comradekatara · 3 months
You posted about LOK so now I’ve gotta mourn it again. It would be so GOOD if it were good, you know?
What if Korra took the side of the socialist and populist mass movements and realized that Maybe The Weird Privileges Of Benders Are Bad Actually
Korra would be So Good if it were good.
*Maybe The Weird Privileges Of The Neocolonial Capitalist Ruling Class Are Bad Actually. but yes
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st-just · 10 months
Hi! I’ve seen you posting a lot of TGAB and I was wondering if you’d be willing to tell me the basic premise/sell me a bit? I’m always on the hunt for more good reading
Have written a review of this first volume, now!
If you power through that it gets much weirder and mostly better, but also explaining absolutely any of the details would spoil like everything.
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Let's go old school. Dragonriders of Pern was a hugely influential series of sci-fi/fantasy (yes both at once). Solidly feminist for its time and genre but more of a problematic fave these days. Would love to see its world explored through a more modern lense - there's some incredibly rich ground there. Ideal reading order is a contentious topic, so I'd say start with whichever trilogy or standalone sounds most interesting to you
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shortkingvi · 2 years
That gifset you just posted of Rhea Ripley is like, just about enough to get me into wrestling
when people are like “why do you watch wrestling?”
the wrestling in question: 🏳️‍🌈
lmao no seriously tho wrestling is so fun lmao it’s like,,,,,,,,, the worst soap opera writing ever combined with very fun athletics and the occasional huge payoff that sustains you for months to come. my life’s work is to get all my followers into wrestling 🫡
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lesbianshadowheart · 8 months
Doing my part to keep tumblr inbox alive anyway followed 100% because of the shadowheart brain worms — also thank you for understanding Shadowzel because I just. They’re so perfect for each other.
omg hiiii and yes god shadowheart brainworms are like 90% of my tumblr experience currently. This is the shadowheart website for me
And yesss let's stand together fellow Shadowzel warriors<3 They are truly THE bg3 ship for me, I like it even better than Shadowheart with my Tav even though I have still not actually played it out (but a SH origin run needs to be in my future fr fr)
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mossiestpiglet · 10 months
@quartofroy tagged me in the “10 songs by 10 artists” game!! :)
Irish Goodbye -Sammy Copley
Eyes Warm, Eyes Wide -Lilli Furfaro
Daisy -Ashnikko
Good Hurt -Chappell Roan
Django Jane -Janelle Monáe
It’s Called: Freefall -Rainbow Kitten Surprise
O Valencia! -The Decemberists
Bad Wine and Lemon Cake -The Jane Austen Argument
Smoke Gets In Your Eyes -The Platters
Better Son or Daughter -Rilo Kiley
Tagging @demonicintegrity @imperatorsapphiosa @mysteriouslybluepirate @aro-as-in-straight-as-a @treesofgreen @wanderingthunderstorm @gemsofthegalaxy @lemonsharks and anyone else who wants to go for it!
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jakey-beefed-it · 8 months
15 Questions, 15 People
Tagged by @inqorporeal
1. Are you named after anyone? Kinda! I have a great-grandfather with my first and middle name, but my Mom only picked it because she liked the sound and didn't have any particular feelings about the guy. I was nearly named after my father, as in a 'junior', but he convinced her that was a bad idea.
2. When was the last time you cried? I teared up at my wedding Happy tears, of course.
3. Do you have kids? Unless Frisbee, my 9 year old orange tabby, counts, then no.
4. What sports do you play/have played? I played soccer and t-ball as a child, football for a hot minute and wrestling for three years in high school. I've also tried out like six different martial arts before dropping them but that sounds way more impressive than it is considering I learned basically nothing. About the only physical activity I get anymore is walking places and/or climbing the stairs at my house.
5. Do you use sarcasm? Who, me? Never.
6. What's the first thing you notice about people? General size, I'd say. I'm slightly on the tall side and very fat, so if someone is taller or bigger than me, or like ridiculously tiny, I notice.
7. What’s your eye color? Dark brown.
8. Scary movies or happy endings? Enh. I love well-done horror, but a lot of it is schlock. Similarly, I love a good catharsis, but a lot of 'happy endings' are also schlock. Still, catharsis is more important than a 'happy' ending imo, and so I guess I pick scary movies on principle.
9. Any talents? I have a knack for most of the arts in that I pick up basic proficiency faster than many, but I still gotta work my ass off to improve beyond that. Similarly decent with words but my writing is an ongoing effort to improve.
10. Where were you born? California, about 40 miles inland from Los Angeles.
11. What are your hobbies? TTRPGs (running generally, playing when I get the opportunity), Warhammer (building, converting, painting, playing), video games, writing
12. Do you have any pets? The aforementioned 9 year old orange tabby, Frisbee.
13. How tall are you? 6'0"
14. Favorite subject in school? English, History
15. Dream job? Would love to make a living at writing or one of my other hobbies, but honestly anything that let me faff about in a creative flow with music going would qualify as a dream job. If I must interact with other humans for money, then I'm best in a teaching position where I can indoctrinate the youth in leftist thought teach literary/media analysis, critical thinking, history with all its beauty and ugliness on display, and basic fucking compassion.
tagging @motheatenscarf, @petepaintswarhammer, @caphayzardous, @lifeattomsdiner, @rabidchilde, @adhdgrapher, @copperforge, @lesabear, @emzawheezy, @fuukonomiko, @imperatorsapphiosa, @notcuddles, @oolathurman, @wtf-skittens, @wolffyluna as always, only if you feel like it
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jazzajazzjazz · 8 months
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Commission for @imperatorsapphiosa -- this was a lot of fun! Thank you so much for your support <3
Characters belong to @imperatorsapphiosa and @ghostiyo
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ghostiyo · 9 months
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Tris & Kalara <3
Last Poltergeist piece from last month, characters belong to @onecatlesbian & @imperatorsapphiosa <3 <3 <3
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hellhound-wrangler · 2 years
Tagged by: @millenniallust4death
Favorite color: Purple
Currently reading: "O Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad" by M.R. James- really enjoyable ghost story written by a Victorian academic poking gentle fun at academics while still being scary
Last song: "Cat-Eye Willie Claims his Lover" by Dave Carter.
Last series: just finished the first season of Sandman last night. Cried a lot, but it was really good!
Last movie: Prey. Had to watch it pretty much immediately. Excellent movie, and the dog lives.
Currently working on: in theory my fall syllabi and some calligraphy comissions, in actuality cleaning the house (I only clean when I'm procrastinating - my partner can guess exactly when I said I'd return student papers by when I start organizing drawers and dusting bookshelves).
No one is obligated to do this, but @slashmarks , @jakemyboy @imperatorsapphiosa you folks all have interesting (in a good way!) taste so I'd be interested in what you've been reading/watching/listening to!
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comradekatara · 4 years
"I love Korra's spiritual journey, obviously I wish it was better written" is like, every mood I have about that show. I love it!!! I wish it were Better In Every Way. The show was great except for all of the writing.
lok is the quintessential seven dollar show for me. and if you don’t know me, then to clarify, that’s what i call shows that i would let the creators let me fix for the minimal payment of $7. i love the potential the show has, i just wish it had been better executed. (by me.) i love lok for what it could be, but not what it actually is. i still think korra is one of the greatest tv protagonists of all time tho, regardless of the fact that the show is kinda a mess (abed is my other fav tv protagonist, and community is my other go-to seven dollar show lol). someone a while back asked me if they could pay me to rewrite korra, and while i think that might be literally illegal, my little brother’s insisting that we watch it together soon, so jury’s still out on whether i’ll have to take them up on that offer.... 
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st-just · 2 years
Glad you're back! Missed you on my dash and in my notes. Hope you had a good couple months off the hellsite!
Aww, thank you!
And moving aside, yes! Even have successfully conscripted some friends into a weekly D&D game (which involves me keeping a spreadsheet of everyone's schedules to figure out when everyone has an overlapping evening free, which I'm pretty sure just made some of my hairs turn grey).
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Gideon, in disguise: I heard that Gideon Nav has an 8-pack. I heard she was shredded.
Harrow: Lies. Gideon Nav is a punk bitch.
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shortkingvi · 2 years
No lie I’ve gotten at least two people to read Masquerade by telling them it’s critical to the plot that Baru tops
i know my batshit insane followers and i know pinion calling her daughter pussy hands will work on most of them but i’m about to put in effort on my irl friends with canon top baru 💪💪💪
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omegastation · 4 years
imperatorsapphiosa replied to your post “I’d /kill/ for the ability to romance Tali and Garrus at the same time...”
wasn't Ash Sroka part of the reason they canned the same-gender romances tho? Like wasn't she uncomfortable voicing those lines?
that was a rumor, we discussed it years ago here
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mossiestpiglet · 7 months
RULES: put 5 songs you actually listen to, then tag 10 people.
Tagged by @mushroom-intimacy , thank you so much! I love doing music ones :)
1. Kai Tangata - Alien Weaponry
2. Drinking Song - House Phone
3. This is Nowhere - Orville Peck
4. Tardigrade Song - Cosmo Sheldrake
5. In Our Bedroom After the War - Stars
Tagging @demonicintegrity @treesofgreen @attentionhoard @wanderingthunderstorm @mysteriouslybluepirate @thiswaycomessomethingwicked @beemovieerotica @aro-as-in-straight-as-a @imperatorsapphiosa @editoress if you want to of course! And anyone else who wants to as well!
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