#imagine your muse
welcometothewoes · 1 year
Character A: I don’t know... just follow your intuition.
Character B: Didn’t you say I have a terrible intuition the other day?
Character A: Yes, but worse things happen when you use your common sense. 
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awtysm-cryptid · 1 month
You ever think about how Stan must've read about Ford's "Muse" and had to come to the realisation that his brother wasn't talking about a pretty lady but
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nothatsmi · 11 months
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One wears a "drug" mask and the other a "safe" mask. Pills and contatcts. Pipe dreams and hidden scars.
Then they played hide and seek, and I'm not sure if any of them won or lost the game. Anyway did I say I love Muse-
Midly unrelated stuff: I am falling back into The Raven Cycle I think. I want to draw them so bad. I also want to draw Percy Jackson stuff (I began the second book hehe)! And I need to finish these. Also I started an aftg animatic jkclvqlh why can't I be normal for once-
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creation-help · 1 year
Getting to know your character better
Here's some (hopefully) less basic things to think about when deepening your character.
- What would they be embarrassed to admit about themself? What would they deny about themself?
- Opposite to the above: What would they proudly admit, and what would they like to claim about themself?
- If caught in an inconsistency or a hypocrisy, how do they react? How would they go about fixing it, or alternatively, how would they go about denying and deconstructing it?
- How much, and how deeply do they think about other characters' opinions that aren't about them specifically? For example if they knew one of their friends liked or disliked another person, how much thought do they give it?
- Are they able to perform something 'Quick'? Do they prefer to sacrifice time over quality, or vice versa? How do they dispense effort per task?
- How patient are they with themself vs. Others? Why, and how so?
- How seriously do they carry other people's worries? How much does this impact their actions?
- What would make them focus on themself more?
- What would they Not want to change about themself? What parts of their self do they cling to, desperately? Even when those things would be already gone?
- Do they think of something as "Their thing", even though other people would disagree? Why so? Are they just not as open or upfront about it as they think? Or do they have gaps in self perception?
- Opposite of the above: Are there some things that others would consider "Their thing" in relation to your character, but they disagree? Why?
- How do they tread around controversial opinions? Is it case by case, or depending on company? In what way? Are they assured in their worldview or unsure? Are they open minded?
- How easily do they relate with other characters?
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pink-petal-lover · 1 year
Your f/o being all cute and dorky after you call them something cute, or even wink and blow a kiss their way. Their face turns bright red, and they can’t help but to cover it up. ‘Cause you just fluster them so much, and it’s more than they can handle sometimes. Their hearts full to the brim with love for you, and you acting cute makes it spill over.
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killedbythegroove · 3 months
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sorry everyone it will happen again
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somorrow · 4 months
Hi! Could I request for a scenario of Shisui taking care of reader during her period please? 😊
There was a knock on your door you didn’t expect.
You seethed as you sat on the cushiony couch, loathe to leave the spot your aching bones had finally settled into. It was the second day of your period — which was always the worst — and your cramps were eating you alive. You’d practically drowned yourself in painkillers already, to no avail, and moving would only make it worse. "I swear to God, if it's Amazon..." You grumbled angrily to yourself, hand rubbing over your aching, swollen abdomen. The show you'd been casting was turned down significantly to soothe your sudden agitation on the way there. Your scowl plastered to your face, only to be relieved by the sight of your brightly-grinning boyfriend behind the door. In his lifted left hand was a chocolate milkshake - one of your more frequent cravings, and on his other arm were two full bags of snacks and several other things you couldn't identify. In his right fist was a large, colorful bouquet of flowers. "Surprise, baby!" He said, your scowl melting into a relieved yet albeit bewildered expression. "Why are you here?" Was your rather curt response. "I thought you were working all day." He didn't let your lack of enthusiasm rain on his, giving you a passionate smack on the lips. "I couldn't spend an entire day away after you cried like that on the phone..." Ah. When you called on his lunch break, you'd had one of the biggest hormonal-induced meltdowns you'd ever had in your life. You supposed you'd be doing the same if he were in this position, but you didn't want to interrupt his day... the thought alone filled you with guilt. He could read you like a book - he thrust the milkshake and flowers into your hands and slipped through the space between the door and you. The next thing you knew, you were in his arms, and he was carrying you to the couch cautiously, careful not to spill the shake.
"Don't worry baby, I'm here." You felt tears well up again at his simple reassurance. No matter how irrational you were, even going so far as to yell at him for things that weren't his fault earlier, he still handled you with so much love and grace that it was hard to accept. He sat down first, sitting you on his lap and making you straddle him as he settled on the couch. He ran his fingers through your hair. "I got some chocolate, painkillers, pads, tampons, those weird tea drinks you like, and-" You cut him off with a kiss, several tears streaming down your cheeks. "Thank you..." You whispered into his lips, leaning back and taking a sip of your shake. His beatific grin was back as he watched your face relax at the taste. "You're welcome, my love. Anything for you."
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request ! peter (parker) has a photography class assignment and reader is the subject <3
this request has been here forever and i'm only getting to it now - this isn't proofread
snapshots - a peter parker x reader fic
"pete!" you called over to him, waving from your locker. as soon as he spotted you, his face softened and a wide grin spread on his lips.
"hi baby," he greeted as he made his way over to you, immediately reaching you to press a kiss onto the side of your head.
you pouted, asking quietly, "can i get another one?"
your boyfriend laughed softly. "so polite," he murmured, leaning down to kiss you, on the lips this time, and you sighed softly as he cupped your face in his warm palms. "i missed you," he said, smiling against your mouth.
after almost a year of dating, peter could still make your cheeks turn bright red. you blushed, suddenly shy as you replied, "i missed you too."
he wrapped an arm around your waist as you both started to walk out of the school, talking about nonsense that happened in different classes, and he burst out laughing when you mentioned how you gave flash so much shit in class for being such an asshole.
once he caught his breath, he mumbled a soft "that's my girl."
fighting back another blush, you asked, "how was your day? anything interesting happen?"
peter paused for a second, before saying, "we have a new photography project coming up." he hesitated, but you coaxed him into telling you more, big brown eyes wide and curious. "we have to choose a subject."
"you got any ideas?" you questioned.
he nodded, a serious look on his face. "you."
"huh?" your playful look turned confused, and you turned to face your boyfriend, stopping abruptly. "what do you mean?"
sensing your mood, peter stopped too, taking the moment to tuck a strand of hair behind your ear. "you're my muse for everything, baby. and i want you to be the subject for my project. i wanna show the world how beautiful you are." he hesitated, then added, "if you're okay with it, of course."
"are you kidding?" you flung your arms around his shoulders, pressing your head into his sweater. "i'd love to, pete."
he beamed at your response, peppering kisses all over you once you pulled away. "thank you."
"so," you said as you reached for his hand, interlocking your fingers and squeezing them tightly. "when do we start?"
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bloodyarn · 3 months
Babsi fun fact of the day: She can't remember first names very well. Last names, however, are much easier for her. Something something working behind the tailor shop's counter and only ever having to remember family names.
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magicalmonthlyprompts · 5 months
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🏳️‍🌈 Fandom Pride Parade 2024 🏳️‍🌈
We are back with our multi-fandom pride event! The Fandom Pride Parade is a series of prompts based off of Baker and Segerblom's original flag that debuted at the Gay Freedom Day Parade in SF in 1978.
This year's prompts are based around the requirements for global Pride events!
Day 1: Hot Pink Meaning: Sex  Prompt: Glitter 
Day 2: Red Meaning: Life  Prompt: Active 
Day 3: Orange Meaning: Healing Prompt: Established 
Day 4: Yellow Meaning: Sunlight  Prompt: LGBT 
Day 5: Green Meaning: Nature  Prompt: Notable 
Day 6: Turquoise Meaning: Magic and Art  Prompt: Yearly 
Day 7: Indigo Meaning: Serenity  Prompt: Worldwide
Day 8: Violet Meaning: Spirit  Prompt: Celebrate
Any fandom is welcome, but please remember that all NSFW ships, both background and foreground, should only involve characters that are 18+.
Don’t forget to use “fandom pride parade” in your tags, and post it to the Fandom Pride Parade Collection (FandomPrideParade2024) on Ao3. Let your rainbow flag wave and unleash your creativity!
~Muse of Mystery
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vtriol · 3 months
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is it that sweet? i guess so!
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spiderwarden · 5 months
Between Minthara’s teasing and her deadpan humor and Karlach’s sense of adventure and fun, nothing can go wrong. Tav/Durge and the rest of the camp are in for a good time.
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creation-help · 10 months
Imagine your oc pushed into a situation that makes them commit selfish choices, and act out in stress. Imagine this for the oc who's usually kind, considerate and composed. Imagine them being driven to a situation that really tests their morals and patience - and they fail. Something that is not usual for them. Imagine that. What would it be? What hurts them this badly?
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pwurrz · 3 months
yakumo’s reaction to quincy’s um.. interestingly fitted swim trunks was probably a squeak, followed by incoherent stuttering and mumbling, a very unsuccessful attempt to string a sentence together, a few pathetic whimpers that almost sound like sobs as he struggles to look anywhere that isn’t highlighted by the forest guardian’s shorts (and fails miserably), and then finally passing out from blood loss.
because remember, yakumo’s nose bleeding like a horny anime character is canon!!!
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ghostiezone · 2 months
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"Who's that?"
short-ish fic under the cut because I had to be in the tranches about this :)
The Wards received the invitation only an hour before they arrived.
i know where to find your friend :)
The crumpled piece of paper looked like it had been drawn in crayon. It was stapled to the front door of their home. Their civilian home.
"Aux-" Failsafe started immediately, but Imprint's hand over his mouth cut off the name before he could finish. The boy wasn't in costume.
Imprint addressed him instead, cautious. "Ashe...?" He lowered his gloved hand from Failsafe's face and stepped forward between his two teammates, slowly, like he was approaching a cornered animal.
Wraith had been a stoic, silent presence since they entered the room, but Failsafe could feel the tension rolling off of him in waves.
The boy sitting on the edge of the desk looked.... young. Younger than he should. The shirt he had been put in was too big for him. Not in the same way his dad's jacket was too big for him- he used that like a turtle shell, something to retreat into, pull over himself like a shield. It was safe, warm, all-encompassing. Despite the issues they knew Ashe and his father had with each other, the love was still there. No, these clothes... they hung loose on his already skinny frame, making him look exposed. Vulnerable. They were monochrome, pale in a way that made him look washed-out, almost ghostly. He sat with his legs crossed, hands holding his ankles. He wasn't wearing shoes. One of the sleeves threatened to slip off his shoulder.
He tilted his head as they entered the room. The movement made Failsafe think of the stray puppies he used to feed in the alley behind their house.
His hair had been washed recently.
Something was very wrong here.
Ashe's face was devoid of all emotion. Though he was looking at the three of them, making eye contact, something seemed... distant. Failsafe reached out with his power and found... nothing.
He felt his heart seize in his chest. He frantically grabbed Imprint's hand before he could take another step forward, and tore his gaze away from Ashe to lock eyes with Wraith He hissed under his breath, he didn't trust his voice not to shake "guys, hes-"
"Breaker state, yeah. I know." Wraith finally broke his silence, voice stony and cold. "Don't get any closer to him."
At the sound of Wraith's voice, Ashe's eyes locked onto him. They were burning with an orange glow.
His head bent further to one side, and his face split into a wide grin that looked almost painful. Failsafe felt Imprint tense, fingers twitching like he was getting ready to reach for a weapon. He squeezed the wrist he was already holding. "Don't. We can't. That's still Ashe."
In that brief moment of distraction, the boy on the desk began to laugh. It was a broken sound, distorted, not like anything they had heard from him before. That deep orange glow in his eyes shone even through his closed eyelids. Wraith's cape billowed as he stepped in front of the other two, barking a clipped "Incoming!" as the space behind the desk began to distort.
Wraith's own warping powers sprang up in response, a translucent blue barrier forming in the air between the wards and their friend. As they watched, unsure of how to act, a rectangular shape began to appear in the air behind where Ashe was sitting, growing clearer and sharper as it eventually formed a sort of doorway. It was hard to look at directly, the light in the room seeming to bend toward the corners. The walls and floor buldged and sank in response to the tear in reality. The door itself was more like a window- a vague, distorted cityscape slowly coming into focus on the other side. The barrier began to ripple, as if it was made of water, as a figure stepped through it into the room.
Ashe's laughing was suddenly doubled as it became clear that whoever had just entered was cackling as well. It was an eerie echo- they were taking the same pauses for breath and short hiccups between giggles. Their shoulders bounced in matching tempo and their heads tilted back toward the ceiling at the exact same time.
The new figure was dressed in a long purple-grey patchwork coat, sleeves torn off and bottom hem ripped to shreds. He wore a darker purple scarf up to his chin, which flared out behind him into a tattered cape. The coat was sinched at the waist with a faded green belt, the end of which swung loose around his legs to give the appearance of a long tail. He wore some sort of blood-red bodysuit which concealed every bit of skin that would otherwise be showing. His darkened silver hair flared out around his head in wild spikes. Over his face, a circular mask concealed any distinguishing features. The mask may have been white once, but was now more of a tarnished brown. Two horns curled upward on either side of the face, which consisted of a cudely painted-on cartoonish black smile with squinted eyes.
"Why, if it isn't the Wards of New Haven!" The figure exclaimed, suddenly dropping into a deep bow. "You can call me the Trickster. Oh, I've been waiting so long to meet you!" There was a sort of childlike excitement in his voice, but there was a strain to it as well, as if holding back the laughter was causing him mental pain.
He turned his head toward Ashe, who was sitting motionless again on the desk. The figure cleared his throat, then in a harsh voice, snapped "You'd best show some respect in the face of such powerful heroes!"
As if dragged down by force, Ashe bent forward, nearly losing his balance and falling face first off of his perch. When he sat back again, his deadpan expression broke into a wide grin again. The smile didn't reach his eyes.
"What are you doing to him?!" Failsafe snapped, voice cracking with the panic of seeing his friend so vulnerable.
"Who, me?" The villain straightened back up, bouncing on his toes as he did. He flung a hand up to his chest in an overdramatic show of offense... and Ashe's hand made the same motion. In a cheap imitation of Ashe's voice, the Trickster echoed "I wouldn't hurt a fly!" As he did, Ashe muttered the same words.
"He's some sort of Master." Imprint's eyes were locked onto the figure, tracing his every move. The subtle shift in his posture put the image of a panther in Failsafe's mind. His next words were directed at the villain. "What do you want with Ashe?"
"Better yet, what do you want with us?" Wraith added. The strain of holding up a constant shield for this long was starting to take its toll on him, hands starting to shake. Even though the Trickster wasn't outright attacking them, knowing he was a Master with this kind of power was enough to keep them all on edge. They didnt know his limitations yet. "You were the one that sent us the note, right? Why bring us here just to stand there and laugh at us?"
The villain started cackling again, bending at the waist with the sheer force of his laughter. "Ashe?!" He straightened back up, mimed wiping a tear from the corner of the eye of the mask. "Who's that? Never heard of them!" As he stood up to his full height, he ran a hand gingerly through Ashe's hair. The boy didn't move, didn't react, despite Failsafe's immediate short burst of anger at the action. The Trickster clicked his tongue, continued to run his hands through Ashe's silvery-purple hair. As his hands moved, a glow began to spread from them. The same orange glow emanating from Ashe's eyes was surrounding the Trickster's fingertips. As he waggled the fingers on his free hand, little orange strings no thicker than spider silk extended upwards from them, seeming to disappear into thin air. The strings reappeared, wound around Ashe's arms. There was a loop around his neck as well, giving the sickening illusion of a collar.
"I just wanted to introduce the three of you to my Muse." He put an odd emphasis on that final word.
It was a name.
"And, to let you know he's mine now, and you can't have him back!" The static smile on the mask somehow looked devilish. It was such a childish statement, as if they were fighting over a toy on the playground, but it sent chills down all three of the heroes' spines. "Finders keepers, he came to me first! That means I get dibs." His voice dropped an octave on that last sentence, suddenly becoming threatening and deadpan. "Try to take him from me if you can. It'll be fun."
Suddenly, he spun on his heel, facing the doorway he came from. The rippling effect was starting to get more pronounced, more unpredictable. "Ah! But it seems like playtime's over for now. We'll see you soon, Wards."
Before he stepped back through the door, the strings around Ashe's limbs tightened, and he was dragged by some nearly-invisible force toward the doorway. He moved stiffly, as if the puppetmaster hadn't gotten used to moving him yet, but eventually he was pulled through the fading doorway.
The Trickster gave them one last mock solute before ducking through as well. The lingering echo of laughter hung in the room around them.
And Ashe- Muse- was gone with him.
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kisakis-boyfriend · 1 year
Headcannon that Kisaki has a small dick and he's super embarrassed about it. But you don't mind and you tease him by saying “You've got a small dick, baby? That's ok, it just means it's easier for me to take all of you in my mouth”
Minors DNI plz
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