#in a story full of conflict confusion and manipulation
I’m curious what you think of Ephemer’s role in back cover. Not role like the roles the foretellers are formally assigned, I mean like the role he has in the story, if he has one you can pin down
[context: I assume this is jumping off of Fellow’s post :)]
well for starters, I see him as a breath of fresh air in back cover! Chirithy aside (they’re the omniscient narrator), he’s the single face and open heart in a cast full of faceless, closed-off characters. He’s the one child of this particular story within what’s referred to as the age of fairy tales and I think that holds significance, even if it takes more of a backseat to all the stuff the Foretellers have going on.
Ephemer represents the notion, or the hope even, that not all children will blindly accept and obey every story that they’re told. The Dandelions as a whole are essentially children who can get to the core meaning of fairy tales and understand that they exist as a precautionary set of beliefs, not a strict set of rules. Ephemer’s willingness to question what he’s been told (to question the perhaps literal narrative he’s been caught up in) is exactly what inspires Ava to choose him to lead the Dandelions in her stead. Assuming she did want to alter fate/go against the MoM’s narrative, it makes sense why she was so drawn to Ephemer’s sincerity and inquisitive nature even before that scene where they talk at the fountain.
All sorts of stories, but fairy tales in particular, center around children. Children’s literature as a whole provides the foundation for what types of frameworks and ideas children will carry on throughout their lives and apply to the world they live in. With this in mind, the Dandelions are such an interesting part of the MoM’s intricately written story. It’s like they’re the very audience he was writing for, and he has a fascination with the ways they poke holes in and constantly challenge his narrative, which could be why he assigned Luxu to keep a close eye (his eye) on them.
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waitmyturtles · 2 months
I've Caught Up With Wandee Goodday, and here are some cons and pros (aka, am I ever burnt out on GMMTV)
HELLO. I'm back temporarily from my summer travels (before I travel again!). I was in Thailand! I should have brought a box of chappals to chuck at the GMMTV building for where Wandee Goodday has gone. Anyway, I need to process my thoughts on this show, so here we go. (And I apologize, I have NOT looked at the tag for this show, so I don't know if I'm repeating what other people are saying here.)
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1) This show had so much brainrot potential! Remember the first, like, four episodes? Potential homophobia in multiple workplaces? Delicious bisexuality? Ace storylines??? Wandee's PUTZ deception and manipulation? Yak going along with it, why?? There was a lot going on here, a lot we could have chewed on.
I've been sitting on my historical review of Golf Tanwarin's The Eclipse for my Old GMMTV Challenge for about two months now because I can't get over how pissed I was that that show took some unnecessary, and frankly insensible, turns in part to showcase the damn center ship of First and Khao. I don't think Golf's WG has taken similar turns specifically to center the GreatInn ship, per se -- I just think the writing got messy and lazy right before WG's midpoint in general, and punched a lot of the excitement I had about the show right before I paused around episode 8.
Wandee Goodday is an EXCELLENT example of how Thailand's hourlong QL dramas could be made INCREDIBLY more impactful, by way of forced editing and clarity, if Thailand could follow Japan's suit by making 10- to 12-episode series with 30-minute episodes.
The Dr. Ter storyline was over before it actually, really ended, in, what episode was that, 9 or 10. It was over! Why drag it out? In Japan, that storyline would have been two episodes, mayyybe three, MAX. Shirasu Jin was barely in Kieta Hatsukoi for an episode before he was banished. Takeda Kouhei barely made it through two episodes of Minato's Laundromat 2 before he went bye bye! We don't need these middling dudes. There was enough happening with Dee and Yak to not need this Ter shit! Sorry, LOVE YOU PODD, but Ter was made irrelevant so early on, and then they actually had to work together on a huge case?! And NOW HE'S CHEESING ON TAEM? Like, no. We don't need this.
2) There's still a lot of confusion and conflict between Dee and Yak by last week's episode 11. Dee's got issues receiving love! This is big.
(By the way. Showing Dee ONE video of his parents cheesing on him as a newborn is NOT THE WAY to explain away future parental neglect as an older child. YIKES.)
I love that Yak wants to invest in Dee, and we do see Dee doing a lot of reciprocating there to Yak, but this parental neglect reveal, along with still not knowing enough about the back story of Dee's parents dying, is out of order and not helpful to me getting enough knowledge about Dee for me to feel a holistic sympathy towards him. This makes me wonder if romance is really Golf Tanwarin's bag: if Golf didn't have to focus so much on the DeeYak/YakDee romance, could we have gotten better emotional representations of these guys, gotten a better picture of WHO THEY ARE, before they got into each other? Maybe? I dunno.
3) Considering that homophobia in systems seems to be a theme that Golf is interested in, why did the show drop Yak's concern about being out vis à vis his boxing career? Showing up at the hospital early on, in front of Ter's people, was already a big risk that wasn't given consideration; and now Dee's gone ahead and put the big pre-match smooch on full display by episode 11! I know Yak's gone full tilt for Dee, but I think we needed to put a bow on Yak's early macro-level concerns about being out for that loop to be closed.
[I feel like I have similar concerns here about 23.5 as well, so I'd like GMMTV to know (REMEMBER BAD BUDDY????) that you can have romance and big social commentary in a show at the same time without sacrificing lovely, intimate moments. Neither 23.5 nor Wandee Goodday needed to scrap heavy emotional moments for social media memeable clickbait.]
TL;DR this show, this script, could have been so good, there was so much there by way of storylines.
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And the follow-up scene with the FABULOUS Fluke Nattanon. Fucking Thor. He's so good. They're so wasted in this show!
2) Great Sapol and Inn Sarin. There's a con here: the elephant pants do nothing for Great's butt. But otherwise, Great, and Inn as well, are DELIGHTS. THEY ARE GOOD ACTORS. They are wasted on this script. I hope they never work together on a GMMTV show again. If they're ever paired again (which I hope they're NOT, down with the ships), I hope they can get cast in a big ol' queer lakorn, à la JamFilm, and escape the need for the meme moments.
The thing is, about Wandee Goodday, is that if you admit you're into the show FOR THE DUDES, then I get why this show is watchable (AND IT'S WHY I'M FINISHING IT, GODDAMNIT), because the actual intimate moments ARE lovely. They're just not coherent with everything that we should know about these guys by the end of a series, and that makes me sad.
Anyway, this show ends this week, and that's it! I wish GMMTV's shop had had the WG items in stock when I was there in person; fuck these shipping fees, I want the Phadetseuk shirt so bad! If I had known this would be a kind of light and fluffy watch, I would have set my expectations WAAAYYY differently, and I would have likely had a better time watching this. As it stands now, I'm better suited to enjoy the finale, so I'm glad I got these complaints out of my system, and I'll say sayonara to all these dudes in full ogle mode later this week.
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respectthepetty · 9 months
Pit Babe Colors Ep. 5
Because I have asks in my inbox about the color coding in Pit Babe even though I don't want to watch it, I'm challenging myself with this show and seeing how good my color skills really are. I'm doing my normal thing of watching it double-speed on mute, but now, I'm going to take off the captions.
How could I forget we were in "Disco Inferno" at the end of the last episode?! Babe looks just as confused as I am that Charles ran his ass out on that track. Where are the professionals? Medics, where u b?
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Nice to see everyone wearing blue just in time to prove they did not sabotage the car.
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Get your grubby paws off of Barbie, you color faker!
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Because I hate Charles, everything he does just comes off very creepy. Like he is trying to have Babe all to himself, like a creepy collector of precious superpower kids, but he only wants Babe.
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It's Whiny Winifred in the red Chicago Bulls jacket being annoying per usual.
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I don't care what is being said. Whiny Winifred did not sabotage that car. He isn't smart enough for that. But I'm very curious what Kim's superpower is because he is constantly seen as the bigger presence in their arguments. He may be small, but he is mighty.
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TRUST NONE OF THEM, ALAN! As usual, Charles conveniently arrives to save the day even though Dean saw Jeffrey messing with the car. This is mine and Dean's villain origin story. (Sonic, get your colors together, kid!)
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Alan, don't save him! He don't want to be saved! He can see the future, but couldn't see himself getting caught? Go back to superpower school, Jeffrey! YOU SUCK!
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I should be on Jeffrey's side because he is driving a blue vehicle, but he had to put "Home" into the GPS, and I can't trust a boy who doesn't know how to get back to the apartment he shares with Charlie . . . SINCE HE ISN'T GOING THERE! I guess you really are going back to superpower school since you are probably headed to Big Red's house, you LIAR!
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Couldn't be bothered to wear blue for two episodes, and now you got nothing but blue, huh, Waymond? Odd choice, sir.
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Charles is everywhere at all times. I think Waymond can control emotions, which is why he touches Babe, but I think Charles is mind controlling Babe. He is always in Babe's bubble! Back tf up, bruh.
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And we're back to black because you are devoid of emotions since you are controlling everyone else's. I see you and Charles for the superpower manipulators you are.
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Kimberly, in a garage full of blues, I only trust your red ass. Kimlock Holmes is gonna solve this case because that's what Kims do!
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Are you conflicted now, Jeffrey? In the red and the blue because you know you fucked up and hurt Alan with your lies?
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Pete is wearing blue. I trust this pretty man with my life.
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I have believed that superpowers come from the hands for two episodes now. Waymond is always touching Babe then Babe looks happier. Charles is always touching Babe, then Babe concedes. So Peter not immediately taking Waymond's hand gives me faith that Peter KNOWS what is up because I think he has superpowers too!
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Kenta, you do not have superpowers which is why he treats you like this. Kimberly is gonna love the fuck out of you though. All you have to do is murder your boss.
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Did Big Red do this to you? MURDER YOUR SHITTY BOSS! You don't need a superpower for that. I'm rooting for you, hon.
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My man has the blue blazer and the blue drink. He is proving his loyalty, and I couldn't love him more. This is how you prove you're trustworthy. You ease into the color. Unlike the Treacherous Trio: Charles, Jeffrey, and Waymond.
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Barbie, I need you to pay attention. That hand on your arm is controlling you. Your powers are gone because Charles is fucking with your brain so he can take your racing spot. Don't let that lying bastard touch you!
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WHY ARE YOU LETTING HIM TOUCH YOU?! I know he is controlling your mind, but you gotta stop letting him touch you. Go two days without his touch and see how much clearer you'll start thing. You took him to you and Way's spot. I'm insulted for Way because this was sacred, yet Charles gets everything he wants . . . *mind control*
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Alan, you wear a lot of green, and I love you for that. You are not in this red vs. blue bullshit. You are in a league of your own. I don't think you have superpowers, but if you did, it would be stealing hearts because I'm ready to lay my life down on the line for you, sir. You're perfect.
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Sonic REFUSES to get his shit together. WEAR BLUE ALREADY, DAMN! But also, Decanus is not pleased with whatever is happening. Villain Era loading.
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This scene would be adorable if Charles wasn't a lying pos.
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Decanus, I know you are going to be with Whiny Winifred, so I'm gonna just call this game, and say you lose.
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Wait, A SECRET THIRD OPTION?! Kim Possible, is that you player?!
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Decanus, you are getting pushed by Alan next week, so I know you done fucked up. Sonic, still be doing wild color things next week too.
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Alan, do not suck up to that child. He may be wearing blue in that moment, but his heart is red and not in the good way.
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I still ONLY trust Alan, but he is falling for that lying kid, so he might slip in rankings next week, but Kimlock Holmes and Pete the Magic Dragon did no wrong this week, so my trust remains intact for them. I cannot wait until Kenta gets an ounce of love from Kimberly and it turns his entire life around (KILL YOUR SHITTY BOSS!).
Barbie is being mentally and emotionally controlled by Charles and Waymond, so here's hoping this show gets kinky, ties people's hands up, and sees just how powerful they are without the gift of touch.
Couldn't emotionally manipulate Peter, now could you, Waymond?
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What is your superpower?
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martinfox141 · 7 days
Oh, I almost forgot! All will be based on the Daynap ship. Possibly there will be others in any story but it is open to your readers' wishes. Thank you in advance for every vote and participation, I look forward to your answers!^^
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The stories will be on Ao3 for better access. Last reminder :3
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queenburd · 6 days
SLAMS OPEN YOUR DOOR please share the stuff you are hiding behind your back (only if you wish to share ofc smiles
sighs and pulls my papers out from behind my back and spreads them across the table
so here's the thing. it's not so much that the settings person/employee 432 and the narrator have a lot in common, that's to me, a debatable point. it's.... complicated. but they have a lot of PARALLELS and features that come from the same place.
but, to me, they play different roles. they have to. because one of these individuals is someone who has accepted and embraced and fallen into their role (settings person) and the other is in full denial about his role and pretends he has more power than he does and, on a subconscious level, wants freedom he can't have (the narrator).
sorry this is all over the place so Im going to go back to where everything always starts and it is The Parable, the Game Itself, as a living thing that has wants and drives. The end is never the end, because it loops and loops, so that you can keep playing, and the wheel keeps turning. (Ive compared the Parable to a haunted house. I've compared it to the House from The Haunting of Hill House.)
It has its own rules, and its own physics, and I can't say it's sentient but it steps in when the Narrator tries to change too much. For the game to work, for the Parable to function, it needs you to play, and you play to hear the Narrator talk, and he's funnier when he's mad, and he only ever wants the Story, so you disobey and go off the Story and you are, in essence, playing the game. Get the dialogue. Find the secrets. Be In Conflict With The Other Person, because games have winners, which means there are losers, which means competition, and defeat, and Conflict.
So the cycle is You (or Stanley) Vs Narrator, trying to gain the upper hand, and this turns the wheel. This makes the game repeat. The end is never the end.
But the thing is we can't argue that that's what the Narrator wants. He THINKS he wants it, but his assumptions are based off fallacies that he made the game (we're gonna come back to this) and the second he starts to not care about the Story (confusion ending) and BOND with the player/Stanley, the Parable steps in and wipes the slate clean.
That's not a being in control! That's a person who has to be manipulated repeatedly and forced into being a specific way for the machine to work. (there are arguments to be made here that this is like employee 432. that's extremely true. I PROMISE we will get to Settings/432) I think about the Curator's speech a lot, and I think about the Demo a lot, and the confusion ending and. gestures.
The Narrator has SOME control over the Parable, but only so long as he acts in line with what it wants, and it's not hesitant to put him through suffering if he pushes against it.
(and I can and have talked about his own fears, and how not progressing feels safe for him, how he's stuck in the past and the player/Stanley is the force that drives things forward, and that back and forth is what moves the Parable and makes it loop, but I am already SO off topic Im so sorry)
The Settings Person, I think, has more power over the game mechanics than the Narrator does (achievement machine, always with you even in the pause screen, stuff like that), because it wants what the Parable wants. The Stanley Parable cannot end. I must keep the wheel turning. It's not a prisoner, it's a warden. And it makes you/Stanley complicit in pulling the Narrator back to the game when he's supposedly "escaped", because, again, Conflict Drives The Game.
They get their abilities from the same place but one of these individuals is dogmatic in its belief of the Parable and the other is only obeying the Parable because he thinks he has to and has been manipulated and forced into compliance.
And, okay, maybe that's a bit of an overstatement, right? After all, the Narrator made the game, didn't he? And 432 was just a character in the mind control facility in the game lore.
Incorrect buzzer, but like, quieter so it's less annoying and condescending.
None of that's real. Crowsx3 made the game. This is a game about meta and it's not so far of a stretch to detach yourself from the "game lore" and look at the game from outside, while also trying to meet it on its own level.
The Narrator didn't make the game, but so long as he thinks so, and as long as he thinks he has power, he'll fight with Stanley for control. As long as he abides by the made up backstory, then the Parable succeeds.
Then there's the Settings person who knows this is a game, and that they are just part of it. The fact that this character has "lore" has no impact on its work now. It's flavor. It's for fun. the character knows that.
are there similarities? absolutely. But those similarities will always stem from the same place: whether their intent and interests are in alignment with the Parable's itself.
Settings Person will ALWAYS align with the Parable. The Narrator will not.
And That's My Take.
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randomishnickname · 2 years
The main deck as a stage - thoughts on S101
Rewatching S101 for the first time in years and I have some thoughts on the ending. Mainly, the reason why Billy, when handed a blank page, goes along with Flint’s wishes and pretends it’s the stolen one.
Thing is, it makes no sense that after what happened on Harbor Island and with Richard Guthrie, Billy'd be very convinced of Flint's Urca de Lima plans. He's seen Flint at his most unhinged and manipulative just a few hours ago! He hasn't had time to think the entire endeavor over! I don't think that, when handed the page, he makes the split decision that
Flint's pursuit of the Urca is worth lying to his brother-in-arms,
he shares Flint's worries about soon-to-be English colonization attempts or
Singleton's death on false pretenses was a necessary evil
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The face of a man thoroughly convinced of Flint's leadership
Instead, I think Billy was being typecasted by Flint and reacted accordingly.
Flint sets up a scene: an initiating event (Singleton steals from his crew!), a conflict (trial by combat!), a climax (Flint kills Singleton as punishment for the theft), a clear resolution (Flint returns the stolen page to his crew!). As soon as Flint wins the fight the page being the stolen one becomes the logical conclusion, the satisfying outcome. The righteous man killed the duplicitous man, justice has been served. It's what the audience, waiting with bated breath, very clearly expects. It ties everything together.
And Billy, when he accepts the page from Flint's hand, is handed a role exactly as clear: deliver that bit of information to the audience.
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Enter scene: confused boatswain
Except the page is blank.
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"Flint? What's my line?
Blindsided by this, everyone's eyes on him, unable to come up with a replacement script from the get-go, Billy goes the path of least resistance and acts out the play according to everyone's expectations. He's carried by the momentum of the story. He's just a hapless stage prop. Yet.
It's the first of many, many times we see the ship's main deck turned into a center stage with Flint (and later Silver) as the showmaster, pushing narratives to enforce his agenda, a game at which he excels.
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do Hamlet next babe, you wouldn't even need a new shirt
That man, in a mere minutes after deducting the thief must still be around, devised this exact scene set up and gambled that its dramatic impact would be strong enough to sway Billy. And he was right!! Flint is phenomenal at this game from the get-go, that's his real gift, even more than his fighting prowesses or strategic cunning. A lesser show would let us (the real audience) savor his victory, reflect upon its cleverness and await what comes next.
But then ... after the theatralics, histrionics, the fights and blood and epic grandiloquence acted out in full sunlight ...
We cut to backstage. The brothel, Jack, Anne and Max, hidden in the shadows behind the curtains, ready to rewrite the narrative.
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Enter scene - the new playwright
The curtains are fucking red y'all!!!
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rise-my-angel · 2 months
Since writing hotgw, I completely forgot what the fate of Olly in the show was. I completely forgot that they villanized this 13 year old boy by turning him into an angry, silent, and emotionless sociopath who was not effected negatively by committing murder to someone he looked up to like an older brother, and whom he saw return from the dead.
And then had JON SNOW OF ALL PEOPLE willingly choose to sentence him to death by hanging. And not at all consider he was a young, traumatized boy whose greif and confusion was manipulated by older superior officers in the Watch, to do something he clearly didn't understand the consequences of, and was clearly so conflicted he was crying when he did it. This boy whose story started with Ygritte callously murdering his father right beside him, before his family and village were slaughtered, and a Thenn tormented him by telling him how he was going to eat his mother and father with a knife to his throat:
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I'm not saying Olly should be plainly forgiven for what he did to Jon, but I think its obvious that in Jons absence when he went to Hardhome, Ser Alliser clearly organized this mutiny with other high ranking men, and to hurt Jon even more, manipulated Olly into helping by using his trauma against him.
I'd even argue Olly was forced into it, as the moment Ser Alliser brought this plan to him, Olly couldn't say no. Because if he did, Ser Alliser knew Olly would go to Jon as soon as he returned. Meaning Ser Alliser either directly threatened or indirectly implied a threat to make Olly get in on this plan.
And I am sure as hell saying thar Ser Alliser, Yarwick, and Marsh deserved to be hung as they were grown men in full control of their choices and actions. But I will go to the grave saying that the real Jon Snow would understand Olly's complications and never would've harmed, let alone executed a child.
Season 6 Olly was unfairly villanized to satisfy general audiences who hated him for helping to murder Jon, and season 6 Jon was unfairly characterized as someone who would not see the obvious manipulation of a traumatized child and unintentionally villanized by thus executing that same child just to satisfy those same general auidences who wanted Olly to pay.
tldr: my fic is 100% me redeeming Olly out of spite for the writers and auidence members who were way too over eager to see the death of a child
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jar-of-maise · 11 months
fontaine archon quest, furina story quest spoilers + brainrot
so after doing the 4.2 quest, i have to say that i really dislike the characterisation of the Traveller and Paimon. Obviously, there's a emotional appeal for the audience to see Furina's suffering but I don't like how we basically manipulate her, decieve her and then harass her straight after the main plot? Like girly says she doesn't want to return to acting and what do our beloved MC's do? Harass her until she agrees.
coming from a story writer's perspective, i can see how the story was done to further...idk character development but to be completely honest, i would have loved it if Furina died in the end, or even disliked the Traveller. Eitherway, I think that the reconciliation arc was so abrupt and quick for my liking. Of course, the question could always become, "if not now then when?" And my answer to that is, realistic forgiveness and closure is rarely present in real life. Yes, the game is fantasy and does not have to conform to reality but I can't help thinking that some depth has been missed/could've been added.
Furina doesn't get enough credit for her work - and maybe the tragedy and point of the quest was to highlight that. But like, I have to say the way everyone treated her during her trial (okay, I know, no one knew anything about shit at the time just let me rant), and worse, after the conclusion of the archon quest had me raging ngl.
Can you imagine playing this tortuous role for basically 500 years, staking your every hope upon a plan plotted by a "mirror you" you've only met once and never again? Not to mention that it might be all for naught?
And then the people you are trying to save isolateand ostracize you? You're tricked and fooled until the very "hope" you wish to maintain (the act) is basically destroyed? And when you've begun to finally find respite, you're forced back onto the stage and made fun of, called poor and mocked for ... not having a personality because you've been playing as someone else? Like, Traveller has their therapy, "makes character's better" moments but this was not one of them.
At the same time though, it makes the Traveller more realistic, which I can appreciate. They want answers, and the continuous theme of, "Archons not knowing jackshit or running away" is tiring. But like, you would have also thought that it could be a point of sympathy not just, making someone suffer????
But Traveller and Paimon's extremely irritating actions aside, I can see it from everyone else's POV - that is, Fontaine is literally about to go under, and that for 500+ years the "god" they worship has been saying, "trust me," but hasn't done (in the eyes of the people) anything.
so idk, the archon quest makes me feel very conflicted, and honestly good for hoyoverse. but man, furina was quite literally dealt one of the worst cards to date.
TLDR; i rant about furina and how she deserved better but that tbf i would also be very confused if all i knew was a bratty archon doing nothing (seemingly) for the nation but....also, the injustice and unfair treatment furina got AFTER the archon quest - i could write a full essay about her character deadass x_x
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hartbreak-motel · 1 year
When the news hit about Mick retiring and it was made out to be a mutual decision, I was devasted, but wanted to be happy for him. The man had been touring with excruciating pain for decades and deserved some much needed rest. While it was upsetting to see him go, I wanted to support the band's next chapter with John 5, a great guitarist in his own right.
But in my gut, I knew something was off. Mick's press release and Mötley's press release had conflicting info regarding Mick's status in the band, mainly regarding whether or not he would just be retired from touring or was out of the band entirely. The uneasiness continued as the band refused to clear up any confusion and proceeded to erase Mick from all of their promotional material. Mentions of Mick were supposedly being deleted from Mötley's social media account and Nikki would go on Twitter tirades about the "bottom feeding media" like he was Donald Trump trying to avoid an indictment. Mick unfollowing the band on social media and Carmine Appice's interview with Ultimate Guitar further seemed to indicate that there was more to the story.
Yesterday we got some answers.
Mick being treated like crap by the other band members should not be news to a Mötley Crüe fan. The man had written extensively about his experiences in The Dirt and The Heroin Diaries. However, many fans like myself wanted to believe that the others had grown up. That Mick's near brush with death in 2004 had given them a new appreciation for their bandmate.
Sadly, it looks like this hasn't been the case. To find out from Mick that he felt like his bandmates were undermining his talents and tried gaslighting him into thinking he had memory problems is disheartening and insidious (not to mention incredibly rich considering Vince can barely string two words together when he sings). To find out that he was treated like trash and disposed of is absolutely disgusting. Nikki's ableist comments about having to "prop up" Mick and the band's claims that Mick was "manipulated" by his manager to pursue legal action does nothing but reaffirm Mick's accusations in my eyes.
Mötley may have been Nikki's brainchild, but Mick was the one who helped him fully realize it. He came up with the name, suggested bringing on Vince, took Nikki's scrappy punk songs to the next level, and gave the band some credibility among musicians. There would be no Mötley Crüe if not for Mick Mars. While they may not be obligated to keep him on as a full member, it would have been the right, respectable thing to do. Unfortunately Mötley have never been into respectability.
As for where I stand, I stand with Mick 100%. The growing unease leading up to this bombshell being dropped had already soured my outlook on the band, and I've been trying to distance myself. I will always be a fan of the bands music, but I cannot in good conscience support the band in its future endeavors. Not unless they make things right with Mick.
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yanderes-galore · 2 years
Can you do a yan chris scenario from re5 reacting to his darling who got brainwashed by wesker instead of Jill and she acts EXTREMELY violent towards him and sheva and once they defeat her she starts crying please ?
Chris is like the second character that gets angst requests for Resident Evil other than Leon/j
Poor man's going to suffer. I had trouble making him full out Yandere as he's usually just overprotective. Yet I hope I made a good story either way.
Yandere! Chris Redfield (RE5) Scenario
Pairing: Romantic
Possible Trigger Warnings: Gender-Neutral Darling, Implied past relationship, Implied past toxic relationship, Overprotective behavior, Obsession, Delusional behavior, Angst, Implied murder, Chris is losing it, Clingy behavior, Manipulation, Moral conflict, Love/Hate relationship.
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Feral. That was the word that came to mind when Chris saw how you acted. To think Wesker had done this to you....
You were nothing but a puppet. Masked and dressed in black, meant serve orders you had no idea were wrong. None of this was your fault.
You had no idea how many you killed. You weren't sentient enough to understand the virus you were spreading. Chris felt he couldn't blame you.
Sheva was kind enough to help him track you. It hurt him to know you were suffering at the hands of Wesker. If only you two didn't part ways-
If only you two didn't fight. If only he convinced he knew what was best for you. If only he tried harder.
He was told his overprotective behavior was unhealthy back then...
Was this much better?
Was you being used as some pretty puppet by Wesker better than Chris? Were you happy mindlessly fighting Chris like some feral animal? Was it fun pinning him to the ground and hitting him over and over and over.
Perhaps he deserved it...
You didn't deserve this fate, however.
Vigorously, Chris pulls at the P30 scarab on your chest. Sheva holds down your screaming and struggling body to aid her friend. Tears blur his vision, especially at your pain.
"Let me go!" You cry and are promptly ignored. Snapping is heard as the device breaks free before being crushed in Chris's hands. His face is filled with anger that burns within him.
Wesker will pay.
Your body stops moving in Sheva's arms, laying limp against her. Chris quickly grabs you from his partner before she can do anything.
"Give me (Y/N)... Wake up, please.... Come on, it's me, Chris...!"
He leans in, softly kissing your forehead.
"You know me... I love you...!"
While to him such words were true, if you felt the same was a mystery now. Ever since the fight you may not even like him. Such details weren't important to him right this second.
When you open your eyes, tears cloud your vision. Sheva watches you two, frowning when she notices the tears from both of you. Reunited at last... for better or for worse.
"(Y/N)... there's no need to cry-"
Chris holds you closer once hearing you hiccup and sputter. Tears stream down your face when sobs rip themselves from your throat. You were so confused, scared, pained...
You were also in Chris's arms again.
Chris... the very man who you fought with. The one who got you into this mess with his paranoia. In a way, he was right. This world is not as it used to be.
While you were thankful he saved you... you hated being in his arms. You didn't love him anymore, not with his behavior. Yet that same fixation saved your life....
For that... you feel you should be thankful.
But you can't stop crying.
Chris holding you tight is meant to feel nice. The affectionate circles he rubs on your back is meant to feel calming. Chris was your savior now.
Although back then he was your tormentor.
You weakly pull away, sitting on your knees and sobbing. Right now, you were confused. Should you feel happy? Should you still resent him?
Was this redeemable enough to tolerate him again?
You look towards him. Tears make your cheeks glisten in the light of the room. Chris frowns, reaching out to place a hand on your shoulder. In response you don't move.
"You're safe now... I'll keep you safe like I promised."
You sniff, looking away from him.
"...Am I?"
"Yes, you are. We traveled a long way to find you, (L/N)."
Sheva gives you a smile, completely unaware of the full past you and Chris share. How naive.... You can't blame her for trusting Chris.
At one point you did, giving him all the love he could've asked for.
"I'll take your word for it."
You're then pulled into Chris's chest again, fresh tears dripping onto your neck. You wanted to push him away... yet you couldn't bring yourself to do it.
Part of you missed this....
"Chris..." Sheva sighs, sensing your discomfort. "(Y/N)'s been through a lot, we need to go find Wesker."
"I don't want to leave again..."
"Wesker did this, Chris." Sheva continues, trying to get him off you. "Let's finish this... for (Y/N)."
That seemed to catch Chris's attention, the man pulling away and standing up. He wipes his eyes and looks down at you, the one he loves the most....
"(Y/N), stay safe. A safety team will pick you up."
Chris then smiles towards you. It starts loving... then distorts to unhinged. He was going to end this.
"Don't worry, we'll be fine... I'll serve you Wesker's head on a platter."
That threat echoes in your ears. While Chris walks away with Sheva, you're left with your skin crawling at his tone. He was so sinster....
You worry for Chris's mental health. He was bad before, now he's even worse. All this bioweapon nonsense was wearing his rational mind down.
Part of you wishes him luck. The other hopes you can finally part ways in peace. You have a feeling Chris would never leave your life until the end of it, however....
Love him or hate him... he still felt like part of you.
He saved you even after everything... now you don't think you can hate him fully.
He loves you, always will.
No matter what he does to keep you by him, morally correct or not, he's your only sense of normalcy.
Perhaps that's why you still love him... and he's obsessed with you.
You both wish for normalcy.
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gimmemore14 · 3 months
Ahhhhhhh!!!! I came here because I just finished Chapter 15 of your Bad Guys win A/B/O fic (I can’t remember the exact title and have the tab closed 😭) and let me tell you I am OBSESSED with your writing, holy chips. It’s such an indulgent fic for me with the angst and more angst and aghhhhhhhhh it’s so good!!! And I have so many questions, so many little thought hyper fixations from it! Like, Wally being alive- AGCHCIDJNDND!! How would Slade even react to that, to Wally and Dick potentially being reunited? And Tim!!! My poor baby!! I’m literally frothing at the mouth every time I remember how isolated he is in regards to everyone else. Because Jason’s finally with the others now, and Dick has Damian (and had Rose and Joey as well technically) but Tim is just… GOD THE ANGST. AUTHOR YOU GENIUS. He’s all alone in these isolated mountains with Ra’s and going through non-consensual body modifications and AFSHDHJJNN (Tim is one of my favorite characters). Although I guess he technically does have SOME support, slightly, with Layla and Ali and Amzi… It’s not the same as full on family yk? And then DICK. DICK’S ARC. GOD. He’s isolated, and coerced, and manipulated- he’s given this false sense of home, of pack, he’s trauma bonded with his abuser, he’s genuinely emotionally entangled with Slade, he’s initially terrified of Slade’s softness because he KNOWS the psychological consequences of softness from a abuser and captor, he KNOWS it’ll make everything ten times more confusing and he’ll get conflicted about his emotions and bonds, AND IT HAPPENS AND NOW HES MATED!! And the engagement dinner! What’s going to happen to Tim? God, what’s going to happen when KON sees him? I genuinely wonder what Tim’s sort of breaking point is going to be, for this fic, however. What I mean by this is Jason and Dick both had this sort of arc where they were reached this submissive, defeated state. For Dick this happened in much smaller increments, him breaking down along the way and then the final sort of end all be all being the bite, and with Jason it was suddenly forced into him, with Sionis’ forced mating and Jason’s subsequent submission. Even if Jason wasn’t fully broken, he was still submitted to Sionis. But with Tim, he’s still got all this fire and snark. He’s ready to do whatever it takes to make this hard for Ra’s, with the way he keeps egging him on. I’m DYING because I have a feeling the forced mating bite from Ra’s is going to be HIS breaking point into submisson, and OH MY CHIPS AM I NERVOUS FOR THAT. I just KNOW he’s going to be the prettiest bride ever though, I say this in the least sadistic way possible I promise you I am not trying to glorify or romanticize rape and non-consensual body modifications resulting in a loss of control over masculinity, but like. Tim is canonically the Twink ok. He’s going to be so pretty and so tragic and I just. I’m just here for that ok?
So that’s pretty much the end of my hyper fixation rant… god I’m so sorry if you had to read all this but just know I absolutely EAT UP your writing, it makes my day, and I CANNOT wait for if you ever update it again (I’ll def try to leave another comment like this for a new chapter if you don’t mind)
Idk how to write stories without angst 😭😂
Slade was definitely a little jealous of Wally at first (I mean the man caught him masturbating thinking about Wally 😬😏) but now well… you’ll find that Slade is feeling pretty secure with them having matching mating bites gahah he’d definitely be a cocky prick about it now
Poor Tim definitely has the worst of it now! His isolation breeds desperation and honestly a bit of a moral disconnect as a form of self protection. Every bird thought they were alone, but Tim knows he is… hopefully that’ll change soon hahaha
That’s 100% why Dick fought so hard!! Even with the arrival of Joey and rose he was grateful but also pissed because he knew Slade would use them against him too, he called him out for it, knew the man’s plan but unfortunately Dick can’t just… NOT care about people either. If Slade kept being an aggressive asshole the whole time things would be different; however, he’s a smart man and dick is definitely emotionally entangled now (but so is Slade 😂)
Tim is feeling a false sense of security with Ra’s traditional values so despite what’s happening to his body, he feels like he still has time (he doesn’t) but seeing the supers at the engagement dinner may change the urgency factor and make things more real for him…
You KNOW Ra’s is putting him in a multimillion dollar outfit, but he’d be the prettiest omega bride even in a potato sack hahah
Thank you for reading, don’t apologize, I LOVE comments/asks like this!! Blood in the Water has been my favorite thing to write so far!
Update will come eventually but I’m heading to Italy for my sisters wedding/vacation so my brain has been focusing on that, hopefully by the end of the month I’ll be able to crank the rest out and edit it 💜
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dailyanarchistposts · 5 months
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Khomeini’s Conquest
The months following the fall of the Shah was a springtime of revolution, a period of conflict and social struggle that provided a challenge to the new authorities. When workers returned to work, in many industries they did so under the control of the shoras (workers councils). Political organizations, suddenly free to operate after years of repression, began to flourish. Neighborhoods self-organized under the control of local committees. Universities became bases of left-wing opposition. The provinces were in rebellion.
How could such a broad based popular movement, with the oldest and largest left in the Middle East, result in the establishment of a clerical theocracy? While repression played a large role, the full story is far more complicated.
While the proletariat was strong and militant enough to overthrow the regime, they were not in a position to assert their hegemony over the movement. Moreover, almost immediately after the fall of the Shah, conflicts began to manifest within the coalition of revolutionary forces. While the movement was broad and popular, its leadership was drawn from the petit-bourgeoisie of the bazaari-clerical alliance. The problem for the new regime would therefore be to somehow establish undisputed political hegemony over this diverse patchwork of revolutionized groups, as well as the masses more broadly.
It was not merely through extreme violence in the streets that Khomeini and his supporters were able to solidify their leadership over the popular movement. Certainly, they did employ lumpen-thugs (calling themselves the Hezbollah) to attack opposition rallies and break strikes. But their success was equally due to ideological manipulation. If there was one overarching ideological trait of the 1979 revolution it was anti-imperialism. Far more than an outcome of some religious revival or resistance to modernity, the Islamic ideology of the day assumed the form of a Third Worldist populism, one which would become so hegemonic over the revolution that all questions relating to it would eventually be seen through its prism. This was especially the case for the left, who contributed to this ideological confusion. It was through the manipulation of anti-imperialist ideology that the Khomeinist clergy was able to secure and maintain its hegemony over the revolution.
A key factor in Khomeini’s ability to rapidly gain control over the movement lay in the near-total political vacuum that existed under the Shah’s dictatorship. The entire weight of the regime’s repression had been turned against the communist movement and the secular nationalists. For the masses of rural people who flooded into cities during the decade preceding the revolution, their traditional community having been disrupted by the land reform, the mosque was often the only place where they could find remnants of that community. However, mosques were not neutral, but under the control of the cleric, who found in this newly dispossessed population a ready audience. These cultural affinities were fused with a utopian-populist ideology that promised to end corruption and inaugurate a period of justice, uniting the various classes into an abstract people.
It is often suggested that the regime of Muhammad Reza Shah was hostile to Islam, or was pursuing a program of radical secularization. This is inaccurate: like his father, he was more interested in bringing religion under the control or service of the state. Although he sought modernization and national development, his approach to religion depended on how it served the state. For the Shah, the main enemy was the communist and left-wing opposition. Although the Pahlavi regime certainly promoted a nationalist ideology that emphasized the pre-Islamic past, the regime was not averse to using Islam when it served its purposes. It pursued a strategy that would be replicated throughout the region, encouraging religious ideology to counter the popularity of the Left. While the full repressive and propagandistic force of the state was wielded against the left, the Islamic forces enjoyed an incredible freedom, and even encouragement. Far from closing down mosques, the last Shah funded more mosques, prayer halls, and religious services. So long as they did not directly challenge the state or the monarchy, they were free to operate. This was especially the case if they directed their ire against godless communism. Many of those clergy who would be important figures in the Khomenist movement during the 1979 revolution featured prominently in magazines and newspapers, and regularly appeared on radio and television. Of course, there was repression against the religious political opposition, but only of groups that directly opposed the regime. Those figures who stayed away from direct discussion of politics were given room to maneuver, which was unthinkable for the left.
Khomeini’s intransigence and relative freedom of expression while in France soon made him the symbolic leader of the revolution — proof that symbols, when invested with enough power, become powers of their own. Khomeini enjoyed a network the communist movement could only dream of, with a strong following among middle and lower ranking clergy. As tapes of Khomieini’s speeches were widely shared and distributed, mosques everywhere soon became a platform for voicing dissent. During the revolutionary insurrection of 1978–79, the neighborhood committees that would later serve as an important base of the revolution were organized out of mosques in which the cleric was in control. These were increasingly controlled by a centralized revolutionary committee composed of Khomieni’s supporters. Those that had remained independent were soon brought under control. These committees soon began to organize militias.[19] Over time, these committees were all brought to heel, usually through violent repression. What they couldn’t dominate by means of loyalists, they broke through frontal repression. But it was in Kurdistan where the autonomy from the central government was maintained the longest. This partially explains the repression that the state has always levied against the people there, who never fully accepted the Islamic Republic.
On November 7th, 1979 Khomeinist students took over the American Embassy. The crisis came at a perfect moment, when economic problems and frustration with the revolution was beginning to grow. One cannot understand the hostage crisis unless one recognizes that it was less about conflict with the US than about defeating the domestic opposition, particularly the Marxist guerrilla groups. It had the dual outcome of both forcing the resignation of the liberal nationalist provisional government and defeating the radical left, who still battled for hegemony over the anti-imperialist revolution. Prior to the hostage crisis, the new regime had no intention of opposing the United States. In this sense, the embassy takeover was the anti-imperialist spectacle perfected: by drawing attention away from the struggles taking place in the rest of the country, students who only recently would have been seen by their Marxist counterparts as religious fanatics and rectionaries could now present themselves as the vanguard of the anti-imperialist struggle. In this way, the crisis helped the religious factions defeat the left and secure their hegemony over the revolution.
From 1980 to 1983 the state launched a “cultural revolution” with the intention of purging the universities and educational institutions of radical left influence. Schools were shut down, faculty purged. Resistance was met with severe repression, leading to fierce battles between leftist students and Islamist thugs. The same was the case with the worker’s councils in the factories, although in this case the initiative lay with the left-wing parties. Although the councils developed spontaneously out of the strike committees organized during the mass strike of 1978–79, they enjoyed the participation of the Left, who were invited to play a role in their direction. Whereas those workers councils that were dominated by the Khomeinists often tended to be corporatist in ideology, the more radical worker’s councils were democratic in nature.
This difference points to the decisive question — by no means unique to Iran — of the internal diversity of the working class. The rapid and uneven character of capitalist development over the previous decade had created a significant though not unsurpassable chasm, a phenomenon common to many nations in the global south, particularly where development is marked by advanced technology, as opposed to more primitive forms of accumulation. This chasm meant that there was an important cultural difference between “new” and “old” workers, one that the Islamists played upon and used against the left and working class movement. There was a marked difference between the newly-proletarianized manual laborers or unemployed workers and second generation urbanites, who enjoyed different sources of entertainment and tended to support the secular parties of the left. This included white collar workers, but also “skilled” workers in modern industries including oil, gas, and petrochemicals, which were central to the state and economy. Similar differences existed at the level of education, as well as in lifestyles. The clergy played upon this difference with their ideas of cultural imperialism. Imperialism was affiliated not merely with the rule of capital, but with all facets of Western culture, Marxism included. The upper sectors of the working class were characterized as Westernized, a trend consistent with Third World populism elsewhere, particularly in nations that are not among the farthest flung regions of the periphery and underdeveloped, but which are developing more rapidly in the direction of the global system.
Like fascist regimes before them, the Khomeini regime used disorder to establish order. They did not merely conquer the state but also seized power in the street, through the action of their revolutionary committees. By 1983 they had defeated all their political opponents. From the beginning, the Islamic Republic always incorporated a segment of the population into its police apparatus to surveil and repress the rest of the population. This policy allowed it to channel the cultural resentment of the lumpenproletariat into the regime’s repression, and marked an important departure from the preceding regime.
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9554ver · 6 months
Maybe it's a good time to give the basics of my AU [my hand is injured so no drawings rn].
The main focus is, besides Water Hyacinth of course, the fact that the higher beings are either eldritch gods or have the powers of one, which also includes beings inside the soul jams.
The origins of it all was caused by a rare moment where wizards and witches worked together and summoned a elder gods in search of the knowledge, that's how they got the knowledge of the life powder. However instead of keeping their end of the bargain they betrayed said god and sealed them in a seed thinking that it wouldn't get on their way anymore.
After this their egos got on their heads, they defeated a elder god so they can do it again, and began to hunt minor deities and doing experiments with them, but a conflict happened and both witches and wizards separated and began their own "projects".
Meanwhile, they couldn't count with the fact that the seed where the god was sealed was lost in the conflict, let's just say that said seed was planted but the god on it was dormant while the plant grew, it's roots began to spread and the powers of the god brought life and magic to the world, when the first cookies realized where all the life source came from they began to adore the tree, with the first followers the dormant god finally woke up, however they weren't full power so they began to gather more followers, when they had enough power they made a body for himself and the rest is story....
However, Millennial Tree had to pretend that he was a benevolent god, in reality he is very bitter and manipulative.
-He hates Wind Archer because he wanting to act as his guardian reminds him of the fact that he isn't full power;
-He hates Sugar Swan because she stole some of his followers and for trying to usurp him;
-He hates Moonlight because she was made with the essence of another god he was friends with [to take a god's essence you need to kill them] and he can feel it;
-He is confused with Sea Fairy because he doesn't even know is she is another god or only have the essence of one, it's confusing;
-Fire Spirit, Timekeeper, Frost Queen and Dark Enchantress aren't worth of his time since they are only average cookies that got fancy powers that thinks they are something now.
He pretends to care, the only place he really feels comfortable to be himself is on the village/resort Water Hyacinth created, and is currently on the search of his children, the beings that were sealed on sugar crystals called "Soul Jam".
[Btw he was kind of married by accident with Espresso which makes him immune to any eldritch being mind tricks]
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hirukochan · 8 months
i’m sad that your tears finally soon to come to completion, but i’m glad that i was part of the waiting journey of this amazing fic to read our 2 protagonists finally get their happy ending!
buuuuut excited from your upcoming fic astrea x voldemort snippets, they got me salivating would you count this as reverse harem? 🫣 i’d love to read the dynamic differences of each voldemort from various of time frames, and to read them beefing over astrea or his horcruxes insulting voldemort like “you can do better that that” for losing the first war(i can see a little shit teenager tom riddle saying it), it makes sense that his worthy competitors are his own self/creation. will voldemort lose his shit over that? cause i love me some unhinged snake face voldemort😏
will you reveal in the tags a as voldemort wins au? and the type of ending? or are you going to keep the reader on their toes, letting the characters move on their own in your mind?
though i got a feeling this will be a merry-bad ending (fucked up tragedy from outsiders’ pov but the main characters themselves are happy)
Thank you so much! And what a journey it was! There were so many sub-plot I didn't see coming but that worked so well within the story I couldn't just *not* write them.
For the upcoming fic, yeah, I'd say it's reverse harem even it's technically the same person but...three times. There is sweet, innocent Astrea, sixteen-year-old Tom Riddle and Voldemort and then some time later Mr Gaunt joins into the fun as well. It'll be a dark fic. Voldemort isn't nice and his past selfs certainly weren't either.
Voldemort is pretty much the same as I write him always, very manipulative, charming and he can be 'nice' if he wants to.
Tom Riddle is certainly influenced by the years he has spend with Astrea already, I think consuming someone's soul leaves its traces lol. He is trapped in that moment right after killing Myrtle with the Basilik and creating his first Horcrux. So he's ofc also emotionally stuck at sixteen.
Mr Gaunt, the locket, was created some time before Voldemort's downfall, I put it somewhere between 1965 and 1970 personally. He is older, has a more 'refined' taste in cruelty and was at the height of his power before his 'death'. He still has his human features but he isn't quite human anymore. Kinda uncanny valley style. Astrea can feel that something is off and it scares her.
All Voldemorts find her fear entertaining but all Voldemorts have their own aspirations and all Voldemorts are jealous and wildly possessive - even towards each other. I am very much looking forward to writing them interact and exploring different facets of the same character. Voldemort is such an interesting character!
They are each unhinged in their own way! And Tom, because he has already spend so much time by Astrea's side, already considers her 'his' so that'll result in some delicious conflict.
I am not sure yet if the other Horcruxes make an appearance too. Nagini is there but her Horcrux is different, it doesn't seem to really manipulate the world around her like the diary does - same goes for Harry. I like the idea of the diadem, cup and ring joining but idk if I could make more than three believable and yet different versions of Voldemort. Also the whole name thing would get confusing. Thomas, Riddle and Marvolo perhaps but eh.
The fic is both canon-divergent and a Voldemort-wins-au. The diary never reaches Hogwarts so the entire second year wouldn't happen like it does in the novels and the adults act...more intelligent lol xD Astrea herself also influences several events.
I have an idea how the fic will end but that might still change, I can see this fic getting potentially quite long 😅 So I will for now not say much about that other than that I personally don't like bad endings full of misery and death and hopelesness.
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owlfacenightkit · 2 years
Okay, so I don’t know if anyone will care, but I’m going to lay out the basic plot for my story.
So my main character is a human named Lagoon (name WIP). She works as a soldier, patrolling the outer border between the human lands and the dragon lands.
The human cities are steampunk/Wild West-y looking (if you’ve ever read Daisy Kutter: The Last Train, it’s kinda like that. Combined with Treasure Planet. If you haven’t read Daisy Kutter: The Last Train, I advise you to go read it right now.)
The humans are just trying to survive as dragons attack them (like How to Train Your Dragon but with ✨technology✨) the dragons only attack because humans see then as a threat and hunt them.
Plot twist: my main character dies.
Yeah, I know that sounds like my story should come to a grinding halt, but it doesn’t. She’s killed in a raid against dragons when she tries to attack a water dragon. The dragon drowns her.
That’s what kicks off the plot of my story.
She is reincarnated as a water dragon. I’m working on her design, but I’m thinking she’ll end up being yellow, black, brown, and red. (Why does that color scheme work so well?)
She panics at finding herself in a dragon’s body. (She was reincarnated at the same age (17)) She then gets captured by dragon hunters who sell her off. The black market pays high prices for dragons.
She’s sold off to an underground fighting ring where she meets Geyser (he’s her trainer. He’s a human)(name WIP). The ring is called Deathclaw Arena (probably the coolest name I’ve ever come up with)
Lagoon is terrified and confused since she’s a dragon now. She was taught her whole life that dragons are evil monsters and that they should be destroyed at all costs, but now that she i it a a dragon, she is filled with conflicting thoughts and emotions.
That’s when she meets Falcon. Falcon was also reborn as a dragon when she died. Lagoon thoughts her death was violent (being drowned) but Falcon was torn apart by a flock of birdlike dragons. Falcon was killed at a much younger age than Lagoon (12) and she has had a lot of time to get bitter and angry about her fate.
Falcon is a smaller dragon, bright red and gold in color. She is half air/half fire dragon and she burns bright with extremely hot fire. She’s also extremely fast. That’s where she got her dragon name from.
Falcon bonds with Lagoon in a toxic, manipulative relationship (not gonna call it a friendship because it isn’t true friendship). Falcon has heard about a gemstone and decides to use Lagoon’s despair and stubbornness to her advantage. In a passing conversation, Falcon mentions a gem that can change what you are. Lagoon immediately thinks about turning back to a human.
Falcon and Lagoon wait, then one day the underground ring is reported to the cops and the cops shut it down. In all the ensuing chaos, Falcon and Lagoon escape. They have to find the gem and fly outside the city to the place where dragons live.
Not all dragons are reincarnated humans. The ones that aren’t came from reincarnated people, but were born naturally as dragons.
This is where Leaf comes in. He is a plant dragon. He came from a human, but he died of old age in his past life and was reborn as a baby dragon.
(The reason he was reincarnated is kept a close secret)
After that, I don’t have a solid idea of what happens. The entire story is about Lagoon learning to feel comfortable as herself and accept herself for who she is.
Last but definitely not least, my book will be full of Easter Eggs to Amphibia, Gravity Falls, The Owl House, How to Train Your Dragon, and a lot of other things.
The WIP names are going to be ordinary human names, but originally my story was massively different and most of my characters were dragons, not humans, so I could give them just about any name I wanted to.
Okay, little tidbit for anyone who cares. There will be Easter Eggs to my original story plot. When Lagoon is sent into her first fight, she wears a harness and thinks something along the lines of ‘this feels familiar’.
In the original drafts of my story, her mother made her wear a harness so that she could keep an eye on her (in the original drafts, there were no humans, so every character was a dragon)(yes it was inspired off of Wings of Fire, no I don’t read the books, yes people like me exist)
The reason humans become dragons is to either punish them for something horrible they did in their past life or reward them for something heroic they did in their former life.
Depending on how bad/good you were, your dragon design reflects that. Leaf’s design not being intense will be explained.
If you have any questions, please ask!
I really want to talk about my babies. (Who cares that Leaf is my age. He’s still my baby.)
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sztefa001 · 2 years
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I posted 41,917 times in 2022
That's 20,616 more posts than 2021!
57 posts created (0%)
41,860 posts reblogged (100%)
Blogs I reblogged the most:
I tagged 8,103 of my posts in 2022
#important - 539 posts
#yes - 500 posts
#:0!! - 192 posts
#xd - 189 posts
#amazing - 122 posts
#sztefu talks - 106 posts
#cool - 90 posts
#for later - 86 posts
#aww! - 74 posts
#!!! - 73 posts
Longest Tag: 139 characters
#for context: my parents were working their asses off all the time and didn't have time or strength to whip out a fancy dinner for 10 people
My Top Posts in 2022:
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My boi StarShade, star seeker frametype by @dimorphodon-x. He's the smaller assassin type.
Gave up on trying to draw him properly so just went straight for the colors. Had no idea how to choose them so just used this palette generator. Might dull/darken the blue later but for now that's it.
More info below (not all that much, it's the first time I have name+design before story and background), cursed meme for those who manage to get till the end:
For now his story is kinda backwards - I know that eventually he ends up in a dance group Neon Shadows (based on groups like MPLUSPLUS or Light Balance, more on NS hopefully later) but before that happens I need to marinate him in some good 'ol character developing angst.
Ghost, shadow, phantom, cryptid, camo... many terms for just one guy with one neat outlier ability - super stealth. Combine it with being a massive fraggin liar and you get Starshade.
Idk yet who found and onlined him, what they needed him for and how he was trained. But I do know he lies amazingly and casually so much that not even a lie detector can get him. Because of that he gets tied up in the war as a spy. Doesn't matter for which side 'cuz then he becomes a double spy. Then triple and quadruple and and and in the end you don't know who's side he's really on.
He doesn't know either, nor does he care. All he cares about is himself and to steer all trouble away, to confuse others and manipulate the situation in such way that he's never the suspect.
At first he doesn't care how much chaos he causes as long as the consequences don't reach him. But after some decisions that fucked over some peeps he didn't want to get fucked over he does some thinking and decides to de-escalate conflicts instead of escalating them. Basically he figures he just wants the war to end now more than ever.
Because of his job he's a loner, which is a shame 'cuz he's very sociable and loves hanging out with others. And dancing. He loves music and dance. Sadly he can never be completely honest with others and never feels like he truly belongs to any group.
Eventually I want him to have a stealth car bf and also get him adopted by a flock of stealth seekers. And then join the Neon Shadows. Surely they won't regret taking in an ex-spy-but-acc-just-a-liar-coward-traitor. What can possibly go wrong? You can't tell me those golden eyes can lie. Surely his past won't come to bite him in the aft.
Ahem anyway...
His super stealth includes:
engine and ventilation are very quiet
colors can go from mostly gold/magenta to dark mode (pic above) and he prefers it that way
hard to detect by both cameras and radars
can be taken for freshly deceased even by a medic as his spark is harder to detect as well
naturally moves very quietly without even trying, may spook others by accident by just walking into a room without announcement
For now that's all, have a meme now:
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20 notes - Posted November 2, 2022
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Abyss barely had his first flight lesson when his family had to run away and he got separated from them in the process. Luckilly Knight Strike found him and immediately adopted him.
Abby so tiny he still has some baby fuzz 🥺 Striker will protecc.
Ocs belong to @president-alpine, au idea to @dimorphodon-x (thank you!!). Progress pics and more info under the cut <3
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41 notes - Posted March 6, 2022
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Giving this guy his own post because drawing him was the most yolo decision and it even turned out quite decent despite me not even trying much lol
The brush pens were super cheap and the blue one was dying from the start so yeah, idk why I decided to draw him xD First thought was to draw him in his alt, just a flat triangle with some extras. And before I knew it I was drawing this instead.
62 notes - Posted October 16, 2022
Ok so regarding this post:
[click here for context]
(tagging @cirilee @im-a-mint and @curious-sootball, thank for insppiration <3)
I didn't draw people interrupting him 'cuz the doorframe was already too small and doing everything anew would be too much effort so yeah. But anyway:
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This is the best pic tbh, the further we go the less effort I put askdjfh
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87 notes - Posted February 28, 2022
My #1 post of 2022
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149 notes - Posted January 31, 2022
Get your Tumblr 2022 Year in Review →
Whoa, what a ride xD
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