#im so proud of my boy (six years running)
54prowl · 2 years
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paperstorm · 7 months
wip wednesday
Thank you so much for the tags lovely @thisbuildinghasfeelings @inflarescent @herefortarlos @birdclowns @heartstringsduet @sanjuwrites @cold-blooded-jelly-doughnut @strandnreyes @carlos-in-glasses and @im-overstimulated-and-im-sad
This is not from missing moments, for those keeping track, but a little holiday AU I am cooking up with @birdclowns
“You’re angry with me,” Andrea says quietly.
For a moment, Carlos clenches his molars together. “No,” he says.
“Yes you are,” she insists, with a soft laugh.
“I’m not angry, Ma.” Carlos carefully makes a left turn at a green light when there’s space. It’s the truth, he’s not really angry, but it was entirely embarrassing to witness how obviously she was pushing him to ask out a man he only met yesterday. “You could just … maybe use a lesson in subtlety.”
“Maybe you could use a lesson in picking up on signals someone is sending you.” She reaches over and pokes him on the shoulder. “That boy is clearly sweet on you.”
Carlos manages not to visibly cringe in embarrassment, but only just. Dully, he responds, “I’ll keep that in mind.”
For a minute, they don’t speak. Carlos turns up the volume on the radio, and the crooning of a Frank Sinatra Christmas song fills the silence. Then Andrea reaches for the dial to turn it back down, and gently says, “Mijo, your father would want you to be happy.”
Carlos’s molars press together again. He wonders if it will ever stop hurting, being reminded of everything they lost this year.
“He would be so proud that you’re back home running the ranch but he wouldn’t want it to mean you give up on having a life of your own.”
He exhales slowly, and then finds his mouth curving into a tiny smile.
“What?” Andrea asks, with a laugh.
“Really? Dad’s been gone for less than six months and you’re already invoking his ghost to get me to do what you want?”
His mother laughs again, louder this time. “I was married to that man for almost 30 years and he was taken from me far too young, I reserve the right to invoke his ghost.”
“I guess that’s fair,” Carlos relents.
Silence overtakes them again, and lingers for the final few minutes of the drive down a long country road to their home. After putting the truck into park, Carlos sighs and turns to his mother in the passenger’s seat. “Ma, I appreciate you caring about my happiness. I really do. But even if you’re right about this guy, he’s here for a week and then he’s going back to New York.”
“So what? A week isn’t enough time to have a little fun for once in your life?” Andrea asks, in a demanding tone with her dark eyes sparkling.
Carlos recoils on the inside and shakes his head, quickly unbuckling his seatbelt and nearly bolting from the truck. “Nope. No, we are not doing that.”
“Mijo,” Andrea calls after him, still laughing, but Carlos just keeps walking up the path and into the house.
He doesn’t know what’s gotten into her, when for his whole life she’s been so Catholic and conservative that it took him a decade to work up the courage to admit he’s gay, but he is not on board with discussing the concept of hook-ups or one-night-stands with her. Not in this lifetime.
Tagging @theghostofashton @liminalmemories21 @lemonlyman-dotcom @reyesstrand
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hazzabeeforlou · 2 years
Hi, I’m Toni.
Got a slew of new followers and I’ve been almost inactive the last half a year (at least) so wanted to do an update/intro so you know who I am LOL and so my long suffering fandom besties know what the fuck’s been going on (if anyone still cares rip sorry it’s been forever)
Currently writing this from my sick bed of ear cellulitis? That I got from wearing my mask? It would literally only happen to me. Had to go to urgent care and get a butt shot of antibiotics so it didn’t, you know, spread to my bloodstream :)
Anyways I say that to say that I probably got sick in the first place because I’m incredibly run down right now. The classical music world (im a professional musician) FINALLY opened up again, and to meet gig demands I only work my pandemic retail job once a week. I have been traveling the last four weekends in a ROW, which, due to my chronic pain (which has seen SOME improvement over the last year!!) makes me super duper exhausted and I have to admit tik tok has been getting most of my brain numbing time.
Life post-happy drugs has been tough. I’ve seen improvement in the areas I wanted to, physically, but mentally god. Drugs were nice. Anywho, I’ve done a ton of witchy/ancestral connecting/herbalist kinda things the last six months, and I now have an alter and a spiritual practice that has really brought me a lot of growth and meaning. It’s hard healing from your past when you’re still living IN it… and there’s no improvement with my parents. They’re still homophobic as hell and Republican as fuck, despite screaming matches. The threats of physical violence prevent me from confronting my dad any further. I’ve kind of given up hoping they will ever change.
It’s funny though, I would classify this year as the year I started to “feel” things, and of course that happened physically post the drugs, but also emotionally once I started to let myself FEEL emotions, god what a train wreck. Who knew humans could CRY so much? That emotional revelation led to the probably overdue realization that I’m likely Autistic and high masking, and have been suffering from that classic 30’s wall that “gifted girl high masking autistic children” eventually hit wherein they are no longer able to just push through and ignore. That’s been tough.
Writing has always been how I process and understand emotions, and now that I’ve started to actually FEEL them, it hasn’t become as essential to my functioning as it had been the last six or so years. I miss it, and I plan on finishing all my projects I left behind… as I’ve said many time The Garden part 3 IS coming I promise lol. But! Hopefully. And no promises. But I have the most delightful Christmas fic tucked into my head that I would love to publish this year, if I can find the time to get it on paper.
Okay as for fandom… I did a “growth thing” earlier this year and deleted all the bbygate stuff I’d been saving for the inevitable end. I just can’t anymore. All the photoshop, the blatant exploitation of it all… yeah I think the best option is just not to care. If they’re gonna drag this out for the rest of my life then I’m going to ignore the shit out of it. Speaking of ignoring, I also noped out of the H and O nonsense. God. What a MESS. I liked HH, truly, but the fave for me was Matilda. To be honest with you all, I listened until I grew naturally full of the album and I moved on with my life, it wasn’t world changing to me the way FL was. HOWEVER. FITF? Lord save me i didn’t even know it was coming out and it hit me like a ton of bricks. I’m fucking obsessed. I’m planning a MP. I genuinely think it’s Louis’ finest work and I can’t get enough of it. Every time I listen I like it MORE. I theorize it’s going to be a slow blooming album that smacks everyone’s expectations in the face. I’m so fucking proud of Louis. I bawled real ugly tears at Common People.
And lastly as always, I believe the boys were in love but I make no claims about their lives now. I enjoy the hints and speculation and love larrying along, but I think they’ve established these personas that are bulletproof to fan speculation these days, and I feel that’s how they truly want it. And that’s cool, won’t stop me from writing Larry because it was the truest gayest baby Star crossed lovers story out there and still makes the best fan fic.
Apologies for the novel but nice to meet you if you’re new HI I’M TRYING TO BE BACK to my old chums, and feel free as always to talk to me, my ask box is always open ❤️
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Day 3: Temper
Long ago, Brant Longsong, Second Mate of the Reavin’ Rascals, is awoken to face an unimaginable threat.
“Brant, get up! Cap’n says ol’ Leviathan’s come back!”
Brant Longsong, second mate of the Reavin’ Rascals, sat up in his bunk and stared at the cabin boy who woke him. “We headin’ to ‘im then?”
The boy, not much older than eleven summers, nodded vigorously. “Aye, aye. He’s ‘spectin’ all ‘ands on deck!”
Brant grunted as he reached for his trousers. I’ll ‘ave to ‘ave Kay mend these when we’re back in Limsa. Gettin’ too tight in the belly again… “I’ll be on deck in a few.”
The boy nodded again and scurried away.
I wasn’t much older than the boy when I began dreamin’ of the world. Wantin’ to see all the wonders. Wasn’t gonna do that on our little island…
Brant and his sweetheart Kay Aldis grew up on a small island north of Limsa Lominsa where people fished and grew crops. Simple folk. Nothin’ wrong with that, but it wasn’t for us. He and Kay would dream about traveling the world and seeing everything. We only got as far as Limsa…but soon I’ll have enough gil to buy Kay a ring, so we’ll be married. Nothin’ too fancy. Kay’s not that kind of woman. Besides, she’d want me to use the money for our babe. He smiled to himself as he tied his boots. What a surprise that was! The timin’ isn’t the best, but we love our babe all the same. He…or she…will have a good, happy life. We can see the world together! Told Kay if it’s a girl she’ll be named Agnes after my Gran. Gran raised me, so it’s the least I can do to make her proud. She’ll be lookin’ down on her wee great-granddaughter and smile I know. Kay wants to name him Brant if it’s a boy. There’s more than enough Brant Longsong in this world! Surely another name would be better? Brant heaved all six and a half fulms and over four hundred ponze of himself up and grabbed his axe. Ol’ Leviathan won’t know what hit him!
When Brant arrived on deck, he strode quickly to the Captain and First Mate. “Any sightin’, ser?”
Graceful Rock, Captain of the Reavin’ Reavers, shook his head. “Not yet, though the fishmen are yonder.” He pointed with his spyglass to a small cove. “They be takin’ women and children to their lair.”
“To turn them.” Ramona Sill, the Midlander First Mate muttered. “Fuckin’ dicks.”
Brant seethed. Not on my bloody watch they won’t! “I can lead a party to free any prisoners, Cap’n. Jus’ say the word.” My axe will drink deep of the fishmen and their “god.” Ye won’t harm anyone else!
The Captain turned to look at Brant, raising an eyebrow. “Not a bad idea, Second Mate. Take a small party and go. We’ll distract ‘em from ‘ere.”
With a nod, Brant ran to gather a few trusted fighters and healers, and within fifteen minutes, he and the landing party took a small boat and headed toward the cove.
Hopefully they’re not already turned…oh wait, no tempered. That’s it. The term is tempered. We might still save them!
Unfortunately for Brant and the landing party, the prisoners, consisting of mainly women and children from Limsa, were already tempered. Even more unfortunate was that Leviathan wasn’t out at sea as expected. The cove was much deeper than anyone thought.
Brant, axe in hand, glanced at the landing party and screamed, “Run! I’ll ‘old ‘em off! RUN!”
“BRANT!” Uhu Cehu, a lalafellan machinist and one of Brant’s first friends in the Rascals, yelled. “BRANT!”
For my crewmates.
For Kay.
For our babe.
Brant Longsong charged at Leviathan.
As the landing party rowed back to the ship, Uhu could hear Brant yowling in terror.
The next time Uhu saw Brant Longsong, “the Gentle Giant of the Rascals” had been transformed into a half-fish monster, raving about “Lord Leviathan.” It was Uhu who insisted on firing the shot into Brant’s heart. It was Uhu who told Kay Aldis, a bartender at the Drowning Wench, that her childhood sweetheart and father of her child was gone.
Years later, it was Uhu Cehu, who now worked loading and offloading cargo in Aleport, who swore he saw his old friend Brant walk amongst the living once more. A young woman in her early twenties and wearing healing garb was chatting with a few friends.
“It cannot be.” Uhu muttered, not able to take his eyes off the woman. “Can it?” Uhu and the other Rascals lost track of Kay soon after she was told about Brant and never knew what became of her or their child. She’s got Brant’s build for sure and his round face. Glasses? It cannot be…
“Hello.” A soft voice said happily. The woman he was staring at was now in front of him. “Is there ought I can assist you with? I’m a healer from the Conjurers Guild.”
Uhu coughed discreetly. “Forgive me, miss. You jus’ look like an ol’ friend is all.”
The young woman smiled gently. That’s Brant’s smile. “Oh? My name’s Agnes Currai if that helps.”
Uhu’s eyes widened. Agnes. After Brant’s Gran. No, it can’t…it surely cannot… He could feel pricking his eyes. “Y-ye said yer name is Agnes? ‘ave ye ever ‘eard the name Brant Longsong?”
“Hmm. Can’t say that I have, but I’d like to hear more about him. Maybe I can help you find him? Just let me tell my friends I’ll meet up with them later in Limsa.” Oh gods, she thinks he’s missing. Fucking damn it all. As she turned, Uhu began to sob. Agnes bent over and tried to comfort him. “O-oh! I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to make you upset. Is he dead? Your friend Brant?”
Uhu nodded. Fuck. I haven’t cried about Brant in so long. Now my heart’s breakin’ again. She’s got to be…she has to be…
“Would you like a hug? Come, let’s sit down somewhere.” She straightened and motioned to her friends. “I’ll see you lot at the Wench later! This man needs some help.” Her friends waved and left Aleport. Agnes guided him to a bench by the port and took out a small handkerchief. “Here you go. I really am sorry.” She wrapped a long arm around his shoulders and rubbed his upper arm as he slowly began to stop crying. “There, there.”
Sniffling, Uhu wiped his eyes. “Sorry, miss. Brant’s been gone a long time. ‘e got tempered by ol’ Leviathan, leavin’ behind ‘is sweetheart and unborn babe. We…’is friends and crew…couldn’t find ‘em after a while.” And here you are. You have to be Brant’s daughter. “He said he wanted to name the babe Agnes, and ye look so much like ‘im.”
Agnes’s eyes widened. “Well, I am adopted. The only thing I know is that my original name on my birth certificate was Agnes Aldis.”
Navigator take me! It IS her! “Brant’s girl’s name was Kay Aldis!” Uhu, despite his aching joints, leapt up, surprising Agnes. “Do ye know that name?!”
Agnes shook her head but smiled. “I don’t, but that doesn’t mean I can’t go to the orphanage where I was born and ask. I’d hate to take you away from your work—”
Uhu grabbed her hand. “Doesn’t matter! Let’s go!”
And go they did.
That day Agnes Currai learned her birth mother’s name was Kay Aldis. Kay died not long after Agnes’s birth, living long enough to honor her deceased lover’s wish that their daughter be named for his Gran.
That day Agnes Currai learned her birth father was Brant Longsong, a man who died tempered but lived for his friends, his beloved Kay, and their child.
That day Uhu Cehu wept at finally finding Brant’s child. He wept more knowing that Agnes Currai, not Longsong, was traveling the world like he had wanted. He smiled at hearing that Agnes (Agi…she’s insistin’ on that) was adopted by a happy couple and grew up in Costa del Sol. He told Agnes stories about Brant and Kay and how the couple hoped to see the world with their babe.
As night settled on Limsa, Agnes told Uhu she had to go but gave him the name of her parents (Corrai and Luci Littlefoot Currai) in case he ever wanted to write her or them. She gave him one last hug (she really likes hugs) and waved goodbye. Later that night, Uhu walked along the dock where the Rascals’ ship once moored and poured some whiskey into the water.
“She’s a good lass, yer girl. She’s gonna do great things!”
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blxetsi · 3 years
I was curious if you’d be up for headcanon of adopting Gabi Braun, or what it’s like being her older sibling?
If not maybe just Pieck relationship headcanons
Please and thank you
im so sorry im getting to this so late 😭🤚 ty for requesting ‼️
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adopting gabi braun headcanons (canonverse)
characters: gf!sasha braus x gn!reader, platonic!gabi braun x gn!reader, fatherly!levi ackerman x gn!reader, platonic!falco grice x gn!reader
warnings: death, angst, hatred for kids (fuck them kids‼️), peepaw levi 😁👍
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- uhhhhhh,, your relationship w gabi had a very rocky start. Lol !
- it all started when your friend eren jaeger decided to run away to infiltrate marley causing the survey corps to go get him just as a war was declared between your countries, and then two kids snuck onto the airship you were using to escape and shot your girlfriend. and she died. Lol !
- you had a lot of hatred for gabi in the beginning, and it was understandable
- you blamed her for shooting sasha, but you also blamed yourself for not being able to save her.
- you were a trained medic, you were supposed to save people, and yet you couldnt even save the woman you loved. it was like a slap in the face, like god was playing some cruel joke on you
- you remember sitting against the wall with sasha's blood staining your hands. you could barely process what happened at the time, and then levi came
- he sat next to you, taking a handkerchief out of nowhere seemingly, and just wordlessly wiped your hands down.
- your relationship with the older man was never defined, even today, but you both cared for each other
- the next time you saw gabi, was in that restaurant, niccolo had attacked gabi and falco, injuring them both, and said she killed sasha
- your blood went cold, you felt so many things, the grief you had pushed down in favour of your job, anger, fear, among other things
- niccolo had said there needed to be justice, he said that gabi should die for what she did, he tried to get sasha's father to kill her, and all you did was stand there.
- your body went on autopilot, barely listening to mr. braus' speech, you watched as kaya pointed a knife at gabi, and you listened to her wails of agony as you blindly led mikasa, armin, and gabi to a different room
- you were scared of yourself, for what you were thinking. did you really want a kid to die ? she did kill your girlfriend, the woman you wanted to spend the rest of your life with, the woman that shared her food with you, the woman that held you when you got scared at night, the woman that promised you that after the war you two would live on a farm together, and have a family of your own.
- but she was still a child. she didnt know any better. you were conflicted in your feelings, especially after hearing what niccolo had said, but it all just emphasized what was already known to you. she was a child
- your blood was pounding in your ears, and you could faintly hear gabi asking your comrades if they wanted to kill her. when armin reassured her they didnt, she looked to you and asked "what about them ?"
- you didnt answer her, and continued to lead them down where eren would be meeting you all. you were supposed to drop them off, but eren made you stay, and then a fight broke out
- you dont remember when you did it, but you held gabi in your arms, shielding her from the fight. you think you needed to be held more than she did
- things got more complicated after that, and slowly the hatred you had for sasha's killer went away, until all you had left was a hole in your chest from guilt and sadness.
- at fort salta, you thought you were going to die there, next to your friends. you thought you'd become a mindless titan, like connie's family
- but you didnt, well you did, but only for a short time, and when you turned back, you reunited with your friends
- looking around for gabi, you saw her tackle falco into a hug, which made you smile
- "y/n !" jean called, you remember looking behind you in confusion, he sounded distressed, but you understood why when you saw sasha saluting the three of you
- you felt your legs move on your own, and you ran closer to her, before stopping about a meter away. she was dead, you knew she was dead, but she was there, wearing that goofy smile on her face and looking at you as if you'd hung the stars in the sky
- she looked at you. "you did good." hearing her voice felt like a dream. your mouth felt dry, and your jaw opened and closed like a fish before you felt tears sting your eyes. "i love you."
- she nodded, before looking at the sky. "i know." she replied. sasha looked back at you before giving you a soft smile. "you know what to do now." before she disappeared in the debris
- you knew what to do, so you did it
- you found levi sitting against a rock, and when you leaned down next to him he muttered something. "i saw erwin again. and hange. all of them." you nodded. "i saw sasha." he looked at you, and gave you the closest thing to a smile. "i guess we're both at peace now."
- three years later, you've become a school teacher in paradis, teaching young children how to read, to write, and basic math. you teach them about art and music, and nature. its nice being surrounded by children all day, kids are lovely.
- you live with gabi, falco and levi, in a small house inside wall sina. levi's legs have gotten weaker with time, causing him to use a wheelchair and crutches. he's given up on his dream of a tea shop, but is content with the life he has now.
- gabi and falco have gotten more rowdy with age, but they've both matured quite a bit. they make you proud
- you send letters to sasha's family. kaya is growing up, and has taken over archery just like her sister. niccolo is living with them now.
- you'll never be able to let go of sasha, or what happened to her, but the pain in your chest has dulled immensely. you think about her sometimes, when youre in bed alone, wanting to feel the warmth of her body in your arms, you know you should move on, you get teased about not having a new girlfriend, even levi has made comments about there being "plenty of fish in the sea"
it was a late night, on a friday. you were grading spelling tests at the dining room table, one lone candle being your source of light. your pen moves swiftly across the different pieces of paper, adding check marks or x marks when needed, adding a note at the bottom of each test, before adding a smiley face on all of your students' hard work. it was tedious, but it needed to be done, and you had to remember to bring them in on monday, you couldn't forget like last time.
you heard footsteps coming down the stairs. they were soft, and slow, and at first you thought it was levi but realized it couldn't be since you couldn't hear the soft tapping of his crutches on the stairs. they came down to the bottom and stood there, it was gabi, dressed in a light pink nightgown that came down to her knees, and her disheveled hair in the braid you did for her before bed.
you pushed your reading glasses to the top of your head. "what are you doing up ? it's late."
she shrugged, and walked over to sit across from you at the table. gabi grabbed the stack of papers that you already graded and shuffled through them, giggling when she found a misspelling.
you rolled her eyes. "don't laugh, they're six."
she shook her head. "i was spelling ten times better than this when i was their age."
"uh huh."
"are you calling my bluff ?"
you chuckled. "maybe. you should be in bed though."
"why ? it's not like we have school tomorrow."
you shrugged. "i was thinking we could go on a picnic outside the walls. it gets stuffy in here."
she nodded. "that would be fun."
the silence came back for a while, until you finished grading and set your papers aside.
"you know, i hear you sometimes." she whispered.
you looked at the brunette in confusion. "how do you mean ?"
"when your in bed, sometimes you cry."
you scoffed, and leaned back in your chair. "yeah well, i try to muffle it."
"i don't think ive ever apologized to you," she started. her eyes welled up with tears and her hands shook on the table. her cheeks and nose became pink as she held herself back from crying. "i know i feel bad, and i regret killing her but, i've never actually apologized to you for-"
"don't." you said. you kept your eyes on your lap, you felt your throat growing tight. "please gabi, don't say anything."
"i need to apologize-"
"you don't. you killed her. she's dead, the war is over. it's done. just let it go." you said, your voice wavering.
"have you let it go ?"
your head shot up to her. "i lost the woman i was going to spend the rest of my life with. she promised me a safe home, a farm, and a family. and she promised we'd grow old together. and that didn't happen. i grew up with her, i've known her since i was twelve, we started dating when i was sixteen. of course i haven't let it go, gabi."
gabi looked shocked by your outburst, but nodded. she understood how you felt, and she felt so guilty. "you don't forgive me do you ? i get it, i really do. i'm sorry."
you shook your head. "gabi no, i do. i do forgive you. i just, i can't forget it." you whimpered, tears started streaming down your face and you choked back a sob. "i loved her with all of my heart, i still do, but i don't hate you-"
gabi rolled her eyes, tears coming out uncontrollably now. "you should. i killed her, i ruined your chance of a happy life ! she was your family and i-"
"gabi no !" you exclaimed, cutting her off. at this point you both looked like a mess, and you were worried you woke up the boys. you grabbed her shaking hands in your own and held them to you. "you are my family. you are. so is falco, and so is levi. i forgive you, and i love you with all of my heart." you said, a sad smile on your face. her eyes widened at your words, before she started sobbing.
you got up from the table to come to her side, and held her in your arms as she cried. her arms wrapped around your shoulders while she dug her head into your neck, tickling you with her hair.
you rubbed her back and cradled her head while shushing her. she sobbed out a muffled "i love you so much y/n." that you chuckled at.
"i love you too so much." you whispered back.
it took a long time for gabi to calm down, but when she did you still held her, rocking her and yourself back and forth slightly. you two moved from the chairs down to the floor, funny enough.
you kissed the top of her head before talking, the only noise in the room being your whispers, her sniffles and the living room clock. "you know reiner's coming home soon. are you excited ?" she nodded against your skin and sniffled again, clearing her throat too.
"i hope he brings me a gift or something." she whispered back, her voice hoarse. it made you laugh, and you had to cover your mouth to keep quiet.
"they're going to shiganshina district for a couple of days, to visit mikasa and eren, and then mikasa will come with them to the capital."
"do you miss her ?" she asked.
"so much. i miss all of them, but mikasa is a close friend of mine, she holds a special place in my heart."
"do you think you and levi will go to the meetings between the marley ambassadors and the jaegerists ?" she asked.
"maybe, if they feel as though they really need us."
you sighed through your nose, which was a bit stuffy from crying. "after we turned back into humans, i saw sasha again."
gabi lifted her head up from where it was resting on your shoulder. "what ?"
"yeah, i saw her ghost i think." you looked down on her with a smile on your face. "she told me i knew what i needed to do, and then i went and got levi and you and falco." you paused for a moment, thinking about how you would word what you were thinking. "i did what i needed to do, i got my family together." gabi's eyes widened. "sasha promised me a family, and although this wasn't the family i had envisioned, it's still a family nonetheless. i believe her last gift to me was you, falco, and levi. and i am so grateful to have you all in my life."
gabi smiled before hugging you. she opened her mouth to say something-
"oi !" a deep voice came from the top of the stairs. "you two woke me up with all of your crying. go to bed." before your heard the creaking of the floorboards and the closing of a door.
you chuckled before standing up, pulling gabi with you. you walked her to her room, and even tucked her in, you both exchanged 'i love yous' and 'goodnights' before you retreated from her bedroom, closing the door behind you.
across the hall, levi stood leaned on his doorway with his arms crossed together. "that family speech, that was cute." he commented. you rolled your eyes at the older man. "were you listening in on a private conversation ?" you teased.
the ex-captain scoffed and looked away. "go to bed y/n. we have a picnic to go on tomorrow." before closing his door.
you chuckled to yourself, remembering how you brought up the idea to him that morning, and he only replied with a curt "we'll see" before sipping on his morning tea.
you went back to your own room, and got into your bed. you turned on your side, and looked at the space you always left open for sasha, and brushed your hand against the pillow.
"goodnight love."
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uhhhhh doesnt feel like my best work but whatevs 😁👍 enjoy my comeback to tumblr 🤩🙏
requests open mfs ‼️
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ghostlywritten · 3 years
If Only I Had Stayed In The Shadows - Chapter Twelve
James Potter x OC
A/N: At last, the long awaited chapter. Sorry for the wait, my laptop has been failing on me. Hope you enjoy.
Words: 3,8k
Prologue  Chapter One   Chapter Two  Chapter Three  Chapter Four  Chapter Five  Chapter Six  Chapter Seven  Chapter Eight  Chapter Nine  Chapter Ten  Chapter Eleven
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It was the last weekend before the beginning of the exams for literally everybody. The library was packed with not a single seat unoccupied as well as the common room, where people had even taken to sitting on the floor to study, the dorms being too sitfling.
I had been one of the lucky ones to get a seat at a table, revising my notes with James next to me.
"How do you brew the Elixir to Induce Euphoria?"
"You add shrivelfig, porcupine quills and stir four times anti-clockwise. Then you add a sprig of peppermint, Sopophorous beans and wormwood and stir six times anti-clockwise," James recited, twirling a strand of my hair between his fingers.
"That is correct."
"Alright, your turn-"
"Hey, what about my reward?" James asked and I looked at him questioningly, "My kiss?" He pouted and I gave in almost immediately, not being able to resist his big earth-coloured eyes as I leant forward to press my lips against his.
"Hmm, that's it," he hummed approvingly and it made my face grow as I thought of him saying it during certain other circumstances. I was a girl, a sixteen year old girl, and of bloody course my mind would wander towards certain things that I could be doing instead of studying, now that I had a boyfriend...things, that I couldn't have had managed before on my own. And with a boyfriend as hot as mine I couldn't help but let my gaze linger whenever he stretched himself during Quidditch warm-ups, causing his shirt to deliciously rile up and reveal his abs, or watching him bite his lips whenever he concentrated hard on something, wishing he would bite me-
"Love? Cec? Hellooo?" James snapped his fingers in front of my face and I blinked. "Are you spacing out on me? Siriusly? After you dragged my ass to sit and study with you? Jeez, then ungratefulness stinks," he huffed in mock-annoyance and I shook my head to get the thoughts out.
"Sorry. What were you saying?"
"It's my turn. What colour does the Potion have and what is it for?"
"The colour should be a bright yellow and as the name implies, it's supposed to induce the drinker in a sudden euphoria."
"That is absolutely correct!"
"Of course it is," I replied arrogantly, flinging my hair before giggling. James smirked, leaning forward. "Come and get your reward then." My heart leaped in my chest but I managed to stop him with a hand on his chest. "Nah, I'm good," I teased with a shrug, briefly wondering where Marlene was. She would have been so proud of me right now. James frowned for a second before promptly throwing himself on me. "Uff, James!" I exclaimed, pearls of laughter escaping as he snuck his arms around me to lessen the blow of landing on the hard floor, pinning me down effectively with his body.
"How dare you reject my generous offer of rewarding you with a kiss?" James said gravely, chuckles drifting through his words, "You shall be punished with more rewards."
"Bite me!"
"Gladly!" I squealed as he started attacking my neck, nipping playfully at the sensitive skin.
"Can you stop with your childish antics?!” Lily's voice ripped through our laughter. She stood up with a peeved look, gathering her things. "Some people are actually trying to study!" She stormed off before any of us could form an answer.
James sprang up, adjusting his glasses as he held out a hand for me whilst looking after her. I brushed off any dirt from my clothes and went to sit down.
"I should probably go and check on her," he suggested and I wanted to ask why when he was already taking off.
"Alright," I said lamely to his back, watching until he disappeared through the portrait hole. I plopped back down on my seat, glancing at Alice, who was completely immersed in her notes, not even aware her best friend's departure. Looking down at my own notes, I tried to focus but my eyes kept drifting from word to word without taking anything in as my mind kept replaying the way James ran after Lily with little to no hesitation. 
'You're thinking too much into it...
...I wonder what they are doing right now...'
I sighed loudly, frustrated that I couldn't let it go. Peeking at the only studious girl at the table, I stood up. "I'm...gonna go to the loo," I excused myself and left when I received no response.
Walking out of the common room, I promptly slapped myself on the forehead.
Was I really going to follow them like a creepy, insecure girlfriend? Obviously.
Was I going to find them with the head start they had now? Obviously not. Dumbass.
Glancing back at the portrait of the Fat Lady guarding our entrance, I pondered whether to go back inside or try looking for them. Lily was most likely heading to the library to join Remus at his study table that he had occupied since this morning. I cringed at my own behaviour when I decided to look for them. 'Im just making sure she's fine so I can focus back on my exams,' I reassured myself, 'Nothing creepy about tha-'
"Oi, Cec," Sirius greeted me gruffly, holding onto my arm until I steadied myself as he had bumped against me quite strongly, "Sorry about that. Didn't see you from the corner."
"It's all good," I replied, glad for the distraction as I straightened my robe and looked up at him. He seemed distraught, his hair unkempt and his tie hanging loosely around his neck. I would have guessed he had a good snogging session if it weren't for the sad glistening in his eyes. "Hey Sirius," I called softly as he fidgeted, already turning away, "Is everything alright?"
"Hm?" he looked over his shoulder, his expression carefully blank, "Yeah, of course. Everything is fine. Why?"
I shrugged, not wanting to point out how he seemed less than his usual joyful facade. "Just asking. Where you've been anyway? I thought we would study together in the common room?"
His face twisted into something akin to anguish and I furrowed my eyebrows. "I was with Reg..ulus," he said, turning away.
"Did som-"
"Look, I don't wanna talk about it," he snapped.
"Sirius..." He stormed off towards the portrait hole and I was left staring after a back for the second time this day. I felt the worry built up, sensing that something bad must have happened. Because, no matter how hurt or angry Sirius was, he was always very good at hiding it. Unless he was drunk or something major had happened. And since he didn't seem drunk right now...my feet started moving before my mind had been made up, walking back towards the Fat Lady and pushing every thought of James and Lily into the back of my mind. This was urgent, my platonic soulmate was in pain after all.
Stepping into the common room, I spotted the black-haired boy rush up the boys dormitory and steeled myself before following him upstairs, hoping nobody saw me step to left instead of the right passage towards the rooms. I tentatively walked down the small hallway I had never dared to step in in all my six years before, searching the signs on the doors for the Sixth Year's dormitories. Pressing an ear on one of the doors, I listened for any sound. Fortunately, there were some shuffles and the familiar voice of my friend cursing as he dropped something heavy. Just as I contemplated on whether to knock, the door swung up revealing Sirius, who had rid himself of his robe and jumper, holding a bottle of Firewhiskey in his hand and the other tightly wound around the door handle.
"What are you doing?" he asked, narrowing his shining eyes.
"Just leave," he grumbled, his voice tense as he was holding back the tears that hadn't fallen yet. Dread filled me now as he rushed past me to the bathroom, shutting the door soundly behind him. Something was seriously wrong. This time, I didn't hesitate to follow him, pushing back the cringe at opening a boy's bathroom and peeking in. The room was empty except for one shower cabinet in the far back where the water was turned on, running at full blast.
"Sirius, I hope you are not naked, because I'm coming in," I warned, giving him a second before I opened the cabinet to find him sitting on the floor, drinking from the bottle of Firewhiskey as the water pattered down on him.
"Why can't you just leave me alone?" he mumbled, his voice thick and croaky from the burn of the alcohol, "I don't want to talk about it." He leaned his head back, closing his eyes as the water trickled down on his face and further, drenching his clothes.
"We don't need to talk," I said quietly, hoping he could hear me over the water, "I just wanna be here for you." And with that, I stepped in fully-clothed and closed the cabinet door behind me, sliding down next to him as I proceeded to get completely wet in a less than a few seconds. Sirius kept quiet, only raising his bottle to me before pressing it against his own lips when I shook my head, wondering which of the drops trailing down his face were from the shower head and which from his sorrowful eyes.
I wasn't sure how long we sat there but Sirius got up after what seemed like hours, clearing his throat as he lowered the water volume. "I'm...gonna get you the Invisibility Cloak so you can sneak out. Wait here." I nodded. "And don't turn the water off or someone might come in." I nodded again and he stepped over me, pushing the door open and disappearing from sight. I sighed as he left, trying to ignore the uncomfortable feeling of my clothes sticking to my skin. He came back after a few minutes with cloak and wand in hand, casting a Hot Air Charm over me as I got up and turned off the shower head. It was completely silent, but somber in some way as we proceeded to walk out of the bathroom with me under the cloak and him at the front. He held the door open, squinting to see if I had passed and I mumbled a quiet 'thanks' when I was out.
Nodding, he stepped out as well, shoving his hands into his pockets, having dried himself as well. "I will...see you around," he said, a softness in his voice and slightly slurring, "I'm just gonna head to bed."
I nodded before realising he couldn't see me. "Okay. Sleep well, Sirius."
"You too."
Turning away, I took a few steps when I heard Sirius whisper my name. "Cec, I- thank you. For being there," he stammered, seeming uncharacteristically unsure of himself. I wondered then, how many people he had shown his emotional side before. Guessing from what I knew about him, I would say it dwindled down to the four people he kept the closest plus maybe Regulus. It warmed me, that he now included me into that circle as well even if I kind of forced him to as I had followed him around. "Cec?" he called out questioningly, his grey eyes flittering around as he pondered whether I was still there or not. I quickly stepped back towards him, carefully taking his hand and squeezing it slightly. "You're more than welcome, Sirius," I whispered and his eyes softened when I raised my cloak to let him see me for a split second. "Good night."
"Good night."
Walking down to the common room, I noticed a considerably less amount of people were gathered around to study, mostly Fifth and Seventh Years. But Alice was still there and even Marlene had joined her, though her face rested on her notes as she drooled on them, fast asleep. Glancing at the clock on the wall, I noticed it was past nine o'clock. The thoughts of Lily and James that I had pushed into the back of my mind resurfaced and I swept the room with my eyes in search of either of them. There was no way Lily would have gone to bed so early on the last days before the exam and I briefly remembered all the times we had together to study until past midnight for our O.W.L.'s last year. 'Was she still at the library?' But the library had been closed for an hour now.
My stomach grumbled in that moment and the sound resonated throughout the otherwise quiet room. I blushed, despite the fact that no one could see me under the cloak, as a few heads raised in confusion. Only now did I realise how hungry I was since I had missed dinner and also skipped lunch earlier this day. 'A quick snack from the kitchen it is,' I decided, walking towards the entrance and out of the common room. 'And on my way I can make a short detour to see if Lily actually managed to convince Madam Pince to let her stay past the closing hours to study. Wouldn't put it past her to play the Prefect Card for this.'
Skipping down the stairs, I took the corridor to the library and found it entirely deserted. I sighed relieved, not knowing what exactly I was relieved for, as I turned away to head towards the kitchen. The halls were empty and dark, with the occasional light of the half-moon breaking through the tall windows and I breathed in the fresh air of a summer night, enjoying the peaceful silence as I strolled towards the kitchen.
But the peace would only last for so long.
I reached the corridor with the painting of the fruit bowl, fastening my steps as my stomach gave another protesting growl. Just when I was about to tickle the pear in the painting, anticipating all the good food the elves would cook in a matter of minutes, the door opened from the inside, nearly banging against my forehead. I stumbled back as the door swung to the side, revealing James. My heart skipped a beat in surprise but also at the sight of twinkling eyes that seemed unnaturally light in all the darkness surrounding us. Grinning, I grasped at the hem of the cloak, ready to spook him when he turned back towards the kitchens, engulfing his face in a warm glow of light coming from the big room.
A shadow crossed his features and he held his hand out for Lily, who was laughing softly as she took it, letting him help her out of the hole. "Thanks," she said.
"You are very welcome," James replied with a grin as the door shut close, engulfing us all in a sudden darkness. I blinked, squinting in hopes to see better as my eyes adjusted. For a second everything was silent before the two started walking. Biting my lip, I followed them before I could think about what I was doing. 'We are all headed to the same direction, I can't help it that I need to walk behind them. And since I'm not hungry anymore- oh, who am I kidding, I'm starving,' I complained to myself, cursing my brain for having the urge to spy on the two in all my insecure glory.
They walked in silence for a while before standing on the staircase.
"Thanks for the food," Lily spoke up as they waited for the stairs to stop moving, "I really needed it."
"Figures. You didn't eat anything today," James replied.
"How do you know that?"
"Eh," I could practically feel him blush as he stammered for an answer. "I just saw you and Cec studying all day, so I guessed that you hadn't eaten anything yet. Cec hasn't at least."
"Right," Lily said quietly, walking up the stairs as they stopped moving. I followed silently, watching the moon reflect on her brilliant red hair and noticing James did, too. "You know, I was surprised how you two suddenly got together."
"Hm?" James hummed, looking at his shoes as he stuffed his hands into the pockets of his robes.
"I mean, one day you were asking me out and the other you were suddenly hanging around with her and started dating," Lily said in joking manner and James chuckled along, though I couldn't grasp the joke in it. "It was...surprising, yeah," she ended awkwardly and the mood turned somber.
"Well, I guess it surprised a lot of people," James chuckled again, seemingly nervous as he ran a hand through his messy mop of hair. "But, Cec is great. She is amazing, really," he added, his voice turning steady and gentle, tugging at my heart strings. I felt a smile form on my face.
"She is quite great, yeah," Lily agreed softly. Now I felt bad for eavesdropping. 'You're siriusly messed up, dumbass,' I scolded myself. But I didn't stop. "I'm happy for you guys. It's nice to see Cec so happy and seeing a normal side of you."
James scoffed, "Normal?"
"What?" Lily giggled.
"What side of me has not been normal before?"
"I'm just saying, it's refreshing to know a side of you that wouldn't enchant cupids to read me sappy poems and throw pink glitter all over me," Lily recalled, laughing to herself as James blushed beet-red.
"Well, normal is overrated anyway," he muttered into his tie, smiling as Lily bumped her fist against his arms.
"I kinda miss it," she said and I noticed her eyes widen as soon as the sentence left her mouth. James' lips quirked up, his eyes shining. "Do you now?" he asked smugly, laughing as she slapped his arm.
"I mean," she started but paused. The mood turned slightly somber as she fiddled with her sleeve.
"You mean?" James prompted almost eagerly and I bit my lip, the tugging in my heart strings turning to harsh pulls.
Lily sighed, "It's nothing. Just, now that I know the 'normal' side of you, the one, you probably show to your friends and Cec...I think, all the stuff you used to do was quite endearing."
James kept quiet for a second. "You mean, when I endlessly chased after you?"
"All the things you did to ask me out. The cupids, the flowers, the sweets...," I distinctly heard Lily gulp as she stopped and turned towards him, causing him to falter in his steps, too. "I didn't recognise it back then, but it must have cost you a lot of effort and I think that's sweet..." James held his breath. "...and a little bit excessive." They both chuckled lightly before turning quiet, staring at the other.
"So, it was not for nothing after all," James muttered softly, almost as if he were dazed as he stared into her eyes. I clutched at the cloak tightly, feeling cold all of a sudden.
Lily cocked her head to the side, strands of red hair gliding over her shoulder like ocean waves. "Yeah. It did not get me to say yes back then, but..."
"But?" James pressed, taking a step forward.
Lily took a deep breath as if she were preparing herself for something, "But...if I had known this side of you before, I might have agreed. To- you know." I stilled, my tight grip on the cloak loosening slightly. James' eyes widened and I could see the elation spread through his face even if he didn't smile.
"To going out with me?" he asked breathlessly. Lily hesitated before she nodded. For a minute, we all stood in silence as James stared at her, dumbfounded. Lily's eyes flickered around as if she were scared to get caught. "Anyway, it doesn't matter!" she stated, too loudly for the quiet atmosphere, "I mean, you are with Cec now and you guys are happy."
"Yeah...yeah we are," James said, still in stupor.
"Yeah, so..." Lily gestured forward, turning to start walking again.
"But what if we aren't?" James spoke up, causing her to halt in her footsteps. My heart stopped.
"What?" she asked, looking at him over her shoulder.
It was James' turn to take a deep breath as if he were preparing himself for something, "What if Cec and I weren't happy?"
Lily furrowed her eyebrows. "What do you mean? You guys look besotted with each other."
"Yeah, that's the thing," James said firmly, determination flooding his features. "We look like we are besotted with each other. It was an act." I swayed slightly as if I had been punched in the chest. "It was just an act." It was just an act. The words seemed to echo in the hallway, pounding relentlessly into my eardrums as I stood frozen, staring the bespectacled boy.
"It was an act?" Lily asked incredulously. James nodded. She turned towards him fully in disbelief. "You were acting like you were together?!" James nodded again. "Why?"
"I was trying to show you a more civil side of me," he said and my eyes widened. 'Be civil' I heard my own voice resonate through my mind. I tried to keep my breathing even as my chin trembled. "I wanted you to see what kind of guy I am since you wouldn't go out with me. I wanted you to see the real me. How I would be if we were together."
Lily stared at him. "I don't even know what to say...," she trailed off.
"Since you appreciated all the efforts I put into asking you out, you could appreciate this as well?" James asked hopefully and I was starting to feel sick. It was just an act. Something in me shattered. I turned away, trying to shield the little, constricting organ in my chest from his words.
"But wait, is Cec part of this? How is she managing to pretend this whole time?" she pondered and James' face fell. Noticing this, she narrowed her eyes at him. "Is she pretending, James? Does she know about your relationship being an act?"
James tensed up, biting his lip as he glanced away and it was all the answer that Lily needed. Her emerald green eyes widened. "James...," she breathed in disbelief, "How could you do this to her?"
"Listen, Cec won't take it too hard," James tried as Lily shook her head in disbelief, "She knows it's nothing serious. We've grown closer, yes, as friends."
"I don't think she sees it like that," Lily responded and I chose that moment to walk away. Because she was absolutely right.
Chapter Thirteen
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keijislove · 3 years
Idk if you’re still taking prompt requests but can I get a #2 and #10 with Harry? Not many people write harry and i love how you write for him. Thank you!!
Friends or More? : Harry Potter x Reader
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A/N: okay I just want to say... I am SO sorry this took embarrassingly long to write and I have no excuses, I’m a horrible person. Enjoy!
Prompts used:
2. 'We need to talk.' 'There's nothing to talk about. I kissed you and you pulled away.'
10. ‘You don’t understand. You have to kill me. I’ve got to die. It’s the only way.’
That was the term anybody would use if they were asked to describe your relationship with Harry Potter.
What started out as being his best friend, chosen duo, and narrowly escaping Voldemort four times had led to him kissing you at the end of last term.
You had gasped and snapped away, before running off like a coward.
When was your inner Gryffindor when you needed it?
What were you even supposed to do?
Your feelings at this point were so mixed up, you got dizzy just by thinking about whether you ought to have kissed back.
Did you like Harry?
You weren’t sure.
He was your best friend for six years, for Merlin’s sake.
But he was also the only one who could give you sweaty palms and a tingling stomach.
Anyway, why were you even thinking about this?
Your Potions professor, the man you thought you hated terribly, had just died in front of you.
There was a war going on.
The boy in question was right next to you.
Why were you wasting your time?
‘Y/N, are you listening?’ Harry asked.
You blushed, ‘Er, what, sorry?’
‘We need to get to the Pensieve.’
You followed him out, leaving Ron and Hermione back.
‘Wow.’ Was all you could say as the mini-show inside the Pensieve ended. ‘Just, wow. We’re going to die. Amazing.’
‘You’re not going to die.’ Harry firmly stated.
‘Hello?’ you yelled. ‘Didn’t you hear Dumbledore? The girl must die too, either Lord Voldemort or Harry has to do it.? You don’t understand. You have to kill me. I’ve got to die. It’s the only way.’
‘I’m not going to kill you.’
‘Then Voldemort is. And he’s going to kill you too.’
‘I know that!’ Harry yelled.
‘Harry, you have to choose. One life of mine over all of theirs?’ you reasoned.
‘One life of yours.’ Harry muttered.
You scoffed. ‘Don’t be thick. Besides, we’ll die together, then, won’t we? We’ll still see each other I... guess.’
Hesitating, he agreed.
‘I’m ready to die.’ Harry whispered to the Snitch as it opened before your eyes.
Grasping the stone inside, Harry and you waited.
‘Y/N. Harry.’ Came the voice of your godfather, Remus.
‘Remus.’ You choked out.
‘You’ve done so well.’ Lily smiled. ‘Both of you.’
‘I’m proud.’ James Potter spoke.
‘Is it scary?’ Harry asked. ‘Dying?’
Sirius smiled and leaned forward. ‘Quicker than falling asleep.’
Harry nodded.
The souls began disappearing, but Remus lingered for a moment.
‘You can tell her... you know.’ Was all he said before disappearing.
‘So...’ you began. ‘Now that we’re going to die... We need to talk. About last summer. End of term.’
'There's nothing to talk about. I kissed you and you pulled away.' Harry nonchalantly said, but inside he was shitting himself.
‘Oh, is that it?’ you smirked. ‘Last time I checked, Potter, friends don’t kiss each other.’
‘Is that what we are? Friends?’ Harry quietly asked.
‘I don’t know.’ You truthfully answered.
‘What do you think?’ Harry hopefully asked. ‘D’you wanna be more?’
‘Now that we’re dying, it would be weird.’ You spoke. ‘But my heart says something else.’
‘What does your heart say?’
‘It’s telling me to do this.’
You pressed your lips onto his, none of you pulling back.
A/N: sorry if it’s a bit short.... was it alright Anon?
PS: im always taking prompt requests, if you’d like more you can request it on or off anon
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jae-daddy · 4 years
im jaebum mini series 
one / two / three / four / five / six (final) masterlist 
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pairing: jaebum x reader genre: friends, angst, jealousy plot: you and jaebum have been really great friends. things have been going smoothly because neither of you were in a real relationship, flings? sure, but girlfriends/boyfriends? no. so when Jaebum starts going out with Emma (a bitch), you can’t help but act out <3 a/n: I dont know why I do this to myself... hope y’all like it. this is written very casually. this one will be like six part absolute max. 
“Hey, you know this isn’t going to happen right?”
“This,” he gestured to the two of you sitting in your dark room. The bed comfortable underneath you as you watched Tangled. You realised how you were leaning against him; your head on his shoulder, your side pressed against him. “This isn’t going to happen.”
“Yeah,” you blew out, making a comical face as you snorted. “Of course not.”
You leaned away from him slightly, straightening onto the pillows behind you instead. You stared at the screen, your cheeks burning, “That would be hilariously disgusting, honestly.”
“Excuse me,” you said once the movie ended. Before the dark-haired boy could reply you walked into your bathroom, closing the door behind you.
You caught yourself in the mirror. Your eyes wide, your hair a mess, and a face of a fucked up girl staring back at you.
“Shit!” You hissed, quietly, as you stared at yourself.
“Shit. Shit. Shit. Shit.” You repeated as you kicked the cabinet underneath the sink. You closed your eyes, running your hands through your hair. You kept out a quick breath, as you rested your hands on the bench.
You leaned in closer to the mirror as you stared into your eyes.
“You got this,” you spoke with resolution. “You’re going to go back in there and act like everything is normal.”
You took in your messed up hair and fixed it into place. You corrected yourself and checked in the mirror. You bit your lip as you gawked at the neckline of your t-shirt in contemplation.
“Fucks sake,” you muttered under your breath, tugging it down to reveal your bra strap. You check your hair once again, sighing deeply to calm yourself.
“Alright, let’s do this.” You walked out the door and into your dimly lit room.
You found your friend sitting on the bed where you had left him. He looked up from his phone, his lips quirking up as he rose his eyebrows, “Have a good piss?”
“Yup, I had been holding it the whole movie,” you replied, as you strolled over to the bed.
Maybe that was why Im Jaebum did not want to fuck you. You talked without a filter and had a grand total of freaking zero charm and wit that other girls had. For some reason when you hung out with Jaebum, you liked to talk and behave like a guy with a dick, instead of a girl who wanted to jump his bones.
You were the goddess of seduction, taking about holding in your piss. Who in their right mind would not want to bury their cock inside a pussy that had been holding its pee for a whole movie.
“We could’ve paused the movie,” Jaebum tsked, getting up to sit straight. The laptop slipped from his lap and onto the bed.
You paused and spun on your heels as you began walking towards the mini-fridge in your room. It wasn’t that you were rich. You had saved up to get this mini prize keeper, so the thieves you lived with didn’t steal your treasure.
“A drink, Jae?” You asked as you bent to open the fridge and grab a bottle for yourself.
“Yeah, why not,” he answered, and you grabbed his favourite. You turned, holding it up and he chuckled before staring at you with a smirk, “You have a problem, y/n.”
“What do you mean?” You frowned, skipping over before jumping onto the bed. You didn’t have a bed frame. You weren’t sure if it was because you were poor or if you liked the low-key fashionable homeless aesthetic.
Jaebum took the drink from you, sipping it as he stared at you over the bottle.
“It is a Wednesday night,” he smiled at you, those ridiculously cute little bumps appearing on his cheekbones as he teased, “and you’re drinking.”
“So? are you too,” You scowled.
“Yes, but that’s cause you offered.”
“Yeah, how is that any different?” Your frown deepened as you took a big gulp. You reached for the laptop bringing it onto your lap. You opened a new tab, “Lesbian or gay porn?”
“Y/n,” Jaebum warned. His voice light, a little stern.
You peeped over at him with a teasing smile. You rose an eyebrow holding back your growing grin, “Gang bang then?”
His eyes widened, with a warning.
“With animal suits on?” You gasped, beaming at him as he shook his head. “Now wouldn’t you say that’s a little too furry for a Wednesday night?”
“Shut up,” he closed the laptop, making you turn towards him. You rolled your eyes as you bought the bottle to your lips, chugging it.
“Hey, come on,” he took the bottle off you.
“Hey!” You whined, watching as he placed both your bottles on the floor behind him. He took your hands in his warm hands, and you felt an entire zoo go wild in your stomach.
How could he not realise what he does to you?
“Y/n, listen to me,” Jaebum sighed heavily. You studied his face and instantly looked away. He was terribly gorgeous, so attractive that it should be illegal.
And the way he was looking at you... How could he possibly say nothing could ever happen between you when he looks at you like that.
No one ever looked at anyone like that, not unless they wanted to fuck. Im Jaebum looked at you, properly, truly looked at you. He was looking at you with the presence of his mind, not just staring at you while his mind was elsewhere.
He was watching you, studying you.
You didn’t know if friends did that, especially ones you met a few years ago. It wasn’t just you who felt this energy between you. Everyone else watches the two of you too. Always monitoring for a change between the two of you, a classic would they- won’t they.
There were times when you were so close. There were times when you and him were a second away from finally getting rid of this stressful sexual tension between the two of you.
You glanced away from his eyes. You wouldn't be able to help yourself if you kept looking into those melting brown eyes, and those delicate lips.
You would end up kissing him and whose fault would that be? You would have no choice but to blame him and those beautiful brown eyes.
Jaebum tugged at your hand, making you look up at him. You sulked at him, letting him know you didn’t enjoy this. His eyes watched you, even in the dim fairy lights of your room, you could make out the golden streaks in them as if you had memorised the patterns they made.
You probably did. You were always looking into them, or thinking about them.
About him.
You gulped as his eyes darted down towards your lips for a split second.
“Y/n,” he spoke, his voice soft and serious.
“Jaebum,” you sang, trying to be clever when truly you were scared he’ll realise how sweaty your palms were getting.
“I can’t look after you forever.”
You nodded, snorting, “I don’t need you on my ass all day too, Jae.”
“I’m serious.”
“So am I,” you replied, holding his hand now. “I am a grown woman. I have a job and a degree and everything. The sixteen-year-old me would be crying if she saw me right now.”
“She’d be proud to see you live without a bed frame?” He rose an eyebrow.
“It’s a lifestyle choice.” You deadpanned, he bit his lip to hold back that betraying smirk.
“Alright, fine,” he sighed, he gazed down at you. His hands holding yours again, once again, he was holding power in the conversation. “You know we can’t always be like this, right?”
“Yeah, but that’s not happening anytime soon,” you snorted, you tried smiling but you couldn’t. Your smile weakened when you saw that look flash in his eyes.
Pity, it was fucking pity.
“Actually,” he started, and you wanted to stop him. You wanted to send him away before he began. “Emma and I have been getting serious now.”
“Hook up Emma?”
They had been hooking up for a few months now. It was causal, she was just the new flavour of the season. Or at least that’s what she was meant to be, but then she started showing up everywhere.
You open Jaebum’s car door to sit shotgun, she is sitting there. You go to Joanna’s for the weekly Friday nights, Emma is there. You make a plan to go hiking over the weekend, surprise, Emma has made herself available.
You wouldn’t have minded if she was nice, but she was an actual bitch. You saw the way she looked at you. You could see straight through the expression on her face as she kissed Jaebum, making sure you were watching.
His phone dinged beside him, and you could bet your firstborn it was her. You felt happy when Jaebum didn't reach for it instantly.
“She isn’t just a hookup,” Jaebum told you, his eyes holding yours. You felt your heart drop at his words. It hurt to see him so protective over someone else, so much that he spoke to you like that.
Jaebum never told you anything. He would tell you stuff, joke, talk, but he never told you something. He never corrected you off so seriously, not unless it was something important.
Seems like Emma unlocked a new level.
“Alright,” you replied soulless, as you took your hand out from his grasp. You pressed the nail of your middle finger into your thumb-pad to stop the prickling in your eyes. “Don’t get your panties in a twist.”
You both sat quietly for a few more seconds before you reached over him. You felt your chests press against his arm as you grabbed your bottle from his other side. You could’ve moved away, but you didn’t want to.
You felt his breath catch before he held it, exhaling it out softly. You felt its warmth brush against your neck, you wanted to feel it all over your body.
You straightened, downing the whole bottle as you held his gaze.
Jaebum gulped visibly before casting his eyes away. He reached for his own bottle taking a big swig, his eyes not looking at you.
“We’re together, y/n.”
You laughed.
“I’m sorry?” you chuckled, staring at him as if he was losing his marbles. She would eat him up alive, and then vomit it out and make him eat himself up. She would ruin him.
“Emma and I are in a relationship. She’s my girlfriend.”
“Girlfriend?” You laughed, your mind blanking. Your heart speeding up frantically as your body went into overdrive.
Stupid. This whole thing was stupid.
A fucking stupid shit show.
“What are you in fifth grade? Girlfriend?” You snickered at him. Jaebum only stared at you a frown on his face.
“Stop laughing at me.”
“I’m not laughing at you,” you tried to make it better but you couldn’t.
You were laughing at yourself. At how fucking stupid you were, at how you were having a literal mental breakdown right now.
“No, actually I am laughing at you.” You shrugged.
“Fuck you,” he groaned, staring at you with loathing.
“Oh, come on,” you hit his arm, playfully. You didn’t know what you were doing. You had absolutely no fucking idea what to do. What is one to do when their crush is going out with the spawn of the devil, and not even the hot kinda devil.
“No, fuck you, y/n,” he grunted, annoyed, as he watched you who was failing to stop laughing. You weren’t laughing because you wanted to, your body just didn’t know what else to do.
“I’m not laughing at you. I just don’t know how to process this.”
“There isn’t anything for you to process,” Jaebum grumbled, lifting his arms in confused defeat. “Just accept.”
“You don’t need any approval of mine, Jae,” you rolled your eyes as you got off the bed and walked towards the mini-fridge. You needed another drink, another lot more drinks. “You are just informing me, and you have. You know I don’t like her vibes.”
“Oh, stop with your witchy voodoo crap,” he groaned, and you could recognise him roll his eyes. You turned to ask him if he wanted another drink, he just shook his head.
“It’s not voodoo, I don’t chant any spells. Her energy is just off.”
“She’s great-”
“-at sucking dick.”
“Y/n,” he warned.
“Fine,” you gave in. Your phone dinged, and you reached over, smiling at the glowing screen.
Dickdown 9/10: You up?
“Are you staying?” You asked Jaebum, inspecting up when he didn’t reply.
You found him staring at you, and you rose an eyebrow, “What?”
“Who’s that?” He narrowed his eyes.
“It’s none of your business,” you smirked. You needed to fuck Im Jaebum out of your system. There was no way you were going to spend tonight sober, and drinking alone would be worse.
And spending the night with Jaebum would be just sad mostly.
“Are you kicking me out?” He smirked at you, teasing.
“Well, Emma isn’t here to kick me out, so...” you trailed off.
“Alright, fine,” he got grabbing his jacket. You watched as he put it on, before running his hands through his hair.
“Bye, Jae,” you whispered.
Jaebum looked down at you, his eyes soft as he sighed, “I wish you weren’t so much trouble, y/n.”
You didn't say anything and only smiled up at him.
“Goodbye, y/n,” Jaebum leaned down, kissing your forehead.
You watched him walk out of your room, the door closing behind him.
You let out a shaky breath as you wiped the tears that slipped from your eyes.
“Fucking hell,” you muttered before downing the second bottle.
You reached for your phone.
Get here in 15 mins.
Dickdown 9/10: Five ;)
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quirklessidiot · 4 years
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Title: coward :: brat Pairing: Y/N x Miya Atsumu  Genre: angst, romance, and very slow burn [ex to lovers au] Warnings: Cursing, alchohol, mentions of unprotected sex, unplanned pregnancy, and mentions of abortion
Synopsis: you finally see Miya Atsumu after six years, meanwhile, he feels pain when he realizes that you settled down with someone else that wasn’t him. notes: i um want to thank yall for supporting this story im- crying T-T I’m happy to inform everyone that i’ll be updating this twice a week every monday and saturday! yay!!! i was able to finish editing and im writing the last two chapters now. stay safe and big love to each and everyone of you <3
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“...Uh, Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, I thought you guys weren’t allowed to go.” Sugawara laughed nervously, knowing all too well where this would lead. He’s familiar with over-enthusiastic boys, in fact, one of those over-enthusiastic balls of sunshine was here right now entertaining them.
“K-Kaasan says it’s alright.” Yuuto lies but Sugawara quirked his brow, it was so obvious that he was lying.
“Yep, she did!” Youta grins, trying to help his twin but like him, he’s failing drastically.
“Then you won’t mind if I call your okaasa-”
“No!” Youta and Yuuto yell in unison. This made other people turn their way, Miya Atsumu watched the pair in amusement from afar. He noticed that they were late and that Sugawara had caught on to their scheme of joining in even without the parental consent, “We won’t join!” Youta proclaims, “Right, yu? W-We’ll pick up balls!”
Hinata feels his eyes glimmer at those words and decides to help them convince Sugawara but in the end, the twins were forced to be benched while the grey-haired teacher had to go back to the faculty to call you.
“It’s alright,” Hinata ruffles both their hairs, “We’ll try to come back next time and I’ll be sure to help convince your ‘kaasan.”
“Hey don’t plant false ideas in their head, Shoyou.” Atsumu grins, lazily jogging to their side. He directs his gaze to the twins that seem to oddly remind him of him and ‘samu when they were younger. The boy's gaze lingered a bit too long on him,unlike other kids who stared at him in awe, these ones were seething, “What are ya lookin’ at, kid?”
“Wow,you’re as mean as your brother.” Yuuto notes, eyeing him up and down. 
“Yeah.” Youta echoes.
Atsumu quirks a brow, this was quite the new reaction. Never in his life had a kid told him that he was mean as ‘Samu also how did they even know his twin brother?
“Now, now, don’t you think you should cut me some slack?” Atsumu tried to jokebut the twins remained unamused by the blonde’s antics, somehow Atsumu felt a sense of familiarity from their monotonous reactions.
“No thanks.” Yuuto crossed his arms, “The fake Atsumu made ‘kaasan cry and since you look like him, you might make ‘kaasan cry too.”
“What he said!” Youta agreed loudly, copying his older brother’s action.
Atsumu was just plain confused now, he admitted that Osamu had an attitude sometimes when he was annoyed but letting a mom cry in front of her kids? That’s definitely new and not-so ‘samu like (after all, he was apparently the nicer one between them)
“What’s the name of your okaasan-”
“Youta-Kun, Yuuto-kun, Your mom will be picking you up at the gate! Please go there now.” Sugawara cuts him off, Youta and Yuuto stand up and eye him for a bit.
“We’ll defeat you and your brother! Just wait and see, we’ll be as big as you and that other jiji!” Yuuto exclaims and before Atsumu could retaliate, they’re running off to the opposite direction. Hinata was laughing beside him, clutching his sides because apparently he was too petty while Sugawara looked at him with an apologetic expression.
“I wonder why L/N-san didn’t allow them to go, she’s usually very supportive of their hobbies, especially volleyball.” Sugawara frowns, suddenly voicing out his thoughts. Atsumu felt his shoulders stiffen at the sound of that familiar name. 
Osamu revealed he saw you last week then these kids suddenly confessed that his twin made their okaasan cry, he’s never seen you cry throughout your relationship (save for that night when you first me but you guys weren't together yet so that didn’t count). Maybe he was mistaken? it might be your relative or a common name.
After all, you were clear about not wanting a family.
“You know their mom well?” Hinata inquired,  Atsumu seems to be listening closely now, wanting to confirm if the person that Sugawara was talking about is you.
“Oh yeah, we're around the same age so I’m much closer to her than the other moms.” Sugawara blinks, “Those boys have to listen to their okaasan more. She’s raising them on her own since their dad died before he even got to know that L/N-san was pregnant. She seemed to be longing for him whenever he’s mentioned.”
A crease appeared on the blonde's forehead as he was suddenly in deep thought. It couldn’t be, right?
“Uh, Sugawara-san, may I know the name of the mom? Her last name sounds kind of familiar.” he questions, pretending to be nonchalant but inside, he feels like he had his heart on his throat.
If it was you, he’d feel those things that he desperately tried to hide behind his confident jokes and laughs. 
The pain.
The pain that you chose someone else and was open enough to the idea of starting a family. If that guy probably hadn’t died, you’d be together, happily raising those boys he had just met a while ago. Happily married, something that Atsumu tried to mention one fleeting moment while you were together back in college but you immediately shut the idea down and left him a month later.
The pain that you fell in love in a span of moments unlike Atsumu who relentlessly tried to gain your favour and follow you around like a lost puppy.
“Oh, her name’s Y/N L/N.”
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Thankfully nothing unexpected happened after what the twins did, they ended up having to pick if they wanted their video game rights removed for a week or cancel their plans with their favorite ojisan who was coming by a few weeks from now, they chose the first one on that.
They had even mentioned that they met the real Miya Atsumu and although you felt like your heart lurched out of your chest and your shoulders stiffen at the mention of that man --- their father---  they simply had called him a rude jiji like his brother much to your relief.
“L/N-san, we seem to have a problem.” Aiko frowned, handing the papers to you, “The director of the advertisement department wants a bigger budget, do you mind running it through him again? You have to go to the studio though, I heard they’re doing some photo shoot now.”
You nodded in reply, taking the papers from your co-worker. The studio was a bit far so you ended up having to commute to get there, “What a nuisance.” You muttered, you needed to buy a second-hand car soon when you had enough money. It would definitely be easier for both you and the boys, “Uh excuse me? Is Nakamura-san here?” you asked the secretary on the front desk.
“And who are you?” the secretary snapped back, still typing away on her computer.
“Y/N L/N from the finance department, I have to run through the new budget liquidation with him.”
The secretary one-eyes you and the ID on your neck for a split second, “You better be quick, the boss wants only five minutes per guest since he’s personally handling the shoot today.” was all she replied, handing you the pass. You muttered a quick thank you and made your way up to the studio, whoever the model was today, they must’ve been big for Nakamura to handle them personally.
“Oh-ho, is that who I think it is?” a very, very familiar voice calls out.
“Inunaki-san.” You greeted, trying to maintain yourself, were these the big clients that Nakamura was handling? The black jackals? good fucking gracious, god must hate you.
“Wow,” he shakes his head, feigning amusement, “You’re still so calm and cool.”
You narrowed your eyes at the insult but you waved it off, “And you’re playing for a national team, congratulations.” you replied in a blank tone, your senior probably knew what happened between you and his fellow member. You wouldn’t be the least bit surprised if he reacted the same way as Osamu did.
“We’re actually doing a shoot now, would you like me to call Atsu-”
“No.” your usual calm tone switched to a colder one, “I’m working now and so is Miya-san, please don’t bother yourself.”
“Gee,” he raised his hands, signalling defeat, “Just say you don’t want to see him. You don’t need to be so cold to me, my dear little kohai.”
“I have to go back to my job, I’m on the clock here.” You ignored his previous statement, “It was nice seeing you again Inunaki-san.”
Before you could give him a chance to reply, you headed towards the studio. You took a deep breath and mentally calculated to three.
It’s been six years, Miya Atsumu would ignore you. He wouldn’t care about the girl who left him out to dry in college. He’s got a girlfriend now, a model who has legs for days and looks ten times better than you and acts more like a girlfriend than you ever did.
Yes, that’s right, he wouldn’t care.
You entered the studio, you could feel the air tighten around you as soon as you heard that laughter. The one you used to hear everyday and never get tired of. For all the laughs you couldn’t do, he’d do it for you and boy, was he patient around you since you didn’t smile a lot back then (who were you kidding? until now you still had the same problem except when the kids were around)
You want to stop and stare, you want to admire him and his glory that you were very much proud of.
Yet your legs continue to carry you to your boss, the laughter seems to have ceased and you could hear someone asking him what was wrong.
“Oh, L/N-san?” Nakamura greeted you, “You’re here for the renewal of the budget?”
You nodded feverishly, your legs seem to be turning into jelly because you want to collapse from the nervousness and thank god that you wore some make-up before arriving here, otherwise, they would’ve noticed how pale you looked, “Everything seems to be in order,” He nods, scanning the sheets and handing them back to you, “Are you busy right now?”
You glanced at the wall clock, checking the time to see if you could extend your stay and Nakamura is quick to pick up on it, “Ah right, you’ve got kids to pick up. It’ll be quick, just help set up the blocks there and you’re free to leave.” he orders.
You nodded obediently and slowly turned to the side only to catch the very familiar chocolate brown eyes of the blonde. You feel your heart hammering in your chest and your feet turn cold, it had been six years since you last saw Miya Atsumu and he was still as winsome and exhilarating as he was back then.
You may have seen him a lot on television but seeing him, right here, a few feet away from you was different. Taking in a big gulp of air, you started working on the set-up as quickly as you could yet you could still feel his burning gaze remaining on you, “Tsum-tsum, lay off her will you.” came Inunaki Shion’s loud voice snaps him out of his daze.
Great, that little twat had to make an appearance.
“Y/N-san you should really say hi,” Inunaki teased as soon as you finish your set-up.
“Oh? You’re Y/N L/N?” the orange one gushed, quickly up on his feet, you recall him as Hinata Shoyou, Youta’s favorite orange-haired ninja, “Sugawara-san’s friend?” 
You hesitantly nodded, “Oh, you know her Sho-kun?” Shion asked, seemingly amused by it all.
“What are you all crowding here for, Hinata?” Another asked, peering in them closely. This one must’ve been Bokuto, another favorite of Yuuto.
“Sugawara-san’s friend! she’s the mother of those two boys in the training camp who had to go home early!” he suddenly turns to you and then grins, “Ne, ne, the boys really seem to want to attend one of those. Why don’t you allow them to join us-”
“Forget it, Hinata.” Atsumu suddenly speaks out, that warm voice that you were accustomed to seemed cold and menacing now, “She won’t allow it.”
Shion notices the tension between you two and when he’s about to usher the energetic duo away back to the dressing room along with the other members, you let out a quiet sigh and spoke out, “I was on my way to leave, please don’t bother yourselves.” You simply replied, you didn’t waver and stared at him dead in the eye, this could be the moment to end it all and cut ties with him officially, “I apologize for what I did back then, Miya-san. I should’ve told it to you in person. I offer my sincere congratulations to you for making it this far.”
The blonde clenched his jaw, it seemed like he wanted to say something to you yet when he realizes the usual calm and collected demeanor you're putting up, he decides against it and leaves you alone by storming away first.
Hinata and the guy named Bokuto looked at you --- completely puzzled and lost like a deer in the headlights --- before following the blonde, “You truly are in a whole ‘nuther level, Y/N.” Shion whistles, “Heard you’ve got two boys now though. Congrats, where's the poor bastard?”
You continue to watch the back of Atsumu Miya. Finally, it seemed like he’d left you alone and probably for good this time, “Gone, off to a better place.” was all you replied.
Inunaki notices the longing in your voice, a completely unfamiliar emotion he had never seen back then even when you and Atsumu were together. It seemed like you and Atsumu were both the poor bastards in the end.
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Miya Atsumu sleeps alone that night.
He doesn’t call his girlfriend back despite the several missed calls, he doesn’t reply to the unanswered text of his brother and his teammates. All he feels is pain tonight, pain because of your very dry apology, pain because of your bland expression. Pain because you didn’t seem to care like that time six years ago.
He shuts his eyes tight and he feels as if he’s back in college, back to that winter night where he received that dreaded phone call from you after you disappeared from him. He remembered those days clearly, your apartment had been cleaned out and paid for, you weren’t answering him on social media, your phone line was also unresponsive and he couldn’t even call your family since you never mentioned anything about them at all.
You both may have been intimate for the past two years but when you disappeared, he had the frightening realization that he didn’t know you at all.
He didn’t want to push you out of your comfort zone, he wanted you to lead the relationship but right at that moment, he wished he pried just a bit since he was worried about you.
Then in the midst of his anxiety, it came, that phone call.
“Atsumu.” your usual calm voice filled his ears and he suddenly feels the weight of the world is removed from his shoulders, thank god you were okay.
“Y/N? Baby? Where are you?”
“Where outside exactly?” Miya Atsumu dryly asks, “It’s cold, you shouldn’t be out now and wandering about. Would you like me to pick you up-”
“I can’t do this anymore.” you suddenly cut him off and the line goes quiet. The blonde feels the world around him quiet down too when he hears those words that he wished he heard wrong.
“What’s, what’s wrong? Y/N, are you alright?” 
“I don’t know,” You mutter, “I’m just tired.”
“Tired of what exactly?”
“Of you, of us…”
“Y/N, are you saying what I think you’re saying?” 
“Yes.” Your voice remained dead calm as if you just hadn’t broken his heart in a million pieces that moment, “Let’s stop this here now, Atsumu. Let’s break-up.”
“That’s…” He tries to keep the mood light, praying that this is one of your dark jokes, “That’s not funny, Y/N.”
“It’s not supposed to be since it’s not a joke.”
Your response was curt as usual and he doesn’t know whats worse, the fact that you’re breaking up over the phone or the fact that your tone remains stable and the same.
“Y/N, don’t do this...Baby don’t do this over the phone.” His tone seemed desperate at this point, “I’m not stopping this until you tell me what's wrong between us, you have to give me something to work with Y/N. Is it something I did?”
“I don’t know.”
“What do you mean ya don’t know?” Atsumu started to raise his tone when he notices how unaffected you seem at the other line.Frustration slowly started to bubble in him, the accent turning thicker as he got angrier, “Y/N ya can’t just disappear out of the blue and call me one day and tell me you want to break up! Do you think I’m some sort of fling? Some one-night stand or fuck buddies? We’ve been together for two years, Y/N. Two whole fucking years, What’s wrong? Do you not love me anymore?”
The line went dead silent again and he hates it, he doesn’t know what to say as his face contorts in sadness and confusion. 
“I don’t…” He starts to feel a lump grow on his throat when he hears how easy it was for you to say, he knew he was in love with you more than you were with him. Many had pointed out how dangerous and how painful it would be on his side in the end, he couldn’t believe it would hurt him this much, “ I don’t fucking believe you, say it right at my face. Where the hell are ya? Let’s talk this one out in person.”
“Don’t bother, I just don’t want to see you again.”
“Y/N you can’t just-”
“I can and I will.” You cut him off, your voice was growing more and more detached and he feels like he’s back to that moment two years ago where you didn’t spare him a glance and treated him like a scrub, he hears a hefty sigh on your side and the next few words is another bullet to his heart, “I’m sorry it had to end this way, Atsumu.”
“You…” he shakily replied, trying to mask his grief with a painful chuckle. He wants to be mad at you, he wants to yell at you but for some odd reason, he couldn’t bring himself to,  “Jesus christ, you really are something, Y/N. You just broke my heart over the the fucking phone and all you could do is say sorry?”
“Sorry.” you say, like a broken-record on repeat and he hates it. He hates how he feels like this was nothing for you.
“Don’t you dare say that again when you don’t mean it-” He spat and before he could finish what he had to say, the phone line went dead. He tried to call again but it seemed like you had used a payphone. Out of complete vexation, he hurls his phone right across the room towards the blue photo frame with the both of you in it.
The sound of broken glass shards and ragged breathing is the only thing heard in the quiet apartment.
It’s not even the peak of winter that night yet he feels so numb and cold.
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@fortheloveofiwaizumi​ ;  @svtbitch ; @ryaaaax ; @kiyoomile ; @lovedanii @juno-multifandom ; @gyubit17 ; @saeranoppa ; @nixxona ; @kyomihann @shorttstackk ; @itsmattsunshinehere ; @missingmystogan​ ; @Etherynaw ; @volleybloop​ ; @imcravingyou​ ;
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kivng · 3 years
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hi hi, everyone! it is me again, hades... and today, i present to you my second character: ahn kyung, your local horror enthusiast! with a few issues here and there because why not, right? he’s a poet and author of horror books, and he’s also struggling a little to fit into the publishing industry... he’s a writer, not a businessman! anyways, click here to access his stats page, and here to access his biography ( tw: fire, death, anxiety, substance abuse ). the wanted connections page is still a wip, but here’s the link anyways. under read more, you’ll find a tl;dr of his biography because i know... it got way too long and i’m so sorry... 
tw: fire, death, anxiety, substance abuse.
he was born in a very disfunctional family, which resulted in his parents devorcing when he was still a toddler because papa couldn’t keep it in his pants; he got another woman pregnant.
after the divorce, he had no contact with his father because his mother was that bitter about being cheated on; so he grew up without a father figure.
his mother taught him how to read very early on, and how to write as well, since books were a huge part of their lives. his mother was a writer of fantasy novels, and her books were pretty popular.
he started writing poems when he was around six years old, and his mother was so proud of him. but there was a bad part in the way she was raising him... she scared him, she told him that he should be careful with his words because they could hurt people. so... little kyung didn’t speak. 
he knew how to speak, but he chose not to. instead, he’d write notes to his mother whenever he needed to communicate with her. she encouraged that behavior...
anyways, one night their house caught on fire. how? kyung was left alone, and he thought it’d be a good idea to play with fire. :)
his mother burned down with her entire library, and kyung himself ended with a severe burn on his left arm; since his father was absent and didn’t really want anything to do with a “problematic child”, his aunt took him under her wing.
she raised him well, paid for the best health care to treat his wounds, and also put him in therapy to work on his speech. boy can’t be mute forever. 
slowly and with a lot of anxiety, he starts speaking again. and he continues to write, branching out a little to explore other types of text other than poems — that’s when his passion for horror began.
he published his first book and it was a big success!!! he published it under an alias: KIΛNG.
he still felt guilty for his mother’ death though, and the guilt made him go after things that would leave him numb :) so in highschool :) substance abuse became a thing ( i’m still not sure if it’s only alcohol or if he touched drugs too but... i’ll figure that out eventually ).
he quit his addiction for a while when he enlisted, but got back to it as soon as he returned. he says it helps him feel more inspired to write his horror stories, but who knows.
now, he’s trying to run the family business while also trying to avoid his father and his stepsister at all costs; yup, the dude sundelly developed an interest in his son now that he’s the owner of the family company.
ahn is not his father’s name, it’s his mother’s. she changed kyung’s name as soon as the divorce happened.
ANYWAYS, he hates his father and stepsister, he is struggling tod deal with the business but he is not willing to let it go, and he continues writing his spooky books and poems.
that’s ahn kyung. im sorry this is so long, the biography is worse....... rip admins for reading all that.
childhood friends;
high school friends;
high school crushes;
army friends;
exes and i apologize in advance, you probably broke up with him because he sucks.
other artists;
people related to his family in a professional level;
family, like cousins and etc;
HIS STEPSISTER!!! his plan is to ruin your life and i am so sorry...
neighbors, bonus points if you absolutely hate him because you can hear him watching horror movies late at night and you’re scared — go complain about it and he’ll invite you in;
unrequited crushes;
a rival, gimme angst, gimme fights, gimme pain >:3
anything, give me anything!
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lassieposting · 3 years
Any alive! Skulduggery hcs that you haven't shared? I live by your version of him tbh
Hi anon! I think I covered skug's backstory up to when he signs up to fight and then skipped ahead to when he meets his wife, so you can have the Early War Years
- so when we left skug, he'd been on the pirate adventure and essentially moved in with ghastly's family at age 16, and that's where he stays for the next three years. Ghastly's father introduces him to taking pride in his appearance, Ghastly introduces him to Hopeless, and Ghastly's mother Saoirse introduces him to three things: motherly love, household chores, and the back of her hand for swearing in the house. He settles into the family, flirts with the prettiest local girls, develops an allergy to manual labour, and starts Experimenting™ with Ghastly, who's absolutely besotted with him.
- at 19, he has his surge, and it's bad. Ghastly has his a few months earlier, and it wasn't pleasant, but Ghastly was always going to be an elemental. He was sick and achy for a few days and howling in pain for just one or two. Skug expects much the same: he hasn't used necromancy in years, and he's had the best elemental tutors his parents could find.
- But he's inherited an insanely strong necromancy gene from his biological father, and an insanely strong elemental gene from his mother, and his surge ultimately comes down to two branches of magic trying to destroy each other to be the last gene standing. His temperature skyrockets as the elemental gene tries to burn the necromancy out of him. What looks like black blood seeps from his eyes and his nose and the corner of his mouth. His veins go black as the shadows retaliate. It goes on for days. Ghastly's mother is beside herself trying to get water into him so he doesn't die of thirst.
- If he hadn't also inherited the extremely rare genetic abnormality responsible for magical ambidexterity, his surge would've killed him. But he did, so it doesn't, and eventually he comes out of it and spends the next six months or so just recovering.
- at this point, the sanctuary is pushing recruitment. Ghastly doesn't look twice at the posters, but skug does. Ghastly's whole world is his family, their farm, and his father's tailoring business. But skug's father is a diplomat, he's got extended family involved in the war, he was supposed to go to a fancy French university that ended up being burned down during an attack by some pro-Mevolent riots, he's had to field questions from smaller siblings about when - and if - their dad would be coming home. He's highly educated, politically savvy, and emotionally involved. He decides he wants to sign up to fight.
- Saoirse does her best to talk him out of it, but skug is skug, and he digs his heels in and insists this is what he wants to do. He's going to join the war effort.
- Ghastly and Hopeless think it over and decide to join up with him. Hopeless, because he's an idealistic young man looking for glory, and Ghastly because someone has to watch skulduggery's back and keep him out of trouble, or he'll get himself shot long before he gets to set foot on a battlefield.
- honestly, ghastly isn't expecting skug to last long in the army. Skug is a pampered spoiled rich brat, and he's about to be surrounded by people who will scream in his face and make him do drills and expect him to obey orders, and he thinks it will take a few weeks tops before skug wants to desert
- that is. Not what happens
- like. none of them like it very much to begin with. hopeless has never had to do this much exercise in his life, and he hates it. ghastly is lonely and homesick and just wants to go back to dublin. and their first CO decides he hates skug on like, their first day of training, because he's a smart-mouthed arrogant asshole who's never had to be afraid of anything but his own father, and he does not react well to being ridiculed during drills. skug's ego takes a good solid battering because the other enlistees don't appreciate being given extra chores as punishment for him mouthing off, ghastly has to crack some skulls to make sure he won't be bullied for his scars, hopeless doesn't quite fit in and gets some nasty ribbing over it
- but also? they've got untapped talent, all three of them. they end up black ops fighters for a reason. hopeless tops the class for intelligence and undercover operations, because he can become anyone. ghastly is strong and level-headed and does well under pressure. and skulduggery is a natural leader, a ruthless tactician, and has a tendency to pull off insane plans that would go horribly for anyone else.
- they survive basic training. they get sent into the field. and ghastly and hopeless find that they're actually pretty good at this. they earn the respect of the rest of their platoon. and skulduggery? he starts to thrive
- this is the era of wealthy aristocrats buying their way into leadership positions they don't have the experience or common sense to do well in. almost none of the lower-class soldiers have any patience for it, but as a fellow aristo Skug has the social standing to call them out on it, so he still has a habit of making enemies of his commanding officers. he resents being handed orders by men who are less than he is, less clever, less observant, less capable. he goes out of his way to prove that his way of doing things is better.
- and? it works for him, sort of. he gets promoted several times - first he's pulled out of the enlisted ranks to be trained up as an officer, then he makes lieutenant, then captain - partly because he's Challenging to deal with and partly because he's becoming incredibly competent. it's fairly common for skug to get a flogging (for disobeying orders) and a promotion (because it worked out well for him) simultaneously. he has quite a few stripes by the time he meets wifey. when he starts being given command of a squad of his own, he takes ghastly with him as his number two, and hopeless comes along for the ride.
- at some point, skug gets palmed off on then-colonel corrival deuce. it's phrased as "oh here i'll give you some of my best men", but corrival is experienced enough to recognise "god please take this one off my hands im begging you" when he sees it, and sure enough, he butts heads with skug almost as soon as they're introduced.
- by this point skulduggery's men have developed a reputation for being a bit wild, and they're very loyal to him, so corrival has his work cut out. but? he's got a bit of a different approach to a lot of his fellow officers, because he came up through the ranks himself. so instead of locking horns with skug and trying to flog him into compliance, he turns skug into his pet project, his protégé. he gives him a loose rein, defends his decisions to the higher-ups, and doesn't interfere too much with how skug runs his team, but he also doesn't tolerate backtalk, bullshit or cheek. he's the stern-but-fair mentor figure - the Captain Holt/Captain Pellew/Lord Wellington to skug's Peralta/Hornblower/Sharpe. and skug's never had a very involved father figure, because ghastly's father is massively introverted and his own was short-tempered and perpetually disappointed in him, so corrival trips his "kids want boundaries" switch and actually wins him over.
- corrival hangs onto him after that. as he gets promoted and moved around, skug goes with him, and by extension so do his team. corrival learns to use the sensible members of the group - ghastly and hopeless, then erskine - to triangulate skug and stop his temper getting the better of him. he's incredibly proud of his chosen men, and all three of them really come into their own under his guidance. skug turns down promotion a couple times because it would mean a change of CO, and he knows there aren't many people he'd take orders from anymore.
- and then skug meets wifey.
- when skug gets married, neither his mother or father attend. they don't approve of wifey or her pitiful dowry. they assume, as does kenspeckle, that he's marrying her to Do The Decent Thing because he's knocked her up, and his father reassures him that he doesn't have to marry the girl, just send her somewhere far away and send her money to support her brat, and this whole sorry indiscretion can be put behind him. skug is. furious. he was smart enough not to take wifey with him to announce the engagement, and he ends up having a screaming match with his father that ends with him a) walking out and b) getting disinherited. he marries her anyway, and despite mr and mrs pleasant senior snubbing the whole event, he's got a full complement of parents there all the same - ghastly's parents turn up, and so does corrival.
- it's a military thing - skug's in his military dress uniform, they cut the cake with his sword - the parade sword, at least, the one he's never actually used, they walk out of the venue through the sword arch and skug's team do the rifle salute. ghastly's mother drags him to one side, pulls him down by the shirtfront to fuss over his hair and try to make it lay flat, licks her thumb and wipes a smudge off his cheek, embarrasses him in front of all his friends. then corrival snags him while they're waiting for the bride, tells him off for not having perfectly shiny buttons, redoes his collar for him, and tells him, "You'll do" like he isn't about to cry a lil. he offers skug some whiskey from his flask "for courage" and without really thinking skug says he doesn't need it because he's never been so sure about anything in his life and corrival is just. he's fine. he's not choked up at all. stand up straight, boy, for god's sake.
- he also makes a speech ghastly still brings up hundreds of years later, because it's the soppiest the old man ever got with any of them. along the lines of "i never had a son, and if i had, i like to think he would've turned out absolutely nothing like you, because you are single-handedly the reason i am going grey several hundred years ahead of schedule. that being said, i couldn't be prouder of the man you've become; you are at least half as stubborn and annoying now as you were when i met you, and i think i can claim at least some of the credit." and then, to wifey, "as to you, my dear, you have freed me, this monster is yours now. to your health, and my heartiest hopes that your future children turn out like you, because one of him is plenty."
- wifey laughs until her sides hurt and she's wheezing. skug pretends he's offended. ghastly wolf-whistles noisily and gets clipped round the ear by his mama. corrival tears up a little in the middle of his speech and clears his throat to hide it. and when it's all over and they're about to leave, wifey thanks him for coming because she knows it meant a lot to skug, and he promises her he'll do his best to bring skug home safe and sound until this damnable war is over.
(he wishes he'd been able to keep that promise until the day he dies)
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flor3nces · 4 years
help me | spencer reid x fem!reader
AHHH OMG i am so in love with this. my heart yall. my heart :(. ugh im so so proud on how this turned out. this is sort of based off season 15 episode 9 “face off.” n e wayssss, i hope you enjoy this because i sure enjoy writing this <3
going alone was a mistake. i knew that the moment i spotted both of our unsubs together. two against one. it wasn’t going to end well. i should’ve called for backup when i had the chance but i didn’t.
“fbi! put your hands where i can see them!” i yelled. they turned around and my heart stopped for a moment. “drop the gun.” marcus was ruthless, he’d shoot a federal agent if he had too, or if he even wanted to.
marcus dropped the gun. “kick it over here. anthony drop the backpack.” he dropped the backpack just as his father kicked over the gun. i needed to pick up the gun and put into my holster before marcus even tried to make a move to get it back.
having to pick up the gun meant i had to let my guard down. i thought over it for a moments but kept a straight face and gun pointed at them. i started to lower my body to the ground but kept looking up every few moments.
it wasn’t until i got to the gun, that i completely let my guard down. i turned my head towards the gun, and that’s when i heard the gun shot. i didn’t have enough time to react as it hit just under my arm.
the gunshot sent me into the air. i landed roughly onto the concrete. marcus and anthony got into the car just a few moments after and sped off. i turned my head as the car rushed past me. my vision started to get filled with black spots but i didn’t let myself close my eyes.
i coughed and a bunch of blood came out. more and more blood gushed out. i was certain that at this point i was laying right in a pile of my own blood. tears welled up in my eyes as i started to cough again. blood covered my entire mouth and spilled over the side of my face.
spencer’s voice rang in my ears but i couldn’t move my arm to even try and let him know that i was shot. “y/n? where are you?” only a few moments passed before his voice came back. “y/n, do you copy?”
i couldn’t do anything. i just laid there, bleeding out in a garage of some building. i’d probably die in here if no one came in here.
footsteps. they were coming closer and closer. i didn’t even try and move my head. “y/n!” spencer. it was spencer. i wasn’t going to die after all. at least not here. “we need an ambulance, y/n’s down!” i heard spencer yell into his mic as he put pressure on my wound. “you’re going to be okay, okay? stay with me, y/n.”
i tried. i really did but my eyes were starting to get heavy and i was getting fairly tired. “no, no. hey, look at me.” i let my eyes find spencer’s face. “that’s it, look at me.” i coughed again and more blood came out. just as i was losing conscious i heard the medics rushing to spencer and i.
“stay with me, y/n.” i heard some woman say as they put me onto the stretcher. they put an oxygen mask over my face and wheeled me into the ambulance. that’s when i blacked out.
i watched as they wheeled y/n into the ambulance. i felt a hand on my shoulder. “go, we’ll find them.” i turned towards jj and sent her a tight lipped smile before running off to get into the ambulance before they took off.
“is she going to be okay?” my voice was shaky as i spoke. the nurse gave me a small smile. “she’s strong. she’ll make it.” i nodded at her words and held y/n’s hand.
it wasn’t until we got to the hospital when things went wrong. just as they were about to wheel her into a room her heart stopped. not only did her’s stop, but so did mine.
they ripped her shirt open and started to try and get her heart running again. i just stood there, helpless. i watched as the first try in getting her back, didn’t work. her body jolted as the defibrillator came in contact with her skin. “again!”
i watched as her body jolted once again. “she’s back!” i turned my head towards her heart monitor so fast, i could've gotten whiplash. and her heart was back to normal, or at least running again. thank god. i wasn’t going to lose her, at least not today.
“are you her husband?” a nurse i’ve never seen before asked me as i watched them wheel her away. “no, she’s- she’s not married.”
“are you her boyfriend?” i shook my head. “okay, i’ll call you when she’s out of surgery.” i walked to the waiting room they had for federal agents and waited.
the team called and asked to give them updates. penelope called and asked if she was okay, as soon as i answered the phone. “yeah, she’s in surgery right now.” i heard her let out a sigh of relief.
“please, call me as soon as you hear something.” i told her, i’d try and make her one of the first to hear about her condition.
it seemed as if i was waiting for hours. i ended up falling asleep only to be awoken by a smiling nurse telling me that she made it. i jumped out of my seat and asked to see her.
“of course, she’s in a coma right now. but she’ll hopefully be awake soon.” the nurse told me as she lead the way towards her room. i thanked her in a small voice before walking into her room.
as soon as i saw her laying there. with so many iv’s attached to her arm, tears welled up in my eyes. i stood by her, reaching over to push her hair out of her face.
“i’m sorry. i’m so sorry, y/n. i should’ve realized that you were missing sooner. but i didn’t and because of that you almost died.
i can’t imagine a world without you. and i know how corny this is going to sound but, i would’ve hated myself for the rest of my life if i let you die without telling you how i feel.
truth is, i’ve loved you were since you walked through those doors. which is 6 years, 47 days, 5 minutes, and 39 seconds ago from now. i thought it was just a silly crush at first and i’d get over it but i didn’t.
the moment i realized that i might lose you cause my heart to stop. i’d say world but you’re my world. if they didn’t get your heart beating again, i would’ve lost my world...”
i stopped for a moment to let out a small chuckle. “just, please for the love of god, please wake up. i don’t know what i’d do if i lost you. please.. don’t leave me.” i didn’t even notice that i was crying until a tear landed on her hand.
i wiped it quickly. i pulled up a chair next to her bed and laid my head beside her arm. my eyes shut and i fell asleep rather fast.
i was awoken again by fingers going through my hair. i lifted my head up and turned towards the source. “hi.” y/n’s voice was a bit rough but it still came out as soft as she could make it. “hey. how’re you feeling?”
“well.. despite being shot, i’m okay.”
“that’s not funny. i thought i almost lost you. your heart stopped, you know?”
“i’m sorry, i just don’t want this room to be all sad.”
“no, it’s alright. i’m sorry for snapping at you.”
“hey, it’s okay. i’d be the same if this were to happen to you.”
her hand found mine and she began playing with my fingers. “you know, i was putting up a hella of a fight before i eventually lost?” i looked at her as she spoke. it was as if nothing else in the world matter because i didn’t lose her. i still had her and it wasn’t really the best moment to tell her how i feel but before i could change my mind the world came flying out of my mouth.
“i love you.” silence engulfed the room quickly. “i love you too, spence.” y/n said after a while. “no, not like that. y/n, i’m in love with you and i have been for the past six years.”
i avoided eye contact with her at all cost as i just confessed how i felt towards her for the longest time. “spencer, look at me please.” i slowly looked up and met her eyes.
her pupils were very dilated and i couldn’t believe i didn’t see it sooner. “god, you don’t know how long i’ve wanted to hear those words.” her giggles filled the room and it felt as if my heart would burst from my chest. “i’m in love with you too, spencer.”
a huge smile made its way onto my face. in fact it was so big that it started to hurt. “now, are you just going to sit there smiling like a huge dork or kiss me?” i laughed at her words and leaned in to kiss her,
and i know almost everyone says this and i truly didn’t believe them at all when they said that they felt as if fireworks were going off or that there were butterflies fluttering around in your stomach, when you kissed someone you love. but goddamn, i sure did believe them now.
unfortunately, we had to pull away as our lungs were begging for fresh air. “wow.” i laughed at her expression. “yeah.” she softly kissed my nose and leaned back, smiling up at me with the softest smile i’ve ever seen on her face.
“oh my god! why didn’t you call me?!” i heard penelope yell. y/n turned her head towards her and smiled. “please, don’t yell. my head already hurts enough from these lights.” i watched as garcia gasped. “oh! i am so sorry.”
“wait! so he confessed his undying love for you?” penelope asked as she had gotten settled in. spencer left to go try and help with the case but called every 20 minutes.
“yes, and then he kissed me. my gosh, can you believe it penny?!” she let out a squeal. “was it magical? did you feel butterflies in your stomach?” i nodded at her words and let put a dreamy sigh.
“we have to tell the others!”
“no. not yet, please. i just want to enjoy for a few days before telling the team.”
“oh sweetheart you know i can’t keep secrets.”
“please, penelope. can you try?”
“of course! you, my gorgeous friend, just got shot. i will do everything in my power to keep quiet.”
“thank you.” just as we were about to watch a movie on garcia’s personal laptop, spencer walked in. “ugh. you have the worst timing ever, boy wonder! we were about to watch a movie but now that you’re here she’s going to have all her attention on you.” penelope whined.
“nice to see you too, garcia.” spence said as he looked at me confused. i shurgged as i knew that she wasn’t about to let him have any of my attention. “watch this moive with us. she’s not cleared to leave until tomorrow so until then i’m going to stay here with her.”
“no, that’s okay. you can go home peneople. i’ll stay here with her.” i watched as she give him the biggest death glare i’ve ever seen her give to someone. “i am staying her with her, you can leave.”
“okay, why don’t you both stay here.” i look at garcia as she nods her head and presses play on her laptop but not before giving spence another death glare. i lean up towards spencer’s ear. “if looks could kill, i’m pretty sure you’d be dead by now.”
“trust me, i know.” we both giggled. i gave him a soft kiss before cuddling up into him and turning my attention towards the movie.
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a-hundred-jewels · 3 years
what, you egg? - chapter 1
Fandom: The Penderwicks Series - Jeanne Birdsall
Words: 1408
Tags: Transgender, Coming of Age, (i guess??), Vingettes, Series of Moments, kind of in a similar vein to "Sparkle and Fade", which is that really good penderwicks fic about skye by spark writer on ff.net, the title is a multilayered joke that im very proud of, i see all you trans shakespeare enthusiasts and i love you
Rosalind Penderwick has known that she is a girl for as long as she can remember. It's just the rest of the world that needs to catch up.
Or: The childhood of Rosalind Penderwick told in a series of vingettes and short stories as she navigates choosing her name, dealing with her mother's death, and being true to herself.
Fic under the cut (or on Ao3)
chapter 1: names and pizza
The notes were scratchy, drifting through the walkman on the grass. Pressing the headphones closer to her small ears, Leonarda--
“Nope.” She sat up abruptly, and the headphones fell onto the grass. “Nope, nope, nope.”
“Which one was that?” Her sister, Skye, with blond hair and long, lanky limbs, sat up next to her, grass stains smudged on her cheek like face paint.
“Oh. That’s one of the ones Jane picked, right?”
“Yeah.” She flopped back down to the grass and sighed.
“I can tell her.” Skye hugged her knees to her chest. She was six, but tall for her age, almost as tall as her older sister.
“Thanks.” It wasn’t that Leonarda wasn’t a good name. It just wasn’t right. Jane would understand.
Headphones in again, Fleetwood Mac drifted into the girl’s ears and she shut her eyes.
“Jane?” On hurried footsteps, the girl ran down the stairs. “Jane, what’s that smell?” No answer. She sped down the hall to the kitchen.
Jane was sitting cross legged on the kitchen table with her nose buried in a book, apparently oblivious to the awful smell surrounding her. She looked up at the sound of feet. “What about Lucy Pevensie?” she said, her eyes shiny like they were still seeing the sparkling snow of Narnia, instead of her older sister standing at the kitchen door.
“What? No, I don’t think I can name myself Lucy Pevensie. Jane, what happened to the pizza? And where’s Skye?”
“What about Susan Pevensie?”
“Jane!” Jane sighed and closed her book with small hands. Patiently, as though she was being asked a very silly question, she said, “Daddy is on the phone because Mommy called from the hospital.”
“Yes, I know that part. You and Skye were supposed to finish making the pizza and wait for Daddy to put it in the oven. Where’s Skye?”
“She’s washing the cheese off her soccer keets.” Jane smoothed her purple skirt over her lap and reached for her book again, but her sister stopped her.
“Jane, why is the oven on at four-hundred degrees--oh my god!” She turned the oven off and yanked its door open. Smoke poured out, and the smoke alarm shrieked in protest. Behind her, Jane started to cry, partly out of her fear of the smoke alarm and partly, the girl suspected, from the shame of being caught doing something you weren’t supposed to. Before anything else could be done, Skye ran in from the bathroom.
“I’m coming Jane! Oh god, please don’t cry! Uh, I can turn the thingy off! Whatever you do, just don’t get--oh.” Skye stopped in her tracks at the sight of her oldest sister. In her arms, Skye was carrying sopping wet soccer cleats and there was guilt written all over her face.
“Girls? What’s going on?” Their father entered the kitchen.
It was one of their father’s greatest features, the sisters thought, that upon entering a putrid-smelling kitchen with the smoke alarm blaring, Jane crying on the table, Skye hugging mysteriously wet soccer cleats to her chest, and the oldest sister standing at a smoking oven, that he knew exactly what to do. In the next couple of minutes, Skye’s cleats were laid across a towel on a radiator and Jane brought to the living room and given some cheese sticks. The father pulled the burning mess out of the oven, with his eldest two daughters watching intently.
“We thought it would just cook, Daddy,” Skye said, biting her fingernails. “We figured that we’ve seen you and Mommy do it so many times that we’d know what to do.”
“I know, honey. Just don’t use the oven again without me around.”
“Or Mommy, right?” Skye looked up at her father.
“Of course,” their father said, his face unreadable. “I know my girls are all very smart, but the oven gets so hot and I don’t want any of you to get burned, or for, uh, this to happen.”
“Okay,” Skye nodded. Her older sister was still looking at the charred pizza on the stove, though.
“I don’t understand why it smelled so bad,” she said.
“What do you mean?”
“The smell. We’ve burnt pizza before, when we’re cooking with Mommy, and I don’t think it’s ever smelled that bad.”
Their father frowned. “Good observation, my dear. Skye, what cheese did you use?”
Skye’s small fae scrunched up as she thought. “I don’t know,” she said. “Jane did the cheese.”
Her sister sighed and went through to the living room, where Jane was peeling her string cheese and draping it across her book. She didn’t look up when her sister walked in but said, in a sing-songy voice, “Hello, Susan Pevensie!”
“Not Susan Pevensie, and are you actually going to eat any of that?”
“Maybe,” Jane said. She dropped a strand in her mouth.
Her sister sighed. “Jane, Skye says you put the cheese on the pizza.”
“Uh huh. I did the cheese and Skye did the sauce.” Jane began dropping the rest of her cheese strings into her mouth.
“What kind of cheese did you use?”
“The tiny cheese.”
“The grated cheese in the blue bag that Daddy left on the table for you?”
Jane shook her head. “I don’t like the tiny cheese in the blue bag. I got the red bag out of the fridge.”
Her sister frowned. “We don’t have any more of the red bag. Daddy and I finished it yesterday when we made macaroni.”
“It was really far back.”
The girl bit the inside of her cheek. “Um, Jane, what did the cheese look like?”
Jane thought hard, then swallowed her cheese strips and proceeded to peel more. “Tiny,” she said.
“Was it a funny color?” The girl tried to keep the desperation out of her voice.
“It was speckly.”
The girl sighed. “Jane, why did you use speckly cheese?”
Jane’s lower lip began to wobble. “I thought it would be like how big cheese with holes in it is better than big cheese without holes in it. Tiny cheese in the red bag is the best kind, but speckled tiny cheese in the red bag is even better!” Little tears were rolling down Jane’s cheeks and she started to chew on her hair.
Her sister took her hand and led her into the kitchen to see their father peeling an apple into a long spiral.
“Daddy I put the speckled cheese in the red bag onto the pizza and now everything smells icky!” Jane wailed, running for the comfort of her father. He picked her up and held her close to his chest, her small arms wrapped tight around his neck as she cried into his shoulder.
“Daughter of mine, could you open the windows?” Mr. Penderwick laid his hand on the girls head, her messy curls poking up between his fingers. That’s what he’d taken to calling her -- “daughter of mine.” He’d smiled when she told him that she didn’t have a name yet, but she didn’t want to use her old one, and said that he was sure whatever she thought of would be perfect. He’d also lent her the book of baby names that he and her mother had used to name her and her sisters, years and years ago. The girl treasured it -- but only the first half, which she looked through whenever she felt brave enough. She never looked at the boy’s names, though, not wanting to see her old name -- her first name -- circled in black pen by her mother from all those years ago. And anyway, there were plenty of beautiful names in the girls section. The boy’s section didn’t need to matter.
She opened the kitchen window and leaned as far out as she could, enjoying the cool breeze on her face, and a smell other than burnt, moldy cheese.
In the end, the Penderwicks did have pizza that night. Soon after disposing of the mess Skye and Jane had tried to make, Mr. Penderwick ordered from Antonio’s pizza, letting Skye do the talking the way she liked to.
By the time the order came (one large cheese pizza and one medium pepper and mushroom pizza), the nights events were almost forgotten. The girl sat down at the kitchen table next to Jane and took the blue plate her father passed her with two pieces of cheese pizza on it.
Despite everything, it was a happy evening on Gardam street.
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raggedy-dxctor · 3 years
The Pirate Captain's Gift
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the simic hybrid grinned as their ship docked in the familiar and welcoming city. the fresh air and bustling streets reminded them of why they always missed home so much.
"damn i forgot how nice Goldcrest looked tnis early in the morning" they chuckled, stepping off their boat and stretching, letting out a sigh of relief as their muscles relaxed.
minutes later, the bell that signaled it was nine o'clock in the morning rang out, causing them to gasp, their mind instantly darting to the reason they rushed the crew to be back on this exact day. it was Lotus' birthday today! however, remembering it and getting home one time was the easy part, fiding him would be a whole different story. thankfully, it was very early in the morning, so they had a while to look.
after 30 minutes of strolling around the city and keeping their eye out for the birthday boy, their eyes caught a flash of a black cloak as a figure darted across the rooftops. "gotcha" Fallon grinned to themself as they chased the black silhouette of their best friend, instantly recognizing where he was going.
after running for five minutes Fallon came to a large archway, it was old and probably falling apart, but it brought on a sense of comfort in the pirate captain. the rest of the way was like instinct to them, they could walk the way with their eyes closed, still perfectly following the old path.
minutes later they arrived at the small, abandoned cottage, that no one had lived in for well over twenty years. on the roof they saw the birthday boy staring off into the distance, probably admiring the view of the large mountain that their city was cosily nestled under.
"long time no see, eh Lotus?" they shouted up, a mischievous grin on their face and the rogue jumped out of his skin. he facepalmed slightly as soon as he recognised the vpice and glared at them. the venomous glare caused Fallon to break down into a fit of laughter as they climbed the ladder that lead to the roof.
"idiot." Lotus muttered, a sour expression still painted on his face, which caused Emrys to jokingly roll their eyes. "c'mon Lotus! ive been gone for six months! the least you could do is greet your friend with a hug!" they jokingly reasoned, dramatically throwing their arms out to welcome a hug. the tiefling rogue just snorted and rolled his eyes, shaking his head. "absolutely not, no hugs"
"it's great to be home," Fallon laughed, sitting down and relaxing on the rooftop. "which reminds me, i targeted to come home for a very specific day and to my knowledge, i met that goal exactly so, happy birthday Lotus" their grin was replaced with a genuine smile of pride as they reached into their small satchel and pulled out a delicately designed book
the declaration caused Lotus' head to snap to the side, a slight look of astonishment on his face. his eyes only widened as he lowered his gaze to the present that Fallon was giving him.
the cover of the book was made out of fine leather that was dyed a deep, dark purple colour, it was embellished with the shape of a knife, delicately outlined with gold. he flipped open the cover to fund a small note written on the first page.
Happy birthday you sneaky bastard, im so proud of you for coming this far and im so glad i pestered you enough for you to let me join you.
~ Fallon."
"got this beauty custom made at a market down in Snowford about a month back, wish i'd got one for myself" they chuckled. clearly recounting their time in the ice capital with fondness. "thank you... it's beautiful" ue sounded speechless, gently examining the book. Fallon nodded understandingly and smiled.
after some more time on the rooftop, another bell rung out through the city, signalling it was twelve o'clock. "shit, i need to go unload the boat and catch up with a few close friends at the tavern, i'll see you around Lotus, feel free to stop by the ship anytime, im docked for another month!" they shouted up as they descended the ladder, you could practically hear the excitement radiating from them which caused Lotus to snort slightly.
as they waved and spun around, starting to jog towards the general direction of the docks, Lotus felt a sudden surge of desperation flood through them.
"Hey Fal'?" he called after them causing them to spin around, curiosity laced on their features, their head tilting slightly. "it's nice to have you home, let's go on a mission sometime soon! maybe do some bounty hunting, like we always used to!"
"i'd like that!" Fallon called back, a large grin on their face, waving once more before spinning around and dashing off into the distance.
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dokoni-mo · 4 years
Far Away, Together || Darth Vader x Reader (Chapter 7)
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(A/N: this was origninally supposed to go up tomorrow, but it was another one of those cases where i was writing at night and this bad boy basically completed itself. Im very proud of this chapter and I hope yall like it just as much as I do!! It was really fun imagining all of the things and writing them down :))) as always, feel free to ask to be added to the taglist :)) and feel free to send me any asks of anything you wanna say/know. All previous chapters have been liked below :)) )
(P.S: i got kinda misty-eyed while writing this so be warned)
Chapter One: [x]
Chapter Two: [x]
Chapter Three: [x] 
Chapter Four: [x]
Chapter Five: [x]
Chapter Five and a Half: [x]
Chapter Six: [x]
WARNINGS: canon typical voilence, usage of weapons, cursing, mentions of being in the hospital, some angst, mentions of death, otherwise none!!
Key: (F/N) = first name, (L/N) = last name. 
Word Count: ~7900
The force that surrounded the room had told him that something here was undeniably wrong. It frustrated him that he couldn’t yet piece it together, and frustrated him further that the force wouldn’t tell him the answer. 
The look in your eyes when he accepted the king’s offer only fueled his sense of self-doubt and second-guessing. Even if you didn’t know it, your eyes told him that you had felt a sense of unease in the room as well, but weren’t able to pick up on it's source. Perhaps it was just your nerves. Perhaps it was just the nerves that he had left. 
Watching you be whisked away by those guards was one of the hardest sights he had to bear, but he had no idea as to why. He had wanted very desperately for you to stay by his side during that meeting, but the sense of your boredom was plaguing his mind, distracting him. He hated that he had put you in such a situation, and thought that it might be nice for you to be entertained for a short while. 
But, the force told a much different story. 
He pretended that the last glance you gave him over his shoulder didn’t shake him to his core and made his fists ball. His thoughts of worry were consuming him whole. He would never admit it to anyone, let alone himself, but deep down inside of him, he was scared. Scared that look was the last one he would ever get from you. Scared that look you gave him was the last time he would ever be able to see the life in your eyes. His fists were shaking in the sheer amount of strength he gripped them with. Self-loathing and worry filled his mind. 
He had lost so many in his life. 
Yet, for some odd reason that he could not place… 
He did not want to lose you too. 
In fact, deep, deep down inside of him… 
He knew that losing you would finally destroy him. 
It would shatter any semblance of humanity he had within him. 
Despite feeling this so strongly, he still had no idea why. 
You were just a mechanic from Endor… 
Why did he feel the need to see you every day? To speak to you every day? To keep you by his side? To protect you? 
He couldn’t begin to know. 
Once you were ushered out of the room and the doors closed behind you, the only noise that filled the space was the sound of his respirator, working to a T just like it always did. Almost too quickly, he reached out with the force, searching for the feeling of you. 
Sure enough, you were still there. Still alive and unharmed. Big shocker, since you had literally just left, but… 
He was… relieved. 
“Now, my Lord,” the King spoke, that idiotic smirk plasterd on his face, “where were we?” 
“We were discussing the terms of agreement to join the Empire.” Lord Vader spoke flatly, his mind still somewhere else. 
“Ah! Yes, of course!” the king responded. His voice was cheery. 
Too cheery. 
It was disgusting. Revolting. Yet Lord Vader had to push on, by order of his master.
Lord Vader sensed more guards enter the room without even having to turn his head. The muscles of his shoulders tensed as he felt their presence, causing his adrenaline to stir. 
Something was definitely off. But, he decided to ignore it. Surely they wouldn’t try anything. These creatures didn’t seem that idiotic as to try and go toe-to-toe with him. Yet still… his mind seemed to wander again and again to the thought of you. The thought of you somehow being in some sort of danger. Trying his best to attend to the matter at hand, he told himself that you were in good hands with the guards. But, why did it feel like a lie? Why did it feel wrong? He decided to explain these questions with only his nerves acting up, and nothing more. 
“So what exactly will be the, erm… benefits that my planet receives from the Empire, my Lord?” The king asked. Lord Vader barely even realized that he had said anything. 
“Your planet will become a base of empirical troops. They will replace your guards and police systems if you wish. Otherwise, they will be serving there strictly for the Empire. You will also be financially compensated for all the resources you give the Empire.” 
Maker, did Lord Vader hate conversing with potential allies like this. 
“Splendid!” the king exclaimed, clapping his clammy, wrinkled hands together. If Lord Vader hadn’t been wearing a mask, he would have rolled his eyes. 
The king then started to babble on and on about how he was so pleased with Lord Vader’s visit to his planet and how honored he was to be joining the Empire and blah blah blah blah blah. A wash of anger overcame Lord Vader as he was forced to listen to the old man blubber on and on and on. This is the part that he especially hated when mingling with potential Empire recruits. They always felt the need to suck up to him and to the Empire. Lord Vader wished that they would just cut to the chase and tell him how they really felt. 
Just like you did. All the time. 
Zoning out from the king’s still-ongoing rambles, Lord Vader’s mind began to drift again. His sense of worry was overtaking him once more, swallowing him whole. If he were not in that infernal, hellish suit that kept him alive, everyone would be able to see clear as day that he was not okay; that he was worried sick, that he was scared. However, the hard shell of his exterior, coupled with his large frame and tough aura made everyone think that there was no human within those layers of buttons, leather, and metal. There was no one capable of emotion or feeling within the depths of steel that covered the thing within. Granted, he was to appear this way to everyone by order of his master, and Lord Vader did obey his master’s command. However, deep down inside of him, for a very long amount of time, he hoped that someone could look at him and see a person, and not just the Empire’s most feared weapon. 
You had done that. 
And fuck was he worried about you. 
He couldn’t bear it any longer. He had to know that you were okay. That you were safe. 
Droning out the king’s still ongoing blubbering, Lord Vader focused all his attention on manipulating and bending the force around him. Focusing on your life force, he felt his shoulders tense as every fluid in his metal-clad body that was still left run cold. 
Your life force had diminished significantly. And, you were fading still.
His breathing hitched in his respirator. His fists were shaking in a flurry of passionate emotion.
He would not allow this. 
Not caring at all about what the king had to say, Lord Vader cut him off mid-speech. 
“I wish for my mechanic to return to me at once.”
The king looked at Lord Vader like the sith had grown a second head as his majesty was silenced. The king swallowed thickly as he leaned his body to the other end of his hair, his hand wrapping around his chin as he rubbed it gingerly. 
There was no mistaking the emotion that glossed over his blue eyes. Lord Vader had seen it countless times before. 
Lord Vader’s anger was reaching a boiling point. 
“M-My Lord! But she has only just left! Surely you could allow her more time to-” the king tried to reason, only to be cut off again.
“I want her here now. Do not make me ask again.” 
No one made even the slightest movement after Lord Vader spoke. The air was silent except for the mechanical breathing coming from Lord Vader’s person. The aura that emanated from the room was crisp, full of anticipation. If one were to listen hard enough, one would potentially be able to hear the sweat dripping down the guard’s foreheads as they gripped their blasters tighter. A thick, yet undetectable to the untrained scent filled the air. Lord Vader knew the scent all too well. He had smelled it so often throughout the years. There was no mistaking it. 
Lord Vader’s anger filled every atom within his person. 
The king was the one to break the tension, clearing his throat. 
His tone was much lower than normal. Serious. 
“I’m… I’m afraid I can not do that-” 
Everything that happened next was so fast that everyone present had barely had any time to process it. Faster than lightning, Lord Vader had risen from his seated position, his chair launching back faster than a speeding blaster shot. Sensing the rage coming off of him, the guards in the room pointed their blasters at the sith lord and fired, the blue streaks of light illuminating the room in quick, pulsive flashes. Using the force to deflect away the bolts, Lord Vader took his saber off of his belt, igniting it in his grip.
Lord Vader deflected the bolts off of his lightsaber that continued to barrage him, sending them off in wild directions, striking a few guards and making them drop dead to the floor. White-hot, passionate rage burning inside him, Lord Vader swung his saber faster and stronger than he ever had before, the muscles in his arms rippling beneath his suit. A few other guards were caught in this flurry of anger and the brilliant crimson to match, their pieces now scattered on the floor. 
Sensing one last guard left alive, Lord Vader hurled his saber to the other side of the room, cutting the guard clean in half as well as a few decorations in its path. Watching the guard’s body fall dead to the ground, he sensed one last man trying to escape his fury. 
The king. 
His saber returning to his right hand, Lord Vader reached out his left hand to the king who was halfway out the door, beckoning the force to do the same. Bending to Lord Vader’s will, the force wrapped an invisible, large, strong hand around the king’s throat, immediately making him gasp for air. Feeling his feet leave the ground, the king was quickly and violently pulled by the force into Lord Vader’s grasp, his robotic hand wrapping tightly around his majesty’s royal throat. Darth Vader loomed oh so ominously above the king as he was held tightly in his grasp, the dark lord’s saber humming forebodingly in his other hand. The king was gasping and choking for air at this point, his eyes wide and filled to the brim with fear.
The king had thought he was staring death right in the face. 
And, he was. 
Desperately trying to get away, the king tried fruitlessly to kick at the sith, the soles of his boots leaving skids on the metal that adorned the dark lord’s body. Lord Vader didn’t care in the slightest. The only reason why he didn’t immediately kill that old man because only he knew the answer to what Lord Vader did care to know. 
The only thing that pumped through Lord Vader’s body at this point was burning, boiling, white-hot fury as he spoke to the king in his choke-hold, his voice oh so much more deep and constricting. 
“Where is she?” 
When you finally came-to, you instantly realized three things. 
One: your wrists were tied together, and there was a chain around your ankle.
Opening your eyes and feeling your body again, you had barely been able to feel these restraints at first. But as you began to stir, they became far more apparent. Grogginess lacing your mind, you were confused at first on why you weren’t able to rub your eyes. Looking down at your hands, you finally noticed the pair of metal restraints that were bound around your wrists, making you unable to move your hands freely. You were terribly puzzled at first, but quickly remembered that the guards had assaulted you, locking you in this room. Trying to move your feet, you felt a pull at your right ankle as you shifted and twisted. Looking down, you noticed a similar restraint to the one on your wrist keeping you chained to the floor, the chain only about one and a half foot long. 
Two: there was a pounding in your head. 
You were less challenged by coming up with an explanation to this one. Remembering the events prior to you blacking out, you figured that your pounding head was from when the guard struck you with the butt of his rifle. The aching feeling was in the same spot. Honing in on the sensation a moment longer, you noticed that it felt as if something was caked onto that side of your head. Your lips tightened into a line as you deduced what it was. 
Three: you weren’t alone in that room anymore. 
Focusing your eyes to train on what was in front of your vision, you noticed three pairs of feet standing about five feet away from you, all adorned with pairs of boots. Recognizing them as no where near empirical standards, your brow furrowed. The symbol of the rebellion you saw… 
These were rebels. 
Not wanting to lie down on the cold ground any longer, you shifted your body so that you could roll onto your butt, and eventually sit on your knees. Your body sore from lying on that cold, hard ground for an unknown amount of time, you shot a glare upwards, hoping that it landed upon your rebel captors. 
Sure enough, it did, and you were greeted with two familiar faces, and one unknown one. The two you recognized were the guards who had brought you to this room. The one you didn’t know was smirking devilishly down at you, her hands on her hips as she looked at you like you were living filth. You were almost offended, but you remembered who exactly you worked for. You supposed that made her opinion more justifiable, since she was indeed a rebel. However, this did not stop you from glaring daggers right into her eyes, your lips in a slight scowl. 
“Well, look who finally decided to join the party!” the rebel woman said, crossing her arms over her chest. She was a bit of a more mature woman (about early to mid thirties), and had the medals on her coat to match her experience. You had no idea what rank she was. It was almost impossible to tell with rebel uniforms, since, well, they didn’t really have uniforms. You envied them for that. 
“It's not like I wanted to be here in the first place…” you mumbled out, your gaze dropping to the floor for a moment. 
Your quip must have angered the female rebel. She spoke through her teeth as she responded to you, her brow furrowing in frustration. 
“What did you say to me, empirical scum?” 
It was your turn to make your brow furrow, your wrists straining against the restraints. 
“What does it matter to you?! Let me go!” you bellowed, although you were almost certain that your demands were not going to be met. 
Your confirmation came seconds later after the woman let out a laugh. 
“No way, missy! We are nowhere near done with you yet.” 
You sighed quickly to yourself at this, your brow still furrowed in anger and frustration. 
“I don’t know how many times you’ve heard this before, but I won't tell you anything.” you retorted back, a smirk tugging at your lips at your not-so-subtle teasing. Although you didn’t exactly classify yourself as loyal to the Empire, you were still no fool as to get you on it's bad side. Furthermore, it was moreso him you were loyal to… 
Lord Vader. 
The thought of his name made your mind start to spiral. Did he know you were there? Where was he? Would he come for you? Would he even bother to even ask where you were? Would he care if you were captured by this lady and held as a prisoner for the rest of your years? The times you remembered sharing with him on that damned planet said yes… But you were still worried nonetheless. Still scared. Perhaps it was just you being scared of being taken prisoner, but your mind started to feel with fears and doubts the longer you sat there on the floor. Unable to hide your worry, your eyes kept darting to and from the door, hoping to see a familiar sith-lord standing in it's frame. 
Noticing your wandering eyes, the rebel woman reached out and gripped the back of your hair, forcing you to look up at her as you winced. 
“What’s the matter?” she asked, her voice feigning concern, “Hoping that monster will come and save you? Don’t be fucking ridiculous.” The woman spat at you, violently letting go of your hair as she re-crossed her arms. 
“He’s… y-you’ll never get away with this.” you panted out, your voice stammering. Your mind still racing, you could barely hide any of your fear. 
The rebel woman tsked as she rolled her eyes. 
“Psh. Please. We’ve already got half the job done. We got Vader alone with our finest, and there’s no way he could take them all on at once-” 
You breathed out a laugh before she could finish. 
“Maker, you really are that dumb…” 
Scowling down at you, the woman cleared her throat as she continued. 
“We didn’t expect Vader to bring someone like you along with him. We expected some pilot or officer that we could just kill off. That was the original plan for you, missy…” 
You kept your gaze trained straight in front of you as the woman started to pace around you. 
“And by all accounts, it still is. Unless, you give us what we want.” 
You pursed your lips before speaking, “Which is?” 
“Information,” the woman hissed, leaning down to get in your ear, “We know who you are, (F/N) (L/N). You’re his mechanic. You know things.” 
You let out a scoff, “Look, as you said, I’m just a mechanic, lady. It’s not like I’m going to know valuable secrets to the Empire. You’re embarrassing yourself.” 
The woman looked up at the guards and nodded to them at your answer. Quickly, the same guard who had knocked you unconscious moved his arms, revealing to you a long, silver stick with a ring of electricity around one end, filing the room with it's sound. You licked your lips at the sight of this, your eyes darting to the door again. 
Please… don’t leave me behind, you thought to yourself as sweat started to form on your brow. 
“Does that jog your memory, mechanic?” the woman hissed. 
“No, not really. Because I don’t know-” 
You were cut off by your own loud groan of pain as the guard pressed the electrical end of the stick to your shoulder, sending volts of electricity through your veins and nerves. It was agony. You now understood why stormtroopers who patrolled the prison blocks said they still heard the screams at night. 
Removing the stick from your shoulder, you let your head dangle down as you closed your eyes, your brow still furrowed. You refused to show these people just how terrified you were. 
“How about now? How about you try telling us the plans for that super-weapon we’ve been hearing rumors about, hm?” the rebel woman asked, staring down at you with unforgiving eyes.
“I already told you no.” you hissed back at her. Passionate rage flooding through you, you glared back up at the woman, daggers in your eyes as you spoke with your teeth bared. How dare they do this to you. How dare they chain you up like some animal. How dare they knock you out then shock you. How dare they speak to you in such a way. 
But, most of all… 
How dare they trick you into leaving his side. 
Your voice cracked as your words flew from your lips, your eyes threading to spill over in tears of frustration. 
You were done. 
You didn’t realize how crazy you were going from your worrisome thoughts and anxieties of no one coming to save you as the words spewed from your mouth with absolutely no filter. 
“Is this how you expect to get anything out of anyone? Shock me to death?! Yeah, sure, that’ll make ANYONE wanna talk. Look, I’m not lying to you. I really don’t know any fucking secrets that the Empire has. I just fucking work there. You really think that all of this is gonna work? Think again, bitch. You put all your “finest” in that room with Lord Vader to DIE. They’re all going to DIE. And for what? For you to die too? To bully around some mechanic for a few minutes? You’re rebels, right? Is this really the example you wanna set? Chaining up some fucking mechanic who’s just here on this NOWHERE planet as a representative? GROW THE FUCK UP! All of you are so stupid- DO YOU NOT SEE WHAT’S GOING TO HAPPEN?! LORD VADER WILL COME HERE ANY MINUTE NOW AND KILL YOU ALL. HE WILL, I KNOW HE WILL. H-HE’S GOING TO COME FOR ME! I KNOW HE WILL! I-” 
You didn’t even feel the hot tears running down your furiously contorted face as you screamed at the woman. You didn’t even realize how crazy you must have sounded. You didn’t even realize that they were telling you to shut up until you felt the electricity shoot though your veins again, making you yelp in agony. 
You didn’t even realize you were blacked out again until you hit the floor. 
As much as Lord Vader detested the king of that damn planet, he did have to give him credit for his resilience. 
No matter how much the dark lord demanded that the king fork over the information of your whereabouts, he wouldn’t do it. In fact, he didn’t really say anything. Lord Vader would choke the king in his grasp until his majesty was almost dead. Then, releasing the force around the king, Lord Vader would allow his majesty to drop to the floor for a brief moment to cough and choke at the dark lord’s feet, the king’s old, wrinkled hand clutching his throat. Once Lord Vader decided that he took in enough air, the sith would lift up the king and choke him once more. This continued on for a large amount of time. Lord Vader only grew more and more violent with each new choke hold. Every succeeding choke would be more tight and constricting than the last, and each succeeding throw to the ground would be rougher and rougher than the last. 
Throwing the king to the ground for what felt like the millionth time, Lord Vader was unable to hide his anger as he spoke, his voice as deep and menacing as the devil’s. 
“Your suffering could end very quickly, your majesty,” the dark lord rumbled, his grip upon his ignited saber growing tighter and tighter, “If you tell me the information I wish to know.” 
The king was coughing and wheezing at Lord Vader’s feet, his hand trying to massage his aching throat. His majesty could barely keep himself up upon his hand and knees as he looked up at the sith lord, his body weak and desperate for air. The king’s face was significantly reddened and his eyes were full of tears as he gazed upon the sith. 
He felt as if he were looking at the devil himself. 
“N…” the King began to rasp out, his throat dry and aching with the fury of the sith, “Over… my dead… body..!” 
Lord Vader tilted his head to the side inquisitively at this. The sith could definitely see that this cretin was willing to die for his worthless cause. 
It only added flame to the fire of Lord Vader’s fury. 
How dare this thing keep him from you. 
Lord Vader would not allow it. 
“Fortuneatly, your majesty…” Lord Vader began to say.
A bright flash of crimson filled the king’s gaze, followed by an excruciating pain. The king tried to scream, but his throat was so hoarse and broken that all that left it was a loud, strong rasp as he fell to the floor, rolling on his back to present himself to the heavens above, begging his maker above to save him. 
But no one came. 
Not even the maker himself would dare to oppose Lord Vader in that moment. 
After a moment of the king groaning in pain, Lord Vader finished his sentence. 
“You do not need all of your limbs to survive.” 
Opening his eyes and looking to the floor, the king confirmed his suspicions. There lied the king’s severed hand, cut off right in the middle of his forearm. 
It was horrific. 
But he had to endure. 
“I...I am-” the king stammered out, interrupted by his own coughs, “I am the king of this planet. I am king Chad Lothario Junichiro The Fifth. I will not be slighted by these attempts to-” 
The king was cut off again, but this time by another brilliant flash of crimson. With another twirl of his saber, Lord Vader severed the rest of his majesty’s arm, just below the dip of his shoulder. This earned another rasp of pain from the king, his face contorting as he saw the pieces of his arm littering the floor.
“Does that change your mind?” Lord Vader asked, feigning a sense of calm in his tone, masking out the boiling amount of rage that pounded through his body, making the sith lord see red. 
The king panted and gasped for a long moment before wheezing out his answer. 
“I… Y-Yes… just… no more, please…” 
Lord Vader felt a twang of satisfaction course through him, interrupting the currents of fury that crashed inside him. Deigniting his saber, he continued to bore his gaze down upon the king, unfazed by the pain he was in. 
He deserved it. 
He put you in harms way. 
Lord Vader would not allow it. 
“Good.” Lord Vader rumbled out with feigned pleasure, “Now speak. If you tell the truth, I will contemplate allowing you to keep the rest of your limbs.” 
The king nodded his head at a feverish pace, swallowing his saliva before speaking.
“I-I had my guards take her down the hallway… the last room at the end…” 
Lord Vader looked at the king for a long while. He could not sense any form of deceit coming from the king, so he trusted his intuition that the creature must be telling the truth. The dark’s lords fists balled once more as he thought of you in that room. Reaching out with the force, he honed in on your life force again. You were still alive, but not in good shape. Lord Vader’s breathing hitched as he pictured what could possibly be happening to you. 
You were alone. 
In pain. 
Everything Lord Vader wanted to shield you from. 
He was failing to do so. 
Lord Vader would not fail. 
Clipping his saber back onto his belt, the sith lord quickly turned on his heel and began to exit the room, his cape fluttering behind him from the speed. Reaching out with the force, Lord Vader hurled the doors open, startling the stormtroopers that were waiting outside. Poor boys. 
Reaching out once more with the force, Lord Vader manipulated it to latch an invisible hand upon the king’s ankle, the dark lord dragging his majesty behind him as he marched. 
Rumbling out a quick follow me, Lord Vader commanded the group of stromtroopers to follow beind him. Obeying his order, the men in white marched behind the sith, their blasters clutched tightly in their gloves. A few of them began to whisper amongst themselves, their blasters and helmets motioning to Lord Vader and the man he was dragging behind him. Ordinarily, the dark lord would have warned them off the consequences of not maintaining proper contact. 
But in that moment, he couldn’t care in the slightest. 
The only thing in the galaxy that Lord Vader cared about… 
The only thing in the universe that Lord Vader wished to pursue…
Was to get you safe. 
To return your small, fragile body to his side. To take you away from this awful place. To make sure you were safe. To take you back to his Star Destroyer. To return you to your station where you would never be harmed again. Where he could see you every day. Where he could speak to you every day. Where he could constantly know that you were safe. Where he could see you smile. Where he could hear you laugh. Where he could hold you in his arms without prying eyes… 
How he longed to deliver you to this fate. 
Looking at the door that obscured the sight of you from him, he was filled with an unprecedented, uncanny, unfathomable amount of rage, anger, and hate.
How dare they keep you from him. 
They would be destroyed, just like every person who tried to stop him. 
You didn’t stay blacked out for very long before you awoke again, the pain in your shoulder still throbbing. 
You slowly began to sit back up again as you heard the rebel woman’s voice again, causing you to frown. 
“Done with your nap, scum?” 
You scoffed, “Yes. Very refreshing.” 
The woman scowled and crossed her arms again, meeting your gaze as she looked down upon you. 
“Shut up. Now, are you gonna talk? Or do we have to encourage you some more?” 
You sighed, your brow furrowing, “I already told you, lady, I don’t-”
“LIAR.” the woman bellowed, cutting you off. She nodded to the guard with the shocker stick again, “Give her some more motivation.” 
You bit your lip and closed your eyes as you saw him draw closer, not wanting to give the rebels any satisfaction of seeing the fear on your face again. You felt your shoulders tense and your wrists strain against the bindings as you heard the shocker ignite. 
Was this it? 
Is this the final curtain? Your finishing bow. 
You didn’t know.
You didn’t want it to be. It was funny for you to admit it now, but there was still so much you wanted to do. You had never thought that you would think such a thing after joining the Empire, but so much had changed. You were happy. You were excited to greet each day. You were thrilled to fix things. You were overjoyed to repair broken TIE Advanced x1s. You were over the moon that you put on your uniform each day. Such a stark contrast to what life had been like before. 
He had changed that. 
You were oh so happy when it was you and him. You were finally able to truly connect with another soul. You were finally able to admit your deepest and darkest regrets and tell your oldest stories. You were finally able to converse with another human. You were finally happy. You were finally able to smile. You were finally able to laugh. 
All because of him. 
And now… you were scared. 
You were oh so frightened that you would never be able to experience anything with him ever gain. That you would never speak to him again. That you would never look at him again. That you would never be able to laugh with him again. That you would never be able to share a dance with him again. That you would never be able to tell stories with him again. 
That you would never be able to tell him… 
You felt a lump in your throat as the guard’s boots stomped closer to you, making you tighten your lips into a line. 
Your mind filled with images of him and nothing but him. 
Vader… you thought to yourself. 
You could feel the electricity emanating off of the stick. 
I hope… 
You think of me… 
When you fly again. 
I’ll be one of the stars. 
Wave hi if you see me. 
A hot tear ran down your cheek, dampening the surface. 
I’m sure you’ll know which one I am. 
Bracing for impact, you tensed your shoulders as you squinted your eyes shut. 
Instead of being greeted with the sound of electricity being forced into your body, you were greeted by a much more startling one; one that made you shoot your eyes open and whip your head up to look at the door. 
Or, what used to be the door. It was now in wadded clumps on the floor. 
In the door’s place was a large plume of smoke. The smoke was quickly illuminated with thin streams of red. 
Blaster bolts. 
Were you dreaming?
The bolts scattered themselves across the room, ending their path in the walls around it. A few lucky bolts met their end in the chests of the two guards that had locked you in that room, making them drop dead to the floor. 
If they hadn’t taken you against your will, you would have been horrified. 
As the smoke settled, you were able to make out what was behind it. 
A quite large battalion of stromtroopers, their blasters aimed and hot from their recent barrage. 
And in the middle of them all, looming oh so much taller than the rest. 
Lord Vader. 
Your savior. 
You felt your heart swell with every emotion known to man as your eyes widened. 
You flexed your muscles as you began the motion to call to him and run to his side, forgetting you were chained to the floor. Thinking it over a moment longer, you decided to stay put. The symbol of the rebellion was now plastered so that Lord Vader could see it. 
You thought it best to let him deal with them on his own. At least for now. 
Somehow, the rebel woman had survived the onterouge of blaster bolts with only a hit to her shoulder, her hand now clutching the wound as she extended her free one to Lord Vader, a pistol within her grip and finger laced around the trigger. She glared right into Lord Vader’s mask as she tried to put on a brave face, but the panting in her breath revealed her true emotions. 
It was her who broke the tension. 
“Give me…” she said in between pants, “one good reason… as to not pull the trigger.” 
Lord Vader tilted his head to the side at this, saying nothing. He must have been amused. 
“I believe I have someone of importance to you, rebel.” Lord Vader eventually said, the sound of his voice like music to your ears. You could almost cry. You were so relieved that you were able to hear it again. 
The woman raised a brow in confusion. As if it were on cue, a stormtrooper with something in his grip stepped forward. Without any sense of care, he threw the object in his grasp down at the floor to the woman’s feet. Following it's path, your eyes widened as you were able to process what exactly it was. 
A severed hand, along with about half a forearm. 
Looking back up at the woman, you noticed how her glare had fallen off of her face, one of fear replacing it as her brown eyes widened. 
“Th… that’s…” 
“His majesty’s hand.” Lord Vader finished for the rebel woman, his voice flat. “If you wish for the rest of him to return to you, I suggest you return my mechanic to me at once. I assure you that your king is still alive.” 
The woman’s face contorted into a glare again, her pistol still pointed at the dark lord. 
“How do I know this isn’t a trick? How do I know?” 
Lord Vader paused a moment before speaking again. 
“You don’t.” 
The woman’s lips pursed as she contimplarted the deal, her pistol now shaking in her grasp. The tension in that room was so thick you could cut it with a knife. It was almost suffocating. You could barely breathe. 
After a long pause, the woman lowered her blaster as she spoke.
“Okay… I accept.” 
Lord Vader tilted his head again at this. 
“Good. Now, give her back to me. Now.” 
The woman’s face contorting into a scowl and your cheeks staining pink, she kept her eyes on Lord Vader as long as possible as she knelt down to you, breaking you out of your bonds. Instantly, a pair of stormtroopers stepped forward and helped you to your feet, your body weak from the shocks. Wrapping your arms around the men’s shoulders, you looked to Lord Vader as they helped you limp over to their side. Flashing him a warm smile of thank you, I knew you would come, you noticed as his gaze followed you until he saw that you were right next to him again. 
Where you should always be. 
“Now, give me back Jun- I-I mean- give me back his majesty…” the woman demanded, pointing her blaster back to the dark lord. 
After a momentary pause of gazing at you, Lord Vader turned to another trooper, giving the nod of approval. The trooper nodding back, he signaled his other troops the okay. Within moments, a pair of other troopers drug in a barely conscious king into the room by his collar, throwing him down to the woman’s feet. Instantly, she knelt down and cradled the king in her arms, mumbling to him how she was sorry and such. 
“We are done here now, rebel.” Lord Vader spoke after a moment, forcing the reunion to a halt. Turning on his heel, Lord Vader walked close to the two stormtroopers who were helping you to stand as he exited the room. 
He did so, however, not before giving his troops one last command. 
“Kill them.” 
The sound of the barrage of blaster bullets that filled the room behind you was oddly comforting. 
His return to the Super Star Destroyer was not at all what he had imagined it to be. Nor was it what he wanted it to be. 
The shock stick that those filthy rebels used on you must have been extra strength. It was taking you a much longer time to recover as compared to other shock victims. You were barely able to stand on your own without wobbling and getting off balance. This was all not to mention the deep gash that had carved itself into your forehead. 
Lord Vader made the executive decision for you to spend at least two nights in the medical bay.
I just need to sleep it off, you had tried to protest, I’m fine. 
He would not have it. 
It was odd to see Lord Vader inside of the normal medical bay used for troopers and officers. Of course, he had his own medical bay that he would waltz in to and out of as he pleased. This was mostly due to the sheer complexity and amount of medical procedures that he needed to maintain homeostasis with his suit.
It was also due to him keeping his pride in tact by only letting as few people as possible know he was even capable of being injured. 
So, it was no shock that the nurse Lord Vader talked to was practically shaking in her boots. 
“I wish to see Miss (F/N) (L/N).” he said flatly to the nurse, paying no mind to how close she looked to shitting a brick right then and right there for everyone to see. 
“Y...Y-Yes, my Lord. R-Right this way…” she stammered out, gulping silently as she led the Dark Lord down the halls of the medical bay. She only stopped her scurrying once she led him to a door marked (L/N), (F/N). Pleased with her, Lord Vader dismissed her to carry on with her work, to which she practically ran back to her station. If he were anyone else in the galaxy, Lord Vader would have been offended. 
Reaching out his large hand to the panel adjacent to the doorframe, he pressed the glowing white button in the center. The door to your room then slid into the wall that encompassed it, allowing him in.
The sound of his respirator was much louder inside of the tiny room, the noise able to echo off the walls much faster. The room was very plain, with only the necessary equipment inside of it. The only other noise that emanated in the room was the occasional beep of the machine that was hooked up to you, signalling that you, indeed, still had a heartbeat. 
Lord Vader had hoped to converse with you upon his arrival. He was almost saddened to find out that he couldn’t. You were currently asleep upon the small bed in the center of the room, your lips parted slightly and your eyes closed. There was a bachata patch secured around the spot on your head where the gash had lain itself, as well as one on your shoulder where the shock stick had been pressed into you. Additionally, there were a plethora of sensors strapped to the flesh that ran up and down your arms. 
Lord Vader wanted to wake you. He wanted to coax you out of your sleep so that he could see your eyes, so that he could hear you talk. But, he knew better. He was to let you rest if you were to return to proper health. 
Yet, he was… disheartened. A phantom pain clenched his heart for a brief moment. 
Overtaken by the feeling, Lord Vader stepped closer to your bedside, his mask pointed right at your face as he watched you in your sleep. You looked so peaceful. He was grateful you had finally been able to rest. Reaching out his leather-bound hand, Lord Vader brushed a lock of hair out of your face as gently as he could, careful with the amount of force he used. Continuing the motion, the dark lord brushed the back of his mid-finger knuckles against the surface of your cheek, taking his time with trailing them down the surface. 
Maker above… 
You were the most beautiful thing he had ever seen. 
But yet… 
Seeing you there in that cold, hard bed, with all the patches and wires coming off of your frame.... Hearing the beep of the machine behind him signal your heartbeat… Feeling how small your life force had been… 
It allowed an old friend to visit Lord Vader. 
If only he hadn’t brought you to that planet, none of this would’ve happened. Sure, you would be by yourself for a few days, but you would still be healthy. You would still be able to work. You would still be able to talk to him. You would still be able to smile. But no. He made you go on this trip. He made you attend those meetings and gatherings. He was the one who allowed you to slip into the hands of those rebels. 
Clenching his fist, another friend came to visit Lord Vader. 
What in the galaxy was he thinking? He should have never taken you to that planet. All he wanted to do was to bring you someplace just as beautiful as you were. He wanted to see the look in your eyes and your smile as you got to see green for the first time in who-knows-how-long.
That’s all he wanted.
But not at all what he got. 
Lord Vader was speechless. He wanted to say something to your sleeping form, but couldn’t even begin to formulate the words of what he wanted to say. There were so many things he wanted to say to you, but every attempt he made to string them together seemed more idiotic than the last. So many feelings were bubbling inside of the sith lord, many of which he coudln’t describe. 
He didn’t know how to tell you about any of them. 
Watching your chest rise and fall… 
Watching your eyelashes flutter in your sleep… 
Watching your fingertips twitch…
He knew one thing. 
And oh how it pained him. 
He knew what he must do… 
To keep you safe. 
The nurses had said that you were asleep for about 18 hours when you finally woke up.
You were surprised, you didn’t think that it was possible to sleep that long of a time. Yet, there you were, doing the impossible. If it were under different circumstances, you would have almost been impressed. 
The nurses had removed the sensors from your arms as you sat up that afternoon, allowing you to move more freely as you ate the meal they gave you. Of course, it was rations. But, after being on that damned planet for so long and eating their food, rations had suddenly seemed to be the finest cuisine in the galaxy. 
You were watching a holovid of a news briefing when a knock came to your door, your cheeks puffed from your freshly taken bite. Hearing the door woosh open, you quickly chewed and swallowed the food so that you could talk to whoever had just entered without being rude. 
To say the absolute least, you were surprised to see a familiar face standing before you, datapad in hand just like before. 
The officer who gave you the assignment of Lord Vader’s mechanic. 
Was he a messenger for Lord Vader now? You were puzzled. 
“I am glad to see that you are finally awake, Miss (L/N).” the officer spoke, his eyes darting between you and the datapad. 
“Thank you, sir…” you mumbled back out in response. 
You paused a moment in contemplation before you continued on. 
“Sir,” you said, “If you don’t mind… could you please tell Lord Vader of my condition? I will be able to return to my station very soon, and-” 
“I’m afraid that will not be necessary, Miss (L/N).” the officer said, cutting you off. 
Your brow furrowed in confusion. 
“What? Sir, I… I don’t understand.” 
The old officer poked his datapad a few times before folding his hands behind his back, speaking out his response to you. 
You had thought that you were dreaming or hallucinating at the officer’s explanation. Your blood was cold, and your heart had felt like it stopped beating. 
It had to be a lie. 
“I’m afraid your time serving as Lord Vader’s mechanic is over, Miss (L/N). He has reassigned you. He has stated that you have completed your work on his TIE, and is no longer in need of your service. You are to return to Endor to your original station the day after tomorrow. I must say that I am impressed, Miss (L/N). I have never heard of someone completing such a task in such a short amount of time. I am certain that Endor will be quite pleased to have you return. You will be granted a small amount of severance for your time here, and will be respected immensely upon your arrival to Endor. I am certain your life there will be far better than the one you have experienced here on the Super Star Destroyer.” 
TAGS: @spaghetti-666 , @soullesstaco , @arsonistvoyager , @robin-obsessed , @glitter-rian , @captainrexstan , @easterncryptid , @deviatedwinter , @roseangel013bf , @danicalifxrnia , @dartheldur , @finest-trashbag , @yeah-boiiiiiiiiiii , @elongatedmusk-rat​ , @shads121 , @muffinbeliever , @sakuramadae​ , @padme-parker , @khapikat222  , @the-official-memester , @rens-angel , @obiwankenobiness , @yvette1703 , @breakfastpizzagalaxy , @missmannequin​ , @clearnostolgia​ , @scarletsinsandsnowwithetragedies​ 
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memorymistress · 3 years
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{jeon yeo-bin, 28, cis woman, she/her} || min-ji nam is a mutant with the ability of memory manipulation they’ve been in new york for two years where they spend most of their time as mortician. when i think of them, i think of the name of a childhood friend you can’t quite remember, ink bleeding through a page, hands that don’t warm up, a long black coat with two buttons missing.
nam min-ji was the first child and only daughter to two loving parents.  she’s born in a small fishing town in korea. she’d remain an only child for four years, until her brother was born. her first seven years were unremarkable, then her parents pack everything and move to america for a work opportunity for her dad. she has an eidetic memory, which helped a lot during her schooling. she speaks two languages: korean and english, along with a small bit of french thanks to a required high school class. her life is normal, and she pursues a degree in chemistry with a minor in photography, and the former would lead to her pursuing an associate’s degree in mortuary science. after seven years of college, she’d shadow a local funeral director for a full year before going off on her own. her work has taken her all sorts of cities, even back to korea for a short stint. now, she’s back home in new york, running her own funeral parlor for the past two years. 
those are the facts. that’s her life story. 
it’s all wrong. 
nam min-ji was the first and only daughter to two loving parents. she’s born in a small fishing town in korea. she’d remain an only child for four years, until her brother was born. when she was five, she started a game that would entertain her friends and other neighborhood kids. if she touched their hand, she could tell them what they had for breakfast, what their mother had told them earlier in the day word for word, or what they’d gotten for their last birthday. the kids were amazed at min-ji’s ability, and begged for her to teach them. she’d just smile. by six, kids would come up to her in school for help remembering where their house was, what the teacher had said an hour beforehand, or other things their little minds couldn’t quite recall. but min-ji always could. 
the fun and games ended when her teacher noticed how children flitted to and from her desk. she wanted to know what was going on, as the disruptions were becoming a nuisance. min-ji, a little kid and proud of what she could do, wanted to show off to the adult. she grabbed her hand. images filled her head of a man yelling, and she could hear her teacher yelling back, something about money and cheating. min-ji frowned at her teacher, and repeated the exact words the man had used at her. the adult flinched and looked at her in horror. 
it was the beginning of the end. 
she’s sent to the headmaster’s office. neither them or the teacher could decide what was there to do about her. was she spying on the teacher? had her parent’s heard and told her? any rational conclusion couldn’t fit as how had the girl been able to say exactly what the teacher’s husband had? at the mention of touch causing it, they came to one solution: min-ji could no longer have skin to skin contact at school. she was to come everyday in gloves.
little min-ji became a pariah in a matter of days. there were whispers of what caused her new daily accessory, why the teacher wouldn’t even look in her direction anymore, if her ability to look in the past was actually a curse. her parents took her to different doctors, all of which had no clue what caused min-ji’s abilities. 
a year after her incident at school, a group of kids a grade older than her cornered min-ji in alley. they grabbed her hand and yanked a glove off. 
“show us your magic trick, freak.” 
min-ji, in tears and scared as the other kids pushed and smacked her head, discovered a new skill she had. as her hand was placed in one of bully’s, she saw a blur of memories and shut her eyes tight. she wanted it all to stop. stop. stop. STOP. and then it did. she was back in her own mind, and a sense of calmness washed over her. the other kid wasn’t so lucky. he dropped her hand and looked around. 
“where am i?” their group’s eyes widened. “who are you?” he questioned. unable to understand what was going on, the children screeched, one pulling on their now confused friend away from her. 
“get away from her! get away!” they yelled to each other. 
word was spread around. the boys’ parents are furious, claimed min-ji cursed their son. the entire town was aware of min-ji’s...quirk now, and they were furious. nothing her parents said could soothe the angry mob. a sympathetic doctor had contacted them, and let them know of a school that taught children like her in new york. her parents had no other choice, as they were just as worried about their daughter as much as their neighbors were scared of her. 
within the next few months, her family were moved to a two bedroom apartment in new york. in another week, min-ji was enrolled in the xavier institute. the harassment from their town, move, and overall culture shock of a new place had shaken min-ji. she didn’t understand what made her so different, made her so hated. 
slowly, she became to understand it. as she met the other kids, she could see their various talents and how hers weren’t just an everyday oddity. for awhile, things improved. she still wore her gloves, but with one on one teacher instructions, she learned to control and sharpen her abilities. there were still bumps and dives in the road, but nothing too bad. 
then, she took off her gloves one day. she’d met someone she’d wanted to hold hands with, to touch without fabric as a barrier. it was a mistake. she wasn’t ready. 
her excitement caused her to push her own memories onto her current crush, so much so they felt like they were experiencing it. for the first time in more than half a decade, she saw the emotion she saw in those kids’ eyes in the alley. fear. 
the other students started to avoid her. they’d flinch if she even brushed past. they were all different, but now people realized fully what min-ji could, the extent of it. how do you know if your memories are your own? is she messing with us right now? i feel like i’m forgetting everytime i’m in a room with her. min-ji realized even mutants couldn’t resist acting on their panic. 
still, there were a couple of people who stayed by her side, were friends with her. it didn’t ease the sting of people being scared of her entirely, but it helped her cope. as soon as she graduated, she was out of there. professor xavier had been kind enough to pay for her schooling to a university. she flourished there as no one knew she was any different. her parents were proud, happy that she’d grown up to be the woman she was. they found her choice of career a bit funny, but were glad she knew what she wanted to do. 
it’s during her year shadowing a funeral director things are thrown awry. the president confirms the existence of mutants. people will find out. they always want to know why she wore the gloves. 
with mutants coming out of the shadows, she panicked even moreso. she left the city, wanting as much distance between her and the school as possible. then, she couldn’t run anymore. she was in charge of someone who turned out to be a mutant, as well as their friends who attended the service. one had the ability to see other people’s mutation. he pulled her aside, began peppering her with questions. her repeated denial was met with an invitation. they had a group of mutants, people to test their powers with. if you don’t let it out once in awhile, you’ll explode. that conversation kept her up for weeks, until she finally gave in. it was uncomfortable at first, as she was resistant to revealing her abilities. when she did, it wasn’t fright that met her. it was amazement. 
she’s thriving again, but this time as herself. her true self. everything was going well, she was happier than ever. her powers weren’t a curse. they could make people happy, make her happy, like they had as a child.  
but she started to use it too much. she overexerted herself. she began having ideas, ways to speed up mutant acceptance. as she discovered she didn’t even need to touch people to look into their memories, to change it. why couldn’t i just meet the president, rewrite his history so he comes up with stronger mandates for mutant protection? some were for it, most were wary. you’re going off the deep end. take a step back. she didn’t care, she had a gift and wanted to use it. the amount of bodies coming into the parlor that were mutants had skyrocketed over the years. something had to be done.
the group agreed, just not with her. a plan was made with the other telepath among them as the main player. with their abilities, as min-ji slept one night, they put a stop to min-ji’s fantastical plans by erasing her knowledge she was a mutant at all. it took some time, to fill such a large part of her life enough that she wouldn’t be suspicious. 
it worked. min-ji started over without knowing it, and has been living that way for the past eight months. she wore gloves because her hands were always cold. i was born to be a mortician, huh? she’d joke to people once she told them her line of work. it’s normal. she’s normal. nothing could change that. right? 
okay so hi! i would love to plot with everyone and write with everyone! i’m izzy aka bells (i answer to either!) my discord is gaytendo#6961 or you can im me on here!! i can’t wait to write and talk with all of you!!
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