#im working on that god damn lineup
serfuzzypushover · 11 months
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uhhh shit i dont have anything to post STILL- ummm have humanstuck bible study???
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maiuoart · 5 years
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Swapfell Papyrus Squad
This is like, an AU of itself! All the great boyo’s with tons of different personalities! Pick your personality, I guess?? :’) God, I feel like this is a lineup for an RPG or MMO
Them Boy’s be Fly, my friends! P.S; Buncha stuff below the cut uvu ♥
Okay, so- I’ve been thinking and going through a lot of my mutuals/people I watch for Swapfell Papyrus stuff, and I’ve noticed that a lot of them are the most amazing, talented, and hard working people I’ve seen; Many of which are inspirations to me! 
From left to right, here’s the order!
@imjustalazycat ‘s Pup!
They make the MOST goofiest comics I have ever read! Their silly with it, make meme’s and just are a huge sweetheart from what I’ve gathered; I LOVE their Swapfell Papyrus, Pup! Such a cutie! Definitely one I first thought of while coming up with ‘What SF!Paps do I know and love?’ to add to this! So Darling; You’ve made me realize to let my silly side show and you’re a HUGE REASON why I’m making my own comics! You are Amazing, Wonderful with your content, and I admire you and your works so much! Thank you for everything you do!! ♥
@koicchii ‘s Max!
This dude is a BEAST. Just LOOK at him?? He’s probably the tallest out of everyone, as it should be! ;) 
Koi was the one who was pretty much at the beginning of when I first started coming around the whole Undertale AU to begin with! Hell, she found me when I really dug into the Swapfell AU hardcore; And I don’t think I’d be where I stand with my boy without her??? So, from the bottom of my heart, Koi; Thank you for helping me and keeping me going! Without you, I don’t think I would still enjoy my Mutt... But! I am super happy, even if im still trying to tweak his personality to my liking... Haha ♥ Your lil’ comics and artwork is astounding and sometimes I squeal too loudly when I see them ; w ; You’re amazing and I love you!! Thank you for everything!! ♥
Then, ya got my Mutt; ndskjhf
@cocofinny ‘s Rus!
I was at a loss for a tie from calling yours and Skesgo’s SF!Paps the same ... But-! Because Ske calls their SF!Paps Papyrus in most of their self-ship, I had to call yours Rus for this! Especially since you call him Rus in your fanfic of Panic Room!! (Still need to read the new chap :’D)
Coco is truly one of the top people who I have looked up to for a while now; Their writings and artwork always brings a smile to my face! I love how they draw their characters of any Undertale AU and their stories are like-... A gorgeous, endless sea of buffet for ones eyes!? Like, they KNOW how to make their stories so enthralling; Mind catching; and just-?? You can get so lost in their stories, it both scares and amazes me! ♥ Thank you, Coco; For everything you show us, your wonderful personality, and your hardwork all around!! 
...Did I mention they’ve made kickass meme comics that always get me busting a gut at?? The “What the fuck is that? Is that a cat?” one always got me, ndskjghd
@skesgo ‘s Papyrus! (Rus)
No, seriously, I couldn’t give both of you guys Rus :’D bdfhg Forgive me--
Ske has become one of my top idols in a fast time of pace; How they draw their skeletons to perfection and SOMEHOW ALWAYS get me FLUSTERED just by a damn scene makes me giddy as all hell! I love and adore how they make bones look hot ;) But, in all honesty; They have helped me to where I am now in art wise! I love their mini comics and their self inserts are PERFECTION! Like-!! How do you know how to do such good FLUFF?? It’s amazing and you never fail to give me them good fuzzies! ♥ Also, you’re keeping my embers alive for US!Paps; Cause I can’t seem to like him unless it’s yours??? Like, I just-... People have ruined him for me, but you’re making me constantly have contradicting feelings for him! >:v 
But!! They are super sweet and the most fluffest being I have ever came across yet! I Love how Soft their SF!Paps is and it’s honestly making me itchy to constantly hug and hold him; But thats like MANY~ ♥
Thank you Ske for bringing beautiful art and wonderful works and HC’s around ;A; ♥♥
So To You All; 
Thank You For Being My BIGGEST Inspirations!! ♥
You all rule, all are wonderful, and keep me sane with your works & posts ; v ; ♥
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haro-whumps · 5 years
Box Boy Meeting Yanni
(CW: slavery, dehumanization, creepy + intimate whumper, implied noncon, possessive behaviors)
I STRONGLY discourage readers with any kind of paranoia from reading this chapter.
Tag list <3:  @thatsthewhump @whump-it @ashintheairlikesnow @fairybean101 @finder-of-rings @comfortforthepain @shameless-whumper @that-one-thespian @burtlederp @castielamigos-whump-side-blog @raigash @im-not-rare-im-rarr @spiffythespook
Much as they would have loved to quit their job and just lounge around with Soren for the rest of their life, Ren did in fact have to go back to work eventually. So they showed up in a white button down and a pencil skirt with red lipstick and their hair tied in a high ponytail, tips of their hair just tickling at the nape of their neck, and resigned themself to staring at Soren through the cameras all day.
“REN!” Yanni shouted, banging open the door of their office and draping herself dramatically in the doorframe. “My favorite gossipbuddy in the ENTIRE office and you left me alone for a WEEK!” she accused, storming over to their desk and nearly flailing a hand into one of their potted plants. 
They liked gardening. Liked knowing that there were living creatures that, without Ren, would die.
“A week and a day,” Ren corrected with a playful smile. “It’s Tuesday.”
“Cruel and heartless, Ren, cruel and heartless,” she said, plopping herself on their desk. They laughed good-naturedly, leaning an arm over the back of their chair and smiling up at her. “Did you go on another cruise with your mama?” she asked less theatrically.
“No, actually. I was busy with something new.” They gave a wicked grin, which prompted her to lean in, ready for whatever they were about to share. They’d conditioned the response, personally. “I got myself a Box Boy.”
Yanni gasped, lighting up. “No! Show me pictures, show me pictures! Is he cute?”
“He’s so cute,” Ren said, pulling out their phone and bringing up a picture of their precious angel. “His name is Soren, he’s the same age as me, and his hair is this gorgeous texture.”
“Oh my god!” she squealed, “Look at hiiiiiiim, oh my gooooood!” She fanned at her face excitedly, and Ren swiped through a couple more pictures with their thumb. “Ren he’s adorable!!!”
“And he’s sweet as a peach, too,” Ren bragged, smiling down at Soren’s blushing face. “My personal little angel.”
“Ugh, now you’re making me want one! I swear, ever since Box Babes came out with their spring lineup, I haven’t been able to stop thinking about it. Did you see that lineup? The one with that gorgeous big-titty one in the purple?”
“Was it the same line that had the one with curly brown hair and pretty green eyes?” Ren asked. Yanni tilted her head, her curly brown hair bouncing in its ponytail and her pretty green eyes looking off to the side in thought.
“Not sure! It’s not an uncommon complexion, though,” Yanni said with a careless shrug, and Ren hummed, a private smile on their face, eyes on hers. She smiled back. “But seriously, that one Babe was soooooo pretty, and I’ve been needing an outlet.”
‘You really do,” Ren agreed.
“I can’t help it that the gods made me horny. And like, none of the women in this office are bangable, you know? They’re all, ugh, smart.”
“Working with folk of our caliber, I’d hope they would be,” Ren said easily, mostly entertained by Yanni’s over the top theatrics. They felt warmly towards her. Not that she’d ever be in any danger of it, but if--in some other life--she were made into a Box Babe herself, Ren would’ve just as happily bought her.
It would still have meant that they wouldn’t have a pet they could really yank around, but at least neither would ever need to feel jealous of the other.
“Well, obviously,” Yanni said with a flip of her hair. “But it does shrink my dating pool to zilch. I mean, seriously, what’s a gal gotta do to get herself a bimbo these days?!”
Ren pretended to hum thoughtfully, and shrugged with an airy “Buy one.”
They shared a laugh, and Yanni leaned in to kiss their cheek. “You’re so fun, I missed you. You should invite me over to meet your new little plaything!”
“Maybe,” Ren said, “We’ll see how I feel at the end of the day.”
Yanni stuck her tongue out at them. “You just wanna hole up with that cute little bean and keep him all to yourself.”
Ren shrugged. “Maybe, maybe not. Guess you’ll never know.”
“Well, text me whenever you decide. Oh! But, I did get sent in here for a reason. Like, a reason-reason, not just to bitch you out for stranding me here!”
“Oh?” Ren asked unapologetically.
“Coffee machine broke yesterday. Help us Ren-bi Wan Kenobi! You’re our only hope!”
Huh. They hadn’t even sabotaged it that time. It meant the thing was actually malfunctioning, but they weren’t particularly concerned, as they stood and left their office. By this point, they knew the insides of the thing better than the manufacturers did. 
A couple of their office-mates were gathered in the break room, one of them contemplating buying iced coffee from the company fridge, a couple chatting with empty hands, another very sullenly nursing a cup of water. Aimie looked up from said water cup and caught sight of Ren, and her face immediately lit up.
“Ren! Thank god; the damn thing’s been broken all week!”
“It’s only Tuesday,” Ren said with a laugh, basking in the turning attention of the break room, each and every one of them delighted to see Ren. 
“It’s already Tuesday,” Yanni corrected, hopping up on the counter next to the coffee machine as Ren pulled open the panel. “You’ve come to us in our darkest hour!” she said with a dramatically raised fist.
Ren poked around, checking the usual spots they sabotaged it in. One of the wires they used most frequently had jiggled loose all on its own. They must have used that wire too much, and now it was worn down from the constant in and out. But, that just meant they didn’t have to sneak in here and break the thing as often anymore, and would be able to walk in with other people and be lauded for their competence without needing to time things perfectly when the room was empty. If they could just get access to the security cameras legally, this would all be so much simpler.
“And booting back on,” Ren announced calmly, the room watching with baited breath, and they all let out a playful (but only so playful) cheer when the thing beeped to life.
“Our hero!” Yanni shouted, flinging her arms around their neck and kissing their cheek. They laughed, hugging her back, and offered her the first paper cup off the stack, as a monarch bestowing riches to a favored knight. They placed their hand on the nape of her neck while she filled the cup, pretending to lean on her while they looked at their phone (Soren was on the balcony again).
One of the first things they’d done when they decided they liked Yanni was touch her neck, like this, their hand pressing down on the clasp of her necklace. It dug into their hand, but it dug into her neck too, and was the first step in conditioning her to put up with mild discomfort in exchange for Ren’s touch and attention. Of course, they would never do anything terrible to her, no no, they wouldn’t be mean to their friend, but they liked knowing that they could, that their friends would let them. They were better now, than as a teenager. Smoother, sharper, smarter about this. They hadn’t conditioned Soren successfully in their youth, having to wait until he was a precious little Box Boy to get him acting like he should, but they were doing a fine job of manipulating Yanni. She was willing to put up with most anything, these days.
“See you at lunch,” Yanni said, steam wafting out from the little hole in the plastic lid. “You’ve got so much office gossip I need to catch you up on!”
“Looking forward to it,” Ren said honestly, giving her a quick kiss on the temple before returning to their office.
They thought about it. Yanni was very, very much a lesbian, so therefore would pose no “threat” for Ren with Soren. Her interest in him really and truly would be entirely aesthetic, and she would have no interest in taking what was Ren’s. She wasn’t violent, and respected other people’s properties (Ren’s more than most), so she wouldn’t hurt Soren, but she was also a little careless and very energetic, so she might play a little rough. She might shake Soren up a bit, leave him nervous and trembling and desperately folding into Ren’s embrace, which was definitely desirable. She might also just coo over him, pinching his cheeks and braiding his hair and fawning until she got bored and demanded Ren distract her in other ways, which was also fine. 
Ren tried to think of possible downsides to inviting Yanni over, examining potential outcomes thoroughly. They did, after all, like to be prepared. They especially couldn’t afford to be careless with Soren, not when they had him just like they wanted him. But all they came up with were pros. Yanni would undoubtedly like Soren, and would be further convinced to buy a Box Babe of her own. That would mean she’d waste less time trying to find hookups or dates, which detracted her attention from Ren, and would leave her better able to focus on them, devote her time to them. 
If she bullied Soren a little, it would leave him clingy and needy. If she bullied Soren too much, it wouldn’t happen instantaneously, and Ren could step in when things crossed a line, and Soren would be grateful and view them as his savior (which they were, anyway). If she was nothing but sweet and friendly, well, Soren deserved that. Ren would be able to show off how well trained Soren was, which was a stroke to their vanity, and Yanni would get more quality time with Ren, which the two of them hadn’t had in a while.
They checked in on Soren again (in the kitchen now, and when they checked their clock it was about lunchtime), got up from their desk, and headed out to the vending machine. They bought a bar of super-dark chocolate and swung by Yanni’s office, decorated with streamers and rainbows and artfully nude paintings and photographs of women. 
“Knock knock,” they said, after they’d already crossed the threshold and were in the middle of sauntering to her desk. She looked up, grinned bright, and then saw that they had a chocolate bar in hand.
“Oooo, you get me something?” she asked, hand already extended, and they dropped it into her palm with a pleasant hum.
“You know I like spoiling you.”
“I dooooo, you dooooo,” she cooed, unwrapping it and taking a bite. “Is it lunch already?”
“Sure is. Also, you should stop by after work today and meet my little Soren.”
“Hell yes!” Yanni said, sticking the bar in her mouth so she could lock up her computer with both hands. She looped her arm around Ren’s, and the two went to lunch, Yanni informing them of all the office gossip over green iced tea and shakshouka. The knowledge that Carl’s father had recently passed was useful. It meant he would be… vulnerable. It did put a closing-window-time frame on whether or not Ren liked him enough to want him, though. If they didn’t, he wouldn’t be worth the effort, emotional vulnerability or no. Sure, Carl was nice enough, but he was getting kind of old, and didn’t exactly have enough clout to make him useful.
But he did have that lovely sense of humor, and he gave out compliments easily, which Ren liked. Decisions decisions.
“Back to the grind,” Yanni said with a sigh as they tossed their trash.
“Halfway there,” they comforted, touching her back. “I’ll see you after work, puppy,” they said, playful and quiet. Calling her puppy was an inside joke between them, given how excitable and bubbly she was, how easy it was to get her wound up. They always said it affectionately, so she knew they weren’t calling her a bitch or anything, that was the last connotation they wanted with their words. But she really was, she was their cute little puppy.
And Soren was their pretty little bird, whose wings they’d finally clipped. 
Yanni’s voice echoed through their home when the two walked through the front door that evening, and when she laughed brightly Ren took the opportunity to call out, “Soren, baby, heel!”
Soren rounded the stairs the moment after; he must have started coming when he heard their voices. “Ohhh, he’s even cuter in real life!” Yanni squealed as he came down, and when Ren opened their arms he rushed to them, eyes lingering nervously on Yanni. 
“Soren, this is Yanni,” Ren said sweetly, voice once again taking that high pitch like they were talking to a child.
“Hello, Yanni,” Soren said, reluctant to be pushed away from Ren’s chest.
“Hello sweetie!” she cooed, reaching out and pinching his cheeks. Ren chuckled breathily. They were definitely pinchable. “You are just as cute as a button omg! Oh, oh, is he name brand?”
“He is,” Ren said proudly, stroking his hair and letting the silky strands fall off their fingers in a small cascade. 
“So he comes with like, positions and stuff, right?”
“Soren, position two.”
Soren collapsed to his knees, eyes turned to Ren, who smiled at him.
“Aaaa, okay, okay, uh, position four!” Yanni said. Soren glanced to her, then back at Ren, who made a ‘go on’ kind of gesture. Soren lifted up off his ankles, though remained on his knees, and extended his wrists to Yanni, who giggled.
“How abouuuuut, twelve! No, thirteen!” Soren stopped mid-motion, then slipped easily into position, and Yanni rattled off a few more random numbers.
“Which one’s your favorite?” Yanni asked, beaming at Ren.
“Soren, Position 22.”
Soren knelt, much like position two, only this time his jaw dropped open.
“EW! You perv!” Yanni said with a high giggle, punching Ren in the shoulder. Ren laughed along with, and punched back. They always punched back harder, and they always punched back last. She accepted this about them, though sometimes in her rowdier moods they would be forced to leave her rubbing at her arm with a half-hidden wince. “So, you fuck him then?” she asked, rounding Soren and tugging experimentally on a lock of hair. “Oh wow it is soft,” she muttered, grabbing a handful.
“Not yet,” Ren said lazily, observing Soren’s cute little winces, the way his throat worked as he tried to swallow his spit with an open mouth, attempting to prevent himself from drooling. “I want the first time to be perfect.”
Yanni nodded with a noisy inhale. “I do know this about you,” she said. “Man, now I really want a Box Babe.”
“You should get one; they’re delightful.”
“Huh Soren, should I get one?” Yanni asked, sitting down on her haunches and pulling him back against her shoulder, hand on top of his collar.
“I-If you think you’d like one, ma’am.”
“I wouldn’t wait to fuck mine, though,” she said, almost conversationally, booping Soren on the nose.
“And I know this about you,” Ren said with a chuckle. “Noisy slut that you are.”
“It’s true, I’m the sluttiest,” Yanni said, standing and using Soren’s shoulder to help herself up. She pulled on his hair, forcing his head back so he looked up at her. “And these pets really are just to die for, huh?”
“I wouldn’t say die, maybe just spend lots of money on,” Ren said. They snapped their fingers. “Soren, here.”
Soren rushed to them, barely even hiding that he was glad to be out from under her tugging and prodding hands, and when they kissed him he kissed back eagerly, pressing his body up against theirs, gratitude and relief clearly bleeding through his touch. 
“Oh that so does it, I’m getting one. Wanna help me look?” Yanni asked, wrapping her arms around Ren’s waist from behind and going tip-toed to rest her chin on their shoulder. Thoughts of what it would be like to have her collared and doing this, of being sandwiched between two of their favorite friends, maybe tugging on Yanni’s collar a little, came into Ren’s mind, and they smiled brightly.
“Sure! I can show you some of the other sites I was looking at too; even the ones that aren’t big brands can have some attractive wares.”
“Okay,” Yanni said easily, “Oh but first, we have to see if that purple one from the lineup is still available. Seriously, Ren, you’re gonna lose it when you see her, she’s SO pretty!”
“Well, c’mon then,” Ren said, beckoning them both into the living room and pulling out their computer. They pulled up the Whumpees-R-Us homepage and Yanni nuzzled up against their side, giggling. “Soren baby, come up on the couch with us too,” Ren said as they pulled up the Box Babes lineup.
“Oh, she is pretty,” they remarked, zooming in on the one in purple. They hooked the arm they weren’t using to navigate the mouse around Soren’s shoulders, pulling him in nice and close.
“Isn’t she though? God, she’s just, look at her tits!”
“I’m looking, I’m looking, they’re hard to miss!” Ren said with a laugh. 
“How do we see if she’s still for sale?” Yanni asked, and Ren clicked around.
“Oh, yeah, she’s sold. Here, let’s pull up the available listings? Or do you want to customize?”
“Ugh, I’m not that rich. And I’m not my mama’s special favorite, either,” she said teasingly, and Ren elbowed her in the rib.
Yanni laughed. “Filter it though. I want big tits and low intelligence.”
After a bit of scrolling and some more filters, Yanni found one she liked, a beautiful young thing, and Ren tugged on Soren’s hair. 
“Huh, Soren, what do you think of her?” Ren asked, angling the laptop a little.
“She’s, um, very pretty? And, her number is pretty low, which means, I think, she’d be happy to have a mistress, and grateful.”
“Do low numbers mean they’ve been there a while?” Yanni asked.
“Mm. Usually. That, or th-they were, um,” Soren looked away, and Ren tightened their hold, which made him unwind ever so slightly, “refurbished.”
“Ohhhh, so she could be a naughty bitch,” Yanni said thoughtfully, tapping her fingers against her chin.
“E-Either way, she’ll be grateful, ma’am, I, I’m sure!”
“We should check her personality statistics,” Ren said, smoothing their palm over Soren’s pretty head, letting him press his face to their chest and tremble against them. 
Personality stats were good, she was as-of-yet unbought so concerns of refurbishment were null, and Ren enjoyed the little twitch that Soren gave every time the word “refurbish” was said. Yanni ended up buying her on Ren’s computer, with her credit card, and kissed their cheek before she left for the night.
“See you tomorrow!” she called.
“See you tomorrow,” they answered, and as soon as she’d closed the door they turned to Soren, lifting his chin.
“My pet, you seem distressed.”
“I, I,” Soren tried, and they felt a thrill up their spine at how tears were gathering in his eyes. “I didn’t… I don’t…”
“Shhh,” Ren hushed, thumbing away his gathering tears. “Shush, now, darling, think it through, use your words. Take your time my sweetheart, shhh.”
Soren pressed his face to Ren’s shirt, clinging to them, and they pet his hair.
“I. Don’t like thinking about the facility. I don’t like r-remembering--I, I know you said what I was before d-doesn’t matter, but,” Soren took a deep breath, “i-it was scary, and, and then we, talked about,” Soren hiccuped, “refurbishment, and, Exalted, Honored One, please, please, I-I’m good, please, I don’t…”
Soren was trying very hard not to break down, it was clear, but he was getting glassier, out of focus. Ren shushed him again and lifted his face, exposing his neck.
“Soren, baby, give me your hand,” they purred, and they guided it to his collar. The shift was instant. His whole body shuddered, lips parting, and his eyes closed with a heavy exhale, other hand coming up and gripping the collar also.
“I’m yours,” he murmured, reverent as a prayer, “I’m yours, I’m all yours. I won’t ever belong to anyone but you. No one else will touch me, no one else will get me, I won’t go anywhere without you.” He rocked slightly on the couch, knuckles white from how tightly he held his collar, and Ren smiled, happy and sweet and content.
“That’s right baby. I’ll let my friends come over and play with you, but they’ll never hurt you. I’ll sign you up for classes, but you only go there with my knowledge and permission. Everything about your life, I have ahold of, Soren. I’m taking care of you.”
“Yes,” Soren moaned, “Yes, I’m yours, I’m yours. My whole life is in your hands, you have the control.”
“That’s right,” Ren cooed, pulling him into their arms and kissing his hair. “That’s right. That’s my precious boy, oh, Soren, take comfort in me.” Their arms squeezed around him a little tighter. “Take your comfort in the fact that you are mine.”
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the--blackdahlia · 4 years
You’re All That I Need Chapter 17
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Title: You’re All That I Need Chapter 17
Summary: It’s the early 80’s and Nikki Sixx is in need of a band. There’s one condition: no other alphas. That should be fine, since he found three betas to fill up the lineup to become Motley Crue. Or, at least he thinks they’re all betas. A collab between myself and @callme-kaz2y5-baby​​​​​!
Series Warnings: M/M smut (18+ only please), alpha/beta/omega dynamics, mpreg, language, slight drug use, protective Nikki, extremely funky timeline (might add more as we go)
“Vince, wait,” Mick sighed. “Wanna come in and watch a movie for a little bit?”
"Yea, thanks Mick," Vince answered, blushing a little. They headed into Mick’s room. It seemed a lot darker than Vince’s, with dark furniture and such.
“Pick your poison,” Mick motioned to some tapes on a shelf. “I’m gonna put some shorts on.” He went to the corner of the room to change.
Vince scanned the tapes on the shelf, not feeling a horror flick or anything heavy when his eyes landed on Star Wars: A New Hope.
"Got one," He flashed a smile, brandishing the tape.
“Good choice,” Mick chuckled. “But just admit that you picked it because you really like Carrie Fisher.”
"She is hot, but Harrison Ford he's the one that's worth watching for," Vince answered with a smirk and wink. Mick was getting the movie queued and Vince pulled the covers down on Mick's bed.
"Ah, do not get in my bed with your dirty jeans on" Mick scolded.
"You're lucky I'm wearing underwear today," was Vinces only response before pulling off his jeans and socks.
“Thank god,” Mick laughed, but when Vince bent over to pull his pants off, Mick may have snuck a peek. He licked his lips a little before shaking his head. Vince didn’t feel that way about him, so why get himself worked up?
Vince was pleased with the excuse to take his pants off, and climbed into bed to wait for Mick. After Mick got the movie started he climbed into bed next to Vince, making sure not to crowd him.
"Not gonna bite.... unless you want me to," Vince teased, patting the bed next to him.
“You’re hopeless,” Mick laughed as he sat by Vince. At some point during the movie, Mick threw an arm around Vince to let him get more comfortable. Mick’s eyes started to get heavy as they continued to watch. Vince had curled into Micks side like he belonged there and they were both fast asleep before Luke found the princess.
At some point in the night, Mick somehow moved them so they were laying down and curled up under the blanket, holding on to each other. Each of them was dreaming about the other, and that caused Vince to press closer to Mick in his sleep and Mick to let off a small, happy moan. It was almost like Vince was his omega, and in Mick’s dream, he was.
Morning seemed to come too fast. Mick woke first, basking in the warmth of a partner in his bed, it took him too long to remember he didn't have a mate. He opened his eyes slowly as the night before came into focus and took in the shock of bleach blond hair fanned out on his chest. Mick decided to just enjoy the moment, and not to anticipate the fallout that would occur when Vince woke up. Vince moved closer to him in his sleep, looking for the warmth of the alpha. His eyes started to flutter open and he looked up at the body next to him.
“Uh...morning…” Mick grumbled. Vince stretched a bit, and curled back into Micks side.
"Mmmmm, morning," Mick stared down at the top of Vinces head, that was not the response he expected. "Mick, I can hear you thinking, and it's too early for thinking." Vince said sleepily.
“I...you’re not freaking out?” Mick asked, a little amused.
“Why would I be?” Vince asked, yawning.
“Because...it’s me…” Mick told him. Vince’s eyes snapped open and he looked up at Mick.
"I'm not freaking out because it's you, did I absorb your IQ last night?" Vince said with a coy smile.
“I just…” Mick just shook his head. “You can stay. I’m gonna go shower or something…”
"Hey, Mick?" Vince reached out for him before he could get out of bed.
"What?" was the only response Mick could get out before Vince kissed him. After a moment, Vince pulled away and waited. He looked at Mick and saw a flash of red in his eyes before he was pinned to the bed, Mick’s lips on his in a heated, passionate kiss. Mick started kissing along his jaw as Vince wrapped his arms around him, letting off soft noises. Mick kissed his lips deeply again before moving to his neck.
“Mine,” Mick growled softly. Vince wasn’t sure if he imagined it or not, but god, he hoped he didn’t.
"Yours," Vince moaned, he felt, more than heard, the possessive growl from deep in Mick’s chest. They were so wrapped up in each other they missed the first knock at the door.
"Yo Mick!" Nikki shouted from the hall before pounding on the door, "I can't find Vince."
The door swung open revealing a panting Mick, and behind him spread on the bed, a very disheveled Vince.
"Oh look you found him," Nikki chuckled. "We're planning on leaving in 45 minutes."
“Okay,” Mick nodded. He looked back at Vince, and when he went to look back at Nikki, he was gone. “I, um, sorry Vince. I don’t know what came over me.”
"Don't apologize, I think it's been coming for a little while and I enjoyed it. Did you?" Vince asked, hoping he was right.
“I did. A lot,” Mick cleared his throat. “I’m gonna go shower before we leave.”
"Yea probably a good idea, or we could just make out?" Vince suggested with an eye waggle.
"As tempting as that sounds, I'm not dealing with you wearing day old clothes and complaining all day," Mick chuckled, shooing Vince out so they could get ready. “Maybe if you’re good and go shower, if we have time left, we can make out some more.” He wasn’t sure if that would work for Vince or not, honestly.
"Fine," Vince pouted but let himself be shooed out. Once he heard the door close behind him he rushed to his room he wanted to make sure he looked good for his alpha. He couldn’t believe it. He wasn’t an omega, but damn, he felt like one trying to attract an alpha. And he really wanted to impress Mick.
And honestly, the idea of getting manhandled like that again was an extra bonus, and he hoped they’d have time to do that some more before they had to leave.
Mick leaned on the closed door and took a deep breath, he needed to get himself together. Vince was not an omega and even if this were to maybe work, he wasn't sure he could handle the heartbreak later.
20 minutes later and Mick was ready to go. He straightened the bed when he noticed Vince's pants on the floor. He picked them up and headed down the hall to return them.
Forever Tags: @dekahg​ @marvel-af-imagines​ @feelmyroarrrr​ @nanie5​ @imboredsueme-deactivated2020040​ @gemini0410​ @aiaranradnay​ @babypink224221​ @mogarukes​ @xxwarhawk​ @sandlee44​ @shatteredabby​ @caswinchester2000​ @lauravic​ @mrsambroserollinsacklesmgk​ @teller258316​ @horrorpxnk​ @tommyleeownsme​ @marvelismylifffe​ @mrslogansixxpixx​
Motley Crue Tags:@primal-screamer​ @waywardprincess666​ @twistnet​ @saint-of-los-angeles​  @motleyfuckingcruee​ @sharon6713​ @kawennote09​ @2dead2function​ @nikkisixxwiththebass​ @jayprettymuchomw​ @charlyallise​ @you-know-im-a-dreamer​ @sweet-dreams-on-butterfly-wings​ @arianareirg​ @the-normal-potato​ @jjjjjjjoshdun @just-a-normal-fangirl18​ @stella20131991​ @tarahell​ @wowilovenikkisixx-deactivated20​ @i-want-to-shoot-myself​ @motleycrueee​ @sams-serialkiller-fetish​ @getbackhonkycatt​ @scarecrowmax​  @anyasthoughts​ @bandaids-not-groupies​ @ilovetomkeiferslips​ @kaitieskidmore1​ @useyourillusion​ @xpoisonousrosesx​ @slash-me-up​ @hauntedapricoteggsclam​ @lucyboytom​ @reigns420​ @solopadawan​ @frehleys-mint​ @madamsixx​ @appetiteforstradlin​ @acdcmutual​ @wildsiide​ 
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torunarigha · 4 years
hertha thoughts ahead (warning: dramatic sports fan time)
apparently hertha is making me... anxious? my throat is really dry all the sudden. so this will probably be the last you’ll see of me for a bit on here (i say this now but when shit goes down with hertha, you know i’ll come crying back to here)
um yeah. we’re not relegated yet! so not quite sure why it feels like everything’s crashing down around us. i guess because we were so close to relegation a while ago and got a ton of new players, new coach, things seemed to be working well and now we STILL suck. like we’re somehow even worse than we were with dardei??? who was a great coach and everyone loved him and we all want him back please. please pal please.
i hated it from the beginning. the big city club bullshit spewed by klinsmann and the rest but i tried to get into it and have fun which was easy when we were winning. but now we’ve sold out and for what? embarrassment??? being the lachnummer of every matchday? idk man. i guess we’re picking up some of the slack from schalke or something. its not enough to have one blue team suffering we have to have two.
i just want the graue maus back. i want lars windhorst to go away. well... maybe put some of his money into turbine and then go away. and i want to be mediocre. let union have all the fun i dont care. sure i’ll be bitter but i’d rather play with mediocrity and soul than whatever this is. i don’t know these players??? who are they??? i’ve already attached myself to them but still who are they??? the only ones out of the starting lineup that i recognize from when i first was here is jordan, niklas, and darida. everyone else is new and i feel like they dont want to be here anymore. this isn’t what they signed up for probably. like go!! go on go!!!! i want vedo, and duda back (sala too but... probably impossible... and DAVIE god... he broke my heart today and i dont know if i can forgive him). i want rune back in goal. love schwolli but he’s def one of the ones im thinking of. take me back to 18/19 hertha. that’s what i want.
this is just useless ramblings. i dont feel any better. there’s so substance to back in this. my throat feels just as dry. i have still just as much school work to do as when i woke up this morning. i’ll probably keep this for posterity. to read on a sunnier day when things are better. because i know they’ll get there eventually. it just feels so dark right now, everything does. so hertha on top of it? bleak. i’ll just fill my night with star wars, pedro pascal, and cleaning my damn apartment and be good as new tomorrow. another day, another day, just trying to get some rest, another day, another day...
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nosferatyou · 5 years
New Tune: Part 1 (Jake Kiszka x Reader)
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Summary: Two guitarists meet at a Rock Festival, only having a week with each other before they have to return to their own lives. The bond they create is unfeigned and resolute. 
 WC: 1.7k
Warnings: Cursing and drinking
Hello! This is the first series i’ve done in years! And i’m honestly really excited about it. The title is cheesy and probably wont make sense till the last chapter, but its a heartfelt story. I know its a short first chapter but we are just getting started. I really hope you guys like it! 
The rush of performing is worryingly amazing. Just playing for hundreds of people who all share the love of music harmoniously together in one room is even something magical in itself. But playing the music that joins us together? Its indescribable, and its why I fucking love my job. I get to do that almost every night for hundreds of different people. The thing I love most is just being able to jam onstage with my best friends, and creating music with them. Most of our songs are created through our live shows, and it’s all 100% us in every performance. Not what our managers think will make the most money or sell out the most shows, but it’s exactly what we want to create. Fucking Rock and Roll.
Which is what we are doing now, at some random festival in California just trying to play some fucking music. We were lucky enough to get on the roster at all, first of all our name isn't too well known yet and we play a bit heavier than the people on the setlist as is. It's  all of course Rock, but there is a fair share of indie and folk thrown in for good measure. 
We more play psychedelic rock? I guess that’s the way you could describe it, lots of fuzz, delay effects, and weird ass lyrics that could make Jim Morrison say “What the fuck?” Luckily our manager was friends with the event coordinator and squeezed our name in last minute. I honestly don’t think we are even on the Lineup. 
“Hey fuckface! Come help me with this keg!” Screamed the Lead Vocalist to our band, but also my best friend, Matt. 
I looked up from my phone to see the exasperated boy doing his best to get it up the stairs of the tour bus, but failing miserably. I get up from my spot to attempt to help move the heavy keg from the base of the stairs. 
“A keg? What are we in high school? I mean yes, we could very easily drink our way through this, but wouldn’t cases of beer just be easier?” I asked, also struggling to get it up the stairs” 
“I mean… Where's the fun… In that?” He said, pausing in between his words to lift the heavy thing. 
We finally got it to the top, both letting out a whoosh of air before going to fall back on the couches in exhaustion. We sat in silence, settling with the fact that we were both extremely out of shape despite doing countless shows. WHich honestly in itself is a huge work out. 
“Alright! Up we go, it’s up here so let’s get this party started before we die of exhaustion.”
Matt hopped up quicker than expected and grabbed the valve for the keg off the counter.
“Now that. Is a fantastic idea.” He pushed a filled cup and then filled his own. We clinked our drinks and threw them back, both easily swallowing it all. 
“Let's get absolutely fucked.” Matt said, emphasizing the word fucked. "Wait..." I half questioned. "If our thing is drinking outside, then why are we putting the keg in here?" 
He gave me a blank stare and then dropped his head in shame. 
Jakes POV
“Jake I swear to god if you don’t walk faster I'm going to steal that guitar of yours and add my own special touch to it.” 
“Well calm down and slow your pace, and then I'll catch up. And Honestly josh, I don't even want to think of what you'd do to my girl.” 
Josh suddenly slowed down and got right into my space, and then very animatedly started to explain how he would decorate her. 
“I'm sure you remember that one very fun tambourine I had at that one show. You know, the one with all the tassels.”
“Mhm, That one tambourine from that one show.” I absentmindedly replied, not really paying attention to his whole show.
 More taking in all the surroundings of all the buses around us, housing all the artists playing throughout the week. Josh and I have a habit of doing this at every festival we’ve been too, which wasn't much, but it was enough to create the tradition. These were always fun to go to, meet different musicians and wind down for a week. Festivals were always fun simply because we could take a real break. We tend to get a bit overrun with tour dates because of management, but here we play once or twice, and spent the rest of the week doing press or enjoying ourselves. We all honestly looked forward to it. 
Josh suddenly stopped talking about his favorite tambourines and said, “What was that?” 
We wandered around with a bit more direction lightly following the voices that bounced off of all the buses.
I stopped to listen and heard two people very aggressively discussing what seemed to be Jimi Hendrix and Stevie Ray Vaughn. As we kept walking, we started to hear them more clearly. 
The girl yelling “Honestly Matt, If you tell me right now, that your prefer Stevie over Jimi I’m fucking leaving this band.” 
“Y/N, I prefer Stevie.”
After that the man, presumably Matt, said that all hell had broken loose and swears and counter arguments were thrown left and right. 
Josh seemed very interested in the whole scene and did his best to follow the voices so he could find the source. I was honestly pretty interested myself. 
We finally rounded a corner to find two, seemingly, very drunk people intensely arguing while still half laying down in the lawn chairs they had set out in front of their bus. A keg sat between them, and a stack of red solo cups on top. Nothing but a lantern and the moon keeping them alight.
“Sure, we all love Stevie, he’s a chill dude. But Jimi? He ascended. He fucking made music. He created most of what Stevie played. I honest to god, Matt, will physically fight you.” 
The girl caught my eye when we rounded the corner, and very aggressively pointed at me. 
“You, long haired pretty boy in the Chelsea boots. Come here.” 
I looked over at josh and we seemed more than happy to see what this random stranger had up her sleeve. He kind of pushed my shoulder forward so we could make our way over to them. I had no idea what to expect. 
She sat up in her chair and Matt stayed unmoving, still half laying in his chair. 
“Which is better? And there is a right and wrong answer. Stevie Ray Vaughn or Jimi Hendrix.” She glared at the Matt when she said Jimi's name, he seemed unbothered. 
“I mean Jimi is the obvious here, any guitarist would agree.”
“Ha! Fuck you Matt Im right, its just factually true. Suck. My. Dick.”
“Well he’s one random guy that doesn't answer the whole mystery.” Matt slurred.
Josh quickly butted into the conversation, which isn't new. 
“Well if my opinion has any weight than I vote for Jimi, but speaking of strangers. Im Josh, and this here is my twin, Jakey”
“Its Jake.” 
The mood quickly changed and a smile appeared on the girls face. She held out her hand and gave a quick but firm handshake, introducing herself.
“The name is Y/N, and this Ignorant bastard is named Matt.”
She reached over to the keg in between them and refilled her cup, then poured two more for Josh and I. 
“For my two new friends.” She smiled, handing the cups to us. We happily accepted, and Josh made his way to sit on the ground in front of them, I quickly followed.
“Alright boys, Name your band and then instruments, seeing as were here and all.” She said gesturing to the place.
 Josh quickly spoke first “Well we are two halves of Greta Van Fleet, and I sometimes play vocals, occasional screams, but mostly tambourines.” He joked.
Y/N snorted at Josh's introduction. 
“And you?” she asked directing her attention to me. 
“As Josh said, two halves of our band Greta Van Fleet, And I play Lead Guitar.”
Her eyes seemed to light up at that comment and quickly responded with a smile.
“ Isn't that a coincidence, so do I,” 
As the night went on the booze flowed more, and so did the conversation. We all quickly learned we had a lot in common, and got along pretty damn well. Matt wasn't very present, because, well, he passed out moments after we got there. But as the night went on, the more we all truly felt comfortable with each other. It was simply one of those times in your life when you meet someone you truly feel akin too. Maybe it was because we were all drunk, or maybe it was a fluke. Her love for music dripped off of every word she spoke, she just gave off positivity and confidence, and her passion for life and work truly shined through. She consistently listened to us throughout the night, less worried about discussing her personal life. She seemed genuinely interested in every little thing Josh and I had to say.
It felt like we were there for all of five minutes, but before we knew it, it was 4 am. By that point so much random shit was coming out of our mouths that it wasn't coherent. Eventually Josh and I helped her round Matt onto the bus and said our quick goodbyes before we left. 
As we walked back, Josh's already never ending smile seemed brighter, seeming touched the domestic events of the night. 
��I really like her, Jakey.” 
A smile was growing on my face as well, though ever so slightly more subtle.
“I did too, Josh.” 
We eventually stumbled our way back onto our own bus, not bothering to change before hopping into our bunks.  It would've been pitch black if it weren't for the dim blue lights under the seats. In the bunks next to ours were Danny and Sam, sleeping pretty soundly in their own. Lucky for us they can sleep through anything. Especially Sam.
I heard a loud thump, looking over to see josh sitting on his ass and looking more grumpy.
“Fuckin bunks are so high up. I swear to god…”
He eventually got up, mumbling to himself angrily before eventually climbing up and falling asleep.
I laid restless in my own, sleep seeming unlikely for the night. My mind could only focus on the enigma that was the girl we had the pleasure of meeting. So I just laid in my bunk, staring at the low ceiling, mind unfocused on anything except what just happened.
Chapter 2
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kiwibirdlafayette · 5 years
Tagged by the wonderful @brigita-byrd !
1. Why do you like to write?
(whataboldassumptiontosay-) hA just kidding
To be honest, I’d probably say its because I’m a storyteller at heart. Not to sound cliche or anything but writing’s basically the biggest escapism I can get and getting to escape into these worlds is, just fantastic (even if that means writing only in my head and never putting it to paper oops)
Also, character acting
2. Would you like to meet your characters in real life?
A lot of them... absolutely, absolutely I would love to meet them. Others, not so much. I’ll leave it up to y’all to determine which is which.
3. If your story was getting an adaption, would you like it to be live-action or animated?
I’m an animation guy, so I’d like to say animation (for IWAY, and IRE at least) and an animated version of Arcadia of Avalon would be neat as well but... live action might be better for the tone of the story but hey, you never know
4. What is the hardest part of writing for you?
Putting the pen to paper, and putting the scenes into words. I first got into writing from improv acting, and I’m more of a visual guy so a lot of the time it’s like- how to I describe this particular emotion? How would I accompany this dialogue with supplementary action? How should I craft this passage in a way that the reader sees the exact same visual composition I see in my head?
(It’s also a reason I draw a lot of scenes before I write it, so I have something physical to work off of)
5. Badly explain your WIP in one sentence.
A repressed gay knight living in medieval England is tasked with finding a fancy piece of dinnerware, and alongside a bunch of other inhumanly attractive guys and gals, learns the meaning of love, family, and destiny.
Goth musician reflects and grapples with the implications of his past, and tries to resolve it if he ever wishes to be prepared for the end of the world.
6. Do you prefer to plot or fly by the seat of your pants?
It depends on the context, to be honest. When it comes to dialogue/character interaction within a single scene, flying by the seat of my pants is way better because I’ve found its ten times harder to write when I’m trying to stick to certain parameters.
However, in terms of long chunks (ie; anything that’s not a oneshot or concept scene), I’ll try my damndest to stick to whatever plot I have outlined or you get scenarios like IWAY where I go on so many tangent from my outline that the plot goes from 7 to 14 chapters
7. Would you live in your story if given the chance?
IWAY/Perceptions, god that would be fantastic because hell, who wouldn’t want to live in Arcadia Oaks? In terms of AoA I don’t know-
Actually. Changed my mind. I’d want to be a knight I’m completely down to live in this fantasy version of the Medieval era
8. Have you laughed or cried while writing?
hA absolutely I’ve laughed so many times at my own bad jokes I’ve stuck in IWAY and Perceptions like I’m a damn comedic genius (Im not this is practically a roast) To be honest, the only time I think I’ve ever cried was writing the prologue to I Remember Everything (which is Mordred in the Battle of Camlann) and... fuck I think IWAY 9
9. What’s a trope that you love to death?
Emotional vulnerability, hands down.Theres nothing that gets to me more then this character, so caught up in everything, repressed emotions everywhere convinced that its them against the world just- finally breaking down those walls, opening their hearts to those who care about them and letting themselves be loved without regret, and realizing they dont have to carry the weight alone
(sorry slowburn enemies to lovers, although thats a close second)
10. Do you have any goals for your WIP?
For IWAY/Perceptions: Definitely, just... find the motivation to write the last chapter for each of them
For IRE: Get the next chapters out! They’re outlined it’s just a matter of writing it out :’)
And for Arcadia of Avalon- Currently my goal is to solidify the storyline- pick which narratives I want to include and which ones to cut (since the outline I had last year isn’t quite what I want to do anymore) so that I can get a final plot lineup done by the end of the year and start actually writing 👌
And my questions for the folks below
1. Why do you write? (ie; what’s your motivation?)
2. Who, of your characters would you want to spend a day with?
3. What’s your favorite part of writing?
4. What is one genre and/or trope you despise writing?
5. Who are your biggest influences?
6. If your work got a film deal- Animated or Live action?
7. Are you more of an outline person or write-as-you go person?
8. What’s the most emotional thing you’ve ever written?
9. Would you want to live in the world(s) of your story?
10. (and, because I’ve seen most do this)- Any goals for your WIP?
I tag: @shadowofcimmerion @violetcancerian @tunafishprincess @zonbiconbi @akozuheiwa @kouvei-matarra (and anyone else who’d like to give it a go- consider yourself tagged :D) sorry if any of yall been tagged already aaaa
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astralshipper · 5 years
alright spn s15 spoilers from here on!! just gnna type as i watch and i wont be looking @ the screen most of the time so sorry for typos lol also m gonna talk abt sam a lot bc babey
oh we’re bringing becky back huh??? oof not sure abt that
hey how abt we dont remember the fact that my fave demon boy got killed yeah? yeah. 
what the FUCK wdym BENNY??? why are we LOSING HIM AGAIN-
i have a very bad feeling this is sam. a very very bad fee- oh okay that answers that yes it is hello sam i love u pls stop this... okay why is evil sam highkey hot as shit like yeah id do anything for u oh shIT OKAY BYE DEAN SAM BABY I LOVE U BUT DONT DO THAT-
okay dreams alright well dream shit is back pls tell me this isnt a premonition
VEGGIE BACON? i call bullshit
sam baby please stop acting like youre okay
i knew i called bullshit for a reason, poor baby sammy awww doesnt like baconnnn. 
sam is fuckin disgusted w these parents GOOD
FUCK sam is so down and he doesnt believe in normal anymore and this is so upsetting i love him so much i just wish he could be happy,,,, i know he doesnt like the whole ppl being dramatic thing but i wish he still believed...
WOW BECKY IS SUDDENLY MY HERO!!!! maam im proud of u.... yes we DO wanna see sam and dean just chilling and having fun ur so right.... pls dont listen to chuck hes a dickwad and you dont need to deal with him... oh HELL YEAH U TELL HIM!! omg i love her now??
why is sam so pretty. this could go anywhere in this lineup and will probably be said again but the wind was blowing and his hair looked pretty so heres the first one
of course it’s the creepy ass annoying normal family 
fuck becky is really calling me out with the writer not writing talk this is really personal now. update i would like to trade chuck for becky as god pls i trust her more now
when sam and dean are all confident and are like fuck yall we know u did it im like hell YEAHHH BOYSSSS!!! also sammy taking care of ppl is so soft.... sammy seeing ppl in distress and just the soft look and when he gets all concerned holy FUCK HE’S SO GOOD!!! maam if u continue pointing that gun at sam im gonna be forced to fuck u up im sorry thats how this works
pls tell me sam and dean can tell this dudes a lying POS
yo howd he finish writing smthn that fast.,,, becky really be out here beta-ing god how powerful... okay becky maybe DONT DO THAT lol okay fuck CHUCK NO DONT DO THAT SHIT WE DONT NEED DANGER-
alright so update dean doesnt know but SAM IS A SMART BABY!!! sir they just lost their child how abt we dont bring up being a father..... YO THIS KID... HES THE REAL MVP.... kid i am v v v proud of u u deserve better!!! FUCK OKAY WHY YALL GOTTA PLAY THAT SONG IM GONNA CRY OVER THIS VAMPIRE I DONT EVEN KNOW IM GONNA CRY OVER TWO VAMPIREES TONIGHT FUK U 
okay so through the whole impala scene i literally just couldnt type so im just gonna recall how that felt: FELAUHEWAILFRHLEWUGHFYOEAWFKAESDFGILUH????????? NO! NONONONONONNONONONONO!! that’s how it felt. im genuinely so fucking upset for sam and i feel like a BABY for being upset for him bc hes not REAL but hes hurting so bad and i just. hhhh. he deserves so much better. he deserves to feel happy and safe and free and he doesnt deserve to have all of this pushed on him. im so emo. im so damn emo for this moose man. i wanna hug him so bad
the previews for the next ep are just making fun of dean and yeah i feel that!!! also, agents ford and hamill??? are yall even TRYING anymore??? just bc it’s the end of the world doesnt mean u gotta get sloppy
also lemme just say: there is one (1) mention of cas this episode, and it is literally becky STATING that chuck only mentions cas one time in his story and i feel like that just really explains how the writers treat cas in a nutshell
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riskeith · 4 years
hi bb!
oh rip... the ol’ laptop fan situation. it must sound like a plane when you play genshin right? yes, we’re more prepared now. i remember the first few years there were so many fires and stuff to the point where they even made bbq illegal. such a mess, but it took away a fire hazard which is good. i believe aus had the same situation right?
awwww sounds so cute! pokémon go? no i don’t! i dropped it after that summer sjsksjdk. do you play while you’re walking that’s so adorable. wait bakudeku zine??? you’ve peeked my interest.
ooh that makes sense! i thought about the gold seelie too actually! the babie might bring you mora which is always good to have. also there’s fanart of the gold seelie being aether and those are sooo cute. have you seen any?
help i hope xiao knows how lucky he is to have such a devoted fan as yourself!! you’re really pulling all the strings for him i applaud your patience and determination. dude albedo is like... easily one of the prettiest animated character i’ve seen! he’s gorgeous! also i like his elevator move that could be so handy. and for the dancing videos, just search on yt baron bunny dancin or something hehe.
WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WAIT. WHAT THE FUCK? wait are you serious? venti’s jpn va is HINATA? I HAD NO IDEA WTF???? god..,. that’s it i’m switching to jpn dub that’s insane... i was actually gonna ask you once if you could apply haikyuu characters to the game who would they be and the only one i was sure about was that hinata would be venti.... 😭 you’re so talented for knowing that hehe.. also you can say that you’re studying when you’re gaming then lmao. study smart not hard. god i’m still in shock over venti. this made my morning ngl.
i have no idea how fic collabs work either. i had a friend that did it once and she said they each wrote a chapter but i feel like that might be confusing if the writers use different writing styles..? idk it seems fun but kind of scary too..
ilytttttt little blushing girl.. <3
it always goes back to dragonspine does it not... 😶 but damn it’s been about a month and you’ve saved 12k that’s super solid. since xiao will be coming around feb that means you’ll have another month-ish to save up as well... so girl you’re def getting him sjdksjdk.. <3 and so much other goodies as well. unless you don’t pull him on the first try you might get some other great characters and weapons/artifacts as well. you need to force me to start saving up too bc if venti is really coming back.. i /have/ to get him esp now that i know about the va..
they’re adorable! i don’t know much about their story but i think they’re best friends, right? which makes it even more adorable. and there’s so much fanart of them as well. dude speaking of, genshin stans make the BEST fanart. i spend hours just looking at them and it’s perfect. i imagine there’s so much on twitter too, right?
god. remember shiro and adam. dreamworks would def not do that.. lmao...
your bravery for even considering posting wip. i’m taking my hat off for you. also, one writer to another; how does your writing process usually go? i’m always interested in seeing how other fic writers work bc it varies so much.
oh!! i was all over the place but i really liked sm groups. and loona! you don’t like slow songs? like even slow indie? aksjjdhdkdhf im gonna keep asking to find a middle group bc right now i’m super lost help...
i don’t really like sleeping in so it’s fine HEHE it’s 9 am now and i woke up about an hour ago which was perfect. 10 hour sleep? immaculate. not yikes. sleeping is always good never stress about it shjdhdjd, think about when you go back to school and have to pull all nighters etc.
kiss <3
yeah HAHAAH it gets so hot omg.. and my laptop is supposed to have pretty good specs so i can’t imagine what it would’ve been like if i tried to play on my old one yikes 😬 oh shoot! yeah we have a fire danger rating too, the second lowest one is “high” and it goes beyond “extreme” to “code red”/“catastrophic” lollll. and we’ve regularly got fire bans in the summer to try and prevent anything! 
hfsdkjfhs summer 2016? god i remember that time so clearly... iconic 😩 i do play sometimes! normally if there are any mystic gyms around me to join, otherwise i’m kinda lazy about actually catching the pokemon HAHA oops. https://twitter.com/kotatsutomikan1 here!! does that mean 👀 you main bkdk 👀👀👀
oooo i thought the seelies were actually just there for decoration? AHAH. yessss I saw one with a whole lineup! https://twitter.com/icedkappe/status/1347555831831699457 look how cute 🥺 ugh but that reminds me of something i was thinking of earlier today, i hope they’ll introduce skins or something later down the line? fshdk like think of the potential. it always upsets me when i click the hanger icon and it only lets me change their glider fhsjfskfjsdjkf
god when i saw albedo’s hair... <3333333 and also his eyes??? um chief alchemist? more like PRETTIEST alchemist. yesss i’ve been doing plunge attacks a lot more recently (preparing for xiao?) and honestly ugh if i had albedo.. I LOOKED THOSE VIDEOS UP!!! THEY ARE SO FUCKING ADORABLE WHAT EHE FSUCJK!!!!!!  my god. fancam for characters who? ? from now on only fancams of baron bunny are allowed 😤😤😤
AHAHAH YEAH HE IS!!!! wait have you finished the world quest with him tho?? either way i’m sure you’ll be able to find clips of it in japanese dub online... his ‘ehe’ is so cute my god.. study smart not hard my motto!!!! <3 
yeah I feel like chapters is confusing which is why separating by POV might work better? definitely scary tho lol .... such uncharted territory for me
IM DEF GETTING HIM!!! xiao i am patiently waiting for you to come home 👐🙇‍♀️ yes!! i really hope the four stars on his banner are good bc i’m def gonna be pulling it a lot AHAHHA i hope hm.... i wanna get xingqiu to match with chongyun but beido seems so cool too 😩 tho i already have so many claymore users fsdhfksdfhsjd. oh that also reminds me venti’s elemental burst dialogue ‘kaze da!’ is so cute... like his voice is so melodic??? omg.... WAIT lemme send you this interview i found https://youtu.be/g3floaU41Uc !! AND START SAVE UP MARRIAGE ANON!!!!! tho i think he’s like 5 banners away so you still have time if you do wanna pull now... fhdsfkjds
they are!!! chongyun has this line in his story profile “Who could he possibly trust, if not his fine friend Xingqiu?” 🥺🥺🥺🥺😭😭😭😭😭😭 how cute is he i love him so much :((((((((((((( yeah there are so many on twitter!! i don’t see much on tumblr tbh bc i don’t look at my dash too often AHHAHA but it’s all over my twitter timeline~ 
my writing process depends!! but typically i type out the outline of a fic/write out certain scenes, then fill in everything around that ahaha. usually my ideas come from a line i thought up that i really like or just a concept. i usually also type out my plans in all caps LOL. i hope that makes sense lmaooo how about you? do you just go for it or plan everything out first?
ooo yeah sm have some really nice stuff... and nice! i never gave loona a shot FJKDHFKSJ. i don’t think so?? the slow songs i do like are usually exceptions rather than the rule LMAO but i like hozier’s stuff even tho they’re slow (but who doesn’t? AHAH) honestly i couldn’t even give you examples bc i can’t think of any FHSDKFJS like i guess for example, lovely by billie eilish and khalid, i like the song but on a normal day if it came up on shuffle i’d skip it? FHSFKSD im so sorry legit i am no help at all fhskdfhsjdfjsdkfhsdhkfhk but what are some artists you listen to often?
i never pull all-nighters!! it’s kinda like my rule, even if i’m absolutely fucked i’ll deal with it later rather than not sleep fhskjfsdf. (or maybe i just haven’t reached that stage yet... i hope not!). also wait a second i just registered what you wrote.. YOU WOKE UP AT 8AM????????? my goodness... legit i don’t think i did that a single time in 2020. there was a week i woke up at 8:30 every day but very quickly i started sleeping in again omg... that energy! i’m also gonna try start waking up early but it’s hard when i go to bed then read fic 😩
kisses!!! hope your day has been swell so far xoxo
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junker-town · 5 years
One reason to still watch each of the NFL’s worst teams
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Joe Camporeale-USA TODAY Sports
There’s at least one storyline worth following for the winless teams. And hope remains too ... though maybe not the Dolphins or Jets.
There has been a lot of good in the NFL to begin the 2019 season. Patrick Mahomes has continued his battle against physics by launching footballs with the kind of strength and accuracy typically limited to video games. Dalvin Cook is healthy again and barreling toward his destiny as one of the league’s best running backs. The Bills, 49ers, and Lions don’t have a loss between them through three weeks.
There’s been more than enough bad as well. Seven teams have started their 2019 Super Bowl quests with little more than heartache to show for it. The Dolphins have been just as sad as predicted, losing their three games by a combined score of 133-16. The Jets and Steelers each lost starting quarterbacks. The Bengals, Broncos, and Washington have all had to deal with defensive deficiencies that have them lost in the wilderness. The Cardinals, thanks to a Week 1 tie against the Lions, are the one-eyed king of this land of the blind.
These seven teams have sunk to the bottom of the NFL’s food chain, but there’s still plenty of time for these teams to climb back into contention (not you, Miami) or make worthwhile progress in a rebuilding year. Here’s one major reason to keep watching each of the league’s winless teams this season, listed in order of how entertaining each franchise looks for the rest of 2019.
Pittsburgh Steelers
Because there’s too much talent for this team to be this bad
On paper, the Steelers don’t look like a hopeless team — even with Ben Roethlisberger out for the season. 2018 Pro Bowlers JuJu Smith-Schuster and James Conner still serve starring roles on offense. The defense can throw eight different first-round picks onto the field at any given time, including game-changers like T.J. Watt, Cameron Heyward, and the newly acquired Minkah Fitzpatrick.
Yet despite very, very different rosters, Pittsburgh and Miami started the season with identical 0-3 records.
Of all the league’s winless teams, the Steelers have the greatest hope of digging toward daylight. Although Mason Rudolph was awful in stretches during his first NFL start, he still helped Pittsburgh take a (temporary) fourth quarter lead on the road against the 3-0 49ers. Conner has rushed for just 2.9 yards per carry, but is just 24 years old and is unlikely to have fallen off such a massive production cliff so early in his career. And Fitzpatrick’s slot coverage and ability to add another layer of defense could help replace the versatility the Steelers have searched for since losing Ryan Shazier in the middle of their lineup.
With the Bengals and Browns each struggling, and the Ravens’ legitimacy still up in the air, a resurgent Pittsburgh team could still compete in the AFC North.
Arizona Cardinals
Because this air raid thing might actually work out
The Cardinals took the biggest risk of anyone searching for a head coach this offseason, pulling Kliff Kingsbury from the USC coaching staff only weeks after he’d been fired at Texas Tech. This gave Kingsbury the chance to back up his own hype and add reigning Heisman Trophy winner Kyler Murray to his advanced spread offense — an opportunity the former Big 12 standby jumped on with the top pick of the draft.
The results so far have been mixed. Murray has thrown more passes than anyone else in the league through the first three weeks, but his 5.7 adjusted yards per attempt is 30th-best in the league — right above Eli Manning in the standings. The plus is that this pass-happy approach has revitalized Larry Fitzgerald, who is currently on pace for a 96-catch, 1,349-yard campaign in his 16th season as a pro.
This is no surprise to Fitzgerald:
The absolute response to this question pic.twitter.com/twOF8U9Kgs
— Arizona Cardinals (@AZCardinals) September 19, 2019
The bad news is the Cardinals are still 0-2-1 on the year.
Murray still has enormous amounts of room to grow as a passer, but NFL defenses will adjust to his freewheeling style with every snap he plays. So what’s going to give: will the league catch wise to Kingsbury’s air raid and keep the Cardinals out of contention? Or can Arizona be the agent of change that sparks the next phase of the NFL’s offensive evolution?
Cincinnati Bengals
Because A.J. Green will be back soon ... right?
The Bengals can’t run the ball, so they’re willing to throw it until Andy Dalton’s arm falls off. Dalton has thrown more passes than any quarterback in the league except Kyler Murray, who got an extra 10 minutes in a Week 1 tie to league the league in dropbacks. Cincinnati has turned its veteran quarterback into late-stage Ryan Fitzpatrick for two reasons:
the Bengals have trailed in nine of their 12 quarters so far, and
the Bengals have run for 2.4 yards per carry, the worst mark in the NFL.
Fortunately for the Red Rifle, help is on the way — we just don’t quite know when. Seven-time Pro Bowler A.J. Green hasn’t practiced with the Bengals since the preseason due to an ankle injury, but he’s due to return at some point this season.
Exactly when isn’t certain, but there’s a good chance he’ll be back by November for a passing offense that’s gotten better-than-expected returns from players like John Ross and Auden Tate behind last year’s breakout star Tyler Boyd. While the Bengals aren’t bound for the playoffs in the first year of the Zac Taylor era, they’re a hell of a lot more fun to watch when 20 of Dalton’s 50 targets each game are going to an All-Pro talent like Green.
Because Terry McLaurin and Dwayne Haskins could eventually be magic
Washington’s dysfunction has kept Pro Bowl left tackle Trent Williams out of the lineup while he holds out, and it could soon claim Jay Gruden as the first head coach fired this fall. That threatens to throw 2019 first-round pick Dwayne Haskins into a tumultuous situation; it could also make Washington eminently more watchable.
Haskins was electric at Ohio State, and Case Keenum’s five-turnover performance in Week 3 (it would have been six if not for a soft hands to the face penalty) could signal a changing of the guard at quarterback in the near future. Developing the rookie passer into a franchise cornerstone may be the only way for Gruden to keep his job at this point. Fortunately for him, he’s got an ace in the hole.
Third-round wideout Terry McLaurin has been one of the league’s top wide receivers this season. He’s had at least five catches and a touchdown in each of his team’s first three games — something no other rookie has ever done in NFL history.
In conclusion, we stan Terry McLaurin harder than ever. pic.twitter.com/EzJe8Cbbp8
— Carter Donnick (@CDonnick3) September 24, 2019
He has the chops to make life easier for any quarterback. He’ll be especially valuable for one with whom he’s got history/ McLaurin was Haskins’ top big-play threat with the Buckeyes in 2018; Haskins had a 153.8 passer rating when targeting him.
McLaurin totaled 35 catches and 701 yards — a blistering 20.0 yards per catch — while scoring 11 touchdowns for the Big Ten champions last season. Eventually, we’ll get the chance to see what they can do together at the next level, even if when is still up in the air.
New York Jets
Because the football gods will find new and exciting ways to ruin this team
The Jets had some hope coming into 2019. High-priced free agent C.J. Mosley and top-three draft pick Quinnen Williams joined a defense that featured promising young players like Jamal Adams and Marcus Maye. Le’Veon Bell had been freed from his Steelers-imposed purgatory to give second-year quarterback Sam Darnold a much-needed weapon out of the backfield.
And then the season began. Mosley and Williams both got hurt in Week 1. Darnold came down with mononucleosis before Week 2 and watched from his quarantined apartment as his backup Trevor Siemian suffered a season-ending ankle injury before halftime of his first start. Adams lost his mind about a bad penalty call in the midst of an innocuous start to his third season.
This league is a damn joke! I just got fined $21k for this hit, I signed up to play football not two hand touch. Bullshit! I don’t give a damn about these soft rules protecting QBs. Im gonna play MY brand of football everytime I step on the field. SMH pic.twitter.com/SKlTmBBMf0
— Jamal Adams (@TheAdamsEra) September 19, 2019
Bell is averaging 3.7 yards per touch, which includes 56 carries and 20 receptions. The offense has scored one touchdown in three games.
Darnold will return at some point. So will Mosley and Williams. And it will not matter because a sinkhole will form under MetLife Stadium, or a pink eye outbreak will rip through the locker room, or the New York secondary will tip three straight interceptions into the hands of outstretched opponents who turn them into 99-yard touchdowns.
It will not be predictable, but it will be bad.
Denver Broncos
Because John Elway’s infatuation with Joe Flacco can’t last ... can it?
The Broncos pried Flacco from the middle of the Ravens’ depth chart for a Day 3 pick, handing him the reins of a franchise that had been redeemed by a Super Bowl MVP once before. Yet Flacco has been more 2015 Peyton Manning than the 2012 version. He’s upped his accuracy and efficiency in his first season in Denver but still ranks just 25th among starting quarterbacks in adjusted yards per pass.
That’s dampened what should be a breakout season for second-year wideout Courtland Sutton and held the Broncos’ offense to just 46 total points through three weeks. Help could be on the way, though it won’t be able to take the field until Week 9 at the earliest. A thumb sprain pushed GM John Elway to place rookie quarterback Drew Lock on injured reserve, and that means he’s been unable to practice with the team since the start of the regular season.
Lock, a second-round pick, has the big arm Elway covets but looked entirely overwhelmed in the preseason. Flacco has been a low-ceiling caretaker in his stead, but has two more years remaining on his contract after 2019 — and a dead cap hit of $13.6 million next spring, per Spotrac. Will Denver give its shaky first-year quarterback a chance to stand on his own this fall? Will Flacco finish out the season and head into 2020 as the Broncos’ QB1? Does it even make sense to throw a young passer to the wolves behind an offensive line that allowed six sacks against Green Bay?
Miami Dolphins
Because Josh Rosen doesn’t want to get left in the NFL’s “take a QB, leave a QB” change tray
Poor Josh Rosen. He was thrown into a no-win situation with the Cardinals as a rookie, left to fend for himself behind one of the league’s worst offensive lines and a woefully shallow WR/TE depth chart. Then he got traded to Miami, where all those things have been somehow worse.
Rosen’s seen his sack rate rise from an awful 10.3 percent to 10.4 through three games on a roster where not a single wide receiver has a catch rate higher than 50 percent. His team has scored one touchdown in three games while giving up 18. The Dolphins are bottoming out in 2019, and they’re taking the second-year player’s pro prospects with it
Miami’s race to the bottom has been predicated on building up as many draft assets as possible, whether by losing games in laughable fashion or selling off veteran pieces to the highest bidder (Laremy Tunsil, Minkah Fitzpatrick). That sets the stage for the club to select a highly touted quarterback prospect in the 2020 draft — perhaps Tua Tagovailoa or Justin Herbert — in a move that would kick Rosen to the curb for a second straight year.
The former No. 10 overall pick has 13 games left to prove he’s the kind of player around which a hollowed-out franchise can build. The problem is he’s already fighting off injury — he missed chunks of his Week 3 start with a battered thumb — and surrounded by the league’s least talented roster. If he can’t turn things around, he could be headed for his third NFL destination in as many years.
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r-o-se · 7 years
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A bit less than 101 comment summary abt produce 101 season 2 ep 6  [watch it here]
Noone even reads those anymore but I like doing them so you know what fuck it lol 
1.      Omg this subber adds full names and ent companies I’m in love theyre just showing the rankings rn
2.      The benefit is now 10k for the team that gets 1st place by individual points but the 1st place trainees for each category is 100 fucking 000
3.      The position songs are
a.      RAP- Zico – Boys and Girls // iKON – Rhythm Ta // SMTM – I’m not the person you used to know // Mino – Fear
b.      VOCAL – BoA – Amazing Kiss // SJung Seunghwan – If it was you // Blackpink – Playing with Fire // BTS – Spring day // I.O.I – Downpour
c.      DANCE – Ed Sheeran – Shape of You // Flo Rida – Right Round // Jason Derulo – Get Ugly // NSync – POP
4.      Good luck kiddos the choosing is hidden so they won’t see who chose what before they’ve chosen themselves
5.      Seungwoo just dragged my baby Hyunbin through mud and said he doesn’t wanna be in a dance team with him again lol I understand him fully though aahahahahha
6.      Samuel just said he’s a bit afraid of Jihoon so he wants to avoid him but they’re in the same team again aaaaaaahahahhahaha  THIS IS SO CUTEE
10.   Hyunbin is up and BoA is like…. Bro u alright?? U sure about this?
12.   Big Woojin was the last to choose Get Ugly and closes it goddamn
13.   Gunhees mouth opens so wide holy shit
15.   Fuck this show I’m so so sad how could they do this to Woodam
16.   Everyone are looking forward to Playing with Fire Team bc they all know how arranging music works
17.   Baekho: Disagrees w Sewoon
Mnet: *tense aggressive music* *montage of angry eyed Baekho* *red filter*
18.   This team has troubles with agreeing on the style of the stage
20.   This stage has Alpaca Youngmin, BNM Donghyun and Dongbin the crybaby
21.   But it looks like theyre having disagreements too RIP
22.   Dongbin doesn’t even know how to rap baby why did you go there someone save Youngmin
24.   Mnet is tryna pit Jinwoo and Seongri againste eachother aahahah fuck off anyways Seongri is the center
25.   Kim Yehyeon just gave everyone a full course in music theory and composition WELL FUCKING DONE DUDE YOU GOT MY RESPECT
26.   Save Yongguk who others haven’t even noticed before I NOTICED U I STILL LOVE U IM A PESSIMIST TOO WE CAN BE NEGATIVE TOGETHER
27.    This team works so well and sweet together I love it
28.   Shape of you team now with Noh Taehyun and oldie tiptoes Seongwoo and Namhyung and Justin and others
29.   Taehyun doesn’t wanna teach anyone because he hates teaching but good fucking luck with thet aahahah
30.   They’re doing expressions to figure out the leader its so EMBARRASSING AAHAH AWWW
33.   JR TEAM
34.   Baby was right away like ‘I don’t think I can be center so forget me’ but Guanlin and Moonbok want the position so that’s a thing
35.   Jr thinks Guanlin fits the center and eventho Moonbok wanted the position too he didn’t say anything because he wants to ggive others a chance ngl I really have started to like Moonbok hes friendly and not as annoying as I thought before
37.   Everyone are shook while practicing cause their harmonies are so gooddd
38.   Kim Yongguk is a baby with low self esteem but he improved a loootttt I’m PROUD HE GOT PRAISED BY SEOKHOON
39.   During the actual concert BoA is in Japan doing a concert so she’s gonna oversee everyone rn which is really nice of her
41.   Ok but they aren’t giving the others screentime at all which is a bit sad IDK I WANNA SEE OTHERS TOO
43.   Jinwoo just sitting there being pretty is enough to make my day ngl AND HIS VOICEEEE
44.   ‘your body will react now’ my what anyways its right round time
45.   Cheetah is so adorable this season anyways this stage is LIT AND DAEHWI IMMITATING THEM IS CUTE AS FUCK AND THEYRE SYNCED AS HELLLLL
46.   They keep filming one girl in the audience I stg she gets more screentime than most trainees
47.   If Hwiseung and Byunmin get eliminated I’m gonna be Real Fuckin Sad
48.   Eunki is the leader and wants to be the new Bang Bang team
49.   Besides him, the team has Haknyeon plus Hwiseung and Hwanoong and K-Tiger Hyunmin and some others as well, Hwanoong is the center which makes Haknyeon salty ripppp
50.   Eunki has a death wish I stg he picks on Haknyeon and obvi Mnet grasped onto it and bam evil edit eventho Eunki has a reason to pick, Haknyeon is kind of behind on the choreo eventho he has a point since he doesn’t have a big part
51.   Eunki and Haknyeon talked it out I’m glad and everything goes really well and smoothly on the practice stage IM SO HAPPY
52.   THE PERFORMANCE HAS SUCH GOOD ENERGYYYY also they did scorption dance but didn’t fully show it?? Mnet the fuck
54.   Boys and girls Donnghyunnnnnnn is a CUTIE CUTIE but bnm kids are worried about the high standards everyone have for them goddamnit Dongbin poor baby
58.   A trend that needs to stop: Leaders blaming themselves for everything and apologizing for first place
59.   SHAPE OF YOU TEAM YOOO BOYYYYYYYYYY IM LOOKING FOWARD TO THIS HARD eventho I already saw the vid of how they got evil edited and screentime cut and whatnot
60.   Oh nooooooo it’s a dance battle obvi Taehyun is out there fuckin KILLIN it best dancer in broduce I stg I LOVE HIMMMM everyone are thinking he will win first dance position
62.   Their team has a loooot of small mistakes which makes me sad and yeah exactly as the vid said, they didn’t give them screentime and fucking cut out the killing part I’m so angry
64.   The crowd is shouting encore…. Is this why Mnet evil edited them…. Jesus fucking Christ I’m so angry
66.   The others are still so happy for Taehyun this team has such good teamwork I’m cryin Mnet fuckin rudeeeee
68.    Save Guanlin who can’t perform well in front of teachers I UNDERSTAND U BOO I GET IT AND HE GOT EVEN PRAISED BABYYY
69.   Their entire team got pencils in their mouths CUTIESSS
70.   Can’t believe Guanlin has two NU’EST guardians now god bless JR and Baekho BOA PRAISED HIS PRONOUNCIATION IM SO HAPPY I LOVE JR GOD BLESS NATIONS LEADER
71.   Taemin has been a trainee for 5 years????? Holy shit SAVE THIS BOY I’M SAD
72.   Moonbok made his rap for Hyunwoo bc he’s sad IM SAD TOO AAA
77.   Everyone are shook while practicing cause their harmonies are so gooddd
78.   Kim Yongguk is a baby with low self esteem but he improved a loootttt I’m PROUD HE GOT PRAISED BY SEOKHOON
79.   During the actual concert BoA is in Japan doing a concert so she’s gonna oversee everyone rn which is really nice of her
81.   Ok but they aren’t giving the others screentime at all which is a bit sad IDK I WANNA SEE OTHERS TOO
83.   Jinwoo just sitting there being pretty is enough to make my day ngl AND HIS VOICEEEE
84.   ‘your body will react now’ my what anyways its right round time
85.   Its basically the exact same footage as before Haknyeon vs Eunki
86.   Cheetah is so adorable this season anyways this stage is LIT AND DAEHWI IMMITATING THEM IS CUTE AS FUCK AND THEYRE SYNCED AS HELLLLL
87.   They keep filming one girl in the audience I stg she gets more screentime than most trainees
88.   If Hwiseung and Byunmin get eliminated I’m gonna be Real Fuckin Sad
89.   ITS BLACKPINK STAGE TIME YE BOIIIIIIIIIIII It’s Baekho, Ren, Daehwi and Sewoon
90.   They got some problems with Sewoon playing guitar but it all GOOD they got em solved
91.   Ren got shades on lookin like the love child of Zion.T and Lady gaga
92.   Daehwi just blowed some red god damn CONFETTI it looks GOOD AS HELL YOOO THAT BOY LOOKS FUCKING FINE HERE
93.   Ren was last, Sewoon third, Baekho second and Daehwi first
94.   Cant believe Sewoon and Daehwi got over their Baekhophobia tru character development
96.   Danik my dude doin all sorts of handstand bboy things bruh I bet his arms look hella nice
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verdigrisprowl · 7 years
May 31 Blurr’s Horror Stream - Villanos & The Lego Batman Movie
Multiple people objected strenuously to Starscream’s assertion that Megatron could be his nemesis, despite the fact that they’re on the same side and Megatron obviously doesn’t see Starscream as his nemesis. Two different pairs of people went “I’d be honored to have you as a nemesis.” “Aww~” Bevel officially signed on with Blurr’s crew. Prowl showed up in a foul mood, stayed in a foul mood, and left in a foul mood.
Missed the start.
ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy sticks where he is, but Rumble runs over to hang out.* B l u r r: / shoves the stuff off his couch and just slouches / ItsyBitsySpyers: //I love that line.// B l u r r: Which line? Whirl: *he is welcome, as always, to join* B l u r r: [[ Kay is everyone ready, then? Cause yall gotta read subtitles for a minute ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //The shoe thing.// B l u r r: Ah... yes. Classic line. Sunstreaker: [[ ready ]] FakeProwl: ((still ready)) Whirl: *gets re-settled* Well, you've got my number, Teach. B l u r r: Mmhm... I know. Bevel: [[still ready Whirl: ((and ye)) B l u r r: [[ kay im gonna assumeeveryone's ready then ]] B l u r r: *everyone else ]] B l u r r: Anyway, being back on Earth connected me with a ton of new scrap to watch. So. B l u r r: [[ this cartoon is the only thing i want to see on tv for months tbh. ]] Whirl: *snorts* Whirl: Oh, hey. Brainstorm made one of those. Starscream: ((This is great ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave needs that.* Whirl: ((I like their little mook)) B l u r r: / he likes it because it reminds him of him and Blaster / Starscream: hehehe B l u r r: [[ and daaas it. ]] FakeProwl: ((i'm love)) Starscream: ((what's it called B l u r r: [[ That's all we have so far anyway. But *lifts leggie* is my new cartoon ]] B l u r r: [[ Villanos ]] Bevel: [[that looks awesome FakeProwl: ((they're gonna start making full episodes soon?)) B l u r r: [[ yeah. In Mexico. ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((a little frantic but i think i would watch it)) FakeProwl: ((can't wait)) Whirl: ((not something I'd watch on my own, but seems all right enough)) B l u r r: [[ Tbh the english version sucks ]] B l u r r: [[ Black Hat sounds boring ]] B l u r r: [[ he sounds better in spanish. And Flug sounds better in spanish too ]] FakeProwl: ((it might be frantic because right now they're just making mid-commercial mini episodes?)) Starscream: ((was that spanish? B l u r r: yeah ]] B l u r r: [[ yeah, theyre minisodes between commercials ]] B l u r r: [[ like bumps. The longer episodes will be better ]] Bevel: [[hopefully it's scheduling isn't as weird as SU Starscream: ((I understood a surprising amount, I speak Italian B l u r r: [[ depends on where it's gonna fit on the US lineup ]] B l u r r: [[ the lineup in Mexico is relying on Villanos, apparently, to revive Cartoon Network ]] B l u r r: [[ and since it's a show about the villains, they think it'll work out well enough ]] Whirl: ((hopefully it does well there!)) B l u r r: god i hope so cause i love it ]] FakeProwl: ((it's fun!! I wish it well)) Tarantulas: (( crosses ALL the fingers FakeProwl: ((I like all the characters. Except the bear, but I can put up with a derpy sidekick animal.)) B l u r r: the only one I don't like is Dementia because she's the typical "in love with the villain" type ]] Sunstreaker: [[ i love the bear. him cute. ]] Whirl: ((I like the mook!)) B l u r r: but apparently the longer episodes will make her more fleshed out ]] Whirl: ((everyone else is kinda blah, but I have a weakness for mooks)) Bevel: [[i liked dementia until she pulled the rawr thing with the statue B l u r r: LOL the bear is a failed experiment on Black Hat's part. And Flug. ]] FakeProwl: ((she could be either really good or really bad, but I tend to give the benefit of the doubt to obsessively-in-love characters.)) Whirl: ((Yes, Flug)) B l u r r: [[ SO its like his messy child ]] Whirl: ((hence the airplane shirt)) B l u r r: [[ anyway. Y'all ready for this lego thing? ]] FakeProwl: ((ye!!)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*SLAMS HANDS DOWN* YES)) Sunstreaker: [[ 5.0.5. I even like the bear's name ]] B l u r r: [[ BUT im glad u guys like my dumb cartoon choice ]] Sunstreaker: [[ i like everything about the beb ]] Whirl: ((YEE LEGO BATMAN)) Bevel: [[yes yes definitely yes ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble frowns. Is that true? Why isn't Crosscut here?* Whirl: *snorts* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He would know.* B l u r r: / leans back on couch and kcks pedes up / ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag's an ab?// B l u r r: Muscles. Whirl: Those stomach bumps. *pats his own bump-less stomach* Whirl: Heh, slick. Of course they took a chopper. ItsyBitsySpyers: *What a lovely face.* Whirl: ((this is so great already)) FakeProwl: ((this is the best joker)) B l u r r: [[ my favorite joker ]] Bevel: *pats stomach, metal plates probably don't count as abs but she has like five of them* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ohhhh! Okay! I remember this Batman fragger. TC showed this stuff, yeah?// ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THINK SO.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //...He got enough henchmen?// B l u r r: [[ they really ARE all real, too ]] B l u r r: theyre all canon characters ]] Whirl: ((YEP)) Whirl: ((i was sitting there going "ok when they gonna say calendr man")) Starscream: Humans come up with the strangest names for themselves Whirl: I dunno, I say, if you're gonna do it, do it right. Get as many henchmen as possible, B l u r r: Henchmen are good. Sunstreaker: [[ tag urself i'm condiment king ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //Pff. If they was real good, he wouldn't need more'n seven.// Starscream: Henchmen are backstabbers Starscream: I would know Whirl: ((Gentleman Ghost)) FakeProwl: ((im the dude with the clock head)) Whirl: ((Clock King!)) Whirl: Well, I mean, you're also YOU. Whirl: Who WOULDN'T wanna backstab you? B l u r r: My crew works together right. No one wants to mutiny. Whirl: ...or Megatron, for that matter. Starscream: I meant that I backstab Megatron ItsyBitsySpyers: \\WHO THE FRAG'S THE CITY PLANNER!?\\ Starscream: I was tolerable once, I was backstabbed one too many times Whirl: No. I can't believe that. Whirl: YOU? Tolerable? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble giggles. A tolerable Starscream.* B l u r r: You? Starscream: Yes really B l u r r: Impossible. Whirl: *places  claw dramatically over his chest* B l u r r: Starscream has never been tolerable. Whirl: ((also this is like. GREAT ACTION MOVIE DIRECTING TOO)) Starscream: I wasn't born evil you know ItsyBitsySpyers: \\HAHA!\\ Whirl: SNRK. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh, there's music? Now Soundwave is amused.* Whirl: Anyway--suffice it to say that I don't really believe you, Starscream, and even if you weren't born evil, you WERE born annoying, I'm sure. Starscream: If that's what you want to think Whirl: *snickering louder* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BRO. WE -GOTTA- GET US SOME MUSIC.\\ Whirl: YES, you two do. Whirl: And a weaponized electric guitar. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Frag yeah.// Bevel: *perks at weaponized guitar* I could totally make that. ItsyBitsySpyers: //...Wait, yeah?// Whirl: Yeah? *looks to her* Starscream: is that... an inuendo ItsyBitsySpyers: ((YOU'RE BREAKING HIS HEART, BATS)) Whirl: Also, that's harsh. Damn, Whirl: That's not how you treat your nemesis. FakeProwl: ((look at his little face)) Whirl: ...also, uh. That bomb. B l u r r: [[ poor joker. ]] Bevel: Yeah! B l u r r: That's not how my nemesis treats me. Whirl: Well, you need to get a better nemesis. Starscream: I wish Megatron treated me that well ItsyBitsySpyers: [[A good nemesis is worthy of respect.]] A long pause. [[Plenty of hatred and loathing. But respect.]] Whirl: You're young--it takes time. I'm sure you'll find that special someone. Whirl: And, hot damn, Sh-- ... Bevel. Whirl: I'd love to see it. B l u r r: I'm not even sure if I have a nemesis... ItsyBitsySpyers: //Seriously. Ya make one 'n I get dibs.// B l u r r: / taps chin / Whirl: If you don't know, then you don't. Bevel: *she is already mentally trying to figure weapon guitar out* Ok. Whirl: Ther4e's nothing quite like that special firsson of homicidal rage, respect, and bloodlust you get when you make a proper nemesis. *sighs* Starscream: For a human that was a pretty impressive flight skills Whirl: ...*frisson damn B l u r r: / frowns/ I wouldn't consider Rodimus worthy of being my nemesis... more like a rival. B l u r r: And a pain in the aft. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\BET I COULD TAKE HIM.\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: //Duh. He's meat.// Whirl: Yeah, a rival is not a nemesis. Starscream: Megatron's an awful nemesis, I need to find a better one Whirl: He's not a nemesis. He's your boss. Whirl: Or, well, was, I guess. Starscream: He is so Whirl: It's, like... you can't be someone's nemesis if you're THEIR punching bag. B l u r r: ... true. Starscream: I almost killed him B l u r r: That doesn't mean anything. B l u r r: That just means you didn't succeed in murder. Starscream: I took over from him three times, every time I did a better job than he did Whirl: Starscream, that's just... depressing. Whirl: You need to go get yourself a nemesis. FakeProwl: ((of all the nights for prowl to not be here)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*makes grabbyhands at him*)) B l u r r: I want one... B l u r r: / taps chinplate/ But, not sure who's worthy enough Whirl: Like I said, Blurr--you're young. Whirl: And you're tough. You've got nemesis potential for someone else, easy. FakeProwl: ((he'd be clawing at his seat hearing starscream talk about megatron being nemesis and whirl saying starscream needs a proper one)) B l u r r: /rolls optic / I doubt it. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((*DRAGS HIM OVER i say*)) Starscream: It's my life's mission to get rid of him, if that isn't a nemesis what is? Whirl: ((LORD. POOR PROWL)) B l u r r: No one assumes I'm their nemesis ItsyBitsySpyers: [[There is an entire multiverse of mechs waiting to get on your very last neural net sensor.]] Whirl: ((omfg0) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((I LOVE THAT BIT)) B l u r r: [[ yes! ]] FakeProwl: ((this movie is great)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((god i love this *** movie and it only gets better)) B l u r r: [[ it does ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: \\SOUNDS LIKE ME.\\ Whirl: Same, Frenzy. *snrks* Whirl: Also, Starscream, face it--you were his punching bag. B l u r r: Well, how am I supposed to knowif I have a nemesis? B l u r r: Are they going to tell me? Bevel: Snake clowns. *laughs* Whirl: Like I said--you'll KNOW. B l u r r: I doubt that. /crosses arms and sulks/ ItsyBitsySpyers: [[No. They will simply aggravate you more than anything else in the entirety of existence possibly could.]] Whirl: You'll feel it. It's a one-of-a-kind feeling. B l u r r: [[ this is me ]] B l u r r: [[ ME ]] Starscream: ((me Whirl: ((IM DYING0) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it's true i can confirm)) Bevel: [[tuxedo dress up party is definitely the only way to get me to a party Whirl: *CRACKS UP* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((it puff)) Starscream: I wasn't his punching bag, I'm better than he could ever be Whirl: ((FUC.FG. POLE DANCING)) FakeProwl: ((my cd rack doesn't fall apart)) B l u r r: [[ I LOVE THE VILLAINS ]] B l u r r: ... but I know plenty of people that aggravate me. B l u r r: / flexes claws/ What is it supposed to feel like when you have a nemesis? Whirl: Keep telling yourself that, Starscream. Either way, I'm done talking about your sad, sad life. B l u r r: There's a line of people that want to kill me. Starscream: My life is happy I'll have you know Starscream: ((that's horrible B l u r r: [[ THIS DSBFD ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: //That. It's kinda like that. Only ya wanna slaughter 'em instead.// ItsyBitsySpyers: //So more like... "Yer gonna die in my arms tonight."// _Whirl: Pfft! Bevel: Ha. B l u r r: That sounds weird... _Whirl: Like I said: they make you feel homicidal and weirdly respectful all at once. B l u r r: / scratches helm / I usually think that about a lot of people. ItsyBitsySpyers: ((STATISTIIIIIICS)) B l u r r: / slouches and grumbles/ I'm not gonna find one of those... FakeProwl: ((why did i decide not to bring prowl oh my god)) ItsyBitsySpyers: ((IT'S NOT TOO LATE)) _Whirl: Well, maybe not. _Whirl: *shrugs* Certainly not if you mope about it. FakeProwl: ((... yeah ok.)) _Whirl: Be assertive! Seize your nemesis! _Whirl: ((DO IT)) Starscream: Okay if you respect them than Megatron definitely isn't my nemesis B l u r r: I don't have anyone to seize! _Whirl: Not YET. FakeProwl: *... appears late* B l u r r: / VENTS / That's annoying. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Immediate ping. Hello.* _Whirl: I already told you, you're young, I'm not gonna LABOR the point to make you feel better. *deadpan stare* FakeProwl: *he desperately wants a distraction* B l u r r: Young and constantly in a state of extinction FakeProwl: *takes seat and focuses on screen* _Whirl: Like many of us. Starscream: proper ethics pfft Starscream: who needs that _Whirl: See, look how useful an army of henchmen is! B l u r r: [[ i love that he's still a master builder. ]] Starscream: Henchmen are nothing but trouble, watch them mess something u[ Starscream: *up B l u r r: Henchmen are good if you're a great planner. FakeProwl: ((these movies may be nonsense but they have Continuity)) _Whirl: I mean, I can understand how you'd get nothing but bad henchmen if you're working with a dearth of charisma. Bevel: Barbara is kicking all their butts. Awesome. Starscream: I am a good planner, henchmen are nothing but trouble _Whirl: Hey, Ravage is in this movie... ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy nudges Bevel.* \\BETCHA CAN'T DO *THAT*. Bevel: Yeah maybe. *sticks tongue out at Frenzy* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Boy, this sounds familiar* FakeProwl: *it does* Starscream: why is he flirting with everyone FakeProwl: ... What's going on. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Incoming summary and highlight reel?* B l u r r: You're a good planner? FakeProwl: *... oh no. he sympathizes with joker* B l u r r: /snort/ Oh, please. Starscream: yes, I am B l u r r: The henchmen aren't your problem B l u r r: It's your planning. B l u r r: Look, I can get mechs to attack in a uniform formation.. _Whirl: Man, and what a masterful strike. _Whirl: Hitting his nemesis where it hurts. Very clever. Starscream: So can I, when they aren't backstabbing me ItsyBitsySpyers: *LOUD HUFF* B l u r r: If you're a backstabber, then you're expecting too much from henchmen Starscream: true B l u r r: you can't complain about someone backstabbing you. Starscream: Doesn't mean I'm bad at planning though FakeProwl: *the guy with the nemesis who doesn't acknowledge him who surrendered to his nemesis. annnd he's a bad guy. rip.* B l u r r: Sure it does. B l u r r: You backstab because your plans are loose. FakeProwl: *focus on the police commissioner. prowl approves of her completely.* B l u r r: If your plans were truly masterful, then you wouldn't need to backstab Starscream: Megatron is my leader, any act against him would be backstabbing Starscream: technically speaking _Whirl: Oh, wait, you mean--you're STILL his punching bag? _Whirl: *LAUGHS* B l u r r: backstabbing your leader still means you're poor with planning. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[What kind of Greatest Detective doesn't notice a human youngling running around their house for a week.]] _Whirl: He's having a crisis. FakeProwl: Does he call himself that? _Whirl: *snickers* ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Yes.]] FakeProwl: He's demonstrably wrong. _Whirl: ((HAHAHA)) FakeProwl: He's got nothing on the police with the— FakeProwl: ... statistics. FakeProwl: *annnnnnd now he's sad* B l u r r: See, now THAT is planning. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[The Barbara human?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks over at his Boss and squints.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave looks down.* [[Don't be ridiculous. You're not expendable.]] _Whirl: Also--not quiet. Not even remotely. *dryly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy huffs noisily (of course) and folds his arms.* B l u r r: I remember being expendable... /vents/ It was fantastic. FakeProwl: ... Yes. The Barbara human. _Whirl: Life gave ME  seatbelt. Starscream: No seatbelts? _Whirl: Or, well, something very like. B l u r r: K-Kyeheheh, what's a seat belt. Starscream: My altmode has seatbelts ItsyBitsySpyers: [[And that is why external docking is superior.]] _Whirl: *sits up, pops the lid of his cockpit, and gestures down to the seating inside* _Whirl: They're in there. Bevel: *could probably make seatbelts if she wanted but why* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble stands up to try to get a look* B l u r r: I don't have seat belts... _Whirl: *shifts to lower his chest so Rumble can see. It's Zori's Former Hiding Spot* B l u r r: Well, I mean, I think I do... B l u r r: I almost strangled a human with 'em ItsyBitsySpyers: //Huh.// *Sits back down.* //We ain't got 'em. Can't nobody wear 'em like Knock Out anyway.// _Whirl: ((KRYPTO)) Bevel: [[ha ha hal B l u r r: [[ im the flash ]] _Whirl: *leans back and snaps his cockpit back* They came with my interior. And... wait, where wre his? ItsyBitsySpyers: //Them neck ones.// Motions with both hands. _Whirl: *pauses and tries to remember* _Whirl: Ohh, wait. Those were seatbelts? Huh. FakeProwl: *... thinks about knock out's neck* FakeProwl: *hmmmm* _Whirl: *tilts his head just the tiniest bit* B l u r r: /shifts/ Well, let me say. I am glad Thundertron isn't my nemesis B l u r r: because that whole slaughter would have been a let down. Starscream: unlimited cookies sounds good Starscream: maybe I should be a vigilante _Whirl: *snickers( _Whirl: I been there. ...maybe not with a dolphin in there. B l u r r: Same. I just got my weapons stripped off me recently. B l u r r: It was awkward... but thrilling. Starscream: I hate being weaponless _Whirl: *sly look* Optimus did it, then? B l u r r: K-Kyeheheh. Yes. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If only.]] _Whirl: I'm never weaponless. *clicks his claws* Starscream: lucky you B l u r r: Me neither. B l u r r: Always got weapons installed on me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He's not so sure about the smart part.]] Starscream: I do too, Megatron tended to tear them out _Whirl: Yeah, that's never fun. B l u r r: Well, that sounds like a personal problem. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Ain't nobody takin' my weapons off. Not unless they don't like their spark no more// B l u r r: I never let anyone tear mine out. _Whirl: Had the old chest-guns removed a few times, but I'M basically a weapon, guns or no. Bevel: I always have weapons. _Whirl: (9OMG THE GREMLINS)) _Whirl: ((this is greAT) B l u r r: [[ THE DALEKS! ]] FakeProwl: *right. okay. all this talk about police and being a hero is just depressing him more. leans on Soundwave* ItsyBitsySpyers: *...Ah. Yes. This would be a bit of a sting, wouldn't it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Wraps arm. Well, maybe something in this will give Prowl a better idea than the one he had last time.* _Whirl: I like that eyeball guy. Starscream: The tower just walking away B l u r r: See, now, I want one of those. Starscream: Why is there a release all button _Whirl: ((i'm gonna die)) _Whirl: Sor-on? _Whirl: I like that one. B l u r r: [[ I LOVE THE DALEKS ]] Starscream: hehe Starscream: ((british robots B l u r r: Now THAT is how you get henchmen motivated. _Whirl: He upgraded. Bevel: Sauron is really evil but he got beat by a ring getting thrown into a volcano. FakeProwl: *... very effective* _Whirl: Does that happen in this movie, or...? B l u r r: Don't think so. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Think it already did. He was in jail.// _Whirl: Well, there, he got better! Bevel: It was in a book. And a movie. FakeProwl: *mental note: if he ever needs to take dwon Cybertron, arrange a jailbreak.* B l u r r: It's perfect! /rubs claws together / B l u r r: I love when the villains get the upper claw! B l u r r: I hope he makes that hero grovel at his feet. ItsyBitsySpyers: *...He hopes Prowl does not take THAT advice.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Just whatever the red furred human has to say.* _Whirl: *why not prowl should beatbox* Starscream: We need more shows where the villain wins B l u r r: MM. B l u r r: Naturally. FakeProwl: *prowl would be terrible at beatboxing.* _Whirl: *but it would bring the rest of us joy* ItsyBitsySpyers: *It's strange advice, that's why. Even he wouldn't do it. ... Laserbeak might.* _Whirl: ((movie no why u gotta hurt me like that)) Starscream: lol _Whirl: ((why u gotta give bane that dumb voice)) B l u r r: [[ omg i know ]] _Whirl: That eye guy is just. Too cool. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\THE WORM WAS BETTER.\\ _Whirl: ...yeah. _Whirl: The worm was, but I appreciate his whole look. ...and the lava-barfing. FakeProwl: *... rubs helm* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Looks over.* FakeProwl: *buildings getting knocked down. devastator.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @P (txt): ...Noise? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «No. Wanton devastation.» ItsyBitsySpyers: //Your eye don't barf lava, right?// _Whirl: *snickering* B l u r r: It would be an interesting concept... Starscream: thee lightning has impeccable aim ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): ...Understood. _Whirl: *hand over spark* _Whirl: He was too good for this film.. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Adds mass building destruction to his list of things to be aware of in the future.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //So, I'm jus' sayin'. Good costume for this year.// _Whirl: Hmm? *looks down* Which one? ItsyBitsySpyers: //The tower thing. Or Batguy.// _Whirl: Hmm. *taps the underside of his helm* I dunno exactly how I could pull that off... he _Whirl: s got no limbs. _Whirl: But he DOES have a cool look. B l u r r: Is Batman a hero or villain? B l u r r: He seems like an anti...villain... Starscream: Both B l u r r: but an anti-hero. FakeProwl: *mutters* An idiot. B l u r r: He doesn't seem capable of doing things alone B l u r r: It's not that easy. _Whirl: What about you? Any ideas of your own, from this one? ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet huff* B l u r r: Hn? FakeProwl: *"protecting" useful people is a waste of resources that should be better spent protecting everyone else* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble scratches his chin. Soundwave just flicks his hand. If Blurr didn't catch the mutter, it doesn't matter* Starscream: I told Megatron I hated him the first time we met _Whirl: This is a movie about nemeses just as much as it is about anything else. This is great. B l u r r: [[ which mutter because it wasn't clear who it was to >>;; ]] B l u r r: [[ Whirl and Blurr both have one eye >>;;; ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((prowl was muttering about batman i think)) FakeProwl: ((ye)) B l u r r: [[ oh lmao. ]] _Whirl: ((yes!)) B l u r r: [[ im typing an assignment on the side so lmao ]] B l u r r: [[ im lost. ]] B l u r r: Well, I can think of plenty of mechs I hate. B l u r r: / taps chin/ only one that I've told. B l u r r: I usually just kill what annoys me. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[It's not just -hate-. They have to be worthy. Capable of foiling as many of your moves as you do of theirs.]] FakeProwl: *... are we talking about nemeses* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Welcome to the party, Prowl* _Whirl: *pauses thoughtfully* You know, some holographic effects could get that eye thing going... B l u r r: /crosses arms/ I suppose I ItsyBitsySpyers: //One of them dinosaur things.// FakeProwl: *rghgh* B l u r r: have had plenty of thorns in my side... _Whirl: Yeah? The... the raptor guy? B l u r r: It sure as frag isn't Starscream. B l u r r: He's not worth any respect. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Yeah. I seen them Park films. They're killer.// _Whirl: Nice. Starscream: This movie is inspiring me to kill Megatron again B l u r r: You haven't even killed him one time. FakeProwl: Oh, for—! Starscream: I sort of did... he came back FakeProwl: You can't be a nemesis with someone on the SAME SIDE as you! FakeProwl: That's not how it works! That's RIDICULOUS. Starscream: Why not B l u r r: You need to learn how to kill people. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Mildly alarmed sitting upright.* B l u r r: I could educate you. It'll be a one time lesson. Starscream: We aren't on the same side ItsyBitsySpyers: *...And now curious leaning. That's an oddly strong feeling.*( _Whirl: Different Starscream, Prowl. B l u r r: [[ night wing!! ]] Starscream: I fight for the Decepticons because I can't be an Autobot, not because I like him FakeProwl: You're fighting for the same goal, aren't you? For the same faction to win? Starscream: My goal is to defeat Megatron _Whirl: ((wait, nix that)) _Whirl: ((thought that was directed at blurr)) B l u r r: [[ is okay. ]] B l u r r: [[ i did too haha ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy cackles about the one time death lesson* B l u r r: / grins at Frenzy/ FakeProwl: That's—ridiculous. YOU'RE ridiculous. That's not how it works. Of all the... Starscream: Why not?  It makes perfect sense to me B l u r r: You don't make ANY sense. FakeProwl: That's because you're a moron who doesn't get how nemeses work. B l u r r: Starscream  doesn't know how anything works. Starscream: Okay, then how do they work ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yes, do tell. He's quite interested now.* FakeProwl: You. Are. Supposed. To. Be. On. Opposite. Sides. _Whirl: I already TOLD you, Starscream, damn. B l u r r: /vents/ This whole family theme is annoying. Can we go back to the Joker? B l u r r: I like him. _Whirl: I explained it IN DETAIL, how thick can you possibly be? Starscream: We are on opposite sides, he wants to live and I want to kill him B l u r r: Whirl, it's Starscream. FakeProwl: You're on the same faction! B l u r r: It's not your fault he didn't retain anything Starscream: Just because we are on the same side of the war doesn't mean anything _Whirl: You're right, Teach. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Soundwave shakes his helm. No wonder his former faction had trouble getting things done.* FakeProwl: *grumbles, sits back, rubs his optics* Bevel: *giggles* B l u r r: [[ B l u r r: * [[ "Im irritating" <-- it me ]] _Whirl: Okay,w e all know, the only appropriate superhero theme is Shoot to Thrill. FakeProwl: *he shouldn't have come tonight* B l u r r: Right? B l u r r: I wonder if we have a theme song as pirates... /taps chin/ Starscream: If Megabutt isn't my nemesis then who is ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Starscream: idiot. Ignore. Standard Decepticon rule. Bevel: Bet you could write one. Like Batman did. B l u r r: [[ i love this part ]] _Whirl: *approves of this particular brand of family bonding* _Whirl: *he may or may not be briefly reminded of a dreadful little murdercloud* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Yes. He is.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): Nemesis identity, Prowl's? Insistence suggests experience. B l u r r: / claw to chassis. So romantic / FakeProwl: *.....................* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Awwwwwwww.// Starscream: So much romance Starscream: ew FakeProwl: @Soundwave «None.» _Whirl: I know, right? *delighted* _Whirl: Not ROMANCE, idiot. _Whirl: Nemeses. B l u r r: I want one of those-! ItsyBitsySpyers: *Surprised tilt.* _Whirl: Work for it, Teach. _Whirl: You'll get there. Starscream: Really cause they're talking like people who are in love FakeProwl: *that was a touching nemesis speech, dammit* _Whirl: You just don't understand, Starscream. *shakes his head* Starscream: Don't understand what? B l u r r: Rodimus could have been one of those... but he is an idiot. B l u r r: [[ I CANNOT WITH THE SPANISH ]] B l u r r: [[ every damn time, i laugh ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): None? Not understood. Many worthy qualities. Intelligence, persistence, influence, idealism, evasiveness. Satisfactory kick. FakeProwl: ((... wasn't the Joker one of the "every villain" that Batman promised to send back)) B l u r r: [[ nah ]] B l u r r: [[ they wanted THEIR villains back ]] _Whirl: ((sauron is also sort of still there, albeit... dead ish)) FakeProwl: ((but joker WAS one of their villains. for like fifteen minutes, but still.)) FakeProwl: ((longer than batman was there, and batman assumed HE was supposed to go back too)) B l u r r: [[ idk man fbdhk ]] B l u r r: [[ Joker is weird. ]] _Whirl: That was a damn good movie, Teach. _Whirl: I didn't expect to like that nearly as much. Bevel: Catchy. FakeProwl: *yeah, soundwave, rub it in why don't you.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «None.» ItsyBitsySpyers: @P: (txt): If recognition: failed, all enemies: unworthy. B l u r r: /snerk/ I liked it, too ItsyBitsySpyers: *Was recording that.* _Whirl: *leans backa nd streeetches* _Whirl: Not a bad diversion from horror, not at all. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Or, I don't meet their standards.» Bevel: That was really fun. B l u r r: Well, stuck on Earth so, I have to come up with something. B l u r r: Besides, it was about villains... sort of. ItsyBitsySpyers: \\F'REAL, I LIKED THAT. LOTSA ACTION. WAY BETTER'N THE QUIZ THING.\\ B l u r r: Kyeheheh. What can I say? I'm good at what I do. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Impossible. Prowl: admirable. Would accept, if beginning circumstances: different. B l u r r: Makes me wonder what type of Nemesis I would have... B l u r r: no one can match me for speed. _Whirl: Sadly, mine is dead. Or, well, sort of. _Whirl: A multiversal versiion of him popped up a while back, but he's gone again. B l u r r: Hnnh. B l u r r: You don't irritate me, but if you did, I would be incredibly grateful if YOU were my nemesis, Whirl. FakeProwl: *oh, that's... actually really flattering.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Jazz will always be the best of them, of course, but he would consider Prowl worth his time. His own could have been, if she'd really dedicated herself. A step above Blaster, or right around there.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... Thank you.» B l u r r: / smirks and pulls some wiring up from his arm / You're fun to fight with. Imagine if we just fought each other all the time. What a thrill. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Dips his helm.* Bevel: *has no nemesis and wouldn't even know where to begin with getting one* _Whirl: Well, damn, Teach. Thanks. _Whirl: *withoiut knowing, he dips his helm at Blurr at very nearly the exact time Soundwave does to prowl* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy looks up at Bevel* B l u r r: / flicks finials and nods / ItsyBitsySpyers: *...................................................* ItsyBitsySpyers: \\...NAH. I'D WHOOP YER AFT TOO EASY.\\ _Whirl: Oh, I know I am. *lifts his helm, unabashedly proud* And yeah, you're fast, and that kinetic-thing you've got going is tough to get around... but I bet I could do it. _Whirl: It'd be a hell of a fight. B l u r r: All the time. B l u r r: It would be entertaining. And incredibly thrilling. B l u r r: But, I don't HATE you. So, it doesn't work, does it? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Humorous reminder: alliance preferred. B l u r r: Even though the respect factor is there. Bevel: *pushes Frenzy over with a grin* Ok, Lil' Bit ItsyBitsySpyers: \\OOF!\\ ItsyBitsySpyers: *Swings at her arm* Bevel: *laughs* _Whirl: Yeah. Like, the respect factor is there, and the DESIRE to fight--but that's just normal friendship. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Heh. Same.» B l u r r: Mmm... but, we could stil lfight sometimes. B l u r r: If you want to. _Whirl: Ultimately I don't wanna destroy you, y'know? When you have a nemesis, it's like... that's it. That's the perfect moment, even though you don't want it to end. FakeProwl: *Soundwave gunning for him would be... well, not LITERALLY Prowl's worst nightmare—because Prowl's worst nightmare involves Insecticons—but it would be very close.* _Whirl: Gimme a time and a place, Teach, I'm ALWAYS down for a scuffle. B l u r r: Kyeheheheh. Good. B l u r r: /nods helm a little/ Yeah, I get that. I've never met anyone who balances both. Well... maybe... maybe one person. B l u r r: / taps chinplate/ But, he doesn't really think of me that way. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...That is it. That is how you know.]] _Whirl: Hey, it took me millions of years to finally meet Killmaster. _Whirl: And there were a LOT of mecha I really, REALLY, REALLY--*stiffens a bit* REALLY. HATED. B l u r r: I knew a mech that I hated so much, I wanted to kill him, but it was too fun to let him die... _Whirl: ...before him. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[If you think you would regret the manner of their death if it were not by your hands.]] _Whirl: *nods* yep. And when you know that's how they feel, too. B l u r r: oh, well... I'm pretty sure everyone who wnats me dead is B l u r r: honest about it _Whirl: *relaxes a touch* See, that's why Megatron can't be your nemesis, Starscream, aside from the hilariously obvious reasons Prowl stated. Optimus is his nemesis. B l u r r: Oh, to have the Tyran Prime as a nemesis... / would sparkly eye if he could / Starscream: Yeah but we don't have to be mutually nemesises B l u r r: To be crushed by that large pede and ran through with a sword... all that hate in his optics. B l u r r: / twitches claws and spreads them over his face/ Bevel: *so confused about this nemesis stuff* ItsyBitsySpyers: *There is a vaguely wistful tone to his thoughts.* _Whirl: You absolutely do. _Whirl: If your nemesis doesn't actually refer toi you as "nemesis" then it's just. A sad, pale imitation. Starscream: I hate Megatron more than anything else in the universe, he's scum _Whirl: ...*was about to say "me too" but has to live with the knowledge that he... actually DOES hate someone more than Megatron. Multiple someones* _Whirl: And, Blurr, you've just got a huge crush on him, that's different. B l u r r: ... Hhh, I suppose. B l u r r: It's great to have, though... Starscream: One day I'll have a chance tosnuff his spark _Whirl: *dryly* A nemesis, or a crush? B l u r r: ... oh. A crush. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Jazz deserved a more fitting termination. A stray shot from an unknown soldier - it should have been something glorious. A final race to stop a musical virus. A game of poisons. Anything but that.]] B l u r r: Your Jazz died from a shot? Poor thing... B l u r r: Ah... I do rather hate Jazz... Starscream: ((Star "killing Megatron i my kink" scream B l u r r: But, he's obnoxiously friendly to me Bevel: Most Jazzes are really friendly like that. _Whirl: *shrugs* FakeProwl: A nemesis MUST be mutual. A nemesis is a relationship. Bevel: *most, definitely only most* FakeProwl: Otherwise it's just unrequited spite. Starscream: Oh no, he hates me too Starscream: Just not as deep a loathing as mine B l u r r: This Jazz is more so, I think... FakeProwl: Not good enough. B l u r r: / looks at Bevel/ Some kind of holy relic or something. FakeProwl: If he doesn't see you as his nemesis, you're not nemeses. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus, their obnoxious insincere friendliness.]] A pause. [[And their magnet hands. On some.]] _Whirl: I mean, hate isn't gonna cut it. Starscream: Then I guess I'll just have to settle for not having a nemesis _Whirl: You can go through your life hating everyone. I did. _Whirl: Mostly. _Whirl: With a few exceptions, I still more or less DO. Bevel: Like a relic of the Thirteen? ItsyBitsySpyers: *And now he's suddenly suspicious. He glances around the room to assure himself his complaining isn't going to a surprise audience.* B l u r r: A relic of the what? No.. .he's that stupid cube thing B l u r r: Everytime he comes over, he pesters me. FakeProwl: *likes the magnet hands* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl doesn't understand. He doesn't understand what Jazz has done with them.* _Whirl: Isn't that the guy that made Zori super-sized? B l u r r: Yeah... Starscream: ((I have to go ItsyBitsySpyers: [[At least you aren't -teaching- him.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: ((awww! byeeee! thank you for showing up )) Starscream: ((thanks for the stream _Whirl: ((be!)) _Whirl: ((....bye)) _Whirl: ((BE)) B l u r r: byeee!! ]] _Whirl: I don't think he likes that very much--can't you get him to change him back? B l u r r: ... Are you teaching him? _Whirl: I don't really talk to him anymore, but Professor Z seems down. B l u r r: Me? Get him to change Zori back? B l u r r: Jazz isn't going to listen to me... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[NO. No. Jazz is not adjusting Zori again.]] Bevel: Cube thing? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[He is working on other solutions. Ones that are unlikely to end in \a microscopic minicon.]] B l u r r: / nods at Bevel/ He's some kind of... what is it? B l u r r: All Spark? _Whirl: *looks to Soundwave*  ...y'know that's probably not a bad idea. If he screwed up ONCE... ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Unfortunately.]] _Whirl: Well, if you need any ideas, I know a guy with a shrink ray. *shrugs* Bevel: Oh! I know what that is. B l u r r: you do? ItsyBitsySpyers: [[...You will tell him more about that later, of course.]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Oh! Oh. And here he is talking about-- and Prowl is right--* Bevel: Yeah, it made Cybertronian life in some places. I saw one once on a job. These Autobots had pieces of it and it made things come to life. B l u r r: Well, now it's all put together inside some mech. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Jazz amica status temporarily forgotten. Apologies. Bevel: Starscream was a zombie. I bet Jazz is a zombie to. ItsyBitsySpyers: [[Primus forbid.]] B l u r r: He's a zombie? Huh... no, impossible. That would make him interesting. Bevel: *giggles* B l u r r: Even so... he's very much alive from what I see. _Whirl: Sure thing. _Whirl: And, yeah, Teach--Brainstorm. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «We spent four million years on opposite sides of a war. I'll forgive you badmouthing my amica if you forgive me occasionally cringing at references to assassinating senators.» _Whirl: In my home dimension I got shrunk down and fouight some scrapets in Big M's body. _Whirl: Left some quality graffiti in there, too. Bevel: Maybe it works different in his universe. All the things that are the same from one universe to another are not really the same most of the time. *it's really confusing* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He seems to consider this for a moment. Like, actually consider it. He's tapping his digits and everything.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And a nod.* B l u r r: Things change, kid. /looking at Bevel/ it happens. If you want to learn more about him, talk to him. B l u r r: He only calls me when he's having one of those... vision things. B l u r r: Like I'm supposed to know what it means. _Whirl: All right, losers, time for me to head out. *streeetches one more time before carefuly extricating himself* _Whirl: Seeya. *salutes the room* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Aww. Ya gotta?// B l u r r: / waves at whirl/ See you sometime soon. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Anyway, it's nice to hear that he was a thorn in a high-ranking Decepticons' side. I'm sure he'd be pleased by your complaints.» Bevel: *waves to Whirl* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, Rumble will trot back over to the couch and squeeze in between Frenzy and Bevel* _Whirl: Yeah, I've got... *plants to tend to* Errands. Bevel: *still sure this Jazz is an allspark zombie but she'll nod at Blurr anyone* Bevel: *anyway* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Kay. Seeya later.// _Whirl: *he'll spare Rumble a nudge before he makes his exit, bobs his head to all one last time, and trots off* B l u r r: I'll tell you what, though. His universe is one hot mess. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Confirm Prowl not sharing news. Bevel: More than the other ones? B l u r r: As is my own. Yet, while we lay low here on Earth, the Decepticons won't attack us... for now. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I won't tell him a word.» B l u r r: / flicks finials / Hn? Well, apparently his Autobots are dying off constantly. B l u r r: He keeps calling me in a panic. Bevel: *nudges Rumble carefully in greeting* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Nudge back and a grin.* Bevel: Oh, are they still fighting? B l u r r: ... I don't know. I stay out of it. B l u r r: I have no more ties to his universe B l u r r: / grumbles/ I have ties to another one now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Ping ping. Prowl is getting a reward. And also a demonstration of why Soundwave hates Jazzes so very, very much. Would he like to accept the A/V file.* Bevel: Sometimes being tied to someplace is a good thing. FakeProwl: *? all right* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl's gonna see Soundwave cautiously stick his hand through a crack in the door, have it magneted, and get yanked through while Jazz flips over him. BUT WAIT, THERE'S MORE.* B l u r r: ... In this case, I'm not sure yet. B l u r r: If being tied to it is good. B l u r r: [[ LOL I REMEMBER THAT SOUNDWAVE ]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Because Jazz was an unauthorized intruder, a bridge immediately opened, dragging him through it. Since Soundwave was magneted, he got yanked right back into Dancitron and fell through with Jazz--* ItsyBitsySpyers: *And they both ended up a fair distance away, completely locked out of a building now on shutdown.* ItsyBitsySpyers: ((YOU BETTER REMEMBER HE'S STILL SO MAD)) B l u r r: [[ BE MAD WERE ON CYBERTRONS RUINS ]] Bevel: Aw well, I hope you figure it out. *encouraging smile* FakeProwl: *... hmmm. Well.* FakeProwl: *this requires some serious contemplation. prowl puts his elbows on his knees and laces his hands together.* FakeProwl: *and presses them over his mouth.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Elbow nudge. He sees that.* B l u r r: ... /tilts helm/ Hmh. So, what's your plan, huh? B l u r r: / at bevel / FakeProwl: *he's shaking.* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Confirm THAT not shared either. ItsyBitsySpyers: *His dignity may be fluttering away in the wind, but at least Prowl is having a good moment for once. Shortage of those lately.* Bevel: *shrugs* Plans for what? FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I will absolutely not be sharing this.» FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... And the Constructicons better not be either.» FakeProwl: *good moment's over. What if that file got transferred to them during recharge? What if they decided they didn't care about Prowl's promise not to share it?* FakeProwl: *wilts slightly* ItsyBitsySpyers: *He sees this wilt.* B l u r r: / leans forward to look at Bevel/ You want on the ship or not? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Inform them if this, shared, Soundwave personally ensures guard deals never again accepted. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Furthermore: existing Constructicon enjoyment items confiscated, shared among Autobot newbuilds. Bevel: Oh that! Um, well. *it would get her away from the horrible awkwardness of her home planet* would you mind someone else coming with me? FakeProwl: *small nod.* FakeProwl: *attaches that note to the file. If the A/V file gets transferred to them, the threat will go with it.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Small nudge.* FakeProwl: *questioning ping* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Own fault. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Wait, who's goin' with ya?// FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... What is?» B l u r r: ... Who's the someone else? B l u r r: / tilts helm and flicks finials/ Remember, joining my crew means I am your Captain. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Shared file. Constructicon tie known. Other data also given. Shrinking: unnecessary. Bevel: My amica and I am used to following orders. B l u r r: So who is this america? B l u r r: / he doesn't know these terms / B l u r r: / An amica endurae is an american endurance / ItsyBitsySpyers: [[..................America?]] ItsyBitsySpyers: *Yeah, he heard that.* FakeProwl: *shakes head. doesn't make a difference.* Bevel: *stares at Blurr for a second trying to think of how to answer this* FakeProwl: *he was still Reminded of them. and that he has no control over this connection.* B l u r r: ... Isn't that what it's called? B l u r r: That's what you said, right? Bevel: Amica. B l u r r: ...Ah. B l u r r: Well, who is that? Bevel: Like a really important friend. Some universes do not have them. B l u r r: We certainly don't Bevel: *this feels like such an understatment of the term but it's the best she can give* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Quiet vent. Light thumb rubbing on whatever plate it's resting against.* B l u r r: Anyway. Who are they? ItsyBitsySpyers: *He'll wait until Prowl feels like saying something about it or moving on. Whichever.* ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble and Frenzy chinhands and watch Bevel and Blurr. They wanna know too.* FakeProwl: *doesn't feel like saying anything now. just sorta slumps there.* Bevel: *sticks tongue out at the twins* Rolodex is a minicon from one of the Malgus universe. They are not a warrior or anything like that. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Well, then Soundwave will just stay there with him for now. Maybe have an idea to temporarily get him 'away' from his troubles for a bit, in a few minutes.* ItsyBitsySpyers: //Which one's Malgus?// Bevel: The one with the zombie Starscream. B l u r r: [[ Maglus is TFA, yes? ]] Bevel: [[Yes B l u r r: *Malgus ]] B l u r r: [[ My son is from Malgus. My other Blurr ]] Bevel: [[TFA Blurr <3 B l u r r: [[ yasss ]] B l u r r: A minicon, hn? And what use will they do for the crew? Or you, for that matter? B l u r r: If you're part of the crew, you're part of the ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Hey! Don't you go stickin' her in no walls!// Bevel: *armor bristles slightly*Rolodex has been my friend since I first got lost. They are really smart and nice and help keep all our mercenary data neat and make sure we don't mess anything up B l u r r: So, they can keep data organized? Bevel: Huh-uh! They were a data keeper at a big prison on their Cybertron. B l u r r: Hmmm...we could use someone with those skills. Skychaser is moving to full time pilot. B l u r r: And you? B l u r r: / looks at the twins/ And I won't be putting anyone in a wall. ItsyBitsySpyers: //Good.// Squint. Bevel: I fight mostly. B l u r r: Do you need a reason to? B l u r r: You see, being a pirate is all about going against the grain. I don't want you to join and then you decide not to participate in any raids or pillaging events. Bevel: I do not hurt civilians. B l u r r: /scoffs/ then what kind of pirate are you expecting to be? Bevel: The kind that helps you take out bots like Thundertron. B l u r r: /smirks/ Now now, I didn't need a lot of help with that. /points to Frenzy/ Just his help. B l u r r: /lifts digit/ However... this may work to our advantage. Mechs like Thundertron need to be stopped. Bevel: *nods* ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): This, not ideal overheard talk. If company still needed-wanted, Prowl avatar permitted longer stay within apartment. Speech, quiet not minded. Bevel: *she can't deny Frenzy's awesomeness during that fight* B l u r r: Hmmnh... /leans forrward and looks over Bevel/ I don't think I ever got a proper introduction. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Frenzy puffs a bit.* Bevel: My name is Bevel. B l u r r: ... Blurr. /shifts and holds out a claw/ Captain of the Emperor. /Your/ Captain, if you choose to be on my ship. B l u r r: That means you do what I say, when I say it. Any signs of mutiny.. .well... you don't want to know what kind of appetite I have. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «... I may as well go home.» *he's got nothing to offer Soundwave right now.* Bevel: Ew. *takes the offered claw* Does that mean I get stuck on this Earth now? B l u r r: It means you're stuck with me until we can leave. It won't be long now. I think I've managed to gain the sympathy of the mech who took me. B l u r r: I'm quite the actor. /smirks and lifts a digit to his scarred derma/ Don't tell anyone, though. Bevel: *giggles* So am I. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Prowl certain? Home comfort not expected in present moment... this, time away assistance. Return not required. Peace, quiet. Soundwave's time spent repairing datapads. Bevel: I have to get Rolodex and our stuff if we have to live on the ship. ItsyBitsySpyers: *In other words, Prowl doesn't have to entertain him if he just wants to leave his mind somewhere that isn't the prison apartment for a while.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «The Constructicons aren't home at night. I can get peace and quiet as easily there as anywhere else.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Somehow he doubts the 'peace' part of that.* FakeProwl: *which was to say, not easily at all. but that wasn't the fault of the location. even in holoform, he could feel the itch of his sanded off decals.* B l u r r: Good. Then get your supplies and that mech B l u r r: And come back here. /looking Bevel over/ And bring any supplies you have ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...If mind changed, alert. Simple plan adjustment. Not difficulty if own home preferred; potential Constructicon theft warning recorded. Security presence not unexpected. Bevel: Ok! *Blurr better hope he's up for the sheer amount of supplies and stuff Bevel is bringing back* B l u r r: / he wants all the things / B l u r r: ... Welcome to The Emperor... Bevel. /twitches claws/ ItsyBitsySpyers: *He knows he's made this offer at least once a week now, but he's not entirely sure what else to do. There's no mental clues to go off of, and Prowl can be closed-off even when he's NOT upset.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «No. No—don't come over.» Bevel: Thanks, Blurr. Captain. *shrugs, look formal titles are not a thing with her merc group* B l u r r: Mm.../waves claw/ You'll learn in time ItsyBitsySpyers: *Tilts helm.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «There's no need for that.» Bevel: @Soundwave: Can you help me with a space bridge later please? ItsyBitsySpyers: @Bevel: [[Yes.]] Bevel: @Soundwave: Thank you. :) ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...In personal experience, direction loss: more painful alone. However, if that: Prowl's wish, Soundwave... complies. ItsyBitsySpyers: *A twist to face Bevel and a nod.* FakeProwl: *flinches* FakeProwl: *he hates that he can't keep anything to himself. Everything's already obvious, isn't it? he used to be able to keep secrets.* FakeProwl: @Soundwave «"Alone" isn't even an option for me.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Prowl shouldnt dig at himself so hard. It's hard to have them around Soundwave.* B l u r r: / vents and leans over on his couch to look everyone else over. Well, he's comfortable here. Lays out on couch / B l u r r: You'll learn to like living here. My ship isn't so bad, you know. /to Bevel / ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Apology. Corrected term: "Unaccompanied." Implication Constructicon ties forgotten unintended. Bevel: Better than living on Cybertron. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Rumble mutters something that sounds like "ain't that the truth"* B l u r r: Kyeheheh, if you say so. You'll never go hungry FakeProwl: @Soundwave «Mm.» *the wording doesn't make much difference.* «... I dislike being fussed over.» Bevel: Good to know. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): ...Acknowledged. Glass treatment not meant. This - Soundwave not unfamiliar. After betrayal, new function not known. Carrier privacy also reduced. -- B l u r r: Mmhm. You see, we make stops all over the verses. I'm sure you'll get used to it. ItsyBitsySpyers: Intended offer purpose: support, understanding, assistance. Prowl capability still understood. However, desire: reduce unnecessary suffering, avoid unilateral decision. Bevel: I am used to travelling through the multiverse. B l u r r: Oh, good. Then you're used to foreign places. B l u r r: Now, there are guests that come and go on the ship that you should be aware of. ItsyBitsySpyers: (txt): That, only reason. Prowl decision: time unaccompanied wanted. That, respected. Goodnight bid. FakeProwl: @Soundwave «I shouldn't have said I turned down a job offer.» ItsyBitsySpyers: *Or not.* Bevel: Guests? B l u r r: Yes. B l u r r: For one, if you see a white mech with red markings, if he still looks the same, that's Drift. B l u r r: If he's on the ship and he tells you to do something, you're advised to listen to him. B l u r r: He's like my honorary first mate. ItsyBitsySpyers: @Prowl: (txt): Data learned soon regardless. Small pieces already possessed. Starscream complaint suffering expected. Soundwave sees much. That, role. Cannot apologize. Respect, best counter. Bevel: Oh. Ok. ItsyBitsySpyers: *So he'll let go and bow his helm.* FakeProwl: *irritated sigh* @Soundwave «... Goodnight.» B l u r r: Big green and white mech with AMP across his chassis? That's Roadbuster. He's allowed on the ship any time. B l u r r: And if I say I have a guest and you are to remain in your sectors of the ship, listen to what I say. FakeProwl: *disappears* B l u r r: The trophy room is off limits. /counting on digits/ The room of intellect is open to mechs who wish to settle and work on their own source material for themselves. I'll explain B l u r r: the basics of our beliefs some other time. B l u r r: You're welcome to look at any frames on the wall, but don't knock them down Bevel: *nods and listens intently* B l u r r: Oberyn, you'll know him when you see him, is allowed to roam wherever he likes. If you don't want him in your room, make sure you lock the door. B l u r r: Menace, who I'm sure is on the ship somewhere, might be in the vents. Just be wary. Menace: *muffled* I'm in the closet today. B l u r r: ... He's in the closet, apparently. ItsyBitsySpyers: *Shakes his helm a little. Prowl can be mad at him if he wants. He's not going to be sorry that he figures things out--.* Bevel: Closet ok. Lock doors. *she should have written this down maybe* B l u r r: Menace is my audio and optic set. He's gotten rid of traitors before and I'm sure he's itching to do it again sometime. B l u r r: Either way, just remember that my ship can be very interesting to live on so long as you follow the rules. B l u r r: Oh, and you might want to tell me what you like to eat now. ItsyBitsySpyers: *And he's not going to be sorry that he told Prowl he was semi-familiar with the problem. It's true.* Bevel: Leave. I have friends off ship. My creator. I will need to visit them sometimes. And I only eat energon. Regular kind. Or high grade sometimes. Not anything made from humans. Bevel: The human stuff is gross. ItsyBitsySpyers: *He's just going to ping Bevel and Blurr simple goodbyes and make his way out. Like he said, he has datapads to repair.* B l u r r: Right, well, we don't eat humans here. But, the cannibar does serve energon from many mechs. /smirks/ so be careful what you order. Bevel: *pings back, will message later for that bridge* B l u r r: /waves to Soundwave / B l u r r: As for leave, I won't keep you from whatever a creator is, but you need to remember that you'll be a wanted mech, so whatever happens when you leave is on your helm. B l u r r: But we will come get you if there is an attack. We don't leave crew mates behind. Bevel: That is ok than. B l u r r: One more thing. I have alliances. Strong ones. Anything we do... any business between them remains between us. B l u r r: Nothing can be said outside of the crew unless I say so. Bevel: I can keep secrets. I am really good at it. B l u r r: Good. then we're all right. Now, I just need you to know that we mechs... don't believe in Primus. Mechs from my universe, anyway. B l u r r: You can pray to whatever bag of chips you want. Bevel: *snickers* B l u r r: But on this ship, with my mechs from my verse that I brought, they worship in a different way. You're allowed to talk to B l u r r: whatever you want. But, don't push it on others. Other than that, talk to those pringles. Bevel: *she is going to assume that means no one will be pushing pringles she doesn't want onto her as well and nod in agreement* B l u r r: / nods / See? I can be a good Captain. B l u r r: / flexes claws/ Sometimes. Better than Thundertron, eh? Bevel: A lot of bots are better than Thundertron but I think we can make this work. Bevel: *she stands* I will go get my things now and Rolodex and I will return as soon as we are able. It will not be very long. I will bring whatever supplies for the ship that I can. B l u r r: Right. Get a move on, then. Bevel: *nods and leaves*
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tobedeletedwayward · 8 years
Nerves|| Rap Monster
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Summary:  Namjoon was nervous – despite your warnings that he had no reason to be. It takes an actual visit to the parents to show that you were, indeed, correct.
Word Count: 1,721
A/N: The first official scenario of 2017! Yay! I hope you enjoy it Anonie x also im like not ready for february have u seen this kpop comeback lineup like uhuhuh nothanks
“Come get your boyfriend.”
“I’m off duty until later tonight, Seokjin. Anything he broke or anyone he maimed is not my problem, not ‘til I need to get him at 7 for dinner.”
“I-what? No, we’re still 27 days strong without an accident.” There was a faint tapping of knuckles on wood, and you refrained from laughing. “You need to get your boyfriend because of the dinner. He’s not focusing on practice and our choreographer wants him to leave.”
“It transcended nervous and landed in completely freaking out about an hour ago.”
You sighed and shook your head, glancing at the clock on the far wall from your desk. “You owe me a lunch break, Kim.”
“Thanks [Y/N], you’re a saint.”
With that, there was a dial tone and you put the phone down lightly. Standing up, you stretched out your sore limps and quickly glanced around. Making sure the coast was clear; you ducked out of your office, ensuring no one saw you leave for your break much earlier than intended.
Namjoon was waiting for you at the threshold of the BigHit foyer, almost jumping into your car as it halted to a stop.
“I’m sorry-”
“What’s got you so worried about tonight, babe?”
You looked at Namjoon from the corner of your eye as you pulled away from the curb. His brows were furrowed together tightly. His disgruntlement was practically physical, and so you figured that it’d be best to clear the air rather than make him feel sorry for a missed lunch.
You watched him contemplate for a brief moment before he sighed deeply.
“What if your parents don’t like me?”
The car rolled to a stop at a set of traffic lights, and you took that opportunity to direct your attention to him fully. Namjoon looked to you, and he caught the look in your eyes that prompted him to keep talking.
“Like... I’ve met your ex and even though they were a jackass, they were pretty successful and decent to anyone they wanted to make a good impression on... And your parents – what if they aren’t that happy with me being an idol? What if they start comparing me to your ex? I can’t take that, baby, because that means I’ll probably make an ass out of myself and I really just don’t want that-”
You leant over, pressed your lips against his in a very chaste kiss before pulling away just in time to start driving as the lights turned green.
“Joonie, my precious bun,” you began, ignoring your boyfriend’s attempt to interject, “my parents aren’t going to judge you for what you do for a living, or how much you earn, or even if you’re better than my ex. They aren’t like that.”
“I know but-”
“The only thing they care about is if you make me happy. And the last time I checked, I was pretty damn happy you tripped into my life.”
“Okay that was 6 months ago and I didn’t mean to spill my water on you.”
You laughed at disgruntlement in Namjoon’s voice at your reminder of your first meeting, and yet despite that you could tell he was put at ease by your words. You cast a glance at the clock on your car’s dash.
“How about some lunch before I drop you off? I’ve got a little time left in my lunch break.”
You saw Namjoon nod at your words as you drove towards a nearby diner. In the corner of your eye, you caught him exhale deeply, his shoulders relaxing as he slumped against the seat and headrest.
“And this is [Y/N] on her first day of school-”
You internally cringed at the sight of the photo your parents enjoyed flaunting to any one of your friends who’d happen their way over for a visit. A smaller, much younger you clung to your father’s legs, head buried into his thigh and a tight grip on the waist of his t-shirt, presumably crying and refusing to go.
It was well after the dinner between yourself, Namjoon and your parents and everything had gone better than you could have ever anticipated. Namjoon had fit right in with your parents, albeit with a slightly nervous disposition in the beginning. But, like you had predicted, your parents more than loved your boyfriend, and they looked so happy that you had finally found the love of your life.
Namjoon glanced between you and the photo, an amused smile worn on to his face. He looked at you, a teasing look in his eyes. “Mind sending me a copy of these photos, Mrs [Y/L/N]?”
Your parents laughed at his remark while you looked at him with mild disgruntlement. As you opened your mouth to reply, your phone began to ring, vibrating in your pocket in between the fabric of your pants.
Pulling it out, you frowned at the sight of your boss’ name appearing on the screen. “It’s a work call – I’ve got to take this, is that okay?”
“They don’t normally call you at night.” Namjoon murmured aloud in thought. Your father nodded.
With a brief smile of thanks, you answered the call hastily and disappeared around the corner into the kitchen.
Namjoon felt his chest tighten involuntarily, the sudden realisation of being alone with your parents suddenly setting in. A hand clasped around his shoulder, and he turned to see your father smiling at him. He immediately recognised the grin - likening it to the one you would always flash him in times where he doubted himself.
“No need to be so worried son, whatever’s on your mind isn’t as bad as you think it is.”
Namjoon chuckled nervously, the corners of his lips twitching into a sheepish smile.
“It’s a little difficult to believe that when the thing that is worrying him is sitting very close by, dear.” Your mother chimed knowingly. Her eyes were still trained on the photo album resting on the low coffee table.
Namjoon looked up at your mother, eyes wide in disbelief and ‘Oh my God can they read me that easily?’
The grip your father had on his shoulder tightened ever so slightly, and then it relaxed, and Namjoon felt all the air in his lungs forcibly eject itself from his body.
“[Y/N] used to talk about you a lot, well before you both became an official couple.” The older man explained, rolling his shoulders as he leant back into the couch cushions. “Always going on about how smart and considerate you were, how funny you could be without trying... And I’m happy to see she was telling the truth.”
Namjoon felt his shoulders sag in relief.
“You’re a good man, Namjoon.” Your mother chimed in with a contented smile. “My husband and I – we don’t consider ourselves intimidating... We’re only concerned for our children. All we really care about is if you make [Y/N] happy...”
Her fingers danced across the photos trapped in the album, the aging figure on the page grinning happily at the people watching them.
Namjoon found himself laughing, shaking his head in complete disbelief. “That’s exactly what [Y/N] said earlier today... I can see where she gets it from.”
“The sooner you start listening to her, the better.” Your father chimed with a hearty laugh. “You should also trust me when I say that you’re a part of this family – no if’s, and’s or but’s about it. So if you have any worries, anything bothering you or the like, you let us know, and we’ll do whatever we can for you.”
Namjoon smiled in thanks, however before he could reply you re-emerged from the hallway, a little more frazzled than you had been a few minutes prior.
“Everything okay, baby?” Namjoon inquired, redirecting your attention back to your company for the evening.
You nodded, “I have to get a few things ready for a presentation tomorrow; Mr Lee requested some last minute changes.” You replied sheepishly. Concern flashed across your boyfriend’s features.
“Did you want to leave early then? If that’s okay with your parents?”
You began to shake your head, only to have your father interject quickly. “If you need to go because of work then go- we can always have another dinner next time you both are free. Maybe before Namjoon has to leave for that tour you were telling us about.”
You glanced at your boyfriend, noticing the look of relief washing over his face at the pleasing tone wrapped around your father’s voice.  You smiled gratefully, both you and your boyfriend moving about to gather your things scattered around the lounge room.
No less than twenty minutes later, you were both in your car, pulling out of the driveway while your parents waved from the front door. In the backseat were three white plastic bags tied off at the handles containing packed containers of leftovers from the dinner – one for you, two for Namjoon and the boys for lunch. Your parents had been adamant on it, and you knew the boys weren’t ones to shy away free food at any rate.
You looked at Namjoon from the passenger side and smiled. “My dad seems to like you a lot.” You commented, watching as his lips quirked into a small smirk. He shrugged nonchalantly. “What happened while I took my call?”
“They told me the most embarrassing story about you as a kid; we were actually having a grand time before you came back.”
You froze. “They told you the slide story?”
“No, but now the next time I see them I will definitely ask.”
You shoved his shoulder, feeling the car swerve slightly at the action. “I hate you.”
“Well that’s terrible since I’m practically family now.”  He laughed, eyes curving into crescent moons. You rolled your eyes.
“I told you so, didn’t I?” You retorted, “My parents love you and you had nothing to worry about.”
Namjoon didn’t reply. Instead he removed on hand from the steering wheel and took your hand closest to him in his grasp. There was a comfortable silence between the two of you as you held hands, which was quickly broken by your boyfriend.
“So when’s the next dinner? I’m excited to hear this slide story.”
“Oh, you’re never going to hear that story – over my dead body.”
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powerranks · 7 years
Power Rankings, Week 7
I’m back, I have a few hours to kill since I get a late start at work tomorrow. I really am gonna try to be consistent, but Beshoy, Anthony, Dyl, and anyone who I’ve ever forgotten that has contributed to these can attest to how strangely long it takes. Anyways, the NFL is weird this year. Are the fucking Eagles the best team in the league? How weird is that to think about? There’s so much parity and we don’t know shit about most teams on a week to week basis, making fantasy all that much harder. It seems a new random player explodes for a shitload of points every week, players who weren’t previously consistent are all of a sudden consistent but we still don’t fully trust them because of their reputations (examples: Agholor, Hogan, Alex Smith). Five years ago, you had an extremely firm grasp on who was good and who wasn’t, and this year nobody has any idea. Not even....
1. Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony “all your players could die spontaneously, and whoever you play’s players will fumble one time then all die spontaneously” Mendola) (7-0) (LW: 1)
It’s just getting ridiculous. The only thing that’s cool for us is that two of the last three weeks, you’ve looked shockingly vulnerable. Last week you really only won because Amari Cooper turned into 2007 Randy Moss and because Bailey got hurt. I think some of the consistents on your team are strangely slowing down, even if it’s just slightly. Hunt has been 10 a week for quite some time now instead of the 30 point a game guy he was earlier in the year. Cam has looked absolutely awful for two straight weeks (even though he got 21 two weeks ago, you KNOW he didnt play anywhere near deserving that amount of points), Hogan is quite clearly touchdown dependent, you know you can’t trust cooper yet, and Ingram is at the very least losing some carries to Kamara. I’m not suggesting your team is bad, let’s just face the fact that you can’t possibly be as confident in your team as you were three weeks ago. I still think you win this week, because you yet again catch another break since this happens to be the fucking week you play...
2. Fournette About It (Jack “your team looks like this is a 4 man league” Cleek) (5-2) (LW: 2)
This is like if the Warriors and the Cavaliers played each other and Durant and Curry just decided to take the day off. It’s a damn shame that your ACTUAL two best players and the #2 kicker aren’t playing against that fucking piece of shit. But wow, if I were to bet on anyone winning the league right now, it’d be this team. You have absolutely zero holes. Nobody can even touch your RBs, even without Zeke. Brown-Diggs is the best duo of receivers anyone has, and I’m kicking myself for dropping Wentz. Dude is a fucking stud. This is by far and away the best team in the league, were it not for two close losses Anthony would be the clear second fiddle. Anthony literally agreed with this.
The “6 of us were within 9 points of each other this weekend and honestly I am real close to not assigning numbers and just writing shit about each team” Tier
fuck it, im making more tiers within the tier just to make it even more frustrating for myself
The “playing a slumping Chris and tony back to back really masks/is going to mask how much our teams are bad” Tier + beshoy
3. Scott’s Penis (David “I have never been less scared of a 4-3 team” Chinchilla) (LW: 4)
The only reason I’m here is because of upside? I’m currently texting Beshoy and he said I was a poor man’s Anthony and Jack. I think I’m more of a homeless man’s Anthony (not Jack, Jack is better) I have three (in theory) good RB’s, a good (can he keep it up?) QB, and serviceable but wildly under-performing WR’s. Other than two weeks where my team took a total shit, my team’s actually been pretty decent? It’s insane that that’s enough to put me at 3. It all comes with the caveat of the tier though, I’m smack dab in the middle of the least tough part of my schedule (No offense Scott/Chris/Tony this week). Probably gonna lose to Tony now for talking shit tbh. But hey, I have two straight weeks over 100 and that’s something to be proud of considering that nobody fucking scores in this league. 
Also pictured: Me, after trading AP for the number one Fantasy QB
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4. Green Evans and Kam (Beshoy “I can’t stress how much I hate your team name because it’s an Alex team name” Halim) (3-4) (LW: 6)
Second unluckiest loser last week behind Scott imo but you have an argument to be first. So many things had to go wrong. But honestly, look at your starting lineup! It’s SO much better than I think you or anyone perceives it to be. Gordon-Kamara would start for pretty much any team outside of Jack, Anthony, and maybe me. AJ Green and Evans will combine for 35+ far more frequently than they combine for less than 20. ASJ is apparently Hunter Henry from last year. Your QB and flex spots are the only things that aren’t great, which is a huge bummer considering you should have Aaron Rodgers on your team. If you can stream properly and just figure out someone who can get you 8 a week in the flex, this team is WAY better than I thought it was until I looked into it. The way you sulk IRL made me think your team sucked but it really doesn’t.
5. 420 Blountz (Alex “I have never been less scared of a 5-2 team” Ahn) (5-2) (LW:10)
I mean...Beshoy was downright disrespectful for making you 10 but I also totally get his argument. Your team hasn’t played bad but like...this is a boom or bust team that thinks 95 is a boom. (my team is the same way tbh) Again, I wanna stress that your team hasn’t played that bad but you just went through the really soft part of your schedule (again no offense Tony/Chris/Scott) and the teams coming up are slightly tougher outs. You have better WR’s, but the difference between my team and yours here is that you have no RB’s. I don’t trust Jones yet, Blount has been meh for three straight weeks, Marshawn is honestly awful, and don’t @ me about literally any of your other rbs lol. I consider RB’s more consistent than WR’s and my RB’s are better than yours and that’s the difference here. But really we kinda have the exact same team, idk man someone just gift wrap the trophy to Jack or Anthony already it’s wild I can’t find consistently good things to say about the god damn 5th ranked team in my ranks.
Also pictured: Alex after getting Aaron Jones for the Matt Ryan regression year
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The “this might be flipped if Gordon scored on one of his 4 chances from the 1 or if Elliott had made that FG” Tier
6. Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dylan “Legally change your name to Dyl already” Jessop) (4-3) (LW:5)
Jordan Reed’s creamy, chunky nut and Elliott reverse nutting into his own body saved your life Monday night. Let’s be real, you got super lucky. Anyways, I can’t really tell you where you’re good outside of Cousins and your WR’s. Your RB’s are wildly inconsistent (I really think Gilislee is droppable, and CJ is losing touches on a bad offense). You’re in bye week hell, but is it weird that I don’t think you got that much worse because of it? Nelson has to still figure it out with Hundley and Murray hasn’t been phenomenal anyways. Not having Engram REALLY hurts this team, which is honestly all I have to type to show how much you depend on a few dudes. 
7. Mixon It Up (Alec “Trading to make his team worse since 2kforever” Bernstein) (2-5) (LW:3)
I told Beshoy last week that I’d rank you super high as long as the points kept coming. I unfortunately was too busy to write rankings during your good weeks, but don’t think I didn’t notice the really nice run you had for about 4 weeks. Losing OBJ was a bummer, but giving Beshoy AJ Green and Kamara for peanuts was a really bad move. Fantasy Football is a stars game, not a depth game. Depth is nice, but who cares if your bench players do well if your starters aren’t being maximized? Green and Kamara would both start on your team RIGHT FUCKIN NOW. Obviously the trade would look a lot better if Rodgers hadn’t gotten hurt, but even with good Davante I think you lost the trade by a long shot. Martin has been slightly worse than Kamara, and nobody’s ever taking good Davante over AJ Green. I like your RB’s, I like your tight end, and I like Wilson as much as the next guy, but imagine the same team with AJ Green...
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8. Scott’s Jizz (Scott “I am so sorry” Felgenhauer) (3-4) (LW:7)
You were so close. You were supposed to be the chosen one. But Anthony called in another favor to the league office and injured Dan Bailey. Either way though, your team isn’t scary even a little bit, but it has some sort of retard strength. It’s like a poor man’s version of Dylan’s team, Good QB, good receivers. Unfortunately, there is zero semblance of a flex and your RB’s are somehow worse than his. I’ve doubted you most of the year, and you usually pull out a win after I doubt you, but I can’t have faith in a team starting Powell and James White on a weekly basis. I just can’t. You need to trade Kelce or Ertz and make sure you get a RB back somehow. 
The Unlucky Bottom Bois
9. Hammer (Tony “I still think he’ll be back somehow” Mendola) (1-6) (LW:9)
It’s just been the year from hell, Tony. You’ve outscored most of us this year but you can’t seem to catch a break. Your team isn’t bad, it just has consistently underperformed. Brady is good, Freeman is good, Jarvis Landry will be better with Matt Moore, but Hilton is good when Luck is in, and Luck may not play. McCaffrey has underwhelmed. Fitz is only good with Palmer, not Stanton. Tight end is a mess on this team. I think you’re more than capable of winning most of your games from here on out, but it may not be enough. I hope it does turn around, you cheering out at the bar is one of the more fun things to watch. Just start doing it next week. 
10. Smallerwood (Chris “Matt Bryant was a microcosm like Beshoy said” Gatzow) (1-6) (LW:9)
Much like Tony, this team is good it just underperforms almost every week. Brees-Howard-Julio-Baldwin is a KILLER top 4. Delanie Walker is a great TE. Only Brees and Howard have lived up to their name. The falcons are singlehandedly killing Julio, I really don’t get why he’s not doing better than he is. The Matt Ryan regression tour bus has apparently picked up Julio. Baldwin is historically a second half player, so he could turn around, but it may all be too late. It doesn’t help that you have no flex. Coleman should be startable weekly, but there’s nobody else serviceable here. I hope Montgomery comes back and outperforms Jones for your sake. I really thought your team was the best team before the season and after Week 1, it’s just been the worst possible scenario.
Hammer (Tony) over Scott’s Penis (David)[upset special on my own dam self bb]
Scott’s Balls 12-4-16 (Anthony) over Fournette About It (Jack)
Smallerwood (Chris) over Scott’s Jizz (Scott)
Anthony’s Golden Taint (Dyl) over Mixon It Up (Alec)
Green Evans and Ham (Shoy) over 420 Blountz (Alex)
Last Week: 3-2
Season: not even sure anymore
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