#im sinking with this ship
kinuhanino · 2 years
Imagine if wenclair doesn't become canon but every interaction with them just smells fruity bcuz that actors are the fruity ones
Like imagine they're supposed to be straight but the actors just took them and ran and went gay gay homosexual gay
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umadosedefanta · 2 months
The feminine urge to delete all your social media out of nowhere
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oooooh you want to read my huaxuan hookup fic sooooo bad
bonus :P
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endless-nightshift · 3 months
Heaven officials blessing version of this. They fill me with joy <3
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cursedconstellation · 8 months
I just had the absolutely diabolical thought-
After Cas died the last time, Dean just shut down. He wouldn't let Sam speak of him, he wouldn't let himself think of him, if he saw a man in a familiar trenchcoat, he'd just turn away. Any of Cas' belongings made it to an old shoe-box, stashed away so well it could only gather dust, intentionally forgotten. As far as Dean Winchester was concerned, Cas might have not existed at all.
Sam, of course, wouldn't leave it alone. Every once in a while he'd mention the angel fleetingly, only to be ignored. He tried being forward, cornering Dean and begging him to at least acknowledge a part of their life was missing. He tried being careful and gentle in his approach, trying to spot a hint of vulnerability in Dean, that momentary, blink-and-you-miss-it look in his eye when he'd hear his name. He tried to be casual, off-handedly say something to catch him off guard.
"Oh, I think this was Cas' favourite mug," off to the shoebox it went.
"Cas really liked this song," and coincidentally, he'd never hear it again.
"Cas would've loved that," and whatever 'that' was would never be mentioned again.
No matter what he said, as soon as Cas' name was uttered, Dean suddenly could not hear it. Even when it was left unspoken, as soon as it became clear who 'he' that Sam incessantly talked about was, it fell on deaf ears.
Months went by, and Sam would not give up, he'd never give up. However his attempts would become more sparse and he'd go weeks without even trying to say anything alluding to Cas. In fact, at a certain point, although he could not remember exactly when, he actively avoided the topic, just as Dean did. Some days he was too tired to confront the reality of his brother being severely unwell, and played into it, just to give himself a couple of days of false normalcy. Because Dean was 'fine'. He said so every time Sam dared to ask. So, some days Sam allowed everything to be just 'fine'.
It was one of those streaks, then. They'd have breakfast together and make a small talk, about anything and everything - as long as Cas wasn't mentioned. Dean would make a bad joke, and Sam would roll his eyes. They fell back into decades long routine, only occasionally broken by Sam, who would always end up coming back to the topic of the angel. He'd always try and catch Dean off-guard, even though he knew the outcome by heart by then. Dean would simply look away, the same, dark look over his eyes, and while he'd stand still, the same as before Sam said anything, he seemed miles away.
That day Sam didn't plan on saying anything. In fact, he himself forgot about it, caught in Dean's denial. It was truly easier that way, to just take Dean at face value, to ignore the fact everything he said, did, or perhaps even thought was a facade. The day itself wasn't remarkable in any way, either. It was as if the entire world adjusted to ignore the fact Cas ever existed in it.
They had their usual banter over breakfast, only to split up after finishing - Sam hid away with his laptop in hands, Dean would leave to work on Baby. In fact he worked on her so much, Sam wasn't sure there was anything left to improve. He never doubted that was in fact what Dean was doing, as he'd always hear banging and scraping of metal even through the walls. It was like that then, too. There was clanking, and music, and occasional roars of the engine. Yet-
At one point it stopped.
Sam only noticed it after a couple of minutes - the music still played, echoing through the bunker, but there was no other sound accompanying it. There was no delicate vibrations from tools being tossed onto the floor.
Perhaps it was his hunter instincts kicking in, or perhaps simple paranoia, but there was something unsettling about that silence.
Sam carefully put his computer away and followed the music up the stairs, listening in closely for any sound of distress, or even any sound at all, but Led Zeppelin blaring from the speaker drowned everything out. Once he reached the garage and the music barely sounded like any melody at all, with mild annoyance, he turned it off, for a moment relishing in the sudden silence.
Except- he heard heavy breathing, as if someone was gasping for air despite being locked in a place deprived of oxygen. It was loud, it was panicked, it was-
It was Dean. Dean, sitting with his back against the wall, knees pulled to his chest, tears streaming down his pale, clammy face. Before Sam could even move, Dean looked up at him, eyes wide and glistening, and he looked so terrified and helpless, for a moment it felt like he was just a scared kid, who saw something in the darkest corner of his room.
Between heavy, disorganised breaths, he managed to pant out,
"My ears keep ringing, and it sounds just like him."
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vividbaddogs · 3 months
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vengeful ghost
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1dkreally · 11 months
every day i see a tumblr post with 30k notes talking explicitly about where you go to pirate things. guys you know this is how soap2days death and 3ds system update 11.17 happened right
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thefrsers · 5 months
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crt8ball · 1 month
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I bet you'll never guess who my favorite icebound character is
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raggedy-dxctor · 7 months
fit start being soft for pac again challenge, bbh is stealing your mans
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zaiaam · 16 days
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ain't no need for this man to be smoking two blunts at the same time dude calm down
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kinuhanino · 2 years
quick doodle nthng too fancy
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hehe gay ass
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clouvu · 1 year
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Pretty woman
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tillerqueendev · 10 months
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"A woman of arms bearing conspicuous scars, as well as worse invisible ones." gonna start slowly dropping some info on Demigothic's playable characters, so here's Sigfrida's sprite and portrait
also, tiny process gif:
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hyde-nseek · 10 months
Ya know, I never saw Sidon and Link as lovers. What I DID see them as, was homies. And I honestly love that relationship a lot more.
Like, they leave their wives every Sunday afternoon at exactly 4pm Hyrule Standard Time because that's two hours before the big Goron Wrestling Showdown and Sidon pressured Link into joining this time.
They go do random crap together like fighting Lynels or diving at Toto Lake (they would go to Shatterback Point, but the tourism is awful.)
They fish in the river and share advice on how to deal with Yona or Zelda. I also imagine them trying to get their wives to like each other so they can hang out more.
Every once in a while, they talk about Mipha, but those conversations are quiet, and both of them know it would be better to move on. Neither of them ever do.
Brothers are close, and Sidon and Link chose to be brothers.
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concordewillfly · 7 months
about to cry over the rumours of this site shutting down lol this is my home!! ive spent the last ten years on here!! ive met so many cool people!! where am i supposed to go!!!!!!
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