#in honor of Sir Pentious
hanaotaku95 · 6 months
Pride and Joy
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Commissioned from @lazy30
Following the final extermination and the Hotel being rebuilt, the Hazbin crew, with one member lost and one member gained, host a small party in celebration.
The three Morningstars chowed down on cookies made by Niffty and Cherri, partially in honor of Sir Pentious.
As Lucifer mingled, he gazed upon his daughters with a soft expression, proud of them women his babies had become. His pride and joy.
Fun fact: In this universe, Lucifer was the one to carry and birth both Nellie and Charlie
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soloragoldsun · 8 months
So, guys. I'm sitting over here feeling totally normal about Cherrisnake and Angelhusk.
Totally normal about the fact that both Pentious and Husk are absolute gentlemen and would be so freaking doting and kind to Cherri and Angel, who probably haven't experienced real romance since before coming to Hell, if at all.
Definitely not screaming over how Cherri and Angel are precious chaos gremlins who would drag their boyfriends into amazing shenanigans and make out with them at the most inopportune and dangerous moments (Cherri especially got a taste for that after the battle).
Absolutely not going feral over how neither Husk nor Pentious are specifically after sex, and how Angel and Cherri probably will struggle with how to show affection in another manner because casual and/or abusive sex is all they've experienced, and what do you mean they don't owe their partners sex??? Cue non-sexual intimacy, tender kisses, and ALL THE CUDDLES!!!
Not at all screaming over the sweet, sweet slowburn we'd BETTER freaking get in Season 2!
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questionable-of-cosmo · 7 months
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I headcanon that when he gets emotional he gets his eyes back on his body
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laz-kay · 4 months
Vaggie: You three, explain right now! Angel: It was Pen. Husk: It was Pentious. Niffty: It was Pentious. Sir Pentious: Sir Pentious: …fuck.
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obadiavanille · 8 months
i really like the idea that Huskerdust is going in the direction of “Angel fell first, Husk fell harder”
Because we do see Angel hit on Husk (though more like harassed) in the beginning episodes, only to be met with a more genuine response to Husk after “Loser, baby” Husk is also a lot of comfortable around Angel and can even laugh at his sex jokes
“These Angels won’t stop comin!!”
“alright, I fell right into that one”
Husk’s tone of voice and body languages is more lax now and with Angel’s likely fear of commitment due to V*lintino we might even see Husk make the first move.
Basically I’d love to see the Angel fell first, Husk fell harder trope in Season 2.
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tending-the-hearth · 7 months
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no thought just angel and his family
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vyrtuosoart · 10 months
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I'm gonna be so obsessed with these three I can already tell
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nyx-lyris · 7 months
i love the potential of all the hazbin ships, platonic or romantic.
the beauty and the beast feel that radiobelle has. alastor's desire to control her and manipulate her for his own ends eventually being drowned out by his caring and respect for her. realizing he cares about her more than he cares about himself.
the divorced dads who are sticking it out for their daughter feel of radioapple. the idea of them being rivals who develop a mutual respect for each other over time, eventually becoming friends, trading jokes and vehemently denying their friendship to anyone who asks. and, if we're going the romantic route, eventually realizing they feel much more for each other than they ever intended to and being frightened by it, wondering how on earth they got here.
the way royalhalo could be either long-lost sisters with a sort of tinkerbell and periwinkle vibe, or they could be partners in crime, each working tirelessly in their respective domains to prove that the hotel works and constantly cheering each other on.
connected to the above, i love the potential of charlie's angels - specifically the idea of emily falling because she dared to question the order of things and help charlie, and vaggie unexpectedly welcoming her with open arms because she knows what it feels like to be abandoned by those you loved and trusted.
though i feel they fumbled it on the show, the potential of rainbowmoth is incredible. an ex-exorcist having to deal with the guilt of what she's devoted her life to and making up for that by protecting and helping the daughter of lucifer, who is unexpectedly the kindest and most caring girl she's ever met, and doing everything she can to make her dreams a reality. the bodyguard x ward, sunshine x sunshine protector energy these two have.
i love the one-sided, unrequited love of radiostatic. the idea that vox grew up with radio hosts like alastor and dreamed of becoming someone just like them, meeting alastor in his afterlife and growing genuinely fond of him, only to be unintentionally slapped in the face when he realizes alastor doesn't feel the same, and deciding to hate him (because we all know he doesn't really hate alastor, he just makes up for the hole in his heart by acting like he does). or, if we're writing it where they do actually get together in the end, alastor rejecting vox, then having to deal with the conflicting feelings in his head - they're rivals, but he hates the idea of harm coming to vox, or vox focusing his energy on anyone but him. both of them continuously in denial until a heated situation pushes them both over the edge and they finally give in.
then there's radiodust and the strange but lovely respect and bond that could come with it. just the idea of both of them being pranksters to boot, and either starting a prank war in the hotel or working together to pull pranks on everyone else. angel cracks his usual hyper-sexual jokes, but he never pushes it too far with alastor. he greets him every day with "hiya smiles" and alastor hates to admit it, but he's grown fond of it. the idea of alastor making a deal with valentino, or conniving some scheme to release angel from val's deal. the idea of angel, who's probably tired of sex despite his hypersexual behavior, and alastor, who has never been interested in sex, and angel finding a sort of reprieve with alastor.
on the same note, huskerdust. the way their relationship exists on the show is just perfect. the idea of husk, who is immune to angel's flirting, and angel who wants someone who understands what he's going through, someone to relate to - and both of them having a hard time coming out of their shells. both of them trying so hard to maintain the fragile relationship they've created between them (think ineffable husbands). both of them being terrified when they realize they have genuine romantic feelings for each other; husk, who hasn't loved anyone in years and isn't sure he knows how, who used to be in valentino's position, who knows what it's like to have and enjoy having power over others, who is afraid that he'll mess things up if he says anything; and angel whose every relationship has gone to shit, who hasn't experienced a properly healthy relationship and is now afraid to engage with anyone in that way for fear of getting hurt again. and don't even get me started on the idea of overlord!husk x angel and how complex and interesting that dynamic could be.
the idea of radiohusk, especially now that we've seen what their canonical relationship is really like. husk grappling with his hate for alastor, realizing maybe he doesn't really hate him, and that he sees him in the same way that he sees angel - as a faker, someone who hides behind an elaborate mask so no one knows what he's really feeling. alastor refusing to admit that he actually cares about husk as a person, refusing to admit that husk is right, that he's afraid and maybe he needs to face that fear. alastor eventually letting husk go, starting a chain reaction that ends in alastor letting many of his accumulated souls go, and treating others with a bit more respect than he did before.
then, of course, radiohuskerdust - all three of them in the same shit sandwich, coming to terms with their situations and their feelings for each other. all of them with their trust issues and the masks they hold up so the world never knows what they're truly feeling. the three of them grappling with how each relates to the other - alastor, who owns hundreds if not thousands of souls, including husks, and who treats them poorly; angel, whose soul is owned by valentino, who has been abused by his owner for years (and who was likely manipulated into signing the contract under the guise of val actually caring for him); husk, who has been on both ends, giving and receiving, and understands both of them. all of them dealing with the complexity of this, realizing that they have more in common than they think. basically combining the aspects of the previous three ships.
then there's radiorose, the platonically married couple. the idea that they got married for tax benefits and to appease the standards of their time period is absolutely golden. but also, if you wanted to go the romantic route with them - rosie being completely respectful of alastor's boundaries, despite her feelings for him, and alastor realizing she's the only person in his life (other than, perhaps, his mother) who really knows him, the only person he can really talk to without fear of judgment. just the idea of these two being a power couple, whether platonically or romantically.
or, on the more niche end of the spectrum, spidermoth and radiomoth. just the idea (going the romantic route) of vaggie and angel realizing that maybe they aren't as exclusively into girls or guys, respectively, as they thought, and growing on each other more and more. the banter between the two of them, both of them understanding what it means to be betrayed by someone you thought cared about you and had your back, their mutual mistrust of others and their intentions (which could also of course be a point of conflict in their relationship). or the idea of vaggie developing actual feelings for alastor and hating it the entire time, being even more hostile towards him than usual - and alastor finding her hatred of him entertaining, which eventually develops into genuine fondness. alastor teasing her more and more, her reacting even more explosively each time, until finally she can't take it anymore and shuts him up with a kiss. both of them being utterly surprised and refusing to talk about it for weeks. or, on the platonic side, alastor unwittingly proving himself to vaggie as an ally of the hotel and charlie, earning her begrudging respect over time. eventually, his constant teasing of her becomes something she enjoys, and she'll even poke back now and again.
idk just... hazbin ships, ya know?
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xx-amphibian-puke-xx · 8 months
Fellas who are following me for like Hazbin content, sorry to tell you but I'm legitimately only watching this show for cute snake boy.
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outlawbutterfly · 8 months
After (finally) finishing Hazbin Hotel I have one very important headcanon to share;
Emily and Sir Pentious hang out in Heaven and have tea parties together
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Niffty-Sir Pentious duo is NOT talked about enough, I have seen.
This does, in fact, need to change.
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just-a-we1rd0 · 8 months
In honor
of Pentionous
and his noble sacrifice.
Here is a picture dump of the precious man </3
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Rest in piece, little man </3
all of this art was sourced off google, none of it belongs to me.
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alrightyoucanstay · 8 months
Okay…hehe, let's see, guys:)))
Well - I was on the loooovely internet… you know, checking out some stuff, and then I decide to give my little eyes a break!, so I close the internet for two or three hours hehe:)) and then, w-well…:), I open it again!, Tumblr again because I couldn't think of any other place to go…
And then
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WHAT AM I SEEING!? No no no, this can't be real! I was only gone for three hours! And besides, he's one of MY favorite characters hahaha, and usually MY favorite characters DON'T HAVE A HAPPY ENDING, but - YOU, You, YOU!!!- *blank stare, containing the madness of all the circles of hell* I NEED TO SEE THE EPISODE NOW I NEED TO-
Okay, okay. I'm happy because most people mention awesome things that happened in the episode, and I'm suffering because I can't watch it, but I'll wait until the version in my language comes out. It's okay. Everything's fine. Good-
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LADIES AND GENTLEMEN, WHAT IS HAPPENING!!! Did he - did he do it? *insert the Megamind meme*
He did it. I'm so fucking proud of you my boy. I- think I need a moment- this can't be the end of season. Not now. Whyyy
I still need to see the whole episode btw. I'm dying for it!
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theatrekidsstuff · 7 months
My face went from this:😃 to this:😭
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bookmanharbour · 7 months
Poll results 🩵
Thank you to everyone who helped put the first seven bracelets in order 😄 I'm definitely aiming to make all of them- along with characters I'll make polls for in the future- But first up is Sir Pentious 🥳
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casual--scare · 8 months
? what the fuck was that finale
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