#im recording my whole playthrough so
chemicalbrew · 1 year
gave in to the ill and playing kz again for fun bc something is wrong with me.... expect more gifs eventually i guess
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chaotomatic · 1 year
Spoilers for the Dragon tears quest line for TOTK!!
Ever since i finished this quest, the whole way i felt playing the game changed drastically
And im sure anybody reading who’s played the game can relate, everything can feel so much more depressing or empty, even when youre having fun. You forget for awhile, but then you look up at the sky and catch the light dragon in the corner of your eye. And youre like. Wow. Shes really gone, isnt she?
But i dont think anything could prepare me for just how sad this game can make me feel in the small moments.
Karin waiting for zelda outside her house, asking link where she’s been breaks my heart, as im sure everybody’s does, thats to be expected
But today i was exploring in between Akala and Eldin, and spotted some bokoblins to murder with backpacks of fire fruit
When the carnage was over, a tree had been knocked down and half the grass was scorched black
But just as i was about to leave, i spotted something i hadn’t noticed before
A single silent princess sat just outside where the flames had scorched the grass
I think i stood and stared at it for a solid minute after wards
I don’t know what it was, but i think that singular flower in the middle of nowhere made me sadder than most of the scripted moments in the game
I have a little recording of my playthrough of a 30 second clip of me running around rhe flower, bewildered it didnt get burnt, lmao
Small edit: it was actually in an area below Zoras domain. I was playing for a long time yesterday and got somethings mixed up haha 😅
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galaxymagick · 4 months
Im watching Neil’s bg3 playthrough and they just finished kethric and they got a whole dream guardian scene explaining stuff, when taking his stone.
I did not get that wtffff I checked my recording and yeah nothing. that suckkkssss. Thinking it was cause I was in owlbear form but he used astarion to get the stone so I dunno I’ll have to make sure to try and get that scene on my next playthrough.
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luigi-mcdingle · 6 months
a while back, out of sheer morbid curiosity, i went back to beta version 1.7.3 of minecraft (the earliest version i could find new records of people playing) yknow, to see what was different and if it was still any good that far back it was. um. not? i mean i guess i see the appeal but i couldn't play without the ability to sprint, no end, no enchanting, no hunger? but that's just me, again i see the appeal then, again out of morbid curiosity, i upgraded to version 1.0.0, expecting a similar experience i now have 142 hours on my 1.0.0 world. | v
this version of minecraft is, compared to today's vision of minecraft, simple so many things we tend to take for granted aren't there, like stained glass, hoppers, maps, item frames, villages, horses, stone walls... you get the point
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i didn't expect to put more than an hour or so into this world before going back to my heavily-modded 1.16.5 world or making a new 1.20 world, but something about it just kept me entranced there were simple goals and simple ways to reach it, but the basic gameplay was just so fun
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i've always thought modern minecraft was kinda bloated, and this really cemented that feeling; we didn't need frogs or ocean monuments or horses or redstone comparators or any of the stuff that has been added since that time
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yeah, it'd be nice for some of the modern quality of life features to be available like pressing ctrl to sprint or sheep being able to regrow their wool, but it's not needed minecraft became popular because the concept is perfect as is; your imagination really fuels things before i realized i was having so much fun, i was doing things i had never done before in my thousands of hours of minecraft, like building functional mob grinders, mining out slime chunks, and making elaborate redstone contraptions
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(the walls of the lower room in this pic ^ are made of mushroom blocks... that i had to manually push into the room one by one with pistons because silk touch only gave solid brown mushroom blocks, no red ones) when i decided i was getting bored of this world, i went to good ol curseforge and downloaded about a hundred mods for 1.16.5 and played that... for maybe five hours, then i went right back to 1.0.0. yeah, i know, those are kinda polar opposites in terms of content and bloat, but it says something, right?
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(yes that's the animal crossing train station) the one thing i ended up doing in this world that i had never done, that i honestly thought id never do, was go to the end and kill the enderdragon. yeah, in thousands of hours playing this game, i never once beat it. id always make a world, dick around for a while, then stop playing and eventually come back and start the whole process again... that or id play on multiplayer servers. remember mineplex? i should ramble about that one day...
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i had known about the ending poem, especially since the whole thing with it becoming public domain (have you read the author's blog post about that situation? where he talks about how he took a bunch of shrooms in the woods and God told him what to write, and the end poem was the result?) but i never read it because... well, i just never felt like it, really. reading it for the first time after my long playthrough of this simple, fun version of minecraft that i so quickly grew to love so much was... something else. id say you should read the poem (it's available online, obviously) but it really doesn't work nearly as well without the experience of a full minecraft playthrough backing it up.
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all this talk and im not really sure what my point in all this is. i guess it's something along the lines of "you don't need everything to enjoy life. limitation breeds creativity, and simplicity can bring happiness." or something. i dunno, it's fuckin' minecraft. maybe try making a new world. and having fun.
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oh yeah, also i never really got that "creepy feeling" most people seem to get in these older versions of minecraft. i got a little creeped out while strip mining but that's just me not liking corridors.
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nebulaleaf · 1 year
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goodbye persona 5 royal. after 121 hours (140 on my switch profile) i got 69% of thieves den achievements, 99% in the compendium, and took 910 switch screenshots (third sem having a recording block really cucked me fr.) I think I did as much as i possibly could. despite my gripes this was my most fulfilling playthrough i've ever done of P5. i have a lot of bad things to say about royal but i really did have so much fun with it. getting excited over the new moves with the grappling hook (guessing where the cutscene would be and having fun being technical with chains de hook), making more strategic personas with fusion alarms, using all that extra time p5r gives as efficiently as possible. I loved maruki's confidant even if it ended in a kind of mediocre palace. he's just a fun guy who's so naturally inserted into the story it feels like he Should've always been there (except for the end). though its a shame because of how his confidant is structured in terms of topics, you cant easily insert it into p5 (its basically just a huge foreshadowing/ general set-up for the themes of 3rd sem). akechi's though... akechi's confidant and the addition of kichioji was WONDERFUL and i'd have killed for it in vanilla. im so glad for it. its such a fun place to explore and i love all the new npcs; penguin sniper was fun to play (though i hate playing with akechi, esp because its useless to) and jazzjin's gameplay elements were REAL FUN TO MAKE BUSTED ASS TEAMMATES WITH. no more what-ifs is also... a good song. i think i might even add it to my personal faves playlist. i'll have to sit down and listen to the ost when i don't have a headache. anyway there's probably a lot more good things i can say, but my head is kind of muddled rn lol. that post-game feeling fr.
ahh, but even when it comes down to the bad, like kasumi-- groaning every time she came on screen was fun in its own way too; whether it was laughing at the hilarity of it or coming to tumblr and grumbling about it with whoever was following along with my posts that day. honestly i just wish they tried a little harder with her and we got to know *sumire* instead of kasumi a little more. reading the interview where the devs admitted to her just being a marketing ploy and how they treated her as such really is crushing. its kind of a reflection of royal as a whole in a way to me. care *was* put in; i can see the heart behind a lot of this, but it's more focused on being flashy and appealing to those who missed the first wave of p5dom; or trying to draw back in those who have already played. which... is the point of a video game definitive edition, but kind of ironic when presented against the morals p5 seems to stand for. (or tries to, anyway. corporate meddling and cultural norms... this is still a video game that needs to sell.) i know i shouldn't treat silly anime game #685 that lets you date a maid-teacher as an 'art form' but i always felt p5 had a pretty solid and profound message. so to see royal trample p5 vanilla and then dance around wearing its skin is... certainly something. i know they're technically the same game, so royal has those messages too, but they get all tied up in the new stuff that royal brings forth (and doesn't deliver on. lmao. lol) on top of the already shaky at times writing p5 came with. i guess what im just trying to say is that royal's content is good... but it's being too much. and that just makes me really, really sad. despite all that, royal still kind of rekindled my love for p5 that was already present. every new playthrough for me lets me look deeper into what i like or neat details i missed; seriously i always find something new when i come back to this game. but this was especially true in royal. i found myself noticing when the tiniest detail was changed and it was always fun to compare them, even if it devolved into a tangent. i really only am disappointed like this just because I love persona 5 as a whole *so much*. its everything to me, so i want it to be the best it can be, yknow? anyway, thanks persona 5 royal. you've been a journey in multiple ways. try as i might, i won't forget you.
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looks at you with my big autistic eyes. its my turn to enable blorbotalking can you tell me more about gale & your relationship bc he seems like such a silly pathetic guy
this ask got me out of bed so i could properly type my thoughts out. alright cracks my knuckles (spoilers for the story of bg3 under the cut/suicide mention/sex mention at one point sorry) (not joking this is long) (you give me a vague description of beltboy and then you ask me 'hey so whos your new guy' and i become an unskippable cutscene.)
GODS he really does set himself up as pathetic. he probably doesn't realise it. but your first interaction with him is pulling him out of a malfunctioning portal (which i affectionately call gale% in all my playthroughs) because he's usually better at magic but just this once he got stuck on the other side please pull him out so niceys. and then he talks so so much. whenever you're in the grove and do something nice where the refugees are concerned he's like haha! this reminds me of when i was younger! this reminds me of when i stopped a bar fight! and then also the "fuck that woman" dialogue node when you save a child from getting killed by a death viper because she stole something and gave it back. when you first long rest he tells you to go to hell and then immediately expounds upon his worries concerning the fact that you're all going to DIE (did i mention there's a parasite in everyone's head. there's a parasite in everyone's head). AND HE ALSO INTRODUCES HIMSELF WHEN ASKED WITH HIS TINDER PROFILE. "i like cats and wine and long walks" shut uppp. bites him
and then he eventually opens up to you about something very important to him; he has a condition that makes him eat magic items and he would be very grateful if you could help! he hasn't told anyone besides his cat about this! he Trusts You!!!!! and then you give him a magic item a bit later and GODS tim downie did a wonderful job because the genuine relief in his "thank you" sends me for a loop every time. and with the first magic item hes like mm yes good. with the second he goes ahh mm still ouchies this is worrying. and with the third hes like ok this really isnt doing anything anymore. i have to open up about my condition further.
THEN HE JUST STRAIGHT UP TELLS YOU HE USED TO FUCK THE GODDESS OF MAGIC. AND TRIED TO GIVE HER A GIFT TO GET HER TO PAY ATTENTION TO HIM BEYOND JUST LEADING HIM ON. (THIS BIT INFURIATES ME BECAUSE HE WAS HER CHOSEN AND WITH EVERY OTHER CHOSEN YOU ENCOUNTER IN THIS GAME THE GODS THAT CHOSE THEM ARE VERY CLEAR ABOUT WHAT THEY WANT AND WHAT POWERS THEY GET IN RETURN BUT MYSTRA LITERALLY JUST WORE GALE OUT LIKE A TOY AND DIDN'T COMMUNICATE SHIT AND DROPPED HIM AS SOON AS HE CROSSED A BOUNDARY HE DIDN'T KNOW WAS THERE!!!! I NEED TO KILL MYSTRA.) and this attempted gift now lays in his chest. he basically has been carrying a nuclear bomb around this whole time. in his chest. we learn later that the gift never could have worked because it's not made of the "right magic" (grr) but for now gale's just like "ok. i told you. now if you want me to go kill myself i will" and that basically becomes his entire character for the rest of the game DSFJH he will kill himself at the slightest provocation (this is untrue but you Do get a skill that allows him to kill himself and game over you soon after this so. LOL)
im just gonna attach a video of the next big moment bc i remembered to record it! basically you save the grove of refugees and they throw a party for you and gale asks to meet you after to show you "something magical" and it isn't his penis-
now eventually you run into an old man. which old man? this universe's equivalent of gandalf the fucking grey, gale's old mentor. he comes to tell gale that mystra told him to kill himself. and then gives him the means to kill himself with the orb in his chest. this is the equivalent of your ex giving you nuclear launch codes and telling you to kill yourself by standing in the vicinity of where they want you to launch the nukes. gale is understandably upset but genuinely considers killing himself. because maybe it's what fate wants him to do maybe this is how he Should end. and he's pretty much made up his mind. and it's the player's job to convince him not to.
this culminates with him making his ideal night. because it might be his last one alive. and he chooses to spend it with you. you, who has become so vastly important to him. this is the moment he confesses. this is the moment where i burst into tears because jesus christ tim downie is a good actor. and jesus christ im in love with gale of waterdeep. he gently takes you by the hand, shows you his home in waterdeep via magic. describes what the perfect night with you would be. shows you a slice of his world. laments that you aren't home, or otherwise he would have courted you properly. tells you about his favourite books, how he often stays up reading until the dawn.
then he does have sex with you. but it's either normalstyle or fucking insane symbolism laden bullshit in space. and the symbolism bullshit is so . its so. i should record it some time.
ANYways after that you rock up to where mystra told him to kill himself and you say NO i love you and he goes, verbatim, "no matter what happens, i choose you." and. i keel over and die and burst into tears. and then you make it to act three and you're in the city !!! yippee! and you get to do a love test w him :] and witness a coronation! and somewhere in there you meet his tressym, tara, which i also have a video of-
and THEN you get to go SHOPPING WITH HIM! YOU GO SHOPPING WHEEE he needs a forbidden book to learn about the crown mentioned in the video. and you can either break in from the office of the head librarian or kill the wizard that runs the shop in his own home and work your way down to the book vault. and basically gale wants to take the crown and become a better god than the ones now. i also have a video for this. sorry for so many videos but i think of these moments and my brain fucking turns off. the video is stuttery and jittery unfortunately :( but i cannot change this.
and then after this mystra finally comes into contact with him like "hey i can get rid of that bomb if you give me the crown" and its like HEY WHY ONLY MENTION THIS NOW. HUH. HEY WHY ONLY BRING THIS UP NOW. i need to kill mystra. anyways then you go off and save the world!! and the 'final kiss' tears me to pieces. but i don't have a video of it bc the One time i went to the endgame i didn't think to record it. but then!! after the game he proposes and takes you home to visit his Really Big Family and have a big fat greek wedding. and so basically im in love with him. thank you for your time
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yikepike · 1 year
scp readthrough for real this time day 1
okay so! i think it would be fun to have a lil debrief at the end of the say about the articles i read :3 it’ll be good for tracking my progress, help me keep going on this fools errand and also really get me thinking about what im reading.
i think i made pretty good progress today! i’ve barely made a dent tho, as expected.
Started: no clue. didn’t record it last night
Ended: SCP-254 Employee of the Month
Most unnerving: SCP-231 Special Personnel Requirements
right okay this is. the scarlet king scp we’re talking about. this shit is SCARY. i’d already read it before so i remembered quite a but NOT apparently. the title
so i see “Special Personnel Requirements” and im like. okay? lets see what this is all about
i get 2 paragraphs in
oh okay i guess we’re revisiting this
Personal favourite: SCP-245 SCP-RPG
this. this is a Whole Ass Game. An Entire game that you can Play. for real. an incredible amount of effort went into this and i wanted to play the game instead of just. watching the walkthrough
(if you can’t/don’t wanna play it there are playthroughs on youtube :3)
anyway the SHEER amount of effort that went into this makes it my personal favourite for the day hand down.
shoutout to runner ups SCP-230 The Gayest Man and SCP-237 Self Made Man (or as i like to call them The Twink and The Weeb, in that order respectively) they were also very fun to read
that’s it for today!
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oddaiden · 4 months
I Thought since Twitter got it, you all deserved a copy/paste of it in one post (thank you Tumblr for better limits) it also has some rewrites to make it cooler and better since you're all awesome
I can't wait for my next few videos to be out! I'm doing another pac man chaos like video where I'm playing a certain amount of games of a series, but now it's all the games (minus some peripheral and mobile games) of a certain series! Another thing I'm extremely excited to do is playing games and voicing everything and everyone in the games for as long as I can handle. instead of worrying if I'm making too long of a video I'm just making it till I can't anymore! It'll be fun and I have plans for multiple games so don't just think it's one series or something! I will take time for each one though since sometimes I can get mixed up with my brain. Definitely what I'm ready to get finished is my leapfrog video, it's been in the making for so long with at least 3 different script changes and new footage being recorded here and there and new ideas randomly being put into my brain. I'm hoping to get this video done sooner or later since it's a lot of editing and making in general so fixing a date will probably only ever happen if im happy with the video, it needs my charm and feeling of enjoyment and it has to be something I'd want to watch(older versions felt boring and simple).I got some continuations of videos and a whole new playthrough to get you all interested! I'm constantly moving consoles around so sometimes the convenience of recording a paper Mario video or another gameshow video isn't available. It all depends on what console is plugged in and motivation, Definitely one of the reasons you see certain videos at certain times, like at the moment the console plugged in is my ps3 so playstation games and PC games are the easiest to get stuff for. If I wanted Wii/Wii U I'd have to go to the living room and unplug it to then set up the console and capture card,That's generally how this works for me, it's a bit unprofessional but It's what also gives new and unique videos, like gran Turismo 5 being last minute and silly, and then other playstation stuff coming soon just because it's what's available. It's also my mood for games, say I'm not in the mood for a big story or needing the most attention to be on the game, sometimes I want to play a random assortment of games and just talk! So things like Atari Hysteria and Mario Madness Exist for that, Sometimes I want to just play a game that interests me at the moment. I'll do quick 30-40 minute videos on games I'm in the mood for and just play and enjoy myself, it's fun and sometimes I get cool moments out of it. And that's how I do things for my channel!
Thank you all for reading and if you have any questions or requests you can always ask here! I'm always happy to answer whatever I can :D
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astyrluna · 1 year
ok i gotta talk abt my bg3 playthough w/o twitters character limit cuz this has been on my mind
SO im at the beginning of act 2, into the shadow cursed lands. got through the beginning just fine, went to the last light inn, did all that, prevented isobel from being abducted (which im v proud of cuz i killed a handful of the winged beasts or w/e they were called and had cast lightning bolt to take some down, but then i realized u lost the encounter if isobel got knocked out and was like "well im not wasting a lv. 3 spell slot on this fight if shes just gonna get taken anyway" which quickly became "well in that case im not fuckin letting her get taken then!!!" and it took me 2 lightning bolts and astarion being downed like 4 times but i DID IT)
*ahem* anyway, i prevented isobel from being abducted, and the mission after that is finding out how the cultists traverse the shadow curse and doing the whole ambush. NOW i already knew there was a dialogue w/ kar'niss cuz ive seen clips from "evil" playthroughs where ppl were interqacting w/ him and ive also seen ppl simping for him (and just for the record: smash) so after just letting the ambush happen and initiating battle and seeing his level and hp, i was like "lets see if theres an easier way to do this"
so i reloaded and decided to make myself known. i lied that the absolute protected me and told kar'niss that she wanted me to have his lanturn, then told him to go on. cuz im a sorcerer, i took the option to fake a protection spell on them, and man. i did not fucking expect kar'niss' screams to be so gut-wrenching. my heart dropped hearing him plead. i dont regret it and i will be doing the same thing on future playthroughs where possible cuz its the easiest solution but that was. hard. to listen to. so now canonically thats the first time in the whole adventure that my tav felt actually sick abt something he did. i havent had a long rest since but ive decided that hes gonna have a convo w/ the companions like "i dont regret what i did, it got us what we needed without a fight, but i think that driders screams are going to haunt me for a long time." (but astarion and shadowheart approved so my boys gonna get some ~reassurance~ lmao)
and like. ive made it to the town whose name im forgetting and come across the toll collector and made her kill herself too and felt normal afterwards so its not that i made him basically kill himself, its specifically the sound of his screams that got me
also when i realized they showed back up as shadow cursed creatures right outside the toll house i reloaded again and went up onto the roof and just had astarion shoot them all from a distance. didnt even enter initiative w/ them AND it got us all to lv. 7. ty astarion, my hero *mwah*
and finally (and i did talk abt this on twitter but still) we found arabella at the gates to the graveyard. this fuckin kid. the first thing she does when we approach her is show off some INCANTATIONLESS MAGIC which immediately impresses the FUCK outta my sorcerer ass, tells me her parents are missing (and like. they were dead. i already knew they were gonna be dead. finding the bodies just confirmed it), THEN arabella tells me the only ppl she trusts are herself, her parents, and me, and tops this all off by calling me "hero-man" and running off to my camp like. congrats on the new big brother kiddo youve got him wrapped around your finger already. were both mephistopheles tieflings (presumably. she is also blue skinned), were both magic, like cmon. thats my tavs kid sister
and speaking of finding her parents bodies, actually, the whole conversation w/ the nurse "tending" to them is just...profoundly sad. i ended up choosing the deception choice and saying like "oh i see now, theyre deeply asleep" and the nurse says like "i knew these hands wouldnt fail me" like oh...sweetie...no...
(that didnt quite hit me like kar'niss' screaming did, it just left me feeling sad. for her, for the whole situation. i havent gone back to camp to tell arabella yet, im still 'splorin)
also i found the true love rings. ofc i put one on astarion and the other on my tav. i havent even got to the true confession yet lmao. you dont even know how excited i am for that. god i such a fuckin simp
you have NO IDEA how happy i was when she got the upgrade and one of the options was "pull her into a hug" i was sat there SCREAMING in joy for a solid 30 seconds before actually doing it, and then a further 2 minutes after LMAO
i just wish there was an option to pull dammon in on the hug. man deserves it. we love this dude
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I beg of you to fix Bruce. Please.
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tbh i wasnt sure what expression he was supposed to be doing so i went for smad.
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vos-videmus · 3 years
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flecks-of-stardust · 3 years
hey, i was looking through your bug fables liveblog playthrough, and i had tried my hardest to figure this out for a good while but i have a question;
what is the explanation behind the leafbug portrayals in the game being racist? i’ve tried to figure it out for the sake of awareness, but i couldn’t find any sources. don’t feel obligated to explain if you don’t want to, feel free to delete this ask for your comfort.
its racist but possibly a better way to put it is that it plays into a lot of anti-indigenous tropes. for the record, i am not indigenous, so my insight on this front may be somewhat limited, but ill explain as best as i can.
the first time you hear of the leafbug tribe is when youre going into an area that is, directly stated or otherwise, not part of bugaria. theyre Outsiders that do not understand the culture of bugarian bugs. they also have their own language that is 'gibberish' that, funnily enough (/s), no one ever attempts to understand. this sort of othering is already a red flag, because its not portrayed in good faith. add that to the fact that you have to fight them for... no real reason in the game, and its really not painting a good picture.
im pretty sure the leafbug tribe is also explicitly described as primitive, somewhere? which is a very common and egregious anti-indigenous sentiment. theyre different, theyre not knowledgeable in science or whatever the fuck, they have their own brutal customs, theyre just unintelligent beasts that are obstacles in our path, and to get through we just have to kill them. do you see any parallels here?
one of my biggest issues with how the leafbug tribe is portrayed is that, again, there is never any attempt on any of the bugarian characters' part to properly communicate with them. for gameplay reasons they're 'just enemies,' sure, but why? why did the devs make the choice to paint a whole enemy tribe in this light? and also, why does the leafbug tribe have to fight the protagonists anyway? even if they're protecting their territory, why would they feel the need to protect it if they didnt have outsiders who never explain what theyre doing here traipsing on their lands?
one of the worst instances for me would be the team maki side quest where yin becomes an adult moth. maybe im just confused at where exactly the leafbugs live, but that section of the map is in the far grasslands, in wasp kingdom territory. the swamplands are connected to the grasslands, but the specific area yin metamorphoses in is not near it? but then surprise! you have to fight the leafbug tribe! because... idk, theyre convenient antagonists. shrug, its a video game. except its really not just a video game.
fundamentally, the portrayal of the leafbug tribe plays into a lot of anti-indigenous tropes, and everything about them is done in bad faith. the writing of bug fables already has other flaws, and there is another instance of racism in the bug fables universe—cough cough, elizant the second with ladybugs—and also given what ive heard of the devs im just. very wary, and very tired. to be fair i dont think they intended to native code the leafbug tribe, but these sorts of biases are very ingrained in popular culture and media, and just because its common doesnt make it less hurtful. especially not when its this blatant.
im not sure how clear this explanation and analysis is, but its as good as i can muster. other folks with more personal experience/knowledge may be able to contribute more. either way, i resent how the leafbug tribe was depicted.
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azumasoroshi · 2 years
ive come to the realization that it's probably easier to immerse yourself in ace attorney playthroughs when the lets player is like. objectively pretty bad at the game
or at least doesn't have a great track record of figuring out cases way before the reveals come in court
im not naming names but johneawes-
like i tend to turn my brain off and draw stuff when i watch playthroughs so if johne hasn't figured it out i probably haven't and thus things actually come as surprises
meanwhile with people who are really experienced with ace attorney and figure stuff out quickly it kind of becomes a drag because well we already know the whole mystery and now it's just really annoying trying to get to the mystery in court
like sometimes it's annoying when people are like "oh my god what if..." and then proceed to say a completely wrong theory but most of the time i'd prefer that to them knowing everything and getting annoyed with the game cuz if you're annoyed i'm annoyed and then this isn't very fun gameplay is it
having multiple people also makes it easier to figure out stuff quickly because now you have several pairs of eyes to notice small details and piece everything together
so maybe it's easier to get invested when there's only one person playing as well
this is like the stupidest post ive made lmFAO like noooo you cant figure out stuff in an ace attorney game!!! how dare you!!! down with smart people!!! i sound like berdly help
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"I'll never wear comfortable shoes ever again!"
“I’ll never let anyone chose ever again!”
i have too many thoughts about the game grumps playthrough of DR2. i enjoyed it because i was a fan, but the whole thing leaves a bad taste in my mouth.
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First I’m disappointed that they  used a walk-through without even TRYING to solve the mysteries. Like yes, they’re ridiculous, but the draw of a mystery game is you think about the evidence the game gives you and how it wants you to solve it or some shit. And a crap ton of other people do it like that!! Or at least pretend to think about it!!! Watching [a recording of] someone play a game for the first time is typically fun (especially for veterans) because you get to see how they pick up on confusing shit and what they think’s going to happen. Using a walk-through and making it like a second time Though I understand using it for the hangman's gambits.
Second I’m sad that they slept thought all the free-times-- I know they’re optional, but visual novels are already the games with the least amount of choices you can make,,, so you’d chose not to choose??
Actually it kinda feels ironic considering the thing about apathy that the game brings up
oh god im a backseat gamer. wait, isn’t that the main audience of letsplays, anyway???
TLDR arin clearly didn't enjoy this, and that sucked for everyone, and it makes me sad because as long as it makes VIEWS they’ll keep doing it and ill keep watching it because i’m TOO FAR DOWN the danganronpa rabbit hole (derogatory). now if you’ll excuse me, im gonna go listen to linken park.
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svankmajerbaby · 2 years
also also this made me think of that whole incredibly stupid discussion of whether video games are art (again, its not if All Video Games ARE Art, is whether the medium of videogames can result in art, which of fucking course it can) and im thinking of all those wonderful video essays ive seen of people passionately discussing different aspects of video games, and how fascinated i was in high school when a friend told me the plot of bioshock infinite bc she played the full game and i didnt own it, and then when i watched a playthrough of the game devotion and how it shook me because of how beautifully executed it was, how space and time were conceived and rendered and how light and music were employed... but at the same time i Say all this as i have experienced no video game as art in person. im shit at playing video games im bad at controls and i often get frustrated and cant move on from a certain point where i get stuck, so i usually experience video games like movies, because thats a format im comfortable with. and that wil probably be the case with a lot of older people who wouldnt want to give video games a chance to see them as art, thats why video games are chasing that "cinematic" feel as they want the validation and respect that movies have. i experience video games as movies and that is probably pretty close to, say, experiencing books as audiobooks... if i watch a video game playthrough i cannot control my camera or my movements i relinquish all control on the person who recorded it, losing key aspects of the video game experience like directly feeling myself in the place of the character im supposed to inhabit and the real sense of accomplishment and action/consequences that a player has; much like someone loses a good bit of the experience of reading a book by relinquishing the intimacy with the narrator, the visual of words arranged in a page and the personal sort of mental voice and rhythm that a reader has, compared to being narrated a book by someone else, as good at their job as they can be, cannot ever replicate the experience of one reading by oneself.......
and thats definitely not to say that audiobooks, or hell, even playthroughs cannot be art!!! they are both specific sorts of mediums with their own quirks and defining characteristics and by their distance or proximity to other art forms they garner respect and validation. but theyre both mediums and i do believe that any medium has a potential to be a platform in which art can be created
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transhoverfish · 3 years
Just curious..
What do you like and don't like about each of the Subnautica games? (If there's anything to hate about these games, they're amazing)
tbh i dont have many complaints about either game, although i have felt that playing both quickly after the other does,,, make the differences super noticeable. things in sub1 i never had a problem w or didnt bother me much have become more bothersome now that ive played bz
like the battery meter on tools and the option to choose where each go in the slot? having to mess w all my tools to get them the EXACT order i wanted (for maximum efficiency of course) was always sort of annoying to me but nbd. now i can barely STAND how the tool menu works/looks in sub1 bc the bz version is.... so much better
I ALSO have a few gripes w bz that have slowly started to bother me more and more as i play. and by a few i mean one thing specifically. the CRASHING. obvs both games have a bit of a crashing and framerate and pop-in issue, but bz is just,,,, so much worse when it comes to crashes.
ive had sub1 on pc and ps4 for like, 3 years now?? and ive dealt w maybe around 5-10 crashes total in those three years, very sporadically? since ive bought bz less than a month ago ive dealt w at least 30 crashes. if i play for an hour it crashes at LEAST 1 time, usually 2 or 3 on average. i quit playing due to crashing more often than i quit after a save and exit. and although ive played sub1 considerably less on the switch, its still not crashed a single time, which makes me think it might be a bz problem and not a switch problem, but idk. i save often enough that i never lose more than 10 minutes at worse, but still,,,,,the crashing is constant. if the loading times were as bad as sub1's (which thankfully they are not), i would probably only play every once in a while bc i just cannot get more than 30 minutes in w/o a crash.
speaking of loading screens holy SHIT sub1 takes like 3 minutes at best to load in a NEW save. i could literally get up and make myself lunch and be back before it loads up on a save with more than 1 small tube of a habitat built in. bz has sped that up a lot which makes the loading screen feel even worse (once again, fixing a problem and then going back to that problem in sub1 just accidentally makes the game a bit more frustrating)
other than those few technical problems, most of which could very well be due to my own old ps4, laptop that doesn't quite meet the spec requirements, and attempt to play subnautica on a SWITCH of all things; the only genuine complaints i have about both is the ending in sub1 being 'make the rocket' after the lost river/lava zone segments is the worst part of the game and i almost never fully finish playthroughs bc that much resource collecting and grinding at the v end is hell! aaand the ice spires can compete with the dunes for "large open area full of death and bullshit that nobody ever wants to go to" bc i spent an hour and a half in the arctic spires the first time i went there in survival! and despite exploring it extensively in creative and having a base right outside in survival i STILL get lost constantly. for the record im usually good at navigating back to somewhere in these games w/o signals, esp if ive been there multiple times. i just get lost in the arctic spires constantly. the ice worms dont help!!!
the soundtrack in both games is AMAZING and i geniuenly just listen to them both for fun and get the songs stuck in my head sometimes. theres one from bz in my head right now it plays in the lilypad islands and i cannot remember what its called rn.
the sound design is both games is also really good?? i sit on the bz start menu and listen to the pengwengs, and sub1 in particular is like my favorite sound design in anything ever. i go in creative and just chill next to the creatures SO OFTEN. crabsquids, warpers, and sea dragons specifically sound so nice i could fall asleep to crabsquid noises they're so nice??
the ways the pdas are used for story telling is super nice, and ive always loved the little insights into the characters lives it gives u!! figuring out what happened to sam in bz and listening to all the final pda's in sub1 is always one of if not the favorite part of the games, i listen to every single pda every single time i play, i always feel just as sad for ozzy and keen and fred and the mercury crew and AAAAAA im very attached to these characters <33
also marguerit maida. need i say more.
SO if i talked about everything i liked in these two games i would b here for 3 hours so know that there is much much MUCH more i adore about them and my complaints about the arctic spires and crashing and loading times very much pale in comparison to all the good from the two!! bz is still very recently released so i believe the crashing issues will be dealt w in the future!!
i have many strong feelings for both games AND ive heard that apparently they've already confirmed a 3rd in the making? 👀 didn't look that up admittedly but if it IS true ill 100% b backing it up bc i ADORE this universe and its silly little fish and the silly little people i wanna hug. im full of love and subnautica takes up at least 67% of that love its my whole entire world i cannot imagine shutting up about them and ryley and robin anytime soon <3333
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