#im so embarrassed oh my god
fixedspeech · 8 months
...my boyfriend finally pulled out his Fyodor impression in bed... I'm fucken embarrassed /w\
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re-colligere · 7 days
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Heyyy what on earth? I think someone left some important documents laying around here. Whoever's in charge of this should be a bit more careful next time...
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usernyoom · 5 months
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04/05/24, Miami. Max Verstappen prepares to drive on the pitlane prior to the F1 Miami Grand Prix 2024. Photos by Giorgio Viera, edited.
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hejee · 1 year
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morrigan mansplaining elvhen culture while playing as lavellan hits so close to home (ily morrigan but this is not it 😭)
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spaciebabie · 3 months
springtrap but he has claws and he slowwwwwly sinks them into youi while holdoing you close purring softly hes not eveb truing ta hurt you on ourpose justtrying ta keep you as close as possible and get you ta stay put for just a few more seconds oohohohhh ohhh hospital hostpital hospital. emergency room hospital
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just-null · 11 months
How do we feel about Beach wear Noritoshi....
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Everyone thinks he'd go covered head to toe wearing those wet suits divers use, but no. Noritoshi isn't the type to want to attract attention to himself when it's not needed, so he'd try to blend in. Emphasis on try.
He's the guy wearing a covering or some shit. I think you'd have to fight him to wear a translucent one. (if you splash him with water, you'll acheive the same effect thoughahahaha) even though it's a beach, he's trying to find an appropriate way to cover up, hes just like that. yes to sunscreen ofc. I can see him in a sun hat, but it's not his.. maybe he took it from one of the girls
HIS HAIR WOULD BE UP BC ITD BE TOO HOT AND THE SUN HAT WOULD HELP HIM FROM GETTING OVERHEATED H.H....H IS FACE WOULD BE FLUSHED BC OF THE HEAT AND. AND. AND.. he's like the beach babe on the shore, soaking up the sun and reading a book or smth. if you splash him with water, i can see him trying to get you back. then boom bam, hes in the water with everyone else.
OH FUCK that's even IF he goes to the beach. it's like seeing God in the flesh, idk man I'd go blind........... hed probably come along when he realizes theres hot people at the beach. he cant have you looking at people in that state, hold on hes going. give him five minutes..!
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[untied covering version under the cut. like his booefjehsaf are out aha.]
ahahahahahahahahaa *froths at the mouth*
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mf dont even begin to look at me like that
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evelynpr · 25 days
bakugou for the character ask game?
Truly the teenage boy, shonen deuteragonist, love interest coded, gay asshole, of all time.
My first impression - Woah I did not understand why people were so into this guy. Like I get it, he's a flawed and loud pretty boy, he gets character development, and probably gay, but seriously him??? His mouth is so fucking foul and he is so up his ass. - I was meh with this character, enjoyed him in fan content, but just did not get why people were sooo into this guy.
My impression now - I cried in "Light Fades To Rain". Twice. - My god his growth...his will, his persistence, and by god his love for Izuku is so ridiculous and powerful I just cannot help but admire the little shithead. - He is also a lot more to me than I expected, with the whole "foul mouth shit", "high expectations bullshit", "violent urges", and "dedicating your whole life and love to someone you love and admire" and that...that makes me feel quite conflicted.
Favorite thing about that character - The thing about Bakugou is that...you just cannot help but wish you had the same kind of persistence, strength, will, and power that he does. I love how all this is initially so shallow and selfish, then grows to wanting to be a better and truer hero. He really learns and changes and is just an unstoppable force of nature, it's genuinely incredible and beautiful to watch.
Least favorite thing - I wished that the overall writing did go harder in making him stop bad-mouthing people and...everything so much. You can tell he did grow to respect and care for people around him more, but by gods he is sooo bad at communicating his feelings right now. (tbf, he is so fucking young and traumatized) - Also, really please stop hitting people. I get a knee-jerk reaction to that kind of physical violence sometimes ngl.
Favorite line/scene - There are so many. I already mentioned his death in "Light Fades to Rain" so I'll mention a different one - Team Bakugou in Class A vs B was so goddamn good, for being a monumental milestone of his character. How much he trusted his teammates and put himself in danger to save others, winning in the end. No injuries, no failures, truly a perfect beautiful victory. How he also pushes Deku to keep getting better afterwards in his usual constipated-ass language too. Man I just love that battle to death.
Favorite interaction that character has with another - (me pulling out scenes that aren't bkdk centered here hahaha) - I fucking LOVED the Bakugou vs Ochako fight. It made me love Ochako so so much as a kid. I really wished we had a follow-up to that battle, and it genuinely changed my life. - I love how it really shows just how focused and rational he is in battle. How he truly respects his opponents, Ochako in this case, and the sports festival really establishes so much about him.
A character that I wish that character would interact with more - Speaking of which...OCHAKO VS BAKUGO 2 COME ONNNN - There is SO MUCH these two need to talk about. How to save people, who they want to save, who saved them, never underestimating each other, how they changed and grew. I just love these two characters to bits, that's why I need them to FIGHT AND TALK SO BADDDD - Additional: Also Toga (see my post on Toga right before this one lmao), Shoto (because I still don't really get their friendship but its hilarious, and I love Shoto)
Another character from another fandom that reminds me of that character - I legit cannot think of anything here...like for Toga...I am so sorry my brain is blanking T__T - It's hard to be a massive anger-issue filled, victory-focused, die for their lover (twice), amazing chef, all at once, kinda guy...you know?
A headcanon about that character - I am a believer in trans!fem Bakugo in the future. He's so ridiculously angry for some reason, voice always cracking, and just on-edge for some reason. Idk I just think its hilarious and satisfying if he transed his gender in the future and became happier and more comfortable.
A song that reminds of that character - I also have a Bkdk playlist in the making! Here's some bkg focused songs in character development order: - Boys will be Bugs, President Perfect, Top of my School, Oh No!, I'm Gonna Win, The Last of the Real Ones, Skyfall, Die For You, Set Fire to the Rain
An unpopular opinion about that character - Like Toga, he actually isn't possessive. I think he quite well understands and accepts that Izuku is a very loving person that many people are easily drawn to (I mean, he'd be a hypocrite if he didn't understand that). - He is protective instead of possessive. He keeps an eye out for anything and anyone who could possibly actually hurt Izuku, but he doesn't hold him back at all in hanging around with others, and when other people fall for Izuku either. - He is actually quite skinny, and doesn't have the big thick buff guy build. Those go to Izuku and Iida more imo.
Favorite picture - I never really thought of this much??? I love art of him being softer, more solemn, quiet and contemplative even. I guess I'll go pick out some favs right now...
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Here they are! Hope you enjoy the post lmao
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mandiemegatron · 7 months
Okay but, Law angst based on "when I was your man" by Bruno mars
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I can't handle the pain you enjoy putting me in😭😭😭😭😭😭
👀 you're not wrong though.
How about a taste of that? 😈
This is NOT part of an official part two for (you make me do) too much labour, but if you want to believe that it is, then go for it bc I am not sure if or when I'll get to writing it.
Enjoy, my lovely lil tangerines !!! I love you sm !!! 🤭💖💋
Written while listening to When I Was Your Man by Bruno Mars.
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It was like being punched in the gut.
With a knife.
That was on fire.
He hadn't even been looking for you this time, having been entirely focused on actually refueling the ship and making sure every crew member came back with what they were supposed to.
Shaking fingers held the clipboard that marked down the wares that came onto the ship. He'd first heard that ugly, unruly laughter from a certain redheaded, knowing that Eustass Kid must have also been refueling at the same port.
He lazily looked around and spotted him, not fifty feet away. He was talking to his masked crew mate, Law vaguely remembers his name is Killer, ironically enough, and goes back to his clipboard.
Law idly wondered if Eustass was following him.
But how?
He had no way of knowing which way the Heart Pirates were going next, unless-
Law froze in his spot when he heard another familiar laugh, and he couldn't fight the way his body immediately went into an anxious state, his wide eyes watching in utter shock as you came out from beside Kid's massive form.
His eye twitched as Kid leaned down and pulled you into a kiss, resentment and fury clinging to his entire body at the audacity you and Kid held.
In that instance, everything fell into place for Law. Why he was suddenly always seeing Kid's ugly ship show its face everytime Law docked somewhere, why he felt like Kid was chasing him or following him -
It was you.
This whole time... it had been you.
"Boss! Did you see-"
"I saw."
Shachi and Penguin flinched at the venom dripping from Law's mouth, watching with worried expressions as their Captian burned holes into the back of your head.
For the first time in months, since you'd ran off from the Tang, you slowly turned and froze with wide eyes as you took in your ex-captain. You'd recognize that stupid, spotted hat anywhere.
Your gaze stuck with his, almost as if something was trying to pull you together. You could feel the anger, the sadness and the rage that fell off Law like a bitter waterfall, covering the entirety of your senses in a thick sludge.
It'd been the first time in months that you'd seen him.
You hated the way your heart ached to go to him.
"... Oi."
You broke your gaze from Law to stare back up at Kid, a set frown etched into his lipsticked mouth. There was uncertainty in his eyes as he nearly snarled out,
"... You're mine now. He can't have you back."
You flashed your lover a warm, loving grin and clung to him, holding his slightly larger face in your hands as you replied,
"I'm yours. I'm not going anywhere."
Kid's eyes softened slightly before he glared darkly at Law, the other captain suddenly standing a little taller at the challenge. They glared each other down until Kid looked away as you tugged on his opened shirt.
"Come on, let get out of here," you murmured, desperate to get away from this uncomfortable and fucked up situation.
You jumped slightly when Killer placed a warm, heavy hand on your shoulder, the other coming in front of you to give you a small bouquet of pretty weeds. A slight grin came over your face as you looked up at your masked lover and friend, the man giving you one in return that you couldn't see, but you knew was there.
He led you away by taking one of your hands into his, bringing the back of it up to his mask in a faux kiss as a sign of adoration, just as Eustass Kid turned back to Law, a wicked grin on his face as he mouthed something Law can't understand.
He points at Law, gives him the middle finger, then points at the sky before turning away with a loud cackle, following after his best friend and love.
Law then stiffens, knowing exactly what Kid meant.
"You... fucked... up."
Law turns away as Kid's loud voice echos over him, his heart gripped in a tight, metal hand as he hears Kid ask you,
"Apparently, they're throwin' a party here tonight... we gonna dance our asses off or what?!"
His heart breaks as he hears you reply happily,
"Ooh, you gunna take me dancing?! Thank you, baby!"
Law roughly slaps the clipboard into one of the crewmans stomachs, ignoring the over-exaggerated "Oof!" that Shachi gives. Law begins to turn, walking back towards the ship when Shachi suddenly calls out,
" ... How many times did she ask you to take her out?"
Law freezes in his spot, his eyes wide and dark as he stares down at his best friend and crewman.
"... what did you say...?"
"How many times... did she ask you to take her out? Or to bring her something that reminded you of her?"
Law's face contorts into one of raw fury, mouth snapping open to roar at Shachi's insolence when suddenly Ikkaku speaks up,
"All she wanted was you, Captain. And you made it clear that you didn't want her."
Law's head audibly snaps to the side, his dark gaze looming over Ikkaku as she continues,
"Just be happy for her. She's alive and clearly happier with them. Stop acting like the victim."
The anger and bitterness in Law grows as he snaps out,
"She's a traitor. She doesn't deserve to be happy with anyone!"
Ikkaku shouts back,
"Why?! Because she didn't want to keep having her heart broken by the man she loved?! Get OVER yourself!"
Law steps back slightly at her words, his chest heaving as pain and hurt take over the anger.
Ikkaku cuts him off with a sharp, raised hand.
"You are not the victim here. Stop acting like your actions don't have consequences just because you're a pirate Captain."
Law falls silent, his face half covered by the wide rim of his hat. He hated that Ikkaku had a point, but he wouldn't tell her that.
"... make sure everyone gets back to the ship."
Shachi and Ikkaku give a tight salute, small frowns on both their faces as they watch their Captain walk back into the Tang.
They share a look with each other before going back to their duties, Shachi's shaded eyes watching you, Kid, and Killer until you were gone from his vision.
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doostyaudi · 2 months
Guess who... Red the book of bill. Yea so like i got reminded of an oc i made in like. 2016... I was *clinically* obsessed with gravity at the time... I thought i should remake her for funsies
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Yes crystal is her original name, I cannot think of a better name atm so it's that for now
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Anyways her sad and tragic backstory is that bill tried to kill her cuz he wanted the power for himself or something. Idk i don't have details rn but just know Bill tried to kill her, assumed she was dead but kinda forgot that she works the same way he does... Whoopsies
So yea she hates his ass now 👎👎👎
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Alternate vers + og image below the cut
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faoluoo · 6 days
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i watched look back
rambling in tags
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taiyami · 1 year
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A peaceful moment between allies, friends .. whatever you want to call them. I wanted to draw a sweet moment between Tome and her favorite little trouble makers since I haven't in quite some time. It must be a truly special event to get all of them to doze off together...
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smoosnoom · 1 year
(go on and) kiss the boy
“So,” Mike starts, drawing out the word, and Will turns to him. “Any ideas on how to spend the next fifteen minutes?” It’s teasing, suggestive when he wiggles his eyebrows, and it’s so unexpected that Will lets out a surprised laugh, unabashed, and it’s so easy, how the tension falls away, and it’s only them again. “You’re ridiculous,” Will shakes his head, smiling, but Mike looks proud of himself anyway. He points out, “I don’t hear you complaining.” Will scoffs, nudging at him with an elbow. “Whatever,” he smoothly replies. Mike grins.
Will, Mike, and the numerous attempts at their first kiss.
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foursaints · 10 months
Your Rosekiller art is the only reason I breathe
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omg you are too sweet.... here is some old/abandoned stuff for your troubles lolol. just for you
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babyzassou26 · 1 month
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look at my babygirlies!!! slay!!!!!!
oh hi jenny.
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things are finally back to normal!
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napping-sapphic · 5 months
You should make me fall so deeply in love with you that it’s embarrassing
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