#im trash lady (affectionate)
andy-clutterbuck · 1 year
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8x07 for @catt-leya
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ficnation · 1 year
Popcorn - Thor x Reader
Prompt: Popcorn
Word count: 861
Pairing: Thor Odinson x Female! Reader
Warnings: fluffy fluff, cursing
A/n: This is the short Marvel piece I’ve wrote for @the-slumberparty​ one-word warm-up :D
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You’ve had a bad day at work, probably the worst one ever. The company you worked for was having trouble with its budget, and the task of fixing it fell onto you, which was really frustrating. It made your job so much harder and tedious. You almost considered quitting. Almost. Because the pay was way too good to give up on so quickly. 
So when you came home that evening, you sighed deeply and kicked the door shut. You were tired as fuck. That much was clear. All you wanted to do was crawl into bed and forget about everything. Forget the large numbers displayed on the hundreds of sheets of paper on your desk, and definitely forget how your boss scoffed at you for “working too slow.”
To your surprise, your apartment smelled like burnt popcorn, and then you remembered you didn’t live alone. You paused by the entryway and peered through the darkened living room into the kitchen. There you spotted a certain someone sitting hunched over the countertop, a bowl of almost black popcorn in front of him. The view was nearly comical. 
“Almost burned the house down?” you asked, amused, crossing your arms over your chest. It would not be the first time.
Thor looked up, then smiled sheepishly. “Sorry,” he mumbled around his mouthful of popcorn. 
You raised your brow at him. There was no way that tasted good. You knew that you were right when he grimaced and swallowed noticeably. The view made you snort. Then he turned toward you and smiled again, looking very handsome and boyish in his casual, Midgard attire. He wore loose jeans and a cozy hoodie that he seemed to never part from. His hair was pulled back into a messy bun, a few loose strands framing his bearded face. The urge to tuck the luscious blonde locks behind his ear was irresistible. 
“I don’t know what I did wrong. It doesn’t taste like yesterday,” Thor told you as he walked out from behind the counter. He took the popcorn bowl and tossed its content into the trash bin, mourning his failure. “I seem to attract more fire lately.”
You followed him into the kitchen and leaned against the countertop while he continued to rummage through the kitchen for food. “Oh yeah? What else have you burnt today?” you teased. All of the exhaustion disappeared from your body and mind in his presence. Just for a second, you let yourself feel carefree.
Your words seemed to make him nervous. He chuckled awkwardly before turning around and flashing you a charming smile, forgetting about the food for good. “Nothing important.”
You raised your brows, skeptical. Detecting Thor’s lies was something even a child would excel at. “Liar,” you accused with a playful scoff.
He gave you another weak smile before walking up to you and looking you up and down. Before you could register his intentions, he wrapped his arm around your waist and placed one hand on your hip, pulling you closer to him. You felt your heart skip a beat.
“You look tired, love,” he murmured into your hair, kissing your temple softly. He kissed your cheek, too, then nuzzled against your neck, breathing warm air across it. You hummed softly in response. He was great at distracting you; you had to give him that. “I am sorry I’ve burnt it.”
“Don’t worry about it, Thor. I should’ve taught you how to use the microwave a long time ago,” you murmured back, trying to keep yourself from squirming underneath his touch. His hands were strong and much bigger than yours. And god, they felt so warm even through the barrier that your shirt was. “Come on, let’s go to bed. I’m exhausted.”
The Norse god grinned and nodded, pressing an affectionate kiss to your lips. It lasted only a few seconds, but it still made your cheeks warm up.
“Yes, my lady,” he agreed.
When you reached your bedroom, you immediately collapsed face down onto your bed, not bothering to take off your shoes or jacket. However, Thor felt an obligation to make you as comfortable as was physically possible.
He leaned over the bed, lifting one of your legs after the other, sliding your heels off, and leaving a soft kiss on top of each foot. You giggled quietly, feeling ticklish. It made Thor beam at you. Your laughter was his favorite sound in the entire universe. He got your jacket off, too, hanging it on the nearby chair and letting you undress the rest of the way.
You felt Thor join you within seconds, burrowing his warm body into your side and curling against you. He held you tightly and pressed his face into your shoulder, sighing contently. You closed your eyes and allowed yourself to enjoy it, relaxing completely after the stressful day.
“Thor, don’t you ever burn my house down,” you mumbled into the pillow, squinting at him. 
Thor burst into a booming laugh, making you smile. “No need to fret, my sweet one. The popcorn flame will not consume this house again.”
You sighed in relief before your eyes shot open in realization. “Again?!”
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@humanmistakes​ @yttricuz​ @twdeadlysins​ @donttelltheelff​ 
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stxrmylxve · 1 year
Could you do Tokyo Revengers Mikey x reader (Hinas friend) x Dark Izana. Finds out Mikey has a GF and goes all Yandere or evil.
so im going to be honest, it might be because it’s late, but i had a hell of a hard time figuring out exactly what you wanted.. so i did the sort of thing where y/n wanted mikey ofc but izana jumped in and kinda made it a threesome but not really? i noticed there were three people in your request so that’s how I got to that lol. Hope this serves!
“Look, I told you, he has a girlfriend, y/n. I’m sorry to tell you!” Hina explains as you glare at her.
“No way he does.” you mutter as you munch on some chips, pondering the thought no longer than a second.
“But he does. It’s hannah!” she exclaims.
“hannah..?” you say in disbelief as you scoff.
“No way he would date that trash,” you say as you dust yourself off and collect your things, “cya.”
As you kicked a few rocks, you heard walking and as normal, you expected a quick glance at most. However, this was mikey and hannah, which lit a fire under you very quickly.
She was clinging onto his arm, something he never allowed, even with you. Why the hell could she?
You jog up to them with a sour smile as you greet them both.
“Hi mikey! Who’s this lovely lady?”
“Hannah, my girlfriend.” he says with an affectionate smile as your eyes go wide.
So it was true? They were a thing?
“How long have y’all been together now?” you ask with a forced smile as you look between the two.
“A few days now. We’re so happy together!” Hannah exclaims as she rubs mikey’s forearm.
“ew.” you mutter under your breathe as you ajust your backpack and say goodbye, making sure to kick a bit of dirt onto her new shoes as you turn.
This was just a stupid crush, it would wear off right?
Watching them was sickening. You watched for days, weeks, months. It got to you. He said that you would be his first girlfriend when he turned 17, why was hannah the first and not you?
Izana had been there for you, letting you yell and say any angers about her/him and their relationship whenever you went over to their house. You never realized he had heard most of it though.
“Hey y/n, can we talk..?” mikey asks as you glare.
“What?” you ask simply as you put your pens away.
“uhm.. I don’t know what I did but I can tell you don’t like me.” he says awkwardly.
“Listen, can we just like… not? I was having a great afternoon studying here.” you dismiss.
“I heard you and izana.” mikey utters as you stop at the doors of the classroom.
“so?” you say after a while.
“I know you don’t like my girlfriend, but why the hell does it give you the right to ignore and hate me?!” he yells as it ticks in your brain second by second.
“Why? What the fuck are you on mikey? You knew I have hated her, for years! I told you, I cried on your shoulder about the damn things she did and said to me! And you’re going to sit here,” you point to his chest as you push him back with your index finger, “and ask why I hate your girlfriend? Save it you man whore.” you spit as you turn around and walk out.
Mikey couldn’t stop the blush that formed on his cheeks but the words still hurt. He saw the tears forming, that’s the whole reason you left. He didn’t even like hannah, but that’s what they all say.
”But.. izana! He.. he’s dating my e-enemy. He knows that!” you blab as new tears continue to stain his grey shirt black.
“Maybe he forgot. If he is, there’s no reason to cry. You deserve better than manjiro, y/n.” izana says as he draws shapes on your back.
“He wouldn’t ever forget! Do you know the things I did for him? I got rid of his bullies, scared potential crushes away, helped him everyday, and he still went and is dating someone!” you beat his chest as you continue to crumble on Izana’s lap.
”He might have moved on. All I’m saying is that he was just cruel to do that.” Izana says as he lays back and allows you to whimper in quiet to calm yourself.
“I’m here for you, y/n.”
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meetbag · 2 years
Mito Uzumaki headcanons
its mito’s birthday today, and because im too lazy to draw i will offer you all some of my mito headcanons. warning: kinda long lol
- mito is the second eldest of eight girls. yeah you read right, eight. it was utterly chaotic in that house (though she ends up losing two of them to one of uzushio’s violent summer storms/terminal illness.)
-the uzumaki are a matriarchal clan and most spouses marry in. hsrm is an exception because of his status and the senju clan’s prestige.
- mito was a tasmanian devil demon child with poofy rats nest hair that gave adult madara’s mane a run for its money. they’d try to make her sit prim and proper and do her flower arranging/sewing classes but she’d always weasel out of it or find a way to set something on fire. she grows up and does a 180, becomes one of the most calm and collected uzumaki in her clan (externally lol). mainly because she enjoys defying peoples expectations and fucking with them behind her mask of propriety.
- this woman has the most garbage sense of humour. completely nonsensical, tbrm/madara/izuna/toka... none of them get how hsrm can say the dumbest shit and shes on the floor. hsrm is equally baffled but basking in the attention.
- she has a massive crocodile summons and her main element is lightning. (electrically charged adamantine chains anyone? lets fucking goooo!!!) 
- gets along very well with madara/tbrm. she&madara affectionately trash talk each other, her&tbrm talk science/jutsu theory. very big-brained lady.
- bit of a perfectionist and clean freak. will bite her husband in the neck if he trails dirt into the house after gardening/sparring.
- an absolute dom in bed-WHAAEEHHHOOEEEEYYUUGHH HEY who wrote that
i have so many more but i cant remember half of em atm so ill wrap it up. ty all for reading my deranged ramblings
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thebopkabbalah · 3 years
thought i'd have a go at putting my thoughts down for each of the shows i've watched / finished in the last two weeks or so, otherwise it all sort of swims away into an undefined experience of consuming something and not reflecting on what it meant to you as a viewer etc. spoilers below so beware!
feel good season 2 (Netflix)
was massively excited to have mae martin back on my screen and charlotte ritchie - something very affectionate about the two of them, even independent of mae and george's relationship. it was absolutely mad !! to see someone struggling with gender onscreen and have no quick resolution for that - likewise with trauma / abuse, where in parts i felt very deeply for mae and was equally frustrated by them. interesting to see wokeboi Eliot mansplaining his way through polyamory and all, although perhaps becoming a caricature towards the end. laughed in bits, worried at others. thought that may mae and george's reunion could've taken a longer span to happen in, but feel good has always been sharp, concise and so it was. absolutely HATED the last shot that zoomed out of mae and george because it took me out of that beautiful moment they were having !!!! 
hacks season 1 (HBO)
got to fucking love jean smart. the meanness, the switch to vulnerability, the humor, the sheer flexibility of her face whereby she demands attention from a viewer is wild. loved, loved, loved her character and the way it's developed in tandem with ava's. found myself liking and disliking ava through the episodes until the end, maybe. not sure how i feel about deborah's assistant / CEO person or her casino dealer being POCs - like even as their characters are developed, they remain props to a narrative about white people. does anyone else feel that way in shows centered around white ppl but populated by some POCs? how would this show have done if the lead actresses were non-white? food for thought. the writing is very very sharp and funny, lots of laughing did happen. I RECOMMEND FOR JEAN SMART. 
we are Lady Parts (Channel 4)
having listened to a bit of taqwacore and wondered when i might see more muslim women onscreen in non-stereotypical ways, this show was fucking fantastic. i have only one or two critiques with their storytelling, but overall, really smart, really well done. there's lot of music to lose your shit over, there's musical-esque moments, there's visual references to films, there's a diversity that doesn't feel forced or just put it in for its own sake, but realistically imagined !!! can't blame me for having the HOTS for Saira, jesus christ, with her tattoos and low-voice intro “We are Lady Parts” which is just !!!!! not sure what i felt about Amina being set up with Ahsan because thats very stereotypical rom-com heteronormative shit and honestly the show could do so much better. appreciated how religiosity is included in very nuanced and interesting ways in the show, and displayed without pomposity or judgment. loved the music, maybe there should be more? not sure what another season of this would look like but im living for muslim / queer / women representation that is breaking out of old patterns and shit. LOVE THIS. PLEASE WATCH. 
elite season 4 (Netflix)
weirdly put together season that made very little sense, had no mystery, perhaps too much sex because i was seeing so many asses and breasts that i was left confused about who was seeing who and why character development was thrown for a toss. elite's always been campy, mystery-trash fun but one or two things they got right initially was their narrative grasp of queer character arcs and non stereotypical representation of muslims !!!! no such nuance here. enjoyed rebe and mencia's relationship and cayatena's growth as a woman rejecting men FINALLY in favor of herself / her career but overall there was no depth no complexity nothing. lol. thought there might be interesting complex conversations around polyamory etc but that dissolved into patriarchal piss shit. 
the pursuit of love (BBC miniseries)
i dont know why i watched this, except for andrew scott perhaps. while some of the shots are pretty i could find little else to enjoy or feel anything about in the show. the cousins ​​'relationship was definitely weirdly sexual-tension driven (couldnt they have been friends who eventually have a homosexual relationship? much better premise imo) - lily james' character kept panting and sighing in the most morose ways possible, weird to listen to - - most characters were just types, without depth or motivation. nothing about queerness just one dance segment that suggested it. straight people stuff is boring. lots of other problems with how they depicted / dealt with the politics of the time. ugh. the one time i was excited, besides andrew scott's presence, was when Sons of Kemet played in a jazz club. hope i dont associate the show with the song please please feeling ridiculous for having given 3 hours of my life to this. lol. okay. dont watch. 
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danicarosaline · 4 years
Just My Type | JJ Maybank x Kook!Reader | Ch. 2
Summary: You may perhaps have this tiny attraction to a certain flirty pogue that works for your step dad. All the while your mother is trying to set you up with boys who she thinks are your type.
Warnings: cringe af & a slow a$$ burn and not proof read!! 💖🤩
Authors Note: thank you to those who are interested in this! This chapter is a long one but I don’t think ill be keeping the rest of the chapters that long? But who knows tbh. Hope you enjoy this one💛
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After spending the entire afternoon with Kie doing the absolute most by snacking on the pancakes you managed to cook successfully, braiding each other’s hair and asking about her love life since she recently came out to you as queer when you caught her checking out a few tourists that passed you both when y’all went out shopping few weeks back.
See, you kind of knew this about Kiara. You kind of thought she had a little crush on Sarah Cameron when you both were friends with her back then but never had the actually guts to question her about it. You weren’t sure if Kie even knew about that part of herself yet, so you waited a couple years more to finally ask her about it when you were very sure.
What you weren’t expecting though, was to ask her about it in such a blunt way, especially in the middle of the mall where a few bystanders where nearby who glanced your way at such a question. You didn’t mean to to be so forward, but it just came out out of suspicion and all those times you held back from asking Kie.
Luckily for you, she didn’t pay no mind to the eavesdroppers around and answered your question confidently with a huge smile on her pretty face. Already having used to you being so straightforward and upfront about everything.
She loves that about you.
You both sadly decided to call it a day but not before her inviting you to a kegger the pogues were throwing this weekend. To say you were beyond excited for your first party is an understatement and to finally be meeting those boys Kie never shuts up about.
Wanting to dress to impress, you already plan out your outfit for that night. Not because you’re indecisive and take hours to get ready of course. (It’s definitely that reason though)
The weekend finally arrives and you’re just about done getting ready for the kegger tonight. You were dressed in a cute short summer dress paired with some white low top converses and went to double check your natural glam’d up face in the vanity mirror incase of needing to reapply lipgloss.
After readjusting the natural strip lashes that you had on, your phone began to buzz. Signaling a text from no other than the beautiful brunette herself.
Kiekie🌺: hi bby im out the front xx
You: coming babes😍
Kiekie🌺: dont forget the vodka!! 🥵
You: already in the bag babygorl😏
Kiekie🌺: dont call me that pls its cringe )):
Snickering at her reply, you quickly throw in some extra stuff in your bag incase of emergencies (never knowing when you need to reapply gloss again) and made your way downstairs. Passing your parents in the dining room, you wave goodbye and blow kisses at them quickly to avoid conversation but just your luck they stop you before you made it to the door.
“Y/n your dress is too short!” Your mother declares as she eyes up your outfit whilst your step father agrees with a nod of his head and furrowed eyebrows.
“You are outgrowing that dress Y/n” the man adds with a shake of his head as he sets his eyes back down to the iPad in front of him.
“Oh stop it you two It still fits perfectly fine and you both know its my favourite, anyways bye bye love yous!! ” you wave again and rush out the front door before they can say anything else.
“Wha- wait just a minute young lady!” Your mother beckons but its too late you’re inside Kiara’s car, fastening your seatbelt as you both laugh at hearing your mother’s loud voice from inside the house.
The party was in full swing when you both arrived.
Kooks, pogues and tourons all mashed up together in one beach as if there were no social classes between the three divided groups. Guess alcohol really does change the way people mingle when consumed.
Looking around, you recognise a few kids that go to your school swaying to the RnB music and drinking away like they have no care in the world and starting to actually get nervous when you spot familiar classmates you used to call your friends. Feeling anxious, you kinda wanna go home now.
Your thoughts were interrupted to Kie linking your arms together, “lets go meet the pogues!” Eyes twinkling at the thought of her bestfriend finally getting to meet her other bestfriends. With that said, you let her practically drag you off to where she knows they’ll be. A grin making its way on your face, forgetting ever wanting to go home just seconds before.
She introduces you to John B first, since he was the only one there serving out drinks to the tourons. He swats away at your hand when you reach out to give a handshake. Instead, the curly brunet embraces you in a tight bear hug, suffocating you with his built figure. Saying something about not needing to be so formal with him, already having to get to know you from Kie and also not forgetting to throw a compliment at your choice of outfit.
Moments later, a dark skinned male makes his appearance known by accidentally tripping over a log in front of you, mumbling out curses to himself. While the others burst out in tears from laughing you only giggle a little in hopes not to embarrass him more, helping the poor boy up to his feet and asking if he’s okay.
When he sets his brown eyes on you, he recognises you immediately as the daughter of one of the nice kooks he makes deliveries for and starts stuttering out apologies as if he offended you. You snort at this boy’s weird behaviour and reassure him that theres no need to apologise to you.
John B tells the boy your name and his eyes lit up, “Ive made plently of deliveries to your house! Who would of thought you’d be the famous Y/n Kie always mentions? Im Pope by the way” embracing you in gentle hug.
You’ve spent almost an hour with the trio and you have yet to meet the other boy because you swore there was three of them from all the stories Kie has told you.
“Wasn’t there three of you?” Moving your manicured finger to the two handsome boys infront of you. They smile at you and gave a little nod.
“Oh yeah! he’s-“
“YO POPE, JOHN B! Check this shit out man!”
A loud booming voice roars from behind you making you jump slightly. Swiveling around from where you stood, you are faced with a beaming tall blond. Your breath hitched in your throat as your eyes only focused at the boy infront of you.
His attention is fixed on the two males behind you, beckoning them to come over to where he was.
There he stood, watching two young tourons brawling. Finding it absolutely hilarious because from where you are, you can clearly see that they are doing a terrible job at throwing each other down on the sand.
John B and Pope darted to the blond with Kie in tow, linking your arms through yours as she drags you to the scene.
The tourons are are stupidly wrestling on the ground now, making you and Kie cringe at the second hand embarressment. Though you both find it kinda funny.
“Alright alright break it up squirts” the blond demands as he pulls one kid off the other, with John B helping the other kid up off the sand.
“Ill freaking kill you Seb!”
“Hey- hey! Take a walk man” John B forces the kid back when he tried to come at the other kid, making the blond laugh again.
“Its not a kegger if theres not atleast one fight happenin” Pope turns to you and Kie with his hands placed on his hips, making Kie chuckle with a shake of her head at the comment.
“So does this always happen at your keggers?” You ask with amusement lacing your question.
“Sure does princess” you all face the voice, the blond appearing to your rights. You feel your face instantly heat up at the sight of him smirking down at you like he usually does whenever he catches you staring. Biting your bottom lip to supress a giggle at the nickname he gave you.
“So Y/n this here is-“
As Kie was about to reveal the name of the cute blond that was peering at you, John B whoops loudly jogging back to the group and unknowingly interrupting her with his loud laughter.
“Touron fights are officially my favourite thing!” The brunet hollers, making the group crack up laughing. Something y’all have been doing alot this entire night as it seems.
You’re gonna fit in just fine.
When the kegger starts to lessen with people, you decide to help Kie pick up some of the red solo cups discarded all around the beach. Picking up only what you can whilst tipsy.
You’re not much of a drinker yourself to be honest. Only because your parents never gave you a taste, being underage and all. Only sneaking in a few drinks from Kie at sleepovers here and there so your not technically alien to the idea of drinking overall.
And yes you’re definitely a lightweight.
After picking up a couple more cups and other trash, throwing them in a black plastic trash bag, you and Kiara head up at the “Chateau” which you now know was John B’s place.
Once arrived, Kie sets up the pull out couch and lays down, completely exhausted from all the dancing and drinking she did with you. You and the boys following her actions. With Pope laying down next to Kie and you, John B and the blond sat on the bed facing the two laying down. Finding it amusing that Pope passed out already.
John B letting out a yawn as he gets up from his seating position on the couch, not before saying bye to you and kissing your head goodnight.
The interaction doesn’t suprise you since Kie has warned you about how affectionate these boys can be but it still caused your cheeks to heat up anyways.
“Want me to take you home?”
Tearing your attention away from John B drunkily making his way to his room, your e/c falls on the blond infront of you, crossed legged with his hands resting behind him to keep him upright in the sitting position. You glance down at Kie and Pope, both have passed out peacefully.
“Oh no don’t worry about it, i can just get an uber” you whisper to the cute blond as you get up from the couch and start making your way to the door.
He doesn’t take no for an answer and starts following you out, not before grabbing the keys to John B’s beaten up van. Rolling your eyes but not helping the smile you throw his way at his kindness.
The drive wasn’t silent or awkward at all. The both of you getting along quite well, talking about anything and everything that comes to mind. Him throwing compliments your way here and there that leaves you a stuttering mess.
He loves how shy you are to his flirtation. The girls he’s hit on has always been just as flirty with him but they’ve never shyed away like you have.
Don’t get him wrong, he loves confidence in a woman and never have he thought he’d find it adorable for a girl to be this nervous around him but here you are. Being completely submissive.
You emit pure innocence. Which makes him want to be protective of you.
Finally pulling up into your driveway, you search your house windows for any signs of anyone being awake inside. Noticing no lights or movement in your house, you turn to face the blond who was already looking at you.
Your heart rate starts to pick up as you stare right back into those baby blues, the lights on the edge of the road acts as a spot light on the handsome blond, focusing on all his musculine features. Skin glowing so luminously.
He’s so handsome.
“Did you just call me handsome?” He leans over, and smiles at you cheekily, that tiny dimple playing at the corner of his mouth.
Play dumb.
“What no??” He chuckles boyishly at your response and pushes back pieces of hair that managed to fall on his forehead, not breaking eye contact with you once.
“Well to be fair. You’re pretty gorgeous to look at too L/n, a pure sight for sore eyes” He moves closer as he runs a knuckle down your forearm and sends you a wink. Your heart is beating out of your chest now and you’re convinced he could hear it.
Not necessarily knowing how to respond to the blond, you shove him away gently and cup your heated cheeks. Shying away once again.
He lets out a cute laugh which you found so angelic coming from someone who is by far a comparison to one after having heard of all the crazy shit this boy has done in the past.
though, he’s physically otherworldly.
“Im just teasing ya” he voiced as he messes up your hair by ruffling through them with his ring clad fingers. You giggle at this with a shake of your head, you open the car door and walk out. With him following behind you.
“So you’ll be hanging out with us more often right?” He asks almost seeming nervous when he shoves his hands down his pocket.
“When i get invited out then yes, i guess so” you face him, swaying back and forth on your heels as you both stop at the front door of your house.
“Oh trust me, you will be. We all had a great time with you tonight” he replies with a lick of his lips, eyeing you up and down.
Don’t fucking test me, i will kiss you right here, right now.
“I did too” you whisper, placing a piece of hair behind your ear.
There was an awkward silence. None of you not knowing what to say for the first time during the entire night. He scratches the back of his head, wishing you a goodnight- well technically a goodmorning whilst slowly walking backwards to the van. Still maintaining eye contact as if he didn’t wanna tear his eyes away from you anytime soon.
“See you soon?”
“See you soon princess”
Warmth spreading across your chest to hearing that nickname again. You wave and turn away from the handsome blond but pausing in your tracks as you come to remember something important.
“Wait!!” The boy halts in his tracks at your sudden outburst.
Feeling the heat decorating your face again from embarressment, you finally ask “what’s your name?”
He’s chuckling at the realisation that nobody, not even himself has told you his name. He’s known about you for months, he’s heard your name be called the very first time he first laid eyes on you. You’ve been pinning on him for months. Not once have you heard his name be called out loud by anyone else. You were always too shy to ask anybody for his name, which was quite dumb, really.
“The name’s JJ Maybank princess, its a pleasure to make your acquaintance”
Taglist: @alotbnouf @elhopqer @arthiriticcricket @eclecticpuppyhollywoodhumanoid @urlocalbrochure @cocoopalace @teamnick @lolitstiana @99sxuxii @styles-edward-harry @essencityv
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ariesbilly · 4 years
tell me bout fred and fp at thanksgiving <3 it can be the au where fps his fake thanksgiving date if u want
I WANNA TALK ABOUT THE AU SINCE NEITHER OF US IS WRITING IT (i actually thought about writing it for christmas or thanksgiving and then... other things got written instead rip)
sometimes i think about fred meeting up with fp at the wyrm after finding a flyer for his services... sometimes i think about it being a college au and fps this random dude in freds dorm thats hes like “hey, you look like trouble, wanna go along with this incredibly stupid idea for some cash and free food?” and fps like “of course”
also the whole reason freds even doing this is because his parents wont stop hounding him about getting married, particularly to a woman (and maybe he hasnt even come out yet, all the talk about “finding a nice young lady” just really gets on his nerves), and this whole thing is a lesson in teaching his parents not to be so goddamn nosy (jokes on him tho cuz he actually ends up falling for fp and lol thats gonna be awkward to tell his folks after all the shit fps gonna pull) (also gonna be awkward for fp having to face freds family bc the whole point of him acting crazy was he was never gonna see these people again and face real consequences)
the only thing fred really tells fp to do is just like, be rude. forgo any manners, talk shit, be obnoxious. he does not expect fp to go the crude route and start talking about fred having a big dick in the middle of dinner (which... freds wondering how fp could possibly know that, wonders if hes psychic. fp just has a good sense for big dicks like its a hidden talent really. a cool party trick) ok also bunny trying to be polite and ask how fred and fp met and fps chowing down on a turkey leg like “it was that orgy, right?” looking at fred and freds like oh no this was a bad idea... and arties choking on his potatoes and oscars laughing cuz he thinks this is kind of hilarious but also hes disgusted. hes certainly having a time. 
oh and fps playing grab ass with fred all night. fred did tell him to be as openly affectionate as possible... hes just doing his job.
OHHHHH OKAY!!! and so hes been terrible the whole night but he somehow ends up alone with bunny helping her do dishes or something idk the plan was to go annoy her but somehow it ends up with them having this deep conversation where fps opening up to her about how he didnt really grow up with parents cuz his mom died and his dad was hardly present and they end up really connecting and fps like oh no this is bad this shouldnt be happening
but the moment gets broken because fred and oscar are yelling at each other in the living room, probably about fp, and oscars running his mouth and it sounds like brotherly banter at first so fps sitting back watching bunny and artie trying to calm them down but then maybe oscar says something shitty about fred and it kinda gets under fps skin and next thing they all know fp and oscar are brawling and it becomes a whole thing. and once fred and artie finally break them apart arties yelling at fp to get out of his house and freds trying to plead fps case and but arties not hearing it and is just like “how could you be with trash like this?” and then fred finally cops to this all being a set up and how he was just doing it to prove whatever weird point. and everyones all confused but arties still pissed and wants fp gone and freds like “fine but im going with him” and that surprises artie and bunny just wants everyone together and oscars doesnt care about anything besides his fat lip
but fred and fp end up leaving and go to pops or something and fps apologizing for going too far and freds like “nah its fine. somebody shouldve punched oscar ages ago” and they laugh. and they end up talking for a while and to cut a long story short, there is a kiss at the end of the night. and fp feels bad about ruining thanksgiving so he goes over to the andrews’ the next day to apologize. bunnys far more accepting than the other two but artie reluctantly comes around. fp doesnt really care if oscar forgives him but they end up calling a truce or whatever.
and fred and fp start actually dating and by christmas they have a normal dinner. oh and i guess at some point they gotta address fred being gay? lmfao but after all the bullshit that happened that night thats honestly the least of their concerns
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lykkefm · 4 years
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            hello   my   lovely   humans      !      it’s   lina   ,   back   again   w   another   muse   bc   lbr   i   have   no   self   control   n   u   deserve   better   than   the   piece   of   trash   that   is   atlas      !      so   ,   i   hereby   introduce   u   to   my   entirely   new   bby   aka   lykke      !      it’s   the   first   time   i’ve   played   a   muse   like   this   so   pls   bear   w   me   angels   while   i   figure   her   out   adkjfgkn   but   if   u   would   like   to   plot   ,   pls   hit   that   ❤️   or   if   u   prefer   msg   me   on   my   discord   @𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐟𝐚𝐧’𝐬   𝐫𝐞𝐝   𝖕𝖔𝖗𝖘𝖈𝖍𝖊#0369      !
chicago’s   very   own   𝐥𝐲𝐤𝐤𝐞   𝐳𝐚̈𝐡𝐫𝐢𝐧𝐠𝐞𝐫   has   been   spotted   on   madison   avenue   driving   a   𝐛𝐦𝐰   𝟐   𝐬𝐞𝐫𝐢𝐞𝐬   𝐜𝐨𝐮𝐩𝐞́   ,   welcome   !   your   resemblance   to   𝒋𝒐𝒔𝒆𝒑𝒉𝒊𝒏𝒆   𝒔𝒌𝒓𝒊𝒗𝒆𝒓   is   unreal   .   according   to   tmz   ,   you   just   had   your   𝐭𝐰𝐞𝐧𝐭𝐲   -   𝐟𝐨𝐮𝐫𝐭𝐡   birthday   bash   .   your   chance   of   surviving   new   york   is   uncertain   because   you’re   𝐟𝐚𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐜𝐢𝐨𝐮𝐬   ,   but   being   𝐮𝐧𝐨𝐫𝐭𝐡𝐨𝐝𝐨𝐱   might   help   you   .   i   think   being   a   𝒍𝒆𝒐   explains   that   .   3   things   that   would   paint a better   picture   of   you   would   be   𝐝𝐞𝐞𝐩   𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐯𝐞𝐫𝐬𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬   ,   𝐥𝐨𝐨𝐬𝐞   𝐡𝐚𝐢𝐫   ,   𝐭𝐡𝐞   𝐜𝐨𝐧𝐬𝐭𝐞𝐥𝐥𝐚𝐭𝐢𝐨𝐧𝐬   𝐨𝐟   𝐚   𝐜𝐥𝐨𝐮𝐝𝐥𝐞𝐬𝐬   𝐧𝐢𝐠𝐡𝐭   .   (   𝒎𝒚   𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔   𝒊𝒏   𝒂   𝒄𝒐𝒎𝒑𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏   𝒓𝒆𝒔𝒖𝒍𝒕𝒆𝒅   𝒊𝒏   𝒎𝒚   𝒕𝒆𝒂𝒎𝒎𝒂𝒕𝒆𝒔   𝒊𝒏𝒋𝒖𝒓𝒚   )   &   (   𝚌𝚒𝚜𝚏𝚎𝚖𝚊𝚕𝚎   +   𝚜𝚑𝚎/𝚑𝚎𝚛   )
:   /   /   𝒃𝒂𝒔𝒊𝒄𝒔   .
𝐅𝐔𝐋𝐋   𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄   :   lykke   (   happiness   ,   good   fortune   )   freja   (   lady   ,   noblewoman   )   zähringer   (   i   couldn’t   find   a   meaning   but   it’s   probs   smth   Schmancy   )   .
𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐊𝐍𝐀𝐌𝐄𝐒   :   alright   listen   ,   ,   her   parents   chose   her   name   so   it   wouldn’t   b   shortened   so   !   have   fun   w   this   !
𝐀𝐆𝐄   :   twenty   -   four   .
𝐁𝐈𝐑𝐓𝐇𝐃𝐀𝐘   :   august   3rd   .
𝐙𝐎𝐃𝐈𝐀𝐂   :   leo   .
𝐆𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐄𝐑   :   female   .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐍𝐎𝐔𝐍𝐒   :   she   &   her   .
𝐒𝐄𝐗𝐔𝐀𝐋   &   𝐑𝐎𝐌𝐀𝐍𝐓𝐈𝐂   𝐎𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐓𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   :   pansexual   &   panromantic   .
𝐍𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍𝐀𝐋𝐈𝐓𝐘   :   american   .
𝐄𝐓𝐇𝐍𝐈𝐂𝐈𝐓𝐘   :   caucasian   (   danish   &   american   )
𝐋𝐀𝐁𝐄𝐋𝐒   :   the   astrophile   ,   the   paracosmist   ,   the   aquaphile   .
𝐎𝐂𝐂𝐔𝐏𝐀𝐓𝐈𝐎𝐍   :   former   olympic   swimmer   ,   currently   a   lead   actress   in   netflix’s   fiercer   things   .
𝐍𝐄𝐓𝐖𝐎𝐑𝐓𝐇   :   10   million   dollars   .
𝐏𝐑𝐎𝐒   :   adaptive   ,   affability   ,   benevolent   ,   creative   ,   compassionate   ,   dependable   ,   enthusiastic   ,   honest   ,   merciful   ,   open   -   minded   ,   sincere   .
𝐂𝐎𝐍𝐒   :   absentminded   ,   ascetic   ,   breezy   ,   competitive   ,   dreamy   ,   earthy   ,   emotional   ,   predictable   ,   questioning   ,   whimsical   .
:   /   /   𝒂𝒆𝒔𝒕𝒉𝒆𝒕𝒊𝒄𝒔   .
deep   conversations   ,   loose   hair   ,   the   constellations   of   a   cloudless   night   ,   messy   ponytails   ,   bare   feet   in   the   mornings   ,   half   finished   mugs   of   coffee   ,   music   through   iphone   speakers   ,   the   smell   of   rain   in   the   air   ,   tangled   hair   ties   ,   half   used   tubs   of   hand   cream   ,   rolled   up   sleeves   of   an   oversized   sweater   ,   dogeared   pages   ,   paint   stained   jeans   ,   an   unchanged   bedside   clock   ,   warm   tea   ,   good   books   ,   soft   pillows   ,   blinking   neon   lights   .
:   /   /   𝒃𝒊𝒐𝒈𝒓𝒂𝒑𝒉𝒚   .
           as   the   daughter   of   a   well   -   known   danish   director      &      a   world   -   renowned   american   makeup   mogul   ,   lykke   was   born   into   a   world   of   luxury      &      a   world   full   of   endless   possibilities   .   she   had   ,   essentially   ,   the   whole   world   resting   on   the   palm   of   her   hand   .   raised   in   chicago   ,   but   bouncing   between   her   family’s   permanent   home   there   to   the   residence   they   owned   in   los   angeles   was   difficult   ,   but   as   the   youngest   of   four      &      a   child   who’s   mind   was   constantly   buzzing   with   ideas   ,   lykke   didn’t   mind   .
her   upbringing   was   relatively   relaxed   .   her   parents   ,   who   had   busy   lives   as   it   was   always   tried   to   make   time   for   their   children   ,      &      as   their   oldest   began   to   disperse      &      follow   their   own   path   ,   lykke   was   left   alone   most   of   the   time   .   she   didn’t   mind   ,   however   ,   because   with   alone   time   came   more   time   to   let   her   imagination   run   wild   .   she   was   always   a   creative   child   ,   always   thinking   that   believing   isn’t   seeing      &      so   the   thought   of   adventure      &      it’s   endless   possibilities   was   enthralling   to   her   .
she   was   young      &      free      ;      she   had   a   magnetic   aura   that   captivated   just   about   everyone   in   the   room   ,   but   that’s   not   what   made   her   special   .   lykke   was   ,   as   her   teachers   would   say   ,   an   enigma   .   she   was   smart   all   the   while   being   unburdened   by   knowledge   .   she   was   skeptical   of   life’s   meaning   but   at   the   same   time   ,   she   believed   in   the   impossible   .   she   pushed   the   boundaries      &      in   the   end   ,   it   not   only   made   her   a   valuable   friend   but   an   extraordinary   student   .   she   was   inquisitive   ,   always   keen   to   learn   new   things   ,      &      always   dove   head   first   into   new   opportunities   .
it   was   because   of   her   determination      &      participation   in   school’s   extracurricular   activities   that   she   was   persuaded   to   join   her   high   school’s   swim   team   .   swimming   was   ,   of   course   ,   the   activity   she   enjoyed   the   most   at   school   ,   but   she   never   thought   she   would   create   a   career   out   of   it   .   but   still   ,   she   agreed      &      was   fast   approaching   becoming   the   best   in   her   class   .   she   was   a   fast   learner   ,   taking   every   opportunity   to   practice      &      before   she   knew   it   ,   she   was   at   the   top   of   her   class   .   she   was   extremely   valued   not   only   by   her   team   members   but   by   her   coach   ,      &      at   one   particular   swimming   competition   ,   a   representative   for   the   olympic   swim   team   came   scouting   for   recruits      &      took   lykke   under   his   wing   almost   immediately   .
she   was   a   promising   little   thing   ,   however   a   little   too   inexperienced   in   big   competitions   ,   but   she   would   go   far   .   so   ,   to   prepare   for   when   she’d   join   the   olympic   team   .   she   was   thrown   into   national   competitions   ,   opting   for   homeschooling   while   she   travelled   for   all   the   competitions   she   had   to   attend   .   needless   to   say   ,   she   loved   it   .   being   in   the   water   gave   her   a   sort   of   freedom   she’d   never   felt   before   ,      &      the   thrill   of   the   competition   strove   her   to   do   better   .   she   rose   to   success   so   quickly   that   ,   on   the   eve   of   her   eighteenth   birthday   ,   it   was   announced   she   would   be   join   the   olympic   team   in   the   2016   olympic   games   .
the   build   up   to   the   olympics   was   immense   .   lykke   was   thrown   into   training   more   arduous   than   what   she’d   ever   experienced   ,   but   she   loved   every   part   of   it   .   she   loved   the   adrenaline   running   through   her   veins      &      she   loved   more   than   anything   ,   being   a   part   of   a   team   .   in   the   games   she   would   compete   in   the   800   metre   freestyle   race      &      the   4   x   200   metre   freestyle   relay   ,      &      the   faster   the   games   approached   ,   the    more   nervous   she   felt   .   she   had   already   successfully   won   nearly   every   competition   she   faced   leading   up   to   the   olympics   ,   but   this   was   the   real   test   in   her   eyes   .
when   it   came   to   the   games   ,   despite   her   nervous   state   ,   lykke   won   her   solo   race   .   the   thrill   of   this   made   her   want   to   win   more   ,   but   she   was   nervous   .   after   watching   the   other   team   practice      &      perform   their   own   races   ,      &      that   her   own   team   would   need   to   be   faster      &      better   in   order   to   beat   them   .   so   ,   in   her   nervous   panic   ,   when   it   was   her   turn   to   take   over   the   relay   ,   she   jumped   too   early   ,   even   though   she   knew   she   wouldn’t   clear   her   teammate   in   time   ,      &      they   both   ended   up   in   hospital      ;      her   teammate   with   a   injury   to   the   head      &      lykke   with   a   broken   collarbone   .
the   guilt   almost   destroyed   her   ,      &      she   thought   her   life   to   be   over   until   her   father   paid   off   all   involved   parties   to   keep   the   truth   quiet      &      instead   spread   the   word   that   what   happened   was   an   accident   .   lykke   still   felt   guilty   ,   though   ,      &      couldn’t   face   the   humiliation   of   being   a   part   of   the   team   again   ,   so   she   quite   acting      &      instead   opted   for   a   career   less   damaging      &      more   achievable      ;     acting   .   her   father   was   a   director   ,      &      she   was   pretty   involved   in   the   drama   department   in   school   ,   so   it   made   the   most   sense   .
she   landed   small   roles   at   first   ,   but   more   recently   lykke   landed   a   role   in   netflix’s   brand   new   hit   series   called   ‘   fiercer   things   ’   .   the   show   surrounds   vampires   ,   witches   ,      &      just   about   all   things   that   go   bump   in   the   night   ,      &      lykke   portrays   the   female   lead   called   vita   ,   a   vampire   a   little   like   rebekah   mikaelson      !
:   /   /   𝒑𝒆𝒓𝒔𝒐𝒏𝒂𝒍𝒊𝒕𝒚   .
            lykke   is   a   very   bubbly   ,   very   curious   person   .   she’s   the   sort   of   girl   who   will   try   anything   once   ,   which   to   her   could   be   absolutely   anything   .   she’s   not   afraid   of   pushing   the   boundaries      &      is   the   sort   of   person   to   test   the   waters   before   making   a   decision   on   something   .   want   that   new   dress   but   not   sure   how   it’ll   look   on      ?      lykke   is   your   girl   .   the   new   hot      &      spicy   bargain   bucket   at   the   most   popular   takeaway      ?      lykke   will   take   the   bullet   for   you      &      try   it   first   .   she’s   very   adventurous       &      is   the   sort   of   person   who   will   jump   feet   first   into   any   opportunity   she   comes   across   .
but   lykke   has   a   sort   of   childish   naivety   .   she   tries   to   be   friends   with   everyone      &      is   very   good   at   blending   in   social   situations   ,   but   she   always   believes   the   best   in   people      &      very   often   ends   up   being   disappointed   when   it   turns   out   the   person   wasn’t   what   she   expected   them   to   be   .   although   she’s   loving      &      very   affectionate   ,   she   has   never   been   in   love   .   she’s   the   sort   of   person   who   dates   ,   is   in   love   with   the   idea   of   love   but   she   has   a   very   set   view   on   what   love   should   be   like   ,   so   she   crushes   a   lot   on   people   only   to   dip   when   she   doesn’t   feel   the   way   she   wants   to   feel   .
however   she   is   very   peculiar   .   she’s   smart   in   a   conventional   way   ,      &      is   always   striving   to   learn   more   in   order   to   be   better   .   in   this   way   she   is   very   competitive   ,      &      has   a   habit   of   pushing   the   boundaries   to   become   the   best   of   the   best   ,   which   often   leaves   other   people   being   pushed   out   .   but   she’s   a   very   loyal   friend      &      if   you   know   her   well   ,   you’ll   be   dragged   into   an   abundance   of   philosophical   conversations   that   will   go   on   through   early   hours   in   the   morning   over   a   bottle   of   wine      &      takeaway   food   .
:   /   /   𝒇𝒖𝒏   𝒇𝒂𝒄𝒕𝒔   .
ok   im   gna   put   this   out   there   before   someone   *   coughs    *    drea    *   coughs   *   miranda   decides   to   joke   abt   it   again   ,   but   u   pronounce   lykke’s   name   like   LEA   -   KAY      !      not   lykke   totally   ,   not   lykke   pipe      (      altho   that   would   b   a   funny   snapchat   user   ty   miranda      )      but   LEA   -   KAY   .   ty   v   MUCH   that   is   all   for   this   section   .
i’m   joking   akdjfn   lykke   has   a   pet   pig   called   dakota      !      bc   she’s   weird      !      n   loves   pigs      !
when   i   say   she’s   weird   ,   i   mean   she’s   RLY   weird   n   a   huge   nerd
she’s   incredibly   involved   in   aliens   /   the   supernatural      (      as   if   playing   a   vampire   isn’t   enough   smh      )      n   probs   has   a   yt   channel   where   she   goes   ghost   hunting      !      talk   abt   OBSESSED
speaking   of   obsessed   .   .   .   she   loves   marvel   n   cries   over   tony   stark   every   .   single   .   day   .   she’s   still   not   over   endgame   n   neither   am   I   SIR      !
she’s   also   in   love   w   stefan   salvatore   bc   😊   i   need   to   channel   that   energy   somewhere      !      idc      !
she’s   also   in   love   w   space   n   is   100%   the   sort   of   person   to   ask   for   ur   star   sign   when   u   first   meet   so   she   can   peep   at   ur   horoscope   n   check   ur   compatibility
she’s   not   rly      ?      a   girl-y   girl      ?      like   she   loves   wearing   dresses   n   stuff   but   she’s   more   comfortable   in   a   pair   of   sneakers   w   some   jeans   ,   like   she   jus   likes   being   comfy      !
idk   abt   making   her   a   model   yet   ,   it   depends   on   how   i’m   feeliN   abt   the   muse   so   bear   w   me   ,   so   rn   she’s   a   retired   swimmer   n   an   actress      !
she   probs   paints   in   her   spare   time   ,   but   doesn’t   let   anyone   see   her   paintings
um   that’s   abt   it   i   think   .   .   .   we’ll   see   ASKJDFNKJ
:   /   /   𝒘𝒂𝒏𝒕𝒆𝒅   𝒄𝒐𝒏𝒏𝒆𝒄𝒕𝒊𝒐𝒏𝒔   .
𝐁𝐄𝐒𝐓   𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   honestly   jus   ppl   lykke   vibes   w   ,   ppl   who   can   accept   her   vibrant   n   weird   nature   n   ppl   who   she   trusts   more   than   ANYTHING   .   these   can   be   from   childhood   or   pretty   recent   ,   n   the   amount   doesn’t   matter   bc   we   all   love   some   cute   bffs      !      [   open   .   ]
𝐄𝐗𝐄𝐒   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   again   these   can   come   in   a   variety   of   ways   n   i’m   not   fussy   abt   how   many   exes   she’s   had   ,   either      !      lykke   is   100%   a   relationship   person   but   she’s   not   one   who   settles   ,   so   this   can   either   bring   drama    /   maybe   they   had   a   mutual   understanding   /   honestly   anything      !      [   donna   marchesi   ,   open   to   more   .   ]
𝐑𝐎𝐎𝐌𝐌𝐀𝐓𝐄𝐒   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   *   gasps   *   n   then   they   were   roommates      !      we   all   love   these   sort   of   plots   n   lykke   is   definitely   the   sort   of   person   who   HATES   being   alone      !      i’m   imagining   cute   movie   nights   n   awkward   run   -   ins   sfgkjnsd   .      [   elissa   altera   ,   1/2   open   .   ]
𝐅𝐖𝐁   /   𝐄𝐖𝐁   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   ah   the   classic      !      i   couldn’t   do   this   w   atlas   so   lykke   sry   hun      !      could   literally   be   anything   ,   besties   who   hook   up   sometimes   ,   a   literal   booty   call   w   ‘   u   up   ’   texts   ,   or   maybe   they   Hate   each   other   n   this   is   how   they   let   their   frustrations   out      !      [   open   .   ]
𝐁𝐀𝐃   𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   this   person   would   be   a   bad   influence   on   lykke   .   gets   her   to   go   out   partying   ,   do   dr*gs   n   basically   dumb   shit   that   she’s   sry   abt   later   .   corrupt   her   sweet   lil   heart      !      [   open   .   ]
𝐆𝐎𝐎𝐃   𝐈𝐍𝐅𝐋𝐔𝐄𝐍𝐂𝐄   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   someone   who   lykke   acts   as   a   good   influence   on      !      she’s   the   typical   mom   friend   ,   n   needs   someone   who   she   feels   protective   over   bc   they   make   so   many   dumb   decisions   so   she’s   just   there   like   .   .   .   don’t   do   that      !      [   open   .   ]
𝐂𝐑𝐔𝐒𝐇𝐄𝐒   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   could   be   totally   unrequited   or   mutual      !      i   just   need   the   cuteness   .   ok   ty   .      [   open   .   ]
𝐂𝐎   -   𝐒𝐓𝐀𝐑𝐒   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   if   ur   chara   is   an   actor   n   u   want   them   to   be   in   fiercer   things   ,   i’m   100%   here   to   support   u   on   that      !      let’s   make   it   a   whole   thing      !      [   taylor   perry   open   to   more   .   ]
𝐅𝐑𝐈𝐄𝐍𝐃𝐒   𝐅𝐑𝐎𝐌   𝐂𝐇𝐈𝐂𝐀𝐆𝐎   (   𝒂𝒏𝒚   𝒈𝒆𝒏𝒅𝒆𝒓   )   :   lykke   lived   in   chicago   all   her   life   n   has   only   recently   moved   to   nyc   ,   so   i’d   love   for   her   to   have   friends   she   knows   from   home      !      [   open   .   ]
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ajokeformur-ray · 5 years
Hii!! Can u hold this until the 30th please? I have problems with my forgetfulness so Im glad you hold requests until then. 😊 ..Like I just forgot again what I was going to request 😂 ok so my request is Sebastian Michaelis with a female master, being cuddly and affectionate and sleepy all the time but being notheless super witty when it comes to buisness so ppl underestimate her bc of her character. And she hugs Seb so often that he gets used to it and even feels strange when she doesnt.
wc: 587
Despite your intelligence and experience, so often were you not taken seriously during business meeting that you were hosting. It was well known that you were very close with your ‘assistant’, Sebastian, and because of how you chose to show that closeness physically, people often spoke over you or ignored your ideas. You were constantly being underestimated, and what made it worse was that if Sebastian were to say what you had said verbatim, he would be praised for his ingenious. It was maddening.
Exhausted did you stand up from your chair, your ears ringing and your brain refusing to work. Immediately was Sebastian at your side, where he belonged, his arms already outstretched. It was what you were after; your post-meeting cuddle.
“Excellent work as always, my Lord/Lady Y/N.”
Without a word, Sebastian caught you in the cage of his embrace, his chin resting on the crown of your head, his carmine eyes daring any brave onlookers to interrupt the two of you in the throes of your daily ritual.
Sebastian had initially been very reluctant to include frequent physical affection in the contract but, like all the roles he had played during his millennia on earth, he had grown to love it in his own way. It was your way of showing love, appreciation and also a way of getting affection and attending to your own needs. It was two birds, one stone. Sebastian so loved things like that. He was a crow demon, but he was very feline in his mannerisms. He acted like a cuddle was the absolute worst thing that you could have ever asked of him… until he received it. And then he melted into it almost gratefully for a time, until he remembered himself and was forced to withdraw.
“Can we go home? I wanna’ nap.”
“As you wish.” He released you from his hellish grip and you left for home, thinking of falling into bed every step of the way.
Over the last few days, you had been totally focused on your work and you had barely hugged Sebastian. You hugged him 'good morning’ over breakfast (and he halfheartedly admonished you because it was getting cold) and you hugged him 'good night’ (pulling him down onto the bed with you for a snuggle until you fell asleep), but other than that, you were on your own.
It took the confused demon seventeen hours to figure out why he didn’t feel quite so composed as he usually did: He wanted you to hug him. He wanted you to demand affection from him. He missed your gentle touch, your warm hugs and your equally warm smile when he granted your every wish.
He yearned for a hug from you. Anything else just felt too odd and he didn’t like it. Still, he said nothing. Sebastian attended to your needs, as he always did, and fulfilled them perfectly. What sort of a butler would he be if he couldn’t do that for you?
When at last you abandoned your work, searched your house for him and then, upon finding him, rushed to hug him tightly, Sebastian found himself taking a needless deep breath, released it slowly. He found himself squeezing you (being mindful of not accidentally crushing your fragile, messy body), holding you just a little tighter.
And if you noticed his intake of breath, his tight grip and decided to squeeze him in return, knowing the reason for his barely suppressed eagerness, who were you to say anything?
Sebastian Michaelis: @misfitgirl3390 @maelikimichaelis @redheadedkillerprincess @niponmirai02 @artsy-jandi @misfitgirlwrites @tsukuyomi011 @shingeki-no-julchen @smellslikeghosts @daedaliaaan @maltafiir @liecheepaint @lyfadg @funtomimagines @secretlyspookyzombie @ms-allenbrown @sanity-is-overratedxp littlest-phantomganger @the-lady-of-space-and-time 
Black Butler: @theoriginalgodsgirlrachel @ll-kirra-ll @bingewatchingmylifegoby  @sky-the-squirrel @miyakokurono @amoureux-de-la-litterature  @mamahost  @misfitgirlwrites @shamrocklesbian @xiumincancallmebabyanytime @grape-vine @tsukuyomi011 @hagridsbeasts @shingeki-no-julchen @animearmada @daedaliaaan @wolfwithabook @sanity-is-overratedxp  @ohokaybyethen @angel12-us @chill-satan-chill @missingaim @my-aestheticdaydreams @lyoly @writings-of-a-gen-z @cryptic-trash-cat @hannibalsslut @boopzytheweebqueenofbritain
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disegnidipizzo · 5 years
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finally some decent refs for these two messes on legs/fins
the whole story under the cut, prepare bc i got carried away and i am not sorry about anything, at all, ever, in any circumstance.
Salvia Nunari would rather tend for their forbidden plants garden than the troll grubs and would sneak out a lot to do her thing in the very dilapidated greenhouse their ancestor left behind, along with all the books on plants, herbal medicine and poisons (and some interesting things about jades). They know that jades Shouldn’t stray from their path but if their lusus taught them something, it’s that sometimes, you need to do things in the dark. 
Considering that they’re a racoon, they also say a lot of things about finding solace in what one has left behind. It wasn’t about trash, but you got the gist. And they have a pope hat, but you don’t know what a pope is. Still, they look funny with it on. Like a monarch or a ruler of All Things Unwanted and Abandoned.
As they got more experienced, they started making new breeds of plants and crossbreeding some relatively harmless carnivores to create a poisonous/venomous strain, in the very faint hope that MAYBE they could be somewhat employed by the Empire. It wasn’t that much of a plan but. It worked. Sort of. When the baby plant opened its trap, Salvia got poisoned to death thanks to a bite to the neck. Turns out that the new strain can move rather effortlessly and quickly and that it consider food most things that move. 
The first death allows em to ascend to rainbow drinker. 
Follows a minor freak out due to “HOLY FUCK IM GLOWING HOW DO I TURN THIS OFF” and “I’m dead. I’m so dead im still alive.” 
Conveniently, their ancestor’s Very Interesting Things About Jades handbook does contain info on rainbow drinkers and how to turn off the glow. Salvia doesn’t die twice for another day! Good thing it was all in the next chapter.
They had to hide the deathly wound lest being found out (and most likely culled in .5 seconds) before going back to the caverns, hence why they wear the neckpiece. It wasn’t really theirs in the first place, it was one of their ancestor’s ones that had gotten too small for them (but was kinda part of their uniform). 
Tiamat Kiitch enjoyes being eccentric. When you rank so up high, it’s only fair to flaunt your taste, even if it’s not the most accepted by you signclassmates. Sucks to be them, not everybody can understand what it means to Really be a patron of the arts. Or of the artists. Maybe this is why everybody sees you as unfit for the imperial army and would rather shove you on a planet so that they can get some sensory relief. Because a Violet that supports so many painters, sculptors and even musicians of all classes, even below cerulean? Sacrilegious. Or maybe they really just don’t like it. Violets aren’t exactly social with one another. Call that a competitive environment, ay.
As her Departure Day to said planet of Thank God Sound Can’t Travel In The Void of Space, she has to make preparations. A whole sweep ahead is not too early. She’s going out with a bang, mofos.
Also, it’s only fair she would pick the best trolls to be part of her new, off planet hive estate staff. And she is NOT going to cheap out on the good stuff. Going full crew over here, from the doctors to cleaning staff and doctors for the cleaning stuff. Don’t worry, she can afford it.
And she goes to Personally pick the heads of each branch of people who work for her. Since jades make for the best doctors and caretakers, she pays a visit to a few caverns that have great reputation. Which is a good amount of them.
Among the (very few but very capable) jades that have been picked, she just had to have an eye for the one that has that something of mystery and secret but also that knows how to make medicine out of most plants (how did they learn?? Who cares, they can do that and i want them. Get in, we’re going off planet.). Also the one that looks like they’re up to Trouble.
And that’s where the problems begin.
The Actual Plot
Rainbow drinkers need blood, which is easy enough to get on Alternia, since trolls are canonically very violent as a species and all that. Just using dead bodies lying around is easy, there’s also the culled grubs in the caves that need disposing. Yes it sounds bad because feeding babies to carnivorous plants is objectively bad. Also, soil which contains troll blood/ is watered with troll blood is very good for most plants, but leads to fun mutations. Some of them are learning how to “talk” by opening their petals, leaves or traps. Not great conversation partners but you’ll take anything.
Life with Tiamat would mean increasing the chances of being found as a drinker and being culled, blood harder to find and less chances to experiment with herbology independently.
BUT staying wouldn't be better, as once they are cloistering age, they won't be able to even see their garden anymore.
You start to wonder if this is how your ancestor felt. 
You also start to wonder how long has the violetblood been staring at yo-AFJDGN
When Tiamat has an eye out for something/someone, she gets super into observing them. From a distance at first, to understand how they work their magic. Not that she needs to, but she feels like a documentary worker. If she knew what those were.
During the picking process she was surprised by Salvia: despite being rather small, even for a midblood, they had fast reflexes and overall sharp senses, which kind of doesn’t sound right. The hivemaster and some hivemates described them as more aloof and not particularly outstanding outside of average efficiency.
Im realising this could be a disney channel vampire movie plot minus the violence.
They aren't scheduled for leaving for around a sweep, as the colony tiamat is gonna be overseeing will need time before its declared operative and ready for aristocracy to live in. This gives Salvia ample time to transfer books, notes and plant seeds/stems into more easy to carry media. Paper does take up a lot of space. It’s easy enough as books can be digitalised quickly. Technology is great.
More importantly, they need the SOIL. Which needs to be fertilised with special sauce. Which is blood. You decide to get a snack.
Now, you imagine being a fish lady that is following one of your most brilliant but most mysterious doctors around, only to find out they are a vampire and that they water the soil of their plants with troll blood. And that feeds dead grubs to the carnivores. (And that they look kinda cute while glowing in the dark and with a splorch of blood dripping down their lip wait what)
Now imagine hearing a gasp mixed with a glub and seeing your employer which could have you killed on the spot or kill you herself while you are in the middle of getting a snack with your plant and glow on.
Remember that Tiamat is a good 40 cms / one foot and a few inches taller (minus shoes). So you do the math that, even if you run, you won't have much and also run Where? If you fight? Might die. Neither? Also probably die.
So what happens is a very intense stare off. And i mean neither blink for a solid 2 minutes. 
And then Tiamat, slightly intrigued of having a rainbow drinker (super rare and so unjustly or maybe not so unjustly feared) just goes. "So.. that’s your special sauce."
And Salvia just confesses, accepting a death that was gonna come anyways. This was a stupid plan. 
But that death doesn't arrive, Tiamat could never kill or let die something so unique, so completely unruly and also potentially deadly that is by her side die on her. That is the embodiment of what she wishes to keep alive with her patronage, you think having a forbidden vampire scientist is out of the question? Nuh-uh. They are Gucci. So Gucci they’re Supreme.
With time the bond strengthens and they slowly go quadrant
Well, its a sometimes sorta vacillating quadrant but they are into each other.  
They share half a brain cell each
That Gay Shit (tm)
The love part is mainly on Tiamat because hey, its intimate yknow? Being the only one knowing about something so personal. It escalates into giving salvia special treatment/privileges such as better meals, a small lab of their own, a supply of dead trolls to get the blood from (executed political dissidents or criminals but thats another story). Eventually it grows more to being about their personality and their knowledge but also a bit about how they can make an amputation go clean as a bottle of disinfectant, but they will forget to eat a bunch of times in a row.
Salvia does sorta reciprocate the red feelings, but at the same time they lean more on the blackrom side. Constantly making subtle remarks they havent tasted violet blood before. Sorta leaving thankful notes with a lipstick/bloodstain and a small caption of "wish this was yours <3<"
Also salvia purposelly red flirting in front of tiamat with other staff ("But i just thought they look cute :(( cant you see they look like a snacc ")
But theres also days in which the roles are reversed bc thats how fluctuating quadrants work! 
During those days, Tiamat will be taking up a good chunk of extra space around Salvia, just as a reminder that she is not only above them on the hemospectrum, but also a whole lot taller and stronger. Also that she can take away those privileges. Temporarily. Unless they can earn them back.
On the other hand, Salvia in red is super affectionate, loves doing Tiamat's hair and makeup and letting her do the same. They leave occasional small kisses which are more like pecks or "hey feel my fangs".
So in short: 
Red Salvia: the datemate that gives you a makeover in the morning, calls you "princess" and spoils you with gestures and cuddles.
Black Salvia: little shit, messes with your stuff, reminds you that you look delicious when alive.
Red Tiamat: spoils materially, gives plenty of time, shares meals and listens carefully to all that you have to say.
Black Tiamat: would keep you with the hanmibal mask on if she could, keeps you on your toes, stay in your place and be good.
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momomomma2 · 5 years
So I have two cats that I need to tell you about, I hope you enjoy One is the daughter, a lady, the most sweet and polite cat you will ever meet, adorable meow Very shy 10/10 the best The other one The mom, a gremlin, an absolute gluttonous gremlin, a trash goblin Will trick you to belive she's being affectionate but she's trying to steal your food She will jump up on the table she's not allowed to be on and STEAL MY WATER behind my back A round trash kitty 100/10 my child
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I LOVE BOTH OF THEM SO MUCH!! Honestly, anyone who has 2 or more cats has exactly this mix. One is very sweet and polite and one is an on fire garbage can of a cat. I have the same thing tbh, Cayenne is so polite and asks for pets with taps and Daisy will shove my spoon out of the way to eat the milk out of the cereal Im currently trying to eat. (Bonzai is just...a very nice and polite and sweet cat who also hurls his body into the bedroom door meowing if I don’t let him in so he’s a mix.)
Plz give your cats approved treats and pets for me!!
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lesbianskylor · 6 years
*slides you five bucks* holly,,,,holly,,,pls give me greenlove headcanons,,,,the world Must Know
greenlove hcs
so . greenlove is this super poly ship a lot of my friends and i came up with. we basically all made an oc and plopped them into a poly ship with lloyd uwu
so, ill explain the ocs to you first!
micah (owner - tumblr: witchlightsands ao3: whichlights) he/him bi flower boy. he a flower boy baby!!!! hes a flirty mess of a bi and is constantly supportive of lloyd. also he loves puns. bastard nerd
rhian (owner - tumblr: cynicalmiles ao3 - cynicalmiles) nb she/her ace pan. she has the elemental power of magic! she also has two dads (nyx and max) and a bro named jayden (owner - tumblr: lightning-jay23 ao3: lightning_jay23). good at makeup. the shortest lol. she’s in the exact middle of the bastard/nerd/dumbass/valid scale
myan (owner - tumblr: qibliwinter/lesbianskylor (HEHEHEHE ME) ao3: hollyus) he/they pan. depending on the au, he’s a vet student or a volunteer or owner of a shelter! he has a dog named scritch and he’s pretty much, besides micah, the most normal one of the greenlove gang. valid nerd
bo (owner - ao3: Nagasha) she/her grayace demiro. she’s a coolass serpentine (hypnobrai)!! she grew up in a group of serpentine girls and she met lloyd at a p young age. probably the most down to earth one of the group. at the very top of valid nerd
ver (owner - tumblr: terezi-kin) he/they demiboy polysexual aro. ABSOLUTE meme trash. ASKJNDLSDFDK jokes are like, his defining personality trait at this point honestly. tall bitch but not the tallest. chaotic good dumbass bastard
celestien (owner - tumblr: iwillheckingfightyou/anywaylloydgarmadonistrans ao3: i_will_fight_you) nb they/them and arospec multisexual. tol long haired redhead, punches transphobes. they have two moms
also: here are more specific ship names
micah/lloyd - brightshipping
rhian/lloyd - emeraldshipping
rhian/micah/lloyd - sparkleshipping
myan/micah - m&mshipping
thats,, kind of all we have so far rip
OKAY - now we get into the actual hcs (which im SORRY miles youve probably heard them all in the discord nsdjkfldk)
rhian and myan are the shortest of the group, celestien and ver are the tallest
SO, rhian and myan totally ride on their shoulders and have a nerf gun fight
(in the circumstance his family is an owner of a shelter) myan and micah totally meet before meeting the others because myan has a shelter that’s like across the street from micah’s flower shop
at some point micah adopts a cat named skittles from the shelter and he cries when he first sees her bc shes so cute.
she’s around 2 years old and she’s a brown tabby with a white muzzle, paws, tip of tail, chest and stomach
she’s affectionate af
lloyd used to be single as fuck before greenlove and everybody made fun of him, so when he gets SIX WHOLE DATEMATES he laughs in their face
after the whole harumi fiasco the ninja DEFINITELY keep their eye on his datemates.
kai, to all of them: hey? hey! you hurt lloyd i hurt you
nya: (pulls out her samurai x dual swords) ill let you figure it out!
cole: ok yall seem chill but if you ever treat lloyd badly…youll regret the day you were born. anyways who likes video games here
jay: you better watch out…you better watch out…yOU BETTER WATCH OUT… YOU BETTER WATCH
zane: (gives off sense of intense protecting of lloyd)
anyways, it is eventually proven that the greenlove squad are all also extremely protective of lloyd (esp after all the shit he went through) and would never hurt him intentionally so all the ninja become cool with them
greenlove is the lloyd protection squad.
all of the greenlove squad minus lloyd: i am the lloyd guardian. guardian of the lloyd
the ninja: morro quivers before them!
greenlove gang minus greenie to morro: FUCK OFF
ver constantly tortures micah with memes and jokes
though,,, they do bond over puns
ver: you wanna go?
lloyd: yea
ver: on a date with me?
ver: OH YOU DO
ver: OHHHH
lloyd: turtles turn up
myan: hell yeah go turtles
lloyd: dead on beaches
myan: oh dear god
greenlove: (just doing shit)
ver: wait
ver: so bo’s a snake person yeah
bo: …well, the term is serpentine, but..yeah??
micah: yea- oh god ver no
ver: we’re all scalies
bo: oh, um? i dont quite get what you mean, but his name is skales! not sure how he would react to you calling him, uh, skalie?
lloyd: (wheeze)
myan has, lots of grandchildren and children
(hint: they’re all animals)
myan, when a cat gives birth: hey guys look! its our 34th grandchild :)
rhian’s basically besties with nya
whenever she goes out on a date with lloyd, nya does her makeup, and kai does lloyd’s makeup (since nya and kai are makeup masters obvs)
any love song that’s sweet and nice: plays
all of the greenlove members simultaneously: HOLY SHIT ITS OUR SONG-
celestien: happy one year babe!
ver: im 18
celestien is ur friendly neighborhood anarchist :)
they have a discord with the ninja & co (aka adding on skylor and pixal) named “0 days since our last nonsense”
ver: @everybody
kai: i will kick your ass if you tag everybody again
ver: @here
kai: bitch
ver: (feigning innocence) but you didn’t say dont tag here :) :)
kai: fucker
nobody ever. ever. EVER gives ver mod/admin permissions. it happened once and theyll never make the same mistake again
my hc shortest from tallest is rhian, myan, bo, lloyd, micah, ver, celestien
celestien when they’re around tiny animals: (tearing up) you are so small? i could crush you? you’re just? so tiny?
micah dramatically during christmas: ALL I WANT FOR CHRISTMAS , IS YOOOOOOOOOOOOOUUUU
bo: micah i know you’ve been telling us this again and again for the like past 6 hours?
ver: you know what’s my music taste? youtube channel historyteachers.
ver, yelling at the top of their lungs: this plague is bubonic! B-U-B-O-N-I-C
ver: im factkin with the lady thats always singing in those videos
he listens to it so much that all his s/os can recite renaissance man to you on instant if you asked them to
myan: love is dead. you leave me as i lay here sick and festering. you have betrayed me
lloyd: woah whats up?
myan: my dog stole my fuckign popcorn
their older siblings/parents trade embarrassing stories about them and its just terrible for them but really amusing for their older siblings/parents
kai (lloyd), nyx, max (rhians dads), the reols parents (micah), myans parents, vers parents, the snake girl gang (bo), and celestiens moms: (cackling evilly)
bo: so, i was doing this and my friend-
micah: wait
bo: what
micah: oh my god myan and rhian rhyme,
rhian (before they started dating): writes her name on something
celestien nickname cel and rhian nickname rhi cause its cute
thATS MY HCS FOR GREENLOVE WHICH I LOVE!!!!!!!! sorry for taking for fucking ever
also if yall want to request hcs then Sure but from now on with hcs being put onto my inbox ill take them as suggestions- meaning, ill delete them if i dont feel like doing them (if you ask off anon ill post privately that i dont want to do it, if on anon ill just delete it lol)
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thefudge · 6 years
not here to convert you or anything but i'm kinda surprised u hate j*nsa as much as you do - or at least find it bland as hell - do u hate all aspects of it or would you ship it at a certain angle, if approached a certain way? again, not tryina convert you lmaoo ship & let ship, it's not monogamy in this trash world. I just thought the incest would be up your ally? Also a lot of the fic can be so...missionary so idk, I thought that's why it holds no appeal? words not working rn. just confused
(same j*nsa anon here) alternatively do you ship robb x sansa? sorry, but you’re pretty much the incest lady to me. LOOK - is it because you’re too diehard petyr x sansa to fuck with the rest? Because I’m petyr x sansa trash as well, I contain multitudes. I JUST WANNA HEAR YOUR THOUGHTS, BECAUSE AGAIN, YOU’RE THE INCEST LADY SO I JUST WANNA KNOW IF IT’S THE SHIP THAT BORES YOU OR FANDOM. UR THOUGHTS ARE ALWAYS FASCINATING. I JUST LIKE READING WHATEVER IT IS YOU COME UP WITH. IF YOU DON’T MIND
“you’re the incest lady” ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°) 
haha friend, that’s why subjectivity is so wonderful (love that walt whitman quote), but let me break it down for you
you’re absolutely right that j*onsa should be up my alley. but there are several reasons why it hasn’t had that impact on me
1. petyr/sansa is the first ship that got me into asoiaf/got and it has stuck with me throughout the ages. it really is my kind of dynamic, no doubt about it, especially due to aidan gillen’s really strong work and the fact that petyr baelish is, without exaggeration, one of the best literary characters of the last 30 years (imo). and he brings out the best in sansa. by “best” i don’t mean moral rectitude lol. sansa really comes into her own around him. is he taking advantage of her ? absolutely. is she taking advantage of him? she’s learning how to. it’s a smart, riveting duo that doesn’t even have to be romantic for me to love it. in fact, i prefer it when it is cerebral and manipulative with a small dash of genuine emotions. 
but i AM a big multishipper who likes aaall kinds of things so why can’t i get behind this? 
2. my big gripe is with the show, where j*onsa has been introduced as a dynamic (i DO see book signs that they will be reunited but it’s not a Thing there yet).  basically, GoT has done a very poor job with them. sansa stark has stopped being a legitimate and full-rounded character since season 4. and her characterization really took a nosedive in the past two seasons, which - you guessed it - is when she reconnects with her brother, jon. FIRST of all, they had sansa apologize to him as if she had taunted him all his life, as if she had been the big bully of his youth. MASSIVE EYE-ROLL. it’s as if the writers didn’t know how to make them bond after such a long time. ohhh i don’t know, how about jon remembering those times in their childhood when sansa taught him how to talk to ladies which is a CANONIC event??? they could’ve shared a drink and laughed about his poor manners and sansa could’ve said that he had certainly “improved”. and maybe she could’ve added “i wish i had known you better”, to which he could’ve said “so do i.” SEE. see how easy that was without devaluing the characters!!! Secondly, they don’t show them talking about legitimate, important, intimate things. for fuck’s sake, i’m sure jon would like to know what happened in king’s landing and the eyrie etc. their lack of communication is why he doesn’t really listen to her advice, no? most of their show!conversations are about jon’s shallow man-pain or the glories of house stark. sansa is suddenly consumed with legacy and house-rights. and jon isn’t. and instead of talking about it, instead of asking sansa why she’s hellbent on this mission and maybe having a heart-to-heart about family and trauma…instead of ALL that, they just sort of mumble at each other and become increasingly frustrated with each other’s actions…AND OK, you’re gonna say, maybe that was the point, for them to butt heads and clash BUT
3.the show is afraid to explore their actual feelings/frustrations. sansa will sometimes be angry at him and jon will retaliate, and just when you think things are going somewhere…they both sort of shut up and fold back. the same pattern is obvious during their “affectionate” moments. it’s like they’re both holding back, either due to poor direction or poor writing, or both. the best scene so far still remains their initial hug. 
4. jon snow has also become a sham of a character on the show, and it’s hard to enjoy him with sansa when i can’t stand the way he’s written. it feels like he has been stripped of nuance and personality. so in one scene he chokes littlefinger because he’s being “protective” (possessive) of sansa….then that…just gets dropped. he receives information arya and bran are alive and is…stone-faced about it. like he’s super chill, not really affected by anything. the real jon would’ve fucking flipped, he would’ve tried to see them. and don’t tell me all of this is gonna be picked up in the 6 episodes of the last season…because i have lost all faith in d&d. 
5. i do understand why ppl ship it and i do see book-evidence for it possibly being a stealth endgame but the books haven’t butchered the characters and will surely get there more organically? the show had EVERY opportunity to convince me this dynamic was gold and wasted so much of it, imo. . i’m sure fanfics do a better job with it, but i just…every time they’re on screen it’s so wooden, and i’m certain it’s because they’re being directed by idiots. i’m sure sophie and kit want to show more feelings and act like actual human beings but i assume they’re not allowed. just like sophie and maisie were not allowed to act like sisters. 
6. their partnership ends up devaluing sansa. which annoys me. real jon would absolutely never. hell, real jon would spit on show!jon IM SORRY IT’S TRUE. that’s what’s actually really annoying about it. it could’ve been done so well but….for me it ended up being a bland mess. i’m sure that fics and fandoms elevate it, tho. 
7. even my beloved petyr/sansa has been cheapened by the show to some degree, so you can see why other ships take even harder falls
OKAY BUT robb/sansa u’ve got my attention!!! that would be so fraught! because they’re both tully kids, deep down. aaah. 
and honestly, i could be for book!j*onsa too, if it were written well. but show!j*onsa is a goddamn mess. the show is a goddamn mess. 
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dlunas · 7 years
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so, this right here is a request for joseph (aka donald glover)’s wife, she is a mark iii ranger (aka hasn’t actually been put onto active duty yet - please read more about the mark iii jaegers right here bc they’re super awesome) and her nickname is ‘princess’ or ‘princess peach’ because she is a v classy lady and everyone knows it. so i don’t spam the tag, all information about jordan, his wife and their relationship will be under the cut, but basic info for her: i’m happy for her to either be around his age (28-33), or younger (24-26), whichever takes your fancy. i’d love for her to be poc, but i’m definitely open for suggestions. the faces i’ve come up with are just to give you an idea of the “look” i’d want for princess, but i’m also happy for you to throw other names my way: jamie chung, arden cho, karen fukuhara, zazie beetz (im trash ok), rila fukushima, aja naomi king, kimiko glen, priyanka chopra, deepika padukone, chloe bennet, kiersey clemons.
if you have any questions or want to chat please don’t hesitate to message me on discord @ dee#3749 (づ。◕‿‿◕。)づ
princess, as we’ll call her for the sake of this ad, is from an extremely wealthy east coast technology conglomerate. she’s never done a day’s work in her life and doesn’t really understand the struggle of the everyday person. that’s not her fault, her parents were never really concerned about that kind of stuff. she was home educated, kept away from the filth outside of the front door and when she needed to go outside she was chauffeured around by a man she never got to see behind a blacked out window. she and joseph (or joey as she affectionately calls him, and only she is allowed to call him that) met at a fundraising event that he was helping to organise for his boss and the two really hit it up. her parents weren’t ecstatic when she told them she was dating joseph, he wasn’t exactly of the highest calibre, and after his dad embezzled a bunch of money intended for victims of kaiju attacks, the jansen name had a bit of a stain.
but, she married him anyway and they moved to the los angeles shatterdome when joseph was offered the position of loccent officer (to spy on his boss’ kids, aka his friends). they have a baby girl, chloe, who’s just coming up to being one year old, and after spending a couple of months in the shatterdome (not that long after having chloe, really, but she went for her husband) she realised that she had to do something. so, without telling joseph, she signed herself up to the academy and went through training. he was always so busy with his job that he never really noticed the fact that she was now busy during the day, too. she still hasn’t broken the news to him, and the mark iii jaegers (of which she is now a pilot) are going to be unveiled soon.
needless to say, princess is trying to keep everything under wraps, while having her eyes opened to the horrors of the world and finding a new found need to help people. also, she’s kind of shitting herself in regards to her husband finding out what she’s been doing. so, you know, there’s that.
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darrycurtises · 7 years
for the 'send me a character' thing - Darry, Evie, Cherry, Mark Jennings and BJ Jackson (if you haven't read all the SE books, don't worry. and tag/send this to changesxnight when you're done cause she loves you)
(wow i wonder who couldve sent this cryptic anon) i love u too britt
First impressions? 
listen,,, i was such a bab when i first read this book,, and i 100% sided w pony and so my first impression of darry was just >:(
Impression now? 
if i was to write down my full impression of darry i honestly think i’d give yall like a 50000 word essay in chicago style but suffice it to say that DARRY IS AMAZING and a million percent hes the most selfless person in the whole world and honestly the only NORMAL ONE like y’all can stan soda all u want but he still eats jelly and eggs im not About it
Favorite Moment? im gonna pick three because im an actual trash can,,, 
There was an uneasy silence: Who was going to start it? Darry solved the problem. He stepped forward under the circle of light made by the street lamp. For a minute, everything looked unreal, like a scene out of a JD movie or something. Then Darry said, “I’ll take on anyone.”
“I’ll be okay,” I said wearily. “How come you never worry about Sodapop as much? I don’t see you lecturin’ him.“ 
“Man,”- Darry grinned and put his arm across Soda’s shoulders - “this is one kid brother I don’t have to worry about." 
Soda punched him in the ribs affectionately. 
"This kiddo can use his head." Sodapop looked down at me with mock superiority, but Darry went on: "You can see he uses it for one thing - to grow hair on.” He ducked Soda’s swing and took off for the door. 
Two-Bit stuck his head in the door just as Darry went flying out of it. Leaping as he went off the steps, Darry turned a somersault in mid-air, hit the ground, and bounced up before Soda could catch him.
“Darry, do you think they’ll split us up? Put me in a home or something?" 
He was silent. "I don’t know, baby. I just don’t know.”
what a Dad™
Idea for a story?
ok so i would die for any story that fleshes out the relationship darry had w his dad like im living for happy, stress-free, younger darry
Unpopular opinion? 
i don’t really know that there are any opinions i have about him that would be considered unpopular? r there still people who claim he’s abusive or are they like a cryptid now 
Favorite relationship? 
darry x happiness
Favorite headcanon? 
it’s one of mine it’s that his fave music is swing he is the ultimate Dad™
First impression? 
“what’s evie short for? evelyn? evangeline? e v a n e s c e n c e.”
Impression now?
*banging pots and pans together* AN EVIE NOVEL!!!! EVIE NOVEL!!! BLEASE
Favorite moment?
Did they cry when their boys were arrested, like Evie did when Steve got hauled in, or did they run out on them the way Sylvia did Dallas?
this is the only line in the book where it talks about her doing something? like the only other lines are “we’re going to a game” and “she, along with the other rarely mentioned females in the book, are greasy like us, and the only girls we have a chance with.” so, se hinton, step up ur girl-writing game, it weak
Idea for a story?
i feel like she and sylvia would be rlly interesting together id love to see them like as tag-team scammers
Unpopular opinion?
evie is soft,,,, she is not like wild child sylvia (that’s why i feel like they’d be a good team,like sylvia gets her out on the town, evie stops her from stealing a stop sign or something)
Favorite relationship?
i believe in evie x steve i really do,,
Favorite headcanon?
First impression? 
an actual literal goddess come to Earth, better than we deserve, needs a solo trip to the beach
Impression now?
an actual literal goddess come to Earth, so much better than we will ever deserve, needs 30 solo trips to the beach
Favorite moment?
Dally came striding back with an armful of Cokes. He handed one to each of the girls and sat down beside Cherry. “This might cool you off." 
She gave him an incredulous look; and then she threw her Coke in his face. "That might cool you off, greaser. After you wash your mouth and learn to talk and act decent, I might cool off, too.”
i mean how could i pick any other moment,,,
Idea for a story? 
literally any story where she isn’t shipped with anyone let her and marcia go on a crosscountry roadtrip where they take pictures at the grand canyon where they’re like “falling off the cliff lol scared u!”
Unpopular opinion?
i’m not sure if this opinion is actually unpopular or not but she was well within her rights to refuse seeing johnny at the hospital?? like i know this is debated a lot but she didnt owe him anything, no matter how much we love him, she doesnt have to 
Favorite relationship? 
cherry x being true to herself (also a version of bob where he respects that she doesn’t like him drinking around her)
Favorite headcanon? 
i honestly haven’t seen that many cherry headcanons? where are they? im just gonna say i totally believe in her as a beach lady
Mark Jennings
First impression?
i loved this boy so much like you dont even understand. the only person in the book i liked more than mark was charlie (im still angry)
Impression now?
*ugly sobbing* hhe wa sjuust truin gto helpp oit brryonss momm,,.,,,
Favorite moment?
“How goes it?” I managed finally. “What’s the action like in here?”
“If I told you how it was in here,” he said, “you’d be sick.” There was a silence. Then, he continued. “I didn’t have to see you. I wanted to, though. I had to make sure.” 
“Make sure of what?”
“Make sure I hated you.”
Idea for a story?
An entire overhaul of the whole book where he doesn’t end up in jail, full of hate.
Unpopular opinion?
so i’m not 100% on what the general agreement is on mark, but my unpopular opinion is i understand where he was coming from. he was trying to make money for the household that took him in when his life fell apart, and bryon’s minimum wage job wasn’t cutting it, and he knew desperate times call for desperate measures. i don’t agree with it, but i get it, and for the 213537356623465752676th time, bryon could have talked to mark. they were close, and he might’ve been able to influence him, but he didn’t try. 
Favorite relationship?
hhhhh i appreciated the mother/son bond between him and bryon’s mom? i can’t remember a lot about the nuances of this book, but whatever.
Favorite headcanon?
i honestly don’t know. im just v sad about him and i want him to grow up to have as normal and happy a life as he can manage when he got out of prison.
BJ Jackson
i know nothing about this “”””bj jackson”””””. sounds like fake news to me.
i’m gonna let @changesxnight weigh in on this one, so sorry my love
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1. Do you ever give things away to your friends?
 only if i dont want something, like i got the wrong hummus and gave it to my friend 
2. Does it make you uncomfortable when your parents talk about finding people attractive? If your parents don’t make comments like that, what sort of things can your family members say that do make you feel uncomfortable? don’t like it when my brother does it because he goes too far but other than that its not an issue
3. Have you ever heard of an “alternative spring break”? Have you ever participated in one or known someone who has? lol what am i missing out?
4. Is there anyone’s friendship or relationship, in particular, that makes you jealous? yes, i dont want to be jealous but i get why i am 
5. Do you feel a sense of community among the Xanga survey-takers? If not, is it because you’re not interested in that sort of thing or is because you feel excluded for some reason? lol what
6. How often do you think about what guys will think of you? i think about what my boyf and friends would think other than that men r trash ya.
7. Have you ever made a friendship pact with someone, where you pricked your fingers and became blood-bonded? If not, have you ever made any sort of friendship pact? wooow no ive never gotten onto that kind of level with someone 
8. If you are on birth control that allows you take pills and skip your period, how often do you opt to skip it? How come? im on the pill that i take every day so i never get a period and its so much less stress than bleeding every month
9. Is there a book series where you loved the first book, but for some reason the other books in the series just didn’t measure up? i loved percy jackson and the rest were great so no
10. If you are a registered voter or are considering registering for this upcoming election, do you know which statewide issues will be on the ballot this November? Can you list some and share which way you will be voting on them? not american.
11. Have you ever been to Pride? If not, have you ever been to any sort of Slut Walk or other protest? nope.
12. Are there any stores/restaurants that you would like to shop/eat at, but there aren’t any located near enough to you? they’re loads i need to try, once i get my job back i wanna save a bit of money to go and try new places so i can be well educated on all places to eat, i live in the city so everything is near
13. If you are a part of a certain fandom or are a fan of a popular series/musician, is there a rivalry between your fandom and another one (e.g., Lady Gaga fans vs. Katy Perry fans or Marvel vs. DC)? im a massive taylor swift fan but i have no rivalries nah
14. How many people would you say you are close with? Who are they? my boyf, and then some of my friends
15. Do you ever have smell hallucinations? umm nah
16. If you were told by a professional that you were unable to become pregnant, how would that affect you? Is there something important to you about conceiving a biological child rather than adoption? And finally, if you even want to have children, would you choose adoption or surrogacy or would you go on childless? i would like to have the option to have a child so it would make me sad, right now i dont want kids but im so young so ofc i dont but i know where my life shall lead, married with kids so i think I would go for surrogacy
17. Is there something that you did not used to take seriously, that you either now take seriously or wish that you had in the past (e.g., a relationship that you miss, your education, etc.)? how much my parents worried about me and sometimes i didnt help them not to worry
18. Are there any subjects that you are interested in so much that you would read whole books or academic journals about them? maybe something to do with criminology, like the madeline mccan story or jaycee duguad i find them interesting but at the same time horrifying.
19. Are you physically affectionate with your friends? only brooke for now
20. When you were in middle school and high school, did you witness a lot of bullying? How did the teachers react to name-calling or violence? went to an all girls school and thankfully i wasn’t bullied but i think teachers were blind to it, girls mostly talked behind each others backs it was never violent,
21. If there is a specific celebrity (or two, or three!) that you dislike, is it because of petty reasons or is it because they’ve done something absolutely damning in your mind? i think kanye is out of control and a few artists that come to mind who have criminal records and i think they dont seem wholesome
22. Are any of your friends/relatives actually impressive artists or writers? Are you willing to share an example of their work? nope
23. When it comes to relationships/crushes, are you more often the pursued or the pursuer?                                                                                    maybe a bit of both tbh
24. Do you have anyone’s tweets sent directly to your phone? Whose? no.
25. Do you ever find yourself making negative comments about other people’s appearances, whether it’s people you dislike or even just people on tv? yep, its crazy but its natural i think 
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