#impossible golly gee
blizardstar · 1 year
All I’m saying is if we take the reason for the Discord username change as it’s given to us, it’s reasonable to assume nobody who works at Discord can remember their own phone number
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howi99 · 5 months
Jaune is geinus rwbys reaction to the puppeteer being jaune
Team RWBY: *waiting at the door with both Marie and "Marie". Marie is knocking at the door like a maniac*
Weiss: So, will you explain us why you took your sister's name instead of your own? Do you have so bad of a name?
???: N-no! It's just... Golly it's hard to explain, ok?! When Father will be here, you'll understand.
Ruby: ... I was wondering why you never took out your cloak. You never showed your face either...
???: ... *Sigh* you'll understand soon enough.
The Puppeteer: *opening the door* Marie, calm down! I won't go faster even if you knock more.
Marie: *knock on his head because he wasn't ready to welcome her back at the second ahe arrived*
The Puppeteer: Ok, ok. Gee... *Looking at both team RWBY and his "daughter"* Ah, come on in, i made some tea for everyone.
Marie: *mischievous smile* "not the bad kind i hope?"
The Puppeteer: Of course not! *Opening the door wide* Enter, enter! I was waiting for you.
???: ...
The Puppeteer: That includes you, by the way.
At the table, in the kitchen
Yang: So, who are you?
The Puppeteer: Hm? Me? Depends what you want to hear.
Blake: Your name. What is it?
The Puppeteer: Ah, but i go by many names. The Puppeteer, the man lost to time, the knight of the last maiden, or even-
???: Jaune, his name is Jaune.
Yang: Jaune!? That's impossible!
Blake: Yeah! Weiss told us you didn't feel!
Weiss: I only said i didn't see him fall! *Looking at him* What happened to you?
Ruby: ... Jaune, what happened to Penny?
WBY: *turning to Ruby* ?
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh* Good job, P, you blew it out. I wanted to explain them what happened a lot less violently.
P: *removing her cloak, revealing her appearance, almost identical to the old Penny* I was unable to keep lying.
Weiss: Penny!? You meant to say that the person who's memory you have is-
P: My name is P, i'm sorry to have mislead you. But when i saw you, all of you, i couldn't bring myself to show you who i am supposed to be.
The Puppeteer: I created her using the blueprint Pietro gave to me before... Well, before everything went to hell.
Ruby: What about...
The Puppeteer: ... *Sigh* Come with me.. She's in my lab.
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thecurioustale · 7 months
The Complete History of Computational Physics
1950s Scientists:
"Gentlemen! In our quest to conquer God we want to simulate the atom! But to do it we'd need a computer capable of per-forming in excess of six calculations per second!"
"Impossible! The heat out-put alone would melt the Earth."
"What if we bombarded the computer laboratory with a steady plume of some thermally super-conductive yet safe gas, like a brominated asbestos aerosol?"
"How would we de-liver it to the machinery?"
"We could use super-magnets, nay, hyper-magnets of pure plutonium arsenide, activated by exposed 500 mega-volt leads right next to the intern's desk."
"Extraordinary, Bob! But where would get an intern?"
"You there, shoe shine boy! How would you like to earn 5 cents a year???"
"Golly gee, sir, would I ever!"
"Dick, put in another government grant re-quest for an additional 100 tons of plutonium. Dave, get down to the soda fountain and pick up a couple bricks of arsenic and one of those ice-cream novelties I like."
"Already on it!"
2010s Scientists:
"All right people, our grants are up next year and we need something to show for it."
"What don't we try to simulate an atom?"
"Didn't this laboratory already try something like that in the '50s?"
"Yeah, our predecessors spent a couple decades on it, but they failed. All they managed to do was create a Superfund site and build some kind of anti-gravity superweapon that nobody knows how to operate anymore."
"But! They didn't have the necessary processing power. We have supercomputers now! So let's get to simulating."
"Actually, we probably still don't have enough computing power for it."
"Yeah, um, atoms are tricky, especially the big ones past atomic number, oh, 2 or so."
"Well, can we maybe write a paper about how they're tricky?"
"I bet we could! We could even get our remote German postgraduate intern with the weird hair to make a really nice animation for the PowerPoint presentation."
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finniestoncrane · 2 years
I love your Riddlers switching each other's bodies, but what about Riddlers switching bodies with their AFAB s/o 🤔
Body Swap w/Reader
Riddler Headcanons ok i'm gonna make this gender neutral because i got another one specifying that, but all the general actions will be the same 👀 request info • prompt list • send me a request • kofi • masterlist minors DNI!! 🔞 cw: touching, i guess don't read if cnc/noncon is a huge trigger, because some of this could be construed as that! since it's your body... but not your body... kinda
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zero year
if you thought his perverted behaviour was borderline invasive before
you're about to witness it happen first-hand
which is... worse than him just checking you out? because now you have to watch him checking you out
like you've been given a front row seat to his sleazy little show
and you know, you just know, that as soon as he's no longer within your sight
that he's exploring everything, getting a very good look
a very good... feel... of you, and how you should be handled
maybe if he knows what he's doing, you'll let him get a shot of it once he's back in his own body
since you spur his incessant advances the rest of the time
he'll definitely be getting his fill of this, maybe with a photoshoot later, something to remember this by
oh this is absolutely wonderful, delightful, gee golly gosh!
it would have been wonderful to get a good rummage around your mind and see how it works
but exploring your body and knowing it so intimately is good too
from a purely scientific... research-based... perspective of course
no other reason, but if it's ok for him to say, you do look wonderful
or he looks wonderful... or your body looks wonderful
ok let him start again, he's getting flustered
maybe start with a question! something familiar to him
so, what kind of underwear is it that you have on because it's very comfortable... or is that...
guess he could just go and look... oh dear... he's sorry, so sorry
perfect, you don't have as many aching bits or cuts and bruises as he does
it's like a blank canvas to start working on, not that he's going to be focused intentionally on hurting you
but it's the risks of being the handiest, smartest body in gotham
although, it's very distracting how... soft you are
much softer than he is... and warmer too... smoother, nicer
ok this was a terrible idea because now he's completely distracted
he almost feels bad for all the times he called you stupid and yelled at you for not listening or making mistakes
it must be almost impossible to do anything or focus on anything
especially when you look and... feel like this... OK switch back he is uncomfortable with the feelings he is experiencing thanks
but he will remember that you feel delightful... just for reference
you know what, he's just as annoyed about this as he thought he would be
you have absolutely no right to call him old and weak anymore, even if you're just joking
his joints feel a lot better than these ones
and he's far more comfortable in his own skin... literally
you better be taking it easy in there!
don't eat or drink anything stupid, don't do anything stupid, don't make him look stupid
he realises that might be a difficult task for you, given your... you
but the least you could do is make a concerted effort now
or he'll be extra cruel with any resulting punishments
and he has control over you now, far more than he did before, so keep that in mind
haha, your body is so much worse than his, give it back!
this is such an unfair swap, he gets landed with this hunk of junk
and you get to surround yourself in his wonderful, tight little figure
you're welcome to touch him if you want
no *smacks your hand away* not like... him-you, you-him
look, just give him your hand and he'll show you where to put it
what do you mean you don't want to touch his body!?
you've been given a golden opportunity here
at least get out there and show him off, make use of your one opportunity to be this cute
and he'll stay here, hidden from humanity until he's back to being adorable again, urgh
ok get ready because he really knows how to please himself
so you are in for an absolute treat here
just sit back, relax, and let him take care of you... him... both of you
also, he hates to sound egomaniacal
but he looks even better from this perspective than he thought he might
with your body, he's not getting up to anything mischievous
unless you ask him to, or give him permission
but he's very keen to explore you from a deeply intimate angle
it'll be a learning experience, like he's studying for an exam
and he'll pass with flying colours once you guys are swapped back
ok so the misery he was carrying is definitely in his brain
or maybe even buried deep within his soul
because it's still there, as unfortunate as that is, even though he knew it would be
but it feels... easier to deal with, like when he puts on his mask and coat
there's a weight lifted off his shoulders, or maybe your posture is just better
you're not hunched over a desk day and night
studying numbers and following leads and planning crimes
at least not to the extent that he is
also, and please tell him if this is too inappropriate, and he's blushing already
but your butt is very comfortable to sit on
the potential for mischief, or sheer artistry, is overwhelming
nobody would suspect him of being up to anything untoward
because you, unlike him and miss tuesday
have no criminal record whatsoever
it's the perfect disguise, not even being himself!
he should have thought of this sooner, putting his big brain in another body
to be able to sneak around in broad daylight with no one suspecting a thing
how rude to ask him about the implications of what happens if he gets caught
yes, yes, it's understandable you would be worried about being sent to prison
he'll never get caught though... not this time... hopefully...
young justice
it's just kinda nice to not be him for a little while, y'know
so you'll have to be extra nice about being in his body
might be a nice ego boost to know that you enjoy him...
he's pretty pleased to be in your skin though
people are nicer to him!
and you're cute enough that he can get away with being annoying
that's a new experience for him, and he likes it
it might be difficult to get him to switch back actually
you're carrying him much better than he did anyway!
and no one is threatening to beat him up for telling the same riddle until someone gets it correct now
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mycupofteafanzine · 1 year
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Guest Writer Spotlight: @saintbleeding
We're excited to welcome our first guest writer to the zine!
Why do you love Martin? Golly gee what a question. I guess the biggest thing is I love how full of seemingly diametrically-opposed contradictions he is: his genuine sweetness and kindness vs his very serious desire to see the violent death of people he's perceived to have wronged him, his dorky poetry vs the fact that he's the kind of person to use the word "ontological" in casual conversation, his capacity for love and compassion vs his proclivity for isolation. Also he has the best voice.
If you were an avatar, what Fear would you serve and why? The Eye, because (I asked a friend for help, but they said:) "I enjoy inflicting pain and suffering on the other by making recognition of the self impossible to avoid". Welp!!
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cainluvr69 · 8 months
"A World Brimming With Friends" Cain SSR Card Story - The Goal: Pull-Apart Bread!
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translated not by me, but by sheeprave, another member of the translation group i'm part of!
Cain: Come along then, my fair Purin. To commemorate us meeting again, eat all you like.
Purin: Wowie~! Look at all these tasty treats!
Cookies with a buttery scent, elegantly garnished chocolate, cake with generous amounts of whipped cream… The dining room table was laden with the treats Cain had bought.
Purin: Cain, thank you for bringing so much!
Cain: You're very welcome.
The pair looked at each other and smiled merrily. Purin, who had become able to use magic, came to visit this world again through some strange miracle.
Cain: I brought all of my most-recommended items. Since you wanted to try this world's sweets, I did my best to oblige.
Purin: Whee, I can't wait to try them. Let me have a smackerel! Zowie~! This chocolate is jam-packed with jam! Yummy!
Akira: That one's really good! I like it a lot myself.
Cain: Go ahead and have some too, Master Sage. There's plenty to go around.
Akira: Thank you!
Purin: Cain, you should eat too♪ Sharing makes it even tastier.
Cain: Thanks. Don't mind if I do.
We hung around the table with treats in hand and enjoyed a lively conversation upon our reunion.
Akira: Ah, these cookies are from that shop in the capital that's always got a line out front! Purin, try it!
Purin: Thanks! Mm, this one's yummy too! I'm so happy that I get to talk with my friends and eat lots of tasty snacks~
Akira: (S-So cute!)
Purin, with his angelic smile, was just so adorable that I kept suggesting more treats.
Purin: Gee, my tummy's full…
Akira: Same here. It was all so good, I couldn't help stuffing my mouth.
After spending a lovely time together, Purin and I rubbed our full bellies.
Cain: How about we head somewhere our fair Purin didn't get to see last time--say, outside the manor or around town?
Purin: Okay! But I ate a bit too much, so I want to rest a little.
Purin patted his round belly and gave Cain an envious look.
Purin: Cain, you ate lots too, but your tummy's not puffy. That's nice.
Cain: Ahaha. My abs are toned by all the drills I do. You wanna feel them?
Purin: Can I? Then just an itty-bitty touch… Golly gee whiz! Cain, your tummy's like pull-apart bread!
Cain: Like bread…? Not quite sure I understand, but thanks for the compliment! [1]
Purin: I want to work out my body and get slim and fit like you. Cain, what kind of exercise do you do? Can I become like you if I do drills too?
Cain: You don't have to be like me. You're plenty wonderful as you are, my fair Purin. But if I had to say… …Okay. Hey, if you don't mind, can we change plans?
[1] TL note: Cain initially misinterprets "pull-apart bread" (ちぎりパン chigiri-pan) as a synonym for "promise" (契り chigiri) . Given the very specific terms and implications, it was impossible to preserve this pun and still have it sound natural.
After a short break, Cain brought us to a forest near the manor.
Cain: I do practice drills in this forest a lot. It's well-shaded and has plenty of open space. Perfect for working out, don't you think?
Purin: Uh-huh! The wind feels nice~♪
Cain: How about you try working out a little here today? I'll teach you the stuff I usually do.
Purin: Wowie, are you sure?
Cain: Yeah! I like your squishiness, but if you want to change, then you do you. I'd like to help, if you're okay with that.
Purin: I'll try my bestest! Thank you, Cain!
Cain: You're welcome. How about you, Master Sage?
Akira: I'd be happy to! I want to be shredded too.
Cain: All right! Then all three of us can do it. Although, what parts should we train…? …I know. You complimented my abs earlier. You said they were like pull-apart…pull-apart bread…?
Akira: Um, how do I say it… Pull-apart bread is a kind of food in our world. It's hard to describe it… It's bread that's meant to be torn apart and eaten, so it has furrows that mark each serving. I think what Purin is trying to say is that your abs are furrowed just like that kind of bread.
Purin: Uh-huh! And they looked delicious~♪
Cain: Oh, I see. So, setting a clear goal here, let's try and get you to have abs like that pull-apart bread. Hey, how about we do those Purin Exercises that you taught us before?
Purin: Okey-dokey~ I'm great at Purin Exercises! Want to join us, Mx. Sage?
Akira: Absolutely!
Purin: Purin, Purin~♪ Reach for the sky, then put your hands back at your side~
Purin proudly showed us his Purin Exercises.
Purin: And then you streeech~
Cain: …All right. Both of you, stop moving!
Akira: O-Okay!
Cain: From that position, try leaning over to one side as far as you can do. That should put your abs to work.
Purin: You mean it? Ummm, reach to the side~
Akira: Wow, you're right…! I can feel tension in my abs!
Cain: Ten reps of these on both sides, and that'll count as one set. I'll teach you what you can do alongside the Purin Exercises, just like this. Given the opportunity, I want you to have fun working out.
Purin: Okey-dokey! This'll be bundles of fun~♪
Cain: Glad to hear it! Then next up is…
Purin: 1, 2, 3… 9, 10! I did it! And that's how you do the Purin Exercises!
Cain: Well done! Fair Purin, Master Sage, you both worked hard.
Purin: And if I keep doing these, my tummy might become like pull-apart bread too~♪ Thank you, Cain! I'll teach this adapted version to my friends. But if I keep calling them Purin Exercises, maybe they'll get mixed up with the standard version?
Cain: Hmm. Then how about you add my name to it? It'll be "Purin-Cain Exercises."
Purin: Yippee, that's terrific~! Let's do that!
Akira: (That's a pretty straightforward name… But it suits them both, so it's nice.)
Seeing the two of them in harmonious agreement made my soul feel rejuvenated.
After I had a great time working out and enjoying the sights with Purin and Cain… We had Purin bring us to Puroland with his magic.
Cain: Now this is magnificent! I'm getting excited just standing here. I almost want to break into dance.
Purin: Eheheh, don't you~♪ I love it here too!
Akira: Huh? I think I can hear the Purin Exercise music coming from over there…
Purin: You're right~! Maybe my friends are dancing to it. I'll start doing the Purin-Cain Exercises we put together with all of them tomorrow!
Cain: Sure! If you do it with people you're close with, you should feel more motivated and entertained.
Purin: Uh-huh! I can't wait to tell them all about it~ But we all worked out a whole bunch today, so I bet you're both hungry now.
Akira: Now that you mention it, yes… despite all the treats we ate before that.
Cain: It's because of all that good exercise. No wonder you're running low.
Purin: Oh goodie, then let's go out and munch together! I'll bring you to my favorite restaurant. They have meat and veggies and dessert too~
Akira: Purin's favorite restaurant…! I'd love to go!
Cain: Yeah, please! I'm really in the mood for meat. They've got it there?
Purin: Of course they do~! Grilled, simmered, steamed, fried, whatever you care to try! There's steak and pasta, salad and ramen, cake… and pudding too!
Akira: They've got a huge selection…! Just listening to you is making my stomach rumble.
Purin: And I can feel my tummy grumble just by talking about it! …Ah, but if I eat again, will my tummy not be like pull-apart bread?
Cain: It'll be fine. Once you've eaten your fill, we can exercise again. You can't deprive yourself long-term. Just work hard and play hard and you'll feel much better. Besides, you can't build muscle without nutrition. Your abs won't be like pull-apart bread then.
Purin: Ohh! Then I'll eat bunches too~ So my tummy will be like pull-apart bread!
It warmed my heart to see Purin cheerily bouncing along and Cain chatting with him, matching his tiny stride.
Purin: I know! Since you hosted me in your world, I'll host you both at the restaurant.
Akira: Thank you, Purin. I can't wait!
Cain: It's deeply appreciated, my fair Purin.
Purin: You can count on me! After we eat lots of tasty things, let's do the Purin-Cain Exercises again.
Cain: Ahaha, that's an extravagant digestive aid. I'm excited for that too.
I followed a few steps behind Purin and Cain. I could see their cheery profiles best from that angle. That day of unceasing mirth, even more mystical and special than usual, wore on jovially.
After the Purin-Cain Exercises Is…
Akira: Hello, Cain. Are you doing your drills?
Cain: Master Sage. I'm done with my drills and was just doing some stretches. And… hup! …Phew.
Akira: Oh, you did that back stretch during the Purin-Cain Exercises too.
Akira: Now that I'm thinking about it, did you invent the moves you added to the exercises?
Cain: No, those are basically practice stretches I did while I was in the knights. I picked the ones that are easy for beginners and can tone their muscles without stressing them. You could feel the effects even with just light stretching and twisting of the body, right?
Akira: Yes! It loosened up parts that I don't usually move, which felt stimulating. And maybe it's just a placebo, but it feels good for digestion. I'm doing it whenever my stomach's full now.
Cain: Oh, wonderful! The most important thing about exercise is to not quit. Keep doing it at a pace that won't wear you out. Let me know when the exercises become easy for you. Then I'll come up with a Purin-Cain Exercises 2 that pushes you a little more.
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giraffe-showbiz · 7 months
My dad keeps asking me when he thinks I’ll be able to work at least part time. I had to crawl to the kitchen yesterday to get water because I was so fatigued that walking became impossible. So like, I don’t know dad, trying to solve some other pretty big immediate problems.
I know he doesn’t mean it in a harsh way, and that he’s just genuinely looking for a timeline. But gee golly I too would fucking love to know when I will feel better. I too, would like a timeline
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furythemadman · 5 months
Hello sir!
May I interest you in some Spacial Anomaly Cleaning Services? You strike me as the kind of person who has dealt with unclarified anomalous activities that has left unwanted messes that are impossible to clean with modern cleaning products!
Well golly gee, that sure sounds awfully convenient AND professional! I could sure use some Spacial Anomaly Cleaning Services, enlighten me.
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havendance · 10 months
I suppose I shall also blog the santa comics.
Superman's Christmas Adventure #1:
Zahri and Ink have already covered this one fairly well, but we've got toy soldiers attacking Grouch and Meany Babes in Toyland style!
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Narration: At the signal from Santa, thousands of toys come to life! Grouch and Meaney are taken by surprise... under the toy soldiers' barrage, they retreat Grouch (I think): What! This is impossible!
And of course, the triumph of the christmas spirit!
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Narration: Grouch releases the captive Lois-- Superman: Lois! Grouch: Meaney and I want to apologize to you, too, miss! Lois: No apologies are necessary. If you've got the true xmas spirit, I'm satisfied!
League of Comics Geeks lied to me and said that santa was a character in Batman #39, which he did not. (We did get Batman disguised as Santa though.
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Naration: But Santa and his assistant see the Robbery... Batman: This is it! Strip for action, Robin! Narration: And for the second time in their careers, the duo wears white camoflage! Robin: The last time we wore these suits was in "The Case of the Nort Pole Crimes"-- remember? Batman: Yes... The white blended with the snow and we caught the crooks by surprise--as we will now--I hope!
They're wearing their specialty snow costumes underneath! Also this issue:
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Narration: And soon... Guy 1: The Batmobile! Guy 2: Poor Batman and Robin never get a holiday! Crooks don't even respect Christmas!
Poor Batman and Robin never get a holiday!
Action Comics 105:
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Santa: (Groan) It's as I feared. I'm unable to squeeze down an average sized chimney! Superman: A diabolically clever plot!
Santa gets poisoned by yet another villain who hates Christmas and becomes to big to fit down a chimney!
Superman proceeds to spent the next several pages scaring/otherwise torturing poor santa to make him loose weight. He's being very heroic.
In the end, Santa's able to fit down the chimney again, but our villain has drugged the reindeer so Superman has to carry Santa's sleigh again:
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Superman: And a Merry Chirstmas to all!
Skipping all the rudolph comics for now, on to Shazam #11
The first story in this comic pits Billy against expanding jello which threatens to take over the city! The final story is the one where Santa shows up.
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Narration: The world's maddest scientist, Dr Sivana, sits and broods with his equally mad son and duaghter, Sivana Jr. and Georgia. Sivana: Christmas... Bah! Sivana Jr: Humbug! Georgia: Fooey!
The world's maddest scientist and his equally mad children plot against christmas!
The Marvels stop him and in the end, they give him a christmas present -- spreading christmas cheer is the throughline here.
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Sivana: You can't stop us! Remember--we're the rightful rulers of the universe! Mary Marvel: You've been saying that for a long time... that's why we brought you this Christmas Present! Sivana: Golly, gee whiz! No one's ever given me a present before! Sivana jr: Aww... It's just a book... Georgia: ... called "The Universe"! Mary Marvel (off panel): And it's all yours!
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onewomancitadel · 1 year
The worst view in the Tumblr UI update is /blog/ which I use the most because it's where I post from. Information on the left-hand column is doubled up on the right, and information is displayed twice, and every time I reload this page (I am bad with tabs please don't look at my shame) the Accounts tab pops open again even if it's been previously shut.
I think they're stuck between a rock and a hard place PR-wise (Not Like the Other Social Medias) particularly when converging on homogeneity in design less looks like natural convergence towards best practice and more towards 'you are baby and you need big number to press and then you press the big number over and over'. Basically the Cookie Clicker philosophy of modern design.
I've seen some of the designers on Tumblr be completely open about the fact they are trying to do the impossible (user-funded social media) which has never been done before, so they're not completely committed to abandoning the website, but golly gee I think the reaction Tumblr veterans have had to the changes isn't really comparable to 'put the reblog button back on top' and also, it's just really really bad timing. I also think that the whole psychology behind 'the way users are supposed to interact with a website' is a bit backwards and takes a lot of shortcuts, but I don't really expect commercially-driven psychology to really view people in that complex a way.
The question I have is that 'why do people interact differently now from ten years ago', which includes when Tumblr was sold for a billion dollars. That includes marked population shift in userbase and higher aspirations of desired userbase, but I also think that a lot of this stuff is cultivated, and it's not like the issue before with Tumblr was 'people are too stupid to use it and also it's not Twitter'. People are used to Twitter because they used Twitter, not because Twitter had the best design. And so on.
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kitsubasa · 2 years
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Marika the Eternal
a 3-week build (mid Sept-early Oct) for PAX Aus 2022
not totally finished which is why I don't have proper photos yet; the crown needs to be remade, the dress needs leaves, and I've got details to rework across the rest of the outfit
Dress: based off a prom dress pattern from 2007, altered for that deep deep V-neck and to add a slit
Arm Bands: some beaded trim with additional leaf-shaped sequins sewn on for the chain (and for the glory of the Erdtree)
Belt: 3D-printed charms on a cotton base, with Vliesofix sandwiched inside for a clean edge on the scallops. The charms have actual runes from the game printed into them! Gee, Queen Marika, why is the insignia of the Carian Royals on your belt?
Necklace: her actual necklace has some (almost?) impossible shapes happening in it, so I've got a 'golden seed' charm on there instead!
Crown: my first real attempt at 3D-modelling a complicated shape, got too complicated for me and I had to simplify it, which is why I'll be having another go later
Sword: this amazing file set, 3D printed in translucent glitter PLA with a glow-in-the-dark blue 'glintstone' PLA core. I'd like to make the hammer later but the model was too cool not to try! Golly, Queen Marika, isn't that Queen Rennala's proposal sword...?
Shirt: it says what it says
Miscellany: thanks to Dan for the back scars! Also, these photos don't show it, but I have 10.5cm platforms for this outfit for godly stature purposes
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thunderboltfire · 1 year
Since I have already 1500 things on my plate I’ve decided to do the only logical thing: learn to mod Frostbite. One of my pet peeves in DA:I is how mabaris look.
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I’m not a dog breeder, but something feels deeply wrong with them. The way their eyes are so light, the muzzle doesn’t differ in color from the fur, random patches of color... they just look weird, even without their horrific teeth sticking out of their mouths.
I’ve managed to scrap the model and the textures from the game files and took a closer look at it in Blender.
Golly gee.
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That definitely aren’t canine proportions!
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I don’t want to sound rude, but the similarity seems uncanny. Especially in the back legs and the neck lenght.
The original mabari was a comically thick and pretty shapeless meatball, but this one, despite better paws, I like less.
I thought I’ll test my resolve and try to mod these beasts. Does anyone know if changing a mesh and making it work in the game is even possible for an articulated, animated model? (I’ve seen some tutorials for hair, but they don’t really have armature, I think?). If it turns out to be impossible I’ll at least try to modify the textures a bit.
If anyone knows some useful tutorial on exporting the meshes, on whether or not one has to modify the armature too and if somebody tried something like this before, please post it in the comments or PM me, I’ll probably need every bit of help :P
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lillotte17 · 1 year
Half-heartedly active on a dating app thing bc meeting new ppl in your mid-thirties is impossible and even more impossible when you are ace and need someone to write a freaking Formal Letter of Intent to know someone is actually flirting, but ANYWAY. The POINT is that I have had 2 different people (cis men)in the last 2 DAYS try to start a conversation by making a comment about how long they personally think I should keep my hair, and-
they are lucky that i couldn't respond without matching with them because i was so annoyed i wanted to Bite Things
Golly gee whiz i wonder why these people might be single when they think a good opening line is to voice an opinion about how a woman who does not even know them should be catering to their specific preferences.
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desolationlovers · 1 year
got yelled at bc the department isnt being cleaned properly at night 🤪🤪🤪 gee golly i wonder why its not being cleaned. is it because half the week theres only one person closing and the other half everybody else just stands around and talks so i gave the the fuck up trying?? could that be???? like ill be real i Have been lazy the last week or two. but before that we either have been so busy we wouldnt have time even if we wanted to like literally doing shit until the minute we fucking close. ive almost clocked out late constantly. or it just been me by myself!!! and i guess im honorary leader at night now because im supposed to be responsible for bullshit everybody else does.like bro i have given the fuck up. im tired. im over it. if you cant hire enough people to get things done you have no right to be mad when the few motherfuckers left have realized its impossible to get done without killing ourselves every fucking night and give up.
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yes im still out of prozac can u tell
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roseinthelightofday · 2 years
Internal struggles vs external struggles
One thing I realized over this past year or so of accepting myself as trans is the fact that depression or sadness or things like that can have roots in things from within or from the outside. (Like golly gee Rose, duh, tell us something new) anywho, I find it so relieving that almost every problem I have with any bouts of sadness or anger or frustration are rooted in other things and not something within myself. This difference is so clear to me now that it really is sorta astounding. Before I accepted myself as trans, I had spiralling depression linked to identity crisis things. All that bah humbug stuff. It filled my mind with a fog that didn't let anything truly feel good. Every thought was overshadowed by a looming mountain in the background taking precedent on my mind. It was almost impossible to not have thoughts break in that pertained to it over anything else.
Contrast that with any bad or upsetting feelings/thoughts I have now are primarily only based off things that don't have to do with who I am internally. Ok, this is hard to word, because as a trans person, a lot of pain stems from how people treat trans people. Don't get me wrong, most of it has to still do with my identity, but it is so freeing that it is other people's actions and not my own self identity that is causing them.
I'm not sure I can convey this in a way that makes sense, I hope it does, but I am trying to say, despite all the crap I have to endure for all my otherness and differences from society, it is like a walk in the park compared to how gloomy internally sourced problems would make my life.
Does that make sense?
I also want to point out this is me telling my story, if you don't relate to what I am saying, I am not speaking for you... So, lighten up before you comment saying, "I don't feel like that"
Ok, Rose out. :) Hope y'all had a lovely day.
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sasquapossum · 2 years
Car: Welcome to Connecticut
me: Gee, thanks.
And so a train of thought was born. I was driving down to Hartford to see a production of The Mousetrap in which my second cousin’s girlfriend is the assistant lighting director. The play was absolutely excellent BTW. If you’re anywhere within driving range of the Hartford Stage in the next few days I highly recommend it. The after-dinner conversation - with another never-met-before relative and C2GF’s boss, which lasted three hours - was even better. But that’s not what I’m here to talk about.
My first thought while I was driving was related to the “emoji discourse” that’s going around, somewhat like a bad cold. What struck me is that “gee, thanks” is always meant sarcastically. It’s almost impossible to say “gee” or “golly” or almost anything else from the early 20th century any other way ... and this seems to be a general rule. Both the slang and the formalism of a previous generation always seems to end up this way. My own forebears who might have used “gee, thanks” without irony probably used “hornswoggle” or “highfalutin” for their humor value rather than their information content. The pattern goes back centuries if not millennia. There were probably Romans snickering at how their parents used words we only know from Bibles and legal documents.
Second thought: this is related to the speed of communication. Letters were always more formal than phone calls, and phone calls more than in-person conversation. Yeah, I know, most of you probably never talked much on the phone anyway, but this was a thing. Trust me. As all communication approaches (or sometimes even exceeds) the immediacy of face-to-face, the “casualness level” also increases. The formality of slower communication disappears, except as a source of humor. “Would it please you to partake of some comestibles, good sir?” is impossible to say without a bit of mischief.
Third thought: electronic communication is now old enough that its earliest idioms are now subject to this centuries-old formality/immediacy/humor pattern. My generation invented first :-) and then 😀. To us, these were the new in-language that we used to confound our elders. They worked well on Usenet and Facebook; not so much in TikTok or Discord. Now, 🤣 is the mark of an Old Person. It comes across like this.
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Yes, I know that the meme itself has become the domain of old farts like me, but you get the idea. Emoticons have practically gone, emoji have all changed their meanings, kaomoji are the almost-exclusive province of younger people, memes are cycled with a quickness that seems intended to confound. Memes go from mint to dank in a heartbeat. I know you cringed when I said that. Which brings me to my last point.
Fourth thought: we (old people) can have fun with this too. There’s an old saying: if you can’t laugh at yourself, others will do it for you. As long as everyone realizes that their own foibles are just as funny as others’, we can all have a good time together. And that’s cool, which BTW is from a generation before mine and seems to be among the few slang words that has retained its meaning since. Or maybe not. What would I know?
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