#im pretty sure i'm at like 70 now.
amongxthexcrowd · 2 years
{ooc} me: I have lots of muses on here and no computer and no time. I need to go through things. also me: but like, I could also just add all these other muses on to here. <.<
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beeseverywhen · 1 year
Earlier I wanted to eat something that was may contain soy and I didn't want to wait. But I was highly suspicious of it not containing soy in the first place (had chocolate on it. Chocolate always has soy) and I had no epi pen with me. So I ate it in the supermarket rationalising that there was a pharmacy next door and they'd have one should I begin to die in the supermarket. Anyway it was fine. No soy in the ice cream. However when I walked past the pharmacy it was closed and like. Had a big metal shutter on it and I felt a bit like when you don't see a car coming till its too late but they do see you and stop just in time
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starfiring · 1 year
a lot of people think that the length of louis' hair changes over the course of the show, but im pretty sure it's supposed to be the same length. the important thing to remember with textured hair is that it can look many different lengths depending on how it's styled.
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here's two pictures of louis as a human. you can clearly see that his hair is quite loose texturally speaking, probably straightened or maybe relaxed (edit, @killejoie linked a podcast in the notes confirming it was relaxed in a period accurate style known as a conk. this is a temporary relaxer and the hair would return back to its natural texture when it wore off, compared to modern chemical relaxers that are permanent), and then slicked into loose waves. You can especially see the length in the church scene where it falls over his forehead and almost into his eyes at some points.
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by episodes 5 and 6, he's styling his hair in much tighter waves than in episode 1, but it's still the same length. i'm pretty sure ep.5 is supposed to be the same hairstyle as the one from ep 6, just more neglected, but not completely. maybe he tries occasionally to do his hair, but he's largely given up. anyways, clearly the same length.
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from the season 2 trailer, we have louis IM ASSUMING both in the 1940's. in the second picture, his hair is either straightened or gelled down, maybe both, but with no discernible texture like before. it's hard to tell from the very brief trailer, but if you compare these two hairstyles to other examples, it's not impossible that the length is still the same.
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now, here we have 70's louis. his hair is picked out in an afro style, but the general length and cut are still consistent.
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finally, we have present day louis, who has finger coils (thanks again @killejoie, i originally thought it could be baby locs but wasn't sure. honestly finger coils make a lot more sense). love that for him. again, if you compare this to his past hair. it still looks the same to me.
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sycamorality · 2 months
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@ceruleanstarbreak okay SO
making this a post bc i love yelling about scavengers.
quick note bc im not sure where else i'd put it: eyes are either really dark, really light, bordering on white or a solid inbetween vibrant color, at least from all the scavengers i've seen and can remember.
the most common colors are grays, whites, blacks, browns and oranges - colors you'd usually see in animals irl like cats or dogs. the rarest are yellow (actual yellow and not an orange that looks yellow) and cyan. accent colors (this is just a term i use - but i use it to refer to the color that sometimes appears on frills/spines and as eartler deco, and on occasion the belly) of these two are much more common than body/head.
i have a folder of the first 11k scavengers (+ a few extra above 11k if they had colors like blue/etc so the numbers are a Little inaccurate but i think they work just fine), and the color commonality (is that a word?) goes as follows: orange - 142* pink - 100* blue - 70 red - 42* ** green - 33 purple - 32 yellow - 0 cyan - 0 *there may be more/less, this is my own view on colors. **there might be more, i'm not sure if i organized all of them yet, i wouldn't be surprised
not counting gray/brown/etc because those are extremely common
all scavengers have heads that are darker than their body, however, there is something called bodyblack that makes the body darker, and sometimes this causes the head to be lighter than the body, because techncially the head is still lighter than the body. 973 is a VERY good example of this!
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scavengers also have arm blend - it is always the head color, but can sometimes look like it isn't because the blend doesn't go all the way. (their legs and tail never have a gradient) and we can't forget eartler deco! to my knowledge (i don't exactly know everything about scavenger code but i do know at least a decent bit from observing a whole bunch), eartler deco can be the same color as the eyes, or be a completely different color. eartler deco color can also be used for spine blend (which means the spine blend can also match the eyes or not), even if the eartler deco isn't visible on the scavenger. 6194, 7491 and 4572 are good examples of this!
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their head color tends to not stray too far from their body, but sometimes, they do stray pretty far from it! i've noticed some combos are much more common together while others just don't exist at all (to my knowledge of course - i don't know every scavenger but i've seen a whole bunch of them). here's some examples!
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whole bunch of interesting combos, yeah? the ones that are more wild like the last three are usually much rarer than the ones you see reoccuring (like the pink/orange + blue and pink/orange + green). sometimes the belly can also get an unusual color (and i'm not exactly sure how that works, it tends to seem like it has a color of its own and tends to be lighter than the body, and on occasion seemingly match the head but not exactly).
now i can really mostly only comment on 0 through 11k, but other combos i've seen (listed [body color] + [head color]) are:
white/gray + green
white + pretty much any* color
cream + pretty much any* color
yelloworange + purple or blue
red or orange + dark brown
gray + purple or blue (most commonly, but any* color is possible)
any pale color + its brighter/more vibrant variant (like pale purple + bright purple)
...and probably more, but they usually tend to match together well, unlike mr no scavnificant harassment (51620372) over here.
now, usually scavenger frills are rather. well, normal looking, and sometimes they just get SUPER frilly, but other times... they can get a little weird!
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these are the best examples i have on hand right now, but i think they suffice well enough. 3222 looks like a hunchback, and 1646 has frills that do quite literally float off its body, as does 8804 (while also just having an interesting shape to them). of course there's also the frill colors that can theoretically be practically anything, and those also get wild pretty often
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now these aren't the wildest i know of, but they're the ones i have images on hand of.
the rest i can't really comment on at length is the eartlers, 'teeth' (weird little shapes by their mouth) and head shape. sometimes eartlers are really thick and tall, really thin and small, or somewhere inbetween. sometimes scavengers have eartlers on the bottom of their face and sometimes they don't. sometimes two points on the eartlers visually 'merge' together, which is mostly visible if a scavenger has eartler deco, because it still applies to the separate points.
that should be all! unless i forgot something... in that case, oops, my shitty memory strikes again.
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askuemki · 5 months
@vivgst new thread <3 (I have the cut so it won't be a pain to scroll lol)
I've never watched Death Note, but I guess Ill just say L is my favorite since we share a name (technically) Honestly? my answer is simple w/ what animal Id be Almost ANY cat (not the flatfaced or folded ear ones though they can have some bad health issues :( ) Like if you're a domestic cat, you have the stuff to survive both in the wild, or in someone's house. You have super scenes of smell, night vision, claws, sharp teeth, AND probably enough smarts to not get eaten by dogs or smth. On the other hand with humans, at least 70% of the population would adore you, and maybe even take you in to pamper you. It would be very easy to get them to do your bidding since you'd be just some animal, and perhaps put above your caretaker's needs. Pets? Affection? Just act all adorable and stuff and they'll give it to you, cling on to them and they'll say they're your human now. On the other hand (or paw) there's the wild cats!! Still very cute. Still very cool. Now your defenses are upped by a ton, and people still find you cute. Though with how shitty environmental conditions are, and with the bigger cats slowly going to extinction :( , I may or may not just stick to domestic cats But hypothetically.. It would be neat to be either a snow leopard, tiger, or a jaguar. I love snow leopards for their big fluffy tails, and it would be cool to be able to roam through snow and stuff, but that seems to get a little boring from time to time. Love tigers for their stripes, I don't think they can roar..?? But that doesn't change anything. Think Tigers and Jaguars are both pretty efficient in survival, but I'd pick Jaguar just for their athletics and HUGE bite force (least from my 1st search). Or maybe, maybe not because there's an outfit/skin or two of Valeria's that are based on jaguars.. (or leopards, but ill go w/ jaguars) im obsessed w/ this woman man hdwhadwjadawnk OH ALSO ON THE TOPIC OF BIRDS??? AS FUN AS IT WOULD BE TO BE A MALE BIRD AND SHAKE YOUR COLORFUL BUM AROUND, THERE WAS A WHOLE ASS WAR W/ EMUS AND AUSTRALIA Honestly who wouldn't wanna be a relative of a dinosaur, but smaller and just as fucking scary Also for vacation.... I don't like going on vacation. I just like being in my sad little room, on the internet or drawing my ass off But, Id love to visit Japan and see their Ghibli Studio museum, it's so cool... Or even just go to a few hotels or smth here and there, I love their stellar technology, I love how everything is so cute or neat there, oh and I especially LOVE the social rules there, I'm a goody-two-shoes at heart and perfectly agree with being "nice"... Like yeah sure I may not like you or the opposite, but at least we can co-exist without biting our heads off (unlike the fucking us) and japan seems open to their culture being explored by others, so I'd totally love to (respectfully) participate in some traditions here and there OR I could visit Europe. Like not even a specific country? Just Europe. Cuz the US is like really fucking big, and a country like France is apparently as big as Texas. And it would be cool to take a week trip just exploring cultures and stuff (well everything except food, I'm a terrible picky eater ugh) Vacation in the US scares me tho, I'm fine where I'm at rn Maybe id be a little open to going to canada.. but bc of how they're treating the Palestine genoside rn maybe like later in life if they redeem themselves, but like the us? Fuck them too I think crocodiles r cute, but I wouldn't wanna go near one :3 Most of my relatives are either in the Philippines or Maryland, I barely know abt them now Never thought I'd be the one to be the gay cousin, ngl
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The tusken massacre controversial take (both sides)
tw: mentions of rape, torture & racism
People WILL probably block me for this but IDC because I went up ahead and read up on the tuskens on the official Wiki and while I definitely DO see how it could be interpreted as racism (I genuinely believe Lucas Did Not mean for it to be read as such) . But. BUT.
I'm not saying the murder of the tuskens was "justified" but it was definitely a much. much. more complicated situation than people make it out to be. It is CANON that Tuskens are mistrustful to the point of Xenophobia of the other settlers on the planet, settlers who by this point have been there for generations. So the argument has to be made that their culture and traditions would NOT change overnight if at all. And therefore Anakin was right about one thing, (and I am willing to die on this hill.) the tusken children Would have grown up to be the same torturers and killers (possibly rapists, there were very few reasons for them to keep Shmi alive and none of them good)
Now, am I saying that killing children for something they might do or in this case Will do in the future is wrong? I'll be very honest, im only 70% sure my answer would be a definitive No. The other 30% is genuinely considering it. I cannot comment upon the female tuskens as there is literally almost NOTHING about them in Canon verse and so I know nothing about how culpable they are in this. But motherfucker NEITHER DO YOU.
Anyway yeah there are many tribes of tusken and some of them peaceful but this one was Definitely Not. We were sown this. This wasn't a matter of racism. this was a matter of Murderous, Torturing, Kidnappers. Who kidnapped and possibly raped this guy's mother.
Fact: Shmi was an innocent woman who had done NOTHING to the tusken
Fact: She was tortured at their hands for days
Fact: If someone did that to my mom, I'd be pretty murderous too especially if someone had been grooming (palpatine) me to give into my worst nature from age 9.
Idk man, things are definitely not as black and white as we are making them out to be. On EITHER SIDE. And if we're talking about bringing up the consequences of his actions before the senate? Most of them are not Nearly empathetic enough even give a fuck. They need the Hero With No Fear too much and even if they didn't they would NOT give a fuck. The jedi council definitely would but they would ALSO debate this, like a LOT.
Edit 2: The tuskens also engaged in slavery. Definitely not the "🥺 innocents" people make them out to be.
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lightasthesun · 9 months
Dialogue Prompts (Taylor's Version)
1♪ “You are the best thing that's ever been mine.”
2♪ “I will never leave you alone.”
3♪ “I'm captivated by you, like a fireworks show.”
4♪ “How's life? Tell me how's your family?”
5♪ “I'm sorry for that night.”
6♪ “Run away now.”
7♪ “Run as fast as you can.”
8♪ “They are the lucky ones.”
9♪ “Have we met?”
10♪ “Who do you love?”
11♪ “Remember this moment?”
12♪ “Remember this feeling.”
13♪ “Life makes love look hard.”
14♪ “I love you. I loved you from the very first day.”
15♪ “Meet me tonight.”
16♪ “You are not the exception.”
17♪ “I can't stop thinking about you and I.”
18♪ “I'm setting you free.”
19♪ “It's gonna be alright.”
20♪ “It's in the past.”
21♪ “Heaven can't help me now.”
22♪ “No one has to know what we do.”
23♪ “Are you insane?”
24♪ “It's been a long six months.”
25♪ “You're my best friend.”
26♪ “It might blow up in your pretty face.”
27♪ “Come here.”
28♪ “I said 'I love you', you say nothing back.”
29♪ “I knew it all along.”
30♪ “How'd we end up on the floor anyway?”
31♪ “She's laughing up at us from hell.”
32♪ “I don't remember.”
33♪ “The end is coming.”
34♪ “You should be doing more.”
35♪ “You have to trust more freely.”
35♪ “Love is a lie.”
36♪ “It's time now, let go.”
37♪ “This is it. I've had enough.”
38♪ “I swear I'm gonna change.”
39♪ “I still love you.”
40♪ “It's been you all along.”
41♪ “I need you.”
42♪ “Look at you, worrying so much about things you can't change.”
43♪ “I'm sorry, too.”
44♪ “Don't get attached.”
45♪ “Everybody knows that.”
46♪ “Why?!”
47♪ “Go out and have some fun.”
48♪ “Why did you let her go?”
49♪ “It's not just a phase I'm in.”
50♪ “Believe in one thing, I won't go away.”
51♪ “I'll wait for you.”
52♪ “Do you know how much I miss you.”
53♪ “All's well that ends well.”
54♪ “Fuck the Patriarchy.”
55♪ “It's supposed to be fun turning 21.”
56♪ “I keep waiting for you but you never come.”
57♪ “I don't know what to think.”
58♪ “You look beautiful tonight.”
59♪ “Forever and always.”
60♪ “I'm in love with you.”
61♪ “There's nothing you can say.”
62♪ “Too late.”
63♪ “Did you ever think of me?”
64♪ “We're still friends.”
65♪ “Take my hand.”
66♪ “I think he did it.”
67♪ “They all want to be you.”
68♪ “What's a lifetime of achievement if I pushed you to the edge and you were too polite to leave me?”
69♪ “Dancing is a dangerous game.”
70♪ “I survived.”
71♪ “What a sad sight.”
72♪ “Yes.”
73♪ “Who knows what could've been.”
74♪ “Are you sure?”
75♪ “This is me trying.”
76♪ “Fuck you forever.”
77♪ “Sir, I think he's bleeding out.”
78♪ “Doc, I think she's crashing out.”
79♪ “Get in, let's drive.”
80♪ “I'd die for you in secret.”
81♪ “Give me a reason.”
82♪ “Im fine.”
83♪ “I love you (ain't that the worst thing you ever heard?)”
84♪ “Where we gonna go?”
85♪ “I rent a place on Cornelia Street.”
86♪ “I don't know.”
87♪ “I'd die for you.”
88♪ “Damn, it's 7am.”
89♪ “Are you ready for it?”
90♪ “Don't thrown away a good thing.”
91♪ “You're gorgeous.”
92♪ “Go, go, go!”
93♪ “That's a lie.”
94♪ “Does he know?”
95♪ “Get your shit together.”
96♪ “Nothing is gonna change.”
97♪ “You made us proud.”
98♪ “Don't leave me here alone.”
99♪ “I know you don't.”
100♪ “We always walked a very thin line.”
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hogpostingcrooner · 6 months
Kim Kitsuragi Feet Analysis
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It's time we stopped fucking around and focused on what really matters: how big are Kim Kitsuragi's feet? It's never stated in-game but I believe we can get an accurate guess of his gripper geometry without too much grief. How tall is Kim Kitsuragi? Well there are no direct references to his height in-game or otherwise, but we do get a sense of Harry's height when trying to climb the feld ladder:
FELD LADDER – In addition, the first rung is going to be *tough* to reach. It's, what, three metres above ground, and you're -- 180...?
YOU – One-eighty seems about right. 180cm converted to inches is 5'10, so we can say Harry is about that. In official art Kim is shown to be a good bit shorter than Harry, shown here
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So if we go full matpat, we can count the pixel difference in their heights. Kim is slouching but Harry appears to be as well so I'm not gonna worry about that.
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Guessing where their feet are and cropping the image I can say Harry is 260 pixels tall in this image, we know he's 70 inches tall but those don't divide neatly and I'm bad at math so instead im just gonna cut them in half.
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130 pixels, the way god intended. This represents 35 inches I'm pretty sure and I don't want to keep cutting it in half because I don't like doing math. If we crop down to Kim's head it become 100 pixels and I don't know what to derive from that but here's that for evidence.
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so if Harry is 30 pixels taller and 260 pixels is 70 inches then I need to go back to school bc I have a headache :( 260/30 is 8.6 so uh through the diffident property i can say that i'm going to try to divide 70 by 8.6 and i dont think it's the right kind of math to do. i get 0.28 and now i kinda want to give up writing this post. i dunno maybe i should divide 260 by 70? that gives me 3.7 and im feeling kinda bad because i didnt eat breakfast. so if 1 inch is 3.7 pixels or something? then 230/3.7 is 62 which i think means kim is 5'2? i dont know i dont really care anymore we're going with that.
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now if we look at this concept art i get kinda overwhelmed because i dont want to do math again.
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im gonna say he's like 8 shoes tall and not worry any further. 62/8 is 7.75 which seems too small i dunno nothing really matters to me anymore.
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driftsart · 9 months
tell us more abt ur shockwave!!!!! pretty please. I saw the previous tags on the eepy post and u said he's the nicest ever. now im even more inclined to give him hugs
Sure! ⬇️⬇️
Here's some pre-war Shockwave lore:
Shockwave was originally a senator (I'm still figuring out in what city), but his mind was rarely focused on his job. His dream was to be a scientist, not a senator (since jobs were chosen for Cybertronians). He would often skip work just to work on his experiments that only Soundwave and later on, Orion Pax knew about. His works and experiments all had the same goal, making Cybertron a better/equal place to live in. And since he worked with/close to Cybertron's government, he knew about most conflicts/issues on Cybertron.
Early years of war Shockwave lore:
During the begining of the war, Shockwave's experiments were exposed to the public after autobots finding out he was allies with the newly formed group which were nameless at the time (the deceptions). With his experiments out in the open, many autobots were angered and thought of them as dark science since Shockwave kept them hidden. Ever since, he was considered a mad scientist that had to be captured. He was hunted down by bounty hunter Lockdown, which at the time, was an autobot. He was found in a burning down factory carrying a newly forged cybertronian who was abandoned. Because of this, the autobots accused him of stealing sparklings just to experiment on them. He was then given the punishment of empurata, with extra weapons and parts just so that he would have to "carry the weight of his crimes".
After Empurata lore:
After the punishment, Shockwave, with his newly formed emotionless mind, k!lled the group of bots who performed the punishment on him. He later on escaped and hid in the wastelands where he worked tirelessly day and night trying to find any way of restoring his memories and emotions. He wasn't seen for years after that.
So y'all might be wondering, how did he join the 'cons?
The deceptions at this time we're trying to build ships to escape cybertron and hopefully find a better place to regroup and start their own Cybertron. Luckily, Megatron stumbled across the place Shockwave was hiding in. At first, he didn't recognize Shockwave due to the massive change in appearence because of the empurata. Shockwave had just invented a cure for his memory loss and it was just kicking in so he still didn't remember much so he attacked Megatron. During the battle, the cure finally kicked in and his memories came back to him. After some apologies and etc. Megatron asked him to join his team as the scientist. Shockwave agreed.
Shockwave now:
Shockwave usually spends his time in his lab inside the Nemesis. He's a really nice guy since he has his memories/emotions back. He's found ways of making the empurata punishment more bearable for him, as well as finding out how he can remove parts and rebuild his body. But with the lack of materials, he can't do much. Lockdown's a decepticon now, and he's apologized for what he did in the past. Shockwave isn't entirely sure wether to trust him or not though, so he keeps his distance.
He is a big hugger though, careful he doesn't break you. :)
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Some additional info:
-He's around 70-75 in robot years. (I've been adjusting their ages)
-His alt most is kinda like the TFP one
-Blitzwing hates him (since he's had some trauma w/ scientists before)
-Pronouns: he/him
-The little sparkling he rescued was Thrust, and after joining the decepticons, he decided to take care of her (yeah Thrust's a she :]) so that someday he can prove to the autobots that he only meant good intentions that day.
That's kinda what I'm brainstorming so far lmao 💀
(I'm also thinking of maybe during the Empurata, Soundwave and Megatron try to save him but he attacks them too before he runs off idk lmao)
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possiblylando · 11 months
Chainsaw Man 146 'Early' Thoughts
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GIRL IS IN DANGER ! ! GET OUT OF THERE GIRL ! ! So we finally get the trigger pulled on the final arc of Part 2.
The Fire Devils reveal signals we're in the final stretch of Part 2 as it directly correlates to the plan to kill the death deeeeeeeeeeeOHHHHHH SHIT Hey wait a second why did Yoshida want to kill the death devil all the way back during the aquarium im just putting two and two together because the horsemen knew because they're all related of course.
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There's obviously a reason for them to know about it know because Fami told Yoshida and by extension the rest of public safety. So Yoshida both knowing about the Death Devil and bringing it up so close to her arrival is setting off flags. I'm pretty confident in saying Yoshida Isn't the death devil. I've gone over deeper reasons in my Yoshida Part 1 Post, But the simplest are now; 1. The other Horsemen would recognize him on sight. 2. Okay wait I was gonna say "No T-Boy Swag" but he kinda does in some panels. But what I am saying you should look out for;
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No further comment.
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GODS STRONGEST HATER FINALLY HAS 350000 PEOPLE TO HATER ALL OVER THEY'RE FUCKED THIS IS GOING TO BE A MASSACRE Additionally it seems we now know by extension that Chainfraud Man gained his powers through the Fire Devil instead of like- A Chainsaw Man Devil. It's possible this backfires majorly and creates it's own new devil because the fear is now of Chainsaw Man and not specifically Chainsaws. But it also didn't seem to create one earlier so probably not. This seems to be the equivalent arc to the international assassins. The chapters even sort of align. Part 2 Started on Chapter 98. So we're currently on Part 2 Chapter 48. International assassins was chapters 53-70. So its likely we'll be seeing the Death Devil's appearance as an equivalent arc to the Gun Devil. Hey Yoshida bud you're not really- Youre looking like you've got more death flags flying man. Hey man are you sure you wanna kill the death devil hey man maybe yo
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I don't think Yoshida is making it to the end of the series the same way he entered.
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kwonkioz · 5 months
. . . brave and nerd | jeon wonwoo x reader (jo shin-yeol) x kim mingyu
part one
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𐙚 I thanked my mom for putting the mixed toast in front of me, she smiled at me and then proceeded to put the dishes in the machine.
After taking a bite, I looked at her, "Mom, do you know anything about that Park twins' family?"
His brows furrowed, "I wouldn't say they're very nice people. I know their mother from the association, she is a woman with her nose in the air. Why did you ask?"
"The twins finished second and third. I found it strange when a friend of mine worked hard but came in fourth. It's not normal for them to get such high marks when even I was surprised that I got the first place."
"Mrs. Park must have paid a bribe, she doesn't want her children to be."
"Our school is not a place to accept bribes, Mom, that's why I couldn't be sure."
He turned to me, "Shin-yeol, there's nothing money can't buy. How do you think the twins ended up in your class?"
My eyebrows flew up in surprise, "Really?! O... I guessed it. People blame me, but almost everyone is torpedoed except us!"
"Is anyone still treating you the same?"
I shook my head, "They don't say it publicly anymore."
Except for one person...
He's doing it on purpose to break my heart.
After my toast was finished, I grabbed my bag and left the house. I arrived at the school in a short time by bicycle. Some people said I was a sucker for cycling to school even though we had a driver, and some of them would never shut up. But I was living my way. Yes, there are times when I use my mother's respect, but I do it without putting it in anyone's eye.
Here, everyone sees it as it suits them. I'm used to it.
After entering the classroom and taking my seat, I sighed deeply and watched the surroundings. Everyone had a group of friends or a friend. And the queue next to everyone else was full. The part of me was empty, funny...
A girl named Cho Miyeon used to sit next to me, but when she became close friends with another girl, she started to sit next to her, and this row was empty like this. Strangely enough, I didn't really have any friends. I don't have the number of anyone in this class in my phone book, except for Wonwoo. I had already bought it secretly.
Speaking of Wonwoo; He was back in the front row, quietly taking a test. It was the biggest void in my life. I don't know how my only goal was to win her love when she was so far away from me.
But every second I couldn't talk to him, something was building up inside me. If we get close one day, I want to chat for hours.
As the classroom slowly filled in, the twins arrived. I've looked at them with all my hatred, they're really annoying. They were among those who once treated me like a torpedo, and now they are doing the same thing themselves.
A little later, the teacher arrived and the lesson began. Mr. Kim had taken me to the blackboard to read aloud the quiz notes from a few days earlier. Since this quiz would only replace the oral grade, it would not be written on the list, the teacher would explain it himself or have one of the students read it.
I began to read the notes in order; "Kwon Soonyoung 90, Jeon Jungkook 95, Kim Namjoon 100, Hwang Ye-ji 70, Yoon Jeonghan 85, Xu Minghao 100, Jeon Wonwoo 100, Park Dae Gang 45, Park Dae Gun 50..."
Suddenly, the voice in the classroom went up. Some students began to react to the last two notes, and rightly so.
"How the hell do they come second or third in the exam and get so low in the quiz? It's all out there."
Dae Gun turned to the boy who said this and said, "What the hell are you talking about?"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"I'm saying you're torpedoed, brother, it's pretty obvious. How did you get from middle place to third place with zero effort? Are you a genius?"
"Look at me!" when he stood up, Dae Gang sat him down, "Let him go."
A girl in the back row said, "What's happening is happening to us because of people like you! You're a coward... Do it with your own success. You are incapable."
Dae Gang said, "Isn't it impotent to take your pain out on others because you don't get a high grade?"
"What the hell are you talking about?!"
"Never mind, Minnie, these things are unspeakable."
"Excuse me?"
As the argument spread throughout the class, the teacher yelled and silenced them. He told me to keep going.
"Park Jihyo 95, Wen Junhui 80, Roseanne Park 100, Jo Shin-yeol 100-"
"Like your first place, I hope this isn't a torpedo." I knew he was telling me when the fool interrupted me and looked at him angrily.
"No, it's my own success, as is my first place."
Some laughed, while others did not react. Another boy grinned nervously, "Sure! It's always been your own success."
Another girl asked, "You must have a connection with twins, not triplets?"
As half the class laughed, my body stiffened with nervousness, and I began to squeeze the paper between my hands. The teacher slammed his hand the table.
"Come to your senses! What kind of speech do you speak? There's no tampering with these notes, it's what you get. Know your words!"
"But sir, they're not just doing the same thing for this quiz, they're always doing the same thing."
"Yes, sir! Our families want us to get high grades, but we work and we get them, they are deserving."
I shouted angrily, "I didn't deserve it! Find another cover for your jealousy!"
One of them laughed, "What am I jealous of you? Your money?"
"Exactly, talk, talk, we're listening." after hearing another sarcastic sentence, I realized that I couldn't take it anymore.
"Off... You're really annoyed! It's so annoying, it's so repulsive!" I didn't care about the teacher who called out after me as I threw the paper on the floor and hurried out of the classroom. I barely threw myself into the fire escapes, waited until I got there, and as soon as I sat down on the step, I started crying.
Even if I cover my face with my hand so that I don't have a voice, I don't think it works. So much so that someone had already come to this sound.
"Well... Can I help?"
When I looked up, I saw a boy I didn't know. Who do I know in this school, though?
I quickly wiped away my tears as I don't like to cry in front of anyone as this boy with a cast on his hand looked at me anxiously.
"You can't be."
I thought he would leave, but he came and sat next to me. I looked at him in amazement, still worried and compassionate.
"I don't think I can turn around and leave after seeing you like this. Could you at least tell me what it is?"
My gaze went away. It hurt a lot.
"They say I'm torpedoed, so they think I'm first. They're all disgusting scum."
"Oh, you must be Jo Shin-yeol."
When he held out his hand, I turned to him, "I'm Kim Mingyu."
These were things so foreign to me that I couldn't even reach out and shake the child's hand. He had already withdrawn, "Well, you don't seem to like handshakes. I saw his name on the list, I know it from there. I finished fifth, but I'm laughing."
"Why? Is it so good to be fifth?"
"Are you a maniac, of course it's very good! Well, at least for me. You don't know how hard I tried to even get from ninth to fourth. It's against my constitution to work so hard."
I couldn't help but laugh and he laughed too. After wiping my moist cheeks, I corrected my posture.
"Thank you, I never thought I'd be able to laugh in this situation."
"You can laugh in any situation. Even rose; That's the best answer you can give them."
I sighed deeply. I don't want to be the interlocutor enough to respond to them, but they push the boundaries so much that I'm the one who ends up answering and coming out harmful.
I looked at my watch, and there were twenty minutes left in class. I stood up. I couldn't go to class now. I decided to go to the canteen to get a coffee and recuperate. When Mingyu stood up, I turned to him.
"Don't you have a lesson?"
"The class is the body, and I'm on leave," he said as he showed his plastered hand. I shook my head, "Get well soon."
"Thank you. Where do you plan to go?"
"Canteen. I'll go into the classroom for a second class, and it would be weird to go back now after I've left."
He laughed, "It is. Can I accompany you? My friends play football, I'm the only one left."
"It happens."
We had coffee together in the canteen and talked a little. I found out that he was in the 2/3 class. For now, he aimed to move to 2/2, he is normally a diligent student, but this year his grades dropped because the classes were a little empty. Now he was trying to regain his old order.
When the bell rang, we continued the conversation during the break and then said goodbye. I was back in class when he went out into the garden. I was doing my best to ignore them while the people in the class were looking at me in a type-by-type manner. Wonwoo didn't take his eyes off me until he got to my turn. When I sat down, he turned to me.
"Are you okay?"
"Does he care too much? You don't think differently from them."
He turned in front of him without an answer. Sighing, I leaned back and crossed my arms.
The gaze on me ended when the teacher arrived. Luckily, Mr. Kim didn't say anything about me throwing the notepaper and leaving. Of course, what I did wasn't right, so he told me that I had to wait in class after class. Well, I'm not surprised.
Since our next class was chemistry, we had to go to the lab. When everyone left, I waited in line. Mr. Kim left his glasses on the table and approached and sat on Wonwoo's empty bench in front of me.
"I know your mother didn't ask the principal for any torpedoes about your grades. He makes those donations of his own free will."
Such was the teacher Kim Junmyeon; He wouldn't judge you, he would trust you and support you. But no one knew its value.
"Still, that stigma sticks on him. Do you know why?"
"They're jealous of my grades."
"No," he laughed and added, "I mean, not really. Shin-yeol, it's your behavior that's the problem."
"My behavior?"
"You may not be torpedoed, but that doesn't mean you don't use your mother's power. You can leave the classroom according to your mind, you don't go to classes if you don't want to, you don't pay attention to the tone of your voice when you speak, so you often get into arguments. Just when you're walking, you have the vibe of owning the school. Yes, your grades are so good thanks to your own achievement, your own intelligence. But your behavior... You've got to get yourself in order about it."
Mr. Kim always spoke to me honestly, but the first time he smacked me in the face, I didn't want to admit it. I shook my head.
"How can I act like a model student when they are insulting me? That's what I do."
"You can't just say that's the production and get away with it, Shin-yeol, it's true for everyone! Look, I know you're not a bad person, that's why I'm having this conversation with you. If your actions were as appropriate as your grades, no one would treat you as a torpedo."
I leaned back, exhaling a troubled exhale. A few weeks ago, I was reminded of a sentence that Wonwoo said; "You can be a smart girl, but it doesn't matter because of your ego. Your arrogance has blocked your way!"
Mr. Kim was speaking for my sake. But Wonwoo's was pure hate. My interest in him made me do such ridiculous things that instead of getting to know each other, we were drifting further and further away. Because he's kind of disgusted with me.
"You live this life like a princess; But remember, princesses happen in fairy tales. We are struggling for life in the most painful way in the middle of reality."
I frowned, "I wish you were a philosophy teacher."
He laughed, "But think about what I said. You can get out."
I got up from my bench and made my way to the door. When I left the classroom, I took my cardigan from the hanger and threw it over my shoulder. When I entered the lab, not all of the students were inside because the class bell had not yet rung. So I moved on to the first vacant place I found. And I certainly didn't know Wonwoo was sitting in front of me. Of course, he didn't think so, so as soon as he saw me in the classroom, he rolled his eyes and came and started packing his things.
I pressed my hand on the pen holder he was about to pick up, "You probably wouldn't die if you sat across from me, you're already in front of me in class."
He tugged at his pencil holder hard, "Couldn't you find another place in the big class?"
I defended myself by saying, "I sat in the first place, I didn't know you were here," but he never believed it. He rolled his eyes and sat down on the stool and stopped to pack his things, "I'm sure it is."
Jeon Wonwoo is the embodiment of the word stubbornness!
Before the teacher rang the bell, the class was slowly filling up. I could feel Wonwoo's gaze on me as I took out my chemistry notebook and placed it in front of me. Already soon he began to speak.
"What did Mr. Kim say?" he averted his eyes when I looked up at him, "So if it's not special..."
I smiled slightly at her sweet shyness, and said, "He said I should be careful with my behavior." His brows furrowed as his eyes found me again, "Your behavior?"
"Hm. That I live like a princess, but that's wrong."
He laughed sarcastically, "She's not a princess; child."
This time it was my turn to frown, "Boy?"
"You don't act like a princess, you act like a spoiled child. How are you different from the little children who cry when their candy is taken from them, and who break all hell when they don't get what they want?"
No, I wasn't offended, offended, or angry.
Because he said these things willingly, even to hurt me, and he tried to distance me from him in this way. He's got a plan, he's going after it, but I'm not going to come to his game.
"Do you know what's the difference?" he shook his head with a frustrated look;
"Once children experience things that hurt, they always run away from it. I couldn't leave you."
I saw him swallow. His jaw dropped, but he couldn't give an answer. While we were just staring at each other, we both turned in front of us when the teacher arrived. I've never had any luck since Wonwoo saw me as a kid and himself as candy.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
For two days, Wonwoo had continued to run away from me, and the more he did, the more I chased him. Some things never change.
There was a basketball game today, and Wonwoo looked so cute with a bandana on his head that I couldn't take my gaze off him. While the other girls were screaming Soonyoung, Mingyu, or Seungcheol's name, my only focus was on Wonwoo. I don't care about anyone else.
The gym was filled with enthusiastic cheering, and by the time the first half was over, it had become a little quieter. When I looked at Wonwoo sitting on one of the chairs at the side of the field, I noticed that he was out of breath, but there was no water there. I made my way to the unopened packages, tore the nylon, and grabbed two bottles and went over to him. I sat down and handed one to him and placed the other next to him. He was really tired, he put the water on his head.
"Basketball doesn't work for cows."
Even though he didn't like being called a nerd, he didn't bother about it and grumbled about the coach, "I told the coach not to add me to the team so I can't do it! Who's listening?"
"Why do you say that, you got the first number."
"It is, but I don't have time for that kind of thing. I have to study for the second exams."
I couldn't help but roll my eyes, "You're really a nerd." she stared at me, "You're the one who likes a nerd, but?"
I pressed my lips together and smiled, and leaned slightly over him with the support of my hand, "I see you're getting used to it?"
She blinked in panic, she was incredibly cute!
"What's the point? Or stay away! You're getting on my nerves."
I pulled back, chuckling and laughing. By the start of the second half, he had clenched his neck and ran towards the field. It didn't matter if they won or didn't win because it was a friendly match for the upper classes. They were just playing for fun. With the comfort of this, I only watched Wonwoo.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
The other team won the match, but as I said, it was a friendly match, winning was not anyone's priority. As I drove to the car alone after school, I caught up with Wonwoo, who was a few steps ahead of me.
"I can let go."
"I'm not crazy enough to get into the car of someone who doesn't have a license, so keep it."
"I drove the car for only one day, today the driver is taking it. And even though I don't have a driver's license, I drive it just fine."
He wasn't about to stop, and when I grabbed him by the shoulder and stopped him, he let out a weary breath.
"Rest in peace, Shin-yeol."
"You too."
"I'm already-" he knew what I meant and paused, and I laughed lightly. But he still looked bored, and my brows furrowed when he continued, "I don't have the peace you're looking for, get it."
"How do you know? You didn't even make an effort to get to know me. You always make firm decisions without trying."
"Because I don't have time for that! I'm the nerd who can't think of anything but my grades, and you'd better find yourself a bum like yourself."
A bum like yourself...
He had gone again. The sweet bickering between us was gradually turning into painful arguments.
When I got home, my mom came home early from work, so we went to the kitchen to have a snack together. Although everyone treated us as if we were incapable people, my mother was a decent woman who knew the law very well. My interest in Wonwoo manifested itself for the first time and made me too crazy to study thinking about him, and I dropped to fifth place in the class. But even then, my mother didn't raise her voice to me one bit, believing that I would be able to succeed in the next exam. He even consoled himself by saying that fifth place wasn't bad.
People talk about a woman like that, and that's what I'm most mad about. Then why is Jo Shin-yeol acting like a bum, and they infuriate you!
"How was school today?"
"It sucks," I said quickly. I wouldn't hide anything from him. Well, except for Wonwoo, but he could already guess it, "Being in the same class as the people who treated me like a torpedo again two days ago will continue to ruin my every day."
"Let them go, girl! They say that a person knows his own business. They use the power of money for small things, so they think you do too. You are building your own successful future. Don't even hear them talking."
I was stuck on one sentence.
"Do you know who uses torpedoes?"
"So... I've witnessed it a few times at a parents' meeting, but I don't have any clear information."
I put my hands on the table and came to the front, "Mom, please tell me! Who are they? Look, everyone blames me."
He sighed as he placed the plate full of biscuits in front of me, brought a cup of coffee each, and sat down on the chair across from me.
"Park Yul Yeon, the mother of twins, is a bit of a perfectionist. He's so used to having the best of everything that he can't stomach his kids getting low grades, and he's ashamed. So he may have had some conversations with your assistant manager."
"Mom, don't talk about it! And what does it mean to be an assistant director? I think he met with the principal."
My mother shook her head, "Principal Rhee is a fair educator who does not accept bribes. He is a close friend of your grandfather, I know from there. But he's Vice Principal Woon, he's really to be feared."
"Well, he couldn't have done such a thing without Principal Rhee knowing. Besides, if you know that, why didn't you tell the principal at all?"
"I don't have any evidence. Not only me, but also many other parents are aware of the situation and they remain silent with the mindset that the mother will get bread for us."
I clenched my hands into fists in anger, "What happens happens to me happens as long as they stay silent. To this day, I have always received those grades on my own, but I am being treated like a torpedo because you donated to the school."
"It doesn't make any sense, what kind of mindset do your friends have? I donate not only to your school, but also to many other schools and institutions. It's a common thing for your father and me, but people are so used to thinking badly!"
"Their hearts are ugly, their way of thinking is ugly, their character is ugly... I don't know what to do anymore."
He smiled and took my hand.
"You have your family behind you, you don't have to be bullied by anyone. Don't worry, I'll figure it out."
"You leave it to me, come on, your coffee has gone cold."
I was trying to understand what was going through my mother's mind as I drank my warm coffee, but it was impossible. He thought so fast and made sound decisions that it was impossible to keep up with him. Still, I was sure that he would do something to get me out of this trouble. At least, I hope so.
ᶻ 𝗓 𐰁 .ᐟ
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cliowo · 6 months
In this essay, i will explain the reasons why sky children of the light has become an increasingly unwelcoming game to new players and veterans alike-
Yeah yeah i usually only share my words here but tumblr feels like a really comfy place for me to share unfiltered thoughts and i needed somewhere to vent ig (skip if you have no idea what I'm talking about)
When I first started playing in prophecy, sky was a really fun game. We didn't have the request for a guide function then and I'm actually really grateful for it because the joy was in exploring each of the different realms and season areas on my own and randomly stumbling across spirits whose stories were waiting for me to discover. Maybe it was because I was a dumb moth - i didn't even know how to access seasonal spirits trees - but the pressure to cr just wasn't as intense as it is for moths today. The back to back seasons and "days of" events seem to have sucked the fun of exploring the world of sky for moths because they're so focused on grinding for candles/hearts/event currency that they just dont slow to smell the in-game roses anymore. And the thing is I get it because there's just so many new cosmetics as well as older ones from past seasons and events to farm for.
I mean sure you don't have to collect every cosmetic but 1 cape costs like 70 candles on average, same for a pair of pants iirc, a prop/acessory at 40-70 candles (70 if its an instrument??) , and hair at around 40-50 candles; and the best part is you can only earn 20-21 candles max in 1 reset 🤡 Add all of that plus the need to look for event currency in fear of facing such prices in the event rerun and you get stressed out moths facing existential crises every 2 weeks when ts arrives😀 Sorry moths, the economy is bad irl and just as bad in sky.
And what of the veterans? Yeah, well, we get no friends as everyone starts to quit the game and those that stay live off copium revisiting the places we once visited with friends- Or maybe that's just me
New friends, you say? *cue flashback to moths begging for help with cr* we exchanged like maybe 5 sentences max at chat benches🥲 i have nothing against helping out but it does make it difficult to form a bond when they disappear right after and you fade into their constellation of ubers
And then we have the seasons.
... Honestly the only season that made an impression with me after aurora was the recently concluded season of the 9 coloured deer, which was also another collab season💀
I actually had to check the sky wiki for this:
Remembrance - ironically very forgettable. What was the story again? Was it the one with the group of spirits living in one specific hole in vault like why- vault is bigger than that sad hole- OH THE PLUSHIES okay maybe this one was passable... im trying okay
Passage - ??? Havent finished this season's quests so uh- so far it seems like... a cult..? In isle...?
Moments - if they wanted a camera in-game, they could have just added it to like the days of sunlight event (the camping one) or smtg. They did not have to force a season for a camera💀 imho the camera was the only thing worth mentioning abt this season and i don't even take pictures
Revival - i suppose aviary is pretty and it's nice that the spirits have somewhere to stay now. Not particularly impressed. Don't really remember the story in this one.
...i heard rumours of a furniture season after the 9 coloured deer. Looking forward to hearing what they'll name this one lmao
The quality of "days of" events is still acceptable to me. Just maybe ignore the numerous iaps and the fact that we have multiple umbrellas but only 1 is f2p (don't understand whats up w that btw)
And also the recurring bugs💀 I've been playing for at least 3 years and I've faced these bugs/problems multiple times:
1. Unable to light frends constellations because the screen just yeets itself into oblivion or some random environment feature where i cant press the button
2. Game crashes (after every update istg-)
3. Splitting servers
4. Sky discrimination and gate keeping, aka refusing to let me open the game
5. Being unable to collect currency/dailies (it's not my internet i checked)
The lack of compensation is another matter entirely
I don't know man I'm tired. The only reason why I still have it installed is because it's my only link to the people I used to have fun and relax with. Not everyone has discord or insta or some other social media.
If you made it this far thank you for coming to my ted talk. Feel free to leave your thoughts- just remember to be respectful
The sky economy is bad. For everyone. Moths (and maybe even vets) are stressed out and vets are losing friends. The seasons are increasingly dull and the long-lived bugs are frustrating.
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mail-me-a-snail · 9 months
oc interview: ✨✨vance✨✨
thank you to @swearingcactus AND @glitchinginthegarden AND!! @v-eats-bugs for tagging me !! finally got to sit down and answer this :3
let's hit it !
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🧡 Name?
"Just call me V."
his first chosen name was penn, but he started going by vance after his medical transition. he doesn't give it out freely bc that was the name arasaka knew him by; he doesn't mention his surname, either, bc it's a pretty prominent one with much of its members still working for the megacorp in question.
🧡 Nickname?
"...Well, last I checked, 's still V."
apart from "mano" from jackie, vance doesn't have much in terms of nicknames. his old netrunning handle was N3tH0und (net hound); it's a retired username that's been largely scrubbed from the net, but sometimes he signs his major hacks with it just to fuck with people. it's a ghost's name, and it's fun to haunt the net only when he knows for certain that it can't be traced back to him.
🧡 Gender?
"Guy! Never been asked that outright before."
🧡 Star sign?
"'s not my scene--can't say I know much about it--but Misty's got me down as a Cancer, whatever that means. Says that's probably why I'm, er, so 'intuitive', as she called it. You ask me, that's just the merc work--bein' able to read a room, that is."
i first drew vance on july 7, 2023, so i consider that his birthday. like vance, i have no idea how being a cancer applies to him, but google says cancers are loyal, domestically inclined, and committed to their loved ones, so that sounds about right!
🧡 Height?
"Six flat. Johnny's pretty sure I'm taller than 'im...but he's slouchin' all the time, so don't think he's got a say in it."
🧡 Orientation?
"Usually go for other guys. But I guess the definition of that is pretty loose these days, 'specially in NC, huh. The hell does it matter to me if you've got certain...parts. If you're a guy, you're a guy, and if you're down, I'm down, y'know?"
vance is a gay man with a preference for masculine-identifying individuals. like he said, if you identify as a "guy" in any form, then that's good enough for him. he's not one to talk about having "appropriate" parts, and he thinks it's dumb that they're gendered in the first place. he's not usually looking for anything serious and he's more than okay with just being an input and having one as well.
🧡 Nationality/ethnicity?
"Nay's Indian. Tay's Filipino. Ya ask anyone, I look more like my mom."
nanay and tatay are the filipino words for mother and father, respectively. vance has a very limited grasp of either language but he at least knows that much from his dad's mother tongue.
🧡 Favorite fruit?
"Oh, man, 's been a while--this one time when I was growin' up, think I was ten or eleven, 'Saka sent Dad a basket of 'ganic fruit. For his 50 years o' service, I think it was. Anyway, had my first apple then. What I wouldn't fuckin' give for one right now."
he likes fuji apples the best :3
🧡 Favorite season?
"Gotta be winter. I got to go a lot of places back in '65--Europe, mostly--an' most of them were snowy. Loved seein' my breath fog up. You don't get that here. You get hot rains and the pavement steamin'--guess it's pretty, in its way, with all the city's neon shinin' through the rain.
"But it ain't a real winter without snow."
🧡 Favorite flower?
"If ya hike it out to the Badlands in the summer, you'll find these little white flowers blooming on the cacti; Net says they're called Saguaro blooms. I like their...tenacity, I 'spose."
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"But if I had to give ya a traditional answer...blue hydrangeas. Maya--she used to grow 'em in her apartment, still don't know how she did it--she gave me some blooms for my birthday back in '70. A welcome home kinda thing. Don't got her green thumb, so they died a week later...but they were real pretty. Somethin' to look forward to comin' home to."
🧡 Coffee, tea, or hot chocolate?
"Coffee--can't say it works for me, though."
he likes all three and refuses to drink his coffee black. he will put so much milk and creamer in that cup that it might as well be a dessert. johnny is disgusted (affectionate).
🧡 Average hours of sleep?
"...Hours, plural?"
vance is a champ at power naps and between the relic and an insomnia left over from his arasaka days, he doesn't get to bed much. if you do somehow get him into bed by morning, however, be prepared to not see him until near-evening the next day.
🧡 Dog or cat person?
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note: those 10,000 photos are just the ones he has on his phone; do not look at the cloud where his kiroshi photos are stored.
🧡 Dream trip?
"...Was actually, erm, thinkin' of--well, when we get all this shit sorted out--I was thinkin'...might bring Johnny somewhere colder. Somewhere with snow. Said he hasn't seen snow before, so, I-unno, thought he might like it out there."
please take this time to imagine johnny in his android body nuzzled up to vance in the snow, red-faced and, for the first time in a long time, in awe. they're going to have hot chocolate later in some cabin vance rented out for the season--but right now, they're watching their shared breath cloud together in the air, simpatico even in this.
🧡 Favorite fictional character?
"Oh, oh--there's this real old holovid I used to loop when I was fifteen. 's fucked how they got most of it right. Anyhow, Rick Deckard. I used to think he was so damn cool."
deckard, with his big-collared jacket and general gruffness, was definitely one of vance's transition goals. that, and he watched br2049 right after--with how deckard was treating K, vance started projecting Really Fucking Heavily on K. like wow! you're a total killing machine with a father who just might love you. that's crazay man. could not be me
🧡 Number of blankets you sleep with?
"Run pretty warm as it is already, so just the one. Like the...texture of it, as it were. The weight o' it."
get this man a weighted blanket please god. i think it would fix him. alternatively, just lay on top of him and he'll be happy.
🧡 Random fact?
"I used to klep a lotta shit when I was a kid. Wires, chips, motherboards--mostly tech, really, from the vendin' machines and bus stops 'round the city. Sold 'em for a pretty eddie down in Heywood; got no buyers in the Hill, not when we could all afford the tech those Heywood kids were tryin' to kitbash together in the first place. Don't really know why I did it.
"To strike out, maybe? Maybe I liked the challenge. There's somethin' about makin' a machine give its own parts to you; get a vending machine to dispense its motherboard, a bus stop sign its LED, and ya feel like ya can make anythin' bend to your will."
thank you again for the tags!! this was a lot of fun to do :3
tagging @netripper , @knuckle-cluster, @matapang-coffee, and
@nakitengoku AND whoever else would like to do this! no pressure to do so ofc!!
if u ever dont want to be tagged in these kinds of posts, just lmk!
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snapscube · 1 year
I saw your twt post promoting rift apart and followed by another post saying its steam deck verified and now im curious, when you get a new pc release, do you try it out on steam deck right away (or after trying it on desktop) to see if it run good? I always find it really exciting to see how far I can push a brand new game on steam deck to get it to run the 40-60 range. Especially if it comes out with an unknown status.
It depends on the game but I usually try it on desktop first! My rig is like.... pretty damn great, and I'm an absolute sucker for gorgeous games, so what I like to do is boot up a new game and see if I can get it running as smooth and beautifully as possible while sitting below 70-80% GPU usage. If a game is more graphically intensive I'll often just lock it to 60 cause my GPU can usually handle 4K60 like a dream at very low GPU utilization percentages if the game is optimized well enough and/or if it has DLSS.
BUT if I buy a game in which my main intent is to play portable on Steam Deck, I'll try it there first and make sure that's my first experience with it so if I ever decide to play on desktop for a bit it doesn't feel like a downgrade going back to Deck! That's what I did with Persona 4 and it worked out awesomely.
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hello cas! how are you?
i just wanted to ask something, i dont know, maybe have a little validation? im not sure
i have and regularly use a tumblr blog, and im an active ao3 author who will often project onto characters, both because its easier to write what i know and also because it makes for good storytelling. theres one thing though that i never talk about, not on my blog and not in my writing, but i feel like i should be?
i dont remember the silly medical word for it, but theres some condition on my dad's side of the family where weve got a higher chance of going blind, and usually earlier in life than most. my aunt has it, my grandfather had it, my older brother has it, and i have it. i didnt know my grandfather bc he died before i was born, but i know it only started affecting my aunt a little into her 50s, though it was much earlier for me and my brother (hes 27 and has about 50% of his vision, and im 20 and have about 70%, and for both of us what we have is also very blurred)
again, its not really something i talk about. ive been learning braille for when the inevitable comes (so far ive learned the alphabet and common conjunctions i can expect, so now im moving onto becoming more comfortable and confident feeling it all out) and honestly im pretty okay about it. its not that ive given up, im just... neutral? i have my peace with it. im working with what ive got or whatever, i dunno
but i feel like i should be... doing something with it? like, sharing my experience or using my writing to create representation. im always reading about people projecting their disabilities onto characters (especially remus, in place of his lycanthropy in muggle aus) like deafness, or epilepsy, or chronic pain, or migraines, but i rarely read about blind characters/sight impaired characters, and i just wonder like... should i be writing that? should i be doing something?
i dont know if this even makes sense haha. i just feel some sort of obligation to talk about it, but especially because i already project onto my characters with my mental health issues etc it almost feels like id also be writing about myself *too* much? it feels like theres no winning
im also sort of nervous that if i *did* bring it up on my blog now, that people might think im just making it up or something because ive never mentioned it before. i also dont know everything about it, and if people asked me something i didnt have an answer to, im afraid of that too. as though just because im losing my vision i should know every single thing there is to know about blindness. its silly and i know that, but it still makes me nervous to talk about it after all this time
Hi! <3
I understand why you feel this way, but please know that you don't owe anyone anything just because you have a disability. You're not obligated to be an activist or educator, in any way, shape, or form. There are plenty of aspects of my life I choose not to talk about and boundaries I draw when it comes to talking about my life on tumblr, and that's okay! Nobody who is part of a group that needs representation has to be the person to create that representation. For example, while I work to create trans representation in my writing, I choose not to address a lot of my childhood trauma. Sure, I could write about having a parent who is an addict, but I choose not to, and that's a choice I'm allowed to make, just as you are!
However, if you DO choose to talk about it and someone accuses you of faking? 1. Ew. Block them. 2. Send them to me. That's horrible and they need to be yelled at.
Naming you validation anon
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crazycookiemaniac · 6 months
hi can u give me dummy steps on how commissions work? What app do u use??? How does it link to ur bank account?? Can ppl see ur real identity when they pay?? What r the usual prices etc.... im in a bit of a bind, financially and i have quite a lot of time on my hands during my job where i can write i feel and i want to start commissions. Im technologically (and more importantly, w my bank) very incompetent iG pls help thamk you. Love ur work btw!!:)
Hello there! Let me try to help you:
First, make sure your clients can easily get in touch with you. For example, try to have the same username in different social media and allow your clients to request via any of them. In my case, I'm "crazycookiemaniac" on Tumblr, Twitter/X, Instagram, Gmail and I even made a website that's offline at the moment (though the website is completely optional. You don't need to go that far). You can also create a linktree and copy&paste the link on your social media bios so people know where to find you!
Second step is, decide how much you want to be paid for your work. This step is pretty hard because it depends on so many things, like how much time you spend working on your writing, what you're willing to write and what you aren't, how much in a bind you are and how much you actually want to earn with commissions.
Using my own case as an example, when I first started working on art commissions 12~13 years ago, my prices varied between $2 and $7 USD. Nowadays, I charge $70~$130 (per character, and charge almost the same prices for additional characters). Even now, I'm not sure if I'm charging correctly for my work, but I still get clients so I'm assuming it's fair enough. I also offer discounts every so often when I'm in need to earn more quickly. A tip I can give you is to look for how much people who offer similar work as you are charging and create your price sheet according to theirs. Reminder that you are allowed to charge extra if the requests are too difficult or something you're not used to doing often (NSFW, for example).
Third: How to accept payments. I personally use PayPal Business, because in this case people will only see my business name (CrazyCookieManiac Productions) instead of my real name. And one VERY important note: always send invoices. DO NOT allow people to transfer you money of their own accord, because if you do you won't be eligible for the seller protection and you might get scammed (happened to me a couple times). If you don't want to send invoices, you can open a ko-fi, link it to your paypal and allow people to pay you through there (it'll be like they're paying for a service, so you'll be eligible for seller protection).
Other important notes:
-> Make sure you're paid at least 50% before starting to work on a commission, especially if it's a new client. It reduces the chances of you being scammed.
-> Always ask your client if they have a deadline, or let them know in how long they can expect you to finish or deliver part of what they paid for. Communication is key for a successful commission!
-> Set an amount of times your client can ask for free edits. I'm saying this because it may happen that one of them asks for way too many edits and you might have other commissions to work on. Time is money!
-> If you can, come up with a FAQ (even if no one asked you anything lol). Write stuff about deadlines, permissions to use your work, what you're comfortable with working and not, if you can make exceptions or not, stuff like that!
And I think that's it? I'm sorry if this isn't perfect, I just wrote down how I usually deal with stuff. If there's anything else I can help you with, let me know!
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