional scars
so following this, he actually did check himself into rehab. he was there for 3 months, got completely clean, but he only managed to stay that way for two weeks before he was first snorting heroin again and then back to shooting up and selling drugs
it was about 2 yrs later when he was 26 that he met his next bf while he was doing a deal at some seedy bar outside of town. they quickly fell into a completely unanticipated relationship–notably, julian’s first since his boyfriend’s death. in spite of that trauma and feeling guilty even as he did it, he started introducing this boyfriend to drugs. in his mind, it was kind of a thing where he fell in love really fast and really hard out of nowhere and he saw this sad little thing with no place to go and drugs are the only thing he’s ever known himself, so it was very natural to be like “here try this it helps” and also naively convincing himself he’d never let what happened before happen again
so 3 years later they’re living together and completely broke, living mostly off the money julian makes selling drugs and whatever else they can scrape up, when his bf decides he wants to do a road trip across the country. julian’s very impulsive, doesn’t really give a shit about anything in LA anyway, and to top it off has a hard time saying no to him. SO a road trip it is !! they make it all the way across the country before finally using up the last of their money and realizing they don’t have enough to get back
they stopped in north carolina for a while while julian saved up enough cash for them to at least get somewhere they liked better, which is how they wound up in baltimore !!
here their jeep completely broke down and julian sold it so that the money from that plus the money he made selling drugs they could put toward a deposit on an apartment
it’s in their heads to get back to la eventually, but baltimore is kind of their ~scene so julian’s in no hurry. he’s selling drugs again but they use a lot of what he’s supposed to sell so......they’re not going anywhere any time soon anyway ytseugukhej
so now that his lengthy as fuck background is over with………julian is an extremely EXTREMELY dry sarcastic person. the guilt over his bf has made him a hell of a lot worse, like his sense of humor is so so much darker than it was before that happened, but he’s honestly just a rly sarcastic person to begin with. he has some softness inside especially for people he rly cares abt, but you will not catch julian being sentimental or taking literally anything seriously unless you’ve managed to seriously worm your way into his heart
he’s not like a GRUMP tho at all he just….doesn’t take things seriously. he’s literally the embodiment of every bart simpson meme
“whatever my dude” is his aesthetic
he’s very careful about his drug dealing, he won’t go around talking about it or anything, he does it all under the radar as much as he can and especially having done it for so long now and having experienced a lot of traumatic crap, he’s pretty good at what he does and he won’t fuck with people he doesn’t trust
even when it’s warm it’s not totally unlikely to see him in long sleeves bc he has really bad track marks all over his arms from shooting up so much, especially in the early days when he was really bad at it
he absolutely will not talk about his past and if anything even close to it comes up in conversation he will skate right over that so qUICK ur head will spin
i think that’s IT FOR NOW if u made it this far i commend ur effort and attention span. im gna list some plots n stuff below ( beyond the song connections ) and hit me uP for some angst bc ya girl is here for the drama as usual
u can find song connections HERE
any and all drug related things !! people who buy from him ( especially weed, he’s a lot more lenient about to whom he sells weed as opposed to other stuff ), people he introduces to drugs, friends he actually does drugs with
he’s very dry and enigmatic but he’s also quite social so seriously give me friends for him. he’s high a LOT but not always and he likes being out doing stuff
definitely somebody or somebodies who don’t trust him and his drug addict bart simpson vibe please please give me people who don’t like him
along that same vein it takes a lot to get julian worked up and in fight mode bc he prefers to just let things roll off his shoulders but it would def be fun to have someone who gets him to that point
also somebody who?? maybe thinks they can “fix” him and genuinely does their best to try and persuade him to change his life and that it’s not too late to turn everything around ( this is basically the song connection medicine by daughter )
if ur muse is randomly from st louis missouri????? hit me up with a past connection from way back in julian’s childhood
also someone he went to high school with in LA if they’re from LA. this person would probably not be surprised at the way julian turned out ystefygdjhs
a drug addict and dealer who learned to take care of himself from an early age because of neglectful parents. got a boyfriend addicted to drugs and lost him to an overdose when he was in his early twenties, went to rehab, relapsed, met another bf years later with whom he decided to road trip across the country and got stuck in baltimore. dry, sarcastic, kind of a douche, epitome of every bart simpson meme, walking tragedy. 
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kappasigmalife · 7 years
Kappa Sigma Life chp 1-8
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 1.
“Nate!!!!!!, its time to wake up”, his auntie called form downstairs as he was already on his laptop going over his checklist for move in day at Maplewood university.  Nate was looking at his dufflebag filed with clothes and his papers for transition and waited patiently for his laptop to charge. In three days he was leaving to begin his time away from home again. Looking at a framed picture of him, his auntie, and his uncle he sighed as he walked downstairs wearing his black cargo shorts and his eclipse of the moon shirt he got while away. His aunt looks at him cooking breakfast and asks if hes hungry for anything, “I made your favorite, pancakes and bacon, come on you know your hungry.”
Nate looked at her with a sly grin and felt his stomach answering a little embarrassed. “auntie you know im getting chubby again, I haven’t worked out since I came home and you keep showering me with food, how am I supposed to look good if im hanging my cut out.” his aunt laughed and flicks him on the forehead making him flinch. “you spent two years in rome and came home looking totally different, your always gonna be my husky little hyena, and your off to do big things soon at your new school, don’t forget what you spent 7 years of your life doing.” Nate fels his belly knowing full well he is still weighing the same and sits down and eats.
Enjoying his meal, his aunt sits beside him rustling his hair making him raise his eyebrow and question what shes doing. “im just thinking about how much you look like dimitri, spitting image from when he was younger. Nate puts his knife and fork down getting up and no longer hungry, heading out the door to his truck. His aunt follows suit giving him a box. Nate asks what it could possibly be and his aunt responds that it was a gift his uncle was gonna give him when he came home for the summer, but never got to give it. Nate opens it with a tear in his eye as he looks at a necklace with the shard of the original Hagia Sophia and puts it around his neck. Hugging his auntie he whispers “I love you” before driving off to his job at the local hospital helping in the mental health ward. Nate spent years in countries learning proper culture of minorities and knows several languages as well as history and volunteers his time with patients to ease their suffering when they have no family around. Regrettably he has few friends who understand and talks primarily to the patients who understand him. He goes in to see the receptionist Olivia stopping him. “I had no clue youd be here nate, I heard about Rome, im sorry it didn’t work out. nate shrugs it off saying hes happy that someone cared enough to ask.
Going to his office, nate spends much of the morning with patients and talking to them, only to be told to leave early by his boss, saying that he should enjoy himself instead of being so busy working all the time.  heading out a friend of his texts him saying theres a party at his parents ranch later. A little excited he say he got off work early and can come by and pregame as much as possible  heading to his friend dylans he quickly is approached by a large tiger smoking a joint and wearing a dark maroon flannel with his sleeves rolled up. “well well well Nathan Wileson, if I don’t regret the moment you actually come out to play, how are you bulky hybrid.” Nate rolls his eyes telling him he doesn’t like being called hybrid and already feels different enough without having to resort to clever puns or insults to get back at people.
Dylan hands him a joint and they smoke while watching fate/zero on Netflix. Dylan comments that hed totally go for saber since shes blonde and total badass. Nate responds back he prefers rider as hes big burly and looks like a really nice man whos would just cuddle all day long. Dylan chuckles saying nate always went or the brolic heavier guys over skinny dudes around. “I swear youd pop a boner for any sweaty guy who showed a guy. “oh trust me I wouldn’t get one from you Dylan, you smell like a horses taint and cant get laid if you were in ms. Sullivans house in a jockstrap.”
Dylans pushes nate and the two wrestle to the ground with nate pinning Dylan to the ground. “Down yonder Dylan don’t you ever work out.” “oh sorry if my auntie isn’t ex military, or my uncle was a general in marine corps….sorry”. nate smiles saying its fine as he needs the laugh and that he got over his over a month ago, but was too distracted by work. Dylan reaches under nates shirt squeezing his nipples as nate backhands him to the ground. “bro come one those are sensitive.” Dylan grins saying he always wanted to do that once before he left but never got the chance. The two break out rum and weed and drink and smoke until around 4 getting pizza and drinks for the party.
Nate expecting some excitement starts eating a pot brownie ready to loosen up. Dylan reminds him that in the outback everyone gets crazy when the sun sets. Nate recalls that hes the mixed one in  town and had no need to worry. The two open the door with floods of animals coming in heading to the back decked out with string lights and tikis with loads of booze and food ready. Nate smiles knowing he may not see these people again for a long time and starts hustling through the crowd the brownie kicking in. “what’s up people lets turn this petting zoo into a fucking jungle!!!!” all the girls looking at him as he jumps on the table dancing in front of everyone. Dylan laughs and looks on “oh lord the party wolf is out again, nates always like this at partys especially when high enough.
Nate takes his shirt off showing off his husky stomach and body grinding to the music bringing the ladies up to him letting them grind on him. One of the girls going up to Dylan questioning what’s happening. “Isn’t he gay, like left for years to live with his boyfriend?” Dylan explains they broke up and a lot happened and nate is just having fun and the girls know that so theres no threat. One of the girls sees nate flexng his ass winking at her. “want the full ride itll cost ya darling, and trust me you can’t afford coach right here.” Getting down from the table, nate pours a water on his head cooling him down.
Dylan looks at nate panting and high fives him as the girls wink back at him. “Geez sometimes I wish I wasn’t into guys, id totally get some right now.” The two start drinking with nate still shirtless and notices a guy staring at him from afar and waves smiling. Dylan asks if he’s thinking of actually going for a local guy tonight. “well I am here only two more days after tonight, might as well get some before the headaches of classes.” Dylan remarks that Nate always was a straight a student and never once got in trouble despite a chronic weed smoker, traveled, a licensed life coach, and multilingual, he was a catch in a half for colleges. The boy comes up to him a young  grizzly bear wearing a jean jacket and hells angel bandanna blushes as he says Nate put on a nice show. Nate sticks his tongue out and mentions that was just a trial run and wouldn’t mind doing it again.
The boy mentions his names ronny and asks If they can get to know each other better.  Dylan bring them both to a spare bedroom where they proceed to kiss. Taking it slow Ronny mentions he’s heard of nates escapades at parties as the stripperific coach and was curious if he ever stripped all the way. Nate takes his shirt off and pounds his belly growling in excitement. “a fierce combo of a loyal wolf, reliability of a Hyena, and the slyness of a raccoon, I am Nathaniel Martin Wileson at your service.” Laughing Ronny goes up and kissing nate on the lips pushing him on the bed and taking his jacket and shirt off. Kissing nate he unzips his shorts and pulls them down revealing his hard cock. His eyes bulged he mentions its very thick, and mentions hes never taken a dick before.
Getting up nate kisses him saying that he doesn’t have to if he isn’t ready. Pulling down his shorts nate kisses ronnys stomach and hells him hes also pretty big and wouldn’t mind just doing oral and petting. The two lay in bed Ronny sucking him off and saying he needs a breather. They switch and nate sucks him in mutual oral soon after. Kissing his soft lips his wet snout on ronnys he smiles saying he needed the relief from his life and was happy to share the time with ronny. Ronny goes into his pants and pulls out a tube of lube and a condom giving it to nate. “im in my second year of college at 21 and still a virgin, I don’t wanna go another year with it, do it please.” Nat runs his hand up and around his body locking arms and telling him he will go slow. Slowly thrusting he slides his cock in as ronny moans in anguish over the feeling and sweats bullets. Getting in the bodyguard position arms wrapped around him and kissing his neck, Nate thursts as he feels the fur against his panting from the amount of passion.  “oh god your big, it hurts”. Asking if he wanted him to stop Nathan slows down easing into ronny better and softer. The two climax and fall on the bed laughing, “fuck for my first time that was intense.”, Nate smiles as he kisses Ronny on the cheek, “want some cuddles”.
Smiling back he accepts and the two fall asleep, waking up the next day to Dylan telling him that his aunt called wondering where he was at. Taking a quick shower he puts his clothes on and drives home to see his aunt with his bags ready to pack up and leave. “you’re lucky you got everything ready already Nate, had some fun last night?” Nate laughs and tell her that nothing happened aside from some drinking and weed. Pointing to his hickey on his neck Nate pushes his shirt up saying hes fine and takes his bags hugging her goodbye. She mentioned it be better for him to leave early and register with classes so he doesn’t have to wait til after everyone arrives so he filled up his tank on the way back and was ready for the road only to pick up his bag and papers. Hitting the road early, he reaches the campus of Maplewood University in 4 hours and checks in with his advisor, and getting his classes. He signed up as a natural sciences/ humanities dual major as both pertain to the same classes and allow him to study culture and people more closely. He signed up for Israeli infrastructure, roman culture, china in the modern age, and urban sociology. Not being picky the advisor said he was a bright young man looking at his past grades and hoped he continues to surprise the college with his gpa when he begins.
Placed in a dorm specific for hybrids he goes to his complex knowing he will be given a apartment with three separate rooms. Good enough to spend time alone and study, or blow off steam on xbox. Going in he finds a large sloth sitting on the couch and smoking a bong looking back at him. “you a goody goody roommate or wanna hit.”. nate laughs and sets his bag down joining the large sloth man in smoking. He introduces himself as Arkad Slowmann from Isreal and was born with a genetic defect that makes him look like his ancestors way back when standing 7.6 ft towering over nate.
The two hit it off really well and even helps move his stuff in. nate decks his room with posters of paddy and the rats and fate series characters hooking up his flat screen and xbox together and setting his laptop and bookshelf together feeling at home. Going back he finds a bullbear coming into the living room carrying a bunch of bags. “oh hey whats going on, guess were all roomies.” “yeah guess we are….over yonder hes an otaku.” The boy drops the bags heavy as can be wearing a power symbol shirt with jeans and a silver rolex on his wrist reaching out and shaking nates hand. “names Luke Benito pleasure, mind helping me set up” arkad and nate look at one another and already stoned tell him he doesn’t have much.
The three converse about life on campus and realize despite Arkad being a music production/ demolition trade student, nate being in natural sciences/ humanities and luke being in graphic design/ IT, they all seem to have the prefences of music anime movies and people. Ordering food the boys spend the night smoking and eating watching Guillermo del toro movies on the amazon firestick. Heading to bed at 2am, luke tells nate that club fair is the next day and will be exciting to see the frats and extracurriculars on campus. Seeing arkad snoring on the couch, nate waves good night taking his shirt off and shorts and laying in bed in his boxers. “Whose place, nates place.”  
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 2
Nate wakes up the next day bright and early making a pot of coffee, looking inside the fridge seeing Luke brought four different creamers to stock inside. Picking his favorite hazelnut, he pours a cup and puts it in his travel mug. Dressed in basketball shorts and a simple navy blue t shirt he walks out jogging to the gym on campus. Jogging, the August sun beats down on a morning glare. “Over yonder, I should of brought my sunglasses, I cant see  shit.” As he begins running he bumps into a young cheetah on the side as he turn left to the enterance. Apologizing he puts his hand out and sees his knee is scrapped. “hey im so sorry, let me help you inside they gotta have a first aid kit.” The cheetah swipes his hand away, getting up and walking inside, muttering “big oaf hybrid”. Looking confused nate shrugs it off and heads inside. Signing in with his student ID he hits the cycle for cardio and then does some leg presses, “auntie always said work out at least 3 times a week and jog every day for at least a half hour.” Lifting some weights, he notices a chubby lion trying to bench press, setting them down he walks over and puts his hands on the bar. “yo don’t you know its bad to never have a spotter.” The lion looks embarrassed and tells him that he never worked out before and he wanted to lose weight fast. “well your not gonna lose it overnight, try working slower and try going here at least twice a week at first, then up it a few days a week, and only do what you feel comfortable with, and if you want my advice, your build is perfect for a predator species like yourself. The lion smiles at him and asks if he can help him with some work out tips.
Not a gym teacher, nate tells him only what he knows and getting a worker to help him would suit better for his needs. The two converse while lifting and the young lion starts feeling an ache in his shoulder. Reaching in his pocket nate pulls out a bottle of balm he keeps with him at all times. “come on your done for the day lets get you feeling better. In the locker room the lion takes his shirt off and nate puts the balm on making him feel more relaxed. “woah that’s pretty fast acting, what is it?” nate explains its military grade balm for soldiers during training, and his aunt helped manufacture it while doing biological research on cell reproduction or something as he doesn’t know shit about science. Nate takes his shirt of and looks as the lion stretched his arm making sure nothing else is sore. “you know a hot shower wouldn’t hurt either.” The lion blushes and sees nate taking his pants off grabbing a towel placing it over his shoulder. “um I might be offputting here but you have a a really nice build.” Nate explains he puts effort into it and prides himself in staying at least fit if not a little husky. the lion wraps a towel around himself taking his shorts and boxers off following nate to the shower. “im a little nervous, these are public showers and I don’t feel very adamant in showing off as much as you are.” nate pats him on the shoulder telling him that if he doesn’t feel comfortable he should shower at his dorm as theres no shame in being embarrassed, as self esteem takes time to build. The lion asks what he means and nate tells him some advice.
“you took  the courage to come to the gym with fit people everywhere looking to better yourself even though you feel inadequate, that’s the first step to garners a better love for yourself, understand these things take time and in a while, you will be able to come in here proud as your own species should and make these people look at you so adamantly that their questioning their sexuality.” The lion laughs, asking if nate can keep a secret. Nate tells him anything told in confidence is held tight in his lips. The lion explains he thinks he might be into guys but never tried anything before. Nate tells him again there is no shame in admitting curiosity so long as it doesn’t hurt another person. The lion chuckles as he looks nervously at nate knowing hes completely naked at the shower entrance. Looking down he cant help but gaze at his body. “sorry I shouldn’t stare that’s pretty rude.” Nate pats him on the head and tells him his dorm has a private shower in their room that he can use if hes still nervous. The lion cub smirks red in the face. “would you be there helping me wash, I cant really reach my back?” nate smiles and sticks his tongue out saying of course he would help.
Going to his dorm, nate walks in knocking on the bathroom door looking at the clock on the oven. “8:30, those two are still asleep, come on”. The two enter the shower and the lion feels the warm water hitting his fur as nate enters with him, the two embrace feeling each other’s fur against one another. Nate looks at the young man and introduces himself, “btw im nate, pleasure to meet you.” The lion contemplates and looks shocked he didn’t even ask for a name. “oh god im so sorry im in the shower with a guy and I didn’t even know his name!” nate strokes his chin and kisses him on the lips, “no worries little lion, just say it now.” The lion introduces himself as Geoff and comes from all the way from the west. Pressing himself against nate, he feels his belly saying hes so soft. “well good buddy im pretty fluffy thanks to my wolf side, and I don’t shed thanks to my hyena side.” Geoff notices nates dick twitching and looks down seeing it throbbing hard. He ask if its okay to touch it to which nate agrees . getting on his knees he starts sucking and looks up gagging . “don’t deep throat If its your first time Geoff, take it easy and if you cant you cant, theres always gonna need practice. Going halfway down his shaft georg slurps using his tongue as nate moans in pleasure holding his head in place pressing it gently inching closer and closer in geoffs mouth.
As he starts really enjoying  it he hears ark knocking on the door. “Nate I gotta use the shower, you’ve been in there for a half hour. Panicking Geoff shoots up and asks what he should do?” nate explains that ark is a chill guy and wont be a prude, the two shut off the water and dry off as Nate puts his clothes on and opens up as ark is standing holding shampoo and body wash looking at nate like he he had fun. “I see first day on campus and already made your mark eh Wolfie.” Chuckling Geoff walks out and follows nate as ark walks into the shower. Ark behind the door thanks them for cleaning up the water and leaving the place a neat set instead of mess. Nate laughs as the two walk into the common area seeing luke reading attack on titan on the couch. “hey nate whose your friend?” nate introduces Geoff and the two share a common love of hating on erens need to shout titan every two minutes as Geoff looks at his watch saying that hes late to meet with his roomies for breakfast. He walks out when luke asks why he was here so early. Nate explains he invited him for a shower as he was stinky from the gym and needed to wash so offered him theirs in privacy to not make him nervous. “that’s weird dude, maybe ask us first if they can use it okay.” Nate scratches his head and feels warm in the common area, “geez did they shut the air off.” Luke looks at him drinking a cold glass of water, “yeah saving money doesn’t come on until much later.”
Taking his shirt off nate plops on the couch turning the tv on and flips on Netflix turning on American Horror Story coven. “god I love this season, so campy and all the witches are such sassy bitches.” Luke looks at him as he sits on the couch laughing at Queenie threatening to eat a skinny white witch and looks at him. “can I ask man, you have no shame in showing off your watching a campy season of a horror show, and you had a guy over to take a shower, are you….” Ark opens the door and interrupts both of them and interferes. “well yes I would say so Luke but is that really your business.” Nate looks at both of them shrugging and puts his arms on the back of his head. “Yes it is true I am gay, and proud of it.” Luke looks at him, “well that’s great that you are accepting of who you are, I bet your parents got used to it when you came out.” Ark flicks Luke on the back of the head, “not sorry for that but personal matters shouldn’t be pressed on, I could care less what sexuality he is so long as he respects us.” Nate laughs and compliments arks no shits given attitude. Luke remarks he’s just curious, and Nate replies back that his mother and father are not supportive and his aunt and uncle took him in with loving arms. Luke looks straight faced as Nate gets up and says he’s not interested in sad stuff and wants to go do something. Luke remarks the club fair is going on and they could see some of the extracurricular and teams on campus. Rolling a joint, ark notes it might be fun and they all smoke up before heading out.
High a shit at the fair, ark and nate are drawn by the smell of weed coming from the growers association and head over seeing a Bull and rhino passing out joints to people they think might help. The bull introduces himself as Danny and the rhino introduces himself as theo. Theo explains that they grow swell shit in a lab on campus as med students, he a agriculture student and Danny a Med student practicing physical therapy. Nate and ark look at the pamphlet and see that it’s a paid job to test out experimental strains smoking a pound a week and its legal. Nate smiles at ark who smirks back as the cheetah nate ran into beforehand sees the two and walks over stating that his brothers wanna talk to them. Looking back at him with a smug grin nate replies that maybe he should learn some manners as an large bulky elk comes by and comments on arks large build. “whats good sloth im riley, chapter president of Tau Epsilon and I cant help but notice you got a a great build, for a sloth. Ark replies that its gene regression and that his ancestors somehow mixed with his DNA with an extra chromosome making him a large man standing 7.6. the cheetah rolls his eyes at nate stating he noticed him working out in the gym and the amount of weight he was piling was impressive. “well what do you expect from a wolf, we do what we can”.
Riley looks at nate and ark stating that they shouldn’t waste their time with smoking and lazing when they can join the football team and make a good amount of rep for themselves. Danny stares daggers at riley commenting that even if he is quarterback he won’t be able to get a six pack, flipping off danny riley tries taking arks hand and brushes it off commenting that forcing someone to try and do something doesn’t get their way. The cheetah replies back to ark that he wouldn’t expect less from a hybrid smut, to chicken out at oppurtunites of a life time. ark just looks away and asks what the pay is for being a tester, only for theo to immediately respond “200 a week, and all the eeed is free to take so long as we give it to you, no going into stashes and taking what you wish, me and danny deal, you two just smoke, limited seating to 6 people.” Nate signs his name, “oh im so down, now we don’t have to worry about finding stuff on campus from sketchy dealers.” Danny replies there’s a lot of pushers lately trying to sell synthetic weed and its not good to go to anyone.
Walking back riley and the cheetah look at the crowd around their booth and see luke signing up as a linebacker. The cheetah “oh great another hybrid, how many are on this fucking campus this year?” . riley looks at him, “calm down Roland, this is good for funding even if we don’t use him in games having him as a brother is good for our credibility with the frats and the campus, plus we need a mule to get our shit to other people, gotta get ready for preseason.” Roland smirks saying he really doesn’t like the hyena as hes too gentle and happy, riley smirks and tells him that he has an plan for that at the party, and he just needs to get the two over to the houses. Giving him a bag of pills, he tells him hes gonna go get some dirt from the dorms.
Going to the dorms riley knocks on the door to find a mongoose opened up high from some pills. “oh hey riley what’s good?” riley asks if he knows of two guys a sloth and hyena/ wolf mix and if he knows anything on them. The mongoose replies that he thinks the sloth is just a stoner but saw a guy walking out of their dorm with Nate standing at the front waving him off. Riley smirks at him telling him that’s all he needed, the mongoose asks if he’s getting paid for this one, only for riley to respond that that he already gave him the info before  asking for payment and walks off.
Luke ark and nate return with nate and ark looking at their contracts as testers saying itll be good to earn some cash. Luke was invited to a TE party and wanted to go but not alone. Nate and ark look at one another and contemplate going, only remember thatdanny and theor were handing out products at the party as a side business and seeing them would be nice. Relaxing and pregaming with the rest of arks stash the three walk to the house and see the place blasting with dance music, and sees a bunch of girls going to ark pulling him. “god damn your big, are you the new defensive end everyone is talking about.” Ark remarks he isn’t part of the team but wouldn’t mind hanging around the girls for a little while. Nate goes off to find theo and danny handing out joints for cash and danny gives him one to enjoy. “hope to catch you later bro, your first college party?” nate replies hes been to plenty and its no different. Theo nudges dannys elbo noting hes making that face again at nate, “aren’t you into the bulky ones now.”, danny remarks that he is tired of twinks and wants to meet someone whose fun but not thin, only for theo to remark he should check and see if hes into it first. Luke already drunk off of a bottle of rum goes up to them hearing the conversation and remarks that nate is gay and is proud to be open about it.
Heading to the smoking lounge nate smokes out a few bongs around a few people seeing roland come up and sit next to him. As he puffs smoke out he says hes a little close for his taste. Roland remarks he is interested in seeing nates stamina only for nate to brush it off as an advance saying hes making him uncomfortable. Roland holds his shoulders saying he wants to apologize for being an asshole earlier and plants a kiss on nate, sticking his tongue down his throat. Nate coughs pushing roland off and asks what the hell he put in his mouth as he felt something go downhis throat. “it’s a nice little candy, youll feel nice and loose later on. Feeling dizzy nate sumbles around only to feel a jol of energy rush through him and begins smiling like crazy. “oh god this doesn’t feel right but its kinda nice.” Roland laughs and says it wont be when the hallucinations hit. Running out the room Nathan looks around for ark or the others only to find theo passing out the last joints. “oh nate there you are, me and danny were heading back to my place to smoke, thought you and ark want to join…. Woah dude are you okay.” Nate replies the rooms spinning and hes seeing twisted colors everywhere. Looking at his eyes theo calls danny over saying nates tripping balls. Danny asks what he took and nate tells him a cheetah stuck a pill down his throat by kissing him nonconsensual.  
Ark comes back out of the room shirtless and covered in hickeys by the two girls saying hes ready to leave. Looking at nate he wonders whats wrong with him, only for theo to tell him what happened and ark goes into the smoking room finding roland smoking and grabbing him by the tail dragging him outside. Punching him in the face over and over roland begs for him to stop, only for ark to look at him “didn’t nate tell you to stop.” Before stopping on his ball sack causing Roland to bellow in immense pain. Theo walks out and sees  group of people staring at campus, only to see that  there are lights flashing from the dorms. A girl notes that someones dorm got trashed from texts reading someone busted open the hybrids dorm and trashed it. Ark looking pissed tells theo to take care of nate while he goes back to grab luke. The two go back up to see their place in shambles and fag written on  nates walls and sees everything is in ruins. The UP there tell them they will need to make a statement and say they can do it in the morning, going down to theos, ark lights up a joint on the couch asking theo how nate is, “hes fine resting in bed, his hallucinations were bad but he will calm down soon enough, what happened to you guys?” luke explains what occurred and theo shakes his head calling the incident a targeted crime and says they can stay with him and danny for the semester, Having spare bedrooms and no roommates helps. Thanking him luke looks to see dannys door open with him cuddling up to nate with his arm around him sleeping. Luke mentions they should tell nate everything, only for ark to reply that they need to wait for the morning and let him sleep off his high.
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 3
Rustling in his sleep, nate awakens to turn over and see danny sleeping next to him. Confused he pulls the covers over and widens his eyes rolling out of bed trying to sneak out of the room. Danny rolls over and with a smirk looks at Nate raising his eyebrow asking if he slept. “look im sorry if anything happened man, but I don’t remember much after getting kissed and well I hope I was at least a gentleman about it.” Danny bellows in laughter as he explains that nothing happened and nate was too messed up on some mixture of lsd and molly so theo and him took him to their place to crash. “you were pretty messed up so I had you take a shower, got you out, dried you off, and the minute you landed in my bed I just saw you pass out, so left you like that, good thing for a queen sized beds right.” Nate scratches his head relieved nothing out the ordinary occurred and asks if anything else happened. “aside from you wimpering in your sleep and me cuddling you to make you better, nothing at all.” Nate sighs and turns to leave seeing his phone on the charger reading 9am. “well good thing I didn’t sleep to late, but I think im gonna take a personal day from the gym im still a little on edge.” Danny looks at nate as he leaves the room grabbing his boxers looking at his ass and smiling. Theo walks by the door seeing nate head to the bathroom and looking at danny, “hey been a while since you had a guy in your bed.” Danny looks at him chuckling telling him to fuck off, and theo walks off seeing nate standing at the bathroom door
As nate waits for the bathroom to be available. “yo theo, how many people live in this house?” theo explains that it was only him and danny but explains that ark has to explain some things that happened last night. “yeah I tweaked out and blanked out of my memory, didn’t do much thanks to you guys, im really grateful.” “no dude, you don’t understand and I didn’t tell danny all of what happened since you guys were asleep by the time we all got the news.” Ark walks out of the bathroom looking at nate and tells him he should shower and get a stiff drink cause there is a lot to discuss. Taking a quick wash and coming out. theo hands nate a glass of rum telling him to sit down, ark lighting a joint explains that the dorm was vandalized and everything was trashed making it unlivable, the University Police had taped off the area and explained that our residence will change until further notice. Nate takes a large gulp and breaths deeply. “okay that was a lot to take in, any idea on who did it?” ark explains that it must have been the footballers as no other group has a issue with them. Luke comes out of a room carrying a duffle bag wearing a Maplewood Beserkers jersey and tells the guys hes gotta go to practice.
Nate shrugs and tells luke to be careful around the TE boys as if they did target their dorm they might do something to Luke since he is a hybrid. “come on bro your looking  a mix of who massive beasts, the bull and the bear, the Italian romantic, the otaku with the eye for art, Luke Benito.” Nate and ark look at one another and laugh harshly at his remarks, nate explaining that Luke is still without a woman in his bed and hes younger than the entire gang. Grunting luke walks up to nate asking if ark told him what happened. Nate tells him  ark did tell him and remarks its feeling heavy. “yeah man we all feeling it, ill drop by later at the dorm to pick up some of my stuff, whatever’s left of it.” Ark tells nate they need to do the same and contact UP and make a statement. Theo and danny come in explaining they will take the guys out later to buy some new clothes and bedding and new luggage as theirs were trashed. Nate sighing immeditaly jolts up feeling his pocket. Pulling out his wallet and the necklace he wears he feels relieved that he didn’t lose that. Danny looks at the necklace which a rectangular piece of silver on  a metallic black chain etched with roman lettering. “nice necklace bro, what Is it?” nate explains it’s a piece of the remains of the Hagia Sophia before its reconstruction, the silver is a piece of an altar demolished to make way for new repairs.
Ark makes a comment on that it must of cost a shit ton of money for one little piece, but marvels that the crafting is clear in design. Nate puts the necklace on going to dannys room checking his phone, missing a call from his aunt he breaths and dials her up. “ciao zia, qual è la parola, si è successo qualcosa nel campus, sì sto registrando il rapporto oggi, no non so se qualcosa può essere salvato, sì ho ancora lui la collana, okay ci vediamo presto, starò al sicuro, amo anche tu”
(hi auntie, what's the word, something happened on campus, yes I'm recording the report today, no I do not know if anything can be saved, yes I still have the necklace, okay see you soon, I'll be safe, I love you too)
Going out of his room he tells Theo and danny his aunt is dropping by to make sure everything is okay, with danny asking if he was speaking Italian on the phone. “yes she has a thing about privacy so I speak in Italian on the phone with her to ensure that no one can hear.” Ark remarks he could of just sent her a text, but nate remarks she is driving already and that be dangerous. Since it’s a four hour drive nate and ark decide to head to the dorm and see what can be salvaged from the wreck. Danny and theo look at them as they leave remarking that they should stay in case nates aunt appears. At the dorm, ark and nate see the tape over the busted door and crawl under going to their respective rooms. Nate picks up a safe that held his laptop and puts it in his messenger bag and sees his books are all trashed beyond recognition. “how can anyone be so savage over one little incident?” ark in his room can only take his stash and his computer as they two look around they see the entire apartment was beaten to a pulp. Nate remarks it looks like a stampede occurred and that there isn’t much they can do now. Coming down the hall they see luke sweating carrying his gear and looking tired. “yo guys, anything left for us to grab?” ark replies that the only thing left was lukes room and that there isn’t much they can do about the place and residence change won’t be a tough deal. Luke looks in his room seeing it shambles grabbing his laptop and walking out. “fuck that was a mess, but thankfully locking away electronics is smart.” Walking back down the three converse about the past incident and bring up that its quite a travesty but it’s not over yet.
Heading to the UP station they make their statement with nate explaining that a Tau Epsilon brother, a muscular cheetah slipped him a pill and tweaked out before crashing at a friend’s house. The police record their statement and tell the boys the watch themselves closely for the next week before classes start.
(at Maplewood, students in the summer get a week to explore campus and enjoy the parties before studies begin)
Nate takes a copy of the report and puts it in his bag thankful that the police believed their story and were looking into the matter of who started this incident. Going back to the house all five boys spark a joint and smoke up the room, only to hear the doorbell ring. Theo goes to the door to open it only to find a tall raccoon standing asking if this is where nate is. “uh yeah may I ask who you might be?”. The woman explains she is nates aunt Rebecca and received a phone call from the college stating he had his dorm vandalized. Getting up nate walks to his aunt and hugs her happy to see her, she looks at him and remarks that even with the shit happening hes still smiling. “well life isn’t about looking at whats lost, what you still have matters.” Shrugging she hugs him again, “im just glad your safe, gone one weekend and all hell breaks loose, call me overprotective but I cant let anything happen to you husky.” nate scratches his head exclaiming she always has to embarrass him in front of people. Looking at the group, luke tries hiding the weed and joints only for her to sit down asking for one. Confused by the room nate explains shes a avid smoker and got him into it at 16, theo rolls her a joint passing it and lights it. Taking a huge drag and puffing out rings. Rebecca explains shes going to the dean and getting the story straight, she wants all the details and not the ones UP give out, the full story. “this was a targeted assault, againt the hybrid dorm particulary, added to homophobia I can’t sit back and let that go.” She finishes the joint and goes to walk out, only for ark to ask what shes gonna do. “I am just going to calmly talk to the dean and get things straightened out, you boys aren’t even in trouble, but I wanna make sure whoever is responsible is given proper punishment.” As she walks out danny notices she is very scary and a bit sly only for nate to reply that she is ex military combatant and a  biological researcher for the Dept of Gene Recovery.
Looking at everyone, nate laughs and explains she looks into the regressive gene syndrome in people and tries to find the root of the cause. Ark smiles saying he knew what the department was, just wanted to see what everyone else was thinking. Getting up he walks out going to campus, luke tries to get him to stay and not get into trouble, “bro I got a text from one of the girls last night, im heading to her place for a little afternoon fun, ill be back in a few hours or so.” Luke looks at ark head to toe and questions how a behemoth of a 250 lb land sloth could get so many girls. “its cause im fierce looking and draw them in, its called being an alpha.” Nate chuckles at luke and smokes the rest of his joint, only to feel danny run his hand up his shirt. “speaking of fun maybe we could do a little.” Nate puts his hand back on his lap and remarks hes not really in the right mindset and wants to wait a while, danny apologizes as nate goes to take a nap. Before ark leaves he tells danny that rushing things doesn’t work out for many people. Going to his room he sees nate shirtless in bed with the fan blasting against his fur. Danny goes to rub his arm as nate turns slightly. “im okay with cuddling if you want, but no physical stuff, I just wanna relax.” Danny takes his shirt off and wraps his arms around nate and closes his eyes nuzzling against his fur. “I wanted to know, when you were whimpering in your sleep, who’s Sergio?” Nate remarks he wouldn’t want to talk about it just yet and danny lets it go as they rest in bed with the shades drawn.
Theo walks by and remarks that its adorable that their sleeping together in bed. Luke walks by and chuckles that they look like two big furry body pillows for Danny to get up and shut the door in their face, crawling into bed going back to nate who smiles saying that was rude but hilarious. Going to the girls dorm, ark is dragged in by a doe and pushed onto the bed. The girl pulls his shirt off and feels his body all over. “god your chubby but firm as all hell”. Ark replies that its just how hes build dense and powerful. He flings her up to him kissing her as she takes her shirt off. “how you like it beast, rough or slow?” ark replies he will go whatever way she wants to as she reaches into his pants jerking him off. “rough it is then, and by god you really are huge, I was twisted last night and forgot how big you were.” She pulls out his dick from his shorts pulling them down and licks it on the shaft. Ark puts his hand on her arms and lays her down. Sticking his tongue out he goes down on her and he massages her tits enticing her for more. His cock throbbing, he lubes her up ready for playtime and thrusts it in her all at once making her scream in pleasure. “Yes ark, yes ark, give it to me please!”. Ark goes even deeper faster and faster as she begs for it rough. Pulling her ears she calls his name saying hes a master  and he needs to tame her, ark kisses her shoving his tongue down her throat feeling her cumming, he pulls her tits making her climax laying her in bed. He finishes by jerking onto her tits and exclaims she should clean up. In the shower he presses her against the glass and goes for round two as the two shower together. Heading out the doe hopes he calls her again and it was fun when he pulled her ears. “I just know what girls like is all.”
Going back to the house he sees bags of stuff all over, theo has went out and bought all new posters clothes and luggage for them after losing most of their shit. Rebecca returns soon after looking at everything and asks for her card back, theo gives it back with the receipt and explaims a lot of the stuff was on sale. Rebecca replies its not a big deal they didn’t need to worry about cost and all they needed was to relax and stay clear of the football players, aside from luke who is a member. Ark remarks she must of earned a lot of money while on tour of duty, only for Rebecca to exclaim that the military doesn’t do shit for pay and getting bills paid took both her and her husband to compensate before getting into medical research. Going in her purse she lays out housing costs and many house on foreclosure for cheap, “start looking, and as of now im staying for a while, I can crash at a hotel while we get things straightened out got it.” Ark replies that they have no money for a house and couldn’t possibly expect her to lay out any cash.
Rebecca lays a check for 100000 dollars on the table telling ark that it doesn’t matter, all that matters to her is her nephews college and life. Theo looks at the zeros asking how in gods name she can afford a house. “my husband life insurance policy kicked in only recently so I got lots to spare, but that doesn’t mean im funding every little thing got it.” Ark agrees and looks at a large manor for 40000 with 8 bedrooms and 4 baths. Theo remarks that there isn’t much they can do with this home as its huge and what would they need the house for. “I want you boys to be safe and this is close to campus and heavily gated with a security system so don’t worry.” Nate walks in greeting Rebecca and looking at the housing listings. “Over Yonder, those are huge!”, “believe big guy, you guys are choosing which one to live in got it.” Nate looks at the one ark looked at prior and loves the old style colonial feeling and exclaims that theres enough room for everyone and then some. “you know guys, we could use this as a frat house, and considering were upbeat and party animals we could probably get the ball rolling on it.”  Theo remarks that isn’t a bad idea but what would they stand for little lone call themselves. Nate gets on the couch lighting a joint and remarks simply, “Kappa Sigma, We represent Formality and entertainment.” Ark nods in agreement and explains he could dj most of the parties, nate is good with getting peoples attention, Danny is well organized with paperwork, and Theo can act as dealer for weed at the parties.
Luke comes in asking what the commotion is and is told the situation. He explains he wants to be in on it but cant just abandon the Tau brothers. Nate shrugs saying its understandable and that its his decision, while danny looks a little annoyed, “those assholes trash your dorm drug your roomie and fucked up your first weekend, how in holy hell have you be friends with them?” luke explains theres no proof they did it yet and its speculation, for all they knew someone must of gotten ticked and chose to fuck with them. Seeing the point luke takes his bag but holds his head feeling light, only for theo to grab him and help him up. “uh luke, you good little guy.” “yeah yeah im fine just a little woozy from practice they had us doing a lot today so think I need to rest. “ark comments that might not be normal post work out pain but something else, while Theo explains they have done a lot of sketchy shit trying to get the growers to help make some steroids for the new players. Danny looks into the room to see luke laying down and looks through his duffel bag, underneath his gear is a bunch of pill bottles labeled with roids and sees theres at least 25 capsules of them. He takes the bag and brings it into the living area dumping it onto the table showing everyone. “I think our little bullbear is becoming a drug mule, these are totally from the pushers, they use these types of containers all the time.” Rebecca shakes her head stating that they need to talk to him immediately. Theo goes to wake up Luke and brings him into the living room where he explains he isn’t undserstanding whats going on and that the Taus just gave him a new bag as an apology for wrecking his stuff. The group look at one another and realize that he must have been used as a little smuggler to the dorms.
Ark tells him he can’t be with those TE or they might end up costing him a lot more than his room. Looking in his bag luke sees the pills and says he cant believe they would give him this much stuff. Nate retorts “they use the newbies to smuggle shit into dorms, sell it to kids that need to lose weight then collect dues for brothers by recruiting them, rince and repeat.” Theo advises  that luke should probably return the bag and jersey before anything transpires further, danny stops him explaining they will take the drugs and bring them to UP explaining the situation. “better off we go since they know us as growers and we have good word over the freshman, sorry guys just something that makes more sense.” Ark nate and luke agree and luke leaves the pills taking his bag and heading out once more to the Tau Epsilon house, leaving the rest to worry about him. Rebecca remarks hes a gullible kid with a lot of need to be accepted, with nate shaking his head “its sad but reality hits hard at the worst times.”  As the day progresses nate and the others enjoy a good meal made by Rebecca seeing luke coming in looking solemn but with a grin on his face. “yeah I think I got us even worse with the football players.” Nate smirks and asks what he did, for which luke states he took his jersey and burned it at the tau house in front of the brothers and threw it into the chapter presidents garbage causing to set fire. Ark and nate laugh hysterically contemplating why they weren’t there for that.
Rebecca gets a knock at the door going and getting two garment bags in her hands from a delivery man. Luke sits down and eats happy he made his brothers laugh. Rebecca comes in with the garment bags and gets them on the chair. Ark asks what the bags are for and she remarks that the dean is seeing ark and nate tomorrow for their talk about being a frat and the new house and need to dress the part. “suit tie pants the works got it boys.” Nate and ark groan at having to wear tight clothes but put up with it. That night after hard drinking and smoking danny and nate lay in bed wide awake unable to sleep, danny roles over cuddling nate and telling him if hes okay with this tonight. Nate smirks and says hes in the mood for something else, while danny drifts his hand lower rubbing nates boxers feeling them bulging up, “god your right, you really are horny.” Nate replies he hasn’t done anything in two days and needs to let off some steam, especially after missing the gym. As the moonlight hits the bed danny pulls off nates boxers licking his cock shaft to head and feeling it deep in his mouth. “damn your experienced, that feels wonderful.” Nate pulls him by the horns and deepthroats his cock into his mouth while grunting. Moving up danny plays with nates nipples and twists them making his cock throb harder. The two of them lay in bed with danny on top of him massaging his cock against his ass, “let me do the work, you relax okay buddy”, nate blushes smiling as it’s a first anyone let that happen. Grunting and moaning as danny slowly sits on nates dick, he remarks its very thick and straight perfect for riding. Getting all the way in the two play with each others tender bodies with nate running his hand through dannys fur feeling the gentle caress of his firm paws on him, danny jerks his cock stating he hasn’t been with anyone in months. Nate replies that over now and hes gonna make him forget those months alone. Flipping danny on his back, nate gives him a stern smile and tells him its his turn to do some work and thrusts in him while stroking dannys cock making it precum. “damn your into it aren’t you.”. “I thought you were a happy go lucky husky boy, since when do you take charge.” Nate retorts “when I started grabbing this bull by the horns”, grabbing his horns getting deeper and deeper into him. Grabbing his sheets nate jerks dannys cock even more until it climaxing on his stomach. Nate ask if he wants him to stop and danny simply tells him to keep going and he can take it. Nate does so getting into lotus position and hearing dannys heartbeat as he pulls him close thrusting into him even harder. Danny calls out “oh Nathan yes, yes, yes, yessssss.” As nate cums pulling out his cock spewing cum out from two days, the two fall back on the bed remarking that it was incredible and they never felt that primal urge of love making before. “I myself usually go gentle and tender, but I just felt I wanted to get a little fierce and rough for once.” Danny remarks hes impressed by nates stamina and asks if he played anything in high school. “I traveled a lot honestly but I did play ultimate and disc golf a lot.” Danny asks about his travels and nate goes onto a share session about his trips to Europe japan and the Caribbean thanks to his aunt and uncle. “woah that’s amazing, I bet you learned a lot overseas.” Nathan gets up to head to the bathroom before turning around pointing at danny and looking at his dick remarking hes ready for another round. Danny laughs and gets up kissing Nate pulling him back into the bed.   The two go at it until the wee hours of the morning and fall asleep feeling the sun hit their eyes. Nate goes and shuts the blinds telling danny they can sleep in. danny agrees and spanks nates ass as he closes them. “firm but supple that’s my kind of man. “well you got a muscly build on you and I love it, very big burly with a goatee and those horns, I’m guessing your Italian right. Danny remarks he actually bull/yak honestly and he has a lot of mixed blood but took more after his dad with his grandfather coming from Tibet. Nate gets back into bed kissing danny and exclaiming a lot of people should see the world as mixed instead of pure. The two kiss as Theo walks by, “good morning boys, glad to see your both up again.” Both look down and pull the covers over them as they laugh and smile wishing theo a good morning.
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 4
Nate goes down stairs after cuddling with danny much of the morning with his aunt on the phone with one of the real estate agents calling about the house they wanted to buy. “yes 1950 colonial, the one on foreclosure, yes I have the money and yes I will buy today, it’s a beautiful home.” Waving to nate she sees him taking some coffee and going back upstairs. “remember nate I have to go to the house today and fill out paperwork, and I called the movers and told them to move the stuff in, everything should be done by around 4pm” nate gives a thumbs up seeing ark and theo rolling joints and smoking from a bong. “that’s new usually we use papers instead of pieces”, ark replies they need more papers and the need for pieces is adamant so they should hit up a shop in town later sometime. Rebecca comes in reminding ark and nate that they will need to meet with the dean the next morning so no late night shenanigans or they will miss their appointment. Ark shrugs saying hes used to having shit to do and nate is always a morning person. Theo offers Rebecca a joint of his new strain and she partakes before heading out. “remember boys im not going to be around today so no goofing off, look through the papers I have on the kitchen table and have luke call up the parents okay, we need them to see what kind of house you will be living in, proper and elegant, or so they will think.” Ark looks at nate asking what she meant by that as she leaves.
“oh the plan is we throw a welcome party to the adults in the day and show what we are as a frat dressed well and doing what we need to keep our grades up and responsibility but at night when they leave, we turn the place into the biggest hot box on campus, rigging the vent shafts with industrial heat enclosures and filling the house with THC. “is that really fucking possible?’ theo asks as nate grins at him telling him his aunt knows a few things from the military to rig a system up. Luke comes down and comments everyone is awake early. Ark tosses him the packet of the parents number  telling he needs to call them. “what…..why?” ark replies that he is a brother too and needs to pull his weight. Nate decides to hit the gym and jogs seeing Geoff running a little ways farther, catching up the two laugh and high five one another. At the gym they help one another out with deadlifting and cardio, nate asking if he had been with any guys yet. “no sorry just ben busy practicing for the season, I joined the beserkers football team, they have me as a defensive end, im not fast but im tough to knock down, considering one of their players in hospitalized and another quit.” Nate scratches his head knowing exactly what hes talking about and comments he should be careful with the Tau brothers. Geoff states he knew what happened and wanted to say he thinks it was awful but not all the brothers are bad. “most are all freshman and just wanna play ball, not hurt anyone it’s the chapter president and that cheetah that cause problems, trying to push us to do really weird pills, I fake it and get mass on my own time not with enhancements” nate pats him on the back and comments it looks like he already lost a few pounds. “oh yeah cut out junk food and eat just straight food with protein so I lost like 5 pounds in a few days.
Nate comments that they will be starting a new frat and that if Geoff wants to join he would be welcomed as he is a respectable guy. As they finish up and head to the showers nate looks at Geoff pondering what could possibly happen to him at TE, with Geoff looking back at him and telling him he did find something out about the incident at the dorms. As it turned out a mongoose pusher hybrid told riley about the two of them leaving his dorm and thought that it was suspicious of him being gay little lone a hybrid, riley has a hatred for them for unknown reasons. Nate shakes his head saying that it really isn’t right they get targeted for simply being who they are. bumping fists in the shower and leaving, nate walks off and Geoff asks if they could ever have some fun again and finish where they left off. “when the drama blows over and we start our frat feel free to find me anytime anywhere you big leo, I might even have a friend who wants to join. Geoff blushes as he walks off running into riley who tells hi to stay away from hybrids if he knows whats good for him, and having word get out of his escapade with nate would damage the teams reputation. Looking away Geoff scoffs telling riley to get over his ego and that the guys are nice and Tau Epsilon is not exactly the epitome of good nature themselves.
Nate gets a call from Rebecca telling him that they are getting the house as they speak the furniture will be delivered soon enough, wifi and utilities were hooked up before the purchase and everyone should be set. The house cost only 40000 and the building will be paid off by Rebecca in payments , all they have to do is clean and keep everything neat. Getting to theo and dans, theo is calling up students on his buyer list about the party the following day, ark is looking at the deans agreement and meeting plans to discuss frat initiation, and luke is on the phone with his parents. “yes dad I left the football team, it wasn’t good that I was caught up in some shit and I wanted to keep away from it when our dorm got messed up, thanks for understanding, ill see you tomorrow, bye.” Luke looks at nate, “oh good for you to join us husky, go help with something.” Nate laughs and says he needed to work out and get the excess amount of drugs out of him. Ark hands nate the plans with the dean and looks it over. “you and I are gonna go tomorrow morning and get things started, hopefully we don’t get screwed.” Nate looks at ark saying nothing can go wrong so long as both of them are there. Looking at the table he sees gunpowder and ammo on the coffee table asking what that’s about. “some new experiment im doing for explosives as a demolition trade major I wanted to see what I can do, but the frat stuff came first so im putting it on the back burner for now.” Nate comments he cant go wrong with sulfur oxide and a little bit of combustible liquid in the center as it usually works wonders. Ark looks over to nate and says that he isn't using that beginner crap, and that he is using his own experimental blend of secret ingredients. “even a secret from me?” nate asks as he tries to look at what ark wrote down, with ark quickly hiding it and responding with a very low growl “yes.”
The group does their work as ark gets a call on his phone from the dean. “hello, yes, yes, yes, okay fine we will be there tomorow .” Ark explains that nate and him gotta get dressed earlier the next morning at 7 not 9 so they can get to the meeting  earlier. “you serious?”. “dude moved it up so we better get moving ourselves. “ luke and theo shrug saying its one thing after another as they finish all the planning for the next day. Rebecca returns giving the key to the boys telling them the moving van is decorating the house and they should be able to move right on in the late afternoon. Thanking her ark lights a joint to relax and starts measuring his material on the coffee table while Rebecca looks on. “seems your skilled with chemicals and minerals may I supervise?” “I would welcome it thank you.” The rest of the boys leave to pack and Rebecca looks as they leave, “I cant thank you for being a good friend to nate, its not easy for him the past few months and he really wants this frat thing to go off without a hitch, and I want you to be chapter president.” Ark looks at her taking a puff, “wouldn’t nate be better off hes a good guy full of life and always has a plan.” Rebecca tells ark that hes a supporter not a leader and being a part of a good team of like minded people is good for him. “god knows that he always knew what to do for himself and others but never knew how to lead a team.” Ark states he sees her point and wouldn’t mind being president.” Rebecca looks over and places a gun on the coffee table, “I heard you were certified with firearms so im giving this to you for protection, I know you can handle it.” Ark looks at the FN Five-seven pistol and remarks it’s a  very nice one. “nate has an M-9 and its supposed to be in his…….oh fuck…..NATE!!!!” nate runs out of his room, “Yeah auntie?”, “Where is that thing I gave you before school started.” Nate come down with a safe in his hands unlocking it and showing her the gun he kept.” Don’t worry I left it with my laptop and recovered it when we went back.” A sigh of relief Rebecca breaths heavy and nate looks at the gun on the table telling ark its nice to be prepared for anything.
A few hours pass and the group get the call they can move into the house, everyone has their bags packed and haul off to see a massive gothic colonial manor with the greek letter K and E on the center of the porch where they admire the crafting done. Rebecca shows them inside showing a massive living area with a walk in kitchen and a epic fire place and projector for viewing. “had the wall art custom made with bands games movies and class, the projector will be perfect for a sound system with ark as DJ, bar is right in the corner and the floor is hardwood to clean easier, Now go upstairs to your rooms. Nate hugs his auntie smiling, “god damn it you are the best.” “im just doing what Dimitri would of done.” He runs upstairs to see his room and ark smiles at her, “auntie raccoon loves her little pup.” Rebecca chuckles saying that he deserves this for being who he is and bringing a better light to the group. “throw a massive party tonight and bring the kids, tomorrow parents visit and a nice hot box to welcome prospects.” Ark replies already taken care of.
The night starts jumping as nate starts drinking and smoking with danny and the two welcome people around the house giving a tour of their place, luke is actually good at mixing drinks following recipes he found online, theo is passing joints out and ark is spinning tracks of symphonic metal making the house roar. The people crowd around the whole tables and looking at the letters on the wall as Kappa Sigma. Getting on the table, Nate calls out the mantra of the frat, “WE ARE KAPPA SIGMA WE STAND FOR FORMALITY AND ENTERTAINMENT.” Hearing the crowd roar the girls cry for him to take his shirt off, drunk and high he does so flexing and dancing on the table making everyone scream their name “KAPPA SIGMA, KAPPA SIGMA”, looking down nate sees bills flying to him from the crowd and undoes his belt, “wanna see more, pay up people.” The girls scream as he takes his pants off dancing in his boxers as danny looks on. “no matter what happens, im glad I get the real show at night.” Theo looks at him, “seriously were calling you horndog from now on.” The party jumps like crazy as nate flips off the table collecting his cash going to ark and feeling proud. “DUDE 400.” Ark takes the money splitting it in half. “lets keep this up man we can make a killing from your stripping.” Taking the money the party keeps going as ark stops spinning and enjoys himself seeing a elk/ rabbit girl stumbling around, helping her up he takes her downstairs to the guest room and puts her on the bed. Slowly closing the door he see luke looking inside, “oh my aren’t you a little rascal tonight, didn’t wanna take night off. “shut it luke the girls  buzzed out of her mind im getting a bucket, wheres dan I need his help with this?” luke goes upstairs opening the door to see nate and danny naked in bed kissing one another. Dan retorts “knock first bull/bear.” Ark walking up remarks he should of locked the door or at the very least put a sock on. The two cover themselves with the comforter and luke closes it. “wow that was a sight eh?”, Ark “just tell him to get downstairs.” Theo walks by with a girl around his arm, ark pulls him “sorry for the cock block but theres a girl knocked out drunk.” Theo tells him to simply turn her to the side and get a bucket. Dan walks out in his shorts and follows ark saying the girl probably doesn’t know her limits or was given too much by the guests as luke was making sure to only give a 4 drink minimum. Seeing the girl on the bed they put the bucket turning her on her side, ark stumbles into an adjacent chair and falls asleep, danny remarks she will be fine and she can spend the night and ark will know if something happens.
The following morning nate gets up at 6 and wakes ark up where they both go get coffee, Rebecca giving them cups and telling them to get dressed. Ark goes back downstairs to find the girl awake and surprised, “you didn’t do anything did you, I don’t remember much.” “you blacked out we brought you here away from the party to rest, seems you didn’t vomit which is good, are you hung over.” “god yes and I guess I have to say, thanks but I gotta go im sorry for the trouble.” Ark asks if she wants some breakfast only for her to rebuff she needs to go, “thank you, uh…..”, “its arkad slowmann but call me ark or behemoth if you prefer.”, “no no ark is good, im sophie myers, thank you for the offer but I will pass, just wanna get back.” Ark shows her out and sees theo and danny asking how she felt, “shes fine but hung over thankfully didn’t vomit.” Nate goes to ark telling him they need to go.
the two go upstairs taking turns using the shower and getting ready.  Nate goes upstairs opening the garment bag seeing a black suit with a navy blue button down shirt and a matching tie with black loafers. “god I hate dressing up but cant be helped.” Getting dressed danny comes into the room out of the shower and straightens nates tie. “Hello mr. wileson your appointment will be at 9am sharp do you need some coffee.” Nate laughs and tells him to shut it when he walks out and sees ark dressed up as well fidgeting with his collar looking uncomfortable. “Oy gevalt, this is gonna be tiring.” Nate retorts that it is a load of crap but if it gets them on the frat list, so be it. They go downstairs where rebecca gives them some papers. “remember you two, remain proper and firm on your organization, I already got confirmation from luke that the parents are coming today and they will arrive later in the morning around 10 to see their boys in their new home, fuck this is all happening so fast.” Ark remarks that it is happening fast and it’s thanks to her that they are able to do everything in order. Nate looks at ark dressed up, “stop playing with your clothes bro, we got to go.” The two leave and drive to campus seeing the dean welcoming them from outside the student services building.
“Greetings boys, please come on in.” ark and nate following suit and sit in his office in chairs as he pulls out his files. “appears you both have a good standing from your previous colleges as well as no records or demerits, that’s impressive, ark you were a part of your high school chemistry team and nate you played ultimate in the final year of high school as well as at your trade school in rome, very fine boys you both will be on campus, I don’t see a problem of you being a fraternity so long as you obey the rules, but as of now you can only be unrecognized and I will need to see your house and ensure it is not in shambles. Ark responds they will not leave the place a mess and they will be on their best behavior as the parents are coming tomorrow to meet the brothers, they have five reps already including himself and nate.
Nate responds that they stand for formality and entertainment, never welcome hard drugs and only use recreational marijuana only allowing those legal age to partake in their home, all alcohol is done by their brother luke who is a bartender, and danny is acting med student can help any student who does too much. The dean grins saying it seems they have their ducks in a row but they still need to discuss something as he had just received a notification that girl was in their home last night passed out. “yes a girl got too drunk so we put her to bed, and we made sure she was fine, no one violated her or anything, I made sure of that.” The dean pulls out the notification, “appears someone did a anomynous tip and said that did transpire, this is merely speculation and im looking into it but it appears whoever did the statement thinks low of you boys, nates aunt vouched for you and I will believe a member of our armed forced over the word of a stranger anyday, but this is still a formality.” Ark retorts that having a bunch of degenerates make false accusations and tarnish the name of another is something that has already happened to them once and following these allegations is not a fine line but crossing over the threshold to ambiguity. The dean agrees and say he will see to it that there is no further allegations against the group under false pretenses. Seeing the two off they decide to head back to the house, seeing as its only 8 nate gets a call from Rebecca to come to the gym with her for training. Groaning he hates sparring with her but he could use the excersise.
Heading off after dropping ark back, he finds two girls smoking calling him over. “hey big guy aren’t you cute in a suit, whats the occasion.” Pointing to the house he states that he is forming a frat with friends and needed to meet with the dean, the girls introducing themselves as mary and Selena state they could relieve some stress from him if they wish. Following them to their house across the street, they remark they saw him last night but were busy with a doe girl. Ark tells them he helped her when she was drunk nothing more, the three then go in to have a threesome, theo hearing the screams and moans form the front door. “god damn hes always getting some.” Seeing luke and danny dressed up, he remarks that its almost time for parents visit.” Rebecca and nate spar in kickboxing remarking he has gotten slow and over the last year. “I was in rome and spent most of my time working, what you expect.”, “for you to keep up.” Ark with the two girls around his arms looks at his phone, “9am, gotta get going.” Getting up the girls tell him to drop by anytime. Going back he straightens his tie and shirt going in seeing all three others ready. “wheres nate and Rebecca?”, theo tells him still at the gym, luke sends a message as cars pile in, showing that the parents came early, theo looking out “woah check out the military bike, is that your parents ark?” ark looks “yup good old mom and dad are here.” As they open the door danny welcomes a black bull and brown yak, “hey mom, hey dad”, his dad hugging him telling him he has an amazing place and shakes arks hand. “my boy you must be the president, damn you’re a strong man, im Marco and this is my wife Isabelle.” Ark welcomes them as the parents come in seeing theos mom and dad ecstatic to see their son, “ahhhhhh Theodore, how is the growing going?”, “fine dad, but please stop calling me that please, its theo, ark these are my folks Jason and Rachel turner.” Ark welcomes them as he notices his mom and dad walking in, “mom dad pleasure for you to make it.” Ark dad remarks his son grew a lot more than expected looking like a ceo of his own company, “some asshole clipped my bike on the way here, but that’s another matter how is everything.”
Ark replies its all nice and good hering from the back, “WHOS COCK DID HE SUCK TO GET THIS PLACE.” Ark pays no mind and gives the family a tour. Showing the rooms everyone is in awe at the architecture seeing that the wall art was taken down and stashed away. Hearing more profanity from the back ark glares at a wolf and hyena talking off about their kid being a fag. Ark looks at theo and asks if nate and Rebecca came back, “yeah coming back now they are coming through the back into the kitchen. Going in they leave the group to luke and danny who head them upstairs and nate comes in fixing his jacket and Rebecca  wearing a black dress hears the vulgar remarks. “oh no don’t tell me their here, please don’t tell me… god damn it.”, Nathan looks up seeing his folks and sighing, “over yonder it had to happen eventually.” Ark replies if he wanted to leave he can but Nate simply tells him he can deal with them and they don’t owe him anything anymore. Going up he hears the vulgarity, “oh look the little cock boy came back, all high and mighty.”, “sir if you keep this up you will be vacated  and sent to jail.” The wolf goes up to nate cocking him in the face causing his mouth to bleed, “you aint nothing boy, always been a regret.” continuing ark takes the wolf and hyena throwing them out and breaking the wolfs ribs accidently as he fell to the ground. Wiping the blood nate follows seeing the wolf hold his ribs pulling a switch blade out aiming it at ark. Nate walks over and pulls his gun out. “hows it feel being threatened by a fag.” The wolf pisses himself as ark tells them they are calling the police. Nate lifts the gun up pulling the trigger but has no ammo, the wolf shocked as nate pistol whips him in the face, “I don’t need you, never have never will now get out of my life and off my property.” The police arrive taking the two away as nate goes in hearing the screaming from both going upstairs to smoke and read. Rebecca tell ark he will be okay and needs just some privacy. Danny comes in and snuggles up to him kissing his forehead telling him that was badass hitting his own dad in the face. “eh been wanting to do that for a while.” Staying in bed the two cuddle until 5 when Rebecca comes to get them for dinner.
The parents are impressed by how loyal the brothers are to one another and how marvelous a home they have. By nine they clear out and Rebecca tells the boys its time to get the hotbox ready. Theo and danny start setting up as ark and nate change and hang the wall art back up, luke gets the bottles from the basement and start mixing recipes. Ark puts his sound system up and the group shut the vents as Rebecca inspects the hotbox already filling the house. The 5 already high get the party started at 11 with so many people coming in, theo giving joints out and danny showing off the projector. Nate starts doing his stripping with everyone cheering and throwing money. This time making 600 he splits it with ark and they start laughing out loud at the shit they had to deal with the entire day. “hows your mouth bro.” “fine fine lets just fucking party.” The group starts doing their own thing as luke makes perfect cocktails, and ark finds sophie toking in the living room. “returned to our den I see.” Sophie laughs and says its stuffy but nice in here, “I wanted to tell you that my brother made the statement not me, I told a friend and he told my brother.” Ark asks who her brother is to which she replies “riley, you know chapter president of Tau Epsilon, hes an asshole and does whatever he wants to get his way.” Ark agrees with a sigh and asks If she wants a drink. “no thanks ill smoke only tonight.” The two smoke and laugh going outside when she gets two high saying she never smoked before.”ah classic case of virgin lungs worst when it’s a hotbox.” Sophie laughs and says shes so fucking high right now. Ark helps her up when she gets dizzy and she kisses his cheek for being a gentleman, “don’t get the wrong idea, im not hooking up with you, im just being thankful.” Ark “I respect that. Now, lets keep you out here until your better.”
Nate and danny proceed where they left off kissing and hearing the music blasting from down stairs. “good thing we locked the door.” The two strip each other as dan runs his hands through his fur telling nate he wants it doggie style.” Pressing him against the wall nate holds his arms pinning him and kissing his neck and lightly biting his nipple. “hows that horndog, you like that?” danny moans as he wants more and places his hands against the wall turning around. pulling his tail with one hand and holding a horn with the other, Nate thursts into danny hearing him bellow that its fucking tight tonight. “that’s right, haven’t done it all day so we gotta get you loosened up. Burying his face in his ass he eats danny out as he strokes his cock and licking his hole. “oh nate that’s amazing, put it in puppy.” Nate wraps his arms around danny and slides his cock in pounding him against the door. Luke and theo hearing it walking away as they see the door bashing. Pushing danny on the bed he lifts his legs kissing his feet licking his leg as he slides his cock in again sideways in corkscrew. “this is much better, aint it.” Danny cries out that it feels so good as nate pulls his nipples and makes his cock cum all over the bed. “fuck nate yes, more more more, please!” nate pounds him faster and harder sweating bullets as he pulls out and jerks his load on his ass taking him by the horns and making him clean it up. “damn bull you really are one rodeo of sexual delights. “and you’re a fucking ray of sunshine after a storm when you fuck. Falling on the bed nate strokes dannys chin and tells him hes glad he was there when his parents got arrested. Danny slides his hands to nates and holds It kissing it telling him he felt he needed some help. The two fall asleep on the bed holding hands and nate dreams of leaving rome getting a letter two months after his uncles funeral from Sergio telling him hes breaking up with him. “if you wish to part from me because of a loss how will you ever attempt to come back.” Nate talks in his sleep, “was its actual romance to you or just another notch on your belt for two years.”, danny looks over seeing nate wimper a bit and holds him. “its okay sunny boy, I got you.” He sees nate smile and the two fall asleep content on the days events.
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 5
Nate and Rebecca awaken early to go to the gym, Nate feeling a bit sore from the previous night’s session with danny. Rebecca looks at her nephew fondly telling her she’s proud of him and hopes everything works out for the Kappas, as she planned to leave in the afternoon and get back to the ranch. Nate looks at her a little sad, “daw but I cant live without my auntie raccoon.” “oh calm yourself with the sarcasm, we get enough of that from arkad, but in all seriousness, you’ve come an long ways husky.” “you know I don’t like that auntie, and seriously you always get way too into sparring.” The two train in kickboxing with Rebecca making Nate fall on his ass repeatedly before calling it quits, “stamina is perfect, your body was slow with the reaction time, what gives.” Nate sticks his tongue out and says he and danny have been trying it a little bit more rough lately, “great image of my loving nephew but its good to know your getting out of your comfort zone.” The two converse as nate notices Geoff coming in wearing gloves and a sweatshirt ready to work out, finding it strange that classes start in two days but the weather is warm as hell he pays no mind to it. Rebecca and him lift weights as he sees Geoff struggling to do curls and lilting the barbell. Going over he asks if he is okay only for Geoff to rebuff hes fine, and that he would prefer to work out alone today.
Concerned as he always wants to workout with nate, he lets him be until he hits the showers, Rebecca gets changed and pays her visitor fee and waits outside, “god I hope he didn’t find a guy he liked in there, I got to pack.” Nate washes down as he notices two hulking wolves glancing at him, “ignore the purebreds they can think whatever they want.”, noticing them leave he goes to the locker room to change to see Geoff sneaking into the showers alone, while curious he keeps his distance as he notices him pulling off his shirt with tufts of fur missing and his paws slightly burned. Going in he watches Geoff seethe in pain while washing down. Nate walks in asking if hes actually planning on going to the nurse. “its really nothing, just a frat initiation.” Nate takes his paw looking at it, “these are second degree burns, and you lost some fur, you’ve been taking the pills they gave you haven’t you?” Geoff looks at nate saying its for practice and the games are gonna be tough if your not brolic, plus he left his dorm after his roommate stole some cash and is crashing at the TE house, since hes becoming a brother. “brothers don’t burn their prospects hands and force them to get big through some bullshit pusher concoction, your coming with me okay, I gotta get you to my friend danny for a detox, you’re a mess.” “I don’t need it im fine. Nate feels his pulse and lifts some fur from his arm. “Your heartbeat should be fast not slow after a workout, and your fur is falling out in clumps, Geoff please, we helped luke, we can help you too.” “I thought you only welcomed hybrids?”. “we welcome all those who are good to people.” Geoff tears up and hugs nate thanking him, getting dressed he helps Geoff into the truck and heads back to the house.
Getting inside he explains to ark what happened, “I don’t fully understand what happens at that frat but I trust nates judgement you can stay in one of the spare rooms downstairs okay, go relax and were going to call one of the nurses over to look at you.” Danny looks at Geoff seeing his eyes are bloodshot and his fur has become pretty thin. “this is definitely classic pusher shit, highly toxic to random species but the fur can come back in a few days, so long as he doesn’t take anymore pills.” Nate looks at sees Geoff falling asleep sitting up, “take a nap little leo, you look like you haven’t slept in days.” “I haven’t, riley has us pulling double practice then initiation then I gotta cater the parties and then clean.” He falls back on the bed with nate and danny pulling the blanket over him letting him rest. “what a mess, Tau epsilon goes way too far merely for wins in the game.” Nate looks at danny asking when the nurse will arrive and was told by around noon. Rebecca goes to the living room where ark is making his ammo and sets a large cardboard box  down in front of him telling him the frats clothes arrived. Opening it up ark picks up a forest green sweatshirt with the letters KE in greek in black letters on the front as well as a black vest with KE written on the right corner. “damn these are nice.” Rebecca states they gotta represent well or no one will know who they are. calling down the boys the five come down seeing the shirts and sweatshirts in the box. Danny takes a black sweatshirt with red lettering, luke takes a light green sweatshirt with dark green lettering, Nathan takes a royal blue sweatshirt with navy blue lettering and theo takes a red sweatshirt with black lettering.
“now you boys look like actual kappas.” Everyone stand together, group photo of the founders” the four boys stand together in front of the fire place in front of their frats wall art getting the picture taken as Rebecca says shes going to get it framed and hang it up later. The doorbell rings and the guys answer seeing the nurse coming in asking to see Geoff. “Another Tau prospect under the influence, third one this week.” going to the basement they see Geoff sweating in bed shivering. “this is going to sound messed up but hes the best case I had all week, give him this detox medicine now and he will be fine by tomorrow, all that influence will be flushed out in his urine.” Paying the nurse nate wakes up Geoff and gives him the medicine. “im sorry for making you guys bother over me, I’m very  grateful I just didn’t want to deal with more animosity by riley again.” Ark comes downstairs and asks what happened. Geoff explains that he was caught by riley talking to Nate and he sassed him only to that night be forced to put his hand on a stove by two of the brothers while they laughed at him. “this morning I noticed my fur falling out and hid it with a sweatshirt and hoped it was nates of day cause he usually runs into me all week, I just didn’t know what to do so I hoped to have alone time and think.” Nate asks the brothers to leave them alone for a bit, wanting to talk to him alone.
Ark ushers the guys out and Geoff gets up needing to use the restroom. Coming out he feels betterand sits on the bed looking at his fur. “fuck I look horrible don’t i.” nate chuckles saying he will look better in a few days since felines fur grow fast, getting a serious look on his face he ask what Geoff planned to do now. “I don’t know what to do, I don’t want to go back, but I have no where to live other than the frat house and he doesn’t want strife if he leaves.” Nate puts his hand on geoffs shoulder, telling him he can stay at Kappa and become a brother, their first official prospect. Smiling he says hes already with TE, to which nate tells him to leave and give up his letters and move on, “but nate, they wont look kindly to that and they’ll cause more of a rift among the two frats.” “we already started off horribly with them for not joining football, anything else is just adding fuel to the fire.” Geoff gets up saying hes hungry and needs something to eat. Going upstairs nate makes him some chicken tenders and lets him eat, with ark coming in asking how hes feeling. “a lot better that shit worked wonders, but I expect the others to come by looking for me.” Ark tells him that if they do he won’t be going with them after what they did, while nate pats him on the head and wraps his names in a cooling balm soothing the burns. “that should help little guy.” Geoff blushes thanking nate for all hes done and looks at the brothers smiling at him. “okay now im a little embarrassed, you guys are awesome but It seems im the only purebred here.” Ark tells him that doesn’t matter as no matter what species you are, theres always room for more people like Geoff, kind and willing to accept comradery when needed, as the first thing they stand for is formality. Rebecca comes in to say goodbye giving the brothers their framed picture and hugs nate goodbye. “have a great semester husky, and remember ill see you in November break for memorial day.” “you got it auntie, I love you and thanks for everything.” As she waves the boys off she goes to ark giving him a letter, “give this to nate tonight its important he reads it.” Looking at the label the letter was addressed to rome but didn’t have a stamp on it, “yeah ill give it to him tonight.” Theo lights a joint offering one to geoff he says he will take anything that isn’t a pill and enjoys a circle with the brothers getting to know him. “well im 21, im a IT major, I love anime manga and a bunch of rpg games, my favorite system is Xbox, with my favorite game being Gears of War, I am secretary  of Gaming Club, and I love playing sports, played football in high school but guess that’s gonna end soon, oh and I think if I had to choose a favorite movie its gonna be either Tron Legacy or Xmen First Class.” The guys nod and say hes seems like a nice guy, theo whispers in nates ear and nate excuses themselves as they gotta go somewhere for a bit and will return shortly. Luke interrupts, “damn we got two massive nerds here now, that’s fucking awesome!.” Ark tells him to settle down and relax before he gets aneurysm, “awe come on hes a otaku like me, he must have great taste, whats your favorite anime?” Geoff looks at him wondering, “ill have to say log horizon, just trapped in a game plots interest me but without the bullshit of SAO.” Luke eyes light up, “hes in I vote yes!”, danny whispers he thinks luke might be getting too into this, only for ark to agree immediately. theo comes back asking for luke to come with them as they will need his help. The three leave in the el camino leaving danny and ark with Geoff.
Danny looks at Geoff and smirk asking how he met nate in the first place. “oh first day on campus we met at the gym and made me feel more open about who I was, I was so nervous about being gay I wanted to shut myself out from people about it, but he showed me what being with a guy was like.” Geoff eyes widen and ask If they were together. “only for a bit I gave my first bj to him but ark interrupted before anything happened.” Ark laughs saying hes basically a behemoth and a cock blocker, leading to danny chuckling and Geoff looking at both of them. “you think he would go all the way with me, I mean I don’t wanna overstep boundaries but I cant stop thinking about him I don’t have any feelings but its just an urge to want him you know.” Ark says he wouldn’t know hes straight and looks at danny who looks away smirking, “well you can always go for it when he gets back.” In his mind its telling him to take it back and say he was kidding, but cant get the words out. Geoff smiles saying he should do that and finally get it over with, plus having nate as a first time wouldn’t be so bad. Ark says he will be sure not to interrupt this time while danny looks at ark asking if he can speak to him. The two step outside with danny asking if he really meant what he said. “of course, if he wants to sleep with nate and if he consents I have no problem, why do you?” “no I just didn’t expect a feline to go for a wolf, its not exactly common.”
Ark tells him if he thinks this is not a good move than talk to Geoff or tell nate how he feels cause he can tell nate would go for Geoff if not a relationship but more a fuck buddy like they have.” Danny looks at ark smiling, “I shouldn’t worry nate isn’t someone who sleeps around.” ark comments, “no but he isn’t against having a few fuck buddies and it seems you like him on an intimate level.” Danny blushes saying he doesn’t know what it is about nate that makes him just wanna cuddle up to him, “the sex is great and he can go mild to wild in any situation, I can talk to him and hes there when you need him, hes always smiling and makes it seem like reality can be better than what it gives you.” Ark laughs, “yeah hes a ball of sunshine most of the time until you piss him off.” Pondering for a moment, “that’s his frat name, sunny.”
Danny looks and says their getting off track, ark replies  that there was no track and if hes gonna be upset than talk to nate about it cause they aren’t a couple and hes free to be with someone else if he wanted. Geoff calls from the room asking if he did anything wrong, “no dude your good just relax a bit.” Looking at Danny, “yeah thatll happen, don’t make the guy feel bad about something he cant control.” Danny goes in and talks to Geoff. “look I know you wanna fuck nate, but he and I are kinda fucking too.” Geoff blushes and says he had no idea they were a couple and didn’t mean to impose that. “no were fuck buddies and I just really like to be with him that’s all, I can understand you’re a virgin and want it to have your first with someone you trust and if you want to I guess it might be what you need.” Geoff states that hes never felt anyones embrace and nate was the first one to actually make him feel comfortable about his sexuality but persists that its not meant to be a long thing, a simple one night stand is all he wants and to finally just get the urge off his back.” Danny smirks and says “im sure nate will make it one to remember.”
Packing up the el camino nate, luke and theo get ready to leave, “man I cant believe you actually got everything for him man.” Nate responds if hes gonna be a brother his room gotta reflect him as a person and nothing more, and converting a guest room to a bedroom is simply adding some new features and a nice bed. They drive off as theo asks if the two of them are good friends, “hes a cool guy, too nerdy for my taste, but hes adorable, and I like bigger guys, not that you didn’t know.” Theo laughs as they all see danny swooning when nate takes his shirt off, only for nate to blush saying he really does enjoy his company, but actually thought about banging a feline before, ive been with bulls, bears, and wolves, but never a tiger or a lion, I hear they go either wild or mild which suits me perfect.” Theo breaks that he didn’t need his special sex history but laughs that Geoff is pretty much an adorable chubby lion and they should think of a name for him for the frat. “well im calling you hash cause your always growing the good shit.” The two laugh as the pull up to the house and text ark to take Geoff outside so they can fix his room up. Ark takes him out back seeing the pool and asks if he likes the house, “holy shit yes, this must have been a fortune.” “no not exactly it was actually cheaper on forclosure we paid 40000 and got enough space for everything.” Geoff makes it apparent he feels kinda out of place with the rest as nate is the only one he knows and seems to have a lot in common with luke so that might be good but still doesn’t know what role he can play for parties, “ah don’t be so nervous, honestly it be nice to do some game nights for a change of pace instead of parties and I think you’d be a good DM.” Geoff scratches his head and thanks ark for the encouragement.
Nate luke and theo hurry and rush in the packages upstairs to the bedroom and set up everything. Texting ark to come inside and bring Geoff upstairs, he does so showing a completely decked out room of gaming memorabilia a flat screen and a queen sized bed.
Geoff tears up turning around with ark throwing a brown sweatshirt with tan letters of the frat at him, “I dub thee, Courage, welcome to Kappa Sigma.” luke laughs as he hears the name saying its ironic cause hes literally more of a turtle in his shell than a lion, geoff looks at him wiht a smirk, “at least i can get what i want runt.”  As the group celebrate with weed and drinks from the bar they get a knock on the door. Nate answers seeing its riley with some Tau brothers with him. “oh hey um sorry private party, come back later.” Riley tells him to shut up and says they have something of theirs, only for Geoff to approach them and throw his sweatshirt at their face, “yeah sorry forgot to give this back before I left, suck a dick you pretentious cum stain”. Riley tries entering confronting Geoff only for nate to pull his gun out and aim it at rileys face. “enter this house unrequested and harass a young man who you drugged and burned, this is considered private property and your trespassing, leave….now.” riley backs up with his hand up saying he didn’t expect some hybrid queer to have any balls.” Ark goes up to them and pulls Geoff away, “he’s our brother, fully recognized and respected you don’t even know the concept of that, come here again and you will not be welcomed with warnings.” Riley scoffs at ark telling him that things really are going to interest him as they begin to leave, he turns letting ark know he just instigated a turf war. ark rolls his eyes and  shuts the door. Geoff apologizes once more and ark tells him its not his fault they deal with assholes. Everyone has a fun night as Geoff goes to nate blushing asking if he could do what he does at parties, the guys look and all agree even if he isn’t getting paid for it. Nate takes a huge swig of rum and gets on the bar taking his shirt off and starts dancing. Luke starts mixing and laughs at Geoff sitting on the couch, “yo look hes got a boner…!”. Geoff covers his crotch saying hes just admiring a good show. Nate gets down and gets on geoffs lap, “why don’t I start where we left off.” Kissing him danny woots at nate with ark looking at him, “seriously everything about nate turns you on.” Danny looks at him saying hes wrong, only for theo to point downwards, “your mouth lies but your dick cant.”
Taking Geoff by the hand nate brings him upstairs where they enter geoffs room kissing on the bed. “I know you want it courage, why don’t we go slow and if you want me to stop I will.” Geof leans in kissing nate, “one night of passion to feel what its like, nothing more.” Nate grins stroking his chin, “of course now lets start with that shirt. Geoff takes it off as nate feels his fur againt his gently kissing him and running his fingers through his hair. Rubbing his pants nates pulls them off exposing his erection with Geoff going and sucking him off, “just like before right.” Geoff nods saying he wanted it for the entire week. taking off his pants he lays nate on the bed asking if he wants him to ride it. “whatever you like courage, do as you please, im only gonna be gentle with you for your first time. sliding his cock in Geoff aches as it goes in him moving up and down his shaft he feels the ecstasy of love making and asks for more. Pulling his nipples nate makes Geoff purr as he leans and kisses him. Laying Geoff onto the bed nate slides in running his hand over his body and thrusts in. “oh my god this feels amazing, every inch.” Nate ask if its too much as Geoff tells him its perfect as they continue and switch to doggie style. Geoff cock throbs as it burst hands free, laying on the bed he asks nate to finish on him. Jerking he busts onto geoffs stomach telling him it was fun. “thank you nate for doing that, I really just wanted to lost my vcard before school started and it happened just in time. nate laughs as he lays in bed staring at the ceiling. “damn you were very generous.” “I now I wanted it to be memorable so I didn’t know much to do.” Nate tells him it takes time to learn what he likes and what he doesn’t, getting up he asks if Geoff wanted some cuddles, for Geoff to smile and tell him hes good and wants to see the guys again.
Coming out theo wraps his arm around Geoff congratulating him on losing his virginity before Luke, “looks like luke once again, is the runt of the house.” Luke scoffs at theo saying hes fine with himself and Geoff laughs stating that he doesn’t need to worry as he will lose it one day, even if they have to pitch in some money, ark and nate laugh loudly as they say even they don’t see it worth any money to pay for sex. The guys all drink together getting to know one another even more, when ark suddenly remembers the letter giving it to nate and his aunt told him it was important. The gang go to their rooms with nate seeing danny go to his own room. “hey horndog, aren’t you gonna cuddle tonight.” “I thought you were gonna be with Geoff?” Nate explains it was a one time thing and Geoff lost interest the minute they ended fucking. “its not like I have all that in common, yeah hes athletic loves to work out and hes a nerdy guy like me, but were two totally different people, hes withdrawn and submissive and well hes a ray of fucking sunshine knows what he wants and  stands his ground. “and what do you want, nate?” nate goes in closer kissing danny, “you, you moron, come on.” Pulling him into the room the lay in bed watching Netflix as nate looks at his letter. “oh shit it was from Dimitri but never got sent.” “why not open it and read it man, it could be important or stupid, I don’t know your family well.” “if its my dad its stupid, if its my aunt or uncle its important.”
Ark looks at his phone checking his facebook, when he gets a message from sophie on messenger. “hey can I come by rileys pissed to no end and I cant handle it.”, ark replies that she can come by and just knock when shes here. Waiting an hour he hears the doorbell and answers to see her carrying a bag. “need a drink?”, Sophie nods yes and asks for anything strong. Looking at the liquor he mixes some rum and cranapple juice giving it to her as she swishes the whole thing back. “that asshole had the nerve to come to my dorm and ask why I came to your party to hang out, then calls me a piece of scum and breaks my lamp, threw his ass out and packed up, couldn’t risk having him come back.”. “sounds like hes a piece of work.” “oh no idea ever since we were kids, always trying to get everything his way, skeezball.” Ark remarks shes not gonna drink her problems away, “no dude, im smoking them.” Pulls out a bag of weed, “just need a piece.” They smoke the bag getting high and proceed to just gaze at the fireplace. “ark thanks for having me, this is really hard to say but I don’t understand how any person could keep being such an asshole, to the point where they target family.” Ark shakes his head saying riley will get his one day, but for now its about taking things as they come. Leaning on arks shoulder and drifting to sleep ark wraps his arm around her and closes his eyes. Both wake up an hour later and ask if there is a room she can use. Going down stairs sophie remarks its freezing as the air had been on all day. Ark replies he can keep her warm and she replies she wouldn’t mind sleeping next to a source of intense body heat. Getting into the bed ark nuzzles up to her and lets her fall asleep, “my god riley would shit himself if he saw this, but then again, I could care less, I just wanna get a nice nights sleep.” Both drift off and pull the covers over themselves.
Danny and nate lay in bed looking at the sealed letter after finishing fate/zero and asks if nate is ready to read it. “it’s the last thing he sent of course I am.” Opening it up he sees what Dimitri had to say. “
dear husky,
been almost two years since you left, the house is empty most of the time with your aunt out on expedition in the west, I wanted to tell you im proud you got onto the deans list over there, I wish I could of attended the dinner, but you know I prefer your aunts cooking. I wanted to write and say we miss you and my tour I almost over. I got you a little something for your birthday and I sent it to Rebecca to keep safe. Sergio seems to really got a hold on you, that clever wolf really cant keep his hands off of you. Almost 21 and it seems like you were moving in yesterday, but that’s not important, I want you to keep up the good work and ill see you in the summer, okay buddy. Remember if your homesick you can return whenever you like and bring Sergio too, hes a fine man, and also Ronnie and Dylan graduated from their vocational school throwing  rager at the end of summer and if your around see them. Wishing you all the best Nate, I love you.
Sincerely yours,
Holding the letter nate looks sad but smiles and says it’s the same as he always was, proud and caring all the same. Danny looks at him and asks if hes gonna cry, nate grins saying he never would for Dimitri saying he died a hero for his country and it wouldn’t help, he needed to stay strong and keep going, like always. Danny smiles saying he really is adamant and stands his ground with nate holding danny tight. “I know I got the best cuddle buddy to help me stay that way, the best friend a guy could have, physical and open.” Rolling over and cuddling danny feels nates pay on him nuzzling his back. “yeah buddies, that’s what we are that’s what we will be.” Listening closely he hears nate whispering in his sleep, “thank you for everything, Ive never been this happy in two fucking years.”, smiling as he thinks hes talking about his uncle missing him. “thanks danny.” Looking over he sees nate smile sleeping soundly no whimpering or cries, turns over facing him placing his forehead to his thinking to himself, “I think I should thank you.”
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 6
The weekend flies by as the boys settle in welcome Geoff and party like it there’s no end, only for the reality of college to rear its head and wake up nate at 7am by his alarm blasting ghost from the barrow on his phone. Shutting it off he sees Danny laying on his chest smiling, “well appears you laid on me for an change. Danny wakes up groggy drooling from his chin looking up at a smiling Nate as the sun hits his face, “hey sunny, why you up early?”, “Monday classes start and I got an 8:30am and a 10:30am right after, both with ark so I’m driving, want to go take a hot shower with me to wake you up.”, “sounds fun but I got only a practical class at 10-1pm today, so sleeping in, but damn would that feel nice.” Jumping on the bed Nate boops his nose on Danny’s face saying he rests and he will see him when they get home.” Taking a quick shower and filling his travel mug with coffee, he knocks on arks room asking if hes up yet for class. “Hey behemoth, we got to go, I’m driving to class in 15.” Opening the door is sophie telling Nate hes still asleep. “lateness on the first day isn’t good.”, Sophie ponders for a moment curious how to wake a sleeping beast up. Nate tells her to hold on and gets back up with a tray of food, “what is that?”, “literally the only thing that gets this big bastard up in time.” waving the plate ark jets up and takes it, “good I was starving, I went to bed high and needed munchies.” “Just get dressed we need to get to class.” Ark throws on his frat wear and meets with Nate at the Camino asking what books are needed, nate retorts no one said yet so its going to be done on the first day.
As they reach campus they head to the humanities building and enter their Land of Isreal class sitting in the middle and readying their books, nate notices ark is yawning and cant seem to keep himself awake, “oy gevalt this is gonna be a long day.” Nate hands ark a travel mug, “packed it this morning  drink up.”, ark tastes it saying its actually really good, nate retorts that he got it from theo and its cannabis coffee, so itll give them a little high for dealing with the early morning shit. As the teacher strolls in he sees that the class is packed and looks at nate and ark cheering their mugs to a another day of bullshit. “there is no food, drinks, phones, or talking in this class, you are here to learn about the land of isreal and we have much to discuss, there will be no question of my teaching methods and you will be marked down if you are late, there is no late arrivals, no late papers, and there is no discussion of political views in this classroom, all items are on the syllabus and I do not make appointments to my office, you have to come at the designated times allowed.” Nate looks at ark, whispering, “first class here and we already got this kind of teacher?”, “like I said going to be a long semester.”
The teacher goes on in a monotone as ark records the class on his recorder and nate takes every word in his notebook, the two doing both so they can get the best advantage in the class, looking back he sees the two as the only ones taking notes and calls them out. “You all see that, the wolf and sloth up there, why aren’t any of you taking notes.” Nate and ark just chuckle saying its probably out of laziness or the teacher isn’t making it interesting enough. “excuse you both, I hear you’re the new frat on campus and aren’t recognized would you like to have a bad word placed on you.” Nate retorts that teachers don’t have that authority and only administration and senate members do and they never saw his name on the list. “well I know people.”, “how about you keep teaching and stop antagonizing students thinking you get them.”, both of them laugh as the teacher scoffs and continues the lesson, they hear whispers from everyone in class about how they seems really chill but don’t take shit, with both smiling that they are at least making a mark.
As class ends, the teacher passes out the first assignment and ark and nate see what kind of shit they are in for. “OVER YONDER…….a 10 page paper due in a week.”, the teacher explains that he wants them all to pair up and write a ten page paper on the perils of Israel’s lack of neutrality and the confines of religion of government superseding into the effects of the  modern era . ark looks at the teacher blinking “in English please, it’s the first day.” The teacher remarks, “look at the sheet Mr. slowmann you’ll figure it out.” , “Putz”. The two walk out looking at the sheet heading to their Chinese Modernization class where everything goes much smoother, the teacher is very nice and only gave out an assignment of finding a piece of Chinese infrastructure and giving a one page description of it plus their honest opinion.  Ark and nate sigh a relief as they understand the assignment and once again pair up, heading to the camino, nate says he can do the Chinese assignment in no time while ark works on research for isreal, “are you saying that cause I’m jewish?”, “yeah, you said your family lived in isreal and you visited multiple times, I never went to the  west bank so despite my knowledge of culture and history you got a better basis of this than me.” “okay just wanted to see your understanding.” Nate smirks as they get in and drive off to the house where they get inside and plop on the couch ready to work.
Nate decided to do the Forbidden City, as it’s the most popular and easy to describe. “The interior is so intricate and the coloring choices were astounding regarding the type of building material they had in that era.” “That’s great Nate just get it done so you can help with this shit assignment for the fucking bigot.” “no problem, hey want some food its basically lunch time.”, “oh fuck yes please, there should be some baked ziti in there from two nights ago.”, nate jumps off the couch to the fridge to see it completely barren. “LUKE…….GEOFFF, GET DOWN HERE.” Ark turns his head asking what the issue is, “the freshmeat ate all the food, Danny’s at practical, and Theo is  at the lab, you and I were at campus, and those two don’t have on campus classes today.” Ark goes to the fridge looking in and actually seeing it totally empty, “wait does that mean even the chicken parm Rebecca made is gone.” “especially that, everything gone.”, Geoff and luke come down in their boxers, with Geoff scratching his belly, “whats going on, we don’t need to be on campus and I already finished my IT course for the day, ark looms over him staring him down. “Did you eat all the food in the fridge?......” Geoff firmly awake, “I had the baked ziti it looked like it only had a day left, remember we smoked with theo last night, I got the munchies and you said, “go ahead It has to be eaten by tomorrow, just leave one piece, so I did,” ark ponders and remembers doing that but forgot since he was blazed off his ass. “then you said sophie could have the meatballs and Italian bread for a wedge since there were only two left, nate had some chicken parm and rotini, theo ate the rest of the fried zucchini, and luke gobbled up the sausage and peppers.” Nate and ark look at one another apologizing for the threats and yelling, and look at one another.
Nate states staring at ark “we better start leaving reminder notes when we smoke so this doesn’t happen again. “agreed.” Ark sends a message to Theo to pick up some groceries for the fridge as they are officially out of food. “fine, just let know what we need.” Ark lists what they need and sends while they get to work on their project. Nate finished the Chinese assignment and began researching the Islamic Judea conflict and finding it goes all the way back to the confines of Christianity, which isn’t much of a surprise. The two reach about five pages into the paper when ark closes his laptop saying his brain feels like its about to fucking burst. “yeah same, I think we did enough, lets just get some weed and smoke.” The two light up a joint and hear a knock on the door, nate goes to answer it seeing a young hippo asking if this is the Kappa Sigma house, “yeah, this is kappa sigma, how may I help you?” “I’m looking for Geoff, I met him online during our class and he invited me over to study.”, nates calls Geoff down and sees him in still his boxers, “hey will come on up I got my computers program ready for the assignment.” “awesome thanks I need the help, totally new to IT work, all I know is basic repairs no coding skill whatsoever.” “well come on up and let me show you the ropes.”, nate chuckles as he knows what actually happening. “looks like Geoff is becoming the little Casanova.” Ark replies that he has the best people to take after in this house pointing to him. “well that’s true you’ve banged more girls this week than a rhino at a rave.” Ark laughs as theo walks in with bags, “whats that about rhinos?” nate says it was just a joke about ark being sexually active a lot and asks if he needs help, “naw I got it, fit everything in 4 bags, btw the store was having sales so everything went great.” Ark gives a thumbs up as theo goes and stocks the fridge. “I got plenty of stuff for everyone and also I realized ark you’re an omnivore so I bought some sweet potato mix if you wanted some for dinner tonight, its got a four cheese blend. Ark looks and replies. “shit ill make pierogis.”, Nate replies he can also cook up some grilled chicken  and mix it with herbs. Agreed ark finishes the joint and gets the cookbook off the shelf looking at the recipes. “oh yes, grilled chicken in a bbq marinara with four cheese sweet potato pierogis.”  As they converse Danny walks in and sits down saying his practical class is a freaking nightmare. “I had to deal with some old geezer who kept saying, no don’t touch me I need a female, I’m not enjoying this, dude came to a free session and complains on who helps him.” Nate laughs saying that sounded awful but remarks he wouldn’t mind some physical training from him.
Looking at one another danny asks if hes going to the gym and wanted to join as his starting to lose his tone. Nate looks at him lifting his shirt and seeing dannys abs still there, “oh come on bullboy, your still a hot piece, but yeah you can join.” As they leave danny whispers, “and we can hope the spa is empty.” Nate grins saying that be amazing as they head out to the camino and drive off. Ark looks around, “luke wanna go play some videogames?” luke looks at him taking out call of duty 3 and popping it on turning on the projector. “now this I can get used to.” Hearing thudding from upstairs, luke asks ark what the actual fuck is going on, “geoffs got a visitor he met online.”, Luke sighs remarking hes still not been laid yet. “just ask nate, im sure hed do you the favor like he did Geoff.” “ew him, im not gay.”, “walking in on him and danny every so often and taking a few seconds to close the door begs to differ.” Luke blushes as he feeling the thudding even more, “the walls are silent but the floors however are not.”
Geoff presses will against the wall kissing him aggressively, “god damn I never topped before but your so big I wanna try.” “go as rough as you want I can handle it.” Lifting up will he slides his cock in making will ride him in his arms, carrying him to the bed to falls onto it thursting deep sweating bullets. “Missionary you chubby little guy?”  “no lotus, its my favorite.”, getting into the position will rides Geoff as he holds him close feeling his skin pressed against geoffs fur he remarks hes pretty thick for a lion. “well its what it is in the world, im thick and meant for mating.” Digging his claws into wills back he screams in pleasure saying he really loves the rough play, looking in his eyes he lightly nips his neck sucking on it and hearing wills moaning crying out for more. Getting into the bodyguard position he squeezes wills nipples as he feels his fur matting from the sweat. Will cums all over the sheets and asks for it to be unloaded in him. Doing so he finishes falling on the bed tired  “that was…….amazing, rough is totally better.” Will gets dressed saying he had fun and walks out, with Geoff asking if he wanted cuddles, “uh… no this was fun but its just sex, you don’t need cuddles after it.” Geoff sighs and smiles laying down as will leaves staring at the ceiling, “well I guess I should get used to that.” Seeing will leave, “ark, hey come back anytime to smoke or see Geoff, sounded like you had fun.” “it was but one time only really, im sure he gets that.” Ark looks at Luke and says he will be right back, going up knocking on Geoff’s door, “hey courage you okay?” cracking his door open he asks ark if he thinks hes cuddly, “well I’m straight but I can tell by your build, being muscle chub your very cuddly, and don’t mind that guy his probably a slut looking to lay, so don’t worry about it that he won’t come around.” “Uh he said he would do it again…..fuck.” ark scratches his head, “yeah, might want to talk to Nate when he gets back, I’m no good with this kind of thing.” “Don’t worry ark thank you for worrying though.” ark looks at him patting him on the head, “no problem little Leo full of courage let him roar, soon the silence begs for more little Leo little Leo hear him roar.” Blushing Geoff smiles saying he shouldn’t treat him like a kid, but ark laughs saying its easy and everyone thinks its adorable when he is nervous. Closing his door Geoff texts nate that he needs advice. Nate looks at his phone he kisses Danny under the shower. “Oh, poor Geoff needs some help when we get back.” “no issue there but for now your all mine.”
The two caress each other in the shower as Nate feels the water dripping from Danny’s horns kissing him feeling his tongue down his throat. Danny gets on his knees kissing Nate until he gets to his cock and starts sucking it. Holding his horns nate moans as he forces it deeper and deeper into Danny who asks if his going to cum quick this time, “public places aren’t my style so I make it fast.” As Danny sucks him off he pulls his nipples as Nate cums in his mouth. “Fuck that was a lot wolfie, but never complaining.” The two kiss as they head out and drive home, looking at Nate he asks why he doesn’t bottom, “its not something I like talking about right now, but I am open to it just not now.” Looking out the window Danny wonders what its like to top Nate, if he likes it gentle or rough, smirking a bit at the thought. Getting back Nate goes upstairs and head to Geoff. Danny goes to ark and asks if he knows why Nate isn’t bottoming. “You’re asking me a straight man, if I know the reason why Nate doesn’t like being bottom, if you’re going to ask that call Rebecca up for more information.”
Talking to Geoff he is seen lying in bed staring at his tv watching log horizons second season, “seems like you have good taste, so what happened courage?” “I met a guy online who wanted to play, and he was from my class paid no mind and we had really rough sex, I topped for the first time and it felt amazing, but he left me lying in bed alone and just went out, I kind of wanted to cuddle, thinking maybe it was great enough to relax with one another for a bit.” “Listen, some people only wants a quick fuck and that’s it, it’s not you at all, you’re a very cute little lion and lots of guys wouldn’t mind having you in their bed at night keeping warm.” Geoff smiles blushing asking if Nate would cuddle him, getting next to him Nate holds Geoff telling him that its only cuddles, no sex. Geoff agrees saying they had a onetime thing and cuddling is always on the table. “how are you so understanding, I mean you can talk to people, you help them, always in a good mood, but god you seem so cheery all the time.” “Why do you think they call me sunny.” Geoff realizes that nate had fallen asleep and does the same taking a nap. Noticing hes been up there an hour danny asks ark if nate is around. “Probably in Geoffs room, he wanted to talk to him.” Knocking on the door danny cracks it to see Nate cuddled up to a naked Geoff and sighs closing the door. Ark asks whats up, “hes in bed with him, napping.” Luke remarks that there were no noises as nate makes a lot of that and suggests its probably just to make Geoff feel better after his little play session with the hippo. Danny looks at both of them, “what?”, ark explains what happened and danny facepalms, “god im an idiot I thought they fucked, buts his just comforting a friend, damn.” Luke looks at him, “your jealous of nate being with another guy, even though you guys are just fuck buddies, you like him don’t you?”. Danny looks at ark and luke saying its ridiculous that he would like someone like Nate in that way, “hes cuddly and great in bed that’s it, we spend time in bed together for that reason, keeping warm and pounding out stress.” Ark points up seeing Nate at the railing looking down, walking to his room. Luke looks at Danny, “this is awkward, ark can we smoke outside.” “Fuck yes.” Danny looks at both saying he needs help only for ark to tell him that he needs to give Nate time to cool off and then apologize, because it looks like from what he said, it was no different than what happened to Geoff, so he should count his blessings.
Theo walks in with a bag of joints asking what’s going on, only for ark and luke saying they need a joint. Asking if Sophie is joining, ark replies shes got class until 4 and should return by dinner. Looking at danny he asks what happened, only for ark to tell him danny screwed up, opening the door Geoff asks where nate went off too for ark to reply in his room, “oh does he have homework or something cause he left to use the toilet.” Luke tells him he can find him in his room probably smoking only to see nate walking down with a  bag of hash in his hand, “rebeccas stash figured we can all smoke it.”, everyone smiles as ark takes the bag smelling it, “oh god that’s good stuff, so potent. As they group together around the fire place, feeling the September air finally hit from the open windows and leave rebeccas bag for last waiting for Sophie, Danny heads upstairs as Geoff walks down to join. “hey where you off too, aren’t you gonna smoke, were putting on the saw series.”, “I thought you were pissed?”, “uh no I was tired and groggy, Geoff was way too warm so I left to cool off, and decided hey first day of class over lets do the stash.” “oh so I guess were cool then.”, nate “of course man you were just honest is all.” Danny smiling, “I am glad that your not upset.”, nate looks at him taking a puff, “now come on horndog, take a hit and relax.” Coming inside Sophie lays her bag down seeing the boys smoking, “well shit looks like the boys are chilling out finally, please tell me there’s plenty, law classes are shit.” Sophie partakes in a few hits and the gang watches the saw series laughing at the stupidity. Theo remarks all the deaths are freaking hilarious cause there so creative and sometimes nonsensical, while everyone laughs at jigsaws reasoning for killing. The group smoke til 5 and start dinner with ark cooking while Theo rolls more joints, the brothers clean and sweep the place up burned out and seeing the time. Ark sets dinner out and everyone grabs a playing saw again and Nate getting a call from Rebecca. Taking it somewhere else he comes back saying she just wanted to know if we needed more weed and how class went, telling her it went fabulously and the gang is having fun.
Sophie asks ark who Rebecca is, and he tells her how she is the reason they have a new home, a frat, and new set of ideals. She states she must be a class act and the guys all cheer saying it’s the truth. The night drags on as the guys take a dip in the pool conversing about how classes are going to be quite busy all semester as ark and Nate look at one another pointing out they are really smart and it wont be any different for either of them to change. Geoff cannon balls into the water spraying them in the face with nate laughing and ark sitting on his float smoking a joint. “damn ark do you ever  stop smoking.” Letting out a puff he responds simply with a “NOOOOOOOOOOOOO” echoing into the sky. The guys relax as sophie comes by asking if she welcomed in. Nate smiles saying any cute girls who hate riley are welcomed anytime. Getting in she looks at Luke Geoff and Theo staring at her.  “What is everyone staring at?”, Luke says they aren’t used to having any girls around more than at the parties, theo remarks she just looks really nice and thought she’d be stuck up like riley. “yeah my brother is a asshole, honestly its probably from a insecurity complex, and this stays with you guys. He used to piss his bed every day, and still does to this day. Oh, and he cries super hard when he watches the teletubbies, because he is scared of po, and the sun-baby.” Everyone laughs as nate actually stays calm and silent, “okay the one time hes not cackling and your feeling sorry for him.” “oh heavens no, hes a bastard who hurt one of our brothers, stalked us, drugged me, and used luke a drug mule, there is no excuse for him, but the reasoning is even worse.” They keep the secrets to themselves and start getting out feeling the autumn breeze coming over. Theo remarks hes cold as ice while everyone is just drying off, “how are you assholes not freezing. Everyone looks at him, with ark replying “fur be a godsend hash”. Later in the night danny uses his phone and texts Rebecca  as he enters the shower what he said to nate earlier to get a reply, “It all happened in rome, wont give details that up to my nephew, talk to him about it rather than turning to everyone else.”
Getting out he thanks her and walks into nates room whos changing for bed. “hey there Horndog, ready for the cuddles train.” Sitting nate on the bed , he looks at him curious if he can tell him why he doesn’t bottom, in all honesty even if it hurt too much he would believe him. “I won’t lie, I will only tell the truth to you, it was back in rome when I was with Sergio, he was passionate and loving, telling me I was a perfect guy for him being husky and fit strong but loving and kind. When we made love I used to bottom for him a lot and I think I only topped once when he said he was too tired, but he kept giving it every day, it got to the point where I wanted a break to feel him for once, then Dimitri died and I needed to go home, I explained that I was going to be back soon and maybe he could come with me see the states, but he told me otherwise, trying to just get me to forget about him, he said the past isn’t worth weeping over and people die in war all the time, I knew he hated war and politics but it set me off so I punched him and left, stayed in a hotel where he kept calling me, ignoring him I left the next day back home on a one way flight, I wanted to stay with Rebecca and make sure she was okay. The funeral was emotional as most of our family from Italy came for the service, my grandparents knew of my sexuality and took some time but got used to it. They hugged me as I just stared at the casket knowing he wasn’t going to come back; I didn’t cry my mind was racing. I got a letter sometime later just stating Sergio was breaking up and telling me to have a good life without him, I then realized I was just a piece of ass to him and that made not promise myself I wouldn’t bottom for just anyone and I would be a total top, instead of switch.” “whoa you really shared all that just now, I don’t know what to say but, sorry for saying all of that, I was lying to them, or at least myself, this whole week we spent together in bed not just having sex, but keeping each other company and safe, I saw from the minute you were drugged out you were in need of someone to hold you and calm you, I hear you whimper at night and want to hold you, til you stop, I don’t try to listen but you really talk in your sleep.” Nate blushes saying he didn’t mean to leak out that information. “you’re a amazing guy, full of life been through so much and explored the variety of things around the world, and I was just drawn to you, I don’t know what im feeling honestly but….” Nate stops him by kissing him, “just stop talking you beautiful bull, im not even upset I can tell when you lie to yourself, you know how I am, and I’m glad you admitted it even if your still conflicted, I want to try again, with you and only you, my Italian bull.” Danny looks into nates eyes seeing a light in them as he smiles and kisses him back. He takes nates shirt off undoing his towel and laying him on the bed. “ill be slow and gentle my pup.” “thank you and if it hurts ill tell you.”
Danny proceeds to suck on nates cock as he pulls down his pants and boxers feeling his fur against his playing with his big nipples, “I can tell that makes you hard instantly.” “oh you know it horny man.” Lifting his legs, Danny licks his toes seeing Nate laugh while it tickles, seeing his ass he lubes up his middle finger going into him gently, “how that sunny, your blushing?” “keep going danny I trust you.” Going down he eats out nates ass as he playing with his nipples using his hands, hearing him moany he asks if hes ready. “yes and slow okay.” “ I know” sliding in holding the sheets feeling the pain and sighing in relief at the feeling nate lays back and feels dannys cock in him moaning in pleasure holding his hand as he makes love to nate. He lays over him in missionary kissing his neck making him call his name, “danny yes, this is perfect……please don’t stop.” Feeling him, danny keeps going turning nate on his belly doing him ass up as he holds the sheets, “I missed this so much, just with someone I can trust. Danny turns him back around jerking his cock as he thrusts, lets both cum my sweet, I love when you fuck me but sometimes I want to be top dog. He pulls out and strokes both of them Cumming and lays next to nate asking is they should shower. “Oh totally we smell like hot fur.” They shower with one another and embrace kissing, with Nate asking if danny wants them to be something else.” “I cant answer that right now, I love being with you but I want to see where this goes.” Nate nods and smiles saying being close and intimate with him is enough for now. The two go to sleep snuggled up as Nate smiles holding Danny’s hand close and kisses it.
The next day nate and Geoff head to the gym late in the evening after classes together and continue working out, Nate compliments that Geoff’s fur has grown back and his paws are healed nicely too. Geoff thanks him and they do their work out noticing that riley is in the corner lifting weights, “Geoff comments they should stick to cardio today and avoid the racks, “no we have a right to the gym like him and we aren’t going to act like a bunch of scared kids, you want to lift then we lift.” The two head over and start bench pressing as riley looks at them and looks back away. “What a weirdo.” Heading to the showers Geoff states he forgot his phone at the bench and needed to get it, Nate heads inside and takes a shower checking facebook hearing footsteps coming near him, as he feels them stop behind him. “Geoff please, not here….”, turning around he sees riley staring at him, quickly going to messenger hitting the mike on his phone riley starts chattering “you shouldn’t of taken my property bro, the lion and the bullbear were ours first.” “nate looks back at him stating “yes but like any abused animal, it needed rescuing from its handler.” Putting his hand against the wall he warns him to step back from the Tau Epsilon brothers if he knows what good for him or someone is going to suffer major humiliation. “Let’s see how much courage your friend has if that video got out, after all, he’s all beast in that video isn’t he?” “you realize your putting fuel on your funeral pyre making threats like that, and if done so, you’re the one who’s going to be sorry.” As he finishes his statement riley stares daggers at him, “tell the sloth my sister is off limits, I know she’s at the house, and if she isn’t at her dorm tonight, hell will break loose for the kappa’s, so try not being so adamant and swallow your pride.” Nate walks off as Geoff walks in with his phone, Nate grabbing him by the arm escorting him out, “hey I need to shower I smell like a….” Nate looks at him with a stern look, “we leave now, cause im sure ark just got my message.”
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 7
As nate and Geoff return to the frat house, they notice that the front door is open and go inside to find ark with his hand through the wall, “good your back, now explain what happened nate, cause im ready to use a nail bomb on those Tau Epsilon asses.” “no were not using violence, although god knows its worth it, trust me, we need a plan and we need to be smart about it, we know there had to be someone here to videotape Geoff in bed, but we don’t have a clue who.”, Geoff buts in saying he knows getting red in the face, “that hippo I topped yesterday, he came into my room, he must of used his phone to record us without my knowledge.”, ark punches the wall again with theo telling him to stop before he hits a stud, “fuck that I need to relieve my anger here.” Looking at nate they talk about what occurred at the gym, “if that jackoff wants to treat people like property then lets show him the same feeling, eye for an eye.” Nate looks knowing what to do and calls his aunt, “auntie, code 873, one of our brothers, uh huh, okay, see you soon.”, ark nods in agreement knowing that nate is ready and lets everyone know they need to be ready for anything that might happen. Sophie looks at ark asking who is possibly coming this late in the evening, ark looks at her smirking, “our den mother.” Looking at ark she looks confused asking why he didn’t call his parents first, “they are never to be called, and shes ex military.” A few hours pass with everyone smoking and drinking quiet in the living room with Geoff looking around like hes at fault for something. “listen guys, you don’t have to do all this, its my fault I got recorded and if I get humiliated it’s not dragging you guys down.”
Ark and nate look at him saying hes not just someone they can let get embarrassed by some inferior bullshit artist who thinks hes better than anyone. “you’re a good guy and our brother, theres no way were letting that happen, if that video is released we get them all in trouble, you didn’t give consent.” Geoff looks down saying he was an idiot for thinking that anything could be normal for him, asking why it had to happen. Nate pats him on the head looking serious, “its cause there’s a lot of people that want to hurt others for not understanding what they get to be beyond their control, trust me I know how you feel, but you have to stand tall and fight back like the fierce lion you are.” the front door opens and Rebecca walks in asking where here husky is, “here I am auntie.” “Stand straight, salute, shake, now……give me big hug my sweet husky!” Nate hugs Rebecca smiling glad she arrived in time, “oh honey im so sorry for all this traffic was a nightmare and everyone on the road is such a cocksucker.” Seeing sophie she glares at her, “is that the elk you mentioned nate.” Looking back, “oh no auntie she’s a friend, his sister whom told us a lot of dirt on riley.
Chuckling Rebecca goes to Sophie and shakes her hand saying shes glad she made friends with her nephews frat telling if she does ever try going back on them, she will personally take her down. “Messaged received ma’am.”  Sophie asks why Rebecca is here with Rebecca ushering in a tall tigress in military gear, nate ecstatic looks and crys out in joy, “IZZY, oh my god its been forever I thought you were on tour in Israel.” “came back home last month, right after you left, sorry I couldn’t send you off husky, but then again duty calls right buddy.” Everyone looks as she puts nate in a headlock and he bashes her foot on the ground. “Dirty fighter, that’s your hyena side you little shit.” “whatever wins a fight honey.” The two laugh as Rebecca tells them to settle down, “we got a situation you want someone tortured for claiming two as property, well this girl can do it, shes an expert in deception, hacking, and trained in military torture, Sgt. Isabella Rossi, or izzy for short.” Nate comments she still had that scarlet hair the boys swooned over, making izzy state that he was the ones turning boys heads at the parties and boops his nose making him turn red, “still haven’t changed you big ball of love.” Sticking his tongue out ark looks at them to get back on track. “we need someone to get this guy riley, chapter president of Tau Epsilon and captain of the beserkers, you think you can handle it.” Izzy looks at ark stating she can do that in her sleep, knowing a college boy will be way easier than a terrorist. Sophie wonders why Rebecca doesn’t do it with her stating, “the school knows who I am they know my description and my relationship to Nate, if I go its not going to end well for anyone, he might get expelled and you guys will be thrown out as well and possible jail time through association.” They all nod in agreement with izzy asking what happens if this goes south, nate glaring baring his fangs, “ILL SKIN THE BASTARD AND PUT HIS PELT AT THE FOOT OF MY BED.” Everyone looks at him with izzy whispering to Rebecca, “ah theres the Dimitri side pouring out.” the others look at nate startled, luke leans over asking if ark is as scared of him as he is, “no id be doing worse, with a nail bomb.” Sophie looks smiling at ark, “now that kinda turns me on.”
Rebecca tells izzy the address from nates messages and tells her to head out, “you guys are staying and no parties, got it need you laying low, and izzy livestream it to the Tau brothers, lets see their leader get knocked down a peg.” Everyone agrees and lets izzy leave taking her car, Rebecca sits and lights a joint asking the others to join her.” They partake in her stash and mention that there is a lot going on too much to understand. “where is this new brother, I want to meet him.” Everyone finally noticing Geoff was hiding behind danny and theo slowly walks up to Rebecca and introduces himself. “im Geoff IT major and effects artist for the frat, how may I help you?”. “so gentle, so timid, I can see why my nephew helped you, the TE brothers hurt you didn’t they, your scared.” “Yes, I feel like its my fault and….” “no its not you just got caught up in desires and had no control over what was to happen to you, do not think anything less of yourself, you’re a kind boy, and I can tell you wouldn’t hurt anyone of your own volition, now how do you know my husky.” “he helped me the first day on campus, made me realize that its okay to be who I am as a person and not care what anyone thought.” “he was your first wasn’t he.” Nate and Geoff both turn red, “maybe….”. “Don’t fret little Leo you’re in good hands now but please rest assured I can tell your panicking. Go relax in your room okay, Nate and Danny will keep an eye on you.” Danny and Nate usher Geoff upstairs as he looks back at everyone asking Nate why everyone is being so kind. “Its cause your our brother and they messed with you meaning they mess with us.”
In geoffs room the three watch some movies smoking a joint as Geoff starts shaking almost having an anxiety attack. Cuddling up to him nate tells him it will all be okay no matter what happens they wont let him get hurt or humiliated. “you guys are the best, damn I needed cuddles.” Danny joins in saying nate is the warmest of the brothers, “maybe we should call you cuddles instead of sunny.” “naw I prefer being a ball of sunshine.” Geoff looks at Danny and nate and closes his eyes falling asleep. Nate and danny look saying hes like a little cub needing protection. “don’t get me wrong danny hes really nice and sweet, but hes very shy and timid, it’ll be while before he can stand on his own, cause when he does, he gets knocked down harder than where he started.” Geoff opens his eyes looking at both of them smiling, “you know you guys are really awesome, im glad we all live in the same place, its having a big family of nutjobs.” Laughing Geoff gets up and looks at danny grinning, “see something courage, your pants are pitching a tent.” Looking down Geoff covers himself saying he couldn’t help it, he just gets horny and didn’t wanna try anything with nate again given they cant leave and they made a deal not to do anything like his first time. “ah but what about us.” Geoff blushing looking at danny as he holds up three fingers sticking his tongue out. “I always wanted to try that, kind of a fantasy of mine really.” Danny leans in kissing Geoff reaching into his pants, “if you don’t want to we can stop.” Nate kisses the back of geoffs neck as he wants more, he wants to feel better alone with people he can trust. Nate and danny undress him and lean him on the bed naked and undress. Looking at both of them smiling, “so what are two strong men going to do to me.” Nate goes in slow and kisses him grabbing his cock, “were just going to keep you safe got it, no games, no camera, no issues, just pleasure.” He goes down on Geoff making him moan and danny has Geoff suck him off, his thick cock deep throating in his mouth as the three lean on the bed huddled together. Geoff takes turns sucking nate and Danny saying their both huge and take it all. He lays down as nate fingers him making him grab his headboard begging for more, using his tongue he eats him out as danny has Geoff eat him out. “Damn lions tongue are rough, but feels amazing.” Nate lifts geoffs leg and slides in asking if he wants it rough or gentle. “gentle, ive never been in a threesome.” Leaning in he thrusts into Geoff kissing him feeling his mane and fur glistened with sweat moaning in pleasure. Danny eats out nates ass as he slides his cock in, “you fuck him, I fuck you.” Nate smiles saying only danny is the one able to do that. The the three fuck as geoffs takes nates hand wanting to change positions. Getting into the bodyguard they three continue what they’re doing , Danny leans back having nate ride his cock as Geoff sucks him off, jerking himself off. Feeling dannys cock in him, nate feels his cock bursting as he cums in geoffs mouth who swallows every drop using his tongue to clean it off.
Danny fills the condom after a while pulling out and the two kiss and jerk goeff until he cums everywhere. Falling on his bed they huddle together laughing that it was amazing to do with Geoff asking if the two can stay with him for the night turning red as he doesn’t wanna be alone, looking away. “that sounds stupid I know I just kinda don’t wanna deal with stress, cause I get horny and well.” Danny and nate kiss him on the cheek telling him its okay to want cuddles and they would much obliged. Danny looks at Geoff asking if he wants nate to wear clothes, “yeah good luck with that one.”, Geoff laughs saying hed rather have nate warming him all night, same to danny. The three pull over the covers and fall asleep with Geoff in the middle. Downstairs luke asks where the flying hell the guys could possibly be saying they been up there for hours. Ark looks at theo who reminds luke that the three are a little emotional so things may happen. Luke runs upstairs banging on the door with all three waking up. “Nate you get it.” “naw im too exhausted from courage.” “WHO IS IT?” Luke bangs again to try and bust it open. Rebecca comes up turning the knob, “seriously try that runt.” Luke opens it to see the three asleep snuggled together. Rebecca snaps a pic on her phone, “now that is the most adorable sight tonight. Izzy arrives back stating that the plan was a success and that they got what they needed done, “now get me a joint im so sick I had to touch him even if it was torture.” The group smoke and izzy asks where nate went. “hes upstairs with the lion and the bull.”, izzy smirks, “that’s nate for you, always being a cuddly wolf and a great friend.”, theo looks at her “more like lover than a friend right now.”, izzy looks at her drink stirring it asking, “well who wouldn’t fuck him?” everyone raises their hand saying its cause their straight. “well you can always think about, if you were gay or the other way around.” ark leans to Rebecca asking what izzys deal is, “she used to have a crush on nate through grade school, and hadn’t seen him when he left for our travels on tour, he came back senior year and instant attraction, went on what she called a date and kissed him, rejected her nicely for obvious reasons, now kinda has a bit of a what if it could happen thing going on, but moved on pretty fast.”, ark looks at her saying that nate isn’t one to just play for the other team with izzy laughing, “of course, I came here to help him only, no more no less, hes a great friend and I’m glad to help.” nate rushes out the room telling ark to check face book being woken up by the alerts he got, much of the TE brothers are blowing up about the torture porn broadcasted at the house and instinctively are looking for a tiger chick with red hair. “looks like I did well this time eh boys.” Nate gives a thumbs up from the railing with Rebecca sipping her rum, “nate, sweetie, pants please.”
Nate walks back in the room coming down with his shorts on, “can you believe how much shit is happening on this campus, riley is totally humiliated and the best his brothers are doing are sharing my dance video, which are just getting more positive comments.”  Izzy comments she did really well but couldn’t find the porn video on rileys phone saying it must still be on the hippos. “his names will, and he can be found near the tech center, spends a lot of time there alone smoking pot for a break.” The group talk about what to do, with izzy offering to hack him and delete it, only for Nate to retort that having her out trying to do that will raise suspicion to the kappa’s. “they know your face and description much like Rebecca, if we do that we don’t look good if they make a report about it, truth or false.” They converse and decide that the video can wait as laying low is the best alternative. Getting a call Rebecca tells the boys to keep quiet, “yes, hello Martinez, uh huh, right very well.” Sighing deeply she tells Nate and ark they need to see the dean about the incident in the gym, both groan, “Oy gevalt how can this get any worse.” “Over yonder I bet this is going to drag on big time.” the night drags on as ark heads to sleep and sophie comes with him, cuddled in bed she remarks it was adamant that they did all that just for Geoff even if he is the newest member.” “nates a good judge of character, he knows how people think and act, didn’t want him getting hurt.” Getting on top of him she sticks her tongue out looking into his eyes. “you say your big and tough, but deep down you’re a big softie.” Grinning ark asks what shes gonna do about it, reaching into his shorts she grabs his cock hard. “make you tough behemoth, now what do you want to do about it.” “let you teach me a lesson miss Monroe.” She kisses ark as she undresses his running hands to the back of his neck, “I hear you do it rough, for once your doing it slow big boy.”, ark grins as Sophie jerks him as he squeezes her tits making her moan, “gently their sensitive.” She goes down on him making him moan in pleasure asking if he likes his shaft licked, “god yes that feels nice.” Getting on top of him she has ark eat her out and finger her intensely, “god those fingers are amazing, do more baby.”
Ark uses two fingers in her to make her precum from her hot pussy asking if she was ready for it. Getting on his cock she rides him stating she feels every inch and its spectacular for his size. “wouldn’t expect less from a 7.6ft sloth.” As she begins riding him faster he moans saying shes right and it actually makes him feel odd. “She clenches her pussy tightening onto his cock making him grab his sheets, “whoa whoa what are you doing?!!!!”, moaning that its different and feels so good. “your always in charge big guy, but I’m going to tame this behemoth once and for all. Tightening once more ark trys holding his urge to cum only for sophie to pulls his nipples making him unload, “AHHHHHHHHH, OH GOD.” Sophie gets off pulling the condom off seeing a massive load and licks his cock clean, “well looks like you’re came in first.” Ark gasping for breath saying that was the most intense sex he ever had. “elks have great muscle control and it makes for better loving.” Cuddling up to him she kisses him and tucks herself under his chin, “this isn’t love ark, I just needed to vent some rage, sorry for using you like that.” “Sophie that was worth it, let me know if you wanna try this again.” Sophie looks at him and says she would over and over again.
The next day nate and ark are brought into the deans office where Martinez discusses the effects of the previous night. “so he confronted nate in the shower, saying he had a video, and then we got word from the Tau brothers a torture porn was broadcasted by a random tiger woman at their frat blowing up social media, there is a connection and I don’t want you boys lying to me.” Nate and ark look at one another, nate responds “yes sir this is true the woman is a mutual friend and we had no idea she would go this far into it but as of now we understand the consequences.” Martinez shakes his head, “no I agree with what happened he needed to be brought down a peg but regardless rules are rules and since you boys weren’t directly involved I cant get you into academic trouble, however, I will need to work on solution between your frats, riley, stan, and will have been suspended for the homecoming game and placed on academic probation due to their actions against nate and Geoff, also they are being investigated about the drug fiasco.” Ark looks at the dean saying that it’s a wonderful thing to hear that, “however with three  players down they cant play the homecoming game next month.” Ark and nate looking at him, “oy gevalt, please no.” “to punish your frat for the involvement with the girl, you two are filling in for the players or you get academic probation for the incident as well for causeing strife against students regardless of who started it, this isn’t about whos right or wrong, its about the escalation of what occurred.” Nate “over yonder, fine we will do it, but they need a new captain ark and I have no clue how to play.”, Martinez looks at them and tells them in their faces, “that’s why I am putting Luke Benito in charge, let the Taus be ordered by a Kappa for a  while and see what its like to be controlled.” Ark and nate look at one another taking a deep sigh, in unison, “fuck my life.”
Kappa Sigma Life: Chp 8
Nate and ark return groaning as they walk in seeing theo on the couch making out with Izzy and Rebecca cooking in the kitchen. “hey boys how was the meeting.” Nate looks at her rolling his eyes, “well we aren’t expelled but were getting a fate worse than death, we need to plaay ion the homecoming game with the Homophobes of Maplewood.” Rebecca sighs saying that it could have been worse, but an mark on the Taus means they won’t bother with the kappa’s for a long while, and the guys responsible for Geoff are now seeing karma dealt well to them. “still wish we didn’t have to fucking play….OY GEVALT.” Nate reminds ark that the worse is yet to come as the other news is how they want Luke as the interim captain until Riley is back in action. Rebecca goes to the two hugging them knowing that they don’t deserve to be subjected to such a bullshit problem but the dean does have a point, “both sides escalated stuff, and even if your in the right,, there were going to be consequences to actions, just be happy it wasn’t what they got in the long run.” Nate smiles asking where his bull is cause he needed some stress relief, Rebecca tells him hes upstairs, to which he walks up and notices that the door is opened a bit, walking in he sees Danny and Geoff kissing on the bed looking at him smirking. “you guys couldn’t wait for me could you.” Taking off his clothes he hops into bed with them needed some stress released pronto. Theo looks at Izzy telling her it must be odd being with a herbivore and being a carnivore. “oh no sugar, its fun actually, like a little taboo, and you remind me of some of my friends back home, built tough and ready for a good ride,  and smell like a garden too.” Theo looks at her grinning and continues kissing her laying her on the couch, for ark to kick him on the head while smoking a joint, “no sex on the couch, house rule remember, you want it take it to your room, were not turning the living room into a Warhol factory.
Getting up from the couch Theo takes Izzy to his room, she remarks that its beautiful mixed with pictures of plants and a booming stereo system. “Yeah I love me some good music, but agriculture brings me back home.” Laying him on the bed, Izzy mentions that she couldn’t help herself around a rhino, “I near your beauties cum several times do you not.” Theo smirks saying “why not try and find out darling.” Taking his shirt off izzy feels his massive body on her noting that he might be fat but hes very built, like a monster truck, taking the compliment, theo pulls his pants down asking if she likes what she sees, “oh my yes, its thick.” Playing with her tits, Theo tongues her mouth fingering her tight hole, “well shit, when the last time you got laid was?” Laughing she whispers, “never, my time was dedicated to the military but now that my tours over and I’m out, I want to experience life again.” Kissing her he notes that he will give her a first time like she never saw. Caressing her body he takes her in lotus position kissing her and pressing his face in her tits motor boating them, making her moan, placing her on her back he kisses her down her body sucking on her nipples, and holding her hands, “it might hurt a bit, are you ready?” “please slow and gentle.” Thrusting in Theo moves slowly making love to Izzy moaning all the while begging for more and for it harder.  The two go at over and over that night, everyone hearing theo moaning and cumming a total of 13 times.
luke smoking a joint with Rebecca comments that the house reeks of sex and weed. “honey your just upset your not getting laid, you should try meeting another girl, or maybe try one of the guys, theres three in here, open to it.” “you know I’m not gay so why try and make it sound like I am?” “I saw your face when Geoff said nate was his first, you looked curious and a bit turned on a the thought, and let me tell you how many times he snuck off base to meet a local panda, gorilla, grizzly, or even a wolf, he always came home happy.” “so your nephews a butt slut big deal.” “no sweetie those were actual friends, I should have been clear, the panda and the grizzly were his intimate buddies, as I call them.” “okay I don’t get it your saying I should let nate fuck me, cause he fucked danny and Geoff?” “you must have been dropped, no you degenerate, I mean don’t be afraid to explore who you are, we let nate make his own choice and he always came back happy, always beaming with life and content with where he was, making friends along the way, helping people, and learning new trades around the world, not just sexual but important lessons in life.” Luke looks down saying he wishes he had that life, getting to travel with his family being loved and be accepted for who he is. “no…..you don’t, nate didn’t have the life you wish you could have, all that good stuff came after the bullshit, neglected, abused, and forgotten as a mistake, if we hadn’t taken him in, there’s no telling what might of occurred to him, so count your blessings luke, you have a family loving you, actual parents who aren’t afraid to call you their son.” Luke looks at her taking a puff of a joint, “so did you ever have kids, like where are nates cousins?” “Never had them, kept traveling to different places serving in the armed forces, couldn’t just have a family, nate is the closest to a son I have, and even then its only from a formality against restricted paternal rights.” Luke asks if anyone else knew of this only for Rebecca to rebuff that nate always looked up to her, and was the only thing in her life that got her through Dimitris death, “he left his life in rome to make sure I didn’t put a bullet in my head, he came home on a non stop flight, away from his boyfriend , just to make sure I was okay, he didn’t cry, he didn’t say a word at the funeral, I just heard him talking about how he will keep me safe, even in the harshiest times, I never saw him shed a tear, not when he was abandoned, not when he did something wrong, not at death, nothing, I took him to therapy when he was 15 and they said there was nothing wrong with him, just a strong willed boy who doesn’t take shit, well I was wrong, at night I could hear him whimper in his sleep, he was never comforted and thought he needed to be alone with his problems, instead of confronting him, Dimitri would stay up making sure he slept well, just looking and comforting him.”
“yeah I hear him whimper here too, but Danny cuddles him and its all better, I didn’t think he had anything wrong with him until you explained it.” “he has abandonment issues, people who cut him out that once were good to him, just gets to him, I don’t know if he ever fully gets over it but it doesn’t matter , he always pulls through.”. luke asks why she told him all of this only to be told its because at one point, nate could have been luke, self-conscious about himself, withdrawn,  putting up a bravado just to ensure people may like him, its demeaning to who he really is and luke is putting on a balancing act hiding what he really wants. Looking down luke gets up telling Rebecca to sleep well and that hes going to just relax in his room. Rebeca tells him goodnight and at least think about what she said.
Nate Geoff and danny all lay down kissing one another and talk about the future of the kappas as they caress one another. “there isn’t much to worry now, riley is out of the picture, the taus are forced to put up with us, and we got our revenge, we don’t have anything to worry about, its all good.” Geoff looks at nate saying at least for now it is, but they should make sure they don’t overstep boundaries or else things can escalate further. The three disregard any semblance of what occurred and focus on one another. Geoff goes down on nate as he and Geoff make out, alternating between the two cocks. Nate remarks Geoff has gotten better at blowjobs since he came out, smiling Geoff licks nates shaft making him throb as he gets into doggie style as the two spit roast him. Nate pulls his tail as he fucks him hard from behind and danny plays with his nipples as he continues to get blown. Geoff slurps on dannys throbbing cock and begs for more. Flipping him over in missionary, nate fucks him while jerking his cock, making him grab the bed. Bending over danny kisses Geoff who grabs his horns forcing his tongue down his throat, “god your both amazing, thank you.” Nate tells him not to thank them yet as he pounds Geoff pulling his nipples, turning him sideways getting even deeper into him. “oh god its thick!.” Danny has nate pull out and takes a turn seeing geoffs hole quivering. “you ready for a another pound courage.” “give it to me horndog, sunny let me suck that cock clean.” The three continue to fuck and suck until theynate and Geoff  cum filling Geoff with their load and take him to the shower to wash off, firmly gripping his cock, nate makes him cum all over making him moan and shake. “mmmmm been holding that in all day leo.” Geoff turns his head kissing both of them under the water, after drying the three cuddle as Geoff states hes gonna sleep in his room as he felt good but doesn’t want to intrude on their alone time.” on his way back wearing his boxers, he sees lukes door cracked open and sees him beating off to porn, “woah!!!!, okay I should not be looking at that.” As he leaves he hears luke moaning while looking at his phone, “fuck that’s a chubby tiger, kinda adorable.” Geoff scoffs saying hes a chubby chaser of woman, only to hear luke mention, “so is that what anal feels like.” Walking away, Geoff talks to himself that he shouldn’t say a word about it to anyone. Luke continues to watch the porn of two tigers fucking and cums on his stomach, “well that fucking happened I guess, fucking auntie raccoon making me deal with this shit.” Taking a tissue and wiping up he mentions that he found the chubby ones better.
The next day begins the practice and luke nate and ark are on the field ready to train against what the fuck ever, ark and nate prove to be good on both offense and defense while luke organizes the player based on past postions. “okay people look alive, we have a lot to prepare for and only a week to get this all done before the game, get ready for sprints.” Nate comments that luke is a fucking slave driver and ark retorts that he will get his when they make it home. By the end of practice everyone in tau Is looking at the three like a bunch of assholes. Nate commenting, “oh my god this is worse than death.” The tau brothers making remarks, “hope the hybrids never screw me.”, Luke mentioning “whats wrong maggots out of breath.” And ark blankly restating “Luke is going to die a virgin.” Finishing up the tau guys look at luke, “yo luke leave the wolf bring the sloth, we can talk strategy today.” “sorry guys we got our own place to shower and you’re a total bunch of assholes so no.” ark takes a ball and throws it clear through the goal post telling them that’s the only strategy they need, “my primal ancestry will dominate that’s all.” the coach appears telling the boys they all need to shower before heading home, ark and nate groan loader and head in, nate wrapping a towel around him walks in seeing the Tau brothers staring at him, as he goes to the corner to wash up next to ark and luke staying quiet. “hey keep your eyes to yourself wolf, don’t want your rape vibes coming over here.”, luke looks at nate ignores them washing his arms, “hey don’t talk to him like this, its your fault we have to do this in the first place asshole, you trashed our rooms.” “yeah only to send a message, he took our brothers away including you.” “never was your brother asshole, and you’re the one saying we were property.” Ark interjects remarking “you know I hear Christians love slavery, Is that why you refer to your prospects as property, cause im sure if I go into your room, theres a popup book of jesus written by a homophobe.” He hears one of the tau brothers whispering “how did he know?”, rolling his eyes the tau brothers look at nate telling him to stop showing off his ass, “im washing myself, if you don’t like it look away got it.” The taus remark back, “oh really you convert Geoff to your way of life and then your trying to take luke all for yourself, we see your game.” “you took it upon yourself to take a boys virginity and steal him from us.” Ark looks at them shaking his head, “Jeez, Tau Epsilon is like a cult of Stockholm syndrome victims...", nate finally losing his cool stares the brothers down,  "You pushed drugs burned him and made him ashamed of who he is what gives you the right to press someone to be something they aren't and punish them for it", the tau brothers look away from nate stating they don’t wanna have him looking like he wants them, “trust me the only person id rather fuck is anyone else besides your frat.” As they leave nate scoffs as he packs his bag up heading to the camino, Luke asks ark if nate is gonna be okay. “honestly hes fine, but those guys are assholes, and deserve to be taken down a peg, but for right now let it go cause were not getting into any more trouble, got it, so keep your mouth shut and ignore them for the time being, don’t escalate.” Nate gets in throwing his bag in the bed of the truck telling the guys to get in, they order pizza on the way home and everyone at the kappa’s eats talking about class. “well me and ark are getting a lot of shit done for isreal our Chinese class is easy as fuck and the teacher is awesome, but Israel forget about it the fucker is a bigot and hates ark for no reason, doesn’t care for me being snarky but I am bluntly honest.” Ark replies his class is shit he has no clue on history, acts like he knows Jesus Christ. “Dr. Johnson can eat a buffet of dicks literally.” The two groan as luke comments that they are going to have a great practice the next day as he notices ark rolling a joint, “oh ark don’t you know we cant smoke for a week before the game.” Nate and him just stare blankly and ark comments if luke tries taking away weed, hes going to be used for target practice with his new ammo.
The two share a joint to the face and get back to talking about future plans, “Halloween is right around the corner and we need a plan, we don’t have any theme and every frat is throwing ragers with different horror themes, tau is doing night of fear, KSO is doing music breakdown of dead celebrities and OKE is doing day of the dead, what are we doing. Looking around nate comments they should do a nice simple rave party, something  fun lively, most of the students love and easy to get costumes, Sophie comments she wants to be belle and ark agrees to be beast if she wishes, “oh my god yes, such a big one at that too.” Luke looks at everyone and asks Geoff who hes going to be, shrugging he feels his belly, “someone chubby I guess.”, danny and nate look at him stating he should go as uncle fester from the Addams family, laughing he agrees and Nate looks at danny, “im going as apollo, favorite god of all time.” Danny remarks he will go as Hercules and the two can be a power couple of the pantheon, Nate looks at him laughing, “dawww you said couple.” Blushing danny looks away saying maybe he should choose something else, theo looks at him sighing, “just do it everyone loves seeing you both together, plus the roman god pairing is cute.” Danny flares his nostrils at theo telling him to stop. “hey not my fault you have a great body for a gods armor.” Izzy remarks that theo is quite a snarky guy, “well ark is ark, nate is blunt, lukes an asshole, im snarky, so fits.”  Ark remarks he can make a melo death playlist easy to fit the occasion. The group rejoice at the plans as the end of September looms in and the October air hits hard, the pool closed for winter despite it heated, but Rebecca has a hottub put in for the gang to use for the fall. Practice work and school make the gang busy as hell, even cutting into fun time for ark, his list of girls keeps getting bigger and bigger but he always seems to rely on sophie to make him the tamed beast he needs to be. He noticed that he enjoys when shes rough with him and makes him want to obey, for some reason a behemoth like him is easily taken by a woman like her, they’ve used toys clamps and bondage feeling every part of them. He remarks that she is the only girl who sticks around after, but is also the freakiest in bed. Looking at her cuddled up to him one night he remarks she is extremely cute and doesn’t want to let go, but doesn’t feel like a relationship is needed. Sophie had only one rule about her, no multiples, she wasn’t a fan of orgies or threesomes, but ark didn’t care, as she was fine with his fuck buddies. Nate Geoff and danny all agreed that they would take care of each other’s stress whenever needed, usually together. Geoff love nate being gentle and rough and can switch in the blink of an eye, while danny was fierce and protective, he was drawn to them, not emotionally but physically. Theo and izzy began having more fun during the weeks, Izzy staying purely to keep tabs on the gang and to make sure bills were paid on time as Rebecca was called to California on new fossils emerging during and earthquake.
Ark and nate take to smoking in the hot tub after the practice considering that the plays and other shit of dealing with tau is hard on the body. “dude one more day then the game and we just fucking quit.” “oy gevalt and we got the dinner too.” “over yonder, fuck my life almighty.”
The game went off without a hitch and the berserkers won in overtime, in the showers ark and nate don’t want to go to the formal dinner but luke looking ecstatic says hes so happy he led the team. Nate looks at ark saying they could make fun of him but it be best to let him have it as he did work hard to organize everyone.  at the party nate and ark stand in the back as luke is congratulated by the staff and coaches for a job well done. “hes a runt of the pack, but he did do well with the team don’t you think.”, nate loosens his tie saying he hates formal duds, but it is true that things have really changed the past month on campus, ark and nate see William from afar who goes over to them looking nervous, nate looks daggers at him stating that he isn’t welcome near them, as after what he did, there isn’t much that needs to be said.
“I know what I did was wrong, but there is no more video, the taus found out about me coming over, I thought Geoff was cute and wanted to play, then after it was over, I felt sick to my stomach and felt, hey I cant do this its wrong and immoral , so I left and riley forced me to stay and help with some sick mind fuck for Geoff leaving.”, ark looks at him, “you realize he was a wreck wondering what happened, blamed himself for letting someone get close and in the end there was nothing left to do but get back at all of you!?” “no really riley needed to be taken down hes a monster who is way more messed up in the head than you think, trust me, all I know is, I am leaving tau for good, focus on myself and my studies, and honestly I just wanted to apologize for everything.”
Nate tells him that he should apologize to Geoff and not them, rebuffing that he can come by to their house and make amends. Grabbing luke the four go home where they see Geoff playing COD on the projector seeing will and tells him to fuck off. Leaving them alone, ark and nate smoke out back and over hear the yelling and then things going quiet. They see will and Geoff hug and laugh when he lets will out of the house telling he will see him again soon, smiling he goes upstairs saying he’s glad he came by.  Walking home will looks at his phone getting messages from TE saying that he better come back immediately as they saw him leaving with the Kappas, “fuck those guys, im going to the dorms.” seeing a person walking in front of him wearing a black hoodie, he scoffs as they walk in front and stab him with a bowie knife leaving him on the sidewalk, whispering that kappa needs to be removed. Getting his phone will dials 911 but passes out before he can talk to them.
The following morning nate and ark are woken by a bang on the door only to find university police and the sherrifs at their front door. A cop asks if the two know a boy named William Channing, ark answers, “yeah he’s someone we are acquainted with, why what’s the problem?”, the cop tells them that William was found stabbed on the sidewalk and passed away at the hospital in the early morning at 3am, and was reported to be coming from the Kappa’s house. Nate and ark look at each other and know that things have officially gone too far.
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radiohorizon · 7 years
All of them. Please? For me?
Youre killin meeeeeee🙄
200 things you can put in my ask200: My crush’s name is: Lacey😛😍
199: I was born in: 1999
198: I am really: short, tired, sarcastic, idk??
197: My cellphone company is: verizon
196: My eye color is: blue/grey
195: My shoe size is: 3 in kids, 5 in womens
194: My ring size is: i have no idea, probably small but not too small cause i got far fingers
193: My height is: 5'1
192: I am allergic to: sulfa drugs and grass
191: My 1st car was: dont have one
190: My 1st job was: waitress at a local restaurant 
189: Last book you read: King Lear in school but Clockwork Princess for fun
188: My bed is: my favorite and super comfy and my best friend literally comes over just to nap in it
187: My pet: 2 cats, 1 dog
186: My best friend: Andrew, Elizabeth, Abby, Katie, Kristy, Annabelle, Kyle, Hailey, Stevie, Bea
185: My favorite shampoo is: Suave Ocean
184: Xbox or ps3: xbox
183: Piggy banks are: idrc about them??
182: In my pockets: dont have pockeys rn
181: On my calendar: nothings
180: Marriage is: in my future
179: Spongebob can: idrc cause idc
178: My mom: is my favorite person
177: The last three songs I bought were?Wasted youth by fletcherIn too deep by the sweeplingsIs there somewhere by halsey176: Last YouTube video watched:"50 things about me" by Nina Jablonska
175: How many cousins do you have?A shit ton
174: Do you have any siblings?1 sister and 1 brother that ive never met
173: Are your parents divorced?No and i never see them getting divorced. Theyre honestly the only reason i still believe in love
172: Are you taller than your mom?We're the same height actually
171: Do you play an instrument?Nope
170: What did you do yesterday? Went to school, studied, talked to Lacey, went to sleep[ I Believe In ]
169: Love at first sight: i dunno
168: Luck: yes
167: Fate: yes
166: Yourself: lmao no
165: Aliens: yes
164: Heaven: i think
163: Hell: yes
162: God: i believe in something
161: Horoscopes: im not sure
160: Soul mates: yes
159: Ghosts: yes
158: Gay Marriage: duh
157: War: i dont really know
156: Orbs: yes
155: Magic: yes[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: hugs
153: Drunk or High: high
152: Phone or Online: depends
151: Red heads or Black haired: dont care
150: Blondes or Brunettes: dont care
149: Hot or cold: cold
148: Summer or winter: summer
147: Autumn or Spring: autumn
146: Chocolate or vanilla: depends because i love chocolate but it gives me headaches
145: Night or Day: night
144: Oranges or Apples: oranges
143: Curly or Straight hair: honestly dont care
142: McDonalds or Burger King: burger king for burgers, mcdonalds for snack wrap
141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate: milk chocolate
140: Mac or PC: PC
139: Flip flops or high heals: depends
138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor
137: Coke or Pepsi: coke
135: Burried or cremated: buried in the cemetery up the road from where i live
134: Singing or Dancing: dancing
133: Coach or Chanel: dont care
132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: who are they?
131: Small town or Big city: small town
130: Wal-Mart or Target: how bout kohls
129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: adam Sandler
128: Manicure or Pedicure: manicure because im reallllly ticklish on my feet and i end up flinching the whole time
127: East Coast or West Coast: only ever been on the east coast so idrk
126: Your Birthday or Christmas: christmas
125: Chocolate or Flowers: chocolate
124: Disney or Six Flags: disney!!!
123: Yankees or Red Sox: how bout Orioles[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: i respect the people fighting for our country and for others, but i wish everyone could just stop killing eachother
121: George Bush: gross
120: Gay Marriage: yay
119: The presidential election: grosser
118: Abortion: no judgement on whether or not someone decides to get one. Personally i dont think i could, but will always vote pro choice
117: MySpace: never had one so idk
116: Reality TV: can be entertaining but usually really dumb
115: Parents: i love them more than anything
114: Back stabbers: fuck you
113: Ebay: sketchy
112: Facebook: people are annoying and i hate that i live in hick central
111: Work: dont have ajob
110: My Neighbors: since 3 of my best friends are my neighbors, i guess theyre alright
109: Gas Prices: way too fucking high
108: Designer Clothes: dont care about them UNLESS its converse because thats my shit right there
107: College: start it in 5 months :(
106: Sports: love em but suck at em
105: My family: my rock and support, but they piss me off a lot
104: The future: scares the fuck out of me[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: a few ninutes ago
102: Last time you ate: few hours ago
101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in awhile: about 2-3 weeks ago at the gym
100: Cried in front of someone: a few weeks ago i cried in front of abby because i found out kelsey has a girlfriend
99: Went to a movie theater: two weekends ago and saw Get Out and holy shit its good
98: Took a vacation: 2-3 years ago
97: Swam in a pool: 2 years ago i think
96: Changed a diaper: never
95: Got my nails done: little over a month ago
94: Went to a wedding: last summer
93: Broke a bone: never
92: Got a peircing: last spring
91: Broke the law: never i think?
90: Texted: about 2 seconds ago i texted Lacey[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: My lunch table
88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: my cats and my moms hugs
87: The last movie I saw: i saw get out in theaters but watched thunderbirds for the millionth time in art so im a happy camper
86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: getting the fuck away from this place and these memories
85: The thing im not looking forward to: graduating, starting college, moving away, leaving my friends, leaving my animals, growing up, the list could go on forever
84: People call me: elizabeth, beth, bethany, lizzy, liz, bethyboo, bethers, bethy,
83: The most difficult thing to do is: move on and let go
82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: nope
81: My zodiac sign is: pisces
80: The first person i talked to today was: lacey or bea idrk
79: First time you had a crush: kindergarten
78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: no one, im pretty good with keeping a good face on
77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: i have no idea
76: Right now I am talking to: Lace💜👑
75: What are you going to do when you grow up: homicide detective or BAU
74: I have/will get a job: soon hopefully
73: Tomorrow: school, test, paint, facetime this beautiful girl, sleep
72: Today: school, test, painted, studied
71: Next Summer: senior weeek🤙🏻 and hopefully just simple hangouts with friends
70: Next Weekend: towson university visit
69: I have these pets: 2 cats (sadie and ziva) and 1 dog (westen oliver)
68: The worst sound in the world: hearing people chew or breathe hard
67: The person that makes me cry the most is: my ex
66: People that make you happy: my friends and parents
65: Last time I cried: last night
64: My friends are: the only reason im alive
63: My computer is: a Windows something
62: My School: sucks
61: My Car: doesnt exist
60: I lose all respect for people who: judge others with no reason and refuse to be nice
59: The movie I cried at was: if I stay
58: Your hair color is: dirty blonde/ light brown
57: TV shows you watch: criminal minds, shameless, the 100, friends, the fosters, lie to me, NCIS, scooby doo
56: Favorite web site: tumblr 
55: Your dream vacation: a lake house
54: The worst pain I was ever in was: recovery after my heart surgery and when they had to take out my chest tubes
53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium
52: My room is: messy but my favorite place
51: My favorite celebrity is: jennifer lawrence or ryan Reynolds or josh hucherson
50: Where would you like to be: childhood
49: Do you want children: yes
48: Ever been in love: ye
47: Who’s your best friend: the twins, fergs, abby, rat pack, stevie, hailey, bea
46: More guy friends or girl friends: girl friends
45: One thing that makes you feel great is: gaining more flexibility
44: One person that you wish you could see right now: jarred
43: Do you have a 5 year plan: not really
42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: sorta
41: Have you pre-named your children: yepp. Daesin, Fiona, tegan and ryan
40: Last person I got mad at: my dad
39: I would like to move to: maryland or deleware
38: I wish I was a professional: dancer[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: gummy bears and kit kats or smarties
36: Vehicle: jeep Cherokee 
35: President: OBAMA
34: State visited: Florida
33: Cellphone provider: dunno
32: Athlete: Misty Copeland
31: Actor: Ryan Reynolds and Noel Fisher
30: Actress: Jennifer Lawrence
29: Singer: Amy Lee
28: Band: Evanescence
27: Clothing store: KOHLS
26: Grocery store: giant
25: TV show: shameless
24: Movie: thunderbirds or chitty chitty bang bang
23: Website: tumblr
22: Animal: monkey
21: Theme park: disney
20: Holiday: halloween
19: Sport to watch: allstar cheerleading or soccer
18: Sport to play: soccer
17: Magazine: dont have one but if i did i guess people?
16: Book: WAYYY too many
15: Day of the week: wednesday
14: Beach: bethany beach
13: Concert attended: evanescence even tho i couldnt see shit
12: Thing to cook: grilled cheese
11: Food: cheeseburger
10: Restaurant: green turtle
9: Radio station: 106.5
8: Yankee candle scent: i dunno
7: Perfume: hollister or ed hardy
6: Flower: rose
5: Color: purplr
4: Talk show host: my girl ellen
3: Comedian: jon Maloney, kevin heart, illiza shelshinger 
2: Dog breed: golden retriever 
1: Did you answer all these truthfully? Yeppers
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daegurp-blog · 5 years
Tumblr media
loading dossier on IM DAESEONG —— please be sure to take a look at the checklist before venturing around town.
FACECLAIM: matthew kim / big matthew (B.M) MUSE’S NAME: im daeseong PRONOUNS: he/him GENDER: cismale AGE: twenty six years old
POSITIVE TRAITS: generous, affectionate, kind-hearted NEGATIVE TRAITS: competitive, impulsive, short-tempered. MUSE AESTHETICS: bloody hands from fighting , takes no shit , constantly has an extra helmet for his motorcycle , a teddy bear disguised as a lion . QUOTE: one step. one punch. one round at a time.
ok so daeseong was born in daegu but moved to los angeles at the age of 3, so he was americanised a LOT,, for the longest time, he spoke english better than korean and it was like that until he returned permanently to korea at the age of 14
they were always back and forth between the two over the years, but he still spent the majority of time in the states
they originally moved to los angeles because of his father’s job – he was a producer for a big network and he got an opportunity in america so they took off !! the network got shut down years and years later and daeseong’s dad was like LOL YEET and moved the fam back to korea !!
baby daeseong was v much full of energy and his parents tried putting him in a number of things – singing wasn’t for him, dancing was alright, but he still couldn’t remember the moves good enough, and instruments just weren’t his thing either – he did play piano, but that was thanks to years and years of practice. but anything else thrown his way wasn’t his thing.
his parents put him into american football to begin with,, and they learned quick enough that dae was also a pretty angry kid so he wasn’t afraid to run hEAD FIRST INTO PEOPLE
and so that’s the thing that got him put into boxing and ofc he thrived there,, he was taught so much and told to calm himself down,, it wasn’t aLL about fighting and he absolutely fell in love with it !! remember i mentioned he was alright at dancing???? that just helped him with his footwork in fighting
talking about falling in love with things, he fell in love with jinae and rory pretty quickly when he met the pair – they always seemed to make him smile, and as a quiet, aggressive kid, it definitely helped him a lot.
so like i said before he returned to korea at 14
he joined another gym there and life took off for lil dae !!! by that point he had been boxing for eight years, and those eight years led up to him attending and fighting in the 2008 beijing olympics – he didn’t win a medal, but he did do well enough where everyone was talking about him and would be keeping their eye on him for the next four years after that to see if he would be competing again
and he did !! he competed in the london 2012 olympics and thats when he brought a medal home for south korea in boxing at the age of 19 !!! he placed second after losing out to the united states,,, but ofc he was a lil happy about them winning bc he considers there a second home
because of the success, he was invited on a few variety shows and created an impression there too – granted that was back in 2012-2013, but he’s not interested in all of that now.. he prefers to let his work speak for himself
after his win, he opened up his own boxing gym so he could start teaching younger people, and those who were less fortunate so they could learn how to properly fight and fight for a sport, rather than anything else. it’s something he’s very proud of, and a place that has grown and grown through the years since late 2013-early 2014
ofc he competed in the 2016 olympics in rio and came home with a bronze medal,,, which BUMMED HIM TF OUT but he still took it as an honour – after that, he just had a few title fights here and there but he did absolutely nothing in 2017 concerning boxing, which had people questioning what was happening with daeseong
he decided to enlist quietly to the military in may 2017 and served with the marines for 21 months. he’ll easily tell anyone that it’s the hardest thing he’s ever done, more so than fighting.
he got out in february of 2019 and instantly jumped back into his gym and into training again
he’s waiting for the right time to schedule a fight,, he knows he isn’t up to his standard that he was once at but he does want to get back into the ring for a legit fight
and it’s something a lot of people are waiting for since his return from the military
even more so, he wants that gold medal from the olympics before its too late,,, but gearing up for 2020 seems TOO SOON and waiting until 2024 is too long so he’s v v v v conflicted
he’s a real sweetheart despite doing something scary lol wants nothing but the best for people, always there to lend a hand, always there to help absolutely anyone around him
1. what do you do for a living?? e.g. student, full time work, part time, etc.
“i’m a professional boxer, who has been fighting for over ten years, representing south korea.”
2. how and where do you see yourself being in 5 years?? e.g. career wise, financially, relationship and connections wise.
“i’d love to win another few titles.. i haven’t had much experience fighting in the heavyweight class considering i finished serving for my country about five months ago. i want to get back into it, so hopefully that’ll happen for me in the next five years. i want to continue with charity work, with helping less fortunate kids get into boxing – it’s not an aggressive sport, it’s more about discipline. and it’ll keep kids busy rather than getting into other trouble. relationship-wise? it’s early days and we haven’t spoken about it.. but i’d love to settle down with my girlfriend, start a family… yeah.”
3. where do you fall on daegu’s societal hierarchy spectrum?? e.g. are you one of the upper class wealthy types or the lower class ‘underground’ type and how has this affected your attitude towards the hierarchy of the town??
“i would be upper-class, but considering i put in a lot of finance into teaching and at my gym, i’m more of a middle class – which i’m completely fine with. everyone should be equal in my opinion and those who are the higher upper class, the elites, need to help those in need.”
4. how do you feel about where you personally fit in the social hierarchy of the town and what are your intentions because of this?? e.g. do you aim to create a more equal, modern system for all citizens or are you quite happy with how the situation stands between the wealthy and the lesser off??
“i’d love to create a more equal society for everyone. everyone should be treated the exact same, and to a standard that everyone can benefit from, no matter what. as much as i want it to happen, i doubt it will.. which is unfortunate. it’s easy to respect and love those no matter what their gender, age, experience, way of life.. everyone needs to help out.”
5. what are your goals and aspirations for the future??
“more fighting, more helping society and the future of daegu – all these kids who need the help, be happy and keep loving those who care and love me.”
0 notes
jamesgeiiger · 6 years
Financial SEER: A Way To Quantify Risk Tolerance And Determine Appropriate Equity Exposure
This post is for someone who is wondering:
Whether they have the proper asset allocation
Whether they should sell equities and buy bonds
How to reduce investment stress while still benefitting from returns
How to quantify their risk tolerance
How to continue moving forward on their path to financial freedom despite all the uncertainty
One of my primary goals on Financial Samurai is to help readers build meaningful wealth in a risk-appropriate manner. Because I started my career soon after the 1997 Asian Financial Crisis, I’ve experienced a lot of carnage as many international college students in the US had to drop out due to a sudden and massive devaluation of their respective home country’s currencies. I fully appreciate how hazardous the road to building great wealth can be.
Even the best-made plans can be laid to waste due to some unforeseen exogenous variable. We always hope for good surprises along the way. Unfortunately, life always has a way of kicking us in the face after knocking us in the teeth. Let’s always be thankful for what we have and demonstrate kindness to those who are experiencing difficult times.
Most investors overestimate their risk tolerance, especially investors who’ve only been investing with significant capital since 2009. Once the losses start piling up, it’s not only the melancholy of losing money that starts getting to you, it’s the growing fear that your job might also be at risk.
You might also erroneously think that the richer you get, the higher your risk tolerance. After all, the more money you have, the bigger your buffer. This is a fallacy because the more money you have, the larger your potential loss. For most rational people, their lifestyles don’t inflate commensurately with their wealth. This is why even rich people can’t resist a free rubber chicken lunch.
Further, there will come a time when your investment returns have a larger impact on your net worth than your earnings. As a result, the richer you are, the more dismayed you will be to lose money. Your main hope for recovery is a rebound in investment performance because your work earnings won’t contribute much at all.
How Most Of Us Rescue Our Investments
The reason we all continue to fight in this difficult world is because we have hope. But eventually, our hope fades because our brains and bodies slow down. When we’re younger, we often think ourselves to be invincible. Then, eventually, we start experiencing the realities of aging.
It is due to our fading abilities that we must bring down our risk exposure as we age. It is only the rare bird that goes all-in after making enough money to last a lifetime to try and make so much more. Sometimes they turn into billionaires like Elon Musk. But most of the time they end up going broke and filled with regret.
The only way most of us can rescue our investments after a market swoon is through contributions from earned income i.e. our salaries. We tell ourselves that when the markets are down, that’s alright because we’ll simply invest more at lower prices.
However, lower prices don’t necessarily mean better value if estimates are cut, but all other things being equal, we like to trick ourselves into believing we’re getting a better deal all the same.
To understand reward, we must first understand risk. Since 1929, the median bear market price decline is 33.51%, while the average bear market price decline is 35.43% since 1929.
Therefore, it’s reasonable to assume that the next bear market could also bring equity valuations down by 35% over an 8 – 10 month period.
Let me share a quantifiable way to measure how much equity exposure you should have based on your risk tolerance.
I’m calling it the Financial Samurai Equity Exposure Rule or Financial SEER. It’s an appropriate acronym because seer means a person who is supposed to be able, through supernatural insight, to see what the future holds.
How To Quantify Your Risk Tolerance
Most people just regularly invest in stocks over time through dollar cost averaging. They have little concept of whether the amount of stocks they have as part of their portfolio or their net worth is risk appropriate.
Hence, to quantify your risk tolerance based on your existing portfolio, use the following formula:
(Public Investment Portfolio Amount X 35%) / Monthly Gross Income.
For example, let’s say you have a $500,000 public investment portfolio and make $10,000 a month. To quantify your risk tolerance, the formula is: $500,000 X 35% = $175,000 / $10,000 = 17.5.
This formula tells you that you will need to work an 17.5 ADDITIONAL months of your life to earn a GROSS income equal to how much you lost in a -35% bear market. After taxes, you’re really only making around $8,000 a month, so you will actually have to work closer to 22 more months and contribute 100% of your after-tax income to be whole.
But it gets worse. Given you need to pay for basic living expenses, you need to work even longer than 22 months. Good thing stocks tend to rebound after an average bear market duration of 10 months, if you can hold on.
Given everybody has a different tax rate, I’ve simplified the formula using a gross monthly income figure instead of a net monthly income figure. Feel free to adjust the Risk Tolerance Multiple based on your personal income tax situation.
Quantifying risk tolerance by calculating working months is the best way to go because time is money. The more you value your time, the more you hate your job, and the less you desire to work, the lower your risk tolerance.
The classic scenario is a 68-year-old retiree with a $1,000,000 portfolio living off $20,000 a year in Social Security and $20,000 in dividend income from his portfolio.
If his portfolio loses 30% of its value, it is almost impossible to recover the lost $300,000 on his $20,000 a year fixed income. His dividend income may be likely be cut as well as companies hold onto their cash for survival. The only thing this retiree can do is pray the market eventually goes up while cutting spending.
How To Determine Appropriate Equity Exposure
After you have quantified your risk tolerance by assigning a Risk Tolerance Multiple = the number of months you need to work to make up for your potential bear market loss, take a look at this guide below.
My guide will not only give you an idea of what your Risk Tolerance Multiple is, but it will also give you an idea of what your maximum equity exposure should be based on your risk tolerance. Solutions!
My advice to all investors is to not risk more than 18 months worth of gross salary on your equity investments using an assumed 35% average bear market decline in your public investment portfolio.
In other words, if you make $10,000 a month, the most you should risk is a $180,000 loss on a $514,285 pure equity portfolio.
The Max Equity Exposure formula =  (Your Monthly Salary X 18) / 35%.
You can certainly have a larger overall public investment portfolio than $514,285 in this example, but I wouldn’t risk much more than $514,285 in equities only if you have only a $10,000 a month gross salary.
You can have $514,285 max in equities plus $250,000 in AAA-rated municipal bonds if you wish, for a reasonable 67%/33% equities fixed income split. Your total portfolio size would therefore be $764,285.
Adjust The Assumptions As You See Fit
If you think the next bear market will only decline by 25%, feel free to use 25% in the Max Equity Exposure formula. In the above example, the result would be ($10,000 X 18) / 25% = $720,000 of maximum equity exposure for someone making $120,000 a year.
If you just got promoted and plan to see 20% YoY earnings growth for the next five years, you could use your current monthly salary and a higher Risk Tolerance Multiple to determine your equity exposure. For example, let’s say you currently make $10,000 a month, but expect to make $20,000 a month in five years, You also think stocks will go down by 25% at most. The calculation would therefore be: ($10,000 X 36) / 25% = $1,440,000 as your target or maximum equity exposure.
If you decide to live like a hermit in a low cost town in the middle of nowhere, you could increase your Risk Tolerance Multiple to 36. But you’ve got to question your money priorities for trying to make a bigger return only to never spend your rewards.
Remember, whatever your Risk Tolerance Multiple is, you will have to increase it by 1.2 – 3X to truly calculate how many more years you will need to work to recover from your bear market losses due to taxes and general living expenses.
It is a judgment call regarding how much equity risk you should take. If you’ve quadrupled your net worth after a 9-year bull market, it’s probably wise to lower your risk exposure multiple. Conversely, after a 30%+ correction in equities, it’s probably wise to increase your risk exposure multiple.
The closer you get to retirement, the lower your multiple should be as well. Nobody wants to get close to the financially free finish line only to break a leg and get carted off in an ambulance.
Be A Rational Investor With Financial SEER
The valuation of everything is dependent on current and future earnings. It takes time and energy to create those earnings from your job or your business. If you are seriously burning out, please dial down risk and give yourself some time to heal.
For the average person in a normal economic cycle, a gross Risk Tolerance Multiple of 18 is my recommendation. Most people have the fortitude to waste up to around 2-3 years of their lives to gain back what they’ve lost from a bear market. But after three years of digging out of a hole, things start to feel hopeless as the average person starts giving up.
Remember, things could always be worse! Not only could your stock investments lose more than 35%, you could lose all your home equity due to leverage, your business, your job, and your spouse as well. Please invest rationally and responsibly.
I hope the Financial Samurai Equity Exposure Rule (SEER) has helped you take the subjective term of risk tolerance, and shaped into something quantifiable. You now have a concrete way of determining your equity exposure and risk tolerance.
Financial SEER formulas:
Risk Tolerance = (Public Investment Portfolio Amount X Expected Percentage Decline) / Monthly Gross Income
Maximum Equity Exposure = (Your Monthly Salary X Risk Tolerance Multiple) / Expected Percentage Decline
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Readers, how do you quantify risk tolerance? How many months are you willing to work to make up for potential losses in your portfolio? Is your equity exposure appropriate for your risk tolerance? What is your Risk Tolerance Multiple? 
The post Financial SEER: A Way To Quantify Risk Tolerance And Determine Appropriate Equity Exposure appeared first on Financial Samurai.
Financial SEER: A Way To Quantify Risk Tolerance And Determine Appropriate Equity Exposure published first on https://worldwideinvestforum.tumblr.com/
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"Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
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What does full coverage auto insurance include?
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Who is the head of the Texas Department of Insurance?
I need to know who the head of the Texas Department of Insurance, whether he/she is elected by the public or appointed and if he/she is a republican or a democrat. General Contact information would also help.""
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How can I change my insurance plan in Covered California?
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Changing Insurance Carriers (auto)??
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Can you remove yourself from your parents' health insurance voluntarily?
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I'm planning on financing a car. (May be a Kia Forte, Hyndai accent, or something simmilar). Right now I just have liability insurance and want to know what type of insurance I have to have legally to drive a new financed car. All advice are appreciated. Thanks.""
How much is car insurance?
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Hi what is the best 600cc sports bike for an 18 year old bearing in mind the insurance?
I need some help with choosing my first 600cc bike at the moment i ride a skygo 125cc (yes chinese lol) but i turn 18 in a couple of weeks and am looking to buy my first big bike. iv had a look at the cbr 600 but not to keen on the shape to be honest and dont really like the shape of the r6 so im looking at the kawasaki ninja / suzuki gsxr 600 and 750. any ideas would really help insurance would play a big part for me to so i need the cheapest really and what price would i be looking at ? if anyone has any other bikes to suggest i would apreciate that aswell ?
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
How much would a car payment be and insurance?
I know this is very broad but that is what Im' looking for...a ballpark estimate. I'm 20 years old been driving for 3 years with no accidents and no tickets. I have no credit and no one to cosign. Looking into a 2006 honda civic for about $18,000 or whatever car for about $18,000. How much would payments and insurance be I make about $1,500 each month with no bills to pay.""
How can i get cheaper car insurance?
I have 2 years no claims bonus and im 19 and only drive a little 1.4 honda civic, but my insurance premium this year is apparantly going to be 900 (cheapest quote) is there any way of lowering this utterly rediculous price? I thought that after a couple of years driving the price was supposed to go down significantly well this is not the case.""
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Will my insurance rate go up even though I paid off my parking ticket before court?
I'm 20 years old and I live in Houston,TX and I got pulled over in a town outside Houston called Pearland. I went thirteen miles over 30 and got ticketed by the police officer of the town. Now here in Texas, before you go to the DMV to get a license you have to take a 6 hour driving class which was made into a law dating back to 2010. This is my first speeding ticket I got since I first got my driver's license almost a year ago. If I go to the courthouse and admit that it was my fault for speeding and pay the fine before my court date arrives, will my insurance rate still go up? (Please don't leave negative feedbacks. I'm just trying to get some honest answers)""
Car insurance claim farce?
my son narrowly avoided an accident when a driver braked very suddenly they missed a junction, although he swerved to avoid hitting the car he hit a barrier at the edge of the road. a truck behind him then hit him and the insurance company says its my sons fault and are going to repair the truck under his insurance. In my opinion the truck should have been travelling at a safe distance to stop. I know my son did not stop safely either but now i have the opinion he should have just hit the first car and claimed the same way the truck is !! has any body got experience with this and do you think i should fight the claim? his insurance is already 1800, i don't want to see it go up!""
Is car insurance more expensive in Florida or Oklahoma?
I moved from Ohio to Oklahoma and my car insurance rates went way up. Now I'm moving to Florida. I was just curious how Florida rates and if my insurance will be more or less expensive there? Thank you!
""I need help with insurance for my car, can anyone help?
if i get insurance under my dads name but without me on the policy and i get a speeding ticket( lets just say i did) the cop asks for proof of insurance does it matter that i am not on it. i think it will not as long as i have insurance on the car im driving right and i have a drivers licence. please help im from tx
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
Could switching to Geico really save you 15% or more on car insurance?
""Car Insurance in GA, if it is expired?""
i dont know if this is the right category, but my insurance expired and i drove the car not knowing, and i just went to my insurance provider and they said i will be fined? what type of fine and does it add points to my license? any additional information to it that i dont know? it is in Georgia.""
How much should car insurance pay for breaking your back in accident?
boyfriend got ina car crash. he was in the back seast. driver didnt see stop sign and tboned anothe car. he has a fractured lombar 2 and wont be able to work for a while now... how much should the liability pay? they only want to pay about 3 thousand or so..
Does anyone know where you can buy individual medical insurance? Epileptic reasons!?
Insurance expired.
What are the cost of car insurance?
I'm a 17 yr old female, just recently got my g2, i live in ontario canada and was wondering what my insurance cost would be per year. i will be registering as a secondary driver, and there are currently 2 cars, and will be getting a third one, for me. i have talked to friends and found out that they pay about 200 bucks a year and depends on my parents driving records. Is it possible to pay just 200 dollars a year as a secondary driver?""
I desperately need auto insurance. i got my license like 6 months ago and i need cheap insurance?
as u guys probably kno, insurance for teens is ridiculously high!!.. the cheapest i got it was liek 215 a month.. but thats like.. no coverage. do any of u kno a good company or a good alternative way to legally have insurance which is not necessarily a monthly payment? (my friend told me about insuring mye license but im not too clear on how that works)""
I got two no proof of insurance tickets?
I got two and Have court for one on the 26th of Sep and the other on the 29th two different vehicles what will happen also when I got my second ticket I got it for speeding... What can I do I have proof of insurance but it is on a different vehicle is there any way I can say I was on my way to changing my insurance to the car I was driving.. I LIVE IN CALIFORNIA IM 19 years old PLEASE HELP ME IM TURNING 20 on the 28th of August
About car insurance a few questions please answer all thanks?
If my aunt was a Co signer on my car but it's under both of our names does her name have to be put on the insurance ? And can I get insurance with my mom's under her policy ? In other works if I'm a partial owner of the car does her name and my name both have to be on the insurance or even any of our names have to be on the insurance?
Car Insurance companies?
I have car insurance on my 2010 ford focus. When i signed up with them they never asked me about my title. it does have a salvage title but they never asked me if it had one or not. I have been insured with them for approximately almost 2 years with A+ plus driving history. I had some small damage that has been done to my car by a citizen of whom I have no idea but that scratch the sides of my vehicle with I guess the key or some type of odd objects. I put a claim in to have my car to be looked at and to have them to pay me the value of what my vehicle was worth. I've been paying full coverage since the day I started with them. when I put the claim in is when they discovered that it had a salvage title. Theey did send me a check for the amount of damages. this is an out of state check so its not able to be cash immediately. I have two questions I would like to ask. 1. are they able to put a stop on this check. 2. the retention department has been calling me what is the retention
How does auto insurance work in at fault collision?
Hello, I am curious as to how my auto insurance policy would cover body damage to my car. I have comprehensive/collision coverage, as it is only a few years old and still owed by the bank. I accidentally ran into the side of my garage, and the front right side and bumper have scratches/dents in it. The nearest body shop quotes average in the 1800 dollar range for repairs, which I don't have. Can I have my insurance cover this, with a 500 dollar deductible, and if so, will it affect my insurance rates? My insurer is California State Automobile Association. Thanks.""
What happens when the car has insurance but the driver isn't in the insurance and hits another car?
Will the insurance still pay? It seems as they do not want to.
Anyone have a cheap insurance for a young driver?
I am 23 and I got my license dec 2013 Clean driving record so far I own a hyundai accent 2005 Anyone has a cheap or affordable insurance and is young too? I am in California. Orange County to be specific.
How much would my insurance be for a mustang 1994 & 17 yr old.?
Would i have to get my own insurance or have my parents put my car on there insurance since its gonna be in there name b/c i only have a permit
Why is my car insurance quotes so high?
Hello, I'm 17 years old and have just pasted my ful uk license and am looking for a car and insurance. The car i want is a vaxuhuall corsa 1.0 litre 3door. My friend has a 1.1 litre and his insurance is 1,200 with his dad on it. But when i look with exactly the same details (locked garage, mileage, etc) with my dad on it (i also entered my friends post code to see if there is a difference) but the cheapest quote has been 4400. Help?""
Young drivers car insurance?
Okay i know this has probably been asked alot but here here it is, im 19 and passed my test last month, ive been searching round on some sites but cant find anything for under 5000. Does anybody know what car is cheapest and through which insurer?""
How long with a car accident affect your insurance rates in California?
I was found at fault for two accidents (damage >$750) a couple years ago and also got ticketed for turning right on a red at a no right on red light. I just spoke with my car insurance company and was told that the accidents will remain on my record for 5 years. Is that true? I looked up the DMV code for California and it looks like the accidents are reportable for only 3 years (no one was hurt, no felony or criminal charges - these were small fender benders). Is the reporting time really 5 years?""
What will happen if i dont pay my car insurance this month?
I am a student and find it financially. I recently had to get my car repaired so I now do not have enough money to pay my insurance this month (192.10) I was thinking of asking if I can skip this month and request double payment this month? What are the consquences of not paying the insurance for a month. My friend believes it can damage the policy and they may ask for the full ammount? Im with quinn direct
MA Health Insurance for young married couple?
I will be married in a year, and probably lose my health insurance at 24. My fiance is coming but neither of us have full time jobs yet. What are our options for health insurance, that are affordable? Assuming neither of us have full time jobs yet. Thanks! : )""
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Car Insurance / Accident Question?
So both cars are backing out of the parking lot (two sided type in a shopping center) and neither one saw each other and bumped rear ends of each car. We both pretty much made the same mistake, how does insurance usually take care of this?""
What old car is cheap to insure for 19 year old?
Hi, I would just like to know what old car is cheap to insure foe a 19 year old male. I have a 1993 vauxhal astra 1.4 GL and insurance for me on this car is over 1500. So if anyone knows of an old car that is cheap to insure for a 19 year old male then please let me know! Thank you!""
How much would it cost to insure these cars?
How much a year would it cost to insure a: 57 reg Renault Clio 1.1L and a 57 reg Vauxhall Corsa 1.1L I'm 18, female live off the main road and the car would be kept on a driveway, i live in a quiet little village in Derbyshire, the insurance groups for both are group 1. It will be used to drive to and from college each day so around 20 miles a day, no enhancements on the car, cars have done 17,000 miles, i have had my license for 1 month. Thanks.""
Car insurance?
i am a first time driver, can anyone advise me on who is best for car insurance?""
How much home insurance should I get?
I just bought a house for about $180,000. I am looking for homeowners' insurance, but I am confused as to how much I should get. Should I insure for just the replacement cost of rebuilding the structure, or for the % of the mortgage I am financing. I got 3 different quotes, and they were for $396, $502, and $858. The lowest one was for $396 b/c it was with my car insurance company, but they will only insure the cost of rebuilding the structure, which they estimate as $110,000 (the house is small and in a decent neighborhood.) The second company wanted to insure me for that, but I got them to quote me on $140,000. That amount, when you add in the 25% overflow they allow you, meets the 90% of the mortgage amount I am financing. The 1st company would not do that for me. The 3rd quote was for $140,000, and was with the people w/whom I have had renter's insurance for 12 years. The only difference was that there was not a wind damage deductible of 2% on the 3rd quote. My loan officer says to just get enough insurance to rebuild the structure. How much insurance should I get?""
I'm thinking about changing car insurance. Does Geico provide good customer service?
Their quote to me was amazingly cheap and that makes me a little nervous. You get what you pay for is what I have always heard. Anyone had their insurance through Geico? Good or bad experiences, please.""
I need a Dentist......I have no insurance....what should I do?
I haven't visited a dentist in years, but I really need to have a check-up. I have no insurance, What can I do? Where can I go?""
My car insurance wants to void policy?
I have a ford fester 3 doors that is insured with more than. My dad has a stroke and was getting worse as my mum or dad cannot drive I got a Peugeot 206 with 5 doors so that it would be easier for my mum and dad to get in and out of the car when taking them shopping, I also use the car when my partner is using my ford fester. My son (NAME DRIVER) uses my Peugeot 206 to go to and from college this is 3 days a week. Out of 7 days a week my son uses my Peugeot 3 days to do to college they are the only days he uses it. I use it the rest of the week. My son had a crash on the 30/09/2010 on the way home from college. The crash was not his thought as the car had just pulled out on him when the other car should have stopped. The car that crashed into his span the car around and smashed into the side of him, where the car has impacted him side (DRIVERS SIDE) the seat belt locked so my son had to climb out on the seat belt and get out the passenger side as the drivers door was smashed him. We have a witness and CCTV of what happened. When we called the insurance company (MORE THAN) they asked what happened and my son told them. They then said they will be in touch. That night we had to go to hospital as he is really has back, neck and wrist pains. It has not been 27 days since the crash and since then we have found out that we have been investigated for fraud has they are saying we lied about the amount of car in our house hold. My partner has 1 work van, 1 car that is on a classic insurance, and then I have 2 cars. When taking out the new insurance policy for my Peugeot I only said I have 1 car and that was the ford fester which I did, however is I was doing a new policy for me in my name I didt know I had tell them about other cars that my partner has. Now they are saying the under writer have sent u a letter saying if you pat 550 we will add the other card onto the policy and also change the name over to your sons name and u can say he is the main user. HE ANY THE MAIN USER 3 DAYS A WEEK HE USES IT THEN I USE IT THE REST. So they are kinds of bribing me? I own the car and brought it with my money and on the car registration document it says my name So if I say ok I will pay u the 550 the car does not belong to my son Cox it dont say his name of it.""
If you sell your car / do you need to keep any insurance for your DL ?
if you move to NYC and sell your car / parking too expensive. do you need to keep some type of car insurance for your driving license ? you might occaisionally need to drive someone else or might rent a rental car when you travel ?
Does car insurance in america cost less than the uk? Is it the car thats insured for any driver?
Is the car insured for any driver or do you have to insure the driver for the car. eg. would it cost a 20yr old the same as a 50 yr old to insure a car regardless of the car?
HomeOwners Insurance?
Roughly, how much does Homeowners insurance cost a year for a 2 Bed/1.5 Bath condo in Gainesville, FL?""
Health Insurance and Lost Wages?
I'm going into surgery for my meniscus being torn during a skiing accident. However, I am a waitress and will not be able to work for at least 2 months. My employer has told me that I will have my job when I return, however I seem to be at a loss as to what I can do to try to recover lost wages.""
Service Charges for Auto Insurance?
I'm getting quoted for auto insurance, one of the quotes has +service charge , but other cars from the same insurance provider don't have this. Why would auto insurance have a service charge? Is this a normal thing? And if so how much is it normaly? I'm assuming its a % of the quote... Thanks.""
How expensive is it likely to be for a 17 year old to get caravan insurance?
I have obtained my licence e.t.c for caravan towing and was wandering if you knew how much it would cost me to get insured on a caravan?
Does anyone know where you can buy individual medical insurance? Epileptic reasons!?
Insurance expired.
I want to go to school to learn about car insurance.?
How do I find courses or schooling that can teach me about car insurance
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
Who has the cheapest car insurance in maryland?
How much does insurance pay on total loss if owner owes more than its worth?
If a car is worth appoximately 30,000 and the owner owes 40,000 what will the insurance company pay the owner? I hope it is 30,000....""
How much is it for a girls car insurance?
I'm in grade eight and we have to do this project and for one of the questions I need to know how much my car insurance would be, I'm a girl as I said and I live in Ontario, Canada. Anyone know?""
If someone is unemployed how do they get health insurance?
I'm trying to understand this Obamacare. What if a person is unemployed and has no income. How are they suppose to get health insurance? How are they gonna fine someone if they have no job. I know one of my friends rather pay the fine cause its cheaper then having health insurance, but what if a person has no job. I really am curious.""
Can drivers of the same car have different insurance companies/policies?
I just got my license in December and I'm driving my mom's car but I need car insurance under my name. We all know how expensive that is, especially for a teenage/new driver. So IF I were to find a different and cheap insurance company, can I cover her car under my name? My mom has Safeway Insurance, if that helps.""
Best place for cheap car insurance?
where is the best and cheapest place for me to get car insurance at 17 years of age.....thanks to all that help.....car will be a vauxhaul corsa 1.0
Roughly how much is motorbike(moped) insurance for a 16 year old UK?
I'm 14 and im gonna start saving up to get a motorbike Im hopefully gonna talk my dad into paying for the CBT and splitting the cost of the bike, ill pay for the Provisional and insurance. So roughly how much is insurance per month for a 16 year old on a 50cc as a first time rider""
How much does a million dollar insurance policy cost?
I was intersted in buying a million dollar insurance policy. How much would that cost me? I make about 65 thounsand a yr. Any ideas/
Can insurance change term suddenly without tell me?
Can health insurance stop cover my medicine suddenly? I have used this medicine for 6 months and now I refill it,( I have 12 months refill) my phymesist told me that the health insurance changed code and stoped cover it. Can insurance do that suddenly? What can i do to fight with them? thanks.""
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Insurance In California?
What's the insurance law thing in California? Someone told me that anyone who has a license and drives a car MUST have insurance. Do you HAVE to have insurance to drive in CA? Another thing is that my parents were telling that it's expensive to put my name under their policy especially because I'm a newly licensed driver, meaning I don't have a lot of driving experience yet. Is this true?""
Home and contents insurance application form?
i need one of these for my commerce assignment where can i get one from.
Car insurance quote help?
i'm getting a quote for a vw polo and when it comes to asking how long you've held your licence for does it mean how long i've had my full licence for or how long i've held a licence since my provisional
American express auto insurance?
I understand that the auto insurance for rentals via credit cards are secondary coverage. what does this mean? Suppose I dont have any other insurance coverage. does the credit card insurance become primary coverage by default?
What would it cost to add someone who has a drink drive conviction to my car insurance for a couple of weeks?
It would be third party fire & theft; the same as me.
Insurance after a crash motorbike!?
My Son has a motorbike crash last month. The police managed to look at CCTV footage and tell me the crash was not his fault. It was the fault of the motorbike in front that swerved in front of him. Anyway my sons bike was insures 3rd Party With no legal cover The bike was so badly damaged it was going to cost over 2k for me to fix it up but 4k to get it looking new. The bike was brand new 4 months ago. I had nowhere to store it so let the garage keep it for 600 My question is as he was only 3rd party where does the claim lie. The insurance company tells me I have no legal cover and they do not seem to be advising me of what to do. Ive heard nothing from them The bike has 4k outstanding on it as a family member loaned my son the cash, which he still has to pay back. What can I do to get some of the cash back for the bike?""
""Alaska is the worst state for women, does anyone care what the worst state for men is?""
http://shine.yahoo.com/healthy-living/is-alaska-the-worst-state-in-the-nation-for-women--202627073.html As for crime and imprisonment, the number of women going to prison in Alaska is growing: In 2007, women made up 6.5 percent of Alaskas prison population, but that number had jumped to nearly 11 percent in 2011. Alaskan women are slightly more likely to have health coverage than Alaskan men, but the coverage for Alaskan women is still below the national average, with 21 percent going without (compared to the national rate of 20). -So that means the male prison population in 2007 was at 94.5% and it went down to 89% in 2011. We can't have that! All we care about is the female prison population growing and how we have to stop it. We need more males in prison to get us back to 94.5 percent. And while more Alaskan women have health insurance than Alaskan men, they're just below the national average with 21% of women going without insurance. Who cares that more Alaskan women have health insurance than Alaskan men? We're only concerned about women here, and we have to lower the number of women who go without health insurance. forget about the men. And women in Alaska, make only 67 cents for every dollar a man makes. -Not too surprising since Alaska is mostly an industrial state with lots of mining, logging, fishing and other male dominated industrial jobs that women typically shy away from. As far as homelessness is concerned, only 25 percent of single people in shelters were female in 2012but, for adults in shelters considered part of a family, 62 percent were women with children. -Who cares that 75% of single people in shelter were men in 2012! The suicide rate among Alaskan women is rising. -I'm sure the suicide rate among Alaskan men is even higher, but again we don't care about the men. So why the raw deal for women in this state? It may have something to do with the ratio of men to women there, which was noted in the state report as being higher in Alaska than in any other state, with 108.5 males to every 100 females. Nationally, there are 96.7 men to every 100 women. -So because there are more men than women in Alaska, that's why women are suffering!?!""
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Whats the minimum car insurance required in california?
Any place in CA that has cheap health insurance?
Please this is important. I need to know if any company sells cheap health insurance under $100 because my insurance got canceled because I'm not a full time student in college. I tried to apply right away but classes filled up really fast. And plus my ID expired and I was gonna get my drivers license before this all happened and I don't wanna pay $30 for both an ID and drivers license. My parents are gonna force me to get Tri Care insurance ($200 a month) if I don't find a cheaper company right away. And I don't wanna pay that much. Please help me, I'm so stressed out I'm having thoughts of suicide! I wish this never happened but I didn't know about this insurance thing/policy about full time classes until now. I'm so... stressed. Please help me out! Plus if you tell me about the company what do you have to lose? In fact it's helping you out! Thanks.""
Where can i get good life insurance with heart disease 3 years ago?
I had open heart surgery in 2006 and I need some affordable life insurance.
Is it legal for some1 with an International driver license to drive an insured car in California?
The car is mine and the car is insured under my name only. Will my cousin get in trouble if she drives my insured car even though her name is not included in the auto insurance policy? Or will it be okay?
Do Police Officers have to pay for their police car & insurance?
Im wondering if police officers have to pay for the police car they use, and if they have to pay for the insurance, or is it covered by the police department? and do they receive gas money or you have to pay for it out of your own pocket?""
Whats the price for transfering insurance?
Wanted to switch my insurance from my truck thats not running to one that is
Can anyone recommend a life insurance company that will insure a person deploying to a warzone (Afghanistan)?
I am a private contractor that would like additional life insurance above what my company offers. Thank you.
Are you required to pay car insurance even if you're not driving?
I'm 17 about to turn 18, I have my level 2 license and live in michigan, I have insurance with AAA and they said I have to pay car insurance even if I'm not driving, I'm trying to save for a car and don't want to pay for something every month that I don't need. So if I'm not driving and don't own a car do I have to pay or is the insurance company just wanting my money?""
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What is the best car insurance company for a graduate student?
What's a good car insurance but cheap car insurance?
or how about the cheapest one!!!lol I'm turning 18 so I'm aware that car insurance for people under 21 are really high, any suggestions? thank you!!!""
would it be more expensive for car insurance for a brand new car or a used car.
Affordable health insurance?
Whats a good site for getting lots of quotes at once? thanks
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What is the average cost of motorcycle insurance in illinois for a 21 year old?
What cars typically have the lowest insurance rates?
I am looking into getting a new car, but am on a limited budget. I only work part time since I am still in school, so low insurance rates are as important as a good deal on the car.""
Now i know i need insurance?
but know what kind of insurance would i need because these are only 14 ft jhon boats
How much does car Liability insurance cost for you?
how much does car Liability insurance cost for you I was wondering how much does it cost i know every body has a diffent one but what is yours so i have a estimate thank you
How much does it cost annually to live in california?
Me and my two friends want to move to sacramento,california and i wanted to know how much it is annually I don't mean where we go out and party every night im talking food, rent, utilites, internet, gas, car insuranse and anything else you can think of that is a need(internet is for us gamers) any help would be great if you can't think with all of this cause the car insuranse depends on the car and that but what ever guess or average you would guess for there.""
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
What car ins is the cheapest? in california...?
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
Valencia California Cheap car insurance quotes zip 91385
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