#Cherri Bomb (mentioned)
seaweedraindraws · 7 months
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I was saving this for my fanfic but I liked the idea so much I had to draw it!
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Here is a link to the fic this scene is from! (Only chapter 1 is up, so this scene has not yet happened)
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goldenamaranthe-blog · 6 months
Kid Vaggie 4: Unsung Lullaby
Request for angst. Why angst? Why do people want to have their feelings hurt? Why? Also, this is LOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOONG.
Charlie: (cradling Kid Vaggie in her arms as she carries the little angel to bed) Alright, sweetie. It's bedtime.
Kid Vaggie: (shakes her head violently and clings to Charlie's jacket lapels) No!
Charlie: Vaggie, it's bedtime. You need to get your sleep so you can grow up big and strong.
Kid Vaggie: (shakes slightly) No. Something bad is gonna happen.
Charlie: (pulls back the covers and sets Vaggie down gently) Sweetheart, nothing bad is going to happen to you here. This hotel is officially the safest place in Hell. Nothing, and I mean nnnnnothing- (boops Vaggie's nose)
Kid Vaggie: (giggles slightly and curls up under the blankets to get away from the onslaught)
Charlie: -Is going to get you.
Kid Vaggie: (snuggles in and yawns) Pwomise?
Charlie: (heart pulses painfully) I promise. (kisses Vaggie's forehead and heads to the door) Good night, Vaggie.
Kid Vaggie: Goodnight, Pwincess. (blushes and hides half of her face under the covers) . .. .. I wuv you...
Charlie: (clutches her chest and pinches her legs together as her ovaries throb like ticking time-bombs) I love you too, hun. (closes the door and walks down the hall while pulling at her hair) Note to self: As SOON as Vaggie is back to her normal self, get a spell from dad to make babies.
Kid Vaggie: (nestles in and falls asleep)
-Screams fill the air as the smell of burning tires, smoke, and blood course through the streets of Hell. Angelic Devils with grey and black wings soar through the skies and between buildings as they spray the blood of sinners across alleys and buildings.-
Kid Vaggie: (eyes snap open at the sound of a particularly blood curdling scream, and she looks around at the chaos)
Exorcist: (rips her spear out of Angel Dust's mouth and throat)
Kid Vaggie: Angle Bust!!!
Husker: (leaps forward with a tiger's roar and his claws extended)
Exorcist: (grabs Husker and uses her spear to skin him alive before completely ripping his spine out of his back)
Kid Vaggie: Husk!!! (looks around and sees the rest of the Hotel's occupants' corpses laying on the dead grass filled front lawn of the establishment)
Alastor: (sawed in half with his antlers ripped off)
Cherri: (exploded from the hips up)
Niffty: (pieces replaced with bug parts and scuttling across the ground from an angelic steel knife lodged in her spinal chord to keep her moving)
Lucifer: (tied by the ankles at the top of the hotel, his wings billowing limply in the breeze from being completely shattered like a flag)
Kid Vaggie: (crying and is about to puke when another scream fills the air. She looks and sees the Exorcist holding Charlie up by the throat) CHARWIE!!!!
Exorcist: (looks over to Vaggie and throws Charlie in the air)
Charlie: (gets skewered on the sharp nose of Dazzle's statue)
Exorcist: (to Kid Vaggie) ......Go. Run. (turns to look at the carnage) ........*sob*
Kid Vaggie: (suddenly sees the same spear the Exorcist has in her hands and scrambles to run away. Lungs are on fire as she sprints through the streets and down an alley) NO!!! NO!!!NONONO!!!
-Feathered Wing Flapping Fills the Alley-
Kid Vaggie: (turns around and sees the Exorcist, shakily bringing her own spear up as tears stream down her cheek)
Exorcist: (stands silently before taking off her mask, revealing Vaggie's older face) What did you do?
Kid Vaggie: (suddenly wearing Exorcist clothes) I DIDN'T DO ANYTHING!!! YOU DID THAT!!! (scene shifts, and suddenly she's the one staring down a cannibal child cowering against the wall)
Cannibal Child: (crying) I didn't do anyhting wrong.... Please, don't kill me...
Kid/Vaggie: (lowers spear) Go. Run.
Cannibal Child: (sprints away)
Kid Vaggie: (looks down at her fully grown self in horror and suddenly feels excruciating pain in her left eye socket) AHHHHHHHHHHH!!!!
Exorcist/Vaggie: You were weak. (grabs Kid Vaggie's wings and rips them off)
Kid Vaggie: (screams and cries before panting in pain and staring at her older double. The older woman is split in half down the middle to share the visage of a woman with short, white hair and blood smear everywhere)
Lute/Vaggie: You don't deserve Heaven. / (crying) You don't deserve Happiness.
Kid Vaggie: (world slowly fading to black as the Exorcist turns and leaves)
Angel: (sees Charlie walk into the bar) Woooooof! Don't you look a special kinda way. I take it that Baby Fever ain't breakin' anytime soon?
Charlie: (pouts) Is it that obvious????
Angel: Please, Toots. (waves a hand in front of his nose) I can smell the ovulation process comin' off ya.
Lucifer: (sparkles in his eyes as he digs into his inner jacket pocket) Do you need the baby potion?!
Charlie: NOT YET!!! VAGGIE IS STILL A KID!!! (pauses) .....Wait, you just keep a bottle of that on hand?
Lucifer: .........Full transparency. I've been keeping it ever since you were with what's-his-nuts in case you needed it. What was his name? Fredrick's boy.
Charlie: (covers her mouth at the thought of carrying her ex-boyfriend's child) Dad, I never intended on having kids with Seviathan.
Lucifer: THANK THE STARS TOO!!!! Boy was a little fuckwit.
Charlie: (turns to the staircase and sprints up the stairs three-four at a time) VAGGIE???!?!?!
Hazbins: (all scramble out of their seats and sprint after Charlie)
Charlie: (bursts into her and Vaggie's room and sprints to the bed to hold the thrashing child tight) Vaggie, sweetie, what's wrong?!
Kid Vaggie: NO!!! NO!!! NO-NO-NO!!!! (stops thrashing as Charlie's scent fills her nose and stares up into worried eyes) Charwie?
Charlie: Yeah, sweetie, what happened? (pets Vaggie's hair, wincing at how badly the child is shaking)
Kid Vaggie: (breaks out into a new wave of tears and sobbing wails as she holds Charlie tight) Exowcists! *hic-hic* Evewyone gone! My fault!
Charlie: (holds Vaggie tighter) Shhhhhh! Shhh-shhhh-shhhh! It's okay, Vaggie. The Exorcists are gone. They're not here anymore. They can't hurt you or anyone else here. Nothing is your fault. (turns to the rest of the group motions for some help)
Hazbins: (all standing in the doorway slowly shuffle in to make a giant hug pile)
Angel: No one blames you for nothin', kid.
Husker: For a fierce little psycho, you've never hurt any of us. (massages the skin patches where Vaggie took out some clumps of fur) Not entirely.
Cherri: You're a great guardian angel for the Hotel, kiddo.
Niffty: You do such a good job helping me kill all the roaches in the basement!
Lucifer: (finishes off the hug pile by engulfing everyone in his wings) You're more angelic than any of those Exorcists, little dove. Nothing that happened is your fault.
Alastor: (watching silently from the doorway)
Charlie: (tears filling her eyes as she gently rocks Vaggie and sings a quiet lullaby)
Kid Vaggie: *sniff-sniff* (looks up at everyone around her and calms down, nestling into Charlie's chest and falling asleep) Wuv... you... guys.... ZzzzZzzZZz.....
Hazbins: (clutch their hearts simultaneously) Fuck....
Charlie: (still holding a sleeping Vaggie) Not so funny when it's you, is it?
Lucifer: Charlie, please tell me you want that potion as soon as she's back to normal. I need a little demon-angel grandbaby.
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I decided to be evil and make it to where you can only pick one.
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uselessalexis165 · 5 months
Hellaverse fan poorly explains problems people have with the shows, in no particular order (3)
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Designs are “too cluttered and complicated”
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“Doesn’t represent all SA victims in the sex industry”
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Female character only existing to hate the main character
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Isn’t “fat enough”
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Sister of the main character only now makes an appearance
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wolfoftheblackflames · 6 months
Hey, my misfits, who's hungry for more cute fluff, friends to lovers, and a tale as old as time?! Enjoy my Beauty and the Beast AU: Chaggie style!
The Devil and the Innocent: Pt.1
It was a long time ago, in a far-off place. A king had disappeared, leaving behind his daughter. The child was kind to a fault, but one day when the worst day of her life happened. She, in her fit of rage, brought hell upon her ex, the man had been caught cheating, locking herself away in her castle afterward, the Princess never came out again. “Why can't I find someone who loves me for me!” She would wail sobbing into her pillows.
Her cries were answered when an enchantress disguised as an old crone appeared at the door. Still in pain and distraught with none to comfort her, the Princess turned said woman away to the cold, apologizing as she closed the door. “Your heart has been shattered. You choose to live in isolation away from those you care about. Surely, this will help you find the one you seek.”
In a matter of moments the Princess crumbled forward, her body growing bigger and stronger. Her own workers also felt this change shifting into many different things to reflect the cruel joke the Enchantress placed upon the crew.
Thus was how the Devil and her mysterious castle came to be.
A sigh escaped the reader's lips, the Latina with the most beautiful shade of jade to her eye closed her book. “Thanks for reading to us, Miss Vagatha!” A child cooed smiling.
“Of course, now run along, I only said one story before your chores.” Vaggie smiled as the children giggled and scattered. She leaned back and sighed, wondering what books she could find or what her adopted mother Carmilla Carmine was making this time.
She got up dusting her beautiful white sundress off and hosting the brown leather bag over her shoulder. Vagatha or as most would call her Vaggie was the talk of the town, her elegant yet calm demeanor, her skills as a folk dancer, and the fact that she was the daughter of the King's best arms dealer Carmilla Carmine.
The people of Little Pride watched the woman walk through the streets.“Bonjour!” several greeted her smiling. Others watched her with skeptical looks.
“She's an oddball that one, she's beauty and grace despite the eyepatch that's on her face.” A woman spoke to her friend as they gossiped.
“Her face was either lost in dancing or pressed in a book.” The other replied as Vaggie paid no mind to them.
“She hardly ever has to look!” One child cooed seeing Vaggie effortlessly dodging the many carts.
Her stroll through the town was a simple one, she smiled softly entering one of her favorite stores, Angel's Archive, a bookstore run by the cutest south indian bookworm Emily and her mother Sera. “Hello Vaggie, are you here for the latest copy of Arms and Armor?” The bubbly browned haired girl asked, smiling.
“You know it.” The other girl replied, being handed the book.
“Thanks again for the continued patronage!” Emily grinned as Vaggie paid for the book. “My pleasure, see you, Em.”
Vaggie casually wandered through the town on her way home, she always loved the rustic architecture, and the knights that would rarely pass by in order to restock their gear. “Well well, hello there Vagasaurus.” A scratchy male voice smirked, his tall muscular chubby body towering over her as Vaggie had sat down on the local fountain to read her book.
Her eye narrowed. “Haven't I told you not to call me that Adam?” She growled. “Need me to kick your ass again?”
“Ooo I love a woman who can kick ass. You're just making me the dickmaster hard babe.” Adam grinned, making Vaggie get up.
“¿por qué tengo que lidiar con este idiota…” (Why do I have to deal with this dick head) “Seriously Adam, fuck off.” The Latina stated walking away.
“Ooo I love it when your accent comes out, so exotic.” He purred. “Bet you're also still salty you got canned from the Exorcist Platoon for losing your eye.” He smirked, poking an old wound.
“And you're bringing this up, why?” Vaggie growled, her head starting to ache.
“Cause even if you play civilian, that doesn't mean I'll not recognize one of my top girls when you're out of uniform Vagasaurus.” Adam laughed, twirling on his finger, her old badge. “Though ya might wanna trim that mop of yours.” He smirked, motioning to the knee-length hair.
Vaggie's eye twitched as she couldn't hold back her temper anymore. “Apenada Carmilla…” (Sorry) She muttered under her breath and decked Adam in his stupid face. The taller man stumbled back but he smirked.
“There's the killer I know and love.” He purred satisfied. Vaggie soon hurried home, her heart racing from adrenaline.
Home however was on the outskirts of the town, it was a large grey stone building with smoke coming out of its chimney. Vaggie quietly ducked inside not noticing the fact Adam and his band had followed. Carmilla was often crafting new weapons with the help of her daughters, Vaggie was grateful to the arms dealer who had taken her in when she was abandoned on the outskirts after a nasty skirmish.
That day made the ex soldier shudder, it was a raid Adam led on a small outpost, but said outpost was actually a town filled with aboriginal people living their humble lives. “You'll surrender everything to us or your lives are forfeit!” The blood thirsty ex coworker Lute had roared.
The people didn't surrender, it was a bloodbath, Vaggie went into one of the homes and found two children and their mother shaking. Seeing their scared eyes still haunted Vaggie. “Get out of here, go now!” She had spoken, sending the trio away.
This didn't sit well with Adam who had seen it. While the others were distracted, he had ordered Lute to punish the traitor.
Vaggie broke out of her trance upon hearing the doors. “Not you again!” She growled seeing Adam.
“What? I won't take no for an answer, you'll be mine and it'll be great. I am thee dickmaster.” Adam smirked casually sitting down and mansplaning like he owned the place.
Vaggie sighed. No matter how many times she said no, this douche kept pressing despite the fact she wasn't really into men at all or anyone right now for that matter. She smirked evilly when Adam started munching loudly on chips. “Oh Adam, could you scoot to your right please?” She batted her eyelashes.
The idiot grinned, finally getting his way moving to the right so she could sit with him. “That's more like it..” He licked his lips. Vaggie casually did her alluring dance heading over to a lever. “Wait what?!”
“You really are stupid, wow. Anyway get the fuck outta my house!” She pulled it and sent Adam tumbling out through a trapdoor.
“Fucking bitch!!!!!” He roared splashing into the lake nearby. He growled, poking his head out of the water as Lute shook her head. “Not a word Lute..” He snarled and left with her.
Carmilla clapped, surprising Vaggie who blinked. “Never liked that man. Well done.” She smiled with her own two toned brown hair up as demon horns. “Now come along, I need your help in inspecting some weaponry.” Her voice was warm and motherly.
Carmilla was in her casual black tunic and slacks, she even sported some white gloves, a white and red pouch on her side, and some beautiful white boots.
Vaggie smiled and followed her, relieved that some of her soldier days could be useful.
“I was asked to head over to Zestial's domain for some tea and a business proposal.” Carmilla spoke after sorting through several weapons. “I'll be gone for a few days as the trip there is long.” She added and looked at Vaggie.
“Alright, but isn't Zestial’s territory beyond the Hellfire woods?”
“It is, but I've traveled it many times, and I can take care of myself.” Carmilla replied casually tapping her feet. Vaggie always found it so cool that her mentor had blades in her shoes since it made the fools drop their guard. “Now make sure the latest shipment is ready for transport, I'm sure Odette and Clara will be back soon with their wagons.”
Vaggie saluted and nodded. It made Carmilla chuckle a bit, but she then smiled warmly. “Umm?” Vaggie blinked confused.
“Here, I heard you lost yours during the skirmish, ex soldier.” The taller woman handed Vaggie a beautiful looking spear.
It was no secret to the Carmine family that Vaggie used to be a soldier. Carmilla being the first to notice. The spear looked similar to Vaggie's old one but instead of one side with a curved blade, it was wider, sharper, and hooked on both sides. “R-really? Is it for me Ms. Carmine?” She asked as she was baffled.
“Of course, you've proven yourself time and time again with keeping my home safe, Vaggie.” Carmilla replied but blinked, receiving a brief hug. She laughed a bit and petted Vaggie on the head.
It was soon time for the taller woman to depart as she climbed into the driver seat. She easily took the reigns of a handsome black and white stallion named Diablo. “Good luck on your trip Ms. Carmine!” Vaggie waved as the other woman departed.
Elsewhere in the local tavern Adam was sulking. He couldn't believe that bitch Vaggie managed to pull one over on him. “Sir, no need to be so hung up over that traitor. After all you're Adam, the first man to ever conquer a village of over fifty thousand people.” Lute stated annoyed by his sulking.
Adam grumbled looking briefly at his second in command. He had to admit despite the vicious nature which he loved, Lute did have the hotter look with the short black bob, pale peach skin, grey armor over her black bodysuit, plus those sexy white gloves and heels. “I just hate it when I don't get what I want.” He replied grumpily.
Lute smirked a bit and handed him his favorite instrument. “It's annoying sir to see you so down.” She started as Adam blinked. He smirked and started to jam with his favorite girl. “Who cares about that mop bucket piece of shit bitch. You're the Dick fucking master.” She hyped him up, making Adam laugh with glee.
The girls easily swooned over Adam since the man often exposed his sexy chest hair through his white and gold long robe jacket, his lavender tunic underneath alongside some casual black trousers and boots. If there was any word to describe this man it would be “bear”.
“I am the man with the best dick around, come on ladies let's get down!” He roared into song, jamming hard. Though after his fun tavern party Lute took him aside. “Huh what's up danger tits?”
“Want to get back at the cunt?” She asked evilly. Adam's reply was a huge evil smirk. “Alright then, here's what I have in mind sir.”
On the open road, Carmilla's carriage made its way to the cursed forest, its soft red mist echoing that of entering hell. She found it amusing and liked the route since it kept bandits off her ass. Diablo, however, whinnied and started to fuss. “What's wrong boy, ¿Estás asustado por algo?” (Are you spooked by something?) She spoke softly, trying to soothe the stallion.
He stomped his hooves and tried to wrestle free of his carriage binds. “Ah!” Carmilla yelped, being tossed off as Diablo managed to smash the carriage into a tree. “Diablo?!” She blinked but growled stranded in the forest.
Through some exploration, the woman found something she'd never seen before, a white and gold castle with the skies reddening as she got closer. Cautiously she knocked on the large wooden doors which made the door creep open.
“Who the hell is that broad?” A voice spoke. “Someone whose lost their fuckin way dipshit.” Another answered. “Quiet you two dumbasses.” The third hushed them.
“Tch, I don't like this..” Carmilla looked around the grand red entryway, it had a red brick staircase leading upward with golden handles and railing. The floor was a more muted grey with it being decorated by a large carpet bearing the symbol of two snakes intertwining over an apple.
“Not another word outta you two got it? Seriously Angel and Cherri learn to shut the fuck up.” A voice spoke quietly.
“Look can someone please come fucking out already? I lost my horse and the town's too far away to walk back.” Carmilla growled softly. “I'm willing to pay you for letting me stay the night since I don't want to walk back with it being so dark out.”
“Oooh wow, a bitch with an attitude. I like her.” Cherri smirked watching the tall woman.
“C'mon Husk she's got no place ta go.” Angel replied as Husk groaned.
Carmilla blinked, turning her head around picking up Angel as Cherri who had been turned into a wind up monkey smirked. “Who the fuck said that?!”
“Oooh, check out the mommy dommy hands on this one Angie!” Cherri grinned as Carmilla blinked, staring at her. “Hi there.”
“What the fuck?!” The woman replied as she then looked over at the snickering Angel. He was a four armed candlestick with five flames.
“Hiya mommy.” He playfully snickered.
“Now you've done it.” Husk sighed, being a talking wind up tuxedo cat.
Carmilla just blinked at the two, clearly confused. “How the fuck are you moving?” She had dropped Angel only to pick up Husk, curious as to how a children's toy is moving on its own.
“Long story I tell ya.” Angel snickered seeing Husk being toyed with. “Hey, quit it!” The cat hissed but blinked, noticing a small bit of blood on Carmilla's head.
“Dios mio..” (Oh my god) Carmilla sighed feeling like she's lost it.
“Oy demon lady, you're bleedin’.” Angel replied, waving one of his candles. “Follow us and we'll get that looked at.”
Carmilla grumbled but followed the odd trio of objects into the next room, not noticing the looming shadow that watched her from above.
“Ugh you two are gonna piss off the princess.” Husk muttered but moved aside as a cart wheeled over to Carmila who had been led to sit down in a rather large red velvet chair. “And we don't need another one of those rage moments.”
“Care for a nice cup of tea dearie?” A warm voice came from the beautiful Victorian style red and grey tea pot.
“Oh.. Um..” Carmilla looked a little surprised when a coat rack was bandaging her head. “Alright?”
“How about some music as well my dear?” A voice came from a rather nice looking mahogany radio with black knobs and glowing green lights.
“Ugh you idiots are going to alert the Devil.” Husk groaned, but the radio chuckled.
“Oh no need to be in such a tizzy Husker, a little music doesn't hurt anybody. Right Rosie?” Two beating red eyes looked over at the tea kettle.
“Of course Alastor, music is quite a nice way to enjoy some tea dearie.”.
Carmilla picked up the cup and took a sip from it. “Nyeh, why am I against a lady's lips!” A shrill voice came from the red tea cup as two cute yellow eyes blinked at Carmilla.
“What the fuck?!” She blinked but looked over the cup.
Quacking was heard as a footstool waddled its way over lifting Carmilla's feet up. Though it was strange and felt like a drug trip, Carmilla didn't seem to mind the great hospitality.
The crew jolted hearing the door slam open off its hinges. “Here we go…” Husk gulped. Carmilla growled, getting up fast and ready to fight, however she was easily subdued by powerful black claws coming around her neck.
“Who are you, why are you here?” That voice came out low and growly. Carmilla stared at the figure before her, her eyes wide. “Doesn't matter you're not welcome here…” The beast snarled, dragging Carmilla off as the other tried to follow.
Carmilla couldn't believe her eyes, whatever had her by the neck with ease was a giant massive beast with blonde fur, a wolf like snout, cloven red hooves, deep white eyes with red sclera, two red horns sticking out of its head, and a long spiked black tail with a triangular tip. “El diablo mismo…” (The Devil itself.) escaped her lips as the beast growled at her.
“What the fuck are you saying? Are you staring at me?!” The beast snarled slamming Carmilla into a wall. “I bet you've come to stare at the Devil huh? Well you've found her.”
“Hey hey! Princess, you're going to kill her!” Angel stated, waving at her.
“I'd love to see the blood bath.” Niffty giggled watching.
“All I wanted was a place to rest for the night. Agh…” Carmilla felt that grip tighten.
The Devil narrowed her eyes and growled. “I'll give you a damn place to stay as you wish.” She dragged Carmilla to the dungeons and locked the woman inside. “Now stay there and enjoy your new home.”
“What?!” Carmilla snapped trying to get out to no avail. “Damn it…” She growled, lowering her head.
(Heyo, I hope you guys like the fic so far, I literally worked several hours on this part alone. I'm breaking this down into parts from Beginning Middle and End with the full version being on my Ao3 for all to read. Thanks for reading!)
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angellic-critique · 10 months
Oh yeah, Angel Dust has a sister, her name's Molly, there are a bunch of speed drawings with her.
Anon I think you are the only fan of Molly as I have not sent her be mentioned outside of 2017.
Genuinely thought that Molly was like Niffty/Vaggie situationship because I had NO fucking clue what stance Molly even was outside of just looking at a distant glance over definitely not realizing that was what happened to the past 'Angel Dust Drag'..... The fact that it personifies into a woman that is barely mentioned [much like angel representing or doing drag in the first place], turned into fucking THIS????
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I cant even begin to comprehend.... She speaks for herself honestly. You can tell that viv genuinely did not give a fuck about the implications here or the lazy design that is 'Hmm angel dust but pink girly'
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I feel like she just became cut content considering there hasn't ever been a mention about angels' family besides his Arackniss
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Kinda weird how angel is more focused and put down upon in the spotlight more with Valentino and less with his 1930s mobster Italian spider persona :/ Even attempting to make a different womanly character known as the sister of angel dust, she is still tied down to him and has nothing besides this rainbow vomit old design.
How could I not be confused over angels' stance on dragging while VIV can't even fucking make characters up for him without retconning over herself!
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You want this mess of a character design to be made but not Baxter???? I'm baffled. Thanks for bringing this horrid 'writing' decision to my notice. Since viv doesn't give a single lick of sense about Molly I too did not realize that Molly was supposed to be the hyper feminized pink eyesore that was SUPPOSED to be Angel's DRAG PERFORMING CARICATURE???
Your ask has the exact same amount of punch as telling me that Blitz has a sister, they are underwritten to be one of the same since they're women obviously Viv just doesn't like writing women ! :/
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nyx-lyris · 7 months
i love the potential of all the hazbin ships, platonic or romantic.
the beauty and the beast feel that radiobelle has. alastor's desire to control her and manipulate her for his own ends eventually being drowned out by his caring and respect for her. realizing he cares about her more than he cares about himself.
the divorced dads who are sticking it out for their daughter feel of radioapple. the idea of them being rivals who develop a mutual respect for each other over time, eventually becoming friends, trading jokes and vehemently denying their friendship to anyone who asks. and, if we're going the romantic route, eventually realizing they feel much more for each other than they ever intended to and being frightened by it, wondering how on earth they got here.
the way royalhalo could be either long-lost sisters with a sort of tinkerbell and periwinkle vibe, or they could be partners in crime, each working tirelessly in their respective domains to prove that the hotel works and constantly cheering each other on.
connected to the above, i love the potential of charlie's angels - specifically the idea of emily falling because she dared to question the order of things and help charlie, and vaggie unexpectedly welcoming her with open arms because she knows what it feels like to be abandoned by those you loved and trusted.
though i feel they fumbled it on the show, the potential of rainbowmoth is incredible. an ex-exorcist having to deal with the guilt of what she's devoted her life to and making up for that by protecting and helping the daughter of lucifer, who is unexpectedly the kindest and most caring girl she's ever met, and doing everything she can to make her dreams a reality. the bodyguard x ward, sunshine x sunshine protector energy these two have.
i love the one-sided, unrequited love of radiostatic. the idea that vox grew up with radio hosts like alastor and dreamed of becoming someone just like them, meeting alastor in his afterlife and growing genuinely fond of him, only to be unintentionally slapped in the face when he realizes alastor doesn't feel the same, and deciding to hate him (because we all know he doesn't really hate alastor, he just makes up for the hole in his heart by acting like he does). or, if we're writing it where they do actually get together in the end, alastor rejecting vox, then having to deal with the conflicting feelings in his head - they're rivals, but he hates the idea of harm coming to vox, or vox focusing his energy on anyone but him. both of them continuously in denial until a heated situation pushes them both over the edge and they finally give in.
then there's radiodust and the strange but lovely respect and bond that could come with it. just the idea of both of them being pranksters to boot, and either starting a prank war in the hotel or working together to pull pranks on everyone else. angel cracks his usual hyper-sexual jokes, but he never pushes it too far with alastor. he greets him every day with "hiya smiles" and alastor hates to admit it, but he's grown fond of it. the idea of alastor making a deal with valentino, or conniving some scheme to release angel from val's deal. the idea of angel, who's probably tired of sex despite his hypersexual behavior, and alastor, who has never been interested in sex, and angel finding a sort of reprieve with alastor.
on the same note, huskerdust. the way their relationship exists on the show is just perfect. the idea of husk, who is immune to angel's flirting, and angel who wants someone who understands what he's going through, someone to relate to - and both of them having a hard time coming out of their shells. both of them trying so hard to maintain the fragile relationship they've created between them (think ineffable husbands). both of them being terrified when they realize they have genuine romantic feelings for each other; husk, who hasn't loved anyone in years and isn't sure he knows how, who used to be in valentino's position, who knows what it's like to have and enjoy having power over others, who is afraid that he'll mess things up if he says anything; and angel whose every relationship has gone to shit, who hasn't experienced a properly healthy relationship and is now afraid to engage with anyone in that way for fear of getting hurt again. and don't even get me started on the idea of overlord!husk x angel and how complex and interesting that dynamic could be.
the idea of radiohusk, especially now that we've seen what their canonical relationship is really like. husk grappling with his hate for alastor, realizing maybe he doesn't really hate him, and that he sees him in the same way that he sees angel - as a faker, someone who hides behind an elaborate mask so no one knows what he's really feeling. alastor refusing to admit that he actually cares about husk as a person, refusing to admit that husk is right, that he's afraid and maybe he needs to face that fear. alastor eventually letting husk go, starting a chain reaction that ends in alastor letting many of his accumulated souls go, and treating others with a bit more respect than he did before.
then, of course, radiohuskerdust - all three of them in the same shit sandwich, coming to terms with their situations and their feelings for each other. all of them with their trust issues and the masks they hold up so the world never knows what they're truly feeling. the three of them grappling with how each relates to the other - alastor, who owns hundreds if not thousands of souls, including husks, and who treats them poorly; angel, whose soul is owned by valentino, who has been abused by his owner for years (and who was likely manipulated into signing the contract under the guise of val actually caring for him); husk, who has been on both ends, giving and receiving, and understands both of them. all of them dealing with the complexity of this, realizing that they have more in common than they think. basically combining the aspects of the previous three ships.
then there's radiorose, the platonically married couple. the idea that they got married for tax benefits and to appease the standards of their time period is absolutely golden. but also, if you wanted to go the romantic route with them - rosie being completely respectful of alastor's boundaries, despite her feelings for him, and alastor realizing she's the only person in his life (other than, perhaps, his mother) who really knows him, the only person he can really talk to without fear of judgment. just the idea of these two being a power couple, whether platonically or romantically.
or, on the more niche end of the spectrum, spidermoth and radiomoth. just the idea (going the romantic route) of vaggie and angel realizing that maybe they aren't as exclusively into girls or guys, respectively, as they thought, and growing on each other more and more. the banter between the two of them, both of them understanding what it means to be betrayed by someone you thought cared about you and had your back, their mutual mistrust of others and their intentions (which could also of course be a point of conflict in their relationship). or the idea of vaggie developing actual feelings for alastor and hating it the entire time, being even more hostile towards him than usual - and alastor finding her hatred of him entertaining, which eventually develops into genuine fondness. alastor teasing her more and more, her reacting even more explosively each time, until finally she can't take it anymore and shuts him up with a kiss. both of them being utterly surprised and refusing to talk about it for weeks. or, on the platonic side, alastor unwittingly proving himself to vaggie as an ally of the hotel and charlie, earning her begrudging respect over time. eventually, his constant teasing of her becomes something she enjoys, and she'll even poke back now and again.
idk just... hazbin ships, ya know?
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flutistbyday-1 · 7 months
Angel Dust's Birthday
It was Angel's birthday.
Charlie is determined to let Angel Dust just how much he is loved.
Y'all. I broke my own heart writing this, so be warned.
Angsty fluff that *should* make you feel a little better.
I'm new to the fandom and I wrote this in a few hours. It's only been edited once, so I apologize for the errors.
In which Angel Finds out just how much he's loved.
Angsty fluff.
Warnings: heartache
Word count: 2217
I messed around with the timeline a little. Moonlight Serenade wasn't recorded and released until the 1940s, but I love it SO much. It was my great grandmother's favorite song and I feel like a child when I hear it. I suggest listening to it! Also, I forgot what a BITCH it is to format on Ao3. Sorry, y'all.
“Fucking Val and his stupid mother fucking games,” Angel mutters as he stomps into the Hotel.
Valentino knew what an important day it was and was still an ass to Angel.
As much as Angel didn’t want to admit it, Val had hurt his feelings and he wanted to drink it off.
He stomps past the lobby but Cherri Bomb stands in his way, arms on her hips, wide smile on her face.
“Hi, Angel! What are you doing? How was your day?” she all but screeches.
Angel involuntarily grimaces, pushing Cherri away as she attempts to stop him from moving forward.
“What? I’m fine, Cherri,” he hisses. “What are you on about? Let me through.”
Cherri pushes back, gaining some momentum.
“Seriously, Cherri, I’ve had a long day and I just want to get drunk.”
She grins. “Even better,” she said. “Let’s go blow something up--”
“I’m not in the mood,” Angel yells, puffing up to all eight feet.
Cherri’s grin falters. “Just trying to cheer you up,” she grumbles, still attempting to stop Angel but failing.
Angel was fueled by a shit day and the need for alcohol.
“Wait--” Cherri grabs his arm, but he pulls away.
“Shit! Fuck! AHHHH!! Mother fucker!”
He rushes to the source of the noise-- the kitchen.
He goes through the door frame and is greeted by a six-foot flame shooting from the oven; Charlie frantically waves her arms, screaming at the top of her lungs.
Lucifer came rushing in. “What is--”
He took in the scene and with a snap of his fingers, the flame was gone, but a pitiful Princess was left.
She looked at Angel and burst into tears.
“What the fuck?” Angel gets out before Charlie throws herself on him, clinging to him with a death grip.
“I’m sorry,” she chokes out between sobs. “I wanted it to be perfect! But I can’t even make you a cake!” She wails at the top of her lungs.
He patted her head the way one would pat a bomb. He gives Lucifer a “please help me” look and Lucifer takes in a breath.
“She wanted to surprise you with a cake and a party.” Lucifer grimaces and pulls Charlie from Angel.
“Uh, Vaggie? Can you come here?” he calls.
Vaggie comes in a moment later. “What the fuck?”
Lucifer drops the still blubbering Princess into her girlfriend’s arms and gives a tight smile.
Vaggie pulls Charlie closer, petting her and pushing her hair back.
He walks to the oven and pulls out the cake pan. “I don’t know how,” he says, hands on hips, “but she managed to set the oven on fire,” he picks up the oven pan and the cake batter drips out. “And failed to cook the cake.”
Vaggie's eyes widen and Charlie wails louder.
“I’m suck a fuck up!” she sobs.
“No, you’re not!” Angel, Lucifer, and Vaggie say.
It takes some doing, but eventually, Charlie is calmed down enough to proceed with the party. She leads Angel to a parlor and half-heartedly says, “Surprise!”
The room is decorated from top to bottom in shades of pink and white. Streamers, table cloths, napkins, cups, and even a banner that read, “Happy Birthday, Angel Dust!” written in immaculate handwriting.
Niffty comes running in. “Do you like the sign? I made it. And I helped decorate. And I--”
Angel smiles at Niffty. “I love it.”
She beams and Angel looks around the room and notices a very empty spot where a cake should be. He lets out a puff of air.
Charlie notices the change in his face and her face falls. “I’m sorry, Angel.”
“Now, now!” Alastor sings out as he appears from the shadows. “This is a birthday party and there is no frowning at a party!”
He pinches Charlie’s cheek and she forces a smile.
“Hey, asshole,” Angel calls out. “She’s feeling rough. Leave her be.”
“Would that be any way to talk to someone who helped plan your party?” The Radio Demon says, an ever-present smile on his face.
With a snap of his fingers, a cake appears on the table. It’s 10” in diameter, pink, covered in a spider motif, with a spider web from frosting on the top, and “Happy Birthday” elegantly scrolled in the middle.
Angel balks. “Uh,” he coughs out. “Thanks, Smiles.”
“You are more than welcome!” An audience cheers from Alastor’s microphone and there are eye rolls around the room.
Husk walks over with a martini glass with pink and blue liquid, a sugared rim, and topped with cotton candy. He smiles. “A special cocktail for the birthday boy.”
Angel takes it and sips gingerly. He smiles. “This is amazing, Whiskers!”
Husk narrows his eyes in false anger, but his smile gives him away.
The group migrates to the couch and the conversation becomes lively. Fat Nuggets finds his way to his owner, Niffty perches on Alastor’s shoulders, and Vaggie sits close to Charlie. They laugh and share their favorite memories of Angel, much to his chagrin.
After half an hour and three cotton candy martinis, Charlie jumps up and claps her hands once. “Okay!” She looks at Angel. “Would you like to do cake or presents first?”
“Cake,” Angel says decidedly.
Lucifer dims the lights and ignites the candles on the cake with a flick of his wrist.
“Show off,” Angel murmurs under his breath.
“I heard that!”
“Dad!” Charlie admonishes, ushering Angel to the table with the cake and sitting him down in a chair.
Vaggie pulls out her phone and the group sings.
Angel smiles and blows out his candles. He wishes for freedom but is only in his thoughts for mere seconds as Lucifer turns the lights back on and Charlie is cutting the cake.
Angel gets the first piece and the group waits until the first bite is taken before they join.
“This is delicious,” Angel moans.
“Surprised?” Alastor asks, smiling.
“Well, yeah,” Vaggie answers for Angel.
“It was my mother’s recipe.” Alastor taps his head, indicating he had the recipe memorized.
They finish their cake and migrate to the couches. Angel sits cautiously and is handed a small box, four inches wide and two inches tall.
To my favorite loser
Angel opens the box. It was a custom deck of cards with pictures from Voxtagram-- one of him with Charlie, one of him and Fat nuggets, one of the whole crew after Sir Pentious’ first week-- Angel Dust was glaring the whole time-- and one of him and Husk after they had bonded.
“I know that you’ll memorize the cards and it will be even easier to count this deck, but--” Angel cuts Husk off with a dismissive wave of his hand.
“Thanks, Husk,” Angel whispers. “I love them.” He smiles. “But we--” he points a finger between himself and the cat demon, “are never playing with them.”
Husk laughs brightly at Angel’s smirk.
Angel’s heart felt a little lighter. Maybe this won’t be so bad, he thought. He appreciated the gift, knowing how much time and effort Husk had put into it.
Vaggie hands him a small, rectangular package. He opens it gingerly and takes out a necklace.
It’s gold with a short chain, M <3 A, in the middle. Two gold letters and one rose gold heart.
Angel’s heart stutters. He knew instantly that they were the initials for Anthony and Molly.
“How--” he asks but is cut off by another present thrust in his arms.
Charlie smiles brightly.
Angel opens the package carefully, now wary of presents.
He opens a plain white box and sees a carousel with four horses on gold poles. The top and bottom are pink and white striped with gold motifs decorating the edges and a gold flag at the top.
“Turn it over,” Charlie encourages.
Angel does and looks blankly at the knob before turning it. He releases the knob, and “Moonlight Serenade” by Glen Miller, his mother’s favorite song, starts playing. Not the usual music-box noise, either. A real recording.
He gulps.
His heart stops and then starts again, pumping faster. His eyes dart to Charlie and his heart breaks. He blinks several times, trying to gather his thoughts; trying to stop the tears from falling.
Husker notices and there is another martini in Angel’s hand in an instant.
Charlie’s smile falters and she looks concerned. She looks at Vaggie nervously.
Angel asks, “How do you know about my human life?”
Lucifer clears his throat and blushes. “I may or may not have peaked at your human life," he says, dragging out the first 'may'.
Angel guffaws. “You can do that?!”
“I’m the King of Hell,” Lucifer snorts. “And a fallen angel. I have powers.”
Angel rolls his eyes, but his breath is taken away when Lucifer opens a portal and Angel’s human life plays in black in white, like an old film. Him taking his first steps, learning how to ride a bike, giggling with Molly, his first day of school, his first friend; all on display, conjuring up memories and feelings he thought he’d forgotten and repressed.
Angel tears up. “Gee,” he chokes out but doesn’t continue because the images shift to Molly.
She’s crying at Angel’s funeral and Angel stands up, yelling at Lucifer.
“You think I wanna see that?” he screams.
“Patience, Angel Dust,” Lucifer chides in a non-negotiable tone.
Angel sits, but crosses both sets of arms, ready to stand up and storm out at any given moment.
The images shift to a man comforting Molly: a mutual friend, Thomas, after Molly faints.
The movie forwards to Molly and Thomas’ wedding.
Angel tears up. “She looks so beautiful.”
“And happy,” Charlie says gently.
“And happy,” Angel echoes softly.
The movie shifts again, but now it’s in color. There are two children on the screen, laughing.
Angel sits up. “Who’s that?”
Lucifer can’t help the sigh that comes out of his mouth. “Your niece and nephew.”
The movie stops and Angel stands up, going toward the images, and tries to touch it, but his hand goes through. He pulls both sets of arms around him and looks at Lucifer forlornly.
Lucifer’s heart breaks. He can relate. The “what if” can be too much sometimes. “Your niece, her name is Mary.” Lucifer smiles brightly and more images of Mary flit through the portal. She’s laughing with her twin, taking her first steps, learning how to ride her bike.
Angel smiles ruefully. “And the boy?” he whispers.
Lucifer clears his throat. “Anthony Martin the Second.” It’s soft and Angel almost didn’t hear the name.
He turns around slowly and can’t help the tear that leaks out of his eyes. He swipes at them quickly and looks around the room. Charlie, Vaggie, and Alastor are all engaged in the movie and don’t see. Angel locks eyes with Husk and is given a knowing nod. Angel blushes to the top of his head.
He looks back at Lucifer. “So I have a niece and a nephew.” He smiles.
Lucifer continues the movie, showing Molly and Thomas growing older while the twins grow up. The group watches as Anthony and Mary get married and start their own lives. There is an Anthony Martin the third, then an Anthony Martin the fourth.
Angel’s eyes get wider. “Wow. I didn’t realize how much I was idolized.” He spits out the last word.
Charlie places a hand on Angel’s shoulder. “Your sister loved you and talked highly of you.”
Angel grimaces, but his face softens when he sees his sister on her deathbed.
Angel gets as close to the portal as he can without going through it. Fat Nuggets nudges at Angel Dust’s feet and is picked up. Angel hugs him closely.
Molly looks at her children and grandchildren, smiling until she falls unconscious.
“She passed away ten years ago,” Lucifer offers gently. “She went straight to heaven.”
Angel looks forlorn again. “Sorry, Molls,” he whispers, accent dropping just slightly. He wipes his eyes and turns toward his friends. “Thank you,” he says, voice warbling. “Val was such an ass today--”
Angel is cut off when Charlie throws her arms around him and hugs him tightly. “We love you so much, Anthony,” she says, her voice also unsteady. “I just wanted to give you something good.”
Angel hugs back with a fierceness that Charlie didn’t expect. Fat Nuggets protests and drops to the ground, looking plussed by the intrusion.
Angel likes that Charlie uses his real name. They hug for a long while, everyone quietly watching.
Lucifer snaps, and the banner changes to say, “Happy birthday, Anthony!”
Lucifer’s heart swells with pride as he looks at his daughter. He did raise a wonderful little girl-- no, woman.
Angel is still hugging Charlie when “Moonlight Serenade” plays through the portal.
He turns and sees his mom dancing in the living room, holding a small boy—his lip quivers.
He turns and sees his friends standing in front of him, small, hesitant smiles on their faces.
Lucifer hands him a DVD and smiles knowingly. Angel takes it and hugs it to his chest before setting it with the rest of his presents.
“Thank you,” he says. “Thank all of you.”
Then Anthony walks over to Charlie. “My lady,” he says in an exaggerated accent, bowing to the Princess. “May I have this dance?”
Charlie chuckles and curtsies. “Of course,” she replied in the same exaggerated accent.
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What was their first night as new parents like? () and what new traditions do they start as a family? (CherriSnake)
OOOH! (Just a warning for the mention of miscarriage 🩷)
So, their first nights as parents was filled with an abundance of complex emotions. For Pen, he had been a father back when he was alive and he was very much hands on - odd for a Victorian Gentleman but he hadn't never been ordinary. Since Bash was born during a fight with some rogue demons, Pen obviously was extremely protective. Not just of his newborn son but his wife. One thing he had regretted when he was alive was not being a good husband, he fully intended on changing that with Cherri. He carried Cherri and Bash back to the airship - since they were still enjoying their adventures in Hell - and barely left their side. He had been excited since they found out about Bash, he knew they were in for a wonderful new adventure together.
Cherri on the other hand, although she was delighted to finally hold her baby boy, couldn't help but be nervous and anxious the whole first night. She was annoyed at that since she built up a tough girl persona. She had quite a few miscarriages in life, and death too, so she was very protective of Bash since he was the first baby she hadn't lost. She didn't want to let him go but she trusted Pen and was finally able to go to sleep.
They both appreciated that no one knew about Bash until they returned home so they could enjoy their newfound parenthood together.
One tradition they began after Bash was born that every year on his birthday they would go and have a turf war with Overlords they weren't allied with or demons they found irritating. Bash soon became as explosive and inventive as his mama and papa.
(This was a super fun ask! Please send more!)
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Drabble for @radiostarsz
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「🕸️For the last few weeks, Val had overworked him insisting on multiple shoots to reach a deadline for their projects. It was frustrating, and there were numerous times when he returned to the hotel he had barely made it to bed. And no surprise on the nights he still retained a bit of energy, he had gone to bed after a few rounds, only to wake up hung over. But one of those mornings, something caught the spider by surprise. On the bedside table was a glass of water, some tablets and...three chocolate covered strawberries? However, there was no note. No sort of indication, nor hint of the one responsible. Did he talk to Charlie the night before? Husk? Maybe they had just seen the state he was in and left it there while he slept. But there was someone else who had nursed him one night. Would he have done it again? And was it wrong to be so hopeful it was him?
The spider shifted his weight so his legs dangled off the bed. One of his hands gave his beloved companion a few ginger pets, as the others ranged in responsivity. One taking the tablets, another the water, and the final: a strawberry. And this occurred for more than one night. In fact, it was motivational. It got him through the rest of Val's demands. Until, finally, he could breathe with some time off. Cherri was aware of his schedule and came bursting through the hotel doors to take him out. Usually they went to some sort of club to get fucked up, but things changed. Charlie caught wind of it and suggested a carnival. Both of them stared at her like she was crazy, but after enough convincing ( and free money ), they all took a little trip there. Only most went their separate ways. Smiles didn't come, though. He insisted that he had important matters to tend to, but told him to enjoy his time. He had been half tempted to ask if he had left the the stuff on his bedside table, but had hesitated.
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❝ Y'know, someone's been leavin' shit by my bed. ❞ He shared with Cherri. ❝ An' no one's owned up to it. ❞ ❛ What the hell are they leavin' yuh, Ange? ❜ ❝ Just some shit fer my hangover's an'- ❞ ❛ And? ❜ ❝ Don't fuckin' laugh but chocolate covered strawberries. ❞ ❛ No fuckin' way! Yuh totally got a secret admirer, bitch! ❜ ❝ So, I got plenty 'f those. ❞ ❛ Ugh, not like those fuckin' creeps ya dumbass. Someone lookin' out for ya, mate! Bet it's someone in the hotel. ❜ ❝ Really?! ❞ He smiles as he speaks, but when he catches himself, he quickly acts nonchalant about it. ❝ Yuh-yuh think so? ❞ He notices Cherri smirking at him. ❝ Hey, quit bein' smug, bitch! It could be anyone. ❞ But she just laughs. He can't take back that smile now; she won't let him.
The spider crosses all his arms as he walks with her. If there's anyone he can trust with his secrets: it's her. She's been there since he can remember. She saw all the nasty shit he went through. She was there when he was at his lowest, when he self destructed, when the anger finally formed into tears. She meant the world, and he knew he could trust her. ❝ I might know who it is. ❞ ❛ Who? Is it the cat? ❜ ❝ Could be, but I don't think it's him. It might be Alastor. ❞ ❛ Him? Yuh take somethin' without me, mate? Why would it be him? Isn't he some Overlord piece of shit? ❜ ❝ Yuh think I don't know it sounds crazy? But yuh weren't there when he - when Val- ❞ He notices how curious she is. How widely she's staring at him, and feels her hand touch his arm. ❝ It's normal, y'know Val, shit happened and he hit me, there. Any way's, when I got back that night, Smiles was there and he...he helped. ❞ The spider slightly smiled. He felt Cherri gently hit his arm. ❛ Alright, bitch, enough of this mushy shit, let's do shit! I'm gonna win me a thing! ❜ She smiled and tugged Angel along.
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The two went on a ton of rides. Angel had taken Niffty on some spooky bug related thing, then they ate with their friends and won some prizes. It felt like exactly what he needed. Seeing his friends happiness was almost contagious. And for a bit, he had listened to their thrilling experiences until something in the distance caught his eyes. Was that what he thought it was? No way. Without a thought, he started walking away towards the game booth. Cherri followed him once she noticed. ❛ Angie, where yuh goin? ❜ ❝ That game over there. ❞ ❛ Why? ❜ He took her hand until they were close. ❝ Fuck me, that shit's real? ❞ ❛ What? ❜ ❝ That thing! It's a fuckin' spider wit' antlers! It's perfect! ❞ ❛ For what? You want that thing? ❜ ❝ Obviously. ❞ ❛ Piece of cake, mate. If yuh want it that bad, I'll win it fer ya. ❜ Before she could go up, he got in front of her. ❛ The fuck, Ange? ❜ ❝ I gotta do it. It ain't fer me. It's fer Smiles. ❞ ❛ Really? Huh, didn't know freaky face was into this shit. What else's he hidin? ❜ ❝ He might not be, but - fuck it. I've made up my mind. That thing's gonna be mine. ❞
The spider fueled by determination paid the man. His first few attempts were fruitless. Followed by the next few. Chances were this shit was rigged, and Cherri and him exchanged a knowing look. All he had to do was figure out how exactly it was rigged. After tossing the ball a few times in his hand, he realized that the ball may be too big for the hole, and that shit didn't go in easy. There was only one option and it was to cheat. Even Cherri seemed to realize this and shifted oddly. Wait, that might be a signal. He gave her a wink in hopes it was and noticed how her attention turned to the guy running the booth. This bitch was distracting him! Perfect! And while she did this, he made sure he won the game. The guy was in such disbelief, but when Cherri threatened to shove a bomb down his throat, he handed over the fluffy little spider/deer thing. Angel hugged it tight, squishing it against his cheek as he thanked Cherri for the help. And soon, the night came to an end.
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When they returned to the hotel and went their separate ways, Angel snuck off as secretly as he could to Alastor's room. Hopefully he wasn't there. This would be fucking embarrassing if he was. He noticed two of the egg boiz about and told them not to say a word. But who knows if he could trust them since they were kind of dumb. He was about to turn the doorknob when, fuck, Charlie! He quickly hid the plush behind his back. ❛ Oh, hey, Angel, everything alright? You're going to Alastor's room? ❜ ❝ Ugh, no, well, yes. I borrowed somethin' from him an' forgot to return it. ❞ ❛ That's sweet, but this late? I'm surprised you're not tired. Well, maybe not. Who am I to assume? Silly, Charlie. I - ❜ ❝ Toots? ❞ ❛ Huh? Oh, sorry. ❜ ❝ it's fine, but remember how we're workin' on those team buildin' exercises an' shit? This is important ta that, so I really gotta get this done. ❞ He watched as she gasped. ❛ Yes! Totally! I completely understand. Ugh, so proud of you! Ok, got it. I'll see you tomorrow~ ❜ He chuckled to himself as she left before he snuck in.
No Smiles. He crept inside. It was so different being here alone. Almost gave him a sense of yearning. He missed the night he had been in here with him. Listening to an array of jazz music as they chatted. He sat down on the sofa Smiles had manifested for them, surprised it was still here. He could almost hear the melody and feel the piercing look smiles had given him that night. His fingers from his bottom left hand curled against the material before he got back up. The spider walked over to what he assumed to be a closet. Of course Smiles had more suits and jackets. His fingers brushed over the jacket and his cheeks flushed. The demon had covered him with one of these before, when he had been cold. He moved in closer and absentmindedly pressed his head against the fabric in his hand to take in the aroma. And when he caught himself, he let the fabric fall. There was no way Smiles was into him. This was stupid. He looked at the small plush he had in his hands and softly sighed. What if it was someone else? It wasn't above Charlie to be nice, but she probably would have checked in on him. Husk probably would have hinted it somehow that he looked like shit. Maybe he was just hopeful it was Smiles.
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He went over to the table in the swampy area and sat down on the chair. He set the plush on the table in front of him. ❝ This is fuckin' stupid, ain't it? So he's nice once or twice ta me, big fuckin' deal. It ain't like I expect shit from 'im, y'know? ❞ He looked at the plush and sighed. ❝ But it ain't just 'bout 'im bein' nice. But the way he keeps fuckin' treatin' me, I don't know, I guess I felt special or somethin'. But what would you know? Yer just a fuckin' toy... ❞ He smacked it off the table. What if he was wrong? What if it wasn't him? Maybe Smiles would think someone else put this here. Niffty could be easy to blame. He'd buy it and would probably love it if it was from her. What would he do with it if he knew he himself had won it specifically for him? Besides, he was far friendlier with that Overlord, Rosie. Too bad it wasn't from her. She knew so much about him and he seemed to love it there. This fucking sucked. Why did he want to be his favorite anyway? Why did he have to feel anything for him?
He sighed and picked the plush back up. He got on his knees and set it in the chair. Smiles could think whatever he wanted. He could always deny this was from him, right? Just cause it was part spider didn't mean he was the one who got it. Niffty loved bugs. But, regardless, he still wanted to somehow find out what Smiles thought about it. Maybe he could use one of the egg boiz to find out. Once he felt ready, he left the room. If there was a chance Smiles was the one who had given him the things to get better, the chocolate strawberries, then he wanted to say thank you. An unspoken one. 」
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omegasmileyface · 6 months
my DREAM. is to do a concert in character as ember mclain. but people who are willing to join a band AND know who ember mclain is, and people who want to go to a danny phantom themed concert, are... not really things they have within a 10 hour drive of me.
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hanaotaku95 · 6 months
Pride and Joy
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Commissioned from @lazy30
Following the final extermination and the Hotel being rebuilt, the Hazbin crew, with one member lost and one member gained, host a small party in celebration.
The three Morningstars chowed down on cookies made by Niffty and Cherri, partially in honor of Sir Pentious.
As Lucifer mingled, he gazed upon his daughters with a soft expression, proud of them women his babies had become. His pride and joy.
Fun fact: In this universe, Lucifer was the one to carry and birth both Nellie and Charlie
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selineram3421 · 2 years
Ooooh! HC 25 with besties Alastor and Reader please?
Yay for the besties!
HC 25 : "Bite down on this."
Lol what?
The Taste of Leather
Platonic: Alastor X Reader Oneshot
Warning! ⚠
⚠ explosives, killing of Egg-men, cussing, descriptive injuries, stitches, threats ⚠
You know when your friends do something that's obviously dumb and dangerous, but you go anyways just to keep an eye on them?
Yeah, that's what you were doing right now in a workshop.
Cherri was currently in the process of strapping a bomb to one of Sir Pentious newest inventions, Angel was helping by setting up more bombs.
The job you had was lookout.
You got dragged into this mess just for being nearby Angel when he got a text from her.
"Got all of them set up?", the one eyed demon asks.
"You bet'cha babe!", Angel says, dusting his hands off. "When is this thing gonna go off anyway?"
"Five minutes.", Cherri answers.
"Five minutes!?", you ask, looking back at the two. "That's barely enough time to leave without getting caught!"
And just as you say that, an Egg henchman spots you and pushes a red button.
"Well fuck."
An alarm goes off and red lights flash. Cherri sets the timer, running up and kicking the Egg-man over the railing.
"Let's go!", she smiles and starts running.
You and Angel follow, killing of the Egg-men with guns and other weapons.
"We don't have time for this!", you growl, hitting an Egg-man with a bat, and punching another that was running up to you.
"I mean, we could jump out one of the windows.", the spider demon comments.
"And break an arm? No thank you.", you say, shoving an Egg into the wall. "Ew, I'm covered in guts.", you look down at your hands.
Finally the exit door is in view and you're the last one to run out of the building. The five minutes are up, the workshop explodes.
"Ah!", you shout as you're blown away by the blast, hitting your leg against a metal pole.
The sound it makes is concerning. Like a snap and a crunch.
"FUCKING SHIT!", you cry out on the ground.
"Oh fuck!", Angel calls out your name and runs over to you. He cringes as he takes a closer look at your leg. "That ain't good."
You groan and look over to see the damage.
Bone pokes through your skin, revealing your torn up muscles and the other half of the bone. Oh, and tons of blood.
"That's a lot-", your eyes roll back and you pass out.
Alastor was reading the news paper, taking a sip of his coffee when Angel burst through the door of his radio tower.
"Smiles! Need a little help!", the fluffy demon shouts.
"What in the blazes!? Angel!", Alastor had spilled his coffee onto the paper. "₩Ⱨ₳₮!?", he turns to look at the demon with radio dials for eyes.
He stops soon after once seeing your passed out form. They quickly set you on the couch and Alastor gathers some tools to help with fixing your leg.
You wake up screaming, feeling your broken leg being pulled.
"Bite down on this.", Alastor puts a belt in your mouth to bite on.
You do so and your shouts of pain are muffled a bit. Eyes tearing up from the burning and stabbing feeling in your leg.
"Almost done hun.", Angel says holding one of your hands.
When that part is done, you feel numb as the gash on your leg is stitched up. Belt out of your mouth but there's still the lingering taste of leather. Tear stains on your face as you sniffle.
"You fucking asshole.", you mumble. "I'm kicking you in the balls once my leg is all healed."
"Haha..", Angel laughs, grimacing as your hold crushes his hand.
Alastor grins, wrapping your leg up with gauze, prepping to make a cast. "I'd like to see that."
Your cast is complete!
Angel gets a marker, popping off the cap. "I'm gonna draw a dick!"
You quickly toss a pillow to his face. "Fuck off, Alastor gets to sign first."
Once getting the marker, Alastor signs his name and writes some song lyrics. Then Angel gets the marker.
"No dicks, not unless you want yours removed.", you threaten.
"Fine.", the spider huffs and just writes his name with a heart at the end.
The porn star leaves after you've decided to stay at the radio tower.
"So!", Alastor says with a clap of his hands. "Care to tell me how this happened?"
"Ugh..", you groan and flop your head back onto a pillow. "Angel dragged me to set up some bombs with Cherri. My leg hit a pole and-", you gesture to your leg in the cast. "..well..this was the outcome."
He hums and picks up his empty mug.
"Say, why don't I make us some soup? It does sound appetizing.", he says and the news paper on the table disappears with a snap of his fingers.
"Mmmm...soup.", you hum in agreement. "With meat, veggies. And some bread on the side.", you list off.
Alastor covers you with a blanket. "I'll get you some painkillers and water before I make it. Rest now."
This was one of the pros of being best friends with the Radio Demon.
He makes good soup.
Good soup.
"I can put a fast healing spell, so you can surprise Angel.", Alastor smiles like a menace.
"Hell yeah.", you cheer.
If you couldn't tell, I want soup.
~Seline, the person.
Prompt-list: ✨here✨
ML for Alastor🎙
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m00ngbin · 7 months
this is an absolutely bonkers question i get that but did you get tylerpilled from me or were you already a tyler fan before we started following each other. the only reason im asking is like NOBODYYYYYY likes cherry bomb except for me i feel like grhjgbjhrbjgrbgrhj immaculate taste either way :-)
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drvcxrys · 7 months
(¸.• ♛ → "come on, angie, let's have a night out like old good times!" she says with a smile, having a night out with her best friend was pretty awesome, at least before now she wasn't sure if he was still up to anything like before, she just wanted to go wild for the night or something like that. "i have some goods, we can get high, get drunk or are you too clean for that now? you know what they say, once it doesn't hurt."
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@irresistiibles (angel)
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confusedgoldenflower · 8 months
I knew I wasn’t “interpreting it wrong!” Sir Pentious is SA-ed and it’s disgustingly played for laughs even after the improvement in portrayal of Angel’s story! I’m not the only one that sees that!
Shame on you Vivzie and co!
I still don’t get why she’d allow BR who is KNOWN for making rape jokes—which are still up for all to see and laugh at—in the writer’s room, never mind having Angel’s story, allow a “joke” like this in the same work never mind season!
And I also shame the nonconsensual Sir P x Cherri kiss! I don’t give a single shit if the CHARACTER liked it, consent was NOT communicated, that was also SA and it adds to the continuation of painting a horrible model for viewers. Neither does it matter that iT’s JuSt FiCtIoN, the fact is people, yes, including “mature enough” adults, see it and take something from it whether consciously or unconsciously. I can’t put exactly what I want to say into words, but art imitates life and life imitates art.
Why do you think children’s shows have life lessons? They see it on tv, make an assumption about life and go on to act however. Are the people who try ridiculous car stunts from movies and tv just immature? Not entirely, because it’s so normalized. The teacher x student and toxic “romance” bullshit is pushed against partly because there’s no substantiative push back within the work via the characters actually doing something to help the victim and it’s usually framed in a good way🤮. It also help to teach perpetrators that it’s okay and even encouraged, and victims that that’s true romance/love and if you don’t think so, we’ll you’re wrong.
Sure, YOU may have excellent self awareness and compartmentalisation, but projecting that onto most everyone else is immature. No one is taught in school how to handle the media, remember, we just have to figure out how to do that ourselves.
Nor does it matter that “it’s set in hell so people are gonna be horrible,” that’s condoning the assault, and both encouraging the perpetrators and victim blaming.
DNI if you subscribe to the bullshit.
Edit: THE CLUB’S NAME IS CONSENT, for fuck’s sake!
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