#in a hospital‚ Pat sits on what appears to be a stretcher and has to be moved off it by an irate nurse‚ and he also offers to light candles
mariocki · 1 year
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Patrick Troughton lays down the law as Italian police Inspector Guido Gambetti in The Saint: Interlude in Venice (5.2, ITC, 1966)
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aajjks · 4 months
i granted alina’s wish 😁
mommy issues!JK
you’re reluctant to let jungkook go but he reassures you that everything will be okay. in the distance, you see the familiar red and blue lights and once you’re comfortable, jungkook shuts and locks the car door before approaching the police car.
“what’s up man!!”
jung hoseok is a longtime friend of jungkook’s. they met in college before going their separate way but they’ve always remained in touch. whatever jungkook needed, hoseok was right there to help him. by getting in touch with busan’s government, hoseok helped jungkook secure full custody of seol against his parents and he’s been helping him since. this situation being no different.
“you mind if i take a look at y/n?” with jungkook’s permission, he heads to the car you’re sitting in and uses his flashlight to see through the car window. hoseok grits his teeth. “looks pretty bad. mind unlocking your car?”
jungkook unlocks it and hoseok opens the door to get a better look at you and the sight is heartbreaking. “hmm…i need an ambulance here immediately. victim has a busted and cracked lip, a black eye, left cheek is swollen. there’s a lot of bruising around the rib cage area and a leg wrapped up. victim says the aggressor broke her leg. can i have your name, ma’am?”
“it’s y/n. kim y/n”
“victim’s name is kim y/n”
“copy that. ambulance will be there in 5-8 minutes”
“thanks for your cooperation, miss kim” hoseok shuts the door and jungkook locks it back. “thank goodness you came when you did. it could’ve been a lot worse and no one would’ve known” hoseok pats jungkook’s back before going inside the house and when he’s inside he sees two women trembling in fear and two men but one critically injured. “what’s up you guys” says hoseok.
“what’s up, man!” greets yugyeom.
“i’ve got everything handled, alright? i got some back up coming soon, so get out of here before you look like suspects”
the boys nod their heads before evacuating the home and 2 minutes later, more policemen show up. everyone in the house is under arrest and within 5 minutes, an ambulance appears to take jicheol away but you stubbornly refuse to go to the hospital.
“c’mon, y/n. we need to make sure you’re okay” says mingyu.
“guys, i’m fine. i just want to go home. i don’t want to be here anymore”
“we’re going to leave, i promise but you need medical attention y/n”
you look at jungkook and even he insists that you get medical attention before getting on the road. with jungkook’s help, he puts you on the stretcher and follows you inside the ambulance.
“we’ll follow you!” says eunwoo as they get inside the cars and follow the ambulance to the hospital. while in the truck, they take your temperature, blood pressure, and draw blood to do further testing. when they arrive to the hospital, the first thing they take care of is your broken leg, then your bruises.
“hi, you’re ms. y/n right?”
“is this your husband?”
“one he will be but no, he’s my boyfriend”
“aww~ well, i’m here to give you some medicine for the bruises and tell you so super awesome news”
“news? is everything okay?”
“your bloodwork is fine. no life-threatening symptoms buuuuut congratulations, you’re pregnant!”
W H A T?!
“huh? no. nonononono, that can’t be true. we—he uses condoms and i’ve never cheated on him. jicheol kicked me in my stomach—,”
“and the baby is fine. if you want, we can use an ultrasound to get a better look but according to your bloodwork, you’re 2-3 weeks pregnant”
What. What. WHAT.
Jungkook isn’t sure if what he’s hearing is right, you are pregnant?? “Umm doctor b-but my wife- I mean my girlfriend is right we always use protection?!” He questions dumb founded.
When did he even knock you up? Of course it’s his baby- jungkook looks at you with tears in his eyes, “b-baby are you hearing the doctor?” He asks as he grabs your hand and kisses it.
You’re pregnant with his child
He can’t believe it. “Oh my God.” He exclaims as you both share a sweet kiss, Jungkook is now an emotional mess. So, you endured all that pain and abuse while pregnant with his child?
“Yn baby how did you not notice?!” Jungkook questions you, when you bring up the fact that jicheol kicked you in the stomach, Jungkook’s eyes harden.
While he was busy protecting his first child- you were unknowingly carrying and protecting his second one.
After your pregnancy is confirmed, Jungkook is so full of joy, you are granted leave from the hospital due to your special circumstances.
“Yn I’m so so happy that you’re pregnant but…” now comes the dreadful question.
He’s nervous.
“Are you- do you want to keep the baby? I-I swear I didn’t get you pregnant on purpose… it’s your choice and I’ll be with you every step of the way…” he kisses your hand as you both walk to your car.
“Y-You can abort the baby if you’d like- I know we haven’t been with each other for long but I love you so much… I see my future in your eyes. So it’s going to be your choice.”
He looks into your eyes.
“But I hope you won’t because I’ve always wanted a family with you.”
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Terry CK X Reader
Context: You find Terry passed out! 😟💚
You had been out shopping with your friend for the afternoon, Terry was just relaxing at home. You asked him before you left if he wanted to come with you, but he said he was feeling tired and politely declined. You gave him a kiss goodbye and spent a few hours buying clothes and hanging out with your friend. When it was time to head back home, you were given a lift by your friend and she dropped you outside yours and Terry's place. "See you soon Y/N" "You too" you say to her before she pulls out of the drive way and makes her way home.
You had your keys in your fingers as your clothes bags were hanging onto your arm, it was a little tricky getting the door open. But when you did, you let out a sigh of relief and pushed the door open. You let yourself in and close the door behind you "Terry, I'm home babe.....babe?" There was no response as you enter through the house. Felling a little concerned, you put the bags down and make your way into the living room. But that's when you see Terry lying on the floor. "Terry!" You run over to him and gently move him onto his back as you look for any injuries. "Terry? Babe can you hear me? Please speak to me" Still there was no answer.
Luckily you were a trained firstaider and knew what to do, but you were still worried about him. You gently patted his shoulders "Can you speak to me Terry?" No response. You check to see if he is breathing, thankfully he is. So your careful as you place his hand under his head, lift his leg and gently pull him towards you as you manoeuvre him into the recovery position. His airway was now supported and he was safe, that's when you call an ambulance. "Hello? I need an ambulance please, it's my boyfriend, I came home and he was passed out in the floor, please hurry" Once the ambulance got the address details, they were on there way to you and Terry. As you waited, you never left Terry's side, gently resting your hand against his cheek as a tear fell down your face.
They had arrived and helped him onto a stretcher, then they took you and Terry to the hospital. When you arrived, the hospital staff said that you had to stay in the waiting room until they had helped Terry. You understood and stayed were you were, as you see Terry's unconscious body being taken down the hall. You waited....and waited....it felt like they had been with him for hours, and yet when you look up at the clock, it's only been 1 hour. You couldn't sit down, you just paced back and forth in the waiting room, unable to stop thinking about Terry and worrying about what was wrong. A few minutes later, a doctor walked into the waiting room and approached you. "Miss L/N?" "Yes, yes that's me. Is he alright? Please tell me he's alright?"
"Dont worry miss L/N, he is going to be fine" You feel like an elephant has just taken its foot off your chest, and you take a breath, only just realising that you were holding it in. "Miss L/N, we have done tests on mr Silver, and we know why he fainted" "What was it?" "It appears that Mr Silver has an iron deficiency. Has he been feeling more tired recently? Or has there been any changes to his diet?" "Now that you mention it, he was feeling really tired today. Hes been like it for about a week, and hes been so busy at work recently that we dont eat dinner a lot together. He finishes so late and he says that he will make himself something" "He needs to consume more iron in his diet, this fainting spell is not a good sign. He needs to get back onto a normal work schedule and back to healthy and consistent diet"
"I will tell him that, thank you so much for helping him doctor. Is he awake? Can I see him?" "He is asleep at the moment, but your more than welcome to sit with him" The doctor leads you down the hall and into Terry's private hospital room. You see him there lead in his bed, he looks so peaceful, and it's a relief to see that he has some colour in his face again. "He should be waking up soon, I will be back when he is and I shall inform him on what hes going to have to do once he's discharged" "Thank you doctor" He leaves as you take a seat at Terry's bedside. Your relived that hes ok and it's nothing serious....but you were still feeling the mixture of emotions you were feeling earlier. You were so frightened when you saw him lying on the floor, you thought you were going to loose him.
You reach out and hold his hand as he laid still, you begin to cry quietly as you look at him sleeping. You couldn't help it, you loved him so much and you had never seen Terry look so helpless and vulnerable. "Sweetheart?" Terry says in a croaky voice as his eyes start opening. "Terry! Oh babe I was so worried about you" "Where am I? And-why are you crying? What happened?" He asks as his fingers brush against your cheek, wiping away a few of your tears. "Terry i came home and I saw you passed out on the floor, i was so scared for you. I called the ambulance and that's why your in hospital" He takes in the room as he looks around. "But? I dont remember? Why did I?...."
"The doctor said that you have an iron deficiency. You haven't been eating properly recently babe, you haven't been looking after yourself, it's been work work work" "John needed me and-" "I dont care what John needs Terry. Working your ass off for John has put you in the hospital and I'm not going to allow that to happen again. I was so scared when I saw you like that, and I will not let the man I love suffer like that again" You say all this to him as tears are still running down your face, and Terry's heart breaks at the sight of you. "Y/N I'm so sorry, I didnt mean to scare you, I love you" "I love you too" He rests his hand against your face and he pulls you in for a loving kiss. "I wont scare you like that again sweetheart, I promise" "I know you wont babe, because your going to do what the doctor tells you, and I'm going to have a word with john"
Terry raises his eyebrow in concern "Umm sweetheart, I'm not sure hes-" "Terry, you are lying in a hospital bed, this has to stop. I'm going to talk to John and weather he likes it or not, he is not going to over work you like this anymore. Not allowing you to even have a blenced diet or time to breath is unacceptable, and hes going to understand that. And if he disagrees with me, hes just going to have to go though me, and he knows he cant take me" Seeing your protective side is really cheering Terry up, and he smiles warmly as he holds your hand. "How did I ever get so lucky to have a girlfriend like you?" "I guess your just a very lucky man" You both smile before sharing another sweet and tender kiss.
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detectivereyes · 3 years
Ribs Like a Cage Full of Fire
Summary: A call at an ice rink leads to some painful consequences for TK
Written for the “broken ribs” square on my @badthingshappenbingo card, which was requested by @paramedicstrand 27 years ago and i finally wrote it <3
Beta and emotional support provided by @marjansmarwani
read on ao3
“You know, I practically grew up on the ice back in New York,” TK says, unable to hide the grin as they pull the ambulance up to the ice rink. Not to say he’s excited that someone hurt themselves on the ice, but he hadn’t found time to ice skate since moving to Austin so there was a part of him that looked forward to revisiting the ice.
“Wow, you’re from New York? You’ve never mentioned it before,” Nancy feigns sarcasm with a playful roll of her eyes. 
“Ha ha, we’ll just have to see who's most comfortable once we actually get out the ice,” TK quickly retorts as Tommy gives them both a warning look. They lapse into a comfortable silence as they work together to get all the necessary supplies before heading out onto the rink.
As soon as TK steps foot onto the ice, he begins to wobble before quickly regaining his balance. He glances over to Nancy, hoping she didn’t see that but her mischievous grin says otherwise.
“Thought you grew up on the ice?”
He gives her a tight smile. “Well, it has been a while… Also I think the ice in Texas is extra slippery.”
“Whatever you say, dude,” Nancy says with a small chuckle. 
Tommy, for her part, pushes past the two of them, walking across the ice with ease towards the patient. Through the crowd standing in a circle, TK can make out a young teenage boy carefully cradling his wrist against his chest.
Once they make their way over with only a few slips on both their parts, Nancy and TK busy themselves behind their Captain, getting all the supplies together as she addresses the patient.
“Hey there, my name’s Tommy. What’s yours?”
“Jimmy,” the young kid stutters out.
“Jimmy, can you tell me what happened?”
As Tommy tends to the patient, Nancy and TK prep the bandages and split. Stealing a side glance at the offending wrist, it does appear to be a compound fracture and TK winces in sympathy. He doesn’t wait for Tommy to ask before prepping an IV line in the hopes of providing some pain relief for Jimmy. 
They work in a comfortable silence as Tommy carefully wraps the boy's injured arm before Nancy hands her the splint. They then ease Jimmy up to a standing position.
“You good to wrap up here, Strand?” Tommy turns and asks TK. 
“Sure thing, Cap,” TK replies with a smile, watching as Tommy and Nancy carefully escort Jimmy toward the waiting ambulance.
He takes the time to pack up what’s left of their supplies before standing up, intending to follow them. 
Except when he goes to stand, he must do so too quickly because before he can even process what’s happening, he finds himself losing his balance and struggling to remain upright on the slippery ice. His surroundings seem to blur as he falls back down, face first onto the ice. The moment his body collides with the ice, TK swears he can hear the audible cracking of his ribs from the pressure. 
He winces as he pushes himself back into a seated position, ignoring the sharp protests coming from his chest and the cold ice shavings digging into his raw palms. 
He takes a few seconds to glance around and see if anyone noticed. Other than a few side glances from various skaters gliding around the rink, no one seems to be giving him much attention. And by this point, Tommy and Nancy are loading Jimmy into the ambulance, too far away to see what had happened.
All of which means he’s on his own. 
Left with no other option, he grabs his medical bag which had fallen with him onto the ice and forces himself to stand back up onto the ice, this time much more carefully. He slowly makes his way towards the opening on the side of the rink, using his arm to hold his chest tightly and relishing in the relief that it provides from the pain.
When he arrives at the back of the ambulance, he removes his arm supporting his chest and does his best to mask the pained expression. He must not do a great job though because Nancy gives him a questioning look.
“The ice is slippery,” he shrugs, giving his partner a reassuring smile. “I’m good though.”
The little voice in the back of his head is screaming that he should tell her or Tommy that he’s not actually good. That his chest feels like it’s on fire and each breath feels like knives stabbing him in the lungs.
But whether it’s out of pride or convenience's sake, he keeps his mouth shut and Nancy seems to accept his answer.
He shuts the doors on the back of the ambulance and slides into the driver's seat. If there had been any doubt that he was hurt, the seat belt digging into his rib cage and sending sharp pains radiating through the rest of his body confirmed it. 
He suppresses the groan that threatens to escape from his mouth and sends a silent prayer that his teammates in the back of the rig don’t notice anything amiss.
All he can do is drive and choke back the tears that well in the corners of his eyes at each minor bump in the road. 
The emergency room doors can’t appear in his line of sight soon enough. And fortunately he doesn’t have to do much as the hospital staff unload the stretcher, giving TK a few minutes to collect himself before he comes face to face with his partner and captain.
He takes a deep breath before pulling the keys out of the ignition and exiting the ambulance. Spotting Nancy on the side of the rig, he gives her a nod and hands her the keys. “It’s your lucky day, Gillian. You can drive back to the station.”
She raises her eyebrows curiously before shrugging. “I would question it, but I’m going to say yes before you change your mind.”
The ride back to the station passes by in a blur. He tries his best not to let on that anything is wrong and even with Nancy now sitting next to him, neither she nor Tommy seem to pick up on the pained grimaces or the fact that he’s much quieter than usual. 
Once they are parked, TK wastes no time exiting the ambulance and ducking up the stairs towards the locker room, avoiding the curious glances of other members of the 126. Locking himself in a bathroom stall, he carefully unbuttons his uniform shirt before sliding his soft grey undershirt over his head. The movement only further aggravates his ribs and he can’t help the hisses of pain that escape from his lips.
He takes a shaky breath before glancing down, his face scrunching up in a wince at the sight of his chest. Though the fall only happened less than an hour ago, the faint outline of various shades of purple and blue are already beginning to paint his rib cage. Tentatively, he ghosts his fingers along the bruising and inhales sharply at the pain the soft touch causes. 
At minimum, it’s very bad bruising. But more likely, he has a few fractured, possibly broken ribs. 
He debates going to Tommy and confessing what had happened. It’s unlikely he would be able to last the rest of his shift like this and his paramedic brain is screaming that he needs actual medical attention. 
But the urge to power through is too strong. Despite how loud the voice is telling that this is bad, the voice arguing back that maybe it isn’t that bad is louder. 
There’s no reason to cut his shift short for this and make a big deal out of it. In fact, glancing at his watch shows that there’s only an hour left. Not that he wants to jinx it, but it’s likely that they won’t even get called to another scene. Besides, coming clean would also lead to not just his paramedic team, but the entire station finding out that he got hurt. Again.
No, that won’t be necessary today. He will power through the rest of his shift, looking forward to the moment he gets home and can ice his ribs. 
He can do this. 
Getting his uniform back on is no easy task, with sliding his undershirt over his again hurting him even more than when he slid it off. He settles for just wearing the undershirt for now, grabbing his blue uniform shirt before exiting the stall. 
Re-entering the locker room, he hastily shoves the shirt in his locker, figuring he can hang it up later when it doesn’t feel like he’s about to pass out if he moves the wrong way. He takes a moment to breathe, suppressing the panic when he begins to notice how hard it is to take deep breaths.
“Hey, man. You good?”
TK’s head darts up, caught off guard by the entrance of Paul into the locker room, but he quickly catches himself and smiles. “Yeah, just a rough call earlier. How’s your shift been?”
Paul studies him carefully and TK knows he can sense the deflection and quick pivot in the conversation. But at this point Paul has known him long enough not to press, knowing that TK needs the space and will come to him if and when he needs to. 
“It's been a little Q-word around here, so not too bad. Looking forward to a few days off after this, though,” Paul smiles. 
“Yeah, I hear that.”
Paul looks like he’s about to say something else before he’s cut off by the alarms blasting through the house. TK lets out a sigh of relief when Paul looks away that it’s only fire being called to the scene, and not ambo. 
When Paul turns back to him, they share a look and Paul shrugs. “Duty calls,” he brushes past TK, giving him a light pat on the back as he exits the area. A gesture which normally wouldn’t be much, but today it makes him see stars. 
Fortunately, Paul is already out of sight as TK tries to regain his composure. He rests his back against the hard wood of the locker door and tries to stop the tears as he struggles to breathe through the pain, with each breath seeming like it filled up less and less of his lungs. His ribs continue to throb, sending aches throughout the rest of his body and he wonders how he’ll be able to make it through the next 45 or so minutes.
Fortunately, the rest of the shift does fly by and he’s able to take it easy. The rest of the station doesn’t return from the rescue they were called to until near the end of his shift, so he only has to avoid Tommy and Nancy. With the former holed up in her office doing incident reports and Nancy reading in the common area, he is able to find refuge in the bunk room trying to rest and hoping that the alarms don’t go off again while he counts down the minutes until end of shift. 
His prayers are answered once the second hand on his watch clicks past the hour and he’s officially off duty. 
It doesn’t take long for a text to come through from Carlos that he’s outside the station waiting to pick him up. TK smiles to himself at the thought that his boyfriend was probably also counting down until the end of TK’s shift and was itching to see him as soon as possible, hence why he showed up at the 126. It’s a gesture TK has grown used to in the nearly a year that they’ve been together. 
He forgoes changing out of his uniform, whether that’s because he’s anxious to see Carlos or he knows it would cause too much pain is unclear. Instead, he quietly slips out of the bunkroom and exits the station before anyone can spot him.
“Hey,” Carlos greets him with a warm smile while leaning against the side of his Camaro.
“Hey yourself.”
TK approaches Carlos, pressing a soft kiss onto his lips before Carlos pulls him into a hug. Though he tries not to blackout from the pain and to focus instead on inhaling the familiar scent of Carlos’ laundry detergent, he cannot hide the involuntary wince of as his body contracts out of pain. 
Carlos quickly pulls away, scanning him up and down. “What’s wrong?”
“Oh,” TK nervously laughs and gives him a thin smile. “It’s nothing.”
“TK,” Carlos gives him a pointed look and before TK can stop him, Carlos is pulling up his shirt. His eyes widen as he takes in the bruising which has only continued to grow in the time since TK had last checked.
“It looks worse than it is.”
Carlos scowls, clearly not believing him. “Did you get checked out?”
“No. Well, it happened near the end of my shift and I figured that if I could just wait it out…” he trails off, shifting uncomfortably. 
Carlos shakes his head before pulling TK’s shirt back down and grabbing his hand. He doesn’t say a word until they are back inside the truck bay, scanning the area until he locks eyes with Nancy exiting from the common area, on her way out of the station. 
“Nancy, do you mind hanging back a sec and taking a look at TK? He got hurt on shift but didn’t want to tell any of you.”
Nancy’s eyes dart between the two of them before she drops her bag and ushers TK over to the back of the ambulance. He wordlessly follows and eases himself down onto the back bench, grimacing in pain now that there’s no reason to hide it.
At Carlos’ nod, he slides his shirt over his head, revealing the full extent of his bruised chest to both Carlos and Nancy.
“What the fuck, Strand?” Nancy exclaims as her eyes go wide. “When did this happen?”
“Remember when I said the ice was slippery…”
Nancy curses again under her breath before turning to Carlos. “Can you go grab Captain Vega? If she hasn’t left yet, I think we’re going to be making one more trip to the hospital today.”
“That’s really not necessary. Carlos can just drive me there. Right, babe?”
Carlos looks between him and Nancy, seemingly unsure of what his place is in this moment. “I’m staying out of this one. But I do agree Tommy needs to know.”
He disappears up the stairs, leaving TK and Nancy in a moment of awkward silence. 
TK knows he should say something. Explain what had happened exactly and why he didn’t speak up before. Even though their relationship had gotten off to a rocky start, TK now considers her one of his closest friends. And it’s clear she feels the same about him, caring deeply that he’s injured. Especially after what had happened to Tim, he feels bad to be causing his partner this much stress. 
But he lacks the words to properly communicate that so they sit in silence and wait for Carlos to return with Tommy. They don’t have to wait long as the pair arrives a few moments later.
“So, you want to tell me what happened here, Strand?” Tommy asks, taking a seat next to TK to start her assessment. 
“The ice betrayed me,” he says, earning pointed looks from all three of his friends. He shakes his head before continuing, “I slipped on the ice after you and Nancy left. Might’ve cracked a few ribs.”
Tommy hums in agreement as she runs her fingers along his chest, earning a few painful hisses from TK. “Yeah, I’d have to agree with that assessment. Alright, up on the gurney you go.”
TK opens his mouth to argue but Tommy gives him a look usually only reserved for her daughters when they try to talk their way out of going to bed early. So he quickly closes his mouth and lets his shoulders sag. “Yes, Cap.”
She gives him a sympathetic smile and assists him in getting settled onto the gurney. It’s an unspoken agreement that Carlos is welcome to ride along, with him making himself comfortable on the bench next to TK. They lock eyes and Carlos grabs his hand, giving it a gentle squeeze.
Nancy’s worried eyes also don’t leave TK. Tommy must notice because she quickly offers to drive, leaving the three of them in the back before anyone can say otherwise.
“I’m really sorry I scared you both,” TK says to Carlos and Nancy after a few beats of silence.
“I hate to say I’m used to it but,” Carlos lets out a light chuckle. “I’m always going to worry about you though. But, I am glad you’re okay today and I just wish you could get it out of your stubborn head that it’s okay to ask for help from your teammates. It’s kind of what they're trained to do.”
“Yeah, I know,” TK casts his gaze down unsurely before meeting Nancy’s eye. The other paramedic had yet to say a word and the apology was for her as much as it was for Carlos.
A small smile forms on her face. “Yeah, what he said. If you could at least try to go a few weeks without getting hurt next time, I would really appreciate it.”
“Okay, deal,” he extends his hand as far as he can without putting too much strain on his ribs for her to shake. Despite how much he tries, the motion does still provide a painful reminder of his injuries and he can’t hide the grimace that forms on his face. 
Nancy gives his hand a quick shake before placing his hand back at his side. “Easy there, dude.” 
He shoots her a quick smile before locking eyes with Carlos again, grateful to have two people who care about him by his side.
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luvksj · 3 years
Yandere! Undisputed Era: Don’t Try Me
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author’s note: so... i’m trying to create a masterlist so you can find all my stories much easier but i have no freaking idea where to start so... if anyone knows how to... please help me out. hope you guys are enjoying my stories so far and sorry if anything is confusion or goes suddenly off-topic, i try my best to remain consistent as possible. anyway, here’s another yandere! undisputed era story because i love them so much (not as much as the shield). again, thank you for supporting my stories and i’ll never stop expressing my gratitude for how much each like means to me. 
plot: ever since pat mcafee ambushed your boyfriends, the undisputed era, he has been consistently taunting you, making incredibly rude comments all because your boyfriends weren’t here to protect you. you decided to prove why no-one should ever under-estimate you.
“You can talk the talk... let’s see if you can walk the walk, hmm?” you said. 
Ever since Pat McAfee ambushed your boyfriends, you’ve been the target of his consistently rude comments. The results of his attack left all four members unconscious in the hospital while you spent majority of your day talking to doctors for daily updates. 
The final straw came when Pat McAfee declared that you were hiding from him because you can’t fend for yourself since he gave your boyfriends a one-way ticket to the hospital. 
Marching angrily inside, you ignore everyone’s stares and climb inside the ring, demanding Pat McAfee to come out. He cockily walks out, slowly getting inside the ring. “How dare you say that I can’t fight. Just because you put my boyfriends in a hospital gives you no right in making rude comments about me. If anything... you’re the pussy here, darling.” you spit.
His cocky demeanor flickers slightly, “You had to ambush them because you don’t have the balls to fight them face-to-face because you knew that they would whip your ass. While you’ve been running your mouth, I’ve been looking after my boyfriends because that’s what a girlfriend does.” fans were cheering as he grimaces.  
“Enough is enough. I’m here to challenge you and prove that I’m one badass motherfucker with or without my boyfriends here.” you start off, staring towards an NXT Takeover graphic as his eyes follows. 
Fans cheers become louder with each passing second, “You can talk the talk... let’s see if you can walk the walk, hmm?” you said. Fans excitedly chant, pressuring Pat McAfee, he clearly didn’t expect this and hoped you’d admit everything he’s been saying was true. 
But, you were different than the rest. 
“I challenge you to a Steel Cage match at NXT Takeover.” you announce as fans scream excitedly while glaring Pat McAfee dead in his eyes. “There’s no Undisputed Era to protect me, I’m all alone but rest assured... I’m going to drag you through absolute hell! And... that’s Undisputed.” you finish.
Pat McAfee looks rather impressed by your confidence, “Feisty one I see, no wonder the Undisputed Era likes you.” he said. Watching blankly, your anger had reached boiling point but he didn’t need to know that since it would inflate his ego. “I will show everyone that you’re nothing but a weak, little bitch who needs her boyfriends to protect her. At Takeover, I’ll make you my bitch.” he taunts.
You launch yourself at him, screaming in anguish. Referees tried pulling you away but that didn’t prevent you from landing a Superkick, watching him recoil in pain. “At Takeover... I’m not becoming your bitch... you’re becoming my bitch.” 
[time skip]
You trained hard each day for this match. You were warming up backstage, you stared at a photo of the Undisputed Era with a soft smile, knowing they were cheering for you... despite not knowing anything about this because you hadn’t visited them in so long. 
Dressed in your custom ‘Undisputed Era’ wrestling gear, you admired yourself before heading out where Pat McAfee awaited inside the steel structure. “AND HIS CHALLENGER, FROM [Y/H/T], WEIGHING IN AT [Y/W] (author’s note: y/h/t means your home town and y/w means your weight), REPRESENTING THE UNDISPUTED ERA, Y/N!” Alicia introduced. 
You pull the Undisputed Era hand sign before the most anticipated match of NXT Takeover officially began with fans cheering loudly.
[another time skip]
The match has been going on for hours, neither of you wanted to give up. Blood gushed down from your face; the ring was littered in broken tables, bent ladders, snapped kendo sticks, and dismantled chairs.
You were just Suplex into two ladders but managed to kick out. Pat McAfee had dragged you to the top of the cage, hoping to hit another Suplex but you avoided it before connected with a Tornado DDT from the top of the cage. Commentary was going insane, fans couldn’t believe it and you pinned him for the win.
You had no energy to even get up as the referee tries holding your hand up, you had lost too much blood, slowly losing your consciousness as Pat McAfee was already unconscious. Paramedics raced to the both of you, loading you hurriedly onto stretchers with a cloth pressed firmly onto your open wound causing this much blood loss. 
Groaning, the doors were slammed closed with a paramedic demanding that you remain awake but the heaviness of your eyes overpowered everything. 
[two weeks later]
You woke up a couple days later, completely out of it. You couldn’t remember a thing from the night apart from fainting inside an ambulance, even though your injuries were quite severe, that wasn’t what was worrying you. 
What was worrying you was the reaction your beloved boyfriends would have when they discovered that you competed in a match without their knowledge and ended up inside a hospital. 
Tonight, after being cleared by doctors to make an appearance, you would be making a surprise appearance to review the match considered by many as ‘one of WWE’s most iconic matches’. William Regal had informed you earlier that Pete Dunne, Oney Lorcan and Danny Burch were banned from ringside during your segment.
Fans cheered as you slowly got into the ring, it felt weird being here without your boyfriends standing protectively behind you. “Two weeks ago, I competed in a match to prove that I’m not that girl who can’t fight their own battles and relies on their boyfriends to protect them. I know they can’t always protect me and that’s okay because I also proved that I’m one badass motherfucker.”  you stated.
You continued talking about the match people have dubbed ‘one of WWE’s most iconic matches’. “Before I go...” you take a deep breath before continuing. “I’d like to apologize to my boyfriends. I’m sorry that I competed in a match behind your back but I could not just sit around while Pat McAfee made insulting comments towards you, the WWE universe and me. I could not just let this slide by anymore... and like people say... karma’s a real bitch.” Fans cheered as you tried leaving.
Yeah... tried. Because the next moment, ‘SHOCK THE SYSTEM’ resounds before Roderick and Adam walk out looking emotionless but you could see the mixed emotions swirling around in their eyes. You tried walking back but bump into the chest of Kyle and Bobby.
Bobby immediately pins your arms (lightly) behind your back before hearing that awful handcuffing sound. “Do you know what it feels like to have your girlfriend, the only person who accepts us for us, to be hospitalized because of a match you had no idea about.” Adam starts off. 
Oof, they were beyond pissed. 
“We came back, hoping that our girlfriend would run into our arms and everything would be alright. But... we come back and get told that you were in the hospital because you competed in a STEEL CAGE MATCH with someone twice your size. Do you know how we felt?” Kyle added on.
You bit your tongue as they scolded you, “Are you finished because do you know how I felt when Pat McAfee insulted me because I couldn’t fight my own battles. I needed to prove to that dickhead that I am more than capable of fighting back. He sexualized me, said I’m weak and you weren’t here to protect me. I’m sorry daddies if I’m being rude but I couldn’t sit there no more and let him do that. So... I made him my bitch.” they looked impressed.
“Although... we’re actually proud and pleased... you still need to be punished for breaking the rules, sweetheart.” Roderick said before being guided to an awaiting car where you were squished between Adam and Bobby while Kyle drove off. 
Yeah... in conclusion, everyone learnt their lessons. 
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futurebicon · 4 years
I am happy to give you ideas! Please supply me with your brilliant writing! I need a bedtime story! Maybe Sirius getting pretty badly injured at a game? Re's reaction and then him helping with recovery?🥰
Okay this ones a little unrealistic probably but I was looking up injuries in hockey and this came up multiple times so yeah. (Also I got so carried away with this one. I literally lagged my phone with how long this ended up being.  There’s defiantly going to be multiple parts because I wrote too much and Tumblr won’t let me write more
Warning : Injury, panic attack?, heart problems, mentions of child abuse
“You okay?” James asked Sirius.
“Yeah, I just feel-off. I guess.”
James nodded, still concerned about the pained look on his face.
He stood up to go tell Remus when Sirius collapsed.
Remus jumped over beach to get to him. The other players on the bench crowding around him.
“What happened?” James screamed.
They could hear the announcer talking about the commotion on the bench. Everyone on the ice skating over and shouting questions. The stadium filled with quiet whispers.
Remus’s mind went blank. He went into the medic routine, not thinking about the fact that it was the love of his life on the ground.
“He’s in cardiac arrest” Moody told them.
“He’s 24” Logan exclaimed.
“DAMN IT GET A MEDIC NOW” Dumo shouted. All of them screamed for a medic as Moody cut off his jersey and gear and Remus began CPR
“WHERE THE HELL IS THE MEDIC HES DYING” Kasey screamed. This sent a shock through the crowd.
The medics appeared and pushed everyone out of the way, only Moody was allowed on the bench with him.
“NO. HE’S DYING AND YOURE NOT HELPING HIM” James tried to fight them.
“Stops, Stop” Remus put a shaking hand on his chest. “Let them work. Let them help him. Please James, I’m begging you to let them help him” his voice shook.
James nodded, backing away from the bench.
Dumo went over to stand near Remus. “What are you thinking right now?” He asked him, knowing that it was pointless to ask if he was okay.
“That I don’t want to lose him. I don’t want to lose him” Remus told him honestly. “My biggest fear is him getting hurt or leaving me and now he’s hurt and could be leaving me forever”
Dumo wrapped his arms around Remus, who’s breathing picked up as he thought about Sirius dying.
“Breathe, breathe Loops” He waved over Leo to help calm him down.
“Hey, hey. I know you’re fucking terrified right now. I can’t even imagine what I would do if it was one of my boys but you need to try and breathe Remus. You’re no help to Sirius if you’re panicking. Respirer, Remus”
He nodded, taking deep breathes.
“Good, good.” Leo nodded.
“If he d-”
“No, we’re not thinking about that right now” Dumo cut him off.
“His heart stopped” Remus began to remember bits and pieces of the last few minutes. Remembered checking for a pulse and telling Moody there wasn’t one. “His heart wasn’t beating. He was dead”
The rest of the players were standing around in terror.
They all went quiet as they tried to process what he said, they could hear the medics counting off numbers for the defibrillator.
Alice and Frank were quieting the stadium while trying to figure out what was happening.
The other team, the Hufflepuff Badgers skated over.
“What happened?” one of the players asked.
“Apparently cardiac arrest.” Adam Fox told him.
“He’s young though, isn’t he?”
“Yeah. Yeah he is” Finn said sadly.
A stretcher ran past them, loading Sirius onto it.
His skin was the color of snow. His black hair a stark contrast where it fell into his closed eyes. Remus wanted nothing more than to tuck it behind his ear like he’s done hundreds of times. His jersey and gear had been completly removed. A medic was on the stretcher, preforming CPR as they rushed him off the ice and into the waiting ambulance.
Remus shook his head and covered his mouth, tears streaming down his face. James turned him around and hugged him. The entire team gathered around them in a huge hug.
The Hufflepuffs made a circle around them, all of them with their hands on their neighbors shoulder and head down.
They stayed that way for a while before refs told them that the game was over. Their coaches wanted them in their locker rooms. They nodded and pulled away.
The Hufflepuff players patted all their backs and told them they would pray for Sirius.
It was silent as they walked into the locker room.
Remus walked over and sat in Sirius’s stall. He jolted as he realized that they wind of had to cut his necklace off.
But his eyes drifted to the wall of his stall. A small nail in the back corner had the ‘12’ necklace hanging from it. With a post it beside it that read “Re, promise I still love it. Just can’t stand the thought of it getting broken. I love you.”
He smiled sadly, reaching over and took the necklace off the makeshift hook. He couldn’t hold back his sobs any longer.
“He’s going to be okay. He has to be okay.” James cried beside him.
Coach Weasley walked in a few minutes later. “They’re trying to stabilize him and get him on a ventilator. They’re thinking about surgery to put in an ICD”
“ICD? What the hell is that?”
“It’s a device that will monitor his heart rate and shock it if it beats irregularly” Remus explained.
“Like a pacemaker?”
“No pacemakers force your heart to beat. ICDs just monitor it and help if something goes wrong”
“Can he still play?”
“He will be able to if he chooses to but he’s out for the rest of the season. The league can’t risk it.” Coach told them.
“He’s 24 years old. How can you go into cardiac arrest at 24 years old?” Olli asked.
They all looked to Remus for the answer.
“He’s an athlete and works out religiously. Too much exercise can sometimes cause the left heart valve to overwork. He told me that when he was younger his parents wouldn’t let him or Regulus sleep. Making them practice on their rink until morning or they collapsed.”
“Jesus Christ they need to be in jail.” Logan gasped.
“Or hell” James requested.
“The second options much better” Kasey said. “I volunteer to help send them there”
“All of you get dressed to go to the hospital.” Arthur told them, not even commenting on their murder plans.
The team had never changed so quickly.
“Remus, you’re driving over with me.” Dumo told him, Remus just nodded.
“What if he’s not okay?” Remus broke the silence in the car. “I know everyone’s saying he will be but what if he’s not? Realalistic he’s not going to be okay”
“Then we deal with it if that happens. No one knows what’s going to happen. None of us know how to prepare for a teammate to die. So all we can do is wait”
“I can’t lose him Pascal. I don’t think I can live without him.”
Dumo didn’t respond, just reached over and placed a hand on the back of his neck, squeezing slightly. Partly because he wanted to comfort him and partly because he knew it was true.
The hospital was quiet as they all waited for news. Some of them sitting on the uncomfortable chairs, a few of them pacing.
“Can all of you stop” Sergio told them, getting annoyed with the footsteps.
“No we’re stressed out so we’re not going to sit” Finn rolled his eyes at him.
“It’s annoying” Kasey told them.
“Too bad. Deal with it” James rolled his eyes.
They argued for a few minutes before Remus snapped.
“KNOCK IT OFF” he barked. “My boyfriend is in there dying or already dead and you’re fighting because footsteps are annoying you.”
They all quieted and sat down.
Lily and Natalie walked into the waiting room a few minutes, tears on their faces.
James and Kasey stood up to hug them.
“What’s going on? What happened? No one knows anything.” Natalie asked.
“What did you see?” Dumo asked as Celeste walked in.
Lily pulled away from the hug she was in with Remus. “Me and Nat were watching the game. And then they panned over to the bench where you were crowded around someone on the ground, one of you tipped over the bench so there was more room and the arena got quiet. Then Dumo was shouting for a medic and Kasey shouted that someone was dying. And the crowd started screaming. Then medics ran over and made all of you clear out and James was screaming something at them. Then Dumo went over to Remus and they said that they think it’s Sirius but they don’t know what happened and then he was wheeled out on a stretcher with someone doing CPR. The the game was over. And the announcers just talked for the rest of the time trying to figure out what happened and replaying everything. They talked to Hufflepuff players but they said it wasn’t their place to explain.” She told them.
“Sirius went into cardiac arrest” James told them.
“Oh god” Celeste gasped.
“Remus I’m so sorry” Lily breathed, pulling him in for another hug.
Nat had more tears falling down her face. “Did they say how he was?”
Dumo shook his head.
They sat down. Lily sitting between James and Remus. Remus’s head on her shoulder as she held James’s hand.
No one knew how long they sat there for before a doctor walked over to them. They all stood up.
“How is he?” Remus asked, terror coursing through his body at the sober look on the doctors face.
“He’s stable.” Remus breathed for the first time in hours.
“His heart did stop multiple times so we ended up having to insert the ICD you were told about. He’s still not awake due to the medication. He’s allowed one visitor for now.”
They all nodded at Remus.
“You were lucky. If you hadn’t reacted like you did we wouldn’t of been able to save him.”
The doctor gave him Sirius’s room number and the overview of directions to get there before leaving.
Lily kissed his cheek and squeezed his hand. “Go see him.”
Remus just nodded and walked down the hospital hallway. He took a shaky breath as he walked into Sirius’s room. But none of it prepared him for it.
A bandage was around his chest and over his shoulder, protecting the stitches underneath. Too many wires were starched to him. Remus walked over to the chair and pulled it up beside him.
“Hi baby” he said as he grabbed his hand gently. Kissing his knuckles.
“I know you can’t hear me but I need you to wake up. I need to hear your voice and see your pretty eyes, okay. I need to know that you’re here and I’m not going to lose you. Please baby.” He begged. Reaching up with the hand not holding Sirius’s to brush the hair out of his face.
“I love you. I love you” he repeated, kissing his forehead. “Please wake up”
Time was water, Remus was drowning in it. Knowing he couldn’t do anything except wait.
Finally, Sirius’s hand twitched in his.
Remus stood up. Watching Sirius blink his eyes open, squinting at the bright hospital light.
“Hey, hey baby” Remus smiled at him, his eyes filled with hears as he looked into Sirius’s grey ones.
Sirius came to his sense and jolted, his eyes going wide and making a machine beep once.
“Shh, shh, shh. You’re okay. You’re okay” he ran a hand through his hair.
A nurse quickly entered the room, the beeping of the machine probably alerting them.
“Oh, you’re awake” she smiled. “I’m just going to check your vitals real quick.”
“What happened?” He asked.
“You, uh, you went into cardiac arrest during the game” Remus told him.
“Can I still play?”
Remus laughed “You just almost died and literally died multiple times and that’s what you ask. And yes you still can once you’re healed but you’ll be out for the rest of the season to recover and give you’re heart time to rest”
“Wait so I had a heart attack?”
“No. You’re heart stopped.”
“Why?” Sirius’s asked. Sticking his arm out for the nurse to pull out an IV that wasn’t needed anymore.
“You exercise too much love” Remus smiled at him.
“That can cause my heart to stop?” He asked the nurse.
“Yes. You overwork it when it beats too fast while you work out. Eventually it gives out.” She explained.
“Oh, can it happen to the other guys?” He asked, concerned.
“It’s rare.” The nurse shook her head. “And from the looks of it, the excessive exercise goes back to your childhood”
“Baise mes parents”
“Fuck your parents is correct. I’m pretty sure the guys are plotting a murder plan in the waiting room” he joked.
“I’ll leave you two to plot a murder alone” the nurse smiled before leaving the room.
“I like her, she seems nice” Sirius told him, still a tiny bit loopy from the meds.
“Yeah she does seem nice” Remus smiled.
“Are you okay?” Sirius squeezed his hand.
“Don’t worry about me”
“Too bad I’m going too anyway.”
Remus smiled sadly. “You terrified me baby. I thought I was going to lose you.”
“I’m right here, mon amour”
“I know you are. I just... realized I can’t live without you.”
“And you won’t have too. Now lean down so I can kiss you”
Remus giggled and leaned down, letting Sirius kiss him. He kissed back. It wasn’t a deep kiss but Remus poured everything into it. I love you. You scared me. I need you here with me. I love you more than anything. I can’t live without you.
“I love you” Sirius said when they pulled away.
“I love you too”
Remus sat back down as the doctor knocked on the door.
“You’re teams driving me insane.” He smiled.
“Yeah they do that a lot” Sirius told him.
“Alright, don’t let them hug you and mess up your stitches, I already told them that but I don’t think they’ll listen.”
Sirius nodded. “Am I allowed to sit the bed up. My backs hurting from laying down”
“Yes you can. Just not too far.” He told him before leaving to go get some of the team.
Remus helped him move the bed up. Kissing his forehead when he was sitting up.
“I love you” he muttered against it.
“Love you too” Sirius responded.
Remus knew he had told him that a lot today but if that was all he could said for the rest of his life he would mind.
A few minutes James, The Cubs, Dumo, Celeste, Natalie, and Lily burst into the room.
“Oh merci putain tu es en vie” James gasped.
“I am alive” Sirius laughed.
“If you die again I’ll kill you”
“That’s not at all how it works” Remus told him.
“I’ll make it work”
“We’re glad you’re okay. You scared us for a while there” Dumo told him.
“One could say you have us a heart attack” James smirked.
“Oh my god that was the worse joke I have ever heard in my life” Sirius groaned with a laugh.
“I think it was a pretty good one, si je le dis moi-même”
The girls all kissed his cheek and then scattered across the room to find a place to sit.
“So, what exactly happened?” Sirius asked them.
“You just looked...bad. Like you were pale and kept wincing and rubbing your chest. So I went to tell Remus to check to make sure you were okay and you completely collapsed.” James told him.
“Everyone was around you, Moody and Remus were trying to figure out what happened and the medics were taking forever. We screamed for them but they still took too long. Moody said you were in cardiac arrest and started CPR” Leo picked up.
“They made us go onto the ice so they could work on you. Moody and Coach were the only one allowed on the bench. Remus was freaking out and so was everyone else. The Hufflepuff team came over and we told them what happened. And then they wheeled you out on a stretcher” Logan continued.
“What does everyone know?”
“Just that it was you that it happened too. They were doing CPR on you when you were rushed out. They asked the other team what happened but they said it wasn’t their place to tell. Coach said they’ll have to release a statement in a few. He’ll come back and talk to you about it in a little.” Dumo told him.
“What treatment did I get?”
“You were on a ventilator for a litttle while they were trying to stabilize you.” Remus explained. “Once you were stable for a while they did a surgery to place an ICD in your chest. It’s a small device that will monitor your heartrate and heart beat. If something happens it will send a shock through your heart. I don’t know much else about it so the doctor will have to explain it.”
“But I can still play with it in?”
“Yes. You can still play.” Remus smiled.
“Good” he said with a nod.
“Why is your biggest concern hockey after you just died?” Dumo asked.
“Because it is”
“You’re impossible, you know that?” Remus laughed, kissing his temple.
“When can I leave the hospital?”
The others shared looks.
“What? How long?”
“Cardiac arrest is really serious baby” Remus told him.
“How long?” He repeated firmly.
“A month”
“What? But I’m perfectly fine” he exclaimed.
“I know you are but that’s just for right now.” Remus told him. “But 40% of people die within a year after cardiac arrest”
Sirius threw his head back against the pillow.
“I’m sorry, baby”
“Fuck my parents”
“We have the murder planned” Kasey told him.
“You’re the one to kill them” Natalie added.
“No one is killing anyone. But if it’s okay with you, we can tell people about it and the reason your heart stopped.” Remus told him.
“I’ll have to call Reg about it. Ask him about it or I can say that he was the favorite child so they didn’t do anything to him.”
Remus nodded. “You’re parents have to pay for what they did” he said as he moved the piece of hair that won’t stay out of his face.
“Yeah” The coversation was cut off as the nurse from before walked in.
“How are you feeling?” She asked.
“I’m okay, my chest is a little sore but it doesn’t like, hurt-hurt” he told her.
Everyone tensed before she responded with a nod.
“With the surgery and multiple rounds of CPR, you probably will be for a while. If it gets more than sore tell us right away” she said as she checked his blood pressure.
Sirius nodded and squeezed Remus’s hand, it was still tensed up. He tugged on it lightly. Remus stood up and kissed the corner of his mouth. Relaxing immediately.
“Alright, vitals are good. Dr. Hudson will be in soon to talk about further treatment.” She told him, closing the door as she left.
Sirius reaches for his necklace subconsciously, jolting forward when he couldn’t feel it.
“I have it. You took it off so it would break on the ice. Remember?” Remus pulled it out of his pocket.
Sirius nodded, sitting up to let Remus clasp it around his neck.
“Good thing you took it off. They would of had to cut it off it you hadn’t.”
Sirius nodded, relaxing as he fidgeted with it.
Dr. Hudson walked in a few moments later.
The team stood up, promising to be back later.
“Alright” he pulled up a chair. “So you’re going to be staying here for a month. Just so that we can monitor you and make sure that your ICD works like it should. If you go into cardiac arrest or have any other heart issues we’ll have to keep you hear longer. 40% of people discharged from the hospital after cardiac arrest die within a year.” He told them.
“So what do I do about hockey?” Sirius asked.
“That’s literally all you’re concerned about” Remus shook his head with a smile.
Dr. Hudson chuckled. “You’ll be able to play next year.”
“Next year” he exclaimed.
“Sorry but we have to make sure you won’t die again” he smiled at how upset he was.
“After you’re discharged from the hospital and you rest for 2 weeks you’ll be able to sit on the bench during practices and games.”
“Good I still get to yell at them” he smirked.
Remus and the doctor both laughed.
“Your Coach is going to be here in a few minutes. So I’ll leave you all to discuss what ever you need to discuss.”
They thanked him as he stood and left the room.
As sad, Coach Weasly entered a few minutes later with a guy in a suit. “This is Mr. Tela. He’s from the league and is going to make the formal statement” he told them.
Mr. Tela shook Remus’s hand before going to shake Sirius’s.
Sirius winced and sharply inhaled in pain when he at up and extended his arm. “Sorry, forgot I had stitches”
“Perfectly fine” Mr. Tela smiled.
“So what’s the statement going to be?” Sirius asked.
“We need to be careful to not not scare your fans. There’s already mass panic at the fact that Winters screamed that he was dying. And the fact that you where taken away with someone doing frantic CPRhas obviously made fans assume the worst.”
“When are you making the statement? Do I have to say anything or is the league going too?”
“The league will announce it. It’s been over 12 hours since it happened so we’ll have to announce it soon.”
Remus blinked. 12 hours. It felt like just minutes ago but at the same time it felt like years.
“What’s the statement going to say?” Remus asked.
“This is what we have for now. You two can add anything or ask for it to be removed.” He took out two pieces of paper that had the statement printed on it.
Gryffindor Lion Captain, 24 year old, Sirius Black collapsed during the Gryffindor versus Hufflepuff game last night. The reason for the collapse was cardiac arrest. Black was quickly rushed to the hospital where they were able to revive him. He will be hospital for the next few months. Sadly, he will be unable to play until next year to make sure his heart will be able to stay stable. The reason for the cardiac arrest is unknown as of now.
“Wait why aren’t we telling them the reason for it?” Sirius asked.
“We weren’t sure if you would want it to be known yet.” Mr. Tela said. “If you would like the reason to be included we can add it.”
“I’ll have to talk to my brother about it. See if he wants everyone to know how shitty out parents are.”
Mr. Tesla nodded. “We’ll give you sometime to do that. Just call or text your coach when you’ve made a decision and we’ll come back in and talk about what exactly to say.”
“Thank you” Sirius thanked him.
They stood and left the room.
“Merde, I don’t have my phone”
“Here” Remus pulled it out of his pocket. “Grabbed it from your bag.”
“I love you” Sirius smiled, leaning over and kissing him.
“I love you too. Now call your brother.”
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Shinobis of Ninjago
Pilot 2: Ruler of Shadows
Prologue Pilot 1 (Pilot 2, Part 1, Part 2, Part 3), Episode 1
((Tw: violence, blood, injury, mild language, death))
After checking each other over and finding minimal injuries, besides Nya's face, the three returned to their camp. They packed up what little of their belongings the Skeleton Army had left intact and set off towards the Amber Temple.
When they reached it forty-five minutes later, they dropped their packs at the start of the bridge. Crossing over, they stopped at the doors.
"Skylor?" Seliel called. "Sensei?"
Pixal removed her hood, frowning as she stared at the temple. "The Sai of Absorption were here, as well our friend, but I only sense loss." She said, sitting down on the steps that led up to the door. "The elemental weapons have left this realm and are now in the Underworld."
Seliel groaned and flopped down. She removed her zukin, pulling at her pink hair in frustration. "The one place no mortal can cross over."
"We might not be able to cross over, but I know someone who can."
The three turned around, seeing that the doors had been cracked open, a person clad in orange leaning on them for support. Skylor smiled weakly. "Hey."
Nya jumped up, running over to wrap her arms around her teammate. She stopped about halfway, pointing to the figure hanging limply at her side. "Who's that?" She asked.
"Señoras, I'd like you to meet my brother, Jayson Guadjoso."
Seliel was on her feet and beside Skylor in seconds. She lifted up Jay's chin, inspecting his face before calling the Purple Ninja over. She removed Jay from Skylor's arms, handing him to Pixal. "He looks pretty bad. His pulse is weak. See what you can do and we'll drop him off at a hospital."
Pixal nodded, taking Jay to where they dropped their packs, hoping they had medical supplies that would help him. Seliel turned back to Skylor. "Not really the way I envisioned meeting your brother."
"Yeah, well, I didn't really envision becoming a ninja."
"Touché." Seliel patted Skylor on the back as she went to join Pixal in taking care of her brother.
Nya floated over to Seliel. "I was right."
Seliel turned to look at her. "About what?"
"Someone related to Skylor has to be attractive."
Seliel blanked before bursting into laughter. "Let's just hope he's nicer. And speaks Ninjargon." Seliel muttered under her breath. She knew how hard it was to learn a new language.
"I doubt that. Guadjoso siblings: pretty and feisty."
"You should get that engraved on something."
"I'm thinking 'bout it." She left Seliel's side to stand next to Skylor who was watching Pixal clean out the cut on Jay's face. "Ya said you knew someone who could get us into the Underworld?"
Skylor turned around and let out a sharp whistle. There was the sound of flapping wings as a dragon shot out of the volcano. It landed next to Skylor, staring curiously at the other three shinobis.
"Are you insane!?" Seliel shrieked.
"Once she realized we were trying to protect the sai, she actually became quite a softie." Skylor explained, patting the dragon on the nose. "I'll take her and run to Ignacia with Jay. I'll come back to get you guys and we can go get the weapons."
"There's not enough room for all of us on that... thing." Seliel stammered.
Skylor hummed. "Y'know what? You're right." Seliel let out a sigh of relief. "But I got a way to fix that."
Skylor pulled Nya and Pixal up onto the dragon's back. Jay was nestled in between Nya and Skylor. Seliel, however, refused to go near the dragon. Instead she went back to the Horse Carriage. She leaned against it as she watched the other three take off.
A few seconds later she fell backwards, her back hitting the floor of the wagon as she was lifted into the air. She peered over the edge, seeing the trees getting smaller and smaller. She took note of the large talons gripping the sides and the large wings flapping overhead.
"Skylor!" Seliel yelled. "What the hell are you doing?!"
Skylor's face appeared over the dragon's side. "Taking my brother to the hospital."
"Put me down!"
The dragon released its hold on the Horse Carriage, Seliel screaming as she plummeted towards the ground. Suddenly, she stopped. Looking up she spotted the dragon, Skylor smirking evilly and her teammates trying to stifle their laughs.
"Ha, ha, very funny. Now I know why you're the agitator. Let's just get to Ignacia so I can stand on the ground again." Seliel buried herself far in the corner of the wagon for the rest of the long flight, refusing to converse with her friends.
Instead of stopping at the weapons-smith shop, they flew past it into the closest village, Scarleton. The citizens in the parking lot scattered as the dragon lowered itself onto the asphalt. The ninja dismounted, and started heading for the door. They attracted a lot of attention, not only from the dragon but from the shinobis, as such warriors hadn't been seen in Ninjago since before the Serpentine Wars. (But it was mostly the dragon.)
A doctor rushed out, wanting to see what all the commotion was about. When his eyes landed on Skylor he rushed back inside. He soon re-emerged with a team of nurses and a stretcher. They took Jay and immediately took him inside, leaving Skylor at the front doors to fill out paperwork. When she was done, Pixal was waiting for her by the doors.
"Where's Seliel and Nya?"
"They wanted to get Nya's cheek checked out. She got hit pretty bad." Pixal eyed Skylor up and down. "We should get you home and clean you up." Skylor opened her mouth to protest. "We will know the second Jay wakes up. Come."
Climbing onto the back of the dragon, they took off, traveling the mile to the blacksmith shop. The dragon was left in the yard as the two ninja went inside.
Half an hour later, Skylor's ribs and wrists had been bandaged and they were sitting in the main shop when a knock sounded at the door and the phone rang.
Pixal stood to get the phone as Skylor opened the door. Seliel and Nya entered, immediately sitting down and sighing from exhaustion. Skylor took note of the Horse Carriage in the yard and thanked them for bringing it back.
They heard Pixal thank the person on the phone and hang up. All heads turned to her.
"Your brother's alive, lots of cuts and bruises, broken ribs, fractured ankles and wrists, dislocated arm." She paused, looking as if she didn't want to say something. "They had to jumpstart his heart. They said it was nothing like they've ever seen, like his life was sucked out of him."
Skylor's face went white as she slowly sat down. Shaking her head, she puffed out her chest. "I know mi hermano, he'll be okay, he's stronger than he looks. Misako's going to get the crap beat out of her though." Her teammates nodded in agreement. "Alright ladies, rest up, we have a big day ahead."
At sunrise, the four stood outside, rested, bellies full, and with a new determination: to avenge their sensei, retrieve the weapons, and save the continent of Ninjago.
Climbing atop the dragon, they raced to the Western Coast, the Eastern Mountain Ridges, and the Forest of Second Glances.
Around ten o'clock in the evening, they were flying above the clouds, wind in their face and clouds above their heads.
"I hate this!" Seliel screamed as she clung to the dragon that had been guarding the staff. "I hate this!"
"Stop being such a baby." Skylor said. "This is awesome!"
"Yes, this is quite fun." Pixal agreed.
Nya squealed in surprise and enjoyment as her dragon did a barrel roll. "I think I'm going to call him Tsunami." She exclaimed.
"So how exactly do they cross over to the Underworld?" Seliel asked over the sound of rushing wind.
In response, the dragons pulled into a nosedive. They pulled their wings in and spun at rapid speed. Nothing seemed to be happening and the ground was getting closer with every second. The ninja closed their eyes and braced for impact that never came. Instead, there was a blinding flash of white light and a sudden stillness.
When the ninja opened their eyes, they gasped in amazement. They were racing through tunnels, little balls of purple and red light floating in the air and crystals of all colours reflecting the light.
"Is it over?" Seliel asked, hands still over her eyes.
"Nope!" Skylor replied. "Chica, you gotta see this."
Seliel carefully peeked through her fingers before letting her hands drop, staring in awe at the scenery around her.
Minutes later they reached an open cavern. The dragons skidded to a halt and collapsed on the ground, the journey seemingly having taken a lot out of them. The kunoichis dismounted, gazing around the cavern.
The little balls of light were still floating, and torches were mounted on the walls. The air seemed filled with static that only seemed to increase as they went deeper underground. They walked for a while longer, occasionally ducking behind something when a skeleton passed by. They walked through winding tunnels until they reached a cavern similar to the one they had landed in. The chamber was massive in comparison and dropped off into something resembling a main foyer.
On the opposite side of the cavern, there lay an entrance to a headquarters of some sort. Guards were positioned all along the walls, grips tight on their spears.
"They're expecting us." Skylor whispered. "This is now a pure stealth mission. Keep quiet from now on. We're going to hide ourselves down in the next cart and they're going to give us front row seats to kicking Misako's culo."
"Hey, I'm the leader. I give the orders." Seliel said.
"Okay then. What are your orders, all great and powerful Phantom Ninja?"
Seliel paused. "Do exactly what Skylor said. Stealth. Cart. Kicking Misako's butt."
They waited for a few minutes until the next cart arrived. Two guards were escorting it to be handed off to another two waiting on the platform of the elevator. As soon as the first two guards left to go get the next cart, the ninja sprung into action. Slipping into the cart before the other two could notice them, they took cover in crates and barrels. Skylor and Nya shared the biggest one, as they were the smallest. Pixal and Seliel had taken refuge in separate barrels.
The elevator ride was painstakingly slow. The cart jostled around as it was rolled off the platform and onto the hard rock.
Pixal peered out of a knothole in her barrel, seeing guards lined along every inch of the wall. When they neared the entrance she pulled back.
"Nothing gets through without inspection. Dark Lady's orders."
At that moment, the four shared the same thought, though it was Skylor who voiced it.
Pixal's crate was opened first, but she was waiting. "Nighty-night, bonehead." With a smirk on her face, she punched the skeleton with all her might, it flying backwards and out of the cart.
The other three stood up, a stupidly big grin on Skylor's face. "That was the most badass thing I've ever seen you do."
Pixal smiled, not quite sure if it was a compliment, but took the konran's expression as a good sign. "Thank you."
Seconds later the kunoichis found themselves surrounded by armed guards. "I count twenty boneheads to every one of us," Seliel said. A smile donned her countenance. "And I like those odds."
"Any ideas?" Skylor asked minutes later. She snap kicked a skeleton. "I'm all ears."
"What about the Tornado of Creation?" Nya yelled back.
"But it could destroy us!" Pixal reminded them.
"I'm getting those weapons or I'm going to die trying." Skylor said. "Who's with me."
Seliel hesitated before nodding. "Let's do this."
Quickly spinning into their spinjitzu, the four took down as many skeletons as they could. They began to be pulled together and knowing that it might be the end, they closed their eyes.
"Ugh, does anyone else feel like they jumped off a ten story building and landed on concrete?" Skylor moaned. There were three other consecutive groans as the kunoichis got to their feet. When Skylor finally decided to get up, she was met with three faces grinning obnoxiously. "What?"
"You love us." Nya drawled happily. "You loooove us."
"What?" Skylor spluttered. "No—I don't know what you're talking about."
"Mystake said we needed a bond strong enough so we wouldn't be destroyed. Ti nas voliš." ('You love us.') Seliel cooed, matching Nya's tone.
Skylor looked down. "Yeah, maybe, so what?" She mumbled. She grunted as she was embraced by the three. "Okay, we've established I like you guys. Can you let go, though? Bruised ribs and all." Her teammates let go, apologizing.
"Hey, did anyone see where the boneheads went?" Nya asked. At the sound of muffled shouts and angry grunts, the four turned, seeing that the army had been locked up in some sort of cage made from the elevator and the entrance to the base. The ninjas smiled and gave each other high-fives.
Pixal smirked and pulled up her hood. "Let's go get those weapons."
A lone figure stalked through the Skeleton Army base. They were not a skeleton, for they had muscles and skin. They wore white robes, which were soiled and torn.
They carefully made their way through the hallways, ducking out of sight when anyone approached. Not having a destination in mind, they soon found themselves at the heart of the underground base.
The room was darkly lit, a simple chair made from bones in the center and the far walls black with shadows.
"Sister." A quiet voice greeted. "It is so nice to see you again. When was the last time? Eleven years ago, correct?"
"Sister." Mystake growled. "I thought controlling the Skeleton Army would be beneath you."
"Oh, it is. But they do make loyal minions." Misako paused. "Tell me, how are your little kunoichis? The one seems to have behavioural issues. She was very mouthy the last time we met. I would... love to fix that."
"You will not lay a hand on my students."
Misako let out a little laugh. "Students? Is that what you're calling them now? Such a high ranking name for lowly puppets, don't you think?"
Mystake narrowed her eyes. "You will not talk about my pupils that way." Mystake's eyes finally adjusted to the dim lighting and she could make out a figure lounging in a throne, robes draped loosely off her body and a warrior's helmet resting on the arm of her throne.
Misako waved her hand. "Yes, yes. The boy was useful though. I must thank you for handing him over to me."
Mystake flinched, Skylor's face flashing in her mind. 'Because of you my brother is gone.' 'You let him get captured.' 'Your fault!' " What do you want, Misako?" Mystake hissed.
"You already know what I want. But your head would be a nice bonus." Misako snapped her fingers, Samukai appearing from within the shadows. "Seize the sai, and if you can, get rid of my sister. Her voice is starting to annoy me."
Samukai bowed. "With pleasure, Mistress." Three weapons were handed to her from skeleton slaves in the shadows. Samukai stepped out, seemingly admiring the three Golden Weapons in her hands. "One more to complete the collection."
Samukai began to circle Mystake, searching for a weak spot. Stopping at the right side of the woman, she lunged forward with the trident.
Side-stepping the attack, Mystake grabbed Samukai's arm and twisted it behind her back. Samukai kicked backwards, hitting Mystake in the knee. The Sensei gasped, letting go and stumbling back.
"Why don't you use the sai, Mystake? They would no doubt help you in your dire situation." Samukai teased.
"And let you see their perfection? Never."
Samukai growled before lunging forward, this time with the bo-staff. Mystake was hit square in the chest, and fell to the ground. Samukai came at her once again, the white-clad woman somersaulting out of the way. As she got to her feet, she was hit by something sharp in her back. She fell forward onto the ground, a pair of feet appearing next to her.
Samukai kicked her over onto her back, coiling the whip in her hand. She bent down and reached inside Mystake's pack. Pulling out the sai, she stood up, turning to her master.
"What have you done?" Mystake croaked, the pain in her back growing.
"What needed to be done." Misako answered. She held out her hand. "Bring the weapons to me."
Samukai looked down at the four weapons in her hands. "No." She began slowly. "You will obey me now. I hold the power."
Misako threw back her head and cackled. Four different coloured figures stumbled into the room and she laughed harder. The four ran to Mystake who was laying on the floor, her robes becoming even more soiled with red.
The one in orange looked up Misako, her eyes narrowing and catching the light. "You. You're going to pay for what you did to my brother you—!"
Mystake reached up, grabbing the pant-leg of her student. She shook her head and Skylor stepped back, not taking her eyes off Misako.
"Remind me to deal with you at a later date." Misako said. She turned to Samukai who was staring down at the weapons in her hands, a bright golden light creeping up her bones. "No one can handle all their power at once." Misako reminded her. "Selfish fool. Did you think I wouldn't plan on your betrayal."
"What's happening to me?" Samukai exclaimed as the glow began to encase her neck.
"I've had you under my heel this entire time. You and your army were simply pawns. Not even I can handle all their power! But now that they are combined, it will create a vortex through space and time, allowing me to finally escape this ghastly place."
Samukai screamed out as the golden light encased her face, beams of light shooting out of her eyes and open mouth. There was a blinding flash of light and she was gone, the weapons laying on the ground along with her armor.
A bright portal appeared, spinning with silver, white, and golden light, the edges crackling with electricity. Misako stood from her throne, placing the helmet on her head. She walked down the few steps to the main level and stopped in front of the portal.
"Mother would not want you to do this, sister." Mystake reasoned.
"Mother is no longer here, sister. Good and evil, there has always been a balance. Where I go, the balance can be destroyed. Soon I will be strong enough to posses the four weapons, so I may recreate the world in my image." She paused, looking Mystake in the eye. "You, you were always her favourite."
With that, she was gone. The portal disappeared and the weapons lay on the ground, long forgotten. The static, which had seemed so strong before, was now gone, leaving the Underworld feeling even darker than before.
"She is gone, but she will return." Mystake winced as Pixal pressed a cloth against her back to try and stop the bleeding from the wound caused by the whip.
"Then we'll be ready for her." Skylor claimed, picking up her sai and tossing the weapons to their rightful holders.
"Then I have done my part. The balance has been restored." Mystake sighed and closed her eyes, a smile on her face.
The five raced through the skies, happy to be out of the gloomy place that was the Underworld. Mystake was seated behind Pixal as they flew towards Ignacia. Instead of stopping at Scarleton, they continued towards the weapons-smith shop.
Skylor landed first, and was already dismounting by the time her friends had even reached the yard. Skylor looked around, now that there was light outside she could see that the neighbours had tried to fix up the yard as best they could. At the sound of a door creaking open, she turned, her face so bright it could rival the sun.
Their neighbour, Mr. Mathews stood there, pushing a wheelchair. And in that wheelchair was Jay. "Skylor!"
"Jay." She breathed.
Skylor ran over to him, wrapping her arms around his torso. His left arm was in a sling and all of his wrists, ribs and ankles had been bandaged. His right temple had been covered and all cuts taken care off.
"¿Qué te tomó tanto tiempo?" ('What took you so long?')
Skylor let out a small laugh and wiped her tears away. "Primero tenía que convertirme en ninja." ('Had to become a ninja first.')
"La naranja se ve bien en ti". ('Orange looks good on you.')
"Te extrañé." ('I missed you.')
Jay paused at the sudden topic change before wrapping his right arm around her, bringing her in closer. "Yo también te extrañé. Nunca más te vayas por tanto tiempo." ('I missed you too. Never leave for that long again.')
Skylor pulled away. "No puedo prometer eso. Ella regresará, y quiero poder protegerte." ('I can't promise that. She will return, and I want to be able to protect you.')
"Ya me has protegido." ('You've already protected me.')
"¡Casi te matan porque no pude ocuparme de unos estúpidos esqueletos!" ('You were almost killed because I couldn't take care of some stupid skeletons!')
"Casi. Estoy aquí para ti y no en el Inframundo." ('Almost. Because of you I'm here and not in the Underworld.') He wiped her cheek and smiled up at her. She smiled weakly back and he brought their foreheads together.
Skylor took a deep breath, overwhelmed. She pulled away from Jay, giving his hand a squeeze.
Jay smiled. "¿Te importaría decirme quiénes son porque me saludan como si me conocieran y no quiero ser grosero?" ('Now, do you mind telling me who they are because they are waving at me like they know me and I don't want to be rude.)
Skylor laughed, thanking their neighbour who was already headed down the path and taking control of Jay's wheelchair.
"Jay, saluda a mis hermanas".
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that-one-gay-girl · 4 years
Gone - Ch.1
Pairing: Dean x Reader
Word Count: 2348
Summary: When the group thinks they have a simple salt and burn the case takes a turn for the worse and changes the lives of everyone forever.
Warning: possible character death, angst, sad dean (yes that's a warning), violence
A/N: This story is inspired by Ed Sheeran’s All of the Stars. The words in bold is the section that inspired this story, also with my job being very slow until kids come back to in person learning I'll probably continue to post more often. Once kids come back to school I won’t have as much free time to write sadly. 
“It’s just another night, and I’m staring at the moon. I saw a shooting star and I thought of you.” Dean looked across the empty passenger seat where you used to sit. Another tear slips down Dean's face as he wipes it away harshly, “How did this happen?” he cries out in the front seat of the impala.
-three months ago-
The hunt was going great,it was a simple salt and burn, an in and out job. When the case was finished the three of you went back to the motel. You went to pick up food for everyone and saw a group of witches kill a man in the alleyway. You knew there was no way you’d be able to take them down yourself so you sped back to the motel to tell the boys what you saw. From that night it took another two weeks before the three of you pinned the witches down to one location. The three of you had managed to kill all the witches except the leader. Dean and Sam were pinned against the wall while the witch threw you across the dirty floor, the sickening sound of your bones cracking  echoed through the room as you hit the ground. You were on the floor trying to break free from whatever kept you from moving when multiple knives cut through your body.
Another knife was plunged through your body all the while, the witch laughed maniacally. Screams tore your throat apart as the witch continued her assault. Dean and Sam's shouts were barely heard over your screaming. Before anyone else could move Cas appeared behind the witch driving a blade through her heart, killing her instantly. Sam and Dean drop to the ground as the magic force breaks. Dean runs to your side instantly trying to stop the bleeding but your body is covered in deep gashes everywhere. “You’re going to be ok Y/n, Cas! You have to heal her!” He screams at the angel. Cas presses two fingers to your head a few cuts healing slightly, but nothing more. “I’m sorry Dean, I’m too weak to heal her.” Dean's hands press harder against your abdomen trying to stop the bleeding from the biggest wound. “You are not dying! You h-hear me? Keep those beautiful eyes open for me baby.” Dean picks you up as you groan in pain, you cough harshly as blood spills from your mouth. Sam and Cas run ahead of Dean getting into the impala. Dean gets into the back carefully with you as Sam slams on the Gas speeding to the hospital. “D-Dean, I love you” Your voice cracks weakly as your eyes grow heavy. “Y/n open your eyes! Y/n!” Dean panics as your eyes close,your body going limp. “No! Sam drives faster!” He screams, tears streaming down his face.
Swinging into the parking lot Sam slams on the break, the sound of screeching asphalt heard through the silent night. Dean runs into the emergency room with you in his arms. “Help! She's hurt and she just stopped breathing! Help her dammit!” He screams at the medical staff as they place your body on a stretcher moving you into a trauma room. A nurse holds Dean back as he tries to enter the room. “Sir, they need to help her and they can’t do that with you in the room.” Dean tries to fit his way into the room again when he hears a doctor shout, “I’ve got a pulse!” Dean stops fighting then, the news that you are indeed alive helps him just enough to move and sit in the waiting room. Sam and Cas join Dean shortly after, for hours the three of them sit in uncomfortable hospital chairs, waiting, hoping, and praying that you will pull through this and be ok. When a nurse comes out she informs the group of men that you are alive but still unstable and will be in surgery for the next several hours.
5 hours later a Doctor comes out looking exhausted. “Is there any family for Elise Maine?” Dean recognizes the fake name he gave the hospital immediately. He quickly punches Sam's shoulder to wake him before walking to the doctor. “Is she ok?” Dean asks worriedly. The only news he’d gotten in the past 10 hours was that you were alive but in bad condition. Sam walks up next to Dean as the Doctor begins to share your condition. “It was a long surgery, but she pulled through” the doctor smiles weakly “Unfortunately, the damage done to her body was extensive. She came in with multiple stab wounds, a skull fracture, a damaged leg, and major blood loss. The stab wounds we were able to repair and we are giving her blood transfusions to replace the lost blood.  Our neurosurgeon fixed the skull fracture but she will have to be monitored closely. The one thing we were unable to repair was the leg, the leg was badly broken and had a major infection. We had no choice but to amputate.” Dean keeps his eyes trained on the ground as he listens to the doctor share the news. “I-is there anything else? Can I see her?” He asks, his voice cracking. “Due to the blood loss her body has gone into a coma, we don’t know when or if she will wake up. I can show you to her room but I have to prepare you. There's lots of wires, machines and she has a tube in her throat to help her breathe.” Dean nods his head as he follows the doctor. Sam sits back in his chair to give Dean some time alone to process everything.
Dean spent another three hours in your room before his tears stopped. He would do everything in his power to protect you and help you. He knew with the loss of your leg hunting might be out of the cards for a while...or forever, he thought to himself. So that is what Dean did, everyday for three months he sat beside you holding your hand talking to you, keeping you company, and promising to protect you no matter what.Throughout the months Dean and Sam would take shifts with you, never leaving you alone for long. One evening Sam came up to the hospital that day to switch out with Dean so he could go home to shower and eat. “I’ll be back in two hours, call me if anything changes” He says to Sam, leaning down and kissing your forehead, “I’ll be quick sweetie.”
As Dean drives back to the bunker, he passes a field and pulls off parking baby, He turns off the engine staring at the stars for a few minutes before breaking down. “It’s just another night, and I’m staring at the moon. I saw a shooting star and I thought of you.”
Dean looked across the empty passenger seat where you used to sit. Another tear slips down Dean's face as he wipes it away harshly, “How did this happen?” he cries out, eyes drifting shut slowly, exhaustion pulling him down.
Dean is startled awake by the ringing of his phone and sits up groggily rubbing his sore neck. Looking at the clock he notices he’s been asleep for three hours. Quickly grabbing the phone he picks up the phone. “Sam? Is Y/n ok!?” he questions “Dean you need to get back here. Now.” Sam hangs up the phone before Dean can speak again. Tossing the phone in the seat beside him Dean speeds off towards the hospital different scenarios playing through his head. Were you dead? Another complication? As Dean pulls into a parking spot,  he runs into the hospital taking the elevator to your room. The moment the doors opened Dean was out and turning the corner to get to your room. The blinds were still closed, but Dean could hear laughter coming from the room. Without wasting another second Dean throws open the door, his eyes landing on your body sitting up in the bed laughing. “Oh my God.” the words spill from his mouth.
-2 hours earlier-
Sam was sitting in the chair next to your bed reading aloud Harry Potter, one of your favorite books. Sam knew it was silly but he thought if he did things you liked it would help you wake up. So he would read you Harry Potter, play your favorite music, and watch movies with you. All while you laid in a coma. The monitors started  beeping slightly before stopping. Sam looked up from the book looking you over and seeing no changes, so he pays no mind to it. he begins reading again when the monitors start beeping rapidly. “Nurse! I need help here!” Sam throws open the door shouting. Nurses and Doctors run in pushing Sam out of the room and closing the door. 20 minutes later the door opens again as the nurses and doctors exit. The doctor walks over to Sam a small smile on his face, “She’s awake. We are going to need to take her for some testing shortly but I would go ahead and call her husband.” The doctor pats Sam on the shoulder before leaving.
The nurse in your room adjusts the bed so you are sitting up. She helps you drink some water to ease the pain in your throat. “Where am I?” you question her in a scratchy voice. “You’re at Northwest Regional” she responds as she gives you medicine before leaving. You look around trying to remember everything that happens. The last thing you remember was being thrown like a ragdoll and stabbed by the witch but then it’s blank. The doctor told you they amputated your leg, but you hadn’t been able to bring yourself to look yet. Taking a deep breath you throw the covers off you, staring down at the space where your leg used to be. You quickly cover your lower half of your body as the door opens. Looking up you see the tall figure of Sam Winchester. “Sam!” you say relieved. “Where's Dean?” you ask him curiously. “I just called him, he’ll be here soon. How are you feeling?” you shrug in response “I guess I’m a little sore but that's probably expected when you're in a coma for months.” you joke. “Cracking jokes already? It’s like nothing ever happened.” He responds with a bright smile. “I'll never hunt again will I?” you ask him quietly. “Let’s just worry about getting you all healed up. They had to take you to surgery about two weeks ago for a complication so you’ve got some fresh wounds.” he tells you solemnly. “Alright, so catch me up on what I've missed” you say, pushing back your emotions.
As Sam tells you everything that's happened in 3 months you can’t help but laugh, “Jody got on dating apps?” you laugh as the door to your room opens and Dean walks in, “Oh my God”. You look up at the new voice in the room recognizing Dean immediately. He had a beard now and you would be lying if you didn’t think he looked good. “Dean” you smile. He rushes over  to you pulling your body into his. “I never thought I would see those beautiful eyes again” He cries as he kisses you. “Hey, I’m right here besides if I die, who would keep you in check?” you joke as tears fall from your eyes. “I’ll give you guys some time alone,” Sam says as he steps out of the room. Taking Sam’s seat Dean asks you, “How are you feeling? Are you ok? Are you in pain? Have the doctors told you everything?” He shoots questions rapidly at you. “I'm fine, a little sore but they gave me pain meds, and yeah...they told me everything” you say glancing quickly at where your leg used to be. “When can I leave this place?” you ask holding Dean's hand, not wanting him to leave your side. “Well, we will have to talk to the doctors but let's not rush anything ok? You need time to heal and I don’t want you pushing yourself too hard.” he tells you sincerely. Only nodding in response laying back down you close your eyes as you fall into a medicine induced sleep.
-one week later-
The nurse comes in with a wheelchair as you zip up your jacket, it was now snowing outside and you were finally being released from the hospital. “Ok, all your stuff is packed and in the car” Sam says as the nurse helps you into the wheelchair “I put all her discharge information in the clear bag, along with her medications and physical therapy information, if she experiences any unusual pain please come in right away.” she tells Dean and Sam. “Thank you for your help” Dean says as they help you into the impala, you can’t help the smile creeping on your face as you feel the leather seats of Baby against you.
The drive home is quiet, Dean and Sam help you into the wheelchair and guide you to your shared room with Dean. “How about a shower to wash all that hospital stuff off?” Dean asks you as they set your bags down. “Just run a bath please” you say looking down at the stump of your leg. Wiping away tears roughly. Sam leaves the room as Dean takes you to the bathroom running the bath. Once Dean lowers you into the bathtub, Dean sits on the toilet as he washes your hair. In the next moment the damn burst and all the emotions and pain you’d been pushing down breaks through. “I love you, and you are going to get through this Y/n.” He tells you stroking your hair holding you as you cry. “Dean, I'm useless, I’ll never hunt again, I can’t even take a damn shower!” you cry out. Dean holds back tears of his own as he responds. I’ve got you, shh…I’ve got you baby”
Chapter 2
Dean/Jensen Taglist:
@akshi8278 @hobby27
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patroclusonly · 4 years
You need to be safe
Do I always use lines from the fic for the titles? Yes, cause I don’t know how to think of one to fit the story
This is based on this post, kinda didn’t like how it turned out but i wanted to write it anyway so here it is.
 (@multi-fandom-writing you asked to be tagged, i’m sure this isnt exactly what you had in mind but it’s my take on it, hope you don’t hate it!)
Buck and Eddie have been together for five years, and married for two. Not much has changed in their relationship after they got together since they used to spend most of their time in each other places. 
They’ve been living together since pretty much the beginning and they rarely got into fights, but that night they did. It was 10 pm., they were driving home back from work and they were arguing. 
“I don’t know what you want me to say, Eddie, it’s my job!” Buck says, waving his hands in exasperation. 
“Your job is to save people not to get yourself killed before being able to do it!” Eddie snaps at him, trying hard to keep his focus on the road.
“Well, it’s not like I knew the man had a gun!” He scoffs, throwing his hands in the air. 
“But when you did, you still had to run up to him didn’t you?” He snarled, his hands gripping the steering wheel so tight his knuckles were white. 
“At least he was pointing the gun at me and not at the woman!” He shrugs and Eddie lets out a growl and rubs his forehead. 
“Are you really that stupid?!” Eddie fumes, turning his head to look at Buck but being blinded by two lights instead. “Buck!” He screams but it’s too late.
Eddie groans as his consciousness comes back and opens his eyes slowly. His head is pounding and he grabs at it to try and make it stop, but once he sees Buck, he doesn’t care anymore.
The other man is passed out beside him, pale and with blood dripping down his forehead. 
“Buck?” He calls him and when the other man doesn’t respond, he starts to panic. “Buck?!” He moves to his side and tries to remain calm, checking his pulse. It’s weak but it’s there. 
He  hears someone tell him that they already called 911 and he breaths for a second. 
“Come on, baby. Wake up.” He says to Buck, looking over his injuries. He was much more injured than him, the hit to the head alone was bad enough, he didn’t want to think about the other injuries he would have after taking most of the impact.
Minutes later, that felt like hours to Eddie, he heard the sirens coming closer.  
“Helps is coming.” He whispers and kisses his forehead before he hears his name being called. He gets out of the crushed car, takes a few steps and falls on his knees, tears falling down his face. He feels hands on him and then Bobby and Chimney come into vision, keeling beside him. He shakes his head.
“Help him, I’m fine. Please, help him.” He says, voice breaking. Chimney looks at Bobby and when he nods he goes with Hen to check on Buck. Eddie keeps crying, uncontrollable sobs breaking through him.  
“He’s going to be fine, Eddie.” Bobby reassures him but he can’t stop. He sees Hen and Chimney moving Buck in the spinal board to the stretcher and then get him into the ambulance. 
Chimney then comes to where he and Bobby where, they help him stand and get him into the ambulance too. Once in, they take off to the hospital but he still can’t snap out of it. He sees Buck, lying there and he’s so scared that he won’t wake up. He takes his hand.
“How…” He tries to speak but the lump of his throat stops him. Hen puts a grounding hand on his shoulder.
“He’ll be fine.” She answers him fast and Chimney nods.
“Come on, Eddie. This kids has survived much worse that a little car crash.” He says smiling, but the smile doesn’t quite reach his eyes. Eddie tries to focus on the raising and falling of Buck’s chest, the weak but steady pulse beneath his fingers.
Once they get to the hospital they take Buck into surgery. Eddie sits on the waiting room, elbows on his knees and hands covering his face. He’s stopped crying now but the dreadful feeling was still there. 
The team had left except for Bobby and Eddie appreciate that because he didn’t trust himself to be alone.
“He’s a strong kid, Eddie. He’ll be okay.” Bobby pats his shoulder lightly.
“The last thing I told him was that he was stupid.” He mumbles, pressing his hands into his neck. “I called him stupid for risking his life to save someone and now…” His breath catches in his throat.
“Hey, Hey.” Bobby squeezes the hand on his shoulder and he looks up at him. “Those won’t be your last words to him. He’ll be okay.” He nods, trying to calm down. A few minutes later a doctor approaches them and they jump to their feet. 
“Are you here for Evan Diaz-Buckley?” She asks.
“Yes, I’m his husband.” Eddie says quickly and the doctor smiles at him.
“He’s awake now. We had to perform surgery to put back in place the pieces of broken bone from his clavicle, he has a concussion and some broken ribs, but with a month or so of rest he’ll be good as new in no time.” She tells him with a calm expression and Eddie lets out a long breath.
“Can we go see him, now?” Bobby asks for him.
“Yes, but just for a few minutes. He needs the rest.” She explains. “I’m assuming you’re staying with him?” She asks Eddie and he nods quickly. “Good. He’ll be discharged tomorrow afternoon.” She announces and leaves.
Eddie stands there and looks up at Bobby who gives him a small smile.
“Go. Me and the rest of the team will come by tomorrow before our shift.” He tells him and he sprints to the room. 
When he enters it, Buck looks up at him and a big smile appears on his face. Eddie’s eyes fill with tears again.
“Hey, no. Don’t cry, I’m okay.” Buck tells him and holds out his hand. Eddie takes it and lets himself be pulled in by him. 
“I’m so sorry.” Eddie cries out and Buck shakes his head.
“No, baby. It wasn’t your fault.” He makes Eddie lean back. “And look, I’m okay, just a little banged up.” He cups Eddie’s face and looks up at him with the sweetest smile. He has a cuts in his face, a bandage in his forehead, a sling in his right arm and yet he’s looking so bright and beautiful.
“I was so scared, i thought… the last thing I said to you was that you were stupid. You’re not stupid, you’re amazing and so caring you’d put your life in the line for whoever needs it. But I’m so afraid I’m going to lose you someday.” He whispers, looking straight into clear blue eyes. 
“I was a little reckless, I’ll admit that.” Eddie lets out a breathy laugh. “And I’ll try to be more careful, but you know I can’t not help someone who needs it.” He says and Eddie shakes his head.
“I know and I don’t want to stop you from helping people. I just want you to be more careful with how you do it. You need to be safe so you can come back home to us.” He leans in again, pressing a kiss to Buck’s head and holding him close. 
“I’ll do my best.” He mumbles into Eddie’s chest and looks up, bringing him in for a kiss.
“Are you going to stay with me?” He asks once they break apart.
“Always.” Eddie answers and gives him a soft kiss on his temple.
“Chris is with Carla?” He asks when Eddie settles beside him on the small hospital bed.
“Yeah, she said they’ll facetime with us before school. You’re getting discharged at noon anyway.” He whispers, and kisses the side of Buck’s head and he hums, closing his eyes. 
“Great. I miss the little guy already.” Buck whispers, burying his face in Eddie’s neck and sighing in content. 
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avengerscompound · 5 years
Legacy - Chapter 10
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Legacy: A Hawkeye Fanfic
Series Masterlist PREVIOUS //
Buy me a ☕ Character Pairing:  Clint Barton x  F!Reader
Word Count:  2005
Rating:  E
Warnings:  Pregnancy, domestic abuse, post-endgame, angst, developing-relationship, hurt/comfort, smut, Laura and Clint have broken up.  Comic Clint/MCU Clint mix.
Synopsis: Nothing is the same after the events of Endgame.  When Clint has trouble returning to a life where his family hasn’t changed but he has lost everything, he moves back to the city and tries to move on as a single parent. When Nate finds you bruised and pregnant in the stairwell of his building, he decides that there might be another way that he can make Nat’s sacrifice worth something.
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Chapter 10
Coming home without Tasha had been hard.  You were ready to go home and get on with your life as a new mother.  Only Tasha was still too small and needed more time in the NICU.  So where you had been expected to be up most of the night feeding her and changing diapers, instead you had an empty crib and multiple trips to the hospital to check on her.
Clint had said it was a little bit of a blessing.  You weren’t sure if he was just saying that to try and make you feel better or not.  He was definitely a little highly strung on the return home.  He had told you that being home without her meant that he could get the apartment closer to being where he wanted it.
He really did get right into the renovations too.  Some of his friends came and helped, so there were days where the place was full of Avengers doing home repairs.
By the time you went to pick up Tasha to bring her home the walls had been painted, the floors sanded and polished so they matched and the kitchen had been finished with new appliances, countertops, and cabinets as well as a floating island and a new tile floor.
There was still a lot to do.  Upstair particularly hadn’t been changed at all.  It was two large unconnected bedrooms that you could only access via two different staircases on the opposite sides of the apartment.  Clint had big plans for replacing stairs and connecting the upstairs and putting in another half bathroom.  For now, it was enough that you now had a place that worked for your new family.  There were enough bedrooms for all the kids.
But finally, there was Tasha there with you both.
Being a new mother was tough but you really loved it.  Even as sleep-deprived as you were.  Clint was such a natural dad.  He only complained about the messy things like changing diapers and being puked on in a light joking way.  You never once doubted that he wasn’t enjoying the role of dad to the little girl.
You were actually happy.  This was the family you had always wanted and never expected to have.  It was easy to forget the shit that you’d struggled out of.  Clint seemed to feel the same way.  He was happier and more relaxed and now when he spoke about the people he’d lost that had led to where he was now, it was more about remembering the good things than being lost in the grief of what he’d lost.
The two of you made a new life with the family you blended together.  It was a kind of serendipity.  Maybe if either of you were asked there might be things you would change about each of your pasts.  No one deserves the abuse either of you had suffered and even a happy ending might not have made up for experiencing it in the first place.  You would both have wished Natasha alive if that kind of thing worked.
Still, you were happy and each day that passed the more the happiness outweighed any grief or guilt you still both carried.
It was easy to forget there was still bad in the world.
By the time Tasha was four months old, Cooper, Lila, and Nate were all staying over regularly again.  Things had been slightly erratic for the first few months while Laura let you and Clint adjust to the newborn.
It wasn’t an unusual day when Kate came around and she, Lila, and Clint were up on the rooftop doing target practice while you were downstairs with Cooper, Nate, and Tasha.  When there was a knock at the door you didn’t even think to check the peephole to see who it was.
“Cooper.  Can you turn that down a little?  It’s kinda loud.”  You called back as you pulled the door open.
“Found you.”
The voice of the man at the door sent a chill through you and you wheeled around to see Richard standing in the doorway.  You went to shove the door closed and he slammed it back at you, making it hit you hard in the face and sending you reeling.
“What do you think you’re doing, bitch?”  Richard seethed as he pushed his way inside.
“Get out of here, Richard.  There’s nothing here for you.”  You said trying to push him back out the door.
Cooper had jumped to his feet and moved to where Tasha was playing under her baby gym, kicking her feet happily.  “Nate, come here, bud.”  He said.
Richard struck you in the face knocking you to the ground.  Lights popped behind your eyes and your head spun as you tried to get back up off the ground.  “You aren’t allowed to be here.”  You said and you got on your hands and knees.  He kicked you, knocking your back over.  It felt like he’d broken a rib.
“I’m here for my kid.  You think you can keep them from me?”  He spat.
“Hey, you don’t hurt her!”  Nate yelled, puffing his chest out and putting his hands on his hips.
“Nate!”  Cooper called.  “Come here, buddy.”
Tasha had started to cry from all the yelling and Cooper scooped her up off the ground and held her close to his chest.
“Alright, kid.  Let’s not be a hero.  Give me the baby and I’ll leave.  She’s mine.”  Richard said, trying to sound reasonable.
“She is not.  She’s my sister.  You get out of here, mister!”  Nate ordered.
“Alright, this is moving past being cute,”  Richard said taking a few steps towards the kids.  “Give me the baby and no one else has to get hurt.”
“Cooper, take them to the bathroom and lock the door.”  You choked out as you tried to get back to your feet.
Cooper grabbed Nate by the arm and dragged him towards the bathroom.  Richard lunged at them and you grabbed his ankles, tripping him to his knees. He aimed a kick at your head and there was a thwip-woosh sound, and an arrow embedded itself into his shoulder.
“Fuck!”  He cursed, grabbing the bolt as you staggered to your feet.
Lila stood at the door with her bow drawn looking at the scene.  “Don’t you move.”  She said, though there was a shake in her voice.
“Cooper.”  You called.  “Take the kids up to your dad.”  You moved to block him and Nate from Richard as they passed him.
When Cooper got to the door, he began to run, dragging a protesting Nate with him.  You slowly moved towards Lila.  Her hands were shaking slightly but she kept the bow trained on Richard.
“Don’t be stupid, little girl,”  Richard warned.  “You’re not going to kill me.”
“Don’t need to,”  She said and dropped the aim to his groin.
“Come on, Lie,”  You said, putting your hand on her.  “Let’s go get your dad.”
Lila backed out with you, keeping the arrow pointed at him.  He lurched forward and she let the arrow loose.  It hit him in the thigh.  You both turned and ran to the stairwell, ignoring the burning pain in your face and side, and how hard it was to draw in each breath.
“Dad sent me down to get us drinks,”  Lila said as she ran.
“Oh god.”  You said. “I’m sorry, Lila.”
“It’s not your fault.”  She said.  “Come on.”
You burst through the door to the roof, you lungs burning as you slammed it behind you.  Clint was already on his way to the door as Kate took Tasha from Cooper.  “Where is he?”  Clint asked.
“Following I think.  Lila shot him.”  You babbled.  “Shot?  Is shot the right word.  Did you shoot him?”
“It’s alright.  It’s going to be okay.  He’s broken both his parole and the restraining order by just coming here.”  Clint soothed.  “I’ll be back.”
He ran from the room and Kate came and dropped Tasha into Lila’s hands.  “I’m going with your dad given I’m the actual Avenger here.”  She said and ran off after him.
You came over to Lila and put your arm around her.  “Are you okay, sweetheart?”  You asked.
She nodded.  “Never shot a person before.”  She said.  “Never shot anything that wasn’t a target.”
You kissed the top of her head.  “You saved us and he’s just hurt.  You did good.  But we’re gonna get someone you can talk to about this.”
She looked up at smiled at you.  “You should sit down.”
She helped you to one of the deck chairs on the roof.  The sound of sirens started echoing up from the street and Cooper went and looked over the edge of the roof.  “There’s police and ambulance coming.”
“Good,”  You said.  “That’s good.”  You held out your hands to Lila who was bouncing Tasha on her hip and pulling faces at her to get her to calm down.  “You want me to take her?”
“No, it’s okay.  I’ve got her.”  Lila said.  “You should get looked over by the paramedics before you hold her.”
Nate came over to you and climbed up on the deck chair resting against you and gently patting your stomach.  “You okay?”
“Yeah, I’m okay.  Thank you for being my brave hero.”  You said, gently.  “I love you kids so much, you know?”
“We love you too,”  Lila said.
“Yeah, we wuv you.”  Nate agreed, kissing your cheek.
“Someone just came out on a stretcher,”  Cooper called from the edge of the roof.
“Can you see who it is, Coop?”  Lila asked.
He leaned over the edge a little more.  “I think it’s the guy.  It’s not Kate anyway.”  He said.
“You sure it’s not dad?”  Lila asked.
“I’m pretty sure,”  Cooper said.  “Yeah.  I think it’s the other guy.”
“Good.  That’s good.”  Lila said, flopping down on another chair.  Tasha babbled happily and patted her cheeks.
“Should we go down and find dad?”  Cooper asked.
“We better wait here.”  You said.  “They’ll come up when they’re ready.”
Like your words had summoned him, Clint appeared in the door with a couple of paramedics and a police officer.  The kids all rushed over to him slamming into him.  He held them close, taking Tasha from Lila as he crouched down and pulled them close.  “It’s alright.  Everything’s fine.  You all did great.”  He soothed.  “You’re safe now.  Did anyone get hurt?”
Cooper shook his head as he melted in against his father.  “Not us.”
Clint indicated to the paramedics to go and see you.  They moved over and started looking you over.  Checking to see if he’d cracked any ribs and patching up your wounds.  They took photos of your injuries as they worked for evidence.
“Okay, guys.  We need to talk to the police too.  You'll have to tell them what happened.  Okay?”  Clint said gently, as he looked his kids over.
“Yeah, we can do that,”  Cooper said.
“We’re going to need you to take you into the hospital for some x-rays.  I don't like how that rib feels.” One of the paramedics said to you. 
Clint looked between you and the police officers.  “We will go with her to get checked out first okay?  I'll bring them to the station later.  You've got Hawkeye giving a statement right?”
“Yes, she’s gone down there.  Just be sure you do.”  The officer said.
“Don't worry, man. We want this over and done with.  For good.  We’ll be there.”  Clint said.
He came over to you holding both Nate and Tasha and crouched down kissing your forehead.  “Sorry I wasn't there.”
You shook your head, trying not to cry.  “Sorry being with me means you even have to worry about that.”
“Oh, honey, don't be stupid.”  He said and rubbed his nose against yours.  “He is not your fault.  Let's get you patched up so we can get done with him for good.”
You nodded.  That was something you wanted more than anything.
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Can You Keep a Secret?
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Hello, anon! Sorry for the delay on this one! I’ve been dealing with a bruised thumb for a few days so I’ve been waiting for that to go down! But anyway!
The reader here is part of the AEW roster so I hope that’s okay! I’m also planning to write a similar fic but with a male!reader soon!
Without further ado, I hope you enjoy!
You and Kenny have known each other even before his stint in NJPW, meeting him during your times in DDT before you both had to go your separate ways; Kenny had chosen to take a chance and work for NJPW while you stayed in the States to work in various independent companies.
Despite the distance and time difference, you two stayed in touch and would often plan to meet each other whenever he would have shows in America. It isn’t until AEW Dynamite where your paths would cross again. 
Cody had called you, asking if you wanted to sign with the company. A part of you knows that your talent and popularity in the indies had gotten you the opportunity.
But you can’t help but hope that it was Kenny who’d put in the good word about you. 
You happily accept the offer and after weeks of talking, planning and paperwork, it’s official:
You’re #AllElite
You were at the locker room when you watched it happen.
It was AEW Dynamite’s TV debut and everyone couldn’t be any more excited. It was the company’s time to make history. The backstage area is buzzing with energy, a few stagehands would talk into their headsets and make sure that everything is going smoothly. 
You’re still a few weeks away from making your main roster debut, but Kenny had insisted that being backstage would be a good way to hype yourself up, maybe take a few notes from the people who will be making appearances tonight.
Everything was going swimmingly; Cody and Sammy put on an amazing show until Chris Jericho had shown up and ruined Cody’s celebration after putting Sammy away. 
Pac and Adam Page had been building up so much animosity between them and it was both exciting and terrifying to to see it all come to a head. The women, including yourself, surrounded the TV to witness Riho and Nyla’s match, and the reaction upon Riho’s victory had been deafening.
Now it’s time for the main event. The Elite against Jericho and Santana and Ortiz.
The match was going great, Kenny psyching himself up possibly for the V Trigger, until Jon Moxley looms behind him. The locker room goes silent, some of your peers anxiously yelling at the TV for Kenny not to turn around.
You and the rest of the female roster watch with baited breath as Moxley goes after Kenny, dragging him out of the ring and into the crowd and wailing blow after blow on Kenny’s body. Kenny gets some offense in but it’s been Moxley with the advantage. 
They spill their fight out into what looks to be the VIP area, and you can already feel your heart beating rapidly in your chest. And that was before Mox hooks Kenny for the Deathrider DDT, Kenny landing head first straight into a glass table. 
A loud noise that sounds like something between terror and shock rings through the room, and it takes you a moment to realize that it had come from you.
The camera goes back to the action going on in the ring but you’re already out the door, the women still inside whispering “What’s her deal?”
You run all the way to the trainer’s room but Kenny isn’t there. Maybe medical personnel are still helping up so you just wait. You nervously pace in front of the trainer’s office, waiting for what feels like forever. 5, 10, 15 minutes pass. What’s happening? It shouldn’t take the medical team this long to take injured talent to get checked, and already dark thoughts cloud your mind. 
What if he’d suffered something serious that he had to be rushed to the nearest hospital? 
Before your thoughts could get darker, you hear someone shouting “Out of the way! Move!” and you feel the anxiety lessen. It hikes back up, however, when you turn to see the medical team and a few referees carrying Kenny on a stretcher, the blonde still unconscious from the impact he’d suffered.
You instinctively follow after him, tears welling up in your eyes, but Aubrey, one of the company’s refs, stop you from getting inside.
You look at her, pleading almost. “Aubrey, I have to get in there! I have to make sure he’s okay!”
She nods understandingly but her face remains stern. “And I understand your concern, Y/N. We all know that you and Kenny go way back and believe me, it would hurt me to see a friend like this too. But I just can’t let you in right now.”
‘He’s not just my friend’ is what you want to tell her but you know better than to actually say it. 
Neither you nor Kenny had set a rule about your relationship being secret. But Kenny’s not the kind of guy who’d just tout his personal life around like it’s part of his gimmick. Same goes for you. 
You don’t want people to think that you’re only in the company because you’re dating one of the EVPs. You’re here because you’ve earned it.
Despite being sick to your stomach with worry, you decide to listen to Aubrey and sit outside, unable to sit still as the minutes tick on. After an hour or so, a doctor exits the office and you quickly spring to your feet.
“Doc?” You ask nervously, wringing your hands. “How is he? Can I check on him yet?”
“He has a slight concussion. We’re giving him some painkillers and plenty of rest, Y/N. But other than that, you have nothing to worry about. But if you still want to check on him, you can go right ahead.”
The doctor walks away, patting your shoulder before she does so. As soon as her hand is off your shoulder, you bolt inside the trainer’s office and shutting the door behind you.
Kenny is still in his ring gear, holding a bag of ice to his head, as he sits on the medical bed. Once in a while, he would hiss and groan in pain, and you can’t help but whimper in pity.
He doesn’t look up but you know he knows you’re there.
“Please tell me you’re not gonna cry over this, princess.” He sounds so nonchalant about this, as if being driven into a glass coffee table is something that happens on a day to day basis. 
You try to act and sound tough, wiping at the tears in your eyes. “Pfft, of course not. I know you’ve been through worse.”
Kenny smiles as he finally looks at you, those blue eyes as bright as his smile. “And yet I just heard you arguing with Aubrey an hour ago about not being let in.’
You roll your eyes. “Well, gee, Kenneth. Sorry for being concerned over your well-being.”
You didn’t mean for it to sound mean but Kenny’s smile falters and he looks almost remorseful.
“C’mere, Y/N.”
You walk over and he embraces you with his free arm, the one that’s not holding the ice to his head. He places a kiss on your forehead, then on the corner of your mouth. You sigh, feeling your heart flutter in your chest.
He pulls back, his beautiful smile back. 
“Sorry I worried you,” He says, sounding genuinely sorry. “It’s just...This whole Mox thing has been getting to me lately.”
You purse your lips together, trying not to bring up his unusual behavior on recent Being The Elite episodes.
Instead, you blurt out something else entirely, and you immediately wish you’d just mentioned the BTE stuff.
“Do we have to keep us a secret?”
He looks taken aback, and you’d love nothing more than to have a black hole suck you up right now.
“Well,” He ponders. “I mean, we don’t have to keep...us secret but you know me, Y/N. You know what I’m like. I don’t like having my personal relationships out there, especially romantic ones.”
He cuts you off before you could say something.
“And don’t get me wrong, I’m not ashamed or embarrassed to be yours. In fact, I want everyone to know about us but you make me happy and that’s enough for me. I don’t need the internet’s approval because I already know in my heart and soul that I want to be with you.”
You’re completely speechless. You feel warmth spreading across your cheeks, and he looks at you with so much love and affection that it makes you a little light-headed.
“So do I wanna keep us a secret?” Kenny asks rhetorically, reaching his free hand out to stroke his thumb on your tanned cheek. “Of course not. But you know the rumors that’ll go around if we tell everyone. And I don’t wanna hear and see people accusing you of being here because you’re with me. You deserve to be here just as everyone else does.”
He gives you another kiss, this time capturing your lips in a chaste kiss. You melt into the kiss, cupping his face in your hands. You stay with him in the trainer’s room to keep him company, talking about video games and upcoming AEW shows, and he looks at you as if you’re his entire world.
And you think to yourself:
Maybe this is one secret you can keep
A/N: So yeeeeaaahhhh, is that good? Is that okay? I hope it’s okay! If not, feel free to tell me what to improve! If you enjoyed it, I’m glad you did! So yeah, I have a lot more requests to go through so expect more fanfics from me!
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bbrandy2002 · 5 years
Two Men and a Baby Part 7
Not your typical Royal Romance series....crazier.
TRR/TRH gang.
Warning: Language
Part 1 Part 2 Part 3 Part 4
Part 5 Part 6
@carabeth @emceesynonymroll @katedrakeohd @sirbeepsalot @romanticatheart-posts @rafasgirl23415 @drakensword
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Part 7
" 911, what's your emergency?"
"Yeah, um, I have a guy in the back of my carriage who got his trouser snake caught in his zipper."
"Sir, is this a joke?"
"No, but, this guy sure wishes it were"
"How serious is this?"
"Let's just say, it was the 'frank..and...beans', then something popped, now its just the frank."
Poor Bertrand, all he wanted was to give his sweet Savannah a wonderful birthday. Now he's stuck in the back of a carriage with his manhood on the line.
He is aware of the news reports of a wild boar attack on Contess Madeleine earlier tonight and that said boar is still holding itself hostage inside his estate. He has no idea if his son is okay, but, has no doubt his brother is somehow responsible for the carnage that has taken place this evening.
Hospital ER
Riley and Olivia sit in Maxwell's room, waiting for him to return from radiology. They had only seen him for a few seconds before he was taken for x-rays, but, he appeared in good spirits; then again, when is he not.
They were both intriqued to find out what he meant by "the demon pig", that supposedly caused his predicament. It was surprising to hear Maxwell describe any animal with such disdain, but, apparently he met one he wasn't prepared to describe as a "life changing experience" in fond terms.
Riley jumped up from her seat, "Maxwell, you're back!"
Maxwell was wheeled back into his room on a stretcher, but, he seemed to be uncharacteristically subdued now.
"How is he? Is it broken?" Riley asked the nurse.
"He has a hair line fracture and will be down for several weeks, but, we don't expect complications. Someone will be in shortly to put a cast on him. Also, congratulations on the baby your majesty", the nurse stated before exiting.
That was the fourth time today a random person congratulated her.
"Why does everyone keep congratulating me on a baby? I wonder if it was the bean burrito I ate for dinner last night?", she questioned while patting her bloated tummy.
"You do look a little puffy today." Olivia observed.
"Thanks", Riley said while rolling her eyes, "I have been trying to drink more water and..."
"HELLLLOO!!" Maxwell interrupted in an annoyed tone, "In case you hadn't noticed, I'm here."
"Oh, I'm sorry Maxwell, how're you feeling?", she asked with concern.
"Like a demon pig attacked me, without warning, without cause, out of no where...it was a sneak attack Riley." he began to shake his fist furiously and yelling, "damn you demon pig.....damn you to hell!"
Olivia and Riley tried to calm him down. "Maxwell, Maxwell, shhhh, you've got to calm down." Riley pleaded, "you're going to disturb the other patients."
"Yes you are", Madeleine chimed from a wheel chair at the door with an icy stare.
All three turned their heads in her direction simultaneously. To see Madeleine sitting there with a neck brace on, a black eye, messy blonde hair and a ripped green dress; it was shocking and amusing to say the least.
"What the hell happened to you? Olivia asked with her signature scowl.
"Oh, what happened to me?", Madeleine asked with a smile that didn't quite meet her eyes while patting her chest, "ask Maxwell and his quote 'damn demon pig'."
Olivia and Riley turned to Maxwell trying to make sense of what both were referring to as the demon pig.
"Maxwell, I'm two seconds away from breaking your other leg. What happened?", Olivia spat out.
Maxwell took in a deep breath and recalled the events of this evening.
"Okay...Okay, so, yesterday morning, I was attending Zeke and Penelope's outdoor animal exhibition in the capitol.  Zeke was giving me kind of a private tour before all the guest arrived. We came upon a stall that he said had a wild pig. I thought he meant it was a party animal, wild like me, which, would be an awesome addition to the next Beaumont Bash. I asked if I could have it and he said no, that it was just too wild for me. I thought, nonsense, nothing is too wild for me. I just had to have this pig. So, when I seen Penelope a little later, I offered to buy it from them. She was a little hesitant at first, but, she agreed after I forged a letter from Bastien saying Liam requested this particular pig at the next Beaumont Bash. In exchange for her cooperation, he would emcee her next Dog Fashion Show."
"Maxwell! That's sick", Riley blurted.
"Yeah Maxwell, what made you think she would just go along with that?" Asked Olivia.
"I wasn't sure she would, but, she does seem to respond well to requests from Bastien, so I assumed it would work this time too", he replied.
Madeleine spoke up, "so let me get this straight, Penelope, can't stop talking about her poodles, Penelope, just gave you a wild boar?"
"Oh, no, I had to pay for him", he said.
"How much?" Olivia asked.
"A box of dog treats", he replied.
Riley bent over in her chair, arms resting on her knees, covering her face while shaking her head, "Unbelievable....I'm afraid to ask, but, how did you get him out of there and to the estate?"
"Well, that part was tricky. Penelope told me I had to keep him enclosed or he would go wild. Well, I wanted to make sure I kept his wildness in until the Beaumont Bash. I figured it would just build up inside of him and he'd really let loose at the party",  he chuckled, "anyway, I saw Gladys there and thats when I got the idea for her to cause a disruption..."
"Hold up, Gladys...my majordomo, Gladys, helped you with this?" Riley asked stunned.
"Kind of, see I knew she had cleared the hallways when Anton and his minions kidnapped you and Olivia. I also knew she had the hot's for Bertrand, so, I told her if she would create a distraction for me, I would set her up with him".
"Maxwell, your brother is engaged", Riley stated.
"You are a lot more evil than I ever gave you credit for Maxwell; this is really elaborate for you", Olivia remarked with astonishment.
"Well, Im not proud of myself, but, greed causes people to do evil things" he replied.
"Hold up" Madeleine would interject, "So Penelope knew about this? That little....I just saw her not more than an hour ago at the Beaumont Estate, she interviewed me and everything, she never mentioned her hand in any of this".
Maxwell replied, "I would say not, Penelope's a master at keeping secrets while seemingly innocent of her involvement. She's a sweet girl though".
Riley just continued to shake her head.
"What happened next Maxwell?" Madeleine asked.
He took another deep breath, "Okay, well Gladys started screaming and running around the exhibits. Then she unlatched the pen holding the ducks. They started to scatter. Zeke and his assistants started to chase after the ducks and security went after Gladys. I grabbed a large cage and Gertrude ran right in. Penelope helped me carry him back to the limo and I took him home."
"Okay, how did you break your leg?" Riley asked.
"Welp, the driver helped me unload Gertrude and get him in the backyard. I knew I had to build an enclosure to keep his wildness in, so, I started building a small barn for him to live in until the bash. It didn't take very long to build at all. When it was finished, I opened the cage door to let him inside his new dwellings, but, he ran inside and immediately jumped out the window."
"You put a window in it?" Madeleine questioned.
"Yeah, but, I must've not built it high enough and I didn't put a covering over it. Jumped right out of it" he said while use his hand to motion the jump, "I started to run right after, I swear, I heard it say 'kill Maxwell'. It attacked so quickly, I never had a chance. I stepped on a rock and my foot went sideways, causing me to fall. It rammed me a few times, before running off. Then Drake came out to help me, but, it attacked him also. Let's just say, demon pig-2, Maxwell and Drake-0."
All three women sat in silence. There were no words they could think of in that moment to express what they just heard.
"Does Bertrand and Savannah know about this?" Riley asked.
"I don't think so", he replied.
Riley took out her phone and sent a text, letting them know Maxwell was in the hospital and Bartie was there with Drake.
Meanwhile, in the bathroom....
Drake and Liam were still locked in arms, literally, fighting over an ascot.
"Let go of my ascot Drake."
"Liam, he has to have something covering his bottom until we get a diaper."
"Then give him your denim shirt!"
"What?" Drake gasped, "take it back Liam."
Bartie, who was still lying on the changing table naked, took this opportunity to settle the issue once and for all.
"What the hell!" Drake shouted as his denim shirt was getting soaked.
"Sir Walker, I do believe you have a spot on your shirt", Liam said with a British accent and a laugh.
Drake looked at Liam, "I hope you're happy now. He just pissed all over my good denim shirt."
Liam raised an eyebrow, "Drake, that's the only denim shirt you have, or wear for that matter."
"Why do you think it's my favorite?" he remarked sadly.
Bastien cleared his throat, "Your majesty, need I remind you, we can't leave this bathroom with a naked baby. It may be in everyone's interest for you to hand over the ascot."
Liam thought about Bastien's words for a moment, then looked around to see if there was anything else that could be used as a diaper. Wadded up hand towels, too flimsy, Drakes white shirt, no, he would just be shirtless in a hospital, his own socks, no, too small. He let out a loud huff, reached up and removed his ascot.
Drake reached out to grab it, but, Liam continued to cling onto it. Drake pulled harder, Liam pulled back even more.
"Give me the fucking ascot Liam!"
Liam pouted then handed Drake the ascot.
Drake looked Liam in the eyes and said, "Dude, you need therapy."
Drake began fashioning a diaper out of Liam's ascot. "Aha, perfect fit".
"What do we do about that disgusting car seat?" Liam asked.
"After all this, just leave it in here. When Bastien opens the door, we make a run for it."
Drake picked up Bartie and he and Liam stood at the door, readying themselves for the getaway. The bathroom was absolutely disgusting, shit was on the floor, the walls, the trash can, not to mention, the sink had an exploded diaper full of diarrhea in it. Liam couldn't risk someone seeing the King of Cordonia coming out of that room.
"Alright, on my count, Bastien will open the door and we will run as fast as we can."
"Hang on", Liam said as he removed his suit jacket and covered the top of his head so no one would recognize him. "Okay, ready".
"There's no turning back now. 1...2...3...Go!"
What hijinx await in Part 8?
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sprnklersplashes · 5 years
shot through the heart
trigger warning for mentions of blood and injury. 
Also this is about Emma and Hope, not mentioning any partner for Emma, so it’s open to any and all shippers and fans :)
But it does take place in my universe where Rumple died, Belle moved in with Emma and the s7 time travel thing just... did not happen.
Hope’s never been in a battle before. She’s seen them more times than she would care to count; in her family’s storybook, in her history books, in paintings on gallery walls. All different and varied across history and between realms, some fought by her immediate family like the Battle For Neverland as it’s now called, and some between whole kingdoms. She’s never cared much for them, not even the ones her parents fought in, and skipped past them, knowing, or thinking she knew, that she’d never have to be in one.
And now here she stands, sword in one hand and magic cracking below the skin of the other, running down Main Street with blood rushing in her ears. It’s not like the paintings or pictures in her book where the hero stands triumphantly over the defeated villain, it’s hell on the streets. People she’s grown up with run past her without giving her a moment’s notice, most if not all holding some sort of weapon in their hands. She’s vaguely aware of them but couldn’t recognise their faces if she tried, not even her closest friends. Everything around her blurs and melts away, only leaving focus on the road ahead of her. Her ears are attacked with an unholy symphony of screams and cries and swords clashing and weapons being fired, the sounds coming together into one agonising noise, each one becoming indistinguishable from the other. She’s not stupid, she knows that battles and wars are far from valiant and mighty and all that crap. But she never thought that, even if she did fight in one, it would be with tear-streaked cheeks and the taste of vomit in her throat. The worst by far is the blood on her hands and blade.
“Mom?” She slows to a jog and tries to force her weary eyes to focus, but the ringing in her head only makes it harder. “Mom?! Henry? Mom!” She stumbles back into a little, holding her sword tighter. She pushes an escaped lock of hair out of her face, trying to search the endless sea of faces, the enemy only marked by their silver armour. “Mom?”
She’s about to let out a sob when something hits her. At first there’s almost no feeling to it, other than the weight hitting her stomach and pushing her back and her mind immediately goes to magic. Until her hand goes to that spot reflexively and she finds it wet; something warm and thick drips between her fingers.
It’s only when she sees the scarlet substance across her palm that the pain hits her, knocking her to her knees and making her hit the floor.
And holy shit, does it hurt.
No. No, no, no, no, no. No!
Emma’s had her fair share of moments that made her blood run cold, beginning even before she came to Storybrooke. Her life sometimes feels like it was a series of horror movie moments from sleeping on the streets in a rainstorm to being thrown in front of a car to giving birth in jail. Then add Storybrooke and magic and you’ve got enough to make someone need a good therapist (or in her world, Archie). She’s seen shit that should have send her flying back, but she’s somewhat proud of how she stood back up, even after Dark Ones and curses and several close calls with death.
But none of those could prepare her for this.
She pulls her daughter into her lap, brushing her hair away from her face and wincing at how cold her cheeks are. She’s always been pale ever since she was a kid, but now she’s practically translucent, courtesy of the arrow sticking out of her stomach, its silver tip winking cruelly at her in the setting sun. Bile rises in Emma’s throat. This arrow, like the rest in the White Witch’s army, are enchanted against Misthaven’s magic. Her hands can burn down forests and melt glaciers but snow they sit limp and useless when it comes to fixing her daughter.
“Mom?” Her voice is tiny, so unlike the bright laughter or deadpan snark she’s grown used to filling her house. Her green eyes look up at her, hazy and unfocussed. “Mommy?” She hasn’t called her mommy since she was five.
“I’m here, baby,” she whispers, stroking her hair. “I’ve got you. I’ve got you it’s okay.” Hope gasps a little and a tear leaks out of her eye.
“Mom… it hurts,” she grunts. “It hurts so bad.” Such a blunt admission from the girl who faced life with as much dramatics as possible made Emma choke on her tears, but it also brought her back to the situation at hand.
“I know, baby girl.” She wonders how long it’s been since she called her that. Not since she wore tutus and carried her stuffed duck around at all times, she knows that much. “I know, honey. Just hang in there.” She wraps her arms around her daughter, cursing at herself. What Hope needs is a pillar of strength right now, not trembling arms and shaking breaths.
Emma looks around her, surveying the battlefield one last time. She looks up just in time to watch Robyn send an arrow into the chest of the man who felled Hope, making it look effortless. She’s her father’s daughter. The young archer turns around and does a double take at the sight of Hope’s prone form, at the blood blooming across her white top. Emma sees the words “oh my god” form on her lips as she runs towards them and drops to her knees and remembers with a wince that she’s hardly much older than Hope is.
“I’ll hold it down here,” she tells her, shouting over the chaos of the battlefield. “Alice has the front line. Lucas and I can keep it up back here.” Her eyes move to Hope, wide and fearful, and Emma sees her hold back from gagging at the sight of the blood. Hope doesn’t acknowledge her, if she even has the energy to see her at all.
“Thank you, Robyn,” she says, grabbing her hand tightly.
“Don’t even thank me,” she says. “Just go. Thank me when this one’s on her feet again.” Emma nods, enveloping them in white smoke just as tears begin to blur her vision.
She finds herself outside Storybrooke General, the protection spell Alice placed around it preventing anyone, friend or foe, from entering magically. Hope lets out a pained groan on impact, the change in position no doubt angering her already nasty wound.
“I’m sorry, baby.” She presses a kiss to her head before kicking the door open and storming inside, her daughter’s head resting against her shoulder. “Help! Help!” Memories of running into this same hospital with a different child flicker up in her mind, past and present colliding.
Gideon comes flying down the hall, his stride faltering only when he catches sight of his almost-sister limp and half-unconscious in her mother’s arms. Having grown up in the same house, they’re siblings in all but blood.
“Holy crap,” he gasps, meeting Emma in the foyer and taking a moment to stroke Hope’s head. “What happened to her?”
“There’s an arrow… in my stomach…” Hope whispers, her voice thin and pained, but it’s there and Emma could cry. “What do you think happened?”
“Save your breath, baby,” she tells her, but there’s a spark of hope in her chest. If Hope’s aware enough to recognise Gideon and be sarcastic, maybe it’s not as bad as it looks, even with the blood staining the floor and Hope’s short, laboured, desperate breaths filling the silence.
“Get a stretcher in here, now!” Gideon barks down the hall and two dwarves appear with one almost instantly. Emma helps lay Hope on it and Hope’s ice cold hand clings to hers. Gideon assesses the damage while the dwarves pull the stretcher down the hall, his shaking hands the only thing that betray his calm demeanour. “Magic isn’t going to work on this one. Get her into that operating room and get Whale, now. We’re going to need anaesthetic, a fuckton of bandages and antibiotics, just in case.” One of the dwarves, Sneezy, she thinks vaguely, nods and runs down the hall.
“Emma, I’m going to need you to wait out here,” Gideon continues.
“Like hell, that’s my daughter,” Emma replies sternly, her hand tightening around Hope’s.
“Yes, I know. But we can’t have a civilian-”
“I’m not a civilian.”
“Someone who isn’t on the medical team in that operating room,” he finishes. “I’m sorry Emma but you need to stay out here!”
“No, she needs me!”
“What she needs is to get better,” Gideon tells her, looking down at Hope. She didn’t even flinch at his voice. Guilt and regret cross his face, unusual for a Stiltskin, but he’s also half French and that’s the part of him that makes him a godsend in the hospital. “Emma… we’re going to do everything we can for her. But in there…. You can’t be in there, Emma. I’m sorry.”
Emma looks down at Hope. She looks so much like her grandmother, her black hair spread across the pillow and her skin as white as… well, as snow. Tears run down her cheeks as she realises Gideon’s right, of course. She’s about as useful in a medical room as a jelly pickaxe. Her family takes the battlefield, Belle’s takes the hospital. It’s right, but that doesn’t make it any less hard.
“Okay,” she whispers. “Okay.” Gideon pats her shoulder and it’s hard to believe he’s the same man who tried to kill her, albeit not of his own will. Not that he remembers any of that.
Emma kisses Hope’s knuckles and then her head, hoping against hope that True Love’s Kiss works on arrow wounds.
“I love you,” she whispers, stroking her pale cheek.
“I’ll call you the minute we’re finished,” Gideon promises. Emma nods, knowing to trust a French, and watches him wheel Hope away. She wants to call after him and beg him to take care of her, but she knows he will. There’s five people in the world who love Hope as much as she does and Gideon’s one of them.
“Mom?” And there’s another one. When Emma turns, Henry is behind her, half a roll of bandages in his hand. He decided that his skills, like Gideon’s, are better employed here. And since his wife is out on the battlefield with her step sisters, he can keep an eye on Lucy here. Henry opens and closes his mouth, his eyes wide. “Mom what happened-”
“Hope,” she says, and his face falls instantly. She takes a deep breath before continuing, shoulders back, chin up. She straightens her jacket. Her parents might have fought in chainmail and capes, but she’s fought every battle, emotional and physical, real and fairytale, in this jacket. “She got hurt.”
“Hurt?” he echoes. “How badly, what happened, where is she, is she okay?”
“One question at a time kid,” she replies, her voice catching. “She got hit with an arrow. Gideon took her a minute ago. She’s in good hands. She’s…” She’s going to be okay. She’ll be fine. Those words don’t quite cross her lips though.
“Oh my God.” Emma throws her arms around him just as his knees start to buckle. When his arms come around her too, she melts into it, not realising how much she needed this until now. He’s shaking against her, clinging to her like she’s a stuffed toy.
“She’s going to be okay,” she finally says. Despite the hope she’s trying to hold onto, the words feel clumsy and wrong in her mouth. She hates uncertainties, especially ones like this. “They’ve got Whale and Gideon in there with her and they’re the best we have.” She tries to flash a weak smile and wonders if Henry can see the lack of heart behind it. “If anyone can save her, Dr Frankenstein can.”
“Yeah.” Henry smiles against her hand on his cheek despite the tears shining in his eyes.
“Dad?” Lucy comes running down the room towards them, her dark hair flying behind her. Emma can’t help but find the hasty smile on her son’s face intimately familiar. Her hair is pulled into a ponytail and, like her father, she wears a white coat over her clothes. “Dad, there’s more people coming in.”
“I’ll be right there, kid.” Lucy nods and looks over at Emma, realisation dawning on her as she takes in her red eyes and blood-stained fingertips, and she looks over at her father.
“Dad?” she asks, her voice small. “Dad what’s going on?”
“Just checking what’s happening out there,” he says. “Come on, Luce, let’s go.” He turns to Emma before he goes, squeezing her hands tightly, his mask slipping away to reveal the desperation.
“I’ll let you know as soon as she’s awake,” she promises him in a low voice. “She’ll want to see you.”
“Thanks Mom,” he says. He hugs her tightly before he leaves, the shaking arms and teary eyes almost gone completely as he takes Lucy’s hand. Lucy sends a concerned look over her shoulder to Emma as Henry takes her away. Clever girl. She’s like her father that way.
Emma pulls her hair back into a ponytail and takes in deep breaths. In and out, eight for eight. As she bites her nail, she hears the phantoms of foster mothers telling her stop it, what a terrible habit is. They may have been right, but it’s one of the only constants in her life.
She flops onto one of the hard plastic chairs, the feeling of worthlessness settling into her like little pinpricks. A Saviour is what she is, apparently. And yet she’s sitting here waiting for someone else to save her daughter from something that no amount of magic can fix.
Just down the hall and to the left is the maternity ward, where after 8 painful and uncomfortable hours, her daughter was born. Hope Eva Margaret Swan, five pounds, three ounces, two full weeks before her due date. Emma likes to joke that was the only time she’s ever been early for anything. Born with wisps of blonde hair that turned red just before her first birthday and stayed that way. Zelena joked that if they were out with their daughters, people might think Hope was hers and Robyn was Emma’s. And that might have been true, but ever since Hope dyed her hair black, they’re more in danger of outsiders believing her to be Snow’s, especially with their chin and the family green eyes.
She has almost all of Emma’s bad habits. Not just the nail chewing, but the sugar addiction and the Star Wars worshipping, the eye rolling and the affection for puns, driving poor Gideon up the wall, the inability to sit on a chair properly if their lives depended on it. Sometimes Emma can’t even scold her when she sees her stealing cookies before dinner, knowing she would have done the same thing at her age. But there are so many things about her daughter that she didn’t get from anyone, completely unique to her. Her too-loud cackle and famous impulse decisions, her aggressive competitiveness and her use of affectionate insults to show love, the way she loves with every piece of her, even if she’s too cool to show it. And then there’s her smile. The sarcastic one with her eyes narrowed, the bashful one she gets when she’s talking to Melody even after six months of dating, the excited one accompanied by fists punching and bouncing up and down, the cocky “in your face” smile she puts on when she beats someone at even the tiniest game. But the best one is the one with her eyes sparkling and dimples in her cheeks and teeth on full display, the one she gets where she’s so happy she might burst. Emma had always loved that smile, but it’s only now, when she sees that there’s a chance she might never see it again, she realises how much she needs it in her life.
Something’s tickling her chin. Or someone, but for her sake and the sake of whoever’s with her, it better be a something. But that’s the first thing Hope becomes aware of, the presence of something soft tickling her chin. She goes to move lift her hand to slap it (or them) away, but it feels stuck to the bed. Her whole body feels like it’s melted into the mattress, her head fused to the pillow. She isn’t necessarily complaining though.
She spends minutes (or hours, she’s not totally sure) walking the line between awake and asleep, before she gets restless, her body not at all jibing with how still her limbs are. She tries to move, but her muscles don’t comply despite her best efforts. They don’t feel locked exactly, just deflated. Like a bunch of sad, empty balloons. There’s probably a better comparison, but her brain is a jumbled mess of thoughts right now, and not in the way it normally is where she can sort through it, especially when she feels herself fading in and out of consciousness.
After a while, she manages to blink her eyes open. The world is blurry and disjointed at first, but slowly manages to come into place. With the light from outside, she makes out the grey walls and TV standing isolated in the corner on a heavy looking metal stand and she frowns. This isn’t her room, nor is it any of her friend’s rooms. After some considerable effort, she manages to push herself up onto her elbow, only for a blinding pain to flash through her stomach. She lets out a gasp before she can stop herself and collapses back onto the pillow, her heart racing from the effort.
Thanks to the pain, the fog in her mind lifts and everything comes flooding back to her; the battle, running down Main Street, the arrow piercing her stomach, her mum’s face over her, telling her everything was going to be okay.
She turns her head slightly. Sure enough, she’s sitting on the visitor’s chair beside her, her hair messy from sleeping on her side and her eyes bleary and bloodshot. Her mum.
“You look like crap,” Hope jokes weakly.
“Look who’s talking,” her mum replies, moving from her chair and sitting on the bed. She takes her hand in hers and Hope squeezes with as much effort as she can muster. Her mum’s other hand strokes her cheek and pushes her hair away from her face, letting out a laugh as tears make their way down her cheeks. “How are you feeling?”
“Fine,” she says. Her mum raises an eyebrow at her. “Okay, maybe I’ve been better. What’d I miss?”
“We won,” her mum says. “Turned the tide, White Witch arrested. Oh and Robyn sent an arrow into the guy who shot you.”
“I need to buy her a drink.”
“She’s taken,” Emma reminds her playfully. “And it’ll have to wait. You’re not drinking for a while. Doctor’s orders.”
“Oh, boo,” Hope scoffs. “What would he know? He got his degree from a curse.”
“Normally I’d agree, but Gideon said so too,” she tells her. “And I have some experience with this kind of stuff.” Hope pouts for a second, but it’s soon gone and she nods in understanding. Her free hand slips under the hospital issue blanket and her top and she feels the strip of bandages across her stomach. “They’re staying on for a while.”
“Am I going to have a scar?”
“Most definitely.”
“Awesome,” she whispers. She turns her head and finds something tickling her again. She reaches up and finds a stuffed duck sitting on her shoulder, a pink bow tied around his neck. “Ducky…”
“I brought you some of your stuff from home,” Emma tells her. “You’re going to be here for a while. I brought your laptop, your books, your headphones, your Pop Tart stash…”
“And Ducky,” Hope adds, shaking the toy in front of her face. Emma nods slightly, her cheeks turning pink.
“And Ducky,” she admits. “That was your grandma’s idea.” Hope toys with it, her fingers running over his fur.
“I don’t mind,” she says. A few years ago, Ducky took up semi-permanent residence in her wardrobe, too babyish for her bedroom but too important to throw out. “I don’t.”
“I had a feeling you wouldn’t,” Emma whispers. There’s a lot unsaid in her eyes; a mirror of Hope’s own. Neither one of them are good with words, especially when it comes to this bedside manner, emotional sincerity crap. But the tight hug she pulls Hope into tells her everything she needs to know. “I’m going to go call your brother. He’s probably pacing the floor of his apartment right now.”
“I’ll be here,” Hope says, making Emma chuckle. She kisses her head again, and once more for luck, before lifting her phone and stepping outside.
Hope turns and looks at the digital clock on the wall. 4:15am. She feels a stab (pun intended) of guilt followed by telling herself how ridiculous she’s being. She slips her hand under her blanket and, against her better judgement, feels the bandage across her skin. It’s too thick for her to make out the wound, but if her memory is anything to go by, it’s probably bled through a little. Pain still flashes through her when she touches it, the icing on top of the throbbing ache she already feels in her stomach. She knows it's going to take a long, long time to recover from this, and maybe even then she won't be the person she was before this. She doesn't want to think about all the things she might miss out on now.
Being the product of a fairy tale isn’t all it’s cracked up to be, she realises sadly. Even with the magic.
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fanficparker · 6 years
Ocean Eyes | Haz mini series | Part 6
Pairing: (Strangers to Friends to Lovers!) (Imaginary Love Triangle!) (Accidental Adultery!) Harrison Osterfield x Reader
A/n: It was my first ever fanfic, I earlier posted it on instagram and so thought of posting it here too. It’s trash. Check my masterlist for other fics, one-shots & more parts. IT’S A MINI SERIES, SO THERE ARE A LITTLE MORE THAN USUAL TIME SKIPS. I HOPE IT ISN’T THAT ANNOYING *prays*.
Word count: 2.5K
Warning: Hella Angst, Self-harm references, life threat, blood, deep wounds, conflicting emotions and what not?! Also some major time skips cause it’s a mini-series!
Description: Y/n Y/l/n, a doctor by profession, loner by destiny, having just a little celebrity crush on a British actor Tom Holland. Her whole life changes when she accidentally bumped into a blue-eyed man on a rainy dark night, who was supposed to be Tom’s best friend Harrison Osterfield. What will happen when Harrison starts to fall for her? This celebrity crush on Tom is intended to create some drama ;)
Part 6…
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Harrison collapsed, so abruptly that his mate Tom didn’t get any chance to catch him. His head hit the door’s edge and in the other second Harrison was lying unconscious on his own pool of blood. Tom couldn’t even believe what happened all of a sudden, he was covered in sweat, his hands felt numb. Without any further delay, he crouched to the ground, lifting Harrison’s head screaming your name.
“Y/n!” he shouted at his maximum voice. His voice came as a bombshell at your ears, making you rush down.
“Tom what ha…” you were just at the second last staircase when you saw Harrison knocked out on the ground covered in blood. You ran towards him, fortuitous tears spilt all over your face as you reached near him. You sat on the floor, keeping Harrison’s head on your lap. Your breathing became uneven seeing him like this. Covering his nasty cut with your palm you yelled with your now cracked voice, “What happened in here?” , tears dripping down your cheeks falling on Harrison’s passed out body.
“He fainted and got his head hit with the door’s edge,” Tom responded in a shaky voice, extreme fear clearly imprinted on his face. You checked his pupil, instantly sensing that he was already suffering from serious anaemia, and this much blood loss could be life threatening!
“Get your car, we need to take him to the hospital,” you screamed, pointed your hand that was covered in Harrison’s blood towards the outdoors. Tom hurriedly ran, getting his car. With your help he managed to make his mate lie down on the back seat, driving to the hospital while you called your hospital staff to make the operation theatre ready. The neurosurgeon was out of town and contracting another neurosurgeon wasn’t possible right now, you need to get Harrison’s cut operated as soon as possible. The thought that Harrison might have damaged his neurons was haunting you. If he did, then the case was out of your hands already.
As soon as you reached the hospital, the staff laid him on the stretcher as you rushed with them into the emergency room, patting Tom’s shoulder.
“Call Harrison’s family” you instructed getting inside for the surgery. You wore your operating cloak, along with the face mask and surgical gloves. The nurse removed Harrison’s blood-stained t-shirt and the sight of him made you feel like dying. He looked so weak, he had lost his muscles and abs, and his body was covered with self-harm cuts fresh and old. He even wrote some words on him with a sharp object, some of them were unclear but still readable.
Y/n, sorry, come back were some of the readable words. You realized how much guilty he was. His state, his broken state made your vision blurry as tears spilt off your eyes again. You wiped off your tears, sniffing. All you prayed was that he didn’t get any brain damage. You started analysing his cut using scalpels and retractors. You left a sigh realizing that he didn’t damage his brain, but his extremely low blood sugar level, along with anaemia still made his condition serious. You operated him for almost an hour. He was out of the danger zone, but still unconscious. You walked out of the operation theatre meeting Tom and Harrison’s family ensuring that he was safe now.
They left to check him. They didn’t know about the things you knew. Those cuts, the pain he was giving himself. You felt like, you were the one guilty one, for getting Harrison at this stage. For 3 days he was almost starving himself. He is been continuously dripped with glucose supply. It took him 26 hours to finally gain consciousness. Still, he was kept in the hospital for another 2 days, till his blood sugar level normalises.
You, Tom and Harrison’s family visited him regularly in the hospital as well at his home when he was discharged, yet prescribed to take complete bed rest for another 3 weeks. Harrison always talked to his family and Tom while he was at bed rest, but always pretended to be asleep when you were close. Moreover, you too visited him only when he was asleep. Haz was astonished to see how much you still cared for him. Also by the fact that you saved his life, yet still not shared a word with him. The way you caressed his hairs, held his hand whenever he was pretending to asleep was already making him question:
Do you still like him? Or just taking care of him because he was your patient?
The answer is quite clear though!
Which doctor plays with her patient’s hair while he’s asleep, and also if the patient isn’t a child but a full grown up man?!
After 2 days, Harrison was finally discharged from the hospital. For 3 weeks as per prescription, he spent his time in bed rest. He was continuously checked by his family for eating properly. He even had to take a bunch of medicines and was shot with 2 injections daily. But there was a little twist in this part. For the injection, the hospital usually sends a nurse, but instead of the nurse, a senior doctor comes regularly for the same. The senior Doctor Y/n Y/ln.
You came regularly to Harrison’s place, checking his blood pressure, sugar level and for injecting the meds. And still every time you came, Harrison pretended to be asleep, afraid of talking to you. Afraid that he will speak something offensive again, hurting you again. But this silence was killing him. He was dying to hear your voice, to touch your face, feel your lips on his. Every time you came you just did the task and left.
This routine continued for 3 weeks and finally, it was the last day for those injections. Maybe the last day you were visiting Harrison too. You, as usual, came to his room, and he as usual pretended to be asleep, even though Harrison was almost normal by this time. You took a seat on a chair near his bed, carefully searching for a vein in his right hand, successfully injecting the meds. You were an expert in this, Harrison could easily tell that. Your shots didn’t pain or feel anything. The only thing he felt when you gave him shots was the warmth of your soft hands caressing his arms. He wished that he could touch you too, hug you, never allow you to leave him. But these were just his wishes.
“You don’t need to pretend to be asleep,” you said getting up from your seat, making him open his eyes in surprise.
“Y-you knew? ” he asked to which you simply nodded your head and left. This unusual breaking of silence by you lit a hope in the blonde’s heart somewhere…
Days went by like this…
No words shared between both of you. Whenever you were at the same place, whenever your eyes met with him, either of you looked down or turned away. Finally, it was Zendaya’s birthday party and she invited both of you as usual. The party was really great, both of you had a great time, but not with each other. You were talking to Zendaya when Tom interrupted you.
“Y/n I need to rush back home right now, Harry took my car. Can I borrow your car? Haz please drop her to her house, I need to leave” Tom stated, didn’t even giving you any chance to answer. You had no choice but give him the keys.
Your heart skipped an unhealthy amount of beats, nerves starting to cruise through your entire body as you walked towards Harrison’s car.
“Maybe I could ask anyone else to drop me home!” you whispered, looking around, only to see Harrison coming towards you.
“Ma-My car is over there,” he pointed, you nodded, moving towards him. You could see how stiff Harrison’s body appeared, he was surely even more nervous than you.
A drive with Harrison, alone.
You took the passenger’s seat as he began driving, both of you never looking at each other. The usual silence filling in between you making the noise of your breathing and heartbeat clearly audible as well as his. These sounds made both of you even more uncomfortable. Harrison finally decided to turn on the radio, only to lead this silence somewhere else.
“Ma-My car is over there… ” Harrison still can’t believe that he had the nerve to ask you to sit in his car. It was for sure, he could have skipped this situation. He was sure, you could have Toni or Jacob to drop you home, but before you could even make a move, he lead you to his car. But the silence, that bloody silence going on between you both for more than a month was a thing he could never get used to. He had 2 girlfriends before he met you, he even broke up with them, but it felt him nothing, no attachments, no worries. Rather he felt better breaking up with them, but for you everything was different.
He turned on the car’s radio to divert his mind…
‘My neck, the feeling of your soft lips,’
The way his fingers ran softly through your face, the way his eyes outstared yours, the way his eyes darted from your eyes to your lips. The way he slowly leaned in, his lips on yours, moving slowly to rest on your neck. His hands travelling from your cheeks to hold your hands in his, squeezing it gently nibbling your neck. His touch, his lips, memories…
'Illuminated in the light, bouncing off the exit signs I missed.’
Didn’t he had a chance to excuse himself and leave alone? Didn’t you have a chance to excuse yourself, deny his offer and ask someone else? You had, both of you had. And you both intentionally missed it. How can’t you? Those flares in his ocean eyes made everything hazy, except for him.
'All we do is drive…’
That’s where you are right now. That’s where he’s right now, with you. Driving… No interaction, no expressions… Nothing!
'All we do is think about the feelings that we hide.’
You still care for him right? If not then why were you shedding tears fearing that he could die? Why was he harming himself? Didn’t his love shrink over time? Can’t he move on from you? Why didn’t you moved on after that? Did you ever think of getting into a new relationship?
'All we do is sit in silence waiting for a sign,’
This silent drive, where his eyes are glued on the road ahead. The silent drive, where your eyes are glued to your window. The silent drive, where both of your eyes are threatened to fall on each other. Aren’t you waiting for him to make a move, break this aching silence? Isn’t he waiting for you to do the same?
'Sick and full of pride.’
Isn’t he sick of your absence? Isn’t he sick seeing the vacant bed beside him? Isn’t he sick not seeing you try making a new dish for him? Isn’t he sick of missing you? But it’s your pride not to react, it’s your pride not to look at the person who cheated you. Right?! Can’t you just break this pride? Don’t you want to?
'All we do is drive…’
But still, you are enjoying each others company, even when there are no words exchanged, even though you both aren’t even looking at each other, even though you and he are wanting the leeway… Isn’t it?
'Your laugh echoes down the hallway
Carves into my hollow chest
spreads over the emptiness,’
The time when he was facing continuous rejection, the time he was struggling extremely hard with his career, the time when he almost lost all hopes that he could even get signed for the project, he remembers it very well. And one thing he remembers in addition to that struggle- you, your smile, your laugh, your support, all of you. The mere presence of you could make him feel better, he used to forget all the failures and just sit with you, holding you close for hours talking and giggling at even the most non-sense jokes you made.
'It’s bliss…’
Having you by his side was his biggest win. Isn’t it weird you both were just strangers sometime ago, and then you just became inseparable? The way he comforted you, the way he made you feel beautiful, the way he brushed his lips on yours… How can you get over all that?
'It’s so simple but we can’t stay.’
But after what all happened between you and him, you both are finally separated, right? You both don’t care about each other? You both surely can never stay together, right?
'Over analyze again,’
Think… Think… Please think…
Isn’t there a way? Anyway?
That these things could be corrected?
Think… Think… Please think…
'Would it really kill you if we kissed?’
Can’t you drop your pride– for once?
Can’t he face you– for once?
Can’t you both get along– for once?
Just kiss him and you’re back together.
Just kiss her and you’re back together.
Is it that simple?
(Song used: Drive by Halsey)
The song only made you both furious. Even now your ears felt like filling from guilt?!
This needs to stop now.
His hand moved from the starring wheel towards the off button on the radio. Before he could even barely touch the radio, his hand brushed with yours. His gaze instantly shifted from the almost vacant highway road to you. The faint light from the street lamps reflected your eyes shining with tears and his own to you. You were at the same point as him, stretching your arm to shut off the radio.
None of you moved further, hands still touching… Even the slightest touch was making everything seem hazy. Even the music felt like fainting, even though it was still at the same volume. The loud noise of a car horn made your both jolt, back to reality. Harrison instantly gripped the starring wheel, focusing on the road, taking over the front vehicle.
Silence? Again?
Your tongue took over your body, maybe it was just actually bad at keeping things hidden. Your lips parted, faint words forming…
“We need to talk!”
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lazymilkshakecolor · 7 years
New leaves
Naruto groaned as he struggled to open his eyes, he could have sworn he felt the whole building shake.
He stared at the ceiling for a minute recalling what happened, facing the Kara leader with Sasuke and  Sakura who was planning on destroying the leaf, defeating him but getting sealed along with his teammates in a scroll that locked them in another dimension by a person they didn't recognize, the dimension they trapped in was the snow dimension, he remembers saying they were lucky it wasn't the acid dimension.
They stayed there for about three months, judging by Sasuke's rather complicated calculations, and it wasn't until one sunny morning, well as sunny as it could get, that Sasuke startled awake, accidentally rolling Sakura, who was sleeping against him, into the snow, much to her anger.
But that anger faded when he informed them that he could access dimensions again, something he wasn't able to do during their stay in the snow dimension.
'Hmm, so someone must have unsealed us… who might it be?’ Naruto thought as he was trying to get up.
''Sarada!'' A voice that sounded like Sakura's screamed from outside, so he got up quickly, running outside of the hospital room, where Sasuke was still resting on the bed next to his.
Naruto froze upon the sight in front of him, too stunned to move.
His apprentice was being carried by two ninja  , as Sakura was rolling a stretcher towards them, behind them was a crowd of villagers that were looking worriedly at the girl in Sakura's arms.
But that wasn't the only thing that stunned him.
It was the wreck outside that took his attention, the place that used to be the village capital, was now a pile of wood and cement on the ground.
'What the hell happened?' he thought as his eyes caught the familiar figure in the crowd.
The seventh hokage is known as the hero of the world, as the strongest man alive and as the most unpredictable ninja of all time.
But to her, he was always uncle Naruto, she might not call him that, but he is and will always be the person that was like a second father to her, but as the years passed, they saw each other less and less because of his hokage duty, and because of her training and missions.
So as the years passed she saw him less and less until one morning after a mission has gone wrong.
‘‘Lord seventh,’‘ she said as she got into his office, posture straight as a board and eyes staring ahead.
‘‘Hey Sarada-chan.’‘ he cheerfully greeted, but the grin on his face quickly disappeared as he took in her appearance.
She was standing with the help of crutches, face covered in bandages, and breathes shaky, no doubt the trip from the hospital to the hokage tower tired her.
Naruto closed the report that Konohamaru submitted yesterday and gestured with his head to the chair in front of his desk.
''Lord seventh I can't…''
''Sarada, this is going to take a while and your foot is beginning to shake, so don't make me order you to sit.''
The girl thought for a second before taking a seat, putting her crutches by her side.
'It's like Sasuke's and Sakura's stubbornness has been added and multiplied by ten,' Naruto thought, but if she wasn't as stubborn as she is, she wouldn't be here right now.
''Konohamaru filed me in on what happened,'' Naruto started, the girl raised her head,  her gaze on him.
'' You and konohamaru were tasked with delivering a scroll from the kazekage to me, on your way from Suna, you got ambushed, Konohamaru got immobilized after beating the leader of the criminal group, and you stayed with your sensei instead of running to get the scroll to safety, care to explain why?''
He knew why, he just wanted, no needed, to hear her say it, cause it's been so long since he's heard someone from the younger generation say the words that he and his teammates have taken as a lifetime rule.
Sarada gulped as her head lowered, she knew she'd be in trouble when risking the mission like that, but she didn't regret it, cause Kakashi's motto has been taught to her from a young age by her mother, a motto that her father's influence helped drill into her mind.
“Those who break the rules are scum… but those who abandon their friends are worse than scum.” Sarada declared proudly, head raised and eye to eye with the hokage.
''You still say that after the beating you took?'' he said, pointing with his eyes at the bandages covering the entirety of the girl's body.
Judging by Sakura's report, the girl didn't have an uninjured spot on her body.
Sarada didn't speak for a couple of seconds and Naruto thought that she had nothing to retort back, but not a beat later she spoke.
''When it comes to my family, I swore I would never let someone hurt them,…''
''And who exactly is your family?''
Sarada smirked, recalling the baker that offered her fresh pastries this morning, the florist that gives flowers away every evening, the kid that bid goodbye to his parents on his way to the academy, smile wide on his face, a smile that filed her heart with warmth, and a second later she responded with the answer Naruto only hoped he would hear somebody say it so confidently.
'' My family… are the villagers lord seventh, I would never let somebody hurt my family, I don't care if it was a lowely criminal or a god, I would face them head on, and would do everything to stop them, cause I swore I would, and…''
'SAY IT, SAY IT, SAY IT…'' he chanted in his head, excited at the prospect of someone other than him saying it.
''I never go back on my word shanaroo!''
He would have got up and hugged her if he wasn't sure she'd be uncomfortable as hell and that Sakura-chan would kill him if he causes any of her wounds to reopen, so instead he just smiled, much to Sarada's confusion.
Naruto got up from his chair and went towards the girl and stood in front of her, she looked up at him in confusion, wondering what he's planning on doing since he's not called the most unpredictable shinobi for nothing.
To her surprise, his hand patted her head in a fatherly gesture, as a wide smile showed on his face.
'Is this what Tsunade saw in him back when they first met?' he thought as a memory of Tsunade kissing his forehead and entrusting him with her grandfather's necklace surfaced in his mind.
''I'm proud of you Sarada.''
Not many genin would stay behind and protect their sensei, who was much stronger than them and would probably be fine in the situation they were in, but Sarada stayed, took a beating but protected both the scroll and her comrade.
That, in addition to what she said earlier and her fighting prowess, is what prompted him to make a decision he's been trying to make for a year now, ever since seeing Sarada's powers in the chunin exams, but he needed to see her standing towards the village and whether she's strong enough to handle the burdens of ruling the village, and today, he got the answers he was searching for.
''And I was hoping you'd accept me as your master.'' He said as his hand left Sarada's head, so he could get a clear view of her face.
Sarada stared at him for a second too shocked to say anything.
'He wants to be my master?' she thought, it was almost unbelievable, the hokage wanted to be her master…
Sarada stood up hurriedly and bowed her head, '' It would be an honor lord seventh!''
''Great! From now on you will call me shishou, now come on, we're going to have our first master apprentice activity Dattebayo!''
''Yes shishou!''
Ten minutes later, Sarada's excitement of the secret activity the seventh planned for them has vanished as she saw what it was.
''Ichiraku ramen! The best ramen in town dattebayo!''
Sarada sweatdropped.
'Mama did mention that Uncle Naruto is a ramen addict.' The girl deadpanned.
''Sarada.'' He said sternly, standing up to face his student of three years.
She can do so much more, so much better things…
''You need your parent's permission first.''
''I'm jonin, and by law, a jonin can apply to any sector of Konoha's forces without parental consent regardless of age.''
Of course she took that into consideration, cause there is no way Sasuke and Sakura would let her do this, he doubted they even knew.
Naruto sighted before signing the anbu admission forum that Sarada handed him earlier, he was forced to look at this objectively, but he had a bad feeling about this, especially since sarada has been rather odd these past few months.
''Here, '' he muttered as he handed the paper to his newest anbu recruit,'' I don't know what's your true motive behind this Sarada but I will find out sooner or later.''
Sarada didn't even flinch, she just turned around and walked out of the door.
''What happened?'' Naruto asked himself as he looked at his student's retreating back, she was acting normally until these past couple of months, when she's been constantly at edge and angry, angry at who, he doesn't know, but she's taking it out on everybody, even Boruto, who has been the girl's crutch during hard times, so she was to him.
Naruto took a deep breath as he decided to just wait, because judging from experience all will come clear sooner or later.
A beat after that thought Naruto smirked.
''Kakashi was right, I am starting to sound like old man third.
''What the hell is wrong with you?!'' he bellowed.
He couldn't believe it, he couldn't believe that his student, the same student that said that the whole village is her family, injured almost a dozen civilians when she was supposed to guard a truck that was full of missing-nin.
The girl didn't answer, she just kept her gaze on the ground.
'At least she feels ashamed.' He thought, he was actually worried that she wouldn't be affected  by what she had done.
''You prioritized a mission in front of the safety of the civilians.''
''I…'' she started but she didn't have anything to say, anything to justify what she did.
''You are suspended from ninja duty for three months, and you are to turn in your headband by tomorrow morning or you will be declared missing nin.'' He ordered.
Stripping a shinobi of their headband is considered  one of the harshest punishements applicable on a ninja, since it meant stripping them of their honor and their status as a village protector.
Sarada tore her eyes from the floor towards him, eyes wide and posture tense.
''You can't do that! If you do that I won't be a Konoha shinobi!''
Naruto felt a pang of guilt upon hearing the girl's voice, but he won't go back on what he said, she needs to be punished for her actions, and maybe this will knock some sense into her.
''Well a Konoha shinobi would never endanger the lives of civilians for the sake of a stupide mission, no matter the stakes!'' he retorted angerly.
Sarada who normally had a strong personality, was now cowering in frot of her master as she took a couple of steps away from him.
''I'm sorry, shishou I just don't know why I did that…''
''Sorry doesn't return the lives of the fallen Sarada.''
Sarada tightened her jaw as she took a deep breath, before reaching inside her pouch and grabbing her headband, them setting it on his desk.
''You'll get it back when I see that you deserve it back.''
''And when is that exactly?'' she lashed out, three tomoes spinning in her eyes as her fists clenched, anger surfacing instead of sadness.
''You were more deserving when you were thirteen! What happened to the girl that said that the whole village is her family?! That said that she would do anything to protect them?!'' he bellowed.
Sarada didn't say anything back, she just looked at the floor, anger fading to be replaced by sadness as she realized that he didn't just take away her headband, he took away her status, her status as someone who the villagers could depend on, someone who they could turn to for protection.
She would do anything to protect them, but that's not what previous hokages did, Sarada contemplated telling him that, but that would just complicate the situation, and he wasn't the hokage that she's referencing, other than that, she just wanted to get out of here, to get out of his analyzing gaze, partly because she was tired but mostly because what he said stung deep.
After a minute Naruto excused her, and Sarada turned around and marched towards the doors, but just as she opened the door she spoke in a cracked voice,
''But family don't lie to each other, do they Uncle?''
She saw the hokage's eyes widen and posture stiffen before she closed the door behind her, then she ran out of the hokage building after hearing him call out her name.
''Sarada wait…!'' He called out, but it was too late, she was  already out.
'Could it be that she knows?' he wondered silently, thinking about the she could have known, since everything about the Uchiha clans relation with the village is restricted..
Sarada leaned her head on the tree behind her, removing her glasses and wiping her tear stricken face.
Mama, papa, shishou…
They all disappeared about a day ago in an explosion that wiped half of the village.
They're probably dead…, whispered a voice in the back of her head.
But they weren't, they couldn't be, could they?
Her father could have transported them into another dimension, or coated them with susanoo with Naruto's nine tails chakra and Sakura's healing seal on it to keep it from getting damaged.
They had a big chance of survival, but they also have a big chance of death…
Sarada sniffled as she remembered their last words, it was like they almost knew what was going to happen when they headed to face off against Kara's leader.
Naruto grabbed her shoulders, pulling her close to him as he leaned down to speak, voice almost a whisper.
''Never give up on what you believe in.''
The problem was that she didn't know what she believed in…
Another bang erupted which tore Naruto's attention away from her.
He gave her one last look before sprinting towards the source of the noise.
''Catch up guys!''
Sakura sighed, '' as reckless as always…''
Sarada would have laughed at them, but the situation was too grave.
''Hey, come here.'' The older women said as she gestured for her to come, and she immediately obliged as she ran to stand infront of her mother and father.
Sakura put her hand on Sarada 's head, starring right into her eyes.
''Hey kiddo…'' she muttered.
At that day, it would have been almost a month since she spoke to her mother, partly because of her mission to Suna, but mostly because she was mad at her, mad that she kept secrets, mad cause she lied, and mad because she thought she couldn't handle the truth, that she wouldn't understand her father's situation.
''You know that what we did was what we thought was the best right?''
Sarada nodded, she did know, but that didn't help sooth her anger.
But, Sarada wouldn't be herself if she held that against her parents, cause they loved her with all their being, and she felt the same towards them.
So she reached towards her mother's hand and held it, but she was still frowning, to show that this wasn't over yet.
But Sakura was more than happy with what she got as she pulled Sarada's head towards her and hugged her, Sarada didn't hug her back, she just settled with leaning her head on her mother's shoulder.
''You'll always be my brave little girl.'' She said before she pulled away, she then looked at her husband who was staring at his daughter.
Sarada met his stare, and all that was needed was exchanged, his regret over what he had done, his apologies, her forgivness…
''Whatever you do, I will always love you.''
A second later, two fingers pocked her forehead, one finger was her father's, and the other her mother's.
And that was the last thing they did before the dashed towards the battleground.
''I love you too…'' she muttered to herself, as the tears came back to her  eyes and she buried her head between her knees.
''Hey Bo…'' she muttered.
She was waiting outside the Konoha meeting room, when she was going to meet the elders to discuss that future of the village.
Apparently the hokage has told his advisor before his disappearance that he wanted Sarada and Boruto to approve of any thing that comes from the elders before it would be applicable.
It was the first time they saw each other after their parent's disappearances.
''You holdin'up?'' he asked, cause it would be idiotic to ask her if she was okay, cause she was clearly not.
''Yeah, you?'' he didn't look well, he looked like he's been running all night.
She sat beside him on the chair in the waiting room and they sat in silence.
But as always, Boruto was always the one that broke the silence.
''You know I'm here for you right?''
Sarada looked at the floor for a second before looking at him.
''You know I'm there for you too right?''
Boruto smiled a little, something he hadn't done in a while, as he put his hand on Sarada's hand, who was resting it on the arm rest, in a gesture of comfort, but he didn't expect Sarada to grab onto his hand, as if afraid to let go.
In the end, she lost her parents and uncle, and he lost his father and his aunt and uncle, but they both lost the people that made them them, but they still had each other, and their was no way they would let the other go.
So Boruto interlocked his fingers with hers, and they stayed like that until Shizune came into the room and called for them.
Before they entered, Boruto spoke.
''I need to talk to you about something after this.''
Sarada nodded, before he opened the door.
''I will not let you do this!''
''Do you propose we just sit and wait till one of the villages attack us? '' the elder answered.
'' None of the villages would attack us, they won't endanger the alliance they worked so hard to accomplish.'' Sarada retorted, but the elder was not convinced.
''Some of the villages now are ruled by shinobi that have not felt the sting of war, much like yourself, so I see no reason why they wouldn't, that's why we should attack first, we'll start with Suna which is the closest to us.''
He wanted to attack the village that had the strongest alliance with Konoha…
''We can't do that! Do you think the hokage would have agreed to that if he was here?!''
''But he isn't! he's dead, that's why Konoha would be targeted.''
''He isn't dead!'' she hollered as the elders stepped back, as if afraid.
''Sarada.'' The sixth said harshly, which made her look at him, and it wasn’t until then that she noticed that her vision was red.
''Turn that thing off!'' the elder ordered, and as much as she wanted to defy him, she had too.
''Alright, this meeting was set to discuss the division of power now that the seventh is missing, so the later conversation will be had on a later date, this meeting is closed.'' Shikamaru declared.
Sarada took a deep breath, trying to calm herself, but the elder's glare didn't help.
But Boruto's hand on her shoulder directed her towards the exit.
''Come on, let's go somewhere and talk.''
So he took her to their old training grounds, which was empty, probably because it destroyed during the attack.
''God…'' she said as she leaned against a tree.
''I think our parents are stuck in another dimension.'' he said suddenly, which made sarada startle.
''Explain.'' She ordered.
''In the place where the explosion appeared, there was a seal on the ground, I recognize the seal from one of the Uzumaki special sealing scrolls, the ones designed to lock someone up in a dimension, and even in abnormal cases, like uncle Sasuke's case where he can travel dimensions, it will seal his ability to do so.'' He said as he drew the seal he saw on the ground using a stick.
''So the only way to get them back is to open the scroll?''
''Yeah, but I don't know where the scroll is.''
Silence  befell on them again, but this time, it was Sarada that broke it.
''I think Kashin Koji is the one who has it.''
Boruto looked at her, as if asking her to clarify.
''Back in our last mission regarding Kara, one of the outers we captured told me that Kara had a sealing master, and that master was Kashin Koji, and since the seal we're talking about is space time sealing, the most complex form of sealing, I think it's highly likely it's him.''
''So what do we do now?''
''We have to find him.''
''I don't know, we just have too.''
Boruto nodded in agreement.
''Now, about the meeting we just had, do you have any proposition to propose in the next meeting? I think it's better if we coordinate beforehand.''
He's right it is better but there is a problem, she's got nothing.
''I got nothing.''
''You got nothing?'' Boruto was surprised that Sarada hadn't already formulated a plan like she always did.
''no, I'm just confused.''
''Confused? About what?''
Sarada raised an eyebrow, politically confused, sexually confused, hell, she's been suffering from confusion about her clan for about three years now.
''Trust me, you don't wanna know.''
''Why are you keeping secrets from me?'' he blurted out suddenly.
''I'm not.'' She is, there's a lot of stuff she hasn't told him, but that's only cause he probably already knows, like the truth of the Uchiha clan massacre, probably he learned about it from all those scrolls he read from his dad's office,  or because she felt that I wasn't time to tell him, like her brief relationship with her former anbu teammate Takira.
''What about your eyes?''
''What about my eyes?''
''You didn't tell me you awakened a new form of the sharingan.''
Sarada's eyes widened, as she activated her eyes and headed towards the lake to look at her reflection.
She found herself staring at six tomoes in her red eyes.
Add ability confused.
''I'm 19 grandma tsunade.'' Sarada muttered as she declined the older lady's sake offer.
''Old enough to kill, old enough to drink kid.'' She said as she pushed the full glass towards the girl, '' and do you really expect me to believe that you've never drunk before?''
Sarada's lips turned into a sheepish smile, she was right, she's been drinking since last year, but only on occasions like the completion of her first anbu mission and such.
Sarada's smile faded as she remembered the nights she had with her anbu team, it was a common misconception that anbu teams aren't close, but the opposite the true, she was really close to her teammates, especially Takira and Kubo, who saved her life on numerous occasions.
''Yeah, thought so , now drink I want to have a talk.''
Sarada raised the glass towards her lips, as she drunk its contents.
She really needed that.
''How's the hospital lately?'' Sarada asked, she has heard rumors of the hospital's budget crises and short staff and they're effects.
''Shit, your mother was a patient lady Sarada.''
''Well, she raised me didn't she?''
Tsunade leaned back in her chair as she let out a laugh.
''You were no easy kid, I still remember the time you accidently broke your arm trying to punch the brick wall.''
''That was just the beginning too.''
''Yeah, your mother told me about the time you thought she wasn't your mother and left the village to look for your dad, you were a real idiot.''
Sarada smiled, it was truly absurd that she would think that.
A moment of silence passed before Sarada broke it.
''Why did you call me here grandma?'' she said.
Tsunade's smile faded as she spoke, '' there has been talks of the alliance disinbanding.''
''why?'' she asked calmly, she knew it would happen sooner or later after Suna's kazekage died.
''Suna and Kiri came out of the alliance cause they are not able to support other villages as per the alliance agreement says they should, but don't worry about them attacking us, I doubt the both have the military power to do so.''
Sarada let out a bitter grin, '' what happened to keeping with the spirit of the alliance and keeping peace?''
Tsunade stared at her for a second before speaking.
''You're a good kid Sarada, but maybe that's the problem…''
''Huh?'' Sarada startled as Tsunade stood up, filled her cup with sake and started to walk away, but sarada still heard what she said.
''You're just a kid.''
She was tired, so gut wrenchingly tired, both mentally and physically, but there was no way in hell she would let the sword that she just blocked fall on kid's head.
''Sarada Uchiha.'' Muttered the mysterious figure, who had just attacked Konoha's ninja academy.
''You should behave your children.'' He said, glaring at the kid who stood up to him and shot a kunai at him in a desperate act of defense.
''Who are you?'' she asked, not bothering with idle chat.
The stranger smirked, before putting his hand on his waist and bowing.
''Kashin Koji, pleasure to meet one of the village's strongest ninja and the last Uchiha heir.''
Sarada's magekyou sharingan blazed to life, partialy because she knew that the holder of that name was a high ranking Kara member but mostly because of the scroll she spotter tied to his waist.
It had the same seal Boruto showed her drawn on it.
''What do you want?''
The man grinned before answering and pointing behind her, towards the kids that were cowering behind the instructors.
Of course, Kara would want kids they could groom and conduct experiments on, especially Konoha's kids who had the most clans between the ninja villages.
The sound of an explosive kunai tore her from her thoughts as she unleashed susanoo, which caught the kunai that was headed towards the kids, and it exploded in its hand.
''Run! And order everyone, ninja and civilian to hide in the special bunkers!'' she shouted as she unsheathed her twin swords and charged at her enemy.
After exchanging blows, Sarada finally managed to knock his sword out of his hand, but he only smiled when she did that.
''I underestimated you girl, but what else to expect from the daughter of two sanin and the apprentice of  the third?''
''What do you guys want from all of this?'' she asked because of curiousty and to stall time in order to formulate a strategy.
But he didn't wait, he just unleached a barrage of  water and lighning style attacks at her.
''We want peace.'' He answered simply.
''Peace?! It was because of you the alliance that kept the peace was disbanded!''
''What you had was just the image of peace, an image that could break at any hit, peace can only be achieved when there are no ninja to threaten it, especially kekkei genkai users.''
A dangerous glim appeared in his eyes as he said those last words, Sarada thought he meant her at first, but then she remembered what he was doing here in the first place.
Konoha has the highest percentage of kekkei genkai users, a quarter of every graduating class has special abilities unique to their clans.
So he wanted to…
Sarada's teeth clenched, as she realized what his true intention in the village were.
The girl took a deep breath before she charged at him again, this time more determined than ever to protect the people that she considers family.
Sarada almost laughed, but she couldn't because of the pain in her lungs, when the academy building tumbled to the ground, for the third time in her lifetime.
There goes the childhood memories, she thought bitterly as she tried to get up, again, but another kick to the gut sent her flying to crash into the nearby building.
''You're not going to stop until I kill you right?'' Kashin said, but instead of the teasing grin he had at the start of battle,  he was frowning, anger clearly showed on his face, probably of the challenge Sarada proved to be.
''I should have got rid of you sooner, but I didn't expect you'd be this powerful.''
she tried to get up again, using her unbroken arm to lift herself up, but Kashin puts his foot on her back and pushes down.
She lets out a grunt of pain as she spites out blood.
''I will never give up…'' she breathed out, not able to continue her sentence as the world blurred.
''On?'' he taunted.
''My oath.'' She spit out.
She heard him laugh as he got his foot off her and picked her up by the neck and bashed her head against the wall.
''We'll see about that!'' he roared as he tightened his grip on her neck.
Sarada resigned to the fact that she would probably die, but she won't leave Konoha without a protector, that's why when her clone burst from the ground underneath Kashin's feet and grabbed the scroll on his waist, then quickly threw it in the air where a hawk she previously summoned was told to take it to Boruto.
Kashin let her go out of shock as he starred at the direction the hawk was headed, he was probably thinking of pursuing it, but her clone engaged him in a taijutsu brawl which didn't let him take one step towards the direction the scroll is heading.
Sarada stood up, using the wall for support, then she took a deep breath and directed the last of her chakra towards her hands.
She crouched down and charged her chidori, weary of her enemy that was trying to reach her, but the clone, was blocking him and his injured state wasn't helping either.
He would have been dead from her earlier attacks if not for the barrier that was surrounding him, a barrier that could be broken by brute force, as shown when it cracked from her susanoo's punch.
She charged at him, and he directed his barrier to the front where she aiming, but she was actually aiming to a couple of centimeters beside him.
Kashin breathed a sigh of relief when she passed him, thinking that she missed, but his relief vanished when he turned around to see her jumping from the top of the building she just ran up too towards him.
Mama, papa, this is the power you gave me… she thought as she directed her super strenght enhanced chidori punch towards Kashin.
''Shanaro-da!! '' she roared as her punch connected with the enemy , and then everything turned to white.
I will never give up, and that's my ninja way!
Pink was the first thing she saw when she woke up.
''Mama….?'' Her vision was extremely blurry, but she could still make out the green of her mother's eyes and pink of her hair.
Am I not dead?
''Sarada, Sarada.'' A soft voice called out to her as a gentle hand brushed her cheek.
Sarada's eyes widened and body stiffened as she woke up fully.
''Mama?!'' she screamed as she rose up.
She was going to look around to see where she was when she was pulled into her mother's embrace.
''I'm here, my brave little girl.'' She whispered in her ear.
The girl grabbed onto her mother's coat fiercely, as she burrowed her head between her neck and shoulder.
''You're here.'' She muttered to herself in relief.
Sakura didn't respond, she just tightened her embrace around her daughter.
If she's here that mean papa and shishou are too…
She could already feel it, the weight lifting off her shoulders as her mother's embrace and comforting words engulfed her.
A couple of days later, Sarada was allowed out of the hospital, coincidentaly, it was the day the hokage requested her presence in his office.
''If it isn't the new hero of the leaf.'' He said as he stood up when she entered through the door.
He headed towards her and helped her into a seat.
''You never show up in my office without injuries do you?.'' He remarked jokingly.
''Yeah, I just can't manage to walk through those doors undamaged.''
''You got that right.''
''So how was the snow dimension?''
''The weather was kinda nice, I spent four months on a fiche diet and I'm pretty sure I lost half my weight, and your parents kept cuddling all night and it's disgusting, how about you?''
''Where do I start?'' she said after laughing, she laughed and smiled these past two days more than she did in the last year.
''How about the part you put a kunai to an elders neck after he wanted to assault Suna?''
''How did you know about that?''
''Shikamaru filled me in on everything.''
Naruto stood up from his seat and went towards Sarada, when he got close, he patted the girl's head in a gesture similar to the one he made about six years ago.
''Good job hero.'' He said as the girl blushed and smiled back at him.
A day ago, after Shikamaru filled him in on everything, he decided on two things, first was to fire the current elders, second, he decided to resign in about five years.
Five years is what it took for Kakashi to teach him everything that has to do with the hokage business, and five years is what it will take to teach Sarada.
''A wise man once told me that to be hokage you have to be acknowledged by the villagers first.''
Sarada's head fell instead of rising, which surprised Naruto.
''But the villagers…''
''You don't know who pulled you out of that rubble you were stuck beneath? And who carried you to the hospital, and who was waiting at the gates eagerly for their hero?''
Sarada's lower lip quivered, as she also remembered the academy students she saved in her hospital room yesterday.
''You're not the only that protects their family Sarada, they protect and care for you too, practically half the village was waiting outside the hospital doors as your mother was healing you.''
Naruto headed towards his desk and grabbed something from his drawer and handed it to her.
It was her headband.
My family, Sarada thought as she traced the leaf symbol engraved on the metal plate.
She reached with shaky hands and tied it on her forehead.
A second later the meaning of his previous words came to her.
''The villagers acknowledged me that that means that…'' she stuttered as she looked at Naruto who just smiled and nodded.
Sarada stood, not even wincing because of her injured leg and jumped on her master, wrapping her arms around him and letting out happy tears.
''I did it, I did it I did it shanaroo!''
''You still have a long way ahead young lady.''
Sarada jumped away from him and stood up straight.
''Of course sir, may I be excused?''
''Yeah sure, take this week off.''
''Thank you sir.'' She said as she headed to the door.
''And say hi to Boruto for me.''
Sarada stopped in her tracks as her neck reddened, but she didn't turn around and  just continued on.
Naruto walked towards the window, where the whole village could be seen.
Construction workers were working hard on rebuilding the village, shinobi were going on missions non stop to get funding for the village, the police force were staying up all night to assure that the villagers are safe,  the medical corps are still searching in the rubble for any injured people, kids and housewives making homemade bento's to give to the people who couldn't afford it after the damages they suffered, and of course he noticed the person that just ran out of his office, joyesly greeting the villagers and patting kids on the head as she ran towards what seems to be the hospital, where his son was resting.
Naruto smiled as he looked up, towards the hokage faces,  his gaze settled on the third's, then the fourth, the fifth, the sixth, himself, and then on the empty space beside him.
‘’Our family will be in good hands.’‘ he muttered as he thought of all the sacrifices the previous hokages have made to protect the village people, and about all the sacrifices the future hokages will make.
‘‘So is it final?’‘ Shikamaru, who just entered his office asked.
‘‘Yeah, I told you didn’t I?’‘
‘‘Told me what?’‘ Shikamaru asked, a confused expression on his face.
‘‘That their will be always new leaves.’‘
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carebear102279 · 7 years
begin again
Sylvie was with ramon in the back of the ambo. Her clothes where covered in blood. Gabby was weaving in and out of traffic, trying to get to med. All sylvie could do was try to keep ramon stabilized. Sylvie "Ramon, you need to keep your eyes open. Gabby and antonio need you to fight." She continued to apply pressure to his stab wound. Trying to keep him alive. He coded in the ambulance. Sylvie started chest compressions. The ambulance rolled up to med. The doctors where waiting for them. Since it was a family member, everyone wanted to help. As they were wheeling ramon in, sylvie was kneeling on the stretcher still doing compressions. Sylvie "Ramon coded 2 minutes ago. Stab wounds. Tried to control the bleeding." Sylvie had tears in her eyes. Dr halstead " ok sylvie we got it from here." He helped her down. Maggie "we're going to Bagdad people. Someone page Dr Rhodes. Also the blood bank, we need as much as possible. Gabby and antonio you need to let them do their job. Your dad is getting the best care possible." She motioned over to sylvie, who was standing in shock. Completely covered in blood. Gabby went over and hugged her friend. "I know you did your best." Sylvie "Maybe this time my best wasn't enough. Excuse me but I need some air." Sylvie stood outside. Suddenly feeling a chill. She felt a leather jacket drape over her shoulders. She knew who it was. Antonio took sylvie into his arms, holding her as she cried. Sylvie "if your dad doesn't make it antonio, I don't think I could ever forgive myself." Antonio "hey, sylvie I know you did everything possible. Your a kick ass paramedic. I just wish the burden wasn't on your shoulders. Look I know your shift ended. I have some extra clothes in my car, if you want to change." Sylvie looked at her clothes "thanks antonio that would be great." He went to his car grabbed his to go bag, handing it over to sylvie. Sylvie went to change her clothes. She put her uniform in a bag. Walking into the family room. 51 was there, along with the pd, plus the dawson family. Sylvie sat by kelly, who wrapped his arms around her. As antonio approached sylvie "Kelly can you give us a minute?" Kelly "sure antonio." Antonio sat down by sylvie, who was sitting on a couch. Antonio "come here." Sylvie layed her head on antonio's shoulder, as he wrapped his arms around her. Sylvie "I'm sorry, it wasn't enough." Antonio "hey listen to me. We have not heard anything. My dad is still in surgery. How can I convince you to not feel so guilty?" He kissed her head. Pulling her closer. Sylvie had fallen asleep in his arms, something he truly missed. Gabby sat in the chair next to the couch. "I know she blames herself. But she isn't to blame. Maybe if I was a little more supportive. He wouldn't have been there." Antonio "this isn't on you. I haven't spoke to our dad in months. You shouldn't have had this all on your shoulders." Gabby "Sylvie looks content in your arms. I know that she hasn't felt this way in a while. Since the whole hope thing. Then the doctor who turned out to be married. She's lost that spark that makes sylvie who she was. I just hope she can get back to that. Don't you dare hurt her again, antonio." Antonio "trust me gabs, I will never hurt her again. I just don't know if she'll give me a second chance." Sylvie had woken up "why don't you just ask sylvie if she will give you a second chance." Gabby patted her brother's shoulder "your on your own." Antonio "maybe we can go out for drinks later and talk?" Sylvie's hand was rubbing his chest "I like that idea." The way sylvie was touching him, drove him crazy. He shifted in his seat. "You might want to stop." Sylvie "stop what?" She had a smirk on her face and a twinkle in her eyes. Antonio "you know what you're doing to me. I see that 'who me' look on your face. You're already wearing my clothes, so sylvie please stop." Sylvie "do you really want me to stop?" Antonio "no, but we're in a hospital with people all around us." Dr Rhodes walked in "Ramon lost a lot of blood. He pulled through the surgery. Now we wait to have his body heal. Hopefully he'll wake up soon. But right now the machines are breathing for him. The next 24-48 hours are critical. We'll be able to know more later." Antonio "is he going to wake up? Is he going to be normal?" Dr Rhodes "we will check his brain function shortly, to check and see if there is any brain activity." Gabby "if there shows no brain activity, that is bad." Dr Rhodes "I am hopeful that it'll all be ok. We are doing the best we can. I'm hoping you and your brother don't have to make any decisions regarding his care." Both dawson siblings just stood there, both shocked at the news. Sylvie "Maybe gabby and antonio you should go see him. Hearing your voices could help." Matt took gabby's hand, as they were about to go to his room. Antonio looked at sylvie "can you be with me, going to see my dad?" Sylvie took antonio's hand "of course." Walking in the room, everyone gasped. Antonio gripped sylvie's hand tighter. Antonio sat down in a recliner and pulled sylvie onto his lap. Gabby and matt did the same. Both couples feel asleep. Although antonio and sylvie's current state was a little more complicated. Antonio woke up, a familiar scent made him smile. He looked at her, knowing she could of left during all this. But she stayed with him, she didn't run away. Why was he so stupid to let her go. He saw her big blue eyes open. Sylvie smiled "Antonio." Antonio caressed her face "thank you for being here with me." Sylvie "there is no place I'd rather be, then with you." Antonio looked at his dad. His eyes were open "dad squeeze my hand." He did. "Gabby he's awake." Sylvie "I'll go get the doctor." Sylvie appeared with Dr Rhodes. Dr. Rhodes went through a series of tests. Took him off the ventilator. Dr Rhodes "He should be ok. Time will tell. Ramon you have a long road ahead of you. We'll take it a day at a time. I'll give you some time with your family." Sylvie and matt stepped out to give the dawson siblings time alone with their dad. Matt "I know gabs appreciates you being here with antonio. I hope you both realize how important you are to each other." Antonio walked out "hey sylvie do you want to get something to eat?" Sylvie "sure, but I need to go home and shower and change first." Antonio "ok, lead the way." He drove her to her apartment. Sylvie "Cruz and otis are out for the day. So come in and wait. It shouldn't be to long." Sylvie took a shower and got dressed. "You know antonio I could cook, so we don't have to go out to eat. Or we could order in. Your pick." Antonio "Let's order Chinese food, that way we can talk." Sitting on the couch both of them eating Chinese food like they always used to do. Like no time has passed. Antonio "I want to thank you for what you did for my dad, saving his life. I know it must have been emotional for you." Sylvie "you have no idea. If I couldn't help save your dad. I felt like I failed both you and gabby. I will never forget the look on gabby's face when we rolled him over, then realizing it was your dad. I thought gabby was going to lose it. She's tried helping ramon so much, but doing it herself was hard on her." Antonio "I should've helped gabby with our dad. It was just hard to watch what he did to ma in front of everyone. I get that a marriage can end. But the way he humiliated ma, he didn't need to be so cold." Sylvie "I was there antonio. Every family has their problems. Trust me my family drama can be pretty intense. My parents always accepted me, loved me like I was their own daughter by birth. Being adopted, I always felt loved by my parents. But the rest of my extended family wasn't as accepting of me." Antonio "when did you find out you were adopted?" Sylvie "it was never a secret. I've always known. It just makes me wonder why I my biological parents didn't want me." Antonio "you are an incredible person. You deserve someone who will love you unconditionally. I want to be that man for you, if you'll give me another chance. It's not going to be easy, but I want to try. I'm so sorry I hurt you. I will stand up for us, if you still want us. We were so great together. I believe we still can." Sylvie "I've waited for you to walk back into my life for so long. I've missed you so much. I want you in my life, I've tried to move on. But failed misrably. Those men weren't you. Yes, I'm willing to try again. If your ex starts something again, you better be ready to bail me out of jail. Because I won't let that woman dictate my life or your life." Antonio chuckled "of course I'll bail you out. I'm with you 100%." He reached for her face. Pulled her in for a kiss. God he missed those lips. Sylvie "my roommates will be home soon. I don't need all the questions. They're a little overprotective." Antonio "well eva is staying at my mom's tonight." Sylvie "so what are you trying to hint at." Antonio "you are coming to my place." Sylvie "now who's being bossy. Let's go, unless you want to give my roommates a show." Antonio "you are so adorable." They headed to his place. Awaiting whatever the night had in store for them. Both of them needing to be close to each other. Antonio unlocked his front door. He locked the door. Picked up sylvie, legs wrapped around him. Both kissing each other. He carried her to his bedroom, shutting the door with his foot. Laying her on the bed. He pulled his shirt over his head. God he missed this woman. Sylvie took her shirt off, waiting to feel antonio's lips all over her body. This night was going to be incredible.
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