#im throwing a tantrum and on the ground crying
torawro · 1 year
gege…….i need you to know something right now. your days are fucking NUMBERED. theY ARE LIMITED. the abhorrence and despair that is swirling within me is VOLATILE. omfg i really am gonna have a bitch fit ( BF ) and send an angry letter to your place of residence and your place of work so you may feel the depths of sadness that are echoing through my soul right now and what you have drawn with that sick head of yours . idc how great of a mangaka or how talented you are , THIS? you’ve crossed the line !!!!!!! THE MF LINE!
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hyunhomoons · 10 months
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princessbrunette · 7 months
i dont remember if you said you watched enough of community to reference this episode, but annie has like a public temper tantrum about not getting her way and its fascinated me since i watched it. like she was thrashing and whining about how she was better and it wasnt fair etc etc. you think rafe's girl would be capable of acting out like that or does he have you on a tight leash
this is the scene he’s talking about guys hehe
first of all i expressed this in dms but combining annie who is literally me as a character and rafe was a genius decision and im tongue fucking your brain for that.
‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍒 ⋅ ˚👛
he’d like to think he’s got you on a tight leash, hand on the back of your neck giving it a warning squeeze when you act up in public. pulling you to a corner to give you a little slap on the cheek and say “hey, m’not playin’ around tonight, a’ight? behave yourself.” giving your hair a little tug to shut you up when need be.
however, when things are too much and the emotions are too strong — you’ll brave any punishment or poor treatment from your boyfriend to fully just have a meltdown on him. it’s uncontrollable, and once it starts it can’t stop. you’re standing in the centre of the country club all of a sudden wailing at him, smacking at his chest, pushing and hitting. there’s tears down your face as he tries to hoist you up to drag you away but you wriggle free until you’re protesting on the ground, thrashing and screaming. people clutch their pearls, wondering if something awful happened to have you behaving this way, and rafe is just about ready to explode.
with the strength of someone capable of snapping your neck there and then to shut you up, rafe thrusts your body up into his arms and over his shoulder as you continue to kick and cry like a spoiled child throwing a tantrum. he practically throws you into his truck and forces the seatbelt over your body before gripping your face.
“hey, hey you fuckin’ stop that right now alright? you pull that shit on me ever again and i’ll leave you on the floor of the country club to embarrass you. i-i don’t know what the hell has gotten into you but you cut that shit out now, do you understand— right now!” he roars, and it’s enough to soften your cries to gentle sniffles, pulling your knees to your chin on the seat. he runs his hands over his red face and pushes his hair back before returning his gaze to you.
“now what the hell was that about, huh? and if you start yelling again, so help me god i will give you somethin’ to really fuckin’ cry about.”
he absolutely walks you around to apologise to everyone individually the next time you go to the country club, not even bothering to hide the grip he has on the back of your neck as he does so. you can act up all you want, but you won’t embarrass him like that again. or hey, maybe he’ll walk you back in straight after your tantrum whilst you look all messed up— just to humiliate you the way he feels you deserve.
‧₊ ᵎᵎ 🍒 ⋅ ˚👛
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dreamofjoys · 1 year
You became drunk in the heartslaybul's dorm due to the amount of alcohol that Ace and Deuce had sneaked in - a mini party between the 3 of you. And now, your drunken state has been crying and begging to see your boyfriend, Malleus. The duo could only brace themself with what's going to happen next as they bring you to diasomnia's dorm, praying that your boyfriend would not strike them down with lightning after seeing your current state.
— c/w: Reader is drunk, crack(??? im bad at stuff like this haha lmk if it's funny enough), injuries, underage drinking
— a/n: As i was writing this, i recalled that there are similar fics like this out there but this is just my own version. happy reading!
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"I want Malleus!" You cried out, banging both of your fist on the table as the duo stares at you with panic on their face.
"No no, you don't need Malleus. You are a strong and independent person without that scary-"
"Malleus is not scary!" A plate flew past Ace's ear, nearly hitting him if not for his excellent dodgy skills. "Should we just bring them to Malleus-senpai? Maybe he will be able to handle them." Deuce suggested, to which Ace was about to rebut back if not for the sudden loud cry and wailing coming from you.
"Mal-Malleus!Wh-where are you..." You tried standing up from the chair, only for your legs to start wobbling before falling onto the ground, your nose and knees hitting first. "Be careful!" Ace and Deuce hurriedly step forward, standing on either side of you and linking their arms under yours to lift you up from the ground. "MALLEUSSS!!!!!" You wailed, not caring about your friends who are staring at you weirdly, and perhaps, a little anxious. You didn't know what was going on, or what invoked you to suddenly throw a tantrum to see your boyfriend. You had already met him early morning when he offered to send you to class. But somehow, the alcohol managed to make you feel cloud nine, and you wanted nothing more then to just go to your boyfriend and bask into his embrace.
The duo could only look at each other sigh, mentally preparing themself for what's coming next as they accompany - well, assist - you to diasomnia dorm.
The walk to diasomnia was agonizingly long. You would trip on your own feet here and there, occasionally stopping just to breakdown about how much you want to see Malleus. Deuce would comfort you, saying that they are bringing you to see Malleus now. Ace would groan, trying to wreck his brain to find if there's any excuses that he can say to save both their sorry ass. Nonetheless, they tried to prolong the walk to your boyfriend's territory so as to prepare themselves mentally.
When the 3 of you had finally reach the entrance to Diasomnia dorm, the double doors swung open before either of you could knock on it. Right in front of you stands your boyfriend in all his glory, his dorm uniform having just ironed into perfection, his shoes polished perfectly with a shine that leaves everyone staring in awe. His gloves were washed with the most expensive softener, just so that you would be able to hold his hands in the upmost comfort.
Malleus knew that you were here before you even reach the doors. He was delighted that his beloved has came to visit him first, and was preparing to greet you with his fanged smile, the one that you love so dearly. Until he saw your drunk figure slumping on Deuce.
Upon finally seeing your boyfriend, you immediately pushed away the two that was supporting your stance, launching yourself forward to Malleus. If it wasn't for Malleus quick reflexes, you would have suffered from another fall again. "Malleus!" You beamed in delight, immediately wrapping your arms around Malleus's neck while he adjust you in his hold, carrying you in bridal style.
The smell of alcohol was quick to invade his sense, and it didn't take long for the prince to figure out what had happened. The duo was known for being trouble makers, they must have dragged you into one of their mischievous plans. "Are you okay?" Malleus asked, noticing that your happy facade was gone, replaced with a sad expression. You looked up to meet your lover's gaze, and his heart aches at the sight of your red teary eyes, cheeks and nose flushed as equally red as a tomato. Your lips starts wobbling as you break down for the nth time of the day.
"My knees....it hurts....Uwahhhh!! Malleus, i-it hurts!" Oh, if only you know how much your cries are hurting Malleus. He turns his attention to your knees, finally realising the ugly blue black bruise that was littered on your kneecaps with a hint of blood. Suddenly, a flash of lightning strikes onto the ground, right behind both Ace and Deuce. Both of them sweat profusely as they watch Malleus wiping off the stray tears on your cheeks, whispering sweet nothings into your ear to calm you down.
When you finally fell asleep due to exhaustion, the duo was truly trying to prepare for the worst. They finally noticed how tall Malleus was, his figure looming over them, shadow long and big enough to engulf both of them in darkness. Malleus was strong enough to just carry you with one arm without any struggles. The hand that was previously wiping away your tears has now shift to the side of your head, guiding it to rest on his shoulder. His hand were large enough to almost cover your whole face, and he takes advantage of this fact to protect your head.
The duo gulps, finally getting to witness firsthand how protective Malleus is over you, and just how scary he is. "There will be no second time." Malleus's words cuts through the atmosphere like a knife. His tone was cold and deadly, with a hint of bloodlust. If anything, it doesn't help how Malleus's green slitted eyes constricts in the dark, that terrifying glare will hunt the poor heartslaybul students forever as they start to apologise profusely, before running off to god knows where.
Malleus scoff, finally glad that he was alone with you again. Teleporting the both of you to his room, Malleus climbs onto the bed with you, laying your body on his bed. Your head has been shifted to rest on his muscular thighs while he sits up to lean his back on the bedframe. With a snap of his fingers, magic blooms around you, and he had you changed to a comfortable night gown. The bruises on your knees were long gone as if they were never there in the first place.
He stares at your sleeping figure, a smile suddenly creeping up onto his face when he realised how cute you are when you sleep. You were quite adorable when you were drunk too, clinging onto him as if your life depended on him. He would have entertained you even more if not for your injuries. Malleus chuckles to himself, his hand wandering to your face, pinching at your soft cheeks before travelling back to your head, letting his finger comb through your soft locks.
He already had a concrete plan on how to deal with the duo. But for now, he just wants to spend some time with you, and take care of your needs.
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trentslocss · 7 months
Superdad - TAA
Pairing: Trent Alexander Arnold x reader
Warnings: none!
Summary: You and Trent have a daughter and even though being a mother gets super hard sometimes, superdad is there to save you! ❤️
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Your 3 year old daughter, Tammy, was a (im)perfect mix of you and your husband Trent. She had mostly his looks and her character was literally half yours and half his. But, this could unfortunately cause problems, especially for you.
You see, Tammy is of course a daddy’s girl. Trent can’t help but spoil her in every way possible (just like he has been doing with you since you have met 5 years ago). Since both of you have quite distinctive characters, she definitely knows how to throw a tantrum. Just like she has done right now.
You were supposed to go to work, but Tammy just wouldn’t stop crying. She was used to Trent taking her to kindergarten every morning, but today he had to get to the Axa training center earlier than usual, so you were supposed to get her dressed and take her on your way to work. But Tammy wasn’t pleased with the way you did her hair, the way you dressed her, the pancakes you have made for her and basically with the fact that you were taking her instead of Trent himself.
“I’m not going anywhere! You can’t force me to do anything!” She screamed at you as she started taking off her shoes one by one, clumsily (taken after you). “Baby I know you wanted daddy to take you but he had to leave earlier. I’m sorry but I can’t change that and I can’t just leave you here”. You tried to reason her, but she just wouldn’t listen. “I’m not going anywhere until daddy comes home!” She screamed, crying as she stormed to her room.
You were utterly exhausted and didn’t know what to do anymore. You had to be at work 15 minutes ago. You knew she wouldn’t stop making a problem out of this but you couldn’t miss a day of work and you couldn’t let her get everything her way every time she wanted to. You tried calling Trent’s mother and his younger brother but they were all too busy to come and help you. You considered calling Trent but didn’t want to bother him. He had a tendency to think if you called him during practice it was a literal emergency and someone was dying, so he’d rush home straight away without even having to pick up the phone (idiot).
After trying to get her to go another 2 times, trying 5 separate outfits and making another batch of pancakes, you had given up. You were taking off your work clothes and, out of frustration, crying. (With a tub of ice cream, of course:) )
With the sounds of you crying on one side of the house and your daughter on the other, Trent entered the house. You didn’t even realise. Why would you, it was 10 in the morning and he wasn’t supposed to be home before 1 pm, at least.
“Yellow submarine, yellow submarine- Hey honey, why are you home?” Trent entered the house singalonging, confused to see you at home, on the couch with a tub of ice cream in your hand at 10 in the morning. “And why are you crying baby, is everything okay?” “No” You sobbed into your chin, not even knowing what to tell him.
“Is that Tammy crying over there? Why is she still at home?” He asked but you wouldn’t stop crying. He hugged you and kissed your forehead, standing up. “I’m gonna go there and see what’s going on. Please, relax a bit. Okay?” You nodded as you continued sobbing. watching him leave to the child’s bedroom.
*Knock knock* “Tammy baby is everything okay?” He entered the room, seeing your daughter in distress, half clothed in a pink dress and half i na purple jumpsuit. “Baby what’s the matter. Did you get in a fight with your mom?”
Tammy didn’t say anything, just looked at the ground and at some point stopped crying. “Baby you know you can’t fight with your mom. Your mom is always right, she knows what’s best. What happened?” He sat down in front of her, trying to get a look into her eyes. “It wasn’t that daddy I-“
“I was just angry because I wanted you to take me to kindergarten” Trent’s face shifted from a serious and worried one into a smile. “Oh is that so?” “Yes! She didn’t do my hair right, her clothes combinations were so bad and even the pancakes were bad! You do it way better.”
Trent chuckled. He didn’t do any of these things better than you. The hair, maybe, but other than that he was terrible at all those things. He just learned how to do them so you wouldn’t have to get up too early in the morning and somewhere in that process she chose to love it more than she loved yours.
“Okay baby listen. Now, mommy is very upset. So here’s what we’ll do. You get this clothing mess in order and brush your teeth while I go talk to her. Then I’ll do your hair and clothes and all three of us will go out for breakfast. Does that sound okay?”
“Will there be pancakes?” She said in a half sad tone, which made Trent say through a chuckle “Yes, yes. There will be pancakes. Now go get ready you squirrel.” This nickname always made Tammy chuckle and she did, in fact get up and got ready.
“Babe, is everything okay?” You heard Trent say while wiping your last tears away. “I’m a terrible mother Trent. I sometimes think she doesn’t even love me” You started crying again. “Oh no baby that’s not true! Come here, let me tell you something” He said as he took your head and put it on his chest. You continued sobbing there as he started talking.
“When Tammy first got here I was so scared. The first night at the hospital was the scariest night of my life. Thinking about all the responsibilities and how I’d have to actually raise a human being was so scary. But somewhere along the way I realised - she is just a little friend of mine I have to take a lot of care of. Like a drunk Nuñez kind of friend.” You chuckled. How could he be like this in such a serious situation and still always make you laugh.
“Anyway, the point being, she still doesn’t know or understand a lot of things. You think i know how to make pancakes girl? They suck. But she just loves them because she loves spending time with me. You see her more than me and those silly pancakes and that silly hair and dressing process matter to her because that’s how we spend our quality time together. It doesn’t mean she loves me more or that she doesn’t love you. It just means we will both have different rituals with her the other won’t be able to fulfil. And that’s totally okay.”
You nodded through little sobs which were already dying down. You looked him in the eyes and realised how much you loved him. He smiled and caressed your thigh with his hand, giving you a little wink and a kiss on the cheek. “Come on, go get ready. I’m taking you girls out on breakfast for some real pancakes not that shit I feed you every morning with.” You chuckled again as he gave you a peck, lifting you up off of the couch and encouraging you to leave to get ready to go out.
Trent did her hair just how she liked it, matched her outfit to his (and then made you match with them too). When you all got ready you went for a great walk downtown with the best pancakes ever. Even though he wasn’t always there and sometimes made it hard in you, he really was a super dad.
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padawansuggest · 2 years
Obi-Wan: *holding onto the bars of a caged medical room, throwing a tantrum to end all tantrums, threatening to end full lineages* -SO LET ME OUT OF THIS BLASTED CAGE BEFORE I BLOW IT UP IM HUNGRY AND WILL END EVERYONE TO GET A CHEESEBURGER-
Master Che: *threateningly pulling out a sedative* Kenobi, I really don’t wanna have to use this-
Obi-Wan: *bursts out into tears and throws himself to the ground out of reach so she’ll have to open the cage if she wants to* BEING MEAN TO PRISONERS IS ANIMAL CRUELTY-
Bant: Obi, chill, it’s just a cold. You’re just hangry, lunch is on it’s way. We can’t let you spread a cold strain half the temple isn’t vaccinated for.
Obi-Wan: *looking up at her with sad pathetic abused baby tooka eyes* Bant, please, they aren’t being nice, they’ve threatened to put me down-
Che: He’s delirious, Bant, I threatened to sedate him if and only if he couldn’t calm himself.
Obi-Wan: And now they’re starving me because I called Master Dooku an overly important blowhard-
Che: ?? When did you do that???
Obi-Wan: And I’m not being allowed communications or entertainment-
Bant: Obi, you texted me two minutes ago.
Bant: *deep sigh, sees Qui-Gon coming down the hallway with a take out container from Dex’s and Obi-Wan’s favorite storybook* Oh look, your master brought you lunch! *makes a hasty retreat because no one’s paying her to entertain her brother with a 104.7 degree fever*
Qui-Gon: *slides the takeout box through the slot on the floor, moves to sit next to a weepy Obi-Wan who shoves a handful of fries in his mouth, still crying* Tough day, buddy?
Obi-Wan: *sniffs* Master Che hits me when you’re not looking.
Che: *deep sigh and quietly notes down ‘chronic liar when he has a fever’ on Obi-Wan’s patient chart*
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wellthebardsdead · 2 months
Falûne: *pacing about in a dome of silence, flames scorching the earth where he walks as he screams in infernal*
Withers: *holding up the dome*
Shadowheart: I wonder what that shambling corpse said to him to set him off like that-
Falûne: *steps out of the dome and inhales, composing himself before turning to withers* YOU MEAN THIS FETID WORM CANT BE REMOVED NOT EVEN BY YOU?!?!
Withers: if thou wishes to continue speaking in a matter so high in volum-
Withers: *silences him again, watching as the dome fills with hellfire and smoke like a loony toons fight before lûne emerges from it again*
Withers: *silences him again*
Astarion: how long are you going to keep that up?
Withers: until he calms down.
Karlach: you’ll be waiting a while then it looks like he’s got his grandpas temper.
Falûne: *storms out of the dome and goes to attack him* IVE HAD IT WITH Y-
Withers: *shrinks I’m to the size of a pixie*
Falûne: *suddenly starts glowing bright red as he paces about screaming in tiny rage before throwing a pebble at him and dropping to the ground crying with a full blown tantrum*
Karlach: that’s it let it out sweetie.
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falcqns · 2 years
im on early childhood educator tiktok and i love it but some people in the comments know nothing about child development, and the importance of social and emotional learning and it fucking shows.
let me explain something:
children cannot gaslight. this is especially true for those who are not school-aged, so 0-4. them crying or throwing a tantrum is not them trying to get their way through manipulation. they are not overreacting, they do NOT need to stop crying, especially when they are hurt.
children are allowed to be upset. they are allowed to cry, scream and shout. they are allowed to feel their emotions. when you tell a child no, and they flop to the ground and throw a tantrum, they are not trying to manipulate you into giving them what they want. they don't know how the world around them works yet, so yes of course a child is going to get upset you tell them "no, you need to wear your coat." or "no, you need to sit on your bum while you eat." they don't understand that if they don't wear their coat they could get hypothermia because they are little and cannot regulate their body temperature as well as we can, and they don't understand that running around and playing while eating can lead to choking. they don't understand things like that.
it is our jobs, as adults, educators, parents, family, etc. to teach them these things. to help them to understand, to help them to regulate. by telling them things like "stop crying," "you've got no reason to be upset," or "i'll give you something to cry about," you are telling them that them, and their feelings don't matter. that they have to go along with what you say no matter what, and that they should be respecting and trusting you no matter what happens, which is NOT true. they don't need to respect and trust you. exactly like how a child needs to earn your trust, YOU have to earn theirs. if they don't trust you, they don't have to respect you. it's your job to show them that you are someone they can trust, and with that trust comes respect.
going back to if they are hurt, instead of saying things like 'you're fine,' try saying 'you're going to be fine,' or asking 'are you hurt, or are you scared?' or even a simple 'are you okay?' is better.
if they are throwing a tantrum, don't do anything. let the tantrum happen. if someone was having a seizure, would you be standing over them while they seize and tell them to suck it up, that they're fine?? no, you wouldn't. you'd make sure the area around them is safe, put them in the recovery position, and you'd wait it out. the same thing is true for children. they cannot process information when they are upset. yes, it might be frustrating, and yes, it always happens at the most inopportune time, but it's not their fault. so when they are melting down, just sit and wait for them to finish. if you need to, walk away from them to take a breather for yourself. when they calm down, tell them you're there, that you love them, and offer comfort. don't force it, offer it. children deserve autonomy. my body, my choice, remember. try to remember that the reason for the tantrum is because they can't communicate what's wrong. they can't explain 'hey, im sad because i can't wear my crocs in the snow.' they have to show it, and crying is how they express that.
children cannot gaslight. they cannot manipulate. they are tiny humans who didn't ask to be brought into this world, and therefore as the adults in their life, it is our jobs to help them navigate and learn the world around them. there are going to be setbacks and tough moments. there are going to be times when you want to yell at them to stop and behave. there are going to be times when you feel like you can't do this, but it's important to remember that you can. it's even more important to remember that if they are acting out/throwing a tantrum, etc. with you, it means they trust you, and you are a safe place for them. just as you learned to express your feelings without throwing a tantrum, so can they, they just need it to be taught to them, and more importantly, modelled to them. the moment you view them as competent and capable, trust me, your view of them will entirely change.
'It's not our job to toughen our children up to face a cruel and heartless world, it is our job to raise children who will make the world a little less cruel and heartless.' - L.R. Knost
'Tantrums are not bad behaviour. Tantrums are an expression of emotion that became too much for the child to bear. No punishment is required. What your child needs is compassion and safe, loving arms to unload in.' - Rebecca Eanes
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studiousbotanist · 8 months
having a good night got some important stuff done and about to lay down but also under read more is some grief talk and theres pics of AJ so pleas be careful thanks . #grief #suicide m (IM SAFE ! LOL . MENTIONED IN PASSING !)
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i was looking at my friend folder finding somethign goofy to send a pal and i saw this and ;_; i never added my damn image on here ..... this card means everything 2 me still . a really funny bit thats transformed adn i think i would like to print it out . also this comic but this one really just tore me open ! lol !
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im carrying it in my heart . AJ was really right with this comic . i miss you hon . it's weird right . like i just go days and days feeling like i'm non existent and i'm not even here the dissasociation is so bad and the only thing tahts helped ground me is talking about the good or bad of how im feeling with everything . im trying to hold it in and move but i mean . i just have no self awareness whether i'm actually Doing the job im trying to (shell everything inside) or if i'm just a mess and its spilling everywhere . i am trying to be more open and concise but its hard when i cant grasp !!! the concept of time LOL and shit ive said ! anyway . anyway . i love my friends . we were put on this earth to hang out and love . i miss AJ and its hard trying to find silver linings to 2023, like . meeting kitt and lynn ! fun birthday ! silverscream con ! got one of the best jobs ive ever had ! but i would trade all of it for march 23rd to have never happened .
it does not feel right trying to find a positive for last year, to be honest . i wish i could just let myself admit it was a horrible year . we lost AJ . i nearly got stabbed again, i was in an awful mental state and i felt drifted further apart from my sis and sil than i had in a while . while a lot of it got better, thankfully, there was just so much rotten there . i nearly attempted again, but i have a wonderful support system irl that i really need to use more . (love you ari and ide and naomh) with all of this said, i can only hope 2024 will be kinder . ive had a couple friends already get terrible news . 11 days in i've got some shaky things going on but man . man . lol enough trying to make positive out of it i just want to cry !!!!!! last year sucked !!!!! last year suuuuuucked ! FUCK last year !!!! THROWING A TANTRUM !!!!!! phew . okay . thank you for reading . i miss my friend . im grateful for the friends that are still around and understand the feeling .
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iridescentis · 10 months
i love the theme song so much
i love the way ludmila calls tómas 'tom' in a british accent im not sure why she does but it's very funny
ewww gregorio you don't just take someone's glasses off and keep them wtf man
bro broke her heart already and they haven't even spoken longer than 5 minutes get your head out of your ass tómas
i love the dynamic with jade and mati (i think that's his name? that's what she said at least) they are so chaotic
what is león wearing
oh wonderful another boy saving violetta we really need that but also THAT'S HOW YOU LEAVE SOMEONE AFTER HELPING THEM, THAT WAS SWEET!
sir i dont think you can just expel someone because you want to
jade is so much fun
violetta i love you but what the fuck was that dramatic ass run upstairs honey
SHE HAS A POINT if she told him what happened she'd be grounded or something
fran you are embarrassing yourself
my loves <333 they can do no wrong i adore them
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oh nooo the second embarrassment is killing me tómas what are you doing???
IM SORRY GREGORIO THROWING A TANTRUM IS SO FUNNY sir as i said previously you need wine and a bath hun
okay...so león is planning to steal violetta from tómas who doesn't even have her in the first place do any of these kids have coherent thoughts
awh i could cry over angie and vilu they are the sweetest
pablo if you are in love with angie please say it now i would like to plan your future for you <3333 THE WAY HE LOOKS AT HER
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why does everyone think it is the end of the world for violetta to like a boy like this is really not a big thing
angie... this is not an endearing moment he is a bad father please run I REPEAT THIS IS NOT ENDEARING HE IS A BAD FATHER
girl...honey... stalking is not the key to a boyfriend
i love the mixed song
pablo needs a raise for dealing with all of this
OH??? ARE WE FINALLY GOING TO THE SCHOOL?? please for fuck sake it's been five episodes can we please go to the school violetta
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bumbleklee · 3 years
Hihi! I hope you dont mind this request :3 Could you do a headcannon or oneshot with zhongli, xiao, ganyu, hu tao, and a reader? I have this headcannon they’d be a family in a modern au and it’s ndjddjsjjejsehhwje Or Zhongli ‘creates’ (?) a new adepti and xiao and ganyu help raise them like a little sibling fnfnsdjjdjssj The reader would be the youngest sibling :) Hu Tao as the second youngest Xiao as the middle child Ganyu as the oldest And Zhongli as their dad <3
this is so cute im gonna cry (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) i went with a modern au bc my brain is short circuiting tonight lol. also there's chili near the end because brainrot (was listening to the song “the best day” by tswift while reading these so yktv)
it’s very sfw, just cut for length  
your mother passed away shortly after you were born, leaving you and your three siblings in the care of your father
zhongli was devastated, of course, but knew he needed to be strong for everyone
fortunately, zhongli had a well-paying job so your family never struggled
when you were a freshman in high school, ganyu was already in college so you took over her bedroom that you shared with hu tao
without ganyu around to rope you guys in, life at home was total chaos
hu tao loved to play pranks on you and xiao like putting flour in your blow dryer or turning off the internet connection when xiao was fighting a boss in his favorite video game
xiao, like most teenage boys, often retaliated and it was you who had to pull them apart from killing each other
despite the constant sibling bickering and arguing, the three of you had an unexplainable bond and zhongli’s heart melted when he came home from a rough day at work to find the three of you curled up on the couch watching a movie together
zhongli is the best dad in the entire world
he was a “cool” dad, too
he let your house be the party-house as long as everyone gave him their car keys and slept over
he actually liked looking out his bedroom window to seeing you and your friends having the time of your lives in the pool (his motto: you all deserved to have a fun childhood)
he was very comforting too and his speciality was being able to fit all four kids (teenagers) in his arms at once
if zhongli realized you were upset, he would take you out to spend the day with him, window shopping or eating at your favorite restaurant and ending the day with a snuggle in front of the tv (no matter how old you were)
one time, you and hu tao woke up to an eighteen year-old xiao wrapped up in a blanket next to zhongli on the couch
zhongli has special nicknames for all of you (ganyu is ganny, xiao is kiddo and will always be kiddo, hu tao is princess, and you’re bug)
you’re closest to hu tao
she’s two years older than you and is the only one of your siblings who doesn’t treat you like a baby all the time
she’s definitely the rebellious kid and you know all of her hiding spots for things (you would never snitch on her though)
xiao and ganyu are very protective of you
ganyu just wants you to make smart decisions while xiao threatens anyone who comes near you with a romantic interest
it was annoying at first to have such an overprotective older brother but when your very first relationship ended horribly, you were glad xiao was there to kick their ass and bring you ice cream
when ganyu comes home from college, it’s like a celebration
you and hu tao will run at her and nearly tackle her to the ground in excitement
xiao stands around usually but is always happy she’s home too
birthdays are a big deal in your home
zhongli likes to surprise everyone with “blank days until your birthday” gifts as an excuse to spoil you kids 
he lets you do whatever you want on your birthday too
if you want to go a fancy restaurant, sure. if you want to have a huge birthday party at the house, go for it. if you want to stay in your room all day, alright. his mindset is that it’s one day a year that about you and only you
zhongli is so supportive of you guys
if you’re questioning your gender or sexuality, he’ll listen to you
he’s very progressive and all he wants is for you kids to be happy
when zhongli starts dating a man named childe when you’re sixteen, everyone reacts differently
ganyu is excited, happy her dad finally met someone new after so many years of being alone
xiao is indifferent. at first he’s upset, thinking zhongli is going to forget about their mom, but once he reassures him he’s not, xiao comes around
like ganyu, you’re happy for zhongli. you like childe and you know he makes your dad happy so you’re happy
hu tao, on the other hand, is very against it
anytime zhongli tried to date someone new when she was younger, she had thrown a tantrum and cried for her mom
zhongli, not wanting to make his daughter upset, usually broke off the relationship
but now she was eighteen and she couldn’t really throw a tantrum
so when zhongli told everyone he was dating childe and hu tao ran off to the basement, the three of you followed her
you found out that had similar thoughts to xiao and thought zhongli was dating someone new to replace your mother
it took a lot of coaxing and tears but finally, hu tao came to terms with the situation
surprisingly, she had the best relationship with childe after a while
when you’re graduating high school, zhongli realizes all his babies grew up
(he suffers from empty nest syndrome)
“So, what do you think?” You grinned, watching your siblings and father admire your new dorm room. Ganyu and Hu tao exchanged looks before Ganyu nodded her head proudly. 
“Looks great,” She smiled, “It kind of looks like your bedroom at home.” 
“I thought it would look like a hurricane,” Xiao smirked, earning a playful hit on the upside of his head by his older sister. You heard her mutter an insult under her breath. 
“I think it's quite lovely, Bug,” Zhongli says softly. His hands are twisted behind his back and he won’t make eye contact with you. 
You run your hand under the waterfall lights on the wall, hundreds of photos of your family and friends clipped to the strings. Looking around, you realized you dorm was decorated like your bedroom. You had brought the same comforter and pillows from home and even set up your desk exactly the same. Maybe you weren’t so ready to let go of your childhood, either. 
Zhongli was about to open his mouth when your roommate and their parents walked into the dorm. There was a short exchange of greetings before your siblings filed into the hallway. You knew this was goodbye. 
“You can call me anytime. You know that, right?” Zhongli started, toying with your lampshade. “And if you ever feel homesick and need to-”
“I’ll be okay, dad,” You smiled softly. You embraced your father tightly and he did the same to you. After what felt like hours, but was probably not even a minute, Zhongli pulled away. He gazed you adoringly before kissing your forehead and leaving the dorm. 
Ganyu, who had taken a day off from work to be there, held out of her hand to her father. “Weird, isn’t it?” She asked comfortingly. 
“They’re all grown-up,” He mumbled, “All of my babies are grown up.” 
“Oh, dad,” Hu Tao said. She threw herself at Zhongli, catching him off guard.  “We’ll always be your babies.” 
Zhongli mustered a smile on her lips. He ruffled Hu Tao’s hair. “Yeah,” He agreed, “Let’s go eat.”
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oh-for-fic-sake · 3 years
The Deal Pt 2
Summary: Clark take you to august to finish the deal.
Warnings: Adult Situations +18, Smut, Dub Con, BDSM, Toys
A/N: second part to @wolfieash​ ask which is here
Taglist: in reblog.
Smut below the cut.
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"NO IM NOT GOING ! AND YOU CAN FUCK OFF!" You yelled chasing Clark into the living room arms cross and lips pulled into a snarl.
He rolled his eyes at you, you'd been throwing a fit all day.
"Sweetheart, you made a deal, gave him your word... you cant go back on it" he insisted once more trying to convince you.
"Yes I can it was my word! Not yours, I can do what I want!" You huffed blowing some hair out of your face it was hard trying to be serious when your hair seemed to want to stick in your mouth.
"No poppet I'm not letting you break you word , now get dressed we leave in a hour" he said quickly spinning you around pressing you to the bedroom door.
"Fuck you, I'm not going anywhere!" You grunted pulling away from him.
"Tonight love I promise, now go get ready august is expecting us..." he said grinning almost sweetly at you.
"I don't give a flying fuck! I'm not going" you stomped a foot at him finally making his brow twitch, jaw tightening in irritation.
He stood taller and let his frame seem to devour the space on the hall making you shrink, shivering as you watched your sweet fiancé become a great predator. A loin or bear?
"Sweetheart enough! Now go get dressed...I laid out your outfit" he ground out severely finally having enough. A deal was a deal... and he wanted your ass!
"Out fit? What outfit-OH MY GOD WHAT THE FUCK IS THAT!?" You cried entering your room seeing the shear fabric
"That? Its a little body stocking~" Clark said leaning on the door frame arms crossed wearing a huge grin.
"Well I would if I were you because if not there will be images of your naked ass being flown about on the front pages tomorrow~" he quipped with a smirk.
"Yo-you wouldn't dare!" You said voice loosing its bite as he stared at you.
"Wouldn't I? I mean come on love anal's on the line~" he teased and moved up behind you and slapped your bottom hard enough to make you yip and jerk away.
"Now hop to it... You've got 50 minuets~" he called over his shoulder as he exited the room.
In the end Clarks threat of having you mooney metropolis was too much of a threat and you'd showered and slipped into the body stocking...
But you didn't shave! If they were gonna push through with your whole sex for silence deal then they would live with the consequences! No bare pussy for either of them!
Fuck'em.... or don't? Which was preferable
It wasn't that you didn't enjoy it, it was that you did... a little more then you should have! It frightened you the way you'd enjoyed being used and fought over.
"Oh come on why the long face angel?" August hummed as he opened the glass doors on his rooftop home, the penthouse was shiny sleek and as dark as the man himself.
"Fuck off august!" you grumbled walking right passed him as soon as Clark put you down
"Oh such a foul mouth! We will have to teach you some manners~" the agent quipped as you entered the bare but masculine space, everything was harsh lines and fucked up art pieces of splotching blocky shades of black, red and deep violet.
"Yes she's very snippy today... has been all week, pouting" Clark huffed shrugging. Taking the offered crystal glass with amber liquid.
"Ah we have a brat on our hands then?" August chuckled and walked through the home quickly snagging one of your elbows and directed you to the playroom, not wasting any time.
"Yeah, she doesn't want me to fuck her ass" Clark summarized with a shrug.
"Aww Why not sweety? You loved me fucking your ass? You cried and withered moaning so beautifully~" august hummed into your ear as he pressed you over the threshold into a large windowless room, strip lighting igniting the room in a light red. The devils den so to speak.
"Sh-shut up you prick" you snarled.
Augusts reply was a tsk and he pressed you over to a padded sawhorse and looked to Clark nodding to the ankle and wrist cuffs.
Clark breezed past him quickly securing you down making you curse him, but by this point it was a formality as you had already soaked yourself through.
"Oh would you look at that? Our little brat is eager~" august said with a chuckle and a warm hand probed you lightly making you jolt and try to squirm away.
"Yes I know, she likes denying herself, its strange she knows we will win but Continues to fight?" He said coming around your side ghosting his fingers over your ribs making you shudder.
"Well lets not waste time shall we? I have a few things out ready but first lets get this fitted shall we?" August said menacingly walking around you brandishing a very large O ring gag.
"After all if she's going to throw a tantrum I don't trust her not to bite" he uttered moving towards you.
"I've never thought of using one of those before... it wont hurt her will it?"
"Only her pride Clark trust me even she needs a... dressing down every once in a while" august reassured him.
Your eyes grew wide as the agent approached with the large gag that looked both threatening and enticing, things had been kinky with august but you hadn't ever gone this far into bdsm before. You were scared and still fighting but not as hard? You were curious and being dominated by them last week had... changed you. It had been thrilling to be so out of control.
"Should we... give her a signal or something? Incase it gets to much?" Clark quizzed, he was still all for it but wanted to be mindful of you. He didn't want to hurt you.
"Trust me she's going to love it, but in the case of something going wrong" august directed his attention to you befo4e continuing.
"There is a small desk bell one the inside of the left leg on the saw horse... if thing get too much hit it three times fast and we will get you down" he said seriously.
You frowned as his gaze bored into you, for a second you believed you saw actual concern in his eyes.
It unsettled you, August couldn't really have any feelings towards you could he? I mean this was blackmail!
You nodded quickly to him letting him know you understood.
Then just like that August was haughty again and quickly fixed the gag in your mouth, setting your teeth in the small grooves that was semi comfortable.
"Shes ready when you are~" the agent hummed and stood back.
Clark darted behind you and helped himself to you and august disappeared from sight.
You moaned into the room as your fiancé roamed your folds as if exploring them for the first time.
He was rougher then usual prodding and impaling you fast and hard before slowing and drawing your own arousal over your presented ass.
You withered as Clark used you body, pressing you higher and higher making you teeter on then edge then back away letting you calm down only to work you up again.
"I thought we could... try something... a little bonus for all of us tonight~" you heard august but couldn't see him.
"I'm listening" Clark said as he plunged his fingers back into you harder throwing off your concentration making you cry out.
"I have this" you tried seeing what August had but was too preoccupied with the maddening strokes of clark's fingers as he pounded away at your g-spot forcing you to try and rock on him chasing a high he had already cruely denied you twice.
"What even is that thing?" Cark said not paying attention to you as your body twisted and pulled trying to cum like a desperate whore.
"Here ill show you~" august said and Clarks fingers disappeared from you making you cry out and moan, your pussy tried holding him but it was to drenched to actually grip him.
Then something was pressed into you, large wide and very short.
"Oh-oh fuck?!AH!" You yelped  awkwardly around the gag as the toy settled, curved forward and down pressing on your gspot without being held. There was a large flat expanse resting outside of you to, the toy curved in a large C shape.
"Does that go up her?"
"No no, we just pop her little clit in here~ and press the button!" You jerked as august moved you, thick fingers prodding your clit and sat the engorged nub into a small round dip and pressed a button.
You squealed tensing all at once as you felt a suction on your clit and roared.
"Holy shit?" Clark said in awe watching as you keened and tried throwing you weight around on the toy that was held in place by your muscles clenching to it so tightly... It was bittersweet in a way, your own body holding the sweet torturous device on your clit.
"And it gets better, press that one" you hear a small click and arched moaning out as the egg like shape inside of you came to life vibrating against your insides.
Clark watched entranced as you withered this is what he'd been missing out on? Fuck!
August darted around you and strokes you hair watching as Clark stripped behind you unable to wait any longer as you thrashed about trying to rock into the toy.
"Shh shh thats a girl, now deep breath your wonderboy may be a little too enthusiastic if your doing all that squirming~"
You froze feeling Clark poise himself at your well lubed ass then grunted as he thrust forward splitting you open.
Clark hissed and moaned loudly as the vibrating egg not only made you quiver and tense around him already threatening to flood the place but it also rubbed his cock as he rutted you.
"Oh fuck- thats amazing! I cant- I shit babe!?" Clark didn't wait he immediately began pounding in to the tight quivering body before him.
August chuckled once more before releasing his own belt buckle. Not wanting to let your wails and monas go to waste.
They would work wonders on his cock, offering the sweetest of releases as you screamed onto his cock as he lodged it into your throat.
August was never into men, but he could develop a thing for corrupting this huge perfect man.
For now August would let you and Clark think you were in control of the deal. Let this one final night play out.
But the seed was sewn and before long he knew Superman would return wanting to explore more and more of this little sex dungeon. And then he will strike another deal.
Because August wasn't opposed to making a little compromise to get decent pussy. If he had to share with Supes so be it, it looked like he could teach the kid a thing or two and he would gladly, because he had many more toys to tease you both with~
If things went to plan he'd have not one but two desperate little subs. And he couldn't wait!
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zuffer-weird-girl · 3 years
Notice me.... talk to me.
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Sometimes. You cursed your boyfriend's ego.
It just could be so incredibly difficult to just deal with him at some point...
No matter how exausted or just being proven wrong, Chisaki Kai stumped his foot down to just prove for those who doubted or even, with some sorta of courage, talked back to him how stupid and dumb they were. Because he was right. He knew what was best for him, whose he consider dear to his heart and even the world itself. It didn't matter if blood had to be sheed or people to get hurt. He got what he wanted as always would.
You weren't excluded from this harsh treatment either...
Kai and you rarely fight over something. The man absolutely hated arguments that included yelling or some sort of physical combat although it was necessary with some... imcopentent subbordinates of his.
Yet it didn't mean how cruel your boyfriend could be from only just using words. Especially when he had a problem on his bussiness with the Shie Hassaikai.
For your doom, today was one of those days...
"I'm sure if you just took a couple of hours even to just relax and forget about your goal for one minute you would be less tense." You tried to coach your boyfriend but he only glared at you like you were an arrogant child throwing a tantrum.
"And who are to demand things from me (Y/n)?" He spoke through gritted teeth, you could tell even if he was with a mask over his face.
"Im.. Im just trying to help." You murmured lowly, hurt evident on your features.
"Do I look like i need help from you? You cant even walk alone on a city without being glued to my arm on being guarded by the Shie Hassaikai workers." He spoke on a manner of fact tone before giving his back to you to walk back to his desk.
But you tried one less approach...
"Kai... please. I can't- I don't even recognise you anymore. Please just try to listen to me-" you tried to touch his shoulder only to gasp when his rough and covered hands grabbed onto your wrist harshly and roughly pinned you to the wall as he stared with a murder gaze down at you while tightening his grip on your wrist.
"I won't listen to you. And you know why?" He whispered with venom as he etightened even more his grip on you to the point where it actually started to hurt. "Because comparing me and to yourself dearest, you're just a clingly brat trying to distract me to your own enjoyment."
"K-Kai stop it It hu-" you whimpered and gasped in fear as he slammeed a fist on the side of your head.
"I wasn't done talking!" He roared in your face as tears started to form in your eyes " cant even listen and do something right now?!"
"Kai please-" you whimpered and your eyes widenes when you noticed his glove on the hand he was holding your pulsefading away.
His quirk.
He was about to use his quirk on you.
"Kai calm down-!" You cried and hives started to appear on his face.
"Now you want me to calm down after irritating me right you useless-"
"LET GO OF ME CHISAKI!" You screamed but at the shock of you using his surname and shouting... Chisaki did ended up using his quirk on you.
His eyes widened as you shouted and clench your bleeding handless arm. Shit... what had he done...?
He almost stuttered for you to calm down and when he tried to get close to you to fix you screamed again.
"NO! GET AWAY FROM ME! STAY BACK!" ignoring your pleas he grabbed onto your arm as you trashed and screamed on his grasp as his eyes burned and finally fixing what he had done... physically at least.
Just when your hand was back you pushed yourself away from and falling on the ground as you stared up at him with wide fearfull eyes...
He felt so ridiculous and angered with himself at the sign of the one who trupy loved him staring back at him not like a man, but as a horrific monster...
"A-Angel I-" he crouched down and extended a hand towards your direction but soon returning it when you flinched at the montion. "... I'm.. (Y/n).. I.. I truly didn't want it-"
"Y-Yeah.." you whimperex while carefully getting up and maintaning a dostance from him "But you did..."
"(Y/n) wait just listen to-!" He stopped walking towards you as you rushed to the exit of his office, using his door as a shield.
"Kai not now..." you muttered and slammed the door shut. Leaving with the weight of guilt enough to bury him on the ground.
It pained him to hear the hurried footsteps and sobs fadind away and knowing he was the cause of it.
The day has been awful. He shoudl have listened to you and take a break... maybe then you would be by his side right now...
He walked like a deadman towards his room and sighed at the sign of the door closed before knocking. No one answered...
Allowing himself, he opened the door to spy that... you weren't there. Your pillow was the only thing missing and it let him with unknow pain on his chest as he closed the door.
He asked for Chrono and Mimic forbyour location ... but none of them opened their mouths. Those two were loyal to him but they also didn't want to see a quarrel in the night time. By the stain on Chrono's coat he could tell that you cried on him just minutes ago.
He frowned at the thought but couldn't just punish his friend for actually being a decent man... unlike him. After all, when was the last time he let you cry on his shoulder?
... when was the last time he actually gave you attention..?
He morned at his flaws before widening his eyes at seeing a covered lump on teh couch as his feet immediately dragged him.
He exhaled in relief at seing your sleeping face on there but immediately frowned at the sign of dried tears on it..
Crouching down by your side he frowned, carresing your cheek with his gloved thumb... but the mere touch was enough to rouse you from your sleep as you let out a scared yelp and scotted away... afraid of him.
That hurted more than that any punchs of miss treating he ever received on his life.
"I'm... Did I wake you?" He murmured before sitting on tge couch, legs spread as his arms rested on it.
You stared at him for a minute before averting your gaze from him to the floor as you hugged your legs closer to your chest.
"I... assume you're need some time still after what... happened." He frowned when you just blinked, a broken and saddened look on your (E/c)'s eyes as you carresed the wrist where he had injured.
"... I didn't wanted it. I never wanted this to happen." He admitted with a pain on his chest that it hurted even to talk... but your silence was killing him.
"Won't you say anything?" He looked at you with expectant eyes "Scream? Yell?... anything?"
You got up and faced away from him as he blinked.
"... I'm going to sleep in the guest's room."
"Sounds... fair." He sighed in despair as he watched you walk away and the distant sound of the door shutting.
Burring his face on his face he sighed. A headache coming along with the burn on his eyes.
What had he done..?
He tried many aproachs for 2 weeks. And nothing seemed to be changing anytime soon.
You didn't looked at his face and only answered him with one or two words if he was lucky enough. He couldn't even eat in peace without noticing you just made your plate and leave, with some excuse of cleaning up later.
That wasn't the problem...
When he tried flowers or even your favorite food you just declined with a shook of your head and gave the flowers to some epderly woman whoose aold them.
Why wont you accept it?
He heard rumors of the Hassaikai workers that they thought that you only didn't break up with him for fear of your life... or even that he wouldn't mind killing you just to find another.
What did you and them thought of him to say those things?
Ah. Of course.
A monster.
He aproached silently the living room where he found your reading. You soon casting him a glance before closing your novel and moving to get out.
"How long this will continue?" The words are harsh, but the tone of his voice was broken, pleading for you to just end this suffering.
You stopped right by his side, not spating him a glance as you furrowed your eyebrowss at the ground and clinging to your book.
"Will you leave?" He asked sorrowfully before you sighed.
"... if you ever lay a hand on me again. I will do worst than just leaving Chisaki." You spoke harsly and he actually felt fear with those words.
It was almost commical. Him, leader of the yakusa and with a dangerous quirk, fearing his quirkless girlfriend.
The day this happened conpleted one month....
He saw your messages.
Family and friends of yours didn't know he was a yakusa. But it was explicit on various texts that the only advice they were given you about the relationship was leaving him.
His heart actually clenched at it. Trembling hand holding the cellphone as hot drops of tears fell from his eyes.
He did fucked up...
The presents only increased. You felt good enough to eat again and even chattered more happipy around the precepts and with your therapist.
Everything was great... except for your current situation with your boyfriend.
You knew Kai had never the intention to use his quirk. Anger and exhaustion could inflect on someone's quirk and made them do mistakes they never meant to. But you were still avoiding him due to the trauma of having your hand literraly being overhauled and the hurtfull words he said.
That was the first time Chisaki took his anger out on you... yet you were still petulant about not giving any of your attention.
The only comfort you noticed he had was that you didn't flinched anymore when he moved or try it to get closer. Key word: try.
Of course you noticed he was deeply affected to it. To the point that even Rappa out of all people came to you to just ask to talk to him was alarming.
You were walking on the hallway before you made a confused sound at Chrono whoose whistle and mentioned with his fingers to make you come over where he was.
"What's the problem?" You asked and furrowed your eyebrows at seeing your suitcase on his other hand "why are you with my-?"
"Overhaul asked me to pick. He wanted to know if you would like to move." Your eyes widened at his words.
"Move? Is he kicking me out?"
"No." He shook his head before handling you a paper where it showed you all pictures of a luxury apartment "He just wants to know if you would be interested on living there instead."
"Huh..." you frowned at the paper before you lift your gaze at Chrono sighing and taking off his mask.
"He is tearing apart (Y/n)." You frowned.
"What do you mean?"
"Kai is conplicated. We all know. But I swear to you i never saw him like that. During this three months, he only worked at his bedroom. Didn't eat. Didn't clean... you see what I mean?"
You frowned even more... was he just as much hurting as you were?
"He is torn. Basically... it just activated a past trauma of his what he did."
"Past trauma? What the-" you stopped when he patted your shoulder.
"Not important. So? You want to or not?"
"... not entirely but just a few things." You mourned on your decision as he nodded,putting his mask back and going into Chisaki's office.
"... i see. Take her there."
"Kai come on... you guys at least can talk to each other-"
"No Chronostasis." He froze at the broken tone of voice of hsi friend as he stared with a empty look at the window. "She deserves a place of her own. Living with me would only make her worst."
"What about you then?" He chuckled sadly before rolling his eyes to see Chrono.
"I am just simply living through what a monster deserve."
(A/n):phew! Just came back with a amgsty scenario! Let me know if you guys want a second part of it! It just got way too big for one post.
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heyitsyn · 3 years
a/n: this is a thing i cooked up between doing trig exam and ap gov review akdsjfldskfj
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oikawa def listens to indie music just bc he wants to feel unique and the 'iM diFfErENt fRoM oTHeR gUrLs' vibes
meanwhile kunimi eats a kitkat like its pizza just CHOMP
makki caNNOT sleep without a pillow between his thighs LIKE LISTEN he has 2 sisters and they all told him its so comfortable and at first he was like,, ??,, then he tried and now cant sleep without it
bUT MATTSUN LIKES TO SLEEP WITH PILLOWS SURROUNDING HIM bc it makes him feel safe and like there are two body pillows on either side of him and hes kinda trapped in the middle aksjskdk
when kyo was younger, he was really short and although he had other pants, he loved this one pair but they were really long on him and he wore it all the time and the part of the pants that touched the ground is torn in shreds
kindaichi steps on the sofa before sitting LIKE puts one foot on the cushion then the other until hes literally standing on the couch before folding to sit with his knees up to his chest (i do this)
watari sniffs his food before eating it no matter if its something he eats all the time or something new, he still sniffs it either way
yahaba is really particular with his feet and he likes to get a really big tupperware (duh one only meant for his feet) and fill it up with warm almost boiling water and he just soaks them
oikawa has sleep paralysis and he oftens hallucinates about aliens in the corner of his room
kunimi does this thing where he makes weird noises with his mouth like sounds of his mouth opening LIKE when youre tastinf something new and you do that sound with your tongue (I DUNNO HOW TO DESCRIBE IT AJDKSKKD)
makki bends his knees just to crack his ankles
iwa sneezes a ton but he has those sneezes where theyre quiet that you dont even notice or really loudly that it just echoes throughout the gym
kyo sleeps with one sock on bc his feet gets cold easily but both socks make him feel really hot so only one sock is perfect
for a tall and hunk of a guy, mattsun is a very light walker like his footsteps are very light and if he wants to, it can be practically silent
watari actually hates vegetables ajssksksk he particularly hates zucchini, eggplants, any vegetables that are that shape
kindaichi likes to stick or lean against walls because to him, they feel cold and can decrease his body heat
oikawa stands and places his feet at V position like \/ instead of ll because his sister did ballet and he was taught that was the right way of standing and it was considered graceful
yahaba has a fear of cactuses
mattsun does so badly in the heat because his body temp runs so high and the hot surroundings make him feel so uncomfortable and so he takes a lot of cold showers
iwa cannot swim like he freaks out immediately when his toetips can no longer feel the bottom and he panics with thoughts of drowning
watari has really small feet that he still buys big kids shoes to save money
kyotani considered playing baseball because he thought baseball bats were cool but he got angry and threw tantrum after missing his first pitch
iwa chomps on a whole raw chili while eating ramen akskksks
oikawa actually hates sweets bc when he was younger, he had cavities and iwa showed him a cartoon of cavities eating his teeth and will make him toothless
kindaichi really really likes hugs but hes too awkward to ask them even from his parents
yahaba chomps on mints so he goes through boxes of them in a week
i feel like theres a boy in the team who doesnt brush their teeth everyday and rubs a towel on their teeth to make it look clean and take mints to hide their bad breath
iwaizumi is actually iron deficient so he bruises super super fast and he even developed iron defiency anemia when he was younger bc his parents didnt catch on which caused him to be put on strong medication for months and still takes it now
seijoh four bonding time is watching gordom ramsey shows and yelling and screaming 'YEA! EXACTLY!' as if theyre also cooking genuises
watari used to eat grapes all the time until his mom got worried and told him if he doesnt stop, he will eventually turn into one. he only eats it every few weeks
when he was younger, kunimi cried because he had befriended a chicken on a trip to a farm and his mom took him to eat fried chicken after and he thought it was Chicky (his chicken friend :"))
kyotani used to stick out his tongue when it was raining so he could taste the raindrops. they taste better than bottled water
one time, during a seijoh sleepover, they dared oikawa to wear his sisters old uniform, skirt and all, and it backfired so everyone turned red and couldnt look at him in the face
their pregame ritual is touching each other's shoe tips
they tried doing yoga at yahaba's house before by watching yoga youtube videos but everyone ended up having to go to the chiropractor after (how did makki even turn into the human pretzel?)
the local gym gets so scared when they see the team coming through the doors bc these men are so LOUD like they HYPE EACH OTHER UP SO MUCH THEYRE SO ANNOYING AKSKSKDK
also never take them to an all you can eat sushi place. if you do, bring them earlier of the day like 30 mins after opening time so the cooks can cook enough for them without running out of ingredients (even then sometimes they still run out)
oikawa used to eat his mom's roses from her garden because he thought it would make his farts smell good like roses
takahiro is a surprisingly good artist like he draws really cool action fighting scenes in the corner of his papers and stuff
in my work: it's canon that iwa is half filo and his nanay used to dress him up in a barong all the time during halloween bc she wanted him to showcase his heritage
yahaba drinks a lot of milk because he hopes to one day grow strong and bulky like the 3rd years instead of being seen as a pretty boy
kindaichi's mom is a hairstylist and she always scolds him for using a lot of gel bc she's always the one who washes his hair
makki never learned how to do taxes and hes had the government knocking on his door a handful of times (BOKUTO AKKDJSKKS)
kyo has a dog: a chiweenie
there's someone on the team who wears those socks with individual pockets for toes
their pinterest is so different from what they look like for example, mattsun has a board of different flower decorations and arrangements
kunimi throws up during intense horror movies
watari's celeb crush is emma watson
the team alternates from different music genres like from ateez and bts to mxmtoon and beach bunny
they still dont know how to pronounce camila cabello's name
theyre all active in social media but only oikawa is on it 24/7 and in all platforms while the others have insta and snap
mattsun has twins as little siblings and he used to get them mixed up all the time that he used to draw a sharpie dot on the girl's forehead to determine she was his sister
watari hates sitting on the floor bc his butt bone hurts really easily so he can only sit on cushions for long periods of time
the team was supposed to have a party but everyone didnt know what to bring so they proved they shared the same braincell by bringing the same thing: a box of pizza
makki's an old soul and prefers to play records on a record player or watch old movies
kyo is surprisingly good at giving massages because he really pushed hard on those tense muscles
kindaichi knows how to crack necks so everyone goes to him a lot to do it (a friend of mine does this and can i say its terrifying yet so good?)
the only one who has a license is matsukawa and thats because granny needs to go to the doctor a lot and he hates her walking by herself and cabs are expensive
kyotani and yahaba are actually,,, lowkey close,,, not like best friends but theyre nice to each other and they got a stick and poke together (yahaba's was: :) while kyo's was: >:))
watari has a collection of mangas (some bl maybe 👀)
WARNING SAD: mattsun’s future job is a funeral person right? he ends up taking care of granny’s funeral free of charge and he had to take a week off because it was really painful for him
oikawa learned spanish SUPER fast to the point he forgets japanese sometimes but there are moments where he forgets both languages and hes just,,,, ???
makki’s unemployed yea but he rooms with mattsun in exchange of cooking because makki’s surprisingly good at cooking
iwa is practically the nutritionist of the team because he knows everything about proteins, carbs, iron, and needed vitamins so they all go to him to know what to eat and what they need
kunimi has lots and lots of shoes but usually only wears 2
kindaichi has a habit of pretending hes chewing gum even though he doesnt have gum, his mouth just chomps and moves with air akasldfjkf
there was a clown phenomenon in america but in their city, they had a mascots and seijoh 4 went around scaring kids :”(
oikawa never manspreads he gets too insecure to spread out like that akdjfkd
kyotani can easily sleep anywhere like he would be standing and just fall asleep or he sleeps with his eyes open
yahaba’s parents own a restaurant somewhere in the city and he works there sometimes
oikawa screams a lot according to gigi but he’s actually a really quiet guy and not easy to scare
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creepytoes88 · 4 years
Angry sex with Vinnie
So this is a very bratty reader and there is hitting in this I AM NOT ROMANTICIZING ABUSE! I can NOT stress this ENOUGH
But this might be one of my favorites I choose Bryce cus he’s problematic so it seemed realistic to me just imagine him and Addison aren’t a thing lol COVID DOESN’T EXIST IN ANY OF MY STORIES Covid makes me sad 😢 OK LOVE YOU GUYSSSSS ♥️🤌🥸
I’m almost done getting ready when I hear Vinnie come in the room. Vinnie and I are going to Jake pauls ( he literally has nothing to do with the story) party or one of the biggest parties in LA everyone gets shit-faced and either you have to crash there or you have to get a Uber. Needless to say, I'm scared shitless but I'm not gonna let Vinnie know that he's way too excited for me to bail on him. So I just keep getting ready and keep telling myself tonight's gonna be great, because it is gonna be great. Vinnie comes into the bathroom with his hair maintained and non-frizzy no matter how much I wanted to run my hands through it, I also knew Vinnie would KILL me so I resisted.
”Hey you,” I say with a smile ”Hey you look hot,” Vinnie says looking me up and down, I stopped and turned around with a straight face ”and absolutely breathtaking just say the word, and ill go ring shopping m’lady. Vinnie says with a shit-eating grin as he bows to me I smile ”well now that you mention it...” I place my finger on my chin pretending to think about it ” I would love a ring pop” I continue to do my make up as Vinnie chuckles. He walks up behind me wrapping his hands around my hips rubbing his thumbs on my dress before leaning into my ear
”you look amazing baby” he kisses the side of my neck ” I could take you right now,” Vinnie says in a deep voice. I turn around putting my hand on his chest ”don’t even think about it, I love you but we have to leave in 20 minutes and I'm still not done with my make-up.” I turn around again continuing to do my make up I feel a slap on my ass. I gasp at the sting of the hit ”such a brat.” Vinnie kisses your neck again before leaving the bathroom It's gonna be a long night.
Time skip to party
As soon as we pull up to the party a group of Vinnie's friends immediately take him away to play beer pong. I roll my eyes as I walk to Maddy and Avani, we get drinks and walk to the dance floor, about an hour has passed, and was done dancing and kinda just wanted to check on Vinnie. I stand up and tell the girls I'm gonna find Vinnie they nod and I walk in the direction he went when the boys pulled him away. Just more dancing people but no Vinnie, ok maybe the back yard I walk towards the back door and as I step out did I hear the most the last thing I wanted to hear ”KICK HIS ASS VINNIE” I hear people yelling ”FUCK YEA, GET HIM VINNIE ” I see Jordan and Kio high-five as they encourage Vinnie to beat the crap of someone. I run over to Jordan and Kio ”What the fuck is wrong with you guys stop him!” I screech at them Jordans head whips around with scared eyes as he runs to me and grabs me ”stop you didn’t see what happened and what Bryce said!” ” He fucking deserves it!” Kio yells kinda drunk.
Vinnie's POV
After the boys came and pulled me away from Y/n we played pong and shotgun a couple of claws (gross) before I know it I was feeling the alcohol. As I'm talking to Jordan and Kio I feel a slap on my shoulder ”ssssssup man” Bryce wraps his arm around my shoulder. I could smell the alcohol on his breath not that his slurring wasn't enough evidence to show he's drunk off his ass. ”hey bro what's up?” I ask
”not much but *burp* I do wanna tell you *hiccup* that Y/n looks like a million dollars tonight man” I look at him as I try to keep me cool knowing he's just drunk ”Like honestly dude*hiccup* if you weren't dating her I would totally hit it *hiccup* like her ass is perfect man, and her tits dude. Does she ever wear a bra I can always see her *hiccup* nips but it makes me so horny man?” Bryce laughs as he claps me on the back. I look at Jordan and Kio who look at me shocked, unfortunately for Bryce, I was far too buzzed to even think about what I was doing before my fist collided with his face.
Y/n’s POV
I push my way through the crowd and when I get to the front I see Vinnie on top of Bryce trying to curve his face in, both of his fists pounding into Bryce's face. ”VINNIE STOP” I scream immediately he stops and turns around seeing my scared face he stands up coming towards me but I walk past him going straight to Bryce and start to shake him. I hear him groan ”are you ok?” I ask as he slowly opens his eyes ”look I'm in Heaven” Bryce says with a wink before passing out all the sudden I'm being pulled up by my arm like a child. I look up to see an extremely angry Vinnie I could see him shaking with anger. ”ow Vinnie you're hurting me” I whine as I try to pry his hand off of my arm ”VINNIE STOP” I yell at him in front of everyone.
”YOU CAN’T JUST GET JEALOUS, BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF PEOPLE! AND THEN YOU WANT TO DRAG ME OUT OF THE PARTY LIKE A FUCKING KID I THINK THE FUCK NOT!” I yell at him with sass. As soon as the words leave my mouth I see his usually sweet and loving eyes change before me becoming almost emotionless. They fill with absolute rage Vinnie narrows his eyes at me picking me up and throwing me over his shoulder holding my legs so I can't kick him.
”PUT ME THE FUCK DOWN RIGHT NOW!” I pound my fists into his back and scream having an absolute tantrum, I'm so angry that I'm seeing red, not a few minutes later I was put on the ground.
Before I could push him away I was turned around and push against the car ”such a fucking brat!” He slaps my ass
”fuck you,” I say as I try to get my hands free I hear the car door open then the back of the seat being moved. Vinnie sits in the car pulling me I'm with him so I'm sitting on his lap and start to push on his chest to get away I know what's about to happen and I know it gonna hurt a lot. ”STOP YOU FUCKING BRAT!” Vinnie yells and finally holding my hands behind my back. Vinnie looks up at me and chuckles he holds my hands with one of his own, his other hand pulling on his belt wrapping my wrists together ”NO DON’T DADDY IM SORRY!” I say as tears start filling my eyes and my bottom lip quivers.
Vinnie looks up at me his eyes showing no emotion ”I'm not gonna hit you till I'm calm-” My eyes widen ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell as I try to get away even though I know I can't but I don't want a spanking. I know Vinnie won't touch me till we’re home and it's a long-ass drive at least an hour or two depending on traffic meaning I'm gonna be hot and bothered AND my ass is gonna be on fire. I feel a harsh slap on my right cheek I let out an involuntary moan grinding against him ”STOP talking to me like that.” Vinnie rubs my cheek turning my face towards him ”you’ve made daddy very mad and after your punishment, we will be having a conversation about tonight right now I need you to take your punishment like a good girl.” Vinnie says softly rubbing my cheek I know he's trying to make a point about my attitude and he’s somehow being so sweet. I wish I could say it was me being extremely horny and slightly tipsy but honestly, it was just my pride I don't wanna admit that I'm wrong, for talking to him like that and hitting him in anger, which I have never done before, I feel bad but still, the words came out.
”NO! DON'T FUCKING TOUCH ME!” I shout right in his face Vinnie’s eyes lock with my own I gulp that was the last straw and I know it. All of a sudden my face is in the passenger seat my chest is against the armrest in the middle Vinnie puts his left leg over my legs so I couldn’t kick him or grind myself against him.
”D-Daddy don't please.” I sniff looking back at him with wide eyes ”I-i I'll be good daddy-” Vinnie lets out a dark laugh he then grabs a first full of my hair and yanks my head back I gasp ”I hope you cry.” Vinnie whispered in my ear before pushing my head back down ”Don’t fucking move or you get five more.” Vinnie lifts my dress so it's around my waist he ripped my underwear off throwing the ruined material on his dashboard. ”count” Vinnie demands ”How many-?” I start to ask ”DID I SAY TO FUCKING SPEAK!” Vinnie lands a hard slap on my ass
”OH FUCK!” I yell trying to get away ”thats 25 now.” Vinnie says as he pulls me back into place ”Now I said count, so fucking count slut!”
I feel the first one on my right cheek ”OW one” I said as I sniff holding my tears in. Another one SLAP! This time on my left I let out a cry as I try not to move an inch. ”TWO!” this time a tear slips out but Vinnie doesn't see it, his hand lands on my right cheek way more hard then the last one and before I could even cry he lands another one with the same power onto the left cheek. A sob escapes my mouth as tears fall down my face ”FUCKING COUNT OR USE THE SAFE WORD!” my heat throbs as he yells at me my arousal running down my legs. ”THREE FOUR!” I scream as a sob comes up my throat it hurts so bad but feels so good.
”T-T-TWENTY-FIVE!” I scream sob, my face soaked with tears and my wetness has been running down my legs, I could feel the puddle on his jeans. My ass is on fire and it's bright red with handprints all over the place, I have my head resting on the seat trying to calm down my breathing and crying. Vinnie silently runs his thumbs from the puddle on his jeans all the way to my slit, collecting all of the wetness from that thigh before sticking the digit in his mouth ”mmhm” he moans before doing the same to the other thigh, once again putting his thumb in his mouth again. I am however still sobbing ”you can cry all you want baby...” he kisses my red ass cheek ”you are just making me so much more hard.” Vinnie says before he licks my clit softly ”mmm daddy” I say with a small voice ”I’m still mad at you baby.” He says as he slaps my clit making me whimper ”please daddy” I try to grab his shirt with my hands.
Vinnie immediately pulls away so I can't touch him or grab him ”No, don't fucking touch me.” he says repeating what I said to him not long ago obviously, it had hurt his feelings and stuck with him. ”oh, daddy I'm sorry I didn't mean it that way.” I look back at Vinnie best I can from my position ”I really am sorry Vinnie, I love you.” I say with wide eyes making sure he is paying attention. He rubs my thigh ”I know you are brat!” he then slaps my thigh ”sit in your seat and buckle up I don't wanna hear a word.” he pulls his belt off and puts it in the back seat. A tear slips down my face, is he really that mad at me that he won't say I love you back, I crawl to my seat and fix my dress before I sit down soft and slow my behind still in major pain.
The pain makes me feel even worse knowing he's very mad at me I stare at my hands I didn't even realize I was still crying till he said something ”turn around baby let me see” Vinnie says softly. I look up at him and I sniff slowly I pull my knees up and stand on them and use the window for support as Vinnie pulls my dress up around my waist once again ”fuck baby I'm sorry” Vinnie says in a sad tone as he begins to leave light kisses on my cheeks ” I love you baby so much I'm just pissed at Bryce and then you were being a bitch about-” My eyes widen ” W-What? I was being a bitch! You dragged me around like a fucking kid!” I say angrily as tears run down my face ”you're a fucking asshole” I say to myself getting ready to sit back down but then I feel pain on the skin of my ass so much worse then before and it didn't feel like a hand.
A giant sob jumps from my throat and moaning I feel my pussy clench around nothing for the hundredth time this night. I whip my head around to see Vinnie holding his belt in his hand with an angry face and black eyes filled with lust and rage mostly rage. ”You never fucking learn, unless I treat you like shit so get in the fucking back! Don't say a goddamn word or I'll whip you with my belt again.” I gasp and I scurry between the seats my ass getting stuck between my seat and Vinnie's shoulder. ”My lucky day huh.” I feel him smack my ass a cry leaving my lips and I fall into the back seat my ass in the air. Another slap is delivered to my ass tears running down my face as I try to buckle up fast even with the pain in my behind, my makeup was definitely fucked up.
20 minutes later we pulled into a nice-looking hotel Vinnie grabs a napkin and hands it to me silently ”don’t say a word unless spoken to and just sit down till I come get you.” I nod as I wipe my eyes trying to stop the tears Vinnie steps out of the car and opens the back door on my side grabbing my hand and pulling me out after I unbuckle. I know this sweetness is going to be short-lived as it's just a front so people don't think something is actually wrong. Vinnie approach soon but first he turns around and asks how late room service is open ”24/7 sir” the lady says as she hands him two room cards.
”Perfect.” Vinnie says as he grabs my hand pulling me to the elevator the second the elevator door shut Vinnie grabs my neck and slammed me against the wall.
A loud moan leaving my lips ”i had to get the most expensive room so they wouldn't kick us out for all the screaming you're going to do from your punishments.” Vinnie licks my lips and cheek ”Open your fucking mouth!” he says immediately my mouth drops and my tongue falls out past my teeth. Vinnie spits in my mouth I moan loudly ”Swallow” so I did ”Again”
he grunts squeezing my neck and one of my boobs, my mouth drops open Vinnie spits but it doesn't all go in my mouth I shoot my eyes open looking down at the spit on the floor disappointed. I start to lean down ”Don’t baby I'll give you more.” I look up at Vinnie and grab his waist, a slap is delivered to my face ”I said don't touch me do you want me to spit in your mouth or not!” I moan dropping to the floor on my knees mouth open ”YES!” I say rushing to taste him again.
”I-I’m sorry daddy I won't do it anymore.” I say with puppy eyes my mouth open waiting for him to give me a gift. Vinnie looks down at me with a disgusted look tears fall from my eyes as I look up at him mouth still open waiting patiently. ”You're a nasty slut!” he slaps me before forcing my mouth open spitting inside. I moan at the taste and at the pain on my face I swallow reluctantly wanting it to last forever I then lick my lips and hold my cheek ”we’re the only people on this floor so strip and crawl to the room. Stay on your knees where you belong, for now at least”
He Pushes me to he ground It didn't hurt because I was only on my knees I take my dress off and my dra I go to kick my heels off
”Don’t! keep them on.” Vinnie says leaning down picking up my clothes as the doors open I see a long hallway and all the way to the end is a double door I crawl out and wait for Vinnie ”Come here, Now.” I crawl as fast as I can ”sit” my eyes widen I'm not a fucking dog I think to myself all the sudden I feel something around my neck.
Vinnie had fastened his belt around my neck like a collar ”Crawl bitch!” I gasp as my hands hit the ground we slowly move towards the door Vinnie behind me. I feel pain on my ass once again I whip my head around to see Vinnie whip my ass with my own bra. I moan I'm gonna have bruises for months, he hits my ass every once in a while I moan every time. We get to the door and he opens it with his key card. ”I have to run to the store you can shower if you wish and watch tv but I expect you naked and ready when I get back” Vinnie starts to walk away ”oh and don't touch your self, I'll know if you did.” he turns to me and looks down into my eyes before walking out.
I hop in the shower and then I lay on the couch with a homemade ice pack I made, with supplies from the room and the mini ice machine in the room, pressed against my sore ass. It's been barely been an hour, but I already miss Vinnie. I can't wait for my punishment to be over so he will hold me and kiss me I don’t wanna fight, I wanna sleep. My head lefts up at the sound of the door being opened. ”Get on the bed it's time for your punishment.” Vinnie says as he comes in with a couple of different black bags I Eye them suspicious of what's inside.
”Don't worry about it and lay on your stomach.” Vinnie says in a slightly angry tone I rush on the bed and lay my head in a pillow I feel Vinnie slightly sit on my lower back making the bed dip. All of the sudden my hand is being tired to the headboard then the other he gets off me before doing the same to my legs. I'm spread like a starfish and I can't turn my head to see anything. ”scream and cry all you want I don’t care.” and with that, he gets off me not a second later I hear him fiddle with the bags and then silence then I hear... Buzzing?
My eyes widen as I realize what my punishment is ”NO DADDY PLEASE I-I IM SORRY NOT THAT PLEASE!” tears immediately pour down my face I pull at my restraints even though it's useless. ”Maybe you will listen first then run your loudmouth Brat.” I feel the head of the vibrator enter me and I moan immediately pleasure runs through me I hear another vibration and then out of nowhere, Vinnie pulls a smaller vibrator out and positioned right at my clit. I moan even louder I can feel my first orgasm approach. I feel a slap on my ass ”n-no more daddy please I will behave and l-listen.”
I sob as he delivers more smacks to my overly sore ass my orgasm ripping through me another already on its way. I hear Vinnie start to look in the bags again he pulls my hair back ”see this” Vinnie shows me a stick or so I think. He pulls on one of the ends and it comes off releasing a bunch of leather strings my eyes widen in fear he's gonna whip me with a real sex whip my second orgasm making me shakes and convulses almost pushing the vibrator out. Vinnie pushes it back in all the way before he starts whipping my ass with the whip my third orgasm approaching fast ”AAAH MAKE IT STOP VINNIE IT’S TOO MUCH TO FAST!” I yell tears running down my face
”what’s that? turn them on high! ok whatever you say.” Vinnie chuckled deeply ”Nooooooo” I moan as the vibrations make my third orgasm be forced out I scream nonsense orgasm after orgasm driving me crazy.
-two hours later-
I was sobbing and screaming as another orgasm ripped me apart it feels so good but it hurts to breathe at this point. ”CORN MUSTARD” I yell the safe word. Immediately the vibration stop and are pulled from my body Vinnie unties my hands and feet ”BABY ARE YOU OK” he softly turns me over on my back and I hiss in pain everything hurts ”NO FUCK YOU!” I yell not meaning a word of it ”oh baby I'm so sorry-” I push him away I'm not even mad at him I'm just in pain and still unsatisfied ashamed I still want his dick and his mouth on mine I feel a Slap ”WHY CAN’T YOU FUCKING LEARN??!? DO I HAVE TO HURT YOU WITH MY COCK AND WORDS TO MAKE YOU FUCKING LISTEN!” he slams his rock hard cock into me I didn't even know he was naked till now ”UGH I HATE YOU.” I yell
Vinnie stops and pulls out of me he slams back in making me moan ”FUCK YOU, THAT'S WHY YOU’RE A SLAVE FOR MY COCK, YOU FUCKING WHORE!” Vinnie yells as he slaps my face. Begin to moan uncontrollably it feels so good I can feel him in my belly his big ass cock ramming into my uterus. ”FUCK DADDY IM SORRY I SHOULD HAVE LISTENED TO YOU I DON’T HATE YOU I LOVE YOU S-SO MUCH DADDY! IM YOUR SLUTTY WHORE PLEASE PUT YOUR CUM IN ME AND FILL ME UP, DADDY” I was shaking around his cock his breath in my face I just wanted to taste him so bad ”p-please kiss me daddy.” Vinnie looks down at me ”WHY THE FUCK SHOULD I KISS YOU BITCH, YOU HAVE DONE NOTHING BUT BE A PAIN IN THE ASS TONIGHT!” I sob I just wanted to feel that he loves me I feel so stupid and useless right now. The sobs no longer from the pleasure but from my broken heart Vinnie slows down looking at my devastated face as real emotional tears and gasps left my body as I just laid there.
”b-baby?” Vinnie asks still pounding into me he stops still inside of me I look up at him and hiccup ”y-you don’t love me anymore because I said a-all those nasty things I d-didn’t mean it a-and you hate me now” I cry into the pillow Vinnie grabs my face wiping all of my tears and kissing me on the lips sweet and passionately taking my breath away.
”mmmmm” I moan into his kiss sliding my tongue in his mouth putting my hand in his hair and hugging his body close to me I was drooling at his taste kissing him harder and grinding against him. I feel Vinnie smile as he begins to fuck me again this time with passion and love not anger and resentment. We both are kissing sloppy and moaning into each others mouths as he pounds into me.
”FUUUUCK I LOVE YOU SO MUCH IM GONNA CUM” He moans as he cums deep inside of me causing me to release ”DADDY YESS THANK YOU IM SORRY.” I lay there as Vinnie pulls out my head snaps up ”Nononono I want it.” I open my mouth for his slightly stiff cum covered cock.
”fuck such a nasty girl...” he moans as he puts his cock down my throat choking me
”mmmmm baby I forgive you, you’re so perfect in every way.” he moans taking his soft cock out of my sucking mouth I start to whine but Vinnie pops his finger in my mouth keeping me busy still I pass out.
Vinnie’s POV
”My sweet girl.... No more alcohol for you but I do love you very much you have never been so bratty.” I kiss her lips and turn off the light's pulling my brat closer as I snuggle into her neck I couldn't ask for more.
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