#imagine all the April fools pranks you can do with it
cosmerelists · 6 months
Cosmere Characters: Would They Be Good at Pulling Pranks?
Yesterday was April 1, aka April Fools Day, a holiday that encourages people to pull pranks. So that got me wondering: if such a holiday existed in the Cosmere, would various Cosmere characters be good at this whole "pranking" thing?
1. Syl: Yes, but only of one type
Syl is a prankster in canon: she likes to stick things together! Your shoes to your floor, your hand to your spear, your butt to your chair...so yes, she is great at pranks. I bet if April Fool's Day existed in the Cosmere, she would be an absolute menace.
2. Lopen: Depends on who you ask...
I think Lopen's pranks would be like his jokes: not intended to be mean, but actually kinda mean. In Dawnshard, Lopen came to learn that his jokes were not universally fun and beloved, and I feel like his journey with pranks would necessarily be similar. He'd love pulling them, though!
3. Wayne: Yes, and everyone has fun
Sanderson once said that the difference between Lopen & Wayne is that Wayne can read the room. So I think Wayne would not only like pranks, but would also be more aware of their effect. Like...if Lopen is tying your shoelaces together when you're late for work, Wayne is putting googly eyes (which he invented) on all of your family photos while you're out.
4. Sarene: Yes (mostly against Iadon)
Sarene, Miss Malicious-compliance-and-weaponizer-of-other-people's-misogyny, would love an excuse to "accidentally" prank Iadon. She'd either do really obvious pranks and blame them on feminine confusion ("Oh dear I just wanted to clean but I guess washing your portrait ruined it??") or do really sneaky pranks that no one could trace back to her (cut to Sarene secretly weakening the seams on all of Iadon's clothing so that a good sneeze will make them all fall off).
5. Kaladin: Not anymore
We know that in canon Kaladin pulled pranks as a kid--he told Tien to save a lurg to dump in their dad's bath later. But I feel like nowadays, Kaladin is too gloomy and glowering to pull pranks. He might just enjoy Syl's sometimes though...
6. Steris: Maybe they're just not the most creative...
I think that if a Pranking Holiday existed, Steris would study up and do a textbook prank. Like, she's replacing Wax's sugar bowl with salt, and then he drinks a sip of salty coffee, and then she says, "Ah ha! You have been Pranked per the Social Conventions of today's Holiday!" And Wax would be genuinely delighted.
7. Dalinar: No--not at any point in his life
Blackthorn Dalinar would think a prank is "stabbing a guy in the leg and laughing." Modern-day Dalinar would be puzzled that anyone actually does pranks--aren't they, you know, kinda beneath you? The Codes would DEFINITELY not allow them.
8. Sigzil: No, too much paperwork
The Prank Authorization Form is 7 pages and takes 5 weeks for review and approval. Who has that kind of time???
9. Lift: Yes, absolutely
I can see Lift positioning buckets of water over, like, Dalinar's door or slicking the floor right as that merchant she saw yelling at kids walks by. Now--imagine Lift & Syl going on a prank spree together. You're welcome.
10. Hoid: Nobody knows
Hoid put paperclips in the pockets of every single one of Elhokar's outfits. He put edible glitter into Rock's stew, turning it into Glitter Stew. He found one of Kaladin's buttons on the ground and straight-up ate it while making direct eye contact.
But...were any of those things pranks? Were they plots? Were they just Hoid being Wit?
Nobody knows.
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thankskenpenders · 1 year
It's a bit late, but I figure I have to touch on the big news from today, which is that for an (early) April Fools celebration Sega went and released a free visual novel about Sonic getting murdered
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Here's a thing you should know about me: I am deathly allergic to ironic visual novels, and the related trend of announcing dating sims (which are synonymous with the medium of visual novels as a whole to many people) on April Fools
Aside from an incredibly small selection of titles that have seen wider success, it feels like much of the game industry is only willing to acknowledge visual novels as a punchline. And said jokes about dating sim stereotypes have been done a million fucking times by now. They're parodies of parodies of parodies. Even when these prank dating sims actually go and get made rather than just being a few fake screenshots, it feels like it's just because VNs are seen as cheap, disposable entertainment compared to "real" games. Companies can afford to commission some bullshit like the KFC dating sim and write it off as a marketing stunt. And it works. These games will get widely reported on for being so ~wacky~, while devs pouring their hearts into doing sincere, interesting work with the medium of visual novels are usually out of fucking luck. It's so, so tiring. The fact that this happens like clockwork every year has made me come to dread April Fools Day
So imagine my surprise when The Murder of Sonic the Hedgehog drops out of nowhere and it's actually one of my favorite Sonic games in years
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Aside from the intentionally tongue-in-cheek, attention-grabbing title (and Sonic doing the Family Guy Death Pose), there isn't an ounce of irony here. It's just a straight up whodunnit VN set on a train, albeit a lighthearted and pretty easy one. It's still a Sonic game, after all, and Sonic games are for kids. But it's so clearly made out of a place of love, both for the characters and for murder mysteries, rather than being a parody that's constantly winking at the camera and going "haha, isn't this absurd that this even exists at all?" Forget that. This wants to tell a genuinely good little Sonic story. Not to mention how gorgeous all of the artwork is throughout, with character illustrations from IDW cover artist Min Ho Kim (AKA deegeemin)
Like, for real. I've wanted the Sonic games to explore the supporting cast more for years, and I can't believe the game to finally do it is a murder mystery visual novel released for April Fools. This might be one of the best showcases of the cast... ever, in the games? The script from Ian Mutchler is so, so great, with fun and cute moments for everyone involved. And, smartly, you see the cast through the eyes of a new character (I named them "Blorbo") who isn't necessarily familiar with things like Blaze being a princess from another dimension, making this a surprisingly valid way to introduce people to the supporting cast. I'd say more, but it's a short game, so I think everyone should just go out and play it if you haven't already
There is still part of me that wishes a Sonic visual novel like this could've been greenlit for release any other day of the year, rather than being yet another April Fools visual novel. But regardless of the excuse they used to make it, I'm extremely happy that this exists
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abiiors · 6 months
birthday wish - matty x reader
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part 1 of matty's birthday weekend a/n: this is scheduled. by the time this goes up, i will (hopefully🤞🏼) be on a beach somewhere, day drunk 😌 cw: very vague and brief descriptions of a panic attack, alcohol and drinking, mayhem is still with matty here because that's how it should be. also...a smidge of angst, idiots friends to lovers wc: 3.1k
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“matty you fucking dick!”
her screech echoes throughout the lower floor of his house and matty bursts out laughing. george stirs on the nearby sofa, huffs something unintelligible and goes back to sleep. 
it’s 9 in the morning the day after they’ve had a late night out, no one should be awake at such an ungodly hour… least of all him. but matty has a mission to accomplish, the fucking childish prank he’s been planning for weeks to see through. 
and this scream—her calling him a “fucking dick”—is the precise reaction he’s been hoping for. 
seconds later she stomps out of his room and matty damn near pisses himself at the sight of her—dripping in water like a wet, angry cat, her t-shirt clinging to her body in all the damp spots and hair as green as an oompa-loompa's. even like this she’s a vision.
“what the fuck did you do?!” she yells again, absolutely fuming. 
between peals of laughter, he somehow manages three words. “happy april fool’s.”
“oh don’t you fucking dare. watch your back healy, i swear to god…”
and then all the yelling wakes george up who takes one look at her and flinches back. he actually flinches back letting out a string of curses in the process until his butt hits the floor. 
matty doubles over, clutching his sides, and wolf-whistles at her just to piss her off a little more. 
“hair dye in a shampoo bottle, how clever,” she huffs, crossing her arms in front of her until the damp  t-shirt sticks to her boobs and the wind gets knocked out of matty’s chest. 
suddenly, nothing is funny—not the green-tinged puddle of water near her feet, not the way her nostrils flare in anger. 
matty’s breath hitches in his throat, and perhaps for the first time he looks at her properly. the damp t-shirt ends halfway down her thighs, bunched up on one side so he can almost see the little group of freckles on the apex of her thigh. the anger makes her eyebrows furrow, makes a small crease appear right between them and matty wishes so desperately he could smooth it with his thumb. his hands tremble at his sides and he tightens them into a fist. 
finally, after what feels like an eternity, george bursts out laughing. 
matty startles—he’d honestly forgotten george was even there, still waking up from sleep and now that he is fully awake, george bursts into a fit of obnoxious cackles. 
“what the fuck happened to you,” he teases to which she just lifts one finger and points it straight at matty. 
matty, despite everything, blushes to the roots of his hair. now that he’s started thinking all these thoughts about her he can’t fucking stop—can’t stop when she bunches the towel in her hands and throws it at him so quick that it makes the t-shirt ride up a bit more. can’t stop when she places her hands on her hips so that the contours of her chest stand out under the damp t-shirt.
he has half a thought to tackle george so he won’t be able to look at her anymore but matty suppresses the urge. barely. 
“i’ll get you back, healy,” she threatens and storms back to his room. 
sure matty was the one who offered to let her have a shower in his bathroom—one, so she could stay over with the rest of their friends for the night, and two, so he could execute the prank. but now he can’t stop imagining it—her under the shower (does she sing?) using his shampoo, his body wash. 
does she smell like him now? he’d die if he got close enough to find out. 
“alright, mate?” george jerks him out of his thoughts. matty turns around to see his friend stretching sleepily, but george’s eyes are still very much trained on matty. his lips are very much pressed into a thin line. 
“you both are insufferable, don’t get why you won’t just tell her,” he mumbles on the way to the kitchen pulling out a mug for himself. 
“don’t know what you’re talking about,” matty shrugs, perhaps a bit too quick and gets another mug out. he puts the kettle on boil, gets the coffee and sugar out.
the whole time george stays quiet but matty can feel his burning stare on the back of his head. 
only when the coffees are done and george takes the first sip does he speak. 
“sure you don’t,” he mutters in a dry tone and takes his phone out (definitely to text charli and gossip about matty’s love life. or the lack thereof.)
in his head he guesses the texts that are being exchanged between them.
he’s chickened out again. 
really? i fucking knew it, he’s never gonna get to it. 
right? she might as well date someone else. 
i should set her up with a friend…
and then shakes his head like that would get rid of the frankly ridiculous thoughts. his friends would never do that to him. they've already meddled and invested too much in his love life by now to give up so easily. besides, he’ll get to it. someday. eventually. 
he’ll get to it when his insides don’t feel like jelly around her. 
he’ll get to it when he feels a bit more brave.
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matty’s birthday wish has stayed consistent for the last two years. he wishes he could make a move. he wishes she were single—well, one of those things is true now. he’s no longer pathetic enough to yearn for a girl who’s already with someone else. 
he’ll never admit it to anyone but he did feel a bit of joy when she broke up with her boyfriend earlier that year—okay maybe a lot of joy when he saw how quickly she moved on. 
“we’d been growing distant for some time anyway,” she’d confessed when he checked up on her after the break up. “it was inevitable.”
and now that matty’s birthday gets closer and closer, he thinks of all ways to amend that wish. 
please fucking please give me the courage to just kiss her. 
he doesn’t know who he’s making the wish to. god?? he highly doubts it. the universe?? he scarcely believes in all that new age spirituality crap. the fucking candle company and the cake maker then. 
oh great vanilla bean who sacrificed itself for my cake… give me the courage to finally kiss her. 
he's got like a week still… if he wished every single day starting today, maybe it will come true. cake and candles or not. he's a grown fucking man, he can make a wish before blowing on a fag.
sometime around 5 pm he wakes up to an empty apartment, lingering taste of the sweet vanilla cake that she’d baked for him last year still so fresh on his tongue. 
there’s something else too… there’s the Moment that he’s not quite sure counts as a Moment even though he remembers it vividly—her fingers brushing against his lips while she was wiping away a bit of the frosting, nails grazing against his lips. just a touch too long. all of it—the intense stare, the looking away right after, the refusal to look him in the eye for the rest of the night—all of it feels like a Moment. but the rational part of his brain steers him away from that thought. 
she had a boyfriend at the time. she wouldn’t pine after someone else. least of all him. 
a somewhat humiliating memory resurfaces too—his own lyrics coming to bite him back in the ass—the speaker blaring “she’s got a boyfriend anyway” over and over again while he tries not to punch the dj. 
matty stretches and gets out of bed.
the utter silence feels nice for a change—nicer when half the house is bathed in golden light and he can just stroll through the house in search of some weed and crisps and pop. maybe call his brother and demand that mario kart rematch that’s so so long overdue. 
maybe he should let mayhem out into the backyard first. 
matty freezes in his tracks and slowly turns around, almost like he’s in a horror movie. 
he has not heard the dog bark once! usually mayhem is up and running at him the moment he senses him within a ten feet radius. today however, there’s no patter of paws on the floor. 
matty runs to check the little outdoor area where mayhem usually sits. even before he opens the door though, matty knows what he will find—an empty dog bed, possibly an empty food bowl. 
he lets out a low whistle and twists the door open. there’s an uncharacteristic, loud clatter and a second later he stands at the threshold, doused in hot pink glitter, dog-less, in the middle of his house. 
i’ll get you back, healy!
matty giggles to himself and takes his phone out of his pocket, trying not to get the glitter everywhere. (although by now it’s pretty much settled into his dna, he’s sure of it) 
she picks up on the second ring, followed by a very fake clearing of her throat. 
“did you steal my dog, darling?” matty launches straight into it, trying to hide the smile in his voice.
“no!” and then there’s a faint little yip in the background that sounds suspiciously like the one he hears daily. 
“right. that all?”
as gently as he can, matty dusts off the glitter in place and walks back inside in search of a mop or something. he needs to contain the carnage somehow, but on the phone she clears her throat again. 
“did anything else happen?” 
the little giggle in her voice is so obvious to him. matty imagines what she looks like on the other side—on her bed maybe, cuddled up with mayhem who secretly seems to prefer her so much more than matty. on her bed in just a t-shirt maybe… he reigns it in before the thoughts can progress any forward. 
“mayhem seems to have ran away.”
“oh?” then there’s a little silence, which instantly fills with the sound of paws on hard wood. “maybe he’ll come back,” she hedges, “maybe…once the dye in my hair goes away, who knows.”
“is that so?”
“yeah, just a hunch.”
the silence stretches on, none of them willing to hang up first. matty wonders if she’s sat there biting her lip, trying to stifle a laugh. matty wonders what it would be like if he were to bite her lip instead.
“still green?” he tries to tease, voice slightly breathy.
“still sparkly?” she quips back. and well…yes, he is. he’s sure he’s going to be for the rest of time.
“the day’s not over yet, sweetheart.”
sweetheart. where the fuck did that come from? matty runs a shaky hand through his hair and grimaces when it come away hot pink and sparkly. it’s all over his hair too… great.
“is that a threat, darling?” matty almost chokes at the word, his face heats up. fuckin’ hell… if this is what he’s like after one word…
“we’ll see about that tonight.” 
and then like a coward he hangs up before she can shake his composure any further. he closes his eyes and focuses on the birthday wish one more time—it might as well be today, he’s faux-celebrating his birthday later with a few people who can’t be there on the actual day. he just needs to get his shit together and…not fuck up.
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he fucks up almost instantly. 
when he walks into the dimly lit pub, he can spot the green-head right from the door. she’s in a flowery blouse and jeans and pulling the hair off so well that he wonders if he should have done this months ago. but matty shakes off his jitters and walks up to his friends. 
several of them are already pretty tipsy, singing and dancing along to the tunes. he is fashionably late after all. they greet him, slapping him on the shoulder as he passes by, drunkenly yelling “happy birthday” even though it’s a week away. graciously, he thanks them all, laughing and joking with his friends before making his way to her. 
turns out the list of tipsy people also includes her.
she beams when she sees him, hurrying to put her cocktail away so she can throw her arms around him. a second later her perfume invades all his senses. matty closes his eyes and takes a deep breath of it. 
“i was waiting for you,” she declares, a few words coming out slurred. “i’ve decided i like the green.”
“yeah? it looks beautiful on you.”
quickly she wrinkles her nose, stepping away from him. “you’re making fun of me!”
“‘m not!” he vehemently defends himself but in the end it’s all in good fun. fondly, she rolls her eyes and grabs his hand, pulling him to the bar. 
“i asked them to set aside this one bottle of wine for you. feel like you’d like it.”
a strange warmth spreads through him—it’s not the most special thing someone’s done for him, it’s just a bottle of wine. but then again nothing is just something when it comes to her. 
she thought about him. she’d been thinking about him. however briefly. 
matty almost leans across and kisses her then but thinks better of it. a crowded pub is no place to do it. 
turns out his first mistake of the night is drinking the wine. well… drinking too much and too fast anyway. 
what starts off as slow sips and savouring the red quickly turns into glasses of wine in a corner while they joke around and giggle uncontrollably. she’s flushed, twinkly-eyed and a bit more than tipsy now. 
matty, on the other hand, might very well be drunk. 
he feels the effects of it—the feeling of his blood being replaced by wine, the buzz in his head, the lack of filter in his words. oh, his head is going to kill him tomorrow.
he doesn’t mind though, anything to be sat here across from her, giggling over an overpriced (but delicious) bottle of wine. matty leans forward, chin on the palm of his hand and watches her laugh at his silly joke. 
“you’re gorgeous, did i tell you that?” for a moment he doesn’t recognise the voice. it’s slurred and deeper than usual and that’s not something he’d ever admit to her so casually. but then she giggles and ruffles his hair, laughing harder when her fingers come back, coated in a bit of glitter. 
“you’re so drunk. but i appreciate it, thank you.”
“no no, i’m not! i mean i am but— i mean it i—” he’s wide-eyed and failing to explain just how much he means it. matty just wants her to understand. this is not some frivolous confession of a wine-addled brain, this is serious. he is serious. 
desperation overrides any sane instinct in his brain. which is his second mistake of the night. 
the words come out faster than he can process them, faster than he can filter them and make them digestible. 
“you– you don’t know how long i’ve waited to say this. every time i get enough courage there’s either a boyfriend or something else. there’s always— fuck, forget all that. that doesn’t matter—”
“no, no listen to me, listen to what i’m trying to tell you.” 
the more he speaks (rambles) the more the smile slips from her face, replaced by something he can’t quite place. she’s not… disgusted by him, is she? he hopes not. that really would be the final nail in the coffin. 
“i’ve been trying—” he chokes, deeply swallowing more wine, “—been trying to tell you, i love you! i love you, i love you, i love you. i have for so long!”
and that’s when she pulls back entirely, leaning back into her chair as if she can’t put enough distance between them. her face shutters into an unreadable mask and matty feels panic bubbling up deep inside his stomach. 
shit shit shit. 
what has he done. 
oh god, he clearly wasn’t thinking straight. this wasn’t how it was meant to go. this wasn’t how any of it wasn’t meant to go. it was meant to be followed by a kiss and maybe more. it was meant to be followed by an “i love you too”. 
not… indifference. 
or worse… disgust. 
which is when he makes his third (and perhaps the worst) mistake of the night. 
matty laughs. it’s hysterical and sharp and verging on cruel. he laughs until he can feel the tears in his eyes and he can only hope they don’t spill down his cheeks. and then he says the words he can never take back. 
“oh god, look at your face. i was joking!”
“it’s still the first of april, did you forget?”
each word is like a nail being hammered into his heart. but matty hopes it would be enough. in two seconds she’d roll her eyes and laugh at herself for falling for it. in a minute they will go back to drinking and joking. matty can pretend. he’s become quite good at it. 
instead, she gets up so fast that her chair almost clatters to the ground. 
in the dim lightning of the pub, matty can’t see the tears gathered in her eyes. although that might be because his eyes are still blurry from his own tears. 
“you’re a cunt, matty.” she says the words with an eerie calmness, mechanically gathers her bag and phone and walks away. only then does he register the extent of what’s happening. 
the wine bottle falls to the floor and shatters when he drunkenly bumps into the table. red spills everywhere, soaking his shoes, the leg of his jeans. he hurries after her, tripping and falling as the full force of the alcohol hits him once again, calling out her name again and again. the music drowns it out. 
she’s out the door before matty’s even halfway across the pub. 
fuck… how did it go so wrong so quick. 
how did he mess it up so bad… 
he almost retches right there on the floor, grabbing a passer-by to steady himself. he needs to do something, he needs to make this right. he needs to…
he doesn't know what. his heart pounds in his chest and his throat feels so dry and tight he can barely speak, barely even breathe. matty sinks to his knees right there in the middle of the pub, gasping for breath. 
he doesn’t know what happens next, doesn’t remember much after that. all he remembers is the feeling of doom and the loud, odd rhythm of his heart. 
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This is no joke! I have a preview of Part 2 of "Dress Up" for y'all. The prank was that I said previously that I was taking a small break from writing but GET PRANKED cuz here's a sneak peak!
The ~~~ indicate flashbacks!
No active warnings for this part, only slight inferences of sexual things! But don't worry, there will be smut later in the chapter hehe~
"You know, if you don't quit pacing back and forth, you're gonna wear out the carpet," Husk remarked, attempting to get Lucifer's attention in his anxious state.
It had only been a week since the proposal and the wedding was already here. But this is what you both wanted; a nice quiet wedding with only a handful of people with everyone else in Hell being none the wiser. You had to beg Lucifer for the week you got in between, he was practically ready to say "I do" once he put that engagement ring on your hand. It may have seemed like you two were moving a little bit fast considering most weddings take months, sometimes years to plan out! But when you're marrying the King of Hell, there really was next to nothing to worry about when it came to your special day.
The new hotel was the perfect venue, complete with a beautiful ballroom that could rival any chapel on Earth. The guest list was extremely exclusive consisting of only the occupants of the hotel, minus one Radio Demon, not that he would attend even if he was invited. It was Charlie who suggested that he protect the hotel today from any threat that might make itself known. On top of that, Charlie was more than happy to be the officiant, as being the Princess of Hell granted her that authority. Money was no object to the Morningstar family, so no expense was spared.
But regardless of any of that, Lucifer couldn't help but worry. You had one other request for him after he popped the question.
"I hate to ask more of you after asking for a week to prepare," you started, putting on the last of your clothes that you had discarded during your fun little teasing display, "but..." Lucifer approached you suddenly and held your hand in both of his.
"My love, you can ask of me anything you wish. There is no limit when it comes to you. You've already given me the best gift of becoming my future bride. Anything in my power is yours for the asking, you just name it!" He leaned down and planted a small kiss on the back of your hand. You couldn't help but blush, he never failed to charm you.
"This may sound a little odd, considering what just took place a few minutes ago," you breathed out a sigh, "but...what would you say to refraining from any...intense intimacy?" Lucifer cocked his eyebrow and smirked, seemingly intrigued. "B-but only for this week, I promise! Kissing and cuddling would still be on the table, of course. And no deliberate teasing from me, that wouldn't be fair. I was just thinking that...I want our first night as a married couple to be special. And I figured holding off for the time in between would only heighten the experience. If that's not something you want, I completely understand that-MMPH," you were silenced by Lucifer's soft lips on yours.
"Oh darling, was that all?," he flashed his signature toothy grin at you. "That's hardly a request! I think that's a wonderful idea...n-not that I don't want to ravish you at any given time! But you're right, I couldn't imagine a better honeymoon than getting the chance to feel you again after being denied for a few days, even though it may feel like an eternity. I'll be on my best behavior; you have my word!"
And Lucifer was on his best behavior, for the most part, at least. There were a few instances where his hands had traveled a little too low on your body and some kisses became deeper than they should have. But both of you managed to make it through the week! But today was the day, and his anxiety was at an all-time high. You decided to sleep in separates rooms the night before, wanting the next time you saw each other to be at the altar. That was the plan, at least.
It had been a while since Lucifer had slept alone. Suffice to say he couldn't sleep. He assured you that he would be alright sleeping alone for just one night, but that ended up being easier said than done. The empty bed he laid in brought back painful memories of his first night without Lilith, something that still haunted him to this day. There would be times where Lucifer would wake up in a cold sweat, only to glance over to see you peacefully asleep, and he could breathe again. Anytime you felt him tug you closer to him in the middle of the night, you knew what had woken him up. He never hid his feelings from you when he confided in you about his ex, and you didn't mind that he would wake you when his nightmares overwhelmed him. You loved him and he loved you. You would never leave. So when you heard your door creek open in the middle of the night to see your fiancé standing in the door frame, you only smiled and gestured him to you.
"I-I'm sorry," he sobbed quietly, "I tried...I really did...I-"
"Hey, hey, shh, it's alright," you soothed and brought him into a tight embrace. You felt a tear that had fallen from his face make its way down your collarbone. "Don't cry, Luci, I'm not upset, not at all." You lifted his head up to wipe away his remaining tears. "Let's get some sleep. We have a big day tomorrow." You planted a kiss on his forehead, and from the dim red light that shown through your windows, you could see a small smile appear on his face. He laid down, his back facing you as you wrapped your arms around him and brought him flush to your chest. You could hear his breathing start to even about again.
"I don't deserve you," he murmured.
"You know I think the same thing every day," you responded.
He interlaced his fingers with yours at your words, squeezing you hand softly. "Promise me you'll never think that again. Please. You deserve everything and more."
"Alright," you conceded, kissing the back of his head, "as long as you promise me the same thing. You're my everything, and I'll spend the rest of my afterlife showing you that."
"Okay," he spoke weakly. You intertwined your legs with his, bringing yourself as close to him as possible. "I still intend to keep my other promise. I'll be gone before you wake up."
"You can stay as long as you need to," you whispered before drifting off to sleep once more.
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joesanrio · 1 year
Hiiii can I request a Jey uso X female reader where jey sees a post on social media saying reader is messing with Jimmy and it’s not true. But Jey still gets hot headed and stuff thank you ☺️
This!! I love this. I feel like I took this and ran with it- so please forgive me 🩷 a bit angsty :))
All over Twitter | J.U
Summary: Jey never liked how quickly he was bothered of something on social media, but he can’t help himself… especially when it comes to you.
Pairings: Joshua Fatu {Jey Uso} x fem!reader
Warnings: social media drama, delusions, arguing, cursing, stubborn!Jey, crying, bad angst (first time), rumors, mentions of cheating, not edited
Word Count: 1230
Ratings: Angst | 16+
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Jey scrolling through his social media was starting to become a daily thing, especially since the Bloodline storyline was starting to pick up. As much as he hated how people depicted him and his talents based on the 30-45 minutes they saw him a week, he never reacted. He kept any bad energy they sent towards him to himself, and pretended like he didn’t even see it. That was until he came across a tweet that had to do with you and his twin.
The tweet had about 92k views already, and 40k retweets. It was a video of you and Jonathan meeting up late at night, hugging before entering a random building. There was no context about what was happening except the obvious comments of;
Nah imagine thinking your girl safe from your own twin 💀💀
I CANT- poor Jey 🥲💔
No cause what abt my girl Trin?!?!
That Y/n? Do she not know how Trin can get down…😬
He couldn’t help himself but to keep scrolling through the comments, looking for some type of reassurance that it isn’t what he’s thinking. Jey always thought he knew where you were and what you were doing, maybe he was too blind by a false sense of trust. “Y/n!” He calls for you from the living room.
Your delicate footsteps making their way downstairs to the man sitting on the couch, you couldn’t help but smile at the gorgeous man in front of you. “Hi Baby.” Your lips plump and glossy as always, wearing Jey’s shirt with your little shorts. He looks away as he can feel himself getting flustered by your appearance, remembering the things he just saw not even a minute ago.
“You want to tell me anything.” His voice deep and stern before he lays back against the couch, your hips swaying a bit as you go to sit beside him.
Your freshly groomed eyebrows now in a confused furrow, “I like your haircut… I mean they could’ve faded the sides better but—” Jey’s head immediately snapping towards you.
Going silent as he rubs the side of his hair down before adjusting himself in the chair. “It’s cute!” I reassure as a small smile forms Jey’s lips before the smile drops quickly. “Appreciate it but that’s not what I’m looking for.” His eyes boring into yours, uncomfortably. Your hands starting to fidget together under his intense gaze, shaking your head ‘no’.
A loud sigh coming from his mouth as he picks up his phone, Twitter immediately popping up on the screen. “Look.” He hands you the phone before crossing his arms aggressively, your eyes falling onto the dim screen. Playing the small clip of you and Jon, not understanding the big deal until you scroll down to the comments.
A small scoff leaving your mouth as you go speechless by all the assumptions, “Those people are so miserable.” You hand the phone back before looking at Jey’s serious face.
“So, it’s the people now? Not the fact that you and my damn brother sneaking around at night?” He sits up almost giving himself whiplash. Feeling your heart drop at his demeanor, you couldn’t believe that the man you left everything and everyone for is accusing you of. “Joshua. You’re kidding…” Trying to understand what he’s getting at, this had to be some type of prank.
April Fools was a couple months ago though, and we did forget about it. “This is a joke. Ha-ha so funny babe.” A sarcastic laugh leaving you forcefully as you notice Jey’s gaze not changing.
Noticing the deep breaths, he’s taking is starting to concern you, “I’m not joking, are you screwing around with my brother? My twin at that.” He speaks calmly. Your eyes going wide at the audacity, “Joshua. Don’t be fucking delusional- if I was going to cheat do you really think that I would go to your twin brother?” Your voice high-pitched unintentionally.
His head shakes before wiping his hands on the edge of his knees. Jey loves you too much to believe this, he knows you wouldn’t, you couldn’t do that to him. Something subconsciously is saying otherwise, the fact that he no longer knows where you were and what you were doing is making him upset.
“Do you know how fucking embarrassing this is for me. To find out that you going behind my aback through social media.” He says out loud, hands rubbing down his face in a stressed manner. “I didn’t go behind your damn back! They’re clearly just making stuff up.” Your voice in a defensive tone,
Jey’s gaze on you turning into disappointment making your heart drop. His heavy footsteps leaving you in the living room as he goes upstairs assumingly to your bedroom.
The tension surrounding you, sitting in the now quiet room alone. Heart racing and head spinning, you felt like you were going to cry at any moment. The fact that he wasn’t listening to you just hurt worse, never did you think that complete strangers would have that much of an impact on you and Jey’s relationship.
The loud slam of a door snapping you out of your trance, “Joshua! What are you doing?” jumping from the couch and heading up the stairs quickly. His figure passing by with a suitcase, not bearing a glance towards you. “I’m going to stay the night with… well damn I don’t even know because I can’t go to my own brother!” Jey shouts before throwing the suitcase onto the bed.
He always tended to be overdramatic especially in disagreements, but never to the point where he was leaving. “You’re fucking crazy! Nobody did anything, it was clearly taken out of proportion. Stop acting like that!” You could feel the tingly feeling of anger starting to spread through your body. “Y/n, then what the hell were y’all doing? Because I didn’t even know about you going to see him? He didn’t tell me either!” He shrugs his shoulders as he waits for your response.
“I- nothing! We weren’t doing anything.” You stutter knowing that he can’t know the real reason you were meeting with Jon. Not liking the answer, he heard, he goes straight to the closet and starts ripping shirts off the hanger, “I’m so tired of being second place. So tired of looking like a fool! You say you weren’t cheating but you can’t even tell me what you were doing?” His hands flying as he shouts angrily. Going completely speechless as you watched him continue throwing things into the suitcase, chest heavy, before breaking completely.
Tears streaming down your face uncontrollably, this is ridiculous. Multiple solutions rambling through your head as you stood behind the fuming man. “I can’t tell you. But I promise I wouldn’t cheat on you.” The words practically forming together as you can barely speak while trying to control your breathing. Jey turns around to see you looking like a complete wreck, his eyes softening.
“Then imma go until you can tell me. Simple as that.” He says as he zips up his suitcase, your eyes looking in a panicked manner as he grabs his wallet. “Joshua! Don’t you think this is a bit dramatic?” You sniffle as he rolls his eyes at you.
“Hell yeah. But rather be dramatic than sitting and looking like a fucking clown.” He exits the room without even looking back.
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April Fools Pranks
did you cover his entire room in glitter?
and did you even… put it into his underwear!? what is wrong with you
using April first as an excuse won´t safe you
you better hope he won´t find you because he did not appreciate glitter everywhere
and you put glitter into his coffee or rather you replaced all of his instant coffee pulver with glitter
he drank an entire cup before realizing and this was only because Asmo looked at what was in the coffee tin
Satan and Belphie also saw what happened before he drank anything but they just quietly snickered to themself while taking pictures and recording the entire ordeal
Lucifer noticed what they were doing but he was to tired to connect the dots
you decided to put a bunch of chocolate coins into his room to see if he can find the difference
if he would have gotten more time I´m sure he would have found out by himself but Beel smelled chocolate and ate all of them
Mammon´s look of terror was pretty funny though until he noticed that it was all chocolate than it was just sad
and now you´re feeling a little bad because he looks really depressed, you don´t know it´s because he got tricked by chocolate or that he didn´t get a bunch of money
you might have sneaked him a picture of Lucifer you took which could make him a bit of money
you got him a cursed Ruri-chan plushie which will try to attack him every time he falls asleep
or maybe it is inhabited by an evil spirit? you can´t remember right now, but either way he´ll get annoyed
he was so scared when he saw it in front of him while he got up to start one of his games newest events
and of course you lied to him, like the liar that you are
Levi actually thought he was going crazy and prayed at his Ruri-chan shrine for forgiveness
actually you think that just made it worse, this managed to even freak out the doll
actually now that you noticed since that day it´s hiding from Levi
you replaced all of his books with blank copies, if he wasn´t ready to rip your head of for this he would have been almost impressed
but because in his mind you ruined all of his books he will hunt and kill you, what he doesn´t know is that his books are alright
you just replaced them with blank copies
the only reason he didn´t kill you was because he screamed in anger
and you decided the smartest choice would be to hide until he´s somewhat calmed down
you don´t really want to die and who knows how brutal it will be considering it´s Satan
you really hope he´ll calm down soon because who knows what he´ll do
who replaced all of his shampoo with dye!? and not even a Cute one!
If he finds out who it was he will kill them! which is your queue to hide and blame it on somebody else
and you hope he won´t find out you replaced his make-up with chalk and paint
he won´t enjoy this at all and you just got your death sentence
he also won´t like it that you used magic to replace his wardrobe, but only slightly so he´ll go insane wondering if he´s imagining it or if there are actually changes
actually maybe you should have just done that
I mean if you did that you wouldn´t have to hide in the dryer and hope Asmo won´t check in there
well there is hopefully a next year
originally you wanted to disguise some of Solomon´s cooking and feed it to him
but even you can sometime know when things would get to far
so you just cursed him to be unable to open the fridge
he can get food from anywhere but the fridge but you you made him a cake and placed it there
for him it was the worst betrayal you could have done
you made him food and locked it away, do you want him to starve???
yes he knows there is more than enough food for him but it wasn´t made by you :,(
and his sad act didn´t make you lift the curse, he will be glaring at you the entire day
you hide his pillow and cursed him to stay awake for 24 hours just for fun
you were originally planning to make it a forever curse but Lucifer said no :(
would have been funnier if it was a forever curse or it was just because your annoyed that he always sleeps in your bed
and he´s a very clingy Demon, especially when asleep
and also a Demon who despises staying awake :)
he will definitely want payback for this one and he will try to make you pay
especially during the times he isn´t allowed to sleep
you should sleep with both eyes open and find a way to knife proof yourself
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cerealboxlore · 2 years
hey so to add on to deaged billy, what if he as captain marvel often says “do good and good will follow” to the league, but as billy he ends up saying “no good deed goes unpunished”
i wanna see the league’s reaction to that
i also want him to have a super emotional scene where he saves someone despite the danger it puts him in and says with a breaking voice “sure no good deed goes unpunished, but it makes a difference. a small difference but a difference”
another thing i want is for when he turns back into marvel (assuming his identity isn’t discovered) that one of the leaguers (i’m imagining hal? idk tho) remarking on how feral he was as a child and marvel responding with the most feral grin to ever grin “who says i ever stopped?” and then switching back immediately to his normal marvellous self
I apologize for not getting to this ask soon enough, but wowie it has been dancing a real show stopping number in my brain cells for some time now.
First of all, I absolutely adore the "no good deed goes unpunished" motto for Billy as himself, seeing as when he is not Captain Marvel, he is more vulnerable to the truths and dangers of the world, and his experience in it has molded him into the pure of heart, yet bitter, child, he is today. Billy believes in the best in people and believes in doing good for others, but he doesn't believe in himself (to be worthy or deserving of anything good in return).
And I can totally see a scene happening where Billy continues to stand up against major threats and villains, despite only being in his mortal form with no magic or strength to him.
Maybe he's in Metropolis when a magical disturbance problem happens, and knowing Lex Luthor, he'd take advantage of a situation to take down superman with something he isn't good against. Lois Lane could be in danger while Superman is busy fighting a magical foe that Billy can't fight for once due to his inability to transform back into Captain Marvel, and seeing her about to get hurt pushes Billy to help her. He pushes her out of harms way but in doing so, leaves himself vulnerable to an attack and gets himself blasted across the room, injuring his tiny mortal self.
The pain is immense. It's worst than anything uncle Ebeneezer or muggers would make him feel. He knows that he's bleeding, he knows that his ribs cracked and heard his bones snap, but he refuses to lay down. Billy Batson may not have the powers of Captain Marvel at the moment, but Billy Batson, has the courage of Billy Batson.
He willingly stands up for what he believes in and is willing to fall for it, too. He doesn't care what others think, he just cares if they are safe.
Gosh, Imagine Billy Batson standing up to fist fight Lex Luthor. Small child gonna be roasting him for being bald and having an inferiority complex, haha. Or just kick him in the groin and run away 🏃‍♂️
As for the last thing you mentioned with Billy being a feral child, both in his mortal form and champion form, I love it. I am here for Billy being feral 24/7.
Superman: It's good to have you back as yourself, Captain. I have to say though, it was strange seeing you as the child you were. You were...how do I say this...
Hal: Feral. Rabid. An ungodly child who bit plastic man for stealing his doughnut.
Superman: Yes. What he said. If you don't mind me asking, what happened to you as a child that encouraged such good behavior and manners that we see in you in the present??
Hal: Pft, yeah, I think spooky wouldn't mind some advice on how to become a tame boy scout for his own herd of feral kids.
Captain Marvel, smirking: Well, hold on. You're assuming I stopped. I never said I did.
With the spirit of Billy in him, he gives them a wink with a cheeky smile, warning them of what was to come if he ever felt like it.
Feral Billy showing up in his Captain Marvel form reminded me of this fic on AO3, where Captain Marvel plays a prank on his coworkers about telling them his real age, then when they freaked out, said it was April Fool's. Cyborg knew though. Cyborg suffered in knowing the truth.
I'll reblog this with the link to the fic when I find it! I think you'd like it (if you haven't already read it).
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how would Heethan react to a hickey prank??
my idea:
when dropping y/n off at school, he briefly spots something on her neck but doesn’t get a chance to ask her because she gets off the car pretty fast so when Heethan texts her, she plays dumb the entire time and to make it worse, says it might have gotten from a guy 👀
well damn anon….😲😲😲😲 RIP to you and all the other readers…..at this point, you all behind saving. Not even I, can stop Heethan. Lol
Y’all really want to just experience Heethan’s brutality don’t you? Lol 😈 as you wish. One shot, not proofread so pls ignore mistakes. But this was a fun one… hehehe
nice knowing you…
April Fools
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The girls had introduced their traditional act of a prank draw for April Fools. Each person was to draw out a ticket from a fishbowl and commit to a prank against their boyfriend, and to your dismay, you drew out the worst possible one you could imagine, the fake hickey prank. 
Your heart fell into your stomach upon seeing the ticket, and you begged to swap it out but the girls were relentless in seeing you suffer at the hands of your man, considering everyone knew how Heesueng was with you.
He LOVED you…yet you felt like your life was about to be cut short after conducting this prank. 
In the girls bathroom, you became overwhelmingly nervous as it was closer to time when Heeseung would pick you up. The girls had collected a variety of purple, blue and even brown eye shadows and applied dabs of it on the side of your neck to make it appear as a real hickey. 
“Wow it really looks like a legit hickey.”
“Oh poor y/n hahahahahaha”
You stood there with your eyes closed, brows furrowed, and in complete fear as your hands began to shake. 
Not only did the girls enforced you to keep your ticket, they also made you wear one of Heeseung’s favorite mini sun dresses to add a bit of sting once you reveal the fake hickey, and tell him that you got it from another boy. 
“Okay, so you have to tell him that after he dropped you off, you skipped class with a boy. You’ll tell him that you were taking photos of you pretending to hug and cuddle with the boy as an “April Fools” joke, but then you got too carried away and let the guy continue in the midst of passion and he gave you a hickey. Got it?”
The girls scoffed and chuckled upon hearing the regulation of your prank. 
“I…I really don’t think I can do this…” you softly spoke, your voice shaken from the chills at imagining Heeseung’s face. 
“Come on Y/N, we all did ours. Just do it, it will be so fun. Well immediately tell and show him it’s fake after you pull his string for a few minutes.”
Nodding hesitantly, you reluctantly agreed. Suddenly H/N appears busting through the bathroom door. 
“Oh my God! Oh my God! Ethan’s here!” 
Your eyes widened and you grabbed on to one of the girls arms for dear life. 
‘No, no, no, no! God help me I’m going to die…’ 
They push you out of the girls bathroom, forcing you to make your way out of the exit. Seeing Heeseung’s car parked along the curb, you gulped. Unlike some of the other boys, Heeseung had so much on his plate that he didn’t even realize it was April Fools day. H/n made Jake promise to not reveal the date or the prank to him, since she had already got her fill and conducted her prank earlier in the day. 
Walking slowly up to his car, you wished, for once, that his windows were not tinted as you couldnt see his face through the glass. You wondered if he was already looking at you.
Your hair laid down, it was his favorite way of you wearing it, just all natural and free as it frames your face. 
Opening the door, you felt a chill run up your spine the moment you got a swift sniff of his cologne as you sat inside next to him on the front passenger seat. He was on the middle of sending out a mass group text to his peers to remind them of their assignments due date as he had assisted his professor with teaching and leading exam prep. 
As he remained focused on the screen, he speaks out, 
“Hey pretty baby, how was your day?”
You were so glad he was still staring at the screen, otherwise you would not have been confidant enough to answer right back. 
“…fine…how was yours?”
“Good. Just sending out a reminder real quick. Had a busy day.”
“Yeah, my professor left early so I had to-“
He glances up to see as your hair was all swooped over to the opposite shoulder, with some shorter layered pieces near the front falling along your neckline as it subtly covers the fake hickey…but not enough to go unnoticed. The very second he lifted his gaze he went silent, yet his eyes remained on your neck. 
Meanwhile, you tucked in your lips and stared out through your window, wincing your eyes shut as you took in the silence. You hear him put his phone down and as he continued to remain focused on your sight, you hear his hand lift up and reach over to you, in attempt to move the pieces of your hair away from your neck. 
“Uh I forgot something I’ll be right back!!”
You quickly ushered as you got out of the car and ran back inside the building. What frightened you even more was the fact that he didnt even try to stop you, grab on to you, yell or chase you down. 
‘He actually let me get away?’ 
Most times, Heeseung was quick to snag your wrist or your waist before you could even move an inch, yet this time, it appeared he was in such shock that he didn’t exhibit the viper strike speed of his hand like he normally did. 
You saw up ahead and watched as the girls all laughed and pointed at you, knowing full well they had watched through the window and were waiting for you to bust in, yet upon realizing that Heeseung wasn’t coming after you, everyone grew confused, as did you. 
“What the hell? Y/n, does he know it’s a prank?”
“No, I don’t think so…”
“Then why isn’t he coming for you?”
“I…I don’t-“
Suddenly your phone vibrates, a text from Heeseung came in…
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You nearly started to hyperventilate as you read his texts.
‘Oh my God…I’m dead…’
The girls all peered in as they took a glance at the text, which enabled them to enthusiastically remind you of the format in your prank. 
“Remember! You have to tell him it’s from a boy while you were skipping class!”   They all issued out and laughed, knowing full well that you were scared beyond shitless. 
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You stopped texting at noticing that Heeseung didn’t go on a rampage or rant out with his interrogational rant. There was absolutely no text back. 
After telling the girls of his lack of response, you began to tell them that the prank has to be called off, that you had taken it way too far. 
Suddenly the door behind you opens, turning around you see Heeseung walking slowly over towards you. His hat covered his eyes in their usual fashion, but there was something very eerie with the way he looked compared to how he normally did. And it wasn’t just the fact that his Ethan side had emerged. 
Not saying a word, his chin tilted down, he walks over, upon breaching you you noticed a pair of black, fingerless martial arts gloves adorning his hands. The sleeves of his black tanker jacket rolled a quarter way up, left completely unzipped as he displayed the semi-fitted white tee-shirt underneath, which subtly showed off his lean muscle. Earlier you thought he looked incredibly sexy with how his ensemble paired nicely with his straight jeans and boots. Now, you were terrified as he resembled a hit man for hire. 
The girls all rushed over to cover you and began explaining the prank as they hurdled around, taking notice of the man’s fierce demeanor.
“Ethan! Ethan! It was a prank! It was a prank, we all did the fishbowl prank like in high school. Remember? Remember Vicky used to do it to you?”
“Yeah it’s all good Ethan. It was a prank, y/n would never…”
They all fell silent and their eyes widened with fear as he ignored their words and continued to walk through them, his frame and slow pace pushes them off to the side as he walked into some of the girls that remained steadfast in blocking you, yet in the end, they all cleared the path at seeing his tenacity to get to you, despite how slow he was walking. 
You merely stood there with a look of fear and aloofness as your expression told him that you were flying the white flag of mercy. Your eyes began to start tearing up and getting glossy as he stood right in front of you.
He lifts his chin just enough to reveal and peek one eye from under his cap. The shadow still tinting his face as he looks into your eyes, a ghostly smirk appears from the side of his mouth. Reaching up, he gently placed his hand on the side of your neck, resting it on the corner of where the neckline meets the shoulder. With the extension of his thumb, he presses down on the mark, and drags it downward, smearing the eyeshadow, revealing that it indeed was fake, though it didn’t make you feel any better, especially at feeling the leather of those fingerless gloves, which you were deathly afraid at figuring what was going through his mind when he placed them on and came to find you. 
Still displaying his devilish smirk, he finally spoke.
“You in a mood to play pranks today, babydoll? Hmm?”
The combination of the low tone in his growling voice and the pet name reflected that he had totally gone to his Ethan side, lacking all the softness, rationality, and gentleness of his Heeseung side. 
You just stood frozen staring at him with the stinging moisture covering your eyes as you felt like you wanted to scream and cry. You felt scared…really scared. With your lips slightly parted, you watched as he slightly tilted his head to take a closer look at the fake hickey, before he shifted his shadowed eyes to you and grinned once more.
Upon hearing his question, the girls all started to rush in from behind him as they issued out words to explain yet again, that the prank was part of their yearly traditions. Yet the moment that Ethan snapped his head over, glaring a deathly gaze in his side eye to them, they all stopped, retracted, and looked away as they issued whispers of how great it was in knowing you. 
Turning his face back to you, his smirk re-appears. It was sinister, eerie, and teasingly deceiving.
You shook your head and finally responded to his question.
“Oh?” Here merely responds with his eyebrows raised.
He leans in and softly buried his face into your ear, softly taking in the scent of your hair surrounding it. You felt his mouth gasping open right over it, the vapor of his hot breath submerging directly into your ear canal as he softly kisses it in very slow motion. In between his soft and gasping kisses he finished his statement.
“I *kiss* think *kiss* you *kiss* are.” Each kiss was filled with a soft gasp, it was sickening and tenderly sweet with how his lips tapped on your ear as he softly and calmly spoke into it with his deep and alluring voice.
“Well since you’re in a playful mood, let’s go and…play.” 
Quietly taking you by the hand, he leads you out of the building, still walking at a slowed pace, which made you feel even worse. His grip on your hand tightened the moment you exit the building. Guiding you into your seat, he walks around and seats himself, driving back to his room as if nothing had happened. The car ride was silent and awkward, all you could do was sit there and stare at the flooring of the car while your hands remained on your lap. 
You tried to apologize, feeling terrible at how the whole thing turned out. 
“I’m sorr-“
His shushing cut you off as he stared at the road, yet the moment he issued it, his eyes widened and that sinister smirk re-appeared. Even though he was looking at the road, you felt ultimate fear upon seeing it from the side. 
Finally, you both arrived at the frat house. Getting out, he walks over and takes you by the hand and leads you out of the car and into the house. Walking in, you shuddered at the fact that he was still walking in a calm, quiet, and slowed pace. The moment he started to lead you up the stairs, you heard him humming…
Whoa, whoa, whoa
다시 chaconne now
Whoa, whoa, whoa
Chaconne now
“Ethan, what song are you humming?”
He merely grinned and chuckles without looking back at you. 
Entering his room, he guides you in first.
Reaching behind, without breaking his gaze on you, he locks the door, takes the key, and tosses it off the side without even looking at where it went. You hear the metal sound of the key bouncing off the floor, that was when you felt internal panic. 
Still humming and grinning, he passes you as he heads over to his closet, where he started to dig out something. 
“Ah-ha. Found it.”  He calmly stated, nearly in a whisper.
‘Found what?’ You wondered.
Taking out a gym bag, he pulls out something that you couldn’t make out. 
“Here.” He calmly states.
Tossing the item to you, he follows on with “Put it on.” His tone still deep, low, and calm.
You looked at him in confusion as you held the piece in your hand.
“Wh- what is it?”
He smirks.
You’ve packed his gym attire and did his laundry countless times, never have you once seen this item inside his bag, he must have gotten it within the week while you were so busy with your class work, it was the only time you hadn’t gone into his bag to clean his clothes.
Upon hearing your question, he tilts his head and smiles yet again. His grin was so….
“Ah, that’s right. You’ll need instructions on how to put it on, won’t you?” 
Devilishly grinning, tilting his head, bearing a slight bit of teeth as he eerily stares his smile your way, he reaches into the bag…not even breaking that sinister gaze or smirk away from you.  A chill stuns your spine.
Grabbing a piece of paper that was neatly folded, he tosses it to you. 
“Now…go put it on for daddy.” He chuckles.
You unfold the paper, it displayed instructions on how to put on the item properly.
It wasn’t until you saw the image of the item in proper wear that your body was jolted with lightening bolts of fear and panic. Your breathing heightened to an unsteady state.
Looking up at him, you saw that he stood, still grinning and looking at you with wide, piercing eyes while the shadow of his cap hovered over half his face.
Chuckling, he lowly spits out.
“Let’s play.”
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the next day….
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Enjoyed this piece? Show love and treat your girl to a cup of coffee. ♥️  ☕ Ko-fi: ko-fi.com/reinbow
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theoi-crow · 2 years
Repurposing Modern Holidays for your gods!
Hey it's been a while!
A lot has happened in my life but I wanted to make a quick post about something that has greatly helped me incorporate the holidays for the gods into my life:
I was inspired by Valentine's day (which I have renamed "Love Day" when I repurposed it and dedicated it to Eros, Aphrodite and Ares) to talk about: Repurposing Modern Holidays!
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You can repurpose any modern holiday and use the energy it generates to dedicate to your gods.
This can also help you better incorporate their celebration into your life without life getting in the way (like not being able to take time off from work/school, etc).
It's not something that's necessary, you can celebrate your gods anytime you'd like But I wanted to post this for people like me who might want to join in the general celebration of whatever holiday is being celebrated and repurposing its energy for the god whose vibe matches it!
I did this last year with Christmas and celebrated the birth of Dionysus instead. It was the first time I was able to celebrate the pagan aspects of Christmas again!
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Today Cupid and Eros are everywhere!
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They're in movies, pictures, "Be my Valentine" cards, etc. They have taken over our collective consciousness and have become the epitome of what we imagine love to look like.
Out of all the popular holidays, this is the only holiday one where the visual representation is a Greek/Roman god (at least it is in the US, please ignore this if it's not true where you're from!).
Why would you want to repurpose a holiday instead of making up your own?
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There are plenty of reasons to make up your own holiday, especially for days that are of sentimental value to you like winning your first gold metal and you can also repurpose a whole month like dedicating all of October to a witchcraft god like Hecate.
Most places force people to take federal holidays off so why not dedicate those days to your gods?
Every holiday has a specific vibe to it, for example, today I saw a lot of people carrying flowers so you can also dedicate this day to Persephone along with love gods like Eros, Aphrodite, the Erotes, etc.
Every holiday also collects a specific kind of energy, and it collects a lot of it made by the general public who are already celebrating it. You can gather all of that energy and dedicate it to a specific god who you think will like it.
Here's an example of American Holidays one can repurpose the gods they can potentially repurpose it to:
Disclaimer: I'm using the American Holidays as an example because I live in the US but you can do this with any country's holidays, also the gods I recommend are just examples, you can also dedicate the holidays to whichever god YOU would prefer):
Valentine's Day: Eros, Aphrodite, Psyche, The Erotes, Persephone (cus of all the Flowers), Ares (because of the passion)
April Fool's Day: Hermes, Dionysus, Eros (because he canonically likes pranks)
Easter: Persephone, Demeter, Aphrodite, Dionysus, etc.
Mother's Day: Hera, Demeter, Aphrodite (or any of the goddesses that have children)
Father's Day: Zeus, Poseidon, Hades (or any of the gods that have children)
Memorial Day: Zeus, Athena, Ares, Hephaestus (he makes weapons)
Independence Day: Athena, Zeus, Ares, Hephaestus (he makes fireworks)
Labor Day: Hephaestus, Hermes, Artemis (because of hunting), Apollo
Halloween: Hecate, Artemis, Persephone, Hades, Hermes, Thanatos (any of the death gods)
Thanksgiving: All the gods but especially food and family focused gods like Demeter, Hestia, Hera, Zeus, Persephone, Leto, Apollo, Artemis (because of her love for her pact), etc.
Christmas/Yule: Dionysus, Demeter, Zeus, Semele, (any of the winter gods)
New Year's: Dionysus, Apollo, Fortuna, Zeus, Hermes, Hephaestus (fireworks but also starting fresh new projects)
These are just the general vibes that I get from different holidays and the gods that I would assign them to but you're welcome to do what you feel is best for you! Remember that this post is designed to give you ideas that'll make it easier to incorporate your gods and their celebrations into your everyday life!
I hope these help!
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legendofmorons · 1 year
Could I request reader who is platonic soulmates with Legend? Either headcannons or a story whichever you prefer.
~ 🍀
Of course you can! I'm doing headcannons because I'm having a hectic week. But if you decide you want a story too, feel free to let me know
Legend dosen’t care that you're platonic soulmates, you're still soulmates and anyone who disrespects that is gonna catch his hands
He loves you so much, you're his matching half.
He fully supports any romantic relationship you get into
You're his family, and you might as well be his sibling for how much he loves you
There isn't much he wouldn't do to keep you safe and happy
If anyone assumes you're a romantic soulmate set, he will correct them. If they have a problem with it he's starting a fight
He tells the chain about you, and is surprised that they are so accepting
I feel like even if you live in a progressive time there are always going to be assholes who are homophobic or assume all soulmates are romantic
But he always reminds you why that dosen’t matter
You are his plus one to everything.
You all probably live together
He does teach you to fight but says you're welcome to ask him for help too
He likes to mess with you though, lots of noogies and playful banter
He has your favorite meal and git drink memorized
Gifts you things he finds on adventures
Does give the shovel talk to anyone you date : Don't hurt them or I swear to Hylia I'll feed you to the hogs
Legend likes when you sing, it lets him know that you're happy.
Of anyone tries to ask you to stop singing or Hylia forbid tries to shame you for it? Rage. He's amazed at their audacity and will put them in place
Look Legend dosen’t actually want to fight all the time, he just- it's become the safer response
If you take time to help him realize that he's home and safe he'll appreciate it forever
I can see both of you pranking Zelda, citing that she needs to have more fun
If he ever gets married to someone you are either is best man/woman OR walking him down the aisle.
You guys have sleep over nights even though you probably live together. You'll make a pillow fort in the living room and talk all night
He's not the most openly affectionate but if you like physical affection he'll try to get better about it
If your family is awful he's helping you cut them out
If your family is awesome he's getting himself adopted as fast as he can
If you like spicy food he's trying to find your limit (he'll stop if asked)
Calls you all sorts of Nicknames from 'that bitch' to 'light of my life'
You two are the trouble makers of town, and on April fools you go all out.
If either of you have kids the other one is involved in their lives.
You're his emergency contact.
He'll help you dye your hair
Legend swears up and down he's never had pink hair and everyone imagined it (you know he's a liar but go with it)
If you ever meet the chain and he isn’t visible you're trying to fight then becuase they're obviously liars. (They think this is hilarious)
Legendary would come out after you started to try to fight then and just be like : (Y/n) wtf?
Overall, he's your best friend and biggest supporter
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halfhissandwich · 6 months
Random Sanders Sides headcanons, most of which I have no evidence for but will defend with my life anyway (feel free to share yours in the replies if you feel like it):
- c!Thomas and Virgil at least subconsciously see each other as brothers. Come on. They have stronger brother vibes than the actual pair of brothers in this series.
- Logan and Virgil comfort each other during rage attacks and panic attacks respectively.
- There was one time very shortly after Virgil joined the light sides when Janus got drunk and started singing Gary Come Home from SpongeBob, but with Virgil’s name. Remus still has the recording.
- The orange side will be a pirate. (This was written 3/17/24, let’s see if I was right when the season finale is out)
- Patton has dad sneezes. One time, the sides heard this huge explosion and they all collectively yelled “REMUS WHAT DID YOU DO?!” And Patton said “sorry, guys… allergies…”
- Many of the bonds between the sides have gotten stronger over a united hatred for another side. (Roman and Virgil bond over hating Janus, Janus and Remus bond over hating Virgil, Patton and Virgil bond over hating Remus…)
- You know when Thomas did that thing where he said the most out of character thing for each side and for Janus, Virgil and Logan he did “I like pancakes with marshmallows!” Yeah, the three of them said that as an April Fools prank one year and Patton started crying with joy.
- None of the sides were originally what we currently know them as. When c!Thomas was little and the sides were developing, Janus was Self Preservation, Patton was Kindness, Logan was Brain, Virgil was Paranoia, and the twins were King Creativity. Over time, they shifted as they discovered more effective ways to fulfill their roles (notably Janus taking to dishonesty), and turned into what they are today.
- Patton is significantly more blind than Logan. Both of them are blind without their glasses, but Patton is way more so. I don’t know why I feel this way.
- Janus and Logan have a lower alcohol tolerance than the other sides because the ability to lie and the ability to think logically are both very hindered when you’re drunk. Core moral beliefs and creativity aren’t really hindered by alcohol, so Patton and the twins have a way higher alcohol tolerance. Virgil, by the way, has practically no alcohol tolerance. (Don’t quote me on any of this, I haven’t ever tried alcohol)
- Janus is venomous, but none of the sides can really get sick or die and Janus is imaginary, so even if he wanted to, he couldn’t seriously hurt anyone with his venom.
- Imagine a Sanders Sides beach episode. Virgil is trying to stop Thomas from going in the water at all, Roman and Remus are fighting with water guns, Logan is fanboying over the sea creatures he might find, Patton and Janus are babysitting and placing bets on who’s gonna win the Roman v Remus water gun duel.
- Virgil hates Janus because Virgil is the spider of the group and Janus is the snake, but Janus is somehow the one who ended up with 8 limbs.
May add to this, might not, I dunno, I was just bored
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shizuedayo · 1 year
Random Thought
We repeatedly saw "Seele" trying to impersonate Seele, but never have we seen Seele impersonate "Seele"...
It would be fun to see them impersonate each other as a prank during April Fool's It would probably be something like this: --5 days before April Fools--
"Seele": "Hey Seele, are you planning something for April Fools?" Seele shakes her head Seele: "Nope, why the question?" "Seele": "I saw the Twins buy balloons and paint the other day, probably to make paint balloons and throw it to everyone's faces, and I think that dumb bird's planning something... scammy." Seele: "I can see the professors and the staff having a hard time cleaning the mess..." Seele mumbled, already imagining the paint-splattered walls the twins would bring upon them that day, and the angry screams of a certain lobster-head "Seele": "So why not join them? Since there's going to be chaos and all of us would be inevitably affected. Besides, it's been a while ever since we did something together." Seele fell into deep thought In one hand, she believes that they shouldn't contribute to the chaos considering that everyone (well, except the perpetrators) would have a hard time dealing with it afterwards, on the other hand though... "Seele" is right. It's really been a while ever since they did something together. The two of them are always busy training, completing missions, and helping those in need. There are even days where the only moments they see each other is at the start and at the end of the day. Hmmmm... I think this would be a nice change of pace. Besides, seeing "Seele" be excited on doing something is quite rare. Even if it's meant to cause more chaos...
So.... Seele eventually agreed. Seele: "Sure, it's really been a while ever since we did something together, that day is also a weekend so we have the day to ourselves. The question though... What should we do that day?" The two of them fell into silence "Seele": "Swap canned foods for expired ones?" Seele: "NO! We don't want people to get food poisoning and get hospitalized just for a simple prank..." "Seele": "How about stealing lobster-head's latest invention and go guns ablazing?" Seele: " 'Seele'... We're gonna cause property damage if we do that... Preferably something harmless, please."
Harmless... something... harmless... hm? This can do. "Seele": "How about you act like me and I'll act like you for a day? It's something only we can do and it won't hurt anyone, right?" Besides, I wanna see how you would impersonate me hm~ Seele: "Ah, like that one time you-" "Seele": "Ahem. We don't need to bring up the past." Seele: "Sure, we can do that, but 'Seele'..." "Seele": "What? Don't tell me we can't do this too?" Seele: "Nono, it's just that... are you fine with this?" "Seele": "Well, do you have any other ideas?" Seele: "...Okay then. But I have to prepare, I don't really have any experience acting as you like you do." "Seele": "I'm sure you'd do fine" And indeed she did. Too perfectly may I add. too lazy to write more since I have to draw but basically During the 5 days of preparation, Seele keeps staring and taking notes of "Seele's" habits (much to "Seele's" embarrassment). Being the hardworking girl she is, she also researched about how to act www All in all, she's taking this way too seriously wwwwwwww Then when the big day came, Seele acted as her other self so well and so perfectly to the point her other self had existential crisis :"DDD
Heck her performance was so stellar to the point that when Seele was offered spicy food she ate it like no problem, maintaining her act flawlessly (even complaining it's not spicy enough for her taste), while "Seele's" struggling to eat sweet foods, her facade slipping from time to time wwww Bronya even believed the two's prank (although she had some suspicions of "Seele" (who is impersonating Seele) because she's acting weirdly www). But Bronya for sure didn't even doubt Seele's "Seele" act www In the end, "Seele" herself stopped the whole prank because she died a thousand times internally when she witnessed Seele's "Seele" tsundere act :"DDDD "Seele" asked how tf did she manage to do it so perfectly and Seele listed three reasons: 1. The both of them know each other for a long time; 2. She researched a LOT so she won't embarrass "Seele" (though it had the opposite effect); and 3. She took pointers from Senti xD The last point basically gave "Seele" a target to take out her embarrassment but then she would be bullied by Senti and her mind-reading teasings wwwwwwwww
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nerves-nebula · 1 year
Ngl in my head I've been thinking of a really ooc prank for Leo and Mikey to do. And ik it,s ooc but. Im thibkin boit it so why tf not.
This would be even funnier if Leo sugested it too.
Imagine this: it's april fools' witching hour and. and Leo goes into Mikey room to wake him up (because privscy, boundaries and sleep mean nothing to him anymore) and tells him bouta this awesome plan and the nicest prank he could pull probably despite its slightly mentally torturing aspect while Mikey stifles the want to strangle him for bustin down his door at 3 am.
Leo's prank idea is as follows: tje 2 most pranky... Won't prank as usual today. Furthermore, they will be iverly accomodating, nice, and generous ('generous' as in giving ppl things usually used in a prank, like a pie or a can of pb but it's not the prank version). Studies show that dread can be considered a method of torture that can even outweigh pain in certain cases.
So the plan is to both become suspiciously over-the-top nice for the whole day, just to build a sense of mind-fucking dread.
And Mikey's thinkin 'gives me an excuse to be extra nice to Raph and Don, and forces Leo to act nice and accomodating,,, for a whole 24 hours,,,' and that's why he would agree to work with Leo for her prank plan.
Again ik it's probs so ooc but like bro yknow I had tho8ghts and thunk them and now theyre thinked and you cant put them thoights bsck in the bottle osnsuhsorry
this is actually kinda cute, you're right it's a bit ooc but... I'll allow it. you're right that you cant unthink a thought!
Studies show that dread can be considered a method of torture that can even outweigh pain in certain cases.
this is SO MEAN tho like- Especially to Donnie and Raph of all people- maybe this anti-prank isnt so out of character actually...
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fullfledgedghost · 9 months
happy holiday star season and happy hatoful fandom secret santa exchange day everybirdie =) no other holidays today (lying)
my recipient was @iwritenarrativesandstuff ! i wrote a short fic about mirror hiyoko roping ryouta and nageki into some shenanigans, its mostly character interactions and one bit where i paraphrase instructions on how to set up a classic prank. i hope u enjoy! happy holidays ^_^
synopsis: hiyoko tries to play a practical joke on her teacher and gets nageki and ryouta to help. it... doesn’t go exactly as planned, but they still have fun!
“Hey Ryouta? Have you ever heard of April Fool’s Day?”
Ryouta and Hiyoko are hanging out after school at Torimi Café, doing their homework together. When Hiyoko asks him this question, Ryouta looks up from his work.
“Huh? April Fools Day?” He repeats, for clarification’s sake.
“Yeah! It’s an old human holiday,” Hiyoko excitedly tells him. “I don’t think it was ever that popular in Japan, but they celebrated it in other places. You play pranks on all your friends, but not mean pranks, just the funny ones.”
Ryouta hums. “I’ve never heard of that. It sounds kind of fun, but I don’t know how to pull pranks..”
Hiyoko nods. “Me neither! But learning about it inspired me to try playing pranks on people anyway.”
Ryouta suddenly looks nervous. “Are you gonna pull a prank on me?” He asks Hiyoko.
She laughs. “Of course not! I want you to help me pull a prank...” Hiyoko pauses for dramatic effect. “On our teacher!”
Ryouta seems relieved. “Oh, good. Wait, no, Hiyoko, what do you mean? Play a prank on our teacher??”
She grins. “Mhm! We both have class with Nanaki-Sensei, right? It would be the perfect setting for an ambush!”
Ryouta seems unconvinced. “I don’t know.. that seems like it could be dangerous. What if we get in trouble?”
“How could it be dangerous? It’s not like I’m suggesting we play a prank on, say, Doctor Iwamine.” Hiyoko replies.
Ryouta shivers. “Now that would be really dangerous. Just imagining what would happen to us is making me nervous!”
Hiyoko pats Ryouta on the shoulder. “Don’t worry, we won’t play any pranks on him this time. Maybe in a future story, though.”
“A what?” Ryouta looks confused.
“Don’t worry about it,” Hiyoko tells him. “So, are you in?”
Ryouta hums, thinking it over. “...sure, why not.”
“Yaay!!” Hiyoko claps. “Thank you, Ryouta!” She gives him a quick hug.
He smiles and returns the gesture. “No problem, Hiyoko.”
She pulls away and starts piling her homework up to put away in her bag. She then pulls out a blank piece of paper, and writes PRANK PLANS at the top. She shows it to Ryouta with an evil smile.
“So..” Hiyoko gestures to the page. “Any ideas?”
Nageki is sitting in his room reading when his phone rings. He sighs, putting in his bookmark before picking up the phone. It’s probably Hiyoko and Ryouta asking for help with their homework again.
When he picks up the phone, his suspicions are confirmed by the ‘Tosaka, Hiyoko’ caller ID that pops up. He takes the call.
Hiyoko’s cheery voice answers from the other end. “Hey Nageki!”
Nageki smiles despite himself. “Did you need help with a homework problem, Tosaka?”
“What? No! Gosh, do you think so low of me, Nageki?” Hiyoko responds with exaggerated offense.
“...” Nageki stays quiet.
“Don’t just say nothing!! You’re so mean!” Hiyoko laughs. “Anyway, I actually wanted your help with something else!”
Ah, so he wasn’t entirely wrong. “Alright. What do you want help with?”
“Me and Ryouta are planning to play a prank on Nanaki-Sensei! Wanna join? We could really use your help.” Hiyoko asks.
That isn’t at all what Nageki was expecting. “You’re... planing a prank? Why?”
Hiyoko laughs nervously. “Well, there’s this whole story about an old human holiday, but I don’t wanna tell it again. Just for fun, I guess!”
Nageki shakes his head in disbelief. Those two can be so ridiculous. Still.. it did sound kind of fun. As long as Hitori doesn’t ground him or something because of it.
“Pleaaaase?” Hiyoko pleads with Nageki. “It’ll be fun, I promise! At least I hope it will!”
Nageki sighs. “..sure.”
“Great! Thank you, Nageki!” He could practically hear Hiyoko’s smile through the phone. “We can discuss plans tomorrow at school. Should we meet in the library?”
“That sounds good to me.” Nageki replies.
“Alright! See you later, Nageki!”
“Bye, Tosaka.”
After a day of planning, and a few days getting materials together, Hiyoko and her birdie backup are ready to go!
They sneak into school early, climbing through a broken window that the custodial staff hadn’t gotten around to fixing yet. Thank you, Anghel!
Trying to be quiet, even though they assumed the building would be empty, the trio makes their way over to Hiyoko and Ryouta’s homeroom classroom, class 2-3.
Nageki almost drops the plastic bucket they had brought, and refuses to accept Ryouta’s help when he offers to help carry it. Ryouta just sighs.
Once they reach the classroom, Hiyoko starts assigning jobs.
“Okay, Ryouta!” She whispers assertively while pointing at him.
“Yes?” He jumps as she turns and points at him so quickly.
“You’ll be filling the bucket with water!” She waits as Nageki hands Ryouta the bucket. “There’s a water fountain in the next hallway over, it should be the quickest way to fill it.”
“Aye aye, Hiyoko!” Ryouta salutes her before rushing off to fill the bucket.
“And you, Nageki,” she whirls around to point at him now, “will be holding the door steady while I balance the bucket on top of it!”
Nageki nods, seeming to take his job seriously. He likes getting to feel helpful, even if its for something silly like this.
Ryouta comes back with the bucket, trying to keep water from splashing out as he runs. Hiyoko laughs evilly.
“Perfect! Now, Nageki, the stepstool?” She turns to Nageki, who rushes over to the nearest janitor’s closet and grabs a stepstool from inside. He drags it back over to the door and gives Hiyoko a nod. She nods back, then mounts the stool and accepts the bucket from Ryouta.
With Nageki holding the door steady and Ryouta keeping lookout, Hiyoko takes a few moments to balance the bucket. She fumbles it a few times, but luckily doesn’t drop it, and in a minute or so the bucket is successfully balanced! Ryouta claps softly as Hiyoko gets off the stepstool and Nageki returns it to Mr. One’s closet.
Hiyoko high fives both of her friends. She giggles.
“Okay, now let’s get out of here! We can wait in the library until class is about to start, so we don’t seem suspicious.” Hiyoko tells the others. Both birdie boys give her a nod, and the trio dissolves into laughter as they race each other to the library.
After a little while of waiting and chatting in the library, the bell rings to signify that class is about to start. The trio leaves the library and make their way over to class 2-3, hoping they’ll be able to see their prank come to fruition before Nageki’s class started, since his homeroom was in a completely different classroom.
And it seems like it will! Right as they turn the corner of the hallway, all three teens can see a bird about to open the door to class 2-3! But...
“Sakuya, look out!” Ryouta shouts, trying to get the fantail’s attention. They were about to prank the wrong bird! Their classmate Sakuya was entering the classroom early, even before Nanaki-Sensei!
Sakuya turns around to look at Ryouta as he pushes the door open.
“Kawara? What are you-“ he is cut off by a wave of water, as the plastic bucket falls on him and soaks him!
Ryouta cringes. Nageki tries not to laugh. Hiyoko does laugh, but covers her mouth.
“Ashslkj!” Sakuya sputters, fuming with anger. “What mockery was that??? Do classrooms in Japan typically dump water on their students?? This is nonsense!”
“Sakuya, I’m sorry, this was a mistake. The bucket was for Nanaki-Sensei.” Ryouta tells him sheepishly.
“What are you talking about? Explain yourself, Kawara!” Sakuya points a soggy feather at the other bird.
Hiyoko steps over to them. “Sakuya, don’t get mad at Ryouta! This was my idea, I just asked for his help. Plus, he tried to warn you!”
Sakuya doesn’t look appropriately chastised. “Then I should be mad at both of you! Explain yourselves, now! I won’t be asking again!”
As Hiyoko and Ryouta try to explain the situation to a grumbling Sakuya, Nageki is approached by a rather worried Nanaki-Sensei.
“Wh-what’s going on here? Did somebody pour water on Shirogane??” Nanaki asks, concerned.
Nageki shrugged, trying not to get his friends or himself in trouble.
“There was a bucket on the door. I think Shirogane was going to find you, so it was probably supposed to fall on you.” Nageki tells him.
“Eep!” Nanaki seems scared just at the thought of such a thing. “M-maybe it’s a good thing I was late today, then...”
Sakuya notices Nanaki-Sensei’s arrival and storms over to him. Nanaki looks like he wants to hide.
“Nanaki-Sensei!” Sakuya barks. “Why weren’t you in your classroom! Class was about to start, and Doctor Iwamine sent me to fetch you for him!”
Nanaki laughs nervously. “Ehe, I may have.. forgotten to set my alarm for this morning. B-but at least I got here before class actually started!” He cowers under Sakuya’s angry gaze.
Nageki walks over to his friends as Sakuya begins lecturing Nanaki-Sensei about respecting himself and his responsibilities. Ryouta and Hiyoko both seem exhausted from trying to subdue Sakuya.
“Well... it seems like our plan failed.” Hiyoko sighs. “Sorry for roping you two into this. I thought it would be fun.”
“...I had fun.” Nageki admits. “Even though we hit the wrong bird.”
Ryouta chuckles. “Yeah, me too. We probably shouldn’t do this again, though. And we should hope and pray that Sakuya doesn’t sell us out to Nanaki-Sensei...”
“Or Hitori..” Nageki murmurs.
Hiyoko laughs. “As long as we don’t get suspended or killed, maybe it worked out okay!”
“Someone is getting killed? When and where? I may be interested in attending.” A deeper voice from behind makes all three teens flinch and spin around, where they find Doctor Iwamine standing menacingly in the hallway.
“Doctor Iwamine?!” Ryouta sputters. “What are you doing here?”
“And nobody is getting killed!!” Hiyoko adds.
The doctor shrugs, looking slightly disappointed by Hiyoko’s addition. “I was wondering why it was taking Shirogane so long to fetch his teacher for me. Now I see why. What manner of mischief has been conducted here?”
As Ryouta is about to start explaining everything again, the bell to begin class rings. Nageki looks towards his friends, waves, and then runs down the hallway towards his classroom. Doctor Iwamine seems annoyed by the interruption, while Nanaki-Sensei seems relieved.
“A-alright, everybirdie inside! Class has started!” Nanaki declares, nudging the bucket into a corner and holding the door for his students, who had gathered in the hallway as the chaos continued.
Doctor Iwamine sighs. “Oh well. I suppose I’ll have to get the story later. Farewell.”
Ryouta and Hiyoko sigh in relief as he leaves.
“We really dodged a bullet there,” Ryouta breathes.
“Kawara! Tosaka!” Both teens jump as their teacher singles them out. “Please go and get your classmate Shirogane a towel from Mr. One!”
Hiyoko elbows Ryouta lightly. “You jinxed us.” She tells him. He pretends to be offended.
“Quickly, if possible!” Nanaki-Sensei encourages.
Ryouta and Hiyoko both bow to him, flustered, before walking together to Mr. One’s room. They may not have escaped trouble for now, but they figured it was better not to test their luck.
Maybe next time they’d stick to a smaller scale prank. Or one with less water.
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zenmom · 6 months
What should I do for April fools?
I honestly feel like April fools fell off for me or that I Fell off the ranks of being my imagination worlds’ greatest prankster.
I loved April fools as a little kid, but because of school stuff never letting me fulfil my April Fools Destiny, and combine 2020 and depression together, it’s no wonder I no longer view April fools as a special day. Why would a day like that exist if nobody can do anything fun or special on that day?!
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Like, Last April fools, I am lucky to have pranked Mickey and his friends in the Backup Detectives by going into their houses and shoving all their underwear in their fridge to find tomorrow. Sunny and Teri are lucky to not be the victim of that prank as they’re not included in the mashup at the time (yes, I guess we did have separate versions of our story of working with the backups until Angelle invited Sunny alongside her. I still feel a bit bitter about the fact I did not think we could actually interact with each other than just me and the main 4 in that AU. Think like, you and your friend or sibling are playing the same seed of a Minecraft world but never together, that sort of thing)
So, I’m not sure what pranks I can pull this year. It feels like my imagination capability has reduced a little or that people have created so much that it’s hard to come up with something completely original.
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stargazeraldroth · 11 months
Okay okay okay, so- Hear me out. I’ve got an AU (…AM? Alternate Multiverse?) idea that could go the way or horror, humor, or both, spawned by your mention of the evil team in your Pokémon AU. I’m never gonna do anything with this, but it made me laugh and I wanted to share it and see where you’d go with it (your AUs/AMs are fun sue me!!!).
So. Consider this, if you will- Dream and Blue decide to try and be a lil silly with Ink for whatever reason. Payback for a prank? April Fool’s? The reason isn’t important, what’s important is that they decide “go big or go home” and enlist a few AUs to pretend to worship Ink as a god in some weird, Ink-oriented cult. Why a cult? Who knows, maybe they got drunk and ran with it. Maybe they were feeling chaotic. The idea is that Ink will go to these AUs, find the “fake cult,” and try to figure out what the hell happened, this isn’t in the script??? Before Dream and Blue eventually reveal their Dastardly Prank (and they intend to reveal it, they abide by the confuse don’t abuse rule!) and have a good laugh together!
Except there’s one teeny tiny… Itsy bitsy little problem with that.
Somehow, someway, the AUs didn’t get the memo that the cult was meant to be pretend, and now there’s a real, actual Ink Cult spanning the goddamn multiverse that’s rapidly growing. There are rituals and prayers going around, they’ve heard whispers about sacrifices (of what, they aren’t sure- art supplies???), someone started a goddamn holiday, it’s all a mess, really.
Depending on how you take it, you could go a humorous route and have Blue and Dream frantically trying to hide this from Ink while fixing the entire mess, or at least mitigating it somewhat (stop trying to sacrifice actual people- they don’t care that it’s willing, use cupcakes or paints or something!!!), to varying degrees of success… Or you could go a more horror oriented route of Dream and Blue frantically trying to keep their friend out of the grasp of his rapidly growing worshippers, all while wondering how everything went so damn wrong and stars, they’re so sorry, Ink-
Anyways yeah, Accidental Cult AU/AM go brrr.
Ah, splendid. I just call all of my alternate multiverses AUs, it helps me with consistency and everyone knows what it means. I don't know which idea I like better, the funnier one or the more horror-oriented one. So! I'm going to address both of them separately!
Also I'm glad to hear you find my AUs fun to read about, making AUs is one of my biggest hobbies rn-
~Funny Version~
For once, Ink's not the one who caused the problem. This is already going wonderfully, my baby's innocent
The idea of the cults trying to sacrifice actual people to Ink is hilarious. I can picture Dream and Blue trying to discourage it by saying that Ink doesn't condone this kind of behavior, which is true, but with varying degrees of effectiveness. Ink will, however, accept food and art supplies any day of the week
They have to enlist CORE's help in tracking the cults' activities, much to CORE's displeasure. How did they let the situation get so out of hand? They're sorry, CORE! They didn't think this would happen!
I can't tell what would be funnier: Ink being painfully oblivious of their involvement (how did the AUs even find out about him? He keeps himself well-hidden, he thinks!) or Ink being entirely aware, but pretending to be dumb. He wants to see if they can handle it on their own, first
Just the image of Dream and Blue trying to keep the cults hidden from Ink is golden. Especially if they eventually cave and tell Ink about it, expecting him to freak out... only for him to either wonder how they did it or him laugh and tell them he already knew about them
Imagine the cults have like, shrines dedicated to Ink. Little Ink statues
What if, in this version, the cults aren't even all that dangerous? Their rituals are more along the lines of "We must pray to the Protector and give him offerings, so that he may ward the Destroyer off from our world!" Just silly things like that
~Horror Version~
Dream and Blue's efforts to stop the cults from using live sacrifices are less successful here
You mentioned they're trying to keep Ink away from the cults, so let's take a look at what might happen if they were to get him
They wouldn't do anything bad to him, of course, but it's a very... odd situation. Ink's being surrounded by these cloaked figures showering him with praises and worship. And when he tries to leave, they won't let him, so he kinda... has to resort to extremes
Maybe the cults start treating Dream and Blue as Ink's messengers or heralds, of sorts. Not just to "deliver his words", but to also relay the cults' prayers and wishes
Alternatively, maybe some cults start going even more rogue and scheme ways to capture Ink and use him to change things about their world. Surely, if anyone would have the power to change things, it would be their lord? They didn't get the memo that Ink doesn't create or control AUs, only protects them (like half of the fandom)
Maybe a cult tries to force Ink out of "hiding" and answering their summons by capturing Dream or Blue and preparing to sacrifice them
I wonder how they might react to PJ and Gradient...? Being the children of Ink, surely they'd be respected. But being Error's children, too... maybe some groups don't take too kindly to their existences
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