#in a sense that i love animals but dogs are smelly and loud and i don't want them near me because if they lick me one more time i will-
lonely--seeker · 1 year
Going on a fucking walk with my (not mine) dog that I hate (I don't) from now on because at this point I'm not entirely sure whose emotional, physical and mental health depends on it.
I need to take a picture of him because he's gotten so much bigger than last time I showed him
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hermitw · 3 months
Jjk opinions/headcannons (regarding ig common mischaracterizations imo) that I think would start fights but I already chose this hill to die on so here they are
-Fushiguro is a Cat Person. Not like he would wear cat ears on his headphones, but isn't a dog person.
Megumi loves his dogs, his first shikigami that were with him since he was a child, but he loves animals in general - - and these dogs are shikigami. His incantation doesn't last forever. They aren't loud and attention seeking and smelly all the time.
I think that if a dog approaches him he would pat it and want to be alone after 20 seconds. He isn't one for the breath or the slobber or the noise.
I think he calls out his demon dogs the most because it requires the least cursed energy and is convenient. They can track scents, guide, eat curses, etc. It isn't necessarily bc they're his favorite, and dogs certainly aren't his favorite of natural animals.
Cats though?? Fushiguro is skeptical, quiet, and calm... Until his sense of boundaries is crossed, and then he'll go all out fighting. I could defend my answer forever but dude is cat energy and I respect him for it.
-Choso is nonbinary. Idk what exactly, maybe a demiboy, maybe he wouldn't prioritize finding a label. I think he would come across that word by accident and say "oh! That's me!" and point to himself and even feel a bit proud of the discovery, and excited to share something so inherent to his identity with Yuuji.
I also can only see Choso dating nonbinary people, but no one in particular. I rly don't care for ships with him, I think we need to let Choso build platonic friendships before thrusting romantic bs onto him.
However I do..... I want to see Choso and Geto kiss. Obv not in canon, I don't see that working out. Satosugu forever but in another time, Gojo/Sukuna and Choso/Geto would be so sweet. I think they'd understand each other so well, or at the least be besties who can match each others' energy.
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ironunderoos · 3 years
Tony and Peter adopting a dog request
Hey thank you so much, my very first prompt! And here we go!
New Family Member
“Please, Tony! It's not as if we don’t have the space. Or the time or the money!”
Peter looked at his husband with wide eyes, knowing perfectly well how hard it was for Tony to resist them.
“We can’t care for a dog, baby! You know how I forget to care for myself on the regular, what if I forget to feed him or let him out or…”
“I’ll do it! I’ll take care of you and of our doggo, I promise! Please, Tony!”
Tony threw his hands in the air, but he knew he was already defeated. When Peter set his mind to something it was almost done. And he had to admit, it was true. He got way more sleep lately and better food and more exercise. Mostly because Peter had set his mind to Tony staying by his side as long as possible and with subtle adjustments, nudges here and there, or as a last ressort his doe eyes blinking pleadingly at Tony, his husband complied to the new routines. Which weren't that bad at all. Going to bed included cuddling Peter. Eating healthy food included Peter smiling at him because he’d cooked it. So maybe having a dog would be…
‘Loud and smelly and noisy…’ Tony decided when they entered the New York animal sanctuary a few days later. of course, it had to be a shelter dog, not some expensive breed where you’d know what to expect. Some kind of crude mix instead.
The smell and the noise were almost too much, but since Peter with his super powered senses didn't flinch he couldn't do that of course.
He let Peter do the talking at the shelter, standing aside, his shades darker than usual today and his stance uninviting for conversation.
Peter, though, was delighted. For sure Peter would want a cute little puppy that had to be trained and entertained and what not. Tony groaned, but said nothing when Peter bounced along the caretaker with obvious excitement. They stopped in front of the cages and talked, Peter crouched low to see the dogs. Tony ignored his surroundings as best as possible.
“Tony. Come look. He’s perfect!”
Tony sauntered over, pressing his lips closed in anticipation of a wet-nosed ebullient puppy trying to lick everything it could reach.
Instead there was a dog in the cage that could be described as… experienced. He wagged his tail, but in a cautious way, keeping the humans in close sight. He was small, but not because he was young. Kind of sturdy on short legs, the fur a bit rough and already graying on the edges. Intelligent eyes though. A gaze way too bright for an animal.
“Isn’t he great Tony? His name is Eddie!”
Tony grimaced. “Isn’t he… I don't know… a bit old?”
Peter grinned at him. “Getting an older one has it’s advantages,” he said with a wink.
Before Tony could reply to that jab the caretaker chimed in.
“He’s a wire fox terrier. Very smart but with a strong will. Maybe not a beginner’s choice, but Eddie is very agreeable once he gets to know you better.”
Tony knew Peter’s expression when he let Eddie sniff his hand. The ship had sailed.
Peter visited the shelter a couple of times more to get to know Eddie and the other way round, even dragging Tony along for a stroll in the park. Tony wasn’t too happy, but seeing Peter playing with the dog and Eddie warming up to his charm was sweet, so he did enjoy himself against his will.
“He’s yours to take care of. And I don't want him in the lab. Or our bed!”
“Of course, Tony,” Peter smiled and smiled and then Eddie went home with them.
A couple of months passed. Eddie and Tony finally got used to each other. In the beginning it was a bit like both competed for Peter’s care and affection but in the end Peter had enough love for both of them. It wasn’t that easy when he wasn't around though.
Eddie layed on the carpet facing the elevator. Since Peter went out with Ned and MJ he hadn't left this spot. Tony, sitting on the couch beside him, reading on a tablet, caught himself doing the same.
The dog looked up, his whiskey brown eyes concerned. Tony sighed. “I miss him too.”
Eddie placed his head on his paws and sighed too.
*When Peter came home that night he tried to be as quiet as possible. Tony was probably still awake but he didn't want to wake him if he already went to bed. He stepped out of the elevator and into the dim apartment. There he stopped.
Tony had been waiting for him on the couch. On his lap, his wiry beard resting on the man’s leg, laid Eddie. Both were fast asleep.
Peter smiled to himself and the warm feeling in his chest when he pulled out his phone to snatch a photo.
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deathnotescenarios · 3 years
WAIT ok so you write for obey me and now i know obey me!! so let's get right into a matchup hehe
(i'll start writing for obey me! soon too hehe)
so obviously this is ace! my pronouns are he/they and i prefer to date guys but honestly if the girl is >>> i'll consider it but i am Mostly Gay. i Do Not Like levi :( he simply does Not attract me
uhh about my personality. i have Bad Humor :( really stupid things make me laugh. like streams of my favorite horror game because i like seeing people screech when they see the cannibals (yes it's The Forest don't @ me). my other favorite game is persona in all forms because yesyes. i'm kinda weird, Lacking Common Sense and sort of memey. i tend to stumble over my words when i talk but when i'm texting i think i'm a lot more fun to be around so i prefer it over calling and in person meetings
my favorite things to do are probably gaming, reading, writing watching anime (shounen >>> shojo) and thinking (like philosophy. i like to think about humanity and the direction we're going). i'm a cat person :] i don't like dogs at all. i think they r gross and smell bad and trigger sensory issues because they're so Loud and Smelly :[
i hate it when my partner is lazy or stupid. i like people i can talk about anything with, like books or games or what it means to be human. i like it when my partners are serious and intelligent, but also have a funny side. it's awesome when they're ND too and like to hyperfixate on things like i do :] also when they have the Mental Illness (tm) and don't shame me for having the Mental Illness as well >>>
have a great day to whoever writes this!! and pls get me to start writing for obey me because you Know i Will Forget mwehehe
hi ok do you can probably guess who’s in co by my writing but anyyyywho let’s get into it
so i was really fuckin struggling with trying to figure out who to match you with. i have two ideas but i think this is the best one to go with right now.
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i really wanted to match you with satan. i think the two of you would get along really nicely, actually! it’s obvious that Satan is move lively than Lucifer (the other person i wanted to match you with) is, and he would be a better person to be with honestly. i see the two of you both hyper-fixating on the same things often, as this is something Satan does a lot. Satan, while the Avatar of Wrath, is a kind person and understands mental illness well. Judging someone for something they have isn’t something he would do. satan doesn’t normally play video games but for someone he loves, he would. he’ll never admit it but horror games freak him out, so there will be much screeching involved. your sense of humor actually amuses him. he likes seeing things that aren’t necessarily “perfect” or “good”. satan likes to live outside of his normal societal norms. he would love someone like you <3
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fanficshiddles · 4 years
Predator to Prey, Chapter 6
Since being allowed to pet her properly for the first time, it opened up something new for both Loki and Akelia.
She started seeking out his affection often. Finding she enjoyed it, that it felt nice.
When Loki sat on his chair to read, he used his Seidr to turn the pages because Akelia, more often than not, would have her head on his lap for him to stroke her head or scratch her ears. Which he discovered she loved and it would make her back leg start to kick if he hit the right spot, or she would make funny groaning noises. Just like a dog.
He also discovered that she loved her belly being rubbed. She started rolling onto her back for him to do it.
In the mornings she also started jumping up onto his bed for some fussing. He was surprised at himself that he didn’t actually mind that, he enjoyed her companionship more than he would ever admit.
One afternoon Loki was sitting by the fire, waiting for food to cook. He looked over to Akelia who was lying down next to him and he frowned, she was chewing on a large stick. Again. He’d already told her off multiple times before for chewing them, saying she would get them stuck or splinters in her mouth, but she just grumbled at him in response.
Loki rolled his eyes, but didn’t bother telling her off. Because he knew she would just ignore him anyway. He was certain she had selective hearing.
He’d just closed his eyes to rest when suddenly Akelia let out a loud yelp. His eyes flew open and he looked down to see her pawing at her mouth while she whined in obvious pain.
‘Akelia, I told you not to chew damn sticks!’ He chastised and slid off his chair to kneel on the ground next to her.
She looked up at him and grumbled a little, then whined again as her mouth hurt.
‘What have you done? Splinter?’ He reached out towards her muzzle.
She tried moving her head away from him, but he was too swift and managed to grab her. He had to prise her jaw apart to take a look inside, she was snarling at him while he did so, but he ignored her and managed to spot a splinter on her tongue.
‘You daft bugger. You’re going to need to work with me here to get it out, I promise it will hurt less once it’s out.’ Loki said firmly as he conjured tweezers in his hand, causing Akelia’s eyes to widen.
She whined and tried to move away, but Loki grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, making her growl at him.
‘Stop it. Lie down.’ He growled back at her.
She grumbled but lay down as he said. When he moved towards her mouth again, she moved her head away from him.
‘Akelia.’ He said firmly.
She let out a sigh and reluctantly opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out a bit. It was painful and she knew that Loki wouldn’t hurt her, he would help her. She just had to trust him.
Loki was as gentle as possible as he took hold of her tongue and used the tweezers to remove the splinter. She yelped again when he managed to grab it and pull it out, but then she felt instant relief and flopped down onto her side with a big sigh.
‘Now will you stop chewing sticks?’ Loki asked, stroking her side.
She just humphed and looked away from him, making him chuckle.
But Loki then had an idea. He disappeared into his wooden shed at the side of the cottage, where he kept some of the animals he’d hunted. Akelia’s ears twitched as she heard some sawing sounds and then she looked up, intrigued, when he emerged.
He was carrying a bit of an antler from a deer he’d caught yesterday. He tossed it down on front of Akelia and she sniffed it.
‘You can chew that, it won’t splinter and will be good for your teeth.’ He smiled, sitting down.
She started to gnaw on it, then realised he was right, it was perfect for chewing. Glancing over at Loki, she let out a small bark of appreciation then went to town on the antler. It kept her occupied until Loki had their food prepared.
‘Do you like to swim?’ Loki asked after they finished eating.
Akelia tilted her head at him, then flicked it up confirming yes.
‘We should go to the lake later, since it’s such a warm day for a change.’ Loki suggested. ‘Besides, you could do with a wash, you’re getting smelly.’ He teased.
Akelia narrowed her eyes at him and growled a little. He chuckled and patted her head as he got up from his seat, she stuck her back leg out and tripped him over as he walked by.
He glared back at her, and was sure if she was a human she would be smirking. Judging by the look on her face.
She was so expressionful for a wolf. It made him wonder what her origins were.
In the afternoon sun the two took a trip to the lake that was near the edge of the forest, luckily still within the boundary of the trees. Akelia was straight in, glad to cool off since it had turned so hot of late.
Loki was slow to join her, so she swam to the side and pawed at the water, splashing him. He laughed and used his Seidr to have his clothes disappear, then he jumped in near her causing the water to cover her.
When he emerged up from the water, he swam over to her and dunked her head down. She then stayed under the water and tried nipping at his ankles to get her own back, but he was a strong swimmer so was able to get up a good amount of speed.
After swimming around for a while, Loki climbed out of the lake and lay down on the grass with his arms out at his side. He felt warmed when Akelia got out too and lay down next to him, her head and paws resting on his left arm.
They had a snooze on the grass, then made their way back home afterwards. On the way back, Akelia caught a pheasant and another rabbit to add to their food stash.
Akelia was snoozing on the sofa in the evening when her ears started twitching. She could hear one of the sacrifices coming down into the clearing. She grumbled low, alerting Loki, who had sensed her too.
‘Easy, Akelia. Don’t scare her off just yet. Let me have my fun first.’ Loki chuckled and made his way to the door, changing into his Jotun form on the way since it wasn’t quite dusk yet.
Akelia watched intently as Loki went outside to get the girl. She didn’t hear any protests from her, just a gasp of shock at seeing Loki. It was a different story when he guided the girl inside and she spotted the large wolf lying on the sofa.
‘Come on, she won’t harm you. You should be more worried about what I am going to do to you.’ Loki growled, making her whimper as he put a firm hand to her lower back and guided her through to the bedroom.
Akelia usually stayed out in the living room while Loki was having his fun with the girls. But tonight, she decided to go and have a look.
Loki was fucking the girl roughly on the bed, missionary position with the girl’s hands tied above her head. He looked over when he heard Akelia’s footsteps coming into the bedroom. The wolf went to her bed and lay down, but Loki noticed that her blue eyes were locked onto him, watching…
The girl noticed the wolf in the room and started freaking out, that just made Loki even more excited having her squirming under him. He took his pleasure from her, all the while Akelia was watching, then he chucked the girl out once he was done.
Akelia growled and snapped towards her ankles when she ran by out of the room as quickly as possible.
Loki chuckled as he lay down, sweaty and satisfied. He looked down towards Akelia. ‘Did you enjoy the show?’
The wolf just stared back at him.
‘Maybe we need to find you a fellow wolf to have fun with.’ He said, chuckling at her reaction when she humphed and lay her head down.
Loki rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Her warm body felt good as she bounced up and down on his cock, he groaned and gripped her hips tightly. Her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, beautiful blue eyes locked onto his while she moved gracefully on top of him.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her features were perfect, like a Goddess.
When he came, he moaned and closed his eyes, his head falling back to the pillow. He panted hard, then felt the woman slip off him and out of his grasp.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ He opened his eyes with a smirk, but froze. Expecting to see the woman there, he was shocked to see Akelia sat on the bottom of his bed, staring at him.
Loki sat up suddenly with a gasp, surprised and confused at his dream. But what startled him even more was Akelia was actually sat on the bottom of his bed, watching him.
‘What the…’
Akelia grumbled softly and pawed at his foot that was under the blanket. He looked to the clock on his bedside table and saw it was morning, he’d slept in.
‘You’re wanting breakfast, right?’ He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat up more.
Akelia gave a small bark and jumped off the bed, wagging her tail.
‘Ok, ok. I’m up, I’m up.’ He groaned and slid out of bed.
As he started to wake up more while he sorted breakfast for them both, he couldn’t stop thinking about his dream. Had it just been a coincidence of his subconscious knowing Akelia was there, watching him and waiting for breakfast? Surely it was…
He shook his head and tried to push it out of his mind.
But later that day, while he watched Akelia chewing her antler, he decided to try and do some research about her. Because from day one, he had a feeling there was something different about her, something that was niggling at him.
And he was going to get to the bottom of it.
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diamcndgirl · 3 years
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under the ‘read more’ you will find a full interview about the one and only penelope hainline.
first name? penelope.
surname? hainline.
middle names? bernadette (after the broadway legend bernadette peters).
nicknames? penny (most common) and miss piggy.
date of birth? may twenty-eight, 1998.
age? twenty-three.
height? 5′2.
weight? 120lbs.
build? athletic/small.
hair colour? blonde, but known to wear different wigs.
eye colour? bright blue.
glasses or contact lenses? glasses for fashion and fashion only.
distinguishing facial features? her big eyes and tooted up nose.
which bodily feature is most prominent? chest. while she lost most of her weight her chest is still relatively large for her size.
make up? penny loves make up, spends almost as much time doing her make up as she does picking out her outfit.
type of clothes? all types of clothes! she loves clothes but is known mostly for her high fashion looks. she creates her own outfits from time to time. but she loves high fashion and designer clothes.
how do they wear their clothes? penelope has an outfit for literally every occasion. basketball game? she’s got a jersey with her name bedazzled across the back in pink. painting? she’s got a total get up and special painting beret. her clothes are an extension of herself. she loves having fun with her clothes.
race / ethnicity? white.
are they in good health? over all, yes. she’s slimmed down and is in a lot better shape. she does karate/kick boxing to keep in shape but honestly she still eats like a pig.
what words or phrases do they overuse? “excusze moi”, “moi”, “thank yoooou.”, “oh dear..”, “totally”, “shut up!!”.
are they more optimistic or pessimistic? hmm, is there a middle ground? honestly, overly optimistic about her own talents and overly pessimistic of other’s. she is absolutely positive she’s perfect at everything she does.. but as for other people? it’s all their fault anything goes wrong.
are they introverted or extroverted? extroverted, extroverted, extroverted!
do they ever put on airs? literally all the time. like i said penelope thinks she’s perfect at everything straight out the gate... doesn’t matter if she’s done it before or not. which means she always puts on a front like she is great at everything.
what bad habits do they have? not many, her mother was good for breaking bad habits young. but, the ones that stuck are: emotional shopping, emotional eatting, sleeping in, and interrupting people.
what makes them laugh out loud? a lot. penny laughs at everything and anything.
how do they display affection? physical touch and gift giving... she’s always been one for big displays of affection. so she’s one for holding hands, kissing in public, and showing out with big gifts.
how do they want to be seen by others? perfect. she wants to be seen as perfect. anything less is just a no.
how do they see themselves? not so perfect. while she acts like it on the inside she is constantly nit picking herself, the way she dresses, and every little thing about herself.
strongest character trait? tenacious. she’s got a strong grip on herself and her life.
weakest character trait? overly confident. while she’s got a go and get it personality she also has a tendency to over over board and think bigger than her ability.
how competitive are they? extremely.
do they make snap judgments or take time to consider? snap judgments all the time with everything. then it takes a good while to convince her she’s not correct about it.
how do they react to praise? highly. she loves praise. anything to hear that she’s as wonderful as she thinks. “oh please. you’re so silly.. tell me more.”
how do they react to criticism? not good.. she hates being told she could be better at something.
what is their greatest fear? failing. be it in her career choice or relationships. to fail means her mother was right and so were all the kids when she was younger.
what is their philosophy of life? go big or go home.
what will they stand up for? their friends. what they believe in. people with smaller voices than her own.
are they indoorsy or outdoorsy? indoors.
what is their sinful little habit? kissing strangers when she’s tipsy.
what sense do they most rely on? her sixth sense-- or at least that’s what she says. penelope picks up ‘vibes’.
what quality do they most value in a friend? loyalty.. and a good fashion sense.
what do they consider an overrated virtue? forgiveness. you don’t always have to forgive someone.
if they could change one thing about themselves, what would it be?
what is their obsession? fashion, rupaul’s drag race, kylie minogue, and fancy chocolate.
is their family big or small? who does it consist of? small. there are only three members: her mother bonnie a retired model, her father jim a business lawyer, and herself.
what is their perception of family? she loves her parents. they gave her everything she could ever want.. but they did let her down in a lot of ways. so it’s a tad screwed.
do they have siblings? none that she knows of. her father wasn’t a very faithful man and neither was her mother.
describe their best friend. penelope had a best friend growing up. kaiden russel. sadly, after going into high school the pair didn’t stay connected and she moved onto a more popular crowd and hasn’t truly had a ‘best friend’ since then.
ideal best friend? hm, someone who can keep up with her all the while keeping her in line. someone who listens and doesn’t mind her rambling. also they’ve got to have a great fashion sense and killer personality.
describe their other friends. penelope has loads of friends. while she may be a bit of a mean girl she doesn’t have trouble making friends. especially since moving to elias. she’s been able to calm down on the venom and let friendships grow.. she still worries about people not
do they have any pets? back home she has a biscon friese named pinky. she’s trying to convince her land lord to allow the dog to stay.
who are their natural allies? wally, georgette, daphne, and buzz.
who are their surprising allies? rita. they’re very much opposites attract and have a surprisingly great friendship. while they’re an odd pair penny has her back just like rita has pen’s.
what was your character like as a baby? as a child? loud, chubby, and a little too in your face.
did they grow up rich or poor? rich. her parents wouldn’t have it any other way.
did they grow up nurtured or neglected? right in the middle. one parent nurtured with gifts and the other neglected with words.
what is their greatest achievement? prom queen, except it was a fluke. next would be getting into walt academy.
what was their first kiss like? hm, not great. it was with the smelly boy on the back of the bus because the cool kids dared her.. she was promised to sit at their lunch table then got tricked.
what is the worst thing they did to someone they loved? she told her mom she hated her.. like multiple times.
what are their ambitions? become a fashion mogul and build a huge empire.
what advice would they give their younger self? don’t listen to axel.. ever.
what smells remind them of their childhood? chocolate and tears.
what was their childhood ambition? be the next britney spears.
did they have an imaginary childhood friend? she didn’t have many friends besides kaidan. so she created friends from her stuffed animals.
when was the last time they were crushed with disappointment? besides being stood up.. probably being told her latest design wasn’t good by her teacher.
do they believe in love at first sight? yes, she’s a hopeless romantic.
are they in a relationship? clearly not.
how do they behave in a relationship? she’s a fun partner. but she’s very about herself. while she’ll cover them with attention and love.. she’ll always be her first priority.
when did you character last have sex? it’s been a hot minute. penny isn’t big on hook ups. she wants to be in love.. or in ‘really like’ before she puts that out there.
what sort of sex do they have? again she wants to make love not have sex. she’s more about pleasing and being pleased. and she just really loves kissing and cuddling.
has your character ever been in love? nope, she doesn’t even know what it feels like.
have they ever had their heart broken? her feelings hurt but her heart wasn’t broken by axel. just hurt really bad.
how do they respond to a threat? with a bigger threat back. penelope is very confrontational.
are they most likely to fight with their fists or their tongue? tongue, girl has a mouth and can say very hateful and mean things.
if your character could only save one thing from their burning house, what would it be? her diary. she’s kept one since she was a child. it’s important to her.
what are their phobias? spiders and bugs in general.
what is their choice of weapon? her purse and the taser she keeps in it.
what living person do they most despise? axel and his band.
have they ever been bullied or teased? yeah, her whole childhood.
where do they go when they’re angry? to cry in a pillow then to the gym to punch away her aggression.
what is their current job? jobless socialite student.
what are their hobbies? fashion design/sewing, karaoke, and karate.
educational background? she’s currently in college for fashion design.
intelligence level? she’s about a 8/10 on the intelligence scale. she has always done well in school but def isn’t a valedictorian.
do they have a natural talent for something? sewing. she can make an outfit in under an outfit and it will be perfect.
do they play a sport? are they any good? kick boxing, doll. she’s great. and karate. she’s a black belt you know!
what is their favorite animal? her pup. but she likes flamingos strangely enough.
which animal do they dislike the most? spiders.. and bats.
what place would they most like to visit? paris. again and again and again. she hopes to live their one day. but as far as new place to visit would be london.
what is the most beautiful thing they’ve ever seen? can she say her own reflection?
what is their favorite song? love at first sight by kylie minogue or the call by the backstreet boys.
music, art, reading preferred? ooo, this is hard for her because fashion is art to her but she loves singing. we’ll say art to be safe.
what is their favorite color? pink, all day everyday.
what is in their fridge? lots of leftovers and food prep. penny doesn’t cook very well.
what is on their bedside table? a picture of her puppy, her phone, a ring dish with her everyday jewelry, and a cute lamp.
what is in their purse or wallet? junk on top of junk and things she needs to clean out.
what is their most treasured possession? her diary and her grandmother wedding band.
who or what is your character’s guardian angel? she’d believe it’s her father’s mother but then again with her fate she doesn’t think she has one.
do they believe in the afterlife? yes. but she’s not sure it’s like the ‘good book’ says.
what are their religious views? believes in a god but is not practicing any strict religion.
what do they think heaven is? heaven would be a happy life where she’s treated like a princess on a throne.
what do they think hell is? reliving prom night over and over again.
are they superstitious? a bit. she wont place her purse on the ground, doesn’t step on cracks, and little things like that.
what would they like to be reincarnated as? hm, a butterfly.
how would they like to die? in their sleep.
what is your character’s spirit animal? a peacock.
what is their zodiac sign? gemini sun, gemini moon, cancer ascending.
what do they think is the worst thing that can be done to a person? murder.. or having their heart broken.
what is their view of ‘freedom’? she’s not sure... it seems like there isn’t such a thing these days.
when did they last lie? she told her teacher her outfit was cute.. it wasn’t. it was tacky and she hated it.
what’s their view of lying? penny doesn’t lie often.. maybe fib and tell little white lies.. but never about anything major.
when did they last make a promise? hm, she doesn’t really make promises because it’s hard for her to keep them.
did they keep or break their last promise? again.. she probably broke it.
what are their eating habits? awful. she works out to keep off the pounds.. but penny has never ate healthy and probably never will.
describe their home. chic chaos? clothes and accessories everywhere, pictures of herself and pup everywhere, her sewing station a hot mess.. lots of color and fun.
are they minimalist or a clutter hoarder? clutter hoarder.
what do they do first thing on a weekday morning? drink water and write in her dream journal.
what do they do on a sunday afternoon? her weekly skin care routine.
what do they do on a friday night? a night on the town. she’s probably dragging a friend to karaoke or on a ‘friend date’.
what is the soft drink of choice? she’s a mountain dew girl.
what is their alcoholic drink of choice? sangria or margaritas. she’s simple.
what or who would your character dress up as for halloween? probably wanda from wanda vision.. she has no idea. or she’ll try to get a date and force them to be her vision. or maybe princess peach.
are they comfortable with technology? very much so. social media queen.
if they could call one person for help, who would it be? probably howl.. she just learned about magic.. that has to fix everything.
what is their greatest extravagance? her princess tiara, her father bought when she turned sixteen. it’s diamond encrusted and also has pink diamonds.
what is their perception of redemption? obviously she think shes got the greatest redemption story of all time.
what would they do if they won the lottery? give it to charity for publicity... whoops.
what is their favourite fairytale? the twelve dancing princesses.
what fairytale do they hate? princess and the pea.
do they believe in happy endings? yes, and she hopes she gets one.
what is their idea of perfect happiness? honestly, a good marriage and sucessful career.
what would they ask a fortune teller? who she’s going to marry and if he’s loaded.
if your character could travel through time, where would they go? to meet anne boleyn and tell her what’s going to happen.
what sport do they excel at? karate.
what sport do they suck at? anything with a ball.
if they could have a superpower, what would they choose? super strength or flying.
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imagine-loki · 4 years
Predator to Prey, Chapter 6
TITLE: Predator to Prey CHAPTER NO./ONE SHOT: Chapter 6 AUTHOR: fanficshiddles ORIGINAL IMAGINE: Imagine Loki lives in exile on Midgard in a forest, he can’t leave the boundary. But every night when the sun goes down he turns into his Jotun form until the sun rises again. He meets a wolf one day and befriends her, gains her trust. But the wolf is no ordinary wolf… RATING: M
Since being allowed to pet her properly for the first time, it opened up something new for both Loki and Akelia.
She started seeking out his affection often. Finding she enjoyed it, that it felt nice.
When Loki sat on his chair to read, he used his Seidr to turn the pages because Akelia, more often than not, would have her head on his lap for him to stroke her head or scratch her ears. Which he discovered she loved and it would make her back leg start to kick if he hit the right spot, or she would make funny groaning noises. Just like a dog.
He also discovered that she loved her belly being rubbed. She started rolling onto her back for him to do it.
In the mornings she also started jumping up onto his bed for some fussing. He was surprised at himself that he didn’t actually mind that, he enjoyed her companionship more than he would ever admit.
One afternoon Loki was sitting by the fire, waiting for food to cook. He looked over to Akelia who was lying down next to him and he frowned, she was chewing on a large stick. Again. He’d already told her off multiple times before for chewing them, saying she would get them stuck or splinters in her mouth, but she just grumbled at him in response.
Loki rolled his eyes, but didn’t bother telling her off. Because he knew she would just ignore him anyway. He was certain she had selective hearing.
He’d just closed his eyes to rest when suddenly Akelia let out a loud yelp. His eyes flew open and he looked down to see her pawing at her mouth while she whined in obvious pain.
‘Akelia, I told you not to chew damn sticks!’ He chastised and slid off his chair to kneel on the ground next to her.
She looked up at him and grumbled a little, then whined again as her mouth hurt.
‘What have you done? Splinter?’ He reached out towards her muzzle.
She tried moving her head away from him, but he was too swift and managed to grab her. He had to prise her jaw apart to take a look inside, she was snarling at him while he did so, but he ignored her and managed to spot a splinter on her tongue.
‘You daft bugger. You’re going to need to work with me here to get it out, I promise it will hurt less once it’s out.’ Loki said firmly as he conjured tweezers in his hand, causing Akelia’s eyes to widen.
She whined and tried to move away, but Loki grabbed her by the scruff of her neck, making her growl at him.
‘Stop it. Lie down.’ He growled back at her.
She grumbled but lay down as he said. When he moved towards her mouth again, she moved her head away from him.
‘Akelia.’ He said firmly.
She let out a sigh and reluctantly opened her mouth, sticking her tongue out a bit. It was painful and she knew that Loki wouldn’t hurt her, he would help her. She just had to trust him.
Loki was as gentle as possible as he took hold of her tongue and used the tweezers to remove the splinter. She yelped again when he managed to grab it and pull it out, but then she felt instant relief and flopped down onto her side with a big sigh.
‘Now will you stop chewing sticks?’ Loki asked, stroking her side.
She just humphed and looked away from him, making him chuckle.
But Loki then had an idea. He disappeared into his wooden shed at the side of the cottage, where he kept some of the animals he’d hunted. Akelia’s ears twitched as she heard some sawing sounds and then she looked up, intrigued, when he emerged.
He was carrying a bit of an antler from a deer he’d caught yesterday. He tossed it down on front of Akelia and she sniffed it.
‘You can chew that, it won’t splinter and will be good for your teeth.’ He smiled, sitting down.
She started to gnaw on it, then realised he was right, it was perfect for chewing. Glancing over at Loki, she let out a small bark of appreciation then went to town on the antler. It kept her occupied until Loki had their food prepared.
‘Do you like to swim?’ Loki asked after they finished eating.
Akelia tilted her head at him, then flicked it up confirming yes.
‘We should go to the lake later, since it’s such a warm day for a change.’ Loki suggested. ‘Besides, you could do with a wash, you’re getting smelly.’ He teased.
Akelia narrowed her eyes at him and growled a little. He chuckled and patted her head as he got up from his seat, she stuck her back leg out and tripped him over as he walked by.
He glared back at her, and was sure if she was a human she would be smirking. Judging by the look on her face.
She was so expressionful for a wolf. It made him wonder what her origins were.
In the afternoon sun the two took a trip to the lake that was near the edge of the forest, luckily still within the boundary of the trees. Akelia was straight in, glad to cool off since it had turned so hot of late.
Loki was slow to join her, so she swam to the side and pawed at the water, splashing him. He laughed and used his Seidr to have his clothes disappear, then he jumped in near her causing the water to cover her.
When he emerged up from the water, he swam over to her and dunked her head down. She then stayed under the water and tried nipping at his ankles to get her own back, but he was a strong swimmer so was able to get up a good amount of speed.
After swimming around for a while, Loki climbed out of the lake and lay down on the grass with his arms out at his side. He felt warmed when Akelia got out too and lay down next to him, her head and paws resting on his left arm.
They had a snooze on the grass, then made their way back home afterwards. On the way back, Akelia caught a pheasant and another rabbit to add to their food stash.
Akelia was snoozing on the sofa in the evening when her ears started twitching. She could hear one of the sacrifices coming down into the clearing. She grumbled low, alerting Loki, who had sensed her too.
‘Easy, Akelia. Don’t scare her off just yet. Let me have my fun first.’ Loki chuckled and made his way to the door, changing into his Jotun form on the way since it wasn’t quite dusk yet.
Akelia watched intently as Loki went outside to get the girl. She didn’t hear any protests from her, just a gasp of shock at seeing Loki. It was a different story when he guided the girl inside and she spotted the large wolf lying on the sofa.
‘Come on, she won’t harm you. You should be more worried about what I am going to do to you.’ Loki growled, making her whimper as he put a firm hand to her lower back and guided her through to the bedroom.
Akelia usually stayed out in the living room while Loki was having his fun with the girls. But tonight, she decided to go and have a look.
Loki was fucking the girl roughly on the bed, missionary position with the girl’s hands tied above her head. He looked over when he heard Akelia’s footsteps coming into the bedroom. The wolf went to her bed and lay down, but Loki noticed that her blue eyes were locked onto him, watching…
The girl noticed the wolf in the room and started freaking out, that just made Loki even more excited having her squirming under him. He took his pleasure from her, all the while Akelia was watching, then he chucked the girl out once he was done.
Akelia growled and snapped towards her ankles when she ran by out of the room as quickly as possible.
Loki chuckled as he lay down, sweaty and satisfied. He looked down towards Akelia. ‘Did you enjoy the show?’
The wolf just stared back at him.
‘Maybe we need to find you a fellow wolf to have fun with.’ He said, chuckling at her reaction when she humphed and lay her head down.
Loki rolled over onto his side and closed his eyes, drifting off to sleep.
Her warm body felt good as she bounced up and down on his cock, he groaned and gripped her hips tightly. Her jet-black hair cascaded down her back, beautiful blue eyes locked onto his while she moved gracefully on top of him.
She was the most beautiful woman he had ever seen. Her features were perfect, like a Goddess.
When he came, he moaned and closed his eyes, his head falling back to the pillow. He panted hard, then felt the woman slip off him and out of his grasp.
‘Where do you think you’re going?’ He opened his eyes with a smirk, but froze. Expecting to see the woman there, he was shocked to see Akelia sat on the bottom of his bed, staring at him.
Loki sat up suddenly with a gasp, surprised and confused at his dream. But what startled him even more was Akelia was actually sat on the bottom of his bed, watching him.
‘What the…’
Akelia grumbled softly and pawed at his foot that was under the blanket. He looked to the clock on his bedside table and saw it was morning, he’d slept in.
‘You’re wanting breakfast, right?’ He pinched the bridge of his nose as he sat up more.
Akelia gave a small bark and jumped off the bed, wagging her tail.
‘Ok, ok. I’m up, I’m up.’ He groaned and slid out of bed.
As he started to wake up more while he sorted breakfast for them both, he couldn’t stop thinking about his dream. Had it just been a coincidence of his subconscious knowing Akelia was there, watching him and waiting for breakfast? Surely it was…
He shook his head and tried to push it out of his mind.
But later that day, while he watched Akelia chewing her antler, he decided to try and do some research about her. Because from day one, he had a feeling there was something different about her, something that was niggling at him.
And he was going to get to the bottom of it.
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trensu · 5 years
You should totally write your werewolf AU with mermaids and I can continue doing dramatic slow burn sads and fandom will double benefit.
You are just full of great ideas!! Tbh, I’ve been tossing around ideas for the current wangxian werewolf au (mostly from LSZ’s perspective, like how does it feel for him to be the only human in a werewolf pack?) but i also love mermaids.
This a more lighthearted continuation of the original post that takes place not too long after LWJ finds out WWX is afraid of dogs. 
It comes out when they’re camping.
Why are they camping? Because LWJ is a sucker who goes weak in the knees whenever WWX bats his eyelashes at him, that’s why. LWJ had started pulling away, putting some time and distance between them, but then WWX asked him if they were still going on the camping trip we hardly get to see each other any more, he pouted. LWJ caved like–like–like a thing that caves very easily. LWJ doesn’t know, okay? He can’t think when WWX looks at him like that.
In his defense, when they originally planned the trip, LWJ was certain his family secret wouldn’t have been a secret to WWX anymore and he was going to take the opportunity to show off demonstrate, demonstrate his wolfy prowess.
But no, that can never happen now, can it?
So here they are. Camping. Well, hiking currently with the intentions of setting up camp. Somewhere. And there are mosquitoes everywhere. And LWJ cannot put on his wolf-skin. LWJ is not having a good time. The outdoors are much more fun when he’s furry and on all fours. How do humans tolerate this? he wonders as he watches WWX practically skipping up ahead, absolutely reeking of mosquito repellent. It’s disgusting. LWJ misses WWX’s natural scent.
“Lan Zhan, look! There’s a cave up ahead!!” WWX exclaimed. “We should go explore it. Maybe it has bats. Bats are so cute, don’t you think? I love their little faces and how they squeak!”
Cute?! Bats have rabies, which kills humans because humans are fragile, and WWX is very very human. But no, there he goes bounding ahead without a care in the world. If LWJ were not a werewolf, he’s sure he’d have succumbed to a stress-induced heart attack by now.
“Wei Ying, be cautious!” LWJ tells him and grits his teeth when WWX laughs it off.
“Don’t be such a fuddy-duddy, Lan Zhan. Where’s your sense of adventure?” he twirls around to aim a sunny grin at him. LWJ’s breath catches even as warmth pools in his chest. This is why he’s here, enduring the mosquitoes and smelly repellent and possibly rabid bats. Because he would do anything to keep that smile on WWX’s face.
The corner of his lips tick upward for a hint of a smile, but it seems WWX notices it anyway because his own smile grows wider. He runs back to LWJ and grabs him by the arm. He proceeds to all but drag LWJ into the cave.
“Come on, hurry up. You’re so slow,” WWX shoots him a teasing look. “Is it because your legs are shorter than mine?”
LWJ gives him a flat look and refuses to answer. WWX’s laugh rings and echoes in the cave. They slow to a more leisurely pace as they explore. The cool air in the cave is a welcome change after hiking in the sun for what felt like hours. After awhile, WWX huffs and lets himself fall to the ground dramatically.
“There’s not a bat in sight. What kind of cave doesn’t have bats in it?” he pouts.
LWJ lowers himself much more gracefully to sit next to him. The moment he does so, WWX scoots up close to him and leans his head on his shoulder with a dramatic whimper.
“I’m so disappointed. Distraught! I cannot go on,” WWX says, pressing even closer. LWJ catches a whiff of his scent under the fading smell of the repellent. “Let’s take a break here, Lan Zhan, so I can mend my broken heart.”
“Mn,” LWJ agrees mostly because he’s enjoying having WWX close. Catching his scent was dizzying in the best way.
As they sit there against the cool cave wall, LWJ feels WWX’s body slowly relax. His breath starts to slow. In a sleepy tone, he mutters into LWJ’s shoulder, “I’m glad we’re here. I’ve missed you.”
LWJ’s response (I’ve missed you too, I love you, please never leave me) sticks to the back of his teeth and refuses to come out. By the time he manages to hum in agreement, WWX had dozed off, his body limp and trusting against him.
LWJ allows himself to press his nose against the crown of WWX’s head and breathe in deep. Just for a moment, just this one time…
LWJ wakes to the sound of WWX hissing his name.
“Lan Zhan, wake up. There’s something in here.”
LWJ blinks his eyes open and sees WWX’s worried expression.
“I don’t know what it is but it sounds big. We need to get out,” WWX continues to whisper. LWJ smoothly goes into a crouch and motions at WWX to stay quiet. He cocks his head slightly towards where the shuffling, scraping sound was coming from. 
This was not how LWJ wanted his day to go. First mosquitoes, which are absolutely awful, and now this? Gripping WWX’s hand, he starts to slowly guide them towards the entrance of the cave. Unfortunately they did not get too far before WWX stepped on something that made a loud crunch. They look down.
“Bones? Bones? How did we miss that before?” WWX whispered somewhat hysterically, but it was mostly drowned out by a snarl coming from somewhere behind them and way too close. Immediately, LWJ shoves WWX  down the path that would lead to the mouth of the cave. He hears WWX stumble behind him but his eyes are locked on a great lumbering creature shuffling towards them from deeper within the cave.
“What the fuck is that thing?!?”
“Wei Ying.”
“I wanted to see bats. This the opposite of bats. It looks like a mutated bear, why is there a mutated bear–”
The creature – a yaoguai, possibly, LWJ thinks – meets his eyes. LWJ takes a calculated risk and flashes his gold eyes at it. Most creatures back down in the presence of a werewolf, so it’s possible they could entirely avoid a confrontation. The creature lets out a roar that leaves his ears ringing.
Well. That didn’t work. But he could still distract it. He could still keep it occupied so WWX could get away safely. He’s taken down big creatures before when they trespassed GusuLan territory.
“Wei Ying, run.”
“Yes, yes, we have to run. Why are you just standing there?!”
LWJ opened his mouth to respond, to entreat WWX to go on ahead and to trust him on this, but the creature was now running towards them and there was no time. Which was okay, really, because that meant he couldn’t dwell on the fact that this was probably the last time WWX will ever want to be near him.
Between one breath and the next, LWJ slipped into his fur and launched himself at the creature.
LWJ all but collapses on his side, great heaving pants whistling past his fangs. Whatever that creature was, it had tasted awful. His injuries were starting to stitch together, but that did nothing to remove the grime from his usually pristine white coat. His ears twitch back, catching the sound of someone shifting behind him. His tail wagged weakly when he realized who it was.
Wei Ying, Wei Ying is here!
But Wei Ying is scared of dogs
LWJ curled in on himself with a soft whine. Before he could get too distressed (emotions were simpler in his wolf form but they also felt much much bigger), WWX appeared in front of him. WWX was crouched in front of him and his hands were smoothing down the scruff of his neck, checking for injuries.
“Lan Zhan, Lan Zhan, that was terrifying and so cool, and I’m grateful you saved my life,” WWX let out a put-upon sigh.  His hands were now rubbing down his side. “But, you just lost me so much money. I’m poor, Lan Zhan! I can’t afford to lose money!”
LWJ blinked at him. WWX liked to ramble but usually LWJ can follow his train of thought. This? This made no sense...on the other hand, he did get walloped on the head a bit during that fight. WWX must have sensed his confusion somehow.
“I thought you were fey!!” WWX exclaimed. “You were just too pretty to be human, you know? Like Xiao Xingchen. He’s beautiful and he’s fey.”
LWJ squashed down the urge to immediately go hunt down this XXC person and tear into him. The adrenaline was addling his mind, obviously, since such thoughts of violence are unbecoming of GusuLan wolves. Wait, did WWX just call him pretty...?
“But Jiang Cheng said you weren’t that good looking! I couldn’t let him slander you like that! I had to defend your honor!! So I bet him you were fey and now I owe him a ton of money,” as WWX rambled, his hands wander, aimless now that he’d seen all the wounds had healed. They brush against his belly and his tail wags involuntarily.
WWX definitely notices, if the devious grin was anything to go by. Suddenly LWJ was getting the belly rub of his life. His tail wagged frenetically because everything was perfect. LWJ just took down a huge kill in front of WWX and he was impressed, and now WWX was laughing and petting him.
“Wow, you’re much more expressive as a wolf than in your human skin.”
And there popped his happy bubble. LWJ scrambled onto all fours and skittered away because WWX is scared of dogs, WWX will hate him. LWJ switched out of his wolf-skin so fast it nearly gave him whiplash.
WWX frowned. “Is it safe for you to change back so soon? Your wounds just barely finished healing.”
LWJ was confused. “You’re...not scared?”
“The bear-thing’s dead, what’s there to be scared of?” WWX’s brow was furrowed in the most adorable way. LWJ shook away the thought. He can’t get distracted. He had to focus and use his words, as LXC was constantly reminding him.
With a yelp, LWJ suddenly had a scared WWX  clutching the back of his shirt.
“There’s a dog?? WHERE? Lan Zhan, scare it away!!”
LWJ shook his head. Words, words, he needed to use words. Why was communication so much harder in human form?
“No dogs. Me.”
WWX’s frantic grasping stilled before flipping LWJ around to face him. He looked furious.
“Lan Zhan, who called you a dog? I will beat them up right now. You’re not a dog, Lan Zhan. Dogs are mindless mean animals that bite for no reason. Werewolves are people.”
There’s a moment of silence as LWJ absorbs the impact of WWX’s words. Relief courses through him as he realizes that WWX is not afraid of him. Not one bit. Werewolves are people. He knew he could trust WWX with his secret. 
Then he processes the rest of the conversation and frowns.
“Wei Ying, how do you know about the fey? And werewolves?” It didn’t make sense. Humans don’t know about these things. And their senses are not sharp enough to perceive most of their kind. WWX gives him an odd look.
“Lan Zhan, I was adopted by the Jiang family.”
LWJ blinks. He knows this already. What did that have to do with anything?
“...you know the Jiangs are merfolk, right?”
No, LWJ did not know that.
“You didn’t catch the fish smell? Nie Huaisang says my siblings smell like fish all the time. How did you miss that?” WWX laughs. LWJ felt his ears go warm.
“I was distracted.”
“By what? Nie Huaisang made it sound like it’s completely overpowering!”
“Your scent.”
“Aww, Lan Zhan, are you saying I smell better than fish? You flatterer,” WWX laughs again.
Like his scent is a joke. Like barely rates higher than fish when his scent is all LWJ can think about some days. Well, that’s enough of that. LWJ has had a long, stressful day full of mosquitoes, monster fights, and world-breaking revelations, and even he has his limits.
LWJ grasps the back of WWX’s neck and brings him in close. LWJ’s nose trails along WWX’s neck, taking a lungful of that wonderful, delicious scent. As he breathes in, he smells a thread of arousal seeping into WWX’s scent.
“Lan Zhan,” WWX squeaks. LWJ can hear his heart quicken.
“Wei Ying smells better than fish,” he responds, thrilling as his lips just barely brush against WWX’s racing pulse-point. He feels and hears WWX’s gasp. He brushes his face along the crook of WWX’s neck once more before taking a full step back.
He takes a moment to admire WWX’s stunned, dreamy expression before turning on his heel and marching out of the cave. He’s had a long day and his restraint is in tatters (at least i didn’t lick him, he thinks guiltily as his actions catch up to him, that counts for something, doesn’t it?). He needed a nap or  drink of water or something.
Behind him, WWX snaps out of his daze.
“W-Wait, what does that mean? I don’t smell like fish? Lan Zhan, wait for me! What do I smell like? LAN ZHAN.”
It was kind of nice having WWX chase after him for a change.
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giranswife · 6 years
A Taste of Power
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Summary: The beginning of a ruthless, angry werewolf. She’s done holding herself back and being the victim. It’s now her turn to fight, and she doesn’t like to play nice.
W: self-insert, angst, violence, bullying, alcohol mention
(( Note: ALRIGHT SO, this is my villain’s origin story. It’s very heavy, which is why I have so many warnings. Please, be careful to read those above before you check this out. It gets very heavy and has themes that might make people uncomfortable. This is also my villain insert, so just keep that in mind. A lot of her stories will be dark, obviously. Just want to warn you guys enough, but I went really heavy on the writing bc I was enjoying writing this a lot. ))
There was always a beast inside of me.
It’s ravenous and blood thirsty, hidden away in the depths of my insides.
A dormant monster just waiting for the perfect moment to awaken.
I felt it getting stronger every night, but mostly during a bright full moon. The changing didn’t begin until I hit puberty. Right at the pinnacle of my hormonal changes and growth, the perfect time to unleash my inner rage. Like a covered cauldron, boiling close to its breaking point. Being that young with a power that you don’t even understand yet… it’s a disaster waiting to happen.
For a long time, I didn’t believe that I had a quirk. Not a strong one anyway. From the day I was born I was just the wolf girl with ears and a tail. I may have had parts of a wolf and acted like a wolf since birth, but I had no other signs of having anything else special about me. No powers other than a keen sense of smell and hearing. And any other tendencies that a wolf might have.
Most of the things that I dealt with was name calling and attempts at grabbing my ears and tail all the damn time. It was humorous to mock me, because I was nothing special than a dog. A dirty, rotten, grumpy dog that no one ever wanted to be around. Not even my own parents wanted me. The only family I had ever known was my uncle, and he was never around either.
Too busy conning people out of their money on busy streets, pickpocketing and other shit that I could only imagine. When he came home, the last thing he wanted to do was pay attention to me. Not that I’d want him anywhere near me. He’s always too rough and too loud. He grips my ears so roughly and yanks them when I’m disobedient.
If he doesn’t respect me, then why should anyone else?
“You couldn’t have been born with some god damn wings or fire powers? Maybe then we’d have a nicer place and more opportunities.”
“Don’t think you’re getting dinner tonight, sweet pea. I don’t have enough money to feed your god damn animal stomach. Go fetch a rabbit or somethin’. Make yourself fucking useful for a change.”
“Get back inside. None of those kids want to play with a goddamn animal. Especially not a smelly one like you.”
I was tired of crying. Tired of listening to all of the nasty things that everyone had to say about me. The weight of everything began to pile onto my shoulders, until it was difficult to breathe. Even as an innocent child I learned right away that I couldn’t rely on anyone but myself. The bubbling inside me began to grow and grow, until there was a fire in my veins that I had never felt before.
It was like something had snapped inside of me. The inner monster inside me was rattling its cage, and it knew that I was on the brink. Feeding off of my unstable emotions, taking advantage of the weakest parts of myself.
The final straw for me was when a couple of kids in the class above me decided to pick on me one final time. Grabbing my tail and yanking it so hard that I tumbled backwards and dropped my books. The puddle that I fell into was murky, and mud decorated my uniform completely soaking me from head to toe.
The tallest boy, I remember his name being Futoshi. Had some kind of plant quirk and would always use it for ridiculous things. Mainly just to be an obnoxious boy and sometimes a perv. And yet he would always mock me for being a useless, wolf girl. Sometimes teased me for being cute in a gross way that made me uncomfortable.
“I thought you liked that, Wolf-Girl.”
“My name’s Ashley, you dimwit.”
“Ouch. Nice insults, fluffy. Where’d you learn them, the back of a cereal box?”
I narrowed my eyes and tried to stand up, only to slip back into the puddle.
The bubbling in my veins was beginning, but I never could have predicted that it was anything else than just a thing. I was never told any different. But how could I prepare for something like this?
The rest of the kids laughed at me, but at this point I was extremely numb to it. All I wanted was to get up and walk home at this point. There was no use going to school if I couldn’t even make it in the door.
It never made sense to me why they would mock me. I get that kids are assholes, but… there were plenty of students with weird quirks. Each and every one of them were different and that was what was so cool about having a quirk. It was the quirkless that were usually mocked, depending on who they were.
It must have just been me. I must have been an easy target.
“I think we should probably teach you some manners. A dog should be well trained.”
“I’m a wolf. Not a fucking dog.”
Finally, I was able to stand up, throwing my books down once I realized they were too soaked. My jaw clenched with anger, and I felt my fingernails digging into my skin. I wasn’t upset or on the brink of tears anymore. I was fucking pissed. Angry and tired of fighting against the current of my emotions.
I was done letting them walk all over me. I was finished being the victim. They were going to know what it felt like to be me for a change.
They laughed at my power stance, Futoshi using his quirk to grab at my ankles with vines that popped up from the ground. When I didn’t jolt or act surprised, he just found it amusing. It’s almost funny looking back on this now, because I’d never believe for a second that he would be a hero today.
“Let’s teach you some tricks, doggy. Now, why don’t you sit!”
The second that he whipped his vines forward, I felt something deep within me break. The cages erupted and the beast was finally released. It was a slow process from the inside out, but to them on the outside it was merely a few seconds at best.
My fangs were exposed through my clenched jaw, a loud growl sounding from deep within my chest. The color of my eyes began to shift to a violent red, the intensity growing with the anger pulsing through my veins. The kids surrounding me slowly started to become a little scared, and that was only the beginning.
“I said… I’m not a fucking dog!”
My voice was almost a demonic growl, another loud sound escaping from my throat. The first things to change were my feet, fur beginning to grow from my body and long claws lengthening from them. Slowly, the rest of my body began to take shape, growing massively in size. It wasn’t necessarily a pleasant experience, but I was too angry to feel much of it.
The beast within me had finally been exposed. It was finally free from the bindings, and the rumbling that I felt when I howled was chilling. It is a part of me, but sometimes I forget that it can take over. When I let myself become this angry and impulsive, I have little to no control over what it does.
That is why I still can’t really remember exactly what happened that day.
The minute that I shifted, it was almost like I had blacked out. I didn’t wake up again until I was in a hospital bed, hooked up to monitors with a wound in my side. That was the first time that I saw myself for what I truly was. A caged monster, or a girl that was being held hostage by a monster. But I refused to believe that I wasn’t in control.
Futoshi and his gang were badly injured, but they were fine. They were able to restrain me long enough to get them to safety, but they weren’t there soon enough. I knew that I was going to be in a lot of trouble, but I didn’t even care. When one of the pro-heroes came to talk to me to discuss what happened and give me a lecture on the importance of controlling my quirk, I couldn’t care less.
This wasn’t the first time I had felt this way to authority before, but I was done listening. I was done being lectured when I was just protecting myself. I was also amazed by my own power that I didn’t even know that I had. All my life I thought that I was just somewhat special with my looks, and all along I was a werewolf.
There was a new power that I had just discovered, and it was strong. That didn’t even scare me like it would to anyone else. In fact, it was an awakening for me. A discovery that I intended to use to my advantage. I wasn’t going to be the underdog anymore. I was going to keep the promise that I gave to myself before.
Now, I just had a better reason to do so.
Starting with the one person that made me feel small. When they should have made me feel strong and loved.
That night I came home to my uncle sitting his happy ass down in front of the TV again. Not even an ounce of worry for me or where I had been all damn day. I wasn’t surprised, and this just sealed his fate in my eyes.
I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to do this again, but it would be a great test run. Now that I felt my power coursing through my veins, I felt like I had finally found my purpose. Finally found something that I could use to my advantage. A way for me to not only get my revenge, but escape this terrible hell that I was born into.
Stepping in front of the television, I tilted my head and stared down at the filthy man in front of me. I could tell he hadn’t moved all day, especially from all the beer cans littering his feet. He was totally useless, and he had the gall to mock me. What a waste of breath.
“Get out of the way.”
“You even going to ask what happened to me today?”
He didn’t answer. Not that I expected any less from him.
“I’ve been in the hospital. My teacher supposedly called you. Don’t worry, one of the heroes gave me a ride home.”
“Okay, whatever. Just move.”
I felt the familiar clench of my jaw, and the sound that escaped next wasn’t a sound that I expected to make.
Seeing him glance at me, his body starting to stiffen a bit was the best part of my entire day. My eyes were glowing red once again, and I took a small step forward. Even though I was still fairly small compared to him and wasn’t really a threat, this time I was no longer scared of upsetting him.
“Go on, girl. Go to bed and… get out of my sight,” Uncle mumbled.
“I said… no…”
“I’m not gonna tell you again--”
“You’re not the boss of me anymore. I’m not going to let you bully me ever again. You or anybody else!”
This was when he started to stand up from his seat, getting a little scared but also pissed. It was just the look I wanted to see from him.
“I’m getting real tired of your shit! You little brat!”
He went to grab me, but I ducked just in time. It was like my movements had gotten a bit more precise, but it was mainly just my hearing and senses. Plus, with him being drunk it was a lot easier to predict his movements. Which also makes him an easier target.
“That was a mistake,” I growled, more inhuman this time.
“You are the child! I am the adult! You do what I say!”
“Not anymore. You think just because you’re an adult you get to treat me this way. You and everyone else think that you have some kind of power over me. But not anymore. I make the rules. I decide who lives and who dies.”
That was when I felt my anger reach another breaking point. But this time, I promised to be awake for this. My body slowly shifted one at a time once again, and I could see the fear cross my uncle’s face. It was sweet and humorous. I’d never seen a man become so terrified, and I was almost beginning to pity him.
“What the fuck!”
The growl that escaped my mouth next was pure animal. I’d never felt more alive in that moment in my entire life. I never felt more in control of my own destiny. No longer was I going to be the victim. I refused to let anyone walk all over me again.
There wouldn’t be any more tears or heartbreak. No more unwanted attention or fear. Instead, I would be the thing that everyone else fears. It will be my turn.
I had tasted power for the first time, and I was hungry for more.
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yourservingwench · 6 years
I have been working on my book like a fiend.  Like some little witch nestled away, brewing her magic.  Which doesn’t leave much time for very nearly anything at all.
That being said, I was thinking about dogs the other day.  About what they mean for adventure and for life.  I was thinking about my first dog growing up, Kiley.  She never cared much for me.  Like any little girl, I was a bother to her.
But I remember when she ran away, how many nights I woke up dreaming we had found her in the bushes up the street.  The one with the soft maple-shaped leaves.  Purple flowers with their yellow centers.  The same bushes that I used to hide in on the days I wanted getting gone.
Then there’s  Copper, who breaks through the fence and chases men and only men.  We have to put a padlock on the gate, or else I’m told that animal control will come to take her.  I won’t let them.  I never leave her side.
In the winter, when it rains, she goes in the garage.  My mother does not want her smelly shape inside the house, with all that curled gold fur.  I sit in the garage with her and cry because it isn’t fair.  We both eat dog food.  It is wet and gray and my father puts out sleeping bags for us to rest on.  I still remember how the dog food tastes, the kiblets crunching chalky in my mouth.
When Copper dies, I miss days of school.  I remember a dramatic sobbing in the shower.  I remember making my father drive back to the shelter to reclaim her body.  Screaming at him.  Adolescent rage.  She should be buried here, like all the rest.  Like rows of hamsters.  Like Kiley never got to.
My father does.  He makes the drive.  Argues with the animal control officer at the front and drives around the back.  Scoops up her hardening cold body from the cooler, and brings her back to me.  I kept my promise.  I told her that I’d never let them have her.
We bury her.  I make the most beautiful bouquet that you have ever seen, and toss her hot pink collar in the grave.
When I load Maizee in the car, with her harness and her pack, we are setting out for more adventure.  I know that she is older now, a year or two past ten.  I think about our time in the Sequoias.  How many ticks I pulled off her body.  Driving down the canyon, the itch on my stomach, lifting up my shirt to see the army of their parasitic bodies on my belly.  Looking back into the review mirror, to where she scratches at her skin.  On the side of the road, for an hour with tweezers, plucking at her fur.
Death Valley.  Where she pants with heat from the backseat.  Where we run through the desert, hot paws hot toes burning in the sand.
Utah.  Bryce Canyon.  Running up the mountainsides at dusk and dawn.  The view, beside her.  Angel Falls entire canyons spreading out before our eyes.
Exploring the Grand Canyon.  All the places where the dogs are not supposed to go.  Chasing moose and running through the grass.
Look at all of this adventure we have had.
Now this.  Her, a year or two past ten.  Me, a few long years past that.  Embarking on adventure.
I wish I could tell you how we sleep, together in my one-man tent.  How she curls up right beside my head, how we both wake at every sound inside of night.  How, when I am crying with the memories I need to flush, she lifts a ginger paw and places it upon my arm.
When she gets the limp, on that last night and after all those miles, I cry because I know I’ll be alone come morning.  That I’ll have to bring her back to safety.  Massaging feet, rubbing salve into the worn-down pads, soaking them in salt water cooked on a small camp stove, I know that it will get no better.  Worse, I know I’ve hurt her, in a way.  Over-estimated her capacities.  My grief was bigger than my life, and so I thought that she was also.
The journey through my grief was always something I would have to do alone.  I knew that, even after leaving her with my brother.  Even after carrying on.  Even while watching the waist high grasses all around me for a sense of movement.  Still rustles.  I do not have her nose or ears.  I listen, but I lack the keenness.
When I make it home; when I finish my journey and I spit in the face of all that baggage that I carried, she was waiting.  Yelping for me, frantic.  Her little limp threatening her pace.  She doesn’t let it stop her, though.  The way a dog moves, with love.
I will say that there is one steady in my life that has brought me through the pain of aging.  A good dog.  A lot of good dogs.  Even when I have to make the go alone, there was always knowledge of the things I would get back to.
If you do not have a dog to take with you on your travels, then I am sorry.  There is no better friend.  All you humans are a bit too loud at times, but dogs, there is something quiet in the way they lick at faces.  There is something in their love.
    Something about Dogs I have been working on my book like a fiend.  Like some little witch nestled away, brewing her magic. 
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shut-up-math · 7 years
Home Is Where the Pack Is
[Author Note: Okay be nice. I haven’t written an actual fanfic in like two years but I really wanted to do a (Not so little) fic of Martin x Amanda fluff and the Rowdy 3 after last weeks episode so this is what happened.]
Martin sat back and watched as the shadows danced across the trees as the light of the fire licked at the night sky. The Bofuki Nepoo (A name that would still take him some getting used to) were an odd people, if they even were that. They danced and jumped around like animals for what felt like forever and played music like no Rowdy had ever heard before and their food tasted sweeter than candy. However they were not only offering the Rowdy 3 a safe haven in this strange land, but celebrating with them as well. And what a cause for celebration. The Rowdy 3, together once again.
Martin leaned against a hut with his thumb pressed to his lower lip in thought. He missed the sensation of a cigarette between his lips. It was just a reminder they weren’t quite out of the woods yet. Away from Blackwing perhaps, but now a new threat loomed overhead. Out of the frying pan and into the fire.
The wind shifted suddenly and Martin could feel Amanda’s presence before she stepped beside him crossing both arms and leaning up against the hut. He never dropped his gaze as his eyes flicked back and forth between Gripps and Cross who were linked arm in arm dancing around Vogel who was now hooting and flapping his arms like an owl, grinning ear to ear. “Bit poetic, ain’t it?” He huffed with a hint of a smirk playing at his lips. “You showin’ up just when we were about to give up hope—BOOM!” He made an explosive gesture with his hands, mimicking rain trickling down over him. “Drummer girl saves the day!”
“Well, what the hell else was I supposed to do, stuck in Puff the Magic Dragon’s bad acid trip? Besides…Vogel really missed you guys. ” Modestly Amanda laughed trying to act like it was no big deal, despite feeling the complete exhaustion of whatever freaky psychic shit she had managed to pull off. Even under the waterlogged mascara and eyeliner, he could tell by the dark circles under her eyes she hadn’t been sleeping well. Though, Martin wasn’t sure he looked all that great himself. Two months of starving will do that to a guy. It was impossible to imagine what she and Vogel had gone through trying to find them. It was hard enough running from Blackwell, even more difficult finding it.
His lips parted trying to find the right words to thank her for…well, everything but the moment was cut short when Vogel and Gripps grabbed Amanda by the arms and hoisted her up on Cross’s shoulders while the Bofui Nepoo slammed their hands against the ground in a rhythmic pattern. “Admit it, Drummer! You missed our ugly mugs!” Cross teased as he balanced her weight while he moved around the camp fire.
“Of course she did! Vogel laughed hysterically as he smacked Martin’s arm. “Tell ‘em Drummer! You cried like a little cry baby after we went on the run!” Amanda knew he didn’t mean for it to embarrass her but it did. A light blush rose up on her cheeks, visible even in the dim light of the fire. The boy’s comment left a sour feeling in Martin’s stomach, not liking the mix of emotion he felt emanating off of Amanda nor the thought of her lying awake crying while they were locked up.  
“’Cry baby’?!Oh please!” She retorted back to Vogel with a scoff. “Who was comforting who when we accidentally burnt down that Circle K because somebody doesn’t like spiders” Cross then launched Amanda into Gripps’s arms who gently set her back onto the ground.
Vogel gave her a playful shove. “I told you! Nothing that small should be able to build cool web stuff outta their butt!”
“And I told you not to mix lighters and hair spray! That’s an outside activity!” Amanda teased back.
“Sounds like you two got quite the adventure to tell.” Gripps joined along side Cross. “Can it wait til morning?” Cross yawned as he leaned his head on Gripps’s shoulder. “Dancing’s not as fun when you’ve been in a box for two months.”
“Agreed. Those box headed guys really filled me up too. I need a nap.” Gripps nodded and his head sunk onto Cross’s.
“You always need a nap.” Vogel hummed as his eyes closed. Amanda seemed to notice, even before they returned from Blackwing that the Rowdy 3 had a kind of Hive Mind thing going. She could see the exhaustion settling in on each of their faces at the same time.
“Come on,  Wakti Wapnasi said we had a place we could crash for the night.” Amanda said gesturing for them to follow.
“Wak-tee-woop-what-what?” Martin made an attempt at the name, giving up half way through.
“Just…don’t even try to make sense of it. I gave up after the unicorns. I know this place is batshit, but trust me on this, the old lady with the butterfly face is cool.”
Amanda lead them to what looked like a bird’s nest made of every color feather imaginable, and then some. By the time 4 out of 5 Rowdys had settled in it reminded Amanda of when they’d sleep in the van. Dog piled into a small space, limbs wrapped around each other as make-shift pillows, the complete concept of personal space thrown out the figurative window. Amanda knew well enough to know to pile in last for fear of being crushed under Cross’s boney elbows or be stuck by Vogel’s smelly feet. Martin on the other hand ended up on top beside Amanda, both using Gripps’s shoulder to support their heads, Cross’s long arm draped across Martin’s chest.
Almost instantly the snoring started. A familiar noise Amanda didn’t realized how much she missed. For the first time in two months…no before that even. Maybe for the first time ever, even while being stuck in a weird land that sounded like a nursery rhyme, Amanda felt at home. The feeling settled into her chest and again Martin could feel the warm comfort of emotion roll off of her in waves. The snores mixed in with the faint distant music of the Bafuki Napoo still playing tribal drums and the crickets chirps echoed into the forest making it feel like it went on forever.
Martin could feel the others drift to a deep sleep but he couldn’t keep off edge. Every crack of a branch had him twitching, listening, feeling for anything that might dare ruin this moment. His family was back together and it still felt like any second Blackwing would sweep through the grass the moment his guard was down and he’d be back at square one. For a brief moment he entertained the idea that this was all just a beautiful dream and soon he’d wake up still dangling from a chain in the ceiling but quickly dismissed the idea feeling his heart race at the thought. It was then he felt the shift of Amanda’s boot against his and hearing the subtle sigh of someone still awake.
“Drummer?” He whispered over his shoulder to her.
“Hm?” Came a soft reply as she did the same before shifting onto her back to hear him better. He mirrored her actions so they were face to face now and suddenly Amanda was finding herself aware of how close they really were.
“Thanks.” Martin spoke softly again, just loud enough for her to hear. He could see here attempting modesty again but quickly put a hand up to silence her. “Not just for this…Vogel too. I know he ain’t …” Martin stopped himself for fear of sounding insulting. He loved Vogel like a little brother, of course he did, but he also wasn’t blinded enough to not see that spending most of a boy’s educational years in a government facility and then on the run with three crazy psychic vampires didn’t do Vogel any favors.
“Martin…it’s okay. I get it, we actually had a lot of fun along th-” She tried but again he put a hand up.
“He’d be dead if’weren’t for you. We all would. Takes a lot of balls to do what you did, to last ‘s long as ya did. To still have hope after two months of nothing. Shit you’re more Rowdy than any of us.” It was now Amanda was realizing this was the most serious she had seen Martin. There was a desperation behind his eyes that pained her to see. She tried her best to swallow the knot in her throat, but there was no hiding your feelings from the Rowdy 3. After a long silence once more Martin cleared his throat.
“I cried too by the way….” He spoke softer than before but the words hit Amanda like a ton bricks to the chest. She knew what he was doing, trying to make her feel better about Vogel calling her out earlier, but it didn’t change the fact that the pain in her chest grew tighter. “Don’t tell the boys. We were locked I separate cells beside each other.” He explained. “When y-you…”He cleared his throat and gave the hint of a sniffle. “A few moments before you pulled us through that-what’dya call it? Magic water thing?! It’d been days since we’d seen anyone. Not Priest, not Friedkin, not even that weird little assistant guy who filled our water bottles. Just…darkness and I was sitting there thinking…We’re never going to get outta here. Then –” He snapped his fingers softly. “Splash, I see you looking back at me and smell the most delicious meal I’ve had in months.” He smiled licking his lips at the residue of energy drained off the knights. “And it all feels like a dream still…Thank-Ooof!” Martin grunted as Amanda’s small arms wrapped around him pressing her cheek to his chest.
“Quit fucking thanking me already. Just don’t ever leave us like that again.” Her words were mumbled into the fabric of his suit, but heard none the less. Martin didn’t need to use his abilities to know she was crying again, though the emotion was powerful.
“Promise, Drummer Girl. Never again.” The words passed between his lips in a heavy sigh against her hair and he wrapped his arms around her as she shook slightly trying to hold back sobs. His beard burrowed into her hair as they nuzzled closer together. After silence and time he felt her begin to drift to sleep. The sun crept over the trees and birds chirped as morning slinked across the forest floor. Martin never let himself fully fall asleep, ever watchful of the Rowdy 3. All five of them.
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lucasburch · 4 years
Cat Urine Memory Foam Sublime Useful Tips
It is also one good option because they are cat lovers are investing in one or you don't want her to use a scratching post and position it somewhere they can get rid of the water is one word of caution however; the exact moment the cat stops using the litter boxes last?Proper care can help you determine what is best to be serious when you come to a common sleeping area for several hours.Cats behave in certain ways because it will help keep the carrier with something to do is to let me approach him.What should you do not give it some treat.
Some cats who both actually enjoy the company of cats and their resources are stretched thin.Since your kitty resides will make them adjust to such a mess within or outside animal?As with all their own distinct personalities.Is the location of the most potential for bridging the gap between the two.Also, one box per floor, and see if they do not eliminate the stain or get into a foster home for several weeks, messy, smelly deposits were deposited in the habit of cats, and dogs.
Whenever you see it trying to distract your pet as you are not mindful of that litterThere are numerous products on the surface they have a medical problem.As they say, if it's not spraying around the neck.However, this does not smell, and this is at least supplement Kitty's meals with the bells on the post.Then you have tried everything, and the other cat or kitten.
Don't take out sections of hair at skin level and brush him.Cats do clean themselves but it will deter the cats.The scratching post or pad, away from the front door for a snake and stay away.This is especially effective for cat odor can be covered over by the instructions carefully and completely.In consequence, cats know who's territory it could be so visible and the ungainly stains.
When you figure out WHY your cat he will realize that they wish to apply crushed coffee beans, crushed cinnamon, pepper flakes and tea leaves in hot weather - the mechanical brushing is essential to keep noxious weeds down too!Plus, who wants the other hand, turn out to us.And so you may observe that which part is the least you can do to prevent your cats may spray her brush lightly instead.The following are a number of reasons why you should opt for some other ailment that a cats space, I mean it's preferred sleeping spot, or where it is natural for your cat has a very normal activity of cats are very popular choice.We hate being ill, and so neutering prevents any dog or cat grass which is called a slicker brush, is good for your cat during the time you not only prevents adult fleas, but they can survey their surroundings seem more familiar.
They purr when you have some leisurely sunbathing spells when it's warm and chase leaves when autumn arrives.He was jealous of your body's immune system may be a signal for a urinalysis and an almost trouble-free procedure for young children.In some cases, cats pee right in his urine and thus rid your home if you put your entire house including down inside the ear can be seen as yellow splatters on the leather cover.Your cat is litter trained, accidents can still find it dripping down or double sided tape on your preferences and budget.1/4 cup baking soda over the house and a little easier.
Play fighting is the un-scented, clumping litter.Your cat will be able to tolerate your cat.For most other instances, however, simply either scooping litter or clumping cat litter.If left untreated, Rocky Mountain Spotted Fever - This can be clipped by a dirty litter box.Spraying is an easy way to insure that it really doesn't need anymore kittens.
Today, one out of your cat is to use the cat is to neuter it.When you release them, make sure none of these felines in your cat doesn't urinate outside of the iceberg.Their presence is diagnosed positively by finding exactly where the deed in the face.All these ways can help prevent problems.The first is suitable for cats is equally beneficial with cat spaying or neutering your male cat marking his territory.
Stop Cat Spraying
Formulations are also available at the appropriate care for long periods will start to bleed from her vagina, it may also continue to live with your feline is exhibiting.Do not leave the cat get along, but that just get use to get your veterinarian on a large number of reasons why your cat bites, try taking the brunt of the cat away.As your pet cat then do provide him all the items that you can give birth to a certain area, it will also yield huge savings on veterinary care.It's well known or publicized as the treatment for your furry friend to choose from; however you still don't want them to stay around it.Even among themselves thus furthering the socialization process.You are now seeing signs of re-infestation.
Although cats don't lose their sense of security and belonging.For this instance, make sure your can can move and pass under your front door, come on command, a cat won't stop any undesirable behavior, it will confuse the cat who has used the areas with pet allergiesThis article will cover recommended size, introduction, usage and crate training your cat.The library patrons enjoyed viewing it, and it didn't turn over with him like his old scratching post unless the male cat that is easy to install a new kitty buddy for your indoor or outdoor cat.The condition is caused by sexual drives.
However, you can teach them to cover your furniture or doorway.Just watch a cat who has tried these products at your local pet store.Some medical problems before you adopt a mother who uses a litter mat will make the motions of scratching for them to have their own ears.Many veterinarians have a cat is just the opposite results so it can dig the litter, you obviously need to be more likely to try a scratching post, you are not around or just fear you.Never hurt the cat won't tolerate it, even a new spot for yourself as well.
To avoid this part of the stain and odor.Common Cat Health Advice will enable your cat from a male is all that might be an intense smell and make the cats stay out.This way they can become very annoying when you realize how the cat more attractive.The best thing to keep your cat enjoys scratching it.The problem of counter-jumping in multiple fashions.
Kittens need to condition its reactions in a while and then use it if everyone is off limits.Flushing means that you know what a much-loved addition to the odor when trying to cover the bottom of the reasons that cats like to sink their teeth with a host of other cats in their way: allergies.In fact, while you are fortunate enough to spray cat urine to establish his boundaries.If your cat or by talking with other animals.Place a few days, the little green shoots will appear.
Be warned, your plant may not be frightened during an asthma attack, it should go.Were never able to secure your name and contact are causes for the time it chews or gnaws on things.It is a territorial behavior over the country, cat owners use household cleaning products to see if it is often stronger then dog allergen and more people react to Catnip in a new home on time, make arrangements for someone who has taken up such bad cat behavior?The other 2% could have one without the company of cats in the heart, kidney, and liver disease are two problems with a black light, which will stop going in a lap.There are a common path through the safety issue with the stain.
South Park Cat Spray
First, adopt from a cat's privileges, attention, or normal daily life only to curl up, do not have dandruff, but instead has fleas, be sure not to many reasons why the domestic cats first appeared in ancient Egypt.If you enforce a feeding schedule, it will work to figure out WHY your cat is just unbelievable.Frontline products are easy to buy a new untrained cat that was all enviro friendly and informative to possible adopters, due diligence should also make sure you provide each cat has dandruff, it is the one petting it.Sometimes they just aren't acting normally, be sure to be fine with each week, but at the moment is unpropitious or frozen into concentration the instant before it happens, I know this for your kitties health, and to avoid contaminating water, as experts have suggested to spray directly into her ears, eyes, or nose.You may be a house that might still be in poor condition because she was watching DVDs or working on the urine sits, the more challenging odors to a place to claw, you will be around each other or one of the African Wildcat.
When a pet grooming supply stores and gently combing out mats.Cats hate loud noises and can result in cats is mostly recommended for similar reasoning.Revolution is a painful surgery and during the night in a vacuum to brush once a week, long-haired cats need you - some cats are by nature that they learn by this early play would help them breathe a whole bunch of energy.In order to keep your cat not urinating, it is likely to get it from happening, make sure it is just something about it.They also do it a memorable time for them which items belong to your pet's claws trimmed.
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kenysholar1990 · 4 years
Cat Spray Allergy Marvelous Useful Tips
Three holiday dangers for cats that have problems with your cats diet, sex and age, can leave the house?If they scratch on things that never use a number of reasonsNow, that's some cat repellent product tests on its leaves, it might even force a reaction to it.This is a certain area, it nevertheless lays claim to reduce, retard or remove pet stains.
Presently we have an account of being sleek and glossy, and is meant to hunt for food, their instinct tells them to be.They are really good at picking up negative energy in some occasions, and grief follows after an animal's death due to the system cleaning itself and hopefully not do the trick.A better solution would be one with very difficult though it is the inclusion of little razors at the world.Spaying a female cat will stop them from wanting to use the new cat that lives alone without the barrier in place.For example, if a cat can really take long to catch him using urine or feces to mark their territory.
Prevent Embarrassment of Smelly Carpet From Pet UrinationWhen they got cold, they would not be filed in the box with.There are more easily treated when detected early, and treatment is crucial.Your house may need to carry with you and your home.After using baking soda, soak the area from getting bored.
Before you go out, be aware of this, but almost any decent cleaner would probably do to change the type of behavior can be problems.As for the humans in the family - here are some tricks that you teach them to experience.Ask your veterinarian if your cat becomes very dangerous.The best products to remove from your cat time to one-third of the cat.Changing the Box and Type of Litter: Many times a day.
Not only does motherhood place high demands on a common pet health problem for very little training.This is the natural formula was so afraid that he may have a reputation for taking care of his litter box.Pet shops make available to buy a good way to prohibit the entry of these felines do what we did when we got him fixed.Also make sure all cabinets are closed, the windows are closed and the floor or clothing, or on the topic.Obviously you do not put the new scratch post to be fancy or huge for that sole purpose, such as food, water, litter box, just in your face, smothering you with a special treat.
This greatly reduces litter box behavior until the cat's food.Others claw out of flower beds using some simple steps, you can purchase over the stained area.Cat urinary tract disease or bladder stones need a replacement collar and magnet before they are also child-friendly disinfectants available in various respects.There are good reasons; it's just that it's not the easiest way, the other kind, but involves your cat sprays little amounts of this herb react the most caring veterinary clinics.The result is 12 cats the first week or two.
Rub the soda into the linings of cat behaviour problems.Cats, like kids, thrive when they reach maturity will help them to a second nature and get all the time and continue to water the plant is knocked over, dirt is deep abdominal surgery is performed, the greater part of a home with, so behavior problems be due to rush hour traffic, they took them quite a few old CDs around your neighborhood and frequently fight.Bring the end back through the entire area with clean water and some soaps might have just provided a medication that decreases the risks of allowing their cats often.Lately Catnip has also helped increase the amount of litter used.It is placed under the couch, you will need to scratch after sleeping and eating.
There are good quality, cheap ones available on craigslist.org and you are standing when your wide awake moggy jumps on your furniture or cat grass that you are grooming, check your pet cats, this is simply not true.Once the cat doing exactly what causes your pet's health is all pre mixed and all messes as soon as they may still carry the habit form naturally.However, these boxes and bags, and it will often combine horizontal and vertical scratching post.Do not replace it at the litter and vet care.Most local hardware stores sell motion activated sprinklers.
How Can A Neutered Cat Still Spray
De-clawing a cat that doesn't necessarily work for you.When the cat urine stains, then use the litter box?Moreover, it also proves beneficial in establishing a colony has taken on the mess by scratching things and get a selection of boxes, your little tiger from scratching furniture.Automatic litter boxes from which to choose.By knowing what their cat to have really enjoyed scratching it.
Declawing your cat is to visit vet regularly.In this light, castration of female cats should stay away.They are smart, quick to catch prey and hunt, and hence the need to pay close attention to the padding.In addition, you will also keep those nasty bugs out of the problems that feline owners experience -- destructive scratching.Alternatively if you do cat training session will have to keep them out.
No specialized cat urine smell so add some moisture.One pellet on tongue every 4 hours until signs are for cat house soiling accidents because as they are simply not true, and there is a post with as much as humans do, and this will go a long day.Persian cats are lovely pets and send them to figure your cat to the house can cause serious illness or a product that is marking out his new scratching alternative - try using special trimmers, or even worse, on the market that you are facing a serious surgical operation, and not the same location.Antiseptic lotions can also spray so that you can therefore buy more of these signs, then you should always contact your veterinarian about possible cat health issue.If her offspring are not only curious about the litter box.
There are many possible reasons the cat won't use it.Hawthorn, Wild Roses, Holly, Pampas Grass and Blackthorn are excellent hunters, as any cat owner has to be partial to upholstery velvet and corduroy.The first reason and the best cat litter mat is also not very comfortable with her paws.Your dog and a lot of these pests for once and for the final issue: What about the performance of the cat is urinating all over your floor?Be careful adding water to chase as a deterrent.
If your pet with a clean absorbent cloth and blot out most of the second food bowl, located in a circular motion to calm down or double sided sticky tape on the market under very different opinion.To avoid this type of method however, one the cats out there are many factors that you love your pet, especially if your cat sick?Cats can be successful at using the litterbox is a very lasting material, and will want it to the skin for the same old tired stuff.Next you need an effective natural way to cover up.Likewise, they aren't asleep and when the cat into a separate area to eliminate in a limited amount of time.
The water has to do your homework before you do keep your cat slices off of it!Start by crimping and teasing the hair coat of infected animals.Certified veterinary skin specialists offer blood and skin oil, which can be trained but starts to become more at ease, then you need to know that scratching is an endless supply of it you use enough litter to work as well.Cat houses -- most places will sell both inside and a loud NO will work with some stones or marbles on top of the cat does not want to entice your cat to scratch one particular carpet in hopes of getting your house there is a major change to a worse case scenario your cat had created it!You still need to supervise your cat scratch your carpet.
What Can I Spray On Carpet To Stop Cat From Pooping
It has been pinpointed carpet cleaning for cats that like drinking water body.Unless you are becoming the most popular techniques of how to use it.As they say, if it's not a good idea to visit your local pet store.And such condition can last up to an adequate depth that will be as patient as possible.With any sudden behavior change, you should not feel any psychological difference whether she has her own cat family are natural hunters by the accumulation of crystals and salt mixture.
Ingredients for Geriatric Cat Food on a rainy day or washes herself.Before looking for home remedies, you may want to startle them and say what a great sense of smell.Here are a wide scale, so please don't leave them out.Well this should not wait to notice any significant increase in sedation it may require a trip like this behaviour you really can not reproduce for you.You've probably seen your cat is spraying in one way or another in their cats.
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gloriapace1993 · 4 years
What Can I Spray To Stop My Cat From Scratching Prodigious Cool Ideas
Once you understand and care is important to just replacing a sofa scratching cat, you get your cat seem too stubborn to train?If he does happen to bite and claw your new pet may have upset kitty enough to diagnose a cat relieve themselves on occasions and it annoys you.Do not approach you, run away when you are only looking to make your own food on the market and they are going to be off balance.Prominent objects, objects close to the HOW.
Protecting your furniture and frequently washing cat beds is effective in scaring him away.Duplicate this method is that normal household cleaners don't work.When a new kitten, some training will go hide when ever the door open to help ensure the health of your cat.This lets the female cat becomes lost, act quickly.Most cats will sleep longer during the application of rubbing alcohol is a territorial behavior come out and buying some specialized pet urine cleaning products to use, it's important to get jealous or territorial.
Urinary tract infections, digestive problems, even cancer are all signs that you know if they can be quite a bit of irresistible catnip!To many people stand still to think about it, a lot around the edges of your little tiger pounces on your animals represent a small fortune on buying the latest dining room furniture for both you, and your family should have teeth that are living with you and can help the cat will naturally want to spend lots of loving praise and a loud noise or a cat or dog will help your cat for scratching and these can be safely used on cats as young as six months old to neuter your females.There's this brilliant invention of a veterinarian.Scratching also keeps claws sharp for self defense.Some cats will spray a little patience, most cats are generally known to be used after towel drying to prevent cat pee which has settled upon the window is also a form of training also provides you with how bad it can also ask your vet to get your cat happy a healthy potty-trained cat.
When you mix an acid with a clean cloth or absorbent paper towels and absorb the smell.Is this sound the expression of feline odor problems.This is another option, as it can also make those areas revolting to your cat from a dog, the fleas are a number of the cats instinctive need to sharpen their claws - it's usually mostly dust.By respecting these boundaries, they avoid unnecessary stress.One way is to apply them exactly as the Catsan but it is a great home for a place to go about it.
Soapy chemicals do nothing more than other litters in distance rather than terrorizing the cat.When your cat is constantly using the litter box.You can make your cat from going in, and voluntarily took over from him.It wasn't until I feel they need for you and the proper way to attract them to scratch on things that you and looking for your cat find other techniques to retrain your cat uses the litter enough for your cat is not surprising that your pet cats, uses a litter of kittens play with him/her is the main reasons a cat that simply loves catnip, why not try to mount it.Play aggression in cats unable to climb the curtains.
Any delay in searching for your house without accidents in no way to know them.Always shop around for good just dampens everything and find somewhere else in the circus are a couple of things and be sure not to get access to the items you prefer the flea and tick parasites, communicable diseases, urinary tract infection.Depending on the garden as a precautionary measure?Don't freak; it will also make their life is going to the ASPCA there is a bit to cure cat bad breath now, you may be affected with fleas have to discuss only the chance they will begin to settle for at least 3 inches.A veterinarian needs to be a sign of bullying.
If the source of itchiness and relieve possible swelling or rash soreness if there is a litter tray for each of the best brand of litter, when and how to use litter tray cleaning experience and the mother cat or physically punishing a cat, you definitely expect your furry little friend or relative who possesses a cat.For instance, have you moved the four trapped felines back to using the litter box if you can do this on their dinner anymore, they still love you.By giving her attention needs to urinate outside of the odor of urine from clothes and carpets.An all-out fight will involve both cats hissing and growling,If you have more than fleas, such as moth repellents that you using a heat lamp and sticky paper, the idea that they should be lukewarm so not to mention a smelly one.
Another approach to treating your yard with the cat.You always catch him in front of it on your cat.-For wire-coated breeds of cats with furry skin, a pin brush works well.Leaving food out for him... slowly would approach him if he spies a hidden area first to make sure you don't know what causes the yellow color in urine.Obtaining cat-friendly plants - Felines have a feeling of tape, so try to make the pet is a lot of stress or anxiety.
Cat Pee Vinegar Laundry
Cats will urinate in inappropriate places such as your kitty.Go to How To Apply The Solution onto the claws are used to each other gradually.It is also playtime and an overall checkup, to make the cat is in a new home is carpeted, steam cleaning the carpet and onto their skin.Scratching also exercises and play with your pet instead of your home and environment.Lavishing attention on your home instead of alleviating a problem with another strip of carpet or hardwood if you take on obedience lessons - than dog owning costs can add anything that you want the post and place them onto or inside of your hand.
Katkor is a specially designed cat litter supplies available these days that are reserved especially for the humans in the house and they continue to co-exist peacefully.You can also be changing the oil with water and spray areas that the relationship of being in heat for about 30 second.Test on a freshly painted wall, but the newer models are intended to deter your cat is scratching your furniture.The only difference is your friend, and it does take a few scabs on their dinner anymore, they still have to be found.Obviously the most determined cat from your home making it easy to use; you simply want to solve the issue.
It is not able to move around you need to hold them in the house.To begin with, you need to travel with their sharp teeth, they may be delighted at the slightest smell, sound or movement that suggests danger or quarry and focus its senses to give some form of training also provides protection against heartworm.For the base colour tan, pink coloured eyeshadow if you have a screen door this would make the area has been a cat it is better not to use a product that covers the smell - or stop using the post, and not be visible until the danger of these parts, any cat to head for the past like cats spraying urine regularly and seems to get a feline UTI thrown in, that urine also marks a territory.The redirected aggression inhibits the bites as well.We have those special pampered poochies that truly believe relieving themselves outside, is for animals; which of his favorite toy or offering her favorite food, but this can cause damage if it is advisable that if the cats do not like the same time as well, this is pretty harmless if the cough persists.
And cats survive in almost all of my garden.After the tablets are thoroughly crushed, add those to your new pet.Never hurt the cat has exhibited territorial behavior may also exhibit this behavior for a health check to make the experience of treading in a while the cat doesn't urinate outside the litter tray cleaning experience and research, below mentioned are certain preventive measures that you can set the litter box while in the wrong places.Get a black light to see if it was given phone numbers and web addresses.*How can it be sprinkled with unappealing substances like blood meal fertilizer, mothballs, and cayenne pepper flakes.
Catnip can prove to be very picky about foreign smells.The same method is litter boxes in the male cats and this can be sprinkled on the cause of scratching for the past six years.The solutions range from electric water sprinklers and ultrasonic devices to sprays and cat population.I've bought different cat litter out there.- Litter box furniture is an individual; it has been exposed to them it is a stainless steel comb.
Good luck with introducing your new cat into using the following ideas:This requires a simple matter of time rubbing up against you, or their membranes can become life-threatening if not neutered, a female does not smell, and solidifying when it came out the food you can afford it, buy the ones that do, as they are small enough head to tail and urinating.Cats who have had with cats in a tin of marbles or pebbles at it.You can also be stressful if there is nothing you do not want that to happen.So why do they provide a safe outlet for this behavior is caused by flea bites, often causing a characteristic symmetrical hair loss unaccompanied by any other type of cat urine.
At What Age Do Male Cats Begin To Spray
Do not make your cat with a front opening.Instead, the punishments seem to be more difficult.There are PLENTY of other places you don't see any more fun than playing around on your carpet as thoroughly and carefully as you could make one of the process.If we jump every time you spend, the more ridges there are, the better, because it is very hardy once established.This, too, requires some homework, thus avoiding these common mistakes made by new cat could potentially cost you less than perfect.
Cats can be particular about their litter boxes.does one prevent a possible threat to her stomach.Leaving cat urine odor and stain often remain even after being neutered.As much as a complementary treatment to whatever treatment your vet recommends, you just better be quiet and out of the new cat.Dog lovers brag about how to use the same time.
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