#im reading SoC
whysosiriushuh · 5 months
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ma4chestier · 3 months
i was today years old when i found out its called "six of crows" because of the cards where each one has to be called by its number and group, as in seven of hearts or ace of spades or queen of diamonds and etc, and realizing kaz is the owner of the CROW club and a fcking GAMBLER
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sleepless-crows · 1 year
don't you ever just think about how kaz said "i'm a cripple. that's my tell. no one's ever smart enough to look for the others." the others. i think, especially with the show, a lot of us forget that and think his only real weakness is inej. but it isn't. it's definitely jesper too, the brother he cannot lose again. and i know he means the other crows as well. because that's kaz's character. deep down the way to hurt him is to hurt the people he cares about. he's extremely loyal and his revenge plot against pekka was to avenge his brother. his biggest motivation isn't money, it's the protection and security he can give the people he cares about with it. and those people are his tells
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somanystars · 23 days
omgomgomgomg i just finished six of crows omfg
IT'S SO GOOD?????????????? LIKE HOW DID I NOT READ THIS BOOK SOONER????????????????????????????????
Like seriously i love heists i love found family i love diverse characters and i have had soc on my radar for SO LONG but i found time on my vacation to finally read it and IM SO GLAD I DID
i don't have access to crooked kingdom yet which is. heartwrenching. but i will persevere
-kaz is soooooooooooo like. GAH. i was FASCINATED by him bc i was waiting for him to like. reveal more about himself? for the narrative to reveal more about him? i didn't understand what was making him tick besides being the Smooth Confident Badass Dirtyhands. and then anD THEN he fucking loses it on the FIRST STEP OF OF THE ICE COURT HEIST bro when he fainted i literally put the book down and paced across the floor OMG
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capinejghafa · 9 months
One day, someone will realize Inej's dad value in her story... not today, though 😔
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lunarthecorvus · 8 months
Me: *reads my 5th soulmate au of the day* *kicking my legs in the air, screaming when they finally meet and realise they're soulmates*
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liliancmiller · 1 year
Okay so about 2 months ago I saw that netflix video introducing Wylan and fucking loved him, then I found out that Jesper existed and they would be a couple and I was sold. So I literally ordered the entire Shadow and Bones trilogy and the Six of Crows books (plus the other ones I haven´t got to yet) and spend the last month reading it. Like, I LITERALLY read an entire trilogy just so I would have CONTEXT to Wesper,and then spend all the Six of Crows book dying to see Wylan and Jesper get together and then FINALLY, after 5 and a half books to get to that wonderful moment...
I´m fucking done yall. Just AHHHHH
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bug-under-a-rug · 4 months
when the character cant read>>>>>>
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hauntedestablishments · 7 months
reading six of crows rn and i cannot get over these fucking ages. what are you talking about
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elenafernan · 7 months
I didn't ignore the characters death flags. I saw them and thought 'it's been a while since I cried my eyes out over a fictional character' and continued on
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itssideria · 2 years
i love you netflix shadow and bone i love you writers and actors that know and love their characters i love you kaz getting thrown in water scene i love you yearning between nina and matthias i love you inej still fighting for everything she deems holy i love you wylan who looks terrified as he blows shit up i love you jesper and inej with their guns and knives and swords i love you brand-new adventure that is nothing like the books i love you adaptations that reimagine things while remaining true to the characters and what they respresent i love you derivative media that still cares for its characters and fans
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lilyimmsim · 5 months
guys sometimes i forget that other people are humans too. there is so much bad in this world - that is true. but there is so much good!!!!! there was a little girl dancing at church, so beautiful and carefree and happy it made me smile so much!! there were women, on the train, laughing and giggling over who knows what but they were human and just living!!!! a guy at a sports game just chatted to my brother + i, so kind, joking with us, laughing. he was also human!!! a woman on a plane with me - i've never talked to her and i never will again - offered me some of her chocolates!!
people are good and people are bad because we are human!!! i forget that sometimes but i think its important to try + remember !!!!
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sissytobitch10seconds · 8 months
Don't mind me, just bawling my eyes out with my brother at 12:30 on a Saturday because Matthias Helvar is going to protect her even in death and she'll meet him in the next life and he was dreaming of her and she had to let him go
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tooyoungforthis · 8 months
i dont think i should be this obsessed with a book. like its unhealthy at this point.
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capinejghafa · 1 year
out of morbid curiosity...
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pensymbols · 2 years
getting in sab means getting into soc which means me figuring out the fact wylans dad hates him so much isnt bcz hes queer no but bcz he cant fucking read
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