#imagine slash
amomentsescape · 9 months
Slashers React to You Being Harassed
Warnings: Being verbally harassed by a gross man, some cuss words
A/N: A lot of you seemed to really like the last "Slashers React" fic I did, so I figured I'd write up another one. This came out a little cheesy, but oh well? Hope you enjoy!
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Context: You were feeling a little cooped up recently due to being stuck inside from the flu. Now that you were feeling better, you wanted to go out and take some time away from home. But of course, you could never have more than a few minutes of peace. Some older man decides that you are the perfect one to pick on. He attempts to flirt with you, and even after saying "no" a handful of times, he still doesn't get the hint.
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Michael Myers
You were honestly a little scared
Not for yourself, but for what was going to happen to the man
Even after weeks of insistence, Michael refused to let you go anywhere on your own
Even if he wasn't right next to you, he was lurking somewhere nearby
He was a blatant and proud stalker
So you knew that it wouldn't take long before-
The man is now dead with a slit throat
That was quick
"You could have stepped in sooner, you know?"
He just grips onto your hand and drags you back home
"But I've only been outside for five minutes!" you protest
He forces you to stay inside for another couple of weeks
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Jason Voorhees
This disgusting man was now attempting to reach out and touch you
You took a step back and tried to put some space between you two
But in the blink of an eye, a large machete burst through his chest at you, your clothes getting splattered with blood
You scream
The now dead man drops to the ground as your eyes meet his killer
"Jesus, Jason! A bit of a warning next time, please."
He just tilts his head at you
You start grumbling about how your clothes were basically ruined now
Jason just picks you up and swings you over his shoulder
"This was my favorite shirt," you continue groaning
He gifts you with a small pocket knife the next day to take with you when you go out
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Brahms Heelshire
You promised Brahms you wouldn't step too far off the Heelshire property line
So the fact that anyone was even over here seemed odd to you
And now here you were, wishing Brahms wasn't so weird about leaving the house
Because unfortunately, this man didn't seem like he was going to go away without a fight
So you did the only thing you could think of in that moment
You screamed
It lasted a few seconds
But the man didn't seem fazed
"There's no one else out here, Sweetheart," he said
"Hmm?" a voice spoke behind him
The man spun around and was immediately thrown to the ground
Brahms bashed his head in repeatedly with a rock
"Thank you-" you started
Brahms just grabbed you by the arm and drug you back inside the house
He didn't let you go outside for a while after that
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Billy Loomis
You were about ready to punch this man yourself
But you didn't want to risk anything since you were alone
This man was good sized and you knew that trying to fight him probably wouldn't end well for you
But lo and behold, you wouldn't even have to lift a finger
A knife was quickly plunged into the man's throat causing him to bleed out in seconds
After a moment, you finally looked up and saw Billy in front of you
"Thank, God," you sighed, hugging the boy
It took you a second before you pulled away, looking at him in confusion
"Wait, how did you know I was out here?"
Billy avoided your gaze
"Were you stalking me?"
"I like to call it, observing"
You let out a groan
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Stu Macher
You're crazy if you think Stu was going to let you outside by yourself
This boy is glued at your hip 24/7
The only reason why this other man was even flirting with you right now is because Stu went off to "take a whizz" as he likes to say
Thankfully, this doesn't normally take him long
So as this man continued to push his luck, Stu walked up next to you, his eyes a little dark
"Is there a problem here, babe?" he asked a little too nicely
How you answer this is definitely going to affect what Stu does next
But this man was pissing you off so...
"Yeah, he won't leave me alone"
And that's all it took for the man to end up dead on his side, a knife in his chest
Afterwards, Stu and you continued your little venture outside
He just held you a lot closer to him the whole time
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Eric Draven
You were honestly getting freaked out by this man
In a city like this, anyone could be hurt
But your moment of panic soon died down to the sight of a black crow perching on the nearby building
"Thank you," you murmured
"What was that?" the man spat back
You couldn't help but smile a bit
"You're about to get your ass kicked"
He just laughed at you
Your smile grew when you saw a figure approach the man from behind
He noticed this and turned around, only to be met with the city's best vigilante
The man was suddenly struck with a metal pipe
And he continued to be struck another 17 times
Eric walked up to you after he was done, his painted face dripping with red
"You didn't have to kill him," you said
Eric just shrugged
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how about that uhhhhh Fantasy Julie. she gets her sword <3 no one can take it from her <3
SIKE you get an extra, lower quality doodle
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SIKE AGAIN here's the rambles
yeah... i caved and gave her a tail... I'm Not Sorry! it's cute! i wanted to stick with her sorta flower motif - it's stronger in her princess look, since I imagine that when she was part of the royals she was very blatantly flower power based. it was her Thing!
but a Julie free of her noble shackles... she deserves her big sword. like yeah, she has flower magic, but who needs it when she has a Giant Blade??? on the royalty vein, and if we're classifying "rainbow monster" as a species, i feel like horn size/curve would be a status symbol of some kind. maybe Julie would have kept her horns filed short. but if she ran away from that life... longer horns! i like to imagine that they'll keep growing until she has a pair of Extra Weapons attached to her head! curved forward like mammoth tusks maybe!
i imagine that like Frank, she goes with minimal armor - range of movement over protection, yk? some scale mail over her front, a thick leather flower over her chest w/ scalloped leather pauldrons, wrist armor and metal knuckles! i'd think that the faux-suspenders include a back sheath for her sword... i wish i'd thought of that Before i finished the little ref! i don't feel like going back and editing!
i imagine that she was forced to cut her hair when it got caught in something (a gelatinous cube, mayhaps). it didn't look good! don't let anime and Mulan fool you! cutting your own hair with a blade will not look nice! but someone - Eddie, probably, he's good with scissors i'd assume - cleaned it up for her. and hey, it didn't look bad! plus, Julie probably liked being able to just tuck up her long strands into her hat when she's feeling a bit more like a Julius than a Julie!
it's been a fun challenge transforming their canon outfits into a similar variation with fantasy flavoring and twists! i want them to suit the setting but still maintain Themselves! Julie's was tough i gotta admit. i was messing around with the princess look and the fighter look side-by-side. it worked better when i sat back and thought "fighter Julie is Julie unrestrained. that version would be more aligned with her canon look"
i wanted her princess form to look Restrained! she has to be a ~delicate flower~, a noble woman, pristine and poised and very much a princess. soft colors, poofy clothing, bright white gloves that are not to be sullied. carefully bundled up hair! jewelry! that dress must be Heavy and hard to move in! her tail must be so cramped under there!
but Julie Unleashed? violent pinks! rose gold accents! short skirt so that she can sprint and Kick! fun boots that she can be active in and delight in watching them get dirty! her hair is free to whip in the wind and get caught in things! fun straps and Deadly Accessories! a sword that she stole from the royal armory on her way out the window! she has forearm wraps both to match Frank and to support her wrists!
#yessss this was mainly an excuse to draw jules with short hair and a tail. i do not apologize#i like to think that poppy has a bottomless bag that she's too scared to use herself#but everybody keeps things in there#julie keeps her hair-hiding-hat in there and some pants and a cape for that Julius Vibe#(yes i could have gone with julian. but julius makes me think of orange julius and. yum)#i've said in initial rambles that i think that julie has Mild plant magic#I TAKE THAT BACK SHE'S SO FUCKING POWERFUL#i think she could hold her own against wally here tbh!#she wouldn't win if home had the reins but yk! it would still be Close!#but why would she use boring magic when she can slash punch kick#she can definitely talk to all plants. like im carrying that over thats so cool#trees warning her of an ambush... trodden-on flowers pointing her in the direction of her quarry...#roots arching out of the ground to trip anyone about to beat her in a race#scribble salad#wh fantasy au#so in canon julie left The Cave#which. fuck is that supposed to be a reference to plato's cave? ok no now's not the time for speculation#so she left the cave to seek out a life of her own#so i imagine that she left the royal life for much the same reason! she didn't want to sit on a throne in a poofy dress and lead!#she wanted to Adventure! see the world! be unrestrained!#i imagine that her repeated sneaking out is how she met frank - then when she ran she went to him cause she knew he wanted to leave#and she went 'hey im ditching this joint wanna come' and Of Course the answer was yes!#adventuring duo that never regret it for a second!#also as im making refs im adding them to a Lineup. which i'll post when ive collected all the pokemon (neighbors). size refs!!!
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ghoulsbounty · 5 days
Hi! I wanted to request a TH/fem reader and RZMM/fem reader
Maybe like a how would they show possessiveness over someone? A little angsty bc they're big guys and they would definitely manhandle their so in the heat of the moment
How Thomas Hewitt and RZ!Michael Myers Show Possessiveness Over You
Warnings: smut (18+), aggressive sex, slight mention of dumbification, manhandling, bruising/mark making, angst, obsession, stripping, stalking, slight yandere i guess?, possessiveness, canon-typical violence, control.
Words: 2.7K
A/N: Anon, thank you so much for my first slasher request! I love these boys so much and wanted to delve into their intentions behind their protectiveness a little, cause I think it would be very different for both. This is my first time writing a headcanon, I hope I've done you proud. I’d love to know what you all think to this, and feel free to send me more requests 💌
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Thomas Hewitt
→ Thomas's struggle with social norms makes his possessiveness glaringly apparent. He perceives everyone outside the family as a potential threat to his happiness, particularly when it concerns you. His demeanour shifts abruptly at the slightest hint of danger; his typically measured movements become swift and aggressive. Despite his efforts to restrain his emotions in public, such as at the Cele Community Centre where you and his mother work, Thomas often finds himself instinctively drawn to your side. His hand firmly grasps the fabric of your shirt, his protective stance evident to anyone who dares to look at you. His gaze sweeps the surroundings with a discerning eye, meticulously assessing each customer until you gently remove his grip and convince him to wait in the back.
→ Thomas's overprotectiveness occasionally acts as a double-edged sword, simultaneously shielding you from harm while subtly restricting your freedom. As a man of few words, he struggles to articulate the depth of his need to keep you safe, resulting in actions that may be misinterpreted as possessiveness rather than genuine concern or fear of losing you. He means well, but it can feel suffocating.
→ Preferring to keep you within his line of sight whenever possible, Thomas's protective instincts often clash with the demands of daily life, leading to occasional conflicts with Charlie over the use of his time. The older man's frustration with what he perceives as your bad influence over Thomas' attention to his work further exacerbates tensions within the household. 
→ Certain areas of the house are off limits to you. The basement serves as a sanctuary for Thomas's work, and he is adamant that you are shielded from the horrors that happen inside. However, he still insists on your presence nearby, perched on the steps that lead down to the space or listening to the radio in the dining room upstairs. Your proximity seems to offer him a sense of security and focus, enabling him to delve into his his task with unwavering concentration and produce some of his best work.
→ Thomas finds solace in words of affirmation and constantly seeks reassurance from you. Despite the intimacy you share and the countless times you've assured him otherwise, he harbours an unshakeable fear that if he loosens his grip even for a moment, you might slip away from him. This nagging insecurity gnaws at him, overshadowing moments of connection, leaving him perpetually haunted by the possibility of losing you.
→ Physical gestures become one your languages of reassurance. You hold his hand tightly, intertwining your fingers as a silent promise that you're there for him. Running your fingers through his hair as he nuzzles into you becomes a comforting ritual, soothing both him and you. Your touch on his chest, just over his heart, keeps his anxieties at bay.
→ Words also become a source of comfort for Thomas. You express your pride in him, highlighting his strengths and the ways he makes your life better. You tell him how happy you are to have him by your side, emphasizing that he's not just your protector but also your partner. Sometimes, the simplest affirmations have the greatest impact on Thomas. Hearing you call him "yours" fills him with a sense of belonging and purpose, and when you tell him that he's been good, he can't help but prove just how good he can be by filling you with his fingers, tongue or cock.
→ Thomas feels most valued when you grant him your undivided attention and allow him to reciprocate. He revels in spending hours between your legs, skilfully coaxing orgasm after orgasm from your willing body until you're left a whimpering, trembling mess beneath him. Despite his efforts to maintain control in your relationship, you always seem to hold the upper hand, which is why he finds solace in reducing you to a thoroughly fucked-out state on his bed. In those moments, with your mind blissfully empty and your body consumed by a primal hunger for his touch, he feels a sense of power and satisfaction unlike any other.
→ Despite this, the mounting tensions within the household, particularly with Charlie, often leave Thomas grappling with pent-up aggression. As the demands on his time intensify, with Charlie clamouring for more of Thomas's attention and you taking on additional shifts at the community centre to assist his mother, Thomas finds it increasingly challenging to maintain his composure.
→ You've become attuned to the subtle shifts in his demeanour, recognizing the tell-tale signs when he's received a stern tongue lashing from his uncle or had a particularly taxing session in the basement. Thomas' simmering rage begins to permeate his interactions with you. His touch, once tender and reassuring, now carries an undercurrent of tension. The few words he mutters in your presence are laced with frustration and discontent, rather than devotion.
→ Despite your best efforts to sooth him, there are moments when Thomas's volatile emotions threaten to overwhelm him. In those instances, you find yourself walking on eggshells, navigating the precarious balance between offering solace and inadvertently stoking the flames of his anger. You are never fearful of Thomas, but these are the times when you remove yourself from his presence when possible. That is, until you learn that the best way to calm him during these storms is with your body.
→ Thomas's heavy-handed nature becomes even more pronounced during these moments of heightened emotion. He handles you with a forcefulness that borders on brutality, moulding and contorting your body into painful positions that elicit tears of discomfort. While he typically refrains from spanking you unless requested, in these instances, his large hand comes crashing down upon your flesh with punishing force, leaving behind welts and bruises that you carry for days. Unlike his usual attentiveness to your pleasure, Thomas's focus shifts solely towards finding an outlet for his frustration, using your body as a means to an end in his quest for release. He bites, scratches, and fucks every inch of you with an almost desperate intensity, seeking solace in the physical connection between you.
→ Yet, there are fleeting moments of clarity when the clouds in his eyes dissipate, and the gentle giant you know and love re-emerges. It's in these moments of vulnerability that you offer him comfort, reassuring him that he can take what he needs from you, and that you will still love him.
→ After the intensity of the moment subsides, Thomas retreats into the solitude of the basement, locking himself away as a form of self-imposed punishment for his mistreatment of you. Despite your efforts to coax him out, reassuring him of your well-being and offering comfort, he remains secluded until he feels ready to face you once more. When Thomas finally does emerge, you're quick to envelop him in the warmth of your affection and reassurance. With a soft kiss to his leather-clad cheek, you convey your unwavering support and understanding, letting him know that you harbour no resentment towards him.
→ In the aftermath of the encounter, Thomas's protective instincts kick into overdrive as he tends to any wounds that adorn your body, his touch gentle yet purposeful. It's in these moments that his true nature shines through—he may be heavy-handed and prone to bouts of aggression, but above all else, he possesses a deep-seated desire to care for and protect you, to make amends for any harm he may have caused.
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RZ!Michael Myers
→ Michael's possessive nature over you begins with an intense and inexplicable fixation. From the moment his eyes land on you, something primal within him snaps, and he becomes singularly obsessed with making you his own.
→ He can't quite explain what draws him to the Red Rabbit Lounge that evening, but as he leans against the wall, trying to catch his breath after a harrowing escape from Smith's Grove, he is immediately captivated when you emerge from the back door. Unlike others who shrink away from him in fear, you meet his gaze with a calm demeanour, lighting your cigarette and casually pointing out his papier-mâché mask. Your nonchalant remark about liking the orange because it reminds you of your favourite holiday only adds to the intrigue, sparking something deep within Michael's psyche.
→ Following that initial encounter, Michael becomes an omnipresent presence in your life, a shadow that lingers at the edges of your awareness. You sense him in the periphery of your vision, catch glimpses of his shadow darting past windows, and hear the faintest rustle of his breath in the stillness of the night. He becomes your unseen companion, meticulously observing your every move. He studies your routines and habits, committing them to memory with an almost obsessive attention to detail. Always one step ahead, he waits patiently until the opportune moment presents itself to make his presence truly known.
→ Michael finds immense pleasure in the exhilarating pursuit of you, convinced that you share in his enjoyment of the chase. He keenly observes the subtle signs of your awareness, noticing the wry smirk that graces your lips when you sense his presence nearby. In those moments, he imagines feeling the same giddiness that surges through you when he lightly brushes your hair, a fleeting touch that leaves you yearning for more, even as it vanishes before you can turn around. The first time you called out to him, he battled against every instinct urging him to step out from the shadows and claim you as his own. Despite the overwhelming desire possess you, he restrains himself, savouring the anticipation of the inevitable moment when he would finally make his move.
→ In Michael's twisted psyche, you are more than just a person; you are a coveted prize that he will protect at all costs. He perceives himself as the sole rightful owner of your being, and he harbours an intense fixation on claiming you as his own.
→ As the regular patrons of the lounge mysteriously vanish one by one, leaving a bewildered community in their wake, Michael remains a silent observer, his gaze fixed unwaveringly upon you. He knows all too well the allure of your presence, the captivating dance you perform for these men, reminiscent of the performances his late mother once gave. Yet, while others may see you as an entertainer, Michael sees something far deeper—a connection, a possession, a symbol of his ultimate dominance that he must preserve.
→ From the shadows, he watches as you bare your body to these patrons. To Michael, it doesn't matter whether you are aware of his claim over you; what matters is that he sees you as his, and he will go to any lengths to ensure that no one dares to challenge him. In his mind, you are his alone, and he will stop at nothing to secure what he believes is rightfully his.
→ When Michael finally decides to collect his prize, it's in the eerie stillness of the night. He patiently waits in the shadows of your home, a silent sentinel standing rigidly in the corner of your bedroom as he observes your every move. You can feel his presence, an unspoken acknowledgment that he has come to stake his claim on his property.
→ As you undress, acutely aware of his watchful gaze, a shiver runs down your spine. There's a palpable tension in the air, a sense of anticipation mingled with apprehension. Yet, despite the unease that courses through you, there's also a strange allure, a primal instinct drawing you inexorably towards him. When you finally coax him from the shadows, he engulfs you in his arms with a ferocity that takes your breath away. The force of his embrace is suffocating, his touch demanding as he grasps and claws at every part of your body. In that moment, there's no denying the intensity of his desire, the need to make you his own consuming him entirely.
→ Michael is not gentle with you; he doesn't hold back his deep urges to possess you completely. He revels in your whimpers and the screams of his name as he stretches you open and takes what he deems rightfully his. His touch is rough, unyielding, as if trying to merge your bodies into one. Each movement is driven by a fierce need to mark you, to ensure you understand that you belong to him and no one else. Every night with Michael is filled with a mix of pain and pleasure. His eyes intense and unwavering, remain locked on you, drinking in every reaction, every cry. To him, this is the final step in owning you, the ultimate act of protecting what is his.
→  Removing the mask takes time. It's one evening, after the intensity of your shared orgasms have ebbed, and Michael lies heavy on top of you. Your fingers tentatively trace the edges of the white rubber mask, sensing his body tense beneath your touch. His hand instinctively reaches out, grasping your wrist to halt your movement, but your lips find solace in the warmth of his knuckles as you plant a gentle kiss, your breath whispering a desire to see him. For a fleeting moment, there's resistance, a hesitancy borne from years of concealing his true self, before he lets you unmask him. His long hair cascades over your face as the mask falls away, revealing the man beneath. In that vulnerable moment, you stroke his sweat-glistened cheek, your fingers tracing the contours of his features as you call him "handsome", perhaps the first time he's heard the word since his mother.
→ Despite Michael's disapproval of your continued work at the lounge, you are unwilling to relinquish your independence completely. He grumbles and fumes when things don't go his way, but deep down, he appreciates your defiance, feels a strange allure in your willingness to challenge him. Although his overly protective nature remains, he secretly enjoys the way you push back against his control, finding a strange sense of satisfaction in the game of give and take between you. A hand on his chest or a kiss along his strong jawline is all it takes for him to soften, his resolve melting under the warmth of your affection. You eventually compromise, only working certain shifts and allowing him to escort you home. As if you really have a choice on the matter. Michael finds your attempts at negotiation endearing.
→ If anyone dares to come between Michael and what is his, he reacts with violent outbursts of rage. His attacks are brutal and merciless, driven by a primal need to assert his dominance and protect you. Unfortunately, you are also not exempt from his aggression, and when he catches sight of you one night, engaged in conversation with a stranger outside the back of the lounge during your smoke break, he snaps. In a frenzy of fury, he swiftly disposes of the man, his actions marked by a sickening crunch of bones as his body is hurled against the brick wall. Then, turning his attention to you, Michael's muscles coil with tension and his chest heaves with barely-contained anger. Gripping your arms so fiercely that bruises bloom in their wake, he shoves you against the wall, once, then again, as if attempting to jolt some some sense into you.
→ With swift determination, Michael hoists you over his shoulder and retreats into the shadows, his purposeful strides carrying you home. But the journey doesn't lead to the bedroom; instead, he deposits you onto the stairs with a roughness that steals your breath. There, in the dim light, he strips away the remnants of your clothing, his actions forceful and unyielding. Again and again, he fucks into you with a ferocity that leaves you screaming his name, your pleas mingling with the echoes of both passion and pain. In those moments, as his protectiveness gives way to possession and consumes you, you find yourself uttering the words he craves to hear—that you are his, and his alone.
→ Yet, even amidst the ecstasy, a shadow of uncertainty looms. You can never be certain that Michael wouldn't cross that final line, that his compulsion wouldn't drive him to take everything from you, including your life. For Michael, protection is not just about control—it's about ownership to the point of obsession. If he can't have you, no one else can either.
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 1 month
No Nut November - Slash
A/n: This is my personal favourite but that might just be because Slash is my favourite, him and duff... might have to write something with the both of them...
Warnings: Smut, no nut November, oral sex(f receiving), fingering(f receiving), cum eating, slight breeding kink??, if you think I missed anything please let me know otherwise enjoy the final part to this short series :3
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To be honest, he had no idea what the bet was. He tuned everything out and didn’t think twice about it. Axl called him later and told him no fucking before Steven. That made no sense to him and he just went home to go about his time.
When he got home he tried to explain it to you over dinner. Which was hard when he didn’t know what he was talking about in the first place. He managed to get the point across about not having sex for the month of November, you were upset but given the circumstances let it pass. You didn’t want to be missing out on a whole month of sex, however something you hadn’t thought about until the next.
You were downstairs making breakfast, as per usual because your manchild doesn’t know how to cook. Frankly you don’t want him to try, you like your house nice and not burn down. You were getting the plates set up when you remembered you had to go out of town for a family thing.
You rushed upstairs to your shared bedroom and found Slash stretched out over the bed. You gently shook him awake and told him about it. “So even if we wanted to do something we couldn’t!” You exclaimed. Slash stared at you blankly, clearly not awake.
“Alright.” He mumbled and face planted into his pillow. You smiled at him, brushing his hair out of the way and giving him a kiss on his forehead.
“Breakfast is ready, by the way.” He groaned.
You went about your day as you usually did, taking some time to pack your bags. You crawled into bed with Slash and he curled up nice and tight to you for a last night together before you left in the morning, likely before he’d wake up for breakfast.
Since you weren’t home for the majority of the month this challenge was easy for you. Slash called whining about it to you more than once but nothing ever actually happened, more often than not one of you would end up talking the other to sleep which was more than welcomed.
When you got back it was between him and Izzy but that was quick to end. Slash came home tired and hugged you from behind while you were cooking. “Izzy’s out.” He mumbled into the crook of your neck.
“Oh, yeah?” You responded. “That means you’re the only one left, right?” Slash was silent for a moment as he thought about it. In the end he never did give you an answer.
Slash dropped to his knees behind you and pulled your pants down. “When the fuck did you get these?” You looked down at him, cheeks red and brows raised in confusion. Slash shook his head and tore your panties off of you before forcefully spreading your legs and licking your flushed cunt.
You abandoned your cooking, turning the stove off while you could as Slash’s tongue worked tirelessly between your folds. You gasped at the feeling, holding onto the counter as he held you down on his face. He sucked your clit and dipped his tongue into you, eating you up so deliciously you could’ve cum right then and there.
Slash pulled back and stood up behind you, harshly bringing you to the island behind you so he could bend you over it. He pulled himself out of his jeans and gave his cock a few strokes as he stared down at your ass. “Been waiting too long for this.” He gleamed in that soft, raspy voice of his before pushing himself all the way into you.
He groaned loudly behind you while you let out a high pitched whine against the cold marble under you. He didn’t waste a single moment before pounding into you, gripping your hips with a bruising hold.
Oftentimes Slash wasn’t quiet, especially when he was needy or pent up and right now he was both. The house filled with echoed sounds of skin slapping on slick skin, your whines and Slash’s grunts and moans.
Your body bounced up and down the island surface with every thrust. Slash couldn’t take his eyes off of where your bodies met, where he disappeared into you before pulling out and pushing back in. He watched in pure amazement as you took him all in with ease.
“Slash! Slash, ‘m gonna-gonna cum!” You whined, hands twitching as your body quickly lost control of itself.
“Fuck, me too, ‘m gonna cum inside.” He said and with a few more thrusts he sent you over the edge. Your body quivered as you squirt on his dick. Slash followed you over and came inside you, coating your gummy walls in a thick layer of his seed just as he said he would.
Of course he didn’t even think to give you a moment to recuperate. He pulled you up and spun you around to face him, crashing his plump lips against yours. You could still taste yourself on his tongue as it danced with yours, saliva mixing together and dribbling down your chin in his haste to feel good.
He groped your body, ass, chest, whatever he could reach. He pulled you tight to him and tugged on your skin, slapping your ass and shoving a finger or two into you just to make you squirm. He hoisted you up onto the counter, lined himself up and slid into you, getting into a rhythm and hitting that spot in you that had you seeing stars.
Fuck, you loved the way he made you feel. His mouth never left you as he rut into you like a dog, desperate for release once more. He was a whining mess as he got closer, in turn bringing you closer as well.
You moaned loudly in his ear while he sucked on the sensitive skin of your neck. One of his hands was buried in your hair, tugging on it gently, while the other went to rub your clit, overstimulating you a bit.
You gripped his shoulders. Your nails dug into his back and without warning he came in you again. He paused for a moment, cock still stuffed deep inside of you as he processed what just happened. Once he had, at least mostly, he continued fucking you. He’d lost any sense of rhythm and you were sure he was overstimulating himself at this point so you gently pushed him back.
“‘M ok, Slash, don’t have to keep going.” You assured, though you weren’t thrilled with the idea. Slash stopped again and pulled out and went back on his knees. His lips suctioned to yours as he ate you once more, though now he was licking his own cum out of you. He didn’t seem to care, all his mind was set on was making you cum and when his lips latched onto your clit and sucked, his tongue swirling around it while he looked up at you with the sweetest puppy eyes you couldn’t help it.
You squirted on his face, your cum mixing with his as it hit his chin, getting in his mouth. He didn’t pull away until he was sure you were done.
He stood up and wrapped his arms around you, burying his sticky face in the crook of your neck. He pulled you off the counter but your legs were shaking so bad you couldn’t hold yourself up. Slash wasn’t in much better condition and slowly lowered the both of you to the ground so he could hold you properly.
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skinomyteethh · 8 months
I can’t stop thinking abt sub slash I need a fanfic if that’s possible.
₊˙♡﹗˚ ༘ moaning like a bitch
﹗pairing; slash x fem! reader
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★🎸 summary: sub! slash :3
★ contains/warnings: sub! slash. dom! fem! reader. oral (f. receiving). handjob. mentions of degradation and praise. spelling/grammar mistakes maybe.
★ authors note: I'm so fuckin sorry for not posting in a while everything is so hectic rn.
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✩ ᵕ̈ ིྀ ! due to his confident and laid-back stage persona combined with his heavy drinking habits and drug consumption many people believed slash to be an egotistical, dominating man, yet behind closed doors he was the complete opposite when he was alone with her. with [name] slash felt small, submissive, even delicate and dainty. it was strange.
he didn't know how or why he was feeling these things towards her, these sexual whims to follow her ever command to just appeared as soon as he laid eyes on her, he needed to be hers, desperately.
his bare back was against her semi-clothed chest. she trailed her right hand down his chest, caressing his bare skin, her left hand toying with his plethora of necklaces. shortly after, he right hand continued to trail down, gently wrapping her hand around the base of his cock. a soft, pleading whine escaped slash's lips at the newfound sensation.
[name] stroked him at an awfully slow pace, his whines and moans filled the previous silence of the bedroom. her soft, warm hand trailed up from the base to the tip of his cock. it was a dark red hue, dribbles of pre-cum leaking from the slit, trailing down towards his neatly shaven base. his mouth was opened a-gape, continuous plead escaping his plump red lips.
he fidgeted at the pleasure, his hands clawing at the now messed up white bedsheets. slash felt absolutely pathetic, so vulnerable. he was moaning and crying like a bitch, it was truly an incredible, lustful sight. her warm lips pressed softly against his ear, muttering a myriad of praises as well as degrading words and expressions.
'you're such a good boy for me' , and 'you're a pathetic little bitch' were just some of the many praises and degrading words that escaped [name]'s lips and were directed at him. despite the words being rather simple they turned him on so much and only pushed him closer and closer to the edge.
the pace of her stroking abruptly quickened, lewd sounds of his pre-cum getting smothered up and down his length, causing it to glisten beautifully. slash rested his head back against her shoulder, biting his bottom lip, his brown eyes half-lidded, he seemed overcome by lust.
his hands reached up to her forearm, clawing at it as the pitch of his moans began to rise. slash's eyes trailed to her lips, his plump ones parting as he attempted to catch his breath, [name] innocently smiled at him, leaning her head down. the two shared a messy kiss, spit streaming down the their chins. he pushed himself back against her, bucking his hips.
a multitude of curse words escaped his lips and without warning spurts of thick, white cum spilled from his cock, landing on slash's stomach and chest area as well as the palm of [name]'s hand. he panted, breathlessly, glancing up at her as she deliciously and rather pornographically licked his cum off of her palm, somewhat savoring the slightly salty taste. her clean left hand grabbed his chin, moving his head up, passionately kissing his bitten pink lips.
throughout the span of the kiss he could faintly taste his own cum. he moan slightly at the flavor, pulling away from the kiss. a string of saliva now connecting their tongues as they parted away from one another. slash then placed a hand on her shoulder, making her lay down against the mountain of pillows.
he slotted his head in-between her plush thighs, gripping the flesh. his pink tongue stuck out of his mouth as he licked a stripe from her clit down to her entrance, continuously focusing his tongue on her sensitive clit. once again praises escaped her lips, her hands, tightly grasping onto the roots of his curls, grinding her hips against her face.
slash simply laid in place, letting her somewhat ride his face and pleasure herself. her pleasure-filled moans encouraging him to maintain his position, maintaining his face shoved in between her folds. eventually, slash inserted his tongue into her entrance. his face became an even bigger mess, [name]'s arousal not only coating his lips now but also his chin and up to the bridge of his nose.
with every thrust of his tongue or bump of his nose against her clit, and even every kiss he planted on her fluttering cunt inched he closer and closer to an anticipated orgasm. he pulled his tongue out of her entrance, now licking her clit over and over, stimulating it, causing her to finally release all over his face.
a small smile crept up on his face, placing a plethora of kisses along her jawline. the kisses were innocent, unlike their previous actions. this night was surely one to remember, and maybe being subby wasn't so bad.
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stuffeddeer · 3 months
He turns off your alarm once you’ve fallen asleep.
The operation is covert, sneakily unwrapping his arms from around you to try and not wake you up. It takes a bit of effort, forcing his mind to let go of the comfort that comes from embracing you, but it’ll be worth it when he’s able to do so for longer when the sun comes up. Slowly, he’ll twist out from underneath the covers and away from the fluffy mattress you occupied, tiptoeing quietly over to your side of the bed.
Dazai slips your phone off of your charger before quickly (and yet still quietly!) fleeing the bedroom you two shared. You weren’t a light sleeper, but if you caught Dazai you’d probably banish him to the couch for the next few nights. Once in the hall, he’d input your password (your birthday, how cute dumb!) and open up your alarm app. Two alarms graced Dazai’s vision, one for nearly four hours before your shift starts and another for 15 minutes before, which is when you two leave for the Agency.
With a grin, he slides the on button to off for the four-hours-before alarm, deciding to benevolently leave the 15-minutes-before alarm on. It was most assuredly out of the goodness of his heart and not because he knew you’d be angry learning he shut off one of the alarms, much less both.
Maneuvering quickly back into the bedroom, he plugs in your phone and sets it back on the nightstand before throwing himself on top of you.
“’Sssamu..?” You murmur, your words slurred from sleep as you shifted beneath him.
Feeling proud after a job well done, Dazai peppers kisses along your cheeks before climbing back under the blankets. “Sorry, go back to sleep. Just am excited to hold you.”
“You were already holding me,” you pout, eyes still shut as sleep starts to take over once more.
The brunet says nothing as he pulls you back into his arms, eyes shutting easily as he thinks about tomorrow morning.
Used to your usual alarm clock, your body wakes up around four hours before naturally. Dazai coaxes you into staying in his arms, mentioning several times that you’ve never forgotten to turn on your alarm before - you must’ve just awoken earlier than normal. But that's fine, you two can just stay in each other’s arms until the actual alarm goes off, right?
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zapreportsblog · 9 months
You know the “opposites attract” relationships?
How about do one with Brahms?
Brahms - clingy, protective, stiff
Reader - calm, trusting, soft
Brahms X calm! Reader
Thank youuuuu :)
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✭ pairing : brahms heelshire x reader
✭ fandom : slashers
✭ summary : brahms is one hell of a touch starved man and when (y/n) came into his life he expected her to be just like all the others, but she isn’t. In fact she embraces him with welcome arms so does that mean all those people who left him are because it’s his fault?
✭ slashers masterlist
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The wind whispered through the ancient trees that surrounded Heelshire Manor, casting eerie shadows on its aged façade. (Y/N) had applied for a simple job months ago, never imagining how peculiar her new role would become. The advertisement had called for a caretaker, someone to oversee the estate's unique collection of antiques and curiosities. Little did she know, her main charge would be a doll of all things.
The first time she laid eyes on the doll, she was taken aback. It was an exquisitely crafted replica of a man, dressed in aristocratic attire from a bygone era. The porcelain face bore an uncanny resemblance to the owner of the manor, Brahms Heelshire, whose family had owned the estate for generations. The locals whispered tales of the Hellshire curse, and their peculiar fascination only fueled the sense of mystery that hung over the manor.
As (Y/N) settled into her role, her days were filled with dusting ancient furniture, polishing silverware, and, most importantly, attending to the doll. The instructions were simple: ensure the doll's clothing remained impeccable, the porcelain visage remained pristine, and its position on the mantel stayed undisturbed. The task was mundane, yet it carried an air of reverence, as if the doll held some deeper significance that transcended its appearance.
Days turned into weeks, and (Y/N) gradually grew accustomed to her routine. The mansion's interior was an amalgamation of faded opulence and eerie silence. The walls seemed to whisper secrets, and the portraits of long-departed Heelshire ancestors stared down with solemn gazes. Every creak and rustle echoed through the hallways, keeping her senses on high alert.
One evening, as she carefully adjusted the doll's coat collar, she felt an inexplicable shiver run down her spine. A feeling of being watched settled over her, but she brushed it off as her imagination running wild. That night, though, as she lay in bed, she could have sworn she heard faint whispers carried on the breeze.
The following days brought a series of odd occurrences: a book left open to a specific page she hadn't touched, a teacup shifted slightly on its saucer. She couldn't shake the feeling that someone was playing tricks on her, but each time she looked around, the empty rooms offered no answers.
It was on the night of a thunderstorm that everything changed. Lightning illuminated the mansion's darkened interior, casting eerie shadows that danced along the walls. (Y/N) found herself drawn to the doll, her fingers tracing its delicate features in the dim light.
And then, as the thunder roared and rain beat against the windows, she heard a whisper so faint it might have been her own imagination. "(Y/N)…" The voice seemed to emanate from within the doll itself.
Startled, she stumbled back, her heart racing. But then, as if responding to an unseen presence, the doll's eyes blinked. A shock of realization coursed through her: the doll was no mere doll; it was a conduit to something more.
"(Y/N)…" The voice was clearer this time, resonating through the room. She watched in awe as the doll's porcelain skin began to soften, its limbs shifting, as if a dormant life was awakening.
And then, from the doll's heart, a figure emerged. A man, dressed in period clothing, stood before her, his eyes fixed upon her with a mix of curiosity and caution. It was Brahms Heelshire himself, or a spectral semblance of him.
For a heartbeat, time seemed to stand still as they stared at each other in silence. (Y/N) was taken aback by the unexpected turn of events, her heart pounding in her chest. But amidst the shock and fear, an unspoken understanding passed between them.
The man, or whatever he was, spoke softly, his voice tinged with both melancholy and yearning. "You did not flee, as others before you have. Why?"
With a steady breath, (Y/N) met his gaze. "I believe that even the most peculiar of situations deserve a chance to be understood. And, in all honesty, I've grown fond of the company, even if it's a doll or a spectral form."
A ghostly smile touched his lips, and for the first time, she saw a glimmer of warmth in his eyes. "You’re courageous , (Y/N)."
And so, an unusual connection was forged within the walls of Heelshire Manor — a connection that transcended the boundaries between the living and the spectral. As (Y/N) continued her role as caretaker, the enigmatic Brahms Heelshire ventured forth from his hidden existence within the doll, revealing himself to her in a way no one else had dared to witness.
Over the course of the next few months and then two years, an unexpected bond blossomed between (Y/N) and Brahms. As the seasons changed, so did their relationship, evolving into something far beyond what (Y/N) could have ever anticipated. She had become accustomed to Brahms' spectral presence, his masked face a constant companion. Despite his initial mysterious aura, she found comfort in his company and the intriguing conversations they shared.
Brahms, for his part, reveled in the connection he had forged with (Y/N). No longer confined to the doll's form, he wandered the mansion's halls and rooms, always keeping a respectful distance from her. Yet, he was undeniably clingy, often hovering nearby, his presence an unspoken reassurance. His touch starvation, accumulated over years of isolation, drove him to seek her proximity. Whether it was watching her read in the library or tending to the mansion's gardens, he was there, his masked face silently observing.
Their bond deepened, and with time, their relationship took an unexpected turn. The unspoken attraction that had simmered between them evolved into a romantic connection. Their feelings grew steadily, and one evening, as the sun set over the mansion's sprawling gardens, Brahms removed his mask, revealing his disfigured face to (Y/N). She met his gaze without flinching, accepting him just as he was.
They became a couple, their connection forged in the quiet moments they shared, the lingering glances, and the touch of their hands. (Y/N) found herself drawn to his vulnerability and complexity, and he was captivated by her acceptance and compassion.
However, even as their relationship thrived, an undercurrent of unease began to surface. Brahms, though no longer confined to the doll, remained deeply afraid of losing (Y/N). His history of people fleeing from his presence had left scars that ran deep. His clinginess intensified, a silent plea for her to stay by his side.
As the months turned into years, Brahms' fear only grew. He watched as (Y/N) went about her daily routines, her calm demeanor seemingly unfazed by his constant presence. Yet, he couldn't shake the thought that his clinginess might drive her away. The fear of rejection gnawed at him, an invisible specter that haunted his every interaction with her.
One evening, as they sat by the fireplace, the crackling flames casting shadows on the walls, Brahms hesitated before speaking. "I fear that my need for your presence might become unbearable," he confessed, his voice tinged with vulnerability.
(Y/N) turned to him, her eyes soft and understanding. "Brahms, you're not driving me away. I'm here because I choose to be. Your presence doesn't suffocate me; it's become a comfort."
He looked at her with a mix of hope and trepidation, struggling to believe her words. "But I'm constantly clinging to you, fearing that you might vanish like the others."
Gently, she reached out and took his hand. "Brahms, you're not alone anymore. I'm not going anywhere. We'll face your fears together."
A fragile smile graced his lips as he intertwined his fingers with hers, the weight of his vulnerability lessening, if only by a fraction. With her steady presence by his side, he dared to hope that he could overcome his past and embrace the happiness that had entered his life.
Their journey was far from easy, but with time, patience, and unwavering support, (Y/N) and Brahms forged a love that transcended the boundaries of the living and the spectral. And through it all, they learned that sometimes, the most profound connections are born from the places where fear and acceptance collide.
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soggywave · 6 days
finally watched scream last night. its like . literally willry . i might go insane
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i know canonically everyone suspects henry and it ends up being william but like. the opposite is also fun. and if it was both of them even better. also i call my william billy so its another layer. i really enjoyed it. recommend more queer horror films please
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aishnico · 5 months
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#𝙎𝙇𝘼𝙎𝙃: 𝘭𝘢𝘥𝘺 𝘴𝘵𝘳𝘢𝘯𝘨𝘦
» summary: the famous guitarist of guns n’ roses is not sure what he feels towards you
» word count: 3.2k (wOOOOO)
» warnings: cringey stuff (help 🙄🙄), alchohol, drugs, not cheating but you might take it personally (?) suggestive content, he’s a bitch until the last parts, fluff at the end (?), grammar issues (as always)
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“so, what’s up with that girl in that music shop?” duff asked his curly-haired friend while drinking his vodka.
his friend yawned. “huh, who?”
“the girl in the music shop, you even invited her to our last concert. izzy said he saw you two on outside.”
he blinked a few times. then realization hit him. “ooh, you’re talking about miss fortune,” he then started to laugh like an idiot. “be ready to hear what will come.”
he didn't care about you, at first. he just thought you were a cute girl who was in charge of one of his favorite music stores when sometimes the owner, your dad, wasn't around. you would look at him impressed and with adoration whenever he played one of the greatest guitar solos. your reaction would cause him to chuckle and boost his ego.
you wondered since when he was playing and how many hours he was practicing a day. of course, your mouth was wide open when you heard the answer. you acted like you weren't believing him, but deep down, you knew it was mostly true.
after some time, he asked you to attend one of his band's shows to see more of his guitar capabilities. and it's not like a famous rock star asks you this every day. so you accepted his offer.
the show was crazy; his bandmates were also crazy and flirtatious as fuck, but they killed the show. you were looking for him after the show. then saw his friends taking drugs while a couple of half-naked chicks were sitting by their sides. you assumed he was going to join them, but you saw him outside trying to light his cigarette. but you grabbed it from his hands with a sly smile. he furrowed his eyebrows.
"c'mon, girl, give it back."
"there are better things to do than this. what are you doing here?"
"just went for some fresh air. the atmosphere inside is making my head hurt today. guess i'm not in the mood."
"this," you pointed his lighter. "doesn't make fresh air. also, won't this make your head hurt more?"
he rolled his eyes at you. "and what are you suggesting?"
that was the first moment when he thought you were, strange. more strange and different than the girls he has ever met. he never thought you would bring him to a chinese tea shop. and he wasn't expecting you to pay for both of you. he had never tried this type of tea before. hell, when was the last time he even drank tea?
the waiters even offered both of you fortune cookies. he thought they were nothing but bullshit. who would even believe in them? of course, you would.
"how can you even believe in these?" he asked, furrowing his eyebrows at the cookie.
"well, i don't know about you, but for me, most of them are true!"
"i've never eaten this before."
"come on! how about the fortune cards? have you tried them before?"
"no. like i said, they are all bullshit." he said with a strict tone.
"at least eat the cookie."
he did as you said and broke the cookie in half. he didn't even look at the mini-paper and wrinkled it. then saw your sad puppy eyes looking at him. he sighed and straightened the paper without showing it to you.
'the thing you might be looking for is nearer than you think.'
what does that even mean? he furrowed his eyebrows again. "what does it say?" you asked him excitedly, and he wrinkled the paper and put it in his pocket.
"you're no fun." you muttered.
"and you are the most hilarious person i've ever met. it's getting late. let's go."
"would you accompany me?" you asked with a teasing tone.
usually, when he would go on his 'dates', he would call a cab for them. he doesn't remember when he accompanied them on a walk or when he agreed to accompany you now.
he listened to your beliefs about those fortune things he found bullshit, how tea is better than coffee and country music is actually nice to listen to, which he disagrees with on both. you two didn't have any common things at all. but he found it amusing to argue about things about which you didn't have the same opinion as him.
you were now standing before your house. you smiled at him. "thank you for the company."
he shrugged. "i mean, you asked me to do it so..."
"yeah yeah, good night, saul." you planted a kiss on his cheek before entering your house. he stood there for a couple of seconds. then started to walk fast to the street to find a cab. he had already lost a lot of time.
"she then kissed my cheek, and she probably thinks we're dating or something." the guitarist laughed at his sentence with duff. he took another roll of cocaine.
"i think she did that because she wanted to tease you?" duff asked.
"tease me? man, i don't even have eyes on her. she's weird. not in a bad way, though."
"don't tease her himself. girls like her may think you're in love with her or something."
"trust me, she's like the last person to fall in love with."
that was what he has been telling himself since your little 'date'. he didn't bother to contact you, neither did you. he thought you were just acting indifferent.
he almost forgot you while he was on tour. every day traveling to another city, playing the same songs, meeting with new chicks, and sometimes making out with them...
it has been almost a month and a half since you saw each other. they were in los angeles again, working on a new album. one day, he received a phone call from the owner of his favorite music shop. the shopkeeper told him that there were new pedals and equipments for electric guitars at the shop. he got excited and went on his way to the shop.
he spent about an hour there, testing new guitars and equipments on them. however, he decided he didn't need them for now. he thanked the shopkeeper, and before leaving, he saw a familiar picture of a woman behind the cash point.
what he did not expect was that the woman in the picture, you, was the shopkeeper's daughter.
"haven't you met with my daughter yet? strange... i remember that she told me that a famous guitarist would come here often while i had something to do."
"i... don't remember her."
"hm, i don't think you can see her often here from now on. she's in college, so she doesn't have much time for her dad anymore, I guess." he coughed.
"what's her major?"
"english literature, i believe"
"cool... anyway, take care." the guitarist answered when he was about to leave the shop. before he could pull the door, somebody else pulled. you.
both his and your eyes wide open. you smiled at him sincerely. "what a pleasing surprise! we met again." you chuckled.
"oh? isn't that our little miss fortune?" he seemed to remember now.
"miss fortune? that's not the best way to describe me but okay. i'm in a hurry, but i'd like to meet you tonight at the tea shop where we went about a month ago. bye!" you rushed inside without saying anything else.
"hey! when should i come?"
your father grinned at him and the guitarist left the shop.
why did i say that..? the man thought to himself. i probably sounded desperate to see her or something. ugh...
he made his way towards the local bar where he and his bandmates would usually hang out. maybe he could kill some time before heading to the tea shop. he just wanted to lay on a couch for a while but couldn't say no to a pretty lady who wanted to share her bottle of jack daniels with him.
"waiting for someone, handsome?"
"i'm waiting for someone, actually."
"hm, unpunctual people are not up to good."
"actually, i don't know why am i waiting."
"are you waiting for a date?"
"i don't think it's a date, just a hangout."
"well, i don't think you should wait too long for a hangout. you have nothing to do better?"
"guess no"
"well, i think there is." the lady smirked at him before attacking his neck with kisses and bites. the man threw his head back and inhaled. he gave her more permission to attack. eventually, he got turned on, pulled her head off, and connected their lips before heading to the nearest toilet.
it was almost 9 p.m. and only now did he remember he needed to go after washing his face. his head was exploding. he still didn't know why he was heading there. he certainly did not have feelings for you. he didn't find you super attractive, and he didn't find a reason to hang out with you often.
were you friends? he also didn't think so. maybe you would complain about him to his father like a little girl, and then your father would forbid him to come to his shop? that thought was hilarious to him.
after about half an hour, he was standing before the tea shop. when he looked through the window, he saw no one there except a ginger employee. he then hesitated but entered inside.
"i'm sorry sir, but we're closing here after ten minutes." the ginger woman told him before going to the personal room to change her clothes.
he huffed at himself. it was just a waste of time for him. why did he even bother? he asked this question to himself for the nth time.
he made his way to the door but stopped once he heard a door opening sound from behind. he returned his face to the sound and saw you with a shocked expression, but it turned into a relaxing small smile.
"you came..."
"you called."
then your ginger friend got out of personal room and tapped your shoulder. "we're closing in ten minutes. make your last order, then close the shop, alright?"
you nodded. "good night!"
"good night!"
you both watched her leave, then looked at each other awkwardly. "i thought you wouldn't show up."
"i planned to come here earlier, but..."
"but..." you repeated after him and got closer to him. your happy face dropped off. you looked at his neck full of hickies. "guess mosquitoes nagged you." you gave him a small smile.
"oh, is that much visible? my friends will tease the shit out of me."
you didn't reply and made your way toward the cash point. "what can i make for you?" 
he looked at the tea chart for a couple of seconds. "you know what? make the tea we both drank when we were here."
"i don't remember which we drank."
"then make your favorite. make two cups of them."
"oh? you seem pretty thirsty." you teased him.
"nah, that's for you. you treated me that time. now i want to repay."
you nodded. "oh, so that's why you came here. to repay me."
this thought never passed through his mind but he chose to lie. "yeah, pretty much." you didn't look up to him but nodded.
after a couple of minutes, you put two cups of tea on the tray and went to where he was sitting. you placed his tea in front of him. "thank you."
you sat next to him. admiring people from afar. a lady and her boyfriend were clinging to each other to get warm. an old lady was struggling with her walker and her son (or someone else) was trying to help her. three children running on pavements while laughing (why were they outside at this hour?)
but he could care less about the outside. he was admiring you. he was admiring how soft your expression was. how you looked cute when you're puffing the steam from tea. how slowly you're drinking it, but it is still hot, and you manage to burn the tip of your tongue a little bit. he chuckled at himself.
"what's funny?" you pouted at him.
"you. you're funny."
you rolled your eyes at him. "you're annoying, mind your business."
"what happened to your lovey-dovey attitude? i still remember that kiss." he teased you.
"ugh, don't remind me. i cringe every time i remember this. god knows what was i thinking... besides, i know that meant nothing to you."
"ooh, how do you know that?"
"because you would try to contact me, at least passing by that music shop. but you never did these for the past month. you just chased some mosquitoes, and they chase you back."
he laughed at this. "why do i feel like we're arguing like we're actually a couple?"
you didn't know how to reply, so you continued to sip your tea. you didn't talk until you finished your tea. you looked at his side and saw that his cup was full.
"you didn't even take a sip."
"i waited for it to be cold."
"trust me, it is now. but i have to close the shop. drink it or give it to me." you said while reaching your hand to him. but he quickly grabbed the cup and drank it all at once.
your mouth was wide open. you blinked a few times. "this is not some tequila okay?! you can't just one-shot it!"
"who says?" he replied while heading to the cash point. you followed him there and finished your cleaning and checking the last things before heading door with him.
after locking the door you looked at him. you thought he wanted to say something so you waited patiently.
"thank you." was all he said. you lowered your head, and smiled at yourself. "i shall thank you. for the free tea."
"i forgot to thank you at that time. and i thank you now for your kindness."
he would never thought these words would actually leave his mouth. like, he was a completely different person now.
"you're welcome, i hope you enjoyed your tea."
"trust me, i did."
"well, i'm glad." you looked at him now. after a brief moment of silence, you coughed. "i should get going. you should too. don't drink too much at this hour. huh, why would you listen to me?" you lowered your voice at the end but he heard it anyway.
"i already drank today. and i have no desire to drink again. not now, but surely tomorrow."
"alright, good night saul. take care."
you smiled again and started to walk on your way. "wait!" you heard him calling you so you stopped. he immediately came next to you.
"would you want me to company you?"
you chuckled at yourself. "i do not want to waste your time."
"trust me, you won't."
what was that again? what did he just say? he completely agreed that he was just someone else right now. but his stomach got hurt so much when you sincerely smiled again. it wasn't pain, it was something else. it feels like something quivers in his stomach and the breath from his lungs is leaving.
he feels exhilaration.
"are you okay? you're trembling," you asked him worriedly, caressing both of his arms.
he feels like he is about to explode.
"the weather- yes, the weather is... getting cold. we should get going."
"look, you don't have to come with me. my house isn't far from here anyway. you're shaking. just find a cab and head to your home. you won't be happy when you get sick and you have to be at the studio at that moment."
oh how sincere you were in your words and how caring you were towards him.
"i'm gonna be fine," he smirked and you both started to walk next to each other.
both of you didn't talk. although the silence wasn't disturbing. it was a comfortable one. million thoughts were flying inside his head right now. he was mainly thinking about your current situation. what you two were? what you were to him? was this feeling temporary? was this feeling gonna hunt him constantly? he didn't know.
the only thing he knew was that he had to find a reason to hang out with you again.
he wanted to know more about you. wanted to hear about your college life and lessons. want to know about your family and friends. wanted to know your favorite color, food, animal, movie, and more. he wanted to learn about you more.
"are you feeling warm yet?" you broke the long silence. but it seemed like he was in his deep thoughts.
"saul?" you called him. he then came back to reality and looked at you. "
"huh? excuse me, i was thinking about something."
"i asked if you're feeling warm yet."
"oh, yeah. pretty much."
a silence occurred between you once again. this time, he broke it. with saying something unexpected.
"although i would feel completely warm if you make me a soup."
you laughed hysterically. "i bet those chicks make hella delicious soups."
"nah, i don't think so. i want to try your meals someday."
he didn't care about it anymore. he didn't care anymore if he was being someone else. he liked it
"someday... someday seems cool."
"your behavior did really change. i would lie if i say i don't miss the old lovey-dovey miss fortune [name]."
"h-huh? don't call me miss fortune. i'm not interested in that stuff that much now. besides, unlike you, i love this saul."
"oh? you don't like my old me?"
"he was salty, but he was okay. i would still hang out with him."
he couldn't hide his smile but managed to hide his slightly flushed cheeks. even if he was being like this, or normal himself, you would still be next to him.
finally, you both were standing in front of your house. you inhaled and looked at him. "thank you for your accompany."
he just shrugged, couldn't find anything to say. so you cleaned your throat. "good night, saul. take care."
"you too, good night."
you smiled and before you pulled the door he called you by your name. you turned your head at him.
"no good night kisses?" he asked with a cheeky tone. you just rolled your eyes at him playfully. "don't tease me, boy, now go and get some sleep."
"woah woah woah woah- you know what it feels like to me? like i just skipped a big part of a romance novel." duff laid on the couch, almost going to sleep right there.
"i know it happened in one night but, i'm telling you. this time, wasn't like the first time. the first time i really wanted to walk away from there. but this time, i didn't want it to end."
"congratulations on your new hook-up then. just know, i'm gonna make it shorter by saying she's the last person to fall in love with."
"hey, mind your own business!"
"fine fine..." the bassist yawned loudly before slowly drifting off.
they didn't talk for a few minutes since saul was lost in his thoughts again. then something clicked in his mind.
there weren't two versions of him. there wasn't this cheeky and normal saul. there was only one. and that only one have…
he broke the silence.
"dude, i think i've fallen in love with her for real."
the bassist woke up and dropped his bottle of vodka to the floor. "you what?!"
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“His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.”
*this is my very first gnr/slash fic. I’m not proofreading it either it’s just something for the depraved slash girlies*
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✰slash!xfem!/age!gap/praise kink/daddy issues/extreme!smut/NSFW ✰
Did not narrow down slashes age here. Anywhere from 40-current age- left up to reader
Because of your "fading talent", your dad thought it would be best to force you into guitar lessons. He told you if you took lessons seriously, that he wouldn't make you get a job. Guitar was your job.
You never resented guitar playing. It was your first love. You knew you were good at it. You could lose yourself in playing and the world would disappear. And you didn't want to disappoint your dad. You constantly felt like you weren't meeting his expectations of being some sort of renowned guitar player. But you knew nothing else and felt good at nothing else but guitar. It felt like you're only option as a career path.
Your dad worked in the music industry for over 20 years. He saw the success that could come from being a musician. He had connections and everyone knew him and he knew everyone. You remember tagging along in and out sporadically throughout growing up. It was just the two of you. You had met cool bands and musicians and other famous figure heads. While it was "cool", you also didn't care much as it had monopolized your childhood. Long nights, early flights, the rush of recording studios, backstages, waiting around on your dad in meetings. Probably sometimes being in places not meant for a kid. You became indifferent and tired.
But now you were older and the expectations of you were even more elevated. Your dad wanted more from you. You weren't sure if it was for profit or fame anymore for him. He never seemed quite satisfied and never gave any sort of clear affirmation.
You hopped out of the blacked out suburban with your equipment. Your dad closing the door behind you. You stepped into the cold night air. A shiver ran up your exposed legs under your skirt. Although a brisk walk from the parking garage to the recording studio, you wished you had dressed a little warmer. But dressing like a rockstar wasn't for wimps! You liked to model your style after female rockstars you had met growing up but always ended up just looking like some little groupie.
The recording studio was more or less an old penthouse with a recording area built in one of the rooms. It was nice but had this eerie grungy appearance that made it seem like it could have been a trap house in the 80s. While you tried your best to fit the role, you looked like you didn't belong there. Even your dad looked cooler than you. Suddenly you started to feel insecure. As you walked down the dark hallway inside, music became louder as the smell of cigarettes did too. A hazy light shone through a cracked door at the end of the hallway. Was this a guitar lesson or a concert? Your dad pushed through the door and you followed tucked behind him timidly. Immediately old friends of your dads excitedly gave him greetings and hugs complete with hearty slaps on the backs. You stood there nervously clutching your guitar. "You guys remember my daughter, Y/N!" Your dad announced you, stepping back to reveal you hidden behind him. Your cover suddenly exposed. "Well I'll be damned! If it isn't Y/N!" They all exclaimed happily. A scruffy man with blond hair embraced you fatherly and gave you a small gentle noogie on your head. "Man look at this kid! Haven't seen you since you were what, 12! Look at you all grown up now!" He said simultaneously exchanging his eyes from you to your dad. You grinned sheepishly embarrassed at the attention in the room on you. Guns n Roses. Man they were so fucking cool. You'd met them a few times growing up when your dad worked with them off and on. This part of his job was pretty cool. It was more like family friends than the world famous rock legends. Except when you were younger, the barrier between you and them was bigger. Your dad shielding you from the crazy drunken scraps, sessions and other rockstar mischief. You'd meet and then your dad would leave you with his assistant in another office or the tour bus while he fucked around with the guys elsewhere. But now you were an adult like them! You finally got to be on the inside. In the ring with the rockstars. This made you even more intimidated. 'Am I getting lessons from rockstars?' You panicked to yourself. Suddenly completely doubting your skill at all. They can't see you play! They'll laugh for sure. There's no way.
The music playing on the speaker suddenly changed to a softer tempo, "She Rides" by Danzig started playing. The slow intro intertwined with the dark atmosphere of the studio. Dark purple velvet curtains limply hung from the ceilings, old trunks full of excess junk and costume attire, records plastered the walls, the only light in the room glowing from dim warm lamps throughout the room. It felt safe and comfortable in here, like an old theatre. Cigarette smoke danced through the warm glow of the lamps.
The feeling of eyes on you started burning the back of your head. Someone was watching you. You turned your head to the left corner of the studio. A broad shoulder man sat open legged on a old couch and became illuminated by the warm glow of the lamp. The smoke trailed from his full lips out from under his dark full curls decorating his tan face. He had remained quiet and out of frame when the greetings went on. You dad shooting the shit with the other men in the room.
It's Slash. Your heart beat a little quicker in your chest. Oh my god of course, how could I forget SLASH! You became suddenly star struck for a brief moment. He was the GOD of guitar. He's so badass and he's so talented and he's....staring..at me? Your thoughts left your head. You felt his gaze on you like you were being hunted. Like his prey? You tried to examine him back, thinking you were being inconspicuous. His luscious curls sat atop his large broad frame, shirt slightly tight across his massive chest. His legs spread open as he relaxed into the couch like a lazy king on a throne. A cigarette pursed between his soft lips as he strummed a guitar. He kept his eyes on you, strumming without even looking. His large, rough hands adorned with rings, tenderly kissing the strings.
"Your new guitar teacher!"
You snapped into reality. "What?" You responded sounding a little more eager than you wanted to but so in disbelief. " Slash was kind enough to lend his time to you. You remember him right?" Your dad said flippantly. He walked over to the couch, harshly scooting you along with him. No fucking chance. You tried to lock back in and play it cool. Slash lifted his guitar off his lap and set it aside. He leaned forward on the couch to greet you. His gaze on you now more apparent and obvious. He scanned you up and down. "Well look who's all grown up." He said in a teasing but serious manner. He half smirked at you. You weren't sure how he intended that to come across but the way it landed made your stomach flutter and your cheeks flush. "I've been told you're quite the player these days" He said, still scanning you. Was everyone else in the room so oblivious to the electricity unfurling? Or was it just you? Was his blatant hungry gaze all in your head because you wanted it to be real? Because you wanted slash to think you were pretty? Because you thought he was attractive? No. It was real. His primal gaze on your body was definitely real. How was everyone else missing this? The energy in the room? Did your dad not realize the borderline dangerous fixation that slash's eyes cast on you? You snapped back again, remembering why you were there.
What you yourself were oblivious to was the fact that his eyes had locked onto you the second you entered the room. Not recognizing the delicate girl who looked like a brand new doll getting thrown into a junkyard. She stuck out like an Angel to him. Her soft and bright features contrasted the worn out room. She looked pretty but young. How young? Who was this girl? This wasn't Y/N was it? His friends daughter he had agreed to tutor although half drunk at the time of his agreement. It couldn't be her, this girl here now was grown up and filled out. He couldn't help but pour his eyes over her entire body. Her soft and smooth legs, her thighs tucked under a little black leather skirt that hugged her hips so perfectly. A nice little ass under there too. God she was perfect. His pants grew a little tighter. He couldn't stop looking at her. She's like a timid little bunny, he thought to himself. Too timid. Too young. Need to check yourself, he snapped back into reality as she walked over to the couch. It was Y/N. Wow- She had to have been 19 or 20 by now if he remembered right. Still, what would a bright young girl like herself want with a old man like him? He steadied himself. Remember why she's here. She's not your next meal. Yet.
It was nearly midnight at the studio. But to everyone in the music industry it might as well have been 5'o clock in the afternoon. The night just getting started to most. After and hour or two of your dad catching up with the guys and some other musicians, the penthouse became filled with people. This was one of your average studio parties it seemed. Not so much a lesson. You did wonder why the lesson was so late at night in the first place. Now it was apparent that your dad had wanted to party with the crews and the lesson was a back burner idea. You were not really a partier. In fact not at all. As the party began to rage louder and heavier, the more you stuck out like a sore thumb. You felt silly and out of place. Surrounded by drunk messy adults, heavy metal blaring through the sound system. Everyone had filtered out of the studio and you sat on the couch once occupied by Slash earlier in the night. His peppery, musky cologne lingered on the couch, it smelled so good. He smelled so good. You couldn't stop seeing the image of his face in your mind. The depraved, hungry stare he had locked onto you earlier. It simultaneously struck butterflies and fear into your body. Your dad had disappeared into the party and it honestly gave you relief that he wasn't there to hover over you, casting shadows of his disappointment in you through every undertone of every word he spoke. Technically though, that did mean you could practice without anyone's judgement.
You began unpacking your guitar on the floor, checking the strings, your picks, your sheet music. You put your headphones on and turned on none other than Guns N' Roses. Trying to drown out the heavy metal playing in the other rooms. You hummed to yourself while you fiddled with your things.
Moments later, the door opened slowly and slash entered. He was alone, holding a beer in one hand and a cigarette in the other. He immediately saw you over the corner by his favorite spot. He quietly shut the door behind him and made his way to the couch. Seeing you oblivious to his gaze, he quietly studied you from the couch. His thoughts once again snaking their way through impure desires. The way your reddened knees held you on the floor. A small glimpse of cotton panties poking out from under your skirt. Your thighs curving across your calves like a puzzle piece. He watched the way your delicate small hands tried to handle the far too oversized guitar laid across your lap. Fuck she's so cute he thought. He could hear the GNR song "Think about you" playing from your headphones. Unaware you weren't alone, you softly chirped out a few lyrics to yourself as you hummed.
"I think about youuuu, deep inside, I love you best."
He let out a breathy chuckle
"I think about youuuu, you know you're the one I want..."
He could watch you in your own world forever like this. Your sweetness enveloped the room. A breath of fresh air he had been craving for so long. It made his heart pound in his chest. He licked his lips. Studying his student. The adoration danced with a dark and perverse stream of wishes. To get closer to you. To feel your warmth and inhale your sweet scent. To touch you. Your soft and delicate skin. To have you. He had to have you. He left the couch and stood behind you. The light from one of the lamps now being shaded threw you out of your little world and you slowly turned around in confusion.
"Oh my god!" You yipped out in a fast spool of fear, embarrassment and shock. You twirled back to him on your knees. His tall dark body towered over you like a monolith. He smirked big. Looked down at you on your knees in front of him sent aches down his chest and into his abdomen. It drove him crazy. It was exactly where he wanted you if it were up to him. Your innocent eyes peering up to him. Your fear almost adding a little bit of extra sweetness to him. You looked so cute to him when you were scared. You quickly took off your headphones. "Didn't mean to scare you doll face." He chuckled maliciously. You hesitated to believe that was true.
Suddenly Slash broke the thin barrier of space that had been aching to be ripped apart between the two of you. His large strong hands wrapped around your small wrists and he yanked you on your feet. At full stature you still only met his sternum in height, still peering up at him. The warmth of his strong hands touching your skin shocked you in the best way. Deep swirls pooling inside you. His scent now strong in your presence. You were so close to him. Almost body to body. Your doe eyes glittered up at him. He let out a slight huff as his serpent stare connected with you once again. Like a hungry animal. "This perfect body. I need to ruin her pretty cunt. Fuck me..." he thought. He glanced down at your chest concealed in your tight shirt and then back to your face, know you saw him do it too. He wanted you to see. A slight curl of his lips as he did it. His big hands still wrapped around your dainty wrists. You slightly try to pull them away as to relieve him of his duty to help you up but his grasp tightens and his lips curl. "You've grown up little bunny" he broke the thick silence in his scratchy and deep voice. Giving one more soul stealing stare and he let you go before you could reply. He sat on the couch, resuming his king like pose. He took a drag from his cigarette and sucked the smoke into his nose. Staring at you as he slowly let the smoke trickle out of his lips and nose. God did he know what he was doing? Fuck he was so hot you thought. You wanted to just climb on top of him and steal the smoke right out from his mouth. "So I've been told" you sneer back. "And you're sassy now too? Tsk tsk" he clicked jokingly. "So.." you ignore his quip. "When do I get this lesson of yours?" You ask earnestly. His eyebrow raises. Was that a serious question? He thought. The innocent and curious nature of your voice. He tried to ignore his pants becoming more uncomfortably tight again. He placed a guitar over his lap and strummed to hide anything. "I have a couple things I could teach you little bunny."
You wondered if his statement was two folded or if you were just imagining things. The conversation could have easily been interpreted as normal to an unsuspecting person. So your reply you camouflage in case his intention isn't what you thought. "I want to learn so many things. I'll be the best student. I promise" you say sweetly. That drives him crazy. This girl knows what she's doing doesn't she? He thought. He thinks on a reply before saying anything. Combing his mind to think what the next move is here. Calculating.
Everything else falls away and you deem it in this moment to finally have something YOU want for a change. No more expectations. If it fails it fails but it's not like you lose anything. It's not like anyone cares, let alone this massive superstar in front of you who can have anyone he wants.
Your need for his touch makes you brave and you trace your fingers over his as he plays. He doesn't stop at this though but glances at you. "I can be a real good student, Slash." You coo to him in exactly the right tone to drive him crazy. This now stops him. Hearing his name escape your perfect lips. He needs to have you. All to himself. As soon as possible. He traces his ring decorated fingers over yours on the neck of the guitar. You hover your face at the head of it. His fingers slowly snake up the neck. He takes a final pause before connecting with your skin once again. His thumb grazes your bottom lip. Goosebumps explode across your arms. The tip of his thumb dips into your mouth, he rests it atop your tongue. "Sweet girl" he whispers gravelly. He doesn't know your slit is wet with eagerness just as you don't know his cock is throbbing with excitement. He removes his thumb slowly from your mouth and grips your jaw with his robust hand. He pulls your face forward to him. "Do you want to be a good girl for me Y/N?" His hand tightly gripping your face. You ignited something inside him. You awoke something so primitive. He set his guitar aside and you quickly took its place on his lap. Your light warm weight resting on his crotch. You felt his bulge already at full extent. It felt good against your panties. You give it a slight grind as you secure yourself on top of his lap. He lets out a low sharp groan and gently throws his head back, leaving his thick neck open for the taking. You start peppering small kisses up his neck. His warm silver scruff brushes against your lips as his jaw clenches. You meet his ear.
"I want to be your good girl Slash." You whisper in his neck. You felt him throb underneath your wet panties.
He needs to fuck you. You were like a precious gem to be scrounged after. He wanted all of you. He needed to make you his. To own you entirely.
Climbing him like a jungle gym. He pulls you back with your hair in his fist. He grips your face again tighter this time and makes you look at him.
"Are you sure you want this?" He asks.
"Please" You cry.
You lock the door The air seems to leave the room. Is this really happening? What's happening? Does he just want to fool around? To kiss me? To fuck me? God I need him to fuck me. Your thoughts raced at the reality before you.
Suddenly his hands snake around your waist. His warmth flush against your back. You let out a small gasp of surprise and pleasure. His large hand grips your entire neck tilting it to the side. He sprinkles gentle kisses down your neck and you let out a sigh of pleasure. "I'm going to ruin you Y/N. You know that?" He cooed. "I'm going to make that pretty cunt of yours mine." He taunted. You let out a whimper.
I want to ravish her but at the same time I feel like I could break her in half at a single touch. He thought.
Fuck it. I need to have her."
You become blind with pleasure and melt into his arms. Still gripping your neck. He walks you both backward and falls back on the couch, towing you onto his lap. Still behind you, he fists your hair in his hand and the other travels down to your thighs. You get increasingly needy for more. You grind your ass on his lap. His ringed fingers tease up your inner thigh. "You ready to be a good little bunny for me?" He affirms one more time before letting himself go feral on your body.
"Please Slash"
"Please what baby? Use your words honey"
"Please fuck me. I need you. Please." You whine.
That was all the confirmation he needed. He just wanted to hear you say it again. Hearing you beg for him pushed him over the edge. He grips your hair tightly again. Ensuring your neck is wide open. He is suddenly completely animal. He dives into your neck and collar, this time his kisses are many and messy. He bites your neck. You whimper louder this time and he moans into your neck in reply. "That's its sweet girl. Let me hear that pretty little voice of yours" he pants
His fistful of your hair, guiding your neck open. His other hand slides up your skirt and finds your panties.
"My little bunny is already wet? That's a good girl." He praises into your ear from behind. You arch your hips into his hand. Needing more.
"Needy girl, aren't you?"
His hand moves from your hair to your breast. His large hand completely covering it. He gives it a strong squeeze and then slips it underneath your shirt and bra. You gasp as you feel his rough hand hold you. He loves the way your tits feel. Grinding your ass on his lap he begins rubbing circles on your panties. Right where it feels so good.
"I've wanted to do this since the minute you walked in tonight. In your tight little skirt. It drove me crazy." He whispers with hot breath on your ear. Still working his hands simultaneously on you. He shoves his hand into your panties and starts toying with your soaked cunt.
"So wet for me huh dollface?" He grins feeling his way through your warm folds. He hikes you up higher on himself and enters a finger inside you.
"Oh fuck Slash." You moan.
"Spread those pretty legs for me doll"
"This pretty pussy is mine now, you understand?" He growls in your ear. His hands so muscular and talented, he effortlessly slides in and out of your pussy while making perfect pinches on your nipple simultaneously. The years of guitar playing shining through his fingers. He plays you. His thrusts feel so fucking good inside you. You grind down on his fingers, he holds you tight in his arms like a wild animal trying to squirm. You grind your ass back on his cock, feeling his size through his jeans. He groans. "I need to see that pretty cunt". He exits you and places you on the couch facing outward and he kneels before you. He lays you back and grabs your legs and pulls you forward to his face. He carelessly flips your skirt up and hikes it over your hips, exposing your panties underneath.
"You don't need these anymore" he says. You raise your hips as he slides your panties down and off your legs. The cool air washes over your exposed bottom.
Now bare, he spreads your legs open wide and looks at your pussy as he prepares to dine on it like a wolf with fresh meat. "Such a pretty cunt" he gives it a slap and before you can fully react to the surprise or pain, his face disappears into your legs. His warm tongue glides right into your pussy.
"Oh fuck." You moan softly. You can't think straight. You lace your fingers into his thick curls.
Heavy rock muffles in the background but all you focus in on is the sounds of his lips on yours. He eats you like a savage. He looks up at you through dark eyes and flattens his whole tongue up your pussy in one long stroke.
"You taste so good baby."
You whimper. You need more. He looks at you with hooded dark eyes. He needed more.
He stands up and unbuckles his belt. You sit up on your knees and take over. Your hands stop his own and you look up at him. "Can I do it please?" You almost beg. He takes no time to think on that and allows you to continue. Your eyes line with his tanned happy trail peeking out from under his shirt. You dip your fingers into his waistline and feel a massive warm shaft. The other hand pulling down his waistline. You free his throbbing cock. It glistens along its thick veins. The girth is incredible. You waste no time and lick the pre cum off the tip. That send him into a craze. He tips his head back and groans loudly. "Fuck baby. Be a good girl for me." He commands. You take him in your mouth -or try to. He's so big but you manage to take it all in down to the back of your throat. You gag slightly on its size. He tastes so good. You Bob your head up and down. Swiping your tongue all over in a messy fashion. He fists your hair again and starts guiding your head on his hard cock. He lets out a deep hiss and pants faster.  You look up and see the muscles in his throat clenching. He looks down at you as he continues thrusting into you. "That's a good girl. That's such a good girl" he pants in disbelief and pleasure. Sweat beads down his face. Tears well in your eyes as you choke on his size. Giving a few last hard thrusts he slips himself out of your mouth and caresses your messy spit covered face. Looking at you on your knees if front of his cock, the hungry look on your face. It makes him throb. It's almost painful. "Lay down baby" he says. You obey and lay back vertically on the couch. He removes his pants and shirt, exposing a muscular yet softly toned and tan abdomen, decorated with a large tattoo across his stomach. He then leans over and removes your shirt and bra. All that remained was the small leather skirt riding up your waist more like a sash than a skirt now. He hovers over you, his necklaces hanging from him. He opens your legs and gives his cock and few pumps before teasing your soft wet entrance. "Look how sweet you look." He smirked devilishly. "Please fuck me slash" you beg. He grits his teeth out of pleasure to hear those words come from your mouth. Hours earlier this was nothing but a perverted fantasy in his mind. But now he had you, naked underneath him. Ready for his cock. He leaned down to your face and gripped it once more. His hand on your face, he licked your breasts briefly. You try to tip your head back but he forces it forward. " Look right at me honey. Right here. Let me see that pretty face as I fuck you. Are you ready? You're so ready." He grumbles out. He smiles at you, a painful grip on your face, forcing you to look straight at him. His tip brushes the leaking wetness from your pussy all around like a paintbrush. And then slowly he slides his cock in.
You want to squint your eyes shut in pleasure, he gives your head a firm shake to remind you to look at him "I know baby I know." He growls. He himself tries to control his voice through his own searing pleasure. You whimper loudly
"Oh fuck Slash oh my god" You sharply inhale and whine out.
"That's it little bunny, let me hear your pretty voice".
He coos as he begins thrusting in and out of your wet hole. His grunts vibrate your body. His thrusts rock your body like ocean waves. He begins a faster rhythm almost If only to watch your breasts sway up and down with each thrust. His stance towering over you.
You continue letting out moans. Your moans are like honey to him. Weakening his limits with each sweet cry out.
"Oh that's a good girl taking my cock." He coos again.
"Slash I can't-" words fail you. You begin feeling a familiar tenseness overtake your body. 
"Is my pretty girl going to cum out of her pretty cunt?" He teases.
His rhythm increases. His rough skin slapping agains your soft supple skin. Sweat drips down his tanned abdomen. The power of each thrust inside of you increasing.
He feels your wet walls tightening around his cock. Looking down at you getting fucked by him- he was close too.
"Slash I'm-" you moan
"Be a good girl and cum for me doll-face. Look at me, look at me."
"That's it, you can do it" he encourages before tipping over his own edge. His grunts louder and more animal. His chains sway above you. He slaps against you. His brow furrows and his sweaty curls drape along his face as he pants like a dog in heat.
The bittersweet finale of stars bursts throughout your body. Your pussy tightens over his cock once more in ecstasy.
"Oh that's such a good girl" he grunts as he also reaches his breaking point. He releases hot white spurts inside of your quivering cunt.
A loud grunt leaves his throat. His large cock twitches inside you, finishing you off with pure pleasure. He smiles still thrusting inside you. Shoving his cum deeper inside
"That's a good girl, take it. Take it all." he whispers
The wetness leaks out of you as he pulls out. You both panting for air.
"God you're beautiful. You're perfect" He says breathlessly. He looks at his disheveled masterpiece below him. Completely braindead fucked. You blush hard. A shyness making its way back to your senses. He continues eyeing you. He softens his hand on your face, thumbing your cheek gently.
He protectively dotes on you as he helps re dress you again. Taking pride in taking care of you like this. You feel satisfied yet silly. You blush as he finishes and smooths him hand down your hair. "I own you." He whispers.
To him. The most beautiful girl was now his and his alone. He felt prideful and protective of his girl. He didn't want anyone else here to even glance at you. You were too sweet and kind for a place like this. Parts of him questioned his own morality for corrupting something so delicate. But he was too far gone.
He had unlocked the door with luckily no one having tried to find them in the past hour. In precise timing, axl drunkenly stumbled through the studio door. "Studying guiar at a time like this?" He slurred.
"Careful now girlie or you'll end up the teachers pet."
"Alright fuck off" Slash Ushered him out the door and closed it. He locked it again.
You sat embarrassed on the couch and he sat next to you.
"You are a little teachers pet aren't you?" He smirked.
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tweetracer · 10 months
In regards to Allan requests.....can i request a little something for Reader!Doll (Ken or Barbie idc) x Allan meet-cute, or anything regarding love at first sight? Thanks!!!
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✨Doll!Reader x Allan✨
💖 Every day in Barbieland is perfect but today is the most perfect of perfect days because today you arrive at Barbieland! You’re one of a kind, brand new, first of your name (and with the way you were selling off the shelves you won’t be the last!) and the Barbies knew immediately that they absolutely had to throw a super awesome blowout party with a bespoke song and completely original dance choreography.
💖 It was exciting! And… maybe a little overwhelming. Your line of Dream House (“Dream Living Apartment by Mattel”) had yet to leave the assembly line so Physicist Barbie was letting you have a sleepover at her place in the interim which was so sweet of her.
💖 The two of you were putting on the final touches of your outfits for the evening (with her complimenting your hair and you praising the flattering pantsuit she’d chosen for the night) before heading to President Barbie’s Dream House where the event would be hosted with you arriving as the guest of honor.
💖 “Ohmigosh! I am just so excited for your party tonight!” Physicist Barbie reached over to grab your hand excitedly, bouncing it a few times as you let out a laugh at just how happy she was. Everything really was perfect in Barbieland, wasn’t it? “It’s not my party, Barbie! It’s President Barbie’s party!” You amended with a bashful smile.
💖 “It’s a party for you though! Your first real night in Barbieland! Ah!!!” She cheered again, waving her hands about with a huge grin as her Dream Car turned itself down the street and began to slow to stop in front of the impressive bright pink building overhead. You could only smile and laugh, somewhat embarrassed by just how nice everyone is!
💖 Carpark Ken graciously escorted you from the vehicle as you followed Physicist Barbie up the regal stairs where a set of massive pink mansion doors opened up to a huge entryway- a wall of PinkSynthFunkBubblePop music hitting your ears in a way that would have been overwhelming if you were anywhere but Barbieland.
💖 The entire party was a blur; you were swarmed by Barbies- all asking you about yourself and what you do and how much you must already love it in Barbieland and Kens who wanted to show off with the cleverly choreographed dance breaks worked into the song.
💖 It would have been exhausting but you were in Barbieland! Barbieland wasn’t exhausting!…… right? You smiled and waved goodbye to another Barbie who’d come to welcome you (her Ken right on her heels- looking like she’d hung the plastic moon in the midnight blue backdrop of a sky). You couldn’t help but feel some weird twist in your chest and, had you been anywhere but Barbieland, you would’ve sighed.
💖 You obviously didn’t have a Ken- you weren’t a Barbie, after all (something you’d had to politely remind a few Kens when they referred to you as one) so why would you have a Ken? You took another pretend-sip of the imaginary sparkling cider when Doctor Barbie spun your way- her beautiful red hair billowing out behind her as she handed you a pair of roller skates.
💖 “Come on! You’ve gotta join in the next dance- we’re doing a Starlight Express inspired Jubilee-Groove Pop number in your honor!” She extended her hand to you and you took it without a second thought despite that same little twinging feeling you felt earlier. “Thanks, Barbie!” You called out, doing a little spin that (with the help of some Barbieland magic!) resulted in you coming to a smooth stop on your roller skates!
💖 “Wow, Barbie you look so rockin’ in those skates!” Came the cheerful caw of nearby Roadie Ken decked out in a glittery denim vest with slicked back hair. “Oh my GOSH, Ken! They’re not a Barbie!” Doctor Barbie scolded even as you waved his words away with a bashful smile. “Oh…! Well you look TOTALLY ROCKIN’, Ken!” He went in for a fist bump only for Doctor Barbie to roll her eyes and grab your hand, skating towards the dance stage. “They’re not a Ken either, duhh” Barbie groaned. Roadie Ken apologized profusely (clearly confused) but was cut off at the Jubilee-Groove Pop song started up, music loud and cheerful and just so Barbie.
💖 The choreography began and you moved through it automatically- like your body knew how to do each move without you putting an effort behind it. You smiled and moved along to the music- ignoring the Totally Nonexistent Part of you that felt like this wasn’t… your scene.
💖 You spun on your wheels in a beautiful pirouette before a Ken wheeled up, taking your hand in his and following in the choreography with a big grin. He opened his mouth to say something before you felt your body whirl in another direction without your consent. The choreography sending you from partner to partner- the Kens a blur of big white shiny smiles and the Barbies each a beautiful, capable individual but none of them were the right dance partner it seemed.
💖 Your body moved on its own, switching partners with elegant dance moves that timed perfectly with the rising music. Right as the pop music swelled you closed your eyes; letting your body move on its own. You felt your body grab a hand- a new partner, your eyes opened right as the music came to a head.
💖 He was… cute. With big doe eyes and deep red hair that framed a sweet face he was… different? He followed your movements just as easily as you slipped into each other’s orbit perfectly.
💖 “You aren’t a Ken!?” You blurted out, surprised even as you spun into into his arms on one roller skate. He laughed, pretty porcelain cheeks turning a shade of pink. “Oh! No, I’m Ken’s buddy, Allan. All his clothes fit me. Are you the new Barbie?” He asked, lifting you up as the two of you stood in the middle of the dance floor- the rest of the couples moving in a perfect circle around the two of you.
💖 “They’re not a Barbie~” came the singsong voice of a dancer spinning by.
💖 “O-Oh! I’m sorry I didn’t mean!” Allan started but you waved him off with an embarrassed grin, unable to tear your eyes away from his as the lights and music seemed to float and glitter around you. “Don’t worry about it” you said gently, surprised by how breathless you sounded despite not needing to breathe.
💖 The two of you seemed to be locked in this moment together- unable to tear your eyes apart as the two of you smiled bashfully. That weird feeling you had earlier- the one that said this wasn’t your scene, the one that felt like the music was loud- the one that wanted to sigh in Barbieland seemed to dissipate as the music finished.
💖 You introduced yourself politely, still smiling as you admired the way his eyes lit up at your name. “It’s very nice to meet you, Allan.” You said, knowing you probably looked silly with how big of a grin was on your face. But it couldn’t have been that silly because his smile mirrored yours and it looked so charming on him.
💖 “So would you like to-” Allan started only to get cut off as a new song came to life, dancers rushing the floor. “WhoAH!” Allan yelped as Model Ken whipped past him, sending the redhead tumbling forwards. Without thinking you reached out, catching him without hesitation and wrapping your arms around him with a surprised gasp.
💖 You stared deeply into his eyes from where you held onto him- blinking a few times at how close the two of you were. Something in your brain told you to press forwards- you don’t know why but you just needed to press your lips against his and-
💖 “Hey! Nobel Prize Winning Journalist Barbie invited you to the after party at her place! Let’s go!” The two of you jumped apart as Doctor Barbie approached you with a big smile, immediately grabbing your hand and wheeling you in a new direction. You were stunned, almost starstruck from the handsome doll you’d just been pulled away from.
💖 You hardly noticed Doctor’s Barbie’s words but nodded along, unable to stop yourself from glancing over your shoulder at Allan, who still stood looking just as spellbound as you felt. Your eyes met through the crowd and shared a shy smile, you lifted a hand to wave goodbye at him and he did the same.
💖 Something deep inside you stirred, making your face warm and your steps feel light. You think you were going to really really like living in Barbieland.
💖 (Somewhere in the RealWorld, a little girl sat in the backseat of a car with her brand new doll and the Allan her mother had managed to find on the back of the shelf of a Goodwill last Christmas; baffled that the discontinued toy had been for sale. “Honey? Honey- don’t smush their faces together like that, remember? You have to be careful! There’s only one Allan.”)
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vinyldreamsfuckup · 12 days
Anything Goes
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Warnings: threesome, smut, oral (female receiving), fingering (female receiving), unprotected sex, betting, cussing, flirting, fighting, fluff, praise.
I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a week 🫣 I’ll be better about it. I hope this sort of makes up for it 🫶🏻
You and Slash had been dating for the better part of a year and a half. Your relationship was mostly good aside from the occasional fights and arguments. You’d watch him play with Guns and he’d come in to watch you sell vinyls at the record store you worked at. It was an easy enough relationship. That was until he went on tour. You went to see him as much as you could but it was difficult. Well you pulled some strings and you were able to go on tour with them for a month.
You were mostly used to getting hit on by the guys. It happened nearly every time you walked into a room, but living with them? Well that changed everything. Slash went from thinking it was funny and being proud to have a girlfriend all his bandmates wanted to being annoyed with their constant flirting and sexual comments. Right now you were sitting cross-legged on the couch of the tour bus reading a book while you waited for the guys to return with food.
Slash pushed onto the bus with a huff. When he saw you though he smiled and handed you a box of food.
“Thank you,” you said setting down your book and grabbing the food.
“Of course,” slashed exhaled and kissed your cheek.
You opened your food and Axl pushed onto the bus. Slash looked over at him angrily.
“You’re so fucking annoying,” Axl said to Slash rolling his eyes.
“Fuck off, Axl,” Slash said back.
“You’re being such a fucking prick,” Axl spat out harshly.
“Yeah? Well you’re a fucking asshole. Find your own fucking girlfriend,” Slash stood up as he spoke.
“Oh I have no problem doing that,” Axl smirked.
“Then stop trying to fuck mine,” Slash nearly yelled. You choked on a french fry.
“You’re just afraid you’ll lose,” Axl smiled.
“Lose what?” You asked looking between them.
“Am not,” Slash quickly said back to Axl.
“No you so are. You’re afraid I’ll win and then what would you do?” Axl taunted as he stepped closer to Slash.
“Win what?” You asked standing up. Slash paused for a second.
“Nothing,” Slash said with a sigh.
“I bet him that I would make you scream louder if he gave me the chance,” Axl smirked. Slash paused and rolled his eyes.
“Dude seriously? Fuck. Off.” Slash sneered.
“Let’s ask the lady what she wants,” Axl said with a smile as he looked at you.
“I’m staying out of this,” you said putting your hands up defensively.
“1000 bucks says I’ll win,” Axl challenged Slash. Slash looked at him anger lacing his face.
“Dude…” Slash trailed off for a second, “fine but if I win you need to stop trying to fuck her.”
Axl smirked, “Deal.”
Slash looked at you, “are you sure you’re fine with this?”
You just nodded, “fuck it.”
Slash smiled gently and lead you back to the room. There was a bed but the room on the bus was mainly used as a rehearsal space. You guys walked in and Slash locked the door.
“I go first,” Axl said with a smile. Slash rolled his eyes. Axl walked up to you and gently cupped your cheek. The assertive, hard shell that seemed to cover Axl faded for just a second, “just relax okay? If anything hurts tell me.”
“Okay,” you smiled back at him. He gently kissed you. You had to admit, Axl was an absolutely amazing kisser. You kissed him back. He grabbed the hem of your shirt and pulled it over your head. You pulled his over his head. His eyes trailed down your chest taking in every curve.
“God you’re beautiful,” Axl whispered before gently leaning you back on the bed. He started to kiss down your neck and chest. He unclasped your bra and discarded it. His mouth carefully licked and kissed over your nipples earning a soft moan from your mouth. Axl smiled as he continued down your torso.
Axl got to your pants and he carefully pulled the sweats from your body taking your underwear with them. You were already wet. He kissed the inside of your thigh, gently kissing down until he got to your core, “is this okay?”
His breath was hot against your folds. You nodded frantically and he smiled before gently running his tongue through your folds. You groaned out loudly, earning a smile from Axl. He was sure he would win. You gripped the sheets and he ate you passionately but still gently. Slash watched and then smirked.
You looked over to Slash and he took a step toward you. He grabbed your boob and kissed you. You groaned into Slash’s kiss as he let his fingers gently tease your nipples. At the same moment Axl’s tongue swiped across your clit. A loud moan fell from your mouth and your back arched. Axl groaned against you sending vibrations through your body. Your hips bucked against Axl’s face. He gripped your waist tighter as he ferociously ate you. His tongue moved quickly earning gasps and moans to fall from your lips. Slash kissed down your neck still teasing your nipples. Your body shook and you came loudly. Axl smiled as he licked up your folds.
“Fuck off, Hudson” Axl mumbled as he finished licking you clean. Slash rolled his eyes and took a step back. Axl pulled himself over you and lifted your leg onto his shoulder.
“Let me know if this hurts,” Axl said gently. He pushed two fingers into you earring a groan. He pushed in deep and curled flicking over your sensitive spot. You grabbed his arm and dug your nails in.
“Fuck…” you breathed out. Axl smiled. He pumped his hand a few times.
“Is this okay?” Axl asked with a smile. You nodded and bit your lip.
“It’s amazing,” you whispered. Axl smiled and kept pumping his fingers in and out of you.
“God you’re so fucking beautiful. It’s amazing,” Axl whispered. He took his free hand and carefully pulled himself from his pants.
You groaned when you saw him. You could feel the wetness grow between your legs. Axl could feel it too which made him groan. He carefully pulled his hand from you and lined up with your entrance before he pushed into you. The way you were angled meant he could hit nearly every corner of your walls. Loud moans fell from your mouth as he moved.
“That’s it,” Axl whispered, “Beautiful.”
Axl rammed into you hitting every spot. You groaned out and gripped the sheets. Slash leaned forward and whispered in your ear, “you’re beautiful. That’s my baby.”
You looked at him and bit your lip. He connected your lips quickly. Your hands found his hair and quickly tangled in his curls. He smiled as you kissed him. Axl’s hips moved against you quickly and roughly causing loud moans to leave your lips into the kiss. Axl smiled and his body began to tremble as he moved against you. Axl groaned and he pushed into you deeper moving quicker. Your body arched and you groaned loudly as you came. Axl groaned as he finished.
Axl smiled and pulled away, “Beat that.”
Slash smiled, “she moans louder for me every day. Watch and learn.”
Slash stepped up to you and flipped you onto your stomach. You let out a breath. Slash leaned down and whispered in your ear, “You okay, my love?”
You nodded breathlessly and angled your hips for him. Slash smiled and pressed kisses down your spine. Goosebumps were left in with each kiss. He then rammed into you immediately hitting your sensitive spot and you groaned out in pleasure. Slash smiled and kept rocking his hips perfectly hitting every angle. You gripped the sheets tightly and moaned loudly.
“God…slash….” You moaned out. Slash slapped your ass.
“That’s it, baby. God you’re fucking perfect,” Slash said his tone filled with desire. He thrust into you every movement feeling better than the last. Long loud moans fell from your mouth.
“God you’re beautiful. I love you,” Slash groaned out. Your moans became high pitched.
“God…slash…I love you…” you groaned loudly. You felt him twitch and your body started to tremble. He moved deeper and more methodically hitting every spot perfectly. You came undone beneath him. His body began to move sloppily as he helped you ride your high before loudly releasing all over your back.
You both sat there breathless as you tried to gain your composure. Sweat covered your bodies.
“You win,” Axl groaned out. He set $1000 on the bed before walking out. Slash breathlessly laughed. You chuckled and pulled away from him and laid down on the bed. Slash collapsed next to you and put his hand on your face.
“I’ve never met anyone as beautiful and perfect as you,” Slash said wish a smile as he gently brushed your hair from your face. You placed your hand on his arm.
“You’re amazing,” you breathed out. Slash smiled.
“Only because I’m so in love with you,” Slash laughed, “just had to prove it.”
You chuckled, “I love you too.”
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demon-lover-669 · 1 year
Slasher: *growling at Y/n while their cleaning*
Y/n: No! I don’t know if she misses you!
Slasher: *small growl*
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weirdgenetic-fuckup · 17 days
Could you write a story with 90’s slash where he’s drunk and is being all lovey and touchy in front of the rest of the band? And the band is surprised seeing him like that? With like fluff but also smut?
A/n: There isn't a whole lot of fluff but it is there in parts, I'm sorry I really suck at writing fluff lol but I hope you enjoy it nonetheless <3
Warnings: Smut, Slash is drunk, oral(f receiving), fingering(f receiving), if you think I missed anything let me know otherwise enjoy!
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You’d dropped by the studio with lunch, a regular routine you’d fallen into. It’s become so regular that the guys started chipping in and making requests, multiple stops at a time even. You didn’t mind if it meant getting out of the house and getting to spend time with your boyfriend, Slash.
This time, however, you walked in on a very different scene.
Slash was sitting in a chair, his guitar on the ground beside him and he couldn’t reach it. Instead of standing up to get it he just kept lazily reaching for it over and over again.
He had a bottle of Jack Daniels in his other hand, half empty and it was still cold. There were a few empty bottles on the floor around him.
Duff came over and took the bags of food from you. “He was like this when he got here.” He said, his voice quiet so Slash didn’t hear, not that it would really register with him.
You let out a heavy sigh and nodded. “Figured.” You chewed your cheek and went over to Slash, taking a seat on the armrest of the barcalounger he was on. You pulled his hair out of his face to get his attention. “Hey baby, what are you doing?” He looked over at you and it took a minute for him to register who you were but when he did the biggest smile came to his face.
“You’re here!” He gleamed, wrapping his arms around your waist and pulling you into his lap. “Missed you so much!” He said as he littered kisses all over your face, you couldn’t help but giggle, even though his breath reeked of alcohol.
“It’s only been a few hours?” You said, looking up at him with a raised brow.
“Oh, shut up, that’s too long!” He whined, a pout tugging at his lips. Slash always had been super pouty. You threw an arm around his neck and gave him a quick peck on the lips.
“The fuck is this?” Axl’s voice boomed, though he didn’t seem mad. You glanced around and noticed that all eyes were suddenly on you two.
“What do you mean?” It’s not like they didn’t know you two were in a relationship and it’s definitely not the first time you’ve been affectionate with Slash.
“Slash has feelings!” Steven exclaimed, a wide smile on his face.
“We’ve never seen him so...” Duff trailed. “Cuddly?” You shrugged and relaxed back into Slash who stared at you with nothing but fondness in his dazed eyes.
“Why don’t you stick around?” Axl asked. “Keep him in check so we can actually get work done.” You agreed and everyone got back to work.
Except for Slash.
He refused to let go of you for even a second, which made it much harder to play guitar. He zoned out and wouldn’t speak at all. All he did was nuzzle into you, kiss you and run his hands over you, crossing over more and more sensitive spots.
Slash drunk wasn’t your favourite, but him being so openly affectionate was sweet to you. You told yourself it was because he wanted to do it when he was sober but just didn’t have the courage to. It made sense since the main cause of his drinking and drugging was because he was introverted and it made it easier for him to exist with humans.
What started as innocent touches quickly turned sexual as he kept trying to get his hands under your waistband, constantly pulling and tugging at your clothes, kissing your neck and shamelessly grinding his crotch on your ass.
You tried to get him to stop but he wouldn’t, saying he just loved you so much and how he needed this, needed you. The band around you guys kept laughing at it which only spurred Slash on.
It crossed a line when you looked away and Slash lifted your top, revealing your chest on the one day you didn’t feel like putting on a bra.
You pulled your shirt back down and got off of him. “The fuck is wrong with you?” You scolded, glaring down at him. He looked right back up at you with nothing but desire. But he seemed confused, like he didn’t know what he did wrong.
Slash stood and wrapped his arms around your waist. “I just wanna love you.” He mumbled, words slurring together.
“Come on,” Axl teased, “just let him love you.” The rest of them were all giggling as well. You rolled your eyes and stormed off, angrily dragging Slash behind you, ignoring how he stumbled on his own feet to keep up with you.
Outside their studio space was a long hallway leading into many more hallways and a few more studios but among them were janitorial closets and other small rooms for little things scattered between. Perfect for you to push Slash into.
You locked the door behind you with the intent to scold him but he was already on his knees and tugging on your waistband again. “Slash, are you kidding me?”
“No.” He answered in a cheeky tone, big smile and giggling as he pulled your pants down. You should’ve stopped him but you didn’t want to. His touches bothered you in front of everyone but you couldn’t say no when he could make you feel so good.
Slash pulled your panties down and licked between your folds, licking up your slick before focusing on your clit. He couldn’t stop giggling which only sent vibrations straight through you. Your hands buried in his curls as your hips bucked to meet his lips, bordering riding his face. He didn’t even seem to notice, getting off on giving you pleasure.
You caught him palming himself through his leather pants so you kicked his hand away. “Only good boys get to cum.” You said, voice breathy as you continued to push his face into you. His hands gripped your thighs, needing to occupy them somehow so he wouldn’t touch himself he pushed one finger into you before adding another.
The small closet quickly filled with your moans and Slash’s muffled giggling along with lewd noises. You were sure that if anyone passed by they would hear but right now you didn’t care as your first high crashed down on you and you held Slash’s lips to your clit as you gushed on his face.
You pulled away and Slash’s body relaxed. He’d been holding himself up on his knees but he let himself hit the ground, now looking up at you like a proud puppy.
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metallicaislife · 7 months
metallicaislife masterlist
I mainly write for Metallica, but there will be dustings of Guns 'N Roses(mainly Slash and Duff as that is who I know best in the band) scenarios too.
✨ = fluff
🌹= smut
😿 = sad/angst
Christmas Decorating - Metallica ✨
Cliff Burton
Thin Lizzy and Mary Jane ✨
First Time 🌹
Afternoon Delight 🌹
My Girl ✨
Save a Horse, Ride a Bassist 🌹
Early Morning Surprise 🌹
Tag Team 🌹
Day Trip ✨
Tight Fit 🌹
Birthday Boy ✨🌹
What Flusters Cliff ✨
Making You Feel Good 🌹
What's Your Fantasy? 🌹
Dreams 🌹
Childhood Friends ✨
Cliff Burton Headcanons ✨
Talk is Just Talk, Right? 🌹
James Hetfield
Daydream 😿🌹
Daydream Pt 2 😿✨
Daydream Pt 3 ✨
Been Hiding in Plain Sight ✨
Impatient 🌹
Let Me Take Care of You 🌹✨
What's Your Fantasy? 🌹
Brothers Best Friend ✨
Brothers Best Friend pt 2 ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield pt 2 ✨
My Nemesis, James Hetfield pt 2 Bloopers ✨
Hey Jealousy 😿✨
Kirk Hammett
The Exorcist ✨
Long Day ✨
Phone Call Confession ✨
Tag Team 🌹
A Steamy Halloween 🌹
Bad Mood 😿✨
Pushed to Confess 🌹
After the Show 🌹
The Photographer and the Guitarist ✨🌹
The Photographer and the Guitarist pt 2 ✨🌹
Introverted 😿✨
Slow Mornings ✨
The Interview 🌹
Arguments 🌹
Birthday Wishes ✨🌹
I Want to Learn 🌹
I Want to Learn pt 2 🌹
Overworked 😿✨
Meet and Greet 🌹
Kirk w/ a Clingy gf Headcanon ✨
Embarrassment Leads to… 🌹
Kirk Hammett Headcanons ✨
Lars Ulrich
The Spank Bank Incident ✨
Being Lars Girl Best Friend Headcanon ✨
Dating Lars Headcanons ✨
Jason Newsted
nothing yet
Rob Trujillo
Dating Current!Rob Trujillo Headcanons ✨
News ✨
Lazy Day In ✨
New Sensations 🌹
Dave Mustaine
Talk is Just Talk, Right? 🌹
Christmas Decorating - Guns N Roses ✨
Duff McKagan
Coconut Tequila ✨
Award Show ✨
The Unintentional Heartbreaker ✨(mentions spicy but not explicit)
Unwell ✨
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amomentsescape · 6 months
hi! i would like to ask for an eric draven comfort headcanon, he deserves all the nice things in life.
Comforting Eric HC
Eric Draven x Reader
Warnings: Mentions of death
A/N: He really does deserve the best :)
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It's rare for nights like these to occur
But when they do, Eric knows you'll be there for him no matter what
Tonight was incredibly difficult
Eric did all he could to save a young teen from the hands of a dangerous gang
However, one slipped from his grasp and managed to take the kid's life, leaving Eric absolutely devastated
He managed to rid the city of the rest of the gang, but the guilt of not being fast enough for the boy made Eric's heart hurt
When he came home, you immediately knew something was wrong
His head hung low, and he remained completely silent
When he sat beside you on the bed, you immediately wrapped your arms around him
"Do you want to talk about it?"
He was silent for a moment before slowly shaking his head
"Not yet," his voice cracked
You could see a few tears spill from his eyes
You stayed there and continued to hold him, your hand running along the expanse of his back
He eventually laid down fully on the bed, gaze fixated on the ceiling
You took this opportunity to make some tea for him, knowing the warmth always helped relax him
You wiggled yourself behind him as he sipped on the drink, his breaths finally slowing
As he leaned into you, your fingers combed through his hair
You began to hum quietly to him, his favorite song echoing in his ears
It was only after all of this that his eyes finally closed
"I love you" he spoke, barely above a whisper
"I love you too, Eric. I'll always be here for you"
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