#im so excited (guy who is at his wit's end)
transsexualhamlet · 2 months
guys its almost time for neil to bang out the tunes
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taehyuncult · 4 months
7 minutes in heaven with bnd pls? <3
I FORGOT THIS IN MY DRAFTS 😭 ANONIE IM SO SORRY!! i was actually so excited to write it when i first saw it too 💔 i made it longer on purpose to make up for this being so late!!
smut under the cut. mdni.
sungho: this man is such a wild card to me in this context… however, i could see him being upfront and honest. he sees this as an opportunity to have you, so confidence is not an issue. he probably won’t fuck you right then and there, but use this moment to tease you, or to entice you. he’ll be so mean, teasing you, touching you so close to where you need him, whispering all these dirty things in your ear. he would ultimately start giggling if you beg for him because “now isn’t the time” and would say “i want to take my time with you.” overall, would spend his time driving you insane, kissing you so passionately, acting like he would worship you if he just had more time- (like sir can u just make a mess of me already THANK U!)
jaehyun: too scared to initiate in fear of seeming desperate, but is very much desperate. would practically burst into flames if you initiate. “hey can i suck you off?” “can you WHAT?” he’s looking around frantically, trying to decipher if he heard you correctly or not. “yeah why not!” “WHY NOT?” like you’re so nonchalant about it and he’s mentally freaking out. he cums embarrassingly fast, the whole situation is way too sexually charged that he can’t help himself. from the way your mouth feels on his cock, the way you keep looking up at him with those pretty eyes, the way you compliment him - telling him he sounds so pretty. he would moan out, not being able to control his volume, and it’s heavenly. he IS the guy every girl wants like is moaning without hesitation (although he will be embarrassed about it later, he couldn’t care less in this moment). he would literally be so pent up for no reason. it’s like everything is heightened and he’s spilling into your mouth faster than he wanted to, but you don’t mind. this is just the beginning <3
riwoo: baby boy here is shy at times, but can also be so cocky depending on the scenario. the current situation has him being more confident and relaxed as the way you’re staring at him gives you away; that you want him as much as he wants you. he wouldn’t fuck you in the closet, but he’d be more than willing to have some fun. this is the perfect moment to dry hump, your legs on either side of his hips, grinding down on his hard cock. his hands would be on your waist gripping so tightly as he pushes you onto his body as deeply as possible. the two of you would be so desperate for some fricition. by the end of the 7 minutes,, his hair is a disaster from you pulling at it as you use his body to try to get off and both of you have warm cheeks and are panting. truly a MESS in the best way possible.
taesan: not the biggest fan of quickies or feeling as though he has limited time. HOWEVER! he thinks the whole element of potentially getting caught in a scandalous situation to be super enticing. the thought of some poor soul who has to open the door and alert the two of you that your time is up witnessing you drunk for him is enough to motivate him to have you wrecked in less than the time you have. he would push you against the wall, kissing you before whispering in your ear, “this is about to be the best 7 minutes of your life.” your brain short circuits and he spends that time doing anything and everything to make you an absolute MESS.
leehan: out of pocket. he would randomly ask to finger you. he has his shy moments too (more so in the context of praise), but he can also be so confident. he’s the type to ask directly if he wants something, not really hesitating because why should he? you like him and he likes you, so he doesn’t feel the need to be embarrassed. he’ll literally trap you between his body and the wall, smirking at how you look at him with puppy dog eyes full of want. “so? what do you say? want me to make you cum?” he would ask as he stares into your eyes and all you can do is nod. he would get on his knees, not wasting any time. he would pump his fingers in and out, a wet sound filling the room because your cunt was absolutely drenched for him. “such a wet cunt, maybe next time i’ll get a taste,” he would say as he looks up with you a smile. he’s so filthy with his words it’s insane. he’d finger you so good that you physically wouldn’t be able to stand; your body sliding against the wall in defeat as you fully give into this man’s fingers.
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emotionoitme · 1 year
under the moon
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carmy berzatto x reader
final part of about a girl
warnings: drinking & drug use (marijuana), carmy being mean, clubbing, jealousy, so much dirty talk, bdsm dom/sub undertones, oral sex (f receiving), spanking, fingering, unprotected vaginal sex, choking, lots of cursing as usual
wc: 9.2k
a/n: i am so excited for you all to read this. & sorry for the slight delay, it took me a bit longer than expected to finish! thank you so so much for your continued support on this series! i genuinely never thought people would like it so much🥺 enjoy!
foster the people - under the moon
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she had begrudgingly awoken the following morning, head feeling as if it were stuffed with cotton, eyes swollen and sore. the bright morning light streams through her open blinds, soaking the room in warm sun. she groans, throwing the duvet over her completely, praying her bed would open up into a sinkhole and swallow her completely. she snakes her arm out, reaching around the nightstand for her phone, pulling it back in. she had overslept about an hour, meaning she would have to heavily compromise on her morning routine and practically sprint to work if she wanted to make it on time. she considered it shortly, but ultimately pulled up her contacts app on her phone, opting to call in sick. she scrolls, the first option being carmy. she wanted so badly to hear his voice, yet her stomach drops at the thought of him, so she quickly scrolls past the contact to find sydney’s number instead. the girl hesitates for a moment, before dialing, a point of deliberation deep within her. she wanted to be as far as away from the man as she could possibly be, the thought of his mere face bringing her a feeling of anguish. on the other hand, she wanted to bear witness to his demeanor— reassure herself that he’s as affected as she is over last night’s encounter. 
he’s probably fine, she thinks to herself, lips twisted into a frown, he’s the one who didn’t want to keep it going. she tries to push the thought away, a hot pang of regret seeping through her body. she burrows deeper into the safety of her bed, tapping the icon next to syd’s contact, bringing the phone to her ear. the line rings, once, twice, three times, then a click. 
“hello?” she hears at the other end. 
“hey, syd,” she greets, groggily, “um, i'm sorry to do this to you guys, but i can’t come in today,” she explains, clarifying, “im sick, my stomach really hurts.” it was a white lie, told out of self preservation, knowing if she saw carmy’s face she surely would feel sick. she hears sydney take a breath. 
“uhh, yeah, that’s fine. we should be fine,” she assures, continuing to ask, “are you still gonna come out with us tomorrow night?” syd pushes a piece of silverware neatly into place, finishing the last table as she watches her business partner come out from the kitchen, walking towards her. 
“tomorrow night?” the girl questions, flipping her duvet off her head for oxygen. 
sydney chides her name, “tomorrow night, tina’s birthday? drinks, dancing, i’ve been telling you about it since last thursday?” glancing at her coworker, curious about who she’s talking to. sydney mouths the girl’s name to him, carmen then gesturing to ask for the phone. 
“yes, syd, thank you! i will be there. i’m sorry i’ve been so scattered this week,” she replies, sitting up out of bed. 
“you’re fine, we can unwind tomorrow,” sydney replies, mouthing “okay, okay,” to the persistently gesturing man, “here, let me put you on with carmy,” she replies, going to hand the phone to the man. 
“no!” the other line interrupts, more frantic than she meant to sound, met with silence. “i mean,” she tries to backtrack, “i don’t want him to worry about me. don’t put me on,” the girl stumbles out. 
“welll, he’s saying that he wants to talk to you… so, i don’t really have much of a choice, okay, bye!” the chipper girl quickly tells her. 
fuck, she mentally exclaims, i should’ve just gone in if i was gonna have to talk to him anyways. 
she hears her name through the line, tone questioning, as carmy takes the phone from syd. 
“hi,” she responds to his beckon, quietly. 
“you’re calling in?” he asks, holding a finger up to syd, walking towards the back office for some privacy. she tightly closes her eyes, finding her words. 
“i, uh, don’t feel good,” she responds, tone shakier than she had anticipated. the line goes silent for a minute, the girl mindlessly fiddling with a loose thread on her comforter. 
“are you avoiding me?” comes his question, catching her slightly off guard. 
“no, carmy” she quickly defends, “i don’t feel well.”
“what’s wrong?” he asks, taking a seat in his office chair. 
“my, um,” she hesitates, “my stomach hurts.” 
he’s not sure he believes her, leaning back in the chair and running a hand over his face.
“okay,” he concedes, letting out a sigh, “just, uh, take it easy today then.” he hears her hum in agreement, pausing before continuing. 
“are you going to that club tomorrow?” carmy asks her, “for tina’s birthday?” 
she dangles her legs over the edge of the bed, mindlessly kicking back and forth. 
“are you?” she asks, eager to skip out on anything besides shutting herself safely inside and maybe putting her fingers to good use to prove carmen nonessential, the memories of his touch flooding her mind incessantly. 
“i think i have to,” he responds, “i already told syd i would,” his eyes glancing back towards the open office door. she softly smiles, knowing she was in the same boat. 
“okay,” standing and walking to her closet, looking for a  club-suitable dress, “i’ll go too, then,” a small smirk in her tone. he can’t fight the smile that breaks his face, eyebrows raising slightly. 
“carmy, my phone?” he hears from the hallway, a reminder of his surroundings, his time talking with the girl running short. 
“yeah!” he yells back to the hallway, “hey, uh, feel better today, okay? i’ll see you tomorrow night,” carmy tells the girl, watching sydney walk into the office. 
“thanks, carm. bye,” she responds, the call ending shortly thereafter. she had felt slightly guilty abandoning her shift, all for the purpose of not having to be tortured with his presence, a reminder of what had transpired the previous night. their casual encounters had quickly morphed into something else within her brain, feeling a deep sense of affection towards the man, chastising herself because she had worried about this and continued anyways. 
she makes her way to the bathroom, splashing cold water over her face, the morning chill seeping through her bones. would it be so wrong for them to keep seeing each other? they were consenting adults—albeit boss and employee— both previously oblivious to the profound magnetism of their natural connection. she wanted to pursue things with him further, increasingly affected by his caring words and gestures, no longer being able to deny the twinge in her chest she gets when picturing his face. 
but she knew he didn’t want the same. 
why would he? she thought, it isn’t what he signed up for. he seemed focused on his work, like he would have limited time for a relationship.
she opted to get a few chores done around the house, taking advantage of the day off, sticking on the thought of him, though, finding herself looking through her closet for a dress with him in mind. 
the space is hot, crowded, alive with movement. tickets pour from the printer one by one. 
“it goes to four cousin, for the third time,” carmy scolds, “stop fucking with the tickets already,” hands busied with removing a large pot from the burner. 
“hold on, i’m fixing them,” richie argues back, clutching a mess of paper. 
carmy paces to the walk in refrigerator, grabbing a large container and making his way through the sea of bustling employees, checking on stations. he was running on fumes, only getting a solid three hours of sleep the previous night, plagued by a swarming head and uneasy stomach.
it’s best this way, he tells himself over again, easiest, hoping that if he repeats it enough times it will start to feel true. 
“alright send these out to six, please,” he hears from the front of the kitchen, glancing over at the expo, seeing the recently plated entrees. 
“fuck, richie, four!” carmen snaps, his hand flying out. 
“jesus, alright, four!” richie yells, widening his eyes, shaking his head, continuing. “calm down, carm, she’ll be back thursday,” a snicker on his face 
carmen freezes in his spot, skin beginning to burn. his eyes dart to richie, jaw twitching. 
“shut the fuck up,” he bites, venom in his tone, trying to push himself further into his work to outlet the growing frustration. he hears the other man chuckle knowingly, glancing at carmen. 
“okay, sore spot!” richie pokes, organizing the last few tickets, smile on his face. the chef doesn’t reply, beginning to quickly chop vegetables, unsure of what would slip off his tongue if he opened his mouth. 
it was unclear to him why he was unable to regulate himself when it came to someone even mentioning her, figuring it was temporary, and would slowly dissipate once they had some distance from each other. carmy deeply exhales, glancing at the clock, counting down the hours until he would be able to see her again. 
it was incredible how fast days would slip by when she didn’t have to go to the restaurant, taking care of domestic matters and recharging from the strenuous week so far, not thinking of carmen.
she goes to sleep that night wearing his clothes, arms wrapped around herself as if the sensation could ever come close to his touch, waking the next morning to eagerly check a phone empty of notifications. on her second day off she works on assignments for her classes, calls an old friend and grabs herself lunch from a bagel shop nearby. upon returning home she grabs a pair of earbuds and spends a few hours outside in the sunlight, mending the cracks in her heart, falling asleep on her balcony sofa and letting the sun kiss her better. the light of the afternoon seeps into the evening, painting the city in a soft yellow blanket, the girl slowly blinking awake. she watches a few cars drive by, a warm breeze shifting the trees, slowly sitting up and stretching, checking the time on her phone. she has a few hours to get ready before meeting everyone for drinks, her body relaxing at the confirmation. her eyes glance down past the time, seeing two new messages on her screen. 
carmy: 416 s clark street
carmy: do you need a ride?
she unlocks her phone, staring at the gray bubbles for what seems like an eternity, fingers hovering over the keys. she begins to type a response, “no. gonna walk,” then quickly deletes it, knowing he would insist on driving her.  
why is he trying to be so nice still?
she feels a twinge of irritation, quickly shutting off the phone, opting to not reply to his message. he was a hard man to understand, his actions contradicting his words more often than not—declaring the two finished, then continuing to pursue contact, referring to them as a “no strings” relationship and then calling her baby and sweetheart. it was confusing more than anything, beginning to take an emotional toll on the young woman. she felt incredibly tense the past few days, mind prickling with anxieties and insecurities, desperate to feel some type of release. 
fuck him, she thinks, standing and opening her sliding glass door, going inside, i’m gonna forget about it tonight. she stalks to her closet, i’m gonna find a hot stranger and just dance, pulling out a short, skin tight club dress and holding it in front of herself, facing the mirror. she wanted him out of mind completely, settling with trying to replace his touch with someone else’s tonight no matter how much her heart objected. she puts music on, setting the dress on her bed and undresses, studying herself in the mirror for a moment before making her way to the bathroom and turning on the shower. she takes a long while to let the hot water to melt onto her skin, cherishing the white silence of the shower head. the young woman takes her time getting ready, piecing herself back together with an extensive routine. once she’s in a robe with her hair wrapped up she walks to the fridge, grabbing a seltzer with alcohol to ease the slight oncoming nerves. she meticulously does her makeup and styles her hair, shamefully wondering if carmy would like how she’s dressed up, checking her phone to see it’s time to head over. dropping her robe and zipping into the dress she had picked out for the night, the girl examines her reflection, admiring the work she had put in. she looked hot, turning to the side and checking out her profile, curves accentuated by the tight fabric. satisfied, she mists herself with perfume and grabs her heels and purse, walking to the door. she swings the heavy metal barrier open to reveal a tepid july night, air thick with moisture. she balances against the frame, slipping into her heels and sliding her purse strap over her shoulder, stepping into the dusk of the evening and letting the door lock behind her. she glances at her phone for walking directions, head slightly fuzzy from the seltzer she had drank on an empty stomach. her short walk to the club garners many gawking stares from passerby’s, surprisingly not making her feel as small as they usually seem to, the goal was to catch eyes tonight, right? 
she squints, identifying bright flickering lights in the distance, the border of the club’s sign. there were a few people dispersed outside, all either smoking or talking on the phone, or both. she brushes her hair back, walking towards the entrance when she hears her name called from behind her. 
“- yo!” turning to see marcus and angel leaning against the brick wall of the establishment. she smiles, turning and walking towards them, the distinct odor of marijuana arising from the cigarette marcus clutched in between his thumb and pointer. 
“hi,” she grins, tilling her head slightly. 
“hey,” the two respond, almost in synchronicity. marcus holds the rolled paper to her, “want some?” 
she smiles, plucking it from his fingertips and bringing it to her lips, deeply inhaling to soften the inevitable drop her stomach would endure at the sight of carmen. the ember burns quickly, and she’s surprised at the harshness. 
she hands it back with a slow exhale, thanking marcus. 
“nervous?” angel chimes in, trying to hide a smile. the girl pauses for a moment, is it so obvious? 
“i haven’t been to a club in a while,” she responds, crossing her arms. it was partially true, but she knew the real reason for the relentless fluttering in her chest. 
the man stubs the filter onto a nearby trash can, dusting his hands off on his pants. “you guys ready to go in?”
the other man affirms, pushing himself off the wall and turning to walk to the front. the girl stays behind, hesitating. 
“you two go ahead. i’m gonna air out,” she responds, leaning back, basking in the slight breeze. the men both crack a smile before walking together to the entrance, leaving the girl in her solitude. she closes her eyes for a moment, deeply inhaling the night air, listening to the reverberation of bass through the walls of the club. she feels a cloud of haze overwhelm her, the mixture of substances seeping through her in a warm glow. she hears footsteps approach. 
her eyes snap open, breath escaping her at the sight of carmy. he looked polished, buttoned up into a dress shirt, hair fluffy and face cleanly shaved. she nearly salivated at his presentation, the buzz she felt complicating her decision to ignore him. 
“hi,” she shortly responds, lip slightly pouted, watching as his eyes examine her, floating down her form. he snaps his eyes away, clearing his throat. 
“you, uh, get my text?” 
she nods, looking up to him, meeting his eyes with unwavering contact. he walks closer to the girl, slightly shaking his head and furrowing his brow in confusion, an unspoken gesture to elaborate. 
she looks away, arms wrapping around herself. 
“i didn’t need a ride,” she answers, “i walked.” 
carmen’s jaw visibly tightens, feeling a twinge of irritation. 
“yeah. uh, i asked because i didn’t want you walking here alone,” he explains in a slightly frustrated tone. 
“yeah, well i made it,” she retorts, aggravation bubbling beneath the surface, “so you don’t need to worry about it.” 
she didn’t know why he was getting under her skin so easily tonight, her throat suddenly feeling hot and tight, raking her eyes over the top of his chest exposed by an open button.
“well i do,” the man argues, “i don’t want you walking by yourself. anywhere,” he solidifies in a stern tone. the girl lets out a scoff. 
“you’re acting like you’re my boyfriend,” she spits, fed up with the sense of entitlement he felt over her. 
“i’m not your fuckin’ boyfriend,” he quickly asserts, tone ringing out much harsher than he intended. 
she knows this to be a fact, but still can’t help the drop she feels in her chest when he says it aloud like that. she opens her mouth to say something, then quickly closes it, biting her lip, eyes darting to the ground. he instantly regrets saying it, brushing his fingers through his hair, grabbing it, studying the girl’s dejection with a pit in his stomach. 
“whatever, carmen,” she dismisses, shoving past him. her lungs felt tight, eyes burned, mentally cursing herself, rushing to the club entrance to distance herself from the man. she shoves the door open, immediately being engulfed by sound and swarming bodies. she blinks back a few tears, deeply inhaling and exhaling, zoning into the environment. spotting the group of her coworkers at a corner table, she shufflles through the crowd to approach them. syd immediately spots the girl, calling out to her and waving. she plasters on a smile as the rest turn to watch her, all unanimously greeting the new arrival. she makes her way over to tina, hugging her and giving her a kiss on the cheek, wishing her happy birthday. she squeezes into her seat in between sydney and richie, turning to the tall man to ask, “so where’s my drink?”
richie lets out a boisterous laugh, throwing an arm around the girl.
“i don’t think you’re gonna have much of a problem getting drinks tonight, sweetheart,” he teases, as carmy approaches the table, receiving welcomes and pulling out a chair to sit. she flickers her eyes over to carmen to find he’s staring at her, quickly tearing them back away and leaning over to syd. 
“come get a drink with me. i really need it,” she pleads, placing her hand on sydney’s forearm. the other girl agrees, the two sliding out from under the table and making their way to the bar, arms linked. 
why did i say that? 
he watches her rush to the front entrance, his body frozen, processing the conversation. 
why did i say that?
he begins to go after her, reaching his arm out before she swiftly maneuvers the door open, slipping inside. 
why the fuck did i say that?
it wasn’t completely untrue— he wasn’t her boyfriend— something he had failed to make entirely made clear before that point. he wasn’t oblivious to the way they had grown closer, either, the thought of her nestled deeply within a sweet spot in his heart. yet he had done nothing to prevent it from happening, and once thinking of it, he finds he’s only ever done the opposite, his behavior towards the girl falling far closer to a boyfriend than a hookup. he begins following in her footsteps, opening the club door and immediately becoming overwhelmed with the number of people crowding the floor. carmy cranes his neck, watching her figure weave through the crowd and towards a corner table. he pushes through the wall of people, seeing her take her seat, approaching the table to receive greetings from his coworkers. his eyes are trained on her, wrapped into richie’s arm, smiling until she locks eyes with him. then it drops, slightly. it makes him feel sick. he turns to fak at his right and engages in conversation as he watches her rise from the table alongside sydney. she looks like a model of some type, he thinks, with dark makeup defining her striking eyes and hair tousled over her shoulder, tight black dress riding up over the skin of her thighs. he trails down her face to her neck. when she moves her hair behind her ear he can see a small purple mark left from his teeth, eyes fully fixated on the spot. the bass of the music thumps, reverberating through the club, floorboards shaking. he tries to keep up in the table’s conversation whilst simultaneously keeping a close eye on the girl, shifting to see her order at the bar through the moving bodies. she throws a shot back, grimacing at the taste, laughing while saying something to syd (he was never very good at reading lips) and raising her hand to flag the bartender once more. the table bursts into laughter, carmen’s eyes drawing back to his coworkers, watching as tina shoves richie’s hand with a smile on her face, rolling her eyes. he feels an inclination to step outside for a smoke, head buzzing with stimulation from the lively environment, wondering how long he should stay before it would be acceptable to leave. 
“oh my gosh, thank you baby,” he hears tina say, glancing over to see the girl having returned from the bar, placing a fruity drink in front of the woman. 
she smiles, returning to her seat as the current song ends, fading into the next. sydney and the girl gasp in tandem at the distinctive opening, locking eyes with each other and grinning. 
“we’re gonna go dance!” the girl excitedly calls, taking syd by the hand and navigating towards the dance floor, crowded with moving bodies. it’s hot, but fluid, the two girls beginning to move together, grinning. carmen watches her, eyes cutting through the crowd. she moves her hips, bringing her hands up her body, flashing lights illuminating her in colors. the sight was hypnotic almost, eyes trained on her, tense in his seat. she throws her hair back, circling her body, closing her eyes. 
richie leans over to him, “you, uh, sure she did just bartending over at ricky’s?” elbowing him slightly. 
carmen doesn’t respond, eyes fixated on her gyrating movements, jaw tensing, painfully aware of all the eyes she’s gathered around the club. she continues dancing after the first two songs, even when sydney makes her way back to the table in need of rest. carmy tried to not make it so obvious he was watching the girl, grateful some of his other coworkers had joined the crowd on the dancefloor, completely entranced by her movement. he tears his gaze away, standing up find the bar, eager to ease the incredible tension he felt pent up within him. she seemed to be having fun dancing, and in a way it felt refreshing to watch the girl so loose and carefree. carmy couldn’t help the sense of possessiveness he felt, though, watching her move like that, seeing the way other men looked at her, like meat. it made him sick. 
he orders a beer once the bartender makes their way over, song fading into the next. he turns to lean against the counter, eyes searching for her as he brings the bottle to his lips with a long swig. he feels a pang in his chest, as he finds her, hand on another man’s arm, leaning to whisper something in his ear. he closely watches as the man smiles, nods, placing his hands on her hips and getting closer to her. carmen’s skin immediately becomes hot, teeth clenching, taking a deep breath through his nose to try and calm himself. 
what the fuck is she doing? 
his eyebrows furrow, watching as she dances, bringing her arms up, turning, moving against the stranger. he feels physically sick, stomach churning at the way this man was touching her navel, hips, pressing himself to the back of her. carmy tightly grips the bottle, unable to rip his eyes away, the girl glistening in the light. she throws her head back against the man’s shoulder, hair draping over him, grinding to the music. her eyes find carmen’s quickly, intentionally locking gazes as she brings the strangers hands higher, up her waist, ribs, her mouth falling opening. carmen stands, knocking the barstool off balance with the force of his movement, shoving through the crowd, disregarding the dirty looks, quickly making his way to the dance floor. he grabs the girl’s wrist, pulling her from the stranger’s grasp, tightly gripping her as he walks towards the back door, dragging her behind him, feeling the struggle of her arm as she tries to pull away. he turns, putting a hand on her lower back, ushering her through the club, shoving the heavy metal door open and bringing her outside, finally letting go when the two are far from the door. he brings a hand to his hair, grabbing, turning to face the girl. 
“what the fuck, carmen?” she yells, ripping her hand away from him, “what’s your issue?” her words slightly under-enunciated. 
he bites down on his lip, meeting her eyes, hand coming to his hip. he hardly had an explanation for the girl, driven by a redhot primal jealousy, blood boiling at the sight of someone else’s hands on her, grabbing, feeling her like that. 
“what’s my issue?” he scoffs, “why the fuck were you dancing like that?” his face reddening, pulse quickening. she lets out a laugh, leaning back against the wall, gazing up at him. 
“why?” she asks, “are you jealous?” 
he shakes his head, unconsciously stepping closer to her.
“i’m not jealous,” he argues, jaw set firmly, eyes casting down onto her. 
“yeah?” she leans forward, further closing the distance between them. he nods, fixated on the droop of her eyes, the part of her lips, the way she looked up at him through her dark lashes. 
“so what if i fuck him?” she asks softly, a smirk playing on her lips, “will you be jealous then?” 
he lets out a breath, fire growing at her words.
he shakes his head, “you’re not gonna fuck him,” asserting with confidence. she tilts her head, alcohol emboldening her. 
“how do you know?” she challenges, well aware of how affected she was by his tone, his demeanor, the look in his eyes. carmy gets closer to her face. 
“because he’s not gonna fuck you like i do,” his voice deep, low, eyes boring into hers with an intensity that lights her core ablaze. the girl finds her breath hitches, mouth going dry, gaze flickering to his lips. he rests his hand on the brick behind her, leaning closer, “hear all those pretty sounds you make.” 
she shuts her eyes tightly, trying to shake her senses of the overwhelming lust she felt. she was supposed to stay angry at him, he was being an asshole. maybe it was the alcohol or the drugs, or the way he towered over her, but she felt no anger, only replaced by want, a slick ache growing at the way he seems to claim her for himself. she takes a deep breath, body feeling as if it were buzzing, head cloudy. 
“you are so fucking confusing,” she whispers, bringing her forehead to lightly touch his. he rests his hand on her lower back, relishing in the warmth of the contact, breathing in her scent. she was completely right about him, he thinks, never saying what he really means to her. if he could have what he really wanted, she would be his, only his. a girlfriend. 
“yeah,” he takes a shaky breath, “yeah. i know,” reply coming, hesitantly. “i’m sorry, -” he breathes out, her name sounding sweet on his tongue. she blinks away the tears that want to form, grabbing the fabric of his shirt, a small tremble of the lip. she opens her mouth to say something, eyes tearfully meeting his. 
the metal door creeks open, momentarily releasing the booming music out into the alleyway, breaking the trance as a few smokers congregate by the back. the girl changes her mind, mouth shutting. she releases his shirt, pulling away, stepping around the man and smoothing her appearance, pads of her fingers coming to dry a few escaped tears. he watches her try and compose herself, shivering in her small dress. his heart clenches, feeling the overwhelming need to take care of her— wrap his arm around her, lead her back to his home, dress her in more of his clothes and watch her fall asleep. he shrugs off his light jacket, walking over to her and draping it over her shoulders without saying anything. she glances up at the man, engulfed by his warmth and the smell of him, ache in her chest. 
“i’m gonna go home,” she whispers, swaying slightly. 
“let me walk you,” he offers, hand coming to her upper back. she quickly shakes her head, taking a step away from him. 
he sighs at her stubbornness, says her name. 
“you’re drunk,” he observes, “let me make sure you get there okay.” 
she hiccups, crossing her arms. 
“ ‘m not drunk,” she slurs unconvincingly. he nods, letting out a breath, hand coming to rub his face. 
“okay,” he concedes, “then, just… go back in with me for a sec. say bye to everyone.” 
she meets his eyes, consideration running over her features, then nodding slowly. he puts his hand on the small of her back, steadying her as they walk back towards the large metal door. there’s a noticeable change in temperature difference as the two enter the club again, weaving through a sea of moving bodies, carmy holding tightly onto her, ushering her forward towards the corner table. he doesn’t miss the glances from his workers at the sight of the girl wearing his jacket, a few smiles cracked, looks exchanged. he ignores it, picks his beer back up as the girl excuses herself from the event, claiming to not feel good and chalking it up to drinking too much when she usually doesn’t partake. richie, surprisingly, says nothing, eyes trained on carmen, smirk plastered over his face. 
“i’m gonna head out too,” carmy announces, “take her home.” 
richie begins loudly laughing, clapping his hands together. 
“jesus christ, i am right about everything!” he shouts, slamming his glass down onto the table. carmen’s skin begins to prickle with embarrassment. 
“hey richie,” he chimes, “shut the fuck up.” he felt unbearably tense tonight between the day’s grueling shift, the girl dancing on another man, the newfound teasing, as if he were about to implode. he was in desperate need of some sort of release. carmy watches her, tightly clad fabric stretching over her ass as she leans down to give tina a hug. he felt guilty, almost, the way he had been shamelessly gawking at her throughout the night, the act doing nothing but intensify the burning he felt bottled up within him. 
“i’m sorry i’m leaving so early, t,” he hears from her mouth, “i don’t feel very well.” 
the older woman brushes the apology away, placing a kiss on the girl’s cheek. 
“feel better, baby,” she coos, looking to carmen, “jeff, you make sure she gets into bed okay,” the command motherly in tone. he nods, coming to give tina a side hug, “ ‘night, t. happy birthday.”
the sidewalk pavement was in dire need of repair, cracks and bumps literally the surface, worsening the walk for people who weren’t drunk. she stumbles over a divot, instinctively grabbing onto carmy’s arm for balance, heels catching on every small crevice. she lets out a cry of frustration, stopping in her tracks. 
“this is impossible,” she exclaims, reaching down to adjust the strap of her heel, “why don’t they fix this stupid street?” 
he can’t help the way the corners of his lips twitch upwards. she was cute, even in her frustration. he crouched, slightly, leaning over, arms out. 
“c’mere,” he tells her, “jump up.” 
she falters, trying to retain independence in her drunken stubbornness, but ultimately accepts, the other option being continually tripping over herself for another mile. she puts her hands up on his shoulders, using him as leverage to boost herself up, his arms coming to wrap around the backs of her thighs. he hears her squeal, slightly, feeling as she pulls the short dress down to cover the curve of her ass. the man grits his teeth, shaking the mental image of it as he tightly grips the supple skin of her upper thighs. she’s easy to carry, surprisingly so, as he continues walking in the direction of her apartment building. a silence settles between the two of them, breaths falling in line with the gentle rhythm of his steps. she wraps her arms around him further, bringing her head to rest on his shoulder, exhale tickling his neck. he clears his throat, glancing back at the girl, seeing her closed eyes. 
“i, uh,” he hesitates, gathering his thoughts, “i fuckin’ hated seeing that guy touch you,” the confession slipping off of his tongue. he feels her smile slightly against his neck. 
“i knew you would,” her reply comes softly. he lets out a small scoff, humored by what she admits. 
“you’re a brat,” he asserts lowly, pressing his fingers into her skin. she splays her arms out, pushing her chest against his back, hand coming to rest on his bare collarbones. 
“you were being a dick,” her words ringing truthfully, resounding throughout the man, feeling a pang of guilt. 
“yeah. i know,” he agrees, eyes fixed forward, “i’m sorry.” carmen lets a cloud of silence engulf the two before vocalizing again. 
“you know, i… really do wanna be with you,” he admits gently, soul bared. she pauses, soaking in his words, feeling almost as if a puzzle piece had been pushed into place. 
“why not?” her question comes soft, sweet. he lets out a deep breath. 
“you know why,” he quietly replies, the street lamps casting their two shadows as one. she does know why, aware of the sly glances the two received, apparent judgment surrounding a relationship with the power imbalance of theirs. 
“well, i quit then,” she pouts, lips brushing against his skin, erupting him in goosebumps. he shakes his head. 
“you can’t,” comes his rejection, “we need you,” expressing the fact with utmost sincerity. she hugs her arms around him tighter, smelling his cologne, his soap, a faint trace of cigarette smoke. 
“i don’t care,” she protests in all of her stubborn glory, “i wanna be yours, carm.” 
he feels himself surrender at her words, pulling her even closer. 
“you’re mine,” he assures her, glancing back to meet her eyes, nodding, feeling warmth as if a bright light glowed from his chest. they can figure out the details later— he genuinely didn’t want her to quit, trying to remind himself it was the only way their relationship would be ethical. the man slows in pace as they approach the front of her building, letting the girl hop down, holding his hand out to steady her once her feet make contact with the ground. she gives a small smile, intertwining her arm with his, hand coming to rest on the mass of muscle as the two make their way to her building. she clutches onto him in her inebriated state as they scale the tall stairs leading up to her door. she fumbles with her keys, eventually unlocking the deadbolt and pushing the door open. she turns to face him, giving him sort of a puppy dog look, hoping he’ll want to follow her in. a smile breaks his face, studying her expression. 
“i, uh, gotta make sure you get in bed okay,” he reminds her, gesturing inside. she grins, taking his hand, pulling him inside and shutting the door. the space was illuminated with strung lights, warm in hue, mystifying the room. he takes a deep breath, wrapped in her intoxicating scent, eyes scanning the room. he primarily notices how pristine it is, cozy, fragments of her soul framed over the walls and resting on shelves. it felt like a home, more than his ever has. she sets her keys and purse on a side table, kicking off her heels and sighing in relief, trudging to the kitchen to retrieve two glasses of water. when she hands it to him he can’t help but stare, focusing on her face, the ache for her insurmountable to anything he’s ever wanted before. he sets the glass down, hand coming to her lower back, deeply looking into her, past her beauty and towards her essence. he watches as her eyes flicker down to his lips, quickly coming back to meet his gaze. he’s in awe of her, almost, bringing both hands to the small of her back, squeezing her slightly, pulling her to him with ease. she lets out a breath at the action, hand coming to his forearm, feeling the flex of his tendons. he wants her all to himself, he thinks, leaning in towards her, raising his hand to cup the side of her face. she leans into the touch, turning, pressing a kiss to the base of his thumb, bringing her other hand to rest on his, biting the skin. he grasps her face at this, shoving his thumb into her mouth. 
“suck,” he commands, voice low, watching in anticipation as she brings her lips around the digit, tongue circling eagerly, trying to take more of it into her mouth. he nearly falls apart at the sight, twitching, pulling her flush against him, dragging his thumb out of her mouth and over her bottom lip. he drops his hand to touch her neck, watching her lips, hearing his heart pound in his ears. she brings her grip to clutch onto his shirt, heavily breathing. he cherishes her expression, cheeks flushed and lips parted, glistening. carmen tightens his hand around her throat very slightly, leaning in to taste her, his lips gently pressing against hers, hearing her moan at the unexpected contact. she’s sweet, soft, eager, the slightest trace of alcohol on her lips. he hadn't realized how much he had been craving her taste until it graced his tongue, feeling almost as if a tension in him had alleviated. he wants more, tattooed fingers wrapping around her neck, pulling her into him, deepening the kiss. she melts into him, trying to keep up with the ferocity of his kiss, pushing her tongue into his mouth. he groans, bringing his hand from her back to the curve of her ass, feeling, squeezing, pulling her in. he takes his hand off her throat, her leg slightly lifts, and he takes the opportunity to hoist it up over his hip, turning and pressing her into the counter, weight of his body against hers. it feels as if something had snapped within him, wanting to claim her all to himself, grabbing whatever he can of her, getting as close as possible, lips, tongues dancing in tandem. he presses a few slow kisses to her mouth, pulling away, forehead coming against hers, eyes shut. he listens to the sound of their breath, hand on her ass, fingers teasing the hem of her panties. she arches into his touch, body tingling, hot with desire. his hand comes up, then flies back down to smack her ass, the girl takes a sharp breath, firmly gripping it again after the impact. 
“fuck,” she breathes, a hot swell in her lower stomach. he creeps his hand up the skin of her thigh, slipping under her dress, hooking his fingers into the waistband of her panties, dragging them down her legs. her face grows hot at the way he takes command, shoving at the fabric until it slides down her calves and hits the floor. she steps out of them, breath shaky, drenched in anticipation, insides of her thighs growing wet. carmy gives her a final kiss before dropping to his knees in front of her, placing a few gentle kisses around her skin. she instinctively clamps her thighs at the sensation, the man bringing his hand to shove her leg to the side, exposing her glistening heat. he lets out a soft moan at the sight, closer than he’s ever been to her core, leaning forward to softly kiss her clit. the girl lets out a cry of surprise, hand flying to his head, the simple act sending a shock throughout her body. he brings his thumb and pointer finger to part her both of her lips, taking her image in, salivating slightly in anticipation. he casts his eyes up towards her face, flushed, mouth open. he leans forward, licking a long stripe up her wetness to her clit, swirling his tongue around the bud, pulling away. she pants, fingers tangled in his hair, arching towards him, wordlessly asking for more. he groans at the taste of her, a rush to his head, his cock, immediately diving in for more, lapping at her as if she’s the finest thing he’s had in his mouth. her knees begin to go weak, trembling slightly, trying to hold onto him for support. 
“carmy,” she whimpers, “i can’t stand.” 
this breaks his focus, bringing his eyes up to her with a glint. 
“yeah?” he asks, “feel too good, baby?” a smirk growing on his face. she refuses to respond, tightly shutting her eyes and throwing her head back when he brings his thumb to slowly circle her clit, watching, gauging her reaction. he pulls his hand away, placing a small smack on the inside of her thigh, the girl gasping. 
“answer me” he growls, breath tickling her mound, leaning to press a few more kisses to her swollen heat. she lets out a whine, grabbing his hair. 
“it feels- fuck it feels so good carm,” she shakily admits, knees nearly buckling. satisfied with her answer he brings both hands to the base of her ass, lifting her with ease and setting her on the countertop. she hastily grabs his shirt and pulls him in, locking lips and tasting herself on his tongue, letting a sweet sound into his mouth. he breaks away, desperate to feel her wetness on his mouth again. he kisses the inside of her thigh, then leans in, flattening his tongue against her clit, gently lapping, a finger coming to tease her pooling entrance. she unintentionally bucks her hips at the sensation, prompting carmen to bring the length of his forearm to her inner thigh, shoving it open, holding her down. she brings her eyes to his tattooed arm splaying her open, heart pounding, trying to straighten herself, awaiting his touch. he continues his gentle licks, circling his finger around her wetness, then pushing the digit into her slowly, eyes darting up to watch her mouth fall open. he swirls his tongue around her engorged clit, then gently sucks, curling his finger deeply inside of her, beginning to establish a rhythmic motion. her pants turn to cries, pulling the man in by his curls. his hand grips the skin of her thigh, spreading her open, devouring her, pushing a second finger into her. her teeth clamp down onto her lip at the sensation, gripping around his digits, trying hard to keep her composure in front of the man. carmy, aware of this, increases the pace of his movement, pulling his mouth away from her, beginning to tease her clit with a feather-like touch of his tongue. her head falls back, smacking against the cabinet, a loud moan slipping through her lips. 
“please,” she pleads, not sure for what, arching into carmen’s motion, hands grabbing whatever she can of him, the knot inside her stomach growing impossibly tight. he wants to feel her cum— clench around his fingers, see how long he can keep fucking into her until it’s too much— but he refrains, pulling his fingers out, soaked with her juices, standing up. her head jerks up to meet his eyes, panting, flushed, frustrated. 
“whyy?” she whines, trying to pull the man back to her. he lets out a scoff, smirk creeping at the edges of his lips, hands on the tops her thighs, gripping. 
“you think i’m gonna let you cum?” he asks, voice low, coming close to her face, “after that shit you pulled in the club?” 
her lip pouts, face heating at his words, held down by his weight, trying to catch her breath. the girl opens her mouth to argue back, but decides against it, just wanting to feel him— leaning forward to kiss him softly, hungrily, hands coming to feel the muscles of his chest. he melts into the kiss, hands wrapping around her back. 
“you don’t care, huh?” carmy teases between kisses, “just want me to keep touchin’ you,” pressing himself between her thighs, deepening their contact. she nods into the kiss, greedily reaching her hands down to pull his shirt up. he pulls away from her, taking it off completely, groaning as the girl runs her hands up his bare abdomen, then gently rakes her nails down, admiring the way his muscles flex under her touch. he grows a bit impatient, decides to pick her up, her legs coming to wrap around his back, carrying her to the bedroom. she grins at the way he holds her, hands gripping both of her ass cheeks, leaning down to kiss his neck in the short walk. when he drops her onto the plush duvet of her bed he leans over her, fingers grasping the side zipper of her dress, slowly pulling it down to reveal the skin of her ribcage, waist, stopping right above her hip. they lock eyes and he searches her face for any signs of hesitation, finding only blown pupils and flushed cheeks. he grabs the hem of the dress, slowly pulling it down her body to expose her breasts, waist, stomach, pelvis, letting the fabric fall over her ankles to the floor. his eyes drink her in, sparks firing in his brain, bringing his hands to grasp her waist, thumbs resting over her stomach. carmy leans in, deeply kissing her, savoring her warmth, then rises, unbuckling his belt. she props herself up onto her elbows, watching the man slowly unbutton his pants, pull the zipper down. she lets out a heavy breath at the sight of the large bulge behind his briefs, straining against the cotton, curved upwards to the right. she sits up, inching towards the edge of the bed, seated in front of the man, gazing up at him in adoration. 
“can i take these off?” she asks softly, fingers coming to hook into his briefs, pulling them slightly to reveal the deep v-line in his hips, light brown hair leading down to his covered pubic bone. her mouth was almost watering, looking up at him in anticipation. he grins at her eagerness, raising his eyebrows slightly, nodding his head, giving her permission to slip the waistband down over his hips, cock slapping against his stomach when she does so. she immediately grabs the length of his dick, heavy in her hand, giving it a few slow strokes, watching as he closes his eyes, breathing out heavily. her head feels fuzzy, wanting nothing more than for him to shove her back onto the bed and fill her completely, continuing to marvel at his thickness. he brings his hand to stroke the side of her face, fingers coming over her ear and threading through her hair, watching intently as she slowly jerks him off. she clenches her thighs together in an attempt to alleviate the growing ache, running out of patience. 
“carm,” she whines, gripping his cock, gazing up at him, handsome face framed by a few messy curls, “i want it already.” 
he lets a small smirk grace his face, rubbing his thumb against her cheek. 
“yeah?” he asks, watching the girl quickly nod, bringing his face closer to his, lowering his voice, “you know i’m gonna fuckin’ wreck you tonight, right?” 
she heats at his words, eyes widening, an expectant shiver making it’s way through her body and settling throughout her core. he doesn’t let her respond, grabbing her thighs and pulling her, back coming to the mattress, pelvis flush with his. he bends her legs into her chest, leaning over her, the tip of his cock briefly gracing her wetness before he brings his hand down to grip himself, running the tip through her slick folds, sliding up to nudge her clit. she tightly shuts her eyes, lets out a quiet moan at the sensation— almost enough to satisfy, but not quite. he continues thrusting through her folds, listening to the wet sounds, coating himself in her juices. she tries to resist the urge but she can’t, reaching down, grabbing his cock and sticking it inside of her, legs coming to wrap around his back to pull him in. 
“fuckk,” he exclaims loudly, not expecting her desperation, suddenly engulfed in her warmth. he groans, trying to compose himself, bringing his hand to her throat, leaning in, pushing his hips forward to the hilt. she whimpers, cherishing the slight burn of fullness as he tightens his grip around her throat. 
“this what you wanted?” he asks, voice gruff, fully draped over her, nuzzling a kiss under her ear. the way he speaks to her ignites a flame, emboldening her slightly. her eyes gleam. 
“no,” she breathes, “i want you to fuckin’ move,” words laced with a tone. he lets out a short laugh, straightening, grabbing both her calves and propping them up over his shoulders, drawing out of her and then quickly snapping his hips forward. she gasps, hand flying up to her mouth. she feels the ridge of his head drag against her walls as he graciously begins to thrust into her, hands wrapped around her legs, eyes coming to watch her breasts bounce in time with his rhythm. her hand falls away from her mouth, a loud cry pouring from her lips. carmen revels in the sound as he continuously drives his hips forward, skin slapping against hers, gripping her left calf, turning to press a kiss into her ankle. his pace begins to satiate the relentless burn within her core, trying to take his length as deeply as possible.
“so good,” she whimpers, bringing her hands to her breasts, squeezing. carmy groans, slapping her outer thigh. 
“where’d that attitude go?” he asks, pelvis flush against her, pulling closer, “huh?” 
her brows furrow, opening her mouth to argue but falling short, a breathy moan replacing her words at the sensation of him deeply fucking into her. her body feels incredibly hot, nipples perked beneath her fingers, feeling herself approaching an edge. he grins, moving his hand to grip at her thigh, eyes scanning over the sight in front of him. 
“so fuckin’ pretty,” he tells her, hips stuttering, trying to push away his quickly approaching orgasm. he pulls out of her, the girl’s eyes shooting open to object. carmy takes hold of her forearms, pulling her to stand, grabbing her hips and turning her around, pushing her forward. her knee comes to the bed, balanced on her other leg as he wraps his arm around her waist, hand on her ribcage and inserts himself back into her tightness. 
“yes,” she cries, arching back against him and bringing her hand onto his arm, feeling the head of his cock thrust deeply upwards. the tingling in her core grows stronger; her head falls back onto his shoulder. carmen grunts, his free hand coming to find her clit, rubbing small, soft circles, feeling himself unravel at the intense pulse of her walls. he kisses her cheek, relentlessly pounding into her, the crescendo of her moans driving him higher and higher. his lips come right next to her ear, breath ragged. 
“you my girl?” he asks, another kiss on the side of her face, bringing his hand from her ribs to her breast, gently squeezing. 
she nods quickly, arm coming behind her to grab his hip, feeling him, tangible beneath her fingers. 
“all yours,” she pants, “i’m all yours, carm.” 
he groans at the sentiment, bottoming out inside of her, quickly circling her clit as her arousal grows slick on his fingers. she feels herself tumbling towards her edge, trying to physically hold onto him so as to not climax, fingers gripping into his skin. 
“i’m-,” a cry falls from her mouth. he pulls the two even closer, wetness pouring from her at the continual thrusts, feeling the cues of her body approaching climax.
“let it go, baby,” he coos, lips pressed against her ear. with his simple command she feels an intense heat envelop her body, orgasm crashing against her like a wave. she goes limp in his arms so he grabs her tighter, bending her over the bed. her thighs begin to shake as carmen relentlessly snaps his hips, watching her intently, feeling a white hot pleasure seep through him. he’s ferociously grabbing at her, pulling her in as he approaches his edge, stutter of his hips as he bottoms out and releases himself into her with a loud groan. she feels the pressure of his cum against her walls, intense heat diffusing as she rides out the shocks of her orgasm. he collapses over her, hand coming to the bed, trying not to put his full weight upon her. their labored breaths harmonize, hearts pounding. carmy runs a hand over her lower back, soothingly rubbing the limp girl. he pushes himself up, straining to grab a tissue off her nightstand to clean with, the act of pulling out of her releasing a constant pressure, the girl whimpering. he soaks up the mess of cum dripping down her legs, drinking in the sight, then rises to throw the tissues away. she’s able to muster the energy to push herself up and stumble behind him, walking into the bathroom to turn on the shower, steadying her shaky legs by holding onto the wall. she turns to see the man, naked in all his glory, approach her, placing his hands on her hips and leaning in to kiss her deeply. she seeps into his touch, hand coming to graze his lower stomach, exhaling slowly. he lets a peace wash over the two before speaking. 
“so, uh, i’ll take this as your two weeks notice, then?” he teases, hand falling to her low back. she tilts her head to the side. 
“what? you mean i don’t get a promotion after that?” she asks, smiling, trying to feign disappointment, “fuck.”
he grins, adoringly gazing down at the young woman, bathing in the light of her smile. 
he knew it was never supposed to go so far. it was never supposed to end up in this position, with her leaning in for another kiss, him greedily accepting. she was his completely now, the man making a vow to never let anything or anyone hurt her, cherishing the feeling of her warmth under his fingertips. 
it was never supposed to go so far, but it did. and he was so fucking glad it did. 
eeeek i hope you liked it!! i genuinely enjoyed writing this story so much. an epilogue to wrap up some loose ends is possible in the future- in the meantime i'll be posting some steamy carmy headcannons.
please leave me a comment and let me know what you think! thank you SO MUCH to everyone for the continued support on this series <3
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croucify · 2 months
✶ STARGIRL — hamzahthefantastic x reader
007 ✶ Party Monster
stargirl masterfile – next – previous
SUMMARY: hamzah has a crush on a youtuber who's always out and about and slushies see their relationship progress on social media! (smau)
DISCLAIMER: reader is a brown haired girl and for some pics that aren't faceless, i'll be using olivia rodrigo cause i love her and she’s filipino like me hehehe
for y/n @ynlnupdates
It's been rumored that Y/N is hosting a party tonight and has invited multiple of her friends. My DMs are open for any photos or videos you have from said party <3
41 replies 25 retweets 73 likes
user222 BABES hamzah just posted a pic of her in his story
↳ user791 the way he's got the biggest crush on her and he's so open about it omg
user086 oh my gosh im so excited for all the pictures
user345 all she does is party bruh and she fr playing wit hamzah's feelings
the music was blaring loudly in the bar and different colored lights were being flashed. you were going around the bar, greeting all your friends and meeting people they brought to the party with them. behind you was hamzah, you had his hand in yours as you walked around and you would squeeze his hand to see if he was doing alright.
you two were together almost the whole night, stuck to each other like you were attached by the hip.
until your mutual friends arrived and split you guys apart. he was occupied by them all night while you were hosting the party and catching up with your friends.
at some point, you were looking around the bar for him, feeling incomplete without hin by your side and suddenly, you bump into him.
"oh my god hi," you said, a soft blush rising to your cheeks.
he was about to speak when another one of your friends called out for you and pulled you away from him. you mouth sorry to him and he just smiles at you.
the whole night, hamzah was on your mind. he was on your mind when you did shots with your friends, when another boy flirted with you, when you danced, anything. when hamzah saw you on the dance floor with another guy, he felt himself tense up, avoiding you the rest of the night.
it had felt weird. you two were just friends right?
as the night was slowly coming to an end, whenever your friends bid goodbye, you insisted on coming with them outside until they got into their ride.
when the bar was empty, you made your way towards hamzah who was sitting on one of the stools with a drink in his hand. you took a seat beside him. he was quiet and you were too though he could see you from his peripheral vision.
your head was in your hands, hamzah calling for the bartender you had hired and asked for water.
he taps your shoulder and your head shoots up slowly, he opens the bottle then hands it to you with a small smile. you feel your stomach doing backflips before smiling at him and taking the bottle.
"thanks," you tell him, tucking a strand of hair behind your ear.
"wanna go now? i'll drive," he tells you but you shook your head.
you got off your stool, pulling it closer to his before sitting on it again. you place your head on his shoulder and a hand on top of his. "let's just stay here for a while."
hamzah felt nervous, biting his lip to hide his smile but fails. he was glad you couldn't see him. then right after, he wraps and arm around your waist, hand fiddling where your top ended.
you had fallen asleep in hamzah's arms after a while then he drove you both back to the air bnb, him wiping your makeup off before letting you get changed into your sleeping clothes.
"night hamzah, you're the best." you said softly as he tucked you in your bed.
"good night."
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liked by 40,278 and others
tiktokroom Y/N spotted getting cozy with TikTok star, Vinnie Hacker at her party last night. Could a romance spark between these two? 👀
view comments
user628 no fucking way
user001 hamzah & y/n all the way bro
user372 told yall she was playing with hamzah's feelings
slushyfan noooooo
user123 thought she was dating hamzah???
user555 @ynln girlll wake up
it was the next day already and the first thing hamzah had seen on his phone was the news that came out about the girl he was in the room with.
martin had texted, asking if it were true and he had no idea what to answer. after all, he saw them dancing together last night.
who's to say she didn't have anything feelings for the guy?
✶ taglist — @cdbabymp3 @noturbabe22 @dabuggh3 @thatmartinkitten @tumb1rgir1z @mfcherry @ldrvinyl @certainfestivalnerdshepherd @seasidelily @jisyng @brucewayngfreal @beamuah @maybankfr @nickmillersn1gf @ivvees-blog
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k-zu · 2 years
国崩 : ❝i abhor you.❞ ft. anemo scaramouche
he'd whisper under his breath, mesmerised by the sight of you, as the response of his sweaty weak hands failed to grab onto the last drop of remaining sanity. he'd believe it wholeheartedly too while caressing your face pretending his own isn't burning in red, or while he stares at the fake stars in the sky and idiotically wishes for the day his lips brush yours just to feel what it's like. because sometimes he finds that's all he's ever known, no one taught him how would love feel, no beating heart to feel racing with a ghostly touch or understanding of human emotions.
in reality, it's like you make him so hopeful his immediate reaction leads him to think he has to hurt you in some way, as if it wasn't enough for you to already know about his past, about who he is and what he has done to other people. maybe you just didn't catch enough information on him, he feels like he's deceiving you in some aspect, but even after all this time being the bad guy of the numerous tales, he may just feel the faintest ounce of guilt for doing it to you.
you, an insignificant passerby when he received his vision; the only witness of the wanderer, at the roots of some sumerian tree with the painfully annoying rays of the sun sliding smoothly through the leaves onto his face, resting his body from what it felt like a never-ending battle against the world. he obtained the anemo power then; when his struggle ceased and the outcome of the fight erased the name of the balladeer, when he lost but remained existing under a sumerian sun and had to find a new purpose for his vassal, when he let himself grief.
he became yours but free after you got closer to him and helped him with some minor injuries, and even then he showed his appreciation by staring at your soul with daggers trying to find an ulterior motive. and when he couldn't find any, he dreamt. for the first time in his immortal lie of life, he yearned for a new beginning with people as caring as you that wouldn't betray him, and that's exactly why he hates you.
a weak mortal human wouldn't be able to exist in flesh for as long as his memory serves him, that's why he mutters to you only, aching in despair: ❝i hate you in the future, when you leave me missing breathless kisses under the moon and a soul companion, when you become part of the endless sea of pretender stars and live only in my damned dreams. i hate you when you exist here and let me inadvertently desire to get you under my skin close to the hollow space where my heart should be so i can keep you safe. but i love you more now, and i'll love you forever even if it's the last thing i lose from you, and the one that'll hurt more.❞
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a/n : ooc scaramouche maybe but WAAA im so excited to know more about him when he becomes playable.
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cauqhtz · 1 month
DISCLAIMER: i’ll be substituting "y/n" for "tiny" if that’s something you struggle with digesting? Keep scrolling! I dont need to be harrassed bc of it. Its not that serious. (No its not a oc. It’s literally you with a nickname. Instead of typing all ridiculous (y/n/n) i gave it a different word. Thats it and thats all! Also i’ve seen other writers do this without being harrassed so please just respect me and my choices. DO NOT READ IT IF YOU DO NOT LIKE IT. I removed the option to request anonymously because of this. But my requests are open!
SUMMARY: Thomas and Tiny talk about Gally and rejection.
"What do you see in him?" Thomas askes sitting down beside Tiny, motioning towards Gally.
The only girl in the glade and his best-friend. She’d only joined a couple months before he did and yet for some reason she drooled all over Gally. The builders chief. Going out of her way to please the guy. Though from everything that Thomas has witnessed, he wasnt giving her the time of day. Its pathetic. Though he wasn’t in any position to be judgemental.
"Excuse me?" Tiny hums in acknowledgment her. Her attention unwavering.
"Gally, hey-" Thomas calls turning her head in his direction before continuing. "He treats you like shit and you kiss the ground he walks on. Does it not bother you? Why not move on?"
"Of course it bothers me Tommy. I have feelings just like everyone else but i dont know. I could give you a million and one excuses and it still wouldnt explain how he makes me feel. You know? Yeah rejection hurts like a motherfucker but all it takes is a smile, a kiss to my cheek or forehead, his skin on mine in general and its like the pain was never there." Tiny rambles on grinning, eyes as bright as stars as she shakes his shoulders in excitement.
Thomas nods in understanding. He understood. He didnt know when he’d fallen in love with the girl who was in love with the guy who hated his guts. It was pathetic… but he couldnt find it in him to be mad at it.
"And i mean come on. Moving on? If it were that easy. Heartbreak wouldnt hurt as bad as it does. It doesnt help that he treats me like an absolute princess. He’s such a sweetheart. You know im very peculiar with how i eat my food? It has to be a certain way or i’ll starve. It’s not like we have many options in the glade but i just cannot force myself to swallow the food if it isnt a certain way and i’d die before offending frypan. So i’d end up starving until Gally realized and started to go out of his way to plate my food for me?" Tiny sighs leaning her head against Thomas shoulder, her gaze trailing back to Gally who was rough housing with the guys.
"He built me a shack, so i’d have my privacy and be alone. God his hugs are the best. He’s always so gentle with me. I mean just look at him-"
"Alright! Alright. I get it. You’re in love with him." Thomas huffs playfully shrugging the girl off. Trying to ignore ache in his chest.
"Yup! And he’s in love with me. He just doesnt know it yet!" Tiny grins, pressing a kiss to the boys cheek after having heard Gally call out to her. "Welp my husband calls! Later Tommy!"
Tommy hums, watching Gally hand the girl a plate of assorted food, that doesnt touch with a kiss to her forehead. The two walk from Thomas’s sight.
Thomas understood the girls words. More than he liked.
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sca-nerd · 9 months
renn fair tips!!!
yes bring water, but also figure out how you can bring that water, some places only let you bring in sealed, never opened, bottles (cause alcohol is a large part of event revenue)
CASH, most sellers have got a square card reader or paypal or something, but those work at the whims of cell service, and cell service tends to suck in parks
also with cash depending on the seller they might just wave the tax. things are priced to even dollars most of the time
the crafts people (leather, blacksmiths, silversmiths, glassblowers) are where you really want to "focus" your money, not because there's anything wrong with the clothing stalls, it's just that it's harder to get those items online, and you're helping a small business
also some of the clothing sellers just buy in bulk from a place like amazon and clip off the tag, "wevez" is where i get my skirts, and the price markup can be anywhere from 2 to 3 times what you'd pay if you bought from the seller directly
the end of the last day of the weekend you can get food for cheaper, so if you're staying until close and don't want to find a fast food joint, get a turkey leg
bed bugs, (SPRAYS DO NOT WORK ON THESE MOTHER FUCKERS) the horrible truth of the matter is, it is a valid concern, moreso since COVID. so if you do buy anything, im talking books, tunics, hair wraps, corsets, trousers, a kilt. anything a bed bug could be hanging out in, you put that in a seperate plastic bag, seal it, and stick it in the freezer when you get home. then you beat out the thing a few hours later.
this doesn't kill them, but it does make them hibernate, which means you can shake them out then kill them or if youre feeling vindictive, pop them in the oven, a minimum of 120F for 90 mins gets all bugs and possible eggs. you could also put the things in your dryer on high for the longest setting, but i personally prefer the oven (and not just because i don't have a drier)
business cards! i personally collect business cards for convience and maybe one day i'll go back to pursuing graphic design, but having a designated pocket for business cards or pamphlets cause you may be grabbing a lot of them
the vibes: Its a bunch of weird nerds getting dressed up to play pretend and get drunk in the park. It can get weird, and it can get raunchy (not horny, just crass) i have witnessed several different parents huff off with their kid cause a performer made a low brow joke that was obvious enough that the kid knew smth dirty was said, MOST of the people are chill with boundries, but some never got out of that phase of being a dick cause they think it's funny
speaking of phases, renn faires are still the only place i have ever been where you've got the flagrantly queer and menanist douchebags bumping shoulders. like side eyes are made im sure, but you can walk down a path, past somebody in the loudest, most obviously gay garb you have seen outside of a drag show, then a few feet behind them is somebody else with a trump denim vest
also, back to the rauchy bit, there will likely be people there who are cool, but use outdated/offensive lingo. like I got called a fairy by a guy waiting in line for a kebob, he did try and backpedel, but im fine with being called that and his girlfriend (who obviously dragged him there) was dressed up like a fairy, so jokes were had and expensive kebab's purchased (idk what they used to season those things but they were so fkin good for just being some meat on a stick)
if you do a craft (knitting/crochet) check if you can bring your supplies in because some places don't let guest bring in knitting needles (they are often 11 in long pointy sticks so fair enough)
ASK QUESTIONS not just at the small semi educational areas they sometimes have, but also the people selling things, i love hearing people talk about their crafts (also renn faire drama is real and it is wild, and it's much more exciting because it's effect on you is almost null)
some faires have pub crawls and i have witnessed many a stumbling drunk get escorted out by EMTs cause he didn't pace himself and drank on an empty stomach
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enassbraid · 1 year
HII im request this, because i love ur writing sm<333
but what if akito x f!reader
but the readers a idol and shes kinda popular, so shes has a lot of boys hitting on her in school and akito gets jealous.
-> “𝐖𝐡𝐨 𝐝𝐨 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐭𝐡𝐢𝐧𝐤 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐚𝐫𝐞?”
He knew this would be a common occurrence when he started dating you… but do these guys seriously not see him holding your hand while they flirt?
With Akito Shinonome | Genre - fluff
Cw) cursing, mean jealous people boooo, jealous akito is not one of them
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Akito knew what he was getting himself into. He had to after all. You- a popular idol known all around the country, who can be recognized from a mile away, with him, an average guy. You both went over it several times before it was made official, though you refused to let him refer to himself as “an average guy.”
You and Akito attempted to keep it on the low, but the paparazzi sees everything apparently. No amount of disguises and wigs could keep you hidden from at least one skeptical eye, even at an underground live house. But today the simple wig and glasses seemed to do the trick.
It took every ounce of self control in you to avoid cheering, not wanting your voice to get recognized. But when your boyfriend hit a perfect high note- you couldn’t help the loud cheer of enthusiasm and excitement you let out. A few heads turned, but they didn’t pay any mind until…
“Hey- you sound a lot like (Full Name), and now that I look at you-“ a random crowd member said. You couldn’t bear to keep listening, hoping if you ignored him he’d leave it be.
While he might have left it be in that moment, he was certainly determined to find out whether it was really you or not, even after the event ended. Going as far as to follow you backstage…
You immediately jumped on Akito once you saw him, praising him and how well he did on stage tonight. Of course praising his fellow group members, but mainly Akito. Giggles erupted from An as everyone watched the ginger go beet red. Assuming no one was around to see this, he tugged your wig off along with the net.
Your real locks fell into place like dominoes. ‘That’s better’ he thinks, preferring your natural self over any disguise you have.
The other members of Vivid Bad Squad already knew who you were, and found it less odd due to An’s connection with Haruka Kiritani. It felt a little surreal at first, but they’ve become accustomed to your presence over a short period of time. So of course you and Akito were okay with being open about your relationship around them.
As long as no other witnesses are around… which unfortunately wasn’t the case this time. The man’s camera snapped a bit, taking off before any of you could notice.
The next day was absolute hell.
All eyes were on you in the halls of Kamiyama High School. But not the same stares you usually got, no no no. These stares were full of… disgust. Did you do something that didn’t fit their image of you? Everything was normal yesterday, what happened since then?
Whispers grew louder the closer you got to a certain green eyed male. Louder… louder… louder… and louder.
“Was the idol status seriously not enough for them? They just have to have a boyfriend as well?”
“He’s gonna drag their reputation through the mud, just watch..”
“I bet I’m a better match for them.”
“They’re getting too spoiled…”
You kept your head low until you reached the one you were looking for, the only person you wanted to look for.
“We need to talk.” He said, keeping his head low just like you while still trying to look at you.
You followed him to an empty classroom, silently praying in your head this isn’t going to end up with a heart split in half. Dread filled your stomach the longer he took to talk.
He finally broke the silence. “People- no, someone saw us, last night. Took a picture and everything.”
Your eyes went wide with shock. You could have sworn no one was around, no one else but Akito and his teammates. Someone was there that whole time? Or just long enough to get a picture as evidence you and the street singer had a thing?
“And everyone saw it?” You asked.
Akito nodded his head, avoiding eye contact. He felt ashamed of himself. Everything he’s heard today revolved around your reputation- how he’s going to ruin it. Others going as far as to say you’re too good to even be in his presence. He can’t help but wonder now if these things are true.
You however, seem to notice his distress. You gently rubbed his cheek in a reassuring way. If there’s one good thing that’s come out of all this, it’s that you don’t need to be as wary about PDA anymore.
“Whatever happens next, we have each other, yeah?” You say, not needing any response from Akito to know he agrees.
You two give a look of reassurance to each other before walking out the classroom door, hand in hand. The whispers got louder, but neither of you cared. After all, in days time this will all be forgotten about. Hopefully.
For some reason, Akito felt more dread while he held your hand. Your touch was the most comforting thing in the world to him- but he couldn’t help but feel as if someone was plotting something. It was unnerving.
He’s grown used to the whispers, the stares, and even the direct remarks over the past few days. But today felt different. People were eyeing him more than they were eyeing you, and the whispers included his name more than usual.
“Is something wrong, ‘Kito?” You asked, concern written all over your face.
“Not really, just a bit annoyed. Wish these guys would just… shut up. You know?” Of course you knew. You probably knew more than him anyways, dealing with rumors for so many years.
You chuckled softly, distracting you enough for you to not notice a new presence approaching.
The guy looked like he was up to no good. His hands in his pockets and a smug look on his face set alarms off in Akito’s mind immediately. What could he possibly want with you, or him?
You seemed to finally notice him, turning your head and raising a brow. “Can I help you?” You asked with your typical idol facade.
“Actually, you can. You see there’s a party going on at my place tonight, and it’d be great if you came. I already told some people you’d be there with me, so I kinda need you to.”
‘Hell no’ Akito thought. It was wrong enough he told people you’d be there when you lost certainly weren’t, but the nerve to ask just you to this party in front of him? Your boyfriend? He knew what this guy was up to, and he didn’t like it.
“I don’t think I should be at any parties, especially with-“ Akito cut you off.
“They can’t go man, fuck off.” His tone was harsher than normal, emphasizing his point even more.
“Who do you think your telling to fuck off, Shinonome? Surely you don’t think they’re better off spending the evening with you?” The guy’s posture straightened even more, his stance seemingly gettin defensive.
“Actually I do think that. I don’t think they should go to any party of yours, especially without me. So if you’ll excuse us…” Akito tugged your hand, pulling you away from the commotion. It didn’t take a genius to know he was frustrated.
He didn’t care if it was the middle of the school day, you and him were going home. You two could use a break after the week you’ve had.
Quietly opening the front door to avoid alerting Ena, he made his way inside the house alongside you. Throwing off your shoes and hanging his bag, you made your way to the living room.
“I… I heard things about that guy… it took me a bit to realize it was him, but I knew it was as soon as he went on about that party.” Akito sighed and took a breath before continuing. “He messes with other guys by getting close to their partners… I know Someone in my class who’s girl cheated on him with that dude.”
You understood now, he wasn‘r frustrated cause the guy was trying to use you for a party, he was frustrated cause he was trying to take you from him. You took Akito’s hand for the nth time that day, rubbing small circles on the back with your thumb.
“I didn’t have any intentions on going with him, especially without you. I also have no intentions in ever leaving you, for anyone. You got that?” Akito nodded and let his head fall on your shoulder. He wasn’t sure what he was so jealous for, but he felt better now that his mind is clear.
“We had a long week, why don’t we take a nap here?”
“That sounds nice.” Akito replied. Already pulling you down with him on the couch before shutting his eyes. He didn’t seem to care you and guys were still in school uniform, and honestly that seemed to be the last of his concerns.
He couldn’t care less if he was sleeping in his school uniform. As long as you were next to him, it was okay.
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veryinnovative · 9 days
OKAY IDK ABT ANYONE ELSE BUT I PERSONALLY LOVE THAT FOURTEEN MONTHS HAS PASSED AND REG JUST LIVING HIS LIFE AS A FISHMONGER (LMAOO JK? UNLESS…..) like I’ve read too many fics of Reg being diabolically wronged and he just forgives them 8 hours later and somehow it ends up being Regulus’ fault and HE apologises instead like NO PLS I WANT HIM TO HEAL— to also have time and space to simmer with his anger and feel the betrayal! More petty and stubborn Regulus!
Plus what they did to him really was messed up tho like Ik it was out of the good of their hearts but dang was it horribly done wrong. I would’ve been terrified of these people like WHO EVEN ARE YOU GUYS AT THIS POINT??? And I know he’ll forgive them sometime later but dang he’s better than me- I would’ve just never talked to these people again 😭 (but that’s just me lmao)
healing is definitely not linear and i feel like fourteen months is enough to bring him to that point of further development before inching him towards a state of vulnerability where you can approach with care. forgiveness is also not as black and white as we assume it to be, especially considering regulus' past and that of everyone else. fanfic will always ask for some suspension of disbelief but there's also the very important factor that is regulus' boundaries being different than that of a majority due to his upbringing. look i didn't like my best friend's dad either but boy i wouldn't have killed him like that during Christmas dinner
but the point is that regulus and everyone in his inner circle were raised with the understanding that bringing in third parties was an absolute nonstarter. the only way to self-preservation and protect each other was done irrespective of . yknow. very morally ambiguous and dubious methods that were employed in the fic
they did fuck up! like they did. considering their upbringing...they didn't realize this until late. like having been a witness to so much murder and death and irreversible trauma, what would have been more in-character for some of the slytherin skittles to do when seeing regulus slowly kill himself?
BUT!!! rant aside, im glad ur happy nd excited for the timeskip <3 i am too hehe
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gh0stsp1d3r · 1 year
Tangerines and deers- part 7
Very fluffy. Heart to heart moments between you and Ladybug <33
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Tangerines phone buzzed for what felt like the 100th time, he answered it and put it to his ear.
“You have been lying to me, my friend.”
“Well, cats out the bag now, innit?”
“You were responsible for keeping my son safe, for keeping my money safe.”
“You know, I don’t know a thing or two about being a parent, but you know what I would, being that it’s your son and your money? I’d stop crying about your dead wife, get off your fucking lazy ass, come here and finish the job yourself. But as we’re having a bit of a heart-to- heart, got a couple things to tell ya. Your sons a complete bellend and he fucking deserves to be bleeding out of his eye sockets. And as for your case, I haven’t seen it since Tokyo. And I hope someone’s fucking found it, put it all on red, and having a fuckin’ wonderful time.”
“I will meet you at Kyoto station.”
“Oh, how wonderful. I can’t fucking wait.”
“I want to look into your eyes when I kill you and your brother.”
Tangerine struggled to find words “My brother.” He sighed and looked outside. “Morning rush hours rolling in quite nicely. Uh, what’s your plan, mate? You gonna fucking waltz up here and blow my brains out in front of the whole fuckin’ carriage of witnesses?”
“There is no one left on that train. I know. I bought every ticket until the end of the line.” He hung up.
“Oi. You. I know you.” Tangerine pointed to the girl in front of him.
“Hey, uh, Ladybug? Can I tell you something?” You mumbled quietly.
“Yeah, sure. You know you can tell me anything.”
“Yeah, I know. I just wanted to say, if this is the end of the line… I want to say thank you. For everything, really. You’re like… you’re like a father to me.” You said, not looking him in the eyes and looking at the floor as you guys walked beside each other.
(Alexa play heart to heart by Mac Demarco)
He stayed silent for a moment, and stopped in his tracks.
“Thank you, Deer. I’m glad I got to spend these last few years with you.” He said, looking at you.
When you finally looked at him, he opened up his arms.
“C’mere.” He said, as you hugged him tightly.
“Thank you. So much.”
“You’re that girl, aren’t ya?”
“Oh my god.” Prince whispered to herself.
“Yeah, I never forget a face, me.”
“I’m so happy to see you. Please help me.” She whispered. He started to walk towards her.
“Um, there’s this Man, and he was holding me hostage. He was wearing glasses, and their was a girl with him, and they killed my uncle. And they also killed this other man who, I don’t know, he just kept talking about Thomas the trains and-“
“Tank engine.”
“Yeah, right, exactly. But they killed both of them, and then he said he was going to get away with some sort of money. I don’t know.”
“I’m sorry, darling. I beg your pardon. I don’t know who the fuck you are. What was the girl wearing?” He asked, not really believing it.
“She was uh- wearing.. I don’t remember!”
“What was she wearing on her back?”
The girl put her hands up in defeat.
“Im just a girl who was supposed to get off at Nagoya, and then these people-“
“That was fucking ages ago.”
“I know, but these people, the man just said that I could be a good backup plan, and that a pretty girl makes a good hostage.”
“Yeah, well, he ain’t wrong there. But, look, keep your fucking knickers on, alright?”
“Please just help me.”
“All right, calm down. Get off or do what the fuck you like. You’re free to go.”
“Thank you, thank you.” He passed her. He saw something on her back and took it off.
It was the diesel sticker.
“Are you okay?”
“Diesel.” He showed her the sticker “the absolute fucking worst. Little shit stirrer.” He took a deep breath “See, Lemon… God rest his soul, was a don. And he could read people, see them for who they really are. He was right. There’s been a diesel. Running up and down this train, causing all sorts of fucking havoc, and it was you the whole fucking time. You dirty little diesel!” He had his gun pointed to her.
“You made Lemon bleed… and Lemon never bleeds.”
Then, you and ladybug entered the car. The girl screamed for help.
Ladybug and him fought, and you were quick to kick Tangerine off his legs. You took the gun, and threw it the other way.
When he was knocked down, you pinned him down to the floor, getting on top of him. “Ladybug! A little help here?” You said, Tangerine tried to stop you and tell you that she was a diesel and liar, but you didn’t understand him.
Ladybug grabbed the gun, and hit him in the head with it. It knocked him out.
You sighed and got off of him. Examining the bruise that ladybug had given him just now.
“He’ll wake up soon. Not too sure how long that’ll last. Do you by any chance have a rope? And some tape would be nice.”
She looked through her bag, but she had nothing.
“No, sorry. Umm.. he said that he was going to kill you both and blame everything on you. He also said that there’s someone waiting for us at Kyoto station. Someone scary, who would hurt me.”
“No one’s gonna hurt you. It’s okay. We’re getting off this train.” He stood up. He looked at you, who was still trying to figure out what to do with tangerine.
“Just leave him be. Sorry I ruined your chances.. again. You’re a nice person, I’m sure you’ll find someone.” Ladybug said, grabbing the case and the gun.
“It’s alright. I got his number, anyways.” You smirked, he didn’t realize that you used his Face ID to unlock his phone.
“Of course you did.” He grabbed your good, not injured hand and helped you stand up.
“We make the next stop, we’ll be fine.” Ladybug said.
Ladybug made sure that it was clear and safe to go.
“Okay, kid, come o- come on!” He said, the girl had her backpack stuck.
“I can’t, my backpack is stuck!”
“Wha-? Leave it, let’s go. We gotta go, we gotta go.”
“No, I can’t!”
“Why don’t we just leave her?” You suggested.
“Right now, young lady!” He ignored you.
“It’s our last chance.”
“No, no, no, no. Please come back!” She said, as time ran up.
“Kid, please.”
“I’m scared, I don’t want to be alone, please!”
Ladybug sighed, he looked back at you with an annoyed expression on his face. You sighed as well as you stepped back on the train.
When he looked over at her, she held her backpack.
“I got it.”
They decided to sit down, you paced up and down the empty aisle.
“It’s not your fault, kid. It’s my luck, not yours.”
“Yes it is! Jesus fucking Christ, ladybug, it’s a bag. It’s a goddamn backpack, what could be in there that’s so important?” You slammed your hands on his table.
“Calm down, deer. It’s fine.”
You sat down across from them, panicking slightly.
“You got your whole life ahead of you. Make sure you.. do something that brings you peace. Cause everything else is a pain in the ass. And if you run into a guy named Carver, he’s a dick. You can tell him I said so.”
“Fucking carver. Maybe if he was here his beautiful, amazing, asshole face would be the ones dying and not us.” You muttered, with your legs on your chest.
Ladybug squinted his eyes at you.
“It’s true! You have to admit that carver has a very… likable face. Maybe if he wasn’t such an ass I would date him instead.”
“I, uh… I… I took this. I didn’t want to leave it. The man had it, and I thought you could probably use it to kill whoever’s waiting for us at the end of the line. You’re not going to let me get hurt. Be honest.” She showed him the gun in her bag.
“Okay, so we’re while we’re being honest, fuck you!” You pointed at the girl. “If it wasn’t for you I’d be in a car right now, sleeping and probably dreaming of that fucking asshole who’s also unconscious a few cars over!” You said, and didn’t notice the man who stopped at your guys table.
He recognized the other girls voice. He sat across from them.
“Wow, wow, wow, c’mon, Deer,she’s just a kid.”
“Yeah? Well so am I! I’m about to fucking die. Admit it, we’re all about to fucking die!” You shouted. They didn’t answer.
“No, you know what-“ you were cut off as Ladybug put a hand on your mouth.
“Really?” He said to the man who sat down.
“Right. Uh.. okay fella, you’re creepin’ me out. So if you don’t mind, could you just find another seat, like, way, way, way, down there? Sorry about my friend, she’ll shut up. And that way, you won’t have to hear her complain.”
“Oh for fucks sake, I give up.” You threw your hands up, grabbing your katana and moving down a few seats.
Ladybug sighed “Let’s just move. Let me grab your bag.”
“Ow.” He screamed, and he got up. You followed suit.
“Ladybug, you fucking idiot!” You chased him, and tried to get the snake off him. You grabbed the snake off of his hand, and crushed it under your foot.
“You’re fine, remember? We took the antivenom.”
“Yeah, yeah. You’re right.” He breathed heavily.
He sat down again, and you sat down across from him.
“I’m sorry for my outburst..” you mumbled after a little bit.
“It’s alright. I mean, I get it. We are probably gonna die. And I wanted to apologize. You know.. i could’ve been a way better influence, I could’ve told you to stay out of this business and go have a life. You were only 18, you were so.. young.” He said, gesturing to you.
“And honestly, I’m sorry for that. I love you, I love you as if you were my own child. And I just… I don’t wanna lose you. I’m sorry about this, all of this.”
You both stayed silent for awhile again.
“I didn’t wanna get in this business. It was my family who wanted me to. It’s why I have this stupid sword.” You pointed to the one on your back.
He listened closely. You never really opened up to him, or anyone for that.
“I thought it was stupid, but they saw me as skilled. They trained me when I turned 10 and didn’t stop. I fucking hate them, I hate this job. It’s not your fault.” You told him quietly.
“I wasn’t lying when I said you’re a nice person. You’ll find someone eventually, even if it isn’t tangerine. And I’ll support you, no matter what you do with your life. You deserve better. And if you don’t want someone else than Tangerine, I’m sure that you’ll grow on him. He doesn’t seem to absolutely hate your guts.”
“And I’m sorry I wasn’t there for you. I could’ve been a way better person during the beginning-“ he continued.
“It’s not your fault. I just.. disappeared.” You stopped him.
“You didn’t. I just didn’t look hard enough.”
The beginning of your career was rough. You didn’t talk, you kept to yourself, and Maria had told Ladybug that you were emotional. He just kinda brushed it off, and said it wasn’t anything he couldn’t handle.
“Thank you. For everything. And you’re not bad luck, so quit fucking saying that. You just happen to have not the best luck. I mean, look what job we’re doing.” You joked, and you guys stood back up.
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luvjordie · 11 months
Wet. Part one<3
Words: 2.2k
Warnings: Cursing, unedited, lowkey kind of shitty, use of y/n, mentions of breakup, steve being stupid, implied fem reader ( no intended use of feminine pronouns but if i fucked up and did put some in lmk please😭🫶🏾 )
Summary: Dustins older sister comes to visit with her band from Los Angeles, but her and Steve have some major unresolved conflicts
-Hawkins Indiana-
Steve had never really had to face serious consequences to his actions, not really. Growing up the way he did, batting his eyelashes or casually mentioning who his father was always seemed to do the trick for him. But it was never like that with you, which is why for all of today he felt like his heart was about to burst out of his chest.
“Isnt it insane that y/n was able to get this gig? ‘S so awesome!” Dustin was wiggling excitedly in his seat next to Steve on the couch, a bowl of dry Fruit Loops on his lap. Besides him was Will, whilst the young couples sat at their feet.
“Christ, Henderson, try not to explode. ‘S not even live, since Harrington doesnt know how to not pick up extra shifts” Eddie stated from his spot on the recliner chair on the end of the large living space. Still, he sported a large tee-shirt with your band name and picture on it.
Robin had been in the kitchen, getting Gatorades and beers to keep everyone hydrated. Though, the beers were mostly to keep Steve from spontaneous bursting into flames. She was the only one who knew the full extent of how hard this was for him.
“Oh, can it, Edward. Your excited too, their name is on your tit” Dustin said, referring to his shirt and causing Eddie to chortle loudly.
“Shut up guys its starting soon.” Max said from her spot on the floor, taking the bottle of Gatorade Robin offered her. Robin handed Steve his beer as she sat next to him on the couch, before the children, and Eddie, bursted into complaints about the fact that there was an opening act.
Steve nearly sighed in relief. He wasnt really sure he was ready to fast the history you two had. Even if itd been years, and you probably hadnt given him a second thought since high school. Hed been running from watching you preform, but he guesses if he really never wanted to see you again, he wouldve cut off his friendship with Dustin all those years ago, when you and Margo made it big. Thats what Robin told him, and hed been repeating it as though his life had depended on it ever since.
His thoughts were cut off as the speaker on the television introduced your band. ‘Now or never, I guess’ He thought to himself, as you took the microphone.
-Los Angeles, California. Two weeks earlier-
“You know, Dustin and everyone back home is going to watch this, right?” Margo, your drummer and right hand woman, had been pestering you about this for about a month. Both worried about how youd feel if Steve saw, and if she messed up and Robin Buckley bore witness to her mistakes.
“Im aware, Margs,” You reached for the next highest tuning peg, “But if you couldnt tell, im kinda trying to tune my guitar here.” You smiled up at her, but she could tell you were nervous.
“If it helps, hes kind of a himbo..” She smirked, causing you to erupt with laughter, and you knew she was right. Even if he did realize the meaning behind the songs, what was he to do about it? Not like youd answer whatever texts or calls he might send. But I guess this part wasnt in mind when you bought tickets to visit his best friend, your little brother, for two weeks.
Soon enough, the stage manager made his way into the dressing rooms, informing you it was time to go.
“Show time~” Margo whispered in your ear, poking the bassist, Ajax, in the back with her drumsticks.
“Fucking quit it Margs-“
“No dont be a baby, lets go asshole.”
“Real mature guys, ill be out in a sec” You called out as they left the room. Before you followed behind them, you quickly grabbed your good luck charms. Sunglasses. A black pair of Ray-bans, to be exact. Its been years, and still you couldnt bring yourself to throw them out. They were the last piece of him you had left.
Besides your fifteen year old brother-
It was mere minutes before you were on the stage. The lights hadnt been turned on yet, but you could hear the crowd murmuring in anticipation. You slung your guitar over your shoulder, hands running up and down the neck nervously, though careful not the hit any strings and risk stray sound. It wasnt long before the announcers voice began booming throughout the stadium.
“NOW WELCOMING” you adjusted the guitar again, barely able to hold onto your pick out of sheer nervousness, “THE CRYSTAL GRACE”
Deep breaths, y/n
-Hawkins Indiana-
“EVERYONE SHUT THE HELL UP ITS STARTING-“ Dustin screeched from his spot on the couch, waking Steve up from his trance. Hed zoned out halfway through the opening act complaints.
Steves eyes widened at the sight of you. He’d obviously seen pictures of you before. Online, on posters and magazines, splayed across Eddies chest, but somehow this was different. There was no photographer telling you how to pose, or paparazzis in your personal space, it was just you and the band. You were in your element.
He watched intently as you grabbed the microphone in front of you.
“Hi,” you chuckled lightly, full of charm and warmth, “Really quick before we get started, on behalf of myself and the band, id like to say thank you. Thank you for listening, enjoying what we do, and for being here tonight. Thank you to everyone at home watching as well, and to everyone who helped make this happen. Thank you to the man I wrote these songs about. In the great words of Kurt Cobain, “Thank you for the tragedy, I needed it for my art” The crowd went fucking wild, to say the least.
Though the thought of you having found someone else to write songs about left Steve with a weird ache in his chest, he was amazed. He never really understood your way with words, the way you knew how to turn words into art. How you always knew what to say, and were never, ever afraid to say it.
“This first one is called Wet.” The room went silent, and the crowd went as quiet as possible in all of the excitement.
-Los Angeles-
“All alone in my bedroom, with the lights turned down and the music gone, I know its over still I cling on..” To you, preforming had always felt drastically different than rehearsals. Ever since middle school, when you, Margo, and Robin had gone out for the school plays. Rehearsals were repetitive. You said the same thing over and over until it was perfect. Performing felt more raw.
To you, it was vulnerability. Your innermost thoughts put out to be perceived, mistakes and failures included. Put out into the world for teenage girls to scream their hearts out into. For your first love to hear. For your only love to hear. And you loved it.
“Cause im my own right hand girl, and I dont need anyone but, sometimes i miss your stupid face and your taste and your smoking gun~” On the bear drop, you nodded, hard enough to make the glasses on your head drop down to your face. See, the way you perceived preforming was weird. You wanted him to know.
“Oh my god” Robin murmured under her breath, mesmerized by the performance. Partly because of Margo, partly because of your voice, but mostly because you were wearing Steve Harringtons sunglasses on stage while singing a song about him on television.
Worried about her best friend, Robin looked up at him to see Steve sitting there, brain completely and utterly fried. His eyes were wide, his eyebrows furrowed, and his mouth hung open slightly. He was analyzing the lyrics.
“Its nights like this that remind me of my deepest fantasy. Where im all alone and i feel the cold dark earth caressing me. ‘Cus im six feet under nearly, and i dont need anyone, but this wouldnt be the first or last time that both my tears and I have come!” He watched intently as you pulled your glasses- his glasses- down your face and winked for a brief moment.
“Its so depressing how the tearducts in my eyes, are so much wetter than the space between my thighs. Oh oh oh, I can help it thinking about it only makes me cry, it keeps me wett, you know you keep me wet, till i run dry-y-y”
“Shes awesome” Eddie stated, to no one in particular. Steve knew you were good. Everyone did. Your love for performing was no surprise to any of them.
It wasnt long before that song was over, and the next one began. This time, Margo was doing the announcement. The two of you had always been a sort of package deal in that way. ‘The Dave to my Kurt’ youd tell him. He never really knew what that meant, but he pushed you away before he could ask.
“Watching my show the day i come to visit, huh? Couldnt even spring for watching it yesterday? Yall are fake”
Oh shit-
“NOT COOL HENDERSON JESUS CHRIST,” Eddie clutched his chest rather dramatically, “Youre going to give me a heart attack one of these days.”
“Yeah whatever Munson. Nice shirt.” You smirked at him, before you were bombarded with a hug from Robin. You were practically lifting her off of the ground, she was hugging you so tight.
“Missed you tons Y/n. Tons. Also, by any chance did you happen to, i don’t know this is kind of a shot in the dark, but did you bri-“
“Yes, I brought Margs, Rob, keep it in your pants” Her cheeks went pink, but she played it off like she had to sneeze. This was when you were approached by Dustin, his entourage not far behind him. He had nearly grown to your height. Last time youd seen him, he had to be maybe 11 or 12, and it was hard not to feel guilty about leaving. Dustin had seen you as some sort of higher life form for the majority of his life, and one day you- his fucking hero- just up and left. Sure you went on to make him and Mom proud, but it still really hurt sometimes, you know?
“Hey y/n” His voice cracked, and he quickly cleared his throat so you wouldnt hear it. “Missed you” You could tell he was trying to play it cool. Trying to show you that he grew up and matured just like everyone else, nearly rubbing it in your face that he didnt need you to help raise him. Nearly.
“Come here, asshole”. You pulled the latter into a tight hug, that lasted a few moments. It wasnt until you broke off the hug and said hey to the others that you made eye contact with Steve. He smiled at you, all crooked and adorable like always. It was infuriating.
Nobody ever really tells you how to act when your brothers best friend just happens to be the first man youd ever loved. And to make it even worse, its been four years and hes still the only man youve ever loved.
Unsure of how to act, you gave Steve half of a smile, careful not to give him as much of a reaction as you initially had wanted to, scared that youd slip up in some way. Before either of you could say anything, Margo entered the room loudly, Robin clinging onto her arm.
“So was nobody going to fucking help me?? Jesus, Steve this is Y/n, Y/n this is Steve. Youve met before assholes enough with the longing stares. Come on Harrington I need help with the amps.” Well, at least Margo knew how to dissipate an awkward situation.
Steve had no idea how to act around you. After all, what could he say. ‘Sorry for leaving you for your brothers best friends sister, who also happens to be a friend of yours. Hope it didnt make anything awkward for you. We cool?’ Steve just didnt have a way with words like you did. Contrary to popular belief, Steve had a lot going on in that pretty head of his, he either just didnt want to, or genuinely could not voice it.
“What the actual fuck is wrong with you Steve Harrington?”
“Whatd I do this time, Johnson?”
“Come on, really? You know what you did Steve, and so do they.” Margo gestured to you. The girl sure did know how to hold a grudge, but she was well within her rights to be pissed off.
Steve told you he couldnt love you anymore. You knew it was total bullshit and so did Margo.
Steve grabbed the handle of the amplifier, pulling it out of the trunk of Margos car. Sure hed made a choice he was less than proud of, but he wasnt about to grow up and accept the consequences like an adult. Bold of anyone to assume he would.
“Seriously thiygh, Steve. I care about Y/n. Talk this out with them, even if they say they dont want to speak with you or that they dont want to hear it, I promise they do.” Margo stated, being serious for probably the first time since Steve had known her, before walking off with the large guitar case in her hands.
You and Steve had made eye contact as you walked past him, and as hard as he tried to read you, the intense lack of emotion toward him you displayed really hit close to home. Steve nearly stumbled to the ground, the weight of his emotion and fear, and the amp, overwhelming him, but he forced himself forward instead, keeping his gaze ahead of him.
Margo, for once, was right. You guys had to talk it out. That was the only way to find peace in the situation, and maybe even emerge as friends. He knew it was a stretch, but if you were going to be visiting, the boy only had two options. See, and ignore you, as you had been ignoring him, or be a fucking adult and talk with his ex girlfriend about the fact that theyd broken up. And there was no way in hell he was going to let you leave again, feeling unwelcome in your own home for something that was nobodys fault but his own. He couldnt let you, or Dustin, down like that.
A/n: This is kinda crappy but i kinda like it.. the song is Wet by Dazey and the Scouts btw. TY FOR READING🫶🏾 Part two will come out soon enough<333
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rui-drawsbox · 11 months
Hi its me again (the one who had the nazuna idea) and I kinda wanted to build on it, I'd it's ok with you.
I think in the season finale when Knights and Shu have one last battle the Knights start losing really badly, maybe due to new models of the dolls? But in the end when it seems that it might be over for the Knights, Mika (who wasn't present for the first part of the battle) shows up to the fight and yells, very confidently something like "I BROUGHT HELP" and it's Nazuna, in his old Valkyrie outfit and whatever weapon he has, and he uses smth like healing magic on the Knights and starts helping them defeat Shu.
I think he would also be one of those side characters that show up every episode being really creepy and watching the Knights (they don't notice ofc) but he starts showing up more when Mika starts his redemption, like in the background comforting him or smth. I think he'd even drop little clues around for the Knights to realise who Shu and Mika were.
I also kind of wanted to talk about the Knights getting their powers, but if you already have an idea then that's great!
I think there was another posts detailing what would happen in the first and second episodes, but I think that much like other precure shows (my main reference is glitter force) for the first 5-6 episodes it's each of the main cast getting their powers. So Arashi gets hers from the cat first, right?
I think Arashi's cat should show up each episode to give one of the gang the brush, eventually giving one to Mika too maybe.
First Leo and Ritsu get theirs, for obvious reasons and being present for the first battle.
Then I think Tsukasa would be next, he's pretty skeptical about it at first but after witnessing them fighting he decides to confront them and join the gang properly.
Then it's Izumi, much like other magical girl shows the last character is hardest to get involved. I think he would have the situation explained to him but still refuse bc he's busy (maybe he didn't want to potentially endanger people like Makoto or thinks he's not "good" enough for the magical Knights. It takes a lot of convincing but they get there eventually.
Also consider: Shu calling in Double Face to take care of the Knights for like an episode or two after Mika leaves (but that may contradict some stuff, it's not like all the antagonists need to be magical, the may just detective their way through it)
Ty for listening to my ramble, you're genuinely a genius, 7 school subjects be damned
hiii! hellooo!! wb nazunanon (they're referring to this post where we discussed about Nazuna in the Au for the first time btw!)
also i belive an epic battle like that would be a perfect finale for the series, yet, i fail to see Nazuna actually fighting? like, mabye he can be the ultimate support or smth--
More like he and Mika were built (or trained, idk what they are at this point) to fight as a duo, Mika fighting always in the front and Nazuna supporting behind/making long distance attacks to overwhelm the enemy on every possible way
im thinking about hsr class system ngl, smtsmth Nazuna being harmony/nihility smthsmth Mika being the hunt smthsmth Arashi as destruction bc is very versatile... and Izumi/hunt, Leo/erudition, Tsukasa/preservation and Ritsu and Shu as nihility...
now forgive me but when you said "side characters that show up every episode being really creepy" i couldnt help but think about this creepy guy from spiderverse that is always looking right at the camera
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is rlly funny but yeah i get your point, it would be like that one side character that suddenly gets the spotlight in the series and when you look back it is a "i was always there" situation (and watchers would go wow they had it prepared from the start!)
also i belive you got the order for each knight perfectly! Leo would be so excited to get his powers and be able to help his friends and Ritsu would probably be "sounds like a pain but i'll do it for Nacchan" (ooc here idk him a lot) + Tsukasa and Izumi being the last ones to get their powers sounds so canon for some reason, its TokyoMewMew speaking in the back of my mind i think
NOW are you telling me that there's a possibility of magical cowboy mama...?
jk(unless) if double face is involved in some way i would think about them being a "detective club" where Shu goes as a desperate move after losing Mika, instead of magical minions/boys. Still, mabye there's a chance of a spinoff for every unit in enstars and how they become magical girls lol (imagine magical Akatsuki lmao)
now yeah, thats all my ramblings for today! this really got me thinking about Nazuna's weapon lol, i really can't think of anything that fits exvalkyrie aesthetic while being functional and meaningful,,,,, do you think healing powers are too op? i feel like it would be a little unfair,,,,
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vanillaheartzxx · 1 year
(you probably know what the spoiler warning is for)
quinn’s stuff ahead! (spoilers)⚠️
i’m talking out of my ass and these are just my first thoughts i just wanted them down and i wanted to hear others opinions so here’s just everything (from first and second video)
first let me say i was a little bit more than overjoyed to know that quinn would be voiced by good boy audios (HE DID ABSOLUTELY SPECTACULAR) jaw dropped when i saw but in the absolute best way possible I LOVED ITTT
but i did fully believed quinn would’ve had this monotone voice (dull..?) + personality, calm but heinous. i did NOT think he would be so sadistic and vile, (up beat? like cocky, saying the most gruesome shit with a smile) like holy shit 😭
the things he said about darlin like i had to take a pause before i could keep watching, and the clock and time ticking at the end?! (and throughout the video) they probably had to spend hours in there, watching their mate and their ex talk about gruesome things that they probably never wanted sam to have to know about, just trying to help the girl.
i’m going to be honest, i thought there would be a bit mor going on, the capturing was bit anticlimactic (?), but it’s not over yet. and there’s probably something exciting still coming. (IM NOT MAD EITHER, THEY NEED PEACE IN THEIR LIVES. AND ILL BE HAPPY WITH WHATEVER HAPPENS AS LONG AS THEY ALIVE <3)
ALSO someone said he WANTED to get caught on purpose which i now believe wholeheartedly, but it obviously begs the question, WHY would he want to be captured.
the reason i think he purposely got caught was because did he REALLY just fall for the trap and get caught?? he is so old (vampire old so yk strength and ig? intelligence? wit?? idk). how did he even just GET caught? like with HIS strength? how many department members were there? and also how “happy” he sounds??
and like are they really gonna just let him rot and give him a blood forever and ever? i feel like quinn being in cage for probably eternity is just yk no real closure?(i mean sure justice) like i feel like he should just be put down, (putting it nicely) or TRY to get rehabilitated (kinda like the vega situation), but then again he’s like a master manipulator or whatever, so whatever they try to do to help probably isn’t gonna work.
and what if there is no girl and he is just trying to torture darlin, by torturing sam, with a stories about their relationship and other things they never thought would get out. (okay there probably is a girl but he’s more evil than i thought initially) and what if it’s just a trap? (and i said i didn’t like angst, i need to put these thoughts away)
and i apologize, but if i was darlin and my mate was in a room alone with my crazy ex bf who is way stronger than him, was practically torturing him by saying the most gruesome, terrible things in DETAIL, i would get fed up and just go in there. and what kind of restraints does he have in there? handcuffs? is he half fed in there?? how is he just alone with sam like sam can still get hurt. and where did david go? (ik hes busy and got his own life) maybe there’s a ward protecting sam idk.
anyways just needed to get everything out before the next episode, sorry a lot of questions but i hope everything goes well for them 🙏
apologies for grammar mistakes/idea repetition and things just not making sense i burned myself earlier and its 4am lmao but thank you for reading 🎀💓
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OK, I'M BACK FROM THE DEAD! Sorry for not posting in such a long time, but life has been going downhill for me lately, and I just feel so unmotivated, so I'm very sorry for making you wait such a long time! My mom has gotten an operation to get rid of a cyst out of her vocal cords, and she's mute for some time, which has made me go through a very deep depression, and exams have made me go through it even deeper.
But now I'm a little better thanks to friends and family. I'm still very sorry for making you guys wait such a long time for me to write oneshots, but I promise that I'll try writing more!
Anyways, here's your order of a scenario Ricky stargazing together with (Y/N) <3
We also reached over 100 followers, which I still cannot believe! Thank you, guys, so much, I love you all very much!
Anyways, sorry for rambling, so here's the oneshot <3
(Tw: None!)
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Rewrite the stars (Ricky x Fem!Reader)
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(𝓨/𝓝)'𝓼 𝓟𝓞𝓥
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My life was pretty boring until I met this boy named Ricky at school.
Ricky had always been fascinated by the stars. He would spend hours looking up at the night sky, marvelling at the beauty of the constellations and imagining what it would be like to explore the vast expanse of space.
Despite his love for stargazing, Ricky had always been a shy and introverted boy. He had developed a condition that made him unable to speak, and this had always made it difficult for him to make friends and connect with others.
But then, when we first met at choir practice, we immediately hit it off. I saw beyond his silence and understood the beauty and depth of his soul, and he understood mine too.
I'd never felt happier in my life until this boy came into it, and I'm thanking every star in the galaxy for making our meeting even become true.
Speaking about the galaxy, today is a very important and rare day for astronomical events. Today is the day when a solar eclipse occurs!
I and Ricky were very excited about this event, and so we made a plan to witness it: We were going to go to the top of Uranium's highest hill tonight and I might even confess my crush on him... That idea makes me blush.
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As I stood on the hill, overlooking the vast expanse of the valley below, I couldn't help but feel my heart racing with excitement. The solar eclipse was about to begin, and I was standing here with the one person who had become so special to me over the past few months: Ricky Potts.
I glanced over at Ricky, and I could see the excitement in his eyes. Despite his inability to speak, he had a way of communicating with me that was so pure and genuine. I felt like I could understand everything he was thinking and feeling, without him ever saying a word.
As we stood there, gazing up at the sky, I noticed how the air around us had grown cooler, and a sense of calm descended over the hill. I felt like we were the only two people in the world, lost in our own private universe.
I looked through the eclipse glasses that Ricky had brought along, and I gasped as I saw the sun slowly being obscured by the moon. The bright disc of the sun was being replaced by a dark circle, and it was as if the world had been plunged into twilight.
Ricky pointed up at the sky, and I followed his gaze to see the corona of the sun blazing around the dark circle. Even though he couldn't speak, I could sense his excitement and wonder, and it made me feel so happy to be there with him.
As the eclipse continued, we stood side by side, lost in our own thoughts and feelings. I couldn't help but feel a sense of gratitude for this moment, for being able to witness such a rare and beautiful event with someone who had become so important to me.
As the eclipse ended and the world slowly returned to its normal brightness, Ricky turned to me and smiled. I knew that even though he couldn't say the words, he was thanking me for sharing this experience with him.
"Hey Ricky...I have to admit something to you..." I said. Ricky looked confused. "I like you...And I mean like LIKE you! Wouldyoupleaseacceptmetobeyourgirlfriendprettyplease?" I said the last part faster than sonic the hedgehog could ever say, which made me blush even more.
Ricky started blushing and looking at the ground. Did I do something wrong? Before I could ask him, he signed for me to sit down next to him, and so I did.
At that moment, as I felt the whole universe revolving around us...we finally kissed.
At that moment, I felt like the luckiest person in the world, and I knew that no matter what the future held, this memory would stay with me forever.
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𝑅𝑒𝒷𝓁𝑜𝑔 >> 𝐿𝒾𝓀𝑒 (𝒩𝑜𝓉 𝒻𝑜𝓇𝒸𝒾𝓃𝑔, 𝒷𝓊𝓉 𝐼 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝓁𝓁𝓎 𝓃𝑒𝑒𝒹 𝓂𝑜𝓇𝑒 𝓇𝑒𝓆𝓊𝑒𝓈𝓉𝓈 𝒶𝓃𝒹 𝓇𝑒𝒶𝒹𝑒𝓇𝓈)
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discotenny · 9 months
Im gonna be sick I saw this English translation of Get Busy and I’m sick!!!
Have some Get Busy thoughts as I write the next few fics.
To be clear!!! I have not looked at translations for the Block Party drama tracks so this is me working on all the info from before those came out.
Long analysis under cut
I think it’s made clear that both of them are referring to their own individual potential as people. The whole “get busy” and “push push buddy” parts referring to the fact that they both are moving forward and must keep moving forward to continue to develop to be the best versions of themselves.
But there’s a lot of talk about a second individual. With all the “our eyes cross each other” “if you run from this there’s no second chance” “connecting the dots together,” etc etc. I have a few ideas, one main idea but two others.
1) They’re referring to each other. If they show the interactions in the Block Party that leads to them performing this at the music festival it would make sense 🤔 Are these songs actually being performed in the music festival though ? Unsure LOL.
But the two have very similar personalities in terms of extrovertedness and excitement so it would make sense that they’re referring to each other in this song if you look at it like that.
2) They’re referring to the listener. Hypmic lyrics typically seem to be more about the characters rather than the messages they can put out to the readers (at least that’s what I can understand). But the introduction of this second person character could be Hypmic inviting the listener to take on the stance and outlook these two characters have in life.
Basically, it would be Jiro and Kuko telling the listeners they need to “get busy” and “push push buddy” if they want to live up to their fullest potential. They’re inviting the listeners to take that journey with them- and I think that’d be neat.
But, my main theory.
3) They’re referring to Ichiro. To be clear- I do NOT ship any of the BBs and this is not me trying to make up defenses. I am a Kuko and Ichi shipper so do with that what you will LOL.
In terms of Jiro- it’s clear his overall arc is about learning to be more independent from and to not idolize Ichiro so much. He’s really becoming his own person- developing a view of Ichi as someone who can and has done wrong, but still loving and caring for his brother all the same. He even stopped calling Ichi Ichinii because he stopped viewing him as one does a little kid.
I think this song symbolizes Jiro’s full independence from Ichiro. The whole “if you run from this there’s no second chance” could be him inviting Ichi to take the step with him, but won’t chase him out anymore if he doesn’t want to go with him. Showing that it’s not that he doesn’t care if Ichi is by his side, but he will continue to push forward in his own goals even without his brother’s support.
And my argument for Kuko? This whole damn verse LOL
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“Somehow, it turned out this way” referring to the mind hacking event. It’s canon that he and Sasara don’t know what exactly they said to their partners.
“Being suggestive is OK” tbh I think this is just Kuko being Kuko. But if you want to read into it more it could be Kuko saying that Ichi doesn’t have to tell him exactly what happened if he doesn’t want to.
“My feelings are on wits end from mischief and passing time” There’s two ways I could see this- Kuko’s built up feelings of all his development from all the years he’s lived through or that the ‘passing time’ refers to his time in MCD. Both would work tbh
“Squeezing out each other,” if looking through the lens of this being about Ichiro- could refer to the fact that the two have sort of ‘moved on’ from the incident. They have people in their lives now that filled the void they once left in each other.
“Obviously… in time” again, referring to their reconciliation.
“Stepping together it hurts” could imply that there’s still leftover negative feelings between the two. Not bad blood per se , but maybe it’s guilt from kuko’s end about what he once did to Ichi. Or it’s fear that things might turn out the same way again 🤔
Overall- I do think both characters are referring to Ichiro in this song. But rather than the song being ABOUT Ichi- it’s about them moving on from their characters focal points being about him. Being their own people, acknowledging their connections, but not letting it define them.
Jiro- not going to idolize Ichi and is willing to walk forward even if he’s not by his side.
Kuko- accepting that they’re different people at the moment and continuing to walk, opening a hesitant hand if Ichiro wants to take it.
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lorillee · 1 year
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i am actually. TREMENDOUSLY interested in where this is going. like. ok. i need to sort out my thoughts on this. becauseeeee okay. okay. gregory was literally the reason edgeworth wanted to be a lawyer so badly in the first place and he believed in this so strongly that it literally like changed the course of phoenix's life. however edgeworth ends up becoming a prosecutor because of 1) gregory's unsolved murder and 2) his adoption by and idolization of a certain manfred von karma who turned out to be uhhhhh a pretty awful person. and also incidentally the guy who murdered gregory in the first place. like . edgeworth wanted to become a defense lawyer to stick up for people who couldnt defend themselves but ended up becoming a prosecutor that very likely did put people in jail who were innocent of the crimes they were being accused of because of his entirely uncritical absorption of manfreds ideals.
like im REALLY hoping for what we Didnt get with maya at the end of t&t . like. okay because when shes declaring her name/occupation at the witness stand she says she doesnt want anything to do with the fey family because of the massively traumatic events that just transpired as a result of the fey family soap opera. we never really got a proper resolution on that - i dont want maya to abandon spirit channeling and be ashamed of her family name and history because her ancestors kind of suck. i want her family history to be properly addressed and for her to be able to accept that but also realize that the bad choices her family made dont define her and that she doesnt have to follow in their footsteps even if she takes up the mantle of their family profession. you know.
anyways like that but with edgeworth and the von karma name. just because hes a prosecutor doesnt mean that he needs to be "hurr durr im going to send every single defendant to prison because they are GUILTY" you know. like having edgeworth's arc be "well gee it seems that mr manfred von karma kind of sucked as a person so now im going to quit prosecuting forever because its tainted by him and go frolic off into the distance with the defense lawyers" would be . frankly. lame. it would be edgeworth running away from his past and running away from his problems and running away from the very real fact that he did put innocent people in jail (a point which i am still irked that nobody likes to bring up either in canon or in fandom) and would be tremendously unsatisfying. so im very very very excited to see where this is headed
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