#im rambling but i hope to convey what im trying to say
decarabiandivorce · 1 month
#really dont like the venti is causing everyone in mond to be tranquil theory but *slowly pushes it towards this*
Is there a theory he's actively tranquilising Mond's people somehow?
If so, yeah, I think it would be out of character for him. He doesn't force things onto people but he's still happy to be a manipulative little bastard, most egregiously with the document forgery to accelerate the rebellion 1000 years ago, so this version where Mondstadt's culture and scenery just promote being chill would make more sense imo.
Unless there's some mechanism through which the Seven sap their people's free will by existing/doing their jobs/receiving worship, which I wouldn't be surprised by but would apply equally to all of them. If anything Venti would be trying to avoid that one.
Yeah yeah yeah!!!
The one I was referring to was
Theory (at the part just labeled Venti's Music is Celestial)
It Sure Is a Theory and I highly doubt Venti would do something like that. If anything, his songs Inspire people.
I do wonder if his facade as the Most Popular Bard is somehow secretly a way for him to get more adoration through. Like if we are leaning into the very being dark grey instead of light grey in terms of morality, then he might be trying to gain double the amount of worship and love for... some reason.
All while the cyro archon seems to be doing the opposite. Honestly its so strange to be that she is so... callous with her people? I know she has no love left for her people but honestly it looks like she is trying to purposely sever the adoration to me. <- Just Theorizing over here
😔 why is Venti so sus
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just-jordie-things · 2 months
hellooo i wanted to ask you if you were okay with writing a short blurb (im still a little unfamiliar with the word so i hope im using it right!) about megumi seeing his girlfriend again after months? i wanna know how he’d react, maybe he’d even tear up a little?? ^^
oooh yes
you're young for a first grade, but it doesn't take much of a show for you to prove yourself worthy of the title. because of this, you take most assignments on your own, and sometimes that means long, strenuous missions.
just because it happened often, didn't mean megumi got used to it. he tried to act indifferent when his friends- or mentor- would pester him about you. they were always so dramatic, asking how much he missed you, if he worried about you, if he texted and called you frequently enough, if certain things reminded him of you in painful ways while you're apart. he'd roll his eyes and tell them to grow up- you were both mature enough to handle some time apart, after all.
but my god did he miss you when you were away.
everything seemed uninteresting when you weren't around. he missed the person that he could share one look with and know exactly what he was trying to say without words. he missed having you quietly by his side while you each did your own thing, reading, scrolling, napping- just being with you in peace and quiet was enough to make his day. he hated sleeping alone. he hated eating alone. he hated walking alone. all of it seemed boring and pointless. would he admit that he was lonely when you were gone? not to anyone but you- and you better keep that information to yourself. but truthfully, megumi felt he was at his worst when you weren't there.
you didn't love being apart either- where was the fun in taking on first grade level assignments when there was no one to share it with? no one there to celebrate your triumphs? and while you were away you tried to tell megumi how much you missed him- but it was hard sometimes, you didn't want to make it worse by making it seem that you were lonely all on your own out there. (even though you were)
but it made your reuninon that much better.
the day of your arrival back home always went the same. no matter the time of day, megumi would be there waiting, smiling the biggest, widest, brightest smile you've ever seen. his arms would be open for you to leap into as soon as you got out of the car, and he'd hug you so tight you couldn't breathe for a minute or two. and you wouldn't care. you'd cling on and ramble on about how much you missed him, how good it felt to be home- it was like there was no filter between your thoughts and your words. i miss you and i love you tumbled out repeatedly, no amount of voicing it seemed enough to truly convey just how genuine it felt.
when he'd loosen his hold on you, you'd only stop your rambling in order to pepper his face in kisses. as long as no one was around, he'd let you without a single sarcastic word. (if others were around, he'd still let you, but he'd fake some grumbles and groans from all your affections. don't stop though.)
you might as well bring all your bags and suitcases straight to his room, it's not like you'll be using yours for the next few weeks. not when you both had so much quality time to catch up on.
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toournextadventure · 2 years
I LOVE your Wednesday! I was wondering if you can write a Wednesday/gn!Reader where the reader writes to her a love letter and wants to give it to her with a black rose but they see Xavier give to her the cellphone so, thinking they're dating, Reader just throws away the letter and the rose.
Wednesday finds them..
Looky looky here, two fics in one day. This one was fun to write, I loved the idea!
im no poet
You were no writer. No amount of your rambling thoughts could compare to those of Shakespeare, Hemingway, or even Wednesday Addams. All those big emotions came out in actions, not words, and not even your mouth could keep up or properly convey all you wanted to. No, most of those big, bottled up feelings ended up left unspoken.
But for Wednesday, you gave it a try.
It had started with a very heated debate about the phrase “actions speak louder than words.” She, of course, had opted to disagree, claiming her words spoke pretty loud. They sure do, you thought as you shook your head and counter-argued. It was by no means an argument, much more of an actual debate with each side presenting their case.
You lost. Because, as you had previously pointed out, you were not good with your words.
Not a bad thing though, you realised once you sat down to try and write out how you felt. The first few paragraphs were messy; no structure, no reason, barely coherent. You crumpled the paper into a ball and tossed it into the corner of the room, not even attempting to hit the trash can. But you pulled out another piece of paper and started again.
It took half a notebook before you could even start making sense of your words. Even then, it wasn’t what you wanted to say. How could you even start to explain why you were writing such a letter? Should you start it off with “Hello, I think I’m in love with you?” Words wouldn’t work.
Words wouldn’t work.
You put your pen to paper - the third pen you had ruined so far - and started explaining your emotions the only way you knew how: with actions. The feelings she envoked in you couldn’t be put into words, not so simply. No, because she made you want to live, and living was such a beautiful thing. That rare smile of hers made you feel as if you were running through the farm of your childhood. Laughing as you ran up and down the crop rows until your bare feet were dirty and tired and you collapsed in the field with the feeling of utter peace that only a child could experience.
Being with her made you want to do every little thing she had never considered was important to her. It made you want to bring her coffee whenever she was writing, or turning the page of her music as she played. You would connect your headphones whenever she came in because you knew she liked the silence. Or grabbing all the songs she enjoyed and turning them into a personalised record that she could use without having to switch them out all the time.
When it was all said and done, you had exhausted five pens, half a notebook, and came out with three pages of a written confession.
You had asked Miss Thornhill if you could raid the greenhouse. It wasn’t that you were a teacher’s pet, but you knew how to kiss up when needed. She agreed quickly, and all you had to give up were a few Saturdays of your time to help clean up and organise. A fair trade, no consideration needed.
The Black Dahlias weren’t in bloom, so you hoped Wednesday would settle for a black rose. That was still romantic, right? It was black, at least, that had to count for something. A small envelope, a single black rose, your bright shining face. What more could she want?
“I already put my number in it,” Xavier’s voice rang out even though he was talking fairly quietly.
He bought her a phone. The very thing she had adamantly refused to become a slave to. Yet she took it from him anyway. Oh, you thought with a furrow of your brows. Suddenly the items in your hand felt like lead, weighing you down and you almost wished they would drag you under the ground to escape.
It had been a crapshoot to make a move, you knew that anyway, but it still hurt nonetheless. Wednesday gave the equivalent of a smile, and you nodded to yourself in silent acceptance. You wouldn’t ever wish to put her in a position to “choose” between two people. So instead you turned around and started walking off. You only paused at a trash can to drop the rose and letter inside, patting the cold silver can twice before walking away.
You didn’t see Wednesday watch you leave with worry in her eyes.
“Go see,” Xavier said with a gesture of his head.
Wednesday didn’t hesitate to walk over to the trash can and pick up the rose and envelope. The sight of the flower made her heart race; had you gotten that for her? What had possessed you to get her something like that? You knew she was difficult to get along with, why would you go out of your way to get her a rose in her favourite colour?
And the envelope. It had her name on it.
“What’s their number?” Wednesday asked Xavier. He gave her a smile and gestured for her to hand him her phone.
You practically fell onto the bench in the lockerroom of your hometown gym. After getting out of school a few weeks ago, you had thrown yourself into helping out at the gym. The owner was a family friend and he had quickly accepted your offer. It was an added bonus that he gave you full access to the gym, too.
It was almost time to start closing up, but you had managed to get a good workout in once everyone was gone. Hell, you deserved it, the girl you were in love with was very clearly not in love with you. In fact, she was nice and happy, and even though that’s all you wanted, it still hurt. 
You never even told her, your mind thought.
“Oh shut up,” you mumbled as your head fell into your hands.
With a sigh, you pushed yourself up to your feet and grabbed your change of clothes from your bag. Maybe you just needed to change and get home so you could wallow in your self-pity and fall asleep with some Kitchen Nightmares on in the background. That would surely keep your mind busy. God, you were pathetic.
You were pulling your clean shirt back over your head when your phone vibrated against the bench. No one should have been texting you this late, everyone you talked to knew you were usually asleep. Besides, why would they be texting you this late? Didn’t they know you were in mourning?
The screen lit up when you held your face over it, still adjusting your clothes to fit properly.
Unknown Number: You forgot this. 1 Attachment.
“Oh fuck.” It was a photo of the rose and envelope with Wednesday’s name on it.
You: I’m sorry. You can toss it I didn’t know about Xavier
Oh god, why was this happening? Why did this have to happen? Getting silently rejected was hard enough, but now there was going to be humiliation too? You lifted your hands to grab the sides of your head as you started pacing, trying to keep yourself grounded. That’s it, you weren’t going back to Nevermore. Nope, you were going to run away, maybe live in the woods and find a Bigfoot family to take care of you.
The phone vibrated again and you rushed over.
Unknown: Did you mean it? What you wrote.
“Fuck!” You shouted. What did you say? There’s no way you could say “Yes, Wednesday, I meant every word of devotion that I wrote on that letter. Tell your boyfriend I said hi.” But if you didn’t let her know now, it was going to eat away at you until the day you died. Fuck fuck fuck!
You grabbed the phone and typed out the one word, but your thumbs stilled over the “send” button while your heart tried to beat out of your chest.
You pressed send.
You: Yes
“Oh shit,” you groaned. Your hands were getting clammy. “Why did I do that.” Oh god. Oh shit. Why wasn’t she answering? There goes any chance of even being friends again. You were going to have to change your name and run away. Surely your family would understand, right? Yeah, they could even help you come up with a new identity.
The vibration against the bench was about to send you into a frenzy.
Unknown: Call me tomorrow night. We can watch the new Scream movie.
You had never typed so fast in your life.
You: Is this a date?
The text couldn’t come quickly enough.
Unknown: Yes. But if you tell anyone, I will remove your tongue.
You stared at your phone in utter disbelief. A date. With Wednesday Addams. A real date with the girl you were highkey in love with. Your letter had worked. It had worked!
You: It’s a date
A smile took over your face as you put your phone back into your bag. You had a date.
“Fuck yes!” You shouted as you threw your fist in the air. You were definitely calling out of work tomorrow.
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bitterpngs · 1 year
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… trust, huh?
TL;DR: what i want to highlight with this comic: satoru calling suguru "geto" / suguru crossing satoru's metaphorical line and permanently severing his relationship with him. kenjaku's plan in canon will never come to fruition in this au. what happens after is up to you :)
and yes ik the trust quote is in the context of the other 2nd years! i added it bc it fit, in a way.
this got long sorry lol i started to ramble
LAST NAME - what started this all and what i hope others picked up on was gojo calling geto by his last name, not his first: geto. even after everything geto did during jjk v0, gojo still calls geto 'suguru.' he's still 'suguru' to him. i wanted a scenario in which gojo would reject his first name - reject their past and their relationship. this whole comic idea sprung out of being unsatisfied with geto and gojo's canon relationship. personally, im not the happiest with how things were written in the story and feel like the author could've done some things differently. this isn't to say i don't like or enjoy what the author has written either. i just have mixed feelings.
KENJAKU - in case it wasn't clear, the door closing on page 14 depicts geto with stitches on his forehead - aka kenjaku. what that page is trying to convey is that the moment geto killed yuuta, the future where geto's body is used to box gojo ceased to exist. in this au, kenjaku's plan that we see in the canon timeline would never and will never work. by killing yuuta, geto crossed a line and permanently severed his relationship with gojo. if gojo wins here, gojo will dispose of the body properly. the panel after shows a closed door with the memory of who suguru was. the person who suguru used to be and the best years of gojo's life etc etc. but "broken" bc it's gojo truly realizing that's not who geto is anymore + the whole "severing relationship" thing. does this make sense.
what happens after the comic ends is up to interpretation though
GETO'S PLAN - i didnt focus a lot on the specifics of how this could've happened considering geto's plan changed in this au. how it happened isnt really important, you can come up with whatever you want. what i wanted to focus on, and what i hope people managed to pick up on is the situation itself - geto killing yuuta. sorry yuuta. i'll make it up to you.
i ended it here because it felt the best place, but here's some scrapped dialogue of a few seconds after: GETO: "… It was a necessary sacrifice, Sato-" GOJO: "don't you dare call me that" basically to emphasize the first name vs last name situation
GOJO N GETO - ive always felt uhhh. nitpicky, i guess. about the specifics of everything regarding gojo and geto. ive felt unsatisfied for a variety of reasons, and this was basically an idea that sprung out (a looong time ago) of a want for gojo to be angry at and feel more.. negative emotions, i guess, toward geto. i still do genuinely enjoy their canon relationship a lot tho. i enjoy the way they’re written together and individually, i just have different/multiple feelings about the same thing :)
RIKO AND YUUTA - erm there was a scrapped panel... you can find it on my blog if you're really curious but there was a panel of geto 'remembering' riko's dead body (a distorted memory, because the blood reflects yuuta's injuries). it's not necessarily that riko and yuuta are similar, it's that geto becomes a bit like toji in the end. just like toji, geto tries to kill a young teenager for the sake of his own goals. while toji's was selfish and geto's, in his own eyes, was for the greater good, there's still the similarity of killing a child. of stealing their future for their own goals. plus the fact that gojo killed both of them in a similar way.
TRUST - yeah i know the quote is in the context of the 2nd years fighting geto. still. gojo trusted geto to a large degree, despite everything he did. so. it's going here.
PG 4-6 - geto values and cares about sorcerers so so much. again, he was fine with trying to kill yuuta for his vision and all but i dont think he wouldn't feel some level of. conflicting emotions i guess. (i am very against the idea that geto wasn't... trying to kill yuuta? i don't really get that perspective at all. it'd make all of that meaningless imo. but this isn’t about that.) ok im done.
if you read this entire rambly thing, thank you :D hope you enjoyed!
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dragon-queen21 · 18 days
im so happy you enjoy my ramblings! it means a lot to me, thank you🤍
Going off your recent mini fic, I DEFINITELY agree with the idea of zoro regressing, had that headcanon FOREVER but yeah sorry im a sucker for “big strong man being taken care of” he deserves it man. i feel like he’d be a older regressor normally (round 8) but if he needs to can slip really far (2-3, sometimes younger) like the idea of like regressed zoro just working himself up over something and stomping his feet and everyones like so surprised and hes so embarrassed about it idk i keep thinkin about it
i feel like the first time zoro FULLY regresses, he wakes up little. specifically after the crew leaves a island where he had to fight a huge battle and he doesnt realize he feels different until he goes to see his crew for breakfast, so now he one, has no idea whats going on and why he feels like this, and two, the poor baby is silently working himself up over it :(
i see zoro being strangly picky? sanji brings out breakfast for the crew and zoros just looking at it like its the grossest thing in the world. and sanji notices and its the strangest thing because sanji has MADE this dish for him before. sanji KNOWS zoro likes this ??? and now that sanji pointed it out everyones put their attention the zoro waitin for him to say something,
in my imagination, choppers the one to process that fact zoros regressing
and the kid is all overwhelmed with all the attention
in my head the end of this situation either ends up with zoro crying :( or him getting mad at everyone for thinkin theres somethin up (there is)
i dont see zoro as aomeone to get genuinely mad at the crew often but throw in overwhelmed kid factor and what do you get?
in another situation after both he and the crew accepts zoros a little, they make a rule that he cant use his swords little and that pisses him off because he got to use his swords when he was kid? why not when hes regressed and the crew has to explain that its because what if he slips younger all off a sudden? they cant control that, its too dangerous.
okay thats it for now, im sorry it was SO hard to put my thoughts on little! zoro into words, and ill be honest im not to happy about how i worded this, so i hope you understand what im trying to say and convey
but please if you have any little! zoro hcs id be happy to hear! no pressue at all though!
Mkay we are going to pretend this didn’t take me as long as it did to answer. I wanted to give you a proper well thought out response and my brain was fighting me for days 😭
~I have had so many thoughts about regressor Zoro (when my brain will cooperate). I swear I say this all the time but I WILL post that fic in full. Eventually. One day. >///< ahh too many projects.
~I have such a soft spot for a character who is always protecting those around them getting taken care of in return.
~Zoro would throw so many small temper tantrums over the silliest things.
~In love with the idea of Zoro being ever so slightly clueless about his own regression. Add injury and blood loss, post adrenaline haze, etc. and just so many reasons for him to make excuses that everything is fine, he’s just feeling a bit off that’s all… until it happens again and again and suddenly he starts to realize, hmm maybe something is up… maybe he needs to go to Chopper about this.
~Ooh okay, I’ve had that headcanon for awhile with Zoro being fussy when it comes to food. I think that Sanji would eventually get so fed up with trying to feed the little, because he liked eating this meal yesterday so why is he throwing a fit today???, that eventually Robin takes over for him just because she has more patience for the regressor. (Also just mama Robin my beloved.)
~Zoro acting funny, my first thought was, oh gosh Luffy would be just so- Luffy.
“There’s not’ing wrong alright?!”
“Yes there is. Zoro is acting funny.”
“‘m not!”
“Are too!”
~Telling Zoro he’s not allowed to use his swords also because no one knows how to properly watch over him. Unlike him as an actual kid there is no one to properly ‘train him’ does that make sense?
~Recently been on the kick of caregiver Luffy. Just loving the idea of him being oddly good with kids and highly responsible in his own way. Overly protective once he knows one of nakama is little. So just thinking about him watching over Zoro and realizing his first mate is small before Zoro realizes it himself.
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crabbng · 4 months
I've been trying to study your art style, your backgrounds I mean. Can you tell me or explain in someway how you like draw your backgrounds? Like sometimes you'll have characters interacting with an object or part of the world so you only draw that object in white space. But sometimes you go the whole nine yards and draw everything.
In white space you leave it up to us the reader to understand that the character is in that area without drawing it and that's so cool to me.
How do you know when to not redraw a background? Like in the scene when Chaarose was talking to the old lady. There was hallways drawn and you drew most of the room but for the most part the only thing that we saw was the couch/chairs so we know they were in a room but the background was white and not very much detail but we understand this was her room how did you do that? You do this with a variety of other panels like when they are in Hana's house (when baby first turns humanoid) you sometimes draw the couch or the table and there are things that indicate walls but I think it's my favorite thing in the world when you do this.
Basically my question is how do you know when to do this and how do you go about doing this? Do you just decide I dont wanna draw that background again so the reader knows where the characters are? Or do you do something else?
thank you! I'm glad you enjoy it ☺️☺️💕
i guess it's a consideration of what's important to communicate in that panel. is this an establishing shot/do i need to set a new scene? do i want to focus on the character and what they're saying? do i need to convey space in order to achieve a certain mood? (like the more recent pages of chaar where she's sitting in front of the sea looking very small)
the other thing is like. how have i arranged the people in the panel. if they're sitting down and i want to show more than their torso, it's going to look weird if i just draw them sitting on nothing. generally the more i show of a character, the more background i put behind them.
the OTHER other thing is.. man i got all these pages to draw 🤣🤣 i CANNOT be drawing backgrounds in every panel (nor should i, it gets too cluttered)
there's a sort of rule of thumb I've heard of having at least 1 panel of background per page, to ensure the reader remembers where they are, which i think is a decent starting point if it's something you're unsure about.
so yeah, idk how helpful this is, i may have rambled a bit but like. consider what the point is in having a background in a panel. whether that be you need to establish a location, your characters would be floating around otherwise, or it's important to evoke a certain mood. I'm sure there are other things, but that's GENERALLY what i consider.
imo the less backgrounds you draw per page.. the better lol. save yourself the time and wrist stress 🤣 but im also someone who enjoys focusing on characters more, so i am biased!!
amyways. hope that helps. or is interesting. i appreciate the question tho!! i am flattered u enjoy my work ☺️ feel free to hmu with more questions!
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hyunjinspark · 6 months
my phone ran out of battery in the middle of my ramble (sweaty reader who delayed her shower to finish the chapter) BUT IM HERE AGAIN TO TYPE IT OUT! (still… haven’t showered)
spoilers ahead WARNING! ❎ ❎
jade… how did you write this. how did you. are you a literature major? it seems like your writing gets better every time I come back to it. you have a otherworldly talent, is all I can say. you’re able to convey the emotions so clearly, so vividly, as if I’m living through this story myself.
firstly, can we talk about the parallels between hyun and y/n? “i love painting in the dark— the lights are too bright.” I had to put my phone down and contemplate my life decisions for a couple of minutes there. seriously. the parallels between them are INSANE i cant even
for me, this chapter highlighted the harsh truth behind both the art and the music industry (specifically: idol). it makes my heart ache knowing damn well that this might be a story where these situations are fiction, conjured up from your (fantastic, amazing, show-stopping) imagination, but this is someone else’s reality. idols barely having time to take a breather, the micromanagement, it just felt awfully real, scarily so. the fact that companies care more about capitalising off of hyun’s art—- it felt real. chan’s sacrifices, him barely sleeping? felt real. and so did mr kim jieong (would swear but… new year new me so this is as far as I will go) or should I say: MR SKUNK FACE PEDOPHILE DOUBLE DMMING UNLOYAL AUTHORITY ABUSER ok I’m done sorry. i know damn well that what happened to y/n is real. it happens, it definitely does. people in positions of power trying to use people’s desperation to their advantage and ABUSING it. it felt like i was the one living through that scene. i could feel his advances, i could see him in front of me, gripping my own jaw. amazing, amazing writing.
okay, secondly: THE SYMBOLISM THROUGH THE FLOWERS? god. the seasons and the flowers. hits every single time. the moment you mentioned flowers I knew where this was going. i knew where it was. i feel like the flowers represented both hyun & y/n. not necessarily their love for each other (no definitely not), but how the r/s between them became sour due to their… unfortunate circumstances. i think I’m wrong though! I’ll reread the chapter a couple more times and revisit by statement, but that is my first impression after reading ch18 for the first time!
THIRDLY, i love jeongin sm omg.
last but not least, here is my take on what will happen:
mr k- PEDOPHILE threatens hyun & y/n, hyun comes to warn y/n
i cant think of any rn I’m still in my shocked state (because this was so good)
personally, i think this is one of your best chapters by far. jade, words cannot explain HOW much i love your writing. thank you so, so much. happy early new year jade! much love from asia 🫶🏻
omg. im not a literature major but that’s SO sweet haha 😭 its good to hear that you think it gets better, i hope i improve each day.
yes ofc its not a hyunyn soulmate moment without the parallels. they’re so like each other 🤭 and yeah its sad that these things are so common and happen often in those industries, especially with people in positions of power. i obviously don’t know what goes on behind the scenes in the industry so most of it is my imagination, but i can believe some of the micromanagement might be too real :(
thank you for loving the flower symbolism ! i dedicated a lot of the chapter to it so im happy you liked and noticed it 🥺
thank you for thinking its my best chapter, wow ! i hope each one can be better than the previous.
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dykeyote · 9 months
I want to thank you and your account for helping me understand better how to respect bigender people 💙 even if it's hard to say what you really want to without getting into discourse parameters, the things you have said has really helped me a lot with understanding my friend's and community
awww this is so sweet thank you so much!! i really appreciate that, im glad its helpful to you (: yeah its tricky because its hard to phrase things that will make sense without using discourse buzzwords like i kind of fell into doing a little in that post which i think muddled my messaging but genuinely like . i hope you dont mind me taking this opportunity to talk a little bit, hopefully its also illuminating for how to engage with people haha? but i think restructuring your understanding of gender to encompass the fact that some people are men And Something Else (same for women/nonbinary ppl of course but honestly that seems to be way less of a problem? which i have a lot of thoughts on and im writing a poem abt it but my analysis of manhood in queer communities isnt relevant here lol) goes a huge way in being able to like . interact w multigender people in a more nuanced fashion . and like not just Acknowledging that thats a thing that is true but really thinking about what the implications of simply the idea that a man can also be a woman might have on other ways you behave or other beliefs you hold goes a really long way . because so much of our society even (and sometimes especially) in queer communities tends to pit "man" and "woman" as complete opposites of each other that do not overlap - you can even see this in perfectly well intentioned progressive illustrations of the gender spectrum that intend to illustrate the breadth of nonbinary experiences, where they'll still set man and woman as two opposite points of said spectrum that do not overlap . and i genuinely just think like . i think a lot of people Intellectually understand that bigender people and pangender people and genderfluid people and all a manner of other multigender people who can be both men and women, often at the same time, do in fact exist - but they kind of like . dont really take that understanding and reflect it onto other beliefs that they hold and on other understandings of labels and definitions and what have u (tbh i dont think the queer community should Have universal definitions anyway and implementing this would delete like 60% of discourse from the community as a whole and 80% of lesbian discourse specifically but i digress) to see if they contradict and how u might wanna reorganize ur thinking to be more inclusive and whether that thinking is really useful in a real world context anyway . which is why i think ive seen a lot of people in the tags be like yeah okay this is really eye opening im going to consider this which i appreciate (: idk this turned into rambling but i think thats the crux of what i was trying to convey in that post
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moomoomooing · 2 years
A Lion’s Warmth
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this was just brain rot i had in my head for a few days and im happy to actually be able to write it out. also messing with conveying dialect-like speech is really fun for me, especially trying to write down how i usually talk lmao. fun fact, “s” usually replaces “it’s” for me when i start sentences. im also still trying to figure out what the best combo of it is for Leona (i might just ramble about this some other time instead of it all being here LMAO)
theres definitely things i could’ve made better and i already edited this quite a bit so, i hope you enjoy? 
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Laying on the floor, spread out and staring at the ceiling, Kyuu was incredibly nervous and very flustered. For the first time, Leona insisted they stay in his room after classes instead of the botanical garden. With time weighing down on him, as clubs starting soon, he had no idea what he was supposed to do. Until a disgruntled voice, a bit muffled, grumbled from atop the bed.
"The hell are you doing? Didn't invite you here to lay on my floor, herbivore."
A small flinch from Kyuu at the seemingly harsh words accompanied their response, and attempt at matching Leona's tone, "Well what else do you want from me? S’ the first time I've been in your room, dumbass. Cut me some slack."
Now feeling embarrassed on top of nervous and flustered, Kyuu stood up to stare at the lazily sprawled lion, who had his face buried in a pillow. Maybe if he stood there quietly enough Leona would fall asleep and he could escape to scream into his own pillow. Alas, he couldn't escape that easily. Leona rolled over, eyes scrunching then opening as he stretched, then motioned for Kyuu to come closer. Not knowing what else he could do, he stepped forwards to the edge of the bed. Before Kyuu could react, he hit the bed with a THUMP. An arm grasped around his waist and his face now set ablaze. With a beat of hesitation, Leona buried his head into the crook of Kyuu's neck. But for a moment, Kyuu could've sworn he saw a flush sit upon the prince's cheeks. Paralyzed by what he saw, he laid stiff for close to a minute. Only relaxing slightly from a nudge of complaint from Leona.
Slowly but steadily, Kyuu released a breath he didn't know he had been holding since he stepped in this room was released. There was something incredibly comforting about Leona's hug and the warmth radiating from the prince. Relief and emotions came to a chokehold and Kyuu clutched Leona, refusing to let him slip through his grasp as the grains of sand they were now all too familiar with. With suppressed tears began threatening to slip through, he tucked his head further into Leona's tangled but soft hair. Unable to speak any more than a few words, a soft but strangled "Dont leave..." escaped his mouth. A moment of frozen fear surged through his body- panic that what he said would make Leona think less of him- but maybe, just maybe, he felt Leona's grip tighten a bit.
Needless to say, Kyuu didn't make it to club that day. The warmth of a Savanaclaw afternoon relaxed him and more importantly, he had a certain lion to snuggle with. He'd have to tolerate Riddle later, right now Leona has his full attention.
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spiteless-xo · 11 months
Hi! The last ask about looking to your writing for inspo had me thinking how do you manage the dialogue to writing background and emotions ratio? When I’m writing I feel like my weakness is dialogue and I get too caught up in descriptive writing rather than using the dialogue to move the story along and I worry it can be burdensome to read. I also feel like I struggle with over explaining every detail in a story to make it comprehensive and I wanted to know how you deal with that since TBAW deals with accounting stuff that not much people would know about so how do you cut back and make sure you don’t over explain if that makes sense?
oooo thank you for the question!!
long response below the cut -- i hope this answered your question? sorry if i was rambly!
also check out the 2023 summer cringefest writing challenge!! cool opportunity to just let go and have fun with your writing instead of trying to make a masterpiece
this is going to sound so stupid, but in my early days of writing, i used to over-describe things because i wanted the scene to look exactly the same way as it did in my head. with one fic that i was writing, one of the characters was eating a piece of cheese. literally, for no reason, i just thought it would be weird if he was just sitting there, so i gave him a piece of cheese to munch on.
IMMEDIATELY, in the comments, people were like "why is x eating cheese? what does that mean?" because i mentioned it so many times and i was like oh shit, because it doesn't mean anything!!!
that was sooooo embarrassing for me that now i only write what's important in a scene because that piece of cheese haunts me 💀💀💀
in all seriousness, readers are very perceptive and they can fill in the scene even if you don't describe every single detail. it can be hard to determine what's "important" in a scene, and that's still something i struggle with, but i try to stick to:
change in tone - if someone's having a normal conversation but the other person pisses them off, I'll say like "Jean snapped" or "Eren hissed" or w/e 💀 otherwise i like to stick to "said/says" because it doesn't interrupt the flow of reading.
body language/movement - instead of saying "Jean was angry" to set the scene, i could describe instead how he "clenched his fists down at his side and you could see the muscle in his jaw twitching" or smthn like that.
internal dialogue - sometimes I'll "pause" dialogue so a character can have an internal crisis, but i try to keep it short -- or if not, I'll have the other character comment on the long pause 💀 "snapping you out of your thoughts" type thing.
dialogue is fun because i think you can convey a lot through conversation. like the pauses in conversation, what words people use when they're talking, or what they decide to share. dialogue sets the scene just as much as emotions and descriptors do, in my opinion.
(also, lowkey writing physical scenes like smut/fighting/kissing really helps with this??? i think it's because you have to keep track of the character's body parts/clothes while also moving forward the dialogue and also not getting lost in the details? idk maybe it's just me 💀)
in terms of over-explaining in relation to the accounting stuff in tbaw..... honestly, i just try to give the bare minimum information necessary to the story.
i could ramble for pages about what the characters are doing, but it's not really important to know that reiner and reader are doing detail testing on the client's expense accounts to confirm completeness, accuracy, etc. ete. 💀 so i strip away the technical details and just say that they're looking at invoices -- because really, that's all you need to know to understand that they're working.
i actually worry that im not giving enough information, sometimes. like when i talk about queries and review notes, i worry that people don't understand what that means, but i hope with context they can get a general idea.
idk i'm still pretty new to writing too! it helps to read other peoples work and see how they do things to help improve your own writing!! not just fanfiction, but published books too.
i like to read YA/NA novels to help improve my writing. i know that genre gets a lot of flack for being too "simple" or "easy reads" or whatever, but i don't think that's a bad thing??? i'm not trying to write the next game of thrones, i'm just looking to write a little love story about some of my favourite anime boys, so i like keeping it simple.
HOWEVER, some people like writing with more descriptors or using more complex language, and there's nothing wrong with that either! at the end of the day, i think that you should write for yourself the way that you like stories to be written.
if you like scenes to be described to the minute detail, do it! if you want to get into the nitty gritty about accounting, write it!!
writing is my fun little hobby so i try not to stress about perfection too much. i know that's easier said than done, but you're your own worst critic so i guarantee even if you think something is too burdensome to read, someone else out there is eating up every single word!!
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2xplusungood · 10 months
Random unhinged undertale rambling
The design for Sans and Papyrus is very deliberate with the fact they are always smiling, and their expressiveness comes from the movement of their eye(socket)s. This is not only because they are skeletons, but its also important to note that, even at their lowest points, they both still have big goofy smiles on their face, conveying both Papyrus nature of never giving up hope in people and Sans’ continuing to “put on a happy face” even when faced with the monumental existential dread of knowing that anything that happens, good or bad, matters because of the way time works in the world of Undertale. This isn’t to say that they shouldn’t show emotion but ATTENTION NEEDS TO BE PAID TO HOW THEY SHOW THIS EMOTION IF YOU ARE TRYING TO BE TRUE TO THE CHARACTERS.
Secondly, what makes Sans such an interesting character is the fact that he has gone almost fully numb. He knows how helpless he is to actually change anything and has, for the most part, accepted it and instead of ruminating on it, he’s decided to have a bit of fun with it, and because if he acts friendly it might at least minimize the damage the human will do. He doesn’t even really seem to care all that much when Papyrus dies, unless you specifically PROVOKE him by killing ONLY papyrus at which point he will either call you out for being a Hypocrite or “Ah, you’re just an asshole then. At least you’re honest about it.” because once again, anything that happens GOOD OR BAD will be reset and doesn’t really matter.
Yes, he did make a promise with Toriel, and he outright tells you that if he didn’t do so, he would’ve killed you almost immediately. However, he WILL break this promise if the human threatens him directly. This implies one of two things: Either he is so bound to this promise to this person he barely knows that he will stand by as the human murders everyone he cares about, but no so much that he is willing to die because of it OR that the promise is more of a justification to himself to allow the human the freedom to make their own choices.
Now admittedly this is where I go a bit into my headcanon, but bear with me, I do have quite a bit of media analysis to back this up.
MY PERSONAL INTERPRETATION OF THE STORY is that the narrative is... Well the best way I can put this (hopefully) without sounding unhinged is that if you took the story, changed the names and setting while keeping the core themes, characters and events of the story, you could have a passable sort of sequel to Paradise Lost, namely the War in Heaven and christian mythos. STAY WITH ME PLEASE I KNOW THIS SOUNDS INSANE BUT HEAR ME OUT I BEG YOU I MUST SHARE THIS INSANITY WITH OTHERS PLEASE THIS IS JUST ME INTERPRETING THE SYMBOLISM AND DRAWING LITERARY PARALLELS NOT ME CLAIMING THAT UNDERTALE IS ACTUALLY A STORY ABOUT GOD AND THE DEVIL JUST THAT TOBY FOX MAY HAVE BEEN INSPIRED BY THE STORIES
I’m just saying that, in some twisted way, it could be a story of Lucifer returning to Heaven
1. What kicks it off the events of Undertale is a large scale war between the Humans and Monsters, and while the monsters are the ones banished, the end result is practically the same: Separation between monsters(Angel stand in) and humans (Demon stand in) Humans/Demons did BAD THING and now the two worlds have been separated
2. Im just gonna get this over with and say Asriel (Who’s name is based on Azrael, an angel) COULD be looked at as a stand in for Jesus, an envoy of the monsters who left the undergound with a message of peace and was killed because of it. This is admittedly the weakest point I have considering Azrael is the angel of death, and the whole thing with Chara muddying it up, but my brain gave me the idea of comparing the funny goat boy to jesus christ and I had to at least mention it
3. A common interpretation I tend to see is that the underground is “Hell” and in my opinion, this does not line up with the themes and imagery within Undertale. In Undertale, the humans are the aggressors, and while the monsters are willing to fight to defend themselves, they are almost always willing to make peace if given the right opportunity.
4. The Human is referred as to as being “Fallen” and the Prophecy of The Deltarune symbol describes him as an angel. Put these two facts together, the human is a Fallen Angel.
5. Toriel’s name is Toriel because shes acts as Tu-Toriel. This has nothing to do with anything except that when searching for the origin of her name, I found out that this STUPID pun has gone over my head for the last almost 8 years and now here it is for anyone else who’s missed it.
6. Taking what I said about Sans giving the human a chance to make their own decisions and running with it, Sans acts as the sort of “God” character. This sounded insane to me at first but then I realized you literally meet him in LIGHT BATHED CHURCH WHERE HE PASSES JUDGEMENT ON THE HUMAN and the whole game he acts as an almost omnipresent observer.
7. Now for the endings
Neutral: Reuniting Humans/Hell and Monsters/Heaven is deemed untenable at the current moment due to the actions (or lack of action) the human has taken, but both sides might walk away either a little bit wiser or with a renewed sense of division. Either way, the Underground is changed forever
Pacifist: The human has turned away from violence, even in the most difficult of scenarios. Asriel is reminded of the love they once shared with humans and the two sides become one again. The Lucifer-standin has clearly changed and is brought back into the fold
Genocide: “Lucifer” returns and enacts violence against everything, reigniting the War in Heaven but is now unstoppable. After killing both “God” and “Jesus” they are left with nothing except Chara. I disagree that Chara is the devil or satan, but instead is the personification of violence itself, fueled by ambition, to “gain power and defeat the enemy” which is what caused Lucifer to be cast out to begin with. They ask you/Lucifer if you’d like to finish what the two of you have started and if you have the gall to say no, they “gently” remind you that THEY have always been been in control: Lucifer’s ambition to wipe out Heaven and YOU, THE PLAYER’S ambition to “beat” the game to its fullest extent, even if it means going against the themes of the game, leaving Undertale to be cast aside and uninstalled to for the next game you to beat: “Erase this world and move onto the next”
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aresmarked · 1 year
op you are SO right about the freaking shizumafu event because i am rotating them they are just so,,!!! like even if its just a set up, mafuyu getting support outside from n25 is just a huge step!!! more people for more support for mafuyu and man she deserves it and im so glad you brought it up because im literally going to cry im sorry for bursting into your ask like this i just think you are so cool???
if you dont mind i do wonder what your favorite event is in prjsk and why!!!
so first don't apologise for coming to ramble about story with me, it's one of my fave activities XD as evinced by the rambling i threw out already. and YES this is a writer's hunch but i think shizuku and emu will likely be a big safety component as mafu-mom pokes more into mafuyu's 'friend' at school, which she hasn't. actually really had before, before this. so this is actually a highly critical event IMO, on that front.
and like. what parent wouldn't be somewhat reassured by their child having a friend as earnestly and openly caring as shizuku? even if she'll probably be a little critical of throwing away the 'stability' of being an agency idol for being independent (yes im writing a ficlet on this and am full of thoughts).
and god do i have to just pick one?? i'll give a selection lol.
kamikou festival because it was such a nice little sight into mizuki at school, and how an and rui are just, so important for them feeling connected, and how things have changed for them? an bothering to reach out to say 'hey no one's going to be staring at you so it should be all good to come' was just. so kind.
secret distance holds a special place in my heart for mizuan interactions in card, mizuena overall, and being my first proper psekai event, i started the game when it was first done in jp. the writing really is what reeled me in.
let me know your worries picnic shizuai/mizuena double date?? shizuai mizuena double date. also showing how ena just cares so much and mizuki does too. god.
summer festival i have a soft spot for cause we really get to see for all they are def the most nippy siblings, the shinonome sibs really get each other.
two moon rabbits. god, so, fun fact, sometimes to go to sleep i just put on this event to listen to while i drift off. seeing how shizuku has just always looked out for shiho and really does know her so well? just maximum consideration. i die.
Both anni events are just so good for the mingling and the show of how everyone's drawing closer? and gosh. the kanamafu piano duet.
Footprints. I don't think I need to double this post length, so let's just say I t500'd global and mizuki aching over just having even a little more time killed me.
the events with ena facing her art fully, and her growth with honaemu (paint what you like), and mafuyu (this wish will reach the dawn)? also have nudged me back into vis art. god i love the stories.
cherry blossom event hinting at an intergroup sekai has me chomping.
wishing you happiness: holy shit hinomoris can be so gender.
vivid old tale: combined w the marriage event, it's sweet to see how an admires mature ladies. and funny lol i HC mizuki def teases her
no seek no find: i have to shout out saki's VA for absolutely wrecking people with the sheer heartbroken frustration she conveyed, for when saki was just, at her lowest at not being able to do anything she really wanted.
tying the ribbon: mizuki is def one of my fave kids so seeing them have such a good relationship with their family, their sister, and how their sister convinced them to try music... man. i really hope she gets an l2d sometime.
wolf forest: hinomoris can be so gender. i also really enjoyed shiho marvelling at an's fitness, and the area talk with an just accepting shiho likes cute stuff.
beyond that day's dream: baby harukaaaaa!! also more context on why haruka wants so badly to talk to her idol in her fes card. delish.
lol basically i have a baseline appreciation for 99% of psekai's writing but these were some fave times
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andvys · 2 years
Leave Steve alone he's doing his best with his unrequited feelings pls 😭 he's a good boy too
I fucking laughed at the Australia thing pls if I wasn't already sitting on the floor I would have fallen over from laughing 😂😂😂 but in confused did they end up telling him? He says they lied about monsters but of course he's gonna think anything they say is a lie so??
I can't tell you how much I love the conversation with Max she needs comfort too my poor baby 🥺 always happy to see her being included in the fics like she needs to be
Also when they said are you excited for spring break 👀👀 does this mean we're getting the Christy scene soon?
Afsgs I'm excited to see what he's going to say about the notebook lmao he better not lie and say he didn't open it or I will choke him I swear. Ugh the emotions you're so good at conveying them. I could feel them as I read.
I hope she finds her self growth throughout the story cause girl stop blaming yourself for other people feeling bad they NEED to feel bad when they know they've been assholes 👏
He is suffering :( but he's about to get mad, when he finds out about what happened between Eddie and reader 👀
LMAOO IM GLAD YOU THOUGHT ITS FUNNY💀I feel like that's definitely a lie, dustin would come up with 😂 and yes! dustin told Eddie some things but he of course, didn't believe anything cause monsters and other dimensions? yeah, no.
Ahhhh I'm glad you did🥺 Max is literally one of the best characters & she definitely deserves to be included more!
Yes!!! Just when things are going great for reader and Eddie, all this shit is gonna go down :(
Eddie is gonna ramble away and try to apologize but he won't lie! & omg thank you so much! That means so much to me🥺 your feedback and your kind words always make me soooo happy!!!!
YES! She always blames herself for everything :(
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honeymouthedtales · 1 year
if you /want/ to be active you should have days for answering about specific things, like hm dys and iotol days. whatever works for you ig. but i love your ramblings. I'm always scared to comment on your posts coz it seems like I'm not supposed to? like maybe you didn't post to get engagement? although that sounds dumb now that im thinking about it. Like why would you tweet into the void lol? But i like when you're active or just rting art and interacting with ms sulbi and some of your more active readers. im guessing the days after your updates get a lot more engagement so you can see how the fyp actually works
The main problem is that while I (sometimes) have confidence in my fics I have zero confidence in my ability to be liked for everything else. It's not an issue for me, I know I'm boring, I have a weird sense of humor, and I am sometimes too vocal about my opinions (something for which in the past I have received both hate and well-meaning but kinda rude suggestions that I should keep to myself or make a twitter only for my fics, so that people who like my fics wouldn't have to deal with my shitty personality). So honeymouthed_ was never an account targeted towards engagement, it needed to work mainly as an archive so that people could easily find updates and answers related to the fics without having to go through everything else.
But of course I love when people interact with me. Every time I write something I do want people to reply and I love it when they do. But I also noticed that some people sometimes don't want to talk to me, maybe they are intimidated, or idk they're happy gushing about the fic but they're not interested in interacting with the writer that much. I don't know how much it's paranoia but this is how I perceive it, so sometimes if it's not a question (I always answer questions) I just like the reply I got and hope it conveys that it made me happy without freaking people out?
This said, I don't know if using the account like it's a job (daily mission: reach target amount of engagement beep bop) would make me or the readers happy. I can only hope that people who are interested in what I have to say will try to interact a little and hope that's enough to boost my account. It helps that the posts that really need to reach an audience are the fic updates and people are always very generous with likes and rts with those 🙏
But I would like to hold a honeymouthed day and a iotol day, maybe not every week but every month? I'll bounce the idea on twitter and see if people react positively.
Thank you for the great suggestions though, I didn't think anyone would actually have advice on this, I had just resigned myself to the sad destiny of being scorned by the algorythm.
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neonun-au · 2 years
hi mads!! your writing is amazing 🥹 i think you’re really good at describing a story’s setting in a way that creates a vivid image of the scene but nothing too wordy that i would get bored as a reader. i want to start writing too (as someone starting in my late 20’s, it’s a bit.. lol) but when i do it, it’s either lacking or just too plain boring whenever i describe where the characters are or what they’re doing. do you have any tips?
thank you ! i appreciate that haha creating an image is sort of my main goal in writing. imagery and emotion, ultimately. so im glad that it is sort of paying off for at least some people haha
first of all !! nothing wrong with starting to write at any age. there is no wrong or right time to come to a hobby or an interest. murakami didnt start writing at all until he was 29, and he's not the only one. obvs this is fanfic and not like...literature, but i think maybe that just makes it more fun. and the process and act itself is ultimately the same. its all writing.
i have a few more concrete tips, i suppose ! for me it is incredibly important to make the writing have purpose. your words are meant to be conveying something. a feeling, an emotion, a deeper understanding of the setting or character or plot. figure out what youre trying to say, and then go from there. it helps to tie things into sensory experiences.
what are the characters feeling (like...touch wise). is the sweater theyre wearing wool (rough and scratchy) and cloying at their skin? does it give a feeling of suffocation? or is it loose and breezy, like silk or a light linen? like air lifting the fabric into the air.
what can they see and how does it tie into what youre trying to say? words all have different connotations. the light is either blinding or its bathing you in yellow. maybe theyre the same in actuality, but in feeling and emotion theyre very different.
what can they hear, taste, smell?
those are all things that tie me back into scenes and ground me as a reader and a writer in the story. i prefer a very evocative sort of style. very much show vs tell (though you do sometimes have to tell, especially if its just a short fic). flowery, but not so much that it drowns the writing and the purpose of what youre trying to say. that then throws off the pacing and distracts the reader.
ultimately, it really does just come down to time and practise and patience. ive been writing literally since the second grade (with some huge gaps in between but writing and literature has always been a love of mine), so you have to give yourself time to learn to write in more nuanced ways. it doesnt really come naturally for most people. it is a skill, not an innate talent.
reading a lot from people whose writing you admire is also a hugely important way to learn ! reading more critically, seeing how their words weave together to create the story and the feelings within the story. on the flipside, reading writing from people whose style you dont like is also good ! you can do the opposite. sort of pick it apart and figure out exactly what it is in their writing that doesnt resonate for you.
this is a lot of rambling, but really its very helpful to read, other peoples work and your own! and dont be afraid to write things that you maybe dont think are that great. not everything is going to be great, or even good. i would say i actively dislike or am highly critical of at least 60-70% of my writing LOL but you have to write those in order to finally get to the good stuff. the good news is, this is just fanfiction. its all for fun. were not being paid and we get to just sort of play around with the prose as we see fit !
just try something, hope for the best, and if it doesnt work out then youve still learned something simply by the act of writing it !
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embossross · 2 years
hi! finally had the time to sit down and send an ask for the recent chap of dotgitm!! i woke up that morning and was vv happy that it updated bc i’m loving it so far!
first, i was honestly a bit surprised that the fic is moving at a fast pace - i’m not sure why i thought it’d be a slowburn but nvm! i had to go back a few times to make sure i didn’t skip anything but nope! i kinda like how the scenes were a written in smaller parts - but are just as packed! and it’s slow enough that we really see how rin and yosuke’s (is it yosuke? im not sure, sorry!) relationship progresses! they already felt super close n familiar with each other in that first scene, it was so good!!! sigh ,,,, he’s such a perfect dom! and i find it really funny how in the beginning, rin said that there’d be no way ran would ever meet his girlfriend-but-not-girlfriend - but still invited her over for the new years dinner 🥹 the whole encounter was so sweet!!!! it also shows how rin is slowly letting her into his life and heart little by little.
speaking of ran though - i’m very eager to hear about his story in that universe! it made me a bit sad actually:( miki seemed like she meant a lot to him. ill be so ready for them once the story is out!!
“”Rindou thinks Naoto has a fat hard-on for you but knows better than to say so. It will only make you angry, and you are cuter when you smile.”” rin is falling SO HARD AHAH he’s adorable! and it’s so cute how it’s mentioned more than once that he loves to listen to her talk and ramble - and how he’d do a lot to see her smiling! 🥺
“ Making you happy is addictive but also reciprocal. Without seeming to try, you make him happy too.” this has to be one of my favorite lines !! totally not crying !! nope! + “you are giggling madly, and he wishes he was there with you to sweep you up in the circle of his arms and swing you”” oh man my heart. this is really bringing out the inner romantic side of me fr.
there are so many parts that made me laugh out loud - the bonten banter, YN calling rindou a squirtle, ran stealing a duck (?? WHAT 😭😭) but yeah! thank you so much for updating!! i hope you had a good thanksgiving!!! 💓 - jay, aka @/tetsutits!
you're literally so nice💕 i appreciate all the thought you put into these stories and how you share it with me. it's so fun to talk to you about these things🥰
i have literally so much to say in response to this so adding a read more!
i think chapter 1 gave the impression of a slow burn because they barely talk. i had to make a decision after writing that chapter if this was going to be a 2-shot that just shows some romantic moments, or if i'm willing to truly plot out a story to convey what i wanted, and once i decided the latter, we had to get things moving and fast! because all of this is just groundwork to the real plot of the story, which is coming soon in the 2nd half of the story.
i have never written vignette style before, so super glad that you liked it! i think the writing in those parts are my fave (i was reading a lot of poetry during that writing period), but it requires like you say a different approach to time and showing a relationship rather than these big, messy dialogues that i usually do like in chapter 2 - we just don't have time for it in this story.
of all the couples i am writing (or plan to), these are the 2 i think of as soulmates, so the instant connection allows me to get the love rolling and fast. i think it also moves so quickly because reader represents something that rindou wants outside of just herself and her company, so he's falling hard for the entire package and experience of being in love, which is self-reinforcing.
& reader's name would be Yasuko :)
when i first planned out in the belly of the beast, i imagined a scenario where each woman in the series starts snitching on bonten to the police and what their partner would do, and i decided only 3 would really stand by their woman in that case: 1) koko because he would be halfway around the world with his offshore account money before bonten even knew what happened; 2) mikey because no one could overrule him and he'd not let his girlfriend go that easy; and 3) ran, who would expect to die for the betrayal but not be able to resist showing up for miki and her family if she needed him. everyone else - even rindou for yasuko - would probably have to sit back as what happened happened because they either wouldn't have the power to stop it (takeomi for his wife), wouldn't care (wakasa), or would feel so betrayed they wouldn't be seeing clearly (rindou) ((also in rindou's case, ran would be whispering in his ear because he wouldn't want rindou to go on a suicide mission over this even though ran would do exactly that if the situation was reversed.))
i'm intimidated to write what i have in mind for ran/miki, because i think to do it justice it needs to be one very aggressive one-shot, more of a novella (like 25k words in one chapter), which will take a lot of focus. but i hope to get there because i have an angsty story to tell with them. working title is 'ran's no good horrible bad day' lol
and seriously love squealing over your favorite lines with you! rindou's pov is so romantic it's so different to write!
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