#in my fankid era. hi
nerdepic · 7 months
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bloodweave's daughter Mae :-)))
gale carries her. she is blessed at birth by a dryad and is a natural sorcerer :-)
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snoodlebooper · 5 months
fuck it- i saw another artist post their fankid design and that reminded me that i havent posted any artwork of mine. so here!
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i drew these a long time ago. shes my baby and i love her so much!!! her name is honey pillar and shes a little ball of fuzzy sunshine!!
((but now that i updated my character i feel like she needs a little update herself.... coming soon ig??))
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quibbs126 · 7 months
if ur taking the fankid requests maybs kiwi x rockstar. hooked up on the fact rockstar calls kiwi his soulmate and there’s no elaboration haha
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I'm back at it again with posting my old fankids that have just been sitting in my drafts, this is Honeydew Cookie
So as I recall, Honeydew here is really moody and just generally a bit of a jerk. She's rebellious and doesn't like establishment
...Okay I'm gonna be honest, most of what I remember about her is that she's based on greasers, not much else. I'm just trying to come up with something to say. I'm not sure if she's genuinely mean or if it's just an act she puts on to seem cool. I'd say she's around 20. She also wasn't always this way, she just grew into this over time
Sorry for the short character part, I just genuinely don't remember anything about her personality other than greaser and vibes. Let's just move on
So Honeydew is a light green fruit, so that's my justification for the name, since Kiwi is a green fruit and Rockstar has white hair. I remember I chose Honeydew specifically because I was planning on her being a greaser/rockabilly and I thought Honeydew was a name that was contradictory to that vibe, sort of like a subversion
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So yeah, I basically just based her design off pictures of greasers I found on the internet, specifically the guy's fashion, and also specifically I tried to find pictures from the time, aka like the 50s. I think I picked it because it was considered rebellious and such (I don't know what words specifically, but you know what a greaser is), and that fit in with what rock sort of is, or at least was. And I think greaser/rockabilly (I don't know specifically what the difference between them is, are they the same thing) might have had some connection with rock at the time? I'm not sure
Or it might have also been because I have a vague memory of someone making a greaser Holly from Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, and that stuck with me
I feel like I originally had some trouble with designing her hair and making sure you could see it, but it eventually worked out
She also originally had Kiwi's normal eye color, but for a reason I can't remember, I darkened it. Maybe so she didn't just have Kiwi colors? But regardless, I like how her eyes look currently
Yeah I feel like I don't have much to say, but that's not to say I dislike her, I quite like her look a vibe. I just don't know what to say about it
But anyways, I hope you enjoy her
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averyangrypossum · 7 months
Ladies and gentlemen, may I introduce the
Flowerbroadcast AU!
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Based on the two drawings I did of a fankid for the ship radiostatic.
The full-body one
And the one with both Vox and her
And now, I’m gonna tell you all about it and exactly who the fuck this little kid is.
Lotus is the daughter of Vox (as you can tell) and Alastor and is six years old. She was created shortly after Vox and Al broke up, oh yeah I should probably talk about their relationship status. Vox and Alastor, unlike in canon, weren’t only close friends but were dating at some point, mostly because Alastor wanted to manipulate Vox’s feelings to where he’d be more compilable but accidentally took it too far, and since Vox is a piss baby Alastor decided to entertain Vox for a while.
Was this relationship healthy?
Would Vox say these were the best years of his afterlife?
But anyways, in this au when Vox asks Alastor to “join his team” he was actually proposing and Alastor finally realized,
“Shit maybe this has gone out of hand” and breaks it off with Vox which leaves Vox heartbroken and with an incel breakdown. Now instead of trying to move the fuck on, he has our little darling Lotus, who he has trying to fill the hole that Alastor left.
So obviously having a child for that reason isn’t going to make you a good parent.
Lotus’ relationship with the Vees are as follows in the particular order.
1 Velvette: She does Lotus’s hair everyday and picks out outfits for her to post on her social media before Lotus immediately undos everything that Velvette does and just goes for pigtails and her nightgown. Velvette has wine aunt energy and is probably the only one of the Vees to know how to talk and get through to Lotus.
2 Valentino: Surprising I know, but Lotus doesn’t know what he does to his workers, she knows what he does for work but grew up with thinking that was just something normal since Valentino was never hush hush about his job around her much to Vox’s dismay. Valentino isn’t a big fan of children and doesn’t hang around her often, but sometimes he’ll draw along side her while bitching about a particular show she’s watching even though it’s literally made for kids.
3 Vox: Wow, how bad do you have to fuck up for a pimp who hardly spends time with her to be ranked higher than her own father?? Vox, despite making the conscious decision to have her, he isn’t around like at all. Hes a workaholic through and through, and mostly leaves her with nannies and Velvette. Doesn’t mean he doesn’t love her. Au contraire he loves her with all his heart and soul. Will give her anything except quality time. He uses her more of an accessory than a child.
Now how exactly Lotus was made is up to you.
A robotic creation Vox made? Sure!
Some voodoo magic shit? Yeah!
Some weird magic thing where she kinda just poofed into existence? Why not!
Mpreg? I mean, do what you wanna do ig?
Cuz it really doesn’t matter!
This whole au starts with Lotus running away from the Vee tower to explore hell since she's basically Rapunzel. She gets lost and terrorized by sinners until our deer Alastor rescues her. Seeing his chance to promote the hotel he takes her there where she is offered to stay there by Charlie when Lotus complains about how bad her dad is. She graciously accepts because shes only six but is going through her “My dad hates me and I hate him” era. Which I mean…I would get that impression too if I didn’t see my dad that much.
Wait my dad lives across the country…don't talk to me rn I’m busy dyeing my hair black and becoming emo 🖤
But anyways she stays there while Vox is loosing his fucking mind, and becoming more mentally unstable.
Meanwhile! She's having the time of her life with the hotel's residents and a new father figure who treats her well and pays attention to her! Alastor! Now Al doesn’t know she is his kid, but that doesn't stop him from being a better dad than Vox out of spite!
Anyways, thats all I have, for now! Stay tuned my friends~
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m3tr0n0m333 · 1 day
A fankid AU: Introduction
Circa 200 years into the future…
Past the death of the renowned, world famous hero: Sonic the Hedgehog, his immortal rival resides in a secluded location not many know about, or dare to stumble upon. He’s made himself a peaceful abode, isolated from the rest of the world— prying eyes or hands seeking his power or presence.
Shadow merely wishes to live without the stress of catastrophe weighing on his shoulders. And with the death of the biggest villain of the era- Doctor Robotnik, he succeeds for the most part- until a mysterious illness overcomes him, and he’s forced to reach out for help.
Upon wandering to the familiar-yet-changed Emerald Town, Shadow spots a recognizable logo on a building.
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With curiosity and intrigue, the ebony hedgehog makes his next exploration the inside of this tall establishment.
No, it will not stay this well formatted most of the time. Guess I just felt like putting effort into it.
This au focuses around Tails, Shadow, and my fankid, Sparks! (No ships between these three, although they do end up as a family of sorts.) (+ Silver, who exists around this time, gets to be the cool cousin of sorts)
Shadow, as described, had isolated himself for quite a few years. And got an illness. But it’s far from mysterious.
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His inhibitor rings have rusted and aren’t as effective as they were, well, 200 years ago, causing his chaos energy to run irregularly and make him fatigued/sick. Of course, it was a gradual process, so it was a little difficult to have spotted it right away. And when you’re sick, the obvious becomes… less obvious?
During this lengthy intermission between supposed canon and au, (I may go off canon quite a bit. I’m not professionally well versed in all the Sonic lore…) Miles Prower (formedly gone as “Tails” for his iconic two tailed ‘mutation’) had grown rather successful. A well-off entrepreneur of his own brand. He lives comfortably, although he does lack the bonds he once had.
As a kitsune, Miles’ life expectancy is lengthened, and gaining another tail every 100 years. He had existed much past his more mortal friends and allies, but pushed forwards to a brighter future, sort of. In this time, he has developed more of his kitsune oriented abilities, taking a favor to illusions.
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Shadow wanders upon the main building, the HQ erected at Emerald Town, where his house once was. As Shadow wanders, Miles is aware of the old friend bumbling through the building and decides to play a little prank with some illusions and the high tech security measures he has installed in the building. (Nothing harmful, promise)
Once Shadow reaches the top, Miles reveals himself with a bold act of bravado. As of which they have some reunion and reaccqeuaintence time. Shadow explains his problem to Miles, Miles points out the problem and offers to make Shadow new inhibitor rings (and fix his air shoes in the process). Afterwards, he offers a residence for Shadow with him, but the hedgehog refuses, intending to return to his reclusive life.
On his path of return, he comes across a kid, sitting alone in the rain.
He resembles someone.
Spiky blue quills colored like the wind and the sky, peachy fur on his chest and muzzle. Pointed ears, although a bit droopier.
He sat with his legs pressed against his chest, on the edge of the sidewalk. Alone, yet he wears an expression closer to irritation rather than fear or melancholy.
After some questioning, he discovers that the kid ran from an orphanage, one he describes as nasty and disrespectful to him, like gum sticking his shoe to the floor. He describes that he had ran, to find some freedom. He’s a fast runner, you know? Maybe if he can get faster and faster, he may actually break the barrier keeping him chained to the orphanage.
When the sky darkens, illuminating the moon and the stars, Shadow stands. To lead the kid back to where he should be encourages him to have hope, but without acting to give him it. Words are empty when actions don’t reflect it.
The kid begs to let him free. Lead him somewhere else, not back to his prison. No one will take him back in the orphanage. He deserves to be free. He can take care of himself out here- a string of reasons to grasp why he shouldn’t go back.
Shadow continues to walk in silence.
Perhaps it was pity. Shadow would like to believe it is, but it’s hard to describe the pull of his actions towards another decision. He felt this was right, despite denial weighing on this choice.
Shadow returned to the tall building, where Miles— although surprised to see his return— welcomed him back warmly. When asked for the reason of his return, Shadow provides a rather bashful explanation.
He doesn’t know how to take care of a child.
References + Character Design and Personality Rambles
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Eyyyy it’s the old man (quite literally at this point. He’s like 200+ years??). How did he survive all those years in isolation without going insane?? I have no idea. He probably talks to the animal inhabitants of the place he lived in I think. I like to think maybe he found himself an ancient library to make himself at home and spent most of his time reading books and doing house chores.
To be honest I tried to reference other Shadow redesigns because I also wanted to put some more Black Arms traits on him, but I honestly don’t know know much about the Black Arms so all he got was a longer tail <3
He’s a tiiiny bit pinker in this design. Like the red highlights on his quills are more pivoted towards the pink on the color wheel, and the white fur also has a tint of pink. No reason. He just gets to be slightly pinker. As a treat.
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^^ (Miles noticed. Shadow did not.)
Anyways, you may be wondering, why didn’t Shadow take the offer of staying with Miles the first time? After being alone without friends were so long, you would think he is drawn to the idea of having company again. Well, the thing is, I think that Shadow hates change, in a way. He’s drawn himself away from society, lived self sustained, without the pressures and all that. Suddenly, he gets the offer to reintegrate into a society he is not well versed in? Seems incredibly overwhelming. And Shadow believes he was perfectly content in his serene lifestyle.
He only reconsidered the second time because he doesn’t know how to take care of the kid he freshly adopted (and probably not correctly adopted either) and only thought of Tails for help. As far as he knows, Tails is the only other old friend that exists alongside him right now so…
This sets up the story of Shadow and Tails tries to take care of this kid and slowly forms into a type of found family that doesn’t quite fit into the boundaries of what a family would be like. They are not even close to traditional family roles, I think, other than a child-parent relationship between Shadow and Sparks (who I have yet to introduce)
During this story, Shadow gets back into the action of adventure again. He’s reminded of the exhilaration he felt in the past. Even little things such as banter and skating down hill. He missed it all, although he doesn’t admit it.
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Here is Miles!! He dropped the name “Tails” after a while, deeming it something he doesn’t identify as deeply with anymore. (Maybe because no one was around to call him that old nickname anymore)
So you know how I mentioned he’s become an entrepreneur of sorts? It was bound to happen, I think. Imagine living 200+ years and still not figuring out how to earn the most money and live comfortably.
Anyways, while coloring his design, I did realize that he vaguely reminds me of Eggman… it’s probably the red, gold and white colors. Fits him well though, yeah? He always did share some traits with Eggman, I think. He just turned out more benevolent, he still has the high tech tendencies that Eggman held, as well as other habits.
I think Miles had earned some of an ego over time. When most acquaintances leave(died), and you rise to the top, everyone feels so far. And Miles stop bothering to seek out meaningful relationships to save him some suffering. He can still have fun, he can still have friends- just not with the strong intimate bond he had with his initial family.
When Shadow returned, he felt a spark- the hope- the opportunity to have a semblance of the old life again. Nostalgia is a strong feeling. That is why he offered for Shadow to stay. He didn’t expect him to, but that didn’t stop his heart from swelling with joy when Shadow did return.
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Here is Sparks! The kid Shadow picked off the street yaknow yaknow… He is meant to resemble Sonic. Not uncannily resemble him though. Just enough that both Shadow and Tails can look at him and think… he kind of reminds me of his other blue hedgehog I had a deep connection with….
Part of why Shadow adopted Sparks is honestly because of his resemblance to Sonic. He would not like to acknowledge it, as it seems like such a cruel thing to give the hope of a new connection to someone that doesn’t know that that new connection did not start off new at all in the other side.
Of course, Sparks acts nothing like Sonic, despite similar appearances. Even though Sparks also shares the same sentiments— wanting freedom— as well as abilities— such as superspeed— Sparks acts more towards the pessimistic side. He’s not as charming as Sonic had been. (And although he does have superspeed, I believe it’s not to the extent that Sonic had.)
Additionally, when Shadow had been taking him back to the orphanage, he really wasn’t forced. Sparks intended to follow him back. Perhaps out of habit. And inevitable loop of escaping but returning once again. But also because if cowardice, knowing he wouldn’t be able to make it by himself. He’s immature, he’s inexperienced, Sparks is aware of that, yet still tries- only to the extent of what he knows he can succeed: aka running away, but never staying away. His cowardice is one of the traits he does not share with Sonic.
During his description of the orphanage to Shadow, he’s a bit of an unreliable narrator. The orphanage isn’t as miserable as Sparks describes it as. It’s a pretty normal orphanage, Sparks is just a troublemaker- and he hates the idea of being trapped in one place.
Anyways, Sparks resembles a star of sorts. He’s a little star themed. <3
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head---ache · 8 months
Can I get a summary of the Live & Learn AU?
Maybe a doodle/diagram explaining who's kid is who's for people just discovering the AU?
Oooh I'll try to explain myself as best as I can!!
So, very short explanation: it's just a future au. The characters are grown up and we follow them into their adult life. It's also very fankid heavy.
As of right now I divide the story in three acts:
The era when the fankids are actual children. From the time the first one is born (I think the oldest one is Lash? I don't have their birthdays memorized, but they're in the character charts) to what I've been calling 'the incident', which is the event in which Sonic loses both his leg and his hand. This is the lightest of the acts, as is mostly just homey family stuff?? It ends with what's probably the most angsty moment in this whole story, but everything before it is mostly just fun shenanigans about these grown up characters and their families.
The second act consists of everything that comes after the incident. This one is more angsty, and also covers a shorter period of time. This one also brings Sage more into focus, as she is the main villain in this story.
The third act kicks off with Emmie getting hurt while being away from her parents. I still haven't detailed how or why this happens, mostly because I want to reveal the incident first (which I promise, is on the works, it's just been slow). This act is the least developed, since is the latest adition to the story, but I guess you could call it the 'end' of the story (even if the characters' lifes continue after this??? and like the au is about these characters??? idk).
If you want a more detailed explanation on the fankids themselves, I linked the character charts above, which is the post where you get the most info about them, compiling the most important posts about these characters and detailing their personalities and abilities.
In this post I can give you the fankids names and who their parents are! But if you're interested in knowing more about them you can either go to the character charts or look through their individual tags (or both!! you're more than welcome to do so ü)
The first one is Emmie!! She's the main girlie, and she's Sonic and Shadow's daughter.
Then there's Sparks, Amy and Blaze's older child.
Then comes Lash, the problem kid, daughter of Scourge and Fiona (also worth mentioning her younger siblings, Strike and Decay, but these two are mostly additions to Lash's character, rather than characters on their own).
There's Aim, the son of Tangle and Whisper.
Also Bria!! Kid of my rare ship, Sonia and Mina.
Blaze and Amy's younger kid, Tulip.
The one and only digital girlie, Destiny, daughter of Sally and Nicole!!
And last but not least, Spades, child of Silver and Espio!!!
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cherrysmokesaconha · 6 months
// rant
Being in a fandom where 90% of it sees 2004/2005 Tord as a uwu teenager just because of a fucking FANON SHITASS HEADCANON, while me being a person who hcs him as MATURE ADULT (and also with some fankids) makes me feel like a fucking ALIEN.
It makes me sick that u almost don't have good food on here. Everytime I look in the #2004 tord tag when there's new stuff, It's just shit depicting him as a teenager or adding uwu pimples to him like CMON LET MY MAN PAY TAXES AND KISS ON THE MOUTH PLEASE (edit: idm people who hc him as an adult and add pimples to him since I think adults can also have pimples, but I'm mostly talking abt the teen hc)
"oh but Tord was born in 1989-" BULLSHIT. DOGSHIT. GIRAFFESHIT. THE REAL PERSON BORNED IN 1989 THE CHARACTER DOESN'T EVEN HAVE A CANON AGE GODDAMNIT. Edit: The only thing that could prove that the character ACTUALLY was born in 1989 was his grave on Zombeh Attack 2, but that eddisode was made way before the characters got separated from the real people + nowadays they have a fictional canonical birthday dates where year of birth is not specified, which makes them have a canon vague age. (Confirmed by OblivionDowning in Twitter btw)
I specially really love 2004 Tord from the Christmas Special, where he doesn't have horns. And I almost never saw an art of this Tord which NOT depicted him as a teen. I NEVER saw it. Most of those arts (which depicts him as an adult) are made by ME and MOSTLY ME. GODDAMNIT </3 (ofc there's some arts that shows him as an adult but there are very few)
And the fact that people will pull out this shitass "hE's A TeEn!1!!1!1" card when they see an art MINIMALLY suggestive IS sooooooo stupid. This headcanon (alongside with the "Pau and Pat are Tord's parents" hc) literally BRAINWASHED THIS FANDOM AND NOBODY SAYS AN A ABOUT IT.
It's funny that people can draw 2005 Edd and 2005 Tom making out and no one says a thing, but when it comes to Tord, they automatically pulls the teenager card like, BRO FUCK YOU AND YOUR SHIT HEADCANON FUCK OFF/NEG
I'm so sorry for ranting, but I am TIRED. It's tiring to have a different hc and feel like a target because of a headcanon that people assume that it's canon. Please do a research for the love of God </3
(ps cuz I forgot this: I'm not saying that you can't have the teen hc for yourself or even feel uncomfy with ppl drawing him as an adult, that's totally fine! That's your opinion and ur boundaries and it should be respected. But you can't just appear out of nowhere on someone's account and force them into this headcanon. Saying like "isn't he a minor on that era?" or even "he's a teenager..." makes the artist feel bad, SPECIALLY WHEN THEY HC THE CHARACTER AS AN ADULT. You're literally accusing someone who has a different hc than you a p3dophile. That's awful, boring and demotivating. Please don't do that. Think before you speak.)
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turquoisephoenix · 1 year
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Commission for Kimaroki of Chancellor Cole being yelled at by their OC Cyrus, his more competent, less short demon son. See, THIS fankid has to live with the fact that his dad ran away from the family to try to cause a giant calamity and destroy the world by sticking the soul of Malladus in Princess Zelda's body. You know, cool dad stuff.
Honestly it's great that I got a commission to draw a character I haven't drawn in a long time. If you lovely folks remember my Chancellor Cole era, you are the true MVPs.
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the-goblin-cat · 5 months
whole hog: henry sinclair
Time for the man, the myth, the legend...
Henry is the protag of my novel, read it here
✨- How did you come up with the OC’s name?
There's nothing behind this name at all. It sounded both bougie and old timey American, which I was going for due to him originally being from New England.
🌼 - How old are they? (Or approximate age range)
Henry starts off Dream Quest at 14, and turns 15 at some point during the story. Like Cherise and Neville, he will continue to age as the stories go on and be in his 20s in the final arc
🌺- Do they have any love interest(s)?
Henry's primary love interest is Ayane, the dream spirit/tulpa of a popular fictional character he brought home from the Dreamlands. However they aren't going to get together just yet; he'll date a couple other girls before they come to terms with their feelings.
🍕 - What is their favorite food?
Chicken parmesan for dinner, baklava and black coffee for dessert
💼 - What do they do for a living?
Henry is a student at the current age. His family is too affluent for him to have to work for a living. The trajectory of his life is such that he will likely either join the magic council of San Francisco or be shipped off to Greece to apprentice under his "grandfather," really his immortal ancestor Lelantos. However, most likely, he will not do any of that.
🎹 - Do they have any hobbies?
Henry loves to read heavy tomes, usually fantasy novels if they aren't arcane grimoires.
🎯 -What do they do best?
Henry's greatest talent as a practitioner is to alter the shape and properties of earthen materials. He can make stone and metal soft and spongy on contact or shape it with his hands, which he is quite good at.
🥊 -What do they love to do? What do they hate to do?
Henry loves to sing, and will probably lean more into music as an escape after returning him. He is starting to learn that he hates being told what do do and will soon enter his rebellious phase.
❤️ - What is one of your OC’s best memories?
We explore it in the dream quest novel! He remembers going to the beach as a toddler with his mother. This is one of his last memories of her before she died.
✂️ - What is one of your OC’s worst memories?
Probably what came right after the last one, being told that she had died. I have not fleshed out the details of that incident however.
🧊 - Is their current design the first one?
Like Neville, he underwent a latinization lmao. He was originally a pasty white boy and is now mixed white/afro-latino. I think of this era as the "punished Henry" design since he has grown his hair out long and lost his arm, which were both absent originally.
🍀 - What originally inspired the OC?
the deep lore is that he was based on a big name fan's homestuck fankid. I don't remember either of their names. Just know that someone else made up a black haired child with a big blue coat who was interested in the occult.
🌂 - What genre do they belong in?
Seeing as he was raised among magic with it as his birthright, and is in the process of becoming even more magical, he could only ever be a fantasy character. He would probably do well in one of those political fantasies about warring houses though, mind you.
💚 - What is your OC’s gender identity and sexuality?
Henry is cis and bisexual. I know I said he mostly dates girls back there, but he will show interest in at least a couple boys at one point.
🙌 - How many sibling does your OC have?
Henry has no siblings. He does however have a younger cousin, Ruby, with whom he has been raised, and they see each other as siblings.
🍎 - What is the OC’s relationship w/their parents like?
Henry really wishes they were still alive. He instead is being raised by his aunt. She is a cold woman and difficult to please, but can be loving now and then. He is starting to distrust her, however.
🧠 - What do you like most about the OC?
He just has a certain je ne sais quo...
✏️ - How often do you draw/write about the OC?
There was a period where I didn't talk about him at all because I was unsatisfied with his original introduction and wanted to write a new one. Then when that was done I never shut up about him.
💎 - Do you ever see yourself killing off the OC?
If Henry dies he will simply hatch out of the corpse like a cicada.
💀 - Does your OC have any phobias?
Surprisingly no.
🍩 -Who is your OC’s arch-nemesis or rival?
For nemeses he has his evil genderbent doppelganger from the mirror dimension, Leila. I suppose they could also be construed as rivals due to being in the same age range and having similar abilities. literal foils and such. He is also going to come to hate his grandfather.
🎓 - How long have you had the OC?
November of 2013. I remember because it was a NaNo project.
🍥 - What age were you when you created the OC?
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theskylarkin · 1 year
KH OC Week Day 1 Part 1 - (Re)Introductions
Hello again! I’m back with my Scala Survivors AU OCs, although they and the AU as a whole have had some changes since last year’s entries and the Dark Road finale. (RIP 75% of my DR era headcanons lol, but I did mostly enjoy how the story played out in canon.)
Major spoilers for Dark Road ahead (for this post and the rest of my entries this week)!
The premise of this AU: Due to the meddling of a certain dark witch, the events of Dark Road played out a little differently in this worldline. TL;DR - Hermod, Urd, Vor, Vidar, Hoder, and Bragi survived Baldr’s rampage. With the exception of “Bragi” (as Luxu had to wait a while to finally swap vessels for Plot Reasons™), they lived all the way to the BBS era where they’ve taken on apprentices just like Eraqus and Xehanort. My OCs for this week are said apprentices.
(Fair Warning: This is not a fix-it AU, this is a “break more things” AU. Just throwing it out there now.)
We’ll start with the two characters that underwent the least amount of changes since the finale dropped:
Name: Sophia
Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 19 years old during the events of BBS
See her art and full character profile here
Biggest changes: Sophia got a redesigned keyblade with a new name and new outfits, but not that much has changed for her story-wise. Her post-timeskip design now includes matching scars with Brandr and Virdandi (but in different places for each of them) due to the attack in Traverse Town. (To go along with the emotional scarring, of course!)
Name: Ferrum
Gender: Male (He/Him)
See his art and full character profile here. (He’s gone by the time of BBS, but he haunts the narrative like it’s his job.)
Biggest changes: Besides aging up by two years, Ferrum also made it out of the rewrite relatively unscathed. Most of his changes happened as a result of fleshing out his backstory and motivation for being a keyblade wielder, as well as adding a “supporting cast” for him in the period of time before Brandr and Virdandi were apprentices.
Speaking of those two, of course my two OC fankids were the most affected by the post-DR rewrite, especially:
Name: Brandr
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Age: 18 years old during the events of BBS
See his art and full character profile here. (Note: Major spoilers for Dark Road mentioned)
Biggest changes: Oh boy. Obviously my “Bragi is just a red herring because giving him a name that’s only one letter off from Braig is way too obvious, even for Nomura” theory didn’t really pan out. (At least his cool but anachronistic jacket makes a lot more sense now.) With the timeline established by the events of DR, a lot of plot contrivances would have to occur for Brandr to exist at all now… but I did it anyway!
In his new backstory, Brandr is being raised by his single mother (a free spirit who’s into older men) and Bragi/Luxu isn’t a presence in his life at all. In fact, Luxu has no idea Brandr even exists due to being distracted by the previously mentioned Plot Reasons™ and he didn’t think to check up on the gorgeous lady from Scala that he’d had a brief fling with before finally swapping vessels.
If he had known about Brandr, Luxu would be freaked out to discover that his son has developed the same rare power that the Master of Masters had. Whether due to centuries of Luxu’s body-swapping doing weird things to his genes or just a cruel twist of cosmic irony, Brandr has the ability to glimpse visions of the future. Except Brandr doesn’t have the same level of control over his powers as the MoM and the uncontrollable visions that resulted from this socially ostracized him from most of his homeworld and basically ruined his childhood until Master Urd taught him how to (mostly) manage his condition.
Brandr’s driving motivation as a character has also changed pre and post-timeskip. When he meets Sophia, his greatest desire is social acceptance. After the events in Traverse Town, his main goal is to learn how to change the terrible futures he foresees for himself and his friends. Destiny doesn’t really work like that though. And the power of foresight alone doesn’t make one a competent chessmaster…
Design-wise, pre-timeskip Brandr has clothing more appropriate for the world and time period he lives in instead of t-shirts and sweatpants. I wanted to keep the anachronistic clothing concept for his post-timeskip look, but this time he’s dressed like someone from a past era. Due to Brandr’s newfound interest in history (as the past is the only time period he can only experience through books), Sophia and Virdandi (but mostly Sophia) got him a coat in the style of Scala’s Gothic era for his eighteenth birthday. He might’ve cried a little.
(And that’s my in-universe justification for why he’s dressed like a knockoff Bloodborne cosplayer lol.)
Brandr’s keyblade has been slightly redesigned, with the most important new detail being the Gazing Eye on the token. Brandr might not know who the eye belongs to but he knows they’re watching him, so Virdandi’s dad made him a metal cover in the shape of an apple to encase the end of the keychain.
Name: Virdandi
Gender: Gender: Female (She/Her)
Age: 17 years old during the events of BBS
See her art and full character profile here
Biggest changes: Virdandi’s story also has a lot of notable differences compared to the previous year. Due to Dark Road using the previous name for one of the upperclassmen, Virdandi’s dad is now named Magni. (Sigyn, who is now Virdandi’s little sister instead of Brandr’s, doesn’t need a name change because the Norse mythological figure she’s named after is different from Sigrun I think?) Neither he nor Urd get a statue this time due to the surviving keyblade wielders trying to cover up the details of the “Calamity” and Baldr’s corruption. (But that’s a story for another time.)
Speaking of Virdandi’s parents, due to the canon timeline established between the events of DR and BBS, the only reason Virdandi exists at all (since Urd should be old enough to be a grandmother by the time her daughter is born) is because of a helpful scientist who owed Urd a favor after she saved her from an experiment gone terribly wrong. Virdandi is biologically Urd and Magni’s daughter, just grown in a tank for the first nine months of her existence. (She’s mostly just sad she didn’t get any superpowers from it.)
Aside from Sigyn, Virdandi also took on Brandr’s burden of expectations from having a Keyblade Master as a parent and the strained parent-child relationship resulting from that. In Virdandi and Urd’s case, however, the issue is that Virdandi actually wants to be a keyblade wielder but Urd doesn’t have time to train her because she’s busy trying to help Brandr manage his powers. Virdandi’s reaction to this lack of attention from her mother is to act out, causing issues with not only Urd but Hoder as well until another keyblade master steps in.
With Bragi out of the picture due to the Dark Road finale reveal, Vidar is now Virdandi’s keyblade master (mostly because I thought it’d be interesting to see what would happen if he lived to face the consequences of his actions in DR). Their relationship is a lot less antagonistic because Virdandi admires him for having wandered the worlds as a Seeker and Vidar has the patience to deal with Virdandi’s idiosyncrasies and shut down any of her temper tantrums.
Aside from the story additions, Virdandi also got a new keyblade design and a different post-timeskip haircut. She adopted Urd’s weird turtleneck thing into her post-timeskip outfit as a sign of their relationship improving.
With all of that out of the way…
Link to Part Two
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conarcoin · 1 year
Expandedverse Character Bio - Connor
Full Name: Timekeeper Connor XD Schlatt
Species: Hedgehog shifter
Age: 18 (AF/FW era), 20 (SMPLive canon era), 36 (Post-canon DSMP era)
Pronouns: He/him
Gender: Trans man
Orientation: Bisexual (no preference)
ISFJ 9w1, True Neutral
A hedgehog shifter originating from Dream SMP, created when XD took a liking to a normal hedgehog and decided to turn it into a humanoid to watch over timelines. Was raised into the job of timekeeper, didn't really want it so ran off to SMPLive on his 18th birthday. Only returned to Dream SMP on his husband's request.
Awkward and somewhat skittish, will stick to anyone he knows closely. Can easily manipulate situations if needed. Retains his time travel capabilities.
Now aligns himself with the Anarchist Syndicate, and has managed to succeed in reviving his late husband, who begrudgingly sticks with the Syndicate despite disagreeing with their values.
XD (creator/"adoptive father")
Jebediah Schlatt (husband)
Skipper Schlatt (daughter)
Ty Support-Schlatt (adoptive son)
Grunk Schlatt (adoptive son)
Captain Puffy Schlatt (sister-in-law)
Other notable relationships:
Karl Jacobs-Halo (new timekeeper)
Niki Nihachu (trusted friend)
Additional notes under cut:
Trans identity is complicated - prior to XD finding him he had no real concept of gender since it's a human social construct. XD gave his humanoid form a stereotypically feminine name and appearance based on physicality which Connor didn't appreciate, and XD is really weird about being wrong so that was one of the big conflicts that led to Connor leaving.
In SMPL, sells ice at Spawn City in addition to running Schlatt & Co. Has a brief rivalry with Cooper over this.
Turns into a hedgehog when extremely frightened or overwhelmed.
Has a lot of animalistic traits beyond what you would typically see in a hybrid due to his weird status as a transformed animal. Most of his body language involves his ears, as well as his quills, which make up his "hair" and run down the back of his neck.
Skipper was... Not planned. It's a bit of a long story. She was born in early SMPLive era and would be about 13 or so in post-canon DSMP. (I mainly just wanted an excuse to make a Schlonnor fankid because my mutuals had really cute DSMP fankids and I wanted in. She'll probably get her own bio eventually.)
Uses rings to time travel by bending the fabric of reality to create time portals. His time travel abilities are kind of inspired by a mix of the rings used as portals in various Sonic media as well as the time travel mechanics of Sonic CD.
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bungoustraypups · 1 year
cioo :(( do your fankids prefer a parent over the other? (looking at fukumori fanchildren)
ok so specifically for the fukumorilings within bspverse:
junichi: no, he will go to different parents for different things (mori is better at talking through problems and offering physical comfort, fukuzawa is better when quiet comfort and straightforward advice is needed, for example) but at the end of the day he doesn't prefer one parent over the other
makoto: mori. she's always been a papa's girl
hyakken: technically no? he spends more time with mori by virtue of being in the port mafia but he doesn't like. prefer him or anything. as a baby he would randomly switch up his preferences (aka he would scream and cry if one parent wasn't holding him but the other was, but which parent he wanted holding him would change by the hour at times) but that only lasted until he was about a year old
tsutomu: fukuzawa. even in the depths of his "i hate my dad bc i think he doesn't love me" era, he wants to go to fukuzawa for things, but the mental illness(tm) keeps him from doing so, which leads to him suffering in silence a lot. it sucks!
tatsuji: fukuzawa. she's less close to him than tsutomu is/was/is eventually again, but he's her favorite
yuriko: mori by a landslide. much like makoto, she's papa's little girl, but unlike makoto, her emotional instability meant that her crying fits and emotional outbursts when she was little led to her seeking out mori more often than makoto did (makoto rarely cried as a child and if she did it was for something world-ending, yuriko would scream wail if her ice cream tasted off)
tsuneko: mori. she's also the only child who will let mori play dress-up with her (aka choose her outfits & buy her clothes) whenever he wants because she likes having a wardrobe the size of which would make fitzgerald clutch his pearls and gasp at
kazukou: fukuzawa. this isn't surprising considering how alike they are
yoshihiro: no parental preference, but they most often turn to riki (their service dog) in times of need because riki is most often literally right beside them, and they've been together since yoshi was 5 and riki was a puppy. they're besties
you can find these kids' profiles all here btw
send me asks about my aus
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basicsauarchive · 1 year
Aight finally have time to update this account ughhh.
So I'll have a few set of aus you can ask and some you can't cause there's no story lol.
Keep in mind, some may make absolutely no sense lol so don't expect accuracy in these things lol.
Aight, so starting off with aus you CAN'T ASK.
1. Genderbent unikitty
Simply cause this au HAD an ask blog before and I had no idea how to continue it lol. Cause it's basically just the plot of unikitty but they're different genders lol. Only difference in this au is the characters personalities and motives may be different but plot wise and ending wise it's all the same.
2. The bad trio (I hate that name so much)
Reason is cause like genderbent unikitty, this au doesn't really have a lore that's interesting enough for me to expand on. The bad guys team up and fail all the time so I think it's best if I just stick to drawing than making asks stuff with them. Until I come up with something interesting that is.
Okay that's all for aus you can't ask.
Now here are aus you CAN ASK.
1. Alterkitty : [AK] <- code for asking the aus.
Kay' this au isn't that hard to explain, an au where unikittys characters are switched with each other.
Unikitty -> Puppycorn
Dr fox -> richard
Hawkodile -> Eagleator
Master frown -> brock
Score creeper -> flamurtle (yes they are there too)
Basically you can ask whatever. I'll of course change some things in the plot so it isn't just unikitty 2.0 lol.
2. Cake brock : [CB]
Random au I know but hear me out. This au will mostly focus on master frown cause I wanna toy with his anger and frustrations cause like. Cake Brock is a lil goofier than the original one.
(get it? Cause cakes don't really have brains and they're silly. Plus he probably already ate that part of his brain)
I changed the backstory on how he became cake and basically everything in general so yeah lol.
3. My frock fankid au [FK]
Now this au I'm a bit excited for. Mostly cause I don't wanna focus on the kid I wanna focus on Brock and master frown's relationship. I think you notice a theme with my aus. So basically they're relationship, would it be on the rocks when a child is introduced? What if the kid's an exact copy of master frown. Would they be able to tolerate a teenage douchbag? Who knowsss. Also familial drama drives me.
4. Broken gay [BG]
Au where master frown (in his master big frown era) witnessed his boss kill Brock. Oh and he killed unikitty and the gang. OKAY BASICALLY, Mf kills unikitty and the gang and that ticks Brock off and they have a huge fight that master doom comes in and was like, "kill him" and frown's like, "uhhhh" and then she grabs both of his hands and makes him kill Brock haha I love making myself sad. So he's a mentally unstable wreck the entire time. Forgive me I'm exploring angst here AND I SUCK AT IT.
5. Au where frown is a prince(ss?) and Brock is a low-key downer : [PF]
Technically this isn't really NY au but I was inspired. Plus I brain stormed quite a lot to make this au not so bland. See the thing is their personalities aren't all different, just a bit more amped up for the positions they've been put in. And yes, they're friends ( ͡⁠°⁠ ͜⁠ʖ⁠ ͡⁠°⁠) the au. I don't wanna give away too much so do what you will with this.
Okay, that's all. I'm gonna have fun with this lol and I hope you guys do too lol.
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nicos-oc-hell · 1 year
Fankids appreciate week: day 4 - fantastic four
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My four favorite ocs and fankids! Out of these four, my favorite will forever be Efesto with Sinncere at a very close second.
The top 2 are Levi (left) and Efesto (right), the bottom two are Sinncere (left) and Jebron (right). I have somehow managed to corporate my love for sports onto all of them except Levi is funny.
Short summaries!
Efesto and Levi are twins, they are my magical awakened ocs and are the children of my professor oc, Eren. Levi is really into origami and wood burnt art as well as hiking and dragons, a rather striking group of interests. Efesto is more competive and that shows in his hobbies and interests. He joined the dueling club at school, during the summer he likes to play baseball with the neighborhood kids (muggle raised) or his new found interest in lacrosse which Levi has been forced to also play.
Sinncere and Jebron are also twins, they are my golden era ocs and are the sons of my marauders era ocs, Ashley and Anatoly. Sinncere is really in touch with his elven side and will spends days pouring over the elvish books he can get his hands on, since staying in muggle America one summer, Sinncere has a new found love for baseball (can you tell I like baseball?) rock music and amusement parks. Jebron also picked up some interests while in America such as football and lacrosse, as well as Pokémon (I have no idea when Pokémon was first released so push it back a couple years if it was after summer of ‘96)
Bonus picrews:
(Same order as above)
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Event hosted by @endlessly-cursed
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the-sky-queen · 7 months
⛔ - Discontinued fics? Hmmm, ooo here's a fun one! This one was part of my snippet ask game. It's called Project Shadow: Restoration! It followed Silver as he returned to the future and discovered that Shadow had disappeared. There was a fake story planted by the government and everything. Silver joined a group that was searching for Shadow and trying to clear his name. Eventually, they managed to find Shadow, locked away in a facility, where he revealed that he had a son that the government also abducted. That was Spark, who's one of my shadouge fankids! He's one of the reasons I discontinued this fic. I had other things I wanted to do with my shadouge family, which didn't fit with what I'd been building here. I ended up pulling Spark from this story and inserting him into my person Sonic-verse. The other reason I discontinued it was because it was playing with a lot of alternate ships that I fell out of love with and didn't really want to keep writing. It was very experimental in that sense. So yeah.
🧠 - Headcanon time! Let's go with . . . SONIC! My favorite headcanon of all time for him, is that he has Selective Mutism. That's why he's mute during the Classic Era. He still struggles with it too. If He's overwhelmed by too many strangers, or if he's particularly stressed out, Sonic will just go mute for a while. He can't talk even if he tries when it happens. He knows Sign Language, so he can still communicate during times like this.
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unfortunate-arrow · 1 year
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CONOR RYAN LYNCH (b. March 29, 1900) is the only child of Cillian Lynch and Orla O’Rourke, a Hufflepuff, a healer, and the maternal grandfather of Cian, Ryan, Cara, Sara, and Conor O’Donnell. In some ways, Conor Lynch is one of the my first fankids… if only because he existed as the quads’ grandfather before Cillian and Orla even took shape. Despite this, Conor is still the eldest of his generation and the eldest of all my legacy/Victorian era fankids, with his first cousin coming seven years after he was born. He is also my only fankid with a truly rocky relationship with both of his parents.
KEIRA WILLOW KHANNA-O’DONNELL (b. February 22, 2003) is the firstborn daughter of Akio and Hana Kishi, the adopted daughter of Cara O’Donnell and Rowan Khanna, a Gryffindor, and a historian. Keira might not appear the firstborn, as she was tragically orphaned as a young infant and was adopted a few months later. She’s also not the oldest amongst the O’Donnell cousins, but Keira’s an only child. She’s a sweet kid with influence from all four of her parents.
↳ for @endlessly-cursed’s fankid appreciation event
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