#im so bad at talking 2 people everytime i talk to u it feels like its been months >____< miss u love u wish u the best in everything always
karda · 7 months
hi im in new orleans rn. zoo moments.
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HOG HOG HOG‼️‼️‼️‼️‼️❗❗❗❗
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wonder2realities · 5 months
as someone who came into the manifestation / LOA space like before the void state and neville goddard was even talked abt - its rlly interesting to see how much ppl focus or try to act as if the void state is the only way to manifest
cuz like i found out abt the void state like 2 years ago through shifting, but prior to that everything ive manifested has always been super simple i mean currently im literally living my dream life in so many ways possible (i can go into heavy detail in another post lolz) and it was never through the void state or through me reading pages of neville goddard and theories and shit and this isnt me saying theres anything wrong with that its just interesting how no matter how much time passes and different trends with the community continue there's always this need to "logicise" and almost profit off of manifestation
for example i remember ppl would pay money for someone to write affirmations for them (idk if ppl still do this) or people would pay to get tips, i rmbr ppl paying money for OTHER PEOPLE to go into the void state in like 2022 so that they can manifest for you etc — that alongside the concept of manifestation coaches and influencers and its so...tacky
and the same thing goes for submakers, as someone whos had a lot and i mean A LOT of shitty experiences with larger submakers (cons of being a blk autistic ; not a lot of ppl want u to exist happily...if i had a penny for everytime someone asked me to manifest my autism away id be scrooge mcduck) — a lot of them also fall into this category of turning manifestation or LOA into this profitable business and its sad honestly
something that is free, where you dont need anything is being turned into something that is behind a paywall - its almost sinister honestly and rlly makes me feel bad for any younger ppl (like 10-15) who are getting into manifestation or interested in it because u basically have ppl being like "YOU CAN ONLY GET UR DESIRES IN THIS ONE WAY. IF YOU WANT, I CAN DO IT FOR YOU BUT YOU NEED TO PAY ME TONS OF MONEY!!!" - it almost gives a subconscious message that they cant do it on their own which goes against the whole point of manifestation and it just sucks ass
idk maybe im like a commie in the manifestation society #downwiththesocialhierarchy but it rlly irks me and i dont like it and again maybe its cuz i dealt with a lot of bullshit before the LOA community became more...minority friendly and that shit TRAUMATISED ME but like idk i just dont fw it yk
u can do wtv u want in wtv way u want for free, u cant buy a consciousness so you dont need to waste money on shit (obviously if u wanna support a submaker or someone thats perfectly fine but you dont HAVE to)
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youremyheaven · 2 months
this is gunna sound so weird... men make my skin crawl. Like im attracted to men but everytime i see a man, my rbf awakens and i become hyper aware of my surroundings 😭
it doesn't help that im attending an all girls college now... any advice on how to ease up pls around them? I find it hard to even want to talk to them 😭 ik all men aren't bad and i may always not be in danger (imagine that in all caps and red) but i just wanna be able behave and think like a normal person around them ( this is so much that i even can't stand strangers)
Loads of luv to you ❤
honestly i hope u meet better men!!! there are some disgusting nasty perverted pieces of shit out there who dont deserve to be around women and i completely get why u would feel repulsed by them.
i wonder if u have malefic influence, they usually struggle the most with the opposite gender
tips on how to ease up around men:
think in terms of energy. dont project anger or hatred because thats what you will see in return. i know this is very triggering and difficult for many people but you HAVE to believe in good to SEE good. despite absolutely everything that ive gone thru, i still believe that people are inherently good, kind and helpful and i see proof of it everyday.
ive had men treat me with dignity, respect and kindness in the shadiest of circumstances and ive had men be nasty to me out in the open, so it just comes down to character. just think of men as people honestly and not as hound dogs about to attack u.
2. imagine them as little boys
sometimes when men are soft or boyish with me, it reminds me of how they mustve been as kids and it warms me. i have two little boy cousins who are 12 and 6 respectively and they both adooooreeee me and want to marry me when they grow up🥺🥺🥺theyre the sweetest kids on the planet and i could never ever feel otherwise, theyre my babies. idk if this is something u can relate to but think of a little boy you're close to, how innocent and silly he is and how you could never see him as a threat or hate him and understand that grown men can be like that too.
3. how we treat people has a lot to do with how people treat us
if you have a rbf and generally act standoffish and cold/distant, then you're probably perceived as being bitchy 😬😬and nevermind men, even women probably find u intimidating or hard to approach. im only saying this because learning how to navigate social situations is 90% of adulthood and the key to personal and professional success.
learn to smile more. i know women hate being told to smile but honestly we should alllll smile more. force yourself to do it until it becomes a habit. be that person who smiles at strangers. dont u feel happy when someone smiles at you??? so in turn, be that person to others!!! <33
learn to get out of your head. most people think too much. i hate spending time with people who talk about everything from a victim pov. like yes sure u/we women, are in a position of disadvantage in many ways, historically speaking but ???? this attitude?? wont get u anywhere. (I'm speaking generally and not about you particularly)
i would say the key is to turn inward and work on yourself. read all those cliche self help books about "how to influence people" yada yada,, learn social etiquette and watch all those youtube gurus who teach soft skills. forget about men and hating them for a second and just focus on self improvement. as you change, youll see the world change with u.
just think of men as people basically. also idk if youre familiar with carl jung but i feel like you have a wounded animus. many women who grew up with an absent (emotionally or otherwise) father grow up to project all that onto men. and in turn have damaging relationships with men!!
im not a man defender and im in no way saying all men are good but i genuinely dont think its healthy to hate, thats all!!
idk if any of this is helpful sikeee but lmk if u have any updates
also lots of love to u too angel!!<3
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raayllum · 4 months
im new to the fandom, so I miss a lot of the discourse (helped ofc by the fact you're kinda the only dp blog I follow), so everytime you mention the s4 backlash I'm like....how in the world could people hate that season or rayllum in it? It doesn't compute for me!
The last ship I was particularly engaged with, has a lot of similarities with rayllum. They were best friends, life partners before they were ever /romantic/ life partners. And they went through a /lot/ of trauma, miscommunication, and being on opposite sides of the same fight, etc etc.
the difference to rayllum was that they never rlly gave each other the grace they need. They also never talked on screen, but unlike rayllum it wasn't because it was the best option for them, it's just that the writers didn't want to include it ever - to the point that when they finally did an episode addressing it, it landed...very flat? Because it was about six seasons in, addressing things as far back as the second season, that they'd apparently never spoken to each other about before (they were tragically engaged when this happened).
Rayllum GENERALLY but especially in s4 have a really special place in my heart, because they feel very realistically messy - but it doesn't feel like it's there so there's some drama to keep audiences hooked. It feels authentic, and is one of those rare cases where it strengthens their relationship. I definitely could buy that rayllum would survive anything that hit their relationship by the end of s3, but getting to actually SEE that and see how much they're willing to work through out of love and respect for each other? Fantastic.
(also like it's such good character development....i am with u in the s4 defense squad. is there a squad? If there is I'm in it)
First off welcome to the fandom and I hope you're having a good time!!
The fact that my blog is mostly discourse free cause while I tag accordingly (fandom nonsense and dragons gets salty for potential blacklisting purposes) I always worry I can dip too far into that on occasion (I do my best not to unless being called out by name, and even then mostly do my best to ignore stuff), but there's not too much discourse within TDP in general — at least not in the Rayllum corner, luckily.
I think that's why the S4 backlash really surprised and threw me for a loop, because my partner and I finished the season at like 7AM on release day and while different than expected, we loved it and thought it was great from the start. Then we went online and people in the fandom who I'd largely always agreed with were having a really hard time with the season and it was disheartening at least to not have many people to talk to about why 1) S4 is TDP's thematically strongest season thus far and that's still true, 2) it's Ezran's best season imo, and 3) it does a lot of things really really well in really interesting ways.
I always try to never come down Too Hard on the s4 backlash just because people are of course entitled to their feelings/opinions then as well as now (even if some people's tunes have definitely changed), but a lot of it did feel sometimes short sighted if not immature.
Like soo many people are still mad that Rayla and Callum broke up in an offscreen graphic novel, when S4 would still be S4 regardless of whether TTM existed and like... if Rayla worrying that she failed (again) and went off on her own (again) to protect Callum was a big logical leap, then that person honestly just wasn't paying attention; there's not much else to say there. I also think it's just a strange choice to assume that Nothing Major would change the second you find out about a timeskip; like, almost everything else is status quo, Rayla being gone is the One Major Change and people couldn't handle that being a Surprise?
Like you said, conflict between a couple is not inherently a bad thing; it can be good and interesting, and this was always a relationship hurdle I think a lot of Rayllums (myself included) expected Rayla and Callum to have to tackle. Not liking how extreme or 'dramatic' it was (ie. season long arc > just a few episodes, or Rayla leaving > just trying to leave) is fair enough, but given that it's rooted in so much of Rayla's character, I'd much rather take a long way around approach that's in depth. I'm also just Glad and Grateful that the show is tackling it and treating it like the issue it is rather than sweeping things under the rug.
The fact that Callum's version of anger wasn't the one people wanted is another issue, but again — his anger went the way I'd always thought it might if he just went through enough trauma, and even if he had yelled at her, I don't think the season would've necessarily gone any different than it did other than them crying more early on. Which I've written and wouldn't have minded, but I also don't dislike the alternative route canon took — of course they were never going to get all variations out there, but Callum is cold as hell and being a bit of a jerk while also being valid and tempering himself because he doesn't want to hurt her anymore than she wants to hurt him (and Callum has always been very very bad at being/staying mad with Rayla or Ezran anyway).
I saw a lot of pushback against Rayllum being 'platonic' (which was annoying as an aromantic person lemme tell you, as though platonic is lesser), being "broken up for no reason" (Rayla being hyper-independent was not a secret and always going to be what threatened to rip them apart; they are also still Visibly and Repeatedly In Love with each other how is that broken up), or that they didn't get to have a Big Feelings Time in S4.
With that in mind, there's a lot that also matters in a relationship beyond just Open Communication, tbh. There's going to be times in life where you're not able to or unwilling to talk about certain things (given that S4 is maybe a week, I think that's reasonable; especially when Rayllum still haven't talked to each other about it as of s5 and no one I saw have an issue in S4 about it has complained about it there) and like... how do you treat each other when you're still mad or confused and haven't talked everything out? Do you still take care of each other, are you still doing your best to be considerate of each other (even if you're also not going to be perfect)? That shit matters just as much if not more as people able to sit down and hash things out.
I think the truth is a lot of the things that pissed people off about S4 would've been true even if the opposite things had happened:
N'than is flat and under developed unlike Ellis → N'than is more developed → why is N'than taking away from screentime for other characters?
The Sunfire plotline feels disconnected from the rest of the story (nvm that Viren's arc from 1x06 onwards doesn't affect any main character again until 3x04) → the Sunfire plot line has more connections to the main cast crammed in → more complaints about pacing and things feeling overly stuffed, as scenes already change from one to the next quite clearly
Callum and Rayla have a big talk sometime between 4x03-4x07 → this doesn't give Callum enough time to be angry / makes him seem unreasonable because he's admitted he was mostly worried but is still not fully letting her in despite her spilling her guts to him (and in what world would Rayla give excuses, again, when she knows he's the one hurting and taking priority in her mind)
S4's humor was bad because there were fart jokes (in one episode) → the crowlord's joke is so much worse than the fart jokes imo and is on par with the walnut joke in 1x06. also 1-2 scenes with jokes that didn't work for you out of 9 whole ass episodes is like. you're just a wuss i'm sorry
The Sunfire plot line is boring → will never not feel like "I just can't connect or be interested in politics and religious disagreements when it's mostly about Black people for Some Reason (racism)" to me tbh
There was no way to please everyone especially after a three year hiatus (because people think, For Some Reason, that how much time it takes for a story to come out should change how that story is written and it really, really doesn't) but yeah. The internet showed their asses and I was Not Impressed lmao
TLDR; a lot of the S4 backlash was "I'm mad this isn't happening now and I'm stressed out/worried that it won't be" as opposed to "this is only a problem if it never happens at all, but I have faith that it will," and I will love S4 forever. The Callum-Viren parallels being ramped up, the theme of duality and moving "doing terrible things for love" to the forefront with multiple characters (Rayla, Terry, Viren, Claudia), seeing Ezran step into his role as king, Callum's arc being shown > told, the set up for the possession plot line, Janaya's engagement and relationship development + Amaya and Janai's independent arcs? Chef's kiss. S4 is my best friend and its Rayllum dynamic is on par with S3 for me, and I am very grateful the fandom's attitude towards s4 and s4 Rayllum is a lot warmer / more reasonable now
When Callum says "unconditionally" in 5x01 and all their stuff in S5 we know and believe it because we've seen them fight and work so hard to come back from some pretty terrible brinks in imperfect ways, and I'll always love s4 for that. The most aspec Rayllum season by far
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borathae · 6 months
chapter 1
“Thank you good sir” i havent seen this in a serious manner in a long time, and laughed cuz it sounded like 1890s memes 😭 im sorry
pulls the door open with ease. NO WAY I PUSHED AN PULL DOOR BYE U DIDNT HAVE TO ATTACK SOME OF US LIKE THAT 😭 violence i will be meditating
“I’ve been a student here for quite some time actually” this sits at the same table as "how long have you been 17? a while"
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
“At least I don’t look like a stoner from the seventies” JIN STOP, HOBI U LOOK AMAZING
funky what is funky why is funky when is funky where is funky how is funky who is funky
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
4 HOUR LECTURE ON ONE TOPIC?? BOI I WOULD HAVE DIED AND RESURRECTED IN THAT TIME. i have 2 hour lectures with 5 minute after an hour and its amazing
"No reason really”, *plays why u always lying meme
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
rest of the Alpha dirt”, damn hoseok really got beef with them
status from royal blood? eww hoseok is slay for that *me acting like i wasnt being a thot while reading yoongi, tae, kook drabbles/oneshots
“Dear lord, give me strength”, jin and joon with bangtan
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
“Perfect, now that everyone is welcomed accordingly. an example of when theater theaters in the most theater form
It leaves you wondering what he meant with that. u know what he meant by that, this is where you do the whole twilight thing
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
How is he walking that quietly you walk with your entire feet, part by part, like in those "special" shoes ads, that helps in reducing sound. slow yet quick
“well, that is indeed a predicament.” oof so elegant, classy, AND RUDE (there 2seok, happy?)
your voice actually comes out squeaky. girl mine would have came quiet yet squeaky way before 😭
let’s get the 1860 one.” IS SHE THAT SPECIAL?? WHATS GOING ON AAAH
Seokjin actually answers him with a quiet “yeah!” OFC HE WOULD DO THAT
If you died here tonight EXACTLY U GONNA DIE BYE GIRL, YOU WILL (NOT) BE MISSED jk jk lol
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
you must have the crispiest oxygen sounds like an indian water ad, that said "more of oxygen " Arrey yaar h2o water has not turned into h2o2 toxic hydrogen peroxide 😭
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
I think this is like a universal human experience to push a few pull doors lmaooa
questions over question mhmhmmhm
oh it was jooniebug WHY IS OUR PRESIDENT A DICK 😭😭
what is she studying to have history and human anatomy together?/srs. ooh literature with different stuff for minor
honestly? i gotta be honest with you, don't think too deeply about the logistics of her studies. i chose her courses for the sake of plot and nothing else LMAOAO
boi i havent heard the word coolio in a decade, the last time probably while reading ff in 2014
coolio still slaps like 10/10 word (also you see how I made them using "outdated" words wink wink almost as if they were from a different time wink wink)
oh my god its the bad boy. is it yoongi? YES I WAS RIGHT
Hoseok agrees with a quirk of his perfectly styled eyebrow. YES HIS EYEBORWS ARE HOT AS FUCK
ofc kook is a sports major
djjfja thinking back, it makes no sense for him to also study JFJDAFJ (you'll understand it later fasdjfj)
JIMIN WTF U WERE SUPPOSED TO BE LIL FLUFF BEAN *bitch stop u knew how they were in the beninging(yes i misspelled for the meme) YES KICKING IN THE SHIN SUPREMACY
HAHHHAHAH he may have tricked you fadjfjas
what is a hacky sack? i found out its a game? but what is he exactly studying lol?
yes it's a game fakdsfka in theory he studies dance PLEASE don't think too much about the logistic I literally just went with vibes
also its the way she is making friends and talking to people LIKE SHE SPOKE WORDS YALL could never be me, sure i would have asked someone to help me to my classes but i wouldnt be talking after that, would have said im busy even though im not
i get both sides like i would want to make friends but would be too scared that they would hate me FADJFJ if people like 2seok talked to me though? helloooooo :)
if you would excuse me, but you’re quite weird, BYE IM LEAVING THE EARTH THIS IS THE 2ND TIME IM EMBARRASSED you can find me in 134340 business days, where i will be rotting under my blankie bye
hahahahhaha this part is actually so embarassing bHAHAHHAHAHAH
“I feel I just witnessed a man high on three different drugs theatre kids in a nutshell (apparently people on tumblr are either gay, english major or a theatre kid, and i sent the meme to my friends, guess what they said................... "looks like you fit all three category" our schools dont have it, but im apparently a theatre kid to them 😭)
i don't get the hate on theater kids, all I see is people who don't fit into the "societal norm" and are therefore labelled as weird losers. we don't have stuff like "theater kid" or "sports kid" in Austria either becuse school is solely there to study not to offer clubs but I still never understood the weird hatered some clubs get in America jfdjfa
ig kook is scared of girls *eww that was cringe bye Maybe he just needed to take a really urgent shit OH MY GOD PLS😭😭 this is going to stay in my mind forever, everytime i see him running im gonna think of this no doubt
as for now it seems like he is ooooh 👀
“exactly, that is the reason. He is really shy.” aww such a shy lil bean OK BUT IK THATS NOT THE REASON *inserts suspicious hobi eyes
i love ur descriptions, they are very picturable and i love the vibes. it is soo good, i could smell the place? the seats, library, just the university smell, restaurant. it was great. i dont think my words do any justice lol
OMGG THANK YOU!! gosh this is actually such a big compliment :( I'm so happy to know that I managed to really make you exprience the place gaaah thank you for this review heheh 💜💜
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jedimasterbailey · 1 year
HI I HAVE THEE QUESTIONS FOR THE BARRISSOKA ASK GAME :D 2, 13, 16, 21, 23, 32, 40, 41, and 44! u dont have to answer all of them if u dont want to!^^
2-Who Fell First?
Barriss because I believe she’s the kind of person who is very in tune with her feelings and that it didn’t take long for her to be taken by Ahsoka and fall head over heels in love. Poor thing would go on for weeks gay panicking around Ahsoka until she finally cracks. Ahsoka, on the other hand, seems to be more aloof and seems to be the type to need time to process her feelings and connect the dots.
13-Whose more likely to give the “shovel talk” Anakin or Luminara and how?
Definitely Anakin seeing how *very* passionate he gets about the people he cares about…I mean the dude straight up gives Barriss the evil eye when Luminara suggested that Barriss be the one to lead her and Ahsoka in the weapons factory. Barriss at that point has done literally nothing and Anakin is already looking like Vader so for Ahsoka to pursue a relationship with her would be a very BIG deal for Anakin. He’d probably scare the poor girl out of nowhere in the Temple and give her a not so discrete conversation much to both Luminara and Ahsoka’s dissatisfaction. Barriss would be shaking in her boots but determined to prove Anakin wrong. Luminara on the other hand would most likely just let the girls be because she is very trusting of her Padawan and she owes Ahsoka her life. HOWEVER that won’t stop Luminara from watching Ahsoka and teasing her every so often about “not making her girl cry or else” that make Ahsoka shit bricks.
16-What is Barriss’s favorite physical feature on Ahsoka?
Definitely Ahsoka’s buff bod. I mean the girl GOT GUNS and I think Barriss would be blushing real bad seeing Ahsoka work out and would sneakily watch her from afar fanning herself and all 🤣
21-Whose more likely to initiate intimacy first?
Barriss, she may be quiet but it’s usually the quiet ones that are the spiciest in bed and since she’s a smart girl, she knows exactly what she wants and where she wants it. Though, she would be gentle and patient with Ahsoka (who is kinda scarred seeing Anakin and Padme be all gross with each other all the time) guiding her and giving her all the time until she’s fully comfortable.
23-How do they comfort each other?
Ahsoka shows her affection and support mainly with physical touch by holding Barriss close and constantly reassuring Barriss that everything is going to be okay and that Ahsoka has her. Anything Barriss needs, Ahsoka gets until Barriss is ready to talk things out. When the roles are reversed, Barriss communicates her support through acts of service like making/getting Ahsoka’s favorite foods, turning on Ahsoka’s comfort holomovie, etc. and gifting her with comforts like a handmade cloak or something she knows would put a smile on Ahsoka’s face. Regardless both women would stay by their partner’s side no matter what, listening, and doing whatever it takes to make the other feel better.
32-How would Barriss bond with Anakin?
Since Anakin is an excellent fighter, Barriss would most likely ask to spar with him (and do everything she can to win everytime) and knowing how reckless Anakin can be, he’d probably be spending some time in the healing halls where Barriss works and she’d help him out.
40-Whose “big spoon” and whose “little spoon”?
Ahsoka is big spoon and Barriss is little spoon. One, it makes the most sense given their height difference, but they have their reasons. Ahsoka loves having her hands around/on Barriss’s big boobs and loves to bury herself in her hair whilst Barriss loves being held and feeling Ahsoka’s heartbeat on her back and her breath by her ear.
41-Are there any kinks?
Yes! Ahsoka loves be spanked and tossed around by Barriss, especially when Barriss slams her against a wall or wherever they are and pins her by the wrists or lightly on the throat because she finds an aggressive Barriss very hot. Barriss, on the other hand, loves it when Ahsoka bites and claws especially on her neck, chest, and thigh areas (anywhere that’s easy to cover that is). Barriss also loves a good chase and enjoys the thrill of riling Ahsoka up and playing hard to get.
44-What do their sides of the bed and nightstands look like?
Oh this is easy 🤣 Barriss’s side of anything is neat and perfect not a single speck of desk or crease to be found because Mominara raised a lady. She’s also a minimalist, so Barriss would only have essential items near her like her comlink or the latest book she’s reading. Meanwhile Ahsoka just has shit everywhere, her side of the bed somewhat made and her nightstand full of odds and ends that she always has a “perfectly good explanation for” which drives Barriss mad and is always tempted to clean Ahsoka’s organized chaos.
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bxttxrflybxddie · 1 year
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LETS FINALLY TALK ABOUT MY FAV POOR LITTLE MEOW MEOW ((aka, me simping for mime bomb for an entire episode)) ((beware))
so starting off, i really enjoy that we see things of carmens past get to her. i love love love it when our heros arent always perfect robots and do go through emotions; including past traumas that get to them
to this day shadowsan shouldve called foul idc idc lol
black sheep doesnt get it the first time, thats fine! she knows that shadowsan is a very skilled thief. but the more she misses the more agitated she becomes until it seems like shes stealing for her life. this is a lovely detail!!
also crackle watching her w a big smile on her face bc ugh shes so cool, theres no way shes gonna fail! right?
she falls and D: but tigress is being a meanie as usual
player knowing whats wrong bc hes a great bestie
i've never personally been to san francisco so learning about the fog was a nice touch! i havent seen any movies or shows go over the fog either!
her charity fit is so slay oh my god
what an expensive stamp
i wish we couldve seen players stamp collection el oh el
devineaux yet again being a Guy, i love him lol what a Dude
julia being smart againUGH shes my WIFE.
julia being correct again.
wh. whwere is mime bomb calling the faculty from????
I think shadowsan continues to send Tigress bc he knows shes gonna fail. to this say i wish they wouldve touched on this.
i also enjoy the detail that dr bellum watches cat videos lol shes a cutie
MIME BOMB SITTING ON NOTHING??????? WALL SITTING ON AIR. THE CORE STRENGTH???????? (sidenote very attractive imo bc im crushing on him)
i think tigress' day outfit is cute. shes a fashionista.
Mime Bomb is visual comedic gold. One of the many things I enjoy abt his character and how he steals the show everytime hes on screen. give him more screentime. revive the show for him, pls,.
tigress is a grown woman bringing up old shit. cmon girl.
i also enjoy the differences between how carmen and tigress open the lucky cats. I LOVE CHARACTERS.
ug hes my husband i gotta say more abt him. mime bomb is so smart, hes such a genius lil mime whos a code breaker and a quick thinker. i wish we couldve seen him be more intellectual than the rest of his peers more often. dumping the big obvious cat to not only distract carmen but to get away w the stamp? genius, he deserves a kiss. mwah.
"Another street clown, so what?" HES A MIME!!!! U SILLY GOOF!!!!!!
HIS DOUBE LOOK BACK STARE IM. i need him to be real. i need to omg.
miming running away to be tackled pt.2, cmon babe this is a pattern now.
'~' (((hes very cute)))
they handcuffed a non-verbal fella. i feel like this is more messed up then i think.
julia being pro-mime. we stan.
now rewatching this, chase straight up SLAMMED our sweet mime into a CONCRETE WALL. i need to fight a frenchman for that very reason.
his expressions r very cute. mmmmwah
slay tigress being smart!! shes not dumb she just makes some brash decisions!!!!!!!!!!! characters!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
"what about 'Where did you hide it'? >:( ma'am yall are in PUBLIC. CARMEN DOES THE SAME THING.
for 2 people trying to follow a mime these acme agents are doing a bad job at figuring out what he's doing.
*how episode wouldve ended if they looked a little deeper*
julia: "Inspector, could you check your left, inside pocket?"
chase: "ugh, if it pleases yWHAT-"
and then they wouldve also seen him act this out Very Publicly to a woman that is Not Carmen Sandiego which would help them for future investigations at least
mime bomb didnt even keep the 26 cents tigress gave him lol
((tw: talk about the taking care of witnesses rule)) if tigress can rip up an entire article of clothing without chase even feeling a tug, then i hate to imagine how swift she takes care of witnesses tbh
((tw: mention of rule again)) also this victim was a witness. he saw her face. is she gonna come back to him orrr???
chase being a dummy dumb pt. 28374
okay but like. so the cleaners werent planned to pick her up given shadowsans reaction. h. how was she going to deliver the stamp?? teleporting????
this kids also is why u dont text and drive
sidenote tigress took a precious stamp out of a little baggy in one fist close without damage to the stamp, well done!
whyyyy does tigresssss put the stamppppp in her hightop boooot ((that could not only fly out easy)) in front of the woman who has been known to be an improving thief and has crashed one of her missions before. she didnt get a dollar bill once. shes mad at that. TIGRESS, IF 2+2=4!!!
mmmm side profiles
i wanna be like "oh tigress why didnt you fight her" but at that point i wouldve gave up too
also the cleaners saw this all happen lmao
also slay devinaux being in actual danger, puts actualy fear and tension into the characters future!
tldr: WOOHOO MIME BOMB!!!!! and chase + tigress are silly geese
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infintyonhigh · 2 years
since we're still kinda in the mania zone i feel compelled to make this post but by god i dont wanna attract discourse to this blog! just know im best friends with the block button <3
ive been seeing this come up again, with ppl protesting that disliking an album isnt racist and like, this has already been said much better by other people who got tons of harassment so im not digging up their posts
heres my explanation: when poc say the reaction to mania is racist, we're not saying u personally is a scheming vilain rubing ur hands together going 'mwahaha i hate poc!' i cant be inside ur head, ur feelings are for u to figure out alone. what we are saying is we keep picking up on this pattern everytime ppl talk about this album. its ppl editing burna boy out of sr, its this, its white ppl coming back to bandom out of the blue to make latine fans feel bad for enjoying hmtod, etc.
its not about u personally, its about the general response from a fanbase we know is overwhelmingly white. would i like white fans to examine where their reactions stem from? yes absolutely. but again, i cant be inside ur head. and bc it gets exhausting writing the same novel as a response everytime and we get so tired of hearing how bad this album is, an album that made us feel so seen, we're just like 'yeah pls just stop being racist'
now with that being said...... those white cishet men on yt making careers out of shitting on this album. racists. sorry, theres no 2 ways about it
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cowboy-robooty · 1 year
hiyaaa i was looking through ur art and was wondering if u could elaborate on why u think prumano would be toxic and evil if they were dating anyone else. 😀 thank youuuu! i <3 ur hcs in case u couldnt tell
hello my loyal prumanohead. it has been literally 2 months since you asked this i am so sorry i did that to you. not even gunna get into what happened my lord anyways okie LETS ANSWER DIS BAD BOY!!!
ANYWAYS OMIGAWD I LOVE PRUMANO SO SO SO see i actually talked all about this with my bruder LMV (user lucianoirlmurdervictim) like an hour ago on minecraft but theyre made for eachother because prussia is too stupid to die from romanos aids and romano is too insane to die from prussias aids. prussia is a terrible boyfriend. hes loud hes direct he doesnt think before he does things and above all he cant fucking take a hint ever hes an idiot he never THINKS but hes always like yay!!! 360 noscope gamer time! hes loud and just constantly parties and has fun no matter what and thats what makes him able to survive romano, an even worse boyfriend. romano is fucking psychotic. that bitch is constnatly on PMS he is an idiot he is a tsundere but a violent and cruel at that. its always his way or the highway and he gets mad at literally everything at all times but see prussua is too fucking stupid to feel damage when romano hurls insults at him and tries to make him die because everyone already does that to prussia so he just goes "DAWWWEEE I LOVE YOU ROMANO CHAN!!! <3" romano to prussia is basically a "nobody can bully you but me" boyfriend except prussia doesnt even think hes being bullied at all so they end up matching perfectly bc prussia's ignorance in relationships acts as an antidote to romanos violence and romanos violence ends up just making him pay attention to prussia at all times and prussias like OMIGAWD HE DIDNT LEAVE ME ON READ OR GHOST ME!!!! 😍😍. i actually think that prumano is really funny because romano wants to be really toxic and evil but is just too stupid to be able to and prussia is too stupid to get trapped by it. like because i wrote a whole prumano bible post before that i assume youve read but to reiterate i think prumano is special together because romano is able to learn the joys of loving instead of only desiring to be loved. because prussia loves him and because he doesnt care abt romanos insanity it feels like an unconditional love and its able to make romano chill out on his desperate need to be a pillow princess (since he doesnt have to fight for it for once) and realize that he enjoys loving prussia too. he wants to be the one who makes prussia smile too. romano learns he desires prussia because he likes seeing him happy too not only because he likes when prussia makes ROMANO happy. i think in most relationships romano has at the core he usually mainly likes people because they like him, not because he really likes them. so because prussia unlocks this true love shit in romano by being a tone deaf idiot whos constantly selfish and clingy to romano even when hes furious, romano gets his possessiveness HARDCORE. since i believe that romano inherently has a possessiveness built in him because yknow hes the fail italy brother mf literally gets NOTHING for his entire life. he dont even get the name italy hes fucking romano rodf. i think romano is very possessive towards prussia even though he constantly tries to kill him and because of that and his general inexpereince in relationships and his tsundereism it mixes together to make him actually have pretty toxic intentions because he genuinely loves prussia. i think hes the type of fella to be like "grrr.... i dont like when prussia is spending so much time with other people... hell no im not gunna tell him i miss him thats some fucking gay shit... i think instead i will punish him everytime he talks to his friends so he'll do that less. yes thats a very normal thing to do." and obviously you can see how that could lead to a super duper toxic relationship all bc romano refuses to communicate and i think in relationships with other people it would end up becoming toxic bc the other person would obviously catch on and become isolated n shit and all the bad shit would happen. but not prussia he built stupid 😍 because prussia doesnt notice when romano is being exceptionally mean to him as a punishment bc he just cant pick things up since hes too wrapped up in his own world. he cant pick up subtle queues from his partner so hes like la de da with romano
and doesnt get manipulated at all to become isolated or anything. plus romanos way of manipulating is fucking stupid and terrible too because he only thinks of trying to pavlovs dog other people to get what he wants or make them think theyre cursed unless they do what he wants without telling them what he wants. so hell punish/curse prussia by like putting spiders in his drinks secretly and thinks to himself "heh. that should teach him. next time hell know he should be only smiling at ME" and prussia just thinks that maybe he should change his name to spider georg after accidentally swallowing the 15 spider in a row. so really. i guess because romanos so incapable at manipulation it wouldnt really be hed be a toxic boyfriend more like just make life insufferable (on top of the fact ur dating romanos personality). so anyways though. i hope this answered ur question idk i kinda rambled abt prumano bc rn its hard to explain the intricucies of how they are perfect for eachother because they are the antidote to eachothers aids. but i hope you get what im sayin here 😍 i think actually prumano is like the mirror evil version of itager, but thats a whole nother post and maybe ill write it if someone asks me or if i feel like it. they make me crazy asf okay i lovee prumano i should write a prumano fanfic romano chan is so crazy hes so #girl they love eachother FOREVER <3
heres a old doodle of italy i did to test a pen. sorry i need to answer this now or else ill never answer it ever so i cannot get up rn and draw prumano or else this ask will be answered probably never 💔
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postnuclearophelia · 2 years
i need to chnage my username and or make a new blog. or maybe i should just be fearlessly honest about my life if on this blog. actually that might be the right thing to do. i just had sex with a guy and he just left and i was hoping it would make me feel less dead inside but it’s like i feel sadder like less dead inside but sadder somehow. like melancholic. god if he sees this im so dead. tbh i wanted him 2 stay the night and he didn’t and i think it just made me sad but like he has cats so i get it. i just feel like I’m hopeless like a real true lost cause. Not people who say they’re a lost cause for attention but sincerely and honestly cursed. I was also made to be a lover but given none of the abilities to actually be so. I need a cigarette so fucking bad right now but i need to get a t shirt first. Also remind me to talk about me and the guy at the end of my hall. I should probably just go to sleep but I can’t stop thinking about things I like literally don’t think I can sleep. I think I’ll stay up all night nd read and then go to work tomorrow and just b like oh well whatever , it is Saturday night after all. In my head idgaf but literally everytime I sleep with someone it makes me sad but like not even sad just LIEK broken . I feel like broken . Like and not LIEK when most people say they’re broken I mean like ACTUALLY broken. I guess I kill myself or I live with it though. Idk my mom drove her car into the fucking hospital last night and totaled her car but then like drive home 45 min it? She called me today sobbing to tell me about it. And like I just don’t understand there’s something she’s not telling me and I just know by the end of the year I’ll be attending her funeral. It’s such a long story I can’t even describe all the details but our relationship is like my own personal horror movie. And not in the way a lot o f people say they hate their mother .. I mean like she … it’s different I wish u could even know the things she did. I wasn’t allowed to have contact with her until I was 18. The way she is. It’s horrifying. I feel like I have such a love for life that no one can match. Like why can’t anyone understand the way i feel. I don’t care anymore but I care so much. I’m like a ticking time bomb at the point.!
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arsen1cs4ng0 · 2 years
shout out to the chip fandom for being legit TRAUMATIZING. not even saying that as a joke or exaggeration!!! i know/know of so many good people who got their mental health totally RUINED by the awful people there. im one of them!!! its SOO much more horrible than a lot of people realize or even want to talk/think about. so many are literally scared to speak of the effect it had on them because theyre scared itll happen all over again + because it was literally just That Fucking Bad. even im not coming off anon for this. fuck that!!!
from my perspective… theres genuinely like no good people left because they all got chased off + traumatized in the process. i honestly think even the writers themselves got chased off by the toxicity. the hiatuses + *the ending in particular* just line up WAY TOO WELL with awful shit happening for that to not be the case… :/
and it sucks too because it was such a good and diverse story! it was really finally getting interesting!!! some of the plot lines before it all just stopped were legit gut wrenching (/pos!!!) + incredible to watch! the way it humanized the characters was so!!!!!! GOOD!!!!! but it’s all gone now because some people are just total fucking toxic freaks and heckled + harassed literally everyone out of the community no matter how hard it tried to keep stable…. its so depressing. it was fun while it lasted but i never want to go back + it will literally never be the same as it was a couple years ago. and at this point i think that’s a good thing
sorry for the random suuuuper long anon. i know youre a smaller account and probably dont want to talk about this kind of thing. its just been on my mind and youre one of the few people ive seen be openly critical of it all. hope u have a nice day + this finds you well at least!! :)
[ this turns into a rant in the end but its gotta be said lol ]
hi anon, thanks for the ask !! i pretty much have no choice to be open about this all because no-one else ( apart from like. 2 people ) will, i would say much more if it wasnt for my awfully limited vocabulary LOL ( and unless you wanna see a 16 year old cursing and throwing every insult in the english language at the people who hurt / manipulated my friends, well um !!! )
it just hurts seeing the fandom get worse and worse, one of my friends was literally almost driven to suicide because of the toxicity and abuse from the modern fandom, my confidence was snatched away after shit that happened in june - everything has just been SHIT !!!!
ive been actively trying to disassociate from the fandom entirely but its been extremely hard ( especially with my hyperfix on who i call ''little guy the 2st'' - the most i can do is wait for the hyperfix to pass at this point ), everytime i check in i know its just gonna be the same now: people who pretend nothing happened and attempt to cover up everything that happened before they ''''apologized'''' ( and i thought they were gonna keep the bad shit they did up for accountability !! what happened to that ????? ), people who will desparately manipulate unsuspecting people just so their wittle friend can look like the ''uwu sweet bean x3 owo angel who was definitely never ever ever transphobic in their life !!'' - you get the fucking picture at this point LOL
everything has fucking demotivated me and i wish i could fucking scream at Those people, but whats the point of doing so if they're just not gonna pull their heads out of their asses and just admit what they did instead of being like ''WAAAAAH YOURE SUCH A MEAN MEAN PERSON I DIDNT DO THAT AT ALL STOP SPREADING LIES, N-NO !!!!! ;_____;'' ?? i dont care if i get attacked by those people anymore because its only gonna prove my point on how fucking toxic they are i feel so bad for unsuspecting people who dont know how bad the fandom really is and what they'll end up diving into like i did, like my ex-friend did too
again, thanks for the ask anon and im so so so sorry you had to witness this all :[
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toadstool32 · 2 years
of my friends complained to me like " why do ppl only talk to me to ask about homewrok :(((( do i look like i do the work? do i look like i will share? do they talk to u the same way ? :((" and like first of all, i dont look at my phone lol
two while my grades are decently high im actually an awful student and do the work late, so late so very late im literally doing digital painting shit as we speak this was from 2 weeks ago and i need to turn in it tomorrow, anyway im shit at doing things so everytime someone may attempt to ask if i did the work my answer is lol no :P and even if i did do it my answer would be the same, unless i like you n ur nice then i will just send u my file i think w r big enough that i dont have to tell people to change shit up if ur copying stuff ANYWAY so like shes complaining ppl only ask her abt homework right and i have worked very high on my reputation as a slacker, i actually do my very best to not set a high expectation, the other day i did my project presentation while visibly nauseus so the teacher would feel bad, my rep as anxious and semi competent is a fine tuned act its flawless, so i go like alright first off, u gotta act clueless u gotta be like ahah did we have homework owo or u could just go the easy route and straight up say no im not telling u but shes sensitive or whatever so roundabout ways of dodging classmates it is i fucking *guess* and then she tells me like, oh i think ppl ask me about the homework bc i post my progress on my stories on instagram n i go oh then thats easy! stop doing that!!! and she was like aw man ok ill do it , n i open instagram and FIRST thing i see is shes posting her work, like its not even on close friends i would be so mad if it wasnt hilarious, next time she asks for advice ill just laugh at her
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koishua · 2 years
hi vienna ,, tbh u dont need to read this bc idk if itd be triggering (body image issues) and id rather u not trouble urself bc of me but id like to vent somewhere and i dont have any1 to talk 2 so pls feel free to ignore .
ive always been overweight for my age but i never faced any bullying abt it other than some very occasion name calling of "fat" in elementary school and my family's disaproval for the way i look. as i grew up, i started to feel more comfortable around others despite not being satisfied with the way i look and i assumed that as kids mature they become more accepting, bc i had never been truly bullied b4 i just assumed it might be rare in communities such as where i lived compared to some of the horror stories i had heard. anyways all my life i had assumed people had been seeing me for more than what i looked like, i always tried to be kind and make a good impression on other but ig that's not true. as much as i love my circle of friends, im not sure i can see them same after what happened on friday. it isnt even their fault, i just feel very insecure now. but basically in 1 of my classes, we had a change in seating so i no longer sat near my friends but 2 acquantainces (they're rlly sweet girls but idk them too well) and this one guy that i also dont know very well other than that in 8th grade he had dated an old friend of mine for a little bit. but anywyas tbh i feel like im just being dramatic but i srsly can't get his conversation out of my mind . the boy was sat next to me and talking to his friend, their convo alr starting off on a wierd note abt kanye west. and the guy next to me (ill call him ray to make it easy) starts off by saying that kanye's note all that bad and has said some pretty true things. ray then goes on to say that fat people dont deserve to exist and body positivity is a completely stupid subject bc it only encourages obesity and unhealthy habits. all the while he's saying this, seated right next to me and im pretty sure he was glancing at me while saying it too . those 90 minutes were the most uncomfortable in my entire life. i was literally panicking while he was talking abt it and it's all that i can think of now. their conversation was truly disturbing to me and my confidence feels as if its completely tanked . his comments of "fat people are gross" and "being fat shouldnt be celebrated" keep ringing in my head everytime i go out or see myself in a mirror. i genuinely feel so broken and it hurts that theyve probably dont realize the effect of their words but also it hurts that that's all they can see me as. not another human being or a classmate but just "fat". idk where im going with this but i dont feel ok and i feel so exhausted now ,, just the thought of having to see ray's face again or hear his voice is scaring me . maybe im just overthinking but i cant help but wonder if my friends picture me the same way. am i even deserving of love if im so "ugly" . my friends sometimes comment that i look way older than my age or that i could pass for college aged and even comments like those are hard to brush off for me. sometimes i wonder if i should restrain my jokes and personality to stay kind bc that's all i am to them. just a source of comfort, and if i dont do that then i could be easily execused. im always scared of saying the wrong thing but now i keep wondering if it would never even matter bc all anyone will ever see me as is "fat" . it's not like i haven't tried to lose weight so i rlly hate everything that ray said and its srsly put me thru sm turmoil . anyways i shld keep this brief (sorry for the rant) and im sorry again for using ur inbox to rant , i rlly hope this doesn't cause you any pain or you find it triggering :( i apologize if it has caused you any concern or pain. i hope ur good and stay happy vie
tw: body image and weight talk
hello, dear :( let me start this off by saying that don't worry, i am perfectly alright and am glad that you feel it's safe enough to vent and write your feelings out in my inbox. you don't have to apologize for anything! i am the one who says that they're open if anyone needs to rant or vent. i would never judge. i had to read this a few times in order to collect my thoughts, so pardon me for delaying this a bit. i wasn't sure if you wanted my direct response, so i will just keep it short.
i won't say that i completely understand what you've been through and i can't speak on experiences i haven't personally lived through. however, as another human being, i will say this: you absolutely deserve to exist. i hope you never ever doubt that. i know how difficult it is to deal with comments about your appearance and it angers me so much that you're treated this way. i get how the side comments every now and then feels. bullying is horrible, but this is just as bad for someone's self esteem and health. im truly so sorry and wish i could do something for you, but i can't because of obvious reasons (that being me being just an online presence and not there with you).
i just want to reassure you that no matter what anyone says, you deserve love and life and goodness. a lot of people don't understand how difficult it is when you don't weigh below a certain number or how isolated that could make someone feel regardless if they're mentioned or not. everyone is so much more than just their appearance. idk how else i could help you other than to strongly remind you that you are you and that should be enough for your friends and that people should learn to keep their mouths shut on their opinions about other people's appearance. it doesn't matter if you lose the weight or if you tell them you struggle a lot with it. those people should reassess the way they're treating another human being with real feelings and thoughts. never lose who you are and trying to be what other people need and want you to be. it may end up making things worse, i know, and im not sure if you've ever told them directly that their words are extremely rude and hurtful and that they should stop, but someone (even if it's not you yourself) really, really should.
i pray that none of what i said has further upset you in any way. if so, i sincerely apologize :( i genuinely hope that this never happens to you again and that you'll have a greater year than ever and that you'll find wholehearted acceptance and love from those you are surrounded by and that you'll slowly but surely feel comfortable in your own skin. take care and you're loved! people like the ray you mentioned are not worth feeling bad over.
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checkers-dance · 2 years
MORE UPDATES ON THE MX SIMS RPF SAGA. so im still having issues with jooheon and changkyun (but they aren't as bad as the issues im having in my nct house, where the only current sims literally can't talk without constantly getting into arguments so i guess that's something). like, they have a neutral relationship right now, and i've managed to get them to have some positive interactions. but they also make each other mad often and it feels like everytime i make some progress one of them does something the other takes offense with and it's a mess 😭 but i decided to introduce more sims into the house to see if i could get any different results. so i got everything ready for that. i got us a bigger space and i've built the entire house myself, and it looks clunky because i'm new to this, but i'm still proud of my progress. i have a main bedroom for everyone and then a private bedroom for changkyun so that he won't have to deal with everyone else. i also made a room for music and other skills they may be interested in practicing and made a little garden area with a pool and shit. so i have a lot of stuff for them to mess around with. filling the enclosure with enrichment.
i was going to introduce kihyun and shownu into the mix to see what would happen and then i just. i got an impulse. I MADE ALL OF THEM. THE WHOLE GANG IS HERE. which introduces some problems because i honestly don't think the house is equipped for that, i made it with three or four people in mind because i thought that's all i was gonna end up with for now but NOPE nvjfnjvn like i was going to ease myself into it but i decided to just go for it and it's going to be a disaster but maybe that'll make it more fun. since changkyun has the loner trait i wonder how he's gonna deal with all these people vnjfnvjfnn. i hope i can keep things ballanced. and i also gave hyungwon the loner trait so that's going to be a mess, i wonder if him and changkyun will get along?
but here is the issue. i gave hyungwon the evil trait. i shouldn't have, but i did because i thought it would be funny. so i'm expecting some REALLY chaotic interactions. because i gave him the loner trait i realized i'm just going to have the same issue i was having with changkyun of him feeling uncomfortable with everyone else around if he doesn't get some private time, so him and changkyun are going to have to share a room... it's not perfect, but if i'm strategic about it i can get it to work probably.
anyway, i'm still going to try to get jooheon and changkyun to get along just because they were the first ones i made, but if i can't figure it out or i can't get them to get along naturally, i might just make them enemies... i'm also going to introduce some flirting here and there, not between them necessarily, but just in general. i want to see if i can get some gay shit to happen. i don't have any objectives for their relationships so far, so i'll just see who gets along with who. i kinda want to push for showho or wonhyuk though, and maybe hyungki enemies.... i was also thinking abt going for hyungheon or wonheon but i'll see. this game is so unfairly addictive vnfnvjfvnjfv like i'm so invested
Crying, not the nct house....why are they arguing so much, u could just put lucas in the basement and that's the argument solved. Also why does only hyungwon have the evil trait. He deserves it but I think jooheon should have it too, for the aesthetic (joker!jooheon and evil mafia lord hyungwon ftw). Hyungki enemies would be fun too, esp if there's a goody 2 shoes trait so u can give it to kihyun. Since u mentioned a pool I think hyungwon should push someone into the pool (and it should be kihyun). Ik sims are unpredictable but since u gave hyungwon the evil trait I rlly hope he goes wild w it and terrorizes the household while blaming other ppl for his misdeeds like he did in the fanfia game
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we-thefairfolk · 4 years
* AAAA hi new friends ilu im so sorry i cant follow u back rn, im still in the process of making a new blog and it’s keeping me busy 😭😭
* i hope yall will b able to stick around by the time i post the link 2 it cause i wanna interact with yall 🥺
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valentine-writes · 3 years
can you do thoma romantic hcz,,, 🤲
thoma x reader general hcs !
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↳ ft. thoma
「 gn! reader, romantic relationship <3 」
author's note: ´͈ ᵕ `͈ <3 aaa!!!!! u should know that i luv luv luv thoma and am so happy 2 write these up 4 u!!!! spelling mistakes + grammar errors will probz b here im so sorry :((
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▸ i feel like when thoma falls in love, he takes it very seriously and cherishes the feelings he holds
▸ and you?? thoma loves you so much it's absurd. when he's not busy serving the kamisato's or helping others, he's immediately by your side, wondering if you need anything
▸ the way he expresses his love is mainly through acts of service. if you need absolutely anything, he's already on it. though, considering thoma already lends this sort of help to others on a daily basis, you'd think that these gestures would be a little unrecognizable as something romantic, right?
▸ nope. it's just the slightest bit more obvious. if you just slightly express any sort of need for something or require some sort of service, he'll offer his help a little quicker than usual. you could clear your throat around him and he's already there with a cup of water
▸ i swear thoma is the biggest sweetheart. he's caring, polite, and always offers to pay for your meals together.
▸ he's not... irresponsible with mora. but he definitely doesn't hold back on purchases either, especially when it comes to you
▸ if you want to treat thoma to lunch, you best pay the bill in advance or be willing to fight him over it. he'll thank you endlessly for paying though, he really appreciates how you're willing to do things for him too. next time though, he's a lot quicker to pay the bill
▸ he loves running errands with you! little things like grocery shopping, delivering things to others- thoma is happy to have your company. it does get a little tiring doing everything on his own, even though he's always saying that it's not all that bad and he's used to multitasking. he likes what he does, but you can't help but notice he keeps pushing aside his own needs for others :(
▸ so when you decide to get him to rest and take up errands for him that day- you have never seen thoma more flustered. stumbling over his words about how you really didn't need to do all this for him and how he's alright- he feels super loved by your care and can barely express it
▸ honestly, just seeing you makes his day! your presence puts the brightest smile on his face, so he hopes that he's not being too clingy when he asks for your time and company whenever he's off
▸ he loves noticing the little things that you do. they melt him completely: the way you say his name, the way you talk about your passions, your sense of humor- he can't get enough of it.
▸ there's one thing he can never seem to overcome however, something that will make him blush no matter what: he absolutely adores the compliments you give him
▸ he's always quick to return the compliment back, (which is impressive because your verbal affection makes his brain go fuzzy) but thoma will be thinking of it all. the. time.
▸ i can literally not get this thought out of my head- thoma is one of those people who love matching with their s/o's.
▸ matching bracelets? matching bracelets. he starts wearing it 24/7 and if anyone asks about it, his faces heats up as he tries to explain that he's matching with you. he likes keeping a little piece of you with him
▸ i saw someone hc that thoma is a good singer and now i'm gonna cry over it- he probably has the world's sweetest singing voice. if you ask him to sing something for you, i think he'd try to deny that he can sing at first or downplay his skill but celestia would BOW to his lovely voice. eventually, when you convince him, he sings the most lovey dovey and sappy song ever. and you can't get enough.
▸ but it's payback time! his super secret talent is out to you, so now everytime he sings around you, he makes it a duet and won't continue if you don't do your part. don't leave thoma hanging :] !
▸ ohhh my gosh..... slow dancing in the kitchen to music as thoma hums along, lovingly holding you >>>
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