#in blaine sight
vixen525 · 4 months
In Blaine Sight
A borrower style small person discovers there's things more dangerous than humans.
Warning for: Violence, Fear, Blood
Most of this will be posted to my side blog, but I will start duping some stories here on my main.
Blaine had been fond of where he had lived before. The previous apartment building had quite a thriving community. Sure, he was the sole resident of the walls of apartment 5, but he could easily go to the floors beneath the hall to visit the other little people. They even had long established trading spots, neutral zones where everyone could exchange resources, as different apartments had different benefits. But then came the dog.
Moving to a new home was always a challenge, but the last place no longer worked for Blaine. The small man sighed as he hauled the heavy pack up. Why did they have to get a terrier? That little dog had sniffed him out immediately and took a snap at him! The world was so dangerous when you were in the same size range as a mouse. It had been lonely since he had taken up residence in a new apartment building. He knew it took time for other little people to get established in a new building. No mouse holes as shortcuts and modern building methods made it harder to establish new paths. But he was up to the job. He liked to keep busy. 
He started near an outlet. One he had chosen very carefully, the one behind the refrigerator. Easy access to the kitchen while being hidden behind the large appliance. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Good sign. Meant it was in use. He took a small peek into his new territory, though the huge fridge which kept him safely hidden also blocked his view. He took note of the fine layer of dust on the floor. In use, but not regularly cleaned. Perfect. He pulled out the bent nail he had attached to some wood to use as a pickaxe and got to work.
Weeks later Blaine had not only made a small opening to access the main apartment, but had set up several climbing areas and spots to peek out once he knew where picture frames, shelves and the like were positioned. He’d seen the people living here a few times. Rather different. If they weren’t terrifying huge humans he might call them good looking. Both had dark hair, although the pale one’s had a different texture to it than the other guy.  Had a familiar look, reminding him of some people seen on tv. The pale one seemed to prefer going out at night. Blaine had watched for when they ate so he could steal scraps off their plates in the sink, but that one hadn’t eaten at home even once. But the other had good taste in food. That one looked to be part Asian, if Blaine remembered the right words for that look. He didn’t always know all the human terms. Blaine managed to snag a grape that rolled under the fridge while they were snacking. Fresh fruit was wonderful to have. Another time Blaine got a piece of roast quail off a plate in the sink. It was amazing! He was already fond of that one. Had good taste in food and didn’t wash plates off immediately. 
Of course, he would never let them see the fact they had a third roommate in the walls. Humans were too dangerous. He’d heard the stories from other little people, rodentfolk, and such. Some said the big folk would even eat bitty folk like them. Of course that was almost certainly a lie, but he very much believed they would capture them, experiment on them, even keep them like a pet. Humans were curious and he had seen some of them fascinated by rodents, lightning bugs, and other small creatures. It didn’t always end well for the creatures. 
Still, even if he couldn’t trust humans it was almost… comforting to not be completely alone. Little people usually did these sort of expansions into new locations with a few folks, not just one. But Blaine had been forced to move immediately. At least so far Blaine enjoyed the work, and listening to the roommates on the outside of the wall made him feel not alone.
Maybe once he got more paths and openings established other little people would be willing to move in. Blaine liked the idea of being the reason there was a new, safe place for his kind to live. He was already starting on a new pathway leading to a higher area! He was actually making a sloped path to the counter so it would be easier to get food up and down from there… 
He was actually starting to examine an outlet to see if it could be altered to double as a hidden door when he heard the roommates in the kitchen talking. He was pretty sure it was the one called Ty talking, “Hey Finlay, the popsicle sticks disappeared from the craft supplies I was going to give to the neighbor down the hall for her kids. Have you seen them?” 
As Blaine peeked through the hole near the outlet, he heard the pale one shouting back, “Dammit Ty, I’m calling you by your new name. Stop calling me that. I told you before it’s just Finn now. And I haven’t seen the dang popsicle sticks. Why you wasting money on that anyway? I thought we were supposed to be laying low a while.” 
Ty rolled his eyes, “Sorry Finn, your change was much more recent. And laying low doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. I was hoping giving them some craft materials would keep them busy so you wouldn’t be as likely to get headaches from that sensitive hearing of yours.”
Finn seemed to pause at that, reconsidering, “Oh… hadn’t thought of that. But these walls seem better than the last place. The noise hasn’t been a problem lately. I think one of the neighbors may be doing woodworking or crafting though. If it wasn’t such a new place, I’d assume a mouse… But anyway, haven’t seen the sticks. Anything else missing?”
Blaine was frowning after hearing that. The guy’s hearing was really that good? At least he assumed it was a neighbor’s hobby and not a rodent. But he’d have to be more careful. Space out the work, try to time it for when that guy was out. He missed what Ty said about missing stuff… He already knew taking the popsicles sticks for the walkways may have been pushing things a bit. He’d have to get stuff from some neighboring apartments for a bit to let things die back down here.
A few days later Blaine was working on making a hidden doorway for himself on the counter while Finn was out for the night. He was certain Ty was sound asleep at the moment, so it was the perfect timing. He could work on weaving thread into sturdier ropes when Finn was home. Blaine slipped out onto the counter to check that when it was closed, it blended in with the counter. He backed up a few steps, admiring his handiwork. He really was doing a great job getting set up. The next little person to come to this building would be able to stay with him and thrive easily while more access points were developed in neighboring apartments. 
Blaine yelped in surprise when the front door swung open with Finn rushing in, blood covering his mouth. He had someone leaning on him, their neck a bloody mess. Finn called out to Ty, currently red eyes glancing over the open floor plan before focusing on Ty’s bedroom. Blaine broke from his panic, rushing to the side of the counter and hooking a string-rope on the side, sliding down to the floor quickly to get to the door behind the fridge as Finn called out to Ty.
The tiny man was breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall. No wonder Finn could hear noises in the wall. He wasn’t human. Blaine had seen such things on tvs, obvious works of fiction… but this was reality. Finn was a vampire. Blaine listened as Finn asked for help bandaging up the person he bit. Well, while it was nice to hear the vampire didn’t like to kill to feed, that didn’t mean such kindnesses would extend to him. Hopefully when he looked around to see if Ty was up he hadn’t noticed Blaine… If he had been seen, the risk was huge. The only way vampires could have remained a myth to not only humans but also little people was if they were incredibly careful about guarding their secret. Which meant if Finn figured out a little person living in the walls knew, he would likely be killed to guard that secret. 
Blaine took a couple deep breaths. There were no signs yet that Finn had seen him. He seemed too concerned with dealing with the injured person. So it wasn’t safe for Blaine to stay at this apartment… He would have to start scouting out the nearby ones. He couldn’t rush this or he might slip up. As much as he wanted to leave immediately, slow and steady was far better.
He made his way back up to one of the elevated platforms, peeking through a tiny hole. Looked like they got the person’s neck wrapped up and were discussing assuring nothing was told to anyone. This was a bit concerning… Was it some sort of psychic power? Magic? Or were they just going to drug the person? None of those sounded good for Blaine’s situation. Psychic would mean higher chances of being caught. Magic would mean more options for imprisonment or experimenting. And drugs… they couldn’t properly dose a little person meaning death would be the only option for maintaining the secret. It was scary to consider something like psychic powers or magic could be real, but he couldn’t discount anything anymore.
Blaine watched Ty come to the kitchen, getting a cup of water to offer the person. Ty paused, sniffing the air. Blaine frowned. Ty clearly knew Finn wasn’t human… and Ty ate all the time so wasn’t a vampire. What if he was something non-human as well? If vampires were a secret, no telling what else may be too… and may also have enhanced senses. Moving to a different apartment’s walls would take time… So Blaine would be here a while to at least have access to food until he made access to more places. He had used up the food he brought with him for this move, so options were limited. 
Blaine was relieved when Ty walked away. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Ty possibly also being something scarier than human. Maybe the trashcan had an odor. He needed to stay calm. Panic would only lead to mistakes. The small man took a deep breath. He had a lot of work to do to make access points to other homes. He had barely been able to manage getting in other apartments and rooms by squeezing under doors so far. But such high risk, exposed movements weren't ideal. He needed to restrict where he had access points set up. Where he had better odds of staying hidden. 
Blaine spent more time listening to the roommates over the next couple days. Trying to pick up any hints he had been spotted, or any indication that Ty may also be non-human. The situation was so stressful. Because he wasn’t going under doors to reach extra locations anymore, building supplies to make more access was hard. But the kitchen had the most important things. 
It was night again, when Ty was asleep and Finn was out… Perfect time to check the plates for scraps of food. The hidden wall door slid open with ease. He was so glad he took the time to assure it was well hidden. Blaine looked around. Lights were out as he expected. It was hard to see, but the safest time to do this. Carefully, quietly he ventured out. He reached the sink and secured a rope to the faucet to assure he could get out if he slipped. 
Then he heard a voice from next to the counter.
 “What a curious little thing you are. Since I saw you the other day when I came home I’ve been pondering what you might be. I already figured out you must be the source of the sounds I heard. But you’ve been more quiet lately… Wasn’t hard to guess you worked out schedules and were taking advantage of them. So what are you? A brownie? A hob? Perhaps an imp, a sprite, or a tomte. So many tiny folks of legend… the similarities in stories should have been a hint there was some truth to it.” 
Hearing Finn’s voice, Blaine was starting to panic. The vampire must have sat with his back to the cabinets where he couldn’t be seen. Waited until Blaine was too far into the open to get back to his hidden door. Still, Blaine had to try. Surely if the vampire caught him, it would kill him to keep his secret. So he very slowly took a step, figuring a quicker way out of reach would be to drop between the counter and fridge. He heard Finn’s voice again, “Oh? Stepping away from the sink before you go after food? Your steps sound quieter… You know I can hear either way.” 
Okay. Sneaking back to hiding wasn’t going to work. He would have to rely on his speed and hope the vampire wasn’t faster to get up and reach him. Blaine bolted, unraveling his makeshift rope as he ran and preparing to put the hook on the edge of the counter. He could see movement to his side but didn’t dare look at the vampire standing. Looking may slow him down. 
Then he slammed into something. Thin, clear plastic. The aim of it coming down over him hadn’t been perfect, one leg was now pinned under the edge of the container. He had seen these before… big people used them to store food for later. And now a hand had one clamped down over him. It shifted slightly to a different position, no longer pinning his leg. But he couldn’t stand… his leg was really sore now. Finn was staring at him through the plastic, “Sorry pipsqueak. Couldn’t have you running off without a chat… Didn’t mean to get your leg.”
Blaine watched the container lift away and a hand come near him. He tensed, expecting this to be the end… but a finger just gently touched his leg, as if checking it. Probably making sure he can’t run away. Finn was speaking again, “Okay. Doesn’t seem broken. Probably pretty bruised though. So little fella, can you speak? I suppose if you can’t object I could just pick you up for a closer loo…” Blaine interrupted, “Don’t!” 
He saw Finn smile. Blaine didn’t like that, the vampire showing off his fangs. But it didn’t seem malicious, yet, “So you can speak… I certainly hope you haven’t said anything to anyone about what you saw… That would be most unfortunate.” Blaine was shaking a bit, “I can’t have told anyone! I'm the only person in this building!! Just… let me go!” Blaine pleaded… but also felt sure it was completely hopeless. There was no way Finn was going to let him go, not when he knew his secret. Blaine closed his eyes tight as a massive hand came down towards him once more.
Blaine expected to have his life quickly ended… and was surprised to just have a finger lightly prod him, as if confirming bow real he is. Blaine opens his eyes, looking up at Finn. The man was just… staring at him. Apparently thinking. Blaine was so scared of what kind of conclusion the vampire would reach. All he could do was wait and listen as Finn talked, “I’m not exactly happy about you saying you are the only person here, as if I’m not a person. Not exactly kind wording. But I’ll ignore that for now… But at least it means my secret is still safe. But it still leaves the issue of the fact I don’t like people knowing my secret.”
Finn took a deep breath, “Ty is the only one who currently knows that isn’t also a vampire. I tend to avoid killing when I can… But I am also finding it difficult to think of a way to keep you from telling anyone. Other than the fact you also clearly keep your existence a secret.” Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Damn complicated situations… I don’t really currently have the means to exactly keep you… So we have to come to an understanding.”
Finn leaned onto the counter close to Blaine, staring down at him and causing Blaine to shudder. “Your coexistence inside homes leans me towards the stories of my own land, back when I was there. When I was human. You haven’t stated a preference for species name so I’ll lean towards hob for the time being. Your kind, whatever you are… For there not to be anything beyond stories to indicate your existence… You must be existing in secrecy like my kind. Which is what makes me think we might reach an understanding.” Blaine was hesitant, but nodded, “An understanding is good…” Finn smiled, flashing those fangs again, “Excellent. Since you don’t seem to socialize with regular sized folks, I am hopeful this means you won’t go blabbing about what I am. I can keep my mouth shut about you if you can do the same for me. That seems fair enough, doesn’t it?”
Finn leaned over even closer to Blaine, clearly purposely trying to intimidate the little person, “Oh, and if you try to sneak away, move to a different apartment or building, I’m going to assume you are planning to expose me and track you down. I will be a lot less friendly. I can move silent enough you’ll never hear me coming. I can punch through bricks to get to any hiding spot. So until I say otherwise, I better hear you in the walls at least once a day, understand?” Blaine gulped and nodded. He had been planning to relocate to a different apartment as soon as he learned the truth… but it sounded like that was no longer an option. “I… I understand. I won’t run away.” 
Finn straightened himself back up. “Excellent. Just to keep it a fair demand, I’ll make sure there’s food and drink accessible regularly. I assume you can handle anything else you need.” Blaine nodded slowly. He was really not liking this ultimatum. He wanted to move to a different place, get far, far away from this scary fella… but he had no choice. If he fled he would be hunted down.
Blaine cocked his head as he saw Finn move, hearing the sound of a drawer opening. Blaine wasn’t sure what he was doing. But it probably wasn’t good for him. Blaine flinched as he saw a large pair of scissors set on the counter near him… That was extremely concerning… The box of matches that followed was less so, but still not good. He wanted to run… but the vampire would likely grab him if he did. He needed to wait until the monster allowed him to leave. The last thing set near him… napkin? That made very little sense… unless it was to be used as firestarter and the vampire intended to burn him alive. A horrific thought.
Blaine watched the scissors get picked up, then the napkin being cut into thin strips. Definitely firestarter. Blaine closed his eyes. This was going to be so painful… He felt something touch his leg and opened an eye. He was… holding the match next to his leg? How weird. He glanced up, watching the vampire lift the match to the scissors and clip it short. This… didn’t make any sense. Why was he cutting the match? Blaine used his good leg to start scooting away while the vampire was busy, but the vampire’s hand came behind his back and Blaine froze. “Please remain still for the moment,” Finn said simply. Blaine had no choice…
What happened next made even less sense. Finn wrapped the thin strip of napkin around Blaine’s leg… then lined up the wooden part of the matchsticks to his leg and continued wrapping. It was… a splint. The vampire was making a splint for his sprain.  Finn started talking as he worked. “While this certainly isn’t a perfect match for when I treated a bat injured by a stray cat, I think the prior experience is sufficient that it won't be too tight. Since it’s my fault you got this sprain, the least I should do is assure you can still move around with it.” 
Finn straightened himself and gestured, “Try it out. I can trim the wood shorter if needed, but I tried to line it up to walk on properly.” Blaine hesitated, but stood. The splint was surprisingly usable. He may have to shave it down a tad with his own blade, but it was definitely good enough to get him behind the wall. “Uh… yeah… it’s… it’s a good enough support to get around…” Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Finn smirked slightly, “Want me to help you to the ground? Or are you going to use the little door you hid in the wall on the counter?” Blaine frowned. He didn’t like that Finn saw the door location… but if he was already aware of it, no reason not to use it. So he limped over to the door, quickly vanishing behind the walls again.
As Blaine made his way across the platform he built to some of his supplies, only one thing kept running through his mind: How was he going to handle a situation where he had been spotted but couldn’t run away?
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vixen525noms · 4 months
In Blaine Sight
A borrower style small person discovers there's things more dangerous than humans.
Warning for: Violence, Fear, Blood
Blaine had been fond of where he had lived before. The previous apartment building had quite a thriving community. Sure, he was the sole resident of the walls of apartment 5, but he could easily go to the floors beneath the hall to visit the other little people. They even had long established trading spots, neutral zones where everyone could exchange resources, as different apartments had different benefits. But then came the dog.
Moving to a new home was always a challenge, but the last place no longer worked for Blaine. The small man sighed as he hauled the heavy pack up. Why did they have to get a terrier? That little dog had sniffed him out immediately and took a snap at him! The world was so dangerous when you were in the same size range as a mouse. It had been lonely since he had taken up residence in a new apartment building. He knew it took time for other little people to get established in a new building. No mouse holes as shortcuts and modern building methods made it harder to establish new paths. But he was up to the job. He liked to keep busy. 
He started near an outlet. One he had chosen very carefully, the one behind the refrigerator. Easy access to the kitchen while being hidden behind the large appliance. He could feel the hairs on the back of his neck stand on end. Good sign. Meant it was in use. He took a small peek into his new territory, though the huge fridge which kept him safely hidden also blocked his view. He took note of the fine layer of dust on the floor. In use, but not regularly cleaned. Perfect. He pulled out the bent nail he had attached to some wood to use as a pickaxe and got to work.
Weeks later Blaine had not only made a small opening to access the main apartment, but had set up several climbing areas and spots to peek out once he knew where picture frames, shelves and the like were positioned. He’d seen the people living here a few times. Rather different. If they weren’t terrifying huge humans he might call them good looking. Both had dark hair, although the pale one’s had a different texture to it than the other guy.  Had a familiar look, reminding him of some people seen on tv. The pale one seemed to prefer going out at night. Blaine had watched for when they ate so he could steal scraps off their plates in the sink, but that one hadn’t eaten at home even once. But the other had good taste in food. That one looked to be part Asian, if Blaine remembered the right words for that look. He didn’t always know all the human terms. Blaine managed to snag a grape that rolled under the fridge while they were snacking. Fresh fruit was wonderful to have. Another time Blaine got a piece of roast quail off a plate in the sink. It was amazing! He was already fond of that one. Had good taste in food and didn’t wash plates off immediately. 
Of course, he would never let them see the fact they had a third roommate in the walls. Humans were too dangerous. He’d heard the stories from other little people, rodentfolk, and such. Some said the big folk would even eat bitty folk like them. Of course that was almost certainly a lie, but he very much believed they would capture them, experiment on them, even keep them like a pet. Humans were curious and he had seen some of them fascinated by rodents, lightning bugs, and other small creatures. It didn’t always end well for the creatures. 
Still, even if he couldn’t trust humans it was almost… comforting to not be completely alone. Little people usually did these sort of expansions into new locations with a few folks, not just one. But Blaine had been forced to move immediately. At least so far Blaine enjoyed the work, and listening to the roommates on the outside of the wall made him feel not alone.
Maybe once he got more paths and openings established other little people would be willing to move in. Blaine liked the idea of being the reason there was a new, safe place for his kind to live. He was already starting on a new pathway leading to a higher area! He was actually making a sloped path to the counter so it would be easier to get food up and down from there… 
He was actually starting to examine an outlet to see if it could be altered to double as a hidden door when he heard the roommates in the kitchen talking. He was pretty sure it was the one called Ty talking, “Hey Finlay, the popsicle sticks disappeared from the craft supplies I was going to give to the neighbor down the hall for her kids. Have you seen them?” 
As Blaine peeked through the hole near the outlet, he heard the pale one shouting back, “Dammit Ty, I’m calling you by your new name. Stop calling me that. I told you before it’s just Finn now. And I haven’t seen the dang popsicle sticks. Why you wasting money on that anyway? I thought we were supposed to be laying low a while.” 
Ty rolled his eyes, “Sorry Finn, your change was much more recent. And laying low doesn’t mean I can’t be nice. I was hoping giving them some craft materials would keep them busy so you wouldn’t be as likely to get headaches from that sensitive hearing of yours.”
Finn seemed to pause at that, reconsidering, “Oh… hadn’t thought of that. But these walls seem better than the last place. The noise hasn’t been a problem lately. I think one of the neighbors may be doing woodworking or crafting though. If it wasn’t such a new place, I’d assume a mouse… But anyway, haven’t seen the sticks. Anything else missing?”
Blaine was frowning after hearing that. The guy’s hearing was really that good? At least he assumed it was a neighbor’s hobby and not a rodent. But he’d have to be more careful. Space out the work, try to time it for when that guy was out. He missed what Ty said about missing stuff… He already knew taking the popsicles sticks for the walkways may have been pushing things a bit. He’d have to get stuff from some neighboring apartments for a bit to let things die back down here.
A few days later Blaine was working on making a hidden doorway for himself on the counter while Finn was out for the night. He was certain Ty was sound asleep at the moment, so it was the perfect timing. He could work on weaving thread into sturdier ropes when Finn was home. Blaine slipped out onto the counter to check that when it was closed, it blended in with the counter. He backed up a few steps, admiring his handiwork. He really was doing a great job getting set up. The next little person to come to this building would be able to stay with him and thrive easily while more access points were developed in neighboring apartments. 
Blaine yelped in surprise when the front door swung open with Finn rushing in, blood covering his mouth. He had someone leaning on him, their neck a bloody mess. Finn called out to Ty, currently red eyes glancing over the open floor plan before focusing on Ty’s bedroom. Blaine broke from his panic, rushing to the side of the counter and hooking a string-rope on the side, sliding down to the floor quickly to get to the door behind the fridge as Finn called out to Ty.
The tiny man was breathing heavily as he leaned against the wall. No wonder Finn could hear noises in the wall. He wasn’t human. Blaine had seen such things on tvs, obvious works of fiction… but this was reality. Finn was a vampire. Blaine listened as Finn asked for help bandaging up the person he bit. Well, while it was nice to hear the vampire didn’t like to kill to feed, that didn’t mean such kindnesses would extend to him. Hopefully when he looked around to see if Ty was up he hadn’t noticed Blaine… If he had been seen, the risk was huge. The only way vampires could have remained a myth to not only humans but also little people was if they were incredibly careful about guarding their secret. Which meant if Finn figured out a little person living in the walls knew, he would likely be killed to guard that secret. 
Blaine took a couple deep breaths. There were no signs yet that Finn had seen him. He seemed too concerned with dealing with the injured person. So it wasn’t safe for Blaine to stay at this apartment… He would have to start scouting out the nearby ones. He couldn’t rush this or he might slip up. As much as he wanted to leave immediately, slow and steady was far better.
He made his way back up to one of the elevated platforms, peeking through a tiny hole. Looked like they got the person’s neck wrapped up and were discussing assuring nothing was told to anyone. This was a bit concerning… Was it some sort of psychic power? Magic? Or were they just going to drug the person? None of those sounded good for Blaine’s situation. Psychic would mean higher chances of being caught. Magic would mean more options for imprisonment or experimenting. And drugs… they couldn’t properly dose a little person meaning death would be the only option for maintaining the secret. It was scary to consider something like psychic powers or magic could be real, but he couldn’t discount anything anymore.
Blaine watched Ty come to the kitchen, getting a cup of water to offer the person. Ty paused, sniffing the air. Blaine frowned. Ty clearly knew Finn wasn’t human… and Ty ate all the time so wasn’t a vampire. What if he was something non-human as well? If vampires were a secret, no telling what else may be too… and may also have enhanced senses. Moving to a different apartment’s walls would take time… So Blaine would be here a while to at least have access to food until he made access to more places. He had used up the food he brought with him for this move, so options were limited. 
Blaine was relieved when Ty walked away. Maybe he was just being paranoid about Ty possibly also being something scarier than human. Maybe the trashcan had an odor. He needed to stay calm. Panic would only lead to mistakes. The small man took a deep breath. He had a lot of work to do to make access points to other homes. He had barely been able to manage getting in other apartments and rooms by squeezing under doors so far. But such high risk, exposed movements weren't ideal. He needed to restrict where he had access points set up. Where he had better odds of staying hidden. 
Blaine spent more time listening to the roommates over the next couple days. Trying to pick up any hints he had been spotted, or any indication that Ty may also be non-human. The situation was so stressful. Because he wasn’t going under doors to reach extra locations anymore, building supplies to make more access was hard. But the kitchen had the most important things. 
It was night again, when Ty was asleep and Finn was out… Perfect time to check the plates for scraps of food. The hidden wall door slid open with ease. He was so glad he took the time to assure it was well hidden. Blaine looked around. Lights were out as he expected. It was hard to see, but the safest time to do this. Carefully, quietly he ventured out. He reached the sink and secured a rope to the faucet to assure he could get out if he slipped. 
Then he heard a voice from next to the counter.
 “What a curious little thing you are. Since I saw you the other day when I came home I’ve been pondering what you might be. I already figured out you must be the source of the sounds I heard. But you’ve been more quiet lately… Wasn’t hard to guess you worked out schedules and were taking advantage of them. So what are you? A brownie? A hob? Perhaps an imp, a sprite, or a tomte. So many tiny folks of legend… the similarities in stories should have been a hint there was some truth to it.” 
Hearing Finn’s voice, Blaine was starting to panic. The vampire must have sat with his back to the cabinets where he couldn’t be seen. Waited until Blaine was too far into the open to get back to his hidden door. Still, Blaine had to try. Surely if the vampire caught him, it would kill him to keep his secret. So he very slowly took a step, figuring a quicker way out of reach would be to drop between the counter and fridge. He heard Finn’s voice again, “Oh? Stepping away from the sink before you go after food? Your steps sound quieter… You know I can hear either way.” 
Okay. Sneaking back to hiding wasn’t going to work. He would have to rely on his speed and hope the vampire wasn’t faster to get up and reach him. Blaine bolted, unraveling his makeshift rope as he ran and preparing to put the hook on the edge of the counter. He could see movement to his side but didn’t dare look at the vampire standing. Looking may slow him down. 
Then he slammed into something. Thin, clear plastic. The aim of it coming down over him hadn’t been perfect, one leg was now pinned under the edge of the container. He had seen these before… big people used them to store food for later. And now a hand had one clamped down over him. It shifted slightly to a different position, no longer pinning his leg. But he couldn’t stand… his leg was really sore now. Finn was staring at him through the plastic, “Sorry pipsqueak. Couldn’t have you running off without a chat… Didn’t mean to get your leg.”
Blaine watched the container lift away and a hand come near him. He tensed, expecting this to be the end… but a finger just gently touched his leg, as if checking it. Probably making sure he can’t run away. Finn was speaking again, “Okay. Doesn’t seem broken. Probably pretty bruised though. So little fella, can you speak? I suppose if you can’t object I could just pick you up for a closer loo…” Blaine interrupted, “Don’t!” 
He saw Finn smile. Blaine didn’t like that, the vampire showing off his fangs. But it didn’t seem malicious, yet, “So you can speak… I certainly hope you haven’t said anything to anyone about what you saw… That would be most unfortunate.” Blaine was shaking a bit, “I can’t have told anyone! I'm the only person in this building!! Just… let me go!” Blaine pleaded… but also felt sure it was completely hopeless. There was no way Finn was going to let him go, not when he knew his secret. Blaine closed his eyes tight as a massive hand came down towards him once more.
Blaine expected to have his life quickly ended… and was surprised to just have a finger lightly prod him, as if confirming bow real he is. Blaine opens his eyes, looking up at Finn. The man was just… staring at him. Apparently thinking. Blaine was so scared of what kind of conclusion the vampire would reach. All he could do was wait and listen as Finn talked, “I’m not exactly happy about you saying you are the only person here, as if I’m not a person. Not exactly kind wording. But I’ll ignore that for now… But at least it means my secret is still safe. But it still leaves the issue of the fact I don’t like people knowing my secret.”
Finn took a deep breath, “Ty is the only one who currently knows that isn’t also a vampire. I tend to avoid killing when I can… But I am also finding it difficult to think of a way to keep you from telling anyone. Other than the fact you also clearly keep your existence a secret.” Finn sighed, running a hand through his hair. “Damn complicated situations… I don’t really currently have the means to exactly keep you… So we have to come to an understanding.”
Finn leaned onto the counter close to Blaine, staring down at him and causing Blaine to shudder. “Your coexistence inside homes leans me towards the stories of my own land, back when I was there. When I was human. You haven’t stated a preference for species name so I’ll lean towards hob for the time being. Your kind, whatever you are… For there not to be anything beyond stories to indicate your existence… You must be existing in secrecy like my kind. Which is what makes me think we might reach an understanding.” Blaine was hesitant, but nodded, “An understanding is good…” Finn smiled, flashing those fangs again, “Excellent. Since you don’t seem to socialize with regular sized folks, I am hopeful this means you won’t go blabbing about what I am. I can keep my mouth shut about you if you can do the same for me. That seems fair enough, doesn’t it?”
Finn leaned over even closer to Blaine, clearly purposely trying to intimidate the little person, “Oh, and if you try to sneak away, move to a different apartment or building, I’m going to assume you are planning to expose me and track you down. I will be a lot less friendly. I can move silent enough you’ll never hear me coming. I can punch through bricks to get to any hiding spot. So until I say otherwise, I better hear you in the walls at least once a day, understand?” Blaine gulped and nodded. He had been planning to relocate to a different apartment as soon as he learned the truth… but it sounded like that was no longer an option. “I… I understand. I won’t run away.” 
Finn straightened himself back up. “Excellent. Just to keep it a fair demand, I’ll make sure there’s food and drink accessible regularly. I assume you can handle anything else you need.” Blaine nodded slowly. He was really not liking this ultimatum. He wanted to move to a different place, get far, far away from this scary fella… but he had no choice. If he fled he would be hunted down.
Blaine cocked his head as he saw Finn move, hearing the sound of a drawer opening. Blaine wasn’t sure what he was doing. But it probably wasn’t good for him. Blaine flinched as he saw a large pair of scissors set on the counter near him… That was extremely concerning… The box of matches that followed was less so, but still not good. He wanted to run… but the vampire would likely grab him if he did. He needed to wait until the monster allowed him to leave. The last thing set near him… napkin? That made very little sense… unless it was to be used as firestarter and the vampire intended to burn him alive. A horrific thought.
Blaine watched the scissors get picked up, then the napkin being cut into thin strips. Definitely firestarter. Blaine closed his eyes. This was going to be so painful… He felt something touch his leg and opened an eye. He was… holding the match next to his leg? How weird. He glanced up, watching the vampire lift the match to the scissors and clip it short. This… didn’t make any sense. Why was he cutting the match? Blaine used his good leg to start scooting away while the vampire was busy, but the vampire’s hand came behind his back and Blaine froze. “Please remain still for the moment,” Finn said simply. Blaine had no choice…
What happened next made even less sense. Finn wrapped the thin strip of napkin around Blaine’s leg… then lined up the wooden part of the matchsticks to his leg and continued wrapping. It was… a splint. The vampire was making a splint for his sprain.  Finn started talking as he worked. “While this certainly isn’t a perfect match for when I treated a bat injured by a stray cat, I think the prior experience is sufficient that it won't be too tight. Since it’s my fault you got this sprain, the least I should do is assure you can still move around with it.” 
Finn straightened himself and gestured, “Try it out. I can trim the wood shorter if needed, but I tried to line it up to walk on properly.” Blaine hesitated, but stood. The splint was surprisingly usable. He may have to shave it down a tad with his own blade, but it was definitely good enough to get him behind the wall. “Uh… yeah… it’s… it’s a good enough support to get around…” Blaine said, glancing at Finn. Finn smirked slightly, “Want me to help you to the ground? Or are you going to use the little door you hid in the wall on the counter?” Blaine frowned. He didn’t like that Finn saw the door location… but if he was already aware of it, no reason not to use it. So he limped over to the door, quickly vanishing behind the walls again.
As Blaine made his way across the platform he built to some of his supplies, only one thing kept running through his mind: How was he going to handle a situation where he had been spotted but couldn’t run away?
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calsvoid · 3 months
sebastian smythe convinced he’s fully aromantic at 15 vs him turning 16 and discovering that love at first sight isn’t as bullshit as he thinks it is
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datshitrandom · 11 months
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some kind of medieval prince!Blaine and elf!Kurt meeting for the first time in the forest (plus some manga sfx)
... @justgleekout and since you made ME smile I hope this little thingy makes YOU (and EVERYONE ELSE) smile (๑ᴖ◡ᴖ๑)
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This may seem an odd request, can you (or anyone else out there) recommend a really tender or loving, or even just fun sex scene from any klaine fic. I’m trying to get it some idea how to write a loving scene without it just being smut!!
Sorry that it has taken me a while to get back to you. I asked a few people in fandom to help me with the response. Everyone (including me) felt that @gleefulpoppet does a wonderful job writing smut scenes that have a great balance of hotness, love, and fluff. The author is excellent at using tags to indicate the level of smut. I’m listing one here to get you started. 
I also suggest you browse our First Time tag. Many of the fics have loving smut scenes. Readers, can you put your recommendations as a reply to this post? - HKVoyage
Blackbird Body Art by @gleefulpoppet
AU. Kurt owns one of the most sought after body art shops in all of New York. Blaine is celebrating a fresh start and wants to mark the occasion in ink. After two months of waiting for an opening and weeks of searching for the perfect design, he has an appointment at 11 AM. The only problem? New York is having what is being hailed as “The Great Deluge,” it hasn’t rained this much in recorded history.
Crema Verse by twobirdsonesong
Kurt’s just landed a job at Vogue as Carrie Bradshaw’s assistant. One of his tasks is to bring her coffee in the morning. Enter Blaine, the barista. This is the story of how they change each other’s lives.
Syrup and Honey by @heartsmadeofbooks
Kurt Hummel is 25 years old when he finds himself being the owner of the bakery he had been dreaming about his whole life, just in time to sweeten up Blaine Anderson's days.
Near Misses by flaming_muse
Kurt and Blaine could easily not have met on a staircase in high school. They could have met a few years later in college instead.
This story is AU from within 2x06 ("Never Been Kissed"), with many of the broad strokes of canon remaining except where I thought they would be different because of the AU or other factors. Near Misses itself takes place in Blaine's first year of college, starting about a year from now. There are some spoilers through 3x22 (“Goodbye”).
When The Time Is Right by lostinfictionalworlds
Kurt is 25, successful, handsome and sought after by all, but still looking for more, Bar Owner Blaine 10 years his senior is on the exact same journey of looking for love and life. A/U Rated M for use of swearing, sexual references and scenes of a heavy sexual nature. Disclaimer: I do not own anything. Oneshots now on-going for this verse, posted as separated stories but tagged.
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akfanficlove · 2 years
So I was sitting in one of my favorite bars, sipping my Kir Royal, minding my own business when suddenly, a muse kisses me and I find myself frantically writing a #MeetCute AU where Blaine and Sebastian meet at a bar. Instant attraction guaranteed: Now you're looking pretty in a hotel bar
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forabeatofadrum · 2 years
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Look, look, it’s past midnight here so it is officially Wednesday. Unless someone from, for example, GMT+10 has posted something already, I guess that for many this will be an early tag. But I am going to Germany tomorrow (well, today, it’s Wednesday) morning so I don’t know when else I have the time to post this.
And admittedly, I am a bit excited about this Klaine fic. I still have to come up with a possible title, so have my untitled alien polyglot Blaine fic:
This Kurt lives all the way in Bushwick. Blaine takes the train and the moment he gets squished against a metal pole, he’s jealous of Wes, whose superpower is teleportation.
Or when he’s finding his way to this ‘loft’ and he fails. Then he’s jealous of David’s navigation power.
Look, being a polyglot is definitely useful, but there are even more useful powers out there! New York’s crowdedness is great for Blaine’s power, but it leads to Blaine being lost more often than he’d like to admit. Maybe he should get over his grudge against technology (it’s an alien thing!) and download something like Google Maps.
Blaine’s ten minutes late, but once he finds the right building, he lets out a relieved sigh. He takes the elevator to the right floor. Kurt had written him that it looks shady and that there’s no doorbell, so when Blaine’s at the door he knocks loudly.
The door slides (slides!) open and Blaine is greeted by a man so handsome that despite his linguistics skills, Blaine’s rendered speechless.
Tagging @quizasvivamos @blurglesmurfklaine @coffeegleek @esperantoauthor @otherworldsivelivedin @bookish-bogwitch @caramelcoffeeaddict @sillyunicorn @wellbelesbian @bazzybelle @dragoneggo @raenestee @tea-brigade  @tectonicduck @martsonmars @nightimedreamersworld @urban-sith @thnxforknowingme @captain-aralias @confused-bi-queer @artsyunderstudy @you-remind-me-of-the-babe, @takitalks @facewithoutheart @ivelovedhimthroughworse​ @justgleekout​ (hi!)​
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jedi-luca · 8 months
Avenger Lane Chapter 12: Wild Uncharted Waters
Summary: You and your wife Quinn move your family outside of New York City to Avenger Lane; a small private suburbia. There you face your toughest obstacle of your marriage. Will your marriage with Quinn be strong enough when a certain redheaded beauty captures your attention? 
Parings: Quinn Fabray x Reader / eventual Natasha x Reader
Warnings: Reader has a Penis, drug use, attempted abuse
Previous Chapter
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“Papa, Halloween tonight?” Finley asked as you sipped your coffee and pushed the cart.
“A few more days bub.” You say lifting up a decoration.
“Mom, can we be Barbie?” Beth asked Quinn as they looked through the costumes.
“No mommy! No Barbie!” Fin huffed. “I wanna be Ariel!”
“I’m surprised she didn’t say Bluey.” You muttered lowly for your wife to hear before turning towards your toddler. “It’s okay, squirt. Quinn, you be Barbie with Beth and I’ll be Prince Eric.” You gesture to the costume. 
“But then who will be Ken?” Beth huffed.
“I’ll be Prince Eric and Prince Ken.” You shrug. “Two birds, one stone.”
“No! We need beach Ken! Moooooom!” Beth whined.
“Well then take a page out of Barbie’s book. Ken is just there; she doesn’t need him to help define her.” You say to your oldest.
“Nice.” Quinn nodded with a grin.
“Fine.” Beth sighed.
“Yayyyy! Ariel!!!!!” Fin shouted in joy.
“Sorry.” Quinn chuckled at a couple looking over with a smile.
“Your girls are so adorable.” The woman smiled before rolling off.
“Can uncle Kurt make ours?” Beth gasped.
“Here, give him a call to see what he says.” You chuckled, handing the phone over. Truthfully you know he’s busy he’s been working on the spring collection to be ahead of the game.
“Hi uncle Kurt!” Beth smiled as she twirled around. “I’m good; you?” She giggled looking over at you and Quinn. “I was wondering if you could make our costumes for Halloween?……Mom and I are going as Barbie and pop and Fin are Prince Eric and Ariel.” 
“Really?! Oh Uncle Kurt I’m so excited! Okay! See you then bye love you!” Beth hung up, handing you the phone. “Oh my gosh uncle Kurt and Blaine are gonna help me and Fin make ours tonight they said you just have to get us there.”
“You got it.” You grinned.
“I’ll drop them off before we get ready for tonight.” Quinn nodded. “Would have been a little better if we took them tomorrow night instead. Since the musical is tomorrow night.”
“Awww aunt Rachel’s having an opening night.” Beth sighed. 
“You can catch it next time.” Quinn smiled.
“Yuck musicals!” Fin stuck her tongue out.
“She got that from you.” Quinn glared at you.
“I didn’t say anything, and besides Beth we’re going to the fair tomorrow.” You chuckled as Quinn glared at you walking towards the halloween bags. You high fived Fin before handing her a puppuccino. You chuckled seeing whip cream all over her tiny face. “Tasty!” She giggled looking up at you. Beth giggled at her sister's mess. You snapped a picture before wiping her face. 
“We’re really going to the fair?” Beth asked.
“Yup! Nat, Nate, and Lila are coming with us.”
“Oh awesome! I can’t wait!” Beth squealed before listing off all the rides she wants to try out now, finally being older and tall enough.
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After dropping off the girls the two of you dressed up in your costumes and walked towards Thor’s house.
“Danny, Sandy, welcome!” Thor chuckled letting you and Quinn inside. 
“Zeus huh? Here I thought you’d be Thor the Norse God.” You grinned.
“I thought it was a bit on the nose.” Thor nodded before leading you both to the party.
Tony and Pepper were mobsters who were talking to Steve and Bucky as Maverick and Goose. When you caught sight of a certain redhead.
You gulped looking at Natasha who donned a catsuit that was clad against her curvy body. 
“Out to fight crime?” You rasped.
“Too many greasers on this street.” She winked.
You chuckled letting your hand run through your hair. “I feel a little ridiculous. I wanted to be a firefighter.” You shrugged.
“Don’t it’s…” Natasha gulped. “It’s working.” You looked so unbelievably dreamy to her she didn’t think that was possible. She already finds you charming and now with the clad white t shirt and leather jacket. Not to mention your ass looks great in those black jeans, and if she looks a little longer she can make out your package. 
“I still think the firefighter would have been cooler.” You shrugged.
“Oh my gosh enough about the firefighter!” Quinn rolled her eyes as she walked up.
Natasha chuckled as Bruce walked up.
“Hey Bruce.” You grinned. “Nice Batman costume.”
“Thanks! You know it’s basically the one from the movies you can punch it and I won’t feel a thing. Come on, try it.”
“I shouldn’t.” God, I wanna punch you in the face. You shook your head.
“Come on grease lightning show me whatchu got.” He taunted.
“Bruce.” Natasha warned him.
“What? How bad can it-“ suddenly he felt you strike him in the stomach and lost his breath. “Oh my God.” He gasped.
“Great form Y/L/N!” Steve clapped.
“Y/N!” Quinn growled, yanking you away.
“What? He told me too!” You huffed.
“This is supposed to be the real thing! What happened?” Bruce gasped.
“You asked someone who boxes to punch you. What did you think was going to happen?” Natasha rolled her eyes leaving Bruce to grab a drink.
“Wait, boxes?” His eyes widened.
Bucky rolled his eyes at Quinn who glared at Steve. “Okay you need to tell Y/N what you saw.”
“I know.” Steve sighed.
“Why haven’t you said anything?” Bucky hissed.
“Because I wanted to deal with our situation first. I’m glad I did. I want Y/N to believe me.” Steve explained.
“Well you need to let them know soon they deserve to know.”
“I know Buck.” Steve sighed.
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“Y/N!” You turned looking for who called out your name.
“Pssst Y/N!” 
You huffed feeling a candy corn hit your head. Looking over at the culprit it was none other than Thor himself. 
He didn’t speak but he did gesture to having a smoke or in other words ‘cheifin’, ‘sesh’, or ‘420’.
You looked back at your wife. “Go on, I'm gonna catch up with Christine Strange.”
You grinned as he waved you over away from the party towards the backyard.
“What’s up Danny Zuko!” Val smirked, already sitting on a patio chair.
“What’s up.” You chuckled as she waved around a blunt. “Ooooh yes please.”
Carol laughed sitting next to her wife.
“What’s up Quill, Gamora!” You grinned giving them a side hug. “What are you guys?”
“Oh I’m Jason!” Peter quickly placed his mask on.
“Freddy Krueger.” She said, lifting up her knife hand.
“Spooky.” You chuckled. “And you two?” You nod towards Carol and Val.
“I’m the moth, she's the flame.” Carol smirked, leaning over to peck Val’s cheek.
“Hey Y/N! I got us all drinks that blend well with the blunt.” Korg grinned while walking outside.
“Hey Korg, long time no see! I haven’t seen you at the gym lately.” You smiled while taking the Halloween themed drink.
“I just got married actually.” He smiled.
“Congratulations man!” You smiled.
“Thanks!” Korg blushed.
“So where is the lucky lady?”
“She’s at work right now but she helped me make the couples game tonight!”
“Couples game?” You asked as the rotation made its way to you. You took it gladly before inhaling.
“Yeah! It’s like a game show for couples.” Korg nodded as you handed it to him.
“Cool.” You said before exhaling.
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Natasha looked around wondering where you went off too. She hasn’t you since you punched Bruce. All she sees is Quinn talking to Christine as Stephen looks bored.
“Looking for a certain greaser?” 
Natasha looked over at Wanda. “Maybe.” 
“I think I saw Y/N go out back.” Vis pointed.
“Thanks… great costumes by the way. What superhero are you guys supposed to be?”
“Whatever we had to make.” Vision shrugged.
“Gotcha.” Nat nodded before going out back.
“Damn it, Vis.” Wanda whined.
“You told her where Y/N is.”
“Y/N is married and she-“ Wanda looked around before harshly whispering. “She has feelings for Y/N.”
Vis sighed. “Honey if she does you can’t stop it. No one can. The heart will always want what it wants.”
“Still.” Wanda grumbled. “I just don’t want her to get hurt.”
Meanwhile back outside.
“Nat hi!” You smiled with a dopey grin on your face.
“Hey Stoney Bologna.” She smiled walking over.
“Hey Nat.” Everyone coughed.
She looked around for a seat.
“Here take mine.” You cleared your throat standing up.
“Oh no you don’t have to do that.” She says, shaking her head.
“Please I-“
“Just sit on Danny’s lap!” Carol smirked.
“You’re so bad.” Val muttered in her ear watching you bring Natasha on your lap.
“Oh baby I can be really bad.” Carol husked back.
“Fuck.” Val chuckled darkly, feeling her cock harden.
“Hi.” Nat shuttered.
“Hey. Are you cold?”
“A bit.”
You quickly shrugged your jacket off bringing it around her and you like a blanket. She felt your arms snake around her and laid her arms over yours.
“Thank you.” She said softly.
“Anytime.” You grinned. “Wanna try my drink? Korg made it. It’s really good.”
“Sure.” The redhead moved towards the table causing you to gulp seeing her back side as she stretched for the drink
Val smirked at you checking Natasha out. “How ya doing over there Y/L/N?”
“Good.” You grunted as the redheaded Russian moved again this time bringing the drink with her.
Val and Carol giggled as the blunt came to you both.
“Let’s play suck and blow.” Val smirked.
“What’s that?” Nat asked.
“Well you inhale and exhale in Y/N's mouth then Y/N will do it in Carols.” Val smirked.
“Nat, you don’t have too.” You say before making a face at Val.
“I can do it.” The red head inhaled before turning towards you.
You leaned in parting your lips as she blew smoke into your mouth, her lips ghosting over yours. You inhaled her eyes looking at your lips. You broke the trance turning towards Carol. Exhaling in the same manner. She doesn’t know why but seeing you so close to Carol sort of made her jealous. 
You pulled back, noticing a change in the atmosphere.
“You okay?” You whispered near her ear. “Do you need water or anything?”
She shook her head.
One of your arms dropped from her waist resting on her knee. You gave her a light squeeze.
“You sure?”
She smiled softly before relaxing in your arms. “I think I’m just high.” 
You chuckled about to move your hand when she placed hers over yours. She squeezed your hand feeling your thumb gently rubbing against her knee.
“So I’m not dumb they’re clearly into one another.” Korg whispered to Thor watching Nat giggle at whatever you said. 
“Hmhm.” He nodded, texting his wife to make sure Quinn didn't come outside. 
It’s not that they want them to cheat, they just want them to realize they can do so much better. It all started back when Tony had his block party. Slowly the gang all realized Quinn and Bruce were awful and did not deserve you or Natasha.
“Can you imagine them fucking? My God the steam that would come off of them.” Carol smirked looking at you and Nat.
“Fuck that’s hot stop making me hard.” Val muttered while taking a drink.
“Wanna go take care of it?” Carol smirked.
“Uh we’ll meet you guys inside.” Val spoke abruptly standing up with Carol.
“They're gonna do it in the restroom.” You chuckled.
“How do you know?” Nat chuckled.
“I just know.”
“Alright guys we’re going inside so we can get ready for the game.” Korg smiled before walking back inside.
“I guess we should go too?”
Natasha stood giving you a perfect view of her plump latex covered ass in your face. She turned smirking down at you, clearly catching you checking her out.
“Thanks for keeping me warm.”
“Anytime.” You grinned standing up taking your jacket back shrugging it on. Watching her walk towards the sliding door giving her ass an extra sway. She looked so sexy in that suit now all you could think about was taking it off of her. You were incredibly blue balled and needed release as soon as possible.
You both walk back inside and she gets pulled away by Wanda so you walk over to your wife holding her from behind to show her how hard you are.
“Oh my gosh.” She says turning in your arms.
“Quickie in the bathroom?”
She blushes and nods before turning to Christine. “Excuse us.”
As soon as the door closes you kiss your wife before twirling her against the sink. You unbutton her skin tight pants, pulling them down just a bit before pulling your jeans down. You rub your throbbing member against her slit. It's been a while since you both have done this.
You gather enough wetness before pushing inside of her. You moan hands on her hips as she grips the sink and the wall.
“Fuck!” You grunt, thrusting harder and harder.
She lets go of the sink reaching down below to rub her clit. “Fuck I’m close.” 
“Let go.” You grunt wrapping your arms around her as she moves back against you cuming around your cock. “That’s it. Fuck I’m gonna cum too.” You close your eyes imagining Natasha with her catsuit. A few short hard thrusts and you finally came and you came hard.
You pant trying to catch your breath feeling yourself deflate. Quinn pushes you back a bit as you slip out. She turned to sit on the toilet as you stuff yourself back in your jeans leaning your back against the wall as you catch your breath.
Quinn watched you through the mirror as she washed her hands. She briefly wonders why you were so hard and practically begged her silently for sex. She saw what Natasha was wearing but she didn't push it. Things have been tense like walking on thin ice that’s already cracking under her feet. She can feel her grasp on you is loosening. She's terrified of losing you completely.
“Ready?” You asked.
She turned and kissed you softly. “I am now.”
You cleared your throat as she fixed your hair and opened the door.
Natasha felt a little sad watching you walk in hand with your wife. She knows you two must have done the deed in the restroom. Vis mentioned hearing two people going at it earlier. She reminds herself that you’re married, and as much as she doesn’t like Quinn. It doesn’t change anything.
“Okay everyone my good friend Korg here is leading the couples game! Everyone take a seat please!” Thor gave a dopey smile, his arm around his wife Jane. He was a little tipsy and a bit high.
“Alllllllright welcome to Love on Avenger Lane! Where I, your host, will be quizzing you on how well you know your partner.” Korg beamed as his friend Meek handed out whiteboards, markers, and erasers. 
“We’ll start off with an easy one! First question: what is your boo’s favorite color?”
“Alright let’s have it!” Krog grinned as everyone turned their boards. 
“What? I hate that color.” Bucky huffed when Steve looked at his board. 
“We got our first wrong answer already!”
“But I thought you liked black.” Steve frowned.
“Ohh Steve said black, Bucky your favorite is?”
“Red.” He said..
“But you always wear black!” Steve threw his hands up.
“Black isn’t a color Steve!”
“And Buck Steve’s favorite is?” Korg moved along.
“Blue.” He muttered.
Steve felt guilty as that was his favorite color.
“Ohhh Bucky got it right. Tony? Pepper?”
The older couple smiled as they revealed their correct answers.
“We win.” Tony high-fived his wife.
“Psh we haven’t even gone yet.” Thor huffed.
“Alright let’s see it then?” Korg grinned.
Jane and Thor showed their boards both revealing Blue. 
“Nice!” They grinned.
“Y/N? Quinn?”
You and Quinn revealed your answers.
“Nice.” You grinned pecking your wife’s cheek.
“Nat, Bruce?”
Natasha sighed holding up her answer knowing he was going to get it wrong, but to her surprise he was correct.
“You got it.” She smiled softly.
“Like your eyes.” He shrugged.
You cleared your throat not meaning to ruin the moment, but subconsciously doing it out of jealousy. You don’t know why but Bruce was like nails on a chalkboard for you. You haven’t felt this way about a person since Rachel Berry.
“What is their favorite song?” Korg grinned.
Bruce cringed, holding up his answer.  
“Anything from Sia.” Yeah no that doesn’t fly it’s not who is their favorite artist it’s what is their favorite song. Natasha?”
“I fold.” She chuckled with a shrug.
“I’m not big on music.” Bruce shrugged.
“Easy, it's American Pie.” you grinned.
Natasha smiled, you remembered the story about her family and that song. You didn’t even notice the look of disdain your wife was making.
“Uhhh right okay Y/N? Quinn?” Korg stuttered.
Quinn grinned writing hers but when you held your boards up your smile fell.
“What? It's always been ‘Signs by bloc party” Quinn furrowed her brow.
“It's Golden Brown by The Stranglers.” Natasha looks up not realizing she spoke out loud.
“Oof this is awkward.” Korg chuckled into the mic, noticing the look on Quinn’s face. “Tony? Pepper?”
“Shoot to Thrill and Cruisin’ Correct again!
You zoned out as the others went on until the next question came up.
“Alright, what is your partner's favorite morning drink?”
You once again got Quinn’s right and she once again answered wrong.
“But you always start your morning with a protein smoothie.” she huffed.
“A cup of coffee with Silk creamer, especially the coconut.” Natasha winked at you.
Quinn was fuming how can she get your favorite drink but not her own husbands?
“Nat and Bruce?” Korg moved along.
“Coffee black.” they both answered.
Korga mimicked a buzzer sound.
“Breakfast tea.” Bruce smiled.
“Hot mocha with a sprinkle of cinnamon.” You muttered as if it was the most obvious thing in the world.
Quinn furrows her brows at you. She didn’t like that you knew so much about the redhead. She wanted you to be focused solely on her.
“So it’s clear the two of you should be together.” Korg joked not realizing both parties were wildly uncomfortable. “Should not have said that…Moving on! Favorite movie!”
The couples began writing out their answers. Each couple was getting them right until once again Natasha and Bruce were up. They both answered wrong.
“It’s James Bond’s Moonraker.” You grinned.
Quinn bristled, writing hers down. 
“Okay; Y/N? Quinn?”
“Star Wars episode 6.” Quinn smiled in triumph; she knows this has to be it. She’s certain as she held up her board.
“It’s The Heat.” Natasha chuckled.
“I think I know my-“
“She’s right.” You mutter before holding yours up.
“Funny Girl, the Rachel Berry version. Yeah bud, that's not a movie.” Korg chuckled.
“Fine. Frozen.”
“Why would you say that?” Quinn hissed.
“You got a thing for Berry.” You rolled your eyes.
“That’s thick considering you and Jolene over there have been getting your answers right all night.”
“Did she just call me Jolene?” Natasha chuckled to Bruce who cringed.
“At least she knows me.” You mutter.
“Uhh so things are getting a little heated let’s just say the winner of the night is Tony and Pepper. Congrats you won a bottle of champagne.”
“I want to go home. Now.” Quinn grit in your ear.
“That’s probably best.” You nodded still pissed off.
You both stood and you waved at Thor. “Thanks for the invite man, sorry shit got awkward.” You sighed as Quinn slammed the door.
“Aw come on you can’t leave yet! I was gonna ask if you could play a few songs?”
“Yeah let’s jam out!” Carol shouted.
“Maybe next time guys.” You shake your head. “Thanks again Thor.” You walk towards the front door seeing Natasha nearby. “I’m sorry about that, Nat, have a goodnight.”
“You have to stop apologizing for her.” Nat sighs and you just nod.
“I’ll see you tomorrow night.” you say before walking out the door.
The walk home was silent. She was so far ahead of you which would normally make you upset but tonight you really just don’t care anymore.
You walk in the house locking it behind you before heading up stairs grabbing your shorts.
“So we’re not talking about it?” Quinn huffed as you stood by the bedroom door.
“Nope.” You answer, she scoffs in response as you walk off towards the guest room. You didn’t know what to do anymore. You were at a loss. It just didn’t feel like your marriage was working anymore. You squeeze your eyes shut, too tired to even pull that thread.
The following morning was silent. You did your normal routine breakfast, protein smoothie, and working out. You really needed it this morning. You gotta clear your head.
You and Quinn do your very best to avoid one another. Things were boiling and the cover of the pot was rattling off. You got the girls back from Kurt’s and by the time you got home she was gone.
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You were actually looking forward to the fair. Normally you didn’t care for them. Everything was dirty and sticky. The food was outrageously overpriced as are the rides, but being able to go with your girls and Natasha makes it all worth it.
You knock on her door as Fin rings the bell.
“Natttttty!” Fin giggled ringing the bell. “Natttttttyyyyy Fair!”
“I’m here, I'm here!”
“Hi Natty, I missed you.” Your daughter giggled.
“Hi sweetheart I missed you too. Hi Beth, have you been practicing?”
“Everyday!” She beams.
“That’s great dorogoy!” Natasha smiled before turning towards you. “I’m just going to get the kids.”
“Alright we’ll meet you at Clints.” You say walking towards your truck. You buckle Fin in her seat with Beth next to her.
You drive down across the street towards the Bartons when Natasha is walking out with Nate in her arms, the car seat in the other.
You hop out and fix up his car seat next to Fin’s as Beth and Lila go over the rides.
“No Cooper?” You ask Nat.
“He has a date tonight. I swear he’s growing up too fast.” Natasha whines.
“Yeah they do that alright.” You mutter looking in the rear view mirror at your girls.
“How has everything been?” She asks hesitantly.
“Not good.” You mutter.
“Well hopefully some overpriced food and funnel cake will take your mind off of everything for a bit.”
“I do love funnel cakes.” You chuckle.
“I know.” Natasha smiles.
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“Ooohh aunty Nat a Ferris wheel!” Lila beamed pointing at the lights.
“You two join the kids. Kate and I will grab some food with Mini Y/N.” Yelena smiled, nuzzling her nose against Fin’s cheek.
“Thank you.” You chuckled walking with Nat and the kids to the ferris wheel.
“I’m sorry if my sister is being bit much-“
“I love her, she's hilarious. This is the most I’ve laughed all week. Also you may have a competition now with Lena over Finley.”
“Finny and Nate are mine, she needs to back off.” She huffed making you laugh. 
The kids sit down when it’s yours and Natasha’s turn.
“I just want to say you two have the most beautiful family.” The carney smiled.
You clear your throat. “Thank you.”
“That’s the third time tonight.” Nat chuckled while sitting down.
“Well we can’t blame them, we are all incredibly good looking.” You give her the goofiest model face you can muster making her laugh. The Ferris wheel begins to move and Natasha out of habit takes your hand.
“You scared?” You ask.
“A bit.” She nods looking down.
“Don’t look down, focus on the music.”
“Are they playing Careless Whisper?” Natasha snickered as the ride slowly began going.
You chuckled, taking her finger and began singing.
“Tonight the music seems so loud
I wish that we could lose this crowd
Maybe it's better this way
We'd hurt each other with the things we'd want to say
We could have been so good together
We could have lived this dance forever
But now, who's gonna dance with me?”
Natasha giggled and you stretched your arm around her as you looked down at your daughter Beth making sure she’s okay. She was laughing with Lila. 
The Ferris wheel is playing romance music and you both can’t help but chuckle at the cheesy songs they play. That is until it’s your turn at the top. One of your favorite old songs began playing. It was Sing by Travis.
“I love this song.” You whispered.
“Sing it to me.” Natasha whispered back.
“Baby, you've been going so crazy 
Lately, nothing seems to be going right 
So low, why'd you have to get so low?
You're so…
You've been waiting in the sun too long”
“You have a really beautiful voice Y/N.”
“You do too ya know.” You give her lopsided grin.
Natasha blushes and looks up at the giant moon. “The moon is beautiful.” She says blissfully looking at the giant glowing moon.
“Yeah.” You briefly look but you can’t help but stare at her; entranced in a way by the glistening twinkle in her eyes.
She turns, feeling your gaze on her and she’s giving you that look. You’ve seen this look before. The ‘If you don't kiss me right now I might die’ look. It happened on the night of your birthday. You’ve seen it on your wife obviously, but you’ve also seen that same look on Sersi’s face, and a few other women. You never really had that feeling for them, but here now with Nat you’re questioning everything for the second time in your marriage. 
You look down at those very kissable lips. Subconsciously briefly licking your own lips before dragging your eyes up to her striking emerald eyes instead of the hazel you’re used to. Meanwhile she’s doing the same thing, both of you leaning towards one another when the song ended the Farris wheel continued its descent. You clear your throat as you break eye contact and look away.
The ferris wheel came to a stop when you both got out.
“That was boring.” Beth sighed, you wouldn’t know this for a while but Beth saw how close you and Nat were.
“How about that roller coaster over there!?” Lila beamed.
“Yeah! Can we!?” Beth asked.
“Sure.” You say lifting up Finley while Natasha takes Nate from Kate.
“We’ll take the kids.” Yelena grins, leaving you and Natasha to the fried feast. 
There’s a heavy silence in the air as you both eat.
“Y/N, there’s something I need to tell you.” She sighs.
“Okay?” You furrow your brows.
“Well hey neighbors!” Tony chuckled while sitting down. “Thanks for the invite by the way.”
Natasha inwardly sighed of course he would get in the way.
“Sorry Tony.” You chuckled. 
“Because of this I’m taking some cotton candy.” He winked.
“Where’s Morgan?” You asked.
“I left her with Yelena and Kate.”
“Oh nice.” You chuckled and excused yourself to the restroom. “I’ll be right back.” 
Natasha waits for you to be out of ear shot.
“You idiot you just had to interrupt!”
“What?!” Tony huffed.
“I was literally about to tell Y/N everything!”
“Ohhh.” Tony bit his lip. “I can scram.”
“No, it's too late.”
“I’m glad blondie isn’t here. She’d suck all the fun out of this place. Can you believe her attitude last night?”
“I didn’t care for her Jolene comment.” Natasha grumbled taking a sip of her lemonade.
You walked up taking a seat eating your corn dog as the girls walked up.
“Papa! I want some too!” Fin whined.
“Don’t worry, love, you can have one too.” Yelena smiled.
“That was so much fun!” Beth said, taking a seat and eating her chicken tenders.
“Kate, are you feeling okay?” Yelena chuckled.
“Everything is spinning.” She groaned.
“Can’t take the heat anymore?” Tony smirked
“Excuse me.” Kate gagged before running towards a trash can.
“I’ll go take care of her.” Yelena sighed, handing you Fin. 
“Nooo Lennnna.” Fin whined.
“I’ll be back, lovebug.” She smiled, booping her nose.
“I feel betrayed.” Nat frowned.
“Hi Natty.” Fin smiled offering some of her corn dog.
“Thank you, Finny.” Natasha took a fake bite humming in response.
“Tasty.” Finley beamed before taking another bite.
“Aunty Natty!” Nate whined wanting her attention back.
“I’m right here handsome.” She chuckled, bouncing him on her leg as a reminder before feeding him a chicken tender.  
Tony looked over at you watching the way you looked at the redhead. He knows that look, it can’t be described by anything else but love.
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After another round of rides and too much funnel cake Beth asked to spend the night with Morgan and Lila. Yelena and Kate went back to school so it was just you the tots, and Natasha.
“Well thanks for coming with us tonight. Looks like they’re conked out.” Natasha smiled looking behind to see the two toddlers sound asleep in their car seats.
“Hmm.” You smile.
“Wanna come inside for a bit?”
You nod and you grab Nate’s car seat and Natasha takes Fin in her arms. It all felt so domestic seeing her holding your little girl, and you holding Nate.
You both lay then down on her sofa covering them up before walking into the kitchen. Natasha starts the kettle pulling down the tea box.
“Blackberry sage, my favorite.” You smiled softly.
“It’s now my favorite too. It's so good.” Natasha smiled, pulling down the honey and peeling an orange.
“Thank you, Nat.”
“So you wanna talk about it?”
“I have never wanted to be away from her in my life, and lately?” You sighed, rubbing your head as the kettle began boiling. “I just feel like I’m the only one trying anymore, and I’m so tired of it.” 
Natasha nodded in understanding before turning off the kettle and fixing your cup. She briefly wondered if she should tell you the truth but considering Quinn is at Rachel’s musical right now she decides it’s still not the time.
“You know what, no I don’t wanna talk about Quinn. What about you?”
“Well…” Natasha brings the cups over sitting down across from you. “I took your advice, or Hilary Duff’s and spoke with Thor and Val.”
“You did?” You beamed.
“Hmhm, I get my studio this week.” She smiled coyly.
“Nat, that is fantastic! I'm so happy for you. If you need help with anything I’m here for you.” You smile and she bashfully says thank you.
You both drink tea and talk about her plans for the next hour when you yawn.
“I should probably head home. I'm pretty tired.” You stretch standing up.
She nods and takes both our mug placing them in the sink before watching you lift Fin. She whines briefly before you whisper to her, calming her down. “Goodnight Nat.” You smile.
“Goodnight Y/N.” She whispers opening the door for you.
“Natty.” Fin whispers in her sleep. 
“Shhh its okay.” The Russian whispers kissing her cheek when you bring her in a hug carful not to crush or wake Fin.
“Thank you, for everything.” You whisper gently, kissing her cheek.
She nods and kisses your cheek in response. You both sigh hearing Fin babbling in her sleep. You squeeze her hand before making your way back home. She stays on her porch watching you walk inside your home before shutting the door. She was falling so hard for you with no end in sight.
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You made your way downstairs seeing a redhead at the stove. She was setting a tray of what looked like cupcakes down. 
“Hi.” You furrowed your brows with a smile.
“Hi.” She smiled back dipping her finger in batter before sticking it out for you to try. “Come on, try it. I know you want to.” She smirked turning toward you when you noticed she was wearing nothing but an apron. “Come on baby, take it.” She murmured now flush against you her finger found its way into your mouth. 
“Hmm.” You hummed as she took her finger back, replacing it with her lips. “Natasha.” You sighed against her lips feeling her hand rubbing your cock.
“Don’t you wanna taste me?”
Your eyes fluttered hearing her voice near your ear. 
“You’re drooling Y/N.” 
You reached up, wiping your mouth.
“Take me Y/N. Take me and make me yours.” She husked before you lifted her up against you kissing her passionately before setting her down on the island.
You pull at her apron, shoving your pants down making your cock spring to life. 
“Get inside of me I can take it.” She husks.
You groan feeling her wet cunt.
“Ohhhhh fuck!” She moaned as you pushed yourself through.
You groaned feeling your staff twitch inside of her. You lifted her legs on your shoulder pushing yourself deeper. 
“Ohhhh Y/N! Oh daddy that feels so good! You’re so deep inside of me!” Her guttural moans were nearly pornographic. You lean in, taking her lips against yours. “Harder!”
You grunted, speeding up the pace as you thrusted harder and harder. 
“Oh daddy right there! You’re so much better than Bruce he doesn’t even compare to you daddy, not even close.”
Her moans turned into wails. You could feel her twitch around you.
“Cum inside of me daddy I wanna feel you explode inside of me!”
You woke up with a gasp. You looked over seeing your wife asleep before noticing the time. It was 4 in the morning and you just came inside your boxers. “Fuck.” You whispered before quietly getting out of bed. You sighed, taking off the sticky shorts before cleaning up. It’s been a long time since you had a wet dream, but it was the absolute best fucking vivid sex dream you’ve ever had. 
You furrowed your brows seeing her phone light up. You creeped on her side of the room peeking at her phone.
‘Appointment for tubal ligation reversal’
You gasped she had her tubes tied this whole time. She was clearly lying about being pregnant. I fucking knew it! You inwardly screamed.
You seriously don’t even know where to start with her. She’s a liar and a big one. Now you’re really wondering if it was her that stole your dream away. You look down at her sleeping peacefully and for the very first time ever you wanted to deck your wife in the face. You wouldn’t of course but still the anger and betrayal was beaming at the edges.
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The following morning Quinn woke up and you weren’t there. She figured maybe you were still upset with her and when you noticed her in bed you left. Either way she feels like you’re starting to hate her. She bites her lip feeling like she wants to cry. She can feel herself losing you everyday. It’s like every single move she makes pushes you further and further away. It’s only now that she realizes she has someone that others would kill for. 
She got out of bed grabbing her robe and began searching for you. She went to the guest room and the girls rooms and couldn’t find you. She made her way downstairs noticing your running shoes were gone and Ollie was sitting by the door crying. She sighed that was a bad sign. You only run to clear your head especially when you’re extremely stressed out. She knows because you hate cardio. You're more of a lifting weights person you always have been. Plus you skipped breakfast which means you’re running long distance this morning.
When you do come back home you ignore her completely, only speaking to the girls. When she tried to speak to you all you replied was “I really need my space from you today. Please respect that.” Quinn in shock agrees and walks on eggshells every time she’s near you. She has to hand it to you though you do a great job of hiding it from the girls.
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You were thoroughly warned by Wanda this morning who said that there’s tons of kids who get bussed over here, and that you will need a lot of candy. It ended up working out perfectly. Quinn and Brittany are gonna hand out candy while you and Santana take the girls and Arlo trick or treating. 
Wanda also mentioned that your house wasn’t as spooky as the others and handed you two boxes of old Halloween decorations including a 10 foot tall skeleton. 
You and Santana were fixing up the front of the house when the Latina spoke up.
“Quinn mentioned you two have been fighting a lot lately. That you’re not even speaking to her.”
You sighed she always talks to them about the problems in your marriage. You hate when she drags them in your fights.
“Come on, I won't say anything to her. What happened Y/N I haven’t seen you this upset since she sold your motorcycle.
“I found out she has her tubes tied and lied to me about being pregnant. Really makes me wonder what else she's hiding from me.”
“She lied to you about being pregnant?” Santana said in shock.
“I was offered my dream job and she told me I couldn’t take it because she’s pregnant.”
“What a bitch. I’m sorry, Y/N, I swear I had no idea. What are you going to say to her?”
“Honestly I don’t know. I’m just so upset with her I can’t even look at her.”
“That’s understandable.”
“I wanted to hit her when I found out.” You sighed pausing your motions.
Santana looked taken back.
“You know I wouldn’t but fuck she’s just been so fucking unbearable lately. She embarrassed me at the party the other night. She’s trying to tell me who I can’t hang out with. She’s just so unbearable.”
“I’ll slap her for you, I just need to find the right opening.” Santana cackled.
“Hey can I ask you something?” You say causing Santana’s eyes to soften.
“Of course tonto.” She huffed shoving you back a bit.
“I-I’ve been having sex dreams.”
“Of who me?! Y/N I can’t say I never thought about it, but-“
“What?! No you weirdo you’re like a sister to me. Ugh gross, as if.” You cringed.
“Ass. You should be so lucky. Who is it then?” She rolled her eyes. “I swear if you say B I’m kicking your ass.”
“It’s… it’s Natasha.” You mutter.
Santana’s brows raised as she began smirking. “So Q is on the money you have the hots for your neighbor.”
“What? No, no, Nat is a friend, I just somehow keep-“
“Having hot sexy dreams of her?” Santana taunted you.
“Will you stop it! Ugh, forget I even said anything.” You growled about to walk away when she stopped you. 
“Okay, okay, I’m sorry, you don’t have to be so dramatic about it. So you’re having sex dreams about Natasha.” Santana shrugged. “She’s hot, it's natural to have those urges towards her.”
“But it just feels so… wrong. She’s a really good friend, and Quinn already has suspicions. I just don’t know how to-“
“How to stop the dreams?”
“You can’t; they're just sex dreams Y/N, but if you’re feeling more than just lust for her than that’s when you have a problem. Lusting after her, that's ok it’s natural for you to want to be balls deep inside of a woman like her, but it’s when you start having feelings for her that’s the problem.”
You nod when Natasha walks up.
“Hi Y/N, hey Santana, good seeing you again.” Nat smiles.
“Hey Natasha.” She smirks at you.
“What are you two doing?”
“Wanda told me to hang up more decorations.”
“She’s pretty obsessed with this holiday.” She chuckled.
“Halloween is sort of my thing too ya know. The movies, the pumpkins, and corn mazes.” You smirked.
“So Halloween is your favorite Holiday?” Natasha chuckled.
“Hmhm it’s-“ Suddenly Santana sang along with you. “The best day of the year!”
“Nice!” You gasped and high-fived Santana. 
“You know this one used to throw the best ragers around this time.” Santana smirked.
“Oh really?” Natasha smirks looking at you.
You sheepishly shrug.
“Ohhh yeah I remember once the door broke off its hinges. I still don’t know how you fixed it so fast being that drunk, or the time Finn drove his car in your neighbor's pool.” Sanatana chuckled, shaking her head. “Good times.”
“Sounds like you guys were pretty wild.” Natasha smirked.
“Don’t get her started.” You chuckle. “What are your plans for the night?”
“I’m taking Nate and Lila trick or treating while Lena and Kate hand out candy. Clint and Laura always create a haunted house so they’re preoccupied.”
“Oh you should join us.” You smile gesturing to you and Santana.
“Okay sounds great!”
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As soon as you stepped outside with Fin, Santana was laughing so hard she had tears in her eyes. “Okay but did you two talk about costumes?” Santana asked, looking between you and Natasha. 
You both looked like you were together as a family. She was clearly Ariel, Lila seemed to be mermaid Barbie, Nate was King Trident, and of course Ollie is Max.
“Nope” You chuckled blushing.
“Natty look!” Finley giggled pointing to hers and Natasha’s costumes.
“Oh you're so cute!” She said taking her in her other arm.
“We’re the same!” Finley giggled. “Under da sea! Under da sea! Papa look!”
“I know.” You chuckled.
“Papa you have to kiss the goirl!” Finley giggled snuggling into Natasha. You blushed and Santana cackled once more.
“Oh my gosh I need photos right now.” Laura squealed as Clint chuckled, covering his mouth to keep from cackling.
Meanwhile inside with Brittany and Quinn
“Are you fucking kidding me.” Quinn growled seeing the whole interaction. “Do you see this shit?” 
“They look good together.”
“Britt what the fuck?”
“Sorry, I thought I said that in my head.” Brittany mumbled looking out the window.
“Ugh!” Quinn stomped her foot.
Back outside
“Well are you ready Princess Ariel?”
“I think you need to ask my father King Trident.” She smirked.
“Ahh yes King Trident of the 7 seas. May you and your family accompany me on this Hallows night?” You bowed offering your hand.
“Oh brother.” Santana huffed as Nate giggled.
“Ignore Bellatrix.” You raised your brow.
“I’m clearly Hermione.”
“If you say so.” You muttered leading Ollie down the sidewalk.
“Beth stay close okay!” You shouted as your daughter and Lila ran off with Morgan and Monica.
Every house you all went to commented on how great you all looked together. The block however clearly had no words knowing you both were married to other people.
Natasha on the other hand was on cloud 9. You were constantly cracking jokes and had a back and forth with Santana that had her face hurting from smiling too much.
“Sing Prince Eric's song!”
“Only if I get extra kisses!”
Finley giggled as she kissed your cheeks before saying. “Sing papa sing!”
“What do ya say Ariel?” You raise your brow at Natasha.
She chuckles before clearing her throat before letting out Ariel’s classic singing. “Ahhhhahhhh” Finley playfully joined Natasha in harmonizing. “Ahhhh ahhhhh” 
“All I ever wanted was the open sea and sky. Freedom from the life I always knew. Now all I am is haunted. As days and hours roll by. All I ever think about is you.”
Natasha gulped you were her Prince she always wanted. You were her Prince Eric.
“There you are, over me”
Natasha harmonized again this time Santana joining in as she videoed you singing. Bystanders stopped to do the same
“Taking me with your song! To wild uncharted waters, miles beyond the sea I was darkness-bound, I had almost drowned 'Til you came around, and you found me!”
Santana bit her lip; you and Natasha were looking at one another the same way you used to look at Quinn when you sang to her. She knew you were starting to have feelings for the Russian beauty. She couldn’t even blame you especially with the way Quinn has been lately. Lying to you about being pregnant?! She wants to slap the shit out of her for that she’s gonna keep that in her back pocket.
“Now I am on the shoreline, but I'm still lost at sea! In these wild uncharted waters; Come find me again!”
You were going to end it there, but the crowd around you nodded towards you asking for you to keep going. You looked at Natasha and you began again.
“All I do is wonder who you are and where you'll be. In my mind, your melody goes on. Stronger than the undertow the night you rescued me. Silhouetted by the rising dawn.”
You had chills hearing her harmonizing.
“Ohhhhh, over you I cannot get over you! In wild uncharted waters; Beyond where man can see. When your eyes outshine the horizon line! And you're finally real, here beside me! Now I'm right here on the shoreline I'm right where you left me! And your voice is like A siren that guides me! To wild uncharted waters; alone, just you and me! And I hope you're there in the open air! There's no map or compass to guide me, no! Time may change the shoreline! But time will not change meeeeee! If it takes my life I will finally find you again In uncharted waters Come find me againnnnnnnnnnnnnn!”
The crowd around you cheered and clapped and you jokingly bowed.
You smiled at Natasha and Finley when a little girl pulled your sleeve.
“Oh hello!” You beamed.
“Prince Eric, can I take a picture with you?” The little girl asked bashfully. You looked up at her mother who mouthed ‘please?’.
“Why of course!” You beamed.
“Ariel, will you take one with us?” She asked.
You, Natasha, little King Trident and Finley stood for a line of photos.
“Thank you Prince Eric thank you Princess Ariel.” They would all say.
“Papa, we're popular.” Finley giggled. “Like aunt Rachel.”
“Betrayed by my own flesh and blood!” You gasped.
Santana chuckled as you all began walking back home. “Almost forgot how great your voice is Y/L/N.” 
“You ever miss it?” You ask Santana.
“All the time.” She sighs.
“Me too.” You gave her a side hug. 
When it finally came to an end it took a lot of candy to keep Fin from crying and throwing a fit. She wanted to keep going. 
“Aww dad come on Morgan and Lila are staying too.” Beth groaned when you said no to her staying the night at Monica’s.
“Beth, you just stayed at Morgan’s. Besides, it's a school night.”
“We all go to the same school," Beth huffs.
You ignored that comment determined to stand your ground.
“Please! I’ll pick up after Ollie and feed him and walk him! I’ll even take the trash out!”
“You mean your chores?” You gasped chuckling as she stomped her foot.
“Come on, Y/N, don’t be such a dick-tator.” Santana cackled. “Go ahead mi amore.”
“It’s Halloween! Be cool!” She huffed and nodded toward your eldest.
“Yayyyy love you Tia!” Beth took off.
“What am I chopped liver?” You huffed.
“Love you!” She shouted before squealing with her friends.
“Papa me and Ollie love you.” She smiled with chocolate on her face.
Natasha chuckled, wiping her face with a wet wipe.
“Thank you Natty, I love you.” Fin smiled at her.
“I love you too, dorogoy.” Natasha smiled.
“Papa, I wan Natty pwease.”
“She’s holding Nate, squirt.”
“You hold Nate I wan, Natty.”
“Ouch.” You chuckled and Natasha handed you a sleepy King Trident.
Nate whined pulling at his fake beard. You gently took it off laying it against your shoulder. The small boy yawned snuggling into your shoulder. You smiled hearing his soft snores as Fin babbled on to Natasha.
Santana walked next to you giving you a look. 
“What’s that look for?” You chuckled and Santana pulled you back a little.
“Y/N, if you’re not happy with Q anymore you can leave her.” She said softly. 
“I uh-“
“You don’t have to say anything. I’m just saying no one would be upset with you. You have to think about your own happiness sometimes. You can’t raise kids if you aren’t happy.” 
You were completely taken back.
“Just think it over.” Santana nudged you and Natasha turned around.
“Papa come on trick or treat!”
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When you finally made it to your lane Fin threw a fit when it was time to take her home. 
“No Papa! Natty!” She cried.
Santana bit her lip as she took her son and Ollie inside your house.
“You’re just sleepy little Ariel.” You whispered, taking her in your arms.
“But don wanna seep.” She cried sleepily.
“When you wake up it’ll be ballet time.” Natasha smiled, kissing her cheek.
“Ballet.” Fin whispered as she began falling asleep on your other shoulder.
“I better take King Trident home.” She smiled, taking him from you. 
“I can't wait to have another one.” You chuckled, handing him to Natasha.
“You want a boy?” She smiled at you as you walked her across the street towards the Barton haunted house.
“Yeah don’t get me wrong I love my girls, but I’ve always wanted a son too.” 
“Well it’ll happen one day. You’re such a great daddy I just know it’ll happen.” Natasha smiled, speaking softly as to not wake the kids.
You briefly wondered if maybe Quinn would have a boy and a small part of you didn’t want another with her. Not after everything, not after the talk with Santana.
You both are greeted by the Barton’s who are closing shop.
“Hey there’s my little King Trident.” Laura smiled taking him from Natasha.
“Thanks again Nat- or should I say Princess Ariel and Prince Eric?” Clint smirked.
You chuckled, shaking his hand before leading Natasha back across the street.
“You looked amazing as Ariel by the way.” You smile.
“Same to you Prince Eric.” She smiled.
“Goodnight Nat.” You say as you both stand in front of her home.
She opted on not kissing your cheek seeing a certain blonde fuming by the window.
“Goodnight Prince Eric.” She smiled softly before making her way in the house.
You make your way inside right when Santana and Brittany are leaving.
“Bye Prince Eric.” Brittany winked.
“Think over what we discussed.” Santana muttered as she hugged you goodnight.
You looked over at Quinn who stood fuming looking at you with a glare. You rolled your eyes and ascended up the stairs. You could give a shit about what she has to say at this point.
You slept in the guest room again that night.
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You were deep in thought going over Santana's words once again. You were inwardly going over what would happen if you were to leave Quinn.
“Y/N the timer went off like 2 minutes ago.” Quinn huffed from her spot next to Beth. She was helping her with her math homework.
You snapped out of your daze turning down the stove top.
“What is up with you today? You’ve been in your head all day.” She asked.
You ignore her fixing up dinner.
“Damn it, Quinn, just not now okay! Can you let me finish dinner? Or am I not allowed to do that either???” You huffed with a roll of your eyes.
Quinn glared at you but before she could say anything back Beth broke the silence.
“Dad.” Beth muttered looking out the window.
“Hm?” You asked as you grabbed plates.
“The neighbors are gathering outside with guns  up.” Beth said looking over at you her brows crinkled together. 
You saw Steve grab his rifle.
“Whoa what in the- Stay here.” You say sternly before rushing outside.
“What’s going on?” You asked Steve who now had his gear on with Carol and Bucky. 
“A couple prison escapees were sighted a block away from here.” Steve speaks as he clips his vest. “Carol is heading south, I'm heading north and Buck will go East.”
“Clint said he’d go west.” Bucky spoke up.
“Y/N, do you have a gun?” Carol asked.
“Yes.” You nodded, picturing where you put it.
“Go grab it you never know.” Carol said, adding her magazine.
‘Natasha’ you thought as you ran inside setting the new system Tony and Scott installed.
“The house is now secure.” F.R.I.D.A.Y. spoke out as your house completely locked down.
“What’s going on dad?” Beth asked; seeing you run inside holding your phone to your ear.
“Y/N?” Quinn furrowed her brows looking up from Beth’s homework. She huffed standing up to follow you upstairs.
“Come on pick up.” You growled before taking a peek at Natasha's window. You hung up, you were just going to run to her place.
Quinn made it to the room just in time to see you lift the wooden board in your closet taking out your gun.
“Quinn, go get the girls, and Ollie then lock yourself in the room!” You say loading your gun.
“What the hell is going on? Why do you have that?!”
“There’s been a prison break and they were spotted near our block. I'm gonna go check on Nat.”
“What?! why?!”
“Because I called her 3 times and she’s not picking up.”
“What about us?” She huffed looking at you like you grew a second head.
“Q, you’re in a state of the art home security system that Tony and Scott set up. You and the girls are safe. I’ll be back, I know the code.” You ran out with Quinn and your daughter shouting your name.
“Natasha?” You say again, cupping your hands to see inside the dark house. Nat usually had her blinds open. Seeing a vase fall you call out again. “Natasha?!”
“Y/N!” She managed to yell, throwing her hand up from the floor behind the sofa.
That was all you needed, you backed up before kicking the door in.
Seeing a man holding her down with a knife and the other tying her up.
“Let her go. Now.” You growled, gripping your gun. 
“You’re not gonna shoot me.” One of them laughed. 
“You don’t know me, I don’t know you, but I know her. Really wanna try me now?” You arched your brow looking deep into his eyes.
He gulped, dropping the blade slowly lifting his hands up. “The fuck are you doing? Theres two of us and one of them! Get them!” The other inmate snapped before trying to drag Natasha down the hallway.
“Let me go!” She screamed, kicking and grabbing the wall.
“Let her go or I swear I’ll fucking shoot you!” You shouted.
“What are you doing, get off your ass and get them!” He gruffed trying to pull Nat. “Stop moving you little bitch or I’ll make it hurt!” 
Natasha swept his legs punching him in the throat but he grabbed his knife.
You stopped thinking and shot him in the back.
“Ahhhhhh! Ahhhhh fuck!” He cried out landing with a thud. “I can’t feel anything! You crazy mother fucker you shot me!”
“Nat come here!” She rushed behind you.
The other guy panicked not knowing what to do.
“Get down on the fucking ground!” You shouted.
“Please don’t shoot me, I'm sorry!” He cried getting on the ground with his hands behind his head.
“I should fucking kill you for what you did to her!” You shouted.
“Y/N no!” She pleaded.
“No wait please, I'm sorry!” He cried.
“You’re sorry! You were gonna hurt her and attack me, but you’re sorry? I should just fucking kill you now.”
“Y/N?” Natasha said softly now behind you softly touching your arm.
“They would have hurt you.”
“Y/N, please.” Natasha pleaded. 
“Y/N?” Steve called out.
“What?” You huffed, still pointing the barrel at his head.
“I got it from here.” He said softly. “It’s okay bud you did good.”
You nodded as he cuffed him. You placed the safety on the gun tucking it behind your back.
Natasha tackled you with a hug. 
“Did he? Did they?” Your eyes are wild and brimming with unshed tears at the thought of anyone hurting her. You push her hair back looking her over pushing her hair back she was bleeding.
“No, no.” She shook her head feeling your hands gripping her waist as she places a hand on your chest and the other against you cheek. “I swear detka, just a few scratches, they hit me on the back of the head.”
Searching her eyes for the truth. She kissed your cheek bringing you back in a hug and you kissed her temple. Holding her close against you as you sighed in relief. 
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“You’re lucky your spouse came home when they did.” One of the officers sighed after taking her statement.
“Oh I’m not-“ you cleared your throat. “I’m just the neighbor.”
Natasha’s still silent; you wondered if she heard that or if she’s just in shock.
‘I’m in love with Y/N.’ She thought to herself. ‘Y/N saved me. They’re always there for me. I’ve completely fallen in love with someone in a marriage.’
“Oh excuse me I just saw you holding her and then the rings and well I assumed.” He chuckled.
Soon a car came to a screeching halt behind the police barricade. It was him, it was Bruce. You noticed a brunette getting out of the passenger side.
“Sir I’m gonna have to ask you to get behind the barricade.” The officer who thought you were Natasha’s wife gruffed.
“I’m her husband. I live here!” He shouted.
“Not again Arnold.” You hear him mutter. “Let him through.” He sighed.
“I came as soon as I heard!” He shouted running toward her. The moment he brought her in his arms she snapped out of her state. Shoving him away harshly.
“Don’t touch me!” She screamed, getting everyone’s attention. She quickly backed away, colliding into you. You wrapped your arms around her feeling her tense.
“Hey, hey easy it’s just me.” You said softly as she turned in your arms. 
“Natasha, it's me, Bruce, your husband.” He spoke softly and tried reaching out again but she buried her face in your neck.
“Y/N!” She cried; everything was hitting her at once. She was trembling in your arms. 
“It’s okay, I know. It’s okay.” You whispered, holding her tightly as she began breaking down. She breathed in harshly before crying again.
An EMT came by speaking softly as she could. “You’re in shock. You’re having a panic attack. Come with me I can help settle you down a bit.” 
The EMT knew the redhead wasn’t listening so she spoke with you. “Can you help bring her to the truck?”
You nodded wordlessly. Slowly scooping her up in your arms. Walking her to the ambulance. “You gotta let go.” You whispered trying to set her down.
She shook her head still shaking. 
Another car came to a screeching halt. Out came a familiar blonde.
“Сестра!” She shouted. “Сестра, Где ты?!”
You raised your hand seeing Natasha’s head pop up at the voice.
She easily evaded the police barricade stopping in front of you both.
“It’s okay, she's fine. They’re sister’s.” Arnie sighed, already knowing the two were sisters.
You felt Natasha let you go and hug her sister.
You looked up seeing your wife standing next to Christine, arms crossed. A look on her face you can’t place.
Knowing Nat was okay you walked away only to have Yelena take your hand. 
“Thank you for being there for her.” Yelena sniffled.
You just gave a small smile and squeezed her hand before walking back towards your wife.
You kissed her still lips before taking her in your arms holding her tight. You waited for her to hold you back, but it never came.
“Thank you for taking care of her.” Bruce said, taking your hand; interrupting you and Quinn.
“Well maybe if you had been there you could have done it.” You snapped.
“Y/N.” Quinn gasped.
“No!” You whipped your head at your wife before looking at the nerd in front of you. “She could have seriously gotten hurt and where were you? Let me guess holed up with your side piece right?” You laughed gesturing to the brunette behind him. “Couldn't you leave her to take care of your wife?”
“Y/N stop it!” Quinn grit.
Now the entire block was standing behind you.
“Well I was working. I’m actually working on-“
“A breakthrough?” You questioned tilting your head stepping towards him only for him to take a step back colliding into his car. “You’ve been saying that for how long now?”
“Too fucking long!” Carol shouted.
“Tony back me up here.” Bruce chuckled awkwardly.
“No. You need to tell her the truth now.” Tony glares. “You said you were gonna tell her it’s been 2 months.” 
Bruce sighed. 
“Tell me what?” Natasha questions from the ambulance.
“Nothing!” Bruce shouts quickly with a nervous smile.
“Bullshit it’s nothing.” You grabbed him by his blazer shoving him back into the car. “Tell her the truth now!” You yelled. Quinn tried to pry your arm off of him but you shoved her back. “Say it!”
“I’ve been cheating on her with Betty!” He gasped covering his mouth looking over at Betty who merely shrugged.
“Say it to her you idiot.” You gruffed, shoving him towards the redhead.
“What the hell is the matter with you?” Quinn snapped, grabbing your arm.
“Him!” You yelled pointing at Bruce who was trying to run away from Yelena.
“That has nothing to do with you.” Quinn huffed.
“Natasha is my friend-“
“Y/N you shoved me.” She quirks her brow. 
You sighed, rubbing your head. “I’m sorry I shoved you, but you weren’t there! You didn’t see those animals on her! They would have hurt her!”
“You’re right I didn’t because I was busy taking care of myself and the girls.” She snapped.
“What’s that supposed to mean?” You snapped.
“You left us! You left your family for our neighbor! How do you not see what’s wrong with that?”
“You’re making it sound like I chose her over you. That’s not what happened. What happened was I acted fast, got you and the girls in lockdown. I told you when I didn't hear from Nat, I knew something was wrong, I can’t just ignore that. I will not!”
There was so much going on Natasha didn’t know what to focus on. She had almost been SA’ed. Her fake husband just admitted to his infidelity. The neighbors were now whispering and worse. You and Quinn were arguing about her. Right in front of everyone.
“Y/N, I am your wife. Me. I am the one who gave birth at 16 because you knocked me up! I’m the one who took the stretch marks and the constant feeding. I’m the one who works.”
“Wow…” you muttered looking away from her, noticing Val and Thor trying to get the rest of the block to leave. “I’m gonna go give my statement then we’ll talk about this in the morning. I can’t even look at you. You’re so fucking selfish.”
With that you walked away leaving a bristled Quinn behind. Quinn looked at Christine who gave her a brief side hug before walking back to her house.
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After your statement; the police and first responders made their leave. You’re not too sure what happened with Bruce but the scientist was nowhere in sight.
Yelena walked up leaving her sister on the porch. “She doesn’t want to stay in her house. Do you mind if we stay with you tonight until we can get the place secured and cleaned up?”
“Of course not. Come on.” You say walking towards the redhead. “Hey gingerbread-“ you feel her fall in your arms. Without another word you scoop her up and walk over to your home. Yelena opens the door and you begin going up the steps towards your guest room. You gently push the door open as Yelena turns the light on. You gently set her on the bed.
“Should I get you two some pajamas?”
“Thank you, Y/N, I brought some clothes so I think we’re good.”
“Don’t go.” Natasha whispered, taking your hand.
“I have to go change and talk to Quinn.” You respond.
“Please stay.” She shook her head holding onto your hand laying back down with Yelena right behind her holding her tight.
“Okay.” You whispered, shoving your pants off revealing your boxers and leaving your shirt on.
You laid down and she curled into you with Yelena curled into her. 
“Y/N I have to tell you something.” She said softly, hearing Yelena already snoring away.
“What’s wrong?”
“...I lied to you… about Bruce.”
“What about him?”
“We’re married but… not really. He married me to make his ex jealous, and I married him for a green card.”
“Oh.” You say with a nod.
“Y/N, I’m sorry I didn't tell you. I should have told you a while back. I don't know why I didn’t. I knew you wouldn’t tell anyone. I guess I just-“
“Hey… it’s okay.”
“Of course to be honest I feel like an idiot now the way I yelled at him in front of everyone-“
“No one knows but you, the Barton’s, and the Maximoffs. I’m sorry, Y/N, I should have told you.”
“Water under the bridge-“
“Might want to hold on to those words because I have something else to tell you a couple things actually.” She muttered. “You might hate me after this.”
“Hey I promise that will not happen. Now what’s wrong?” You ask softly.
“I don’t know how to say this but after tonight I have to. You deserve to know these things. Just promise me you hate. Promise me you won’t stop talking to me.”
“I promise. You can tell me anything.”
“Back on football day Tony told me to tell you something important.”
“Why doesn’t he just tell me?” You furrowed your brow.
“Because he’s too chicken shit.” She huffed sitting up next to you.
“Y/N, he told me you were accepted into MIT. In fact he said you had a full ride, but that someone turned down your scholarship. He doesn’t know who, but it’s true.”
“Wait… what?” You rubbed your eyes and head unable to process the information. 
“I’m so sorry Y/N.” She whispered. “I know you really wanted to follow in your fathers footsteps.”
“I was accepted?” you sighed really wanting to cry. Your whole life you just thought you weren’t good enough. You remember seeing the disappointment in your fathers eyes when you told him you were denied. You remember feeling broken hearted. Now you’re racking your brain trying to remember anything that could pinpoint who it was.
“Hm?” You hum still in thought.
“There’s one more thing… Do you remember your birthday night?”
You gulp turning to look at her. Your heart was thumping out of your chest. You settle for a nod afraid of speaking at all at this point.
“When you went back outside Rachel stopped me.”
You furrow your brows and nod asking her to continue.
“Y/N she does like Quinn she outright told me. She wanted me to… Well she wanted me to help her break the two of you apart.”
“That little evil hobbit.” You growled. “I knew it, I knew Rachel is a snake.”
“I’m sorry Y/N.” She whispers.
“Don’t be; I’m the idiot.”
“No you’re not. You didn’t do anything wrong. Nothing Y/N. Some people are just not good.”
You try to get out of bed.
“Wait where are you going?” she asks, holding your arm.
“I need to take a walk. There's so much going on I can’t-”
“Y/N I am begging you right now please don’t go. Please. I- I need you here with me. I don’t feel safe with out you.”
You nod taking her in your arms when you see tears forming in her eyes. “Shhhh, shh, it's okay go to sleep I’ll be right here with you.”
“I promise.” You say softly laying down with her shaking in your arms. You squeeze her tighter, kissing the top of her head. “I’ll be right here.”
Natasha nods and sighs in relief. Relief that the secrets she was holding are finally out. Though her body is still stuck in fight or flight mode you seem to be calming her right down and you have to admit after those truth bombs she was keeping you level headed. Though you didn’t sleep that night it was nice to hear her breathing.
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You got up early; quietly putting your pants back on before stepping out the door. You walked into your shared bedroom grabbing a fresh set of clothes.
“Where have you been?” Quinn asked, sitting up.
“Downstairs.” You lied putting your clothes on.
“Y/N, I’m sorry. I was out of line last night. I shouldn’t have been upset with you saving her. She would have been hurt or worse and I was being selfish.” 
You felt taken back hearing her apologize. You didn’t say a word instead opting for a nod.
“I’m going to go and grab us breakfast from that place you love.” The blonde stood pecking your cheek before heading into the bathroom. 
Soon she was out quickly putting on her yoga pants and shirt. “I’ll be back soon.” She smiled before stepping out. You watched her pull out of the driveway when you heard the guest door open.
You turned to see Natasha.
“Morning.” You give her a small smile.
“Thank you for everything.” She said softly walking over to hug you.
“Of course.”
“I’m going to Lena’s place for a few days. Tony said his crew is working on my house so that makes me feel better.”
You nodded not wanting to push her to talk about it. 
“Thanks again Y/N, and thank you for saving my sister.” Yelena spoke while walking up next to her sister.
“Of course.” You say again as she brought you in a big hug squeezing you tight before letting go.
“We’re totally going to get some breakfast. Want to join us? We’ll probably just take it to my place.” Yelena smiled.
“Thanks Yelena but Quinn left for breakfast so I’m good maybe next time.”
She nodded before looking over at Natasha. “Ready?”
She nodded. “Thank you, again Y/N.”
“No need to thank me.” You finally say as she hugs you she inhales deeply as you nuzzle her head breathing her in.
She smiles up at you and follows her younger sister out the door.
You yawned finally feeling sleepy as you watched her leave.
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(This part was originally called Talking in Your Sleep by Rogue Wave I highly suggest to play it while reading this next part)
The next few days you were sleepless and all around depressed. You hadn’t been this helpless since Finn passed away. Quinn was being overly nice and waiting on your hand and foot. You couldn’t help but miss your neighbor. You had sex dreams of her every night. You texted her a few times to check in and see how she was doing. You learned she made it back home last night. You even asked her if she wanted you to go over and stay with her, but she insisted she needed to be alone. She needed to overcome her fear. 
Quinn had gotten home late in the morning hours the end of her quarter went off without a hitch and now she has more time to be with you. She jumps in the shower eager to lay with you before you wake up. 
When she finished showering she noticed the tent you were pitching. “Like clockwork.” Quinn smirked a quiet giggle escaping her breath as she uncovered you. She hummed seeing you in nothing but your boxers. You two haven’t had sex since Thor's party and she figured since she’s been a nice and doting wife she can wake you up in the best way possible.
“Nat?” You call out stopping her from opening her door. She turned around and you went up the steps. 
“What’s wrong?” She smiled.
You bring your hands up to caress her cheeks looking into her eyes doing everything you can to convey how worthy she is. “You are the most beautiful, sexiest, most amazing, sweet, kind woman I have ever met. Let me show you how beautiful you are.” With that you brought her in a kiss, one that she eagerly responded back with just as much vigor.
The redhead moaned, feeling your hand on her waist and the other threaded through her tresses.  
Soon you were both stumbling into her house stripping one another as you made your way to the sofa. She sat you down straddling you.
Quinn after warming herself up on your dick she slowly let you enter her. “Fuck Y/N.” She smiled closing her eyes feeling you fill her up.
You felt Natasha lift your member, closing her eyes as she sat down on your cock. “Y/N.” She sighed adjusting to your girth.
“Natasha.” You breathed out seeing her look down at you her nose nuzzling yours before she-
Suddenly you were woken up by water to the face. You gasped sitting up falling out of bed. Looking up to see a raging Quinn holding a large cup of water.
“Quinn what the hell?!” You shouted angrily seeing her place the cup down before quickly changing into jeans and a shirt.
“You’re cheating on me?!”
“What?!” You sputtered. “Where is this coming from?! You just woke me up in a shitty way Quinn!” You shouted thoroughly pissed off.
“Tell me why I’m trying to wake you up in the best way possible and you utter the neighbors fucking name.” She growled shoving her shoes as she started descending down stairs.
“Quinn!” You shouted hearing the front door whip open. 
“Quinn stop!” You yelled running after her drenched in water in nothing but your boxers.
Steve who was mowing his lawn tilted his head seeing your wife pounding on Natasha’s door.
Bless her heart Natasha opened it still seemingly sleepy.
“Quinn? What’s going on?” She rasps.
“You lying little home wrecker!” Quinn towered over her, pointing her finger in her chest.
“Excuse me?” Natasha sputters in disbelief pulling her kimono closer pushing Quinn’s finger away.
“Oh cut the shit Romanoff, I know you want my wife. It doesn’t take a fool to see how desperate you are for her. So how long has it been going on?”
“Quinn!” You shouted running up the stairs. “Quinn stop it! You’re acting like a fucking psychopath!” You growled. 
“No, tell me!” She yelled at both of you.
“I’m so confused. Tell you what? And why are you calling me a homewrecker?”
“Tell me why my partner called out your name while I was fucking them?!”
“Oh my God, oh my God, Oh my God this isn’t happening.” You muttered holding your head.
“Wha… What did you say?” Natasha shakes her head furrowing her brows. Were you thinking of her the way she’s been thinking about you? Did you secretly want her as much as she wants you?
“Okay since you’re too dumb to understand I’ll say it again-“
“Don’t call me dumb Quinn.” Natasha kinked her brow standing her ground.
“Then why are you acting like it?!” 
“I’ve only just woken up to you pounding on my door calling me a homewrecker. I have no idea what you are asking me when you take this tone with me Fabray.”
“It’s Mrs. Y/L/N to you Romanoff.” Quinn said, taking another step up towering over the redhead. “How long have you been fucking Y/N?”
“Y/N and I are friends Quinn. They would never do anything to hurt you like that. You should know that already.”
“Fuck you; telling me to trust Y/N. How can I trust them when they’re calling out your name in our bed?”
It was silent as she looked at you with an unknown expression. 
“Quinn, I was asleep it wasn’t like that-“
“Don’t do that.” She snapped pointing at you. “You think I’m dumb? I’m riding you and you call out another woman’s name? What the fuck else are you two hiding? Are you even in a marriage with Natasha?”
“No, actually we’re getting a divorce.”
“You two have a thing together and I’m fucking sick of it. You’re done. You’re done being around my partner, and my kids. Leave my family alone.” 
Your eyes darkened and you stepped between the two women. “She’s not going anywhere.”
“Is everything okay here?” Steve walked up handing you a robe. 
“Thanks Steve.” You mutter placing it on.
“No, it’s not actually. You cheated on your wife and that energy got on Y/N.”
“I came out Quinn. I think the cheater here is you.” He crossed his arms.
“Wait what?” You furrowed your brow.
“Excuse me?” Quinn raised her brow.
“I was the one that saw you that night at Y/N’s party. I’ve been waiting patiently for you to confess, but I guess I’m gonna have to do it for you because Y/N deserves to know.”
“Steve, what are you talking about?” You furrowed your brows.
“Nothing! He’s obviously crazy.”
“Y/N, I’m so sorry to tell you this it should have come from your wife. The night of your birthday I caught Quinn making out with Rachel. Pretty heavily.”
“You cheated on me with Berry?” You asked, furrowing your brows in shock. 
“No!” She huffed. “I would never-“
“Quinn.” Steve glared.
Quinn rolled her eyes. “Y/N she’s into you this is why they’re lying!”
Natasha ignored the blonde and continued. “Y/N, Steve, is not a liar. If anything this lines up with what I told you Rachel said to me that night.”
“Oh please, you're lying. Y/N they are lying to you!” Quinn laughed.
“You’re the liar Quinn.” You said eyes brimming with tears. “You lied about being pregnant.” Quinn’s eyes were wide with shock. “Yeah I know you tied your tubes. You lied about Berry, and you fucking stole my chance to go to MIT. I know it was you! I knew you were bitch going into this relationship. I just never thought you would go this low not, with me.”
“Y/N, baby, I swear I didn’t-“ Quinn had tears forming in her eyes. “Okay, I lied about the baby, and I did- I did kiss Rachel, but I didn’t steal your dream away I swear it wasn’t me.” She sobbed, she tried to take your hand and you snatched it away. “I wouldn’t do that to you Y/N!”
“Fuck you!” You shouted. “Quinn, you're a liar and a cheat! I'm done with you! I want you out of the house. I can’t even look at you right now. We’re getting a divorce.”
“No please Y/N! Please don’t do this. I'm begging you to come back with me. We'll talk about it. I promise you we’ll figure this out together! Please!” She sobbed as you shook your head.
Natasha opened her door further letting you and Steve in the house.
“Natasha please that is my wife, my husband, my partner I’m begging you-“
“You’ve done enough.” Natasha snapped slamming the door in Quinn’s face.
“Oh my God.” Quinn inhaled trying not to have a panic attack. She turned to see some of the neighbors outside staring at her.
“You should be ashamed of yourself.” Wanda called out as Quinn walked home. 
Meanwhile inside the Romanoff residence you were having a panic attack.
“It’s okay bud inhale 1, 2, 3, 4 hold 1, 2, 3, 4, 5 exhale 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6 repeat.” Steve was used to calming down panic attacks because of Bucky. After losing his arm he suffered from severe PTSD for a long time. “There you go now tell me what’s one thing you can see, smell, hear, and touch?”
“Um the photo of Nat and Yelena when they were kids, I can smell Nat’s home musk, I can hear her grabbing me a cup of water, and I can feel the fluffy carpet beneath my feet.”
“There we go.” Steve smiled, feeling your pulse instantly dropping.
“Did you really see them?” Your voice cracked.
“I’m so sorry, Y/N, I should have told you sooner I was hoping she would confess.”
Natasha laid a cool hand towel on your forehead handing you a glass of water. “I’m sorry detka.” Natasha whispered, laying her hand on the center of your back. She didn’t know this yet but that hand placement always made you feel better. You leaned into her and began crying feeling her wrap her arms around you, rocking you. “It’ll be okay. I promise.” She whispered.
“I’m sorry you had to find out this way Y/N.” Steve felt his heart break for you.
You cried a little harder and Natasha turned her head towards him. “I got this Steve if you wanna…”
He nodded, taking the hint. “Let me know if there’s anything I can do.” He stood feeling terrible as he made his way out the door.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
You woke up a few hours later practically on top of Natasha.
“Hi.” She whispered, pushing your hair back. “How are you feeling?”
You groaned sitting up.
“So my shot at MIT was stolen, she lied to me about being pregnant, a long time frenemy has been trying to break us up, and kissed my wife. Am I missing anything else?” You rubbed your face letting it all really sink in. 
You groaned remembering Quinn embarrassed you about calling out Natasha’s name in bed.
“Y/N.” Natasha sighed you haven’t looked at her.
“Yeah?” You cleared your throat.
“So you had a sex dream about me!” She exclaimed, causing you to groan in embarrassment. “It’s not a big deal I’ve dreamt about you.”
“What?” This caught your attention. Your head almost got whiplash with how fast you turned.
“Oh my God, you’re terrible. Yes Y/N I have had sex dreams about you.”
“Dreams; plural;  as in more than one?”
Natasha, realizing her mistake, rolls her eyes and shrugs. “Yes.”
“Oh.” You say suddenly very aware of your proximity.
“So now will you look me in the eye?”
You slowly met her gaze she dreamt about you fucking her… more than once! Maybe Quinn was right, maybe she is into you and maybe you’re into her too. You’re on unfamiliar ground. You’ve only ever been with Quinn. 
“I’m sorry for being so weird about it. I just- I’ve never dreamt about a friend before.”
“Come on, you need to eat something. I know you love omelets. Want me to make you your favorite?”
You nod in surprise.
⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗ ⧗
“Okay we’re here- why the hell does your face look like a puffy marshmallow?” Santana grimaced. 
“Quinn what’s wrong?” Brittany furrowed her brows
“I- I fucked up.” Quinn began crying.
“What the hell did you do, Fabray?” 
“I cheated on Y/N.” She sobbed.
Santana sighed, she hates to say she saw this coming, call it her Latin 3rd eye, but she knew something has been off ever since your birthday.
“Quinn!” Brittany gasped.
“What the actual fuck Fabray?!” Santana huffed standing back up so she wouldn't slap the life out of Quinn. “Who, when, where, and how many times?” 
“It was one time and we didn’t even have sex we- we made out.”
“It was with Berry wasn’t it?” Brittany muttered.
Quinn nodded.
“Wow. You’re a dumb bitch for that Fabray. Y/N gave you everything and this is how you repay them?”
“What do I do?” Quinn sobbed.
“Well you’re gonna give Y/N space and if they decide to leave and divorce you then I highly suggest you do it if you have any respect for Y/N.
“I can’t just let Y/N go. I can’t, I love Y/N.” Quinn sniffles.
“You have a really funny way of showing it.” Santana scoffs. You kissed faked a pregnancy, treat them like crap, kissed a troll, and stole Y/N’s chance at MIT.”
“It wasn’t me.” She cried.
“Then who was it?” Santana asked. “Bitch, you’re already fucked might as well be honest now.”
Quinn gulped for uttering the words. “My mother.” 
A/N: like, comment & reblog please I spent a long time on this chapter 🫠
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dailyadventureprompts · 7 months
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Adventure: Shadow of the Harvest Moon
Most imagine the shadowfell as a dreadful and dreary place, but there are islands of solace in the underworld, such as the realm of Dwindlehearth which manifests as a pastoral village rendered in an eternal autumn sunset. It is a place where those who were lonely in life find kinship in the folkish festivals put on by the attendant spirits, where those too stubborn to accept the end can work themselves to satisfied exhaustion in the fields before retiring in comfort, and where those never had enough can stay in on a rainy day and enjoy a filling meal by a warm fire. It is a good death, a good afterlife, the sort we would wish for those we loved dearest to allow their memory to fade most gracefully.
But Something is wrong in Dwindlehearth
Rot spreads through the fields and the shades can find no solace, foul things stalk at the edge of dark woods, clouds cover the face of the ember-warm sun and part to reveal a cold and leering moon, too low and with it's own strange, superntatural gravity.
If the dead are to know peace once again, something must be done.
After their latest bout of occupational grave desecration the party are called upon by the deathgod Nerull to help sort things out, whatever's causing the problem is hidden from his sight and he'll forgive them their literal and figurative trespasses if they can root out whatever corruption is twisting his pastoral realm into a nightmare.
Most shades in Dwindlehearth have varying levels of awareness, identities growing hazier the closer they get to moving on. The rot seems to remind them of all their regrets and failings, preserving their worst aspects while the rest of them atrophies. This is to say nothing of when the night descends unexpectedly, and those shades worst affected transform into monsters, or nightmarish hauntings.
Investigating the source of the corruption will prove difficult, but perhaps the party can get the aid of one of the attendant psychopomps ( most of whom are busy fighting the rot and fending off incursions from unseen enemies at the village's border) or by taking inconstant direction to seek out Dwindlehearth's mayor ( a position the psychopomps have no memory of appointing) who turns out to be a still living necromancer resided on an estate that she's transported to the middle of the death god's domain (especially if the party encountered hear early in the campaign). She's willing to help, but only if the party put in a good word for her with Nerull, as she's grown to quite enjoy the surroundigns.
Behind all the problems in Dwindlehearth is Zuggtmoy, demon queen of despair and decay, who saw the pastoral stillness of the village as the perfect place to spread her stagnation. Her influence drives souls to bitter, resentful, remembrance, priming them for transformation into foul minions.
Speaking of Minions, Zuggtmoy's influence was carried to the village by the departed soul of one of her priests, a poet mired in morbid melancholy by the name of Blaine Blackstem, who got one of the psychopomps to carry him over Nerrull's wards. Blaine was never a good poet, but his mistress's gifts and the nightmare landscape have transformed him into a looming scarecrow figure, striding through the fields sowing rot and then taking grisly inspiration as how the souls twist.
A number of Zuggtmoy's other fiendish minions probe the border of Dwindlehearth just waiting for a large enough breach to pour in, Blaine aims to accommodate them by creating an army of pumpkin monsters and setting them lose to overwhelm the psychopomps leaving the village undefended.
Art 1 Art 2 Art 3
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cryscendo · 17 days
Fic: Amantium irae: a quarrel of lovers
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“If you want to be loved, love.”
Read Amantium irae, or “the royalty au”, on ao3!
HQ Version of Cover Art
Summary: Kurt never had his sights on being king, but it was always something of an inevitability. He would one day become king of Merula, and that day was approaching faster than he liked to admit. In that, his father insists on him taking a personal knight — something that he had always protested.
When his knight, Blaine Anderson, enters his life, he finds that things become much more conflicting than they once were. The prince finds himself having to navigate being a ruler and letting someone in that he never imagined that he would want around.
Art: Alice / @warblercore @mistyintherivers
Rating: E (for later chapters)
close ups of the cover art under the cut!
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house-of-slayterr · 2 months
Character who would find you attractive covered in blood…
Inspired by: @slasher-male-wife
Kaz Breker:
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I think at first, Kaz would be concerned where the blood came from. He won’t verbalise his concern, but you’ll see it in his eyes, when he raises a brow at you. After you assure him that none of the blood is yours, his brain will switch gear. He’s gonna take in every inch of your appearance to save away in his head for later. You might not be at the point in your relationship yet where he’ll expect touch. But that doesn’t mean this man doesn’t desperately want you. He’ll save this image for alone time.
Kai Parker:
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Malachi is a sadistic little freak, everyone knows that. But despite this, he does have a select few people he can’t fathom the thought of torturing for real. One of them being you. His brain almost short circuits when you walk in covered in blood. He’s on his feet within moment dragging you into his arms. He won’t ask for reassurance that it’s not yours, just silently check your body for wounds. Once he finds none a sick grin will grow on his face.
“Awww, did somebody just wanna get all dolled up and pretty for me?” He’ll coo in your ear.
He’d nip at your neck, licking some of the blood off of you. You’re not going anywhere the rest of the evening, Kai will be sure you can’t walk in the morning. If you let him, he’ll add to the mess and drag a knife softly across your skin to leave his mark. The sight of you covered in blood is his happy place.
Blaine DeBeers:
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Blaine thinks you’re the hottest thing to ever walk this earth on a normal day. That zombie has no shortage of pet names or dirty thoughts to whisper in your head or text you. If he finds you covered in blood before you’re turned, the concern side of his head will kick in first. Blaine finds you quite fragile and his biggest fear is someone taking you away from him. He’s at your side in a moment pushing anyone and anything out of his way to get to you. But once he’s reassured you weren’t attacked and aren’t actively dying, a thousand questions swim through his head.
He’s going to ask for more details about what happened and why you did it. But his hands a running up and down your body the whole time, just smeering and playing with the blood. If anyone else was in the room, even for an important meeting, he’d excuse them all immediately. And locking the door. You’re not leaving his office.
And if he finds you covered in blood after you’re also a zombie, he goes straight into horny mode. Though you will get some playful wining from him after about how you didn’t share your food.
William Pratt:
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He’s gonna be a cocky little shit the second you come to him drenched in plasma. William could smell if it was your blood, he has your scent committed to memory, it is his favourite thing after all. So there’s no immediate worry from your blond boyfriend. Though a few questions in the back of his head if you’re mentally ok with your current predicament. But he can also hear your heart beat, and knows you’re not in distress.
“Well somebody had a fun evening, care to share your festivities little blood bag?”
He’s going to immediately drag you to his crypt and beg to lick every once of blood off your body. He wouldn’t be apposed to messing you up even more ontop of it. I don’t think you could stop him from biting you even if you tired. As much as he loves the strangers blood, yours is what he desperately craves. Plus what’s hotter than feeding during sex? Spike knows you love his bites just as much as he loves biting you.
Jasper Whitlock:
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Jasper was surprised himself to find seeing you covered in blood so attractive to him. If the vampire had a heart beat it would be racing out of his chest. Jasper has a darker side he likes to try and keep hidden from his family. It doesn’t matter if you’re still human or already turned. His eyes immediately go pitch black and he’s licking his lips, wanting to ravish you in anyway possible.
He wishes he were an artist so he could paint this moment 1000 times to perfect the sight of you. Of course if you’re human, he’s a little concerned you might be hurt, but he doesn’t smell any of your blood, just the strangers. Thoughts creep in his head about what you would taste like. He speeds to you in a millisecond carefully picking you up and takes you to his room. He’ll take his time cleaning you up, slowly washing the blood off your naked body as he kisses you in between. He wants to worship you in this state. He will act first, ask questions later.
Thomas Hewitt:
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Nobody is surprised by the fact Thomas finds you hot covered in blood, besides Thomas. You waltzed into this man’s life and flipped it upside down. He was supposed to kill you like the others, you were supposed to become dinner. But when one of the other victims turned on you and tried to sacrifice you to save themselves. All he saw was red… both literally and figuratively.
He’d watch for a moment as you try to fend for yourself first before stepping in and slitting the victims throat. Because of the angel, you almost get more covered than him, trying to back up and make sure none of it got in your eyes.
Thomas would stand there panting softly starring down at you. Of course he’s found other victims attractive before, but the poor boys has never acted on it. But he finds himself stalking over to you and gripping you in his arms before he can stop himself. He lets out a soft grunt resting his head ontop of your blood soaked hair. His was of saying “mine”. Thomas is already formulating a way to beg his family to keep you as his little pet. He wants to see you covered in blood over and over and over again. You might just be his new addiction.
Tiffany Valentine:
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This woman has never been shy about anything in her life. You knew exactly what you were getting into before dating her. And her plan to wear you down until you joined her in the killing was working. Because here you stood now, knife in hand, tearing out the heart of a woman who dared to insult and hurt your lover. Tiffany wanted to break you, as much as she loved you sweet and innocent she’d been craving your hidden darkness. And Tiffany always gets what she wants.
She’s already wet just watching you. But her adrenaline is rushing wondering what delightful horrendous thing you’ll do next. What she wasn’t expecting was for you to take a bite out of the heart, before offering it up to her. She’d step over the copse taking the heart from your hands but leave you sitting on your knees, her favourite position to have you in. She takes a moment to take in the sight of you, the lust and love swirling in her chest seeing you like this. So disgusting and all for her.
She doesn’t care about the fresh corpse in the room, long forgotten as she puts you in your place. You’ll be worshiping at her feet all night, devouring her till she’s satisfied enough to pleasure you back.
Lestat De Lioncourt:
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I don’t think this one needs much explaining. Lestat takes any excuse he can to get you absolutely drenched in blood. He loves the carnage and the filthiness of it. He’s a messy eater himself, and he knows you love seeing him like this as much as he loves watching you.
It doesn’t matter if your turned or not, he finds the blood attractive either way. He loves listening to your human heart racing when you watch him feed, usually kissing you after to get your face covered in blood. It was common occurrence, he was proud to leave a mark on you in any way he could, even if it was temporary. He loved to bite you all over and just watch the blood dribble down you, before licking it up. Your thighs, chest, neck, anywhere he could reach would be covered in bites.
But after your turned, he wants to be there to give you your first meal. Watch you devour your prey and feed off them with you. Feeding almost always leads to sex with him. He can’t help the way seeing you like this gets him going. And he won’t be shy or quiet about his desires.
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Now I’m talking Venom as its own entity. If he’s attached to Eddie I think Eddie would be far more concerned and worried and drown out whatever venom is thinking. But depending on who the symbiotic is attached to you’ll get a different reaction. Venom will always feel the same however, it’s just if these desire will be verbalised and acted upon that’s the difference.
He already finds humans to be tasty little morsels, in fact it was something he called you quite often. You were his favorite tasty morsel. If you’re the one bleeding, Venom will still be incredibly horny. The scent of you blood makes him feel high. Of course he’ll tend to your wounds, but that won’t stop his tongue from exploring your body.
But if it’s someone else’s blood, his eyes will be zeroed in on you the second he sees you. His sharp teeth breaking into a sickening grin. He’s so proud of his baby and he wants to show you just how much. You’ll get endless praise and he won’t stop begging you after to get covered in blood for him more often. He loves bloody sex, or even just cuddles, either way you’re not leaving his sight, let alone his arms for several hours. Doesn’t matter if you had stuff to do or want to shower, the only way you’re cleaning off in the shower is if he joins you.
Harry Warden:
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Is anyone surprised? After all, you are his BLOODY valentine. It’s in your title. And who are you to deny him what he wants to see. Harry would be greatly concerned if it was your blood. His body immediately fuelled with rage wanting to avenge you and kill the person who dared to touch his one true love. But a part of him still thinks you’re the most beautiful person in the world, even when you’re bleeding in his protective arms.
But if it’s someone else’s blood, that’s a different story. Harry loves it when you join him in disposing of the vapid couples who simply are a joke compared to the two of you. Their love doesn’t deserve to be validated because they will never love eachother as much as you and Harry would die for each other. He loves watching you test the couples and see who will turn on each other, before stepping in to help you dispose of the dismantled lovers.
Barely a minuet will pass between the killings and his mask being ripped off his face and you being slammed into a wall. Of course his reasons for killing before you were jealously, but now he wants to immortalise your love by killing anyone else who dares to taint the name of romance. These killings are your show of love for each other and nothing makes him more turned on. Of course he’ll take you back home, nice and proper. He’ll make out with you in public, but he doesn’t want to risk anyone seeing what’s ONLY his. And he doesn’t want any interruptions.
An: ahhh, I haven’t written in so long, but I felt inspired this morning. Sorry for being gone yall, I promise I’m alright, just lots of medical stuff going on and doctor appointments have been keeping me busy. I love yall. Hope to write more soon 🫀
Tag: @kados-of-chaos @oceansrose2002 @mothmans-kingdom @myers-meadow
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fallevs · 5 months
Day six of the @klaineccfanficlibrary event ❤️
This sixth poem is called Since that day in November, but it doesn't fit into the show.
This is what Kurt would have written if he had been given a real marriage, time to think, time to grow and learn.
This (and I could have written a thousand more words) is what Kurt carries in his pocket on his wedding day to Blaine. The paper is folded, it's a page he tore directly from his bullet journal; there are no pressed flowers or colored ribbons, tape or other unnecessary things.
Just his vows to the man and love of his life.
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Since that day in November
it seems a lifetime ago.
And it's curious how for you
it was love at second sight,
while I already imagined us
like this.
You see
the smile that's on my mouth
it's hiding the words that don't come out.
The words I've never been able to express
to you; yet
you have always understood me and my mess.
You have welcomed me and
listened and
mended my wounds and
watered my dry branches.
You are a resource,
my heaven.
The best part of a dream;
that wind that always blows but
manages to keep me from falling.
And today I promise you
that I will always walk with you on the paths
that lead to essence and
I will save you from the melancholy and the
injustice and
your fears.
And today I promise you
that I will always take your hand and
I will lift you up
as you have done every time
for me
Since that day in November.
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klainepolls · 6 months
unexpected- day 4 of 7
by: @kurtsascot
day 1, day 2, day 3
“Music Theory,” Blaine says, and, senseless, he continues, “I go to NYU.”
He regrets the confession instantaneously.
Giving Kurt all the ammunition necessary to remember him isn’t his best idea.
He braces himself, wanting to be anywhere but alone in his apartment with Kurt, awaiting his inevitable rejection.
But, the rejection doesn’t come. Instead, a baby pink tinge dusts across Kurt’s cheeks and neck. It’s a similar hue to his lips; a bit sweeter, a tad lighter, but the color’s just as distracting, and Blaine latches onto how the tint smolders under tender overhead light.
“I know,” Kurt says through a laugh, the skin at the corners of his eyes creasing.
Blaine feels himself marginally relax. Okay. Maybe his crush isn’t as obvious as he thought. Maybe Kurt really doesn’t remember him from last semester, and this skittish, jumpy stranger is his first impression of who Blaine is.
Are either of those better options?
Blaine’s not sure.
“Oh?” He prompts, partially lost, partially just wanting to hear Kurt’s voice again.
Kurt rubs his lips together and nods, thoroughly pleased. He throws a puckish glance towards Blaine’s hands.
Following Kurt’s eyes, Blaine finds that the top paper in the pile he holds is decorated with NYU’s crest, offensively enlarged and in full color. His laptop, beneath the assortment of paper, has a Bobcat sticker on the protective case, directly in Kurt’s line of sight, and, his school bag, next to Kurt and by the door, has a pin from NYU’s most recent Choral Arts concert…
“Right.” Blaine ducks his head. He regroups, trying to save himself from further embarrassment. “What about you? Are you in college?”
Blaine watches Kurt adjust his hold on his coat, his fingers clenching and unclenching, the faint squeak of polyester pricking the air. “Yeah,” he starts, treading carefully. “I go to NYU for theater. I graduate at the end of the semester.”
Blaine smiles. “That’s weird, that’s my major too-,” He takes his clutter to the entryway, shoving the assortment into his schoolbag. “I can’t believe I haven’t seen you around.”
There’s a pregnant pause.
Blaine looks up as he zips his bag closed.
He can’t decipher what expression Kurt wears. He’s searching for something to say.
Something’s off.
His smile doesn’t fill his face like it did before.
“Yeah...” Kurt pulls the garment closer to his chest, clears his throat and looks past Blaine, past the couch and down the hallway that leads to his bedroom. “Laundry?” He avoids Blaine’s eyes.
“Oh, yeah. Sorry.” Blaine scrambles to stand. He dusts off his knees and takes a few steps forward, before stopping in the hall. He doesn’t have to guide Kurt- his apartment isn’t that big. He shouldn’t hover. “Down the hall, to the right,” he points. “Everything you need should be in there.”
“Thanks,” Kurt mutters. He scoots past Blaine, steps into the laundry room, and clicks the door shut behind him.
Blaine returns to the kitchen and collapses on one of the island’s bar stools, unable to escape the onset of awkward energy that is smothering his apartment.
He sits in his discomfort and fidgets. His foot runs along one of the chair rungs. He listens to the distant echo of Kurt working his way through detergent and topical stain treatments, of water turning on and off.
He doesn’t sound like he’s in a hurry to get out of here, but, it also doesn’t sound like he’s taking his time…
Blaine groans. This is a disaster. He ruined everything, and he’s being a terrible host.
He needs to get himself together.
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datshitrandom · 2 years
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“Courting Royalty” by @thnxforknowingme
Rachel Berry of Lima, OH and Blaine Anderson of Westerville, OH have been identified as the mysterious royal twins. These two average American teenagers have grown up completely unaware that they might one day rule a small nation on another continent. 
This is a Klaine 3-2-1 Prompt Bang Fic with a really beautiful art by @quizasvivamos
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Hiii can you recommend any long fast burn stories?
I suggest you check out our love at first sight and Soulmate!Klaine tags because a lot of the fics recs have a fast burn. Here are a few to get you started. I’m also shamelessly recommending one of my own fics that I finished posting last weekend. After writing a lot of slow burns, you can now call me the fast-build queen now! - HKVoyage
Blackbird Body Art by @gleefulpoppet
AU. Kurt owns one of the most sought after body art shops in all of New York. Blaine is celebrating a fresh start and wants to mark the occasion in ink. After two months of waiting for an opening and weeks of searching for the perfect design, he has an appointment at 11 AM. The only problem? New York is having what is being hailed as “The Great Deluge,” it hasn’t rained this much in recorded history.
No Cape? No Tights? No Problem! by agent.girlsname
Kurt is almost mugged as he is walking home late one night when he is saved by a dapper young man called Blaine. It's love at first sight and the pair start dating. What Kurt doesn't know is that he's dating New York's most charming superhero and neither of them are prepared for what's ahead...
Domus Civita by @jayhawk-writes
While on vacation to a city he's never been to, Kurt Hummel finds himself in a place that he recognized from his dreams. The person he always sees in those dreams is there, too, and they spot him and ask, “Is it really you?”
It Only Took an Hour by @teddyshoney
Kurt's been set up on a blind date at a bar that he hates. And the blind date is a no-show. There is this really cute boy that walks in, though, and Kurt can't stop watching him dance and flirt. The whole story takes place over the course of an hour with the exception of the prologue.
Nashville! by @hkvoyage
Kurt lands the lead role in a new musical, but it flops during the previews. However, his performance captivates Nashville’s newest country music sensation. They share an instant connection and it grows deeper as they get to know each other. Will Kurt be able to save the musical and keep the man of his dreams? An AU meeting featuring country singer!Blaine and Broadway!Kurt.
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absentia-if · 1 year
OOOH! Got this one fromna different IF. But! ROs reaction to drunk MC walking in and just gurgling "Shhh Dont tell *insert RO name here* I love them~" just being heavily drunk xD
"--I love them."
Your dopey smile, paired with the slightly glazed look in your eyes, tells them all they need to know about your current mental state. Hazel eyes take in the almost serene expression, one they hadn't seen in so long, and a smile of their own comes unbidden to their lips.
"I'm certain they love you too, MC," they murmur, mindful of the way you were starting to sway on your feet. "Why don't we get you settled in for the night, okay? You wouldn't want to get injured before you tell them you love them, right?"
At your responding nod, K takes you by the forearm and leads you in the direction of where they hope spare bedrooms are located. Deliberating on if they'd bring this up to you tomorrow and ultimately deciding that they won't-- not now, not in this manner. Everything will happen, in the way it's meant to, given enough time.
The sight of your drunken face, paired with the slurred speech, causes a sense of déjà vu to crash over them; azure blue eyes narrow in concentration, trying to place where the feeling had risen from, but, like the wind, it slips through their fingertips every time they're close.
"Don't tell M--"
At the mention of their name, they react faster than they can think, whipping their hand out to cover your mouth; ignoring the bolt of electricity they feel prickle their skin at the contact. They don't know why, barring the obvious, but it felt wrong to hear whatever you were about to say while you were so intoxicated. If you wouldn't tell them while you were sober, then they shouldn't hear it while you're drunk. Even if their heart was screaming at them to let you speak.
"Let's get you some water and a place to rest for the night, okay?" Taking you gently by the arm, they begin to lead you toward the guest bedrooms. "You can tell me everything, and anything, you'd like to in the morning."
"You do, huh?"
A wide smile stretches across B's lips at your admission. The warmth of their gaze almost let it take on a honey-hue, dazzling gold overtaking the brown. They're not certain what manner exactly you meant, after all the saying wasn't uncommon between you both, but the context, and the events that had continuously happened up until now, give them a good indication, which causes their heart to skip a beat. However, they weren't about to let you confess everything while you were so drunk-- above anything else, you were still their best friend, and they were going to protect you.
"Why don't we talk about this in the morning, okay?" They gently nudge your shoulder, before pushing you down onto the couch they had previously been reclined in. "You know how you get without your beauty sleep."
A hard look flits over their face at the confession. They're more than aware you didn't mean to tell them but, barring their innate concern about how forthcoming you are when drunk, that doesn't make it any better. The knowledge that your feelings were real, that you felt anything for them to begin with, was troubling in itself-- becoming a nightmare when they take into account the way their heart had skipped a beat when they heard the words.
"That's a mistake, MC," they reply, even though they're well aware you won't remember this in the morning. "One that I refuse to let you make."
Standing, they take in your swaying form and an almost dopey smile stretched across your lips, and sigh, they know they couldn't leave you by yourself. Not now. Or ever, their mind unhelpfully supplies.
"Let's get you somewhere safe for the night."
They didn't hear you correctly, they couldn't have heard you correctly. There's no way that you felt the same way about them. It had to be the drinks you've been knocking back since arriving at the party-- something N had only come to because their best friend and you would be attending; parties had never, and will never, be their scene.
"You--" Their mind blanks on what to say, well aware that you were well past the levels of being considered sober. Wringing their hands together, lightly tugging at their sweatshirt while doing so, N offers you a strained smile. "You should get some rest, MC. I think you've had too much to drink."
Before you could protest, N takes you by the arm and begins to lead you towards a quieter area for you to be able to lay your head down. Desperately trying to ignore the way your words kept echoing within their head. You didn't mean it, they think. You couldn't have meant it.
Even if they want nothing more than for that to be false.
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